The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 30, 1850, Image 1

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». N. wurr») l« kutaxr.
#axxttx siiT'jußßft, thus rrsrrr, hutldooi to
Dally pa r——*—-*—-*— *7,o# per ani
Irt-V.’eeTrr 3,00 •<
Weekly, 'in advanee)— — 2.00 “
Do. O Ciabs, at a reduced |
One .“V<juMe,{lOliae§ of Nonpareil or less)
one ) neriioti»— • ——— •« —— .g 0.30
One r'«jur re, eaeh additional insertion -.. u,-*5
Do. oaeweek .........
Uj. lffowrtli ■■.««- goo
)>»■ ' three week* - - *'•©
i Do.-- one month——— ■. - gyp
I’o. twt> months 7 00
iV. three aoptiis-~ p,oo
' I>*i. four months • ~
IX'. fix months-. ... —. ~.... it. up
• ' IM. tweWejnomhi----——.. 18,00
- ' - Standing Card (0 liDes orless,) per annum- 10,UO
- OneSncarr.efcangeablceipleaiure (peran
num) rxefatlre of the paper-
For each additional «<jtan», Inserted over one month,
ana farencb additional aquarc inserted under the year-
Ip rates, half price.
Advertisements exceeding s'square, and not over
fifteen tinea, to be charged at t uiairc and a half.
Publisher* not accountable for legal advertisement*
•CTond the amount charged for their publication.
• Announcing candidates for office, to be charged the
tame as other advertuements.'
■ Advertisements not mailed on the copy for a speci
fied number of Insertions, will be continued till forbid,
and paynentexacted accord-. »
V eoafiaed
rigidly to their regular busiitcia, and all other adver
tisements not pertaining to their regular business, as
agreed for, to be paid extra.
All advertisements for charitable institution!, fire
®Pm»ie i H ward, township and other public meetings,
use, to be charged halfprice, payable strictly
Marriage notices to be charged SO eenta.
Death notice* inserted without charge, unless oecon
panted by funeral invitations or obituary notices, and
when so accompanied la be paid for.
Bcgularadvertisersand nil when sending commu
nications, or requiting notices designed to cal! atten
r lion lo i-aifi, Soiree*,Concerts; or any public enter
tainments, where charges are made for admittance—
all noticca of privito*associations—every notice do
wned to cull attention to private enterprises calcuia
' ledor intended to promote individual interest, can on
ly be Inserted with the understanding that the same
is to be pai l for. if Intended to bo inserted (a the lo
cal r alamo, tim same will be charged at the rate of
sot less than 10 cents per line.
Clihop cr Flat Notices to be charred triple priee,
Tavern License Petitions, 82 each.
„ **S»l and Medical advertisements to be charged at
full prices -
>. Real Estate Agents’ and Auctioneers’ advertise
stems not to be classed under yearly rates, but to be
allowed discount of thirty three and one third per cent,
from the amount or bills. - —•
wntiT o* tju-wmixt r« juilt ram*.
One Square, three Insertions-- -. .91 so
Do. each additional insertion-37
v aiiTTßtanmm ly wxxxtt run.
1 One Square, (10 lice?,) one ‘nsertioa- ■■■SO eta.
< . To- e*cb additional tiHßnion-—2» “
. All transient advertisements lo be paid In advance.
WHITE fc CO. Curette.
Kfiß’TM. RIDDLE, Journal.
JAMES P. BARR k CO- Chronio’o.
JDS. SNOWDEN, Mercury.
JAMES W. BIDDLE, American.
HIRAM KAINE, Everting Tribuna.
- Pitisjobob, Dec.i,HMi>.
joixb a. PAJUiiareoa,
' A WEIUIAN) Rflli Ward. Peon etreet, bciwtea
1 A. O’Hara and Waiaat. Alt-biuineie promptly at*
landadto. tztyV ~
TTOKNE\’ AT LAW—Office, on Fourm street
-abora Wood.
ATTORNEY AT law, hod Commissioner foi
PennsylYaaie, 8l i,ouii, Wo
All comrocmcßUon* promptly answered.
ucrtMy •
TTORNEY AT LAW—Office on Fouit street,
fcetwe&s SnmhGeld and Gram, PltUborel*
• eptllMy , e
Jons ii. uanicih,
A TTORNEY and Counsellor at Law, and Commis
•lonerforthe State of Pennsylvania, SirLouia;
«0t tlata of PitUboryh.)
Re J?7i?. cea T. l,itt,bßr S hr Han - W. Forward, Hamp.
wn A Miller, M'Candlese A McClurr, Jolut E. Parke
3mcll* A Bcmpic, McCord & Kin*. au?l4-lr
GUlgov,Pa. [ttmith'i Ferry Port OMte.)
lUtvoi permanently lecated at thia place, a new
and saUitnlial \\ barf Boat, wo are prepared to re.
celre and (of ward promptly to all points on'' the river
and Bandy and Beater or (Jluo l-anal*. IpalCo
Glasgow. Jana IS-*IA :
era.m*aaunr. a. coswkava.
W.K, WOO®ur*lO...<~— •—B4APB U4iUl.
*V>AOALEY, WOODWARD A CO, Wholesale Gro-
Jj cere. No atl Market at, Philadelphia. »t
PltubursU At lean Works.-
BENNETT, 'UEBRY A CO, Mannfa:turer* of Soda
Aab, Bleaching Powder*, Muriatic and Sulphuric
Acids. Warehoate No —, ater street, below Ferry.
corCOly :
Frederick Braun. (jeon’? Reiier.
BRAUN ft REITER, Who!r*alo and Retail Drug-
Ci*U, comer olUberiy and Sl Clair ureeu, Pitt*.
«rgh,Pa. ' ajvt
CA. MoANLLTV ft CO, Forwarding and Com
• miialen Mctebant*, Canal Uai:o, PnuLunh,
Pa. ran
C H. GRANT, Wholesale tit«cr, Couirm.eion and
• Forwarding Merchant, No. 4l Water »i , Pi:u
bargh. aM
Ira licraey—— Andrew Fleming 11. K. Fleming
nURBEV, FLKiaiSU ft. CO.,
raenic,Woolen, and Cotton Cnud<; aHo, dealer* in
nil kind* or Tailor*’Trimming*, No li? Wood *t, 4th
door from Fifth, Pittsburgh.
Reference—Meurs. W in. A. Hill ft Co. Hanker*.
Jang* .
’ «. litas.) wM.t, ura.
No 1U Second ntMi, Pit»bat(tb. aury
wi. a. assuin, jlvsa j. Ba-rtcrT.
ENGLISH ft BENNETT, (lato English, Gallagher
ft Co.) Wholeiaio Grocen, Commit.ion and Fur.
Warding Merchant*, and dealer* In Prodace and Pin*,
bargh Manufactures, No. 37 Wood «l, between t!d and
M street*. _ octl
MJ No 118 Second »t, t*ttul>argh. mrtl^
BMUT w. nuturn] [w* ltV» c. uVraarroj i , *
/I ENKEAL COMMISSION and Forwarding Mer- 1
RT ckaat» and Floor Dealer*, No tJTtf Market »*reet,
fulideiphta. OSS
No, 41 North Water Street A No. 18 North Wharves.
E»w‘o ÜbxU). J p .
. P. C. McCaxkox. JYWlado.
J. A-Waßssa. { Bor
HL&i (tucceaaor to Morphy A Gee,) Wool DeaL
• «r and Cowiamlo - * Merchant,'for the tale of
American Wooleaa, Liberty, opposite 6th n fcM7
I m. r. IB.IU.
* TTaBJY. JONES ft 00., (nceiuon to Atwood,
1 n Jones ft Co.) CommUcon end Forwarding Mer
| shuts, dealers,la PitUbsrgh Muafactared Goode,
i?itt*bar*luPa. mchir?
- w. P. aftitsilALL,
(ircceuo* to sahcix. c. ual,)
’ IMPORTER ft Dealer la French and American Pa*
X Per Hangings and UorJers, Window Shade*. Fire
board Prints, Ac. Also—Writing, Priming and Wr*p
. p*"T P»[»T, No. fO Wood xtrcct. between Fonrth itrtei
1 - Ed Diamond alley,veil aide, Pittsburgh,' Pa.
* ' feb!3
AGNEW, late of ibo firm of Chamber*,Ag*
nl,w ft Co ,wooid respectfully Inform the old css*
tomera a'lld the public generally, that be will *rllleon*
tlaaa to e VTT os the Green Glass bntmet*, In ail its
; rarlMlea Vvl if prepared to fill ait order* for Apothc
chle*, Pont™, v,«1.,,
psnaiutßf to I'ta baiineo. Jlu warehouse I* No *1
r. r t (..’►tween FirH ft Sccool *U. jy3<:d3ta
1 T^HinrttoKt-V^VboleMre deni-
If oris Dye Staff*. OiU. Varmuhe*. fte. No.
M Wood street, one d«> r Sooib of Diamond Alloy
‘ Flttsovgh.
1 , - ■ J r ™S5S2d i *SrVt ni “b«»»
. • Manufacture*. NoBl Waters*. Plmhurgh. apd
' taaiax bicxn, AOitar steirr, ra,
TBAIAn DICKEY A TOoleVt* Grpeew, Com-
X misaloa Merchant*, tad dealer* irt Prodoco, *»o*-50
Water, and 107 From r.teeu. PitUborgh. nova
John tt. I>Uworth-—~ —Joteph DiTworth.
J fl. DILWORTHA CO., Wfcolctais Grocen, and
• Affenta for lltzard Powder Co., No. 37 Wood tt. t
pUttboryh. ; _jlcs-y
. TuilN hL TOWNSEND, OracxlM Apothecary
t 9 No. <5 Market il, three door* above Third n. Pin*
Irvgh, will have c onataadjr on hand a well telected u
jonmentofihe bo tend freihett Medicine*, which he
*wfll aell <m the. men reaaonable tenaa. Physician*
. •Malta# orders, will be promptly attended to, and *np»
-tiled with artlelea thvy jaayTely aeon a# eenniae.
yry Physicians ProeriptMiu will be aceorately and
, C*snr pr-pared from the bc«tmuerliU,ataey beat of
- dta dayornixht.
Also lor isle, a tars* stoek et frtah ud good Perth
: perr. iota
• 1 John Kloyd. Kiebard WoyA
1 - T- Jt IL.FLOYD, Wbnleialt Giocett, Comrataiion
' 4J» Merchant*, and Dealer* la Produce, KonnJ
Chirth DtiULng*, frontta* on Liberty, Wood end
: rimburn. Pa,. ■ apl
i\NO. A-CAllOllty, Afeni for' ih* lake ErieVn'fl
> J Line to Heaver and the Lake*.—O&ce
.v am tkha comer of tt*>nr «r.J fitrmhbi-ld «;» I*l,l
w IiUTCIIiaON, A C».— Bae««orj t
.• if- llotehlion A Co-, Commitiion JJerebann
: . >«4 a*«!*i e( the Ht. Lows Steam Saxar Behncry
. iror.tatreeu,Pltt*nar<h.
ml : . : i
'V & CO, Whote*aJ9 liitxfiui M
r tf. No 04 %»t"od street. Pittaboryh. apt o
likN Wftolewle and Reran deale
V «l la Mule And Musical. Instruments, School Boost
Paper, Stales, Sic**! Penr, Quills,.Prtaitn’Card*, an
~ hi wood *l-, Pit;«bnrgh.
; r :tr^^Mßhma T bror taken Intrart* «fpl*
. , A C*>mk'LD, (l»ie oi Warren, Ohio,) CoionuT
4*«tiaaeb4 Fo/wardinit Merchant, and whole»*l«
««u*f iftWeeum Kceervfl Cti-oe, Uauer, Pot and
P«*J'A*h, jutd Watters Produce jeurrelfr. Water
- * <**V between SolOi&eid abd Wood, Pmi botgh.
