riTfiJßlladH GAZETTE. ! PUBLISHED BY WHITE fit CO pI^TbOUBOU lESDAY MU&NING, OUT. 22, I&&0. Ts'i Cxsn;*. —We copy an Lntcreatiog art'c'.e to Ida; from the ttcpabac, la reference to the cen fttk-ofIESO, in which great praLe la awarded to J. cj G. Kennedy, E*q., the ScpdrlatendanL Thia cachrmathe high opinion we fear* Iregaaoily tx* prataed, of the peculiar fitc*a» of Ur. Kennedy., lof this retponaible post He will aee that ibe work; u welland thoroughly done otuier .the ajJtmrahte iajttrßcueca he prepoaed for ms direction of Mar* lhali. • v “ j Tbo compositor made eu error nrikd ibi ,o *f n S Jtlicle, ao grossly changing the sense, that we re* publish ii, corrected; I The Despatch controverts our allegation, that Odd PeUowUm was used in the late election lo i ... ij.. iv «• k 1» Srtllnx —T fa B L hSMChIOD (.-GTST i *d*aaee tbe Halms of bretbrou ut tbe cfder. We , ho Lsraa ■boold bo g l.d lo bslie.e lb.l .bob .... 00, lb. of ... 141. tab. o.d.mobd. lb.l u., tre n llue.bol lb. arjiumenw of lb.l paper do not coo* Soabroot ... d.,.rm10. » lo e,, «, .■ Tine. OIU Vo do 001 .OPPOM lb.l 1b... i. ■»? U* <"*“>“ ol ,lie Le 8“ l “ ore 01 30 -' particular e: ‘ort of the order, in every Instance, of hns. ainOdd Pell iwrentic? for office ; and ve do not itgrrt to learn. says the SpnncCold, Mae*, fcnow that there is an official and organised effort poMlcan , that there is a probability that Mr. in nny instance; but that tbero la, in part cn r obliged, in conae<yuecc of fl. hcaitt). instances, an eflort tnsde fora brother on o o ihe office or President of the Uruvers.’v tronnd of b.s inembcrt&lp, and **' ‘ <.t Cambridge. H« has been sick all the prrwai appeal aarc bade on this scale, which Induce men to veto fer a poUlicnl opponent, wo have good rMson for bellovirg, sod ihe iustsßce* we men* • kloaed previously, we thick,sustain ns. Th«? whole number of p<\v* In Calvtrr '-t.tu-’i t which were sold at unction in New \o>». 131 ; they were rallied at and ao'il at a OttrciUreM will be pained to ieara lhal the . premium of S9,MI, makiDff ihe total amoont cholera has broken om In SteubeariUe. The hrai ceived ittf.toX The lejaiuntng p.wi are ic be dcaih was tb«i of Judge Wiiaon, fcraerff editor rented. of U» Hertld, .od wrt to*. »V. » Tu Hou. D. D. BirnsidT Mtnmc, PI,-n,po, =. • BecKi lo thl> eoomanllT- fl ‘- n “ ld “ u.r, to Pt 0..,., «ul,d on •■> 'bo ° r ”* «*" U '*‘ 3 “ U V ’ , : pnotr, ,b,p Horiok for lUYre. Bo .. ..cop*.- *ll *pM*nujc« entirely left the cotiowf, Is one • P Bo ™ 8n p “ r 01 .k. nonuUklo phenomena ohteb bo, nlwe S , i -'d W »db J ctiended this tnysterioai agent of the ting ot ter* D£ato or Mr*. Wits.—TLe Hoq. Henry A Wtw recetvsd at hi* leal, daring the <«mioq or Ibe Virginia Canveotioa, on Wednesday, the »ad ItteUigoaca of ibe death o( bis lady. Mrs. W aspired mddealy at • late hour on Monday night. Mr. Wise vu untuimonaly exem-ed from farther attendance tor ■ week. Hia wile wa* the daughter of Hon. John Sergeant, ol Pniladel. phte. Forty sis churches baro been erected, aad Suy •Drgrtnea added to ifce Roman Catholic miaaion a Scotland during the last ten years. £t a Whig Convection of Delegates fceid at Dedham, Norfolk county, Mass., a few dayaaioce, tfco following, among outer resoiutionf, were adopted: Resolved, Thai thongb the free Slate* have gain ed coach by the action of the late *e»Sion of Con. great, they abunld alt!! contend tor the principles of universal freedom, a* heretofore, and never con aent that another foot of American territory aha!! be devoted to alavery— nor be ealufied until Ur fugitive slave bid shall be repealed, or to modified •a to protect folly oor free colored people ct home and abroed. Resolved, That the present National Adrcinit tration, by it* real, talent and patriotism, merits and fcce'vea tbe approbation of all true Whigs, wherever located, acd we have entire confidence thal'whstrvcr can cocatunt.onallr be dooe to re» l!*ve trade and business, and ibe reasonable tears of the people in lelmtoo to slavery erienrioc, will receive the prompt osd powcrlul aid of :u dislin* gu|ihed members. PROM R£W YORK Correspondence of the Pitubargh Gir<: e Nsw Vote, Oct. IS, 15*00. Locotjeoicn, in th-s repien, always was remark able for the great let gths to wnieb it will acme time* go. the unfathomable dept'a cf demagogue- iim to which it will occasionally ceeend. when a party porpcee in tobc accomphehed. But i tbiok Mr. Fernando Wood,ibe gentleman whom ihcctii «• Democracy" have jo*t nominated for Mayor, ha* placed himself first among the fo*emost ot that very nntnoraoa class of hi* own political perroa* sico, who try to bo "aU things to all men”— u ov. •rythiog by ttxrna, and nothing lung-' 1 Let me give yon a rrJclcg exemplifi*aiion of tbit troth. The day after hi* nomination he wa* waited nppp by a committee from the so called “laduatria 1 Ccngreat," for tfce purpose of eliciting an answer to ■ome interrogation* ihey wanted to pnt to him touching hifl ortbo-iexy on the recent ( tai'ors’ write*," on the now vital quc-ilioa of ant-rea and anti*Undiordtitn. la short, these pvopV, wh< are sopporod to represent ite most ultra opinion* on poblic affaire, aod who are known to co.-uro aay ab-.nt 2000 vote*, wanted to find cm whether Fernando tru the right kied af a fish to cesc.-vr their bait. The very next dar.lhe gcotlemta cane eat id Ite newspapers, w tr, o reply,aayrog,in leitus.ittJi be wa* :a favor of giving ilb public lasda 10 the •• itboneg oea"—iu favor of rurbisg the assump tion* of landlordi—to iavor of well vcct..sied hantst for the poor—:u savor e: high wage*—de tcrcniDeily opposed to the tec hour* a day labor •yitem, eight hoors b-.-sag eaosgh tor any white man to wort, m abort ho waa in favor of any thins and every lb!' g that wai likely to entrap the radical rolo of the city. That letter waa about the moat transparent piece of demagcgociun extent.— It will gain vole* in cne quarter, bat coat him more * to other*. The exceedingly well limed letter of Hoa. With iogtoo Hoci, the Whig candidate wr tioverner, together with the judicious action taken by the Utica convention, in reaffirmieg ibo Syracuse nomlnatioos, baa sutß''irßtly united tte WLigs, l think, to jutt'fy the expectation that they will be Ohio to beat the comb.ced force* oi ttie Hunkers and Barnburner*. The u£C'-i*iiiab!e kt-i.i** th*i was plainly perceptible a while ego, between the fc.enda of Mr. toward and the President, 1 am happy to aty, la rapidly giving wav to a better *Ute of thing*. The Locoa ace this,and rail and lament ac:ording'y. A great event in the musical world ramca off to night—the opening and -consecration" ol Triplet Hall, by Madame Anna Biabop. Ticket* have boen waned to some two thousand persooa—aaam. b *r that ia likely to put the ttxengthof the buildm« to a tolerably fair teal. The extravagant price paid by Root, of I'hiir* dclphia, fur the first Jenny Lind ticket lhai waa told there, yesterday, makes Oenin here a compart atively small roan. Bui aa Oenin wa* the ator of tbo « practice" of paying these high pncca, It ia quite likely hi* name will remain aa faroosa aa eter in the annals of tba Lind Epidemic. Tue magnificent steamer " Artie, r the third ol the Colima Line, between this port and Liverpool, •et oat on her trial trip this atterseoa,with # large Somber of ladies end gemle’men on board. She W enl down Ibe Bay ifi gallant atyle, her guna aal otl&g tbe thousands or people who bad crowded tba waarvet to view her departure. Sbr will be absent three or foor day«, and may even bo a* far m Halifax, *o that bar tailing powers will be well tried before t h •. comet back. The aboliliouisw and agitators here are making arrangements to day,l understand, to get op a great public demonstration m the Park, denunciatory of tie Fugitive Slave Law, but I ibiok it w.ll hardly ■aeceed. It » near e : eclion day now, and tno common sense portion of ibe people know very well that tbe demagogue* arc only wanting to «<•»* them. Tbe very worat enemies of tbe negro, our ciiissna are begiinicf to tad oot, are ihcso loud xnontbed brawlers, Tbo supply of money, ia Wall streel, continues SI abundant a» ever, and rates have yielded, since oy last feller, folly * per cent Ojod long doled paper, not over 6 months to run, can n w be di»- c wanted *t 6* per cent; prime abort papa?, 2 p>r cent, and tccdium dates, 6 par cent. Land warrants.r« belt! at 41203513 b. Ba! few of. feting. , t I Tan Mahxkti —The foreign tr.m 1 , by the h«m» ship America, arrived l.ere last evening. Ueakrr j .s Cotton are somewhat d .aappoioted—-an advance having generally been anticipated. Tbe sales of ibe staple io our market, to day, were at 13* for ordinary Upland?, and 12*. fox Mobile and Texas. Tfc* advieci bavc a depressing irfloeace, also, on the markol Icr Ftonr. Siuea 12000 bbla at *3,87} 0 84,121 for No. 2 Superfine, and $4,62« 0 f4,6h« for common Stale. Michigan and Ohio sol’d at $!,"&. Pnto Genesee, $5- Wheat Is in good demand. Sale? 12000 bnehels Ohio at 100 c 01C2. A*bcs*-e aell.bg al SS7S 0 *5,81* for Pearla, and *6.12* lor Pots. Sales 000 bbl* Wbfo at 27c ibr Onie * od P* l-00 * l* l c * ow * ct owing to the heavy Mock cn hand. Sales 1200 W. Meat. Prrk at 811 •© 511.125. which Um B«f «i»" 0 t*. so : P"' o '. 50 3 J-er l A* Putibnrgh fi CprTEEVIIXC, Oot 1 'J, 13T)0 At a meeting of the inhabitant* of (.eLtrev l *; and Sfiarpaboigb, held in tbe Baptist church.' in this place, on the evening of Oct. 17, for the pur« pose of expressing opinions on the vugiuw S.ave Law, tbe following preamble and resolat.ocs were adopted: In view of ibe Fugitive Slave Law, na-aed is the Congrtra* of these Uoited Ststea, making a »a« doty of Nqrfhem freemen to sasnt to recap unns or reinrotog fugitive or runaway vlavrt, called ogoo ta do «o hd> Ugal-.p^oei, ' penalty-"at one doilala and a**'jj*-* : "opwaiwl, »«**.« wW-r'llfa, tr»r» <«be uw-vl q« ;v * Ti •' go*. 