'HE i’ITTSBOtfGeIjBETTEi PUBLISHED BY WHITE 6c CO PtTTbB (18011 THURSDAY MORNING OCT; 24, 1650 ID"*Ai>Yi*Yts*ks are larneniy Wqaestea to ln&d id lieu favors before & r. a.) and as early mihedav u iraclictble. Adverlixi&uDU uol miienedfor ** speet* tdtlae will terrttisblT be,ehar*ed tmulordorsacgt. HyV. U.'pALßl# ls~]Agent for. ibis paper at hi» everal azeociea in New Hurt, Philadelphia, nod Bovtotx, and ;is tauinrixed to receive subscriptions and advertisement* 'or u» PmmmKu Nona Aaoucait—Advertise mints and snbscnptions to the North American and United States Usmik, Philadelphia, received and for warded from this office. - CP* PHXLA»iLniuCo*M*acuu.i*irt.— Subscriptions for this valuable paper, will be received and forward •4 from thisjSffiee. • &AITIMOSX A**«6al».—anb»cripuoD*e ß 4*dTeniee menu for this paper received and forwarded free « aharge from this office. .Cy CotCLvnjTi Daily Gas err*.—Advertisement* aaosabseripiioui, for this paper, will be received and orwarded from this office. XTBEE NEXT PAGE FOR LOCAL MATTURB TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, **. Macbluiv joe. tux Caltfoetia Gold Mims.— We examined yesterday a splendid set of machin ery, just completed m the establishment of Mr. Wm. P Eichbtiun io, Allegheny City. 1* i» ® Bpleudid piece of workmanship, and seems most admirably adapted to the purpose for which it i* designed, it is lobe u»ed in putverizme the quart* rock, a! the mine*, it c>miis>is ot nt hearv cast iron mortarj iu each of which three heavy chilled iroa stampers are worked for the purpose of pulverizing Iho quartz, prcpai atory to the final separation of the gold from tbr rock In oae side of the mortar is an opening, or hopper. lulo which tba quartz i* put after hiving been broken up in small lumps It then undergoes the pouuding pro cess, being covered with water >n the mortars, af. terihe quartz has teen sufficiently pulverized, the small particles of gold are carried ofl with the sand by a copper screen on the eppsite side of the mor tar from the hopper, and Iho machinery works so nicely, that the very smallest particles of gold are aeparated from the sand, and saved without loss. After the proo.eti nbavo described, tho geld, and aafld passes dirtiort and inye* aiousiy constructed machine,called the Amalga mator* It here psswss.OTJr another sel of by Which the gold Is reperatod from the sand, and gathered by lbt> application of qnicks.lver. The plrticlea of gold adhere to the quicksilver, which it gathered into sraill balls, and the po ! d is finally separated from the quicksilver by means of ano ther process. Tho plan ol >h*s machine w*« l?krn from one. used at tho goldmine* in Back rghem Coonts, Virginia, by Mr. Eiehbaetn, who was cmnloyed by the Pacific Mloiog Company, for whom the machine wa s boil*. for that purpose. la taking the drat is, and constructing tnccr.B* obioery, the searching eye, and me'-bsoicai (kill of Mr. Eicbbaum, discovered several psrta which were BOtceplible ol improvement. These im* provements havo been added by which .t« u; !ity hat been enhanced, so a# to b -cipcb'c of turn, tag off a larger amount of work than the uae from which It was taken. It iaestloilted that this machine wiii work up 25 tons of qaartu per day. The app&rai us i« now completed, end is ready lor shipment, ii o:il be seal to California by way of New York. Mr. Clay was received w.ih grea; demonstra tions of respect and popular cnt*n«;aam on bi.« arrival at Lexington. Bonfires were kindled and cannon discharged in hio honor, end &o .ramto*c crowd assembled to meet him. He was compet ed to make a speech to th-i mui’;tndo. Aiier thanking them for their kisdnesr, and nekmg n few remarks Upon the condition of the country, he told them that, happy as be was tn meet (hem, them was an old lady about a ni'lc and a half otf, (pointing to Ashland) with whom he bod lived fifty yean, and whom hs would rather tee 'bar. all of them He was released, ofier this good tu tored remark, and suffered tu go dome. The Hon. Solomon Foot, a merlinsz V/fc-g, and formerly a leading ciemberof the Hoasc ol K-.-pre tentative* Crom Vermont, baa been elected by the Legislature of that Slate a Senator ia Congress, to sccreed Mr. Phelps, whore term exp.res on the third of Msrch nest. Mr. P. will have served for- State In the Senate for twelve years, and with eminent ability, although hi* ysefulaeta has been much unpaired by bad health. Tax M*thodist Etibccpai. Cat's ca th* Mxtbodut EpifcaPAt-Cacsca Sot; tb —The Se» nior Bishop (Soule) aud Rev. Messrs. John Eirly, D. D., William A. 3csi*>. D. D-, aod A. U P. Prtto, D. D , are new m New Vint r,ty an cna - xaitaioDera oa+ehatf of the l»t:er cfcurcb, to pri-so cate 1U alleged claim lo a curtain j u of 11,,- property acquired by the church previous 10 tit secession of the Southern Irancb. Tbe Pest. of Saturday, says : Suita are brought, we nodersland, 10 the L’aitcd States, simoliaceuusly 10 ibis city and in Ot.io:o» nati, because the great bulb o! the property in dis* putc lies partly to bulb ouies. Tom i» a most Im portant case, and baa been id agitation for several yean ; it ealiala the interest of tae largest religious denomination ia the Ptiitzd Stales." The Caarle'doa Mercury baa the follow,-eg - Ret. L. Rosier, preacher, Id charge of the Sod them Methodist Church, at Alexandria,-Vn.,sped last Sunday in this City, preaching, aud makra# handsome collections u>r tbe erecimo of a church edifice for the benefit of hta congregation, who bare bees turnoj oot of their place of worsnip by Northern influence- As bo intends to so furttx r South, it afford# u# great pleasure to «cmuiml him aed hi# good cause to me liberal.'/ ul th : Sooiberu community. Wttlgtnra asd tht Railboads -A lar/e me iog fit Wheeling, Va , on Thursday lasi appoint a committee to procure signatures to petitions pn ing the Council to appoial nn early day to tak< vote of the citizens fur and against a subscript! sot exceeding 5300,U00 to the stock of the We era Ohio Railroad. The Gazelle says ‘There aeema to bo no difference of opinion the importance of prompt action on tin* road, and the only question is at what time and on whalternu and what amount shall bo subscribed. in- terested in Ohio may be assured that Wheeling is in earnest aod ready to do her duty, which Witt be shown on the dny of voting.” The editor is no#? from home, and bis assistants crave tbe indulgence of the rc*dors of the paper for any short comings which may bs perceptil I*-. Aa hit abseq.ee is occasioned by matters coanrrti d with the improvement of the Gazette, its pain-ts Will (be more readily excuse il, although it may be necessarily protracted f.»r some two or three weeks. - Oflldlal Tots or filarylantl. The following are the oJiicial returns ot the votes gjrea at the late election lor t-rovernnr of Mary • land, in all the count tc* except Calvert, from which we have only the reporter! majority : (Whig.) (Dem) Major- Major- Counties Clarke. Lowe. iiy. tty Afleghauy 1443 412 Anne Arundel lr>z4 I3lb Ibb Baltimore city Shi2 ll.Vrt 2 i'J>. Bfiltiaore coucty 1923 2(143 ~22 Calvert 147 Caroline ■>'s~ 610 29 Carroll . lost lull 33 Cecil \ 1-17/ J47S 6 Charles >sx, 446 139 Dorchester i27:> ‘i/jj 332 Frederick 3123 3|yj 72 Hanford 147 S I4bo 2 Kenl , o r >4 347 107 Mootgemery 907 faj«j §9 Prince George's 91S 673. 277 Queen Anne T s 740 “il 33 St Mary’s ~J4 447 077 Somerset 1399 1043 Talbot 731 793 Washington . 2S2U 23' r - Worcester 1434 ’ •'(; . j 30- i 1144 312 u 4 3SJ 30,033 236*7 4067 ’ 2.366 Lowo’s majority EUOTIOS.-A T.legrapi, J.~ from Olambi. *•«» ,tal u“ P Xi’r n*-. ■>'»“* ';; h ;„ or ' 1 " ofu,v U i c ß .h e , re p--.-“^” lendßutli 1. Daniel Wallace, W|n> Aiken| 1 Jaa.L- (vice Mr Holme*' a Jos. A- Woodward, » F. Colcock 4 John McQuoeti. • Cso LrXA.—Within the l ™ l,y Ihtie haw been two deaths by cho Fraaklin Zimmerman, Mias Cecilia Dexter. Of other diseases, to wit:— Mi*. Aodersoo, (bilious cholic.) Miss Ann T. Frew, (bOTtsthage > Do yesterday ® on,ln l* wJSduce ice .. 111 jairintis night wss cool enough to proa srtS£££** ,b : era prcrenfative. gradually, as there are Hmm those .attacked .prij 22. • i _ t * *. -.The Constitutional Convention of this rt— W Carr 7TM CfaWTO For tit Ftiuburgh Qautu. vFisduat, Allegheny Co., Pa,) October 23,1850. J • Ma. Writs : Sit —l have taken up my pen to give yon a brief outline of the dreadful aortoluy-in Findlay township, Allegheny coon* The dysentery haa been raging with fearful mi* iigQ,ty, accompanied with typhoid fever, and con* fined entirely to the upper end of the township— the majority of it in one school district, adjoining the village of Clinton. There has been thirty one deaths In the inside of four weeks. In one family of cipht persons, seven died, sod another of eight, fire died. Sioce the wesiher has set in cool, the dysentery has Dearly disappeared. The typhoid fever is rtfli bed, but ihe-desths comparatively less since the dU#ppd* n,nec . dysentery. This part erf the township has heretofore been considered very healthy. Oar two physicians re both down—6ne of them is better, the other is still | in a critical situation. | Vours, truly, A SUBSCRIBER. Tita Vmoutu Convomort. —Tbe proceeding* of Friday were unimportant. It was agreed that all the varioos resolutions previously offered touching the sew organization of tbe Slate (»ov» ermenl, together with many which were intro* dueed od Friday, should lie on the table in await tae report or the committee, directed to report the moat expedient mode cf considering amendment* Xo the constitution. And in order to. give tbit committee time for consultation, tbe conrenlioi adjourned bver to ibis day. The Richmond lunea says that it ia already manifest that the change* propoaed in tbe foods mrniallaw will be almost numbcrlim, and relating to nearly overy branch of the civil polity.