The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 21, 1850, Image 3

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    : B¥ MAGNETO; JiSld.tJßAt’iL , ttaftriKßlA). RECORD.
lOR Ttlfc P.tTSRinIUH DAILY GAZETTE **» uncium** axcnajiaa.
Sr Loon. Oct. 10.
Tit* police officer* hkve toiiti upoa * K*Bg of
contieifoiters to flay, la a fcouie cn Seventh *'-
On emeriti?, iu:y fc«u<j &j| eogiged in throwing
out ten dollar bit's on ibe Bank of Missouri.—
Three men. McA'er,«<! Borers, were
arrtaied. SSCOO to gio.OCOcoantrifcit niooey
*ere icisec together w.tb tho ijp*. I *, &*-
Ths men ate now iu pr.sou.
Lecisviui, Out. 16.
' Tbe Steamef Federal Area, Capt. Ikwoun,
ttrock 0 aaag veiterday morning at 1 o’clock, and
faofc to tbom a fru water over ber towe* stem
deck* ber bow being ou! of water. She had on
board • llrge lot oi temp for Covington. which is
• total lotk Tbe boat may be raised.
LocismxE, Oct. 16.
- Tbe rleer- i* on a »und, wilt 3 ,'tot 3 in
water in tbe canal. Tbe weather la cool and
Keats hat t-een tec traced to be bttng on tbo£oih
piLADELPHiA market.
I pBLsDKX.tHI*, OcU 19.
Floor— I Bhe market is null, with **"• 500 hhl
Wertera atlsi 816*1 TSj per bbi and 50(Tiaxtra a.
$5 | er tbl.
Grain—wheat la in steady demand at 1050110
for red and wmle.
Groceries—o,-flbij is dnl\ 7000 bags Ria hate
been taken far New Oilcan*, at lasi quotation*.—
Snpera are drooping. Sites fcOO boxes Havana
at »|o7i.
Wool—Tbe market ia ineo'.ive.
Dried Apple*—Sales 200 bnaceia at gi 50 per
bushel. I
Ginseng is In demand nt 37*
Mackerel—Some Nc. l Is idling a! *10; No. 2
at-53,65 per IM.
Whiskey—J« dull at 2-5-r.
Porisicaa—.Me a Pork in rolling at Sll,so,and
prime at 69 per bb!. Bacon and Ltrd have an
upward leodfar.y.
Nrw Your. Oct. 19.
Wc have qo chacga lODotirre in bfeadatufis.
Mew pork L belling at 511011,25 per bbt. bui
clrncd with less hroiocM.
Other articles are the tamo as befcre reported.
New Orleask, Oc.t 1*
Flour—On Wednesday, 1300 barrels were sold
at 5-I*oo tor St. Louis and Illinois, common brands
Corn —Sale* 2000 bus. a! C.'ic for yellow, and 70c.
for white.
Oats--Sale* at .’d>>: per bo.
Provision*—Sales 1000 barrels Mess l\uk at
5)0 per barrel. Sales COO keg* clioico tanl al ' 1-4
per lb.
Tobacco—Prict shave advanced dunag the week
1-2 10 3*4 per !b.
Whiskey—Sales at 2>> 1-Vc per gal.
Codec—lUo hus declined 10 11 3-4 a 12c per
EXTRACT? of Aconite, Belladonna, Colacynth
Cicuta, Hyoseiaroas, ?t**raonin:m. Rba
uny, Tirmtum, Sarsaparilla, Quassia, Hops, Col
chid acei.. and Indian Hemp,
Imported and lor eukjbr
'h a Fahnestock a co
oey _ Cor. Flw A Wood it
MUBTARik— Coleman's Superfine I- ugh* j Mustard'
in keg&,iinpoMed, and firr sc. e by
CJODA ASH—iiS casks Steer* arrmoertar silo
OILS —3 coßi'Ongn.uta, t con Anlr, t can Cinna
mon, I car. C*r*w»v. t ran Cedar, l can Laven
der, l ran SbC<*uu. and 1 can Rosemary Oil, warrant
ed parr, received tar sale by B Li FFLLKR3
oetl) 57 Woo*! st
tARD— ICO. Legs No i Leaf, arming from steamer
Ohio, and tor tale by
DRIED FRUIT—W iicVs rrw Pearlies,
I.'. sacks new Apple*, arriving
trem iteaxer Caledonia. ami fr.r sale bv
TRUNK liUARLA <0 handle* assorted. tor sale by
RICE-S 4 ics fresh l eal, arr vinr. for sa'e by
BUAILDINO— A lew gm-JemeD may obtain good
boarding <-u rcan-nni Ir u:m« at Mr* MeMil
lia'r, inCoh-ursdr Row, eear the Old BnOya, Fede*
rilsueet, AUeetteny city. oc;9:dlw
FALL ~iiO?ILRY, Alr.icci, Merino,»re,
Thibei and Llama Wool boslery. An assort*
meat received *!
-RTURPHY A DUBCIIFIULD hive reMived a soy
jXi. piy Ot goods adapted mourning wear, aneb oa
Blacl t'
“ Cantou Cirahs,
Coburg- and Parmaliea.
Alp«o«. .««"*■»« callut, Ci.T.ti, v^lh
HarakereJleN-ft*- °--
TsKjaiil TABUS BOITtR-i* Kegs and « t»bU,)ttl*
T . L 'S LirtUl " : ” tarC5CS |“ c f £«lE&
(IWVBE «l. -
C~ YRE&M cm.«E-SOO Loirs e *f J ,”‘
; iec ! d and for sate by oci9 J BcANeiLLO
BACON —15 easS* Baron Side*, 9do
gVttKt —a rengral artoranrni o. Ca*t. <»or
*et easag rote.
SUGAR— 3y bbdt pnnir N. ° hu^ar
ni:n ß.w.T«
[?I#OUR— SO btiaS. P. Flocr, j««» »er«
4 0-0 bOnuUt l.t. V_A
VYawr* F:o"t m
OIL- l>
lNl)uW itt atoned «»««, tb«f
m 029 nis "’ Aier tlrefl
O H 1 iris*l>kA \V‘£TRS— A. Unfc n*iort<nenl of 9iU
© wJJIM, and Cotton *b:ru
HOSIERY—* iui< a-entreat o' ladi-« udeMi’
reiti’ Wool*.. More, cowprittns " r y 7 ’“C R T
iaurcedTodhY C yKAfabR
WRAPP.NI* PAPtn—ICO rrJ«re r»* naJ r.imw
wrapping nsedom, doobie rneil I cra ' cr f*{s
■ v “» “ ptn " *RC STOCKTON
“2 r 47 M.rtrljt
-^tDa.uu^-u.'l-^-> , r "VrM-r'» siu.
g-A-tOIATUi ‘^ri'JlNhELD''
u Vat^'li’o
C n if
1 "“ ''“ ,r ' ‘“ r 7o“lNivATT A W
~" -, a b, 'j ScH-Jf/sMAKfIB ACO
PTTTTY ft. PI-TTY KNIVES for ml'- t>r
ftri iii *** j ttcnfx>SMftKF.n ftco
Vi.* •0.-i*Ta N Htciv -io url< FXftin’a. fur »mie by
oca j scuoov'iAKKn t eo
-400 Dixon’* b*»l k i.cud £>'
J( bW ' .>ro,od * w
ftY£P"“' ,KAX ~,,
jp*^ iS oo- Aro
™»SKi v .c.
No CO Wood »IWI
C“TDT2TkiTs tiiAMiiNUS-i <Jo» 'f't’XXV**?*
WJnntoJ* *«“ 1 KiD lL*
L ABD ml - <?£•
JjED i'ri"
-■V.G liiuG -'GI ■- '■■ TnhoßUtic l U! ; :,r - *‘ r lron -
P <■» '“yi b ß Vu.v»
, Raand Cnnreh
■buTIEB-li 1,1, Mia
STARPF.R’2* Mujarloe, No <s tor October, oi foie N° P„°',^Wo7.£
eehanit*, h*« been i»cfite<l at Holree* ijwrar>
j>n o t ihird *»r»wi, (rppo*« e&e Pom Cilice, il» i
«« ABencAti N-*e* «»*led The Oon«pi'ator, e tile
©f Dlintic>bb»yti> I»1an-1, on tho Ohio R>*«.
No B Pleionml fki<l Booh of iho America* Ilo*oU
linn. __ Bn ~*
QOUTisIi-is p WILgoN
oc4 VO Wood n
SAiiMON— Saline si,'for *«Je”ljy
IAKNERS’ oil & LtU l axt tnreJ. (ct sale ly
*vn?T GALLS —itn sutiec-d «r.:i for *Ve t-y
OC( 07 Wool »l
iatent soap po'wnr.e— l3 >u» ite* «« r <aic
re* R £ BELLKR3
SlUbUlu* 4 com «ccct««i for tale bj~
G - IIM ARABIA Lo2F.NcD£S—lOkseloru « iy'
■ ee« J_ R K BEI.M-.H9
JiQUICLS— l cm* ree’d jot ia!e ».y
M ° "^Trr^.tk
TaHROMkJbStTn i VKU-OW-j^vg^.,.
—r-r —wiTM-r SutilQ O.lj VV|.*> »i|t,
O l f*^T*w e Oilfrßr.isei*' <»i‘. *tU New
U..'Ce.' U Ml „ i, T liio butelt
Foot Oilt]** l ™" 11 ,,.,. to trite *ati«f»ci«u •
into a, t»d 1 £ ” ifIKEHSIIAM,
Cor VVoert m*»S«th «:«
YyWNTH* O r3Si equal 13 tho
fcij»*#®* r, ‘ e:i<cr * R n mt«ckton
>iXH6w*w ‘“'t^iMIDICKFA’t CO
%Vnt»f fc Tiont »i«.
—i—rv-^rFTitiipi^l lo Fwton, us7*»3i
. T*.'HT weened Ir ff*X!i. i . f L K acA aiudc.tor *it« ey
J WuoiCafcr J A H tMUlAyps
7 fcfc \VN u
_ ___ trTiivv l'ari' / - TuVpaalta*, a
lfc t >«*«iaaU-T •“‘ J * U PUlU4ra
• c ' g - tffiahT j rat re x. cooraa.
.. orate*PrmaraoH Gizna ?
Monday Baornlog, October El. IRSO 1
Bailorao on Satirday wu moderate, and to far o»
quotatlotij. are concerned, agnneral lameaetapreiali*
ed m aimeat every ihlng. Qaito an aeuve shipping
bua. ota.s was doing, and since the late n*e la the river,
Luftincas along the wharf has preaemeit a cosldcra
ble degree of livcllnaaa.
FLOUR—Very liu-e hat rotnejomard since (he
nse, and oprraiions from first hand* have been very
'united. Qootatloos have given way 10 some exisul,
*ad we may now qnote, in tmall lou from river nod
wnyon, at 83 OMS3,TU, ami from store al f3,7583,a?f0r
good ». f. Ohio brands.
Rbb Flora—From the light recelp'ri and moderate
enppliot* we cau only qooie nominally from store, at
f.T<5203 *5, in a small way
Cots Meat.— Bairs la a entail way, from store and
from the mills, at WOO*. bu
GRAIN—Wo have a tale of 2,000 Ints Barley, 10 at.
r» ve, at baa. Wheal is steady a t tho mills, at 75
has; Rye at 50053 c; Com al 1 ’Ac, and Oats at
from first bonds, and 40049 s from (tore
GROCERIES—In Groceries we hav.» no change 10
Tnake, nor large sales to report A fair regatar Lasi
neu ti doing at foil prices—say, for N O Sugar, 7JO
tjc-r* in quality ar>l irrms Plantation ,Llolat*e«, Aso
3io, S Hdo. 49050 c gall Rio Coffee is stationary
at 13J0l7*c in small lots; Rice In irea, 6} s; Loaf Sugar
9*olo*o 9ft Other aruclcs are genera dry firm at fall
PROVISIONS—Burnn continues preti.r firm si last
qootanon- Sales of tu ck* tveiiem cui id OdasaiS*-
with Si eaeh for esmgs Sals of 57 tea c sm. canvas*
ed bams, stT*c rft 1005 ft» ahoolder* were sold at
Lard has teen Belting ia small lots, at 7*o
071 in LH* and kegs,
BUTTER—Supplies are light, win* ru. uterute sales
of pr.rre at 14015 c, and of common par ked in kegs
and firkins, at !OolO*e 0 b
CHEESE—SaIes 300 bx*, in different lot », at 506* foi
common to prime W. R
FEATtlthS—We nouce a better deni nd, with iur
tber-atra at 31035 c r ft. in a small way
FISH—Hie market is quiet, and with i, > change -
W> quote No. 3 Mackerel *t®7; No Sat St 1. aud No l
at 814.5005 U> *f bbt, ilsmng at l>hl, ae
eonlipg to quality and devcrlpuon
W —A fair rcgaisr bastnos* is daing In rsc*
rilied at 3toSse, cash and tune.
APPLES—We note sale* on the wharf at 7503?e>
and from store al 57091 bbl, for common -tualities
POTATOES—SaIes of t prune article froni atore at
Sl,£s if Mji
Tobacco Crop.
There is i.ouuna doing m the Tobacco trade Tim
prospcei for a good crop u very gloaoiF Tt« severe
iron of laat gutonlay bat been very Otstruruve In
uddiUon to other advices m ihe iame pnrpon, w c have
been favored with the following extrari ei a t*uer
from agentleraan in eo., K> • earntd io’-he
manufacture of Tobacco, whose suicmemt are reiia
hie. addressed to a commercial borne in mis city
“f wish to inform you that a great inisLrutuo has be
fallen car section of - oaniry by the late frost ti has
ruined ail our Tobacco that was not cut and our plant
er* had not saved more than a fourth of ihei r crop.—
There or* a great many wto had not cut aay, and
rome only a small part of their crop l have heart
from three ronutits, and all the Tobacco stanitim has
been ruined by the fit* , In tfonaeqaet-ce of iho fail
ure m toe crop the manufactured article nmtt ad
vance. I wi»h yoa to pul what you have on hand ot
n Inc to 80c I* ft “
W e understand that the arnelr of manutactu red To
baeco refer- ed to tn ibe rxuact above was told twelve
month* ago at luc ao< recently at 15c p Bt —Da -ner
Th* Kars iLDerve—We citract from the Paint
Loots Republican, oi the llth insu, the following far
panicnlars in reference to thi* ilt-faud steamer.
Tho stair Consignee. In yesterday morning, toft Cin
cinnati Tuesday week. She brought round a very
light cargo. Let ber cantos were fitted with potaergers
She passrd the wreck 0 f the stmr Kate Fleming, Mon
day, the 7th insL There were tben very few peraoa*
ta &e Been about the wreck or along shore, si d it was
thought taa 1 - after having got ont every thing ot imme
diate value, and tak-n the remains o! tbe uMortuoct*
sude i ore. tee -vreea bad been desess-d by the
P**B®Af # 7* and ties, an 1 luicne or two persons were
leitrit charge, wto were encamped on shore.
Taa Uen’L Games, in nigLt before last, pissed the
scene of disaster the followuigmoniing.and *»k from
shore in the vtomiry of th« wreck the folio wing per
ions: Capt. Uently, of the amir Gsn. U'ayetie, who,
wr-h the ui i of o her*, bad sescued tbe iron chest, and
which was sanswquvntly opened on heart aoG«t La
faiette, un-j lound io contain every thing tfiete depos
ited .red. Capt B had 82,009 in tbe cbest, which
he toot ooitereian of. as also did otherswhokadmon
ey or valuables thereto Judge Pascball. of ivrk., bad
a parse containing WOO..Others bad sms lerums, and
ll e boat's mooey and valuable p <p*r* were also safe.
«i>d nut loaunsily injured In addition to CtpL Bent
ley a .Mr Lake Spence, Moline, Conner, the mate of
th* K«ve Fleming, arm ins ‘‘reiser, wtta revenil others
—names i,pt ino>vu—were i ken from tbe vicinity of
the wreck, ac-d ine moil of them put off at Pudaeao
A! ■ ,oC * a Pascball. Mr Whittaker Webb,
neiui:<i:, weThtkßLCochran, pastengers on the Kate
tVet-li and 00-hrsn if ff thc-sjA. Jooau Pascball Mr.
Wlttuascr. Brown aod B*Uey eatae on to tr.u city.—
Up ro tbe time tbe Uen Games and Con-ignee passed,
an new discoveries bad been made The two bodies
menuoßCd in our eouce yesterday, ware the only ones
taken from the river Tbe remai •of several were,
however. foanJ among tbe nims &oxe pamaily,oth
ers almost eoarety consumed, and those partially
bornt, so drfaeed as io leave no trace of tkeir.identity
behind. An inquest Sad been field, and dll foandwere
githered op arid eomtnired to a general grave
• STKavaosT Rac veocitt • here H fame feeling en
tertained against tbe Captain of the stmr Fleetwood, on
account of bn charging the Captain of the Kate FUa
in* passage for Himself, his two Pilot*, and Chamb»r
tnaiil to Padacah. The Captain of tho Kate Firming
was severer* u jurnl by the etplosion, and the charge
was ns it by Cnpt Quirrier, of the James Itcwia, a
possi-nger ot> 'iie KmcF omin* Tf.e r i.srve wasJegal,
cip-ority that should exi»! '--riv .n *1 c
Fin» in. Pk.*»t»«rgU,
•if own imporiaUor, dircci
B. A. FaHNEs
Corner of Wood and J
OFFTB for **le of ibet.
from Kuicpe,
Borax. rehncd. in c**n I Act lie Acid
V-r.iry Coru * Powd, kg* Orange Flower \\ tut
C*rb ADTOit, cak* 4 jar* | Uole Aemecta
Parta Green, in caei i Pill Hole*. paneretaboa’d
Kotttn Stone, r.» cuki I do billow
Flour Sulphur do | Cork*, ataorted
Caitlle Soap, in bx* AdheatT* Platter, Eng
Calc. Magneua do Roborana do f#
Cajb. do do Lead do «o
Umc Dye, powd in bria Galbanuw da do
Carb. iron. In k*g» Elaienum do do
Ciinc AC'd, in lb botUet Citrate Iron, Kts*
Pol» Antirai.r.ian« do Preclp, Cart* iron
Aq- Ammon Cone, do Aleppo Gall*
Calomel Cnir do Tipton 1 * Ltot
OU Amber Her t. do Wedgewood Mortar* and
lodide Potaah do Pe»Uea
Creatote While do Oil Lavaoder, Splko
do in ci Tiai* do Garden
lodine Eng in hfib follies OU Origanum
lodide Iron, in o* viaU Ollßosetnao
Conf. Sen* Ihjara Oil B iter Almond*
Di-Carb potash,lb botllea Oil Cajaput
nioo Pill Eng in lb jar* Oil Croton
Ref Liquorice Eoy. tn l»x» I Pink and Blue Saute:*
Wood Naptha in lb bottle* ( Cardamon Seed
Tan. Emetic do } Ralph. Zinc
Pruauc Arid, in orTitM | Hoif*r»'Tc»i«, prepared
Tartaric Acid,in bn I German Rr.ot
Croeut Mania, in keg* l Rhubarb Root
lUdValerian Eng in bale* Pohabing Putty
| Indian Rul oc3
Western College ot aomeopalfcii MtJlelm
Svtunt qf ISSO-'l — Chjri*red 1549.
fpHP. FIRST WINTER SESSION of this Insliruuon
J_ x*iil commence on the Fun Monday oi Novem
ber, end contiune lont months.
Tie Oteirs of lie Faculty we anenacd u follows:
Storm Rose, M.D., professor of Midwuery, eud
Disca*o of H'iibeh end Children.
Ltn»»ug Briggs. M. U, Professor of Principles end
Practice of Surgery.
Chwlcs D Williams, M D, Prmessur oi intutaw*
*nd Practice uf Unawooatby
Ixwt* D®ig-.M. D, Prnfesiot ei Materia MeJica
and Medical Jurisprudence
Hamilton I. Smith, A. M., Professor of Chemistry-
Edwin V.. Wuherel, M.D, Professor of Anatomy
I mud Physiology.
- Jebß Urstoord, Professor of Physical Science.
Claries W. Bell, Demonstrator of Anatomy
The Charter efthe Western College of llnmceopaihlo ,
Medicine ru granted by the Legislator of Ohio,
during in session of I MP-ao. It confer* all the rights
*nd privileges usually possessed by MeJieal Colleges
la the United Hunt, and, unlike warty. colleges, ti
exsita ladzpendsnt or any other lastiuttioa, haviug
in itsell the power to eonfar drgT DC, t ,nd possessing
a eomtnoo seal. .
lie degsccs ore conferred by the Faculty and
Truster • opon the recommendation of the F
The arnoaoi of fees for the fall eoorie anil be BAS.
MRiricoiatam fee, BS —to be paid but ones. Demon
strator's ticket, BA. Graduation fee, B:’U Pereous
wao bava attended two fol coarse* of lecture* in
otber colleges, ata admitted to tha fall worn In tots
Insuiollcn jm the payment of B*o. Graduates of rtv
ipeutabi* medical schools are permitted to attend tha
course ra lbo payment of the matriculation fee onlv.
Uood boord, including room light, and foal, can b«
obtained from Bdu»t3*Q per week. For farther in
formation address. C H Aft D. WILLIAMS,
(jedtdim Jteancffle Faculty. __
(■\OFFEE— 15* bans prime green Rio, in store and
j to anise, for sale by
...ocS- - - 31 Water A-£3 Front st
fTHiAtJ—VG > i chests and caddies of Y. liysoo, Imp.
I u. P., fc»d Bladk Fee*, far shle by
..c? L 3 ■» ATERMAN-R SONS
Si PICES—III begs I’rpper;
1 C bus /.Ijpice, far sale by
L ft wATEaMAN ft sons
- ~B«ii7ng oat At Coat to Cloao Bnilntn,
Al. ARLL looek of DRY GOOD?, for which bond*
mar-rarei, judgement*, gfomud reals, ot real
•slat':, will be received in payment.
JOj*. B, HOGG.
0e 3,1f 111 Wood at., Pittsburgh
Window TrlmmißC*-
RECEIVED tin* day, *1 the Carpet Wureboose, No
t-3 Fourth street and Wood street, i*ord end
Tassel*. Rebar Ends, Rock Pollies, Rollers «“d bists,
for wl„ioo». {<*3) W fdcCLI>TOCK
r'uff:e»n—l?3 b« pruM WTH. Cheese, lor sale by
\j J ft U r b''' u
nfi Tlooad tatatet
SEIiAR:*— •itsi.rj.U r Ammon, f tr *«•* by
J ft R H/W D
VIM*; All—AO br.s puto Cider Vinegar, f«>r »*la *7
BLANKETS—l care on eo!-vt*i mer.t, for sale by
orj J ft, n FLOYD
POWDER— Piikr|tt Blasting Powder, for solo b 7
ecu d ft R FLOV D
LJliaklNU—loo bx« ftf»lcrt ilerrlng, for sale by
UTfla . j-fc R FLOYD
BAU3— 73 jot 'fr/uTeTfow’ IS*?*, tor ial- by
ocl )_ ft It FI.QVD
r'o'wT’IUCF CAp7i'K«*s—hfrCiiutoe!; la- just
j opencdalarge ve*y cbean lotof Carpels, nil
of wh cb are direct tmmth- raantifuctoiers, and will
be sold a* few c* the **m.- ot? ilitv esn be putebmsed
eti»t ofifca Mcsntnln*. ot?3,Foorlb ntrret. oct3
FiOUR— ICA bbts Exits Super Fine Pic or, in Blare
and lor sale by „ . .
octs l s waterman * soNs
Rim —There were 4 feet, 0 inches in channel, at
dusk, last evening, an J at a stand.
Fashion, Peebles, Elizabeth
Michigan, Brica, Beaver
Heaver. Gordon. Beaver
Halite, Bennett. Brownsville
Atlantic, Parktosoii. Browusvllle
Yoaghlcgbeny, Uanupre, Heaver
Globe, Braver.
Cashier. McMillan. Whorlmg.
Milton, Dav,*, 8t- Louis.
Keystone Htair, rttour, Cinciiioati
Fashion, Pecblsi, Elizabeth.
Michigan, Uric*. Besyrr.
Beaver, tiordon, Beaver
Hultic, Bro’ rtt, Brownsville
Atimntie, Parklason. Brownsville
t ou>hii<gheny, llanupea. Be«»e<
<?lobr. He*vct
Wet|«vtHe. Yoang, Suttftib.
Lcwall Fone, Ctnrtnnau.
Cape Mav, Snowden, iHncinaatt
Clipper No. t, Duval, t'tneinntu
Jas Nelson. Moore, Wheeling
Mail Columbia, Green. LouLvllle
Hanna, Benntng, Lonisvtlle
Vermont, Haslell, Pt LnaU.
BRAVER—Youghiogbeny, 4 t. nt
ZANF9VILLR—Juba Denu, Ui * M
WHEELING—Caohiai, io
Sj,. LOUIB-lraac Newton, 10 * x
NASHVILLE—rort Pnu 10 * x
NEW ORLV’. AN C Retrieve, io 4 . x.
The fii>o steamer Cashier, Cepiau. McMtlluo. wu.
leave fur Wheeling tbit day
Foa Mr, Loti* —It will be veen by adverU.emeni
thatXho fine panel steamer Isaac Newton, Capt. B. F
Iluir-hison. will leave this day for St l*oui« and all tn
termediaie port* This fine stmr bat ju*t been thor
oughly refitted, repainted and tatproveJ tbroughoat
aud *he n now, m her general arrangeoieoi, oi.u of the
finest I'tPkrt steamers on the rreer She t* an excel*
lent runner, and her aceontmudations urc superb
For Z*fresvu.t —Ttie splendid lle\v < packetatcame ,
Jahs Dnnii, will leave at above thu day. She I* ttie
only bou for that point to day; and we hope that ber
share of freight and passenger* will be lull
Thm RarKitvs —Tin* i* the name of a splendid new
Steamer, just finished at our wharf She wa« built ex*
prestlyfur the voitbrrn cotton trade, and in her gen
eral rouilrui non she is most admirably adapted l.t
that purpose The boll was bo ill by Wh. Walker; its
dimensions are 140 feet keel, lid ,«<■ t„ n deek.'Jd'ee'
beam. *.*4 feel floor, « feet ude», and «1 feet hold The
engines were built by 3 S Snowden, u* cylinder* ar,.
17 tnebe* nt dlarut’-.r. vr.iii dj i e »i »uokc: Uir .rum
are of wrought iron . she .‘irries 3 boilers, 94 reel long,
and 3? tnehr* in disinter, with a Doctor >o supply
them with wbi*r.
Take the Retrieve nut end out. she is hard io beat
tor (he purpose fur which she is intended, it bail 1
to carry If-UO btJc* Cottunon five lr«i water. and from
ifie peeulisr ronatrueiion of the hall, aud ter tpv<»os
dimensions abuve. we think the will do it with aue
aud safety.
This boat leaves for her destination in lire 3ouih, on
Utl* day nexL See advertisement
WHEELING —PxaJsuas N«ioo*i—J7 bbl, bottia*,
Buffuta k. Co; bx mdse, Arthurs A Bra. bl bug*. Rey
nolds A Shoe; tOO Lbls flour, L*ech k Co; I IS do do, W
Blugham, ISA tiles. Joan Davi*; bolt apples, J Her
bert, 5 bg» flaxseed. Ilaya A Paintei, SO bb:t whisker.
J Hoes.
BKAVKR-Pta K P • 77 i bi» ebreae, IS e*k»
prl tab, 1 keg do. 3 bbls l-uilcr. J Q Canfield, 1.T2 bis
ehrrtc, J A Caugbay; I i>x .caibrr, It Uort, 1 do do. W
Bryar.t, 13 rks potash, Myers A liimu-r; lot nig metal,
\V W YtTallace
Pxa C. U, HtsKaatx—ls bxs rbcese, O Blarkfinrn; 4
bis bouey, R Daizell
Pxa box dry gr-odi, II MjDnvu. *u>.uui
ash hoops, I cech A Cc, 57 Loses efieest-, W A n Mr
Cuteheon; Utfi do do, J DaL-o.i. za bbit flour.Kobensor.
A Reppert; C 2 do do, owner, 100 sacks potatoes. 6 bbls
apples, F A Paid
Pxa CB. Gant.. Tat uia—l47 bl» wool, Grad ACo
a. DOLMikE * EONS)
Exchange Broke**, .No. ft* Market nrcri, near lu i
I’MBiylTMlk. IdtUßt.
BaokofPttubargh ——Par.S;*;*U‘k 41’riacui • (
Fxchuytoßank PajiSauScnp
Merck. A Man. Bank ; Pai Virginia.
BkwfPtuiaJelphia—-rai Exchange ill. of Vt; |
Girard Bank-*— ParlFameri itk.of V*— ••
B»nk ofGermAnuiwß -p»r|Hk. untie Vatic? <*
“ Cheexer Coamy •••par.Bk ot Vira.nj*. •«
“ Delaware Co - - -paijM.A M. Bk.. Wheeling ft
" Montgomery Co. psi do Morgantown • |
“ .>'-pjij.N. W »>»:,* V«
Co'amtiiaßridge t'<*.- * pan do j
DoylettowTi Bank p«i do Par k« W- .tj
Farmer*'lit Reid-c* pai TiautiMi.
Funeri'Bk Uocki Co. ;.*i fi» of 1 <.ui<..vce- •• - 2
Fanner* D’L Lan«:»*'j par Ft; i Her. . i» Bk -
Lanraecei C.\- Lil pa> Planter* Bk 3
Lianc-uier lit -- par Uu.oi. B*.• *•
U. State! Dartk ~~ —• Jo • fillaaowrl,
Browumlle Ek p*r£uußko;AL«»o«r. (
■*U“**^‘ c jaroll».._,
Saaenehanna Co. lit - , hI »« D^ k .l s
BewttrowTf -- - , South Caroll-a.
Mrdc.tiow;. I *
Carl ale '* .Bk. of Ckaria*u»ii. • --d
Cne Bk 0 1 ■ ■oaacere*a.l»k -—•— «
Farmer!’ aod l)n»*«r*' Bk. ofGeutgeioWk t
Bank, Wayne**, erg | Uk.ot Hrjnbcri---• a
lianiaecrt *• Merchant* BX—- t
llouerdal* —•— • | Planierr AMeeoa'rUk J
Lebanon of Sooth Caro.uia • *
PotßTiUe;—• •• “ a«rri»ad.
Wyomtoi I Baiumore Bha par
York Bk • • I BaUm'c AO RRcarp -10
Wes;Branch Rk. \ - t Cumberland Bk.of Alle-
Relief Non* - I *tasy- ; >
Mk Mtll. P.r.» .!.« *•»•' »* rf Mar) l * ' 1
Rcrij'—P.tisL i >'aun-.vl ' .ruer* -i»
AfJ^nr.. < 'y ■ ■ ;;
-taiaßk-tcVlt.'s.-.n.** i r»k
MountPie*<r-. ; • • ' ji nii.lok —.... i
••O’ueß*;! •« Fntajitco Bl I
i**.'.fV» «*uuin*ier ••• • *•
Bk ot Hi Cim—•
< Bk ofltiTer Rat»ee
■ Michigan In*. Co - -• S
'Far. A Meeb'i Bl 3
WlMoaila TtirltNi
Msr-etu -•-
NcwLttboii- •
Ciocuinati Built
Culcrnbus du •
Zaoejv.lla -
Woo«er - 70-M.t AFire la.Co.Miiw 1 * •
Hostfop I ‘ , , Ca V d “-
Sandal 1 TnAi.wlTemU.Dli.----- *
Ueaar» -•••• I O.nk of bngi.ndMoie.
NorwYli ~.70 *4 70 **..*.
Clewel.od J I Oold*S P
-.1... «• iNtpoleon* 3 t-0
0™ I—- “ ~ •'*«• » *•
We««iD “ EmU.oM • id 50
FrenkLnli'k Col.iibn " it. W
CkitlicoUie •—»4‘" “ J)o»iblojn»,Bp.n.*b 18 Ob
l £j. # ... .. m Dii.P.truM II M
Beiol. “ So»erei*n« 1 W
.. —to* —• • s'in
lUsutton —-.13 Fred.r;eke<l*oi»' I‘«#
GnnviMe 00 Pen Thaler*. - • • ’
F.rro’r. B’k Camoa——4o Ten GtiMera ••• - •» wo
Urb.D. - au Lon«»4’or«- 4 SO
Kißtmaky. tieh.ifi*.
Bk of Kentucky » *«» York }p«
Bk-cf Liioi»»lU* •* PV* •• •—— tprn
Norhern Bk. Kcmo'ky *• Iftiun.ora —••• -OP'B
«70« -.r Inur-i.r H’*» __
Tub latent ypvi.v Herc.vcj u»*'d«v. me u
i-.i «i) le Carnet-, direct fr.>in or manufacturers,
x.j wbreb wo invite itjr attention of 'bow wishing
something handsome or'# W*McCI.INTQCK
Our CI-OTHM—On band • Urge »r*t w oil selected
nock of e<-mniuA Oil Cloiti*. which will be void
very low. " McCIJNTOCK
Oct** No 73 Fourth -Irvct
R” I'cVaNM MA'fS-- Just opened, some very'hand
rome style Rags and D«-or Matt*. to wliitu we
Invite ibo attention of pureba-sert
S~ TAfU'U—boxes }o«i re'-rt»i«.i irtrm The maculae
torer, and for sale by H N WICKERMIIAM
ocfT Comer Wood and Aik »i»
lUBIN*S EXTRACT*—Assorted in boxes of one
J dozen each, luij.oned and for tab* by
Oct 7 11 A I'AHNKHTOUIi A Co
if.L MACHINES - Superior Fngiisl. assorted fl
ies, import'd and torsaU ny
00 17 1! A J-AHNKPTOCK A <’o
NOTICE is hereby given. ibat I.eiief>Te a UimenurT
y h»ve been issued lo .besubscrlt-ef*. as ex--«ulori
oftb? last will and ie«tcn eut of Jam'* Me Henry, laie
Of'to# city of I’lUsburgh, Ceeea*«-d. All
therefore, basing claim* or demands ar»in*t me
estate ofaald decedent, are requested lo mike known
the lime to tbcui without delay.
■oto-dariw , Tmsburgb
NOTICE is hereby given, that Letters of Adminis
tration bare this day beta greated to the under
aigoad, on iba estate of JoHu-W. Blair, late of the elty
of Pt-unaryb, dee d. All person* indebted to the
aiid cute arn reqeested to make immediate payment,
and those having claim* against It will present them,
daly authenticated, for aeuleinetit.
RfinßßT IHJNLAV, Jr.,
aspJß-.dlawf.wW lot Market vt., Pittrbotgb.
Setlca of Lattara TiittßSHtary,
VroilGß l« hereby given, tbat Letter* Tctiamen
i/l tary on the estate of Seth Matthews, late of Al
legheny city, deceased, have Das day been granted
to the undersigned, to wnom all permit* indebted i»
•aid estate are requested to make tiatnedlrie payment,
and those having claims will present them, duly
authenticated, for sett enent.
septftwdtT 3W Liberty si. Pittsburgh
NO. *9, LIBERTY STREET. PITTS HU ROM. opened his Mprliig fltoci, con-ming of o »-
ery de«rttpil'»n of fiOOD* suitable for city u » is
Tl*e Cloths, Cass.meiev nnd Veslir.g* lut« been selea
ted with great cart from iflo lair*t importations, an.!
comprise a pan o! every thins that I- new and band
some for MERINO and UL'MMER-AVEAIt- Tl.cassoi •
menl of Vr*ti».jts is unusually large and . !»ued, noth w
style and cani.ol be «xc*iUJ--,i •untiled,
by any other astahlisboimit to this Mr?, tiilici ui
m, ooasvTtrr, os rerra.
A ho. a now siyle of TWEFU CAKSfHF.RM, adapt
«d (at Uiuinesv Coals and Par.i* Saramor Ooodi ot
every description, such to Twuids, Cashoiexett*, Ita
Uui Cloths, I)rap d’Etee. *r 'l7ie entire stock will fo
vorably compare vriui nr.y stock of goods upenes
berntotore in t'Utiboryh , \
Mr. j. C. Watts' well known skill and ta*tr at
Cotter, will prove an ample guarantee to oJt wbo may [
favor this criALlishmeDi with their orders, that they,
wilt bavo aa good and fashionable work ■* con be*
produced by hoy lieii«e in the Bast, and nl moch low
ta j.fiees, •* have boon acknowledged try m»ny who
bare tried both. I woald ftrribcr mue- that I will for
inch a* good ond fa»h!nnabla GooSs ns can be louinl
in <be Eastern market, and nl mnrh lower pncea
• larse and general assortnicm of r*«dy mode c|o»k
mr Is on hand, msdc m the l->*hlon»,
CloVvof a”lssbionsble color.-. PANTALOONS n<
«VcW description of pl*m p -n J lancy Co»-u»cf** nl the
, rio'h', f-attinrt AtidSuruccrtioo h, Venj
L“rtnr brvt Matins and bilkviplnm nnd fnnev MurwiilcX
ClMbv, Casbnivie, Ax: and other aruclei >•> me ‘ '"tb
r • line. All lir.rracnW made r.t »t>yc mroHdis
. bc%ut.n d m^ e^veoodwoI cm tt ,UU-,.,,
•rf sold low ««rr 0 r Wsiibb emplryc.d. nnd
| , u K£r P }s. A l SSi- made o. above.
MtKTlyft oV,'PlTTsßl'B'..l' StNOt*—PsEfBYTRIU*
a* Our School —The meeting wn* opened with
prayer by llie Moderator.
The minute* of the preceding meeting were read
and adopted.
'I hr appeal from Hie Presbytery of Beaver, rela
tive to ilitr rereplivti **f a minister without exurutoa
tton, was isken up.
Speeches wore madem behttlf ofthe Presbytery
by ibe Kev Mmiy; Buslinell and Cook, and by ;
the Rev. A S. MrMaster on behalf of tho appel-
The uppelliinl* were almost unanimously sum-
The consideration of a judicial case originating
m lie church of Indiana, and doming before the
9ynod on nu upped from the decision of Blairs
vuie Presbytery, wu made the orde# ot the Jay
for Monday, at one o'clock.
The following lut dt devotional eiercise* was
taken op
l*l—lnvocation and P«nlui or Hymn, by Mr.
'•ittd—Prayer aud Pniim or Hymn, by Mr.
3d— Reudmg the ‘Jd chapter of 2d Timothy, witli
bnet remarks on the ul the Ministry, and
fcildertinp. by Dt. Oilworth
Mb— Prayer* and P*aliu or Hymu, by Mr Muni
otb—Kradtng the Vud chapter of the Acta of the
Apostles, with brief remarks on reviving influence*,
by Mr P.u*hneil.
Cth—Prayer and Psalm and Hymn, by Ur A. B.
<th- Reading the Kith chapter of Jolui, with
ef remark* un fraternal unity and low, by Itev
Robl, Johosiou
tub—Prayer aod Pealni or Hymn, by Mr.
Hlh—Benediction by Lir. lierron.
Dr. A. S Magill, said that tbo Synod bad now
among them a venerable tathri in Gmt, the Kev.
Win. biltnii, whose connection with the Preabyte
nan church had continued utuniernipted for more
than tiaitn century Before many more ewsious of
the Synod bad been held, that Father’* Voice must
be, ni the course of nature, hushed its death, be
would move tbit Mr l), should be rMpectfuily
requeued to sdiirom tin- Synod at it* nest «e*-
The niotiou wa* r-arnt-J unanimously
The meeting was ctmrd with prayer by l»r
Thk Bai.riuoai: \su Ohio Rau. Hxub.G- By an
advertisement m another co'umn, Ibe reader wil*
ste that all the remaining nnlet sections of that
great work are to be let to contractor* on the 24th
of November next.
Taa Cnto*rct.«, ot Saturday, copies from and
credits to tbcTnbutie, two articles wtnoh ibe lat
ter paper pirated from the Gazette. We bavu oo
doubt «ur gentlemanly wrote mporarv did not do
os rajusii w mlentlonaily. There is no use of coo*
plaining »a regard* tbe routseof lhoTnbutfe,fb r ,
the whole reading com mot it y must be aware that
it freqoemly has ctcrc than a edema of extracts
Iron the various city papers which is inserted ns
Decision. Judgr Mct'luro delivered bis nptn*
ioq oa Saturday, :n ibe case of the children of Mr.
and Mrs. Theodore Wr gbt, noticed iu Saturday's
Gsxette. Tbe youngest child ws< left with its
mother —Ikd little bey, John Wnght, shoot live
years of age; was handed over to his tamer
Kajs. —Tie quanta? ot ra;o wn*h fei* on Tbor*
d»y and Friday nu aa laliawa
- Inches
TeOlliof ao inch.
October I 7,
.*C4J Conn a Can.— V’tuijtnon c»‘ Law tf
mi Mavci* —Rien or ArrEaLlJcntCD.—Mra*rs.
Oa&wl I. Marked, Tkoffia* McK*«, and Robert
Gnawed, (Meiabera of ttc Po!!e« r'-otromiec •
sight watch ) were luorgbt before Jodgc McClure
e& Saturday,on • a.tapir moa;u tor livtf di«rb»tge,
whtci, tfie Coort of tjdtner Senioo* it Kit -
tog, baa. Hy art of Aautnbly, all i&e lorce o!a wnt
ifbebeoa c-urpue.
Mr. Kobo, Solictor, uatcd that ibu delrad
anta bad been imprisoned by (hr Mayor tor ao ai
jail, and were kept there, tboufh, aa wool'll'be
Ibuwn by an afiJaTll of Captain Naytor.bat! Ear
to appeal had boen rffered. Barker bad.however,
related nl: t.a T, and the de'eadanta nad i&u* ocea
deprived 01 what VU their eon-JUUl.onal ngbl,
4 rnjl fry a ’toy •/ iAe«r «w t,:rymm U w»a for
the rent; to determine whether they weni legally
irapriaorrod or oot- They did not deny the uia*
before Barker, the jodamrat. nor the commutnrif,
Sot aiwrted ibnl t»ait far au af»j»*"! nad !mvo feu»
dr red «C-t reused, i 6li» I aef Bad no Cpf«K(iir-.*T,
i m- t.'<>un *i.d not , :.l iiowio* itial tao
Major baa June wrua* sad v. julil I* compelled
io bo id jail ud*’l the Ooott nii't. He referredito
4th Bacon's Abridgement, page 495 in ivpportof
cisop.utofi, that tno moment bail was refaard, »he
imprisonment became illegal. He also o:trd Ut,
Aa&mead't Keps. page 4SO, to prove that the com
aiUlug magistrate could noi refuse ea appaah—
Theta was do wsy to reach the pretest case save
by by a Ortnwari, and as Hm Hooor was aware,
oa it iboy won Id be confined to tnaUeiani toftc,
tod of 1* w, 11 Ibe Mayor chnsulo violate his oalh<
and mate out a false record. Him as they ootlld
,aotfO behioil it, it' drawn up m legs! orai. they
had w remedy. Ho bid enabsMled toe committee
not to mist tu this remedy, aa they could not rely
on Harbor, lie wanted tho facia brought belbie
■ jury of twelve honeat moo. The defendant*
were freemen, emitted to a fair trial, and tbc court
being bound to do |a»uce,mu*i discharge them U
might be slid that ibe prisoner* had their remedy
against Bitter, btn that functionary bad often be*
fore denied the right of appeal. Kepeated eulle
had been brought againat bun for ibis and other
offences, but tie stood io so eo viable a position that
be bad nothing to loso. Hu bad no character,afid
waa perfectly reckless. ~ He had entered into uo
bond for tlie faithful d faebarge of bia doty, and thua
they were without any remedy save a criminal
ooe. Tie defendant* were illegally imprisoned’
and be ashed for their diaebare.
The tiou. Chaxlea Naylor said ihat upon a viait
made to tbopriaon in the morning, upon busaoeaa,
he was addraaaed by the prisoners, with the re*
quest ibs) bo would take tho necresary measures
tor procuring their release, apd gl thweamo lime 1
to tecore ibw great end ol jasbee—that, be foortd
upon aa examinattoo of the committee that each
of the prisoners was charged with the tame otfenoe
which wu as follows —sgainst Mitchell, and the
saroi* opsiest tbo others:
"Uooioi E. Muoheii, charged on oaih of John fore J use pa Berber,Mayor of emit city,
wub molostiog’and ln*olUcgthe said John Mon«
than while in ibe performance of bis required du
ties as a watchman of Iho oily of Pittsburgh, and
after a beariog is legally convicted and sentcaced
to pay a fine o< $lO and the coats, and in default of
payment ha is committed."
.. Mr. Naylor said that be next applied to the
counsel of Ibe Mayor fcr infommiion as to what
Ordinance they bad beenuonsicled upnn,iad was
pointed to the following, which ha read—
Ordisanoo of 26ih March, 1836, Digoat, pago
"Section 13. That any )*reon anemptlnß to
tnimjc tbo cry cr sighs] instituted by tbo waich*
men, or Ural anaJl moicai or insult them whiir io |
iha performance ol their repaired duties, shs'J be
convoyed to ibewoteh boose, and at tbtfpTOpen
time to the Mayor's office, when lh<*y shall be IU i
Wo to an imprisonment aa disorderly parsons 6>r
any term not exceeding ten days, or be subjected i
to a penalty of from two to tea dollars, a( the dis
cretion of the Mbyor.” I
This Is the ordinance, i-onilnaeil Mr. \
which the Councils ssy « repealed, and which.
Mayor Bsikcr rsya can*°» be repealed, but wit lout |
coucernlSK ©orw-ivr* wiib ihn inquiry, and lakmy 1
U for granted thoil is In full furcc, •• Mayor B«t* |
her ountrnds, kl us conic to the point. Here
prisoners .In not only *>k for release from itr.pnJ* .
oi>incDl t.u: ita-y ask VJ have tho right of Iwug |
lriu.l by n jury lor Urn oflrncos for wiuch they are 1
imprlicncx. Have th*v »h*i right i - j
Hero IS tho ««»»» wrernWy giving it to titei*— ,
(Digest of Ordinance*, pp i
Act of Amimbly, i*nti*'nl f "A further Suppler I
meat to an act entitled, ‘ A “ act to inc.>rpontut ihc 1
city of Piunburgh end for.othcr purposes,'” fsmv I
od April 15, lb3T>. ' |
“And provided further, That in all inmtnary
conviction* under ordinance* where lines, forfeit* j
urea, ortfflpriaonmonl aro inflicted, tho person or!
parsons convicted, may appeal to .he next term I
Ofthe Mayor’s (.'ouit of a«id city, witbiQ ten ilsys
af,«r eonvHiiiott, on entering a •cctirlly, approved 1
by ihe Mnyof, cr atd« imen before whom tun con-,
Vienna has t*«ei> ♦r.iereri.
By the ot Assembly of tb« I2ih o| June, 1
1 to be f.iuiui in the istoe digest, pp. Of,. \:.u
Mnsni's (l.jurt ws* tbiUcbed, ota it.c jurism-rtiun
iiolniiginu i.ithai was vested in Uiu Court of Qoar
lei Svjsaloni.
Sio that now tb* defciwlahta aio remued ihefr
right of appeal Io this CJoorl.
Now whai is me t-n-e before Court 1 Here aro
threw men, arrested, drsggod before an
rficer, cowettitd, senu-oued io pay a
tae ol i©a dutls.s <■•»'o, •' | d imprisoned for not
immediately paying tbr f.oo sod thu r«te.
Withoot deputing tbc nrilinanto, or aatlirjr up
its repeal, hoi meeting tbs officer op bis own
ground, t*ting; it for granted thal the ordinance lr.,
a* (be Mayor *a|*. lu fall force, denying coining,
they simply uk wr *b« jigbl to their appeal—a
riftt ao.etnolT provided for them under the law*,
and by the law*, wb*ce me Mayor himee.:
derive* all autbortiy-<he right tana appeal to »
coon and jory of their fellcw men for trial.
Now, thus aubmitling to be arrested, fined, and
imprisoned, and bdnf allowed and aacurrd r«»
for tbeir appeal to the Coort ofQ-tarter s■:*.
Biona, have they done all ihey could to gel their
appeal, end have the appeals been denied them ’
Tney were fined and imprieooed yesterday, aod
to day they songht to get their appeal and let u*
aee witb what effect.
Here ww read the following affidavit:
Mtvjor, Aldervun and Cituejuqf PtUiburgh, v.
Daniel R Muekfl~-f&thtc Mayor Barit rr: prose*
couon under the 12th aeclicu o t the ordinance ot
Pillebaigb, pasted March 2G, 1533. end fined ten
Same v», Thomai MtKee— Sane penalty.
Samevt Raltrt Crerwett—Same penalty.
Charles Naylor being duly aworn according ti>
law, nya (hat on the 10th day of October. A. IX
1890, be repaired to the office or Joseph Barker,
E q . Mayor of the City ol Pittsburgh. in company
with Ber jarnio Lotion. and iu behalf of each of the
above dtfeodanu, tendered an appeal for them rv
apsctivel; j that he offerecT'he said Benjamin Lut-
Un aa surety io the appeal. Depooeot read par*
tioularly the act* of Assembly giving to the *aid
deleadacla thoir right of appeal, and explained, to
iar aa tho Interraptiooi of the Mayor would per
mil, tho Haid acta. He alio exhibited tto annexed
autboria iiona from said defendants os bia (D;po
nent’s) warrant for offering the appeals, but the
Mid Mayor Barker positively and peremptorily
refused to take the appeals, declaring that he bad
finally sentenced the men, and that be would not
permit them to enter bail, nor wootd he permit
them to appeal. Deponent talced him (said May
or) whether'he objsrled to the surety," and he
replied.‘No’ I will not permit on appeal; l look
opou toy ar-iiteoce a* find, end I will not farther
interfere With it,"—or word* to lbal;rffe-1.
Sworn and subscribed Ibis 10th day of O. iohcr,
A. D 18*10, in opeu court, by Judge McClure.
Annexed U> the affidavit wet* three warrant* for
the dofencanis, who are in prison, authorizing
Mr. Naylor to have bad eofere-1 for them.
Here we nee that this right so positively «nd
undcn' secured by law, m llstly denied them,
denied (hem withoutibe pretext of reason or ex
oust, denied them without any one human being’#
having the hsrJlhood to say that it ia uodbe-r
right. And here ve jer (hem lying in prison be*
cause of the Jemtl of a right—a ouns'JtuiioDsJ
right—* right pointed out by a few plaiu worda
in the ac: of Assembly, an clearly set forth a* to
put it out of the power of any one, whether fool or
Icoave, !«• say that ibe right does not exist, yet the
Mayor, who ia a maniac, had committed ihe de>
feodanta u» prison. Were they to be sacrificed to
the ravings ol a maniac i
The f’-ourt ot Qaarter Beuiona, to which the
appeal wta made, Had the authority and it ia their
duty, awarding to the uniform and universal pur
two, in such cases, to order that such appeal be en
tered, to discharge the Defendants from tbcirmost
outrageous imprisonment, and afford them the op
portunity of a trial by Jury, to which tboy are ao
dearly entitled and which all concede to them.
{!• was suggested by the Court and by Mr.
Baowdeu, Counsel ot the Mayor, that the Dcfro.
dant had another remedy by certi arnri, and that
(t would be well lo sue out that writ.)
Mr. Nnylor denied that a cent aran was a rem
edy. He Mid that that wnt only dealt with the
errors apparent on the face of me record—ads
dressed Itself to the legal mind of the Court, lesv.
mg the great subject at isrue UQtoucbed and unaf
fected. He said be had been appea'ed to by ihc-e
Defendants as he waa passing through the prison,
that he had examined iolo the case, ascertained
the offence with which they were charged, and
for which (bey had been illegally fined and impiu*
: cued. He found upon examination, that the law
had pointed out the remedy—the remedy they de»
aired anff would have—a trial by Jurv ; that the
law had pointed put to them an tpjttal from the
jodgemeDt of the Mayor, to a Jury of the country,
•arts remedy, and he would intilt upon abiding
by the law and its directions, and would secure
that as the baaiatostand upnu, and the righteous
verdict of a Jory of twelve men.
Hera was the right to appeal plainly given. No
man attempted to dispute it. No reaion or excure,
no pretext of reason or excuse waa given, or could
be given, or waa pretended to be given for with
holding (bat right— that was (As remedy, the truly
complete remedy. A remedy putting (ho charge
upon the very ground upon which ii waa made, a
remedy provided specially for the very case, by,
(be act of Aaaembly, on which waa founded (he
ordinance under wntcb the penalty was icfldwd.
An appeal has been dented. In order that three
men of tbs community .should be (brown into pria
oa, and there kept. 'Ao allowance ol an appeal
secures tfceir freedom. »nd a trial on the charges
made against (beau Yet they are kept iit prison,
and on man pretend* to invent ao excuse ior iL |
la ail r.ata iiereiosore, ever beard of for illcgsl 1
acta, then- baa fern some pretext or excite in - I
vented for themtf here tber i ia ncoe. No evasion
can avoid the positive Jirrction of the law. The >
Mayor dost not sod cannot even Invent a pretest
excusing tbe illegal ly ol the act
Mr. Saowcen, who appeared for Bsiber, made
* d " el ‘ OD r 'K bt wiach
'f i all bailot which be
did not JypOTlCa*;^i.-*'rfrc.a. w .. r-rr—*-
asked Mr. Snowdeu repeau*.>_», -j
ana’rv tone ot voice, why Barker Lad refused what
was so clearly in accordatce with all law. He,
however, refused to di*chargr them, though fc
aaid he vaold do so if a certiomri were taken
Tb« pnsowr’i counsel declared ch*t 4*. in ibru
oalaton, (bat «u not *bv I'M' «ea«Sy <o sorb
cases, ibry wool d not do n. bot woold advise too'r
clienta to go id J«il no til MonJiV.
were accorJtiwly remanded to prison. We uouet
•taad that ihcy will be brought before !be Uistrut
Court iht» morning, on a writ of Uabeaa enrpoa.
BT>i) ihp*r Counsel appear to bo i-onfideol of »uc»
Ha* no parallel in permanently caring and ciaJi
catlor ftorn the erstem all
Ii will eSertaaliy eradicate from the criirro and cure
Soil Rheao.Ruifworm.Tetter.Scaia Headj Drop«y,
Konrvy, While Swelling*, King's Evil, Neuralgic
Attentions, and ail
And Obstructions. Barrennev*, Whites, Fluor Albu*.
Falling of the Womb, Nervous, Sica Head Aclm,
1-aagao*. Fainting Sensations. Palpitation uf the
Heart, Ixw Bplritt, General Debility, Dyspepsia
I .leer Complaints, Ac.
It la Purely and Ewilraly V«|aUbH<
tt ha* been used with the most signal sure*** t<y
th; t’roicsuon in New York and New Hampshire, and
the Roi’.na State* generally, for mauy pears—and «n
• genera! purifier or the Mood ami invigorator oi the
• r*irm —as » Genuine Family Medicine and an efli
raciout Fmi ale Medicine It haa no equal The purity
and cAeary of the Shaker preparations are well
, known; and this medicine require* no long lirtoi
ceruncates and cure* to Introducs it: us loerrwuig
demand 1,-r the past twelve yean i* iu best revoui
It ti put up IU q«art bottles, a-iJ is the onlr Sana
pariila thei acts on the Liver, Kidneys, and IBihhl at
the same ituie, which renders it altogether more valu
able to rvery one, particularly to female*.
Dr Ma*<ey, Proleaaot iu the Ohio Medical College,
tayv the Shaker preparation* are truly valuable, and
recommend* them to the public The sick and afflict
ed are requested to cell and obtain a pamphlet, and
uarrhasc u bottle of thia valuable Family Medicine
i(iisrias4iarsir</»r Dr.B. D.HOWE'S 911AKEB
SAKHA BARILLA. and take no other.
Pi ire 91 per bottle—d botllea for 9d.
For sale by J. A. Jones, J. Schoonmaker ft Co-»
W, Black, ft W. Meant, J. M. Townsend, J. Mohler,
W. Jaekvon, Pit»baivk; D. A. Elliott, Allegheny ally,
W. R McClelland, Manchester; P. Crocket, Browns
ville; lame* Paall A Coi, Wheeling; J. 11. Patterai.ii
and K. ti. Morgan,St. Clairsvllte; M’Bean A Knox,
t'adiz Alw, tor sale by
DK. S. D. UOWE ft CO., Proprietors,
I Collage Hall. Cincinnati, H ,
To whom all orders mast be addioesod.
laprevsasati i» Dsatlitrri
DR- ti. O. STEARNS, late oi boston, is prepared to
mntactuie and set Blocs Tbxtu In whole and part*
oi sets, upon Auction or Atmospheric Saetion Plates.—
TooTuaetta cciu> in mi MtNOTK*, where the nerve ts
exposed, offlee and residence nut door to the May
er 1 * office, Fourth street, Pittsburgh.
Rare* t«—J. 11. M’Faddsn.F. 11. Eaton tatP
I Funtiv.Jr., Bee*y. | R.MIhW, Jr., Pres'l
WUI Insure against alt kinda of nska.
ALL loeees will bo liberally adjusted and promptly
A home Institution —managed by Director* who are
well known m the community, and who are determin
ed by promptness and liberality to maintain the char
acter which they have mourned, as offering the best
protection to those who desire to tic Insured.
DtaacTons— R. Miller, Ji, Geo. Black, J. W. Under,
N- Holmes, Jr., Wm. B- Holmes, C.lhmsen, (*eo. W.
Jackson, Wm. M. Lyon, Jat. Lippiucott, Thos. K.
Lilob, Jnmce M’Autey, Alex. NLmtcK, Tboa. Scott
Oirtcx, No. 09 Water streot, (warehouse of Spang
ft Co . op stairs.) Pittsburgh iu4:dlr
J. Flnasy, Jr.,
Afrnt for ikt Ptmn Life Iniutuuct Vo. of Piiiij.
UKHCE of the Western insurance Company No.
ini Waterstreet, Pittsburgh.
Peciphltu, with all necessary information, and
qlana forms will be furnished.
HusbAiids can insure Uiuir lives for the beneht of
their wives and children; creditors the lira* of their
The whole proGts of the Company arc divided
among the comers of Life Poticio*
The dividend* of the past tww years have been c<tb
ty per eentjsaoh year. letW
a.ctm.txa.l (n. M.narxt.
Corner of Wood and Third sis, under SI. Charles
Hotel. Pittahnreh. Pa. tayj.wl S
fftms benoufnl style ol Hat i* now received, and
J will be Introduced on Balnrdny.OlFi in*t, by
niiß-A) Cor. Fifth ft Wood *U.
* t bxs Wiodow Ulius, assorted, of city
\T and bc.ii coautry brands, for *ale by
InON-tto tons acconed, for sale by
SOLKT/TiaJHUU— sun iMm heavy and nmla
welch'.* Knaaiih Sole LrMher, for talc by
o-“ l, * WATKRMAN fctfONS
M (IRK1 3 4 HAWORTH, in tbc Diamond,mo wil
ing rxcoUcm Tea, at
SO of pir Ib,—TRY IT 1 1
Sil MOLASSES—W bbla Si Louia S U Syrup Mo
l»roe«, >u»i received and for iale l>y
oct" AgentJSi Loai* stieta Sugar ReOntr7__
GLUfc—6 bbu'oo hud and for tale by
c-r 7 fl r» WICffESSHAM
CSEEsfi-46 bases prime qaalTr*. far aaieW
Packets arriving at aaddepnrtlnj; fr*>m
the Port of Pittsburgh.
i Tiie Bue fast ronniur steamer
iM’Miilin, muter, will let vc for shove
K -I <l all intenur-dinlf :<cru vu Oii*
day. *hc 81 »t in*i. at (OoVlork, A. M
Eiir fmaht or t-a»-aac. app!y_or> board oeu:_
k Tne-plrndut mulfgnrnnniiii;«tennieT
rg John O. Uavis. ma*ter, wilt leave for
BgcfesffiSaftyifae above and all intermediate ports
j£B:t'iUo*y tba.iri»i ta*C
For freight arpsasage apple on t-oard. nr to
fl H> KR, Art.
'Tile nieemficciit ucaeifr,
ifjgftSfttj .Vjfllet. rna*ter. will leave for
ihiv 't»v. «t4tf o'o|oci, *.‘Sf' ~ *
He freixl‘l or apply
iy ou LoaiU. ordl
b. The apltmitd MW meanicr
Lic-iiis***? JULIA nr.AN,
—Capi. Gullajher, will leave thi* Jay.
wrt'liiriiifflPfor above, ai In o’elnes A. SI.
For ireifjJii or apply on board. oral
—The fpleodld n-w iif'Ut draught
wAnERE**’ W. s Nell, loaner. will l<a»c for
QSUESUBB rw Urleajii and all intermediate
pouv and fcr Mobile, t'en*ecnla, turn
Apalncbi<*ola, and foi O'dumbns.Georgia.ou i!ui Jay,
ibe -jui inMan>. at iPo'r ock, A M
For Ir.iißhl c*r pa»*a*e, apply oc bonnl. nr 10
irjfr t Copinm H*7:eU,
0T R r*i fcH inier-
lu o’clock A M
lor freight oi |i.ii*kKe, ipl.; vmi or v>
»»•« J NEWTON JdN'lls, A S em.
KOU ST liOlls
>t>av<* nn<l inlorn'cJmit. j.otl* ( .it
=-. Uib ii«T, «l*l In,l . al Ml A. M
p«*»ffe, apply on brnr.l or io
o*:t --J._ .. J NEWTON JONKS. A?l
The splendid Ai.uumr
in‘|| urn , »i 1)1 u'cli'i‘l. A M *’
Fur ln:igLt or )>«»n*e, upply o.i l>o.<r>l.
Captain John Rieminqhau.
>v lout wu puill t.JT (!.•
} |U j_, J owner* of tie ileuscr ]«»•> Newton.
■ and ot tr.rr, for (be Chumhiimu
BfSMKgffiatf ;*iHi>buri;b Pecfcei 'topic, hdJ xviil
leave every WcdjjKtnUf, for Cincinnati, i;i piooe of
itie New Ki.eiaiul, No. 8. • ¥
For oripacitfe apply on board, 01 to
The *w;ft j>s**cag<v neanier
Robert a. Major, master, will leave IMutoreh every
Tuesday, Thursday, mh! Saturday n-uniuir*. for
Wher'iiif, a! lOoVock. A M Retununr will leave
Wiieeitn* Tor PutsLuign every Monday, W*Jn,
and Friday, st a A. M_ hcghC
w The splendid steamer
Ctrl. Hsitupee, will ie:ive tor above
E2*iSSHS3BSttaiiU all intermediate lanmi,**, every
d»r,ai4 o'clocs, P ,M.
For freight or passage apply on hoard.
tv The steamer
*Stp£yj3jjE_M'Millin. master, will leave lor lie
®OsJKaK2EfiOal/ovc a&J all tnicMuediaui (aridities
this day, «t 1 p M.
of panose, apply on hoard.
j*ao- p. The 'ast raining strainer
f ft ! WELI.KVIU.E,
mteTiW Ca P' B. \ .ung.wlH run as a regular
wwynwr<aaipackct hciwreen Pimharjh, wired,
ing. Bridgeport, j, ni } leaving fV.trt.unth every
ft.onday auaroaon, for WelLville, rftttthmviUr, »od
~ 1 Thursday afternoon for SteuLen
vil e, Wheeling, Bridgeport, Captma/and <nnf..h,
Rriarmng, leave.. Bridgeport au* trttsfijh every Tot*,
day afternoon, and Enafitb every FriJaf aTtemncu.
For freight or passage, apnlv nr hr cri, or »«
Mfik 1850
CONTINUE lo f/rwai‘l fieipbi loTiiuh<u,: 3 v,»
Hail Road Canal.,in very,re»soual>lr .em.-
“' l '' l? 15 " Oie u*ua) dr-naidh. from obt la'gr ,iey..L
Ay V.d ,Vs rke: slier • Philadelphia, fofoieri; oc. up.«-3
by Mer.r*. B.i.’juw Je. Dork. ’ '
•agvy.unn ft \V rOIXPKXTKR A CO
| Exohwlvwly (erPmrcyrTV,
Time through, —Karo—-Sid
ON an mmv Monday, Sep'.fttf-or ttili, two d-d/
pactrt Hm»n will leave (q/ Johnstown, fiota
tlenee take *p!endtd flew rhr7 -.M; - ia:U* ili:ee; to
FT,it*<Mrhm, paMing over the nr" Frnmylvimia
Rail Roe:!. b*irij ona*r- the very best in lt» cncn-ry.
Tlie loereaaed t[»«*rj by fl,!- rout? date* .: if.o no- 1
o* wrll ai the moat ci-mforial.;? nr.t ic tl.r
m«iern nUi*«
A Pucici Un*t r.;:: leave .-veiy ii:-H'.ii>*
I ’ l i‘<».vV-- Ko.l lli-.J i* par *e fin duf >?M
f..r i't(fp«s •-! ii'i'etirtßunc spi^j'.v
\V !*IIYIU. Monocgaknla Hau.oj
ft. - «J 1J I.KVXII i CO, t.'AtiiO ltec.n
n'bAObOAUttiiA UtiVSßi*
OBty 71 MU <8 frt»gl» ; S.
Via Drownjvill* and CembeLcud U' Uatoißor# and
- • ■ ' PiOiSlyl.-'t-V
Faa* to DAt-tiMt'tt*- —■■ •• • ——Jt’J W
t.<j. Pciia.urL>au - i- W
TtJIF. oornlnc boat leave* the whar£. the
bride?, dally, at d.o'clock preiiyV.y. Time w
Csluiuorc, H Stoat*; lime to Puiladeiply^ fc 'luh»)ar»
Tie evenlßg bolt leaves diily, Teacup; ev
emit'-'*' at 6 o'clock. Paajc.nger* 1} icaiiui*: on the
eren.u:- boat, will crosr the mountain* in stage* util
dxv, sho* avoid ulf|H travel.
Sccuie your ticket* a! the OOiee, Alor.ouitflhclu
iiuu-i: or SL Cbarle* Huief.
Vstt-ly J.MESmiIsN, Ayeni
-iSi. lSst>-
(Beaver Point,) .
PACKETS, lowing and flopping between Pittsburgh
and Rochester b) *l**Ji» boat* Latte Erie,
and Dealer. . • • • .
fry Hood* receipted aiid promptly delivered to «u
place* on Hi? Cuual" and Lake?, at me - loweat ruK*.
Shipper* will pleace Uivaet eooshMo '‘Btdwell'ii lone.’
Water at. Piwbnrgh
State .faatnal Fire Insurance .Company,'
mill: vrry Überai patronage e.xtended tn thi* com-
I paoy, having titued pollciei to the amount of mtur
One and a Half Million of Dollar*,dunnjt the l*-*l
three month*, r« artheleiii tnaxufematron of IUo e»u
toaUon and eouJideoec of the pohlic ui the ay*Sem of
mananemenv an which It* baaineaa t* conducted
To ciiv or country merchant*,and owner* t>f dwell*
Ine*. and Itulatcd or country property? ll “ believed
ihu company atforda advantaava in polntofcheap
n«M, aalety, and aeeorily, infenor to no Insurance
Company in ihu country.
Conduored on the equitable and greatly improved
ayei*o»ofOlea«U»eationofßl«ke,e*cludiural | «j>ccl«l
haiard*, irtaurinf only a limited amnanr in airy one
looaliry, ihus precluding tbo frequency andoccnrreucfl
of large nrca,ntd ul*o on both the Sleek and Mutual
plan, it noi onlv po*»a**ei the eheapuen and lecom*
tnodation of both method*, but entitle* the maured to
a partrcipnuou tn the profitt.
li i* under the control of the following Dimeter*:—
lulm F. Hvilierford. A. J. tiiUeU. John B. Fucker,
S*u>u>*| T. done*. Alonso A. Garner, l’bilo C Sedg
wick, Rohm Klou- J F RUTHERFORD,Prc*’t
A J UILLETI', Seciy.
A A CaUiBB- Actuary
Urunch Ofiise for Weatfrn Fennivlvania, M Hmirh
field •irect, Ftttaburgh. Fe**on* dentrtng tnvurunuo
will be runilAlrrrl with book* of the company by rull
,njr_ai tho office. <*cJ
1 Tbroigh la FOUR Day*
V \f K take pleuaute iu announcing to the Merchntil*
W of Fittaburgh and the Western limine** corn*
muruty, that on and afier Morday.thc Ifllli afSep
teml-rr, we will teerlve and forward good* vin me
Gemini Rail Road, end guarantee them to lot throorh
In E-nut Day*- Our raiensive *taek ol Cat*and Born*
ei-atie* ua to viler the nbovu rxpedtuona roate to the
public, whiltt »r mil .ci ntinue pnr usoai Itneav.a
llamaburg and ('okubia , , . ..
Mv-ti-hanl* witbing guo4* brodght fioca the t*«
v.«h rtnwnty aiut iiKphtcb at low ruler, or pr.'Oue*
vh.ppod tt*tr, are invned to cull on
! n o CONNOR A I-KINS A no., puubnr* I
aTKINs, O CuNNtIR A fo.. I‘lhlb.i* -n)nu,
I*r.ii'itei’ori of ihc Fitubunth Traneportauan I.' ■ •
Or me Inilowitig Hgeni*. „ .
O'CoanfC* A Co . 70 North *trceu Baituan*.
K IDori.u Uaucry Place. ~
1-iiMn fc titaio, 11 Duane street, H-um
ecplttih • —r
Water ami Front *trcef _
Mm on CO _
on'hnnO, will »* «W
r> low to c«0«c the lot, t>J (< & ,, „ DJCKKV tCo
OCI7 __ - - r- '" .
l >1 ’ lt ,n ,l0^"iI AH rHCKtfv ft. Co
n oel? -
7\LO VEK'? i W ;i> — S t*' s ’ m tWlfe j an |t t°ANFII'.in
V ) Of"
yy 111 TB KIMI-i’ o|l ' “Jck t’‘Mr.c«iOLESS
luis and »oorai»-« *«• «"■«“>« 110
Tub*, u»r
““ s ° o ' l
O Coro Broetn*. * pr a WATERMAN .*■ SOft* .
C^.'nvFlTsiE^^' 0 bbi * * uSa * rnmo Clover
'WJ' “gp. an d lot »*Je by '
erf” 11 ' ’ L 8 WATERMAN * SONS
tiZettk* wahticd.
<rT «vTEL>—Two fifiieinitn m ihe Dry GooJjEa
\V '.‘rnm. Apply at ga MarktJ metl . ocl»
sr^TctEßßL —«> bbW No j»' Mackerel, llem.l'Jor
JQ/Uleby oc« L 8 WATERMAN * SONS
TO LET, ' ' '■ "
A STORK ROOM and DWELLING oa 9t da,,
meet, oppoatto the Exchange HoieL p 0 »«r».io,.
given immediately. Enquire of
oclrtdiw 10 Market *t. ’
t’HK Jvcellmg ucure No. tn Second street, he tween
Wood and Market street*, no w occupied by the
iP»c.-ri*ier Rem SttfM per annum. Possession given
3t1.« l*i of November next. JOHN II MKl.Uifi
_«£ IF _j _ Nc-.SrWeod.treei
PTUVO well (tnished office* in Pott Otftcu Building*,
JL •Third street*
ft long, well lighted room, 3d story; entrance Mar
ket atseot. I»etw»etr JM and 4tk nrvef«- '
Also, a sßiml! bjjek hou.e. in Pid Towimhip, near
Pejin?vlvauia Avsiuj.
No id, Secoailsi.
uert, corner of Kvana Alley, inquire of
A FOUR !»i<iry Dwelliay, elate *roof. oflioe. hath
co-iui, ga» firm re», and hakeoven, US Third at.
Inquire ut CH Water aireet. aepil
TUU-, CbMtieT's Coal Company will sell some very
■lee.rahle nieces nfland, situated on uodneartbe
Steuben eillcTurnpike, and near the somheni terminus
of Ihnir mil road.
Ti e iund will be divided ir.JO qnantille* to suit pur
chisrn, aid the terms oi payrami will he very easy
Lori Harbor, Sept a.—sep&dttt Manager.
AND po&eeviion given mune.liately, the Three Ston -
Rrici Ilweilmj Jli>u»e, No Cit Lubcrry atreet, and
epro'it* Third at. ALSO,
TlePreend and Third Sturlea oi Warahome Nod
Market *trreL Enquire of
. 4“ Mttrket at.
FOR SALK.—A Lot of Ground situate on Penn
street, l>rtY7een Hay and Martmry strecu, adiomini
Lho liou»o nm! lot rw«r occupied by Rieharo Edwards,
haaiiig h front of d 5 foot, and in depth IJO feet, will £
•old on futorahle tanna. Title unegeeputmanie 1 Ji- i
qaifaof DO. LOOMIS,4th si,naar Wood.
v-%OcWI sltf
1-)!:AKIrt A KKOCKWAY, CoaoDMon .Merchants,
SacraurenUi City, Caltfomia. JJherai advanres
rnudi on couMg’iiuetus, ageuoy bosinau
prompily attended Ui
i. raatis, >
• r UIFli- t
!a. w aaoctwii,
J| llAURiaufl lI3WULL,
.mo state CfJfiJAUSSIONER for taking DaP
' kitmi.i, AekDowledgmshts of Deeds, Ac.
Mii.-r, -K'lurlh street, above 6iuith&eld.
HAVI.NO C.-JtfPtxrsb iHf EMjXaEUCVT *t*D OTBCt
liiyaovsilEATa oy THUD. htoBK SOSM,
North-Unit cor. of Fourth A Uatkat ata,
On JUmikijr 23rf &jifmier,
ITIlh a Lar;t Stock oi Hew fioodi.
No IT .Market street, corner of Third *L,
HAS coimiaiiUy on hand, for safe, Wrmng, Letter,
Pdriii'e, i'co. and Wrapping Paperi Bonnri,
ruitrx*. Ciri er*', undTrunk Boards; Book and News
Fnper l rmtlag Intk: which he will sell atthe lowest
C " m»‘' e5 '° r ltlexcliau f ,s for rags or tanners'ac raps
DB. FPIKR lit a removed to Liberty street, below
Jut Mtieet, No lat Office and dwellinr in the
*tnnr. builditut. ang3l:dgm
if I, A IV
No. Ml 'Fifth itraati
• HTrsßussH, as.
'['III. nude turned Jhave, this dar. associated
J. jelves under Iho firm of Phillips, Best A Co-for
the purpaae of manufaeiur-n* every variety ;.| Finn
...MAOufamuecs of every variety of ,
cm, Pressed; and Plain Hint KJasa Wore
OKDr.BN filled.wnthout delay, at tbe lowest mar
tw ptiee,.al.their faetory, on Try street, near
Secwid-Ml ot-ut» WatrrtUret, Ihtulurrh.
v-rtue of a precept amter the hands of Win. JL
r Ai'Clure, Presiileutof the Oouri of Cooircon Plea*,’
m and tor ilir.Fifth Judicial Unmet Of Pennsylvania,
m-.u Jen*..* of the Court of Oyer and Terminer, and
Grnerui J*ll Dclltery in and :i.r »\,a and
\\ liiissi Kerr nr.d Saracel Jones. Eiqs- Associata
JaJfcesofike ksmecsastr, ir. un.l for me County ot
Atieql uc», dated foe ISlh dtu of August, in the year.
cuui-LaiJorr Omoeand eul-r hundred and &Jty,KSO
t,> me directed, forkoMinp a ('«uri of Oyer ana Ter
minor and Uenerxi Jell Delivery, at tbe Court House.
other rrifictsbtanoee, to <K> Thode Wmiia'w*
their in their behsll tob«
tlmre—and also thaw that will prorecute ptisonera
thuLoLw areormay be in tbejaK-of Wu county ot
AUeglienV, to be nud there to ptowOute agauilt
them ak shall 1.0 Jail.
Given under t&v hand at PitU'b'uyga, this loth day
oi Aopu*t, in tr.ti yr-ar Di our K*d one ihodisrd ei<;ht
l.uiK.r^i l and City, and of tl'cCoifsionwesllii Die TMh.
isrl»,li»iJT CARTFJ4 CURTIS, Sbei-.fT.
Il.'. i r.n.'j til Auminuirruon bavins granted
t u> st.< umlffM/iu-i* on ti.e r«tai(v«-l the fatcCeoitf*
I. lie,-. «itxva--etJ. *!l persons mdnbtcu are rriju*Mril
u> in ji- 'M«i .n#i< iiavmtm. and lkamj b*vun{ cia'ißf
<1 |'KKl<i Uie *»UV. ptoprjiy otuaciu'uatsd, to euhcl
of we *ui>scnl>e(i, lor liquidation
CEQa&g'C gKI3.
To »t»ntti«rn *n<l Wtitin
wpecti'ully irrHui'pebiin atlunuon to
bu oxiyiMvo sioe-ls-ef- t*erfom<*ry "Sdop’JtShading
tlmuM, Ai., in wbu-h icvsn Silver eoJ CoiKfr
ihi* l.itt vti yeir»,fceeu utvuded
;,y «trt. t'Vitituii'»-o# -New- York, Boston, end Phil*
dplphU, ili» laiW Eels* tb* er.’.y OaWeo'totflal-* eVet
k'-eatdeil frtr-perfonitfrv cither itt-Santpe or in this
cnvwry.- ,'•••••• ' ' ’•
Rus&sßb’*- Unsiritxsb Stu.m***Ctsr*7-tAln>t>M,
ltd?*, Qoit AintircsinJ,) nri»*rwaily ackiiowtedfed to
be «up£Tuir to mv Shivmrt'fcim ia-tet* -country. ui >
t'jlfUUi. •
Ou.vrftA}«»-*<'tt Pn*vt*tj- B-vuuruUy n an.parent, I
etid. pcw»«if*jt- highly Saponaceous nod cnoLUitnl <
Ficopcruce; Coui;«*nui; Ambrosial ithhv- 1
u« 'M.;eu. Militant „ '
sobm—Almond, Bose, MJilefleura,
•Hwstjet, Piatnchio, Ma-t, pstc&oolYi omnibus, Float
ing, 7 ftuc»paijni.‘Olive Ot/,*Wln'dsor, toil CLreaaiiaii.
ml Mm TrtO tn* .UjkKbLHJteHIKV—HIWC, lelltlin,
Hcttijtt-i Jr Jenny fvind, Mouue
’•sie, Jmiltep Club. Wngnulm. Wmnatitc, CiittmeUr
Kn.ttt, and aiitny oihpr vjumuic* i* aU silty ditfoiem
r t'oit.*V P'nnda VV»IM, Fftu do Teilette,
Orit-'e -hVwet Wmtr, tul'ii jefeet ietiety w Cu--
JortiiiAltd l/xreudee Water* • 1 .
• rfcjU-seetTcrte rov *«-»»«*-*■Genclne Beer’s .Dm,
Autitjoo Otl, Din<ioline, Ejb Laurels, Olmne, Cfrm
pound ~o* end u\ powder,
and'Plutot-ow-:. hicj|-jho, *tul.d*ttty Uttd'mc&rtii.
. l*ew*A*tio.'*v—Jielsarolc KlUinllose
TpojJ« J*aMe w CharcoalDctmfice, Odnsuino, To6th
Vesie, nnd Tooth Powder.
Cosioeßc Cressli Amem’w®
fbf chapped'liiDfls.’Ccld dc
Lip StilVd.'Hispbertr Credit, Ac, ■ ~ . .
Depilatory 'Powder*, fbt tttooVmg snpsrflßoel Mib
AttaniVic Vlftenr,
Victoria Heir Uocapoeitioc. rimon- Sells, besides
. e.«reet variety of other aruples-ft&o nametous to bo
named in edrerU'etoei'V
‘lbo subscriber bares to maintain the.reputation
' which this establishment mis ecquitoi, tiy dtspoaU^
. al j>o'-bih)( bat Gist nvtr. erucles, and'mll Mhappy u>
• tonnsl* thote who tauy wish to patronize him. either
( WboU'aia or oti is teosonehie tettns u ear es*
ÜbbahuicQt In the United dutde ■
l Soeccjsof to ecd former Director of the Lstoutory
114 Cbcesat ttreeu
ilr. Harin’* PeKunety 1* for tale by *U ifcr* nrtnci.
' rugitisti m it<tt countir *pl7>qlyi
CHAU THK ED 182. r .,
THK undersigned bu l*™ appointed ajent to-this
old and responsible company, to succeed Hr.
Fayette Prown. «ud u icadi *» »uae policies in lbs
Fire and Marine department, on aa/ayorable Unc»
aa any other responsible company tn this City
54 Fourth su neit to Bank offttubbrgh
A Hliruit Prniitums, CaptaiStee*, If Sun** J Fmfid,
$ 1,000,000,
tm UP ntdprMgaed would call the attention of mar
-1 m ' .n others ks*»V ! X^ C 1“
its, I, v nto or the peril* ot N»vi«*u°fl to the sepenor
a4'«r.u;cs u.Viedby the
Prsueliea lisa Jp®“ P on *
Innate- cf * -7 o^r
H and wSftetonr adjustment of tf
irST«m of tb* Company for the Western
3.-A!hnrifm? Co? all diffhfences which ntaj arisen
\ IVwe "s prwipuy PKla 'VW®’ BBnk *)> ,e . F * ,lo 'f
or Kxc'-ane* oa New York, Baltimore, Charleston,
New Orleans, St Louis. LwisviUe. Pittsburgh, ot-
Cincinnati, at the option of the insured.
>f/- pampbieo, eenuiß forth the mode and pr.n
eJ of adjusting iotse?, rates of premiums, classtfl*
enmm of hazard*. Ae., fttrniehed to the customer* of
is* office free of charge.
For further Wo emotion, apply to the undersigned,
whoi? foUy anthorized to insure Dwelling*, Stores,
lintels Warchou*e*,Mills, Manufactories, Bams, AC.
Household Furniture, and Gods, Warts,nnd Men
clißiflize, contained or tiered therein, egaiaat loss o:
damage by HUE
Pry fioo l*, Groeerrr*, hicnnfatr.ored floods. Pro
dace, liouschnld Fu.-nltnrc, t.;v*o 'Mo-K, aid every
inter d-ecrlpt-on n* Merchandize or Personal Pm
pjrty, slipped of to Lc ehipj-ed good steamboat,
or lf>als in'.&’io Hem point* on the Wratrto Waler*.
or hetwcofl.Kttstern cities (sia I.ake:,or other inland
route) and any tenrne in the Wtitcru country, ugaiac!
- hits, _ .
Shipments ef Gocdj. Wore*, and ‘Merebndisc.per
eood vesaCl or'TCvcls, brjwren New Oriosns and
Easters partr—between Now-Orleao* and other CfnU
ports—bet-wee* all Amcnrtn port? aud 'S&filtb.or
... st.
* 4
T oSf te,e l br * ttd , J«*Uy seknowtedwd «
j*■ I* 6 ,' 101 pooda, in the latest colons?* and Bm»i m
Proved styler, will be famished by the cubse-ih-r.
er* will please notice that the genuine luv'<«?*.
fabrics bear tickets corresponding with the as,.,
cut.and they wUI also be disuncubaed frjmi
Woolen Stawl, b, ,kei, ,nP„J,r”SUTn™?",
iciture, and brilliancy of colors. Orders n to|jr-teJ
from al secuons of the country, and the iam? wili ba
H r »>'«dcd to. Purebaver* Will aJ» find»
our Shawl department a largo nssorttnert of u'i the
oiliermost aoproved make?, ned newest
American, Trench, aod’aeotrh Woolen Nb'awtV ».
wsa,*”“ '“‘'Vlyl’, 1 . 11 " “ j
i-.^fSJl? 1 |,ar }*.. J}rocb * long *fd square Shawls m
lates itvlea and bett toanufaitturr—High lustre U’L-k
Wlk Nhavrli— Lun.ns Black MMs
—Parts PrtntM t^, W ''' V ‘’’ ti Bll ' i cd Tr3e,e " Princes
—4 ar|s Printed I suoierc onl Totkerti Shawls—
Plain an. Eotbritidered Ornpc sUawla—New stvm
Pr.atc.l .1 aim Shawl*—Neat figured Pan* Drocha
Niawls— Lupin* JJiack and Mode Colored Thib-t
!f“I ?, b * wi *rvi* u, ° hflanJ s ki;i Shawli—Plata
Mode^ Colored French Terkern t'hawlr, frutecd and
bound—Light quarter Prantth Mode Colored Thih-t
j.lua, mcasuntig full two yenl-, w„le for Shawls
binjiav u» muicl.--\Vb;m und C<-)»ceii Hsrccloua onj
Genesee Shawl*. Ac. Wholesale and Retail
tu _ u la South Second at, PnUdelphiv
NeplU.-iIA w3nutiS *
Dr. (Juyaorca Extractor Yellow Dock
. and Sarsaparilla.
PU f u,. m the lamest fixed bottle* contain* mere
of the pure liotiduras Hampsnlia than any other
prebarauoit eitani which is chemically eembined
wuh the Extract df Yellow Dock, the Extract of VVi’o
Cherry, and the Balsam of Fir. thus making the rente -
‘horongltlr efiicteni than any other Samoa
rdla hefore the public. At the same unto it is perfect
ly fret from all tnlrernl potvous,which cannot br»ajd
ol any other of tho Sarsaparilla cotcpounut The iu
v<aid should beware of poisons! Memory, Iroa.Qtu
1 ’ P . OU6h j, Sulphur, Arsenic, ut.l tnany
°P‘ er < ‘° IDerx * and metallic poiion* enter into and
m*™ tbc baus of men of the Sareanaxjila and
rv"^ 1 EL 1^6 CuyrotL’a Componud Extract
panialo of the*c-Rub.ta/ice!i. u« say one cwv eaaiiv
® S ,?* I,WD by applying the neectaary
i be po sou* may oc.-evirtnaHy remove di-cuca but
they M vitiate life blood, and no completely iinr-Vrj-
LVIt «,Zn IT*? w|l! * lh;kf baaefot thw
the first cold, OT the first iitUoV o/ducwr, nrouraM.
die paueni ■ strength, unu suhjccii ban 0 t her to tho
most cxcruuulinq totturr, and render. Mtcdrev cure
Mmost impossible and Lopclr,.. Lei all
Rarsspariila preparau-mi tdnne, and l
Improved Extract ot allow Deck and Sarwanari{.\
■which la ihorourhly eCiyu'ious, pettmiUy Urtßls**’
and purely vegotgl.le. .Ml k, n d, of ■** - •
ittgoaial influence. rieisuio
ScroWa, Cuccerpu. Tumors, Cuuneoa* Ercpuons.
Kiysipelaa, Bi!<3, Pustule*, cr Pi&ii’iei oauufy...
CUnmic ltoT. Kj t .,T«,S; Se^a 1 |fc«° d “ K“„“:
U.iu, LntaTgenie.-.t or Pan.* m the Bones or Joint*,
old and stubborn Uicors, Fever Sores, Hip Disotus
Swelling o, the G:andn,. Blotcbea, Syphilftie SymV
toms, Lumbago, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Cov
Uveness, Salt Bheum, Afiectmn-i ot the Kidneys and
dueaaes ariuLg rrom uu injudicious use of Mercu
ry, Throat. Weakness of the Cle,-
PhlfnonarT Affecuoim, end ail other disewes lead
ing towards Consumption, Liter Cotcolamt FetaaU
Irre/ruiarmet and Complamu, Kiut'ac.d Nervoa*
Headache, General Debiluy, Low Spirtts, Lo** of t
Appodte, Night. Sweats. Pnin* Ln the Fid- and 9
Shoulder*, Kxpo»ure er Jtr.prcdsnsc in Life, Cbroit
ic Consutnuousl ihaordera, aud a* - fo.nni; and Fsil
Pun&er of the Mood, and General loui.- far its
Syiiem, it t. unrivalled 1 *
A aueoj UUtralxi Um&x ofnxtrtn xtara standx-rsr
The folio tur isau extra,.; of HlctWi-ujuiJ
w‘ ff , onl h H. Perkin*, M. D., a highly respreta.
ble phyaiclan of Marietta, Ohio.
Jotci Paax—Div.rSFin 1 bsve umfor tut .are a
young woman who, rcr lirteci. br-t »it
fenng from Ulc.-r/ucd Limb*, s: ,i ri-.J
been pronounced h by three ..i our br.t ucv
flciana I took her uno my (ai.njy, sr.i bar u---:
(•uysdti’s "Veiiow and Sor • npnn'lu h * •!-. mvj
am coafiduiu dust the Yellow ‘fo'k ho-* Sc- ii,..i ,- s
will effect a cere. FUe'nt betier
hralt(t_th4n she hn eret l.e-i: a
; unit or two vrut-.rtUi fallen-or pt-m. a
usedorutebea I will ;• yt* i,.-
Vary nupecataUy, £'M Pi-ifiKiTi'
~ S*GEO>*»;i K.- • •
It-hta-been'remarked, by einiifont vsea.tbs: n n *
variedeotalogce oFdifetses uxwhicb man i» Haaio,
ihftc fo scarcely one of rueh liepoTtcnee;' an.) „f juen
imerett as RcromiO) whether wwlooktt* th?iib*cur.t7
af«s-o»!glD,- it* ifluidinu* pre erect, toe namik-r *c.l
organs that it ar.aelrs, or h* ‘rerusskubie u
curability and extensive fatality,
ScrqfnU his baffled the skill-of the tnost eminent
physiolant in this country rjjd rr. Koropc; Bn: there «•
an anudot e for this dtsrav* m- Dr Ouyott’s Extract of
Yellow Dtwk and Sftrespatiils ■»• wWor-re nvvmy it
•ell a pettcclepgciko-iu sho.BKM vo re re euxes o'
An BTtnoidlruy- case of f.Vrr-rcla cmcJ by tat
Mf« “« of Dojtor Gotou’i Compcnml Svrun |;
will m seenbythU ceniticate that ufr man
inthlaabfTsyvop.- { wae Boreirttflkrietl wiit a terr.
ble Scrofulous disorsej here<lhary--tn oar fnim:?.
which eoir.taenred on tny ti-N’lr. and, cot:tu»u;:t* w>
spread, uon reacted ray enr«, lansiny ten ai7 bee*:,
andestendmiro l lovermv ftbr. neet. rn>t lowers*,
traamie*. I a ditytritlng object *•'• uunr.
At tunc# txiy disuCy* was k> yrrht tbas 5 »nt ii.v.bia
sleep or Ite down; and the dirnare extending in>o ,
ears serioaaly afieoted my hearine. My terewsi one
m'utinoouj sore, from which a Oiv'erre cf iiAirr.-
ojitl xtuter kept continoMlyoocins net. People evo-d
-ed me, supposing ! had the >mhi! pox, or‘Jtije oir;
mCecuous tiUeaaa, and 1 wve in'nscqaer.tly obliged w
relinquish my 'NotwithEtkiKlins I tail >bs
benixcsdical advice, and tried dilTsrentplxai •of treai
inert, (ite disease-c no tlnae-f toy row wore, nntU I gave
op in deepen, fonunaiely I fell in with a
cn ite steamboat, while travelling far ray hrxhb, who
mfonsed tns that was ainns turn* ic&• b^a
Condition as i was, and that by twin* yoor Syrup ha
Waa sp**edily eufbe.' i lUuwJiio-ir procured tie «■
t'f iff , Pt l W wtl ** t eejl ii.any tt, *751l iJOW, trfbT'h*W!S; UB6-1
levs than nx botclv*, i am well and able to a:u-r,u to
iuyTjtiinM<. I send yim this nietetatui .os' rtn e?t u'
justice, only ho;dr.», inj: itgjiv I'.'ucoe |}>C fts;c:od t->
make Use of the rigid itir.'ioilif, sr.-.l thereby ikvc the us
much btidenux and esprure.
l remnii f yowrobedient veawns.
(?;:»y of mi aggrsnUU i*j.v of Hr?sip!Co
Tbc cures pcH«*r.ncd by‘‘Ui. Got sou's
Yellow licccaiul rlarsjpanUa arc imiirg. The pa
lient’s getter*) hitJUicontmne* 10 improve alter ds
etiftU removed; Curev arc not e.l.rmuelM until time
has folly tested lhai there con he no relapse or retain
u( tho dtseare. : -
Noowai. fflerhimer-Oo.) Fob. I£=jO-
S.F. DunvrTh-*’o., Gent*, it ij.MithKreaiplaasuio
that l virile you about, ire very fceppy «4aet* of >u>a
.Yellow I loci and Sauapariila upon rcy son, woo has
Itutf been suflerlop under ibuf drcaofol, loathsome «!;.»■
eus, Hrysipelas, vrnh whica bo wasailackod in '=-vi.
asdwits ,'of tfevqrul months uttemted by qoac of oar
Le'stpytioiaas, wto.tried their skiil.'perseverinjriy far
five-iadcttU, without any heUeGci-J effects wkatevet
llq bccnm? reddeed to a pertsci skeietor.. U« hna ul
Mrifroaihi#hip :o Uia knee, which were cotiUou«_ J r l
iliMharetM dlarustuigly odCaaive mallet. Alcdlc.u
aaiLaarcteal skill wo< battled. Yhyrrclhas ,«pd ibnr
hla case wan hojiale^o—ll*err «o«U- b* • nelhing
to arrest those t*muc.tai«reneic* aJoer*; My nctiti
bore and myself ibaught his dUaoluUon ne*f nt liar.J
One drmy neighbor*, who had ctisred a toroi
ala with ytntr 4nvaluable medicine, wisLeq-me w.
-rnrtenrtat-ot lt?and mote from the. reader* ilenro u.
do aomeihibg white life lasted, then from my'hope of
ceuiiig relitr.lproeoTeJ three bottles of year ” Yebow
liocfc- and Bana9ariUa, n and oetaatsn cd atinq it
and to my aitoiushment; he
be had oKd-lhe third bott'e, ai>d oefore be hair used a
half (Jtften botUat he could walknnL He hied tr. all
iwtite boules, and by October lc« he wa*pcri«d>
res ored, every vestige of ibe disruso.egoeptilm ww*
U removed, add he remains in pm ret keahh.qp 10 toe
present time.; Hu recovery, tinder the■ Wewine cl
llqd.u entirely owiarto the use of your Yellow Doat
and SempMul*, add 1 aeiurfe you that.lJeel .my wll
i under great obUgabidnrto yoo, and Tt is with cteat joy
I that I fidorm ybu'of what your flanaparilla bal ao&«
: to »^WLi..
. Cjf“None elhttino unleseput up in large Unties,
cpmaiiunp a quail, and the naweuf taa dyrcftbl j-»u
in thegl*M,Wllh the written srenamtool
nett, on the outside wrapper. Price *t par botLe or
1 lil J. D. PAnk. ««»'» "■
Fbunh ahd Walnut streets, mtiaore oa vumet it,
Ohio, to whom all orders maul ea w.i.res-
bsntVcCifiel of Market atreet ud ike Biwnoirt.
pr*.<*« * healthy acuia U»ran*boot Hie body, fertcro
tit*-.eireulas«>n,siVß ttuc eui
eMtrr Wtlie « » a“ a power of iw».-
aree » dlaeAK t» 1,1 “• fonßß ’ **«!* *® bc
T%ev will perform a apeedY and prnnae».nt<rjr« r-i
m.Lpiua.indftei'aott. Flatulwicy, i»enetal P*- .icy.
Liver Complaint, and a!i the traia of •yatpio«t« .no
inooly called nervow affection*.
WUI be immediately rebeved by the dm of thia i/v»l
-uabk eompontid, wtiish i* purely vegetable, aid 1a
adapted to all ac<» and cor dition*.
Will find mUtiadeJieat* ft' rt jmie tibia r>n, a
combination bl Toole, Alterative arrd-Apeneiii
lie*, peenUarlyadapud to tfteii ayniema.
The specific aeuon tbatUiir article he* on the Liver
and Dilative OtfW, render* k a complete Antidote
for Fover and Ana. and Bil’cnaaod Typbua Fever t
Cumuu, L.I. July l?ih l-w.
PiilSo- ,
I tav© wed the article of Flanea'* Bmer*,
and have Aecved flreat benefit iron theta. 1 navo
been»obieot.Tof yoarapniiatbe Fever and Aror, but
•IneothoißXjUhWtioaof yow Bittervl have anurcly
oveaped my uaal attacks, and can with confidence
recommend tb*»**otw af.ifce botTonlca in u-a.
' :.£Urotdfully ynirs,
jsraKcruas, JoAc 20lS T IKO.
licircjmo jnbeh pleomrrto ciaic, tint the
jWjpeprfa with which 017 U/« ha< bteu <0 len* troab ■
leu.axiticcltotolnacucn of tl* Liver. ha» teen to
tjlci7 overcome, and cared by ihc «*< ot yoar ifivkln*
able preparationof JltUera, • and fer yoar ktodnen ,n
recommending thea*, please accept my thanift,^
: ... ■ four otr&an. tenants-> ■
-Airews wnilaaij. Rieka & *a£Asl From
Street, New York. •l ot aale by . ■ -
no(tfcr3aln U-E. SELLERS
1 1 F\ non rcKTWjufced Oak Flooriiiß Hoard*
1 IJ-UUU perfectly eryj and of a Rtpcricrtitiaitv'f
for c*l* by ‘3. cLARKK.
I aagl2 r l» . . • . • Bharambareh-
LETT EES of AdnsininreUan, ca-\be *««ie of Mr?
Catjatlno MeKoighl, J«c«ncd, baTut* t=-a
KTtatsd t&Jhe ctrfenirtnijf, ail |vrii tue
heicby notified Wmake ionis.t'.ttf; pnarit. z-.A
ibote fatritt? claim ***4a*i *aid
0»e uan pro»pUy>f« *cuU*ent - -■
T IKBTr “ ’
it 2* s * xa,,i ike octiic*
Toll’d fMwicVy UK FItnLTFsj 0 *