ESTABLISHED IN 178 b. PUBLISHED BY white;a CO. b- H. wj rr» } [a. attain, ill!ITS PtTJJUWa, TTtrvn rTEXTT, RCST DOOA TO Daily r* r "■■■*— ■ ■ ■#7,00 per anna. Tri-wccPre 1 ■■ .—•— SdIO ** Weekly, *ir advance)— —• 2JPO ** Do. 0 Clubs, at a reduced rauj &A 9 CS OP ADVBSTUIBOI AGREED upon D 7 T» C PITTSBURGH P&BBB* One Squ* • e, (10 tine* of Nonpareil or leu) . onr I nfniDn- -S3AO One re, each additional insertion- .. 0,53 Do. ere week- ——— Da- mo weeks—— ■——— 3,00 Do. three week*— 4 no Do. one month* - • .. .. ojug Do. twb months—- ■■— 700 Dc three months-—* o^o £>>. four month*lo,oo Do. *lx months*■ -■ ■■ .. ... lioo Do. twe've tndmhs-*-*iaoo Standing Card (6 line* orle«s,) per annum- 10,00 One Squire, changeable at pleasure (pct.od uum) exclusive of the paper—— BS£O For c*eh additional square, Inserted oTerone month, •no far earb additional square inserted under the yen iy rates half price. exceeding a square, and net over fiftren iinr«, to be charged aa a square and a half. I'ublitkrr* not accountable for legal advertisements nctyced tht amount charged fur their publication. Annonceing candidate* for office, to be charged the name a* other advertucaeau. . Advsr.Dumtnts not marked ea tbe eopy for aiped hed number of inseniuns, will be continued till forbid, and paymcr.tetac'ed accord; . » The pnr lege* of yearly advertisers will b« confined riftdiy to t istr regular business, end all otbir adver tisements r.otpcnalcirg to their regular business, aa agreed for. to J>e paid extra. All advertisement* for charitable institutions, fire repanlr?. ward, townihlp and otbcrpubUc mtcußgs nd tach like, to Le charged half price, payable crictiy advance. Marriage notices to be charged 50 cents- Death noticeststened without chargo,unlessaccom panted by fanerrtl Invitation* or obituary notices, and when to accompanied to-be paid to r. Regular adveruterr, and all other* sending commu nications or reqslrfng notices designed to call atten tion to Fair*. Soirees, Concerts, or any public enter tainment*, where charge* are made for admittance — ail notices of-prlvatc associations—every notice de* signed to cnll attention to private enterprises calcula ted or intended to promote individual interest, can on ly be Inserted with the understanding that the same l* to be paid far. If intended to be inserted In the lo cal column, the same will be charged at the rateol not less than IP cents per llae. Bishop cr ris; Notices to be charred triple price, Tavern 1 deeme Petitions, *2 each. Legal and Medical advertisements to be charged at falipnees Reel K-tate Agents’ and Auctioneers’ advertise ment* net to bf„f leased ender yearly rotes, but to be allowed d;-ccar.t of thirty three and one third percent, fretn tho atrocit.of billa. wrsrir o* ra-tnmt in cjolt nrm. One Square, three insertions* • —* -*-*Bl 50 Do. each additional insertion?-. 37 srmmzxGCs n* wjtui 1 rim. One Square, (10 lines,) one 'nsertion ■ '5O ca. Da. each additional insertion—2s “ All transient advertisement* if> be paid in advance. nVHITK A CO. Gnzetu. L. HARPER, Port. RftßT M. RIDDLE, JoarnaL JAMES P. BARR A CO-Chrociela. FOSTER A BROTHER, Dispatch. JOB. SNOWDEN, Mcreary. JAMES W. EiDDLb, American. HIRAIiI KAINE, Evening Tribune. PimanxoTt, Deo. 1,1340. CARDS. JOHN A PARRiasOXi ALDERMAN, Fifth'Ward. Pena ttroci, between O'Hara and Walnut. All bumnoxs promptly at tended to. mayfi AI.KXAHDKR H. WAttSOII* ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office, on Fourth street above Wood. mrlO DAVID O. TCJTTIiB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, and Gonmlsoionar lot Pennsylvania, Su Loci*, bio. . All communications promptly answered. oc<23*iy JACKS F. KERO, A TTORNEY AT LAW—Office on Fourth street, between Smilhficldand Grant, Pittsburgh. t?ag-lv JOHN n, UAHXUI, Counsellor at Law, and Commis sioner for the Pine of Pennsylvania, Su Loots; of Piltvbsrgh.), References—Pittsburgh: Don. W. Forward, flump ton A Miller, M’Caodleu A McClure, John E. Parke, Stssells A fccmp'o, McCord A King. angH-ly BIOWELL CO.. FORWARDISO UEBOQASTS, Glasgow, Pa. (titsiik's Ferry Post Office.) Having permanently located at this plane, a new and substantial Wharf Beat, wo are prepared to re cti v$ aiMtOrwajd RTOragO* fining il-<, end Sandy end Ceavef or Ohio Canals. • t* ft Co. Glasgow, Jane 15 jeld (AGALEY, WOODWARD k CO, Wholesale Gro ) cera, No iSI Market st, Philadelphia. aM FliubUßti Alkali Work*, BENNETT, BERRY k CO, Manufacturer* of Soda Amh, Bleaching I’oordejt Murisiic ana Sulphuric Acids. warehoa*© No —, water street, below Perry. narSO-ly ' Frederick Braun. George Reiter. BRAUN A REITER, Who Wale and Retail Drug rirta, corner of Liberty and Sl Cieir street*, Pius arf£,~Pa. apt CA. McANULTY A CO, Forwarding and Com • million Merchant*, C*ntvl B&un, Pittsburgh, Fa. mrj H. ORA NT, Wh<;ie**le Grocer, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, No. 41 Waver Pitu burgh. Ira Hetaey------Andrew Fleming 1L K. Fleming. neasKT, Fleming a co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS—For the rale of Do mestic. Woolen, and Cotton Goodar alto, dealers in al) kinds of Tailors’ Trimming*, No t<7 Woo4-ci, 4th door from Fifth. Pittsburgh. _ _ . Reference—Messrs. Wra. A. Hill A Co, Bankers. a. aatan.J wn. a. mis. CAIRO * mvis, IOMMISSION NiiftCHANTS ind BUI Broken. / Ho 114 second ttteei, Pittsburgh. nog? wit. b rmusn, nun r. sKtrarr. ENGLISH A DENNETT, G*ta English, Gallagher tr Co.) Wholesale Grocers, Commission and For warding Merehanu, and dealers Is Produce and Pitta- Burgh Manufactures, No. 57 Wood *•», between ad and gd streets. IiTJoIiMSTO 1 Forwarding a commission merchant No ltd Second et, Pittsburgh. mrtl Boaerr w. rottniixrts} [wairau c. unaasToa XI. V 7. POIKDEXTER * CO., ' /GENERAL COMMISSION and Forwarding Mer \T chants tad Flour De*ter*,No STB Market aireet, Philadelphia. IT 2d REALD, DCOKROR A CO TOBACCO CUEiJISKIOS BEBCHANTB. No. 41 North Water Street A No. l« Nonh Whaiwts A. J. Brexnoe. I PHILADELPHIA Esw-B iltaLS. f phiiad’a. D. 0. McCaiiscoii. . ro ,,M *- J A^w fc ttA«a 4 »«f H~ [tuzcetioj to Mnrphr ft Lee.l WoorPcaT • ex r.nd Cotamisiiou Merchant, for the aale ct American Woolens, Liberty, opposite Oth et. fcbl? a.a. HABtr. wte.r.;oa=a HARDY, JONES A 00., {suecaisors to Atwood, ft Co.) Commission and Forwarding Her ohar.u, dtelt:* in Pittsburgh Manufactured Goods, Pittsburgh. Pa.' nah27 W- aAiisTii Uccecssoa ro sajhch. c. bill,) rfiIPORTER A Dealer in French end Ameiiotn Pa -1 per Hangings and Borders. Window Shados. Fire Board Prints, Ac- Also—Wriunt, Prinuas and Wrap ping Paper, No.tJ? WeodatrcctJbetween frourih street and Diamond alley, west aide, Pittsburgh, Pa. _ feb!3 i PITTSOOBQII QLa.SH WOBKB* ( JOHN AONEIV, late of the firm of Chambers, A*- tl cevrA Co < woo'd rcrf'sctiully inform the old[cat tamers tad Utc public generally, that be will still con tinue to carry cn toe GTeen Glass basinets, In*** 11 “ vtneues. and Is prepared to fill til ord sP f° r Apothe caries’ Fomltare, Minerals, Porter*, Viols, Ac. Ac psnaicinf to hi* bc*me«*. lII* warehouse tt No *1 market street, between First A Second at*. jySt.djra JOfIND' MotfO AnfTWhol«»le !*■ wit,arid deaf er la Dyo Stulls, Paints, Oils, Varmsfics, Ac, No. n Wood kirrct, one doer South of Diamond AUey PUUttTftl. JAMEft IrAtzktLT Wholesale Uroeer, OomraiMiop MereUnv and dealer In Prodo- » lieovet «ud the Offio e •b tb« rnroer of W«wt ■ ndSoilthfifM «u |,m a! ”lf k i. |J L«Th3 ttutehuoa * MerelmcrH _ isdARDi of Ibe St Loan fcteua Sw Rebury Ko!uWcr and« froni«tr»«w.Pitt*bnrrt. j»oI v . - f WhIX>>KIAKKK 4 UJ, Whois,«lo Df»**ui» ' J. Ma at Wood etrrt;UPl»» h «r«>». 52*. i#. >lfcU.6k,“VV*holeieie and Retail deal* frriW or nl fTTc/iRFJPrLb, (law or Wtlfea, OWo,) Coamla- J, &n *nd Porwwdlßf J*ier in Wejxcra Keacx** CU»cse, boner, P*tr< A*h, add Weexera »mx, betweenSmiiWield and Wood, riuebarfh. *H «£& h. _ w yl RKyNDGD3 A BHEE. Forwarding and «'onuuls ston Merchsms, for tee AUrgteny River Trade, coaier* in Grecenes, Produce Pittsburgh, Manufac turea,acd-Chloride of Lime. • The highest Price, ia cash, paid a; *ll times for cwmory-rtgi Comet Penn aw! Irwin si*. apl9 ROBERT DALZLLL A Wholesale Grocers, Cotamissrcn Merchants, dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh hlaacfacturcs, Libercy street, Pittsbcrcn, aplS b. a. coarasajLAE, WHOLESALE GROCER. Produce, Forwarding, an- Merchant, and Dealer ia Pitt* nurgn Manufactures, No hZJ Libcr-y street, Pituburgh, .»