The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 01, 1850, Image 4

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    MISCP Li A NE-0-tr
snnce:~s~z , 1
DOIESTIC 'Lit I (11.1.1tA DI:1 1(1011,
MO. tor tioaB tttttt ,
tiviTF. to . t ilea large otoe
Ad Freak now a.m., and arnieb tae? are
prepared to lic:1 a artot.mcslasg lama
IVe alkali It cendaliti! recriring hash goods 4.
log the croson, and nose's an examination .r
clock by warier:l
city.and Gibers visiting nor
No. 136 Libirtr.Str•ikt,
E r GS relocorbily to inform hit oumerous friend.
•nd cinnotrietv. Ova he is Aid resorting hi. new
tall stock of CLlSl'lin, CAbSIXIERES, and Vl-7,
IN (iS, or the net rat tylca, adapted Inc roe approach •
mg fall and Isititsr seasons. All those in want of
cheap. lasloonat le, and good clociLrg, will fittl the
•Isvicitt, rtiOlttlantiOnahle, and beat scant • an the
Western Coaritry, at dna ecntllidinnent optD
tipittllog of I Li Pe attiyhristtit r
iti ob. Et
o Plittaborit..
IV/IF. Penciryk auvi bail .11‘14 . Company having
J. cotriptcte4 tioe in rail rant to Hollitia)v
liisrgb, her e 131.1 tbe l'uttagc Rail Road al,
JallnlAWS., and trent tbsore by boost to l'oubargli,
are now preimmd to trcerre. and lorword IneaeLan
die! produce, • e., to and i Ibstsburgh and Puna
Inn boot, Wi.l leave the depot of rhos company
daily (or JOhnslown, Ihrta eindivciing with the dally
t/11111 Of ears (yr Pbdadelphia, thuslusining sle•
livery of all fr e ight me Pnitadvphia within five days .
BLE. .4 i
Ascots for Pa. C. R. C o. Canal 1.16 r b:IT
llhive gvdAka Initrurnents,
Sign of the ttolden liarp, Nu 101 7 hird street.
fiffili !I la.ttrillt respectfully infomm
lise timmissied ihr public, that be ha.
' in, imumed from the east, with •
must elegahi •nil emetutve ssort.
farm of Via nhe of varives at, let and NM, aelerted
by hours(., with meet cue. at the relehreped factories
of Nouns is. tiler:, N. 1 . ., and thinimoi, N. Y., Orin al
Simla rt a Ilathvin,ltl V) tia•li, selected the shove
irom an immense meek jam ...LeJ by the above
thalier , theY •re wit...toil of emit/tor quality 00.0
tour, enJ will in all c•ics be imiid at New York fac.
or` price.. Ihi re :mama will receive • MiIIZII guar
mity with eac h 1.11.0, entitling them to an earhuage
or return Mean.. if found iielteliere
Also, • lot of rule Mid (tennis, (rota the factory m
Seitrmdt tr. Aloof, \ Y 7 bey arei • superb article,
nail warranted eual, if no, superior, to sag made in
the world.
Also, • fine selection of Flutes, Clarionete. Violins,
Sirup, Dr., tut...meats, and the newest and 10001
POPO , ' 010 , 11 C, Includiug Jenny Lindh. celebrated
ti uarm - 'al:lei:ill:Li). at north root corner
DU of Fearth and Market atreeta ore now eepplted
with It WI error tnie et of the 011 , 101111 quota.n on
above cleanable reals sod home teen purchased
Irons the unpertcrs canto warranted gentlle! 003
Jas. Zinspratt Honig , Putout Soda Ash.
834 2":-41o5i5 of e , ' ki L t r l:l; ." rre a y :a t'n ' c l e ' r n ar rive
' rt''d brand, pan
test suonio, per -Anna Ili elt , ' ... botope,""Berlin" and
Liter 'Cops, vim Mastic IpLa and Batuiclorc, Swarm.,
ad superior in both efrenath and temlny to any in lb.
mine:, for sate at Me lowest price for cant and op
proved bills, ly U; ISIITCHELTREE
tnaenr Latent, airrel
Large Idispply of Pall t W Incur Goods.
U R II V A BURCHFIELD write the e11x...110e
of buyers to their Islam Flock or seods _adapted
for the g i saitoti3OhrtAtleg in part fe--
Bit and Cot'cl French Heron.,
•• -` Cocottes and t'whencre.,
Changeable Pop
ilk. ant Toro Sala',
and Panty Mimesis
ref. , W
rien Long bt.s.firl. Low 1 - nce do , Sacking Flan
. irlish, s and A.m... (Monet. white
co Their monk of 110CSEKE'EPING
Omelt .1-3 FAcmings, Pillow Case Muslin.,
Tat., Diapers : Towcilme, Me, lame, arm a. low
barest oequality. llaye‘a will fin Ll d
it to theft advan
tage to ef zan. MC their etnett berm.—at We
north east eoinerFf Sth and Market ma mit If
Sal/era' Laver 6apareetl•cokes"
. Ckarksion, h av e
Sept. f21,1cf.d.,
Er. R. El lectlerm—Year Pills hmee teem, to
lar in W m popu-
I W region of country, as very moot) to
sucereedc all others a Liver or Anti-lidcous p.ll
Mauer% of➢
Purehasers Lei
recoilect that R. F.. Sellers' Liver
Pile ere the ongtnal end only True and atemaine
Liver Pell, and may br had at No P 7 Wool et., and of
druggist. geocially in the VIVO cities and viesnity.
Dr. Garaatti Extract of Vellum" Doew
and Saraaparllla.
P UT ap in the lamest sired bowies, roomier more
of the pare !fonants isartaparills man any other
preparation ennui ` welch ehenurtlly combined
wills We Extract of Telma , Dor h, the Purect of Wife
cherry, and the [:Poor, oft tr, mu. fasting the reme.
dy more Wrfrominly edlefens tam eny other Parsee.
rilla beforn the policy, At ids salon time it Is perrent.
ly free from ail ,111 Level ; means, seinen cannot he rent
et any other of Me Sammie...A enemoontla The In
vend Mould beware of eon.. Merent7, Iron, Lin ,
ulne, Potavh, fed,.,,., Sulphur, A twine, and o-my
nth.coraler nit mein,be pinciuns enter min eau
Conn eaee I.Ans of melt of the Ssesimarifla and
Panaceas of the ..nv. imt's tofepcnifft C.rmites.
of Yellow Donn mad :Messier • comMn I
Panicle or three milistaneet, or nni one east eutsly,
ascertain by apcfyffig um necessary tests
.Ihe poison. may occumempy remove Jim.", MI!
they ea ornate me blood. mid so complethly imPted
nate th e whole symcm vent, their tmnefat mice fa that
the firm cold. or the first alma of dimase, prommte.
Me patient's strength. and malnects tom nr her to the
most extent/slims tenure, and render. another cure
&Icon impossitne and hopeless. Let Eli pOi.oo.
Sampan!la preparsums clone, and use fiaymWs
Improved Enact or Yellow Duet and Parmparilla
Whlel la thoroughly et:carious, perfeelly herm/ess,
nod purely vegetable. All kinds of disease ywlds
lie genial tudeenen.
Scrofula, numeral. Thum., Comintern Firapcons,
lisyatpelas, Biter, Punalen, or Pimple+ our the Pima.
Chronic flora kr., Tatter, Scald Ht., Rheum.
tiem, Enlargement ur Peons 10 lte Bones or JOllOl,
old and stubborn ethers, Saver Some,Castro.,
:dwelling of the (:lends, Blotches, Sy labs-Snot"
toms, Umbrage, Dropay, Dyspepsia, !anodize, Cos
ti tenets, Salt Itheun,Affecuou•of De Kr/Inept and
diereses awing from an numbed.. use of Mere..
y, Madeter's wore Teresa, lVeakneas of the enest,
Satacionary A.:retinue, nod all other urwases tend.
lug toward• COASIIIIOO/011. Liver Compiatilit Female
Irreeulatilthe and Coeleiwnte, Siek Peerso n •
Iteadanhe, tree.eral I.oer Spirits, I..r!ss
Appetite, .tt herese, Cr Side end
S' older , , n
Kaha,: er oeprod-hee In i.ife, Chrnn
0 Conan:ono...l InsarJ, n, arr., a FR!
('under n' the Ilia., all.l 4.0,C(10 ide ILI
System, I in unrivalled
A erse Lricesared 1. , v&. euteeea
Toe folio urg Is nu eatrast or * letter dated Marti.
27, 17.10, from I. Id Iteln.e, 1/1 It, a Irish's shipecta
ble priyalcinnoi Mans., Ulan.
Joan ?All—l/Ina:Sir I ha,e under my este
yo tog aced. who, fur eittec o years, hd. Le. ter
fering Does Ulcerated loot,, AIIII 4:IOCA ease 1 / 1 41
Perla pronounced Impales. by lures of ma hen airt.
incr.. took her to my family, end have one,
Guyana's Yellow I.Mck and Earsapartlla freely, one
wait , canhdect met the Yellow Dock and Snesille
will effect a portirson slice. Tae IA Leiter in g par a.
health Man ahe hos ever Leto Lenart, and waits a
mile or two wimnist firagoe or p.n. A yeas ago
used crowhea. I will report the bete in el. truth. alut
very reepoodully, 11 B. PI:KKINS.
tf2lllL A.
It has Leen retc.arked, by
men, that in the
vtiled cataloged a/disc...a to whs. ciao as bible.
there 14 acarcely oire ef such briportaoce, andlifaucti
Interval as Scrofula whether on lank to the °battler%)
of itaangon . pro d re., the number 000
**tiny of orgeosthut rt - ituele or ,[f IC1111141keb!e
curability and ex:do:ire futility. on
Scrofula has beaded the atilt of the most enonain
physwlaini In this estuary and in &trope. Bat there II
n unrldor e for this iliseroc in D0.G11)41:1'M EXI:ArI 01
Yellow Dock and shwa:on:l:in." setaph 1s Now. It
vent.t specula 10 the (00, n
1012 acre coma a
cstraordinery claw of Serodubs cured by the
Isola me of Dostor IstiyouLs CAA:100.1I..1 AIIIIO
un de
wiffl r
tA treatment
send:wale thso this man bead
he treae of ass.. deiotirated physic..
tor the past eight years, VG.lllo:ll,irrivm* sayarid hua Leen effretuedir VIA, by De are of Lcrieht
bottle of Dr. Gdysunk sh , ,kpoidel rip few
Nacs Ir...tiller, 0, 1615
Da. Gteramer—liear Ser,--lawing to you a d!hi virtual
kn money etionot pay. I indazed make public. an.
owledgmeut of the Leinehl I have derived foam Foul
suss/nab. Syrup. .1 was sorely atffic led wok a tern
ble So oful>ut sheers., hereditary I .r
widen comnicriecil an toy neck, and, containing tr
'pre., coon reached my eery. running loin .7 Lc'
and extetollug all year my lace, neeki and lower .
tranunts. I became le - tu look upon.
At tunes nay 0:4l11,4 0 . 01 AO (fool mat I wits anal. to
sleep or Ile down, sod the doedee etleadrur lots no
cars acnonaly adectud my hearing e - 1.
Sly fac4lß one
comer:ro. rare, Irons which a discharge of nradlei
and water imams oar Pen's
cd me, supposing I hod the • attl pus i nr nous s ome ,
Infectious disease. and 1 2.111,C1140.111,04•b111,01
relinquish my basin., liotoridnenendthff .1 had to,
ben medical advise. •nd Irmo dilierard plans of
Meat. the Ile re eonllnnel to grew prore,anOl treat
up Mama..., rortwinialy i ~ I la With a panctemei
on the stealnbout, while travelling for my Lenin, who
anfanned me twat his ran lOu, 10.011 t tuna in a. tad it
CauditiOtt m I Was, and that by using poor Syrup kr
was apeedtly eared I-law-deanery placated ae•
tide, commenced neare It, and now, after banns ned
lets than six Donk,. I - am and able to attend
my bum.. reed you this a:nen:Dot . net so
rdiudiee,oedy hopifig that It may Janice the afflicted ix
tusk use or the rich t meddef ere, and thereby... then
Much suffering and ekLefisA
I rerun. your sdoslienteerriun.
Cure nine versramd fare Of Erynpricw.
The. run. petiormeo try "Dr. Guyer:ill's Yalta..
Yellow Duet and Eanapefilla are lastifig. The p
teat's tenets! health caution. to I.prove atter oil
taw is removed. 1[1,0,4 not chr...nierrd ono tire
Las (ally restart Gm there ems be no relapee or D.E.ur
of the disease.
froltwelt, (Iterkinter Cn ) Feb.
