THE NTTSiHJ uH EAZEil'i .WrMJfHED KT, f/HITE It CO pIT'^UUUUII MONDAY MORNING, OCT VS, IK*. iTyAiytEXtlK* are eATOSsitT. requeued so Lina m their favor# before >».*., as early m tbciav as practicable.' Advertisement*r.o:ia*criru for a fie*<-npiton* an 4 >drcrtlKnie:nr toT p» __ ' CT Pguabstniu Nouns awexica!i.—Adver.i*e aao» And nibrcriptlou* ir* the Monti Anmiui nnU United Stales titxetie, Philadelphia, rereived end for warded from thia oS-A. (E7"PHiLat>XLHiuO«>w*saciAi. Lux.—Subscription*- for this valuabl* p*?er, will i«e received and forward ad from lids office. NEXT TACE FUU LOCAL MA’FfEftS TKLF/IUAFIIICNkJWts t. Tbs Correa F*ctoeies —*We are warranted iD static?, that the repcri circulated by tome ol oor cotemporarics ot the pres?, that our cotton facto* rich are making preparations to commence forth with, is wltfcotlt foundation. Only one factory, tb»i “Eicie," we are interned, trill run two or Ibree weeks, for thc!*p«rpo?e of repleniabicg its slock, when,twill flop; and il t? y.robtblo all tbe others will coaiiDUo in she stmi 1 quiet »Ute, in which they have Item for *!oo time, unless a material change cecilra in tbe market, or an exhaustion of fi-7-cfcshvdld nreke u iioifsiary for them to run lor n short tusin; which, however. there 11 bi lint** prospect nl pr.-n-tit. Gov. JoA.'ivron—Wn tiu plt**rj to learn tba Governor V.’a. ]•’. Jun.M»n>v arrived in thia city oi Saturday night, laa, nad \v‘l join in the solrmnl tie* to Jay alu-edant upon tnc reception of tht rcramns of President Ttvfor. We ixll altenl.oa u tbe following ioiporUut nr> cr.lar, winch bnsju*l been i«*ucd at Washinjrto by tbo EieeniiwCoGiciiu-o on the Industrial K billion to be held in London,m May 1651. The c cular ta directed:o the G.-vcraoi'# sml Commute of Ibo iwverei State»,(/„ Gottmcrt ~f Sliutivui Stott Ommutets. U.'om. o y rjir N'mcNa I,'i*titttx Wciiimim;, u_i. *si, is:o. Tl:« Central Aott.ur;.y „i ib« United Statra ior lh.: ludmtnol lixfobafoa to be held ic Louden m May, liM, issued r Oimr ro-iccave b:axs, m order that the ntisen* tbereitf prsrcrs every facility for their various prodirct- lit exhibition oMfce industry, genins, tad sciil of all natiom. " In confornmy with ting request, the rxerutivc coanuittcc ha* b-iun advised of the appoiot mnu of cciaih inert lo set In behalf of th« Citiscna of. the iollr.wirr Slates, vix: Mctnii Rhode Iklnui, New Jer«cy, MmMSßjppi, Illxouin, Maryland, Miaai.uri, South Carolina, Alabama, New Hampshire, Verniont, Maswchuketu, Ohio, New York, nndlr:d:ana. As it is supposed that the citixeno of State# which bavo rot, through tboir Governor, respftd cd to*the rt“quci:, would be uiaappoinlrd oa du« covering, whej tuo me tn l.e remedied, that their productions syvre to be prcrluded epptancgnt an cxiiilution iron) wm. u tney had perhaps antinpa* led preat envottr.g.-s. tae Exerative (\.mmitt'*r is iudocxd lu msk-j ituctiier call upon these Siatei through a*:;r Cbn i UxocaLve cfSserr*. The srii* clers MC.T Ls .r tc reach London pri* or to lie first day «*f March. *#ubs*quest tc. which they cannot be rc.r nred to tie txiiibttron ; ibcre forfi the Executive Comtn.Uee i* hepefled earocgi fy to asliuit the i‘iw.'n?st aiii-unon to ti-.- subject: ir, L-mdoa have approprii ■ ted - to the whole Ucltnl Statej 85,000 #qna« tret of space, of vrti.-rh tU- t >u- hjlfu to be occu l-.Vd by To distr,buir or assign :hj? greued to i'io fcCVcial Slat-ra tn propittfioa to ineir • iea m I'Opulatirr. v;. tiU onqu*T:ir>cablr !c«d to* very unequal dirtrif.uttou in proportion to tho ac* toal da.Tatsd* ol esch—givinii lo w-e Slate a great « xrr«B at spree, t."ch a* would he round entirely onctfcesitiry tor th« txhihitioa cf its productions white that assigned to anclher would be to cir cumscribed as \o require perhaps tfac rejection oi article# of value and mlereat. It i«,therefore,of the first importance that each Slate furniah, as early as possible, an estimate of the amount of space it wilM)o able creditably to fill, recollecting that tbe character of the articles rather than tbe quantity ffbculd bo considered. To thoie ‘State* make na report through ~lkc,r cocimu'e r bet-re Grai cT December, rncci* tying the amount oi spai-a r-qnin-J, r.o eUotmen l will l»e made, hui the enure ameunt will ha im mediately nsr-gn-tl lotbore which mat have made report, in proportion to the-tequiraments of each, and puMwtaiit-Q tbcre&l be made. accordingly. To (bow regulations, required by existing cir cumstances, an.-ation is respectfully solicited by the Executive Committee. The committee fa Sickly gratified in being able lo state that such assurance has been receive! from the President of the United States and It* Sscretary cf the Navy, as to justify the expecta tion (hit a pabiic Vessel will be corumiasiouod to convey to London all article* (dc&tfaed for the ex hibition) which may be approved by the Central Authority. Ail rotnmuiuontfans sbenld he addressed to thi Secretary of the Exo-ciive Committee. By order of the Executive Committee- PETER bOUCEj Chetmiaa. JOS. C. G. KENNEDY, Secretary Executive Committee. Correspond* nee. PirrrEUKon. Oct. 23, ISM. To Cttpt £ Hs r d‘y-s, Of. t- cuamanding V. P. Ar(tn-il> LtiirTeiicrv\l-€ • Si*—The tinderaigsod, a Coamilte appointed by tho cilts.-ns cf Allegheny renoty, to make ar. rana.-mpDtt for a wdh the remain* or the late Prer;Jeut of tfio U nitc-i Stales, beg leave to mpies! that yon will furniih the ueccetarf guard and ordnance lor thf iir:nt of caiagie guns during such proccsstoo. Very reapsctflUy, your obi ser.'snt, CHARLES U. PAULSON, Chairman nf Committee. R; H. EiatR I S.ic.C.'™;ttee. AuxoiieTiV iABSXUL. Oc’- 1560. To MrJ’rs. C. li. Paulsen, C/mit*uZn if Ccmmttt ’in C. A. C., uv laudable, is an act of enlightened liber* ■iity that ail the friends of general edncatiAU will approve’ant) appreciate, and that tor it the thanks of (bin Board are especially due, and are therefore hereby tendered to tb* generous doaor. EDWARD D. GAZZAM, President. SAMueLßaftTon, Secretary. FROM 91CW YORK, Correspondence of the Pittsburgh li tzetie. N*w Yoai, Oct. 22, l? 50. The Whig primary elections for delegates to the Conventions that are lo nominate candidate# for Congress, for members cf Assembly, Mayor, and Common Council, passed ofT, to dar, far more quietly than most people expected. It would be idle to deny that there waa not a attoag corned between the friends of Mr. Seward, and (hose cf the President, especially on the Congressional ticket, but every thing in the end passed off agrec ab y enough, to the great disappoimmem of our Loeofoco friends. Wo .re hourly olpooliu, ibo .m..! of iho Cu u.rd Sie.meri Hi. porl. She i, now oulonu s her lenlh d«,, to Ihu lo lx.t tho quiet csl trip cl the Faeitic, she must report herself by lour o’clock, thj afternoon. You have no idea of 'be atrorg competiUon that is maintained here between the friend# of these two lines, hot so far it ha# been good naturedly carried on, both afim and aahoro. The two nauon* might eagage in a worse rivalry than