|l »A(!SETIi. SS»»tSSffesffe! THE SEARCH FOKiIIK Juh.'l FIIANELI.V. , Wahiwqion, Uct. ai jsio. later liora Lien. lit H "" I !C *- * . n,T(! a, h,-> romnirnn* toe d. .H •" •'“tit s.r Jobe Frlnb cit nartton* Ic " Loop'd, Ac?u»:22r. Nothing k-d lfil*»pjrrd », .» ibe of rrr.Mie. Tl.l- ;«■„ v. : ..r|., A ,nd Ile f.Te rrf r,, i|.|,,> ni :i.yu.droa lad gooc 1= diaeremd rrrna.,.. „.j neen „u. countered. The ofliccri *nd men iTcr>> writ, aod thfc pro*. br^ht° f dl,coreric ? *'■* John Franklin, wero MILITARY TARADE Ttc grand a, uia'r pint}?, oo the occasion ol Jnyins tbe corner ktore, hyOov. Thom**, forth*.* nwsnaicrt ti. hetorof and Mc*Cora:a», ttc lanhoynv.Mr'iK Gen. Ro", the Hnii*h Cjm niedrr in:, .« N.mn Fj,,,, „ h „ Were *hol in ..- u.-r, tori piece hi-re 10 day. CHoLi.ilA ATSrt i RENVILLE Si ECctW (U.B 'Oct. 21 A disease p,oronne-d Camera by ihe uhtii. kwttct »■'' There here been 20 c.ie> iince 1 r a..j 12 of yrb.ei, nroyrd f.1.l Crtet\S4Ti, Oct. 21, An« 0T8C.1..W d lfer.-,e c , !xd ,1 Ibe Holy! f r r k!“’* I j* T’ r “ T ' OUI orh.mied ••'WlMWiran 'rom Chforniu. He Iff. e cteekVn her 10,l- 10, yr.r.fj nn j >hn . . of F» la intormanna could be oMtlucd Iroro t ,u-». p)iow M ‘ fl WLl.l Ct '* '-I',' 0 “ I""”" '*■'>. " ai* ie ” hb,! ' - bfcl " --= bold Cincinnati market. October 21 per ral^ eyi:?hCa ' 7, * C;C " 5 ® J W 22 12 Grocer.cs—Sj| of .Moiawo* at 34t34 1 2c Dei ai «,J2? t * c<> “ Thc B,arL ' ei cax-.ttnur- active at ad. vanned rate*. u ™'*aal«., , h ' "'"r b ;* be'» m u .land S! V h< ‘“ , ‘ a ' Tht ' ■* rool II BA LTIAIUKL' MARKET U-ILTIMORr. Oct 21 to.h„ea„du-1:,.., „» al and Rye Proeta.m,^—Sale, men prel; r,i $11,21, an d of |,r.mc doe, SS hi per bid. Bac.m ~ C™ mr, i.jj, v I*B for (or Ji.!e«.sr.d Baloo forh*m« Salw ot ford m barrel* aiT idee ai ,d 1H kegs at "i 4 uraS^ 3 "’” 10 "' DDrlMoln^, Butler- R t !oi:3c per 11. * "’“t™ 7 '- 2 " 12 «■« p~ Whoh*v ih •r!1,.-u*ni^V.2f' Perril ( Beef C.iUle-M-iiK) offered 1000 of which were sold «, S?a?,T-^ n .hc hoof '' *“}■=—et S-f.TS perfewt ST. LOt^IS , IMARKET. t . Oct. 21. iwiirat ba* been qnftn inf some 11,000 bu*b -3 corn but lute is do Graitj—The market EjM aotmaletl to day, with aaie* els at 67ffS03 per bathei. Oats are in reqnev at 37, Flour—-The market is baton aidy )i ic 'r | 5iC6 ' prr 16 NEW VDKE Floor—Tno tnirkr- nr.n P• V. wuh sales m $4 airn-glit slue. \ rr.-l-f i(K» r;i j qgp< 32, for cjjjitßoa aod Grain—N;« i.-jipnrtan* ri wheat. Ohio uriiw »i iGO •. t’ve Holders ui 64 iQv'i Provision*— Perk s L-v* business dcir.g si lasi «rt.:L' •took oo band .s liybt, aad i ~i@~i • per !>>. acq« io nciire ia C >rn ir not very ac nnsm am firm at r, vui a motWsttt price* Of L*rd the 14'tnertrrt atcady at Lmaocd Uil ja hi-avey, Eoaliih. T2-pr:c»:* demand tir Tobacco i* to trqne*t Lt ‘z Groceries—Preo ere i eral«T» h t.r»o d-’itg ,a if ■>t* e n -a net*?*. {dr Kr*aiijr-Srr leaf, ilhjr.t cfcsrgu gen . 0 ;t. 81 hrary. ar.tfccut taf Floor—»Tfe* rboikei c'c*rs charge Jo pritrs. Wterit—Obi'ft Wbpai is * a i‘ No change BALTIMORE MARKET BaLti*oe». G:i. 31. Graiii—Sofpbca are scarce, bot without chaoee in pncca. NEW ORLEANS MARKET. Ntw Oiloam, Oct. 21, 4 P M FioOi—Sales to da? ofiOCO tb • Illiaoi* at £1 00 P fcbl. Gra a—Sale* ct Oat* at 02 0 0> p bo. Bar ra—Sale* ofSidee at r>; 0 Oa Lari!-—Sale* GOtt'fccpa r*t 7;. Wh fkey—Hits at 2*J p p*U. Toh»;ro n held at high prices. W' IjVCOtV L LASS—SCfi t*-ie» -lit: jut ic liny .T do 10x1 i. in store , S* W IIARHAUGU Tar; ROSIN AND FITCH-Rt td.:* Ta f< Iu do Bonn, J 0 do Pitch, on romepnipr.: andl-ir talr br cpni? "" Tsaiah DiuKr.f *tb TT vnr S SOAP—Co bxs asserted, .j*t n-p j arrt for JH i» for cafe by r. °5.U?_ _J xido *Co RED j'RECHMT ATE- SOILs /or »air b*" <>•»* J KIDD ft Co PClNii:-i p»»p extra (jo&i..y, 1 do&ne, 2 bales eoarlc. jus*. rcc’J and ior -»•« by — 1 J SCHOQNMAKER ft Go BGFTLk CuKKs—3 I-btea'rood qcility (r.j rale by «->y _ J VCHoONbIAKER ft Co /~>AM\VOOD- IS LL!» oantord'a tie«i, lor sole hr __ J aCHOON.MAKFR ft Co LAC fc LtUHLND-r bbi« for 'ale fir .**9- I t-CUOONMAKF.n ft Co ‘ GDA—tu lees Pon-derri*. (or »ale by KJ — pAPJi GRrSV-'Uir-r., a ( -S" Ly J SCIIOONMAKKK ft Co —uils J No vi Wood itrret M A *&* GrtKF.N—5 tru for sale *,7 OJA t-rUi j acurovMAKF.R ft Co F r TOl'r.CCO—tl. Tr ,o „. r fIJ . t , r - -v . . . hap.u\ ior»j:Aftco I-ARDe.au ICC. No tor ,;.a i,v ■-H o: 'l_ _ ...J‘ARDV Jr'SKSftCO i EHfiulSll EXTUAcTa'. f.""-"*' Ue,ia * ! onho. CoJacyntL •ontp ,Ci rnn I«) ’rc-aoiLi j-t, JS?.”»'.*£:,r »*i»i c». JuiperWdan -.0: nir l,y . 11 * F*'INESM(CK*CO or? * 'Void «t MUSTftltn- ..»ir.nftt;'F!-uper6-»T Kn*ti»i in ktfs, i...pn. led, oml (or »atr t»y orilS ! __ H A ft ro CODX”a"MI- -■ oarltvVifeT* lr*i. a"ivli.e, i- r ~'l, Oby [«.pi 1 ll»l;tVN A RIHM-ATHinK- f \ILS—Scm.- (•r.jrai.atn, 2 can Amr, 1 ran Cmna- V/ ra0r.,,1 et '• I ran Cedar, l can Laven der, 1 call Bar- .11. and 1 cm llp-ionri Oil, vrarrnni « pore, rpeeiv- J ior sole ly R F SKDl.ers _«!