—Aar. 2rUeL nEoticTioi of postage:. At an early period of tbe lata session of Con greis, tbe redaction ofpotUge on letten and oth er mailable matter was pressed upon the attention of that body in an emphatic manner. Tbo me morials and petitions presented, were numeroua beyond precedent, and were characterised by a remarkable unanimity ot opinion on the part ot the petitioner*. Tneie peittiona were but faintly re.ponded to; but, whatever may bare been the desires of a majority of tbe members ol Congress on the subject, their failure to take cognizance of it baa, wc think, been justly attributable to sdoUm er very obvioos canae—we mean the all absorb* ing interest of other questions then pending. In order to stale this question aright, it wdl perhaps be weil to give tbe present rales of pot tle, which we will do as concisely ai possible: Cf’Ui Letters, each k oz. or less,3di} miles or loaa G ” '■ " over 300 miles 10 Drop letters C.tt-ulm, handbill, Arc , printed or lithograph cd, per thcei, jrr pavl. Pampokti, magazines, and other-matter, one onnev or im Eich additional ounce or fraction Newspapers sot exceeding 1,900 sqcare in ches, sent from office of iaaue, 100 miles Newspapers over 100 miles, and out of Stale H Newepaperseenl by other person than publish er, prwnaui 3 These are tbe present terms for those who pay postage; bnt tbo number ot those who do not, and the extent ot their privileges, are subjects worthy attention. Therj pcrcios sre the President of the United States, tbe ex-Preaidcnla, the widow* of ex Pres'detiii, the Vice President, Senators, Re* prrjentailve?, and Delevsies in Congress, Gov. ernora of Slates in their rmrespondonce with each other, the Postmaster General and Assistant*, editors and publishers exchanging ptpets, pnst matter* writing on offi ial business; and those whose compensation does not exceed 52C0 may correspond generally free ofeharge. Tbs rrqoesta m the petitions called for the re* : auction at letter postage fur any distance to two ' e-nu, a hall ounce being fixed upon as tbe weight ot h Bingti Utter. In accordance with these re ques'e. a hill was presented in the Senate, on tbo 3.J of April last, by Senator Rusk, fixing the rate at two cents.'it prepaid, and five if not; bat, eob rrquenlly, this Senator submitted as able report ou the anbject, and changed.hi* plan, recommend top- a umiorm rate of two rcuts, pre-paid. Tbi* hill was not acted upon in the Senate. Balia the H'C*e r»f Reprcaentabves, on the 2|th of July, Siu)gr Poiie r , the chairman of tbe Post Orifice CVmminee, picscnteJ a report and bill, in wbtrh three cents, pre-paid, and five if not, Were recom» mended. Tl;s bill failed to receive tbe attention ot the House during the session. We are inform* ed by n writer, wnoo we believe to l>e correct, that tie CocDOiliee were divided in opinion r?» spccllc# th*tr proposition. ll* atatva that foarot tla members were in favor ot tire cents; two for three and five; and three for & uniform rate of two ecsta, pro paid. The following is a syaopvs of ibis bill T&e Aral section file* half an ounce- as tbr weight ol a single inter, and makes the chargr Ibree cents, if pro-paid, and five tf not, to any pan of the Uun>c. The second charge* upon newspapers, not ex* ceedtng 1,900 squire in :bes surface, half a cem witbio the Slate cf publication, and one cent be ynod it. Pajuphleti, books, periodicals. Ate., to,be charged two cents per onnee , bound boohs, of not more thin thirty two ounces weight, to come wiihm the cia**. The third authorises the minis to coin three c pi-cos. The fc nnb anthor'i-** *nnr* reprt itjre - cent* iJ b.* it’ueJ bv tne.P.i*t'n.>» , er General. and to bi by Firtta.asurr t Ip whom, »,1 *rij ea to o:Hit person?, a iii*rouu oi tea per cent. it to 6* a.i-ie, when titty do.lira' worth are purchased. The has appropriated bait a million i.f dollar* lo supply any defb-iency that may arias ip the Post Office Department. A raiooritv report wta submitted by a aingl m . - - . lercber, (Mr. Durkce,) which embodies in a comprcfaeuMve manner, the arguments 10 favor oi Ihsadopiioa of two een:», prepaid, as the just prise of postage throughout the Union, sod the iedac’.ioQ of tbe eb*rgt*-opon oewnpapers, took?, <kc. It declares that the people of (he Union were never more untied in any purpose ibsn in calling upon Cougrea* for ibia reduction, and set* forth tsay facts iu illustration of tbe advantages of tbo measure. We will ondeavor to stale rebstioilally the pro 7i*mDa of the bill accompanying this report. The Firct Section fixes two cents, prepaid aa the uniform postage of a fetter aeat any distance, (hi: weuh uni eto-e Jicg half so ouocr, sod oae cem far each drop letier. The Second orders the sale, at ail post offices, of stamp* representing two, four, sad ten cent*. , The Third mikes the postage on newtpapera' uniformly one cent; and on periodicals and pamph lets ball a cent an ounce, baudbilla and circulars to be charged as letter*, aud bound boofca at a cent an ounce. The Fourth allows a discount ol fifty per r«n», to pabhabera who prepay the postage on their pub lications The Filth allow* a salary to any postmaster whose income ia by ibis act reduced below ijo present rate. The S:xth prnsidr* for the appointment of ear ner! wbo will receive letter* at cenain depots, and deliver them to the post office, and convey bick to such depot 4, the letters so directed to be deli** ered. The Seventh abolishes the franking privilege, “except tio far as it may have been conferred ey Cocgfeas upon individuals aa a mark of respert ami honor." and requires the payment by the Gov ernment cl all postage due on account of the pub lic service The E-ghth authorises the Postmaster General to draw upon (be treasary, under certain cheek*, for any amount exceeding the actual postage ol tbo year, when needed lor certain purposes epen* tied in the act ol 1526, <Stc. The Nmih repeals all acta conflicting with this. —fi'jrui/rc. MonoNaauxLs 9ua*ir» Eimsiori—We believe that our readers geDf rally, especially tbo%e ■iiuatod on, or contiguous (o the Mocongbcla riv. er, are Interested in the farther extension ol the Sltckwater Improvement, and take this opportti oity of responding to the request of railing alien, tion to tho subject. It will be recollected that the L-rgiaiaiure of Virginia passed an act, a year'u two ago, granting the privilege to company to cooalrnci dam*, to render ** gabela navigable for steamboat* l|o£< «ylvauialme upwards, as farag e* authonxlDg the Board of |V’ scribe three fifths for itg »■ .»OQOO | , itie Penn*I| .sctiesble. aod I , ,ic Work# lo iuh I jodructjon. The law | j $20,000 arc subscribed, raan-s-i, and the Board aha I I yOO—which la three fifths of SvO,* i cost ol the work. .jlboVgh the people between Pluaborgh and BroWD'«v«lle may not led that the project ti one t o •ach vital Importance to them a* those “' latte r point, yet that they would ail bo greatly oen^ ePuedutoo apparoal to require an argument An? improvement that will lend •» incmiao the I,Jo ojn Ibla river, will m•“ '9™' lion benefit ell connected with U. Tho Mooon gihela iravcnei a ration of Pi! "n.,lvani. and Vetera Virginia ridrm renourcra Inal am ran d IT growing, which random the project one of In denting nt.gniinde. And there la no improve ment ao well calcnlated to dcvclope tbeao reront ces #t #0 small expense. . _ We thins, however, that the citixena of Pitta* burgh are aadeepiy lotrrested in ita saeceas as any olfcera. By thus opening op a chan nel that would divert the already incxeatlng trade of Western Virginia, throughout the bead wateiaoflhc MocnoKahcla and ii*tribatarlra,and drpo«iU iPnghi into her market, it would vastly more than compcDsaie her for the whole expense of competing the work. She would then become the recipient of a very extensive commerce, ihat U now Inactive lot want of access to msrkcl, or that finds as outlet to other places. —lAonongahtla Repub. prGv.dun lhai s* toga ' tbe compeuv p’ay ' tpproprltle 000, lb* -• Sir Henry Lytloa Bolster, the British Minister, accompanied by his L«dy and a Secretary, arrived si Albany oa Thursday ls*t,oo iheir way to visit Niagara Falla and Canada Nai Inulhgmcer. Txs Aft lea" Slavs TaaD*— It U intended (Says a late Eogliah paper) to have thirty two steam vessels constantly employed Tor the tup- DKMlon of iho Slzvo lr.de on Ihe COM! of Af/.c«; 000 of Ibeae kikli being ordered to proceed •boot tho let of every ntonti with tbo mitUe, ud relieve uotker from doty on tbo coteL The zzil invvmzcU el pteicol oo tbo Affioen elettoa tro to K? withdrawn as toon as steam an are ready to repltco them,eod uo eefllag ooeeole will fa falaro employed lot tbo enfprgeelre of tbo elite #*4«- Fo&au Vor Obijukj* Botaary Luo*—We publish the forts a oieeutiy auger the bounty land lev. These forma will, wttii the taflitafy rellij'e d©i posited in the clerk's offisa of earery cottniy. The evidence of aervice end discharge being thus ac» oeaaibie, together with ihe.foznQß Decenary to «r; fy the claim*, the amplest b&siness knowledge will lie sufficient jo fill up end forward an appli- 5 cation (or a virrut, and to hired, if neceua* ry, the location by the commissioner of the Gen* eral Land Office . | INSTRUCTIONS AND FORMS To be observed by penoaa aiplyma to the Pen* son Office for Bounty Laos, under the act or September 29, ISSO, entitle*) “-An act granting E Minty Land to certain officers and toldiera who have been engaged in the military service of the Untied Stales.” \ la every application tor benefit of'the art aforesaid, whether made by lias surviving officer or soldier blffiveU, or by his wibow or minor child or children, a declaration, voder oath, mutt he made as teuly according to tba following forma aa the nature of the case will admit. Such declaration and «J 1 (affidavit! mnat be ■worn to before tome jnjtlee of the peace or other officer authorized to administer oaths for general purposes, who inual certify the same. The official character and signature of the mag istrate who may administer thg oath mast be cer* tifltd by the clerk of the proper court of record of hit county under the seal ol the court Such cer* ufieste mast accompany every cat*. In every instance where the certificate oftbe cer tifying officer who authenticates me paper is not written on the aims sheet of paper which contains thu affidavit or other papers authenticated, the certificate must be snacked, thereto by a piece of tape or narrow ribbon, the ends ot which must pass under me offi -ial seal, ao aa to prevent any paper from being improperly attached to the certificates The 3d section, in expreu