! t* U. JUACU.CTT TBOS. S. SHACKLETT a WHITE, W'onletslc Dealcu ia Foreign and Domestic Dry Good*, No w« Wood srreet. Pittsburgh. fla i7 SAW HaßkaCgh; \VoT~ Merc&ants netierv in FJour and Producegroenuly. nmi Forwarding -i‘d Commission Mercnarw, IV. T;r*i street ani 110 Second street Hitisburgn. spi? k-sciKs, rmssrais. /asn meets, iust£xm> A NiCGL Proauce and General Com• -O mission. Mcrebaats. No. 1? Liberty street, P-tu, 'burgh- fipenn, Linseed and Lard QUs. *j,ir "H VON BONNHOU&T A CO, WholcsvieGro • cera. Forwarding and Commission Merehaau, Dealers in Pittsburgh Manufacture* und Wesurn Prodace, have ramorod in thei, se w wsrt-hoaso, \nld stand,) No. W, corner ol Front stroei and Chancery Lane. ftP l7 KOa&IB * HAWORTH, TEA AND WINE MERCHANTS, East tide Diamond.Tiiuburgb. «pl£ ,tUL. t. tlthlVi~-C-l CK. BHRIVER * BARSsBG, WHOLESALE GROCE RS, Produce and HlercJumu, And dealers In Pinsburgn Manufumred Articles, Nos. 13U and 13A Second itrrtt, _ Het-cen Wood A SnuthLcld. iMuboisU aagl Joun urxrr.] [jobti wtuu. JOHN WATT St CO., WHOLESALE Grocers, Commission Merchanu, and dealers in Produce and Pituburgh Manu- Libertyst-, Pituburgh, Pa. scptl’ T^lLOUfi— TOhrlj choice Family; ~ ■X »sO fcri* «*Bperfio*i 63 bris Finn, arriving, and for tale by _aepls BROWN A KIRKPATRICK BAIRD * IBVIS ' WOULD inform the public, tfcry have inken the warehouse formerly occupied by the laic Mr Solomon Schoyer, 114 Second street. Uevuuj a large and commodious warehouse, they would ujvue tbe attention of persons having goods to cnu«i f u or store. They will also give attention to tbe purchase and ole of Notes, Draft*, Pond*, fee &ng7 L.9.D*aterman- -R.N. Waterman - • W. H. Waterman- L. S. WATEEUAa A SOWS, WHOLE3ALK GROCER®. Corarci'-Lon and For warding Merchants - ilcalen .n cli likes cf Pro* dcee-A Pittsburgh Manufactured Article*: at, 4 Accn.« for WM. H. WILLIAMS * CO,, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, North East corner of Wood sad Third streets, jaai Pitts strop. Pa. wn. Bioairr, ioun a. coso&eva, w. a. woqpwasb, aitrn aseairr. WM. BaGALEY A CO, Wholesale Grocer*, IS and go Wood street, Pittsburgh. spl? JOHS B. WICt, Bavin B’CAHBLISS. WICK A M'CANDLBSS, (successors to L A J. D. \Yiet,i Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and Commission Merebamr. dealers In Ima. Nat la, Glass, Cotton V«rr.t, and Piu»:.crgh Manufactures gci-irul ly, corner of Wood and Water meets, IMtibursh. “ P 1?- \»f A irMTfcrrKCTRKE, Wholesale Grocers, VY . Rectifying Distillers, and Wine and Liquor Ai*o—lmporters of Soda Ash and Direct ing Powder, No. 100 Liberty street, (opposite Sixth sired.! rmsbargu. &?l? _ \%7 W WILSON, Watches, Jewelry,Silver Ware W « and Military Goods, corner 01 Market and Fourth streets, Pittsburgh. Pa. N. B.—Watches and Clocks carefully repaired. apl~. WM. YOUNG A Co-, Dealer*-in Lecher, Hides, Ac., 143 Liberty erect iunS-ly wx. a'ceicHKon. bust. h'cctckkon W. & n. rncCUTCnCON, Wfcaies’ile • dulsra In Prodoce, Iron, Nail*. Gla»», aaa Pmabarjcn Mtaafaeura generally, Liberty sued.— Pltubajgh. i*n!7 OO.pA^LTUI^aSUXP. I HAVE taken WM. OARn into partnership with me La my basincss, which will from this dale ts earned oq ander the name of “John Parker A C 0.2.2 March Ist, 1860. JOHN PARKER. • Wiilinm Carr. Joba Parker JOHN PARKER « CO M Wbaiesnls Grocers, Dealers *« Produce, Foreign Wines, Liguers, Old Monongakela and Rectified Whisky, No- 9, Commercial Row, Liberty uteri, - cr3o Pluebunrn, P wa7Kzma» rxum. tosooa ea.tna. writs** PALBERf HASSA * CO., (Successors to Hussey, Hanna A Co ) BANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealers tn Foreign aad Domestic Exchange, Certificate* of Depoaile, Bank Notea, aad Specie—North wr>i corner of Wood aad Third atreeu. Current ncacy reeeiTed on depovile.—Sight Check* far sale, and collections made on nearly ail the principal polnu the United Bute*. _ . . . . The highest j-feraiani paid for Foreign asd-Araerioan 6 'Advances made on consignments of Prcdaee, ship ped East, on liberal terms- ; ... WTHT^) ’ • loao-ano.* wa. a. M»cnmo * co.. GRO C EES AND TEA DEALERS, ffo 256 Liberty street, above l» oot, Hare always on hand a large awortraenrofCboica Groceries and Fine Tcaa; also, Forcsffis Fnaita «nd Nuts, Wholesale and Retail. Dealers suppliedlon ihe lowest toms. _ - - - iciwi. .... - • • • BAOLE QBAIB WOBBS JOSEPH D. ABELL, Mineral Wat;,, patent Medicine, and Wine Bonles ot csery-descripiion; alio, WINDOW GLASS- Keeps constantly on band a general assortment or the above articles AL9U STATE, as the other Green Glass Factories are all srOF7H>, a* it the castoo in sanu»er,TMtsr*ctost u.sotv in rett orsaaTioii,and I will eenunae in operation bulb snniaer and'-tinier. 1 Orders rcipectfaliy toUciied, nod will bo filled on the 1 shortest botlco. Warthottte. No 113 Bccdnd street, between Wood andSoithficiisis. Piuabargh. jygftdly S.„. „ CO^P'AIIfRKESin^ P - BWWVER and OHAS. BARNES hare associated themselves together, under the CTOolßhrlTer A Barnes, for iho transaction of the P**d*«*t and Commission bsai* s ““ a **»* Piasbnrgfa, Asratt Ll6so— .,>^l wool i wool j THE KUbest market price la Cash wIU bo paid for tkodllhfastfndMof WooLby in* Jhg IIARBAUOO BLV6 VITjUOLr-«UOO lbs for STby *l» s a unmatoc* * c© PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 26. 1850. MISCELLANEOI WILKIIB HALL, FOURTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. THIS magnificent entablishment being now com pleted and ready for buinne««,tb<> proprietor weald respectfully «olieit a "here of the public pairor.«;c He trust* by giving his full attention to the battues*, to make the house a pleasant and comfortable reson for the cititens of Pituburgh and for the country generally. Good attendant* will be in waiting, and every ex ertion made to render the aisMishment wertbv die countenance and support of an intelligent community The TWO SPACIOUS HALLS, fitted (or [‘mho. Concent. Lectures, Bails, and public meetings, will be let by the evening or week, on as liberal lerm* *> any other in the city llie BAR and RESTAURANT. equal in «tvle and beauty ui any in the world, will be kept furnished with Pure Wines, Choice Liquors,' Cordis)*, Porier*. Ales and ail the cool, light, relreshmeut* of the «c**<>n Pcultry, Came,, Soup, Oyster*, and Ciaa*. served up in the best stylo. Tbe DINING and ICECREAM SAlXJON.bsii?* on the lint door, and easy of aauest, will be constantly supplied with all the Luxuries and Delicnciu< of the season; aud also, wuh«uch oubstaniiau a* the market* afford Boarding bv the day, week, or year Dmneiior Sappers for individuals or parue*, furnished on short n«iioe. Gentlemen with their families, vluung the city can. be 'applied with refreshments of ail kinds at any hour of the d«r. Good and an extensive Livery Establish ment is councctcd with the Halt Dinner at I o'clock Brcsktas: and Tea at the usual boar: Entrance for Ladies 10 the Ice Cream and Dining Saloon. No &7 Str.iihfceld stresi. )cif ; at- K H VAN RENSSELAER a. aXTiivsn, A* WESTEHVELT & SON, TT7ELL KNOWN VENITIAN BLIND MAKERS VVTtcp constant! on hand or make to order the t«?»i Article m tbeir fine, at their old srond, No. lit S'. Clm,•street, also, at N«: ?fi Market street, second story entrance m too Diamond. Venmsn Sbimets a-»de to ordci, and old bli.-uis neatly r-ncircd .ptft W.ftJ.GLKNS, Book Binders iir t. arastill engaged in the above bo>uieas,corner W cf Wood and Third *treets, Pltuburgn. wt.sre we are prepared lodo any wors ia our m.c ni'iUes patch. 'Ve attend to our work personally, and saov (aeuon will be gives in regard to its neatness u.m du rability. Bi&r.i- Boohs ruled to any panera and bound sat- Slar.usUy. Books in numbers or o'tu books boan t rate fully nr repaired. Names put on bocas in gtil i-sttcrs Those that have work in our line are invited t < call, price* low my*A' tf Penn dsehlusßliop. HWIGHT3IAN— Mantfacicrer of ail kinds of cot • ton and woollen machinery. Ailrgocuy city. Pa The above work* being now tn fell and sacccssMi tol eration, 1 am prepaid u> exe« sir orfars with for oil kinils of machinery ia ay line, sash ns w.:low», Sickert, spreader*, cards, gr.cring mashme.