The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 01, 1850, Image 1

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PU61,1911E0 UV
WHITE:.4 Co.
n. A. wars.) Is annul.
.Diu" Tlllxn NTIMILT, MIXT POOll. TO
D.Uv pa r -cm per taut.
6,ooWeekly , adv•nee)--- .--• SPO
o Clabs, at a rednet4l Tate4,' •
OnaS,,o , te • GOlinea of NonpareLlor lass)
ono / .setaol
Olin Snot re, eat. , additional insartian• .• 0,25
Do. one occk•—.---
two 3,00
.thrtlaTta--- —• 4;4
• on< ou e
th•--•--• 0,00
; lb. taro *nth, —.• 7,00
tbreo motiht•-.• 9,00
leer months • -- 10,00
months.... lam
twelve men th e.— .• 10,00
Standing Card (6 ures or less,) per annum. 10XM
One ,. Square, ebangeable atplemisre (per en
nui) cheluelve of the Z,OO
For each additional square, Inserted over one month,
toe for each additional equere inserted under the year
lymiter, belt price. •
Advertisements exceeding asquare, and not over
fifteen finer, to be charged or a mitare and • halt
Publishers not accountable for legal advertisemen ts oeyonAnno d
uncing the arno
canentdidates charged fin their
to pubtication.
for office, be charged the
same le other adverovement..
Advattisemerns not marked on the copy for Ipecl
dis4 number of inwrlions, will be continued till forbhl,
and slaYmentexerted accord-.
The pnvileges of yearly advertisers will be "mined
rigidly to their regular business, and all other adver
tisements not ?emitting to their regular business, as
agreed for, to be paid extra.
All advertisements for charitable institution., lira
meanies, ward, township and orher public meet i ngs,
nd 'nob like, to he charged half price, payable striMiY
_ hlrtniago notices to be charged SO cents.
Death notices truterted without charge, unless mecum.
panted by funeral invltationa or obituary notice., and
when an nceoropamed to be paid for.
key - tiler advertreers, and oil others sending commu
nication., or requiting notices deafened to tall auen•
don to Parrs, Settees, Coocerta, or any public enter
trdninen3, where charges are made far admittance—
all notides of orient., ahrociadont—every
notice de ,
.Ign e d to Call attention to private enterpes calcula.
ted or trocnded to promote rodividual interest, c•o on
/y be Inserted with the undemanding that the same
Is to be paid for. • If intended to be Inserted in the to.
cal column, the tame will be charged at the rate of
not leas than lb erne per line.
Illehop or Pm Sholeca to be charged triple price,
Tavern License Petitions, $l
Legol and Medical advcrusementr to be charged at
fall price',
Heal th.tetei Aarels' and Aar:touter& advertise.
mem, not to be cleaned under yearly nue% but to Le
allowed dietonot of , burty three and one third percent
from the amount of bills.
aversta oa ni-WOOLLY A DAILY PASEO.
One Square, three ineerilona• • —••• .$1 5h
each additional Inaeriion• •. 27
♦Drramrrrsn La %MUT`, care.
One Neer*, 00 Linea) one •nsertion--sn eta.
Po. nob additional miertlon•—.2s
All transient advertisements in , be paid in *dr knee
WHITE t CO, Gazette.
JAMMI P. DARR & CO,,:Chroniela
HIRAM RAINS, Evening Tribune..
Prneenau, Dec, 1, 1. Ip.
40lltlf A. PARE:IA.4)A,
ALDERMAN, VIM: Ward, l'ena street: between
Ohara and Wallin AU Loathe's promptly at
lauded IJ. ma 9
A 770IINES AT I.AIV-oMce, ca Foal th street
tt stove Wood. tang
ATTORNEY AT LAW, and Commia.lortor for
Palms'slvan* It Lostit; Mo.
All comrommiostious promptly ar.awera.
ATTORNEY AT LAW—OSee on Fourth gusty
between Snanhfichl sod Gray Pittsburgh.
.pt 11.17
• Jolla H. 11.1\ BIICIII.
A TTORIVEY and Coorriellor at Law. and Comxrda•
aloner for tba State of Pennsylvania, St. Louis;
date of Patabora4.l
Referentea—Pittoburgt: Hon. \V. Forward, limp
tcn & /diner. M'Cattilesa & McClure, John E Parke,
jiadella .4.Semple, ?deem! S. Kin!. • aualtly
Glovae. Pa. Perry Pou cs.)
Having permanently heated at this plane, • new
ant aubstantial Wharf Boar, we are prepared to re.
nerve and forward prompts r to alt points on the flyer,
and Sandy and Beaver or Ohio Canals. B & Co.
Morrow. June Ih.—Jel9
M. H. WOHDIVAIED..•— , --.---.4IAL/H
<cm Mar
No r2l kel ti, PLR.delphia. ao4
Pittsburgh Alkali Works.
* EVENNM• III'RRC, C CO, hfiumsranon,n.tsod.
jjMl Rleae Wag Poweem, Mudlaic .no Sulp_haric ,
wareholao —, Water accet, below Ferry.
Frodertek Rome. lircorce Reiter,
DRAUN-A. REITER, Witele”to end Drug.
.111 Ur gime, corner of Liberty end St. Clear anew, for.
kirgh, Pa. I '
CA. MeANULTY 3 CU, Forwarding and C o n.
. RUIIIIIOII Metchants, Canal Burn, Pittsburgh,
n 11. GRANT, Who've/an (:rota r, Comorusann wed
Forwarding Merchant, No. 41 Wa,er at, Pin,
knalgt, • 111/1
Ira Hersey.---. Andrew Fleming K. K Ptsuting
MERCIIANTS—For the sale of Do-
C musticiVetlen, and Conon Goods; also, dealers In
all kinds or Tailors' Trimmings, No la Wood st, Ilk
door from Path, Pittsburgh.
Reference—Messrs. %'m. A. Bill & Co, Danken.
S. alla.D.)
vent', s rn.virri
N , I
No 114 Sotonl 4tree4 Potoburprh. sus?
WIC L rands% lavas I. 111101 M. •
& iIEiIiNETT, (late English, Gallagher
E# Co.) Wholesale Grocers, Cornnusiion and For
warding Merchants, and dealers In Produce and Pitts
burgh Manufactures, N 0.27 Wood 1., between 2d and
74 Wrests. onto
- 71V1u. 0. JouNsDTar t
No Ito 4c0.: tti Mt, burgh. laria
taint W. Plot,WW=Wlll - tWALTIWI C.1.11(121MOWI
ENMtALcomuissioN d romnolog Mer
chants and Flour Dealers, No Intl Market street,
b 25
No. el North \S ter Sm.& Ne, North Whams.
A.J. oe^cw:.
ED W . ?) 111111.0
McCAlncom. D. C.
J. A. ‘VA.4at. , -tog
117.TE1(tnecolsor to OlutitE - 17 - ta;is1 1 /17 - of boil:
or and Commis...l Merriman, for ths solo of
Arnericsayouleno, Llbertr. opporito Sth et. folfl7
._ .. ___ ....-...-. ----
L.A. II•1¢111. PO/ 1,14211131-.
HARDY, JONCS & U., tweet/mum to Atwood,.
lone. R Co.)Claamionott and Fotvardinß Met.
shkuts, dealus, in ritutough Slanufactiated Gosh ,
}9ttston/0, Pa _ l _ mehri
'-- ~'\~'. ~'. AAItnLLALL.
(sTecaeson To Samna. C. SILL,)
AIPORTER & Dealer in Preneb and American PI,
per ll.,Ttnee and Borders, Window , Shades. Fire.
/101.1 Prints, &e. Also—Writing, Pawing and Wrap..
ping Paper, No. tr; Worhielmt a, ri weer, Fourth street
and Lliatotood alley, tee side, P b ittetwign, Pa_ -
PITT:4111111011 GLANS WORKS'
I MIN AtiN LW, late or the tam of Cherobiars, Ag •
atorli. Co, would terpeetfullg inform the Old rue
looters and the public generally. that be will •Ulleon,
atoms to earty 00 an preen tiWee Limners, to all its
garlones, and le prepared to till all order. fur Apothe
caries' Fonatture, hlinalsle, Porters, Viol.r, ke., he.,
peNainins to 614 Goethe.. Ills worebinsee is No al
Adarket moth botween First & Second eta. jr.ll:dant
firinTindtiflGAN, th'holesao Wan, aTe=luel
tg er In Dye Stade, Patna, Oslo, l Yora g :tea, to, No
la Wood street, one door Scuds of Diamond Alley
Pitt March. ape
tehT sue
11 Machu; and darter in Produ and Pinstargli
Idannfaetaren. No IN Water at, Pittsburgh. a.
141/11.11 Meter, - Seen? rICIL-ST,
DICK O :Y Co., Wholesale GrOCETV. Cora•
ion Blezehaats, and dealers in PrOd9Ce t Nc1.56
and 107 Frant 'treed , . Pittobtnol , no7o
he • . war •
JB. DILWORTH to CO., Wholesale Grocers, and
. Agents Tot Hazard Powder co., No. 27 Wood at.,
to - IVllBitVD — Dragato and Apothecar7
HN0.43 Martel st, three doer. above Third st. Pins
horgh,..lll here constantly on hand a well selected as
_sortment ante best and frnbert Medicines. which hs
will sell en the most reasonable terms. Pkysicisna
sending orders, will be eroonnly attended to, and 'ya
rned with pole les they may rely TIMM as IteUttitle. •
.Pb7 . ig'VTtf"rTtag
de 4,,.mloraVecA.,...hf
u. 7 or night.
Also for solo, a largo smelt of fresh and good Pods
John Floyd. •
Richard Hold.
Church .thtilthngs hentint oh i n, t, P 4," a ,,,,.. e. ,,, n ,, 0und .,
Sixth streets. rithih girth, P. l.
411 NO. W. CAUG LIE Y 1 Ad<.ht tot th. L ke E:ri, onn
Michigan Lane to 'lower and the Latea-Ofkc r
. n a Water .nd rtnnthCrld .
AML A. iniTCHF3OSI. — & 7 OO7-0,,,,,, , ,
LARi. h oo. Commimolon 2.1.r0tt apt%
and Argots otll6n vt. Louis Sloan, Alma arT
N,. 411.05 t ar..l VI front osreetr , P 0,51411.01.
sci • n MOIR. 6 CO, Wto!ennle Drumm,.
No 1N W;vet
t~toleNe and ft. , p 4
_ll ° lAV:in and Alatl;al reborn ItoC n t
gl.Per, Slates, Steel .Yerts, Q!a . ills, Printers' Canis, n
-7 ! assionary ral 81 Wool .t., Plusbnrgh.
In•ni to knn In [nit. ennln
I B. CAN vi E r Cate of Warren. Obiol.Commta.
Lea and Forwarding Merchant, and wholesale
. ..las Ia Western Reser - en Cheese, Butter, FM and
real Ask, and Western Predate generally. Water
PM. between Smithfield and Wool, Intichnrilb•
P it/Wirt!. Forwarding and Connotrelon Mer
Denture in Produce and Pittsburgh inuna
" 44,14 urticlen, Canal Been, near et. sp4
azia.,l.liiintrairi. P.
E:INBEDY, antLos.a co., Al.nAr.omm"
MT untie:Mr 44 :taunting, Carpet Chain, C otto n
PM Moine.
ATE Motto. Stockton, BOOKSELLER, STA
TIONE2, PRINTER, and 11/NLIEEt ..r
streets, rittobirgb, Pa. 7739;44
, . .
- 000 11 00 00091011. P
.f.s.p- - - -- ~ .. •
IA izr
' 14 ', ' - - ... - - f i't.. •? - ~
' 7 43 , j •., 1, ~. ~
• .„; -,,,,--_ -„.• 1 # . 4.-k ~: ~ .., J.i. e'e . .