terms, only provides for the location ol a warrant under the law Thus, the right to total* not being given to an urigntt, the Department may well say that no i gam-rats made prior to location trill be recog red. The 4ib teciioo declare# all sales, dec., going to affect Ibd title to any izm/graded or to be granted '• (JtitT ii> the itauf," shall bo nail tod void, and expressly declares (be land loaned aball not be charged with or subject to any debt or claim “ in curred pnor to tbe u»aing of the patent” h thua appears clear ihal It was the intention of Congress that tbe claim of the aoldier or his heira abould continue free from every kin) of locambraoceun til after tbe war of the patent, ini thua relieve tbe Department from nil the ovila growing out ol conflicting claims coder alleged assignment. Tbe object of tbe law is to confer tbe right to tbe land itself on the warrantee or his hoira. After that purpose is effected, it la of course competent for the grantee to dispose of it a# be tqay think proper. frorwi of detJaratton 13 he madefy the rurvivvtg officer or toldici. St*Tl of ) CotiMY of i On this .... day 0f...., A. D , one thousand eight hundred and personally appeared ba« fore me, a justice of the peace, (or other cfScer authorized to administer oatha tor gene*al pur poses,} within and for tbe county and State afore said, aged .... years, a resident 0f... - in tbe Slate ot who be.ng duly swom according to law, declares that be is (he idenUOal wbo was a in tbe company* commanded by Captain io the le* gimentof commanded by .in tbo war with Great Bri aio, declared by tbe United States on the 18th day ot Jane, 1612, tor other war embraced in said act, describing what war); that he enlisted (or volunteered, or waidrified) at on or about the .... day of .... A. D. .... for tbe term of and continued-in actual service in amid war, for the term of ....... and was honorably discharged at on the .... daV 0f.... A. D ai xeill appear by fiu ortginol certificate t■/ ducJiorg* herewith, transmit (<i, t or by the muster rolls of Mid company. He makes this declaration for tbe parpose of obtaining tbe bounty land to which be may be entitled onder the “act granting bounty land to certain officer* and soldiery wbo have bean en* gaged in the tsiburyteyvfceofihe United Stales,” pasted Sept 2Sih, iflSO. - (Signature of tbe claimants) Sworn to and subscribed before me tbe day and year aborp written. And 1 hereby cerufy, that 1 bcliove tto said to be tbe identical man who served es aforesaid, and that he U ol tbe age ab.rve »tiled. (Signatate of the magistrate or other afficsr l r f o declaration to teaiade h/ the endows of a deceased officer jr s*>! J»«y Coiwrr 0r.... | J '* Ou ibis....day of. A D cno iheutaod eight bntdrsd And* personalis appeared be fore roe,'a justice of thu peace (or other officer (to ihor.ud to administer oath* for genera! purpose*,) within and for tbc county and State aforesaid.... ... .aged... .year#, a resident 0f....... to »h/ State of. .who, being dolf awcrn, accoKi ag to law, declare* that she la t be widow of . decened, who wai a to tbe r.ouijmj commanded by Captain in tbv... .regi ment of commanded by tbe war wab Great Britain, declared Vf tbe United States on tbs JBib of Jono, ) SIS (>'r other war e* the case may be;) that ber aaid hatband enliated ,or volunteered or wao drafted) at oa or at-oat tbe ....day of , A. D for the term of and conuoued to actual service io taid 'car for the term of , and waa boo-trab’y discharged at "o the.... day o! -, A. D or wifi eyptar U/ k*t imgtttal ceri'fjate or ditzJtarqt kerneii't tented J she further states that she waa married to tbe •aid to oo the... . day of A. D by ooe , a , and mat ber name before •in*, marriage waa ; that ber raid boabtnd died at on tbc ... .day ol A. D. ...and that aba ta still a widow^j Sbo rni.M th<* declaration for tbe parpoic of oh tioiDf lt»e bounty land la which the may be «*o Utled under Ibo “act patted Siptember 23, ! SiO ” (Claimant's signature ) Sworn to and tobscribed before me the day and year above written, (Officer'* signature.) Ajry!iration.i by Ititßor CA liJrm. II anV officer or *o!dier who would be entitled to bounty land under said act, if living, has died, leav ing no widow who Mill survives him, but leaving a child or children under the age of majority at the time of tbe passage of said act, such minor child or children are entitled to (be same quantity of land ibiit the father would bo "stilled to it living. In suca case the guardian of such minor child or ebildreQ must mate* declaration ns nearly correa portd'ng with the fo-egoiug forms as the nature of ihe ca*e will admit- He must state the luue of tho father’» drath, tbe fact that no widow survive* him; and must state the name or name*, and erect age or age*, of bt* surviving minor child or children Tms declaration must be accompanied by tiory proof of tbe father** death, that no widow sur vive* bid, ■>( the age* of the minor ehildren,nnd of , hi. nwu appointment by competent aitihoriiy, as ; guardian II there is any family record showing (be age* ol the children, it, or a certified copy oi tbe mine should be forwarded, with the affidavit of some disinterested person, proving the genuineness of the original, and that the copy certified m a true and correct copy of it. * If the claimant was a rrgimettal or staff officer, Ihe declaration must he varied according lolbe facts of the case •II the discharge has boeD lost or destroyed, the Words in itaJie will be omitted, and the tacts in il lation u> the lo*i of the discharge stated >a thereof If the claimant never tecetved a \rf 1 di«ehrage,or il discharged m cuofteqiwnc* ' arU biiity, or il be was in captivity with tkr- v A must vary hiA declaration so as to .lemy, be of the case. .rib tlte tacts ; The Dotes to tbo dre applicable to th f , * clsralion are also be lnjpo,»PJ, e rduiuo. „„ , ntMo j-, r >b ‘ h ' b nlai.j* s»infl.T»» »•« .rvtces, With the panic farm/ In such care / ’ b * lh ® tbove with os nmen accr - ’ M must set fonhibe facu tnJupnuaite h* •*' *•» poaathle. It be gimeot lB . her ' o slate the company and re tilled it* utr.b ha rerved- If hew huabshd was docW osttle, that, tact most bo aet forth lo the •anon. I'nis declsraUßQ. mast bo accompanied by fiati*- factory proof oi t ue marriage, and of the basbaod s death. H them la any public record of tfie mar* naae, o duly certified copy of such record should be iorwarded, if possible. If there la no public re cord ol toe marriage, but a private or family ro cord such family record, or a certified copy ol the same, should bo Iciwaxded, with, the affidavit ol some disinterested penoa, proving the genuine* D ris of tbe origintl, aod that tho copy certified w a true and correctoopy ot il. If 10 poblio or F»- vaie record or the marriage exiitu, or can be pro. cored that fact should be set forth tn the dedani» lion: and iu aucb case, other evidence, aueb as the testimony of persons who knew the parties In the lifetime of the busband, and knew them to live to gether ns husband and wife, add to> be so repated, will be'admissible. TT7"ln no esse, bowc?er, will the mere state* mentol witnesses that the claimant u the widow „f the deceased bo taken as evidence ol the mar rsvfbnt the untnesKS must state tho /act* and arcumstanUJ from which they derive tfasir know, ledge or opinion that abe is the wjdow ol tho dc* cessed. A corrlficite from tbe clerrymu or muiMrelo who ae'etDeized tbe merrlzge. ie aot competent evidence, oaiei. tbo gennleonet, of the corobere be proved, end tbe penon wbo *nve u be .bowo w b.ve been ember zed to zo'em..zo mnmtjez. cento™ Btonstv who w.z married in B.l.imero to Cnrolin. biz wilts, .bom nice ,e«r. «o, » «re«»d In New y„,k, on Tbu.adn,, to bum*. ta M,rT Sleinc, b pretl? Oermtbft.l, oe lb. Bond., pro vion. Himzeif end tlnroiine bzd been divorced, re-mnrried, ud drvoroed toln ,*• £ . Jewish pnezt, named Hu* L. " h “ et,o married Meye, to tbe Oennan ,W. The prleat pleaded Unoranee oldttr Ud nocom. plaint waa tsken agtiO** it has been stated by Telegnph nor Henry Johnson wafi electno to ?*?*** . _ the New Orleans DilUlcl, to Kf« pired term of Mr. Conrad, now Secretary ofW«. We observe by the New Orleans report was erroneous. Judge Bfillud, ike Whig nominee, Is elected. Tbe name ol Cover* nor Johaaon was used by the opposition, without bis consent, he taieg absent at ute North ottnnf (boQtaiint • TbfsUvsm Bolls —Tbe following extract from * latter of the Adjutant General to a of Congress will give information as to the rule adopt" ed in reference to copies or inap»r»tion of the m taler rolls: ** neceasary to give any inlormalioa re specting the time. «c..of Ifie muttering into ser vice the regimentia and companies of tbe • . • volnmeera, with a view to obtaining tbe land bounty it w equally necessary in the case of all tbe volunteers enrolled and received into service from States; but to do thj* would be nlmnat jm- MMstble. In the Black Hawk wnr, (1832,) and tbe seminole or Florid* war, (183 d to 1842,) there were not less thou -14,984 militia and volunteers enrolled and during the Creek dl-turbances, sod on the ,““™ frontier., in lb. yean 1838 ..