♦ * TICLKOKiPIIKD R Ttlt. PITTSBITRUHtIAII.Y OAZET UhB Eulftrn lefegriph lino wu cat ia work. “* °™' >*“ e»«niag. We .™ itieratere Buhl oat oar ntoij de.painfce, from thtt quarter. .... c „ .. CmcooraTr.Oct. S 3 ._«“***»« Kotk, > ■> N.htille, wu detlrori bflSr. lut nighL It w„ run, inaarrt ’ CINCINNATI MARKET. BMtal"' cl * D S c 10 “oUm ituho WUiiey— Sale, at 21 in. pc, die. Jo, k “ " d, * llr « IoSSSIOOo. per gal. nSB. , Sf£? l “ 100 bU ” p,;m ° *p -Floar—There tn a lair demand In tie market w, £“ ;? « f l2 ™> >'W> »• S35M$3 58 perbbl* . '“’“‘'l *5 bacon *oa«i t aa»of UuSigh uocb.i™ qu^Mia", _&Ste Si\“- “*“* 4so “** '* rd “ ;e ?JK m * rtet “ without change. Jocicco—Tbfl mitket is active «od buoyant. | | WISTAH’S .BALSAS OP WILD CUEREIT T *lfiSlf* l u lle ? e i iir . tor Con, ttmpiion of the.Lam*. **££"* oMhn Liver. Asthma, BrtmeMns.ffi or tycakrit** of the Breast or Lune*. and oUipp adeeuoat of the Pulmonary Organs OtWILl) CHKRBV . rail. !o l ! e ‘ U M ed*cioe, composed ehiefiy of Wi'd 4ua , th * Rfowua le-Isad Mots, the latter vitu-m jJf'wP?*?* l * fo J lhu »> c n>e*<% the rare medical V ttr,! ftl '° combined by a new chemical Pf?s5 a t w ‘'l‘ ‘he exiract cer '» in «nd eEftcloo. THEipNGS for CONSUMPTION OF J^ I ? ,e Jf.*. i ' n * Cortr, P ony JJ ocll _BARDV, jr-NFS A CO Yk/RLlyfAKD—Coirao'nt Bapc’ficc English Muiiard' JjFl iakexF.lmf'JitrJ.a-ilraraai-hv OCtia PA FAHNE«Tf>rg SODA citsaa r'ie<*i'« ik.«i , , '.l by [oclO) B*IOWN A KIRKPATRICK J|\st/VH Ktns Englits, u»?oned sire* X and «yiet. Imported and for sale by _ oclß _ B A FAUNEsmCR A CO 2~VlavkTolL—Qaafts and pint*, in baiVcu of one and two dot'o eush. imported, and for vale !>t 0019 B A FaHSV'STOCK b CO TEK—A prime article, foraaleliy JT oois_ 3JIRIVER * BARNEB_ TSEbUB—St» bne Floar.iu ttore andToiVile by JL O * 19 * SURJVER A_BARN^B ALCOHuC— -0 bare#lt TC acd bJtrevti, ium rec'd for •ale by tt k sellers Ccl7 ■ 57 Wood tt *fjfOSfc> I'lrJK—-i.-ii lb*FlngUih,)iut roc’S'fbrtale fy A o uncamrt iTfw.ui COMMITTEE ILiiR OCTODER. Me. «ooiam c. „ aRAjf - imn ceorn. PITTfiBOBOII Bohhlct. Ornc*, I’lmirtsß Gsxxtt*. ) ioctJty morning, October 29,1850. I Tl>c weather yesteiday wat clear ard delightful for outdoor bn.iness, *«•-, j n a general way, a fair amount of burntta wi« Join*. Business on the wharf y««ter day »u more lively than rny preview d-y ofibcsev «on , a heavy business wat doing in shipment*, and the receipt* of the variocs atiicles of western produce were immense. FLOUR— The receipt* of Flour arnoonttd to some 3000 till*; nearly two third* were designed far eatiera shipment. The sale* on the wharf summed up seme «»bbl*, in various lot*, at *3.C203,H>03,75 P bbl, ac cording to quality and brand. The sales from nor* were not heavy, being aainlyconfiiied to tegular dray load lei*, at 53,i>703,93 * bbl. Rtb ftotm— We note ealei from store, of a few mall lots, at *UOO3.CU y bbl. I Coax Meal—Supplies arc light, and the demand mod erate. at SdOCC-r it bu, from *u»rc, which we give as the nominal rates CRAIN—We have nothing new w notice In tho Crain market; with light teceipu, we nct.ee only a moderate business at, for Wheai, 7303 V, Rye, CSOSCi Barley,6so7t>c; Corn, 45050 c; mud Oats at 3504Dc V bushel. GROCERIES-—Prices of il: articles coniiaue finu at full pr.ies. Salta havo been coalined tomndsrate transactions, at the following figure* :-N O Sngut. 7, TIO7Jp for ordinnry. fair and prime; N O Molasaes, :te B3S1; 811 do, 49050 c; Rio CoSc <,uiei-,wiih small sales to city and country irada,*i If|oi3c * to Sales of Rice at 8052 c pft. PROVISIONS—Prices continue firm, wilt, t fa.r regularlMines.doing We quote pl.inbacon hams at 7072 c, fancy angar cured do, lOJOUe,plain bagged it ‘it it ut. Sides are selling ai S* c , and Shoulders ai 4*c 4P to CHEESE—9*!es 4CO bx»atCosie for common W R. and cream. The receipts continua full, with heavy shipments cast. BOTOSR—We note raoderoie sales prime freah bat ter at, 14015 c, and ul comiaoa m bbb and kit*. at 910 9010 c it to. 81 ,w OILS-Wn notice quite a brisk Lusinesa in Otis Llni.cil hu .a,.,,.,,) SOc . No , LlrJ ltJ „ saosCc; No 2do at 503 gall. FISH—We notice a fair regular busmen at the fol lowmg rate, : No. 3 Mackerel. *7.25 ; No 2da *ll - fit), and No. 1 at *l3. Ssle* of Salmon at SIS, and of plekled Herring ax SC * bbl. p E'CIIES-SJc. of 2UO to, io. C o o. M , f bua. APPLES—We hear of no !&!<-• o/ dried apples to eoI^ ,enL G " Cn Applea *« Mlllng on the wharl at 62&57c, according io quality. lowin ° f * U no,le “d 10 five or Six different WeVnowVr* 11 b * allvr * J 1 l ° n > denominauon* h-Li°« nu,nc w ‘l like u. exceptths Oarria. bargh fives, and they should be called in V C ?S Ue - * . ren,al: ‘ Jnsiicci resiiuc on a short co,umn ijoiding a sword « n J scales in heAands v ‘ bC V ‘ s^ Ue ’ 11 «*■»" a !l? n ' t, *L V r on .' Bcb ea, nVKoeeS Ure r' r ia ** c Kcornor of me niv.e-Htlifi word’ ,h. V S.^ CBn ‘ CTe , Ua, r <>,lll,e,o P' Ere rices on ScdSKlnaft of S, c alS:a;«K^cSStr;^ CB 2 uil “»* *» «ta&fXd*M 'ta»s»k?«K;l' V , , ? ,T ‘ ed by hold ing I rale and the ciher a sword and scales with n smail horse. Ac , m the distance—each al^£|?X,, i* Be j te * * OUDd die. containing a female’s son bemd ~ a female no each ond, with thS fisnre i m the upper comer, and THREE in the lover cor. “ xTi Bn rt ae k 8 * c ’ be,WM u ‘he signaiures nu? i, h*?” allered “» ‘he Bostcn atsJ the lsland Biata hank*, and may be a’tevcd to cth- 1 e, centre vignette three bl.icksnith*, a forge, anvil. Am. anth a fstut like figure ‘l’ on each Sars on right end, and rcsttng and wntmg o-j n slab, sspponed by a ihort nrnsectnied column. and the word ONE on tho legend. This b.ll has a ruspicious took —Thompson's RATES OF IHSCOUN RAXL3 UF DISCOUNT—CDHRLCTEDrIT K. UULSICg A hU3S, Exclude Biokcrs,No.»B Market Urcc’.f.eaj 4U ■ Pc&asyiToal*. laat».n*. BtnkofFiusbuffh *—■-Pm tketo B’k & Branches-* ! CxthAfl#e Bank ♦Per SatcScrip - Merck. ft Man. Bunk >Pu Virginia. UkMXFhiliilcipbic --Pci Eieharijcßk. of Va:- - I Gliaid Bank v.j, 4r Farmer* Bk. of Vt ** BantofUennaatowa-'par Bk. VtlicT, “ “ ChestrrOoaaiy- *-psr Bk. of Virginia » “ Delaware Co --parAl-AM BE , Wheeling { ‘‘ do .Moifjaaumn..- - i “•.Norihujubcilkxiir Par N. W. Bank Va . t ColttabiaHriC;eCo.-~ par do WelUburg ■ | Doyles town Bam pu Co Paiicinburg—. •> Fanccrt’Dk. Reading-par T»s»ika»aa«. rcmers'Uk.Bucks Co. par Bk of'feunesice-■ . 3 Farmers B'k Lancas’r-pai Far. A. Mcrch’u Dk - Lancaster Co. Bk. par Flutters’ Bk. ••• • .1 Uincuicrßk.■ par Union Bk.—————. •• IT.yialcr Il»ak LID ' Mliumfi , Brownsville Bk. p*neic .* tSufejuehamieor Baltimore Bki. - per York Bk. - | (Balua'e to RUScrin -m Weatßranch 81. I )C«unberUnd Bk.of All*. Relief Notci —. ( • ghany j Vk MBk. Pitta to- “ : Fur. Bk.of Maryland-• •• Scrip—Ptttib.l: County 1 Farmer*' & Mechanic! ** " Allegheny. .1 Bit. Frederick « Oblo. FiederlckCti.Uk.—-- •• Stau Bk.and Uranetiu | Uageratownßk - « MoumPleuui *• Mineral Bk- i iteubenville—*•*• •“ Patapaeoßk i dLQajnrriii* • " IWaibingtonßk-—— •< Manaua —— •« jßk.ofWesunumer MewLlabon • M KHohlgau. Cincinnati Banka “ [Uk. ofdu Clair— Coloabca do- ; " iDk.of Rieer Haiten— CirelaeiHf— “ jMieiiigan Ina. Co 5 Xaneavllia . u Far.a. SdecL’s Jik s Putnam —" jWlaconatn TorrltN* Wooaiar • —•— - 7ojSf«r.4.Fire!E.(VMil»’a * Maaaillon - l ! Caaader. ■*ando*ky 70 Allsoisentliank* | Geauga---* ••••• —• I Hank ot England Note* Norwalk ta XTOf-Xur. I Gold * Spool* Vatw* Xenia-—-—' Napoleons —•— •• 3to D*Ttoo •* i>oc»:» —no g «o Weßcrn fleurve- —— “ H»sit,olJ locu FnakliJiß’k CoUmbxs '* iKtjle.new )o oo CbUlietnht . ■ “ ;J3oabloon«.Spannh. 