# __ ST Wood n * LARD— tH'O rt,*« No l Leaf, a* Meg from steamer Ohio, ted ■ .t *4ie tiy J*!»_ . DtimVNA- KIRKPATRICK lT—Xlaaeltsnew Peacl*c«; jLJ :Sr*c*« new Apple r, »rrl?;rc ftom iteansei r ikdcnic, *rd for rale or ® cl ° . DFI nV NJfcJiif HKP A T RIC K 'pßUNlf’tfS \ IiDS-CDiendic. &»bri<-de. WBtw.AUtiitnjrciiy. oer-^iw C nck. fc -L®« 3 I9AIAH Lll. KKV ft CC BC * Water 4 Frvni *u. WftiKl, PITTBM. !lu:i Cj.iid OJ TainV PiTTiduuo,, n \ aU^~ i p i The w.-otler he.ie r .| 4y w . . . > :rin*6«*iion • " ,n “ St'irr.l «. r , . The U, ri , llr ' “r*-' ■-~rr •hipmcni east T . f 1 Mu ' *«• Je»i,t,ej u, •i; common Pae/rvl d.i * , . ®llo «ale« . * " pr ‘ m on red do. atltli p. ’ **' ” t: -i, and 01 Snou'deri at 4' ®4fr DALTTKOaX. Oct. 21, 1 "■'H-H'l-V ~, fr?l|e ,o, , e, |.b.. ,n .1 . ‘ i.n<-d. >uj*plic* ate l«r I _ UAf ‘ u *' a rotmnurd wio'vv t .t ijvosr.i • t 3U©airt, ntid eeo do » r B. I OROCRRIE<—\V> Ur. no to ro I Pea .a eubsr price* oi Jeiut.u >u*r hrm tt ?i , J»-fCn. ittHfltt* <*> J t.n :..v d v MMi* fu , >;an . Uuon, ar ,4 *«©&,<, - c , Tt- *„o P^t «, ;e : 6rr ij3 |c Fra rut R*A_\Vr noncr a 'Br.tmced Liroae*. the DHrircL *i,c, Piif* a.. ft COTTON YARNS-tw have a lun ,, r . taprov , n»u: 10 notice, and may now give the following ;,»t, b, rctrrsTrai No.i CU per No 1.l eu pe, ; i; - ; • ••i«' .. u : 1 “ la *• as No Son, *\t p ;f ,(, *• COU, 1 C*rpct Clam. Co%«ricl Van:, - ... * e " bftv, cvrn .-..uvrn.cnc-. j„c y u^d o^'"* 11 V'* 7 bu*in*«» of our loirn Tnc iTwrun. , -faiurr in me >r , r q.. , ri, "' r “ wen mpfl- for 0,1 1 •*- =nd her*- i* , 0 s=;s=ilis=s pioddrt. f,.r Si* rK r T • , f u '• \ !a”f-i’ v Uam?*.*; !*u *' n ° £ril W J <;nanifr T>." eflret IT, I i.r Vr <"*n,prVlo ■°~n“ t , l ' ,r " l f hcorae ‘ for wo ’rh 0 rf 0^ ,r : !l ** “ romi ;., U • Ccufitr * b t,nvo t>o s' 'o vH—Ut Do.-.rs.n CocTTwrciTi-Thc Cineinr.ai. *- r . Cuntni, un.Hr ll!0 . o „.., oa , m u- It. ..... of „HI 00. n ,. tl ““I WMKKIT II .t«. ....... fri. L...i of r\crv denonunauen. ».%j on aimoM C7erv Dank «ksc«i 3 irre rueaJeuen. *ntf >« well rrrcui.'J » fe COM of ;ht Ipuriou. note,. p„ UPa . lari? rcernt incei, teal ii,c cannon ,s - c cc»«rr on thr part 01 ujo* e not .lorouch.y scQU-wnied Wut) paper JSOi.ev. to prevent Jitlpoa.Uon or lea. _ Am 'tiff lh» latr«; cromeri'et!?, and deciJca!) .he Po»: l» lU’» cc the State Hark of (Jh.n The Pill i« i-ti-r 15 ’ No 97-, diUed Ao*u»t llin ISI9 4: .] p4>tHc Cacrrii«y Ur* oh in Wa.hmgtm: The *""• .* y,rcJ nn a.iferer.- biui of ibe wvm'-p] a “ c Tbe ci-ntTi: » „ »ej , l.bv- bee, ,e t,« lw ,' rn the spcnoj. f er,u:r.e b.; u u - u; , r 0 •on w«i tr.-c-* Ry comparing the i.., s •; * 4 « loanu ti»t lh« ci.cravm* on the ooonerfe.t war n U |, ; , v V3»r*,-r IUI. m the Ffnutr.r, and :h- eou. .enan rr, of lae Intiimtu .n u»«* ».r:i uc rath-r The uo n h..i u .. M'foi-J. Hut .h«- who r hj peatki.re w ine bo. .. ue:l calculate to -„ P cve .. gol aid of tr.ocev there. t*. however, i*ir de,e r; in!hei . ouu terleo by wr i-n ,t may be detreteu |-, Uir . |. UlIll ! let,! thf pn.-i ,>• to; jpoo, ,n ,]- e } JBl; , t M t;ie Lr , If xt » niM.r,t. up to a very fine pm-.t. '*«""*"'** tU letter T w „ nlTtN n the eanrte 1 f.-it a- po.n < r th rt/ikes v etv near ,- e C o:ote of ttje 7J r t l.t-ave-, i ie : tl.» Of the irtifi fs jd f. >n ;,r w-ni -Jv>i " 4nt ; .-"*,3 'ui'y one eight &of an inch s.-en't i-a -; 111 be .. - ‘-u.z.e Counterfeit irt co tho Ma:e f.ank o; frdia-a »tr at* nlemy. and a new ed.t.oi of .-oant-t >.t t < 0 „ lL e Northern Bank of Kenrorky have rrr- c: , v . v s; . rf . ed, ail well .-aleulated to dectn - Oounterteiia were never moie i-<-.1 „ , . . . t.w ur.rr nio.e r.ner, r:t'g.utod 0.63 aiprejonu and the jreateat caufon ~ .... 0 „ the part of tco.-.ey nker- to » eP p Pl j IS . ~i ti(. o Ul L< , t B. A. FAHNESTOCK A: CO. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Center oi Wood and F',r«: ••• , p.j.„ uff u Q r ," “*•' i-oiui. irt:;, d. ~1 j i, ~.. , ,j I'Bir-iy Oof:, fl I'ow.l i 4*« j , *r„ - Cari/. Aoi'i i-n. e»K* A )ij. j Hoi- . . I ■« Flour Suipiiur Jo | V.ui Cork ~ I ■" I A UUrilv. Ho. laic .Mamie-.n do Rowant uo <« f* art ‘,_ J *’ l! *’ I l«earf d., oo Lap ui trli |t;,uh«nom do co Carb. Iroii in kegs U.atcron, ,t„ ttinc Ar„d. to ;» toii.e* | Citr-str 1.„ 3 . Kii- Pula.Actinieiiialm .to . Pre.-.p, <.*rti | f^a Aq. Aramon Cone co I A.r;.-o Caloatr: En» dn i'l i-i 'iL->• t So i *#*&«* ««••«» ■'■•- Cr '*“"> BU ..., | ou Uwi4 , , C " ■n<‘.-\ial*i do Gard'n Odluc Rn* to Hf it, Smuts 0 ,1 rtrtgar.um lodide Iron, in o* rule j o.i iWourv Henna, in In jare . oil U itrr « m - •. n!’ C *£ 1 ' <’■ C.;a P oi Blue Pi ! t-j.y ,ar.,*r» | Ut! Rrf L.-quO'irc Kr.» u.hn i Pina and Bu- Pacecs n aoi Nsplha in Ih bottles 1 <«~Uinon .-c rl< ' l) M D . rroteiKst c.