The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 28, 1850, Image 3

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    r-V- ----- —*'■
There has only been a moderate atnomiof t»n|»
inert done dnritg toe pa*l week, end operation*
wife Abe interior nave Lee a lew active.
JlrptdstufU l>ava been steady id price, with a
moderate demand and baht receipt*. The week*
sale* of fiour turn op 7000 bblsatfi* 81014.51 per
bbl for Peana Wcat-rn.
Ortifi —For wheat ibe demand i* equal to the
receipt Bales this week ar«yS,ooo bu.of which
1000 prime Weatern brought 105 c. per bushel.—
The receipt* of corn are ama’l, with a good de
mand, ana price* tend upward; prime round Bella
at tide.
Provisions—The stock of pork La fair, but the
demand t» limited. Sale? of mess at $ll 00011 75
ail months. Prime >* be dat S 3 90. The market
it nearly bare <>( barre xd Lan', which in in de«
miiiij for roßbiifactum g uurpoaea at 7 1 28 c. 4
ropnths. Sale* fnaic i t ris time.
Cfcffoe—Toe market h i* been quiet, but holders
ard firm. Sale* 6c03 bsgnll'O at 11011 lc. ISO
St. Domingo at >Ol,lOO bags Lajuayra at 1010101
per lb.
Btjffor in doll, and hi 1.1 lean (irmly. Sales Porto
Rico at Gl% ot frf> hhda. Orleans at 707 in. 540
taxq* Havana at 7e. for biowc, anj Sc. for
• Wfcol—Prices are nicady but the demand is
»moderate. The week's ions are limited.'
\ Oil. 20.
Flout—We noiied lair aupplivs, and guild hutnc
and stumping demand, without any change lu pr»
;cca, '■
1 Grain—Wheat is without change. Corn con
tinues in good demand, with romhr enquiry for
■Aupmetit. Sale* ol mired ars making S'. @7053:.
and holder* arc asking 70. , .
Pork—-The market is dull with some' reduction
x la prices—SlO 370511 bring narely rcahacd for;
Mots aod S 3 37 iur primed Lard U leca active,
though holders ere firm at 7*071. 1 1 •
OiU— Linseed I* per gallon, for
English and American, Laid oil is scarce, and
firm. CCg75 per gallon.
Coffee—Sale« vrslcrday wera 2500 bagsßio nt
an average cf 19}c. per 13.
Lead—Sales ol Soft American at fi4 70 cash ;
$4 60 being cried.
Wool is steady, and in belter demand , 40,000
Ifca decco sold at 571041 c.
Wniakey is steady «t 261027 c. per ga : lon
PaLTiMuns Oct. 2S.
3*fcs ofHjward.street at fit 620 H 63,
•B’l of citT radls at ue »arao tgorc.
Grain—Wheat has been in goed supply, and
prices rarge from 90 to 90 for Ordinary to good
red, aod 90 toiOO for good to prime Wmte. C;m
has declined a shade since the forepart of the
week. White La new selling at 56059 c. and
Yellow at 59060 c. per bvakei.
Pork—bln* •« lu good demand at St 1 25, and
prune at $3 37088 67 per bbl. Jj-.rd is active at
7* for keg*. ;
Coffee— Hie market hu changed but liu'e. The
sales aro U 00 bags R t> at Uc and 650 bags La
gnayra at 101 o. per lb.
Sugar*—Sales at auction .on Tuesday of 112
hhda..Porto Rico at S 3 7505 65.
Tobccc9—Sappliea arc tigui;-%*,ih no change ia
IjyWoiiMl Wpas»»si-ili« sympiems of tie
j aence of wonat in children should bo carefully wsicta
«d by putnti| and »o toon as there ii reason to ins
i peel their existence, every means should bo sstd to
; expel item promptly‘and ihoroaply. The proprietors
of M’Lann’a Worm Ycraalpge are conUduti that they
offer the best meant of accomplishing this reiuh that
fens ever been »abm ned to the public *, and they in-
Tito toil the mention of all who have ihc manage*
xnent of children. The tnedlcne It a safe and plcstam -
000, and never falls 10 produce lhc4etired effect. J
[□"For sale by J, KJDD t CO,Me CO Wood stmt. (
Ma. Km-Sir, comply wUh'yoar re
quest ihtt I wopld five yoajtn account of tbe almost
turacutoascure of my little dJtighiet's eys by thu me
ofyoaT “l'cirolrtm."’
She wasmuaefeed with a rery f ore eye la February
or March last, when ! immediately applied to ilic beat
medical aid to me city, by whom it was pronounced
*‘a very bad cyo" tmd all §BTe rue no hope of doing
Iter any good. After which I took ner into the coun
try to an old lady, v.bohad been very succeeifu! in
caring eyes. Sbelold sir that her case was hopeless,
a*she would certainly, lose, sot only that one, bat
also that the other wppld fallow—it beingaaerofaloas
affection of the blood. And l do certify .that at the
time my father (J. U. VuhoQ) came to the conclusion
that we bad better try your. “Parolenm,” «** v»u
vanstLT nuas.’W one eye. It is now about two
menlha. since the brgan Us uce, and she can now see
with both eyes at good as ever she did ; and, as far
as 1 can tell, I beliesr >he ha', with ihn blessing of
he Almighty, been cured by *■■ I'ctroieum ”
Yoon, respectfully,
M. Fuancsa VasnuN Col&wo.
I‘ttubnrghb, fiept. 30, Ifso.
For *ale by Ceyter A McDowell, 140 Wood *uo«t;
R. E- Sellera, 57 Wood Bireel; D. M. Curry. I». A. El
liott. Joseph Doaglam, and H. r.-SeLwau.*. A.le«heny,
al*o by the proprietor, P M KTE.H,
oc7 Canal Qa*ln. fteventh m, Pitvbarjrb.
isig wooDSTRRr.r.
Are now prepared with a large and Jre«a stock ol
Enellah, Oermcn. and Ateeriran Haidwue. t» offer
superior indacewer.u to buyet*. Tbf.« wishing to
porehuo will piosrote their interest by iookini
htOßßli our Block, a* they arc dticroinod to sell or.
be rnoßl rcatonoblo urns. anslS
Wbolerale A Rciail Manufacturer* ADealcr* In
Cor. Wood ft Fifth at*., Pitta tmrßh,
Where they offer a fail and complete t*teek of Hat*,
Cap*. Fut», fcr.., of cvrrr quality and style, by whole
sale and Retail, and inviie the attention of their cav
lotnet* and purcha«er» generally, a.««urin? them that
they will se'l on the *o*T x«VA*nA»»ocf
noglOitf ; m
69 Wood it|b«twuA Third fcFeurth,
Are now receiving their very large and Buperior Ft
Block 61
Alto, BONNETS and FLOWERS, til of the latest
atTlea. and ezpietely adapted to the wrsiern trade.
it baa been aclected wlih great care, and a* to tue*
and floa ity is not surpassed by any atoek to be
.finuifctUe, ■■««*» 0« “'f?:
chant* generally are invited to call and examine, *•
we OXO determined w.aell on the roost reasonable
urma. Also, CJoodjeat’* Patent Rabjcr Shoe* 1 »•
kind* . . aax«!:<m
Off Pltcibnrgh.
C O. HUF3EY, FRs»*r. A W. MARKS.Sk’i.
Office—No. 41 Water *ucct, in the warehouse of C.
»» «•»»» prepared :o maere ■']
T kind* of risk*, on fcousea, manwiaetimea,, good*
tnerehandi-c in ..tore, and in iranrr.u vex-eu, Aa
O An ample guarani i«r the ahtiity and inie*niyof
Qte laitituuori, U afforded in the chamfer rf the Di
are all eUlrena of Wtubureb, well and
favorably known to the community for ibesr prudence,
L"i& Wn r, W» U.
iieaxeliou, John Haworth, S. llarbaogn, b- M. Mer.
©i!le« «i Ohio and retina. R. R. Co, Third it
pnTMtncau, Aefa** C. 1350.
To Stockholder* of the Ohio and I’ennsyifanla
Rail Road Company are hereby noufied u> P*7 j« e
eighth Instalment of fire doUars per share, at the office
of toe Company, cn or before toe i.'Oto daj of Au*u«t
The ninth iaautneaii on or before ue SWto day o<
September. Tm< lento instalment on or before too
yuto day of October next.'
ny» The 7to ir.i: aJment was culled for on toe 20to e
July last
\VM I.ARIMKR, Jr- Trc«*oi
Detulrt. Corner ofTonrtb
ar.‘d Ikcetur, between
«r.<! F-trr
113 S«eo»d «tr««ti
STFICT attention will beciveaioaii bo«lnet» en>
irosxcd to l*>« enrc. I'liubarph m»r.uf*etuin»
kiilele* m)wiy* cnfcaiiJor pio-urrj at tbon noinnrr
Hotel, Condi. Morti»m. At- nipocioiri on fi.or
"wo teno*. Adoption ntodo, lf ■«■!««««• octet
NOTICE i« hereby *» v rn> tbit the undenipied tiu
taken oat L*-h«« ot Adm.mtratica u ike utaie
mui?® \V POM», Ime Of the city «f fnirturgh,
Mtafiticated. <M >eulerocnt; and ■»! Ciote Indebirt
s&r* - —bßssi? tmsast
ocSfcdCt :
ARRANGEMENTS hnvlnp been Bade between
the underpinned and-B. B. Crayton, f
WuWniton Cut. ilaie of the Trcatary Drparunenu
the wderileuml will procure IkJnty Lar d* tor the
efieere,aafl»ol«litrt,ihtirwltiowe ami children, ander
the Bounty Land Ill'll, passed t' s*ih,ltvO.
JHMLS F. KUHR, Attorney at Law,
Fourth »t . between Smlttafield tt. A Cherry alley.
Piuebarjch.Octtl,!&».—oesa ..
ThOfcTLECiHIK3—S for jatoUy
CAMWOOD— IS bblTfianfom’rbe.i, for aaie bv
T~"AC~bYE GROUNL>— 6 labia for* « l;' by *
1 1 oetlS i SCnpONMAKEII ACo
SUB. ga’an'.'<un>A-.iP*kegal*owflrred. for tale by
oetll __ J 3CHQONM AKKRA Co
PARIS ORKKN—-3S eena of £« e
Ansd.tei tul« by J KCHOONMAKt.iI.A Co
00(14 .... NotM Wood euect
mu ~,: P L? dAfcPCTa—Now rtccivmru ~«t*
I CUatbek'i. No 65 Voonh men.and ,9 Wood «.»
rtchoad new nyle imperial Threa eiy C
fjoathe. laponeT* and manufacturer*, which will he
*• - edpticea. °cuj
Mld'kt radieec
ptoppKEß-* irt.l.
i'OMMERUIAI. hecord.
AffD mkicuaxi’s urnxnes.
. times l*im«uß<iii (Inins ?
Slonday Morning. October 2:. IrSO l
The general which usually j«erinn* to ‘he
doting dayt ofj the week, prevailed In tbe market on
Saturday. ThAwealktr was ink and cloudy, whirlt
teemed to impart a gloominess to buttneu operations.
Nothing of n.omcni transpire 1 in the way of saies.and
no material change in quotations came to our know
FLOIZr—We have nothing new to notice in the flour
market. Reedy uto any couudrrahtc rltrnt bavo not
yet come forward, but there is now every proepceifor
Increased receipts, and perhaps some fluctuation m
price*. With moderate transactions, we may quote
tbe rulirg nun on the wharf, at JdUtsLIX-. «od from
store at S-VSt&Xt-T F bid
CRAIN—The arrivals of Gra : n are comparatively
light, and prices arc generally well sustained. Harley
Is selling at €3©TUc, n« in quality and terms of tale.
Oati are firm from first hands, nt Wheat is
steady ot “MPtOr lor common to prime. Rye is quoted
at fiiOWlc, itt a small way Of Corn the martvt i*
nearly hare, fend we ean report no *•*!*« «n*e
GROCERIES—V\o notice a fair regular badness
doing at former raies-ur. tor N O Sugar. TlflTte m
hbd*; StOWe; Rio Coffee mamlesi. a declm
mg undeney, with sales a! V &• There is a
general firmness in the vinous other article, under
PROVISIONS— Bacnn I. .teadf, *t 71c tor plain
hara«, 5J tor sides, anti 4} for shoulder*; cotamoa bigg
od hams miy be quoted m,7|e, prime sugar cured do
■t loDlle F - Lard ‘fe® supplies are moderate,
with small «nle» in bbls and keg*, at ?|&T|c ttr.
note sales of prime roll at 14#13c;
and of eoomaa in tgfl «•* 6r*in*, a ‘ * *»•
cnrraE-ThefeeeWafrW. B » have
*3ii wc nonce good atnqti ort hand, with il fair busi
&?«». atd«7ul tor ootataM nr.J crcucT
GREEN APPLFB-We nctiee the arrival of conaid
crably tot* on Saturday. Tha ruling figure* on tbe
wharf, are C?.J7Oa for common, and fur the
belter qualities-
H«w Orleans Market!
