The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 26, 1850, Image 3

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BY mmhkeii ti
'*TTAYU)A.- i
Eujtiatau, OcL 25. t
Tie retaaiaa of President tayhr, aeeompaaiod -j
by Maj. filree, C,l. Taylor, Wilock and other*, fj
pamd llrooih ilia city tbit Jtttoraieg. Tbo re« hj
aatai trere.qulf -ted.r - «p[«DdJd faner- v
, On. 25.
The Womsi4 High
this city on wednctday odrute*. T** s *** e *
wero represented, vlu Matni, N°w ~mmp*blre,
Vermont, Rhode Island, Gsnieetwut, Waaaacbo.
Mtta, New York New Jewri Pennsylvania, ud
01 Fredrick DsnplMi was std in the mcetin*.—
Several dark colored sister* 4«re vtsatble, in tbs
comer*. U.mscn, Phillips, Cflrleifb, and Fom
ter, were preaect. I. .
The conreMim w*« organised t» folic wt:—
Miu Pauline W. Da*:*, Knot o Island. President;
Rav. W. H. Cnconing, of N<w York, Sarah Fin
dall ol Pennsylvania, a* Vice President*, and
Hannah M. Darrngtun.of P inniylvania, Joseph |
E Hathaway, r.t New York, kt Secretary. i
Mu* Davis, on taking tbo chair, read a vory
elaborate, phil& add eaa on tbs wroags
and rights of woman. She presented tbe re*
strainta under which ishound down to ala*;
very in' a touching manner; She aacerted the
equality ot womanly Inaiure') and asserted that
they were entitled to dqualitjl in politics, legitla*
Uon.and every thing hue. \Voinan wanted an
rqoai chance In ucfddlng brr great capacities.—
Soeictiy was in a state of barbsmrn, wbUe it de*
sled the equality of privileged, political and tali*
gions.and *ll other.privilege*/
On motion <>f Secretaire Molt, who considered
the addrets too tame, the question of adoptior
was left open for debate.
Ob motion,*!!present, wHtoardblack, wer*
Invited to participate. (
Letters were then rrnd, from which tho follow
leg is extracted
Mr. Lucius Hynd of Cincinnati, put in a lette
maintaining the equality of woman in her rights
to ell the privilege* ataujacd.bjr mao. Tbe righ
to vote, hold cEnea, and go to bailie if neeessar
—leaving tbe men to tafio their fair share of lb
duties of the kitchen and nurserv.
Misa Elizibcib Wilton or Ohio putlnaprotei
against the despotism o» mau, especially.that dei
potisn whir fa mikes thtn inferior bemra in point t
intellect, when it «a» no such thing- Sec toongl
that; Jenny Lind, in her public waging—lor ttoi
tyrants over her -sex, wat a violation of ictus i
drlicacy. , . ..
Speeches and resolution* of a similar purpe r
wera made and adopted , , . . ,
Tbe Convention, at half part tea o clock at nig i
adjourned to meet again on the following
iog. • '
Boiroa, Oct. 25.
Tie U Stales Martial Ist warrants lor the are I
rect of a targe Dumber of Fugitive Slave*. Mncl | a
excitement prevails among the oepo pnpulauoo.
Tie court boure has been surrounded by them I ,
ali morning. They are determined to retist evaa j j
10 the sleddinf attempl to cany ftigi* 1 ,
livea’tiack 10 slavery. I
A negro named Latimer, who baa been rosldinj I
here for iho last three or four years, las beta I
paiated out by hjvmaiuir. Blood will no donbt bo I
sbedif an open arreat ii attempted. I
It is ssid that several arrests have been made, I
and that ono or more has been lodfed in Leverett I
Street JaiL . . I
Jadge Sprague was 'questioned this moroiof, I
bot would not say whether any arretts bad been I
made or not. He declared moreover that all ei-1
aminatlons should bo made public,, and (n tbej
coon house. ‘ |
The ezcttcmsßt Increase* every moment, and I
the negroes are mastering stxeng, with the laten-1
Uon of making totciblc demooatiattooaahould they I
positively ascertain that any cd their brethren are I
C W. Upbaro has been nominated by Ihe Whig* I
for Congress from the Second District. I
' A letter from Hou.- Horace Mann, in answer to I
his Domination lor Congress, by the Free Sailers. |
hasappeared He goes lor a protective Tanfi, and I
other Whu{ wea»nr«. Ho reviews at length, and
with much severity, the fugitive slave bill, but
butdoe* notdenounco those who passed it The
letter will not be unacceptable to the Wh'ga of the
District lie goes against forcible resistance to the
law. .
St. Louis, Oct. 25.
The extensive flooring and planing mill of J. I
O. Howctl, corner w Eighth and St Charles att., |
in thia city, took lire uq the morning of iho 230, |
and was eatirely consumed, with machinery, fix-1
lures, te. The concern was Injured in the I
amount of $5OO. The atock of flour and wrheat t
destroyed amounted to 82 500. which was Issued
for $2,000. The lumber destroyed amounted tof
$3 500, which was without losurauca. I
• Two adjoining booses were partisllv destroyed; I
•sd lU e.rt *.ll olßf. Van Coo.l'a OSareh n,
also injured. The tiie originated white the miU I
was tunning- . t , . 1
About b o’clock list night, a fire brokeont ini
the rectitying and liqaor store of Mr. Htikterode, I
on the levee. After earning about three houra, 1
the flames destroyed the whole building, tad an
adjoining one occupied as a coffee bouse, and an
other occupied at a grocery store.
aona were Mrricusly tt.jured by the tailing of a
portion of the southern wall.
The negro. wfaovrno time since, cat fufliMre
ilive, excited the sympathies ol the peop • here,
haa returned. His last story being » cooDidieto*
t» to the firmer when ho avow-sd htm*elf an br *
noaiofTasd that bo and another had agreed to «**-
el aa if pursued tugitive*; thus to impose upon Ue
charitable sympathies of the abolitionists.
BaLTiMonr, Oct. 23.
Wo learn that a mac, named Mcßride,haa been
sentenced, ai Greenaborough, North Carolina, to
one year Imprisonment, 20 mitres, and to stud«o
fctmr in the pillory, lor having circulated abolition
W# Tbe Washington Central Committee of tbo Nt
lira,! Int’.tlDtr, innounco .DM
will bo comm'.tanta 10 coutcj 10 Lmtoi Ul •[»
ticlea destined for exhibition at the World s Fair to
b« held there in May nett- _ _
Flea. —Tbo m.rtaUqui.t.wi'itae.f 1000
bbta. good br.od, u • mdo leu Uu SI S7I, «ed
MObbla-Weatern ntSl 87 porbbL _
is in
Heady fnr prime red at 105 a. and Cor White al
“{gS! V SSI with further sale, of yellow al
material change to notice.
dneed. _
koo.t airoxT.
The weather i* damp and disagreeable. - -
Flour—The market « heavy, with a modarata
lkror, bo,on, do
ior! Ccrc-ciP—d ,«««d.» w,ib «.,cpw«d toe
decor; to d«y u opoced «o»dUy ct 66 Cir mßod,
“jsgS£ys3? ?. d bo:ir. ..a d«
Bodotcle. Soloo ,to bud lo m,tiog it ,boro 111
ta Motw Lord In bbU. »a liorcc. U tabo, .1
fo, Ohio. « W
motto, i. no. co firm. A «i»o o'
SOJMO big. Bio tad ycfcterdty,« proT.oo,
Th« wol diisgieeiblo weclbor b», cheoked .11
rattan ulcKcuon.. No obkcgo lo taico emeo
Ciscututi, Oc*» 25 -
Flour—Sales 3,000 bbl* w d»J •* #3,50(33,60
03,55, bcior the preenillcg rate. . , I
Whiskey upened ti 221, but closed wiUi-s bet*
ter feeling at „
Cheeat—Sties 900 boxes st 6c,ulth ■ good bo*
gioeiu doing n * jobbing way.
Groceries—We have no change to SOtiOO W
Oil—Tbo market ii unsettled—bold*
era ask &Oc, bat no sties are reported si that fig*
ore. Snpplwswe light.
fbe river bss been st s stand since noon.—
Tbe weslhsr is eoot, with light rains.
BALTt*o**,Od. 25. !
1 »!,, owteignm.l'T ..
'■ Moor—HoWs«J street and cuy milk’ brands are
" ra» tap Rtou 11=
St. Loots, Ocj. 25. I
Tbe mnrW.t op= rrd 10 (i * y * B”* 1 |
lot Di»i •n' I dr \ nio bi»h=liwl>~' *' co ** l P"
- ProTisioos— 'LmI*** 1 *** . t «jo Bacon shoulders
are aellmg a! 4a4 » *> c
p w£,kcy i. ' di ‘"f u H ssn F K' a ',‘li N. Orica., <3
llSSIT& OU 35.40 c per cwt lM i
heap at $8 i>ef ton. mmm
ißßlriicoTioa e*
in B II ABOORpT, (pupil
JU. ButiiM I.l= «f N«« iiwueir, ti.' B* «•• |
tbs cniien* of P«ubs*lb “ d A * * £ls pennaaent
arrived,and intends ,n * klß F i irii rt in. Lnrtraetion on
residence, for the p«poa* Boarding
the Piano. AFplteeUouskfistMri. Mmio Biots,,
*>*•«, « Liberty «, or at 11. klsbert " WlB ct i»“
will ratal wttfa prompt attenboa. I
atm iciaeaajß’s arcnaaaa.
la. Bocaaian c. n. oisvt itsn * coot*
[Tki Waanua—Bcsiam Plo»r,rti.—DanngTtar*-
Ly nifhi and throughout the day, we bad continuous
savy rains. Prospects for a busy felt trade art now
rj flattering. In a few days oar rivers wilt be In
lendid order for navigation, and we anticipate an
creased activity in every branch of trade.
Oar iarga class steamers to Cincinnati, Louisville,
■ Loots, and New Orleans, are banting up, prepare*
ry rotating their departures, upon the first move
est of tha waters, and, we opine, they will Dot have
wait long. Now u the time for the shipment of
oods, and we trust that our merchants will be folly
swarded for the long season of comparative dullr.esa
» our mar Set, and that the iodacemcois which ibey
.16 now enabled to bold out to tteir country eo«am*
:ra, from the ample stocks on hand, may be iperdily
tutored by a well filled booh ol order*.
Omen, Pirmcaon Osrsrra, 2
Saturday morning. October fti, >
Owing to the severe inclemency of the weather yes.
terday, it having reined throughout the day, the mar
ket was completely at a stand. Sale* were very limit
ed, and qnstations presented no marked change irom
previous report. .
After tho river shall have aiis.ned s proper height,
and oar larger class of steamers commence their re« •
star trips, from this pon to iho various point* Is the
west, we anticipate-an active river hunness whieb
must, and will tend to the general activliy of buiutci*
threugboai the city.
I FLOUR—Nothing of importance transpired in the
Hoar markel'yeiterday, Prices, it sny thing, were less
1 firm in view of the coming ri*e In the nver. The pro*-
ant ruling figures on the wharf, may be quoted at *3.60
I OlfS and from store by drey load lot, at 83,75083 57,
and by retailor single bbl, at glo4,mfi>l.BS, accord
* log to quality and brand.
I GRAlN—Quotations are generally the same as giv-
I en in previous reports. The amoor.ts coming forward
I are very light, aad sale* are moderstr.
[ GROCERIES—Rio Ctfise decline, a l.Ule, and in
I anticipation of lower figures, buye re are »*ow in tak
-1 iog hold; holders, however, are slow in yieiking. and
I •• have heard of no sales as yet. under >3c for good
J Rio. bJgaf passes of in limited lot*, si 7fo'tc; Mo
.l lasses at 25Cttc; Rice stSo3lj * B
‘| PROVISIONS—In tho Provis,on market nothing
rj arwhu trenvptred.' Bacon at ?07ti*
II for pi»<" hami, 10491ie for sugar cured do. tides at.Si,
1 1 and shoulders at 4{e ? fc. I.aid is in fa r request, at
> IjJfIJJ tnbbls, and 7|o?|e In Igi- Other article* under
Ttfctj head are steady, wUb no change in price».
| T©»icc> —The Maysttlle Eagle estimate* that one.