<llB37,»*r militia were mustered into the service of • the United States. |fw e go back to tbe war with Great Br tarn, we find that -171,000 militia were cal led out. It will be seen, therefore, that to Begin With answering such call* for information as Vou nave Hiade jn the matter of claims to land bounty, may end in examining and reciting mutter rolls so complicated and numerous as to embrace no less than ->3l t 7'29 names *‘R hi* always been assumed by the Government that persons having claimes upon tl know what they are entitled to. The only proper way, thre foro. is, for to applicants to apply to the Commis si oner for their land, (under the regulations that no doubt will h« duly published,) and whenever be may wont any information from the records of the War Departmcnti oestablish the claim ,beasa mat ter ol course, applies for and officially obtains What ever can be procured. And this is the eoune, I am instructed by the Secretary 0 f War to aay, which must be continued to be observed. And 1 cniyadd that, with the clerical force of this office, it would be almost impossible, if it were proper, to answer tbe calls of the description in question, without greatly obstructing the general business of ibis brunch of tbe War Department.” It will be seen from tbe loregoing that copies of tbe fjtlsarc uotto belurntshed. Tbe “instructions and forms” necessary to be ohvrved have been for wrded in every direction throughout tho country, and we udersta ud that offinul certificates from the rolls are doily furnished to the Commissioner of Pensions, from the rolls in possession of the difler ent offices, lu support of claims — Republic. mom TIIK ARCTIC EXPKDITIOS, Despatch re/m-eJ Ay th* Naw Department from IjUuttnant R. J. lie Haven, commanding iht i. ryeAiUOJi in starch of i>ir John h'ranllin. tfsrro> States Bam Ahvakob, I Of Port Leopold, Aug. 22, ISSU. J Si a ] have the honor to acquaint you with the I proceedings of the wjuadron under my command I •ince leaving the Whale Fi*h Island, whence my ■ last despatch was dated We sailed on the ‘JUth Juno, but, owing to calms and very light Winds, we did nut reach the UtUtode of Uppernavick till the nth of July. Up to this flare no obstruction from ice was met wUh. We uund a clear passage of from ten to twenty miles in width, between the land and lho "pack ” The latter was sighted daily, and had the appearance of being impenetrable To the uortbwanl of Uppcrravick many streams of dec ice were foundextendmg from lire main pack close into the land. Tbrov.gb these, with, a fair wind, we found little diifiruliy m forcing our way until we approached Harm's Islands, in the latitude of 74 deg. Here the tee appeared so close and continuous along the land that our progresa in that direction was arrested. At the same time a clear and wide openiny presented itself leading to the west. We had u lair wind to enter it, ana it was so d lrcctly in r/ir course for Lancaster Sound that 1 could not resist the temptation, particularly as the passage looked to be utmost hopeless by the usual northern route through Melville Bay. For several hours our hopes of a speedy and di rect passagfe appeared to be confirmed, but after a ran of forty mites, icn was made uhead and on both tides in a continuous line We had but entered a deep bight in me main pack To rerurn to the eastward whence we came, woui . jid, perhaps, have cost us days, with the uncer tainty of being able ui Ret along even then. Be sides, of the only three authentic accounts of at tempts to make the pns-age through the pack ',n about this latitude, two wete v eminently soo^«»- ful. The third did not succeed ao well. la view oi these facts, 1 thought it to eater the pack and endeavor to push through it, jc a direct line, for (no theatre of our Te «arche*. '' We accordingly did so, and for w, vera [ j*j-j suc ceeded in matins some beadwr y until at fait the ice became so tight and uxuao r A ’hte that u became on possible either to advance „ r retreat, la thia hopeless coodition we umii ,he »th of July, when, by a sudileci v >o vetnent of the floes, an openins presewed itself'x> the north A southeast wind springing up at t Mrae ijcie, we availed ourselves of it. aud, %M, h n press of sail, succeeded m forcing our way \arough into clear water. On the toUowi'jjj day we were brought up again bv the ice. hav lQ j. m ado a run of more than sixty miles. WJM j by thj time bad freshened to a gate, together with a thick fog, made our po sition not |,ttio embarrassing. The vessels were placed ai iMrcure a position as could be foand; hutwi' which lliey were in imminent daa ttr from the heavy masses of ice driven before ■h', pa e. which pressed upoo them. They with * .r.od the shock, though, bravely The danger was over 00 the gate übumi We are now in latitude *f> degrees, latitude GO degrees m the usual Melville Bay route, [l did 00l appear much more favorable man the middle one, trom whence we had ju»t escaped. However, by keeping along ilir edge ol the land ice—which had no appearanc • of having moved this season, and extended full thirty miles from lhashore —we worn enabled 10 avail ourselves <>! occasional narrow openings which appeared with the changes of (he wmd, *0 that, with the aid of warps, during calm weather, tto Miceeeded in rcactunj Cap** Yorto on tbe 15th m*l. Between Cape Yofke and Cnpe Dudley Diggs we had open water, but were delayed by calms.— Wo took advantage of Ike delay, and hauled the re**els into the shore nt thr ‘ Crimson Cliff* of Bev eitv" where we filbert up ourra-hn from a mountain stream The«c ol ift- are n.aned from tbe red »now on them, rprrtmeut ol wiiji-n were obtained. A few mile, to the ea>l of Citpe i orke, two E*- bjuimaui were met with Tne taity thing we could undrrataod them to nay. wav that more uf thou pri’pio were livrng lU't tar di*tatit Uq the iMh we not a fnlr Wind, aod. paasing Cape Dudley Digg., shaped our euuree tor the wes tern *ide ot haffiu'a Bay The-••pack" was soon met with, but it wbi in sinrain.-and very loom, ao that htlle obstruction was lound from it. On the morning of the I'.'lh we cleared U entirely, and a decided swell of tho »ra indicaled that we had reached the "north water*." The aarue day we fell m with rlie squadron of two vessel* übder Captun Peniiy, 'lliry bad been misuccey»fi>l in their effort* to cm or Jones' Sound They were now bound m the umn direction as our »e Ives. Uo the evening of the i 'th it r tr.tcrrd the Sound, but a violent gate crime on Irom tire cam word, ac companied by a ih.ck toy aud heavy sea, which compel led us t« heave to During the gale we part- ed company fr-jm the Kerwoe. The follow mg day tbe wind moderated, but thi weather still continued think and foggy We • pent the Pjaal of it in scorching for our consort, without r.uccesA, when, loth lo lose so good a wind, we bor<, up for the westward. On ihe momma of Ih: J]«t, the fog cleared off, and wo found ourselves oil (Jape i.'rawford, on the side of the .•■itu nil. At tbe *amc tune a sail waa .ecu, which I hoped tnirfil the UescOe, ijui it proved to be tbe ,<-hi>or.cr i'rlis, Capt. Sir John Kosa. Frura him wo returned that ('ommudore Ao*Un w»» at Pond's Hay, with Iwc. ut bin rmaeUi ae®k* mg fur information, vrhilst i be other two bad been despatched to exatnio e the i ,urtb shore of the Sound We also learner*, that the N orlh Star might be look ed for at Port <l A t that place 1 re»olwed t* touch—aa Veil to gam ((.formation a« to aend dea paicbea' ilOino —previous to repairing to Welling ton H»' ulta t he appointed place of retidervaui with our I am happy lo 'nk-n’i you that iba olfieeraand m9Q of both ve»HOla *re perhaps in befJpr health than they were on leaving New York, and they lc u»*w po**«srcd with a Fpint which 1 think ar jruea wch for the aucceas of our enterprise * Very re»pectfullv. &c EDWIN I I>F. HAVEN. Lieut. Commanding Arctic Eapedilioo To the Hoo. Secretary of the Navy. Washuigtou. The once celebrated Railway King in England. George Hudson, formerly a member of Parliament it tatd by ibe Loudon correspondent of the Phils Uelpbia North American io be in a fair way ofre« covering tome portion a! least of hia former pop* ultrity During the prevalence of the Railway mama in Eugland, Mr. Hudson wta Iho idol of tea country, byt he fell from bia high potition aa and decly aa he had risen. The London prcaa, which waa the immcriiiifl caoae of the revuUlon in Halt way mailers, and as a consequence of iho complete overthrow of Hudson, haa lately come out io hia behalf, and iho Chronicle slates ibat “certalo ex* plantuons will onliiely restore him to hia former >ositioo ” For the last two years be baa kept nmaelf altogether secluded at hia retreat at New* by Park, but aince the demonstration in hit behalf by the London preti, he haa again ventured forth into the world. A lew days previous to tbo tailing of the la»t steamer ho vi.nicU Sunderland, wheve be waa received with every mark; of respect by all classes; he was the guesl of the Mayor of the c:ty, who gave a splendid banquet on tbeoocusiou, and tbo magistrates, gentry and principal mer» cba&ti of Sunderland were prewnl io do hooor to the reappearance of the great railway Ex % Kmg.—• One thing appeara certain--at the latest accounts irom Europe, Hndson stock waa on the tisc. The survey of the Mississippi River -Banka, by ,ho Committee of the Louisiana Senate, is develo ping some curious facts. The New Orleans Bulle tin gives the result of the examination ol the fol lowing breaks: “Fortier crevasse, 13 1-2 miles above Now Or leans, on the right bank of the river, 300 feet wide, ihe volume of water 10 feel deep. Stvuve cnjvaase; thif break is well known to our readers; crevaaao opposite Pori Hud50n,2,640 ft wide,volume ol wa ler ibtre and a 1-2 ft deep. Crevasse oa\' est B. R. below Fausse river. 10,137 Uxl of levee washed a way; the volume of water is 3 leel deep. Orand Levee crevasse, at Morgana ia, 462 feet long, water 7 feel deep. Swain’s cravaaae, 2,103 feel long,o 1-2 feci depth ol water. Moreau crevaase, below Red Rjver, 3,900 feet of levee gone, water four leel deep. Raccourci Grand Levee Cretassei Mol feci long, 4 1-2 feet depth of water. The total lengtbs-of the five fragments of “Fausse river lilaod crevasase” waa found to be 4.050 leel, mean depth 0 L 2 feet.” The following account of the Fortier crevasse, which we copy from the Bulletin, shows the ex tent of the devastation consequent ®P° a t^e,e breaks: This crevasse occurred on the 7ib orAprtl, 1849. The levee through which it broke was only four feet high, but snch waa the ineradency of Utemeans used to close It, that in about twenty days it was abandoned aa impracticable. Uus time the breach waa only 300 feel wide, and *t first the watera were diacharged Into Lake C«a. soateto) and thenco over tbo larfe Interior un tod prairies. From the peainxnlir character of the country, hewew, between the high fiooods fronting on the river, sad those oa Bsjrca L»* fonrche, the vsteraaeciuaalated'itpoa the interior tree to’the depth of abont fottr feet, sabmerged the rear oi all the plantations not protected by swamp levees, and destroying a large portion of their growing crops. Some weD informed plant ers estimated the lota to be apwards of 10,000 hogsheads, bat otbera have even advanced on tbeae figure*. ‘•Young plant cane 1 * was kilted by hundreds of acrcsjences tom away,the plantation cattle driven off to a dUtanee which prevented even inquiry as to where they were, and comfort and the pros' perity of scores ol Plantations utterly destroyed or usjored £>r an entire year. At a distance of forty miles below New Orleans the waters stood against the rear levees of plantations near three feet above the "awamp leveL” The lands continued sub merged until shoot the 15tb of September,though the watar had fallen some throe feet by the 25th ol Jniy, the -widening and deepening of the mouth of the crevasse by abrasion seeming to keep up its capacity to discharge its accustomed volume. We visited in person the crevasse about four daya after it had broken through, and at a time when it could have been stopped at an omlay of $3,000. The Indifference of the authorities of the pariah allowed it to cost the planters over half a million of dollars, and tbea compelled the proprietor to build a new and expensive levee throagh his best sugar fields. The area submerg ed by this crevasse is estimated at 850 square miles, or 544,000 acres. The Hos. James Cooper has been recently ten* dered the compliment of a public dinner by a num ber tf his personal and political friends residing at Harrisburg. He respectfully declined, in so able letter, la which be took occasion to review the ac tion of Congress upon the Compromise question. 