Eicftfc JONES. Forwarding and Commiuioo Mer
ekact*,r>etle»<is Produce ud Piuifcurgh Bens
Hwtatcdantdcs, Canal pailn. neat 7th «t. ap4
: : F*» * ttH.Lt PIT T MIC OH, PA.
TT’SNBEEDY, CHILDS * CO., tla-nefictarcr* o
JV Wf *if>crlor 4-t Boeeiing, Carpel Chain, Cotton
Twl—ladbuom. . • .jatt-ir
T.^J!?.?St r,,D " * «u*)noa,BOOKSELLER, STA
Pittsburgh City Glass Worka. *
MnS^mTV^ 855 9 k window glasb.
«Sbi?,s| .!.«!, b e ,.«„ Flr „ „ 4 Sccood ,
ETPartienlar attention paid to odd sites. Also.
Daalera to ILINT ULA&S, VIaLS, BOTTLF.3, Ac
w. ccwsaius*, o. or,
JY.**-” P- cvnomausii.
W* Ricketson, Pituburgh.
\AILI.LR A RICKETSON, Wholesale Grocer*, and
, ?P?« ner,of bandies. Wine* tnd Segar., No*.
•It * Ls, comer of Liberty and Irwin «trcet«, Put»-
onrgn, Pa. Iron, Nails, Cotton Vtrns. Ac. 4c, con
ttaatly on hand. ’ ..
JohnM'Gi'nT” J* mc » u. M’Gill. Walter cTTtoe
lIAcGILLS .i ROE, WholestleGroeer* and Comrm«-
ITA aion Merchants, No 191 Liberty St, Piiuborglt
, - AND AXLE factory.
“*** JO&B, JOB* f. «Tl«a.
-_ , , JOSRB * UUIQQ,
7VTANLFACTUHEEB ofspriny tad blister steel,
.rJA plough steel, steel plooch win**, coach and clip
•I.UP nnffa ’- mmerc< * iron axles, and dealer* in mal
eaoie easUnss.firo enßiue lamp*, and coach trimminri
recerally, corner of Rocs and Front ««., Fttu*l»ur*h
A Tardoi, Oommliilon merchants
[Vl u. Jl Old LeveQ N Orlean*, keep constantly on
A J ». haa ? a,a . r !t e a"*ortmrnt of Brandies of the tollow-
S O, IJ< ‘ ms «* ux j v»i: Maflory, J. Fraud, J Du
rand A Co, Laroel.clle, J j Durand, Cornac, A dr M in.
texon, A I. UieriUe, A de Mondore, Jean l.ow» Ac
Anchor Gin, BordrooX Red and White Wines
A*o£*h!.£J d with care by John Durand
besides Champagne Wine and Sweet Boi^ndy
sS'&'JiSdlpS*"*'’ C "' J6C, “’
u ‘“ pra,liUU ;S“
Or. AJs hoKP *l ,li ’lo ttntablUhmaut ‘ *
F pi'.j;*r BCH .F I?I . IMANN » «. oppitie the
Post-Office, I'tiisbiirrh.—Mans. LanJ<iM.-w.« iriir
Drawing lo H bUU ’ Libcl ,*l Architectural ai'iJ Klnehine
SftLW Uu,,neu Oardsic^evrsrcd
or »R?k ?„ il« nC ' aud ~nnU?J >“ colors, Gold, Llroaie
U S' LK i . 00 ■'»• "5 Ijkeny H.rot
Who.«**|e Urncern, Produce an.t
bEta™,. ‘“ U ‘ *" d ta - :c "
I MlßlSoir__Tllo» I _t.rm.S. S* ML . B.
'Nbolesalr Grocer. lteci<fyin-
UKi, U w ' illHnH er ‘? &*»•«• Puuhqrrh Mm-tiWl
and ° l r - I |,flrw<rn “ nJ Dorne«tic Wine.
l*fi*«.«S2 n '/ N# ' 11 M*«F * lrccl - <’n o very*. - -
fi™«* 9HEE. F. m nto, ..dc™. i.
Sw. InfirS-.H I ,'.*’» r t ?'tt*
eouhvlSS'* K? Ce * o ei,h « P a:J «a" tines far
Entry rags, Come - Penn and Irwin ns. mis
& 00, Wholesale Gr^ecn.
Kttilw^xr 00 ; MercbMU . :, lerlcn In Produce
Putitargh Manufacture!*, liberty strcci, Piusbur-iti,
1 op!3
Iftdr l^l A Y K GR C>CEn, Produce, Forwarding,
Bfla Commission Merchant, and Dealer in I'm?
re.j. M.eut.qerr. No W
SSiieKLCTTj wiim; wb.taS£'6^7,
KJ Foreign and Domestic Dry G«od*. No ‘ni V.'; - i
■trociPln«>.niah._ * 0
S Jh S '**" Afc ’**os? , n i PiSl, if., iZion
O inFlour *nd Produce generally, » n J Forward-.™
and Commission Merchants, Hi First .tree: ui.f
118 Second meet Pittsburgh. «m: G
O ai«Bion Merchants, No. i 7 Liberty aueci Viiit.
bargh. Sperm, Linseed and Lard OiU, *>.j7
• een, Forwnniinff and Comtm-«ion Merchant,
uealerv In 1 ttisburga Mana'ncturcs and Wcite'ii
Produce, have remnvad ia their new warehnu»e iViu
llano' ‘ MlCorn;rol I?r311t ,tttet *>-d Chancery
tea and wine merchants
__ fa-utfiJeDintnonJ,Pituburgh. *pi ?
eL. r insivaji.] .
PioJuce end Conmi.rnan Mc^chanit,
AcJ dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactured alui-Us,
Biol. 130 and 133 Second atreat.
between Wood A HniitliGeM. P.tufaurch. uupl
lOUH WA.IT ) (JukiN W ILson
•7011 IT WATT A CO.,
WHOLESALE Grocers, C-ommiision Merchants
and 'letlersin Produce and Pittsburgh Mar,a
racrerc*,ii£? Liberty at, Pittsburgh, P*. S reif*
FLOUR— 70 brls choice Family; *"
SrO LrU Saper£ae;
85 Wl-* Fuse, arriving, anH for i*U> l.v
DAinD A lavißi
TTTOL’l.Dinform the public. th-y l ave taken rhe
Bf warehouse formerly ocupied l,y n, e ij>lr ft ir
selomon Scnoyer, m fecond itrceL Having a large
ard-eomrandioua warehouse, they would invur tae
attention of perxos* having io cuii'.ieit or *iorr
Thyr wtll af»o give attention to the purchase and sale
of Note*. Draft*. Honds, Ac. hU p?
L.B. Waterman-•R.N.Waiennan -W. B. Waterman
I*. 8. WATSnUAX *. BOSS,
WHOLESALE GROCERY, Commit<ien and For
warding Merchant*; draieM «n all t>ud< of Pro
dace A Pit:*burr;h Manufactured Article*. an. Aaenu
fnr iile ol RicUmo:ul and i.yu.-kil.urr MunuiVeiure I
Tobacco ‘ r ,
\v:.i ■miiiUN,
Butier, Pa
WILL al*o attend to rollecliona and alletherUai-
Beta enimied to biro in Butler and Aunairont
eountki, Pa. Refer to
J.&K. Fiord, Liberty it.l
W. W. Wallace,. do l
Jame* Marshall do fPuUbwrch.
dir KaV A Co., Wood it. J ;un7
Canal Batin, Penn street, PiiuborrL. mr«
j Amiss ra. DAvis'sTdij
No. 527 Market, and £1 Commerce il, Philadelphia.
Advance* made, by dllier of the above, os consign*
menu_of Prodncc_to either JSoate. mrf.
j. D. Williams-.*—™.Zr—-^TjohiTllar'i."
Forwarding and Commission Merchants, and
'alen in Conn try prodnee and Pittsburgh Manuftc
fes, corner of Wood and Fifth streets, Pittsburgh,
Wm *’
/m. ii. Wiiimn*. ■ ■ j it. ai<v»y
WM. 11. WILLIAMS «. CO.,
Norik Cut corner of Wood and Third street*,
janl Pimicsaß. I’a.
w. a. woodwaio, aiurn saoacst.
WM. BAGALEY A CO., Whoiesalo Grocer*; 18
and lIP Wood street, Kitubmsh. apt?
loan t>. wici, davip M'cASßLiyj.
WICK A M’CANDLESS, (sncccsecr* to L A J. D.
Wick,) Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and
CommJiiion Merchants; dealers la Iron, Nails, Ola**,
, Cotton Yanis, and Pm«borgh Manufacture* general
ly, cornet of Wood and Water atrceu, Pittsburgh.
WA M. hIITCHGLTREE, Wholesale Grocers,
• Rectifying Distillers, and Wine and Liquor
Merchant*. Also— Importers of Soda Anh and Bleach
ing Powder, No. 100 Liberty street, (opposite 8-Ath
street.) pittsbargh. apl?'JLSON, Watches, Jewelry,Silver Ware
• and Military Good*, corner of Market and
Founli streets, Pit'jbnrgh, Pa. N. B.—Wanbei a-id
Clocks carcfolly repaired. *»l7
wm loons. joh» b. a*cvn<-
\hj’ M. YOUNG A Co., Dealers in Leather, Hide*,
ff Ac., 143 Liberty street. jat.< ly
wm. N'ccrnraon. ho»t. s’coTCHian ""
WAR. MeCUTCHLON, Wholesale Grrc* «,
♦ dealers in Prodcce, Iron, Nails, Glass, a-a
Pittsbarga Manufacture generally, Liberty stnot.—
Pitubujgh. ]ani;
co-pahts icasu IP.
I HAVE taken WM. CARR into partnership with
me in my bosiness, which wilt front this date ha
carried on under the name of "John Parker A Co.”
John Parker William Carr.
Wholesale Grocers, Dealers in ProJaee , Foreign
Wines, Liquors, Old MonongahtU
and Redijied Whiskey.
No. S, Commercial Row, Liberty street,
prim Pittsburgh. P
(fiseccuors to Hussey, Hanna A Co 1
in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificates
Of Dcpottte. Bank Note*, and flpectr—North west
corner of Wood and Third streets. Current money
received on deposite.—-Sight Checks for sale,
collections mads on nearly ait the principal point*
the United States.
The highest premium paid for Foreign and Ameriean
Advances mado on consignments of Produce, ship
ped Bast, oo liberal terms ;
VM.A. K’CLCao,] |i»J. t li.uo
wn. a* wcLuna * co„
/Yd 266 l.iitTiv fttrel, aVn*- BW/,
Have nlway* on band's Isrue a««onn»rnt of Ohoics
Oracefiei and Fine Tea*; also, Foreign Fnm» &«■<*
Nou, Whoteiale and Retail. Dculns suppiiei on lU
tnwf*tiern>* niavl
Manufacturer of green glassware.
Vials, Boulez and Flasks, Fottrr, Scotch Ale,
Mineral Water, Paten: Medicine, and Wuie Battles
f every description; alio, WINDOW GLASS.
Keeps cim« antly on band a central assortment 01
the above aniclei ALSO STATE, as the other Green
Glass Factories are tu norraD, as is the custom in
rummer, TnuFii rosi la two’ ki full omaTtoff, and
will continue in operation Ixiiti rummer and winter.