1 * tenth of tha tobacco crop-in that region ha* been de
stroyed by ibe recent frost. '
The Hopkinsville Whig mis pawn the probable loss
«f tobacco by the frosts, at oab'foarth'of an average
rop io Kentucky.
Ccjtob.—The frost baa also injured the cotton crop
t least I# W c>., near Memphis.
TbeTuscumbia Alabaiuian »ay«, that the rottonerop
will fall abort of u average in (be Teauejace' val
ley at leaai one third. The corn and potato cropa ate
tlao ahott
Uoßt} flaitirii Trade, 4c,
Naw YoivOct ‘ii, 1559
The aicci market show* thla morning «ooc vatia
blcseta of character, tnoogh govarnmenl nock* are
firm, with a fair demand
Ulinoti atock of IM7 ahowt. a large advance on the
Ual prertoua aalea—W cent. Ti e demand for Una
Itock i* Inereaein*. Indiana t'-anal. preferred, haa re
ceded i, and Delaware A. iindaoo 2| fhe additional
Creation of atock by tbi» company la working a depre
ciation, which an •veri.t«iy dupcaiuon to aell only
fanheta, Mom* Canal ba» declined ,M*ommo»tb <trv
doek I, Carton Lone taUnl }, Reading railroad
i and Erl# bond* 0f1853. i Erie.atlroad haa advanced
I », Erfo Income bond* J. and Norwich A Woreeaior J.
The market baa been active, and conaideraMe dt
mand hai been developed for the aounder atocia,
which mere apeealator* do ntt meddle with.
Land Warrant* conunu- in doll mines* at #KS>.
I Specie to the amount of between #46O.C(* tod k-U»,*
I goo te (hipped to morrow in the Korop*. of Uia
I aaoant •kOO,OtV t* iu'ailTer, and the balance in jto'd.
I Btitiah and American, about ftSOOCb each. Tbit ia
I the firat large Shipment of American gold, and *» »*•
I log to the continued high price of exchange.
I Blerlinc exchange U firm to dav, with a limited in-
I enirr aUOtSJtI cent, and trace* ats l,| furwjday*.
I Money ia to Rond aupply and m moderate request,
I at |h«.)ow rale* we noticed yenerday h»e. roat.
rates of discount.
KATLs Ok imscol n i—co»:Ki-ci *-t. ut
a, hol3u:b * soss,
tUeh*&|e Brtfcers, No. »• Manet tucmuu 4t»
PtlßiylTUlti |«UUO».
04arofl*iU»bttrth Par sUnte B'* ABrarcna* i
Uiuii Pm S-*teScnp • _ •
Merck. *M»o.Oan*-Pai ' »?L* . i
'Uk**>rt*TUladsipk»a*—Par Cxct»ant Uk. c{ Vo.- *
Guard Bank- par turner* Ufc of V« •;
Ba&kolUenaasiD'VQ- *pat Ux- oiioe v alley, -■ ■
“ Cfcexter County-par UK o/Vir|i:!i»-------
44 Delaware Co.* •-par M.A M. Lx., »\ k«el*u* i
u MaaiiCiatryCo.• -par! do Moisaaiown-- (
• “ NorUsttral-erJaod*-pajlN, W. Banx Va »
Colxuabi*lir.d««Co.--par r do \\ eUsUcrg—t
DojteuvVa Hank-—••pail do rarkcisbuts— —
.Farrar*'Bk. BeadindTai! *«““«•«• ,
Farar»’Bk.Uuck»Co.pai ; Uk.oMeiuie-.»cs_ •• 3^
Farrar* IPk Lanca«’r-paiif“. A Uereli l» lit
Laneaaur Co. Bk->• * -pa/i|;i*--- lc ”. k - — " • *
Lancaster Bk. parOcioaCk.-
U. State* Bank ——\. mnonrV*
Drowomlle Ilk. pcifaUti Bk o - *
Wailuaston Uk. *!, L*ro»ira.
Fri« Rk_,, .. . a | i-k —a
Farrar*’ and Drovers’ I
hJS&S‘-— a
Ifr£2dkl7—* —• I yi*ott*» &Mecna*»Bt- a
52?S8* { SSEESfaiZZ ft'
Km si j .
“ iFar.Bk.of Maryland - “
Scrip—PlUib. 1:’ CoOMTj '; F 'e*’d -^ b^,C ’ \\
Stata Bk.aad Branches « ilfo 6 ™. 0 *? BL "
Mount Pleasant “ B r ‘“ *
SFaSwfc^— ;; “ wSSJSSok—— "
SElKtci. “ U
SKm.~ ■-■■■■ “ In.. C» 1
•• 'Far.A Meeb’s Bk 8
*«*•»“« m iWDeoaita TmlfM,
SKSSrZm. ■yaMar.fcFirelo.Co.Milw’a k— —* . i Caaadu.
'• 7l»'AU«ol»tntß*nk» •
I Bank of EnulaMNotei
. ...-*o’ 04 70^-fcstr.
Narwaik;-- -Gold dt Spoel# Vnlwa
SSS“ a ZHr7T.~: • Napoleons -I*o
slbta“ ! “ ;So*ctelfn* «
LaocarUf ”" U iQcltcas ••••••• ..u
Hamil Sn— 13 Fredeticksd’ors— ■*?«
GraoTiUe W Ten Tkalers J • ®
Fam’f*B’kCaaun—6o Ten Gailder* 3*«
grtwa —— •» -Loaiad’ora*.-
Komtmaky. | B«haai«.
BkofUaamoky * JSS
81-tfLoolsTille - W»»adelphla-**— *F=
Nofkcra Hk. Kentu’fcy “ -fr-iUMi* ••
w>« V^Mrk— Irtenor Fka-
;oan tvm.iT.l
COAL Merchanu, and Dealers in Drv Gool*, O
cetiea. Iron, and Nails, eorner or Walmiisiri
aod WsshingioaTurnpike Road, Tanipsranecviite
f*» door* be ow Wood atraat, »• '
, Wflf hiving been 1
jA«n9M ricnliriy educated to lit* medieal
profession, and been for *om* tun*
trJSiffiaQSßviti nneril practice, now confines i
ns/SiPgpMP Vbi* attention lo the treatment of 1
IttTY ? WIP ihfi«a prmte and delicate com*
plaint* for which hia opportunities
TMff fr I and experience peculiarly qoalUy
\ him- la yearsasslduoosly devoted
lo study A treauneM of those eomFlauu*,(dunnq3piM j
lima ba haa had more pracuce and ha* cored more pa*
unta than can aver (in to the lot nf any private prac
anrolT aaalifie* hint to offer assurances ol
unaadVporn!afltflt,and satisfactory our* to atlalßieUd
dlsaaiaa. and all disease* *n»ini that*,
Brown would inform thoaa afflicted with private
diseases which ha*a beeome chrome by time or u«*
«***"V. Kv t i,a mi of any of the common nosu-unn pi
tha T t£Si?“iaiucan be radically oud tfao?|
l “-fcfJ r J.or*d^haihavingItvenhls careful attention to
of aaeh cases, and succeeded in hundreds
parson* ofinflammuUon oftli*:
of fMtmice* to cnnngp which often
Mok «bn.c eases where others have tonsil
r#s * despair. He particularly invite* such
then to hopeless Pj B r n|ncc ei*fellv treated by other*
uhsra“„ry ,atmcn.o« will beriven
*° la a eaieful,thorough and
lha»,andU«irc»»ea d oov by a long experience,
iQtdllgeot H la iraposMbte for thou
Egjffte«£&“«»«• "f"* 4l ' l " “
ofdiscas*. _ f>T Brown »| BO invite* par
alar attention to this
«■»»■ ttt^ 4 ***“ hr i !l JlSr“Si , iisnuif.. ar ■», »
SSSiSfißßownTh- U-. *>“ f* l4 ' *" a
"Sic.™ -I>r. Drown'. OOWIJ'“S.'fSf.X"
dy forßheemausm is a speedy and certain rooeuy
list painful trouble. It never fails. „
l)£ea and Private CMimluni Booni'i w ®
Bond allay, Piu.-b«T|h. Pa »te Do«l»r
>l, .... +■• [,|V _
ADtanusTtiAxon’s botice
NOTICE (thereby given, that tie tier* of Adminis
tration hava this day been grneied to th« under*
lined, co U»o estate of John W. Blair, late ol the city
ofrluetrgh, det'd. All pereoni indebted lo the
said citato ere feqie«tetJ to m«ke Immediate payment,
and those baring elalma if alnit it will present them,
, dnl7 aniheotieairt, for aettleranti.
»cptB:dlawt»wW tot Market tu, Pittsburgh.
XTOTICB tshenhy *iTen,tbat Letters Teiumentarr
Jw bar® boeAiMßed to thewatjieTiber*, a* eiecaior*
oftbo U»l will And teiloteat of Junta McHenry, iata
of tin eit? ®f Pmatßtjh, ceeea*cd. Ali person*,
therefore, ttkTlaf claUss or demaeda ayatoat Ike
Mtaia of said decedent, are requested to make known
tt.—.t.o-nai-BWT TOO9 . MOTT
i a ghUm PUUUrgk,
' Blvu —There were 4 feet, 03 iuehe*. m channel, at
dusk, iaal evening, and riwng-
Fashion, Feeble*,
Beaver.Uordoti. B«ver.
Baltic, Bennett, Ilrewnrville.
Atlantic, Parkinson, Ur " w . B .* , “ J ®
Hkii Colombia, Green, Galhapotu.
Irene, Reno. Oncinnau.
Cashier, MeMiHan, \V ueeuog.
RcvciUe, Dele*. Wrtlsville
WeiUTill«s >*>»««■ »nnb»h.
\onr biogneny, lianupea. Boasci
Fashion, Preble*. Lluabeih
Michigan, Brie*. Grayer.
Beaver, Gordon, tlenver.
Balilc, Brtu-eU. Browniville.
Atlantic PartinMit- Browtuvlllu
tsrneva, Wilkins, Cincinnati
Pem. Bane. Cincinnati
Yooghiogtenv. Hartupre, B»a*er.
BRAVER— Youghiogbeny, 4 r. n.
CINCINNATI—GIaucu*, 10 a u.
ClNClNNATl—Cincinnati, 3r.a
ST. LOUlS—lonian, 10 a. x
WHEELING—Cashier, 10 a. m.
BUNFISH—WeIIs villc, In * w
WELLSVILLE—ReveiIIe, 10 a. M
LOUI9VILLE—WashingiOB, 1 r. u.
LOUISVILLE—Nr.ngatnr, 4 r u
Foa Ci miss nr aso Sr Loci* —The Cue light dr aught
•tmr Glaciai, ha vine becu unavoldiblr detuned, will
leave ua ut ove. this day.
Th" rpccti'l d s'inr Navigator, Capi Dean, will leave
tor Looiavilie, oi per advertisement itua afternoon, ai
4 o'clock. Tbs N is u Coe boat, and her accoiamod*-
Tbe bne new «tmr Washington, C.*pt Minin, will
leave for LouUville, mis day, iUp v ‘file WaaAin;*
lan ii a good creamer, and ‘he povstict excellent ac>
rommodaiiors for the traveller '
Foe Lori<vu.LK —The aptenciJ and highly pi,j>uia(
{ackei atrer Cincinnati, Capi. John Birtmngnain, will 1
leave (or Louisville, this day, at 3 o'clock, precisely
This Cue packet ha» josi undergone inornagh repair*
and rcpaintinc, and u now ** bright and clean av »
new sixpence. The ncrotutnodauous oa the C are 100
well eithtiiuhed to iiacit m word ol rccnrnraendalinu
The Ciueianaii gap* to Louisville this mp. tor the
purpose of tiling op the time, and returning again m
Cincinnati to lake her; place in thr packet line,on her
regular day of aepartire from that c.iv to Punbuifh
ST LOUIS—Pas IdxisM-Ui hbl« loaf sujrir, J A
Hatecuton A Co; ATI MiV Lain*, l»Q >lo inolassc*. Sellers
A Nirolv ft do do, id doVutskey. J D Knox, 30 do do.
