'HfISCFLLAHKOUS- IB&OKLKTT * WHITE, vioiiuLi ciiLiu tn DOIEBTIC iXD FOREIGN DBY GOODS, Ho. 101 Woofl itruti INVITE tie uteiuion of buyer* to tint laree ttoe* of froth Goo 4» now opening, mod which they mfe prepared to tell oa very meccminodating term*. We thalt be constantly leecivuif fceth jp»d» car Inc the acMon, mod requett an examination of obi r.ocl by wetter a raerchmno, and other* vwultig om CUT. WD DIOBY, So. 13G Ulxnr.StTMt) BF i ng-re»nfctfoll7 m inform hi* numercn* friend* and endomen. ibat be U Inn receiTin* b»» new I mi .lock of cLimia, cusuiin.l, ui 'f-’T INGS.ot ihc ne»:e»t *i> lei, *d*pte.d for ibe ■pproacb In* fall and winter *c»«kii. All Uicmc in w*n‘ ®| ete*P. t«blon»».le, »oJ (Mi cloibing. will find the larftM, con futuonable, tad ben «wK »n G, We»iern country, *t ihi» e*iabli*bmetv »«P*f Opc&tßK or ihVP a ■»»TIrH»U Bo«d r trfUiibßrgb. T".^ F ssa“t>f'T“J ! srS?&= fesr&s srfc &SMSK. SSarSas^ U,.or ot II W. in ‘■“g£gi' , tSSS!f?" *’" *•»■•'« '■*“cas" ,„ltau __PhiUielpUt HEW IOT"OF SPI.*»DID PIABOg, Munconj Mutual JristrammiM, Stpi ofUio GoldE^ I ,I *2 , ER°iwpSuiy mforoi S l s r - M r3&‘ “ “ C “ D " Of rerein o( »«ne. inottnd del* * fociory ei A ,«, a loi ot .pleodid rt S'sf;^S“c l ,; N .,.\r»“-'i'™"'“ •■» «‘ a « ■» u ‘S‘. J im. ~i«u»n •;, n .«f l -i I “SS , .S jjn*', ceU . bt *ird popui*r a*«e> incuaiLl **** > » C p-.>} ' vTelcb FlwntU. MtjaPHY fc BUBCiIFIELD. «i north eait. corner «n!Larihaiidftlulet *te now toppUed twonmrm of the *&non» JV£ '*dS*»blo good*, and Lorti.g teen rurchwed j»Tnu.p<-»it» «■*■•• *■««»« Soa * S'SA JS In to* .a™.* “L" lv jsatSKS “ “ r oacta ,Jh " T wrg. nopply of roll * 'Vlnicr Good. •OOURPIIY i UURMIHELU in..*.,““"5 offcayer* to tbcir lasgc «ud ,* n - O,l •«*»•" Charleston, Va , Sept- *A U***®- Mr t> E.SelleT»:-Yc.nr P»U« taec become *o pop" ~.Jtoo « fuperecdc allotbet* a* a t-tre , AMES A i.f.WIS Year*, *"• (Extract of Letter-) . n r ftellcn’ Live Purchaser* will reco Tine nod lieunin Pill* are lie otlgmaJ and ®“^ r |JVoo4 . taswss ■■ a “" “* vi ““’ •cd.® _ • NTS. WESTER MERCK ATT...- FALL STOCK OF DRY GOODS. A A. MASON A CO. DEALERS IN FANCY & STAPLE LEV E oooB ' So 00 MARKET STREET, ,tlentlon u »m wcem wucted wlU fllim ihe lead- Importation*, .w* |jd(n , pwtntrin New In* aanutaciaf.'*. b ?“',f lO und u> be much York. Ibeu * ,ock tkl ,',iV tl M, »her !»•«€*« b«»Te Ur K trkßd^oj^ B V.!^^“”^?en T r„ receipt. a-si-wsris^EsSir*^ eettfaUr so compete _wav —"“7" CSEAM CIIELSK-*" u. C "riFJ t WP 7 j—raw o t flTrfl cmcuEiUJO’n p » iHO *' - s: CWckeriDß‘« pr«»i 7j£“ _- t __ e . a carted Loua XIV,« octatea. ft clefanl Homewood, 7 d«, .. do do 6 » do, Z do - do * do; \ oo MahoganT. JJ Jo, 1 do Walnut. B —do, 1 fall carted seniignind. A CARD—The •uh»ciit>ef h *< lh * «nco«ncins toibs Hu«n« o( 10 , ilir fully mended to- _ ti!t«ion, March 23.1 - In addition to the Chickeitng. » w* MdWo«e.l(i °Si “«»»«<*« >- k “ 4r ' 4,l °""‘ TT P ARPER i S'NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINt.No H.i« I* — 1 -V nm «N 8 /irt . 73 Apollo_B SALERATI'o-d. ..»• » P P and tall poood j.l. JT. CAN p LES!! CALERATUS--Aliu.. i for c ..i^O^,, >^nll . cB _ “Web UlO-A o>.. A CO ’ __ Oor Fi«»t > VVo~t •»* 9» __ • - iep33 , mANNIN-» •»««■ F/R&KTOrEiOU •c^rppSE=s>rni.Su^ | for^ 0 i'r EJf Cl , Strain culifctfii aVi'uil’ WSS &S .T* wiCKKRsHAMsJ “bor. \Vood*_9ixti» «*_ »“ '"' 4 j o £,“j> i’co V-/ 60 Wood »« |Jpsl ■■ ( . P lor til- b y r UH.-U Po» ■“•"‘Jt.'iTteM (j pure Cod U.., Oil, ~.i i«“ v ' a ]"' k .;„ l V; r co ‘iSSoNO’rniasr'raEßSul* "■’„*' J BooMcptt.' A..,.1u11,. jjpn 4J M.rkci ■ w Atilt oui'vts-a Cm « fi*-‘ *’ L “ a for j tVi pimxiPi pw«,’ t- XL * mcl ° °* ' 1 bnw ickf.kpuam, i# A Wood utetU. —fiVrTEJXTHEII-*uwTlM P™» e rec'g oercmi# out JAUIJ DAi.Zt.LL rot »ot« «y to w.v, .i wr’> 7iurt tx * KIC. £«“' Hnnl.lV • JAJ*E9 MUfIA PALM »OAP-l» »*•■ lcCei,^ ,0 * on pjjjEK VlNEfiA®^sSwk'jc^ON*. , CLorSR ,clll k‘-_ *"'* "^SiSs^asK ESEHABGE BROKERS- B A N J.'ciEOTHEßs'i CO.. «^^r 5 S. B CC„= C I»». * COm rvr-WANGE BROKERS E X S . E. Ccmrr 1 ' , ‘ e ": 5 055v.0. 5 ,-' ** w . iB - f Drokiri, Biikirli ® IC 1 „ iSs¥r*“cKs.(;oLD, su.vrn NOTES, N „ lf , , I .„,nNH_Ur«li», Nolr. .cd Ac-cM.nc,, payable PH* o(li ‘ e Unibn.collccieo o,:ibc 00, favorable New York, Philadelphia *nd Da:- «»“»»■#• L.-T.11a,»..».L0»*. ans l t, . n,of ? mJweomtnntly foi sale. N«w —Notes on all aolteul bank* in ui» All kmdi ° f ForeX* American Gold rad Silver nd »old. _ . REMOVAL. N HOLMES £ SONS have removed ihor Hun.