The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 31, 1850, Image 2

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Itelrfktor. before or.M., end early iotbedor u
praeueable. Advertisement* not inserted for a ntcci
ftea time will invariably be charted nmil ordered oat.
C?*y. U. l'Aiinru Agent (or thi* piper al hu>
a ? ,ea “L Wew Philadelphia, and
Boaton, and la authorized to-»eeeWe «übsctipuon«
and advertisement* far m.
i*t>*ru Amuucah.—Advertise
2®“ snbrcnpucm* m the North Amenmn and
!i?Jj A ttw#,, “ eMe i Philadelphia, received and tor
warded from ihi» office.
JM«L* B n«.ACo™..cuLL.., —tfabacnptionf
a i - Tl “«ab!e paper, will i»e received and forward
•d from tins office.
Aliaaicas.—SuMcrlptio-* and advertise
raenu for this paper received and forwarded free e>
•nargo from (hi* office.
IL/ - "Cjirct-tiAT: Dailt Gazettx Advertisement
and snbseriptiona, for this paper, will be received and
orwarded from this office.
Blr. Hampton's Resignation.
- Tho Pittsburgh Post anti toms of Us allies have
been recently assailing Mr H. because Out he has
•een proper to take his own time to deliberate
about resigning his teat in Congress.
When Mr, Hampton's letter to the County
Convention was written, we, anil every other
person, supposed that Congress would have ad*
journed at least in Acguit—no that be eouldbsve
resigned, end bt* successor have been elected at
the nsoal October election. But Congress did uo*.
adjoarn until 30:hSoptember,eight days before the
To bavo resigned would have left Allegheny
Connty unrepresented near the close of tho Ses.
■ion. when it was well known an active and uni
ted effort would be made to modify, in a moet irn.
portant and vital part,the Tariff of 1546. In fact,
this effort only failed by two votes of passing the
House ofltepnjsentathres. I suppose, as was the
probability tinring tho greater part ol September,
that ifMr.H. abould have resigned, and then that
this effort had failed, because Allegheny county
bad no vote—*what thunders of denunciation
would Iben have been invoked on hit devoted
head by these same journals.
Air. Hampton’s interests and wishes were then
to have resigned, and his seme of duty alone
kept him at his post We hope that soma sense of
duty >o big constituents will yet keep him from
It is within ocr personal knowledge that Mr- H.
bad his letters of resignation prepared and ready
to transmit to the Speaker since bis return borne
—and only consented on ibe most urgent and re*
pealed appeals of bis friends to withhold the
same for a few days. His interests and his ar
rangements all call tot him to resign. Bat we
know that many of the best men in both parties
have earnestly remonstrated against bis resigns*
lion. The psnnty won Id be put to a heavy ex
pense in bolding a new election. The member
who might be elected would not have lime to be
come acquainted at Washington. Air. Denny, the
able and experienced gentleman named by the
Convention as bis successor, has been absent from
_ home for some tnontbi, sod is underttood to be
seriously unwell and unwilling to be a candidate,
if a apecial election were ordered.
Udder aR these circumstances we have no lies
Halloo m saying, we believe Mr. Hampton’s duty
to his constiioenis is, to reconsider sod change
bis determination.
Valuable Wobks.—Wo find on our table ■ The
Railroad, Steamboat, and Telegraph Book,” and
the “ United States A'mansc, and Nat tonal Be*
gister,” recently published by S, D-ainrscli, 157
Broadway, New York. They are printed in neat
and elegant style; are accompanied by appropriate
maps, statistics I tables, dec , and contain much
important and useful information. These little
works posters high merit, and would be fbnnd
useful to all; particularly to the traveller, or those
who design travelling. The agent is now in this
city, and our readers would do well to obtain co
pies of the work.
Indiana has, according to a Stale Census just ta
ken , about 158,000 white male adults—-an increase
of twenty per cent, in five years. This indicates a
population of about I*oo,ooo. Indiana will hardly
increase her representation in Congress under this
year’s census.
CoFFsnMtsEs is I'KNxSYbVA.vtA.—Valuable veins
of copper ore have been found and opened in Penn
aylvauia, near the Schuylkill nver, about twenty
-mites from the city cf Philadelphia. Tbe Penn
sylvanian says these mines, in richness and extent,
are said to be equalled only by the rich miues ol
Cornwall, in England, which they are said to resem
ble in a remarkable degree. Some of ibeso veins
have been opened to a greal dep'h, and traced for
three mile* in extent, showing that they are very
regular nad inexhaustible.
The Printing Press which Hoe is constructing
for the New York Sun is rbe largest printing ma-.
chine jo this country. It is twenty feet in height.
and in length is thirty three feet. U ha* eight cyl
inders, the registering machtna in front counting
every impresion and recording the number in plain
ftgurea, before the eye, from one copy t* one hun
dred million*.
Lucas F., son of Rev. Amos Babcock, died in
Holland, Man., cm the S<h inst., aged 22 years.
For nearly five years the deceased lay without be
ing moved ah inch, or a change of clothes being
made. This could not be done without potting
him in the greatest jigony, the opinion of
about twenty physicians who were consulted,with
out causing death. The original cau-e of bis pain
ful condilioa was probably the shock occasioned
by his making a mixlep or slide nn the brink ol a
precipice, where nothing bin a small twig or bu-b
saved him from mvtaat destruction.
Some of tbe Texas papers are speculating upon
the use which shall be mode of the ten millions
which the State is to obtain from the General Gov
ernment. The Galveston Civilian think* that afirr
paving off tbe . debt of Ten-v three millions will
remain. This sum is to be received id United
Stales bonds, bearing, live per cent, interest, which
will yield urevenue of one hundred and siity
ikousud dollars per annum—more than suffica-nl
to pay the white expenses of the State Govern
ment. This would enable Texas to do what 110
other Bhue has done—abolish all line*.
Notwithstanding tbe •ympathy'*hianifesled by
tbe Canadian editors at llio passage ol the ragm tre
atave law, they appear 10 tm unwilling that tbe
runaway slaves should become ifacir neighbors
Especially is this the case on tbe border hue ol
Michigan acd tbo western district of Canada—
Tbe last number of the Amherstburg Courier »ay».
“We have been favored for the last foor or fi re
days by an Influx of the colored population Irom
the State*, whoso advent,though honorable to tbe
province as a land of liberty, could be very bene
ficially disposed with by the peaceable inhabitant*
of this frontier. On this side sable clouds oi immi
grants are disembarked from every boat that stops,
and between one and two hundred- have already
arrived at this port. A like rapid influx contin
ues at all poiota along the frontier as far aa beard
Irom; and if some action be not taken by (be Leg*
iaiature in this matter, this part or the province
must soon be overwhelmed by our colored breth
ren. When, woe years ago, tbe poor inhabitant*
of Great Britain and Ireland flocked over to thia
province too rapidly, our lilenl Government im
posed a poll tax upon all persons landed on our
shores from the other aide of the Atlantic. Much
more neceseary is such a provision to prevent our
being flooded by a black population. Let us see
if our mien will impose it," *
Irtoiatw.—The long talked of treaty with the
Chippewas inhabiting tho northern shores of Lake
Superior and Huroa, was concluded on the9th inn.
at the bead of tbe Portage on the opposite side
Tbe chiefs of all the bend* and many others ol th<-
salion were present, and it is said to have been an
interesting gathering uf this copper - colored people
Hoc. Wm. B-Robison wnasole commissioner on
the pen of the Government, and conducted (be pro
ceedings in an able, and dignified manner. The
terms proposed by the Government were at first
not considered at all satisfactory to the Indians, and
several days were consumed in cstmselitw among
themselves, before they decided to accept them.
They finally accepted the conditions proposed,
and the treaty was concluded substantially on the
following terms :
The Indians ceded #U tho lauds from Pcnetso
gmshene, at the eastern extremity of Like Huron,
to Pigeon River, on Labe Superior, and inland to
the height offland, together with the islands of (ho
late* and rivers, sow to include all lands Mill in
the possesion of the Indians, and for which no bar
gain had previouily been made; except some
small reservations, the precise location and ermt
of which we have not a* yet been able to learn.
The Government stipulated to pay to the Indians
slo,OO9 ( in land, and an annuity of £i, 400 for ever:
which annuity is to bejincreased in proportion to the
—w jf *ny, of mineral lands within the limits of the
territory ceded.
The InJians are to receive a* heretofore their
payment of good*, and they also are to retain fail
occupancy andtuoofcll the territory ceded, lor
impose of cultivation,, bunting and fishing.—lofe
jS«/. «Tw,
Correspondence ef the Pittsburgh Gazette.
Crowded Stato of tfeo Clty-Tlu Lind
Uula-lts Kxp*mitT«n*ss and Folty—
Hambag Illustrated*
New You, Oct. 18,1550.
Here I am, in Ibe most horrible Babe! which has
arisen since the fall of the original tower of that
came. This city never was fuller of strangers
than at this time ; Indeed it conld be no fuller, for
perplc absolutely go aboot the streets seeking a
shelter, with money in their pockets to pay far it.
This is a novel.circntnsuuce-in modern civilize*
Hon. There ought tn-be two or three larger hotels
built. Dht reason of this unreasonable awT op*
pressive crowd, however, i» that the buckets of
ibis viaf city precipitates and concentrate*'itself
upon the point formed by the convergence of the
principal thoroughfares, and eadingwith ihfi'.Bat
tery. Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Pittsburgh
have room and vergb enough, on a widely exa
tended surface, every part of whioh is equally
convenient to the great centre of trade and ex*
change—bat these remarks belong to a class of
subjects upon which your able local corrcspondant
ia better able to enlighten and entertain your read
ers than myself.
1 have not, of courte, omitted to hear the divine
Jenny- .1 went last night to Ibe tecondofher new
series of concert*. I will be severely candid.
Jeacy-dom, in the aggregate, is a bubble, and the
babble is about to burst—the next concert will
prove that it ha* bunted. The individual abstract
Jenny is—ia—what shall I my? Not a mere
opera singer, nor concert giver. No, Jenny is
much more and better than eiihercf these cot on
common character*. She is a trne, gentle, gen
erous hearted woman. If many ibooaanda o!
people have made asses of themselves, and called
her divinity, nightingale, a new Bt. Cecelia, melo
dy incarnate, and a doxen other silly and extrava
gant names, and have Implored the privilege ol
biasing the aole of her pretty satin slipper, Jenny
is not responsible therefor. As a nature), unaf
fected piece of womankind, I believe Jenny
despises and rather dislikes the adnlation of which
she baa been the object. Our people are 100 much
given to running after, wuh blind and almost oul*
pable adoration, whatever may have received the
stamp of foreign aristocratic approval. Now j eony
hsa been, Tor successive seasons, the star of tho
London Royal Opera, dividing with the Sovereign
herself, on some occasions, Ibe admiration of ibe
gorgeous kaut too beau mastd* which surround
British royalty, and constimte the social heart of the
Empire. It was not Jenny’s laalt that in the eyes
ofoor modish fools, this circumstance had envel*
aped her simpie Swedish womanhood into a halo
cl lastre which should their visions, aud
quite turn their empty heads.