16 oo L«koEri«**- “ [Do.l'iiriot-———• i#io Seiol*-* *' -- ** .Sovereign* • 4gj Inaewur •————lo iGulr.eiu ••»•••• 5 flo Munition'— —.13 !Fredenck»4'or«—. t? 69 GrmnviUe M [Ten Thtler* 7 ► 0 Fnrm’raß’k Cuntoa—6o jTcn Gulden— • 3so Vrbtfif ——-is iLouiid’or*- • • •••• 460 K»i««kr< t Kxtbtigti Bkof Kentucky | .NcwYork ■— inra BiJf Loaluvilte ■* Pbi'adelphiu •- • ipnn Norhern Ilk. Keruu'fcy • M llftdiimor* ••• • { ptm Citv Hankf.rar. Interior B’«— BILE OF ORB ZIDRDBED LO'tS, AT PUBLIC AUCTION THE uudcraigned will offer for sale on Thursday and Friday, the >ih and 6th of November next, »t ten o’elcek, A. M , cn the premise*,eighty rlcbt build- ITS* lot*, niuaird on 4th and sth rtrreu, in the town ot East Liverpool Tbeiie lot« are located near the put lie square, ard are I’ld out on a literal real'; earl, lot hivirg n frooi nr CO feet on etree • GOfcrt tv«de,nr.o extending luck 130 feet jo alleys 1> f*r* wide Also I*/lot* ofland situate on the extension of Mar ket street, and frontm* on tbe mein raids leading to Netv Liiboo and Calernt*. each lot coatsming atom hall an acre. Tbe ttllo of this property Is unexcep tionable, and it will be sold on a liberal credit; one fourth of tbe purchase money osit will be required on ibe delivery ot the deed*; the baiacoe to i,e secured by nwea at d mortgage on tbe property in time equal annual payments, with interest Patehitrr* who will erect a dwelling house or other building within twelve month* of the day of sale, wilt be entitled to whatever atone they may need for ibeir building*, aum, •• an excellent quarry, within a quarter of a mile of tht* property, and of ea*y aoceaa, it owned by the undersigned. To those acquainted with iheloea'ion aDd prosper! tr of Liverpool be useless to nay more. It is admitted by all to be among the cost desirable urin ation* on the Ohio Hirer for private residences, and to which the attention of steamboat officer* is particu larly directed—aoviral of vmoai have already made u their place of rettdenee lu salubrity is not excelled la tbe West. There are place* of public worship far vorion* denominatlou*, Rnraan Catholic, Kpi-co pallan, Pre«byierian, and Methodist, and an exten sive building il now bring put up for » public si-bool bodae, Liverpool contain* aboet ItflXi inhabitant*: ha* eight mtnu/ac‘orie* in successful operation lor the manufacture of Rockingham ur.d tjacenswan, giving employment to about 400 persons, with every' prospectof increasing to an itlino’t unlimited n tent— city and coal being in übundance in thcnr> ( >bborlu.rul To persons eontempliting entering into 'the manu facture of (Jeeenswaretbi* wili be a good op- i.nunny to obtain tile* To sueh, an extended credit will t, c given if required, and the use of building sun.-. |.ci miued to he quarried for all the wotks erected ou Ur pt/ipert7,g rati*. —JThe country around Liverpool is settled by a wealthy and intelligent population, and ire land ,a among the tichril and most fertile in Columbiana county. Fleam boat* arrive nod depart rrgnUrly In the season. The Cleveland and Pittsiinrgh Kail Road, which, by it* charier, is to pass through tin* town, to the Penn*yl»fttJia9tttoLine,ltrfcera it w.,11 intersect the Sandy and Beaver Canal) t* nearly completed in Wellsville, only four nils* tc ow A nqp of the town and plan of the property can fcr seen on application to the unrt-rstgßed. at the office of Mitehcl * Palmer. Attcrocv* ati*w. Fourth cir-ct, iTtlsbu'gh. Oppeiitc Wilkins H*i), or to tjindtard C Hill, H’q , Liverpool, who wi). show the property '■ H r /AttlfS BLAIvELV p g,_| wilt Icaje to aOsrder.er cr riurery man, fct a term of 7 year*, sixteen acres of land, adjoining thv above prupenr, utitable far gardening. The whole witl br enclosed witli a board fence, and a ectc'orl* able dwelling house and out bouse* erected on it daring the prevent fall [octfi.iifcwtdTj J. D Pulverized Coro Starch. REFINED an-J p.'epajed eipreuly la r Puddingy. Cu»t»tdß. Cakes, 4i' Tht* pure anl beautiful inulr i m . trcecu.nelf healthy, delicina*, and etonomi- at, and w boil devoid moy be u»ed a* a •obilituie lut, und tu lb.- <,ao.e MU' ner a* Arrow Hunt Just received and tor i«ie atT3 l.iWity sl, by wjlS _ WM A MrCU'HG A £IO_ rpEAB-lWhl cbetu'Y.'H tea*, X do Gp. Teas, sa do rec'jt percanaLfot »aJ» by JAMKB DALZELL wy34 78 Wwt |i PORT OF PITTSBURGH. Rrvsa —There were 10 feet, 9 laches, in channel, at doak, last evening, and at a stand. ARRIVED Fashion, Peebles, Elisabeth. Michigan, Ones, Beaver. Reaver, Gordon, Beaver Youghiegheny. Hartnper. Beaver. Baltic, BrnneiL Brownsville Atlantic, Parkinson, UrowQsviUe. Reveille, Dales Wellsville. Julia Dran. (iallajber, Zanesville. Star, Beaver. DEPARTED. Fashion, Peebles, Elisabeth. Michigan. Ones. Beayer. Reaver, (Jordon, Beaver. Ualuc, Ueiircn, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsrl'lj. Iluokeye Bute, Daan, Cincinnati. Jas Nelson. Moore, Wheeling. Wellsville, Young, Funfiah. Cashier, McMillan, Wheeling. Keystone State, Stone. Cincinnati. Navigator, Dean, i.oni*ville. star, Beaver. Ycmghlogheny, Uattupea. Beaver. BOATS LEAVING THIS DAY BEAVER—Youghtogheny, 4 e u HT. LOUlS—lonian, ltl *. *. ST LORlS—lsaac Newton, 111 a m. ZANESVILLE—JoIia Den, tu a u. hT. LOl'lS—Pnn*. ID a u PORTSMOUTH—Magcct, In a u The large and splendid sunr Isaac Ness ion, Hutchi son master, will leave for Cincinnati and Sl I, W thnghsm; 0 bit do, Dahell A Lo. Six* bids tlanr, W Bingham; 15! do do, Clark A Thaw; ltidos broooiN 9 do whisk»,Long, Dntf A Co; 13 doz brooms, F R Dravo; 40 sks d peaehea, Bell A LLr geit; .5* do apples, Clark A Thaw; 1(9 *km wool, O’Con nor A Atkins; 15 bbl* flour, J Black; 43 do polatoet, U SOUJIg. HOCKINGPORr-Pci PjLct No. 3—14 sks yellow root, 3 do ginseng, 3b do rsgs, 3 bbl* Cbeeaotv 15 do apple*. 2 ea»k* scrap iron, 7t keg* butter, 4 carriage y ** festbers, Ido beeswax, Ido wasl, Wick A AleCtndiesx; 3 hbds lob, 102 iks wheat. Leech A Co, 2* lihds lob, 231 bbls flour, Clark A Thaw; |3 hhds lob, J bga a esnutt, u do dax.eed, l do pearbci, 7 kgs I bx ■jj'i'fri 5* broom*. WII Johnston; 15 bbls apples, l W ood; lu sks I eacbc*. v bbls Co, Dalrell A Co; 3a dr broom*. 3 this bun-, McUHt t Roe; M bbls wheau Wilmann A Noble, eu bbis apples, O Blaokbum; ludo poutocs, 9 Cf t. r»g*. Ogden A Kr.owden; Si brt peach sb. owner aboard. '4 HEELING- • P»* Kinrrii—lid bbls, l« ok* glass ware, Clark A Thaw; as bbl* floor, Bell A Ljfgetqido ruiegar, Lambert A Shipion. s do do. J s Dilwonb' 47 bbl* wheat Wdotanh A NoMe; 34 bbls bc-i, c ibm sen; 73 do fl'-ur, Urli-A Liggett, ?f7 do do. Graff A Co; **' G 0 " ilmaith A N«bte; 27 do do, Clark A rhaw, a bbls,2 kg* butter, ebrlver A Btrnes, 14 bbl* corn, Chsict A Curoihers Tsa CA-man—ls *aci« oat*. Cuddy. Jones A Co. 15 bbls apples, Armstrong A C-.oser, ft) bbl* flour flcoit A cc; 300 bg* wheat. Witmaftti A Noble, n hhds lob 10 ags co, H Graff. 7 hhd* tob. D Leech A Co; <9 bbls . I» .? fi 74 Jo do. Bell A Liggett, .ta tdo do, 45 bbl* apples. E Pr.-sl.ory; 7j keg* butter. «J 0 bblt flour, \\ H John»ioi);4li do do, M pollock. -Psi Jclxa Dksti—22t* Ibis tlpnr. J 414 **'• l - re<, h, 255 do do. Cla.k A : 12 b. Is leaihrr, 2 bbl* butirr, 17 kgs do. 5 bx* paper. 11 Gratl A Co; 30 «t* u-u, ici sk* sbon*. ownei; la) bdls paper. Wick A McCandict*. 