*- # iHK ar.d Exchange Office to No 07 Markn » O »t door* nelow old_»tand_. . . FOREIGN EXCHANGE. BU-l-fl on Entfnnd, Ireland, and Scotland bousnt any amount at the Current Rete« '■! ti‘*hi»n* . Al*o, Draft* pat able in any pan of the °" 1 1 from £1 to ffil'OPO, at the rate ..i ‘ without deduction or diacouut, i-y JuSUwA »ui SON, European and General Agent, o“»°« -u ‘ t tij door west of wood. v .bb„aaa,.a laAHßß fc Bankers and exchange »»“* K ( n - H - J e# !” In Forein and Doirenio U.lii i»t ti< h *•« • llhcaiet of Dtpoiiie, Bun* Note* ‘‘'Y'' .;' lt ‘ l{( i 3d and Wood atreeu, directly rfl Vnav'«*" » el. ; ‘ ,' iji* . , fck>:.«ir 1 ' w.t. »wiißl '* ENGLISH A BKBKK’PTi WHOLESALE OROCKAs -nd CommitoM chaott. No 41 Wood .•rcet oprc«.w : Hotel, ore now receiving and oiler ior I F i sx »■?:.”! I m lfivJi'iA Vi*' t * I lump A - rollTob co. M “ 4V *‘'*; 1 hasetr' pJK, SSIS!,. hl^;p v i-; ; ,,.0, r: . 140 bt.*'powCered,craib'd i ' V J l , n .“‘ I I and loafSuirnra. andGiou • . * l WbrlsAlum I V>-!,n,r - ,u,e Iso brie Taunera’ Oil I Ll * ''iLli,- I tiai cal* Lamp Oil. I- J ‘ . «il*rl* No3.Muo»eirl. | in caw. .p.i d‘hn,... . I ~5 bx* IttxV.’l.le** I Oround <■*>*<• - * I ii.i M« Kotin S«ep ' 'I t.K)uoirotuuektu. I I Sbiiwbiw'pjea I tObXf »belled u> «..^"dB, I I Umehan't Cut a.-d Dr..-J I lAXilbScotcbiaapeeSnulTl Tobacco. | mice Rice I 10 uto** RU* k nr I Toeciher wtih n general cl ' e .»* i-l »lly Kept in tneir une, aawed w ri.ti u. , le I facture* C AHPBTSt OIL OL.OTIIS. *s WMcCLINTOCK i« now open.oe b - - . W.rtbbUiC, J. 7b Pbunb »*•'»' » r * l mreet, a very band tome aaeorwncnt oi caipe.i. •»■ pminn in part otine loilowitu; ' u 1 Run and clcrbi-.i t.yic \ civet Pile ‘ - l Rjeh and elegant tiyle TupeaiO But"’ * JO; Superior Fmallsh and American Eltia »up- 3 ply Caipcta; I Ku*«, extra t *- Scpethnc do do; • . ' i do Incrain do; j , I ExiraftneAhnedodo; iTnUrd >»au., Com all wool, do en, I Siair Rod , I do colt’n chain do du, 1 Coeo .Men, I dn colu.a dodo, IJntc *i», I Alio, a vert Urge tawnm-ni oi 'lummuTr* 1 Stuaiu Db>ai», I‘arriapes. H«u-e«. Ad I ou duth -1 A very laree a*»onmeinoi well iea»nnc.i On C; I ri iruu? tn width'from V 7 incl*e« tu »ticr.t,ot I nan.Uome sijiet, w lit any .‘ted room, im *TBr J »Uick of RO0i« Will be told a* rhf an at lb* an be purchased ui any »-f the ea»:ern c»ur* l “ J > lo ’'S.'iunjN ro -K o u fi »beil Ainjooo#: _ ti dr. pure rtTT«tal I.mhoo son*Homeopa'Ui ttinrji h:>co.».' Vo bi * Bromi. C: co* md ‘ u °, 5 bx* Almond *”d t*»s« So ~'P' 50 bx. Hu«n and 5 do* «>!•▼« »I»<* Borurati U‘, •J dos Rore W*»er; 1 cue Italian Maerarom; ieu«i do Vrrmiee.h. .t ca«e* port India Ourir l ow.ier, j cs*e* sitwr&ue Bi=® lHbrl* embed A pol'enurf &□*«*. 10 brl» »niall Lo*f; 10 brlspnre Cider Vinrftn Cor. Wood * l-ifib ***. For ««i« by pep? JOHS“WVI*K’O SPOOI. BILK, Erpiftil-J for Serin TO .Tojd ihc u*uo> *u«d.«.r >•' •; I n «- o«ihe cu-toamy tkem.iW »'«»* * u . • n-i.rh.nml iut *k>-c t-n»' . , UP ,. , - * lautsirvi &»y*n*' ,,,neul T, »- • UP ‘ E:StoJ WEiSS aff£ , .2Sa£*' „l£< ™ good .niM- Irood.—clT F“ »P “ “ ™ :Jjy {^tfSSEV'SA:« •««-- M«W ud lie A SDNS, Sold h l-b.rd M, FuU.dclplu*. |IOftSTMA3«S,BBO;SA»/* tf Uaitlen Line. New i or*. M* 'ri"?»sn PI.B. INDIGO-* croon. b P yah,n KOtV „i Co ViSSTi'irreins"" * co nNSKEU 011-2 SS »-_P*sai!jg r»I“MV s iCgW™™ A “^ VI or,. Mr CS. :•,: ' 1 D-d^.U f g s-;,i"'';"", ‘..■Suto'SlWooi-d .000,0 „...• 0„r nor. - JtVoofß’s~Mn«iir' J gUrrrioo'o’ FepOrroOrr. ?^ r ;Si-.'N j.«t rtc’d for »»le * T \<.t., »eP< .... T 7 I lAUU.N c “‘J 0 ' ‘““‘’^UAKTA. 15 C'»*e■ b - ! craTa:»4B-‘ 1 « r “ i ‘- , l 5 k P sfffiV'ooE •-**?'„ i! a;:. 1 K*—A few MU pUifo«m»cale WIUfASVk* *•. <>r •£ * Lt5 ft KOK Jm-raw; a r«u b.-«a •u;,:?,7«Tra' U'cißin, »elcci id brand', ior , * i 1 e c( b^ L , y JaKILOYH IjAl'tM,' ib" rim Wiapiut'K I'eper, _ Sudo ““j ft r ß ,-i.ovo VI tWOAH —10 OrU I Id«r Vine Js»t f>r aale t>T *ep!6 ( » F VON ISONNHOBsTft CO \taTl. R0B»r-lb6Ldli Junta,! *M i.>i» *' v . j>| * (p m SI VON OMNNHUUnr A< O .»* MW., nan for «als by ]VI .eplfl_ 1 H F VON iJoNNHOBSTfti-f ZINO WAstl lK»AKi)S—*ri Holme*' topi nor foi sale by • J » •' ILHAMS ft CO cv.r. Wood &. p\rui »u. t 1 “ ■'ilJBA P~W % Cl. FA F to, ai C, 3, 10 mid iv *-e.tu > per ioff, fo| aalt by Wl‘ MARSHALL acpid Pi Wood., T>O9ECOU>RFi> Wall Paper—A new H aepl° _ _W J» MARSHALL BX{Jujv— lofaß* Snonliera; )ti hhdi Bidet-, 6i) tihdi Hanir, for aaie by , rp jfl _j BELLLRSA NirOl.S TiTI nlSi a wcoad hand Cable lor *aie by (Jaepl3_ gCAIFEftATKI*“N_ —?77mkt aL—34O ton* for «i>e by IU “ RItEV. MATTHEWS iCO mpl4 , 77 4 7VWW.L I .VtiAll cUtt*U> UAlklst—i s ® im TWlou» S “ nil SBLLEBW * NU.-ouS wnmsu=3" sir t miscellaneous- J, 11. NJCbLUa, ... WooJ nitci. ki s jo«t received a oew u- of HAND MI'SIC, among which art r J 0 | l !r*io ! you Love me, by C. £o»ter. S. ».y M UO-A,™ 41W.T. j ; . I j ° l.truie to Ron all Night, «Ja. Do'.ir UayT • < *°- •uldicr'r Wealing, by Glover. Tlir Robin. do. raoh. Touch ihe Cordyct once again. *?