My estimate of Miss Lind is, tfat! she u a pleas
ing sonplreM, wi;h vocal organs so peculiarly
constructed (bat she can mingle ventriloquism
with harmony, and (bus astonish aod charm os
by tbe same effort. It ia said by other better
judge* upon such a point than I could profess lo
be. that her voice is not only exceedingly flexible
and capable of giving expression lo natural sounds
that no other human voice baa compassed, but
that it ia also immensely powerful, superior both
in flexibility and volume to any male or female
ever heard In this country. On tbe drat point, I
am disposed to yield. In tbe Bird Warble, Jenny
twitters, and chirps, and mocks, and hops from
branch to branch, like any lark, or robin, or jay,
that ever greeted n spring morning. In the Herds*
man’s Song, aod tbe Echo, too, Jenny surprises
us by her close imitation of nature. Bot in truth,
the secret of the whole is that it ia a trick of the
voice—-nothing more. Nobody else can do it,
and it aeems very strange that she can. But let
ua look at the merit of it. What does It amount lo
to cee a canary pall a diminutive wagon ebent his
cigo ? Is there after a!i any very great difference
between a bird’s imitating a child by piayingwiih
a child’s toy in a cage, and the imitation of a bird
by a lady in a concert * Tbe much admired in
flections of the voice in the Echo’s Bocg, are the
result of an effort of ventrtloqniam, the projection
and explosion of the voice in musical tones. As
to the compass force and volume ofJenny’s voire,
there 1 flatly dissent from the newspaper critics.
These qualities she has not. I will fearlessly set
np my uncultivated judgment oe this against a't
the learning of the school, and all authority what
soever, la fall confidence that it will bs sustained
by the ultimate decision of the public, and the
float decree of the artistic world. Tedeaeo, Bar
i gbeat, Camdori, Allas, and many more fresh in
the memory of readers of this day, Car excelled her
in this respect.
I would not ploek ona leaflet from the garland
which tbe fair Swede so gracefully wears, hut it
ia unquestionable that a great deal of hua bug has
been played off fa connection with her perform*
ances, and that of (be most expensive kind. It is
well enoogh to describe it and show its causes
Jenny is not responsible Cor it, tad there is so
difficulty in showing who are. Barccm and the
newspaper* are tbe agestaof the humbug in tb a
case. He is the author and they are the asxiliar
tea. Without alluding to the tramped up and ri»
dicolooi tales that were told of Jenny’s engage*
meat, and of its tenst, let ua take Ism night's
concert. The humbug had beeo to well kept cp
that about (pro thousand ticket* were sold for fire
dollars each, fifteen hundred for four, perhaps fi» e
hundred for three dollars. The immense new
musical hall, in which (he coueert look place,
would have accommodated e thousand more*per
sons with ease, bat the receipts were probably not
less than seveateea thousand five hundred dr!«
arm. Now bow much of the entertainment
afforded lor this Immense sum was truly ten* Ji it
Jenny Lind, and how much was Barnum, or
Humbug 1 There were aixty three instrumeoial
performers, and a supernumerary mob, of both
•exes, ealled by courtesy vocalists, to the number
of forty dx— total, one hundred and nine peisorr,
ua an orchestra. The almost infernal din kept up
during a gtest part of the evening by this lrgLra
of notry spirits, was relieved by tho delivery of
several fine pieces by one of the most popular
Italian singers now among ui. This wssenduta
blf, and was received In small part for the seven*
teen thousand five hundred. Bat Jenny «ss
not of it. It could be beard and seen on any night
of the year for five dlnei ptr cafui. Allthisuas
Barnum. But at length Jenny came, beginniog
with some thing io an unknown tongue, and end
ing with the Herdsman's Cell, singing sweetly and
oat orally, aod displaying all the surprising pc. u»
llaritiea of her voice. There was cootidcraMe
applause, and ahe was once encored, but it was
abnodsnlly manifest that infaluatHm had depart
ed. How mocb of tbe seventeen thousand five
hundred, let me aak again, was ionaJUr Jenny,
and how much was humbug I In sober arith
metical earnestness, it must be confessed that il
you had extracted four thousand dollars of una
dulterated Jeony from tbe entire mans, the whole
of the residuum would have been humbug. Be
cause any man of a tolerable ear, and a proper
appreciation oftbe taste of the town, would have
acknowledged that the same amount of good aiag-
Icg and instrumentation can be had at any time
daring the season of amusement for that sum.—
Having been accustomed, daring the greater part
[ of my lile, to this sort of displays, aod thereiure
; not altogether a novice in such matters, I am not
ashamed to say that I would rather pay a dollar to !
listen to the Hutchinson’s, than to hear one of
Barnnm’s Jenny Lind concerts at the same price.
Tbe performance of the first named artists fur*
nisbed more pleasareable emotions, sod leaves
more to be remembered and reflected upon, (ban
a dozen orßarnua’g monster exhibitions of site*
cessful pretension upon one side, and prodigal
gullibility on the other. s
The good people of Pittsburgh, and other inte
rior clfei, need not be under tbe least apprehen
sion that they will uot hare ao opportunity to hear
I Jenny Lmd, and that at tbe moderate prioe of me
jor two dollars for a ticket. The receipt* of the
firat foor concerts to this city probably amomt to
one hundred thousand dollars, and tho two last to
thirty five thousand. Two more will conclude
tbe senes here, and it is doubtful if the receipts at
tboso will more than mskc up the one hundred
and fifijr thousand. To this noat little cum, Isup*
pose we may add seventy five thousand for the
osneerts at Boston, Providence, and Philadelphia,
making two hundred and twenty five thousand
dollars in about three week*. A word epon p 9.
lilies in my next. Svnv*.
A Legislature or me W wo.—The Verm.-m
Legislature en maisr on Saturday visited-RonVs
Point, the locality where it is designed to bridge
Lake Champlain for railroad purposes, U Vermont
and New York will grant the permission. 7ha
spot lies at the northern extremity of the lake, and
is about a hundred miles from Montpelier. The
special object of (he expedition is to aid in the for
motion of a correct opinion respecting the feasibil
ity and expediency of the proposed bridge at that
Correspondence of the Pittsburgh Gazeu*.
Since my last, nothing of particular Importance
has occurred here, worthy oT. special remark.—
There i», in fact, just now, a general ilaguation in
the news market, that Is positively painful to the
g,ad ntuies, and unless lone new excitement of
wjrae kind is gotten np, ere long, I verily believe,
the penny* liners will die of starvation, oulrght.
it is very true, the dip and preparation which are
heralding in the fall election, furnish fodder enough
for ihe.activc politicians or.bWth parties—buf there
to trouble of tbs Gazette
fWjfltle as I can, conjetifetly wilhvic&eping
item posted up on such have wi&thing
roore3&fl a merely local }tfl<#e4L *> *
:' 5 It hw-iwen raining in torrents all dajr,;'bbt thaJ.
did nof prevent some hoEdrSflrcf persopa'crowd-'
ing down to tbo wharf, at the foot of Canal street,-
to Wilneo the departure of tbe-new steamship Arc
tic, on her first voyage to Liyerpool. She left tbo
dock precisely at twelve o’&ldck, arid sped down
the bay, in gallant style, saluting the Cutmrd steam
er Asia, a<? she passed by Jersey City. The Eng
j li«hman promptly responded by three different dis
, chirges of cannon. The Arolio has 80 passengers
1 on board, among whom are Colonel Van Aien, late
United States Charge to fcjucador, the well known
PetterXorriUard, of this cjty, and Lieut. Drayton,
: of tha Navy. [
J ust about two hours t{)« Q})io took
her departure for Chagret, with the Catiloruia
mails on board, together with two hnndred and
thirty dine patsengera. Some ol these go ashore at
the intermediate ports, but the great majority of
them ore destined for the "golden gate." Notwith
standing the unfavorable advices received by last
arrivals, (he disposition to emigrate is as rife as f t
bns been at any time during the year past, and as
some evidence of the /act, 1 may mention that ev
ery berth in the next steamer, which does not sail
till two weeks hence, bap already been secured.—
Here and there a transfer ticket may be had at pre
mium, but even then, it is hard to get hold of.
1 have been shown the call for the great "Uuioa
Meeting" we ore tc have at Castle Garden, m this
i ity, on Wednesday evening next, and must say,
it isa very formidable looking "document” in its
way. Tfcj? number of signatures attached to it et
ceed eight thousand, and the list embraces two
thirds of the most respectable commercial firms in
the city. The call with the Dames attached, is to
be published in most of the city papers, on Monday
morning. Among tha speakers who have promii
!o address the meeting, are, Honorable Hugh
White, Hem. Jaa. Brooks, Chi*. U’Uonnor, and Og
den Hoffmann.
Jenny Lind's Concert last eveuing—the second
she Ims given since her return from Philadelphia—
was as great a triumph on her pan, as she ever
won, at Castle Garden. The -enthusiasm of the
auditory appeared to me, positively uncontrollable,
The programme for the npxt cooeert, 0 n Tuesday
mgbt, is an unusually rich one, embracing some
superb selections from Mendelssohn, the overture
to the "Midsummer's Night Dream" a duet from
Helisario, tho celebrated "Nonmi Dir," Irom "Don
Giovanui, " together with sundry gems from Der
Kmschuu, nod "Meyerbeyers Camp of Silesia.”
it is uncertain how loag this woadßfal woman is
to remain with u* Barn me says* “Jt»;i so long ns
sbo draws full houses, and no'longer. " if this be
to, then Jenny will not leave New York for a
twelvemonth, at least.
The steamer Pacific, which was to leave Liver
pool, on the I&th inatstot, should be off* the coast by
this timo. Beta are made that she will arrive here
to morrow, thus making as rapid a passage as she
did before; but I much doubt .that she will report
hervelfbefare Monday or Tueaday.Tbe fogsaodhea
vy rains,we have had I ately,will undoubtedly check
her speed. Atony rate, it b too late in tho aeaaoo
to expect another tea days and twenty four hoars
The money market is without any featar* worm
1 special notice. The sapplyconttoue* asabuodania*
ever. Sundry Urge loans have been made, on gov
ernment securities, as low as 5 per cent, per annum
Pnrue sixty days, to six month* paper, goes at sa«>
per cent Speculation con tut net in stock*, hut pn
ces generally are much the earn* as last quoted.—
Government and Stale secoriuea are very firm.—
Exchange for the Arctic closed at 110 1-2 a ill for
Sterling hills, franco bf lr'ca-V. 10 for sixty days and
The Markets—Owing to a large accumulation of
stock, flour is dull, and a shilling lower, on the bar
rel. Favorite brands common stale, $4,5004/A 1-4,
mixed Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan, $4,56*4.173 3-4
—pure Genesee, s4>4as.
Gram—Wheat is in good for milliof,
but prices‘are weaker. (Jenesre Uv l-2allT—
; Mixed Ohio 100 Good prime white Michigan JO-'/
aMH. Upper take ditto. Canadian lUOalOl, m
tered Corn i* gelling scarce, and price- have
qnne op Va.l cent* per bushel. Sole* mixed \V<*t
ern at >viati7 cents, interior Southern Off cent*.
Cotton —Couon is not *0 firm, price* are 1-4*.'’. 4
cents lower, since tbe hut foreign cetr*. Middling
Uplaads—Mobile—l4 1-4; Nsw Orleans 14 1-2.
Fork is lower, say 12 1-2 cents per barrel. Me»
iO.fn 1 2*ll, primus 8,37 1-2. Beef is also lower
Mesa $S*9;. prime s4a4,7fi.
Lard—7 1-4 a 7 5-8 for fair; good to prime 1 S-Sc.
Baiter—Prune and choice butter— state—lB*l9.
Cheese 5 l-2*n 1-2.
Anthrieite coal is in good demand; but prices
are in favor of the purchaser—f€a6,So per too.
Iron is in good demand. Sale* 500 tona Scotch
pig at 20,25*20,50, C men.
Tallow 11 hetd at 7 1.2572-4, very active, for
prime country. N.