\V H Sauoo; Sn do do, M X P Patton, JO do do, J ticcll It
Co; l Hi hxa lob. Bingbam, *7 bg» leathers, McFadeu A
Co. 4! trnnka, \V Maywood.
GALLIOPOLIB—Pee Hau. Columbia—3 sells g.n
-•«>.«, I dollieeawax, D T Moreau. IV Mils sheep skins,
Clark k 1 haw, t bg pin»en*. I bx Uneji, 32 bgs o»t«. 9
bhls Handed, J B Fio> d; 103 aaces d apples. 3 do gin.
■end. Clarik A Thaw, 34 ds rags. 7 do* broom*, W A
F VVllsonJ UK) hbl* applet. 5 do d peaehes, Rbey. Mat
thews A Ch; 14 raeka com. 14 aaoks d peaches, Wie|
A McCandless; r*»br* wheat. D Leech A Co: so t>bl»
ißolivser. L Uoi-Diion; IS bbis wheal, U Glyde; frl do
dour. UroWn A Kirkpamck. x:d do do. Ur.l A Liggcii;
fc* bids apjjiea, T Lupraan.
flisms Eiisitt or wild cuekiu.
ThoCiieij Remedy for Coninmptmn of the Lunev
Allectian* of the Liver. Avhtna, Bronchitis. Paint
or Weakness of the Brausi or Luog*, and other
affeeuoria of the Ori»n>.
irrisTikU'S balsam of wild ciu rry i* a
T V fii.ej Her’.,el Medicine, i-omposed rhirSy of Wild
Coarry likrk and the genuine Ic'lan.l Mosvthe latter
imported fcxpre*sly for ihi* purv*o»e, toe rare medieal
vtryiea of which urc al*o combined by a now chemical
process.! [with tho extract of lar-thu* renda>a< the
who e compound the mod renam and eSeaeious
remedy ever discovered for CONSUMPTION OF
jnnawrenine Couesponderce— Dr Win U Banka
of Aenut, Ohio, a btgbly respectable Dn,p-*,n in ibai
dcilyblful villaire ha* i formed at ihat the sale cl
Wiaiar'a Balsam of Wild Cherry ta unparalleled.
The demand for it Iv so eager, dm be can searerjy
keep bimarif suppl.ed wub it De Baa bad ut hi* store
mcflicinea tor luni* nffectian*; some of these were
esteemed food, and some gave temporary relief; hut
alnee hr baa had WtatarN oi W ihi Cherry, a
nember of the iao*l »»jic.u» rate* wuie rompieiely
euted by n* use “1 fK'ver * -1J n m-.Jirine.' says ibe
doctor, “In which 1 had that ctiun- •■hnbdcnee Ihal I
ItrLTßis’ —Whanever Wutat'a Itaivaai of Wild
CberTV is inuodoved. it at once vuams ibal nigh re
patauan i' *o richly -Jraerves W hat can pr«-
vert \t* sale, wrien on every ban-1 < 'an be witi.eaaed
lie wonderful cures' Tte w«,r>t •-*■«. of .s*thca,
rerwiiv and dai>»useotiriis land also mose that are
of long tundincj Uroncams «• I'ynsumpuon lm lu
early stare* ) arc always curad hy ih.» renmrtabla
Cured by Wiatar’a Hul»:,ra of Wud —Tin
illowinc osre of Jeremiub !»cn*g ■»/t’ananrontio’'
i** •* **• - -•
samption,* «s truly wijnlcr'ul l>u«hi u< t tnu 'o u it
the sr3-( ted w mat-- u-e « i f.i* .my remedy,
whea ut» eae«::nc cure* like th« foliowiwj:
. Pl< atani Ridge. Hamilton Co. O
ysepteniber l fc U»
J P Pah—D -ar Sir—l take Lbeny of advising
yott of Ibe benettl that i have derived from tbfi_us« of
D.' WitUt’a BaUam uf Wild iTterry. I was pro*,
trued br that lemhie s.-oar*-. Ccnsvaetion. .n M«y
lau The atiaca war truly-horrifying to m*. for Lve
nfour facuir. (tr.y luo-hem and sisters.) had died Of
CnnfUtnptvjn. I was eld cird vri U nearly all of the
worn features of the diicwe I bad a d.strerstng
cough, aad rxpeetataicd a |?reat deal ol blood, hectic
fever, severe pan,* m the vide Bad che*l. cold chills,
alieroauoi with horhea of teal and ct-pioai
I was unier the c*>e of a smiled physician, trom
the tune t wa? taken vtrk cam nt'out su week » »l'.ce,
bring then abou: help I ***, and «JT tneadsconaderio*
my cue itop'.ew. or »i ies«’ beyoid the reach ofocr
phyaicUui'* ski l, advised the use of vviutr* Baiv.m
or WildOnerty. VViihoat my knowledge, ray fa-J>er
prrcuml .t. and eomnrnc-d sdsmtiMcrtT* n to tse,
sud f/wn tli“ I.»i day ihv I conn.- reed ink in : u.
u-oita improved, and to w*-ek« irorn f<u lime 1
laker. :r.s;r I’.it.o-» w.« n.oC.cinc ac-1 rev
considrr nr, u'-'f t*er tiiy ttci 1 1 cask* 'tti* »ta c
mem 'O induce oitirrs that are aihirtcd it t Fsvc been.
make a»e ol Wt«t*re ttaUaa of W Id (* harry,
which rcmetly h»K uidtr um i>leaoiag of Frevireoce,
restored my UsaUii jKKElttAil l?uRIl»G
fltill farther evderce of 'be remarkable corauve 1
nroeertie* of Uil« ineMtmahie preparation-
Rcstriville. Uicvth'P O . ABg 81. ftl*.
Mesir* ban ford A Forks—i.entletnrn—Aboat *ui
week* a ) rreoiVed tbe agency nf Wistar r Bslaain
cf Wild Cterry. col vrith »otar reluctarc son my part,
for the rcarwctiiai I bsj ite «*em o'»o many
pills and oP?r wlnrh aren* cracked ud to
lo some Iking wond*riu«, but which tum-t’ oul m ike
end ta te ol no account whatover.ereepliothr mimi
f. emrvr. Bui I csndiJty admit that thft woe I have
deceived; for the axirsordinary rare*
by Wutar’a BaUam haw ccavlnced me that -good
ran come out of Naiaretn ” Yoar agent left tue one
dozen lioulcs, whieh are all gono—bavtng been u..
means of eariog savcral ob»tjnat« rase* ol Coasump
uon—and do mistake; for whai I »ce and know 1 am
hound to believe One ease in pnnieolar—A young
gentleman ID Wir.chener, Adams county, O, lien
mllaa from this place> wa« cured of Consumpuon
when tbe doeuira ha l ! given him up, or at least eru-d
do no’hing far him and it wi* ihe intention of hi*
friends to convey hi® lo yoor city and place him
ueder the care of some eminent physician ihere; bn
u Iriend told him of Wiaur’s llalasm. sod ihat ke
could obtain it of me ; be «eitt tot it and t-eiiore th*
aorond boflo waa gone he was sound and well, and
1 attending lo hi* every day bu«me*». At there are
several inquiries for th» raedicina. ii would bo well
lo forward aa additional •apply witbou* delay
Very respoct/uily*
LAMBEKf newland
The above, from L. Newland.i:.q ,a huthlv reaped*
able comity merchant, nororoend* i’«eif forcibly »o
tne candid auemion of al; iho«c who b»vo doubted
the great lum ol Wtaiar’e Wild Cherry balsam.
We are just in .receipt of th-' Allowing voluntary
tribute id iba curative power of Wimr’i Balsam of
Wiid Cherry. t on E. Hail. M. D. of Mount Clement,
Michigan, wuo i« a phyaicioa of high naoding, and
an axtcauve druggist
Ml dement, Michigan. Oei ."J, ist»
To the af&ieie.l, lhi« may certify that M»» KoO
crta, of this tiliare, three of four ween after confine
raent, was attacked wilb a violent cough and great
promotion, and acerord bi'icihc; t.i it.*’grave with
rapidly, f advieed her to u«j Wi-iars tiaUum of
Wild Cheny-ahn did -a. aid with that valaab.e
medirine aionn itm rea'ore-l -o lieaitti. ami i» no w a
livmr prooi of the vaioe of W»« , ar** |la:»am of Wild
Cherry K. HALL. Palmar. urd Uruggiai.
Eead on and l>c convinced *HI funner of the re
mxrk&b'.o virtue* of Wistaria Ua>am of V' ;ld rhtiry
Meem.SaiiftfTdtf'ark-Genu. A* a Duller of ju*
tice to tou I would oHer the following sintemecl of a
CQie effected by >ouf medicine, known a* Wnur’i
Uaham of Wild ch-rrr In the ipnng ©n fc 4f,triy
wife uru severely attack ed wiih Perihucnmoun. of
Pleurisy, which reattltcd m a deep waled pain in the
side, accompanied with a severe cough; she was at
tended by aotaeoi the be«l phy»ieiot»» in Chicago, hut |
to no piupoVe. for week* she tulTfred, without relief,
eoughinc Inresaaiilly right an<l day I came u> ine
cotielarion that all the remedies known to the phyal-
C'am could not heip her. and induced to try yoar
Wild Cherrv. I procured one bottle, and commenced
asing il accords* to direction*', before it wi« all gore
iho coush stopped, the pi ta in hr.r side left her and
with the aid or another bottle she was restored to per
fect health In con«ideritjjn of the** circameianeei,
I would lecommeml it lu the jrebl'i- ns a valuable
medicine Yonrs, respectfully. R N CABIIATr
Giand Rapids, .Michigan. October 3, IMH
fry* Price 81 per bottle- » x botilrs for 85.
by J n PARK,
(Successor of Sanford and Park.) .
Fowsih and Walnut street* f'inne'nnatl.Ohio, general
Agent lor the South and West, to whom all order* |
most be ad.lre»sed „ „ :
L. Wileox,jr, James A. J»nrs, J Knia A Co. U A.
Fanncilceki C«, Pittsburgh. L r Husncll, W«»h
-irißton. W. II l.amherwn. Jranklin; 1- U Howie,
Untomown; II Welty. Grrensburgh ; 8 Koonu, So
merset; Sroil A (Jilraure. Bedford; Reed A ban.ltonl
ingdou ; .Mr* Orr, Hnljiduyatmut; Hildebrand A Co
hidiena. J. K. Wright, Idtiam-i:, Knni k Cl.
Utookstlle; A. Wilson* Bon. Wey-a-sbur/ti; McFar
land * (h., N.Kn lender.; Barton * Co,
Ert-, Graham * Porker, Mer.-er. Jcmev Kelly * Co
Bu’icr, H f*raith, IJraven J D Bumm-nati. V\ arrert
FUC.S, Joue s Cor ; drr«pan, P. Orooker. jomor,
Brownsville os-vlulAw (m)t 4 -
Htlllßß out at Coit to Clou Btulneii,
A LARGE nook «*f DRY GOOD.*, lor wbieli nomlL.
monoit«'j, joflirmenfo, ground reois, or real
eriaie, will be received in payment.
J 0.4. B. lIOGG,
pe3.lT 115 Wood «l . IMiol.urgh
REFINED tJHGAKS-SCt bbij Crushed Hi do
Powdered* 40 do Clarified, in etore •ad for • t>7
oeiM Agcafo St Lome Siea-n Sugar Refinery^
and for aale ai So* 7 and 9 Wood street
ocll> J fc n PHILLIPS
tlAlEl OLOVMi *e.
LAWRENCE'S HAI R GLOVES, «iagle, for Ladle*.
Ho cio do do forwent*
Ho dn do do doable.
dn dn 'do Lath.
