The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 23, 1850, Image 1

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published by
white;* co.
». w. wttnv ] {». nutOT.
»irrrjr« rntivisi-k, Tiintb rracrr, next root to
Datlv pa r ■ ——-•— i ■ S7,tK) per annum
Tri-Wtffiy • s >( #) »
Weekly. in fcdrwnr<*t— — •••• 9.UU “
Do. a Club*, bi b reduced rate 4
Otic < pr ie. (lOlin r of Nonpareil or lev*)
Oir ie, each inserttcn -•• ti.t»3
ijc. oi.e wfk 1.-5
!>■> tnrec wreV*.—— • —|,<*j
Do. two raoi-iii* —» ?,uu
O'. tLiee ».0U
!>•<. lour months - ■ . JOJS
Do. twelve month* • ••• 1,., i .. J-. 00
Stindio* Card (6 line* orle**,) per annem- 10,00
Occs!qu«; e,nh&n«cc>:iic at pleasure (per an*
num) tidorive of it.e paper* 95.00
For ouch «r,part, Inserted ovrrone month,
and for r.u.-h edOitiot-.iLl »quarc inserted under the year
ly rate*, half price.
Advcrti'cmeui* exeectlitig a square, and cot over
fifteen line*, to Le chUieeJ *« a situate and a half
Pablishr n nfit accountable for leeaJ advertisements
ecyQpd the amount ct<« rvt.l fur ib.'ir publication.
Anm>u:vui.j candidate* for ?;Uce, to be charged the
same us oiUc. advc-rtiremeivt.*.
Advertisemcnta nm marked on the copy for a speci
fied number e.f insertions, will be continued ull forbid,
and parme.ilcsncicd accord
The privilege, of yearly advertisers will be conhred
rigidly to thefr reader bonne*-, and ail cthsr udrer
ti.cmeuu t.oi pertainii g to their regular banners, as
agreed for, to be paid exir*
Ail advcrtiecmrnts for charitable institution*. fire
tnpanie*, ward, township «n,t otherpul.Uc meetings,
nd such lit c, to be r hatred half price, payable tirictiy
udvnrrr. .
Wair.B) •: r.rticeg tn be charged sfi cents.
Death :.oi>ce» inserted withgat charge. anleaa accent
panied fcy funeral invitation* nr obituary ncuess, and
when io accompanied io he paid for.
Regular Werners, and all otters sending commu
nication-, o- renuirtng notice* de-kced to call atten
tion tr* Fairs. Soiree*. Concerts, or any public enter
tainment!. rrf.i re charges a»c made for admittance—
all notice- of private R.'-soeiationi—every nonce tie
•lpned to c*.i «t<r.ntion to private enterprise* calcula
ted or intended t»> promote individual tnlcrcsl, can on
ly tc inserted with ihc undemanding ihai the same
it to be pan! for. If intended to be m«erteu In the lo
cal column, the same witf be chuged at the rate of
not lers thi.ii lOeeut* per iine. ...
Bishop or n*\ Notice* in be charged triple price.
Tavern License J'eiitions, %2 earb.
Legal and Medical advertisements to be charged at
fcHnner* ' . ' ,
Real Ibiate Afents’ and Auctioneer*’ adverti»e
mc:u» no: to be classed ander yearly me», bat to be
shewed discount of thirty three and one third per eent.
from the an rant of bills.
wxeslt on TW-tvrast-T n» mat rsrnj.
One Square, three ii.««riinn*- • -——-••• -31 50
Do. each additional insertion- •. 37
Ativaansasitnr* m wain rartn.
One Square, (10 lines.) one •nsertion 50 ct».
Do. eachadditional in»criion----C5 “
All transient advertisement* io be paid In advance.
WUITF. L Cl), Gazelle.
L. HARPER. »’o-L
ROiFT M RIDDLE, Journal.
JAUES P BARR £ CO- Chronicle.
FOSTF.B * BROTHER. Dispatch.
JOS. BaIOW BEN. Mercury
JAMES W BTDDLfc, American.
HIRAM KAINE, Evening Tnbuna.
Pmssuaett, Dec. L I'M#
ALDEBMAN, Fifth Ward, Pens itreet, between
O'Uut and \V«lk*t. Ail bL#iiic»« promptly M- -
'•add to. . “»>•& . b J
ATTORNUY AT LAW—Office, on Fottilb meet s'
itCTE Wood __ _ *OIXB
DAVID O TUT'fliKi ss:
ATTORNEY AT L.\W, aod Cccuaiisiaaei tor Lj
Ptnn«ylvaij,a, flu.L~>ui?, Mo.
All»uu*»» jiiotuftly answered.
ortv i-I_t
JAUKd Kklia.
ATTORNKV AT LaW —Oificft on Foonh amt,
liemr-«*n SnmbGcld *.iJ Fiiuliarg-.
•pna-ly _
JOHN U. UAKltia,
ATTORNEY uad Coan«rJl>>r at Law, and Coxnmii
fioner ler the State of Pennsylvania, Sl
110., (late of Piti«ban , h.»
Reference*— Pm»t»aryh: Hon \Y. Forward, Haap
icn A Miller, M’C;tn.llr*<* A McClure, John F Parke,
3U*ell* A Semple, McCord A Kjn*. «ju<i4-ly
Gltugov, Pa. (SmitL'i Ferry Pott Ofice.)
Having perraanentlv Wealed ai thia place, a new
and robaiamial Wharf Cast, we aie prepared to re
ceive and forward prompil* u> all poiouon tlie river,
and Sandy end Beaver or OMo Canal*. D A Co.
Glasgow, JonelV-jcH __
wa. aiaataT-’ ~ronn *. cosoa*i*«.
' w. h. woonwAtn-• nun e*o*Lti.
PoraNeai Market at, Philadelphia. ap4_ j
Pittsburgh Alkali Works.
BENNETT, BERRY fc CO, Mannfartarers of Sods
Aik, Bleaching Powder*, Muriatic an.' Snlptaone
Acidl. warehooie No —, W atet street, below Perry.
Frederick Braun. Oeor«e Relief.
BKAITN fc REITER, Wholesale and Retail Dm*-
mi, comer oi Liberty and St. Clair atrreta, Puw
mrn, Pa. »Pj
CA.' McANULTY fc CO. F»r» ailing and Com"
• million Merchant*, Cana 1 . Uann, Pittsbursh,
Pa. mr;
H. GRANT. Wholesale OrMrf, Co«iiMi«*.o.i and
m Forwarding Merchant. No. II " aver it., ruv*-
bttrgh. .__ ?r 4 _
Ira Her**y-~ **• Andrew Fleming R. K Fleming
mestic."" ooicn, and Cotton Grind*; nl«o, dealemn
all kinds of Tailora'Triratnmpr. No IP Wood at, 4ut
door from Fiftn. Puubcrrh.
Reference —Messrs. " m. A. HiU A Co, Banker*.
—— :
10MM1SS1ON MERCHANTS and Bill Broker*
/ No 111 Second street. Pm*hu»gh._ *ug7
'wv • cnvusH, " iiXM J.
English fc uennctt, (ia« ejuimi, Gaiucher
4. Co.) \Vhcle«alc Groeett, CommiMion and For*
arardioir Merchant*. and dealers in I’rodace and'Pui*-
knnrti ManaXactote*, No 37 Wood benresn -il and
Wax. u. JoHNsTuai,
No_Il« Second »i. t’Hul-orgh. urtl
boikrt w.‘reixr>urK*i c.i'mao»To*t
n. W. PUIRORXTKU «- CO., .
/'IENKKALCOMMJSSION and Forwafin* Met-
IT chant* and Fio*r Do*Jer», No T.t Market * reel,
OK&LD. DDCKitoa too
No. «l Norlh Wuer * No. 1« North W0.r,,.
A. J. Brrasot. f PHIL.ADbI.IJHA
FnWD Hsi.Lt>. S philai’a.
D. C- Mci'iuieo*. /
JA- _ J _ _* B *. f
H' ' lbe, (juccc'sor to Marpuy A Usl »* «Jl Deal
a er a-.J Foranmtio* Merc bant, for the talc of
American Wool™*, Liu.rtr. onpa-Ue Slh si. fcbl? „
A rriuaoT •- r. »o*t>
TfARDV, JONHS A Oa., (neeaa«an to Atwood,
H Jouet A C.i) Caarattaion and PcrwArdine Aler
ahacu, dealers iff PiUabargb Manufactured floods
TUutmrah, 1»«
\v, p, marshall.,
(svrca-Mk to a**tau c. HILL,!
IMPORTF.ft A Dealer in French and American ra
prr ItancincJ and Border*. Window
Board Prlftis, Ac Alto-Wming, Fuming «" ' r ;
pine Paper, No o? Wood sired, between 1-ourUi aireai
ancTDiamond alley, •“*«. l P*.
fetil3 „ _
JOHN ACNfcW, Uic of ibe firm of tt***?! ’ **'
a| new £ to, would respectfully m.oiin the o«a cut
toners and the public generally, that kewl
tinaeta carry on the (ircen uijm Latine.«,lnali h*
varieties and in prepared lo fill all orders £* r **
carief Furniiuts Minerals Porters Viols ka, Ae ?
pertaining 10 hit Ms*ine** Hi-warejionsc i* N-
Market tueel, between Tirit A Scc-ml *»»•_ i>- •
d~MGRUAN, Wholesale Druggist,and deni
er in Dye Stuff*, Points Oils Yarnithe* Its, No
M Wood street, one door bosth of Diamond Alloy
PTitibargh. V--
JASIEdDitrZhiCL. WboleM.e Grocer, Comin'ssot.
Merchant, and dralcrin Produ-e and Pittsburgh
Manufactures. Not» Water rt. PtiHfrurrh. “M.
miAHOictr?, aoreur otuiaf, ii,
ISAIAH imiKKY A Can Wholesale.Grocer*. Com
mission Merchants and daaiert in Produce. Noi. 5C
Water, and lU7 Front sircru. Pittsburgh- i* o * 3
ftiltn s. pilwonti- .. . —. ■ . ■- Joneph Dilwortl
JB. DILWoRTH A CO., Wholesale Grocer*, an
• Agents (or litzatd Powder Co., No. V? Wood •)
Pittsburgh _ _ deff-y
JOHN M. TGWtf&Rfr, Druggist'aid ApottecarT
No. 45 Market tv, three doors abate Third si. Piua
burgh, will 1, vrr constantly on hand a well selected At
■oruneniof’.no best and freshest Medicines which ht
wIH fell on the ftOM reasonable terms. Physicians
•ending, otd-r*, will b« promptly mended to, and sup
plied with Artie let they may rely upon aa genuine.
ITT Phy»iriint Pre»cnpt,oni wui J.e aecsratcly and
ceaily prepared frr.miha bast materials at any tear of
A* aay or night.
Also for tate, a latjt tto«k ol (mb ted good Perfu
@ery_ ... lull
John Woy-i. Rlchnrd I'toyd.
JA R. FUAD. Wholesale Grocer*, Commiaaiati
.Merchants, and Dealers in Piodu e . Round
Church Uu.iJmts froatuu on Liberty, Woo* and
Birth itreei*. ntubprgj. Pa *p4
J"NO a r’AlUilU' * , A<-QI lOC Uia Erie an u
*M i"»hi * ’Ha Ua* - Header aai tbe L»kp»._oo.c r
1 »T «-■««* - *
\ IIITfCiOyGN, A Co.-Saereason b
J i-iia lUirhUf.a A Co , Commission Merchant..
SdAfSw 2/ '•■< SI- IX,n..S.e.i» a,,.,,
* t-u Whole..!.
J &*« <v<»4 mtgJHttn***- __ a*.
j?x«i»s~ a iTW 'tyfß. Wnolesate and <lc»ie
irr-Rar* 1 ’ n, ' tk ISU?* -- -——
=r *>4nKUD, liai* of
tV.L, . , ns r t . s y Commmton Mer*
KS«t. “ PUUbwI. ■»«»*-
■ffi.Mii, <-*M> »>“»• nca ' ’* "l !£*-
Twuuiand Hatting. -
11. o. stocktos*
T ATE Jr.hmuia 4 Stockion, BOOKSELLKR, BTA
f2*rfctt auJ Third nm»»» rUwrtfjlu F* JTwtfu
PlUskargh City Gltii Works.
No Sfi Market street, between First and Second,
PltUbßTCfa. P*
ID“PartießUr attention paid to odd me* A wo,
Doiirri in KUNT tiLASS, VIAL-?, UOTTLK-*. *<=.
w. ccittnnnßaM, •• nereis,
\jr\- tr . _ _ _
VVia. Miller, PhiUd. C. \V. ttkkeuon,
\yf ILI-FR * RJCKETSON. Wnot««*le Onx-er*, and
kVI Duponer* of Hrandici. Wine* and Srp»n,
l‘d and 174, corner of Liberty atnl Irwin »tre«i*. * lttf ‘
r.ur(f», Pa. Iron, Nail*, Cotton Yarn*, tt.if'i C ® B '
ttaatlfon Band. *** _
John M'Gili" ‘ James I>. M'GttL Walter C. Koe
MCGILLS A. ROB, \Vhn!e»tJeGft*er»*M com™*-
eion Merchant*, Mo IW Liberty Su Pittsburgh
B{>4 _
pirrsDUauli 's¥££i.' woWi.‘ r ‘AHD~SPiiiN«
an* josia,
JONES A Q,1710G (
Manufacturers or »rn«* ftnd bl ' ttcr
plMgit neol, nicel ploßfh winjvcoMh ««d obp
•ic hammered iron »xir* t and dealer l " ,a
’cable casting, tire eußiue lnmp*,a:id cr.aeh
generally, cwrer r-fßo.i tr.J 'Kraal .U-, PuuU-rcH.
, r*.
j, 4j 4 'TwrUo** Commliilflu n«rebftutr.
NO 31 OUt Levee »«, N Orleans. keep con«tmdiy on
. the fold
in' brand*. which they offer for sale m »*rnu for J.
DuratiJ A Co, Bordeaux. vir Mtclory, J Fraud, J Da
rand* Co. Larorhelle. J J Puntnd, Coiinac, A JeM >n
lexun, A U Uleville, A de Mondnre, Jean Louu. *c .
Ac: alio, Anchortiin, Bordeaux Red and \\ httt « iae»
in ctsisand c«*e», «eleeied with care by John Durand
A*Coi beMdea Otiarapajpne Wine and flwrei Burgundy
Port febT.lT*
NIIUI.MKS A SON, No id Market»i. second door
• from corner of Fourth, denlei* m Foreian and
Domestic Bills ol Kxchunge, Ceru&cate* of Deposit,
Hank Notts ai.d Specie.
|jy Coloicuons made on all the principal cities
hrorjhnul the United Stale*. _ apl
hUhoertplilc Iditabiiikmtni
OF W.M. SCIIUCHMANN. Thud st, opposite the
Po«t-C'fSee,J'iutl iirgh.—Map-, Landscapes. llill
beads, SUo--tnll.7Ltit el«. Architectural ai.'J Machine
Drawinrs, Business anti Vi-.tir.c C.aiils, kc ,encravcd
nr dra» a on stone, printed in colon. OoUl. Urouie
or Bluet. in the ninti approved styie, *i the most
r«a.**»«'-»Uie prirr.% neilttly
HUN ON, LITTLE* CO.. No 255Libeny meet
I'i.Ki-nrfti Whnipiite Grocer*, Produce and
Merch«iiii>, end Uca:cr* m Pituliursh
3iar uie*. apl7
ROBERT MOORK, Wholesale Grocer, Rectifying
D.sulicr, dealer in Produce, Piuiuutr)) Manufar
tores, an t aii kind? of Fnrciyu and Demesne Wine*
and Liberty itroui. On uai.fl a very
«iock of < old Moiionßohrl i wniskej ,
which will he *o'd low for > «>.b. n.yl
REYNOLDS & SIIEE. Forwarding nod donmii
aion Merchant*, for tnc Ailufrneny River Trade,
Lca)cn in Groceries Produce P.twuurgh, Alaiuifac
tares and Chloride of Lime
The bt?be«t price. In cash. pud at all time* for
conmry rags Come- Penn and Irwin «i« apis
IVOiIKRT D.4LKELL A CoT, Wholesale Gioccrt,
IV Coenni'ston slerchan«; dealer* in I‘rodoen and
Piitibargh Manufactures Liberty street, ihusbcreh,
Pn. apIS
WHOLESALE GROCEn, Produce, Forwarding,
and ConmitF.tion Merchant, anajk.a!er in Pitis
burgh Mußuurtorca, No Liberty street, Pltul'iir^b,
• e amctt-irr ran*, H WQ'.a
SIIAriCI.ETT k WHITE. Wholesale Dealer* in
Foreign and Don.ejur Pry Uoodt, Ro. Vi Wood
•treet Pliibuuh. apl?
S& W HAUHAfUH, Wool Merchant!, Peeler*
tn Flour and Produce generally, *p»l l"
and Comnutiion MctcLauio, 115 Pu»; »Lrn-t end
110 Seco-d street Pitubutgh. »pl“
SELLfciKrt II NICOLA, Produce uid General Com
nuisino Merchant*. No. i? Liberty meet, Pitu
|b. Bperto, Liotrrct and Lard Oils. «p|7
F VON BONNHOKST & CO, WholesaleCro
_ , cert. ForwanJir.s and Com(ai«aion Merchant*.
Dealer* in Phutarrn Haiin'aciurt* and Western
Produce, have removed to I'leu new warehouse, (oiJ
iand,) No. D>», corner p< Front *ireet and Chancery
,ane *pl7
E;st aids Diamond, Pittsburgh. - apis
r.nmml ctl
Product end Comrjws'ton Idr'charAs,
And dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactured Article*,
So*. 130 and 139 8«coml
Between Wood A Sunlhfiel.i, Piusbu'r b augl
jotta w*tt! I'ous wtuta
WHOLESALE Grocer*, Comtairsion*.
and ••**irr< in Produce and Piti*bur*e Manu
facture*. act Liberty ft, Pittsburgh, Pu. seplti
FLOUR*— Tu hrl* choice Kamil}.
•_M) brls Superfine;
6Z hrl* Hnr, arming. and for *tte by
BAIRD * ibvis
WOULD io/arm tbe public, Uter bare taken tbe
warebeate foneerlr occupied by ibe istr Mr
"alonua Seboyer, 114 Second atri.-ci lUvtn* a lar«-
i>d eoiamodioai warehoanr, they would write tl.e
-tieDUon of perron* havtr.e Hood* to rnr.«i£Ti or More.
They will afro (tiwp auem.oa to tte pur: hate and tain
of Note*. Draft*. Bead*. Ac aogT
L-S. Waterman R NWaterman •\VU. V\ merman
WHOLESALE GROCERY, Connni»»ion and For*
wari ! Merchant*; dralers in all kind* of Pro
doee A I*m*!■ 6 r^li Mar.uiunured Articles. anJ Arenti
fer *air. oi tt.iDiCund aoi liMchbutg Manufactured
foliec.* n.rl_
WM It,'lot.lN
TTTILL alto attend to collections and all ether btai
~y\ pea* entrusted u> h:m in Butler and Anutronf
counties. Fa. Refer to
j a R Hard, Liberty «L)
W. W. Wallace, do 1
James Marshall do j PitUbtrjh.
HIT Kav A Co., Wood at. _ ) i ao?
Canui llasm, Penn street, Piuibnrrh jarC
No. tl7 Market, and M Commerce »L, Philadelphia
Advances made, by either of the above, ou consig n
oeuts of Produce to either _ mr V
J D ’Williams• • —-John Haft.
Forwordiug and Oomam-lon Merchants, and
dealers in Cou- try Produce and Pittsburgh Manufac
tutes, corner of Wood and Ftftn street*, Filial, urgh.
Wn. 11. Williams if*. Mctay
Ncub E*»t comer of Wood and Third street*,
j nnl J*rTT»acanß._FA : _
v«. bxsalkt, ronff • cescaXra,
tv. it. woidwiib, a.trii a*o*t.rT.
WM BaciAi.KY A CO , Wholesale Grocers, 15
nno so Wood nrec .
rjSiTw 9. wiev ‘ dsv'tb ■•c*»tuc»s
WICK A M'OANDLKSS, (eneecssors to L A J. U.
\V,-» I Wt,nls«el3 Grocers, Forwarding »nd
C.Mnmi.Mon Men-bai.u: dealer* in iron. Nail*. Glass,
Cotinn Yarns, and«i.ii«gft M .noftetorrs penera.-
ly, corner of Wood ar.d Water streets, PitUburgh.^
WA M. Mi fCHKLTREK,' Whoiesairt roeeri,
, Reftifymg Distillers, and Wine and Liquor
Merchants. Ai»o—lmporters of Soda A«haud Rirarh
ii,e powder. No. H») Liberty street, (opposite S>xtn
•i reel.) Pittsburgh. B P l '
*■/ W WILSON, W.irhc, Jewelry,Silver Ware
VV a and Military Goods, corner of Market and
Founh street*. Pittsburgh. Fa. N. B -Watches and
Clocks carefully repaired. 1 *
wm toes*. iuuh b a'erna.
WM YsiUNC A Co., Denier* in Leather, Hidea,
Ac.. H I Liberty street jnr.frly..
'wjr”'Ji:«tc l iei. ; « aotr sc'cc-rcuzon.
WA K .McCUTCHrON, Wholesale Grocers.
. dealer* in Produce. Iron. Nails, Glass, nnd
Piti'hjrcn Manufacture generally, Liberty street.
Pitfhaigh. _ i anl7
HAVE takun Wf,l. CARR into partnership with
me in my business, wfiieh will from this date be
srried on under the name of "John Parker A Go.'
March Ist, J*io. JOHN PARKER.
John Parker William Can.
Wholesale Grocers, Dealers in Produce* Foreign
IFtne-s, lAtpwrs, Old blonongahtla
cstd Hret'f-t*l Whiskey.
No 5, Commercial Row, Liberty street,
mrOO Pittsburgh, P
wsTUiMaw e»L*ia. roMioa Hsuru. was. K. H*s
(Successors to Hussey. Henna A Co.)
-|5 in Foreign and Domestic Kiehuuge, Ccrtiucatcs
•f Dcpoitte, Bank Notes, and Specir—North wc«i
corner of Wood and Third streets. Current money
received on depo«ite.—Might Checks for sale, ami
colleruon* made on nearly all the principal points
the United Plates. _ . . , .
The bigbesl pfetalam paid for rorei jn and Amariean
made on consignments of Produce, ship
ped East, on liberal term* .
Ho 'ifif. Dihenv street, n>ove Wood,
Hava always on ta id a taire ■ssortmunl of fn.oic3
Groceries and Fine Tea*i also, Fortien Fruits and
Nuts, Wholesale and Retail. Dealei* supplied un the
ln»»,i terras warl
IVI Vials, Bottles, and F)a«L«, Porter, Hcotch Ale,
Mineral Water, Patent Mbdictne, and Wine Bottles
ot every description, also, DOW GLASS.
Keeps cons amly on hand a general assortment of
the aao.e article.. AlJtO bTATE, aa the other Green
Glass Pat-tones are jja vrprrsii, e* is the custom in
summer, Tnts FtcTt/W tr How ut Fthh orcasnon, and
will uosiuise in operation both summer and winter.
<rr<j*r. t«ipenf u i,y .oh.-ned. and will he tilled OB the
•aortffi nouc*
No 11 1 tVcnnd meet, between Wood
oad hnlibhcl si*. )T'J9.dly
S. CO-PAUTBitUS'lltfr.'
r™ t rfHh3a£ n®' 1 l brtn»el»e» together, under the
Barnea. f« r the transacUon of U;e
Commission b«-i-
S '“" J ,u "‘’ b «™» w “*
pituhurgh, Auguii L lP£c —augt
TIIE hjjhm m«,kn pne, 1„ c.b ,[u b, pju Ip,
the dlfferact grafles of Wool, by
tSLU£ YITRiOL-aLO) ibs fotTCTt,
TUIJ4 magnificent establishment being now com
plied and Trudy Tor buslne**, the proprietor would
rcmwctfally xolicil * share of the public |>atr..nave
Hr wu»t« by r> V(n *r !*'■ u -' attention to the banner*,
to nuiit the >ioor><* a plea**nt and comfortable rc«urt
for tlie eiujcn* of Pittsburgh and lor the country
CJood ati-ndam* wi'l in waiting, and every ei
eruon made to render the establishment worthy the
enuntr nance nnd «u|'po-t of an intelligent eooitnur.ttv.
The TWO SPAPIOI : t* HAULS, fitted fur Parties.
Concert*. I.rctutr*, Dali*, and public Circling*, will
br Irt I'j liir evening or week, on a* liberal term* n*
artr other in the rilr
The BAR and RESTAURANT, equal in style and
beauty to any in'the world, will be kept furnished
with Pore W,ne*,i Choirf Liquors, Cordtnl*, Poiw»,
Ale*, ami all the esol, light, refreshment* of the season.
Poultry, Game, Fi-h, soup, Oysters, and t'nnu*,
•ervrd up In the he«t style.
■ Cliru U«> 111 lUU .>V". r.,.^.
The DINING ami H’R CREAM SALOON, being on
the first floor, un.l en-iv of acne**, will be constantly
aupplietl with all the Luxuries and Delicacies of the
•exon; aml 01-TJ, with *ueh aut>«tablia>4 a* the market*
afford .
Hoarding bv the day, weak, or vear Dinner* or
Supt<*n> for individual* or panic*, famished on thori
nonce '
Gentlemen with their familie*. vi«iiinr tha city can,
be supplied with refreshment* ol all kinds at any hour
of tr.c i»*v
Ik od Sub mg ami an extensive Livery E*tabli*h
mcm i* connected with the Hall
Dinner at I o'clock Breakfast uint Tea at the u*ual
Entrance for (.*.lt<-« io the lee ('ream and Dming
Saloon, No 67 SuiiUifisld »tre*r.
a- wamveLT, n.]
11 keep eoitftamly on hand or make to order the
beat Article in ttmir rme. nt their old -’and. No 13 S-.
Clr,r*trrer, aUo. at No.Si Market meet, reeond «t'T>,
enitan.m tl.e llmnicmd. Vctnlian Shutter? mode to
order, and „ld nUnd* nentiv repaired i plO
\V,« J.Gt.I£NK, Hook Blntlar*.
WE are still etupted in the above liasinc'*. comer
cl Worn! and streets, Pittsburgh, '/here
we are prepared to do any work m oar Jute wall des
patch. IVr attend to our work personally, and latis
taction wit. We given in regard to it* r.catne*! ar.d du
rability Dock* ruled to any pr.ttent and bound ȟb
*tanti»! y Boots in number* or old book* bound care
fc!r7 or rc[ atrvj. Nr.nic-. put on books in gth teller*.
Those -hat l,ivew-,ik in oar line arc cail.
Penn Claobliae obop.
HWIGTITMAN —Mantfactuter of all ktnd* of col
, ton and woollen machinery. Allegheny city, Pa
The above work* being now :n fall and suecessfal se
rration. I urn prvpawd to n-aatc otitrs with dirpatm
for all kinds of machinery m a T bnr, iaeh a* willows,
pickers, spreaders, caid-t, pai tng ruatijnr*. railweya,
drawing frames, speeder-, Uuo*«:ls. loom*, wiio.en
Card*, double or single, for merchantor country w-ort,
Biulc*, jack*, fce ; «ln!e and hand l nines nno tool* in f cti*
craL All ktitJ-of sliafiing modeto order -r rnan* «.v
-en for gearing fnetone* or* at reasonable ehtffc.
Bugga to—Kennedy, triiiids A Co . R’aek*toek. Bell
A Pn King. Pennoek A I'-a .Ja< a ti-v*
H u Er: N $ \V A K E M A N U KA CT UKE K S,
Blrmlißham.[a«sr piuiburffb,|Pa<
OfTrs, /Sj. .37 It’j; ' t:,' brtvrm Mansi and
Wood, Patffni rgk.
W ILL eocstantly k eep oa hand a good ti 'erf
ul Wart; of our own stanufac>urc and
aaperiorqaal.ty Wholesale .utd roui.trj Mar
wm chaut* are Te.peetfaHy invited io call and ci
«m.n# far theruaeive*. a* we art deternuned to Bell
ehtapar than ha« ev*t bafor* baen offered to tha puu-
Jera aant by raail.aeeocipanied by the e»«h or
uod raierene.-. will be promptly attended m n.:t
MA. WHITE k CO, would rcapectfally infonn
. the puoho U/nl they have erected a »lu-f on
Lacoek, i.ctwer n Federal aj-d Sando'ky itrret*. 1 ucy
are how taakir-e and arc prepared to teoctve order lor
every dcecnpuun,*»f vctu.n*. Cu»* :.e%. CUur.ot I *. Ifa
touche*, Duggie*. I'lxu-uu.', Ac.. Ac. b non* ,hc*r
long experience til the roepjfu. turr of l!i<- -bovr «ei*.
aud ihe iac-'.iiei’.Lev t. :, unfid> nt tin > »ra
iii»>c wa.stntg arurlcj> in then utio.
Eafthg aitrnuon U' tse selreuon of a.ate*
rial*, and having none t*»:t empet. i.t they
have ca he*itariep in wur,..imi.T the.r work »> e
■dserefiirre-'-k the nttrnUmi uf the public to thu mtuer.
N » Mcpair.og done in ih* he.', inum.e/ and on U;«
cci.-t rcu»/»ri*nl< term.- jaiv .1
BtiAlPi:* ATKlliliOh,
ftamr., hcwid **•’ U*het, Prni»rm«H,
CVJNTIM K. »4i uianaU. iuu HI twuli of LwPI’LK.
;TINAN«SIIi:v;iIH».NWAKK Alio, Ou.-I
•Mith \V«I.
Slcam »:oaU L-mlt u» orJ.r
Sjx-cial att.ui.oa eiveu u> • team 1 .>aiifl
Have on* * fine *»».irufcf m <■: tnpp.-i *«■!
Kettle*, T.n Ware, Jtc Ac. SieainU.ait^tjnr:
Tortalne For?c*. 'ranou« <-*ie • - a »■•<* convcutcut »i •
Uclc lot meuiaboata, Cahiottua Ciaijri»t»t») Of (mi iobj
LOtflPKlliC*. .
\Ve wo»U respectfully u>*ite »»c*ia boat mao
oiteri to ciil i»fl ace oar antcla* and prtca* bf'of#
purchase.* cl *ewbere '•*'
Wrought sad Cut iroa Utiliag.
THE sabrenbefs bee leave to tnfanu the pubu/ iOa‘
U,rv have (.htained front the Ka*-t a'l the late i*:id
fa,hu>u»blr di-.ig'.. for Iron Railing. U.ih inr h.-v«r»
ana eemrtenc* Person* wi.hiag m procure
tome psitern. will ptea»e ceil anU rsaitune. and judgs
for lt.« iiiAcive. Ksiiing will be Jat ihr snort*
e.t notice, sod in the bet manner, st the corner «t
Craig and Rebecca streets, Alinghmy city.
augt£*-Jtf A LAMONT A KNOX
BFGS leave to iT.n.rtn bit fneiiJ* and customer* ids
ai.wViyir.uJ «No.fa... v a-i...e,. .. 'iiiey Ve.u.
nt *ihe stoca. lb- prnpr.ctoi nope', ail who are m wai.i
Oi gooJ.tDeap. faslnorubie. .n-l veil mads nciiies,
will give turn a call, us mere is no sioek ih,s sole ol
the Alitgbeme* mat can eotrpare w»th a.
The ready made department is very cileuuve, adafi
ted to all taste*
Rail roa.t contractors, country merchant*, and ail
wbo purr base large! v. are particularly invited tu ek
amine the stock be.lore, a. pantcnlar al
leuuon is paid to the «/a«itkvle business m ilu» e-lab*
liPbment ,
Every article in the tailoring line made to older in
the most faamonabie anJ best manner, ut the abortrst
nnt.eo b»^«
THE partnership heretofore eli«tlng under the tra
of A A r BRADLEY i* di««lvr»i by the riec-aie
or Mr. C Bradley. Hie business will be earned o\ by
A Bradley, who will settle the bu*uie»« ©< me laie
I RKMOVAL--A RaxOUBT has removed hi* Pout.dry
Warehouse front No Itv Sreond street, to No 111 cv.d
street, between Fif*t and Heeond streets to th- »sre.'
bouse lately occupied by G A Berry, where he will
keep cormantl j on hand ugennui assorimenu.l < sn
mgs. Grates, Htov*:*, Cookn.g Moves. Ar ;> t •
and Nt* * American Blister bteel AKo— le«t
Cast Rteet Files, of all ior\ and Ulaek.muti ami r hrir.
Rasp*, ulwmi son bund and for **le. cube rat bis La*
gle Stieel Wf-Tk'." «lrr.r t. I'ifth Ward. ij.liir
©•See in the Iron Store of BOI.LMANS A GAKRI
SON, No 4. t 0.,: of Wood »;rt:c'., Pittsburgh,
■We, the un lerslsrneii, having u*ed, with entire sat
isfaeuon. ibe i'a*t Sice! > .:1 Fde, made by Samuel
McKelvy. *t hi* l>*le Steel Wort «, in ihl* c-ity. ia*v
plearure In rerommen-lii.r th-m as rtjuul in quahif 10
any ever ttred by t*r foreign manufacture
Piusiiuiuh. Murrti I’l. ibSu.
Manutaetbrers of Iron and No,i«. Pulsbarrh, Ft.
Iron Ffinnders and M*ei.mi''«, Pitt«bnri;ti. I s
Maacfacturert ofSprtri;*. A lie*. Spring Steel ned
R.vei*. Pimhitryh. F»
Engine RuiMeru and M»fh*r.e Fard Maiidtauu
ren Pituburrh. i a
Br*»« Founder Pittsburgh. Pa.
♦ , H A FF. I.INIH A Y i CO,
Macofteturers of Irm •>'"! Naii». I*u”bur*b P*
Loec.m.ittve Engine andsh.p Builder. E*itt*hurgh, Pa.
Marlde Manufarmrer, Marhtnu and F.ngmc Ruild
mrW «'• P"‘«buryh. Pa.
Uliiolutlbß of Ptrtnsruhlp.
THE Partner-hip heretotore « listing between the
Mitsenbeia, undei the Kira of Chambers, Agncw
A Co Gls»* Manufacturer*, was dt*»ulved by rnulubl
consent, on the fir>: flat of Jaly. mstant. All persons
bbowing Utemrelver n.drMedm .a.d hrm are reque»t
cd to make puyn-u» to nth. r of ihe parties, without
.•clay, and alt person, having utucltle.i aerouttis with
..,,,1 f. rm arc invited to prerent them for *eu.erneiu
il Sic* At jfxANllß* CHAMBESSi
Jtyil.N AG NEW.
jy-nddni D. H CHAMIIbRS
milE owner* ami consignee, of pond* arriving by
I the -Cauens’ Porusbie Boat f.u.e,” will mea*«
take notice that they will be required m pay freight
at our warehouse, according to the rreeipi, betoic
‘i, ZZ: « * MeANf'LTV X I O
jyl -
YVaahluH, ***<» Clo«uuI«s
D»««<TioM Put the rlotue* into cold water and let
them soak over mgut in me morning wr.tigmt m
out and cut them urn a kett e cl bt.-nng wa.rt n
winch add ibe proportion of one pm. *>( numioetgm
rations Ol ante - .... it up and boil .he whole t «nf
inmuies The rioltie. may then tie wrung out and
well r,n*ed ,n ch ar coid wmer. The pan* ol rni
mrnKtnai maybe «oo«i aoiletl, *uch a* wrtsii.uu *
and collar, of .hm-.inv I- *tigt.tly rubbed hrlore
rm.inv. an I the rlotnes will Dr Jouiid petlecny Heu.i,
Wnrnii.ted wt to injure tne Lnett fshrlc and to give
penort aausfactioii, or the money wtU Jt;e
wholesale and retail by R N nr.LLLKS
septu Wooil »' .
Clsvtltnd, Warrsu wad PUUburgh
Tsla|(raph Company,
IN pursuaacc of a re.i.lunon of the Board of Direc
tor* of the Cleveland, Warroo and Pittsburgh
Telegraph Compan v. requesting Uio Secretary to niaae
out and cause ui he published in the newspaper* along
the hue, rui exhibit of the Luanda! and otber aff-nrs of
this company. 1 submit the following Report: -
The line of Tele graph commences at Cleveland and
terminates *t Pittsburgh, passing through Chagrin
Falla, Franklin. Newton Falls, Warren, Youngstown,
and Lowell, tn the State of ohm. and New t a*«le ami
Rochester, in ibe State of Pennsylvania, at wln.h
point, there are offices lucaiod n.r the receipt and
iiaiismisiion of boeiiicsa
The Whole length nf the ime «* HU muc*—( a;<tial
Flock, •»"* pof mße, making * toiai capital sox s ot
til .7*ui, Qi'iviiion amount slo.-.tia i« held bycumsus
ttlontme. line, and the balance ». held i-yCnpadik
Speed, the conuoftors Hie above amount of sab
•cftpuona by citizen*, have been paid ui *
Speed, for wuicb the Trustee* have their receipt,
jelk dif JEFKKBfMGN BALM. *>r-smr^
100,000 feel Deck PUoki
100.000 feel CoeJ Boti Biding. Forulebjr
ROBKBT Medium ,
Attorney *i Law, Feutth «t
State SulQai Pin Inmtanec coHpvny,
THK.irrlibtral p.i.on.j. .limit*
puny. having issued politic* to the amount «f n * a *
Of,r t-d a Half Million of Dollars, tanne! the Iwt
ibtre month*, is tfteient manifestation. olUhc ecu*
maiion ■ d confidante of the pablie in the system Of
uanafi'tutnt on which it* butluess i« contacted
t o ntv or country merchant*,and ournersof dwell*
in*., and i-olviol or eoun'ry property, it wbeitevea
Hu* comoany afford* advantages in point of cheap*
lie**, safety, aad security, inferior to noTttsaranre
Company in this country. . 1
Conducted on the equitable and greatly Unproved
system of ClairifiettiijD of Kivks, excluding *J« ipeel»l
tiazvrds, insuring only a limited amount la any one
locality, precluding ibe frequency and occurrence
of lurtc fires, ard also an both the Stock and Mutual
plan, jt not onlv possesses ibe cheapne** and accom
modation of both methods, bat entitle* the ufgurta to
b participation m the profit*
It i* under the control of the following Directors:—
John P. Rutherford. A. i. Gil Uri, John B. Packer,
Souiu. l T. Jnnci, Alonzo A. Carrier, Philo C Sooff*
wick, Robert Klotr J P RUTHF.RFORD,Pra*n
A J (IILLETT, Sec'y.
A A Cabb:bb, Actuary
Btanch Office for Weium Pennsylvania, H Smith*
held street, Pittsburgh. Pe-son* desiring ln«Utunco
will be furnished with nook* of the company by call
ing at the office. oe3
Anoolattd Flramcn’a Ibiumci Como
pa ay of tbe City afPlUlhurgh.
CAPITAL $300,000.
HpH F Company i* now prepared to ln«ate *falnw
1 I lUK and MARINE RISKS of all kind*.
OjfitY. HtcortJ Oioty, Will-in*Halt.
J K Moonhead. Rody Patterson, Wot- A. Iliil,
R. II Hanley, R. B. Simpson, Joshua Rhodes, Wo.
M I'dgnr, Edward Greg*. A. P. Anshnti, Wm. Col
tire wood. B. C. fiawver, Cha*. Kent, Wm Gorman.
Lira aad Iltalth laiarant*.
It Hi: Mutual Life tud llca:th (muranee Company
of Philadelphia, ItrcoiporaUrd bv the Leglalature
Ot Pennsylvania, Alur.-h, IM>» Cuartcr perpetual.
vanu Comtaj’T, and full ‘JO per rent, lower than the
urual rnlr* of Life Inrorance, a* the following com
panion will >ho\*: Thu*, a person of the age of 30 in
suring ior JUKI for life, must pay in ilie Girard H,3A—
Prr.ti*ylvamn. fc» ">S, Pcnu Mutual. Equitable,
g'i.tH, New England. New 's ork Lile, Al
bion. Lit and Health, Pnilcdclpnia.flL'JL
—ItiKSLTos* —Sooucl 1) Ornct, Charles D. Hall, W.
P 1 leone. Robert P Klne. Charles P. Hayes, Iff. W.
Baldwin, M. 51. Reeve. M. U., Cbu- O- B Campbell,
Cooner, I. Rrtuman Birker, E. 11. Bailer. U?i&
R. Cope, President—Samuel D. Grrick; Vice Preai
dent—aobt. I’ King; Pecrrtarr—Francis Blackburue.
Applications will bo ri.drived, and every Lnioroation
given by dAML. FAHNESTOCK, Agt,
Office, Commercial Booms, comer of
osiffT dly Wood and Third Its. Pittsburgh
riA||H INSURANCE CO. ot North America will
X moke permanent tod limited Insurance on pro
perty in ibis city *nd vicinity, gedon shipment* Ly
Canal. River*, Luke*, and by Bca. Th* properties of
thi< Company are well invested, and fanush an trail*
able fuiul for the ample Indemnity of all persots who
desire io be rrotrc'.*d by insurance.
myl- WM. P JON KS, Agent, 44 Wstti It
firs aad Blarlna Iniuraaet.
TUP. OFFICE or the Insurance Company of Sorth
America, kas been removed to No. 141 Fro*! st
earl of Wood.
The subscriber, Qgect for it? gbere old and respau*
sil.le Company, wi:i U«ue Policu* CO Boildiap and
tboir ionirnt*. and rn thtpaenu of nerchtudiJ* hy
iLewD llo*i» and other ve»«cl».
81 odcrd aou Auilqiu yorolifiie*
S 3 Ttttxs St., Pitt*»c«ou.
Resae«.if3Uy informs
Prf*BWBA pablie thsi lit Ca* goro*^^S^
pl.*iej bl* spring sloab t/VHP
FUKNITUBT. the Urrc*t and mosivsrirduaortaeal
ever ofleieU fur sale in this city, compiling WTcrtJ
setts of Rosewood, Misaasst, and Oiisn WaUivz,
caived. ornsinei.tal and plain, *bitable for Parlors,
Hraw.tig and Red Room*, all oi which will La Mid at
tbu !owe«i price*
rervon* itr..nng I'anuture of any description, art
•pc tiuliy invited io call anJetaimuu hisvioek, which, dcscripuun. no in the cheapest and
pimuci to tb/- uiairiosii; jn4 conty, ot srhah the
linij-r. vr.gtompitAe* a pan •
Tci! »T. tc : : ofat. fete * Tel: .
tVivertanoii fa*.r*; lJi.**Ktbi*n t'nairs; . 1 do laiuitLlV do
t-.u*ra‘iun d*. Ralfei Fuique;
it ha. Not*, ’l uil< i I'ables;
L..u.» \IV I’omtr.adore, I’ukc *i \ ork « f'^och;
OO ‘'uf-.* tViIL Plusb sad Hair cloth euros;
So llivanv. Ou tit* do;
4u J... Mi.r.ogatv Far'd naairt.
IU - R.i<cuwl do J
IS •• W t W a,uni Jo do.
4u " Cane Fuat do.
4 - hiaiur*t.y Roek.n; do,
*} *• do P.auo StnoU;
Ml .Marble Top Ccnue Tahirs
111 d.i do Vs ash tiiaads,
M Maliuganj Ikiticad/,
l*j d. Wardrobes;
1- BPI Walnut do;
t?t,bery d*>.
A vrn >».ge a«*onswu; of Common Chair* aad oth
er Faicuture too tedious to mennen.
iTj- Steam Boat* furnished on Uta ihorutf OflUtf*.
AHorUt’ promptly atidhdedto.
I* s -('jM&ri M 4*--r» ran be *upplied with all sorts
of Mahogany, SVaiuut.and V*neer», at comidanbly
[itilitcil sruct. fcbld
vvtiw Flannel*, all Wool ! Hiup DnU»;
Krj do do JtU«e;
\ r 'in« j.. Jj {Farcy Ccitonadea; tU an
!ti.>wn du do ‘ offered ai Factory price*
111 a.’ I SillUCK*
UlU«* .to
Ural. do
Black C*«*iiaer*.
Fancy do
Fancy Tweed*.
Roper Black Broad CloiA.
Super Hrnu’o do
Super Urreu do
Super Twiltrd do
Roper Uiark Hoe Rktft*
•>< Drub l uhsicrci.
Suix-i llrtwa UJ
Super Black do
California R'atikeia
{•cartel d'
I Home Shining
Cherk« and Stnpe*, very
heavy ccods
Tailor*' Good*.
Red Padding, super do;
Vest Padding, Buckram.
Tailors Tat.vua.hraTT do;
Brown Linens, nlitcis's
Drab Serge, black do. • 11
■ nd worsted,
Black and White Tape;
Burk Twki, l>rab do, Cbt-ck* and Drill*;'
ettitrt'* C rord Sjp'l Cotton;
do tancn Thread, a
.... lupsnor article;
,1., >ilk Ki«nr*d Veiun**
, a,, Black do
tiram Baitf in*. Brown Holland Se’g Silk*;
Brown Uhm. Urnum*. Cravw.i, Jtc , fce
At the M«nu/»rtarer»‘ Waxehouae, No IS? Wood *
l‘m*t,u tit “f* 4 .
TijJF. ro-pannersaip heretofore existing between the
subscriber*. m U.c r.une of Cntretable, U»'«k
l'»», n uu* day di««olvcd by mumai consent. M*».r«
iioili'* A Barries w.ll settle the business of tlic cnnrrrn.
1,1 *vr,ch purnase they ore miihnmed io ute the ntm
«f the concern NATHANIEL iONSTABLL,
Tho undersigned hi7e this day associated themrelTftJ
in me name of BURAK A BARNEft. for the purpose
of ui»rmin,ioime fire Proof Safes, Vault Door*, *c.
Ar , lit an vumJ of .he late firm of Constable, Uurko
ACo srtirrr ttey will beplea«*<l to receive tbe patron
age of me cutwxaet* of that (.oute and their fnotid*.
* - kdmundburkk,
In retiring from tho firm of Constable, Burke 4 Co.,
1 with liii.'ti* plea*aru ircmancntl Me*»r*. Barke.A
Dernc* ,o me confidence of my fiiet-d* sad the public.
fciilJ-d if
HAS jn*i returned from tbc Eastern Clue*, and » D
receiving * Urge saneiy of seasonable Rood*, t«
t»liich be rr'.pcctfuliy .nviic* the attention of mcrch
act* and penier*. N» P-l Wood *t. ,_<>bU
\irALL FAPKH-W". P. Massiuu. li coi«»tsaUy
Vy rrccivmc from the Urgo«t manufactories in
New Writ and Philadelphia, and *Uo from French
aacnc-r*. the newt nud moil approved »tyle* of Pi
t-ct Mti.kidci, tot'ether with Jlordcri, Eire Board
Pnnt* aiid Toiler Top*. For sale at 85 Wood Ft, be
tween’Fouilb at Uid Diamond alley, (successor to d-
C. Hill.l _
t < FfAbLIC PAINT-6 urU juiircc d per steamer,
[Vi and for mlc I T the barrel or single pound at tho
Dm*. Seed, and perfumery Warehouse. corner of
Sixth and Wood streets. 9 N WICKKRSIIA ftl.
«pis —.
TIIF. Pbmnt* MaimfaciurlngCompany now offer to
the public their Premium Chemical Store Polish;
an 4 Trtthou' sxaggeraiion, or foat of cootradiclioti, by
Uoie who have tested it, pronounce it far superior to
any other m the market. The coursmer need fia.ono
ipprebonions of soiling e.urpcls, Ac., as it* com
p.Miuon prevent* a du«l from arising when being ap
plied, which muM be done when the B]mre l» eoW
The uuanuty required u *0 little to pwduce a beau
tiful mure. A saving of over fifty per cent n insured
lu the mummer*. A roallnc applied to Stoves, Ptpet,
Ac., when laid owuv for the summer, 1* a sure pre
ventative against ru»t. After having tried it once,
i,f H i» accessible) no person will use any but too
MaucUcluniig Comp**)'! Premium Chemi
ral Stove Polish. For sale by
my,; Corner ufftintkafid Wood streei*
WT-rBUUFuii Bioi asiau stohk.
Cmr-er or Penn and N. Clair «treel».
W\| ALEXANDER A Furnishing Under
i*ti<r», where every ururi* for Faneral and
Mourrnnr purpo*e» 1 *u be got on rcaaonable terms,
lyliddot _ -
THK Viei'le MotiUgnr Company supply ibur agenu
with Hoofing and Flooring u« sheeti 3*7 fret, from
H n, t 'i ounces per »q««ro fool. Ceusgai-tl m tbcri*
I*7 ;'7 nr for roofintf public buildings atid depot#-
RLio Ux4i' inches, from si to 35 ounces.
NbiD, B*pt*e«, S ivire, Sugux Molds, Perforaud Zum,
tbeir metal pure, and free (
./nu11... of lion, «.
oommend it for the ma.mfai.iure of “®*‘‘,
the house furnishing hue, a* it t n .
affected by the actum or wausr, and may be poiaaea,
Informtuon may be had of their agenu.
M'Cxut A C-rsnrm, New »ork;
Arii.'iso.i, IloLun-' A Co., Boiton;
Nstium I'Bvnia A Co., Philadelphia;
W. A 11. Mchm. Daltimore:.
D*t A Suvrm, New Orleans;
BuaUi, D*T *, Mil-UfioUX, Resident Agent
8 llaoover New York.
Peptemhe. M —sepi dJui
niew books.
milF. Autobiography of Leigh Hunt; with remm-
I ,w.fnft» oi MieudF and contemporaries, In V vara.
Carlyle's Latter Day Pamphlets—No VIII, auticel,
J 'History of Dariu* Uic Great. By Jacob Abbott, with
a Romance. By Mra MaDiD Beil-
Pictorial Field Book of the Devolution —No 6-
■f“ **"■ rrrn " d rc a ;ws a rfsr ’
Cot. Market A Third st-
LaHD— ux bills No 1 on hand and for tale by
05i7 Wittrud Front atnsta
H«w Book*.
HEALTH, Disease, and Remedy. By Dr-Moore.
Adelaide Lindsay, a novel. By the aathor of
u Leuice Arnold,” ‘•Norman’* Bridge," Ar-, Ac.
Life and Correspondence of Kobe Pouihcy— part S.
Gibbon's Rome—fflh and of the
work. Received and for tale by
T7NGLISfj[ GRAMMAR—The Englisli Language in
Pi Its elemenu and forms, with a history of M* origin
and developenjent; designed tor use in rellrgcs and
schools. Wb-C Fowler, tale professor of ilhetoric
in Ainbent College.
i Antonoray— The recent progress of Astronomy:
ie<peoiajly In the United Blues, By Elias Loomi*.
I five soars of a Huttur’s Lite in the fur luterior of
!?oulh Africa, with notioes of the nanvo tribe*, ond
aneedotes of the chase of the lion, hippopo
tamus, giraffe, rhinoceros, £c.,w>tb lllustrauon*. iiy
S. G. Camming. Received for sale by
, tetin 1 47 Market St
i«w a**•!•.
JUST received al H. KLEBERU Mails Store, the
tallowing Songn—
In the Eye there lie* the Heart I Love but TCiee.
The Witcher. The White and Red Roses. Nonry
B-11. He Joeth ml' things well. Alllsover. Wbete
re Uf»*r the hope* 1 nhori«h»<l. L*S*r“uade «ep 7
ROME FOSTER; or the Mysteries of the Court of
London, vol 3 of this interesting work has been
received at Holmes' Literary Depot, Third street,
opposite tbe Poet Office; also, Rlen Parry, or Trial*
of the Heart, by Olivia; George Castnot, *urnamed
Scuudsrbeg King of Albiua. bv Clement C Moure.
LLP; and No :EW of Lmell’s Living Age. *rpr>
Jut Biptlrad)
A LARGE and extensive assortment of PATENT
almcsi endless variety embraced in the astortiaent,
may be found the following:—
Hcrse CJoverv, Carnage doth, Air Beds, Air Pil
lows. Air Cuibiom, Water Putt*, Tobacco Poucbta,
Fishing Boot*, Coats, Capes Cloaks, Tarpaulins,
Gloves, Mjuen*. Poacher. Maps, Elastici, Parses,
Hove, poor Pprings, Mat-hme Banding. Poa’ Weviers,
Machine Packlna, Camp Blankets, Parer Holders,
Life Preservers, Travelling Bags, l«thmus Bags,
Bathuig Mats, Dolls' Heads, l)"gi. Lions, Saddle
Bags, Air Balls, Foot Ball*, Ladies’ Wash staves,
Ladies' Gam Shoes. Cent*’ Gum Shoes. Lrgffinaay&c.
Every article sold atihisanabluLmeniiswarrasicd
u paveevs alt the cbaraeterisucv esventlal to water
proof good*, vir:— insolubility under any decree ot
test, flexibility In tbe reveres! cold, great durability,
ligbuirsj, perfect iatpervionvi.csa, nn.t frrcdoa fiont
odor, for iolj at the Goodyear Rubber Emporium,
Nos 7 t 9 Wood street.
ly and neatly executed.
n. B —We wish It du inctly understood, that we
can do Painting and Glazing as ebcap as any otuer
painters In the ciry, aad are determined m do it.
Lind Extract; West End do, Jockey Club du;
Soring Flawcn do; Jenny Lind Hair Glass; Aiomutic
Vtncgsn* Amandine; Pouchin Soap; for whitertng
I fee ifio: Almond Shaving Cretnij Rose do do; Am
bronal do dp; i)oaey Soap; ploatinc do; Amandine
ta, Hasel Not OU do; Rose dm Mqrahipallpw do;
Buqaetdo; Brown Windsor do: Bears Grease'Ac
Fur tale, wholesale and retail, by R K SELLERS,
seplO 6? Wood st
luptrlaf fleatsh aad irlshWblskvy.
1 fk PUNCHEONS Stewart’s celebrated Malt Whis
1U key, of very delicate flavor.
Ifl hsneheons Mahan’s Waterside, extra quality
and highnroof, under eastom bouse look.
Also, diqndie* 0 ( different vintages and brand* in
toll, qutrtey. and octaves. Impc-nod and for «alo by
icpgB:deodlg. h~ta ftu Walnut st. Ftilsdelphia
MIXED AND Dry PAINTS ofaJUina*. convtsnt
ly on Land of the Lest quality, also, Vsrn-thri,
Linseed Oils, Dolled (yi», paint Brushes, Sa«h Tools,
Window G.'a*», variuos vires, he Sold wholesale
and retail ou aceommodauag terms.
N. X.—All parson* parchaung mixed or dry paint*
whu wish to do their own panning, emu receive tho
B;cc;*«f7 lirtcuon* gnu*. J A H PHILLIPS
7 A t Wood st
ON hand and rec’g ftom the PlulUpsvillaFai'tcry,
•or the fall mde—
iOO yd» J-4 Floor Oil Cloth; uftlO yds 4-4 do; &0 yds
5 4 do 6M yd* e-l do; 1000 yds S*4 do, 'AkO yds skrel
do. medium and heavy, from 4 to ii yard* Wide, ail of
U. 4 aewest style of patierus, and cat to any given sits.
700 yards 4-4 Formate t,il Cloths; 400 yds M do,
500 jus 6-4 da
Ua djtpn assorted sites Table, Miand, end Buiesu
Cuvets, vanou»'p*ue«si, splendid flulih.
tuOt) yds 4-4 Patent Carriage UU Cloth; MW yds i 4
do. yds 6 4 At.
Juno yas OttClmh Cra<h tor fitatr*, Msonedfatierns,
Ho yd* 4 4 Grcvu OU Cloth fur V/inipw Buitdr, fam
yards $-4 da
Window Shades, a large anoument just icceitrd
of nrvrtst style*
itftychani* and others wishing to perchase. arc in
vrUAM C6l| h£d examine oar a»«artaiepi of goo*:*,
which will he *uU at the lowest tgljcrn nrire*.
J A H Ptlii.LlP’i
TH \\kmj4w
SUNDRIES— 14 brl* Lard,
IS tala Grease;
l bag Beeswax;
7 bags Feathcn, u> arrive, for M>e by
veplO Water A Fiont *ts
fTLAMCV UUBBf.U.LQOpSja«rcc<jvcd from New
f Voik— f do* lame sise Dofi llsadt;
l dosextra da do,
1 dor Doer;
1 doa laout, for .ale at the India Rubber
■tare, 7 and V Wood »t. J 1 II PHILLIPS
tepko ' _ _
fflAll, PITCH A'ROiiS-lbiibrTi'fari
I 10 brls Pitch;
10 bil* Rosin;
To iruve. far tele by ISAIAti DICKFY A t'O
i ?y“ii r _ k i! on,,u
Green copal varnish--burreii.
II krss.'.K iO)* tSi-b
lok,-g*>o do;
13 >r<* lU daj
To arrive, axd tar sale by
M ADDER, Ac—3khds Maoder;
3 peroops ft Y
S 3 brls Logwood, for tale hy
(•pi) J a R FLoND
SPICEA, Ac- » bag* Pepper;
IB bag* Pimento;
? bands Cloves;
1 barrel Nsttoer*; for sals by
J ft U t-LOYD
of UuiAcy Uramtf, to be bung nt blocks
For snio by W P MAjiSHAJd.
s*p7 di_Woi»d »t
FOR tbe convv:jeoes oi tbe ciusens, the proprlrtor
of the P.ttsburgh City Mill* have placed boxes lo
the N-ceinion of order* at the following places.—
JAR Floyd, corner 01 Sixth and Wood ttierU.
M Hayward, shoe store, cor. l.tbcrty A Marsel sts-
A Heclcii, store, Third street.
L Wucox, jr., druggist, cor. Fourth A Smithfield.
John F Smith, .tore, comer llign A Wylie.
Tciegrapu Ulhce, Fourth street
II C Kelly, grocer, Fifth st, corner of Mar.etallcj
M ifraji*, store, Penn street, tyioih Ward.
'l'be hour waggons will eii! twice or thrice dgily
for order*, and the flour, Ac. delivered
in barrels or sack*—sack flour 1* tar family
as«—T. iibuui charge for earutge It 1* plain that no
account* can be allowed, and that driver* can uavo
uo permission to leave flour withoaipayaenu
We hope the public will be pleased with this ar
rangement, as we ahull endeavor to do them justice.
Sarsaparilla Soda A Lemon fljrtup.
CD kegs RartapnrUla Soda;
ufl but do do;
3) boxca Lemnu fly tup, made from pure I ennui juice,
just recurved and for sala by
,•1* mii.i.fp » wir?giOT<nw
TUP. undersigned bu on band,and Utbl* day re
ceiving (torn the manufacturer*, oc contlgnmenl,
a large t..i of Fianuelt. all colon, plain and batted,
Alto, ilcj Ittiu.k'tt, Blanket Coaung, Heater Outfit-
CatMtncre*. Stilnelt* nr.4 Tweeds; which be will »ell
by ibecatc or piece, tl manrfeciuror*' price*. Tlie
attention of dealer* in woollen good* i* invited.
il LLL,
130 Uuer.y tt
108 Aarkst Busil, jnaar Llbsrtyt)
mroKTxaa um» DtuAtas ui
gloves, threads, com us, buttons:, aus-
PENUKKS, Ae. Alto,
Satin and Kane? Vnlla|«t
UANUA.NNA.and LINEN UDKFa, a gcucral
loruuem of FANS, and every variety of ifuqaungs
•laafbt*rtng_& Packing aiublitbiatal
THE well known Pork and Reef Slaughtering and
Packing Concern, owned and formerly occupied
by the late Janet P. Campbell, it for teal
The etiabU'hment tt located in CLUlicoibe, Ro«*
couuty, 0., ou ibe plat of ground dividing the Ohio
Canul uom the Pciuto River, and bat one thousand o( ground frontoncaah. Tbecneloture embrace*
mj of ground, containing large pout, large and
eotntnoJiout tlangfitcring, banging, catting, packing,
•rooKing, and laid rendeiUg house*, Uriel bouse lot
■ Arc and every convenience for handling TWELVE
lIUNUKKU HOGS PER DAY,and lendeiin* the laid
iroio ibe tatbc, nt there are a doable Hue ileum boiler
and engine ;or tealding Kg* and cutting lard, and
two tanks (<>> rendering offaJ by t|eam.
There i« alto, nn live pretnUct, an Jpe Iloute. large
enough u> contain eight t&ousaud biuteis.
The Scioto Valley, ol wbicb Chillicothe it the chief
market, it one of the largeil Pork and Beet District*
in the Wcat, and hog* can alwayt be bought there
at lower price* than at Cincinnati and many utfiur
aud cooperage it oLoudant end cheap
There i* no draymge nccettnry, a» boats may be
loaded at the Pocking Iloute. and the uftliiict for
•hipping direct rrooi tbit via the Lake* to New 1 oik
ot Philadelphia, or Baltimore via PlttabuiKh, or to
the Eaat or South via New urleana, arc at all houont
of the year fully equal to thotr afforded by Cincinnati
Money fnciliuct are al>o good, there being leu u
twelve bank* within forty fire mile*,
aoolieation* for renting may be made to
Attorney at Law, CiocmuaU;
Or w faancis Campbell,
engWMujovt—Slfi ChiUicotbc, u.
(Scrota Gas. _
East tide of the Diamond,
AT tbit aatafituhincßi the poolic may alwuy* do*
pend upon being lappUcd with excellent Yeaa at
reuionable prue*—taey have
Excellent Teai at -—9 O 60 per lb]
Superior yualitiei-*—o 76 ”
Tne Best T- a Imported IVO ”
Thi* i* decidedly tna chaapcit and best (tore Is
Piutborgh to buy Teas. MORRIS A JIAWORIH
*cp& Propnetort.
HE WILLIAMS win open a clanical and Eng*
• liah School, on the Am Monday of Sept. next.
Koom over J. D Williams' (tore, corner oi Wood
and FUlh street*.
r umua.
Rev. Wm. D. Howard, | Hon. Wallor It-Lowrie,
Rev. Dr. Elliott. I J. D. McCord, ,
ReT. Ur. McUtU. 1 J. li. William*, Rtq.
CHEESE— 100 bn beet Cbaeie Cot tale by
KNOW all men who are »1 '•k amt af'icted with Jis
ease of the Madder andl tdney*. m,u, rheumatic
pains ui back or stiff ja mi*, old »oren, running
alcera, &c, that tbry cua be oretl by taking the Pe
troleum! Voo may talk alto* tiu a uotirum as
much or yen please, but this -locs not make it so, for
we proclaim in the face of an ’lone.n community, lhai
itbaa-vinnci which Ate no. contained in any other
remedy. The man who i« r:ir!jcd with pain and suf
fering from difen*e, can for fitty eenu. Ket relief from
any of the ill* ctmumeruted above. Reader! it cn*u
very little io male o trial. Tin* Petioleom i» no mix
ture—no coinpnnd, put up for the purpose of mipo«mit
on (lie community; but U is a remcilv elaborated by
the master hund of nature, and bubble* up from the U>-
mid of our mother earth in it« original purnv, and of.
'era to suiJertng liunmni y a ready remedy,! c<*na-:i
and cheap cure.
Il has cured Pile* after other medicine* b*ve faiirc
tc.ccndcr any relief. It has cured Rheumatism of !on*
standing, and of the wor-t an*’ most painful cboracter.
|i bn* cured Cholera Mnfbu* by one or two do»ns;
has cured old rase* of Diarrhea, In which ever)- other
remedy has been of no avail. A* a iupnl remedy in
born* and scalur, it i* better than any medical cem-
Eound or ointment ihal w<- know of. it will cuie ehti
Inin* or frosted ler.t. in n few application*; undoubt
ed leMiinony can l-e of ihc irmh unntnuieu
in the above statement by calling on Rnnntel M. K*er.
Canal Basin ,7ih siren; oiniber of the uvent*.
Kevrer A. McDoweM. corner of Wood street and
Virptn Altey; R.-K. Seller*. 67 Worn* mr.-et, H A F.l
Uot 4 I). SI. Curry, Allegheny citv, tin* the acctit*.
HKAUTV It is universally conceded turn Uauiy I*
more common In tin* r."i:irr than in any other,
while at il.e cams lime it i« »ut. '.h mi no "'her enub
uy i< 11 lost at "lb young an h,;i Now tli“ is true
to a cemm extent, liul ihr In.* is often caused by ne •
gleet. We say to all, do uni neglect your persona!
apprantnee. but read the following, nnd y«o need nw
lurk *ood looks. Tbe;p ftrnrli-. are vclcr.tilic pic
nnd have *ll attained t i.ii-lt popnUid f.
Juts lUuai.'s Kao Dmii j:sVbni-*ard Nyxi-ti
Soar, for removing inn, •-uiitiuiu, p.tnplc*, fc'mchc*
and other eruptions of the skm; the most pcrtcct con
■r.rvntnr of beanty every known. Purchase nothin*
purporting to be Nymph Poap, unlrr« it has my iwune
Jclss Haim's Pkssia*olCtHKfcsc Powrka.for im
part. uf 10 ibe met bilioos r&tnpiasi.-ii a radiant
whiteness. In nothin;; should a person be more rare
fal that; the use of a powder for the «kin. a* uinny of
those told are very’ injurious hi l Chineic Pnwdi ris
compounded in a scientific manner, mio contains no
lovredient winch can possibly tnfliri vi injury-
Jolks ll* rat's nariLAtoiT Powokb. f or removing
scperlluOß* hair. What is more unfishtly thmi hair
noon the free or arms of * lady. This article wm
remove it in u short time, without ihs use of auy sharp
Jm.»- Ham.'* Vsr.srasLX Lic,TO Hat* Dxs will
tnminaneoqsty ispar. to red, white, or stray hair, b
beauinullT black, orown, nr aoho r n color It ml!
color ibe hair in a shurier time, and more effectually
Limn any other Dye, l-cmg at the »ama time mdcllible
Jclss Hsuel's Suavims Cboajs.— lt is realty a pica
•are in shave with this cream- There i* none of ihe
smarting sensation usually experienced in the u*c of
moil Soaps. On the contrary, it lenvf‘ ilierkin smooth
and soft os on infant’*, and not liable to become
Jr;cs H*oBl.’sßmiTooth Pasts.— Next lolhc hair,
we think ihc Teeth wets intended a» «l»c greatest orna
ment lo the bumin tape; but when neglected, notoing
!■ »p dutisuTiinf,or so ijiiiesly-cen My Tto«e Tooth
P»«U; wiil impart to ih« ic-eih n pearly wnitenews, »i
thu imlc nine keeping the. gum* turn tnd tica:ii>y.
Also on band, a compieto ui'ornatat of Frrnrh.
Bnu?h, and Amerinon Prifuatcry nnd Pitney unities.
jl)L.K>s HAI/KU Perlumer sni Cbemi*!,
ItiO Chestnut street, i'hila
For tale wholesale nod remit, by B A. Fahnestock
k Co, and R. K. tellers, Pittsburgh, and Joan bar
genu and J. Mhebell. Allegheny Civy, Pa. jyar—Sp
OB iu»rr 07 THE JTjrtX, Tl~
Scrofula or King'* Evil, Rbnmauam, Obstinate Cut*-
neon* Eruptions, Ihuplea or Puiiulca on the Pace,
Ulatrbet, Wile*, Chronic Bore Eyes, Biot Wens
or Teller, Scald {lead, Enlargement and Pain of
r»fi none* ami Joint*, Stubborn Ulcer*, Syphiltie
Bytp:r>:i.*, Sciatica or Lumbago.—ami diseases
Bflnu* from an iniadtrum >)r? c( Mcw-vy, Aci-
Lljj i.l UftiiHf, Lapusliru o< lisprudume m Lira;
Al*»> I'lironit* Ccta.miiiii.nai llivordrrs, Ac.
Tin* millicit*: ban acquired a very Mrer.iled and
estabti*tred irpLiatinn tvber'vri ha* i<eeii treed,
baied rmtrrl;* on u, owu menu, wt,i<-h its .tiperioi
eiheacy t,u* alone «uh« Tlic uii.or.iiS..le viStia
of berrdiiarvldxeaee, wnt» swollen gland*, .'Oiitraetrd
sure**.. add hone* lin-'f rattvii, has been icslnre.l to
health an*l \igor. ’rtc .croiutous neiiCM. covered
with aleet«, loiitlrenmf te h.ui-elt ,an>i *.»
has been i?uJs ti'hn.j. ll.:.ureo* rf 'person*, wbc
had croaned hopcks-lv for yr ir« u».;i- T < ctur.*'ur ,
and glandular'ei-. .-t-rotur! amt ,
many utbrr c>ra|'l»itit« 'pimping from n .tcrw.gen.cni I
of the recreuve nml the riu alni'j.v. Lnv* !
with rc/ef.>'tHicd ct.'i-M.tu-u, f-Udir u-Jt.fy to the i
afteeevofth's ineruna’ 'o prepatauon.
Thr i’.'ern.ta of |* jderreca.'oVd to ;r.e billowing j
aitci.i»ln.t£ V-ure edecud *>y the use c( Siui<i*’ I'irsw ,
••Tlm» i» to ctr.i/v that 1 have a colored woman who
hair bctu silli cud for Hu lanfiee year* w.tlihc. olula.
and al! the recie.lie* 1 i.seJ had no ril'd UKarrcMijtg
the progress of tae rnir.fdainl, o.i tl»»• * ntstiary. *he
conMnrn’ly crew wnrre: nml aflernpending hetwegr
$7O ana fcM with ph> «icicnr, iremg ether
popnlat remedies without »uec«*'.«, uii tire dura** bad
eaten away ilio cartilage or ter n'.'it iwtu? _ua ap;
pet ranee on variola of tut I'i.iiv. mm had i.aatlv
womceocml i;* rt,va*es iii Uic too; r.i he; mouth
•‘Jit this dreadful silttsium. with the pro.pact o
death blaring her m the face. 1 stated her case n> Dr
D.tosway, ilio ajvul for Bands' Sar«’»pnr» | !n in New
bera, N. O , by whom I tni utsiaed to tree that article
ard Ui my surprise and tnat of my neight-orm. to whom
h;i caie was known, after urine i<iur amt a ha.l t-ot
Jier she rertorca to period health, ftbd thai % the
pace of three week*, and w*a a l>'e M, wutU in two
weeks from the time «fce cnraniencej iskiiia it
• in wanes* oi the truth of this statement, I bare
hereunto aibied my nimr, this luth day of f*ep»rrot-cr,
I . McOtimiß. J P .
“Monti. <■> Nr dm* Hirer, Oraven co N C
- sorj: srtRQAT
Thf fqllowtni u Vic;i«c| f.'iui u Ivtter received
With STerdfulouK Ulcers, Hyrpt p*ia, Ac., and ref entlj
an oiflemioo ol the throat and ehetf—
‘UalLßTsscin. Dec. lfl, IMJ.
“Mesm. A- D A l>. SaMOS—Uvfnre 1 commenced
using your Horrsperjla, tny were alru>'*t
fait ezpmVrion; my throat wit cr-mAmtc 1 ! - uioorau-d,
hud a dreatii'd' coajt, and ibrrt. »ere frequently
week* logetiier that 1 epuVl not rpeai sbove a whis
per; ucd besides,the istlautr.taiion frota my tiirout c i
tended to ay bead, so that mr bearing wa*.very much
impaired. , After taking the t+ursapaiiiU «.short ume;
my hertlth was unptuvei, and my throat ir now welt;
1 am at free f*oo cough and ugbtue.* uf the cbe«t as
1 ever I was, and can hrar quite distinctly- My throat
I has bden strll about three mouth*, tbc e«*ja q*. winch
I bus been bUcci.-.l cninely iiv',bc«.e nf yourSurtn
parillft Vour friend. M. fiIIVAN"
The following tertiujomal i>> the v.Cuc of the from the Rev Luther Til years,
Congregational Minuter, residing at Waborn.
“Woscun, Mass., March uO, 1? 13.
“Messrs. Sand?- Cemleoirc— Prom what I have.««•
pericacedjßnrt iroift the mfonnatitm I bevr trcenUy
received fiont a nuCihcr of ptrecnioi high »c-.r«ci»-
bility who b-tve used your Sai»a|iunHß, l have net
the lea-t daub: but tb«t it i> a iuo*t valuable rn-'dirrh*
and that lire iiunen.ui certificates you havo received
of In etfioncy are lully -uatarngd by eapeiicnce, st.o :
altbougu a- up iki.nii and uulity are very extensive,
and *iuud in no need oi my humble effori. to marenrs
them, 1 wmii nil who arr ai'rtictaJ by itueunc to be-
CDure aeqnmf.ed wuu lire eflicac/ and power of youi
valuable uietbeine.
“I tu. gentlemen, gratefully and very rtepecirjlli
t'rcpared and sold, wholrsnlc and retail, by \. B. &
D BAJy OH. Drugpst* and Chcnnst., lt*o Folian street,
corner nr KVil'liato, Now York- Sold also by Drug
gull genertily Uiroughout the L'uued Suiure and Laii
•da bricc 91 [.or bottle; MX bottle* fnr 9b.
For .me. ny L " ILn»X,Jr., U A. FAHNESTOCK
4 r;i), «ud KDW'AIID I*F.NIIEiUCH. fuw.utgh. Ab
1,, Ur *1 HWITII <lr..|gw«re«
few doers U ow Wood *trtil, ia
UR. KKOtVR, having herb -
regularly educated to the medtei)
prnfesMon, and fieeuior tome nuit
in genctai practice, now confine*
sreffiwSflaNillr \bi* mention to the treatment cl
tbose private and delicate mm
iMfflßy plaints foMThlcb hi* npt.fmai.iiit*
I and experience pc» uliaily qmtiilj
toitady ft. treatment nfibono i-orapiatm*,(dnii:i *
time he bai had mote Practice and hat cured more pa
leiut than can ever fall ta the lat of any private p™.--
titioner) triiply qualities bira to odur assurances «•!