‘ tnjute,-? erd Prav.iee r.f J|i.ir(*iL«thT 1 M lirfroM.srofMMrr.. llru.c» act Medina: Jur'»nra4-nco Ham tio.l L Syr,, a M Pr-.re**or tf Ch-m ttry hu»in «. vvti..» re j. nD, Proir»iof c: Anatou,> and i'h»«touey ’ JeLu Hr»ia*fd. Krof-*tor cf Phil car c r -o',- c Chai>-. VV. K-i:. Uomf. n .-.ra-f.r'ol A; -.lollll' Tl-o • l.aren.ftfc- Wraiorn i>: !f -- ■,ru-tr.S’3Bcth.e Msc-Cltie rt.t t ramrd ty the I.eei.Jaurr ~| fit.n danr.iy tt« «4 aa;c:< o; l-l>-sn kronfenn., tfcrr.xm and pn»%«ioiJnii. hn.inc iq n«*;i tr.c porrjf lu conl-r derreei, and p.jutmj,- a cottc.ve *ecl Ihr: dcrseai ar- rowerred l.y it- Ka-unv nnd Troweei upon tin- rccomiß-n.laMon cf m- h»rutt.- The arnoui.i of irrt lor it.r ml; tOLr»e win t c Matriculat.on fer. *5-to he pud Bcm'on Hraior-'j iickct, t 5. Undgiimti fer, reraoi.t wno Save atten WAi r - JoM opri.Ctl, *nme V-ry li tird »otr,r liyle Huy. and Uior ftlam, * V |,n wt invite (he attention u! puri'harerr i. _ \V MrCLtNTOi K STAfti.'ll- • hoie« ju«i re-nreu from me mai ufar turer. and for *a.c by f< X WICKKBMt AM ocC Coiner Wfo»l *i,d 6, u st* Ll'IlIN'S F VTRAUrs— A«»oric Pit. I. MAftHINFF- Ri.*/li*n n*.*r.i. .-■! • ■•r. imported und for *»le by oci* 1! A FAHVF.-TOCK A r n CIOFFKE— I.'*6 bag* pnme yrren Rio. in more ii u . t to arrive, for tale hf L " atkr.man & soyp 3l \Vat«-r A 6i fu>ni «i l 95 *.f rbrin attd caddie? of V Hyton, Imp t». P , and Blaey Teas, /or sale t>y ■e* l. fi «• ATPSRMAN & Sf.N'r« Q PICES—Hi bags Pepper: O i bag* Alsptee, for *«le by . L fi WaTESMAN A. SONS Hailing out at Coal to Cloaa Oailncm, AL ARfj y. Moek |)R \ % (.OOOS, for whi, pmnirttl n , jn.a. m. itof,n, oe Jlf . _ If* Wood sl. I’itisbur^h Window Trlinmtrea. R ??'p I '!L : P ,h ‘* d - 111 “»<• ''W' •V.rclr.ow, N<> ~ ,l [, cc, ,w atrcri, I’orJ and _»*•_ i'*3, W McCI I.VfOCK pHE£SE_i7'i t J4 pnlne yf n. C .cc c, tm toir't.y oc? J .*■ K H«oVD WiutO,™ _ ftouiirt i:bur*ii , n DO - CTr Gl - AS!i< —>liCrtTnt• j- l;?, h«an i awiaract.ifr. tof *.|. by OLIIIiItIDGK * JVGJJfIAV llfi .ifrri !•'»'> _ _ _c ika.;i k' Jo»tmured by l«cp«j °* c yiLaokr* SCORD. ! i'iJKT OK FITTIS 1 ‘» h OCTORKK CLL* < iLLS I’.rikl —it **U b« » C ( tr.cni inai itie hnr lutnt draught iteauir 0 R. Da.r r.as engaged u» a regular p. '*•*>■ The Reveille ha. ••(irapu-tT and thoroupjt repair, an ) ~ d:d order lor the a< eorao ia' on of • .tie iMisvryi.,, e al i,eight. Succctu to (Ji Fob > i i.-i. • \i. lr . i>rhi j- aUK ,, C„,4c re i,.,<'.p, Ha,,., ..,... c .v„,. , 1 .| 1 „ Cil 7' 1 '” HI IO»'-clocE . a. A tup ,',i,.uricr.iiy .1 (ho. d..,. for piswiißcr; itv 1 «lupper? [ T*.SS * U I | *»n. rCO. cts prr dc»7 ..—i I hj». • •• .*! “I *• Iwn, • { - 1 ! CandLwick.',. •£ , Bur F:ilinr.- :J i U*;unc. N a , \4 a 16 , 6 ntvu;i: t een I.IIPOUTS Ot aiVK&. ;.;?7 mo., fl u.h i -i &•.;« in*.--! j Co * w 11-.U..ah.4sf S ,cuev J I* ! V kcgt lui.-r. .Mct'lurkcii hi\ hn'V- Yn'r' f ' ,< * , U ’ , ' l * J pti , b ' i i, C o" ‘ f d ' ' K lft tarfejr. J A Reese. tot f u , ia:ur~, J MeCanr WHKF.I INi.-I'en ran- .e* lllCf it !- h * “«;• ‘•' f ;, F "‘ lpn * ** J ° <*• H«“ 4 iw\t .-•* book*. »‘U I-M poprr. Mruor; ji, bbt« copper.*. . soiirtonmukcr * v * «l NC , iNN f T ’" FKB o hide.. Pen, A Ohio line: Uni so. Term. por 5e.. 10 " of i m!!, 0 '!h #> l' r'7-V' t, oT" y-Vr m Vr^T-V" It U.uer .treei, or >lr W - y u \ c » 4 i\, No j* Ltoerty ttreri. i m-hur|-c erjnii* lV agon t:ovi:Roji.«*i.,,-j || _i jti yj. inTTe »v S3ilnri«ii.N,, mil - \\ u .. 0 *,,U< jam emu ip; ItAld GLOVES, «c. j^AVVhLNcVrS‘IJ.MRc.i.OV;-^,„ni : le l ior 1.. d. '' a >!•> j?. !)ou'- C e' to Han. « 5: •'» .10 .j., H t;u _ lr- • i Hru.hr> ' ,117 “At MINI -|,n k A Filii: rHih.t f\INT in t,. u ... .No.?arid u W UO J ~rre: ~,-in J H f'fl u7t"S OI.OTH-iio , , (l . r „, VJT 0|0..h. ;u .’. r. re. red mu ‘ i ' w»0d.„... J A li'!•»„.ur \"KI.Vr.-f I'U.K t'AKI'KIP Keen, .1 . . ■•> Hhr.,. “V.i ■•u.-n-r-- ..... „„. . 7 X ( A" A. , ;,7, d 1 £n. A l «i':-.ra a ;,;- r„,„ c J rn~' r : '.‘::±L. ... __ j M:.\v..jir*i ar o 'l'A'l-Cv. 1,1,1. N c . or • 1 Wurth i r j - n,; *“«<■ (ui «u. u «••.:■.* J S Lilwokth *Co 'p.mcTo X-. .. in,. , ./••• . 1 j s DIL ’A'i iK I H Tc Powd»;r t t^r , ~i m I Wti C<. IVcr Rui- Ky ' a.. *-• t" i« •4*J»ty A MArtHALOH KN,ilVr FOR «A!.E 10, , aft , C| .... CMHwr.roir rni», CT "^' -21L 1 ?_y Von A co rru , r . trT . r tof .7:- J o N wkrViLiiN (! L i' r “° fZ •«’ c by C«>LK I.Ka niEK -.00 j,,.,'.. r ‘ ai ' ' of *-* -'A.MKS hAi'.zKLr f>Tcr tot .V7T.» A -, MMI> UM.2KU. * r„„ f>„ ch r ..,„ , or ~- L ’ c ' l - _ _ MMK-* IJALZaL r l’A.sNtlL- Oil. • 75‘ 1- . ~c ,i ( rtr ~l r ty . A JAM? < DAJ.2KLL T ARl ' , >0 *)r > i&.nd Inr fV»r : •," Z, 1 MMM H.M./KI.L r | I EA»-n«j J frie»u > M I> :» A ur. a, rj i* 7> n , \X,’INI)OV\ i,j.a.SS— iiw i• * 1 |ii. * IO« b*« |u I 18; , v ' 'I’HOH pm cull S“ BI ty, , r , , iorc , C; s . or glj ,. h .. KS-v t>77. A M, “’" tto'r— bn w Uy ' ±X ZZ R 1: ?*KI,|.FRq AI/NK-Ia wl.'D -9 Us /rtctTrrt (iw «»> |,y , A - re *_. ... R E.