Ho dn Strop* for Lathe*.
Co do rto lor G;nts.
Hn * do tin B«tb.
Ho Demidafl Uruihri.
Jmpsitci .na tor , * l '| r A FAHNESTOrK A Co
yS'HFFN"OIL~CEOTH—IOO yard* 4*4 Green Oil
7» WowTatreeurear and caperfo
Fi»b.~The alarm ol fire lit! oighL WR * o***'
•iooed by a stable, in ihn rear of Chtiaij’* Hotel,
pcnnMreetjtakiog fire. It waa burnt io the ground'
at were isveral fratao buildings around it, though
the damage tnual have been trifling. Chnaiy*
the Exchange hotel were for some l ‘ me
ila coniidcrable danger, bul, thank* io Ibe exnr*
oar gallant hrcxnen, the flames were ex*
llngoiahed before they cco'd reach thoie build*
Fikt Uabmkis.—Wo neglected to notice a beau
tiful »e: ol harnesr, exhibited at the late Fair, by
Mr. tt. IV Hanley of Wood street. The work*
micship wos very creditable, aurpaasinj? any thing
of a aliailur tmd which vre buve sesn for a long past. Tne mountings were plated,and alto*
getbrr, wc hiva never seen any thing oflhe kind,
al (he East u surpass it.
The Committee on discretionary premiums
awarded it a premium.
Fine Frits*. —Mr. Tbutaas ThornJey, of Fills
loo, Btaver county, had samples of the following
liae fruits oa eih.biiion at tho late fair.
Rcxbury Hussets. Rhode Island Unioning,
New Town Pippin, Spiuenhurgh Pippin, Ram*
l>o». Cooper Apple, Golden Greeting*, Seek no
Farther, French Rauetx, Bell Flowers, Golden
Gates, irgcther wiih eight kinds of choice seedling
also, some fine sickle, butler, and other
varieties of pear*.
His specimens attracted much attention, and
were among Ihe best frcii* we have ever scon.
larjEiisi—Tue AoaicfLTi BAL AfsocikTiu.f*
We aus reipicsled to announce that the mem*
her* oi the Allegheny Coonty Agricultural As»o*
ciation will mcel in tbo New Coart House on
lh* Ijrti Wednesday of Novomber, for the pur
pose of irficcn for the ensuing year
Pununal aueudcncti is rrtiurMed, and. we hope
that all ibe memberk will be present. The Im
parlance oi this Society to ou/Agricultural and
Manillic uneg mlereiib is 100 great io bo over
looked, uLd we ate confident that it will yearly
"tncrex-e .n prospenly.
THIC B A (lit ifill CASK.
IcoKCLi’urn j
But Ibe Cjuneils had nol usurped the righl U tho
Mayor. The charier v**icd ail rho powers ol the
corporation in the Councils. They bad tho right
to make and repeal ordinance* at pleasure. They
had the power w appoint all ofioem. The powers
of the Mayor uncer the cbtrier are very bujited.
True, they might br enlarged by ordioaoce* of
the Councils, bin if Councils could roofer powers
on the Mayor, they could lake them away. The
; ordinance ofisni did not Miabltah a permanent
watch; it gave no official character to the protest,
bat showed that toe whole arrangement was of a
temporary nature, la the notes of Paatlaad’a Or
ilinsncea, it is said that a* the time they were
printed, nearly two year* trier, the Mayor* never
acted under it, *r.d tnere w«* oj evidence they
ever did. Thp ordinance of 153 fl re-e*t*b'i»t>ed
ibe pertnaneot muhl watch atwlmhed in 1813, and
repented tbo ordinance ol IS3I. The ordinance*
o' - the 2J nnd 10 h :n»L made it the duty of the
Committee to wbtxi'i their appointments to the
Councils appreval and confirmation.—
They badlo *ubmiued ibe names ol ihe wateb
men now on duty, and the Councils bad approved
them. lu every deuberatiae body mucQ wa»
Jjße throucb Comm-ti-rs, and U was enough that
their action was finally approved by the wfiolo
body The Conccils bad t&o right by ihe charter
to appoint all ofL era. Tney hid appointed t *»«
night pohee, and u wss no objoetion that Uta
Committee had reported the name* of the persoua
Si.;l it «e« said that th* power of the Couoc!.
to tvix>«ui night r**> i reu>»'D was ta** o *w>V l**
ibo art >'f ApnlloM. Hy “ *• 4ei * r,:d
• • fbut the M*>or, *o eicciorf, »b»tl have all th*
Olbrr f<iwe*§ now vc«ird bv '<J*c 10 the Mayor of
said city, tv vrv:* r-f U.a offi -v. ' The p-wcrr
bere mrnuoucd »ure!v do not include thapower
to appoint cnhi pohc-men. I<ir tbi* *M vested in
■be tnriccr Merois, no' bv tor, hot o*dir.aKt* vf
tue rltv Lai.-' m ite «a« ure used tncas* «0
act or la* of the l*aiala ure aud not au u*dthanc»
of the city h means tbe U« u‘ iba State which
tha Lntis'a'ut-' os ght b; nresmccd to know aad
LJI ct!> ordirsr-* with wh.rh they were a quaint
ed. T.j R.velhe WJft 1 any other tneantti* would
be to make not oil* Ibo o^ of 1311, bu
nil Other .-.‘sdiuaDrea cnuf-rHCg po**»-* ..0 the
Mayor* pr*>MO I*3l. perpetual ao*l rrrepealabio.
Tlti* would l>e to repeal that part of the oritfiaal
charter gives the CjUbc la power to appoint
all officer* a..d Ij iej>cal all ordicancra en»ci*d by I
ibetr. and that too, hv implication. Hf the ongi
nal rtiarter, toe Hiav»>r w*» «*bo»en from J3e Ai
de men —by racatarTtrt of «bo
waa net an AUrrman was made clt side tart ttr
übyve ciio.l cliu»o o,' a* d act, referred to tic
oowtr oi r.e.l sud rrhuieil jarndtr: oa *p*ted by
fjw la Aiocnr.crt, ned of rrutse to the Mayor of
Lbecjty, sr&to bo irti an Aidermao. Th-a latter
aci intended la »«y ti*t Uo Mtyor, tbourb bo: an
Ak'crmin, should have tad fetersirc tbeae pvw
were powers verted by lav tc the pre
ceding Mayan- Sncb is the uue mesofng of tha
ciau»c, and »o it n coowrucd in the note* to
PcuUantl's edition of the cilv ordmaaets So it bas
been ordvrstr-od and »-ui apon frr tbe la«i four
e-n. sears, ur.o ! Uc <•: tc lenrved Cooo
ael for in* May- di-v.-ed -.tat b.w btn, did |
• liot mccj* 1 *••*, Im»:
tbe wxlutji of ib.' ro ffiflkmg tt-j
power of toe Mayor depend on tbeCoanciia .a ap
parent Iron the abnae offcra powera by ibo' pro
teal Mayor. Mr. E. here panirttltr.xeu several
inatancea of eocb aboae. The Coaac.l* have -akea
•way aome of tbe power which they had given the
Mayor, tod they werr justified in to doing, tor the
powen bad been lined not hr the prctoclton of
cibxena. tut for their oppreaaioa
The CouociW have therefore eiercinrd ao pow
er Out emoted to ibea» by treir charter, they Lave
not untuned the right* of the State, ibcy have mt
u.nrped ihr rlfhl. ol Ih, ihjor-ibrrt I.™
osceeiob for tbe imuiag of fhi* writ of Quo Wart
racte. and a« ihe tvaoiDK ol Ibo writ depcada no
tne aoutd <ii»crei»oa of the Cooit. *1 would, be
boped, tset pranied.
J udae Saalcr. in oppostti&D to tha role, taid the
present proccedioK wa* wholly uncalled for -u
was a private diapale between the Mayor andibe
Council*. There were other court* open for U*
trial, and It waa degrading that Court to br-ng
every depute between corporation ofiicera before
it lor adjudication In tbe firai io»tanc<. l:a lime
ought to be devoted to other and more Important
bnainena. He hoped the Court would frown on
sorb altempta. . , ,
The proceeding waa tUo improper m that tt at
tacked the charter of ibo city unnecctaartly. II
particular r-fScera of the dty had done wrong Id
them be proceeded againat, and ousted from the
office* or fracchtien they bud ururped or abused,
but let not tho charter be destroyed and tho ciU
*cn* deprived of their rights.
Thn learned counsel proceeded to show that tbe
Mayor had no power to appoint night polire—that
ttocane of tho prosecution
The repealed ordinance ol 1 S3l aod the repeated
act of April JS33. A construction of tha_«ct ol
1633 which would revive tbo ordinance of lwi
and inako that and al! other ordinnocca confernog
power oo ibo Mayor irrepealable waa contrary to
the plainest rules of legal Interpretation and such
a construction would be abtur 1. Hi* re»sooing on
ibis point was an amplification and enforcement
of the principle* an.l reatoning roniattied to hia
oplo-ou on this aitbject lately published, Hia ar
gument wa» forcible and his language atroog and
impassioned. He ap.ko with great warmth
and eloquence m>ugle>l with that ju*t tndigoalion |
which the initaocea of oppresnon and outrage |
which Lad come to hi* knowledge could not lail to ,
one of hi* very be*t efforts by ex
prenting hia hope that the Coortdor the reasons he
had uraod, would refute tbe writ. |
Mr. Dunlop replied reofflrming and eoferctog.
the position taken by him in the opening of the
ctM, and charging tho counsel for the defence
with having deolined to meet and answer his argm
menu, He diadalmed all responsibility tor any
act* of the Mayor, and said that be did not act on*
der hia advice. He ssid the Mayor had right*
wh : ch bo would defend, but of the tornoer m
which the Mayor bad used bit rights be would
•ay nothing.
A decision id this case will probably be given on
The argument of the Hon Chnries Shnicr on th s
question, is admitted on all hands tube one of me
ablest ever delivered before thi* dirtinyuished tr«-
b.mnl- U excited n great deni of attention, and few
led any doubt as to the result.
Fbeasb or thi Maron —Tbc official conduct
of ibu Maynr, 'or lh« past few days, ha* bc.-n, tf
possible, more oulragcoua than ever. On Wc-J
ae*d«y he arrested John Barton, Ejtj., a member
of the Pittsburgh Bar, under He following clrcum*
ctnncca. Mr. Barton is Attorney for Mr. Gut*
awn, a German who a *hort time ago became to
runty in tbo sum o' lour thousand dollars far
Barter s appearance et Court, aod lor Ua keep,
ing the peace. Qutiman, afterward* received a
| t .ter, warning him tbal Berkor’a recognisancoo
were aboot to bo forfeited, and n alarm, he went to
consult Mr. Barton, who, finding that the Alder
man actually bad forlelted the recogaaance, Bar.
ter having drawn a poiol on one oi our oldest
•nd most r«»pcriable ctiiJWM, a abort’time before,
advised b«m io take out a bulpieca, and aurreudel
tlie Mayor.
Gutzmaa went round to tell- Barker that he
on»l get other bail and when ho heard the name
oTG.'s lawyer, ho went to Mr. Bartoa’a office, and
raising his cane, commenced cursing and reviling
Mr. B at oacc ordered his honor to lesvo tbs
room, which be did, tbroalmag to have him in the
watch bonio is 3 minute*. Next day he sent three
of hie constables round to arrest bat as ths
warrant wu lllegtl, hot charging him with nay of
fense he refused to go, and told the officers io are
rest him at their peril. This they decliaod doing,
udmg itwif After tnosicticg Isoms tori*
urn,'Mr. Birton, aciicg un?er tha advice of acme
friends, went ihe Mayor*# office, when
his honor, who was not in a Very fit condition to
tty any one, ordered him to be lakes to the cells
below. Hit officer* balog -afraid to comply with
bi* demand, the Mayor drew a pistol and present
ed it at Mr. B. The pistol was likes from h<m.
and he drew another one, cocking it, which was
also lakes from hits. He then became perfectly
Infuriated, foaming at the mouth; and Mr. Bar*
tc a, who bad draws a knife to defend himself, was
bustled intoihe beck yard, bis friends resisting as
teach as possible, the individual* who act as Bar*
her** officer*. It was then found that tbo person
who bad the keys of the cells, ba?ing become
alarmed, had ran awuy together with son o others,
and Mr. B. wan called into the back room of the
office, where ifce Mayor was leaning on tbs table,
froth Jimudk (torn bu meutb.