«eeet Memoir* o( Thee. •liver Moon. I inieni of ihe Irish Emigrant. A New Medley bonj. , , „ Tlioo h**t Wounded the Spmi that Loved The*. I The Cw'cnpi’a Departure, by Ulorei. I Be Kind to the Loved One* at Horae. 1 Ti« llnioe'wbere e’er the Hear. ia- I The Yankee Maid. I Low Back'd Car. by Lover I fin you ever think of iae. I slumber (iriiiie Lady. c r i£;»., wrfaiiw. w««k, *>"l b^t "‘rlo, Maiden, Bella Welt., Conner!. Lndiea' Ceil., Elvira. Lilt, Alter, «rv All,ill. and Uni l-M**- V TKASI TBASI! TIIABMI nrr, niter not Into the U»tof pnl4j«,we«*y nothing ■>r^.^v^solvssS: IrZur.' '"■« »>'' hDd We k .':° W W MV hi who r ri!» the beet ar.d rheapcal r«*« in 1 itU*- !!!r«h We are now •elling „ oood and .trottsTf* M„ Tto f ”«‘t Transported into the l’. Suites * l ,f * - l'rnpneiara of the Tea Market, T F.ail mde of Diamond. AmcrYck* m.cb.»lo»l Work. ~ . Mew Sork.ha»e»nc« of " f of P“ b- U u- i.ol. tn puiu pt..-e twenty 6« cent* eaca, ADIDtIOSAIIY nr U—i ~■ s iVfJ-antn. Enjtnn IVorl.and bn (y^re-t«-., ./e.... T »:s/ for EfCCtual Wnrlmg M,n, ~*n.l that uacr.dtJ f»< th« *«*»• nrertng TVo/tuto.'i. SD'TtO si Otwu • ~0 , V nuii i< uf laxje tvo. n:e. ana will eontu ... ... j»d o r w.ro. o|t -Ik rMoi ,1 i_i.kTk*ru>a'- D w ' ll P ,e,e " 1 working dtu* '„ V iV. -n .nnn* ct the tnn.t important marhin. , V ... .1 w'atra Independent of the re.uit* 1 it will f-Titniii eoifpcrte pr»cn ,cal'.'V«"o>i Mc.'Litiura.Mn'l .iit-rjjFj'gutc-^o^ wi»ll' l ot'*iouo“.»lurae*, V.' put.iieation to pin™ be l,e r , n J, 1 j,,,.,, m ,,j .lu.leiUo »ueh a.i nniouiil 0 ‘■" ' l ' ul ’‘VvVl'.eiii to work I !*' 'l*e he«t i.tm. !'■ *' H.lMkkr- will'll the)- m.j'.t •1 s i-'c" , iiiun , ..l The rup>*uiti u- uk- 'Ui nironoouij ■ '“'““i; "hVij-r ‘ «**> lime whirl. !• n.'t treated lea V nPl U (i.il'“underM,.'...,' .1. «■•ii-K' - cvorv one Uer-.rou’ to obwu the work ‘ i•• >uc*t in t-ontnern &ad thus eneoui be istneJ in nemt-ntoiuMy nnnibe urn,m i,ore n, JaiianrT. IAM. end »iH rro«te» w «*> be publuhrd ill 10 r»«t-e . V, nnmbet.nr.d eon,|iliir.t minn, u.e j ,U,, A liber.l di.riii.nl will be ni.Ji TT one reo.tunr. Ike imtli-beri •n.. rc-?iiv' ito-work ihtou(tn toe ertnee l #1 i e Opinio** of tU« Pr«»*. ..T m niiur'ou* Manufacturer*- .Mecbnntct, Fn t.rc . r» ».n«t f. wilt uc a mme ot wealtli."- W..v.,!.- a w ,«h iv> k»ow| e 4<* - ..mu* nr «. • ircoßllU cniJ our trader* U) o' .'5 number, uri «* Utcy *p luirtumiexuon mJ the paMuheM .1c- Hvl’iiiJeeJ ot the public iCU-i.Ur ■ N. * li,Jr’ M - u.'T *nii l>r lii-'tlT uiefu' *8 prai'iSffcl ■..iu. - •■< tuvciHion ia u»t «*<•• , . ''.'l,.* - --New UfJtoi'l IHuy 4l«ivurr *?e; “j,sS'; ' *V2 i* it: v. jtk Hint «■««» sjiJ bun •" a ““•* • • !u L*** l» »"»' «• i-4 arc u« ana ip i“H atul kr •* ' " “S’ . . ~.u n- ni ihul .1 »ei-a*» vo «» vii»J -•»“•• > r '“ J J ““" k o f, xt ?R.-jTr pr&etiral ullit? and great »*; __. T -in* miti? i.pidiy inert-....Ml lll * c^ llt • ' ;,' n .. r \V« regan the wots a* cn;tnrii,i!i lr . . il.tf race of science 'ii’d l«* ,• i.. n ate . vsluable inform* ,r.f> •"•i-'* *' • • ' . i_i-, r!T irr and Mechani:. uOJtu.ii. • • »i'i'i< Taiird walk* of mecaam -I'nruf*! f««ireer:n«.»c-«»H C«1 >»d be U.U.CH u "' l “‘ml.T,"’.*" T.&>- Daily Wh;r I ’ >‘\Yr have esrctully roruted roc 1 I ~■• ;;t* i* >••!’ *«Ticr; U»a. • « e eTtr publish to .n te r« a a-ao» e,«,T p .-r.ntb a~R ;“«h»wort M«m mechanic aboald VXZ’Jfi?-* n,pf ° i • rd ‘j otiue «2e. No mechanic can •fiord to to _N-Tttre. iN ! • Ccrane real l oun* f *> at w ’" n ' ’* *“ 1 u *« one of iho ma" rr*njpr*hcii'i*f ® 1 " 1 H ;„c, a, fWiprtl »«»• '*« P'"'"*'* rretj one . , ~f »r; tut‘l »c><■ ..c«* iti rtrrry oae uWmu.wd !*■* --lU«tloatO«ir.ff. , ■ .1 t-r lie itr.urtp'f oi l rr » U>' 1 "■ ... i . im.fi- .1. toted 10 the inecha-... y '»«« p>‘,»Au'f». and •• •• wutu*’***- Ul * cl, “ ,e ' y *“ J i. An , \,i'—Marncin „!i ..h-a t'i nuraWti, aad ut » rr‘ r*'“ th* V’uU.i N*i'.- v-t Canada. | f ... « n: ,,.vf • »« r»ro*»‘ n-AU.UTBU’BOJSTJIKHT, C.,7,tn,n.,:\’ r.-v y’tlcrrj/fV, of/ ’- ,rr »• T' 1 ! 1 '"'m')- \Vo'othe author of the rrem: entitled -Thr A*«en«fc« r«»«icc - ,;!ir ■ , " i **sp ii? , sVJ«r. w .» ••>.« »> j rai i-rr.. -uhetance wliilt.rrr, IU- . . f r*~*. CSU£ - r-« .i- 7i 1 or rntfOßed in *?««!*' pj ' 'it STju." ..:if «t !■■■ ;> V-“ much ; -£ .j.* New Y»r*. Ar:»» *&■*». 1 ««■ •d i'alcii* A >W ) J K!tH» * r ** u * ,u,t ‘°j Kim* s Li;itv>.- I. |< on. ,h ' *" ,UI 0.- »«•.!» m.l'T *" °“- i'„ “0,-h rit*f'«. '■ 11 r rtbei .b " r'.V, r^rp for a»nr MrMn"'r'* 0 “ £ s" rof»l.. I<» c0n,0.0,0r, CLa,.lo,n. ».W "''l' it!.y u. a,? f -=, tt P : “si”' mS'-.