The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 24, 1850, Image 3

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Niw Yo.K. 0=!. TT, A. M.
Tho iletn.hip A. 1., wuhLiTorpoA due. lo iho
lSlh.from Undoou>ikell' B ' *“' l p "“
101 h October, .rnvcd here lh» moron* u t.U
put tea o’clock.
LtvnrooL, Oct. 12.
Cotton—The market, Jur.nj the week, bu not
been effected by the advices which were reeeiy.
ed from the Untied States by the ateamera A»u
and Pacific- a fair demand bw pcvailedthrongb
oql both from the (ride and apccalatora; and hold*
era ahow little dirpcamon to effect sales, except at
the extreme* of lasi week.
Themartrl closed yes'erday afternoon with
firmness, the mlc* being about 5 600 bale*. The
trasaactioea for the week summed np 13,400
bale*, of which, epcculatnrs look 11,150, and ex
porters 2,550 balca; 29,960 were »old to the trade.
Thelmpona oflhe week were 25.951 bale*. Tho
prlcea of fair rattan remain precisely aa last quo*
Tho advices irom Havre, ol Thursday, spoak
of the market as being very languid. Very ordl»
nary Orleans wn qaetid at 115 francs.
From Gltsgow, telegraphic despatches Inform
u« that the nsrfcct continues qmei, and that pri
u o.dnricg tho week have been aleady.
Thorn has been but little change In the corn
market since oar lastnot'ce. The trade, notwith
standing, has been dull, and few sales have been
effected in ecy article at present prices.
Float—Sweet American floor is quoted at 23
0245; soar do,ot ail aorta, 19322 s per bbl.
Grain—The price quoted lor American white
wheat is 6s SJlftfls 8j; do red, 5s 3i)3oi; Cans'
dian white 6s 3-J; do red, 5s 8d05« 9d, Polish
*©% 5s 6d35s SJ per bash of 10 &«. Indian
cornUa in moderate request al26ifi?2Bsper quarter
ol 480 tSj.
The imports of provision! dariaf the week
have been very trifling.
Lard —The sales or the week reached 405 tons,
at 3459 d for middling, upio4ss for good qualities.
Thne are now no sales at the latter figures.
Bacon —A fair business hoi been doing in this ar
ticle. The sales comprise s parcel of inferior at
24 a 255, and some fine Western at 32s Od per cwt.
We have no change to notice in bamsor shoulders.
Cheese—Late arrivals of cheese find buyers at
fall rate* for oil good qualities.
Beef—a moderate bu«ine*s has been doing at
former prices.
Pork—The market is without change.
Coffee—All descriptionaare more firm
Molas-es ■Continues firm, and in some instance
better business has been done at a slight advnnw
Rice—'There i* a fair demand for Carolina i
iSa'-iS*, and of American at 19a20s per cyrt
£—The market continur* in the same fir
and active po«ition as noticed last week
Freights—We have bad a dull week in freight
and lower rates are taken for dtnd weights
Oct 11
in American Fccitriiis*, the week has passed off
without ruco-iie operations. In quotation* there
are no rx’eu-'vi* changes to report. Sales of
stocks have .akaa place at the following quota
tions •
U. States.7*. bonds, 1853, 93a» i 4c j , U. States os,
ISOS, 109 a 109 14; V. States C-*s. bonds, 1862, 102*-
lU3c. English funds, during the week, have been
yery steady, and prices ure hilly supported.
He Asia arrived at Liverpool on Saturday, ma
king the passage in 10 days and 7 hours. The Pa
cific arrived on Thursday, making the passage in
10 days and 20 hours
The political news is generally devoid of inter
A tremendous storm lias raged along the eoa*t_of
England for several days. Oa the sth, 6ib. and ”th
iusst—considerable damage waa doi e to the ship-
Another letier has been received from Smith
O’Brien, in which he complain* bitterly of the
treatment received at tho hsnds ot the Colonial au
It is elated as positive, that a decision respecting
the Holstein question hi* oeen nrrirwd at by Eng
land, France, Austria, and the German Slates, to
favor of Denmark; and the Duchies will be inform
ed that they most refrain trem further hoatilities,
and await the award of the intervening parlies
Accounts from Ca.«*el to the Gib, state that Hay
nau and bisaasistsnt, Lieut- Haur, liave beenpu:
under arrest- Haynau vea- quite astonished wter
the authorities waned on him. to arrest him on thi
decree issued by ihe Civil Conn, and called upot
his troops to arrest them, but they respectfully re
plied that they dare not Violate the law. He wa
arrested for prosecuting the press, it- editor of Wo
ol which having resisted. was earned ofl
The Madrid lournals m the 4ib have anivod.
Il is raid lo be the iatcntioa g) the Government to
modify the (arid.
The Journals aisle that Gtn. J. Conchas depart
ure lor Cadiz, en mute f.;r Cobo, is fixed for the
6ih.“ Various Aids-de.Cimp are to go with biro.
Tbe opaning of the Assembly o{ the States Gen
eral loot place at Hague onthe 7th inst. Hu
Majesty proooaaced the customary s;>eech oq th(
The Schleswig Holstein army aueropied lo take
Friedicbcladt by slortn, on the tin. but w«xe repul
sed by the Dane*. Afier bombardlm? part of the
town during the preceding day, ana destroying a
Urge block of houses t lose to the road, the town I
wna attacked in the evening by-two txiUaliun* of|
riflemen. Afier a Jesperaie strueele; m which both
parties must hare sustained heavy lores, tbe be
sieger* were ci*n veiled to seek the eww of a new
intnrnchmeot. B»rricadc« were then thrown, w
within the town. The resistance whi.ih they raet
with here w&**o resolute and determined, that not
withstanding the mod brilliant bravery, the Schles
wig HoSsteicers were compelled to retire At mid
night they took up a new position, and the con
flict wa» to be renewed ou the lollowing room-
iD §rbe loss sustained by the Schleswig Hdstetners
is not 'known. Both sides behaved extremely
Willisen writes .n verydispint» ,on ';' ;
and the Holslemcrs now hnd the war* of funds,
end have made most urgent appeals to Jinited Lrer
puiuy. T
The state oTGerasany. nrelf, continues to exciti
great alarm , ,
—Austria and Prussia i_e«n to be upon the verg«
of open rupture, and ibe position of Hesse Csssei
and several others of the German States render
tbe relation of the great German power sul! mo?
precarious. j
N*w York, Oct. 23.
Tho steam propcllorCil? of Glasgow, arrived
lroa*Glasgow th» ooroinv, whence sho tailed on I
the s:h inst. She brings 115 passenger*. Abe ts I
to tail hence for Liverpool, a C d ‘bcn ’.aJe pUce I
as the first cf tho line of Liverpool and PbiladeJ*
phis packets, to sail *bont the Ist December.
r Tho Canard steamer Enropa sails at coon to
day, with 76 passengers, and f4%G,559 In specie.
Aroorc her pa**cQgers arc Lewis Berg, Vice Con
sul of France, »ou (be bearer of dispatches,
it, The U. 3. Mail Steam Slip Ohio arrived from
New Orleans and Havana, at 10 o'clock Dei
night, having railed from Havana on the lS’.h last
She experienced v«:y heavy .weather dunn* her
passage. She brings 200 passengers, ana He
mails from Cal inrais; also a 101 l ca'go of lotowo
and cigars Irem Havana, and • considerable
amount of gold, in the hinds of passengers.
CutcutMATi, Oct. 23 ‘I S5O note on the Stup Bunk of M|»-
louri boro iuM come into circulation tiew, wpten
Ur. almost impowible to detect. It would be best
to refuse all note* of this denomination.
CtacuctATt, Oct. 23.
Tbe river, bII the way down from Pittsburgh,
falling slowly The weather is wet.
Philadelphia market
Philalsu’hia, Oct. 23. |
Flour—The market' coounuea quiei t the demand
for export being Umued. Tbe only sales resorted
is 400 barrels good western trt- 54,87 per barrel.
The stock ol jiaodird brand* on soic is quite
Grain —A small amount of wheat has arrivrd
from the interior, and receipts from the South for
several <laysh\v» been limited. We note sales or
some 2000 to 3uoo bn»hels, principally prime w bile,
at llOalll-i, including some inferior aud prime red
at IOOaIOTc , wuh rales of 2000 bushels yellow
at </« per bushel. Oats are not so active. U e
quote 37a4l cents, for Southern and Penn*yl
Whiskey—Thcreis a steady demand at 26 1 2(
per gallon m tarrcls, and kGc la hhds.
troon airoaT.
The steamer' 4 arrival has checked tran>ncuoo
Flour has a declining tendency Wheat is Ji
and unchanged Com is firm. Other articles a
without chan*;*'
BaLtuiou. Oct. 23.
Flour —Sale, TOO bbl. How.rd .1.0.1, ul 1 ,«00
2d wE**™ wiiboui eb,.„._
too “.1 iW'. »f •> oMW'i f
an a of rye at 60 cents per tru*tu
cau 36 c *® * Sale , J lOObbls mere pork at $ll
Provision* . cq $7 per bbl. S*le> of lard at
25- tad of pi me *1 *
7l k S « b«« to 111 26 cc 3“ pcr BU
Tl;j ** jBll - ,
Sngar and molasses are quiet.
‘“wb'.VeT-Tke muter <*„ed tra°J.ul .1 321=
£ hours.
Th* wMiher is rainy-
t. uocaatst- ■ t. u. ugijr m co
Orrici, KtTTMCttfn Uazstt*. l
Thursday moraine, Oct. 24, tsA*. >
bTHu *SP Bcmm -The we»i«r y*» ,ef
dark and rimy rao*t of it>e Jay. Business'
was very quiet, tmlnoUnng ol coiuenueiire
so far a« we coaid learn, transpiied iu the market
Every thing remained stationary, and quotation* gen
orally, presented bat liule, if any change from ear pre
vioat day’* report
liie a fleet of steamer* wade ihnr appearance ai
nfhart yesterday, mid a« will bo seen by our list 01
itti, receipt* of merchandize from the various
Mon the river below were quite foil Fluor. H will
een. arrived in conalderable 1 rts, 'he larger portion
rhich, however, wo* designed for shipment east.
>e river continues m fair navigable order for e
Her and medium steamer*. » nd '•
amaiior suau uieuiuut
*!ow!y. From the present unwilled »Ule of the
weather, we may not be deemed prematare m ai.un
patiog b movement of the water* ere long. w ben ‘ttsi
□c„ generally, will rrc--r „ new mpr.u., and the
foil trade open iu good earnest.
OU Market.
,\&w Bkuroiiß, »Jr’ 1.1, IK£O
Spera-Tbo market has beenyn-i m»,-c our last, and
we have no *aie» to rtpoit arc very hrm.