9. F .DMmere et, Gent,. AIM mop:ennui
that I Write yoo abate the very happy eon,. or
Yellow Donk and hearsanartlla opm, my win no ) 0
long been seffertne under Mat dieedfactoallZine
ease, Errs/N . las, with attach be wino
b y
so in 1641
and tOr eeveral monthe attended by soma of nut
boot piniciacv, wee tried their petovectiOgly for
Imo months, without any twne..o.oo efferts whatever
11. become
in his
to norrect eteleten.
coin had al:
ter . s from his hip in his knee. which were what nuithy
diutharginf disgutungly niTenatve metier. Mealeni
and surgical skill We. bathed. Ithysleinus sold
his cave
hope!orn—toote mold be nothing dni-t,
to arrest Moue terrible gam:rename edema. My might
bare and myself thought his 401 , 10otton new at hano
One army ncighbor•, who had entree a chid erector.
ala with your. invalcaLle medicine. waked me to,
mate tried 010, nod more fon. on ;n o nn ,
do mouthing while life latter', than from any hope or
rehet, I procured three bottles of your 1 chow
Dock' and tarropartlia," and mono. ed Inning
sod to my arionahment, be commenced unnrovlas
ha had turd the third battle, and uefore he hen need
half rump boutea be could walk out. Ile used tn al!
Mehra bottles, and by °ember hot be saw. perfectly
Yetiored, eicryvertigo of the disease exceptjbe scare
is removed, and he rental., in perfect health up to Ur
PMeent time. the recovery, tale, the blesaie_g
Gad, ta entirely owing to the etc Of year Velour Dock
and Sanaparilla, and I aware Ton that I feel suyael
Stildervrimat obligattons to yea, and It I. molt menthe).
tiAl I Inform yea of What poem Sasenparilla boa don.
fee my sun. hicspectni
J. auserza..
(j 'None genaine unlefs put up o barge batons
Contalning dear; end the name of the ;Syrup Mawr
Jot Ito glees,with the written Marcel:era or 8. F. Oen.
awn, on the outside mapper. Primo fl per bottle—.
boons for IS.
• ;
ts sold J, D. PARK. North
corner o
Fourth and I% alnnt street', entrance on Walnut
talnconnati, Ohio, to whom all order, most he addles
• Carter d Dro., Die; W. P. Johnson ,t Co, Wm,
Au* Olin d Clemons, Cromer/411e; Abel Terrell
Montroor lliram larTemeenda, Robert Roy, {Yells
hlft Co7eroginretsired M Vtonl. Htrl,S
MORRIS HAWORTH, in tte Diamond, are
lag excelltei Tea, at
SO cte perlb.—TßY ITU .cptil
mitt e4l, .
1 0 64 . " ipii:47 . 4 . l.36 : (kt•?e" r " . -*" lUD i aliLQlire.. o 79..ll .-'l .
Clw I 4 -
. B. B.Bauffe.f (J.. J. Bloom
nirg 110 LESALE IiROCERS end Commission Slcr-
eitants, N ail Wood street, opposite Lit Charle ,
are ceiving and offer fur sale, at low
rates, as follows:
13d p kgs V. /1., mp,o. P, IWM Qgnrs.
and Black Tess. 50 Al Havana and Yoe,
300 pkg s 5. P. lb and hub 1000 packages.
lump &5. roll Tob'co. 00 rd Bavaria, qr bas.
tat Java Coffee. 13 At Prtuelpea.
CO N O Sugar. 50 bx. AI Raisins;
SU bets N 0 hiatuses. I W bales Filberts, Eng bah
40 bris powdered, crashid Walnuts, Brull Nuts,
and loaf Sugars. I
nd Ground Nuts.
Ai belt Mom. bot Lemon Syr..
Al brio Tanners' Oil. ; bxs PepperSauco.
3tar g ars Lamp On. Al ea.,. getter,
bris No 3 Slacker.i. /4. Chocolate
Ai3 be. Oxiti&lo2l2 Glass I Ground Spigot of :II turd.
bx. Ruin Soap. 50 bu Sardine.
Ito due Pot Bucket. Al beg Starch.
:Ilea, Chocolate. 15 bx. Rook Candy.
35 boa White Pipes lAi b. Shelled Almond.;
tut )Vrs p. Paper. 5 ease. !Agouties;
Al b.. Pepuee-•--Alaice.l Rinehart's Cot and Dried
6uulti ScolehaßapoeSuni3 Tobacco.
In tea Rire 12 gots. BRcking.
I'ogetbet arab • general asturAleut . df `goods i tre
ally Jul in their line, as well as Pittsburgh mann•
ine tutu
C AltiP CLOTI/B,alt
W. ttiPtctill,olllV,t,C.Zt Is no w opc,
oot, a very h atidorukesceortment of (-hoorah.. c,ire
pitting to part td the following tigortiew - •
Rich and elegant oyle Velvet Pile Carpet.
Rich and elegant style Tapestry Brussels do;
Superior Engilah ad AmericanLlruse do:
Extra sup. 3 ply Carpets; Rugs, extra C l. unde;
Supordne do do; gap. Pulled Rug,
do Ingrain do; Chenille Slats;
Extra coo me do do; 'red Dakai.
tram. all wool, do do; iair
do oon'a ishein do do; ace Slat.;
do coon. dodo; into t 14.;
Alan, • Very large aseortment of Tti.ming. fat
Steam Boca, liarnagra, houses, So.
"Al (..301.&r.
A very lugn assortment or well seasoned OglElatha
ranking in width (rnin ler metes to 24 ( eet, of very
hudsoniu alytta, afro at
t liblOe rat! aiyed weir, ball, in
The stuck at good. 'VIII be sold as cheap ....bey
can bc purchase r . in any of Me catierit ernes. We
iuite every body to call who Ivied • begun.
8 bu Crow enrriVit crime;
10 bags old Java Codee;
10 bags Leprous du;
I) bags fancy Silo to;
Br Or chest. Chilli. Tea:
tO caddy boa aura Oolong;
40 do prime (horn,
e. kfcbuts do;
141 bx. ligack.
0 bales sett sherl Abixondr;
• dog pant chrystai Lomen Sue."
braticanarpaika trfaincr.jhocaiate
Las Brom., Cocoa nod No I do;
boa Almond and Palm Soap;
n Drs Roam and Variegated Cony;
5 dos libire and Bordeaux rob
o due Pepper Sauer;
doe Guam & Walnut Pickles,
p dot Rove Water;
care "Mhau Slaccuileß
Scam. 45
• cues pare Powder;
ergineßi India Currie Powd"
3 cue. upce Flour;
la brie crushed & puivenzed Sago%
lelair small Levi.;
10 brim pure Cider Vinegar;
34. dot Corn BIOG..;
C. Wood A -
Far min by
Expresaly for Sersei*g.
To avoid the many mcoovemenees at Ihr
1. One of ,he matomary Skein , the above ainele ha,
t ern mock, and for a long time vistaed. It hu Ware),
Lm n • matter Discontent:tient, that whilst the contemn
•et tele of Conon, was conveniently spooled fur gene
rev no-. .0 math ream raluisble, should have
.applied in Skeint, from wkeli at, touch trouble
and loss has anion.
ducally SO .I lan Leen unr , :ruive the pocilte
'rood sauele, heml•Limly put up u. ion
e t
men. tot drimeatie use
tie only ribiertuni urged aeon,. this al, le
noparent email quantityon caeli spool Taa l. wail,
explained. Each Spool a warranted to contain eu
yards or Silt; while the ordinary Skein, at rbe same
pri l
e er, has but an uncertain qumtuty, varying (won IS
7he Spool Silk to ready for nee at the time of par.
enas,, and it only needs a trial, to convince the most
teptical of its eurenority in quality. independent of
the neat and envenient form to which It in furnished,
it Gas great wa•alsges over the Skein, as it does
sway with the tedium of winding, the veution or
-.meting, and gm low of time In prcpsaing it for use.
:.told by WM. & SONS,
SI North Third at, Philadelphia;
6 Maiden Lane, New York
Sole Agents
A. A. MASON 4 CO. -
Between Third & Fourth streem, hitaburgh,
NVITE the attention of merchants snot.; the city,
.o their retentive Amok of Fall and Winter Goods,
elected with great care and 1.11111100 (rum recent
oornsuonw large auction salmi, and Went the lead.
minufacturers, by their resident partner in New
ork Tbest stock this fall will be found to be much
tie r and more carted than any they here ever before
might to dos market. being replenished by receipt,
vomit almost daily through the season as they se
sr me the castesn markets, rendering diets moil •
times roll and verfreb thereby enabling them sue.
.ally to compile wenn c•stern houses re
stOci. oh
1011 N /I. MELLOR, No 61 Wood sweet, saleWl3.
LI for Chief ering's Piano tone, for Western Peon
, ylranis, has received, and now ready for sale, tn.
lionnur assortment *elected by himself tram to.
naingactury. and will be supplied w usual Si Air
nyis ere,
0 carvd L en, , XIV, 7 octaves.
elegant Rosewood, 7 do,
do do of da,
0 do do la do,
I do hlkhorany, a da,
I do Walnat, c
I 101 l carved oamigeand
A vAILD—The subscriber has; the pielmse at
O y:an:mg to Me manna of riasbasgh. that he ha. smite. arranretnerim with Mr. John II Mellor, 101 the
adliarre sale of his Piano Forte, to Pittsburgh and
.Vcstem Yean•ylvanta, and those swishing to par
hate may be misused that their interests will he Mat,
ally attended to. J ' , meg ERING
Boston, Marrh 27 , I Odd.
la addition to the aboonk of p.n. from 'NI
Clockering. a new lovely la °demi from the (anon
4 Adam :thicket, liaeon it Killen, and Woreeate
Vex York, and Halted, Camsteu tr. Allen, Boston,
di , es varying from Ivo to toren hundred dollars
Hur --- Te NKuct,st o
. 5 tat tut received and for tile
aeTo 110PKINS
73 Apollo Badding, 411. at
f i t i a - attiOraCosistityc ---
are used i
lAc Ind Country, can be bought at Lee and 75e per lb
at Morris A. ilawortA's Tea Store, east side at the
Enamour. "and no where else in Pittsburth " reo24
65i:4110.J PAFoIK Tl , e - best to AAAAlli — Aro to
rind at the agency of Clinton Mille. t 5 Wood at.
Opoll IV PMARStfM.I.
Araill7ll.—The Urpb - S;
f C city and Oporetaioo, at the
Jae of a new prize tale by I .thur. It it utid
be the auutor's btu production, for tale at Holmes
Literary Depot, Third .trees, oPilesiih the Peet " l ee
also, the Mont freight °CBI. John, byMajor Richard
ton, and Latell's Living Age No 3 11.: oel
/1 SEAS' CIIIEFZE-9€o tat just ree'dfor matt by
t.. 1 'tape. CaNFIELD
ourratraN Goods. --
AlUpftyP.l,:l goods .
& 61 ./KINIVIELD have teemed. ray
Macs Uaabarine.,
dazed forst:taming wear, sabb Al
Canton Cloths,
Coburg% and i'•rmattes,
French Menus, and CallilAtlAA
" Metro de Lain. and Mona:ins
Alpaccas Molded,' Collar*, Black Cravat., Vtils,
JAR A . II UIC/11.0N (k. Co
Arent St Loiel• Steam . e
G. bbl. on fund ...Ito . "ar
.' uo, n"tt7lbCy(eiRISHAM
tout prirafsqueßail.;r
"'`ISiCRS` ,C}4l
G) Wood et
DAY po
an 4 R E SELLER:4°
Af o i:ODAT Z GailifireTelirO forßav sebzuras.
[AVM ARA/ItU LUZERT:II:S Enr tor awe
ty °el it E BF.L.LERS
111 -11 AP - Fatit - i — VaPEETZiriri - o — ami lag and sinter
y ',nipple madam, doable zacdiam t cmrn, and
doable crown, a vcry superior airtiria=irind
for eale by
erpOri 47/data eL
' RO KERS Sr co.,
tiro 15 Wood ...... Pittsburgh.
Col lacunas made on 111 dm principal CnieS Of Me
Unjted litatna •t111:gliy
s. E. Garner of Third and Marla
ALL IrI4 , III4CSIOR. AT clot, CABLE lanra.
0740. Z. ARNOLD s co ,
17 4. 7 4-PO ELT 11 b4IC 47T,
is ball to tkt ofrbtalialilk./
li t II Orate*
Yuchaag• Hro;•r•
• • - - -
CoIaECTIONS.:I)re.IIo, NOtes Ond Accept:sae
payabl al e in uty parlor:la c aliened on We 0 •
vorie main.
FACIIANGE on New Yost, Philadelphia and Dal-
Woke; also, Cinch:luau, Lakeville, Saint Louie and
New oilcans, constantly for sale.
BNK NOTES.—Notee on all eolvent banks let the
Uni t A ed SWIEI dieektuted at the lower rake. 45 kinds
ForeLgo and ritnentanGok and Silver Coin bought
nil sold.
NHOLMES & NUNS have removed these Dent
. Sag and }l:change Mee to No 67 Market et.
o or doors below old stand.
DILLS on Ragland, Ireland, and Scotland bought
kp any amount at the t.%trrent Rates or lischangs
.11.0, Drafts payable in any part of the Old COUIIIfitIF L
from NCI to 11nOtt, at th e roc or An to the Sterling.
without deduction or discount, by JOSHUA 120111 N.