Tbs Gold Moojrrat.v—Tha Tribune has seen
a gentleman jmt relumed Irom Cal forul* who
ha* personally vittied the so called “Gold Mono*
tain.” It lies in about lit. 33 degrees North, two
hundred and fifty miles East of Lot Angelo*, in
Southern California, and about one hundred UV«i
of tbe Colorado. It Is almost inaccessible, aero**
deserts of sixty In eighty miles la width, there he*
iig no Rias\ Umber or water in its Tieloity. , The
nearest water to it 1* sixteen mile*. The “Gold
Mountain" rises about lour hundred and fifty feet
rather steeply from a range oi hills about a quar
ter of a mile long
Tbe hills are composed of a dark hornltmds
rock, with perhaps a tenth of white feldspar mter*
mixed with it; and tbe cold is found la both, gen
erally running io itrtuis or strings thouih some*
times bulb* or lumps tike a button. It baa been
| lonnd l>y analysis to yield so average of about S2|
per pouod of tbe roek.
’ Eght mile* north of this “mountain," our in.
I formant tried hia luck at digg ng In the usual Cali
. forma fashion—scraping off the surface earth and
; urathim that which lies immediately above the
: rock. He dug thus with two Indians (or four
hours, obtained about ten ounces pure gold, taking
\ only the ’lumpr,’ having nothing to wash ibe earth
with. Probably as much wa* thus left at taken.
He did not try in any other apol, but ba* no doubt
1 that it extends all the wty from Bonora io Nor
thern Mexico, the Upper Sacramento and Ore
gon, a Cutanea of full eight hundred mjiea Tbe
region here dearribed, la about fire hnndred miles
from the nearest digglna in California, but can not
be approtefaed by leu than a thousand miles of
actual travel. It ii very near the boundary line
just established by Congress, between Utah and
A company has been termed in Ban Francisco,
expressly to mine ibis “Gold Mountain” and vi
cinity. It is entitled ‘the Los Angelos Oold Min
ing Company,’ and baa or is to have a capital ot
$750,000. It has already sent forward a pioneer
party or one hundred miner*, with Implements,
provisions, fce. The men are well provided and
armed, and are to be paid six dollars per day and
I go back to the age of Jeans Christ, and I am
1 Immediately struck with the commencement and
rapid progress oi the moat remarkable revolution
, in the an nals of the world. I tee a new ' religion,
of a character altogether of Its own, which bore
no likeness of any put or exltting faith, spreading
in a few ye&ra through all civilised nations, and
introducing a new era, a new state of society, a
change of the human mind, which has broadly
distinguished all following agea. Here is .a plain
fact, which the skeptic will not deoy, however he
may explain it I see this religion inning from an
übeenre, despised, hated people—Ua fininder had
died open the cross, a mode of panishmest as dis
graceful as the pillory or gallows of its present
day. Its teachers were poor men, without rank,
office, or education, taken from the fishing boats
and other occupations wb'eh had never famished
teachers to mankind.
I ceo these men beginning their work on the
spot where their Master's blood had been sbedaa
ola common malefactor; and l bear (hem sum
monlog first hismurderert, and then ail ’nations
and all ranks, the sovereign on tho throne, the
priest in the temple, the great and the learned, as
wed as the poor a»d the ignorant, to renounce the
fsitb’and the worship which bed been hallowed by
(he veneration of ail ages, and p take tho yoke of
tbcirorucified lord. I see passion and prejudice,
ibe sword o( the magistrate, the;curee of the priest,
{he scorn of the philosopher, and the fury of the
populace, joined to crush this,commoo enemy;
end yet, without a human weapon, and In oppo,
to ail human power, I see the hnmbtest
Apoitiea of Jesua winning Uteiriwty, overpower*
log prejudice, breaking the nuke of their eppos*
era, changing enemies into friends, breathing info
multitudes a calm spirit of martyrdom, tod cany* 1
lag into thn'bonndsofciviliiation, and even taut i
half civilised regions, a religion which has cos* .
tribnted to advance society more than ail other ,
causes combined.*—J>r, CAonnwg,
Und Pittsburgh Railroad.
V , ork °. a road b progressing
vjoroc sly under the aunervisioa of the very effi
c.ent P recent of tbe Compaq, Cyrus Prentiss,
*-q., and the energetic Board nfDirectore. The
speedy completion < f the road is now placed be*
r aooilngeoey, and a recent inspection of the
wore from the Lake termination to Bedford, 11
milca, demonstrates that no expense and la&or
r.V'J' rTif sp "''' l ,0 S'." permanency ud dor.-
blLty 'o It, The lire in admirably b.
ealed, I, Ol low jyii.-e., and ijijira Irec of curve.,
r ?' a ' h<: 1,k,! oroal, 39|
lei lo Iho mile,, ho tighci ~L ihelm.-, 0100,1000
01 ..0 loci, ,o lotvijg uu, volley ol Iho Otto
Ocroao, 26,
lipo t’f [iib. dn' r.-l 'Lr Ibo prelection of tho
ro.d .feos tho fr.lm .ofj M o ~ bund 10 foil,
•u»<CV»|*ol«*M. m>.. u.t potpouSoobi
piliu*-fiocooip«,,.bK»il lo ..111 10 „n, .u.ovo .
cannot f.iHo teUfofifucrihr,;. The coiotturJ
ba»c pjlicbascd Oiahl,‘<tßo f,.,... in | el ,„ h
.nrog ISM jko top oljb.Jnl. Hoi. 10 IHwcteroo
•the usorUisle vicinity of the n . rn« c f n, t .,
Cleveland and Pittsburgh' vnh the Cleveland,''
Columbus, and Otnciopati ra.'r-dd. Mr depot pur
poses, fco. TbcywiJl eonstrii'-t n broad pur into
the lake on Iheir qronud*, an.) roLtignno- to Hank
sties'. Pile* far the pier wtll l>.-drtvm Ih- -00.
log win«er,»hon|rJ the lee r rovc favorable. Bank
street will probably be eroded up lo Lake street
next season, thus afford,rg 3R r u f u. e moat feasi
b‘e and delightful avenues to tfc,. (see nnd harbor
In the city. No more dea rsbfo o} valuable lora
tion for the terminus of tn c road could bo found.
Itgtvea easy and imiuediai.i eouiiexion with the, with the LakeiShore and ('ii'cinnati railroads
and with the eleam au«j sni munoc ot the Labes.’
The Company have tuvniy live acres
geously located, comiguou- t- ihoc;ty on Si.
Clair itieci, fof d-pm, machine
Shops, 4cc., 6ii', Here tho erected a ma
chine shop 150 feet by f>o, ... -vlv.-t ,bey K„ve
a steam eegino of 45 horse r>v r, »nd rntchue
ry for tbe mauitfieiiiM u; t*..',- . », f . ni
work. Tbo smith'. «L.>i: .-irfou is f>o l y
30 fiet. A circoln: onvio-.- i<- v, 4 'tt u-ei m di
ameter, islolm crooteci. w,:; ; . f jr iccorno
tivcs and all modern cin*.v.n. j.-s. A dewit
buildlne, HO by 100 feet, w ' putupby tho
Ist of December. SudJcuu « tier i-rihepuri>oscs
of the Company w:P bronti,! ~t u, e MiddUbu*
ry atone pipe from 9).ru-.s» m if - ; .cattv,'which
afford proper cie vat.oa tr ok?, dec. Lake
atfeet if tube>L;‘. lov.-J the liopot, and
cross stroetshave l*c-tn Lid mil, and arc
improved. A few years wiil -i-e tho well known
Cask Tattii oa whiid; tli-s-i grcuuds are altuated
a populous, uianufactuiiiir; I'onwn ol Cleveland.
The rail road poMes thron--; cm of the best coal
seMiom of tho West, and thn c'rerp fuel it will
alfcrd, the cheap>.- i A lor, clteon pro«
virions, tioequal'c - 1 Ilf ant-. for shipment,
and ready market f ir>-n.!!a mji J articles, Clove
land offers, wont utiruc; .• ;m.'. .-.n nnd manufuc
turers to thn favored t;-
As we have »fiid. luc • ccovructed m tbo
moat substantial man.'.-r r i.,* ei.ulmjt and pre
paration tor tbu Him ihrvii. i., '.i! i 1. .: l, n o are well
done. The lies nro oak, n.m • .1 than S inch
bed. iisua’ly much wider. ore pmced but 2 feet
apart from centre to eentre T*.*- nhtinnerts for
bridges and the culverts arc -i-h.l ma-iipry the ;-al-
Vfrt‘over Wood cr.-cfc, i.uili i.y Mr Garfield,
Of Newburgli, be-ric ptonotm. cd , t better job than
similar New England m u.Mtl Mructure*. The
Bridge over Tinker - creei:, m work, the
heaviest on the t.m- of ih«-ro-id The span is 2-12
feet, and tho car- will pvi m n hc-.rht of about 130
feet from the bed ot the -irtani The massive stone
abutments, about Ol te< t huh. fire f.Hiuded on a sol
id rock The bridge ;» j nugie spun and arch, on
Howe's Improved Phu h P.miroad Bridge*. It a
constructed of fnnnda w.itmut tenon- atnl
reflects great credit on »t-e l.mlih-rs Messrs Tha’ch
er, Kro«un.-r »V <\> The yu.t ci ihc Greek i* wild
and routuniir. and the < at tbe flourishing
village of Metlfont will I * ,» fraturr 111 the rintruad
trij» Irotn Lair Erie u. me Oii,.> K,*er
The entire iron lor n«: m.t tre m ta? Lake to the
Ohio haa been purchjspi d for, and shipped
from Flaaltcti. Tpo »?■! ncary 7, of tbe most
approved pcirrn, imm ir.auufaoroncs of
etUhhsted chara.'tfr the ,ro:i received
■bow the (loality'to 1-c -i i The natrsc
ter* are tavmc tbe inch o; tt n fcn.-.l *r.d at Ka
venoa. Here a iocoqioht’' ot the U-s; c. a-s f-. m
the Taunton, Maas., Worci is nn'liyed .u tracs
porting the mm .Vc , for the uacir. and at Rsvenn*
two ■econd hand ens.;r- 5! \>-rk. vi.i
b« runefnr trots O.rve-ia-d m Laymen, mny
tsilea, by the first of Dscemb-r neat, and to
Hasn't run, thirty mil-*s beyond Ravenna, by the
first of January. The boo to Wellivitle on the
Ohio, twenty eight miles further, 11 to be complet
ed bv tne first of July, ipfil ty>me of tbe pass
eager ta's, from the celebrated cianalaetory ol
G,il>ert tc Troy, are new in Buffalo, aod tyiC
tv landed here :u a
Or the t«r<e amowot ot prcn-aids tiu.lnea- and
travel on the rose, turcuph surf way, nouo limiL
isr with the rc-ii« *n-J c-'iiafry (hrough which u
parses csd dot;b'. Tire Luc imrehea a nnmbcr of
fljuriahiog villages with pvrin’iy improved mas
afkstunng advantaKn, aod >« through an
old and populous pamon <»f traioiu cctire dts-
Uace—arch gram, wool, tn-l da-ry pra-Juda*
•ecUoa—wCereliscru arc a 1 wn p re !«o i« sad un
cultivated acres. It tsp- the pren wbesi yrsnsiy
ol Stark,Carrol 1 , Co:asa:> s-..\ nr.’ ro-jo,
tiea, and wih prove an cinlrt ter pjrt-.ja o'
producing cot lens than 5 O-O.uOO cf -ur
ptua wheat in season* of osust ehuhljm t-s.rvrjs’s
Tbo road nssseadowa Ibu fao-. -.s- <>>al n'! C r rj
Yellow creek—tha ocscoi a aiu-en .j-isiity crop
ping ont so conveniently that m.-ih* ,t,.e »'io
plica caa be delivered inre mi: ra-s at a trifling
coat per too —the transit of which, for Lake
■Jeamera, mactlfactortcs, and pcrrrsl conrutar**
tion, will bp an impoitant item r:f rj.lriad hntinesa.