™ i ET^srirSl *>’«' 'f o rr',-i.’i-m«-'^"'"'"' i ''"“ 1 '- * '■‘’"'v;,:;' i & third ol n ir. u> ■ • • ,# . ~o r« n „t c'**- unmf • 1,0 “ | jebks I “-“ bp "I , nmor A nf ®T P omninUte hack, by ll* I wm 0f.;.,;X5 Swve, winch 1 per o«e «f MflAJltaw* - All >£*' , llor , b oai V* chn«ed from you. l»oneri“ Dunn* thel u.ne I and » n.'hl “XKrre piracnbed .or me tf»i] veno»n mwJ 5 • 1 .without tecnv.tn any byphy».r;*M* B ?®‘J*"£.' lJ f lh ,« «un,.. with •«■ relief, and el !»-*» ' u ‘2V/n£.„nr.n « “ ra now *’ nUi , C ; lv ire* frowi ihr „ y ce dihe and »wcel ulcrp. ttm _ with .imllar happy tooth echo ami m»>rr ccmn • ’, t „ j< o i.at33*ca. ««-«»• Your mend. J MpA IU«TRH, minu an BUNTS PEB BOX. corner ■ "'nod «nd. h - J 'll . W »' „ f Market uonu‘,fieM nrrfi. :M «lw>r from Second. . “ in 'Aiißr-i.fi-.rf'ityhy H. P.SehwßT«anfcond h«nd• ••* F»"inui*.C „„d.i> too.l ordct »™ “ * pi.,.. Jt Oft*" „ w A *ooJ ti oct»*c I'iaivu AvOuJ '-l *«••'*»«■ »' furm* JOHN H MhULOtt Wood al Sl«t*llC MlgHt Ct I PI’Rf’KIUNiJ ibe 'Vor-irn Knoll, and brinc ln- S romnuiublp, mcehy e<-n. the ■ ,u* rniium l.vieulo.f ... liman object.*! lo mall .1 iL.n 'in,.. io».lr ipooji ui 01 the common Ikimi oil «w!l l»>i Nm«- anr further length ,t ,W .r oiiw t« me *.i«liu..i.ii ..uii.uiy of o.L «A"a a."a m, .aip by P MORGAN ...Wr DruMlst - uYftTuns II «T KtVI'IVKD, ai the F.uiburrfh Family Or cen a.iiYea Wares.. u*e: 5 o-il Ki.-l* 0,-tfn.m :m run., a j.. r.oi.ri o-. 1 rr«h Ov.iti* are I'UH’oUpJ. anJ put I a tii"l.ly concentrated oup. en.-loied in henteuc , * c *f n: the .'rJaUIT w«5 c,.*.,.. w li.il.’>air a. 4 r.M'll. by * \\ M A M.i'l.Ullti A Cn, , ‘ •*:/. l.ibeiiy at I \ r *A Pl*LKn'N e *“o *«fc'l.a« *“«»«« *\V ot Y M. * «d ir.0... iM-viol to, me Kt*U«l4»< t'ro | «,ll contain two I,„> «o.k i ol Hg iUou-anJ itluiUa *l!£.***, u ua«-fat m morn men one thou.and 1 :,7 -nH Tt !o,.“volume*, L.a ß aslue» and other I *\l , u .fJ * UiucJ, and '»r aaie hy the , oni». . tx».um-ci u mU'UINS, ks r* n ir- 7S ApolU>_BuiiJ»nE»i Faarth «•_ NUW STOCK Oli* PIAJIOS. .... U. Mtllßr, .1 ’’ PiUHm... .. ~».-..r a for (be talc of ;®,{;YinW< Ti' khratkd Uiw » uJ K ‘l uc ‘‘ 1 ' ‘ J *o >' ll c ■ BtJ-* in K ‘* l ' . w ,tl jpcclve and Uir.t-4**- na» no ‘ ' ' tl> , m'j.nli, the largcal plpov. trr ►ail-, nurii.y l 1 *■• • eter otlcted and u'.c nuo-. «r will he found * Spent) 17 rar«d i HwJ Jl wuh‘i.ll the .mpiaiPCJe-il* f ia ‘‘ ■ trip «?' ** , p o , rv -.vi v-p nptaTP Pnuare ' ■ Y„:' r> ' (5c f.ii-.tritiui anti u.. \\ a .nr.p * "• (-i *jyo wul •rri? n prVir"‘hy Mr lor the prewn. Jfar. tP*«> I lhßl HP pn.-« of Mr. Chtflh- Patchh-er* ft n ,i. (> aunue to be, the enn*< I o« Tr l _ ' jj.Mf.ii. Without cbarjr ' fc,tr a * “i 1 " " L'w.. t*- op.ippred and actapu miV*p ct ortt?a"«u»v pwnof mp euy. without cuarje 1 , ' rETKOi-tti St, t'ti uiirl^oiE. “TllPlc i.u *■•. :• , , o _ hv n rVr'^o^'iiu*'’*«■ remedy, *nd rpHU ' lu 1 1 ' n tot u, ui itr proprietor, 1 ttfw. :■ ru« ”P b««le* with-U -na« . “•*** " ;ht . t rnrtt of IK- public. 'jri»ur*“ ' * • .... prtvurcd from * well in lai» Hie. I brßOi-‘- L • * f v llolfd f eeS _ .« a pure une souitiT-'J * d ’", ou , a;:) rbemieai ct»nge, but ttungt >n tU« * •• • a ,. pT jMj-, R *uffirnng v «nd rt fercr. U>o* i..r (of ,v e rurr ,j,«. ,t up io intiie '' l 3 ‘ , a. tl ,v ,i,.-fra'inf c*U» (or it, • s .r. The eon«i*til *>«| d+i>l { . s * fofßrfJ> „ . >l* » nJ Wlde 1 »pr'» a * ”' n n l '' '.'‘n't*** i - i ‘« de of e«ni6- 1I .*!«’■ '»• *— /" A i , i( Ul „ - -»Uo «uder *i»d «:.r*VA *f«l A ‘ 1,0,, ' n s,"’,' l , M)P . *. ('IIOONIC ,,; “ i H ":r" s-sjat^Hrsiw l‘"H i-»' (»te«-. and Soap Waken * _ ’--.-..ntp.l eupenor U> env other hiand 1 1 i T?" ./JI'UI, "' .1 “ •w*ri*l«»rßTMMTol I • l * 5 T M Ir.»r n.o<.<• ':» ! "f * ** w \ M Mil\ Iir.LTBKr, CARPET warehohse, A S«. •JS.Fonrllx Street »tri is Tt• / " v h i* nowfcn'm-Oy receiving hi W 'I J.lt -t. S oi CAKPirr OH, CLOTIH I f nrTfnM. *r . eow.pr.mr m purl the fo.lowing, «t: 'K2''a Super Hoynl V-ivrs IVc <.*rpeu, 2 5 •• ’ Tnpr»iry r . jj f.. ri-»h erni Ain-riren " ? 1 J J. ,rr< Sii/erLue Itnpeli'-.IP ! J S [ j isupertiiic £ Fopcrr.re |e-r»'n Carpei/v F.Jirn boo Common, ell wool, " 1-4. J »n«l | T*P Ven On?. ' 4-1,» Carp | J \ ai.n-M piauiCnr. . 1...1 and H»e Carpet*, . w 1 J'.ntieil tVui. Carpel*.! 1. ?-». M. i », 4-4 end l- Oi' noun, .. 4, &-4. 4*4, end \ Vaiunir, - , ncn jv,.ctu Oil Clothe fin «l«ir*. Co*rß TinnnJiot. Rlue M,d Pr..h Cloth*; 00 P...h; Co*-‘u Oil e.intb*; f.tr L.-i.trra; Watered Morons. Huff Holler,.»for WFbade* T i ntiipe rent FmcH Itanrp Vc.Hhn.Ui , Huntinr for Fl***; | ; i ui.i! a 4 Table Llnon; I Cra«ht S'-ote'i Diaper*; ;i la wn c,;u.-. Nttpk.Tu; -..i (Hi Cl-.'. TuMr flnirr Oil Ci/rrn* fn»tr. iitii ami America manui. truiih, whlf'. vr.il |,r .-,H n. I*' »pMit>U• •11'“ Cf rlnpe. Tli'* U'iorie.l fhrcrl fiom Eng la,,*. hi» Velvet IN> un.lTnp.it.uy CAkPKTS. Ti ' »ri'ei». which me of ih>- In' , y if*a *n.l I'siirMii n.:.l of U,<- , will t>f »#*Ui nt * h« | li.r in -••J’ nl llie ct i '.fiii ctir*. 