'rernuithe-vgrvanWbo hu' wapcd v*. - ‘ 1 bnidut-•Ad'6D-bl> 4i,M fM HMnr ' Th.nii;. bill u Del only unMMbln ' dl.appiobation of every to, eroflrrcdom ,nd oilbe i, 84 "- H. GItIESEKEK.Sec'y. The PartiDRST am> Fcgitivs SUvts Law.— Tne Oaio State Journal publishes the Fnerive Law, expresses ditacni Cron its provis oes, cod itd-ils' • Some Whigs seem to think it was tt.r duty o' President F.llnia/e to have vetoed lha inotM.;o. aod are disputed to blame him for noi un c »•- li Berms to ns lh«t such persons forget ore of »se prominent articles in tbe Whig faitn- V.V, t» a party,’ hsve from the first, de claimed agitu ‘ ”i -orbtuaty use of Uin one man power. Wo bnve ccntendeil that it was «aiy in case cf rlcsr ir.f.ac t on of Uio connU'.e.:os, or where there wo* cian* ilest bos'c, ai-d -'•rot of du« coomdvvsuvi', Wat the President would be justified lu vetoius a Saw of Ccnjrces. We have ta.d he shcuM "i i nt p-vse his cottons on mere ground cl fsptd-rucy against a msjjniy of Congress. We au:i that doctriQr. sort sOpporttn* it thtch the Preri dcot could not have jus tiled a veio d t il 1 on anv ground that woulfl have beea rv-cogn as. suSdent by tbo Whig party. We have the test reaxon* for believing th«: ne wan opposed lo the measure, hot hi* duty h« tbe ezasuritf officer lor* bade him to interfere vita legutauou wtien drib« rrstely porformed, aod when it tesp* wubiit the limits, of ;he constnution. The respcujib..iiy mort rest epon tbe majority ot Congress. From the N. Y Ccmmereial,Fniiay afternfOM.Oi-t IS AIUUVAC. OP THE CRESCENT CITY FOURTEEN DAYS LATER. Tbe cenmship Crcactatt City, Cap! Stoddurd. from Chagrer, by the way of fiingston, Jamaica, arrived this momig. She lelt Chagrea on tbe ev ening of the S:k mM.yat o o’clock,a*rtvi*d oil K.i:if» ion on the 10th at G P. M-, left for New York at the same hour on the even.os of the 11th. aud urn red at the Quarraniiiie, Staten lemnd. ibi* in0r...;.; at 2 o’clock, :u»i» making the passage in 6 da\ a au. 1 S tiourr. Oo ihe outward paassge. tbr Creiccnt Citjar: ' ed el Chagres. stopping on the way at Kingston *- n j Monday morning, the .ih i.-iat nuikinglhe paa-Agc iu 5 Jay* and a half from New York. Thi* jncaaier bring* only f 22 • r i'»o m gold du»t •'i lered on h**r maaitett, ronMuned to i Howmju V Son Tbe odicers, however, report liiat there ■* one million dollars in the hand* of the paveuger>, of whom she brings 342 Tbe following passenger* died ca the p*vage from Chagres to New York John W. Haskell, P<AtOo, irlass., Oct. ** aged 32 Dr. Edward Culhbert. Newborn, N. C , 'JoL t 2, [aged 30. - “• Samuel Strickland, Rodman, Jeiferjou county. N Y , Ocu IT, aged 7i John Houshton. Windsor. Yt Ch-t T. as?ed Tbel.re«cenl i-’ity. .n la! I.' 12, 1-t .4. * ihe bark Lelitns. of jr.d for ilailm- >r*- iti rr Jsv oulfr.iru Uiusruon, Jamaica Tr.i* i« ibr • juiet.-ri't trip we hat r* li i Francisco —the whole djsteucf lisvitir ri-c-t-.* **-> :ompii«hed in thirty two days and a half FROM CALIFORNIA Uur paper* are to the l r <;h ofSepL. 14 ilar- .Ve: than our previous advicea There appears to hare been a complete par..c .r the money market ot San Frane.sco early in Sept which resulted to the tauure of a number o( rotn mercial bouse-. Among them were Hcnrv M Naglee, Simmons, Hu.chrson A" Co., Henry Hun aoa,and Farley, John«on A: Co. The names oi *.m l—pie fii Co., were included in the list, but there was no foundation .a truth for the report that i had slopped payment. 'I he Alla Californian of tember b, uyi We regret that onr column* to day rmi»t roiilvn the announcement ot the assignment of Henrv M .Nagiec, one of the otde-t of onr hanker* Tt,« m connection with the otner stoppage* and | ments which' hare recently been made, cawed quite a panic yesterday, and mere wa* a geut-ru run upou a',l tncec having inonev on deposit T'«- tr«t run commenced on Thursday, and wa* cor-fm >-il almost entirely lo the bmkin* hou-e of J.un»- King, of William The draft' on Inal birk-r wr - very heavy on lha; dav On Friday vert I." Vv> drawn Icn.n ium. the tide hav.ug Kfi agnui-r Mrw- Uurgnyne .V Co und Henry M Nds-vr. 3;.4 coiiidKied all that dav- On >.iinrd»v morning •• «iX u'c-ock, Mr. Naglee » door* remtiui H,«.: while the other house* opemd. He had iwye-,.: ed The rowquenee wa* un immediate rush to linr goyne A'Co . Jameo King, of William, and Wot.* A: Depositor* drew very freely Iroro i*ie former, who paid out a* fast as possible, convert .ng all hands into paying teller* There wc« r. t ». large a call on Welts and Company., thong*: a large amount tn* paid out to them It being th third day’* probation of Mr K-nfi. the rruwd w.'ri 1 him Was not ao great a# might have been taper; «x'. At Burgoyue &Co ’* there was a larre > r.,w.; the wnole day, resembling more me gathering *• me po*t otßce on the arrival <•( a mail steamer th.m anything else we can compare.it to Mr Tluu.e acted ule a man and a banker who understood in* business. He posted up a notice that be would keep open lo accommodate Mr pubim until t « clock, tan hour later than usual,/ and also ibm n>- bonk would be open on Suodriy We admire the •punk which dictated these orier*. Mr Pmrae re peatedly requested those in the crowd n«u b,tv.ny rheckstogive way to thom who had. » n doik ed a number of women about Rtirvoyne A' - dour*. The excitement was confined lo no »e>. We beard a couple of person* congratulafat Mr. King oo the perfect nonchalant with wln.-t, he met all demand* It wn* am'i*"T Mon.l l ”> i end bear the excuses made for withdrawing the dr SumttP Some were gmr.g to Panama and wnr t<> [amboldr one had pwclawed n drove of sheep n - i>l another ot horse*. While aland-ng at tbe couuirr we heard n depositor making a lone excu-e lor wdbdrawitiß. "Keally, air,’* *md Mr. Kinjr, l have not time lo listen to you \<>»i have your money, and it belong* to you. F.xcuwaare cul.re,, , „ui of place 1 don‘task you to let your money re j mam <>rtßinly, *tr, it you have net confidence .. me, do not deal with me, Al such a tune fuvut are oot a*keri lor ’• 4 • * Tbe “cri«i»" iben ha* come Only one honl'c: banciov-d. The other* have met the rnrnrmn promptly, and they will continue so to do W. will veouire the remark tliat Measr* Burgovtie A Co . Jame* King. of William, and W em» \ < •• will nap an abundant harvest from tin* tr in I l -v. or three dny* l will sulfite lo allay the e\« ilctncn’ which will have it* good ejlrn a« it hod ;l* it" iieoiencca. It wdl leilj who * “thar " Mr Km,: paid over 5130 WJO Burgovne AGo . px.d a ■nu. , ;i larger amount,but we did not !«n«n :lie p>r.-.%e to tnl * 4 * ’ Notwilbmndinc the temptation to u.an money r the larvemie* of mterei.t here pieVHthnp, we could name banker, who have all along been prepared i. pay all depositor* M any mume.nl, They had co.n amply sulficienl tr. nn-el any draft that could be drown * * * * We arc not altogether certain that theejiecl open our own b»*tne»* cnmmunttv will >i« beneficial,'mi wrare much dt»ire**ed at the result the recent Ire .jueni *u*ppQge» will nccp**anly i-on-e abroad We ibmk, however, that the prevnl light ol money matter* cminol continue, and the pre.ent einharmsxnient will >oon be over The rxctlenicnt appear' to have nearly or «pnii* autwided previou* to the departure of the Meunter if reliance n to be placed In the artirlr- iu tin; ''an Francisco papers, in tbe language of one ot then,, “confidence was evidently uniwnoily restored' Vrt the tame paper in another columti *av. We camiot hut 'evard financial matter* h> it.r pre*ent time as in a very unsettled stole, and coni dence he* been impored to a very con.idersldc r» tent. We must attribute the preheat ,n Uie money market, and the unsettled etnie of bn*. nes» general.y, tc thn lows arising from tbe eren; fire* with which we havu been vuuled, and m i*f unronijoemlde spirit of speculation which tin been carried on to so vast an extent in our < cmmii n*ty within the pa*t vear. Beal estate ..pera ti.u have prodaerd a very cereml embarrHvmrnt oini m the present un»etlleti slate of Gatitoni.a ohj-r* we cannotatoll wonder that «uch na« been thcra-c But we have every hope that this w.;l n<H iaM, ui.u ~ur <■ ■ ■ ,-r 'V* l, fn-m 'he prewnt ( j, ( , fr ~n,n». . in! . .'•* ..mu l u uimpluuii They must iiiiwrrer, r.\rr. <-aiiiiuii in ibeir otieratiun* o! all sort* Ilian li.-r*-l<>lor>-. nod w,l! dcubile** *ee the i;r«*M*itv »•! dome le*s lowely than bar ihe cu*iikii ol me !a*« yrar. 'Hie Msv'tr il >acramenlo r-ity. Mr. Bigelow, who wa« so severely wonuded in the iale riot*, eon* niim-s- io improve .n health, though lie has been o bhged to submit to amputation of ho arm The wound through hi* l»ody i* said io be hea ; ,ug THE OVERLAND IMMIOKA.NFS. A letter from Col. J. A. Raliten to ihs commits tr- of Mrt'of, dated Sacrstoenfo city, September come iDlormatiott relative to the over* land imaAgration. Alter detetliiig the meweurei vfft’.-h taken for the ie&ef of those'wboni hahsdtoet at Canon River, he says For several daya before lta<ffng tbe stntiou, I rcnshl from every available source, information about ibo numbers acd couditioo-of (Re iinmigra* i tion Mi*l behind, the re»u 1- of which aatirfied me that there w.-re abf.nt 10 030 on the way ibis side or Nall Lake Bad Bsar iltvtr who had not erosaed ihe Crta: 1' •'rtt.nt leaet oce halfol whom v.ould tv iles-i.'jie oi teams fl.id subsislacco be.faru tea Sier I'wsou nver. About one half of these iam gf3u:» were deluded by ial»e reports, and led lo take a wrocc road I'roui Silt Lake, leading aruund fb Ure South ol the lake acd uniting wita the old mid on Humboldt rircr, about 20(1 uulc* ab. Ihe S'r.k. The JiMaoce by ll>n read is cti-at’v .n.-tcAied, and a deierl about 9v> indca long has l*> be OfOwd. M..-i i’! ;h-* antina 1 * oo this route perished on lb*-'***?*rt, end m.t ur tr: queuily utett, women, ac-1 cl.i dren sunk under U.e hardahipa o! the road. m. pc-rslxd for tbe want of wslrr and foot!. — To- *«• who ore for.unite cnot'K-i In cel over the ,i : .