BY MAGNETII TELtIIKAi'B. USPotiT>. 1> * I lfiUßbttAPU*® »OR THE PITTSBURGH DAII.V GAZETTE RAILROAD ACCIDENT. ScH>tct*ot, 0c122 William, ar. engineer on and Schneciady 1. ’.iior.:. -n hided •• I * - bridge;, this morning. The engine ran ■>»« . (raw. and Vaa thrown nil Ibe tract. Anderaon I ">»•* diately jumped oil, end the wheel* P“ . . him. He died in twenty miunle. niter receiving ihe Injury. HuKRID MWKDER. Ct.tcubflATi, Oct. 22. A man name! Jot" ltrlll T »i,»rdered hi. ala. i« law on Oistor atreei, latt nfghl. Ho tepln-la , ( tse tend, polled her S'gff fl “'r, b l d“.‘net her on .he Lad w„h the heel ol hi* > «'■ '■> violcnlly a. o produce death almoat mlennlly. Tie »eM«. nemo I. Anna Thtrerai. The cue. ol Ihe horrid need 1. aaid Id he intemperance. Reilly ia in pnaep. Boston, OcL 22. Tbo Wh-g Convention I'jt ihe Fourth Dt««ricl met tl Concord ;e*lcrday, nud nnmiuated Banja mio Thompson fur Conjrre*?. Hswlmion* were ptiMd denouncing ihe Fugitive Wave Law. New York* OcL 22. The New York and New Jersey Synod, New ‘k’taool Presbyiermu*. adjourned on Saturday, alter Wing re»:uuoa« recommending obedunce to ihe Fugitive Slav* Law. and ret using to entertain an aaendinent declaring the low upcoottfilutional. Ntw OiLca-xs, Oct. 22. The steam sltip Pacific arrived yesterday, from Chagres, with SSjO.COO in gold dun anddW jaaseo gen. Louisville. OcL 22. ' Tfcc rlaer baa fallen iwo inches in ihe lasi 2* lrnnra, and ihcio nre now three feel Itrc- mchea in Ibo canai Tncre la more appearance ol tarn. Knhna, who inlcd ScbnSet yealctdif, was ai icsitd to diT< Coffee is selling nt 13c; sugar a: 6|cu»7c, m Im* lied tou. vhilaurltria market. OcX. 22. Floor—Toe export dcasod coctiaui* limned. Salea of eho'ce b>.«td. .$ $< bH. SUodarJ brood, are held i. Selcd do. at 55,2500,00 per There U * fair deramd for Wheat, and (r prices are afrad;. Sdtee cl g£d prime red at l« d 0103 s, and or white at lloSrilc per bo. A ctigo of wpenor white Wheat sold •* 11& per bu. S?U*s°f Southern Fauna low Cura at 6l0«s per bn, aad oi While m 62.. WhUfeey— Ssles av 26iu lur bt>.§. and -Gj ioi (cpj hhds. - esi' NhW YORK MARKET. NOO.V KirjST. October 32. Floor—We notice a good demand, bat the het tv receipts hriug prices m favor of purchasers IP< 'Grain—*Wbeat is ui fair demand, for the home I trade, nud for export, without any material change I io prices. Corn, under and heivy demand, has advanced one ovut per bushel, with an upward leudency. , . • Provisions—But lulle is doing in pork, and pri ces have a declining tendency. Lard is loauig firmness, though prices arc unchanged. NEW YORK MARKET. EVEKHtO RKfl-RT. Oct. 22 Flour—Tha market for Sute tod Western »• firm, with s good inquiry for ih«*east,aiid ttssjori. Coismou to straight Slate »* «'o!>ieg at Wheat clotcJ with a downward leaden* denet. ihoagtt tbs reqocit for aaiproen: and the east ronlinsea cood. C o ™ I 9 »ie*Jy* *iid b. r*ir bat loess is doing at 6S3os}c- per bnshel for Western mixed, and 60.:. for yellow. Groceries— Coffee ■» brisk. With aalea-of Rio at 12}; of Java at 121; of Ugoayrt at lie. per lb.— Sosara are active, w.ihno change m prices. 'provision »—We have ao rational thing* to notice. Mesa pork dnsid at SI l 00- and prune at S 3 27} per-bbl. Lardis inactive at ~» Ottio bol ter ia selling at 6312 c. per !h. Tobacco—The wirkel :s buoyant, Holders are keeping away *roni the market in oaticiptuna cf a lurlber a.lvjticc in» primo rod wbool «i IOOd- aod'white »' HMffllOSo. per bn. Com,, dull. with antes ai' wiiite at Cl(05 ? per bo. Grocerioe—Tbo marker re wittoul muck marc mom. Pricoo >K witboot cboo S c. Pnnuooo— Supplier «ro moier.lp, rend bolder* ore firm. Moo. Port te 'd u Sll Wj o''™ “ S 3 31 per bbL Soles of liecon Has. ot ,10101 c. '?J»hr-ltae i a «a«dy demond nt !Wn. ■iper gallon. - NEW ORLEANS MARKET. Naw Osixam, Ocu 23, P- M. Ftonr-DuHog Hie put -tec o«J<' 9.M0 bbta «e»«iia «i U 33i, f.r Ohio; «nd SI «ftat ■» Kjirco, with »lu .1 60910 cr c u ptr btuhd. , Oita—Sileaat COOST.'- pcrbcsh- ProriaioDV—Sale*of mess port. at SIO o>« ">»*« ■> I 0 '" 1 wai B,to I °Qn«r«-M=' s » ‘lfitt* ‘« lh ° * ro “ rl ket. Sorer sad Molasses are firm- Wfciskey-*L'lc*ed neavy at As par S*l UMc/cu-Tb... -i, . ibe marker, with tales ol J» bb's •» 60c per ga l. ‘ ‘ t E& -j. *.a-» bocta. The weather »> -Diild atd plosracL frr THI o'EEtUA’ AX& TTJ«X'S LIKE \ NEW ORLEANS MARKET. NeytOeleaits, 0ct.22. _ »rfc.. msrtel it finn, wilh tale*, yester* a 1-4.13 3 8 fur middling! afld 14 M for fair- -j MW c."Op yegar, bsve lb. New crop molasses has ars?-*i»T >-■>• - •** .»« « t«vy, with -lu •< «“* * c l, ku - • r.M 6m wilb nte 31° « »'-«-* - iiu "“ ii »" l, wL„_»> qODI. .1 58 1 2 p*r pi SOO bbd.»l fni: pr«u- ‘asu a. p nowK'n SHAK E FI S ARSAPAfU LLA 12H qOAKT BOTTLES, H EKUWIoHBt II will effiwww'r fc,"Js£?d?{»niW, Ui^wl^’SSSlS«% «*«-*■«“ * fie!te,: ’ “* noor Albo »> ““-iHimdiS’M Md .»cs ■ayatcß—ea ft twawn*F»» I/nLennal pnntT ttle of tbit valuable Family Medicine. Jjiwuwiaiwa/w Dy.B.D. HOWE'S SHAKE# SARSAPARILLA, and tale no othar. Price t! pc ooiUbwm. batOca fnr «d. enr aalo Or J. A. Jcnea, J’.:Hra, I Collar; Hall.Cir.eir.rau.O., To wfcwo ail order- matt be addtmed. . KOlloi6 **V r it.«n, thit Ixtur* cf Adatn>» • Notice >» 5 t beer . e i»oiea 10&« under. I triUon Uie » W* W h ‘ W.Vrr. *le «l lbs cuy •Ifliedi ® n ut **** . 1 »i| person* indebted to tbe 1 •tfßtfstf*-gs® ruNI m V . *ep»u»l *?;•*-— : PORTS. hithm^ o*®* 0 *®* H r i«&™ P.P 1 " 0 " u “ l Pl * thttbdU so*' pf

A W.M? 0 2i ,, tOW0O'l* treet * OT J«kn H r. 7 w. P. M»i*b*U, No-. w ” cv ociia-dlw MylTor, No. fe■ \Vood *U£si rr«7t CO CI«M OMIBCM. k IIS Wood Wliflow Trl»o.l»*" TJ ECFJVED lit* d«7- Cm?od XV es F««th •!«« *“ d Z»u7 RfliWn tad Bl&tt, SKiSS" ml# i.UMMKKim RECORD. pITTBBUttUU BOA HD OF TRADI *kd ■incgAsn'i uciusi>a- COUMITTtK FOR OCTOBER. . t. MoointAt) c. u. ot*s*T ***** *• cooro*. n«Ti(w of ti»* PITTIBVROn UARKETi foi tut wan* *s»tao on. 82. GENERAL REMARKS.—There has been coif a moderate deg Tee ot activity in the general market du nog tin- put week aud the general tone and feeling of the market maniferu no material change m 4001a uoua. The receipt* of Flour, Provtaions.and western produce generally, have f.een onnsually light for the aeuon, notwithstanding ibe good «t*ge of water tn the rirer; enJ the stocks of non article* hare been »o love a* not to permit of any eery extensive operation* Since the late n*e in ibe river, many 0/ our larger claw steamboat* bare taken their departure to the va point. ,0 the wr», »„d remit. «"d * emt.lJert.blc degree of activity hu prevailed on the wbai . * shipments from \bia point, of Iron. Nail*. Glass, •“ the vanoit* other nruclea of PiiMbargb-manufaciure have been quite full, and ahould the .tage of water continue sufficient, we may reasonably nnur.pate a heavy Lmnea. yet. e.. the close of the fall aea.oo. Wo would again take occasion to remark, for the ■nronn.lipa ol emtntry “■*' °“ r wtole ' ■tic dealer., in lb. *«»»• br.tttbe. Irene, prepared Ire there .eeomm«l.