Mr- Barker’* son then discharged him from cus
tody till four n’elr.rb that afternoon, j['t was then
tong past four), and he has not linen been mo*
lested. /
Saint Pst t's ' atbedral —The supreme Court
was engaged yesterday, in bearing me arguments
in the east of the City vs. Bishop j O'Connor and
other*. Our readers will recollect that the case
was decided in the lower Court ogainst the City, a
Considerable sum having been recovered for dam
ages sustained by the Cathedral, owing to the gra
ding of Fifth and Grunt Street*. |Fhe arguments
were pot concluded when the Court| adjourned-
Wats* m the Naw Waansl —Water waa
pomped into the New Bason on Thursday af
ternoon. so that '.ho inhabitants of the new words
will be heicai'er supplied with an labundaons cf
the pure waters of the Allegheny. I
The WiAiura— Yesterday vm L regular Au*
luraoal day The ram tell iocensainliY, and we
have uo doubt itat the io:l mios have fairly eel in-
Mcctinu of Tin t oi -v ii.s —The Councils meet
, night for the puipo-e making arrangements
»r the reception of the remain* of General Toy lor.
in quart buttles,
HAS no parallel in permanently curing mnJ arudi
~«uoc item the lysteni all
j. will ede-.sally eradieaie from theijetcni and cure
' *tlt Rheum. Ringworm,Tetter,Scald Ilea J. Dropsy,
saany, White King’s Evil, Neuralgic
Attentions, and sit
And Obstruction*. Uarrenne»s, Whites, Fluor Albua.
Falling oi the Womb, Ncrroat, S*ick Head Acne;
languor, Fainting Sensations, Palpitation of tha
Heart. Low Spirits, General oebiluy, Dyspepsia
i.iver Complaint*. Ac.
It l* Rarsly and Entirely Vagstatol*.
It ha* been oaed with the tno»l signal saccesa by
iLe Frotesaian in New York and New Hampshire, and
Uie F.artcrn suiea generally, for many years—and o»
• general punter of the blood and Inrigoraior ol the
system—«s a O'enuiue Family Medicine and aurlS
cations Female Medicine. it has rio equal. The purity
aod eAcacy 6f the Shaker preparations are well
known; aud ibis medicine requires no long list cl
renibcaies and cores 10 wiroaoce iu its increasing
demand for the past iwelva years is its best recoin*
tLendalipo. _
H is pat op In quart bottles, and Is the only Sarsa
parilla dial acu on the Liver, Kidneys, and Ulood at
; the same time, whicn renders it altogether more vala*
able in every one, pameolarly to lemal»«-
t»r .Mtttsey, Proteasor In the Ohio Medical College,
says the Shaker preparations ere truly valuable, and
rreoranirpd.i them to the pobtie. The sick and alllict
e t are requested to coil and obtain a pamphlet, and
ujrftiaa* a bottle of this valaabte Famiiy Medicine.
Ut iii'tsajrspiin/w Dr. e. 1). IllltV tD tfIIAKER
SARSAPARILLA, and take no other.' <1 per bottle— e bottles for to.
For sale by J. A. Jones, J. t*rh.~>ntnoSer A Co.,
W liiack, it. W Means, J. !U. Townwsnd, J. Stabler,
\V. Jackson. Piutbnrgh, D. A. KJliou, Allegheny cut,
\V U SieCiel'aml, Maoeheeter; P. Crofter, Drowns*
v.lle. Jarnc. Paall A Co , Wheeling; J 11. Falirmn
tad y~ <i- .Morgan, I*l Clairsville; M'fiean A Knox,
Cadiz. Also; lot sole by
DR. 8 D HOWE A CO., Proprietors,
l Colit/e Hall. Cincinnati, (•,
To wintn aDorders must be addressed.
rot m tiwviuro rixausrvrccßxov aU nazal*
4B airo rso* *» uartre# Slsrr ei tire auvu*
t,i lUM! <»* n’*»T«7C*.V..-i
Serefc.a m K.a** Uv.t, Ohtu.iste U s
.-tiil in- I *?e, (
>!lui.*hM, Riicv Chrsm- :'**•'? * >«S ,
or Teller, Scald Head. Enlargement and i am oi
iho Bones and Jmnu, ytubbora Ulcere, PyphtlLc |
Symplons, Sciatica or Lumbago.—or.d diaeavs )
iris's* from an iniudictou* me oi Mercury, Act- ,
site* ot l>ropey, Exposure or Imprudence in Lile,
Ala.->— Chronic CoruutuannaJ Di*oiiiere, Ac.
This medicine ha* acquired o. verv exwndeu and
e«l«bu*hed reputation wherever it has ween aw.d,
fcv-rc enuieiy on tit own menu, wL!«-h It* superior
tltencT dus alone *a»tained. The unionua&lc victim
of Itviediutry'diiaw*. wuh swoilr.a.gian-is, contracted
nnew> ai.d lone* half canons, tas been rettoied to
hralCi ’and vigor The scrofulous pattern, cohered
wun ulcers, lO himself «“ hit attendant*
h»« been made whole. Hundred* t.f pr.raona, vreo
l,ad groaned Lopel.-«»iy for year* under .-uuneou.
ai-d rlaiiduiar disorders, chronic rheanalum, and
many other complaint* springing from a derangement
of ihc accretive organ* ami me circulation. have Ween
rai«cd af u were from the rack of di*ea*e, and now,
with KCtueratcJ gladly te»ufy to u*
efficacy of tfi'S ine-'.imai-le preparation.
The aitenunn ol the reader la called to tho following
aroviuhinq ouie, effecteJ by the aw of San da* Sana
»» to certify that I have a colored woman who
ha* been al*:letcil for the la»t Bve year* Scrofula,
and all the retacdie* l used had no effect In arrcating
the pro-Tf” of the complaint; on the« onuary, *ha
constantly grew worae; and after expending between
ayy an! |yo with physician*, besides using other
popular remedies without «uece»*, till the disease had
eaten away the cartilage or her no*e, mad* its ap,
pearaoce oavarioa* part* of her body, and had Anally
commenced it* ravage* in the root of her moptb
“In thlv dreadful situation, with the prospect o
deaih •taring h*r in the face, 1 slated her chse to Dr
Ditofway. the agent for Sands’ Sarsaparilla In New
bern, N. C, by whom I was advised to use that article
and to my surprise and that of tay neighbor*, to whom
htr case was Known, alter using four and a half Wot
tic* she wa* restored to perfect health, and that In the
pace of tbtee weeks, and wsa a ble to work th two
week* from tho lime she commenced taxing 1L
“In wittiest oi the troth of this tiateraent, I have
hereunto affixed my name. thi« H' l^l*7_ of , Se^ lemt ’ er »
“Mouth of Neuse Rivet, Craven 00. N. v.
The following t» an extract from a letter received
from Mr*. Bevou.wno had been afflicted several yean Scrofulous Ulcer*, Dyspepsia, Ac., and recently
an affectum of the throat ana chest:—
“Bxn.«T»BV*u. Va., Dee. 13, 1545. ,
“Me«*r*. A. D. A D. Saxsa—Before I commenced
ttsintf your Sarsaparilla, my safferinga were a.most
oast rsi>re<«lon; my throat was completely ulcerated, |
\ had a dreadful cough, and there were frequently
week* together that I could not »peak above a whis
per, and besides, the tslUtaraaiion from my throat ex
tended to my bead, so lhat my hearing was very muon
impaired. After taking the Sarsaparilla a shot! time,
my health was unproved, and my throat i» now well;
I am a* free f-orn congh and tightne** of me thc»t a*
ever I wan, and can hear quiln distinctly. MT throat
h«( been well about three months, the cure of winch
has been effected entirely by the use 0/ your Sarsa
parilla. Your friend, LOUISA R. ULVaN 1 ’
I The following tesluaonial to the vaiue of tho Star**-
I partlla,!* from tho Rev Luther \Y right, ogr.d 7fi years,
Cooxrexalional Minister, reading at \V obunt.
“WuaCTtJt, Mas*., March 31),
“Messrs Pandr. Gentlemen—Prow whnt J have ex
perienced, and flow the Information 1 have recently
received from n number of person* of high respecta
bility who bnve used your Sarsaparilla, I have not
ihe least doubt but iliat it in a mosi valuable medicine,
and turn the nureerofi* certificate* you have received
of ns rifcncy are fully sustained by experience, aud
ahh'-ugh it’ rep Mttipn and utility arc very extensive,
and stand in no need ot my humble efforts to increase
them, I warn alt who are afflicted by disease to be
come acquainted with the efficacy and power of youi
valuable medicine.
-•I am, gentieraen, gratefully and vert respectfully
yours LUTHER WftIGHT ’
.Prepared and sold, wtiotcsulo and rota;.. b> a. J 4
O BiiNWi Urußs'tsi. and Chemists, Wo fulim. street,
comer of frillilm, New. York. Sold also by Drug*
fists Generally tnrcugboui tnc United States and Can
ada price VI pci Imul.-j six hollies forf-S.
fir ,»l« M L ILCIIX Jr-, "A. KAIINBSTI'C*
* CO.. and EDWARD PKNDEHlCH^PStui.aiyth^
I HAVE this <lay as*o--inted wit i me, James Colvir,
m thr Coal, l)ry Goods, ana Grocery Busines* ,n
1 The bu -m*** hereafter will be eondi>cicd under iho
'*tyle of "luiiier * I'sbm.vrlio respectfully solicit the
pouocage of u.e,r friend, * MnTLKy>
V n—AH person* knowing themselves indebted
tn'ihn’late film of Sn-tlrv A Hay or John wmiticy,
nrili n]ea«e make uumrdiaie nayment to.
w, „‘ SMITt.KV ft COLVIN
riKEN UP by iho subscriber, reel ding on tho
Washington turnpike road, li* milts irom Pttu*
burgh, in South Foyeue township, a Hod Cow, with
whit" face, W or 13 yearo old. With rorno white on
hsr less The owner of the same is requested to come
s"vjsess=&, w • b Ksagaar
SITUATE In M»on towrahlp, BerverCocuqr, con*
about 100 AC-RE&, 75 ofwMeh are clear*
nnd Ibc residue wall timbered. There is a large
Orchard o! APP>=. u>a Chcru Trccj c! rx*-
lif-Kivoil 1c also, a comfortable Dwelling House and
Slre y Theland is In food order, well watered, and
buti9 stiles below Ptuitangh; it rallea from Pbiw
toirt.ooibeOhtemw andonly 8 mile* ftow the
S?2u ut Rochester, of the Penaiylvailu and Ohio
sSSI Road. The title In Indlipntable, and the laodwill
hTscld on reasonable terns. FosseinoagiTco.tfnc
eeinurTi UP the l»t of April next.
-Thistract of land, from hr conveniencelo market,
.nd situation in a pert of the country where real ee*
mi ii rapW rising in value, makes it desirable for
the Investment of capital, and for rodening and agri*
iat ““NlfeifSsar °‘
||»l Atwniw »> UWi«* H| rUulMik.
f ’ ;
steam BOATS
Packet* arriving at and departing ttom
ike Port of Pittsburgh,
... The splendid steamer
. (P* a GLAUCB3.