BON, European and general Agent, mace one
'eon West of Wood,
soAn ots&sno
B ANKERS AND I:ICU/SNOB Bliutill.RS, dodgy
uneaten o! l and Domeetio lid!,
ga"ch7crtilethr oe
33 and Wood streets, directly opposits Charles Ile
Amen m Prrnaraon.—B A. Fahnestock a Cot t
Corner of Wood and Fins it. i Wm. Jackson, No.
ttn Liberty street: 1.. Meta, Jr, comer of Market
rrect end the Dtainond, also Comer of Fount, and
'can , trectx, Fifth Wain; and sold at tha Rockmart to
trall.t!eill mem, ad door from Second.
ht,AP . eelteal City by P. &banns and I. Douglass
City; N B
dole L 0 T n K hlc
orn", lirosensvllle; Bowman
B 'k ea Ca ' I' 4
Walltet, IJl:aboth; Brabriald & /Amin%
V —Oa SCR acqueß
• I Wood weer wit
IN d: Pt %NI:
p hi
vie h p
or. tiny the Ind Ile, id. mtvsy,
e py onto • Lady,
Entine to Run all Night,
Deily 11.7.
Politer's Wedding, by Glam.
11. 110100, do.
Mob, Touch the Cord_per urea a g a r ,
.weer Memoirs of Thee.
Curer Moon.
Lanient of the tenth Renigrant.
Medley Song.
N o: va
but Wounded tha Spirit that Loved net
rh6 Conscript's Ikpare,
Ile Kind to the Loved O rtu
nei at lima
by Glovir.
•Ts Home yrhere •ler De Dean U. -
The Ynken Raid, .
Loki RN:MCA rf by • •
• ••Y• ,• •
lumber Gentle La
:. YAK Elelinfrukl kVeildhig; Wreath, Did.; Nay.
Rileitein, Maiden, Ifeni. Walla, Cancel, Lai
nemesis, Cully, •A l9 ,ALlicediyorgreen, Sara
oglilidien. wed limy Polkas. • mays
Wenter not Into the list of peter s,We nay nothing
alnut Hindu& of Chests, Importers, Large
Capital, Bought for Cash, de. In fact,we will net
humbug in any manner or form, we simply invite the
public to compare our Teas with what they purehsee
elan/here; thre Is the best method we know to ascer
tain woo tell. the best rind cheapest Ten in Situ,
burgh.. We are now selling
Good and strong Tea se 40 and Weems per lb.
A phew article,•—•---•—• 70 do do
The he. Tea imported into the U. States, SI
Low priced, damaged or Itilltior Tea• we do not
Proprimon of the Tea Market,
lea Fan side of Diamond.
tre7l7 - r . ' — ks --- rso ere r-Tirt---. Ind - Wails.
C. Appleton & Co , New York, have In course of pub
licatteri, In par:Lone, twenty Ave cants earn,
lifechirter, / 1 1erhanter, Bari. Biork,omiErs-
Lesereung; for Practseat IVorfnOg
Men, and Mass insendrsi for Ms Rngt.
rsemug Press:um.
mimeo at aurae
Mills WORK is of larva Soo. too, and will contain
TWO 1110014 ND count,
laid uplands of no noon.
SAND trAnsvaamorta It prt nrorking.draw.
togs and descriptions of the most important tuachsno•
In Via Vatted Mates. lade dent of the retake of
A merican' ngenally, it will rentein complete preen.
l treati ea on IdechanieLliaeldneg•Edigiu-,
end Engineering; with all thin I. nein in more than
one thousand Collar. worth of folio solemn, make.
ziner, and other boon.
Tin great °Mono( this publican:xi is, to place be
fore prostical sun pod students suet an amount. of
theoreucal and scientific knaartedle : in a nedeuri
forte, an shell enable thhot tp work to the beet advetv
, wee, and to ovoid thew etletakei which they might
I otherwise commit The amount of nerd infewitauen
thee brought together Ir Memel beyond precedent in
loch works. Indeed, there Is hardly any subieet
within era nuke which tit eel trcand with cavil clear
near s c ud prension, that even a moo 01 - 1•0 moat ordl•
nary capacity cannot fail of understanding it, and
ders learning from mach which it It important &r
Jr to know.
The publisher, are, in short, determined, reunite.
of cost, to makedhe work as complete asportable and
it in hoped every one 'desirous to obtain the moth will
,rr.rnrn it as issued in number. and thus I:nonage
The Work - vill be wind iu seippraenthly binobera,
great reesdarity.
comuntrodur in JantiliD, IROand Will progret• WWI
The whale work mull be publinhed In 40 ' , umbers,
at Oh eon:, per number, and computed within the cur.
tent year, Pater. A liberal discount will be made to
ny on. remising the publishers 1110 in •dvsoce,
stub roidir• it work Unearth the post wins fne or
Opinion. of tri•
t•To our nnuterool hlituulacturcrr Alcopenica, I:n
gitorem, and A futons, will he • nun. of
Ploanleace. IR. L) Journal.
tVe ono omen,m oon“eltrea with Ito knowledge
ith Conf no
ide v nce reeommend our (ceder. to
prin.. Memoriam. of Ito at/nohow. ota Mot aa they
"',.ll'eutgi7tirtTugAt'ty she work to those en
gaged to or mt. - cued in In*'hanical ammitto,n
tour, to nrulnently worthy of their atarmlnatlon lad
mod " —. Lrolt IN. r.t)Suolget.
"It al truly
wort lu3d the publiohera de
arra r the thanks of Inventors, mackinaw., and mane
la:thntre. an] :wined of Ito oublou V.
n: Dictionary will h• Moray awful t• poarfical
mechtmuct, and ralauble to all who with In kagpainl
limtall,* with Mc 'twn.
i. of mammon in Ma ina.
gledioro Poly Nferour7.
o Yount, tnechonie• ought in knelt pooled up in thee
arc:teal *oaa prior cal knowledge, sod tlhla
wort will W ell Mem mat boor they antod "—ltaxbury
thlaord e l talrertmer.
''‘ye tat, it haler out tho work that soon., tun•
&ode of nor Intelligent utechwun, La te dcatred to pow.
sew. So ample its dearrtgootia, and ad lull end
minute im epecifiCatona, Mai it seems to Om that any
mho:hank might contract ant inachlem it deactiboo. on
Mc re not!. orla ene•ftVilyslil.l inotrucuona'.—N Y. eltii•ftfact.
`WI intenseted In onehamea raila Moot
selocs of Its ativenuagaall—Schuytkill, (Penn.,/ door-
''A welt of extensive yonolical Wilily and cent im
portance and value to the rapidly increasing Lnrcresta
el' the r imary. We regard the ain't as cannery!,
esic.latml t , promote the cause or science •nd We! ,and to Masco:in - imam venially Informs
min on these hbjects..—Farmor tad httchamkt.
"Praetteal men in all tititgente remit. of tnechanl
:l arid manalactering induitryi eurtincertmcde., will
In tam mic, - i s : J treater* w in ch it will be to their
pr::'S.V.t.tiohn..;.:e'l.reen—lT;opyurnbattir nElmhers, and have
no her taitmi In saying that it la x the Lie. work for otei
elm's, tradesmen, and scientite men, ever publish
ed, for it <certain. mingle inform/den on every branch
ofthe mechanical sins and Rel[l.o, cspressed l och
style arid ism:Jade intelligible. to any males Oren",
ha?.. "
K..‘eapaeby-:•- itilm.cmtit;. flit ass.,] Newa.
ere .am we ax e ddrtg .1.. chant ' Of Nor.
trich m.itJ tither parts rob Conucclicht i [mike by
banging the wort to Wen ammuon."—Norwich,
(Conn i Costner.
-It ult. each • wort ne every mechanic thonid
possum "—Freritiviw s Journat
Wo cossider it one arum most useful end Important
publications afore age. No mechanic eon adord to ht.
ernhoullt."—Newert IN. J.,)CO6.[ICIlli Cowles.
"Of 0.1 the ream, plitilieElOns havnig tot their oh-
Met We elucidation and advancement of We meebiatu
c•l ens and sciences, none that we hey, wen, is ISO
Nil of prouttse •• this "—Bogert Comi4Adv.
"It to the best and eheripest work evermtered to the
tete:abbe and practical engineer mad mechanic The
~,e, nee ticauttrallf executed e —Witehington (Dore
- tha great thenneery is one of the most useful
i..iiik. r ',CI petolmtled tor years, and the tow price at
ivii,. ii n it vkil brat,. it acceptahte to all "- Solidi
tumble, regent it • • 011 t of fie limo eusipreieftsit • &lid
—listumore Adveruser.
s of
warts ever pahltsited."
' - thigist to be :sten by every one d.seiring to keep
inr e with the iiroaress of art and science in every one
1 tut...-. of ctrillsed life,”—ltorniont Courier,
"It os designed ear ths principle of lire'.
fr, only that at as more devoted to the mechanical end
enginscran• professions, and ate., all, t as *amble
socompliiiiin f for MOS f lel whet lire hes done for
. describing Ameneen Machinery end
wort s of ert - -Selentahc America
“It is published In numbers, and at a price so mode
rate, look trd; at what Is contented in each limber, that
no mai wno him the least amt..% an such matters,
deed be deterred from procuring Ili acid every one whO
Joe. so, seal find that he has to a eadefised loran an
Amount of Insunction which would be obtained, fat
all, only by the purchase of very many vohtmes."—N.
V Courier Rua Itnitirez.
-Th. conspreimunvenCes Wtthwhich the saltier.
Ire treated, the aflutiraiti moaner la Wilt% they ire
contplze to mete W. one of the mow dial.
told. works. n —Dmocritte Review.
fluff wort should bent We kends of every nirehaele,
tri,san, and manufactarer, espeeially those who have
the least sisurations to excel au their reapechve bust.
ants. Nye Lave curefally ex anon ed with • view of
revontmenaling It to invsmore To them we would
d in thertroug lang J uage 6ri.L., bahlsr 91 as good."—
elcimoreinvetrs onas!.
Nosh, u, tie Propnetontql Nesolupers throveyrut
the Lhared S:aurand Canada. •
If the folugolng advertisement is inserted tee tame
lilac Me year, and the paper containg It sent to in
a op,. of the wort will be sent grata In Mahout.
ro.v.vning Alerrury, nor Ws+ Mixoral:
nate,/ walk' entitled "The American Nature e o.
kfrilie,nr and nattily Physician."
tree mode acquainted with rho invmdtents
wideb compare 0-ilealtne Ointment
tad having preerelhed pried II til.Jecral CAM. ei
pantie poi/nice, Gave ida heertatinet aayida ur
iertfony that it it a Vegetable Remedy, cordate.,
o mineral eubstance whatever, hat ter t Meted:elide
at-Wiled Cr IN, are. sod aced a• ected liy thtl
tiroprietor, are nut only barmier., but ofgreat value,
a truly •elenttrie Remedy of real power and I
•heerfully ferollllllolKl II vs compound orbiett Lae
onn moth good,
and which toadapted to the curt of
great variety or easel. Phi 00 have 'laver OW.,
eedintnended ar engaged an the mile of secret melt
net, record for the Irvin honest, contentions,
chirirtrr of the el irrielOf of thin Ointment,
it the valuer of Lir dierovoy, aime to say thus
tiet, revntrting a %V. 6EACIJ,D "
teem Port, April
NH i. one of the best thing, in *A world
PlLE2.—Tbulasends are yearly coxed by tele °lnt
ent It beret rail. to must
For Zamora, Weer., end kind. or boron, Is Oa.
. hullers, end threes knew its value in cues of
wntlen r Sore Bre•st, they would slaver. UPI)
I t , h rases, if used secordurc to directions, it give.
•cuct s very few hours.
Around the NU are iltrecnou for lump McAllister's
quirtuant tar Scrota's, User Coutplont, Ety.uperus,
fetter, Chilblain, Scald , Heed, blare Eyes, Quincy,
horr Timm, Bronrhiles. Nervous Affccuons, Pains,
ase of the Spine, Head Artie, Asthma, Iteafnera,
Pat Ache, Born., COMP, all Threats..., of the shin, No se
~ spr, Pimples, &r., lisKlltne of the Lamb*, Bores,
h.surnationt. Pilcs, Cold Feet, Croup, Strolled or Bros
ton Breast, Tooth Ache, Ague in the Fate, &c.
Frain the Hemline Eerie .
There was never, perhaps, a Medicine brought boa
iore the public, that has in en short a Irmo won sorb a
nmenulon hlcAllieter's All-flealing or World
Salve. Almost every person that has made trial of it
ipicaks warmly in its praise. (um him been cored by
st of the most painful rheumatism, anotherof the piles,
a tried of a troublesome pain in the side, • foarth , cfs
minting In the limbs, &c. 1f it does not give imme
diate in every mina, it can dO no inJory, being
applied Outwardly.
AB another evidence of the wonderful healing pow.
at possessed Iry thee salve, we subjoin the folfoanng
reruneate, felon reepeouble Mimeo of llardencreek
towurlup, m Has county:
Maldencreer, Herbs co, March 30, 1847.
Messrs. Ritter & Coi—f desire to inform you that I
or env rely cured of e severe pain in the Pact, by the
an McAllister's All-Healing Salve,. winch per
chued from you. I suffered within for about PD years,
and at night was unable to sleep. Doting that tame I
tried various remedies, which were prescribed for me
by physicians and other persons, without receivna` any
relief, and at last made trial of Salve with re
mit favorable beyond expectatron. I am' now mire
ty free from the pato, nod criloY at night • Petrectul
end sweet sleep. I hese also used the Se.lve gizmo for
tooth ache and other complaints, with similar happy
'Stalls. Tone friend, Joan Mumma..
Sole PropNetor of the above medic ß, ine.
Principal Mime, No Zr North Third strect,Philadcl-
1 4.P —The tES U
*TED VSIN H SO_li.y.
of Many petrol, I, dl•Egured w iili
*ab, eropiima, as pimple* inerphew,,t e , and ark en
thin se tnerely a 1.112.211,, of the titan al it is in ninety
nine rams ou: of every I andred, it 4 very racily re
moved Jules limeys Nyrapb Soaß is expressly
adapted to disease* of ihe skin, al it arta directly
upon the inmate porea witch cover its nittan.e,
clearisiog them from Impurities, and by its hone*
properties healing and eradicatiag all erapilons. and
reotteitng Cie daesest end roegbest skin ma, fair, and 1
iota amig o
ary Persons who Lave been in we habit of awing Ordr•
n •nap. will he eitetiished at ibe beautiful eff,:en
prouc,d by the Nymph Soap, in anparnar • delicate
Liono, preventing the neck, lice, orbmds from ping,°dap
allaying all and removing all eaten,
devoutl powessea en exquisite Perfume, and
Ita entire/J . of all alkaline proPertiesi renderina
' a the only article erbich cm be amd with eafrly end
comfort In the aureery.
.. .AII. those wham •fiteei etc treks are disfigured vet,
rlVeirt.'lit!'llia"iiell y ' w * ri?l L F e -oTp k , i r is ' W h e ' p ' r
. h Otir e l c it
ROPRiVeky Marra Ilicai, that its. astrariLl reader thi
limoildlemlnted skin 'Oldie, the roughest skin moron
dendlke Most dreesaed akin healthy, pure, sod bloom
PW' • •
will li -*len 17auel's Nrinak Seep 4 the only uncle who'll
feetuelly produce the shove Mee is In to shio
• time, and the pdy one which Is at the came time ad
P°'"' - '1 ..I'llat VAVl:T.,tirl.`grn.flyp
122 Chestnut *treat, Phila. C hemist,
For sale wholesale •nd retail by 11. A. Falinermek
A Co. and E- E. Seller., Rikahurgh; and John See.
gent and J filltchell, Allegheny city, Pit.leao
A GOOD Mahogany Piano Forte, G demises,
11. Second
a nd
--- —__.• —J._ ..... on
• A hmdsoine apnea Piano, with Rosewood
Fa inhere, II ortnece, end in good.order • •• • 100 no
A plain 5* octavo Piano-- ..... _ ...... -- 45 tai
A good 6 witzve Rizao ...............
A good ul octave Piano, with handeorne flOni
tare —...--
._..... ---- 75 00
For sale by
.__ JOIN II filliLl.tilt
may Ce _
._. ClWood it
SUPEn. c Iglu Light.
CEIANG the Wootton Violas. and hero; in
cornbumnble, morel"). economises the on, and pro.
nth goat,
a Ezi;ll2, t c a,e n t e etta , l . o l r ,, a , to , tou n ot i objected to in all
limp oil Will last Nine llo ' or ''' s, or uny'faTtTtacrolTnlntly.
of tone, nororttott to the atldtitonal tins miry 010.1.
Hoocitro.l nob far sale lay JOHN D ttionttAtti
CEIVF.D, et the Pittsburgh Family G,.--
gg eery and Tea Werehetale!
eases Fresh Oysters, to tin ea.%
/5 do Pickled do, to tit to: st
—5 do do do, in pun dw'
The above Fresh Oysters are pet boiled, end Pot of
to a highly concentrated mop enclosed to hersustt cal
ly eva led can, and will keep much longer than those
put no the urdinery way,
For Pale, wholesale god retail, by
my IIM A IdeCLURO & Co,
251; Liberty
Great t'a'd
filaellaseleal Works.
11)l e
nil ye to
Nla rldoes, Alec t nenles, En
and Itngincering; Jewelled for Preet,ol
%whin; ston, and those infendod lot the Ehe meeting
Profesetou. Edited by Oliver Ran,
This work is of large hot) /dee, end will contain two
thousand pages, and upward., of eta twill
wen.. II will present work toe drawlnga and Jevewp•
titans of the Moot troportant tuuchntes in the Untied
State, Independent of One results of Amertmv,
tartb sit that II blefat Wt. ono thnutand
dollars worn of ii)110 volumes, wart - tines mod Other
hooka Bla numb.. received, and ter solo by the
Iloplapig ,
Kole 79 Apollo Buildings, Fourth at.
1 4 / 6 :1,17 STOGIE OP PIANOS
ad , -
John 11. Mellor, hl grotl,Plltiourth.
Swe A•ent ILI Wortcrn Prn•••lv•ttirt. for !be ro..:e of
.mall wag tiqm•re Vort.s
~ (it ‘S Infono bls anti:to rue.
Le Las ttowv prrotors tot, Tilt! torn, •• I
tpoac autoty the ;...cac. 4 1101:th,
•ntl lotart ee•lrtsitle ste••• tlf e.yrio*zed
::7 1, 7 1 14if ,,, ,Yost — tagu,O• La' rlttit.ttoi Will tte loon,
Superbly caned Flote t mor..l Gr•rol Piano Fors..
mat alofl the rceent =prover:vacs
style =extort
VCr.h ei tuucc 01 alt the r.rieres et, .4 of Pla•
novcrjla, em frnat itt`..7s P- t no Itte
!Ohl, r• ; nr, It, Mr. C;t4tkt - rtog tor toe prezent
... ka.ur-i that the rv,.t.• or Mr.
nr.,. I re, ,tll enotii:er t, e, th t
•ractel,‘, 1: th. :tee nt'n,,,,y
te Itnsteith,,tchz..ree
uksl•upel a,: kr: 0, tr:
per u.,7 the may, W.t.noot eta:ge
picTEcoLtii 671, OIL LICICK OIL. -
There nee more thote• in heaver arid earth
Than aie dreamot al in pliilo , ophe.r
T II VIIITL'Ets ono Femur:tat, rune l a . , and
the constant appllcatuai tor o, p, the pror.rletor,
has seduced loin to here a pia up in cttl. n la.
belt and &recite. for the le ~ .hi t ct the °cad,.
The SETROLEIJAI i• protosrod from 4 well ,n tho
co.ty, at • depot of four hundred feet, it • purr an,.
carte y,
verthont our clic...Li change. iii
test as thaws from Nettac's C,:.,, Vhet a
no taind propertico re Wett &number Ji , bean., is
n longer a muter of uncertainty. There vta ny
things in the arcane of nature, whlth, known...u g h,
he ut von useful.. to alleviating oodenott, and re
coring the bloom of health end vigor to many • lief
fever. Long before the propnetor thought of putung
it up in borne., it had a rtputotion far the rare of rho
ca. The ccnstant •nd daily then-Amine, callelor i
and several remarkable eores It he. performed, la:
cure indication ai 11.• :mote popolonty wad,
spread upplicalion In the are oi diseur.
We On cot with to mete . long parade of eenth•
'ICC are eccacien• tont the girdle's, rant..
aro. tin way into the furor or More who soder and
•to Ce IVhilat a, do not claim ho It
curer., e‘ert• .1,2.,u5c, ore eel:rail,
•4j. Mal et a n0m . ... ~, Ch,trae Dorz•c• A:.
aniaalte.J. th-se mat Ce r..cinerated
Or LI, nye/.
OR,NofirrN CA, NOUNIVTION (IA 61.1 early P.,,!
&Ohms, and all diaceaca of the tor I , csreer, LIVES
COMPLAINT, DVSPF.PSIA, lharhora. b , scuers of
the Bladder and Kidneys. Pair.. in tee Hart
Net . . ono Distarcv, heir. lg., Ile ay, anent,' our
G.l,Erysaprltte.Tritri. RIry,INOVII.T. $4,11.,5,
Drat Old Sores, Acc'he In cu... anbilliy re.
saltolg Isom cootie:se, or lon al prOtrieted
'at oi
dime., than cr.cdtcthe ho ne ,rent!. It wilt act no
••general TONIC .d ALTERATIVE in ouch raver,
improung tone aid energy lonia whole femme, rem..
n; obatrucuons, opening the slogglah funcuona, winch
eause disease p en a brelten eonattunon, and gonna
wen-turd and renewed energy to th r . org „ o ,
We' The propneior knows of aevcrot cures or
:PILES, that refried every other treatment, get swell
under the um of the
to ERLEUSI fur e short time
The proof can be given teeny tienon who drarrea It.
NC., genuine without the riguature of the proprietor.
Sold by the propnetor,
5. M. ICIER, Canal Dalin, near Seventh at.
I. an by 11. E. NELLEIts,C; Wo a d st,
corns, Wood at. isnd Virg. alley, who are his
=ti Goad'
SVIEIfICIIIEIERtt ar1:1 1,11 Aluopiatt,
quality a:4 I4n kat Glass and Fal, Mallet,'
&As warrantsd suorri..i. to any Other 4rand t
al by !I.teitir.t : ty nc, ona . or dpfrard.. fur currency or
l'ibart• air.
No 16 ,Fosarlh X ttttt
Tp c,L J;T:',". I tPoARVI:4"ChrL"I:I'.NA!
Tr i °mac en.nprislng in pun the thlocnag,
Ey-t rn Son,:, Bort! Veivel Pilc Carpet,,
" " Tapenn-y
4 English and Atifte.tiCSJl itrualela n
fth hopcg lm Superfine imperini p!y ;
r : /1 x PJ . 111 , 4 , Inky,❑ (111. TIC
!Extra eupsrpalemChetall
Rupert, do Jo Rugs.
" Tufted Stu..%•
4-i. I an,ll Tnp Ver. CA,
11 114 17SNtttu Carp.
1-4, 1, anal: 11 , 41 ,, C 0.,.
1.,141 cn4 Roy Clrp,n4,
Eat.. ; Vonono l n
Common du
TtaloOCoro O.; Do nn m o ,
nbmO Skin o
6-4, 5- UJ
1,1.4, Iml I ^ .(11:.:/v;
It. inch p , cot Usl 1.1.111,
fur xtur.
lei - str• printed p l ano cnven
1 " Ist,l n n
.Ents.ns,cd Plano "
Table u
Printed woolen n
Erniuis•eil Stai/
(Jaen and PrOSI2I Li ..
Dames! Star I.inen;
Turkey Red Chintzes;
Chintre Bordering;
Enpisti Oil Cloth Table
i 1 Covers;
Brown Linen crumb cloth.
Dears Stair Rods; .
FTIV I" .,
lute and the'right•tic
lAlicaut and Skeleton Mats;
14 and 4-4 Grcen Oil Cloth
For Blinds;
Iluckebaelt Diaper;
Soo. Om Corm W
Corms from e moat ad E
list and American manufacinrcra Irons 1.2 topprove 21 feet
lu width, which WI .i bc'eut to lit rooms, halls, and
vestibules ninny sic or shape,
The_ uni/crsignri; burins, imposed direct frornTEng.
land, his Vela, Pile and Tapestry CA arias. holm
Carpets, which are of the ;west and most elegant
styes and patterns. a id attic 1110(i gorgeous cOlitra,
wdl he sold at priscs b. low us Wog' can be purchased
for is any of the eastern clues
Corn, Tatarrtraat
!Due and Drab Clottri
Crimean urk,
Cole'a 011 Clnt.lvt;
Dal:baste tar lartirrr
Watered Mom..
fled Elena:ldler ITTbudor,
. 7 1 3V -
i n i :4 4 :°l l ' c 't
e 'P'a 4' l
a !nen;
Ilaolam Craze;
Beatrh MaperA;
prowl) Lonen Naplct,r,
vcra, Clotb Table
,Ik L.O,
rt., •Ino'd'iNGRAIN b t .tfilibtin g ol uc h g g „.„,.
10 quality and cheaunc., of price, ar.yr tosoirobent ever
before brought to this syy, lie algo Ingo, hisslntont
hien and Coach Mannimeturers to Ills larte and well
selected assortment of TR lll lllllhilibb tuld °lto, articles
netts/gal in their busioegs.
Tho ondersignod is also agent far the only Stair Rod
Monufacio, 7 in Philadelphia, soul is proposed to sell
lower than tan be purch.ed cis
Mad thcce In Ws chg.
Drees Goods. b
A A. / 6 1-ISON Co ,au Market Wren,
r,„„j Feerteare 0010 nceltring&lre,:.
sortmell or Damp , Dc Lana; Ferman cbl w
tire new article; Patine.: Crape De Lama, &_.c,
talent of Law n and otter Drew Goods,
rrc .SO/
O'V:hy kite x mks acd most faeltionaitle colon.
aper Lianalags.
SPRING EtELI:CCION.—WaI be redeived by first
anal sinproenni. net ,. and choice itittoitment of
Wall Paper. of the latest French and Eastern WM.,
In gold, chaniotsoonk, plain mad high colors .
W. P. AILEibtiLnEL, (fate 6.
C. 11iI1.1
millEl Wood street
!HAVE tins
sale Grocery, Connoisiton, and FOl 11111111 g
I peso, my O'7P s o d
ddrieled ti"nr.l7";i
. I. Waterman & Pons, et am old stand, ' NO ' . 3I y Wa le o
- f
ter and 04Front sigma. I. Et In/al:Rata N.
Phorborth laaft , tam
eases Jan re.,
110/1001.044dL1i CO
1850 aiM 1850
tfgr.";a; it'zttZA3g,vu''' do-
C BIDWELL, Ptubutgh,
BIDWELL it BROTHER, Bochemv,}A""
may 21
1850 atigM
From Put 1n.71, to Ca[menu and Cleveland,
throogi ihr rteh and populorcr talent*, of Colmar
biana, Carroll, Stark, Tworarateao, Coohootoo,
Altrolortoonn, Lirkistg, and Freraidin.
campletwn of the Sandy and Seaver Canal
open, up our any [broach ads area! natural central
route n &race ecnntnanicetton In the above lee Well to
the adJne counties of Wayne, llohnes, kCnor, and
metion of Ohio, the trade with Pittsburgh
the lien been,rates tn a gr f e trimspoat extentrtation, cut of
w, i hich a n eensequen
treed 10, 211 and 50 per gent re
Boats of this line will leas, dully, and run through
without transhipment. The Banal company have
bestowed upon this hue an Interest to the unprece
dented advantages of their c o b : a o rter, and s e
i secured
gr.filtc47lllifli9blN.D ° BlA cr t tai th A, an
equal interest to Bus advantage. Agents:
I. C. BIDWE LL, Pittsburgh;
DI C. & CO., Gimp.,
R C Holmes, Spear'. Olnor Goy,
George Kemble, Elktoo, 0 ;
Huffman, do; /lento, Graham & Co. New Lisbon, Ck,
Atter & Nichol., Honorer, O.; Ilibbeta & Roo., Ml
ao 0.; Speaker & Postei. do.; Joseph Peed & Co,
; ilull & IN., Oneida Mills, 0.; II V Beyer, do.;
C li Iturstlial es Co, Malvern, O.; R K Gray, Waymes.
burg, 0.; E Reynolds. do; Isaae Teller, Magnolla
El BarkdonlY. Co, blognolia,o4 Wro'llarknesa, do; J
alllarland & Co. Bandyyille, 0; P P Lager , dn; Fut,
h ough et Sterilise.. Holly., O.; Willard &
do; J Rodman, blas.illon, O.; Cummins & Co, do;
JOllll Robin.on, Canal Fulton, O.; Fertlg & Torrey,
Ca.! Dover, 0.; A Zlledbory, Roscoe, O.: L War.
ne r, New ark. 0 ; te h & Hole. Columb us, 0; L oMn;.
thaws, eloselend, O.; Rhode. & Green, do. mays
W Ma...p0t...1nn Comfm.y. -
agia=b 1850,jafia.
By Pennsylvania Casa! and Rail .Road.
T iiE Boats nod Core of this Line hare been pr
comp/Hi order, and with the whlitio. "--
new one', to the Line, enables us to ca.
goonoty protteee and good.
The entire stix•lt of the Liu* Is owned and eon,
ad by the Proprietors.
I/A R R 1.9 & LEECH, No 13 Routh Third it,
And., the Tobanoo Warehouse, Dock al,
JOSEPH TAPYI..(tPaa/...',
Na /114
Nl!lovadLDitir:ne,llldDjvl&No;'.i'nY:7.OLEEll& CO, Cana 10a1,Pen1mrT3
Pilabit re h.
! raga 185() ;
m a l t
CLARE, PARES & CO, Rochester, Pa ., Propes.
Office ear SOfitlffe/f3JORN
and I.l' mar att, EVPuishangh.
01121:11DERLIN, CRAWFORD & CO, A g a,
Cleveland, Oh is
T fi,i r - `:zv." ,, " , ?.7.".5"z., , ,,,"regM131NU 1 n f W g Z
CLEVELAND to any point on the Canal and Lakes
The (anion., of Rio Liar are unsurp numbs.
assed in
qualitethe y lo te otoy cacityoat. of Root., aaPenana• 01 ,
and u ap
of Ag
Coe U..oi l,ffrve‘ Pittsburgh and Clegaland daily.,
:flag roftf,cflon with a LW, of Slengli 11.1 S to
:recoil I'll it and RE.AVER, and •
.cam Plopellers and Vie
d,. Ink,
Clark. t'z i tta eo, ROcheater, Pa;
i. patits & Cu, Vottiic.h/Wil, Cat.;
I Bt•ston A tts., Ravenna. an
hoot, a t ,:11/,;I Co, Fro:alto, C.,
. A !tidier. Cuyahoga FaJIL
'l% Artier. Lie A p,Aard.a,
‘ll'll.P.a'' i l'.!'t:Vi.,( S ' a f tiln i ty ' ,.ll; ‘ll."'".4
Pei.: loon A .or, Toledo, 0,
I. nVil:,ains A Ito, Dolton, Mich:
‘l, & WIS;
3illrfaY A Dutton, Racine, %Vat
ore. A Citibt, coltioalrh.'„i
I holeas
Ca. corner Water and Rating:l.7;sta
Eat= 1850.
m aii i
CLA OFT. PARRS& CO, Rochester, PropnetOnt.
rir NE Prnor . etors of thin old and well known Line
tronid odor.. the Pablo that they are now In op.
cranon lot Itic prestat aesoon. and have continenced
roilyerrs ht Paaningers, which they are
ruhy prepared to early all po:nts On the Canal and
At the lonic. rove. One or the Hostsof the Lin
ad I lie coustanily at the lauding, below Alonongaltelae
Undue. to vice., freight.
(Mee. JOHN la CAUG, Am,
ee. cot %V•tar and thattloheld tne, Ps HEV tudoog r la
CON c dttiNED.d
W New Castle, Pa;
Idiwtiettrec A Co, Palatka
c Mutton lsbaron,
N. ri Ittel,Sheronburc;
{Viet Actire A Cu, l•teenrlnli
1% Is Henry, Hannay:a:
I% to Power, at.tricaitiville;
John Hearn A Co, Ellr;
John J Hollistet A. Co, Buffalo, NV. ml3O
Dltiebursh Port•ble Boat
1850 eftfia
tea rile reouroareedre or
TO /1,13 PROM
NLW litißß, BOSTON, tic
Tans. /I.l”mhot, Tartava & O'Comtos,
llor L.,ng now open, the proprietor of Int.
r, tah:t.hd Lae ere rt, their utd
stand., rec..ivhsg end furararding blereLandue and
Prude, et lora rates, and with the prouiptnesa,
ttioty, and valety, peculiar to their sretem and mode
of trao•portanon,
roes inierinethate tranehipment
avoided. ,th the equentdeleya end prbbabtlity
of damage.
zr..l Produce shipped east or west, and
Bat of I.adnig iorwanted free of charge fur Comm._Cron. of
ing, or filmed. flaring eo loterelt di.
I r e
or indirerila in Ficamboate, that Of the owners
All le so, ,y conaolted when chipping their goods.
COILUOJOIt. to the following agents prompt.
ty attended to:
No tla Alert. orec, Ptolodeipma.
Corner Pena antl Wayne alteela, I'Mebutgn
Jahn M0C,3110,1 1 it Co, 6,1 Noon an Co. Doane C. (lotion, %V. et. J. 'l'. Ta n
paeo Rod
n Co
-.0 Sou th 0, Yew Yort, Jainna Wltcalorrigto, Ctoein
iVagi=2 180.
Between Pittsburgh an asters. Ult es.
Tbe Canal Leine 1101 W open, we ate'ready to I , CCIVO
and eorworderanpily, prottuee and alert-Lana
.MI we.t
Freight, cavitys at lowest rate,. charged by reapon
ble Imes.
I rodyee end merchardtle will be received and for
• riled east •nd west, wide:oft any charge for (or or adro neang front., 00410111 , 1011 or storage
Hill. a
extend t lath es
forwarded, and all directions faith,
-dd tn.. or apply la. W5l. BINGHAM,
tat He utt. nor. Liberty and Wayne rim Pittaburgh.
No I+9, Markel, be atti tr. sthJig:, Phil'.
No lee. North Howard at.. Ualtimoro.
No to, Weet erect L ,
N , aar
Hotta. to our Patron..
rpt the la' i. decease of the Relive purlr. 10 Philadelphia,
I(, Jame. NI Dvivl prod.-v. 1.0 interruptton
to rho arnetigemerliv have been made which
involves the .ame interest. prcci.ely, which lava
heretofore existed. The 1mm0... 1. continued ender
,he utne name and bmr, 1 / 1 2.
Jan. NI Ds er• Co., Praladrlpbtai
Jou" APFALmt dr. Co., Pittsburgh.
Tic eontmuAnce of tho patronage or our may
Irle.:de 1. rexpectieily toliched. If any Perna. have
'emande agarnat the concern, they are requested to
vsen them foriliwrlN, fcr payment.
lt.l.are,h. April 1.1, 'SU. Jr lIIN AT'FA DEN,
tt 1nr.11.71_98 partner.
- - ligiglorMt--(.•dri—
r.sasig•ir ants /tasallttaaies °Maas
A. CO. COlll3llOO to bring
I,fftetrh92eat,n y ottn " t o ri t e I tu ' n ' s i rlge lc; 4.tenrtit,B'sgtnttbsol;
noun; panemulity and nnention to thew ants and Com.
hart of cmm:nrouts 'rl edo not allow our passengers to
Oa robbed by the turn-fling seamy. that infest the sea
port, as we tote charge of them the moment the re
•nd tee to their welt being, and de-
Coate h them any detention by the hrst
We i.ay Out fearicany, at we defy one of our pamen
gess to chow that they were detained hanta by in in.
Userpool, whaler thoutands of others • me
lithe, until they mould be tent to some sAI craft, at
ehp rate, which too frequently proved their coffins.
We intend to perform our contractr aonorably, coat
'unit er it may, Rad
tot net an was the last as
t seon,
when a muted their conv otfieers,— who enien eitherce. performed not all, or
Death drawn at Pittsburgh for any sum! om . .tn
H .
aat Ire
Etropean and Ganstal Agent,
raft Fifth ,Diet, one door below Womb
'QUORS-17 hr pipes Etrandy—Otard, &a
pipes Unhand GiElj
5 eats N Rum;
es.* 1011 Ohl. Whim key; for nabs by
‘ - a" a e.ll,{ltt,:one
Wahmeateet OD.,
1101.L.1 ALE 1 / 1 0/661:1113, comer of First and
y y Wood sirrem, offer for sale, on favorable terms:
bbla Whiting; 300 lb. Carb. Ammonia;
co do A :cm; WO do Ammfauda;
ipba do Dye Wood.; WO do Crude Tartar;
25 do
20 do fAmpblack; Ski do Liquorice Book
Veit. Red; six , do Ineb Mom;
I do Camphor 120 do Red Precipitate;
, 10 do 2703,. ltrscam; 130 do calomel Amer.;
110 co 0
eils. Ochre; 20 do do g ag;
10 Co firim• tne; 2fkl do Dreher Leaves;
do Clore.; 220 do Rhuarb ef;
3 do Chan, Ph:Avery; 400 do Sall o
w. do;
14 ca.e. Rer. Baru; 200 do Gentian do;
25 do Certif., Soap; Min do Sal Itochecle;
10 do Prussian Blue; 8/0 do Scidlitz Miztura;
10 do Cele. Mappia; 300 do roved Rhubarb;
13 do Chrome Omen; 000 do do Slip. Riot;
5 do do Yellow; 100 do do G. Amble
sdo Am. Vermilion; 100 do do Lig. Root,
GO reams Sand Paper; 100 do do Jalap; ,
00 bap Sicily Sumac; 120 do do ArCayenne;
25 bale. Settle Cork.; 200 do So/ph. ZIOM
73 Sulph. Morphia; MO do Bar Tin .
ffydo Ms Cape Aloe.; 200 do Tartioririds;
leGo do 11.4111rtaa Potash; 230 do Qolok Silver;
too do Pink &Mt; 250 do °Mop Peel;
;500 do Turkey Umber; 75 do Cochineal;
IS/11 do Cream Tartar, 20 do Hid P01116b4-.
600 do Tartaric Acid; E 0 do Mace .
100 do Tim Una, 25 do . Grankle Lotion.
1}44/C1b1.2.13--500 ~sons ben lac a
a../ ended, Manned dikes for sale b ,-
ecuoixostmea a co
4144,aeff1OLosi, ~Woj
Bic James allarrara illald Magnesia.
DREPARED ender the Immedia e rare of the In
/ Senior, &NI established for upward: of thing ear.
This elegant preparanou . recommended in all
saria the of . obsilte: rfeciditia, I.nd!fg:tertngo7:,,mitniil. jrza,,,n
Magnesia may, and Indeed the 0011' one in which it
tingbl LO be callibiled. posseseiris all the properties of
the Magnesia :mein general use, without bents tinkle
like it, to form dangerous concletiona in the bowel,
it eillhelonlly cure% heartburn without 'nothing the
coats of the stomach, as sodA pelage, sad their ear
bonatcs are known to do; it prevent, the food of in
(ants turnins user; in ail cane. it tees. 11l a clew./
aperient. and Is peculiarly adapted to female.