1147, 1 it ihf »>A.mintnl of ihe uchrn „011 I'jsliioualile IW IMPERIAL 'HIRtF, un<* Lai a large awortmenl of Lawn.* r.nd other i 0 f ice ime»l stylet and most fashionable I »J>tf , P»per Hanging*. SPRING BKLKCTION.—WiII be received, I>T “ r **. ttuial rliiptuciils, » new »iid choice assortment OJ Wall I'npcr, of the latest French aiul Knatern aty ,e ' ,u *ol«l, ehnmoi*. oak, plain “'“l k»t b e° loro ‘ u g ' w. K MARSUALI*. (late B. C, Hilt,) mrlO Wo ° a 4l ?*’ •i'IiAVK it* day *6*oc»aiedJwlih me, is Uie Whole 1-*«le fJiocery, Commii»iotJi *nd Forwiidinj t)Mi “assrssr.Silf;siMsprs^ p„..>-.rrW. —. OIL-13 btU - _ Sir Brmj’l Fluid 1850 i?6o c p^“sjasaffsas^srirffi _ B|C A MEADVILLE LINE. Tbi? elctmni reparation »*/*««“"' nOATOoMbi. Lme will le«* regaluly, uul de- fonn * wS mafSl il esfrctmlly citr*-* heaubura wl,ho °* car- soais 01 .he no.nt.c-b, as soda, pouua, f” j^s^s^*«-g3s wndrt>'' 7 , wbrn oiner alUtien and c*'Q '* l’lnrapum, S«n, ?or*«n W> ‘‘i>iVTr-Tbe , rr n c«n br no donhMhot H*y b' adni titftrrrd more sufs'j: >n tbe , ? rni . Q( j M-kV 1 * ** “ VrIV ’“'^‘pniMrCRAMPTON.I - Joined dart*. Sir A Cooper, p neb !‘ ® D „ d Me»ir* (;,i’s Flu.J Motfiiesm. a« ’’p"*. ftniu-'>* m.ijF sit* and ponvtnuui lhaa the r_ ' . • trro from ibe aan*T attendm; the wmnnni use o IW V : ir°la l !e l by*ihf icpon/r’. an.l propnrtor'iareni*. * il A FAIINKsTOOKfcU) maviA; | C*.r. of Wood A Ironist*-. B&ufismTAST CiIKSUCAI DISCOVJRI COMBINATION frvn thf YtfkrM.-'Kivp.'.om, u Vue** Ur. Cujr.l •. Kiir.cl ot V.llow Dock £ s:x£""X. ‘'r” c “« 7.1, m ..... tlttkc lllliilil r,tr- 1850 WT™f'£;.«, C«.l JS »p°S o»r city tkwgjna* n.tut.l ■ .n.r.l °r?onUni ,te "* J ’ ’"' ll From un extent cm os. ui confluence of rtiVtah J.“ • «' inmiponniion, wk.cl, ... now re d“bi“ nou ... anon,.. M? tl " ? r .„.hiDiuent- The Canal company have Without . l ft,, i, ue on interrat in the unprecr- I !t" *teT ad vTn tax e • of their charter, and than aerured portion* of Ohio in orderm* tbdr rood* *ANDY AND UKAVKII LINK, an Iby , , . advaniaje. Afcnt.: I equal intere.tin j. c. UIDWKLL, Pm.burgb; I BI DWELL A CO .Cta-gow cortsiaaxxt. _ d c Holme*. Spear’. Mill*. OUto; H A A Guy, WirnfmaSorvOd N™w / O • «wa“er A Fo.ter. do.; J«*cph Pool A Co, i 2!"h?» JbUL Oneida Mill., O.; if V Brvcr, do ; r i tlurxthal A Co. Malvern, O; K K GrnY. " ") n ' f K n ?J u K ReyMld.,do; Uuar Teller. Magnolia V ; K J (:<>. MagnoUo.o.; Wm'lUrktio.do J \ M P.flij.d fc Co.Bandyville,o: P P LatTrr,do; l n*h- I naurb A Sicinhaaeb. bolivar. O; Willard A . btiver, j I u- J] lioSman, Ma»*illon, O.; Cummui* A to. u«., iohn Rohin-on, 6«nal Fulton, O ; Fert.R A Torre) , I c»Jial Dover, O.; A Mcdbnry, llo*coe, O.; L b. »f In« Newark.O.; Fiteb A lUle.Coiambuk.O, LOMm- I thew.,Cleveland. O.: Ilhodei A Green, do m.yJ J \Veat«ra Traaiporiatlon Coiajiany* 11850, O, I£ECII *■ CO*S LlftA. rVTWFFN PIITSHUUUH. PHILADELPHIA, , DCT " BALTIMORE A NEW ’IOKI . Bv Binnsylvania (■mini w mrm _ ,«,oivu,i»,to«**=»_ jbss» ißr>o. JzM* t tKC ERIE ASID niCIIIQAS liIHK« I L.AKK RIF kxtKNMON CA-SAL CI.ArKfaRKS* CO. Kf« P nc«^ r ri llfi Proprietor* of xhi* oM * nd K - ? . 1 woo Id wtorm o.ep«bt«fc^»^ Dndjc, i» TK..n A caCGHEV. OSc. car W«I«j ■**■ [ ’ lll,l * rlL CUNSUiNKW 1 B w Cunnirnbim. New Ca*ue. ra, M.iehalure A Co. Pulaski. W C Mulan, Sbftrun; JAB Hull, 9bttrp«bufC; Wirk. Aehre A Co. Uroeim.la; Wb Henry. tUiUtown; \N m Power, Cttniieaumlle, SjS‘“i“WNV. . »<■» • i>uubnr|h PorUbl* Un«t Up*. *. » f»»>«»POßT*Tlf>’« or ruß.‘ *!I TO A«» rnon PITTSBURGH. pmL'OKM-MIA. F U.T! -Oil 1 . rUI NKW YuHJi. lU«r..N.N- Tboh*» Boiiuim*, { P* , iUf ' rp{f K "° w °P en * lt “ P*J Mcnh^- ZStenhzsstt'Sixas h n-'ur.cr .-i ixo-.ic I>i‘ .ad Prod.e. ,hl^ h V r :: , f° 0 t r^om^" d PUI • L*di«* lorwafded he # i^* r *' o^tere(ll dl . « ijii «Mj; ■• »;as;"S. \y mended U> P *°Tmj>*AS BORnniix-n, NoSTtl Market «iree<. TAAFFK 4 0-0»>NO8, Corner Henn and Wayne ntet*. J'm«bor«n John WcO«»>«*H * . .»4 l>nane ml, Qomion, *» «• J * lap* '•*; **- WUrol~n,, .llx’.rs tup*: p*ientCfc« Itl jr'i Rap'-iLne li> do Ro?i " i afted Ku li'.nmmon h'xtr4 W-.lion .foinipr>:i J •Ctii-niile Da or M«u; .Ueiwd • Kir.tin«*ea Plnr. ' Tub l futi'-v lud Oliiniicr, Chu 1:0 tSnrdrriniTi Uii Cibili T«bl Oupei Hindi [tlurk.'liari D.nfxM [>prn»eO f'nf i i* to lU ico ;et, between if * Uf*o »*- !lu»h». m en* ms, fcc; with Ihtss Good*. MDW***V* .•afion lo tbc above a* well a* if Wayne, Holme*, Knot, ami r a:nl t»od». of iud L.jie ii otrnr .1 *n l r iri’7C' - t u» - .Hl* A LIU-X-U No W Th'f’l *t. a ‘l “ '**" T “ ,/K r.L jOt'Ll’f! TAHt'lUS'> No U* Notlli »i. JlHiicv>rc, M«s > N ornti: No7Wt«..,v« p U A ‘lO, Fan. H-v.n “'“bl»UEA'*’» TUSSfOBTtTIUi LlSh S.lwr.n Pittsburgh .