this. ; The thud ateamer of the Collin’s, or American line, the Arrtic, relumed frem her trial trip on Sunday morning last, having been absent orcr two days and a halt Tho working of the engine waa admirable, and the tailing of the ahip #uch as io aurpasa the most sanguine expectations of her builders. She starts off on her first trip to Li ver* pool, on Saturday next. She has, thus, early, 40 oassetigers booked. One of our best known merohants,who resides in the upper part of the city, has requested Mr. L. B'iesarti, of this city, (a Hungarian merchant in soulh street 1 to lender to the Magyar Hero, Koa* suit*, ODe hundred acre# of good land m the neigh* tMrhood of New York, at a peimaoct home ter turn, if he will come to the United States. Such an oder doe* credit lo tbe hesrt and bead of him who makes it, aud Mr.'Bneaacb thinks it by no means imprubablo that Kossuth will accept. Th« annual Fair of the American lostuutei which has been attracting thousands of persona bath from town and country during the past fort night closes to morrow evening, in what acme folks would call a “blare of glory,’’ in the way of lire works, and other powdery Exhibition*- Thera are many rare specimens oT American ingenuity and American skill, displayed in that gorgeous hall, bui there :s none that attracts more attention, none that provokes so many moral stggeatious, as a largo arm chair, cushioned and embroidered, by Mias Fillmore daughter of ike Chief Magistrate of the United States. Hero is a lesson, qoietly read, lo those who wou'd be taught what genuine republicanism is. Hard as tbe friends of Temperance may Labor in tkri city, there la yet a wide field for the o;icot ! of taeir exertions. It wa* suted in an address’ ic’ivcred in Calvary Church, last B\-_nd»y evening, that, in twenty three countica of tht* State, there ’*d been committed to prison. In one yesr, co fewer than 23,000 persons whose crimes were I !rac«-«b! e to intemperance. In the 10th ward ot this city, alone, it was a'jo stated there were owr threo hundred dram shop*, sad ait, too, wiikm to apace of two square mi/e# ' Jenny Lind gives her next concert, in lh>a r,• not Urge. Lians on call, 4t06 ber cent- Fust class commercial paper, having from «0 days 10 6 months to run, ZOQ per cent. Foreign exchangos are rapidly advancing.— Sirictly prime biMa on Loodon, sold lo day Jai) 10j aill. o,i Pans, 5,1f1|05£ 15 far «0 dJy*, and 5,12105,10 far light bills. At these raids there are bet f e w remittance*. The Europe] which tails Tar Lirerpooi, to merrow will carry out nearly Kali a million of Gold and silver, fa spccio at part of her freight. S.oce my last, a slight decline has taken place 1 Flour. Sales were made yesterday ol 8000 bb's at $1 SCiSI 59 for common State and $1 63* for Stsiiht do. Michigan £4 63*. far Geoetee SSOSS. 06‘, chfSflf fa? export. Cnasdian br.ngs SI e*JO *175. Jersey Corn Meal *1 IS*. Sale* 3000 hi Oaio Wheat at $1 Olfifl 02,10,000 do. Ohnoee tf ’ at 51 13051 14*. Rye 70c. Sales 0000 bq. iofn* net Barley at 74c. Corn is firm. Sales (20,000 bu. 65005* far mixed Western, and 66 for round yellow. All kinds ot Oalf COUOO are firm. The •ales sverago about 909 bales a day at 132R3«c. tor ordinary, low to good, end 14*014* for' m*d. dlmg fair to fair. Mess Pork a m t ’»e actlre.— Sales 1400 bbls at $llO5ll 06*; prime, $9 Jqj.— Lsrd is heW at 7* far prime, fa bbla. Whiskey Sales 400 bbla. Prison at 27e. Ashes are held n 1 $5 Si tor Pearls and $0 12* far Poti, Coffee is quite active again, aoJ a speculative feeling is evinced in the market to day. ’ Thero is still no little tpeuulalion goieg on ia tho Stock market. Pneea of most descriptions t f Oorerument Securities remain very firm, with considerable demand for foreign investments. Tbe are hardly so steady. NEWS Prion REO niVKK. I tvt Steer Murdered by Ckippevayt — Edueetiar, aI Pro,pen, (f PemUna. Depnty ItUrahal Wo. Dahl, who has been en. gaged m faking the census at Pembina, arrived fdne«dt7 !«et Ho bring*, of cotirao, a vs- ! p . tere . M '*S Ihfarmitjon, which will find it« t££! rP r ‘V° ‘ a tn »bstrac» of the ceotus Jor « ; !i errafl 3?» wbich wo wiM ff»vo fa our retdera L» r*f “ ° arni * n all iQ - Mr. Dahl’s trip (ba^ ,n 1,10 C3BV «Qfant coovoysnco of h,rch b «k «cr4. He (ni r "V 0 raake ,wnt ’ ponago*. Wmi i!% rf | WWc £* lr0 ® Gjl! Like fa Crow Z **• UkR P««f® i* 20 miles, T j W S H ud .c.lped.— ritd ih * a ‘ * c * lp * n ( lenifc -re nevrr t. .. Z ,nt "- H.»o, e r and f -'I,OPPonoEi,, otcor. for nir:. ‘■“Mi I- TO Btroofr «nd of ia *‘ ? M aalarml for ■hem lo murder etch other,fo, uie etile lo pounco upon its prey. * in I!? J 5 -? lDtoreBto oi Pembina are not m the most flattering stile of prosperity. Their schoolmaster *eema to have gone abroad, and to have forgotten fa return. Outoi 1168 inhabitants, hot lieenl, .ii know lo rr.J ,„d wrile-15 ml k, sad U fcmalea.—Afcwnxo Chron., Oct, 11. Hr. Web.u, and fet* I>*»uiV» SobjoinrJ a re lopre, of tflro IfUcr. reforii in I wry inle/eslmg manner lo iho polffiral 'position o.rnnod by Mr. WolmwrM tho momom rrbon ibo Into 0r,.,, tn tho public affaire of lh»count™ begon to u..ume a threatening anpoct. Tho Honorable tone Hill, of Hew Hampshire, we nerd no, re. mind ihe reader, ha. long .been . p,„ rainrn , raa „ in ihe: ltemeenhe ranta, and m , h „ to , uniformly been an opponent of Mr. Webjler in 'be Mrnpileti of the two parties. Itol when Ihe Union was in danger, he ftrtr lhat hi. eountry had atronger daima npon him linn hm party, and ho did not hesitate to express hß.djcided approbation of the comae of Mr. Webctec iniris clfortwo BY’ert the impending calamity. Tbd 'lisiufcne** aid mug-. nnuimity'of Mr. Hill’s behaviour,, in thia do hmr the highest honor, xviulfi they plade in an exalted- light the enlarged patriotsm of ihe giWt statemtan, who had been able to win #o marked a tribute of praise from a political opponent.—[Bos ton Conricr. Mr. fhlf to Mr. W*bat*r. Concord, New Hampshire, I April 17, 1850. i Ho\. Dasiix Webster: Dear Sir-For the last eight year*, partially in il! health, 1 have been more a looker on than an ac tive participator in the political movements of ihc day. I have at atl time* seen with deep regret the •taverv agitation io tbe Halt* of Congress marring and mutilating, as they have, much of the Icgitr maie and proper action of that body. With the power of prophecy, the prescience of W u *hington fastened in letter* ol adamant, n rebuke on ihc spm it of diftiuiun, which lime can never obliterate.— W iih this early impression fixed on my inmd, l hardly ueed »ay that l lave l>een gratified beyond measure With the course taken by the ereat stales mnn ot the Senate, ihu* far, in the present ses- In relation toyour senior in lhat body, during ihc day*l was at NYashingion, 1 wo.