The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 30, 1850, Image 2
THE FITTBBU t uii GAZETTE, PUBLISHED BY WHITE & CO PITI'HUPROH WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCT. 30, ISM. HyiiTitium arecornetuy reqneneatonana in their favors before sr. a., and u eerly inthedav u Irsetleable. AdTerJienems colimcncJ for a tpeci •4 time will invariably be charged until ordered obi. a Palhxs u Agent tor this paper at his evertl sgeneiea m New Roik, Philadelphia, and , Boston, and ia authorised lo'reeelve subscriptions end advertisements for nn. CTPniuomiru Woatn A*xaiC4S.—Adveru*e jeenw end auboeriptions to the N*onh Amonem and United State* Gazette, Philadelphia, received »nd for* warded from this office. 47*8EENEXT PAGE FOR LOCAL MATrKRS TELEGRAPHIC NEW> tr. luaots Framots.—lt tf aisled, that at the pres* eat time, there is cot e Ricking institotion In the •tile oftDlinoU, yet she iaaurrounded by Banking slates. The consequence is, her currency is rage, instead of the hard chink. Her farmer* handle little else in the shape or money, than the promir es of the banka of othor Slates. For this privilege they pay annually not less than sis hundred-lion* taod dollars. Her neighbors, by mesns of bins issues, treble and quadruple the amount invested —miking their capitsl pay them IS to 25 per cent, and Illinois pays them this per centage on every dollar the handles ef their issue*. the cnrreacy of this Stinrto be ten millions, she pays to other States and their capitalist* snootily ia the shipe of interest, not less then $500,000. "QaaTirTi-’io"’ Svsotacle all abound. —Tte Charleston, .Ve., Free Press, noticing the reiurn of Mr. Tsylor, of that place, from Hsrrisborgh, with his fugitive slave#, surrendered to him uoder the new fagitivo slave law, remarks: * 4 Il was somewhat a novel, though grsiifftxg rptctaclt, to iceisro fcgiuve slaves, nomewiro boned, under the chsrge-Ofofficers from a free Slate.” The editor-of the Pennsylvania Telegraph, ic remarking upon the above expression of triumph, says that he believes that all the officers coacern* ed from Pennsylvania, were not less gratified with the business than our neighbors of Virginia. Id (he first placa, the commitsioner got h:s twenty do'ia'S—ten dollars In each case, which would have been reduced in five had the prso! not beet bo dear as it was; and the other gentlemen were exceedingly weli pleased wnh the trip and the hospitality shown tbein, but especially the per diem and mileage. These reciprocal sols of kind. voluntarily as our enters- eays, • I "gratifjneg.” We are alio gratified to learn tram Colonel I*oycr, that the negroes were exceedingly grati fied upon their return to tbetr friends and families; •ad the delicious climate which they had- incau tiously left. How gratified should we all bs for such' 1 grati fying” results. Still, the benefits of the law, we fear, do not fall exactly like the dew o( Hermon. upon all alike, if we were to take our faithful colored friend and servant, Jeemcs, who is now employed in rotating our press wheel, on a trip to Charleston. should we be .gratified by having thi use of his services there, daring aur sojourn 7 , This Is s matter we should like co have luoke din to and remedied, so u to have him return to ns if forcibly taken away, without extra expense tc our pockets. The “Wosw? Rioirrs ” CoxvEjmos..— AVe learn from the Boston Traveller, that thUCooren tioo,_which has been holding at Worcester, cloeed its semioni on the evening of th\ 24th instant.—\ In aoQe ot the resolutions and speeches, very sen sible ideas were advanced in relation to woman’* true character, and measures tbit few will deem irrational, were proposed forsecuring to heha prop •rpoiiUoa in society. But iu the bands U such persons as took the lead in this affair, who j ai way* press forward the measures of reform id which they interest themsclve* far beyond the extreme ol reason, it was to be supposed that the subjet t would be run into the ground, and that whatever >f good there might be in the movement, would te over shadowed by their fanaticism and folly. The ad deeea of the lady who presided, setting forth the ob jevti of the Convention, was on able doc amen Land . dmnanded some things for woman to which she i> jutfly entitled. But the lone of the remarks made , v byMn~Mou, in'Commeutmg upon this address, indicated pretty decidedly that the spirit by which 'jjV* leaden of the movement were actuated, was moat unwomanly in its character. This Ihct was abundantly demonstrated in the course ofjihe ses sion, and before it closed the whole sabjeci of wo man’s rights had been made perfectly rididiloos The proceeding* were conducted chieflJ by the fanatias in their usual manner, impracticable and - Utopian ideas were advance; the laws o’! nature were set at defiance, and an attempt w*« Lade to unsex woman by placing her on an unnatural •quality with man, and makiug her a coJperaiur with him in ail the movement* of society. [ Tin St. Paul, (Mix.) CireoxicLx, cf the Uth io»t, ny» that John H. Quinby and Ztber h.'Pelem. chief and council man of ihc 3ujckbridge» T in •Wkeonaio, hare retained from iheir exploring trip up the St. Peter's nrer. They were delighted With the country, and will make preparation lo rt’ more and settle in soma pan of the Atinnwoia ter ritory. In exchange for their townships ol improv* in this section, Government has agreed to • fire them two townships of unimproved Jandisje* lotted from anyonoccupied U. S lands; to remove them free of all expense, and to give an acnoitv ot 82000 for ten years. Tho Stockbridges number abwit 200, are educated, and have adopted tho bib its and coatnme of the whites. Among maay im pfOTßoecla now gowing on at Si. Pauls is a new Presbyterian church, the first tower of which is raised, and the spire wnsto go tip io a few day*. The lower ball on the steeple is one hundred fori from the ground. The structure »of brick and oi capacity to accommodate 2000 persons. Speokmg of it, tho editor of the Chronicle says It is a noble evidence of Eastern -liberality oml Chrutian spinLandsiiouldany who have mi generous y contributed to the erection of this temple m the tar North west,ever in their wanderings ee tempt ed lo view the seenenr ot the Upper Mi«ts«ippi, a* they approach »L Paul, the hr*( object tbnl will gTeet their eyes will be this hraren pointing spire cf their own erection, which will be vaiWe from .many miles below us. Stadi ard CtflA.—The International of Madrid 6 slatement of the Spanish Naval force which is intended to occupy the Havana Station for tbr Ptmoctjon of Cuba. It is composed of the Sobers- M i ; the frigates Eiperanra and Peria, of 41 guns, and the Cortes, of 32 guns , the sloop of war Colon, of 10guns; ibe brigantine* Habanrro, Patri cks, Pelayo, Nervion and Villaricencij. counting together 7G guns; the schooners Habenera, laabe: H and Soanitta, numbering 14 guns; five tugeera 1 carrying 1 carronade each; five Meiraers, two *»f 6 guns and 300 horn? power; two of fi guns, aud ICO hone power; one of 2 guns, and 100 horse power composing a total of 23 wastes and 320 guns. In addition to these, there ira strong addition to the . land forces already collected at Cadiz, atd ready to tall. ®**®*am asp Prrrsßuaoa Kail R-jad.— 'The Cleveland Herald has a long and very interesting ■Hide on the present condition and future pros poctaof this great read, and the very snperior and fnomhing country through which it pastes. The rota will be open for travel to Ravenna, forty by the first of December, and will be Co- Med to the Ohio river by the first of July, ISSI Tto Iran In ntt boo,ln .od p.ld far, .od the rood It built wilb Tor, ilijlit curre., will, li,bt grade., and la the most substantial manner. The St. Louis Republican says that the Terre Haute and lllinoiitown mil road project i. exciting a great deal of inrerest among the people 0 f the counties through which the road is likely to p* M Om portion of the State, we understand, u m fVvor / of its following the mute ot the National" Hoad through Vandalia, dec., to this point Another lion desire that the road shall be constructed dawn the Wabash, on the Indiana aide, through the town «f Tork or Darwin, and tbence cross the rirer. At . these points, they contend the river can be more n •Uy bridged, and that it will carry out the policy cf Illinois, in building up a large town in Illinois at the point cf crossing. If this rout ahonld be adopted, it would pass through the counties of Clark, Craw ford, Jasper, Clay, and Marion, to tho town of Sa lem, where it weald inlersest thsjiroposed railroad fro® St. Louis tcrCmcinnati via Vincennes. Meet, kigaar* being held along this route, and Dr. Mitch* . eland J. B. Richardson, Esq., have traversed it , io vialxing our city, and giro very flattering ac counts of kspraeiicabQrty and superiority. ! We do not pretend to know which la the better '*■ A survey should bamadeand the beat route M. bo selected. At all events, we trust the io g will be so made aa to' “secure tho greatest p the greatest number,” and enlist the hearty relied of the people of the counties throueb pass- St. Louis is only anxious •bad shall be built, but has no feeling as to . ttar location* IUrxAL orjins Puomvx B:u-~*Wc talc tr.c 1 Wfodriag^triwßlheiUchmoad,(V*.,) WJ»tg, as a '■peatmen''of.'the spirit displayed by the -calmest portion of the Southern paper*. The Whig takes decided ground in favor of the Union, and against the aSeders. After slating a determined effort will be made at the next session to repeal this Uw, the Whig remarks as follows: ‘'lt is needless, we feir, for Southern pipers now to remonstrate, with the Northern peoale, and warn them or the inevitable and fearful coose oaescen which must result from persevering in such a course. The time for that may have at* mart p»s»ed. Oar remonstrances arc unheeded, onr warnings treated contempt. The people of the Sooth may have to consider the grave and im portant question of repeal a* an iasoeabom which, wheo once fairly made, ihew should be on disa greement If aanfficient majority can be.found to repeal the fugitive liw—then, in our humble opinion, ihe vaJue olthe Uoion will be tpeedily calculated. If « majority of the people deliberate ly violate a right seemed to os by the constitution, it will be impossible to ma'nuin with them peace ful and fraternal relations.