•pcedy. reruaueat, and satisfactory cur* to all (.Dieted
With dtUcal* di«aatt*i*nd *ll dtscata* anting i.'itit
Dr.Urcwnwouldlnform tbos* aifllotad ptiv«*t
disease* winch bava become chronic bv time nr a<*
granted by the ase of any of Ute common iivV.rutaa ol
tne day, thattheir complaint* enu be radically umi ihort
oughly cured; be hevtug given hi* careful auentiun to
the treaunent of *uch cute*, and tuceeeuc.t m humircrit
of instancoiii coring ptivint of infiaiumuucn of to*
neck or the bladder, and kindred diteatet which .ifiei
resultfroitt those ease* where other* hgve eontiene*
them to honelctf detpair. He particularly invite* *oek
au have been Utnv and ua*ncee»*mlly treoird by otbeyi
to comuit tnui, when every *an*tactioa will l-c givtt
them, and ihttr ease* treated la a careful,tharourt am
intelllgetvt manner, pointed out by a long m penuuca,
•tudy,and invnugauon.wlacn itu irapouibic n.i ihuit
engaged is general practlsa of med.ctn* tc «iv*u
«secU»*,of(a*cai*. ...
Oyiletnia or Rupiura.—Dr. Brows al«o invlu* par
eon* aifiicted with lUrma to tail, a* be ha* paid pan.*;
«lar attention to thi* disease*
CANCERS alto cared
Bkin diseares;also ti «,y*l*y,eta..epnduy etreo
Charge* very low. ....—Patient* of titheT *«x living at * duunc* bt
•tatlng their dlaeas* in wr.ungi gtvtne allurntymiv
tom*, can obtain medictnet with djiect.i>n* for use, by
addrcaaicg T. DROWN, M l>., potl p»id, t«.l tnet-.-i
eg Diamond allay,oppotit* the W»v*rly
Dr Drown’* newly discover**! ram*
dy for [Uieamautm i* a tpeedy and ceruin remedy is
that painful trouble. It never fails,
1 Office and Private C'>iuuluug Booms, No fd> Ih
■tend alley, Pmsborgb, Pa The Ueeioru alway*
flTf M p»y.
Offt* tf Indian Affairs, Sept 55,1550. (
SKAI-tir* PROPOSALS Will b« received alifceoffiee
of ibe Cotmni**ioner of Indian Affair*. »t \V*«b
iceton city, until tea o’eicwk tn Saturday, the recond
day of November next, for famishing ibe following
Indian coodi, vu.:
Clast No. I—Bunm.
2100 pairs 3 paint white Mackinac blanket*, to
measure GO by 72 inches, and weigh eighi
> pounds,
i 900 pain 2* point white Mackinac blanket*, to
measure 54 and CC Inches, and weigh «.x
1 176 pairs 2 point white Mackinac blankets, to
measure 42 by 59 inches, and weigh five and
a quarter pound*.
9(;0 pairs it point white Mackinac blankets, lo
measure 3f< by 50 inches, and weigh four and
a quarter ponnds.
900 pain i pant white Mackinac blankets, to
measure 22 by 40 inches, and weigh three
•nd a quarter pounds.
100 pairs 3 point scarlet Mackinac blankets, to
measure GO by 72 inches, and weigh eight
300 pairs 2J point scarlet Mackinac blaukrta, to
measure 04 by 66 inch**, and weigh Ail
10»» pana 3) coint gte<n Mackinac blankets, f o
measure t-0 by hi inches, and weigh ten
300 pain 3 point green Mackinac blanket*, to
measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh eight
2f,0 pairs 2j point green Mackinac blankets to
measure 04 by 66 Inches, and weigh si*
pour. dr.
100 pairs point pentinella bine Mackinac blan.
ketr, to measure 66 by 81 inches, and weigh
ten room's.
400 pairs 3 point gentinella blue Mackinac blan
kets, to measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh
eight noilud*.
300 pairs 2} point gentinella blue Mackinac hlau*
keir, to measure 54 by CO laches and weigh
a X JCUM‘9.
Class No 2 Dry Goods.
1.005 yards scarlet Stroud*.
bOll <)o blue strouda.
I.bOO da fatey list cloth, bloc.
7C : O da fancy list cloth. scarlet.
!i'o iH fancy list doib, green.
I,lx>U do gray list olotb, biuc.
3uoO ri» »aved list cloth, blue.
1 ,<>oo da saved list cloth, scarlet.
hOO do saved list cloth, green.
225 pound* wonted yarn, 3 fold.
100 dnz coitoQ flag handkerchiefs.
2>o da ci.uoo Madras hundkerebiefs.
J 75 do black silk bandkorohiefe.
90 do 34 cotton shawl*.
SO do 64 colton sbawbu
€5 do *1 4 cotton abawls.
40 do S-4 woolen shawls.
430 pounds linen thread.
SO do sewiog silk.
700 pieces ribbon, assorted.
150 groM worsted gartering.
3| pieces silb handberchiefo.barb and bandana.
Class No. 2, —Domestic Good*.
75.000 yard* domestic calico
10 000 do Merimac calico
■7 500 do blue drilling
S 0(-o da Oeorjria stripes
4 COO do bine denims
1. do cotiosado
4,700 do t>ed ticking
1,000 do Kentuckyjoans
500 da atiu.ftts
7,Q00 do plaid hnjey
7 000 do domestic shirting, bleached
15,000 do domestic shirting, unbleached
15,000 do domestic abceliog, nnblcavhed
b,QOQ da domestic checks, stripe* and plaids
403 dozen woolen -socks
1,500 yards Cancels, assoiUd
1,600 flannel shirts
TOO calico shifts
550poilnii* cotton thread:...
400 do:;eo spool eo-iou.
Cl*u No. 4 lUinwisa,
2, pouads Liara kunlm
256 dcsea butcher knives.
cou flint*
25 gross rijnaw awia
7,000 lr«h books i» f '
25 dozen tish line*
25,000 needles
100 dozen combs, assorted
10 do seiisuM. assorted
10 grcaa gun warms
1,090 uu keltic*
76 o' *ta jspsnned fceUlos, S in a nut
Cli> • TVi*. 6.—Aofttri'L,’rrß4ii tMpLßtsrm.
2itO drawing knives, 12 inches ia length {1 in.
700 augers, in equal proportiona-of-H, 1,4, A:
150- '
,;>0 pair* Imoies
750 p«ir* trace chain* -
l,f>oo weedin* toe*
173 hand aaVTi
IQ.crow cm >»!, 7 feet in length.
4Q c«i** ent-i*'**, 0 feet in length .
100 head uv Gie*
100 eras* cut saw filer
40 log rbatos, to neigh 73 pounds each
000 Wbitteojore caidi, No. 10
COD quarters socket chisel*
plane?, tote and jaeh
Ciax. r .Ye. 6.I—A 1 —A tv».
'il l axes, to weigh from 41 to Ci pounds
h 3 d.> hnlfaxe*, to weigh 3i poauds
II da , ba'.chsts to we vo 1 i nounds
broad airs
Clan NV Y.—NuaTHWTST Com.
iiM nnrto v?e,l fuo*, two th.rde of whidtl isa*t
measure 3u inch, a in leugtb of barrel, and
one third 12 inches in length of barrel, to be
vieuV’ered m New York' or Philadelphia,.as lx: required.
‘t.tmylM m‘ all it© above snlalo* are deM*ited in the
nib •eoftbs .c>mn.i«.ioi\3t of l.idinn AffVr»;.ei>d it
nm br pio|>ot tv rent*'t lUsi lun-e of liardwatc; ae>
iicultaral itaplenriiii, and urnh we*; junt, are en*
tii'ly new. and t. better qur.l.iy than ire aciicles
liereiolore H)mi»liriV>.nt:e.* toriner conuactr.
Tbo proposal* may be dicided iaioeevea parts,
SJ Dry Gaods.
.*U—Domcaue goods.
• r nh—ftqricudartl topKroents.
dih—A jr',
"it—Nortbweit gans.
The !«iwe»: enmpriri.t re«ppnsihli bidder wdi re
write ui“ whole or any pari of 'tho contrast, according
io the (thrive »ca!e, the Depsntroni rcetrvinß.lo itself
ih>- rirat to (leterminc wbciner ioc bidderH euiupcient
ami responsible urnol.
I nc Tffaia amount >n money in be spp'ied to. the '
puu-haje of eood, wt'l boaboht S9O OCII, but the t>c*
paniaent letotvei the nnht to increS>e nr dia'.hLh
lie qui-iiiiiy of sny of iha nruciesnsmed', or taWitate
oilier, in lieu thereof, or to require, &l elmilur prtees,
tucU e< oil* r.» m,y be wer.lnd for prevents or other
purpose*, in the t\dmir.i,irst:rtn of the kffsirs of the Do
pnrt'tien', Gor oi of Amcriehp other
;kmr« hemy equal, win be preferred; bat as all the
-Maples oi Msr.lcu and clpihs *re of foreign manu
fnetare, it will be r.crettary, when* a domestto gniela
it bid for. that a sample uf it should the.
Md, w enable the. Department io dec We whether ilisof
equal qnalily with the sample* to tie exhibited:
Thq party proposing to the articles will make
an invn.rr cf nil in.- items etnbrsecd io the above Jut,,
• ml el&i the p;icca,«n dollar* sod cenu, at which boor
it.ry vt,‘l untivlt them
UvArauo m Now York, (it tf the contractor prefers it,;
ixtioot coc half of theqanntity tnay be delivered in St
Lotii* Ho., free of erproee to the Governtnreu ea or
in fore ifer I •'ni> day of May next, assuming u.e quantity
or earn ar’ii-le at ipeetCrd in this sdveruseraeut, and
r vrnd.nx tb© co»t, mskine an aggrcgaie of the whole;
ii. Voice r<m*uuii"rt iho bid. The gnodt wUi be
red in New Y.irk land in St Louts- if uny portion of
.inn <bould be delivered there! by on asent of the
tinned States, be appointed by tfcc Depart*
mem lor ibe purpo*c; a,id to ascannin the confonairi
o' t*e unifier purebit-ed with >he i&tnplvs exhibited,
“•hen thr contract «htJI be made, and with the koras*,
of ih> ‘-outran itvcif. which shall contain a qUuse that;
H im x.irelr* ure not luruisfied wtthip the time pre
•cribu . or if they ore of insufficient quality In the
opmic. of ihe agent atoto*oid. and if within Ldo day*
after tob.-c-<■ *uch in*ulKcUncy the party ihall net'
furnjit cihr-» m lieu thereof of the required quality,
ue Dmioo *boll bs anthoriryd to purchase tkrm
of others, and to cnarge any inurm** of pm-eshey
noy b: cotnpe'lcd to pay therefor to .the eonunclor,
who slmll pay the *nid diffietenee t* the United States;
Bond* will be required In the amount of the bid*,
with i »o siiod tureuc*. the sufficiency of whom, to be
reiufct J by allnltedSunea Judge or Unmet Attorney,
f< t the fsivntul pcrlonmkqre of too conlruci*. Pay-'
wsnt will bo inode after thbeoniraei U completed and
tha delivery of ihe good* Uniorciaid to an agentof
tha Department, upon a duplionv invoice cert nod by
bin •'
Communications to be marked “*topo»al* for In
dial good*.’* ' •
Tie bid* will b* tubraii cd with tha ftliHring bead,
tna.und nenc will be recctved that are
•tin* ions find tr.rm* here preacrlbea:
“l lor «e| propose in fctalilj Lf ihe service
lodUii Dcpurtcqei.lthc following good*, at tb*
affixed to them retpecuvcly, vir:— ' ,X
tliere inNittthe tl*t ofgooi*) '
Deliverable in the city of New York lor St I•suit) ott
: or iicioie tit' day of— next; and In ease Of the tc*
rcptAKi-e of his pcopatale, the quahtity being prescrib*
rj by the Department,! iarwc] will execute aeon*
tract Bccotdms to Uue agreement, and give tanrfae
tarv s«.-urity to the Deportment within ten day* alter
ihc reception of tht* bid. and in ca*e of (ailarefo
enter into such (outran, and give inch vienvity, 1 (or
we) will pay t > the United Stale* Ibo difference be*
iwccn the nuns tuddcti by me. (or u*,) and (be torn
whies the United Staica ffi«ybe obliged fopay for the
► ame oiucic- ’ .
>aiuc uiuot"
Each and every bid mutt *.l>o be aeecmpsnted with
a fuannry m the follawtng (cm, to bo aigned by .one
or more responsible pereont, whose vufficldney nut
be cettified by tome one who i* known lo the Depart,
meut, cither personally or by hi* official position. '/
* I (or we) hereby guaranty that —the above
bidder, wul comply with the terasof ike advertise,
meat for *pr°i o*ale far Indian good*,’ dated Septem
ber £5 I*6o, if the contract should be awarded to him,
and enur raw bond lor the exeeuuon of the tame
wtUnn the time prescribed.”
•The eontraeu of former year* aro open for thetn*
BfK-etion of bidder*. H I.KA, •
o-pTU) CommUsloncr of Indian Anaita-
I HAVE, this day. a*«oct*red with me Mr. |
Clouse, In the Wholesale lirocery mndiProduce
llosmcs*; theaiylcnf the firm will be A
A Clause. liylj A- CULBERTSON
, it. a. ctocaa.
a. rcLlteßTsoMl •* J*l_
» rULBIf ItTSOM AClpßoßr ;
GROCERS *“ d e C^ a ml pfSS,SS
W ch*nt*. lk*»e«t In Prodwe, -«1 rm«
Manefactnred article*, tW Übejty L
A FBKSH oopplr of tpo
A Floor. . i"f '*““&!? if&rsON* OLOV9E
• A CUL IM Uttnr «■« ;
VOL. XV 111. NO. 71.
(latb nuinsw, temp ft ox,) - '
Would respectfully inform tbs CUftoaen of lbs lata
firm, •» alto the public genarally, that they will
i'ooqbbo the manufacture of
In all tbelr varieties, at the Old Stand,
Bfo 13 Wood at* b<ttr«tarinUWM«.
jyi7:dtar _J '
Ur. Host’s Celebrated Eemtdles,
DR. JACOB 9- ROSE, tbo discoverer and sola
prietor of these/ tnou popular and beaeaoiil
medicines, and a'co tire inventor of the etlebtttad
iustroaent far inflating tbs Lungs, in effecting a esxa
of chronic diseases. was a student of Una'eminent
tliysicUn, Doetor Physic, and is a fradagta etf the
imvcreity of Peonsyivar>i«,'and forthirty years tinea
has been engaged in ttic investigation of disease, aad
the application of remedies thereto.
Tbronrh the ace of hit inflating tube, in connection
with bis I‘rr-pbviactie Byron and other of his remedies,
be bis gained au uripiraie'led eminence in earing
those dreadful and fatal maladies, Tuberealtr Con*
mmption, .Csncer*. Scrofula, Rheumatism, Asthma,
I’uvrr and Agee,, Fevers of all kinds, Chronie Ery
sipelas, and ull tho«CJ obstinate diseases peculiar to
females. Indeed «veiy form ot disease vanishes under,
the u.e cf hi* remedies, to which humanity t* heir—
not by the use of ona compound only, lot that U in*
compatible wi h physiological Law, bat by the uso
of bn remedies, adapted to and prCsciltxd for each
peculiar torm of dtseaic.
Dr. Row's Tonic Alterative Pills, when used an
invariably acknowledged to be saperior to all other,
as a purgative or liver pill, inasmuch as they leave
the bowels perfectly free from cosliveness; as also
Ids otddeu Pills is admitted by the faculty to possess
necßiidr properties adapted ;o female diseases, bat
bcioft ssiifSed ihstabare trial is sufficientloeatablish
what has been said in the tmadsof the moat skeptical.
The afflicted arc Invited to call aptmtho agent, aad
procure (grau«) one of tpe Doctor's pamphlets, giving
a detailed account of each remedy and its application.
Lor vale by the fnlloVnng agents, as well as by men
druggl»u throstbout lb 6 country.
. bpontnaker ft 00, 84 Wood street, Pittsburgh;
J&1 Townsend, druggist, 45 Market tt, do;
Lee A. urcshitn, do: near the P. CL Alleghany city;
. * Berkley, Dsilitirion, Reaver co., Pa.
Jno Riliott, Knnoa Yttlley, do do;
T Adorn*. Beaver, • do dot
• angltmty , ;
SUNDRIES— 3uo baps prime Grecnßio Coflee;
ISO patik&ge* asSoirted Teas;
-3 bxshi'orted Tobacco;
lb !•*#• Pepper;
5 bags Ahpice;
Si matt* Cinnamon;
so bxsNo 1 Chocolate;
l e*<«« Liquorice Ball;
li> tierties fresh pnocHice; '
8 rarks bon Madden
0 barrels Alum; -
barrels ’lannert' Oil;
siiddreit patent Ba'cktts;
300 bgs Corn Brooms;
nil boxes White Pipes;
Du bhdi prime N O ftuser;
so brl* do Molasses;
100 hrls large Mo D Mackerel;
SO brlt Urge No 8 do;
5 do ‘ No l do,
50 hrls NCTor;
SO brl* Pitch;
50 bris No 3 Rosin;
inoOlbi assorted Yarai;
so bales No I Batting;
luO kegs prune White Lead;
300 assorted Nails;
Also, a fall assoitmtuii of Pittsburgh manufactured
anipius, tor sale by ; JOHN WATT ft CO
>f pi3 sod Liberty st .
»ÜbAK A MOLAtf&KB—eO trims N O Sugar; '
800 Lrls N O Moiassei;
1 1® bgs while BxmtU Soger;
:ta brls Btaon'S'Cnufaea;
30 brls Lovering** pair'd;
vs brU St Louis dm
10 bxs Loveung’i Loaf;
30 bris St Louis do;
1c Biorc sod fur sals by
SUNDRlfcri— ‘Alii bii rivrtJlnet—Uoilioux’c;
iu In genuine luuun Siscearonij
Vii bi» do do Vermicelli;
1 cusk Nuunegs, No 1;
1 Lrls Clove*; . ~
„ 'id boskets Itocdcaur and HarscilU*
t'i.v-OU; mstoic and i..r i.vir i-v
Thit/1 xirrri, opposite the Post Office.
HISTORY of fVlndennre, No 8. Dy Thiekcfay.
Knirscibockori.tiaflnnne lor (September- -
liuut s Merchant’ Magazine for September...
Whig Review for September, with an engraving of
Con. Scott, '
Hasten shak rpeare; No 33.
I.ntei’, Living Age,Nolbd.
W big Pomait Os.licrv, containing fifty two engiuv
tcr* ol'disUngumbed Whig'.
• North Hilt'ua ttcvla«* lor Aaguit.
.Dcmocraue Eevicw Ur September.
i • RctectiV Rcviewiof Korcißn Liie'rarars for Septea*
t er- ; . ■ ■ »;• aepl9
' ... tu* oi»-..aTAii , tt5"‘..i
MURPII\ ft bURCHPIELD infona their cusioml
erd and baycr*; generally that, in conseqnenea
of workmen bring cußoged ut enlarging and Imprsv*
ing their more Ruora, they have removed their goods
to the Sscoao Stoki 6f the building they occupy.tuuil
lhrimprovement* utn lini*hed; where Utey
happy tb t<d their entximcr* as usual, and for the
troabie'of walking up stairs, will try and renutncrats
them bt selling tEera'Chcap Uoods. •.
lO*Lntranee froni.iFoanJi street. aoxtl
Warraated Pais \Vtnea shd Brsadisii
oUITAULR for Medicinal Purposes, ■alws^s' ! 'on
O haaa and for role by ue brute, quart, or talioa at
_>*psj _l ea ft Wine Store. 7
Domiiuq WobUsa tiooda
ONE c«v*« BiocV OJoti. Shawls,
l care Yellow PiauneL,
8 cs'cjßsd :• do;
1 esse lied turnied-Flutuielr,
% ease White do . do; ■ -
3 rase* turned; dm
a Plain and Fancy Ctaslmentr,
• t case SsUuett; -*
r, cs-.’s Cl*n Aipias;
I case Jcxnc; i
h coses Ulac black Blanket Coating; •
8 <a«cs Gray BtaukeU;
t’caces »rab Hiarkets;
l case Qfao :• do; i ;
Bcases Wliiteßrd Blankets;
&i> pair, Root K'.ankm;’
Received ou;cttnjtijnment, and for sale at rraoufao*
larer * prices by y L gE .
SOAP— Lew's h'-ghly perfetned Brown Windsor;
/ _ ' l ° do Honey Soap;
rjnivaqr.nn Bsr Hoap;
PhittiJelphia Variolated Soap;
PitLSliurtta do Jo;
Olive Soap; for *nt<? wholesale and retail by
- "P w ._. _ IVM A.McCLUKO *CO
■ iew - MuVle,
RECEIVED ihit llAy Irriu ihc enslr—
L* stfcuajc— 3ch»u-*an.
La Serenade— a* Dfiett.
JaaoniUe ami Jtannot—For Guitar.
Volet oi uy 151. up'dars—rosier.
Aw»r dowii in Calio— Focttr.
Bo Waichfifl ami Urwarc—Glover.
Beside* many other i>opui&r Son*» and Piece*.
in of the Golden Harp, Thirdat* 1
lepia _ „
S^AtfPEfRK— bag? crude, to imm-, f«y«»to hy
Pl 7 ■ . Water A. From««;
tow 4. Son’s tsoapa—Warrant* a Qamnlm
BROWN WindKt tkisp, Bentoin, Honey, Mask
Vernaeoler, OncluaL ralm, and Olive Oil Boepe
These Soaps ari highly celebrated for mpartier
smoothness to the skin-
Fan-hated ftoa the importer, and for u)e by
»epia RE SELLERS, 57 Wood ft
lAGUAYRA COFFEE—Io Lagt taperiorfor tala
■Sby [ecplgj WM A_VtcCI.URQ A CO
IOSruN CRACKbSS-VhfT* Buuer~Cfmeker*i —
1 •.* brla Bran ' do
i 110aK>—LyU,{*U fttmoLic PTincjpe,—Crur
v iiivkftm.—iietbumi;
- «u.uov do' Repahaj, varioui bread*
4U,<XW Imita'iou i\ iaciDe;
PtiiUdeipboaaaJc hf.SpuUhi .
To »:ott and for «ale uy
LfcA'l‘HKH— .TuOtide* N Y tole Leaihtr,for tafa by
>ep» i J fc B FLOYD
f |'OßACCO— u*t> .boie» Mulafaetured Tobacco, oi
X Ru»*cll k RnblQioa’a, aod oUjct favorite brUMt,'
■For *aic L T ■ HepO) JA- R FLOYD
C^HKt^E —\tafl ll>i W RCkctte in »tore, lorn‘ff by
/ "P* ; 1 k R FLOYD
IJ>U)UIt— 50 litU Poland Mtll»«operinf fatuity Flftar
lookxu tuperfino family Flow, ju*t rac'd
lor »»le ly : a ('ULi.FKTSON fc uLOUBE
_< m Liberty n
K\ fc r au ous jOBi ier/J »ir «ii 4 t» ; ‘
»» UM'MAii sH^KTlnu—:ui yirih,* Very’fia®
H n;ticle, u.aiie fexpreraly lor tlat patpOM. for'niff
by l*epUi i & U PUILLIP9
DACON SHOULDERS—IO,«QIb» ree d lor nJa by
*&-WHaRBAPOH • '
SL/UAh— vo ncili K u bßfu rac'd for tale by,’
rerHl fur «*<cVjr "
r Kplft ; . Ak. WHARIUCGH :
i.'KHail TEAS—xao hi el»e#i» Young ITinu, .
.-76 uo GsopowderL
\ . >CO do lapaiVJRV
.UO ciuidy bxi 46,“'; -i* *'
«u«iu. York,compmto* varloa*
T a—IS ASO Wood *l .
•I* “pm _\Hsji aga Lay k co - •, <V«
liaSuk 9fr6ui;DEllS-iv.««lB-, 0.1 of
Dkou.e,for.«lob, SAW HARPAUuH
I lAMB—t)Vw» rapenor caaTM«gii Huujastfa*
II e.irrf ond rot to* M s *w IIABBAUOH
V\i 11 _*» ca» k » la <u>(« uni for **ie b/
—TiTm u CANDLES—iwTTi« iq itoro for ieJ* by
I S at-WHARBAircfl
i •TTNix7vv r OLA»r' —bx» tor'aiie try"
VV &h wuabbasoh_
fy^»,r iu °' yi ° c °° ic ' ~:i
TSwJa miKUKii. Vacuum*— 3000 it* uKnii
I tbiekM««», fronU-N ID 1 inch thick. Tire akw
pac«)DK u id ihttafOdcgrcej.Fahrtiiltelt
w»H dot affect I'ilndii iitperlor to every thißf die,
as cofimaoee «■» *0 noth eJasticUywbieh ftuda
so high r degree, of heat. Rad maybe asedaboai mil
paru where patting » oceciMfjf, vtzi—taanhoU
plates, piston rods, sicaa joints,'neta cheats, eytta*
derbetds, Ac. For sale wholesale and retail by
7 A 9 Wood «
/ lliEESß— 6frbxs iiiiaw josrrtc’ji by ■
1/ wptU V.. “ . gmviUKCftUCH
flt All fc UlL—ftO brU N. C. T*n
i— .37 brU pure Tiancu’Oilifbr rale by
. scpiS , • IHUbtrtyn