* Biruck wnh adrrn ranou ut Ihe temper which Would not be provoked into controversy, when taunts were thrown n* to the maintenance of favorite theories nnd opin ioint The death of Mr. (hlhomilias proved lhat a great man may t>e wrong m many thing# and yet pa*s ot» a# on a #cu of glory. I wa# m the Senate clamber on tbcrxntinc oc casion of the reading of the last edorl of lhat irutv grest. but os I have believed, tong mistaken anil now deeply lamented m*n. My old resentment* in oppsinon to nullification were revived, and «o expressed in Ihe progress of that bearing, and l khould on the imputae of the moment, have an- Kwered btm in a (different temper from that which yon displayed m your great speech afterwards. On reading the first imperfect report of it, l raw at once, hjiw much better to the nervous dying man wa* your kindly answer than might have been mv qwn. During the lour week* wtuen l passed at 'V iislunytOii, ia«t winter, I will coafcsa io you ihal mv concern oo account s>f an anticipated alienation and disruption ot our glorious Union, threw ali psriy difference* into the back ground; u exceeds it po«*ib!e. the anxiety l felt whemhere seemed re be no chance of escaping a coafiict of blood be tween one of tbe old nobiq Thirteen, and the CW lederalion,or which she vya* a pan, some seven teen year* previous. In the progress of the*c four week*, I wm* pleawd to perceive new evidences of atiachment to the Union; no less on tho pan ..f nearly every man comiogfroina slavcholding Stctr. than on the pan of those contmg from Mates claim ing to be tree. I camo to the conclusion not u man in a thousand wished a disruption,and ! Ic*i oj opportunity io thus assuring my most alarmed friend* But my only purpose in writing you tlus letier, i* to ray, that ia defiance of what the pre** of e,- ther party may bear upon the surface, ail that is of vaJus in the sound discrimination and good sense ot the people will declare in favor of the great principle* of your late Union speech m tbe Senate It# author may stand upon that alone, and be will best standby disregarding any and every imputation of allvgrd inconsistency or discrepancy of opimon or practice, in a public career of nearly half a cen tury. I am, with grent respect, your aerv t ISAAC HILL. Mr. TVtlrurt rrplr to Mr. Bill. WASntMUTo.v, April JO. 1850. Hov. J«aac Hux Dear Sir—l regard suefc a letter from you a* that of the seventeenth of thi* month.a* an extraordinary and gratifying incident in my life. For a long of years, we have belonged to opposing par ties. e«pcc«ed opporife measure#, and supported lor high office, men of very diflereot onm luf** * " * r ‘ vl - however, taken ditlerent views ol duty in respret to tbe maintenance a' ibe Const.tu lion ol the United States. Prom your voice, or your pen, any more than mine, there nrver has proceeded a sentiment hostile lo "that I'aitv of government which constitutes us one people. '’ And now, when we are no longer young, a stato of things has arisen seriously interrupting the bar monraad mmeo! good will which hare hitherto ex i«tcd between different pan# of the country’, to.- ted violent hoeai arimtwitie*, impeding the regular ? n °^ Jf °* of tlie government, and Iniught wuh mischiefs of every dnu-npirea. And all Ibis has its origin m retrain branche* of the Slavery question, which, as it appear* to me, are either quite unimportant In themselves or clearty setilerl nod determined by the Constitution All thi* I have seen with that keen regret which you have experienced yourself, and which cannot but be u common feohog with all refiecting men, who are lovers of their country. Tolbia cahappy state of toe public mind, l have fei: it my duty tn address myself, not io ItngQage of Irritation, crimination or menace, bat in words of petee, patriotic sympathy, and fra. lerna! regard. My effort has beeo, and will I*, to the full extent of my power, Lj cause tho b i low* cf useless and dangerous domestic centre* versy n> s'eep. asd be still. j I am as full? aware as other uion, or wfcat is to be expected from such sUempU. In highly excited times, 11 is far easier lo fan and feed the flames of pasaion snd discord, than to nbjue them: and in such times, he who counsels n>od eration is m danger of being regarded as failing in his duty fa party. These consequence* I willinvty meet, tbe-e danger* I encounter without hesitation, being n-. ■olved to throw myself, with whatever wctgLi may belong lo me, unreservedly, into the scale ol Lmon. Where Washington led, 1 am willing to fellow, at a vast distance indeed, and with unequal, but no faitereg steps. Toe speech which yon commend ao much above tin ments, I submit ta the political part? to which I belong, and the wise and patr-M.i- men of ail parties, m the general on in which I live: and I cheerfully leave it, with the principle* amt seoUmeota which It avows, lo Jbe judgment rf postentv, if I may flauer myself that snyibiog spoken or written by me, will bo remember-d loog ecouqh to come before that impartial and august tribunal. 1 am, with great regard, Your obedient *er?*nt. DANIEL WEBSTER. 'lirtfiatAi L.vto-i Fcstjval.— We rapv today from the lyeauixlon Ol»«erver Uieotfirial account ot’ the great Union festival at Lexington, given by both pnu-s in honor of Mr. Clay and the patriots whc. o>-opera:ed With in Congress m a.l,u-iincoi of thy qiuistioDs that recently divided the North and South. The Observer say* that Mr. Clay, having been prevented by the ram tram making himself heard t>y a portion of the vast assemblage, may per haps deem h advisable to write out the substance cf his remarks for pubhbation. Very many of the gentlemen who participated in the festivities and were among the moil mror-t in rendering the tribute of admiration and grulituJe to the great pacificator and hi* copatriois. were mem bers rew, from Boaton, on tbe north • !?* l ‘® 0 “ ro,,r *' ro ''" , bftienit* il„. t.»Mi o ns of t*>e fo«t of Feather river. Mr. Drew dug tbe lirei day i , ‘"* b.wianiig»ur. The K.siab was attended br i£oo. Vb:a specimen, lakfti from the soil, over- his court idßcer*, and cicirtt-0 b/ about taro huo» 'brows all geological theories w« have over hea»d u f, bnned follower*. advanced, as to the came of tbe depoar * erf gold. Lieut. Jrrs e«eort was i'Otf<| m , , ow men 0 f li» shape I* that of a shepherd'* crook, or a half S. ,, 1 "' own GudU c °fP’. ihe l«t I,v A abort lime after the hu">ait jaw, by a deolist, to wax or piasu-r. — 1 , UD o p rence opened, the « tpokermia i It appoint to be of pore virgin gold, wc tool* *’'-J* too very insolent, and wna o! r»nr«e doaired raeml it t.. the iO‘pe;itno of the curious. 1 T uieau Otr to h-avr the ror. !n ff r ,j I{ i Jo< to< j . We were protested yesterday, with a spicndid **VV' *"* intention to, net of gold weight*, from 8] ox., (equal to t'-od ) , i,wi ... .k- S. ‘ mrD * *°-h’avio* the tjucatinn tbit j d>wn to i,’J cent*, by the manufacturer, F. If ,'. n * u n ! eU '•-eut. Orr retnon- , Sou lit worth, tho present city “sealer ot weights I __ ./!,•* ,okr ,rn,f > ln« seat, i and measures.'’ Tho beauty of tbe workmanatirp ’, h __ *' ou .. ,e ht ' * fn '» whii<» -nlomru is unsurpassed by any we have ever teen, and ??