The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 02, 1850, Image 1
PUBLISHED BY • WHITE;& CO. P. P. WAIT, ja. 2.1.0tET "ar" "" .44710 3. TRIED anal . , grrr WOE TO I=l Dally pa per emu.. To-Weet t y-1—.......—. Weekly, lo advarice)--- —• '4'o Do o Glebe, el • reduced rets4, NAT CM 01,..ADVEILTLIIIINCIj ' CV TI C P ' le, (1 , .1 OD 'l3 IR II One Searle, ft rtes of Nonpareil or less) con I • One Nu re, c h additional utettlien., week...:--.........1,75 ' Do. sw 2.00 Prof th weeks.-- P.,. one month ---•—•••-•-• 5,03 Da. MD 7 ,0 0 "Do. three mown. ---•-• 0,00 Do. Nor menthe •—•••••••-•••• 1017.0 DA. dr month.•.-. Do. twelve menthe-- • 18,00 Brandi Llt Curdle lines or legal per annum• 10,00 One Si u err,ehandre bla at plearare (per an. reamexelasive of the paper.-- ....... 21,00 Far cub additional moan, inserted overtone racath, ton for conk additiouni square Inserted under the year ate., half price. Advertirementa exceeding a square, and net over Unto lines, to be <barged ag a square and • half Publishen not acceuntable forlel a ecyand lie amount charged for thei gar pub dverase lication. ments Announcing candidate. for office, to be charged the same es other advernscructos. Advert]. macnts not marked on the copy far • %wel led master of Initerdins, will he continued till forbid, and paymentcructe 1 acconb. • The privileges of yearly advertisers wind" confined rigidly to their regular barite., and all other adver t...bents not pertaining to their regular business, as agreed foe. to be paid extra. All advrtollemeets for charitable toultralorts, firs ,x emsce, ward, township and macron/kilo memo., d a such :tire, to he charged Mdlprice, payable auictly advent c. Naming,. notices to be charged 50 cent.. Death IleAltOrt intoned OrithOUCIILITOO2IIIOI3ILCGOOP panted by &mend Invitations or obituary notices, and when so recemparued to be paid for. Iterate, adventure. and all others unding COO:41N etteillions, or requiring notices - designed to call &nen , than to Front, Soirees, Concerts, or any pablie cuter. WaneAbl. when charge. me made for admittance all nctleen of private associations-every notice dee Maned to call attention to private ente,rpases taint!. toa cr attended to promote Individual interest, mat on. ly he Inserted with the understanding that the tame 14 to he prod for. 'lf intended to be maned In tbe velure, the SIAM will be charged it the rata of not leas then 10 Celle. per line. Mahon or Fist Notices to be charged triple price, Tavern licence Petition., Ild each. full p Legal .iii hledeal advertisements to be charged at aces Real };.tale Agent.' god Auctioneers , advertise ment. not to be classed ender yearly rates, bet be be allowed discount of thirty three and one thirdpereent. from the amount of bills. 14 . 21 OLT oa 11.1-9117TALT 111 DOOM nzrn. One Square, three lesenloca...—,-.....31 50 D. each additiooal losertlen••. 37 ADOOLT9I2II2 IrMIT Oat Nam OS e, (10 line o s) one Insettion---.50 on. Do.each addition.] inaerden•-•Z Alt tretwlent advertisement. lo be paid in advisee. WRITE & Co, Gazette. L.HARPER Port. lIDEIT M. DIDDLE, Journal. JAMIE P. DARR &CD Ct'nalale. FOSTER & nßoTnr.rt,Dispatet. artownEN, Mercury. IA MI'S W. BIDDLE, American. RIDAhI EALSTE, Evening Tribute. Prcrantreen, Dee. 1,16(9. CARDS, 4'0711d A. PARELTADION, ALDERAIAN, gab Wird, Penn street, between O'llea a. 4 WaLiut. All business prenePtlY readmit*. Palli4qww —l4 DAVID O. TUTTLE, A 77 0 RN Eir AT LAW, and Carandsalanar ter .Pemmylnuga,'lL Lads, Mo. All eorare endractous protoptly answered. JA el PG 16`.• Kart, ATTOR.NEY AT LAW—Othee on Fourth Mee bet Souttilletd Rod Grunt' Pittsburgh. aptirt-ly: • 3n ii. Ii.AIVILLN, /7.A TTORN/IV and Coanuflo, a Law, and Commis alone, (Of the Slit, of Pennsylvania, Si. Loofa Md. slate of Plusbnrgh.r - - Hod W. Forwdrd.ltansa ton 6./I,ller, IPElandlew &I.R.S.!tern, John E. Parte 3/sseo• d temple, McCord d King. av/1.41, BIDWELL CO., ronwAnutao nICEIOIIIANTS Martine, Ps. (.V:rtider Ferry Part °for.) iilVing permanently limited at Ws plate, a Ile ß, and sebum:mil Wear( Rut, we are prepared to re. celye and forward promptly to all point.= the tiro, and Bandy •nd Ilerrer e r Ohlo Canal. D& Co. Glarrovr,Jlll4o wn. BAKALIET..•—• ..... COGOKLO2. W. H. WOODWAIKU• BAGALEY, WOODWARD IL - CO, inhKetliC Oro- LNO 241 NoTtet et, PhlladelphlL • Of ---- - - - - Pits.abusigth AMAMI Works: B A NN t E l l' l 'U td "R P " d e°, ll .''f tr " r; I ' l7 44 Aouls.. l iVatrtkot:; s !tr—,TV ' iter.=4 . l,elo:rt'eni "ne . [wally _ . Erodenck Enna. • ' Liman Reiter. BRAUN REITER, Wholeasle and Reuiß Rea& gist., tamer of LI•ly and VA Clint ornery osalt, n A. IIIeANULT.T.t. CU, Foorardmir and Cow !.11 V. minion Marianna, Canal 8.111, Pauabargb, •• - - • . GRANT, Wiroklalc Grocer.Gonumasloo • V. Funny?Lnu Slerebaut, No. 41 Wa,er st.., Pius burgh. ur4 In Horser..-- Andress Fleoune 12.. K. Fl.mmg logresov, rz.noLso * co., CMOMISSIONWe sale of Ao rosenle.Woolon, and Conan also, dealers in W kinds of Tailors Trisannov, No to Wood st, *lx door from Mb, Pittsbriseh. Reference—Messrs: seri Wen. A. 11111 A Co, Banters. / S. /U..] . arat. A- myna !MUIR di IRVIN, CC"asn aSiON IitNRCIIANTS and Bill Woke's, No ILL Bacoad meet, Plusbar h. - au47 OIL a 10141.11, , rum a. WITNIT. ENULISII I NNFTT, Gate 'English, Gallagher 4. Ca) WW.esale Grocer., Commission and Per yardage Merchtuns, and dealers in Produce and Plus. burgh Mtutufacrarcs, N 0.27 Wood sc, harden 2d and 2d streets. sca. amatalswura DI ORWARNG & COMMISSION ME RCHANT No tit F..d Pittehurak. mai LUZ= T0[..729) (WALITI C. uvugerras POINDMXTMA a. CO., GENERAL coalaivslos and Forwarding. Mgr- - slams hl& wr and Flo. No V 6 Market I P elp HEALD, BIICLENOI6. & co. TOBACCO COMMISSiON MERCHANTS, No. 41 North Water Street & No. 16 North Wham.. A. J. Docimos. PHILADELPHIA Eow'o LL C. hlcChturoht. Ph""'' • J. A. %Calms. S hog Mil" LEY, (sarcom to blarphy & Lor.,) Wool lie - C- M;Jog Comm a ;I s ; n t T ' , 1 0711 opposite t o ' 6V. ‘9.1. /0/22. HARDY, JONES ti Co, (ratcenon to Atwood, Joao f C. 4.) Commlnum and PorlmMlitg hter. shams, dea:7i7 m Piusburgh MameketAred I.7nels, Piltsbamh, YR. meh27 jIZCCX.OO . mumrirs. a Raz,' IMPORTER Dealer In French and American Pa per lientrinas and Borders,. Window Shades. Fins Prints; Fee. Ateo—Writing, Printing and Wrap. ping A Paper, No. f 7 Wood street, between Fortra street .3 lmond alley, um.% r,IJe, Yittabergh, Pa. fcbl3 , 4t• PITTSEITM.OII GLASS W 011.8.3. SOHN AGNEW, late of the firm of Ghambers,Ag ea new it Ca , would respeetfally inform the old cos- Garners end the public generally, that be swilled!! eon. Gass to earn on me Green Clan business, In all its anxieties, and la prepared to fill all orders for Apothe carter Fart:there, Minerals, Porters, Viola, lee., A., penalising to his MIS ines. Nrs wareboese Is No ill Waster Street, between First A Snead am. jytiardant ri GAN, Faririarni Wholesale Druggist, aral — Ta72 - - et ht Dye Stars, Palen, Ms, Varnishes. iee.,_No. 03 el Wood , Watt, one door Doan of Diamond Alley Plabargta. ja — rfairDiaLSE.Lli, Wiwi...Grocer, Com:Mato Merchant, and deader la Prodive and Pittsbana Annaketures. No ti Water st, Pittsburgh. 111031111 MIR, IN, b Co., Wholeulo Groom. Cm utliskus bletehtults, and &slats In Prodse a,No,na N ster, and 141 Flora cram, Pithiburtb. • novB fri,37, — . Dilworth— Dilworth. J - r et...DU:WORTH k CO., Wholesale O °cent, and ~,,aents tot WWI Powder Co., No. d 7 Wood st., dcAl fr,. , rt)W".434.11:1, Dragon mad Apothoeul 43 Valk.% three doors above 'Phird rt. Pitts laugh, will I,lle constaggly on hand n well selected as ,oneness atilt, -Mt atartreshest MedteinsAwhleh he odd sell on• the quoin reuonable loom. Mgt:lane sending ord•dt. wilt be mouldy attended to, and nap plied se 1. thee!lo37 tely upon as genuine. ttT Playes•ualt Pte.-TIP:loos ' , litho 'tontine') nod newly ry,red frm 104 LW tutorials, it any boar Of ti day or Also for sale, a toga stoolt at huh sad good Porta goers. 1.13 • Jotn Wily& ttichard Floyd. & R. FLOYD, Wtalasaltt Groaarg, Commission • Nlzzobanto, Dealarl• In Froda.o, Round Chafek Dalidir.en, fronting on Litany, Wood and Mink enroedo,rincif oral, Ps. apl jNe. in.MAL14.:1401 , , daunt tar tint Lake Ede an Michigan Line to !Intact arid the Lalrec—Olhoe on taa aerateac Water wad Ratiiiiield lie VMSI7 iltltfn Lewis Mut:teat , Gnountsalon aao Mom or, the tit :LoultiStrun Saga, gd..„, 43 waist and 91 tidal gltelli4. MUM , aro. Mal s 1 SCHCsiI. - 11/Titiolese let Na ad V 1 T i Pm:earth. ea& o fnq iaff, - 117 - Wico - Teriale - ind Neale and /genital Instramenu, School Donee Paper, Slate% steel Pens, Printer. , Cards. an Wood at-, Plashargh. - Trr Raes.etreat or few,. to trade irrUSTEIELD, (late of Warm., OW") Commie eltr. s - alas Western Merchan Sane r, hole 401Jef In Reserv e Cheese, Pot and rpee„-1 Ash, ar,d Western Produce generally. Water •rwes, between Southheld and Wood, Pirteborgh. p El & j 0 1 ,169. roma:dm an 4 Cortoramuou Met charts, Dealers in Prothwe sail PittabLuro mans le. Vaned arleier, Mule Bag., near 7th st. api LSEILL, CITT~GOOII, CA. won irtunx, cumns & manaranarm 1 4 1 maperiar 44 Sampling, Carpi Chain, Cotton . 67111 ' 11. Fr&OClLTilir LvATE". r . & SwEs at' , OWES ELLER, am sad ath - rona BINDER, emit of PM Ontto, riDSOßryils, _ -1.- . • . s . _Pitiaburath COT Class 1 Narita. C VII NINO O!IAN & W G ANUCITRERS OP WINDOLASS. FA No SS Market Went, between Vast and Second, Pub‘borgh, Pa. ( 1 0 -.. Partleolar attention paid to odd awes. Also, Datittl In FLINT GLASS, VIALS, BOTTLES, Ac. W. CC PAX, 0.00100.5, 0..1.0113611taK. 11113,131.