In raanufnctorrd we noi re riles gail* bleach
ed winter at iS5c; IfOOgailons unbleached ds, at llS*c.
and 3100 gallon* do. at l-hl. cri»h-
While is In limited request, but holders continue
firm i\> have only to report »ale« of 140 übls South
Hea at v»c, and 150 bbl« ground ucr. NWCnut, at Me,
Whale Bone—There is a good demand and lull prio
ri are obtitned. The tale* embrace parcels of 25.5C0
Sis NW Coast at XHc; SCO Os do at file; SCOu lbs South
Sea, at the »a®c pnee; and 17,000 6 Folor at:»c F 6
Carr Oost-tt, nr the FbEtnvoou— A lew days
since, we published, from the St Louis Republican, an
article fo reference to the blowing up of the Kate
Fleming, which contained tome reflections upon Capt.
Center, for having departed from the usual spirit of re
ciprocity among river men, in having charged the
Captain of the Kate Fleming, and severs! of his crew
for carrying them trom tbo wreck to Paducah, we ore
pleated to see, however, by a card published m the
Cincinnati Commercial, signed by a large number oi
the passenger* on the Fleetwood, completely exhone
erating Capt Conley from all blame, in reference to
this matter Ft ora this card, we take me following
9 u f& respect to the treatment extended tv Capt Cor
ley and his crew, toward the crew and surviving pas
sengers of the K«ti Fleming, some of us navtns our
selves been passenger* on henrd tail unfortunate boat!
we eontidur it nnexccpttonable It tnltbt be said that
he sacrificed even too much —more than Humanity de
manded or the nature of his business justified, m <fc
tlining bis boat for a considerable length o' tone alter
all wore saved that et-uld be, and rendering every as
sUtance. answering every wish in his power to all.
conveying them to ihetr various places ef destination,
and charging them acton! y less ihan ordinary bond
tng would atnonnlto at any respectable bo:eL (of ibe
same leag to o: c.ree ''
J. FlttKiFi Jr.,
AgcrJ for tAf Perm I*l* Insurance Co -of Philo.
OFFICE of the Western lnsarance Conpany No
W Water street- PUtsbnrjth
Pamphlet*. with all r.ecestary in> tntnuon, and
qlant forms wilt be famished.
Hatband* can insare itetr lives for me benehl
their wives md children; credvtot, the Uses of thi
* ./hole profit* of the Company ore divided
a;uag the holder* o( Life I‘olic'e*
The dividend* of the pn-.t r*o year* bwvp been e«h
ty per eenL each year __ _ jeal_
Sailing oat at Coat to Cloaa Bnalnei
ALABGb week of DRV GOOD?, wr «-in&u oeudi
noitraces. jucßemmts, r*e.i4 trots, ot re*
Oo3:tf 115 Wood »L, V a:«lurfb-‘
Window Trlmmlair*.
RECEIVED this day, at the Carpet Wareboats, N<
b 5 Fourth street and ;8 Wood stt-ert. «ord on<
Tassels. Roller Lads, B«et Fumes, Rotirts and <i«u
for wtndo«« Vat W M-tCUNTUOK^
MIL F. HARBORDT,(papiI of tha £rtt F-iioper-t
Blaster*,) late of New York, resp ectui.y intorm*
the eluieas ol Pittsburgh and Allegheny, that he ha »
arrived, and intend* making this city hi* permaneci
residence, for the purpose of impawns .n«:ru<-tion on
the Pianr Appl’-n'lous left at Mr*. Wnuc's Dosraiog
house. 60 Liberty at, or at H Kieter's Music Sto-e,
will meet ertth attention n -'l l '
Sol* Agtney (at Danbam'i Pla»o*.
HKLF.bDRta.'i pleiLiore in annjeinrinr 10 the
% pebus that lie Fa* succeeded >n -ccui-n* the
wl« acency tor DucUarn't celebrated Piano Piute*
Jar Western PennsyiTswA
7lie PUnos made by Mr Daiilum, t.l the f.rta a
«twi»n A Dorhara, »re 100 well tuul favorably knowr
m thu neletborboed to letjutte any corameht at u>u
tune, suffice it to ray. that for ft long uaie ac, oihci
cttaoft were loova in tbe Western looutry taat
iboee cfStodan A Darli»ta and Nvt.n* A. Clark-
Mr Duttkam, tbe praeucal p&nuar af me abovr
firm, ha» tpem epwaidj of twenty year* tn Uie f«c
torT of tail firm, u practical manager »c*l director »
Use ba*iners Wltfiin a year or two Mr Danbam ha
boujht oat Use enure factory aad appartcoanrtk or ib«
firm, and cocaace* u» raanufksiute, ti bo-ore. in nt
own name- DonbaO'i riano« t;b*c attained «uc
popaUn.*, that in »o*e of the western one*, Uunr
nau, fio.utcy bare sold two to one «*' anv outr
are duunseubeil bv it.cir j.ower
Ad bnUiinc? oJtone. and txnaotdirary JurxMluf
N. B--tA luge invoice of ilic above c>eirwi Pi»coi
now receiving- SION OF THE iJOLDkN HARi*
COFFEE— 330 bair* prime Rio far »*l* l»y
Sl'tiAß ~oshfcd» Prime N o, “ r * VT, '7,t .<-
Js* -- 1 - - C -‘
fPAB-W tbh N C for tiiclij ..
X oeiia j scn.\voitni_A_Co_
TRk9 —JWJ hall'•he»t» V. H i..k'.,lnif. and Hlaek.
e»Jdl bore* do do (■> Jo
for.eloby _oetU' J 6 DILWOKTII A Co
iys boxe* i'». JilVl It*. ill »we end for
ii[)e by oci >*S DILWORTH ft C«*_
POWDFK-I.SOO Krgi bleaimr to arrive,
4,500 do Deer Rifle, iu raaganns.
—&ru do Ky oo U.-'i
Saf-IT Fuie d«.
For #ale t>V oeil’J J H DILWORIH ft C<
LARD— 20 hen* No l Lard.jart rereived and for
««£7y ocild
ACON-i.OOO ’b« Bacon Shoulder*,
5,000 !L» do Side*,
In *tore and for eaJe by
S LOAB u bhd. N U ,iV
'CWaMTIRgINE PoH BALE. 1(»1 inch Cylinder,
b n foe OBST t -
gALTPETUB— IW ba S i «nde, mrrivw^forjrtle^T
c,,> ‘ ° ,, ' V,^tV“vi&ON
SOl-E LEATHER — SWO lb< Sptm.b .moM pt
rpAANEKR. OIL 71 bo. D&ZRLL.
Lard oil—in Cri* ian<
oaU _
TEAS— Irt>hfche*u V. M. Teat;
•JS do n. p 7«S ,
30 Jo Pouctionrree** p«r canal,«
jamfs dalzell
70 Water <t
epiH _ 1
: A oVTS >eD_,S tb! ’ ?“cH0OnMb»!?O
L*c DVE t Co
P*dij <}REF-N—3s Cftn» of tb* o-Irbraitd “9
Jj™£ » ’""ssSHESt*-
M A «U? GREE^i J k^nOONMA 7 K feß *C.
F^.r°° ACC0 ~ i ° b HARDyw(Eti&
T/JSf” *',. N. >, FtC Q
EBGaUB extract*,
EXTRACTS o! Aenniie, Belladonna. Colaeyntl
•Vmr • Cinita, Hyc*cmrout, fMrsmonieoro, Hba
t*ny, Tartzicno, Sarsaparilla, Qce*«»i, Hop*; Let
ebiei acet..and lndimn Hemp,
Imnortea and iot
imporuru B A ft CO
oc - Or k. Wood «!
TTUSTa Rl>—Coleman'* Hupeifine bngU»ti M u»ur3
IVI in len. ImpoitcO, anJ fur »*-Ip t>V
ba Fahnestock fctv*
STiTJa AtfH— V> C«»li» eieeT«"t*e»t,*rrmnc.W•»l
rec-d andfof>»!e br
oeitl *ll _
MOii-oJOih. ,cr, wi».r ,«». .
X »nd for laleby ceil* RKSKU.M4S
. IAI IT”HOSIKRY, Aipacca, Merten, U*ii<u«-rc,
l< Thibet and Llama Wool Ho*iery An a*«m
-m „ i;Rl .„v * nUflrifnr.l.irfl
o[|^— 3 cnsi~CtTiß*nßm, 1 cun Ani« 1 **'< '
raon, 1 ran C*rarr*v, l can Cedar. | e »*
ter. I can Poccim. and 1 can Ko«»*rr o,
cd pure, received for eale by , »»_
October 13.
*W *
L°AHC-l6okt^~N°^l^*'"'‘ ; ' *■»
O'*' o , "'“ i <" “*°BROWN A KIRKPATRICK
ljic'f.N °° >■«">. «■“
or«“ ' oC ' o **' h ’ ' 01 ' l?kl»H DICEKY ACo
I to a'c«?Y *.<*
I ciSn&O
W&i ”»«-•* !
Wrung' AND BUCKETS— Cj aox Burket*, 10 do
1 '■>' „ , V at™maN *«!«■»_
C'WRNUKOOM>'--io oat Uuej and kO«“l common
J Com Broom*, for «aie by
CLOVER BEED—bit* «uiciiy pt*mc Clort
Seed, ia ttoxa an«i for tale by
\KT ANTED—Two Saleinen in the Dry ttoi.J* Br
TV alncf. Apply aif» Market utrwt. wit
MACKEREL— SO bbi» N« liarcc,) It
talc by oee» l » WATERMAN * sONS
ARD brU No 1, lending and for rate bj
COD PBD—• e«*a ree’j pet renal, for .
pel ; JAMES l>.
I-rjtaTHEBB-S ban Ky'Fcatbeia rec'd par S B
“ 4:fc }S&& HUTCHISON * O
B:v*» —'There were 3 feet. 10 inches, *« channel, at
du»k, last evening, and falling.
Fashion, feeble*, Elizabeth
Mirbigao. Bnes, Beaver.
Beavct, Gordon, Beaver.
Baltic, Bennett, Brown*ville
\tiannc, Parkinson. BrowoseUle
YoughifjhetiT. Hartupec, Bsaver
Globe, Beaver
VYclUvtile, Young, Suiitsh
Shipper, Dales. Wheeling
Geneva. Wilkins, Ctnrinnab
Glaoeu*. F.bberts, Cincinnati.
Cashier. MoMillan, Wheeling
Camden, Hendrickson, Bunfiab
Mag net, St Louis.
Fashion, Peebles, Elizabeth
Michigan, Brie*. Beayer.
Beaver. Gurdon, Beaver
Baltic. Dennett, Brownsville.
Atlantic, Parkinson, Urowusvllla.
Vooghiogbeny, Hariupe*. Beaver.
Globe. Beaver
Pennsylvania, Greenlee, 8U Lmuis
Columbian. G -entice, Nashville.