“?? ! !” mc remit. The : wp lake tbts occasion to thank tbe dooor. and i__ ,,n rt C V n "7’ a "‘ l **n Mio.-ier. on s.-emg trust be may receive, at tbe band* ofonr city, lib- ' : " «®‘"o«.cralu,.t i drew ttfir r-wurds and tbelat- | eral pat.,.nave. [^'Zt^T^V 0 ,‘ ,nWU ' miUclod a Sntrs in THf Hjlhbo*.—Can any one mil us m*,j ur , a tnan i.Mli.'Vimern' ° fr '“ ~u ' bow much of Hie toooige, or how many of tho , a havildar, Bam fiinttb lifi-r?,'.'. 0 ?.’ 11 'l I three or four hundred ahips In oar bar, will ever f thetr blade* tbe .. ' ,n, i gel nnuide of tho “Ooldcn Oato n again' Wetook, brother ui law wuh * ’ M C “ d ° f lh S 1 a took through them the other day. and we should I tbe latter cut down fhc ' OW / #nd jndgo thst nearly one half the wboto lot are on tho | Liout Orr, who saw ik« ' ,J ,w '° other, • | * )ct ~Bt’ mutere had proceeded. mamtainedT.lVM wh ,'! h Buicturims.— Thoto composing this branch of : Rsjab, at affording tho tmst J merjianiem made a •'sfrike 1, yesterday, for bighor the-hostility of the opposiu, nrutr ~1, , 1^ wages. They were receiving sl‘d perday.aad koine fimit from tho pent rnccnnt-r d demanded $l4, We have been informed that the however, scon atunned by a «w\ t . ° .V' employers bavo acceded to their terras.— TVarw. head, qo,I the Rtjah, wbo w»* J\ cut on ,'“ e enpr. aTa,i^hi ®« lr «f^oop P ortra*?y,n7 ul ,Th° naded ’ N*vio*Tian—During tho month of August last. °f«nc(i:cl, and was carried by hm re.aincra off*la there arrived at thiscity seventy fouMUeiunem and tho r<,rt * Lfcni. Orr,;»ecovcrmg hi* senses fore, seventy fourstiling vessels— the loner with a ton- "®w that tbrir chief once placed i. l( ,* nge of seven thousand eigbt hundred aud twenty- followers woltlJ dwvn h;«, in .iTe. right and one ({usrter tons clasilied as follows : of Vans Agncw and Andotsen « ac , lo the fat# 8,r q „,,3 - cmio„ »rit o tT dr. Scli.»n»r», 2S ... ST® - Tho, Iml htnll, Man.s iL Sloup*. 2 . 58- il-aroUpo n^™V«"wfnr.,.J b % . • W■' ,Vh“ “ lh ‘ T’”--" .mined; Liem. Oer nufoL “L ' W Hi* Honor, M.y.r Blf.low, ol Sienuneoio »»en ...... and Ihr.. .lighi p.'T iwJ Our, arrived In ihi. oily ynurdly momlm, la d>r. ho w«. .Handed wiih »rrM L iTi lb. .team prM'er Hmtlorj. lode by lb. medial “™,“ d "'“b A New E»ra«nia._We mw, m our jlrrel, 00 lb. I :htrd lb. i olFClin lotlt c , JLL.“ , yerlrnlny,. Camay, labellnj “FromCmlora Hotel, “im.bul be w«. far too wclr übo , clll „ T o,l Tb, |o Laumofhtm ■ wb.rf," ooly 29 renlv W. b«. I«M «dvlc report f.vorably bolt, ol b', bewlLh .. J lieve this is tbe pioneer in fhe way of ‘'omaibu* wnonds, .sncaimaed lines” id on/ city. Go ahead, gentlemen success Very extensive frauds bavo hren d,scf;.ef«» . n k. w -- - - - - saaasß«»3^ foreign news ARIIIVAL op TUS ITEAUB ASIA. ONE JVEEK LATHR FHb.M ENGLAND. Yore, Oci. S 3. The -learner A.m, JiiJlm,. nmved ^«daa| n pe„ in eren niK of Ihe lllh, andLireepool of Ihe 12th, both in elusive. . •• We ,haU,p,oh,b!v.,; <) , r e..E,ve„,J lel ter* in hme for pabJicatioiHo day The Aau ,»n Pfche-VY, enpy ,he following Ircan Wilmer and Smith’, Time, of Dumber It : ''“' V "finmiailand powerful “Tjr' “"J mpld'nm evJ"pSfim? ed between New \ „rk n „d Liverpool. The l ai.ifii , Lapt Nve, Ilis madu another ex- I’fIAMT The Homtrur publi.n,-, „ ol P^i jlem ot lluj Republic, opening n credit to Ui*.MmiB ter of the Interior lo tin- nnreunl uf Jtl.{,ooof loi ptirebaw ol a pA*rt,ou ol tb«- |m l( ,i,uk« of th»- | nf , King of IfoJland. which arc n. ~t t CCl] | n 1 «um Ot tbe Louvre. M.r,un™. „ „,e,.0M...1.K ,„ re.tnne hi, mTSe™ T™.™!\ iterThiic U * M .everely hnriied a lew tS.T l dleloiie her dre-. I.avme den,ally laken fin and Ihe 1 ~aper. have „„eo a„„„„ n eed herd,-a h She wa. onlv her Iwenlj fifth ,Tar. The 1 resident of the R-puhlu- dL-urtbutint hixty h,r,,jwad, ol daiei |„ Uie lr„..|„ rev.ewed a, Ver Tho-.rtrr, fh-t lllih—7 P M The mueh .pobrn ..I eavalrv review, on Ihe |.la,n of Halory. near \ emillea. loot plar-i lo dav and ailraced an immeioe , rowd fn* P«,„ Jd he lieithhor.og pine.- The Oimiher of iroopfon tiu- groiuul wa* about V--.UWI, ol which fully ono liall were ravalrv Il '» nm l oredihauhr( / ..h rr m ncnt ha* r«**oived to H*ue iv. "'dhi'ii* ol real, .-i Mute paper, in share* bearing o ,^ r .rent. ,nriw, nnd redeemable tn ‘A) year*, die cnpit.i' lo tie nppl.ed pay,i»g effect am ouistandmg d.-bt* iU i|„- ir.-m-ury -v.* 70 mil lion* ol real* U. the Kuftk o. l o.nent.., Mr advances made under the crura.-i ot winch -m,tract ot JCWm.h.on* were to be nJctwd tn a senes of year* tor ruxdtnakinc nnd i„.- temuning 'SOmil-’ lion* tn other .-redtlm*. t.,r* uf work* Ut roadi.ikc L'ENMARK AND TH I; DUCHIES Oa ihe 7ih C'elolH-f me wl, oe „r H,e Sebtowig Hnlwen, Iroop. wnbdiew irom l.efom Frederic. .I.di lo Ite p0..1,0n. whirl, Ihrv h.d Oeruplod on Ibe >5 bhepl, and Hi. y w„ brongbl bECb to Kcadsburgh. Toe tr-rry bnn*cot Wo.icrsiiin, immediately np. POSH- Fredcrw.itdt, «.n tbe HnWsm aide of the Lydt-f, being nceome.f 1,7 rcroe Holstein artll’err n „Vr dhV i ,h J C Din ” 00 lhe "ornin* of the fiih, and burned 6,.w„. 3a Danish cun boat* two-learners, (ihc Ueytter and Hebe.) god seme tran.porl-, wore lying vl the mouth ol the Ey- .The Dspith Charalwr waaopenadon Ihs sth by ttnvtl i*oia.t;;*»ion. ’ The Sepalo t,i hn, h.ien offleia!!, io* formed by the Un.irc U.,.v,„inr„ ,h., „ will col reeognire Ihe hole, „ oe4 b , b e ol.eiti.lirrteheit of Ibe li.lrh.e,, no, ||,e .m.U moc-rlb.l ,| piopOKbloeo... Il Ibe re lore wirn. tbe Senate agtirit receiving GERMANY Accounts from »r a* Verv:eri. the I rttaaiQirg Belgian portion v r. • is iu».d, be mm* , pbtted during i:j« n nruh ««- N.- vcmher, part lo! then i.y vi>.i i :ri i., o*‘.end. ..Prom 'W-l wc lest:; i*.-. acta! Haycau a undtr arre-i a b.» tift.iv t. 1 : it.- tnora.og m[ tbe slb, Lieotcnact i.renen:- b .1 acd licriand, ar - oDtr-SDied by lu-v lu >*ft-ni to icterrcgair the Gent-rai He w»- gj .n;,. u a-i-.muliei! that he opened Ibe window enu cr.rj - treason. ’’ The ot&rers ncvcitiietes* proco-de,*. AH the officers, e x*epl ihosr of the tut.-r-, r.ave informed Geoeg! al Haynau that ihey sm ,ay down their anas unlen* tho Hector pnt» as W.lbclrujibad. and 00l io l-rcak L « arrvat. Tj< tioac.rat •• said lobe unvreii Toe i'iii*-- • 1 it.- arr.-»; im ifco -wLj’Dg round p*pr-r» tn < '<—t {>rr«y-» „l:I jwo or three Ji.uruai..ur ed.i.v ->i wire I*. . Dr. Oelker, nsb.ii# ren.*-«-.1. «n .-n j.r.i ..n io pn . aoa. Th- Plate* H.-innd was 01.e3.-4] , t Ib3 Haeue, br ihe Lira m p.-rv-i. r.n ihe 7tb .tM. The speech wa* ol a very invof«(,]o . haracicr. The Etnnrmr m K ■>•«!» * at Warsaw A eerpa of ?$ 00« men ha* hem ntnuoued along He frontier* 3I K*mien>f j Podonki, to the tooth o' Choaim Ttirre ta cru.-h inratery ai-om iti «ie#ti« nation. Letter* bow K«mc. ol ter 'Mth .Vpteiober. an . Qo3&cr ibe Papal ooa*n»U.ry. turning Jl-. Wiae« tnan, cardinal ArcSWiim. 01 Weal® .otter, aa Larins taken place iba! toornm? ' A o-n-a journal ei[Kv.oa uv „t.