*rrt wili Mil! hn*e to tmvrl iiV-Rf 3('U onlen he. iticv r»'.M li i'jr>on river, and but lew u| them vj u rr-MAi, mit p.i.ul with any lutann to pureQase «i:rH:steti«-i-. I was credibly inlomiei 1 , tbat «r.v» oral limuaacd person*, aruonv jhcin inauy umi* : ,e*. lot* the lestl, but uu to tudlime of tuf l«av. me I jinson’s nistioo, only a lew of these persona I . .> inmifsi) bad passed on tbiir way in, thus leaving room 'or the l'.*ar tbat ibuch anfiering ;s b_-‘. ind atnonr il tr body of the imo-grstioa. ,-W ;a-- t.in*- of my dep*i s '> + from Joharon r sv ti i:, V •'»'* oos w*ne CX:: «dl3rv BC.iroo among b tn immigiant* and tr*d«-r», nut 1 met on the <oml i*rs<- loppl-e* in 'he hands of totMpnsiD3 traders. I ihmk. theref.ire, tne ainount of t-rov - sivH.s m <vu-'» to tue Oc.srl iu liic hands oi irad* e - end ihe amvutit lovly scut forward by ’.te n ’t.i*i-f vo'ei-co < f ->.v < i-u'-r.- s.t Csl.fon.ia may be *uiru..ir,t to Bopj-.y th- umin-gfantr. fh'* Cirron t'ver rjad aet-in*‘o '-c too only r vc irav-'lr-.l by immierar.ls in grrot titucb •-*, t.-i* TfUCi'co route r.Bfiog beurlabaudoned on av» »..>• t’.'. -i r-.■ n aud other ebuser iN-’JIAN* rirFld-LTli:-*. A ie- -r ;a the »Mm C*hforo:d. di-cd Araericst b r, Fea’hcr liver, »a\» l h.ivc r.-.-entiy learned of a derperal- baitte 1.-«' irvik pic.—.- between the m.qrr* anJ l .dienp, s. veral iiillej above. Tne ladrao* bsv.uc tv**'i ci ity ui maav unpiovokcd outrage*and murder* ir.- formed a r.irp* ol rfirmen for tbclt cor-.nou dtreeve, 'white arven or e.ghi of tbu v >j.[iucv vrere out pro*pecliiigt tbejr were sod* deniy atin.-bc-d by a party of fifty or sixty of tr.o ua: *c ‘, iotk vl whom were armed who pistol* wn'.'h h*d fo-i-n imprudently sold them by the white*. The men stood their ground, and were buw.l iciu'orrcd by the commander (Capt San* per' and rorar oiber* who hoard l tic firing and n-.r’.ed io their Bid. Thii little bind stuid thi-ir prviitid lor tr.rvc hour? utider a terribly hot aur. ar d in a CivM disadvr-ni-gea position, till at list the indiact, d-abeatieccd by ibetr slam, re treated. Crtotr -i Pencer wt* modally wounded, and thr* e*other* severely; tee former wa* liotu Mats Bicaurn: - .*. and the iai-er from Mair.e. Lent. Johosot: stalled ihe next day u-ith Ihe entire forte, sad i-oir.plvtc v brukL- l*j> all ttie enemy’» villages or car*,! ' aail *.i:.rcly r- utt-d the? scoUudrcU. ao thsi no Ujvarotyvn ( aid will be needed at pro* s*it,t. He is qtt;:. vu * ’n*t ha heard ftiher on Irmh cr a Rcofon von e a-uong the enemy—per* i;op* some disgraced miner. Ths Maine and Munncbuj’ilU! fo* n dreadfully exasp' , rai*-.‘ by the attack on their friend*, and took foiifoi vetigeoncr, aDd the deadly rfles of the !’.*ii* ruckiann find Mtnonriati* fold wuk ternbie t Gr.-t. The Alia Californian prepared for the steamer, pub’.site* the following paragraph: There :h a brotheruood ot Relrey* bring m' i - vvh.i civ- aiai'iii; the oldest seUlrrs vt ibe .-,tr’ Tbe?e brtrtheis hare ever been >n op**r. er m..v w.-.ii u-.e Indians of the ecuutry On** of tt e r nuiiici - uu killed some time -ir.cr. b-. a punv < ! InO-oi-', erneltv t<» on** of their iritie, and *im-r h,; u,o:j {ri-quent and daring liave tteeii ib= ac;» vt retai.ohCa uitd revenue vi«urd ttidiMrrunmcte v yt upon **iihrtf imjViu nia-/os, or htil au hraro-. .i! ICf vi'-'-i.U • f Sini'WU Ihr K-ite.’ ’ir.ithers. rrr o:.- told, started from Nonuftia r!k*ui -it weeks <n«-e. Yaking w.m them »hnr ”nc..i-«- tivlj gi'txb*," wun tr.e ii.ieoiit'n <’f hi nv th>- r *r srtlence upc.i) foe lircad *auda kbit t>oidrr on Hum ;,..;3i Bay. O . itit.r wav aero** *ue mcii.niairu wh.>;li 'epar* | n'** th’J voiles ot rsarru-uento fro.n the coast w*irr*. ; ibrv ivi'i r attacked hv a party ol Indians, and ~'ntr ! t ,v.-\i-n* bailie eturned Some grcUetnru tsc-- ;ir ivrd m Socuuta on Monday last. UoueH_mi<-,u cencesil tbe skirmish, tr«'m which. Ibe Ike We y* emenreJ unhuri. Tbe»e v»nd«n*n are from Trn ity qim! rrpori nwnyr been robbed of every iL,Oi on the rou'e uy uts Ind'ac*. who are much info nun.*,.! tl.e whites, parttcuia.-iy agatn< the Xeli»**y Inoiiier- •I j; K . ~'iLh KK«-KiNr* ao'drr* 3 .'r.mpnsn I r'.n d•.J a n.i t * work. w-ttj, *fir .-I .>n- vr imch.nv. pfadu'-rtl p >u:i«l* »i hv r:cii rv»*txi-'j oilirr rota ff.-.d l*ir pan.- :j< eJ lU.r etpenw*. rr* »ric i'f’ -1 r•**tirs ? i.oir»«»war4 vc«'b an nisrc r , lr , ••! ;,rj 's l»)u It*- 'r*ui( uf lb-:; y. me t.r'Mi :p« ;nea* ibf N-nr > ■ iuc b ra’tuv r.vrr uaJ be*ji red*ivcd aii.u. b ,-»*• Tfriev urre t-ronyt.l ov loree mm w, .. i.*.;. (i .Kit ••-31-4 ih.rteirti ia>- vuim Th<- I'jr.br !\r«- *;T7* • U r iv ree«-ii-ed m»eJ!itf««*•«• irom the »- *-•-►■*»«’ locwa*d at the Mtrmprvt micei. ■hwr ivnitm that the roo*! eoeourng.rß The iiigjjeM Mruck »n'W ieo'.!. -rv wl.,eh piori>i*e> in l< eKi ediofl p.c.'/* <>( quartz Imd bppn lakrn otii wtni'ti w-r.kfi-'iJ t)l’:y poomi-* f/<*ai wh ft: ;i i,, ~r Th** f r «t i. ’i*:.. • .•* li'.-i.'lrc'J t>oui>d'"! jui<r' ,J -d ala.i;! IWU inca-ai.<i fivp bundtvd Tin- entire tiiAch.n-rv i‘T Ibe . ( nani n.i.J i-nvcd. '.iid w ' t>r put in .iperaii<>.. .*0 iluti ili.t:*V wlirti sr i'.iav Uil<<' | , 3l< UK’* l rr *-,c. \v,• rmicrnlu.iite thi**e b-ivmg an n i. -ft . I'npjnv i.pon tbc <*nfi uraT'tif: pro- Th-- M i .-v.i.c -wy* nut Hie miters vn i(.’• -r> a' the dry d gg.r.fj.ore avcrag.og i«‘a 0u... '«• eacti per day A truer front ir.e Mcka utar.e r.trer. du:cd /»»> li.-j w;:i. i..- pn dm t» ot the r tabor &>nte line «[<f. tii-n* ti.iv*: been laben imtn the lied o! Hi-* fiiv* .111\ A parly K tntlai Irom the I«!and« ■ ••*• i-ii;er nut » ▼ p-eriri. -gne** weight ««*t;tiirr'ji and a !ni-1 p.iiinC", pvu** j*(iid. W*ierdav ihrr-e coi i >■ —*f :..ru t.K.b if.-t.i a • p ie.r s«-'» it;.:. a vord »<jtißfe. hundred ilu:.«r‘ .it tint: gold wtJ yl'-evern rmmir.il lint «rr iw- at work tipyn rhi' liar and vri'n.•»% ! bit"** - "f iti-tir: tti.it are h«a ren! ting i.vrr • 'T ti" per d.i\ and ininy titc.i •.utrtn ■fVi'f', r • air n> w•! wrL witiipti.'t *.i' ri „j»hrr* rtf.d \if tiiOtf c.sciv lo mic hondrrd On- jr- |i*t ii..v I'hr wai/v m if.p ri'pr i* «tn »f-a*on ii •- :nHv»-vpf rapidly T* •• .-hs-ngeil :n litrtt »V ihr i yen. h» c n,ir«r«l' n |pwtla\» w.'! hr r'nihrd i.. won. li--.i- ni'ij may U »d a lew tfle unti. il mn 7'tiai (he l**'l **(' till' h witn . ,r» it,..’ rr.i'r"rn r.OVI? * t );•' r,< ner !•’ hu* pr<_>vtd, and werni i t-.-e now pj> me m\ und dollar* p* r duv lor «!«.iv laborer* 1 r >ni !•.<• upper tiumii.eiuo we find liie follow ci ilir Tr<n*<‘npl ( lijr ~i’\>rtll,rt :i‘fl l»*0«U in H> bcueV- lliftt li> ■' i- • m;d M «•! ulintW cnt.r«- u;, j! IJ.r* llficl a’Rl«*f* c iht Sn<'»oin'*ii • i ■ if.>iii 'll.’ Tru.iv dipping* err? |,HV I'll. ~..w :t imwli rMr and v«*ry gtru -oc-c*--. ...rofif Kft-il nurTil>**f% who am cvi.rk- c ‘irn I .■> i.r .1 nU pfirfv. from OiC^on, .1 ..ns w** 1 ' ;ihf"ii l.'iv Ic-oiii H.-ndmc'- Ti- w it-f 'i i■••• r.n rnmroio ha* nr*fl} Tlrf <ni»«* u r !«* vii :ua' UV-HHMK j'-'-t f r ,,i,i ihr ' !• tli-‘ Nvrth pork rl K**i ii,rf r vi-r ivf r,o«r iiml the »>'tn*fu)ilv Ot' Im'o l>ri-ii i!i«<*otort tl Utwofn So - ii - * 'r« u and lh** moult) u( Buiir (’rppU, \vh•< ■< iitlo iw S*<*rnijjpti!i>. fh« -pot wh-S Hii- nrh.-r tl re.ng '* oho '‘ l so «*!•. . | 11l Wifllh Tb* dirt ll« Jo lit! HK -r«I j' non»iJcni‘*l** dmawe. toil n-pavs ihim’ wl.o ' w . ur pi M 11, from iwj to Ihrrt! ounce* daily Tl J er>3« t* 1 ."’rm**r Iv* to liav< been Iho bod ol the / vor pol.l fono.l l.orr ,* very <-uame and b'r pi t" '< )or 'nt-THoii'i i»*td« thnt r - ** ol number* ot' nr.ip!.. ,1.0 r.r'.bins »«" tt.o nr«- placet Ti.o r*ii»-U,titi J ,:io*> oi "lit lurntsb- , llf . Inmi Ihe mine* wwrnl lrr**n-l« fmve vi«<iecl . pn# irtkt-u Irum ditlerrnl Venn m Ihr I »>•-tup 'in u- w -li •pr>-.';ien« 1 ,f|„ -i J..» H ,• ..I i'll? mo“i I.i'umlti' wii- ‘hown - i ', \|' r ' 4j,,-i. vr M >t« .n'nn*i»* value i« nearly .!r\'in<<r-d .Inl'in lh«r p.“<-e i* purr *■>!.!, of a xr ,„.. v .r |i wa- ilui- l>v n patiy .n ii i. Krum iJu* *um.n boh; . I;I. n \W art.* iiiNinii»xl l»v Mf. J^ll w V - i'iM n-'iiriurii <roni a !>>ur through th«? in,nr- 'hut m u.* pri-rtu <•. I.rt.>re ColehroukV IkiJV • 1 (»• n n,;ai-r \\M*-t.r:l taro puundiof lroifl , mi- i ,n ..1 .r i ( - ; ui k v ii*> : i» idnnl inJ three 1 ... I’.Oii. buj oprrn I ,ut,- rtri i'.-i.u..on. rJ u- .Iniu inr i ,ver The tniuro tur Kingti-e aud citttaw anvc »old al iWO cash. r -'vfJEo-v,. tb'i- qtArier the teMrt* ar> < «>ndtciinr. a general inJpsr-?a»Mi u* rolerwoed that the iuirs in., j. cpti> L- leeched by tbepre* seni work, atui that ti larger < vinpeny must be fann ed. .1 nny advauUme i? to ax erne trout ihe spten* latioQ. i)n Sattirdny iwo miners showed us 24 po*nis of goid duwi. pun <>i wh.vh tiiL-y hid dug during the week preoedme m ih** rate » r ttvo pounds per dav at the new disiiug, Mttrphev’s called Doog- Ins'* Flatn. ou the Sinnifclau*- I ho Pivifir- News uulives 'he revepUtm ofa»pe .'tnten of «iiwr ore from tin* Southern mine*. Tbe | lump weighed iwrlve grado*. and on melting noth in;.- was loot in weiirpt l»n relining it ooly two grams were 10-t ft was taken from the region o : the Sunonap rauip, w here.a party were engaged in dies unt h rtee for a*irvam running Jowu from the jnhhntalQ.. .'i*!ie °ep[leitiv.u who brought tho.ore »id lliai there was un atrtjpdaurv more of it in tbo .*ame loialny. . In rel3li*iii fo tbe mime? districts generally, the Pneiliv Nvwh remark* From the mining regions, uiibocch tbe accounts nre cuudtrting, they are cenetally ui an encourag ing i liamcler A larger amount ot goid will tie taktc mu ibis sva«on th ut durmt; any former ~n ei but it wi’l be divuled aomng a tnucij grealer n«tnl>er ol miners, with perhaps, leas per man than baa marked the pi>t. Riige ionmics will not tie *u frequent, but n.u abumlnnt vield will resnlt from persevering labor Thn«|uar-7 ro»-k, pnrliCti’nHv iu the Mari posa mine*. i» vn-Ulu c a m-ii return, with an en i-oorogiiig piospvel lor a still tr*-ater abundance when the machinery for *tru«hii; • the ijuasrtz fhall be put into operation. i-'R'J.M OREGON Tut? udvtees from Orea»'n are to the 2d of Sep tember. but I’iriiK to the non-arrive! nl the mail, we have but l)*e scanty dotnu- of the uews furnish fd m ihe San l'rnuei«i-o papt,*r' ij;iv. ttame* and luniov lied nmvi-d at Oregon *-,iy ,n good health i\!-o, Hon. \Y. K. Strong, As soc. nte Justic** ol the Supreme Court, nnd tJenera] E. Hamilton. Secretary ui ihe trmtorv. Tbo sloop of war Fnlmnuth remained m the lumbia River. In relation lo mallet* *;er.eraUv »n Oregon the Pa c-ihc Nous renaiks' From Oregon we have encouraging aceouttls of prospe-ity New town- ire "printing up atevety accessible point, and a commercial interest being awakened that i.- lit• • h.y inimueodable. The Ire silence of rorarriuuicuiion bv sintft between Cali torn.rt end Oregon.s«rim-.-i\',Ji'.itifieatheir tniereMS. U v she' rereive ihe lumber and (lour Iroro our ; more Nnrthrcn neuri bn-», -u.d m return send ibem u share of the rich nrnivrn! ireaaiiro* of California. The New Yarn Whig JJtate ConTC&tlot TbsC-onventinn, j bvi’-r sercden from tbo SrroctiM C.m v- r ,;ici, ?it-. h. l.'ucc on Ja«l Thurs day. Hon. Franci* Hranger -vr.i eppnimed per. maoeat Cn*irn?*n,rnd a r immiuee wa* appoint* eJ to draf. reeo.uujna. Tnu Cunvoaiion wa» ads dressed by Meatr!- Gitinger Huxte. and Brooks, * ben the Cotam.:i.-v at.p. atrd with Iheir report ta L-Kowb : Hen- A. C. Line, irom Inc cotntsittcc 00 rcao lutioos, mailo tho following repott:— VVncrces, At a e-mvcMicu nt Now York, held at Syractme on the sud 2T,h d»y« of Septem ber l»6<, a committee ir px.-:s« ntmg lltoiwo *cctfons ln:o wh.ch iL«- ptiiv is. d.-.idi-U, drafted re»o!o* iiccs for tre j : .-titt n a.l».p, and trailing and ccneot’daiiog .he Whig party, and IBireby eo oO'.e i; to Htniu toe gnat ocjcci* lor which U was mUi u i'd , and. Where-*.. A pcm>n ot ifc'.* delegate# to the §atd cotvention rrparnteri ift.roselvrßirooilbeiffollow* fur the purpr?e of debating eo*ic»ti*fory iDeawrea, and fi op 11 % *r»cecfdi:d, by means of secret raeet tag#, and ttie oxscuon * t pledgee, te procuring ihe eiepnen c*' rt roh.; oi. c->. d< oflbo great •niercsts Ol the Wl.rpaity hmulc 10 ibeir eatab* lubtd principle*, and o*'-ccrcu»io the union of ±e M.i*>g , and. *i; a.- r*A*, lo consequence of each acLoo,the ,-rrs:il-.nt rr*l ibirty t.;*bi ether astvder* oi tbe e«id r.jovcnUoD *etci ed icck trom,—*nd tasoed a (a.! tor accfovr c t, rrt-.-n. now. Iterefore, wc, lep-ncMcvres, asrvint'Td ucrtcr the aßthnrity afo.rreaio. d*steim.i’<>*l .(» nvnritm ibß ccnpcct.on wtR '-.e 'wi.if party c.i the Uaitvd &«ie#, U> »Uf- D<.r. 'Stir pr«*s*-ai naluiU.; Auisun.rflitLo, and fo siiitd ii.'j i .i.c »nd r.u- Cni.Miiaiioa aod tbt ,6-»-* of ilir Hlc . 1 ui t e r.: aiw. deiilou* to act in at. .son wnti i oi ths iidi.- vilb Fhcto v« h»vr ni.hrrn tr:*.-.', ~„V* IU no wMiftcr uny hs dn.-.e. wßhoutdifthon r v tue an.ndonmru-ut pi.no plei, do bereny jo.-tiro our w-.i.ngr.**** fo accept, M a baata ol u , jK . r Sl ,,t .fn-winr i-r,d.-rry!?t;Oß*herelofori ii-nCf | ef-hr enmp’nn.i?-: icT'cron* rejected by r, c m*j -r.-y nf .cu- c.r-i c*-.: -liiv-nitea. Tkere lor.-, t*s il 1.4. \;v hi»r' '*• »! ibo *cta paued by t: -iiKf-s.* for i. e niioi m. of iTalirbrnta into i.-.e ;.aon,i-H- o*a?''i'bir.i-v t oi ihe buondary of l\ X/.S. at,.! l*r I’-r.s' J-'.ui: leii .«rea! gOverDs m. o* in N'*'*-' 'A i-.-n s.,i>i i refo And thatwbilc iht-w .«> i». u * 'Ui; p'it* are hot inch aa we i ; tj.r „ ,ei i- ejiuic;-iaeaaßcon»'i murn; ;» i.-<•«: »■ t. ur ti etr tru'.imion of aabca Hi cooiTOvns,.—. '*j>- r -st jruiH'O ~i harnianj to our j nafcnal cocr-N, nn-1 »h • i'"-‘*'vvaUop of Re [ U««oa*-ve tti'.tkiiiLl uy aud sni»l*iu ite» f and ju at ihere c»c be no union of me Whig party at ' New York tipi ,K e I.m.i ot u distutbance of the ) B-tllvlOrtil H-' l'*»odi>. T.-i.r wade .» VYti g*,aed v-peciaDv »*, Sew York Wh wr rer-.rj the davatmoot . -r f(i.j* .- ue\., V. dsr.i r ..lti.*rv, to ilo ttiii-4 oi p-.-.vi-n’, IU ui .r i-s'-d } ' 'r *pd pi.-a<f»r«:, a • rc<- .£r .’ - a 1' in • i < ui* i • -a? s.fo.irs'.an and ir».i io.in i r in .1 j «•> V e;-*l tr dvr r t*o 'Ut i sr; a IT ■ • ; -. i j ~.f lor e tr- grl —.Bp tit* .i.» lOiiU •ert ini'f 11 ■* •■i**’ tr-'ni}, if- t i'i'ihimc • f •m.OBiOtfM 01 n? *oc! . _ i ;p,r nul lb* prUlf i.i isrnic wt.o w-.£i i>t Hi' ■'« i -; 7r.*> v* bc*t , v'v r fffT.iTir the cboietf m»jc by u.c Prtvjcrl i>f bn •. ad* .a a., of v. a ri ct ■% b >' <m ;snl effl. I'-.-al :?r m* •» ’ i'cm r.uiiu.'-'li-i.rsu.ahed wr . p t vviicov’iim! v»ort:.® an men usd Vv r h'f*, no: i nlite confidence. AVe.WW. Ttat «e n«:art"y »r>;*mvr- ol iho cotirae pursued t<r Hi-wr mi-mlx't -.1 >m->yiaciu« eon- TrS’.ioa v. >%• > .* tnilr* w Jr. •-! I!.-' .iiJv, tod Wtf s VC -or f«'f will >befv«»■.(,.afford by Item Inr *ai is »a U- < a It'rc.i !o the Whigs cl lt-> That *• r.-»rf.&cr>»e-a 100 m lejrmy am! ly. -olc-i Wo, prw.ap:r» of'he ceoilTtuv; p'a.-« < in ii' n. -a on tv li e Pyracu** ioo venture, anti 11. **• kmii -'t .r i Itncg pick ed cX|-iea».y ~f .mi-.iei'iir w tfcc nippo.l of itsc ('f-acif e» urr'jf c t.» u.rt and be* ~pvinr ffom d-r'if»i'om >»l noose and opm-wr; -J ftcefn, it-p' inr source p-r* »LCtl t-T ibe n.a.nnlv oi ih«i i>.*Jy d-vm ant mrst s .|., lf gpprciva. —*t (.» rr'-y recu.rase« dto the aetirral atit-pon the Wi.im of Urn ."iate, for ijiv. r<!or. -n Hu.ii. L'«Mi»roaf.l Dover nr.r fltctf" j ri"' 1 ' . I'nr.ol Consmutlooer, i. *.u:. Ab» :-r l.aktr iJicih Court .twins Wcsael 8. Sfn i,lj_ Btu l «re pledgo lo the rais'.tdstr* tbOi no* fuiaaled nur col.re and beirtv support. y,r. Uusr ir-rn t;eiia rj'n-.i '«»r, tpoka ai tom ieiigih with i.rnl p'Ver quo ciiod, ajd wfi* m» terreped lopea'.ut.iy v,ib He approved the ic-cr of Wnali.og.on Hum. Tb«l gentles man had dec: "fed h maeir a t.s. mui w «.* and ibe »utUnr .-i ti.o (.'atlnrnT !.-• had avoU’oi! r.«i rsaolu ticn rover to df%ert the pery > ?(&) ('nt'eoden. Minium. *od 8?:: Trit :Vaoiuii-i.« wero ibott U’. sniiuouaiy aii' Af-er appoir-urc a ProK* r nrani-r? 'hs ccnven rm .id ( '.Ufnet! ttnJ- w.‘ « onftntn;at« tte Ol It.: country t^af •i,r i-ifi.. b ,alhe Wh'i party of >*.!W Auk baa t—no v.iiaaily healed. by tbc onion of the different w,. f.- c, ibo p4tty or. tbs sarno ticket. The ceo irr, .-.•oip'Ktd u< the suvaaea of la.; peopie, i* ad iflr imluX As tnket a hcorty support, std w<: ror.fid btiy predi.t a trtotpphsnt v.ctory fj; Wb g pi.'.r.jilrs in the Kmpire State. riiTr j Ttir iuri>i**r, b-re «mi U' g»" VV *ira i ‘hi: tu.-umif reudrrs will a »hori uoticr, published in ibis paper in in.' »'iminer n held of remarLabie wheat, 'Lea ripening on the f.irm of i.ctw in J Coad. of -c M*r> rimi-ty. Marstaud, some ears of which ire ha«J fwn. and th«* qualm*** () f whirl, we endea vor to de- enbe. In consequence <>| publicity thus riven toil probnbi ,• n ertn'er de.natid liaa ah.wo, s') over the coiu.irv. f.jr enmplen uf thu crop and , f... -ceil wheel f-oi.-i .1 In a teller rr'-r.'ed from il,i* .«'tor ill il.c l<«: J Loineinium minioUanrc ;ti vrhi»-n. in r**p'i imiuin*"* b\ j grnlleirun in A)l< . utiiiiy. I'csimylvaum, having Vtll liim I.Y ninr n »ina l l uf (hi* wti**si. be ffCPir«*4' ,u arlkiivW'lednii.rul. a leller. u-m i\ Inch the ft>l . i r , are 1 ,oW ’"* i-xuin'tts*! "l hive shown the apreunena received to all our miller*, and to n very large poiiion of Ibe ar« ini- r«. di.c , Wilt) t.-aU'Clyai ci.-epiii.o, they pro* novnee ;i ibe i.t.•*-’ »pe- unco «<f win* at they bav® over wen. lim not surprised to bear that you could have gotten tw.nlv Ccilatu lor a sicgiO Outhel o> u teat . ,‘ur, Usd 1 na much 00-v at iLO present l uie. I «:..uIJ te*.|y sell a at a dollar a pound. I ■-■vs t.een etfcrrd.prr r end over agair, bv<? i.eni* per pram fur ifiu iprriruei. yon rent me, wn ch wi.uM tmiiiiiiii'j over b«mi. u.-tiara. H-* 1 its «".aroiiy imkss n valuable, \ •. Lvro .it Mr, fJjid’r own nt-v bnoriK-nd, ol home, enorim.ua have b'-eu otl.iretl f..r it. Wo uc glad to learn that le is msl nf preparation* to seed ii largo crop ibi» (ati; and, it no tl.Miter !**•• fall the cruji, Lc will be abb* to supply o good many rVtnaoda. Perrons at homo and abroad are already engaging vvoeat for another year, and he hi* beer, obliged to make oat 6 lt*l lor tl>« porpoae of trgtMenog tbeir names, rre;dL*ccra, quantity wanted, A'v.—Aur ii t .it< U.nn *ii iu eatil 0000 Oik. A atti nt the tnibrald l»le lately had occasion iovj«:t the city to hi* vehicle. Hav* mg arrived r.t bis point of destination, he alighted fri.nt it and ptocovded tn transact l,is htiflucaa. — t.*n ref.irurg to tfc* plans wnrrc l.v had left hta l.orrc and wagon, h>- wa* ni.i.tni«hc<l to learn Iron the Mayor that the horse bad ruu away with the wacnn Seri*, an’ d«d he hr-ak lr.-.- i-sioo ‘ .nqtmud ht jl 1 IS iclnrutaot. ••Us, bo, ! beflrrr nM.' -v* tu r< l' v •• Web. lino, buw lU tbit i. ~.>'•*• ‘ S( Patherick ..mid I:• bav® not l-*»oie, f„r turc an' l i~ r > -k* lo iht trcfon. 7 " Fromtfcr Rfpti:- ip ws* ■ Jar tor the peop'e of Pendleton, ' Th* Cenaaa of sUa t'niud Slates, but nuie *o 'or the untiring sod energetic Frem* Tue wor'd, we presume, tus never w.toceaed dett of iae company, end the director* and stocks M atopic* so micu'e, and to accurate an array of holders who ».<v/ an earnest ol tbe»uecesa of their jl*n»Ucal information respecting an; country fondest anticipntnn.*. When tbe proposition was u the present census retQrns will exhibit. In made in the New Ynrt legislature to erect a countries of more limited Client, and mwfcuh monum-at to the mcraorv of Dewitt Dkntcn, it i sscb duties are performeo under ibe direction of a I was spr:y replied that the Erie capal was already «upgle miotl, great accuracy and prccis.on have • hi* monument—to do the men of this day who been attained; but, even with these advastsgr*, embark in the»c great enterprises erect their moat leas perfect plans and elaborate methods have pre* enduring ntootimcm. vented the consummation of the work 10 so rum* ,» . plete and raUtfactory a manner. ! urn;* bnatLsE.