• Wrn. t Ur ELLER RICACTSON, iNnolasaletroc era, and Important of Brandies. IVines and Sivas, Nos. 172 and 174, earner of Ltbeny and Irwin 2/111..., PAW' barn, Pa. Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarns, ae. te , eon stantly im nand. apt JoisTbfkiil Jamesbrtall. altn C. toe. M cti ILLS A ROE, Wholess/e Grocers and Commis- Con Merchants, No DA Merry EN Pittsburgh apt AND teFRIND taw ratty,AND AXLE FACTORY. MN 110010. JONall SI,OICIO, ;lANDPACTORRIIB of apring and Winer steal, Plessit steel, steel planet wings, coach and elip reag m ami io r . e ng / i ro . n i nelg,..r i d . dea l l=ol . Klinaln COTT= of Bob and Front am, PlttaborßE REED UPON TTNEIOIIOII PRICIIB. & Toeslos. Commission Ilistro hasty. 31 Otd Levee st, N Chicane, beeonstantly on band tante 'moment or Bran p-C dies of the follow brandvzhich they offer. for sale as sirens for J. Domed & Bordeaux, yin 2.lAglory, J. Erand, Du raad a. Co, Larne belle I .10nranc, Coanse, A de 111 In terne, A L A . de 31ondore ' Jean Louis. &n., &e; also, Anchor Gin, Bonier= Redand White Wines in casks and cases, selected with ease bylohn Durand &:Co; besides Champagne Vilna and Sweet Ehorandy Port. - • ElloLdia4 EION, N 063 Market on, e road dour •from corner of Fonda, dealers to Porel.rn nod rnie 1:111.1/ of Exchamge, Conlleates of Leposu Dank Notes end Specie. -4Q•Cloleirdona made - on Mt We eines bnanillom the thaltall 5r....t apt_ • OP WM. Sent/CHOLA NM: Third sr, opposite the Poet-Oce, Pittebergh.--FM.P., niu heads, Shoerbille, Labels. Arc ' hitertural and Machine Drawings, Brainen and Virltlng Cards, to., cog:raved or draw a on Mari and printed in Colon, Gold, Mmne or Black, in the most MAPtneed sad " th e most remonable Drier. ortl&l7 OBINI".0N, LITTLE & o. Liberty street itt , fa."2 , mr.lvp..2-...dorzgr%.„—Att.4l Manase area apt: 20E1, NOBISOM reoa. 1.11712, ILLUL. s. 11011=1011. • ...... RO/IERT moortr, aholeaaleGroom. . Rectifying Distiller, dealer so Produce, Pleisbursh Manufse- Pares, an all kinds of Forestry and Domestic Wines and Liquors, No. 11 Liberty street. On hand a eery large stock of superior old Monongahela walskoy, which will be sold low for rash. m • o. arTioata -1111/1. RESialkighlt4,llfEjineFervrtnil4 ana Commie. t.ealera In GlOCtrits, Produce nusourgh, Manufac tures,and Chloride, of Lima. The higher DDrier , in cash, ;bald at all times (or entry. raga. Cornet Pe. and Ins. eta. .18 _ Dotitar ta , Coe Aterehazza, dialers in PII " rodllt, and Phlabargh Blantfae:ares, Liberty meet, Pinsbnzen, Pa. avid • IL, 4• W. HIMSA.LE a 'ONCE/L Produce, Forwarding ba.rgh atanatactona,PloriLiboit7indrect'tlquathberrgriutt, Pa a. C. sii•CCISIT ram a. waxed: SMeV...ETC & Wild= Wholesale Dealer. in Foreign and Demesne Dry Goods, flo. CC Wood meet Pittsburgh. apl7 Cs & W Wool Marehants, Dealeei la in Flour and Prodoce generally, end Forwardion and Commission Idarehants, 145 Firm street ana 110 Second sine,. Yinsbargh. aol7 - T. asuons, rrrramstirL 2000 moots, 141 TL, ELLPI4B 3 NlCOLl,Prodoce and General Co, alsit mission Merchants, No. oTLiberty atrea t, Piu burgh. Sperm, Linseed .d Lard Ws. aol7 '" ' • CiON IiONN/10103S to CO, liaolosale Daicomb Forwarding and Commissiou Morehulta, lem lo Pittsburgh hisineactures and %Venom Prod moo. haveJerarrrod to their now warehowe, (old stand,( No. 3Z, corner of Front socet and Chancery Lane. epl7 . . MOHAIR & DAWORTD, *am EA AND WINE MERCHANTS East el& Diumond, rmsbuto. _spit . . SHRIVE/A & 1141.11.11111112, - WHOLESALE GROGERS, Product and Conssiiruna Afore Asa% And dealers In Pittsburgh hl &slammed Articles, &cm. 230 and 1311 Besomul &ape. Wood BcuithEeld, Pittsburgh. anal • ions wart" • flows scum JOUR/ WATT & CO., W ! KV:, t u G Pro. " l " oeef ° :d P . IX: a 3i rg e b " ll b trin ' a! (aerates, lad Liberty I. Pittsburgh,PE sapt:r _ reerdlyi brls Soperibis brls Fine, solving. sad for sale by •fPAP-- DROWN a KIRKPATRICK BAKAL) & zavxm WOULD Inform the public, they Lave tat& the y emulus< formeslT oetapied by tbe late AN. Solon:ma Rehoyer,ll4 fauna I. Iltving a large• and oommodio& warehoese, that wouldquultt the attention °rpm., hatter/ goods ID comasn or sore. They will also give attentlon to We purchase and sale orNoies.Drafts. Bonds, .7.e. asst S. Waterman, H. N. Waternhan • • W. B. SVaie'mao• Le Se NV ATICSLCIAS dr. 801115 i, TTHOLESALE GROCERS, Commis.= and For - entrain,. Alerchanta; dealer., In GI km de ot Pro- A. Pittsburgh blatitfactored Article.; ine. Agast. for gala of Riche:loud -mad Lynchburg Usaufutured Tobacco. met - - WM. IIZ.IIILIN, &WTI:MaI:7 AT LAW, 13-4210., Pn WILE also attend ID wile. inas aDd other Dula. erorttated to him in Rader and Arm:lrene aeantirs, Pa Refer to I.& R. Floyd, Moony at W. W. Wallet*, do James Nankai' do Plttabarah. dly Kay & Co., Wood et ) Jan? .10118 RIAPADICA & CO.. FORWARDING A COMMISSION MERCLIANT 8, Canal D. n, Fenn street. Piusburek. J&11128 D. DAVIS & CO.. PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS, No. tv Market, and 54 Commerce Philedelphia. Advances made, by either of the above, ma consign menu of Produce to ether House. etre Ha& .1. D. 'WILLIAMS & HOLESALE & RETAIL FAMILY GROCERS ForanusUng sad Commission Merchants, an• de en to Country Prodnee and Pittsburgh Menefee- Wee, corner of Wood and TIM streets,Pineburgh. mrslo rot. H. William -• -I fs. McVay. WU. H. WILLIAM, & Co.. BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, North Eon comer of Wood *ad Third grecs, Ohl Prrtunnteu. 7.12115 T, 1011111•. CM•11•Ing, VV.b. 1M0D5•43., Bil•Pb II•O•LIT. • VM. BeGALEY & CO., Wholesale Grocers; 18 tad 2/ Wood street, Fiest:ugh. apl7 Joatra me DAVID 10..ZOLDSS. W — ICK &M 'CANDLESS , (suaceuusra to L.. J. D. Coaval l s V algeldireha i ril i' deller. ' i r n ; lrn%, Na r i a l i g n ,tll7l, 4 Cotton Yarn,, and Pittsburgh Manufactures genera/- Iy, earnar of Wood and Watar a meet., Pittsburgh. apl7 MITCITELTREE, Wholesale Gribeets, Racting Distillers, and Wino and Liquor March... Alto-.lniportars of Soda AAA and Bleach , log Powder, No.loo Liberty meet, (oppo.ito Sixth olreet,) Pittsbargb. AT Watchey /clingy y, Prer o gre . and Military Good., corner or Market and Forint, atreets, Pittsburgh, F. N. D.—Watehea and ClOeks earefhlly repaired. ao 17 VIM TOLMN. Joao a. it ' e. %gra'. YOUNG & Co., Deafen in Leather, Has t, T V &e. ,199 Liberty street. .1. , ..:1Y_ — WIL IeCITICHICON. son.seeurnuss,.. TX 7 & ft. MeCUTCHEON, Wholesale Grocery, WV ~ dealers in PrOdeee, Iron, Nails, Gltus, and Pinsbargn Matutractars generally, Ltberty areal.— Pin:RS.l4h. •I.P. • 1211111+. IHAVE taken WM. CARE Into pannenanO man In ray boatmen, which will from ttas dam be canted on ander the name of "John Parker &Co) , Huth lat,lBsA , JOHN PARKER. Job. —.William Carr. JOHN PAILEZ.II a, CO. Vflsoltim Grocers, Deakra in Rada, Forngn Ffriw Liguori, Old Manonganda lutzt Nedfflarl WAigksy. Nd. 5, Commercial Row, Liberty street, mr2o Plitsbantb. P IVATILIMAT PALI= /111410 s ILLSIII. WIC IL Is) PArailing PIANISM er, CO., (Bnicesson to Hussey, ,Hanna Co.) ANK.1.111.3, EXCHANGE HACKERS, and dealers In Foreign and Domestic Recharge, Certificatu of Deposite, Dank Notes, and Specie—North west corner of Wood and Third streets. Current money received on depowite.—Sight Cheek• for kale, and eolketlens made on nearly all the principal points the Unlied &area. The highest premium paid for nolo and heumlean Gold. . . Advance/ made an conatinmsoto of Produce, ship tit pod nat , onlihta teems. 0pt..3 Ipso. a. moo.. WDZ. A. DIVOLUIIO & O . ROCERS AND TEA DEALERS, No 256 Lie arra. rd.« Wood, Have always on bead • lasso, assosurent of Choirs car.aie. Elm, Teas; also, EMIR. /hut , . nod Hats, Wholesale sod need. Deem =molted on the Intsso wot' - meal IGAGILE OLAIIS JOSEPH. D. ABELL, IkKANUPACTURFR OP GREEN GLASSWARE, OM Vials., Mules, end Flasks,-Porter, Scotch Al,. Mineral Water; Patent Medicine, and Winn Bottles of every descrintbni; *lse, WINDOW OLASS. • Keeps conrantly on band a genets! assortment of the above ankles. ALSO STATE, as the other Green Glut Fee tories an ALL STOMO. N. •N. the °"."l' animate, no Faetrolle re NOW IN n 01131.ertoN, sod Will cannel. 