-Kl.LKas ( 1A RAW A , .HKHU-ta. i,„ Tcr> cJew ;, lor ule b . VL?r . ... Rt Sc.U.KRi M A M«»M iu;P.,\vfc K > -1 t, Tj t D CHA LK —iu *-.,r4, i ck*e lur I.v • li ' oe “ K I! hM-LHIK Bztrb Hupei Auc OoioDg i Xtnß)o»2 T*» 'T’HEif r.tr the vcf» [,<•.: h.-ifi T<-ri« tl.»i *••• ,m » »*•»«.« - ,ng *.i.d T«-». •> pr.-r p , r !ti (flf „ A I)’’ 01 /«►' rfffiVM ovi * Ml 4 UJKCtlflhl.U L i ,orV, :U / ~b- “' ~-c o ! f *"■ ~v KOBISON LIITLKACO J Uu*T Wlnttovr Ll« cn V T , '**-*e» «*« W M.< ijvii.o; r ,., rl AUI A LTJFI'L 0,1 I'nui. t« „, w I m<-ii I.,,r,dnn.| rcprr»r;,t„ie Januy 1.n.,1 ~ u.r ,fl * nu,i, !»».!,« ir««i at t Itir n.«liliHß»a\ li*t hrrn ff'-p.vi'd I.v ifir v U i,, rr »ad ** »o IU- lil.f.i m,„„Murr ,l,r ,u, " r '*"> Aim. Jc.i.y , to Arnr„. *, u,* f'-ji'.f Mid iap rr rbr»lol J.alii, **nui; n A FAIINKS ii.r.K A » - 1 / 1 AI!It l fHV>r it > ;ai*- n*. ut ..m .. i £> V)1 [MI y an.! .truj, n U .| I», •, inr ,ji p«M „| H Jl..ULund i i»..ihrrr *- 4 Tf.iLrt. Kid nnd llurtk.k.uf.i.vr., Unol en ar.d Wur-inl Cnnifnru, Alpao«*«n common 01/fo, for *»le l»y . 1 j k j.-|.oY[) VINMiAK —bn» jiurr i :o4r (or .«ic liy «'*' j « it ru»\ v BLANKt- f. 4 *—i ,-, r cr.u»]i;iiit.p.nt, for*Ble by °C- __ J t R HUYO PU W Dc.K - . powder, for *ale t>r ' J k D KJ.IIVD If Kit KlNG—low I'X« i»cnlcu llrrring. ior *»le br n <‘~i _ J_*K FLOYD I » —' 's J<-» I W.ileil Tow lingii, for'-o’lWy ' *> nr -‘ JsH n^JVD JUIV I K|i.». L AIW'K I W ilVtffiii o. k IH. |Dti j opr nr. i a tnrice a> a very cheap iol r>| Carpm. nil «rit.rb n*r iSifct t frvtn ihr raanufacmrrj?, * n 'ir Mr>uiiia,ji», »t 75 I'.iurl h aired. o<:9 —U6 \ i,•• K*„, Ouprr Fine Floor, rn t.sre X and tot «al* l; 1 wnv L 8 WATERMAN * SONS Rivals—There were \ i tn, i •ia«k, Hit evemne. »nJ lallin^. v ARKIVKU Fn-liiO*. l , '*rlrr«. Mu n.ihn. Bne* , Ifrovrr He# v t Oor Jun, B< uv-r Ha i f. JJrinisu, bfuwn.'. I.r Al'uKiir. rarauiaofi. Ilrnwim \ ouehwelirnv. H*r;ui-~. H-. Rearer Mat rio-.ver Filter, Ua. Ko.'..r*n I'OI, Zarr.r. f.rreniee, Nn.inji Ti.oi N<. I».ivut. lloek necor I'.nnni.aii, films.iifhara. I'mn l»ale«, Whcriiuy DEI'AK TKH FeUnon FeeWe*. Kii/at>em line*. Heaver Heaver, (.imloii. Heater Halt if. Hen - en. Uruw v,u.< Aiiexnr, I'arksrser n, l!rowi,.vj > o»rii>««lirni llaniipr- H tlt . tSlo'n . Henver Keynott.- Slate. Hj.n.e finriur Ca*fcicr. Mr.Vi1.,,,. \\ „ r r,.r.e Re. peer. .Sell. IVen i ir:rat . I'.'loraUn, Nftv i|r|rt r < Sktl'.er D»e., \V|,crime Jui.t (.ailaaiet. /an.-- t Ja« .NeUnn, Moore, IVheelmp Hi UTS I-KAVIM. THIS IH .A k l .U— Vi>u|*inof'hfti>. .j >< j. ZANF S VI - » » 14 Sf LUI lS Newinu. 10 4 > MARIFrTA Kevniir. 10*. « ST L(M j>»- ('lijdrrcUa, 1o *. M LOUISVILLK- M.nnci, lu * * i?(|ReTii|<> <'*pi Lctecit ih. l * jiiti umirreom 11 jiOW in '»vtl,cfi, » •vrrsrr l | fe JA.MfS DALZEI.L 7u W«icr *r WAIT4CO R F. 5F1.1.1 RS 11» r t etl for • i»j<- [>• H K SKLLKHS JILAftY LMD. H. kJ.KlU'lf, '•i Ifm• p. ioi Tii r.i VVa K A M* 'Xdi.INS ■I ioi , , U (* * K A M. tv. N|jf.K*S Jl «l. !«](• ’ H arebouar. ret. h very •low Sljnilr* IVIoCK >d ♦(. hoj.V^ •"TJ'ftMMi/ Po«*d> LOCAL MATTERS. y*ron*i. fg , frrwoi.fcOM i.ailt «ax*t; P. t rtßntHH Sr.v^—PßE**msiArt.oLD Scbco —Tht- Bvood wa* opened with prayer by the Re ityclnr UVu. Tte Hoard 01 ('nlporiornge made > report, wbiub W ** r '‘ ,rr '''d lo 4 rv.romillee. Tc Dux oT* jndi.-iil case ofigt in tlir ojorcti ut lodiaan, and coming op ot an .ppotl from tai . ( , pr Blon 0[ n , tlniV!|(< . prc „. flcn i r\ i clutn.-d ihe attention ot the SyQod. ll o- arrived. Th' ei'T'.B-nB were closed with prayer by lb< R*v. rend iMotor MsgiiL afternoon session. l !«c S> o.»d was op«Dfd with prayer The judi *”* c,it. 4»i»*u*fc lU (j ut|,| h had been com toeoce.l ibe. morning, was uken up, and wo ecncuaied when toe brood adjourned. Ocroaca 21, ls6o. It. Buni.l Mjm.g,,, Alirgbeoy County A 8 nc„ln„„ Soni, mH , 10 Prevent- bleu,,, McCabe, Marlin. McCaslin, Kell,, Mutdwh, Cover, and Snt The Pie. deni, Mr. MoCa.ltey, betn e nbsenl Col. McCabe we.,on motion, appointed rreaiden! Uu motioo o f Mr Garrard. Resolved, Teat any art.cle tnanafaclure d io AHe ifheny county aod exhibited by a try member c, tho -ociety, be allowed to compete for a pro. tniom. v r Mr. Martin reportod lhai .11 „ ock . ic .. ' bii.on >i iho Pair, would be allowed lo p»aa oaer tbr Si Clair briii*. Iree „f ,r||. Judb-e Lowne will be impeded 10 deliver an ad drv., on Wrdneeday next, Ibe hral day of ihe F.ir, al J o’cloct. P M„ aad A. W. Mart., E.q , on Thursday. ilie second day at 2 o’clock, P. M Competitors lor the Plo.igh.ng match will be no lifted ofihe ume and place of l.oldidg Ploughing maloti, ire.. \:c . on next Thursday morning Ad|Ourned to meet t . n next l ftur*drty,fu nine '» clo-1;, A M at Mr v.hoermg s, Allegheny mty. Bv onltri k >t me Board VV’cjt of Quo WAtßArto— The writ of quo W.rr.mo aganral (bo C.ly w.