—Uur venerable fellow citizen. We remember reading in the New Testament lu.li;** l.mies Wiliwm. i* no more. He expired on (Lase li. 1 ) that “there went on; a decree Uotr. i]e*terdav. mll A M offer Miftermg du- Cttjar Augustus that all the world should lv tax* rt.txtr Ihour* firm a virulent attack of Cholera ’ad,” or enrolled, as thflohyina! reads; and we are iterbiH The deceased had been about our*ireel* mljroed by good aatbonties that ••til the wcr.c >|n Wci.‘ne*duv. apparently :n hi* usual health aud w*» understood to imply only Palestine, and that line spirit*. His conversation was ns lively, and ihe enrolment was merrily to ascertain tJe uura* In* «icp« a* firm. n« hn* been his wont- irl. bale bers and property of the Jews, uno had paid tn*»- %,u ' hearty as be was in the filth year of hi* age, ate to Rome. We read, also, that Joseph went he fell, an easy prey to that prim destroyer. Death, op born Galilee to Bethlehem to be taxed, and J m<!»?•• \\ ill*oi. was ore ot the oldest citizen*.- this was supposed to be for two reescit*: firstly, and. certnmiy. one «>t the mn*l distinguished men because he bekl some possessions there ; and '»•‘hi* commumiv In or about the year JSI-', he secondly, l*ranse, is taxing a Jewish census, ■‘"••"■"led M<***r* Lowry A* Miller, iwbo bad con- J.wi.h f.ralta *«rc .Iw.y. k,,,i d,., 10 c1. uni b„ W', r ", ls *■' "T” «»J P™P" daunt » l* .(MM »..<> h.. kindred. ' "“ LT CreS Amos, u. Um, these du tier, ion, of tribe end [«•••«« be eo„d u «ed ■ t u - r - r xzuz otsoOgsl repoblican Lbrisudn*. it ~ ncvcrikeess Htu | Wl j ( , convenient snd desirable to preserve a nw.onol f M ei,d. weil qdhbfied for the task, will record ol all the American people, which will bo dnnbtJe.., wn „. n nonce for our found to bs eltected by ihe plans now pursued. piper, we t Vi i; «>i»iclude with the expression of The sehdules used are arranged upon scbercei k»ur condolence w.th the afflicted family, in this different from any others that exist. They arc leas thmr prcai and unexpecicd bereavement.— iS/mir/i -rolumnlcons yet call lor mote inlormalmn in de* vti/e On is tail; and are ot the tame time equally simple and easy to bo follow ed. Amongst the improvements in the*e we v.-,l) name one, and, while u in *j very nintplo as to excite snrprise tbtt t had not been a.ways obser ved, we can assure 10c reader that it t* bui one of a large number ofiostaners oflibe character, in the schedules in tbit and other cou iiiru**, in past limes, to each trade, profession and oi.-upa lion a column was assigned ; and as men am u»u ally single in their pursuits, a single score in one of these columns designated the occupation ol a person named, while a continuous blank extended over msay pages. The improvement consists in simply having one column m which a single u it:* ten word will designate the nailing, in l.kc man ner, in some schedules we have seer, the namf* of all diseases and eccidcnts occasioning drum are given at the head* of columns; yet r. sil'klc column at present tflords mflkieni space far ihc purpose, and by its beading guides the 'rr r, in agent aright in supplying the requisite lion Of all tbo skid manifenled by J. C. O. Kenatify, Esq., 10 contriving and preparing these achrdnlrn, nothing need probably 1>« suited in addition ta me fact that they wen. preambled by him, complete a* they are, to tbc Cosgreaaiuna! cumtn-uee, and, ef ter tbs meat thorough and rig d curoinai on, Were adopted with scarcely a ample nitrratton No labor bad been spared by that gci..l<-mßu, .n>d we may add, no expense, lr*r hit desire to »vn i himself of all knowledge possible ic bo obinr.cn < n the subject todaced hint to procure item Europe every form to which be could ot>'a;c access. The information elicited respecting our ccun’ty comprehends every thing (hat n can tutercit any of the family of mao to know Hereafter, wbe:» ever an American may present tmmell through oat the land, the simple knowledge of hut name and former abode will enslile any odk who t.n-> access to the census returns to tell with almost unerring accuracy Ibe names of the mentb-rs of his immediate fom.ly, their pursuit* in itfc, t.ieir pscaclarv condition, dec. To litastretc this wc we will aeiect a Tew example*, copied f'crn some of ibe returni which the superintendent kindly per mitted us to examine. We open at tbc returns cf ihe n oetccnlh Ward of Baltimore, and oor eye reyts upon the 1 dwelling visited; but it is occupied by the 1,413 J | tsmily. This shows us that, so far as the D putv Marshal had gone in that Ward, there were 220 j more families than dwellings, and tbc particular I instances in which a dwelling contsir.ed it ore than one family are shown in the pian-s wncn i the names of those families oi cur. Ihc ilweilin; I we have selected is occupied by a widow lady, j aged fifty years. She owa« ?U,OCO worth of rc» lal esuic. He daughter, Fanny, is r.vcnry two j years olJ; bsrson, William, is sevent'-ea. arid s | clerk by profession. They are all natures of ; Maryland. No death and no marnsgc nas or* I corred -n the taauly within a y»ar. They can ali I read and wrise, and none of theta arc dmf, d-imh hltod, i-iioiir, or panpei. nor do iiuv own »ny i s aves, nr produce any Itmig by maniifarivr ng or agriculture At per rent, thnr real ••state -wiii 1 yield them fssO. Here then, ihh ’•■laetory a-'* 1 conn - , cf the inhob.iatiis cl this home. We open the schedule in winch a written d-wn i ihe pio<!iirts of industry We na«l that a tirrr> mi two partner* arc broom makers. They bsvi 000 capital invested. They use liby two nl broom n each year, for uh ch tnev pay and M 00*0 handles, the value of wh.es is ?1.1 •• j They also use wire and ta.ne, which or.v* • i SI ,l“0. The.r work :* p-r'ortned '-v hand. !':<:* Usee e-ghl mole op.-rauver, to whrm tbry ; »y I $3OO per month. They produce b3OTO h-noms per yet*, ttc value of wr.irh ■* SICOOO A> •(,.» |is given on three lines of one p«g«- The fact of u.c*e two men qre also given, With ihc srt, I name. M)r. and occupation of each member to I gether w.ih puce# of birth, and all utber requisite particulars. j And we v* r ect at random a (bird example. 11 is that qf a gentleman who baa fourteen acres of improved land within the ward we have naravfl. The value of tnst little farm is 312,000, and of l.*i implement* 31.0. He has one bc»«e, three mdeb rows, nnd iwohogs. alt vaiued at $l4?. He has produced twenty fire bushels of wheat, ninety bushel? qf rye, aud forty live bushels of oats. Bv (taring the finger along a a ngl<- .ine.ttirae f»r;s are learned at a t.ngle glance, and * ; i other par* lieulars respecting the proprietor and hiSisci.ii may be jjsiscrcb with bk<- femur ReiperHirg all these rcturi s, we may lyrnrr aod that, Irotn lt*s probivht'cs u. >2- css-, s. r ! ooa errors are almost rare lo tv d.-'.r t J r.r lh. censuscfScein the work <.f <tnaty»’s. 8.-aiees ims mean* a copy oi me reiuroa of ei.:% rccniy i« d* posited with the clerk t,f theconnty c'i't, for the ic*pcri(nn of Ihc people imtne’J'.aiciT :r..er esied ia iu accorscy; and. tuorcoviix, while thr mode in which the agent is paid tor taking the cenatit makes it to bis interest to nroit none, the occeattiy of Lumbering the laanhcs and dwellirg* iu tlio .irder of vistlatioo, and of naming each ,• divldusl m each family, rcnJera the detcc.icu <>? etrorsby the people ot every locality certain. Tbe returns are being made with arrai prompt- Less, tad we have iockr J with astonishment and admiration upon the neat, clear, arm piense man oer in which tbgy have burn prearryed anu tiilvd | up. We k&ve turned them Over ksf bv let* tui discovered scarcely eveu tbc slightest blur npori , a score of page*. Such also are ihs arrangements ol ih’ Gc;i‘ < Offi-e that at any moment a rep y can hi g vcj to any question rciktiog to tbe reiurns r«v envJ, whether foil or part'd, from any d ; str;c' : A •- Wc were informed that some ot the i;*»t Mr r. q i were Ijow rccuote iinio of W:?c n« n, ami we were permuted to neruae lei era Irom ibe agents a. California and New Mrxie», who m»U oaroew promises of tbe speedy and juuio uuv a. ecution of the traoisominiited to ibcin. In ibis office there are forty persona i-mpbye I, and, novel as ia the duly bemro thorn, we doubt that any department or the Govermneni can cs hibit a more aya'iatnatic rou ioo of operations The work of analy aing and lor {-.tl<- raiiatf tbe informa wn contained iu tbc r«tu'i*< u ptcgidsriog web. Theflrat objeo! to be efTccie-1 a the as •••na n* BteLl Qfthc pOpu'&tioQ, the scrand the trrftn.j;c* rnent uf tno pupo'aliic, into the rt i »ecii«« cl*** e», a* to «<X. age, color, jeocs O' natiniy, A:r - Tbc anna! atalallca ltal*n a tvaiuiu in bv <- . 'cl at art early day, comprising a« it dm:* n:i r.c on i of ti c agg/cgaic wealiu, «-duca.io:>al, »v I «.ju« and other inaiuuboos, wnh thf particulars ot pou perism, enme and wogea*—sul-j-cts for iho phil anthropia', momlist, and Chrlailao, to dwell npr.Q The name of every who died wuhtn me year eitdiog Jane 1, 1350. »s given, with 'he age. color, in- a, orrtJpniisu, uoadition, piacc ol b' r m timo alfticled, and namunl dlavare. lo a word, we look with pr>de nnd ast l »la<'i.-?n upon the mlflhc«cCP, ragacity, and perrvvunug induaff? lhat bn» marked each cto? in the pro great of tma groat Wiirk, an 1 ahs'l ro.vemptairt with high plesanre the genera' approval that wdl be awarded 'o those by Whom n has b.-ej su ad* mittblj conlnved tod conducted. ii,.j ii.re o' dan* . prom’the Indiana Si-.ioticari PsuiUstoq Celebration, The celebration of the opening of ihc iir*i g<-n.