* N*w OaLsatss. Oct. 17, |£CO
9ag»T—The transactions in this article are necessa
rily cocf, eJ to limited paroeis, the stock of nld crop
baifig rednt ed very tow, wh lc It e sew erep Is not yet
coming forward. The occasional sales are at about
former retes—say fld>7e 6. tor low fair to «iric<ty 1
prime Arrivtd since the llih leu, 17 hhda. Cleared,
10 htada and ISJbbls.
Moiasses—Little of noun coming In, and no stock
let'. The sales, therefore, are trifling, at about tonne r
rates—say tfDaVc for rebelled.
Hour—Yesterday there being but little on the levee,
hollers weieasking higher figure*, and thesrle* were
confined to SOM &W* rr.oatlv at S4,4Sd}&4£o V bbl. for
St Loots superfine, and tor extra
Pork—-The transactions in the Perk market, hive
been on a very limited scale, anti the sales small si
SIO 7W310,£7i (or Men, and S? ,?&£)<» but Tor Pit me.
the Utter «ie*cnption being doll of •v!<;.
Bert'—Bayer* appear only for very limited retail
parcels. at about the feilowir.c rente of quotation*
HU OH,SO for meet, in bbl&i st»2s#ti SO to af bb!», 7.23
0*7.56 bbl For prim*.
Bacon—'The supply oC Baron a:Je» is anil extremely
light, and tnscfh'teni for the drmai.-J, to that prices arn
firmly tn*l*-n*d, at HOC:, fur-ordinary to prime rib
bed, and GoO}r 0 far clear. Mioa’J-r* are also
rather scarce, and In fair r»qu-*L nt •! | ffs * lb. »r.
quality For Hants there it hot mile inquiry, aid the
nominal rarer of prices Is f.i37e for plain bagced. and
, 7011 c forchoicpcanvassee.
Bolter ft. Cheese—The stock of these article* bet; k
much reduced, higher pnee* er d ws
quote foi wetiem Batter, ICOIS, and Cheese. 7 Oiz 9
1), according to quality Goshen Butter he* been sell
ing by ne quantuy, a: S4e ft
Coffee—The RloCoffeenmket, notwithstanding more
favorable advirea Imm Knrope, has continued quite
Cull, and the only tale of any rote which has come
tiuilerourOaT Observation, was XO bogs prune ti 19e
■9 ft. which Is a material decline frrni !ae rates two
weeks ago Seme tma I.sales of Havant have been
made hi HOUJe.fOr good qntlity.
Bice—A cargo bftl arrived from Cbi’Ufton. fr.-m
timned sales have been made ct 4|olic
jr fresh beat,bnt parcels of old and Inferior are milt
j be had at 2|C?4e .0 ft.
Nave Yobs. l>ci. te-id.
CocnparcJ with ’.ha extreme Online** wMcs prevail
ed daring the I*»t f ew weeks. we oh«»r% e a hole more
doiofmooK Lnpcr era wtilil • the last frw day*.hunt
seemed to as litephe lait glittering of an eipit.-c
fiataefthe little d?tns«d experienced w,.l l.lcety be the
last of the business ,lane thi* fall, a«,‘ we may rorwrt
er thete.rfon s» closed, althcugb a vw good* rrn;
■old now sad then mr asvortuu: a?
Wo.are approaching ia*t the winter, ami I ei.»rr u,
ny week*'Till he over, the bou*— will r-e
making preparation* iar their spring tales, srtweh com*
nance awat with the new Tear A lew buyer* nasy
generally be *een be.-ors that time, >-rir.g t - fcnd let*
len over from la«i year** importation. or « ret «hc pie*
aod the-first selection 0l lie*; novels, r*. bm ooe
•wallow does Cp:bringa»umra?n ihe peneraidricaif
tinea net act In Uefare January. A* to the projects of
Itif ii. a* yet, too early to ray any Hung
with a degree of Crriaioty. at denier* the errantry,
west and aonifc, are now in me midst of basinets, «ai
h-vritl depend spun how the ptyipesit wiU come in
from the container* Money ba* all along been scarce,
to the Weal, and ill* the general belief that the eim
rr*6«a to OaiUbrelataj beenitc chief cau«e. as lands
were r«l«ed ■* exho:hitaat r»Tt*,t9 find
the voyage, or ihe .sercey, to Oie land o: gold W.-
thirk. however, as every Uitrj in tSe hue* look pto*-
peroni, we nv*/ imriy pot ti down that the u*u=i qui
■ uty of goad* will he wati'ed in the country, and that
.mponet' 10 tat Atlantic rules will go tb-" fu'i »har“
of bakmr**. But as to pr> 6tsl<ine*». « i w I dep-mi
open supply and demand Shou dme irapor;*t on* ! *c
as heavy a* they have been in 1-iO, the bmuranee tu a
■krtman of the high pied*, nr of- the itnpu* -i-
l.illty ot prodoeing them a* cheap a* formeri*, or ihe
d«ar prlees of the raw material, 4r. will avail him
lulls Coot
THE undersigned will nder (at «a!r nr: T:iar»dev
and Fr.duy. the Tin er.ddth of November next, a:
ten o’clock, A. M., on the premiers, ei*ntv eir> t build
in* lot*, snuatrd on «tb and sih *uecu, in the town of
East Liverpool Theee lot* are loceted r.-ar the pun
iic square. #1 d are laid cot on a liberal scale; each
lot haring a front «>i W feet en *ue« afttfret wide, and
extending hack ISO feet to alley* fee: wide
AUo 1* low of land situate on the extension of Mar
ket street, and fronting on the main ro»d« leading to
New Lisboa and Calcutta, each loi containing stout
ball an aere. The title of thl« property i« uneieep-
Uonat-le. and itwjll be add on a liberal credit; one
lonrth of the purr?.u»r moner nut will be required
on the deliver? ol tno deeds; tr.e balance to be iron red
by note* ai d mortgage on the property la ihue equal |
annual payments, with interest
Purchasers who wiil erect a dwelling home or other
baildiug within twelve montu* rf the d*v t>f >atr. will
be entitled to whatever atone they may need lor their
buildings. juaTts, *• an excellent quarry, within a
quarter of a m*ie of tht* property, arut of easy accen.
ie owned by ;t.c undersigned.
To tinre acquainted withiheloca-tcr. and preaprr.iv
of Liverpool it.wonld be naeleu to say more. It i«
admitted by all to be aisong the moat drsiruble situ
anonr on the Oiito River for pnvalo rrudenccs, and
to whteh the attention of steamboat oflicers n panjeu
lari? directed—revrral of wciim have already mate it
Uteir place of rrndcr.ce Ji» aalttbrity tv no' excelled
la the Wot- There are places o.' public worship f.-r
various denem natioav B»mah Catholic, Epi cv
paltars., and Method*’., and an exw.v
■ rite building t* now bting pal up far " pc'lt- school
1 house, Liverpool contain* ebowt Wi» mbabtlai.’*,
has eight minofac ore* :n tucwatfai .ipecanon far
the manufacture of Rockingham and Qaeetiswfre,
giving employment to abool 4CO persons, with every
pro«peei tf increasing to an ajaiort urhmr.ed extent
clay and rool being Ir. abundance in the neighborhood.
To persons contemplating eniericg into the wnnu»
lae’.ure of (|oren<nr>re thts wiil bs a good opportunity
id obtain rites To audb. an extended credit will be
rjv-n if required, and ihe us* of building *t4t>r. per
mrt-d to be quarried fdr all the works erected on in •
property, gratis. . .
The coontry around Liverrool i* settled by a
wealthy and intelligent yoyalatior., and uo land is
among tha ndhrvt and roost fertile in Columbiana
county. «team boats arrive anil depart regularly In
the season. The Cleveland and Pittsburgh Uatl Road,
which, bv iti chnrirr. m w pe-*« in’ourh ih:« iow», to
the Pennsylvania r.tate Line, (where it w 11 imerseet
the gaudy and 1* nearly emup.cir.i to
WolUvf fe. o’dy foar (Biles be ow
i A cuppf the town and plan ot the properry can !•*
teen on application 10 th*» ufi<tcr«'gu*~J, at the o.t
I of Mii«h»i k Pnloicr, Attorney*; at Law. Fourth "<r* »>.,
■ riushargb. opposite \y*tlktru H»d or to rsnefuro *
I Hill. Ksq , Liverpool, who w.i, show the rioprni
p g._j will leased a Osrder.rr or Nu-*j » rust . i»«
r a leim of ~ years, sixteen arts* of laud, adieu ti-r
1 above property, sattabio for gardp.„rg I'he wtiom
will be enclosed withta ho are ie, cj ai d •• n it, en
able dwelling Uovso and oil boas-s erected or ;l
dunng the present fall- (ocyifcdfcwuT, 1 B
n No 41, DIAMOND ADLtl'i . •
xCf*\ f«v doors at ©w Wond su-sat, ta-
wards strati
ewliftj OB> SaOWl,UTiii| bcro
£r&['J(lEA result rlyedac-j'.ed in the medics!
erifet'ioaiaad bees for udi lima
st-mfowSiyX to general practice, nm» coeanss
\bls attention to ifc« irtsitnci.l cJ
thni* prrrste and ds'i* . ef®*
plaints for whlcti Li«
«xprnti»c« pecnliatly
\ bim. 11 year* stfiiicotitiy davoicd
,ro iS' rtrrtwo »otU Ic/orm'ilbi* »OirjJ *Ut ptiiiu
, H'„rjS c h IbV,«V:««> rhrewp ‘T “■=■» •«:
“ of «n 7 of lbs common nimruiui of
w "compl-m" «*« >" 1 '“,l
thec*r»Ux*lu»e»r«««*^' • nbJi flk rctul attention to
ourblr cared; ha hatiAl*« B J” rPrPrtr .. in bem'ied.
lh«-ireatmenl of fOchciJ , of j, l{ i, nma .j rn of tfca !
° f ik“KV blSsSftoJ kindred di«*»ea which e<*e j
Beck of tbo MM*..», ■“« ..1... Lutc coitrirrrd •
imbU from iho*c coise* fc " p rart iml«rty invites md
them lohorelesidoft »Jr. H P riilp|J fcyo:fjef ,
t> hare i~cra >»-* a «rr Miuiiriwii will be first
(o eonsaii bln, when *’,sl.- a earefeMheronjrt and
them, and their *«« «nwd m a«« a, eirc^ccf
llar-auenlion to this durst*.
CANCERS also cured. ....ssi* «■»*<
Skin di«asts;si*o il •, Palty. »M«*c»P «»*••
whet ■■* ■>• <!j ,1 “2' b ’
; «uun f ihrir d„—.c m wnUnif, «•«», »■'«*■• ■W;
, lomveii. obuio cicticmt. m.n Jirert.on.
, trUrei.i-ii I T.-RI.WN, fl I* r n.i f mil, enj eneloo
B Sfflcn*N». II Ultmonl illoy. oppo.t'o thi Witirlj
RnniUTirM.—Dr. DnrvtiM newly dueovered ram*
’ dyforßhe-imatlsra 1s a speedy sml einsin r*rned7fo
, that painful iranble. li new fail* ..
Ollce a&d Private O-ntalimi Rooms, No C* Dl
Bend li’.sy, PilUtnirfh, Pa Tbs Duster» tlway.
IiOBS. . n .
*. •••**• p« r u ‘*
REFINED and prepared fip«M.y for Poddtnc*,
Canard*, Cake*, Ac-
Tin* P*tp anl beaulimt article i* oieenilnßly
hemlUf, deliclns*, and economical, and when i)e«n*d
may bc#aed u a •üb«inuie f«r T a«d in ibe *aioe man
ear aa Arrow Root.
jait reeelred and (ot •*'<■ ai 1 A Lil ‘ er'Y *’> b f
toPltl YV M A McCLU Bfl A CQ
r|t*-ykT<—7T<l bf cl7e»u Y. M Tea*;
I 15 do O. P- Tea*;
1 yn do poucbonjr.rec’* per canal. Cor
“ Rins -There were # feet, 00 laches, In chaunt
dark, t»*i evening, an} rising.
Ory Goods Jlarkrt
PalterUid Corn Starch.
Farhion. Peebles, Elisabeth.