=1 ’ Tt»* Canal. being i»t»w npen. wr are ea .t aiidfon*»*dpromp» | V.P«'‘ 1 *»--‘ “ nU m^rch,ln^, ■' F,*st‘< *■" 7 re ' por ' vafiled real end weai. w»tb«ui *"T rnnr -' *■*- w ll .w'T C.n.l B»n», por. L.bcmr »" I ' NG „' IM j DO.'K, tJ» ic*i Merkel tl_ between 4IU it St' l - * «•* * No ISO, wtUuN Arl No l°i, Norn Howard »1.. Italumnre JA?* HINOHAM, Botlcs to out Patrons. ISE&n " t ""' , ' , ”'‘ “”' 1 " the «mc aumo and rhlllldf . lphiai Joh» M’K*cw y Co, FuiM-urga _ . . n .if> .>• nri. of '.he palionngr.. ui our «n**7 mr.ctf.iii .^‘^"SSkTw C >■"” o frequently proven Uteir «*“*• °\trc Intend U> perform our conirorii ....norahly, cor -i'-t t may, and not act a-, ww the en«e la.t • itVelie? oicerv-who either performed not all.o :Kn U W‘«UTtuburVh'for any .am from i\ V tenl-d 's*s\ omxsoK , Furopem at.d Oen.tal A«cM, tekl Fifth atraavonadnorUlnw Wood T IUUOUS-17 Uf pipe, nraudy—Otaril) Pupuy, .V T •j pipe-. Holland Uin; i- 1 i'liiNEßun; ■“’‘W.fmXtw d 8 A. Fthstitotk It Com . 'sssfi. 1 a es3ks? ss s e&Esa. sssstef 1 ,S £ plßnl >“ 3" '■*Jo“ Cl For ■ 1 ■ “ 1° s££'“* i -S £ £.~.i 10 do Unmitone, vu Rhubarb nouij 5 33 S do 8.... - do; ' 4c r’c a '[;K.v £5 £ 53 PretilMuPue- iau do Boidllu Miiium, ; 33 Sfo ulSLuiidw do P " M ISo Am IS £ do UJ. KOO. sssasffiss a s sSt&s*’ ks£?S?K>? U, ’ ,1 “ £ SSp B *^ : SSSssffiS? S £ SSM* - S * * oS^toLotloii anil’•bTeudid iiioriineiU Men »tjbT 1 .......U.,< ir. »li f fu,a *“; im ’ |.jre Huie o.' litf 01 irregular acuonof \lc^y w- il.pjv.-rrt,t.l, Kmr-Sm. ■" *«•«“ “4‘* bill,# r..i>rrrvt»| ipi-ur c s rtlt , s 771 star V.’ ,!ri 111 tom lor mSiilo:«f t 0 P a ‘ ,u ' 'lin ,• «*r •• r<-mp n ontl n! the nO‘t v»l I, . u , Hlf rMiir!) firm rteieieri'"* i p'i-iv'm'ii ■ i.' iurnl -ol* l *'* itirc, «mJ i» uerpil, " . '. p vigor and vtrsr.trU' l r.i;nncvrFs. . , , *>r -ii .'-cjoi-ilh, Kirnpela* e:tJ L l tioct tlKl S*r«*i»kllliK I Ishik>«us. Nf>'- •«- p?. 1 tenon n.y Miner? u.-.nL* i»r r ,■v: r re* a' ™ J."!‘ '>'■:■. «!.•«•iici'le iu •ii'pcßfur.r'? nu r.i 1,. | ciit 11 ; i ■>•. lunch MlcitUfn to il «i * C P ,:Xvt u !•) I-'* |.ut *n rrept.-n Itml apt et.r 1 rf..‘ • 'v- UC-nfsanttinrreisw.unul I' i’ f i•, li< *<■>• f.3'i of u.r l.'urt. I *prl.ed-‘t>* •i,, I"- ■ ii nii-nvU'.i \ '’lovt pork one c. tiif It; - ir ..-« t- tl« world for the blood. t I li ~r i ii vour "-vru!>i nfld- from the >*S of one tmtue. I %2 “f- “ giiw "mow in nr 1 com.nnrf r ‘, I Wh « „ no! u. in i cow feel Uke» . M.l v MO- i'« =lca:>-cd and tree i . iti nil Torre u r.ot a question hot tit* .'...-nvrred cn'nfoand Is in mpeNUT t ■ . ... i.vrur ever »oid. , r i. a! r<»ur dnp©s*i tc l publish if 7 oa ' •• in- v. iiv rorr tonw 1 t*M he »»*P* .ti, ml i»e inf'irmntipe 1 c»p aMut WT i rune i- \-iur o’—df.-nt wlvant, > Gsnnor «V jbufooM UlMwAct inert- «v . -»ir' onlrury 7 v, | e«' B-'i'-iw trown. Tkp Exv»ct ol Vr! V* l>;>. • ■ .Hi '■ i-*;'"'''’* >' Ipesilivo, *peeilT. fj'fs f/virr it rtrtiliatiT • V biT ’ < tioysnr’/ r-> “ A,e t.-. rt:rco r.r. lue vUicu v 1.. i; luuJit.i2»< W j :.t«s wr.li o« n: the Worth-o' ••ci.iu/utier cTerr a »,t :c.: relieL (i ul .., r.jo . v (.• «.»r J '£"•■ T*s«r?, hi il’,V ii. ov' roraplebt •"* ii:ii ’iiw ecn.f.nc* 1 to hex >’tJ • ■ '•ir.y.-'ived ihp h<->iu.eu whoever | bare al*t .1 urarns »n , ftn«acn«.lr*i W u>< . * i.r winch proved werAioM l-i-’.'l t.u- .• -u-fd °T n ’V . - ,-r It-as sod Sars-apa/tili '••• •.Vll.'- eittent 10 nil U'.v "3 ' -.iJ ix.-ui i.u> U'3'- >:.r “ ie Mitsn'ivr ‘Ci' i‘T.. i ',nt»ori of Wm. und Julia .Moitfof r »;• c, US the *tckiie»-' ■ «« V \V V « uaV» rore t-emf by \l<» .M. ft- —* * * , Wbe utifliy LUTSOUt .c. vv. . m . » t i-DDYj ZA.R.MI i*O>VKES, Great C«r* of eo«totj»J»t»o«. IUv:lto;i. Jinae/r'B. »£»• ; Mr itor. , »f' , --Uc»r Sir: The rital l*«rvc-i which 1 ]Vr’v-nt.' S .w.rtacr> me ui u.e.t ol jorti-.s, u> r.»i. / '?J n * v.-ar* (rota renem ■lubtiMj r r r, .*v »vu il c...»umjxuvn. I fcivsu " u,' —t. . -«r , .. J.. ;’[n; • S,,n 1 . -U-- > > TLip -lowtl *• alc o; > F lien I'd I’TIC--' tx t-'M tolllc,o ■n'r’Vi'j'.'.T J-'.> Fo»nl..: ; J -.V»I ' f. «j. j i.riKJii ,ot Ul > C.b\.ia U.. o:drf. mosi I-C » UfC.I ■> B, ‘ A S’ T 'rS w^ 4 «•»•»» l «T-5! ’ t, j-ri.i'HS’ PA-MIUY MEIHCI.NV-S--Tt-ey O Olno. May IS«. \ ii '-.t .1 neW.iot Uirl-enrfeiof •i«;ii tt tttUc/ii to your excellent Ft T"»< in w”’" , i V u ’ , , ie ~ , t -,ri:i> r‘ m nuv reotion of ihe ' 00r .... I*!' ~ ; r t-.H.n. 1 mu> nnir Uiftl l&eT »r« U»e {•nuni i 1 1 ,*rtunri) litv»'j»vtry ,aedmi.e.<- •'• ;*•■ t r«pe«fuU>\ cXien«.Tcpfpa.»f.'>- \V II tMSS’ELL. J-rrr.arr.l on-1 *u,i bv ft. T. SKLI.KKS. No 75i Wood Via m)SJ I’V peneMliy l l'° Q MrJie ‘ ne 1 ‘Ohio. r*. 164» 10 a i-f. I i iV-ik u ri*M ;orih»- tiencfiiofoir.