- The repeal of that law wonld in effect be a declaration on the part ofthis North that they wcutd no longer observe that provision of the constitution—and the com pact of Union would at once be broken by their own deliberate act The responsibility wonld re main with them, and the deep and dark stain of Nullification wonld rest upon an. entire people.” The Athens Banner, published sundry letters from counties in Georgia assuring the editor of the strength of the Union cause. The editor says: “It is no! longer a mailer of doubt that the people of ilia op country - of Georgia will sustain the adjustment by an overworn' l *? msjoriiv.—• Thecanse of the Union ia literally sweeping eve* ry thing before it.” The Syracuse Journal states that a negro named William Harris, with bis wife pnd infant .child, re cently made their escape from their master in South Carolina, and were aided on their way to Canada by various persons. While on a einal boat from Albany going west, some of the crew auncynd jnd alarmed them by telling them their master was sfur Jh£jp. They carried on this for some time, simply lor bat gieiily to the distress of the fugitives. They finally a rated the negro in the night and told him bis owner was 1 on board and granted him. Ho jumped out ofbits berth, drew a dirk, sad them all out. Ia the morning he was told his muter bad left the boat, bat wonld meot him at Syracuse. in tiio evening, a* the boat slopped at Lodi, a number of person* came on board, and Harris was told that bis object was to seize him. la bis desperation be seized a ra*or, gad drawing it forcibly across bis throat jumped tsto lio canal. His wife with their child in h«r arms jumped after bin.- Efforts were then made to rescue them. Harris and his wife were got oat, bat the child was drowned. Tub IteaaaauM Rircnra.— The Albany Even, ing Journal of the 22 inst, publishes a translation of a letter written by General to the f{on. We. H. Seward, dated New Buds, PseaUr county, lowa. We qaoie iron* it Uie following extract: I date roy lett-r from my new home, from the place which 1 have chosen for my fetuily and for my compatriots who havcioiibvrcd me. We have found a fertile regia* end a wholesome climoto.— For the rest, it depends upou our caref"l industry, which will not fail. If ihe magnanimity of Con grass would not veurhsafo to us the Ullc of t\ip land upon which we have settled, wc should be happy men ; for, alter so much of misfortune, after having lost a beloved country, found roll* uves and faithful friends, we indulge no high am -bilion. You were the first to concern'yourself with our iotercsls in regard to our emigration. Gar hearts will always be gratefully devoted to you. Permit m i to solicit your further benevolent attention to the subject. \ Prof Hood, (a a communication published in the Bos.onTraveUer.coscornifig'the great meteor of Sept. 30, says that his attention was called to this phenomenon by Miss Jenny Lind, who, htppsn ing at the time ol its first appearance to be looking at the planet Saturn through the grest equatorial telescope, nearly io tho direction of the meteor’s pith, was startled by a sudden filth of Jigb*, no doubt much concentrated bf the power ot the tlata; probibly not more than a second of. nmr intervened before the .meteor exploded. From observation made upon it, it is ascertained that tho vertical height of this meteor above the aer. fate ot the earth via about fifty miles, and its dis tance from Cambridge one hundred miles in a northern direction. - . . Peaches o« Havaha—A letter from Havana,. dated Oct. 3, says: * The first peaches ever open ly exposed for sale here, I saw jihis morning.— They came ifi ice from Boston, and were in tolrr* nble order. Price 12t cents each. I am mistaken if this does not bring them oat in atundanee next season. It would pay for any possible ripest? of parking.” Tbe New York Journal of Commerce, alludiru to the eon-inlercoarEe spirit of the South, tsys • “A merchant of this city, largely to the sboc trade, estimates the valno of ahees annually sent Sotrh from New Y*rk atone, at 53,000,000, Allotrir g $4O at the average value of each case, the numbe r ofcmßej sent during the year, at this estimate, is 125,000. Boston and Philadelphia scad, perhap*, as many more. The trade was never more Asur ishiog than U has been during tbe current season. Prom which it may be inferred that ‘non-intcr coaree’ is not the prevailing policy at the South, jaet yet.” Cavino lx —A correspondent of the New Or* leans Daily Delta, writing from Plaqncmine, Oct. Istb, says that the caving of the river bank at that place is still extending up stream. There is 'as opeo'Dg through the middle of one of tho etreeti, as tar up as the Planter’s Hotel, and tbe destrro tioo cf tU the building* on oae square ia expccta-t. the principal sufferer is a Mr. Binel, who will loto five new brick stores, including his hotel. Slavs ExciTAMerr at Drraoir Brora— Shre Bought.—& correspondent of the BufTtiu Conner, writing from Detroit, October JStb, stales that the cegro excitement Las somowhst subsided. The military was, on Fridsy night, withdrawn frora ’.be jail yard, since which lime, a police baa b» en on duty. On Saturday a Urge meeting was held, at which the Mayor presided, end speeches were made by the Hon. ILS.Bitighim, Messrs. Joy end Emmons, and others. The meeting was larg snd enthusiastic. Yesterday, a subscription qf five hundred dollars was raised for (he purchase of tbe negro. It was headed by JI. Ledyard, son ia law of General Class, with fifty doMin.— The negro was, last night, released from rnsfojy, sod be wei realty in doubt what course to decide on. Ho said be hid always been treated in tbe k ndost oianoer.and tegretted (hat ha had caused all this excitement. llis owcer, wno isabrotl. er ol Hod. Mr. Rose, of Geneva, paid ell rxi-ca sea, to the amouat of about two hundred dollars, pocketing the three tmndred dollars aa (he value of the alive, and left far Lome. So the great insurrcvtida has at last ended. Pojtc—The steamer Planter arrived last ever • ing from the Hindis river, with one of the larxn.l cargoes ever brought out of that river by a regu lar trader. Betide* a large amount of dry g»de, -fife., she bad 210 pieces marble; 40,310 i« tof lumber; 2,000 aacka potatoes; 2,000 tacks wheat, corn, sad oat*, and 2,499 barrels pork. Tbe pork we conceive to be tbe last shipment from that river (hi* season: and, perhaps, a much larger amount than will be received from any other quarter until the new article begins to make its appearance. The lot wa* bought io the early part of tbe season on speculation, and goes directly forward to be sold id New Orleans or the Extern markets. It ia now going eo board the nearner Atlantic for New Orleans, at the rate of 7f>c per bbl freight— St. limit Rep., 2lsr. Ths American Girl's Song. Oar hearts are with our native land, Our song is for her gloiy: Her warrior’s wreath ia m her baud, Oar lips breathe out her story ; Her lofty hills and valleys green, Are shining bright before ua, And lika a rainbow sign ia teen Her proud flag waving o'er us. And there *to smiles opon onr lipa, p For those who meet with freemeo; For glory* Mar know* no cclipto. When Bailed upon by woman: For those who bravo the m'gbty deep, And acorn the threat af danger, w«ve cmlioa to cheer, and tears lo weep tot overt octet* raeger- Onr heana arc with our native land, Our song* are for her freemen. °«F! aT !^t.* Id L ror ber ffriUut band, wTfc? ,l ? e . whe « leads them. Wo lore tbe taintless air we Trt freedom’s holy bower • WcM twite for him an ccdlcn wrcaifc Who ecorna a tyrant* power. They tell of France’s beauties rare Of Italy’s proud daughters, ’ .Of Scotland's lassies, Eoglsnd’a tafr. And nymphs of Shannon’s water*. We need jol bora, ,hair, cbzrnc, Though lords around th*»n hover* Our glory U In freedom’s arm*— A freeman Car a lover. Lii’f firm, S isninr Cooper. —H.-K. Jtifj. »s«r.i—T:.- \v riofilpciri. tal ot Fcnnsjlvacla. 'l.Tirtf horn . COO . , ou , c.rly fnenO., »od jodrcoomo, u ite Whu UoucJ F.Ute« Scn.’.o, tom PonMTl _ionU, oa all suemtonaorpoblic poller,rcanocirally iovoo yoo lo pailaio ot a poblie diuoerot lho W.ahm«ton Hooao, in Eamaiotg, « , ach up-o reurrclmn from Washiogion a, may ao.l yoor convenience. With great respect, your obedient rerv is ~ „ SAM. D. KAKNS, and others. To the Hon. James Cooper. WAiamoToti, SepL 30, IS3O. Grnllcmpa—Your favor of toe 27th mat., ex preuing your approval of my conduct in relation to the great questions which have agitated tho country during the session of Congress now obont to close, and inviting me to partake of a public dinner at the State capitol,- reached me yesterday. That auch a testimonial of approval and confi dence, coming from my parly friends, to. whom \ am Indebted for so many nets of generona kind* °e«, was received with emotions ot grateful sen. tibility, 1 need not assure you. In pursuing the course which baa drawn forth this gratifying ex pression of your npprobition, I wai vnimtted ay the desire of promoting the best intsresta of ihu enuutiy, by conribuiingto (he fjeaeivati&a of the Uo'.oa, put in peril by a Sectional controversy i which eonld result in good to nobody, while it tended to the Injury of aIL My object was lo al lay strife and quiet a controversy subversive, of good understanding and kind feelingn betwoentbe different sec ions of the country ; and to know j that my motives were understood nn4 spprecist. pd by my Triads mojo than compensates for any misconstruction of the few who pretend to *eu in the courte winch I pursued an abandonment of the principles which it was mv duty to rotiaUin. In vindication of my conduct ia supporting the measures adorned at the present session of Con gress, it would perhaps be aufiicieal lo state that I i>al followed the example of Millard Fillmore end Daniel Webster, well known to the yhole country for their integrity, wisdom, and elevated patriot* ism. But na no example, however illustrious, would have (sharped my course, 1 seek shelter . from responsibility behind none. My course w*a -rur Minn*,. dictated by my heart, approved by niy judgment, ! ihl |i,L and pursued nafalteriujly and Without hesitation. 1 ! " e “* ,hp '’lmmcler, its Conner-- I iuquired not what would ho its ©ll<?h ur ; >a tn «.; "'" h - ,lPadlant, t 01 'he cohm, us> drift, ita eel'. I looted only to the Hale if tbo r-juniry • ** ri , 1,1 *'b?rnl*on, Ar<- , form a body of prac snd the threatening aspect oJ the ctmroversy I dl ‘•.nim.-'d only by cltwe waging between its different abctiODs. 8? lh-‘«e \ f ” w k u,, J'‘’ ! "* a!S ' an<l lJ,e hoatoflit my course was determined, end If they do not I ‘ >'?,wK» P< *i"' a , * ort °l , k Cl ’ ru,-;l-Ji . iu.lificalioa far it, lon plead no olho. j E,™ Purh m™! I, they please, of the dangers wnieb menat-crtl iho |, avi . ;naf i,. M ... , h . r ~, . } ? rt^sS’ i'nbn. They, wp. hoWnoo ih. lot „ , !1 KSJ nor was the duty of patriot* to provide agaiuii panted by a n-t of men knrj-,- -, p.a ‘-ice Masters ” hera any the leas tiered. and •• looked upon ii la i u e territory acquired from Mexico, by th«- t-. » »..:»? .-. u ,v \\v have aone.- treaty of wuadalupo Hmdalgo, a cow twmpsi! of Hiv- ""•«<. «.t ik*. .< f„rn»hrd by the stnfe hod been added to the subject of a oontro- tioya! ia»prru>r, at I> *.<•«., ,1, n^j. versy bitter enough before. The North undated h ™ c m. .iu|*.*-*.k ,m «r. n- .m.imle of 7:i degree* IbM ea this territory .was free u-ben It became *‘ nd thereabouts Save I'arrv once by once, no ope ours, i ought to remain so; the Sooth, that as it Il “* »ucce«9tulty neh.rvud mvjrvm hr, upon a had been acquired by acommoa effort, tod a joint ’ prynd "'tempt. wa» be>»-[ nn>l taped The wimlmg expenditure of treasure tod blood, it ought to be w . err * ** y Meiviliv Ha,, i >d ,t (.: a pe Yorke, to jjfrided by a lin« T on one tide of which the inrtw ,hl ‘ Northern <-d«e *tf i:,#* IV-1., along the vacant tutioii of slavery ijiyqld le recognised. The 1 r. pac * k I ”T Pn ' ’ d "v J) “Qd 77 deg., North required a legislative Jirotoufoi, the Couth TV 1 , ."A he ?\ a ' 4 , , ' l ' r ' rll ’• Fller « legislative rtrogTiiiton of ibo institution. Hero !,‘f" lhp • necemtly tie wm «t i..ur, neither w„ ! J mr „ r f nl ‘j h „ r pll*"^ willing to yield soy portion ot it* claim, la tbo .'uauHi You muni n,i u „ ,1 * , cinllict men’s minds became iofi*mtd| prejudices ,we have stitiered any iMmi .iur ll h,‘i- ' o grew daily more iowerite, moderate counsell , ihe contrary we parity our einennee vrefo St.'orned as the offrpnng ot ccwtrdly tppre- j For a time u wu« tavorabie \W made forty h/tnrion, and fora whle “dough fores" wa* a ' miles westward m nearly eaen water bol soon term of creater reorsach than that of • lr»itorsireanw of .«>« louru.', Uom the main barrier Atlhisalsge of lie vonroveuy, wbcu urtn tar* ‘-Lrie-«t iLci->c'vr. tej ; ,re u, we plunged derpdr goiitjg men became alarmedii the dangers whicu «fus deeper mi.. ,|.,p,u,i , j oiosied a* \yu thr»;4iepr{J tbo Union—not with suddro over- -Hilvjtnced, ami the mrly u...rmt,« „t the Sth foiuul throw or violeut digrtjplion, tut with the gradual f <-t as a flv > ucwl\ varmsbed unloosening of the banda which hold it tpgulher, and the waiting away of in strength by the wiii, . MIAR fiF.Vii/s Tu.\i;i: h„ drawal from it of Ifce reaped and affections oi the ‘ n Pn . then wm a h.>n*nn of i e rov people—lie “compromise Bill,” and ill comply ered wr Tlm'iv. ;,.-, a sirikitt* laod ptent, the Fugitive Slave Bill and the bil« abolish- mark <>t mdi.i - . tK-f„re us a mon tog Uw Sjave Trade in the District of Columbia., mm-u: i.i t .ur i a • were Introduced lJ c committee consulted for Now: nine .m.. pm. ~t . ham and saw. tin* the purpose. ; »*« and ihr w.txJ.a..,, |,r unv ro|«- Jn d the warping j Tnere bills provided for the settlement ofali the o4ws».*r r.nuir', wcr.- u.r ii.-kino of ihe rapsuu iquestioos directly or incidentally at issue between t*a vv '*. “ti«l the spl.ruijr* ~i i:,.- main brace. Bends the north and.the south. The compromise till, »f;er — la «v*. ,-t wairr • i.. ~p«ii .-unrtnntly. months of discussion, was defeated by a Strsoge Headiug *tui W.»I. rvcrv .In) l..mui u.» deeper in Amoiactioa of those yyho regard slavery as an m- ,lirai! ' an “ '*' hr ‘ l w ° Wrrt * to congratulate stitotian of HeaTco, and those who «*a ccarcclv pun'elvw.inust on our p:. v. <• round to williog to admit that the constitution can protect ■~ t ' c * ll ' l lo, ‘* riJ '*-■““** a { u» over the il,e«n in Ihe Slalcj In nrhicn it emit One el " '" ru " lo ' “• *n m- Ihe mnil remnitnbie. if no. Ihe mo.l of !, ,« o!„ v J ."" ? ’ ' .rarrely raryin, ths feature* ofthe centroveny, was this combi. 1 . r " nstioa of men of extreme opposite opinions. ' al Ju.v l 'i : iia m ihc pa>*k » formed for the purpose of defeating the on’y j---'ic Ju vto i.y uri. tii.rircu light*! .<•< 03 15 W. prarticablu measure Of adjustment wh .-h had , 1 ' ,J |V ‘ II the pack ■ 1-i .'A 2ti N. been proposed. It oantfcsied a >a s.!« , h,,v '' - d U’ ■ 'V vene to reconciliation, and hoatife to tbe Lfiiiun. . <n -n.ia>»o. \i Bat, happily,in the end wiser and more patfiojir counocls prevailed; and measures which were cc i am .. r. fitted when combined, passed when they were »!n r w.> iku' in pack, oar tunc did aspirated. That patriotism and attachment m ainn.'cirt«.r u ; p i-hme. We arc, on the tJaiO.n were quickened and Iccreaacil bytte b-iard. u fcnmi.mi.m* ..ti <* i>aod of t>n.lhcr». our ircroasing dangers, is proved by the ftet that 1 a P la '° ul happy i.'mnrrcmmi, and dupoaed lu Northern Senators who refused to auptort ibe V 1 , *,‘ >th * r ‘ happv h,?a u her- vanery u compromiBe'‘ afterward* voted for its eepsraie “L , !° f T '' , y r " *-;* n ?';‘ *w 't"» think crovisiooa, thongh moditjed adversely to the ir- 'l 1 !;'' 41 ! * ’ 11 , ull ‘ * Qd icriMJ of the North. These.mea*urr», with tne i r ‘ l ’* lu,,, "'r m num exception ofthe Fagdive Slave Bui, I supported chaoc. over rwl* n-i-rr’t with such fcebla abiluy as I possessed, helievinv « n d exru«me«i. Y..m u,»i‘ ,-k n ..- hrr™fle! l.'J that by so doing, I was promoting ihe welfare of *, m .. „f ta y n rtvc-,i...,-« 5n .l but 1 w-uo >. me country and the true interests of human free, uv ,□ tai» catrem- .m.,t i; 1B i I ,-aonu get thru.uh com. That theae interests are bound ap iq toe , with what i mwt *ay. i i ■(,.<„ P n,»ode I Union, and dependent upon ita preservation, the i twF XPPsTHP<t «-ji a v.'w ; wildest r.otucUm will hardly deny. It* dump- I , , . rUfc W ™T!!E,I UlANufcri. tioa would belha death-knell of American liberty, . ast t np - clo, l tM *cby continued pathos of the bn •nd the harbinger of iniermtqable wara. ' r ® n,e,rr - by regular .h crctr.eoti. foretold a - r . , change in the weather On il,r rvi-nmc of the 2Sih B'jt vine tbo prMorv.l:on of ibe Ua;oa. rich io ,to Icoj. bogan u, opon. , L.„«h fo.ior b.Si' g.onous memories and fraught with K»ooon» an.und to trie fo-i d r „vr tt , ihrocch theduea nope*, claimed the first ard moat anxtons of ins Tnnpiuv wafer u. :,.c N.vriMvjrd to «y nothing Lumb’e efforte. there was another object accoudiiy <" *>ui ti.rcc wc-k , dt:rc h s, , ainiri ] a change of in point of importance lo my coattliurnt.n io u..s v.ew« nuii our « .»nfsc w.iij Ui.-m, «Bd by the greai primary one, in v-hicli all others are invt.iv> mornme m Ui P .cuti. j.-r . u . ir.-u-d tiJi'nevrnhHe-w : cd. It via the necessity ofaeeanng protection to water »pia«h*-.l ar.air.l .-or docttiic cosiest tho rampetil'oa of foreign lai»<-r. * «'pn"' , n:r.;;y jn<- n. i, ; u*»Dy pacts with Bit anch depending upon legislatioo ncin»ivp ob'errs - . lce moreu.eoi*. could ooly be obtained by tbeco operation ofNortb Myjournal will >••(. * <?iccp:uiti !o aod South, and inch co.operatlcb was not to Le im iiutivcil rai- 1 * vi:i r« rif i :.i foetn. In one expected while they were arrayed against eicb ‘■"e, m tt.'i bnnc:i !nv, .. i ir> - r.'pCtoflb- fin; other In a spirit of bitter nocompromiaiDg hosuiiy. «f Ausue 1 , vl.»a ,v r,r.i in, wash oasierly. To aoflen sod remove prevailing prejudices, re- • ni * the '-iimni. tu «!• im: n.-j i. v the surface ice) store harmony, sad bring about tuch legislative co- ■ * 3 accordance wh I'rrcin.-y*. nouth western operttioo at would insure to American labor pro* drill, I observed 'l.r, t.c-p ~<e a nordiern teition against rnißoosfore>jn‘coapcmico, const*- . p:ogrcra of ore knot coi « La.f 7>\ hour, while irso tatad a part of ray motives in supporting the met . **ot oil to tic »out:i " e-ivcrd nt the rate of •urea to which I have referred. . two hoots TLe anfcu»er«.»ou <*■ tire and ih« It would afford me great pleasure to accept 1 loc *j[icljoenf«, tide*. .v<*, <5,->rr-4:irg npoo them, your invitation, and avail myaulfof the ooportu* . * r ® “ * fttmc.cet to t-iplam l*,ct, andft is nity which :t would afibrd to discuss theae inter. certa, - | y * curious oac. eating topics more at length, as well an to thank itAEAKINO THE ICE. yoa fxrancally lor thekindnessmanifested towards While woikmg through ibo nlmusi aupernalmsl me on lhl» cud so many other ocea«ioo»; but tbr congenei here, one of our ite r.r.rhors attached 10 elate or ray *Rd the condition of roy private a warp.r.* lice, and wrh buried m an : affairs requiring my *U«U.od, comps) me to dc ire her?, wiic. c r.idtim dtM.-nu>'» : , , i,ft ,b 0 na „ cJuin your so obligingly leudurcd. De« i» ir.m "n* ■ f ur u fore cJsstag my letter permit me 10 congratulate ; wormy tci’ow named Tt.- d.^ t , hrtPmina yern and my eoDatnueuts aenerally oy (ho nappy ! would ha*.*: crushed ptirbru- h*,; we beenntnfl# adjustment of the difflcnkie* which so late.y nc*r-r. Uicl-i'r, ton. >:* fr*. tu,i- we » po elttu threatened the country with irretrieveatm: m.s- that wh-n it rear, ph-r.O *• Neptune herself fom fortunes, Oao drop of American blood shed by the deep, :t lifted m> w:-.h ;i f u;r Costa, free'from American baads )o«aectioß*l quarrel would lisrr all hurt, ttrui-n p r a*4y ■ **.*i.| death* been a misfortune notey fob© /ctrlavnd. But u.e Vtv hove Gee i ihv*,. h..t t t.reV Bnctom raoderotion, fifiEOew, and wisdom ol Pruaiostn tt J ec''s;r;’ ntonir.'M -‘m-v.".,:,*., from broakin* Fillmore and hie pairiclicadriaerisatcd »hc corn*- tfcnr.iaL t>** u-e On- oi owr imirTparty oq board try from ihe perMi which environed IL laiwan- ; tl** AH»tnrr, !i.rm r.r>. L , lu-d :/Jjcera andr.rn mg to tiro President tod hla Cabinet this juat meoJ mc'c-dcil that bavc escap:-.! tanr .tuctice Tlia of pra-se, I would not detract one lota.from me Captain and mreelf have c ,- ;0 a t>«en ,q twee C>t rred.t rttjo to Metara. Clay, Ctag.Hougton, . one occasion, I had a l.ejvr r |,x„, n t.|' „ 0 - Foote, Pearse, and oibera tor tbetf patriotic lab.ira ■ pt.«-d pf tua i*irui »L.-iv 11-* i., 1 v ~f UoO B»fr ui the (treat crista which haa juat been pasted- under the name of ' 1 how-rip «*ier.- ■*, a “ L fa Tto gratitude of (he country ta conarqaentiy Prc»<*jyer.'' Aly ouly U "that 1 a»»ed tae due to tnccj, eod will be cheerfully, cordially nturkeu P Faithfully, your friend and fellow cltijen, 1 nii: JAMES COOPER- ',J lZ lrryf, 7 l, ‘ l! tn * Our To Menu. Samuel 0. Kama and other. t? liav - a u> “>« mm u *r M 1,1 . *l.c Ivr^ci oiw in «»ur urrkc llfft:. atum, wuh ibe wmd r.wrinv aud the -liuri* «iwit imduiatinp uruuiid a«, wi* made u i..umT cl hH.I x-e, wna icrrlfio »u*rgci J.orin>; mlc'it. wr had lur half kd hour a Mtaie *l...ii tiiitil: wo.tid rtxiijnre with «jmg of li-rch.-y * r-pictjul hnir.blra. for a [••w m.iiitle* licit we wen- ui iho thick ol Ihe thun der •.term <•! (trinJiiiK ,ee|^ fCKi „„j t . ro ,|, me H *ei. I .1,01.,-lu II;-tt the i.tti,. I.r.u- Adcanrc and all u- Ire.phl Would render a trouhle-ome wak the re i.a'i aril rminmu ol it* tipou the great day wtifji ji-in.c cm uetffsuy lire, needed and nie.nded. 1 aßa ’“' V l ' l ' nmy ;i*k me lor u *tory in detail, l-t l>ei{in in mink «>( when innj it; | leiun, , ftJc | JOlltr Anefaor mg lo the great -.burn „-e. r , larp , h . n (M , hipl nr,.l workins; nlo!i<bj- a n-gnbrcontesl. hytto KOth wo had dro CK rd ...rr«elrw well .ntothp ipotdflgfw, and wrro hi il,.t ..-gnm ot the N ips w h, c „ ar e * ltt h a umtbrur ut ib«- whaler*. dunica bay. A OoNVtrrwa fo& Gooo.—Tnia it ih? epoch ol Conventions, and we heartily with that incj ell bad in view purposes as praiseworthy and useful as the one which ia cow in session 10 lUlimierr, consisting of tbo Editorial Fraternity oi Msr»l.u,d met together to consult on (be conditiimi sod im provement o( Uujt proli’saioDaiaad busme** rule*, aod the general advantage of their vocation as a butnu,*, concern. 000 of tbo objects, wbii Ji wc are glad to perceive they have agreed on. in 10 petition Congress to abolish the poatego on it.u IransniiMioo of newspapers—an object m which tuc people of ito couotry are aa much intcresU’d as edilora and publiahera. Another subject, one of deep Dational intrteat, which baa engoicd tbo attention ol tho Convention is embraced in the annelid preamble and resolu tions. which were repotted by a committee and unanimously adopted by the Convention. They are honorable alike tn the Intelligence and tbo pa triotiam ol the body; but they are only what mifht have been expected liom a Convention oi Mary land editors: Whereas, at lbs first session of the 31st Congresi just closed, a series of measures was adopted, a/» ter lose and earsrst dmcuiaion, intended to allsv the excitement on the slavery qaeatiou. And Whereas the said measures have glvou satisfaction to a very large portion of the citizens of the Union, •till in different portions of the North and Smith wa tee tost disaffection on those qaesiions exists, snd is giving me to language sod proceedings greatly to bo bv every true lover of tt e unlou. Therefore, os Conductors of tho Prcrs oi Maryland, and expressing what ve know to he tbs feelings of the people of tbe State, as w*l| q B oar own calm and deliberate jndgmem, It Is here by Resolved, That Maryland ia inflexibly attached ti the Union, its ooostiluiion, and its laws, and that wo will advocate and sustain tbem 11-solved. That, is editors of tbe Press of Ma ryland, we approve of the recent measures passed by Congress on the slavery quesUoo, deeming them calculated, if carried out faithfully, to re* store harmony between the North and the Soath Resolved. That we disapprove of the opposi tion to those measures which i« exhibited both in the North and la the South by a lew misguided men; and that such opposition *nd reactance shall not meet oor unceasing rebuke and con* dcmnatioQ, —iVni. burflifenoir. How to 3Ltzs a xaisk.— An entertaining cor respondent mentions a good retort, which he oorc made upon an acquaintance, wnose wont it vu to goaroand tho city “sherry-coblcnzing” of a summer morning, and who, in winter, was often fora week at a time in a "gute'orwbiatey punch ing.*" He was cnco very angry with me 1 aid to him one morning, ‘•I am going to make a raise soon, and as you ere to be tbe means, for civility's "the, I'li tell you about it, though it Is not essen tial •*Wc!l.“ growled my friend, °fcow is »U “Why, I inteod gettlog yonr lifo ioiured lor len thousand dollar?, aud then making yen a present of fifiy dollars worth of whiskey.. Ton will drink yoarsellto ticiih in six weeks." Yon never sswn “madder" mu. Th<- Amcrlrnn Airilr Exp,dltl Ka. u;tikf. rr.oji r s. i.ask. Corrx/pondcjtctt of r - \ V Tni.-joe. ' U -'“*!S S o ™' C-|»- Cimwfonl I and Vorke, Wednesday, August 21. j - Wednesday, August 2U e North Star." dear , « reported safe at Leopold Harbor .the InM year*, entering asylum o. >ir units Li>~« W c are now raakiagall Bail to meet her, tine) ,t b, a h OT , ( . WIird cunveynnee f,„ , l,c, rie(i „f Galte[ Hrotm ton mir ! :11 .*• home circle. runic of them or.ll eomplmn ~t ,„v mUre-etnie to y„„ „h„ i. meant for ml. n the h< < In ~ ’.vliii* tanning along between l i *»renr I -ok ai, ( l :he r-hurv km of I.'ppernav’ick. we ...eta couple of hl- qm:nat!x B A£ I will my tost koine dispatches. j On Ifcedny after «hw, we -un- ahead of u* the three stands ofikufifl, and ran on wui, a finejresb breeze, tnleudmg to pursue ibe coastward route successful with other Unfortunately, however, the Great Pack, perhaps better known to you at the Middle lea* presented a great indenture to the westward, whieh invited us to enter. We' did ho but the result proved unwincly. BAFFIN'S 11AY. The worst feature-m tart the chief drawback SniWY '* what U called its Middle Ice \V ben winter, which here exceed* m intensity any cold withm your conception, fully sets m, si. the crent bay web its founds, bars, in lets. and entering bays, become one solid mass of ice. bxcept the ridge hainim.cks or the entrapped bergs, there i» no diversity of siirlaoe ; Greenland and America are cemented tosPthrr. Nor does it stop fern, exiec d.ns d.wvn nlo.ur ihe western const .1 chokes up the great bnv ..f Hud-on, travels down Labrador, enters the S p„. !!r l»! r , and but for the pill stream would he!. m Newfoundland Mtmitier.n bnci, ardent.-*.,..,,,, of e .m-mm life, aid ed by nature s local i-c.m ft.-n-_'ir>u-r intluences, makes rapid inroads upon Us.. k-y sea, ami at n pe riod varying with the - ., , ihe season, leave* the *«!«• monument ol ah mi" a l. ugß central longue ot ice, known iwcimicallv 10 ivv igera its tie Mid dle Pack. . By Ike 2d of August w« had Mill, by romUaat waipicg, worked ourrclvea well toward Dunica nay. instead oi iho roow covered prairie, icier ; »; cw ‘> water patches, like obcle ; George ■ b’ackbird toanh m abating time, the ice was aero firm, thick and resii»u>K. What little open water wc bad, lieat rgnjn«t an iron-bound ' ictf “” f * There tbe tlocs and hummock ridges, packed and driven into wit's above tho founds. Urn, :r 3 Jtsoir, sometime* 12 nod 14 fret thick i . , ‘ ,ho '*'dd-st commotion were every where and rnerts of upheaving f>rc«s, only to bo com pered with the uplifting axes oi great geological eras. Amidst ibis tierce wreck aid rbin, and abivc it all, tbetr effect, heightened by our con. sciousncss of danger near them, n»w tbe Isolated : :co mountain-; the kingly berg-. Some, though not , aground, stood ,-s firm a. u,« , on d, then huge bulk not seeming to v.hrr.t • evm with the drill of tie Held tee that spin i„ r . KhinM , boir basis; other-, at if dnyei, by a n tw i Hi wt il. CttlDr drifting down u>un us, crushing and tearing every tblug before them , i, thetr way. The i.aigbi (l tome of ] three was 250 feel by measurement BEARS. Thai we wsyped end stift-d on, our hopos Jcs- Mn ‘"s *r c: l <**y with oar precrc-i. On the eigblh, tho Ji'seuij shot « bear withm two hue? drod yards-of ottr excited eortr-—wc had no oni occupied boaj. ;On the Hth, while sailing in mis ty fog through a brietly opened lead, so less than fui hesra were in aigbt at tho retne time. U will • seem strange to yon that I, woo hove held slaycre o satpc sed murderers of woodcock In auch small esteem ehoold become nn eDtbnsiMtfc and brutal hunter. Bat I have outre down to iu Mtny and niauy a mile with a heavy r-fllc and my fat r.Urrelh,,rc 1 Minwcd savagely these wretched bears. Otj l'io occasion jm! mentioned, three took the vreter together, nnd we mntnally charged each oih-r, a whsio b- a! full ut hunter* sxslDM three purpled muzzled Polar bears. We killed one. BIRDS. , Tho Una Alto, or liltlo GaUetnot, raade ita ap. pearancu ou the 12th. These turds migrate in the winter, to Labrador and ottr own-northern coast. They were not in injl feeding fatnors, jost releas ed irom the domtttietarn oi mr.r.baticn and non* log. In two days wc shot four hundred and twen ty* B weened a sin) in one of oy tomperemenli to l>e huch a destroyer of'family bappiseas Bat Ihf* climate, thal crakes wolee# craxy wji hoo ta, polipjcii tbs bowoii of compos,ion to thorn mhioh ,ro leu Sgurot.ce. The little GaiUemoli iro iwccl and game Honored; a, Urge a, a Par- Irage. and a Tory my a moil deliciou. chiogo in oor Arctic Dirleilca. My greater! exploit has been iryenly et,h: in lomeihlng lei, than iwo hoora Hot mey are ume aa they are fat and itopid * A Summit Woaxit.— A geoileman lo Boiioo bought two ticket! for Jeuny LimTi coocen, for tea dollars, tod presented them (0 his wife. She like a aetuiblo woman, disposed of them to a neigh bor, and wifh the proceeds paid ihe bills cf ibe hmeher and milkman, and had two dollars Jell to buy shoes for (he children. KfICOCUAGK HOUU ‘INSTITUTIONS CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Pittsburgh* C. G. HUSSEY, Pan*!. -A. W. MARKS,Sae’r. Office —No; 41 Water nreet, in the warehouse of C 11. CHANT. mills COMPANY is now prepared to inanre all ± kinds of mka, on houses, manufactories, pood* merchandise in store, and in transitu veasela, 4e. An ample gnaruniy for the ability anil integrity ol the Institution, is afforded in the character of the Di rectors, who are all citizen* of Pittsburgh, well and fhvorably knowtj to the community for their prudence intelligence, andintegmy. ’ Diusctobs —0.-0. Hassey, Wm. Hagaley, Wm. Lor imer, Jr., Waltdr Bryant, Jlurb D. King, Edward Heazeltou, John Haworth, 8. Harbaush, s M Kier ap3th-t( Dn * nCMT, ?)»H sSliSyAw Denilm.OorncrofKourtli * ■ i J and Decatur, between netl-dlrin Market and Ferry streets PALL wromwun OF HARDWARE. LOGAN, WILSON *. CO. lUO WOOD STREET, Are now prepared with a larpe and fresh stock of (ierman, and American Hntdwarc. t-> offer superior inducement* to buyers. Those wi*hinjr m purchase will promote their inisresi by lnoiinß hronj{h our stock, as they are determined to tell on he most reasonable terms. rdrlS M'CORO & CO, HATS, C“PS & FURS, Cop. Wood A Fifth ata , Plttabnrfih, Where they offer a foil and complete tttoefc of Hats, Cape, rur«, Ac., of even* gaalny and style, by Whole sale and Retail, and invite the attention of theii ens umtera ant! purchaser* gen* rally, es-annf; them thut they will *cU oa the most ALVsarAaaoc. tatsu. ac*lll;tf R. P. TANNER & CO., SHOE WAREHOUSE, 53 Wood »t,b»tw««nThlrd *. Four'll. Aie now rcoeiring their rcry larre and mpenor Foil Stock of BOOTS, SHOES, AND BBOOASS; A!««>, BO.VNFTS and FLOWKBS, ■'! of tins l»ie*i •tyleH.miki c*piei»!y adapted to the wctiem trade. h nt.9 bteu Mierted with great care, and as to met and qua ny t* not *urpowd by v,y stocu to he found eitheremtur west. Our cummers and mer chants generally are invited to nail nnd examine, an we are determine.! 13 tell on the most reasonable terniA. Also, Goodyear's Pitem Rahber P'noc* o- ail *‘ ,r,u ‘ augitoiiif improvamanta la Uaatlitrr, DR. O. O. STEARNS, late at Boston, it prepared to manufacture and »et Bloci Turni ln whole and pant o! »cii, upon Suction arAtfiOspheri l ' Suction I'tjiea Tix>ra*L-it»cCH£D in fivx where tic nerrc :s exposed. Uffijic tnj residence nes; door to me May or t office. Fourth tt.oet, htuburrh. Ravaa 10— J. U. M’Fadden.F. 11. Eaton. lalß IIKSIAKKABLK CASK ! t EVIDENCE IN 01-R Ms. Kits—Sir, l.icheerfnlly comply with your re quest that I would Rite youfan account of the almost miraculous cure of inr little daughter’* eye by the 11-c I of your “Petroleum.” She was attacked with a rery sore eye m February or .March last, when I immediately appl.iii m u.e uc»i mcJu al aid tii ike city, by whom 11 waa pronounced “a eery bad eye” aad all gavo me no hope of doing her any good. AUer which I look her into U.e coun try to an old lady, \kbo had i»een eery successful in curing ey«a. Kbe told mathat her cate «oi hopclen, as sb« would, certainly loso But only that one, but alto that the oilier would follow—it being a scrofulous infection of the blood. And 1 do certify taai at tLe time my lather (J- U. Vathon) cam: to the conclusion that we had better try yoor “ Petrolenm ” tus w** DrriasLT autre. of one r*e. • now ahooi two mantht v..,cii «bu Us**n »u Die, and the can row tee with born eye* at good at ever the did ; and, as Isr at i can tell, I believe she hat, with the blessing of ho Almighty, been cured by Petroleum ” Yours, respectfully, M. Fexacts Vantna Ooint:, PltisbnrEhh, Kept. 30, I‘-.VJ For **'e tj Ce,»st A McDowell, 140 Wood ttrect; R. F. Sellers, 37 Wood street, D. M. Curry, D. A. Kl nott. Joseph Douglass, tad 11. P. Schwani, Allegheny, stso by Uie fropnemr, 6. M. KICK, or? Canal Basin. Sovantn n\. PiUatargb. C 7" V»’ot vs' Wo I*l —TU« symptoms of the pre sence ot norms in children should be carefully watch ed by paroma, and *0 soon as ibeie It reason to ins pect their existence, every meant should be turd 10 expel them promptly and Ihorougly. Tbo proprietor* ot M'Lane’t Worm Vertuiluge are conudent that they Oder the best means of accomplishing this result that has cv».r born »übm tied tr> the public ; and they in vite to it the attention of ali who have the wannj;e. taeni 01 children. Ihercedu-inc 11 a tale und piessan: oue, ai d never fails to pioduee the denred efl-r* E7"For sale byj. KIDD A CO, Noth Wood street, or Hi, nl4 w!« Otte'e or Ohio m.i Peon* n It Oo Prrr*>ra .:i, Aa/k,-; j, Tus Stockholder* of the Ohio uni l’cnn»fl»ani.i Biiii R>ad Company are hereby noticed in pay iic njhih iimalment of fire dollar* per »h*re. at the office of theCompauy, on or before tbe Sr.h Jay of Auha»i The ninth mnalmeat} oa or before the Wth day of September. The tenth intiaJment on or before the VOth day of October next. tCT* The 71b instalment wat called for on lio COlh o July lai;. Mfcfcdt/ WM LARIMER, Jr, Treasurer TIIB MAYORALTY, Ms. Witirw—Pleatr annoutcetbenaine ofWiLiiAS* R;v* u*r. of the Fourth Ward, a* • candidate tor Mayor, at the ensuing election, subject to the itoirin auen of tbe Wing Convention, a-d oMtfe o ?f A ' SY OFTHK SKCo.ND WARD M r - —rV* iU wi * P lta ' n anaoun'T the nuuo of Gtefeat (.. Muaasa, a» a rv>di'!ate for tbc Mayoralty, aai jeet to tbe ranficauo'i of ihe. Wlnr Convention. Mr. Morgan’* claim* will be monrly urged by a hast of friend*, he beme bptfi ccr.p.ble and bona,t locvartcj Many citizen* On tbe Petemurg, Mahon;np com,tv, Omo, F«w,aa;cE Sxaxtii, E*i.,m id>* ?sj y i ut „f Dec taied wui appointed Pot; Matter in Petersburg tn IKfci, and, held the office to the day of fit* death; consequently, he held the often under the adtmnmra- Uon or »qven President* of the United Su;c*. oc >o;w F WAGON voil SALBi AHKaVY well made W'tgon, amiable for four or att horiei, for tale by ROBISON,! lITLK& CO, L bsrt)- ii FISH 40 b;li large No U Ma»*. Mackerel iMiftrriaSo.ti.ndj do; k-r I , .. uc ‘. J tjOHiso.v, mtu.kJj u PIG I RON— VAI toot Pi* Iron, lot ««le by 0!3!) , ROUISON. l.rrTt.K, * CO r/iNC wash hoards—a/dii* mce-. j^,, fOT su suit. by J WILLIAMS a .JO Cor. Fifth A W oo rf«t«. CLOTHES PINS—'JJ bx» for tale by OC ' M J D WILLIAMS A CO DEKR HaIR-UUU lb* in uore and for »ule b, °; :w J D NViLLIhMS* CO GLASf-Slrbx* tuio and itixiv for aalo by ... . _ •> D WILMaMSACQ WillTK UO.>K\—Ur bx* for *u!o by ... J D WILLIAMS A Co MATCHES- :u gron Block and Box, lot *«ie by . J D WILLIAMS A tJu SUNDRIES— ,TUx» tuperfine Ripe I-'ioor. - bx* Rone Water: i bx* Ex tract* ot Lctnuu and Vutillla; bx* Sugar, bx* Vermacelli; 6 bxa Olive Oil; • bx» A mood Soap, Alao, D;oma, Cucua, aud Cocoa shell, for *ale bv „•“*» . . .JL« wil^/amsaco PIU MKTAI.—4 ton* juil received and for xnle by J B CANFIELD UGAR—IU l.iij* N. o. Sugar,ju»i rec'dfor ante by o °c3»> j b Canfield 1 Stamm llomt Trimming*, WMcCLI, STOCK invite* tbe attention of Meam • boat men to bi* rxtmaive aa-ortment of irmi. minga, compnilng in part the fol owing vanetie* Rich and elegant Woe and Gold Satin Oelaim ' do Crtmiou do. ’ do Scatlei and Steel do; du Pink and Bine do Cnmaon and Brown do, < rue,(On and While Dntun Datnaek; Mae do do, Scarlet do do; Crimson. Green, Blue; and Scarlet Dama*k* Watered Moreen , 1 WoMard and Linen Table Coveriur sinped Toilet do Jo Tuytcy Red A White do doj ; Trttkey Red A Blue do . do, v 4 and C-4 Wa*tard Table Covert . 4 and P-4 Tabic Linen; | 5 4 Blenched Shcetina scotch Diaper; 5-4 do do- Seoteh Napkin*; FUabowed Ttfclc Coven Scotch Cra»b; Plaid Toilet •,« P-4 Blenched Sheeting; (Mata, Ac. Ac ' All of which arc direct from the nanufiemrrT*-and importer, of the newest and torus, all of which will be sold a* cK am an s the eastern citle*. Wc invite ateam boafmen «• a call at oar Carpet Warehoute 'No V?tv.i and TO Wood It ._J[OC3OJ &LU-TO?K L QUOAIIA MOLASSES—S 3 hhdiN. O. Snear* ‘ ° 10 hhd* refined do; ’ Jcit reeeired per iteamer Hibernia N^i^omrbv Taken in mistake, from the fleam boat Piln. Seven Kega ofßauor,marked J/Anv imfi 1 , 0 * ,f 2 » .eapecung them will bo thankfully^ ati ° a 'Vai b jfu.fggT,.., ‘AKNISU—3C ken Furniture Varaiih; ' ?b, ‘ . Wilem ud for udo by QC3O Tn ~ on eonsiEnmcn*. for sale hr ML ®£?.? JBAIAH DICKEYiCO B*sm? A tew casks left, which will be nr*n ° W ' W clr,f ISAIAH DICKEY ACO A MEETING or' the Association of Teacher* and > \ 01 Education m Allegheny County, will he held in the Bap-jit Church, Sandusky Kreet, Alle ;“-“y "" Frtdsy evening, Ist .November, at 7oclnek. Addre*»-« will be delivered by Professor rhcmpson and Rev S. William*. Members of other similar association*, and friend* of education gentr are earnestly inviled to attend. By "r-l-rof Ex. Com. J. A. WALKER. oe.n.daitwtiT c O RODGERS. F GOODS—A large assortment of Cotton and Linen Edema* «nd Lsres, Cberaizcite* and Col purchased by the subscriber in England,kad for "»le at very minced rates, by C ARBUTHNOT RTKEI. PEN'S—a large variety purchased from kj the mnnufaeturers, »rd for sal* moeh lower than [oc3ol C. ARBUTHNOT SLATES— N'n* l. ii, 3. 45, and fl, direet from Oer many, and tor_*ale by C ARBUTHNOT C HoE THREAD—&CO lbs bleached and Green, ben Oranke, lorsale by c ARBUI'HNOT STRAY COW. ,? f?» T ?" ,dene * of the subscriber, on or Wiiftn. in-Jl' « V* mon:h ofTorUe Cwek, •oma wh .• » h p * ? ,ized Red Cow. with eTcs7 ' r ) he . b « , s.ond * ‘mail slit in the eft ear, supposed to be about la year* old The owner ot the raroe is requested u> come forward and fbe law r Z Cr 7' ° ltlfrw,,e * he wil > be disposed or as I „ k «KO M. BfilNlOM | k,n " »°w*-»‘dp. Ocfnjber •*), KVt.—ocU«:w3t*T j babE OF OWJC jiIUXDnKD LOTS AT PUBLIC AUCTION 1 will Pifer for sole on Thursdsy ; 1 and Friday, the 7Um.|d Sib of November next at ten " clock, A. M., on the i>remiie*,eichty eisln build- f‘ , errnn l ! J * lreet3 ' lOW n Of 'm Jn«l P r H r “l U ' nrc ■ oonle,i near the pub jn. square, ar.l are l»nl out on a liberal scale; each lot baring n front ft Ml feet on streei* COfret . extending back tJO feet to alley* SO feet wide i •Hunte on-tbe extension of Siar ■ fr 1 ; v ßm ' f ? n . , T ,r on lh " mai " leading to 1 im’i'sn I “^l7°. lemu.each lot containing about iit !i, T i Thr ,V t C >,f Property u ur.cxcep ! A U ; s «;• " "I* 1 '*« ,o]d oa • Jib. r«! credit; one : ? „ ?\ th ntenev orlt will be required , ?“ m * delivery n| the deeds: the balance to be secured iuL Jf* “ mor, K a *® pn 'r-e property in three equal | annual payment*, with tnteresL 1 t n ! , M rf!l ’“ cr, ‘ wh " 'T i!! crec, a dwelling house or other huiMitir wi-mn twelve month, of the day of,ale. will *' ha,cver PWne ‘h«T may need for their nS«.J£ > ' /"l •* n ezcc!lent within a L ? ,<c Pfihi* property, and of easy access, is owned by t >e undersigned. ' To tLo-e acquainted w.:b the loea-ton and prosperity of L, verm* o ! ..would he useless to say mom ",I •f' * cd ,iy . “‘l"’ *«. the most desirable 3I!U . ?'“ orl | ' I '' 01,10 R l , * r for private residences, and o which the a.iriitton ot a|eaml>oat officer* is purlieu ie^.— •'■'•'cral of w.-ifim have already made tt m t-,e P ivL r° rr^ sdence I' 8 ,a,nhr, *y is not extelied There are place* o' public worship for -artnus dcr.ommatlou*. Roman Catholic, Ept«co arid ’anextert- T'n . ,* nf lf nn I n ’ he,, ‘? P nt op tor • public school tton-e. i.iverrnnl contain* about ISbO inhabitant*. nn_. cigut muna'ao ortes in .uccrssful operation lor tho manafacture of Uocklnghnm and Unecnswsrc. givtne rnpiot tncitt to about 40U persons, with every pro*pect id IncreiMing to on almoft unlimited extent— C.a) n:ta i osl being ir. abuudanee m the neighborhood •‘« n »enplattng entering into the manu lacture of Queen*ware this will be n Rood aprortuauv 7 0f, i r ’ h ’ an extended credit will be mTf", f f fl Uirrd - tnd itic urg of building stone, per muted to be i,earned for all the works erected on lae pmneny, I'raii*. «.rouaJ Uvirrool i, «„|, a by . wnal.hy and intelligent pepdiaium, and the land is tS w, " c ' lfM ,Uu, n,O « f*ni!e in Columbiana «ou«n Meotn boat* arrive and depart regularly in l.ic »eii»on The Cleveland aud Rittsburgh Rati Rnad, wt.ictt, j* it. charier, i. to pass through thi* town, to ir, n V,’l > * ! “‘f Line,.iwbere U w U intersect \vvi.?*: ?• a,u, l , ' rnv '* r Gan.ui i* nearly completed to », only four m.x 11 ow A map o! the town nud p:ah of the property can be i.A'!;i , A*.!T'L , o a V 0n ' ln lhl ' at the office •f.M tcbcl 4 Rainier. Attorney* at l aw. Fourth street, •hu-Rh. rppo-.ue WiUm. Ilall.or to Jiandford C Hill, Liq , luvetpool.who w t |, »|,ow the property „ „ . ~ , JAMES BLAKELY. * L.m Tr - W * 1 t ‘ a,{ ‘ lo ft G*rdener or Nusery man,for acre.of laud, adjoining the L P 77?r7'i IBI ' R!,,e , for « The whole Will be enclo'ed wub a board !«,.«.*, ami a comfort able i.weilu.,: ho**e amt out haute, erected on tt duncß t.'e [>r_r,.e,n ,*i, loct!3:4AwtdTj J. B IV.gfsrn luiuranes Company. Meel,,J ? of ,tie Stockboldcrs, and elec. A uou for ibirtern d rector*, to * e rv e for the en \Z 7 w.',’.! P " h * w al xilt L olllce n ' ‘he company. n,v 0rN 0 77,V 7 : u 7' afgb ' on «•« tai. '> °J Xoveinl , «-r. if.u, between the hours of ele-e* o clock,.'V M end three o’clock, R Jif j 3- FINMEY,Jr.,B-.„,.„. GK'>Ci!HiKs* —IWi I »e» lirec- W«> Collet '.;«ddsN.O Stt CB r; Uti hi rl»en» V n , Imperial (; P ar»d Ulßck Teas; lifli i*XK A i Lump 1 ohacno* 10 kfK» fl llVllt do; !• rl« Tanner*’ Oil, w lirlt N. O. r*r. «i) tim No I Rtein, Ku aides Leaiier lOudos Cora Uroitni, ‘.l! us * ‘*'dow <!!»•*, a*»\l ures, •*- rm« >V rapping Patier; - l)«)ui*e, (ci.'u.ik j*. K Jnd^i,. ■.t”' kr»s Naii*, luoneJ; ... H'tifijPciA/.i; „V« * S fCrrai kskortrucai bi Rrojcnc for •ale by :* v HoUIrSON, 1.1 ITLK, A (Hi l)A W «rv OaNUL&j—oO bt» No t Sour: S JU l'T» Would lan d-43S frftn MMmer l.aeHti, tot uiJe by ° c * v _ . _ DALZELL__ C LI.AH X MOLAoHK*—o libel* Su*»r; . 50 Oris N. u. Wola**o, for - V . . ''• o- *L JAMES DAL/EI.L CHIFFr.K— HU kauttfor *alo by ' WM H JOHNSTON. *' C * J USSoconJu. jo> la Htofe «n-J i,.r «&if r.y — __ WJI il JOHNSTON G 1 LAS.S -It) |.j? -Ihi, ior «»1« l>jr 1 oc - v WJI 1J JOHNSTON BITTEH-in t..!i »ntl keg, for *»'e liy .°'’ J "‘M H JOItNSTON ft. *:3i, tr.j fo r **(,. t^y wh h Johnston FAUNS l«*OK nAfjlf. ( ? crt *‘ l v.vvM.f'd. „ ' n 1 l J" P rui, ''.d roiil 10 .lie UUio Rivei, n Eisaing CrecK «:i 1 sar-Jir rui ICO acres cleared, r.O 0-re» , . rs:e bouncy j .:vvel:ui.» hoarev barns. a. : d a larje ur.ha.d Tbi» wool.! rank* n splendid otnck f»;m, nr it *oslo d'Vice io udv«r,i*(r« into il.rc C (aim* 1. 41 a deniable property, uul will be sold law ALM», ,i iu,n aete ,T * o, *. of ‘m* beautifully situate! on v'i«- Oh o River, nib* boiow Wheeling, improecf »ad will be sold • bargain. Enquire of ' WM II JOHNSTON, UJ Second si Bt'ILDIRG LOVB POE BALE. - f ' ,lsr * for ~ a io EfchtLou in the 1 Rcioukh of £liru.:n»hata, frauting on Water and li.isDarn meet*, 01 duT.-rent sires, irom twenty in tweiry fa«r fret ir.-m, and from nineiy five to one Demited fett deep ALSO, One lot id Soul!. PiusbcrKh. extending from the iiiraii?;Di,L - HtownsTilleturnpike, and Hcntine .'II e'lr.ti Hi>, )U . i*e.w tour lert. .. - t>, ‘ I '] .NfrVfLLK n.rßAlt; KugtJah Gin, Cogntac Draudjr, and Port W tm. Tm: above ariicia* we import oursekoe, at.d know theai io b« pure I-or aa!e wholesale and retail hr MORHH A Ha WORTH, _ oeJ ' In the Diamond T R , Y .Morris 4 Haworth's Tea, at :0e per pound J. *i* excellent ' octh? P i IRoN“jS tout No 1 hot Mast Hanging Rocs A rig iron, lai.djcc trow steamer Surmair, and for sale by [,> c y»j JAS a HUTCHISON 4CO ST. Lotus £>>c*r Hno-e Syrup Mo‘aite«—loo barrel* pmne gcxliiy, ta handsome order, for sale by JAS A Hl'ToHlSoiv a CO _s‘': St l.oou Sugar RetineTr pACKKR ItITITLH -idbris and 11 ke^iVr saJe'by *. - *> r VON DoNNtniHST 4 CO WINWm OLAsS—IOOO Ux» assoried lixes . _ . VON tIONNHQKST A CO / lillvKSK—7U lx* for side by " '{_ rr rl _ * v voN_n'»NNMORSTJt no , t ,„ c »»ye«». on C*och7,'*q7 ‘ V\ * • “ ow constantly recemn* IT u rer y large a.» ( ,un;«:Hl of Carpet* na-. c,| Clothe, oompn«)nr In pan lit- following rurictiet New and Lion S:y:e Velvet Pile Caipets <*o do T«pe»irj-Ura»«e;« d’„ d-i dt. I-Ktflieii A AincTi.'*n Drutselt Carpea tM 0.1 Chub F.iim -tufwr.i f.! r0M ,,,. u Short 0,l oiu;l.. cut to 6« Jvuper&te a-. „ r r „ 0 “ do rncre Jn ,1.. , v Knout «i\ ic» hj.J i,. Med*m su.*>. Jo do l U r« K'n- do do it'l.oulle Rust t.nmmon do do I Tufted j* 4-4, :M. and 3-a DsmatkjChenule Door Mat. Venumi. Cnmet. 1 Tufted do j„ 4-i, 3-j, and u- Tapestry : Thrum do do Shecp.k.ndo „„ 4-4, 34, J-r, <ind '.M ploJt>;ionuy Lind do do . '? r ‘} uanca, r r it Transparent Window 1 4-4, J 4, o-a, and 4 routm- Shade* | Vemnan earpn. ‘HuffWindnw Linen B-4 cotton Drufjcti ; Dral. dn j 0 84 woolen do iVeniilan UUr.d»,&? I*4 do do j Woolen Stair Drunken I ,* l! °( wb: ' j! ‘ bftTP bee n purnhaied from the import* cheat s.yle*, whir.’ wetfl-rro cuitomers a* lows* can ho puicha.rd , n n„ v of th „ ea.tern pi , lMi fl „ the Carpel W archoate, t-C. Fourth «t arid ti» Wood at oc2a , W. McCLINTQCK' rj3HE be*t Diorif Tea In the United Suitea. price J. ii cent* u*r tt>, for sale by * MORRIS A HAWORTH ... . , .In the Diamond. .^ Tc . rr,, ' |ucnlly bp ™ ,oilt h T Pcraons having paid SI and bt Vo per pound for ihe;r Black Tea/ in ilute in the habit ofpaytnß«i’oh pnooa, w 0 reapect ful , .o" C " irr feu IJo per 11,.id ir r Uc^3 l 0 nol Ihcn etunojetr.ddr ibemrelvee I,«.in. | lcell L. gic.lp uupurrd upon, ,vr arc much mliiukcii.u. there S.“» it""' “‘' Cl ‘ 1 f * im. the l-nimd! then »hr,t r*e ere .oil,nr .t J3c per 11,. n,r »r„ |,e.Ml,„rn weuell „£| ||, „ C -M E\V CODFl.sil—.'.(A) lt.» prime, receM for»»l c 'i,y a rc M 4UO :w BOOKS. AT HOLMES' literary derot Third street, opposite the Post * David copperhkld, Ka 19 L-jndon Art Journal for October J-titcll'• Ul v injr Age, No 337; ri2T.^S^^/^ 1 w r rKr. ( ..o. Government; a new novel, by Mrs. Trol- M CB ? Ic E n - ** Chatle * ke*er. ffi !?vteBr“‘ i “' ItoESirSSL" Pi '*'»” tL «" •»'! Berra.,. B; A. _Do»ton Skttkrpcare. No 21. oc2 * SIILMNEEV AND PASO' GOODS. ~ IV/TADAME BONNAFFUN rcipectfuliy announces XfA. to her customer*. t>»at *ha will tin ie«dy to open her extensive and splendid assortment of Goods, suit able for the season, on Monday, SMh inst, consitiut* OfLlotki, Mantle*, Cap*, ond head dresses tn ever? vancty. The above ffood* are of the latest import ation and selection, and of course different from what uiy.w in this market oc*« tIAtTJLESU.M’— 20 bisjust rcc’d and for salt by J _. K F SELLERS **c w ST Wood st SIVLKB. 0 WB^ I l lr> .^'* ck Mule*, eMhayew'«id, with M n an<i Hume?* tor sals. Inquire of JOHN WATT hCO Llben> »t oc?s t FITCJ _ _ oc2S 10 Pitch, on comirament J3AIAH DICKEY * CO f^LASS-aoutittfclO; ICO bj» JUxij ■ju bit »x*S:’ loz|, *i on contifntneni.for tala by 1 Jo>; f«i 1 7 ,e « loaf, for tale bf J Jt.fl PHILLIPS • 7 fc 0 Wood »t .. ‘ *_H_fSILUFB M^iJ; L ! c EI ™ER cloth-2 pitm. i b , 14 nixie .»11*W. 10, ,arliue pnrpoaei fo, »*Je v I®**”] TVu PuiLLipa SEXI> —I» bathe!* for »*ie br o c -G R E SELLERS OPIUM—! rt*c prime Turkey received forsale by oaX H E SELLERS QOCXJTINE ALOES— I original keg, a firm' article, V ocg * R K SELLERS '\’'Li.LO\V DOCK—'J urU rro’d ior sale by’ c<,aft R E SELLERS ARNOLD’S Writing Field, Husband's Magnesia, Keeler’* American Compound; Alr.Munn’s Elixir of Opium; McAllister's Ointment, Prry Davis’ Earn Kil’er; lirnndrcih’s Pills, genuine; Ayer’* Cherry Pr. toral, Smith's Ton c Syrup; WifUt/’g BxJsnm or Wiki Cherry, Rosen* Ltvenvouh and Tar; Pull's and Townsend's Sarsaparilla; Ludlura'a Specific; Uigood's Cbologcgtie; Trask’s .Magnetite Ointment; >■ Swans’* Pauacca: Alien’s N. and U Liniment: A fresh lot of the above article! jnst reoeived to » al « b r J KIDD 4CO CO Wood at Gum Klaatle Olothing, 2DOZ. largo Capes, wun sleeve* for riding babita; 0 aoi iaicc Over Coats; V! dor I’ea do; , 1 dos Jackets; 1 dor Pants; V do* i^Sßingi; V dur Stiirrea do; rac’d for sale by , J 4 H PHILLIPS . 7 4V Wood st W aatti) to Claarter. ALIGHT Draft Stern Wheeled Steam Beat. Apply to SCAIFE A ATKINSON -- t>c<o Finn »i, between Wood 4 Market. CIHEEdh— Itsn hi_s common; —— 1 t'Ji bxs Cream Cheese, for sale by JAMES DALZELL, 7O Water at. To Steam Boat Bulidsra E X f. RA k ' eavy Oakland and Howard Twill* suit able ior steam boat decking or awning reoeivsd on consignment, and for flaie low, by „ HERSKY, FLEMING 4 CO, ocaj tsfU Wood at. Tf EG BUTTER—A prime article, received tor sale -*Vby___ [ocUij .___S_HfllV_Rßfc BARNES I^LAXSEED—A faw barrels tec’d.for sale by J SHRIVER A BARNES EOLL BUTTER—d brla, a prime article, rec’d by -OrM _ SHRIVER a BARNE3_ \XT ALL*PAPER—A general assortmentof Eastern Yf and Preach Wall Papers, Irom fit ecus, to 81 per piece, with border* lo match, for suio by 'V P MARSHALL,. OC -»_._ H 6 Wood tu WINDOW PAPER— iciw rollout wholesale and retail, by joetfj W p MARSHALL FHKsH BEITER—26 imali kegs family butter; 5 brl« roll, d bxs do; rec'd lor sale by j u Canfield^ C'HKl'.3i:— snu bxs prime Oner* e ; > tut) bxs extra Cream r.o,ree'd for sale bv J >r - S _ . _ _j ii canfield' OLD COPPER—SOb lbs, m store, and tor **‘b by” _oejL J R CANFIELD LINSEED OlL—ii) brls in store, ana ior sate by J B CANFiELD COFFEE— ITS bags receive.l?nr snip by"” ' A CULBERTSON 4 CLOUSE °_, c 25 _ 105 Idbetty s; MACKEREL —to bits received for sale bv " oeS5 a CULBERTSON 4 CLOUBE T'OBACCO— 15’bxa R 4 R: *0 bxa W. H. Grant’s; lot) bxa assorted; 515 case* Barrow 4 Cabiness; received for tale by ociS A CULBERTSON 4 CLOUBE FLOUk— 60 btl* extra family, for sale by — ’ A CULBERTSON AOLOUSE Bb OK tv HEAT FLOUR—«t. , ntk , for ot=2b - a CULBEII a ''LOUPE C "—100 bx* for sale by J »*’•» A CULBF.RTBON 4 CLOUBE V\,’ ADDING—76 bales Blank, received for sale by* !V oc‘Js A CULBERTSON A CLOUSE GiiovSS— 160 bx* assorted, for sale" by '_ or - 2 A CULBERTSON A CLOUBE LARD— SJS kegs No l,jn«t received lor tale liy ___*?» A CULBERTSON 4 CLOUBE BUCItKI'S— ?j dozen juat re«*ei»ed for sale liy’ ®r>’ & A_CULBER-|PON A_OLI>UBE . r-m , «»BAP piano's? a run, seven octave Rotewooa Piano, entirely ** uew, is offered at a rreat bargain: ALSO, One second hand fi octave Piano. f 75 One Jo do 6* do do - 50 One do da It do do «5 For sale by JOHN If MELLDR v „ , felWnodst, N.U.-A new stock of ('tuckering** Piano* row "pemng | pf.ji BITTER-*! pkg* fretS.jiist receive-i by ~ of>s ' 'VICK 4 MCCANDLES9 /IHKKSC-UR bxs received for sale by V ne^i ._. WICK 4 MhCANDLEFft POTASH • - A prime ariele on baml'flor aale’t'f'"' < *'- s _ . wjck s .MeCANDLEBfI T OAI 81 car—jnn ba'rris small leaf, landirg per LJ ‘tcnincr ioiiiae, tor «*Je i y JAM K$ A HUTCHISON A CO Agrnu St. [jini« Sugar Refinery. Alpacea iloao* VTURPH\ A BUItCHFIRLD have received a »uj>- LTJ p.y of Fall llcsiety, ireltriinx Drao and B!*ek ca»hccrc*, Alpaecas, Span Sill, Ac. oc2S R'alsh Flsaasli \ffURFHY A unRCHFIFLD invite the particular tJA attention of buyers to their superior nock of chore Rood., pm or so much satisfaction on account of their unshrinkable qualities. tr ii 2„ _ I»dla Rubbor Shoe* - ~~ .•a CASES perpetual gloss, Metallic Shoes Y, «n».sunß of the following klrds: renUemeo's jnd l«a, si . o,„ She, Ladie.' Bn.IiM.WrSJ ° ,lhe »»'« of Sr-i-6, which w? will sell at the lowest eastern wholesale prices. JAM PHILLIPS, -ST- 8 7A 9 Wood-it * cases cent’s Ircia Rubber Gloves: V, . v * cl «* ladies’ do Wash Gloves: _kcr*aleby ecUs_ JA H PHII LIPS | HF Military Companies oTpittibarirh and Biroinr- J ham, win take notice ta hold themselves i» rcadi nets to receive and esron the remain* of Genera! Zachary Taylor, late President of the United Stales from the Canal to the Mcno n ,nhela River. ’ ' of BRIG a Dlktt OEN. LARIMER. J' B- M CutVTOCK, Aid-de- Camp O C2I RCHIiNSON’S Greek and Engllsa Lexicon of~t£e hew Testament. Trollope o** 0 ** Go7crntneot; * ccw novel. By Mrs. •rhe Count™ Year Book; or the Field, the Forest, nd the Firr«tde. By William Ilowttt ore,t ’ H.rtory of Xerin the Great. By Jacob Abbott The above works just received for tale by ... • HC STOCKTON, .£?* Cor. Fourth A Market streets. INSTRUCTIOW OI THE PIARrT MR- K UARBOROT, (pupti of the firm European toasters.) hve of New York, respectfully informs ine nuien. o Pmtburjh and Alleshenr, ihat he heJ arrived, and Intends matin* this city bis permanent residence, for the purpose of Impartin' instruction on the Piano. Applications leftat Mm. AYhiie’. HoahUtu L ‘ b h erl y •'* or at II Kiebcr’s Music i meet with proroni 111001100. oclfi /'ILOVKR SKF.D-h bff. v ' -• Jjt rANFiKt.n I UUJ> havai/o ailAViNu'i;iusi»i-WESTS ,V the man who Joes not appreciate iUc iojuiv g/ w e»>iy shave - If aojr there be, wo Jo uot ajidrc.a oar. ****** to twit. But to mil other? »ay, if »ou wi«h -to render shavirg a pleasure, parebaao a. bo/of Jutem Hmoc! * Almond I i«ndiw or Ambrosia] SbaTino Cream. It it utterly impossible to find words to d/ jenb* tbo leojir*. of a person who bai been u£tl to to\ m Z*^r h rr *°* P ’ n .P° B raaklny trial of Uti? n a™ LVi" * c ““ bu “ ura «' ' rate,'.* 3ULKI HaULL'S SHAVING CREAM Ucictcd >n(lr cniillient; trndnlnt ihc iiifesltoS 2 0 ,}£?„ .on .„j pli.blc, pnducioj « «od by n. iMHonwly mM i»vu« «ll«yliif »H »dr*ruai; e . which will be erpeciallv ao llpliii JUufefl lIAITKIa, PerfatoerarJ Ch p „ , t , ICOt^estnut PhUm V • cRl! «. PoraaJe, moil retail, by a » , v * ?V* ?. nd *■ Sellers, Piutbanrh' .*?» u 2 e,!oek *nJ J Mitchell, Allegheny Cit* John.S«£e«ll WHOLESALE J’ALL HOOPS. A, A. MASON & CO, 0» *O4 HAUKKT 8T„ * Wrmin i r*., OULU solicit the attention of Merchem. ft™ »5 case* bmuiyle* Priutr «n do Imponod ,»d African Gicitk™,- * ° cSSSS.'Jsstsj;*^ <5 do Suincia nn.rt Jefiju -2 *J° rtoth* wrt Cat,inert,. S’ Reached Mn«lin«; ®J b! '-<* Flannela, ail colors; M ,fi 52 : p&t’ mZ™ ffTSSS^fe*"" l *.. Whiii Lr l* e '* U<Wery ana Glove*! Ac. Kibbpntj ' *• n^of, »han Btiyco»icr!Tuou« Beiiw'rn.n r Uj ,owef for lartje quantities of Dotc]«!i D « n i JCtaref *’ l*Hy solicit the wHfco -1 deliverable in ihia eit*«/.E? Wk * ,1,8 r ? r domestics. I *oid at in eastern citir« l w^ e price they are returninirfroo Seeaau cnhrr G o '"* or of tbelr stock mailed lo an etom*niulon A A MASON A Of) P * for Bent. K Steam P*owe? D fr, d ofl to ,izr *’ io BBit wth city, bT We *» tor rent, in a butme»* part of tie ,I'jt 7 „ BCAJFKA ATKINSON, * First «t. between Wood A Market. RTrrVF R T* y fine article - Tor family useTjaih XJ deceived, and for sale by BHRIVER A BARNES, IOQ A IS! Second it I AMP OILS—J»« received for tale tt #66 Libert} J nreeu entt Winter Siraised Spe'tn Oil, *uter Jo common do, aim No i Winter Blrtined Li"l oil. , oc . a ? W~M A .McOLUKO AGO ANCLES—\V axCtndlet, col’d tod white 4V' -r» • ww t » «iiu ut. SUr do l 4*», 5 » and ff*; \ Koald do| \ Dipped do: rce'd lor *llO bv ' _°ss WM A .VcCLURG X CO keg* Blaming, jar. landing ° gyj J 8 DILWORTti Golden syrup-so bru in *; o w J 8 DIUV PIG IRON—SS:* ion* Mieicer Pig iron we. ocP • J 3 DJLUufiTI SHOT— 18 kegt No I Shot; .18 keg* No 8 do; II keg* No S do; 5 keg* No 4 do; 8 keg* No 3 do; .1 keg* No 0 do; 1 krg No 7 do; l keg No 8 do; landing nnr it Mag Flower, and for *ale by «cB3 JAB A. HITTCHISo; IkOLL BuTTKK —l brl fresh. this day >«.< XL tale by (trcgl.i SH RIVKR \ n.« EGGS —A lot of fresh Eggs, reVd for <a!e : ocgl _____ BURIVEk AB‘ rs—A few bnaiela in «ore, fn tHUHVER A D.’ Canten Cloth for Bontala THE above article, (now so mncb used for; dre«*e* io place of Bomb*/ ne») of all ih qulnies, »a be had ai the more of <*23 ; : MURPHY A BURCH dottioiag Alpacoas. BOMBASINE nniah, of various qu-iiitiesi '>3__ IoKOJ _jKURPIIY Auiciil Wou»» «le Lelnti Murphy a Burchfield hate rec *j assortment of newest patterns, r.-toe * »v|n per yard; alio, Nntarece Blue. .trceo Ar, at low prices. Superior BUcksilfca * gTOCHrai-O hawe ,ece:v< ply Of superior Rluc-c Silks lor drcisess tiiia?; also Geared, satin striped dc. rr WILLED FLANNELS eases white s™ ; »us; U UA» L3— l rase black cloth, on consign* h? « fll * by [ocyj]_ B j | cues assorted colors, rccM lorasle by . [oc£3j jj cases fancy. p-i hand sa’e for accoant ofrownnfectater-. bv iJ PLAID FI.ANNELi— 3ca*e* ree’e cn eoniii for sale by : Icctfl] j.i SATINETTS— 1 case received for isle by octfl . jj NO. SUGAR—6S bbd«pTl?je,Jii«t rac’d % ugcaeni, and for sale by -MILLER A HKKn »“*■* j an a gyi Lfbmy nuaprhtta* Patent Sou* as h THEtobscribeq* are now receiving. brean •applies oTJomes Muspratl A Sou'* high < bo*t quality Olasi Maker*’ Soda Ash, which i sell at the lowesl market price, for caslf nr n bills. WAMMITCHEL' oc?l Liberty st. O. H. CnAtIBKOI»*S Comer of Market and Third tueetn. THE course of instruction in tbii Innitoii/m, rm braces Bonk Keeping. Commercial , Penmanship, I-cclare* on Corcmemul Uw,s-ni • fact every branch to a finished Rtercart' e education. John Fleming, Esq., aaibor of H.e National Bo>l Keeping, prineipai lecturer and iiacbrr ol Pot.V keeping. Ladies and gentlemen within; io TTnl Penmanship, can tall at tlic College »i t «\ lug the day,or evening. I>LEACUING POWDER—2scs*t« .Mo«nrr.u, '", > quality, fur sale at the lowest m >rlcct t.m-r ocBl _ W A M MITCIHILTRKI CUIEESE— tOUbis Cxeaia.jtm rec’U lor sale by _£cc2J ; nt W HARUAI t;;; SODA ASH—3O cu«ks Kurtz brund. «*leby frc-JlJ_ aftW Hj I) UTTER—? brla Roll Hunen } 7 brl* pat teed do, jim land! ..0021 8 i W Hj Hamilton Canton Funa< Munpirv 4 mniCHKJKLD hava tee _ PIT of above »up«tior artfole. Bard Paltasa Fianaet OF very handsome patterns end (.right nt store of MURPHY A BL'Rc ocsfl F now style FaiM^u. of nierrimaetj Ceehero, Sprague'*, pnnwc -• Aliens, Clyde, mid ether good > m opening, for sale by SIIACKLETT A WHITE * r '® __ ______ Ibl Wood it. FANCY CASSIMERES—eti res faii nyl"J, for » u i, by [ccUi] SIIAChX.KTT Sc WHLTi: WISTAR’SISALSJH OF lYllifcngßlu. The tiieai Remedy for Consumption or t e Lurc« Affections of the Liver, Asthma, Broncl/tis or Weakness of the Bnui «.r Lungs, and other affections of the Pulmonary Organs. WistaQ’S balsam of wild cue iry »« « fine Herbal Medicine, composed ehiel v ofWiM Coerry Baric and the genuine Iceland Most tlwlr'-cr Imported expressly for this purpose, ih o r « s vtr.uei or which are ft! 1 o combined by anew ehrmieiti process, wna the extractor tar-tlmi trt whole compound the most certsin * Be-,?,,?,, t'u:i*unos. j *”°’"''' c u«snxpnoN of jrT'lnierettlng Correspondence— Dr. W ra V of Xema Ohio, a highly respectable Dniasi; delteatral Arlllage has !• formed «a that \l v\i-=:nr s Ua'tam of Wild Cherry ,* uar The demand for It is to eager, that be c« keep lnnueif supplied with a. He has halt medicines for luug affections; »p me 0 f ,j,i esteemed eood, and some gate tnmporar.* rJ since he has had Wistar’s Balaam of \Vlli number cl the moil serious cases were pc cured hy its u. e “M never «,|d a m-dieme ■ h ' "■“'"l'tcc.nM,, Raima c .i-rry .» introduce.*, it at once ai’auts th» putstion wh'ch it ro richly c«en>:r*»-s. Wha rent ils role, when on every hau l can he tt- wonderful cures? The vom: ea*ca o recent and dangerous coughs, |ano *l»o thm 0f10..g standing.) Hrcnoaltis or rcrsnmn; medicine?**’* thi“ P _ . HEREDITARY CONSUMI'TION Cored by Witta?** Balsam of Wild Cheit ,2^ W V nB K,° ofCon (five of hi* brother* and r,«ers •.Hv.ngdle i samptioh, t« truiy -wondrr'ul. -jot thi t ihe afUirted to make me 0 f this h.-ulth civim wlisn ii |> .ITecua* c«re, l.ko ihr (olmS-i’ iV Ricanuat Ciigr, Hammo, J D yoa of tbo brnroi lint I here derived from t Dr. WUur’B Balsam cf Wild Cherry, i w \™f d & le " ,blc "cobtrc, Consumption. J*«. The snack was irnJv fcorruvinr u> Q J 7 ’ l °i y brother* wd s.ater*,) hr* Contueptwa. I was aft cad wi h near K-t worn features of the; direnso. I had ad coa B a, and expectera-dd a great deal of bloc fever, severe- rains to the aide and ohe»t co 2we?tl 1,5 W,h flttSh6 ‘ ° f heal ind C "P^ I was under tbo ear* «,f * ,kt!'«d phytj Jlte urn* l wm taken sick enti; ahont •f»w« t bcia« then about and my friend. co my ca»e bopde»s,,<nr at U*st ihe rea E?\V, C m , pi‘ * kl ’ k »i 1,18 “« of Winar i S n^ Cl '," Tr ; Villon, ay ; procared it, wtd commenced admatstennr and front the first Jay that I commenced to V uenlth improved, aod iu twow, ,k. from . commenced uving it. I was able to he out nn mv bmlnasa and labor, which I .u]i 1 have token four botnet of the med consider myself perfectly well, t r \ aent to tndaee othen tbatare nSletrgf„ ? to poke use of UWrfe f/W*’ which remedy bn*. under the ble ;V J [Cored my he.m. JElljS UIV If" ___ * 'c^ytiun Hull further evidence of t*a ,««&»►«>> proporbes of this inestimable pre,*m^?. tle cara,lvo .. Rit*sr)»il)e. Crown e«. »• f_ 1 Mesera Sanford A Part*—<3e-,M-"*> week- aco I reee.ved the vZ£lut .?£“-•'»*-«« m of Wild Cherry, bai w.ib *mne ' V r ‘‘l* r " Uat ”'"' for the reason that I had keen ray f’* n ' pUlt aad other ne.trunw, whl-.1, ~‘5 U *eme thing wondrttm, tut at!? Uo •' end to be or no account wtate,*. a,l’i' n . . d 'I 01 ,n lf u= Getarer. But I candidly mlm4V* c ,T Ptto ,ho been deceived; lor th-iivtT^ii' 01 ‘ l, »e l hr.,* by Wutar’« Baliam We CDrc « can comeoutofNaxareih.-*"wiS.! i^* 1 doien botUea, which are all W - m»* on,- means c.foarin. *«»! obfUnwe cai? V uan--aiid no mlathkc; for what I sen o 01 Conwnti.. Uttnd to believe.:. One case In ** know l P ‘ ni gentlemon In Wlneheacj Ad.im7^ ic xlar-A you, mill* f;nm th,a placel wan n’ir« county. O, {-.-ri when u» doctor* had given him • d u! do nothing for him. and it ver or nl lean ccmiJ frfeau* to convey him io vo- '* we intention of nn nader the care of tome emir Jr BUy Bnd P 1 " 0 *-* hini a friend told him of Wj- Phy*ictan there; b- t could obtain it of me; 1- r * BaJiom, ar.d thm i,„ second bot le wa* rone ,or If, anu before te attending m hia eve 4 w,u ' ,Q dnd and well, and several mqm»i« • hu«,ne*s. Aa iltero a*.* :o forwartlaa a,' raedl <'w-. it w ou id bo VttY te >B PP | T "ilhout delay. ‘ W'ectfully jnur», • Th.a Uhr frrim j .. NEWLANU able; co smrv , a Ifgbly reaped- Wild rherry.fiomE H*jms i/ f> ' wl. fo “' »»«** *ii.' ~»t!i.- hvit?"LZl a,, , e ? n, * r * t;an(S ,f * health, on J is now., ,oflh » V. lUcof Wisiar-s Balsam of Wild n /T' H. iIALL. PhyiMcun n"d I'rnreUv rri..v ft i.i 0n . and l,e cnnvwcrd »>‘ll further of tiis »e markable Virtue* of \7i*tar’» BaUam oftYild , hrr.w tiK.? 1 *I*’ 1 *’ * Park—Cents: A»amatter ol.]c« Ufce to veu, I Would offer the foi.owinr atatcmei>< d r. enro effected by joer u.cdn tMi, known ar Wtjiar’e nol«ata of Wild In the spring ofJY4?,iny wifewna severely attacked with Perintienejoui-i, uC »' ru, l*J’, whleb r'»uli*d m a deep seated rjiia m the side. #cc«ttp:mted with a revent congh; wu tc. ded bv some ol the be*t pb>*'Cians in Ohirego. but tonopnrpp«e for weeks <he »rflVred, Without relief, cnpgbmg incn.«*:itly rdrlt anjMfcy Icsme tothn conr!o>iori'list nil tbe trmedl.s knov/n to the physi cian* eonid net help Ijer, nrttl tndoccil to try year Wild CLt rrv. I procured ore battle, and commenced using it accoiding to direction*; betci» it wat all go, e the coo«b stopped, the pain 1> ht r side left her nt.d with the nid or another ulie »ra* rcitotcd to per fect health In consideration of tVrse eirenmstan-o, ] would recommend: it to the public asav*luaa!o medieinc. Your*, respectfully. K N GAK&ATT Grand Rapids, Wlebijait, October 6,1649. ITT* Price SI per bottle—e x i«mlcsfor si. Sold by • J |) PARK, (Scecesror - »f Sanford and Park,) Fouith and Walrct slreeu, Ci geoeral Agent for the Sooth, and W. n' n io whom all orders must be addressed. 1 L Wilcox, jr, James A.. Jones, J. Kidd A Co. R. A. Fitmes'.rclr A To, Piitsbunfb: L. T Rn'iell. Wash mgton; W. U Franklin; L. R. Dowic, Umotiiown; IL Wclty. Gr>ren*bsrgh |,S. Rouctx, So merset; Scott a Gdmora, IJedford; Reed A Son,Hoc itigdon ; Mrs. Orr, Hollidaysburg; Hildebrand A (V-. .n-Jiana: J-;K. Wright, Kiuanntnr; Evans A O. Wilson fc Son. Wayneabargl; McF*j land A Co, N. Calender. Wesdvillo; Burton A Co, Erie. Graham A Fcrker, Merger Jamra Kelly A Co. Boiler; S. Beaver; J. n Sammrrtaa, Warren F. L A C S. Jones, C-oadenpon; r Croaker, Jsnior, Brownsville, ocW;2dw ftald 5 » latfe * 1 'ow a* , 'Jo«'>nu, \oosM_ < iT4 «up- V Scp>?i H in dim ft «»io nt ualM-j B h :*^v so were 'ie r ; bm 'hetev. .1 Jl- • V says ii-. co mat I of Wild M'iglt re can pre rltuestf'd Asti® a, that are in. (in u* ruricabk sdvijnrr lli u-sa of **’*' i ter b vn dted of 11 cf tlio itrc«ai,.g 1, beetle 0 elnllt, is nig.,i an, frota t> '.iu-.-e. sid-j*y h-jfa- u * jam y f vher ,o me, V. it c time I ov«*rve<)