The road will be one ut iov t r>i)r* rapid
travel, ■■ weli as the »Si-i‘ic«t lu-ia.t-.-a the crow
ded Lake end r>vpr thor-ngr- *i.ln low strges
of ths Uhn it rli he tb.- r-niic betweea
Cincionsti snd IVti.’-ci^i>.
It inieraecu the Penr-s .1 jtr.,l t i;;u Rsi'road,
acd iKings the iron r-y i.-i., ~[ r, , v lbc
thriving towns m..l ■ r-j t r- - t ~, L»tr., sn d
the rapid iVrciop.ijr r. ~- it |-| tnicrrm rf
thfiaimoa- limi' cra North Jirr
A Union in slot tm V».. WVl;ara
J. Grayvjr , Ksq , U. ho ;* -.Mini; ;i , y l u«- Chir «
ton New* I.* Or. * "gcm’Miw.! *. k.iowisdaed
pnvyte worth so.l oflicit; nra. ;»n." I.i* .«u?d
s pamphlet .a wbi«*a nc oppnv-- ro- ~»rf ecbcu*- *
Of those who arc seeking: to driituy IL.- American
Confederacy. We think ,t .m,irr,L>t.ic ih»t
tae example of * cunen of Mr. Gravmic t v.-e:« rt
of charanrr will cause the cc.ivrvHiiv<- si.}
triotic ponton of itie people ro Csrobaa-to
■peak out and resist )u time (..*«»- isrb eoenAelo <•!
reckless dcuagogucs, who are fast placing ib-
Palmetto Slate in in UDiraahie
Mr. Grayson ha* U-cq Mr n cumber of year*
the Collector of Cusina;* for itio port nf Chsr!e*:on,
and his name, we believe, has ever been syuony
mouawith all that is higb-miidud aud hoaorabo
among aif classes of tun. m bn istatc.— Rspxbht.
KAunuonx. Oct. 2.».
A quarrel hi* <>nijln.iit*.l li-rr uniting the part
neraof thce* ... Howell .V
s»rms John P. Howell, ot..- ~1 ii- partner*, pub
listicd a rard •omeiime ;h*t partner
•hip *nd warning the ( hil. .. n—„w nfgct.aung
noire drawn, Ve . m it.i-r nrin.
Mrasra. Lemmon Ar W mier a Vnril thrt
moraiag stating tlmt lobn P IL.-.v. j had
the proceeds of two l arCP «- tt r C .vieoliVv l-Honr
mg lo the firm to his own nr- •••mi. :h«» lw. om.n’*t
tbe debtor of the tirui in <>v<-r »:ii tiKi.
They further stale that M.iwell thu, „wn!
the firm was totally „ r „l .mlvMiMauied t-t
borrowing money.
The *ame firm, in cutiiiinny ' Mr Frn/ier .•!
New Orleno*. have n large Mm*- 'here, *« HnwGi
Frasier &: Co that Winin’
Ar Frasier have held bill, to mdemmli
Ihemselvei to <.ver
“Cum. li.rr mv UJ, ' ».i„i „„ b,,,
about nine yean old 1
Th. 1.. v tMmr, uuJ it,.„„
wni lo l»e tried next
'l' l "' lawyer umwered. -\A -ei. il, r txsty
nle und Urn deVil- whirl, do yuuthuik W.ll be ili»l
likely tn gum the ai'lioiC
Th. r.piiml, |wrJ
, ' ,v! ”"’' l ™™W, <•<•, m.
diwnl the >llo*l lawyer*
Tm Tu «„ tt, r,!,Nn.\,| ,
—nod nun. more
thM Hull of tti. lax Rnthoror. On. ill ih.„. „ o.n
UemaiU,, uooblnmn, in.l.vnlnnf. „ j,,;
ml.n'd n pimun. 0i1,.. llm .lily, ImoUho„J
ond poll civ il.o pr0p.,..., vYnb-'iuni
J?” “ x *“ »“1«i onoo-or ■! £,•!
WV.lm.m.onbocy imolocion,.. .H„ wV
■IIP. Ii. 1?' 11 r 'lT m '“n "-in* wij Jtr inn.hp.ii.*
-k" d h ” col "'"I. »» ho po.«d 10 111.
wSn 1 ; “"""O'OJ-'I nerve my rounlry on,l
ui nmrnben of ,h.
fS.^2l'“ n ; PL , I LV hl " 1 «• »rnmor—the
fourth trained with the liiberamni—the fifth do
“ wilboul even
">«•» of.upper.,'
«nj rho anil, ind wvenrlr were Dmcbmerr rnotmi
mrnporary amm, of rbem„|vo, al Ibe II?
wheel of an Adam » Pn*.. Tb e |, only an.wer"
I - “lienor that rbeydidn'r
, Tn ff " e "r°, 1 ” ,W ”" 0 P°" nnd a poll
porroL The erfiblb man deejlned paying, beemme
in event of u mul ho should win * y
. Cr ° I,ri R hl< ;ncd; "Yornig man."
mitmn nn I>h ® CI i U^B,nen * lll k« OUt tit) fX
•N'Ution, and then where are you?' ‘Wbva* I'm a
i's . b rf r ' ”r p in , "r
and curry uiy bou*choli| fHcnjiuto —it i.-oili l-ru«h
and a wooden uwnb m my hut, l Vp»r, I d beat v«>it
on execution.’ The msn whoso dim. ,t wn* u.. ol
ter ror -Cm, rhejtli.aga WUl . h , n , v v J
tai 2C.“IT ‘’ ,OCTi •" »>oelr Cbar... of be-
S®. ***■ '" of ™"e, lins . pull to,
In a printing otGce ’—Clettimd lleru.'J H
„rw Attetm-—Th 0 olhcr ~QV. QV - ~o py
trUUemU * hound in leather and l,t*
.* , r * CRiVed ‘ho Philadelphia
SSSStSf V ne n * ker > « "mil robber,
and who had m . cca^ocnio ut for some months,
and who had made several a i.„ mi)U t J eiCkus £
Ti“3;ss.. of ?:. u ? hobaj
havinl , b^ dlDB 0f sf> cwntaen a book,
X tCd ! h ° * n,p,clon * Ml lt »e jailer, the
£7h„. T n ca ‘ h Q * Md two eaws about eight
SeS , Sih' MCi * TO U4eJ by machinists io
SSi? 8 ™ u . br , otI * ht °u». and with which
Si er 0U, ( 1 n ? d huvo soon cycled his ea
*Kdb#d ho ““cceedeil, that henco
marefn*.d d f*™ 'hit Webster's trial
2SSSE W . l# ° eaWff >" if util ''modern in.
2SS?TIISI? ,, L boo,c lt,dy not ex
cepting Tappers proverbial l’liilunophy." la rr.
PR. O.O.BTKABNS, Into or Wor-r-n. pronred to
BUMfefitara and set Blocs Tu.„ *
OfKtSfVpOU dortion OfAUuu-pi.vri- „ti
Toonucuaesatn re viva Hmr/tr-.. v• „* nerve >■
Office and t a ihs Hsr-i
Oris ofins, Foonh street, riimi.j •* i- 1
BiratOrJ'lLM’Fndden.l-'. Upturn, IUI
Or Pittsburgh*
C. G. HUSSEY, PBD*T.- A. W. MARKS. B*e*»
41 Water street, in the wwhoi fc
THIS COMPANY is now prepared to insure atl
kindscr risk a, on homes, manufactories, rood*
merchandise in (tore, and in transits vauela, Ae
An ample guaranty for the ability and integrity of
the Institution, is afforded in the character of iho Di
rectors, who are all ciilxen# of Pittsbsrgh, well and
f-ivoraldy known u»;ibe community for their prudence,
mi'l!i?enee, ami intecrity.
DtaacTok*—C. G. Hnsvey, Wn. Ragaley, Wm. Lnr
iraer. Jr., Walter Bryant, Hugh D. King, Edward
tleuxelton, John Haworth, S. liarbaurh. 9 M Kier
•jkUfc-u V .
SSS.JT.. o. hdht,
vE^D g np>L Corner ofFocrth
i * Und Deelbir, between
Markit ai d-Jrerry strpet*.
M'COKD- i CO, '
Wholesale & Retail Manufacturers A Dealer* in
Cor. 'Wood A Fifth eta., Pittsburgh,
Where they off*r a foil and complete rttock of Hats,
Capa, Furs, ic n of every quality and style, by Whole*
-attic and Retail, and invite the attention of their cus
tomers and purchaser* generally, altering them that
they will sell on the Koar aovaffraaxotn txbmi
0* Wood atibatvraan Third k Fourth,
Are now receiving their very large and attporior Fall
Stock of
Also, BONNETS and FLOWERS, all of the laleat
«} le*. and expressly adapted to the weatqni trade.
U hf»» been rejected with great care, and ns to nzcs
ami qua uy is not surpassed by any itock to be
uiund cither east or west, Oar customer* and mer
chants rcnprolly are invited to cull and examine, aa
wo are determined to tell on the moil reasonable
t*-rms. Aim, Goodyear** Patent Rubber Shoes o» uU*
“‘“d* augttrdtf
Ma. Kiaa—Sir, Ijcheerfolly comply with your re*
quest that i would give yon{an acconnt of the almoft
miracnloascure or my Imle daughter 3 * eya by the uto
of your “Petroleum.”
She War mucked with a very sore eye in February
or Mnrch last, when I immediately applied to the best
medical aid in ,he city, by whom it wo* pronounced
“ a very bad eye” and all gave me no hope of doing
her any good. After which 1 took her tnlo the coun*
try to an old lady, who had been very successful In
curing eye*. She told mathat her case wa* hopcleta,
as *h« would certainly lose aot ouiy that one, but
alio that the other would follow—it being a tcrofuloaa
affection of tho blood. And 1 do certify that at the
time my father (J. D. Vaslion) came to the conclusion
that we bad better try yoor “ Petroleum,* sat Was
GmaiLi BLtsa" of one eye. It k now about two
maniTts since she began its ose, and (he can now see
with both eye* a« good as ever she did ; and, as far
a* l can tell, I believe she has with the blessing of
he Almighty, been cured ty 41 Petroleum."
Vrnir*, respectfully,
M. FaaKi. cs Varuon llama
Pittsburgl.h, Sept. 30, »P4A
For sale hy Keyver k McDowell, 14U Wood street;
R. K Sriirrs, 57 Wood etrert; D. BJ. Curry, I>. A. Hl
bmt. J.»«pb Doaglass, aud 11 P. Schwam, Allegheny,
also by the proprietor, S M. KIER,
oe7 Canal Basin. Seventh si, Piuiturgb.
IE/" Wfiivs' VVoajss 7tie symptom* of tbs pre
aenre of worm# ut children aiuiuld be carnally watch
ed by parents, and so soon oj there is reason to su**
pect thnr c.islenwc, every means should be used to
■i,>el Uic-m promptly;and Utorougly. The proprietors
v( M’l.sac's Worm Vertnliii*c are confident that they
offer the he.M meant of accomplishing ihis result that
has rvrr been subm tied to the public ; and they u,
vttc to it ibe attention of ull who have the taanage
mciti of rinid ren Hie medicine ia a safe and pie train
•ne, and never fads to produce the desired effect.