« fnr’i urr.'Mn «o y«r rswllenl F« t» »t Vrrmlfnite Inrp+iy in my O''*' l 1 **** '■! *£ j.m.y nn-v-nn* rc.rcii>eilmii f' ily.nnevin* I ’la -Mill tvocui* trom tvrn chil li** * Ss?™ ' yo.'t imr iw •** «•* *»*WJS \ “ i.tuiM oJ ;brv -*vc in every j.rodoced \YiVuK’lSr;:>—'-in«y *ie i ..I [i,rrrhl*dl»in«. I •*'*' *bi ‘ i k , ' . >. crl , U o,i m.nv section of Ui '‘T,,!.’! 1 may siatc that they arc ih » „ I„R 1 ' I KS.NoST Woml <£££•£* by ■ ..««•* •» '“J *- 'I ul'y.'-uui: ob >-> v , p br h * oujuuai,**.* l ' OMo[ Vl j March anih, S u n y CflkM: Dear Pir-1 think U » duty low# M .'JnA it,- I'uM.r o-.mira ly. U> *»»« ,hftt 1 ve '"TM*™ l " 1 ' , , i, lf Lvrr Complaint for n lon* l*' ?n jmf.o bndU U.ui an kbccu formed «aJ broke, \ nv «T'-ry low statxs. IlaTtnr beard ol r fh !y h ( -.-'vl‘rai-1 i.ivt-r I’nls bejn* for *nW bv A R > ou ... i .iifrta hiul recommended to tne i r aUr fi Smith, I concluded to R.vc ttrm “TP";, ~ 1' i.uif i:s »cd onr I'OZ. and found them to 'Jh'.i wtntthrt -re recommended, TUK HEST LP VKR I‘lU. EVKR USKD. »itU »Afr wkiijS f «»» »■»«• t fmd the d.!fn«e bn« entirely left me, ami 1 a perfectly well. Respectfully coi.EMAN. Wen Lti'crr,. March nine l.tver t HI- »' e !" r PJ k ur on the Ud of each i.t* mumr-‘‘ <>u , Ue Co isldc wrapper-*!' , »-ox,un,i nr * *•" „ r iinsc imitations. • others tire cou...etft»i»i ' “ hK ,.|.krs. Proprietor I*p‘ u 1 ---- • . ~~rr~TrT7 W ATOaiP-S 1 l ul | jewelled palm tl' ' rr ‘ -' l J *. une ct'«winch I cun *dl 1 L'i” 'V,l%•’.»a d.f‘T t»« ,„p yroJlunr. t „ orme „, „f JKWKI.RY, Al.'f AM n. ni |-uicn style*. and l>-«t p* ’vydii.RUN. W»,“ii”' miiirdiis' uuous, at uu»t. Hrt>«vv FLIMIM* fc i*‘>, b»T*»’R ft»»»B*edio F rifme imniiiun to ihc »aJe of dotncuc und <\.uon floutU, now ©Her Uielr larßc ' V ° Jnf T.iloi.' Veiling*, French end ttovk of r « *-.a.«simrrct, ice.et fir>»l oe‘ on do 4>i»or«» sohhda Borrea.xCiate^ . in hOT** -» ,00 tf.7,r* 311 hx» UonleaX < jar®*i. !? w 1 MIL^ V * SSciteraoN B*eJ for aalo t>T ‘ gfc *33 Litany « PATENT DIEB FOE CUTTING SCREWS. paveitbd •• li * T THESE DIES having been adopted Bud «a,ith--,£v, lie "imr and Ithiladelphia, are now ottered to manufaeliirern, „ piano* L„ their greaterdurnbilitv, rapidity, and petfeol.on ol work, IP get oitt of ordrr. Cirttaettu< Pin LAD El PHI*, A«f • * 7 * s;^ T .'s>™-“■“• ptrpo*o ofeuulai belt*. J P MORRIS & CO. PhiwDEiruu■ Aop. vn, , .p vc r,,( C a' Patent Uie» in pa* tn ? or I'*™,* i;, 4 far Uie fui i»e iiwMb*. <»' " n, "« tu.bli.lotieoi lot “ c( ihtu ui «»l.‘ui«“Knev?nf"f“k> co, Penn Worxa, ra. s.'.-asi ™ • can do mnch more wotk. mu economy In, m damhility and precii.on,« »■ ol labor, any TaSEER fJJ 011819 * PHH.ipaLpmA.tfUl month, 83U» d*y» Niw Vos*. Aug- W**® 4 ?’ 1 . Kaalng adopted P W. Gate*’ “l h pore ting pl *S,“ »dh«« other plan in piersni me to. •“{‘Jfggjoß * C‘>. .»wi, •«i. .< “?«&. ;ri . r—ti-I.M o.; U n °.; L o nh’ flnitlc in powder. . i:r •. Woo.l A- I rm»t ?'«• "z -•*■ -Jtibi?. t.'ii.inW Vr lo»P. -? br ' •'•,?a" i ' IIS B: for »1. I J „,, M.LLiHiVcKCTVON^ KiSsSSSS rASfA’^S “tS %SS .< <*"»>»»>»’«» ’’ SI K»»l PUitoGOPW. By *• s,i,wol *“■ rer?. By Benjamin H' N ••>• <■ • K V'eraoiis * Nov^ 1 tn . DCnlSl c e»- Tbc Should** Knot, » l** e ,l 1,0 • Thr Starlet Ltiltr, t Ttntnct. Or awiliorre. r IFE It 1 l-ITKir-'T- Edi.ti „».no7oi“^^ icmcietfifil, • *?; i> a.’»: xi “»*■; - a 1 of Byte.■«.««(‘-H««- *«£./<. <* r' n. am von'iupifcnw;.'™';'^ 4 '““ \«(.orfli»nb,»'.i. of Homan Empire, JSS2X » H. «■.l.“.“.'?^“^'*””■*”» limn <-10tb pottp ex Hi IUIPI\INS ... -i, w „ i^nJu'lEr^F-iS^ 1 *";iT.-?*' oll .sJS™ : , o^mu'f»“ torttr I*"™ ' v ‘ tl “- KSyPot!" -o y ll -f^ LOB , yt Wood m | sutP _ _. _- “ — — SV.W HV*IC . , T 11. Ml-U.OK, Slltw , t'u/Joinxg Pt'cv? illustt. | j isas: ?o1“.' "u.,‘So?,« A-Iricu. Mi * JS. l’o'lK*. V“'> l, 'f* a h'^%£££i&fc Lo»i»«iite Mufh and Qtackcep. " w** L T- **^ g rji'wblTrr ri»»t« for nu »t Kno E « nil ilte diternil ooneiicr now 6rd... .dJJfrf Ih.prop.trtor, «r«' , „irl mme promr' *""“•» 1 5 *o»U -I \.i~ rrawiii in evert well provided limuy, » *. txr ” “i, r£ r.'£ V.™». ,r.odo. oi c.o«,«j «4 pr=n«™j ?tta £SS. rfiSi.. 0« ««« fprotobio lermi th*n U cor P«n ipU .1 •» t COl aSG Ufrervr «t mrci: TtLh.tb«.• L msJS» SSSA fffc. »|U DC “ tUV ' WUI.HIR Rood ihnttT ‘ret* »« 'SSSS’itI, &«.-£. « 6.. Dn,t .pd P C ,rYcnrW. re po.. c ,«r™r a .nw^ K .»^ l }i-i T t' MS?-,4j P °“‘“ BU.NuVTMKIi..L»KPUIAKI!, ' TUC * j MU Thifd atreet _; i •'?„■, W vi ckkraWlmcKiSo sAi.vi: and VV S!&» m r irr.7 ™ ss,;.