0? PsKjuxs should never be without a supply ol McLain's Vsuorcoa.—At thu aessou particularly when worms are to troublesome and to frequently fstsl among children, parents should be wstefe lul, and on the first appearance of those distressing tams which warn us of the presence of wonau, at once apply a powerful and efficacious remedy. This remedy we can now supply, confident ihat it only re quires a (rial to convince ail that It rifchly m»:nu all the praises thai have been lavished upon it. 'll is safe and to/altihle. Volumes of certihcktes might be pro dutfed, showing it* great medical vutuen. sale byJ. KIDD A CO, No SO Wood street. octt-dAwS HSnAHKABLE CASS I I EVIDENCE IN OUK MIDST' ' M*. Ktaa—Sir, Ijcheerfally com.ply with'your « quest that I give you|an ar count of the almoi uuracoloss cure of my Ultic dau eye by the ui of your “Petroleum." She was attacked with s very sore eye in February or March last, when I uno>.ediately applied to the best medical aid in the city, 1 ,y whom it was pronounced “a very bad eye” and - 4 )| give me no hope of dolor, her any good. After which 1 took her Into the coun try to on old lady., csbo had been very successful in curing eyes, tib t told me that her case was hopeless, as tha would oe Mainly lose not only that one, but also that the oil ,er would follow—it being a scrofulous affection of thr. blood And Ido eerttfy .tjtot at the time my tathv ,r (j. b. Vaehon) came to the conclusion that we had better try your “ Petroleum," sas was ranacLT r nap* ©f onß j| now about two meotbs si nee ,j,e began u* use, snd she can r.ow see with boti. eyas asfgooti a* ever aha did ; and, as far as i can tell, I believe «ne has, with the blessing of he Ainaghty, beer, cured by “ Petroleum" Voupi, respectfully, M. Faancss Vaidoj! Counts. Puabu-.ght, Sept. 30, IWV. F°r •• j* by Keyset A McDowell, 140 Wood street; ®- E- 'tellers, 57 Wood street; D. H. Curry, D A. El tiott Joseph Douglas*, and U. P. Sebwanz, Allegheny, als » by the propyctor, S. M. KIER, Oc7 Canal Basin. Seventh tt. Pittsburgh FALL mPQRTATIOD OF HARDWARE. LOGAN, WILBON 4 CO. IS* WOODBTREET, Are now prepared with a largo and fresh stock of English, German, and Ameriei-n Hardware, to offer superior inducements to buyers. Tboso wishing to Enrehase will promote their interest by looting rough «>ur stock, as they are determined to sell on he most reasoaatbj terms. angis H M’CORD 4 CO, Who lesaie A Retail Manutaeuurera A Dealers in HATS, CAPS & FURS Our. Wood A Fifth ata., Pittsburgh. Where they offer s fun end eoiop.eie Block of Hats Sps, Furs, Ac , of every quality and sty le, by W bole e Retail, and invite the attention of tneir cus tomers and purchasers generally., assuring them tita they will seA on tito MO*t oovaXl assess raasu. aaglPttf R. P. TANNER 4 CO., SHPE WAREHOUSE, 59 Wood at* bstwssa Tlilrd A Fourth, Are new reestvtng their very laegu and superior Fall BOOTS, SHOES, HID BBOOA.IS Alio, BONNETS and FLOWERS, a.:] of the iitevt ■trie*, and expreariy adopted to the we»tero trade. It hu been (elected with greet cere, end u to stze> and qua tty u not iurpa«(ed by any (lock to be toand either aaat or wcit. Oar eitniomeri and mer chant* generally are invited to eali and examine, oi we are determined to sell on the doii reuonabte termv Afao, Goodyear’* Patent Knbber Shoe* ot all kinds angtCfcdtf BICODBAOK UOBh IN ITITOTIOBB CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY, Of PUtibar |h C. G. HUF.9EY, A- W. MARKS,Sxc’t. Oiltee— .No 41 Water ureal, m the werthoete of C., H. GRANT. THIS (OMPAN V u now prepared to iniara ail kind*, of rtrit*, on house*, euata/aetanei, good* merchan lite tn (tore, asd in trana tn va»*ti», Ac. An air .pie guaranty for the ability and integrity of the Imti'.ation, i* afforded in the character of the Di rectors, who arc a’J citizen* of Pitubargh, weil and favorably known to the communal for their prudence, intelligrtico, and integrity. Dtxirroi*—C. CJ. Haasey, Wn. Bagaley, Wm. Lar uncr. Jr., Wilier Bryant, Hugh D. Ring, Edward UeaieUon, John Haworth, 8. Harbangh, 8. M. Kier. apSft-ti O&cs ot Ohio and Penna. IL R. Co, Third *L Pmutrsec, August 5, IshO. Tn* Su» ikholdere of th* Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail Roar, Company are hereby notified to pay the eighth iv italtncnt of fiva dollar* per (hare, at the office of the f> ampany, on or before the 2thh day of Anlfa*t The nil jth u]sieJmeni| on or before the 90th day o September. ;The tenth, inKalment on or before th< 30th d ay of October milt. [JT 'Tha TihlnaiMlma.it eu called for on the 20th < Jaly last aegCidtf WM LARIMER, Treaanrar. improT(Uk( au ia lliailiiry. DR. U. 0. STEARN* t, lam oi bonou, i* prepared manafaetsra and set Bs ca Tnrß.m whole and par of sets, upon ducuoa or Atmospheric Suction Plate*. Toarnacsaceam t* n m wuicm, where the nerve •xpoaed. Office and re tidence next door to the Mi or'* oftea, Fourth atree i, Pittsburgh. linavo-J. B. M’F*«id«n.P. H. Eaton. talk • c/' uh< o. noHTj <!SiWlag Hm/ Denuit. Comet ofFontth ud DMtur, between - oetl-dlrin Mara at and Fortr *ira<ju- XHK wi A ViIRALTV Mi Went—Plea*e announce the name of WuuaJi BiN*H»rr, of the Fourth Ward, a* a candidal* for Mayor, ai the entuing electh in, Mibject to the nonin ation or the Whig Oonvemlc n, and oblige ' MANY WHIGS OF THE SECOND WARD oclll dtf ' Siaam l"ow*r aad Keoma for Htnt> ROOMS p* muoncd 08 to MM, to *uit tenant*, with Steam P»«wer, for rent, iu a bo»me«*pan of the city, by SCAiFK A ATKINSON, ocSI Ftril *L between VVcod i. Market WtHlfBD. IN a largo wholeaalo and Tetall grocery) an active boy, abimi Id yean old, vrhoae habit* are good, and caneome well reccmmende*!. Apply at the Queue office oeA:&i BEBOT&L. THE tdfleo of the West PeetuylvanUche Stoat* (Kelt ang.lGcrmon Whig Paper,) baa been removed from Si trexlv’e Building, oppoaite the Po»l office, to Smithfi eW street, between sixth and Seventh meet*, taro de«n from strawberry alley HGMUELLfcH oeS*.-d3t (lonrnal pleaae copy three time*.) ■that COW rrtAKEN op by tha labtcnber. reuding on_tho 1 Wtihmgton tarnpiko road, lit mile* irom Pjtu burgh, In South FayotU * own 1 , t ta P»* tat *£”*2 Ui.re^wted weonie p,i ‘” Ai o^"ai >w c y u r&sfcr ■ UK MQitaJy Companie* of PitUbargh and Binning -1 has. will take notice to bold,tbem»elve» in readt nen to receive and escort the remain* ol General Zachary Taylor, lata President of the Butted Sjuc* from the Canal to tha Uonon*M»«lia Rl«r. By order of BRIGADIER GEN. LARIMER. J. R TTfCumoca. Aid-da-Camp, ljU I'i'fcJL—7 tuba, a fine article for family use, jati ti reoultcd, lor A BABNESi ocO 130 AIM Second »t- LAMP OiLS—Jo*t received lor aale at 980 Liberty •troet, extra Winter Strained Sperm Oil, tuner do, —s" io ' H ° l , CAPfni.KW— Wax Candle*,col’d Mid white 4*o A6»i Sperm do 4 * and S’a; Star do 4'.,5’* and «>s; Mould do; Dipped do; rec'd for tale by AM*.** Wm A McCLURG a CO paWDEH-IM. >.«■ ULDE« ‘■’•■eVwwoan, > CO p,°jy n-» *«rg ciwgßTutgc SHOT— 18 keg* No 1 ol i lake** No a 11 keg* No a S keg* No 4 do, a keg» No * 3 keg* No « do« l kef No 7 do; 1 keg No 8 do; Undine per attest boa Uiv Firmr. end Ur tele by Miyjflower, an MS A. HUTC HI SON* CO in will bi Pit priivMn—A. iff btgi prlma fwho •old tow 10 doM cooilfnmeni, by ° ° tIEO COOHKAN, ~‘i*THth W Wood at, ofllca cp.iauv B&OWN FLANNEL— 1 csm I Brown Flannel, on , con»,nn,.i. <K»* <h. ly >8 Wood cffiec «p util*. WISTAE’S BALSAS OF WILD CHEERY. The Great Remedy for Consumption of the Lungn Affections of the Liver, Asthma, Bronchitis. Pains or Weakness of the Breast or Lungs, ana other affections of the Pulmonary Organs. W I STAR’S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY i* s fine Herbal Medicine, composed chiefly of Wild Coerry Bark and the genuine Iceland Moss, the latter imported expressly for this purpose, the rare medical Tinues of which are also combined by a new chemical process,] with the extrart of tar—thus rrndsrirg the whole, compound the most certain and effieaeioue remedy ever discovered for CONSUMPTION OP THE LUNGS. Correspondence— Dr. Wm Y. Banks ofjCenia, Ohio, u highly respectable Druggist in that dellgntful village has informed ps that the sale of Wister’* Balsam of Wild Cherry is unparalleled. The demand for it is so eager. th*t be can scarcely keep himself supplied with it. He has had in his store meaieines lor lung affections; some of these were esteemed good, and some gave temporary relief; but sinee he has tied Winer’s Balsam of WtlJ Cherry, a number of the most serious cases were completely cured by its use. u l never sold a medicine," says the doctor, “in which I had that entire confidence that I have in this.” It Ccaia!