« called up you.,, day. in Ihe Supreme CourL; Mr. Kahn. Cily So. lienor, MaleJ lhal be had hot been larni.ted by Barber's Atiorneya .with a copy of Iheir paper boot, onlil laic on Saturday afternoon. and we, therefore not prepan Jlo argue Ibe cate Tte («jun ordered it in ho postponed uotil Tbnraday. Tut Auwoutitr Bunion. Oa„«—Thu case of be Aileeneuy Bridge, cx-relatione Jatnra Todd vaa called op ,n ibe supreme Court yesterday aul no action wa, t. k en „ pOQ T „, plMdl will prouably be broueut to an taaue before tb, fdjjurnuicni ot tho Court. taiTiCD UTATKS COIRT The *-fitted Stale* Court met yeaierdty, jodai ru.n on iho Hencfl. Tte nan,a. of tte Grand and Petil Jnrora were ailed over, and ihe Conn ad.onn.ed w,ttt„u. any ues bavin? been called up k' ' ‘ ra) * o ' ,Ml>T “The caso of haghi b«l*y, Myerj, and two other of Barkei’a w nen, trj. tn-d ycs'.i r iay ~t n, e u,« ric t Conrl, ■»ciorc hti honor Jad»re The p:a.n>,tl (MW aaato i# Rchard Hughe,. •• lcm trrt-ticd oo a wsrratt :s»u c d for one Christopher liughea, accuaed cf Burgi«,y ( aa d t-iwiit.i.andiiig h.a einoatulationa, and bia de- 1: J tM * ,h “ ho w « a » : “>o p,r,oa, wa, dragged It-c wa,r 3 hr.uae, and af.er a abort imprison rut >l%. Meaart. Bl*ck and Beil ap »r**d lorne p:»,si.i|-.;,l rMr9 Smith rod MrCal »nt tor dilendanrs. Thr .-aar ( e ol the Court t. e, dea.J.dly be dcleodaot., and tte jury brottaht , y„ a , .1 between two a,d Hirer Hundred deliar, lo: tt, plaint s We did nn, learn ,n e raaeTaaonn, ■Not If'itir. , a d M,K-e, lb, ro nalrv,,.., „np,„„e.-j ~y M , T „ re on d... Halved yca crdav.t. w,a u i; .d afien.oi.n payer. Inry wire nol bronym i ' '-'iptia ibi.ugi. we tin Jrruaad t , -’ i 7 w.|i Sc to day M.*iPCitr\Nv,a ti Orf,c! Capita Übtrlc 7'°' roi-rvj tanner .u,i U?oh Adertuma ■**.,;« M«yor a lfker> eill#gi nc h.m wuh ttudeau-iiaar m offlre. Th« v!*yor U. toe Seeu, t»„ e » c , ..rciied. W* . ('i attention to tbe adv*rti*r>ci£nt 01. Mi •W. Taylor 10 saot| ie . r ooltimo Bt Ttic .11),r of 1,. »„y .1,0.1, Allo«hoa|f. «... ooi-n.j on Stlu •I >«V. aid roi'Oud of anioioa ol o,„ooi , udl :&C ainc-io- ,;f cvrr iw u ti.fdr«j A-.-vrrm -m ihe w#r. fc-nM-eJy n-pa.j f,„ u “'f n 'r rdrd in ob!,ii..« >1 plotilooo. ooat«nm s ■ imil! imam,l Amrrtn fritL.ir.-A , tivmpi m ,j, oo Sond.p o.»m i„ 6 „ ntr „ f Mr Woro on Honor olrool, u, ,h« og oLoroicA ii is, h„k.„. o( , d , 1.1i,d. DB* I. D HOWfc'N shaker SA RSAPARI L l A IN QOART BOTTLLS. cnn, ‘ 5 ' iia er,di i'lTa.Nf/ls HKt'ITWls-s p, r l9l i. r Rr ’“ ,lr, " : f r®ni ttr «ytt*-u> anri ct. KSc?L\;, tU'-UJ rtweili '““' k '”«» K,,,. t V o r*, r , . , r.K KE.MA.LF. WKAK.NESSia Tr »■« Sntlr.lj ' , “" 1 “• 01 >»' tlooJ .ml I^re.S d ;;“ •${ *» S*Sjrj^.r;r l K== J l it pr.i up m qnon botilea. and ■ » it f onlv Biru ,arul» :h„ or, it. Lire:. Jd .l% “^cvf^» C o^ , “ r, ’ rcnd , cr '; u ■“o*etbtr won *«lo ftr « e t,y nwueßltrty to female* ,; ri' Krof ' ~0f •■' thc Ohio Mediral Colle.f !?.: z s~*" «<**** f’n-*#' si [.<•! i.oitir n i„,nir» i o f *s vf'iilf'K* u\\ o Jr> "7\/ * Co, , '* K ' V J(,en n' J M Tnwn«r,d, J Mohitr w"H C v W,; ‘i t ii' lU H°v^ h ' D ' ** ,aimtt ' AJlejftJpny tjiy’ ■l.*- 111 »«•« * *■•>«. Uk S D MOWK* CO , Propncion, Tn -k .„ ~ 1 t-nliare Hall. Cinr innaU. *)., 1 0 waofu ai| ordcn uiun be addrexard ■ Bft .lAwirT 00-PAIITSKIIBHip, \z r i ,, ™“ U,r - o i.’iauiontl Alley. Ttiubureh ’ ,l ** u ocl6:dlf B CVRUH HI.ACK OUACOu li kr r < JirtJcfc-* No j e j prr n-im-r Lener.., a „d f,„ , nlr hy ,c '- d *1« JAMK-° DALZKLJ., • Water m ‘Tun I>lL » t.n. i:iow'» R K NRU.KRB, Z>~ VVooil ti Mourns a. HAwoarif. T l fn ojr'i r "*' , " ,r ° f " M ‘ D.«rar, n ANU B«rXK**~|{„ u ,..i , lld K .„ 1J "it tnil t- mu, l-> ' VV P°£"A ft ‘ * bvl *- o_cjO ' w - r. MAR.SHALL WANtriT UiMKLMATI-XV- *- ” , Sole«m.\a. i,0,, 11(r A ” Mtpermnoed ":,r r «”»* iK-U-Jdu J 11 HA TON, fl 3 Fourth n. A *-»• ‘he work rrinmmn,. - , /\ iKr« C.,0l Rail Road Wl) . be 011 lf ‘* l rmwnal* will i.r rrrr-nr. H oi ik!, .Vr Coal Hgrim,, Up' H "J'sljaf” f ° N ' W “*C" wEST K B* I*Bll BiilCE COaPUt OF PITTSBURGH C4PITU *:oo,ooo i FißjtßT. it., Bee*Y. i „> t Aw 1 ;."" Ml»«d .nd promptly «ytr. , , n m r“» «• «■ •J Uy pri>njp:np** *ntl who “ re determm »cicr wKjcli they hare injmJ 10 m V URin cliax projection to Utoac who de«!r«tn k* ?®* nn f teat .. Diaacioto—R. Muicr iV ,■ to . e Inured. N. Ilolmcs, Jr., W’m ll l#ck ’ J W. Butler, d«k Ml4 Vi SA Lyoi 1 C Ihmsert.Oeo. W.’ Jame»Al>Auley, Alei r«- Tnt>l - K * V. ,ncx - *«• « WaterlSi-.” “ ,et * Tho.. Semt. fc i-0.. op euura,) Pitubnreh ’ of Spent * io4:oll>' inform '•*»iliiiunwßriß« V U,tur *" nnJ Alirtfceny -ly tone and o«£,. P d rccr,ve P-' Pucb, 411 do Nr. I Doric, lor .am |, T ' UC ’ l4 JAMI-SA IfUTCHIbO.NACo T> ICE -».j tci prone Ricr for ««ic br IV eciH __ JAMES A HUTCHISON ACo -"■'i JASIESA HUTCHISON A Co DaCIIN CA.IKS -3il rrtipty cn’rk. in t o id ’for X5J.1.5T „n, jami-Vahutch^oni Co w V"5 -■sSi.vi RESELLERS e ‘ 9 — murphy 4 Burchfield's i doaralag Qooda. “‘'/cHPim.fl h ,„ „„,„ d JU. p., », .™. ,„„ L ** C«nio«j Cloth*. “ roharptand rannatirt. „ r rcn. b Merino* and Caafimcie» • Oe<* F'SHXSfti'ZX?