F.aphrate*, Stockdale, Cincinnati,
jas Nel«on. Moore, Wheeling
BEAVER—Yougbiogbeny, 4 v. u
ZANEaVILLE-Empiei«,:it>* *•
CINCINNATI—GIsncua, 10 a. u.
WHEELING—Cashier, Ui ». *.
HUNFl9H—Wellsvllle, 10 * «.
The splendid light draught suur Cashier, will leaV'
haur to day. for Wheeling
BEAVER—Pm .M.caio*a-U0 boko* cheese, 2 bbU
butter, 2 bill* kfieop pci *, 174 bxs cheese, Canfield; 11
hdli paper, Loomin'. &> nna do, B C atosklon; M dodo,
W H whuney;3 bbU rteen apple*, Fayette Brown; •
bbls butter, Brown ft Kirkpatrick'. It’ hf do.flqr
do ale, Robertacn A Repfert; IkS soks oata ft potatoes,
pn C B. WuuLEJt—tl bbl., I bf Jo butter, W Dyer,
7 ao eo, W M Lee. « bbl* rraubemes, F B Dcavo; 4
k* pearl a»b, P Be-v 5 k»* pipe*. W D Rbiaithari: 44
bka chee»e, i B Canbeld. 100 bbls plaster, Spang ft Co;
ad seta b w dour. 25 bbis rye, 8 MeCluti at»; 43 boxes
cheese, 8 ek* pearl ash, Wi. k A McCandleai; .103 bblf
copper ore, Pittsburgh copper works.
Paa C. B. Prmaisun—Hu b* cheese, JA Cs ughey;
47 bx* cbecie. Uidweli; 39 do do, Carson dt Me*Vnlgbt,
do do, Bft IV llsrbaugh; ltt» do d». 4 tons pi t iron,
trt) bis sbeep skin*. J Canfield, 4 c»ls cullet, Battewcll
ft Pears- til bf dot brooms, Ca'beruon ft Ciouse; 7 b».
1 bl slats. G \Y Taylor, 13 bxa cheese, Wm Uagaley ft
Co; IV empty carboys. J Irwin ft Co. VI cks pourl ash,
Bryce ft McKee; 3 Laics bops, Smith ft Co; lot broom
coni, Mellroy ft Stein.
SUNFISH-P«a Wtu-svit-La-o bhd« tob. Clark ft
Thaw, 36 to do. Leech ft C0r.3»7 bble dour. O’Connor
ft Atkins, 250 do do. Clark ft rhaw; 00 bt>l« apple*, 0
bbis, 10 kgs butter. John Scou ft Co; 33bbis flour, liar-
CINCINNATI —Paa Gxrtiva—«o bbls molasses,Geo
n Miltenbertrr: » trunk. 100 abU flour. Clark ft Thaw,
5 sk* wool. D Leech ft Co, Id bg# bran, W Kyle; m
.bbl* apples. W Baker. 14 Mils apples, owner. 4 bbla, A
A Wood.
PaaGbatrt'-’lcu potash,Tasffs ft O’Connor; .20
bbls whiskey, i: bka. Goo Artaury Jo this bums, Sell
era ft Nieolt;s2 bfcis wniskey, Mtlicr ft Rickets n; 100
do do, \V ft M Ml cbeitree, l pk«.9bxs, 1 trnk. Baker
ft Forty in
SI L.OUIS —Pa* Maotiar—s cods lead, Knapp
ft Co; 15 ski d peaches. iUaitlcy ft Cm 51 *ek» rags, l
do furs, 1 Jo wool, Dr J Cooper. 1 hhd tob, J MeGatre,
I* bbls v.nor«r J R.cbard.on; Ik do do. O Blackburn;
4 do do. W C Gormley. h bbls floor. Brown ft Kirkpau
net. n 5 s*t wool, Wm Dinibva. U> bbls sodrs, a bbla.
SUNFI K H—P*a Cattnts—3Sl bbl* flour, Bell ft Lig
eett.6 da do, j Irwin ft *un. k 4« dodo. Clark ft Thaw;
iCD »trhran. S t J CaroUur*. 250 bbls lour? Leech ft
Co; 30 si* bran, owner
WHEELltr—Ps* Siri-rsa—l64 bbls flour. Bell ft
Lierrn; a bdls. E H Eaiou; 46 t«ui* flour. J B Bovle*, JU
da do. K lr*.:e!t * Co; vSS do do. Grcfl ft Co. »i do do.
bx* ciw*- Utngbam. 5J bW* Sour. I‘*2 do apple*. 333
te* mrau ewacr, 6*l* rag*. 1 do feather*, t M’ls cbe»-
nuts. 3 do flax teed, t! ks*-butter, Shaver ft llamea. o
kgsbotier. Rney ft Ma.thew*
Comer of Wood and
OFFKR for «*ie of the
rroni Korope.
Bonn, refined. m c*«e* j Aceuc A'Jd
Finery Com * Hotrd. k)r» I Oranee Flover W si
Cor*>. *jsn | Dele Arcento
PsnsUicen. >u can* , V.H Roxes, psp:r J
Rotten Stone. iu e«tk* j do wtflow
Floor Sclpfcor Ho | >tsJ corks, assorted
Ossulr So»>. in M« i Adaestre Plaster, l-os
Caie Msene»ja do I ReUorsrts ao ■ °
Cart. io <»o 1 Lead Ao
Lse Dye, p'rwtl in bn* j Oaibanon do ao
Cart. Iron, in ke»« Klateritm do ao
Citris Aetd. in t> Ironies | Citrate free, E«r
P»*»_Antintor.jslis do i Precip, Cor-v lion
Aa. Awnton Cone Jo 1 Aleppo Oslls
Calomel tin* do I Tipton's Uni
««l Amber Recu Jo W ctljs-wood Mortars And
loi de Potash do Pc* l "*
Cressote Wft.te dn Otl I.OTar.der. Sf»U«
Jo in a viftlt 'io
Kcp inhf ii*f'D>:Ue» 0«lOn**P«n»
• (run. in at vul* ,OH Ko-em»r>
t Sena*. in h* ]«f* O.i H urr Alwo«.iU
.•Cart- Httilcii OiiCv»p«ii
illue I’U! Kn* *u It* i*r« Oil Croton
££ LMBcnre b±t. .n hi. Piot and Bib- !W«»
Woo.'* N»rtb» in II- Conlwao.s^
Tart Jo S*lpb Zjnc
Pre**** And, in na T»ai* Teau. prepend
Tamm-And, id bn „*ii ; '
Cioea* JJartt*. in km* Rbatarh Ri»i
(tedVaJcrien Kagan u * l< *
Indian Rea oca
-ro'B.XU.'IiOAO cowtraCtors. '
Proposals w»u u« »*ce.Tc<i *1 ii>« o&e** o< h
Bsiuaere *«l Ofc*« R»‘l Ro*d Coapanr, it Bs
Ctuabertiud. Pura.onai. ind WhreUnjr, «•
iv, ii»e Mill of NotfCitei -iwit. >neiw
itduauaa *j»«1 M»m»m ®f *b®** 33
ofu.p iJ>e. wetiwatdlv by tbe w»ie.
FuU Cn?c* and Grare cjr«». intcyt •.*<■ di,rl “‘ l >»
■isg«« between IMB, Ukci tae »«nt» «eeHon o( the
* c( me luie *Ue»iy let. u> U>a 'Mth teeuen ofibf
UM—C«»n« Uie’t>e>ir P*™"® ol ro
nc »o Ue pW oonraei.
. V»rt 10 M u *
W » J»nn«i Ot •:*» aunhei or ■ u>»rd \
i ui leicUi ■ ft! ilrrp catUais at.d
'. 1,, !?,!!. “cu.M-»«».!• iMAII of Indte
w.., se rcMr •« u*
M ..vl aft.l U..- Jny«fNoTen«t.r».a<MS
• «,n be upot. ihe i* iafu>nauo&.
NoUd onuipponcJ ly *«>*l te.ucnoi-. . « wt:U U
cuf..icn<u. *"d tndJ<T« »»r de»»f«u *«> ‘‘V*." ?5f
Hr ■»■>"' »l
o-jijuiov _ rn»r Fwi~«.
Ren.NKV a.'****-*' «***•; l 4? {•
oeiM Agcm* Hi Lor.i. Sur*m KaO' RrEornr
W\<;t >N coVEROtLCLOTII-iao yd » I«*‘ tv
T HA.ROUWS.«r*Ie. - La*.
**“ i Jo do do double
]® jo d- d" Bata.
Jc Jo Strap* lor Lad.ea
ja do (o« tleni*.
7o dO »«*•
lSa fcrmd*d Bnuhtt
Impon.d «na fo. W- “> A rA „ N ESTOOi_*C<
liirc PHnr v’ I’ilNT' On hood *ll ih® cotort 0*
m IPoui. wboleiaie end euil at
CVrKF.N OIL OLOTH-U* rwd* 4-4 Green Oil
T Cloth, ,*.l rc.Hivrd and for •/£ .V ?HILLIPS
wCodnrrV’ .HiW .
°l*k z&xisi gj&sz&z
oetlSl ,
Climoek’*, Kn 55 fourth tirtet, and 78 Wood «t
neh and ne«* *tyle imperial Three Ply *•*"**
from the importer* and manufacturer*,which will be
or.ld m reduced price*; °° u *
BrcEWHp. rn-'U.u r -is«
Liberty *tr*et, from ’be New Brighton Mill*. * lot
oi mpertor Bock wheat Floor. p»t up « ■» '»>'
lor f.icllv b*o- loclSf W.M A MfCLCRG ACO
In*, for tale by
I FAMILY HamS-E*m«’ A Swift’* and other
I 'choice brand* ot Sugar Cured Kama eoaawntly
on hn. d and foi hale at lfV» Liberty Mreet, by
pjlrt Wftt A MeCLUBo A CO
DBIED~BLEE— Davii’ Cineftinati Suyar Cured’
jw*. »», „ CO
SK“ < " 4 Tp! «".ViXt£°
■*7-10 ‘ « Wood it
TOBACCO— tfi ke*a Gedgt'i No 1* o rwtkt, ja*t rec’d
p.r muon U~ncii. -J ‘"#£ 8 b '' D , Li!ELLi
.Ml •»
QASTGR GIL—BO t"rlr DloW. t—fjgum
%cto n Wood .1
TEA DEALERS, en*t Mde of lh* Diamond,
t T y rrur Tea a; tbc per lb--*Tii really good
VINE A BRANDY oftbc phrcit kind, suitable lor
Medicinal purpo»e«. at ?&c and »l per qaan. R>r
oclfl In the Diamond.
»TtHIfI7ATFfT SfVLK Received Utialday, the la
-1 fit »iyic Garret*, direct from the manufacturer*,
to wht-h «vc invite ibe attention of >hoie wishing
;om.”h..,»».nd»nt. WMcPl.l NTfM'K
OIL CLOTHS--Oa band a l-ige *nd w '« «iucTrd
stock of iorumoo o*l Cloili*, which will be »old
very low W McCLINTOCK
oil’! _ No 75 Fourth street
RLCYaNO MAT? -lull.opened, soma very ban.
„>n-.e style Russ and Door Matt*, to which w
iiiviiA me attention of patet-atcri
iStaui'H—u tic.ies iusi icTiveu ironi the manufac
S ni ~li by P » WICK tPSM AM
nc i7 Corner Wood and 6th m
LEBIN‘j< F XTRAE f?.—A nor ted in hoxciofont
dozen ci, n in.noricd and for sale l-y
occ ’ ii a Fahnestock a Co
PILL MAC HlNES—Superior English a«ort«U i
/es, imported and forxale by . „
wl 7 ‘ u A FAHNESTOCK A Co
/tOFFFE—IS* lag* prune green Kio, In ‘tore and
lO arri, ' e ‘ lor tnle [7s WATERMAN a sons
0t .u 'Ji Water A (Id Front »t
T[ttAf*—B<t i t I'nnu and eaOdin of Y Hyion, Imp H
I U. H and Black Tea«, mr *ale by
/*\jLS—-Fine Winter SpeiU Oil, Wfaa'e Oil. No
II Lard Oil, Unseed Oil, Taaneri’ Oil, and Neat’
Ftiot OH, jail received and tor iaJe by the barrel o
a alloc, and warranted to «ali»/acUoo.
Cor Wood and »t»
■ Mil) OIL-- liM-Mol ~ir.«cei«td ;»a <" “I'
Li by octi _ / KIPP « C-o *■
■ri cm raD-SWi pound* jbji received and for tale
, ‘ ™ ID * “
?xT*: too* Mahojuiig Farnocs Pi* Iron,
w tj"»Kn.oVD
•S Bound Church.
.. rr. • - • ity
. 7. .3S- 306 bli Wuaoir Cl»». M jonta, ol ail
“<> b«.lc-W H>VaTEB»IAN a SONB
i>uLK i»EA IBBIMW, ?«*** mld4
ftmiTßi fob thi rrrtrtnaaa pailt aA2grri
COBCMIim <>» ™I PaOOTD.rraa OF T*« PITTi
BiiaoH Syboj> —The Synod met .1 .even o'claca,
sbto the iCommlneo on Bill* ud Onfflw >*•
ported a memorial Irom .ho Preabytery Ot Ohio,
a.hittg .he Synod to miko a change In iha boon
dary helweon lhal Preabylery and .ho p "*’'» le 'J
of Redemnc. Tho anbjeo., after debate, sal laid
ou the Üble.
The nhfiolflbed boainesi of the atterooonwM
uken op, viz: tho motion to'postpone the petition
of ike Congregation of Unity, on the abject of tho
Fugitive Slave BN, till next I*** w w P* oial
a committee to then make • report upon
The Rev. Doctor Campbell ttid that many of
; our mom valuable cili*ens-nay the vail majoritT I
I oftbetn, thoaght that Ibe provUionatrtfamlaw, if
I carried into effect, would violate their consciences
and deatroy their liberty. Should the Synod then.
bccau*3 a considerable degree ot excitement per
vaded the community on the subject, poatpone Hi
consideration, and appoint a commiuee to report
on it twelve montba hence! He would like to
know whether the community had not • right to
expect them to express their opinion on it. It
would not do to aay, in answer to Its int]oine», that
“their kingdom was not ol this world. The
question came fairly within tho scope of their an,
thoriiy, and they muat not retasin silent on tho sub
The Reverend Mr. Todd was not in tovor oftb(
Fugitive SUve Liw. Ho believed uto bo wrong
io several particulars, but many gentlemen labor*
mi under considerable mUippreheaaion iu regard
to some of in provisions. Tesy would not be lia
ble to s fins of one thousand dollars and imprison
ment for si* monlbs, If they merely did not assist
in the recapture oi ike fugitive staves, but would
if they assisted to rescne them when recaptured.
He was not speaking in favor of ibe fugitive stave
»w, but would advitse them not to expose ihem*
,elves to derision, as many fpersans btd done,
wbo pretended tbal they were well acquainted
with Us provisions, by asserting that it suspends
the writ of habeas corpus.
The Rov. Mr. Milter thought thst they had
enough of discussion on thesubjjct already and
would move the previous qccriioti.
A long discuasioa on points of order onsned,
which was llnally terminated by calling op the
Report of the Rev. Doctor Wilson, as follows.
Whereas, An overture from the session ofthe
Chuteh of Unity haalbeen brought before the Syn*
od, urging an expression of us opposition to the
Isle law enacted, by the Congress of the United
Stotes, in relation to tne capture and reeovsry of
fugitive slaves; asd,.
Wncnxas, This Igw has been very recently
.enacted, and iu practical operation tot yet soffi
c icntly tested, and the law itself oot yet thorough-
It examined by the diembere of this body; and,
aWamu, It would compromit the wisdom and
di*rmv «f the body, »nd be nf no practical beno
fit u* m*ke rtsfior haitye*pr«i«oa of iu
minn on the subject, and, , !
Wsittiaa. TnUSfnod has alietdy. and repeat*
edly bora iu lesiimd.ay m rrong language in up*
position to cnauel ala*ery. as a crest political and
social evil, involving great an* deplurab.o mors,
cvila io tu bist-'-ry, snd which testimony would
not be strengthened by repetition, therefore,
Resolve**. F rst. that it is inexpedient 'or toe
Synod at Ihis uoc to giv any formal expression
of its mind in relaliop to the law aloretaid. leavirg
every man to act as a ciutan In conforaiuy wjih
hn obligations as a uiiis.’n and a Christian, in the
wisdom and meek nets of tbo gosjel.
Second, That it be earnestly recommended to
all our ebarehes and people to obrsrvc with apj
cial fervor the npoatltal Injunction to pray for eor
rulera, and ell m authoriiy. that tocy may be ju*»i
rolmg iu the ear of Ood, and shut under ihe Du
vine favor, our nation and government rosy be
preserved >a the.r integrity, *nd happily guided to
ihe la C ment of in and glonoua vocation.
A (uot.oo wr iu sidopllon wi« mado, when the
3ie stood /any n: J f-it to mrju, so the
;p ori wav declared duly passed
A number of gentlemen then aigned the loilow-
Kim «t*_ Fituboreti.
:tr own {unponau>L d.i
U/Vin ULOfKB. *e
e «obi.r.t?i» Beret* etler ibetf protest
it tbe kcuoa of 9*tod od tha mccuonsl from
lha Sctk.ou »dJ Co2frtS»l»oQ of tue chorib 01
Uoit*, m not «bn wm doe lotha memontlUU,
ladool aicquite to lC« etifoory of iko o»«.
4.8 MoMnler, R. MePbfreoa, '
O. H. Milter, S. Mcnocg,
A. D. CunpUeU, D. C. Reed.
B. 3. Motion. Ale*.aoder Semple,
libs Crow, SttocH SaHertieid,
Gmonre Morton/ Robert Ctrotkan,
Ntlbtnie! Wwi, John Ne«t»t,
toho Stirs, J«*. S. HcnJcmou,
Wai. Mootf
Kom St«*ta*3a,
A&d ■ oucabrr of otlitr gtnlieu>n*
A resVotioa wu pasted, Ibcninur the iok«bi
tuts of Alleghany and PiUsboigL tor ms kii.d
eeu tod hospitality with whict. i&cy bad treat
ed the member* ofitje Synod, afki which Ute Sy«
nod adjourned, ainedie.
Agreeably lu uoti*'e * uiceliir o< lb* al »co«
Ak*embkrt * :Lc ■'BosfJ ol Trade Koim»," ce
Wednesday evening *1 1 o'clock, «ad organized
by calling Hon- Geo. Dime to tho Cbeir, tnd
appointing Wd. M. Hereto end David Campbell,
. On motion of R. H. Kert, Esq., the following
resolution waa adopted.
Bttolt*d< That a committee of five be ip pointed
by Uie cfiair to •npcrtcieod toe arraogemcau nod
ceremonies proper to bo observed to the recepi.on
of and mnimimnc through oar city, tbo roman.*
of the laic President of the Coiled State*, and that
•aid committee have power to cnesd inviia-
lioa* to ibe corporate and judicial •ouorive*,
military, firemen, and aociebea to join m doing
hunorto ibe temaio* of (be ever to be lamented
bero, Geseral Taylor.
The chair appointed the following gentlemen to
carry ooi the foregoing retolution
Chsrle* H. Paoltoo, Gen. Wiilutm Larimer, Jr-,
John B Gothne, Morgan Robertson, Jobo Mor
rmn, & H. Kerr, Henry Wood*, Cob 9. W
Black, and Kpb. Jones, Jr.
On motion, the proceeding* were ordered to be
publUhed In the city papers.
Coxairmt or Awui'aKHCri. —The Committee
of Arrangomeat will lake notice that tbav are re
qoeaicd to inoel at Gcaeral Larimer’s office, to
day at two o’clock-
C. H. PAULSON, Chairman.
County agricultural Fall
The Agricultural Fair, held yesterday in the Dia
mond. Allegheny. City, was attended by a large
number of farmer* from this, and the surrounding
Coanuflß. We vent glad to tee that our citixt
general, seemed to manifest an earnest des
me webare of tl
«lock on exhibition with much interest.
One of the spacious lots o?*r the Market Hi
was fined with pens and stalls for the recepiic
cauls, and at about nine o’clock, horses, c*
sheep, fife., began to be driven on the ground, and
the enclosure won soon crowdefj by spectators. The
morning was a rather unfavorable one, since the
clouds seemed to threaten ram, but, notwithstand
ing, the exhibition was a mom creditable one, and
the Scciety, now firmly fixed on a secure.fouoda-
linn, will hereafter rank among the Ant institution*
oC-a iimtlar kind in the United Stales.
The Board of Managers had all their arrange
ments ao perfectly syitematued, that nelwilhsland
ini’ ihe immense crowd, there waa no confusion,
BDa nothing occurred to mar the harmony of ’he
The advantage* of holding such lairs w«
displayed, iu the large oarnber of contracts entered
into with the owners of slock, who generally were
not willing to sell the animals they bad on exhibi
tion, though several cows changed hands, among
which a fine Devon cow, the property of David
Boyd", of Indiuna, wasso'd for fifty dollar*
Mr. Jonathan F. Garrard, of Indiana township,
gold a number 01 L ceiler lamb* at ton dollar*
Tbo display of horses, id particular, was very
fine. ** Huntress," a beaalifui'lbreo year old gray
filly, beloogtog to Captain John Young, at' Robin*
ton township, sired by Captain Hunter'* famoas
gray Arabian, atuacted much attention, a* did a
fine black throe year old stallion, owned by Peter
QuineUo,of Indiana township, though, owing to
some informality in it* entry, it did not compete
for a premium.
Shortly before the Judges had completed their
report* the rain began to tall, but a largo number
of persons remained till all the cattle wire re*
moved Our farmer* will find uto ifiutr advan
tage, hereafter, to bread cattle suitable for exhi
bition, at the annual f*ft, since (bey will aiwtys
have a preference. Stock which have borne
away premiums, are moat sought after, and com
mand much higher price* than other aoimals
though perhaps of equal merit. A list of success
ful competitors, will be found in our report of the
meeting of the Bosrdof Managers.
The exhibition to day will be much more inter-
eating than that or yesterday, and we anticipate
a large attendance. A great number of ladies w»ll
doobtlea honor the fair with their presence, since
we see that, they nave entered many products of
the dairy, besides qttiha, coverlets, stockings,
JMt'ferw&ibttiOß- Aiijfana implements, articles
of domestic manufacture, iruila, Vegetable*, dee.,
intended (or will be arranged in the
Allegheny market house this morning, nnd we
advite out ciliiena to go early, since the di«-
p'ay wilt exceed toy thing of the kind ever before
seen, not in Allegheny county stone, bat in Wes*
tern Pennsylvania.
Mestizo or the Board op Manager* —After
the conclusion ot tbs fair, the Board of Managers
held a meeting.
Colonel McCabe, of South Fayette, was called
to the chair, and Christian Snivel?, of Wilkins,
acted os Secretary-
The committees on premiums announced the
following gentlemen as the successful competi-
Horses.— John Garrard—South hayelle-r-Best
tix year old Stallion.
A. McKee—Robinson— Best throe year old Sail*
William Neely— l Ohio—Second best three year
old Stallion.
James Ross— Indiana— Best span work horses.
JoM s.lllmu—Statei-Stcond bMI «p*a wo*
E Broanem»n— Uppar Siiat OWr Bet
more and oalk
DsvidToneßoe—Jefferson Beat two year old
horse coll.
John F. Malar—Wilkins—Second best two year
old bone colt.
John Host— iadiaoa— Best yearling colt
Tboma. P.rry—ladi.m—SoMOii b.« y..rlio,
Wut Mollheuny—lndiins—Second best hone
John Yobbi—Robuuon— Bs« Hires old
Joseph Miller—Snowdon—Boat two old
Junta Matthews— Pitubargh-Best ipu grey
A. B. Mtiiocwan— Ptutbargb—BesW dringhl
,ta McAevy—Wtlkau —Second beat JiWgU
Hiram riulta—Snowden—Best mar« (diacrce
tionary premium.)
Jiioet Kelly—Wiltioaburgb—Fine Stallion
vdia dictionary premium)
John Garrard—South Fafotte—Bzu Jack-
William Mcrriion—Beat mule jDmcreiionary
Samuel Wilton—Wilkina—Beat mule coll.
C Noble —Indiana—teccnd beat mule coh.
WM. MORRISON, > Commutes.
John Henhey—W ilkina —Beat three year old
William C. Dunn—PiU Township— Beat two
yrar old Durham bull
Wm.' Denny Indiana—Second beat two year, old
Durham bull.
John MuKelvey—Wilkina —Best yearling Dur
ham bull.
James Ross—lndiana—Beat bull ca'f
Jaoie* Rw- -Indiana—Second beat bull calf
David Boyd—lndiana—Beat cow and calf
Charles Gibson—Pine—Sccood bear cow and
David Boyd— lntLana—Beat three year old
James Koas—lndiana — Beat two year oldbeifer
Joseph atones—WUku»—Second beat two yeai
id teller
burner —W ilkic*—Best yearling heifer,
lames Roes—lndiana—Second best yearling
Wm Denny—lndiana- Beat heifer cal’
Jamt* MrKeivey—W ilkint—Seeood Lest heiier
Man'tetd Brown —Upper Si. Clair—Best cot
about calf
idf* Kc«»—lndiana—Se*-ood cow wilhoi
oseph lohniton—North Fayette— Best yoke
Joba friaubewa— Nonh Fayetio—Beat Merino
John Msttheß* —North Fayette— •Second beat
John McKelvcy—Wdkuu—Be«»fioWA Dawn
Jorge Gumd—lndiana—Becond beal Soath
Down Bock.
John MoKelvef Wukin* —Bail Leicester
Je**e Garrard— Indiana—Second b»t Leiceiter
jcnaibaa Gar, aid Faciaf.a - Brit Bo.dc Limb.
Joo»*e»u G*:ra..i— lndiana— Seroiui beat Buck
John Gurtrd South Fejotte — Beet Ewe
Jesie iGtrard—lndiana—-Second Gilt Ewe
Jeeio Garrard—lndiana—Best Leicex ler Eve.
William Oox—MjiHio— Oec jad beri Jjeiceater
William Cot—M.fliji—DUcrttioaary premiums
tor ame &ae Loiceater Ewe*.
twins. 1
A premium vn awarded la Luke Lfewscap, if
Allegheny, for a very fine Ho|.
Premiums were awarded to Mri. Wadsworth,
of Wilkins towßthip, for some remsrkaljly boo and,
bssaiifal epeeimeas of Java and Malay* loarls.
Tits Crucs,—We ue indebted to {
MsgUl, Assistant Merabal, far the 101 l
West Deer, inhabitants,
E&ji Djci, 11
Indiana, , u
Shuler, “
Boroagh of Taremom. “
Dcqteeki Oaer*.— Yoq am hereto
titcad • meeting, to be held oa this
evening, at seven o’clock, to m»fee err<
for participating in tbe funeral obteqa
late lamented President, Gonnral
tbe ] By order,
S crcutry.
HAS nu parallel u> permanently coring: and ered 1-
caung (him the system all j
It will effectailly eradicate (ram tbe*y*i<kn and care'
Balt Rhetuu. Ringworm, Tetter, *ea>>l H4*J> Dropry,
Scurvy, White Swellings, King's Evtli Neuralgic :
Affection#, and all ?
And Obttreeiiont, Uarrennets, Wbltei, Floor Alba*,
Falling of me Womb, Nervous, Mirk Head Ache;
Languor, Fulming Sensations, Ptlptufccn of the
Heart. Low Spirit*, General Debility, Jd>j*pepsia
L.ver Complaints, Ac.
It la Fotcly tad SnUrcly T«|iUM«t
It ha* beta used with tho non signal success by
the Proiesuon to New York and New Hampshire, and
me Eastern Slate* generally, for many year*—and a#
a getterol portlier of tba blood pffd iuvigorator ot Uta
system—os a Genuine Family Medicine and on effl
cacioat Female Medicine it baa no equal. The polity
sad efficacy of the Shaker preparation* are well
known; and this medicine require* no longlltiof
certificate# and care* to tnuoouca it: it* increasing
demand for the put twclv* year* >* it* Leal recom
it is pot up m quart bottle*, and i* the only Sana*
parilia that act* on the Liver, Kidney*, and Ulood at
the tarae utne, which rdndera it altogether more valu
able to every one, particularly to lemale*.
Ur. Masiey, Professor in iho Ohio Medical College,
say* th* Shaker preparations are truly Taioable, and
recommend* them to th&poblio. The link and afflict
ed arc requested to call and.obtain a pamphlet, and
purchase a bcttle of Una valuable I'nmify Medicine.
Bt #•«»» and tnijutri/or Dr. S. D HOWfcTS SHAKER
SARSAPARILLA, and lake no other.
Price «t per bottle-* bottle* for Mi.
. Eof by J- A., done*. J. Schoonmaker A Co.,
W. Ulaek, R. tv. Meant, J. M. Townsend, J. Mohlcr,
W- J“h«on, Pittsburgh; JX A. Elliott, Allegheny eity;
W- R- McClelland, Manchester; P. Crocker, Browns
kill®! James PatiU A Co . Wheeling; J. 11. Patterson
and E. G. Morgan, Bu Cialraviilei M'Boan A Knoi,
Cadiz Alio, lor tale by
DR. 8. D. HOWE A CO., Proprietors,
1 (tallage Uali. Ciacionatl, O.;
To whom ail orders mast be addressed.
O PICKS—IO bag* Pepper;
0 6 bags Alsplce, for sale by
bxs prune tV. R. Cheese, (or sale by
Round Church
IXTINDOtV GLASS—IOOO bx* assorted sizes, Ebet
v v hem's manufacture, fcr sale by
ll6 Water street
HlßTrf ADRaWkSs—A Targe assortment of Silk
Woolen, and Cotton Shirts and Drawers, for sale
»•» b F [sepJM] C YEAGER
HOSIERY— A One sMonnent of ladles’ amlehllJ
rens Woolen Hose, comprising every variety.
iostreceived by |iep9S] C YEAGER
-yy-Hm; sqUills-;
COLUMBO ROOT—I bale received for sale by
Cl H ROUE GREEN A YELLOW—4 case# for sals
l 004 R E gELLER3
ff"UilP PILL BOXES—3» paper* for sale by
steam boats.
Packet! mlvlngat anddipatttngftim
tbe Port of Plttaborfb.
,O*M *. Tho splendid steamer
Kbbgn, mu.£Mri£ I™” f°'
ißMMßLinajid intermediate landing* <* M d* l *
dsy, the >t:b mat, at 10 o’clock AM
For freight n )io«a*e, apply on board.
■ - The upteachd iteuaer
Ugn|Gßf Oreehlee, muter, will leave
alx>ve And all intermediate r
pllr« of the Cincinnati) oh »
the ?31 io*U*t 10 o'clock, A. M.
For freight or pauage apply on board, orto
_oc>3 • __ JjtL.JONES, j
..1 The •learner
. fP®* n A REVEILLE,
UfMfe&U 1 D. R.Bale, matter, will leai
mBSbSQw burgh every Tuetdu/.Tbnrx
Saturday, retnrnine. leave \\
i everr .Monday, Wedaeaday, and Friday.
The Hue fast ranninr ■learner 1
UlkaMtfH? M’AliUin, waiter,Trillleave lor above
jEQraLani 0,11 intermediate ports on'thii
day. the 23d inM. at lOo'elock, aJ. M
Forfrei|rhl_orp««<«t. .fCPIT- 011 toatJ
. _ _ , The splendid steamer
USEAtBfiSI Cox, waiter, will leave for the Above
apd all mieiiuedlale pom, on thu
dM,theiMlß.t,.HO’tlock, P.M.
.. >..■««*
9 The «Wtmer * I
(juMdO £. F- Hoicbi'Ofi, outlet, wui letve
»Uove tod iniennediiue &on» cn
ihla day, *iW ml, «l 10 A lu. '
- ■ . The •plenJil and fa*t manic* at*.
yMlieA 1 Johnß. UavU.raaMet.wiU leaVe for
above tea all interwediaid poru
oa this day ihe 21>t in»i- .„ T !
f* '"W 1 « P»"iSS‘ P iSiTmnKB”CT. u
K The majpilficeM Hewn«r,
AJjller, router, will leave lor ahov.
ail intermediate lending!, 01
ihi» day, at 10o'clock,*.*.