4 boat* mdie, I pvkg, U Lawton. "’ELLSYILLE- Psa Tuns, s, orr— 43 bbl. poia tAe* 3S sack* wool, aarrni, 12 u,„, metal, M Alien A Co, I ctk, 1 bx, Taslio a e« / 7 AllßimihuT 1* receivin' a urge aawjnmento V 2. fancy and «t»i*ic, vartety. and Dry Goods, roau*t i! l u tn ir a I 1 o 1 ' v Tlnlwi. an.! t’ssbmere Bhawit *•' *’• Kul Rm-ktimC.lovc*; Wool; enund \V or-lrd- Cc-mlorts; Atp*.-*»*nfl Roinbaiinet; sviu-ien and i anton M.vuicU. r,.;o, t j dlcacbod 5U...1,. lusimru and ras.im-re-, . Uil. bur.* and Buitc»s** and Ocroi-. ’lbn-sj, Binding*. Umbrellas fed Drt*• Dune, A,- All of which, cuouiry end oiy miirbsni* ere re* •pe -ÜB.iy moled to rsattitir, ai r>? Wood «t. sap*2s BARK OK Pl’fTlßL'UOil. AN lacdion lor tluriteq Directors at this Rsnk for ibe eu«um< year, will ttJJ at the itanking nuuAe, on Morda), ihe ls;h Cay cf November neiu „ . , . „ . JOHN SNVDER, Cashier Piii.l-ursh. Oct 19. Irin —oqhr.dtd idxcbaaga Dank of Plttabargh A N election tor ifnrwn Ihrect*rs ©» thi» o»ni. to ■jf* »frve dininjf Ibr nutting year, will t. c belj si Ihe Hanking ttnuic. on M»nUsy. Utc Istit November ueiL t-omeeu ihe bourn of w A M *n4 1 I’ M TUI»MAS M. ItOWH, Ca.tucr Oetohor tt>. 1-jO —..eSl diJ Bsrahants' anti Osntira«tar«ri Bank of Pittsburgh. AN e'cui.'n lut ihirtren 1>,.r.-t.»r- o> tb.« lUnk, t.„ "I 1 ' U *" :‘, lh l '- K.u.l.u.rti. <». i 1 ,| ul t 'CNTLEMKNS Heavy M.k Wn, aim (i,.wei*. J<> b.ilr Meiino Jo, du Witm Sumij d.. do Finn Qlid fif'd s.ik rravan r ire Stum, Collar*. and Uokotn •. Silk, Coium, and Womed Muj-^nJtc. Turkey Red I>tp««u.h i.mru. Krin'ed r>ennrl Ruhr., Kami* Belt*, Cmtrella* Silk add Linen Pccket li.ikf., Wool itcd Buekiiln Glove*, Soper Kid and Silk Glove.. Scar:*, Comfort*, and Mufflrn, Jut received and lor uie by F h EATON tfi Fount. «t‘ ' WIDE S• »t u„- Gate. and Dod- Wor h‘«.efy he-t l*olU R . al<». new W.lt~, fcnJ ex . teuKVB «e eci.on of (.uy oc ' l2 w * \v ii aRn a in. it L ARO OIL—HJ l ANl)l.|‘*iS WA DDtWc - - «'hnp. Illnck, *n.| rllr , on ImnJ unu fur umlr )>y op i 7 wtrri; * m, candu:!i»» 1 >: « p VoN n<«NXIf r> Aur 4 ro 1> HOUMtV—H'IMn/ IO? »q|r t.y " J o'-it *_r_voN_uoNNHOß*T * r.i ('lllhE«f - in l)i- lor »nle try >■ w|~ S F Vi>N HON • NHORsT h. i.o CHI Ml H.ny. ifcu’.ea felt *ale t,y ' lT . .. . _ W'CK * Mi’OANDLFRS BAimin CA?K^*—:o empty e«»L lin roaj orJ*fr~"ior cy »ctil JAMKS A HUTCHISON Co fj^AK— 1?0 I, ISAIAH I ICKEY A C(J _ Watet k Froiit «ii OinulDt UrLßcbiilcr Glnghton. ~~ L'lU-HV & fIUftiMJFIELI* hnvc recm«J n iup . piy of neat «>ylrj of rral Manthcttnr Oiugfun's, , Dumc»u>- OincTutm .n ;anctr rf paturm PIM. 0OXE«« -.u-u : ocUi _ J X'IDU & Co Kelt rKEC!Trr A 'i> muls __ s kidii 4 «-o Sl* ON UK « !•'«•»« ♦■nrr. nVifiiV.'l bfoT* COirse. )«*« to J 1.1;J lot -air b> J ."L'IiunNAUKEK A *j PINK ROOT—I bail* just "rern» mtu u.<» j*, uou t,* on»7 »ICK A MrCANDLESS r‘ JBACCO— yt» pkn 55.0 *. T*'», ani Iflvrobarce, nccrlor trandJ- received int sale by ocl? WICK A McCANPLESS ljdDNDS—sii Almoodilsr sale by ccl7 WICK A McCAJNOLESS LOCAL MATTERS. urokTXD roa th* rrmsotEß’ dailt «Azrm FtmtkAL Ckki-vown in Honoa op fiwnn, Tailoe.—A large coacaarte of oar cilixeca as tembled on Monday morning at the canal bridge, io pay alaatlribaie of respect to (he memory of oar late lamented Pretideoi, Zachary Taylor.— Pcnatlreet was completely choked up, yef, not w.tfastanding the density of the crowd, the Qimoal good order prevailed, and all seemed to feel the solemnity of the occasion which had called them together to render the last sad duties of respect and affection to dapafted worth. Al the boor of eleven o'clock, a detachment of United Sialea lofanlry, from the Arsenti, made their appearance, and soon after the box enclosing Ihe rtffla was lifled from the canal boat, and home through U. Leech & Co.'» war* house to Ihe hearse. The National flag, which covered the remains of the hero, was then neatly draped around ihe funeral car, and after a abort interval, escorted by the company of regulars, it was driven into Penn sireei. Tbs PAM. REARER&, | | PALL BEARERS. Hon. Win. Wiikina, j | Gen. J. K. Moorhead, *• ('.Whaler, J . Win. M. Lvon, “ C Ihirragti, j {*s | Thou. M. Howe, Wilnua Mi'Catsdlrs*, ! a* j A. W. Gootuis, Win. Kobintoo, ; < j N. B. Craig, I. L lhvi«, j W | Wm. Eickbunm, At ex. McKpp, I j John Sampstm, Thus. JiaLewell, [ | I*. Mulrany, Thos. S*coU, j (Alex Hunter, followed, end the moornfal train commenced its marc h. "Old Whilsy," General Taylor's favorite char, ger, did oji ocoapy the place io Ibe procession designated in the programme, the canal boat in which be bad been placed not laving arrived in lime. Hi* Excellency, Wm. F. Johnston, Govs ernor ofihe Slate of Pennsylvania, rode m ibo aamo carriage with Colonel Taylor, Major Ultra and Mr. Magraw, President of the Susquehanna Railroad Company. Justice* Oibeoa, 8011, Burnsides, and Coulter, were also in lie procession, and we observed among the clergymen present, Bishop Hopkins, the Rev. Doctor Elliot, and the Rev. Messra. Lyman and Goahora. Among the distinguished gentle men on the ground were, the Attorney General of Pennsylvania, Cornelius Darragh, E«q., Hon. Thomas M. Howe, Hon. Moaea Hsmpton, Esq., Jasper E Brady, Esq., Hon. Judge Irwin, Colonel Samuel Black, Morgan Robertson, dec., dro. The foneral cortege was joined at Hand street, by the Military, under the command of General William Ltrimer. The following companies were under trmi: the Daqueaae Greys, Cap!. Herron ; Pittsburgh Blues, Capl. Hay ; Scott Guards,Capt. Rowley ; Pittsburgh Rifles, Capt. Seidenstnker , Montgomery Greys, Lieut. Appleton; and the National Guards, Capt Noser. The Councils and Firemen were also in the procession, which slowly moved along Penn to Hand, up Hand to L brrty, down Liberty to Wood, down Wood to the Monongahela river. Minute gtinswere fired, the tells of the city ware tailed, and the dag* of all the steamers were hoisted st half mast. The offices and warehouses on the roolo of tho pro cession were closed, and every mark of respect was paid to the remains of the mighty dead. The body was convoyed on board the steamer Navigator, which soon afterwards passed djwo ths river on her way to Lcaisvil u. Most StnnuLsa Accideit.— One of its most singular accidents of which we have ever betid, took place yesterday afternoon on Liberty street. An empty barrel, which had been brought from New Cattle, Lawrence county, ticod on the pave ment iu front of Mr. William Dyert grocery and produce store. It had contained a mixture of tur pentine and alcohol, and the end which bad beet pierced for the spigot stood uppermost. A small colored boy about twelve years old, named Wm.tmi, came sauntering along with a dgar m his month, and aa it was onllt, drew a match serous Ibo head of the barrel to light it, when an explosion as loud at that of a cannon was heard, and the little fellow wa* prostrated os the pavement, oue portion of the heaJ ol the barn I having struck him on the check, which it laid open u> tne bone, wb'.'e the other pail was thrown orer the ware bouse of the Messra Mitfthiilres. Toe poor tellow, who way likewise severely Lam ed, bellowed Tastily, aod way carried by Mr. Thomas Mono and another gentleman to Doctor Omani's office, when* has wounds were dr«ty* ed, l; is supposed that the beat of the sun had filled the barrel with gat, and as the ltd drew the match across .Is bead,it passed over the spigot bole,then rnmmonrcatittg vr>tb the inflammable air within. Fortunately uo other person was tainted, though many were ps u ut November ucat. We arc informed ibal rual and other boil* are passing (be locks on llieu way to market low. We (mat Uni we may be bVp to atteud the celebration, and (ate a view d (bat nch aeclion ol Pennsylvania, the resources of .which have hitherto lam dormant Cor want of a market. We alio leant that the plank road from Cam« berlaod to Weal Nowion ia now in proccaa of coo* itruction, and will be completed by tbo Fourth of July next. Meeting or Steanboii Ownras, EfiatNSras, Mnnuvr", a*d Otueis.—Ao adjourned meet* mg of steamboat cwnera, captain*, eogl&eera, tec., held >u the Board of Trade rooma, laat nigbi, waa organized by catliug Captain John B. Guthrie to the Chair, and appointing Caplam J. K. Davit, Secretary. Mr. Jamea Holme*, chairman of the Commit teo on Resolutions, appointed at the laat meeting, -reported a memorial to Coogrctv, praying for the appointment of a committee of that body for the purpose of procuring information from practical and experienced persons, with the view of ma* king auch amendments to the bill of the tail ses sion, as may be deemed advisable. On motion, the report wax adopted. On motion of Mr. Holmoi, it was rotoived that a committee of seven be appointed to obtain aig naturea to the memorial. Tba President appointed Messrs. George M. Ilartoo, Richard C. dray, Jacob Weaver, Francis Seller*, James Holmes, and William C. Robioaco, on that Committee. On motion, it was RfishtJ, That the cooperation of the people of Wheennr, Poitsmoath, Cincinnati, 9t tool., and all other places on the Western rivers, it ao* United la remonstrating againat the passage isto a law of the bill now pending in Congress concern ing steam boats. Oa motion, ibe meeting adjourned. District Court —The District Court met yes terday, but adjourned as a tribute of respect to the memory of General Taylor. Buraruin Court.—The Supreme Court waa ia session yesterday morning, but adjourned, and the judges joined the funeral proceeaion m honor of our late Presiddnt Court or Quarter Scwioks.—The Court of Quarter Sessions met yesterday morning. 1 he names ol the Grand Jurors were called over and they were einpanneled. His Honor JudgeAlc- Clnre delivered n brief - and appropriate address to them relative to the funeral solemnities lobe ren dered to the gallant hero whose remains yesterday pa«siul through our city, an J adjourned the court until the afternoon Coal Boat*.—A large number of coal boat# pas sed the city yesterday fur the ports below. The water is.high c-mmt'h for them, and wc think tba* ihey will reach their several destinations m safety. Unlike those which left on the tasi ri«o. Murine or jus Ctrv CofNi.-iM —Tne Select and Coalmen Council* of the city of Pittsburgh, met Isn night. An ordinance was pauod in Common Conned, enacting, in eubstsme, that from and alter its ya; aage, the powar and authority ui drawing and signing warrants on the Treasurer for the p®y* moot of-moneys, now vested in (tie Mayor, shall cea*o and determine, and shall be transferred la, and vested id the chairman of the Finance Com» miitco, who alone i* authorized to draw such warrants, and the Treasurer is enjoin-ii to re fuse payment of ait warrants, draws alio, tfcv pas* age o; ih« ord.nance, not tinned by th> Chair* mao ot tbc Finanou Committee. In the Select Courted, this ordinance was amended to read as follows : Resolved, That hereafter all warrants on the Cay Treasurer tor payments or disbursement#, w&mfa require tba sanction or approval ol any Crmmittee of Councils, *hal| bj drawn by ame ,urity Df the members of # U cb cc-mmittees; that all warn at* in pursuance of resolutions, and for Ibe payment of ealarics of city .officers, ahall be aigned by * majority ol tbs Committee on Fi nance. After the transaction of the usual routine of btui&aas, (to Councils cursed. Yocso Men's Lnuuiy Ao:ci*Tion.—The Yootg Mea’a library Association have received all ibe onmbera of Boydeir* Illustrations of Sba£s* peare yet published, trout Dr. Spooner, of New York. This is a magnificent donation. The IJiRitE Case.—The Judges of ibe Su preae Coart did not mate any decision yesterday 1 1> the Qua W Brrtnto esse. It will probably not be made public until next Mondty. Teupcxxnck Mttnto.-Our rcsdtr* sre re quested to bear in mind tbst *n adjourned Tent* permnee meeting will be held in the Rev. Dr. West’s church, SmiliGcld street, (bis evening, at 7 o'clock. Business of importance will be tranter.* and ji jg desired that all wbo feel any inters eil in the cause may attend. Tut Alliqiiint County Acikicultoesi. Fata. We have been favored by the obliging Secrets* *y o 1 *hc Agricultural Association, Christian Sntve- If. Esq., with a copy of Ibe official proceedings at tho font Pair. As, however, we have already published them at great ieogtb, we will only make a few extracts from those portions which have . not yet appeared. Joseph Stoner—Wilkins—Host 3 sere* Wheat (33} bu. pet acre) $5 Benjamin Kelly—Wilkins—Best 2 bu seed bar ky 12 Uesl acre S3 *' } “ Turnips $2 i “ Sugar Beet.. 82 “ I " Pompkina. BsDjtniln Kelly 6 acre held Mediterranean Wheat tb>ui 36 busbe's to the acre $2 N. B.—Corn, Potatoes, Turnips, Sugar Beet, and Bumpkins by the acre to lie over until next cneetiog of the Board, as those crops have not yet all ln>eu harvested. M. n. BROWN, OH AS. GIBSON, WAI. IT. DUNN, Committee. Besides the nock and articles already eaumer ated, there were a grcat'nttny others exhibited, all of which i> would be impossible for us to no* tire. Peter Quinette, of Indians, exhibited a floe siaJtlon. Benjamin Salsbury, Lower Sl Clair, do. Mr. Walton, a fine Mare and Colt. Win, Ba iter, Pimburgb, severs! rxcdlem Filteyt, and Alexander Miller, E«st Doer, a very fine young 1 horse. Of Cattle and Sheep there was a large l number besides those mentioned above. Of (aim and other implements, a great variety was exhib ited not embraced ia our list, many of which were highly deserving ol notice. John V. Riwland.U. Bt. Clair, exhibited a well made self sharpening plough. G. G. Jarret, a bee palace. R. H. Hart ley, a mo»i elegent set Carriage HsrffcM. a. 3. Rryoca, Oder Mill aud Preaa. Joseph Sweet, Lycoming roomy, an Excavating Scraper. Messrs Coco 4: M.~L*sn, of the Esst Liberty Mills, and Wilmarth fir Noldo, oflhc Pittsburgh Mill#,speci mens of superior Barrel Flour. Messrs. Wardrop and Gochriog, Dihliaa, which were very much admired The attendance on bulb days of the Fair waa large. The weather on the Second day waa very flee, and o great many ladies honored the Fair with thetr presence, manifesting a deep interest in the BDcceseofthe Society, which auguj* well lor 11, because wherever tho lathes iced their eounle* nance and a helping hud, prosperity must be the result. There ia certainly an increased interest in the goal cause apparent. Mapv of the auccesalul competitor*,, at the close of the Fair, returned the premiums awarded them lor ihe benefit of ibeso* ciety, which disinterested ecd commendable ex ample would r.o douWl have been followed by cib era, taJ ifiey Hecu present. Tbero is every mason to warrant the beliefthat the Allegheny Count? Agricultural S>ciety it otw esiaMiahed on a firm basis, and will increase 10 prosperity every year, and lhat Allegheny County ao long in the rear of Agrienhuial improve rneni. wiil hood take her aution in the Irout rank, going on proapenne and i<> prosper JOHN McCLI’SKY, President. C. Fmvily, Sec'y. liJ- Member* oi the Society will please to rcct’ileci that th* aunnal roeetiog of ltteSoc.ety be bt'ld at ibe New i mm House iu Pittsburgh. op :tte first Wolreada? t-f Nov. unt, hi 11 o'clock, A. V., locttrt officers and Hoard cf Manager* for the rnauiDrf y,_-»r. AI«o t that the Plnughir* Mati.'b will route off OQ Friday, Ibr 3th day .'.f November nett, ftt 10} o’cloct, A. M.,iu ilio 6eM of Uc-an.ei Larimer,in ('olltos Township, Dear l£a»: fieri?. Meteorological Table. Reported for iho l'uut>ur#fi Gaecite, and jbr U e Hmubaoaian Institute, Washington City, ■ ktUHT or TUI tfIUHOMCCIIL, From Octol*’ 23 to UtfoVr 28. Date. Suonse. .1 p. m. •* p. oj. Daily mean, do*. ?2. 03 f<3 t}» id .{,s 23. 53 f» Co 11 61 21. 00 f»2 61 ft) 03 25. 44 41 4 3 46 46 ?'■. 40 <3 4y 42 45 2*7. 40 4< > Ui 49 47 S'*. 40 49 49 43 ft*iN -Tbf ijutoiily i»i ram wWh Ml op the ■»*baiut 'ti uay* iM lire ptfM'ol uc.ijtb. ■ muunlrj l„.. . ~J ~-u J[ .1, look here my friend! AKE on a FATHER. „„ a family, and .uffennc iroro fmrn: Jrbility anJ low «pitiu. *o I tiki Ill's Ilmn.i .rrtu a bnrdci, u.e I»lr S D lIOWK-S SHAKER RAKKAI'ARILLA. ABE YOU A MOTHER. Suffering from diteu»e« to which trmalc* are geurr •i|y «BbKcl, me Dr.». D Howe'* Shake/ .Ha/.aparilla —it will certainly care yon. f'nll at our depot, or on one of our sgrnu, and vet a psniphlrv crane, where you will find that the Shaker Sarsaparilla, ai iireparrd by Dr S. D Howe. ha* been the roe am of permanently curing more dl«ca-ie* to whl.-h it,- human lainily nre continually subject, ibau any oiher preparation of Sariviar.lla evur yet bronchi beforetSe public ' Tht* medieme ha* cstahlirhed it. high reputation by U* numerous and well ••tented i-uira It it put ap In quart bottles, and is the only Baiaa pariila that act* on the Liver, Kidney*, and Blood at Ibc lame lime, which render* 11 aluigetiier more valu able to every one, particularly 10 (cuttle* u t s ' i ‘- SARSAPARILLA. and lake t»> other. Price Si per boulc—d bottle* lor *5 For *a!e by DR. S. D HOWE A CO., Proprietor*. „ . ICoilegr Hall. Cincinnati. OT To whom all order* roost be ad>lre**e.l Also, for sale by J. A. Jones, J. Hrhoonmaker A Co.. "• Black, H. XV. Mean*, J. M. Townsend, J. Mohler, :Y; J * u f ,o,l i Pittsburgh; D. A. Elliott, Allegheny city: W R McClelland, Manchester; P. Crocker, Urowr.*- fille; Janie* Paul! A Co, Wheeling; J. H. Patterann •ud E. U. Morgan, ftt. CiairsviUo; M'Bean A Knox, Cadi* or'Jn lAwT BTATK MUTUAL F(RB J.NBURAMK CUMPAHV HARRISBURG, PA 11HE Jeugn ol tbi* Company u 10 afford the owner* of property safe and cheap Insurance; Itibminc** being randocted strictly on the mutual ptin.-tple, con-. ■tiiauiig every member a stockholder, and entitling him to a abare 01 the profit*, end by the only equitable method in the *v*tem of tnutaa! Insurance—thatoi CLASSIFYING ITS RlSKS—thtt* affordi**; eqeai benefit* to the insured. The Director* accordingly, have divided their n«k* mio two dimr.n .• iu«es, tha chatter providing that n<» part of tae fund# of either can be appropriated for the payment ol tosses occur [•»* * n Ihf outer The Firm Cia»« (e denominated the FARMV RS‘ COMPANY, m which ui*nranoc may be made upou coamry dwelling*, born*, out buildings and personal property; and nothing more hactrdou* l* allowed to he taken . The Second Cla«*i« denominated th« MFIICH ANTS’ COMPANY , in which inrufmicr mny ho made.,upon raerchandur, and the safer kind* of property in tbwu* and villag**. f Tie prcauuai noiei are only about ove pirnr 1,1 arge a* those o*unlly charged by nihei compA-ic*. and the rate* low, but «uch ni the Directors arn.-0. . ndent will *ave them the ncre*siiy ©i ever makini an assessment Not over fjflwi t* allowed to be inenred tn one locality, and the applicant it allowed the on yrlege of tn.imng either with or without the liability 01 a pieoiiuni tune. The patronage which hat t een mended u> thu Company *»M>e tu oraanutiinn, bavin; insured pro perty io amount ..foNUANDA HALF MILLION of dollar* dunne tbe La-t tuxaa uoaru*. show* that u* merit* are duly appreciated by (lie public All Ibaie* will be turd et the place u f lom with proinpintn* ana utiortiiity. n „ now under the control ol tie following Director*: John P. Rutherford, Albert J (iillett. Shomisl T fejoirL o '' J P RUTHEKFOBD. Pret’l? . . „ A J (ilLLirrr Secretary. A. A. ( iDHIKA. Actuaty ' tlraii'li Ollier r,. r Wr.trrti Penn.v-vani* Nn 51 SmilhlielJ atreet, tc’lk-irS T*»irn 8lan«l Tor Haul. HMIE ander«.g.ted wHhma to retire trom buaine.* L oner, torrent hi* well UowulWni Sinn.l «,tu • ted an the B „d Slcubenvills Turnpike, 1.1 n Tavern Stand, will plea,"^aO^.nMre'^'b.chbc 1 ! 1 ADMINISTUATOII’.H HOTICK Nfr7. ,CK . M Lcr * b V H»»t l*®Her* of Adinm.a tration have thn day been etnuia.l io Uie un.lt-r iigntd, on the date ot John W HU.i. laic or iho tt ,« of Pi Kburgh, dee d All peraoa* mbebi id id the .aid ei.ate.rr rc. t uc*nd io m-tbr in.mrd.au- payuiim and ihote having daitr.* arattiM ,| will prerent d.etn’ duly huilicnncaicj. ior evttterrtcm ’ ROBERT DUNLAP. Jr, HU Market «t, Ptmbur*h. m p|v dlawttwtV RXhIOIITOIIS' NOTICE, N f hTL l ’'"-' rc bygtr.-n.itiat Utter*T. aatnenutry “* U,L ' • o, '«Hl'ai».“»e2tcu.o;* of h. .I- -*5 d 'l ,UTca; McHenry,lau THO.i tICfiTT, t'IIAHLE* I HAY’S Pm.bmgh _«uyß-d«FBw I„, NUTRjE tt«L' , ‘« e °f Peeblc* tswn.tup, decct.aeJ. and kH.K*.! M diainw ugu.nit .aid ctaie ato . PI--FH Ik™ 10, F .vn.,n!, .ml tho.e indebted thereto ate icqmred to uiake uumediate payment to CUARLOT rk'Vooi«ML aY KK Adm’i Peeptc* towpthjp. Ocij,;. lgSn. o. i; w.n-S STRAY DOW. ' ’ CAME to the premile* of the rub-enbet, tending m ,y®J “»wn*hip, on Monday, ihc Tib day ol Or toocr, JSSO, a (tnall Cow, decked, bnm'ied and wuur Je “ l “I** middUng *hort berm The owner u cettnd ic, vome forward, {-uve property, nay charge*, and ukc her away, oihcrwlts ihc w;li be disposed of according to law ABEL fI^DLET. STEAM BOATS Packet# arrtvtag at and dspartlng from the Part • t Pittsburgh. FOR GILLIPOLIS AND PORTSMOUTH The fine steamer tErZZJS MAGNET, - MEa*tywal| Captain-Boas, will leave for Galltp- Big Sandy, akd Portsmouth, this afternoon at 4 o’clock For freight or passage apply on board., oeSlt. FOR ST. LOUIS. . The steamer A. Smith, master, will leave for the sod intermediate ports, on this —— g - ht ° f passage, apply on board oeW FOR BT. LOUIS. aßßbh The steamer fb.-7. .A u ISAAC NEWTON, u - r Huicbiton, master, will leave rbove and intermediate ports on this day, 89th Insu, at 10A. M. For freight or paitags, apply on board, or to - u J NEWTON JONES, Agt For ZANESVILLE, ilbgaa ■ The splendid new steamer jSttm* “■**; G.lU J S L h«, A w?tfte^ e au. Jay, stove, at lu o’clock A JI For tretghtor passage, _uply on-board. FOR BT. LOUIB. / IPf"'A Th ° ’"‘ibrEKSS’ msmai «*•»*. »UI leave far the ■BBV above and teiemeduta landlnr* 0 u Saturday, i!Hh instant, at to A At For freight or passage, apply on board, or to oriH ARMSTRONG ACROZKR. A#!.. FOR CINCINNATI A ST. LOUIS r. The splendid steamer f Jy GLAUCU9 Ebbert. maatet. will leave for above —"■ igMßiud intermediate ludings on thL* day, the KOih mat., at 10 o’clock A M. For freight or pasaage, apply on hoard. ocBo FOR LOUISVILLE. m>9s* k The entirely new and splendid L |. n J24 steamer OfßffSgft Washington, ■“■BSBBBW. W. Marun, master, will leave for the above and all intermediate landing* on Saturday the **SUi insL, at 4 r. H. For freight or passage, apply on board. ocSd FOR LOUISVILLE. ifWaw it TTie fine new and staunch steamer f Ft tr rrJ _ Navigator, Wa Dean, ouster, will leave lor the and intermediate landings, on Saturday, the »th Inst, at 10 o’clock, A. M. For freight or paisage apply on board 0r23 PiTTABUROH A WELL3VILLE PACKET. ~~ Tr ~, ■ The ateamer REVEILLE, D- R-Dale, matter, will leave Pitta. wTlfi"i iT ‘|b burgh every Tuesday, Thursday, and „ Saturday, returning.leave Wellaville every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday For freight or pasiage, apply ou board, or to . « c *» W B WHEELER, Areni. FOR WHEELING. TL ° 6 " ef “cJS;!isi"'“" Ugrifegsp M’Millin, master, will leave for stove all intenoediaie ports on this day.ihe 9fld inst. at IDo’rlock, A. M For freight oi passage; apply on board. ocvu FOR CINCINNATI A ST. LOUIS? gHait'* The magnificert siesmer, I fu77. JB fort PITT. Mtller. master, will leave tor above BnOKHHand ell Intermediate landings, on this dav, at 10 o’clock, a. m. K Fo' freight or pauiga, apply on board. oc3t FOB CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS. rh ® 1 5S*SSS.« n *-draught steam er. A, Captain Kaxleti, leave for the above and all inter, ■"■■■■mediete ports on this day, ttu mat, at For freight or passage, apply on board, or to J- NEWTON JONES, Agent REGULAR WEDNESDAY PACKET CINCINNATI, Captain John Buudnaaau. This splendid boat was built by the lAipOwlbJ owners of the siesmer Isaac Newton, others, for ihe Cineincau and KaNKßißNPmiburg h Faciei trade, and wilt le«>e every Wednesday, fur Cincinnati, in place of the New England, No. «. p For freight or paisage apply on board, oi to _ o BWILmNOKhuEtt, Agt RfftsULAR DAILY PACKET FOR BEAVER - " sMpm* a. The aplendidsicsmer IjlTu.lr Ifoif _ YOUUniOGIlENY, Hartupetf, will le a »r ior at^ve J»r. Si 4 o"S,'f- m. 1 inicra,er, > and Swifiali. leaving Fitisburgh every Monday aAernoon. for W#lUuie. Steubenvftle # ns eT i. r f ; ri »r>J»r.^..ooonfarsicbo;. . D_w[Lia*n,AnT.i. 1850 philauelphia « Pittsburgh.- TBg CITIZEN!' POKTIOLE BOAT LINE, augV?;d2m R WjpOINDKXTKR A CU Pfltl< ARRAIOBHSIT. CHANOKfr^® Central Railroad open toHollldayaburc m m,f*i Von.ll to Joltmtoatm —2SO truUi Hail HojU from JohuMtnrm tv PhiluJelpl,ia. T\Vt» DAILY EXPRESS PACKET JiUATS, Fieiurively fur PaMenffcrt, KUR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. Time Ibroujh, 44 b00r*—....-Pare—Sl§ ON »a after Monday, September lOh, two datlr laclet Uvki« will leave f„r Johntiowu, from rHlet,a,d nfW c,r> **> mllet direct to ThfE?*’ bsin J r on “ ? , . lhe Ter * beM ,n «oouiry. The Increased • peed by tb<« root* makes it the moil desirable, a» well aa ibo moat comfortable one to tie eastern citlea A Packet Boat will leave every morning at 7 o'- S” ,T 9 pnciui,. Portage Rail Road I* pamred in day LahL For paaaage or tnionnailon apply to W SUTCIJ. Mono tig ahela House; «|.n o,io II LUMH i 00, Cii.,l lJu,„ ' SUIUIOAHILA BOUTE BSfifi Oalj Tl Nil** Btagia,. . Via Urowoavllleaod Camberltnd to Baltimore and . Philadelphia, rtki to BatTKoaa—* co T bo. PfliL*bTLyaia.—».. i% uq lIF. mornine boat leave* the wharf, aboya the bridge, daily, at 9 o’clock precisely. Timo ta nattunore, Jj hours; lime to Philadelphia,4o hoars . ‘‘•“l'’ C**««pl Eoni,, ct emngs,} at fl o’clock. Pauengers by leaning oa the evening boat, will cross ihe moustaics la stages next day, and thus avoid night travel. Secure yoor ucket* at the Offiee, Monongahela Uiuuo, or St. Charles Hotel. «*-uou»aaata &cU<| f J.MESKIMEN, Agent 1850. TTTh ■n~ii> DIDH'ELL A BROTHER. FORWARDING MERCHANTS, HOCHEsVkR, p*., C| t FVFj'.' I N ! n fo 'r fUS W gy^ 8 •’nTBDDROH I lilD' ami n^^ 3^. t 0 T ln, beween Pittsburgh and B«5e? 1 b>f ,le “ , boau Lake Erie, , Good* receipted end promptly deliyered to all EfeV ™ tl |? ( c “» f « Lake*, at the lowest rates. Shippers will please direct good* to«Bid*rtll’*Lino.' J C BIDYVELU Water «u Pmeburgh. VSBSTBRS ISSHBASCB COBPASr OF PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL »UO,OOO. J. FtßnsT, Jr, 3cc’y. | r. Mxun, Jr., Preen ■■ >JI iu»ure eguoat ell kinds of rieke. FIRE AND MARINE. A. |>aid l, ' t * WiM b * Ul, "* U,r * nd promptly A home iniUtuiion—mantged by ttrcctors who are we i known ,n the commumty, and who are deternun i£!‘ U , p ! ,c,1, 1 . 4n ‘ 1 ‘‘berklay to maintain the char aLtc. which they have assumed, a* btferin# Uio beat protection to those who desire to be Insured UiSMiwu—U. MUlet, Jr., (leo. Black, J. W. Baiter, N. Holmes, Jr., Wm, B Holme*. C. Ihmsen, Geo. W. k W ' Lyon, Ja*. Lippincou, Tho*. K. Litch, James M'Auley r Alci. Nimlek.Thos! Scott. Urrice, No v-J Water street, (warahoate of Spang A L«i.. up stairs,! Pittsburgh. jolnliy “ QKKAT OKSTUAL ROUTE I Till! PIOSBBKS lIP THE HEW BIIL BOID. Through l» POUR Days TO PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. WE take pleasure in announcing to the Merchants of 1 tiuburgh and the Weiteru butinea* cctu-- munlty, that on and after Mocday,lhe 18th of Sep tember, we will receive and forward good* via the t.enttul Rail Road, and guarantee them ni bo through m four Day*. Our nwnaivc stock of t’ara anJ Itouu enable* u* to offer llin above expeditious loute to the pubfi'- wbiUt we still ct nuiiue our uiual lines via llhmi ibutg and t'oluiubia Mrft'lmiiU wiilutig goofa brought fioio the Fast wirr, aic uiviied to call on 1 OVONNoK. ATKINA * Co , hituburph. ATKINS, O'CONNOR i Co . Pliiladeit.i.ia, Prnpneinrr of the l*i«t»burgh Transportation Line,. Oi the (allowing agent*, iiVimuti aCo , ro North itreot, Bahimire; K Huii ARMS, for sale. THE Warehouse -on the corner of Wood i •ueeta, recently occupied by Wm.Mc wnoleiale Gnwery Store For rennv anoti Ryan, 31 Firth street—Ryan’s Buildings, n kinds of turned materials are for sale, at power and rooms to rent, the machinery b in operation. tocl7:d£w) |L 11. Id j»le»u ' > ink now TJ:Vv\N. I brlweei I lly ih( onelver LOR octfitf No. al Woojlrfim FOB BEST. TWO well finished offices in Post Office 1 1 Third *uect A long, well lighted room, 3d tforv; entrain fcet Street, between n-1 and 4th *irr<«!». Also, a small brick house, in Pitt {Townsl i Pennsylvania Avenue. J fnou'ra of R rt gaZZ ! oetr Notci, Sec: FOR MALE A TWO BTORY BRJCK HOUSE and Pena street, comer of Evans Alley. In __*epK:dU ROBERT M'K> TO LET. A FOUR Story Dwelling, slate 'rooC offii room, gas fixtures, and bake oven, 149 Th Inquire at 60 Water street LAND FOB KALE. THE Chanter's Coal Company will sell some very desirable piece* of land, situated on and near the Steubenville Turnpike, and rear the southemiernijnus or their rail rood. The land will be divided into quantities to suit pur* cnamrs, and the terms ol payment will bo very easy. z W REMINGTON. Harbor, Sept. 2— «ep3:dl..i Manaxer. - TO L£Tj ~ A l Bnfu*r^*!? n * ,ven immediately, the Three Story »Vk£S£t ‘£i q^;' 1 0 r S, " ! ' , * »» 3 att>is K 0 STOCKTON, Booksellers, «? MartotsL V A FOH A si'i E o RE^ L ,^ STATK ON PU4N STREET «reet, between ij. A9 rr,onJ strata on Penr Uta houae and tni streets, artioiOinf baring a front ofas S y Edward*) •old on fav„ible wrmV’ T?,. 1 " itp} * 1W fee ?’ Wll t£* quire of C o innu.S 0 f I . ce P Uo,l4l'le oetSl-dtf ■ O- LOOMIS, 4ih it, ns at Wood? MURPHY i BURCHFIELD »av,.ko n. IXP.OVIMEn.ior ITO. i-ro.. BOOM ' Borlh.E.Bt cor. of Fourth i Korkot iU. WILL RE-OPEN, On Monday morning, 23J Stytrmbrr, Willi a Lam Slock of Stw Qoodi. _ aepti l R. O. BTOOKTOH, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, No 47 Mar kel street, corner of Third vi., HAS constantly ou hand, for sale, Writing, Letter Jl 1 * ni D 5‘ T i c *’ ?5» d Wra PP ,n * Paper; Bonnet, ruxen. Binders’, and Trunk Beards; Book and New- Paper Printing Ink.: whirl, h r will «elj atlhe l„we>< ' ? Vep^9 ,Ce,>or,a exch * Jl S c e:ivery in a.,4 i,.t. .aid DistrWit, uni: Wiluaru.kcrr and Samuel Jones, K*qs, Aftooiau- same com-iy, m and forttoa County ol Af*fbeny, dated the tuifi day of August, in Hit year «f our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty, and to me directed, for bolding a Court of oyer and Ter muter and Genera! Jc.it Delivery, atihS-Coan House. 11l tie city of Pittsburgh, on the Fourth Monday Octohex next, at ino'clock A M. Public notice is hereby givon to all Juslieas of the Peace, Coroher. and Consiabietoi Allegheny, that, they be'lhen and there, In their proper persons, with their rolls, rerords, iuquislntms, examinations- and oUier remembrance*, to an those Uunge, which to tkdif raipecttTe office* In their behalf appertain to bo done—aud also those thsi will prosecute the urlaoneta that oow are or may be in the jail of ssid county ot Allegheny, to be thru and tlwro ui prosecute mlkinsi tnetu aa shall be just. . Given under uiy band at PiUsburgb, this IGthiday of August, iu the year ot our Lord otic thousand eight huiiJrec and tiny, and ol the Conttnonwrshh tbe ?Ath. augtotdAwidT carter curtis, simritr.: To Bouthira aad Western llerebaat*. ROL'SSKI.U t*RK.'lll.’M !*LKKI!,MERY. Tlie subscriber re.necuully invite* public attPnuonlio Uu extensive slock ot Pertumory, Soaps, Bhaviig V, re ?“*i &e - 10 »htch seven Silver und two Golden Medals have, within the last six years, been awarded 1 by the Institutes of New York, Boston, and Phila delphia, the latter bring the only-Golden Medals eyer awarded for periutnery either tn EaroM or in this country. - BostaxL's Uauvaujcn Suavnta Ckasts, (Almond, Rose, and Ambrosial,) universally ok-koowfedged io be superior to any.Hhaviny, Cream iu this cotutry or Europe. " • ’ ! OLEofUAfl* roa S**viiro—Beautifully traiisparei i “« poetesslng highly Saponaceous and emollie properties; Sanouateous Compound: Aoibroe I*l t>hai toy Tablet; Military Shaving 9oap. SrrttFi.nTot!.rrrsj*rs- Almond, Rose, MUlefleut Bouquet, Pistachio, Mutt, Patchouly, Umiubtfn, Flo* ; my, Transparent, Olivo Oil, Windsor, and Circassia Lxra*iT» to* rax RttPttteHOtt—Rose, Jaamu Bouqort.de Caroline, Geranium, Jenny Lmd, Mouam line, Jockey Clob, Magnolia, Clenuntc, Cttrmtell Boait, and many other various*, in all sixty dUforac perfume* Toilxt Wat Its—Florida Water, Elan de Tcilett* Orange Flower Water, and a great vuiiety ot Co lognea and Lavender Waters Fatratanos* »»k vmu llai«—Genuine Dear's Oi Anttaao Oil, UanduKne, Hau Lntrale. (Heme, Com poand Ox Marrow, iiair Dyes, and in powde and Phllocome, Hicmiue, and Jtuny Und Pomade*. Oooirtatnic Pttfaa*-no?» Balsamic Elixir, lU* Tooth Paste, Charcoal DentnAce.Udonuae, Toot Paste, and Tooth Powder. Cotjsmc*—Vrrcjsbla Cosmetic Cream, AatandU" for chapped hands. Cold Cream of Roses, Cream d Perse, Lip .Salve, Raspberry Cream, Ac. _ Depilatory Powders, for removinr sopctfluops haiii, Pearl Powder, Vlnaigre de Rouge, Aromatic Vtnerii, Vicloria ilalr Composition, Preston Sails, beudei a great variety of other articles, too nnmereas to b i named in this advertisement. The subscriber hope* u, maintain >he repouiib i which this establishment '!*** acquired, by dupowr. l of nothing but first rate articles, *nrt wdl be happy 1 , tarnish tkote who may wish to pattonizo h»m. ctihe wholesale or teuul, on-es reasonable terms •* any ct tablishmeatm tha Uuited Sates. „ XAVIER BAZIN, * Successor to and former Ihrector of the Lsboiatorv of EUGENIS ROUSSEL, _ . , „ , U 1 Cheanoi street. Mr. Bazin’s Perfumery Isfarsala by ail tho princi pal Druggists tu the country *pl7:dlyi F!KK AND IIIBIKK INSURANCE NOTICE. PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, capita! stoci ash somPLta rtrsc, 91,000,000. V lIAHTEJiED 182:1, THE audersignCd has been tppoioicd agent for this old and rcspoaslble company, to succeed Mr. Fayette Brown, and is ready to issue policies in the Fire and Marine 1 department, on is lavoruhte terms us any other responsible company in this city GEO E. ARNOLD. . 74 Fourth at., next to Bank of Pittsburgh. PROTECTION FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY Atnrjiiil $1,000,000. THE undersigned would rail the niicnllon of mer chants and others having property ri]msrd to lo»* by File or the perils of Navigation to ihe superior advantages ottered by the Protsctlon luauranea Company or iutaryoii'.i-ojiv^vii.— I. Rales of Premium as low ts Lhme of any other RESPONSIBLE Other, ■J,—A speedy ana •misfactorv adjustment of lo**e* fay tlie General Arrnt of the Company for the Western anJ Southern Slates 3—Arbitration (ot all diden-nces which laay arise) by rrterecs tnuiualiy cbo»«*». 4 —Awards promptly paid in Specie, Bankable Fundi or Exchange on New York. Ilali.raoie, Charleston, New Oiltans, St Louis. l.oolsvnJc, Pittsburgh; or Cincinnati, bi the option of the insured l W Pamphlets, setting forth! ,j. l 6 mo j c U(] prin . nplei of adlusting losses, raiei faf premiums, cU»siB - oi hazards. Ac., furnished lu the customers of the office tree of charge For further information, apply to lUe undeTiigabd, who is tully authorized to insure DwcUincs glare* Ko«l., W.,«tow„, Mill,, llßjjthDla Fwarare.lSfbocl., lv ircl , mV t™—! - SSi?' 11 “ ‘ttK.it lan «i damage by FiRF. also, ury Goods, Croctnes, Manufacture.! Goods P.ro duce, HouseholJ Fumiiuie l.,uc ito-a and ivsrry otl.er description oi Merchandize or FeWoual Pro psny, sh pped or tu he shipp*.! i, e i «oc-t •teamh(>at. or boats to and frum points uu tu; WtHtUi Wairr».‘ or between Eastern cuiei ivia Lakes or other inland route) and any towns in the Western taui.uy, as ainti tha barsrd* of INLAND TRANSPORTATION". Bhiptneoi* oi ton Ji Wares, und MercbnJiu. f er good Vessel or vct.cis, l.eitsrfn New Orleans and Eastern ports—belwee » Nen Orleaas and other Cult ports—between all American {urns and English or European ports, or u, any other maritime port soever in the Atlantic waists, aa’alnst me PERILS OF THE SEAS tiFo E ARNOLD. Ag’t, 74 Fourih si . urn to iU Bank of PHuburgh seplUJtjant 1 Itoyi' Ssttaktii MURPHY a aURCHFIELp have received alo* of handsome Mixed Satinets, tor Boye' ssaan also,-Plaid aud Plain Casstmem in crett variety, Marino Cussuneru, Kentucky Jeans, Bluck Tabby velvets, Ac., at. north cut corner of Fuunh itreen. octf . . annuwsuiii; f TT , r,rSS* T v r ‘ 1 ' D ”''Rui. far Western Pennsylvania. & Fwfa< The Piano* made hi Mr Donh.- >e.L • J S tod an A Dunham; ire too well s™* In thu neighborhood to require time, suffice it to say. that fo? J iLW** 01 *‘H wuw were know., in the W>, “ oI M Sni r hi!“£s’ wd «wn name Dunbam’s Pia.m.^”»•*.{& n^?| U '? * n ® r °' th< wp««ern cities, aneU-J , Ae.,they htvr sold two to oseof aoratkeii hr!n ,ar *' T bry «*«'fcui»gui»hed by tb^ T pSw3 and brilliancy of tone, and extmordmary N. 8.-a large Invo-re of \ixe above e!re»niPi./«J ‘■-r-ng. WON OF THE UULdSS IlAHr| ksolisr extract®. J Impottedand for sale by ’ ?. B A PAMNEBROCK AC® 5 - -Zl. - .. . Co,. n riLA \Vosd « t ? Apparatas ror Cleaning latova PlDa without taking down, P * ;! TNVENTPIDby Frederick Ijleirea, and madobv ' 1 a SCAIF* A 7 First «t. between Wood A Market its.‘l sTocKares" —- -;; s Flm su., Pittsburgh, •; :lr cwnJimportaUoo, diroett' B. A. FAIINfiS WHOLESALE Corner of Wood and 1 OFFER for tale, of ihet front Europe, Borax, refined, in eases Emery Com A PoVrd, kfi Carb. Amaon,csks A jars Pans Green, in cans > Rotten Stone, in casks Flour Sulphur do Acetic Acid Ozutge Flower Wiur Bole Anuenia Pill Bojea.papeTwaboaU do willow 1 V»kl Corka. auonad i Adhe*i»e PU«wr Fn. Rotoraa* do Co ■ do do Gnlbanum do do Elaienom do do Oitrato Iron, Fcg Preoip, Haiti. Iron AUppo GrJU Tipion’* Um ‘Wedyewood Moruit and Peules Oil L»vander, Spike do Garden OiJ Origanum Oilßoreuary Oi< Killer Ahoondt Oil Caiapai Oil Croicn Pink and Bine Sanscia Cardamoi Seed - Sulph. Zinc Heifer*' Team, prepir«4 Geniitn Real Khnbarh Root Polishin* Putty Indian Red os3 Castile Soap, in his Calc. Magnesia do Carb. do do Lae Dye, pnwd in bris Carb. Iron in kegs Citric Acid, in lb bottle* Putv.Jniimqiiiahf do Aq. Ammon Cone. Jo Calomel Eng. do Oil Amber RecL do lodide Potash do Creaaote White do do in or Vials lodine Eng. in hf lb iKlttles lodide Iron, in oz vials Conf. Senna, in lb jars Bi-Carb. Potash, lb botUea Blue Pill Eng. in |b jam Ref. Liquorice Eng. 10 bx* Wood Napthainlb bottles , Tart. Emetic do | Prussic And, m or vmls | Tarianc Acnl, in bis I Crocus Mams, in krai | RadValpnan F.ng.tn bales I BA Y STATE SHAWL. celebrated and Jaatly acknowledged au' L penor goods, in tba latest colorings and moat uuc proved style*, will be farnUheJ by the tubaeribet# in any quantity, at the very lowest prices. Porehaa cr* witj pleifsr notlee that the genuine Bay BtaA fabrics-bear tickets corresponding with the above cut, ami they will alio be dliunguuhed from all other woolen Shaw)* by their superior finish, finenasi of texture, and brilliancy of colors. Order* solicited trim all sections of the country, and the same will bo promptly, attended to. Purchasers will alto find in ourtsfeaw! department a large assortment uf all U.o other must approved makes, and nowe<« designs ui Aniericau, French,.and Sootch Woolen Shawl*, ent bracing a great variety of plain and medium styles tor mends. ALSO, Superior Paris Brocha ling and squerc Shawls «n latest styles and best uiun&fariure—High lustre Black ?“? s ‘ ,k Bhawla— Lupin* Black end Mode Colored Tltlbet SliawLvvmh silk and woolen Fringos —Paris Printed Cas.uaerti anl Terkerri Shawli- Plain and Lmbrolderqii Crape Pliawla—New stylo Pruned Palm figured Pan. Brocha >hawls—Lupin* BlaWLand Mode Colored Thibet Long Shawls—Piaii] bound ifeal Skiu Shawl*—Plain Mode Colored Terkerri' Shawls, frinaed auJ hound—Eight quarter branch Mode Colored Thibet Cloth, Rieusuring./ull two yards wide for Shawls, binding to mateh—White and Colored Borreionu and Genmee Shawls, 4.0. 'Wholesale andifciaU - - atVßr.in" rr»i.i*i'M3h«ro, t Second sc, Phildelpbia. *cj|l«-J*wsminS .., TO RAXL UUAO CONTRAOTORB. PROPOSALS will.be received at the offices ot' ih- Ualtimore and .Road Coiopany, at Bal- Umote, Cumberland, Fairwouol, and Wheeling, unni Ssturday, the'Hth of-November next, inclusive, for ihe.Crauuauon mud MaJoaiy ol Stiool ,IJ aectiuns or miles of the lit)*, ex trading-west nunliy by ibe w*tcrv of Fi«h Creek amlGraveCteek, and over the dividing ridgo* between them, Rom tbe lfto-h section of the par- of the line already ley to the tKHth *enion of the aatne hue—being -lUie only portion of the route ro mdimng to be put Auder contract. The.work tirbe tet wilt bn generally iieavy-lri eludlag a tunnel of tUW, another of lUii, and a third Icet iu length, a number of cuttiovs tnJ enjbsnktneuu, and a roiMiderabia quuiiutv of T.mjJj m**oury. Specificaiions will be ready at ti,« *bov t odjree, on and niter the jm day ol Novcint-ei «x,.t Engineers will be upon the lute to give m.ormaiiui. No hid unsupported by goed tr-.uiitumsi* wnl bo considered, nml bidders are dented to sin»e ii ihay have other work on hand, snd wfcnu h will 1.0 finieh-J The nio.i energeue proxetuiion o' uie work will b« a, rzpceted. By order ol the Presidem and Direciors I BENJ. 11. LATROBE, octil dtnovlSl _Cbief P'ngineer. ! INSURANCE. a HIE DELAWARE MUTUAL 9AFETA’ IN9U . RANGE COM PA NY-—Office North Room of ihs Exchange, Third sued, Philadelphia. Fiau r«*caA.NCi.—Building*, Meicbaodis« and other property, in Town and Country, insured against !o«s or damage by lire, at the lowest rate of premiom. MABiimlsstnuscv—They also insure Vessels, Car* goesand Fyfighi%, foreign ozeoastwise, underoveo ot special policies, a* the assured may desire. ‘ Iblabd TtisiHun non.—'They alsolssure merch andise transported by Wagons, Rail Road Cars, Canal Boats and Steam Bo*is ; on tivcTi and lakes, on the most liberal term*. DinLCrORS— ioarph 11, Beal, Edmund A. SoaJtr, Jpnn C Davis, Hobert Burton, Jonn R Penrose, Btm&- ** Edwards, Geo G Leiper/Edwatd Darlington, Isaao R Davis, Wo Folwell, John Newhu. Dr R M Huston, Ju G Hand, Theopbltuj rauldine, II Jones Brooxs, Henry Sloan, Hogh Craig, Gesrge Serrill, Bpancer Mcllvaln, Charles Kelly, 3 G Johnson, Wm Hay, Dr 9 Thomas, John Seilers, Wm liyrc, Jr. DIRECTORS AT PITTBBLRGII—D T Morgan, Hugh Liaig, John T Logan.' WILLIAM MARTIN, President. THO*. C. HAND, Vice President* JoytrH W. Cowss, BeoY* 10 s * Oise of the Company, No 4ti Water straet. Pnishuren. toc«-tfl P. A.MADFJBA^Agt. EIPB iSBUEARCK J. Plnncyi Jr., Agent for tkt Penn Lilt Jiirjranev Vo. of Fhi! j. UFFICi: c{ the Weetejn Insurance Company No. W Water street, Pituburgh. PapsphlcW, wuh all ncccs««ry information, and tjlsnk forma will be furnished. Hasbands cah insure their lives for the benefit of their wives.and children; creditors the lives of the*r debtors. The whole proltts of the Company are diviJed among the holders of Lifo Policies. The dividends of the post two years have been eiah if per cent, each year, *O6 HI NETT'S BITTERS Creates a healthy action throughout (be body, restore the appeute, equalite the circnlsticn, give tone and energy to the system, and mats a power of resin anre to’diseare in ail its forms, rarely to be obtained. They will perform a speedy and permanent core of Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Flatulency, General Debility, Liver Complaint, and n’l thetniacr symptoms com monly called nervous affections. HKADACIIK Will be immediately rebeved by the rue of this inval uable compound, which is jpbrciy vegetable, and is adapted u> all ages and cucuilion*. KKWtLKS Will find in Hus delicote a d pxiatahle preparM'ou. a combinaiion ot Tonic, Alterative mid Aperient quvli ties, peculiarly adapted to their systems. ’ The specific vetma that this article has on the Liver and Digciuve Organs, rcniiera u a compteie Antidote for Fever aud Agno. ned Bilious apd Typhua, Fevers. Cmirviu.*, L. i. July inh lean. I Lave nsed the aruele of Planttfn Billers, and have derived gtcdl bentnt Irum them. 1 have been subject for yean past to the Fever end Ague, bet since the introduction of jour Bilteir, ( have enure!? escaped ray usual attacks, aud can wuu ccrtdinao rsccuniiicnd tl.em at one of the lim Tonics ui uvs. liesytcifullt/ yourt. C. N. BUNDING. artiSCruto, June axli, ISN» Mt Dxj.B Sit. Ii Rivet me much pleaacre to cuts, that (ho UytpspaiK with which my lite lus been w long troub led, aruluc from laactiou of the Liver- has been en tirely oyetcotue, and cured by the u»e of your invalu able preparation of Uiuera, and Tor your kmdncc* la recommending theta, plearo accept my thank*. : lour-trrt-j^r, O.L.LRSCII Agent*, William T. Hirkt A Co., tl:> and Ini liont Sirret. New Vork. For naje by * aog&:('3nnu R E “iILLKRfi OAK PLUOttUfQ ItOAUUH. IrLilHrt FKKT Worked Oak Floor-ins Uonrdi, la/ItJUU. penei'ily Jiy, an.l of a superior omiiiy fiws’lel.y a « LAHKK. _ __ i-hnfp«t.urah. 'UtUlbs'oßt «t Coat lo Cl»n Uailucu, AI.ARC K ttoek oi DRV GOODS, for wlucaconJ|. tnoiiyagca, ground rcnu, or rt*i e»ifcu, will fcft rcoeiVjd m pjtment. JOS.B. HOGG, otl ir ; »*6 Wood t 0... Pmiborgfe. Refined scoAns'ai tibu crashed it*, j 0 rorvJjicd.-JdJw Ci«nted. m siowmd for mIOt JA3. A HUTCHISON A Co cnll Agent* 9i Uni* gtcam Rrfcncry \it.460"1 Co\ HROILCIiOTH—UO y