The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 22, 1850, Image 4

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WttOLruiJt LKaLKXS 13
80. 101 Wood atreet,
IN VITF. tic oil * oi luy<r« to ttm Urge nock
tti , c *ft Gixhln new oppiiinx, and winch they arc
pieruif d to *r.lS oa \nty «cr,omjawJj*iaj; term*.
We BlioU t>* constantly rrt-.vm* iff'o yood» dor
ir< the araitni, ai.J irqueit oa ricixunalior of out
»Uid t*y wctKrn merchants, and other* vL*i;ir.jt our
So. IfiO l>llrertylßtre«t.
BKGS reaoect/ul'y to inform bit nnmerne* (tieua*
ard ißtuiiQcra. that bc'U Just rer'clviii* lu* i,e«
tun *-ocfc of CLOTHS, CABSIMKDK-, and VEST
wS‘Gf*,oi the newcil tty lea, adapted lor the approach
■r c i»(i tnd wtr.i'T acaaftß*. All thoic in went ol
cheap. J»*hlcmM'lr, and good elotiilng, will fcnd the
;»rfnu ruo't XivAinountle. end bcu tied m tbr
\S e- wrn country, »» U.'« <*’atili*hinr*u »eplO
Ope"ninjfjfih eft* tnDiyli an i r lU ii Bond
to pltiibarsb,
Tilt. Petm»ylvitt‘t Rail Road Company having
completed the whole tine 01 rail road in UolUdnyt
burgh, thna cetitecucc it* Portage Rail Road to
JoLnuewm, and troth tfience by boat* to I’miburg 1 !,
are sow prepared to receive tnd forward taerefcan
Jlre, r roaace, &c n to and trom Pnuta/gb and Phila
The boats »'.!l leave th* depot of the company
daily for Johnatcmn, there lonr.ectinx with the daily
train of enra u t Pitledelplue, tbu* iniartrn the 4e
Uvery of all fieics: in m'»<tetphin within five day*.
Agents for Pa- R. R- Co, Cooai U**in, Pitttbnrjh
Music and Musical Inrtntmsnu,
Sign oftha u«!«u Harp, No M Ihinl atreeu
, -u M- Kf.EBER re»poctfally inform*
CTy*jjiVjM hU L»et:d* and -t-s I'oMic. that he liii
J'l* 1 rolutfled Own tho emu with *
meet of Piano* of vanna* ftfW end prirci. *eter*rd
t>y l:oi'tif,wuh greatcaro at the celebrated faetortea
of Nonet ► Clerk. ;v Y . and Duu. s am. N » . liumiM
Modarti Dnulura.N V) na*in* .elected ‘he above
from an immcntc m*< t Jon &a-»hfd by ihe above,they are «*nnmtd ol tupnior tjoaUtr *n
loan, and will In all ce»e* beeo'd at New y ort me
wry price*. Purehasrr. will receive « verUien euar
anty with ecch Fiai.n, entitling them to an excharge
or jc'orn nf *ame if found defective.
Ai’o, a lot or .plcndid Gniwra, from the factory 01
SrfiirjdlA Mtui.N Y They are a laperb aruc.e,
v-j .ranted n,u»l, if not *upenuf, to any cucc m
the world. ~ ,
Aina. r. fine re lection of Hole*. Clmoneu \ min-,
•feruic*, Urct* inttrjnmh*, and the nf«re»i and met
-e-iuur mcho including Jenny LtndL celebrated
Welch FSmanelt.
MURI'HY A. BURCHFIELD, ■» n*>nu fM*. corner
ol t-Yunh *n<2 M«r«rt etrteii. ore «o« *upplic*J
with a full n*ec*rtntent of U.t> eanoui 01 deniable K «.«>d«. and luring been purchased
trrra the .ia|u»rtt r» ran M warranted genuine o? 3
jtt. Eluaprait A Dona* P&tant Soda Aafa.
OOJ CASES uf tho above celebrated brand, part
OOrt in ktoic, «a.l the icmaintcr in arrive this and
•ext month, per ••Anna Hich,*’••Europe," *UerlLn " and
cf,er fchipj, via PhiLd'lpui* and lit.timnre, warrant
nd rnpenor In both strength and «;cafity to ?uy m th»
taAract, for aaio at the lowest rrtre fo- c*«h tine ap
proved bllU, t-y W k M Ml J‘CHKI/1 HfclE
• acta l.'her-iv »*rrei_
Large Sappiy of Fall tb wlnur Good*.
MLRVIIY A buRcHFULLD invite the atienuon
of buyer* lu uietr largo »iock of g*. u :» adopted
for the ica.on, CnnnruOf in pail of— and Cold fiericn Alct.ooen
Cohtsrjn aui
>’?.**• Sillc an-i Ture Pr-nno,
l<l>t and Farcy Alpaca?.
?u;»r Lung Low Price do . Sacking F tn
re*. Welsh, ar-u Aiucnsnt. Flannelo, white
c> J enloied. fLeir *iock 01 HOI"f*I'.KFF.FI.\G
Rcch a* •‘•heeling?, I‘iiiow Ca»e Mutlir.r,
" Dlitpcr* 1 owr.iUo£, Ac- is Urge, and b‘*
pncei for quality. Coycis w»n find it tn iherr aiivon
»*ge to examine tbeir * l-efjre / at the
enrth eaot coracr o.‘ 4th and Market ns. cot ~
Salleca LlvVr Pllliiuptrctde all eibara
lihSfictiot), Vs , Sept. tW, l-UO.
' Mi n. E.Felletr.-Yoar Fnu have become sc ropn
lj,i iu all tais rc(.vcn hi country, as very mueh to
ijperccd*- all othmv as a Liver or .\im-l*itieu* I'd
»ooro, Ae. JAMES A LEW H
(Fjnr«ct of Letter.)
Pursuit*, rs v.-.ii recollect that n. E. Seiler*’L;vcr
Fiiii are the otiginai ai.u oi.l) True »r.a
i_j ver Fill, and may be Lud at No 5T VYonJ >l., atd ol
dtujgirt* genr.auy in the trvo naes and Vieia.l7
kCtUli _
Between Third A Fouilh sUucL, Finn -Tth.
INVITE the ottcuUon of merc»,ar.n vi»u, i* the city
I 10 tberr ejien»i»e of Fail and Winter Ci*'ouv
*clrr!cd prcßt cate uad attcntioti fmm i«com
importations, large Ku:Lon euica, a,.d irutt the lead-
I-.. nnmi;cr.;ntrri| by their rct*o.-iU partner in New
Yvtx Their stock U.*» lall wi 1 !* iousJ to be macn
and more v ailed than any tsicy have ever bei -rr
brovgr.tto ihn market. b*mr repiecuheu by receipt?
of goudft almuM daily ihrcuoUie *e»«on as u.ey ap
pear in the ea»ierr. inarke.*, rendering tneir nock bi
all umosloH and p*rtcci thereby enabling them see.
ceislultytn conipcti* wil l e«»tr ni_ l'o«ee« <_rrj^
CREAM "CHEESE—CIO iiX»;a*.t r.c-a tor »t: * y
»epr / JHC< N FIELD
Saw kocx 01
rr*rT* puros.
JOHN H. MELLOR, No 61 Wood •veet. *oie atent
for Chlckeriug'i Piano Fonaa for We*tern Fean
aytvanfa, haa. received, and now ready for aale, the
feiiowing anonster.t telccted by bimsslf from the
mantilactary, and will be tappUed as ataai at Mr
Chickenrupa pree*, ▼**»—
S carved Louis XIV, 7 octevea.
fr efeghnt Uotewood, 7 do:
£ do do 6} du,
•j do do C d(.|
1 co Mahogany, 6 do.
1 do Walnut 1' do
1 fall carved »«u.u; tu-.,i.
A CARD-Tlie »-tKfiwr b«* :h-
ahnoshcicj to it'. citizen* c..‘ i’l.LM.uiur uv. t• bai
tnaoc arrangement* v*uh Mr. Join H fc>> ;.*i*
ezeiunTO sale of nil i'un« Tone*. in Futir.u.vli m.<l
Wetiern l'ceaylvcma. and licx *».nhic* iw pur
chute taay be assured that their sate recti will t-c r.v:b-
Lilly atieuded to J CUICEisHINO
Button, March .J, l c 4*
In addition So the nbar-* stssnk of Piano* from Mr
Cluckeiliif, % retr *u;,?tly it rflurea from the fnetoriri
«f Ad tin siodan. iiusnit Karen, and Worcester
New * orki and Htl.eis. Csmtico A Alien, Boilon, a 1
pnaea varying tram two to Uiree hundred duller*
•epfi _
6 for Oetofcct, u»t readied and fcr tale at
R no* KINS
cel? 73 A£o'?o Bul'dinp*, lili tt
WADDINCi-Übaie* Whim;
1J ode. Black;
ID bole* Glazed, for «n.le by
e? 4 WlcK A McUaNPLF.S3
ToPoojile froo th* ota Coamtry.'
EzactLT toe r *rir kind of tfrnaH Leaf, Piec, Mrone
and Rough Flavored Block Tret that arc uved in
the Old Couatrv, can to bought at fiiie anil 7Sc per it,
a] Morris A Haworth'* Tea Store, call tide of the
■Dteosonil. ‘•and no where el»e In Ptu»t-urr» '' *en*- > 4
U HINtt.MJ FAPEK—Iie ticM in taattct c<*.:i u»
X had at the agency ol Cluilou Mill* “S V/t»J *•
»s,iai \v i* Marshall
NEW NOVEL. 3? T. A RTJ If R —Che
Children; a sale of I'rarlty usd Upore»»ioo. n tlir
Utl* of a new prize talc by T S. A-thnr. lii**«'d to
bo tbs author * lieit prod'suon, for »a:e at Hnl-nct
J-lursry Depot,Third %tir*t. < jnx«».lr uie Foss (,
t also, iho Monk Ka.ghsofSt Juan f.y .'•itjo: RicC.nd
•on, aod Lutsli'i i ivixf At”- No :31 oel
aud hall pound paper*, lor mile by
SAI.F.ttATCJh 31 eaiVs for aale l,r
oed _ _ WiCK A Mc_P ANni.Fcs
\ITLNDOW OLA'Ss—aoo bj* txt«'
VV lli l,j» ICiK. for rale by
OC4 • - \V|OK * Xini’AN*nt> - -t«
Y tN:\vf*.ti nil.—mi bil> lor i-a.o i.y
«Li B A FArtfiCSTOi K kCD
•eo£I Co r Pint* VVn«.J -•*
OIL PEPPERMINT- abbii* pule for r*.a by
TANNIN— 60 ounce* 'or rc!r ay
SaLI PETRE—“tt kr;» ra&oed for tale by
*fpifl v n A FAiINnaTOCE ft Cl»
S* I'GAR cCHtD cTituee lot for *A/e b \ \
*-pV3 STt'AKT A -IL.I.
bare oa haniL-a »n*a,l lot ol
wood us ibex, she which ujj be *old cheap *i
*ep!?t ’ Cx.r Wwl k Suit, tt*
CtANARV if* j»n :ri*d lor »ii* t.r
/ J KIDD A l.'O
*ep'dl f,U \V pint >t
PaQls WlllTi. -swiu lb« i)u«lity, ret d
lor lale by |»rp/i) J KiOD# < - i»
* lull iJVKK due liu-lnou. blJft A '->• -
pure Cod Liver oil, ,d*i rcceivoil lor sale hi
eepai _ J KIHD A CO
CT'LEMINO'S B'mjK KHbMh'ii a*nl Steam boat
E.vokc*p*rs’ Aasaiant, a ediijoa, for »*!'• by
•cpVl . *? Market >1
LADIE-S - WASH <.U>VEd-t!dor jimr*,a firYi ra e
article, lost rvenved taj ior saic by
»apl» JftHPtm.Ml’S
/ 1 KNTLKMfIN’S uL<»\ (>■- 2 Cvica pair*, a nooO
Vx article, received aud for lair 1.,
♦eplO J IJ FIUU-I/"'
HEClvE'fca FARINA.— A ireu. :ct of tbitcxcesiaui
ariicle of du l, »u*t rrc’d aud for »al« uy
6 N wickf.kruam,
•eplv ■ Cm -iitb A WDoc itreetv
S~ OLE LEAtIUJi—:WX» lb« prime rt-e'j, opt <*_,*!
for sale by J AMKA UAl.yi- i i,
aealb 7,1 W»j, r
CtUCFEtIA RICH ba<» lilo Oodee;
/ to ie» Kl-e. r»c'g per canal,
Fcr fate h 7 (»epl!»1 JAMF.S UM./Rrh-'
TkALM SOAP—tdki lb* leicivsd lor *aic'•»
j_ ar pi4 J KfDL' arn
CIDEK VINEGAR—bJt'M* »'epc»i..r ju-t irc i i b»
FLOUR— A raol: auanusy Shearrrt Noti.e’* r lira
%. pl o ■_ uTUAItT A. BtJ.i,
InNSEtUTofL—IO Irfa c ountry, J«-»1 rra u au.' lot
j ia i r by ju;uiM>N. LITJ li: aco
SSS Liln»ay «l
UrSSTV’AXIiOW lacdinV by
itcjh b-f*. arr.vmf and for rule by
•K* ■_ ‘' IIROWN * iURKI‘a t Rl r K
brl-i larga Max*. No J Ktcterel;
‘ lUhf mu do \ da .do:
6 dnrnsi aeir Codfiah; urrmog for r.tJc by
llO brl* cbver,
o 53 trl* prime Ttraltiiy; for sale by
ALICANTE MATa-Far.cyTlimp for a»le by
Kp',o __ JW.M (A McCLURG ACO
biYTcii Creain:
1?5 bx* corsmau dk<; for rale by
BROOMS— 55 do: W store ajsd fflr taJ-'bv
-gi AEkHAl J l!s--5U bxafcit QttulllT Tor »nle by
O lip« _ STUART A kiLL
email lot Clear ndri for *aie by
Jp acp*3 STUARTAgIU._
STTRc'.H— CXI be’tViahiia fot **io by
»cp'a__ ; S I'U ART A FILL
S~" OLELEATHEfi-tWlha res’* for sale by
watt a co
InUOARCUREH UAMS- lOturers kprine er^ali;
R uLfl, e isw ScntcL cared. «c*d for jst* l y
SfC Libcny MICCL
So IS Wood itrect, PlUibnrgh.
Onlleeuon* made on all the principal ciuri o - tlie
United Slate* _ _nbr < *ll V
4>. E. Centsr cf Third and Mutltt u>
A 1 I TSASiACTtOW il U*nT uastu. lU>'-
Ac . Ac..
1 Next door to the Bail* of Pulabwfct*-)
auxitf , .ddm-?p --
a. HOLERS * S 0 3.D,
gaakiri) Brohangi Byok• r *,
avn cxahxx* in
CGLLF.CTION^.—Drafts. Note* ui.d Autirpiwicci
payable in any part of tho Union, collei tfiJ u,i the d:>*'
favoraiilr term*.
EXCHANGE on New York, Philadelphia and Uv,
umnrc; tLo.Cuicir.nau, Loai?vUla, Sami l.**uu
New urienttt, eonatantiy for »a)s
DANK NOTKS-“*NoteB ou ail aolvent lank* :n lh«
United State* diaoonmed at the lowest 1 ale. All kind,
f Foreign and American Golo and Silver Coin boua-i
u.l *oiT _ aueJu
N HOLMES A SONS have removed th.-.r Itar.
• mg and Exchange Oiee to No or Muriel -
our door* neiow old aland. 1 uj?'
BILLS on Er.giaml, Ireland, and Scotland i-c
any amount at ihc Current Ratr-. i flj:
aim>. Dralta any pan of tits O I c-'indn. •.
from -±! tc iiOltl, at the rale 01 Si tot:.* i .•'•.l-1
wtuiont dedueucr. or ducoum. t-y Jo-lILa imiON
SON, European and Geuerai Agent, oi’.r« iu, u .t*
doer wevt .if wcxxl. ~rt) .;
allbs umtn 1 i anwiau i* ua
in Forttrn and Dpuicsttc Dili* ct Fichaur;e. Oct*
tittcatei of Deprsitc,{liunc Note* and Coir, c:
3d ua Wood ctracu,'directly (-ppoiit* St. ll>.-
*•. a Lfsiun J
\\T MOl.t S.M.}; ORuCKH:- wa.i i-or-n,.? M
?Y Cll« Ml. No 41 WVc.J . ,»,-t f. ,ir : » l l.
Il«;cl arc ca* receiving cisj r.Ji r .01 v: .»
lid V M. itaj» O T.
and llitrl '1 c««
JbO rl«f t» is* II; and Ulb
lamp K 5‘ rrnTob ro
dC-0 ban H;o, l.aguayra,
K«d Java Coflec.
60 i.R'i* N l> Pufar,
5j i.t «o Uou»»c?
40 bt.• p.iw.'cred, rra«L‘J
vO Sri*. .'.ljo
VO in* ‘I» : Oil.
stt i« l amp Hi!
•vj nrl« No 2 ftl&ctprel.
-."-d I 1 - ;xiaA laiuCilaji
1611 l.z. itowj; - -ap
100 ccr I’ot Ducked,
•ji t-ii Cl euiia.c.
25 t>x• Whiif I‘ip<*4
100 inn Wtaji I'apSr
•JO b 1 • Pitj.pci & /vlipice
oUUib SfrieUAßapL-flSaud
in trs
Toy* iter W|ih a jjtneral
«.iy kep: ui .ue.r l.iie, as
facrarr* ~
N-M Lisps::.
U M (U*ai.a • ••• 1 -.1
11; total ps r c 4r r•
Vj v lU.'una.
b M K'tal.c...
11 M Pnncpr.
l,«lr» Fill rrt». fur!. «‘i
Wain JU. It; a: . Au..
and Grow. : N„ -
00 l.i* I.ctioi. . re--
SO t is lvppsr Seu.-e,
in r*»ci *r*.c'J •r'-'p.i*
U< t X‘ l-Bfl'. r,.
IS hr* itoc»
10 „1* »t*c;led A ir.t'T J«.
Rinrharr* Ca; »l.i Pi.c.l,-<*o
10 /rot? !»!•%.■ I
as-ormi'tr. c ’,b - -u
well »' I'llltbut Itl mal'Q
\\z MeCLINTIiCK l« row otH-ai-ic at tit*. r-rr>. t
V? , Warehnui?. No 75 Fourth ct TC :
•treat. a very handsome asanitnioni cu .*»• jo
pr*«;»ig ui part ot the r'o.low ;,r .'trie urr
Kirn a> 0 elegant vy!« Velvet P..e Om p».
Rich aoJ e;< /mil »tj if Tep.-eti 5 ,ili viir>> Jo,
L*up*r»nr Ensu-h had Amrnnu lituuh or..
F_iu» «ap. i ply Cqrpeu, (tut* '.lira t't.c.
tSuperhr,..- do do; T-(ted Ru.
Jo Ingram Co; Chen He Matt;
Cum. all wool, Jo do. (l,>3*.
Jo cot, n eha.n Jo &.•. Cw-u Ms;.,
Jo cot,:.* Jo Jo; Juic Jo
Aim. a verv 1..7' i.toKtari.t r| "
3lu*u. Uoal*. i urtiurh, I IfiUMt -, A,'
OU Clol A*
A very i*rjj assortment ot wej] reason** on C‘ ■
fansiug u. v,:Jih (iota 27 icche* to is ire* ••! »n,
bundeonis in ir*. ,-„i to lit any nktj
re ‘Ulittlr.
TbrUOCh <,( e,..Ad« Will tc tolJ a* . »« I'.'T
cor. it purciia->pu tu Kuy of the ta«;e:n c .ii*. \'V
i»*viic every budj 10 . *ll who wifi a imr
aep* W McCI-lN fi»’K
hPBIKS -»W1 bxa Cream on-J tV R « , >,eL^e
o l‘> liU?;* old J«V4 C.-llOi.
la Lij;* -I *j>uayi» Jo.
:o bag* i» U.o Jo.
10 Lf cLe«ta I'bulan Tea'
10 cuddy bat extra Ot iui.j
40 Jo prjliC Gr.v ..
V • 01 rhr.U Jt>.
ill lit beach
J ba'es o-ifl M.cli A.mor.J*.
6 oo- pure corvma.- Lemur. ,«.i*■»*
; bXiHojnenpathi • A
ju bn Broma. Cu.os and No ) ct
} bit Almond and Pa.ra Seep,
W bi» Bonn and Variegated Svip;
5 do* OHvr and Bordeaux On.
•J dor Pepp-r Sa.i :e;
v Jo: Gtrt.n & Walnut Ptek.i*.;
V doi Bo*e Water;
1 cue 1 tan an Maecaroru,
s ease* do Vtioueoiu,
y caaea pare India Came Powder,
j eaaei tuperfinc Ride Flour.
1C brUcraaned A palvented Sugati,
10 b.-l« email Loaf.
lObr'.ipurt Cider Vioccrsr,
Ml dox com Broom*:
For talc by J D IV [LLIAAI'i A CO
ai',7 Co,'. Wood a Fifth >i>
•PO axed the to-»r.“ uimrixertieiieri u'.cii ii..* it.*
J, use ••• u.>* <-u*lox-i*rv .-Heiri./.tie .•
■ ecu ruucc. an.l <c.r a lune Mot r» •.!»:«.!. r ...... . ■
•. n 5 mailt f t>. n«»uii -UJlie)... ii .1 mu •• ,r. • . • :i ;*i
mijcie of >:(-uan. was conrru,. ituy ip..oi* ' iir r...
rtl utc -yiix. aa much more vaicaLlr. ».a*e
been tuppUca so Srein*. from wlisci. to much ;roui>>
>exai:ca. and lot* ha* ariitn.
The ditteoity ha* ctla.i iieun oTtreomc the p-jb.,r
t * cS'.-red a Rood article, bancvoaieiy put cp .r, a '•.>!••
ictient farm for doctcruc u*e.
lbe oa:y objection urged egair.ti this art..-le .*
t pparent amkil quininy ua eacQ *|.ool. Tt.i n
explained Each r*poal i* warranted to cw.'.’mn Ji
r a/da of Silk) while the ordinary Skein.-i c.e ean.r
rtior, hat but an uncertain quainiiy, from l j
ii it yard*.
The Spool Silk is rendy f»r use ai the time of ra'
saute, and i. oniy needs a trial, to cootineu the mo-:
lUpiical of it. to. cnoruy in quality Independent o:
w>e neat anc comment form in which it la /urnishr l
i pus jreai ad»«Maffc» over the Skein, u* itic'i
, k~ij xr[ra tiie tedium of wzaduig. Ih: Texas.or. nf
.aaunc, and the low of tune in preoatinr it for ate
ilcldby VV>l. fl. HORsT.MANN a ni).N-«,
il North Third at, Flulacteiphiu.
H Malden Lane. New \ or*.
jyTOtdoodOm __ HolaAganta
VI K.'BEANfI— 1 2"brl* rac’d for mile i.y
INDIGO— 4 eetootu Suanith !»r »«i4 by
,^ p u u a J AHNKrrurK acj
l i lCh>- U> lei r'C’d and lor *ue r«y
W «p!i JAMh.i A ACO
ilNSF.fil) Uli/—74 t>ri« pme.»« £«*>4 p'sckM*'*.
j K ptl _ SbLLKR?* <i MCOI.S
SUf• \!t CI'RED MA\l:+—wlbiii i-t «»i- ’ v
rppll SKLXF.Ki* A MCOI .-
MAi;KKRKu-"':*l<ri. No i lor pii<- ioc iu ■
cor.Mpnincui i»Mk> !•
Ddtionahv of mki'iia.Mi 4,
ODd NO If*, &B- been jrp»ncd »i
Ho.iur»’ Literary Depo . Ib.rd Hrret, <ip?o«!'.p :!.«•
t*o«i Olllee. Every meeoenic 'Jioaid hare tt.* «vm
iep t
HaRPCK’S Mostly M»j»une tor Sey;eu»l.*i
Held Hook of me Rrvolunt.n. N.. 0
Ju«t rrt'd lor »«le br *» C rti.uCK J n.N
«ep4 rorM-t-'>T> -«
-4 >aCO ft - j s nud» njcj. !w,uu.uu,«, ,««. i
1 i cfi»eU aod io: J SfCART it •**!Li.
~0 . .| Wmi.J »l
'■pKASKd M\tjSkTl\* OINTMKNT- 'tvt: «!•>?•;
J. f/>r ,tle Lt J MDU i. ..»*
~-,7 COW.o-J.i
I ACi<nTH'!* (rl-t.rnic.l I’mru
J Kir.-*.-..
I\K >.l >M M l • Cll-I*. Itt4 r*,l »
i * ,uti tec’d for sale I.y ] sep •’ 1 KlMl> 4* **
U»(>\V Dfc.K J Al-A f ra.i*. ju»t fpf'J .let ‘llr I >
' , c[ ,' J KlliU *■ >'
ijfmtiKhVum akarjc— t i • m.
Xi'ovec, *» nil fc,r ** le
»t p»"
fjlL. l .!'- IM* lil rbe*S» V M. 1» F, .V »u*,‘ (r i
J '.u I.• .Niiidj«ng *m* 'n»!/v.u
IVii rdd-ly Uis V It) son a. l.un]h)*'U t. S'.l
.me l‘T l.opll) M11.1.K11 JV KH-itl'.lV'^
{tUKK-K A's 1 11 prut.. reo «i.-' lor ■»!? «j»
"repi/l -‘i 'Vatct M
1)0 r A -01 MraiiMii ‘lore and lor ir.r l.v
* _*.{,•/! JAMKS IMI.ZKI.I.
IkA'S'l'iNi.- -7« i No. I, tor «»>* Uv
j ~e p:l J AMKsUMI-•/ F.U._
/ y ]_, a Sr 1 1 v£*i 1,6 i t' M««oric<J si/i-i. oi r’uuib .1 Me /•
\T iuh'i tuaud. j«.reived and for »ne Mr
, rp :» KllfcV. MATTIIr.W.i .v cu
FtC IRON- 10 * toil* Lddlel il*<‘ Focfive. UU *a:,'
J,V |.e P M| H*M.
N' " (I I,|U. oak e««»'ie»>r^
. .tpV. Mi(<ll-l- ‘ A IK/K
1.1 ATI OllM fcw »*ii r>uilr>
t.i IvMJ to IUW) 11-•». .or »nle t-r
| McOILUM A. Kul.
«“ “ *
| \|„ARm U.U" jri..i-ipc, ll«*aj>u, an/ a
V/ neai*. »cie< led tua/io*. lor sa'e Uv
, r ,,|4 A j:oi:
(~ U?I l f»s OlH'Uy- »U bales very liravy. 'or c-ovr t
y mjb boat decks, rcccved ami lor isle ti>
~j.U -iCAIFK i. Alh i Nfj-u.N
LINKKt.Ia t>lL IS t«.U iuri te. v. lor •.«!? ly
j j i:il‘d * ro
sept l . Ui ''>o,l «i
I )AC* N - - A It tv I- I»tl AiUl yflouidr; *. Hi *iiur
J_> andjor »ai.-|,y nejiUj ;.Ul FUM O
Vtiw.* f'.lr-l.
1 io Co Osp Paper, f.,r toJp l>r
T7lN*-'4SA.H lo iri» i .ner \ m'-fai l>r »ai; oj
>_ ' e P lc HF VON liu/tNIIUKir « CO
Alt. Jtiilii-lio mi*. Jor.iaio . i »„4* soif Uy
3 i v<»% »-»n. ;mok4T aco
»*i.i’i.n-rasi.r s in,., MM '■'i-lfi : F Vnx !!•»:•. 4CO
Z— JM. vvi3ll Ucim,.’ .^no,
tu .* 4fu
t*pK Cor V. ec<l * F.flh ;i»
(’iHKAF WALL KnH, tt 6, •. mi ,L
j per ioii, tor «aia by w F
»api«2 A or-d «.
Rost COLORED *Vbu Fi,-er-.\ ne-T.i^r
. .'V P MAlisiiAi.i.
BACUJ>— iw bL4» SbouiJcr*,
i:u hbdi flide»;
Whhd* Hans; (m » ty
W pls BLLLLKr* 4
t>l« loprrio*. Ut • »!<■ by
teplC " BAGAJ.K% A CO
pnrMi™. "Zh&ZuZk™ l ™
77 4 73 W-'cr ft.
» 7li‘oa n ot’id.o ■« *«r}..u» l.f ta-t*
N »«pK hKLCKRS* 4 NliiuLb
crii" for
M.l.'iCEL'jriNEOL's. |
J. U. a EhLOil,
■y.’,. HI Wood atrret. ta* mat received a new a>. I
f\ vm’incM of PIANO MUSIC, ainonj whi.-h are
the IwKoae.iMP— I
M.-i.v. Jo ton Iv-ve me, by S. C. Fovter. I
Ob. 11111 y the R?-J Ho*e ljve AlWay. do
!*«,-!!) vres n Lady, j 0
l'-...*i,- NcJ. Ju
OW.HC to Hun all Nlfht,
Dolly Day. Uo ,
W eJJing, t>y Glover,
l!,.- Kotin. Jo
rSOii.Tocph the Cord yei once again.
,-vcti Mcmoira ofThee,
-..vcr Moon
i,4irrrt o. the Intih I-jmijraOl
A New Medl-y Song.
Tb»u tiM WoLudcd the that Loved Tnee
1 :.<• t-.t.-rripi’* Departure, by Glove:
D r oiiiJ Hit: I.ovpJ Onei &i Homs
'Ti* Hc-ne when: e rr the Mean U
Tl.r V m.tee Ma,d
l.ow Hnrit’J C*r. ny Lover
Du yen c»ef think of me. (irn.if Lady.,
Jernntr rlrey.
I.'i.n, Cei.'anua, \VeJdmg, Wreath, and Dairy
V. MUtl
Uatchclor, .Maiden, Bella Welta, Concert, LaJiea'
Soaven.r. Cally. F.lvirm, Lily. Alice, Evergreen. Sara
r-f "• Adieu. nnJ Ll*2T PoikU u»ay*f2
enter not into the liat of puffer*, we *ay nothin?
IT abrm Haodred* of Cheats, Importer*, Lorre
Bought for Cn*h, &c. In fart, we will not
ii.nbug ,n *;iy manner or form, we limply luvile the
,■ it.l'tu* ’<• eompare our Tea< with what laey purehaee
p.t :■* w l.cru, 1 .|« k the be*; metood we know to a»crr
;*L,n who »cii» the belt and rbeapeit Tea* in Pmt«-
burr.h. We arc now celling
Good and rtrong Tea al 4u and 60 cent* per lb.
A prune article,- 75 do Jo
The best Tea importeJ into the U. States, 81
Lew price.!, dwcaced. cr inferior Tea* we do not
Proprietors of the Tea Market,
1 ■:} Kn*i anlc of Diamond.
(treat tiuericia flaebaaloal Work,
1) A: r>:>" J Co New York, have in course ot pub
tu-r.oi.n *n pait«. price twenty five rer.u eaca,
Of n il, ll’orl.aiid En
f-ii.riir’; Hijtfntd for Fratlical Wo'iv.g
Mr-:, ana’ t.tojr ttjmdeJ for iAc E-.?i
-tarntig Ptqftsr^m.
r l‘'Hiß WORK t» of Urge bvo. tire, and will coift&tn
i 7wo ThocetHo rmcs and upward* of «u tkoo
j*r-o iu.riT»ur'OH» U will pietent working draw» t'.'l «r‘*riptton* of the moit importunt maihinr*
m.l >• lii J -it;es ItuiT-t en«ent i.f tlie retulu 01
An *r !*•*!! n wii! contain complete pftu-u
-. » ,' .<-. Vice hr, •. , .i.* 1, Mac bine ry, Eni'me.-york.
in 1 ■ •■-cii.if w.m tl* tn.-., u u«wftti "more ibaii
.n • J i'o '»r* wurUi of l«>no volume*, maga
i..- tifiii .i'tlDl this publication I*. 10 place be
er • ~'ti •v::i J'ii itu Jciitt iur h un amount of
.. t togcvhcr it rubu'h p.j.'fj..,. ■.
1 ,'i.m 1 • ■ ,v;< which i> p,»ttrri,trJ With sach clr<it
.iiu , rci .•..on. that even a man o.' tne most ardi
• » . . ~•:<! m .Minot fun of ur>dt<r>>iHiiJiii( it, and
it... • l •• ii -::. .I o.ur b uk/h it .. .(tipori*M nn
cr< are, in tbon, JneiuuncJ, rerardiesa
•"'ivtl \i me k e the w ork ui coropieie *j po*, miJ
a 11 h -v. J *- * st v one Jeviroas to the won w:!:
pi... u:e 'ci ...ulia imoUti *r.J thua eituourui■.
Th: rr; I: .;.-cd ,n »cuii-H*unUity H»mners,
ciiru.ueiu mg in Janauty, ISCO, and win progress with
T -'e work will be published 111 40 number*,
tt •.'■ i-e'v.t i-et r.uml-er.vnil coinpUied withiu the cur
-1:n 1 . ui. A librtai discount tvil. be made to
A t one rein.tune the publisher* til) in advance.
- ....I i.ic work through Lhe pox v^cefrec.i!
oftba Pro;*.
- 1... .:u: r.p.jari&u. Munofaciuirrs \l.;hunKi, En
y.f, »...: At I| »*'l ». 11 K.l, l'« « lb.IlC uf WUUIUi.V
V*. '■ nh .».»ii rnchJcn.'e rcconiUi.-.iij cur reade:* to
.. ihhikJc 01 m number* as f»«t *a lac y ap
.. 11 A tu'Mi Atlitai.
• i..;isiy .'owi.irnj iti»- work to eii
si 1 ibiuciitlv worthy ot their ceiuqiu»uoo arid
- I'f.-r. (N V .1 IJuJget
1. 1 U.v u livMl Wars, mu J the pubaabe r* Ju
v ,»e .f • .• .;i» • ui i,:senioii. mu. ana uaou
:* - cmlciU r »’ »*-;c..tiy N. V
, , .nui.'ii. in *1! wbo with to »o(ju*iUl
- . «-. svi.h .be h.og:*** ai m itia iuc
u*-... .. . -Ne« lle.ri.itJ D».iy Met. ur»
•’l, a i< bughl Seep [>o*lr.( up 10 the
crti'. *. 1- net. a* pracluul ohd this
n. i i.i.itr ttiein bus* the) aland ' —Kotbary
’ V, « i>,u ii uiie iul. Jui work that «CG.e» *nd bun
- ... win ii.ielligcct mechallica have JrHilud n. |k^>
**" hmp.e «ie its dcu.-npncna, and *.• lull nad
.-i ■ .!..-3non*. lUui .t ic- a* that *ny
*. . -ii v! to luechanu'* *ho6.d avan them*
•" ii. -fb-LuytEiii (Pci.n .! Jotf.
1 a ;t -« o. Ait.*n»jre prlineal nuuty and great im,. t—J to the r«pid<y increasing mtefcsis
.1; u.e 1 Wa rerurJ the work a* eminently
«•-'! to promnc tbr casts nl aeieneo *ud ihe
O.l .ut:ject» “ Farmer aod Mrcburue
••Prir - .,'*i tn-ii 1:1 alt the varied, walk* of mechasi*
c*i *ud uur.afacturtug tbJu*trvi enyir.eetinf. Ac~ w.!i
i.r,.l ,n wc:t a treasoro wbicr. a wa) be to itcir
pm t to |M-iwa.".-lioy Dary Wtug.
-VVo hare .-art fully yarused iLe nomher*. and bavc
r., > 1 <!i)ii:.. ihti a 11 tbe t.cut. work tor mo
• ii-i.n-*. fa I*-• ien, »nd men. ever pubuth
ud i-ir .: 'HiU'j: miouie in(oriuala.n on every bramih
o. a o iii'.i'.iiar.■»:: art-, and science*, expreaaed 10 a
4.,,, ai. 1 '• -.juase imelliaible to any reader 01 onli
a.: •• a,.h. ny.' —o'muce-ter, Newa.
SVc mr »i.rc wa arc the wecaat.ica cf Nor
w.<,. I'ibet parti of (.'on&eetieai a service Ly
it:, s.r. tbe. work to their auanUon '—Norwich,
(Co.ii. 1 iV.uiwt
• I. u ,jt; »ueh a work aa every mechanic should
pov-*"» •—freeman 1 fourual.
VVn .'onsidrr it one of tins most useful asl important
.:,.f.';f.tua No mer.niD.e can afford u. &e
l . fetal Co art* '■
~.e >•(!. ;;«; bn ring for the.: r.h
. u-.d >.; <»; h.e tae.-t.aiii
i. i> ai w* r.ars veen, »u
i . : . sp- 'i «•,>. i i <t; oiere.l i . ihc
iu.l ,-tHi ur i. rircban.C Ihe
Veaotit. . v etE-ut'.: U .kiulieMin Oic:-r
, rfti D.r . onan *' one oi me raoit u*e!s'
si |>t,!i i.tieJ .or yc'i rr, i;f.d ;Ua lowjirueat
• ctlr' •; to a.i Soath
'«f rt ..\:i n a* fine of We rcs*»t romprehea*. ve «n.l
»:;-v .»■» we.. *1 cScmjx»i < *er pubi.\ncJ
• 0.-'l.t by carry one Jitijinj to k**<-p
7- iti if *."i and *ctet.rc , n carry one
c; |i-.« i ji-rr* i • > ..-.liicJ ill'' —Hcndont Coaner
••! .'-. 17r . < *f.rr lUii rr-*rip;4 o: i're * t>.c moa
:y. o-;.r iia: >t i* more :le»<rted in ttie reeelmu.i ni anil
•nr.rp.-j nr»fe r ai'in r ', and aoivj »•; ..» vnaan.r
h . '-•it-' ( .r Arn'rira wbi i. re baa done i«.r
!•;•• . ~>•« American macr.itery and
»». i... ai, ' -nc.eni.Sir American.
••;.., j.j ~iiif 1 ii, iioOitieri, too *5 a price »o mode
;ji , j .. « oat i* contained m r «c h number. Ui*t
( ..r n.., La; th* leart ir.icrcu in aorta Biauara,
ner ! it jfj.'ieJ :rom pri» it; and every one wno
£.•?* ao, vrJi find that no Lai in a ccademeJ tarm an
ni iimrurtior T*i,,rh would be obtained, if at
, . n:»:y f.c [.jr-ftaae of very an/.y aolamei N
••T;.n ,|,re»>rr! .veeas With w&ich the *ub;eeu
,-j ii«« ..d !i.f,r»ble iii vraic.i ibey are
iiin«ta> .< j ■ r«niT- in make t:.i« one ol me «an»t <ieu-
M. mj-.' I►i-iii
I _,! wf>ri ■ u-- i l <f hr i. ::»r f.nnJ* ol evert raechiaie,
•, , | ni.m-.-.'i'-Urfr. ei;*!y tr.a»e who hive
.... i:.: ■n r { . lit ”.K«rir fe/{'C<*Uvr Duu
,u i.r. eimui’ed i; »»:J» n ot
rr-.'fir;i'-'*-> 1 • > :.. i . e:i!..r» To lUrnt we would
, ; ; r .- ••• .!.»■!> ra*;r r.: s.n» IJiLic: “ll i* rood
. .1, . !-... u • J"um*'
' r tht I'-uy-'r-r-Mi' Xrtoipayrn throughout
, I ■; ■ an./ L'j JUlt/d,
I: i» intnieJ &»e lone*
Jt.r If.- - i ■- »f. »: 1 nc p*pf t ;’ou;kiih( H t*ttt tii Ul,
, •iy ~[ tac tT(>rl will !■« s;M * riu» .11 paviooni.
»i.' I iT
(‘<rnLu'’t tn g n--> /V/rrurv, yur' lAhrr Mineral
T'ilK 1 -niiinui.iii. dm ti»«n b) li.« crie*
Of WofcsV r_j{call ;t..'<tui..or 0/t*i» *rc»l
, 0 -3, r j. ARteutau I'racuue a.
\lr.!ifi,u- r.\ • 1 Ilia..'- I , i*7«ift«i;: "
lanrlr ai-'iuatiii-d with the uitrediera*
ii ? nm*U A.U»w'« Ail-Hr»!int> ilintmri.i, pri -. r.'-rO »' il levied il m.«rveral >r*'r» ,1
njj I have >. l.ea<wiioii ai *«nrtf t-t
CCllli j, ; ,, :kU , h a Vipcslne', co.iKuiuni
'ji'.iuiif «* uticver. tbui m* rvcrrilirj'ii
-I »- IVY or*. nv' a* tf.frcird l.y n.e
y „p ri . • air or..> .k!imr». I. ill of fieal value.
:i;i» » .! 1 y•• i* Knr.cJ Vol »lrJ J
-<" J . h. » ('onipouiiJ tu<
,i)il » m.-n i- in Uir run* of
. .:,r .. I uiiu, u I I.AVC lir »Cl 111/trl
rijwr.l in :•>« tali? uf »rcrc; r.< J,-
irjilmoa. Jiu-
.• nr-'/, r-vm.l l. r U.J lull'
OlBi:-- iri «! .In- tt( t!.>* "iuUj.i
tt iuJ Uir <»: t.i" r, oMirr J>« ioun
n.ucipcs*j. Kg .1 w Ju'-Arn. I» i>
N<w , AjM'l
j Kim> a (<i
BURN-' li •. one oi u.t i.r.i il.m*. ... i'..e w..nd
(i.t iiui
Tl.O‘i»e(tH »»e ycmi'y r ure>t t»y i>-•* 01.1 -
t or Ttiilu'l • I It. I. 11l n.l knlilt of **«<(«>». >1 bat
?Wl>U* n of
iiid Nur-'i biiew lit value ill ( a*p» (if
nr llr*-i>-l. ill'> would alwa> i ali,nr >•
A -rtu, ,i ,nr ! n( ar» direr tmui for tiling Me Alliitrr *
fi,i iu .:-ni !(>r S-iwJuia, Li'«*r raraplai 'it. Lrwi-I-*-
Tru- r. dud.ln.u. Heald Head. Hore F.yc*. cfu.ri' v
: 0.-c‘ll io il. Jirnr<t.Ui!». Nervoun Afferuoi.i. Pai’i*.
D:e<-a»«-«. lie »»■»in»*. Hrnd Ache, A'llmia, IV-ahin..
!•> ’ A «’ii- . Hun , ». IfuriU. all Dixair • oMhr “H !:■ ;
l.jpi, I’li A.-., bwrilui* ni the Lila In, ftul,'.,
Ulica-mriU’.i' I'ld/Vil I I< 1. Croup, Hwr’lrd oi Utu
ken L.iVoth Aclir.AKm’m iho Kan*;. Ac '
From (be Heading pArle.
There *" never; prrfiap*. •> Medicine I.fought be
fore ihr (iul’.ic, that l''a» »i»»hr.[i a lifiir won •erf.' MrAllmti-f* A !)• Meaniig or Wrijli
« u I VP Ainioti every prixin mot no• umdr Inal of >i
rpenki wu.-m'v in jU prn.-o One fcu-. l-eeii . ujcfl t.v
il of the mint puir.loi riip-iir,:>i.»ni, anou-rt c. n.< ;nic».
• n.irJ nf « (roil t; it' -Oli.c J.UIII .-I .lie ».dc, a I'.a'l'i n. u
■ welling i i r.c :,ntbk, A*' If *> not; ;»nme
d.nte reef, in i wry roe. u r-m do or. t-e .g
applied outwardly
A* another e' .dence «>f the wondnrrai ht>a>in(r pow
er no<*r' vd b,- ihin nlv«. we « jt ,o.n toe f.svifin*
certificate. from a r?a|*ertai.<a c»iu«.n of Mudencrccc
lownOop, >*> tins county.
Miu.leacreek, Un»» «-*o, March j»i. 1*4..
Me«rn kilter A do —1 u-.nte to inform >ou that I
wa« tnu rely cured of n wvnr pa to m:he back, by the
u*- of MeAiliuws • All-Healing tjatve, which I pur
chased fro.a you. I nuiered w.ih it for about
and a! nirtu wa» unable uitlrop During that oii.e I
tr.ed tkiioßu remedie-., were prescnbe.l tor me
by pLyncians and otb'r without receiving any
irltef. •ad at Inn trade trial of ibi> Halve, with a re
mil ue-aratilc brye.nd ripeviatiaa iam now entire
ly free fre.u thr pain, anti enjoy at rush; a peaceful
and sweet Deep l hare ot«<i used the Lriyc sin.-e fur
tooth uchc aod other eoiiipiaint with ttmiinr happy
msuita Your mend, Joi»p HnLtitrrjacM.
Hei.- Proprietor of me above incdlrine.
Pr.netpai <13.. r. No ‘.ii Norm Third *uec:,Philadcl-
Acist i*i PiT7»Bear.n —II A. Ffthr.entoca 4 Co n
corner *•' Wi-ou arid Firti -.1a.; \Vm Joctton, No.
ato Ltbcriv itreet 1. Wilcox, Jr., corner of Market
il/eet Hi t. me Diamond, alio comer of Fourth and
ttisni.hc. J siren*. J II corner of Walusi and
Penn-dr: -, f.rin >'* .rd. and anid r.t th* Dookitort in
SmiL.n-,j irl t'l-iOt from Pernnd
In Atievfceei City * If f Hctiwaru and J.
I>i4|«hl D N>)flsy.
Pm*.i Liberty; 11. fLnwiar.U, MeKeevport; J. A'eitmdrr
k9or.Mrnoncahf.natr. N «. Howninn A Co., r.nd
J. T. llofer • I‘rowi. Jnh :; Hot* ley. Hc« .cr. Fa;
Jn'-n \\ k-r. J, . Krniheih, Hrrt,t.-|-i A F wr.
Kocberte, _ 'le-lleodly
Et'9oii.bkl»iV' ib c: i- on tend an <l for cole by
»l —Tl.r *ll3 of many perfL-.i,a i« disfigured with
Slight e 1 up.ioni. a« pin.|ilea. morphew, Ac . tmd wten
lht« U merely s duea-c of the akin, a* it 1* muetv
rV, ' f T ii«r:i!red, it 1* very' ea*ily re
mured Julea H-uer, Nvmph Soap 1* ei,,re..|,
udarf-l U» dl-eitae* ul R. r * fctll , , t , r „ atrr.-nV
Lbon the pen-. whieli cover U« .urface;
eleansirg then, tr„i„ .-n-.u, ::r . hy
property h«am.g u..a *r..1,«u 14 ,, f »H erupuoos.aac
rccJeri.ig the Jatse.t und rouguen »kia son, lair, mid
b.o. mtiig.
Person* wbo iu.v.- la u, e habli of using ordi
nary soup, wi.i t-u - tt u,e heauuful etfect
Produced hy ir.r Nrn i-J Sr ap. m imparting a delicate
Won, rrevcri..i:g th<- n.vtt. ia< r. or hands from chap
j in?, allti) ing n;, removing all cutane
ou* '•rrpticn* Ii ;..n- v :r- perfume, and
ic eoarely u:. rendering
a t..- n*.-> e ii ~ , u .i fl i wiih safety and
A I uo**. 'Vi...*- iM i.fl ,ir .iti’i. are uithgureJ with
fira;..:- ,:• iii.-.-,.:„-w Ac . should make
Uitli'l Ju.e« •, Au*p, K* Hie ptopiielor
poMUveiv a<»uri-• ’irm. •.«.», uyw..; lender the
moil duvoiorod ,kn ; a* i„ie. rough-.t .km smo-at,.
aiid tlia mo*, divcii-c.l .tin l.caahv pure, and bloom
J ile* Hr.ur! . N .Tnpi. .nonp ~ u.- ~n ; y anitic which
w,.i cJeciuuKy produce n.„ Vr , a r; . „ »i,or
a acne, and tne c 1. one win, ~nn* tai.e aii
poweriul -• J c 1 l'.i,-ami only ! y
Jt i ts ilAi » 1 . (•. rf-j,.,-. cud (.•>»e»r..« 1
For aaie whoie-ia.c >..u tad *. T tt' A Fuhncsiock
4t o . ui;.! 11. 1 . :li*:. • j r, f au3 John Sn r
gem and J M>tpn?l,, Abeg- trat.!’* , t
A GOOD Mahogany l*in:,t. »1 r..-. 0 ociMvea,
second band 9100 00
A handsome upnrM Piano, wvn Ko«ewood
h U'Clituro. C i.etuvc-*, >.mi at rood order • 100 W)
A p : atn 5J octave Piai 0 45 an
A good t: nc'.ivc hmi.i • :soo
A vocv-l 51 oc:*tc r.H.ui. war, hsndiome fann
tur.- ... - 75 on
lor **le by h'll.S II MliLLufi
tnav *5 -l Wood *1
Metallic l.lgiit.
OUPFRCF-DlNli tbe Wo:h- h 1 . si. nm! being In-
O ronibu*’.. 1.-. .iCf V e*.• thi oil, BTid pre
vent, l.creUMie mu. *. ci '-. :ed 10 in till
~u.f. fi.-iii- Ui.r t.i. e u.e I umisuit
limpjiiK.i; u a Ni r.u 1 :., L * - c .utihiti lengih
Hr. *.,.ril and for «a!c : v JiM'n' li'mlißGaN
may?: _ Dtu ? /ut
cep' t>n 1 'iV, tV» :
The above Fresh ( arc ; <in', '-.t, ar.d pul UP
’ > a hi*niy-..i t .ii-.. *-1 - lietmrtir -J-
It *. :..l «i . »- - !. 'O }■.: ;Uu.. those
|.u. . 1-. IP.- Oi.i : -It. •- ..
y... *a < -1.. .• .1.. k .
V. % 1 I.FRI, 4 fo,
n.>•..« Vi. I..:>rrtj *t
oravi AUdlcctu DWchaulcai Work-
D.>. ITU TON N m.urc IQ cour-o
* « .j.uu.iCntior.. it. ».'i t. - lur-ntv hvc cenla
m.-1., u DltrilUNAHl >i ,-M-ir,. Me-hm'.iCl. Fr.«
t.rt.-U.,rS fjn 11 . iie..i-i:.-j lor Piucticul
bui'd v * u.iy sub>rci
Wurktn* Men, fc.u! tin
\ T01f.1.,.0 h.l -.-d t
Thia work »f .«-c vr w - ' will contain two
ihoußand pace*, and up* *1 1- •>< v : ihniuaiid ibustra
ti'in* It will p.ciem w,.r. .'law :■;* ar.l Jr .nip ol the ruu*' unpi'i l * >; . n ."i in tho I'.iaed
•A'.air* 1; Irjijdcpi u< r- re - »-r Aiucncun ia
li.'ba.,,- it wi-i remain cntiylr.. ,1»•; , *; ursuwt <*h
Mr 1 ;.a..,c Mj, li..c t> ~.k. and Knginecr-
in.- w: •. ,j u . ...1 1 ; it,mi one Ihnutand
doi ars w.t'.L ei ;i.i.*ajnte* and otiirr
bool* s.l .-.Ultbri, 1 IV.'.U a.ij ''.ir aaic by u,«
Jubn li. 3'iplinr, h! U**u*i l'ilUliurßb
’ C Ar ‘t IlilKtH. -.f. ** 1 > • •. »i H A I*■ I •
(JiltllJ *» ml Sijtial* riouu h ortSl,
*ud uiD«i .ici,:,k|j »—:k • . 1 - • ■ .* ever oUere
Sidi-tMy i’arveJ lln.e t.rm i'.aii-. I on*
C k!'.' . U.-M ■«. J .--U— V) U «.'-
P...:.-. h-r-.n. Lau :i« - - 1 '.j n->-*“ *«>« >««-•
XIV u ;»,f
Willi n l*?rr »U''t o. r it- <•< i -
no br:f', «»ry.u» ir. p: - • :• r, U-Ti u> *-tv> .„•)
31UX1. ,r*pi.rr«J t)f Mi • i--v . *ol u.c
fcor, tt'jSo *
frniihw.n.inf •■: » •- ; nu« 10 t.r. if*
i: • -••
,i »• < : nr.tJ *et up in
i T. lEOUI i-l.arg*, nj» b-k u uu»
•-There *•« n < . »-d earth
TLkJi s.r .i!CL». ,11 oi .7 -r > '
THE WRTI I - Oi :ii> f remr Y. and
ise rocs»i»..i I>< ui the proprietor,
The i'vrrr.«-iK
conn'.} . til a .le-.-t’i
.Vi,u ra'ed > . •e. » • ki . . .- n.. •>, • tun;e, r.oi
,u*i n» Co« - irmo tu. .•». i ’ n
eni.iA»i.i proper*..•-.* (t j. * i.air.n.: of d.»e»»e«,.i»
noioncer » mvlri «> » ..*crtau r»*'* tr- leiiiJ
liiuri i.i u.t ", iiKiuf. ■»!.'(-- • i. . .ivn. fnifl.i
be of van a*«fa. .i -> i 1 •• ■■ r l-iu »»•
rl-rtr.i the f.lo«>in of b- r.ln. . . .-o- - •;.* i a *uA
lerer Lor-X^be..... f-r-r-'.e •• . . - t.' t mi.iig
worn -t» we; r- r '« r *•
wi»e f l-e t.. ael V. •, n
lie* v • . ir.a .1 a r.J*t .« I Arm- r »ln.a
IlHl»Si'lilTl.* . i‘UN :L 'll'i i . ~-.y .uk >
\ic.n.i, «t.. 1 » : <l, n( .:. • . i-1■ •ir i. 1.1 VkR
-PM’MA f!
iUp ill »Jd»- r »'.•! h ><>ip • I* ' - I. ji . i.i .-SiJp.
Ncrvoi-.j [>>»ca'r «, Vf uii.*.:i_ I'.i ii. »■
Ucwi. I .ry Tci;e - U.'-r" l-u •. r*.-
llrf»e«, «» j *orr4. a • A,- 1/ ,i ro
♦u.’Ji’/ irnm Pii-.-icr . vt ,unR a .d , •
•Ji»p»»r. U..» ir.'.JKJt.-- Ur.?.; - j»
a penpi* 1 Tl )*• K' •»...! AL FK K A I i >. 1
tiire a.nd ci r .-t m .
l!i* Hip .
ruoK (liwst an*' • Lti . • ...
uicroaiPil aud renewed c..*rr: . 4
LiJp' Tht p/fr' , ifvor l.
IMI-KS .that rpv.'d pv-rr ov :: :
tne a»c c: ihp PtrrP.'jl.VV '.i .
Tie j*roor pfi up •■pp~ in *> •.
No.-.p »pnu.:.' »..uo j; if.,- if.
UT U*e
f* M HU H. Cur:n! !'ii -
A -i T U l. Mj.i.l ii
»: ' Kl.\ ■»!.K
poruet Vv'wTd tl. an 1 V .
iin.vl* 'p<
Price tied uc»U
rpHK hLßS''»:iui.j»s> w.i. heM
A cji.4.. y *rj ••>->!> Mblcr*'
s<xl* A*h. W .V f»t’i J * k « • k 1 l-.J.-T It, -l.iU . i
1* tty ii,« ~U»|.tt. t •> 'R • • •• -iri.ityof
ulf w * mi i' nh.rttt:f l T* n
So 7ft. Pourih xireii 1
TX r M ri.l .STI >'"■»« umu <*nu«. f:rei»in*>.l*
VI . M. ’k .»< i'Uir, 1 ..11, 11.1IHS,
Trimmer*. 4o . n. j... , “• n,.i.'iwiiir 1 »u
I.n v.;., l lU* l '.t;.r:l' - «.
3 h’tr'lHf. “• -1 Allien t.l If
"t ‘ftrp'TLua Iti.,'; n.
-< Hiinrtr..
Sopertr.e lir;*iri tV.rp:
Kxn- Li...
<-4. | HK.t | I «|t w- it 1 «r 11 in#:.
1 1. 1 1 l.u i:..ip |h «•!•» u
H I » .-..i-M ~;b- .I'., .
!..►> »h.| Her l ! i»l|>* Si,
'4 ? 4. ». 1 J 4 , f .j {
6 1, ' I. 4-1. mtJ |
«■ inch i--».»r.ii i i luiU
i»; *•:«
f. ,i.j
U>ii« Ti-xhixui M'j,' i» ,1 J .1
' Is »•'•*>' '»
U.v'.i 0.1 I, t'li.n.’i
!>h*h i>l ? i 1..n.n/i, 1t,,, ~
Uhirir.l Mi.tcnu ,'r^rr"-’ lC "'
il.'n, '» O: C.ntr. Table
I!..I II J.f! WSUJes.i I .. 6
J'i H.i-M iliff.'>m i; u-ii, -iH-t n OJ n/ :<.r Flo?*; jr t;'i:
?-l h.i.i i' 4 Table Lj/.tn; ilin-i.n, (
Hu»«.*Cra»h, j li.i'* ami )’((,
. i.. .• m I'Jaj.l ,i.», I;. | 6,,.; 4.| ( >rt rl
j'upit o:i i L<rxß« from -n- mo*: i;.-.,
. i;„,. I
... V.-.aitl. Wil.fl, «.!• l. , ;R . f
/i i.t-cio* of kji» m. r
J'l.i un-JrriiCJ'rtt
u •..* r.n Vrlroi | 4
''■t • i ri*. wli>r!i ur<: .
r; n •» nr-.l i.
inr in u'i> i.’l i!.e ci^ic
wo. * UKI-v-Ki.r iV.J tKJAL IHRKK
H . INt.RASN ‘ ARriT-w.rhf.r.crro.M-*
in r,m.ri) nn.i c:.cKp.irt» rf ;j■ .r ?. »r.y i\*vmia'-m rvcr
Men and t oncli MomiU- iur« rv u. In* i„ r ., aii<*wrii
i: 3 E’-r or IOUT' ; r>! TJM MMI 'N i, r- , WI I , '
nr«ei«< ry ir. inrjt l.u*. .!•••» ' *'
■|>.c u.-.Ocr».pircu» *!u> crenc for >Ve . r Rod
. c »
*• w r Itl:*rt <MI lie |>Ufrl.U»o; ■ ;.r W..r» , , .
r - r i f L MTi.l.vr.'/i’-'i;
A r, M , AS Ar * • ° l ’ hUtiri «»«• »-em«n
TLtd and loortb.iuo now rrorirn,
*or;c?i. ot Uarcre l>r Lrwut.
UJC I.c« article, Pullcivit, |v> 4 ' w . lln
n large UMorimnni ol Lin-ni unu uihri l-n 4„w><l»
of lb* l«ie»i ci)-ic» and raon f»»eionßM- rr,i or . '
■ f»3
Paper Ilnnaine*.
SPIUNC, SELKi iION — H i- r. aril
Ctnnl nhipmrm*. a new end chi-io- a.n-<vni n <>tii of
Wall I’npfr. <■>' ;hc l<ur*i Hcncti and Knitcm *.n |«,
iu gold, chuni<n«. oak, [.lnn nu<: p,. * in ip,.
W j' MARSHALL, i\u.w i: u ll;> ,
“■A Woixl
IHAVL liar atvieiait.liwiu, me, in u. P \\ jioie
attle C-roeerT. i.nd Fn rw , rdirf .
lie»s, BV iwo *Out. H -N artl W. U.
Mines* in iviuitc will he cninlueiril under tlir *i y ; c of
S. W airrmun A Ninf, a. xc old •imiri, \ n ;J
itr anil GJ From ureei. t. >■ *»'itrman
1 !Ni*EhlD OIL—I 3 bris Cmwo!i]\ by
X* “P 7 - J H CATiTILU)
1850 1850
BOATS or' uu« Line wilt leave regularly, and dc
liter ireiel.i* without transhipment.
i C JIDWKLL, Pittsburgh, a
JAWBS COLLINS, do. }-A«esu
JaSL 1850
l-rcrm P-ntburph li> Cdumhits and Cleveland,
thro'/t;h the nd, t and vopiUous emcnties ofColtm-
UartJi, Cttrro-'l, Stari. /Wear-avax, Coshocton,
Mtt'hnsrvnt. Lading, and FrarUizn.
The completion of the Sandy and Beaver Canal
open* up to our city through thi* great natural cenual
route a ducat loattuunication to ihc above an well a*
the adjoining cwunue* of Wayne, Holme*, Knox, and
From thi* »eciton of Ohio, the trade with Pittsburgh
ha* been, to a (rent extent cm oil. in consequence of
the high rate* of transportation, which are now re
duced in. v»i an. 1.10 pc; cent.
Bout, oi tlua line will leave dally, and ran through
wuhoai transhipment. The Canal company have
bcßtowed upon Una line an interest in the unprece
dented advantage* of tlioir charter, and tbu* secured
to toe middle portion* of Ohio tn ordering their food*
equal interest in this advantage. .Agent*:
J. C. BrowELL, Pittsburgh;
BIDWKLL * CO., Glasgow.
R C lloluic*, Spear's Mill*. Ohio: * H A A Guv,
Witli»m»poU,o.: George Kemble, Elktor., O ; Carlile
A Huffman, do; Hanna, Graham ft Co. New Lubon, O;
Artcr A Nicholas, llnnover, O.; Hibbets A Boory, Mi
nerva. O ; Speaker A Foster, do.; Joseph Pool A Co,
do; Hull A Bum. Oneida Mill*, O.; H V Bever, do ;
C B Hmxilial A Co, Malvern, O , n K Gray, Wuyues
burg, O.j U Reynold*, do ; Isaac Teller, Magnoltu U;
EJ llarcdelliA Co. Magnolia, ().; Wmllarkneta, do; J
M'Farland A Co, Sandy villc, O; HP Laffer, do; Pa»b-
naugh A atcinbaugh. Bolivar, O ; Willard A Sbrtvcr,
do ; J J Hoffman, Massillon, O.; Cummins A Co, do ;
John Rnbimcn, Canal Fulton, O; Fertir A Torrey,
Canal Dover, 0.; A Medbuiy, Roacoe, O'; L K War
ner, Newark, O ; Fitch A Hale. Colombo*, C>, L O Mat
thews, Cleveland, t;: Rhodes A Green, do. mayv
" VVeittra Traitiportatlon Cowpsay,
O Y iTtK'J
hit/: tiro-
By Pict^ylva nu ( 'a vai and Rail Road.
THE It-.u ur.d Cars of this Line have bn-i, pat in
com prtc i-rik-f. and with the addition oi seveta
:itw c-t.c in the 1 -iHe, NiHiie. u« u carry u i.uge
quantity i-i produce and yoo-U
Tne ctiiitc -uiek i.f Hiu Lme is owned and contro
ed l y Use Prcpn.mi.
--*rn.y to -
HARRIS A LEFCiI, No IJ South Third .t,
Ami ai the Tobacco Waichotfte. Dock »t,
Phi adephta. Pa.,
N« 144 North Howard *t, Baumore, Md ;
OFFICE, No ? West ,t. New York,
D LF.EtTI A CO, Cana Sana , Pajn su
nulJ Pl^Lurgh.
BfoifOa 1850,
l i.M u.t Lugniaenng
CLARE, PARKS a CO, Rochester, Pa , Propr't.
Oihce cur Mcnthfield and Water m, Pittsburgh
Cleveland, Ohio
THIS wri: known Unc are prepa-cd to transport
freight and Paaseagar* from PITTSBURGH and
CLF.YI'.f.ANIJ. ti> tin petit uu the Canal a.*ul Lakes.
The fanibtir. of the Line arc unsurpassed tn number,
quaUt) u.n.l ui Boat* e apsnouce oi captains,
and ciUcienc) ul A/orits
One Boat luav.o Pmsiiurgh and Cleveland daily, ran
mr.q tn conttreuan wun a Line of Steam Boats be
tween PITTSBURGH and BEAVER, and i Lina of
First ci»«s steam Beat*. Propeller* and V<s.-u. a.,
tbs l^kus
K il- >rK INS.
Hu.'.d,i-,r*, U
JOH:v a CAIGIirV. Agent,
(hr CoMiet Water snJ Smlthucid st*
Cl-AKKF- PARKS A Co, Rochester. l*rt>rn«‘*' 1 »f»-
THK Proprietor* of thi* old er.«l well known
woc.-.l i.iTorn the puhHe ih*t thrjr ara now m
erunon lortne pre/trt «e*»on; and b*vr eomtaenerrt
recciv.mj frexhi *ud Pas-eegers, which they arc
lu:iy prepared cirr, lo all poinn on the Canal and
A, ute lowr.i ra.r* this of the Boat* of the Line
» Ji be r.i.-isiantly at ms landing, beiew Monongohcia
Bridge, t-. i.i t.rc frcigb - ..
Office, tor Watar and ffoithfield at*, Pitucarg h,
R \V « unti.r.g.'.aiu. New Castle. Pa,
MiteLr-iree A Go. Pulaski,
W C Muliii, Snai.»n,
J A S Hull. Sharpaburg;
Wiea. Ao-nre A Co. Greenville
Win Henry. Ilartsiowti,
Wra power, C-onneautviile;
Jet n Hearn A Co. Ere,
Jot i. J iloiun-r A t o, Buffalo. N Y mr3o
IHtGburgh Portable Boat Lima.
i > nov
I'lrr.'fu iiMi pint \lkwiua. Baltimore
M.W \ (IKK. oOs*Tt>N, tr
rno«A» [lnutrui ' | TtAfri 4 O'Cotnca,
Pfc.’v;eiph,a t { Pitta'-nrga
T’lJ> L u n, I < ,na now open, tne proprietors of this
‘eng ci'iMi.vr.'O Line ere as usual at tnrirold
• rec':*t>-j rM forwarsUng Merchandise and
Produce at tow rates, and with tne promptness. cer
tuaiy. ai d safety. peru.iar to their system and mode
of iriutsporiai.on. where intermediate transhipment is
avoided, with the consequent delay* and probability
of damage
Mrrrnan.ttic and Produce shipped easiorwest.and
Ucii oi ( ading tonvarded free of charge lor commit*
«ior. a.lrincu.t, or ttorßg*. Having r.o imereat di
re.'iiv i< mdirerCy in ncauil>Oata, mat of the owners
it »o:e'y rniiti.'te J when •hipping their good*.
A;i riimaiuaratioci to the following agents prompt-
If auanded to
John McCtii.ogh 4 Co, fe*f North sI.HrU; P. U Dari
fi Co *.’s IKisr.r «v, (Lotion, W 4 J T Tapseott 4 C< •
•i South si. New t or*, James Wheelwright, Cineln*
nai' iurJ3
Uitsseen Pin aims**h a ndaaiiirii Cities.
A« 1 am in merrli*r.di»inf, 1 am nb.e to
»«te. that l J. ivc yet 10 heat o( the far»t failure where
your tfirdicir.e* have hern ur'et) ill anv «ectmn ntihc
coiitary In rono.uaion, I may (lam in*i,U;cT m.- me
medicinal of ib- day, amt *'e liedtm ! to uve a vt i y
extensive popularity. \imr;. ic<t>rril ally.
W H PiNVP.I.t..
Prepared and *ol.l t»Y R K PKLLKIW, No Ti «A ood
freight* alwayi at loweit ratei, charged by rcspGa- street, and -old by Druf*nl* generuliV m i;.o :*.vo
tihlc line*. cilieilnd vicinity. :
The Canal bring now ..pen, we are ready lo receive
• n<< forward promptly, produce and nirruhandizo east
Produce »ni morchardiw will be received and for*
warded enti end wen, without any charge for fr-r
-warduig 01 advancing frnghl, commission or storage.
Utii* of lad.tif imwarded, and all directions laiili
fullr aiirndrd to
Address nr apply la, \VM RINGHAM.
Canal Batin, cor Liberty and Wavne ut», Pittsburgh.
iIINUUA.M a Lkjck,
No 133, Martel *L between 4>h A slh, Phil's
No 132, North Howard Uiinmore
(Lrlil No 10, W e«; steel, Na w Y-*i t
i-i .. t i«n, ;i |.».suO.«mlie
• i'-j
ritHe decease of the active partner, in Philadelphia,
I. Car .«:e James M Han*,) produces no interruption
ii,e arra'.geincuti have been made which
.nvuivrs ,t.c same intcrciu precisely, which have
hi reiofoje t listed The Uumiiv's is continued under
,Uc same name ami hriu. *u
J mi* M D» vis A Co , Philadelphia;
Joti-a M i ana* A Co . PiUthurgn.
lin continuance of (he puUunage of our roar;
.r.iods is fe«pcr'.fu:)y snlinied If any persona have
demand* against the concern, they are requested to
u.i-serit them forthwith, for payment
I’up.liur.a. Apr.l It). U i JullN M FADEN,
apt? tt frarviv-ng partner.
riXBNft£N A CtFs
p t |i«ag«f auw RinUtutii Offiit,
HaNRDKN A OO continna to bring penona
jfißafiom any part of England, Ireland Scotland or
SUSWales, upon the treat liberal icnni, with their
ovual nuneinaliiy and aticr.t.on to the wants and com
fort of cmmuianu *V« do not allow oar pusongers to
he robbed b> ihe stvicdlmg scamps that infeal theaea*
ports, a* we late charge of them the moment they rc*
port ibrin-i-lviM, and »<-e lo their well being, anode
«patrU them wiihoui any detention by the first ships.—
\\ v *»y ih.» ir»rlr*sly, os wc drty one of our pmsacn
»ti-. to ib..w that UifJ were dciatncd 4* h-wi by ua in
l.iwrpooi. whilst llmaaouds of others • are dettußed
'Us. until they could be seni m some >-d *raft, 01 a
c h 2\> lute, which 100 lrcquei.ity proved their colßut.
\V>- intend to perform our conuaou rtonolhbl), cost
vrtiti n toay, and not act aa woa the crue last season,
wtr. eihet .uiicerv—who either performed not all, or
wi.«n .i .c.iru their eonvenicnce.
l, l8 !i. .trawn at Pittsburgh for anjr aom from £1 lo
£liU>j payable at any of the prorucial Banka in Ira
land j ncland, and Wales.
European sad Gensial Agent,
Fifth street- one dnnr below Wood.
LIuI’THIS— 17 hi llrandy—Otard, Dupuy, Ac
•« pipes Holland Gw;
& ok-i N K Rum;
aim bb-» Whiskey; for tale by
na _< w a m ajrrrtiVXTßPf
a.ft-ci ifoci Kn».
-n • AKIaT- J-u-.r
i.-i c*. .mi . niK.i ttLcnr.i
tc pair liarcd
Dr«n Ui)<
Ciaik. Park* A Co. RoCirsi.r Pa;
E N Park* A Co, Ycuncsu-a;i .-lio,
hi il l a) lor. V\ arren. (i
A A !s i'l'irt, Nuwton Fall*. O,
( Bi »» uiti A Ravonr.a. l>,
Kcnu l.nor.ell A tV, Frankm. O;
II A ,M ilu-t, Cut ohoga Fuiit, u,
U n. el.r, Lea A Co. Akron, u
I'hautncriiu. Crawiord A Co, Cleveland, O;
iluhbutd A Co, Sandusky, (),
P. ekhutuA s. ott. Toledo l>,
G tv 111, *ms A C<>. Deiiuii. Mich;
W ,;:isi„ A Co. M.'<vuutic, \Yis;
Muf,-> A Hu\ion U»r;r..‘, W;*,
to orgv A ..Jills,, til,
Phi-mss 11. e '.'Uii-sgo. i!.
No S? 9 Market street, Philadelphia.
Corner Penn an.l Wayne street*. Pittsburgh
Motive to our Patrons.
U. A. Fahntiteak da Co.,
DRUGGISTS, corner of First and
Wood streets. offer for sale, on tavornlde termer
iWi bbla Whiting; SOO lbs Garb. Ammonia;
6d do Aluni Jia do Aaaafteuda;
3UU do Dye Wood*; do Crude Tartar;
•j 3 do Laraphlacki WO do Liquorice Root;
20 do Ven. Red; r>»o do Irish Mots;
r do Camphor: IJO do Red Precipitate-,
in do spun Brown; lJt) do Caldmel Aracr.;
do Yellow Ochre; tU ilo do Eng.;
tv 1-0 Hrimawns. 200 do Bncber Leaves;
h do Cloves: vCU do Rhubarb Root;
D do Cham Flowers; 400 do Ssrtsp do;
14 cases Ref. Bonn; SvO do Gentian dn;
•ji ,(q Castile Soap; 200 do bat Rocheele;
IS do Prussian Blue; 200 do RcidUix Mixture;
it; do Calc. Magnesia; S»0 do Pow’d Rhubarb;
1U do Chrome Green; 650 do do Slip. Elm;
S ric do Yellow; 100 do do G. Arabic
{, do Am. Vermilion; 100 do do Lin Root.
CO reams Sand Paper; 100 do do Jalap;
83 bag* Sicily Sumne; 2CO do do ALCayesne;
23 bales Bottle Corks; 200 do Snlph Zinc;
74 os Sulph. Morphia; 300 do Bar Tin;
ISW Ibi Cape Aloes; 200 do Tamarinds;
1200 do Bi-f'brom Potagh; ISO do Quicksilver;
g2do do Pink Hoot; 230 do Orange Peel;
1300 do Turkey Umber, 76 do CAehtnaal;
1800 do Cream Tanar, 20 do llyd Potash;
300 do Tartaric Acid; 00 do Mace;
too do Uva Umij 23 do Granville Lotion
IjKlN'Vjs-A large and rplcndld auonment Mefl
X m.u-k, Coi beco, and Fall River Prints, now open
Kg by l«ep I A A MASON * CO
Sir J*m«a Harrajr'i Flald
PRRPAREI) under tho immedie e cure of the In
vector,and evuhtished for upward* of thirty yea:*
This elegant preparation ii recommended in all
case* of ►)»!«, acidities, indigestion, gout, and grave,
t* tae most *iu>, easy, ana effectual form in wind
Mupne«in may. and indeed the only ono in wbictt it
ought 10 t>e exhibited. pottering all the propane* oi
the Mignena nowin general use, without belt* li'.t-'e
I ke it. 10 form dangerous concretions m the towel*,
u effectually cure- heartburn without injuring tr-t
coat* of ihe siomricb, a» soda, potass, nad ihejr car
bonates are known to do; it prevents ifle food Of in
funs lanum «our, in all ca>es it acts a* a picei'tn*
aperient, and i« pecu.iatly ndnpled to fenfalcs.
S.r iicmphirv Usvy testified tbnt tbt* solution form*
•olub!. coroMnauou* »,nh one ncld salts in ce«es of
gout and gravel. therby counteracting their tn-urioui
tendency, when otacr aikalie*. and even Magncßi.i
itself, had faueii.
from Sir Philip Ctampton, Bart., Surgeon General
to the Army in Ireland:—
“Deer Str-There can be no doubt that Magneua
raay be administered mote safely in the town of a con
centrated solution than in substance, for this, anu
many other rr-arone, I am of opinion that the Fluid
Magnesia it a very valuable addition to our Mmerta
Sir James Clarke, Sir A. Cooper, Dr Bright, and
Merit* Guthrie and Herbert Mss o, of London, -iron*
lv recommend Murray 1 * Fluid Magnesia, a? beine in
anilely more *aie and convenient ,han the eol.d, *m’
free from the danger attending me constant use oi
loda or poias*.
For «»lc by the iraporur's and proprietor l * areata,
Cor. n‘ W.iatlA Front «u.
From the Vegrtahl* ’Ki-ngJom, to repe! Dieema
Dr. Guysotl’s Extract of T«Uov Dock
>Dd Sarikpirtlli.
Ccbbs con»oci]iuon, scrofula. erynpcia*. rheumatism,
gout, liver complaint*. »t>ii.!*l adcni-ir*. ukcrs. :•/*
phihr, dropsy, aathma, piles, seurvey, affection# ol
ihc bladder and kidneys, cicrounat uj'cbum, ■ o - -
rupi tumors, rust of t:o;>d m tnc hetui, icvcr and
female complaint*, rrnerm debility. riyspep
•u, loia ol appetite, headache, col.'*, roMivenr**,
pravel night .u-cuii, chcii.-, ojgcnic affection*,
palpitation 01 the heart. Lues, pa.j,» in the side,
chest, back, Ac.
It ia infallible in all* diseases arising frvm an lir
pate state of the bior.J. or irregular at u-n of the ays
„ In tte Vegetable Kingdom, an All wi.t Being ta
deposited plants and herb* conjretn*l to our eoi.stitu
lions, and adapted to he cure of disease, and to th»
vegetable kingdom does the reason ot man. as well a
tie mat,net ot ant ala, turn for antidotes to j>*ui.
’[hr Sirup i» n scientific r omp->und of the mo»t val
uabic p tinu hi nature, entirely (tee front dpleienous
and .•*!.>;* imi.c.-*) suhsUnceJ. and as it expel,
dlsrasr frr.ii itc »yeir.a, impaili vigor and itrenrtti j
• degree.
An extraordinarr ca~* of Erys.pclas and U
cc.-s, currd* t>r the sole u-c of Ur Guysmt’a Cota
pound H>mp,\cllovr Dock am] Sart-tparilla
, „ BaooiLTv. Nov IT, ISIS
Da. Gcthott --Su. I tender my sincere ihi.nt* for
the great benefit I have derived from the of your
valuable ty rap I have brrn trouble.'veiv bad w.i
n f.TOfaious sore, which made ,u appears i>vc on in
chill. 1 did Pol pa> much aUent.oii i*. 11 a, hist, .up it to he nothing i i.: >i> wm appear
on pcrun’i fac i lihnali, began t.. »*r, oniil
spread 10 ta« .aok pan or the bead 1 up; ;,.d to a
i physician, who «iw tided me all u, no purpose. t had
, tried over? thing that eou u be tried 1 u<r your Svr*
up oi ielluvr Dock and Sorsapanl.a, and i >mciu*ied
to lire it. lor I knew that Yellow Thick was one of the
most valuable articles ir. the world lot the blood. i
bought your Syrup, and from the use of one bottle, I
could see a great change in tu> system I continued
to use it until I was a well tr.u.i I now i,u tike a
now pprsim; my blood i*. pvrte. uy cleansed an*l Iren
from all impurities. There is noi » que.uor. but tha
your uewly discovered coir.j.can.l n far tupcriar t
anv sarsspenlia syrap ever sold.
This certificate is a. voui 'ii*po-al v» publish " you
liicr, and nny one you may refer to ice I 3iafl be hap
py to give them oil the informal.ou | iuu about my
u»se,ic i uiuain yuur obedimt,
Gsoaoi. G Jouivui.a,
liTMarksi sitcoi_
The best female medicine known. The Extractor
Yellow Dock .ml Sa.taparilia is \ posture, r.pcedy,
and pirmai.cni care for all complaint;. incident to
Its mild, altei4ti<c Jij t ,..ue« render n peculiarly
applicable to the .uid deiirme coiistlluiu.u o!
J .11 .13
ii iii’nrai»
r.-i i a:ui 1.-ssitudi *.i ..iruijuu u. iit&xU truse,
ar.J i.r.,.a;ti an ertetij- auJ t.uaycruy a* '...p..ang M
tbey *ie \.s Lu*t cvdenct >..i me wUc*
Induces US Str.'llgly 10 le.r.m, U,IJ IUOIISUIC lU
martitd pe.pu have no. been bicai.u «.tb .u
Pscbirses UT»ai, or Failing of 'he tYomh, cf
yearr' rurad by Dr Cuyton'a Eitrar: r.l
Yn.jw L. 4 u;.J sr*bpar.:ia, afttr every cthei
kXiown remedy Q-.d reen tried wm,out relief
.VarnisoToi*, Unn), F*b . IHO.
This ceruCr* that lay wife, aged V? venxr, ha*
beoi •odcrire on-let the above Tomplciut for fir*
year*—near;, u.. >.t that time eatifinod to hei bed. I
bate lor lot: > . an constantly employed the bestmsd
ioal laler.i i-ih*. .•n,.m be pn>eu*e« in tnr- scrtion of .in
country, w:i\.._i .sy bene£t wbatever I i.nvc alio
purtbtt»od every .“irument recomc.cnac i for tM
Ii "•p'-.-.g I ’ 14-.-,l 4 -.-, i Vil ,1 :J! ,-d by civ u'*
i.) try u* i.u 7 o ; s yellow l>o't r.ud
»U b *.l u<<d tor four mor.u.*. A fir f <l> • hnd sted
ir for iu>o.ii i..ur wevki.T, wis evidmt to mi tnui *b«
vsi unpxf.vm.-. ....*i u-.m im. t.r:: sac naprov-:.. ,«p
.J.y, and fleJl, ami U..UI the ditc-as
sras cr.Qrel/ removed, and >bs n now cnjov:r-g roesi
ilcehsM health WM Mu.N>i>l*.T
Wc being neighbors of Wm a;.u Jauu Mocfr-n
tr.ow that the above naicmcai, as to uie sickness
Mra Monfort, and a* to He rure hru.p eJccte i , y
Uaysotfs Yellow Dock and Scraepantl*. to strictly
iraa. JANE LDOV..
Orest Care of Conenmptlea*
HaaruroJ*. Jm--ary - I*4?.
Mr Bcnneu— Dear 9i*: The great bci cLi 1
aa*< dc rivcd-fmm > our Kziraci of »ni
3»rfnp«r,'!!r*, ii:dure> me, aa an act of lO ccv»
the knowing *:ni-atcr.f
After w:u;mj ..>r two years from genera: dchil.iy
which £na.iy tcrcititaied in cousumi'tio.i, 1 vn. g ven
up !>> n» fncnds and physicians os ucyo-nl .I.e w.J 01
aiediluin. A* a nut usort. 1 vr* *adurc-i m trj
yotr I‘ctraci. and having |u*d ;-u! :vrr> 1,-
■’d l>: l.’ir sill.. It.! wan .!--*n-r 4 ~'ui
sfun: ictc ftmeuy Gtaufu!.-, vo.- .. • ,m,
m ns \: ri:
None vcnuir.? Dtiieta put rp ir. larce ».,utr- .olios, a<;uur;.aad the r..iir.t of the ay rv; Idcwi.
m m( gnui, u>c ernuen of i* F. Bcn
ueti On the ouitv.le wrapper. Price 61 per luitt.e, 01
ui ton l< t ior 93
, ItitioidbyJ D PatX, corner of Foonii ar.d Wal
(ill Itreci*. Cir,c.:ioou, (ifcio, Uenernl Ajrm for tie
Souia and Weal, to wbora ah order* nut be aJC.’en
Carter A Bro. Erie, \Y P Judtnn A. ('o , Water
fold, t>lin A Ci.-ino.-i*, Cro**inr»i;.e. Abe. 'llirrcti.
Mont>o«e, Hiram Mi*, Tourai.i)*, R.;*.rrt 15i>v. \\ < >u
boro. L. flo.iem-k, C*Uea«l>kr., L W.lmi, Jr t .ua-
Murk corner of Market tired and tho D.amend.
apl3:JAwly _.T
medicine* of the dny
'•r*him Station, Ohio. May -S. If IS).
R £ 3>.-:icr»—l itni.t ii n?hi,lor inc t-incL: of cilir t»,
10 italc lomc la'Ui in relrrti&n to your excellent Fa
mily Medicine*
1 It’ c u«e>l your Verm <u fc *e largely u. Jtr.j own
fatailj.onc vial (>••• *.e.itly cxpollinj; !nrge riunrii.ues
l*n> lt*u to suo from iwo ehimren t tmve
■ Ivo C*ed voar Liver Pill* und I’oagh 3yrup in rty
family, ani Mey . a.o, u every tiuinncr, proouml
U.u ejrci .Vnreii
QEIJ.ERs I'.vSllT.V* MEDICINE'* • 'Hrf »r*c iki
0 Medicine* oi tlic day "
(iimiuk >r*TiPN, Ohm. M«y yu, tt>tv
R. F. Svllen - I think a ;i*n; i?r uk bun. fit „i
it> state tentr !»•.'■» i* relation 10 V- at ci'ciieni F*uu
ly Mtdieirj*
i hare ut«J y. «r Vermlfusc Itcgcty ic my otvn iwn
ily, one vim •fn,4enily aiiwenin: for cipeUinjl ,ge
qeimutiu* (tty ito •JOU) worm* {rota two rhildtei 1
btu gted your Liver l’u> and i-nuyk Syrup m
my, and they baso m e gery .n«mn>'e produce 1
the ctlK.-i ilr»uei
A• I ntn n.gsgcJ in 1 am able u>
fiale tbm i lirfve yet to bear rf tiie f.;ni»i!u,c wtorc
yoor niedir.ncs have been u*ed in rr.y aecuon o> the
country In cenrlti*;on. I ma> state that tury are :\t
meilicil.ct ct u.e day. and nti- dc*t.ti: : o Nav? u very
extern!\e pipuiai.t, \ i<uri, tc' ri-.:u , \,
»• II I'tJinxbt
Prepared and sold by R til KS, So 57 Word
•ueet, and told by Drudsi'•. ei,cra:iy iti the two ct-
tie* nnd vicinity.
/ VRriA’rfcVlU. OF LI VF.R CrtSITLAINr, by at
\J original, only true, and reinune Liver rill
SHUU? FlUktC, Ohio r«unty, Vt >
March Vrtth. IS4U. J
Mr. R. K. Seller*: Hear i'st - l Hank it a doty 1 owe
to you and to thn public If, to aisle that 1 hove
been ndiicted with the Liver Complaint tor a long
tune, and «o badly thru an «i>,e»« formed and broke
which left roe .n * very iuw state. Having hcutJ o:
your celebrated Livrr p t j|« rx-ir.g for sale by A R
chare, in West Liberty, and recommende d to me ■->'
my poysiciac, Dr. K Smith, I conrlnrtnl to rive them
a fair trial. 1 purchased one box. and found them to
>e Just Wbot they are recommended, THE HEST LI
VER PJLI. EVER USED, and after taking (ber coxes
I find the disease ba-vcntlrcly left me, and I ant now
perfectly well. Respectfully yours,
W«»i Llheny. Mnreh SO, w.
I certify that lon personally acquainted vnih Mr
t'otam o .end can bear testimony to the truth ol me
« •rriilictuc. A R SHARP
The rename Liver Pin* are prepared and sold by
R E-* LLER3, No 57 Wood street, mu’ by dru/giM*
tntne wo cine*.
TO THE PUBLIC.— I The ortgtnal. only true amt gen
uine Liver Pill* ore prepared by il L Sellers, nu bnv*
bit namt. stamped in Mack wax upon the lid m each
box, tutd lua au the cuunic «rapper—ill
otiisrs are counterfeits, or bate imitation*.
aplu H F. SELLERS, Proprietm
U'A’VCHKS 1 U-CHEApi.K I'n.i.v r V ~
Just rac'd, an inveut of fu.l j*wtln-d pnien U<-
v*r SVaictics, |:? caret? Liie care’, wl.irh I ran »r M a*
low a* thirty and thirty fiv: .Inilara, a.i 1 warranted to
keep good time.
Alto—A splendid assortment of JEWELRY, com
pnting the various and lait *t styles, and hot pattern!
W. W. WILSON, Watchmaker and Jeweler,
HF.RSEV, FLEMING A Co, having arranged to
give their entire nurntion to the sale of domestic
Woolen and Cottou Goods, now offer their large
*'ock of Tailors' Trirrn.ti:gs, Vc-tings, French and
German Cloths, DoCskln*.'•**-tmrres, first co.t
UERfEY, Fleming a co
je4 lsDjWood n
JU6T rec'tL an elegant plain Rosewood 6 ©ct. Piano
from the celebrated manufactory of Nunns A
Clark, N. Y*., of superior tune, and very moderate price
For tale by 11. KLEiIFH,
delV at J. W. Woodwells.
for removing Tartar, Scurry, Canker, and all
substance* destructive to the Teeth. It is delicious to
tho taste, cleansing toe mouth, healing and strengthen
mg the gums, and punfythg the breath.
For rale, wholesale and retail, by
dcSO R K BKLI.F.BS. 5? Wood si
Brandlti, Wlosa, Glb ( Ac.
£A hf pipes Coguiac Brandy, various vintages,
aJU *oqr casks do do,
4 pipe* Holland Gin;
a puncheons Jtunaieo fipir=’.
2 punebeona Old l.ish Wh:»Kcy;
an qr cask* Maderla Wine,
yu do oporto do;
2n hkds CoreeaiX Claret:
10 hf pipe* Spanish Red Wine;
On bxs itonleai
id bxs Mutcoi Wuir;
5 bria French White Wine YineiaT;
Rec’d for aale by MILLER ARjCKETSON
MP io Bd*snl*iben7n
THESE DlEri hatnng tn-en adopted and highly i
and Philadelphia, are now offered to manufaerarerß,
Koence, a* ihe mo*i perfect article in u?e or camne
Their superiority over any other Dies hereto!
•“ ckew, w hether V orscirAßE thread, by owkpn»inp
or pre tn,:;.: as the dies cut the thread o
in their greater dnrabtlitv, rapidity, and perfection
to pm of order.
Hhiba.btxritu, Aug. 17,161 P.
This t« to certify that we have psrcha»ed fcotn P
\v i-aisi the x.rLt of c* i.g tils patent Dies fur eat
mg boh- ir. v.r opinion, hi* Lies ara umen *upe
n.irtoar.y otlisM \r« »re acquainted wiin iot the
purpusc cl exiling bulls.
PniL*pxLrttfA,Aßg. at, DM*.
Having hid P W ()ne«> patent Dies in use in rn» for tre Ima nine mor.tiis. for cutung
I'clts, :we e:ui m <. ety reepert reccmmer.d them tu
the highest terms, :.b xve have isrtl all others nwsy,
theT being so f*r superior—eonsidering them 73 per cheaper than sny other* now m use.
Per.n Works, Pa.
This is to certify that w« have purrr.aten tee right
to uie, and adopted in tar licence . !• W Gates’ Pa.
tent Pcrcw Cutter, wlilehwe highly Hr.prove of. We
can do tnneh more work, and wo believe It will Bur
ps** in durability "nd precision, aa much at economy
or labor, any die* known lo ti*
or raoor. nn> MORR!9 . TASKER h MORBI9
P»m mii.wm. Qth n»cnth.B?tb day, 1643
Nsw You, Aug. 1(1,1349.
Having adopted P W. Gate*' ‘Talent Die*" for cut
lint iiul'., we t*ke. pleasut* in *ayinff. that It more
tnan answ er* our expectation!, and huve no beuta
..on in giving •! a* onr oriition, that U far excel* arty
»!» ,»'pr=,=M „.= .o, k co
We have p. W Gates'-Patent Dies” for cutting
oerpvrt, and the economy of using them Is so very
con.iiuerwt»le. that wn look upon theca n*
Me to every nstatiliitanent having any quantity of cm. Wc(:olL>l j CKi on DEN 4 t-O,
t'Hicnon, May ill IMP
OiD.'iA.vca Ulrica, WaSmsoioH. fllh Sept, ’49.
I h.tve puroh«*ed of IV H, Hcoville for Um United
Plate-, u-.r rtKiu 10 u»r in all the arsenals and anno-
hir Janus .Hurray'i Fluid UagueiU.
Pit r.r*AHKD under the imairulatu carco; ibe in
vci-tor, and e-tali.*h*d tor unwards of thirty
v,-ar* bv ihe for removing Bile, Acidities,
utt'l ludige«non. •xstnnng Apoe'ite. preserving *
iru. derate stale of the boweU, and dissolving uric acid
in f.':a*el Gout; ni an .'t.*y remedy Inr sea 1
-irkLr-.daod tot the I. l.rik- atitenna Incident to chtld
bood itinvaluable. On tnc vmuc of Magnesia a* • ■
r,'iuoo.*l *i;i-nt it i* unoeccs»ary tu but the
Fluid Krciiajatior. of ‘ ; .r Jan-ts Murray l» now the :
moil value.l i.t ir.r. {.rotr-«ion, o* it entire 1 )* avoids .
tnr. pouibinty of :hn*e danpreout concm.ou* usually ftom .Lo u». ol ibr article in powder.
Tor tale by ’.he imi-oncr’s and nroprielor’* agent,
srpll Cor. Wood A Front »i»
fT'OllAt.’CO—fui hxs liuTLeii A Robinson's i s lump,
X *-h> ’is* Jon'S 4 Hudson’s i > do;
.Hi his Cnbiness’ i s lamp;
in bx« S. Myers’ I >h lump;
t,u do | ib lotni,; for «•)© ! y
»epll hULLyi t_RJCKET>t »N_
f) C SI't.V.KTuS has received for sale, v-l 4tb
Xk* «». Gibbon's liia’.ury u.‘ Hie Daelinc and Fsl. of
ii,e Hu.uan FUnpirc.
Life and l.cttrr- rf Tl r-tiias Campbell, in J ». Is
Edited by iVm Bcs.ttie, M D,
Lleraenury fiscvolies o' Mural Pt.'.v-t.j-ln By me
late Rev Sidney Hrr, th. .ii A
Le.-iurei on th" Amnicui Pv.auLt’d) *tam of :*ur
gery By Benjamin Hill. M U
*i klhot an Vcrnnr, a Wove’ '
The Shoulder Knot, a tale of ;)« seventeenth cen
Iqc Scarlet Letter, a romance. By Nathaniel
Hawthorne augV
Fife & Campbell Edited
j t-v William Ucutt.e, ii. , one ut bti executor*.
»'«. iiLio eloih.
Hrilnoy Elconotu;: a ireati*e c-n the r.ew art of
t;u;.;iiii. Its mnnacem-n;, and rtlntionj,
Looimercial, £n;nci%i. and socm>, wnb aa expoi.iion
c. u,c practical r.vcli. tnc rniiwr.ys in operation is
the United Kingdom,on the Continent, and .□ America.
By D.onysius Gardner, P.C L ,&e. T vol. ivntocloth
Thu Fact,Present,and Fctutvoftho Republic,tran*-
iied (rum the French of .V Ue Lnmaniuc. author of
”lbr Grrondisu ’* “Mrt-.otr* of my Youth.” “Ba
|.t.,ici.-- Ar, 1 v..! Idmo vloili.
tovcarJ Kerorn.s in Lectures, Addresses, and
oiutr Wiiiuigv, by Harare Greciuy. 1 vol linno eto.
Tu H*M‘ryof me Confe«*iorai Hv J.l.n Henry
Ho;.km*, i* D., Biebop of tha ihc-ccse of Vermont.
1 I'Jiuo cloth.
Tfc- Conquest of Canada. By the author of ‘ ilocbe
l4C*.'' Warl'Uitoii, Ke.|,) f to.* I'.’mo.
ttoseint, s sketch of n physical ilr-;/-T.;.i ,>n of the
U ,iver«e Hy Alri Vo, J jiuint-oiai. tra;u;-icd from
the t.Tinnn !•/ K C. «*n-. •-* fJmo cl-.-tii
t,:r no.. * Decline sna rail c t:-e homau Empire,
with not.** br H. H M lira an. Harper's cheap edition,
lino ■ .o.h. complete in to vol* li toe p r vul; 4 vnls
rcvc.scd for tale by R HOPKINS
au^,- 1 7- Auollo Bunding*, Focnh «t
Saw Blamlc
1 MOURN thee in ss.iiir**. When other friend*
around tr,ec Co.nsenpi'* departure and return.
A tune Laurie. Are we bjciivl id-ic. In* backed
c»r. He death all tbing* *»r!i Neii7 *»** a
silver r.ioon. Grave of W'uthipeton Theu ba*t
wt'.mde*J, the *pint BuulM S*»it.r Coy. Be kind to
lovrd one* at borne, '"beer up my own JaancctL
iib. Spring Pow»r Wvnis. F‘fn 'Vain
(frail 'Uf oW a : SaiuiMum I'dlU. Be'ir Pol. a
Ktvei Polka. J.«nny Lli.J Polka. Luada
Mirrli from Norm*.
Tar abovo u.-e juit received, and for -alu by
J M M> Ll. Oft,
amO nt Wood *i
.r. [{. MELLOi-l, 61 L
/Mtoitnvg A”, to Jlttsic:
OH, say ran you see i>y the truih's holy light; dedi
cated to Rev. C Cook. Ob, think not less 1 love
tare Hiu icbc Aipen, I love nice. W ecu other f«irn i»
articne tree The col beneath "ic Mil*. Wert thou
t»u: Ann'- Latme- ballad. The Mobtn
-wor.!* t-> H za Coo*, mu.- « i,y Mcphcn Glov.-r.
Thnu l;i-l —1.111.J.d the fp.f.t tl-r.t :ov. u :b<*C Thr
Grave o! 1 »».->, Vein: , Uncut
oil *t«i —.. I!. cl .hlrui wet.-
VVoo-i: a i W'iJ. vr Maenrcr •-HU"-: 1 . The catinse ’
of my - -11 otcbiirtoitj. 1.0 *• t. irked car—Lover
Eisr. a.'.t'« cwoplcic. The Magic Heil. Tbc
LlnJu, rr Wedding Polka. Jenny Lind’s A.aerican
Polka, l.ttzf l*ulka. Sotri.c American Polka. Tip
top Anicriian Polsa. La beKo tuitirtsorean Polka.
Jenny L ! nd Polks. The Origina Polka—
Julien. Salutation Polka. Vl.rt Polka Josephine
Puika. Sum-Tir. Poika. Itossingol Poika. The Pro
phet Un.vlnilcT Meyerbeer Jenny Lind Quadrille;.
Toe Wreath and Daisy Waltzes—Vlr* Ernest The
y*i« [>r,:ver P^>y— vsnatio- * uyCremy Monument,
beam'* ttorn Home Wr-cter's Dauchier. quickstep.
t4iui*vu.e .Marsh and Quict'-tcp- Wood Up, Qciek
step iyi
strawberry Plant* for »ai« at tiraco
wood Garden*
BUIPT'3 Pmo, Hovey’s Swdlinga, and Victonat
Th-»? are in* largest and Leal flavored JruL
kUiongni all ti:e diiTerent varieties now grown.
Or Jem aud’CH.'ed to the,prop ktor, Wes: Munches?
ter. «i i receive prompt attention. J McKALN.
‘The , aro Uie
uhlUkrs faiuaa'
HA 4 - become an estabilibed and almost indis’en*-
a-'ic rrqa.*«te in every well provided lam'iVi
fioin tu tcicsrkaUly whoiefotnc und* quail
;.r? a* a food fur ice heniUi) as well m k diet tor in
vsi d* and alto :oi the *u»tena»ec of growing children
and iuianu. Various modus of cooking and prepaiing
: ar: given ri the wrapper.
Though well known ui tbc c-a*:. it ha* Dover been
.:modc.--o to *jiy extenttn i’litstmrah. FLe lutxcnb
tri htie. there.'nrc, mado n>rangeiuents to be can-
I'.atuiy sappuc ’ with It. snd now offer it to retail
leuirrs nr on more favorable term* than it
•.»< .-.-I been i.'U at m l'iu=i a((,n
xiU' lutivny »t
[AM now prepared fr> famish Apple Tree*, from the
«01. kiiuwr. N‘ur»er>‘ m Jacob N. Brown. The
re.:. t>c delivered at the v.harf at Pittsburgh for
IJv pur hundred Pcr«on* wd»hlnc good thrifty trees
- bou dlf -tvr their order* con nt ibe Drug. Seed, and
Perfumery Warehouse, corner of Wood and Sixth au.
apll _ _ 3 N WICKERXHAMS
N«\v'Gooils ! 'Now Gooas I
nK LEBER ha* «u*t tvceivcd a hue tot of Rrus
• Ivstrupient* of the Lest raaiiufaciurc. foiected
hiwcif w».h great v<*ie. for ti..» n.Krvet. auci. as
Va;tu Tiorobtiries, Sax Harm, Bugle*, Cornets,Tubtii.
kc : a!*t>. a fine selection m lN>a,-i, playing
lao and m;c« tune?, IYunnus, Aoc3rdc«.iis,.Vt-. 4c.
Also. *c penor Garmsti unJ -turner., ar.u gt n..
.t:e N-ai-n'iisn K Mrlng, tour lengths, a splendid
sug-.-J __ loi Ttnrd sircct
A »overei.;n remedy for .~h>cni< rheumatic aflecuons,
w' line-* nud lameness of most pan* of tfis body,
\ld*, I'Urns, soma, ol most kinds, cut*, swellings,
»prsin*, biuise*, onrns, and fetnn* ween t.rat t-nming.
Al.-o. me most cuuveniciaand sate suoamg salve for
iiMjugttu'iiing plusuu ned draft* on the feet.
Lor ‘ale by 3 N WIOKERSHAM
aug'll Cor. Sixth A Wood sts
footer'* B«w Bthiuplan HsledlUi
G\' INE to Run all Ntrht; Dolly Day;
Dctcy Jones; Go to do Cotton FicWi
Nelly was a Lady, Ac.
Do Kind to the Loved Ones at Home;
How thy boat li jhtly; True Love, fcy T. Hood;
Our way across the sea. duett;
A new medley soi.g, by H. Covert;
Jenny Grny, nius<
Joy* that were errwnirc. Wedding March:
God blosi the liatJy mnrla-; Schuylkill Waltz;
Conscript’* Departure, by W. C. Glover;
Sounds truoi glzec; Wajtxes, »u*vcrra»rkiKke Co,
Last Ru--: of Summer, cany variations by (len:
United F.tales Polka; Ladies’ Sonvenir Poika;
Corn Cracker Quadrilln; Lonwrillc Qaadnllg,’
Ueau’jrs of Italy; Duetts, Tri*-*, Ac.
A large assontnent of New Mump on band, to whtcb
nldi'ion* are made weekly. For sale b y
feb‘J& J. H. MKLLOIL Hi Wood «t.
bhsap atandartl History.
lisfaiig by ilarpcr A HroV .u C volt, cloib and
paper, at 46 cents per vol Three, vuls rcce.vcd, and.
for sale by R HoPKINS, j
apl* 7S Apollo Hnildiugi. Fourtli «l |
CHJI- f i.ap* prinir. mu untiJu*..,
'CA’tpLß—4l) bxs rco,tf-J, dippru, si.u sperra,
Cttkk&fi—L'-Q bxs Cumin .nil K'.glish Dairy;
CoPJj—w dot Hemp and Manilla;
Cassia—io M«tu,
Clovo —i barrel;
Cioac*—sU M Common and half 3pant*h;
F&it—ttJ tirlsaw! h-ttf brls Salmon;
(ii.AS*—so hx* *:.v>rt=a sire*;
IIAMf-ltKlO L’rtiac Vmt'on,
“ loud 3uc:»r Cured;
Ihdioo —1W) Ins 3 F atnt .Manilla;
Iftx—lCdox i U.urk ir.,l Copying;
MoLasiss —“5 brls N Orieatu,
” 13 half V-rls Ba«ar Houaa,
Mc«tabt>—2o doi assorted canuten;
MsCvacum-60 Hi Italian,
Vsa*A«iiu—6u !•'•» do
Nail*—••fbO kegs assorted;
IftcxLas—s dosjsn assorted;
Pxscuxs—3u bchels heivcr,
Fxraa—so reams assorted;
I’bcno—H*) I'm Borddacx;
Soap—3*) bx* Rosin and Cut Steel;
Bpqai—lo hhds N Orleans and Clariaed;
Txa—oo packages Green and Block;
Tooacco—» bxs li 6,&l lb Inrun;
Wa*u Doaoss—'J doioaicnt Zink;
For sole by J D WILLIAMS A CO
prl6 Comer of Fifth and Wood *t*.
isooj REED HOUSE, {i«^
ELKKTQ A. BARBER. Propri«tor*,'
PtiUic Squart, Eric. Pa.
and .Southern Stage*, leave Usta Loase daily. C»r
-‘ r* 011 rro P and r ° ckct Gratis.
M. w. Ktmt, late of the Aaencan Hotel, Kno, r*.
G. w. BAaaga, into of tie Kin»n>«n Hotel. Ohio.
ipproved in ail the principal shops *q New YoiT
moebmists, ship smiths, &c* t wirn the utmost coaj
ifore used, consists in their cutting a rxxRW
: over ibe iron to be cm, 'which require no smdgi»
rut of (he solid iron, without raising it in the loaf
of work; and in their simplicity und little liabdly
ries ur.derThe snpervislon of this Drpanmsnt, P. W.
Gatra’ “ Patent l.tes" fot euttiix sercwi on tuata', they
haring been tried in two of the large arsenals, ana
found to ho very efficient end ereelirnt.
A. TALCOTT, Col Ordican.-s
Brzxsr or Y'ikc.* snn Dccts, f
WasinKotoN, Seputa, ie<9. )
Con*idrrin* Gates’ Paiemed Imn.oveKcnt for cut
ting fcr.rcws cu tsetai to be a one, l haw, by
authority of the Honorable 'Secretary of the Navy,
rnrehaved of the Auornayaefthe Patentee, Wm. H.
Seoville, and eamdel Mower,. Iraq . the right lo oaks
and use said imorovetaent for the U. 8- Navy.
JOSEPH SMITH, Chief o? Bureau.
In use *l?o by
Butfalo Works, Buflaio;
Rre*o A Afhiev, Kocbcster;
Rcol'-tt 4 Co, Gloucester, N. Y*;
Haywood 4 Snyder, Schuyikl’.l Cennty;
Blrtirek. New York;
Hoes a N. Y;
H.h Dunhatn 4 Co, {few Y'ork’
Denmeud 4 Co, Motioraent Works. Bolt;
Van Curcn, Rochester
Moil 4 Ayre* Now York;
AHaur Works, do;
Pfarc A Mnraby, du;
West Point Fouiidiy;
Norn* 4 Bra, Plsladelphis;
A Jenkn, Breedecbcrph, Pa;
Waiworth 4 Nason, ilostoa and N4w York,
Lowell Machine Shop. Lowe
Araecmkeag Co, Manchester, N II;
Lyman 4 Sou.her, South;Bosioi..
and numerous othera
nxcx&j •
rio UMscbme, 10 teu dies fc Up* fr i to S id. art
Noi do 8 da : ttol|priee SdSb
N° 3 J J 11 do ; ito 1, price 81C0
Au order* tdOicsted to G»tr« k M'KntchuChictru,
G- B. ifniMn, New York. E.D..M»rthmli fcCo, PluFo
delnhia, and H. H. Pcovlile * Bon«, Caicaao, lor Diet
and Tapi, wl«h or without oiachtnta for a»ia* tuera.
will ra-jet with prompt attention.
CtncAOO. May. 3. 1&50.
• iik/nov/vi.
PALMKR, HaNNA it CO. have restored iktu
Eicbanite Qfliea to north wett comer of Wood
and Third ' «p*ja
THE heretofore exlmtag bemocniho
(abicrjfeert, ar.der ue firm of Ujrbridjre, WUsou
& Co., wot this dev dissalred by mutual cooren;
Tltc bualncr* <;f the tins will be settled by J. W. Pax
bridge, or Wm, Wilson, Jr , either or whom it author
iieu to uic U.c name of the itrfii in liquidation
ffil. WILSON, Jr-
P»:*buryh. Jnly 1, I«M.-jy4
JASJ. W. Durbrldrefc BenJ. F. Inshrarr. bare this
day ar«ociated themselves under the ora of Box
b ridge & lnghram, to transact a Wholesale Grocery
Btid Genual Commuslon Ucsinei*. in the house lately
occupied by Burbndge, Willoa A Co, U 6 Waller si.
Pittsburgh, July 1, l&xi.-flyt
ItllE tubserihen have th!» day formed a co-partner
ship under the first of W tc. V Wifsoa, for the pur
rr sc of transacting the Wholerale Grocery and Com
pension Bnuneaa, at No 35 Wood street.
Piii'Urgh. 1.1550—jy4
RM'l'iniNt. DISTILLERS, ini) TvaatiJ Wine
B.K*st Side wf ihe. Limoml, Fittaburgn,
ue iw* hi (be very. lowest prices lor nuh,
RccutieJ WWkev. tim and: Dome*.,e Brandy; aUu,-
rr<Mwb Biandy, rtbllauJ liih, Jamaica Spirits, Loa
dor. (iui, In«u WLukry, Rum, Ac. Ma
deira, CliajppHgot, rinrn, Muscatel!, Malaga, Teno
rrUT.? and Li»'j»'U Wine*. Wholesale A Retail. my 3
PRINTING PAPER— Always on hand or made to
order, tho Tnnoua size* of Printing Paper, Bag
Wrapping Paper,Crown, Medium, nud Doable Crown
*ize« Straw Wrapping Medium, and
Doable Crown Post uince Papon Paitebcord, Ac. Ac.
W P MARSIIA LL, 63 Wood st,
WOMAN IN AMERlCA—network and her re
ward. By Maria J Mclniosh,Ctulior of “Charms
A Coouiercbarmß,” “To *setti and to be.” t vol lStno
Latter La; Pamphloi*, No I:—Ths present time.
By Thomas Carlyale.
Ct*ucu. —Meraoii* of Life and Writing* of Thoa.
Ohalmcri, O U. 1.. L. D ■ Projection* on Bailor’*
Analogy, Peley’s K/idcr.ce*of Cliti'tianlty, tad Hill's
I-ecuirc on Divinity, with two latrodsetory Lecture*
and iout Addresses dcl.tercd in the New Coiiece,
Edinburgh, by Thom&f Chalmers. D. D, L. L. U
l vol Itirao.
Cain:!—Life of John Calvin, compiled (pom aathe*
tic toarces, and particularly from hi* co££4fmtMeuc«s
tfy Thoan* H L>er, with portrait. 1 Vol I‘iao
for talc by R HOPKINS,
■M7 76 Apollo Uailding*. Fourth ft.
nn GROSS super Polka; 10 do <Jo very fine,
£>\J CO “ a*3'd ReddlUi
IS •* taper KnglSa Horn Bedding;
f. “ “ Pocket Combi;
500 “ “ Wood u
1000 doz su’d Fine Ivory;
3i> •• Shell Side Comb*:
10 “ *uper large Buffalo;
an grci* asaM Sine Comb*; rec’dland for mle by
tabs C VUAGEB, 103 Martel at
joav mcnuLson «. w. v. patisb.
fJ’HE ntnlern.gned, hurcejiior* to Arthurs A Nichol-
X son. beg leave ta inform the clmeiis of Pittsburgh
and public generally, thatthey LaVo rebuilt the EA
I’LE FOUNDRY and are now in Toll operation, and
Imve pan of their patterrj ready for the market:—
Amongst which are Cookin'* Stoves, Coal and Wood
Ftnve*, with a splendid air-uglnCoal Stove, which La
t ow superceding tu other cities the common round
Move. Ai'o. a cheap coal Cooking Stove, well edap
i-.-d far smni! lamilios, with a fall uicniacat of cots
mn:- and i-.r.utr 1 Grates We would particularly in-*
v:!- tin: ,IU. ..t'l.ii of p.-ttons bnLdlhg to At OUX
•varcbcn*.- ..efore pur.-iia.iiitg’, and'examine asplendia
srucir «*i enainmc-llcd Grates, tLnLr.ed In fine style—
entirely nrv in this market.'
:cd fun rtotived the
Warehouse, No. tM Liberty st, opposite Wood *s»
CYEAUKK. Importer and V\h.ilesalc Deals? ia
5-tgu of the Gil*. Cam*., ids Market si., Pitltbargh, Pn,
western Mcrcbacts, Pedlars, i-i.u others viiiiinx
I'iusburgh to purchase Goods, arc keipeeifoil; invited
in coll and examine tho extensive assortment of v.vy-
I.*h. Arucrican, French andGcnnan Fancy Gcedx.
Ali Foreign Goods nt this establishment ora import
ed .lurci by rayoclf. and patchaierr may rely on get
t!:.(5 goods from hands.. I hive the lorgext assort*
n.ent of articles. In the !ii:e, in the city of
Pittsburgh—alt of winch will be sold low for coxa or
city acceptance*. The Stock cohatcis, in port, of
Lace Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Rinbans.
Silk Cravau, Sho* and Paieat Thread*,Sewtng SUk,
Spool Cotlun, Tapes, Sospehdcrri, Lnuoas, Pics, No©-
dua and Cutlery.
Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Jeuelry, all kind* o;
Dtushes, v’otrb* and Razori.
PercusAion Cap\, Revolvers, Piitu:i, Clocka, Silk A
Cotton Pane*, bpcctsclcs, Steel pnnx, Mads Dozen,
Carpet Bags and Baskets.
Binding-*,;ng? aniTnmining*.
Toys and Fancy C.00d%4 together a Ith a lain urle,
ty of Fanev aim Staple DRY GOODS. *
C. YEAGER is aUo agact for uia eolebrated Lrj,.
e»«;rr Cornli*. i QOVIF
ur«sl kisguib Rsiaiayi
FOR Conghv Colds, Asthma and >n-.
above di*ea*os, u me HUNGARIAN J'aLBAM OF
LIFE, dtscovoieU by tho celebrated r j r mS /,
London, Knginml, i.nd introduced Ir.lo'j. c United -kt-.a.
•Oder U.e iram.-dwln iuj.eriniciideae'. a f in.einor
The enroordinory .need., ol l>,„ m ed lci ee, ui Ut.
cure ol Pu oouuij direuci, v „„ u ,u 0 Aiortcuc
in loUciunfi lor vtua.p,u, e u-ora: roi.illo c>.
•t, lh,l cun be loom! re Uie e.Vjureuiilv—CMC Uret reek
rel.el in vun Iron, uay of IUo eorepon Koedle. of re.
day, end here np by lie moil dikdnruianed
r ,1.-,^,oimnMoonSrreeu» a diiieoiul.lo. IT*, llunrun
en BndajinbMcoreiluVJ'rtll ouc,mo reel denf,...
-D»oA nostrum,.bu; a standara En«-
Uth medieino, of tr.own and established efficacy.
*V States Hiioold be anpplltd
with Hungarian Balsam of Life, not only ta
coiiAumptive tcnddne.c* of the climate.
‘ a t * eii ttl p * prvvenUve tnedir me ta au ease* ©i :
eougbs, spitting of blood, p:un in the sida and
rtyekt, trntauon and wrenes* of tk.* langa, brochitis,
d'-SLculty of brtatmg, hectlo fever, nh ht sweats, emaci
ation nnd.gencral debility, asthma, Lniaenaa, wboopina
eoagh acactucp.
sold in Urge bottles, at St per bourn, wlQt fall din*,
lion* tor the iciunutuin of health.
•Hamphlcl*. i-witnuung a mass of English and Am*ri
can certifi.-nti-», sad other evidetu c, showing the un
equalled merits of th.s yreai En*ll.i. Remedy,may b»
obtained oi .lhc etalaikiash.
For saic by U a FAIiNESTCH-k A eorncr©-
ic and Wood and WO.-.J >.mttHL gis. JaSdAwS
Liu 111 ’
Prmrcioii, March 27,1&17
Mr. R. F~ Seller*—ln justice to you and yonrinesrrr
parable Cough Syren, I beg leave to «tate, for the ben
efit of tbc community, that my wife ha* teen several
times ntlhcicd v4ta u most distrcsM'ig cough. I pur
chased, in January.last, a bottle of your Syren, which
cored a cough of two months' sui- llng. About on© ilnee, the cough returned, and was *0 Severn
that she could hurdly move, from weakness In the
btraM; I *cnt for oce bottlo or your Cou-h Skrao and
a part of ~in* l-oiile enr.-d the couch Igave the oUier
li’ a joarm.-yman v.-h ;) was severefy nlflicled, who hod
u u«e hi* own words, -eaten
ee,e ell Ike peeple re if lie eLd. iS
been a* good »» rcarerofitad. r naa.
a b. SiEE&Si,^
Jreii y '“ s l •"■‘Mllr ik ree Ss
%?*s£ i' z A'110.5.
.5., c 5» a complete us on*
VTln* purebred tb.% nock,
>W,and wood ofthef/ibinetei*
Uthmentof UammyA. M*Clel*
to, I Sia jirrpurrj to fomi«c
if 'old fuk;omrr*„ at well *•
every thin? ia
tueet, Pitut-aifa.
I the cheapest aiid t.est place in Putt*
burgh to bay Tea u at ii«e Tea Market, cast at^ 0
cj toe Diamond. They sell
Excellent Tea at ■ —>Bo CO per t*,
Superior Qualities—••• 075 ° '
The very best-————• •• ••• l w r .
Low priced, damaged ,ta inferior Teas arc not kept
at this eitabliibmeni, uerclore, whether jv 4 , 9 yonr .
ttlf Or rend a child, vou are sure lo Ob'
article, and if the fiavor of.tho Tea iap onanproved
they readily'rxchorure it or jruru the V o £j
jy It? MOKKI3& HAWOWH, preptictore.
/ r«-P»» MILLER RICKf%r3ON
: PalvsruidCaev atareC
I j EFINED ami Prepared d*>*ftlT for Food, rad
ix dings, Cakes, Costards, /.c. ’
Recipe for Boiled Cvataal .-/Joa (jeertof new nlik,
fear eg**, half a teaspoonKj of eoJt, two tablespoooniJa
of refined rterch—atfr thr. «*•**, 1,. a small QuentitT of
the mUk, uil It is pcrferUf d /tiol* cd and smooth—add
um ejs*, wall hectVi, to <he si arch—poor Uteezer
and at arch into tte haJaaei. of Ufa milk, while boJilSc
stir ccastanUyujii: holla
*«* l *T r f RE BELLESS *
Agent forCiinto’p Mill*.
Economy In.T. ««,