*rn mircelea of the wmtma vt'*«n «>( R.rr.iii.. * B ,i P ut>lnhe*a «lla «r*iD *h wiott me maoQcr , Q we;ch, »,y polljog certam w,re», a preat enocrateil m the dnporr protlurea the Intetdcv) n.rur.i.ju* etJer-t. ' Lc:t,:r«»arl p»p-r* u .v, a f , lVo ,j , n antiV.palioD of tbr over'ind n,a t. Tr.. : .Utc, nf i bn , m e!!, eenre are— Bombay, Aupu»i 3|, * m ] Aleiaodiia, Septemher J\ T&u folio* 4S! g ,* a amaiuarv ot tbr ihteUqrocr Br.l .b Irnlu ,« Ir.Kjaj, „J Pcbbwor bar „ , t u w . . ril ] „ , te * v "«= ol 1,..!.»» A ~,-w I, 1,,,,. In K .0.1, wPwk, " Ami-ti.abla to, pnaa, will retclcr rommiu-M'M w,in ib.i af tjimia. Sir C. Napier U eiprMml in arr vr Ro m b« y | n N. v Trmber, ( v.a Ibo Pnnjasb nt; J SrjQde.) oa hia war to Europe ' w " «»•,•» IU N.tM,-, imilortr, with var»;nc r>r:nne Tbr defeat of Ibo Nawanb ol liln-1,™,. r.porird hy 1..; „ 01 „ C,..y. ; nl Hr,i > „t,r l| .„ l .,| [!lc . |, M K in- b.l i.llmJ r„ Md n„ lhe S(S ni Ansil.l v iar, over Ibe N,«.n.,1r„..p. Tta i0h»1..,. 31 , of , ho ar- fiabtir.f f-r Ncwaoi* l„ lb,, „.i.v, 5..,„ b>„ I- Bnii.ho.b crr[.l..rn, P.0„,,:-, M,„ , V„ um ,o«,ch T rod wm,,, , ltaw _ Tbofol.owmg deiuh cl ibo air*.r will bv ro«,l wilb lotereai imp. ualuul eommialloner In T . provtaco, U, deeeyled, .nd fled territory, where bo hu been iIZ.! ~ ” ibiog .ahiable, End U sow wshdSmr ■bom’ihl jungle, dealflule. -uoeniig .bout tho tomb., Me more ftEn hfif ite J MISCELLANEOUS. broken om , mo „ g u, e „ • stationed at Hull 1 The Pope hu iisoed I bull prohibiting P.em.n C.tbolie parents from .ending iboi, childreino Proteslenl schools, eilher in P, MCC or Ell((l , cit sid ypnng Wins rrnin loliching or laklng p.n m them.. • Tllo enonsrreport ol iho Ersngel.csl Allisnce hss boon held In Liverpool, li wss well tl tended, and the best feeling , h „ 0 rested npon the members. Royer. Men. Stumbis Con,E, 7 ._ Thc h ~ yeuly meelisg of tho Ko„| Mail Bie.rn.hip Com' psny was held at the London Tavern 'r*. y B«id lbs. mere b.d been m toe,., m ,h P " eelpl. of TI3ABI 6, lod. o“e, ,ta»”o “,h ° responding yosr in 181«. A dividend of C! ir s™rL n .ri, , T rre^'irrr V... Indie, rmd BruiT-- t hT„^,r. 1 7ed' ! ,h“ m' Mreylhem'for'Tlyo'ooo Wllll 8 °" r ““' nl “ Fits new sleuoships, euh of 2250 ions, end of 800 hones nominsl power, .re const,,,e„ng, nod .re expected lo bo re.dy fo, in , bo nox yexr; w>en ihe new .hi,, p„f onll „ IC A „ tole voyagu Ihe xceelersilon will preb.i.i, II d«y» each wsy, Tol.l 23 days m 1 *I*”* 1 *”* Jo do .10 Mexico 9 do do , 8 British Gutini.. 9 do do 18 '•"•‘■■•Will bo .n,6e,«nl In wrform Ibe whole remee , h „ 0| j Mnsly _. Th * RsTtaas, The •ffidtl returns of U.e revenue for the .ronr- Ld' " Tb.»'■“«>*» "««' been publish ed. They show a decrease oo the quarter, a* o?2iS«008' nU " h ° ccrro, P° D( "ng qnsilcr lasi ye.r, The total ia thus accoonted for Castoms Excise. Sump# Taxes Property Tax, Post Office... "Miscellaneous. Tola) ordinary revenue. Imprest anti other money*.. Repayment, ol advsocc.... Nell decree A!59,1103 l nere i. .iI mere.., on the finaneiel ye.r, wbieli dtoed yesterday, ol A 643 4 .11 f”"”,™ T “* —Tbe Lord Eabcp or London addresied aland, of rtmoosir.ncc io ““ f *>"W • elergytn.ii o, ,he Eslabli.bed Cboreb In her mile while on ber pro -171,“ ~': ■° d u" ■ Prcsbyteri.n place B . il Balmoral. A reply was kci m ibe Z2£? t f X r m ' 9 ° f her M *J««y’s disapproval cf #Bd ob,€rvln g >h*t her Majesty had oot stepped out of her duty in attending public Worship id tte eaubUsbed Church of Scotland PENNSYLVANIA ELECTION OFriOIAb r*a coa. as®, eri, nvn.osi. 'Vtig iA»co WJtir.Loco. Whig. Le.-O Afliwhw IM; ‘ B ®' IM* ti'it Adegbeny aaui a**te* trio Araslrong iaxa taro tvf( U 63 1 t« .|«ri SL** ?JJ 7 «•&»’ ti7> V7M r*,Ji SSS" W« 4910 . ? r° 46« 4>. 11l Bed-ori] Jsii ItyA-j IpxJJ J,, a uLXp . l?4; ' IWIJ 17,3 ,tf<7 >" J! Lb? Wl9 ,y;ti SSWSI JO-4, -..5;.- Bradford *■!» Jt*r 3| „ 3iW- , cJrtai, 100 MW »* HIV Carbon ail TCI tU3 ?co ft.® rj,* Chvtic At . & 4 , 10 <|v3 4S7 I p*' 101 I *SX VS sal v- I f: fl " 3,rt ' It'fi Xl7O JTinl 3*u It.-,- | Fi’ml,'.. Ji.';; """ ‘i’ll MaAkun xt-v t-ri* a*. . i » 8,,M Oii AM ft'.J •’ fir*** 1 * . urt * »MI s.r. ia,: re! Ilaniiegdua tM i:&i 17 .. } j Indiana. I • -i H. U ITJ# U4S J?i«l I Ir** 5 * ,IU7 p '~‘i »!W I U> tor.™ „T rtt i-» , v . .. :«u ijk . In Laoeaatrr n-j.i lmxi 40. - >v „* . T. ! Lawreugfl iht* ISSI ■*„*. »*«? .-'.J Lvtugh va*x IrjH yarst VHS HU |7w icra *i7i | tli s -ia. Leteruo juj X’.Ai ix # tij Mouriie iM lu?3 Ul ivXl Montour *» Kll 7W | UV rit n, Mufon 117th l-t*C tun 131* ‘A’ Mentfotaerr ?i« iar 3 |» -wrs 3,4, McKean itW «}7 gj.* 4..,4 ..... . Norte ampui n IXD t*m j B ?q .Lj NorthamLert'd tit* llu Joi7 j W ; Berry r»J irvi |7ss uae -Z. Philadelphia Wjo 91189 ftim -Mil L‘* # 4- * t» 47X -a * vi- Potier DU tu u - ... Bchuyik.ll -J6JO till -.-Aur yr«. »yi J.%, Potter**! tilt *4-j| .‘j.', Sulnvac SO* 3-t rev .ire Huniuebanr.* 111? j --..4 js.r -lloS* MS*« li-ns ion. 1 J J'.' |, n ‘ 011 '* ■» M7o Ht" ~t J Wnanga 'n t-.'l wi tv- • : {i U e*m>orvlaiid Vi-7 vrm iu- •►*<« * ' Wa.liingtoii X*ho tst j,su ‘, j W.rret, 74, ttHU ff- M.i 1 1 ,M IW7 Mir His cm \V finning t... >lO ftto t , c 1 . -tM* «tl» I*l7 43V j JJ4-, 1 nwoifcCM i4mis wika lut.ti nuo; nu.'j Amendment to the Constitution. t\lU3Tlli. roK Adam* jois Allegheny ..4471 Berka, ««»▼« Bucka, ,537/ Bedford 1543 Blur Bailer, 3752 Bradford,. ?75Vl Cambm, ‘3^ Carbon, ) j»g Cheater 3JfZ Oea«w A 1537 Cumberland I 2033 I Columbia j.. 1356 Crawford 3'^ Ciitioo |«3 CliOtOu, ; fl-^3 Hetrlield, 929 Dauphin .. i4oi Delaware jpg t'k .703 Ene Fayette ?379 Franklin, ....322| Folton 697 Greene, 2223 Huntingdon,. 714 Indiana pj', Jaoiala 797 Jefferaon, 677 Lebanon jyjy Lancaster Lawrence j vtil Lehfcb la* | Lycoming 2220 L"*erne Monroe gjy Montour loot Mercer 2773 Mifflin Montgomery 300^ McKean, {ss' Northampton 709 Northumberland 14 jg •’"'T USII Philadelphia City and C0unty..21445 • MI Poller Schuylkill Saiqaebanoa Westmoreland. Washington,. 141,170 70,9*0 Fourteenth Congressional District official. The following i» tbo full official vote in this da* tnet, t! the late election . Bibigbtu*, W. Boas, L. 21390 270 t 2300 12*1 2(6t 3122 7001 C 097 C 097 Majority for Bihighaos... 957 Vote tn the Twsntyjliccoml Co* •IDistrict, J- W. Ho' y *c. W.Sbattock. ■rtff 2390 .1000 1109 -.2047 i9n •• 913 SOS 0306 5303 0365 •PptftT«ta«acj 1* Deatiatry. mu G - °-STEARNS, )at» 01 Boston, ta praparad to fkf *nd aet Bloc* XaaTD in whole and part* " untlon or Atmospheric SacUon Plate*.— 1 ‘7 WV * »Kere the nerf© <* Odico and rcaideoce neit door to t h* May / I Ainu to—J, d. H'Faddan. F. u. Eaton, ialg A&k W* DissoLvxb.- 1 1 ic'etns to at, for meo »no»e eooceptiotu are bts With tbe destiny of bmptres and whq discourse as flippantly of dis* wiving this Uniooi «■ school boys do ol a holiday, tost taere is n vest deal ol contradictory sen timent among the l-.