111 Operation both summer and winter. Orders respeet/ally thlieited, and will be tilled on the Morten notice. • Wertheim, No 119 Second street, between Wood andpwlitigeld nth, Pittsburgh. IM/idly (341 A-W. an I, ANL-P- VER and CHAS.. - DARNES have 1.3 this der amended themselves together, ander the Am of k Dune. for the transac tion of tan Wholesale Geo 217,:Prodsee and Comotlxidon beet • rum. at No I=4 Second and Meat, lateen Wo od - Pilobt ll lh, Al WOOL 1 WOOL rium What market peke to Cub win be paid rot the &Zuni greduar Woo 4, by ills S w HAREIAUG BLUE UlritlOL-4000 lb. fin a." g 400• BUSINESS CARDS. rll. —ton_ 1118CELLANEW W1L5138 1 341 g., FOURTH STRUT, P BURGH. PA. Trllielt:tasaritteednytfoerctillt2eber,longre,row:noultd rr•pectfully mlleit a share of Ite petite patronag. Ile trews byeiving his full enenuno to the heathen, to mate the house a pleasaut and comfortable resort for the citizens of Pittsburgh for the country generally. Goal at will be in w Ling, and every ex ertion made t 5 render the era shutent worthy the caunteronee and ropoortof •n it elligent community. The TWO SPACIOUS HALO', fitted for Parties, pArgrp, Leetures, Balls, and Wins meetings, will be lot by the evening or week, nil as liberal terms es any other in the cite. 1 i i The DAR and BESTAU equal in style and beauty to any in the world, be kept famished with Pare Wines, Choice Llano Cordials, Potters, At s, and all the cool light, refine 1 eats ofthe season. Poultry, Game, Fish, Soup, Mere, and Clam., served up in the best style._. The DINING and ICE CREW SALOON, being cm the ant floor, and easy of acceaa,will be constantly supplied with all the Lugar/es and Delicacies of the so n;se and alsootrith snob substaritials a. the markets Boarding by the day, week, et pear. Darren or notice. Suppers for the or petite*, Cumphed on short Gentler Gentlemen with their families,:asiting the eityitmet be supplied with refreshments of 1 kinds at an/ beni W the day. Good Linehan' and en eitonstyp Livery E:stablish rnent is connected with the IlalL Dinner at I o'elock. Breakfast Lind Tea at the amid hoary Exdrance for Ladles to the lee:Cream and Dining Saloon, No 67 Smithfield meet_ le7S:dtf S. 11. VAWRENSSELADI6 mirreamme, (a. sverrramme, A. WESTERVELT & SON. '7ELL KNOWN VENITIAN BLIND MAKERS, 1n..; constantly on band or make to order the best article In their line, at thole old stand, N 0.13 St. Char etre.: also, at N 0.66 Marketetreet. attend nary, entrance is the Diamond. Venitbol Shames made to order. and old blinds neatly repaired. W. di J. (MICAH. IT • • TUE are ettll engaged to the abo buinees, corner T of Wood and lard meets, 'ho:ouch where we are prepared to do any work in •- Imo with des. patch. We attend to our work peroorully, and eau. raelion will b. given In regard to its neatness and do. Booki ruled to any pattern and bound mob . Modally. Books In nuntbers or old booka bound care fully or repaired. Nantes put on book. In gilt letters. Those that day, work in our line ara Invited to call. pri ...low. tor.VAI EL al .I.lma SS/SS WlGllTMAN—lllamtracttuer orall Idiots of nor , ton and woollen machinery, Allegheny city, Pa shore works being now in fall and suecestral op -30,1 ant prepared to e /exam mites with dispatch II kinds of machinery in my Line, such as willows, trot spreaders, cards, grind.' =ALM., railways, ivg frames, 'benders, &mulls, looms, woolen , 44.uble or single, for merchant or country work, fre.; s lilt and hand lathes and tool. in g en. al. All oc binds of shafting made to orde., or plans Or• a for gearing &retries or WU. at wasonable charge. Rena ro—Xermedy Childs & Co., Blankstrink, Ball I, .•lfire. P•nnnek P.A...tes. A. GM, BENNETT I BROTHER, QUEENSWARE MANUFACTURERS, al am Laaghans, [near PI tistrenrigh.l Pa. I No. 37 Water at,: Setteura Marlys mut Woad, PstubtagAt. Z ir‘ nt i gTV 'u' ar4f k o7r P o *" 7lz d e n Ol a" ,;n n e atpctiorqualtty. Waoltsale wn and cotmtry ' uter. shams no respectfully meted to call and ex amine for theme..., az Ire art deterinined to sell th e mom than Waver beer. been oSared to th• p•b- la - Orderooont by total, aueomp.tell by theee.b o ood rotoro.o, wall bo promptly attoodod to. mot NEW COACT[ FACTORY, -- 14 . A. ITHITE & CO., would respeethilly Inform Alt a the !width that they have erected ashrp on Lamm!, bezween Federal and Sandusky streets. They are now mak tug and are prepared to receive orders for every demrip timt in vehicles, Coaches, Charaub., Le ronnhee, Bugg in Phosons, &e_, &e., which from their lon experiensw in the manufacture of the above work, and the facilina they Inv...they feel couldent they ara enabled hi do won on the latm reamnable lemma Wail these wnot oy ar Oiler in their line. raying particut'ar attention to the selection of maw riots, sad Lasinr stone Let competent workmen, they Lace too bestrew's., In ...mantilla their work. We therefore ask the an ration of the Yablie to thin wetter. N.ll Repairing do ne In the Lest mantes, mad on the most reaconable term.. I•2ouf VI C S. SCAMS.I.IIII3 , hi tree sneeze. Wean A. ATMIBSON PlllllllOl.ll. CONTINUE to manatictare all Mod. of COPPER. TIN AND SIIEL - T IRON WARE. Also, Slack mirth Work. Steam Batas built to order. firre l'i on ' hand k 4L l V . ''' clatrlte ' rp e e e r k lad Bras. Kettle., Tin Ware, toate. Steamboat Coulon granyea, PortataltForacs, 'snort, sire s —a very convenient ar ticle for masaboata, Cab Rani. emigrants, or rail road compartles.. urmld I,llpettrafiejit•l4. boat man and others to tall and see ear articles and priers before purtharin a el scant fn. 11,17 lArrolajaht and Cast frau Ralllng. LER sobw rs Mea ribeß leave to inform the public [bat y A Mop have ottalaerbarom Mr Rural! the Ito std lmada dettigia Raritan RailLort.. both for norms 611,1 CtalCktiLl. ?crams wiskaag to r . rUelle, !MM. as patterns will please tail and clamant, and Judge Tor thancelyrs. Rat tiny will be faratchod at the shrin eat notice, and in the twat manner, at Ma earner of Craig ar.A . Rebtaca stymie, Allegteayaity. • • aitip.M-dif. A. LAMONT t KNOX. VirLLLIAIIIDIGDY 'DEW leash" to inform his Wendy and customers Os I) he is jaw receiving his new 'piing meek of Good• eomprieing, as usual, all tee newest and most fashion ulas styles of Cloths, Cataisneyes„ (envy Vesttays, not- Ira and linen summer sleds, and every article suitable for gentlentenht wear for spring andante., It being impossible to deteribe the beauty, gentler, er quettuty of the noels, the proprietor hopes all who in want at Igoe!, cheep, fashionable, •nd veil male dote,. win give him a call, as there IS no clock this use 01 the Alleghenies that tent comport with it. - The resdymade department is very ortansive, adap- Ratl road co nt r actors,r econtry. olerehaata, and nil whineh ly, WI invited to ex a the stock before parenacing, at paular at tenuon paid to the, wholesale busmen to rho mat, Rahman. Eve - ry - articia le g made to order I, e most faahlonablethe antailorind best man lthe ner, at the shone. uce.own NOTICE parfacrship heretofore ezirtlog ander the firm of A tr. C BRADLETis dirrolved the decease of Me. C Bradley. The b.iners I.'lll be carried oo by A Bradley, who will setae the b.ineas of the late Bras. REMOVAL—A Ditataif has removed Ms Poo nary Wareboase from No 119 Second street,tteNo 19 Wood street, between hint sad Second streets, to the ware house lately oemapied by 0 A Berry,. here be will keep sonstantly on hand a general anemometer Cast ings, Grates, Staves, Cooking Stoves, Ac. jyl3 SAMUEL SI eILELVY, IITANUFACTURER OP CAST STEEL, and N. I LU. and No. d Sllstar Steel. Al.—Beat Cut Steel Fan, of all Liam, and Illacksmlth and Shoe Rasps, alanos oo hand .d ferule, caber at Us ',Ea gle Steel -Work.? CPllara !urea, Fltdi Ward, or at the olleo in the Iron Mord of BOLLMANS tr. GARRI SON, No 4, foot of Wood Mee; Pittabarec =Wham . . We, the undersigned, having used, moth entire set- Whelan, the Can Steel and Piles made by Samuel Idellelvy en his Eagle Steel Works, it this city, mire pleasure In recommending them a equal in qualay to any ever used by as,of foreign tasseraetrie. Pittaburgh, klatch 13, ISSa. & 1 11 SHOESIBERGER & CO, hlanataetarers of Iron and Nails, 'lnshore', Pa. KNAPP & ion a erg, Iron Founders and Maehlntsts, Pittsbasrb. Pa. COLEMAN, FIAILMAN & CO,' hiansfeetarers of Spangs, Aries, Spring Steel end Fascia, Pmsbarah, Pa. F & Wlll FABER, Engine Dodders and blaehtne Cant Manufaets. .• • rem Pluaburgb. Pa. A FULTON, Dr.. Pounder, Pittsburgh, P. GRAFFIN , LDSAY & 00, Manenen:Tars of Iran and Noll. Pittsburgh, Pa. JOSEPH TOMLINSON, Lomnotira &Tina andtadp Salida, Pittsburgh, Pa. W W WALLACE, Marble blanuracturer, Machine and Engine Build mai sr, Pittsburgh. Pa. Dissolution of Partusrstilp. THE Partnership heretofore existing between the solecribers,•under the Esse of Chambers, Agnew SR Ca., Glen blanisfeetuthre,wardesolved by mutual consent, on the brat day GIGO's, Instant All persons knowing themselves Indebted to said hen are request ed to make payment to either of the pestles, without delay, and all persons having unsettled accosts:la with raid firm, are tootled la present them for ketrieMelll — rdlately. ALEXANDER CILAAIDERE, JOHN AGNEW 011AMBLIIH. NOTIOIC, IfV,t tOrplta ! b ya tette 'twice that they ho required to pay treterit at arehouse, according to the receipt, before the Dodsß ere removed. 