„on- PreeL. gene,eltf h*,e .ecuraul.lcd to eoch a iegtee ,h., on, wbolerele d..l«>- *™ l'"P* r " l “ I ‘ dld »“ ir daecntanl. .ad. » to “ “ o' l ''' l COUr ‘‘ fy uucciuau.a are... ercbantJ to viait our market, with the full aa.arance finding rare bargain* at their hand*. Our Hardware id Cattery establishment* are now groaning beneath e burden of the richest (applies. Our Dry Gocds etchants haw their ahelvei tilled to overflowing Ith the richest supplies of foreign and home produc on. Out trou merchant* have large and splendid :k« of every ilior In their line of buimeo. Ot SfcM and Uai dealer* are able, by their heavy aopplie* o'well ac levied ariiels*. to hold cat to the country deaienme inducement*. Oar Claw manufacturer* ie never b« tier prepared than at present tor the ae nmodanoa of their country incnd*, and from the ;tflcwi« #tock« now on hand, we may remar*.that rt bates can tre made on the noil accommodating rut, of the various aruele* of vhl* cxter.*iTc branch Pitttbnrgh manuiaeture. Our Clroeery doalera ate 10 amply prepared to meet nil tho demand* of the | irfe. In fact we may, in reference to ail branchci ol ide, repeat the ntiura-. ce to oar eouutry fneada, that iq the large mpplir* and general cheapness of ini ea, inducement* me now held ont 10 them, which been rarely, ;i ever before found in this market. ASHE*—Price* o* the vorioaa anielci under lh>« id »Uow • iituc or no ehnnye from cor last week * ion Lar*e sesuuiUes o.' Soda A*b bare bren r:- Tfd, boi a» doaleis tenerally ba*e been filiiof.for tcntxmcu. we hare no anler of teccnt date to any larje extent T«e ruling rates for the article may be quoted a13;03)e ffi U other art.cler.wo n< lar moderate iratuaciioti* al the following n A*h, 6J; Saleruta*. 59Si, Potatb, 4|e ge 2>. APPLES—The receipt* of green appl? 4 ourmc th< , ec t aave been confined tr a few small lot*. and »al«i have generally been effected on the wharf al >3 10 s«c t bbl. ALE A PORTER—Quite alireiy bonne** ha* been doing by oar Brewer*, at the following price* —Ale, S 7; Porter, 87 e*k included. BACON—The receipts of Bacon have been Indited, in consequence of whieh pace* continue very Lo,»t lltl week’* quotation*. We have **le» of shoulders in a.fferent loi*. al 4i»4*e, moiily at the lai ur figure. Plain hatn* arc ai 7071-, and *ng*r cured eanvasseJ do, a, lOjOllc g* 6. BUTTER— Supplies are comparelively ligfct, prtec* are ansettled, and we can report no large »atr* We may quote prime fresh roll, ai UOISc; and common in bblaandk.-g*,at»lolo|e^fi. BUCKWHEAT FLOUH—owing io farther receipt* prieea have given way, and we may quote from firn b*iid» *i BilV|, and from *lore at ltb & 4 BEESWAX— Suppt.e« are limucd. and we may qaolo nominally from iioro, at SSeHP B>- BSOOMS—We have beard of no »ale* from tr«i band*. Wc nonce fair supplies in iiore. with talca In a regular way, al a range of 81,2*3 lo 8 IP d o * a* eoid.Dg to qualuy. BUCKETS A TUBS—With fell tappl-e* from ttere wc continue oar quotation* ai 8 LIS®- 85 for backet* 8s 503S'J doe tor Tub*, a* *n quality CRACKERS —The following l» the maaufarturer list of prices Water Cracker*, per btl *l'™ Butter do •' “ Dyspeptic do • s. PilM&rul. ' ; - Sugar Cracter*. per lb i Boaa do ** • CHEESE—Wc nouee fair receipts daring the wee and considerable qsanuut* are shipping eastward We nonce ralca itnam; up some 6W to Vo«* bx», 6c, OJCOJc tor eotnnton to prime W B. and of ordia ry qualities at ffi£?£|e & 6- CORDAGE— We note bo farther change in price* ltd foita*iar*iB tfc« ■"MiTatlnropg, by coil,»»*r* ■ 1 ‘J* p J do cat, -t* s t WLiis Br>pe, by coll, « te * J .. do cut.-, I— u Tarred Rope, by coil, do cuU »« „ „ Packing \ are, fine, „ do common, ■ • =» BKt> COMrt. Manilla, *J,S?fI£SU*ITS F *!»» <*j » rail lie “ &- n-.a?, ei,wsa-i«.o.oo y in? J, * CO.> • R* " Maailt*. *t —— -I—.Mew. 7S ' v *?* Eyamvf iVirnaye i* rre«'»rlT * l l-lc V COTTON TARNS—We &a*e a fertber imp« nuua w aouce. ana may now pve ihc foJowuig It fOt'vTO T*JW. ... *o | NV W ca pci 1tj— ...••?) I “ M No. S, c:i per lb - 61 ’• “ “ y, u “ s, u ». “to, “U, U Ji| u 16 *• H SI | '• IJ “ l u -ZZ-W | “ M “ POZX9 T*A!«. . ~ NJ 2 mj « .>■•■_.»l No. ;::s| CMpsch*ta. J 2l B»m«*,NoiUl W 1 COTTON HUECTINGS-lVe police > in ' « t i& ulm ol No la\ Eo, add common or NoatJJCk, at 7|c t r*rd. COPPEB—Tbe resalar naDa/adorer’* price for cake and «cgot« i* cwt. gam Co««,*c.-9al C . of ab«» copper are ttf* DRUG 3, MEDICINES* DVT 3TUEF9-W. CoC price, acim iho -edr “• (ollowtin t» « collect li>l 0( price, cl .ome cl He pTioclpoJ article* man ... 15317 Uqoorice root-----’ Wv Aloea,©* - - ...51S 4! •• buil I83s« l«“^Va :::.'.:..4S»iuc Rom iu®l*|Matne«* <-arb B -;r &■?&«! WK- lVS a|; .::’.2SX §*s“ “•::::■ , !{SSfer:::-fflS ■ Trvlmiaii' '■ »»3|‘fi'ruilc : Acid <]g» iCOlSfVlttiol Mine 11£»3 <• Sheirsc -3“ i -Unwoed. bt>l» 03 ? ■p.S‘ e „ nie tw «i®n DRIED FRUIT —Tbe rn' rommi (.award a. ban. mndaraia, bni Her u« baan l c „„ . dacllna in „•». Ton bdUm, l~'™ ~<>,« ba.a dnnllnna (mm •(.■» “> '•* A »P ,CT i a" 11 Irani 81 ’i 13 81,30 (m Paaahaa- F [o!n fim baadn may a. t , FLOUR—OnIf * B&derne boeineu b>i been done in Una, larir.B (bn waalr, and «» baan «nr ,a ...... in prur.a Tbn »»■> b " I rward aaai de.ipriad (or abipmtnl aaal, and in, n.aan ltd "» <»« I" M > a ‘"“' L ”' W =n cornp.r. liacl* bghl, wbleb (aca nolwilb.laodi.i 11, food .Ufa „| w.lar in lb. m<". nan p.avanldd an, malarial da c inn in pricaa (lama >•» “ 1500 h *” b,e ” ““ J, bud., a. r bbl. F,.» ■>»■• ~,a, baaa band 3“ m. «('.»,m <«>., btanda .1 .. * bb, Ha... I ,a.a “a nnaiad .1 bI.IvIOEW * ‘TTaVa.l'a- .8. -url • . fesirjc.»|a? !fIMI-Tb.m..l C >k.i Lera “ 1 ’! , m ,nm. \V« conil»» iA.JU„«o„ .1. r M-l. ««»'«' N- 1. •» » 0.i.N0. (■!>,..