Michigan, lines, Beaver..
Ucarcr. Gordon, Beaver
Yeughlogheny. Hsnupee, Beaver,
name Benneit, Brownsville.
Aitouuc. Parkinson, Brownsville.
tVe’liTiUe. Ynaog, Bimfiah
Cashier, McMillan, Wheeling.
Keystone State, Stone, Cincinnati.
Buckeye Stale, l>ean, Cincinnati
Financier, Poe. Cincinnati.
Shipper, Dale*. Whecltug
lonian. Litton. St Lonu.
Snfnmit, Mason, I.ouisvi,le.
(ioxamer, Klinefelter, Cincinnati
l.uella. Woodward, Cinclnnau
Pilot No C, Dovol. ilorkinfpori.
Republic. Woodward, Cincinnati.
Pan*. Stmin. St Lonis
jai NeNon. Mcore, Wher*lin<
Fashion, Pecbies, Fiixttbeth.
Michigan, line*. Beayer.
Ilejvet, (ionlon. Beaver.
Bailie, llen' eit, Brownsville.
Allauue, Parkin ten. Brownsville.
Burkeve Stair, Damn, Cintinnaii.
Jenny Lmd. Gallafther, Zanesville,
(•h nent, Kbberts. Cincinnau.
WQ.l.metim. Martin, Louisville.
Uni! tVomlni. Breen. ualllaimlH.
Pim .nnaii. Birminghatn. Cincinnati.
Reveille. I'.tle*. WelliviUe.
BEAVER—Youßhiofheny, 4 f u
ST LOUlS—lonian, 10 a. U.
"YVHEKEINO—Cashier, 10 a. u
SUNKlSll—WelUville, 10 a at
4 e u.
The xteamcr Cashier, will leave for Wheelmg i
The regular Sunh»h packet WeileviUe, Capt Yoaag,
will leave Uii* aitcrnoou
Phi PiLiisi srxtsaK* Baiu.uxr. lrt lookicg ihrough
our steataora along tbc wharf the other day. to sac
what itnprovem-nu, if ar.v. had been added to them
during their ions re«t, we wt-tr »iruck with the magutf
id«4t appearance of the with whose name we
headikis mtiole. Thi*- lir«y'few gvtlr bee«ss on»-,
rnent » Uie line C-f packets to which she la attached,
and never was the general appearance or* the boat
better nlted to it. name than at present. Cap! Grace
has spared neither pains nor expense in making the
Orilhant equal ui appearance, if not auperior to any ol
it* cpiemporam*. She has been thoreoghly overhauled
in every pari her chbin* have been handsomely re
tli* ilrcadv rich and mignificent furnishings
ol the cabin* have been added to, and Unproved, so
* .hat. take het in her every tainnoa, she may
said to mrpass any thing on the western water*.
Cspt- R- J. Gascc, the commander of Hie 8.. by hi
long experience in the river basinet*, and his well
known hsbiu of esation and prudence, in looking to
the comfort of hi* pas*e?irer* and the *afety of hii
boat, has rendered htia*elf highly popular a* a Pom.
mander; and weto we u> travel, we know o( no one tc
wboso care we woald more readily entrust ouraelve*
than that of CapL Grnr:.
The machinery of lb,* boat i» built under ihc most
inodcrn improvement*, and In every particular, u a
como.nation of *pl*r.dor «nd_ fuasiantiaUy, equal to
any on this or any other waters.
The Uri'haiil has recently been visi'ed by gentli
men from rite North, who imp travelled in the crack
ti'anirra c( North Rives, and tbey have ptoaouaeed
ber equal, .a .he general i.irangcrtont for ike comfort
of paMengerv, in any boat m tl-e east.
The Brilliant no vs Ue» t: tte wharf, oppotiie-Wood
street, lor die inspection of all interested. She will
leaTc for Cincinnati or. Thursday- mocuing next, at.tO
o'clock, and will leave regaltuiy on Thursday of each
week . throurpout (be season
CINCINNATI—Pa* Suiusrr—bbl* cement, W W
Wallace: '.'ll <lo do. A Lauchlin. 40 bbl* lard.u hbd* ba
con. J Oner, 10 bbl* mi. Seller* A Nicrl*. bbl* lard,
\V Dyei. 10 do wai*key. owner; 14T bbl*.C7 bga wheat,
Wilmanfi A Noble. 4'hag* leathers. Car*on A Me
Knght; It hkd« tob. -l n:* hair. Wm Bingham; iS bags
fp* mors. P McKee. Tftdo de, J cks ginseng. I do bee*-
wnX.MLg* w oi. W linker. J 3 urn Tufrme’*i, Jas A
iittrhiton. W bbl* acpjea, owner, a boles md»e, For
syth A Co
WHEELING—Pea J*« Nil*o<-CS bdi« paper. M
Bchoyer.Ji ticugie*, T M«'ore, ll sek* peiche*. mown
A Kirkpcrii*. tri bbl* ftour. W Bn.gnsui. a bi» tea, 11
tirafl A Co. iu lil.h, a hhda, BuTdin A Co. lib hbi»*ap
plr«, \V Matthewson. « ba* dried do.Clirt A Thaw: «
tibls bailer. Smith A Sinclau. f* l bbti appie*. Tbo« At
-hackle: 4 L*-l-> tallow. S Mi!*. l!dwords A Co. IW do
do, jchiisinn
Psa (ioHtauca—y kg* tab. J Da'ioU. ftl roll* leather.
Lrerk A Ci>. n bhd-. bacon, J Gner. U t*bis ier4 oil. Halt
A Speer 4 -!o do S-ller* A Nio-.*: J t.b:* whr»key.'V
li Sutton It ><■ ini,, Brown A h.fkosinck, 1 nblt lerd
oir. It KStbcn. S do do. C H Htrn'. 170 bags cotton
yarn. Km*: * Per.uoek, -ii bbli ivniatse*. H bxa ean
die*. do *o»r, - li'*ij larJ «*• l, ihtgaley A Co. 4 boxes
Ihdse. Fanr,e*t.wk 4 Co. fW »c»* f.-sih.-rs, 14 bht. gin
seng, 4 do Iktciwux, Clark k Thaw U l*ag* ginseng, I*l
•si ieaiheis, Leeea A Co; 14 »ck* pearhr*. Bagsley A
Co, 114 doo*U, J Hartley
Cl AKBUTIiNOT is rccetviLc a laf>ce s»»ortmcnto
/• fancy and staple, variety, and Dry-Good*, consist
lag in part of Woolen. Thibet, and C&kUcie se Shawls
3:lk, Berlin. Th.trfl, kid and Bockatln G'ove*; Wool,
an end Worsted Comforts; Alpacas and BomL-asine*;
“Woiten and Carton Vlannels: Colored and Diaaebed
Mu*bn*. Cass on* and Oa»*.m*r** ; Ribbon* and
1 nee.*; Butu>n<and C:ioM. Thread* aßd Binding*.
Uiiibtd'ai Mot Dte*< iLnir. Ae.
AU of wUieh. eounirv ami cut fuerrhaet* ate
specu'mlly mvivJ ui r.mmine, at rH Uou4 »t. sop".
AN Ele.-t,on for ihineen Director* oi this Bank for
tbc r-*nin{ rear, wilt be held ai the Banking
House, on Mot day. tbe Wh «!sy oT November next.
Pittsburgh. Oct 1“ l"^* 1 —oclV’did
K((l)aUK« Utak of Pltlibar|h
\N !•!-< i,..n to' lure.-mi* '.>l itu Uank, '©
Backuc H« Vi.“.liy ia- l l 'th November ncit,
between me hour* o' V A. M a-irt U P M
Oembrr t£». I'lf —ocltdid
Btribtnli 1 and ntnafttlniirt Bant
of PUUbur|(t).
AN election for thirteen Director* of thi* Bank, (or
thernwinx year, will be held ai (be Banking
House on Monday, ihe Jem ilny of November next
’ \V II DENNY, Oartiiei
*•< i I>*th. I-.W oeSldtd
GKNTI.IIMr.N S Heave Vi-c Ye*t» and Draweta;
do J'inr Me. mo do.
do Warm du.
do Pltun and Fix'd Stlk Cravat*
Fire »Jnn», Collars ami lloeam*.
Sdk. Colton. nnd Worried
Turkey Red Dte*'mg i iowns
Pnn-ed Elann.9 Kobe*;
Rn**ta Bel:., Umbrella*;
. Silk and l.mril I’ccket Hdkfr,
Wool and Bue.ktkln l»love»;
Super Kid and Pi.k (Dove*
Se.arta, Camion*. and Mothers;
J ail received and for sale by F H EATON.
Oi Fourth »i
WIDE St'k roonciny Leer*;
15 *-k oi.d Colored Mohair I.area.
Fine Tcrevl. Loom do, ami l.mie do,
Mu-ltn Bardt and K'oui r i>f*.
Dobbin Ur- f», L*-‘*iiigt. fti- l Inserting*,
APPI’- xtion and Wioufht l ate Cape*. .
do do Bertha*;
Mill'll and !.aoc Sleeve*;
F.mhro-drrrd Chemiidt**, Caff*. and Collar*,
V;«oiennri Collar*. Juit r-etived by
oelv . F H EATON
BLACK 4 l Mantilla Velve's,
Co'crr.l nnd Black V l do. arid Plain Rilil-om,
Bonnets. Cap*, ami Flower*;
<»*ir.cb and .Mamboui Plume*, Jail tr*ri»ed by
„rl« F H KA TON, 6a Focrih meet
b\ U. KATUR.
■\\T HOLESALE ‘•t-d Retail Dealer in
(,'nrc« llodery. nt>d V*rn»
[lT*** air Bonnet Trimming*,
|.ace Goad. and Embroideries,
I .e .Ilenirn * Fjrnulitne Aruclea,
/.epbyr. \Voo«iet4. Pattern*, and Canva*,
perfd Beard. Ti«mi- Paper, add
1-inwer Matenaii, .No dj Fourth atreei
S A TIN f'TI'S—A lame *.*orin>«m of {(lack, Brown
in*. »-.1 Mixed, ju*’ rrce’»ed. and for *ale by
nkw afsic i saw ncnici
JENNY LANI* * i eac'.fc' K.Uir r-tan Wong, a* «ung
by the New ur'enr.s Serenadrr*,
lie wo-~blnl and beware
tie Dinar., tale this band.
The Matden'tTear,
The Kieb Man * Brule,
Wow 4 I were Wttli,
By the Sad Pea Wave, a* tung bv Jenny L.qJ m
New York,
(he Bird and the Maiden, «oug by Jenny Lmd;
Take ti i* lote. rung t.y J. nny Lmd.
Turn not away; a beanufol daet, by H. C. Potter;
ia|»;ynin* Polka, by pinkonh, Jenny Lind mw.auon
tlood Leek. Jenny at ih-t fiat*, l.ovina, and Dod
wor’l '* verv I***l Polka; »l»". new Wtluet. and ex
tenure eocti.oit of Gaßar Preceptor* of he»t mn»tert.
H KLF.HF.R. 101 Third .treat.
uv i« (.olden Harp.
LIQUORICE RtX»T- Sb*!e* u( sood <iaatnv'inr
Mlerv lueH»| KKSKH.LF.K9
lI'INIIOW (iLASH—IArt) bojea wit) lOWdo taxi*,
VV ju do lOill, in »tore aoJ tor «ale by
uilts at A W HARBAL’OH
J'aKH OIL-'-Oirn. for *«'e t y
,7 t . jll VVikhl .t
tttii’oA Sill'Ll. 1 bag JU at received lor aale by
/ <VM A McCI.U RlikCO
JAMAICA (iiNUKH-l mM white Kara
1 <-n*r gronnd do, for aale by
„ r |. W.M A MeCI.UB*. A H()
kachitiK Caiildiar** and Flanotli
VN a*>nr:iiicnt of the v irinm eolur* received by
/ y|iv:r.s»;-ri bx* Oreani Checae;
1/ l-AJ bx» \V R. Cheese, (or nulc by
‘•rjTrxffDJ^lC—WViif, Black, and extra t.lar.rd.on
VV band and fur »«te oy
” 17 Wink A MrCANPLKSS
T>UI A: m 14 cask a pure, n superior nruele for re
■ inlltne, on hand and for «ale by
Tk/Tt/innTCANDDViJ— Mb** supcnof./oi by
M common, for aale by
Bt IT f kk-'IM iCftt Ba ' p *'*
P K OUM^-H« r ir v * < a g ww „ oRgr ft CO
( 01 V"f vl. fc CO'
,>AHKH-Awcmp<T c*tk» «n »«ftl order?for
nT "^r^M^ T A HUTCHISON *jo
r.. AR-1W bn. «" i'“' t "ili'iH 1 UiltEY 4CO
A el 7 Water fc Front tu.