-" ■— « L"' *=• ontncm o, c*,i QUGAR 'lu tbd* prime N. O Hu;»r ju»t M9 r * F BURBRIDOE a inuhrlm _ ... _ IJ6 Water creel ■pLOl R-.jo btu S E F|o u r, , Q „ rerJ fur bT 1- ... RURURUKJF. A INGHRAiI INDEED OIL-1! t/rW par«Vinr.‘rrr'd'for «\le by - - - _ . . J‘»mnwattaco ws^p:„TJ^:„ Ka a 7r. , epiU T KC STOCKTON TVrrrti'^'; — >!nrk*r *i -C' , i~ K -* W b ** ,u P‘»'of o : , J.-U.d lor raie'bj iCrrrxV- Dickkv a CO 1 >LI» VOUDS-Irtdtrem for talr ir '' ~ % i il LANFIELn Uo.™ N , , r i T . Ji'HN WA'rrAcn ( V' >■<• W K i«„ ,;■ „ JOHN WATT tC.) \ bm p«ic. i or ,»j c p v . , DCS JOHN WAFTACfI I INt-EEOoLL-iabn-. puns, lor .*> h v 3 1 imv * tm-.-a. JBc ACO pfTn r „, ,^ 4 ~- ... J SCIIOONHAKM t Jo ‘" J rr =~ 0n n M • n JHCHooVMAKRRiro ilur K t^ 0H! 'RAX-ir 8 «.,, UHr p r . d , J.MAKI'RAi-0 ;iOd’ pASIOK OIL- S t.l. to, .»!„ , y fnt-- A' : " _ ISM/,11 i,| -|M y * rn i*i- • . j- ' rr'-t-n i3_ __ j KIIjI) Jt rp IJ A 0,1 ‘ t ' U * * '"** r,, cei*rJ ami for .ale J y <** jkidua.o R*bv LKA ‘^ oun P® n ‘s«si;B«» teer.rH .1,4 fvr .air L IfT »afs fro* L, c Allefbcy w ft »„. if> r, » ~on- 0,-5 0,-5 J * K ru*VD j Rour.J ('l.arch IjL i'l EII t j on* ,„uj b auef lor t4Jr *-* " c- ’ J i R FLOYD Htft?*’? No i, f 3r October, of Mechanic h w "P* I,n *- aud No IS of Uct.ocr, or j"” b «" recejrefl at Ho rn-.’l Uer , r ,! mft Aml h:ry -- • J* K SELLERS (JOUrMBo ROOT-J blc teemed tor «i e by “ W C R KSELLERS ]"KnM K UREE,\ 1 V ELLmUc.,..,,,..!, imp P.LL . ; . r r.j-f.i.i.kr'* OLi-S? C ,y V,#W / **P fm OJ - Wbm'POll.N*l tn * N "IfKKRSIIAM 'Vood #mi Sijih «l» pRINTINrt PAPEB-loa.n, si,»,r- b« lor ..Jo?” '*' "i"’ l “ TSiMM 1.... H C BTOOKTON B.ou f ” I«AIAI1 DICKKY * CO t ,£ p Waiwi A. riotti *t» , c i J a h riiii.Lirs rrv, ,v , - _ . 5 ft » Wood »t X be, ‘ su ' ,u vv^* e, ““^^ T^ ' ,oc,) J A II >'llll UKH Cr 7, • f r.„ I* s waterman a I ~ ,JU lei "* for .air t, T . .'ftl fc . , ... - *r B "ATKRMAN A SONS CITiI.A,F r _- *' ATt~'R>IAN A SONS M Z**£,SZ ii'h"' “ ,h ' SO «u (.rlb, T nv .Tn o. ,- A.,„. «^ a A "L’TCIM.-ON a c, lAioi«_t!tearo ‘•uanr IMm.-mv ’ Lli r-- hl-l, u„ lianj .uj f or g ,|„' bv ° - .» N UM'k*KRSHAM *'•’ «e? prune- quatiiv. for "Bl'e (,*" " - - , J^AIAII DJCk'KV A . „ KXKOUTOnS' MOTICK. K.«hfiirb7 KlT rn,ii, t | I.rUr r* Tcm n in - nr, THORSCOTT Charles hays. _ PlU»hur»h XTrm< D F H . I f ,I, ! T ‘ IATOU ’" noTICB *rt «WI re,,l ; c ’ ,lcd lo iMkeTramidfMi’paymrw' ROBERT DtrNI.AP, Jr.. 1111 Mnrfcc 1 «i, Hiu>Kur«!i. ■rplH dlnwflwW STKAM lAW MILL for SALIL rfMIR aabrcnUer offera Inr rale the Steam 1P 1 wnh the yaw Mil] peering and lath outiin/mn rhmen. tn the building on the eaat .idr of Crelr «t in Allegheny eliy. He trill alto, ,{ dcaired. seif tL,’ hoilituir which i« one handred and twenty feet long by forty lect wide The engine it an excellent “A* with aaffie.ent power to Onroad tho machinery tb," .awine and lath cutUng. The whole could be riSofr! S3.SL «V»'. w “ k " ,tn? J,r ’’ “• 4 STEAM BOATS Packets arriving at and departing from thc Port of P*t*a*»nrgli. Pm -MirntiM * wullsvillk packkt. P K . Uai• i.„. *j M lUSI j»om For (rru-tii or p-».<.a*r nppiv „.i l.ouri] • ... » mii.ti nhkr« kr a FOR CIM INNaTI A ST |,a«>inrfl. «,.,,; y 0h t, oal j A '* . FOn.MuBH.K . . ' ;;:T^ FA r mcuu »««. .t M.O.S M"” Tn '° n «■>• l or Ifflghtrr «|>|>jy on . ~ or —, ° b .Mif/n:M{KR(;Kn, a?- FOK CINCINNATI AMI ST I.OUS ‘ ' lo 0 flock A ftf I-Of freight orps* , a,T t -, o|>|'ly on t. o *rcl or io ■SSL. . _J-R«»nnUlc (Üb'i:.,; For OMrti □, p«,„p, AppJjr-0,, oj . |s BEuuuAjt PACKET. KPife»Sig§&. t ~ 3 >” «■ VAo>i-,wi): rmt a r ....... £o-»- r - PHI La DLM'HLA at toe Ciri2fiSS- POSIABLE BOAT t'ljp. owssa »**«,*«»: l-r *le--.,. B.nftS! t _ R AT POKnRXTRR tco i AB|Miipgw'E | |*i'/' ! r.n«„, Hen roc J open lo . I ■’•>■?/ to Jcto'totr* —-Sit TWO HAILV EXPRESS PACKET BOAT? fo-p,.., r . PI !l PHILADELPHIA AMP BALTIMORE, I. me 4-. hoai» F,,*-*ir) (tt.v,vjr£; am '.?• <~> «:;™n ’■ '■’“■“Him. om.o'S I - .•• i JgT.. Pone,. Bail 5&.. aiV Fir p.«a,a « ap;dr | ‘ *? “» I ■*“_ . •>“ ! BO*OSOAHItLA.AMIDIPic7 " | «»*7 7* MU.. » I!t(.w.,iTiiJe *nd ComhtilaDd tl) N ftltimjr rhJTade|pjn». ea;n«*,; nt f, o’tfook F«/t»er.r/T. <- C -* *~ au "* e *- CTeninc Ik:ru mil crew Ac tC:iu| u| on Ae «Uy, »n.| A«. .»o,d lU •“«« *«» HOTj«“ r orSt U Ch , Jl<« l Hgiel tt ° ° are ' Monn nS»li*Ja ootil-ly » - A pant jJEi. ,Ss °- iSS^P^SPiI p.e; 'ivz ™£s;ti:ri!yr m *«»" Bf,pp„, -u. P ,.i“ j&v&j..'v^ur.s'sv J.o BItJWKLI., ■ — I , M '- ""i tmi ii „,„ “ nKAT o =»THil. noDTBT” TUB PIO.VEEBS/OP TBg SEW Bill ROM. Thrown » F OVn D.r, TO PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE S' s?-<5- In"™! lur,„',.„ p ,l^,r,'oSb", “‘ n “ ■■"*' '•«“»» .tnpprj r.PrF. ar* to ra „ „„ ,aU> ' ut A mS!WXiNNon i !'C ‘ Ncw'vort'' nirt: •rpf-'dT* * •* Dosnc (treat, Uouon HATS, CAPS, AND MUFFS JAIIBa wilsos, <•/ It, *«/' tin <•/ ihiUHOTlii tilts f/ ,if mild ‘loi It OH FKRtf hi» t-uetciQet* onO ll.c nul-.ir .in .i.nr jirw aMI frrtii nook oi Haw, r'np., .'ml Murf.'m ow ,»“. r !