-eders of (ho rebellion In the aoath. Xne/e sr- variotu shades end sections ol these agitators. One class proposes a strict en* bargo open ail the Northern cbatu-erce and com Another class recommends the chiv alry to march be to the tine of 36 30 harnessed wijlt coffic* on their backs A third data urge* cnd.lßry poMresion ol tho Southern part of Cali r’ rril - lonrtn class suggests a direct alliance *Mn Great Britain; and other classes consult their parti' partialities in variotis expedients. All laese suggestions, however, converge to a com* moo centre, having for its object a dissolution of c lituou. nut, if recent revelation be true, these I movements have been entirely, misdirected, and I tre wholly nnno-eseary. A “Iremendous dem onalraiion WM heW B , Abbev^ e> in , he ,„ d Q , ciiivniry, on the 7ih inai., m which Mr. Burl, a eta ier of tho House of Repreantativcs, deliver* r ec himself of a lulm.oation which clectri6ed the 1 °, T ?' Among other hippy things, he i» re ported to bar- said—“ Dissolving the Union was no (jueniiou for us u> consider; u -u already du- Now Mr Burt, besides being a gentle ,o,,cll; ■»'bonor, u 81.0 lie politic"! ti. tuury legatee of Mr. Calhoun, and therefore ftis au !tu, n „? T *JUc«.ooaf fr.ct like this is not to be dir -uicd. We have, then, at length arrived at that nn! enium toward* which the anxious eyes ot south Carolina have no long turned; and we may contemplate the nre*?n' nnd the future from ttm point of oUervation. If this bn diMolminn. our prayer is that it uiay furrver continue. Wc see none oi the b.iror« which excited imag’na pictured in tho distance, and realize none of toe calt'DiUe* which tire astrologer* confidently 3‘*urci. ii.' wrijij tnii jw so lamentable n n event. V Hi!n° r ' e Brrh "fP v »Qd prosperous, tho eruclaunn* ol privileged fanitius, wc ace do cause for ultra) or excitement. A th , e I ' ' a ” affording to Mr. hurt * di-clar.Mu.n, it ti m be pri-stinred he and his wdi Hay at home, and not enact !, n 0 °! •srepreseDtat.veain a nation * t ’ H,u,K ‘' 1 of Legislators, when no such body , cTiMenee, if (hr- representation* of an sntboriz* etl expon-'i.t to icreivod ss true. Of c:urte. no Mancii of t ho ..(..vhlry would cobhsrl lo finger sot ol Uncle Sato’* politieal cosh; abhnugh South Uarnliaa contrived lo pocket her ahrr* of the sor |> ii* fund, as roon n* publ.c. alteolion was with drawn irou. the repeated repudiation ol any nnch pUrpoM. Bui, m all *ar.eroe*s, it would be more ■"ww»f >• fk «r It« Sctitf, of n common Century, | 0 duro'o tfcemai lvo* to “t|trr Dur»u:lmhan these periodical paroxysm* ° L ‘*' l '" #uc '‘.’bv which they knvc gamed noth mg thus fur {-rsctiraiiy, sad have Inst. and must c.isntmtie i« lose, while they ore pursued, much m es'unaiion. If we are to live under the rapie government a. equal member*, patticipa ting in the pro-peniy which the country must en jot'irvrn a eommur.-oo Of .ntcre*!* nod a *ym* psi y ot brotherhood, let ih:s miserable agitation rosw now turf forever. If. on the other hand, Itw demaKogucs nnd marp. n» of South CarolmH. whetatr IQey t-mbrace tho whole or onl? a pan of, the population, arc determ.neo to force an issue, and try tut «-xp«-r.a-nt of discord, let them begin in ctr&ent, so Ibr.t the conferred by the Con#'itijir>n may b- proved in bo worthlesior po teotial W.i nr.t hrr.rtily «ick of thin d.sgnsung ga-eonade and tb.* cfin*lan' dm of dmonioo.— I csck and tranqu-.lify are objects which we re gn'd bi pArarnruat iu a government lue ours; tj! wr.rn rebellion is npcQly proclaimed by n re vo ling mi tnbef ol ihe confederacy, and insolent ' t.ravado ,s tin only invoca.ion addrr*s*od tn Nor« | th-rn mind*, v?e are willing to *-e th- strength of i the (jovcrnuienttested; and Iraiton punished with i the djorn wtim they de-rrvr There' baa Iktcd I too mm n nt enmproroi-e tin the part or tho NorUi, I and every movement ol coac.hxiion has an- I swerrd w.tL mov; n p/os..hc« and more audacious e„Tsct:i»r>*. Word* have l—ca tried long enough, a 'he hble ruggest* a stronger and more ap. propr -irn argumuct hereafter.— Phil*. 7\. Amer \ Jlld I t3Z / 1,.>9 iM vrit 179 719 16 44-1 46 142 Look here my friend! A Kl. Ill'A I»7 H>:il.,.b i .ilns, 4.1. » Uu.s . .uTsruw .r»>m Rpsienl Jtl/ilUy »ml ™ ? o'vivfe , ARK VOL' A MOTHER, S-iitv,,;:,. rroni du-aiti ir ir.nale* nri» t«*n.-r u-r l*f ri. 1) Howe'* yiisktr darn*p» S’ *-111 a. i»c» «'»pu', or or. iu>e nf our ajce bu, onO rrt b eri'-v wvr. v..u w.i! find tbai »ur *bjket . “ r>.«*•-.» t., Ur y. u |(owe. h»« . ; h m " “’ 01 "urinr roorr ‘ .«irii u,- pjr,|•, arc foiiiinußliy subject, AsiATi T&Z"*" s, ””^ r "»«'’«»« Tt>i ,l* h.cli rrpul • W -i' »yp ( ;ri( rur* - 1 . PVPfT ~V.- f'TT!(-.:J*r'v !o 'f'lisif. »AKA:;7-r«ILT;-r;jv £■„,?•,£ *•"«'» J'm--- n I-, t.otiies tar *i- I■ (..j: , parJi. .*!„ > I'R S It ri.MVK* CO., Pigpr,' To ». °- \« ' ' ,w .V I ‘f. A. J.iti;/, J. .v K>( ttoL>eu f JoU«. -r n . a ( || o ,- yni . Q -M.m l Ifa»cr f, W f taS»*SSiK a')?™. 1 ’ 7 "*' rr-ij - I‘,-- ,„• Ur f'.J.-ia. Aj e ,.. K . n >r\r. ' “ r ' } ' nn,b »«.-d m,., The >tL ** M • i-n rr„ ,c,ce. Uad f >,tr All "h»i.r e.ty. The rr.cmJ- of lhc lam- f »rc :.( Cy* .* n A.‘-i<.Krn» -I Mr-! icr ol - -r‘i iram iirat owner* auJ eritjn-T?, a . J-.i e:» m u..l ri. i . , c> ,n M.O. ~n«er2 S9fi| 1001 Ul ILDINU LOTS KO!l b!ilk' 1 'ilL’.cugli' .?f ’1W0.71.1n! noltmr m 'w'* ,fl li.i:iUjm tlrer.n oi i1.i1.-r.-m i.i„ irnui (V ' ll * j r IW1 ( l j PVi i;m US 7 417.7 I»T3 ?5l f» * ‘l? 10l i;i JM .-.'u.'.j, . , _ . NKVILLK U.CRAIK EnelUh«»fMDra # d y , ’ana P„ r » rjUIK a!..»vs an,or. w« ou r,«„ „„ , kflftw 1 them 10 u. pun Pot .ale whole.* .„J! orv* •''•‘‘KUi- t rmv.uiTll, Olaißor.t It',,'!"!;', ' T "’ po-jud- ... "raSS“' S', SsxXff 4 , lA> K 'nrr.'m-ko. ft co • ** r . fl 7. Suo»f Ppfi irry. PACKKJU p- rrr.JV-ibbr., .1 ~ v . , _ - .*■ L.V’-' '’"NWiOll'M'iCl. *> ..°r v '_ ... *‘rvr,si JoyN i j(>i ;;;?y 142 1145 WSj 1071 s K CO WKW BOOKS. At HOi.MF.y l-rVi-IKA it V D KPQT T)iiH »trpfU o|i|i. lß nr , e/ oMUfit . riA\ a* v'ur.'-LKi ii.u). \« u. ±J LK>niJon Jojrual for uc «s-r i.illril » Uvn - A/i\ JV> Crr ’ r Tbr VKliry ,. r ,h e .V t-- Ph.l, IM-d tv J. pi, •“ *'■ U '- 4.' « r Mar*-*,- * Tewi.leton llv r,„i. , The In.n >1.,.*- t V \ U,er lilio u( Vat.hSs Ili<; ’ *' e ’* work ' Complete; Ui,,,,ut ' anil u> a Uo.lnn N » (( arl »{*a« Ord*,,. t*( Hnrnd* i--;. n,„ | I Volunteer*,'wil, f.. r in t»nmil \! «.Uo* wa “ » ;,,a e h { nyMTeel u; >< o. ■ ■ New »«J Kiel |v. , •"! valid*-- - •V .fa T-it,;, • <‘»r|>i , i*. Nrw.ijirpnniMT.Mmr. n * Amen. u ,-H., l irj'i*u s V. ? -j. • JUitn .Mpp, j n . Vc4r . v o.ic.Hh • an ••'her , ri,( ('loll,, ~u , M tl , Jo l;i;rw, u ~* .v v;,- h-,11 .» rcnm Jv J» I •'•r«nu**tvlr.«. l a,, uft i l . "‘V.-nlle 4-4, I 4, »«• .'