Gtnnlai HaßebllUrClßgltwi.
Munriiv * BUK(mFiELt> i»»« ""‘ltf-iJS:
ply of neat mica of real Manchester Cioßhatnt,
nita, u”*bnma In great nnety of pattern*.
O«JJ -
PILL'BCXEfI-SW croit (or tile b“
wrtK __________
I>EU i*BF3siPri r Al‘K—6olb* (orMir l>*
K ocita J KIDD fc Co
SPONGE—I c*«c extra quality. 1
coant, ju»t rte’d tad tor by
Public Aontim.—'The members of the Teachers
Association, and the friend* of education general
ly, ore invited to attend a meeting to be held in lie
Fourth Word Public School Boose, Pittsburgh,
this evening. An address will be delivered by
Professor Milligan of Washington College.
Grand Cone ext* —Sign or Giomboni, assisted by
Miss Kraft, and Messrs Feine, Master
Warwood, nod Henry Kleber Esq,will give a grand
concert ai Wilkins Hail thi* evening. The Pro
gramme is a most attractive one, and we have no
doubt that the Hall wilt be crowded. Mis* Kraft
will wng“M*v iJreexes/'a piece in which her char-
ig voice appears to much advantage.
SixQiojks Dtvoacc ('*«.—A divorce caso was
argued in the Court of Common Please on Satur
day, which was on leveral accounts a rather sin* j
gnlar one. The parties were bdth over sixty years
of age, and had been married in 1822. living to
gether o alii 1339 as man and wife. At that tine*
they separated, owing to various csaies upon
wh’oh wo will not dwell. Since then the wife
has been supporting herself by her own industry,
aided by some of ber friends. At the time of the
separation, an lntormal instrument was signed by
tht hosbsml guaranteeing to the wife one htll oTthe
proceeds ol his farm, but tbia agreement was nev
er carried ouli The wife now applies for a di-
vorce a vf tkoro, and'for alimony.ft Tte
husband bus also applied far a divorce a vinculo
*Minn«nu. John A. Wills, E*q., on ihv part of
the huibiod, contended thal the wile could not
sustain ber '.ibol, abe being an alien. This was the
main point in the case, and was argued al some
John McClowry, Eiq., for the wife, con*
tended thfit as the husband was a citlxen, tbe
Kq/Vuui iruuUd to all the rights of a citlxen, so
for at least as to entitle her to redress in the
No decision baa beea given in the case.
Couxt or llmaTUt Srvsux*.—The October
Unn of the Court uf Quarter Sessions com
mences to day. The list embraces probably s
larger number of cases than st any previous lerm
Thera will bo three or four trials for murder m the
first degree, betides mnnmerable sails for snisnUs
and hattery, with intent to Xil', buig'sry, to'-, to--
There arc enough of suits agsmil Msyor Barker,
alone, for assault aud battery wuh Intent to kill,
assault and baitery, false imprisonment, misde
meanor in office, toe., to keep the Court engaged
for a long lime.
Raw.—Hsio fell plentifully all dsv on Saturday.
and our Iriunds below may look out for high
Oxx. Tatloa’* Rxmaiks — It is expected that
the remains ol oar Isle lameutod President, Gen
era] Taylor, will arrive here this morning. They
will t<c received by our cilisens and the military
al the cans!, and from thence transported to the
river, whence they will be conveyed to their final
resting place, on board a sreamer.
Policxsjas AaaxsTtn. —One of Barker's polirt
men, named Sbilßer, wa* arrested on Saturday,
on a charge o! assault and battery. Be was taken
befora Alderman Lswis, and held to bail in the
sum of one tbausfcd dollars, his lathei becoming
his security.
Tux Bamax Cass —Tbe rale to ptesd. answer
or drmur, in tbe cate of Uie Allegheny Bruigi
(Company, ti James Todd, was msde relurnsbli
* xly days Irom lasi Monday, at tbe expiratioi
ol which time further proceedings will be takei
id ihc matter.
Another rule wasgramed to lake Ibe ile|>oa,ii.
of General Kcbmson se Irrw tt't, on fire day*, n-
Sa:< Acoiocxt.—Several olficera ol the Untlr*!
Stales Arracal drove up to Snarj>sourgh yeaterdn)
evening, to meet the canal boat containing Geni
cral Taylor* rrraunr Tbo carriages, three it
number, vrcrc being driven Lack empty, when thi
foremost one, probably wWing to the dtrksen
wat precipitated over the bank Into the nvrr.—
The driver* of the other two carnagea found i
impossible lo rentier their anfortuoate t-omradi
any asalsuuiv'e, thorgh his cries of distress wen
beard for acme t;tr<e.
Rody Paiieraoo, (to whom Ibe carriage belong
ed,l accompanied by several of oor citizens,a: anti
up (he river es soon as (ho nows reached w#
with the humane intention of attempting lo ream
him, bot We faar that their rxcrltoos will be uni
p. a.—Since wriiiug the above, we lear i (fa
the driver, John Shriver, was thrown off th; ci
riage before u went over, tbe hank, and cocudi
»l,'y braised. The drivers of tbe other ear ;«|
paned.aod as tbr eight was ve rydark did n U •
him, at* tney iDooghl he hsd (alien ov*t w ifi t
boiie*—the mere especially as bit faint er:
teemed income from tbe river Tbe carm
horse* were tost.
Bsattx Aiatatrti aoais.—Tbe May;
arrested again on satorday, charted on rath
John Barton, E.q.jWith ao aaaanll and faaite
withmtent'to kill. Ho h*d considerable dtiscol
in obtaining bail, but at,last Colonel John Rr ta b
came security n the turn of three throsat d dc
lart, conditioned for bis keeping the t
bta appearance at tba next Court of Q ttrt
Wo undervtund that all the bail which fcie bat
given, prior to tbit, for keeping ibe peace! W| !i
probably be lot feiled, and preparation* for aoieg
jot bis recognisance are being made.
Tax Crract, —We are indebted to Mr. John
Willock, Aaaisiant. Marshal (or the following re*
Number oflnbabilanti.
• ** Dwelling*
“ 41 b arm*....
DoaOtt during tbe past year.
MrrrtKu of the Citt Council*. —Pursuant
to noPcd, Iho Select and Common Councils of tbe
city of Pittsbt rgb, met m tbeir retpeoitvb ballt cn
Saturday night.
Mr. James B. Murray took tbe Chair in tbe Se
lect ; and Mr. Robert McKnight in the Ctm*
oon Council.
Tbe following resolution, originating in the Be*
led, pttaed both branches of tbe Councils onani
firtolt**, Tbst the Select and Common Coen
cilt of (he City ot Fltiabnrgh will hold themselves
in readinesa to pametpato officially in tbe funeral
obteqc.eaof General Zachary Taylor, late r»ew*
dent cl the Uoited State*. and lor that pn.'P°"o
will assemble forthwith, upon notice from tbe
Presidents of tbe Council*.
Tbe Councils then edjoir mod again 01
Monday morning, at ten oclw., a. M.
httOXTaKT Prauu Mimaa -our reader* will
remember that an adjourned meeting of aleumbnat
owner*, engineers, and all peraons LnleresioJ,
either direoily or indirectly, in liver unvigilion,
will be held at tbe Board ol Trade Room*, (bis
evening, at 7 o'clock.
Tbe committee appointed to draw up a report
relative to tbe laic law regarding ataambonU,
which paasod ibe House of Repreten talivea Wil|
be present.
Snow om thk Moturrstsa.—We learn thi
there wan a considerable fall of nsow 0 n tbe Al
legbeny mountalna, last Satnrday night.
Snow Snow (ell to about tbe depth of a a Inch
in several of tbe townships (n Ibe neigbbo rhood
of Pittabnrgh. on Saturday night.
Th* l jJfey Vann, by Cbarlea J. Pete non, **
the tiiln ol a charming book of deep and a sinter*
raptod interest, snd whichrplll donbtleas rriJ to
tie reputation of the author. For sale by J. B.
Holmes, No. 79, Tblid street'-oppoaue tbu Posi»
itixu.— Henry Ness, tbo German trie d in
tbe United Btates Conrt for tbo larceny ofsev *ra!
articles of trifling.valne from tbe United Stole*
Arsenal, was honorably acquitted on Saturday.
Tbe Court was occupied exactly a week In try ing
this case and ignoring a bill of indiouacal la an
alleged mail robbery case.
AtnriTTHD TO TBR Baa— Edward P. Joc*%
Esq. of Put Township,was on motion of James- 8.
Crafi, E»q., admilted on Saturday to practice as
an Attorney of tbe several Courts of Atlegh eny
Mr.J. is a young gentleman of talent and indtat
try, and bis aoccess In tbu arduous vocation bn
hag chosen Is certain.
Mx vVutia— Pleus anav unce the name of Wnm.t
uiltXUaxT, of ihe Foattti Ward, as n candidate ta r
Mayor, at the ensuing election, subject *u the nomln •
alien of the Whig convention, and oblige
ir j yino a co
Ml. 'Vkxt*—Sir—T’ou will pleara announce ibi -
name of Ueoaoi C. B7om*h, as a candidate for tbi -
Mayoralty, subject to the ralifiotuon of the Whlf -
Convention. Mr. Morgan's claims will ba atrooglt
urged by a host of friends, ba being bout capable eaj i
bonast. - - —* -- --** -
AauvAi. o» PacsiotHr Tavaos's Rbmaiha.—
Tbe remains of our late, tamen'ed President, Gen
eral Zachary Taylor, arrived In Pittsburgh, via
canal, al eight o'clock yctluday evening, cm
board D. Leech to Co.’s exptrm packet, Louisi
ana, Cspt. Truby.
They are attended by Colonel Taylor, Major
Bliaa, and Mr. Magraw, President of tbr S<i»»
guebtnna B.ul R n ad Company. Tbc boat wa*
met at Shirpsbutgh by a number of ncr cH i-rns.
Ciptaio Harding, Mrjor I’uiUi, and Lientcnant
Rodman, uf ibe Cniic-d SieU-i Arteaal, got on
board at that point, and accompanied the remains
tq Pittsburgh.
“Old Wit; ej” has not yet arrived, but is ex*-
pooled thin morning. The coffin will remain on
board lie canal boat, iu chargo of a suitable
guard to u-gbi, and will hr taken on board u
steamboat this morning. Thu procession of our
civ'c authorities, miliary, nnd I’Uiteiis, will lurnt
accordiug to the programme which we publish
The Cmniiwlh’o ituike the lollowtug order m en
corllng the remains of Ihu illus-tnotw corpse of the
Imnrnted hum and luir President ol the United
Shite*, G»:x /l.i' iimiy Tavi^ui.
Order of Procession.
Military under the command of I »r\. Lakimip.
Coounillco of Arrangement »*n loot, twhite scarf
Irunmt-d wuh block cnipe.l
Hon. Win Witkm*. j j Gen J K Moorhead,
'• r. Shuler. | Wm. M Lynn.
“ C Uarragh, | •** j The*. M. Howe,
W ibon McCandie**, J A. W. Loomi*.
Wm Kiibiii*on. ( < ) N. B. Craig,
J. L Davi*. j ] Wm Eichbanm.
Alex. Mrh.-.-, 1 - [ John Sampson
Thos. Bal;-well. | | 1* Mtilyany,
Tl*o*. Scott, > Al< v Hunter.
“Old Whitey'—uhe \v„r horse el the venerated
Chieftain' with a detarluneui nf Cnurd States
Ai i,!!en-!>
\ (’urringex lur the Keluimn* *u the lh*r-m-ed
\ Mnjforeand <'outnul* **f tliet’Hie
\ Hererend t'lentv
lAgesof tbcserenil ttourt* nnd tlieir Uffieers.Wiih
> Members of thr ilar
1 Memlier* of ihc Ihfleren: Sonin-*.
\ Fire r>«’|wrlinciu of tbe County
\ Ciliien* geiieroiiy
.'tiici- Mkiatt*’- —EPHRAIM JONES,
kss’i makahils. — Firtl —1 tiVui Caiupbe,'.
Second —K. H. Hartley.
Third—W. W. Dallas. •
Fourth —K.B. Roller's.
Fifth —Janies Pettigrew.
SiX-fc —M. Foeter.
Severn*. —Wm. M. Edgar.
Eighth—L'. B. Scully.
Ninth—Ccl.*\tody Paltenoa.
The line of march wdi be formed by the right
resting on.'Wayne nnd Penn Mreefs.