Fo» freight orpm«Ke, upply 01
_ _ The splendid new steamer
yfiyteC® CopL GalligheT, will leave this day.
■ flgaaMagafo/ehftee. at 10 o’clock A M.
For freight or passage, applyon boards _ot2l_
w The magnificent light draught >ie«utv*
t ft~7*2Jt er CINDERELLA, Captain Harlem
M&SffiS *Ol leave for the above and ail inter-
BdßtiKSfiMmediaie pons on this day. SUi inm at
100 eloek a: M.
For frciahtorsasstKC, apply on board, or to
Zen _ _ J.NtWTODtJONES, Agent
Captain Joks Bibxirohax.
This splendid boat was bni't by the
i ft , owner* of the steamer Jsasc Newton.
JrffeSffiEft and others, for the Cincinnati and
Packet trade, and will
leave every' Wednesday, for Cincinnati, in place o:
Ibe New England, No. 'i.
For freight or
regular wheeling packet.
1850 .yg&jj?
The swift pa»*erBer steamer
Robert B. Major, master will leave Piusbureh every
Tuesday, Thursday, and rlaterjay moraines, fot
Wheeling, at Id o'clock, A M leave
Wheeling foi Piitibnigh every Monday, Wcdnevlay,
and Friday, at 9 A. 111. “d* s
- . w The. splendid Meaner
U39WB Capt- HAttnpee. vrill leave tor atova
imjßaßSmmiul *ll IntenLe-liiie taadxga, every
Jay, ti 4 o'ct&CK, P. M., _
For freight or paiaaga apply on Uoaid.
.. Tfeo . r a»l ninning air&mer
. WT.LL«ymLE,
ÜBrHwS® CapL U. Y.-inug, will ran iu a regular
■BBnEßHtpftcktl .hciweea Piliahurrh, Wheel*
ia*. Bridgeport, and SanTi*!--, leaving Pittsburgh every
Monday an«rrooa v lpr WeilivUle, riicaotnville. and
Bridgeport, aao.t*err Thursday afloruoonfd: Menben*
Tilie, Wheeling, Bridgeport, Capture, and Snn&rU.
Retanrina, leave* ihidgepciisndFttiifcsh every Tues
day afternoon, and BapJuh avery Friday afternoon.
For freight or passage, «f pi* .
,ej,7 • • • ft WILKINS. Avcnt.
StmMSk isoo^^^
m- icmzEsa^iPfißiabiiß boit use,
CONTINUES 10 frisrard freight w Pittsburgh via
Bail Road and Ceiah on very reasonable leim*,
and with the usual de«o*»cU. freo oar large depot.
No. S(K Waiter street. Philadelphia, Xanneily occupied
.*■***■POlSd'eSTEß A CO
1 nmf *‘*‘C_ 7OTg? «««nor^
CanliitlßallrMd op»ntoHollP«)»borg
IQj tHiU.r Ctruirf to Johnstovn —fejO mih* Rail
flood iron Jol'i'tloim to i'liiladtlyliui
[Ueluaively tor Pataeoirvri, i
'i'iwe liirou<b, 45 feaof»-~ Far--—3lO
ON an after /Monday, £eptember JCit, iwo daily
p»o*tei. liaius will leave for Jobonown. from
ilience' take rpler.did new can) mU=* direct to
Philadelphia, na»«l*g over tk* ,iCO? , Pennsylvania
g,H RDhd, beta* one Of the very beat in ibe country
The lacteased vperd bv Ifiil *o«u make* it the pjo*l
deairmble. av well as the aoat comfortable one to the
eaatern cities ...
• A Packet Boat will leave every moriuna 017 o’-
clock. and every c*cnioff *» 6 o’clock, precisely.
ID"Tb«‘P<»'*& 6 Bbß B°*d i» P"»«d in day bffct.
For fiaaaas* or information applpto'-"
“ W BUTCU, nlonOfl?abel/i Iloasej
*«pl3 Or to 1> LEECH A CO. Ctttl Ifauitl
Oaly Y» Hll«*
Via Brownsville and Cumberland lo Baltimore end
F»aa to BatnuoAi— — —*-810 00
co. Pntixaruats ————■ 12 00
THE morale? boat leaves the , wharf, above the
•’ridfta, daily, at B o’clock precisely. Time to
Sa.ore, 32 hours; lime toPhiladelphia,<° hl ™" ,
. seatHS boat leave* daily, (except Hundaydv
at 6 o’clock. Passengers by icaetcg on ins
in stage, next
at U Sa Office, Mouongnhela
(Mr. Job a
iwi&g re •
jaCa-: 1850-
LINE TO EH Is* * .wT/LVV bemcca Pittsburgh
PACKEPSI te.vJng «- nd uic Erie,
and Rochester b ▼ sieara bwU
•“JBea**!;- . . Arctnptly delivered to all
.ITT Goods wee* ” led “}« > v»t the lowest rate*,
places on the CuusL' and Lake •‘Bidwell'sLine.’
Bhipper* will plcase •Lrect good*
d- C. -i,
CAPITAL 1108,000.
UiflatJ to
cs of our
J.FimiT.Jr, SccT. I VL. Jr,
wiil insure agtinst all kinds of risks,
ALL los*t* will be Überally adjusted and promptly
A home knititutien— managed by Directors who art
well known in the community, ana who are determin
ed by promptness and libeiautT to rasintala th« ehar
tete-which they have aMuoed. s* ofrting the best
protection to thc*e who cestre to be Insured.
P DtuictoU# —R Miller, Jr., Geo- Bleak, J. W. Butler,
■N IloUaes, Jr., Wm. «- Holmes,' C. Ihm«en,Gco. w,
**Jtek*rm, wm. M. Lyon, Jet Upplncou, Thcs. K.
Latch, James M’Anley, Alex. Niaipk. Tbos. Scott.
OriTCK, No. 92 Water street, (vraiehouse of Spang
IS Co .upMsinO Pitwhurth. ■nt.-Jlv
1 great central route 1
Ttxronglv In FOUR Dnyo
-* rrEiAlte pleasure in anuooncu.g lottae Merchant*
\ V «f Pittsburgh and the Western busioes* com*
a biRT. Ckat on and after Mot-day, the ldth of..ep
m .h»t a«c will receive nnd forward good* via ibr
> nu *l Bail Ro«4, and Roarantec ibem lode I * l *
n taur DiH tiur ejticnsive stock of Car* and Bonn
" lio'e* o* in offar tho above expedition* route 10 the
ii whilst we suit ccnunue oor tuoal line* via
it ■rviiihurß and Colombia.
idetehnnt* witLtrg brought irora theKa*t
. K« wd .wp.ict *>,)•*■ ™". “ produce
• Mt -Pd ATKfS“i“cO.. P„»LU,KI,
ATKINrt, O’CONNUft UO-. Philadelphia,
Proprwora of the Pittsburgh TranipontUon Lute;
?S”o« «"«■ ■•>«" Y “ rt '
i teplßidi
*i mSc/ ,l, cc.ffcr cfDumrnilnUit.Simd
rpt-ns hi* cuilomer* and the public, an cntircir
(1 *toc* of U au.Cap*, and Muff*,lu
M ,fl,TfKv Manufactured and Selected with much
H “.rjjfcrtrce*? Price. «vle. and quality, m New
23 l 1 ci',y?S V P I» offered »t Ite >"»••> '“=>
n 4t US beaatifal «yle cl Uu is sow received, end
I u jrUl be ifltreduced onSwnrf»y. 'Jlsi um-, by
J*' #u McCOED *~CO
Cor. Fifth fc Wood >u.
I. Xci 'CT-TTE.]
Conti rofWood and Third «*, andar Bt.Cbtrle«
• Hotel, Pitttborth, P»
ic'd tor sale by
mHE Vndmigiud L#j ■•eoeieied Robb
I vrith ."bla, to eaiTj on the Wbokwde nod Reuil
Groeerr .ACo Prodnee Batiooti, nnier ttte firm of
tad Robb, we»t ddb of file Ditmond, corner of
. i u S&^’ rmhmh - creca slack
A oppoiiU ibo B*ek«nse Hotel. Jpo****oa
K t»«ia immediately. *.£o,
TO* L*T. '•!
rpiiEilweltu.* house No- f 3 Second betweeu
1 Wood .n.l Market etreeu, bo* ocr*p»e4 t>TJhe
nLtctU>er Rem per « n “;, Jyft&Y' lor
K N. N -!'wKs“r?^
rrft'O well finished office* 10 P°* l Officß Building*
A long, well lighted room. 3d »lorf; entrance Mer
kei eireet.between M end 4«h
Al»” » smell brick house, in Pit* Township, neei
Pennirlvenim ATenu-
Inqiiire of
' «c» ?
c ° mc ' O,F Bom:RT^K&°'
A FOUR story Dwelling, *J»ts rco (*,' f»«
toon, ga* fixture*, and bake oven, I*9 Tturdrt.
lnq. ire at <:» Water Mtect. • ■ s"cr^
THE Chanter's Coal Company wilL.sell some.very
de.irabte pieces ofland. situated pn.nnd near ltd
Steubenville Turnpike, and near tho southern terminus
of their rail road.
Tt e land will be divided Into quantities to •*“* P ur "
ohuen, and the terms of payment will Jo
Enquire of L W REMINGTON.
Coal Harbor, Sept. 0 iWK!K cf-
TO LET, ; J.
\ ND poire dion given immediately, tlicThree Story
A Brick Dwelilng'House, No G 5 Liberty street, *o*l
opposite Third »t. ALSO, > „
The Second end Thtid Stonea ol Warehouse No 3
Market tucet. Enquire of
R C STOCKTON, Bookseller*,
toglri 47 Market
Valuable' real estiye on* enn street
FOB SALE-—A Lot of Ground iltuata on Pena
ltreet, berween Hay and Marbory street*, adjoining
the hocss and lot now occupied by Richard Edwards,
having a front of 20 feet, and in depth 1M feet, will ba
aold on fcTorsbictermr. Title unexceptionable. En
quire of C. 0. LOOMIS, 4Ut «t< naar Wood.
©ct2i*dtf :
uavuto ctupurrsD tbk anlabocxixat am> oiun
Borth*Eaat cor. of Ponrtb A Rarkit >ta,
On Monday morning, 23d Seftfpfber,
With a Large Sloefe of 'Keff Gondii
aep2l J_j
in LourU ocQl
No 17 Market street, corner of -Tnlrd sl,
HAS conrtamly on hand, for reJe, Writing, Letter,
Priming. Tea, and Wrapping Paper. Bonnet,
Fuller**, Bitiden’. and Trunk Boards; Book and News
Paper Printing Ink«; whieh he will ieU althe Iowe»;
cash prices, or in exchange for rags or tenner*’ at rap*
replO ’
DR. SPEER b*« removed to Liberty street, below
Pitt street, NO Itri. Office add dwelling in the
Mine building : - eug.HidCra
So 80 Fifth street.
THE or.Jer«tgned,bave, thi* day, us«ociated tbum-
Feivei under the firm of Phillips; Rest A Co.,for
the purpose of maaufactarn* every variety of Flint
Manufacturer* of evcry'Tariety of
Cot, Fussed, and Plain Flint Ulan Waie
ORDERS filled without delay,: at the lowest mar
ket priee, at their factory. on T'Y street, near
Second, or at W Wmr tttect, Pitflburgh-
MpUttKm • ■ -
PEARIB A BBOCKWAY, Comdb.«lon Merchants,
Sacramento City, California. liberal aavance*
made on consignment*, and .til *ger.ey Laaines*
: promptly atmneed to.
r T J» I-* V nbciWAi.
rr Lom J \ >nTeacusa
n.»vl3:dAwMaT ; ..
«itlon*j Acknowledgment* of D4cd*> *o
Office—FounU sixaat, above Saulbfield.
' g.r4-dAwT l
BV virtue of a precept uneet tbejhaada of bm.U
WClarc, Prendentof the Court of Common
in and w the Fifth Judicial District ,o< -Pennsylvania,
anaJosuec of die Conn of t/y'er and Terminer, and
Ger.ernt Ja>l Delivery in a-d :or .itud DtMnrt, and
William Kerr and Samuel - Jonci-J E-q* , A»*ociatfi
Jailer* of the *a and for the County o.
Allegheny, dated the 16th dav of AUuii, in H>o year
clourLord one tioaiana eighthundied and
to me directed, foe holding a Court-of Oyer and Ter .
mitrtf and General JaiUfcfivery, tube Court Hoot*
m thk city of Pittsburgh, on the Fourth Monday
October next, at 10 o’clock A M- ■ , .
Public mntce it hereby ftven to Ml JusUces of the
peaee, Coroner, and Constables of Allegheny, mat,
they be then and there, in tbelrprqper penons.wun
thelf~ fnftai record*, iuquiiitidna, ja*nttnanona and
othef remembrances to oo those things whicu to
their respective oihee* intheir- behplf appertain tote
done—and also those that will prosfeute the priaoners
that now are or may be in the jail of aaid county ol
Allegheny, to be then and there to; prosecute agatnst
them a* ihull he just. . .. ~. . _
Given under my hand ut Pittsburgh, tkii loth day
ol Attajiit. in the year of our LtVtl 6ne tliousand eight
hundred and fifty, and of the CcrcooKweaith tbo .Mb.
acglOtdWdT CARIERCURTIS, Bhenff._
IKTI I'RS «(' Jldtnii’UirM<m bifcvin* been pru.ted
, in lie lusUeriirbbL on ihne.ii'iecl the lateGeoije
L Rt-n decrmetl. »Jt panont.indfljjim are rw;Bniea
to make loimrJuue pa) mani JtidUmr ba»icg e|aln‘»
10 present lie same, proper!* a ulfianti**iea, 10 eiuicr
a. utKribm '•> l«“%o«»i»n.
To teotbita »J»<l
K, tsbscrther respectfully invitds pablsd attention u>
to.ium.iv* wost of Poiloimry,
Crcinilykc., lo which seven Siiior and two Golden
Medals hats, within the ta« been w*i“«
by the fntiii&te* &f YDrt.JJoiam.und PM**
delpbla, the latter bring the enlrGolden Medals ever
, awarded far perfemert cither fn Europe or in thj
'XSt'tt’* U.fIIT»IAES SfLlMfO CIU. M l ®""*,
Rose, and Ambnuom m.fot.olly ld
be. superior to any Shaving Creapi m tiu» cocutry or
SHA'nru-Batuufoily transparent,
nail possessing highly Saponaceous “^r^olhent
properties; Saponaceous Composted; Ambrosial Sbav
•log Tablet; Military Shaving Soap.
m vt asraaToiuet Soar*— Almond, Rose, Millcaeara,
Bcao ”tPismehto. Mott, Patchouly, Omnibus, Float
’ fn7 Transparent, 6live dil,:Wbdsor, and Circassian,
fcnturrs ni thi HiJtßaotCKto-Ro«, Jaimin«
Boouuetdc Caroline, Geranlain,Jenny Liud, Mousse
line. Jockey Clab, Magnolia, ‘Clemauie, Ciuonelie
Royal, and many ether vafieueilio ail ant)' different
Wits*?—Florida' Water, Eau d e |
Orange Flower Water, and a great vanell of Co
i JS B Ox°3JaIISJ, O i6S
Sd Philoeome. Kcintee, and Jwutr W
t)covraao» PaaraaAXioJM—Untsainie EuxirvHoio
Charcoal DentriCee, Odonune, Tooth
P Cream.
forlbappedbanl*, Cold Cream of Rwe», Cream de
Perse, Up Salve. Raspberty Cream, &e. .
Depilatory Powder*, for removing aaperfldott* hair,
Pesrf Posrner, Vioaigre de Ronce, Arcunauc Vinegar,
Vlcmna nair Composition* Preston Salta, besides
a nreat varieiy of other trades, Wo nomcreus .obe
which this establishment' fiatfacquirtd. l-T disposing |
of nothing but &rst rain articles, and will trappy to
fnrnlshUiose who may wish »o I* lT °“*® bl f:~“isl
wbolesnle or ictail. oa •» reasonafate terms as any es
ttWishmeniiathaUnite«lBtav:a avikii BAZIN>
<*«“>« b, rtd f.n«, W S .gf
01 ; iu Chesnut street.
Mr. Ertin’i. for ula b, J""? 1 '
vtl Druggists in the cotmftT., api
INSD. , CAKtAI stock A»P'«*nr* »«»,
V 1,000,060.
HAIiTSnKp 182 ft, ¥
L ha* been appointed tgeni fox tfu»
THE 'under*!** > Q , lD i e company, lo succeed Mr.
old and r«".sp< •j, jeddy TO wsso policies la ire
Fayette Brown, ana »» favorable term*
File and Marine oep. company in ibis city
„ aayoiber responsibly.^o'^AnNOLD,
° id Hack of ritabuicb
74 Fourth aU i*. T '
Ar.vut fra L ~ n />
$ 1,00£.0 0w- ,
j«o,U o«U tteUiMlioji.tfrai
ripilF. ucdcwdo h»*ujg progeny exposed 10
X otiatvj and oi 61 fJari**U<>B tothe *ii96(‘uf 1
!**« by Fire or tbe p. i l]
odetcd b) f ODpft'aytj
Protection In v , COS i. |T ii'^-
or b**tto. . u 0 f my outer
I.—Rate* of Premium *» ** w
R SI RLE Office. »«Jian*spl of k)«ci try
a.-A *?e«iy ana MUafacrt? Dftny {or tfco WcJUsm
ibc General Agent onbe,Cc
and Southern Stale*. whleb nay ari»«)
3.—Axburaiion (of all. dlfiereact ’
by referee* omtaally ebasen; rikuble Fanes,
•4 —Award* promptly paldtn Specie, Charleston,
or Exchange on New York, Haiti a. ore. uimreh, or
New Orleans, fit Lootf, Lonlmile, **>
Cincinnati, at the option of the insoreo. prin*
|CT Pamphlets, setting forth the mt do * r«la»ufi
ciples of adjasurg losses/’rate# of preimt’* 11 ** * ers of
cation of hazards. Ac., furnished to the c o* lol *
the office fre* ftfeharge. «d,
For farther Information, apply to the un< *s,
who is folly suiborized lo tnsnie Dwelling »•** .
Hotels, Warehouses. Mills, M&nofactories, Ik un *‘
Household Furniture, uod Goo as. Wares, a*
chandiie. contained cr stored thereto, against
damaio by FIRE- ;
• AUw ’ .*• Pro-
Dry Goods, Groceries,:- Msuntaetured Goo- J -
dnee, Household Fanuu»re ; Use' Storjt, an-** « .
oiber description of or Ptrsc p*l *
party, slipped or to bo shipped per *»*d si f a ®TT
or boat* to and -from print? cm the Wetter j
or between Eastern clues iTia.l.akc*, or oti ti * l"fi
roulel and any towns In lb« \»esternee#nv ry tag***-
[fa# birstd* JfSPOBTAt K *N-
[m H. sacs*.
Shipments of Goods. partis nod Herein
need restei or Tcs»eU,'her.reen New Ctrl* «t»
Eastern ppm—bewean Jiew'Orleaaa end ct herGtw
porta—between, all As4iie4> ports and £s.
Europeanwns. orta anyotl ternariiinepw i«*t
aoever In the Atlantic wstors, arainslite PEft U<3 1
Nolfltißeeond et
THESt. celebrated and Justly acknowledged eu
perior goods, in the Istest colorings and most im
proved styles, will be tarnished by the subscriber*
in any auantity, at the venr lowest price*, purchas
er* will please notice that the genuine Bay ftato
fabrics tear tiekets corresponding with the above
cal, and they will also be distinguished from all other
Woolen Shawls by their superior finish, fineness ot
texture, and brilliancy of colors. Orders solicited
from all sections of the country, and iha same will b«
promptly attended to. Purchasers will also find in
oar tSoawl department a large assortment of all iko
other moit approved makes, and newest designs of
American, French, and Scotch Woolen Shawls, em
bracing a great variety of plain and medium atyles
for friends. ALSO,
Superior Paris Brocbx long and square Shawls in
latest atTlesand best manufacture—Hita lustre Black
and Colored Silk Shawls—Lupins Black and Mode
Colored Thibet Shaw!-, umbstlk and woolen Fringes
—Paris Primed Cae.anere an 1 Terkerri Shawls—
Plain and Embroidered Crape Hhawls—New style
Printed Palm Shawl*—Neat figured Pans Brecon
Shawls— Lnpioa -Block and Mode Colored Thibet
Long Sbewlt—plain bound Seal Skin Shawls—Plain
Mode Colored French Terkerri Shawls, fringed and
bound—Eight quarter French Mode Colored Thibet
Cloth, measuring full two yards wide for Shawls,
binding to mutch—Whits and Colored Barcelona and
Gsnesee Shawl*, Ac. Wholesale and Retail.
18 South Second st., Phildelphla.
scplfltdAwSnunS '
Dr. Onyioit'i Eitrtet off Yellow Dock
asd Btmp»rlllt4
PUT np in the largest sized bottles, contains more
of the pure Honduras Ssmpirilto than any other
preparation extant which is chemically combined
with the Extract of Yellow Dock, the Extract ofWitd
Cherry, and the Balsam of Fir. thus making the rente'
dy mote thoroughly efficient than any other Sarsepa
rJla before the public, At the same time it is perfect*
)y free frtm allmir.rral poisons, which cannot betaid
ot any other of lb« Sanapaiilla compounds. The in
valid should beware of poisons! Mercury, lmn,Qni
nine, Potash, lodine, Sulphur, Arrenic, and many
other mineral and metallic poisons enter into and
form the active basis of most of the Sarsaparilla and
Panaceas of the day. Gnysott’s Compound Extract
ofYeilow Dock and Sarsaparilla does not contain a
particle of these substances, os any one can easily
ascertain j*y applying the necessary teats.
The poiaons may occasionally remove disease, bt»t
they so vitiate the blood, and so completely impreg
nate the whole system with their baneftil effects that
the first cold, or the first attack of disease, prostrates
the patient’s strength, and jsbiects bun or her to Uto
most excruliatin* torture, ar.d renders another cure
almost impossible and hopeless. Let all poisonous
Samparilla preparations alone, and use Ciaysett’s
ImprovedlExtraet of Yellow Dock and Sarsapsnlla,
which is thoroughly efßeaclons, perfectly harmless,
and purely vegetable. Allkindscf disease yields to
its genial influence.
Scrofula, Cancerous Tumors, Cutaneous Eruptions,
Erysipelas, Biles, Pustules, or Pimples on the Foee,
Chronic Sore Eyes, Tetter, Scald Head, Rhcuma*
tiSat, Enlargement or Pains in tfcc Bones or Joints,
old and stubborn Ulcers, Fever Bores, Hip Disease,
Swelling of the Glands, Blotches. SyphUaie Symp
tom*, Lumbago, Dropsy, Dyspepsia. Joandice, Cea*
tiveness, Salt Rbeum, Affections of the Kidneys find
disease* arising from an injudicious uro of Mercu
ry, Minister’s Bore Teroat, Weakness of tho Chest,
Pulcton&ry Affections, and all other diseases tend
inr towards Consumption, Livor Complaint. Female
Irregularities and Complaints, Sick and Nervous
Headache, General Debility, Low Spirits, Loss of
Appetite, iNight Sweats, Puns in the Side and
fchoulder*, Exposure or Imprudence ut Lite, Chron
ic Constitutional Disorders, and at h Spring and Fall
Pun&cr of the Rlood, and Caaerii Totao lor tua
System, it is unrivalled.
A out of Ulcerated limit of nsttm yxtre siandiTV’
Toe folio • ing i* an extract of a letter anted Marta
87,1600, from K. 0 Perkins M. D-, a highly respeeta
ble physieiaacf Marietta, Ohio.
Joan Pail—Dear* Sir I have under mj care|a
younr woouirrwiio, let °.xtccu years, nas been *u ( -
fering from Limbs, end whore case h«
been pronounced Lopi'les* by three cf oc? bc»t phy-
Stcians. 1 look her toy family, und have used
Gaysott’s Yeliow nnd Sarsaparilla freely, w.d «
am confident Uiat.ilw Yellow Deck ned Sarsaparilla
; wtll<3bciuii*.-»msuct cute. fthenbettetia general
I health iLaii. aho has ever been- before, and walls a
1 rule or two without f'augu* or «go tx.*,
used crotches'- I will report ihetcsdfn dua'un.v
Very respectfully. ■ PERKINS.
. SCROFULA- ' -V. .
It has been remarked, by emireM men, that in the
varied catalogue of diseases to which man is liable!
there is scarcely one of such import usee, and ofsooa
Interest as Seroiula, whether we look to-rho cbscumj
ofits otigin, its insldioua pro*re*s,the member anjl
variety of organs that it attacks, oi its -remarkable in
curability anacitenrivefetalirir. ' , \ ■
Scrofula has befllcd the skillof the most eminent
physician* in thisccuutry und in Europe. But there li
an 'onttfot e for this disease in H». Guy
* case of Serofnl* cared by thi
sole.use of .Doewr. Guyotl’s Compound bvnip- U
will bo seen by this certiicate ti>at this man has beea
under tho treatment of several celebrated’ physiciand,
for thc-gtsl. eight years, without deriving any benefll,
ahd haebOen effectually euied by the-uao of a fe*
bottle of Dr. Ctrytotis
Da. Get sort—Bear Sin-Owingtoyeu a debt which
money cannot pay. 1 an Induced remake a-public ac
knowledgment of tU teneat 1 have derived from yoir
invaluable Syrup l was sorely tfilleted ’frith a tem*
ble Serofuioua. disease, hereditary- m our family,
which commenced on my neck, and, continuing to
spread, soon reaehed my care, running into toy bead,
ud cxunding all over my lace, neck, and lower ex
u-anutle*. 1 fccc-me a disgusting object to !o*k upon
At times my distress was *o great that I wax unable .o
Sleep or lie down; und the disease extending »fio my
bars seriously afiecied my. heanog. My face was one
continuous sore, from which a disc bare a of matter
l and water kept continually oozing oat. People avoic
s fed m-, supposing I bad the small pox, or Mips °T* r
l Infectious ducare t and I was conseqaemly oMigcd
» retinoaish my butine*s. Notwithstanding l bad the
r best medical advice, and tried different plans of treW
menuthe disease contiuaed togrow wore,unui I gab*
up in despair. Fortunately IMI at with epasenrer
on Uiesteamboat,while uavuding foray health, who
* -Informed me that bis son was at one ume in as bod a
cotidifioa as I was, and that by using your Syrup ho
was snfwiiiy eared 1 immediately procured tne hr
ucie, comidkeed uting it, and now, after having uted
less tbuq six boitVzj.l am well and able to attend to
HIT busiheM. I rend you Uus statemtni as aa act ol
lustice, only bopu.g that u may inouee too afflicted to
avke ure of the right medicine, and thereby savo them
much fuffering ami expense.
I remaim tout onedient test sit. .
Cwi of an aggravated ca*-> of fi'ynvdas *
Tit* cures peiluriced by “Dr. Guyrott** EitTaelot
Yeliow Dock and Barssparilla are lasung. Theipa
dent’* general healih conunucs to lruprove after dis
ease i« removed Cure* are not chronicled until ume
has fully te*uid lhai there can be no relapse or return
cf thp disease-
AT .LA 19,
rtTTtaceou. p*,
tfouwaT, (Herkimer Co.) FeK ISW.
S F BcntmiCu., Gent*. it t» with great pleasure
tliatl writoToa about the very happy- effect* of your
Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla upon my eon, who ha*
)on« been suffering under that d leadfnl, loathsome dl*-
ease. Kmipela»,whli which he was attacked in tM3,
and was ior lateral month* attended by memo of our
ben DTsic-.ans, wao tiled their skill perseVfenugty for
five month*, without any beneficla. effect* whatever.
He become reduced to a perfect skeleton. He httiul*
eera from bit hip to hi* knee, which were cooUniaHy
discharging disgustingly oSenatve matitf. Med cal
and surgical •kill wa* bellied. rhyneiafla *ald that T
hi, case wa* bof*cle**—ibere eonld be oothtng done
to arrest tho«e terrible gangrer,*ing ulcer*. My neigh
bors and myeelf thought hi* dissolution near at Band.
One of my neighbors, who had tarred a clShl of serof.
ala with your invaluable medicine, wished me to,
make trial of it, and more from tho testier* desire to
do something while Ufe lasted, than from any bop* of
ertUnx relief,! procured three bottle* of your »euow
Dock and Sarsaparilla,” and. com>nen-ed astng it
and to my astonishment, be commenced improving
he bad used the third loule, and.ueforo ho had used a
half dozen bottles he could walk out. He bseain a.I
twelve hollies, and by Oriober laat be was perfectly
re* ored, every vestige of the disease except the scars
in removed, and horeoutn* in perfect health up to iba
nretent time. His recovery, under theJblessing of
God, l* oniirciy owing to tbe use of yoor\®° c *
and Sarsaparilla, and l assure yo.i *ft°* “»»*«
1 wideT greet obligations to you, and it is with great joy
1 that I inform you of what your Sarsaparilla naa doa*
. j l„r mt »».
irrNcoe genuine unles* put op in-large bottle*,
containing a quart, and the Same of lie-fi/np liww
in lierls**.withthe written rignarareof S. P. D«n-
the oulaide wrapper. Price *1 per boUe—or
* hu’.Sl’S I. B. BARR. North EMI corner o(
i Fonrth and Walnut RtceLs, entrance on Wnlcairt-,
CißCinnau, Ohio, to whom all orders null be addre.-
“cotter ißre, Erie; W. P. lohluon *-Co., Wor-r
-ford; Olin A demons, CrotongTille; Abel 'Terrell,
Montrose; Hiram Mix,Townd*; Ro£rt*oy,*eU*-
boro; L. ftoderiefc. Ca’lensbuifT, UVriittix, Jr, Pitts
burgh, comer of Market Uriel end th* Duuuond.
j*lthd&wtv;is« ___
Creates a healthy action throughout the body, resloro
tho appetite, equaLae the circulation, giro wn *“ d
energy toUie system,and create a power °f. f®.!*-
St?w disease in all iu form., rarely wbe oMjined-
They will perform a .peedy ana permanent care of
Djrperaia, Indigestion, Plaialeney, General Debiury-
Llrer Complaint, and aU urn unroof *yoptom* com
monly-calltdncnrous affection*.
Will be immediately reueved by the use of'bt*‘ n ~
uablacempoand, wt»ieh is partly vegetable, and 1.
u> all age* and corduion*.
Will find in this delicate a d palatable *
ceSiMiloo of Tonic. AlUTOr.eee4 Aperieul ,»oh-
I ■%,?SSS?i i us“iSSS^iSsto* 1 <» rnc LMC.
1 J * lT 17, ‘ >; 1650 ‘
h.»c mcC the oniefe of Plonelt’. Binero,
I taTT u*c , from them. I haae
and hate dented,f u> the Fenr and Ague, bat Bitter*, 1 hate entirely
•lace this introduction or yow ** -> confidene*
«S 5 * & Tomzt iB °‘e
recommend them •j£L, e^/ , y
SnctsrtKLSi Jiutt 80th, 1&50-
Mt »e much pleasure tonate, ih»tlho
with which tny Ufetai been m loagrttoab-
Killing fro® Inaction of too Uret. has been en
Atfema, wrijUm T. Hieka ft. MI I'rou
VSSSSjh FOt “ teby -B.feBEU.KBS.
* - nan FRET Worked Oak Ftoorins Boards,
—* <T»wrt>q ki Akinin rnlan»an came of Mn.
Caffine HcKrdibt, dsccMed* bating been
‘Rioted w ih? «r.4miin**»indebted ar#
; S«S«-r notified io make immediate payment, and
,522: t*Tirs:cUim» esmeiu
, Alntr.
if AMfcka—u it mM cnthe outtiflc;
Uji: .• v do inside;
Tinker JtnPHiLuhs
! ’