Elbert, aunr. will lesre for above
QgjBUUSBSuianO intermediate landing* mi tbit
d»v, ihr vfiih • net . *t lf> o'clock A. M
Fjr freight or passage. apply en board. oeSd
The entirely new and iplendid
F'TTTJn steamer _
W. Martin, master, will leave far
ihe above and all intermediate landing* on Saturday,
the mii.tUr. M
Foi freight or passage, apply on hoard oc3B
. . _ . The fine new and staunch steamer
, f£*\ ft NAVIGATOR,
k§3pvs£3!* Wm. Dean, master, will leave tor the
SSSfeUboßlaboTe and intermediate lauding*, on
Saurdnv. ihe '.’Sib in*l, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
For freight nr pareage apply »n board. anni
TU tine light draught ateamer,
Li&UfrSatt Litton, master, will leave ler tbr
above and ietennedtate landing* ou
Saturday, 9<sib instant, at 10 A. SI.
For freight or passage, apply olt boartL or to
nf2B AR>lSl RONO A OROZER, Agt».
The ateamer
L&mHttt?£) D R. Dale, matter, will leave Pitts
.jftKg&afe, burgh every Tue-dav, Thursday, and
WimnfnW Saturday, returning. leave Wethvilie
every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
< " i * h >" .
The fine fast running * learner
Llfiabkftflß? M'Millin, master, willleuve fur above
- ,rt all intermediate port* on tbit 2dd Inst. atlOnVlock. A. M.
For treigbtjrr i'a«»agc._»PElY on teard.
_ The magnificent sirsioer,
i fort P,TT
y&PffiSS Miller, matter, will leave lor above
M&StiEESSMand all intermediate landing*, on
thi* day, at 10 o'clock, a. u.
Fo-freight or passage, apply on boanL_ •o'M
The magnificent light draught *team*
1 t B» er CINDERELLA, Captain Hailrtt.
wri 1 i iilSt ~ :i1 leMe (0T ,he * bove ftr ' l ftl * ‘ n,fT ’
BHEttSflUHmedlaU) pom on thu dsy.tflst turn, at
10 ovlnck A M.
For freight or paasage, apply on board, or to
ocsl J. NEWTON JONES, Agent. _
Captain John BiaJtmoHcv.
... Tin# aplendid boai vti built by tki
I lirl-J owner* of the (learner Iliac Newton
Lffifrraflß and otbert, for the Cincinnati an.]
B&KEaXKSßPitlibargti Packet trade, and wil
leave every Wednesday, Cor Cincinnati, in place o
the New England, No. tl.
For freight or passage apply on board, ot to
k The iplendid steamer
yBBpMR Ctpt. nanapee, will leave tor above
BBUKESSButd ell intermediate landing*, every
day, at 4 o'clock, P, SI.
For freight orpauage apply on board. rep?
. The fast renmnrateamer
Capt. B. Youug, will ran at a regalar
CHHBSaßflßpaeket between Fjiubnrgb, Wheel*
ing, Bridgeport, and Sunfiah, leaving Pittsburgh every
Monday afternoon, for Wellsvilla, Steubenville, and
Bridgeport, and every Tharaday afternoon for Steuben
vll'e, Wheeling, Bridgeport, Capfins, and Bunfitb.
Remrolng, leaves Bridgeport and Shufiih every Tues
day afternoon, and Bunfish every Friday afternoon.
For freight or passage, applv on board, or to
aeo7 _ _ D WJLKINS. Agent.
CONTINUES io frrsrard freight to Piuitargh via
j Kail Road and Canal, on very 1 reasonable term*,
and with tbr usual do*p»'eb, from our large depot,
No. •.'TO Marker street. Philadelphia! formerly occupied
by Mr»»r*. Bingham A Dock.
aa«l7 dim H W POINDEXTER * CO
Cootral Ilallroad opsato
103 vnlts C-uuA tv J (Junto irrr-—‘.£3o tntlt-i Rail
Hoad frtnn Joknuptni to PftiladtSpJija,
Fxcld'ively for I’aasengers,
Time th/oogb, 45 hours-- ‘
ON an iiftrr Mouday, September‘i'tkb/Two doilV
Partet Boar* wiii .leave for Job'vai&n, from take splepdid new rjr* _ditcc«' to
I'ailadelpbiiij pasting over tbr new Vrimoylvanta
Rstl Rood, bung o:io o: the very betl in the eounlry...
The tncrtai-rrt speed br thi* routr makes Itthcpswl,
desirable, sivd! as the ooat cots/ouabla one tp Ihe.
rHtiera eltiet' '
A Packet Bonl will leave morning at 7.0’-
elo<:-, nua rvciy at 9 o'clock, preciseli.
rjyTlie Portage Rail flo*d Is pas.qd in day light.
K. « r
sepn iirlo D LEECH A CO, CAnal Basio...
aoaoaokUKLk route/
Baagfraa. JSSSt
Oaijr 78 mi<« Biaglif
Vl* BrowcaviU* and Cumberland W Balumcra ud
Fax* to n*i.T:*ose-—•• »H> 00
! DO PHlLahthTBU ■ ■ ■ ■ IV 'XI
rvsHE morning boat leave* taa wharf, al>ov* the
J • Unify. ai 0 o'clock precisely. Tirje to
Uu>wn<<rc, Uv D:iur*;Ucjs to L’lniarfeipnia, 40 boats .
The ctemi-x l>cai leave* doiiy, ;except Sunday ev
enings,) at fl o'clock. Passengers by leaning on the
evening boat, will rnw» (lie mountain* In stage* next
day, an*l thu» avoid qisUi travel.
Secure your tickets ai the Office, Monongahela
l!eu»e. or Su Choilc* UateL
ocu4-lT I. M£9KIMEN. Agent
JBSft. 1850 -
(Beaver Point.)
PACKERS) lowing and shipping between Pittsburgh
and Rochester by steam boat* Michigan, Lake Erie,
[£7* (,ooJi receipted and promptly delivered to all
place* ua ilie Canal* and Late*, at ibe low**: rates,
btapper* will please direct good# u» ‘‘Bidwcll'i Lute.
Water at, Pitt»burgh.
CAPITAL (100,000.
I.Fumii.Jr, Bra>r. I R. MiLtti, Jr., Fr..l
WUI insure against all kind# of riaka,
ALL lotaaa will be liberally adjusted and promptly
paid. .
A home institution—managed by Director* who ara
well known la the community, ana who are determin
ed by promptness and liberality to maintain the char
acter which they hare assumed,* a* offering the beat
protection to thoae wbo detire to be Insured.
Diascrons—R. Miller, Jr., Geo. Black, J. W. Duller,
N. Holmer, Jr., Wm. B. Holme*. C. Ihmten, Geo. W.
Jaekaon, Wm. M. Lytfn, Ja*. Llpplncott, The*. K.
Liich, James M’Anlcy, Alex. Nimici,Thos. Scott.
Orncx, No. W Water street, (warehouse of Spang
k Co., up ataira,) Pittsburgh- iu4:dly
Through >• FOUR Dayra
TXTTI take pleasure in announcing to tho Merchant*
VV of Pittsburgh and the Western business eom
mubiiy, mat ou and after Monday, the 15,U of Sep*
tember, we will receive and forward good* via the
Central Rail Road, and guarao tee then, to bo through
In Four Day*. Our extensive stock of Carsand Boms
enables u« to offer the above expedition* routo to ihe
public, whilst we anil cc-uunue our usual lines via
Harrisburg and Columbia. . .
Merchant* wiihlrg goofs brought from the East
with certainty and dispatch at lew ram, or produce
•.iiinur.l iLvrr. are invited to eall on
VV O'CONNOR, ATKINS & CO.. Pittsburgh.
ATKINS. O’CONNOR A tX)., Philadelphia,
I‘rnprietou of the Pittsburgh Transponauon Line,
Or the following agent*
O'Cossug* a C 0 . 170 North street., Utluimre;
I' Ltu>i-s. b ttatiery I’laee, New York)
Ki.uorr A Gaaia, 14 Doane street, Boston.
♦eptb-Ji ..
hats, caps, and muffs
if, Wood st, corner of Diamond alley, Second tlory,
OFPI'-RH bis cu.icnisia and the publie, an entirely
new and frett* stoeb of Hats. Caps, ami Muffs, in
variety, Manufactured and Selected with much
rare in reference to price, sfyle, vend quality, in New
Yota city, anil will be offered at the lowest rates of
pro-enl low prices, Wbiirsole and Retail.
Pittsburgh,Oct, tl, 1350. oclltd3ra&wlmS
'l'llis beautiful style of Hal Is now received, and
I will bo luuuductii qu Saturday, Ulvl in*t. by
a„«?g Cot. Fifth A Wood it*.
Corner of Wood and Third tie, under 8L Charles
Hotel. Puiahurch, Pa. rL T 4" ~
THK undersigned bus • Mdciated JAecph Robb
WUR him, «o entry on the Wholesale »nd Itcuul
Grover? nod Kroduec « n:,cr V'" rirm °\
Dlao* and Robb. «re«t «:de of tfce Ommond, corner of
llnmond Alloy. Pitubtrgb.
THE Mill consists of nx run of rione*. three by
water ana three br steam, fl of barr *nd u of
coaniTT •too*? The Mill U la good order for tasking
mi*Tcbnnt»blo work Tficro 1» afifOTMill attached
to tho tame. The Farm consist* of 209 notes, about
75 nere* of which are cleared, the'kemoindcr «od
wood lard. Thera i» on the premtsbs * comfortable
dwelling house and barn, with tee or six tenant
boater, and threo good wells or w*i«, wtthcevenir
ceter falling spring*. TbeYots <m iha.prsmws some
.coal land.'two exeelleat atbne daauws, and atood
orehatd. bearing ;roit The Pennsylvania Bail Road
,a now being made lb rough tho property, which will
moke It vary convenient for transporting floor east or
west. Any person wishing to purchase »oTul«ahle
a property,'which wtU rent for the interest bathe
purchase money, will pUese call and tec the owner,
on the premises, nett the month of Turtle Creek, in
Wilkins township, Allegheny cttntr, P.a *
. »cpo-.wti3' 1 GEORGKIILBHIXrOtt
Ctf Set, FeartA amt, near Gran*,
Is Lamartine guild] sx*. Fltobvgh,Fx
THE Warehouse on the corner C4^ LwA b I. «
street*, recently occupied bT Wo. McKee, as a
Wholesale fin eery Store For terms- *PP‘X.u> H FI
Ryan, ill Filth street—Ryan’a Budding*, where «J 1
kinds of turned materials are for ;*ale, *J*4 * l **“
power and toouis to rent, the aacMnery being no
In operauft. |oel?:d7w) !L H-jYAN^
THE dwelling nouse No. FS Second atreel,
Wood and Market streets, no v ©eevpled by the
subscriber. Rent S*» per onnon. VtfSgWlff**
“ *cs«
rn wo well Etuahed o£ec» tn P«t Office Building*.
A Ssf welMighled room, 3d e*onr; entrance Mar
ket *treet, between 3d tod Ob 'UeetF- . „
Alio, a until brick bouac, tn tu\ TuwmiLtii, near
Penncvlvauia Avenue,
loqoire nf
Prnn comer of Evan* Alley- J.WJJi 7 ,?
mpir-Ju ____ ROBERT M’KNIGUT
A FOUR Pinry Dwellmy, »lat* roof, office, bath
room, ga» hxiare*. and bake oven, 149 Third »L
Inq-'te at anVaitr »ej>3
IHK Chartier'i Coal Company wilt sell *cme very
. iltMrnhie niece* of land, situated on and near the
Steubenville Turnpike, amlceaj the*oothemiernnnu»
of tbeir lull road.
The land will be divided toio quantities to »nit pur
chaser*. and Uio term* ot payment will ieverv ea«y.
tnquire of Z W REMINGTON
Coal Unrbor. SepL d —aep-lulbj Manager.
TO LB'f ,
ANJ) poMession given immediately, the Three Sw,ry
Brick Dwelling Qou«r. No Liberty street. and
opposite Thud at. ALSU,
T be Second and! bud stone* of W*r*hnj*» No J
Market iircel. Enquire of
K C STOCKTON, Booktellen,
asgld 47 Market «i.