/‘ V ' ‘' u " u,B ‘'’U'*d amt Selected Wll - ro ,i,. h r.-feTrncr to pficr, style, mid ’ nml "“*!”• c«rrrp«t*i the r((ir » 0 , p. I ow pr.cn,, \\ uoicatie »n it,.- mri«er:twr Kmt ¥-.*«) per tunaoi I’Bwu'in trvrrn oi: the i‘: «f Noveiater next. JOHN H MKLLIII! I No. '1 AVt-oi] cire'-i VOU RKST. IMVO well £imrr; nitrone* Mar ket street, lictw*en ."I and 4t*i >irr,.ie At»o, a »mali brick hourr, n. Pur TcwdiWi, near Penn«r!vania Avenr lni|inr* or KOa SALIC A tho story brick HOjrsr md i.rrr, on corner ol Evan* Atli-v ln..n»rr of . ROBERT M k.NIGIIT A ** s ' n 'V t>wrlltrr. .*tate’roof, oil.ce. bath { j " ra ' t" 1 ' ! ‘Xture». "nd t.afce oren, 149’J nml *i =-pj r PH' < ,* ot paymeni wit* tie Terr racy f:»A! if,,,.,,, * cn , „ /■ >V JiKMI.NGTO.V crn. i_, rp^:(J|u ,Msn»**er. >M. TO - “'■■■ <‘P' nt;t.- Tinr.) M t AV«n Lll ‘ erly urecl, »ud Ma.k-r.ifrci! r ,or * B ■ cl .No 3 T• »\ Ll.'a HLK Hi AL ivr «-ci. ~» V *UR fALF,-A li'i nf > N ‘ hN '^TKJJ,r • btur»n »i. v Pr .,i ’ ~uno ■itu%i e; . 1 , j>, lP Uv, n'U.«uic«i C 4. ?W42’» > ' , rr tin, < < rmjj.rr.oi J * UAKUIBOO'StE;VELI ATTORNEY AT Law ■ ’ Igp-SSSs™'- MURPHY& BURCHFIELD °~ . ad JTilh a Luce Slock of J fw Bold,. R. O. BTOCIETOS,~ bookseller ASC stationer, . 01, .Martel rirrsi, corner of Third -t., JrL'V,.;""‘"S”, I ;*'"' ~IC ' " <-cm. e«M-'!n„"s; t 1;.,; ft"/;’.''I’' 1 ’'" 5 •v-.- W« i-.prr j. Ifl. BriADfi ' ' attorney AT r. a w, J No. RO P!fih >C^?7 PITT.PCCfia. I*4. mm , CO - , ’ ARTiEtI »HU' DlijT.-. . tAMUtX M CLKAN. Jr. niHLUPS, UEFT * CO, fuami•*■' 'O'ta' mar. l > I.r.r--, nt a.Hr /jol.sfjr,.jiji. fc t rc ,, iji-l'.vm VaV, ' at "‘-«>*eirPcMi^r ? K nv,,,,. -miuon, I » „ • • , r „ htMir 1 V.’n o. * * • 1 • lUf, t n*iAMi;t>r fht r«mt r.'l’niiim/.!! ’■ JxcVtul HUlnct i*|-i j,,. ' '' * 1 ••'•• h' - .r-*iht r-»tnrfl -fj r .. , . Ju-* i\ Hi? ■*!** wn t , r . m rr .,r ,„ y 'V • ( ‘: ‘" ?V i dBrt J Ur-* 4f-in tfay nr Attr3>[ if]..' ,V, <• - oiuiej ■•*!..! (inu-r.il J«ul?*riVr. r y (t fo/iL rt ,i n l‘ ' ; P.S I-5555* •“"STiJHw. «* hum. „r U.»t r.iw ar a .., f 'm»v w n. ivl i ,r ’' nrm lLl rr to P’o*trou: ajlusn --*'‘ r "' ' :a w .""‘ __ _ f'A K 1 l‘M • ,, p“-!!>V| , .V , ,{5: 3 i f K * ! ’f s ;hl i S ;^^TVKS-'lVf).Tir E . |- fc/ ;o u . t l: •!• I-".', I* • ° U ,4i * '■' ,k *-> !■»!*■ Cwvtlkv l.wn.V ~ 1 • juui jjavc c»vu-t clajitiu 1 THOM A* IMFT. ! CLOgtiP, t;' . ! i I h»* ' x.r ~»ivr h **| V,le * rtA-hr uHnnion jn , defpL;t.:i,e Inuer betnr the only na-ntwn the rcputauoo "in. htl.u rsiahlubmctil nra,-quirrd hv .1 . „ „ srt^ ! 4s £S ?» w.jss.rjars *’ m -“• *► i„ ,„d feme ' KUIKNK IMMa Me r> , U 4 Che.«nul *trcet. ■.."iinfS.'»s?^A '• l0 "r •“ I' I"'*- 1 "'*- _ - nplfidtyi Plat A!»D HJKthE IitSUKASCE SUTII'E. PROTECTION INSURANCE company OF HARTFORD, l*m*L SfUCt *HP Ft-HJ-LCB FI ND, 91.000,000. 0 HAHTEHED IS2, r ., T l i, l i o,,a '; r * ~tnc" t|l,l '«" ■ Ppo-wd agent 'or this j 1 , I . l ' r *‘M , <*nrtt>ie cniDjiatty, to succeed far. rajeue li.itw", nil( j re r»oy ui u.»u>* rotieirn in i-,e f, T * ~, I l t J Hftnne or as lavornhie IC rlu a* any other responsible ’omp.ny in ti.j, city r. , UKO K. AHNoLn,‘ •* FoQflt> »•• w«n »<■ flana of Pittsburgh. PROTECTION FIRE ic MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY ... C-marrm, Cuptu/Stott, $ Surp-iu Ftai c-iss., nr " lr ‘ Premium 01 low sa thore of any other finer •-’.-A »M.rdy ana «at..'foai»ry adjustment pf J we , j,- £.*SslJ&k‘ p ° nr ,h ' w “ ! ' h ' 3 ■**» “>•*> 'TATcV.'.XT.f'llE.'v 'V’.r.'T' Fmm, v'J ..r ■* w , Rnltlmore, Ctiariraion • ‘ l-oui. ; l.onssviilr, PuiKburg!, „ r ’ ' ar—*l * 1’ *,i lh * ol ibr insured. * 8 ex,* kT7jAr k " si *»-■* Iheotfife ffc*ofrl,i T j;' mhr4 *° tne ':»«oiiUTt..r noic. v.-. reh ™„, Household Fomitarr, Coot's Wttr. .st ' rliamJizr. cnru»iiu',i n, ' Vaf c*.and Mer ».. .. luaiiini of lUCiJtd tiirtrii. ........... i daiuner l.y FJR|.;. a«ain«Hi>-* ur Ury (ioocir, ii' , , j..., »■ u ,Ti. J „. iTJ ‘V.'" J .• >*'•> "‘.'l nr Zn, X' d ,r‘‘ '‘'-“W- W B«xl r , '**’* to Hint iron, fttuntt i,o tl.o Western \Vm.-r. K ”“'" Oltft ulubd rnoic) 4t.J ley low ns tit the Western rnaiurv tha nu/a.d. oi INLAND TRANSPORTATION? Sh.pmenu „f ttSvar.* Miielma.u, yrr •ted ve«»e) or Tr- t |„, between New o*Jc*ns ■„,! Lastern pena-betwem Orfeana ard other On), porn—between an Aurrinß ports nnd English or European port., or u, kd y o ihcr ctnrttinjr m*i what- XuVVXli* AUfcl,Uc wa,r, »; “pn'ntt too PERILS OF IliE SLAB. UEO. E- ARNOLD, Ar’i, iepl»JJ u"* 1 * MXX * lh# 13 «” ftiUbttrgh. M JBrELLANEOUS. BAY STATE < WBwHP Jmtmm JMnrat’ H TOWNsr,N«>4 Co. 19 Market m K D C..\ ’/.Z\kl, So l*»L Second *t bay STATE SHAWLq fpllLoK celebrated and iu»tlv mt* , , “®« 1 re>.-.r roods. ,*, e U:e*Tc 0 7 lo?in^?!!!f dfed •**' 1 G^SM.^iS-.'sSsSS fabric. -Mu. texture, sod bnilianry of eJ*o™ °/ from all sections of the country, and PfooipUt attended tc. Putehaaera will sSi? w Mitwl depanra-m .i !«r Re nnnnmnit of all other most approved matcr%«,t naweat Anrenpun, French, and Scol’cl, Woa ’n sh "1?“^ t-ms** -< a -3=tt& Superior Paris Broche tone and nqcare Shar-is in r ‘* Minted »ai T-rke-ri g hnrt« pi" 11 , 1 ' ,r *£ Embroidered nrt r -c ?«fatwla-.NewmW Is ** ra ‘ Hr ‘' ir •'*—Neat figured Pam Prosha 'u sT L ? pl V.r and Cr.lnred Thibet i^. 1 \ r - 'pJ. Tr- l,l ' n &* l s kin Shawls—Pl«q Motir Colored French Terkcrn Shaw;., trineed and m iuf M • Barsapa lv tree f-om r?-' ■ At , l! >epaire l,nse it la perfect -1«! n..v oilier of.h‘i‘« r * , * o>,on “' *' iuc ** cannot be said vmv'lp.ii i . lho •■“fitpaniia enmpoundi. The in », t„nr ine ae-.viaV metarnc poitcmi eater into and I'Aitip-r,, a\ 7 "**«• «"C" q toe SatEaparijia and KfVeiw .h,| ti. f,J! '' o ! ? Compound Extract pnriicln of Uietc « n ‘“ ? ' p * r R do *' , ROt contain a e-r-nAiu t,y innii.F- 5 s ®oy one. can easily i no n t ,i, nr ~iC ttccwMAr? tests. t h cy »0 vihijc ,i,r l.inif ? 5 ' of, f refflove disease, but r.ntr (he whole rv«.-rV-I. . .. “ cam Pletcly tmprex thc first cow, or ?h-*fi r « t‘ r f b ? nc, “ l e®cie that ra-*t riprouaiint i..riufP , bM 01 fier 10 ,118 alreor: imr>i\.*it)lp , n ri 1., -,~iSS n< , en “ u °lfcer core Sar»flpnrilla prenarouonn uW?' * 1 P^wnoua In-P. o? - Rr ' d ?? GWtf» "Uirh .1 Ihofotushl* aud Sarsaparilla, nrj i-iir.-iy hnrtnJeaa, iWf.iuaJ ff.Qucr.-e A, *k.o(Uof diacueyielda to smmmm Msmisssm ■>■•> antirr tmm' •^ cc,l °n» of the Kidneys »nj &^;ssjs , si sssk.* •>•£3. »rn. J « « to™ ?»»«»«*»• »r. i'l vf»r-rr*jrc vu rf n r hms ■ ; •“' "T* *!SW- r{ o-*HEinnHd: v -" I “Hr£^ ! ssHS^aSS^wr z%~s&zg&£gsih winch ,n,- r ... ■' ’ hennJ:ar > in bar fcnuly, «rr-*j 1-, ",,' I).j.*) 1 * •"'' IH ’ Dr *'• uSl ‘ 1 ’ eoiumuinr iw n.- ij r- T - '■!• ■ , ,r 1 rf ' r7 ' rj n°i»i>{ ioto my hend. , I.*9i!i:i. : _' TlAr> ' !, rck. atjiHrwrfßx- I\i ._' i. ''“ * •-.•r'irUi'* l i o «!r epoo • - i-.v. Mv - i *.»„ i-.,ir.,,,,' • ,ch '“ «‘-*Vrtf« of matter I .rttn- . r .. r ;,*.. _ PejpteoxoW- I utcrilrv i inei ,?j r *~\' , l ta *' l - roS ' ar cthet •• ,„ , ‘ ‘ V 1 uooMKjnentljr oblired to i b*i %: i hjrtio j mem u , ,*,« Jl' J lr ! cj plant oftra«.- ; "Y; f ’ lojrtow vri.tt, Bntillriva o« L, r ‘ ‘•bttoirvxir I fella n tm» • msicSm? fn J »t«w*»hDgtW. W y iSISSS I ">'• >bot b»n«(; wta atone Urae b*(J., . I w*' -*pr v liat k J “ ,,n * y ° 01 h * t Uctn’erMim » . S ? J ' : ‘ r ' wncUl *^ , V procarcj me>T- • l ‘ r . ,f *n 'l'irc u, unii ri«.vr Hit-r hiiv’i'” n\n bottle* of ycur*‘Veiiow I-, had La..l 11 a IViTr" 1 ! tc <''’'r.u;enMd isiarovjna *» aisis * Te l,oa . **4 by Ociobcr la*t lie; wm reKeeilr l* S fwrTfvVfV C JJi TtlUs i'' rU ''“ tJi * e,,,M; e*CP}UU»c *ear* prrv.ii 1 ~L I H,« , '"‘'‘ r ‘ ~‘ s tn r v ‘ rfe 2lheaJih op lathe £„, " u !* le -, l, ‘* recovery,, voder the We*june of ui l'alrS '■' enwin JV° ‘hr or-of yourYebowlfeok U IIV, n y ' , r d * 1 [W5a " i' o ' my*«lf ,►.< i i , " t,l; X aucr >n to stm, nnd It u-with rreujor S'' 1 "" 1 " 1 >•«* wh.; y. ur IC di& if-rmywn. needfully, JAa. HUSSELU „ *V •'■one *;cnotne unlesipot *j> in itrxe bottle*. fr°tV** “ii'* * to,,u l=c nnr!C n*c: Syrup blown n, u.e t-nv-, with tbe wtutcii *:«noturaor S.F. B«u -fi hct£» fnf «^ U,de wrnri>er ' Sipcr boule—or ro»rtVr , j n ,MRfC N,,rlh E**i earner of lourUi Hid tv ninuJ Orel*. co:r*rce on Welnul su viijcii.u*.!, uhm,to whom ajf order* mflutbe adilre*- C»r:-r.y Br» , Eric. W l*. Johnxni £ Co., Wn-r. ' w«.nir T ,Uc; Abel Tartell -j- H'rcm Mij Rohert.Roy, wlu£ ' boro, L. Kotrrpfc. Tib r « Mnr - el *- rttel aftd «*ta©n4. UA SETT’S B ITT jj g S~~ Cr,n, r .-nl,«„lil, »rUon tn* npp'inr, ciumlitc the circoletioji, riro inr* »«? cnrrn C iUrnna create A po*s “fwsU? o„rr to rt.feare to at! us forma, rarely to be obuSed Htry *V: pcr'crra a sprrdy and neraannn* lr»«P»ln, I'-tliseuioji. PUiaJcncy, tenoral Debility £*«3«S45 • r ’wwto oo ”’ ntiADACIIE u ill be Immediately ret.e.vrO !>v t.;- ‘ / -ahlrrompoanu, «Wh t, ~a ? e i y adapted to afi and cordttion*. S t> *■ , 'B'SSTM.KS W.l dnd m thia UeUeaie a j palatable ptw»»rsi!an_ . nr.! i,rcu,me,y adnptc 6 to lUeu »y»4cma. * - n.r »pec.»c action UiuttMs snide baa on «h«Li»,r and IJigastiw Orsuue, iccder* it a complete AnhdlS tor Fevci and A&ue. and Uiltouiand Typhua Fe»«? Ciumtill*, I-I.Joly 17lh 1650. i I,nv ? uecd At »Ttielf»ot Plaheu's Dinara, and have domed B reat beueui trom them. I bate °f e,s aabjpct tor year*-paw In tne Pdveraad Aroe,bat auicc the intruder uon of yont Bittern, I hove enUrelr cacapcd my uiual attacks: and cart with confidents ratommend u»» n a or .> wperior cjuaJhr S. cLahkju t aono£ —- la Caihanne A^“‘ n l? l, noon.on the ettatocfMrt. mntediu »!. M f Kn S hl ' debated, bevtor htzu hereby nooLrrt U i° CrK t ne<< ’ ul! » *««»» indebted aw U.ote'bavtM • unßieJ, " ,e W n,cn »> »*»d “ p ™“ » n P*-RT *<-KNICRT,Al9 '