0 A kIvANULTY k.CO Ivi - Washing, Eli•aeltang. and Cleansing litimcnterv—Put elothea Into told water and let them soak over tuktit. In tee morning wring mein cot and pot them tom • kettle of boiling water, to which add the proportion of one pint of Said to eight gallon, of water—sue to up and boll the whole twenty mamma. The clothes may then be wrong oat and well rinaeil in clear cold water. The pan, of gal. Vents shat may be Masi snob waistb•nds acd collar* of vhirm. may b. slightly fobbed before mooing, and the clothes will be found perlectiy Mean; whtm and tie., Warranted not to the the fineet fabric and to give perfect .atisfaction, or e motley will be refunded Sold wholevalc and fetid by ft 91 SKLI.EttS 07 wood a Cleveland, Warren and Pittsburgh Telegraph Company. I.N yardman. of a remlutiots of the Loud of three- Sara of the Cleveliand, Warren and Fittirburgh 'elegraplitiompony,regyertirtig the Bee rotary to Mate oat and cotton to tic published m the newmpapere along the line, Minim of exhibit of the finnoclul and other Mini of cotnpany. I etibtolt the following Report:— The line of Telegraph commences .:Clevelond god tarmintite. Pillaborgh, palming throsgh Chapin Folio, Franklin, Newton Fall. Warren 1 onngstown, in the State of Ohio. and Pinar Cootie nod Rochester, * ln the State of Pemisylvanin, at which points there art offleca located for the receipt and tranamimion of business. • The whole length of the line is 11l mike—Capitel Steel, Not per tulle, making a total capitol stock of 13 - 4.3rhe, of wbteh amount Vlo,=l it held by citizens Nona the line, end the balance is held uy Cprziall & Speed, the eontractors; the above amount of sub oolong:ad by einlen., have been paid to Cornell gpeed,ler which the-Trustees have their receipt. ellhdtf - - • If:FFEBRON BALM. Pecretarr. • TO BOAZ. HOILDiBB. .100,000 Get Seasoned Deck Flank; 100,000 feetaloel Boat Slam. For eels by ROBERT MeKNOOT, BMW . ammo et Law, Ftrorsh st. • ITTSB GIL' SATURDAY 1V ,INSURANCE. Male Mutual Fin Inman Company, HARRISBURG, PA rip p E4:l7 l. li i. b4rat im,a pairo po n u ag j i i,s e t te a tn = d 111f o o r eLm a; (ton and a Half Million of Dollar., daring the lam tame months, is sufficient manifestatkra of the esti mation and confidence of the public in the system of management on Which It. business is condemn:l To city or connisy merchants. andowners of dwell ings, and isolamd or country property, it is believed this company , affords advantages to point of chem. nem, safety, sad security, Inferior to no Insurance Company In tlils conntry. eonductee on the eqaitable and greatly Improved .7 stern of CIUSISCatIOD of Milks, aselndior ell rtmcici itaseids, insuring Only • limited amount lat any one Jocallty,thus precluding the frequency andoccurreuce of fires, and also an both the Stock tad Mutual plant not only possesses the cheapness and memo, modation of both methods, bet entitles the insund to a Participation in the proSn It Il ander the control of the following Directors, John P. Rutherford, A. I. Gillen, John B. Picket, Samuel T. Jones , Aloe= A. Carrier, Philo 0 Sedgy wick, Robertiaots. .11 P RIMIRRFORD.Preet • . • - • Al aiLLEIT,SeeI. A A Cairn, Aotasa7 Branch Ogles for Western Pennsylvania, Urnia !midstreet, Pittsburgh. Pentane desiring Insurance wilt be tarnished with books of the einityanY by eel imat the °Zee. a • Annotator Firemen's imam mace Com. pony Of the City of Pittsburgh. CAPI PAL 5900,000. J. K. MOOREHEAD, Pres 4-117. W.DALLAS-s_,__Seel rrliK Company le now prepared to Imam against PURE. and MARINE RIBRII of all kinds offies, Mintongesheln Baum, 124 4. 12.5 Watdr 1 K hloort head. Pity Panerson, Wm. A. Rill, R. /lanky, R. 11. Simpson, Joshaa ilhodes;Mm. N. Yelper, Enron Orem A. P. Ansbam, Wm. Col. lionwood,ll. C. Sawyer, Chas. Kam, W6l Gorman. s Ygltdly --- Late wad nealth laavuraltee. 11111:6 Mantel Llfe and rpoHealth Inintranee Cowpon of Philadelphia, lereonued by the Lealslatare y of Pfrinsyhranfa, March, 1848. Charterperpernal. Capttai r slo),ooo. Bares WWII mss in PIZINITL yam, Comm, and fell 9) per cant lower thou the venal rates of Idle Insurance, as the following , eons. perjure will show: Thai, a person of the are 0(90 In suring for MOO for Ida most pay in the Ginmillt,9l— Penn Idatasl, 1111,36; Enaltable, bi : ll l o4 ,4 o 4 . e i tanddri%N i r lark Llf.t W,36; Al- D c liereenrs.—S=nel e D. Chn i ersiD. l tail, W. F. Boone, Robert P. !ChM Charles P. Hayes, 11. W. Baldwin, ht. H. Reeve, M. D., Chas. 0.11. Campbell, Lewis Deeper, 1. Rodman Barker, E. 11.thater, R. Cope. President.-Bamsel I). Orrick; Vice Presi dent—Robe P. Kin_c Secretary—Franeis /Heathersa applleations wlll be recelved,and every information , riven by SAM. PAHNRSTOCX, Art, Ocoee, Coremerelal llotrms,eonntr of Wood and Thud sts, Pittsbergh isce7-4111 RIDE AND NADINE 115111713•11ICIA. r e i mi N e S pe U rnmeT and . t o l f eldtl o dlos ' P a o on Pr 'a c j t rlclnit7 and cA o stilp . ra= . ik:Company are Zell Invested, and hunt:him arab able fond for the ample Indemnity of all person* soh* Castrato be protected by insurance. . myta WM. JONES, diem, 14 Water at. Piro am/ Mambas imaaramoo. TllE OFFICE of th e llama. Company of Honk America, has been removed to No. 141 Front at eat of WOOO. Too rabseriber, agvnt for the above old an t res pon. Bible Company, aUI lima Yelieles on Building. and their cements, ad On shipments of Mercbandise by Steam Boats and other vessels. 403 . W. P. JONES. 11 , Odefll 1144 dallqtlo Flitllllllte. JAIIISGR W. -83.T.SUP Sr., krrrasearma .1. W. W. Rerpectfolly informal Ma 2: public that be boa cart- Meted his gonna-stock of FIiIINITURF-, the lariert cod coos:varied rtmortsuear ever roamed for vale la this city. comprising several mud of Romrwoon, blatiostallr, and &Am WALSCI r , cosral, ornamental and 'plain, suitable for Yarlons, Drawlog and Dell Rooms, all of which will be sold at the lowest priees. Persona desiring Furnitura of an/ dasailWohr opeerfally laViled to call end elamine Isissiock, which e,nbraete.every dreeriptlett, from the cheapest and plameatao the most elegant and dually, of whieli Ike rellowint_comprises a pare Tema Tete 0000 o; Teta a Tam Divaum Conyersauon Clews; lidnairethlan Chain; RseepUton do Loeb XIV do talearirm do than Moue; WhaeNntm Toilet Tablas; Louts XIV Commode.,; Duke of York's Couel; CU Sofas wok Nerds and Usk-cloth cows; 30 Divans, do do do; to dor filabageny Parlor Chairs; ltl " Rosewood do do • II " IWit Wainer do do ; : 10 " Cane Scat Ora " hlahogeLy Roekba do; " do Piano moots; fa Marble Top Ceram Tables, fn do do Wash Stand.; • ' ru Malookany ited.tr_erfei ,do Wardrobes; le FM Walnut do; breecy do. A very terra assortment of Comm. Chain and 0110 ar Forums. too tedrous to mention. (rp Smarm Roam furnished on the shortest ,riot/aa. en ordws promptly at tendr dto. , Ziskers cat bc et Naha W414/n.,,n4.Pa.acets, 5t,4245ct tedstst pr;ze.e. fad ••• - - - 11E16E14 FL nAva FROM TIM MANUPA • ERN M A.NUFA White Plannels, all Wool. Rod do do d Yellow do o Drown do do !Emit Sadnera. Sod mood do Blue do Oise iki:Z.; ' ' ' Fancy Centoreadec. all orb offered az Factory prices, Home League Shlrung. Rimer. and Ftripcs, rmr teary good. Tudor,' Goods. Red Paddiem mperdo; Yen Padding, Daeßram, . TailareCanams,beary dui Drown Lamm, Slltebea Drab Berms, black do, s i I and wormed; Blank and Wilda Tape; Black Twist, Drab do; lines Cheek. sad Dr ills; tsumrVa 6 cord Pon Coma; do Lin. Thread, a ' Sillrgitred “ ' n' ties k Ungs; lllseildado do Drama Na/land 804 Saks; Ballow, Crav-Ms, ke.,&e. ambona., No 127 Wood • mr.6l olm, Drab do Brace :Canannena Fancy do Fancy Tweed. Super Meta Broad Clotb. Super Brown do Super Breen do Soper Twilled do Soper Bloat Doe Mos. Soper Dna Cashontre Super Drove do Super Elora do Calm:orate Blaster, Scarlet do Bias do Drab de •• BrOw ° A ' gg "g'ag. At the Zitanittasturcre Pittsburgh • D SSSSS COH6 copartnership heretofore nvisting between the _wiltswiberv, la the name of Constable, Barka & CO, Is this day dissolved by mama! consent. Messrs. Darks Ss Barnes will settle the business of the concern, for which purpose they ars authorised to use the name of the concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS BARNES. The ends/slmed hays this dal associated the melees lo the name of BURKE' & BARNES, for the purpose of manufacturing fire Proof Safes, Vault Doors, &e., u the nand of .he late Inn of Constable, Burke &Co, whom the? will be pleased to receive the patron age of the Immune= of that house and ate!, friends. EDMUND BURKE, TROIKA!! HAMM In rolletns from the firm of Constable, Burke & Co, with emetic pleas., recommend Means. Barks & Barnes to the eonfidence ante Mends and the public. Feb. 9 19M. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE. febl3-111! Co AIIIIIITIIIIO9 MarAS Jon returned from the Eastern Ciao*, and t° reeolvirm a largo Variety of sormonatdo C. op* to stook he zoirmtfolly Invhos the Intention of march ant. and pedant No 134 Wood rm. tirm.i. PAPER—W. P. Alanonsta la constantly Pp receiving, from the largest tnanalacterses to New York and Phlladelplua, and also from French agencies, the. =mew and most approved styles of Pa iber with Borders, Fire Board rr e her Rs ton ter - Tops. For sale at 83 Wood at, be. tam Fourth at and Diamond alley, (streamer to R. C. 8 1114 apt Nral ' s e al P e the b 1 41.1ng Pl e :/ at the L PerfumeryT. u i a oaß MOlf comer of ado 0111;21110AL POLIIM THE Phmalx Marinfaeourtng Company now offer to the pablie their Premium Chemical Stove Polish; and Without isaggeration, or fear of eontralletien, by those who have tested it, pronounce it far superior to any other in the market. The consummated have no apprehensions of soiling carpels, to., an Its cum position prevents a dun from arising when being op. plied, which must be done when the Stove I. eotd The quantity required as so little to produce • beau. Mal lustre. A saving cravat lily per cent is insured to the consumers. A coating entitled to Stoves, Pips, Ac.,when laid assay for the suminer, M • sum pre. icuative against rut. tiler buying tried it once, (If It is aneenrible) no perms Will use any bat 110 Menlo Mancfactunng C topesy4 Ptemium cal Stove Polish. Fut toile by 8 N WICKERSHAM, toys Corner of Sixth and Wood averts. - prTTiUUPOH 111017/tAING Corner of Penn and 81. Clair streets. ur AI. ALI:ZANDER & 80N8,1 1 inuishina Under- VI mime, where every liniclo br Pn nera l and %/inning puriania<llll be got on [ca./nal/la teems. t141111•1iLDI AN ZINO. fIIIIE Vle Montagne Company eupply then agents L watt Roane and FL/Prima to eheets de fret, from toII boos ene foul. Convgated In sheets 317, V 7 os, farr paddle buildin. and depot*. Stilt Sheathing, 14048 inches, from veto IS miners. NWr spikes, Wily, Sugar Molds, Pert/attired Zion, Zinc Faint, &e. wyrest their metal pure, and Nei fromany admixture clime, or soy other eubstaner, and re. eanunesid II for the it:unearth. of molt articles to We Lou., funnsbing lane, It doe.. nut rag Ia not affeemd by thi *anon pi water, and may be polished, panned, and japanned. Sample., inodelv, plane, epeelheatione, end 0,0 1 , Information may be had of their agents: M'Cubt. & Areamo, New Vert; Mamma, Roman & Co., Boston; NALTMLA 'Noma & Co., PbliadelphiN W. & It ideßist, blenimors Blau, Div & btrxersla, New Orleans; P. F. MILLIROTIX, ilealdent Agent, 'leftover at., New York. Sepormimir NEW rpm: Matilda/teeny of Leigh DOORS. m Dant; with MIII3- j.. honoree of ends and contemporaries, I. vela Carlyle'. Lauer Day Petairblme—Na Villoraidect, /canals.. - History of Deans the Grata Dy Jacob Aliboar,enth en v *stem Julia Irowarl, • Donsance. By Mrs Mania Dell. Pictorial field Boot ails Revolation.—Do ti. The above Work. received Ws day, sad far sale by 00.11.hatIng.".r, bl Noionk • • and or Boa try MASAN MCIRY lk CO Water ud Mao mom MING. NOIiEMBE !M ' H OL . M.E. S "LITERARY.DEPOT, Third street, ennui'. the Post Mane. . TIAVID COPPERFIE U. LD, No IB I. l endon An JO' for limobgr : Li Ws Living Age, No 337; Valley rano; or the Antablogriphy of an Or allonl rated by Mules/. Petersen. lo psPetticoat Government: a new novel, by adra , Trol. Hamm, Templeton. By Charles Lever. 'The lron blast—Damns' ben work, complete: Life of Yankee 11111. Genevieve. or Pleasant Lore and Borrow. By A, • Laminar:a Baton Bhatepeare.Pio 23. n 02.3 NUM' -- 111D11110 1 3111 w KUNIO 1. JEN. NY LANE • beautiful Fshiopl. Song; ass.% nY the New *Means Serestaderm De b watchful and eware; Oa! Dinah, taker Mi. hand; The MaidenhTear, 'The Inch !dant. Bride; Woeld e Sad Sc. Wave,l were wi • Hy th. sung by Jenny Lind hi New York; The 11Ird and the Malden. ming by /MY Lind; 'take ten lute, muff by /num Lind; Turn not away; a bearnifel dart, by ft. S.C. Foster; niciyhom Polk.; by Starknh,deron Lind Good Leek; ;envy at the Chum Lesley and Doe- worthM very best Polka; also, new Wellies and eX• tallelve *Menton of Guitar Preeepuirs of best masters.! 11 BLEB= 101 Third Wen. Dela • Golden Gary. nvainelvs risihos. Bale agency for Dunham's Disana HKLF.LIER takes pleasure In announcing to tee . (tabula that he has neceeded In seconng the sole - agrees- for Denham% eelebrated Piano Fortes, for Western Pennoylunia. The Pianos made by Me Denham, of the fine of Simian k Unshorn, Ire too well and favorably known in this neighborhood to require any comment at this nate, suffice 11 to say, that for a long time at other Mums were known in the Western country than thine of Sind an k. Denham and Nunn h. Cork. Mr. Denimm, thp pretreal partner of the above fin. has spent tuntratds of perenty years In the fae tiny of said fine, as practical manager and director of tie basines. Within • year or two Mr Denham has bought out die entire i mams and appurtenances of the Ant, and continue* to facture, as before, in his own name: Denham's Manta bane attained each PoPelartly, that In same of the western cities, Cin old, he , , ,ther have sold two tit one of um e ther otanatanUUL They are distingelabed by their power and brilliancy, of tone. and extraordinary dorabillis. N. 13.—A lane invoice 6f the above elegant Pianos now receiving. SIGN OF THE GOLDEN /DAM ode oat o. ECEIVED this da aw y from the cast:— . L Serenade—Schrober. L Serenade—Armtuted as Dun. Jeartortla and Jetumot—For Voice of by pule days—Foeter. Away down in Cairo—Fort.. Be Watchful and Beware—Glover. Elealdoa many other popolor Sawn and Pieces, LP mon Sign of Ms G o lden HarY, Third • MIirEhLTR, Disease, Lindsay , Rmedy. By Dr. Moore. AL Adelaide Lindsay, noreL By the anther at .Legice Arnold,o"Normaell Bridge," to., fte.. . lafe.and Correspondenew of RobL Somitey—part Gibbon% Rame—.sth and flat vol.—completion of thi wort. Received and for sale by MINGI.L9RORAWILAR—The Fag Lisa Language in ite Wetness and forma, enth a bunny of to origin and develepanutot; designed tor ore in colleges and reboot. Wm. 0. Fowler, late professor of Rnetotie is Amherst College. Astronomy—The recent progress of Astrononlyi especially e United Stes. B Dom Loan.. Ave Yeasln M. of a Ranters ta Lite le y or the far In of .Alriet. mini notices of the native tribe., and m e o d s, o e m r s o odre , d mt c m h o a e s o e r o os f , tahre l . with i l l e lal . nd i, i one R. G. 04' owning. ReCelTo4l for sale by IL It SVOCETON men 47 Market at New Most.. • 'YOST reeetved at lI.KLEBEB9 Mliffia Atm, the V folltroting Sanest— In the Eye them H. the neut. I Lore but Thee. The %Walther. The White end Red Rom. Nneey Bell. He dock al: thins ee 1, All le over. Where tO nos the hones! eheneked. tot elnron min. see mime Bootcsi rueliv 11002[11 I, AT HOLIIIES' LITERARY DEPOT, Tian' street, opposite the Peet Office. _ _ . . . 41,STORY of Pendnt:la. No G. By Tharkerzy. Knickerbocker Mag.:toe for September. Ille reheats , Dlgaiiw for September. Wlllg Review for September, with ,n ems - wring of Gen. SOO., Button Phaktpeue, NoZ. Liners laying - Ape. Nu Mkt. ' Dibity Portrait Gallery, ecintaieine 667 two envoy. luso of dirtingulabed gr. Monk British Review for Argon. Dr.aor.ratto Carley for Septefultor. Erie. tie Review of Foreign Ltieratara for Septet ,-....5Pq lii*.Pttertft; or Dm Myatt,. of rao Court ot Landau, rob 3 of thu interesting work ha. hem recePria nme Literary , Depot, Mord toren, ouporrta t he - P on faker; alstr.Elleut Parry, or Thal. of the 1/00rt, by Darla; Coterie CastrioL ramaated flouLlart•eg 1:406 of Arrina, Le Clement C. Noon, L L. D; and No USA of Luck'. Liriaa Axe. koPall llcia 1t0C.7,144d, ,AliTtliE aid exter.s.iit Roomer.* of PATENT RUBBKR „FABRICS, among the allot:du rodtets Varlet?' etribtaced to the asaartaseot, map be totted the fella/stop:. . • •••• • Homo Covers, Carnage Cloth, Air Beds, Air Pit. karthtAis Onblooi, 'Water Po.lll,Tobsece Palmeri, Flt Matt -Boots, Coats, Capes, 'Cloaks; Tarpasthrl, Gloves, klieas, Roaches, /daps, ElastlesPuree, Bose, Boor Spston, Maobtoe Banditti. SootWesters, Machine Phetitta,Catop Muskets, Paper Boleil Life Preserved ,Travelling flue, lathania B Bathing Melt, Mlle' Ikeda, Dt•tts, Lloos Sad le Bert, Air B.lEs, Foot Bell., ladies' Wash' Glover* Ladies , Com Sides. Hems , Gum 'lmes, Lessinea, Ac. Beery \nick "old at this ens [ohm eat le warranted In go. vat ail tbr charartoristto estendel to stator pro' , .wader aut drives of t , sat, dedttdott we ..ese.cgt void, great durabil i ty, lightneaa, Negri imperviou>nrza, eel tree4ora From odor, forldsla at tie Good Robber Emportroo, Not 1' O Wood Matt .ep4g 'MING 61; El LW/4 REM% D EASTi UDIER.S' AD PRIOES Ar : •• Mot Drint; OUBE & 810 N PAINTING amlGiulag r prompt- JILL IF &1111 needy executed_ larkh it die nede undeneood. Mu ere , eon do Painting and Glei es Int cheep ea any other Delete , . in she chn and sin determined to do it. J a MIDOUSSELUS EXTRACTS, SOAPS, /co.—Jenny XV Lind Eltracn West End din JockeY CRC , do; Spoon Flowers do; Jenny laud Hair Olen; A somatic t V ErsVIT, Purillh i se r lrl ;to ' art L IZ dO r t " 2lll 4 - . breoual oo do; Howl. Soap; - Floating do; Amaldine do; Hazel NW 011 do; Lure do• hl arshmallow 'dot Liewnet &own Windsor do; HeaPs Orem: ace. vor sale, wholesale and mai!, by R E SELLERS, eepl9 e 7 Wood w _ Superior Scotch wad Irish Whiskey. 10 PUNCHEONS Stewart , . celebrated Malt Whla key, of very delicate flavor. le puncheons hlchan's Waterside, extra quality and hush woof, ender custom house lock. Also, Brandies of different vintages and brands In half, quarter, and ootate. Imponaa and far sale by A If McCALLA, septl:deodlne sp—SB 3t, Walnut la Philadelphia MIXED AND DRY PAINTS or all kinds, constant. ly on Land of the best quality., alws Varnishes, Linseed Oils, Dolled Otte, Point Brushes, gash Tools, W,ndow Olau , merlons sues, ha Sold wholesale and retail on accommodating terms. N.B.—All persons purchasing mined or dry palate who wish to do their own painting, can receive the necessary .unctions grans. Jell PRILLIPS se • IS l et Wood et • ONhand and reel ham th e Phllllpsoille Factory, or the fall trade:- 600 yds 34 Floor Oil Cloth; DIM ds 44 do; 6DO yds 6 4 do, 600 yds 64 do; 1600 yds 64 do; 0110 yds sheet medlont and hoary, from 4 too yards wide, all of the nosiest style or patterns, and cot to utYßiacts 414 .- 710 yards 44 Famlutre Col Cloths; CM yds 64 do; 500 yds 04 do. 144, dose, assorted sloes Table, Stand, nod Damao Covers, vat - loud pattarns, and splendid Knish 10(0 yds 44 Patent Cantu. Ott Cloth; GM yds 64 do; 180 yds 64 do. broods Oil Cloth CHIA for Windsod battens; ds.l4 Green Oil Cloth Mr ow Blinds; 30u yanis 34 do. Window Shaiics, a large steamboat lust received of newest styles . Merchants and others sinning to parches*, are 11, Toed to call and eXIIJILI/10 0111 allgormlma of goods, which will be sold et be lowest ClAttaprices. & H PHILLIPS ee.beio 7 & 9 Wood at liiiraapiurilla Mod& & 1611P40.1113/Irilli. - 20 hairs Sarsaparilla Holy 20 bas do do; 00 bons Lemon Syrop,mada from pure lemon lame, Jut rsomnd 1.1,1 ler We by aIIIA.NII a 14111 WOOLLEN GOODS. TlMundenigued ban band, and Is this day re• celeing front the manufauurcrs, on conrignotent, • lure lot of Fla.ela, all colors, Wahl .d Also, Bed Blanket., Blanket Coating, Deaver Cello. Caulmeres, Barium and Tweeds; wkleh he wwi eetl by the cue or piece, at sonnsfacturerrs' prieek. The attentiott of dealers in woollen good. is incised. fl LES; •1410 IRO Liweery re C. YEAGER, ---- 101 rlarkat A . (near Llborty.) OM:OMM MID leentitille AMERICAN lENLLISII AND GERMAN FANO, G oovd, Homely, enUICINS. LACKS, CLOVER, TIIILEADS, COMBS, BKTIUNB, !MS. pENDEKS, &a. Also, Malin and Panay Vaatlngs, BLACK AND ,FANCY SILK CRAVATS, ?UNICEF, IJANUANNA,•nd LINEN 111.11(171, a 6eurn,l u vonmrm every 'Viet] Or Inettelang, apN TILE TINA 111ARKET, East side of the thancond • A T th:s establishment the public say al gays do. seasponableend up pflfu—thon being eyh sappts are ed ands earellralit Tea. at Eranallent Teas at —• • —SO 50 per lb` F. opener 41311.114611.—•^•—n...... aTL„ • Tha Best T• • Imported • tdu n Thin is decidedly use cheapent and brass Cons io FOWL tugh to Loy Tow. MORRIS &HAWORTH • scys Yroprlmes. tio E. WILLIABLY will open &classical ath — ri - 4. bob School, on the boot .Iltandal of Sept nee. Room Room out J. D., W Mims' mom Woodand Fifth WEE. . . lITILEICL Rev. Wm. D. Haim* 1 Ilan. Walter 11. Lowrie, Re.r. Dr. 011.311, J. D. McCord, FA., - -- Rev. Dr. I.lcolll. J. D. Mamas, Esq. 41-t( jR ., : ir & huRCIIPIEL r D inform their euttoM ' end Were lanMalir tat, In consegnanne at workmen balm/ nngaind In Malting and improv thg theme s tare Room, they hams removed Weer goods to th e Bacono inzalag w he re . eepy t h e improvements are linhhtd; where the, win be him m .ea Weir ca•Y , Pftl al anal. safer Ms IMIDIO 101/12114 up mama tri ll my em , eteheeme L i. = U . m nn . , then Cheap Pothla. • dun Fmrit atm. BOOKS. MUSIC, ko. E=E= SEW HOOKS. •' 110111118 - Ir. WAN '• • . , 7 1 1 11 • A'DEALER8 r eint aide orttinDiantend, oor Tea ALAOc per 11,--Tss really go ad ! !an. atad,,ans.ots - ior !>!°'bl" •In the Diamond. CkILS-.3 cans Overman, 1 an Ante, I cati - CliZa• U mon., 1 eon Conway, I nn Cedar, I ran Laren dor, l can Suomi, and lean Rommarr CAI. Warrant ed pure, received for sale by R E SELLERS octO O: Wood st Ig• A01,1,1)-.11tn. arriving/ irend Itenmer iq nte by avid .BROWN A yasKPATRICA IjtADIAPIO-o-iiktr hast-sir-57311 'lll low to close ths,tot, by ost7 ISMA/I DICKEY A. Co licoNEy--4.bbLi In store and for vale be E 1.8A1,1/1 DICER] Co MMT FIEH-10 brls sale v oct wicK & /11eC •NDL FAB T 3— 00- 2 1.1(acErs—cs dos. Bockats, 10 do Tabs, for it by ootO L A WnTRRVAN k cnvd CORN NRIXSAIN--80 dos tsar son ',Jul e,,uooon Corm Uranus, (or sale by °eta - I._B l, WATERMAN A SONS 9 ,.. :l. b tfitly prime Closer ern/ L S WATERMAN a. SONSE, 11yANTED /AIMEDTATELV -Au eZijerii . niid yy Salesmen, farmliar with the Dry Goody and Hosiery business, to whom a liberal ealary•will be pae'V II EATON, Nd 50 Fourth rt. COFFER -190 bags prime Rio for sole by Deng J 8 DILWORTH A Co J .!c H PAINTING. UM=l SL'OAR SS kbds Primo N 0 for ralo by ootta J jitavoarti kCo T ATI m -rg bbly N 13 for rale by I 13DILWORTH & Co antes. -101 l ball chaos Y. O. P7MF. - a - r,,0, 1 . 80 caddy boxes do do do do or We by oetl2 .1 8 DILWORTH & Co" trox i s e C b T-19nXixes 34 ) tilts_o_lts, in store and for DILWORTH & Co powniatz-imo egt 411,30) do Deer [WIN In magazine, SOO do Ity ao do, 23 bbls 80, ty rase do, ' - octlY J 8 L/LWORTH &Co OIL' °LOTUS. LAR'23 keg. No 1 Lard,Jact received and far vale by omit 5& W IiALLBAUGH 14ACON-1) tba /Ste. tau., 56,80,CC0 Ha do Moo, at mom and for onto by oout 8 GS t_IV HAFILLAINN . 'DI-4600 Wo.llria7l for we 6, 0c..12 8 lIMIDAUOII onllY B — UGAR-4911bds N 0 Etusa , in otomnatjattlitip 4i foot otttilta. For lento, apply to coil P VO',l ItoNNHORST& CO se ocll urrealm—no bitra cmds,,,tvznitiflretarr 111 k. German. astivigTNl-e-vitoLBo-I—N (11017 46ATIlkt y —VIX14 lb. Sizics.b. itiracter b . : 1 0 1 .1, sot eale R lCZ— n llitel mina, for sale tiy AmEs C -J!!, rcne Ira D A f JAAIES DALZELL4,,, NERB , :ntt m ,,,w. eby JAMES DALZELL • Pala ***** d Vona St...vb. DEFINED tied prepared expressly for Poddinge, it Conant., Cakes, an. This pare Ind beautiful article I. when healthy, delicious. andieconontical, and when dented may be used ait a substitute for, sad In the earns man. net as Arrow Boot. • Just received anil for me at SA Liberty at by onto WhlA ADCLURG & OrY rr , co, We by nail - /APSES DALZELL DICE—XO7O-17fteth ?dTaila be BROWN & RIR4PATHICI AL7 Alpacca 17, Thlbea and Llama Wool -nudely merin o , : An assort: ions rereival at • *eta . MURPHY & BURCHFIELD'S XCELLBNT—PORT-WINIta t 9 pit gall n Ta - r E tale by • 'octaIMORRIS & HAW ORTH KEG s 1 4 0 le t s fresh peeked, e,tiviog .. 4 for Selo by n DALZEL L a CO, Libeity st (.1 Ai:ERA iery iiiitertor greand anit.groland . , in atone tor nds by 'DALEY:M.* (v., f Mitt int bata — re — oT, --- IT on: ISAIAH DICKEY &Co ~~I~P.II FRUIT sacks pew IA sorb, new Apples, arriving trout Steamer Caleitonir,,and for • le by ocla BROWN :KIRKPATRICK '1511 && 0 tee prima quint BOARDS—en bundles assorted, for safe y J_ nem DROWN & EIRKPATILICh. TtUtdeßgetT"7:l.ll Hoye. tllt ItArORPIIV & BURCHFIESaIIikOLD have received a lot L 1 of handsome plumy Mired Satinets, for Boys' Ilear; • &lath Plaid rod Plain Comintern In ',rear vi.tri b UyMenno Cuumeru, Renames ream, Black b_y V elvet., at north cut corner of Ft,orth and market streets. cc 6 MIIIIPHY DURCIWIRLDIito attention to toe choice lot of Ametibao otut DdtLi Prim, dark bad clank& oolont,lutt reeetnA , obit. • Q AL:SOW:46 twin Eagltalt for bolo by FAUNEBTOCK it CO nail Aer Tint Wood its. • 2, 1850: MEDICAL. PRoczall KNOW llh men Who are id y l:it:4 afllleted with dip ease of the bladder aodl Mewls: aak rherunade pain. in back er limb,,atticrata elf soros, funning aleers,Ac,that they Can' be 'onidire raking the-Pe troleum! you may talk aboatite beg a catmint ue much as you plesse, bol Wedges ant snake it at, for we proclaim In rho foe ogee molest oommunity, that it has virtues which Pre no, contained or any ether remedy. The Mau whole reeked with Polo and eat feting from disease, can Ike My cede. get 'relief from any aril° ills ennemerator above. Meade(! it cow very Unto to make atrial.'This. Petroleum is no mix ture—no complied, put op for: he Purpose of imposing on the community; bat kis a. remedy elaborated by the master hand of nature, and babblesup from the be. aim of our mother earth in jl edilital and fere to entering humanity. ready remedy,, , a ..r".^ andtheap enrol ' • ' ' ' It has mired Pilo alter ether mediatoa have failed lavender any relief. :it Mamma Bleurnatiem of long 'Oudot, and .oflllll wont bed Mort Wats' stouter. It has Cured Cholera M i: Sts•bY one. " has eared old egos b bet; triwttich every other remedy hu been of no ay I: As a local remedy In hero and scalde, it•-thbeller than. any Medical tom. pound to ointment that we knew ' core chll • blares to frosted feet, in a few applications; 'redoubt. in Mailmony minim fernielled of the Walk contained in ths above ststement by calling en Samuel M. Wrer, Canal Basle, 7tte street; or either of the agents. Keyser & MeDowell, corner of Wood street and Virgin Alley' RE &Heft, 57 Wood meet, D. A. liot & AL Carry, Allegheny city, ate the agents. VHASTY—It la universally eenceded that beauty Is more common la Mrs country titan in any mher, ile at the same time Offal.: Om tin no other coon uy is It' loot even Y 0.4 au, age Now thls Is true to a eenaln t bat the less is ofteu caused by `feet We We tray to all, do not neglect 700, Pet..aal apneennee, bet read the folknolng, end you need not leek good loon., These •artieles are scientific pre parations, and barna **tabled a blab popularity. JOLlat HAVIVII, FAO Drente Di VIM'S tram Navy Soar, for removing tart aunhorn, pimn/e l . - bletebect and other erupUooa of the skint the most perfect eon senator of beanty every known. Pruchuns nothing purport* to be Nymph Soap, =dens n has my auge attached. JeiisittAVlCLV itelUeoithitrita PoWm, for im paning •to the most billets complexion t radiant whiumene. In nothing should &person be mote care ful than the qm, of a.powder for the elan, its many of those Odd are very Marione.- My Moore Powder le eompoanded Ina aelentlfie manner, and contains no uteredient which can pomade millet he W.I. Jesaa Hantu.'s Damtrm PoNroct for rentonlng nperehrotte hale. What a mote tutsjghily than hair open the face of arm* Of • lady. The article will Instrument remove Ilia a short time, without the lase of any sharp hum Ra sv elte m'. Vietnam Loam liars instentaneonsty Impan to red, elte, or gra Die y hai will r, • kestulfolly blob, brews, or auburn color. It will color the hair Ina goner time, and more effectually than any other Dye, hemp at the same time Jinn Harrah finanno engem—lt I. really a plea. ante to ehave with this cream. There is none of the arnaning sensation mashy experienced in the ere of cant Po•ps. On the contrary, It leaves Me okin smooth and soft as an iotanPs, and not table to become ehao /npees d, listath ReetToorn Parra—Neve p hair, we think the Teethwire intended ne ibe greaten Ores '44' r 41nan face; bat when nogketed, nothing dk mimic or ea quickly wren. My, aciSo Tooth Paste will impart to ue teeth a pearly whiteness, at the mane time keeping the gams tem and:healthy. Also on band, a 'complete assortment of French, British, and Americas Perfsmery and Fai,ey enieles. JULES HAVEL, Performeet,er and Chemist,Chemist,, 120 estnut Phila. ' For sale mitt:delude and Ch retails tr , by U. A. Fahnenock A Co., and RE. Mellen , Piusburgh; sod John ..Sar puttied J. Mitchell. Allegheny City, - Pa• ITO-2P H YD I E'f . SOAP-50 b a r dawned, ju l st n 7AS ant fo o TMISH Y- WiIiTING-qo bbts to. .ye by L. 3 oetlß ALDO C.O UI4-Qew and ptnv, In baskitiolone ‘J and two dozen uolt imported and for rale 0010 • 15 A FA itiiFsrocK &by Deciceu buTrgri-A. prime article, for sale by oelli 8/SHIVER & BARNES FL°oellll-4° bob. "* Plou S7lß ' lTETlT. d llsZ n it n itB l4 ' ALet/Hi/L.