-u< •ection of lUe Indianapolis ana Bellfont.i,nc U.ml road from ibi* ciiy to Pendleioo, on last Tuevlnv. wa« a splendid affair The day wns clear and pleasant, and all theorrangemenisof ihc trains w ere earned out in the imM saliHactory manner by i( • officera, uader ihe immediate direct.on ot Mr Brough, President of the Madison and iudutiupivi* railroad At (light o'clock ill the morning the locoim'in-c -i Jen Morris, Franklin and l lreenwi>««l. with lrr>j'.- train*.'lc>t the depot, carrying a««ne twelve linrnlrid passengers, umong whom we noticed ih«t.;.»v eruiir, lodge imw, Mr Fanrnlo, jwlr- Hull and many oilier distinguished persons I torn i! ll'icnt part* of die State’, receiving m th* line ai ihe <ie*- ignMcd points, large aecesnion* The tram reueb ed Pendleton in gxst lime, mid was received h; tbe thousands assembled, wnh loitJ and hearty cheers Dr. Gtc'.\ in behalf ol the Pendleton Oj:u» mlitco of Reception, wwicotncd tho arrival .1. a brief and appropriate addreoa, and w*a reapon-.ed la from tbe cars by Mr. Smith, Provident ni the Company, and by Mr. Brough, President of the MadlaoQ Company, after which the pxatengois , retired from the car*, and their placet were iuj. j mediotely filled by the ciitieneof the upper coun tiea, sod the train moved down the lino amid tfce j bunas of the people. After partaking of ao « x j cellent dinner, the mat* that remained were ad- I droned by Governor Wright, John H. Bradley, Gen. Kilgore, and Mr. Smith, President of the Compiuy, until naar the time that the shrill whis | He aanoucced the approach of tbe cars, and io a few moments the trains came up ia heau'ifol tiylo, accompanied by (ho Madison train, and bringing more than two thousand pas-tengera, fi ling off upon the main track and tho switebe*. The sceno was truly grand and imposing, and moat heartily did the aassmbled people respond to it. In a short lime tbe returning trains left Pen* dleton amidst renewed cheers, and arrived safely in the evening at the city. NO accident occurred to mar the general joy, and all oppeared highly pleased with tbe pleasures and sceoe* of tbe day. Thus bss opened for basinets tbe first section ol this great line, under the most ‘favorable circum* stances, tod with tbe blghrti guarantees and pros pects of its completion to meet the railwayn of Ohio, now rapidly progressing West The section we passed over is one of the straigbtest and beat rosJt we have ever seen, and if the balance of tbu line should be constructed as well, almost soy rate of speed miy safely be attained. APFO : N T VItN'IV THE PRESIDENT. Chtrle* S. '[*>• id, of M inncsot*. O iver P. Tem ['!«*, of Ter., ersee, am! Robert B. Campbell, of a.->ulh I’arnl'iia, in t*« CommiMiooen* :o procure ■ aferasatioa, rot'ert *tnii« ie», make protein 10, oi>«t treaties with the [tulinn tribes on the borders '•* Mrx co. ** fUlbor z?d by th« act ol Cougies: opnroVtil 'loth Sepifnilxr, Ih-^O. >.:eorae W. Barbour, Redid* Me Ker, and O. M. Wo2 C i;ef S ri, foe Comrn'tMpoer* to isako trea ts* wnh Indians in Califjrijia, u« amknnsfd by the an of C«DBrev«, approved 30lh September, ISM. Sinter n Francis, of [ in Oregon, v:?j Anscc L_r t-hould ... . of MeLtni'« V'£t>?<irro: —At tb‘.i »eason panicoJarly wiitn worm = nro »o troublesome and *o lresu*atly anon- cli-Mrcii. pcrenti should be watchful, |3ml o.i tnr sppnsnncr of iho«e omtesMr? *1 rap- WMfii wr.rn in of ilic nresence of woroiF, at Oi. • Trr : V a r•.’«•••* ai <1 efficacious remedy. Thin ioni- -iy *r mu i.,,w .y eaiiSdor.i lint U only re -1 (;3.iri a irmt 10 convince ail tsai n richly mens* all | u>- prat e. i*:a*, hrivr brim lavi»hed Upon it It it safe n-•) i> •• • V o( certificate* jatßhi be pro* luo< J. .rrln .it* Kfc.it meJ cal viruei. IC>‘ IV r > vc bj J. KIDD 4 CO.NoCIi Wo-:d iVeat. OCia-di W-' II&31 AKKAULU CASE I I EVIDENCE IN OUR MIDSr' Ms K:s2— Sir. I. cheerfully comply with your re que*: that i would give yoajan account of the almost ttirscuioa* rare of my Imic dauehiei's eye by the air oi your 'Teirolrurj.'' was an 11 ten with a very sore eye in February or Murrli lan, *-i • ;i I ..mnedtatcly onplieil to the nest neJicai a.,1 in u.« -tiiy, by whom it wes pronounced *• a scry bud eye" ami a l pare nie no bope of doing Iter any gi.nd. Mt-i wh.rti J took Her Into the court* , try to an ctd lady, who i.ad been eery successful 10 car.np eye* Sue toU ro« that her case was hopeless, a* ih* wr.-jid ofitaimy lose not onir that or.-. «ut aI?o ium ins otarr would follow—it being a scrofulous 1 aifeeuon of ilic t.loo-J. And 1 dj certify that at the time my father |J. U; Va« Lon) came to the conel»*ioa that we tmd better iry your “ Fiirolcutr,” tut ten crtTtft ,lt uu.sd. «>f «.?>c rye It ,* now about two "•"it - .r.t.- »h.’ ii«- use, .tnJ 'be can »p* ice vi .in '...it, rye* as good a* evet rl.e did : end, as Ist a- i c.i:* [ bcliese *hc lias, wuh the blessing of he Ai:n.el..y bre- cured by " Felroleum ‘ Four;, lespectiully, M. Fiu m u Vashos Colds*. I'li’.ahurrnh, *>t. 30, 1-ff. For ati? b, • .ur A McDowell, HO Wood street; R i: s»rt;rf*. 5? Wood street; D M. Curry, D. A. Ki ln.n De.i r 4 ,i.iid il. i\ Schwuri?, Allegheny, ai*o ny t’.j prerr, ctnr, ? M. KTF.It, OC/ f tlsaifl. HCSOUI »L Pittsburgh MTOUD i CO, Whr’ie* .i j ■ ;..i MinHaci jrer* A Dea ei* in IIATS. wAPS & FURS. Cor Won. \ t'lfthtd .Plttiburph, t c.i ■ n li; li'd rcuip .'ie ;*r (k nf Hall, *i ;. r« .. .'•:u, J »iit sin. *tyP .t } *'• b.,i«- -.1. -11.1 K. ,J 1 ~ •/. - i . Mtenii.ui tiic.r f ut R. P. TANNEP* &. CO., SHOE WAREHOUSE, SI W oml at, botneon Third A Fuurili, Arc now re 'fiv.ue their »c<— Urge at.d superior Fall BOOTS, BUHL’S, AHO BROGANS; Also, BAJNN>:»> awl mi .u ih» l..t«M «iMr-. ■ • d I *j>i«-t«'v adn;.teu ti. tpe »r.,e rivdrade. li In* bet n *»' ifn*il vil-.li grt si Curr, and o* In *:fe* and qua ,«y .* uni *urpa«sed by any stork ;<• be found e*thrt en-> nr we«t. Onr rjiuocrt and »ner rhcuiiH rcne.'Aii. are invited io call and etamme. a, **e iiie Jciffmuivd b- on the most reasonable \r rrti* Al' o. Patent (lubber Shr*r« o' all linCt aupv/Jtf hI»<:OIUAUt;. Iltvn'lo INSTITUTION!* r 1 t ens’ INSURANCE COMPANY, • of i'l.uburjh. 0. <•- iif'.'sry a. w. maks9.Psc*t Ui'icc— .Nr- tl tVntrr »iit»t», in i»e warehouse ol C. >1 GRANT. 'l’ttJS 1* now j-rep*'r.l to insure an l tuui, n, (.it con *••», mußUfaclonca, goods ;ci--c:iemi:-.e ;n •.err, ncd ir. Lroiisitu vessels, Ar. Aii nn.c'c ruifan • Mr t!i<* al>.!ity und integrity ol in- IjifUiuuor.. .r sili-fip.i in me character cl the l)i -r -ru-rv wiio arc Jn --n,*«•'•* 01 PiusOursh, wrii and f»*nraiuy known \j mo voirjuuidij for prudence, iiiu-1i.,-. I. »iij u.-.c.-niy. Hu.-u.ir.-i - 1. lU*.(> Wm F.agaicy, Wm. Ijm iin-:r. Jr, W.lin jiyatit, Hugh D. King, Edward lle-Hi-lion, Jo::-, Haworuu Si ilorhaugb, M. Kicr. • i-t-. 1: IMLi, IMIOTATIUJI OF lI4KUWARK. LOGAN, .WILSON & CO. 10b tV<,f>!-sTRFi:r. Art no-.* (•-» y•»•. .1 r.-u!i - Irrt" ar-d frr-rh ator-k r.' r.- i.» Mi-r. ► ,;j An ci ir u, Jlpt.'woro. i.« offer • !,(•<-noi ,ii.:...-eire>-.« layers " Those wishing u* i loinoin tiirir irn-ic‘t liy looanf iin>-i»n inir »:cck. a* t»-<-y arc o#lernr.r.cd to felt on n.. 1.1 r«-n»r.i.l'ffu* auglS tm|irn»»ißt»u m Usattatryi UK. n 'I sIKAK.%S«,-aten Bosun, is prepare.' u. u i.-.u : m..t *-t |lu-c» i'csu’ tr. whnie and ;-an* *r... -»i:*:it>i- <i: .v.u o-j'iicrir 3.1et.0n IMaic* J\«-Tii.i->tkvV> C 3 1.1 i T'fTfl, wist re lbs nerve .a I’t'scc .’'U (ei.;:l> 'icr next >UK»'r to ms Maj or * nßiee. K'l-jn-i (•il-;‘iur.ih Kiriii i,.—J H MTa.iilt-u.F H Katea. tain (ifnee oi Olno uts.i i-ci.na, K. R. Co ; Thi'J *t. FiTTsai uoti, Aagual 2,1^30. Tire <iocltljnM'-r» oi me i*i-l« ;-nniylttuua (tail Ro"-J Coa-,.a.iy arc tierc y r.nt.&rd io pay the t-.efi'.li iii-ialiucui of five dolian per share, at the office ~f ti;e IV.Ti.pi.uy.oii or I.cIhTC ICC Vji!j <luy of Asituit T.,<* n: ..i :ii.in ; mrrui on or before tr.c VOi't day o' r I'ij* u nth iiiatnirasnl on or beloro tt.c .h -lay ol tir:u? .r nri: am', irf WM LARIMf.S. J..T:ea*u*sr a, j LhMiLur bciwcen lilß MAYORALTY Mt Wii ts- I'.ease nnuonr e e ir.e n*iroe of Wit tun flits.iAVT. of ih- I'ourih W.. 111. a» n .ißlidalrior Major. »i ihe o vinos e'e'-iion. *ufc|eet u* tbe Romin atinn of i l '' 1’ ; i'nr,veruon. anJ o', ’ive mani wim.-ioFTiiy ward Ar ■r» sidene<- m Ho« i Township, on latt, K | IV <1 ■ (or*. IVis R i>oauam. .la lliC suui ycat of hi« agr • Th-r fuue»al wiii 'she place ihi* Mid (.•clock, from !..» It-e Kiel* Hi», on it.a r.a-.Mi,, P.-.aC, .[..re soil a half miles from Pill*- i.wfta ».i-l I'toeccd il-tl.e lam'ilj vuuil i mo: ricsn. an 1 L iocaMer papei' jileort- cap) J «. W.VAVkOII, (.OMMISSIOXEK aNU BILL BROKKK, 11*4 Ftconil fjTKU.TiiMte.iun-. ~i le nv-n lun.i t us.iiv«« en- lru ■ i'i> in Ml. isirr. l , U'*nnrfh icanmaclcfi 4 t’-onil* M-n pi r». Ac. nrgueivM on favor- Ut>C MTV LAMDS- AKUAisYi I-MbNf> having hers. n»-Ula beiwt-.ui Uxr unde'-n-- i J sit F. U tiMj .ur.. i^r t of W •slu.igtnn - uy. : nr 'if Uic Trct«nry Ikpauniriii.i ihe Ui-drts-r.r.ffii *t.‘< procure Ucuniy f.snd-icr tbe an.i »ni.tn.r-,ih'ix wulows and children, un-let me lluaniy Land Hi i, |.s««eil **pipmhor vrth.leSU. tiA-MFr. I' Kli*iß, Atiorney tl Law. Fourth •(. I.eiwren Smi hfient ft. A-Cherry alley, p.itstunib lkm % i\ la.;u—oett _____ NF.W BOOKS. ROBINSON'S Orcek anil Lr.glish Lexicon el ih: Tet-iarorai. Fetin'oal (Jovcrr.mtni, a itevy uuvel. Bj Mn Trn-lopp. The Cocti't*' tear Bon*; oi Hie F'jcul, ihe Fcrest. and the Fireside. By William Hnwttt. Jlmory or Xenei the ureal, lly Jaroti Aht-ou The -il-ove worts just received for sale b> 1 it e btookton, oc-’i Cor. Fourth A Mar an -treeu NO SUGAR - Cl* hU-l* piiste, ja*t rrrd o:> c«a , ilcnuieiU, aud foi sale by MU.LER A IM IKI’TSON c*r~- -iii, A v&T »’ N-QTICE .1 keirly given. .h«i ihc undesigned n»» taken oal Leuer* c.f Ada...u«uon on ik« estate ol Wilus-nW Pmt*. U’c of Ibe CUV of Pittsburgh, dr,- -ftied. and all i.iv.r; claims agam«ts*id estam «ro hsnhy rrc,ae*t.-a to preirni them, duly nutlienticuloJ, (J -nd hi. those .ndchted [r, r.u. g .».. r M Exchkos.-B—fc O' l-lt,.bnr«l, A-- . L - tM.r,£!