; .„*,-.. E .c•. ,
..., . . , _ A _ :., : ki : _ t 4.• t ,-„,, , ,i
• .. ~ ~„x.,. : ...•
Plltsborsti City Glass Works.
LT.L. No tit Market street, between First and Second,
Nutt:iamb ; P A
Unr attention il'. lamb
ira3( D. CCDID.O.M. D.qrtlelf
Wm Miller, Philad. C. W. Rieke:um, Pt tub argh.
‘A ELLER ft RICKEPSON. Wholesale Grocers, and
rl Importers of Brandies. Wines and Began, Nos
172 and 174, corner of Ltborty and Irvin stream, Pnta.
Ursa, Pa. Icon. Nails, Cowan Tarns, fce..te , eon.
,early on hand.'apt
!AAA lames D. APtilll., {Yalta, C. Roe
CGILLS A ROE, Whale ale Grocers And Commis-
LTA tion blerehauts, No IW Liberty St, Pitts bo rg h
4AL! laXrs, town 1. 10.111.
ANVFACTITRERS of spring uid Mistier steal,
UL plough steel, steel plough wings, conch end slip
.10 •Pnng.i.hammeted Iron axles, and dealers in mal
Whin castings, fire engine lataps,and mash trimmings
go ismlly,eorner of Ross and . Front sta., Pitogmh,
J. it J. Tordos, Commission ilistehantr.
N 0 . ,/ OM N Odeon., keep eonsuatly on
had a tort, asaruuentor Brendle, of Re foIIOTI.
an; brands, which they offer for sale as agents for J.
Barad & Co, Bordeaux, Cl,, Illaolory, J. Enni, 3 Do.
rand lc Co, harothelle,J3Ditruno, Cognac, A de M ro
ma., A I, Wardle, A de Mondore, Jean Lnuis,
Rep also, Anchor Gin, Bordeaux Red ad White Wines
, n ea.!, end cures, selected with earn by John Durand
Kra; Demi. Champagne 1%1. and Sweet Burgundy
Pon. feb7-IY•
NHOLMES &SON, No bi ?Motets!, second door
. Prom corner of Fourth, dealer in Foreign and
Domestic Bills of Exchange, C.crilkeatee of Depots;
Bank Notes and Specie.
D - Coleletiont made on all the principal clues
broopoot 'he United Steles. apt
trithograptile Mstab!tahment
OF WM. SCHUCIIMANN, Third oppo s i t e th e
ky Pori-Office, Pittettargh.-111spe Landscartes, Bill.
kettle, Shotvbills, Labels, Architectural and bleetzine
Drawings, Business and Visaing; Cards, he ,eneraved
or drat. non stone, nod printed in colors, Gold, 'Bronze
or Black, in the men approved little, and at the most
reaeonahle 'EMT.
'DOBINcON,LIrrLE o 253 WI. n y sue
EL Pt/Ane, Wholesale Grocers, Produce .
Corona.lon Merchants, and dealers Iti Pittsburg
lafna area. apt::
sutar..olllso.ll. Tab, LITTLL 114111.. R. 11.0111:,...
R a sEpTar ,1100 RE, %%baleen:a Grocer, Rae ItfOne
theu dealer fa Prodace. Panto rah ac•
Wet, en h al l kinds of Foresgo and DOllltalleAlanuf
and Liguori., No. II Liberty cues.ol, hand a very
late Mock of auperior old Illononcedicle waiekey,
Le told low for rest.
L. O. 317004.. LL 610.0..
REYNOLDS & 811F.E. Fors...ether end Content.
sloe Merchants, for the Allegheny Meer node.
eaters in GrOCerina, Produce ru:shorgh, Menhfor.
toreo,ooo Chloride of Lime.
The bitheit price, in casts, pad al all lime. lot
eoummr {lg.. Cornet Penn lied Irene eta. .opio
• - -
. . .
ROaT m LlMlEL cm l i. te tbs., VtTutesule tititerrs,
Pittsburgh hlanufactures',"e,it'rti;.7triene,..rWit'!i7tir7l7
•n. I.
Ty and Confroicelan Blor•Sont, and Jo . P•t•i .
buzgh bLanufactoret,NoiLibertyslrect,Poylbornn,
ynon ICH7I4 S .
ACKLETT k WHITE. Wholelele Dezle In
Foreign and Sonkatic Dry Gant., So. Wood
streeLYlnabarch. apt?
Ste•lnlnkliktllitl, Wool Meech — ante, Sealers
in Fluor and Prodnea generally, anti Poraornme
and Con/minion illerchnoU,. HS Finn street ahl
116 Second meet. Pnl.bargh. abl7
• •
. -
r. ...Lowy 1117,11.411. mon =au, sconetl.43.
S ELLER..? fr. NICOL-9, Produce and General Wm. caii.lon Merchants, No. I 7 Liberty street, Pitts.
booth. btpenn, Littered and Lard Otto. apt?
- - -
V i VVON DONNIIOHSP & CO, Wholesale Groi
Dele ' re " tn l gNn a r ' ;t g i [Tan atrl a . B
Prronace, have removed to their new warehoore, (old
atand,) No. 38,comer of Feast meet and Charieery
Lane. -
01111161 s FIAVITORTU,
Elm sada Diucnud, Fitt burgh. apl3
Product and Cvaixitzsan. 1 1 1,-.o.ants,
eal dealer. in Pattaingh MiniAnsturird ArLek,
Boa. 130 and 132 Second • t ern,
Elerween Wood ic Snothte Pinagia. ana l
roan warr.l . (roux
Wan " ?f i Zate L lfin G Tro 'c d ' u ' ee C trAt ' sgo M egi, " A n arTU:
Libely Pittriburgb,pa. sets:
F LOUR -7017 M. etiOlei Family;
2,0 brieSuperane;
65 bd. Fine, argiringouvl for see by
- 33 - 10/ELId ar; IRVIN rota_
lama the public. they taro taken the
warehoum formerly ew e,
.by the late AD.
Solomuu Sehttryer,llitteeorld street... Daring a large
am! commodto. warehouse, they would Mane tit_-
_ ausadam erpee..esihartrag geed.. e‘yeffign °elder..
They will alto glee tIIteIIIIOO to the mug MUM arm sale
of Noma. Drafts, Ireteda, de. twer
L. S. Waterman• • R. N.W.aieneun • W. 11. Waters's..
WIIOLESALE GROCERS, Cornrairaion and For
&nachos Alerchanrs; dealers an all toads of Pro
duce &Peraburgla dlcurufaclared Strutter mr /igen.
for sale of Richmond and Lynchburg blansfactuted
8.1,, Pa
also attend to nallecnond and all <ther bawl-
Nr i n ' ons anima - tad to Lan In Butler and Andulsong
tosullea,Pa.. Refer to
J. k R. Floyd, LlbtatT
W. W. Wallsen, do
James Marshall do Pittataizza.
dly IC/or k Co., Wood et. ma?
_Canal 13a3M, Penn erect, Pittaboyek. mug
No. FAG Market, and Si Commerce n, Philadelphia.
Advaneca !node, by cidor of•kbe ahoy.; od
men. of Produce to either Homo. mrS
J. D7V9alliams•-•--
, Forarm Merchants, ding and Commiarlon Merchan, cod
• eater. in Center Produce and Pittahareti
res,cornerof Wand and Fifth strew, Pittaburglo
Wm. H. Wlllluan--•••- McVay.
North riot corner of Wood •ndThtnl street.,
Wait ItiO•LYT, 10011•. “otO.Vlt,
Sr. 11. WOotwo4ll, ••14:11 11•GAI.41.
N. BAUALEY 1 CO.. Wholesale Ciroaossi 19
TT int! 20 Wood vocal. Fittsbura •pl7
roan Wirt, 010114-110.31.41-1:66.
MiCANDLESS, (Sae oes•Ors to 1, lc J. D.
YY Wielr,) Wholesale airocars, co•warding •nd
Commission Alerehants; denten in - Iron, Null, falls's,
Cotton Yams. and Dam:Loran Mantinfaotarra general.
ly, corns, of Wood and Water streets, Musburah.
• Ileaufylnt Distillers, and Wise and Liquor
Also—lhaporters of Soda Ash tortilitettela•
log Pomade r, No.IOO I.lboriy,ltlfeet ; (appall - tie Hittb
W. ‘ • ‘ . t i : l - /Ittlit s :;Z ' O ' Cf.l l l "' , j rne ' V ' „ Y iTloUlfel l at/
Fourth strtet,, I', N. B.—Watches and
Clock. "Wally rrpassed. aOl7
WM 10P.,1 I. " JON3e, In am..
urtd. YOUNIA x Co., Molars in
VW kn., 143 I,therty sheet.
Wt Nkaennaun. suer. tl
W itu
ar dealeri to Proeuee, Iran.
ahePi brbauan Aannahare geneatly, :m cr.el.-
P gh. Jar ,
• T HAVE taken' WM. CARR Into partnershm wta,
J. me in my burble., welch will from WO Ante Las
curried on under the nine of “John Parker & Co.'
&larch 1. ' 1950. 30101 PARKER.
JOHN PaillJusn. & co.,
inoks.u/s Grow', lkortors io . Prodara Foreign
Wino, Liquor', Ord MonongaAda
and ittictifisti
No. 6; Commercial Raar,Libeity street,
. Pittsburgh. P
lII4TREMVAIarI. 'rcraoa HAMM. vrc. I. NA.
to Homy, Henna te Co.)
.It e tANNERS, EXCHANGE IMO/MRS, and dealer"
in Fortin and Dornezne Enebunee, Ceritficutea
o Delmaito, Hank Noma, and .Eprele—North Imo
comer of Wood and Third meal,. Current money
received on deporite.—Slglit Clocks for vile, end
tollteliClD• Matt on nearly all the principal Pnot,
the United Mato*.
.The lalgheatpremlumpaid for Foreign and tolerte,
Adam:Meer:cede onconslanmerna of Produce, ship
pod ERA. on literal terms arni
WIC. a- OCCLCRO.] z.
war. A. 711 , CLIIILO £ CO.,
No 256 LiZerey grers„ Mod,
Have always on band a large senorwinent d ebate*
Groeerics and Pine Ten.; aloe; foreign roan and
Rats, Wholesale, and Retail. Dadeta supplied on lbe
Unrest tonna. _ Um.
N4.,jiiaizAaßnELOrri.l:=EiN arLAi69.I7.ATAT..:
Mineral Water, Patent Medicine. stnerine Denies
of evet7 description; elan, WINDOW O ABS,
Keeps constantly on hand a general usostinent of
the above article.. ALSO SPATE, en that:diet Green
Glass Fectories are sta. rroreast, of is the ease. in
samsner,Ttas FACT., to
n NV. IN Mt. arrunox, and
willeoennat in oheralle bo th rummer and winter
respeettelly solicited, end will be filled en the
W ••ate.Tin llVEtetend street, between Welt ,
and 8 thkie ai.. Pnemersh. trae•ell
hlit;Pktatti *ratan N.
fi ot rs ,... , e)rratto Damsels'. toge th er, ender th e
n & 131vntp, for the trayszcliOn a the
. Wh 4.4. o lre r .D. i ge k er&Produoe, end Cerateislion hug
. 64
56,4,16614 NeCoON street, between Wood
Pitinbareh, harm •
wool. I iwooL 1
THE Ittebut Maier& peke la Cub will be Paid for
the diZcsns rrs.dts of Wo9l, by
st W luiut AUG II
E.lh'llUtdr,../As ID. fat ws try
11X4,144e t".
. 110/44,,,,; W10P00P1",49014.` 19 1 1 1 1 C"' .4-..
V17111.1C INS 11 ALL,
111115 magnificent establishment being now feel
plemd and ready for businese, the proprietor would
respectfully mheit a ahem Of the public patronage
He trusts by giving his fail autentmu to the business.
to mote the boom a pleasant and comfortable resort
for the citizens of Pntaburgh and for the country
Good attendants will be in waiting, and every ex
ertion made to render the eamblishment worthy the
etne4 end winnower an intelligent comma u.
Tito TWO SPACE/UP HALLS, fitted for Parties.
Comer., Lccteree, Call, and public meetings, will
be let by the evening or west, on as liberal term as
any Other In the cita .
The EAR and RESTAURANT. equal In style and
beauty to any in the world, will be kept furnished
with Pare Wine Choice Liquors, Cordials, Potters,
Ales, and the c ool, light,refreshmenteof thence/on.
Poultry., Game, Pah, Soap, Oysters, and Cates,
Served Op In be best style.
Tim DINING cad /CE CERAM SALOON, being on
the fast doer, and easy of &coca., will be constantly
supplied with all the Luxuries and Delicncies of the
mason; and also, with such snbstantials no the market.
Boarding by the day, weak, or year. Dinners or
Harpers for individuals or parties, famished on shoat
Gentlemen with their families, visiting the city eon,
be supplied with refreshments of All kande at any boar
or the day.
Good Stebang and so extensive livery Eatabliah.
mem is connected with the Hall_
Dinner at l Weibel. Breakfast and Tea at the usual
Entrance for Ladle. to the lee Crean, and Dining
Saloon, No Ti Smithfield street.
, warnra . r , 6,1 fn . W.IT.V.T,
v , keep constantly on hand or mate to order the
best article their line, at their old ,and, No. 13 St.
entranceh tarn, nt Nn..56 Market etrect, •• mind 'tory,
en In the Diamond. Venison Shatter, made to
order. and old blidik neatly repairml. nptti
W.*. J. GL CNN, Book Binder..
TTyare stlll engaged in the stoat business, tome
of hood nod Third sweets, Pittsburgh, be •
we nre prop:lad to do any work in our line with des
patch. We attend to our work pm . ..1011y, and ran
faction will be oven in regard to no neatness and du
'Haub Books ruled to any pattern and bound sob
Monett). Books in numbers or old books bound Bare
fully or repaired. Nantes put on books to gilt tenor.
Those that have work in our lino are invited to tall
pares tow taro it
Pen■ Mae li. i lie Shop.
WIGHT:IId N—Alanafactarer of all kinds of eat
ton and woollen machinery, Allegheny v. Pa
The above wurka berms now to fall and ruenestfcl op.
prepared to negate otters with thin/itch
tor all Lind, of tionotdocry in ay Ime, arch as willows,
picker, spreaders, cards, grindinir in”l toes, ran ways,
drawing frames, iiireileria, tbsaagltr, loam, woolen
catils,Uotitile or tingle, for increhvit or country work,
Muleirooc die ;One and band lathes and tool. in gen
eral. All kindsof ehtlfzing made to ord,i. r ir pi...vit
en for gearing (octanes or mine tit rnavinotile chaise.
47AI:halt rmlicnnctly. Chnds,
k Set, .raa ~,t•
Dlrmlaghstre,Oasnr Pltt•burgb,l Pa.
Ofz.t. N. :17 Water sr.' hatz,ll /Iforivt and
Wax!, Ptat.t.ursh.
a 0 1
m W e lL e t L o Wo .'"' re t
f l' o e u ' r P oW ' r, ' nt n O j nor:lr7 ' en " l . 3
o$ et l' an ' tT r og r i e7pOell r e L lfy k t7. 1 e
te a tf d lo c' e u nl ' l r o y n:l i e e n tr .
ammo for" themselves, as ma are determined to mil
cheap., than has tree baronr beta ofere4 to th• pub-
ri:D — OrJorseept by tnall,errompenied by the cash or
pal reference, will be promptly atierolod mi
- • . .
Vl' A. WHITE:, CO., would respeetally Inform.
In. the ranee that the, haveerecteJ 'hop on
Lacerk, between Federal EPS bart,!eek) stereo. They
are now making and are prepared to twelve or.lett
every eearripeon of vehtelc, Conchee, chariot'., Oa
roachee, Conies, Ph:L.IOW, &'.. he , which front theil
long expettenco in the nee:Attro , ,,... t h e mArre Wort;
nod the thrilitieg they 1.4‘,,C,ey el e6aftdent they eta
era..l4ve to do wort on the rao:t re.cronetole terms yeah
th , et eratitinr rt:eler tht•tr .
l'arnt rat.:,!or tat - Lugo , . too melon:us of sm.-
rtl‘, anti .i1V1,7 ItCl:e cotottttrot t,otkrtort, tloty
ve no ' heno,:on ttota trot IVe
t_toforr L'o , Ittioo trr put•tt; tootta. r.
N. Il Itroaitrti d='o' tit tha t.ost 'ammo, *DJ or the
ettt rott•A‘tt!e tor., Jaw ti
WI, a Tt•Cra 46.11xtramoN.
P.R Ytulumottu.
'I.PN fIN El° mononotote ail Ituda of COPPCII
TPi AND SIIEE'r IRiet IVARK ttlaut, Black.
anath watt.
Steamßunts built to order.
Special &newton civet- :rem boat work.
Haveon hnod. role wenrim eat of - Copper nod/Aim
Kettle. Ttn !S .re, Sientoiiont Cooking Stoves,
l'oriatd. Forges, •111., •11e1L—a vcry rinwenient ar
ticle for meambosits, Csltioiros eni.gc,wita, or rail ton , !
We . weald repeetfally invite steam boat men anal
others to call sod see uur artscles and prices beton
burehastne elsewhere.
Wrought and Cain iron Railing.
firLIE aubseriben leave to Inform thepubtle tha t
theY have &awned froo We East all the late anal
aahlonable. dement for Iron Railic., hotit thr Inntaea
arta eettertence. Persona te recur!. harel•
tat at :11.1enee211121114 clan/me...1 iol!ge
t:rtheTaZlvr.: he fetnlahed at the thorn
eat notice, led in the halt manner, at the natant at
Crail and flebecea attenaa,AVegliany alty.
A. LA:4llNi' & KNOX
BEGS terve to WOIVI friends and caitamera th•
he iv f .‘ receiving , life nevi aprtng rtock of CfooJ
comprestng, al usual, then ental and moat fashion.
able etyle• or Gloats, Clonmerce. fancy Veettems, cot.
Lon and linen summer attire, and every article eulUebla
for avetfnm,o, wont fnr .rprtne and summer. It being
impo.sfbin on deffcrtl thf. On quantity
of the thr p- -r hope. :11 fel., are to ern.
01 kONI. outer, faemoonlflc, L oft Wit:l Glad, earth-•,
0111 girr lent eal., o• nrre I. no Inor ft this side of
the Mir rheum, that can compare watt it.
The ready mute department is very ertenalva,
ted to all truce.
Rail road eoctraetors. country merchant., and ell
who purchase largely, are pa nienlarly invited to eu
amine the stork helota purenwing, as particular at.
tenon is paid to the wholesale byline. in this wadi,
Every article In the tailoring line mnde to order in
the mod fashionable and beat manner, at the ebotteat
tinder q-
rrlie partuership beret/Bern arming ender the firm
1 of A k C BRADLEY, ix Outwitted Ly the deeer/e
el 111 r. C Bradley. The lovne•ts wtll6c ,•arriod on by
A Bradley, who Will ECIIir the I,lllllllCSak Of the late
REMOVAL—A Ita•OLST Endl rocnoved ha Foundry
.Warehouve from No 112 Second erred, to' Na Iv
Wert, between Fuel and Second tweet., In the wore
honce latoly.orcupied by it A Retry, where he unit
keep et...bendy on hand a general ...tome:War Ca tb
ingtOttratos, Stove', Coolt toe SIDTCP., tee. tylZ
1.71 and No. II American BlOacr Steel. A15...-13ost
Cast 'Stool Pile s, of all •Ivo, and Ellackandllt and Shoe
Rasps, al oral aon h.od and for sate nano . at hi'."Eh
gla Steel Works," O'lloa street, 1 1 ;11t1 Ward, or at the
office Oa Iron Store of 1101.1.9 A NSA 1.14111F11.
SUN, No 4, foot of Woad .out, Pittsburgh.
We, the unileratnnetl, 'Awingninnl, with entire ea,
*traction, One Cial SlCti tun Nes made by ststusni
Ale Enlay, nt his Ent, Siekl Work., Jr, ntra ctty, take
pleasure in rrcnmmending %brut a, equal in quzilty tu
anyured 11 of foreign, manufacture.
Pabutsh, klatch 111,
htwil ,
l'seistry., of Iron 4.1 N0114.1.10,10tfi1, Pal
' It& Toundrt. end Ms nitintain, Pittabarstli,
111•tufnetternts of :=yt,t,c., Steel and
Ent. titch, l'a.
W SI I'.l BER,
F'.nstne Ile11 , 1," .04 Card hin:subicto-
Pilt.tovrsh. Pa,
A I'lll.llON
nninder. Pitislatrgb, P.
1:1,, r Y, LINIYAV k t o7o,
AlmnaTsrlaren Iron and Nail., Polsborth,
Loramol,,sl.l.7glns RIO F 615. flu tide, I . lt.loArsd, Pa-
Mart& NI nufantie re r, Mar bit,l9 and Engine
dart.! Cr. Pittsburg), P..
Dissolution of Partnership.
Toni: Yertnerthip heretofore eluting between the
eabseriben, under the firm of Chambers, Agnew
abes lidlomfatterers, on dissolved try Matta'ermaeoe,
ernmettl., Oa the first day of /ply, 'natant. All persons
Showing themselves indsthed to oahl firm aro request
ed to roalreasyment to either of be parnraorahout
delay, and Wiper.. boner tinattllea aeraupta with
paid firm, are Minted to present them for settlement
mantedistely. ALLX AN Dtilt f:11 AM It t 3,
It. H CHASHittla
TUE owners sad court:met% a(nods fter;vlng by
the Portoblo Holt," ir1:1 pica,
ta.le 1,011CCI:ila Ott? V 7.11 be re.potea no 1.. y freight
at our waroboute, afCtri4 , ,, a un o.oLelme
the coodc aro removed. C A MeANI.I.IY h Ott
- Wauat I:leaching. •nd Caw..lsui
Dtatemut— Put the loth, Into cold water and let
'Arm soak WI, lilol the morning ',mg Mein
oat am! pot lbent two kett , o of boiling waLer. to
which adJ the propotlton of nor pall or fluid lo tight
gallons of wnicr—stir it op and boll the whole tlirenty
nom,c. The clothea may then to, wro,g oat and
well raced to rlrar told water. The pans of p.-
n.. that may be meat toiled, totb wrkthando
alit , ollata Or t
onty he slairntly robbed
rm.., and the will be Introit pettentty clean,
white and clear.
Warranted not to injure the fturft f 'brio and to ewe
portert cattsloetion, or the won:y notl he refunded
"Laotd orboleaale and retail by II SELLEIts
rettfit • 37 Woos
Cleveland, W arren miIOCT Fittabaargb
Telegraph Company.
IN parrs:sumo of retoluunn of the Poled of Duce
10e, Of the Clevelend Warners and Pittsburgh
TeferrePhCnminahretyaellnit th e dectetarY tamale
oat and erase to be poblnhed in the newspepers along
the, lino, an exhibit of the financial and other affairs of
title eornpeny. I entdrut the fn , lowing Reyna—
The of Telegraph real:Gene:es nt Cleveland and
terminates at •Pittabarah, th rolth Charrin
Falls, Franklin, Newton Palls, Warren, Youngstown.
and Lowell, In the State airtime. and New Coale end
tinch.ter, In the Stern of Pennsylvania at whirh
poltaa Mere aro e s It<ntrd foe (be Corrupt and
IfantinlaCital Of ba sin,
71:0 whole Icripth of the line if it, allea—Cepial
Stock, t 4.1 notk:lng n total apt litort of
e:2,350, OrWhltla tifnOtlnt Ettn,Al3 to held by entrees
mlong the line, and the faience iv held sty &
peed f the yontraemes. The above M .. ..MU Of aia:,
,c,iimon. by, ettzern., hare been paid to Carmel &
Speed. for winch th e Trnettot have thole raccipt .
DALAI, Scerlay_
- 100,0 OD rent Seeaoned Deck ri.k,
- 1110,000 foot Coll &tont Siding. For nate try
ligA4 ; Ammo as Igadli it.
late lantual Fite Ineatauce Company
THE toy liberal patronage extended to this eon,
pny, havirg issued policies WU. amount of netts
One ar d Half Million of Do: dortgg the lent
three - months, is .06.1 manifestation of the est
. matt. and confidence of the public in the system of
management on which its business is cordoned
To city or country merchants, and owner. of
and hoslated or country property, it is believed
this Company affords advantages in point al - cheap.
new, unfety, and security, inferior to no Insolence
Compeny to this country.
COlldlir.lAtt on the equitable and greatly Improved
systern of ClassificatiOn of Risks, excluding all
hazards, Insuring only a limited umn.t in any One
locality, thus proeluding the frequency and occurrenen
of large fires, and also on both the Stock and Mutual
pl., It not
both the cheapness and accom
modation of methods, bat - entitles the insured to
a participation in the profits
It is .ander the control of the following Directors:—
John it Rutherford, A. J. Gillett, John B. Pucker,
Samuel T. Jones, Alonzo A. CIIITICZ, Philo C ffiedgr.
wick,Robert Blow_ J P RDTHERFORD,PIItsk
• .
Acme ry I GILLETT, Seel'.
Branch Office for Weak. Pennarly.l., 518mIth.
field Street; Pittaburgh. Person. drairing lumrnnea
will be furnished with books of the company by call
ing of the office. cog
Associated Firemen's 131211111MC0 Com.
pinny of CM City at Pittsburgh.
CAPITAL 1200,000.
- - -
J R. N OCIREREAD, Preet—W. W. DA LLAS.Ee e'r
Compotly Is now orepared to Rime neon
J FIRE ond MARINE RISKEI of all der
Office, Monongahela Roust, 124 4. 12 mar, : 0.
BodyJ. Moon head. Patterson, Wm. A. Hill,
R. II Manley, R. 13. Simpson, Joshua Rhodes, Win.
h/. Edgar, Edward Gregg. A. P. ADAM:, Wm. Col
!inv.-cod. D. C. Sawyer, Chas. Kent, Wm Gomm.
I.IG laud liaalthia;maaausago:
and HeMth Ineuranea Company
d I Ida, Incorporated by the Legislature
of Pennsylvania, Alarch, thin. Charter perpetual.
' Capital, elliM,oon. RAMS DAP. MLA •1111 r
Yams COMM., Cud full bll) per cum. lower than thit
usual Woe of Life liauranee, as the following COM
pariwort will show: Thus, a person of the ago of MI in
script for $ll3O for life. mum pay in het Girard SIM—
Pennetivania, 5e,36, PenirMutual, 52,93; Fgaitable,
lOZDI, New England, 112,36; New York Life, Sedsl Al
bion, 81,18; Lira cod Health, Philadelphie,Sl,93.
Diasksons.—Samael D. Orrick, Charles Ilall, W.
S. Roane, Ruben P Rio e, Charles P. Reyes, M. W.
Belderm, M.lll. Reeve, M. D., Chas. (3.11 Campbell,
Lewis Cooper, I. Rodman lisrker, R. ll.Datler,
R. Cope. Premdent—Samuel lb Orrick; Vice Presi
dent—Rohl. P. Ring; Secretary—Pcsoris Bleckburne.
application., will weelve.d, and every intormanou
given by SAhIL. FAIINESTOCK, Agt,
Office, Commercial Rooms, corner of
ocan , ov Wood and Tturd au. Pittsburgh
ri , IIE INSURANCE CO. of North America will
male pclnmuctit and Whited lon/ranee on pro.
pony ' , onto clty d mcmity, and on ettipmenta by
Canal, Macr an e, LIVCA, and by So.. The proportica .
thin CoMparty are mmll orreated, and farrinh an avails
able fan': for the ample nolemntly at all potion. who
dente to be protect.' by insurance
alyl.f. • N'S:. P. JON kt. , , A
Firm marl Alarin. Inmaranca.
1110: orrim of the [agleam, Company of Noel
Anelle, has been removed to No. IC Front s
st of Wood.
• .
The aaho:rtber, agent for the above old .d 'repo,
aible Company, ari 1 14.111 Poheleg on Deihllora and
thou contr.., and on whipmcat. of MerehanCi4e by
bloom Ilpara 0114 other reareht.
*Kt W. P. JONES.
odcrn and anligne Furniture.
JAI:MS W. uroo.pvvELL,
Ea, T.. ST., I'n-raw:ma..
J . NV •
• .u '. Respect/ally internee the
public than to has com
pleted his spring stock of
FURNITURE. the largest land men:vaned akeertnied
cur acted for sale In this etly. comprising several
setts of llortwooe, hiamois•srs, an: DkaCa %Vistas",
carved, ornarnettal end plain, sinkable for Parlor,
nmeeteg and Bee konar,a, WI of 11010011 sell/ be so/,1 at
the :overeat prices.
Pecanna desiring Percuture of any description, are
rpe iy
flatted to cull and examine tits stock, relact
erabrad it every descnpnon, tram the eheripett and
pktrse - , to , hem eat decant sod costly, of vshlch lk•
Su •part .
'fete n Tete Sole Vete a Tete
Conedton citeirr flisirlietetati 14,31.5,
lgterption Lout. EtV .1,1
lateesson Ja Bagel /Video,
%%Lel Nell Tpliet
Loots XIV t'kentrtadose; bole tit Voil's Cateak,
estos lettli Plush tlair 44
tW leielitte, tlu do
4ti dos Alatgeany Perler CLOUT.,
10 " do do,
11 .s. 111'k Walnut J. d 4;
40 d' Tont Teak do;
4 d. Mahogaoy Rockl,l4 do,
1 . 11.11, btOJIC
aMarble Top Cenue Tables,
lo do do Waal; Stands;
Plahoyarty }Md.:cads;
d e WeddroloTT
11; Tla WaIII3I do;
C harry do.
A ye," large assortment of Common Cbalflaeld mi
st Fon - Ware tedLOsis tia.tlo4.
It dteom Donta furnished on the ohottegl =Pea.
Aff orde fa prompdy aftruded to.
P. 9.--Calonet Plater. ran Mao pplied with all soni;
of Platlogatly , Walnut, and Voueefa, at eaoaldeyably
reduced mace. • falai
I Chid, Fiennele, all Wool.
Red do do
Yedoor do do
Brown do do
Black Patmetts..
Steel la zed do
Ilk, • do
Dec. . Jo
ill trit Cutt,aere.
Tenet' do
Sauey Tweeds.
Soper Sleet Brood Cloth.
Soper Drown do
Soper Green do
Super Twilled do
Soper Slack Doe Skins
Soper Dna, Caw:acres.
Soper ItrOWm do
Soper Bloqk do
Ca!dorms Blankets.
Snarl. Jo
111. ao
Drab do
Grain Bagging.
Woven inills;
At the klanufartorers'
ro.pitrtnenbip he retoiore eststinatbrtorecn the'
subsenttere, in the name of Countable, Iltirke
Co, is thin tiny dissolved by mutant conten.
Bathe At Barnes will nettle the bonnet. or Unconcern,
for which porpo.e. they are anthosined the name
of the concern. NnTll/011411. CONtitrALII.F.,
Etat UND
The undersitned have thud.) enceinte./ hemselaea
to the amid of BURKE. & BARNES. for ue purpose
of manufacturing Fire Proof Safe., Vuill Doom de .
Iv., at the Band of .he late firm of Consuble, Butte
ROD, where they will he pleased to receive ha patron.
ate 01 the canal:llmi of that house and Bier Blends_
In mimic from the Arm a( Constable, Dote a. CO.,
I sow sincere piessare recommend Mena. Bose A
Bone, to the confidence of my itlerals not the public.
[JAN /nal returned from the Casten/ Cnet, and I.
emine a large •ariely of bcaaotiotle Goode, to
sr hoh he reepaetiully tnettes •Itautten of Meteb
141111•1361 pedlar.. No h 4 Wood fehll
111;r 4'...PFH —.V. I'. ti constantly
reeervlng, from the largest manifamotlea in
Now Vora and PluladelpLia, and alga Cora Freneh
geneie•, th e neweat allll most approved flyle. of rfa•
per 11/wont a, together with Border., lire Board
Fria's, and Tfiater loin Fut wale at Kr "Fowl at, be
tween Fourth en sad Dot d alley, faucet./ to S.
0.11,11.1 apfl
PAINT—S tril•inst tiraCcper wearner,
1.V4 and lon sale by flue barrel or sirdrleaonni at the
kiTtt Zdlf Vl*CUW4lAgl.of
apll3 '
. . .
rime Pineal Manufacturing Compamnew offer to
the public their Premium Chemical Amore Poll.h;
and without exaggeration, of (ear of conredletion, by
those who have tested It, pronounce It Lr miperior to
any other to the market. The ernmerneneed have no
apprehensions of soiling targets, fee. 53 Its Com
position prevents a dust from ensin wren being op
plied, which most be done when the hthire Is
The quantity requited sa so little to prance at. au.
UM! Ininrc.:, A saving of over fifty per Ent I. Minted
in the rongemeni. A coating applied to !Mon, Pipes,
die., when laid away for the rammer, I a sate pre.
ventative against runt. After hiving tried It once,
igf it if iteenoirolo) no per.. will us any hut the
PLCoMii Manelnetetiog Company's Nattm,,,,
not Sieve Mime. For sale by .
earner of Stub and Nand street..
Coiner or Penn and Sr. Cistr
Tv M. ALEX ANDER A SOn }tria,Vuilryinil.crna
broorntr p " u c rp7trea e n v to ry ger o ' n * reasciable teems.
Tap Viejile Montaxue Company Rapp) their taunts
wars Roofing and Firiorirs in sheeu3 x 7 feet, mum
It to ss ounces per square foot. Corrupted In •bettS
307, 117 cc, for roofing paelie building. and depots
Snip Ithearaing, 14x40 inches, from trio :3 ounces
lambi, spikes, Wire, Sugar Molds, Perforated Zinc ,
ZIPC Parn4 &S.
They warmer their metal purl, and Pao from any
admixture of iron, or any orlitr mil:name; and re
commend It for the manufacture of nit articles in
the hentec furnlshuiPl6e, as It does not ran, Is not
affected by the =don of mates and may be polfahmi,
permed, mad japanned
tineuntee, models, plans,
information retry be hod or
zr1:41.4.1t. Buono, New
A.:7120N, Poems. C:
Nunooll Tippromt Se Co,
Pit Ix II Mehra, Elartinu
142.4., DAV & *Th.OFRII
F. MILLIKIVX, ReAldnt'Agent,
11111.0Ver 111, New Yo r k.
September 2.—5e252'212
Antobio,saphy aLeigh Hunt; with remin.
11010111.011 of illeudot alb eautemvorevici, In 2 Yula
Day firophiets—No VI//, subject,
floOory of Dolor the freak Ily Jacob Abbott, witli
Julio Howrd, • Rootocc. By Mrs Mario Bob,
Stoonel r.old Bookirtbe Rovolotin.--yro
The &bore works 'volved Sam day,.d for No by
Cot. Mulct ItTbinlol.
Pot, DICEEy 8,, Co
Water and /Wl:llium.
R Paw Maar°.
TiCPIVED this day from the east:
I. La : 4 crenadr—Sclauten.
I.a flerstado—Arranged ae Dean.
Jeannette and Jeannot—Por Guitar.
Vare of by rani! days—Pouter.
Away down in Cairo—Foster
rtai Watchful and Beware—Glover.
Besides maul other popular Sown •nd Biennia
rnpla_ ' Sign &the Golden Harp. Third at
Ncar nooks.
.11 P.A.LTFT, Diseeee, and Remedy. By Dr. Mom
lA. Addable Lindsay, a novel. By the amber •
Lnii ice rni•ld,” i •Diarrnania Dridee," e., &a.
Lite enteorreepondenee of Hobt. boinliey—part S.
Reme—Stb end Gth vol.—completion ofth
work. Raceme.] and for sale by
, . . .
UNOLISH GRAM:WAR—The Raelbh Lan:range i:i
.1„li lit alealenta and forms, with a limitary of its origin
and development; designed for tan In colleges and
schools.{Vin. C. Fowler, tale protaisor o( Reim:nit:
is Amherst Collage.
Artionatioy—The recent mum of Astionomy;
broad, ly In the [lofted States. By ; Elias Loomis.
Ilve 'tare of a Hunters Lila In the far interior Of
South ' trio. vilth notices of the native trine., and
aneednl ',of the ehs4a of the hoc, elephant, Winona
tamus, , ran, cliineeeroNiec..vrith Illustration& Lty
R. G. I. i.nic. Received for sale by
in•CM 47 Martel at
received at H. KLEnEirs Vette Store, the
Waving 9onn:—
lo Eye Store lie+ the Heart. I Love Out Thee.
The WateLer. The White and Red Roses.
over: Wher e
Ben . . 1k kelt ali W
lerll All Is
Cr note the Iton•• I ehrtn•hed • tirrnndn, sep 7
Th".‘ ,o " , opposite the Post O.
ulsroicv of l'ootkottio. No t i Ily Thsekerap.,ltor Otago., for September.
Boors Ato agar", for September.
litytert tur Sep.o.;., r. wish an engraving
Uen. Senn,
6e111012 vb lik•ptll re, No :II
litters Living Age, No X.lO.
lVtkii, Portrait trailer, contatning fifty two ergot,
ings Of distinguished Whigs.
North Dittish Review for August.
DomOctießrraim Review ler September.
Eclesvlew of Foreign Llteraturs for gement.
her. aeon
Zi ftt 3
reCei red at
C r' Literary Depot, Third street,
oppne the
iliee; also, Ellen Parry, or 'Fnrl.
untie Heart, by Onsia; George Cioariot, sutoanted
SeninterLeg King of Albin, be Clement C Moore,
(, I. Di sod No .111 or LittciPslxving Age. selLy
A LARGE and emotive amortment of PATENT
Com.t endless variety unibraeed in We amortment,
iilr he Mend tie fellowtsue.—•
florae Covers, Camaee Cloth, Air Iledr, Air Pa
lmer, Air Cusitont, %Voice Poll., Tobacco Yoarbet,
Fishing: Snot, Coat, Caper, Cloak., Tarpaulin.,
Glove, !Into:, rourhea. St•ps, Elnura, Purser,
Ho., Into: Penner, Mae:tine Litrolttm, Sou' Welter.,
Machine peek., Caa.p Pieper Holder.,
Prezereer• Travel:thy: neer, Irththus Jag.,
it.thth4 Main, ilolts' Wads, Dog,. Liner, Saddie
Baer, Air Bann, Foot Lion, Ladle.' Wash Glover,
lAdles' Gam Spot. Gem,. Gum Shoe, Lrelt...., ad.
Every aril le cold at (pit etmoltrhment es warranted
to punch a ll the Mumaeteromet essential to enter
proof good., vino —insolatolity in.der toe degr e e al
hold. flexibildy in the neve:rem re!ti, great emahtlily,
hearten., perfect telperviour,r, an. freedom from
odor, for rale at the
Nor 7 S I Wood street. Goody ear Rubber Emporium,
reps 9 .1 k 11 PIiILt•IPS
gent, 44 Water ha.
HOUSE tc SIG,N PAINTING and iboring, prompt.
ty and neolly'enrealed.
B —five vete, It du inetly orlderscood, that we
can do Ptinuog nod Glocrn, an cheap as any other
porniers in the city, nod are Or ICI . =Old to do it.
it Lind Eltroc.; Wert End do; Jockey Club do;
brusny Plower. on; Jenny Lind Hair Gleos; Aromatic litneenr; Arrow:me; Pouch. Soap, for whitening
he cicrt,; Alntood Shaving Cretro; bow do do; Am
hrocral do do; Hooey Hoop; nutting do; Arn.dine
do; Marl Nat VII do; Rore do; rdorcholollow do;
UVIViTt do. brown Wit,dcor dn; Rear . . GrolL., Sc.
For :e,vrlo , Norrie nod resat:, by Id E er:LLEns,
_tyrrlt. N 7 Vinn•l at.
sup 44444 Boatels and k r.
10 ! . y n N , l , 7 , l , l , l;: n o y :V d S ,i r c t n e t iv , a n sl'Lcelebrakktd Malt Was
/2 Paucheont WaLetrode, r. 01%
and high proof, ender dor.ennt Fnese Joel. r
. . . .
Alto. llinoles of didertin v.nifliei sod Wands to
half, quartet, and octal ea. and for by
da Walnut at I . l.o.oirdphla
AA IX Kb AND DRY PAINTS of all k tale. enostari.
on - hai.4 of ihe best a aolite, alto, Val . :tithes,
Linseed Ws, Boded Cola. rain( liruthes, Sash Tools,
Window Masi., venous sides, de Sold
add ivied on ace...ininadailar. inert .
•• • ••. •
N. H.—All peter tea pare benne" tolled or dry rain.
bo evtab to do toe. painutte, eon receive We
ceevsery • towboat. grow, J a H 1•1111.LIM
ger:, 7 & Y Wood at
ON ,or ha t (ld ( f i r l l.l ,r trz , ) !
lion the Philliprolle Faetety,
O yd• 1.4 blow Oil Cloth, MOO di 4.4 KM 44
41 C.0 0Di ZOO yds 6.1 Joi lOW yds. H. 4 MOO yd. Om 7 ot
do medium and - List f, from 4 to if
yard. we, all of
(ht orwmt style of cut to any item sin.
700 paid, 4-1 Plummet tot Cloths, OM 70a 3.4 d 0;
lido yd. 0-4 do
Om waxen awaited Roe. Table, Stand, .nd Bureau
COvera, wawa. patterns, md aplendid broth.
10741 yd . 14 Patent Carewee Oil Cloth; Sou yd. 6 4
blial yd. 0.4 do.
6)43000 741. Otl Cloth Crash for fo P r tatm,r o eo w etedoemsi
. 04 . 0; „ 1.1 . Green Olt Cloth Ve i d Blind , 101 l
Window Shad., a Mtge ...moment Just TeCeiteti
of oewest toy lea
it SALE.
Moe Deicing
Fancy CottonsArs; all am
offered at Factory price..
Home League Shirting.
Cheeks and Stripe., very
heavy cniale
Merchttui• 6,1,1 oat tr r,,lung to purr.... arr
wited To tall it. , czatt...lo out atotettrt..t.t of tot,'
tvh.c art.l be: told .t titr iy el 1 1 3 ;7 1 A1 . 1 . ; .1
tcp:o 7 A 9 Wood st
Tailor. , Goode.
Red Pail,:lng, roper do;
Veet Redding, Deekrato,
TalloreVar.vara beery do;
Drove. Linens, sibola's
Drab Serge, blarl do, . i I
EXTRA FAMILY 71.01111..
FUR the conv,Lience of the close., the proprictOre
of the Pittsburgh they Milts barn placed Poxes (or
toe reception of orders Si t h e redolently places:—,
JAN Floyd, corner of Slosh and ty nod streets.
hi Hayward, shoe store, con Liberty & Market sta.
A Itrolen, wore, Third street.
1. Wilco a,rr eruggnit, roe. Fourth & Smithfield."'
John W Smith, stoic, encore lIiM t & Wylie. ..
Telegraph Office, Feerth street_
II II Kelly, grocer, Pith st, corner of Menet alley.
Al Gras, atom, Penn street, Ninth Ward.
formdoes waggons will call twit& or theca daily
ders, and the dour, dr.c. delivered promprly,enler
to barrels or sacke—sack dour Is preferable for Cattily
rue—without charge (or e•rtage It is plain that no
accounts can be allowed, and that enteri ran hese
no permission tu leave dour wrthout payment.
Nti'e hope the poLlac ve:11 pit.Cd WS Se;
rang rineut, as we shall endeavor to 00 thefts lesllnt.
Sarsaparilla Soda S. ILs4nois Sy.
:V tee, Sarsaparilla Node;
we bla do do,
- • •,
and worsted,
131aelt and Whits Tape;
Black Tel.,, Bulb do; -
Linen Cheeks asd
Stoart's d cord Wiest:son;
do Ltnen Thseatk. •
supersets aniek;
Silk neared Vesung%
Black Satin Jo
Brown Holland Se'g Silt.
8e..., Cra v, ite,te.
archotme, NEI Woo 4 .
:V bores Lemon erup,t.da (ram pare lemon tire
Ju st reemood nod tin' We by
4111.1 PR
r: nederaigned has hand, and to this day re,
.1 resin/ twin the ananutacnirers, on coniigninent,
• Wee lot of Flannel.. all color., plain and barren
Alto, Veil lilantetii, Wank et Coating Bearer Cult.
Casmineret. Kaitnetta and Tweeds, w idth he will sell
by the c.. a: piece, at so.cfacturers' prices. The
attention of dealara woollen goods la invited.
stagla 139 Idnee;y 11.
low markethtrlmt.(near ILlbortyo
.1 . 01.1.10 .11. r. DULL. 121
Math:. and Yana,. Valdinga t
BANNNA, end LINEN II UK FS. a achand ag
lorwdtai EA NB, and trqq, va,,,,y of trnnmtupa.
of 0I
Bi.ughtering i Vnckiug £utesluki•nt
well 1t..., Pork and tier( Stuirshtering and
j Peeknt C.ool . ll,owiseol end finaurray occupied
"T'l'ie° ltd il e , ria ( l ' ll ' lna t eoilie, Rosy
county, 0., on the plat of ground dealing the dale
Canal from the Moto Raver, and bar cue thousabd
feet 'almond fronton each. The enclosure embraces
six ...aground, containing largo !WA, large and
commodious slaughthrang, imaging, catnap, packing,
making, abd lard molting irises, brick house tor
efface and every eonyentenee•tor handllhg tv !awl&
HUNDRED BOGS PER Bak', and tendering the lard
from the mane, as there aro a CoUble 800 swam holler
and engine torscalding hcps and con. g and
tern banks ter rendering offal by steam.
There Ss alio, on the prcmiss, an Ire Health, largo.
enoug helotni eight thousand barbels,
The le alley, al which Chillicothe is the thief
market, Is one , of tbe largeit Park and Beef Mythic.
in the %Vest, and hugs can always be bought thorn
at lower prices than at Caucannata and unsay other
[mime, and cooperage is abundant 1111,1
There is no drayage accessary:a! boat, may be
loaded •1 the Pactiug House. and the • Inca:inc. for
ship,ing therm arum Bus eta the Lake. ),a New t ark
r hlladelpnia, or Baltimore viaPhtshurath, or to
the Lust or 'tooth eta New 0, leans, are at ell am nes
n( the) car fully equal to those arlordesl by ttharnannts
!Beery 'anilines ure also goal, there tieingu.
twelve banks within forty live .
ismilthations far renting may be made to
ALEX. 11. lnetitt EVEN', •
Attorney at Law, Ctecnnnoi;
Or to it/LAMAS eAhlttttELL,
soladtnovl-2111 Chillicothe, 0.
Vtetoln Gat.
'l' /I IC Tid A 111 AIL T
i_sal aide of the Itlatno..d,
AT th•io .o.lonnont the public may al trays de•
;tend op., being t applied will ex.:llon 11.0 nl
reuonahte prict.o—they have
Facet:cut Telt al ro ,
up•ctor guntaict- •• —••--- - • 0 7U
The 1:eld T a Imponcl • IDO '`
71111 Dt deckle-01y the cheopcot and Eon MOTO In
rsitmnotgtt to Dui Tom Alltlttlltlie HAWORTH
melfitation., and oUer
et' atents:—
r lorti
Ey E. WILLIAMS mai opta a dimmed atTEßna
it. Melt Reboot, no the firm Monday of Sept next.
Room ever J. D. Wilhants' ebTo, mtn‘ct of Wax/
and FIR 4 mrtela.
t l aa
Bev. Wm: U. Itomata, lion. Waller IL LOINTIC,
Roo. Dr. Mott, J. LI. McCord, Esq.,
Roo. Ur. /della. I. \ Valmont, km!.
j 24—tf
• -
17.1IllarilY a pURCIIFLISLO infomi their eustont
ort mad buyers generally that, n consequence
of workmen being engaged in enlarging and improv
ing their Sore Hoorn, they have removed their good.
to the liMicone Sveav of the building they occupy, anal
the improvements are tints:tett; where they will he
happy to see their customer ag usual, and fur the
trouble of Whiting up stale., will lzy and recount-rata
them by selling them Chimp Goodx.
t[rEotranee from Fourth .trees. augM.
' griA11 . 7 . 4712Z17
Water k Front so.
Just Received,
. • , ' Pia? •.1 . . . . .
, .... .
..._.. 1,...., a... . • i
Nit N .
.1..., a ...,, I. --....i ,•
a • ma
.. „
• • :0010019001
Er NOW all men who are al R and Ciliated with di►
ease of the bladder and I itincys,,th rheumatic
paths in back or limbs, stifle tots, old sorts, running
aloers„ .ke, that they can be card by taking the Pe.
troleam! You may talk shoe lit bangs a.m.., so
much as you please, but th is does not make it so, for
proclum la th e fate of an honest community, that
it bas 'virtues which Pre no. contained to any other
remedy. The man who la racked with pain and sub
long from disease, can for fitly cense. get relief from
any dike ilia ennumarated above. Reader! it cost,
very little to make atrial. This Petroleum is no role.
ture.oo cOMpond, put ap for the purpoae of IMpotins
on the conunanity; but It ins a remedy elaborated by
the master hand of nature, and bobbles op from the ho.
soot float mother earth lOUs original purity, and of
fen to saL'errag humanity a ready remedy, a eerti-Ln
and cheap cure.
It him cured Pike after other Mediators have !ailed
intender any relief. It has eared Itheamstbm of long I
atanding,and of the wont and most pal niul character
It has eared Cholera Moth. by one or two dares; It
has cured old cams of Diarrhea, la which every other
remedy lots been of no avail. As a local remedy in
burns and acOds, it Is better than any medical tom.
pound or ointment that we know of. II will Bare chtl.
Mains or frosted fear, In • few applications; undouht.
ed testimony can be furnished of the troth contained
in the above statement by calling on Samuel M. lien,
Canal Basin, 7th street; or either of the agents.
Keyser & McDourell, comer of Wood street and
Virgin Alleyt R. E 57 Wood •thett, D. A. El
hot &D. M. Cony. Allegheny city, tea the agents.
- --
DEAUTY-Itls universally conceded that beauty i
/P more eardrum In thin country than In any other
while at the same time It Is watt 'tut tin no other noun
to is It lon at so yotng an tip Now this la true
to a certain eitenti bat the loss Is often caused by ne
'Fleet. We any to all, do not neglect your personal
an nk go a o n d e e l , o boukst
.r Ile
folrlto icwleisn g a ra d
e d
paaions, and have all attained a nigh popularity.
Eon Ennuis og Vanua atm NitilPll
Soar, for removing tan, 'unborn, pimples, blotches,
lino other eruptions of the akin; the most perfect eon
senator of beauty every known. Purehalo nothing
Purporting to be Nymph Soap, unless it has my name
Jolaa !Isolals Pirmnart °Neuters:a Powell, for im
s. to the
bilious complexion a radiant
veliiteum i on othing should a person be more care
ful than the ale or a powder for the akin, an many of
thane sold are very Injurious Aly Chinese Powder is
cimpounded in a scientific manner, and renown. on
turredient which can ymsibly Indite an Injury.
Joan Darn-mom Pownms, for removing
impertluous hair. What is more umsehtly than hair
upon the face or arms of a lady. This amnia will
it in II short time, Wilimalltin see of any sharp
Jot.. VAaarantx Worm lima DTI will
instentaneousiY Impart to red, white, or Fray hair, •
beautifully black, brow., or althorn color. It will
color the hair In a shorter time, and more edeetually
Wan any other Dye, being at the same time indelllble
Jut. Daunts Sinning Caliall.-11 Is really • plea.
sure to shave with this cream. 'Mere isnone of die
smarting *caution totally experienced in the vie of
most Sham, On the contrary, it leases the •,,n smooth
chap and roil a infant'a, and not liable to become
pe . :
/was RotraTeont Pont —Next to the hair,
we think the Teeth were intended as the greetemorna.
meet to tee hareem We; bat when neglected, nothing
is to disfiguring, or so quickly seen. sly Rose Tooth
Paste will' art to the teeth • pearly whiteness, at
the .sane unie mp keeping the gums firm and healthy.
Alio on hand, a complete amortmem of French
Uritish, and American Perftunery and Fancy articles. ,
JPLES HAURL , Femme, and Chemist,
PM Chestnut ntreet, Pinta.
For sale and retail, by S. A. Fahnesteek
Co., and R. K yeller., flusburgh; and John Om
gent. end J. Mitchell, Allegheny Coy, Pa- 1707-29
AllOl6 VISONIAZ watt ETAT/ Or Uti 11000
01111.1112 Ov TiLigTsTl)l, yIL.
Scrotal. or King's Evil, Llhenmation, Obstinate Cote
rie.. Hottptlons, Pimples or Pastilles on the Face,
Blotches., Ude% Chronic Sore Hee., Mai ' , rem , .
or Teur.r. Scald head, Enlargement end ca l ms
the Bolus and Joints, Stabbom Nicer*, Syp
Elyerptons, Selariea or Lombage,—and dileascs
rinsing from an initalleimss use Neretutr, Oct,
Wes or Dropsy, Exposer. or hiligradenCO m Life;
Also—Chronle Constinatiottal Disorders. /GC.
This medicine hut acquired a very extended. and
established' repatsuirol wherever /Lima *Oll assay
bated entirely on its own merit; which its superior
chewy bat a lone sasteined. The mfortuaate victim
orhentliml7:dimrme,wiSh motion gland; ertnethetbd
sinews, aud bones half carious, has been restored se
bealth andvigor. The scrofulous patient, Covered
with deers, loathsome to hhutelf and his attendants
ass been made whole. hundreds cf persons, who
bad groaned hopelessly!or yours under cutaneous
and glandular disorders, chronic rheumatism, and
rroin other emitploott springing from derangement
runny secretive omens end the circulation, have been
raised m it were front art th e
of disease, and now,
Oh regenerated constion!op, gardry testi fy to ho
axon, inesiinnitne pr. non.
The s of the reader is rolled to the following
adonisholg mire, effected by the um of Sands , Sarsa
to certify that I have a eolered woman who
has been stliieted far the last See years...lth Scrofula,
arid all the remedies I reed had no effectin arresting
We progress of the complalut• on the, mummy, she. constantly grew won.; and afierenpentlin& between
$7O and tdl with physicians, besides acing other
poDular remedies Without success, till the disease had
dinldh.a ythe carding* an ban omen Med.'•its ap:
peanutee on various owner per noily, soothed finally',
commenced Inn vagesinthe root of her mouth
"In this dreadful situation, with Me primpeet
dash staring berm the fame,' staled her case to Dr
Di....y; the agent for Sands` Sarsaparilla article
bent, N. by whom I*aaadyised to me thin
and to ray mirptisisisad that of my neighborato whom
her rue wee knfter 'using fuse and a ball bet.
nee she ante restored own, titer
health, and that in the
care of three weeks, and wen able to work in two
weeks from the time she commenced taking IL
`II/ witness of the truthof this statement, I bees
hereunto Mixed my name, this ISM day of September,
1;47. JOSEPII hIcCOITEIL J. P.,. •
"Vout2lMNe . T . T . _!!!yel,'Citcrea co. N. C
The fonewang rS u;crnei(tein . l7l lether .reeelved
cri Mrs. Bevan, erne had been agile tedseveral years
ith Serafino. Sneers, Dyspepsia, It., and reread)
affection or the throat and chese—,
• • .
' , Beaman., Va., Deo. 13, IBIS.
“klesare. A. B. A D. Sans— Before !commenced
*mug your Sarsaparilla, my murerlegs were almost
expre.iorti my throat was completely ulcerated.
I ha& a &curtail coltah, and Mem were frequently
weeks together that I real,' not speak above a whis
per; anithetides, the lalammatlem from my threat en.
tended to nay bead, Mr that ray hearing was very much
impaired. Alter taking the flarsapadila a short tune:
my health was improved, and my
that in nowavelk
I eau as free from cough and ashen, ro . of the chest on
ever I was, and can hour quite diatinetly. My throm
has been welt alma three months, the cure of which
has !web' anketed emir/fly by the ase alum , Bane.
parilla. Year friend, . LOUISA 11.131D/AN"
Tha following testimonial in the value of the Masa.
parilla,ls from the Rey Luther Wright, esed:6 years.
Congregational Minister, residing at Wohure.
Wescale, bless., March 301 M.
"Moors. Sendai Gentlemen—Front whet h a ve ex.
pettenced and from the information from hang riceany
received front a number of potions or high repects.
Witty who have. used your Sarraparilla, 1 h o er riot
Ire least doubt but that ta is mostvaluable medicine.
and that the numerous certificates you have neeived
of its eirmney Am fully tUe.incd eiperienee, and
•1113Gugh Its ttp.llation and 101111) , tea very este:mire,
and standin no need of toy humble tidbits to Increase
thern,l wont all with are aftlielod by' disease
corm, be
come acquainted with she Ohne,' and pourer of yo ur
Y 1 an,. gentlemen, gratefully aud very tespeetfalty
Prepared sad sold, arboleaale and retail. by. A. 13. &
D. HANDS Druggists and Cliemtork3oo Fullest street
cooler of Near York. Sold 'o e° by Drug.
gime generally throughout tbe United Staten Ind Can
ad& Primal! per bottle; ala battles for SS.
. , For sale blr L. WILCOX, Jr.,1.1. A. PANNESTOCI
& CO., and LDIVA RD PENDERICIL Pittaburgb. Al.
so. lor D. 24 MOTH, Drlrlaasaras rarrt.o.eattlsst
A raw door,
ra ha ow Woodatraat, t t.
j .;is ~ w ards mast
DR. SRO aril, bating been
tsgularly educated to lb. .medical
, profewilon, and beam for so a time
. .t/ilbtf , " In general pasties now fin
" 1- 4/ . f?%! \ hia attention tp the treat c ree i nt of
• those prrrate and delicate corn.
1. 4 a plaint• for which his oppOrtuniuss
• and axperience peculiarly quality
years aaaiduomtly desounf
to study h. treatment of those eomplatruibiatingsas
1101 a 01101111 had moraptlie tics and his cured more m pa.
10013111. can ever DM 10 the lot of any private prac.
batmen amply qualifies him to offer Rastaaneeo of
e a , cedy, permanent, and satisfactory cure to all RWctsd
wan dalmats disuse., Loa all disease. arising than,/
Ur. Brown welkin Inform thou afflicted with private
diareace which bat• become chronic by time or ag
gravated by the nee of any of the common 40.1111111 01
the day, that their complaint. can be radically sad Mott
0 .104 Suradl he having given hie careful attention to
the tre oilmen' Of each cane, and interceded in hundred.
of instances in curing pante. of ingsmiriation of the
Seek of the bladder, and honked &mance which often
melt from thereat.. whore others have cons/anvil
them to hopeless despair. Fie panteularly mattes se el
as have been lona and armencendally treated by others
to commit him; when every mantelsoa will be given
them and their eases treated Ina earefaLthorough end
intelligent manner, pointed oat by • tont( erpenenee,
.TadY..tad Inveatlgation,whieh it is Impossible for there
angered in general practice of umbel:Hi to rive to
One elan. of thecae*. • •
ll:Tilernla Of Raptate.—Br. Brown aloelcnu. per
gone affileted with Bernie to call,. he las paid perils:
elm attention to tot. dieters.
, ifiNCEIIB also cored.
Skin diseases; sitar U hits), brsictlilV sand
Masses very low.
N. 13.—Yritients of either so: living al • illstainos, by
gating Weir discs. In vrtitif, giving all Um symp-
Snots, cab obtniti with directions for
additailin4, T. DROWN,, H. Di: Post paid, and analog
L DEIgo . N. - . Ditlind alio), app.:mite ta. WI•11111
linsosinvonis—Ds.lirown's newliscovmdinan
for Ithenruatisos Is •• speedy nod unite mar* to
thnl painful
Mad wad Private Ctinselti l
ng Too* N.:* Di
,p on s rittsbnibbs rn. The p404101`13 dwaTa
PO fife ria pay,. • ii...
naming Err Or TOT,
Inchem Affairs, Sir
SEA LED PROPODA LS will be reeetabd tattle oiler
of the Commiarioner of Indian Adams, at Wash•
inalan city, until ten o'elork no Arturday, th ecend
lay of Noarenber text, for fartirhing the following
Indian 'oath, n o.:
2,100 pairs 3 point while Mackie.° blankete, to
measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh eight
1,900 pain 24 point while Mackinac blanket., to
mealtime 54 and 66 Mahe., and weigh an
11 75 pairs 2 point white Mackinac, blankets, to
measure 12 by 56 Inches, and weigh five and
a quarter pounds.
060 piers 14 point white Maclonno blankets, to
measure 36 by 50 Mahe', and weigh four and
a quarter pound.
000 paint 1 point white Mackinac blanket., to
measure 32 by 46 Mclea n and weigh three
and a quarter pounds.
40 0 pairs 3 point ecariet Mackinac blankets, to
measure 60 by 72 inches, nod weigh eight
300 pair. 24 point Interim Mackinac blankets, to
measure 54 by 66 inches, and weigh six
100 pairs 31 .paint green Mackiriac blankets, to
measure 136 by 54 Mahe., and. weigh ten
300 pain 3 point green Mackinac blanket., to
measure 60 by 72 tactics, and weigh eight
250 pairs 24 point green Mackie.° blankets to
measure 54 by 136 Melee, and weigh' six .
100 pairs 31 point gentinells blue Mackinac blan.
bet., to measure 66 by 134 inches, and weigh
ten pounds.
100 palm 3 point gentinells blue Mackinac blan
kets, to measure 60 by 72 incbea, and weigh
eight pounds.
300 pair. 21 point gentittella blue Mackinac bl.n•
ken, to measure 54 by 66 inch,. and weigh
nix pounds.
a. , No. 2—Day Goons.
1,005 yards scarlet stronds.
000 do blue woods.
1,000 do fancy list cloth, blue.
7110 do fumy list cloth, scarlet.
3r.0 do fancy list cloth, green.
1,000 do gray list cloth, blue.
3,000 do /mood list cloth. blue.
1,600 do saved lint cloth, mulct.
000 do mired list cloth, green.
225 pounds worsted yore, 3 fold.
100 tlex. cotton flag handkerchiefs.
'4ho do cotton 51adras haodkerchiefs.
175 do black silk nuadkerohlefs.
00 do SA cotton shawls.
00 do 6.4 cotton shesuls.
65 do 4 4 cotton shawls,
40 do 0-4 woolen shawls.
430 pounds [Men thread.
DU do sawing silk.
700 pieces ribbon, assorted.
150 gross worsted gartering.
31 •
pietes silk bandkhrchiefei, bark and bands:to
Clan, IVo. 3,—GDIIIIMTIO 4300 a.
35,000 yards domestic calico
10p00 do Merimse calico
3 500 do bloc drilling
8.000 do Georgia stripes
4 000 do blue denims
IND do cattosede
4,200 do bed ticking
1,000 do Kentucky 010
500 do astiumts
7,000 do plaid linseY
7.000 do domestic shirting, bleached
15,000 do domestic shirting, unbleached
10,000 do domestic sheeting, mabiesebed
0,000 do domestic checks, stripes and
400 doxon woolen socks
1,504 yards dattnels, assorted
1,600 ilsonel shill
700 calico skirts
5513 pounds cotton throad
400 daze, .pool cotton.
(.71:11, No. 4 . —Flatnwstis
- -
. 2,060 roods bras Cooks
276 d, re,. trtot . 'er kn. v•
26,00.1 sun dint, •
7 000. fis gross NOM awls
h Loots •
. • 25 donee fish hoes
25,000 ceedles
100 dizen combs, assorted ,
111 do- scissors, aseorted
lb growl gun worms
LOOP tin females •
70 pests japanned kettle., 3 Ina nest
Clue No, s .—AostCourossr.luntannera.,
220 drawing knives, 12 inches itC_ length 'pia
700 augers, is equal proportiquani 11, 1,1, dr
150 pen Lames
Wel pairs tree, chains - •
1,500 weeding hoes
175 hand saws
40 cross cot toms, 7 feet in length
40 cross cut saws, d feet in longitt
100 band sas,Dles
/DO cross cot saw files • ,
40 log chains, to weigh 25 pounds nett
600 Whittemore cards, /o. 10
600 quatters socket chisel*
9 0 plains, fore and jock •
Ciao No. 6.—A se.
73 ionen sue, to weigh horn 41 to 51 pounds
63 do half ants, to weigh pi pounds
41 do Mack:eta to weigh] pounds
25 broad sees
Clan No. 9.—Nornisrrxr GUNS.
• • •
1350 north went ends, two thirds of womb moat
messorc 5.1 mean. in length of barrel, and
one third 42 inches to fethsoli of haunt. to be
deliyered to New York or Philadelphia, ae
may be moiled.
Baznplas of all the above articles are deposited in the
silica of the Ctirnmissioner of Indian Art..; nod It
•ulay be proper to-reamer that 'hove& hardware, ak•
neuttural implements. and north weal gime; fareen
tirely new, .4 oC better quality :than arneles•
heretoloro thrnished under former contrants.•
The proFosnis many be divined luta sevep rang;
fin.; •
2d—Dry Goods. - •r • t
• 4ilt—llardware. • . .
sth.--/tgricallural implemetoto • • •
"fib—NOTtbareat gang. •
The to set competent respoituble bidder will rm .
celvelbri whole or any paraoribe contract, neconline
to thuaboye reale, the Department reserving to itself
the rightist determine whether the La:Merle competen
and responalble or not,
The whole amount In-money - to opplied to the
purche of goods will lie about VntitiCu, but the De
pannomit referrers the right to increase or diminish
qbantity of any Of the articles named, he substitute
others in lieu thereof, or to require, at similara s
loch goods -mop be wanted for preset.. or wpnce hen
Parposes, theadministration of the again of the De
partite. Dooils manutneture, all atlvii•
thinks beteg equal, will be preferred; but as all the
samples of blanket, and Cloths are of foreign mattm
.faeturc, it will be neeeriary, when a docuesue article
as hid for, that a uterple of it shoahl aceenm.y the
bid, to enable the Department to decide whether it Dal
evial quality with the samples to be exhibited.
rho porvp , I.c4pply . .the srtielr• will make,
an invoke of all the arms embraced In Me above Itst.'
'find *Mk the prices,ltirdullarti spa cents,.ch he or
they inirl Mnilsh them under each class separately, dee
Ilverable is Neve York, (Mai n eap otractor prefers it t;
one.half of theq.ntlty be detteeted in 9 .
Louis, MIN (meal expense. Malin Deem-or:moil Co or
before the DIM Jay of May next,:assoming see quantity
or each arttcle as apes Hied in ibis adverilsetnent. and
exleudnix We cost, suaktne lut aggregate of the whole
Invoice conotinung he bid. The goods will be inspee•
tail to New York Mad in St IptstA, if lay portion of
them should Ire 'denser...4 there) by art e4rot of the
United States, who will be appointed by the Doman
meta for the purpose; and to ascertain the conformity
mrthwartiOltla pinchmed with the wiples exhrbited.
when the vonamt shall be mode, and' swim the term.
or the cotura.v teen, which shall contain a Miluse that
tf the antirlen are .not
of within the Mon pre
seribm.l, or If they are insufbetent quality tit the
op.otoo or the twellt aforesand if Gee days
alter notice of seek insuffteieney the party shall not
ihrniati others on live thereiil of the "mini red timothy,
lOC United:ltal. shall be authorised to purchase diem
of Mem, and to charge any increase of. once they
may be compelled to pey .heritorlo the controctor,
who shall pay the laid dtffetence to the halted States.
• Donde will be wapaired In the .isinstant bf the bids.
with two imml sureties, the anDclency.ot
by a United States Di rap or Mantel Ationter,
for the failhlttl performance of ilia COilliaely Pay
meat will be made eller the contriet Is completed and
the-delivery .of the goislit as afolesald to an eget:dor
the -Department, apart a duplicate invoice eett.ned by
Caramcnioalmins to be marked "Proposals 'for Das
diart goods."
The hide wilt be submitted with
a t following tead-i
mg, ind no. will De received' that are-not made
the foem rot term. here prescribed:
tor we) propose to tarnish tv the service of Me
Dspartmmt the fol Lowing good+, the .priees
affixed to them re•pectorely, elm
rit,C Insert the hit uf •
Deliverable in the cny of New York terse Loafs/ on
day of nexus.. In ease ol the ac
ceptance of his proposals, the quantity being presc
d by tic Depantnent, I Mr vre) will execute a con•
ttact according to this agreement. and give satlsfac •
tory security to the Departtnent within ten days after
the reception of this bid; and in case of fraltureyr
enter into such contract, and give such Realty.
we) will pay 50 the Ummd :Mates the dufetence b
tween the soma bidden try me. (or as.) and the
t h e
whlah the Milled S l ates may be °bilged to pay for the
same articles fr
.. - .
Lek and every bidwast Om be accompanied with
• guaranty le the following form, to be sloped by one
or more responsible persons, whose soincieneT one
be certified by some one who is known to the Depart
ment, either personally or by his °IBMs! position..
.1 for we hereby guaranty Mat =-, the abode
biller, will errantly with the ter •bf the advertise.
moot for re, goals for Indian go ' dated Seltent
her it,..0. Orb. creamer should neawarded to Mtn,
and enter Into bond for the eletation of the same
within the lime preseribed.”
• The contracts of former years ate open for the im
spdenon of bidders. If. LEA,
~._ Comatirtntoner of Indian Affairs.
LtLto V se E ;ln th‘ tle d V;ll:t s erstlr. "" ll d rocTrr
Ltusincsii the style of the firm mill Im A. Culbertson
a. COLSIM4O3) ; (r. IL CLAW,
lATHOLESALE GROCERS at.d Optnnuoxion
chant., De•lcre Iv Produee., and PittAbugh
Munafaelared ars.cle.,l% Liberty st,,
A FRESH eopply of the Poland Nine onto Vassal) ,
IA Flour, a very ebotee Kr ie1...0w reed for rale by
Da Lam
.0511 , 2- • V.Phillt
XVIII. NO. 79:
Weateto CoDego of flomfropalbie Medicine,
iI.EVELAND, 01110. .
• &Intl+ if I B . s o4l—HAdrterref 1810.
rpllo MST WINTFP sr.B.s7ck: of this Institution
I wet commence on the rim Monday of NoTem
her. and continue four monthi.,
The Chairs of the Paeultr ate arrand ea folloyeat
Inorm Iterea, ]l . D. Prete.jue ge
of Midwifery, and
Diseases of Women cod Children. •
Lansing Daggs, M. D., Prettehoor of Principle. and
Practice of Surgery
Charles D D. Professor of lemmas
and Procure of flerreeepathy.
Lewis Delge,'Zil. 0. Protester cf hlateria Medea
and Medical Joriiprodence:
Hamilton 1.. Smith. A. M.. Pint - cam' of Clemietry.
C Wltherel, Al. D., Profmeor of An...,
and PhYololOg7.
Jelin Brainard, Profember of Physical Science,
Charles W. Bell, Dernonstrater of Anatomy.
re Chimer entre Western IMllegeofllemarepathie
alediclne yea limited by the Legielut u , a Oh io,
during Ito waste of 180410. 10 canters all Ida rig6ts
orkellemen ugually porscried by
ninny In the United slates, mid,' intlike ninny entlegrok, it
exist, independent of nay other icontniton, having
in iwell the pottier tocaller degree*, and peraesaing
• common teal.
The degrees ten con reed by the Vacuity and
Trustees upon the wee codallon of the Faculty.
The amount offers for the full COOS., will be SU.
Matriculation fee. 115—in be pail' but one,. Demon.
rtrater's ticket. AS. Graduatied fee, AIM Persons
who have amended two rm. courton of lecture• in •
other colleges, arc admitted or the full tonere to this
Inotitutiou on the payment of SOL Greditama of re
•pectable medical ochoolo are prinnltted to attend the
aurae ell the pmytuent of thriteatrictflation tee only.
Bond beard, Including room light. and Mel. eon La
anointed from $2 SO per wick. For farther lo
in:nation address. CHAS, D. WILLIAMS,
rice dim
A. 4 D.; H
(ccri mak
Would respectlidli. in
fill; nh. pul
nOnllhan the rnuntfeell
In all thea va
No 13 AVG., '
/Y2F , a3nl •
Or. Rest's COO led Remedies.
D R. JACttli S itilSE,the Neese.: rod sole ora
otedi meter of these tame. popdlar sod. beneficial
rtnes. end ante the to entol. of the celelnated
instrument Air lodine., the L nigh in elD.entit ...
of ..hronic intent,. L woe it, or the: ,0,i...,
ph ~ , ,,i., Goctoe physi c atl is a madame of the
Dot ve miry of Pentlitylvania, 0.1 !or deny years
, m od
towbeen engaged )u the nns gliplhull of dtscane, mod
the applicatton of remedies I mreni.
Throumh the use of his inn tingAnbe. lit tonneeben
with his Prophs lemon,yrup lid Other °Chia remedies ,
he ha. gained on Ipend: led 'enuneeee in caring
those dreadful end fatal m ladies, Tabercular CCM
eumpiloh,,Calleeri, :40101u: , Illietarell.M. Asihnts,
Freer and Agee. Pei,. 0 all kinds, Chrome Ery
' rope. nod'd ill those otwo e le . diteares pendi a :. m
females. ed emery from Of disesme•anishes under
the use et big rentedtes, to whieb humanity iv Lein—
not by the One it .vi.e comp unit only. for that is In.
compatible at b PhYGoblet. al ,Lawi bat bY the Co.
of u s re medies. &Oupled to, ...,1 preactioed for each
occulter form olaitele,.
Or. Itosea Team Alteratt e Pills, when used ore
Invariably acktiowledied to e reposer to all other,
the bowel' s
pi:encore or Astir pin,neSAMen 5. they leoe.
the bowels perfectly free fri to costiveness, •s also
his Golden Pills to .ad m it t ed y th e (enmity to possess
peculiar propene. adapted. o female diteasca, but
being satisfied that a bare trim is Genment to establish
What by been the nom so( the most skeptical,
The &filleted ore juvited Iu . II open the agent-mad
procure (emus! one of the Domorat pamphlets miming
mite:titled account of each remedy and lie application.
Our sale by the AG:owing agents,ns well as by most
druitglits err...sleet the roar. try.
J behoocrosker .0 Co, 21 w oo * G ree n, fittnni,n o ,,h ;
.1 M Townsend, dtuseast, 45 filartet In, do,
Lee A. nes:Sham,, do :main& P.O. Allegheny city;
JaiDoG Donley. Darbecton, Deaver ea i Pa.
Jo* DIM; }Aonif Valley,tii. do,
T Adams teener if* do.
A lIVAU 1,011 3ClVlnvuntio, pa
iti I r <n.l tepre 4 entinl Jp:my Li.ktl 171
s Le 1,1:11X le..aust "oat
laiehllt.VllP Prial•rf I,Herkm.svilbar.
I!. roioN, .- • t,PI/ p..
311‘ . ... e,-1.•4 ti .11.1 c.. eay
s4l 41,141 td,
.0,10,1 . #
, torq, awl tho cr ,n r
11. 1,1,:nr.R,
lixtra ISupek One ° g yong T•••
ItIIESE 'ate the Tr.aa tits:torn Int
-1 Lintersm ti.e it.nletatnt. Alert's at .11uworth,
Teti in tba Plan, mi. nre'ail tatiti Teas at
the lola prire of :Se r Tor eat ' repTi
3 4t ," . 1 ; L tY ''' ttT' r ' o n a l i i tofn % - i k
been leceiTel ... It Awn, i.nerary:-Ite'per, Tinrd
nppotile 11,e Pas: ottLie. sepp
Vc,r/NDUW GLAttB- :An
Itv 1..1% la •,,
subasws N;
to store and f' or pa" extra
nod)011:d werr ro
icti - V - Eli- 7- TOTieTcii - c7rTile
it F.
Vend It
bn rarefied for solo
X 1
ANNE , ' A CAVD-0 bag reeeladd roe aaleby
WL ova lt It:SELLERS
C ARAWAY SEktD-140 Ira very 'Oran, Tor sole by
7L.urWracr-2 VC* reed roiT r iCe77?
T) ED CRALK,--la R ' !lrk; l care fur pule by
ib "" ;1 E BELLE RV
[ 131.r1a - wire, - ree'a
reptN /.1 CANFIELD
Loni Shavefp,
1N great, net! a -pnc- yud rn'trra.lair received
nt the elate of NCR{'ttV &JfRCHFI}LD
oao -:
L INyFSU - OIL pore eoloary_ recd
for sate by . ROBISON. LIT TLE &Co
oe3 Vs.l.iberty at
TUSI . re:calved Mt;
Wirreboorr, No et.3Fonrtli r , recn..d 73 . 1 % oed at.
44 nor Window Linen. : wet
. .
7,1 rtv M,lgru4 equal no the
belt in Ilta market, titr rale Dy
14 C sroerroN
latAC63l !MAE:, tooitil.:Erin moult, will be
..11rold lota to close the lot by '
szpUl Wotan& Prom sta.
JUtiT reeciero tr. m Yut
hilbatllerFaetory, 10
Wagon Corer tisl Cloth, a - gotoi tiraele, for tale by
II 1./
31 ttO
oVe.I4E: t.ll. Ai by
B" earn IlrotaikoViiTgele
'oc't 'IS:IVK -h!r-CANDI.kI4.4
B u ITI R- . 15 nelg shad Lunar for gale by
K I .
‘A ReAUI.INS-4 rerflienvy large Tafpafitlng of
fin ben (fanny of ladas !lubber,' on hand And ' for
Wang J
13 Ai fYkilit: itavaima, No 4, ton Cleioher, canna
II aseellene mat:auto, nod No In orlactionary of
Aleehiones, hag beef, t , ceived at ito! flier' Likeuny
Depot, - ,Shied Idor.l, own., e the Post Office, alio a'
Dew American Nobel caned The Catmint/nor, e.lota
Nf Allannefbagieti . n lelnuf, on the :Ohio Myer, and
on- Pamela! Field 'lfouleof tba Amnions !tavola
lion. - • ' ow ,
orm can't* tor nn
W Jr, F
ont 'tG Wood it
AI.MP/N—.3 tale below°, far eolelby
odd W 4 I . WIL.9IIN
UNIIRIl:~ au Leg e prime Greenllo Pollee,
150 pm:..gee fllnatica Tea.;
brol serener? Tobieon,
10 bate Pepper;
0 itlawee:
bp/ Pla 1 Vh.walelo;
- I rare. Peel:once Hall.
lu °crepe Iteeh awed Bier;
11 coll. :41.1J0r.
brerrel. Alupa:
To barrel.. 1 wawre• (1,1;
rel Jorge Oar. Heel.;
Nei Iris Corn Lllawne;
.10 lull 114 IVhlll t•IK,A;
30 wane P 1 re Seger, •
LW tale 'Jo : Abilene.;
• Hal erli large 5 Mackerel;
00 PIPE large No Y 'du;
do Nn I
&I Lori. NCTag .
aJ oi/ I:11a Peat ;
brie Na .
ueorlerl Vorgal
HI bides No I Boulngl
lOU kego prune While:Lead;
21re key, aneoned
Also, a NB sesortmeal of PHllborermanufseenred
przielee, Me only Of JOHN WATT lie°
sepl:l VAliaberly el
‘l4"tstrtatatad Pure. %V tura 11211cr
UITABLE tat Aledieutul Purposes, uHrals on
0 band sad for sale by Itte bellle. quart, et Won at
L eeo A . Win e Store..
case Blink Cloth Shawls, , •
st„,) I ease Yellow Flannels;
2 canes Rod • do:
1 cote Red twilled Flannels; •
2 eases Glite do do;
2 3 eV e e:P b 1Vin '
1 case Batmen;
3 cases Cl.
1 ease:cans;
3 canes Ride Blank Blanket Coiling
S cases Gray Blankets;
2 eases Drab Blankets;
1 case Blot do;
2 cases %Ohne Beti Blutkant;
Zde pnin Steam Pont Blankets; ~
Received on conslennent, and (or .le at ro.ufac•
t n rer's prices by . 11 LEE
8er , 12 Ikp Liberty intent.
-Low'. b , Rbfy.perfamed DragYn Made.;
do do Ifondy Scoop;
Cinnamon Bar Soak
Pluladelokla Vorlegaird Spain
Prnaboran do do;
Cordle Soap;
Oboe Soap; fog aa , e wbo'nonle and retail by
anoll i Wal A nfeel,ll;CO & CO
Low & 1031'• •oapil—ah •,.
ijkloWlsi Poor, 113etat
VornacoLot, ttoottioil, ilto. sr
:Those :loops am highly delebtt
satoottnew to lbe rkin,
in, If nncy,
nd Olive oil Baspe
rued -for Itllputitte
.yore hoard from the tibponsi,l4 .
• replb
— p - raLitA RITIIII PACturro-•, lb . awned
I.thlolinesses, from 1 ihel, Web; ry, e ii. v .
ys prepared so ibac-404agtess'Faltrebtrel
er mt yr, nd ia aapeript trintistrlbrlng else, l
u ho btall.ce h. a a io moth shraric4.rorttleb mod.
List. • degree of Wu, ozormay ha tomb oho., all
par , . where poeking re ,necerrehy; :altr:.-yayint yy y n
plueF piston toil., melba . Jointr, waif them, sylub•
der heads, rte. Fat airle - Wholerale and mull by
• . •- JA 1t YRILLIPS
momenta( the late
. Is, that they wilt