Orders respectfully roli. iic J, and mil be tiled on tbe
shorten notice
Warehouse, No 112 Second etreet, between Wood
and flmublieii ate, phubanh. jyagrJiy
' Po-pKifWifiiuiHipr
SAMI. P. 811H1VF.R and CHAS. UAHNES have
this day associated themrelrcs together, under the
finnof Bhnrer A Barnes, (or the transaction of llio
Wholesale Grooery, Produce, and Coomisrlon lm*l»
oess, at No I'M A ixj Second suect, between Wood
and Southfield at,
PitUbarah, Aggasll, lfon—aual
THE hixhest market price In Cub will be paid for
the different grades of Wool, by
ff?sT ßi^*! iaa!saoc«*co
7 HUS roigni&cetii c«tabU*htnom beiut now pa™
..odp fo, busioosMho y ipllcii . .boro 01 the public poiroiort
Ho ilu.i. b>- «jvm, his foil otlenuop to (pg bosinoss.
" moke ibo hoooo « plowo, ,„d ooraforublo
siuonU ° f ™’ b » r S h *»d for Iho .ouSy
Good will ’
efii^? d iB m «dp n to render the VonK “e
S'TMU-',^ ClUrC *‘ meeun f "wili
inv Shi, ° f ’° Q “ Übefm * lenß * •»
Tlie ItAK aoJ RESTAURANT, equal in .trie and
StKw? in Wor wi " kept fi&thed
7 tl ‘ “ Urp Wmeß, Choice Liquor*, Cordial* Porter*.
Poului ‘rim C °p’ of tb
i J^.!‘,', N,N " T' 10K ? UKAM SAUKJN., on
*ui nliv i «V,V a ?i^.» cB *? * Pce "*> W| H he constantly
, I* H ,U ? Luxunea tuid Ujlicuck-* of the
aiWd ’ J s ‘ l *°- wuhMlob »üb»tanu«l* it the market*
Hoarding by the <lay, week, or rear. Dinner*
ii«i?« T *- f ° r l ‘ dlVl ' lnij4 or * ErUR ** iuriusbeJ on ab<
T7 i lh * hel *• Ti.-.inp the efty eanl
o'lht Oiy* 1 WU * r<frCkhnienl * °« Ml kinds at anyhoui
S:ah - ,n £ and an extensive Livery Establish
nunt i* connected with the Mall ’
honrr norUil t,, ' !lock - Breakfast and Tea at the usual
c "*» *” j
>g - V l ' tl K- H. VAN RENSSELAER
*• WKsrcsvn.T, sh.} |a. wusrsxvti.T, ji
hi,, * e ?*s e V nMan,l X ®» *»■««* *»r make to order the
best article in their hue, at their old stand. No. 13 Si
UairKtreet; also, at No. t*fl Market street, second story,
entrance in the Diamond. Veittuaii Shutter* made to
order, and old Minds neatly repaired. a>>lO
A J, QIiKNR| Book Uladirt,
“ |tr^ 'UtlfHigaßcd in the above buune**, cornel
cl t.ood and Tbini streets, Pittsburgh, where
we are prepared to do any work in our line with Je*.
]>a:ch. We attend to our work personally, and satis
faction will bo given in regard to u* neatness and da
Rlnnl Booti Tilled to any pattern and bound sab
itanti'i'ty Book* lit numbers or old book* bound cart
bully or repaired. Name* pm on hooka in gilt letter*.
Those that have wstl in our lino are invited to call,
prme* low nysu-if
I’enn Utoblna Shop,
HWiGHThIAN— Manufacturer or*All kinds of cot*
» too ami woollen machinery, Allegheny eity, Fa
ine above works being now In full and »ueec»xfi! «>•
e.-ation,l am prepared toexesite ortsr* with ditpateh
lor all kinds of machinery iney line, sueh as willows,
picker*, spreaders, card*, grinding mat Lines, railway*,
drawing .ironies, speeders, ihiasiilc, lotnas, woolen
cards, double or tingle, for merchant or country work,
moles,jacks, Ac.; iliJe and hand lathea and tool* in geit
ernl. All Kinds of xbaAing made to order, sr plan* giv*
e, i tor gearing factories or mills at reasonable cli*r<e.
. „ Er \ a .. ,,> “ l ‘ fun ‘ : oy, Child* A-Crx, Blaekstock, Beil
* A.lirav
4UEKNSWAKE manufacturers,
Blxtnincham.tneor Plttaburftb,; *»«.
Ofici, Wuur it,' teiwm Alarirt and
l i'<x>d t Pltlilrvrgk.
X&jg) w il.L constantly keep on hand a good assart*
j£p|sr ment of Ware; of oar own manufacture, and
superior quality. Wholesale ami country Mer
chant* are respectfully invited to eallandex
tmma for themselves, as we are determined to sell
theaptr than hat ever before been oti'e/sJ to tb« pub-
resent by mail,accompanied by the ea*h el
vod be promptly anended to. tor*
A. Wlimi X OO . would respectfully inform
• We public that they Luw eiectrd aeo .pon
Lx-vck, baweeu Ksdrrml ci-d J**initnay street,. They
aic iio*/ o.ukir.g and *ie pictured i“ rn-cive order, lor
ever* dct'.ti.nioaoi vehicle", ttoaobe,. Chariot’.. Ba
loc.-bom, ph.cljioi. Ac . .1, , v,!i., h r,.rj il.cir
«w- -*'* abov.- work,
a.-.u the f*o(,i> t tSei 1.-vi . thr> w;, 4 and, r,t :t,: y *r«
iVrve'vv'**' Ti '4*uiißb;<- lerius out
I aymg paitualsr ullcittiwi: in itir teleruon of ei*te
ru:«, >fd hnvrii* none but rohiprtent vot'.tacu, th-tr
l,avp no lii'-.iijtion in wjrr*!iii!n thru work. We
loeicfir.e atk t:,9 aiwnuon ot the pubbe to thi* mkt|et
U Rf-paxing Jou- in ibe t>c4i luannci, and o:. Hie
luatuuttbic tcruiv E |
Wm r. JtMKS ATkllUt’N.
✓'l , v-ri«c’ix n lC '' ' V, vt ' **•' Bmamt uaß,
v HN AND Bliurf WAUK. Also, ll:,vs*
<xm tii W ork
Staaoi Bom* built to nr.l<r.
niimiton to s^*, a t, ott won. ,
.. . ,* e hand* a tne a-»onmei,t 01 C*pp,-r as t llr*n
Kettle*. I i.i \\ are,Ac 4e. Stcamboiil Cooking Stove*,
t ortat-ic Lorgr*. viru>u* me*—a » f ry couveturir. ar
ticle tor crcamboxi*, L-aliipniia eiaigranu, or rail twud
compai.ics. •
\>e would respectfully invito steam boat men anJ
other* to cull and see our articles ami puces before
purclitxini el wrwliere. jvttT
Wrooßlittnil Caatlroa RaUlag.
THK *jb*.-nb.-rr Leg leave to inform the puMio h* 1
they have ctnnu.rd irum the lia*t all the laic «nJ
fa*tuont!)lr «Je«ig!i* tor Iron Railing, both lor bov«e»
»na ceu.?.trno* t*rr»on* vuluar to procure
some paucrsi vs-.liplnasc cal! nnd rx*im:ie, and jtdvs
for lta.liug will be furoi**.ed *t thr .l.ait*
e*t notice, ui:J m trie Lest manner, at the corner ot
Craig and Rebecca tUeeta, Allegheny city,
augto-ctf A. L.AMUNT A KNOX.
JYKUiS tfnTr jo mmriti hit anj rottrnarr, -h«
ii-r p-rnirn.rr. - . r *..>i .unrner. It‘jru.v
impcMiUr :o d.-tr-iSr tt<* l.rau;y, v.atiiy, ur (jornMiiy
of IQc 'lock, m<; {•ropnr.ior bope>. a!i wbo are in w*nl
of *t>nd, ch<-*p iui.l well tnade eioilic*,
will f.ive Inin a re.II, ft* ttirre is no #UK.*k tbt* tide of
tbr AiitfilicntM tba: tv; roiajiare with it.
Ttie ready made department u very axteniira, adap
ted 10 au tsaiet.
Rail roxd contractor*. country merchant*, and *1)
wbi> purchase luiyrly, «r>: paitn-uliuiy mviird to ex
• mine the Moot heloic purcnvinif, *• particular at
tention i* paid to tr.e wholesale t-UAUie«i iu Bus estab
Every article in the tailoring lino made to ordet in
the moat fashionable and heat manner, at the shorten
notice inrl»j
THE partnership heretofore raunng under the firm
of A A O BRADLEY, i* dissolved tty the drcea*r
of Mr. C Bradley. The buunrs* will be ritrned on by
A Bradley, who will settle the baslue** of tie late
REMOVAL—A BsiDLttT hat removed his Foundry
Warehouse Irum No lit* Second *ueet,to No IV Wood
street, between First and Second ureeta, to the ware*
home lately occupied by fi A Berry, where he will
keep constantly on hand a general assonmeninf Catl
ings, Urates, Stove*, Cooking Stove*, Ac y|■)
and No. i American Btuicr Steel. Alto—Best
Cast Steel Filca, of all *izre; and Blacksmith and Shoe
Rasps, alrvni a on band on.l for sale, either at his “Ea
gle Steel Wotks,” O'llura street, Fifth Ward, orntthe
udtreir. the Iron ht.»r,- u | nOLI.MANS A GARKI
- No 4, foot oi Wood street, Pittsburgh
We, tba nnderrigned, buying used, with entire sat
if faction, the Cbm Steel and Files made by Samuel
MeKrlvy, ut bit Engle steel Work*, tn this city, take
pJe.t«urc in recommending them a* equal in quality to
any ever osechby us, of foreign manufacture.
Pittsburgh, AJareli U. i;iu.
Manufacturer* of Irou and Nat %, FttKboreh, Pa
Iron Founders and Machir>j«:„, r.uiburgh. Pa
Manulif uirers ct Spring*, AXie«, Spring flterl hnd
Rivet*. l*ni*burrli, Fa.
i fc w .vt i abkr;
Engine Builders and Machine Card Mnnuficiu
rera, Pittsburgh. Pa.
Brt»« Founder. Pittsburgh, Pa.
Manofuetuter* of Irer. and Nail*, Pitwhurab, Pa.
Locomotive Engine and Ship Builder, Pittsburgh, Pa.
w w Wallace,
Marble Matiafuctutcr, Machine and Engine Build
rap'v *». PiU*bureh, Pa.
Dlnotatlon ot Ptnatrihip>
THE Partnership heretofore diving between the
eokictther*, under the Lrir. of Cnnmbers, Agoew
A Co.. Glass Manufacturer'. w»« dmclvrd ij mutual
fontenl, on the 6rs: iUy of July, instant. Alf personr
knowing themr-tlves in Jr Med to snid firm are reuuer.t
rd to woke payment to ruber cf itie pornes, without
delay, and all prr«un« bavinjr unsettled account* with
said ftriu, are mvitud to orrxent them for settlement
immediate.y. Al-KXA.N'UCU CHA.MUKHf*,
1 HIE owner* asd ctmwii.;t* of gundy arriving by
. tbe ‘•Ontrea*’ I’orublc Boat Line," will tilriue
take notice that they will be teqimcd to pay freight
at our warehouse, according 1.1 the receipt, before
the goods «se reiuqvcJ t' A McANI I.TV A ro
jyt .
Waibliigi Ilieartituf, aad bltauili
Diatcrion*—l*ui the clothe* into cold water and lei
in rut *oak (itt night. In toe mnrnini; wring them
00l and put then m o a leti.o of boilint water, in
Which add the pr.-i,i>ili>.n r>| otic. p in of tloid lu eight
rallonr of water—*;ir it Dp and boil the whole twenty
minutes The clothe* wry then be wrung out and
wdt nmcj in dear cold water The pan* 01 gai
tociiii ihm maybe nm*t m.h d, .ueh a* wristband*
*cd collate of shirts, may tie ‘lightly rubbed befutu
rinai.’ur, and the clothe* will be ii-und peiler.tiy clean,
while and cleat.
Warranted net in injure ilc hne.>i f*Lnr and to gi«u
perfect satisfaction, ot me nu>tic ( will he refunded
flo'J wucle«ale and retail by RE SKLLEUtt
»<pl«_ .7 Wood «t
Cleveland, Warrto aad PUtabnrgb
Telegraph Company.
IN jiuriuacve o( a resolution ol the board oCDircc
tun of the Olrvclaml, Warren and Pitubatgh
Telegraph Company, zepte. ting the Secretary to maae
uul and cause pnbluhed in iho newspapers along
the Line, ar. exhibit of the financial anil other afUirs of
thi< compeny. 1 submit the following Report—
Tie line of Telegraph commence* at Cleveland and
terminate! at Pittsburgh, passing through Chagrin
Fall*. Franklin, Newton rails, w arten, Younynown..
and Lowell, in the State of Ohio, and New Castle and
Rochester, in the Slate of Pennsylvania, at which
potnta there arc oftices located for the receipt and
tr»nrnii**-on of lonfiti.'
The whole length of the line Is 1 h) milt *—Capital
Stock, per iwle, making ■ to«»l car>tt») »wcV of
tti£U}, ofwtocn amount ijtO,d<J3 i« held nycuinns
alont the lute, and the balance it held t.y Cornell Ik
Baeed. the coutractois- The above amount of sub
scriptions by citizen*, have been paid to Cornell k
Speed, for which the Trurtec* luve Uittr receipt.
jejd.dtf JV.FFLBSON U\U\l.
100,000 feet Seasoned Deck Plaitki
~0,000C.1 B^c gs l , o *lfr b , r
Attnmay at Law, Fourth it
Slate fflulnnl Fin losnraDee Company
Harrisburg, pa.
TBEvery.liberal patronage extended tolhi* ecm-
P an Y, naving issued policies to the amcontof near
«>ne a> d a Half Million of Dollar*, daring the lest
three months, i* a flieient manifestation of the esu
tnaUnn and confidence of the public in the sysiem of
n *y *f mwrt on which lu basinet* iscoodactnd
i o etty qr cocniry merehsnl*,snd owners of dwell
r?*. and isolated or coan'ty ptnperty, it is helievstl
ut* company affords advantages in point of cheap*
ne»i, safety, and seeoritr, inferior to no Insurance
Company in this country.
tonductM oa the equitable and greatly Improved
system orUe*sl£cation of Risk*, excluding all ipccifl
nasyds, insuring only a limited amount in any one
locality, i bus precluding the frequency and occur renre
of lurne fire*, and also on both the Stock and Mcruat
P l *", tt notpn!v pmesiei the chcapnes* and accora
moiiatinn of both methods, bot entitle* the insured to
a punictpanon in the profits
ii! 11 ~ hc control of the follawing Dircnoir;—
i >,n . 1 ■ Kutherford, A. J. Gillett. John IL Packer,
Samuel T. Jones. Alonao A. Carrier, Philo C Sodg*
Wick, Robert Klotr. j p RUTHERFORD,Push
. . _ A J GILLETT.Scc’y.
A A Cxaataa, Actuary
Branch Office for Weatern Pennavitanla, M 9mith*
ur d street, Pittsbargli. Persons desiring insurance
wli be tarnished with book* of the company by call
ing at the office. ce3
Aiideiatsd Plrsnaa'i Inißtaaos Com*
p&njr of tlx* City ofplttlbiuth.
J K,MOOREHEAD, Prea’t-W. W. DAI.I A‘?,Beo’T
l * now Prepared to instne against
J FlREand VA«lNEßl3k9ofn'| kind*
Manonstaheta House, l2d ,\ 125 lIW <f.
, ~ Biaactoas-
J K M«orthead, Body Paiierron. Wm. A. Bill,
R H. Hart ev, R. B. Simpson, Joshua Rhode*. W m .
M. Edgar, Edward Gregg. A. P. An»b«u, Wiu. t’ui-
ItDgwood, B. C. Sawyer. Chaa. Kom, Wm Gorman.
, m<i.l:dly
bl/s aad llaaltb luaruiss*
fpUK Mutual Life and Health In.iunicc Ciatuny
J. 01 Philadelphia, Incorporated by the Legislature
of Pennsylvania, March, 1543 Charter perpetual.
Capital, sioOjOtM). Rataa bourse teas ant Paiuorw*
rajua Compaby, and full -jo per eent lover than the
usual ratea of Life Insurance, at the following com
parison will ahour Thus a per»ou of the age o? 30 in
luring for <lOO for life, mua pay in the Girard
Pcnn«ylv»nia,t*LW I Penn Mutual, ri3«; Knniuble,
New York Life,fiftt; Al
bion, $0,43; Idle and Health, Philadclntia,*lJil.
Dibbctob*.—Bauniel D Orrirt, ChnHee D Hall. W.
F. Boone, Robert P. Linn, Charles P. Hayei, M. W.
Baldwin, M.Jkl. Reeve, S i. D., Chat. O. B Campbell,
Lewis Cooper, I. Rodman Barker, £.ll.Better, Edwin
R. Cope. President—Samuel D. Orrickj Vice preti
aent—Robt I. King; Serietsrv—Francis Blackturne.
Applu-xuous willhe received, and every Information
given by SAML. FAHNESTOCK, Agt,
Office, Commercial Room#,corner of
Wood and Third su, Pittsburgh j
TIIK INSURANCE CO. o( North America will
muc permanent and limited Insurance on pro
pcny in ihu city aaJ vicinity, ar.d rn «hinmrnts br
Lanai, Rivera, Lake*, and by Sea. The properties of
tbi# Company are well invested, and furnish an avail
fond for the ample indemnity of all persona wb
desire to be protected by insurance
_tayls WM. K JONES. Areni
i'lr* and Marla* laiaranet.
THE OFFICE at the Inaar&nee Company of North
Amenca, haa been removed to No. 1-11 From at
etalot Wood.
The aabaeriher, nrentforthe above old and reapon
«*“** Company, wiD lasae Policies on Boildinra and
their contents,.and on abipmeuti ot Merchandise Ur
bteem Uoata and otter vessel*.
fioilcrn no a Antique furonurc,
&3,Tniau Bt., liimacaau.
pitted bh spring mock
FURNITURE, the largest bail most varied attocimeni
ever offered for sale in this city, comprising teverei
*eu» of Hojtrwoon, Manor. »ht. and Dlacl Wsifttrr
carved, ornamental and plain. umable for Parlor*’
Drawing anJ Red Rooms, all of wiuen will b« «uIU at
ILr lon'cti prices
Perron* desiring Furniture of any drtcriPUon, are
spwtfclly luvited JO calUmleiausur U«*uik, which
embrace* every Jescnotino, trom the cheapen and
i-Uioeti w :he atosteb* 6 snt andcocUy, of wtiie!. i Lp
following comprise* a part-
Tctr a Tele Kof«*; Tele a Tele l>,raa*
l-onvcnalion Chairs; liluabeibisa Caairt:
Korepuoa iL> Louw.XIV dd
I.tieifion do jrutfn Kuioce, .
WhstNr.ta; Toilet Tabie*;
L«u>« M V »'nturaadore; Duke of Vork » Court,-
60S>u« w«L Pi««u anJ ll«in!o'.y voids; *
SUDlfhlt*. d.J Jo Jo
40 ilut MrtijofttUv I’&ilv.* I'Uiu'i,
lu - l.’orcwooJ Jo o*.
il • Ut a Waiual .10
4v - Oauo.'et:
4 •• Mobil* in,- Hocking «!»;
* “ do Piano t>LK>U,
SO Marble Top Centre Tables,
3d Uo du SVaoh fchaads;
VftMabofuiy HeJstetilj,
IV J> Warilrobaa:
19 Btft Waloat do;
u aher y do.
A very .urge ataannest of Common Chair* and oth
er Furniture tno tedious to meiuion
Hi. »m Boats furnished on the aborted nonce
All order, prompily attended 10.
P. H -Cabinet Maker* can be aupplied with ail sorts
Of Mabogas), \> Olnal, and Veneert, at coimdenblY
reduced oricev fe.bli
niVG voa bai,h,
\\ Mia Ha'.'-t%ll \VooJ.lli:«r UnlU;
i!-> ll'ar.i'y '.‘ouauii.iri, a ;l » re
>ta 1 at t-aridf) |iru*c»
Su-el q;ired dk.
Utm Jo
Drab do
Black C»i3iicera.
Fancy do
Fancy Tweed*
Soper Black Uroad Cloth.
Soper Brown do
Snpert;rceu do
Super Twilled do
Soper liiAck Doe Skin*
Soper Drab Caahraerr*. ]
Super Drown do I
Super DUck do
California Dlatketa.
Scarlet do
Ulce do
Drab do I
fimin nagging.
Drown Drill*; I
At the Manufacturer*'YV
Hoiuo league Sbirung.
Checks and Stripes, Ten
bearj goods.
Tailor*’ Good*.
Bed Padding, anperda;
Veil Padding, Buckram,
TaUntVCat. vast, t-ravy Jo;
Brown Linen*. Silica 1 *
Ur*i> Serge. iiiact do. • 11
a>iit worried.
Black and While Tape,
Black Twin, Drat, du:
Linen Check* and Brills
Stuart's ft cord Sn’l Cor.on;
«lo Linen Thread, a
superior article:
Silk Figured Vesting*;
Black Satm d»
Brown Holland Se'g Sitka;
Boltons, Cravat., Xc., A o,
axe boots, No I'd? Wood «
»|UIE co-partncra'iip heretoforeexisting between the
X subscriber*. in the name of Constable, Burke it
£O, l* thw day aitsolved by mntnsl consent. Me«r».
Burke 4 Bcunes willuuis the basinets of the concern,
for which purpose they are authorized to use the name
of the eohrern.' NATHANIEL CONSTABLE.
thomas Barnes.
The undersigned have thisdiy associated themselves
in the nsar of BURKK A BARNES, for the purpose
of manufacturing Fire Proof Safe, Vsaii Doors, Ac
Ac., ut the stand of the late firm or Constable, Ucrke
where they will be pleased to receive the nstron
age or the customers of that house tnd their friends.
In retiring from the firm of Coasuble, Burke A Co.,
I with sincere pleasure recommend Messrs. Burke A
Barnet to Ihe-conhdcnce of ray friends and the public
HAS jast returned from the Eastern Cities. tnd i n
receiving a Urge variety of seasonable Coodt, t*>
which he respectfolfy invitei the attention of mere h
ant* and pedlars. No &! Wood si. fcbll
WALL PAPER—WCI’. Miwmi.t is constantly
receiving, from the large* manufactories in
New York and Philadelphia, and also from Frenuh
agencies, the newest ami most approved styles of Pa
per Hur.ginr*, together with Borders, Kite Hoard
Prints, and Tester Tons. For tale at b 5 Wood at, be
tween Fourth at and Diamond alley, tsaceeasor to 3.
t\HiU-L. _ sp.l
METALLIC PAINT—d brisjQst reo'd per siearaer,
aod for sale by the barrel or single pound at the
Drue, Seed, and Perfumery Warehouse, corner of
tfillh and Wood streets. * N WICh'KRSIIAM
f|MIF. Pha-rux Manufacturing Company now offer to
X the public their Premium Chemical Stove Polish;
and wilnoii! exaggeration, or fear of contradiction, by
those who have tested it, pronouncr ii for * to
any other in the market. The cousauiei need have no
apprehensions of soiling carpet*. Ac , as its com
position prevents a dust from nrning when being ap
plied, which must be done when the Stove n , o,d
The quantity required i« *o lulls to produce a i.cjo
tiful lustre. A saying of over fiflv per cent it in-ured
to the consatners. A coating applied to Stove*. Pipes,
Ac., when laid away for the summer, is u sure pre
ventative again* rust. Alter having tried it oticr,
(if il i* accessible) no perron will use any hut the
Pha-nii Msiiri*oiunng-Company's Premium Chemi
cal Stove Polish For »*le by
mrfl _ Ct*n>rr nf Siitli snd Wood sirens
PlTTBOl'pail aOl iININO BTOHifi,
Cornrr of Penn and :'t. t’lair street'.