*, railway*. rawing frames, speeders, tbios.iis, looms, woolen card?, a'ouMe or tir.vle. for merrbant or country worn, males,jack*. Ae.;slide and hand latne* an.i tool* t". pen eoii ehsapar ;ha<' has ovsr bsfurt been offered 10 ths pal lia. by mail,ae:ompanied by ths cash or aoJ refer cure, mil be promptly attended to »~;r^ HEW COACU FACTORY, MA. WHITE A Cu 7 wcuid rospaetfaUy vJcro . ihe public that they hare erei-icd asi.oj'on Lacocfc, asra ueaFedetaiai’d i**mi.‘«ay wircct.- they are now mnkntif and are prcpaieu n. r* .>:d» i» for •very uescr'ptrva of vehicle*. Cooraev, C'auotV. Ut roucaes, Bufigtc*. Hhiaious, 4c • Ac . whi.-h irjii. ik'ir long experience ro the isui.u, jf inr i«tx*vr and the fnciftiurethey beve.Urey f., ii-iinhdentth. f *rc cr.abiej n> Jo on the eio-i r«-s-or.eb.: u:ia: \r;th those wanting tun ties m then uiir Haying particular attention to me selection of at*.ie rials, sod having none bui workmen. u»ey have no hesitauoo in svarraiiUiiv their work. He therefore ask lie atuvrtict: of ov pubiir tn this matter N. B. tn it* f<»t, and on ue ao*t ceasoaariie terma. diillil. wx b. scarft j*jots aTsiissnn. 80AKJFBS St AT/£INBON» fra mL RTtrexv Woo? *nt>32s2i*T, Pimsc-UtoU. /"‘ONTiNUE to inanuAcinre ail kind* of COH-LR, L/ TIN AND BURET IKON WARE Alto, B.fcck smua H ork. liteapi iioats belt 10 onter Special attention given u> ini work, lisve on hand* a Lor uAvjruneni of Copper sad lirait Kettles, Tin Ware, Ac. Ac. Sieamnoat Cootim; Stores, Uortalrie Forge*, various sues—a very convenient ar ticle (br steamboats, California emigrants, or rail road companies We womd rexpeetSully invite steam boat metr an I ’ others to call ana tee oar uuriei and prices tcfoi* purehastiig el sewbere iv:l7 Wrouglaa and Cut lroa RalUng. THE sabecriber* bet leave to inform the public u.f tbiey have obtained from ih«- East ail the Ist*- end fashionable designs for Iron Railing, both tor brute* ana ermeicncs. Porvons wishing to procure rand some patterns will please call and examine, and ;at!f a for themselves. Ratlins will bo furuished at Uic »ht-ri cst notice, and in the best manner, at the corner ot Craig and Rebocca streets, Allegheny city. nuj2S-dtf A. LAMOVr * KNOX. WILLIAM DIOBY BFGS k-nrvt id i-.i.,rai bu fncM* sr-d customer- ;1 » Be is just rc<.ci. -.'a hi-: net, '-is rniapn*.i.e. \» r.-.uui, r.ii the ~-tl most f**i-J*>i> l->n *:>J linen .urnne.- stun*, an-: <*ver-. a'i.ri *«..nbls J.-t gentlemen’* w C «r fot spm.?; *na summer It *-e.nj iQipnrsil-ir ;o describe the bc»uty, qual.iy, or qucaijj of the *toc k. tae proprietor hones ail who are is want of good,cheap, fashionable, x-ntl well made viotnes, will give him n t-ail, ns there n no siock this tula of the Allegbonies that can compare w.ih tt. The ready mado depanment is very nxtensirt, adap ted to h;i utstes. ~~ Rail, road cootracior*. country raerenants, and all svho purchase largelv, «re parucuiariy invited to ci nmine the steer before purenasm*, a, particular at irntion is paid to the wholesale business in thir estab lishment- UAUlUvill- ETery aruele in the tailormf tine mad a to orOrr in the most fashionable and Ussi luauncr, at the shortest notice mr2J SOTICK fTHE partnership bi*retofore existing ondsr the firm 1 of AA C BUaDLKY,o dtssolveo by Uie Decease oT.Mj C Bradley. The busincr, T.uil i/e carried on by A Bradley, who will seiUe the business of the late firm. REMOVAL—A BuxOLCT has removed his Foundry Wareboasc from No 117 Second street,to - No 13 'Vgoo street, between First sad Second streets, to th- w ire hon« lately occupied by G A Berry, where m- vnil keep aonstanliy on hand ageneral assonmcnioi I '.tt trigs, Oraics, jttoven, Cuokaig Stoves. Ac • 13 BABXUML McKJCLVV. A f AVUFACTURFIR OF CAST BTEEL, and No l i>l and No. t American Bli.Mer Steel. Also—Best Cast Steel Files, of all else*; and Blacksmith r.nd Shoe Rains, alwaj s or. hand and for sale, either at bis “ Ra tio rticei Works.-’ I t’Hara street. Fifth Ward, or at the --•(Tice in the Iron Store of BOLL.MANS A GARRI SON, No 1, loo: of Wood streeTTTitttburgh tarW-dlra OIRCDLAR We. lbs undersigned, having used, vnh enuro >i*t lifsctjou, the Ca«i mcel and Files made by Samuei McKclvy. _&LhM Eagic Steel Works, in this city, take pleasure in reccmmeadir.g them u equal m quality to any ever used by us, of foreign manufacture. Pitubiugb, March 13.1%30. O A J H 9UOFNBFRGKR A Cfl, Manufcctarets of Iron and Nails. I‘ia-l'Ufgh, P*. KNAPP A TUTTEN, Ircr. Founders and Mschimsts, Pissbargn, Pa. COLEMAN. MAILMAN A CO, MaculacinTtrs ofapnngs, Alles, SpringSteei otf Rivets. Pltuhurth, Pa. F A W M FAUF.R! Engine Builders and Machine laid Manufactu rer,, Pittsbursth. pa A Ki’i/roN, bran Fcunlet i'fust-urgb, Pa. CRAFF.LINI'SAY A rn. Mauatacturet* of Iren r.r.d Nails. Pmshurah- Pa. JOSEPH TOMLINSON, Locomotive Enru.o and Snip Hullder. Pittoburch, Pa. W W WALLACE. Marble Manufacturer, .tlsrhine and F.ngine Uuiht taret «r. Piuat-arch. Pa. DlisoloUoa of Partnarablp, THE f aruictaiiip heretofore rxirilug hetween ibe subneribers, under the firm of Chambers, Agnew A Glass Manufacturer*, was di«K>lved brmutual consent, on the first day of July, Innurnt- All persons knowing themselves ladriiied to said firm aro request ed to make payment lo cither of ito parues, without delay, and all person, having unwilled account* with said firm, are invited to present them for settlement Immediately. ALEXANDER CHAMBERS, JOHN AGNi'.W. n-naom h u. chamulbs. HOTICU, THE owners aad consignees of goods amving by tho “CitKctis’ Portable Boat Line,” will please take notice vlial they will "tre raquired to pay freight si our warehouse, according to the receipt, bciure Uie goods aro removed. C A MaA-NLLTY Au) 'WVihlng, Blsscblug, and' insioitag Plata. Diiiinons—Put tho clothes into void water and lei tiiem snai over lunhi. In me morning wring them oat and put ilirm uro a leu.3 of boding water, to which adit the proportion of mns pint of llul.l tr. tifUl gallon* of waier—sur il up and to.I tr.-: wooic i«cttr mirutes. The uloOict msy men Ur wnir.g out sml well ri’ised in clear cold wider The pun* oi msnis that may l-p-mnsi n-iica, such a* wrl*tDunJ< ai d collars of shirtk.may l*e -urbily rubbed before tinning, and ibe clothes wuf be InuoJ perfect y clean, while and clear. Warranted um u> injorc ibe f.>ie»t fabric and to rive pcrfcoi sstisfaction, or the money will be refunded. Bn'd wholesale and tetaJ by R E SELLERS sepio f'7 Woo.J *i TimUudrWarrsn''aid' pilUburgh Tcltfraph Company^ IN pursuance of a resolution of the Board of Dirte* tors of the Cleveland, Warren and Pittsburgh Telegraph Company, requesting uie Secretary to masc out and cause to be published In tho newspaper* the line, an exhibit of the financial and other affair* ol this company. 1 submit the following Report:— The lir.e ofTelegiaph commence* at Cleveland and terminate* *t Pinslrurgh. passing ihroagb Cblgno Fulls, Franklin. Newton Fails, Warren. Yoanrsiown. and Lowell, in iho State of Ohio, and New Castle and Rochester, is the, .Yuue of Pennsylviuna, ai which points there are ottnas located i-r the receiot and •Tsritei*. mSwui. hu» »n»-c.piii u-ft-w «*•) per tmle, making # total camial etocs ol orwSch amount SiO.iNH i* held bveuUens Su tka md the balance 1* held uy Cornell A Mittractar*- T* s * amouai of sub opetdf huge been paid to Co-neil A “''TC £r*R£‘XrSli. h..c lh.U nc«F>. BALM.Bcct.uit Ifo COAT BtJILD*R»« A»Tt*T M Uw » INSURANCE. Slate Mnlnol Fire Insoraace Company, HAURTSBimO, PA. THE v,ry liberal pstronsge extended to this com pany, having issued policies to the amount of near One ads Uaff Million of Dollars, donog the la»t three rconth*. is »*fleient manifestation of the esu motion and confidence of the pnl*He in the system of rcanrtjreruoni on which it* business is conducted To City or country merchants. »nd owners of d we **' injiV find uolsted o* eoun'ry property, it 1* believed ih>* Company afford* advantages in point of cheap- M‘*. :'M>ty. usd security, inlerior to no lusui&nce Cotnvany in ibis country. , , .. i'ondui;le-i og tbe equitable and areally Improved • ys*.-m cfOlaAsificAtinn of Kisk*,ejriudliig.all ipcci*! lini*,.-!*, uisunng only a limited amount many one loc* :ity. ipu* precluding ibe frequency and occurrence of lane tire*, era also on both the Block *tM Mutual pleri. ii noi onlv possesses tfie obtapnes* raodau.xi of both methods, U*4 eptUle* .be UJffored to a r ariicipjnron inxho profits . M it under the control of the following Directors:— Johr. P. Raihtrfoni, A J. Gillen, John B. Packer, Ssnuri T Jonr*. Alonco A. Carrier, Philo C Bedg vki, Kobrn Kloir J p RUTHERFORD,Prss'I A J GILLETT, Bec*y. A A, Actuary Branch Office for Western Pcnnsvlvanis, 41 Smith- Ccid street, Pittsburgh. Pe-soos desiting InsUrunos will be furnished with book* 01 ibe company byeiJl mg at the office. ou3 AssoolAtcd Flisnua'i lniuianoe Coxk* pany oftb« City ofPlmburgli. CAi i r.\(. «aoo,ooo. J K MfHiRF.HFAD. l J te*'i-W W.DALLAS.BofI*T rttHE Company i« n.iw orenared to insate against f VIKF and MARINE RISKHofsII kind* . Oj'ic*. Mo!’ij*gahtla Hpuie, 124 df 12S TTo/er it niusciot*: J K Moor, tea-, Rody I’stierton, Wm. A HUI, B. H Harney, R. B-Simpson, Jo*hun Rhodes. Wjn. M Fdrsr. Edirsid Gregg. A P. Anshstr, Wra. Coi nn.Twcod, B. C. Sawyer, Cbas. Kent, Wm Gonuan. nurlTdly hlft sud Hsaltb lßiaraasci TUB Mutnai Life and Health Insurance Company <.i lncorporated by the LegivUiai* of Peansylvania, Mareh, IPI3 Charfrr pcri’Ctuai. Capital, StCOjOW. Rj.rs3 low re trxv akt Ps.’nan.- vAnta Cojrraxv, t S* oo ,0T life, mast pay in the Girard Fcnr.sylrania.Sti.3d, Pena Mutnol. *11,30; Fquitn&le, New England. 52,30; New Vori Life. *VJI6; Al bion. fid.43; Life and Health, HiaxcTOXS-—Samuel D. Orrick. Charlei D Hall, W. F. Boone, Robert P Hue, Charles F Hares, M. W. Baldwin, M. M. Rerve. M D., Cha* U 0 Campbell, Lewis Cooper, I. Redman Barker, B.‘ H Boiler, Edwin R Cope. President—Samuel D. Presi dem—Robt. P. King; bcc.-iinry —Fiona* Rtaecburßs. Applicauons will no nreeircd, and eyery information given by SAML FAHNESTOCK, AgL Office, Ccmmetciol llonsns, corner ot oan.*7-dly Wood and Third its, Pmsburgb FiUfiTirb Vftaib » ihsuhascb. TUB INSURANCE CO cl Ncrih America will make and limited Insurance on pro perty is this city end vicinity, and on shipments by CnnaJ. Rivers, Lake*, Sea. The properties ct Ur* Cnm; *r.) are well invested, and lornitb an avail uvie land for the ample ir.-iceuniy of all persons who de lire lo be prctcied by insurance myl3 WM F JONES, Agent. « Water «t. Fir* and Qsrlas Ininrsucc, THE OFFICE ol the Insurance Company ct North America, has t»en renio- clc Comi'wny, w:ii tunc Fnlicies cn Bcildingt nfid ineir cemeatj. and on st:rn,:r.t/ of Merchandise by £isam Boat* and c.i,,rr W P JONRH (Micro aoo iouque ruriillure. JAMES W. WOOD WELL, TnitL Sr . Pmssreia. srenmA J. W. W. y^JTAa Respectfully inform* iha"tßV Kaaßagßngft panne that be ha« c ris-^flL— pletcd bi* spring sioct of*dß» FURNITURE, the largr.«t nnd moatvartedassortment ever offered for sale in Un* city, comprising: several tr u« as Roisvouo, MsJiooAVtt and Buses Wsunor, carvi-J, oi’uacsental si.J plain, suitable for Parlor*, Drawing and Bed Rooms, all or which will be wxhl at th» lowest prices Hereon* dcamr.g Furniture of any d.recription. tre ijnicuaUy invited to railsudrxsminc i-,*«iotk, which embrace* every description, from tL» 1 hsapest and rrleir.-st u> the most c.'ecani uij costly, 01 which iho iollfiwjng_cpr.L)i.*:* apart 'fete tiTcie Tete a Tetc Dtvsr.s; ConTprvaU'jui'inurs; Elirabethran Oaairs; ReerpijiMi oo t.owi»XIV dw *.iter.*mti do Bchet t'ltique; tVUt Non: Toils - . Tables; Loi«.» XIV I'xuxsJuie, Daie of Vora » Cmioa; Cl w..h r;-*u and Hair-cloth vi- ■ ct.. jw D. ■ irr. Ju Jo Jw, gar.v : u'ior Ctairs; if. •• ft.-, Jo la •• b. k (Vif.iui n., 4t> •• Cone f*r..i ay. Walnut and Veneers, at considerably redured phers febta HERSEY, FLEMINGTGO. HAVE FOR SALS, FROM THE MANUFACTURERS, AND AT EAST- ERN MA.NL'FACTUKF.RJJ’ PRICFB: \Vt;ie Faiiii’.li. sn Wool ; l*lu<- Dn Is. K;:i ■ " do iI«,UD D.-ra.f... , „ iii» ,li, -I'er-y ft ii'-ti-id;*; an are o ,;vid ho do 1 r.i, red si 1 *etory price*. Blue do iCheeks ard tiiripes, very Drab do ne^rygood* Black Cats.ihera. , sinus' Goods Fancy’ do 'Red Padding, super do: Fancy Tweeds Vo;: n&ckram, Super Black Broad Cloth. TaUara'Canvats, heavy do; Super Brown ao Brown Linens. Silieia's Super IJt'cn do (Drab Sriyc, black do. I .1 Twilled co ! aid a-or>tcd; Super Blank Doe Skua ;iU*ek and White Tape, Super Drab Cashmeres, ! wist. Drab do; Super ftrowa do Check* «nd Dm : si tlupef Blnck do iSinsn’s t cord rtp’i Cotton; California Blanket*. do Linen Thread, a Kc trial do I article; Blue do ISilk Figured Vesungs; Drab do Iflisck Sian do Groin Bagging. I Brown Hoiiand Se’gr Silks; Brown Drills; I Cravat*. Ac ,Ac. A I the Mauaiaeutrers' Vvarohouse, No 177 Wood s Fittabargb_ mrett BUiolutlon. THE copartners alp heretofore existing l.siweeti the idhteribers, la the nams of Constable, Burks X CtJ, it Uus day dissolved t>7 mutnal conteut. Messrs Borke A Bamcs will settle tnc naaiueu of the concern, for which purpose they are auifiontcd >o use Uie name of the cotoern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, KDMLND BURKE, THOMAH BABNES. The undersigned Dave Out dsy associated themselves In the name of BURKE A OARNE3. for the parpoto of tnar.Liactunng Fire Proof Vault Doors, Ac. fre . at the stand of die late firm of Constable, Borke ACo wtiers they will be pleased to receive the patron ago of the customers of that house and their friends. EDMUND BURKE, THOMAH BAKNE.S. In the firm of Constable, Burke A Co-, I wuh bin.eie pleasure recommend Messrs. Borke A Barnes to ihe confidence of ay friends and the public. Feb. 0. IM9 NATHANIEL CONSTABLE. febiVdif Ct ARBDTRHOT HAS just returned from the Eastern Cities, and i Q receiving a large variety of seasonable Goods, to which Dc respectfully invites the attention of tnerch uus nad pedlars. No F 4 Wood si. febll_ ALL PAPER-W. 'p.'Moiuiuu. u constantly reasiving, from me largcM mannfaotories in .New S'ork and Piuladelphia, and also from French agenric*. the newest and most approved styles of Pa :-:r llar.ginr*. togrther with Borders, rite Board Prints, and Tester Tons. For sale at oS Wood st, be tween Fourth si and Diamond alley, (successor to ?. •' H*4Li _ _ _ ap3 MF. fALLIU PAINT—S hrts Jost rve'd per steamer, ■Dd tor sale by the barrel or single pound &i the Drug, Seed, ana Perfumery Warehouse, corner of Suttli and Wood streets. S N WICKERSIiAM. arl*i CliSflllCAL BTUVK POLIBU rnilE pbeenix Manufaeiurntg Company now offer to X the pubfic tbeu premium Obrmicsi Stove Polish; and wituou' exsqgeration, or fesr c( conlradirtiou, by those who bare tested it, pronounce it Tar superior to any other In the market. The consumer need have no apprehension* of soiling carpets, Ac., as it* com p«v».tion prevent* a dn«l from arising vvaen being Up piird, which must be done when the iriove is cold The quantity required i« -o Utile to produce a beau tiful lustre. A '.» of over fifty per cent is insured lo the consumer*. A coating applied to Stoves, Pipes, Ac , when uway for the summer, .9 n sure pre vcniafive ugsinst ru*U After hiving tried it once, (if it i» ar.-pr.-iMe) no person wilt use any hut the Pha-HF Vi»iftr Mojitague Cuiupauy eoppty their agents L wiiu Roohag and Flooring in shecis 3i7 fee:, from It mf; ounce* per square toot. Corrogni..) i.i *nerii j x ’ j;; oz . ( u r roofing poMiC and depots, rii ir tihsaihing, llk'ls inche*. fictn nl to U 3 nonce* .*ti)rit, hpikc-., Wire, Sugar Molds, Perforaied Zinc, Zinc I’bUil, Ac. They warrant their metal pure, and free from any' admixture of Iron, or any oihcr suUioncs, and re commend it for Ihe monuraeiarc ol mast articles in the uoasr furnishing, ns it does not rest, u not affected by the action ol waior, and may bo polished, painted, and jipsnued Camples, models, plane, specificationa, asd other isformaiion may bo bad ofttcir agents:— WCoIA A Htsoiw, New Yors; Atsiston, Riaun* A Co., Bostorii NsriunTnnrrxa A Co., Philadelphia; W. A H McKa, Baltimore’,. 6Lx is. D*T A &i*er*rx. New Orleans; Db***, i#a i a mm ... F. MIL.LIHOUX, RenUciu'Agerit, 0 Hanover st., New York. Ucgv, Repteoiber i.—*ep6:d3m V BBW BOOKS. I THE Autobiography of Leigh Hunt; with emlrv tseenves ot mends and omi temporaries, in vola 'Carlyle’s Loner Day Pamphlet*—No VEIL si bject, Jesuiurm. History of Danus the Great. By Jacob Abbot, with /alla'Sowtrd, a Romance. By Mrs Martin I ell. Pictorial Field Boot of the Revolution.—No;. The above wofhs received this day, and for ci lo by R C STOCKTON a«gg9 Cot. Market dcThird t. iiU>—MbfcliHo lon handjnd foraale by ISAIAB DICKY k ilo •fit? WCk? «tx NM BOOKa MUSIC, &o. |Siw Swale* RECEIVED this day from the cash— Le Serenade—Schrubert. Ia Serenade—Arranged os DrieU. Jeonnctte and Jeannot—Far Guitar Voire of by gnna daT*—To*tef. Awav down in Cairo—Rosier. Be Watchful and Beware—Glover. Besides many other popular Bomtn and Piece*. ~ H KLERERi **PM Sign of the Golden jHarp, Third »t Saw Booka. j HEAI.TH, Diaease, and Remedy. By Dr. Moore. . Adelaide Lindsay, a novel. 7 By the auibor o( u Uiaice Arnold,” Bridge," i;*[d aro Correspondence of Rob . t-oaihey—part 4. G-bbon'* Rome— Sib and 6th vol. -completion of the work Received and for salo by 1 0 STOCKTON rrtw book i. ENGLISH GRAMMAR—The F gUsb Language in L* elements und forma, with a (ustnry of its origin and devclapetneat: designed tor use in colleges and schools. \\ a. C Fowler, late professor ui Rbetonc la Amherst College. Astiooomy—llio recent progress of Asuouomy; especially Jo tho United Stales. By Elfas Loomis. rive Years of a Hcuisr’s Lite in the far interior of South Africa, wits notice* of the! native tribes, and anecdotes el the chore of the lioo, elephant, hippopo '•“UJißirafTe, rbinoocros, Ac- with illustrations. By R. Cl. Camming. Received for solo by R C STOCKTON tl Market si Saw aiusle. JUST received it 11. KLEBER'S Mu»i: ‘Here, tbe following Monel:— In tbe Eye there iie* the llesrt 1 Love but Thee. The Watcher. >Thi White end Rea Uotcs. Nancy D-.t He doeih su things well. All U over. Where re no_v riie hnoa* l r.hen«r.ed. La RerenaUn. »ep 7 MKW BOOKS! liliW BOOKS! AT nor.MES' LITERARY DEPOT, Third sircei, oppciite ilie Post Office. HISTORY of Fcr.denr.i*, No ii. By Thackeray Ki.ickciborker Magazine for September. Hunt's Merchant!’ Magazine for September Whig Review foj September, wiih an ersravjng of Geo. Scott, Ur>tton BhakspcUe, No 23. Mitel's Living Age, No 330. Wtrig Portrait Gallery, contaioing nfty two engrav ings 01 dislingniihed Whigs- North Briu*h Review for August. DtmocraUe Review fur September. Eclectic Review of Foreign Literature for Sspiera- __ *eya Ri.WE or ths Mysicrtc* of ffie Court of London, vol 3 of this interesting work has been reccved at Holmes’ Literary Depot, Third «treet, opposite the Fori Office; also, Ellen Pany, or Trials of iLe Heart, by Olivia; George Oastnot, lumamed Seonderbeg King of Albino, fcv Clemuni C. Moore, LLP; and No 33J 0! Lmwll** Living Age, trpud Jut Hictlvtdi A LARGE and extensive assonmem of PATENT METALLIC RUBBER FABRICS, among ihe slmr*i cnJ.ets variety embraced In tbe asvonmeot, may he found tbe following- Horae Covers, Carnage Cloih, Air Beds, Air Pil -low*,'Air Cushions, Water FoiL, Tobacco Poucnes, Fishing Boou, Coau, Capes. Cloaks. Tarpaulins, Gloves, Mitten*, Pouches, Maps, Eissucs, Purses, Ho«v, Dnor Springs, Machine Banding. Sou’Wmera, Msi-aioe Packing, Camp Blankets, Paper Holders, lu.’c Preserver*, Travelling Bags, Isdnnus Bags, Balking Mat*, Dolls’ Heads, Dogs, Lions, Saddle B°cs, Air Balls, Foot Bails, Ladles’ Wash Glovey, Ladies’ Gum Bhoes, Gents' Gam Shoes. Leggings, Ae. i> tTf article told at this i« warranted to possess all the characteristics essential to water Eroaf USF. k SIGN PAINTING uodGlazing, prompt ly and neauy exeested. N. B —We vith it dis inctly understood, ibat we can do Psisiing and Gluing at cheap a* any other painter* in the city, and are dcietminetlto do ii. ref * J k II PHILLIPd ROUB9ELL’S EXTRACTS. SOAPS, kc Jeuny Lmd Ertraui; West End do;. Jockey Club do; Spring Flower* do; Jenny Lind Hair Glass: Aromatic Vinegar; Amandine; Pouebin Soap, fur whitening t he akin: Almond Shaving Crrim: Rose do do; Am brosial do do; Hosey Soap; (loaupr do; Amandine do, Uuzr! Nut Oil do; Rots do; hlar*tnnailow do; Bvqnctdo; Brown Windtordo; BeaPt Grease, kc. For sale, wholesale and retail, by R E SELLERS, 4? W*ood it. Muptrlor Seotoh aufi lrleb Wbtsfeay. 1A PUNCHEONS Stewan t celebrated Malt Whit- I Vf tey, of very delicate fissor. IX puncuroc* M-hti,'* Waiertule, extra quality and Ti gh pruot, under rutu.m house lock. Al. Urandir. ot different vintage* and brand* ui bolf,quarter, and ociivoi. I,xp:-n*'i and for sale by A II McCALLA, deodlia Sp—Sd tu Walnut.FtuiudefpLi* MIX KO AND DRY PAINTS of an kinds, cocaur?- iy on bend of Ibe best quality, also. Vaiarthra, Ltarred Oi't, Otdlcd Oils, Palm Bruthei. Sath Window Glau, various «izet, kc. Sold wholesale und retail on aceommodatiug terms N. R —All persont parchatuig mixed or dry point.i who wish to do their own painting, ran receive tbe coee'iUKrvirtctifcas J k II PHILLIPS sep'if T » 9 Wood n Oil* CLOTRI. ON hand and rtc'g from the Phiiuptrille Factory, or the fall irade:— NJQ yd* Floor Oil Cloth; iSjOO jiis4-4 deg SOdyd* S 4 db. Soft yds 9-4 do; lOCt) yds $-4 do; xdTu yds sheet do, madiam si.d heavy, Irom 4 to C yards wide, all of ibe newest st) i« of patierns, and cut to any given tits. 7CO yards 4-4 Fartuiure oil Cloths; 400 yds 5-4 do; 60/ yds 6 4 do 18v dozen assarted sties Table, Stand, and Bureau Covrrs, various patterns, and splendid finish. toCO yds 4-4 Patent Carriage Oil Cloth; CDO yds 5-4 dr. yrt* «4 d>. JVKi.i yuf C»;l ..loi- C-Bf t. 'or F:mrr. 3*i.:r.. J pi-Ucrus; ii u )a* -J-41 Li/rrn un Cloth iu< Window Blind*, ftOt W ii-iow Shades, k large assorunoui fU«t received of newesi stylus. Merchants and others wishing to purchase, are in- Viied to *■!) and examine oar assortment of goods, whitb win D« sold at the lowest eastern prieet. J A H PHILLIPS sepiu _ ?A V Wood st EXTRA FAMILY FLOCK. FOR lue of the cttixejis, tho proprietors of the Pittsburgh City Mill* have placed boxes for the reception of orders at Uie following places;— JAR Floyd, corner of t*ixth and Wood streets. U Hayward, shoe store, cor. Litany A Market sts. A Bcelen, store, Third street- L Wilcox, jr., druggist, cor. Fourth A Smith hold. John F Smith, srnre, comer iligu.A Wylie. Telegraph Office, Fosrui street 11 C Kelly, grocer, Fiflb it, cornrr ofMsrieialley M Oran, (tore, Pcun street, Ninth Ward. The door waggons will call twice or Utnee daily for orders, and the dour, Ac. delivered promptly,cither .n barrels or sacks—tack floor u preferable for family use—without charge for cartage. It is plain that no account* can be allowed, and that drivers can have no permission to leave floor without payment. We hope the public will be pleased wttn this az rangececi, as we shall endeavor to do them justice. Tcayw WIL.MARTH A NOBLE Kirup&rlllk Seda &Xtaoa kivrvp. 2b k*g« Sar«*ptriU* Soda; bx* do do; JO boxes Lemou Syrup,made Jtuto pure lemon juice; Just iMeud end for sale by mn.l.Kn h BirggTanN. WOOLLES GOOD! THE undersigned bee on bend, end it (bit day re reivini lion ibe manufacturers, on consignment, a laigc iol of Flannels, eil colon, plain and barrel; Alto, Bed Blankets, Blanket Coating, Hester Ciotho, Casnntsres, Sstlnetis and Tweeds; which he -will sell by the case or piece, at moarfsciurent’ prices. The attention of dealers in woollen goods U invited. )i LEE, aaglC __ 13» Liner 17 n C, YEAGER, 10M flarkstßtrssti (nisr Übsrtyi) AMERICAN, ENGLISH, AND GERMAN FAROE 0000*1 HOSIERY, RIBBONS, LACES, GLOVES, THREADS, COMBS, BUTTONS, SUS PENDERS, Ac. Alto. - Satin and ranov ViiUbsi, black -'ND.FANCY silk cravats, pongee, UANDA>Na. and LINEN IIDICFH. a general at tonisem o( FANS, and every variety of trimmings. apdt Blaagtiterlug a Packing Jfitiabllatimaat FOB REST. THE woll kuown Pork and Beef Sluughtenng and Packing Concern, owned and fonociJy occupied by the late Janas P. Campbell, 11 for tent The establishment n located in ChUiicothe, Rots county, O.on the plat of ground dividing the Ohio Canal from the Boioto River, and has one thoiueud feet o I ground fronton each. The enclosure embraces *tk acres of ground, containing large pent, large and commodious slaughtering, banging, cu.unr. peeking, smoking, and lard reudem.g houses, brick bouse tur ofliee and every convenience for handling TWELVE HUNDRED HOGS PER DAY,end tendering ihe lard from the same; at there are a double fine steam bolter and engine lor scalding bogs end catting lanl, and two tanks for rendering oflalbf steam. There is also, on the premises, an Ice Uouse. large enough to contain eight thousand bushels, The Scioio Valley, ot wbleh Cbiliieothe b the chisf market, bona of the largest Pork and Use! Districts 111 the West, and bogs can always be bought there at lower prices than ai Cincinnati and many other points, and cooperage is abundant and ebeap. Theie is no draysge accessary, os beats may be loaded si the Packing House, and the fsrilmcs for shipping direct irora this via die Lakes to New York oi Philadelphia, or Baltimore vi» Pittsburgh, or »gl Kng • lish School, on the first Monday of Sept next. °' ,e * J '. b ' WlUjua »’ slaro, corner of Wood and Frith streets. S'” 'v.u,r H Low,., lto,. Ur. ElUou. j. „ 1 J. |J WULwhIS,. 77 ip* fiTiitfs URPin A*FURCtIPiELD inform ihetr custom "J™ A.JL” tout, to consequence or workmen Using engaged la enlarging and iwprov mg ihetr Blare IRoom.Utsy have removed their goods to the S*coa» Sto*t of the building they oceapyTunoi the improvements am finiihtd; where they will be happy to ■•© their customers as usual, arid for the xtotMe of talking up sulra, wiu try and rcauneruu them by selling them Chatp Goods. iCrfSttqnoa from Feunh street. uiztß gA«mafi=Wtiii“j^gg^r-gSi Wtttt r Fra at m, MEDICAL. PBOOLASi iTlOa. KNOW «U men who are tl c k aniaffitered with die ease of the bladder and I Idneys, iteumaiic pain* in back or limbs, ttiffjc mtt, old aorro, rnnuing nicer*, ke, that they can be uredby taking the Pe irolenm! Yon may talk about Us be»ng a nostrum as much as you nleasc.- but this does not make It so, for we proclaim in tho face of an ucmeti community, that it has virtues which *re no. contained in any nther remedy. The man who is racked with pain and suf faring from disease, can for fifty cents, get relief from any ofibeillsennumaruied above. Reader! it costs very little to make a trial. Tin* Petroleum i* no mix ture—no compond, pal np for tho purpose of imposing on the community; but it is* remedy elaborated by the master band or nature, and bubbles up from the bo too of onr mother earth in lu original parity, and of fer* to suffering humanity a ready remedy, a ccnain and cheap cure. It has cured after other medicines have fauea uyender any relief. It hoe cured Rheumatism of tong standing, and of the worst and most points I chariot??. It hat cured Cholera Morbus by one or two doses; it has cured old oases of Diarrhea, in which evety other retuedy has been of no aTaiL Asa loeul remedy in bunt* acJscalds,it Isbeuerthan anVmedical com round or ointment that we know of. ft will curechil lain* or frosted feet, In a few applications; undoubt ed testimony can be famished of the truth contented In the above statement by calling on Samnel M. Kicr. Canal Basin, 7ih street; or either of the agents. Reyter k McDowell, corner of Wood sired end Virgin Alley; R. E. Sellers, 57 Wood street, D. A. Kl liot & D. M. Cony, Allegheny dry, are the agents. i*n3l BEAUTY— h Is univer**lly conceded that beamy is more common in tbit ooatitry than io any other, wiiilt mi the tame time it Is eaiu ‘hn tin no other conn uy is it io«i at to young an tg« Now this is tree to a certain extent, out the loss is often caused by ne glect We say to all, do not neglect your personal s.pnearaiiffe, but read the fallowing, and ynu not lace good looks. These article* are sclenuuo pre p&rauons, and have all attained a pith popularity Jutes ilxuuL’s R*d Divtax ui Vunct snu Nixra Soar, for removing tan, sunburn, pimple*, biotchro, and other eruptions d the »km; the most perfect con servator W beauty every known. Pnrch*«e nothing pnrparung to ho Nymph Soap, unless U has my name attached. Jrun H*vxl> Psusttn os Cbuii*k Fownsn.ui un parting 10 the mot; biiioct eomplaxion u radiant whiteness. In nothing should a parson he more care ful than the use of a powder for the skin, as many of thn*e sold are very injurious My Chinese Powder i* compounded in ■ scientific manner, and contain* no mcTcdient which can possibly inflict an injury JrLts Htcxt’s Dm La tost Povruts, for icmoviug superflnnu* hair. What is more unsightly than hair npou u,e race or arm* of a lady. This article will remove 11 ui a short Lme, without th* use of any thorp instrument. Jruv Hauxl** VsoxtxßLß Ltqtro Haiu Dra will instantaneontiy impart to red, white, or gray hair, k beautifully black, brown, or cglct. It will color the hair tn a shorier t;os, ann more efleciualiy than any ether Dye, being at the tame tune indellible Jclss Htcel’s tiaavina Catax.—lt is really aplca - sure to ihave with this cream. Tbero U noDC of ibe smarting sensation usually experienced in the n«- ol moM Soaps. On the contrary, itlcaves the skin saooui and toit at os Infant’*, and not liable to become chapped. Jcta HAuaL’tßuaxToaru Payt>.-rN«Xiuiihe hair, we think theTcatii wqro iclonded as {hs greatest or na “Wt to the human face; but when neglected, nottuna is s* disfivoncg, or so qnickly seen fdy Bose Tooth Paste wtu impart 10 the teeth a pearly whiteness, at the tame time keeping the gums firm and healthy. Also on hand, a complete as>ortmCht of French, British, and American Fcrthmery usd articles. JU(.E3 UaUEL. PuTtumer aoc Chemist, HO Cbetinnt street, Pkila For sale wholesale and retail, by li. A. Fahnestock k Ccu, and R-E-Bellera, PiusbnrgL; tmd Jolin Mar gent, and J. Mitchell. Allegheny City, P*. iyv7—vp CHEESE— SOd bxs superior on hand for talc tiv »ep«S ISAIAH DtOKEV k CO BED CORDS—Dtflerent siies. for tale by t«p23 HTUART k 6IU. CIKbAIU CHEESE—3OO bxs prime cutting cheese., t |o _ No 60 Wood meet DIaMuNDB— L doi jutt received and fer sale by _ oct4 J KIDD k Co FRESH TABLE BUTTEH-W kegs and 4 bbls'jusi received and lor sale by J B CANFIELD LINSEED OIL'-JO bbl» tn sure arid for sa?e uy ova! j 0 CANFIELD CILOVEB SEED—3 bbL in ttore and lor sale b 7 l J B CANFIELD CREAM CHEESE—2OO boxes Cream Cheese just tcc’d and for **ia by octU J B CANFIELD BACON-— Ui cask* Daeoa£uUa,S do Ptitae.Sujar f,,.-ed Dams, for sale by oc.i L » WATERMAN fc SONS STEEL— a general assortment o> Cost, Shew, uei mai, E. 8., and Spring Pieel, tor sale by ocB A SONS XTAIL9 ASPIdtS—ISS km united, for sale bp i> L a WATERMAN A ouNfr SUGAH —3o hhds prime N. 0 Super, just receive for tale by BURDRtPGK A ITVGHRAM oc9 no Water street FLOUB— SO brii 3. F Fleur, just reed fer sale bv osS BUKußit*oF. A INGIIRAM 1 INDEED OIL —15 brii pure. jus, rec'd lor s-ilc ly J nrr JiiHNWATTACO iIT ANTFD IMMEUiAVELV —ah ei-enensed TT Salesman, fenui or wltfa tee Dry Good* ucsl Hosiery business, 10 whom a liberal ssiarv will be F H Eaton, oetiv iif No liiTMuh'i: O Ai>TPETßE—dOTscii" nuw ikuuiUK, tui »u vi O oct> ISaUH DtOKKV A Co oc3 Wafer A Fnvt m NOVEMBER MAGAZINES—Godcy’s Lady’sßook and Graham's Megs nee for November arc out. They all contain lbs tall fashion plates, ted tied en graving*. They havs all been received at Hotiuc}' Literary Depci,Third stmt, oppodte ihc roil' OSes, alio, tie Life and Recollections of ike into Yankee Hill, together with incidents of hi* travels. oelfi SPICES— U) bigs Pepper; 5 bags Alipice, for sale by ocS L 8 WATERMAN A SQN9 CIHEESE— l?o bz« pose W. JL Cheese, lor sale by / JAR FLOYD cc* Round Church WINDOW CLASS—-ICOO bx» assorted suss, Lber keart’s manuftciuro, for sale by BURBRIDGBA (NGHRAM, tep2i lid Water street _ 0"Hl RTS A bRA WIJRS—A large assonmsat O Woden, and Colton Shins and Drawer*. for sale iow by (tcp29] O_YEAGER HOSIERY— A fine auamccat tfladies’ and ebild reci’ Woolen Hose, comprising overv vansiy. just rcecivjd by foepafl) C YEAGER WHITE SQUIeLS—I coal rec'd lor sale by oc4__ _ R E SELLERS CAOLCMOO BOOT—I bale recaivcd lor tale by > ocl R E SELLERS SH MOLASSES—4O bbli 81 Louis Sugar House « Syrup Molasses, jsst rac'd and for ti e b 7 JAS A HUTCHI9ON A Co Tab, Pircu and bosin-sio ttisN cTarris bhls Pitch, 40 do No 1 Rosin, for sale by oetU JAMES A HUTCHISON A Co Cl I! ROME GREEN * VELLoW—4 cases for sale J ocl R K BRf.k.gpa Window Trimmings. TJ ECKIYED this day, at the Carpet Warehouse, No .1.1 bS Fourth street and '.9 Wood street. Cord aud Tassels, Roller Ends, Back Pullies. Rollers end Slats, for windows (oc3| W McCLINTOCK COFFEE —330 bags prune Rio for sale by octK J a UILWORTH A Co SUGAR— 3d hhds Prime N O for sale t>y QfU3 J S DILWOBTH A Co riUR—CO bbls N C for sale by l__ocasl J 8 DILWORTH A Co t ItEAft— ■ ioo baU chests Y. H , (1. P., tup. and Black, X SO caddy boxes do do Co do torssie by octli J 9 LILWORTU A Co T'OUkCCO —IU«boxes 5% I9*s. 1 lb, in store und for sale by oct J 8 DILWORTH A Co POWDER— kegs blasting to arrive, "~ L6QO do Deer Rifle, In magazine, SW do Ky do do, 'id bbls Safety Fuse do. Forssleby octlk J H DLL WORTH ACo LARD— M kegs Not Lard, just received and for taie_by octl* SAW HARBAUGH B ACX)N-S,00© ib* Bacon Shoulders. ~ 3.1W1L. do Bides, In store and for sale by 9AW HARBAUGH KaGS— i£oo lbs Ragsjusi landing and for sale by octl- 8 A W HARBAUGH SUGAR— I'J hhds N O Sngsr m stars-and for sale by Ofltta B A w uakbaugh S" TIdAM ENGINE FOR SALE, 10» inch Cylinder, ik fool stroke. For terms, apply to ocil , 8 F VON B«»NNHORSTACO SALTPEIKE— 100 bars crude, arriving for sslc by ocil WAF WILSON CLAY —lOesskt German, arriving for sate by oca W A F WILSON SoLELEATHtm —rOIHJIbi Spsoitb, arriving pci csnH, ; or sale by JAMES I>aL&ELL ocil 10 Water it RlCl'—tb ic» prune, for isle oy oclt ____ JAMES PAI.ZKLL CURBaLiTS— 5 saTis Ficnch ju«« u-e’e tor sale by ©on James oalzkll 'TanNERs' on. ‘ 75 Lilt rec'd for sale by X ocil JAMES DaLZF.LL LAHD lris luudiog- for sale by odl JAMES UALBELL rath bcatj'arr.ving. tor ts-r by BROWN A KIKLf.VTHICK Rick- tsi tea oclt) Fa’ll HO3IF.RY, Alpscca, bletlno, I’e-umere, Thibet and Llurna Wool Hosiery An aasoo. ment received at __ n>a ect« MURPHY A BURCtIFIUJ)? P« , 0 , Keg jjutTßr—4u tin* » t ¥stti n * and for sale by * iwEsi*., CO> oclff ÜbeTty it B~ALERrnnra3rTn7iX3TSk7vei7 e ßpe ncr u. k Cf , ' to f TOOBiTsinT-jo XI rnTUo tei pruna Bee foi talc py K. JAMES A HUTCHISON A Co TtiliNK BOARDS—W bundles assoned. for gale be eelO BROWN fo KIRKPATRICK . I TO ' i PHDPOBALS FOB. IHDUK GOODS. DrrauTnsjrr op to* Ismitoa. ) S Offset tf Indian Affaire, Sejt 55, Ism). { Pti.RDPROPOSALS wtlllereceived attheoffice of the CotfimUtionet of Indian Affbirt; «i '* **li legion city,'until ten o’clock cn Saturday, the second day of November next, for furnishing me following Inaitngoodi, vix.: - . . 1 CLuteiNo. 1.-r&uracro. 2100 pairs 3 point white Mackinac blankels, 10 ’ measore GO by 72 inches,; tnd weigh eight tetrads.'- 1 1 £co pairs poi*t whito Myetinac blankets, 10 meastirtt 64 and 60 laches, and weigh six rounds. l,i’i*Jpain2 point while Mackinac bJanltets, to measure 42 by S 3 Inches, sad weigh fire end a quarter po&nde. , &DU pairs 11 point while Mtckinao blnnkstt, to measure 36 by GO inches, fijar and » quarter pounds. WO pain 1 point white Mackinac blankets, 10 measure 32 by 46 inches, and weigh three and a quarter pounds. 400 pain 3 point scarlet Mackinac blankets, tn measure 60 by 72 ipgh» r u ) and weigh eight pounds. 300 pairs 2| point scariel Mackinac blankets, to measure 54 by 66 inches, ahd weigh xix pound*. 100 pairs 3| point green Mackinac blankets, lo measure 66 by 84 inches, aud weigh ten pounds. 300 pairs 3 point green Mackinac blankets, to measure Co by 72 inches, and weigh eight pounds. 250 pairs 2* point greed Mackinac blankets, to measure 54 by 60 inches, and weigh six pounds. 100 pairs j| paint geniinella blue Mackinac blea* keta, to measure 66 by 91 inches, sod weigh ten pounds. 400 pairs 3 point gentioelia bine Mackinac blsc keta, to measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh eight pounds. 300 pairs point gentioeila blue Mackinac blan kets, to measure 54 by 66 inches and weigh six pounds. Claes No. 2—Dai Goods. 1,005 yards scarlet strouds. bOO do blue atrouds. 1,600 do fancy list cloth, blue. do fancy list cloth, aesriet. 3*o dn fancy list cloth, green. 1.000 do gray list olotb, bine. 3.000 do saved list cloth, bloe. 1.600 do saved list doth, scarleu boo do saved list doth, greeu, 225 pounds wonted yarn, 3 ibid. 100 doz. cotton flag handkerchiefs. 2bo do cotton Madras hsndkcrchi?;#- >75 do black silk hapdkorohicis. 80 do 84 cotton shawls. SO do 64 cotton shawls, cfl do 4 4 cotton abawia. 40 do 34 woolen shawls. 4 30 pounds linen thread. . bO do sewing silk. 700 piece# ribbon, assorted. 150 gross worsted gartering. 34 pieces silk handkerchiefs, bark sud bandana. Close No. 3.—Doiunxic Grots. 35 OftO yards domestic calico IGOOO do Merimac calico 3 500 do blue drilling 5 000 do Georgia stripe* 4 000 do blue denims 1 1.600 do coitonado *,300 do bed ticking 1,000 do Kentucky jean* 500 do aat’nsi'i 7,000 do plaid Hneey 7.000 do domestic shirting, blenched 15.000 do domestic thirling, unbleached 15.000 do domestic sheeting, unbleached b,otio do domestic cheaks> end pl&.as 400 dozen woolen cocks 1,500 yards flannels, assorted 1,600 flannel abirtc 700 calico ahirtc 550 potted# cuitcm thread 400 doxeu spool cotton. * Class No. 4 —H-ianwiis. 2,050 pounds brasa keltic 6 ’<276 dozen batcher knives 26,000 gas flint* gross »qa»w awls 7,000 g«& hooks 25 dozen fish lines 25,000 osedlet 100 do3»n fotubs, assorted 10 do vitsors, assarted 10 grou pan worms 1,000 hq kettles 76 oerUjaptnned kcuk-s. 3 in e ocrr CUta rib. s.—AaEicnvmAL iwtrrtNis. 200 drawing knives, 12 ioehes to length [J in 700 augers, io equal proportions ofl l, 1, jc ISO purs bamea , 750 pairs trace chains 1,500 wcodiog hoes * ! 176 hand nvi • •O cross eat mvs, 7 feet in' length - 10 cross cot rows, 6 feet in length 100 band taw files OQ-eroM cot nw files to .weigh.2s pounds each' 60CTwhMemo»c cards. No. JO'' 600 quarters lockei chisels 3q planet, fore and jeek . ClaatNo. 6.—Axsi. TXdozcQ ties, 10 wetgb Troon 4* to 5} pounds S 3 do half axes, in weigh 3j poands 41 dn balcbcu to ectiigh li Roands 2' broad axes CLur No. 7.—Noxthwct Gcr.s. €5O north meet guns, loro thirds of which mast measure 36 lochcs in length of barrel, surf oce third 43 inches in length of barrel, to be delivered in New York or Philadelphia, ge way be repaired. Samples ol'eil the jhoraemclev are : may be proper to rfjasrk ibst ihaieef aarJvrtrc, «;|- npuiturplimplemeunf, and north west guru, are efc tirr]y new, end or batter i)delity than tec auielct heretofore famished coder former connects The proposal* may be divided into euvon parti* viz.: i lht—-Blaalfcto. 2d—Dry Goods. 3d—Domestic goods. 4th—Hardware. Sth— Agricultorsl unplemetts. dtbr-Axef. T;h—Ntmbwost guns. The lowrst competent retponrihle hiiaer will re ceive the whole or say pan 01 the roatrsci, according to the above scalr, the Department retrying to ittaff the right to determine whether the bidder is competast and responsible or not. The (whole amount in money to be appiied to the pajeknse of goods will bo shout *90.000, but the De paruneht reserves the right to Increase or dun>niih be quantity cf any of ibe articles named, or sabuiifflc cthen in lieu thereof, or to require, at similar pneds, such goods as msyba wanted for presents or othkr purposes. In the tdmicistrsrtoa of the affairs of the He- Srtmeri Goods of American manufacture, all otbfer ngs being equal, will he preferred: bat as all the samples of blankets and cloths are of foreign manu facture, it wilt bo Decenary, when a domestic article is bid for, that a sample of it should aceompauy ikr bid, to.cmOils the prpsniaem to decide whether Itisof eqnel quality with the samples to be exhibited The party proposing to supply the artialna will uuie an invoice ot all the items embraced in the above list, and affix the prices, In dollars and cents, at which hr pr they wul forntsh them opdcf eachelass separately, de* llverab*# ut N«w I ortAur 1/ tbo contractor prefers It,, about one-half of theqflßitlty may be delivered in 31 Locis, Man free of expense to the Government) on or before the 15thdayofMny next, assuming thequaatiiy ol each aniele as specified uutiis sdvertlsement, ai.t extending the cost, making as* aggregate ol the whole invoice constituting the bid. The goods will be inspec ted in New York (and tn Bt Louis, if any portion of them should ba delivered there) by an ttent of the Uaued States, who will be appointed by the DrpsTt mam for the purpose; and tojucartatn the conformity of the articles parchased wilft the samples exhibited, when the contract shall bo made, and with the terms of the contract itself, which shall contain a clause that if the articles are act tarnished within the limo pte scribed, or if they are of uunfficienl quality tn the opinion of the ugent aforesaid: and if within five days alter notice of such inrufficicney the pony shall not furnish others in lieu thereof of the required qualify, the United Stales shall ba autherlzrd to purchase there of others, acd to charge any increase of price thgy ■ay bo compelled to pay therofor to the contractor, who shall pay the saia difference to the United Sistis. Bonds will be required in the amount of the bids, with two good sureties, th* sufficiency of whom to ba certified by a'United States Judge or District Atiornqy, for tbo faithful performance of the contracts. Pay ment will be made after the contract is completed ajuj the delivery of ibe goods as aforesaid to on agenurf the Deparuaentrapon a duplicate invoice certified bf him ; , Communications to bo marked w Proposals for ln disn goods.** The bids will be submitted with the following tr« ly ing, and nnne will be received that are not madu ip the form and terms here prescribed’ ' “l (or «ve) propose to furnish for ihe service of the Indian Depanmenlthe lolbwing goods, at the prides affixed to— fllero insert the list of goods ) , Deliveruhlr in tha city of New York for 3l Louis) on or beiore the day of next; and In c»s« of the *c* ceptsnee of his proposals, the quantity bolng pre«eob* rd by the Department, I (or we)(wtll execute a cjn iract aeconltng to this agreement, and give ratulsc iorv security to the Department within un days after the recepuon of ihis bid; and in cu*® °* failurdlo enter into such contract, and give such security. I lor we) will pay to the United Stales tho difference be tween the sums bidden by me, (or as,) and the sum whien the United State" may be obliged to pay for ihc •sme articles '* i Each and every bid moat also be accompanied with a guaranty In the following form, to bo signed by onq ur more responsible persons, whose sufficiency moot he certified oy somt one who is known to the uepdrt* meat, either penonjally or by his official position, j *T (or we) hereby guaranty that —, the above bidder, will eareply with the terms of the advenbe* men; for ‘prof ovalaifor Indian goody dated beptem her 83,1930, if the chatted should bo awarded 10 him, and eater into bond for tho execution of the tsise within tha Ume prekeribed.” 1 ' T I [t-a] •The ccntracts of former years aro open for the in spceoon of bidders.! h. LEA, »cp3o , I Comainioocr of Hulioa Affairs. “. r HAVE, Oils dav. aisaetuted with me Ur. L H- Clocra, in tb« Wholesale Grocery and Prodtcs Uusiness; thosiyldof tho firm vdill bo X Culbertson A Clouse. Uy3j . . X ; a markTcoM (r- h- ciectk- : I. OffLBCRTIOI * GtOUSRi WHOLEBALB GROCERS Odd Commission Mer chants, Dealers In Produce, and Pittsburgh Manufactured aruok*,lfiS Llheny «, Ptoabargh, PA iys Extra Ranfly floor* Afresh ~r p i* of P«tad mui» f.b# rm ‘ * ,trT rtS^fiSsiftaS?' awti* j' VOL. XYIU. I NO. 74: MISCELLANEOUS. Wisltrn lolltgt ol llomcEopatliie-Stditine, CLEVELAND, OlflO. Session qf 1350-51— CAautred 1640. TOW FIRHT WINTER SESSION efthls In*tiiuiion will commence on ihe First Monday of Novtm ber.-apd cennnun ionr months. , The Chsira of uie Faculty nre arranecd ss fc’tow.’ iMm R°»a, .'ID. I‘rofr*.sor of .M.dwiferv and Hist files of Women anff Children. LjoriLg Bn>ss.M. JY, professcr of Fnccipiej and Fraqnce oft*nn>ery CWfl.e» D r Willmms; M.,D, Profeawr of Ituututas andij’rartice of llmcconatiiy, Lewis Dodge, M. I». Frofessor of Mstcria M>djca andMedieol JerispruOcnce. Hamilton L. Smuh, a. hi. Frofesior ofChcoistry Fjjwln C. Wiiherel. M. Fiofettor of AnalocV snd'.PhrsJolcgy. Jehu Brainord, Professor of Physical Science. Clpirie* Vt- Brli, Dm;n:ntratcr of Ahaicmy. Thd Cnarier of the Westem Colieg; 01 ilommopuhte Mcffislne vis xraoi»d t-y the IrfyUlcrare nr C'f,u, rturing iu session of 1549-fiJ. It coruers nil thv tjg.u.' and privilege* usually pc**o«-ied by Mrdseii Colleces in tqo United Rtstes, and, unlike many colleges, 1c exiatv, tndependem of any other inriimuon. harioff »n itself the power to confer degrees, end possessing a cpmmoa seal. 'lhp t dey**cs are rnnferred by tbe Faculty had Tro»iqes uto.rt tpr rruomntendatfon of the Fueuftr. The.araouni of itea tor ina foil coarse will be g 33. Mnaicu : atinn/ee. 83—to oc'psid Dwtorni. Pamor.- stratort ticket, $4. Gradoatiim fee, WO Persona wto.Uava attended tw'o fui- courses of lecture l in pthercolleges. -ire admiiied to too foil course ia thu Icitituiion ayioe>.i o. S'Ai. Graduates cf re* n.iMiieal soliool* are permitted 10 afend the couiseon the payment of ibe raatnculnticm t;c only. Gcd>d hoi-ri, ir.ciodiay room, light, nnd fuel, cun bo ceiaf/icd ft cm fJ w S3’so f-er week. For fartbeTin. formation address. % CHA&. D WILLIAMS, oc,4.dim Dean of th* Faeulry. HTlSßlfiCa GL4SS WtIBKS. A. i D. H. CHAMBERS, |L*IXX CtUItOCA), aCAUTT Wcaid respectfully mfonn the cuitoarrs of the into Ena, ui also the politic fs&crdiy. ctmt they wlli eonuaus tbe mar.ufacipre of WINDOVGLASSt VIALS,DOTTLSBiuU>(iu-HJ I.hw/|>ui by ifcc of hi* remedies, adopted ip and preec tloed for each ftcuifnr lorm ol dmen»e Drtftose’a Tonic Alterative Pillo. when used nro invariably actnowledßad to be superior to all other, ns a ptirpstivc or liver pill, inasmuch as they lesvo me bowela perfectly free f:«ra costiveneits; m also his Golden Hlls is admitted by the faculty 10 possess peculiar properties adopted to female diresses, hot being aetbued that a bare trial in sufficient to establish wbo» tM been said ic the minds of the roos; skopucoi, Tbn fimictcd are invited 10 cali upon u>n a. Atirgiieny cv.y: Jo* Br.ri ,«y. U-tfbii'r.f .', Ucav-i co , i * Jn«>.p!lio.;. Kiir.;.-; Va .-.y. .5a dor T Aduir.t. tir»vcr, do do; nußtlaly JKKiiV LI4D. ABIALTiFCi. Oil i'li.u. la ti'.w r.vrr.;.cr.,rm tftKnd tit Uiii.ion.) lej-.iesentinc Jenny I.i.’.j -a the field*, ir. a 'ineM-.s ■»:utNinx ie»vmr, »Vy,c tire nightingale, ea* i»-reived by ihe sawerii-'-r Tbe cdinji>.R is equal to the linens iDinisinr? paJatuie, and tbe Jiksoe** tho ms«t usitbinl and- cotrcci 0/ any yet brought out. Alsti, Jenny Llrd : s Greetme to America, tiffi Prize Bong<«ad the celebrated Eciio Sonr it. ALUKER,.' . _Golden Harp, ltn Tenrd_st Sap«rflaeOol'oac& sTasrca^ToA rjlHESEnrs ihcvciT be*; BUel Teas ate tat L pciruduiioftaUiucdStiv*. Worth* H*woria. Tea L-etlem, u. tU P-n-r.; fcliios? MtiaTia* at l"W-prt-r ofT.-r* pci . inr t n*h «-p^j Diction Alt Y Of WJd Kaf>".ersSn<.->’o >7 ot Uiij i»rrxi rrotk has ut.e.n receive! ax HolceV Lltcrarr Depot-rhm! »t, egpoalxathe Smt-cfies.-- g3r ij TJTIjjDOW GLASS—Chi r-xs 10; ?i* ■; . 10 x li| . 50 l>X9 IQ'X U> pin ex’.** 40iurf,-ia sxre and Tar tuie by . ®c4 : ; - -JOHN TV ATT * C-J . £u»£jVsS—» brts rccal for sale by j oc9; • . . , B F k'A KUOL— <9 t'XB »cti"eirc3~ I ** QC9 JILI’AUNL-Ia CnL’JJ—U bxs rvirelvci !«.-r ;,y tVI 'ec“ J: EBFLLrSs (YaRA WAY{*FED—IcO lire very c!c/uv,:or tiß* -y J fcH Jl V. CtdA.«lOAilLE'FuuWEtiB- km* rec'd lor uJuby • m oc? __ R E ?KLI,I-:i.'s REbl'tl.'.LK— litsticki, 1 cure for-a'.r'by" «cj RESELLERS f INSEED OlL—lid brS - pure, just recM (Kr raiiT-bV kepgj J » CANFIEI.D Long Shawls, IN great viricty of prlc« and niutrrn.just received uMhc store cf MURP.IY A BTRCHFIELD LlNfiFEii OIL—I 9 bna pure-ennutry ott. iuai rec'd for mal-: 1 7 ItOBISON, LITTLE A CO °c3 j Uifi Libirei7_st. SaU Wl&itovr Llssn- TUST ret-iv,.; m W MeCUNToCJTS Cnrpet v wajeboi;—, -Vo «3 Fnnrtii vucet, and 75 Wood »t, 4-4 Buff Win law otii PRlN’TiTv'O I'\I J KK— i ‘ln: »’<. Jl’Wf rcc-c.v{d if -rr Factory, Ufi'yr.Ms W«gon Cover OL Cioih.n sooa ur»cl<*.f«ir t>y J i H PHII.UI-S jqJ; ;i V \Vo,w; m .‘dOL.*.•[ srl» fnr ■nTeTr _ WiF Wn.i-ON ocl't 99 Wood a: BAI*MOIS— 3 fcrls Salmon, for true hy r»o4 fftF >VII.gON SUNCHIKS —Joe bag* prime Green iUo Cottc;; 150 paekepes ncorted Tcaa; '/5 yz«.afcnrted Toboeco; 10 ties Pepper; a fc*j» ANptea; 5* rmlt Onnamen; 50 I'Z.cNo i i baoolaie; Ci Liquoriru flail; 10 tierem pr.rae » nuk* ben Madder; 5 r.artel* Alum; VO liarrrta 'i inner*’ Oil; 50 dtwcL patent Cuekets; tco bt» Corn Kroomiq 10 bnzes White Pip**; 30 hhdi prune N O c&iiar, &) tirl* do Moii'ac*; ion iirU litre No 3 Mirkerel; St* utli-iarje No U do; $ do No 1 do, GObris S C Tar; JO brl* Pitch; * SO brl* No 2 Koun; tOOOlb* lenotted; Ou bile* No 1 Butin*; i 100 keg* prime White Lead; too Pei;* assorted Nail*; AIW, i foil uioruoasi of Piiubargit mimifaetired iruqie*, tor «aJ« by JOHN WATT A Co *«P11 *7l liberty «t Wirra*c«d Pure W(nc« ana firiSdui, I’wipsrtss, aiwayi on O iMd and fu.fcala bj the beino, quail, or ealton m ■g- MORRIS* HAWORTH'S -*?T u. _ • •Ic» ft Wine Sion. W»uu« Woollta Qoodfl. /\NP cue mack Cloil, Shawl*; w ' 1 easo Yellow Flannel*: .1U cooes Rad do; • l e**e Rej twilled Flannel*- 2 cues White ao do: 3 ca»e* barred • J o< .; 2 ca;t» Plain end Fancy CcuictKw; 1 ca»o Satutcm ", 3 caeis Clan Alpiaa; l cue Jeans; . 3 ease* Blue Black Blanket Cootinr: ' tt cues Cray Blanket*; . k eases Drab Ulankeit; . 1 cue Bloc do; * cue* Whins Bed Blankets; *5O pain Steam iitfat ClanKeU; Received nu ecnujnment, and tor *a> at rrancthe* later'* price* by II LEE - Mpl2_ IS9 Liberty attaec OOAP—Lcwu highly perfumed Brown 'VmdTor; O do ' do Uuney Soap; Cinnamon Oar Soap; Philadelphia Variegated Soap; 1 Pitwhcren do do;- Cuille Soap; UL« Snap; Jbr sale t?ho!e*al« and reta'l by Whil A VcCUJHQ > f-it nHOWN WUidMf Soap, B«DMjav Hour* %£»« FB < reh«aed freabUdtsiporier I tßd&r u -«PU . . C E gELI-Kns.S'lv&j „ w» ' ; ■SKLI.ER3 j“ \V