< rio-3«in.i»r “f" 1 ni.j be Quucil » %i 930« C. uecordin* u» «4«tl»ty i I'HATHKHH—Nm-ei ol iJinlilT ««* ,ero h * v * I been refslarly el W*. * *>. wluch “ “ | 0 «t»l IniptoY. incut FaUIT-The Jcmana n Uti, wiu. tale* of Baiauia at *3 box. Bale* of Alnu>ad», at lOffffle 9 b; of Ground mil*, at tlX>Ol,'S7 |» boa; of J*eaCin*i ttene, of Filbena. at }0%o; ot Cream nuu, at HUlc* o> knte Curranu, at Uo9|, «nd of En*ii»b Walnat* 1 ! luJSij Oraocta. none, Pif*, UOU: ? t»i Lemon*, M,<*> Cocoa Sau.OSiF t». GSOCEBirS-ln the Grocery mukci a fair ref ulai bntitte*) ku bees doing ei full price*. Stock* of tome of the principal article* tn not beary, but (rno the itgularUy W price*, we may inter ihu wppliea era tbeai the £«maod. The celea of N O Sneer ha' _j T> |>ten eoti&aod to loj of Sto 10 bhda, at ?10< 10 7|o for fl>toprim. Molanea, 39030 s Car pla&taUoa; u 44BOSOe&tB. 11. Bia Coffee ia (Ulionary, and pflctti if *B7 thln fr l*** fim, owing to the locraa «ll HrH| tordlnM In lt« mTOtH «B 4 *0»lk- t„ ■■ Ten *' “■» cnoltiiont ter Bio in |M> mnrtet,.! lDlßiato, «ilb .noli i.ioi Loef Saner m«r bo qnolod u >l, lOOinli ,nd Bite »1510 r «>■ “bet article. andcr tin. heed ..nerelly firm “ P TiE “' FBEIO UTS—The following iro tne Canal rate* from >• point e**x. which urerather uu»euled: Bacon * Butter * lidc * bhl - liac Lecher gSrißiV.V.'.V.'. .* «e SSSIf.-'.V.V-. «*C Pork, utu— mo Druß*fcMe, Ropefc Bag'll* 6** (t,vn Fssiout*— Owing u> ihc n»e, freight* on the ritet have declined, and may n*w he qooied, 10 Cin cinnati, 5f03-i;;; Loainilte. tt.-; and U» Si Louis, 60 if iou to*. GRAIN—'Ve nonce i» marked chatter in the price* of Grain, llecripu ol all kind* have been very light* conmeqcemlY we can lepori no heavy. male*. We have tiinher sale* ol'SUm hum Barley, iu arrive, *l 6»e Ini There 11 a »te*dy deiuand for Wheat and Rye. at ihe mill*, ai 75alev JOj t ha» i* the nominal suotalon, with veiV little effenng ULAe*s—of Window Gla** we i once heavy *up- pliea in the market. Bnrea are gcnnully the *niae quoted last week-may, for Cilf brand.. S by 10. «d, 10 by 12, %\\ 10 by H, and «‘bcr ** le » ln I l ' portion. Country brand* are *o!d at lower pnee. and may quoted at todow* • 3 oy 10 • 1; by 13 10 by 14 [>o i.y )i *• ••• -• J,ui |U »>>• 16 —— Toe above are the ume pnee« Fust uiam—'The following ml*'* - 1 ,l * l of the ».de price. of many of the moil prominent on.eln iUai glass rnonufieiuied oml *old >u lhi» market Plain Tumblers pot -‘or 30c I " S ?’w mouu ■ - r?** lit a* toy,. • ;; £ OoMei* . ~ ... Champaign* •. -iw ’ ’Vine GU'W», ' 6 UI , 1 lemonade*. * ..... t'IUS “ ll pf.» «*« • P do ßr hcavy pillared, per pair. da bear) mi Ante, each G^uo p« p"* r 4 .2: j*s dT' "dn ' '-ut, per pair. «giM« dr-hes. pci J« do do U»vW. per pair £afim Oareau knot-- and pun.. pet do* I,W« I~* Q • doil.Ssalo.oo Shove Mottle'. each HAY—We oete Tegular «aie» of Timothy from wa* on. aiSlfClftfr ton-aeeorJme 10 qualnr . H0 p^S»! t «of tvaiie.rn N. York, I'*'*, ai JCc; lsso, 2nt. and of Bo»tor. ai !?•' & IRON A NAlt.S—For the pnu i*w day# the « meals of Iron and Naili from iti* mirkei have l> We rnb-oin a l<»t of prices of wo« 1 nrticlc. • •Tiai her *• Hound and square c»: Band “ Steel' Vliju— lo 10 20 penny *• 8 io » prnn> <• ( u ‘ | enny u 6 penny. '• « peony >. 3 penny SfixM—Cot. H in ** inch >• Col. 0 106 met. •• CoL It to 7 inch LEATHER —We ntmro . imlu ,»«. lor .11 .rur*. ""dor hood ooToMlo.vniadio. ul o' S'* .orkdo.u 1-OIOc LEAD—There .• a teyiiUr damand martei at 5J lor pir. an-i 5J3 : f o r , w I Lu» fu-1-Tl.t prr.r.,l T.» C . IT" is T 3149 ¥ fool. aecotd.r.r u> «t ;f ' Busn I**- -Sate* « «»-• bT tfc« *«^" d Me * & wfceft cat. Whit* I.ulp- Pm. 1.. a .■ wMiif *> Si “ a N ° 1 I *1«» ¥ h«« . LARD-The .uppltea of Lanl .-onunu- i.rn.ttJ. a „ ~le. moJarmte. at '.\SUc, m t.M* »**' LUMBER—The fallowia* are *» * ralii.g O' the yard* jr» CWwuon i;; ’]*;® I Jo do Punk i»‘ ><' o.> _ i do C\e*t Eoird. c» <>" 'i**?. *jo jo punk. U'M) a.. ££ j Jo dn do oo Fine Jo*«i. (U M' •£ ' " jlseJln/ 0 uS Pine do 00 4 r, atilnele-r**f ’ MALT—Wo tti'w l#ntoi r*«*Ux •»»•»* w * n * S»Wa Vbu a 011.9 l.iurred n «e!linr in • reKBl«f > • winiei tunned LuJ oil. i 0 . %. »ale« of 01 * : glSo|T*bbl. ir.ihmv Pin MCTAIr - NotUinir b». been " f « * Some until lot* H n>v« nnJ Dupont Powder mftT be quoted Ui l«rc qnuf.UHe*■ U.fS.f* by *'"*“• *•*• 8.. C« KCWN SEEDS—Tin •' ■nmolty. *•? ?>, and Elax it 81 iS par tu« SHOT—S»!e» »t 'I- 50 9 l, *« S\LT-t*mlc- ,n a r«ular *.7 at SI & 9 bM. »»u«k ia Use regularly enat. liebed pfiee ailoal «OAH AND CANDLES- SaJe* of roain aoap at * »4ie; of Star Candle* at ttSJVIc, mould tarlow. H«: and common dipped bj 9e 9 IN SPIRITS in Übla at 461*« gall oath—bids oxtra charge SPICES—Tania. fHU<\ CioTea, ?s®*2'o, and IS at not,, at. for No. 1 •».«»» » 9 & RAGS Sale* of good mixee at 31c 9 ft STARCH—SaIe* ai illO'fr, for common to beat TOBACCO- The rnarkti continue. Very farm, with .onto farther .0 the better gualme. of ehew ,nf tobacco Ruuetl A Kohinaona brand .1 now held ,tO»30e; do »»«?*. «* tw.rt.lV; and other fo *d comtao t brand*. at ;»•»o 9 ft- Of leaf tobacco topple* am Biederaie. and made u,> ra»«uy of common qtt aW!e«. Pr.e« may be qsoted .t ftOlOe, accord,,., 10 quality Very Itwle of tbs br»t qoaluy h mtd u> ihi. market TAB —Sale* *t *4,25 9 M-l ’ TALLOW— Happlte. am »mali. and we may quote nominally. a. T|fcf 9 ft. VINEGAR— The mgttiar rntea for food cidet Vine gtr irons »uire. ate bitOdc 9 rail WHISKEY - Hale* of RccitfaoJ at3l®24| Cfctilt !Sftrk«t‘ Au-taiiinr, October 'll Barr**—The effenrn at th* Ben\t» or. Monday, ii tm&il, cad wvtr a l l liken ul C4«)sd # 100 6*, ,Jf unoon to prime retail.a* qaalilie* Aboi.i 900 head were *o!d at l^~ aeh H„„-A ,o,il to Hl*** ll ' B ‘ POUT OK PITTSBURGH. R:v»* —There *nt 4 fret « inch » u channel, duk, lari evrr.iny, and Win e- ARRIVED F««hion. FerhV*. Kbsa!<«y: M.r tis#a. Unei. (leaver. Gordon. Braver Baltic, Bebiirit. I»rmvn«v.lie Atlantic. Fark.n**.. Ilrnwruv.tle Youfh*o*hepv. Hanoi«e. Braver Globe, Braver Jm Netvon, Moore, Wberiui* Reveille, Dale*. Wcdivitls DEPARTED Fashion, Feeble*. Fbrabe'h. j'licHigan. One* Be-axcc. ‘Beaver, Gordon, fleavit Bailie, Bfuien. Hr.«wn»» : .lle Atlantic. Parkuta.'in. Bt' wntckile youKtunybeoy, llanapra Ben»ei Globe. Brnvrr Rereille. Dale*, Well»v.Hr Jaa- Nel*cn. Monrr, Wi,?ci.ii* Milton, Da* l *, Si- I om»- Ciiiderella- lla»lrU. Cin. atnnai Hibernia No. J, Bachelor. Cinc.rmau Khlpper. Rale*. Wbrcliuf. Film No 9, Dnvol. Iloclmfipou, BOATS BRAVING TUl.** DAY BKAVKU—Y*»a|hiofbeni. 4 *. * Z4NFPVILLWKmpre.»,:m* **. CINCINNATI— I'ennaylvania, to • >* Foa c'i• • - Tbe tine pariri »ttnt pennaylvii n«, Capt Gieoulee. w.ll leave av above Ib.-day, a )0 * a , in yucr of ins I’lix Minaii The I’ bai rerenr |y andet(i>nr thotcugli irpaira a-id rrpmnlinf. and > now iu ipiei .1 d order lor the accjratnodallon of tra* U. A. FAHNI WIIOLKBkb Corner of Wood end OFFF.R lor tele, of ihei (ffiio Kurcpe, iL,,ai,, in cum I Acir ,ie A 1 ’ 11 ' . FjnerJ Corn ft l*ow«l. b*• Orw i*o Flower Wewi fUrt) rjka A j*r» 1 (lob • ArmriuA Kr,i Green, in can. FtU no«..W^ “‘* OT d RolttD Slone, m <■■»*» do willow pUrß.lr.lm. I Vk ,l Soap, m I.l* I K‘ ihe«t*r f lu»i«r. Calc. Mern««» f® * oForert* * d ” Perl) do do i « lie Gra. powrt i» l,rl » I Galbmrom d« do r?iie Acid, In »> boitln 1 \ dime Iron. , u * Puir AnlunonitJn do i JVreip, stteodauce. SrajioN on li^narnuKcE—Tbo Ke?. A, W. Black preachod • sermon, l*** Sabb* * ia e Associate Reformed Church, Bayardstawo, ® evils cf intemperance. A very l* 1 ?® aoßk r 0 young men, to whom tbo discourse we# ttOie parti .-ularly adrcMted, were in attendance, an. i e church was crowded. The Rev. gentleman * * drcaa is apokeu of by all who had the pleasure o bearing it, a. a masterly diaconne, and one caU colaied to do a great deal of good. It.'* 1 ® * of a series ot aimilor sermon* to be delivers ring the rvmioff winter by some of our moat a e and eloquent Divicea. Mtvrivi cr tub PrmaoaM Stno»— rTtaiAN—Oud Scuool. —The Synod wa» cal , order at nine oV*.*. and waa opened w.lh p:ayer »y tb.i Moderator. 1 The miuules of the previous meeting were read and adopted. . The report oi the mioutea of the Presbytery B :aver wa* read and adopted. The committee on the minute* of Allegheny Presbytery made a ro[ort, wbict l .after conal JaraMd dtaeUMiou, wsa adopted. wl Tim committee on the minutes of Presbytery y Redstone preserved a report which, after wm# amendments, waa adopted. Tae committee on tho tniautea ot the Prcsbyta ry of Blaira7.Ho otTe-od a report, which.was telert red buck to tbo commute*. The rcporlof Ihtt Uo.rdo! Colporlorsge, w»» rf ferred bat k to the Foard. Tho rosolationt on the subject Cf Temperance, were prcacaied to the Synod, by the Rev. S. C. Jennings, Chairman of a committee ip pointed by tho last :rynod,to report at the present session. U’Arrrfl.*, A* in years past it has pleased Divine i Provider-c to ptouper wise and scriptural ®***' nre*. to stay tbo progress o! intemperance in me ( o*c 01 intoxicating drinks , and. ft'ticr'**. It ha* become laeufont that the e increase* in ptoponioc a* means to prevent it are (ji.rontujUrO. thcMore, , Retolved, l:t. That .I be recommended 10 all the congregations under tho f aro o( this Synu , to « xerl themselves rigorously and perttimßS /, u nh other portion. of ibe umperaom commuuiiy to auppr.r** tbe manufacture, retail, and uac of in loxicaiii * I qtiers lor a Beverage. 2d. To accomplish these objects. Resolved, That it be recommeoded to encoor tce prcsrbicg. lectures by amiable persona, aaac r ated eilort-s tb--' distribution ot books, tracts, ana newspaper. = Urh ..mi'll the ° f drinking st-truuous l.cuora. .. 3J. Resolved, Thai the Synod sritthcatior, re.l a convention has been propoaeo l lob- h#id it. toe city uf P .uabuigb, on tbe V3ih of uexi A'-ww: 1 ". and re-'ornmend the sending o dciegatr. »>• .aid convention rrmattsbyibe Rev. Mcsara. Jobnron,, Campbell,SWift, Jennieg<, aod a largo num ber nf ether geullemen, tne report waa adopted. The exercises were closed with prayer. <.oo . Lit in irimtJ lb. com- lbc noli coosrcjUiOn »> t'mtv, re*pecilullv report. Tbul i>ir pdiH-r irlrrrrdtotbt* looiiDiltee i» a meiioml from Ute **-*oo aod oongresa !i.>u i*t one of itm rtmrchM under the «-»re o» * fal * avuod. »*tn* the d,n«i to «ir* »a «*pns»‘* of opinion 10 record tu Uw' 'ate art ot Itw Congrw- of Z Mui... U.U.HJ .-allrd lb. ►.««!»• 1.... D (ill I.' |x'3l BMIU" » »»** ftr * ,„;, lull <*t>ev I'pon ihe *euersl •nhjeet r.l tnr wliVtn* ol ua- mrn.ihc M-nod i* not directly a*k«d by toe mentorislut-* U-giV* any exprtwen of U» WW». The opinion of 0* Synod on ,h * iu.t veari. t>cen tullv. rltfirly, and rWUttUy de Hared. an« the action of the Synod m the war and m ite mote full aod «*»en*T» re I*4l, whirl, report of IMI vra* bv the Svnod at tts meeting to tbi* Elba of lb. SvSod i. uacbar.fri Tt.4bviai •iill believe*, u* it ba«tbu* explicitly, *° d ”P**‘ edly atfir.*i<‘«l.that the uncanny «< Mn1 „l 3 „«i if,.- utlirniatioobas horn acenmpae vriib nL>i''<'prißie council* ood directions m regard i» ,«fcri.u-»i» duty- Tin* Svm>d,ha* oa throne band, warned the u.-ople under na .-are ou»m>t any un ruhtenii- participation m the evil* ul slavery, and on the omer to torbear harsh eouoaeU and uochar liable reilectum on bretbern who unh *PP^J ,T ® 1 nmonr ..lave- whom they cannot unißed.ately -ct hrTnu: who. at .amMioie. an- really using M »• to bi in? them into ir.inl.mi, a*«oon *meu .V fu-ivi! opened The Synod has j.i.a.iud tMt davvr> is *u evil. a V.rv K.riiU’V, rH.!,ii. »t :u.d moral.and that wher ever .! esi*i*. Ihrrv I-. Buili somewhere- Ihongh it is not admitted I hut in every real* on the individual who i« a slave holder Tile ejuting “„ pl o f sou,rtf. suJ l.w. Of tt. Sul. U»V "»*•’ immediate emancipation impracticable and mcoo s latent alike with the duly of ihemaater andwe f«re and d.-ireol the slave The Synod has iUI i v and rrpeaiedly. m calm and mild, but strong, plain. and decided terms borne ns testimony .tawy •«» «J* ‘™X ,n u - afn .i»« aaamM violent, disorderly, and ill adv • This ground lbs. u.y b., ab.d.nßlv. and salrly stood upon. , Oec .ppag .ms -ure **** the Synod b»* uD.inm.lY and unwaveringly hold, « »< j* competent to the - hole chorch hy its appropriate orgats, to it is competent to tl isbody, lo u* wstd. to admonish, according to the (.cacles oi‘ God. To declare the application ol mmsl princplet, nr..! ofev.ngchctl troth tn mar. io ,il the relation- oriifr.m hla relations to Ood. and to Ms fellow sueu—in hi* eco‘eaiastical, c v.l, ►ocmt, domestic, tnd penonal relations and duties It is the office ol the church and her ministry to do ao If she fulfil not her vocai.oo fa relo, Iteo she 1. unmindful of bur poMioii. hilhkjs. u WUM, , and , -crr.ui lobur dutf. Tb.llhu Cttu.cb b... lb lirous P«bt. "“ dM “7S mru- 1 upon ii, is wnnett upon msny of ibo brifbi. c.i p. .rs Ol bur bisiory, 1. boboovob iboss wbu mbsrll Ibu I'rulttflorisn *“ d P'bfu"» '«* do P' Ibr pribcipl,. ol n r™.b,lun.b tnroslry.UJ cb.r l,b ISO spirit, burl f«lh>» «>” "“I" cr ,6 ”' “ ' Vnt tbe wnrdi ol ibe church » leetiinony, » bo pnrflebly beard, roo.l be clo.rly bneod »“ altered npan proper occe.lon., filnns der writable c.rcuoieiencee, end m « r’.pbl meun tad et !r:l. A uno.tec, precipimw, delei melurv, or ooeaeeooeble deliverance «.v often, «. tbe hietory ol Iho pnnt proven, produetive of more injun Ibeo ben, fib p ln regard ip ibe eclion of out Genet. ?Sld monl, to which ear elleblion In epecl.lly celled, mo Committee would, Ip lulßlmcm of Iheirep. po.mmenl, end la eo.wor to me ren prceennng lie memorial, ed'erl lo tbe fee Ibe/lbn eel ref-Vred 10. end Ibe other 1 eeu wiib which,lbieone bee been eeeocieicdii lie leiielotioo ofthe oooolrf, ere of eery rcccn adoption, ercomphoied with eome degro. offer mtleilon in me nbblio mind, iboi I bolb bo.eon eiituliooelily er.djlbo mor.lny ol poo, ere I,bole tube eome.lly cnnmetedbyllN nod leerocd cieii/ene end dieioee, end beioro lb irlbonel. of Ibe tinniry. he well ** ’’l, oily generally. Thi. in.v be no eafSc enl retKi why the Synod ebnold refo» lo *P'*b ”P"" ‘ h •obiscl, but U indicate* condition# In the . ihinge nol lo be dleregnrded lo any Wien euempl 10 enlighten or Jiverl Ibe mind, of men. While ihtretorey tb» Synod tony not evade i proper riepon.lbllillce, end whilo II mev not, or der lie oircameleocef, hr procllceble In Ibo ft end crowded bnore u r nur eononl rooming, 10 «o into e detailed review, in ile veriooe end mure bcenogs, ol tbe art in quettioa, which many of ibe tnrmhcis bnve hot esrrluily . The Commutes in the meantime tubmlt the Joi tnwifiK preamble And retolmioni: I Vk,>4**. It i« the imperative duty nf all men mod the acknowledged obligation of all Pb”* ll *"* I© honor God, and ohrf the Lord Jeaua Christ, In til thn relations and concern* of life, P°I’,c 1 ’ ,c persona', *nd social, as well a. .celoaiaalical tn ‘ri,f Mr" No nuK itnentH „l iiinnnii govern- Ini* r)hrtli'*n‘<' to winch would require a wrong Irimno-raln.i. or compliance on the part ol Ibe ,-vcu though HU'h enactment inav »u ,|,rm ' nsaiime tn be the law of the land, can bind tin' •Hrnct* of ohriMino men who are olwav*. every 1 wiirrr, and m all nrcirau.tance* to obey Uod olher Unsolved, Thai it is hereby solemnly eniomed on all lh« members of oui church**, wh'|« lunrily for cou«rience’ sake, rendering all duo bon nr to civil envcrnmcnl, as ihc ordinance ot » un.l yielding" due obedience to the civil iu «rj the minister ol God to men lor.good, ye*«>« «° count lo yield compliance with any enarim«Uj<» commands, if such compliance involve anyJ tmnof moral pr.n.M P le,or Christian duty, aud n lox before a participation in the enforcement of a«j •naclmcnf, *o ascertain that such P n^;c^* 10t lues not involve a violation of principle or dui%. iteaoivnd That all our people are hereby etbor ,J m o rer gravers con'.nHally to God for our ru lore, and elflha’t ere in uuiboruy, Ibel rhnT' be 1.1.1 mime in Uie fenr of Ood, thul uoder divino nnd'grn.'ioo. nmdenee, ell public ttOkin of our ronniry mny be condoned In irmb, nsbieoorneee, ‘“neenlvS! 11»1 «>** PtP“ 1« miimien of tbe Synod, end a cony of nbe eonl n the session and eonnrvffM‘oo of Unitf. ivLOEKNON rfyu.NKY MAOMASTfcH, AUUC.IW Chelrmna of Cemmltlee. Tbe Rev. Ur. Meyill tbnugnt ibel tbo preembl and reaolntiooa were rather |iolntlfia. Tbe Rov. Dr. Wilton read a report at • tab itilote for the above. Tbellev. Mr. Quay «Uo read a report uiob atUota for ibe report of tbe ewamttree. ST< ICK fir CO., ft ’OftUOOIBTB Fir*i I [<*., puifbnrxli, :ii ow a |iupotl«uun, ilirrri Tbo Rev. A. S. McMaster thought that «o re* port could be presented which wctxid hirnonixe with the reelings of »U the member* of Iho Synod. Some wish the Fugitive Slave Law positively condemned, some did not wish to express any u „ u, and other* hid not examine ed it with care tufficient to come to aoy con» - oq the aobjJcL The law was certainly (tr one. He thought that there were no, . than fifty per*on* in FlUabotgb and Allegheny in lavor of the law—not one in a ihonaaid! The gentleman proceeded at eomo letghto denounce and comment upon the law. The Rav-Nathaniel Wot quoted the text from Deuteronomy, forbidding the return oi a alave io hi* maater. The Fugitive Slave Law ordered them to tho alave to hi* matter. He also referred to the 10th Mark, where Christ commanded his Apoatie* to go out and preach the Uoepel to every creature. In obedience to this, they preached the Gospel. The Jewiali Sanhedrim forbade went. Here wasa direct conflict between the ecclesiastical aud temporal power, yet whom idid the Apostle* obey ? Thu wja* the very doctrme i which John Knox had preached from Kerwick on ; Tweed, to John O’Groat’s Uou*e, with a thundering voice which made Queen Mary tremhle like an u*- pen leaf. TUi« it was which shook the thirteen ,Dantou«ot'rtwiiXirland, under the ministration of rtbe illustrious Zuingle. We mu>t obqy-God s com minds, m preference to any earthly laws. Ur. W. then, at me request ol tfr. Mag ill. quoted a por tion of the VTuh chapter ol*, and comment ed on it at some length. No fugitive should be re Wraed to b.» master. His conscience urged him to answer the petitioa of the church of Unity, in a moat respectful manner. The law was contrary to the will aodlaw ol God. If hi» voice could reach from pole to pole, he would cry out a*ain*t the Fugitive Slave Law. He never would help to re turn a fugitive alave to hta master, if death should be his portion lor so dome The ltev. Mr \V ovdend offered inOlher »ul.9ti* ] ute for the report. The Kev Mr. MrAboy, confessed that the low wnt Q n odious oae in the* community, but ■till he thoofht there were more than fifty in favor ol ilin nof Pittsburgh and Allegheny. How o unpopular, had it been passed in Coo /era they to lake away all power from nn l Legislature ’ The Fugitive Slave ihe law of the land, and should be obey- , ,1 not wish the subject agitated, in the is of popular feeling. The Rev. Ur. Her, cffrrtJ Ihe IbllowlDg mh. iiute for all the reports: BtsoluJ, Thai the act w amend,'and mpplimen* I 0 ltlt , ,cl entitled "An acl respecting Ingi vea from justice, and perao&i eacapinv from the trvicecf their owieta, it immoral ar d ihcrofore ot binding upon Christiana’' Ho believed the law to bo immoral. H called to obey its provtaiona, ho would .o UlUilu* »>» > r do to- He wcuW prefer ptTio* lie p«»tty- The Rev. Mr. Batkoel moved ib»t til Uio »üb» | tliuuaekould bo **‘ d 0B * ha lab ’®’ parpCJe at tatiof op Mr. More', oubolilute. The R■ ■ Mr. McCiucj woo oorry tbol th,o mtlter had been forced opao o. by Ibo South - - Ho hod been utoderolc a o . l * l ® .object,bat tbe low bed interfered with bi. coooceDco, nbd bo felt colled nu ■ MiniMerV Je.uo Chrlot to „ ; „y, voice ogolo.l it. There or., much feel lay mouilooted. ood jatliy. oa tbr. .abjeel, lb tbe cemmuoity. if they did oot rxpre.. their di.ep prohotiob of tbe Ivor, it would do much iajury to the Preobyierrou Church. Tbe deep rooled loci iogofot lout oiuo huudrod out of every thou., tud woo, toe low oud wo. oubteroiee of the prioc,. r "rorvlliy. He woo io fovor ol Mr. More'i pies amende-*.- , . The Uev. Mr. Todd thought ibt I they ikoald examme'the law carefully. The Attorney Get. erst or the United State* had *i»ted that it coMUtuliooa!, they should therefore Us caution* He had e< -t b«a opposed to • Uvery, but wouid doi tike t j *ce the amendment adopted, over the head*, not ostf ot eminent legal authorities, but of the P««b*temn General Aaaembiy* He-wulf ed to postpone the □ stter altogether. The Hev. Mr. Boshno! vaa of opinion that th l * w „ono ufthe pUioeil question* wh.rh ever had boen broojht betarn an eeetouMilrU trlbonal - He w*abrd to t>«« bi» P ut) “ c w,d ‘o l *® ll many »*w below heavou and tart*, •iace R wee certainly Hataonl end iniquiton* is the nishest degree. T»» R*v. Dr. Iferroa that it would jj. bi< lu pMtpn— thf vrbolo aobjvct iodefi" 'nNis. Tin s r ood d,d nol ’ ho lhoUfW ' * aiet ’ m 5 the Uv,.- He eottkl Ml *»T. ,l w,# itthpiitow tbeogb he was bo irleod of »t»» TtIJ. They aboutd k< how the law op.-r.Jfd beSiro it was condemned. Tbs Rrvcreiid gen tleman concluded by moving that the «üb)etl be indefinite!* postponed. The R-v. l)r Caroptell *a>d th»t e»--a »o > W..hingtoa, .1 tie first o‘u:h c! the question- ! the Prrvl. nt re(u*ed to *:gn the law not;! **“’ | Attorney Gcu-.-rai nod prooiuuucid it coaai.tuiicii *l The question vn not whether »l»veiy was right or wrong. No, it wa» whether freemen of tbs North aftoold become the slave catchers of tho Soatb. The boar of adparamonl b»vmg Arrived, the gentleman wm In'errupted, aod tho • Synod toot A recess antil saven o’clock. Evi?tL*o Somo*.—The 3) nod held no even | ig ,e»iiou !«M night, wbeo the debate on the Fa-1 Hive Sieve B-ll vu concluded. The report prevented by Dr. WiUon, ( vill appear to morrow) waa adopted- Owing to nr. lalcoaaa of the hoor At whtth ihs Synod ad onrned tuoc dir) we ire compelled to defer our report which will appear In our neit camber. BoiTon 3ua*ph«rk No. 26, and Blackwood a magutno for October, have been received at Holmes L ; terary Depot, Third street, opposite the Povt oa:f. Alao, Lonly Powers: or the Regu latora, a romance of Kentoc-kr, founded oo facia, by James Weir, E,q; and Petticoat Government a novtl by Mn. Trollope, author of the Rofege in America.” Mrnws rne Diamond.—Hi* aooor the May or addr*-*red a meeting in the Diamond last night Hi* speech was characterized by bia uaual coarv ness and obscenity. DtATit r.t Jatu—A mao named Jajbcs Noble died in jul yeaieiday rnorniog. He had been im prisoned on a charge of drunkenness, and probably died from the effects of that horrible habit. Mr. N. was at one time a very roapectabhi member of Haecas t'oaroa—'Diacua»oa.—Daniel E Mitch ell aod Thomas McKee, tho two watchmen re rent'y imprisoned by Barker, and remanded to jail on Saturday, by bis Hooor Judge McClure, wero brought before the aaruo Judge, yesterday, tibd discharged, on giving bail. AaatetKD.—Richard Prior, one of the police committee’* night watch,wa* arretted oa itonday night by tome of the Mayor 1 * cflict ira, and dragged Ip the watch house, where be wt* kept all night aod in the morning wit committed to jail- Tns Matoi AtntsTXD.—Barker waa arretted ycaterday on a charge of false impfisooraeul, and held to hail in the turn of two Ihous tnd doll*.**- — James Gray of Fourth Street became his surety. Col. Taovtu.o was arret Iml latt night by May- or Baikur.tod altera abort tmpritoatnaotJdiiichAr. ged. The charge waathe utual one, ioterfer'bce with tbo Mayor’s night watch, who have been Jong diabstd-sd by the Councils. ' P. 3.—Since tbo abovo was written, Cokhtel Trovillo informs us tbat after be was arretted,at id while in the wstck house, Barker drew a pistid from hit pocket, aud yrttmffd it at him, tbrei Jerk ing to kill him. No cJukrgr v>*» Ironsht against the Colonel. ] HutJLias Aaeursa.— Mayor Fleming ivur* talced on Monday where the goods wbic t bad been stolen from Mr. McQalaton’s store on Sun* day night wore hid, and on Moadsy night be, at. t compared by hlaoffiiera, Measrs. Scotl, Adams and See, concealed himself in the carpenter’* ■bop under which the goods bad boon placed. About two o’clock a man nimod Andrew Obion accompanied by William Coaglitoo and Thomas Boagc, made their appearance, and wero abaut carrying off their plunder, when they were art rested and ukea to tbo Mayor’* Office. In the morning they were committed t° prison- Much credit is due to Mayor Flemiog and hi*.officers, who have thus broken up a band of burglars which baa long lofrated Allegheny City. ! hire ißivniion. a. riiiMri Jr., , AgCTitfor the Pena lift Insurance t-fl- of Phdc\’ e \FROE of lbs Western Intarance Company NO. M Water atreet, Pittsburgh. -I, Pamphlet*, with all neceaaary Information, *nd clank forms wll* be famished. . . . Ilaabands ean insure thetr liveW-lbr the benefit of tbetr wises and children; creditors the lives of tbeir I*Th°o whole profits of the Oomfiaity aro divided among the holders of Lift Policies. • ... The dividends of the put two been ebtn, ty per cant, cash year,: Jcji STEAM 30 ATS. Packet* »xri»»n* at and departing firom tkc Port of PUUborgto« pull CINCINNATI. Tue •olendid *teatner PRNNSYLNANIA, flaZu«edy Greenlee, tba*ter, will leave for ihe _sBSsraSnKlwal>»vc aud all intrnuedinto port* (In » uf the Cincinnati) on lh»*day, tt 1 ii»j*i at 10 o’clock, A. M. r~w.«*—w ©Cld . _ B PITTSBURGH A WKLLSVILLE PACKKT. * ‘ •] lie etcainer /a&c*** REVEILLE, / jSm&cS l D R. Kale, matter, will leave Pill*- JgjSSjSH, ur,ti Tu.J.r.rhni'a.y, *nd Win naiaW* Saturday, retottilni?. leave WeilaviUe Wednesday, end Pndty. every Monday, *pnty an board, or to For freight V HEELER, Areiiu OCltf - | " POR WHEELING The- &uc fnal roiinlnfi rleamer . ~xS**n CASHIER. I M'Mitlin, waiter. will Leave for aboy« I a't loterdledlaw. port- on A* day. be 23d iu»l. at 100 ,-10, k. A- M y„, O, “ 3 FOR ZriNKWll.l.F.. ' Tli'» anlendid nearoer (*£**■ fe 1 P EMPRESS, jfiiiaws^ur’iKWtt FOR ST. LOUIS -y^ Tbe ,ir*iner^ |!ir \ i,tvc and cn For ( e.Rht «» Aft POU LOUISVILLE. Tbe iplendid and fast roninttfeieamer John R n-.w\ l inarter,V,lMea»rfo» uh.v.e and nU-int.Tinud.aie poru on thi* ill.y i!w slvl iii't . , . nm CINCINNATI A ST. I.OLIS The staicnlhceM *te«rt< r. fe rORTIMTr Ufeoteaff Miller, nia.. "ill "«» I™ “ L<> !' all mlertaeitiaic landu.f*. oi “ a L FOR ZANESVILLE Tbe rplrnditl new fteamcr , fP*"- fc Jll.lAftKAN, U:,;'>yi|fflB Cant. (inllavlier, will leave iLta da) a. IU o'clock A M. For freight or pai*u«e. apply on board. . oc -‘ FOR CINCINNATI AND ST LOUS j he masnifireut light draught■ *ieno , er CINDKKEI.LA. Capiair. H«'el UgfcAnflSfi *r.:i leave for the above nr.l ah tn.- port* on tin* day 2lst tnst, ' 10 o ,:!nt !■ A M. | W,«,h or «^TOte^* s2 . FOR CINCINNATI. The iplendid ucatticr . - ■ I t'PT IMTT. JR- M.lier, For freight nrpa**nre. apply on hoard orl^ RPJGULAR. WEDNESDAY PACKET CINOIHFI ATI, Captain Joh* Bumiboham. Tim fcjiiendtd boat war hailt by tbe jb owner* «>f the ..issmer l«r.»r Newton. ytefteSlft and others, for the Cmcinnnli and Pavkei trade, and wit l~nve tvetj Wednesday, for Cincinnati, .a place -t. iLe New Fjifiland, No.'A " KFAiU*AR WHEEUNU PACKET. ■ iEffii ISSO Jat 188 P ‘ HLVEIi.LR. RolHtrt It. Major, inaaMtr. wi» leave Pittsoureb every Thursday, and Saturday roannne*. for \Vh«liL,ailfcoV‘oek, A M- Returmn* will leave Wheeling foi Pittslasßb every Monday, Wediie-d.y, ana Friday. at REGULAR DAILY PACKET FOR BEAVER _ Tbe aplendid steamer , YoUOMOGIIENY, L*SaT®SPS Cart Hartupec, will lea»e to» abo»w GBjSKSStta&nU all mlctntcdiaie ianiUags, tvcr? jbs. at 4 o'ciocK, I* M. , For (t*\rut or panes'- apptT 00 board. «Cp7 REGULAR WHF.rUNG* IIUNFI?Mf EAtfßl# . Tc* 'ail niMiins atrarner . WRLLSYILLK, . LW-yfegat Capt. B Y«w«.wili ton v a.JfJP* , jJE£sDsfcg«n^ l .i b«rw-cu PUuboreti, slsct}- in,7tadssr°n. t«i a«n «™ J Mocdar aitcrroon* for Wcli*tV)»*i t'icu il ry k S!' -frPM lfT,J ! cpS>., M -cT?,yTbu.rfi!»r;c r nMrn t .;^4brt ; . tu!«; wbyyi.nE, Miß'tiMK day afifti:«erl. A & . Tim- cimess" pt>mto-w)iT use, eONTiNUKS <» <<-twui ’ALli ARBAHOBfIRItT. Central Hallread open to HaltWariharff jo - * C.ntjl to Jo/inMtrib; —2SO miln Kini Hand In'”* Joh:ulov’U lo TWO DAILY .EXPRESS PACKET BOATS, i;so'U:iv«lv fur P;s-»vi‘C«*i FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. I ,ir.r art, U ht.irt ••FtsJe’-SlO ON w r'i.-r MonJav. t?cpi«i.l-cr- ID 1 , H« dail? "fni-tri Uvrui kava. l**r J.-niinowH, hew nwnrr take -p»rn.l«J i.ew ,-«<« *0 m.U-s direct »> Pn.iadOpUi'n, pawing ftvti Ux actv rc=J»*y.Jy»!‘>a Ri.l Una.!, i.-.h r out ouh?.yasy rc»t unhe ci.iu.iry 1 Lt inrtf !»■*■* d »prrd tv this rovio ciakee ll thoo»v?l deMiat»le»4‘ waa'aaitffmoai coin.'ittCDla die to t, A W p ,, acaii*nuHt wiil'ieave ever)-pormpe KT.o’ | Cl o-Tw PorfagoluldHloil'to par^’/in day Lghl : K or | iept'J oi Ui .1) LI’ECU Jfe CU, (AnUUigLa.. bv »nc fuauiu’.cjwt New V» r *: y^‘f*\*J), i tr^ i ,, dkl»h..W«Ke !du«r B.rlM.tfU cnly OoMm- , awaked '. - r _* n u - * l C k2'»?« Utguriawo Saji™ C«i»»*]UWe}nnjl, I VmKre'c-iat) univmahy srtnowfcdgvd Jo R W Cream ih ii* »■.«* « '^s^^^x^^j^ssssa fc £i'Lf.y alter all •ixtydjllc.rcni *cn ihe WXTRS*— Florida Water, tau da Ttiidelte, M MXt. oiSVI-Sr Wier, tnd t ot <>> ijahela b i!' H 'mwtwMroV inuqgc QU, 'Bandoline, hau Lasude, OJnri£»ci , «■ sbS;!SSvSuS&;! jSsr&z w: BIBWKI.I. * BUOTllfenV^t:oW CTontt ofltf«, <'■-»» *’ FORWARMNG MK.CIIAM®. f^ f SSSSSSS ! iaW *“?• I.INRTO IMIR WaURKN ANI, NBW CaSTL!-. J l ';™, v „; c , r „ r „W, oracle,,>o° n«n.e.e«» »te SBasar-sijwassssnai ;»«» a. ~: ...a* j^,SStWU^ J kfc a 5 sws J fe Pin.b».»h UM..M.00110 lh. Uoilri s ‘““ x , VIEn BAZIN, . - I s»ceee.o, .0 .»4 tonne, * ' U 4 CUcrnot street. Mr. Beelr.'e rettooerr l> tor .Be >',■*" "£ j>™f‘- pal Drnffcm* ,u the coitntfT. _____ iiovif it. only ?ißiuVlUgl»'«4- vi« Mh.wj.-v lir irttrt Cnmheilknd toi Bttnmnr*. and Vfeiiudelpat*. 1 F»ftt to lln.TK«it — l * —** l S2?’ dj Pmuncjnn- > a J** miit; nif.rr.ins bout Übvpb the wl inr(( *»■**• ihe T oV.Ty, «t o’clock prerhsry. ‘ Tune » 6mLi«.'w »o’f!one » PMbuidptte, «*»«•» l““leniM «™tlr»w4«llT,l«tn>i Sam.' ulnn) »ir. o 'rlott PnCToecm by .ecoio? overuns l/oau mil croMthe-wwmnwcßlin | c>ml; ‘ i. ivKSTKRS ISSUBANCK UOSI’ANV OF PITTSBURGH. CiPITAL «00,«00l 1. Fining all **” *V HBt; AND MARINE 4 4 1.1. lo»«s will U uUfislly ad;osw. ur> .m«»’«.M*iu»l.arvh _ . CIIUAT CKNTHAb IlOUTlfit fllU fIOSKEUS UP TUB SBW RJll K 011). Throagb Ib POUH D«jr« TO PHII.AUEI.PHIA AND HAI.TIMOHE. TTTF talc pUß.are in nnuoinic.i'r lo iliC W o “,u.teT»« anil in Four oa '* expeiuuou. .outr »o »h« »o ,'uli ocuunao “ :,r! “* Slnm.l.u.<«nJCn“.n!.» from U.afpM „ ...J .n.palal. ■> »' ! triiUrfilui V ...uiiel u> **«H on B " ~u ATKIN’S 4 ri) . niUl'UlKt*- O ra.NN.-li A ra.. «il»»‘ p„pr.f»,a il'lir W® Ua * fc ” c»p.. »«■> »“” s JAMB. W«D«08. fjSg, O nfß mud ft**" * «ud Selected w.u »»«■» t vbih-I*. Mm>u r P tyir, and ijualuy, in New I oarf Vnf f^ e " c V,ii P hrPirercdoi «■« wwrst f»u*o< Yor« cl . 1 5;“ lice ,, Whakiale and Rrtttl . - piv.e V; ° , P orJ It t-w oe!l:d3rafcwliaS Pin " m ffl FALL FASHION. A , • a T, a - .trie ot ll&t .« now ct-red, and T‘S &.»»-«*- “ SM,nJ £6SaK «v I cot. riftb_fc_W29A^?'-- " . (l». u- EiCO. ,- ** Ctrtt ’ OOOLTEK A* HAOBK. Hnir.l, P Ul»t»argh. P« 00-PARTSKHSHIP. S'" 5 AV «£siUto"3! t' 1 nil»LiO.“«"T unJel m £,«l < .Uo of tt. 8u.0nJ,»...«. DiSomlAlJ«r> n,b " 41 '- ' sclSsW '• lES. LOTS FABMB, & c : TO LET* A STORF. BOOM and DWELLISCj A street, oppoeiw the Kxehanse Hot**- given immediately. 4 CO, 19 Marhrt »t ' TO XiKT* riMlßdmiini looK No. f:S I Weoduid M»rtrtMiMW»B2srae*»Pj«« “7 * iuo*criber. RfirfftSaper “ f ?r lw^SBS“4 FOUREST. riuvo w-ll tniaUd oflicta ia Boil Office BuiUUj**- A Kg? «!l ‘ilfihicd'rooia, 3d rtorr, entrance Mar l^Sr.',JS!T'“iS T-n,uip;«... Averu 1 r-l«“ 'j?' room, gi- fixture*, and hake oren, J4!>TbiiJ it- Jpijjirr at m> Water ureel. ... .“rr. LA.SD FOR HAbR. THE Chartier’s Coil Company will sell ««»« dc'l HU. Ti e Uud will to divided Into quantities to suit P ,J cHa»en. and the terms oi payiai-nt wit 1 he verr eus I-Doulre ol Z W REMINGTON Coil Harbor. Sept t! -sep-l-dlw , Munsger TO LET) AND po?setM«n given intr.rdla'.cly.lheThree j'torr Brick Dwelling House. No C.w LtberiT street, arid on' fts»te Third St AlfcO, . Tl.e BrctmJ and Tbii J Stories of Warehouse No 3 Market str.'et. Enquire of h R C STOCKTON. Bookseller*, aneld 4? Market at. V" aJ.UAiVIF. KCAI. ESTATE ON ht-NNSTRCEI F< iR SALE —A Lui of (irountl eiiomte on Cetwscr. iUy mJ MSthurr .V. 1 ’ 1 "?* Hie hoftfc Lxi now occupied b/ R''l tk 1 k fi oni ol 'ij feet, »ntl in ocpLi 1-0 feel, will bf (hi jiiblcierrae. TilluuiiexcspiioneUlc. Kn quite C. O. LOOMIS, 4»h WooJ "HiLl VOUPHA" ADVSIITISKMKMT. Pr AHJS fc nnOCKWAY. rv:ntmi-«in7i Merchant*, fWran-rio Cuy. Librml t.lvancc* £*',!„ •» buiiu ”' promptiy »»«•“«•» “»• u . w bkoczwit. "‘■'“w.! i rnwrusa J. II ARHISOB BKWBLI., AnoKNT.Y AT LAW, •\HIO «T\TK C•» ) A<-kitowleviric=n»t o, .l'* c;a *i O <7 U , roun!i street, mbave HnuthSrld riU-’AwT MURPHY*. BURCHFIELD HAVIKO . 'aPLEIES ,UI I'.U.tlOm AtlD OTTO iapauTXMt.NTB OF THEIR *>TOEE BOOM, Horlli'Uiit cor. at Fonrtti t Markit »t», WILL RE-OPEN, Or. Monday morning, W.d Srptrmber, Wilh q Larsc Slock oi fltw Goods. R. C. BTOCKTOI, bookseller and stationer No 47 Market #ir*et, corner of Third «. Ha* on hubd. Tor *»le t Wriun*, belter, Tea, nnd Wroppin? Mp«r, J Bonn'** frailer*' Hinder*', and Trunk Boards Book and News P«nrV Vmi line Ink*: be will »el! tube lowest I «eplfl Dk **l’frFß h«» remoaeri to liberty street, below |‘itt »irect. No llvl ar.4 dwelling irr tbr iime bniidinsj «uyll:dC.m_ J. £. DRADV, ATTORNEY' AT LAW, So. 80 Fifth atract. HTTIDCEC.n, r*. • _ CO-PARTS KRSHIP. rpilE'uiu!iT«ifined:hftTe, tHi»dn.y, *» } ®« u ‘ ei l ,ht 2 I stive* under the firm or Phillips, La-i».