WM ALEXANDER* StiNH. Furnishing Under
takers, where evciy eiui-te lor Funeral mid
Mourning ptirpoves ran be gut on rcuannuble terms
1111 dim
f|IHK VleiUe MonUgiie Company supply the,t agent*
I wub Hoofing utuf Flooring in sheets 3t7 feet, from
II to TJ ounces pci square loot Coriugatvd in -beets
It", 27 or, for roofinx public buildings and depots
Hbip Sheathing, 14 ■ did Inches, front L’j to 3i ounces
Nails, Spikes, Wild, Sugar Molds, Performed Zinc,
Zinc Paint, Ac.
They warrant their metal pure, and fiee from any
admixture of iron,' or any other substance, t>nd re
commend n for the oannfarture of most articles in
(he house famishing Pee, as it does not rast, is not
affected by the actibn of water, and may be poLshed,
punted, and japanned
Samples; model!, plans, specifications, and other
l&fs>mation u>ay be bad of their agents
hi'C&r.t, a Hrxono, New York;
ATXDfMM, Hobuna A Co., Boston;
NateaS TitoTCkb A Co , Philadelphia;
W. A !L MeXlu, Baltimore;;
Siasx, Dai k Huunn, Nsw Orleans;
P, WILUKOUX, BsMdent Agent.
- S’Hsnoversl., Nsw York
Liege, September if.~-scpfcd3m
fpllF. Autobiography ofLelgh Hunt; with rentin-
X licences o< mends and contemporanes, in 2 vole
Carlyle's Latter .Day Pamphlet*— No VIU, subject,
Mictory or Dinai theGrteL Bjr Jacob Abboit, with
Julia Howard, a Romance. By Mm RJartin Beli
Pictorial Field Boot ofthe RcTDtutionr—Jtos: •'
Tbo above work* received this day, and for tale by
Cot. Market k Third at.
“'d4 bblsNo l onhaod uni for ule br
Wwt m 4 Tm\ nmu
llltw BXtaile,
RECEIVED litis day from the can:—
La Serenade—Scbrut*erL . •
La Serenade—Arrntijrcd as Daelt. 1
Jeannsue and Jeuunot—For Guitar.
Voice of by gone days—Foster.
Awav down in Cairo— Fostflr.
Ha Watchful and Beware—Glover.
Beside* many other popular Bonn and Flec«; •
II KLEBEiI, ■ ■'
__ '£pl3_ Sign of iheColdca Harp, Third al •
new Books.
HF.AI.TH, Disease, and Remedy. ByT)f. Moore.
Adelaide Lindsay, a novel. By the .author ol
“lattice Arnold," “Neman’* Bridge." Ac., Ac.
I ire and Correspondence of Robt. Somhey— pan S.
Gibbon's Home—6th and Gib vol,—complelioqof the
ssptk. Received and for suits by
■pNOLISH ORAM MAR—The English Language Jit
Jj it* eirmeru and fonns t wiib a history of its origin
and deveropfineut; departed lor use in cotlrgea and
tchoo.a. Win C Fowler, Isle professor of Rhetoric
in Anther*! College.
Astronomy—The recent progress of Aattonomy:
oipeetaily in the United States. By Kliaa Loomis.
FAve Yeurs of a Hunter's Lilu in the far interior of
Africa, with umicc* of the native tribes, and
anecdotes of the eha»e of tha lion, elephant, htnpopo.
tstnus, .gtra.Te, rhinorcro*, Ac., with illmtrations. -By
H. 41. Cnntnmig. Received tor wtie by ,
JI'ST received at U. KLEBHR’3 Mu*lo Store, the
following S«yii ( R:
*■' the Kyc there lie* the Heart I Love but Thee,
rtf Wsicfcer. The White and lied Uuses. Nancy
U-it. He itocth *1 things w*U. Allis over. Where
re nn«vths|inoe.slr||«ri*h>d La M-r-nade. sep t
Tll.rd sliert, oj-p.'snr ihe Post Offlce.
HIBTOKVoi I'rnJcuiiU, No «. By Thackeray,
huiutrrhoeker '■>is«»iins tor A;piember.
Hunt's Alneticm*’ Magazine tor Meptemlier.
Wing Review fot tfepieuiber, wiin tncngravlnrof
Gen. «c«u, ° “
Uotton SUaktpeare, No 24.
Lillcl'i Living Ape. No Kid.
Whig Porirtn Kallerr, contiliiug fifty two engrav
ing* of distinguished Whigs. \ gr " T
North M-ltiih Review for August. '
IX-mocrailo Review for September.
Krlectic Renew,of Foreign Literataro for Sepieo*
. * r ; _ ' «pl 3
ROBK FOSTEU; or the Myaiericj of UeCoart of
London, vol il of this interesting work has been
received at Holmes’ literary Depot, Third street,
opposite the Foil Office; also, Filen Parry, or Trial*
of the Heail, by Olivia; George Cannot, surnames!
Seanderoeg King of Albina, bv Clement C. Moore,
L. L. L) ; and No 3311 ot LiUrlPa living Age. aep>t
A I.ARGK and extensive assortment of PATENT
METALLIC KI'BOKK FAUfill'S, among tbe
«tmo«i mille** variety embraced In tbo inonmcm,
ui*y be found the following;—
Horae Cover*, Carnage Cloth, Air Beds Air Pll
lows Air Cushions Water Pails Tobacco Poaches
JiKliin* ilwu, Coal*, Cape*, deals Tarpaulins
Glove*. Mittens, Pouches Maps FJasbes, Puncii
Ilore, Dour Sprint*, Machine Banding. Sou' Westers
Machine Packlne, Camp Blanket*, Paper Holden,
Ufe Pre*erven, Travelling l<agi, Isihraus Bm
Batbln-? Mat*, Doll*' Heads D***, Lions Saddle
Uec.«, Air Uaiis Feat Balls LadtC*’ W«ih Gloves
Ladies’ Gorn Shoes Gent*’ Gum Shoes Leggings Ac,
Kvery article iold autn embhihmcntD warranted
1} posses* all i*ie ctiaractcrUuc* essential to water
Croof good*, vu:—(•uolabtlltT under any degree oi
cot. flortbiltij- iu ihe severest cold, great durability,
liehincn, perfect imperviounets and freedom from
<wor, ior sale ai Urn Goodyear Rubber Emporium,
No* UD Wood street.
tf F** ll J fc H PHILLIPS
»4 Water at.
If neatly eiecutcJ.
N- p ~ •"’<* it dit tartly understood, that w*
enn Jo Painting and Olazi/t* a* cheat* at any other
painters in the city, nod arc determined to do it.
_"P« J 4 il PHILLIPS
XV Lind Extract; Writ l-lnd di>; Joerey Club dr;
oprlnf Flower* Jo; Jenny Lind Hair tils**; AiomaOe
Vincrar. AraiiOitie; Pouctm Soap, bt wintering.
I h- Alnto.iJ Shaving Crrsia; Ro4e do do; Am
wo«ijl «,u do. Udj-ey Soup; Floating do: Amandine
do; Hh7p| Niii till Jn; - Kt>** Joi Marshmallow do;
l.vxjnn Jo; Crown Windsor do; llear'Mlrratr Ac.
hoi sale, wholesale and ieia.h by 1( K SKLLKRS,
57 Wood »t
Enpar lor Scotch and Itlih Whlikiy,
li \ t U.VHKoXS StctftjrVs celebrated Malt W bis
1' • key. vpry del;c«i 9 flavor
i‘urulie<>i>* M-kar.'s Wrtentde, extra quality
and u:<ih proof, under house look.
AUo, Urai.Jic« of uillrieiil vialsgr* and brand* in
ha.t. «i»aftrr, aid o; me.. Impmci anJ for *.:• by
A II ttcOAU.A,
•o-JuJeo-lu. *p-*f. SB Watna: «l Philadelphia
Ml \i'll ANI> OK V PAINTS of all kmJ*. eon.uut.
''7* ot U:r ».r-t ijaality, *!».., Vanmhca,
j.iiHPcJ Uil». Gnu a*! ill!#. Paint Uru/fce*. Sath Tools,
v\ jlU* «La*e, Tarw« sire*, Ac Sold wholesale
and ri'iaii uo accoßiinoJaiiiic term.*.
Nlt —AJi parson* parrtik»m? mixed or dry paint*
who tri«h to do tli-ir own j,aim, n*. ran rrceiSe the
necc*a»j) . itfcUot:* gion* J * II PHILLIPS
" i 9 Wood *t
ON l:»nJ and feep from the PtniltpmUe Factory,
or the foil trade:—
Joo yd* "M Floor Oil Cloth: '.Too yd« 4-4 do; SCO yds
- 4 do, MM y.Ja C-t Jo. 1W«1 yd* ?-4 Jo . --J(0 yd* .heel
Jo, medium and he»»r. Jtom I to C yard* ivntr, all of
t** *».>»»*•*«- aits.
.JO yard* 4-1 F uenuare ul CloOu; 400 yds 4-1 do:
5W yd* r-1 Jo ’
, ISB dutea assorted sizes Table, Stand, and Duma
C«Ter», various patterc*. and sp'endid Lnish.
ilv> yds 4-4 Patent Carnage Oil Cloth: W 0» ?ds &-4
do. W) y.H « 4 dn.
! r 'f bor j*iain *»v jrirJ intirn;*,
nt'.. in.-.:, v.ria..w ui.nj.. not.
01 ri*W«»l ijyli .
Merrbanw aid oit.«ui wirhtng to purchase, ate in
fitN to t ati ami I'umin; our a* orimeat of gools,
•rtiicK will l»c >(.11 at tfcc lowest oato-in prirr*
**P-° Tin Wood «i
For ther onv,..jonce u; fhe v:uicu», Ibc proprietor*
of the Fitt.hert;h City Mill. have placed bo*e» far
itte reception of orders at the i'»l)owtng places-
J i H Floyd, cornet of Sum and Wood meets
» '*oc*t»n, cor. Liberty A. Market lit.
A Ifcelcn, store, Third meet.
*/ ' Vi JF° , '< r ,' dru.<gl.t,cor Fourth 4, Sraitbfiald.
John I bnmh, suite, corner llieti ± Wytio.
relrgraph Office, Fourth «ueeu
II C Kelly, grocer, Fifth it, corner of Mataet alley.
*1 tirais, itnre, Fritu meet. Ninth Ward.
The Hour wnegon* will cell twice or thrice daily
fur order*, and the hour, Ac. delivered promptly, either
in barrel* or saek*— *act dour t* prtferubie for family
u»«—wituoot chare* for cartage It i« plain that no
accounts cau I.C allowed, ar.d that drivers can have
no pertin»»ion to leave flour without payment.
«e hope the put.itc will he pleased with thi» ar
rangement, a* we ahall endeavor to do them justice.
h» r »aparllla Sod* 4 Liuion ttyrtap.