Sir Hits.Phre, Lary testified that this solution font:
soluble mobinationa with uric acid sake In cases o
made arid graseh.therby counteractlns their injuriout
itself, had n cy, w
failedhen other alkalies, .Ad even M.P.'.
Froth Air Philip Crampton, Dart, Surgeon general
to the Allay in Ireland:— ;
"Dear Sir—Tbere can be no doubt that Magnesia
rmay be admintetered more safely in the forth pia can
eentrated sole:Ion than in substance,• for this , and
:Imany other reasons, I am of opinion that the; Fledd
:s i n ‘ e .. sia is a very valuable
Sit James Clark - c, Sir A.:Cooper, Dr. Bright, and
Me... Guthrie and Herbert lyo, of London, strong
ly ref °amend Murray :a Fluid Magnesia, as being
and mare sativand convenient than the solid, and
soda or ro polo, danger mendlng au 0011111. ant am 06
For sale by the itriLoileamfamilatitente,
Cor. of Wood& Front...
lIIMn mot Emmit DISCOVER]
Front the Frigetinße :icingactre, to repel Disessea
Dr. Glayrott's Extract or Yellow Dook
and Ilaraapartlia."
Calas.,etvn:rox:r.npoli,..glerolftlian,,,eiryjr,h,Ldeium, adapt
dropsy, asthma, piles, eeues c ey, alectitisciiii
the bladder and k idney.,mercurial disease., cor
rupt bomb., nub of blood to the. head, fever and
au F, , ,, , , t em o v . e p e plre pi , a t tr a , d
b general .,
. d i e th bill: Li ts . p , e z .
gravel, night awenia, ebolle, organic arcetions,'
palpitation of .the beim, biles, paina In the aide,
cheat, bank, de.
It In infallible in all: diastase arising time an IM•
pure State'of the ;blood. or Irregular action of the sys
. In tLe Vegetable tEingdons, an All.wise Being ha,
,deposited plants and herbs. congenial to our constitu
tions, end adapted to he earn of disc..; had to
vegetable kinedom does th e reason 01 man, as well th a
the instinet or nut els, turn for antidotes to palm
The Syrup., a •elemlbe compound of the Mort vai
amble plants in nature,entirely free from deleteriotw
and enervating mineral aulaninces, an d as It erpeil
disease front the system, Imparts vigor and wirengtkg
An extraordinary caw of SentifolkEryelpelakend
cerkeured: bythe mle use of Dr. (lagoons Cam
polled Syrup , l' ellow Deck Semapanlla.
1 1 10cuLLTIT, Nov. 17, ISIS
Da. Ouveuvr-ii.9lm I tender my muocre thank* fat
the great beacat I have derived fr om the o n
of your
valuable smart. I have been troubled Very bad wit
a scrofulous•lore, which made Its appearance m
chin. I did not psy much altettlkin LC it at Cust o m),
potting it to be nothing bat truptwo that .p sup
:wperson hi fee I. It finsny beg. to ItielThe.
ee.] to Mr psm of the head. 1 applied to •
p timiciuu, thing m e all to at purpou bud
torrdof ,
to one it, for I knew that Yellow Dock was oae of the
moot valuable articles to the world for Me blood- I
tk.i:ourilh'eortorgVenniu::gdefir°ll mraP.segsate"m7(
.4, or.. I was well man. l how (eel like
7 cannoned
new peroon; my blood is perfectly eleanoed and two
Irian ell impurities. There m tot a cartoon hot tha
your newly dlteoTered COMpOand la fu superior t
any sarsaparilla syrup ever sold.
This cern/Siesta to at your disposal to pub li sh if you
like, and Loy one m.coay rein, tome. I 'boll be hap
py to into Meta ell the information I eau about lay
cam, sn. 7 reareun year obedient Fervent,
(iSsuau G. /Goss"
113 Market tuts(
Tim licit remelt medicate known. The Extract.
Veil sr Doak and Oatsaptrills It a mauler, peed,'
p rmatient cure Mr ail complaints incident. to
ha mild, alterative Properties render it per:nitwits
the ta tits 'lender and.dedcate comminution of
the female. It ie u.erailed in It, elects opon emelt
at... an lIICI.P.ICAL consumpuon, barreancsa, lett•
conaoes, c s a whims, invitulat menatrustion. IiICOLIII
- a wine, and kenentl prostration vistas system:
It immediately coisnmman let distasing ervous,
as, Red lassitude' s° common Lt that tamale [rants,
and Imparts an energy and hasoPsnel.t.P..nd .
CICY Alf I, maim -al. W ecaiden d e on Me urinal)
tadocee us atesnuld. to recount:sod this medicine to
marred s.sopls east have cot bean Lleezed with of
Parma earn Vent, or Falling at the Womb, of d,.Ye
retlll. ittandlog, cured by Di. GargroiSs Extract cc llow Dock and Sarsaparilla, after out ea
known rem:!; had teen tried without every o
kVa.eineterort, Ohio . Feb, 1E43.
This err:Sits that aty wile, aged 27 years, has
angering under the atiose eomplaint fur fir.
years—nearly lb a.' that usae conlined to her bed. .I
ha ve rue low renre C.l.lllfiai .theleYee th e beet eeel
Mal talent mat could he proeu - ed In ttua aectlon of tie
annery, waliout any ne.nekt whatever. I ha. alto
purchased every matnunerit ...amended (or the
of such dletasca all of which proved
La the aprir, of lli4e, f you induced by nay s
T.,::a, r...6.1.1),T:!':`f,,,1r:,07.D'5. chAskedr:tlMte)
it tor ahem (our ••eeka. It wall evident to all Mat she
yr. Improving ki.d mt. Mill W.. she improved rap
oPy, •hd gami..l Pewit and atranath, until the duce.
ea., a. ..rely removed, end e lls is 'Kyr, ertMlitrlS ltllw ,
excellent health.
%S.P.I. moNFORT.
We beteg neighbor* of Wes. and Jolla Monfort,
know that ace above atamment, as to the sickness o
Sit Monfort and as to the ram bring steered by
Guyana's Yellow Doak a o , lSareaparilla, to be , cried,
5.J.114.11 rott-Easg
Groat Var. of Consamptlate.
Ileautron, Jumary 19ri
Mr. Itatutett—Dear Sir: The great benefit which I
have denved tram ter
Extract of Yellow Hook and
:ransom/ilia, Induces me, as Knout ollturtice, W Mak*
the following alinement:
After wasinny foie two years from general debUity
which finally terminated in eunsonmidon,l arcs given
up by lay friends and physlciatio as beyoad the aid al
medicine. it last maort, IW. 1116h1CeJ to try
your li:xtraet, and, buying fused but two bottles, sm.
cording to \your directions, I am entwely writ, :I
would Men:lutes earnestly recommend your unequal
led Compound to the •Illieted who desire x powerful,
i.leriant and sato remedy Gratefully your 'fiend ,
None reninte unless put up tri lode equate Ladles,
a'quert, and the bat, of the .y rap iddere
ibe gtais, wnl, the ,11.3 iienattire of di. I' Ben.
nett uls usli.V4C wrapper l` env SI pet bonle, at
six bottles to S.t
It m sold by J. D. ?ark, earner of Fourth and W.I.
nut street.. CShelinsuo, Ohio, General Agent tar the
Southland Wein, wwhom all orders mast be addrem,
carter h Ott,, Erie, W. P. Jadson & Co., Water
ford; Olin & tillemoun, Cromittneville,• Abel Tomell
Montrose, Hirai. Ella, Towanda, Robert Roy, Wells
bore; L. Rodetiek, eatlenebary ; L.
uer, eorder Start et Sll[f l and We Diamond.
0 medicine. of the day."
raham Station, Ohio, May 2, IMO.
R. R Scllerst- I dunk right, for the benefit of others,
to stele same Arts In (Matron to yourexcellentFa
have nee year Veratirage largely in my own
fannly, one vial freqeently expelling large quantal.
Ml. ay 10U not worms) from two children. I have
a s
year lover Pill. and Cough Syrup in MY
the clic.. an desired. d they are, wevery Inman.,
AC thatct a engui,ed in inercbandming, I am •ble
'tate, Paw yet to none of the hest fulore where
your reran,. Lave been nand in any .eCtlan nlthe
entlan y. Is, coucluslars, 1 may mate that they are the
ntodicinee of the day, and are desunedlo have a v./
extensive populanty Vunrut we i niz, s
Prepared and maid Ly R. E SELLERS,kO7rWood
she., and mild by Druggists generally to the two
mt and vicnty____. je7
81 . 1.11 - I — ii ILY
Medicines el the day."
I initinat's &ninon, Ohio, May V. 0849.
cr.: I dunk it right for tho benefit of othe
&c is in relation to you excellent ram?.
.r Vermlingo larirciy in my own wen
r.temly .saerring for expellingi .ge
In Mr .corm. front two childro■ I
roar Liver Pill. and Congh Sloop .
toy have to every in.tance produced
quantiuge (*ay I t.
halm el., o mkt y•
ml amly, um
the d e d.
. wiraged In merohandising, I am able to
0 I have yet to hear of the first failure where
theiner Mice been used in my seciton of the
In conclusion, I may sotte Mat
ace are a.
es el the Jay, arol are derziim.i .0 have a very
0 napalming Fours, ccl .r, oast.,
Tared and sold by R. No 07 nR Wo L od
Cad sold by Druggts tiler:Wl in die two el
_ nd •Mituty.
‘3_II.EAT—CUIViariTEMI,r- - AT111 . , -- by he
only true , and genninc Liver Pill.
:mesa asisetikOri:f%.7l7,i.V....
Slr. R. E. Sellers: Dear Sly-1 Wolk it a duty 1 owe
) 011 and to the nob. races ly, to state that I have
been adhered with the Liver Complaint for • long
time, and so badly that an ghee., formed and broke,
which left me in a very. low Woo. Having heard of
et col hated Laver Pills being for gale by A
Sharp, in West Liberty, and recommended to me by
my phr.d. , Dr. E. South, 1 concluded to give them
• fair tn. I purchased one boo, and found them to
VE Ju ß st what they are recommended, THE BUST LI
PILf. EVER USED; and after taking four bole.
I find the Mierso has entirely left mc, cod 1 um pow
pertectly wall. Rerpeetfully yours,
West Liberty, March 20,1ein.
I certify that I am p.m/nail, acquainted with Mr
Caine, . ~d can bear testimony to the truth of the
curve ...criticise.
The ' , nano/Liver Pills are prepared and told by
RE i LLERS, No 07 Wood street, and by druggists
'nth,/ tom ewes.
LivO THEii:llll,lC.—The original only trim an
and d gen
uine le are prepared by RED ller. have
his name • fed in black was upon the it'd of each
box, and hi s signature on the ratable wrape
others are co.terfoits, or hale imitations. p r—all
epic E SELLERS, Proprietor
last recd, an invoice of fail jewelled relen
err Watches, le carets fine cares, which I can seil as
low as thirty and thirty five dolnars, and warrant. to good time.
Alto -1 splendid assortment of JEWELRY, en/
prising the various and latest styles, and best patterr
W. W. WILSON, Watchmaker and Jeweler ,
ELE R REY, FLEMING & Cu , ham, arranged to
Woolen give
and their Cotton G te eod entire atntion
~ no w W
to the eof do
offer their
stook of Tailors' Trimmings, Vestings, French and
German Cloths, Doeskins, ensaimerea,&e.m Fiat coat.
129a1Vood at
UST geed, m etegaat row:wood 0 oct- Kill:
from the celebrated manufactory of Nunes
Clark, N. T., of superior tune, and very moderate mice.
For tale by 11. RLERER,
dctY at 7. W. Woodweaa.
WILLIAmEop,,Mcir)TTrEA Pi-11WDER.,
for removing Tamar, Bonny, Caake,..4 to
substances destructive to the Teeth. It 11 delicious to
the taste, cleansing the mouth, healing and etrengthen•
og the gums, and,rtnlying, the breath.
For sale, wlolcle and retail, by
deg° R R FIRLLERS. et Wood ri
11rassrlia 43 1.• 4 1.
50 bgpgi,pees C k 'oplocrrazdy, varroo d vioram;
4 pipes Holland Gin;
2 puncheons
2 puncheons Old MO bisktri
0 qr casks
Oporto Wine,
20 do Oporto do;
20 bids 80rdea,..2 Clams:
IO btpipes 13pabb.h Red Wine;
50 his Hordes, Glum:
10 hos Mania Mot;
5 [lds French Whirs Win. in
Et Tra msox
co'd lot Ws by MLLE& &
04010 atnutivin
THESE' DIEs !Arlo, 6eeaadopted and highly approved in - all the principal' shops In Nei
and Phi!adelplata, nee nos, off ere d tc , =aurae:wars, machinists, shi
fidence, es the not perfect article in the or Cutting p smiths, kc., with the t.t.l
Their anperiority oVer any other
offs pond
used, consists in then. caning
Scam, Whether 1" or squaaa thread, by off. pos-iing over the Iron to be cut, alma require noe s
°;,. P' , Paratien, as the dies on the thread out of the ',Mid iron, without rag in nu
!neje Bremer durabiliw, rapidity, end perf e c t io n of Work; and in their rnmplieny and nine li
to gel ton Onler.
C oati ] leases.
PatLusisracs, Aug. a 7,16.18.
tltbt. is la certify that csa bass psrchased Croat P.
sitrt:,,nneguhr'o*pingN VlCrtAr; for
dor to a cr, ethers urn ire acquainted sabe c lor. Os
purpose °feudist bols.
Rciatirm.A. A. 2, IEI9.
Hall lac pad P W Gatet' Patent Ikea In use la
eszablitlynent for the tart ulna month., for cur
the 6 ti as We hate 1747:11'oeStraW
they berry er far Bupeior--eonyldun Quo. 71 per
Penn Work., rk.
Thla I• to Certify that ae7have puckered the rfaht
to ore, aed, adopted to our boute• p W peke. Pa
tent &row Cutter, whlehero highly approve of. We
can do lunch more work, and we belleye tt will our.
para In durability cud Proolokut:w roach a• buObtanY
of labor, any dietkaown ton•
. . .
mon l l4*lnli day, 1.80.,
Nur You, Aug. 19,1430.
liexiugatiopted P. W.Gates ,. .Patentiliesn for Cut
ting bolts, see take pleasant in haying, that It more
LOOM .110Ien on; expectations, and haul no bealta.
non in pupa. It as onr.opiaion, that It fee excel. any
other plan in present Rio foe caning bolls.
T b SECOR te.
IV. have P. W. Gatits ; :ratent Dies" for cutting
Krems, and the economy of using them is so very
oonaidetabla, that we look tipoo them as indlspensa•
hie to every establishment having any quantity of
screws to out
1 5„1 , 421N11c8, OGDM & CO,
1 1 1 1./9CII Orrrog, WEgouvoleg, gth Sept., 49.-
1 have purchased of W. EL Scoville, for the United
gtage.s, the right to use le all the arsenals and arta.
Ste Jamas Murray's Plaid glaff/aealai
DREPAICED under the imuirdiate core 01 the in
A. venter, and estabitched tor upwards :of thirty
ears by the profession. for removing But, Acidities,.
and Indlgestio. resisting Appetite, preiturldnig •
moderate state of the boweis, and dissolving uric acid
in Gravel and Goon alto, at an racy remedy lot sea
sielnest,huid for the febrile affection incident to child
hood it is invaluable. On the value of Magnesia eremedial anent it Is uunecessary M urray
enlarge; now hut as
Fluid Preparation of Sir James Murray is the
most valued by the protection, as it entirely avoid.
the pi:mil/Wry of those danger.. concimiorte usually
retellind from iLe use of the article in powder. ••
For nib by the imposer , . and propneteric agent,
seen • Cor. Wood te Front ate
.29 bra Jon_. &
!U bre Cabinem , We lump.; do'
: 11. bre S. Myers' 1 lb lump.
-" " 4° for aisle t.
STOCKTUN for aal9, vnl
all,. of Gibbon's !hemp! of the Decline Mid Pali of
to. Homan Empire.
utd Letters of Thomu Campbell, in 2 vele .
Edited by Wm Beattie, AI D,
Edememery Ss elehee of Moral Philosophy. By the
Imo Rev. Sidney, hl, re..
Lectures op the America Felectie System of Sur
gery. By Benjamin Hill, hi. D.
Talbot an Vernon; • Novel.
The Shout:et. Knot, a tale of tee seventeenth tea
aThe Scar
e.,_ let Leiter, a romance. By Nathanic/
- , ariew-irois-------------
II vole by Wi lthno ll cloth.iam Beattie, Ai. Lto
, one of his executors.
hallway Economy: a treas on the art of
transport, its management, prospect., end new cl relations,
comenerdal Onetime!, and social, with an exposition
Ditto practical reecho °rine railways In opera:lento
the Unclad Ifingcleir a . the Continent, and In America.
By DionyziusLardner, DC. 1, , die. I vol. Ihno loth
The Pact, Present, and Future of the Repablie, liana
lased from the French of A. DceLamaritne, author of
n"Pte ( Serondlata," u hlemotra of my Youth," "Ha.
Plusels" fcc. i :va t limo cloth.
Hints toward Relonsia in Lectures, Addrdoca and
other Writings, by Horace Greeley. I vol l2ma elm.
The Hstory , of the Confessional By John Henry
Hopkine, 1/. D., Bishop of the Moe,. of Vermont.
I vat 10100 cloth.
The Conquest of Canada. By the author oft Roche.
In. (Elliott Wart/noon, +..702 volt 12 100 i
Coansost v sketch of n physical descriptlon of the
Uoverge. By:Alex Von Humboldt, translated from
the b y - E. C. nth. c vas limo cloth
Gibbon's Denlme and Fall of the Roman Empire,
"1111 noms hy it. H. Minton Harper'. etc.,. edition.
thmo. cloth. complcm in ft veil at Etc star vol; 4 vole
received for sale by ft HI/PEWS ,
aura -
--- OE.. APO{ to Building., Fain. es_
I MOURN thee in sadness. When o th er friends
Annie Lauri around thee. Conselptls departure and roam.
e. Are we attar. there. Low backed
co. Ile 200th all things well. Belly we. a hula
Silver moon. Grave of Wathington. 'thou Last
wounded; the erica Deed Soler Boy. Re kind to
laved one. et home. Cheer up my own; /cannot
oh, Lecuusl. Spring Flower Walto, Elan Walls
Brantebero Walls Salutation Polls. Betty Pol. a
Ravel Polka. imny Lind Polka. Linda ljuiiketep
March from Norma.
TLe above axe tot received, and for sale by
.1 Ilk/ t LLOR,
ll Wond
If. AJHLLCJK , R I Wood ettret, dos rrencid the
follotton g Nees Aluete:
O il, eay ean yen see ny the trot's holy Hahn dedi.
clued to Rev, C Cook. Ilk, think not lees I love
thee. Blanche A (pert, love the e. When other blinds
around thee. The cut hene•th the hills. Wen thou
but mine. Annie Lune—Scotch ballad. The Rubin
—words by Olia Cook, music by Stephen Glover.
Thou haltvroanded the spirit that loved thee,. The
GUfd rave, of Whittington. The Irkh Mother'. Lament.
fietuan—Ruhel. Ile doeth all things *ell—
Woodbury, IVntow hioehree--Revell. The cottage
el in! mother — Hatebineone Low backed car— , Lover
Cain Wapner -- complete. The %lac. Bell; The
Ihinal or Weditne Polka. Jenny I,:n.tho Awinean
Polka. fizzy Pnik.a. Ponce American Polka, Tap
l'op American PdiUIL. Lialumorean Polku.l
Jenny Lind Polka. Th e Onsioa Sconteh Polka—
Julie. Salutation Polka. Flirt Polka. Josephine
Polka. Summit Polka. liosangel Polka. The Pro.
PAT Viitilt — Pgis'yVe I Jenny
Semi Drover Boy—venation% by Cum, Errant. Tan.
y. Monument.
Sound. from Home. Wrecker'. IntuFtner. quickhda.
Louieville March and Quickstep. M• ood Bp,
Sttross e bp e ..,
wood Clotedeo•
130181 , 9 Pnze, dovey's Seedlings, and Vietotlat
Three are the largest and host flavored Out.
mange: all the different variaues nowt Frown.
Orders addreesed to the prup:letOr, R est Alanahe..
ter, WWI fccrivu prompt atteottoo .1 bletiAlN.
A e t ,1,, b .`,74°.7.% `;',‘"`!,ll:,,b`dZll almost indtepen.-
torn Its remarkably wholesome and nutritious
;ref at a food tor the healthy av well as a dlot gnml.
Mr in.
eat and also for the sustenance of growi ghildrenn c
and imam Various modes of uoaking and
arc giv en on We' rapper.
Though well known toeast, the it has never been
introduced to any extent In Pittaburgh. The sabscrlb.
ars have, thereforeade arrangementa to be eon.
dandy rapist:ea . with it, and now O'er a to retail
Scalers or termites. on more favorable terms than It
has over been sold at m Pittsburgh.
asis4 Liberty az
l AM non p repuell to (wraith Apple Trees, fnsta the
well known Nutnery of Jacob N, Emmen. The
to will be delivered at the wharf at Pittsburgh for
per orden Persons wishing good thrifty trees
leave the :oon at the Dreg, Seed, and
Perfumery Watchoese, corner of Wood and Sixth eta.
spit 8 N W1CKER211.451,7,1
KLEBER Internet reeived a line lot of Maas
.11, instruments of the best manefurturc, selected
Os himself with great Horne , , footedmar each as
Valve Tromberner,Sax Cornets, Tubas
der also,a firm sereetion of filturic Donee, playing
two imd three tram Manes, Accordeons, Sc. dry
SAlto st . p p e o rlor
e Garma , n
n and Itahnn String., and gene.
rtie N e! " It7111"0T41'171 11"„EDIN0111111"Pdrid
augml 101 Third weer
ITEI T T. /mated gTIC 'INC LaMar AND
A severeign remedy for Mir odic rheumatic affections,
yea knew and lamenem of most perm of,e body,
wales, burns, sorryi of moot Ideas. eats, elhoga, I
houses, corms and felons when first cArning.
Alm, the molt convenient and ante sucking salvo
strengthening plaster, and on iikd'reet.
For sale by S N WICKERSHAM
aug2t Cor Stith S Wont eta
Rooter,. Ses>
(41ZE, Veld.
Nally trap dorm.; Go Mon
Do DIM to tbo Loved ALs
Ono ch .
at llama;
Rosa thy boat Leidy; True Love. by T. Hood;
Our way across the Sea, dam;
A new medley song; by 11. Covert;
Jerry Gray, mule by Mullen
Joy. that were creaming. Wedding Utrecht,
Gal bless the hardy maiLite; Schuylkill W•IIM
Conserryti Departure r by W. C. Glover;
Sounds from Home; Valises, Sie rereuttekleirb. Co;
Last Rose of Sammor y easy vatauern, by Herm
United Stares Polka; Ladles , Souvenir Polka;
CAM CrlleaCr Quadrille. Lenders/le Quadrille;
Beauties of Italy; Deem; Trios, the.
A large assortment of New Mode co hand. to Which
ddiSona aro made weekly. Forsale by
fet_tl________...L ILAIDLLOII. 81 Wood at.
llshing by Harper , te Pro's, in 6 vols, cloth sadl paper, at 40 cents per val. Three vole received, a,hd
tor sale, by ft HOPKINS,
Stiapt7 Apollo Ruildin 1.. FoarM at,
fTr it-", I bugs prune ---1-
I, . , Ciaintas-40 bits mould, dipped, and p.m;
Cusses -130 bys Cream and English Dar.;
Cetus -20 doe Limey and Manilla;
Csossis.-60 Maus; •
Otovp-4 barrel;
Claus-30 Common and hsltSpanfithe
Fran-23 brlsand half his Mackercl,and Salm:tont
GL.a-30 bas assoned eises;
ligsee-1.440 Primo Venison; ' •
boo Sugar Cured;
Breton -100 lb. 8 F and Martina;
Ina-10 dos Harrison. Black and Copying;
brls N.Orleans;
13 half brls Sugar Hem.;
fderrstm-20 des assorted canine.;
blgccsaoer-301. Italian;
Vssauren.-60 lbs do
Name-enall kegs assorted;
Picsmrs-3 dos lays assorted;
Pea .a-a 7 bushels heir.;
Pares-03 mums assorted;
Pecan-100 lbs Borden.;
Boar-60 On Rosin and Can Steel;
B cosn-10 Olds N Orleans and Qarldsdi.
Tos-60 packages Orion and Blatt
Teaser:n-20 b. 12, 5, & 1 lb luny.
For sale bE°y"'"--'4"W'&l7ellipi -rte Corner a
or Firth ud w 0.4 n. •
'Gaol REED :HOUSE, :
11EITI1 t
u DAgIiZC r Proprleto%l
PsaJ Span; Erie, Pa.
GENERAL STAGE OPElEE—Easters, Wasters.
and :southern Stages , leaire.this basso daily. Gar;
and SoLI4 C:a i n: sad Packet Boats,
W. ta b o 'L=Tr
sokda E horn!,
Gambol tw...ctsbat
GROS . S super Polkai lb do do very fn,;
'! U SO
• °".°
ll " super dig 9 Flinn Beddin
6 g;
" " racier Combs,
m . Wood
Ilvai dos ass'd Fine !ivy;
141 " Seel/ Side Conths•
In i• super large Marjo;
Initi grins arv'vl Side (bleb,; rmi`d and for gale by
(ebb • C YEA:GE/1, PM Market st
---- .
___,____ _
~.i_ f. . 'APLIE_ PPPAPIA.7...
11 lilin'L.l,F-I.' e° g " le s : r r ' i ' lO 4 / ° n ' t : ::ru 'o t r il ' e ' c o s t erhatieVrl4l...l'.7l*;ll.:_ii.
[not public 4 cnera:ly, that they have tehtnit he Itit --'
4,1./. Ft/V.:snit V end are now 01 11111 operation, hod
bore Nut of theirs atterns ready fur the in arket
Ansongm whieli are Cooking Stoves, Coal anti W.. ,i , v
Shigeo, with a splendid air -n; ht Coal Stove, whirr ,
/now, supereeding In other rimer the common rout.
Stave. Alms, • cheap enul Cooling Stove, winl tile, -
led dse small famine', with a full umortmcnt of roar
motrand mantel Grates NVo would pnrceolarly iO.
Vito trio attention al persons building to cull at o.w
warchome before purchamog, and clicidnim Lighted:4
!' arttcle of ensminelled Grates, nulshed in firm ,tole,
entirely new in th131535k5.3. -.
1V1155115111C, No. lel Liberty in,ogp.mite Wood . at,
___# l tirde l dt/
.. _ NlidliUt.Sl9Nl k. PAI N 1..
i.vrpiiiiiiicilt LUPO,' TATiii lie.
(j.,' VE-"P.ll,ldfrll.l,ig{7:lllll.lV't7lVOlL",7u" La
Sign of the Gilt Comb, las Martel rt., Pinsburc.h, Pa.
Wemern Merchant', Pedlar., and other. varitiird
Pjusburgh t pare huse Goods, arc rr•pertfuliy limited
th call and . examine the extent:re u‘sortment of Eng
huh, Atnenean, Freud, mid German Farley Goods.
All Foreign floods at this estableniment are import
ed direct by' myself, and pucka 9crii may rely ort get•
tiro! gond. from fuel hands. I have me largett ta_miert
rat ut ot 15111061, ill Me variety liiie, in the city 0.
Fn./aga—all of which wit Lel sold low tor cart, oii
Cily aeceplar.ces. The Stock cont.: it, in par, od .
I.atie Goods, Iforiery, Gloves, itiboont.
Silk:Cravats, Shoe and Patent 1 li recd 9. aewing SIM,
Spool Cotton, Tapes, Sue/wilder; 116 - tons, l'io., Nee
din, end Cutlery.
Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Jewnlry, , ail k,o_j u of
Bruses, (Inaba and Rzors.
Per h cusidon Caps, Rev a otvers, Pico, Cloclia, Fitk do
Cottoil.Purses, Spectacles, 33651 Pt., ' ?davit: Loges,
CarpeOlings and Baskets.
Ilindong,s,Findsngs and Trimming.
Toys and Fancy * Good.; togeiler ' , bill a large irartc
ty of Fancy and Staple Bin - COMB,.
e. Fan c y i 3 St aple
meter Combs. agent for tne rew
calebd Lae.
Great &Magi's!". Eta wi adj..
F°.Raffief hICIVA L 'l- I& . } n :M v.n, ; ' I
' rn e r' re l ? , ', it:
, above duets., ta the HUNGARIAN ALS-V.:tit
LIFE, ithicovered by the celebrated Dr 13deha n , e
Londonlinglithd, and introduced trite th e United State'
under tkrdirnMedtatt aupertmcndenc e of the love:de,
11e eitnionlinary atteceis of this medicine, an 41.,
cure of Pulmonarythwuca, yrant. th e Amain ut,
Agent an aohetung for Ream:Lex t he worst toriit , e d*-
ads that dame found in the comma-in; -ca,- bin "ova
relief in Vein from any of the comma:, rern,l,.. of ea.,
del', .4 have been given up by the n at dirtieted.o.,....
an )
plardcialis nit confied and tn 1e arab to he !Iti..4itt..
Velum as eared, rm and will cur^ the abed dew,, al„
of enact, Iris no quack nostrum, bi. a rand,:“ , ".
Rah niediente, of known and tiAbll'l. ..Reese "
Eveoy &truly intim United ... , .te aat oild LI to
with Haehan'a flungariau 111.1,ain t., Idle, not ob o
i, as
eatinlenket the eons...pave terden'e , of tb. e /ft. 1{
ha to bil arid tw a prevenuv, fucA;rl n. ,;, , r . 1
colds, wart., apitung of hood,. pa. a in ' a -.... an./
cheat, irritation and anew.. Mood,
ate tri,, .160.
daGUhi of bregung,ltectte ream, me t et...., e..,,,1'
anon and Feneral debit", asthma, °theca., why ...,,,
sough nod croup.
Sold in large bottles, at It per bottle, velilt ran wt,e
untie for the melon:aeon of health .
Parnphlets, consisting a mass of no usb oath AL art
can cerulleatta, and otai evidence aho, o , i, , ,;,
tained or she Ageuw,ualledDue
eratunonv great lion , ly, 0: .3 I a
ob iy
For rale by II A tAIINI.RTOCh tg Da., corner o
at and Wood and Wobd_c i n , d Cth eta
Si s iT - 1 4 .1..k.'b i0, A COUGH pl ....-I",iie.
, . .
omostan, ?larch 27, ler 7.
Mr. R. E. Sellers—ln Prr
Puttee la you and your /neon,
parable Cough Syrup, I beg Monet° state, Or the ben
efit of the,comotunity, that my tore ens beentierers2
awes tflbeted with a most Maur-sain t tou t ', I Dus ..
chased, iwTannary last, t borne of year Syrup Piet
cured a maga of two topnths , attudiug. Abe t , on ,,
month Noce, the cough returned, and was en nesere
that she could hardly rnone, front weakness In the
breast; I sent for one . bottle of your Cough Syrup, an,/
u pule or one. bottle eared the cough I mare the other
to a journal man who Will +comely slilieted, who Mid,
to are his own words, betten enourli cough earaly to
corn . MI the people In Pialburgh,' if the candy had
been a. good as reorerented.
''oars, Ye-Tema/4Y, h.riatu lI.E t.
Prepared' and told by R. E. SELL/M.5,5tmt,7 Wood
street, and , sold by Druggists gen - ertny In tho Vivo
-----,---____ drift
ALLE A l MMlcfafav o tsLiii- D ,
. J. A. DROWN would teepee,
t 1Z... - .;;"4, -I:o:h h. atll7ifbrat the publi, inc[ On
.Z ,- --."-----.4-__,..-- keeni on hood et htv tanner, tho
went 'teats of 11, i hOmsdl4, Alt,
4:-.... 0)* ay, a :cmicie p. 0,,
-3 - arth,h , . e-e-treh-F. meta Of Ventonn Illator i oleo Ve
=l-,......,-ri...... t'. :I rattan nhottere are atode to er
-!,e---...„..--, fler in the heel lint sver,thrl'6
,_..-- - 2.—_-,iz-t--•=a, equato arty' In the United Steictn
....1 — ti
otin tindxx o n f
.te ener;..zille4l::.
i e ... .......F- 7--- -::: - F - ,, - 1:: Flain; purcheted ' ih e •hectt,
7,---....„..___.—_,e"-Le took, Owl woo.' nithe nbinct c,-
'.'"..-,,,.=.47.? tobliehatentcf atuo.ey ,IPUre.'-
:..r..--------'-'7l. land,
! I :l ' ett r e ' Te ' feen d , a ' ne r' e r lf V. '
the pnatthle stiorgeowith every aline in anitr e.
Ageneli Pio .)IS'ood Meet, Paha:nil :
tor i mv?..
rod= :
• ILconoray Trot.
TIECIDI3I4;If the cheapen and Firs ;dere le Me
olVaah„lt,,,,,tdd.ryTlea it at the Tea iferlret, east no..
t•_acelleat Tea at-±--• • • •-tra Co pet lb
• ;
lOW 1 to
prated, damaged, er I
re , afrier Teas are bet kept
at ttaa establiehrner.t, therefo, ert.eMer you go year
eel! or lend it child; you ate sure to OViti.l a Toad
article, and the direr of Ihe• Tea to eamtyprived,
they readily eaehange at or ;edam hg money.
lJltl .110171118 IIAWORTif, Prom:elem.
C II ILI,IaIVIE SOAP—VW bxe kv Salt Ny
veptl !! AtILLER h nicKE:rhnN
• p r epa red ra sarch,
D EFINED and expr,...l, for Food, Pad.
cUngs„ Cakes, Csstards, Re.
Recipe toy Roiled Custard-4 , 0. Our , or or tatlk,
o!fir calm/self loaspooafolof salt, two tahleapootfais
o refined atrib4aor the waren fa a mall qaacaty of
the milk, till Iffsprfratly diasolved wad traootlt—ald
booboo,the o gc, welt Oa Warr h—poar the alma
sad starch thd balarro of the milk, white boOrra•
rtlr dectumly WU" once. —}3l V.UalL •
For ado by BN.
wi4 . RifitarteßOl
ries antler the supervision of this Department,
Dateat - Patent Lies" for antis, tern as on meta
having peen tried in two of the Caere .renalfound to be very eineient and cif eteni
A. TALCuTT, CoL Ord.,
BYYZIC et Vaunt , son Doa',
COnrldrrlng Gates' Patented Improvement
ling scream on metal to be • rue one, Ih.
oath ortty of the Honorable Secretary of the
Purchased of be Attorneys or the Patentee, It'
Scortlle, Samuel Ho. sr, I. sit , the rhaht
um said improvement rot
the U. S. Nary.
JOSEPH StHTII, (` t / c o t Dam
In usa also by
HuQalo Works, Datsio;
114111t. Ib A Gt a tTfote " r b to " r t W.
H R i
Haywood & solder, Sol.roya l'oon:y;
rbse k. Now Vort;
I.MM/ornate, "Pbconta." N. V;
Demean Ir. Co, A :\l ' oan i tio w n s. Bal.;
V inaan,lbsehosse tl
AIL It7o Tat Yea r t Nor ,N"ol;(*r'4
Norri. &
Lon+l/ Blar s huo :sh
tp, r.o'sr":" '
Lyman e dorm enobbn
and nunotona other.
No lMaelone, ID re. di. & tap. ft i to ti irt. Ptt.
Nog do a do itd li price ....'
No 3 do r• do 1 . 1 2 F, prier . 3
MI order,. addre”eillir hi,t, Can..
U. 11. liar uon, New Vora 1.1. D. X/ eraiddi 6 Co. P
delphia, and 11. 11. Scorillc Lc Sour. Cnienen, for I
,u n d
will Taps, with re
or without aehtn. for ii Ilizing Meet with prompt attention.
(teticano, May 3. /PM.
11 .&010171 -, L •
P& a. removed
and tanhi'alyeet°4 ""'
a W 0
ITHE Pertnerehlp herrtofere erieting hrtwern
subeertbers, under tee firm of Cl:rendre Wneo
bet CO., W. (Lk day dresolved by toutual 1 . 0. d t
The Goethe. of ale (UM t7e nettted by .I.IV. lint
ridge, or We,, Wilson, ither oc who author
teed to the nettle of the Jr.,' litre In M
J. W. LlTlValTintr,,
Pittnhoren, July 1, I LYON, tillOßll CO,
145u.—jy.1 I
r AS. W. ltorbr,dge & Benj. F. Inebrant hare do
g, day amended themselves onder the fins of the
bridge & !ashram, to transact s Wholesale Grater
and General Coininiation Gnaineas, I n the heel, Intel
decanted hy Burtmdge, Wilson & Ca, 116 Water al.
Pittsburgh, July 1 , it-36.-04
rintE sahlei there nave this day formed a co-panne r.
J. ship under Be- firm of W tllO (or tie par
am Of tronnteting
NohWort Grocer, and tom.
poission Bustness, at t.s Wood street.' I
PlttWf 90N, Jr.
DlolUfl9 & HAW ORTMI
renFvutc OISTILLGRS., Tett nd
lti /Herein/nu, East aide of the Rs mom.ti Unita reit,
r e; Ned S e h r iTl e t T e l at e n
' PIT Pr ' : cr . ' . i'ane.s?er 'at;
French Brandy, 1101 cart Jam..., 0p r;
don Gm, Insh Whiskey. Pain, At. Pon, nnerrr. !Itt
deint,Chumpegne, Claret, M nteti, Malaita,
little and Lisbon Neer Wholesnie Bruit. my.:
t, HINTING PAP f;ll—Atut tys on hand or made to
Order, the various PIZOO of Printing Paper, Peg
11 rapping Paper; ernven, Mediu in, end Llott'.ta ti ros.,. Straw Wrappmg Paper, Crown, Medium. reld
Houbteer.lll Putt la-o Paper; Pasobrant, At. AO
W P MARSHALL, 83 Wood or,
Agent for Canton Mills.
W OMAN IN AMERICA—Her word and her in-
By hiarin J blelittosh, thor of wn:,
et Crmterebanne," "To "oral end I n be" I val lonia
Lotter Day Pampblote, No I:—Ttio prorent lit,.
By C Thomas Carlysle.
eautans.—Plinsoire of Lrre and Writing. or Thos.
Chalmers, 1) D„ L. L. D. Prolectionsi on But!at's
Analegy, Paley'SEvidences of Chrtstianity, and IIII!'s
Lamm on Divinity, with two Introductory Leetcree
and four Addressee &sheered in the New Cotlrt,th,
Edinburgh, by Thomas Chalmers, D. D, L. I, D.
I Vol Llano,
',Carvisu-Life of John Calvin. earnt !led from anther:-
op attune, and particularly From nn. corterpontlebeen.
Irlp Thomas II Dyer, math portra.t. I !Mild:an.
For sate by
..... . Ft HOPKINS,
__ s Bundiun, Fourth sl