-8 biriViWNl and 5 - IRT - 1 i7liiii - rie'Srfor sale by • 15 SELLERS oel7 57 Wood at ISTOSE - PINEL4III - 167Erighihjusireed Tor sile - by .1.10 oet7 ' • R E SELLERS OARS AMMO VIA--/ cask just reed for We sy 0017 IS E SELLERS No '2:4 DB Liberty arras, free the Near Brighton AUfl ,a not .perior Bzokretteat Flo ‘ i , s4 ty , tt ra up c i i n u irjb et sra: f iti r IZY Sun"( ti:ter. ebolee,bnimis Bovot7cte, on bend and for axle at 250 Liberty smeet, by steld ' 195 _A IdeCLUINS & CO IV I . lergi Atunre a, " """ 1 actl; . B E SELLERS RIED BEEP-Div/0 Ciortroudi Sugar Cared,D Bogged, sad Cammissed, for seta by 0010 . IVM A ANCLURG A CO BAIIIO BORES-Roand end tall round, at whole. sate 084 retail, by W. IL IN ILVIIAL.I. veld 05 wood a OBACCO—I3 tagi Ge de es No r otarro,ltn ree'd per .reamer Geneva, and fee sale Dy JAMES OhLZELL, 70 Witter vt. cold CASTOR OILLV.I bite ii1411.;%1' foz Bale d 9 R sniEtts, otic 67 Wood et. too prune Rice for tale nr JAMES /1 HUTCMSON & Co Past Colored Prints. GAZ TT • PROPOSALS FOS IHDIA It GOODS.: thrsieuxes OP TES lenruce, Offlie of Indian Afars. Sept: t 5, 1960. ' Cr Eel LED PROPOSALS will be received alike dace i of the Commiaeloner of Indian Alfitra, at Wig, tartan city, mall ten o'cloek on Saturday, the maraud May of November next, for liftalsidny follotaina Indian goat., eta, aws No. I..l.A.nxrra. I 2,100 paint 3 paint white Mackinati blankets, to measure 60 by 72 Inches, and - eigh eight nouula. 1,900 *tall point white Mackinac b ankeni, to measure 54 and 66 inches, and weigh Ws Pounds. 1,175 pens 2 point white:Madinat, - blankets, to measure 42 by 56 inches, and weigh bee and a quarter pounds. 900 pure 11 point while Mackinac blankets, to roeuore 36 by 50 inches, and Weigh four and a quarter pounds, 900 pairs 1 point white Mackinac- blankets, to measure 32 by 46 inches, and weigh three and a goatee pomade. 400 pairs 3 point wallet Mackinac - blankets to measure 60 by 72 Jukes, and weigh e ight poun 2l ds. 300 pairs point untried Mackinac blankets, to measure 51 by 66 fulls', and weigh six pounds. 100 pairs 31 point green Mackinac blankets, to measure 66 by 84 inches, and . weigh ten pounds. 300 pairs 3 polo' !deckle- ' • ....Int green —.acid:lt'd blanket, to leisure & 80 by 72 Inches, and weigh eight paced 430 pain 2* point green Mukha° blankets. to 'arum 54 by 86 inehea, and: weigh six pourda 100 pales 51 point nominee blue Mackinac Malt. into, to measure 68 by 84 Inches, and weigh ten pounds. 400 palm 3 point sentinels blue Mackinao blan kets, to measure 80 by. 72 =hen, and weigh eight pounds. 300 pun 21 poittrgentinella blue Mackinac 618111 kens, to measure 54 by 60 inches and weigh .10 pound,. Cksss No 2—Day Goon. A,005 yards scarlet snoods. 600 do blue strands. 1,600 do fancy list cloth, bine. 780 do filmy list cloth, scarlet 330 do fancy list cloth, green. I , 1,600 do gray list cloth, blew 3,000 do saved list cloth, bine. 1,600 do saved list cloth, scarlet. 800 do saved list cloth, green. - 225 pounds wonted yarn, 3 fold. 100 doz. cotton fin haodkerehlafs. 230 do cotton Madras handkerchiefs. 175 do black silk haodkerohiofz. 90 do 89 cotton shawls. 60 do Cotten shawls. - 65 do 4 4 cotton shawls. 40 do Si woolen allaw/s. 430 pounds linen throat', SO do Dowling [ilk. 700 pieces alum. Resorted. 150 gross wonted mulcting. , 31 pieces silk handkerchiefs, bark and bandana. Na3,—DOMSaTIO Georn. 'XJ,OOI) yards domestic calico 10,000 do ltderimac calico 3.500 do blue drilling 6.000 do Georgia stripes 4 000 do tine denims 1,600 do coon:nth) 4,300 do bed ticking 1,000 do Kentucky jeans 500 do salmons 7,000 do plaid buoy 7.000 do &Imbue sharing, bleached 15,000 do domestic slaningo uubicecbed 10,000 do domestic elocetia4 unbleached b,OOO Jo damesde chocks, Wipes and 400 dozes woolen socks. 1,500 yards dune's, assorted 1,000 flannel shine 700 calico shirt. 550 pounds cotton thread 400 dozen spool cotton. Clan No. 4- -iizaawsar 2,0n0 pounds bran held" 276 dozen bmcbcr krovee 29,000 gun dints 25 7,000 S gross squaw awn oh hooka Z dozen IMO. - 25,000 needles - 100 dozen combs, assorted • 10 do 'moon, warted 10 groom gun worms „,tp, , 1,090 tin kettlee - 76 anon japanned kettles. S I/4 acid Cis.. No. s .—Amtrautrouldlltsdadmres. 21.0 ora wing tones, 12 Anettes,loe4.44 .44 in, 700 el/Sere la Neal proportion}Ell_la, .1, 4. re 100 pairs b ' artice 750 pair, tract chains- Io • ‘ ,1,200 weeding hoes - re.., .17 170 hand saws llrr 40 emu cut saws, 7 feat in lanol3slin . c 3 arose cut saws, 6 feet In leave r. '” 100 band raw.fries ; •• • 100 Cie 35 eta saw Men _ 40 log chain, to welsh Wpm:lnds eiple 600 Ilhatemote elide, No. 10 600quarten socket - tobisehr. 9 9 Pluten. Darn-and ieck • - CZ= sNo. O..—Aaa,. • • 3 73 dozen saes, to weigh from 41 to 55 pounds '53 do • half Ince, In weight 31 pottods 41 do hatchets lon weigh 11 pounds 25 broad sirs Class No. 9.—Nonntwerr Garre. 650 north west aura., two thirds ; of which most measure 36 iachea to length of barrel, and one third 42 inches in length of buret, to be detivered to New York- or. Philadelphia, as Sa m be required. . Samples 0.11 the above articles are deposit*/ in the elle, of tkiv Oomoditioner of isaltatt Aaron; snd Is may be proper to remark that those of herddrere, as. mutterer froptantens, Ind tiolth Went guns, me en- nretp new i , and of t banes enellty 'than tee ;melee heretofore furnished ander forme, eptltiwer, The prorates nay be divided Into seven , pans, Ti,. : let—Blaphets.. 2d—Dry Goods. 3d—pornettle fith--Hardware. • fob--Agricultrual implereente. • , titb—Axes. ' - '`lth-;.Northwest guns. The lowest competent reeponoable bidder will re ceive the whole or my part of the contract, according to the above ethic, The Department remming to itself -the right to determine whether the Lb:Maris con/omens and remormible or not The whole amount in money to be applied to the purchase at good. will be about 005,000, but the" De partment rumens the right to allergen or diminish he quantity deny etch, artleletnamed, or substittne ahem In lieu thereof, onto require, on lances, such.goods cc may be wanted foe. presents oh other propene, In the administration of the saran of the De. penmen[ Goods of gthrerieunmsumf.utre, all ether things bla n ketwill be preferred; bat aniall .the eampleief and clothe in of Yoteign: menu. fenththe It will he eeeeennYi saws demesne...whole Ie bld Mr; Mat a maple of It decidepy the Lid, to enable the Department to whether Minor equal quality with the ea mplea r g h to . Zlnte .r ,ffik • The piny proppil gto pp an iernte of all the'lterXesiMmeedin.ll: Sig.! , /LIZ and affix the prlces,ln dollarasua cents, et which beet they Wail raffish them underemit climb Sepinatily;de- Ileerable In New bort, (erg theetnitractoe prefer. It, about one.half of the quantity may be delivereffilu St Look, hio.,.free of expense; to the Government* on or before the tub day of May next, inieumiust Ms immunity of each ankle as specified In Ws odterusement, and extendingthe coat, thee Thegte of the whole invoice conatinning the bidgoods will be MM... led in New York land In St Louis If any portion of them .koala ,De delmered there) try en agent of the United States, who will be copolnied by th e Denets• meet for the purpose. and to asurtain the conformity) of the ankle. maimed with the **Mines eifilhited, when the Math.= Mull be mode and with the. terms of the eontract itself, winch Malecontent a eleme that if the anieles are not nirniseed within the time Dm - mrlbed, or if they are of losufhcient quality in the pinion of the agent efotemid, and if within five day. after notice of such insalheleney the party shell not furnish others in lien thereof of the requtred goallty. me United Stales shell be authorised to purchase them of others, land to charge any increase of Ogee they may be compelled to pay therefor to the contractor, who shall pay the said difference to the Milted enetes . Donde will be required in the anoint of the hid., with two good suede., the ealfiefenek of whom to ben certified by a IfultedStatee Judge or District Attorney, for the faithful pertonotthee of the romracts. : Pay went will Le made after the contract le completed and the delivery of the good. ae aforesaid to an agent of the Department, upon • dupliaate Invoice cartaked by lam • . Communications to be marked "Proposals for In ' than geode.. The bide wtll be submitted with the followlegXead• mg, end none will be received Mal an mot tried* in the form and terms here prescribed for we) propose, to furnish for the service of the Indian Department the following goods, at the prices ' anted to them reepectively, vim— ( Here town the list of goals ) Deliverable in the city of New York (or Si LtiuM) on or before tun day of— neng; and In ease of the ace. jeep... of We propoeals,the quantity being presenb ed by the Depanment, I (sr we) will execute • con• Intl according to this egreetnent, and give satisfec • ton security to the Depts./nem within ten days-Wier the reception of ails bid; and In ease of failure to ' , enter into such contract, and Kiva sueh trecanty,l for we) will pay to the United States the difference be. peen the atone bidden by me, Mr uit,) and the sum Which the United States mop be obliged to pry for the a me mticies , E.act. and *very bid must ales accompanied with a gummy Ln the following hirm, to be sighed by one or more reepontable pieces, whom nolicienci mum be minified by someone who is know to the Depart. anent, either peraimally en by hie official poeition, 'I Mr we) hereby gummy that the above bidder, will comply with the term. of the adrertie. tent for 'prot °Ws for Ind'c goods,' dated Septets. bey ra, IS,W, If the contract sheuld be ewerded to Dim, and enter moi bond for the execution of the same within the one prescribecLo f [ L of The contracts of former years are citzfor the to. spection of bidders. sep3o Commissioner of Indian:Affairs. ir Heys, this day summated arab me Ur. IL , Menu, In the Wholesale Gwen . and Produce ,the etylr i %ithe Lem be d i Cameroon a..cuumnsoni (La. =via. A. CULBERTSON e. CLOUSE, VITHOLEBALU GROCERS and CormLiman Her. chanu, Seller. 