.I .1.1 I'UHrJ j,, V«ni||' .4 P»i»i*sJilClJCjU!lr i>jot Mm. 4-4. >4 .n I'arpcu '‘Tuned do ' ... Vf and j j T»pfi.w,r|Timiw Jo 1-< .Kian.irrsu Shccp.k.ndo •do , U. umi :M piwiljcunr I.mduo J 0 |w' •|Ta" C nn l |'-'*l „ r^T"*" 1 W.udow 4, a-i. and M croilonl biiadr* svs t Smir Prunjcu I iiSSSSSSSi can be purehated m nnr of thy ea.trrn eitl."' . .II «t ’k® V,S rpot W,tthoQ ' ,e ’ K fourth »t nnd 70 \v «od *t. -2?.. w. Mpcuw took agniiioii' milK besi Mack Tea m iho United Stole > price X 7S ccnu per lb, for wile l-y ’ p MORRIS i. itAWf l.ttTH . . . in *bc thamon- I We have frrquemiy been told by avin ff peW Cl and Si« per pound for their B!a. jt Tea* w thoie in the habit ofpayinjr suek prices, we re* poci fully eoUeu to try t ur Tea at7se per lb. and i 'th, Vydo uot then acknowledge ihcnztclvci havin* been i no«t *tomlt iropoicd upon, vre are orach mltlaken, a* u rare is tm better lilack Tea imported into the Uniual fit. itns than wb*t wc are •ellniff at 75c per lb. H Tba very belt Orcen Tea we »cll at St per lb oi 53 n kw v nr «sSl,ibe»r B UTTER-'.’J.txi fot family me, on ooniijmncm - “•« *»y 15AUH dickey Jtco ““ lWW«l,ril| iILKOH,,, COOIir, MB, A far J ihe r *ala a « Conn beJd ai Pttubnreh. in ani A D., l-Sii t*ip ® n tie stb day of October, of Alary Franrea^Vh 00 * l,,m B*n«on. rnerdiaa p hiMrcn of Jokrrt Kni “F b “ estate be eiypn to .1 t, rlhe **lo of raid real fou Q.roo u,r i . ll „ h J*“"'«;J; b T f»bUc •txl Ibu unlr.. tbe oon y a *“ ue ' •oforo the third Saurd.y of ItSiZi! an" TaS Hie prtiyer of ~|j petition wiß U rrtr.tVi* > '’ «»jd real etutn ordered to be toft) m «w i J U * ~d }* By the Court, DAMKI Al!V»to£',S P^Jed oe»:wntT AAA.MKLMcCUaDV; Clerk. •UHINEUY AND DANCY conus. MADAME BUNNAFFON,,fully ......... to her ru.toner., tH.t ,ho will he ”£! oer eite».ive i»d wlr.nlltd uuortioem of um£ ,E for the ee..ou, „ Mo.d„r. iis.l, .“fi, iSS: l '"'* tltee-e. In evtSf rnnet,. The obove pood. „e of (he Ule.t impSl ntion and •election, LAft KfcTS— \ esses ciflpre'it'cotor* and .izeaTToi > *“le bv [0c331 H LEE GSI'KNDJD Jet Ht*rt Mules, eßch 5 )*eur*oM, with "'Sfjon ana liarne** tor sale. Inquire of JOHN WATT A Oy Liberty st r |'AH ik WTCH—I.Vi burrHi Tar; *■ lu Jo I'urli, on conaisnuncn . °r*- ISAIAH DICKtrV L CO GLA*?*— '3>k> I x* {•lift, Ufl bis Htil'J; r,o in* 9sta -20 bn lOx H; on consignmenufor salo by _ f,r - n ISaIAII DICKF.Y ft CO IJ L'Ulitit U Ull’ij—i doz 5 feci long; *'• 1 doz 6 feet long; l do* T ieet long. for **le by °“* fi _ __ J AH PHILLIPS KUOTS—S Jpz vrntietnen's Long Boou.ol ibe nctr-, en stylo Ki ii.r Rubber line, which will be told inwrr than any o• are prime Turkey leceiv-d for ta'.e by ' / OC '-’ c • K E SELLERS O OCOIINE ALOES—i original keg. a fine anlcli 0_0c25 __ R R SELLERS "\ ELLOW DOCK—S i»rt* rer'd ior rale by A RE SELLERS ARNOLD'S Writing Plnid, H'lrlirnd'n Mnenfsia, Ki-.cler'« Amernii Compound Al.-'»!uni. r * ufopißio; Mr Abutcr’* Giniinent.- * f ry Cmr.3' Pam ivilfi-r. brandreth * Pill., re'.oln». Ayt»r'r Cnerrv Pectoral; Smith's Ton c Syrup; Wisur’s Biuam of Wild C.rrry Koeer»* Liverworth and T;ir, Hull's *ad Townsend's SartaphriJa; i-ufllum'* Specific; i>«*ood’» CliPiagogur.; Frink's Magnetic Ointment' Swain's Piiiitc■ A' Alien-. N »nd if Ljuic-er.; A fresh lot of the above article* ,u«l received 1c V’..!L V J KIDD A CO fio Wood ti Gam £la*tlo Clothing •)DGZ. large C*pc«, with Leave* rai ndutg habiu; •° G dm larte Over Coats: 2dw r'en Jo "-v 1 dna Jar krtt; : dor Paaw. 2 dot 1 egging*; i de-r Shirred do; r e.-\l i„ : t , v J i'll PHILLIPS * - . TAW Wood *l - ted to Charter. A LIGHT Drai*. Si/.-rn Whrrini Steam Boat. • A?| ly 0 SCAIFF. A ATKINSON , p ‘ .. . Fifth st. between Wood A Market (JHUESE-Vo roasmiiii; * 7' L JaaTk.^DaLZ^LL, rn Water*! - ftLJ iut»rc »kiu- *Vo Steam Boat BnUdeae. EV FRA beury Oakland and Howard Twilit rail •'Me im steam boat dcekir.g or awning Tereivet iiii ••, and fur vaie low, by HKKSKV, FLEMING A CO, I i'V Wood »t KKli ULTTK.H-A primp article, received for * a !i b 7 SHniVKR A BARA Kit L 1 LA X>KRI> a Isw Parrel* tee'd.£or sale Py A . 0C ... _ SHIUVERA HARMRS T»t>LL HU7TKR~« hr!*. a rnae article. recU by IX, oc« Mlill VKB A !lAKNEB WALL PAPER-A general assortment of Eastern aau French Wall Paper*, from «:,} cents 10 SI per piece, with bonier* to matsh, for naie by „ p Marshall, oit store, and for cair by XJ or.j _ j o CANRIXII / U;KtfcK-i75 fas. rere.ved mr .*lo ftf ' „ A CL'LLifijriSoN i CLOL'SE .. _ 19-i Liberty • t MACKKHf.L-iobri, received for «»!e hy w '-* A CL’LBERTMJN 4 CLOUSE I'OUAOCO— 4Sbx* R 4 K; 70 Lis VV » Grtnre; A'OTICIC H«» bi» a*«one«l; Burrow 4 Cshiness; received for Mir by 0«55_ A CULHKRTSUN A CUIUdB ij'LOUR— 50 brls extra family, lor sale by " r \ 3 A CIJLUKR'IyoN A cLorar Buckwheat plour-£o wok* for S ai c by of- 1 A CULUKKIgQN A CI.QIW i lIILESE—IOO bi* lor talr by V.-’ *><•A OULLSPIITgON a CUUJSK \.\ A.DOING—.w hiln Ulack, received lor sale | y * * .. .. A, CtfunFlflTiON A 01.01’SK G 1 LAs*y —ISOIhj assorted, lor sain bv A CULBERTSON & CLOUSE L *• J««* received mr sale hr uc ~ i A CULBERTSON A CLOUSE BUCKKVix-yj (ToTcn jun received for sale by .. v A COLDER ISON A CLOUSE A FULI. Mvrn octave Rosewood Piano, enure' ne«, it altered at a preai bargain: y ALSO, One second 0 octave Piano * Oou do do ft* do do ... :5 Ono do do fi* Jo - Oo .... ’ ■ 'M Uy j °™«V^lok N. D.-A new stock of Ctuckennr*, T II oJ n or/?mng. * i >anoa now *■■ ■n/iS’v? -^v — 9* 'X&tS&mMm pUTA«H-A ‘‘Tr f 0.-.-i ,' e ®° -‘and, ter sale by • • _ . '\ l y R A McCANOLKSS . T OAF SL«», A HUTCHISON t CO ... - .. s?oni»?i Loun Sogar Ro&pery. Alpaccn 1t0... Ms"™”,, S Sf" F, 1 "b». re™.«4 . .ip. Ctt-limores, Aipa ecft>i ' and Black lih iriuucu. M auenumf { U, ‘ !e lhß P* ruc “>« above iood'_ °! _ ulcr * ibelr superior stock of of ineir ons* a l, *np r<» much satisfaction on account . .. drinkable ; * *J ciici ladie*’ oo Wmh CiloTe*; oc.’i J & II PHU-UPS A CIIIUCE tract of 51) arifu oi dented Land—a * x P l *” »f »*>«■ i.-trm. al-out ihrce quarter* of :i loiip from Liam f.itx*rtT. and a mile from Lawrence it ii ail cleared uml fenced in but acre*; there arc mo lor ß e lirl.l*. oe quarnr*, ain I a orchard of *eiect iruit on :i, n streei will r,„ opened on u, and will In- dmded 111 from I u>;.!».rrr, ofpa vine at in «ou bu> era. iM*o, .1 Rood lira of Mil n.-ie» ;.>r .ale, M injlcs iroia f iiu'iurjfli, on ihr H-u-. on r'reek road A) I -r «»lc. * r«u4 Finn of 7» BCfp,. »!! writ .m -j'ro'nt, and f(M>O four** r.iui bLntljipt. or.-li»Tl, ,\ f ,W ” lU ' if ’ * 4 M° uia ‘•‘‘••ad. .Monroe coaoty l'c,-o„. •hinx ta U|- „i; ,k_t l.pj, o, (..a, Uio w.ll picsfe call at ISAAC HARR]*' ' 5 -‘ Agency X Intelligence Office, Fifth it. iWasbin/mn Hcponcr copv three tunc*, and chanre thlt office.) a Hk Military UompaMMor UnsbßijchiaflßlnmM. X has, Will lake notice to hold tbemwive* in rSt/i. nc«« to receive and eicon the ictaaini or Zuelm.r Taylor, Uuj Prc.ident of rtTuLtLl *.»,« from the Canal to ihe Moeonanhcln Riser Slates « Hr "fJcr of GEN. IIaRIMKB JjOBINSON’3 Gr .»«?££££?* “* En " us Tri'C”' ““’""““■i » m™L B r Mr, *•:"»«. TLrr,^\tvs T A, J s b bf bML orSJ „ r, R (J SKKJKTON, Cor. Foarth AiMnrti-t .iwa. IN6TUUOTIOB 0 * TUB piaßO. M™£ lIA 3 BoR PJ>fo®.P u of firu Earopean mutwO late of New York. respectfully Inform* iae citrtem of Pimburgh and Allegheny, that bo baa arriTcdi and intends making thi* city n!» permanent renaence, for the purpose of imnanin# umraetion on the Piano. Applicaiious left at Mrs. While'* Boarding boose, CO Liberty si, or at If. Klebert Music Store, wiii meet with prompt attention. octb_ Drataad Lumbar mad Sox Oomrda. A LARGE RB*artmeni for iuJc in Ini* 10 rail lb purchusen, by JOHN A HLOOMKR, Allegheny Piunirw Mil!