FOR SALE —A Lot of Ground situate ion l‘cnr
street, between Hay and Marbnry street*. Ndioiniiij
the boiutft and Ist now occupied by Uicbaid Jiiwards,
having > from of lib feci, and in depth 130 feet, will b«
sold on laforahtcteru*. Title unexceptionable. Ed
qiureof C. O. LOOMIS, 4ih at, near Wood.
tforib-Eait cor. ot Fourth A narkitau,
On jWonday morning, 23rf Sejsttmbtr,
Willi u Lsuit Block ol Sew Goods.
aepat v
No 47 Markoi evreet, corner of Third *L,
HAS constantly on hand, for kale, Writing, Letter,
Printing, Ten, and Wrapping Paper, Bonnet,
Fallen’, Binder*', and Trunk Boards; Book and New*
Paper Printing Ink*: which be will sell attire lowed
cash price*,or in exchange for rag* or lannen* acrapt
DR. SPI-ER h»« removed lo Liberty "trect, below
Piu etreet, No IKJ. Office and dwelling .n the
same boilding. aug&idto
No 80 Fifth itrtat.
THE undertipcned;have, ini* dav, associated them
teive* under the firm of PUilltpa, Heat A Co., for
the purpore of manufactur'd! every variety of Flint
M*nafarmr«r* of cT?.ry variety of
Cut, I'rtsttd, aid (lain Flint Clan Kate
ORDERS filled without delay, at the lowest mar
ket price, *t tbeir factory, on'Try street, near
Second, or at W Water street, Pittsburgh.
PILARIS.* BROCKWAY, Conminlon Merchants,
Sacramento Chly, California. Lil-<i»i
hitde ca and aii bffi'.:r.t*i
promptly attended to
«a. rzjiiis, I
*i U>LU. t
murirvJS wtiuT
utior.s. Acknowledgment* 01 Deeds, Ac.
Office-Fourth street, above SmiUifieUi
BY virtue cf .s.J-iec-'-i under the hards of Wn. U.
M'Oitrv, Presidrtit of the Court of Common Pica*,
.in ntd-for the Fifth Judicial B.f'jiei r.l IVimsylvuiun
tun Jtnucr of.'tbc.Ce&ri of Idyi-fusd T*mi ?r u- -
tseterui' Ja’.l Deusery iu au.l lor *A.d D.vtrmt. ar.J
Wiljiaci Krrr tad..fcaOiiel Jones, E*q* ,
Judges of il.c fine county, in and for the County ol
AHechehy>d*i*d lie loth «l*y o( August, in the yeti
ol our Lord cue U>uo/xr.d eijti' hundred sod bftv, and
to me duccicdi/01 bolding t Court of Oyer and T er
-miner and Central Jail DOiverv fc st tbs Coon House
in the rliy of Eittsbtfrgh* ca the Fourth Monday
itlc^ocrrjtexttWt^o’elocj;A M.. .
Pence, Cofaacr.' and Consiabies'of A 1
utey be then and there* la ibelr-Uiope* .perrons, wits
their ttJIU,, record!, inquisitions;: examinations and
other reraptntiraneei, 10 do ibtiie things, jwhich to
tbitr respective offices inlbeir behalf appertain lobe,
d.ji.e - ded also tb«r taat will prosecute the;pnaonert
that now are or may be in me jail o( sold county ol
Aiieshrnv, to be then and there to p;o>ecuife against
them a* rholli eiort- , , . . , .
Given under my hard «t Pittsburgh, lhi»;l6ih day
cf tCp.i'L m tie year of oar Lad one thousand eight
tu-,sri*<« and £t;v. and ol thcCouwar.nwcalihjtte 7Xh i
| aaeltrdawulT CARTER :
''a-s Souiliirfi and Wostorn Hcrcbantx. |
i IV subscriber respectfully invites public nUcnticn io
I his. extensive stock of Periamery> sioaps, Shavian
I Creaos.Ac., to which seren Silver and iwo Goiden
\ Medal* hare, wiibtu tha last six year*, been awarded
I by tse Instiiuics of New York, Do*u>a. and Phila
delphia, the luiter being the only Golden Medal* -.vf r
; awarded for perfumery either tn Europe or to Uu*
country. _ ~, .
Rocs-tt>a UKXiraU.s= Ba* vino Ctna, (Almond,
Hose, and Ambrosial,) universally acknowlcugcu to
he seperior to any Shaving Cream in bus coanti y or
Europe _ ~
• you Shavis*.—Beautifully transparent,
and possessing highly ttaponscotu* and emollient
properties; Saponaceous Corapoudd; Aiul>ro«.xl Mix
ing Tuolet; Military Slixving Soap.
r'CrwnrsaToitJCT Ho* re—Almond, Rose, Milletieura,
Boequet, Pistachio, Musk, IVcholUy, Omnibus, Fltmo
, inc, Transparent, Olive Oil, Windsor, and Circassian.
Krr users rox tpx Hasuxaciiirr—Rose, Jasmin,
Bouquet do Caroline, Geranium. Jenny Uiul, Mousse
line, Jockey Club, Magnolia, Clematue, UitroncUe
Rivtat, and many other vitneiivs. tu all sixty diifeiem
PC 'lVunrT Warxxs—Florida Water, Eon de Toilette,
Otuukc Flower Water, and a-ftest variety ol Co
lognes and lavender Water* ,
PaKraasTto** you tux Hsix—Genuine Bear's Oil,
Antiuoe OH, Bandoline, Eaa Lusuole, Oleine, Com
pound Ox Maitoxr, Hfltr Dyes, liquid and in powder,
and Phi'ocoioe, TUclnineT and Jenny Lind pomades.
OwnoLuie Fairaaaxioß*—Balsamic KUlir, Bose
Tooth Paste, Charooat BcnUifiee, Odonune, Tooth
Paso, and Tooth Powder.
Ccaurnw—^Vegetable Cosmetic Cream, Amaodiaa
for chapped hands, Cold Cream of hoses, Cieam de
Perse, Up Salve, Ra»pbCTry Cream, Ac.
Depilatory powders, for removing snpertLaout hair.
Pearl Powder, Vinaigra de Bo age, Aromatic Vinegar,
Victoria ilair Composition. Pietlon Salts besidea
a great variety of other articles too namereus to be
named in this advertisement 1
The subscriber bores to maintain tbe reputation
which this establishment pas acquired, l»y disposing
of nothing but &rt rata smelts, and will be happy to
furnish those who may wish to patronise him, either
wholesale #r retail, on as reasonable terms ak any es-
Oi. ATreR Btz]Ni
Succor u «nl f°™cr S'*s?UBaSui“^
114 Cbesnut streeL
Mi. Bairn’s Perfumery is for sole by all thoprihei
pai Druggists in the coanvrr. api":dlyi
umn stock uc sukplci nm,
rpilE undersigned has been appointed *«cnt for this
1 oil and responublo company, to succeed Mr.
Fayette Brown, and is teady u> in*uc rouc>es in the
Fire and Marine departmcnifOn at tayorable terms
at ans other responsible company in this city.
080 E. ARNOLD.
74 Fouith »u next to Bank o( Pittsburgh.-
t,erm^mSyOajntal&oeijirSurplus EnKdi
$ 1,000,000,
fH IIF. uedcmgned wooht call the attention of
1 uhnft* and others having property exposed to
to.s by Fire or the perils ol Navigation io the superior
advantages ouercii by the,
Protection Iniur»no» Comp»uy
or BSSTTOSD. conit., Vii:— . _
\ -Pairs of Premium e» towthose of any other
RESPONSIBLE Office. __ . ‘
o—\ .needy and s*tlnacior7 adjustment of “T
*’u.e General Aecnt ol the Company tor the Western
ai,o Skmihcrn Stales.
3,— Arbitration {of all differences which may arise)
bv releri:ca atuißaily chosen '
i promptly psld In Specie, Bankable Funds,
or Exchange on Now York, Baltimore. Caurlestoa,
Otltans, St Loals, LouisktHe, Pittsburgh, ot
Cincinnati, at the option or the Insured.
putnphlrts, setting forth tho mode ana prin
ciples of ad,ailing lews, rates of premiums, classic
ration of hazards, ho., tarnished to the customers of
the office free ol charge- . \
For further information, apply to the undentimed,
who is fatly authorized to-tssote Dwellince. Stores,
Hotels, V»trchou»e*,MUls, Manufactories, Bains, Ac.
(j«. n. UAtru.
Fumimre, and Good*, Ware*,.nm! Mc'r<
citnndito, contained oI alored therein, agauiat lo»* ai
damage by FIRE-
AllC*, !
Dry Goods, Grortno*, Mana'&etareil Gw!*, Pr’o
d»rr, H<ra»*bold Fcmllire, l.ive sto-k, aud f.tfrr
nthrr df wription of Merchandise or Fcruonal Fro
p«nf. eh t-ped or to b* dipped i<r tool Aitamhoftt,
or host* 10 ro«i fjoffl porni* on iin* \Ve«em
or tenreen Ewsrn ciiivs i*i* Uakes,or oiner iidapd
rmie) und aav '.owiu »n ibe Western eountrv, n^tinsi
Shipments o< Goods* Metehndiws.per
t«wl vessel or vmcla, haw-cn New Oflcstts;cmd
F*vem pons—belwtou NcVOfleio# #ndeiherGelt
ports—between all Aneitean ports_tnd English, pr
Knropean port*, or to anj other oariiioo port watt*
soever is tna Atlantic waters, against tae PK-RILS OF
74 Fourth 6t., next to th® Dank of FRuburib.
stplfrdtliinl • '•
| LAs>S—3ou bx« Winnow Glut, ***ottea. of city
\JT and bcstdoanuy bracdr, for rale by
Dots* I -*<Ftca» osictiwi, for taieTTy
A l * U*PHV A BURCHFIELD buc recetrcd iloM is-HlI. r ... r-L-,j. V^f,.
M. of bft£d»me Fancy Mixed B»unc>rtof Boy* 1 ] LEaTHK«£wo- u»n t f lvy lddia
4tarj alto,‘Plaid aud plain Ctisunerf* In ertai O weixhu Spanish Sol- Lehiicr, {or ?ale b/
variety. Meriao Cajjuoiwe*, Eedtdeky Jeans,Block | <** a rF.RMA.N A HONS
Tabby VelTeifcfcc., ox oonb CMt“conur of Foanbl /’tHIP PILL BOXES—3« paper* for »alc by
I udpurtci txnn, . 9fild Ivs eel RE BELLER9
801 l Agincr for DOBban’l Pluei«
take* plca*uru in tnttuuneing to iha
.public Thot be £»* succeeded iaaecuni,* tha
■ole agency cviet.uued Piano Forte*,
far Wo*ien» Pennvytvasuj.
The Piano* made by Mr Ihinham, of the firm of
Stodartft llunham, src too wtH ami is voTablv known
m this netghtorh.vd to require any romme lit at tbit
lime, shlfiee it i<> *av,ii»i *o. - a long time *o other
pianos.wcre known ir, tbs \Vi»*ieiu country thno
those oTßtwlan A Dunham and Nunn* ft Clart.
Mr T'unham,'.Lr pfuctKa l p*iiiier of n.c tbnrs
fine, hit *peui upward*' ~< tv.eniy ycnr* in ihe fac
tory u''»olo firm, «» ptactical mtu\ytr ..'iteetcr of
the bmtinev Vithm « year or two Mr Pi.nhact hat
bought out the c:n*»c fai-iory m.i cupurniiiaoect of the
firm, tfid cominue* to ninnur-i-iurc. at to'ore, in hi;
own nuime. Donliaai ; « Piano* t-avc attained »oeh
pnpu’ariif. that in,*o*o of the winerri cities, Cincin
nati, !&0 they httve *nlJ two to one of any otter
mnitiif««iarr They urc dJ«in?oi<he;i by their power
ttn.t : U:ilUa"C7 of tone. *mJ extisK-rdmary darmbtiuy
N'-IL— \ laree invoice of tl.- nbo«e elegant Ibcnot
. :
No ICI. Second
KS litlSH JCX'i'UAC’Pa.