«S-: b“ ™. corn’., nod felon* «icj Jone»i Oo dowu to «—» lb» Italian; V fcMUCILU-* 0U lbi do Naii*—slM kegs assorted; PiciLi*—6 doz ian assorted; Fkacuk*—3U bushels halve*; i PAraa—so ream* assorted; ; Prcsis-100 lbs Bordeaoz; Boaj— so brs Ho*in and Cast Steel; Bcoar—lo hhda N Orleans and Clanked; T*a—OO packages Green and Black; Tobacco—‘JO Lis ItkiS, & 1 lb lamp; Who Doa&iii —60 fiorcaient Zink; Pot tale by j / D WILLIAMS *CO mtlS Corner of Fifth and Wood si 18S0J REED HOUSE, I*" 50 KBITS * B&QBEBt proprietor*! P«iiw Sjttore, Kris, Pa. ■ • GENERAL STAGE OFFICE-Kastcra, Wasurn, and Southern BUges, leaTeiW* bow AftilT--V 1 axes to and from Steam and Paeket goats, M. W. EztTH, Ute of the American Hotel, »iei O. W. BuSkM* <* «»H") apSfrdflm fou™ tt'wtwif Ordir.acca- li„w O' v.K» «" 1 i •• <^ ¥< «cni foT cot. Coa'ider** GW.’ one, I Lave, *j tin* screw* on » eU * l ° b > e a secretary °r. ,h V-?L tj’ authorin' of mo lloaor-b'C « ‘ ® “• parehuscd of U* A»“' a «J^ r 0 * f« , tie Hf* W Bcoyill*. cwtd ttnmoel t. a. NavT- I and uvo s»>d ®lHt ChiefOt U«*»». In u»* si*© by _ , Buffalo \Vorks, Botfato; Ro««e h Ash'.OT, ilncbctter) SiS’i&^w^N.iri H t Bonham & Co, New York, Denroead* Co, Monsmeni Work*- Ba.t; Van Cured, Rochester, Molt fc Afros New York, AUaur Works, do; Pease* Nnrphy. do; We*t Point Foon-trr; Kom* A- Urn, Phsmidphta; A Jcnk«, Ureed?»burgh, l aj Wklwvnth* Na»on, Boston and New r or*- Losrtll Machine Shop, bowe An)9C?ke&E Cu, Manel'C*>*r, N * 1 « Lyman A feouAer, aonih Cotn.i.. gr,/t nuraJiobs others. pbicw.l No UM.otrai.lcI ~u «S No» 4* . 2 5; Ito 1. eric. «r» "■ft ' s ' K 4i'h cu .fx. • ■; kD. MafVißll A Co. I i.ita- V .‘h./iud H 11. Seuvitic atfou*, (Mi.-pn, ter l 'te« •‘.‘n mcei’whl. prompt .utanuon M*f ■> t-^6- ' MISimANIiOUS. r T' " ilk.ni>VAL. r rkAJ MVII HANNA * CO. batr retaoTcd Plffiwe Office Buniwl corner o. *£* *nrt Third «»««• -"•* “ riOTiCE, Tiie r.nsinr.M of £. e ,“s!? ,/ e^j, r * whom l* oaihor brid*e, pr "jo, VI j B |,„oiaat.o«. • ,cd 10 f»c the nmuii. of Ujo LYON, i.'HORH & c ® j Pifthonm. Jnlr 1i ISsD.—i7j- A3,w; B.«; Z- * >-“■ 115 “• Jnly li _ • v~.f W WwSSo* SRS 1 S Wtolf-Jl. C-oclr and €«.»■ £.,rion Duw *• No M Jr. . FRANK. W,LSON_ , nOKBU * BAV(OIW!ll» orcriFViNß nOTLixaa^ t«.■«< t "‘ n “ S* {K 33? y•£ "JJ J«?i!, rt £,V?r. o-’. Rsff Doable Crown PoB \ l J ffi i e J / A^3 {i A i.i J , 63 Wood u roarW - w^&Ssj&s&r&s k Coatftcrchairar, ToreetnwJ pr «CEi uma. tautr Day Fampblet*, N« i- IQ ® *” fere fdlv.byrgh, bT Thoron* Cba.mer*. 11~ n ‘°' t . r j.w n Calvin, compiled from Mth^si Uy Ttoomoi H i,.r, wilh bT 7B Foanti uuiutiil uuiabUl "in GROSS mtjK'f I'pifc*. loaatoW fin«t 2 ". S : r^^ltantoUtafi : l » <• V Pocket Coctb«j r-oo “PiWood lin«> doz aw’d P.oc Ivcry,; *3U shelL&de Pomn*; KA GL BFOtIMPRY. BgggasSssg sf^r^nLTisr«: |"£vs% •- sattrajMfSa^j^ anicls oi euaiucieUcd crate*, finbLud tn aae «T‘* H i» (] ' fancySd VAKlßTV goods: Fiu.l.*tgkto p««"«Oi»d. i .i ; Hnj- V‘ c v \ 0l Fh r VM ;..- wUk'h w,» he W.d’toir for »tb or TUc Stock coa T , la »*•< U p»?oXSi i'»l“‘. »:»omh«- .. - n»at KMftub U«m*ay. iiSgiss;; cbto of V? f,__ toen txiie worst possible c*- Kit !h i n «nn be found inthe commumiy—case*thatseek ?MiS to SSSSw S »hcco«niDo ß remedies of Ut. # ? « rrtauon* and aorenet» of iw >«»S-. brocb.iu, cl'\Si| i. t.iauon - : fr»er iffbl i«*tw, eirao ‘ ifri"d nSr.ii ;fiiW."*ik=*. **“■•*■ P^ P o!te« eTidencc, «bo»in« the «n- SMSlSitt of » h - e^ 1 l ‘ lnK ! , ; tl tt£ni6dT ’ fc • i obwioed of the £ s £ n "sNE!*ro*-K fc Co., corner o 1., Sd Wood Ind Wood ««d «* *“ !■«£!.» r IMI'LKKIAId COUGH 8k UUP—TaSaa Q NOTWKO UlSBil! PrrtwrMUi March *7,1617. Mr R E. Seller#— ln ja«uee to you and yoar incora . i. #vT®»h Srrnn, l be* leave 10 state, for tlin ben l"“of UK cSmmmiS, lk«imy wife Hu bum iemral '"'°J -ffaeiei with a most distressing cough. 1 pur t\niel^U in JonnarV last, a bottle of your Syrup, which .h« roald hardly move, from weakness In tho Jf ■ “m f.rb». Wle of rou. Cough Sjrap, and a nan of one botile the eou*l» I gave Uio other “ 1 L journeyman whovrn severely afihcteiL who had, u> use his own words, ‘•eaten onrush eough candy to euro all the people in Pittsburgh,” if the candy had hern as good a* jcoresenied. Yours, lespcetfally, Abram B.Kxxra. t'rrpnrcd and roid oy R. E. SELLERS,S7 Wood sircct, and sold' by Druggists generally lu the two cities dc * Q ALLEOiikST YENITIAB BLIHD, AfrDIIABINET WAitF.EOOM. ■ J. A. BRii\VN would ruspect* fatly inform ibe Public, that bo keep* on bainl at bit stand ©Mho west side ol tbo Diamond, Alls* incut of ul«o Vc cqual to any m the United llhtft •lJ“«swiw" 1 “ “ the public Ut ***7 f Atrenoy, No & wood sueet, l uuSa f* A GROWN- I mchw ———“ Economy to !•••• ol the Diaiaotfd. They »*“ -r-ffl 50 per lb p»CcllcotT<» V ' 073 n BapertorQo»hufc»- ~~ jqq »» The uifeuor Teas are not kept -Low priced, dam»Kea,« « whether you go your mt , to obulnagood wlf or send*Si* aV&r oftheTea Is MWproTe.l, article, and M too a * ,o , A -l* ,urn ibe mo&ey. UCTy.My »=y°f ° i ~, WORTH. noplltMT.- (J"'LLICOTHt S=XH SSu“> r BW*-nSON g>toiv«ris«