C7*Fot sale byj. KIDD k CO,No«0 Wood strut.
Office ot Ohio and Fenna. R. R. Co, Third at.
Pimiraeu, Aajuat 4,l!>a».
Th* Stockholder* of the Ohio and I'eansytvania
RaiJ Road Company art hereby notified to pay the
e:gbth mitahaest of hva dollar* par share, at the office
of the Company, oa or before the fiuib day of AnJtm.
The ninth on or before the SOth day of
September The tenth in«i»ljneut on or before tho
ifUhday of October next.
UJ~ Tbe Tib instalment was called tw oa tbs 20th o
Joly last
W,U LaRIMER. Jr.Treaaaier.
Ma l*te*«* •anouru-e ike came of William
oi ihe Fourth Ward, a* a candidate tcj
Mayor, ji Uic c«i» election, tubieei to Lite w>hliii
atjun i_‘tr W !«.* t'otiveiiuoii, a’d oiUge
ot*io ,: .i
M» w "'t« —Si• —% ou wilt plea** anaoaoee ibe
'i«mr c JHoaam, a* a randidatA for (he
Mayomii), laijeci in iLr ratification of ihs Wing
CoßTeniion Mr. Morgan’* claim* will b« uronjly
uracil t-j a b a»i of (.lend*, be being beta capable and
loeLincj Many CIIIZENS
rniiRKK rears in CaiiioTDia. Dt Rev. Walter Col-
X lJn > l * N, Ist* Alcalde of Monteray, author of
•Deck and l or.,' A« ~ wita iUostrauooa.
Memoir* of ike and Writing* of Thomas Ch*l
tcrr», l> t», L. I. 1> Dj Li* soft tr. law, Rev. Wo.
H*i fta, 1. L U vet t}.
P.ctnru; HriJ Uuck ol tbe Revoliuon. By Benson
i lx-*.'AS. No *
The iiuirij m Pendenci* By W M Thajkeray
So C
i.ecerif v«-. or ihr fl'Sioiy of » Srrr«i ; Gill Tran*,
lated iruni ike 1 tench of AJpeonto De Lamartine
Uy A K Seobl*
Add’tlnoa! Memoirs of my Yomh Dr A- De l.a
raurtiue, aethpr cf''Fa*'., present, au>) Future of the
-airmotr* ~f sty VeuthIn“Rapnae!,*,“The 1 n “Rapnae!,* , “The
History of iba Oiroiv4t*te,'' Ac.
Reeeivvd fur tile by R c STOCKTON
or -R Cor Thiro ft Market >u.
iJouro-l, Povt, Chronicle, md American, copy )
KKNTI CKi MUSTARD Bunow's celebrated
I ej,, ; yion ttoetard, msec ol nr* seed, rast re
• e.vr.l a::«j .or **te by V. M A McCLfHG ACO
nr »l Md Lit-eriy street.
J>tl»F TALLOW—IS l.tSi rer-d , or sale by
MACKEREL— Ilk) brls No 3 rec'd far t*!e by
BUCK WaF.AT PLOU R—7t sacks )u*t rec'd bv
I>R»»I»MS 4 1 dot CUM. received for »al« by
X> wick a Mccandless
r |MIE understgoed having arrangements for the r u h
X Ictiaw ofTeas m tbe coal, t>r which they are o« 0 .
Matuljr in receipt ot Fresh Teas, selected from oarcoee
iber arrive, confidently offer mem to the public
at ‘.Le fo'iowiug low fate*:— '
Common Green and Black Teas to r.r* per )b
*’* * do do do oso j 0
Super do do Co (I Jo
Eltra do do do lou do
Tbcr assortment camprtaea—
CJoiong, four grades, j Young Hyson, 4 grtdee,
Cbulnn Jo, Old do,
Souubnng, | Gunpowder,
All gopdi to Id at ibis home are warranted,
at;.t ran rn„,ned if tUcy do not give cnu»e valla
lf;e aieaJily lanrcasiDg pauoaage cipenenred by
tbein itneo opening, speaks louder than any new*-
paper pud*. •
llj~ A i.'j«rwi amount made to rentier*.
VU|_Librtty atreo*
AIIF.AVV well made Wagon, suitable (or four
■iz t,nr*ea, lor sale oy
RuiusoN, Lirruu co.
ni9H-4ii brl» large No 3 Mata. Mackerel:
V l > l»f brt» No* 3 and i! do; for sale by
«*•»_ ROBirtON. little a CO
PIG IKON—.Mo tuna Fig Iron, for aaln by
°' ao rodison. little a co
ZINC WASH UOAllUS—Judur Rlce*a patent ft
»tl« by 4 H WILLIAMS A CO, ’
Cor. Fifth ft. Wood ate.
tILOTIIES |MNri- J 3 i,za f or aaie by*
/ or-w 4 D WILLIAMS ft CO
DKF.R UAIK —IbtJU Iba in etore and for tale by
OelW _ 41) WIU.I ASlaft co
Gl LAS«-»I bi* Silo and 10x19 for sale by
r oe:»<»_ j D WILLIAMS ft CO
WHITE MONEY—Id bia for aaia by
MATCHES— :w grosa'BJoek and Box, for tale by
oe*' 1 D WILLIAMS ft CO
SUNOUIKS—f’i l<x« auper&ne Rice Fiour;
9 bxa Roae Water
j bxa Extract* of Lemon anj Vanilla
t> bxe IjCriod Sugar;
o bxe Vermicelli;
6 bx« Olive Oil;
V bxi A'mond Soap;
A l«o, Bloma, Cocoa, and Cocoa Shell, for Bale by
. .«?«> _ J D WILLIAMS ft CO
PIG METAL—4 tonajnil received and for »alo by
SUGAR— JO bliJa N. O. Sugar,ju»t rte’d for eale by
oc3fi 4 B CANFIELD
Bonn Boat Trlmmlngi,
W.MrCLINTOCK Invitca the attention of ateam
• ixjut men m bit extentiye u*onmenl of trim,
ntiiigv comprising in part tbe (browing varieties:—
Rich sad elegant Uloo and Gold Satin Detain*;
do do Crimson do;
do Moat let and Steel do;
do Pink and Bine do,
do Crimson and Brown do;
Cntusoii and White Union Damaak;
Blue 4n doj
Scarlet do do;
Crimson. Grcon, Bluo, and Scarlet Dst&aac;
Watered Moreen-.
Wostard and Linen Table Covering;
Strtnod Toilet do do;
Turkey Red ft White do . do,
Turkey Red ft Ulne do do;
7-4 and <M Wcxtnrd Table Cover*;
7 4 and «-4 Table Linen, 6 A Bleached Sheeting;
Scutch Diaper; 54 do do;
Scotch Napkins; Embossed Tabic Covors;
Scotch Crash; Plaid Toilet do doi
d-4 Bleached Sheeting; Mats, ftc. Ac. ,
All of which are direct from the menafactarers and
importers, of the newest and richest colors and pat
terns, all or which will be said a* cheap as any of
the eastenrcjttef. We invite steam boat men to elvo
us a call at our Carpel Warehouse, No. P 5 Fourth si
and 70 Wood at. (oc3o] W.McCUNTOCK
SUGAR ft MOLASBES-90 hhda N. O. Sugar;
10 hbds refined do;
16 brls ii. 11. Molarse*;
Jnst received per steamer Uibernia No 3, for sale by
oefio Water si.
11 AKEN in mistake, from the steam boat Pilot No 2,
Seven Kegs of Rutter, marked J. Any information
respecting them wilt be thankfully recicved.
«ALTPETRE —40 saekt jasl rrc'd for sale by
Isaiah dickey aco
T®. wm offer for .ala on Thumdtj
716 “ d 8 of November
ieu o’clock, A. Ml on iho prunioee, eighty eirbt buU*
*s* lou, ntoned eta 4U> end sth streets, in the town ol
Eet» Liverpool These lot* are loeatJW near the pub
ic vjuire, wdmre j, w 08 , on B ÜbeT> | ££
]O L h K w * t tT l a }£!P fccl on 00feet wide.ecd
extending beck 130 feet to alley* 80 feet wide.
Alwj 18 lot* of lend .tiaate on the extension of Mar*
ket ‘met. end fronting on the mein ro.ds teadinr to
New Lisbon and Calcutta, each 10l containing about
hull an acre. The utle of this property ii nnexco
Uonable, end it will be .old on « llbeiil erSi? one
fourth of the pareha.o money oslt will be required
on Uie delivery ol the deed*: the balance to be secured
by no e* end mortgage on the property in three equej
annuel payment., with intern!.
t° T' 1 * rect . B dwelling hotue or other
• w-«.iS T. ,! vo m °nih.of the day of.ele. will
bnlldio.i d eaSf'r* 1 ,tona Med for their
SeSri>e*M?l.^! , ki p,|,,Jte6,,enl «""7» within e
s" v/dter* *“ of “ ,)r
Iftoi!?M b ii! l Ob™ m ■“« J«taMa am.
tel; fctrir* 1 ° f b*w
nouM, Liverpool contain, about 1800 inh«hit»nn
SiY man t n r a, t Mnf * e: ? r l c * in ,BCCt **f*l operation' for
SSi^^ lo^ 61070 of Rocki nghaa end Qneenawan,
i £rn l t° Traem , , ° abonl 400 pe«ons; with every
i c Tn^l d f a rK,nßbund * nCBlnthc n*iffhborhood
( ' ot ‘ , «opl»ting entering into the mn£
Mr^ifk rou j *to and Liverpool i. .ettled by e
«mlS T iK a „'i l f‘ ll i ,! “i P°r ul *>lm, and me InJ 1.
1 ™u° 5 8ml?? ,* n ' 1 “ M 1 to Columbiana
county. Btetra boats arrive end deoart renlsriv In
V cil.ville, only four mile, be’ow *
«e>n «! P , he towu lnd P lan of U>e property can be
of*D?ehSi£ l pVi lon I °a *** un^er * , Coed,et*4eofflee
* PaJ tner, Attorney* at Law. Fourth street.
I ittabargh, opposlu, Wtlkin. Hell, or to StndfordC*
Hill, L*q„ Liverpool, who wilt .bow iho property
a tVrm‘ n rVll *? 10 * G » rdot ierrr Nuiery man,for
J y ar ®' acre, of land, adjoining the
«u u6le for gardening. The wloto
dw«m k wilh * boanTfence, and a comfort.
sn.?n»Th!.« * ho “* e . * nd out honse. erected on it
' tociChdAwtdTl J. B
l_y o‘cif> 11
I on consignment by
"T^ARNISH—ai ke« Furniture Varnish;
* nd JJ r '* lß bT ISAIAH DIfcKEY tctl"*’
oc ?“ _ Mi W.icr at
kefa 0R consignment, for sal* by
■jD ACON HAMS—A few casks left, which will be
ocao’* 1 itm ’ 10 c ,SAI A!I dickey A CO
L/nill„ G £?? S “ A Mwrtmrot of Colton and
JLJ Linen Edgings and Laces, Chemiiettei and Col
«E,« P , l, J eb *' lai * by i* 10 «n h «riber in England, and tor
sale at very reduced rates, by
lar ff* »»ri«kv purchased from
the manufacturers, end tor sale mach lower than
luftner pricei ;[oc3b]_ C. ARBUTHNOT
S l * 7 \ 4 ' 5 ’ « Dd a * direct from Oer^
U many, and for sale by C ARBUTHNOT
SVnlt' T ) fREA D— 6CU lbs bleached and Green, bast
Wsitsrn Iniaraaes Company,
THF. Annual Meeticr of the Stockholders, and elec
non lor thirteen directors, to srrve for the en.
w 61 ’ Wl Le ield of the company,
?.,.VJ r tWl b p,!Uhnr *b, on Tuesday, the ltth
«WmM N * T u^t>er; , K ttlo iioars of eleren
«/ cloth, A M. and three o'clock. P M
_ u{,l * rd,d _ i. FINNIEY. Jr^Seeretary.