EXTRACTS «l Aonoite, Belle./;onn», Colacyrth
'Comp, Ocuu, HyoVciarEn*, ttiu
i«nr,. Tararicntn, sarsaparilla, Ctua*»i«, Hop:;Cal
chici acet- and Indian Hemp,
imported and foruale by
importer 10 u -g' A k CO
ApntrUtii for Cle«alng Store Ftp*
. nltfaoDt taking Jotrn.
ocB -: Firn »>. betwean Wopjft Merkel m
TIfJSE eclebrub-d and justly acknowledged tu
perior goods, in the latent coloti'i.g* and tr.oel im
proved icy leaf will be furnished by the subscribers
in any autntity, at the very lowest prices. Purchas
er* will p)ea»e notice that the genuine Buy *tnto
fabrics bear tickets corresponding with the abOTO
cutVand they wtU also be distinguished from all other
Woolen Shawls by their superior finish, fineness of
texture, and hrillianey of color*. Order* solicited
from- all section* n( the country, and the tame will ho
, promptly atteudrtti to. Purchs'eri will also find in
oar Shawl department a large assortment of all the
other jnott approved makes, and newest desirno of
American, French, and Scotch Woajpn Shawls, em
bracing a great variety of plain medium rtyles
for frfend*. ALSO,
Superior Paris-Broeha lone and t»uare Shawl* in
: latest stylet and best mnnaficiate— ifigb lustre BUck
and Colored Silk' Shawls—Lupins Black and filodo
Colored Thibet Chew’r, wih silk and woolen Friases
—Farit Printed, Catnmrre an! Tcrkem Shawl*—
Plain and Embroidered Crape Shawl*—New style
Printed Palm Shawl* —Neat fi*urcd Phil* Broelm
, BhaWls—Lupin* Black and Mode Colored Thibet
Long Shawls— Piain oound Sep I Skin Shawl*—Plain
Mode Colored French Terkern Sbr.wle, trineed and
bottftd—Kight quarter French Mode Colored Thibet
Cloth, meaunrlng foil two yards wide for Shawl*,
binding to match—White an.l Cnioreu Barcelona and
Oencaee Shawls, fte. Wholesale and Retail.
18 South Second ih, Phildciphtt.
' Corner of Wood and Fir»i su., Fiurburgli,
OFFER for tale, of their own {importation, direct
Irom Europe, , . ~
Bonn, refined, in ease* Aeetir Aria
Ka,«o' Corn A Fowd, Orange Flower Water
Carb. Amton. cuts 4 i*m | Bole Armenia
Far.i» Green, in ran- l Fill iloiea, paperemboa’i
Ku&tn Htoue. m c-»»k» do wtiir.w
Flritlr Sulphur do | vtal Corkc, a-orted
C.ktlle Soap, in I.S- | AdCi sive Fn*
Cmk. 'Magnesia do J UoPcnuta O'*
Cail> do Ji> . • •
Li/-P7l, i .i-fU . (’.ar'-.- .iin >»..
Catb. Iron lit ke?< jK!a:»r::mt •
O.fcrie A;-d tn i** » t-.t!**** t' In;
I'O.IT. •* ruo'.omul ■« 10 I V7CC’||»; ‘‘*C lf'd
Amn.c.ll llwir <-i» 1 iV'-iV" *•
Kry ii» 1 ri.-Mn'* i."i*
o.j.rfmU-r llrrt i'<> •V» nv ■•fort.
j a * Mu- :w»i,
l'o;v li co j’ ...
• Vs- Liie V-» ' }i»U ! p :-r, "v l -"'
; ,10 n i'• »idl« | L > c:- l.efji.n
lodiie Ktif. •>. r<( l<> t‘Oiue\ I “
iocidc Iron,in oz viai»_ |
»'onl Sennuin !* jirs
Ui'o)ri> P»ra»b,lb bcttie* nil Cajiipm '
Hbt: Pi'i'Ecg. m lli Jars OtU-roton " r '
Ref.UtjUoriee Kn*. Nt' Pink otiil Dior Riurej*
\Vt>oJ N*>lh«inl»>tiotlrs CarUmon Seed
TwtEjaet.!* d« Satjib Z:nc
ftcrue A<*fJ,Tn vinl» :l!e;f<*iV T-at*. pr-pntM
Tar.arie A«*;d,in fcx» iiro - .m:i Kent <• ’
rior*i?%l»nl'*. in krp' ' ...'
lU,IV»hTj.VuF-»rW' Puny
*. ” • lied i*f3
Proposals win i.« *e «f it»*
Oalilmofe end OMo KUtt H'ond, t’emijany, »t K«'-
and tiieitr-fr. until
Setordey, 'ibe £Uli of No nett. fm’l<i«irt-. .or
tbt* Grnauavon and M a * ttf ai-00. wucm nr
mllpt of the hof, oyVfß>iuii"WttMwnn»lv ay mt,
ol Ft*fft!frcS a«dTl|ra¥cCfeeK. id'lotn the Ciwirtioc
«»,rae—i*ehw? tjnly portion of ltd i*uU6 r<r
raaiaißj: to bn put under etinwset.
The woti to be )'i will be general; / |.»firy—ir'.
ciudiacr 9 tunnel of I*4W, aho'.iior of 1333. nod - vM/>l
cMuoVmt i-i IrngtS. a nehiber «f «•"*? curting* /ihd
einbtnunems and i tj’ir.uuu of brine*
na«onrf. Sirec.&cit.ions «*;ll br* Te’-oy «i tiie at-orp
«£«•*», on and after tt»r: <<vt day of No«eni':P», n.A
Uugizceia wilt br 9Xf. itJC liua to give in<6ruir.ti«;t..
No bid unsappend by-got-d ttt»i:nt:*ei-0» wl‘l l-«
Muicidcted. and bidder* are <ic«ired to Mate if ti»ef
bjv*r omerworicen bead, nrd it vn:i be. fiKisngtl.
Ttc rnert energetic pto*eco:i.*»n o' tlie wort mil to
rerted By orderolthe Prr?;ceni tiui D.rretort.
Cfcief Hagineer.
The deiawark mutual safety insu
rance COMPANY.—-Olfccc North Koomaftho
Escbange, Third street. Philadelphia.
Fi#k 1.-uckA?res.—Building*, and ether
property, in Town oaii Country, insured ucqmst loss
er i4iuue by Ore, u; ihr lowest rate of premium,
- Maxis* I.i-caa'ten—The? ol.'oinjure Vessels,Car
goe* aiat Freight*. futnsii or coastwise, under open ox
tpceiai policies. a' Uic assured may desire.
' I.vlasP Ta»N*r»iitT*rioN.—Tteii also insure meten
auitirc transported by Wagcmi, l£l‘il Rood Cars, Canal
Boat* and Steam Boals, o,» river*. and. lakes, on the
caoit liberal tejiiii.
DIRECTORS—Joseph 11. He*l, Edmund A. Souoer,
John 0 Du vis, Robert Barton. John R Fcnrn«e, Samu
el Edward*, UCO l» Eeiper, Edward Darl»a§toa, leunc
R Davit, Wm Foiwell, John Neyrlin, Dr R M Huston,
Jg* C itaad, Theuplulu* Pauldcifc, II Jotics Brooks,
Henry Sloan, Hugh Craig, George Scrnll, Spencer
MclWarn, Charles Kill), i G Johnson, Wra Hay,Dr
8 Tkomua, John Seller-, Wm Hyre. Jr.
Hugh Craig, John » Locan.
5 WILLIAM MARTIN, President.
TIJOS. C. HAND, Vice President.,,
■Jo»xth W. Corrj.n,Sec y.
' ny-Ofiee of the Company, No. 44 Water race.,
•Pitubutch. lociiMt) P- A- MADEIRA Afft.
- XTIFK i”s?D UAI C K ,
J. Fluutyi Jr.|
Agent far tki Ptnn Lit* Insurant* Co. oj Pnda.
UPFIOE of tie Western Insurance Compnay No.
94 Water street, Pittsburgh.
. pamphlets, with all necessary information, ud
clank forms willbe furnished. , t , ,
7 Husbands can insure their Uves for the benefit of
their wives and children; creditors the live* of their
debtors. J .. .. .
The whole profits of the Company are divided
among the holaera of Life PolleicF.
Tho dividends of the past twoyeara have been etgb
ty per cent, each year. - lcj®_
Creates a healthy action throughout the body, restore
the atmtute, equalize tjte circulation, gise. toue ami
merer to the ijitem, amt create a power of rem«-
aore u> disease m all its forms, rarely to he obtained.
They wilt perform a speedy and permanent cure or.
Dytpepkia, lodigetilort. FlatuleocT, Geiieial Dctiln,.
liver Compjaint, ami all ihu trataof symptCtns com
monly liaUotl nervous nicotians.
Will be immediately relieved by Uic n?e of ihi* Jnvel compound, »nicb »• pu«l| ve*e»lue, •»
adapted 10 all esc* and cordiuonv
WilHind in ibis delicate a J palatable prtparat’an, a
combination o( Tomr, Alterative and Apenea. ijnalU
ueu. to ibcu systems.
•nie%eri&e*euon that this article has on lae Lisci
ami Dieestiv.lmtens, renders ila complete Anfcdora
for Fe-vcr aDd Ague. and Bilious and Typhus Fevers.
Dub 9**j bftTC BtC(J ir.iclebf Plantu's Bilim,
and have dewed *re#t beoetl «»« b*m. 1) have
b«eoiuh|oei lot years panto the !• ever and Ajtflt, hot
• met the introduction ol yoar Hitler*, Mmvo
cleaned my usual attacks, and can with
recommend them as one of the beet Tciuu iu ute.
Htxytdfutly your*,
Mr Dial . , . .
lipuina tnoch pleasure to ttato, ibattbo >
Dyipoprit wall which my Ut« has been co loitfi ironSs- •
led, arising ftotn inaction of the Laver. has bcr»reo»
urely overcome, ami cored by the ok of yoar bivala* ••
able preparation of Hitter*, and for yoar kindness is
reccmmendmg them, pleatc accept my thanks.
Yov.r c&tdKnl serv&nt,
Agents, William T. Hicks'& Co., 143 aud 131 t reat
Street, Near York. For tale hy
au*3t-'3min R. E. SELLERS
1 C AA,t FRKT Wolknl O-fc Flooring,Boards,
IJ.uUu perfectly dry, and of a superior quality
for sole by : . S. cLAKUJi
aaglg-dif . ! . Slmrpibßjch.
ApnisiaTßATons botiok.
LETTERS cf Administration, on the ettnte'ofMrs.
Catharine MeKnij^t t aeeijasrd, having '< tSl
granted to jlie undersigned,tilt penop' indebted era
hereby notified to make tbjaediatc payment, and
those having claims against ,sai.d estate, to preatut
the same prompily.for teitienicnu _ ’’
grrltt dnn ROPfrRT tv-rKPUCHT, Adm'r.
; (pi-, nv kUs—h dr gcru’d on the outside;
, it .da do insidej
Ja«t rec’d for sale by J A II I’IIILLITS,
, 3pl o tkflWoolK
O" n r H— friim «Vifltet fr.noiia 0.1, Wh* C Oil, Not
Lard Oil, Lipvred Oil. Tanners’ Oil, and Neat's
j-ivm Otljaat received and foe talc fay the band or
•aailon. and warranted to give satisfaction..
8 * 8 N WICKF.BSUAM, .
ocl _ Cor. Wood and Sixth at*
Tecelred'acd for sale
j by oct* -t J KIDD ft, Crt
RKi> LilAt>— tryt»i pounds just received ami ior»iK
by omS t i KIDD A Co
V)10 IHO N —4J3tT To ns W afaoa lag Furnace Figlron,
i for sale from the Allegheny Wharf, by
T. J * it FLOYD
ocs • j • ••! Round Chutdt
<‘or. Fir»i i \Vocd »l
6.1 liTrgwm
O'! y
Oil tMtcr'Alrnoml*'
Chastoll*, LJ. Jaly 17:h lfesa
SrkQrohikLS, Jane kfith, IMo.