>«e ot maonfacunna every v«nr»v of • *'• ' joun" HAMIIH. MCLKAfc, Jr. pniu.ipa, BKBT » £Unuf»cinrer* oI evdrv of lat, Prosed, iffld naift FlintHiatt. YTtre ( mlef Tnlhoul iltlar, K «'= U ksi p.-iee. JV tfccrf- ftcioo\2» T»y «uee„ wcur on a,or " " Ptpei&BultiaA* „• *. ( IV T.nnVor> pfe-w. Ijfcc'-* l * L', 9 ,?;, o .' I » M'Clalc Pre*HJW*lOf >l** tJCDtIOt « oromon \ lr. n , ,U." li lfc ”su A ■ sst?~s io mt dlfCCwjflOT bo'uutf fc, 5217515 T lift TOES’ NOTSCS2* ! It-T, «■•«< t ( AOintimlf.ui'ii fccci. frtaif J 1 «:,l ii<*7^i * t «-d ua ibe c«t He ftl tin i VV •jpV-reJ. ill prr*.w t..c!«rU?4 •r ,JLv&»t« j*ai m.-i.t, a>.d «u** CM** lpf-c*rr.'o! ";«c piojx’f'T s#ih«.t ! c«ied,;» «»*•« i «*" l:i ' u ”rnc>\iA* DArif »fP‘U-u.«Msn-.’»ri — , _ r„,cs of I'zcroium o. lows. *«** of any oilier . oruMisuefectory .dio.tirnt'of losses b, , ‘ \' h r General A?em ol ibe Coopany loi the Western (of all differences wnleh nsay «ri»e) mEwlisms on New York, Bah.mure. CnttilesWu, New Orleans, Louis, loiusviO*. Pittsburgh, or rii.e;nn»ii,aitl>er.puono( tbr msujefl. .r-f. r&iaphleu, ictiii.g torth Uio mode end prin •£&BKEm-.rS=« sU™-. *—• «• Hou.tbola Fanuture *anan*. Warr,, .;«• cUftdiw. rc».;«uipa c» «oicd u.etcin, !«• d&ci»(c tif MHK _ Good*, Pro; Dit 9 ond *’V; f,minute. U*e e** l7 dac.', Hobwl.—c *,! n r C bandije or Pn»oi»«l Pro* .•U.-r d-«*‘P*w» rj Si coed .Kutmbwt, pmy, « p»«“ t O, Si eBU* Wdeiii W»»n, or boaio vo lvt3 W*es, or other inland or teiwMf X«ni rtitbe WMtetoeoaßtty,fcg»u>M ;L‘:' t ‘:rI=?IN^UT..»NaPOBTATI0 N . j oood ,c,,el C{ h l * f C cll e « Orltan* and atber Quit i Aoeutan port*, and .Kaxliibor poti*—het'»«en IV other maniiiae portw&ai* tue MXllolh# flu*'«mttaUi|b teplfcdljial I CYRUS BLACK bay stat k shawls. r cß , a nd the? tnll alio be Woolen Shewl* by their ft gSm JoHeltt# texture, and brilliancy of. color*. I^n* from all section#of ibpcnopvn.and Uie 1 «*=• . prompily *uendMl to. Pnrttnseto owl •••JgTlho cssrfssiiai ttgi-■**—»“ ior p» rt . .»■« latest «iylcs and beat uianofaMut* “*'ji■ . Uode ppd Coloetl Silk Snavrij—Lupjn# Colored Thibet She «*' -. vtlh Mlk Vl d ,£™l ShawlE ~Pnri« I‘nnted Cav.iocro *ni T««irl oc««ce Shnvrlv *e. RQpKRT POLLOCK kCO j 9 south second *t, Pwldelplun rpri ''. Dr.'o Extract ofTrUow Doefc and SartmparlUft. &WiSLSS«Bi Chet rj, and the Balsam of Fir, ifcu» m»kin|i|er«mo* dy more thorough!/efficient than “T other ««»iw ria before the public, At. the itmtume:ills I ?erfeet* ly free frora all mineral poisons,which cannot be tala , ol any other of the £*r».spanlla compounds. Tbein ■enUd should beware of pouonel Mercnry, Iron,Qu , nine. Potash, lodine, Sulphur, Arsenic, and maBT othtT mirieraf and, metlUlic poUon* enter mto JM 1 form the active basl* ofmcit of the Baiaapaiiui tM : Panaceas of the efty. fiuysott’t Compound Extract nfYetlotv Dock and Sarrsparilla does not eontatn * l pariiMf of these substances, a» anyone ean eaauy i ascertain by applying the neceseary te*u. - 'll in pouons may ocrjiionally removo disease, eat I they so Ttitute the blood, ami soto'npleloly tmpref nutc the whole system with their baneful efleetainat 1 the Oral cold, or the first attack of dt»ease,prostT»M* the patient's strength, and snbiecti htm or her lo Ut« oi:>»t cxcmibiln* tonnre, end renders aaother ewo olmoal itO|H...ible oral kop.le,.- Lei rll |ml*oo»M Sat«aparilla preporuUV'* alone, and u*e Gayaoue Improved Extract of Tcllow Dock end Sarwpwilla, which is thoroughly efficacious, perfectly hamjeaa, *nd purclv vcgcwMo. i Ail kind# of disease yield* ta iu genial InEuence. scrofula. Cancerous Tumor*, CmanecM EraWon*, r.TiinelM flilcs. Pustules, or Pimples on the Face, cSmcK’ri ErUTruer; Serld Hr.i, u*m rrUrccment or Pain* m the Bonce or Joint*, • ’ j .tuGbotn Ulcers, Fever Sores, flip Disease, Sv-ei'ina of the fiint-Ji, Blotches, SyphUljk Bym£ £ lumbago, Ompsy, iryspcpsia, Wiee, CMj -liver.ese, Salt Uhcuia, Affecticnsof tbo Bdn«J» “ 4 / di : rt-c» arising from an Injudicious “O 0 / "® l ®' rr Milliner's 4ore Throat, Weakneoof the Che**, Poltnonary Affections, and til other*£"«•«“* inr towards Consumption. Litot Inezularuie* .ami Complaints, Sick and Nervous Headache, General Debility, Low Bplnt», LM* s yean •‘faWT Tiic foVo ,«.* i. an extract of a letter dated March v from R.B Perkin*, M. 1)., a highly lespeeta “'s±'l^-'S*4^ < i h i.- r.Ti'lrr . Guyana's Yellow Po« k ami Par'.iparilla freely, «*d health then she h«*ever been bcfeTe ; “} i.Cn or two wittr-ui lsUgu- or paw. A ve*rAgoM# b»ed c.roietM ' l will report the cute J^*SU . V«rrta!*cito»l*.. * «■ tti'ESKlNa •- r-.—rrffij varied eatatorsesTdiMJkse* to winch, rag*> :SisS»t«»trfwh. •lute«« asSenynJi««-T»h<‘horwtf4*ek • ’’'S'MUlotdlr.ulif xaib’ if SsSBS enle oj«v of.p'>eu*^t»aaoula.A.aapqniid will be «oa by »hi* certificate that Uiiti mania* b»a blc tfcrofah-UB •which commenced- cn my limk» .en^* S’.Ud. soon Tcacbftd manin* ««* «nd »-.umdstiK »H cvenay tacc, neck, nod low tr irsn-incr i hc.-.c:i.v*di»sußaßX nbleci «o : lo«k OPOO a! t mes nty ai«wkk.wa* «o treat tsat I w " ilr-i, or he down} aDd the di'cn-os ciunduig lnro my aflJciedmy.WJarinr iSwSass.!! ss ; f s»ta¥Sfr2aSS^SLl|^K ‘.rLX 1 to?* “ „i.n«J Vrttner Ddckand Sn/auparsHaiipeii my eon, who baa cate Erysipelas, with which ho wusallttekeff tn 1 tnd ftvtnl oondiu attended ly soac of oar Kaki evi eiiD*, wao tried tbe,f *kl»t petiMttiߧlyte I«J,SiS"ASS;> Wtatatr «.^rcr ; iro bctoniß reduced u> a-perfect sttletm. newuiw cer* ftoopbiabtp to his knee, which dtscnttmtly oncasive matter. Meffltat ?„ "»rlhinr -Ml. I.a 1 nttinc relief, I procured thre® ootUes of your t ew»w Kck 1 W BimptrfHa. , ‘ and .ewameo-ed Mjari* audio my * stonl "s^ nl l fc *iSfK^ e hehSS2?a he bad used the third boule, *nd.otfore he e,o,rJi.v-orTW.lg^*)2»««tags“ffg: and fimwiaiil »- ! £ >" Q ,lnd u U »ilk tl»«ioT adder Risa' BMttpu ai» Ei. don, M I >«»«i CroMinjtTiite; Abel-TujT«U» u,Towanda; Robertßot, Well*- K,r “utir “V, £W‘* l, 'l' ft ' circul»Uo».«Wo Wgri cnerry w U.c lystem, and mate a Vfiwer « »«“ ;“?» .uccese in nil i» fonc Th«*y will perform a »prrdy and permanent epftf lwocnsln,ititliKtfsUon Flatulency, Oeaeral DrtU«y» find n't tbe Itoin of »ym?tem» Co“‘ mod, called nervous offccLou. . ÜBillACimS Will be imweiiaielj tcUved be ibe "» *OSL““3i, “.“ta co”po«M, »Wb ia wrel, eeseuble..** 1 “ adapted to all age* and eoedmoue. KSnibEH CUJUIViLIS, L. I. July I"*^ »«** Sr *l bave «ed ibe article «< H*MW. OIM. I nave u*c fll lrom oiem. I and hove drnved < BU » v> ihe Fever and AfMj bat beenrubjeei .cr yt*rsp**iv> Umtni , i bare entirely .mcelheiuu.-ducUo.TOf yo« d cih«lb» _ w ,, Inae SOlb, 145#.