O ROCEKILS—ion bags Green Bio Coffee, ~
vA V 5 hhds N. 0. Sugar;
ltu hf chests Y. Imperial, G. P„
and Black Teas;
IbO bzs £'» Lump lobacco
.lo kegs (J twist do;
US brl* Tanners’ Oil-
SO brls N. C. far;
tb brls No 1 Rosin:
IDo aides Sola leather
100 dos Qora ’
i,« bU 'X mdow *"’ d ores;
' t m .* "'"PplDff Patter;
.3 bales Batting;
» eerconsa. y. ladieo;
k«g» Nails, assorted;
..... , 1° casks pot Aah;
„;.o * general assortment of groceries for sale by
—_ Robison, little, a co
eOAr A CANWJ3-snb„N.iSo.p;
?!!. / 10 bn Mould Cud Jes Itcii
ing Oft* Bl «»« 18r Laolla, for „, e by ,wlu
-? CU> - . . JAMF.3 DAI.ZELL
O t'UAK A MOLASSES— & wa, S af»r,
. - 50 brli N. u, Moliiiti.fcn
••Vbr_ : t-3|
/"tOFFKK—i.ij .a«Ks ( Ul fca ] o by
'll!l S«coed «t. i
BROO\ls— su dot urthirc for %*J« l.y
- °* a __ JOHNSTON
GLa.nS— 40 bta fcxlO, for tale by
... ocai ffH II JOHNSTON
TJUTTKR—In toll ud keg, Cor saje bv
DRV PEACHES—to non anti for tale by
Ovr conuinicj isi acre*,« nuJei uaa Wood afield.
on the graded road to U» Oaio River, at Puiucjr
vreek and Sardta atront 100 acre* cleared, 30 acres
fiitt rate t-Mioc:, J eweiung !»©■«•,barn*,*ud a large
f, l b Vi I s WOM,d m * ke » splendid stock farm, or
liwoßld diTide to advantage into three farms. u"
a devirsbi* property, and will bo sold low.
_ ALM»,
,*.:7L ai n e,e l .f* cl * of imni hetniifolly snaatedon
be Ohio River, 36 mile* below Wheeling, Improved
and w.h be sold a bargain. Enquire #f *’ ProT “’
r ~ _ UC Second «t
UllLOlliti LOSS POlt SALE.
A iioiougn ..f tfirtoirehaia, (routine on Water and
Umvbatn sirens, oi dtff*rrt:t rjxcv. rroti* twenty to
ewen.y fi*ar feet trout, and trout ninety five to one
bum!red feet deep. '
*1 . „ ALSO,
One lot in .nuth Putbbargh. extending- from the
Kinnuigantn to the Browosvuio turnpike, arid froutinr
ot. eaeh aboil twenty four feet r *
. ot : tf d JS NEVILLE B. CRAIG.
EaßilaL Ola,Ctgnlae Uroady, »»4 p ort
TUI- above articles we Import ourselves, and know
meat to p« pure. Tor sole wholesale and retail by
_... MORRIS ft Ha WORTH,
* In the Diamond.
’I'KY Mom. 1 ,r u «o,ih'> U too porpoonO
A _ I is excellent
PIG IKUN—3S ions No I hot blast Hanging Rock
I ig Iron, lauding from ateamcr Soouatt, and for
.... JAM A. m!TC|II3QN ft CO
SI. 1...U1S M*<*l Houser*yrup Moiasrea—tOO barrels
pruuu uualuy, in bondvome order, for sole by
- oc * ? ' Agents St Loots Sugar Refinery.
PACKED BUrn:K-lHbr:» and lTlien!or »aIo~Ev
_ cr '' H r VON HtiNNHORST ft co y
WINDOW ULASS-ttco t,x. aseonedoH; —'
LHiEKsE—7u bxa for sale by- ”
Carpets. Oil Olottu, *o.
MeCLINTOCK 1. now rnntuuiu, receiving
*> . very inrge uunoeat of C.rpet, * uo CW
C.o:tj», computing inpnn ihn foilowiag vnrietle.
New nnd Rich Style Velvet Pile C«rpei»-
do do T«pe«trr BrusMltdo
« i 0 d ,!L_ * Atooncun Omuelr,,9.4, 7-4, 64, &4,
«*.fP*U | a 3-4 OU Cloth ’
Extra'«uper 3 ply carpcu jsbee't oilcloth, cot to fit
Superfine do do aof tits ball or room.
iuj£ .up'T £
Hn« do do ICbeaile Baas
common do do {rafted dn
4-«, n 4, and a-s DamaiklCbrniik Door Man
Vemuan Coroeta i Tufted ,| 0
1-4. a-4, and Tapettrji Thrum do do
VemUan rarpeti SneepUtndo do
4- 34, 3-*<, and v-4 plainiJenny Lmddo do
.-4 w n n ir:v:r■ 4, 0 . J rt cr m
Vemnan carpet. ; Buff Window Linen
5- cotton I'msjcti Drat. .Ii do
0 4 woolen do Ye:..tian Blind,,*,.
11l 4 <!u do I '
Wooleu Stair Droggett I
All of whi.-b hare been pure lit red item (br impon
ct\ an< * manefacturerv, carapriaJng Uir newest »nd
.irte., which WO offer 10 ouSomorJ .7"
o.n ho putkuoff .n ~.r of iho r.,to„ 01110,. V™ "
thrt Carpet Warehouse, fa Fourth at and ;u Wood «t
T , n«Sp“*;iS:j: b ,b r ' Ui ‘ tei
... , . In the Diamond
We have frequemly bee» told by peraona having
paid tl and Si S 5 per pound for their Black Tea f
to tb#M in the habit of paying iuch bricea. w*
fully aoUeh to try our Tea at 76e per Ib.ajtd iftlaydo
»«*« acknowledge ihemaelvea hating boen moat
mpoied upon, we ar« much nUnakentaa there
S-n it l f Bl,ek I ?‘i Imported into the United Sutea
wkat wc are lelhor at 75c per lb.
The very beat Green Tea wo Mill at SI per lb oeW
NEW’ CODFISH—SUI Ilia pmne?rece'd for aaleby
° : 5156 Llbetty at
IhUTTER—ta baa for family uae.on oonsiinmem,
D for tale by ISAIAH A CO
_ , 1» Water it
Third ureet, cppoaita the Pott u£cc '
London Art Journal for October
Litteir* Living Age, No 3T7;
The Valley Farm, or the Autobiography al an Or
Phan. Edited by Cbarlea J. PV " Ur
- Petticoat Government, a new note), by Mra Trol
T™. e Templeton By Cbarlea Lever
The Iron Maak— (Janas' beat work, coxnDlete-
Life of Yankee Hill. «> complete,
Genevieve; or PleaaanfLovo and Borrow Bv A
Bo Lamar.iae, * ’
Boston Bhak«peare, No SI ocS5
»—2O bjijtm recM and for sal* by
CT Wood at
siarreoi5 ia rreoi color* and uact, for
_toc2?i if LEE .
P U re _? ciTin « * aasorunento
.V’» ~DCjr. , .?. ,Bp , 0 ’ TIP^T? *°<1 Dry Good*, conmt
-2fv to iP yX?? e %,7 Ub ®*' *** Caahmerc ShawU
SUk, UerUn, Thibet, Kid and Daek*kin Gloves; Wool;
is*ntj wonted Comfort*; Alpaca* and Unmtiaz^tei;
Woohm and Canton »Un*eU;'Colored and BleoTheJ
MoJllar, Cassmet* and Caaiimere*; Ribbon* and
h aC i5 ,i »r olu>D . l^ Comb*; Threads and Bindings:
Umbrellas and Drew Bono, Ac.
°/ which, conotry and city merchant* are re*
•pectfnily Invited to examine, at fefl Wood st. »ap2 S
GENTLEMEN'S Heavy Silk Veals and Drawers;
do Fino Merino do;
do Warm Saxony do;
do Plain and Ftg'd Silk Cravatt; -
Fine Shin*, Collar*, and notomi;
S:lk, Cotton, and Woreied Hit*pendera;
Turkey Red llrvrsing Govni;
Pruned Flannel Robes;
Rorsia Bella; Umbrellas;
; Silk and Linen Pocket Udkfs;
Wool and Oackskla Glove*;
Soper Kid and Silk Glove*:
Scarfs, Comfort*, and Momcri;
Jon rectlrcd and for tale by yy EATOR
ftiFotinbai 1
nvlsKß. 1
0 J n t ®* c fc Male*,' etefc fi yem'otd, with
W * M “‘ 1 for tS. Inquire of
Liberty n
•0 do Pitch, on consignment
' J 100 bx« 10x18;
‘ CCSS 30 bxs IWxl4 » e “a*iKTini«ai,ior tale by
H DißH nraw=™rJiafe !¥ V-*“"
I do* fi feet long:
oc 26 1 Jo* 7 feci Inn*. fb r tale I>T
** n,len,ei ‘ , »LctJg 800t t,of nrw \.
'Vi* ,n lhr Robber line, which Will L , Q li
olher eiUbliilmietit in the city ia»i
'*££*•* " d ,0r * xie by UH Will fo 1 ! ‘
—— ——— 7 t 0 Wooq >t
*T) t rS?r^r^ INCS “ ,a Metallic lrdia Hubbei
* m w r ‘ n **-. i«*t received for tale by
■° ego Jtll IMJILLIP9
Metallic ruhbkr CLOTH-a'pcceva rpicn
id aruole, «viuble for carriage pirporei, for »»),
°l J 4 U PHILL!?:!
CANARY SEED—IS baihela for »ul" by T
OPIUM— 1 cue prime Turkey received for sal* by
SOCOTINK ALOES—I original keg, a fine nrjoli
YELLOW DOCK—2 urls irc'd tor sale by '
ARNOLD'S Writing Fluid;
Husband's Magnesia,
Keeler's American Compound;
McMuan'i Elixir of Opium,
McAllister's Ointment,
Pery Davis’ Pain Killer;
Brandreth'a Pills, genuine;
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral;
Smith's Tonfc Syrup;
Wiitar'a Bateau or Wild Ckerry;
Rover*' Liverwonh and Tar;
Bull’s and Townsend's Sarsaparilla;
Ladliun'a Specific;
Oigood’a Chologogue; ‘
Trask's MngneUe Ointment;
Swaim'a Panacea;
Allen’s N. and B. Liniment:
A iresh lot of the above articles jnat received (a
»*le b/ J KIDD A CO
_ cc2> ■ 60 Wood st
Gnxa Klaattc Clothing.
2DOZ. large Capes, with sleeves for riding habits;
6 dor laigo Over Coots;
2 dor Pea do;
1 do* Jsi-.keta;
l dor Panu;
2 do* Leggings;
2 doz Slurred do; rec’d for sale by
7 AO Wood st
W anted to Charter.
ALIGHT Draft Stern Wbe*leo Steam Boat
Fifth at, between Wood A Market
tiHfciilSfc —36ti bis common;
' *52 bx# Cream Cheese! for aale by >
. eeX 70 Water st. ;
To Steam Boat Bnlldere.
heavy Oakland and Howard Twills tail
able tor oteom boat decking or awning, received
on consignment, and for sale low, by
. ISOjWood at.
Ti T KC BUTTER—A prime article, received tor sale
¥?LAXSEED—A few barrels roe Vi for sale by
ROLL BUTTER—6 brU, a prime article, ree*d by
_ oeBs ____ aHBJVER A BARNES
WALL PAPER—A general atsonmentof Eastern
and French Wail Papers, from £_} eems to
per piece, with borders to install, for taie by
_ 0e25 _ _ . . . , *3 Wood at. ;
lli' INDOW PAPER—IOiC rolls at wholesale aad
TY reioii, by loctt] W P MARSHALL
FRIS3H HUTI’ER—2S small kegs family burten
5 brU roll
(l bxs do: reeVl tor-sale by
CHEKSi;— Sun bii pnna Chei»>e;
IM> bxs exira Cream oo.rec’d for naif by
OLD COFPKK—4OO ilia, in store, and tor sale by
joe_« __ B CAWKIELD_
LlfsSF.liD OIL—3O brla in stare, and tar sale by
ocZ3 j B CANFin.n
jplO’PFtiii— l?4 bajp received tor Vote by '
IOa Liberty at
MACKEREL— Sttbtls received for sale by
rp<SBAC(SB-4fiTxT R AR; '
X JO bxa W. 11. Oram's;
100 lira <ut«orted;
23 cues Borrow A Cabinet*: received
for sale by_ 0c23 A CULBERTSON A CLOUSE
FLOUR —SObrls extra family Tfor sale by
Buckwheat sacks f or , a i c D ;
/'"'IIIKESE—ICO bx* for sale by”
WADDING— 73 bales Black, received for sale by
GLASS— ISO bxs assorted, for sale by '
LARD— 25 key* No I,;u«t rreeived foriraleliT
BUCKF.fS-u dozen jusi received for sole by
FULL seven ocuive Rosewood Piano, entirely
new, is offered at a great bargain;
One secondhand <5 octavo Piano,- t~'>
One rtn do H do do so
One do da 5} do do —45
For sale by JOHN II MELLOR
„ _ . , St Wood su
N.H.—A new stock of CSiickertng’a • Pianos now
opentAjr _ _ ocM
BUTTER — 22 pkgs fresh, jail received by
CHEESE— 135 bxs received for sale by
POTASH— A prime ar.iel* on hand, for Vale bv
T OXI SUGAR—tOO baiir-ls small loaf, laudliiV pVr
J_i steamer lumen, tor sain l y
0(185 Arcoh Si. Louis Sugar Retinery.
Alpacca Uosa,
MCRPin A BURCHFIEKD have received a sup
ply of Fall Hosiery, including Drab and Pliek
uasnmercs, Alpaceas. Spun Siie, Ail. 0 e»
TVelslt Fluaaela.
TIffURPHY AHURCHFiF.LP invite tha particular
OA attention of buyers to tbetr superior stork ol
above good*, flying to rones satisfaction on aernum
of tnetr unshrinkable qualities. 0c26-‘
Imdla Habbir Shoes. ~
OR CASES perpetual clow, Metallic Bahtier Shoes
f~. *»•« wiiowlß* kirds: gentlemen',
nnd ladies* Over Shoe*, Ladle*' Baskina, Boots, and
Sandal*, of the nawest style of fcm»h, which wo will
j *e» at the lowe*t ea*iem wholesale price*.
— ocgs _j 7 tc 9 Wood at
GLuvta— 4 cases rent'* IndU Rubber Gloves;
Hesses ladies’ do Wa«h Gloves:
_ror »ale by ocis J t l| PHILLIPS
J HE Military Companies of Pittsburgh and Dinn<n*-
haa, will take notiee to hold themselves in rcadi
ne** to receive and eicon the remain* of General
5? eh V^T* y ! or,, * t * *‘«*>deat of the United State*,
irorn the canal to the Mononrahela River. 1
■L B. M-Cuntx.l, Ald-do- Camp oeill
ROBTNSON-’S Creek and EngiTsa
New Testament.
Petticoat Government; a new novel Bv Mr*
Trollope. 7
The Country Year Book; « r ihe Field, the Forest,
and the Fireside.- By William llowtu **
History of Xerxes the Great. By Jacob Abbott.
The above works just received for *aieby
Fourth A Market street*.
Mb. f. uabbordt. »««
f-. UABBORDT, (pupil of tbe Brit European
.^ l f“ ter V^‘ e . ofNcw Vork,reipcctiiiiiyinforms
the oituent ofPltUbttrfh and Allegheny, that be has
will megxwtlb prompt attention. ocltt
SEED—B brie in eiore and Tor Sale hy
mail Who doe* not appreciate the luxury of an
‘ If D “ y b ®« wo d 0 not “ddre** our
selves to hlui. But to all others wo say, if you wish
H™l*i? er »i l * Tln / »P‘***«*. purchase a box of Jules
Hauel * Almond Pistachio or Ambrosial Shuvlnr
Cf ®* ms - lj »* utterly impossible to hud words
sorib** the feelings of a person who has been used to
,V“ l L WM ® oroluuty »oap, upon making trial of this
for the first urae. It u a combination or wonder ad
miration, and pleasure. 1 "
SSrt'.oft and o| r i C M eri " r .‘ ,Uffe<l
»??«?.!! plia ? le ’Pacing an admirable lather,
and by us extremely mtld nature allaying alt Irrlta
that unpleasant ancHtitf foehn*
mr h l * *° fte* experienced after abav
“£■ P*“ u «“ cn “«“« Jule* Hand's Shaving Cream
® OM P l6rc *u? wind* tm
dSESM-J.u* wlOiout the skin becoming
chopped. And thoie who once use it, we can safely
•a/will never use any other. . y
nrK , uSf*vi d .T Bnu « 0 l wlllch will "be specially ap
i?wmb^.t d?* e wear whiskers, is tho fad
Zm A i! 1 1105 ike beard, which most soaps
Isii «Vih tnn ?- ? T lu,t r appearance to the
* huta> ™. Jules Hauel’s Shaving Creams
are delightful preparations, compounded with skill,
* *s* ■£** exeluaion of al< articles calculated to
render the operation of sharing unpleasant, and will
!** uppreeisied by all who make trial of th*™
Prepared only by
JULES HAUKL. Perfumer and Chemist:
• 1«0 Chestnut *t, Phila. >
For sale, wholesale and retail, by B. A Fahnestock
?, nd Sellers, Pittsburgh; and John Sargent
and J Miteheli, Allegheny Oiry
64 *. 6* OAHEET BT,,
rnimnoH, n 1
TTTOULD solicit the attention of Merchant* from
»» all sections of the country, to *betr immen.*
Stock cf New Fall Good*, comprising the largest and
most complete assortment in the western cour.m
confuting of **»
373 case* best style* Prints*
4® do Imported and American Ginghams-
Parntanttat, and Merino*-
37 do Cashmeres and De Lalna- wer,,,0, «
45 do Batineti and Jeans; ’
29 do Uloilisand Castimere*-
7w do Bleached Muslins; '
-go balaa Flannels, all colors-
A 1 £ s wM&. kr L
L.c«, llo.ltrT Mt(ilo."SS»e
Merchant* are sssuted. from th> > ..
tbia establishment, of always nrfi™£I et, i/ , , ei *’^ M ° r
moat desirable goods, an?at nrW^. Ujo ialf, *t and
than anyeaatem house. Beln* JSH V ow lower
for Urge qaan Uiiea ofl><mnes{le , QftSdt Ct Ji5 et * , *^ nu
tarly aolioit the orderaof n»?Jh2 o .* , r th V P» rtJ eo*
dellrerable in this ditv at rebtnu for
«ld «Un eastern dS&%SI£* ft pr !“
! returning from the en«Lareintifi?) eiU,e, ‘ 6 ° ,n * or
of ihetr stock e in?tied to an examination
; ogfcdim-yp.fcygmq A A MASON A CO
City. b» » T| for m a buatne*a pan of the
octl 7 V - S °A IPK A ATKINSON,
- , rittt il between Wood A Market.
R w£i& R r 7 t^ b *’ a fin ° * ni c le f°' family uie, juM
X# teoelftd, and lor sale by
• *«*■ 130 A 10* Second at.
LAMP OILS—Jam received for sale at MB Liberty
street, extri Winter Strained Spe-n Oil •uner do;
common do, also No l Winter Strained Lard Ott.
CANDLES— Wax Candles, eol’d rnd while Vs A u's
Sperm do 4 s a-d GV
Star do 4*s. S i and 6*f;
Would do;
*• Dipped do; ree’d for sate t-v
POWDER-1300 kega Blasting.'jusi Hn.imr h
GOLDEN SYRUP —80 brli in *:nrr
tfogl J riRTH i Ci*
PIO IRiiN—25J tons Merrer I’ic Ir.r, tereivuia by
o»*l J S DILW ORTH A <sb
O HOT—t'd kegs No 1 Shot.
O 12 kega No 2 do;
11 kegs No 3 do;
3 ken* No 4 do;
2 tegs No 3 di>;
ft kegs No G do;
t keg No 7 do;
lkc* No S do; landing per steam fosx
May Flower, and for sale by
. <>c-a JAS A. HUTCHISON* Co
IJOLL itUITEH-l btl fresh, tins i!,v rccetv.-d f r
XV «Alo_by jooS3] SHRiVMI A CaRN'ES
EUCS— a lot of fresh E>gs, r<-iM for sale bv
f 111 KSTN\TS- a'tew bushels ir store, for «a e '-y
*>«“•« BHRIVER 4 BAn.N.-'rt
CtQtoß Clocks for Mourning.
THE above article, (now to mu*h used for nourn-it;
dresses In place of Boa.t>sr p.«-»i ..fall the ' .t.r.m
qualities, to be had at the store o'
slotirnißg Alpocena.
BOMBAZINE finish. of various cu>-!,i>r* m-l ret‘s
yj_ (OC2TJ MURPHY A l;l HfllVlfLii
Moose do Lolns.t.
Murphy a Burchfield bn- r*e-<i a ur«
assortment of newest patterns, -ertu- e« lowai
ISJc per yard; also. Notarmc Bine, wreec, Mosooji.
Drab, Black, Ae , at low pr-er«. nrf | ’
Superior DlscU sitiaa.
MURPHY A HUnCHFIELD I..tvr tecetred a SBS.
Ply bf superior Ulc»-!r Bilks (~r dresses ani ra.v.-
tillna; also fieured. stuiu striped <tn e ,.^<
fTIWJLLED FLANNELS—2 cases wLlto tw'l ed
JL received this day, and for sale a: ma’iiuaetorcts
Prices, by ii lrk,
\y Litcrty n.
SHA WLb—l case black rloiii, uc roiisirnneiT Tt-r
»»>r bY (cc*3l || v KK
IWVEIiD?— 2 cases assorted colors reo'J t:'i-> dsr
lor sale by locv*3j H LKK
CA9SIMEREIS —1 cases faney, on humi , 'r.n>l for
safo for nerount ofmanuiiieturers by H LF.K
PLAID FI-ANNELb—aca«e« rec'd on ccnri ,, mr.«nt
for anle by [c< ZS] || Ll'.r.
SATINETTS— l case rcreiveJ for «slc by
oo^ l H t.EE
NC^kSLICAR— 03 hlsda prime, jnu rec’d on coo
« slEHment, and for sale by
ocg3 ggl A «V 3 Liberty at.
muapratta* Patent Soda Ash.
THE snbscribera are now recciv.tie. by canal, latm
supplies of Joinea Mnrprua A Pon>* hl*h t»*i. ami
best quality Class Makers’ Soda Ash, which they will
sell at lha lowest market price, for ca«tf or apprnve-4
octf LU-erty sx.
Comer of Market arul Third stteeo
THE course of instruction in this Institution, em
braces Book Keepin* Commercial Ci.n-jioiniiun,
Penmansttip, Lectures on Cotncieieisl Law, and iii
fact every branch pehoinui? to u trLhej mercuiitiio
John Fleming, E*q., author of me Naunra! Boot
Keeping, principal lecturer end teacher cl Cook
Keeping. >
Ladies and gentlemen withing io improv* tti.tir
Penraaoihfp, can call at the Colieja at any hour tim
ing the dny.or evening. r e.’t
Bleaching po\vi>Kß-^3 o a«*,< i!u«pr a iu' t«, (
quality, for tale at for lowan cwtlm pnn« py
/"IUEpSK—tU) bin Cream, jb*>i rep'd ?'or »ais l.v
ccai s a. w harhalcjh
SODA a£ll—3*i casks Kuna biand,tn arrive, for
i&le by [oct-'t] S A W HAKDACCU
I>UTTK3— 7brl* Roll Butter;
9 7 brU parked Jo, just Undlnir fnr«s!e by
Hamilton Cantou Fianacla
MURPIIV A BURCHFIELD have received n Mtp
ply of above superior ariale. c^JI
Hard Palieto vunadi
OF very faandromo pattern* and bright color* re* “d
PAPACY PRINTILMo rose* new style Tail I '7 fit is,
of Merrimack, Ccchceo, SpragneX ThtncirLi*'
Alien a, Clyde, and other food mnnufac'.n'tes jtj*t
opening, for calc by SHACKI-EIT A Wjjn t-;
Cfi® ltit Wood it.
Fancy cassimeres—po pc. fnTr^T^TTTu,
by (o< l«1 HILaCkLETF A WHITE
Ths Great Remedy for Consumption of ih» Lan-”
Affection* of the Liver, Ant.cia, Broncuti-, I'
or Wcakserg of the nr Longs, and other
affections oftlic Pulmonary Organa.-
” » fine Herbal Medicine, enraposed chiedy of \vr j
Coerry Dark and the Ireland Mass, the latter
nliported expressly for this purpose, the rare medical
virtue* of which are sdiu combined by a new chemical
proceos, with the extract of tar—tlm* icnllmi - lrio
whole compound the most certain and’ crtmcinui
f ° r I‘ONSU-' l ‘ 0NSU -' OF
lE/”*lntooilagCorrespondence—Dr. Wjn Y Burks
httfhly reepeeiible-Druggist in imt
delightful vitlape has i formed »a mat ii c , n „. nf
Wiawr’s Balsam of Wild Cherry is nnnHraUrieit
The demaniHfur it Is so eager, ib-t he csn. s-are -’v
kcaji himself supplied with it He hna had mhn .to»r
medicines for lung affection*, some of thews' were
esteemed eood, and tome gave temporary r,-;in' b ut
smee be ha* had Wisiar** Balsam of W iln (ts ciry
namber cf tho most serious cases were ran,nl-ij.'lv
cured by its urr. “I never * Id n mr-lteine«ir* thn
doctor, -tn which I Ud thater::-= confident- pm >
have in tais.” *
lr 1 1 tit... kvhrm-vrr IVuMf'i HaHam of W l!; t
U-rrry i« inirudnte-!. It nt once Mtunu that biefa re
pmatron which, Hro richly ocSrrw-* Whit ran tire
rent ita-sal*. when on every hand ran bo trtu-cp*el
us womlcrfrtl cures’ The cnees Aeitima
recent ftnd dangerouscooghp, inn*’ also ;ho»o tha- nrr-'i
of long -Handing,) Bronchitis or iW.-rnjr.uro nn U J
roVofcS^"'^' 0 Blwasr * «rc-l i yih.s :cr a nrkabi^
. HEREDITARY CON??l : '.J f 'Ttn\;
Cored by Wistsr’s HnUma of Wild r.). r »rv —T3i*
following cotp of Jeietitmh 1***,,... ol Cor-.t/mr*-...-
iu»e of. on- brother* ai-J »uierr i.-i .-.i:- o«>i-
Rurapmui,! is truly wonderu!. (i hm i| us
the afflicted to ti-nke use of ini* rlvi.-ir ren.v'*
when ilin eHr-rung cure.* iihr. tl„- ioi owjr.e; ‘ ’
' Pleasant Ridp<>, unit,,*n/ ( , (%,, Ua
i Seuirnii.«r 27, t^so
J D Paai-DearSir-iule u- liberty of o.lvwng
you of.fie benefit that 1 have derived from the uv of
Dr. Widtar’a Balmun of Wild Ch.rrry. 1 trt, „ r 'o*
trated by that terrible ncourro. Corotumndon,\n .Mar
last. The attack wd* truly horrnving to nr, for Sve
of onr family, tmy trotbre* and • Merj.) Ltd „f
Consumption,. I w«t afflicted w. h nearly nl l of fie
worst festure.3 of the dueaae. I nad a divoessti-c
cough, and expectarhled a great noal of blord heenn
’ever, severe pain* in the ride and chew, cold chill*
alternaung wuh flushes of heat and copious
! wa* under the care of a *fc;’>d Physician, f rom
the lime l;wn»taken mefe until nt.f.pi *lx week* since
liotng then about help:«s,and my friends con^ll^crl^3 ,
my . a*o or atleastbcy,. : u the resell ofoi.r
P ,l i;, l «* sn « *ki I, advised the u*e of Wmar s Bulstn
of Wild Cherry. Withoet my knowledge m
procured it, nnd commenced adroLustcruic it to roc
ami from the first day that I .-oronenced taking ft, ror
health improved, end in lw,.wA;k. from f.e itroct
commenced uilng it. I was be out and oven-t-i
mt, business and Übur. which I Ktil rsniinae to do
I have taken four bcltiea of the medicine, ami row
. onsider myaclf perfectly well. \ make .hi» «u.
ment tq imlace other, that arc mih.-rod aa i have been
“ V 1 S»l>>o. Ol Wla CH,A/
which remedy has. under the L!e>-«ing of Frovi. e „ t „’
restored my health JKHEAIIaII UtifUGU
Still further evidence of the n tnatkable ocrauva
properties of this icenjmst le p'rc!<aratioi::
... nassflvillc, Brnwn-co O.ABrSI.iSIJ
Mj«sr. Sanford A Parka-Gemiem-n-Airout six
l iS c * ,Tedo l? rf Wi«iar’a Uaf.oci
of Wild Cherry, hut wiih roroereluetarceoc mr nan
for th« reason that I had been ibo agent n* so m ftnT ‘
Pius.;and other n<*virums which were cmekeo un’io
be acuue thing wonrt»rtttb hut wh’irh lanied ,mi fn tte
end to be ofno.acconm whatever.excepts
f.cturcr. But I candidly admit that this time I ha- •
pecfr deceived! for the aitraorduisry cures effected
by Wistar’sßaUam have coavim-ed me tbat ••rood
can Come oat of Naiareth. 1 ’ Your agent left etc on
doten bottles, which arc ell gonc-bavtng been the
mean* of curing .eversl ob«tluair caae* of Coneun.-.
tiott—.and no mistake; for what I -ee ar.U know I S T.
boond to believe. One ease in particular:—A vo.a.
gentlemen in .Winchester, Adams county rj
miUa from this place) wav cu*ed of Cooaatnn<> 0 n
when the doctorv ban given him up. or nt i ru t coiua
uo -nothing ior him. and it wa* the intention or u
friends to convey hhn to ynor city and nlsre ui ~
underthe care of v.tnc eminent pfty*ician\he-e- hrV
a friend told him of Wuur’s Ital.sra, and ihat hi
coa^ d r^ ain ,i of me: he * cm befortthi
aecbnd hot ie wi. gone be was sound and wei| i
attending to his every .lay hu..n«*. a,
several for the ntedieir;.. it would be w ‘
,o forward an adHitional aupply with QQ : delav ° We '*
Very respectfully joor», *'
The above, from L. b’fhl^tSS,
tha great merit W Wi.ur'a Wild B 4 H^ Qb,Cj
tribute to tie'corahvV w!it WJl %si^ r °r lai!,ir7
Wild Cherry, f-om E H?n sV i» “<
Michigan, who U TphyKn b f ,^^ nl ?
an-exiensive 7 of ■landing, ac«J
To tho umnStSfSS* s v.H2’
erts, of this village, th*ee or l '' ‘ Rr "*
prottninoii, ami ae.em.j haM-,u. i f V PJI: sf<,!l
SSST« •*
2 ? e *i°L VV On -vm of Wrol Cherrj:
tinrtA^ ,^, Sanf ' T d*Fn T k—Gcm* Asa cutter of jo*-
S I C “' 1 would offer ibr foLcwme sutemeU of a
yie effeexd by jour module , known a* lYuur'a
ct " nil Cherry In the eprieg oMM?,Ky
wire was severely attacked wnti l^ripncamouia, of
rteunsy, which resulted m a d—p seated painictbo
Mae, accoropuqied with a severr ccueh; she was hi
-tCuOed by soma of i) ie |,e»; phy«u-ii,ii* iu Chicago, i.nt
.10 no purposi. fof week* she suf;-:red; withoat rebel,
coogfatnc iucei-santly r.iglu arc day I rarer to tbu ■-
conclusion 'hat ull the remedies known to the pbysi.
cittns could not help tier, and itnioeed to uy ynuj
' Wild Cherry. I procured ote Louie, and commenced
using it accordirtg toi2ireriton<: before tiwsaaii got*
the cough slopped, the pain 111 Ur.r side left her an<t
with the aid or another bclb'e she was rAstnrciltn per
fect health. In Consideration of eiicaumanrs*
I would reromreend it to the public a* a valuni.i.
medicine. Yoarv,respectfulfy. H N GaRRaTT
Grand Rapids* Michigan, October y.
fry Price SI per boitie— a'x* for 83.
Sold by j h PARK,
’ (SaecevwofSarf'ird ar-d Park)
'Fourth and Walnut streets. Cinneinnati.Q.Uio, general
Agent for the Sooth and West, to wiioui all orders
oust be tulilreisid. ;
L Wilcox, jr,-James A. Jenra, J. Kidd A Co. B a
KaDneslork 1 Csv, Pittsborgii: L. T Ruuell. Wmv,
ington; W. H Lymberteit, Franklin; L. B.
Uniomown; H. Welly, Gfeoiwburgb ; R. Koontz m 6
meiHei; Fcoit & Gtimore, Bediord; Deed tc. Son liVi
iogdonjMri. Orr, llelltJaysbufK} Hildebrand a r
ludinna; J. IC. Wright, Kitthimtng; Evan, a ,v*
ilrookviJle; A Wilson A Son, AVayneebargb fleFu '
Und A Cn , N. Ca lender, .Mendvilb*. DortonA r '
Kne, Grahsra A Porker, .Meierr: James kt. .
Ho.ler; S Pmitb, Beaver; J. H S uu , rei - ri *. U-f ‘
F I. AC S. Jcces, Condenpurt; p riobksr i„. Tfcn
Brcwnavlllu, uciHiJAvrim# !“t>»or.