*. 0fll8»Uw« Aoderioa •(., Ailufoenr oily, CHEAP PIANOS J A 11 PHILLIPS, 71l Wcod m FOR SALE. o-l 4i 64 9AKKKT ST„ rtm croon, TXrOULD solicit Ou- attention of Merchant* from » V all *eciw>n« 01' Git conntrr, to'Leir isnaenw Puiek of New Fail floods. c»*crn received, and (or rale by aIIRIVER A BARNES, 130 4 134 Second *i ¥ AMP OILS—Jar. received for *ale at VSC Liberr ' J_j itreet, extra Winter Strained Spc-m Oil, snper Ji ecminon do, also No 1 Winter Stmiund Lard Oil WM A .MrCLURG 4 OU CANDLES— 'Wax Candles eol’d end while 4s A C Sperm do 4'sat.dO; i Star do 4'« S'* and 6\; lionld do; Dipped do; rcc’d lor talc by oe*l_ J VV’M A McCLL'RG A CO "¥> a WDKR—I3OO keg* Blßrtirif v jnsi landrne b» X oerf J S DILWORTH A Cti Golden svrup—*j lxu m siore oe-j-i J 8 DILWORTH A ru PIC IRON—24U ton* Meicer Pie Iron reccivirc M ocJl . ' J S DILUURIIJ A Co SHOT-iake*a No I Shot, l- keg* No 2 do, 11 kegs No J do; 5 kegs No 4 do; keg* No i do, :i keg* No « do; » kr.r No J Jo; " ' at.., 1 No H do; landicg per *l2*lll boa May Flower, and tor sale by JAS A. HUTCHISON A ri.i I>OLL HUTTEK^rbrI FeshTl'm day~icc'*iv’e.' .. 11 **. lc __MIRIVER A BARNEtJ EGGS--. A lo:of fresh Eggs r«'.l mr Vile br _ o i~ .... SHttIVKK A HAKNFS •/ IHKStNUTS-lA' few bathels In store, for •« e by oe..i SHRIVKIt A BaRNI> Canton Cloth for moarnlng.. : T7!£ 81,0V6 4 ” icle -< now «»morh used formourr.iiT l^.i l UC 1 0 °f Homblz Be*) Of *ll the VHtfK-S be had at the rtor» of I 25 MURPHY A UimCHKIKLD ; Mourning Alpiccia; BOMBAZINE finish, of varion* qutltties ]qm rer'd .Ioe«i MUR BO^HfTELIi Monao tie Lalnti. Murphy a BuncunELD ls? 0 rec'd a j* r -, assortment of nnwc»l patlenir, .omc as low o « ,c . P m > u V B,S0 ’ Bine, Gtecn, Mo-.-r /i Prab, Black, Ac, ai low prices. nr. J ! Superior Black Silk*. S.tunpnv 4. BURCHFIELD iac« ,a,d i •„= 1U ply of snpenDr Block Silk, fa, d,c.,e.ond m.;,- tpIAS aim fcgorcd. *ntm siriped do. oc .^ fIUVILLED FLANNELS—I* twiXd : X received Uu* day, and for sale »: marnfitcturon’ Prices by H LEF, ■LgttM 129 LiheriT « ■IDHaWLS— I >-sse block cloth, on conOJitnntent fr.i «n’c by i [or'i.'l) H j jw?, WE ED *l—a i-a»esj assorted color*, rcc'dluTt Jay . rot *ale by j [ocAlj H LEE ’ CASSIMERE3 —2 cares fancy, on hand and for aa'e for account of mantitacinrcrs by il LEK PLAID FLANNELS—2 caw* rec’don ConarrEKcm for »nle by fcctEi) 1; I.F.F eATINETTS— J c*»s received for sale by 0r27 . H I FF NO BL'OAR— 67 lihdc prime. Just rec’don e’ « elgnaetii, and for rale by E MILLER A RI-KFTSON 221 A m 3 Liberty r ftluapratta’ Patant Soda Ash, THE labrcnben are now receiving, by canal, large supplies w Jam** Mnrpratt A Ron’s high ic» : , and bßttqualily Glatii Alakerr' Soda Ash, which they win spl! at the lowest market price, for c*sh or noprnr-'d Wl* WkM MITCHKLTRKK joggl Lihrrtv O K; CHAJIBKHLJX'S Comer of Market and Third *tt ecu. THE course of insuuction inillds invliteiion, rn brace* Book Keeping. Commercial CompiiUti:!.,* Henmanship, J-eciuicn on Cdmtoeicial Luw, nnJ -i, f*et every branch pertainiiig to a finished men- uiti .i - ' John Fleming, author of the Natiorai ho&. Keeping, principal lecturer acd teacher of Fovk .Keeping. Ladiei and gentlemen writhing to improve tbc.i Penmanship, carl call at the College at any hour dw tng tbs day or evening oc-*!* BLEACHING HOW'DER—2fice*kxMatpruua bon quality, for tale nt the lowest market oy W A M.MITCHKLTREF lIIFESE—IOO bx* Cream, just rcc'd for sale hv n A W HaßßaL’(-Mi SODA ASU—3O c-»*k* Rant brand, to arrive, ij. . talg Jy local j sawharbauch BUTTER— 7 brl* Roll Butter; 7 brl* packed do, jrtatlanding for sale oy fl A_W IIAkBAUGH natnllton CantanKlattxdi. MURPHY ft BURCHFIELD iiave received a .U7V ply of above tuperier article. octd j B»rd Pellate FianaAi * OF very handiotao pattern* and bright colors rce »| h!0 -' c o{ MUItPHY A BURCHFIELD IVANOV i*iHN"5» -10 case* new style Fa if Films, rii G - Algrr i n > ! "'k, Ccchero, Rpragae’*. DunwoK’a., Alien s Llyde*- and other good' manufoctorjcT i 8 ORrning, for sale by SIIACKLEIT A WHITE . l.f>l Woou_,t. OANCV CASSIMEREaR-SOpcs fall «tyft ib» ‘•v „ ifrH'j _ siiACKLirrr_A_\viuTv \\ T Uf*LEN COMFORTS—3OOdoz faccy «,!«, vary *i » ebrsp, now opening by ’ . ci ' Vj SIIACKLEIT * WIHTi. j-' o ' -I * l M'oftwem pf Long and sTuun- Shawls, Plaids, Embroidered, and Pliuu W 9 aiIACKLETT A WHITE CBRTAIfI GOODS. RECEIVED liiß day. at W. M.'Climock’a Carper " nfcaotne. I\o Fourth street, and ry Wr*-1 street, a very sp',end,d MMjrunent of Curtain Goods*, ln pan tire following varieties- Blue ami Cold Satin Detains; • Bine and Cnioiou Jo; ' Scarlet and Hlsel do; • Seerlet and Wlnte Union Daina/ki Criin».*'n 4iid;\Vhiia Jo; T*loc jo Jo, .• yrantjc and Dmc Satin Diiceik; and I’myde do; Embn*»ej Turkey Red Chinn: I'Htired do do; Plain do « do; Half Windovr Linm; Drab Jo do; Ac . Ar Thr above good* lieinc nareba'- .44 Importer* and Manulaciurers, w , lTO “ ‘^' a. they can be .n orv of timer r , it 81 '}*** vtte all wt.htnß fine Curtain G , P ' : c f; ,£ r ' , pet Warebonte, S 5 Fourta #tr Cel s 10 CB 1 it lit- Car- J#® McCUNTOCK* T ARD OlL—lb brU N 0 j, , 0f b * ’ --.q J y t CO "1 ‘lYoodjt. _ t«!WP»! SALt*_|» brli for .'Jitl""” "5 iscay JsSakek * cn ft BFiNKU 7-- -7- HOUNMAKER i cn y L *~l -wimer Wkale Oil; neifl “ 9 Tanner*’ Oil, lor «&b by ‘ J SCUOONMAtUtt A ™ HP brjp.for ta!* l> T - _ J J BHOO-NMAKHR* CO . SIJL 0 ! 8 ; j yCHOtnNmaker **n JO— s c*«e* 3 teroori* Csraccas, for*aln by ■■ J MCHUQNMAKKR *C< -IT•' ODKR—2 ratii brst Dctchi for sale h] ITX QC in ; J SCiIPUNMAKEH HOLLAND RRRKING—a few teas jont rrcriTrd and for *ale by- W.M A McCLURG & CO -Pi™ j asq Übcrry « WINGS & BRANDT for mcJicical parpens fa: “ le b r j K K 3KLLKRS r,7 Wood ,t 'Doth BRUSHES— Fine quality Knclub imoou jed far 1 __h E SELLERS T iQnOß'iCE—i.cftaearccMfofiaJe by' _ R E SELLERS lORTARS*»i.cojk assorted sire* loctg] RE SKLLKKS INIS SEED—MO lb* recM for »aJe b» R K SELLERS ENGLISH KXTRaCTS—nelUdcnna, I’-yodlraw Conii, Taiaxicum, and QcairlH. for tile bv * n k,„. , b« l i e # a? l ?frt t; n often rxprrierced niter »>,*«* m?v ? See“,h^‘AM in * Stiffi miiy iteo the coldest and most btsrdi’ir wind* , m . AndMo,i ,Se k WitboUt “*• •kwIKX ' °*> c * rp «‘ «‘l**Mas<.\ Which evrwei«;iit ao- • SSIW.. h> . U, . MB Weir, »l>WeM i' theft* w»td« itL UOi < *' W£ ' i “ r He Usard.whirh iron «oup. ***** ** <***>* ippcaraoce to to* ife [}*?**'**•■ Jules lla«-l';Ua»tn» Cream* , it i preparations, rr.r.iH'utrdcd with skit.. £ *?« ® K « «c*«'»oh of *]t ca > cu ;.trd to J_ r * . n rcmuhii o| shaving unpleasant, and be (fpnrcct.tcd by all who make trial of them. l itpared only V.y JULES iTAI.’EL, Perfumer asd Chrairt - ; , IMMlhcr.tnnt *' . Fhlla rorsali*, w!mle«al« an-1 retuh i>y R A Fahnc»tr«v • * Cp ,;and ft, E. Sellers, PturDurrOj and John Sergey:. » n, l J | .Mitchell, AlJnehe-iv ihtr. tcpi»-tf|« WHOLESALE FALL GOODS. iA. A. MASON &CO,