VO leg* Ssrsapanlla SoJi-,
W bn Jo jo
VO irnie. Lemon Pyntp.mada from nore lemon Juice:
Ju»l rwencJ and for talc by \
'PHL undersigned baton hand, and i* this day re
. i..» Cl ?'. n * r T £- m ,he , m * ftu<, * c ‘urers, ofc eonrigntne m,
* S ?tla‘tn f t J* nne .‘> 4,1 coloM > plain and buried;
«»®nkeu. tllankrt Coating, I eaver C whs,
£**.' n f. fei • Sa,,netu BnJ Tweeds; whiah he will »ell
»£! .»'USS«.
c. YEAGER, "
10b narkatStraat.tnaar Liberty.)
iMPO'.Tttaa *su dkaijcss in
A ') l , L o ß Jt C . A s‘‘i’ ANI» OHRMAN FABIOY
UANDA.NN*, and LINE* IiDKFS. u general as?
aortmem of FANS, and Vunetyof u5ST”n^
1,0,1 * n, ‘ .„j
n . 1 0,1 ,u, ‘ prcmiira. ail le e House lartc
e, .2?**E** »*• toiitain eight thouMtud buthelt ’ ®
«i?ke. « one o*l «h*lUcoU.; is the ehte f
Xv.u ll h * r ‘ l lufk ■«“> UiMncti
t a,wmr * b " ta “*M ihcro
Jo ni" ".V nc \" ~n" “ nJ roany oilier
' , , i , rt * 2e »• ahundam and cheap.
• l.fli. uiou. lir lemmj |u
ALiKX. 11. MrUUhPKY,
llt lo I ItA.M.'JS tiAiMPUKI.I.,
CliillU-ull.r, o.
. l»c*uia liur.
111 A MA « K X T.
»100 ci ihc Umiiio -J *
A T il. » «ttbJi»hmrni tl, c puulu; us ay a j W „ T - *,
A r>r».l «p*n Icing .c w ,l, ei | , I „, 111 , „ J '!
ret»onabic pruci—ujcj- La>e m * eM
Superior QoiTimev T7T!. * u ;? P*f ,II J
Tii* Ue«t V a imj-oned " , „
Thi» is decidedly sue ctie>n,>«i „-j\ .
t-.u-baigl. u. i.u, T.u. HoShlS^lu-.V.mTH 1 "
—~ L £xu|i£letct».
R. Shafts? ™
Koom °v« JII WU IraV’ a " ?' S *P'„««;
*nd FilU* FOteli. fbr *' coru c* Wood
Kfl.'D!.°El!!i'l°' r “ J ' I Jf'p lo Vk l ' o " ll ''
IP* . ‘ -T
-MUBPHY *t>U R C HPI £f. |»*, *' ft
era and bnycn gpj.efalh? ,he,r CU3,o '°
of workmen being enraged « Dln ‘***l l ' ei,ce
lug their Store Hoorn. they Lava re2£!£*,? R L* j®P ro y*
to the Sfcoiro SToirof the bo*idln* I n?«» d ,hf ‘ r sood !
the improvement* are hnjihedi where
happy to see their eßiuweiTaa .a*
trouble of walking up stair*, win JiVi-ll (oT l} * e
them by telling dtetoCheiMoo,*?* ftnd «mnnerata
UT'Entrawe from Foanh attee*'
■* l7 Wat** 4 Front lit.
I- ■ pnooiAitAiioß '■ ' V
I pain* i t back or luab* t Klir}oiai”«i<Uaw»/- *???•■*?
| steer*, tcjihii they can be -ared hr taVtnV the Pii
I tains i Yormsyulk-*b«»t»t*be^r * ?LS?tt2l
| much i * too oleaae. bat ihi* dee* net*u»k<?k2?&t
"«■£»* do.contaihed tn £» «*«
I reined: • ‘wiihrsinTiind mt.
I tennji PadUetse. can tor fifty cent*, get nSeffmta l
I'*"*, 0 .? Clienaiunamed eboTT-i .ReSderf h 2
*eryJt lie lo mtk* stiiftl. This Petroleum ano mix
-1 '•“P 0 " 1 * P» l »P for the parposo orimpoiiu
on the community; but ill* a remedy dubprated by
them* lerhandof nature,andbubble«upfr<jmthehtfc
aoraof an? Btotbereanblalu original purity, and of.
ter* te 'tripling haaaui'.y a ready remedy, a eertoin
«ieb apeure, .; . ... j : .!, .
ithai cored Fllea alter, ether oedielaea birelfaileil
.♦^??~r r relief It ho esmTßheamatltm of fori
«usdidy r and of the Wont and mott painful chancier,
i it its* eared Cholera Morbus by oneor mol dmdi: 'it
°M ea*e* of fterthea, ia wbieh erery bther
I ba* been of no araiL • A* a Ideal remedy in
*eald*, it 1* belter than any medical leow
pound *r ointment that we know ef/ : u vrilt carrchiJ
.l . *_I r fruced feet, in a (err application*; undoubt- j
r* 4 can he furniihed of the truth contained
m tbo dboyo atateaent by calling on Samuel M. Kier,
C*iiarßa*ia,7ih jitrtet; or either of thdaVent*. • -i.
in?*!.*, A MeDowell, comer of Wood itrretacd
.Vn!fn>Mleyrß. E. Selicrt, 67 Wood itrret, D- A.'El-
UoiM. Cure,, Allegheny city, are the agent*.
R C. a roCKTON
47 Market it
DEAUTV—It Is tmiTerwUly conceded ihil beamy la
•Mi <ao^ e v o,nn6n ln Hu* cc'iatrr than iawiyotsar,
i Ft said‘hallo nootbereinn
11 *° y° oß s “• ■?« Now Utt« it true
* * extent, out ibo Icm I* dflen chased bync -
JVe nj to all, do not neglect ybariperwnal
apMartwo, bst read Ike following, nd yn. need not
!.« fi*°°* l®?** Tbeae articles are selenitic pre>
paiailon*, and bate all attained a Wat poptlariir. ’
Jails iUbel’ii Eao limns »*VKsr«*sß Ntkra
J’Jf'jJ olr «»o»ln| tan, lunbnrn, pimple*, Wolchee,
*ad oaer erspuons of the akin; the neat perieet eon •
ofbe s*® eVfli y Purchase nothin*
attached** W ** N7»Pk Soap, mile** u baa lay aim*
Joxxa lUom.'l Paaiun oaCamcia PcwDya.foriio.
l {“ “ff* bUioaa complexion'a ndiam
c . ne Tt* 111 *boaW a person be more care-;
fhii* 1 * i*? 1 8 *,l»*der for lie skin, aa many 0 f
tori?**- My Chinese Powder Is
compoaneed ta a scientific manner, and remain* no
UJrtedjent which Can possibly inflict an injary. -
»jmi**o*T Powntt, fcr removing
aoperflomii hair. Whai n more un*i«btly than hair
apon the face or anna of a lady. TUU artlele anil
tOKnmeftt * * tOM H™* »&• iuc of any sharp
, a * nL \ Vratuui l4«mn r Hat* Dra will
inauntaneoßaty Imam to red, white, pr gray bairi a
V® 1 ”* er aabnra colpr. Ji3»
fL? li . orl * f ,loe « end more efiectotliy
“r2,— , .» lber J?£ p> « H>e same UmeindeUiWe.
*“■ 2HY *» Cn**.-it fs really a plea
tM» cream.-,There ii none of thi
sensation usually. experienced in thoaw of
OnihaeMirary.iileeTesttwrekia smooth
chapped, “ “ iain V»'. ta “ “>t UabU to become
»i *°«Toora P**ra-Nelrt tobtbsJr,
Jri!!vH Te * lt ***• intended as the greatest orna
«t«.£ES£,un,BftM;, b ' M l , * heß M*»aeW»uoihl*j
6T *> qiiefcly **n. MyßosoTooiS
*? tit*.mew * Pearly
theitmotloßkaepinf theaumawmaadbealihy.<
pA“ '* ««ppleie aaioti»cm dr French,
Bmlih, and American JPMuenr and Fancy!
JUZiES UAUKC, Perhamor and Chemislj
• ISO Cboetnai aireeL Phila. '■ 1 - \
For **ie wholesale and mail, by B. A.
Knjbarfhj and John ’Sat- 1
gen Land J. MltehaU.AUeybenyOty.Pa«: ,. |
Sew music,
. — l 'wamSjS^^
0 k , oiuta«minini,ra;
Seronita or Kina'* tML Rbeamattem, Obittoati 0»u-
IXS&Ste&i Kres&ss
Bytnptena, Sciatica or Luabart,—«r4 c&ettei'
wlncjfrom taiafadieloue me oTM&rJary. Apt
\ , JP MJ> ? 7 U Exp ? ,ttT * ct Imprudeite Si'UuV
Chmeifl ComultmtoßaUMMrtervtof *“
ii* ® e 4 ie l w haeaeqolted tyerr.extended anil
eetablubed repataUon wherever (t hat heed tuej,'
5*5 ** en ■•*» Ilandrede c< pereon*, who
h * J { honeleeely for. 7 ear* amwlaunrlut
naJ. (tlanduikr disorder*, throttle rbeaniaturt, nu 3
*p»* n p to < (ran * a-Jeranjerndnl
r or f"l* let*
r *“?4 ** wrro /rum the rack 0/ and fc6w,
with regenerated eonMitttUon, gladly tertUVto the
eiEctcr of this lseetinabie nrraarailon.- - - • -1
. attention ofthertaderi* celled tethq felfawiax
JIBBl?”* rt * U«ef Band* bJS?
“Thie U weertlfr Urn l bare aaeioredwoomt who •
b “5 n 'afflicted for the lailfive year* with Bctcfale.
u/hlilwlflSfr 1 hadjia jttTeeUa
the piejT«i« of the comp urn: oa Uie.'otmiLrv. «hl
con.uoajryeww.twi and fee^dStSwee^
T'hjdciane,* l*iide» afingi other:
popular yeoediea wubnat <ncepa«,Uil the diseaio had
or '^ tr aoeeVtnade Jti ap*'
peaianee enviripa* parte of her tody, and bed ilaJlr
oommenead he rijrame Inthoroat of Vef monta 4 *
1 ** Is ihie dread flu eilßadan.'.with the, pw*pect-*J
deatheunitrber 10 the Ace,J meted bereM§to®tl
tein, N. 0., If wnoal tni advfwd to o»e theraniolc J
*“ d ? andihrtofmrn«i*hboT»,u>%ou
her uh wu known, after ntarfoar andw hail Mif
liee ehe.was restored to perfeet health, dad that in the
“lo wtme** of the. truth' of thHetaiesntQUl hare
The fallgmn* w an exxraet; from a letter roodyed
from Mr*. Be van. wne had beeo'afficiadeaveTel'rear*
n*jog your Samparilla, ay enffitrlhea
put exptenlon; my ißpat wae completely uicdraiedi-
I bad a dreadmi ooi|b,
weekl ?F el^e * Aat T enold not epeab abotea wbii
P« r t*etde*,Uie Udaamatiee froamvthroit”t
ever ! w**, and pan hear quite Blythrarf
«. * . “WoeBip t -bU S a;iUrch %, liar
Meun. Band*, Gemieiaßa—From what Uta-wai*
ftoai-ihe inferiatuca'l have recf&tlv
bitty who have toed joae SanapariSul
ho lean doubt hot that tt ie a.»Mttalaal>leißcdfeine.
and that the nuroeroua eerUfieatesj-Oa have received
of luettcncy arTfully ruitalned by etpeiiencl end
a though tt» repMatioo and atUlry are very extentiyc,
and eland in no need of ay knabla affotte to uteteaek 1
them.iwant all who arr atflictad by dbeaee th be.
r.tabVS3i' iUI
y :‘r‘7 ta :r"ftawS'
i> *u!Ww? and.retail, by h/u. *
U. t>ANI>A. Ihrttffiibu aad chcnuau, lUO t\dwnaireet
cornerof/VVilliain, New.\otb. 'Spld alio'Uy
g.ii* sjneretlf ihrongfaoaj the United Suite thaTSn
•da. Price«l-perboUleitlabottle*forth. -• I^*
►or eale by WILCOX. Jr., Bi A_ b'AUNKHThM’a
• »,o»Ii;u:ih ju.i iccuved
mcuicAL. ab'o auaoicAi. omcjtr
! .£! l, i'* , lttiMONU ALI.S, «
: Mjm\ *«w door* bvowWOod urtel/u
iwudiainn ~t ~ . t
W*» jitViai *>«**
JiiS ,r*«l*rJfeducaWd to'iU weS«**J
been-rur «cunt!iimi
*encr*l practice, now eonfihaa''
to .ibe treatment ©i
«*»»»► «h<»* private and dellc.i* com*
’SSHyTaH? 7 pliuiU for which hit ©pi>arta>sliee
»nd Mferience peculiarly imaMy
V him. IvyearaaetlditMMiy devotad
to atadjr X treatment aftboie coapialoUWarfaaani** *
tioie b* hat had more praeOf# tad fcvctirad mora pa*
tenia than can rrar iaft to tbs lot of tap private prac
iittuiier) a/pply.-ouaJtfiea btm to offer *Mufance*©l
ipcedr. peauarmni, and eatiafaetofy oar* to allafflicled
wall J«UjkU diaeaias, and all diisuei anting ih*ie,
irotn. i : , ;•
Ur.ilrownwoaldlnfonathoaaaflitowd with print*
dueatce which have become cbronlo bp time of ag
gravated by the tree of anjr'of the common noamim* of
the day, that their complaint* can be radically and Unit)
otigkly eared; he having given hl> carefal attention to
the treatment of each catee, and aucoeedvd in hundred#
of Initanr** in outing peraoua of inflammation of the
neck of the bladder, and kindred diaeatca which often
ratal! from tlioio one* where other* b*te edmigned
them to hopoleii deiptir. He particalarlytimteiiiich
tt have been ton* and anwcceaaMJytreaied-by other*
to oomnlt him, when every aatuiactioa will be ■lvan
them, and their caeca treated tn §_ careful, thorough nod
intelligent raanaar, pointed oat by aionjciMtierie*,
atody.and lavtitixnaon, which it ia impossible for thou
engaged in general'practice of Badteine to 1 give to
ace ciauofdlaeaia. • . .
[jy Hernia or Rnptar*—»»• ff»*® alaolnvttaa per
loaa afflicted with Hernia to call, a* he haapatdpaxae)
alar attention to thia a<*e*»*.
CANCERS alao cored.
Bkin diieajct; alao i) *, P*l*r, ete., ayeedily aan l
of either «*i living at a dlatansa, by
titling Uialr dieeaae in writing. giving, tilth*tym>
tots*, can obtain medicine* with direction* for nee. by
addrtaaingiY. DHiJWN, Mi D.i pen paid, and anckH
te hJ»N«. M DIMXCDdtIUT.OPPCtiuth* W.T.rlj
Rirro«eT»-—Dr-Brown’iMwlydlteoyarad rate
dy for Rheumatism it a speedy and certain remedy fa
that pala/al ounblo. It never fail*. '
oac# and Priyata CnatalUng Reoau. No. SS Jtt
toad alley* Pittabargb, Pa, The Dettori* aiarava
load. •. •
WflT*«m7t > 9fht
*— •* **
medical, I I
. • ftWARTUErrOP tb* ItcTsntca, >'
OSut *f. Indian Affair*, Sspt J 5, lifift; j •
SEALED PAOPOSALS will be received »tttratfie<:
ofthe Coceatstioner ef Indian Affair*, 81 Wa*i»-
ingten eirjr,’until ten Saturday! tie second
day of November seat, for furnishing tuo following'
Indian goods, viz.: .. . .
. .. Cfofi JYb. I—Busxrr*. ,
Mackinac. blanket#, to
.. ’ rae*»nre.6o by 73 injibe-a, 'andwelgh c(ght
round*.-'. ’ ' !
l.SMpaitaSl'polol white Mackinac. b!aafcft»,ito
meaturo, 54 and GG inches, and. Weigh six
. . nouada- j
Itl7? pair*3 point'Awhile Mackinac, blanket#, lo
-oraaure 42 by 59 inches, ahdv?eigl» five and
a quarter pound*. l : •! •
”00 pair* 11 poiot white Mackmid biabkeia, lo
- . ®casure 36 by 5o inches, and weigh ion rand
_. A * quarter pound*. ‘ i
**oo pair# 1 po ; nt white Mackinac blanked, to
.metaure 2-2 by 40 inches, .tad weigh. I tree
aim*. • < 2 t >»««potiud*i'
: <o ° P t,ra 3 point acarlet Markiaao blankets, to
.measure 60 by 72 inches, and-weigh right
• • pounds. . _ ,
300 paim‘3l point acarbt Maekinafe biat
Measure 54 by 66 kclua. and w
pound*. •■■■ 1 • |
100 pain 3l j point green Mackinac bid:
meaanre GG by 64 inchea. and wt
pounds. ; *. • *
300 pain 3 phiutgreen Mackinac-bl«
cneaeure 60 by 7* inches,
pounds. T
250 pain 2* point green Mackinac blan]
meuure .54 by GC inches, and we
• pound* ' [
tOO pal/s s|'point gemioeUa bfad'Maeklni
* —kets, to'measure 66by84 inches, aa' (
, leu. poopda. , ;
400 pairs 3 point genlioella blue Mackint
kets, to measure 60 by 72 inches, au{
‘right pounds.
300 pain 2} point geotinella blue Mackiu
bets, to tnetaure 54 by CO iocbea anu
SixpCUUO*,' |
Class No 2—lter Goods.
1.005 yard* scarlet atxonda.- |
: hOO do blue sirooda. ; ,
.1,830 do . fancy list cktb^bliic.
7tio do ftnCy list cloth, acarlet. !
3Ci> ds dttcy bt doth, green. •
1,000 do grey bat oloth, blue. •
‘3,000 - dp saved list cloth, blue. • 1
. 1,601) do 'saved Hat cloth, scarlet. i
“ ECO do aived list cloth, green. ' j
• 225 ponnda«rorsfedyam;;3 Paid. ■
'lOOdoa.icotton fiaghandkerchiei*. !
2SO -dp cotton Madras handkerchieia.- 1
do black ailk handkerchiefs.
" w 'll 64 cotton shawls. f-
SO do' 64 cotton abawla. .
.C 5 .do.. 4 4 cotton shawl*,
r- 84 ; woolen shawl*. •
.. 430 pounds linen thread.
'SO do aawiogailk.' )
TOO places ribbon, assorted. *■ j
i wonted gartering. .’: . .. }
*i ..34pieee» silk handkerchiefs, baft and b«
! _ aA . Clau No. 3.—Do Mono Good*. I
35.00(T|ar(U domestic calico • i
•10,000 do ' Mwimtc Caßcb' ■
3.90(1. do bine drilling . j
- 8,000 dp Georgia stripes i
4 000 dp bine denims r j
.'•l,6oo do . Coltonade
4,300 do ’bed ticking •
do Keninckyjeinh'
3W1 S do : aatinetta * - *
■ do ' phid Unsey . : (
;7*WO- do'domestichhlrting, bleached
|W do dohueatic unbleaebei
- L'.OOO do domestic sheeting, uubieackoi
■c,ooo do dotceabe cluwl'ff, strinea and '
• ■ l 4OO dozen woolen ‘nxka.. a. *
I le>oo yerda fiMhela, assorted -
L- ., l :
i ,• 700 calico eh'rts . \
| '
, dozen spool tottou.
"r (■' 1; -.Ch.\t No.-, 4 IMPwaSK
iv-.-?»^P c '® , !d* te#! “ , .keUje4,. ... ...
27U“dazep batcher kniVet •'
• 20,000 kuu firm* * •
i. .v.v2sgTon:»qo»w awls'-
v, 7,000- fish hooka., y. -
./ 25,dpzea.tish Ucea
25,000 needles ‘ ‘ ‘ ■*'■■
'lOO ‘ -
• 10 > do.k adssors, assorted
1; . lOgrcaagua-worma. . j ~i •. ,
I,ol*o tip keuleji'. r,' ". 1 -
y. kc(tle*i 3 irt W uvjkt .
• *-**“Aetx<s»Ji.ivEitr'hm.iM4Mi
700 augers, in equal propbdioualpl JK.2,'
. 150pkinhameii. •
1 T5O pkin trite dhaitia ‘ -■
I 1,300 weeding bee* I :
173-hand *awi'-^|--j- ; . ■. • •
n ..•am t oi MwfcT-wna !«■„
. - 100 fcftoi tiw fife. .'
100 rrosi cri{ .sw file. -’ ' - - :i. . .
: poaad. «=H
GOO Wtmiempre ctrd*,'Nr*;lo«
• .: 600.qntr[flri KJfibil .bilMli N . .
' 0 1 )Plue., fore w t } . - - '
Si. - ■ : o.—
7J •«., lo weigh Ihra <»’ lo S! poan
M; do^-half jioooij. ■!
JU; Joo - k«eh«. boooda' l'- '
• egg. . ~. ... ' . .
Vi •-'f'‘W-j' , ‘'-;7^-;NoEwwti T .q va . : j
000 cotlii wtv (wo ihfidi or which!
- -‘j.MMrtSO tehhe. in |ehgi6‘of;b«rel
■ moUurtrtlohhe* in BngfhV towel. :
•. -‘fleinreredih New \Yoefc or PhitolhKbj, and W-Sttor qQitby rhsit iiic' a
* e JSi^W ftini^a^,an !! f *toxmer.comr*cts. >■
be divided uto seven
• .<tb-TtH«4wkw, ...
•• • Cth-i-Ame.' •* •'■: ■•>■•• -•; -v <
, t v 'c
pniaem ib* T**bt w Itieicare-ffiMau
tticli food* a* may be wanted
:Pafp6*e*,inlhe ddalulitrttlanofihq iiXiraottb
04 *,**
5257.w!i5 , L. <s \ tl *"} u -. t,e , PT*fcw«d J bat u i
*** of fcrtin »
5*,.““* far, ihii aMßpia of; it lboafd otpowpei
i *2 *?? w » Vork»(ffr lOJUeooimetflrpref
•.beiarw tlm, lira da j-of .May nexvanuminß <&s qu<
OrJtwred UJerrAy M»ieS <
. Upiwd State* iwbtjwll. be
S*.hit-*i? ,>nr P ft *J ; * n,,la *«artaih tho conib
■« rttf tofltfleepßrrtnwed with the unipica etti
•’lUluare o« inrUKaed wlflrfn' fteUme
: j & r M *iT« of insufficient qulit/ i
opinlfln dfVtbe went alotyveld, *nd JTwithla bee
■««r nouu at *«cb itunSrJtKoy the iba
.fornUb mhn«* tn ilea; thereof ol tU* teijalred..eß i.
tu llmifdKiv&n still lie'auibotiud topurchue jftv
,01 others, andlpcairge .uytßereaie of pace they
pawled to .»t/,Uie<frbr to dm centncter,
pay tteMWdflTeience loXbp Prtir*dB areal
Uaauwdl: be tequtrbd l» tha antottdtcf-UieWdi.
two'food ißTfUMithp*Bftcf*«ey dfwhomkob«
<nutied by a united State* Judge or InitKm Atto nay,,
ibr las ulihrul Wthnconirictir Pay
-.weotwiU.bemndo after thccoottuiiaeomptaret and
4be delivery of iko goodaeeaJdtcieidtn:aitegauoi'
tDp,Dcpinmcaj,upon edoplreaie invoice eert.fle i by
''Comnnfitictiiontia be njerkeft "Proposals for fa*
diso food*.’? V v • • '•• ■ ►
; Tiw lid* will besubmitted with the following lead*
(RiT.aiid nano will-bv received ibat are not mi lelfi
tbc rorni.artd verms here prescribed: v
*•! (or we) prbpdv 16 hirnj#h ftr the service c ‘ the-
Indian Department the following good*, at (he p Icei
ofiJlcd to thcia reipectivcly, Vlir— ' - .
(Herelnierttbeliatofcooda) - .
Deliverable in Uteefty of New Yeti \eK 8| Jjonif) da
or to-- —day of-,- next; andJn«*»e ef iba ae
rcplaiH-e orbil jirop<M*l#, (be qaamJiybelag pfetfcrib
bd by Ue IVpanmeht.) (ot.we) wdf czeeuie : a Ipon
traot accoidltif ta thla agreuieotraod give
tory Recuruy loUieDepartmeolwitUn ten dayatftfr
pf-thfi bid; v an*K *n «ue of failoretb
eiiurr futu alich contract, ano give aiich aeeortty.l (or
ye) will pay to ibe UmiCd etutea tba ditfereneb be
tween the :ibms inddea byftny, (or u,) and ihe aoo
whiab the United btates K«y be obliged tbpay for ib«
jimeuiiicle*.'' --r '
Each and every bid man aDo'be accompanied.with
a guaranty in iba following fcrm,lo be aigaed bf ooa
or more: retoonufato'peiuni, wboce vni&eleney fciust
be cattifted by aorae ane who ii keowa to'libe Ue»*ri
ment L eitbcriver4onaUy or by bis offiaiaiiioutJoD >
*1 (or wil ufeby guaranty ibat —the aVoye
bidder, wjti comply.tnib ihe terms of, the adveniaa
incnt ijr lndiaa-eoodv,‘dated a*sum
bpr *S,ieio,7ftta eontraaahaKl be’aSSedtoßm^
and aarar mia .baad for the execoUoaol the wm'
wnldnthe ume pre»cnbrt.“ ,| - \^ r ,
• ; V- .1 . jt-M. '•
•■•’.•• CoHuaiMlnnet oflOdian Afffin
-r w»W Cp-pAElilKllSHip. v --..l - '
f ’A? A “»« day* mV Mr. 1 fi
106 u«, In the WUittaie Uro<**ry 'and Produce
I,,CS4 > , f 1 0 >' lie firm will be
fcCtowe,... . . A. CULBEBTSUN'
A.‘CCtl*XTflOp] ‘ {l, H. CUrtJtX-4
clovse, i
\\riIOLE3ALE IiItOCCBS ar.J CommUeion Men
»* clwnw, Dealer* In Prodaec, end Pittibircb,
**««:Ucurcd fttucle*, IW Liberty ttjPiUibnrfhjPe.
;V . 'Ellfft Ftatlx VIOUTt,
A FRESH t»fihc Poland Mill* extra Ferni!*
FWur, m eery choice article. jut fet’d for taieby.
ii :a cuwertoon aclovss :
ms wuoßtrn
! , K. ,
VOL/XVm. NO. 77-
Wtsttru College $f
oLF.vwANi>,oin6: 1
tor, and continue lour oomt*. " 01 w ®»am*
The'tSalraofthe Faflßttyarßarranre'd'««ft,n,..~_
•siom Hoja, m.d. r,or,.Vor or-wSiJfil
Dbeaie* of Women ard CUHJten ™^ wuery » »»*
iUgUIM«,!KOA’nfam Ulbitto lUk,
antTMedtcal Jnnrprudcnce. ' meuxea
’ IliimUon t. Smiit, A. if., IWasuir of <Wi»„
Ji elzJUn ’ "• u ‘ « SSSv
i!i2JSi« ,irtef ' #f tte ' Wetletu College ofHnmawwiUe
Medicine w*s granted by lie LeglUmtWe of OklT
I <w?n| lt«.aeulonomiwa It confers ail theriehtj!
Md woolly jxmtntd by ACedtcal CoSL2
in Clio United Htatea. and, onUka tta>f coll«
?* ‘‘W'JndepeDdeo l of any other injUiaUpo, htWmr
in iwelf the power to conferdc*rcex, aii«Wt«w»S
ti common teal. . .1 oj
I The degeeea are conferred by the Faculty and •
Tjjjwera upon the recommendation of (holfteaitv
for the fall coarao pill bo «« 1
MaljicoUnon fee, IW— to paid butenes. Demon*
ctraioi'apicket, $3. Graduation, fee,.s*o. Pemne
wbo h«»* aitonded <wn fa! oofarves oMectaret in
other college#, are (baftHl «ottr«e la Uu* .
loatliutiop on the payment 0/ 520. GraJnau?* of r<s
| ppectable medical wboolvara ptirmlnad to attend the
: «V“r»‘ , ftthpptyniemof,the mauicalation tec only.
fioodbbard, ihcldJlorroom, llaht. and ftiai. fi.Ti h.
obtained flora Slto SOpeneeek. ForfttUiert*i'
formnian adJreii, CfIAS. D.Wll.F.rantt/
oj<:dlro *• DeaadftbeFacnltv.
yiTrsßiiasß glass ¥opsr
A. & D. H-. CHAM B E R S
(t-Ais nuKUM, Agxxw & c 0.,): 1
'VfcnW tettiieei'ttlljr inform tits ««Momcr*ofUielii»
S..V; ,P nb,fo gonendly, ibat they wili
continue ue mannfMraio or i '
.. In *1) Ibeilr varieties, it the OUSliad,
•*» First & Watsr.
■ jyg7.-dlm - - i •
j Dr. ; Kfmed^L
hilbeen ertsyedin the isresUriiimi ,
ihe»|ipLciuon of retnedie* iheretaT™. or^ e,M> > * nd
Torosjra the »«e ofbis inJUtinr > a ii# < n
eoroptlibtojwJ), b ,sJ*£;
Swuj.ssl'SuiSc?'' “ “ 4 - «<*
f! 11 ’ Itrsmscu u ifiey 1«bt«
wf n^T e i l t?fT r^llr i^ ee /rjw *o*tf»ea*ssj *g ito
*** admitted by the /aealtyto pouesa
peeTUi*j broportleM adapted ‘m female 'dxtcaies. bot
'"V® **• wind* or ttre moftikeptleil,
afflicted smityTited mesU ttpoplhaiheaumad
J > *efl;A..Uevsh*o:,l. t J l i iWttkdiMfciilieiri&tivcifv
- Ja-* VA/Irr, ' * • •'"i' v '
.•rT Adwr.e.-.tlewfer.,• t. ; • •• .'- ' ‘
-. , A p t .1 J , ■• : 1,1 '•
-A A-.Law*:a‘a.n"~'9*.'
*« SroiSioll* i ui JSS
*»~y '■ 'v&yftffifffifr;
• Oetosff ftiiitt gyeafcif'&a
'i 0 -rKrjSiSSv i»*
t" >ty«s Untmt nJ art: wtliut jUuFTe'at *t
tawj,iUv<ot K+. utt rtV-TTSsrC-V,* 1
/.. *°A . fl>ri i e4llj l? ~ O.cfTOiia Ktest h*»
■* *v"“
• •' - -. Tg-fl ? ycLi,ea3 ;-..
A' lllAil I —t
- •» •
'V.J"AGNV> I /CC'Aj'l>-v brvrfce!Tt2 frr *«UcW
'i- ’2' -' amgsyab.-
£JXHA\\*\ ? f-KI
I.U•=.'.£ ~ ii X.opg SlutTfrJf, .-*r £.
X * f pifc? - ‘
biKfcafM'eHn'trr Wi, joVftePJ
ter::: Usr i^WWN.iimlßfcOO
: •••
‘ pßisiC'Ui'XTi!ii-T»rK,tVf>J'i'’ l -
* " *"»■'-7*:w».-• -(.!?®riV4"<itnr-E*mv
(Ui J-f »»< v
'■itaJLg*-> wrcr»*MgANt>it&3 -
V* l * bil% ailUtufa* iit%aU> .
\ w 'r
..‘:.fe:!i-.:.:.. -iV» wmxips ;
HtMufUiibe, Ns 5,' for oeiSbrt’Jofttu•
1 . “•s*«&*> ,*M No iff of MeUoßwy at
. UtVca Ho!ra*V tiujwv
\ S\ens*oktdrj t t*Jo
■ !..'i: <wi .
-Or exeeUni
Won IfcnJ
No a picuniii
•0W *)*»-
•J l
f•, "u
article*, for rale
■ eepiy- -* V- <-.
• i ■’_• •■ • • ■' ■■ •• ift t.ffmii PWri:
\J L c»fct, Y^aow-^inn^.y-’
.. -., 2 CIUI R«1 .tfo:.; . - , „
t . B.efcje* JVT#Wc ilt)'..’! i.jj: i ■■•*•■.-I
J■•'. 3 «!••«*wrei „ iajv ’ 1.
' .1 "] ■'
‘ ,t - : -uSsstS l^*, S!? k ' JßiUut *»bo»iiflj;’ -i •? -I
• ~1. , ._•• ...... .
I l-•;«oimw ; . ioi : iU - -.•. J<:J :-.
....■■•irs- c H«OVfeWß*>lUUnk«tti "
-_ po pun Htesm POM:GUnka>; ‘ .• •- .•
• SrcuvAd on^tt*lrcucDi,Bj»dtoriaJ»«rt-fc*ir* e .
larert price* by H ; v.. U. -V ►‘.■'ifcMß?•*
s *Sßc-
btfhfy perfsintiJ DtoW VViaatarT"'
• . J». i.v.i-i . do . . • Jlchsy.fia*i, u -■
. Cumuson Bar Soap;.. 4 ,y \ t :
P&iiitfelpUa Varfefttc*! Sogp:
,v. v> Pimbqreft; ;. •;4*iwV4ftif“3 cr*r r '
C**ti]e tftnp;- u __ r r, . ~ -
3 ; ' OlWe Sotp; iat l*!e, w
f ‘X££yiteK-?rbt liiov.
v»ill ftOlitfeet ii. * r ,j iV
\ . : /**
•s#fj: i —
:.r -i
1 1 *. i . -, ; >v a. rym^
■ ' Y.\- •■ ' • • •■J Woo At.•-
TSOfHchuKeiajaorjpJTra*-,; ’ '
!| -
i,‘..!sbhga J&see;-''l J.V"*l. ; -
•■:&> tctruarftonanicii; ■. ••' - ■" 1 •
-> n'ewij*LJchorica 8a1i;... ».
iltttierteirfaib'priiftfe'fljceir *■■■■■■
3i>aneU Alum; r ..., • . ■
‘ *tlttrre& *ldaneV« r Oif; -.
vUi Ljj Lflrn Broom*: \
■ ‘-bofrAwWMte'WiwV
cAiwjJH'»iß«-WKmjrMs -i:o r' ; •
avufUUtge'Nf* a: do- ,L ’■•. - .'•'
■SOtrtJN 0 tE? ; ' ■ j' - : ! . .
aiuupiwjij ..
VI l/tlt No a Kojin;' ;
wO lbs'u»orted VaiosV " :
"" ' "•
“?sayssaH ; - .
lorr »|
' Liberty,ir. ’.'