-A Directors of thi*Uaak,to ■,,V“Tf ,'V 1 1“ u“»“ "•>. wm he h,.d Ibo Hankir-fc'm* ul*- M'*iida v tft *‘ l - t;i Novcmher oext, 'f“'* '■rHolljls”i 1 IIOWK, Cuhier. Dctoher —ucSltd.d INSURANCK. THK DVI.aW auk MUTUAL SAFETY INSU RANT K ,r, (MPANV.—Ofice North Boom of tho Kieianer. r . lr .i .;*. u, philßdelpnia- Fax 1 n»cr. ‘.lulldinps, Merctandin and othet propeny, m r.in ;, and Country, imared a<aln*t 1o*« or dAiante by ijf-, », t be iowr*; rate nf premium. Ma&iaj Ihiclwcz.—' They al*o insure Veaaela, Car poos and Freitlus. foreign or cna>twise, under open or special poheie..r.vassured may detire. IfttAJtb TnANsroaijiuon.— They also insure mereh ar.rii«e transported by Wagoua. Rail Road Cars, Canal ltoavi and Routs, oa nven and lata*, on the mort liberal term* DIRECTORS—Joreph 11 Seal, F-dmond A- Soudcr, John C DavLV Robert Burton, John R Penrose, Samu el Edward*. Geo t. Leiper, Edward Dartinrion. Isaac P» Dasta, Win Folwell, Johu Newlm. Dr R M llu<on, J<* L Hand, Thenphilua Paaldiny, 11 Jone* RroOta, Henry Slnnn, Hugh Crain, Georfe Pernll, Spencer MMivain. Ctiarle- llrily, J 0 Johnson, Wm Htv. I>T S Thomas. John Sellerr, Wnj Kyre J r ” DIRKCTOR? aT PnTSBUPvOH-D T Morgan, Hugh Crais, John T I^igan WIt.UAM MARTIN. President TIUW.C HAND. Vice Pc.'sident - Josxeii \V. Cnw.s, Sec’jr. [Jjr* Uilice oi itio t ompany. No. 4'J Water sires- Pitubnrgn foc« tf] PA. MADEIRA,Agi. * Sertbtnli’ ind nanufaetuitri' Baak of Pittsburgh. AN cieriinu lor ih.rieen Dire.-uiri of Uns Han*, tor iheen«o:iu year, will be held Banking Hou«c, on Monday, Hie bn day of ml W H DENNY,Cashier PT.i«turyli. Ci't lrih,t-CO ocSlidid BANK OF‘ PITTSBURG*). a N Election for thirteen D rectors of tins Bank tor f\ ibe (iuuiok year, will be held at ihe Banking House, on Monday, me IStli day of November next. JOHN SNYDER, Curhter Pitulnrgh, Oct IS, ISSO -oel»:dtd IN sweeping out our store, » valuable Hreait F.n, with ini.ial* Eh M »', *rd date; which can be bud i.» proving ownership and paying for advertisement. oe2l:tf FH EIA PON. fi*iF»unh st_ O K. CHAHBKRLIS»B Corner of Market and Third streets. T’lE course of instruction in this limitation, tm brace, Hook Keeping. Commercial Computation, Pcimiaii'tnp, Uctutrs on Comraetcißl Law. aad In faei every branch pertaining to a finiihed mercantile C John° F.emuig. E«ti„ auihox of the National Book Keeping, principal lecturer and teacher of rook Keeping. , . Ladies and gentlemen ttivumf to improve tneif Penman*h.p. ertia lull tl ihe Coiie<e at any hour dur ing the day or evening. _ *L ianapm'ta > Patent Soda Aih* *r HE subscriber* are now receiving, by canal, large l supplies of James Muspratt A Son a high test, and bc«t quality <*lu** Muter*' Soda A*li. which they will le 1 ut me lo.vcti matte 1 pr.ce, Io- ca*ti or b|>rrvvnd u li*. tV A. M MITCHKLTREE ooai Liberty st BLEACHING PO\VDKK-:5 cn»W».M a-pratin’ be»l caaniy, for sn.c at ihu marivel pnue by ~C J I _ _VV_ A M MITCIIELTREE CIHKESE— 100 bxs Cream, ja«t rrc’d for sale bv j ich: s_A VV HaHUaUUI! StiDA ASH—3O ca-ks Kurir brand, to amve, fur *ale_uy l u cll]_ g x W HaRUAUGU B 'TITER—“ bris Roll Buiter, lit, pacard do, | net landing for tale by wc jil itW HAKBAUUH Hamilton Cauiou FunaiU. MURPHY A UUKCHKIELU have received a sap. ply of above n»pr rior ariic .e. Bard Pellaao Flaaaels OF very' Lamlsonu pxitrrnt nnd bright colors rcc’d at store of AttRPHV A BUHCHKIELD ocSl . TO RAH* ROAD CONTRACTORS. PROPOSALS will bo received at .h- ofhrss of the Baltimore and Ohio its.l Koad Company, at Dai* tiiuoro, Cumberland. Fiirmoum. nnd Wheeling, until Saturday, the 'Min oi No«eiubcr next, inclusive, for the Graduation nnd Mn-onry of abou. 33 sections or in.le> of ihe line, extondiug west wet nly by the water* of Fish Creek aud Grave Creek, ami over Ihe dividing ridge* between them, from ti-e ifib'h reefnn of the p»«t of tbs line niresdy let: to the X&tih crcuoa of the sime Uic—l cing tne only portion of the route re naming in be put under Comincl. 'lhr work iu i>e i 1 wi.l !>*- generally heavy—in cluding a tunnel of tSSO. another of ItiA'J, and h third of feet in length, a number of drep cutucst and embankment-, an-i a considerable quantity of bridge ma'onry. Spccificotioas will be ready at the above otlc-s, on n.nl after the Ist day of November, aud Engineers will be upou the line to give information. No bid unsupported by goed testimonial* will be considered, and bidders are desired to state if they fc.-.vc other worsen hand, and wr.cn it will be finished. Tuc moil energetic prosecution o' tbe work will be exoveted Uv order oi the Prcsideit and Directors. UENJ. H. LATROUE, oi-'i . dinovlO Chief Engineer. EIECI'TORB’ SALE of UK At* ESTATE BY raque*l oflhe heirs of Coart'en King, ceecased. Hie uuder«icne:l wi:i vj ;>o»e -t public *ule, cn the jueiulses, on tLur.-Jay. lyi'itci'irr drill, i-•’ill, ai onr o cicuk. I*. M . all that vatjct.’e trscic: 'ar.d situiued in f*t cwu-n I'owiiih.p. Ait-ghcy County, ■-obtaining nr.e hundreu ai.d »t»t > a. rc», uj; ii:nnjr lands of *1 bos Kiddoe, Gf-or.'e ilochnn. sr.d t.thet-. iTui traci 01 land oi go-J quality witniu eleven miles of Pitts here., abounding in rca: and <i;> «st>nr. a> *1 well waternS; a cooii appt- orclurd of £ ru -' ;r d frn.i, .a eoanortßiiir U'wrd i.*g riou-.e and nam. wiili plenty Oi siab».;jg a-. 1 om*r cu. oi...uiur» ar.J has luerron ohmioai. e r-f vli.i-e lunbei, huJ m rbon, i* well worit.y oi the attention cf il.ow wis'mug to invest Ckpivxi in prodDctlve real estate. The aLvve property wi'i be tom topr Jier or in lots io suit purcoasers. If not .o il, u,v property wih be for rent—terms lar.Je known on day of sale. JOHN KING, ceni'w4i*T ISAAC KING F. 11. EATON, WHOLESALE Bad Retail Dealer in Glove*; Hosiery, and Ysrna, life-* ado Ronnel Tr.mmings, Gc- Good* nut! Kuibro.Cr.ries; . Icm-n'i 1 urn.*hin« Articles / rphyr, LVooneri, Pauer tis, and Canvas,] Cell >1 board. Tissue i’aner, and Flower MairricK No 6X Fourth street. SA'IINETD* —A lurge e*.«onment of Black. Brown, Ulue, at.l .Mixed,;a*l received, and fur »ale_hj_ 'oi IS SHAUKI.ETJ L WHITUN CO-PAUTS KiitSlllP. 11l A VK it 1- day a-.»o*iaied wii‘> me, James Colvin, m tin: t o*' Lr t y tioods, an I orr t-e ;y Ua-incsr. n I . ir.pr tar-i.-f-M.lr. llin l.j.m- -.- hereafter will fie rondi-e-ed under On style ..1 —ii.it,cj a t'olvin, whv* rc^peuttoily loiteit the potTu. asc of cheii friend* in general. JOHN SMtTLEY, JAMES COLVIN. N. U— AM perron* knowing Uienuclve* imirhted i-> ih*- u.c fiim of >tn iicy .1 Hay wr John Smitley, .vui p:»n*e mac tmtnediaie ; aytneut 10. on- J 2: v rrv*S SMITLFV a COLVIN SRITLEY * COLVIN, CsOAL Metehsm*, and Dealer* m Ury tioods, Gro j eerie*. Iron, nnd Nat's, eon,rr of 'Va'r.u. ylrre and \Vn«fiuiirori Turnpike Ko*d. Teaiperanceviilc. «t“ Miwi j F'ANUY PRfNT#-ItJ case* new style Fail Print, of Mrn.tot.rk. Ciet.'Ct,, Sprague’*. Dauw-cli', Allen ». Clyde, and dlkcr ec-od monufsc'.nrlc*. jut opening, fur sale hy sUaCKLEFT A WUlTfcl eci9 101 Wood *t. ANCY C S» j c ( fall style, for *aJ -1 i.y [ chl] BHAOKLKTf A WHITE OOLF ,\ COMFORTS—jW) dux fat cy sly It-*, very » * nkcan, t.ow opcuuig hjr «<ll> SHACKLKTT tc WHITE SHAWL*— A good n.io-tmeir. of Lt-ngand Sjuat Mhawl*. Piaidt, untroidrrrd, and Plain. oclU J hHACKLKTT ft WHITE Heavy Siik Vc*u and Drawer*; du Fine Mfiiuo do Wanr, Sunny do; do Pla n mu Fi{-d Silk Cravats; Finn Shirts, Collar*, and nn^otns; Silk. Cotion, nn-J Worsted Suipeodeti, Turkey Rea Dr-snng Gowut; Prtu cd Flannel Robe*, Rj»*ia Belt*. Untbreilaa; Mi* and Linen P>cket IMkfi; Wool *e.d Buckskin Gloves, Soper Kid and Silk Glove-; Scans, Com'cn*. and Mafhert; Just received and for »a!e fiy F II EATON. nr Fourth *t TTfIDF. S-lk Flouncing Lacea; yf Dlnck end Colored Mohair Lace*: Flue Tltre-id. l/oom 00. and Litis do; Mtivl.n liciitis and Flnurcim, Bobbin Licrs, Edgitj;*, amf LtserUngc; Appi.cattou aud Wrocem Lace Copea; du oo Uert&as; Muslin and Lace. SleeTes; Enttroidsred Cmmirrua., Cu.7*, and Collars, V.ienc eime* Coi.ari. Jast received by oc'.ii F H EATON. BLACK <-t Mor-uila Velvet*, Colored and Black 2-t d.v. Bonnet and Plu.n Rit-tmus, iJunnna, Cap*, and Fiovrora, Ustrch and Ptnuie:; Ja« received by nrttf F H EATON, 6jFonnh streci. CCHTAIII GOODS. RECEIVED thi* Jay, at W McClmujcb ! * Carpo l Warehoate, No 92 Foonh kUeeL and Wood sued, a very splendid saaonment cf Oaitiin Good*, romriislng tn ua’rt the follower ratteUoi'— Blue and Gold Sot\n Dciaio*; Blue und Critu*oa do, Srsrlet and Steel do; Scarlet and White Uuion Duauk; Chim-D and Waite do; Ulue do do; Orange and Rlus Sn.n Damai*; erttnson ar. 1 Purple do; Fjn'.ioi'ea HcuUjuh*, Figured uo do: P.-tu do do; BaiT Window Linen; Drub do da; Ac, Ac. The above geod* being puieh**cd direct trora t)ie IreponcrVond Mauulneturers, will bs rold a* cheap a* they can t* in any of the eesUn: cine* We in vi'.e ill tvirbing fine Oori&in tiuod* tn esh at the Cat yet tvarel ouse. “3 Fnuna atieei OC'O WM MeCLINTOCK lAitUOlL lu ails No t. H-r »a:t n> < - J SCHOoWIAKER A CO Oita -24 Wood st. J EPSOM SALTS- iU oris fi-r »»!'- by no ,o j ttriiiMjN.M riF.R A CO_ tPINHD SALTPETRE—IS keg* for sale hv , , ;cIU J SCHOU.NMAKER itO OllxS se»*k» blvu-Jied wittier Whale Oit i cask* first I'anoers’ Oifi l*r »o!c by d SCUUONMAKSR A CO SPi? TUBBENTINE-Sb brU for •nio b? oclf . J 3HOONMAKKR ACO S At, SODa—IS cask* for sale by A * c \'i_ J PCnOQNMAKERftCO INDUiO-- i ca*es Manilla: 3 cerooc* Cafaccas. fnj sale by 00 ,9 J aCHOONMAKKR A CQ MkPDKR— ‘i caik* beat Butch, fur aado by c.r 19 , 1 .J SCHOONMaKEK A CO HOLLAND HERRING —A lew kegs just received and ferial- by WM A McCLURG k. CO neiu -Jiu t.lbcny »t ; 'ttT'lNFit A BRANDT for medicinal,purposea for ff sale by K E SELLEIIB TOOTH BRUSHES—Fine quality Fncitih iaintjit. fd f*r *ale by H E SELLERB LK(UORICE— 4 cure* rcc'd for eale by R B SELLERS WKDGEWOOD MORTARB I et.k ar.onrd auc lor rale fiy jocIB) Tl F; SELLERS ANNIS SEED— »4O lbs rec*d 'or sale hr oclf: jl_ RESELLERS 1 ENGLISH EXTRACTS—Belladonna, Fyociaatu J Conil, Taraxicim, and Quavsia. for tale ly 1 U E SELLERS Liquorice root— a bales of good cnaht? foi sale by [cci9] ft E SELLERS skw arsici RcwnviHoi TV.NNY LANE; abeg«:ifolElWopUn S<",»: a* sn"g V h) me New Orleans Serenader<; Be watchful and beware; mb, take lUtt band; Would 1 wer* with thee; By tbs Sad Sea Wa»e. at ton* Lv Jenny Liai m New York; ; The Bled and ike Maiden, rang by Jenay Lind; 1 ike H i* Ime, targ: by Jenny I.md Turn not away; a beaau/il duel, by S C. Fc«t-:; Sieifbica P-l*a; Lind .avi'aw. (■cod Lock, >ennyil lie 0*1*; snd Be’- teorli’* »ery l»e»t 1'olki; il*-*. new W*lu*» and ea icnidve releition of Udittr Preemicr? of heti rentier* 11 KLKBKIL 101 Third «re=; ools _UolO<*n Harp._ Unsaid Lnmbir and Uex Boirdi a 1 aE<;F. aacortmem for ‘•aie .n lol« in *uit the A farehaaen. by ■ JOHN A HLOOMKR. : Allegheny Plauiny Vi>‘« Ander*nn it-, Aiieybeot my Pulveri4*d Com Stmh. REFINED an-J prepared eiprctsly for PnJdir.;(v Custards, Cake*, Ac- ... Ttii* nnre and heeutitul arti.’te u erase .v.f.y hcatibT, drheicu*. and economical, and when deiir*i may be o»ed a* a eubllltuie fcr.and u the same Ban ner m Arrow Ron:. ■ . Just received aud Ut »ale n* 35*1 Lat-asaty al. l»v oc!i W'M A McCbbßC A. I"" AHi>'i»U.-»o tiria for aalrr W j J SCifoONMAKER A Mi ric'.' SI U r>od at C'OCtlA SHELL-1 hag juft nceivori inrra o b> / 00l - » WM A McCLUKO ACO JAMAICA GINGER—I care w: ;> Race 1 rsac ground do, for »*i *. by ocls WM A MrOLUSO k CO Saeklnß Caatlruarcs anti Flannels. AN assortment ofliie varioe*color*received by o:l9 ; MURPHY A BURCHFIELD. FaaC Colored Prints. MURPHY A BUTbCUFIELD invitr attention to tbs chmee lot of American and British Prime, «‘trk and of durable color*, jun reenved. oe(9 SAL. SODA—IS carts Ezcliib for sale by B A FAHNPSTOCK A CO r>c 19 cor First A Wood sta. FANCY EntLsb, Imp ne<Vfor *aio by oe!8 B A rAHNK m TOCK ft CO Tooth BRUSHES—Fine English, ru sorted titci and styles,imported and for sale by t oclB i D A FAHNESTOCK ACO OLIVE Oil-—Quirts and pint*, In boskets of Otto and two dozen each, Imported, and for safe by ocis b a Fahnestock a rp IACKEO BUTTEIt—A prime for sale by oc ,s : SHBIV UIUUA RNI-.3 'LOUR—SO brls fine Flour, in store and for sale by ect“ 3HKIVBK A Baßn-3 . KOVEUDER KAGAStITBS, AT BOLMES* LITERARY DEPOT, Tlurd street, opposite the Pert OJtoe. GODF.Y’S LADY'S BOOK for November; CinUitm’* Magesina. do; Sann n’< do do; I.utel!’* Living Afe. No 355; Harper 4 * Monthly.Magezine for 0«-t iberj Cultivator for October, Honituiumi ‘or.U.-toberi The Iron Mail—Dom»*’fce*t worlr : rjomplcte; The Orphan Cluldrcn; n tala, b» T 9. Arthur. Adelaide Lindsay? a new novel, by Mrs. Marsh. Old Country House, a now novel, by Mrs Ciey; ort7 : * ALCOHuL— 3 barrel* 7® ard M trobi jus; rrc’d for ta e by Jl K SEI.LF.KS „ e l 7 5“ Weed st ROSF. PINK-4TO lbs English, Jo*! ree’d for sale by cel? , R E SF.l.Lr.llS 'tARU. AMMONIA—I eaik just recM for sale • t j o ci7 n F. sri.urns SWEET OIL—I pipe just received for --Ic bv or 17 • RESELLERS PINK ROOT—L bale Jail received for « le by oc!7 . R E SELLERS DRY PEACHES—IO *acka this day rrc’d by ocl? i%ICK&McCANDI.KSS TOBACCO— '213 plcgs !?•, s’#. IS**, and Ifi’iT-baeco ; enperior brands, received far Ffi'-. by oM7_ • WICK A McuANDLE-S LMONOS-■•32 aaekaS. E Almonds forreic by ocl* WICKA MeCANOLEn^ Cream Cheese; > i2i bzs W. B. Cncese./or aalo by nrir WICK A McCANDLESS WADDIAG— White, Blcck, cad ottra Glared, on hand and for sale by ocl? . WICK A MoCANDLEgS POTASH— 14 casks pure, a superior,article for re tailing, on hand and for sale by on? WIOK A McCANDLE>» MLULI) CANHLES— 50b*« *uprrfor, for a»l« r-v oc ? WICK A McCANDLE<S CIGARS —I3t] M common, far sale by orl7 • _ WIOK A MeCANDLEjS BUTTER— ;o keg* for sale by o-tr S K VON unNNn-'RSrA Cf« BhOu.VS— iu>i do* f'-r *oic by oc>7 g r NON QQNNHORBT A CO CTHFESE —10 bis for «ale by j oct7 . fi F VtiN BOXNHOR.oT &CO Ctm-.s i NoT-g— a biig« received for tain by ; ocl7 ■ • WICK ft McCAWPLESS 'fiOUCE. JONATHAN KINSEY A J.B.Knoj, plhncrs, hav ing mad* on auJgnrcciu to me (or the t cotfii n r ih<*ir creditor*, notice ft hereby jgifen to all pepcoo mdetxrd to aaid ftna, 10 make immediate patirer’ ic. ifie. unde Himrd, to whom also, those bavins' claims -oioc; them wilt prevent tlicnrfar-cdjartiner.t. DAVID DblllTCß. •Avrijnre of <i inter and Koox, SfrFlflbctfett. • Y'On BALE. THE Waretioaie on the corner of Wood and FroM •trrrn, recently occupied by Wbl RTsRee., as 4 v* nu!c/»a!e Gr*;rc»y Store For to H. H. tlyan, 31 Fifth »t;eel—Ryat’ii Bulldinyr,where ail stndr of turned tnoterlals are for tale, and *:cara oowor tun roome to rant, the rsachlncrr being now in oporunon iool?:d‘Jw) H H-. BY A?*. Apptratu* for Cleaning :etov« Plpu without taking down-- -TN\T.N I’KD l y Frederick Blcitc?. end niiffs b; 1, SUAIFBee ATKINBON. oe > i'ir=t -ji. between Wood A Market sia. KBCILWOU'fU LADIES SEI3IIIAaY, SEWIGSLEY. THE Winter Sctvon will romrtcnca on Monday, the 4;h of NcvemTcr. Supakior teachvis rorthndiSerenldepnrtments Itostdine ar.d tuition in any or all of the English branches. 245 per session of five months. For turdtor ytatioalara, «ee clrcutom, at Mes»rs John Irwin A Sons, Water •trect, or T. H. Nevin ACo ,12G Liberty ai, ptiubyrgh ortfudlw B. H NKVIN INSTUCCmOH OS TUB PIANO*.- Mn F HaßßOßDT,(pupil 01 the first maeter*,) late of New york.Tirspccifal yinfsjma the cllitco3 ol rititburgh and Allegheny. Vft St fi; jm.s arrived, and intends mating this dry -.emsrsiii residence, for ihe purpose of iiunurti',. iostiu-tton or. the Piano. AppliCaiious left at Mt*. White's Boaraitg brute. 60 Libehy si, or at H. kitber’s Mtuic S:oic, will meet with prompt anent.on, oc^n DUITHA?I3 PIAAQB. Sola Agency for Bnnhaa's Plbbos. HKLEbER tskes pica, ore in aoncur.Clnß iol>« • public that ho lias mcect ded in seermnp the *ote agency rot Duobam's edebtated Piano Fouei, tor Western P. ntsytvtv.it. The Piano* mode by Mr Denham, of tHfl firm of RtwJnn k. Duuhca, srs too well snJ favorably Jcaown tu thi* nelghbnthcbd to require *ny corament xttlu* i;me, auGiee :t to »ay, that for a long lime no other i-ianos were known In the Wenern coontry u>nu thn*c of Sindan & Durham and Nunns A Clark. Mr tuohaci, tbe praouenl partner of the above Crtn, ha* ►pent upward* oftwruty 7e*ro lnthrf«r :ory of Raid firs, ns practical manner and director of die buxines*. within a year or tv«o Mr Dnnham b*n bought out the entire factory and aiinnnetianors o' Us firm, and cor.tir.urn in naoufaiture, <t» before. in hit iwr name. Dunham’s Plano* l. ivo aunlned -riieb pcpu’artsv, that ift toic of the wr.j.eni clues, CJfiru.* nti, 4c. they have sold two \< one of any other manufacture. They nrodliiinguithetl by ibptrpower tut! brilliancy of toue. and cxuhsm'Unary durability N. B.—A Urce inroire of the aMtc cleptnt Ptarn* iow receivtaß. SION OFTIIII GOLDEN HARP. 1C nPAR—I9O or!« oafca&d and for *c.la by 1 ISAIAH UCKFTii CO ocl? . Wut:r t F:t*l m. Genuine BtscUiiter 01C|Xasii* Murphy & durcufield h-.vaWtvtda n^ ply of neat styles of real JlsnAuesier OJughaa-a; ****l!i *° A***-' ‘*anciy ol patterns. Boyo’"sat?atTT \ifCR?HY A DUnCHFIjfLD have received a te' LYI of handsome Fane* Mixed Satinets. for DeW »ear, al»o, Plaid Plain C*siitsereo In great variety. Merino Ctytrtaere*, Kenioeky Jeans, Black Telly Yelvctt,Ac,, at nonh catt corner of FcarJi and Market strstts. . ocJC WHOLESALE JALL GOODS. A. A. MASON & CO, 69 * 64 MARKKT BT., rmucMß.rA., W OULD solicit 6m* aitcimon of. Mctehant* frcra alt seciiona of the eoontr;, to their Isaacs™ Hiock-of New Pall Gcodi, comprjaliig tie largest and most complete assortment In the vrciurn country consisting of ’ a?S oases best styles Prints. 40 do Imported *nd American Giopbams .l3 do Aipaecaa, Par*o.?iia*, and merin>?»- 37 do Ga«bmeres ar.d Itc Lalns; as do Satinets and Jcar«; ss> do UloibaaiidCassiiccraK 70 do Blraehrd Maslist; 60 bales FmuOrla, eJt colors; 57 do tickings, ail grader; .»*> do Oiown MusUits. ben make* Ai*o, ca«cs and pnckagn* oi mi... . Gocdr, Mlihnery do, Tsi)ors» Ttnamir \ h,:e Lsi e*. Hosiery and Gloves. Ac *4-' ‘Bltona, Merchant, are assured, from if.a, ... di.» esiaiilishmetit.of always aroc - * • ** fJ '* n es c( 3io«t d«-»iral.!e geods, asd at prl 'TV nnd itian env rastf-Mi Loui« Belsr R i ftnd cvver ■or large quantities of Dome' / J r ‘ ; no ™=t ireti* egenj 'arly solicit tbs orders of *nlV‘. h /" e / phWea iri'versble in this city r, ■ cnanu i,t “joesucs -<>‘d a. In eastern dtieJ P uS" tr * ■evornmg from ihceax* t R P** *^ ,^Cl or oi tbnt stock *' Me to an examination ■v->.‘R». a^a A A MASON & CO •] 'tbettto'yw* ® HA VING OREAM-Wbeiß j 3 easy v? dM * no; tie Inxoiy of *a feJrel Jm.V Ue > Wf 40 not *Mn*i car lo rendrr «<*’ • Bal °‘ h er* we say, if you with SnaS’a Atm Z •P tea f« ro .PCH-h 3 sc a box of Jul« CrVa«s A ,‘® m,a or Ambrosial Hha-nr-jr “*\«nerty impomble to find words to de- f e . clir -p. °f n perton who baa beeoesed to for th *? ordinary snap, op«.n making trial ofthJa for tbs first time, it la a combination or wonder, sd miraunn, and pleasure. ,BU JULES HAtJhIAS SHAVING CREAM iaexceed. beyd soft aad pi.allc, prodaums on admirable iaib#- and by Its exireinely miw a«urd aUayltur all tion, and preventing that unpietMani MdslS of the sktu which is so ofteu «j penenced alier^h, tng. Gemicmcaaslog Jnle. HuueI's BbavS »L' may fare ms coldest and mnu olerebi*. w?n^ ao medrnie'y niter iu utr withnt,. fi; T 1 0” >»• chopped. And ttoie wst> once it 4ty Will never ttunoT other. ’ c can “Afety, One great advantage, which will ha .....i.,, prcciaied by these who weir wbiikers P ls W'r** 5 * ihat it will not discplot tie wbiJh’w Jf* rt " l will do, living Jn sandy or ibbml^ 011 foopB rdge of tic whiskers. Jules IKuViifSltl5 nca « lu s’c debabifn] preparations coroor.und?!^ 11 ?9 rt,UT1 * render tho opcrsiioji of »bavins annu*^? 01 !' 1 ,0 ” k “ **' WUI mi. Miwidi, Sy '. ™ fi7 Wood st
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers