The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 31, 1850, Image 4

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    MIS Cl L CAN tO US-
' : BHACKDXaTT db WUIT*» :
• wncLxsiutnxauss.m;
ffe.lonVsoditr«*t, .
In. lh« It.i.n,tid redie.l u <nmnn> «*r
«i«jl b,*we,icra nerebu-A «»d 0i1,.,. ,utonj«.t
,vn. uiciiiv,
j go. 130 Llbsrty,ltr*it,
Br/7H reocetfaHy to inform his nnmerotu friends
and customer*, that he Is just teccivingbis new
tail stock «f CLOl'Jiy, CAS9IMERE*, and Vt2fT
lNGS.otiho newest stylet, adapted fortbeapproacb
inr fail tod winter seasons. All those in want of
cheap, 'fssh!ouai>u‘,an<i good.cldhlrg, yrtfl Cod the
largest,' most fashionable, and. bert. jneck. in the'
w ®.• tern cosaury* .Btibi* «*» kblwim en b .jx pU_
- bpsamgsfi^rPsaniyivuu'aiisUUeail
,i toPUiiborgii.
rPHE Pennsylvania! Rdil 'Road Company having
L 'COtapleted the wbme line ot roil toad to Hollidays*
burgh, thus'connecting the Poruge Rail' Bosd to
Johc*own, and fnmllhenee by boats to Pittsburgh,
ate sow prepared tJ receive and forward merchan
dize, produce, Ac., uJ and frost Pittsburgh and Phila
delphia. I , ,
The boats will leave the depot of the company
daily for Johnstown, there connecting with the daily
train of car* for Philadelphia, the* insuring Ihe de*
livery of all freight in Philadelphia withinjive days.
; Agents for Pa. R. R. Co, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh.
•eptd:<llf -Philadelphia.
' Murtc and Muncal huintvunti,
■ Riga of ilie Golden Harp, No 1011 hird street.
H. KLEBER mpectfolly ieform*
lilends and the public, tfnt be ha*
returned from tho east, with a
II m | IlmoxrcUgani and extensive assort
ment of Pianos of v&noo* styles and price»,-se!ecieo
by'himself, with grestcare. at die celebrated factories
of Ntutss A Clstfc, N. Danhatu, N. ol
Stodart A Bar.hum,N. Y.) Basing selected tho above
from an immense stock just finished by the above
miker*, they arc warranted ol superior quality and
lose, and will in all cants be told ai New Votk fac*
tery price*. Purchaser* will receive a written soar
oaty with each ihono, entitling them to an exchange
or return of lound oeiective.
Also, a lot of splendid Uousrs, from the factory ot
Seboidt A Maul. N. V They "c * *opcrb arucie,
and warranted equal, if net rcperior, to nu> made in
the world.'
Also,» fine'telecuau of Flutes, Cisrjonets. violins,
Htnngs, Brae* lustrmaect?, and the newest and most
popular musle, inclvdiug Jenny Lind’* Celebrated
sorsv : aep^3
MIIRPHYABURCiII-TF.LD.a; north ea*t corner
ofFourih and Market streets. er« aj»w supplied
with a foil atkoriiueul of tbc various qvcljuea oi
above desirable -good*, and having been purchased
(ram the lmporters_caa lrewsrranied genutne.ocS
jas. anspratt A Sca*» patent Soda Aal».
QQ/f CASKS of the above celebrated brand, part
store. ar.U the remainder to arrive this and
celt tooutb, per u Anna Rich,” “Europe,” ‘Berlin," and
et'icr ships, via Philadelphia andßaiumore, warrant*
ad superior ia both strenclh and quality to any in lh«
market, for sale at the iowast rriec for cash and ap
proved bills, by >V AM MITCHELTREE
suct9 JJrierV street
Larg* Supply or F*n * Winc«7 oo°<lt.
lU. of buyers to their large stock *f gcois .Adapted
for the season, consisting in put of—-
Blk and Col’d French Mertnoe*,
‘‘ "* Coburg*.and Cashmeres,
Changeable Poplins,
, Ureis Bilks and Tore Batins,
s 111 k mod Fancy Alpacas.
butter Look Shawls, Low Price do., Sacking Flan
nels, Welsh, English, and Amer.san Flannels, white
and colored. Their stock of HOUSEKEEPING
GOODS, iccb ms Sheetings, pillow Cue Muslins,
Pablo Drapers.Towelhug, Ar„ ia large, and at low
price* forqoality. Bayera will fiud it to their advan
tage to tiiß.ui) their stock before puiehasing—at the
notch cast comerof 4th ami Market «u. oci 7
Sllitri' Llv*r Pills Bupercedeall other*
■ , _ Charleston, Va., Sept. 80,1M0-
Mr. tLEßeuer*:—Your Pills have become so popu
lar in all this region of country, a* very much to
supereedo all cihci* u a Liver or AnU-BiUons Pill.
* ours, Ae. JAMIS A LEWIS
(Extract of Letter.)
Purchaser* will recollect that R. E. SeUers’tiver
Pill* are tho original and only True and Genuine
Liver Pill, ami may be had at No 57 Wood »u, and ol
druggists generally lu the two clues and vieioitT.
Dr. Guyaott a Extract ofYillow~Uoci
and Sarsaparilla.
PUT up in the largest sited boUles, contains more
of the pore Honduras Sarsaparilla than any other
preparation extant which is chemically combined
with the Extract of Yellow Dock, the Extractor Wild
Cherry, and tho Balsam of lit, thus making the reme
dy more thoroughly efficient than any other £arsap*.
r,!ia before the public, At tbc same time it is perfect*
I y tree from all mineral poisons, which cannot be said
ot any other of th* Sarsaparilla compooeds. The In
valid should beware of poisons! Mercury, Iron,
nine, -Potash, lodine, Sulphur, Arsenic, and many
other mineral aud metallic poisons enter into aoo
form the active basis of most of the Sarsaparilla and
Panaceas of the day. Guyset'.’i Compound Extract
of Yellow Dock aud Sarsaparilla does r.ot eouiatna
particle of these substances, as anyone can easily
ascertain by applying the necessary tests.
Tho poisons may occasionally remove-disease, bui
they so vitiate the blood, and m completely impreg
nate tha whole system with their baneful effects that
the first cold, or the first attack of disease, prostrater
the patient’s strength, uud subjects )nm or uer to ihs
moatexcratiating toriuie, and renders another cun
almost impossible and hopeless. Let all poisonous
Karsapanba preparations'alone, and use Guyaott's
Improved Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla,
which la thoroughly c&caclocs, perfectly harmless,
and purely vegetable. All hinds of disease yields to
its genial lnfiuence.
Serofala, Canceroas Tumors, Cutaneous Eruption*,
Erysipelas, Biles, Pustules, or Pimples oallie Pace,
Chronic Bore Eyes, Tetter, Scald Head, Rheuma
tism, Enlargement or Pains in the Bones or Joints,-
olj and stubborn Ulcers, Fever Sores, Hip Disease,
Swelling of the Glands, Blotches, Syphilitic Symp
toms, Lombago, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Cos*
tivesess, Salt Rheum, Affection* of the Kidney* and
diseases arising from en injudicious iiw of Mercu
ry, Minister’* Sore Tntoat, Weakness of lbs Cbr?t
- Pulmonary Affection*, and all other disease* lend
ing towards CocsampUin, Liver Complaint, Feinah
Irregularities and Complaint*, Hick tud Nervorn
Headache, General Debility, Low Spirits, Lots oi
Appetite, Might Sweats, rain* in the Side and
Shoulders, Exposure or Imprudence In Ijfo, Citron
ie Confutations! Disorders, and as a Spring and Pah
Punier of the Blood, and General Tonic tor th*
System, it la unrivalled.
A cataof Ulcer JicJ LlrrJit efsisieen pear* standing-
The foliolng is en extrt.ct of a letter timed Morel
87,1850, frost K. D. Perkins M. D-. a highly reap tela
Lie physician orM&ri*iia,otUo.
Joan Pasx—Dear* Si.: I have under my care s
yotng woman who, for sixteen years, has been scf
wring from Ulrerated Limbs, and whoso ease b»«
been pronounced hopeless by three of oox best phy
sicians. I look her into my family, and have cten
Guysou’s Yellow Dock and Barsapanila freely, ant
am ccnfidsat that the Yellow Dock and Sanaparills
wUleffectapennsnetcurc. ’ She ia Leuerin general
health than the baa ever been before, and walks a
mile or two without fatigue or pain. A year ego sht
used crutches. 1 will repon-the case in due time.
’• Very respectfully, ' E B. PERKIN 3.
It haa been remarked, by eminent men, that in iht
varied catalogue of diseases to which man is liable
there is scarcely one of such importance, ‘and of suet
interest as Berniule, whether we look to the obscurity
of its origin, its insidious progress, the number anc
variety ofurgans that house he, or its remarkable in
curability and extensive fatality.
Scrofula has baCicd the Skill of the most cminen
physicians to this country and tn Europe. But there it
an hstidot e for this'diteaie in Dr.Guyoti’s Extract o
Yellow Hook and Sanaparills,” which is proving it
• oerfeat specific in tho mutt severe eases o
rau cxtrsonlinary ease of Scrofula coxed by th»
sole use of Doctor Guyoit’s Compound Syrup. 1
will be teen by lhi« certificate that ibi* ™r.n La? beet
under the treatment of several celebrated physician*
for the pail eight years. without deriving nay benefit
and hat been effectually cared by the a«e of a few
Lottie Of Sr. Guysou’s Compound Syrup.
Nsw Yom, June 7,1318
Da. Got son—Dear Sir,—Owing to yoa a debtwhicb
money cannot pay, I am reduced to make a public so
knowiedgracnt D( the benefit I have dented from yoiu
invaluable Syrup. I was sorely afflicted with a lam
ble: Scrofulous dineste, hereditary m our fatally
which commenced on my neck, and, coahntung u
spread, soon,reached my ears, running into my head
- and extending all over my face, neck, ami lower ex
Vamities. I became a disgusting obieet to look Upon.
At times my distress was to great that I wa* unable u
aleep or lie down; sod tho disease extending into ray
•an seriously adected tuy hearing. My face was ost
continuous sore, from which a discharge of matiei
and water kept continually oozing our. People avoid
ed me, supposing I had the mull poxwtr some othei
Infectious disease, anJ I was consequently obliged t<
relinquish my business. Notwithstanding I bad lh<
Lest medical ad vice,and tried different plans of treat
meat, the disease continued togrow wore, anal! gan
up in despair, Fortunately I fell in with a pastcagei
an the steamboat, while travelling for my health, whe
informed me that ids ua was at one time in as bad »
condition as 1 was, and that by using your syrup hr
was speedily eured. I immediate!? piocured the *»
uele, commenced uring It, and now, alter having user
less than six bottles, I am well uud able to attend ti
my holiness. -1 send you this statement as an act o-
Jostiee, only hoping that u may induce the afiieted b
make use of the right medicine, and thereby save then
much suffering and expense.
I rtmaun your servant,
. Cure of om aggravated com of Entxivelaa.
..The cares peiioimed by “Dr. Cuywti’s Extract ci
Yellow Dock and Barsapsrilia are lasting. The pa
" uent’s general health contißces to improve after «ib>-
ease Is removed. Cares are not chronicled until time
La* folly tested that there can b« no relapse or retort
of the disease.
. Noawav, (Herkimer Co.) Feb. l«yi
9. F. DosnjkCa, Gents, it la with great pleasure
that I wnie yoa about th* very happy effects of tout
Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla upoS my son, who !E
long been suffering under that dreadful, loathsome die
ease. Erysipelas, with which be was attacked In t&is
and was for sevend months attended by some of ooi
best pyriciaa*, wao tried their skill perseverinely to
five months, withont any beneficial effects whatever
He become reduced to a perfect skeleton. He had ul
ears from his hip to his knee, which wrre continaally
discharging ditsuiUngly rsCenaive. matter. Medico,
and surgical skill »** baihed- i'hyneiatu said that
hlacase was hopc.le**—there could be nothing donr
leanest those terrible pangrendug ulcers. My neigh
bors and myrclf ihougtuhts Uimolution near at haua
Une of my neighbors, who badcurred a child ofscrof
ala wub your invaluable medicine, wubed me m,
moke trial ol it, and more from the restless desue t>
do something while life lasted, then from esy hope o.
getting relief, I procured three bottle* of your" Veboa
Book sad Sarsaparilla, 11 and comaen-ed usia* it
a&ff to my oitor.ubroeni, he commenced ioinrovitif
he bad used the third Lottie, and ciforo he bad used»
half dozen bonlcs he could walk out.' lie used m &1
twelve bottles, and by October last he was perfect!)
resiCrei, every vestige of the disease exeepuhe scan
is removed, and he remains in perfect health up to tbs
present time. His recovery, under the tlcsring o
God, u entirely owing to the use of your Yellow Dock
and Sarsaparilla, and I future yoa that I feel mjnel
under crust ebUg»con)i to yoa, and it it with great joy
that I Laform yoa ef what year Sarsaparilla ntj dom
ferny »n. Rerpec»ftii*y,
ryNone genulns unlcnput up m largo botae*
• ee&uinlng • quart and the nuns of too Brrnp blowt
in the glass, with the written slgostare of 8. F. U*n
nett, on the outside wrapper. Priee 91 per bottle—Oi'
0 bone* for 95.
Itisfold by 3. D. PARK. N*nh East corner o
Fourth and Walnut streets, entrance on Walnut st
Ginftnftsri, Ohio, to whom all orders most be eddies
Carter ft Bro, Erie; W. P. Jchnma A Co., Watrr
firrd; Olin A Clemons, Crorsingrille; Abel Terrel!
Montrose; Hiram Mu, Towanda; Roben Boy, Well*
boro; L. ■Roderick, uailensbnrg; L-Wilcox, Jr, Pttu
bunt, eorncr of Market street and tho Diamond.
MORRIS A HAWORTH, in the ptamocd, arc aell
■tat excellent Tea, at „
• 00 ct* par Ib.-TllT IT 11 wp?4
; banking hobs e.
). cakotheks ec Co.,
»o IB Wood *tr*et ( Pittsburgh,
Collections made on sH the principal cities or the
United States. aagiidly
S. E* Comer cf Third and Marixt sU.
lead ; _
•• Ac, Olc.,
M0..7 4 FOURTH ■TB'EBTr,
‘ (Next doop tolhe Bank of Pittibargh.) -
augaSatttadp" :• 1 -
i. aoLSEO * «oii7
Baaktiii Exehaags Broken,
AjrsnaALXXs in
COLIiECnONB.-rDrafts, Notes and Acceptances
payable in any port of the Union, collected on the most
favorable terms.
EXCHANGE on New York, Philadelphia and Bal
timore; also, Cincinnati, Loaisvtlle, Saint Louis and
New OrieanJjCOnstaatfy for sale.
BANK NOTES.—Note* on all solvent banks In th*
Untied Butei discounted at tho lowest rates. AJI kinds
f Foreign and American Gold sad Silver Coin bought
nd sold. aug3u
N HOLMES A SONS have removed their Bank
. mg and Exchange Offieo to No C 7 Market st.
o ur door* below old Hand. augtri
BILLS on England, Ireland, and Scotland bought
any amount at fli* Current Rales of Exrbung*}
Also, Drafts Ptyebia In any pan of th* Old Countries,
fromsfil to iIQOO, it the rate ot 95 to the £ Swirling,
without deduction or discoonL by JO3HVA RODIN
SON, European and General Agent, offieo AUi« on*
door west of wood. ootlfit!
Rn«»»TI * nanny,
Bankers and exchange brokers, deflsr
In Foreign and Doacsiio Dili* of Exehauge, Oer
UJ 46 *I** 1 ** of Depoaite, Bank Notes and Coin, corner o
3d and Wood streets, directly oppoea* 8l Charles Ho
•*. tnarJSJly
w.a.EnaujH.) - /,-as. i. extokti
IT chants, No4L Wood street,opposite St Cliarle
Hotel, cje now receiving and offer for sale, ai lov
rates, asfakewa.-
ISO pkraY.H., lmp,o.4i\
sod Black Teat.
iOO pkg* it s* lb and bflb
lump A 3s rollTob'co.
2CO bags Bio, Ltgoayn,
ariU ifiaa Coffee.
3o br!» N O Molasses.
40br!s powdered, crush'd
and loaf Sugars.
CO brit Alum.
TO brls Tanners' Oil.
3W raia Z«web Oil.
to brla NoJrUauiprfl.
c3s bz* axle* iorw (.'uu
t3O bxa Botin Soap,
too doi Pot llaekcts.
S 3 bxa Chocolate.
S 3 bxa While Pipes
100 rwa iYftp Paper.
bxa Peppir & £j;pice.
' 10 tea Bice
Together with a genera!
slip kepi to teelr Una, ns
50 M hf Spanish C-gars.
bo bt iiuyarn and Van
in IWW pWtr.c».
29 ft) Havana, qr bxi.
0 M Regalias.
IS U Principal.
50 Lxs M Raisinr;
(0 bales Filberts, English
walnuts, B7&71! Nuts,
and Ground Nuts.
SO bxs Lemon Syrup.
20 bn I’eppcr Ssur®,
SO eases pickled
10 casctspic’d Chocolate
Cyonnd Spires 01 nil kinds
SO tit's Syrdinet.
SO bxa march.
15 bxa Rock Candy.
10 bxa Shelled Almonds;
5 eases Liquorice.
Rinehart’s Cat and Dried
10 gross Blteiin*.
Assortment om
well a> PiUstmiFgb raanu-
iqw Bpejflfig at ill* Cartel
KourUt Uf«i a,<J 7p Wood
ring varieties:—
felvei i\le Carpet;
'ajKury ttrimd* Jo;
aanetn BruiM'l* Uo;
Sup. Tailed Bum
Tufted Matt'
Stair Rod*;
Coco Matt;
Jute do;
£nocpi 91 Triamiar* tor
at well scanned Oil CloUia,
77 indie* to iM Teel, of v*ry
Cl any aixed room, liali,‘or
CABPtfTtf, ou
WMeOLINTOOtf it t .
• Warehouse, No 751
I'.rwi, a verr handsome ass
prislog in pan ol the iollow
Rich and elegant style Vi
Rich and elegant style Ti
Saperior English add Ar
Extra sap. 3 ply Caj-peu;
Superfine uo do;
do Ingrain do;
Extra fine A fine do da;
Com. all wool, do do;
do coti’a chain Jo do;
do couoa go 4a;
Alto, a Terr large aat,
Steam Boats, 1
- A very large MSOiimenti
mixing lu width from 23
tumUame styles, cot to £
1 ba told <u ebsjp at they
of lie easiertniUci. We
vho wish a bargain.
Tte itoek of good* will
nsa be purchased in any <
invite every body to cultv
SUNDRIES— IDO bn Cream and W U Chseac;
10 old Jots Coffee;
10 bigs Lateiyra do;
30 bags fansr KJo do;
IV hfchest* Chnlon Tea;
ID cuddy bx* extra Oolong;
4t> do prime Green;
3d hf cheats do;
10 brs buneh Raislas;
3 boles soft shell Almonds;
tf doz pure cbrystal Ltmou Suxar;
5 bzilioeteopathli AfaneyChoeolate
lo bis Broai, Cocoa end No l no;
S bis Almond and Palm Sons;
60 bra Rosin and Variegated Soap;
i doz Olive and Bordeaux Oil;
1* doz Pepper Sauce;
3 doxGcrkin A Warns! Pieklcs;
■J do* Bose Water;
I ease Italian Macearont; -
S cases do Vermicelli;
3 eases pure India Carrie Powder;
U eases tsserffne Rice Ploar,
Id brls crushed A pulverized Sagars;
10 brls small Loaf;
10 brls pare Cider Vinegar;
St) doz Coro Brooms;
For sale by J 11 WILLIAMS A CO
iep“ Cor. Wood A Fifth Sts,
Erpreuly for Scwtg.
IM> avoid tho'many inconvenience* attending the
. use of the customiry Skein, tbe above article ha*
been much, and for along time wanted. It has always
it en a matter of astonishment, that whilst the common
*r:iclc of Cotton, was conveniently spuole<* for gene
ral ujc-Slli., so much more va‘uuble, should have
.>een supplied in fiketns, from which r>o mu.-i, uoub.e.
vexation, and lon has arisen.
Tho difficulty has at last been overcome, the public
is offered a good article, handsomely put up in a con
• enient form for domestic nte.
The only objection urged against this article is the
tppnrent small quantity on each spool. This is eaiiii
explained. Each Spool is warranted to contain 20
fartsofSilk; the ordinary Bkcinj st the tame
price, has bat an uncertain quantity, varying frem 13
to tS yards.
The Spool Silk is ready for use at the time of pur
chase, and it only needs a trial, to convince the most
itcptieai of its superiority in quality. Independent of
the neat aud convenient Jons tn whieb It is famished,
it has great advantages overihe Skein, as it does
twar with the ledinm of winding, the Vexation of
uutgUng, and the loss of time In preparing It for nse.
SI North Third at, Philadelphia! l
HORSTHANN, 820*9 k CO :
6 Maiden Lane, New York.
Jyttkdeodkm Sole Agents f
~~ A. A. MASON & CO.
Between Third A Fourth street*, Pittsburgh,
INVITE the attention of merchants visiting the city,
to their extensive stock of Fail and Winter Goods,
tciccted with great care and auenlion from recent
importation*, large aoettoa sales, and front tho lead
ing manufacturers, by their resident pa-tnerin Ne«
York. Their suck this fall will be found to bo much
larger aad more varied than any they have ever before
brought to this market, being replenished by receipt!
of goods almost daily throngn the season a* they ap
pear in the eaaurn markets, rendering their stock a
» l times fall and perfect, thereby eambling them suc
cessfully to compete wiui eastern houses *epo
vMvf stock or
JOHN 1L MELLOR, No 61 Wood street, sole agent
for Chickering’s Piano Fortes for Western Penn
sylvania, has received, and now ready for sale, the
loltowmg assortment selected by himself from tbe
manufactory, and will be supplied as urual at Mr.
Jhicker>ng‘s prees, vir—
-4 carved Lome XIV, 7 oetaves.
i elegant itimewood, 7 do;
ii do do C} do,
2 do do o do,
i Jo Mahogany, 6 <lj;
1 do Walnut, i> d»,
I full carved a^HUßraud.
A CAHD-The-Kubsenber h«s; llic pleasure cl
announeiag to the citisens of Pittsburgh, that hr hat
made arrangement* with Mr. John H. Alellor, tor Jbt
exciuatve vale of bis Piano Fortes, m Fuaborgli and
Western Peatuylvania, and those wisbine lo pur
chase may be assured that their tmrrenawill he faith*'
fully attended to. J CUICKKRING
Boston, March *J3,164. a .
In addition to tbe abo«e >uick of Piano* from Mr
Cl.ickeriug. a new eupnly is offered £rom-ihc fsetoner
of Adant 3todar* Bacon A Raven, ami Worcester-
New York, and Haliett, Cumncn A AJlen, Boston, ai
prices varying from two to three hundred dollara
FI 3 for October.jau received and for sale at
°Ct7 78 Apollo Balldingt, 4th st
To Faopl* ffirom tho Ola Coaatry,
Exactit the same kind of Btnall Leaf, Fine, Strong
and Rough Flavored Blaek Teas that an used u
int Old Country, can be bought at 30c and 76c per lb.
*1 Morris A Haworth’s Tea Store, east aide of thr
Oiamond, “and no where else In Pittsburgh." wp24
nThlNllftO’ Paper—The best tn martet can or
L had at the agency of Clinton Mills. t 3 Wood st.
sepat W p Marshall
N£W MJVKu, D* T. a. AiiTHUK.—The Orpemi
Children; a tale of Cruelly end Oppression, is Ox
Utle of a new pnze tale by T. £. Ailhur. Il is said u
be the aniDot'a best production, for sale at llotaes
Literary Depot. Third street, opposite the Post <JCiee
sl'o. the Monk Kmgbi of Sl Johtuby Major Diehard (
Mm, and Luteli'a Living Age No UXJ.i ocl
CUKAM CIIKKSR—Wo bx< just rec’dtor sale by
M,,„„ Hda»ln|oVeiii.
URPn\ k BUttCHFIVLD hire ttttiftil t my
P l I fit good* adapted for mourning w<6J,»uthti
Ul*cS RDaiLtiine*,
“ Cimoo CltiL*.
' bad raxmatiei,
M J/eac b Merino* and Cuaocrcts
d= Lainci tad Moarnicf
H, f -a\'culr. ?; J|; < - < " l; ‘ ,, ’ Bl ° et v.n*
w H MOLAeSte—eo ntii» ei low. o „ o y 7Ju no
0 lasse*, just received end for tale by y p
„ - Jab a hutchison a Co
. ecu Ayent Si Lcai« Bteam Bngar Refinery
GLUE— 5 bbls.oa hand and for oaicby
puIEESE—4O boxes prune qualitv. tmTiXTr
5^_ 0 . cu XHAIAIi DICKEY A Co
fp ANNER3' lew pneed, for anie by'
NUT CALLS—CiO lbs just r«‘d tad forsale by
oc< _ 07 Wood «l
tfOAi* VoWDtißr—lo bxs res*d for sale
__ 5* 4 RE SELLERS
SAL. SODA—4 cttkj received for «le by"
uw AKABIoXofcENUES-lB btt for Mle by
OTRapVikO PAPER—4OO reams rtf ud etran
ffwrtppiag mediant, dobbin medium, crown, asr
doable crown, 4 very superior srtide,on hud ud
for tils b j RO STOCKTON
tcpW nUarkttft.
NO. JBI Wood meet, has Jon received a R rw •».
sonmem of PIANO MUSIC, aao£«.wM c
:the following:- '
Molly, do vou Love me, by 8. CL Foster:
Oh, may ute Red Rose Lira Alway, da.'
N.llrwu.l-JT, do.
Uneic Ned,
Gwine to Run all Night, a*
Dolly Day, ' 5*
Soldier's Wedding, by Glover
The Robut, do
silver Moon.
Lament of the frith Emigrant
A New Medley Sonr.
1« Spirit that Lor.d Thee.
,h'H“nu -
Lo w BaakU Car, by Lovers
"Bo you erertbint of me.
•RlamberOewle Lady. •• • —"
. Jeanaie Grey.
WtSei CeUMiM » 'Wedding; Wreath, and' baisy
Batchelor, Maiden, Bella Welt*, Concert, Ladies’
Souvenir, Cully, Elvira, Lily, Alice, Evergreen, Sara
oga, Adieu, and _ miry“ 3 <■
WE enter not into the Un of puffers, we say nothing
about Hundreds of Chests, Importers, Larre
Capital, Bought for Cash, Ac. In fact, we will not
hembag in any manner or form, we simply invite the
public to compare opr Teas with vyhat they purchase
elsewhere; this it this best method we know toaster*
tain wuo sells the best and cheapest Teas in Piuu
burgh. We are now telling
Good and strong Tea at 40and SO cents per lb.
A prime article,*— 75 do do-
ne best Teaimported into the D.States, SI
Low priced, damaged, or inferior Teas we do not
Proprietors of the Tea Mutest,
_____ East aide of Diamond.
Ureas Amerloaaa Htetiauloal Work. ”
D. Appleton A Co, New York, have In course of pub*
Itcaiion, iu paiti, price tweaty five cents each,
Of Machines, Mechanics, Engizu Work,and En
gineering; designed far Pradttai Working
A£en, and those iztkended for the Engi
neering Pntfesxvm.
TIU3 WORE is pf lajre Bvo. sue, and will contain
two tuocukd rsna, aiui upVafds of sti thou
ssnn ttxcsTUtiofls. It will piesent working-draw
ing* and descriptions of the most important machines
m the Paired t-tste*. Independent of the retell* of
American ingenuity, it will contain complete practi
cal ireatriet on Mectteslcs, Machinery. Englne*work,
erd Engineering; wuh all that U utefoi in more than
6ce mou.and dpUjrs worth of folio volume*, macs
tiubi, and outer books.
The great object of this pnbUeauon ta, i« piseo be
fore practical men and etudeuusueh an amount of
theoretical and scientific knowledge, In a condensed
form, as shall enable them to work to the best advan
tage, and to avoid those mictakea which they might
commit. The amount of useful informatron
thus broughttorether if almost tcpcr.-J prcced-nl in
such works. Indeed, tbertS Is Txidtdty - any Subject
within its range which is not treated with such clear
ness and precision, that even a man of the most ordi
nary capacity cannot fail of understanding it, and
(bur leant!-- (ropt it much which it i« important for
hitntokuoV; “ "
The publisher* ere, In short, determined, regardless
of cost, to sake the work as complete as possible: and
it is hoped every one desirous to obtain the work will
procure it as issued lu numbers and thus cnoouran
the enterprise.
The work will be tssned in semi-monthly numbers,
lEa>l,ci WiM PF°F!?‘ TT!U>
The wholq work will be published ia4U numbers,
at 25 cents per number, and eoapleted within the cur*
lent year, ISSU. A liberal discount- will be to
Any one.remitting the publishers SlOtn advance,
shsii r+jilys the work through the post office free oI
expeuss. '
Oplmloma of the Press.
u To our numerous Manufacturers. Mechanics, En
gineers, and Artisans, it will he a min* ol wealth
ProviJeace, <R. I.) Journal.
“Vouag laaa, arm YfiSrsplvea •'* Jnpffle-Jge.—
Wo can with confidence recommend our readers to
ponses* themselvc* of Us'nnmbers as fast as they ap
pear.’’—American Artisan.
“We unhesitatingly commend the work to those en
gaged in or Interested in mechanical or scientific pur
suits, as eminently worthy of their examination and
V-,1 Bate
“It is üb!j a great watt, and um publishers de
serve the thanks of Inventors, and mans
lecturers, am! indeed of the public generally.”—N. V.
“This Dictionary will be highly useful to practical
mechanics, and valaahle to all who wish 10 acquaint
themselves with the proems of invention in the me
chanic ana'vNew Bedford Deity Uetdlir/.
“Young mechanics ought to keep posted up Iu the
oretical as well as practeaJ knowledge, and this
work will show them just htrw they stand"—Rozbary
(Mass.) Advertiser.
“tVa take it lobe justthe work that scores and hun
dreds of our intelligent mechanics have desired to poo*
ecss. £0 taple of? it* descriptions, and «o foil and
minute its specifications, that ft sefemf to as that any
mechanic might contract any michiue it describes, on
the strengm ofiioengrevings and umruction*.”—N. Y.
Commercial Advertiser.
“All interested In mechanics should avail them
selves of iu advantage*. l7 —Schuylkill, (Penn.,) Jour
“A wor* of cjiC.Ttjre practical atility and great im
portance and value iq.iba rapid!)- increasing interests
of th« country. Wo reganl the work as eminently
calculated to promote the canseof seienre end the
mechanical arts, and to disseminata valuable loiorma
non on these tpbjecU."— Farmer and Mechanic.
“Practical men in ail the varied walks of mechani
cal and manufacturing industry! engicsermg. Ac„ will
find in this work a treasure which it will be to ibeir
prott to poswas.”—Tioy Daily Whig.
“We hare carefully perused the numbers, and have
no hesitation in saying that It it the best work for me
chanics, tradesmen, and seieutifio men, ever publish
ed. for it contains min ate utformaaonoo every branch
of the mechanical arts and sciences, expressed in a
•ijle and language intelligible to any reader of ordi
nary capacity.”—Gloucester, Nowa.
“We are sure we are doing the mechanics of Nor
wich and other parts of ConneeUeat a service by
bringing tho work to their attention."—Norwich,
(Conn.) Courier.
“It Is just such a work as every soeehanio ahould
possets."—Freeman's Journal.
Woconaideritone of the most useful and Important
publications of the age. No mrehanie can afford to be
without li."—Newark, (N. J„)Commercial Courier.
‘ Of all Cis various publication* having for (heir ob
ject t!ie elatiiamin and advancement oi the tueebani-.
cai nft« and icieneca, mine tbai we havo teen, it «o
\iii «jf I'lomite as tnis.' I —Bujalo Com^Adv.
• I:the br*t anil cheapen work ever odered to the
«rle|tP.lie.and practical engineer ami mt-ckauic. The
plat** arcbeautifolly executed.”—Washington Globe.
"This great Dictionary it one of the cion awful
work* ever published for year*, and the tow price at
trhirb it is cold makes it acceptable to aiL”—Sooth
MVe regard it as one of the most eomprefaeasiva and
rateable, as well aj cheapest works ever published.”
—Baltimore Advertiser.
“Oojht to be taken by everyone douiriog to keep
joca with the progress of an and actence in every one
of the labor* of civuUred life/t—Rondont Conner.
"It it designed after the pnneiplo of lire’s Dictiona
ry, only that it i* more devised to tbs mechanical and
engineering professions, and above all, -1 <• valuable
»» accomplishing for Aaeriea what Ure has done for
England, vis: describing Amenean maebinary and
works cf art.' I —Scientific American.
"Uupubiisbed in nambers, and at a price ao mode
rate, looking at wkattscontained in each namber, that
oo ons who has the lean interest in aneh matter*,
seed be deterred from procuring it; and everyone who
does so, will Godthat no has In a condensed form an
amount orinjiroetion which would be obtained, if at
all, caiy by the paichsse cf very many votomca. —N.
V. Courier and {-Inquirer.
u Tno cotaprehensivenee with which theenbjeets
are treated, Urn admirable manner in which they are
illustrated, conspire to make this one of the mjst deal
ribl* worts. r —Democratic Review.
"This work should be in the hands of every mechanic,
aristas, and tnannfactarer, cspeciaily those who have
the least aspiration* to excel in their respective bu»t
aeatca. Wehave carefolly examined it, with a view of
rtecmrarntllttg it to inventor*. To them we would
iay in the strong language of the Bibier "It is good."—
Baltimore Inventor*' Journal,
Notice to the pTßpnnortqf Newepaptre throughout
the Umted Statu and Canada.
If the foregoing advertisement is inserted five times
daring the year, and the paper coaming It seat to us,
.« copy of the work srill be sent gratis In payment.
Containing no hlercury, nor othar Mineral.
THE following testimonial was given by the cele
brated Dr. Wooster Beach, the author of the great
>OO4/001 work entitled "The American Practice o.
Medicine and Family Physician.”
"Having been made acquainted with the ingredients
which compote McAllister's Ait-Healing Oinuaeni
and having prescribed thd tested it in several easesli
my pnvste practice, I have \o hesitation in saying or
certifying lh*t it is a Vegetable Remedy, containing
no mineral substance whatever; that iu ingredients
•oinblned as they are, and tued as directed by ibe
Proprietor, are not only harmless, bat of great value,
being a truly scientific Remedy of great power: and |
dicerfalty recommend il as a compound which hat
June nnidi good, and which is adsptrd to the care of
a greatvarii-iy uf.esar*. Though I have ncvtrefUier
rccoinaj'-iul-d or engaged In the vile of secret medi
cines, rrgsrd/or the .Irulv honest, coutcicniioat, hu
mane cliaracter of thd Proprietor of this Ointment,
•nd the value of his discovery, oblige me to say thus
much regarding it- W. BEACH, I>. 0."
New York, AptU«U, 1848.
BURNS.—It is one of the test thlhgs in the world
fur Bunts.
FlLES.—Thuneinds are yearly cured by this Oint
ment. It never fail* in giving relief.
For ‘Rimers, Ulcers, and ill kinds of Sores, it hut
no equal.
If MoUioriJand Nurses knew, its vilne in eaaea of
Swollen or Sore Breast, they would always apply it.
In such cases, If nted according to directions, u gives
relief in a very few hours.
Around the box are directions for using McAllister's
Ointmeai for Scrofula, Liver Complaint, Erysipelas,
Tetter, Chilblain, Scald Head, Sore Eye*, Quincy,
3ore Throat, Uronehitc*, Nervous Affections, Pain*,
Disease of the Spine, Head Ache, Asthma, Deaton*,
Ear Ache, Barns, Corns, all Diseases of the Skin, Sore
(dpt, Pimples, Ac., Swelling of the Idmbs, Bores,
Rhttirootlnn. Piles,Cold Feet, Croup, Swelled or Bro
ken Breast, Tooth Ache, Ague in the Face, Ac.
From the Reading Eagle.
There was never, perhaps, a Medicine brought be
fore the public, that lias in so short a time won secli a
reputation a* McAllister'* All-Healing or World
Salve. Almost every person that ha* made trial of it
speaks warmly in its praise. One bat been cured by
iiof the moFt painful rheumatism, another o! the piles,
a third of a troublesome j-mn in the side, a fourth of a
swelling in the limbs, Ac. If it does not give immc
-liate relief, in every cute, it can do no injury, being
applied outwardly.
As another evidence of the wonderful healing pow
er possessed by (hit aslve, we ȟb|uin the following
certificate, irsm a respectable citizen of Uaidencrack
township, in this county:
Maidencreek, Unis co., March 30,1947.
Messrs Ritter A Co—l desire to inform yon that I
was cn'drely cured of a eevere pain in the back, by the
ass of McAlUeter's AU-llealing Salve, which I pur
chased from yon. I suffered with it for abont» ycnrij
and at nisht was nncblc to sleep. Daring that tint I
tried various remedies, which were prescribed tor tna
by physicians and persons, without receiving any
relief, end at last made trial of this Salve, with a re*
»clt favorable beyond expectation. lam now entire
ty free from the pain, ana enjoy at'nisht * peace fhl
and sweet sleep. I fc/rre al*n used the Snlre tin re for
tooi ache and'other complaints, with similar happy
results. Year friend, Jam* l!oz>nctsaca.
Sole Fropriclor of the above medicine.
Principal OUee, No 23 North Third street, FhUadel
tnrn W ' P ‘ MAKSHALL - (Ittti! s. c Hi!!.)
.. Hi \V ot >d Ktrret
uii^GVnp^rv a r^**^ slt^e^* W,til tr'cVln-thc\Vhote
**w Orocery, Commission, and Fnrw*rri»n» i, n «i
ncif.By iwofion., R. N. tni’ft ffwSn The
'**& ®J££®** , S ,i be c ®odactc4 nn««r
.4*.S. \V«teraiu 4 Sooj,aune old lun.u. ,No n VV».
t«r*ad 63 PfownreeL r„s \v«tfi»man
Plg«fc»rf|i, V»r*b i*t, ic^>
KNEI4&N trliKniiuiuftir «*Je by ~I G ikkw-s t ws j^/ ; —eV t.y j
Aobrs in PnTwcnoß/ D. A. Fahnestock A Co„
corner of Wood ud Pint am.; Wo, Jackson, No.
itu Liberty meet; L. WUcox. Jr., comer of Market
-ftreet and the Diamond, alto comer of Fourth ttnd
Southfield atreew: S. If. Cassc!,corner of Walnut ud
Penn meet*, Flftn Ward; and void at tbs Bookstore la
3ranhfic!d Bfrret, 3d door from Second.
In Allegheny City by 11. P. Schwnm ud J. Douvlon
By j. c. Smith. Draff lit. Biimiflfhom; D. Nericy,
East Liberty; H. Rowland, McKeesport; J. Alexander
Agon,Man©nrahela City; N. B. Bowman A Co» and
i. T. Rorerc, Brownsville; John Berkley, Beaver, Pa;
John Walker, Jr., Elisabeth;. Bcafirifht A Erwin,
Rochester. • faMlsodly
JPS 2f“S-2''™ IC4T[!n nymph soap.
V—The akin of many persons is disfirured wuh
•IWI e rnpiioui, .1 puopl.., morpht», A?® , n J whe „
U|U 1, oerel, > diKisc o! Uu „ u ii
nlneetM, on: of T b.udred, it i. .... Jolt. lionet'. Nymph solo l? 5“./ T
Dl.pud to ilitcoic of tho , cl ,
noon It,, ntstte porn. w] un t, eaTer h ,
elnottur, ttieni from inpttrltjp., ond by iu b™..mic
properuos heniiof; iu,d or.tiiiuto, oUinipUobfSd
b‘«S tnasbn.t .kio .olt,fo.r, “d
I-er.on, who have boei, m the babli of oiino otdl-
AJ) those *ItOKC flees or nec'n i. r«-
jitmples, bfotchra, tin. raoriihew to
fltijof {afcrHobMi Kyiorl Wp%.' U?JSp!!SI?
PMltmly ouojn. Ibun. ttmt 5,.. v , in , r r .,,. r ;X
jno.tdt.colortd ibiu uhtip. tb- .li„ .moota
jDd.tbo DOJI disced .km beadUiy, pure, ol,d EIS
Jirlea Hand’s Nymph Soap 13 u-,- on i v nr-irU «-h. u
wlllellcottuUy predict tbi nbiVo .ffclio'L'K
a lime, and the ooly one wmen ..7, h,l °"
pownrtal *pd entirely harmlr.. oaiy"' aJ
JLLLd { ’ , rr “»‘er and Chemist.
120 Llicunui «;n-ot Pfiii,
For «*lewhole«le ami retail hr m a iv'i,,,, , t
A Co, and R. E bcllcr*. tnd John
k.ol .OdJ. Mtlobell. Alir,l,r.,y c ,.v. Pd rrt ;
A GOOD Mahogany !•>,», 6 ocuve,,
mcoiiJ hard „ ’ g , ou
audio me upright Piano, w „l, Rowwoot!
FkrailDlC, 0 BCUTC9, QUll Ml RC o«| „-d M • ..HO «1
A plain .►$ octave I lano
A good «««■!**? l\«* &£
A good 51 octavo Piano, with h.nt-Jaome farm.
For sale by
may '.y
75 00
" MKUoil
bl V. .ioU il
, Klglu l.ltihf,
otiPFßm.iNi; u.« w,. i a > Win/ , ir .
O cornbu«t’te, utitb* r.-.-- r. t ftl „|
»«Wi JmluoK. tere*f«» . u .LyZ m *X
iihet fioa!» On- - " 1 k "
Jiet iloafv .jno t: M.«
lamp oil mil tart Nine ilnu'i
ofuhe, aeiordin« to the adj
Received and for sals ly
s ! ■ • >hr ( uuunnn
I'-jTsarr Uuf.xh
- 1 ofn-t.
TUST RECEIVE!), * Porch Family Cro
O eery ami Tea V. tn uou-i-; }
S oaiei Fresh t>>-*•.««, i: . >.
5 do Pirkled i!n.
'• S do do oo.’it'ni.iV
The above Frc»h Oyster* at- ,
tn a highly oonrentraisd •nup. ••
!y bottled cans, «ud wi.i ser,. „
pat up in viie ordinary way
For sole, wholesale a.,j u m
, 'W ' v :! i.rnr; k r*o,
. ."T**® tiff. Liberty it
Qrtat Aiatrioan Mechanical Worn,
D APPLETON A i’O . .N. w have in coupe
* o X u iir. a ‘'. 0 ' l t l" > am f r, -" s wemy faTO cent*
eacn, a DICTiO.N i: )W i.n.ns, .Mechanics, En<
•me Work, oT.d i;ed for Practical
'yorktn* Men. Rnd iho«n lr.trtu’vJ in; the K’liintcrins
Profession. fitted by Obvr » VT ic
Th:> work u of iarse hvo «hp, sr. i will contain two
thousand parei, an«i upward* of ».s ttmu-aml illunra
tiODl. It will p relent wurfcirj; diawinga ouddraenp.
Uona or tbe nioit important mm-hutc* m i!ia United
States, independent of the re-titts m American In
genuity. it will contain complete prui-tieni treatt v« on
Meohauir*, Machinery Fneine Work a;t«! K'.atneer
tn« With ail that I« uu.u} m u >«>» uiun oaa thousand
duiliti y«Ktu of QAut «i,a other
books, hu nubtlwu rcc*.,ud 1,.r i'lle hr the
M<m. it HoI’KINS,
7* Apollo Uutidti.s*, Fourth »t.
.riii'i'ctl, aril pat up
• .a UenneUeaU
lotmrr than those
Jobn 11. Mcllor, St Wood Nlrcfi, FilUburgb,
Sole Agent m Wr-t-rn Pciu-.syivinin. f.*r the *a!e of
ciucKKJUM.'s ci.).khu.m::;i
OjMJtJ AAd Cqu*r» fi&uo ('urtn.
BK£»S to inform hi* ■ r.< n N mho me inutit a! public.
that tie Ls* now i;;tr-t«d will recriar. and
expose for tale, daring shr :«i~cm tint lorije?:
end mail deiira'ilo (took c.T P.ano t'o'ie* ever ottered
fur tele in the wait—autor.* t..c .iuiut>or will he found
e fait aapply of
Superbly carved Rosewood (..«..d Pin no Furie*.
qll the feyeut itnptureintnU in mctbeiu»m and
style of astenar.
Splendidly carved Katewcod «cTen octave Sqcarc
Piano Fortes, hnuhed in the and i<oui*
XtV. style* '•
With a large stock of at r tV car.uas "tyles of Pin
no Forte*, varying in price* from 3275 lo SJ-O'J on.i
SIUC-O, prepared l>y ilr Chichenm; for the present
year, ;1530.)
Pcrrhqtor* a&e assured inai in- of Mr. Chirk
ertng* Piano* have a>.<! wi*l to he, the
• ame tu at llir uianafar-f.ry ia witliouicharre
for transportation, and wi.i i.r dr., r»-rrd and set up in
perfect order, m any pm of me * .it. wlhuut charge.
‘•There are more t'm-.e. , : v-* .. i. *.->d earth
Than *rr of m ;.t> ir.-..j.’.> "
ffMIK VIKTI'K'S <.l tn..*.) remedy, and
i the constant application tor u, t*.,- i»ror>rirr,
Ka* induced Unn lo liavr ru: a,' m i>,u'tr* i u
Pel* and direction* for the l.r:.o'_; i" '!.*•
The PCTROLKI’M ». pm-urr.l r.-,.,n 4 »,r it.,,
county, at a depth o( four li*; i--.u * |. u <r (n . a .
iloKeraied arlic ; c, wubtmt m.y c.ieanc i: :. u i
jail ai Sow* from Nature*i.u-.rniury” Tiiaiu
contain* propertiea rear bin;; a iimn>r »i due»*r», t >
na longer a matter o| uncertainty. i'.u ir are matt*
thing* in ib* arrona of natute.w'io L..i SinSwn.ijnjl;!
be Of »ait U»efotar»* m aUrviistii>;> *«;itrrinn. ar.O tr •
(toring the bloom of «n.i vi,;,w u> t.tunv a suf
ferer. Long betore Du- pruj.or!..| jxituitr
II op 13 bottle*. It bad * rrl'ut* i-im •••: r<j»r 1,1 d'«-
eaae. The eonattnt »t:< iir.ily •.> . r-i .mi» ra - i u
and. f-evcral r»tnark*i-I>- »•;*»?-- . )>i-r<onnt-il n n
jure loilicauon o{ u» iu:vi j-ipw.n.,n and
'prend applicants in lb<- . u«- •
We Dtu '*■!»;’ it> mii*
caiea, *» w r ute »-i»n*i , .nu< t>.»:
work it* way mio in-: m ■ r ■ *-t > «u.Ter vid
vita to be. hselrd WhiM * «•»-• it.*, .'infn :«u it ■
universal application in o»er> d.•-?>»;•, «<« itf,v:«ua
tingly say, that w a nucst-sr nf’Cir I,n«ene. a i«
aurivallrd. Amonc We*e tnvv *■- -■ •..■uprated ■ *ll
dieeare® ef the tnncoo- ti*«ne-. -■leh n« f'HitoNIC
3HONCIIJTIS, nONbUMI'TION ,<•- u, •m T Mr.,-,;
Asthma, arid nil C l the i».r pu.- UVjiR
COMPLAINT, PYf*PEP»I J>,v\,tn-fj-uc* ol
ibe Bladder and Kiduers, Pair- • . m- H« ** <,r Side,
Netvoas Disease*. Nenralet*., R , . , _i;*jtir Pains,
Goat. Teller. Ri;i»v.-firTr» S-«.h!\
Unutes. Old Sores, As., 4r. In ~i <i.-i.iiity ,<■.
salting from exposure,or long ti •! , »-.*:. ■ ».• ,t pave, oi
dlaease, this medkinti ttil: h'mr. r>-i- i:
a. gen era! TONIC and ALTKU.t ri V r
imparting tone tnd energy to t>-.r .k . ■
iog obstructions, opening the .
eante disease and a broken fniHir.,
Increased and renewed rm-r f y~To
Life! The proprietor know* ,:i ,
PILES, that resisted every i.ib-r u.
under the B«* of the PRrHlH.t:' 'I
The proof ean be.given tn miy r-i-en w.n iirt.-rer u
None ger.mne wiutoaithc iigv.u.u.i o. t.,e jro-.TiStar.
Uold by.the proprietor,
S. M. KIER, Cana! w Seventh «t
Ato by R E. SI.I V, r>oJ st
and—KKY£K K t Vi»i:\t'Kt.L,
eomer Wood su ved Warn w-tmare hls
nnvs-dlv rejoiA'lv m.,..-.uiteil Agent*
Price Utduco.)
THE SURSCttIUfcKB trill *-ll Mctpreu't best
quality and high :c«t liU*. yUtcn'
Soda Atb, warranted tui-eri-t u, n.y uihrr hrnnd »t
3| by th«onanu:/ ol 5 tuns n: c>-nr.,i.s * or
ttppioved Nou», at four i,.• , |,. t ,
_jed 1..« -»tr *trr. I
No 78. Fourth street 1
XtT h now crn*u».ady r.-. c.vnic bis
ff . Spring SU.'k of CARFFT DU. Cf.frfliS
Trimmings, comprising in par. - Sr hjlluwimr, vix’
* Extra Sapcr Royal VcU-: i•,s,
g ” Tape*irv ' h
SEnglUb and Anicnrui tin, ~
Extra Sapcrfine ••
-» Superfine ’• ■*
o »
Papertinc ingrain I'aipct*.
Extra fine
h-xjr« sepe. pnfna'hemlle
Rupt-rhuc ,1,. do Rn,, :
Tufted Ku.-«;
Oocnii.c Ih.i.r Mutt
Tutted -
rtlirep *<krit >*
Common, all wool,
4-4. | and | Tap Van ll«r.
41, | »c,l | Twi'l’d Carp
t-4. |, » unJ J 4 iiMnr.i.
Ijfi end Kag I'-srpri-,
B-4 Printed l ,»uun Carpels.
S-4.7-1. f.-t, >4, 4-4 ,ujj
Uii Cloths;
8 4, 5-4, 4-4. »nd ) Maitiug;
la irleh puient Oil Clullis
fur mair*.
Kiun pmt:rd jtuinn rnrer*
j. " Ui.le ”
Tatjifl *•
PriulrJ YTpflleu
j:mU«!« c l scuij >t
mi'l >»n*uiul -»
yu r i.inen;
C’uriry Rrd OUi[n le «;
l Jut Irr iinrOcrii!^;
<’w' ,°‘ l ClolU Tst,le
prowu Linen crumb cloth*
Houle ii n
Ufa*.. «t»t r r„j,.
Slatr Ufugxeit;
C»rji«?l flimliiwj;
Jow> fiiidCoeo Mat*;
AMcant«nds*kcleit>ii M * U|
i-4 and firceii 01 , Cl<Ml
for UllllJi;
HucKebmk Diaper;
IUO, 1
ar;;::,:: 'z:: " ,nrin i: r •**
lluViitc the !ar|te*t a’snrucctit oi tk« .>
BU»*t tanloonu'.l* UnUSSLJ.y •JPtHI u •r.Viivi-
»n qaaUtjr and cbeajmew of price, any
before brought totbi. city. »i- rtl-,in~.r IT V
Men and Conch M.ntifnrmrUn
•clewed MjonmentofTKl.MMlWr.? nu S.l J
nect*»ary in their fca*tnet*. J * ri ‘ Jr '
The undemenH U tU»o acent for th» «„i o. » h
lltutnfaetory m '?ii
lower than can be ’ lv
-2££ OTlii'amS
Coach TaiMtunar
Bin* and L»rul> Cluiliß',
Crimson Plush;
Coach Oil Cloths;
Damasks Cor Linings;
Watered Moreiu*.
Duff Holland for WKbadcv;
Transparent ”
FrenCn tramp. ”
Venetian Winds;
Bunting for Flags;
7-4 and 6-4 Table Linen;
Russia Crash;
Scotch Ola pen:
Hrovin Linen Napkins;
German Oil Cloth Table
A. .. Or<n tieod.. *
.A. MASON A CO-, ctr Ain-v.i •• • ,
. Third «nd,, l n ..J', I ''
ISSO 1850
BOATS nf this Lina wilt leave regularly, and de
lirer freiehu. without transhipment.
J C BIDWELL, Pittsburgh, -j
jSSL 1850
From Pittsburgh to Cel ambus and Cleveland,
through the nch and populous counties of Colum
biana, Carroll: Slarl, 'Tuscarawas, Coshocton,
Muskingum, Licking, and Franklin.
The completion of iho Sandy and Beaver Canal
open up to our city through thia great natural central
route a direct comianntcaiionio the above evweltaa
the unjoining counties of Wayne, Uolraea, Knox, and
Front this section of Ohio, the trado with Pitlsbnrgh
hit* bran, to a great extent cut off, in consequence of
the high rate* of transportation, which are now re
oneco to, vO. and 30 per cent.
Boats of this line will leave daily, and ran through
without transhipment The Canal company have
leitowed upon itua line .an interest In-the unprece
dented advantages of their charter, and thus secured
to the middle portion* of Ohio in ordering their rood*
equal interest !u this advantage. Agents:
J. C. HfDWELL, Pittsburgh:
BIDWELL A CO., Glasgow.
R C Holmes, Spear’s Mills, Ohio:* II A A Guy,
Williamsport,O.; George Kemble, Elkton, O; Carlile
k Huffman, do: Hanna, Graham A Co. New Lisbon. O;
Arter k Nicholas, Hanover, O.; Ilibbets A Boory, Ali
nervo.o.; Speaker A Foster, do.; Joseph Pool A Co,
do.; Hull A Buts. Oneida Mills, O.; if V Sever, do.:
C II llurxthal A Co, Mnlvera, O ; R K Gray, Waynes
burg, O.: K Reynold*, do.; Isaac Teller, Magnolia O.;
FJ Co, Magnolia, O.; Wm'H»rkcest,do; j
MTariand A Co, B«ndyvi!le,o; P P Laffer,do; Fash
uangh X Mcinbaugh. Bolivar, O.; Willard A Rhriver,
do , J J llolTinon, Msasllloa, 0,; Cummins A Co, do;
John Robinson. Canal Fulton, 0.; Ferug A Torrey,
Canal Dover, O.; A Medbuty, Roseoe, O.; I, K War
ner Newark. O.; Fitch A Hule, Columbus, O; LOMat
thewMhevi-tand.O.: Rhodes A Green, do. miyP
Western Traaiportatlan odmpahy,"
I>. LEECD 4b
Bp Pctineptvania Canal and Rati Road,
THE Boat* and Car* of this Line tavc been nut in
compete order, tnd with the addition of severs
new one* tn the Line, enables us to carry a large
quantity of produce and goods. 6
The entire Mock of the Line is owned and oontro*
ed by tho Proprietors.
HARRIS A LEECH, No 13 Sonth Third si,
And at the Tobacco Warehocie, Dock it.
Phi adephiß. Pa^
no Iw North Howard st, Batimore, MU.;
. OFFICE, No 7 West si, New York;
D LEECH'A Cll, Cana Basin, Penn st,
“ rn .. . Pittsburgh,
isso, :ifisa
Cl. AUK, P All KB A UO,, Rochester,T*a., Propr’s.
Office cor Ptmthrield and Wnter «*, Pittsburgh.
_, llrl Cleveland, Ohio.
rjiHIS well known Line arr prepared to transport
1 Height and Passenger* from PiTTBBURUIJ and
ChLVI.i.aN 1). to any point on the Canal and Lukes.
The facilities of the Line are unsurpassed tn number,
quality and capacity of Uoats, expencnce of eapuias,
and eCe.oucy of Agents.
One boat lutrvrs Pittsburgh and Cleveland daily, run
ning in with or Line or Steam Boat* be
tween PITTSBURGH aud BEAVER, aud a Line of
Hut Clan Steam Ucati, Propellers and Vessels, on
tha Lakes.
Clark. E*ark« A Co, Uo.ihr .wr, Ps;
P. N Park* A Co, Youngstown, Ohio;
hi B Taylor, Warren. O;
A A N Ctark, Newton Falls, O;
1 lirat ion A Co, Ravenna, O;
Ken;, (irinnell A Co. Franklin, It;
H A Miller, Cuyahoga Falls, O,
Wheeler, I>ee A Co. Akron, O;
Chamberlin, Crawford a Co, ClcvalsnJ O;
linnbard A Co, Sandiucy, I); ’
IVcUiSm A Bcott, Toledo, IP.
G Williuia. & Co, Detroit, Mich;
Wil'iauij 4 Co, >lilwauki>, Wis;
-Murtcy A Dutton. Itaclnc, Wjj,
George A Gibbs, Chicago. Ill;
Tnoutss Hale. Chicago, Hi.
J=™> corner Water and Braithfield sts
fegmn 1850. hgSft
CLARKE, PARKS A Co, Rochester, Proprietor*.
THE Proprietor* o( this old and well known
would inform ll.c public that ihty are now to op
eration for the present « a*on; and have commenced
rccersing Freight and Passengers, which they arc
fully prepared to oarrv in all points on the Canal and
Al the lt>wc»: rates One of the Boats of the Idna
wiUVe <*u>i‘tantl)‘ at the lauding, betow .Moaongahela
Bridge, m receive freight.
Offiee. eor Waiar and Smilb&rld st*. PtUibsrik,
R VV Cunningham, New Castle, Ps,
Mnehciirre 4 Co, Pulaski,
'V c Mnlan, Sharon,
J X S llu'l, Sbarptburg;
Wick. Achre 4 Co. Greenvills;
W « llmr), llarittrrwn;
W ill Power, L'unocauiville;
John Hearn A Ci*. Erie.
John J Hollister 4 Co. Buffalo. N Y. mrOO
Pittsburgh Portable Boat Lino,
prrrsß Baltimore.
nkiv Mini;, Bus-ion. ie
Thomas Bob* •> it ok, > iTAArrE A (VCottnot,
Philadelphia V { Pittsburgh.
IMJK Ca.ial ticing now open, the propnetort of this
, long e*tab'.i»Sicd Line are "as «,o*l at tbe«.r old
stand*, icreifieg and forsrnrd:n» Merchandise and
Produce ni lotr rvlss, and with the promptness, cer.
tainty. and safety, peeotiar to their syrtera and mode
of ’.ransponniien, where Imenncdiato transhipment is
avnided. with the come<]uetli delays and probability
of damage
Merrha.i.ti.e and Prodcce shipped eattor west,and
Bill • of t.sdirr 'orersHeJ free of charge for eotntni*-
»i«n. advanciii*. cr «-r.r»fe. Having no interest di
rectly or nttittucitv m steamboats, that of the owners
i. soiel, ihtppuig thetrgoods.
Ail c-itnmut'icarii.n* to the foliowuig agents prompt
ly attended m:
No £73 Market Pireni, PhiUdelrftia.
Corner Penrt and Wayne streets. Pnishargb
John MeCallogh A Co, M North tt, n»»f I’. U Bark
A Co. ui Boatto «t. 80-ton, W. & J. T. Tapsco:: A Ot.
rd Pouih at, New t ora; J&met Wheelwright, Cinciti-
««'• „ • rnrSJ
BiiiiiHtl's TKisaruitTaTios liAk, “
Datvrecu Plttaburgh and hiaiurn cttlea.
The Canal being now open, we ore ready to receive
and forward promptly, produce and merchandize out
and we*t.
Freights always a: lowest rates, charged by respon
sible lines.
Produce nod merchandize will he received and for*
warded r»'i ami west. without any charge for for*
warding or advancing freight, pomtniaoon or aicrago.
Uilla of lading forwarded, and all direcnoni faith**
fully nUen*ietl in.
Ad-Jre** or apply t*. WM. BINGHAM.
Canal Uaaiii, cur. Liberty and Wayne tts. Pittiburgh.
No IfH, M-irkef M, between 4th A 3tb, Pbll'a.
No I*2, North Howard *t . Baltimore.
nnl* No 10. \\V*t *r,-ei. New Vnrfc
ttotlco to our Patrouii
rpHe decease oi the active partner, in Philadelphia,
X (the lute Jaiuca .M I)uvi«,| produces .no interruption
to the t«uii:ie*s—arruugeniriits have been made which
mvulvcs the same interests pircisely, which hava
ticictofore existed. The business is ronlimirj under
the tame tnuue and firm, vii
Jamks M Li vh A Philadelphia;
J.-kh Al'FaUsh A Pmsburgh.
Tlie ennlinuaner of the patronage of our many
irir.nd* is rcspectiully snlicied. If any persons have
demands a«niu«t the concern, they are requested to
ent ut them forthwith, tor payment.
Pillsbureh, April 111, 'iU. JOHN AI'FADEN,
nplT ti Surviving partner,
"ftAUifft&S A C0 7 a
PasM>C*T auu Rsmlttmea o<a«*.
HANIIOEN & CO. continue to bring persona
any part of Rnglnnd, Irrlaud. ScotlanJ or
3fi&a£Wnle«, upon the most liberal terms, with their
nvunl punctuality and attention to the wants and com
full of emmigranls Wo do not allow our passenger* to
hr. robbed l«> the swiedling tcaaipa that infest the tea
porn, as we take charge of them the moment they re
port themselves, nnd ree to their writ being, and de
uj.utch them without uny detentiun h> the drift ship*.—
We say this frnrlessly, u we defy one of our pasr-en
fr.rt to show dial they were detained id Mo*» by us in
.ivcrpool, whilst thousajids of others • sre] detained
mouths, until they could he sent in soidv vel 4raß, at a
oh2p mb'' whirh frequently proved itieir colhns.
VVr intend to perform onr contractr ennorably, colt
what it may, and not net as was the case last seasoo,
with ether officers—^who either performed not all, or
when It suited their convenience.
EhnC* drnwn at Pittsburgh for any saw from A 1 to
XlbOO, parable at any of the pfoviariaj Banks ttt Ha
land, Scotland and wale*.
Entopean ai.d (isnstnl Agent,
f a Vl __ Elfth strsat. on* door 'xtow wood.’
IlutoKr* •IT r.f piors Brandy—OisrJ. Uutmy, Ac
. pipe- Jl'ilUnd (.in;
Srditi P! Rum;
ton t-uis Whiskey; for sale by
ntl w« sv a m airrntict.TßPr
U. A. Fahnsitoch A Co.,
TTf7Hf)I,E?ALF HREGGISTa, comer of First and
Yf Wood streets, oflar for sale,on favorable terms:
HKi hM» tVbiting; hOO lbs Carb. Ammonia;
f,u de Alum; £f'o do Aftsafcritda;
rpu do Dye Woods; (Wl do Crude Tartnr;
*»3 tie I.ampMsek; COO do Liquorice Root;
“t> do Ven. Bed; JJPO do Irish Mors;
h Co Camphor; 1f»o do Red Precipitate;
10 co Sji.ui. Brown; 15i» do Calomel Ante?.;
so de yellow Ochre; tti do do Knc-4
I!> no Immnonr; 200 do Bucher Leaven;
h oo Cloves; sen do Rhubarb Root;
:j do Cham. n*merv; <OO do Samp. do;
14 ca*e* Ref. Comx; £vo do Gentian do;
••5 do Castile Soap; 200 do Sal Rocheele;
12 do Prussian Bias; 200 do ttaldlitz Mixta?*;
10 do Calc Magne/in; sbo do Pow’d Rhubarb;
irj do Cbmme Green; 050 do do Blip. Elm;
5 do do Yellow; ItnJ do do (1. Arabic
Sdo Am. Vermilion; IW> do do Llq. Root,
60 reams Sand Paper; 1W do do Jalap;
£5 ba«s Sicily Sumac; Sit) do do Af.Cayenne;
S 3 bole* Bottle Corks; VW do Snlph. Zioq
?sot Palph. Mnrpluo; 000 do Bar Tin;
1200 lbs Cope Aloe*; 2l<o do Tamarind*;
1200 do Bt-ChranPoUih;l3o do Quicksilver;
gopn do Pink Boot; 830 do Gtango Pocl;
1300 do Turkey Umber; 73 do Cochineal;
1200 do Cream Tartar, S 3 do Hyd FoUib;
600 do Tartaric Acid; 00 do Mace;
ICO do Uvn Unus S 3 do Granville Lotion.
tKUCIHLiiS—3OO Dixon’i belt Black Lead Cni.
/ elblei, titonod ilse*. lor sole by
Blr J*m«a Bnrray’i Plaid n*|B«UA>
PREPARED under’tho of the In
ventor, and established for upward* of thirty rears.
This elegant preparation is recommended in aU
esses of bile, acidities, indirection, root, and gravel,
at the moft »afe, easy, ana effectual form in which
Magnesia may, and indeed the only one in which it
ought to be exhibited, possessing all the properties of
the Magnesia nowln general ose, without bemg liable
I'ke it, to fonu dangerous concretions in the bowels,
> it effectually cures heanborn without injuring the
costs of the stomach, os soda, poius, and their car*
bonatea are known to do; it prerents the food of in*
fonts turning sour; in all cases it set* as a pleasing
aperient, and is peculiarly adapted to females.
Sir Humphrey Dary testified that this solution forms
soluble combinations with urio acid salts in cates of
gout and grarei, tberby counteracting their injurious
tendency, when outer alkalies, and eren Magnesia
itself, bad falird.
From Sir I'hilip Crtmpton, Barb, Sorgcon General
to the Army in Ireland:-*
“Dear Sir—There can be ao doubt that Magnesia
may be administered more.safely la the form of a con
centrated solmion than in substance; for this, and
many other reasons, I am of opinion that the Fluid
Magnesia is a rery valuable addition to our Materia
philip c Hampton.”
Sir James Clarke, Sir A. Cooper, Dr. Bright, and
Messrs. Guthrie and Herbert Mayo, of London, strong
ly recommend Murray’s Fluid Magnesia, as being in*
finitely mnre sale and conrenient than the solid, and
tree from the danger attending lha constant use of
soda or potass.
For sale by the importer's and proprietor’s agents,
PEfS-J Cor, of Wood A Front sts.
from tha VegnaUa tv repel Diseases
lit, Guyiott’l Extract of Yellow Dock
and Sarsaparilla*
Ccm consumption, scrofula, erysipelas, rheumatism,
brer complaints, spinal affections, alcers, sy
philis, dropsy, asthma, piles, scurvey, affections oi
the bladder and kidneys, mercurial diseases, cor
rupt humors, rush of blood ioihe head, ferer and
ague, female complaints, general debility, dyspep
sia, lots of appetite, headache, colds, costireners,
grarei, night sweats, cholic, organic affections,
palpitation of the heart, biles, pains in the side,
chest, back, Ac.
It is Infallible fa all’ diseases arising from an im*
pnre state of the [blood. or irregular action of tha sya
. In the Vegetable Kingdom, an AU-wJse Being ha.
deposited plants and herbs congenial to our constitu
tions) and adapted to ho cure of ditease; and to tha
regulable kingdom does the reason of man, as well a
I,l JLjnstinct of ani ais, turn for antidotes to pain.
Tbo Syrop is a scientific compound of the most raj
noble ptants in nature, entirely freo from deleterious
and enervating mineral substances, and as it expel;
disease Irora the system, Imparts vigor and strength I
BCorreßpondiiig a degTee.
An extraordinary case of Scrofula, Erytipelas and 0
cers, cared* by the sole use of Dr. Guycou’s Com
pound Syrup, Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla.
_ „ „ Bkooeltk, Nov. 17, 1648
Da. GtrrsoTr—Sin I tender my sincere thanks for
, bencßl I nave derived from the use of your
valuable ryntp. I bare been troubled very bad wit
* fcrofulons core, which made Its appearance on m
ehin. I did not pay much attention to tt at first, sop
posing it to be nothing but an eruption that appear
on person s fur i. It finally began to increase, until
snreaa to th/ ,tek part of the bead. I applied to a
physician, who attended me all to no purpose. I had
tried every thing that could be tried, i saw your Syr
up of lellow Duek and Saraaparilla* and concluded
to use It. for I knew that Yellow Dock was one of the
most valuable articles in the world for the blood. I
bought your Syrup* and from the use of one bottle, I
could see a great change in my system. I continued
to use it until I was a well ®s„. I now feel like a
£?• ?° n ’ my - bIoo i“ P*'feeily cleansed and freo
from all liupuriues. There Is not a Question but tha
your newly discorered compound is far superior t
any sarsaparilla syrup ever sold. r
„. fhls certificate is at your disposal to publish if you
like,and any one you may refer tome. 1 shall be bap
py to give them ait the information I can about my
caw, is. | remain your obedieul servant,
U&okub G. Jotircon,
113 Market street.
Tbs best female medicine known. The Extract of
\ t low Dock and Sarsaparilla ts a positive, speedy,
and permanent cure for all complaints incidcot to
its uu d, alterative properties render it peculiarly
applicable to tho slender and delicate constitution of
the leuiale. It is uorlrulleJ in its effects upou such
•iiacaaca as incipient consaiupnon, barrenness. leu
•-orihooa, or whurs, Irregular menstruation, ineonti
iwnta oi suite, sod general ptOMratioy of the syiteml
It immediately cuiuneraete that difttesaing nerroas
nea* and lassitude so summon to the feuioia frame,
end imparts an energy and buoyancy as surprising aa
they are grateful. kVa liar* evidence on fils which
strongly to recommend this medicine to
spring l ,eo P' e w bu have not beau blesaad with off
t Kuiar»f« Urm, or Falling of tbs Womb, of At*
standing, cured by l>r. Uuysotl's Extract ol
• el, ‘* w llook and Sarsaparilla, alter eTery othst
known remedy bad been tned without relief.
WaanitMTos, Ohio, Feb., 1348.
riu* <en:£rs that my wife, aged 517 year*, has
been suffenne ender the übove complaint for Bvt
uearly all o i that time confined to her bed J
base lor four yean* constantly employed the bestmeii
ical talent tnat could be procu-cd in this section of the
country, without nay benefit whatever. 1 have also
purchased ever; instrument recommended for ths
eons of such Ctv«'. c « t all of winch-prosed worthies*.
in il>c »pn:ii i>l te<=, 1 wa* uidmed by my friends
»» ir> l>r Onywii'r Yellow lAick and SarrsparUla,
wlncu ws*uxd for four month*. Auer she had used
n for about lour week*. U was cyident u> all lhai ths
rva» improving, and frum tlii« time »lie»tnproved rap
idly, and gained flerh and ctieuglh, until LUe discats
w«» entirely removed, and she it cow emoyinr most
excellent health, WAi; MONFOKT.
We being neighbors of Wm. and Julia Moa/ort,
know that the above statement, as u» the sickness o'
Mis. .MuDfort. and e«U> «Ke cure being efferted by
buyaoit • \ allow i*ock and Sarsaparilla, to be strictly
Qratt Oir« o S Coßaamp'tlaa*
„ Hajclton, January 12.154 T.
Mr lkr.nou—l>eer fllr: The great benefit which 1
h«»e strived from roar Yellow l>o«h and
tUnanunllo. induce* me, at an act of lattice, to make
the rn'iowißg tiateraent:
After wd.-,on» for two years from general debility anally terminated in eonsrucpiioQ, I was given
op by uty Xrienus and physicians as beyond Uto aid ol
medicine. A* a last resort, I was induced to try
your Extract. and bavin? luted bat two bottles, ae*
cording tn your inrcetious, I am entirely well. ’J
would therefore: earnestly recommend >oiu uncqattl-
Cr*u.|’o uid to ifce «t<!i;clcd who desire s powerful,
ptcasani «:.d snte remedy. Gratefully your fncnJ,
, sl. Waite’
None genuine unless put up In larcc square bottle*,
containing a quart, and the nome ofths syrup blown
in tnc nlasi, with the wrulen signature uf S F. Uen pn'tbe outsiue wrapper. Price 81 per bottle, or
•tx dottles for *5 ’
It Is sold uyJ.l). Park, corner of Fourth and Wal
nut streets, Cincinoan, Ohio, General Agent foy ike
South and West, to whom all orders mast he address
C«ner A Uro.Erio, W. F. Jodaon * Co., Water
ford; Otin A Clemons, CroMiogvtllc; Abel Torrell.
MontrotcjHiram Mi*, Towanda; Robert Rot, Wells
boro; L. Roderick. Csllenshur*; L. Wilcox, Jr~ Fill*'
’jurcb, cor.icr of Martel street end the Diamond.
«pl3:dAwty:iT -
medicines of the day."
Graham Station, Ohio, May 25,18-19.
R E Seilers—l inmkUrifht,foMbc benefit of otbera,
to state tome facu ut relation to your excellent Fa
mily Medicine*.
I have used yncr Vermifuge largely in roy turn
family, ore vial frequently expelling large quantities
l*ay luo to soa worm*) from two children. I have
■ Iso used vour Liver Fills and Cough Syntp in tay
family, and they t ove, in every instance, produced
llw effect, desired.
Ae I am engaged in merchandising, I am nble to
Ktate, that I hn*e yet to hear of the brat failure where
yeor medicines have been used in any section of the
country. In conclusion, I may stato that they are tne
medicines of the day, and ate defined to have a very
extensive popularity. Yours, respectfully,
Prepared and acid by R. E. SELLERS, Na 75 Wood
street, and sold by Druggists generally in the two
cities and vicinity. ; e y
SIKLIEKs I-'aaSilY are u's
I Medicine* el the day."
Gas ham’s Srinon, Ohio, May Vb, JSI9.
R. E. Sellers: I think It right for tho benefit of others
to state some facts in relation to year exoeilcnl j,. an j.
ly Medicinas.
I have umJ y» »r Vermifuge largmy in my own uro
lly, one via*' frt,Jontly answering for expellingl .go
quantities (usy Ito 200) worms from two childrst I
have also used your Liver Fill* and Cough Syrup m
my tamiiy. and Uiey have m every instance produced
the effect desired.
A* I am ii.giged In raerohaadislng, I sin able to
state that 1 (lave yet to hear ef the hm (allure where
your tuedicnr* have been used in my scimon of the
country. In conclusion, l may stale that Ibey arc (As
medicines ol lire day. and are de*uned to ituve a very
extensive pspulamy Your*, ret.icrUullT,
tv . I|. rIKNELL.
Prepared and sold by R.. hi V.RH,NoS7 Wood
street, and sold by Druggu.* ? enerally tu ithe two ci
ties aud vicinity. my3l
i S REaT C(jHK OF I.IVKII CoMPLaInT, by he
VJT original, only true, and genuine Liver Fill.
SuogT t.uxsx, Ohio county, Va I
March IJCth, 18-IU. J
Mr. R. R. Sellers: Dear Sir—l think it a duty I owe
to you and to thu pubbo genera ly, to state that I have
been afflicted 'with the Liver Complaint tor a tong
blue, and so badly that an abcess formed and broke,
which left me in a very low stats. Having heard of
vour celebrated Inver Fills being for sale by A R
Sharp, tn West liberty, and recommended to me by
my physician, Dr. B. Smith, I concluded to give them
a fair mat. 1 purchased one box, and found them to
■>e lust what they are recommended, THE REST LI
VER FILL EVER USED; and after taking four boxes
I find the disease baaentireiy left me, and 1 am now
perfectly well. Respectfully yours,
West Liberty, March UtL, 1849.
I certify that I am personally acquainted with Mr
Culernc ,and ean bear testimony to the truth of the .‘ctuitcale. A R SHARP
The vcuuine Liver Fills are prepared and sold by
RES LLERS, N 067 Wood street, and by druggists
mine wo clues.
TO THE PUBLIC.— I The original, only true and gen
uine 1.1 ver Fills are prepared by RE Sellers, and have
bis name stamped' In black wax upon the lid of each
box, ami his signature on the outside wrapper—all
others are counterfeits, or base imitation*.
aplu R F. SELLERS, Proprietor
Just reed, an iuvoice in' full jewelled paten Ho
ver Watches, l>cor* is hue cases, which 1 can sell at
low as thirty and tbirir five dollars, and warranted to
keep good Utae.:
Also—A splendid assortment of JEWELRY, com
prising the various and latest styles, and best patterns
W. W. WILSON, Watchmaker and Jeweler,
HERSEY’, FLEMINO A CO, having arranged to
rive their entire cttcniion to the sole of domestic
Woolen und Cotton Goods, now offer their large
stock of Tailors* Trimmings, Vestings, French and
Germnn Cloths, Doeskins EnMimcrcs, Ac. nt first pom.
JeJ Lg),Wood at
JUST rac'd, an elegant plain Rosewood Ooct Pian o
from the celebrated manufactory of Nnnns A
Clrtrk, N. Y'., of superior tune, and very moderate price
For ante by if. KLEHEK.
dels at 3. W. Wood wells.
for removing Tartar, Scarry, Canker, andoli
kubttancet destructive to the Teeth. It is delicious to
the taste, cleaning the mouth, healing and strengthen,
tng the gums, and purifying the breath.
For sslo, wholesale and remit, by
deal R K SELLERS. 57 Wood it
Bramdlec, Wlocs,Gln,*c.
FtCi PlP«s Cognise brandy, various vintages;
UU 20 qr casks do do;
4 pipe* Holland Gin;,
2 puncheons Jamaica Spirits;
2 puncheon* Old Irish Whiskey;
20 qr casks Mnderia Wine,
20 do Oporto do;
SQhhdt Bordeaux Claret;
10 hf pipes Spanish Red Wine;
60 bxs Bordeax Claret£
111 bxa Muscat Wine;
5 brl* French Whiia Wine Vinegar;
Rec’d for safe hy HILLER A BJCKETSON
KpiQ Ba*B>ut»nrn
anlS? 1 !! P® 8 been adopted autl highly approved iri all the principal thorn in New York
ano rtuiadelphia, are now offered to manufacturers, TnochmL'W, ship smiths, Ac., with the tunnel cohj
cuenee, as the most perfect article in use or cutting srrerv*.
ineir superiority over any other Die* heretofore used, consistt in jheir cutting a perfect
ochew, whether V or square thread, by cars pawing qverlho jron to lx* cut, which Require no twJgtug
preparation, as the dies cut the thread out of the solid iron, without raising it in the leu**;
, 1 , r Better durabililv, rapidity, and perfection <tf worfcr and in their aiinplirfty and little liabriSy
to get out of order. v
PniLAnxtrKU, Ang. 17, lSt9,
u> . e<ni (T that w* have paicbased ftbm P.
.t of «iiig hi* patent Die* for eav
ung bolts- In cur opinion, his. Du* *r* mueh tape*
nor to any others we are aoqaaiitiied wua lor tht
porposo ot cutting bolu.
__ PtnLAMtFHU, Ang. fit, IMS.
Having hid I* W Gates' Patent Dies in use in our
establishment lor the last niae months, for catting
bolts, Iwa can In every rtspeet recommend them in
the nighfit terms, as we have laid all others away,
they being so far superior—considering them 73 per
cent, cheaper than any others now In use.
Penh Works, Pa.
This is (b certify that wa have purchased the right
to me, and adopted in car basine* i.P W Gates' Pa
tent Screw Cutter, which we highly approve of. We
ean do much more work, and we believe it will sur
pass in dnrability and precision, as much a* economy
of labor, any dies known to os •
PbUaSslfhia, Bth month, HSlh day, 1818.
New You, Aug. 10,1849.
Raving adopted P. W, Gates* “Patent Dies’* for eat
ting bolts, wo take pleasure In saying, that it more
than answers our.expectaliooa, and have no hesita
tion in giving it as our*opinion, that It far excels any
other plan in present ase for caniog bolts. _'
We have P. W. Gales’“Patent Dies" for cutting
screws, and the economy of using them is so very
considerable, that we look upon them as indispensa
ble to every establishment having any quantity of
ecrews to cm.
to 19 0 %U UU4.
Cincaoo, May 10, 1540.
Oactiancs Omci. Wasstsotos, dlh Sept., *4B.
1 have purchased or W. H. Scovilfe, for tbe United
States, the right to use in all the arsenals and anno-
Sir James Hurray’s Fluid Magnesia*
PREPARED under the immediate careot the In
ventor, and established tor upwards of thirty
years by ihe profession, for removing Bile, Acidities,
and Indigestion, restoring Appetite, preserving •
moderate stato of the bowels, and dissolving uric acid
in Gravel and Gout; alto, as an easy remedy lor sea
«tckness,ian4 forihe febrile ufleetion incident to child
hood it is invaluable. On the value of Magnesia as a
remedial agent it is unnecessary to enlarge; but the
Fluid Preparation of Sir James Murray is now tbe
most valued by the profession, as it entirely avoids
the possibility of those dangerous concretions usually
resulting from tie use of tbe article in powder.
For sale by the importer’s and proprietor’s agent,
sepll Cor. Wood A Front «t«.
I'OBACCO— 50 bxs Rnsseli A Robinson’s 3*s lump;
90 bxs Jonea A Hudson’s 3’« '• do;
90 bis Cabinets' 5H lump;
rat bxs 8. Myers’ 1 ib lump;
70 qt bxs do lib lump; for sate by
EC STOCKTON has received for sole, vol 4th
• of Gibbon’s History of the Dseline and Fail of
the Homan Empire.
Life and Letter* of Thomas Campbell, in 9 vela.
Edited by Wn Beattie, M P,
Elementary Hsclcbet of Moral Philosophy. By the
late Rev. Sidney Sm ilb, M. A.
l<ecutrei on the American Eclectic System of Sur
gsry. Dy Benjamin Hill, M. D.
Talbot an Vernon; a Novel.
The Shoulder Knot, a tale of tie seventeenth cen
The Scarlet Letter, a romance. By Nathaniel
Hawthorne. augd
by William Beattie, M. U., one of hi* exerutor*.
k vala 19oio cloth.
Railway Economy; a treatise on the new art of
transport, its management, prospects, Usd relations,
commercial, financial, and social, with an exposition
of the practical results of tbe railway* In. operation in
the Uuited Kingdom,on the Continent, and In Ameriea.
By Dionysius Gardner, D.C.L ,Ar. I vol. Ifimocloth
The Past, Present, and Future of the Republic, trans
lated from the French of A. Be Lamartine, author of
‘•The Gerondiiu,” “Memotrs of my Youth,' 1 “Ra
phael," Ac. 1 vof Ifimo eloih.
Hints toward Reforms in lUeturas, Addresses, and
other Writings, by Horace Greeley, i vol Ifimo eio.
The History of the Confessional. By Johu Henry’
Hopkins, IX D., Bishop of the Diocese of Vermont.
I vol Ifimo cloth.
The Conquest of Canada. By the author of “lloche
f£t licit Wubarton, Esq.,) V vols lVrao.
Cosmos; • sketch of a physical description of the
Universe: By Alex Von llaoitoldi, translated Irom
the German by li. C, Oiu. u vols litno cloth
Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,
'with n<ten by 11. >l. Miltuan. iiarper’seheapedilion.
i'inio, cloth. complete to A vats at 40c per vol; 4 volt
received for sate by R HCIPKINB
augn ' *
73 A Polio Buildings, Fourth *t
Sttr Music. _ "
: MOURN thee in sadness. When other friendt
around thee. Conscript's departure and return.
Annie Lome. Are we almost there. Low bached
car. lie doeth ail Hunt* well. Neliy ws* a laiTr.
Slirer moon. Grave of Washington. Thou hast
the apint. Baui'd 9ojer Boy. Be kind to
loved one* at boms. Cheer up ray own Jeao.-.etl
Oh, Lemuel. Snnng Flower Waltis. Elfin Wain.
Bratueboro Waltz. Salutation Polka.. Betty Pol, a.
Karel Polka. Jenny Lind Polka. Linda Quickstep.
March trora Norma.
The above aro just received, and for aaU by
■urO 8t Wood st
R*W music
J. 11. AfJiLLOH, SI Wood ttrtet, kai received the
following iYe o Mime;
Oil, say can you eeo oy the truth’s holy light; dedi
cated to Her. C Cook. Ob, think not lens I lore
thca. Blanche Alpen, l love thee. When other fiienda
around thee. The eot beneath the bills. Wert thou
but mine. Annie Laurie—Scotch.ballad., The Robin
—word* by Elisa Cook, music by Stephen Glover.
Then hast wounded the spirit that loved thre. The
Grave of Washington. Tue Irish mother’* Lament,
fhd Sexton—ltu'scl. He dntth ail ibLigs welt—
Woodbury, Widow Machrct—Russell. The cntiagc
ofmy mother—Hutch! twins. Low hacked Car—Lover
Hlfto Waltzes—complete. The Magic Bell. The
Bridal or Wedding Polka. Jenny Lind 1 * American
Polka. Lizzy Polka. Soiree American Polka. Tip
Top American Polka. La Belle Baltimorean Polka.
Jenny Lind Polka. The Oririna Scottish Polka—
Jnllen. Salmaiion Polka. Vlirt Polka. Josephine
Polka. Summit Polka. Kossingol Polka. The Pro
phet Quadrilles—Meyerbeer. Jenny Lied Quadrille*.
The Wreath aud Daisy Waltzes—MrsjEruest Tho
Swiss Drover Boy—variations by Czerny. Monument.
Sounds from ilome. Wrecker 1 * Daughter, quickstep.
Louisville March and Quickstep. Wood Up, Quick
step. ■ jyj
Strawberry PI anas for fiat* si Oriea-
wood Gardena
BUISTJS Prize, llovey'a Beediingt, and Vicioriat
These are the largest and best flavored (ruL
amongst all the different varieties now grown.
Orders addressed to the-propiielor, West Manches
ter, wilt receive prompt attention. J NcKAIN.
HAS become an established and almost indispens
able requisite In every well provided tamuy,
from Us remarkably wholesome and nutritious quali
ties as a food for tho healthy as well as a diet for in
rai ds, and also (or the sustenance of growing children
and infanta. Various modes of cooking and preparing
it are given on the wrapper.
Thoagh well known tn the east. It haa never been r
introduced to any extentin Pittsbargb. The uibscnb
trs have, therefore, made arrangements to be <on
stonily supplier! with it, and now offer it to rgiail
dealers or families on more favorable terms than it
has over been sold at in Pittsburgh.
auggl VMLiberty «
APPLE filKKfi.
I AM now prepared to furnish Apple Trees, from the
well knows Nursery of Jacob N. Brown. The
rees will be delivered at the wharf &i Pittsburgh for
fl 2 per hundred. Persons wishing good thrifty trees
should leave their orders »oon at the Drug, Seed, and
Perfumery Warehouse, corner of Wood and Sixth sis.
ffsw Osodi I Haw Goods I' "
HKLKBER has just received a fine lot of Brass
• Instruments of the best manufacture, selected
by himself with great care, for inis market, such as
Valve Trombones,Sox Horns, Bugles, Cornets,Tubas,
Ac.: also, a line selection of Music Boxes, playing
two and three tunes; Flatinas, Acoordeona, Ac. Ac.
Also, svpertor Garmon and Italian Mrings, and geuu
iue Neapolitan R String, four leortb*. a splendid
•ugVJ __ 101 Third street.
A sovereign remedy for chronic rheutnaiia affections,
weakness and lameness of most parts o{ the body,
scalds, bums, sores, of most kinds, eats, swellings,
upturns, bruises, corns, and felons when first cntulng.
Alio, tho most convenient and safe sticking salve for
strengthening plaster* and drafts on Rio feet. ,
For sale by 8N WICKERSILAM
_aug2J Cor. Sixth A \Vood_tts
Fostar'a New Kthtopl»m~Rl«]odl«a*
GWINF. to Ron aR Night; Dolly Day;
Dolcy Jones; Go down to da Cotton Field;
■Nelly was a Lad), Ac.
De Kind to the Loved Ones at Home;
Row thy boat lightly; Tree Love, by T. UooJ;
Our way oeroxs the sea, duett;
A new medley song, by B. Covert;
Jenny Gray, music by Muller;
Joys that were crowning, Wedding March;
Go«l bless the hardy marine; Schuylkill Waltz;
Conscript*! Departure, by W. C. Glover;
Sounds from Home; Waltzes, Sieyermarkisohe Co;
Lost Rose of Summer, easy variations by Ilcrx:
United Stales Polks; Ladies’ Souvenir Polka;
Corn Cracker Quadrille; Louisville Quadrille;
Beautietof Italy; Duetts,Trios, Ae.
A large assortment of New Music on hand, to which
additions are made weekly. For sale b y
fcbSS J.ll. MELLOB.BI Wood st.
Chstp kundard Hlstery.
lishing by Harper A Bra’s, in 6vo!s. cloth and
paper, at 4u cents pet vo). Three vols received, and
lor sale by R HOPKINS,
ap!7 73 Apollo Ootldinr*. Fourth st
ClObi- riL—Ciluajr* prime mo um Java;
'CaJtdlx*—lo bxs mould, dipped, and sperm;
Cnzns»F-150bxs Cream ana English Dairy;
Courts—2o doz Hemp tutd Manilla;
Csss:*—so Mntts;
Cloves—4 barrel;
Closes—6o M Common and hslfSpanish;
Fon—2s brlsand halfl/rts Mackeral.ond Salmon;
Glass—so bxs assorted sizes;
!Uau—l2oo Frimc Vejti«m;
” 1000 Sugar Cared;
iirjioo—loo lbs S F add Manilla;
lux—lOdox Harrisons Black anJCcpyinr:
Molasixa—2s brls N Orleans; *
" T 5 half brls Sugar IIoum;
Moitabd— 20 doz assorted oanisteis;
MiccaSohi—SO lbs Italian;
VxßXAtnuj—GO lbs do
Nails—2oo kegs assorted; * i
Piciixs—s doz jars assorted;
Pxackss—3o bushels halves;
Paro—6o reams assorted; j
Fedses—loo lbs Bordeaux;
Soac—so bxs Rosin and Cost Steel:
Subas—lohhdsN OrleaasnndCltrified: i
T*a—<o packages Green and Black;
Tobacco—lo bxs IS. 6, *1 lb loop; ’
Wasu BoAXOs-aodoz patent Zink;
Comer of Fifth and Wood su.;
1800] REED HOUSE, usso
KSUTn * Praprltien,! .
__ Paitu Bmtaru Erie. Pa. 1
ORTCRAL STAGE OFfTCE-Kastero, Western,
and .Southern stages, leave this home dally. Cst
n Steam and Packet Boats, Gratis. r
5*- W. Ketth, late of the American Hotel, Erie, Pa
Kinsman Hotel, Ohio.
ries under the supervision of this D-p%mn*nt, P. W.
tJatrs’-PAWnU'icsMoreanicff screw*,they
having fc-en tried in two of. the Inrge arsenals, and
found to 1..» very efficient and exeeileat.
f A. TALCOiT, CoL Ordinance.
Bcatac or Y>uts*-vB Docs*, i
T WasutwrrotriSept. sfi, le<A. \
Consid-ring Gates’ Patented improvement tot cut
ting *erewa cn metal to be a valuable one, I have, by
authority .if the Honorable 'Secretary of the Navy,
purchurefiof the Attorneys of the Patentee, Wni H.
. Scovtllr, and SutroM Mower, ksq »the right to make
. and use said improvement for tlic U. 11. Navy.
JOSEPH SMITH, Chiefot Boreaa.
In uta abo by
Buffalo Works, Bnfiaic: •
Reese A Ashley, Rochester:
Rouletl A Co, Gloucester. N. V:
Haywood * SnyJer, Schuylkill Cpunty;
Birbeek, New York;
Hogg A Delrtmster,*‘Pbcnix." N. Y;
11. K. Dunham ACo, New York;
Denmcad A Co, Monument \\ orks. Ball;
Van Curct), Rochester.
Mott A Ap.res New York,
Allaur Works, • , do;
Pease A Alurphy, do;
Wert Point Foundry;
Norn* A Bro, PialaJetphla;
A Jenks, lyreedc*hurgh,P»i
Walworth A Nason. Boston and New York
Lowell Machine Shop. Lowe
Ameoskeag Co, Macchratcr. N M;
Lyman A Souther, South Boston.
, and numerous otheia.
No I|lUchano, 10 lets die# A, ttpa fr J w s in. nri f 350
sj°jj 4°; ® 4° . iioJipneis 523«
No 3 uo, ? do t*o ta mice Sl4O
Ail fl«er» addreired to GttesA.MKnigLi, CMmm.
G. B. Hatuptf, Now York, ELD.Manhall &. Co, PhUa!
delphiß, and H. H. Scoville A ChTcnao, r or d, c ,
and Tapi, with of without machine* tor Seine tbeiru
wil! meet with prompt attention. n
I'.Kinoo, May it. IeJO.
PALMER, HANNA A CO. have removed (heir
Exchange Oflice 10 north west «-i>rner <»rWt»n4
and Third itrceti • .
THE I’artnerihip heretofore existing between tVe
•übserioers, under ue firm of Itcrbniig-c, \Vil«on
k. Co., was this day dissolved by mutant ccnrera.
The basinets of lbs firm will be settled by J. W. Bet
bridge, or Win, Wilson, Jr,cither o< whom is author
ised to uic the name oi the brra in In nidation. ,
' J. w. iiOnimiHGE.
WM. WIL&O.N, Jr..
iiy i, iwp.~ jr4
JAS. W. DnrllriJgo A Ben}. F. inghiatn have this
day arnoeiated themselves under iho firm ofßot
>ridge fclnghram, to tranaithl a Wholesale Grocery
tad General Coratm*sion Business,in the house lately
fccnmeU by Barlrndjc, Wilson ACo, 110 Water bl
Ptltuburgh, July 1, Ifcai.-Jjy4
~ CO-P AftTfl Ki4.SU IP,
11HF. subscribers have this day formed a co-partner
. eiup under the firm of W A t r Wilson, lor the par
rose of tratifacting the Wholesale Grocery and Coot
pouaion Business, at No Wood street.
Fittibaigb. 1, 1350—jy4
Merchants, Eistslds ol the, I'uirturtl,,
arc now offering ut the very 1 lowest prices tor cm’sti,
Rectified Whiskey, Gin and Dm.-ientic Jtrnud)*; kUu,
French Brandy, lloliaud Gin, Jamaica Spirits, Lou
don Uin, Irish Whi*key, Rum, he. I’ori, Sherry, ll».
rteira, .Mutr*tv!l, Matora, Tcnc
reilTe and Usbun Wines. Wholesale & KeiaO. my:
PRINTING PAPER— Always on hand or raa-in to
order, the various tizr<: of Printing Paper, IU-'
Wrapping Papon Crown, Medium, and Double Oro - o
*tze« Straw Wrapping Paper; Crown, Medium. er.i
Double Crown X*o*t Ocicc Paper; Pasteboard, fee. X...
XV. P MARSHALL, 63 Wood it,
raayl7 Agttu for.Ciinum Mill*.
YITUiIAN IN AMERICA—Her work nnd nerxe-
Tf ward. By Maria J Mclntosh, author of “Chaim)
A Conntereh&rms,” “To snetn ami to bc. n 1 to! ISait.
Latter DayiPamnhloii, No I;—Tho present tiiao.
By Thomas Garlysle.
CuALVCca.-rMexnoirsof.Lire and Writings of Tlim.
Chalmers, f) !D., I- L. U. Prelections on Butter’s
Analogy, Faljjy’s Evidences ol Christianity, and llilJ‘6
Lecture on Divinity, with two Introductory Lecture*
and tour Addresses delivered tu tha New Collerui
Edinburgh, by Thomas Chalmers, D. D , L. L. I>.
1 vol litao.
Catvia— LUo of John Calvin, compiled Croat auiken
tic sources, and panlenlajiy from lus cnrhaspoadences.
By Thomas H Dyer, with portrait. 1 Vol limo.
For sale by 1 ; It HOPKINS,
__#M7 ; 7a Apciln Duil-limpt, Fonrth
Combat combat
OA GROSR super I'oika; 10 do do very fine
4AJ 50 “ji ass'd Redding:
12 “ ! super KndUffi Horn Redding;
6 “ . “ Pocket Combs;
500 « “ Wood
l«w dou ass’d Floe Ivorr;
30 “ fibcll.&de Combs;
10 “ super Urse Jlntfiilor
200 gros/t ass’d Side Combs rec'tl and for Sale by
fct>s 0 YKAfiKK, l«j Market si
rons Kitnot-ton ~ a. w. o. fatov.
THE undersigned, neees-br* to Arthurs ft Nichol
son, bqg leave to inform the citizens of FittslmtgU
and public pertcralty, that thay have rebuilt the EA
GLE FOUNDRY and ore nupr in full operation, and
hive part offtheirpatternskeady for the mrtrteu—
Amoogstpvhlch are Cooking" Stoves, Coni and Wood
Stoves vguh n eplcndid air-tight Coal Stove, which Is
now superceding in other cities the common roand
Stove. Also, a cheap coal Cooking Stove, well adap
ted for snail families, with a full ruiortmcni of com.
tnon and nantet Grates Wo would particularly in
vite the attention of personshniUing to cull at our
wnrci.on*e before and .iinmiue a epieo-ild
onicioofeibiipmcllccUirater/finisbed la finest*!*—
entirely new in this market.-
Warehouse, No. ISI Liberty et. opposite Wood st'
angdSidU NICIIOLSUN A l‘.\ t'.NH
CT Y EAGER, Importer and; Wholesale Dealer in
Sign of the Gilt Comb, Hf 3 Market st, Pitifburgh, Pa.
Western Merchant?, Pedlars, arid others viaitinr
Pittsburgh to purchase Goods, arc rcrpectfolly iovitad
to call and examine the extensive usionmcnt of Eng
lish, American, French and German Fahey Goad*.
: All Foreign Goods nt ;!us cjUbUrlimcm are impor:-
■ ed direct bj - myself, uudioarchascr* may rely ou get
ting goods from first hanas. I have the larges:assort
ment ol articles, in the vafioty ii*>c, in the city of
Pittsburgh—ill of which will be sn.d low for cu*h or
, city acceptances. The Stock conmis, ta pan, of
Lace Goods; Ilciiery, Gloves, !li!<:>ens.
Silk Cravats, Snot and PatentTb reads, Sowing SJk.
Spool Cotton, Tapes, Burtons, Pina. Nee
dles and Cutlery. :
Gold and Silver Watcher, Gold Jewelry, all kinds of
Brashes, Combs and Razors..'
Percussion Capa, Revolvers, I’lsirls, Clocks, Lhll A
Cotton Parses, Spectacles, Steel Per.*, Mczio Boxev
Carpel Bags and Baskets. ’
Bindings, Findings anJTrttnraings.
Toys and Fancy. Goo-l>c tojjethrr with a large Taris
ty of Fancy and ymale DRY’’GOODS.
C. Y'EAGER is aleo agent for. tho celebrated Lan»
caster Combs- nov!7
ar«at Kigllih Remtdy.
1710 R Coaghf. Colds, Aslhmit and Conrarantior.l Tha
‘ GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the cure of u<«
abovo diseases, is the iIUNGARI.vN BALH.AM OF
LIFE, dircovhred by the celebrated Dr. llcchnn, of
London, England, and in trod deed Imn ths United States
under the immediate superintendence of the inventor
The extraordinary success-of Lhn medicine, m tii.
sore of Pulmonary diseases; warrtats the Arccrioart
Agent in soliciting fortreaouenttha warn possible ca
ses that can be found in the copunurtiiy—cases that srdt
relief In vain Romany of theronuaon remedies of 'h*
day, and have been given up by the most distiiigunmej
physicians as confirmed and ijicurubL-.. The Hunguri
an Balsam has cared, qnd will cure, the mast desperate
of cases. It is no quark nostrum, hui a smndaraEnx-
Uah medicine, of known and esiabluhed eiSucy.
Every family in Uns United Etstos should bo sapphad
With Buchan’s Hungarian Balsam of Life, not only to
counteract the coiu-umptive tdudenejes ofuhe cilmate,
bulto be used as a prevcr.Uvamudiciue ta all cures of
colds, coughs,, spilling of blood, pan in the tide and
Chest, imiahon and soreness of lh;: lanp. trorhifi*
difficulty of LrCating,bectie ftver, rwrajs. cmsrl
ation and general debility, astluna, inuuenza, •whoopin''
cough ana croup.
Soldinlarg9bottleA,atSlperboUla,with full dirae
tions for the rektorauon of LeAlilu :
Pamphleu, containing « mass of English and Amari
con certificates, and other evident-:, showing the un
equalled merits of this greatKngli li Remedy, may bo
obtained of the Ageuu, rratnitou.tly.
For solo by, B A I'ARNGTruCii A Co., corner o
it and Wood andW’ood and ftth sts.
Slaitnrs r 'mFi;HiAirc6'uGiV3Vßul»^x Ml
Nothi;;« Lux Irl
I’llrssmon. March 27, iq;?
Mr. R. E. Sellers—ln juttiee to you acd year muom
parable Cough Syrup, I beg state, for the ban
efit of the community, Hist my wit's ba< been several
times adticted with a most dlitrei'.ng cou'h 1 cur.
chased, in January last, a bottle i.i your Syra’p, which
cured acoogn;of two months’ standing. About oats
month cinpe, tho cooah returned, and was so severe*
that she could hurdlv move, from weakness la tho
I«M lor o»p Dollio of your CoO s h a r , u „
. p.n of one boule eureJ the cooi;h Irayo lheoihrr
lo . joumeyeisn wh. wm Bcvercly .fflieted, who htj
lo ore hi. own word., ‘-e.lon enoo.h coo|,h c.ndy ti
taro .11 rhe people tn rimtmrjli.S if thoeuidy h.a
been as good a* represented! > n a
Yours, respectfully, AriavnTt
Prepared and sold by R. E. BELLER9
sjreet, and sold by Druggists genially in
«!«.«• .. •. delft
equalto nnj in the United Siatoj.
Ills Bliltds onn be removed with*
land, liaia prepared to Vurnrih
their old en*louirrj ( as well 6*
the pnblio at large, with every thing in theirliue.
: A sa w, : * VMd mom
klconomy la Taa*«
•TXECIDEDLY the cheapest ami h«t ptare in PUu-
U Larch to Lay Tea is ot the T*» Market, eau sw«
ot the Diamond. They sell ; •bka^.h
KxcellcniTea at ? *® 5® **1 lb
. SapertorCJualilie#—„ .
!^ C pricod; damaged, o? ioleriuf Tm arc not krpt
.1 whether you e u your
•cJf or send A ebild, you we rare U» obtain a good
artiolo, and If the flavor of .the Tea is
iKav resdilt exchange it or return the money.
rnr & nAwmm«. proprietor,.
M« K fc S[ia :
PuiirarUvtl Corn starch,
ti EFINED and rrrpercd eapiearty for Food, l» u j.
I din«. Cake*, Custard*. *£•
Hecipa tor Bailed quart of new mi!*,
'tour cxn. half ateaapoonfot of rail, »wo tablcipoonfuis
of refined itarch-eur tie uareb in a tmaj] quantity 0 r
the milk, till It i» perfectly dlnolred ami Mnooth—add
the eg*«, well beaten, u» the mrch-pcor the
and starch into the balance of the Bulk, while boiling
Mir constantly UU It bolls ap ■
. •••