18 hodane, nad Pitubmir klan 7,3 ntutstsed mcles,lBsLlbeny st, Plusburgb,y. lE•tra Family /float. 1 FRESH supply or vbe Poland Mille extra FtMill Peal!, • very eta= article, Net reed for wile by . :'•, A CULIINATSON it CLOVBS IN IdlbOrlT OS XVIII., NO. SO . !MISCELLANEOUS seed . , Z41410.n . . . 1830.. til.rChosereersi. UM. WEIS FIRST wira.r W863810:I , nfthis Institution beTAL. .11.1112-MG Ott First Monde), of Noma • L ral o rontinee ter me i tits. • • • • em N::,llr.D'.7,jef:. rorglidlrite'ryth"'", and . Mem. of Women and Children, Lensinglltirote, IL D., Friticeeorni Principles and Practice of Sergery. • • !Charles D. Willmar; lit D. Poefessor or Inatlentes and Prsettnerof Ihomnopatily. medicalge, D, Professor of hfateria Modica and J'eriepradearie: • • . • thwalinea s , smith, A. bf.. Professor of Chemistom and PhYa try. C' Wither el, 51. D, Profeiner of Anay lology.• ' • C • • John Draloard, ProksserOf Phycel Fe/enee. Chitties W. - 11111, Detenblim of uor of Anatomy. Timelier:era Me Western College of Detrateepathia Itiedlef ne Wes granted by the Logician. of ChM, during its *ea.,' 011040.50.. It confers all the rights rrr i th P e r Tlll%Ve l i: r ent 72: many colleges, it culets independent of any other Institution. having in itself the Never to eonrcr degree,, and possessing a aerate. seal. • The Olsen are conferred by the Faculty and Treaters upon the recommendation of the Face... The amount Of fees for the full comae will Damon,. Matzke:atom fee. 83—to be paid bat once.. strator's ticket,. In Gradua ti on fee, !M. Perms Who have attended two ful• courses of lecture. in other colleges, an adotitiento the 101 l comae to this LostiltrOOO on the mace' of 1510. Graduates of en. apectsble, medical echortis are permitted to attend the coarse on the payment Or the OntricahltiOtt ire only. Good bon.rd, lee:Oink room light, and fuel. eau be obtained from 3.2 to 82 50 per week. For farther in• form Lion address. CHAS. D. W/LLIAIIB, oasdlm Dews of the Facatir. ----- PITTIBIJINfI GLASS A. & D.: H. CHAMBERS (LAM mammas,. aultaw & c 0.,) , Would respectfully eonumo the m inform a) carman of the late mys,anu the facture of public mpnerall), that dm) . 1 8 WINDOW GLASS, VIALEItHOTTLVII it • In all their eerie de s, as the Old gland; NO 13 Wood at, between Blest d: Water. hatdam [POI/TAXI' CITED. Di. Roa6't Celebrated EeMeille& DR "ROSE, th 'the aeoverer rendre e R. aßrjimerof 13 these moot popular and beneficial medicines; and also the inventor of the celebrated i.omment for Inflating the Longs, in rfjecting a ma i;ironic downers. was a student of that. eminent glyafehn, Daatat Phyolc, and la a gratleate of the University of Pencoylyaniii. and for thirty yeah since ha. been engaged.dsdbe inveatigetion of disease, and the appliention orreteedles thereto. Througli the esti of hia inflating lobe, in connection with hie Prophylactic Syropand other aide remedice, he has gained an imparaleded.ernineuee in curing theme dreadful and fatal nialeidtee, Tubctenler Con rethiption, ,Cancere, Setininth, Abenruanrm, Asthma, Fever and'Aged, "Fevers of all .kinds, Chronic Er). sipetas, and eh inote obstinate dioceses ) , enilior to females. Indeed eveiy form ofiii,taievanishes under die urn al bin reincilic, to whieh bomonity heir not by Me one or-Ond compound only.loo that tll a wl az Fla Nulogicef, but by the use of hi, remedies ' adapted , ;int crrieilned for each peculiar firm ofdrieue, Dr. Ro...ex Tunic Alit; ince when used to invariably neknoirleilced irynnor to all dither. us • purgaute or liver r• that:hi:eh no they learn the bowel. perfectly tree from erti , lvelteac so also his (lohlefi Pill. is admit-! I rreutiy to poseraa peculiar propertiefi . • whip, dithi th e r , in, being sausfird ihatw bale trt a cot to itstablioh what him been baul;in the :may: akepocul, Theathieled are limbed ,o Deem. eel P.M.. (Mid one of the linnet.•-r.i• Pbei+. giving &decade necoum of each n.ridv u.. •• r.yndealhan. the bedew', ev; tuj• ' hynewt 4regglats.thronaboot • 1S ho ot,ober t, it co. 211 , ; VwerOtsite J VlNJwlt . s4,td , .1 ) , I Lee A. tienthem.', Jo. Barkley, Derfierion, r. .JorrElliou, finned Virlry, • • T Adam,. Beaver,' •• • ! • • ' JkdNAIY Leta D. ~. EWA UTIPUL at , ri Prim, in aitzqi• - raiz:% liiaa;aati pa /I tolla.azi azi I.ralad.o,l re,a , aactitiza, deny Lida in Ihu fickle, inn Lat titiaigAlzizatabaaoiztaailaralivsaitall e tan ilazaaliiitat'eneezaa hitaalarcaaa rri rived by the azzilkaannZaae: a*l'llae .4;0 ar urn, bneri Nichcea, rhe'rueir erc;bint. And OLOOrect )It.idiot rielzl":;.ad Tlaa T.attaal'; lireeii. in Anto.iiell Fiat 15611 g, slid the cvJgb a tulaell Enka - rtfilden F !vy. Thiti 31. SiOxiokirpu.OTirogyouii... orp rorytmo. at.k Tear Waru T l. 'ported intiiiho 1.r.-i,JSUttes.,sl,l94l/11ai::: ea•Perelers, to We Plant end, are felling atod TeX . We lout prior 0r7.54 per 14, etult, aetri4a. :1)/ . 6 1104 . 0 , 11.1(br — Irlf1C11 - Agte41-T4iik, trerr•tel trPAY% 7 TAC , t ', l...,, ' „f ° No" !"a. ' P4tea aZila. • • P ? ! : •r tl tt r'' WLNYX — ./111 so biatla x.l4' ia r ital4 ;rde,,,,fro tta tu; 1Y; • "" n. 4 '"` J 1t .491, oee • • it E' .41EL: MAGNE-41A tal V • !. Ovid to aary by, R SEIXENS . ecy e~e~, (Ql eegi R 2:'9~.LkK~Z` C aAmon:airs e...tive, ---- , t,iis ttaferk7i7ile - hi• leote T It :EIt.SELLEI4.4 ...DbIiTEK, III II -I cnali.l4 I , T - TT - , oe3 , - • It E it r INSEEDIiff.- - - I.; i. --, iiFWeTliii reva c'irs - A - Li e Cy id J. 8 VANTIELD Long .liihania i N great ••ricir pile- and pattern, jact received at the more AILIR.PitY 41111A11.11171EL11 end • • 1 INKEED brl • mare conYKYY O 7a by RODIKEILLITTL C E& , O - - --- --•- 'tsSEtbori Dar Wbation Lt• rt. • tecottrA•• .•• W.• IftoCLIN4OCK•kt li,:irvoirTo,42riie.tur.oorak,uleet; artll-s•Woottm, ,t 1 tr.tzZli Egan to-tile bait lutbsbuolet, foi n[e by ",' ' R 11010-ALX-ISITtreZET-trtiK rosikli-, ,Litokliow alo.e. th e Int by • '• , ISAIAH DICKEY t CD Wuei&Frmu en", 7 c11'6h0T 1 ,Z1J 4 .,rc,,%1 1 hNc:d (or 2Jllnum.,Lpsey2.e. oe4 i---------fE,,,,,:„.- V • . W00.115-12J," a C0m ,% p i r, , , ,! ,, ------ , --------- mocAN - D for !ale iii mss Ant BUTTER -15 brio solid honor for salotly oes 5 fr., It FLOYD _ AR.PAULINB-45 iierT !roomy large Torpnolloo„Of e l l thc bear quality at Italia RoOber,oo baralmfor eby - W O J & H PHIL I - 1 2 v1V;c1.''ALc`•AKDLEss 11AKPER'S Neutrino, No 0, for sictober, ofhis excellent mane:doe, and No 18. or Dietionery of ?Scene:limn has been received at Hollocio Literary Depot, 1 bird street, oppost c th e Post Ogler,- idto'a new American Incas!' stolent.The Cockpit iter,a Ode of litannelltaissen!a Island, Co ties Quevltiver, and No Pictorial Field • Book_ or the Americas Revolt ciaks for safe - - • 171;F" -- bar. cAttretc b • • p...i. , kage. garotted Tear; • 2.6bazar,one4 Tobeero; • ID bees Peppyc Al5pIC; • Mal. Otanurton; ~St by, Na I chocolate; • tic liar Belli ID tic liar (vett perao • "•' • ' 2 ...13 beet . 5.1 bartell 3 511 tlctra,paleol. _ V2l bir Corr. Dr••' • - • -10.1;01.W6Dr. •y- t • • CO hbdo pne , e N • ads Co. ' 100.brIeleryt ID Ells lafga D o t • 6. do Not . CO Das•N C Tar; , • byls ' 51/ Ella No 2 Hasa; aGeD /be armed l'ary.,! . CO Wait No] rAco r r the keeDtpriete ;D:113. DOD Dear , , Alec, • tell avortment of t keele,r, for sale by ;Up! , re pal • " artanatert Pl.„1•11 , 11120••atrtr-ror' CITABLE for I;Tedleinni uipaNe, on 0 band and for tale by Ito Genic, 'pan, or tel.. to Cape 1203tRin BA‘Vilovripp Ira or. Wino ittora lanioaa'atie ft NE rate Bloat Oran antawnt %../ 1 cart Vetow flannel.; 2coral/Rad . .• , . • . I ease Red milled rianneta; e cue. %%Idol du • n. • 3 elaca netted • do; eniKli Yln.lo and kaucj Conelmerae; • case.Sannell; . . nvatab Clan Alplnal• " 1 Casa Jeans; • 3 canoe Blue 114 tttlaatcl Coann4l a eases Deinf.Rdallkels; • • • capes Drab Elsa I came Biwa do' • • 2 24sat'liYhitt. Bad i t hinlc2; :ntlyalra Dream Batt linikera, Racriarlt Oa consign/mint, and fo r till at maatu , 3e. mu'. priers by • ! • H LEE • ',14012 us, Libeny stletL SAP— peliemcd Brown Wlnd.or 1.3 , • (14 110007 5.24 K • ' • eittlll.6oll Sax Softy; Pluladelphla Valiegate4 Soap; Pilmbargh ,ad do; Ogyo Soap; for ittie arholeNeo ret.l : mai meCLUIIG Ct. Lem t hoops-,s. any kleriZole, Honey, Mork These Seps. ale ' ul igh)j:Zetl:j l 4 l , ive (hi t' isapetttness to the skit I,o PatUrtg rerehased Rua me importer, and fdr 4„, . —DI3 R E , FELLERS, 457 %V Tara BIJUBLE ddranenrch adM /42 tact snick. inn, al, purl' gr i oarl ahu paidegratiFahrenbrit a . 71 u frocatara;VlTV '4 I,3TP? r tht4 o e.aitlerty atandr as ' L a sh a dap. of rear, tutd may be tired aboat part. Ma? Packing' ovnaceasary Mtn itol pl kW, M ateint radar, lin* Fordo ldialsaala and r Ladb 'Y imaa . ' J Li PEUILIr