TLe route ot the cortege will lie down Penn
street u> Hand, down taid strrei in Liberty, along
Liberty to Wood, duwu WooJ to thu Steam Boat
All j-ersons on tlir rou,« are I ni:. ete»t to su»«
lend business liunog the pasvsgc of the prove**
The Cbur.'hri, 1 '-I'.rpru.ei aod Steam
R-»i», w 11 mil tfcnr I**,:-, fr-iin 11 oVfcck. it.*
unit «>t star Log. unu. I ■.« :cct.
Oommsnder* of vv<.teU will dir***-r-their llsgs
to !•« kept *t hah mast Jurui. lU* sofeuic occa*
■ ion.
It n hov-d tbai *1! u-h' \ tiv thi* .*td»-r as an in
viUlion to un-le in toe :*«l Irdmtc of ft*
»;ecl to departed vu-i'.
Pall bearers are •* .pr*yin w.-ar the usual
bsr'ge cf ir.ourr.icf : **-c Marshs', ninl bu awiat*
acta, vrhtu- »earf, wits l>iscL --Tsi-r ro«<-tte.
By tbe Committe*-Cf i* rrsr-remetn.
C. H. PA I Ls‘ 'N. Chairman.
R. H. Kma. Se, i’v
The Full Pesrrn ?tr r,.. ; ,ir*:c- ! to meet at
the otB: 6 of I). Lce~h to si JU o e.rk.
C H PM L.SUN. rhs'finsn''nir-in:i'ee.
The llrm-nv t>e»B»rci>ni ot r * I ur #«.'* of I '»i i. A -it: i" t. in. Pain*
nr WtMknet* ot «t- Ur.s-i ••• Lokc*. *ud otl.ei
a dec :i on* of ihe t'e ttnnur r
, TX7 |s"J'a R'9 RAt.fikM Hi’ iMl.n Clll'.RltV .« a
X W fire Merba■ owpoeod rt, r. jy ■>< W.'.f
Coeny Barr *-.£ *be ;rn i>e ler Issuf Mi'-s, the '.xt;er
iwpottc! tirre*'!* f**r Uu« j»4rtic»r, ti,e rare medu-*!
vir’.te* or .-nai l>t a t-.rv fhceue*!
proer**. vri-'i 'he cf mi-tic* te ml-»n e lb'-
wbo> '!*• reins reriaoi moJ *• rfce->*,-*i*>i»
teryrJy e»,-r ,!i*f.o»«reJ ur IHINSt'MP fli iN k't
THE l.l'N'ii .
f*7*tnterc*u-v <'.Mir«r*orCrrce-- Gr Un V Unu*«
ofXeiUV. tltoo * b'rlry «*•;•»• f lll..e r .*t iii-l.ui
JrliraUvi Villave !;** i forn.rJ u. ton :!.« »« * ni
Wu:»r‘* ltslssm nf W.'.l t'brrrt i* v>rfani , ’*iej
•fhe (Jefranil for it i* *o caret.'.h»: Ve I'-n -r.r-r.y
keep bitr.seif inpalird wm ".. tte >,: • h* 1 l,i* ,-.ere for :j:>< n.leeuo,**, o: iKeve -werr
e*|eesird rood, arid seine *n*i '.r'l-'-o-sty rr * f t.u!
Stnep he b«« r.» 1 kVi*.*r» !!,-«r r- W • '’l-T) *
n«iii*'er oi ihe cr,,: ler-i » - . >nir>l-^lr
fuie.f !.y I* !.*e -'-eyrt ' <t •• TT - k--r r • tsi -11 l |
" Ir iVt.
Carfry »•
“••I K , .vr ; :£:xr.r.y r f;»u
• fc’-rt d rou*f-.«. j*«i<l bl'C, the-* - t|,it »fr
of ion* .utvi.rc,) llromoi!'* ** ( J n m
r^r ;j n-.r--- ■ »re i’w«ti . tfH by i!ii« -rri,ttr*aM*
aeol *i>r _
,y HKHKfMTMJV t'oNXl’M'Tl'iN
Cared vV*.iaf. «.*Ui n W'ml -Tbo
*T following e-rr nf J«r»rn-*!t "> l .ir«uinr'i‘"’.
(6v«* of bir Kralhm r.i'ii r» •• nr i*l Cnn
M 1 ';-W| h j rl'raedy,' RIDWEIiL * BHOTIIBII,
*i,ni n f3cc"i>e ni » ..tris- ; FORWARDIN'!; MERCHANTS, ROCHESTER.?*
pi fa .mi UiJpr. Min! ion e> O. (Beaver Point,)
i-M» * fD'As»ai» for UIDWRLL’S PnTSm?ROK.ANI>
u,« »~ n eht tliiu l have drMvrl -root ih-* «*• e< UNI To ERIK: WaRRKN AND NEW CASTLE
D' U’uiir’i \Vi!*< riiPTfV 1 *»*« pr«*»- ' PACK!' ■'**, io*>me m:«1 .hipping between Pitubnrah
tiatei! liy ;h»t iern;.ir -.c.-orer. m,Miv 1 «»*r!ii»«tcr by .iratn bo»t» Michigan, Lake iFne,
i«»l Toe ira. irulv i.> TO*, •.>«■ l,v.- »{,.) lien?.*; I
o-'o«r fnmti?, t my Lfo lir.. «i„: - on,, :.<.d re.*p-;"-d and promptly «Je»«reJjo all
l'nn»ujii)t:o!i I tt«« »Hi < led h •>pnfiy :ili U.- p• «•., :t.r unit Lake*. at me lowe.t rate*.
_. rn .p.tuiP' *'f Uie d.«raw I nnd •»-«»i:ia Ki,,n).er. wii: r.loi.«e direct rood* to -Bidwell’a Line *
Toufi. .no exi.reinra rd . r<**> .Jr* <m iAvJ, heme J C. UIDWELU
lever.'.evere pam* in t).e ».Ju aod r1.r.1, i*vld chu.n, , Water «t, Pitt.burgh
with fla»he> O'. h<?il enphu* v:t: —— •• *• -'r-r- ~-3
..H,. ,h....... »- ~S !’<■-, IV KSTKUN InSll tt A«CB COKPIHT
m " •' '•■“ ?*-n5“ i CAPITA! 1100,000.
nbi-«ii-ian'« »kl l, adTi»e,| up u»c of " i*tt: s HsKrr.l T '
pi \Vul Chem Without my kuow'-Uo. rav in->-T •j. Jr., s*«r>. I H. MIUJI, Jr., Praal
nrtruffd it. ami commenc'd •ilriiH;«Ae'inf i: to me ■ Will tuturr ac&inst *ll kind* of rilka,
aD j f-„rv iue lint u*y mat l comui'u-'d ink mg n, :a v i FIRK ANI» MARINE.
bet>iih improve!, and in i'.vi. w..ek* rum tLe time 1 ( i LL !nite» will b« liberally adjusted and promptly
DOmicm-rd .'..pi: .t. I wua <vt>ls tnb-ootnmlovrrye ! J\_ pud. • _
it liu»in*»» and labor. wl.irb I atill .I'lmonr I A home Limitation—managed by Directors who ara
i, B tp taken lour liuitic* of me »n*«'ir.»e, and now , we n known tn tho community, and who are determm*
nußiJpf myifK ret'ceily well. 1 make .In. .ta-e., 1 ad by prnmptneei and liberator tomalntalnthacbar
ie»»t u- induce other* thuiarr inflicted a» I havre been. »cte: which they have aunmed, a* offering the beat
3 make o«e nt WVmr# Itnl-nm os Wld I'Ji-rry. protection to thoie who deaire to be Insured,
rhlch veno-dy lie., under ib-* »•( I'roanvnee, DisucTune—R. Miller. Jr., Ceo. Black, J. w.Butler,
etiored mr haaitu JKKIMIAJI ISt.RUiO N Holme*, Jr., M'm. B. Holme*. C. Ihmten, Geo. W.
jwtMii, Wn. M. Lyon, Ja*. Upnlncoli, Thus. k.
Lin'b, Jame* M’Auley, Alex. Nirnici, Tboa. l*e»HL
OrvitM, No M Wat"! Btreet, (waraheuaa ot «pen*
A Co . up suit*.) I’ltubunb. wdtdly
gull limber evidence <•' \>r curative J
nruperur* i'f lht« |i!Tj»TiHii'
Ru»**lvUlr. Brown r 0 l> . Aofl HI. I“t" ;
Mfttf Santurd A park*- i.eiuleroen-About -.1
wrf -k> ««■> 1 rernived ibr are-icy of AWtaC* Balsam
Of Willi Cherry, l>oi with •ome rehtm-ceon my pan, ,
for the 'ta-« thai 1 J tb- «r<-m u'»i> mnnv
thing wonJe rtul, *v|..rb tinned nul in tint
end m be nf no account whniavrr.eiecnt i« .he mnrtu
f riofpr. But I candidly ndem inai ltn» 1 have' ]
l.rcn deceived: far the aitreoritinary cure* rlfectnl i
1, T Wiilit • U»'*v cuorlnerd tne that -•*««*! t
doinn Oollir*. w-Rieh ate »H i;vii' -bavin* been Hr-1
luean* of cunm several otutiunlo r««e« ni Coiuutnp- 1
uoti—md nr. tni»iake. far J fee and know l run |
bound tu believe. One e**e m patticuUi A Vv.ufi*
rentleinin in \\ iricheeitr. Adam* umni;, t). (ten
luilci from i!.w pl«e»l ru-.-d n' Consumption
When the iloeir.t* hid Riven O:Ci up, ui it lrai.l Cbul.l
4o nothing hit him. ami ll wa* the intention or J.i>-
'riend* to e.vnvcy him to ynur my and place him
onrt«t ili«: care of some eminent pry«ictnn there; bet
■ friend uttj him of \Vi«wi’« llulunn. mid that he
,-noUl i>t»iain ll of me ; In »mt ioi u. ttnJ ocfisre in •
accond hot le win roiio ire- w.»« *nund nod well, ami
attending to hi» every day i.ueuma A* there are
•evera! itißUtne* lor the ineJict-i-. ii w-„ui,l he well
1« forwa nl an aitilitional aupriV wulion • demy
Very re»necUully your*,
The above, irottt 1. Ncwlnnd, I"-n , a liutulv revpi-ci*
able country merchant. romincml* ueeii tornbly in
Ihe camJili aitenunn of nl: ih»f»r aim have d.iuhud
the great Merit of iViaiar’i Wild Cherry Balaam
We are jurtm tree,,,, of lh* lullouriiiß volumary
tribute 10 the rotative power m W inam Balaam of
Wl'rt Cherry. / out li. Hall. M. Of Muo.u t letm-nl, ,
Minhigntt, Who ll a physician Of high miudnis, and ,
an exieiunc druyit:'! _ ~ .
ftli Ciemem, Mieh'l'nn, Oct .'-t.l-l»
To the alßieted. ibi* tn.v cer.f. Hint Mi* » »«!'
_,t. Of lhl‘ viliuy.e, three nr week* cmuine
men*, we* .itaclM vr.U} .. vininut o»-*h
Wild Chouy ■*"«• >lld .iniwli
hy.ngprw HAU-.J'
• on and he convinced Mill further of tm- re
m.KekVbuAlm C .of win.r’e HM.Hra of Wild Cherry
marltab*; t p* f k..ueni»; A« ft matter of jua-
Wf *" j would cflof tint foliowina atatmoent ot n
vr-ur inciln Ine. known ft» W..uf.
cure »rr,j,i ~b«Tiy In the eprmc of » f-47. my
nc«rely “Hacksd with I'eripueumruv ,of
vienrtar which faulted «•» « deep w-uted oatn m the
tono porpoMi tor nn<] (taJ i caice to ihe
,h< * rt rrlc,lln * known to the phyri-
r ac b" s"b«*£;
wnhole*Td9onilher £b»lb rhe waa le.iornd id per-
Sr?hSsl? In coa.uleri.t3it of cifCnm.innce*
i I would recommend ll to Ihn |>ftbl» f'’.“mratT
, medieinc. Yonr*, re.pcetfuUy. K N I.AURAIT
Grand Rapid., Hlehiffun, October». M 9
10- Price »l per houlc—s * boll e» for *5.
-T( n u J U I AMI,
(8ooee«M»r of SanfitTd and Park,) f
FootVC'^ u ’d Walnut »treeu,anne|onaU,Ohio,
Agent /or ihe South and Weil, to whom aU ordera
T' J KiM It
l. WIIC \. 1V« Piuahitrrh. 1,. T Ru«ell,'Vaih-
Indiana, /• K- wnj. Warneahtirgh; McFar-
BrooHUle; A-Wllion A iiieailrille; Burton A Co,
, land A Co , N. Ca U & Cq >
!”•» or «*tf2ii,h l nJi«r J ? r t» iomtuertan, Warren
Butler, S. Bmiih, Braaet, J. i»-Crooker. iunior.
F.L-i CJ. JoneajConderitpoji/i,
Packets arriving at and departing Cron
the Port of Pittsburgh.
rv The *plendid ateamer
<g‘«'-!r>itggfc Klilien, muier. will leave for above
itnennedtat* laodmg* on thU
day, the s.*lh' Inat , at 10 o’clock A. M.
For frtiehl or pimafe, apply ea hoard. <y?«
The entirely new and aplendid
IW. W. Martin, muter, vrill leave for
tbr above and all intermediate landing* on Saturday,
Ibr ‘.Mill inn , at 4 r. m
I'ur freight or paisage, apply on board.
—w The fine new and Mnsncfc steamer
W«U- Dean,matter, will leave tot the
flßfißSKSttMibove ami intermediate laii3ings,<»n
Hatunlnt tbn tfrtm m«t, at 10 o’cloek, A. M.
For Ire chi ot j>»v.»age_applv an board
. . Tbo fine light draught steamer,
LAnwatgßjtt Li*lon, maa'er, will leave ler the
gJgßfimHv above and ietennediate landlnvs oo
tfaion'ay, 86th instant, at 10 A. M
For freight or pas. -, e, apoly on board, or U>
, The steamer
L fcatoaiaS * 0. R Dale, matter, will leave PtUs
■SSncEL a burgh every Tuesday, Thursdnv, and
mil■■mui•rrv Stiurdayjmorain(t . leave WellaviUe
every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
For freight of passage, apply on hoard or lo
The fine fail ronning (learner
U&aUggK* M'MilHn, master, will leave for above
and ait Intermediate pons on ibis
■lanumra dliy , ,jj e jjfld iaiL at 10o’clock, A. M.
For freight or passage, apply on board. _oc;0
„ The magnificent Meanier.
■WriffSiß UilleMnarter, will leave tor above
ggyßSCjlSßfaianil all intermediate landing*, on
ihi* day, at It) o'clock, a. X
K<v treijbt or paaaige, eppl/ on board. __ oc‘.*l^
L The magnificent light draught »tearo
ft ei .•INDKRf LLA, Captain flaxlett,
~ iritl leave for the above acJ all Inter
ncdiate portion tU» day, 2l«t ln*t, at
ID o'clock A M.
For freight or passsge, apply on hoard, or to
* ' J. ,N EW’J'O.NJONKy, Ager.t.
Ctpuia Jons UtsitinoHAU. ■
- Tun splendid best ws» built by tbs
l ownersof the steamer Isaac Newton.
»nd others, for the Cincinnati and
Packet ■ trade, and will
leave every Wednesday, for Cincinnati, in place ol
the New England, No. i.
For freight or passage apply on board.or to
The splendid steamer
. fyv; ~Jn yougiiiogheny,
Capt. Harupee, will leave tor above
nBHSKEcBBand all intermediate landings, every
Oar. at 4 o'clock. P. M. •
i*«tr freight or passage apply on board. »cp7
The 'eat running steamer
CapL B. Young,will run as a regular
between Pittsburgh, Wheel
ing, Bridgeport, and Sunfislu le&viug Pittsburgh every
Monday afternoon, tor WtlUvllle, Steubenville, and
Bridgeport. and every Thursday afternoon lor Steuben
vil'r. Wheeling, Bridgeport. Captina, and Ban&sli.
Returning, leave* Bridgeport and Suofish every Tues
day afternoon, and guttflsb every Friday afternoon.
For freight or passage, applv on board, or to
,et>7 D WILKINS. Agent.
■tUgaffll 1850
CtuNYINUKS to frrward freight to Pitubargh via
) tlmi Road and Canal, on very reasonable terra*,
and with tbr usual desnaich. fr*m oar targe depot.
N». iT6 Market street. Philadelphia, formerly oceapiea
|.> Meors. lUugbani A Dock.
Central Hall road open to Ilollld^yrabarg
H) J uu/rJ ( to Jufifutwn —2Bo nriii* Had
Ho-ui I'OIH ./oiVH.<trWr»» lo PhtlaJtlyftui
Licluiiveiy for Passengers,
Time ibreagh. 43 hours— Pare—*lo
ON an after Monday, September 16th, two daily
Pictet Boats will leave for Johnstown, from
ilieoi’e ihse ipiendtd new cun ir-li miles direct to
Philadelphia, pesuag over the new Pennsylvania
Rail Road, being one ol the very t>esi m the eonntry.
'l'i» increased apvrd bv Uns route make* it the most
dc-ir«bie, n» well as the moat comfortable one to the
A Packet Boat will leave every morning el 7 o'-
clock, and every evening at 8 o’clock, precisely.
K’The Pcnage Rail Bead is paated la day ligbl
i :.s»»aite or uiforuiAtlon apply to
VV hl'I'CU, Muaoogabela Home;
sci-i : ct lo D LEECH A iXI, Canal Matin.
boxusoaiula hoove.
Oalyl ll nil** fitaglifi
i V.a Brownsville and Cumberland to Baiuntor* end
' Fitu Tfi HiLnuoau- •—■ 110 HO
,kj P,ui.iii*i.ruu ia uU
' 'FUIF. oi.vrr.ttiv bon leave* the wharf, above the
j# l i>n>lge, d«,:y. ai t* u’riucli prcci«e‘.j ’fuce io
j Baltimore, IS hour*, time to Phi'adelphia, 40 hour*
The erroiur beat leave* dally, (except Sunday ev
! ecii'i;.,) at « o’clock. PaMeugeri by leautng on the
evening boat, will ero»* thenhuruir.* in stage* next
1 and thus avoid night travel.
! Secure your ticket* at the Office, Monongahela
I itcisae, or Sl Charles Hotel.
I octllly J.MESKIMEN, Agent
r. . t.igb re
\\ i.-it ran pre
u; ht Ajtr.r.sed
i>.-« «f A«thma.
->&£L isoo.
Through la FOUR Day*
Tin' take pleasure in announcing lo the Merchants
V\ of Pittsburgh and ih* Western. business com-
KTruj-;!'* iba: on and after Moidaj,the Iflih of Sep,
i i•roller! we will receive and forward goods via the
I flmt Hoad, and guarantee thhm lo I* through
lin hour Unit Our rgtensive *{cch of Curs Slid Post*
1 enables u» t.i otfcr Ihe above expeditious rout* 10 Ibe
I mibiie. wliiut we atilt reniinoe out usual line* via
Hurn-l uct' and Columbia
Mercuanx wishtng goods brought from tha East
wiiii certainly «nd dispatch at Isw ratal, ot produce
•.hioned v * re, are invited lo call on
* ihONNOR. ATKIN. 1 * A CO.. Pittsburgh.
ATKINS, O’CONNOR A CO., Philadelphia,
)- rti|.r>c«>M of the Pittsburgh Transportation Line;
untie 'nllorruiK agents.
m/oiioa* A Co., 70 NoriS Baluusre,
K if Battery Place. New York:
i- i.Morr * Htaia, 14 Doane ltreet, Boiton.
9 , H 0.)./ if, router (>/ Dtnwond alley, .Ss.vruf
OI PKKS 1li« customers and the publie, an entirely
i.ew nml Mock of Hats. Caps, and Muffs, in
fr.i A l . variety, Manufaclured and Selected with much
inn- in reference to ptice, style, and quality, in New
Voir city, and will be offered at the lowest ratesof
r.ti-M-ni low pncrs, Wlnlcialo and Retail
Pittsburgh, Ocujl, IstSO._ _ ocU:d3ntAwlmS _
fiMHA beautiful style uf Hal *< now received, and
X wul bs ißiroduced an Saturday,
U g,n» ry. Fifth A Woo.l Sf.
Past Colored
MURPHY A BURCHFIELD invite 1 l0 . ‘ l ,‘«
chusoti lot of American and British Prints. dusk
and of durable colors, justtereivsd.
S' L „ co
y*y cv n 'uA'> s >»N">'' : Sc°i: tno" 1
rrooTii BBUsiiK*7» r ‘»*-*?w , j! k o “” ncJ * ,lc *
A "« d •lyuu.'inp FAHNESTOCK &CO
i-\LIVF. OIL-Q an* »o«Vmi«i In
0 ana urnduKH eiwb, fc CO 1
P A mw w *** 0T1: ' H ~~ A /^'^V^Vbahne^
_ k rt hrt7tno Fiour, in tlore and for tile by
F «ld U . - B| J WV J!2S*BABNW
CnitL—S barrel* 70 end 0"2 (re*h ,’j uif re e’-d"for
oolJ _ tnvrooin
lbi BofUah, jati we’d foTiileTiy
°«l7 1 BEBELLKRS 7
C*IARH- aSi&ion
) fid 7 • -
o VPEb-t OIU-I
fopcrlor brtad'
PC 17
THE Warehouse cm the corner of M cod ajd Front
streets, recently occupied by Wm.
wnolesnle Grocery Pure For tenos. apply to H- **
Ryan, 31 Fifth street—Ryan’s Buildings where all
kinds of turned materials are for so'e, end stearti
power and rooms to rent, the machinery being uoiv
jn operation, jr>rl7:d-Jw)_ H H R>A.V >#
I'HE1 'HE dwelling nouse No. »-i Second street- between
Wood and‘.Markel*tTeet»,nojr oecspir.i t v me
subscriber. Rent 8-JCO per
on the Ist ofNovernber next. JOHN It MKLI.OR
OCtVitf ... Nc_'l Wc,KNir.:_el_
TWO well fiiOJilieil olfcce* iu Post Ortica Buildup*.
Third ‘irnfi ,
A loriK. well HcUlr.l tnir*ncc Mur.
kei Bircri lr«-»*en :M mnH»li »*««■«•• .
AUo, a Kinkii brirk liou-e, in l'n> Town-hip, ne*it
»Viu. .-...-M, torni-r «T Lvr-u- klk.y. tnbui-e ul
AhOl'lt Hiory Dwelling. «l;iie"rrof. office, bath
• niim. r*-> fixture.*, and hale oven, 149 Third «t.
aiUiWutfr wpa
TMIK Lharurr i Coal Company will «ri: .omr vwy
deMfoMe p.rr-o. oi land. « n and n-ar Ok
9.irutioi.Villr Tnr«p*r. and rear •** -i-uihera*
oi (Letr run rusj
The land win hr iiivuimj (juanuiie* 10 *un put
ciiatcri, and lie iciiaa o! pjj mrm \»,j, |, r ve y ea*y
EiiHuUr ..I L n - ItKMINCJTON.. '
Co&l il&rbor. S-ept. *J —*ep ';dl<.i Manager '
o*,Kr,*j^ri, Kr, *j^ ri K‘V" J! iriU';.-,lia:e)y, the Three Story
Brick Dwelling llun/.-. No cj Libeny .ircet and
Optcmle Tliiul rl AI M»,
The Seeord and Tl'i-.d M<mr* \Yn:e)inii«» No 3
Market rtrcet. Enquire of
R C STOCKTON. Bonkacilen.
■Uf'lfl 47 Sjarlci *i
FOR SALK —A l.ct of Omiuii'l »11iim»- ,;r. i‘m<
ilreei, bttwrcn llay an.l Mnrhuty Muvt*. nCi.nniii
lie huu.e and lot n.-w occupied bj Richid 1 Uw»idi
hatiti/ A front of Ufi feel, and depln t'.n leel. w.-, n
•old ou favorable tt'in*. Tit!-* ur.r reepU’ - able Kr
quire of o.f» LOOM irt, 4ih at. near Wood
Sftrth'Kait eiir ofFnnrth A Market at a,
W 1 L L R E-0 P i: N,
Or Monday 23J feji-Vr/i^r,
With u Urge Sloth of Nrw Uooils.
No 47 Market flrfeu corner of Tfr-i *t.,
HAS ronatamly on band, for »alc, 'Vruing, letter.
Priming. Tee. and Wraprin»! Paper- Bonnet;
Feller*'. Binder*’, and Trunk iitunl*, Rook ant New*
Paper I‘nniinr Inta; wlurb Lc will aril aiihc lower:
ca»h pricer, or m exchange tor rac» or tnrnerv' re rep r
DK. SPFEK h»i removed to Liberty urvn, ndow
Pat ntu-ct. No HU. Cl-ice and in ibe
>an>p liuili'u.i: Auif-'il.ditto
A TT O li A* K r AT LA IT
No *« Fifth klreat.
rpHF unJer«n:ne<Fnavr, tin* div »-*n«'<«ied ibem
X iclve* under the firm of I'lulhpe. Ib-at A i'r... for
the purpn.-e «•! tnauufari*ir'n< every variety o* Fiuit
Till, Prtisfd, Qcd Plain Hiut liluss Wart
ORDERS filled Wilburn drl.-.y, a: n..- U.wrti mar
ket price. i\ tnrir imK-rr- on 'li» .tree, near
Second, or :il Vi i Water >Uret. Pui>Lurcb
_*«pV4:d - -ha
CALirUltaiA AOVBtITf-llirtlCfli r
Praiub a. bhoc-k w a .
Bacnubento fv;y, Ctliu
Inade pu co:i* «j
froci|illy aurnOfO trv.
tnavll:.!* trfirjl'
j. uart/aifiu.l stiwbUL
stlinns, Arlnit'Wted.rn.rjit* ol Ib-eiln, A.-.-
Office—Fotinh rtrte*.| ab-we j?um?.s«*M
T>V vmue Of a ptr-ecH Vii< rt the fcaiion <v Win U
t> M’Clurf, l'rr»i„«nt of the t.Vnrt o: ' r'e.--
fn and ti.t tno Fifth l»*str.«'i »■ t r »* < i n: ‘‘-
1M Ju*wee of the Cntm of Oyn Trr.n net. ni<
General Jail Delivery ,n * ni * ,t,r
William Kerr and Samuil >.*. K*<|# , A-anciatr
Judge* of the csffie county, »n und lor ihc County o;
Allegheny, <iured tha 10m tin* o» Aui;u*i. in Um yrm
of ocrLord cne.ihaa*a.i<d cisUi hundred and fifty, an!
to me directed, ir.r su*ii'in* o Omri-Of (*»cr and Ter
mine r.sad firtiernl Jed Delivery,.**the Coon home
la ilf ruy rf I’lUvbmr.t. on the FourU Monday
October next, «If o'clock A M.
VTCW.I-'.I L,c,
I’oMic notice I* hereby *iv»u ;o ail Ju«u :«» of the
Pcare; I'orotier. anti Cmuikti*CT nf*Ade?lieny, that,
Ihey be then end tberr, tit their pmprr t« r :on«, wira
ibeit roll*, tr-ceid*. inquisition-, and
other r.Tnea:»r»nee«, to lu tline* Utuur*. which to
then resycctivs ertu-e* in their behalt Npjwnotn tob*
done—acd at«o tr.,i*e mat win pr.'*reate die prtanrera
that now are or may be in tue ;ii'i »>«»d ol
Aliekhenv,u> l-e then and there m ,m»-t<ute anaititi
them ar .hall >akt.
Given under rav hat'd »i Pirji'urch. this l'-.h da\
of Aui'u •!. ifi tr.c jea< oi ..ur lx»c une eichi
hundred and l»ity, and ol ;i e i oi moi't.«i*lth the ?Slh
auitDi iIA wldT CAK’IKk 1 l RTIS, Shrulf
fo BottiAtra adJ Vinicrn Bl«r*bwti.
1 IV •CitiM’riber rctrectiuHy pui-iir one niton to
1 hi* extensive storlt nf I'erfumiry. Soap l . Shavide
Creama, Ac., to which seven Silvr' and iwo Golden
Medals have, within the lost «n vein, been awarded
iy Ibe Institute. of New York, L'c.-toi.. mJ Phila
delphia. ibe latter being the o.'ijr G*.mci. M.-dai* ev.-r
awarded for ]«riiH«ery t-iilirr in Kur«t*« oc in this
ROD.t.IL’S llximup Stuvixc Cs*aK. iA.mnod.
I Rose. anJ Atnbro*i*l,) c'iiv-*'«-*i;y a<**rowjed«:e-i t-i
I!* *upetioT to aitv Shovtn* Ore mu .it tin« country-.
Eure;*- _ .
Oui'iiU'n mu SpAVtso—Dr*»;ti:..'lr '?r.~ -'•rcm.
and po««t«Mog highly i.x’otw anu .*.i.,.i
iu[ l i.»ii<*v; Military S.-ai-
M.-Tvur»cT«iit.rrA.i-i.'oa, Rove. Mi heft t-nr*.
Bouquci, rmidiirt. Musk, Paicl.nnly. trombus, Kiev.-
let Transparent, Olive Oil, \\ md «»!;'. Hirer-*i a:..
kxthactv ros tits lUnrzEWtvtr* —Rose, js-eiiit,
(-.roquet de ,r Grruniurt. fir-v J ‘nd.
line, Joekev tlltili, Mtunotlt, C-vviin'-\ i-r.:ojci.i
Koval. and inar.y t.tlivr vaiicLr.. in « ! ! tuity aiffcroni
perf»oiet. .
Ton. re Watkas—Florida U Her, tie Foi-cuc.
Oraecc Flower W&trr, ynd a jTrcat variety of t o
lorue* and Lavender Wate^
Pbepaiasio.h ion tjx lUii-Genuine Ik-arrOil.
Autiiioe Oil. Bandoline, Fug Lt'tmle, Oleine, Con>-
jnntaJ OX Marrow, Hair Dyr--, !:ijßid and in pc-vjer.
and Fhiloconie, Htcinitic, mid Jenny Lind f‘*vna'te«.
OstKrraLuic Pr.sraKannN— Ralnm:.- Fhstr. Ko*e
To-Hh I'sste, Chorcom Dcntriare. Odormi:-, room
F»ste, and Tooth Powder.
I’aptrfjcj—Vertiable Cosrijettc Cream Arnandi>e
for chapped batto*. Cold Cn-knt of Homs, Ou-aiu dr
Ferae, Up Salve. Ua*pbiTTV Crcntn, A*'
Depilatory Powder*, f rrin'ivnj: superfluous hair,
P»;i»l Powiler, Vinsigre de Kccjyr, Aromanc■VLnesai,
Viiwna Hair Composition, i‘?c '•■■■■ ■ >->Ui
■ greet variety of otter nruriea, too uuaicreu* tn be
named m dm nd*cni»eit;ei>t. •
Tlie «ul*.onlter lu«cc* :« mmniam Ibe mpmatloa
wbidli tin* camMiShnienl >a» »c*,;nriat t \'f likapoiMtig
of notbins but hm rule uii.a*. an-l Wl '‘ l‘ c l,: .
turnlfti ihoae who ion) wish to palromic hiin./Übt.r
wboleaalo «*f u-iail. on <■' reH,».iaublc utnc.i a«J»siy
Suoucamk w and former Ducctor of U.e I.ubnjaury
of KCIUvNI:. ROlltfsUL.
lid Oirt*nut *lrcet.
Mr. Barin'* Perfomery it for ta.e by all t;.e pn.ici
pgl Diuxityi* in the oountrr *pl7:illyt
THU* undcT»i({ned ha* been »p|«unteo *i4*».ut f«;i thi*
old and revponttcie coiti;»a>ty, m aurreed Mr.
Fayette Tlrown, and i* raedy to r««uc rttiinen m the
Fire and Marine department, trt n* mvira'-ic term*
at any other retpomible eompeny in thw city
74 Fourth "t,. nett »o »*nnk oi I’lUrhumh
AtmvM /‘rrmiuw», CajHieSStorA ,df Harytu*
rw HR aederrlßßed tvoobi call thf attention of met
-1 chant* and other* ha-ms property expt.»ed to
lhte or the poni* of Naviaatmn n> the superior
■•l*aniaqe> oifored by the
Prolectlou luiunuci Company
or itaßTroan. epxti., vir—
l -Rate* of rteniiam p* low ■* these of uny ollior
‘i -a speedy onu misfactory Riijastm'.Dl of los«e* by
the Oepeml Acem of tkc Cuopiny ior tho Weatcrn
and Bnuihern Stuivr.
3.— Arl.iirnuon fef all dtfTefenres witlcit may nriw)
l*y icureen raumally eho*oii.
4 —Award* promptly pe.lil ir. Specie, Oankable Funds,
or Rxohaiijre op New York, Baltimore. Charletfon,
New irritant. St Coois, LouisTHle, Pittsburgh, or
Cincinnati, at the option of the injured.
i’amphtr.u, setting forth the mcd« nod prin
ciples of udiuMntr lone*, rate* of premium., diu-sUi
conon of hx-arUs, ftr., furnbhed n> the ou» of
the othee free of charge.
For furihcr io/otraiiiio:). apply to it* umlcrsicned.
who t« fully authorized to injure DweilmajMores,
Ilottia.YYnrehu'isos, MilU, Munsfactorin», Barn.«, Ac.
llonsohold Fumitnrc. mtd Good*,.'Vare*. and Meo
cbnhdize. contsiuetl or stored therein, ar.'Hsi 10-.* or
dttrqago by FIRE.
*u*l>, i
Dry Goods, GtorPtie*. MtnafnrMfit Cnr'li.lm
duct, Bou'.vhnjfl furumm, u%v "..i-k. and
other deteriri.on <d Mi r. <>r I'riunil I
ptrty. thpptd or ift Ue ••liip,” j (<•« mmi , ,
or boavi 10 *n<l from poir.H m {a*; \» " ’•
or between Kaiiern citir* ivm !..»*«• •.«' "'’“"’--uhm*
roote) tndnny town* imli.- \Vr'irm.«onin. r
lh» feutrd* ot INLAN n TK anspuK I Al »«.v
Skipmenuof W»res, orkm’f-*
•OOd omwl or *«»oU. hn«.en Now Ork« r (;uJJ
EMtem perl*—between Nr* En fi ll»h or
port*—between a» Ame ' ,c * 1 rt _. P p ‘ r ; l , rac “ri whet-
Eoropctn port*, or «• ul „ im'.IULS OF
55VLV?A a U vro fflsoLD. ar'i.
Fourth ...,srr-toibe l>»nk e/FmsUgh.
A—l cut juM rec’a for talc t-y
iwd for »»te hv
%rUKPHY t BUR«IPIBU> renelvcd * loi
M?WO> Ka.BTMllrt “'“s*
imr •!•<>. rI»W ■“* run Cmteciy to j™«!
varietv Merino CBStimerei, BenwJty **£
TKiS7Vci»W',»'=.,»l Mrtl ««« WjjiCT I StSB&.
~r!9 ucfai thb d*jr rec\l by
6% B’*, 18*1, ind Itt’iTobecei
(i, received for tele by
Sol* As«&er for Drmtoam’a PUloi.
HKLFBKR tpke* pleasure in annauncinx to the
. pohlie that bo lia« succeeded in teeming the
vole agency for Dunham 1 * celebrated l’nsno Fortes. •
(or Western f*enn*y Irani*
The I’Hno* imwb* by.'Mr Itanhara, of the firm of
gtndan k lhuibum, t re too will au«t favorably known
tn Hii* tiHphhothcc-tl u> recjuirc any comment at this
time, suffice it to *:«y. th.:vi :oi a Ion; line ns oiber
pianoa were known .n the Western country than
tt,o«e of f-todnrt At Dunham ami Nuuu* .V Clark,
Mr Dtfabam, ’hr prncueal pat'ner of the above,
firm, baa .vpent opward* rif twenty year* to the fac
tory of *nla firm, a*- practical inanecer and director of
thr buwncts. Within a year or two Mr Dnnhira has
l*>Ui|hi oul the entire factory and appurtenance* of the
firm, and domlnuen to mai.ui.i-uurr. a* before, inbl*
own uatrb. DanbnuJ 1 * have attained »oeb
pojuFeiiiy, that in wsi.' of ibe western ctuea, Olnric
uat', At ;;thej have ..old two m one of-any other
nonufai'iitrn They urediPiin«u>fhe-l by thsir.powct
itn.l Itniiunev of tone, and extraoidirary duiabiliiv
Nll —A large invo'i-e -he above dream I’liao*
No lilt.
earvtAL STvtci airo *u*rtcs kvm.,
CUAKTKHKti 14'-''4
§ 1,000.000,
I EXTRACTS ot Aconite. Belladonna, CoUcvnih
l j Comp, Cicuta, llyonciamu*, Mramonicum, Hha
tanv, Taraxicnm, Saraaparil!a,o{ua.*sia,Uopi;L*J
cbir i uerf., and Indian Hetap,
Imported mtd for »t*le by .
fI( . T , Cm Firn *. Wood
Apparatus for C»e*»»»nff Slor* Plpa
without caklnß down.
INVENTED by Frctlsriek Uictree, and made by
o[ .« Fir*t at. between Wood k. Market *u
“ ° r "“ 'b, a*. KAIiNESTOCK ii CO., :
Corner of Wood and First sts-, Ptlitbargh,
OFFF.R for sale, of ibetr own fimportation, direct
Borax, refined, in cases Aceuc AcM
Emery Com A I’owd, ky* Orange Mower aur
Carb. Anl nion, calcs Ajar* | Bole
Peru Orren, m can* j PiH Boxes, pvperombus'd
Rottrn Hiotie, in caiks « !o wlltow
PTour Soipbaf do | Via! t orks, assorted
Cssule Ron*. In !m I Adhesive Plaster, Lr.g
Calc M&snvlh do Kobornns <lo co
Carb Jo .to I Lead Jo d*
Lie Dye, powd in l :r-« l ttslbununt d« no
Curb hen kr*- Klatctiulti do Jo
Cunft Acid. :j| R.'Um.c . | Cura;e Jr<vn, Eu?
l*n;v. Antimonial.i do t t'trb Iron
Aq. Amman Cone do I Aie»ipu «it*Us
Calomel Env, jo I Tipt«i:V Ur.i
Oil Atnbtr Keel. ,u, , Wcdgawood Aloitan and,
Itvitde Po;nh Jo i pestles
*Vhile .!»i jOd |.t,v«nder, Splfc-*
do in ,'i rial, i J-., 'rnrdfA
lodine IJn* in at 11-'.-trilcf Oii o;l?*nenj
10. ide Iron, in 01 v.rflK .] (J:| llnacinan
(\>m. StnxK.tu lb | Oil it iter Airatir.-U
Ui-Curb, PuUeu,ls nltvdea n.i C'tjovul
Blue Pill Fng. m ir. jaw jOJ Crn:-...,
Kef. Liqimnfe Knv u:bx« i Pint aivl Hie*. "utK'c:«
Wood Nf ptLc in It* l o'.tle. Oardaino -1 Seed
Tan. Kmemi • do I sul;>h Z.v-e
PruMtc-Ari*!, in rr viaU ! Hetie/** T-st*, nrcjmied
Tariutic Acid, in in.* | tienubn llrni
Crocus Marti.*, tn ke.|*« ! Rhubarb Root
RaJV*lenen Knj: m tnlea 1 Polt.'hmg I'uuy
I Indian Red ,n’
I'HKSK celebrated and justly acknowledged »u
p.-rior Rood*, .n the latest roloiicg* and rr.o*t ui*
pio»ed styles, will be famished hy the RUbaertb.-rs
>n any quantity, at the very lowest price*. Purchn*.
»r- will plpn«r nuuce that the genuine Ray -taio
Ishri.-- hear tieket« eonebponding with the. »''nrn
euL mid they will alao be Ji*unEUt«he.d from »'l other
Woples Hbawt* by tbeir eui-enbr 6m».i. finro-»« ot
texturi'i am! I.rilltum y of color?-. Order* ■* J
:r»m :tl) section* of the and the saint- win l-c! t" Parelia*crs will »lw> t, -d
on: I ilepaninrni h laige ii*»ortm«hl oi nil tiie
Hjprov.-d n.akr*. and nr v»e<- dev <n* o'
Ai.irui'au, I'rciich. -*.nd £rolcb Wooieu Hiih vt, - , , :n
:.r-f.;ik r.'areat nriety nf plain am! medium .;)!«»
«. AL Q rt.
>uf-;Tr Pr.ti* llrerl.a i-.-ax sod f: ( ctire Phuwj*
ciy:e» and best nt.vnui'Bfiurr— liu-h '*ia, l
•i'iU t.' Silk Snavrls—Lurine M'-cc
(Vore'd Thibet rtb- . «<Ui *tl* end «vi-.<..rnaF Invc*
- I'.jiij i’rtnied Ca'-.imere ani T’-tkertt She.w—
t'trf.n and: EmbrolJcreiT Crape New siyie
iTii.trJ Paint Sehawl* —Neat figured Part* Urycli*
>t,»wlf i.apta. Black and Mode- Colored Thibet
»* Plain bound Seal Skin Shawls—;P!atn
M,».k Colored French Teikcrn Shawls, tiinged *ihl
ImiicJ—L'dihl quajlrr French Mode Colored Thibet
C.o.h, •rc(;a*oring fu’i two yards wide for Shawls
liu.-u.y w> tuairti—While n r .*t Gnlnred Barcelona and
i.ear.rc Shawls A<: Whole?.\h and Retail.
15 Smith Seuiliid SL, PllildclpblS
PROPOSALS will be received at the olfiora of th*
Uiylnraoie apd rttuo Kail'Road Ocnuian”, at Bat
unvote, Cumberland. Fairmoßni, ru'd U boclt.uj, uati!
Sitarday, the •iith nt Noreraber nttt, mcludve. <t<r
the tlrp'loalion and Masonry of aben; 23 sectir.u or
miles of iho tine, sxa-jidmj wsatwaiuly by the w.vtet-.
of Fbji Creek and (itdveCreek.iaa.i over lb? divh’.iuj
riJitet'betweou them. :to»-u.e IflJ c. . tCLon cf the
of ms litre already let: to the ai'lih sceltou of the
itume ime—Leinf ice oaly portion of am ictte re
tuaimiig in be put under ronunet.
The work s- he bi wtd. !•*• crnerallf. l.cnvy—tu
eladmx h tuntiel of i!iSb. Biioilcr of tvsn. ne<i a-tlilto
uf ••oo.i'-i-'l ;:t..;;ib.o ttupibef of m-co entihf * an«l
embanSuienu.' unit n eonud* ranle sirmiitv > I b/ioye
rr-.'iilef** will li«* Ufoi> iri'* !.tn- to cnrr .u'fttniKtiori un«i>r.[><'n t -a t.y wi,J t.n
ron»iitprsU, -vnJ turfd.-;.. are J.' u> *t»:n u ibrjr
1m vr. f iliiPr work on Siiind. »r*rt whcu jt \rill be fcirtbrU.
Tiic Rio-.l .•ntigc'jo o' imp work \»tlj &«
pipocipi. ItT orJer or Ute I’rrMdcn: und ihrrotorp
Ohrrf l-nru ppt
tIAiSCK COMi’ANY Olf-rr North Room-of Uie
KicJtani'e, Thud rtrrrt. Rhiluilelpr.tß.
F;*» lit-pUASC* Uallriiite*. Aicr-'Ji Atstlitr* nnA other
ill and Country. mnu-.d loss
ot lUiniiujc by fire. ai tiir lowt«i ran- o; pre mi tun.
M ABU'S —They ui*.»ir. vU-.fc Vp>!'i.., C-r
-i;s>-« oxs'l Weight's, fniTur, or e««vn* n«. under oponw
■>prcml policies. pr Un< unaio l may dn-:tc.
ixtAKO Travf»>«rA<?fl?t.-- i'hry js!co wrure rnerrh
anmei*. transported l» Wagovi, Res' It.-ail Car®, Cn-al
|V,j.u anu Slum 8.-wL u'i river-* u;-l later, 01: Use
DIRECTORS— Jo-eM, It r-rsl. Td-nund A Soml-T.
Joau-.C Davi«, R.»i ru Joliv « l'riu„«.
rl F.hynrd?, Gro «• l,riper, Edward DftUim't.-.ii. Isaac
U Dav;*, vt'm Nowlin. IV ll M lloitn;,
Ja* C llano. Theoptii'us S'H«j*dlr.» f H Jon*-' ttjonir,
Uc*n*TT rtlonn. Hugh Prate. Geary Stmll, Spencer
Melfteio. Charles i G Jnjiii..«iv, Win Hav. Dr
S ‘llk twin*. S- : e->, Wui Kyid. Ji.
'•{RI'CTOHs ‘at PITTSIIUR<.II-D T More an,
Uugfc Craig, John T Ln*ao.
, WUXIAM MARTIN, president
Tll<»s. C HAND, Vice President."
Jo Or it W. Cam. Src’y- •
<#VJ •’ 7 •
pyjr office <>i ihj Company, No l'*tcr sirsei
Puißburyn. r.'-v-i /♦*! l* 1 A. MAUnHA,Ajn<
x/i f a i n s'v RAnuu
■ J Kinttey* Jr.,
AfCttfir the Pf»n id/e InsKr.imc Co. of H*h'2a.
UFFtU.K nf the WcMern Ir.uumce Company N<>.
JJ Water street, Pittsburgh.
I’oF'Pli'eis with all neccvsaty information, and
qlunli ler-’-u wi!U»e furnished.
ljofljßr.o« -can iati-re tbesr HvM for thn benefit of
Ihejr wives and chjldtea; credit'"-* tfco Jwes of their
Tne whole profits of the Company ere dividsd
amyny tie liolcers nt Life Folieu-s.
The Sivtdendsbf the pas; two years have, been enrtt
ly percent. <-aeh year jew
Creates a healthy action throughout l*:« body, revtori
itns uppe.ute, wjualire the cirvii]»uon, give tone .t.-id
energy to the systerr, amt rree'e a power ofmii't
mitelo ituear*.' ‘.v ‘t ?t-- w.-l. :.? - .••r r.-
Tt|pywill pertorm r • - -r.-.r-u e-.f o*
Dxsiwnsia, lndipe*«win Klntulentt, tiehenu Debility.
LivrtCotnplatnt. add a" ti-r ’uai-i of ifiupioto* coiu
m.'tnly called nervoes affeetinna.
Will bo Ituinedtaiely removed by tl.p nie of tai« inv ß !
uablecon'po-nd. winch i_R pan-ly vegetable,-aod i*
adapted to all as ca and cdeditioiM.
• F jti* A Ll£h
Will find in thi* driif-aw a J palatable preperaf aa. a
rprnbiliatmn oi Torv.r. Allftutive and Apericn; yuali
tii-< peculiarly adapted to then systems.
tTbe iperihe aetirn ilmitjos atucle bay on IBe Liver
and pigcaitTp. trn-.ans renders Ua cctaplr-ts Antidote
fdi itver atd Asee. and Bilions and 'f>phu. Fevers.
CliascviLLE,!..}. July ITtii I&SD.
1 hove ni>ed Cie attmleof rlar.ttUa Riuere,
and fcavq derived nrr;it benefit lrou» them. 1 hava
bfeu'.«ub>ccl tor years past u> the Fever aril A&ue, but
sii;cd the tnltivlucfion «>t youi Uiiteia, I Uavo tntiruly
escaped my uxuabutacts. and nan wltii cor.&dr.nco
teeommeud them a* one of ilobcst Tomes in use.
Kttptetfidiy yettft,
SvnncriKLb, June iWJi> JMO.
MtD*MtSia. .
liEivesmn much Mi»s<oretn ni.te,Umlu»
I>j*pepfin with which ray lire, hn* been mj !oeg none
led. ntmwr from inactmts. of the L««r has been ca*
lirely nracome, nnd by the uie of >'•“ r .‘ nvai “'
able prrpirixuoncf 15ilic{», and for your kindacm w
recommending them,Please -accept my ih*nt«.
Yovtcbtdu: K\«er<i7tf,
A*env>, Wiltinm T Hick**; Co.,!** 151 braot
Street, New, York, forin»>eby »' F *EJ LFR*>
: M>jjs:t'Unin _
115,000 JSSSSPS^ySaBr’
.'fOT Ml* by Shornahtirah.
f Bottl'Jidlf
i r*_* mat to Clo>« Dtulncit,
• B*U* n ® ou znitY GOODS** for wbiih Honda.
rcn "’ or
oJaie, *’* received in . HOGG,
115 Woo l »U rHubuntlx
o^^.».L-n'iSP7rAPS^2S^ ljfs CniJhed 145""3o
81-. F INhi - jJjo ci»niicJ. in rtorw«nd for ul« by
P "»" ,C< '' JA3 A HOTCIIISOS.t Co
.. Agtii'K -dt glean* Sogir Refinery
\\ A „,.V' for sale it Nos 7 and 0 Wood tirett
V *... J fc H PHILLIPS
LAWRENCE'S HA I R GU*V££, elc gte, for L*iJ-c».
K & 4o do ,do forOeou.
JO dp , do do double.
. <io dp ! do : do Bali.
; Jo do • gimp* f«* l^idiei.
do do 1 do for Gcai*.
do do | do
do Derfud*iF Dnttb»- $
tojjnri ,»d (o, rue F/i ,, NESTn e K * c „_
tend »!1 lie cob™ ol
Jb A» roe rue Vleef Fele). {Sj,, «jS- K
No»7end S Weed meet 0f.113 IH> HIH-XP"
milK has iM«ja«ed «W>b
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B'uk and Robblwratside >f th« Diamond, cornw Of