—Whenever Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cheny is Introduced, ii at-once attains that high re putation which it so richly (reserves. What can pre vent iu sale, when on every band ctn be witnessed its wonderful cures? The worst eases of Asthma, recent und dancerous coughs, (ana also those that are oflong Minding,) Broncniiis or Consumption,(in its early singes.) are always cared by this remarkable medicine. HEREDITARY CONSUMPTION! Cured by Wlstar’s Balsam of Wild Cherey.—The following cure of Jeremiah Isgrirg, of Consumption, (five of pis brothers and sisters having died ol Cun sumption,) ts truly wonderful. Ought not this to urge the afflicted to make use of this health giving remedy, when it ts effecting cures Uke the following: Pleasant Ridge, Hamilton Co. O. September 27,1F50 J D Bask - D:ar dir—l take the liberty of advising you of the benefit that I have derived from the use of Dr Wisur’s Balsam of Wild Chewy. I was pros trated by thet terrible scourge, Conremption, in May last. The attack was truly norrifyitlg to me, for five of onr family, (my brothers and sisters,) hod died of Consumption 1 was affixed wi-h hearly all of the worst features of the disease, I b«d a disticisuig cough, and expectorated a great deal bf blood, hectic fever, severe pain* in the tide sod chest, rold chilis, alternating with fleshes of beat and copioqs night sweats. 1 was under '.be care of a skilled physician, from the time I was skeo sick until about six weeks since, being then about helpless, and my friends considering my rase boprlesc. or at least beyond the reach of our physician’s ski 1, advised the use of Wirtor's Balsam ol Wild Cherry. Without my knowledge, my father procured it, and commenced administering it to me, tad from the fitst day that I commenced taking it, my health improve), and in two weeks from the time! commenced using it, I was able to be out and oversee u,v bu-iness and labor, which 1 still'continue to do. I have taken four bottles of -the medicine, and cow consider myself perfectly well. I make this sis e roent to induce others that are afflicted as I have been, to make u»e ol Wisutr's Balsam of Wld Cherry, -which remedy has, under the blessing of Provtcence, restored my health. JEREMIAH ISGRIGG. Bull further evidence of the remarkable curative properties of this tnenimable preparation- RutsdvUle, Brown co.. O, Aug 21, ie-49. Messrs Sanford A Parks—Gentlemen—Aboat sir week* atro I received the agency of Wistar’s Bohan WCC»* uu a »wvw»v« .MW -b—/ - 1 -- of Wild Cherry, but with some relneincceonmy part, for the reason that I had been the agent or so many pills and other nostrum*. which were cracked no to be some thing wonderful, hut which turned out in the rod to be o' no account whatever, except to the mana- Lcturer. But I candidly admit that this time I have been deceived; lor ttte extraordinary cute* effected by Winer's Dal*ora have convinced me that “good can come out of Nazareth " Your agem left me on c dozen bottles, which are all gone—having been tiro means of curing several obninate cases ofConsuntp. lion—and no mistake; for wbat I seei and know I *m bound to believe Onfe case in particular:—A yo aeg gentleman in Wi-ichesier, Adams youniy, O. (ten tnil«s from ibis placi) was cured of Consuiijption when the doctors had given him np. Or at least coitid do no ning fur him. and it was thelintenuon of ins friends to convey him to your cityiand place K.'tn under the care nr fume eminent physician there, b i t a friend told bun of Wmai’s Balsam, and that tie could obtain it of me; be sent (or ii. and before the ond hot le gone he was soupd and we'.,, and -ruling to Lit every day business. As ttir rc at I era! inquiries for tha medietas, it would be weal ‘orward an additional supply withbut deta*/. Very respectfuDy your*, LAMBERT NEV.'LAND The above, from L Newtand, Etq , abigF u respcct al>!.* country merchant, commends lUeLf forcibly to the candid attention of ul: those who b nve doubted the great mem ot Wistar** Wild Cherry Bjlsam. We arc ;a»tin reeript of tbs fellowing voluntary tribute tn me curative power of Wivti.r’s BiUata of Wtw rherry. feat E. Hall, M. 1) , of Blount Clement, Michigan, wno is s pnyticis.a of higk standing, ana an extensive druggist: Mt Clement, Michigan, Oet 29,1318. To the afflicted, this may xertify that Mr*. B. Rob- of tbt* villas-, three or four weeks alter eoafine- ment, wa» sttsckeu with a violent cough and great prostration, anJ seemed hastening to Uie grave with rapidi y I advised bur to use wj tear's balsam of Wild Cheriy-ihc did to, and with that valuable medicine olot c was restored to health, and is now u living prool tf thn value of Wis'ar’a Balsam of Wild Cnerry. 47 HALL, Phytictaa and Druggist Read nn nn-i be convinced still ifurther of the re markable virtue* of Wistsr'* Balsa m of Wild Cherry: Mem* St'.f rd A Park—Gents: As a matter of jus tice to tou. i w, ;d offer the following statement of a cure eff-cicd tiy your medicine, mown as Wittar’s Bati*m of VVud <.hrrrT In ttm spnitx of uty wd- was severely attarked with. Pprioncutnonia, of Pleurisy, which i-kutied tn a derp seated pain in the *idr, acrompanied with a severe cough; she was at te'.ded b> -some ot the best physirctn* in Chicago, but to no purpose, for weeks «he suffered, without relief, coughing inre*»anUy night and day I cams to the conelnsion <hst all the rrmniie* known to the physi- cians could not help her, and induced to try your Wild Cherry. I procured oce bottle, and commenced using it sc. -irdiiig to directions; before u was all got r the couth 'lopped, the para in her side left her and with the aid ot another botuo the was restored to per fect health Id consideration of these ctrccmstanrei, would recommend tt to the publ.c as a valoahli jedieine. Your*, respectfully. R N GARRATT Grand Rapid*. Michigan, (setober H, IS4l* fry Price 81 per bottle—six bottle* for S 3. Bold by . Jl> PARK, (Successor of Sanford and Park,) Fouith and Wairut streets.CinnctnnaU,Ohio, generi Agent for the :*outh and West, in whom ail order tnaat be addressed. L. Wilcox, jr, James A. Jones, J Kidd A Co. B. A- Foanestcc k k Co, Pittsburgh; 1.. T. Hassell, Wash' logiom W H Lsmberton, Franklin; L. B Bowie, Umoutown; 11. Wrhy. Grrensburfh : S KeunU,So- merset; BcWl a U'lmare, Bedford, Beed A San,Hunt ingdon-; Mis on, Hollidaysburg; Hildebrand A Co Inusna. J. K Wright, Kutanning ; Evans A Co. Urookrille; A Wilson A Son. Waynesburgh; McFar land ft Co , N Ca lender, Meadville, Barton A Co, Erie. Graham A Filler. Mercer; Jatnea Keily A Co. Boiler, H. Mnuh, Biavei, J. D icmmen.-n. Warren F. L 4C S. Jooej, Condereport; P. Crooker, junior. Brownsville oc?4 d&w (in)9 6AJUK OF OSB UDSDHED LOTS, I AT PUBLIC AUCTION r pilL undersigned will offer tor sale on Thursday . and Friday, the Tin and Sth of November next, at ten o'clock. A hi, on tbe premise*,eighty eight build ing lots, situated on 4th and sth streets, in the town of East Liverpool These lot* are located r.rai the pab llo square, and are laid oar on a liberal scale; each lot having a front oi GO feet on streeis to feet wi.le.sad extending baek 130 feel to alleys 2U lect wide Also in lota of land situate on the extension ot Mar ket street, and fronting ou tbe main raids leading to New Lisbon and Calcutta, each lot- containing aboat hall an acre. The tttlo of this property is unexcep tionable. and it will be sold on a liberal credit; one loatth or tbe purchase money our will be required on tne delivery o! ih« deeds; ibe balarre to he secured by nrvea aril tnongsge on the property in three equal annual payments, with interest Purchasers who will erect a dwelling house or other building within twelve months of the day of sale, will be entitled to whatever stone they may need for their buildings, fastis, as an excellent quarry, within a quarter of a mile of this property, and of easy aseeas, U owned by m« undersigned. To those acquainted with the location and prospertir of Liverpool it.would be useless lo say more. Ins admitted by all to be among tbe most desirable situ, a ioss on tbe Ohio River for private residences, and to which the attention of steamboat officers is parlieu laxly directed—several of wnom have already made it their place of residence. Its salubrity it not excelled in the Wait There ate places of public worship for various denominations, Roman Catholic, Episco palian, Preibyienan, and Methodist, and an exten sive building is now being pot up far a public vchoa) house, Liverpool contains about 1800 Inhabitants, has eight manolacitmes ui lucccsafai .ipernlion tor the manufacture of Rockingham and Queentware, giving employment to about 400 perrons (with eaacy prospect ot increasing tu an almost unlimited extent — clay and coal being u. abundance in the neighborhood. To persona reutempUung entering into the manu facture of Queens ware this will be a good opportunity to obtain sue* To such, an extended credit will be given if required, and the use of btnlding stone, per muted to bo qsaxned for mil the works erected ou tbe property,griti* Tb£ country arnund Liver; 00l is settled by' a wealthy and intelligent population, and the land Is among tbe i.cl,<-m and tnoat fertile in Colombians county Steam boat* arrive and depart regularly in the season. The Cleveland and Pittsburgh Hall Road, which*by its charter, it to pass ihrough this town, to the Pennsylvania mete Lane, (where it will intersect the Sandy and Beaver Canal) Is nearly completed to Wellsville, ouly four miles beiow A map of the town and pint) of tbo property can be seen on application to uie undersigned, at uto office of Mitehel 4. Palmer, Attorneys ut Law. Fourth street, Pittsburgh, opposite Wilkins Hall, ot to ttandlord C tlllt. Esq i Liverpool, who will show the property. JAMES BLAKELY P S.— 1 will leaso to a Gardener or Naaery man, for a term of 7 years, Sixteen acres of land, adjoining the above property, suitable for gardening. The whole will be enclosed with a board fence, and a comfort able dwelling bouse and ost houses ereeted on it daring the present fall. (oc23:dAwtdT] J. B EGGS— A lot ot fresh Eggs, ree’d for sale by ee33 31! RIVER A B&RNES CHESTNUTS— A few bushels in store, for saic by ocW SHRIVEK A BARNES Canton Cloth for Blooming. THE above article, (now so much used for mourning dresses in place of Bombax net) of all tho various Qualities, to be bad tl the store nf nc23 MURPHY A BURCHFIELD aioarning Alptccu, B OMQAZINF. finish, of varioux qualities just rac’d by (0c33) MURPHY A BUKCIIFIELD Uoais da Latnas. MURPHY A BURCHFIELD have rec'd a large assortment of nowest patterns, some as lour a; IVfc per yard, also, Naxarene Blue, Gicen, Mosoon Drab, Black, Ac , at low prices. 0c23 rertor Black Bllka. MURPHY A,BURCHFIELD have received a sup ply of superior (Slack Silks for dresses and m»n tiUasj axso figured, satin striped do oetQ fpWILLED FLANNELS— 2 cases white twilled I received this day * and for taio at manufacturers’ pneos, by H LEE, O cV? 139 Liberty «t M)l/|Wi.it—t case black cloth, on coniignmentrTor tj sale by loc3j] Ii^LEK TWESOS-* coses assorted colors, ree’d this day, lor sale by (ocOl H LEE CABSIMERES— 3 cases faaey, on hand mid for salalor account of manufacturers, by H LEE (LAID FLANNELS—3 coses rcc’dfn consignment for sale by JocO) r HLEb i LAN SETS—4 cases different colors and •«“*- (or i solo by locMl ri LEL COMMISSIONER AND BILL BROKER, lia Bacond atraat. STRICT attention will be given to all business en re hit care- Pittsburgh manufactured iw.vs on hand or procured at abort notice. ablßtepn* Advances made, ifreqaited. ocffii tstOTICE is hereby given, that the underlined has N ikttnont Letters of Administration oa tha tstata iVllUam W. Potu, lata of tha city of deceased, *nd all pereous hejiag claims against said !L.,rtre hereby requested to pretest them, duly Sheadoated, for aeWement; tad all those indebted mo aired to auks Imaodiaie paymsat to the sub* J££t BARAH B> POTTB, Admiul. BOUHTY LfiHDS* A RRANGEMENTS JusTlng been made t >* rwe “ £*■ ill* udcrtinetl ud E. B. Grajr*on, E»q., Of ? aihiafton Ciif, (lttft of lb? Treasorr Department.) lb* oedertirned -will proeora Bounty Land* torcuie e*“*ers, end loldier*. their widows and children, under the Bounty L» n d Bill, passed September «lb, ISSC r ; JAMES F. KERR, Attorney at La*, tth »i, betwren Smtihfield st. ft Cherry allay, •rgh,Octal, ism—oe2a • DEW BOOKS. ROBINSON* Greek »nd Engliih Lexicon of tfce New Tenumem I’etUroat Gortrumeai, » new novel Hr MH- Trollope. < k"" 1 ! 1 ! Yc ;, r^.ook: 6r lh e Field, the Forest, md the Firer'de. Bf H'Mxum Hcrwitt Mlitorr “I Xerxeatne Great. By Jacob Abbott- • rhe abo?e work* just received /or tale by B C STOCKTON, _ _?° r -Fourth A Market iireeU. oc2l SATINETTB 1 c»*« received for ulc bv ACZI ’ No. SUGAR—U bhdt pnsiefjust rec'd on cftn « ugnment, and for tale by < MILLER A RKKETSON oea*- IS\ A tea Liberty ISSURASCK. THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSU RANCE "COMPANY.—Office North Room of'tho Exchange, Third street, Philadelphia. Fie* I nscaaac*.—Buildings, Merchandise and other property, in Town and Country, insured against lou or damage by fire, at the lowest rata of preininnr. - Maxi** Iksbbabc*.—They also insure Vessels,Car goes and Freight*, foreign or coastwise, under open or special policies, as the assured may desire. 0 iHLaifs TluraroßTAiion.—'They also injure merch andise transported by Wagons, Roil Rood Cora, ClnaJ Boats and Steam Boats, on rivers and lakes, oxf the mini liberal terms. DIRECTORS—Joseph H. Seal. Edmnnd A. Bonder, John O Davis, Robert Barton, John R Penrose, gdmu-1 el Edwards, Geo G Leiper, Edward Darlington, Isaac R Davis, wo Folwell, John Newlin, Dr R M lluhton, Jos C Hand, Theophilns Panlding, H Jones Brton, Henry Sloan, Hogh Craig, George SeTrill. Spencer Mcllvoln, Charles Kelly, J G Johnson, Wm Hay, Dr S Thomas, John Sellers, Wm Eyre. Jr. DIRECTORS AT PITTSBURGH—D T Morgan, Hugh Craig, John T Logan. 8 *’ WILLIAM MARTIN, Presidant. 'PHOS. C. HAND, Vice President.; Jorgra W. Cowtl*, Sec*y. , rT7-Oifice'of tho Company, No. IS Water street, Pittsburgh. foc22*lf] P. A. MADEIRA, Agt- Hsrshsuti’ and Bf»nuf*etiar«ro’ Bfcnfc ofFlUabDrßb. AN clecuoa for thirteen Directors of this Bank, tor the ensuing year, will be held at the Banking House, on Monday, the Ifth day of November next. ’ W H DENNY, Cashier. Pittsburgh, Oct 16th, l&SO. —ocSlidtd OP PITTSBURGH. ;1 AN Election for thirteen Directors of this Bank for ihe eu»uing year, will be held at the Banking House, on Monday, the IBih day of November ndxt * JOHN SNYDER, CaaMer. Pittsburgh, Oct. Ifl, 1850-—oclVtdtd Exchange Bank of Pittsburgh.; * N election for thirteen Directors of this Bank, to A serve during the earning v«ar, will be held at the Sinking House, on Monday, the 18th Navembernext, between the hours of 0 A. M. nod 9 P. M THOMAS M HOWE, Cashier. October 10,16S0—ocaitdtd _ ; O. K. OHABXBBKLIS’B Comer of Market and Third streets. THE course of Instruction in this Institution, eta fcraces Book Keeping, Commercial Computation, PemaanshJp, Lectures bn Commercial Law, and in fact «very branch pertaining U> a finished mercantile education. : . John Fleming, Esq-'nuihot of the National-Book Keeping, principal lecturer aad teacher of. Book Ladies and gentlemen wishing to traproyc. their Penman*htp, can call al the College at any hour dar ing the day or evening. _JL c iL naapratts’ Patent Sodafiihri rrtuF. subicribcra are now receiving, by canal, large I suppliea of James Muspraa & Sou’s high teit, ana bestquality Glass Maker*' Soda Ash.whleh they will tell at the lowest market price, ter cash or approved b ,l lg W A M MITCHELTREE oe'gl Liberty sL .- Bleaching powder—ss cask* Mu‘prt4s’be»t C“cT a ~ 1M "" C,^'Jn 3 , k r W J | lARul e iJ b G , H_ OUDA ASH —JO easts Kurts brand, to arrive, for h'J sale by [oc3lT saw haRBAUOH Butter-7 btuBoilBuitcn 7 bris pacacd do,jusil:uidlng for sale by c c 2, gt W HAHBaUOH Hamilton Canton Vlanmel*.- . MURPHY a BURCHFIELD have received a sup ply of above superior article. ' °b^l Sard Delias* PlaniaaU OF very handsomo patterns and bright colors rec’d at siore c i MUKI'HV A BURCHFIELD ecSL BBKITLEY A COLVIN, COAL Merchants, and Dealers in Dry Goods, Gro ceriea, Iron, and Nails, corner of Walnut suet and Washington Tcrnpik* Hoad, TenirctsP*^I*- 1 *- oc \3alAwl) F. uNCY PRINTS—IO cases new stylo Fall Prints, 5f Mernmact, Cocbeca, Sprague's, PttnwelPs, AJle a t. Clyde, and ctker pood mtnnfscVmes, just openiiVi for sale by SHaCKLETT fc. WHITE \cia ml Wood tt;' FANG Y CASSIMERES—so pss fall style, for sale t, y [ectS] BIIAUKLfe.Tr A WHITE Wool, EN COMFORTS -900 dor farcy Styles, very ehes p, now opening by £ OclS BHACKLCTT fc WHITE SHAWL! A good assortment of Long and Squar Shawls, Plates, Embroidered, and Plata, ocisi _ SHACKLETT A WHITE CURTAIN GOODS. Kr,CETVE]> this day, at W. McClintock’s Carpel . Warehouse. No S 5 Fourth street, ana "« Wood sued, a vjry splendid assortment of Curtain Goods, comprising in part the following varieties:—: Blue and Gold tfstin Dclqii.i, Blue and Crimson do; iriet and Steel do; Roariat‘xad \Vbitn Umon Dvmait l Crimsan end White do, Blue do Jr>, Orange and Blue Stuo Oxincjc, Crimson and Purple di^ Embossed Turtcy Red Ckinti Figured ..do do; Plain do do; Batf Window Linen; Drab do do; Ac, Ac. : The above goods being putebased directfrom the - 1 reporters and Manufacturers, will be told-as cheap' ■ a they can be in any of the eastern ciUes ; We in v/, r* wishing fine Curtain Good* to call at the Car pet Warehouse. M Fourth street ,*l9 WM McCLINTOCK LARD OIL-111 brls No l. lot sale by J SCHGONMAKER A CO oo jti 24V\ r oodst. EJ *SOM SALTS—I 9 brls for sale by ■' oc(P J SCHOONMAKER ACO Ri .FINED SALTPETRE-13 kegs'for sale by ocl» J aCiIOONMAKF.R A CO OU 5 casks blescbed winter Whale Oil, 5 casks best Tanners’ Oil. for sale by oet» _ J_SCHOONMaKKR ACO Cl p-.iS. TURPENTINE—*) brls for sale by JJ/ ,<l9 J SHOONMAKER ACO SALr SODA—IS casks for sale by f o il 9 J SCHOONM*KER ACO J'NDIGO— Scares Manilla; i 3 ceroont Csracca*. lorsaio by r o el9 J SCHUONMARER A CO MADDER— 3 --asks best r-uich, for sale by t>cl9 J gCHOONMAKER A CO HOLLAND HERRING—A few kegs met received and for sale bv WM A McCLUKG A CO pc(9 830 lxbetty.it. WINES A BRANDY for medicinal purpores. foi tale by RE SELLERS OCI9 57 Wood si liOOTli BRUSHES— Fine quality Rnglub impot . cd fer tile by M E SELLERS T IQUORICE—4 cases rec'd for sale by ' 1 i ocIP ' R E SELLERS TTTEDGEWOOD MORTA RS— \ cask assorted size* ■W for sale by [oclß] RESELLERS ANKIB SEED—BIO lbs rec'd for sale br oclß K E SELLERS ENGLISH EXTRACTS—Belladonna, Byociareui Comi, Taraxicum, and Quaitis, for sale by oc!9 R E SELLERS LIQUORICE ROOT—S bslca of good -qtality.fo sale by [oelO] if E SELLERS CfA KBUTHNOT ii receiving a large ajeortmem o fancy and ample, variety, and Dry Goods, consist ing in part of Woolen. Thibet, and Cashmere Shawls Silh, Berlin, Thibet. Kid and Buckskin Gloves; Wool, en s od Worsted Comforts; Alpacas and Bombazines: Woolen and Canton F lannelt; Colored add Blenched Muslins; Cassinets and Cassirecree; Ribbons and Laces; Buttons and Combs; Threads and Bindings; Umbre Has and Dress Bone, Ao. j : Ail .»f which, country and eity merrhunts are re ■poctfaJly invited to examine, at E 3 Woods; sepB3 WIIUDOW GLASS-300 boxes Bxlo, 100 do 11x18, 50do 10x14, in store and fur sale by' ocild SAW HARBAUGH Tar, ROSJN AND PITCH—ISO !.bl*,Tar. 10 do Rotin, 10 .do Pitch, on consignment and fur sale by octia ISAIAH DICKEY *Co HYDE S SOA.P—3O bxt assarted, just rre’d er.d for talc by oettu : J KIDD A Co Cj'PANIBH‘WfiIT?NU-3U bblsfor »afe ; by_ _ Oocua J KjDP A Co tjiLL BTjXF£— 51/0 jress fotsalcby g octld J KIDD ACo RED~PIt£CIfFfATE— Wlbsfor octld J KIDD A Co SPONGE— l cntc extra quality. I roarsc. jurt rec : d and lor »»1* by ’ J J SCHOONMA.KER * Co r 7XJRKS—B bales rood qoalHV for •ale by . J gCHOONMARER ACo Bottle t OCtIS EXCELLFJfT PORT WINp at S 2 per gallon for. ■uJc by loctej MORRIS A HAWORTH ; KEG BUTTER —to k<T» fresb packed,' receiving; anil lot tale by R DALZELL A CO, oelfl Übefiy-st Ai.F HA l btf-ISQ bit end Wcasks v* iy ■nperiox >„ ST* “ J " 'T'plS&k * co KEaSE—9 bbis on bona arid lor sa'iSr (j »fi7 ISAIAH DICKEY ACo ki.'ED fruit— lo sacks new Peaches; “ " IS tackt new Applet, arriving from «u:amer Caledonia, and for tale bv •' oelO BROWN A KIRKPATRICK T&UNK BOARD&—6O bandies aitoncd,forti or in BROWN A EIHKPATBI Rice —20 tc» iresb beat, arriving, for sale by oclrt BROWN A KIRKPATRICK BOARDING— A tew gentlemen maf obtain good boardAng on reasonable Terms at Mn.- McMU lin’s, In Colonnade Row, ntar The Old Bridia, Fede raUtroel, Allegheny eity. . oci&ritw O ALT PE t BE—lO til' O ©o3 mS [• now *ale ujr ISAIAH DICKEY - A CO "Water* »t». NOVEM BER MAGAZlNES—Godef’sLodjr 'ißook ana Graham*! Maraxine; for November ire oul Tbey ail contain the fill faahfon plaits .and ncel an rraTiaga, They have all besa received at Holmes' Laterary ft spot. Third stmt, opposite tie Tost Office; also, the Life and Recollections of lie law Yankee mu> together-with mcMente of hie travels ocia SB. mi > lasses—*o tb i» st lobi* sb**j kouw « Smp MftltM**, i««t recM tadfor »i»e by oet!4 , JAB A HUTCBIBON A Co rruL pnrcu and - X bbUPileh.^doNolßoiiiufoTjalShT _O«M JAMES A HUTCHISON A Co GENTLF-MKN’S Heavy RBk Vests and Orawcr*, do Fine Menno do Warm Saxony do; do Plain and Fif’d Silk Cravat* Fine Shin*, Collars, and Bosoms; Silk, Cotton, and Worsted Saspendcts, 'turkey Red Dressing Gowns; - Primed Flannel Rohr*; Rassia Belli; Umbrellas; Silk and Linen Pocket Hdkfs; Wool and Buckskin Gloves; Super Kid and Silk Glove#; Scarf*, Comforts, and Mufflers; _ „ Just received and for sale by F H EAlv*N. 6U Foutia *i WIDE Silk Flonncing Lace*; Black and Colored Mohair Laces, t-lne Thread. Loam do, and Lis'e do, Muslin Banos and Flouttcinss: Bobbin Laces, Edgings, and Inserting*; ArioliCation and Wrought Lsec Capes; iV jo do Berth**; Mntlln and Laee Sleeves; Embroidered Chemirett**, Cuff*. andU>U*rs. Vsienciennea Collars. Just reoeivedbv oc!9 _ * 11 bA - Black d-i m*bUll* velvet Colored and Black 2-t do, Bonnet and Plain Ribbons; Bonnet*, Caps, and Flowers; -> K, 11. BATOV, WHOLESALE and Retail Dealer in Glove# Hosiery, and Yarcs, Dress add Bonnet Trimmings, Lace Goods and Embroideries; Gentlemen’* Famishing Articles, Zephyr. Wooners, Patterns, and Conva: Perf d Board, Tissue Popei. and Flower Material*, No «J Founh street. SATINETT8 —A Urge o»*ortnrenU>f lUcc», Bn-wn. Blue, and Mued, jail received. and for *«»«■*l*.. oc\9 SHACKI.t'TT illTr^ NEW BC&IC I HBW MVBI(3 I JENNY LANE; a beautiful Ethiopian Soeg; ua sung , by the New Orleans Serenade.**; Be watchful and beware; oh! Dinah, take this hand; The Malden’aTear, The Kieh Man'a Bride; W&ald I were with thee; By th» Sad Sea Wave, at tuns by Jenny L..vi New. York; The Bird and the Maiden, tong by Jenny Lind. Take tiiia lute, tong by Jenny 1.i.-'J; Turn not aWay; a beautif*! doet. Lv S.»' Fo«re» - Slciyhinc Polsa; by Starkoah, JeDiiy l-»nd invitation 0000 Luck; Jenny at the Gate; l.ovina, aii<t P»d worth’a very beat Polka; olio, new W»lir*» r.n.'ei tencire selection of Guitar Preceptor* of »e»t tua*-o H KLEBER, UH Third »m.n _oclB GoldenJlnrp. Drtatd Lambir and Bos Board* A LARGE asuottment for sale m lot* in run thy purchasers, JOHN A BLOOMER. Allegheny Planing NLl'v Anderton at. Allegheny city - _ PalTertied Corn Starch. REFINED; and prepared expressly lor Pudding. Custards, Cake?, Ac. Thl* purd and beautiful article n ereeetingiy healthy, dcliciou*. and economical, and vs hen may be u«ed as a substitute for, and in the ttno man ner ai Anow Root. Just received end for sale at Liberty «, by ocl* WM A McCLURG A r.Q ARD OIL—IO brWfor sale ty j J SCHOONMAKER A CO ocj ’ 94 Wood u COCOA SHELL— 1 bag ju«t received fee rale by • oclB WM A McCLURG A CO JAMAICA GINGER—I ewe white Rteo I care ground do, for *nle oy oc jg WM A McCLURG A CO Sacking Caiii&crei and Flannels AN assortment of the various color* received by ' £ia MURPHY A j Fait Colored Prtnti. • MURPHY ABURCHFIELD invite attention to the • choice lot of American and British Prints, dark < and of durable colors, juu recctvao. cclß SAL. SODA—IS casks English for sale by B A FAHNESTOCK A CO oclg cor F.tst A Wood *t«. FANCY SOAPS—Ftnc Baalish. imp- ned. !or»r.> by . oel9 B A FAHNESTOCK A Cn TOOTH BRUSHES—Fine Erslisb, assorted tires and styles, imported and for *a!>- by oelB ; BA FAHNESTOCK ACO OLIVE OlL—Qnam.scd pint*, ie bt»krttofocc and two dexen each. Imported, and for sale by oelB P A FAHNESTOCK A cn PACKED BUTTER—A prime article, for sale by oclS BHBIVER A BARNES FLOUR— SO brls fine Flour, in store and for sale hy i ocl9 SHRIVER A BARNfM • ROYESBER BIAGAZINKB, i AT HOLMES* LITERARY DEPOT, ) Third street, opposite the Post Office. GOOEY’S LADY'S BOOK for November; Graham's Magazine do; : Sana-nl do do; Lutell's Living Age, No 105; ‘ Harper's Monthly Magazine for October; ■ Cultivator for October, lloruculturht {ot October; Tho Iron Mask —Dmaas’ bc*t work, complete? The Orphan Children; a tale, b« T. S Atthur; Adelaide Lindsay; a new novel, by Mrs. Marsh j Old Country House; a now novel, by Mrs Grey, ocl? 'i ALCOHOL— a barrels 70 and OS (resh, iw rec'd lor '■ aalo by R H SELLERS . ocl7 57 Wood *t __ \ ROSE PINK-4:o lb» English, just ree’d Tor s*le by oel7 R F. SELLERS CARB. AMMONIA—I cask just ree'J for saje ty 1 CCI7 R E SELLERS • SWEET OlL—i pipe juu received for sale ttv ; orl? R K;SELLERS PINK ROOT—I bale just received for«‘le by ocl7 R E SELLER* DRY PEACHES—IO lack* tbi> day reek] by Ocl7 »ICK A McCANDIj TOBACCO— 2U pigs S’*. B#, I3*i. and IC’* Tobacco, superior brand*, received for tale by o c l7 WICK fc MoCANDLE-ja ALMONDS —34 taeks 89. Almond* for *ala i.y pel? WICKAMcCANDt.y-jS CHEESE— 73 br* Cream Cbce*d; ! I3J bz* W. R. Cpeese, for vale by j o*t7 • JVICK *■ iIIcCA.NUI.K39 W ADDING—Wbitc, Black, and extra Glared, on hand and for sale by or 17 WICK Sc. McCANDLESS _ POTASH -14 cask* pure, a superior article lor re tailing, on Load and for sale by oeir WICK A McCANDLESS MfULD CANDLES—SO bxn superior, for i*i« by oc'7 WICK A McCANDLESS CIGARS —13d M common, for *ale bv ocl7 WICK b. McCANDLCjd BUT rKB—10 keg* for cale by oclT 8 K VON BONNH n HSr A Qu BoOOMS —ieo doz for sale by oc!7 K F VON Btf NNHORBT A <EO (HIEESt— 1U bx* for aaia by , j cot? 9. F VON A lnt li—J bar* received (or »ale bv f j r* 1? ■ WICK » McCANDLESS BACON CAsAe—3U empty caik* in good order, for sale ny oMI4 JAME 9 A HCTCBIfUN a. Co Fob balk r IE Warehouse on the corner of Wood ond Front . streets, recently occupied by Win. McKee, a* % ■ vvnnlesale Un-Cery Store. For terms, apply to H H. ' Ryan, 31 Firlhi atreet—Byan’a iiuildingj-, where all i kind* of turned material* are for sale, and stcent ■ power and rooms to rent, the machinery being now ; in operation. (ocl?:dSar) H H. RYAN ’• Apparatus (or Cleaning ;otove P without taking down. INVENTED by Frederick Blciitv end mado !<y SCAIFBfc ATKINSON. ocS Vim it. between Wood fc Market a:t BDGKWUHTXI L&DIEt' SEUINAAY BEWICKLEY. TIIE Winter Pewloo will coanneoca on Mnnliy, the 4th of November. Superior tfacfcor* hove beenengaged for the liileietitdeii*Tt«Hcni» Eoardiiu* and tuiuon in any or all of the Enylifh branches, SOS per session of five month*. Tor .farther pnnleular*, see circular*, it Messrs John fnvtn A Son*, Wnw street. or T. H.*Nevin A Co ,ICC Liberty »u Pittsburgh oclO:dlw I>- K. NF.VIm TAR— 180 bris on hand and for sale be? ISAIAH PICKET A CO oc!7 Water A Front *ts. Genuine Mancliestar Gingham*. MURPHY A BUKCHFIELI* fcevc received n tup ply of sett style* of real M*r.ehe»ier Giuphans; use, Uimcitic Gingham* in great ?anety of pattern*. odd Bwtlnat*. R/fURPHY A BURCHFIELD have received a .err LYI cf hhndiome Fancy Mixed Satinets. for Boy*’ wear; alto, Plaid aud Plain Cattlmcre* in event variety, Menno Caitimerev, Kentucky Jean*, Black Tabby Velvet*. Ac., at north east cornet of Ftunh and Market vtreet* oclC WHOLESALE _FALL GOODS. A. A. MASON & CO; 63 * 64 BAREST BT., rntißCKOj WOULD solicit the attention of Merchant frorv all aecuon* of tho country, to their imAicn»<* .Stock of New Fall Goode, comprising the largest r.-d most complete nstoumcni in the western country consisting cf [ U7S cases best style* Prints; 1 40 do Imported »nd American Ginebrihs; £5 do Alpaccae, Parwncnu, and Meritor; 37 do Cashmeres and De Lain*. t 4S do Batinct9 rad Jean« -1 29 do Cloth* ami Cax*imeres; 70 do Bleached Mu» li n>; 6i> baits Flanneis,aU eol-ra; :57 do lickings, all gt» 350 do Brown Mail a*, b »tm*fce*. Al»o, c«*e, and packages of S Iks, Shavals. White Good., MU merr do, Tiilcn' T .mnirue, Hibboao, Lace*, Hosiery and Giovea. Ac. Merchants are assured, from lit great faniit.-i o' (bta establishments always procuring the !«ie»t ar.-i most desirable good*, ar.d at prices aalow ard lower man any eastern house Being manufacturers* bcm i* for large quantities oi Domestic Goods, they panic? Itrly solicit the orders of merchants for domes in. deliverable in tin* city at the same price ibey a,« rcld at in easiern eltie*. Merchants either gnio* rr returning from the east, are invited to an examination oftheirsuAk. A A MASON A cf* \ do line, d b< JULES HAUEIPM SHAVING CBEAU—Wbcffe.v the man who doc* not appreciate the loxoiy oi an easy shave? If any there be, we do not address <?ur telve» to him.' Bat to all ethers we say, if you wish to tender shaving a pleasure, purenase a t*>x of JuJe* Hand’s Almond Pistachio or Ambrosial Shavia* Creams. I»i*» utterly impossible to find word* to dr. acribe the feeling* of a person woo has been used sc. Shaving with ordinary *oap, upon making trial of tL,* far the bn: uae. His a cambinuion of wonder, an miration. andpletlßtt. JULES HAUEL’B SHAVING CREAM is exeec toaly emollient; rendering the ftiffest and mostvKyr besrl soft and pliable, producing an admirable lateen snd by iu extremely mild nature allaying all irrtcs uon, and preventing that unpleasant and sU2T lading ofthe skin whiehisso often experienced arm that* ing Gentlemen using Jules Hauet’s Shaving Cream niy faee the cotdest and mow piercing winds im mediately after ita ore, without the skin becoming chopped. And tho? t who once use it, wo can safely say will never use any other. One great advantage, which will be especially ap preciated by those who wtarwhitkm, la tho fa:t that it will not discolor the beard, which most soap* will do, giving a sandy or ruvty appearance to th* edge ofthe whiskers. Julealiauel-’a Shaving Creams •re dolightfal preparation*, compounded with tkiU, m the otter exclusion of all articles calculated to render the bpcration of sharing unpleasant, and will be appreeisted br all who make trial’of them. P ” pMe jw|^3 7 HAUEL, Pexfamer and Chemist; 1«0 Chestnut n., Pklla. For sale, wholesale and retail, by B. A- Fahnestock
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers