i'JTIiUUttUH VjrtOMMY ~Mt)K.NINI>, OCT. ai, 1850. PUBLISHED i'*Y WUn'C Tbo Pyw flfcju tbai^SwoaCAMiaoi i»]u»J a» p■ tattle, an i further, that le, iLc editor cf the Pest, wool I filter tco n WLij c tceii-d than Cameron. Tin Despatch cojiruqenn oor allegation,-that Odd FalJowism vti used in tun late election ll> artratce the c>irus of brethren of tee older, akould be glad to behove that such was col tb<» crsj, uot tbo arguments cf that paper bo not con v.sic.; Kt, We not that there la any p*nru!a: rflori cf the order, in any instance, af an Oil r'uJiw (ot oflice i tad we do not ktoujihet ihsie ison r iSci il ant! orgauized effort in instance ; bet lia! there is, in particular icstiGiCcf, &a riTort made for a brother on Ihto ground of h.s momberwp, and that auccearful ap.pei.ir ere medr.on ta*a male, which induce tßfh tw v.;t • le r a piMic'il opponent. we have good rcatoa foi b« i«iiad the iciipjcc" we niec lioned ji.-cvicutJy, arc lhiaS,aO»Uin u». Th“ Johm.fi denies that onr npi.naoa on the Fnv'ire Si.v-5 Law are the aenumec.!* of the Wbi.: j srly. We did not preacot them ** atichj. We should be «orrv lo bare our view* ol e*trj pj'llctl and morel anbjeot bounded by tbr dicluos ut any party whatever. 'Ve agree with tbji Wirg party ib the main. U cornea nearer ID our viewa in it* geaerel pnnciplea and urea than any other political ergatuauon id ih« country, #od there lb re it receives Ci.ce.-lu! and hearty aCpport; bat vc boh) ~, r«A|yf9 at l.t-urty, at all time#, to discuiy ui fcataicata cr.J conduct, *ud to differ, where. bccoxra in oar eposon a day-r Toe W;.t{ party, as such, hat giveu m> cpijaioa oa rt»* fccdice Save Lav,«-id it i« not probablh ibstitnver will m uaceuanni character, wha'evek*. tiuli ?.ud county eotivcatioa? may dn. Whigs dli* jor os widely ns th* po'e* r\n ihta tutycct, aa wido if a* K.*. Nurrirr. and Mr, Seward do oa suited* cocoiotcd ucidi Slavery, and yet ho oAi deuta ihc*. hgth there di-ningoiahed are tberou j-ens'- tics, For inusnes, if c Fogitira Slave demand? cl u« ehelter, food, and succor 10 his distress, we leei .ooi:d ih-i :»\v rirOod cod the best rympa tli.es c-f our rMUli*, to render it; but tor ibis the low he,!.-. 1 us r.tvt7 and subject! ua to a penalty, in the p-i *e-f" i'f G._d nc-d our own conreiee.'e vr cr: ni l uc presence p< tie 'sw wc *re ccun-mccH Tiiv c:*-nu of the law ure, m e f :e.;V v.i« u b.ad* ua tc 'A' • mu*i wc are cow under Wa *?..- ret.- tLs opportunity to nay further. nL'.ut il .■ !’.w, iLe*. fij fir rs eentempious. Ine i\-'-ov?ry u( a logi'lve slave try «h«- iiroprr au tfo.-.ty, acd tee murting ol btoi t<» hia owner, it accordance wi? us deaianda.— Wi at »••• oi.i'-ci lo ts, th-Rt it compels c’Mi-oi who abhor aiavery to sriis: in perpetual*! g ifcr cnme.'r.cd «r;:;ai o|v>n them to rviune it - aim pitst 1 ffii-ca ot huioacity lo a sufftneg tsllaw be. lag because he is ole.med as properly. Far there rcti-ots, and becacrr the !aw eedaegera the lit* err of irctiQ*!!, we demaud us mcdiiicMion c» reptaL Wereaisicot the conatitnlicaal require meat, but the unnecersnry and degrading en« vroa*. hmcat upoa the rights actTlcclings of the peo p’“ of the frue Stsies, in enforcing its claims. Tue Erie DiiTEici.—The tine Gaietio admits that Mr. Walker.the Wtjj~ candidate for Congress his bc-'in defcaird We regret this. Lot it rttnuoi U'c on vc i\"l ntvcra! iru-mlvH* <>i Co, jrrc« tin* fa... I>v :i* ! y filial! ui»j<r ih-- »r—n v/uuiii Wivebeen li.-ifecvnt. V> «• t!u i-.i.i. tv.weVe. •.Delude Kritf county m our rensures. TruU ,-,-.unl done nubiv The ijazellr . >\ number so mMijrx- i.iat 'he Whip* ol ih<- «ins r lowriiship of tspriccneld, u they had tn-: opportunity, could overcome it. —We recrei tb-i*. the cau-.t-\» winrii [irodnred Mr. Walker’* de test were aol foreseen. Taev coaid have been |i.«-vcn:r«t lim it ran be of no avail to moraine tmwv We would only *«y, that Mr. Walker de served a batter fate, lie has roodur-ted himscii with a inani!c*« and gallantry which bus more than ever endeared him to the Woipj of Erie county fSauuidJiuotau.' suitable occasion offer, wc know they will with increased eoipha*ls testify their ap prectalion ut his noble henri and sterling ability He n not in the techiest degree disheartened by the rrsuit. bin, tliiuiklu] lor the geuerou* support ren •lered him. and more than ever rooviocrd of the rectitude of Whig principles, he is resolved to keep c:i the harness, and. whether as a leader or mere private, do battle tnr the suroeny of the great \Vhic party- This spirit should pervade the heart and in fluence the conduct ot every Whig. THU WHIGS OFJtHW TORK Letter from Woiklngton Hunt. The Now York papers ol Wednesday evening lan, contain the rorrerpoadence below, between Hoa. Faascts Gemo's, otm ef the seccdetJ from the Whig Fyrscure Convention, asd Hoo. Wsid tr.oton Hurrr, the nominee of Lbai Convention a* the Waig candidate for Gtvernor. It had been asserted that Mr. Hoot did not approve of Lbr re'r.iattons adopted by the majority of the Syra. cuoe Convection, which caused the secession, su:d i;at hetranlJ r.ot accept the nomination. — This was anttorilatively denied by the Albany Eieatcg Journal, wtith paper declared that Mr. Hant vrouid accept- Mr. Granger's letter wa» deeigned to bring Mr. Hunt out. Wc pubi'ih Mr. Hunt's letter, not only because there J an intense interest feit in Pennsylvania in regard J 3 the Whig difficulty 10 New York, bni because it takes the only sensible, broad, tangibU ground cz v.LiSa Naoonal Whig party ear etatid —fb«t of mu’*}?! toiertiioa asd forbearance. Ytiai-iter isofnn exceeding im&ortaneejust now, while there >■ a disputation on ogo hand to yield o craven ecq to Whatever the Soath may dena-id, for the coke of preserving a national or* t an'rsuon, aad on the other, to dy oflia a inn* gent end form a soclionalparty* Mr< Emu taker me only rational and manly pound, and we aim : cvrcly unit he will be tr.umphantiy suatamedby the V.'ifgi ol New York. The New York Tribune say* Mr. Hont’s lel m will ‘eicc-.nt/ every Whig heart.'' The New York Commercial Advertiser declares that M h strikes the last pin front toe fabric of threat me-! ultlmito dissension is the Whig party of that State’—’hatu does otedil alike lo (he bead and heart of too wi.ter, lo hit clear perception of the inert* ot the controversy, and hia warm de« votipn to the truiy nauoDil princJpfe* of ihe party whivu bo reprisal*. -«Wa do not >ee, ; ’ says tuet paper, -where a singletree Whig, ofwfaau cser shade of periota! predilection, e*a interpose an objection to ifcv vp-„t or letter of hb exposition of true Whig ground.” The foUowiug is too cor respocdencc: Cattodaicva, Ontario, Uet. 7, \ Vjo, My Dsak Sik—Up to this tune we are without fc ay f'Cns! pubimr.tiuaot tba of the recent Syrat-uju .M'.vcof.cm, pr notice of tba ac* ceptaoM of i« jiotu.iHUiona bv either '}’ tcri -' : **-’ u ’*-ich i rafer, is »u y o ur to approve of the reaolutidoa passed by that convection ** «u.ire truly the ver tidinmaof tae Whip of New York,than did thute reported by the co-naiKtce and rejected by the ofiMKOonveoltoa. 1 eat’ovi a »-r.p> o' i&*» rejected rtsobrtioav, be. jieving you w;ii nut hcsitnitf I® declare your upicio-xofthcoi sad upt>a Jhejnbjecta to which (nev refer. j With no uarntrtt < leayo.to ni'untcn the rctegrity ol cvjr-prrtv m ih.a j'.s’j.*, m such rnnaner as jo re* lain our pa—t.jj thagiarious Wfcig party oftha antior;- , ■ 1. i fBvUVo.-vexr injiv, your*. - ' -PHAffns ORaNOER. Hoa. Jtrvr. | - Alba-vt, October 11, 1850. Mr Pr*" £a —l have received yoor letter in rc’atioa to the proceedings of icj Wiuerr?. t. .n- Vtfiillttias&fiadoaing certain resolution*, which were reported by Mr. Duct, and afterward-, • u» peroetlec by the adoption hi Mr. Comwcfi’a mb ttitalea.' 1 need not uy to yon how sioeerely i regret tho divisions to which yon refer. It was uy ear nest desire that a spirit of conciliation should oui Stats the proceeding* of the convention. I was consulted on the enbjeel before il e mee ting of the convention, and gave my approval tc the reaolntioci to which you allude, in the t>e!ic< that the ventietenlft of toleration which they cx .prev* would lend to ensure harmony *a our rank*. It appeared to me that they presented comm op grounds of justice and moderation, upon w-i-.h *1! Whigs ought ouilo without any sbrednum-Ti cl principle. CoorJerlng tho ponuon in which lam placed by the action of «he convention, I do cot Lei myselt called iipoal* d-w-ou the question how fnr these resMutious coafiirl in prtociplc with those finally adopted bv tbe majority. Every Whig most judge lor biurelf whetht-r m reality there is such a difference between them as should •eparafe those who bare long acted tojciker, uni ted by common sentiments, in support of great ritaj principle* of public policy. As you atk as expression of my opinion, I cin« not hesitate to state my views 10 relation to the differences which unhappily distract and eaibar* raas tho Whig party at the prccem moment. 3j far as these differences are personal in their oharecier, 1 consider them unworthy to engage the thoughU or disturb tho action of t crenl party, organized for the establishment and aflva r cement of dursblo principle*, and not for the gratification of pcllieal leaders. In rerpect to the merits ef particular men, perfect freedom r»f opinion and preference must be accorded to all. It n a right which hantiot bo qucsHoupd or abridged, and which, 1 trust, wifi never be permitted to nrrc»t oar progtcii in the attainment ot object* cf par amount public concern. Mm rise and i*il; they flourish and disappear; bnt Hie principle* ter which wn e-jutoad are as sacred a* the tutios, and as enduring as tu- rigtits of self government. The [KraiUoti of the Whig party of the Union, in to the sectional question, which hove aqua led the country. doe* not prcv«nt to my nund the uuoe embarrassment* which wem to be entertain cd.by many of our political iriend*. We all know that a wide difference of sentiment exist* in the .Northern and Southern mind on the subject of riv very. This difference it not u fact of recent oriciu it existed at the outset of our national carver. iY: ii did not deter our fathers from making common ronseapd sharing common trials and sacrifices in the achievement of our independence, tf wa* rn auficicat to pevreat the men of the revolution from uniting asonh'peopY to erect the wisest system of ! free government yet nern upon earth. It wn« u «*- nou# obstacle, yet it did no> defeat the formation cj the Federal constitution. Nor ha« u been iiutlin- ont tjtningthe subsequent period of arrest our onward progress, os n united people, in ihe enjoymeui of tho blcaiing* ttnil accompU-hmcnt of tho great purpose of oor italionni .rompsci 1 .ir myself, 1 indulge in no fears that it will ever bu permitted to touch the foundation* of our nU*n out Union It is true that sectional didenmo- J-.dve tomtliate* produced Violent colli-ioa* of opin ion, and excited, serious alarms But Northern feeling and Southern fecimg have ala-ay* yieldcq to the higher sentiment of nationality, and have proved loyal and subordinate to that devotion to the Union which animates the heart* ul the whole .A - mercan people. My attacoment to the Whig party and it* pris* u plea mti u.on the conviction that it Is emphati cally the party of ihe Union and the conatitoti-n ; identified, in all its aims and aspirations, with toe perpetual preservation of both. I caaoorvdmit that the Whig* of the Ngrth have in any rc«pcct, or on any occasion, been found wanting in fidelity to tbo Onion. It is true we resisted the annexa tion of Texts, and the entire policy whirh tnvotv. ed the conctry in an unnecessary war fur the further acquisition of Southern territory. We regarded these measure* as incompatible with oflr just rights under the Federal cotrpscl. In our opposition to them tbo Wbiga of the Sooth stood mantaDy by our aide. We of the North were in* fiueoced, to a high degree, by a repugnance to tho extension of slavery and alavo representation . while the Whigs of the South were animated by a patriotic desire to preserve harmony and concord between tbs ddferont sections of oor common country. Both were satisfied with the L'nioa as it was. The whole Whig party aimed to avert the see. tunsl controversies which were so clearly fore* seen. Bat a!l our effort*-were overpowered by the numerical force of our political opponents.— • Northern, no less than Southern. Democrats are’ responsible for the arecsunn of ail ihe terriinrir* wued have proved a subject of discord and strife tu and oat of Congress. Pending the war with Mexico, and before any of tbc&o conquests Were made, we firmly and repeatedly declared to the Administration and me country that i! free terri tory were acquired, slavery should not be exicod ed over it by any acf or assent cf oers. Teesc warning* were unheeded and the tcrrilary sever ed. Oir representatives insisted upon prohibiting ha introduction of slavery while . ly irorn iht'r minds aii sppre!i-n« n* i u.jaeUne or as*suli iVay Ui* Wi. if* o: ir.e stales upoa lotctia’s w.nch th* «•* *»u.y; .?:• 5.-* left under theex.’tuaivecontrol ot icunicvp*! I.;y ir opinion aa to the prvciM etfrci of *->U)c of un*>. measures. Tim* will *u!vc every doubt. It ha* appeared to me that these diversities of op tic" call lor the exercise of mntosi toleration and for. bsara&oe. Cheerfully accord to our reprusccic five*, who differed as to the bftst means of tcr.-u - natlng the contest, equal credit for reciitndo *cd patriotism. The nature of the question made u impossible that the views of all should ho gral tied. We may well rejoice in tho admiacon ci Cai.for nia as a free stato. la some respects, the te-Tito nal bills, and the ttnns of aeltlemeot wua Texa*. did not accord with ojr w.shrs and opintoc* Bat we mait acquiesce is the cnostitmional sciior. oi Congrem, aa we acquiesced in the annexation of Texas sod the treaty with Mexico. 1 yield the more cheerfully, in [be roobdent hope that the people of New Metieo, who have nlrradv declared ajjainst tlie introduction of slavery, will a. due time come ft>rwanJaud*urxrsa!'uilya»*ert uu;ir . right to admission into the Union n« a tree -vale - Opposed, os I Iwre ever been, and a 1 way* *na.i I--, to the extension of slavery, J iru*l thn future an ot the Government wilt t*? such *< tu produ?*-n«- new nnfliet.t luvotving.the assertion ot in-* pr nr.. pie. It i« a principle which pcjvades the Northern mind, and our Southern friends may noi arL our people to renounce it. May we not hope, then that the rapacious spirit, of conquest which oprni-0 the fountain* of bittern-rs mid diaeord, may be nr. rested; that our fjovemment will pur»tie a goo.al and conservative policy in future; and that the friends of tbe Linion—the Wise, the rational, und patnotic, every whore—will unite to resist ail wild schemes of extension, which may threaten to pro duee the danger* from which the country'has been rescued. In surveying the measurer* of Congress connect ed wilh the slaver)’ question, we should re lo.cr ,i: the prohibition of the slave trade in the D.-inct of Columbia. I hail this as a great tnra*ure of pa triotism aud humanity ll removes irr.ni thr (lap, lal a traffic which shocked the sentiments ..f the people, and brought reproach upon our national character 1 should be wanting in candor if I omitted I<> »*v thal l deplore tbe passage of theiugilive slave law. in its present form. Recognizing to the lulicsi n tent the constitutional obligation wlm-tj irlis intend ed In enforce, I regret the feature* of this biii which are calculated, not to arrest agitation, but mnnu tl more intense and universal. It oou'«t i.-'t ii3v<- been, well coniidem! and needs essential nndili cations. The summary operation ol its provision* conflicts with all our notions of personal rii’ht and security, derived from tho common law and m o?, mzed by every free eonstiintion I hive expressed my views thus freely on thr topic* to which yen call my attention, tuacvtving it doe to you tod la all, m tbe present pumcro o affairs, that mv icctimenls shoo id be mu-red v/ch out reserve. I have bo opinions to conceal. Ar coidiog to my view of the eubje-r, there arc no such grounds of division as should prevent in-- Whig* of the Stale and of the nation from urn ting sod acting together Id snopart of their snciei-i and well defined principles. t) (Terenc-s o' sectional feeling ought not now, more than in times past, to separate Northern and Southern Whigs in their efforts to secure a wise and hor.*--i •dmmlitration of our common government. M*y H ever be administered in a spirit ol justi-v :u -ward all sections. We must set toveihnr m i.' holding the cardinai doctrines of thn Whig fern j The constitution does not belong to w era for the beneficent purposes wb«-h it Vu> »r -signed to fulfil. The accountability aud liomolioa oftbe executive power; ttcbnuepcndcnoc of (.’in* gress*; (be protection of our oational industry, tii*= improvement of navigation sod iotorroors* on at. oar channels of commerco; the observance of jus tice m our relations with all countries; these are objects which demand our thoughts and our oner* gie*. Upon them we ran all unite. In regard to these, and tosny other views which actuals the Whigs, there are no gencrßohieal distinction. The diversity of sentiment between tie two great sec tions to which 1 have atlnded, to long as all will consent to be guided by iti« chart of the cotutilu- j 'ton, will not endanger the Ulrica, or sever those I cheruhad lisa which bind tho Whig party togtth- | Ifoo and I have witnecaed the painoLsu and true national feeltng evtneri by oar Wbirbreth ren of the Sautb, daring yean of per,-,™ a„Q ciatton with them in the halls of Coa*r- 9 , - It it imposaible that we ever should b-a.-mrn-ed from them in feeling or political plu,ci,,i r . j Wl .) not surrender my claim to live and die in the ,#ae Rational party with Clay and Crittenden, Belt eo.i Mangmn Sianley and Gentry. .Tbyro.Mo. pecahar ineentives to union and harmony at Iho present qrin*. We have n Wh. R Admioiatratton worthy of our highest coon 'fence. iQ beth.oosaatiooal A date government*. We ar~ botrad to support them with-adMeney in earrymr out the measures for which we Lave labored trough as muy year* of effort and rtciaitudev, ' ' v *> -rr lu :v I- rfc-ire vou. 1 find my ret .■•3r« 'i .*f DO agsrey rr aohcilstion of my.- c'i': > m ■ i-usuton of unuiuil deUcacy. Ilam not rr-por>'bie tor the existing dixseaeioo*. Having so re»rotro-nt« to gratify aod no personal end*to' promote, it hs» boeitmy conatact effort to ally nul*- mo-.me*; to heal divisions and to preserve that bar*: tnony which cenanrea vigorous tod anecetsfaJ »c* lion. If the Whig party is to perish by ifi own feeds, iam gtiiUle** of the great calacuty. It is for the Wrijta of this sta*e to determioo whether all their ciTjrtsncd sacrifices shall come to this isglorioo* L-mclniton. It is proper for me to aid, that the article in the hvecirg Juornal, to which your letter refers, con* t-’cs a correct and anthorized expression of my Ml tV*. I‘remain, wnh'great regard, yours trtitf, WASHING TON HUNT. Ilun. Fp.ascii Oxanoex. ‘•ThkGlobi; —John C. Rives, Emj , , in» pifo. lisbed hL* prjapcctus for the Globe and )t # reports lur the next session of Congress. The Daily Globe will be published daily during the session of Congress, and weekly the remainder of the veur It will contain full and faithful report* of the proceeding* of lioth House* of Congress; nnd mi^celianeou*articles ou those general subjects *0 which it 1* devoted. The Weekly Globe will eontais Agricultural and iniaaeUaneou* article* ; and will occasionally give debate* of such importance as command nm verwtl niterem. 'Hie CongreMional Ulolw will embody, a* ,1 has done for the la*t wvcntcen years, Cougressional prtH-eedingsand debates exclusively. The Appendix will embrace the revised speech es «*panttely, aiia the message* ot the IhesideQt or the United Stale*, and the reports of the Heads ot Ihe Executive Department*. TEEM* For one copy of the Daily Globe fdaily dur inv thescMion of Congress, and weekly durmethe rece**) a year, 5$ opy of ibe Congrcssiotal Globa during Ihe '•p**ioti, j gy For 00c copy of the Appendix daring the sccjion, • | «,q Fqr lour copies of either, or pan oi both du r,»ig the hc**ioo. 00 f or t-*n eopiei of cither, or part of both du rinr the »e**ioti, m 00 Taymenta strictly in advance. EXTRACT I' itj „,i iG/j V read before the l»'j ‘clangor of arm* knd the roaring of ar ti lery , of men who have been elevated by a free end ir.depocdest nation to the highest boDoistnat tuan can beitow upon man. A man who has been eo elevated in aociuy by his moral and intel lectual character, wosld sooner see his deaiest hopes crushed, than offend his Maker by foul mouthed bisiphomy, And ye', daily and hourly, do wa see crowds congregated at the different comers of our street*, when oo passing by, our ears are assailed with lueb gross and horrid blasphemy, that it shocks Heaven, and even Brelrebub would close hi* can from hearing it. It a ram ha* no more deccccy.no roo.ro self respect, no more honor for oiratoU and fiitnilr. than to be Coauouallr bias* phcmtr.g tho author of his beirw be -• already suDk below the level of the hrtue errau 10. He 1* Icohed upon by every honest mao, ss an outcast irotn society, and to person of a re*pc>-ial:G r n»r aerer, wuuld KMpcitle, or hare *oy thing to with him. " t*wesr.ag." says the Rev. Charles By« k, “i* iui ctleQce agsiDst God aod relg or, sad a sin of •d cihrt* the {Bo*t exiravsgact and uancrocota tde. b* having no benefit or advmiago atlc-adteg :L It i* rumempt of God , s violation of hi* law ; s great breach of good bthsrior; and a mark ot icvity, wrsbrrist, and wlckcdaess. How those who live ui the habitual pnetioe of it ctn call themselves men of sense, or of decency, I know not ” If wc, therefore, who have oiganized into a so* etriy fir too pirpoM of increasing our stock of kcr w'edjre. and to become respected aid honored o-'is-n*, vouM quit the sbomiosble practice of jjFvsnn/, l: J iict'.ate tboto men to whom we an* :rwe oitjoy —»e w >u d br.oiue c .I'.? l.i ih«- i..in*ct.* wt<> gave n« lur l L and -* r 1 iiv- I.' I.* dwe't on hv *tart po.-u-r.iy. Thi Fugitive Slave Lew. Thr /“.iltJrtfhtn .Yurt'. Anarursn.oi Woodsy Las lie following remttks in relation to this law ' I i-i no part uf cur profe»»H>o to »sgci..io or ur.-Mi'rasc agitation. i,»i the contrary, we desire .•cad if on no other account, (or the sake of the r-reni commercial community with wtuch »!i our ’lutsrest* acd sympathies ato tdtoiifed. Rut we -!o cut intend io abardon oor cbersberi principles «-r tinb rt-atun. or to aubunt to icdign.tir* and .n ■if pnn« ns Nonhcn rigbit, merely because a few •cif sutS’ieatsnd presumptions politician* mat ir. *- :t,r* scare crow cry of “agttat.or “ Odioos, c-iirJgcG.ua, and icaulting as are tan provisions of ibc law lor tbs recapture of fugitive tlsvcs, we Mv? not eueojpied t-> tomcat rxcrtemeol ssalDsi t c-r tr *m the rmlew of dissatisfaction. We are for asl-tsu.tmg to it while —sod because—it is the law ot the iaort, aud bertose it is tbe hrst and is* tictiesi doty of the cit sen to be obzdient to the lu> Rut the fsrt that we do entertain these senti* meets, w. : i cut pevcM us, at >he proper time, i-om u;r -i-g:tie rtpcai or mod fisuioo of an act, a-men «-e consider a ducrsce to the statute book and ib* co'«n»ry. The Constitution prov di • for toe restoritioD of fugitive e aves, end the legii* isiion of ('Xiigrcta waa made to conform to that rrq-j.«mon by as act pssced Ctur years after tho adjournment cf Hie convention that fraiued the - ■nrmits'.n. While we are not only willlrg, but snz; u*, that every duly oajolncd by the charter of our Lujnies, should bo executed iu its lull apir.l, and that every ercuoul right should be enjoyed under it, we caonot’eonrpoi tu applaud to <* tsw which irflteta * desdly-wnsad upon some of its uioat vital principles, and which coicre ihc Free Stales with the power to change the rrmil ion of the man who is reengn'red as free on this anil, into that of a slave, ll may be raid tost such asset are not likely to happen, but we answer that they suy happen, and that tco !bw r. fl-ir.i* no relief, if they do hapueo. A slave trader may Inflow a ftee Ma, k into Pennty! • ver-s, under ■ (?.!►«• representation, and carry hirn to the froutb, wubru* inrorn-jg danger or in- lb<: .isk ol one dollar of psoaltv Vet (nereis a fine M a thousand dollar* snd imprts* oiioiH fnrsn inooiti, .roj>oe*d by ihc Fugitlv-; b.t!. op'-ii «oy ooe, u-hn rhsil • aid rr abet al hffd «l*rn direciy or mdirertty to esrspe; 1 soil 1.1 ice rv<-ul of mt-aiic. a for.Viiol tooiher tbou* si. d io i./r, as the enu-rary value of tho slave Tan put.'. - v.iii-r and feej.ng of the Nunh are «d* rt*ii t j sr.v such laws, ard wr have greatly mis taken the -.gas of the lime*, tf IVy Jr, itJ \ fi 0( I et{>n-*ec h**rd. F-.iUtV bn I unwilticq to romproailae tbe cause rr (f i-.irm or tbe nghti of humanity. Tbe re*» j [ yioincs of ihe Isrt aod Ihe prrceedlpg Whig Stale I'-’-..uvrDiinoa refirc. otir opinions (airly, sod wo I | ;uv.i onilfc-nvored tu maintain them In Iheir in* | legniv. They ar* just, i-oracrvative, and national, •in s wnr.- 4 , they «rr re->r>iotioos wbiob leave us do i ro.mi pi tri-nd soy »tep backwards, white weoon t.-i'iir to value honor snd integrity. Excited and intatH'.ied, sa portions of the South are on al! .| if sturu'i i-onneeted with ttavcry, we cannot fail to admire tn* spirit aud anit*d sentiment by which it-ey are nt-.rualeii in defcudlpf tbeir ed r.rt tils, ng«mr[ Ibe edvahee of tmogmed ag> grc*.si<>;i. It i« not aaied there, who wit! .x.ii«’ei!e cj ;il io >st- the vroat power of the Nnrtl , but who •''.l l dems-i J no-l iml enforce (l wrilj the nt-i.i-j -*t laugi.sc-. It would be quite an crt’ilil# !<: ‘i*. ihorc s'li.i pi-ofeas such extrea.c s.-mpsitu ' ’ l*"* S- mil. ihey would employ SOTS uf 11.-- time sort or courage which they tco exiid'i’t-d a that aection, in defending lhair own ic«iiiuiioos and interests, when they a;c unjastly For ir.o C.azeite THU PSALMS. Uti sweeter than the star Iwhtdevr That letl cm (Irnnon’s lull, Or scents tbs rose ot rioaroo true w At holy midnight «t,ii , Or airs ins tropic sens along The Halsyou elide* among, Is each and every hallow'd *ong The pious David sung Ah 1 tn« wan noi the weary mtnj, The tiehl and flitting wmv; l („• gloom with which the flynic pined, i tie f,>rcc that passions bring, I’m ihal brloved. abuling (rust N<> beating wind could move, 'I i.c luiier ‘Mw that notrt tho juit, Tno tbrobMn; heart cf love. Ti. _ j. wilmrwilireS/ ' T""*' OPP”*^ ihe kl« .Mdi/'' Cb 0 1- V. Adw» f i. O ,SLte P rse-soiier, for Iho Vice •eihi from It' V .fh linMo r Und i letter ™ eevtaifi vs ,e .' Quincj, contatnuig oper4l^( r 'iui*ence4 With respect to the practical rtaoliA)" J At this meeting # UIU<- n, w, °P f ®l‘ d? nouncitig the late laws, n * * oUl * r reason* og tha grotmd that it “take* bcoeii, or ihe ff »ueh < **® n tiie eff ect of die law, it would have been I e utj of the Pre»iitQi i u \-?to u, on the objeo j ll ° ncf U “coontuutioniiliiy. Other objection*,ar ] r ° m M^w^onH °* r inexpediency, the Fre*i \ n. or.uldno, en , cr(am Wll j, the.well * ed. Whig dwtrine in regard tu the exercise of the Executive Veto. The American people havu adopted the Whig rule upon tt n * subject; and the only question left to the President under that j rule was whether or nonhe In!! submitted to him ■ wa* consixteut with ihu provisions of the constito { lion It hadbeeu too loug pend.ng in Congress to j permit hiniu) raise any qivstion upon the idea of ‘manifest hasle ami want of cimridenition” in that I hody While this bill WH* I efore tin* President for his signature, the question arose in Ins mind which 1* presented by the resolution of the Boston meeting to which we have above referred. Did Ibe bill lake away the benefit of the hebeaa w-p* • If it did, it wa* imronstitmiMial, and the President would have been bound to return it to Oongres* with hi* objec lion*. Tho Pre*ident concuqutiiliy referred tho bill to the Attorney Gnni-ral for hi* opinion’ upon thi* nn elaborate and able opinion was given by that oificer to the eflect that “there ia no ihing in the bill-ui question which .-onriicl* with the Constitution, or str.jvend*. or wa* intended to suspend, Uie privilegeoflm* wrif rfhele.t* a> n ,„< Tin* opinion we have pro.- ur ed i or publiratfon, and it will bo found in siioih-r column of ihu raor niag's paper do not know th* views of the President in regard to the propriety or expediency ofth-s law. The pohlioai school to which be befings his al way* adhered to the daemon luol questions cf , togishtivo propriety *t»d expedieaey belong to tho reprosenfative* of ihe State*, and the tivea of the people, it has been for year* tha waplo of Whig complaint that tha will of tho peo ple La' been tco-ufteu Hnst'sied by tbo veto of the Executive ; and the only qucsi-on that could be entettained hy the President, urview of bis well rented and well known cr.Qtictiooa of Executive duty in this regard, w«t in re*pcrl to the const!* tuuooaliiy of the pro visions ol ihebiil. JJeen* lerta.neJ a doubt upen the point which hosubmiu ted to the Attorney General; oc«l that doubt w»* removed by.lfce sery com lo.ive opiniou of Mr. CsinsiDU, to which wo tgam refer our rcaden. THR PltflTfVK 81.AVC I.AW Opinion of .Ur. Crllteuden. Arror.xrr G»saAL'* Offick, i l»(h September, lbfiO. } Sit: 1 have bad the honcr to receive your cote of th»* astr, Informiig n»o thm the bill eommooly called tbo Fogifive Stave hill, kavingp MM d both Hon sea of Congress, bad been rebmtited to you lor yonr coooidrraijuo, approval, and signature, and requesting my op.cioa wueihar the sixth sec ti«ti cl that act, and opcoiaiiy the Ust elsuso of that secuon, cotihcts with the pruvition of the ContliiQlicm whirl) Uee ate* tiist “[ho privilege of ibe writ ol re*H.<>n or Invaaion the puld.c safety may rc.jU.n it it 1* csy oirsr ul-uv. -u.m last lac-re i» uothiojin the asi clause, nw i-i «uy pi-M of.ibe sixth lec rion, ti<;r lodcrd in »!.» part i»f :ne provisions 01 the ect, wmrh suspend?, o- v?*« u> sus pend, the privdege ot the wm „f habeas corpus, or is in any nunnor in cwofl,.-: with the Coasiun* lioa. The ConaiittHiftn, in Ihe n-comi net uno of tho ft;n«h urine, dfrluis. Mat • no p.nv>n held lo service or liber in on* Sul.*. umvr the l«wa thereof, e*.*>p.ng ...;o aLou.tr, «r. O I, , 0 coore. queue* ot W)' liw 01 ihireio, be dta. charged Horn aoch »ervire or lio >r, bo I *doll be deliver**! upon da.in of th« perir lo whom such icfT.ct or labor tnty L-v doe." h u will ■?m Lea, hritoreaily and judicially, that lfti» o'auit i f >r o O-ott-iulivn was lor Ibe purpnac of security lo thu . i'i/-n# Of slave* holr; uj iva*r« ire Ci-oipy. r-n;-r*cip ofalhwa M propetiy, <» a:-y w,o evrry Suie or TerttlCtt rflbo Union mio ur.iv;, ucy ...igtu '£****■ v *‘ * w :.>•••’■ ■'.'■‘•it:/: ! jd Pa. M 9 ) it t'rroitt and Laving ao j pjwer lo make Uivior regnlatlu:-* ,n reaped lo the delivery of fugitive*. Thu., the whole pow. er, and wub n ihe virnl* ■! ,sy, narrylng » a io efieei lb.« important or of the ffer.a'nclion »»• w *»b Conner**. Aa-i accord. Q? | f -. B3Qa a r cr lb« adorn,ou cf tfc- orion no *«j 0 f 12lh February, hu *rd n 0» p ro - Vl3| on-atufartory a-.l , 0 -. ftcictl, by rraaco, (among oilier .-*u»r#,; «.• *i>no c-iaor error* 10 it* i detail*. <’ rgn-rji r--. t. w alien (.tngby ih.e bill I f,a * mcrc e, '*‘ lli * ! *' ltc • , '*i -ta Cifugd.ve «i*vei iloicrir owner* To» .-re. ana moat u.ateri*. j loot,jn in rubMtco- d*«U«. ; ., th«i tt-r. ciaunaal oMhe fug ( .ve -l-.-.c ui%r.u>-«i and carry h.ro I LefeT « «T '-••R.-en r-*..,ed *cd de^-nt • ed >n lli- b--i, and provides that ihoae ofLccij and ear h of Ibetn ebaii have jK.trer and jurit ! dici.oo to bear, exam.re, »t.u drradr tbe ear* JO ■ i aummary manner, ibal. if up. ;n tueh heartaf, ihr ‘ daxnanl, by ine rr.injiie piocf, atall esUhliab ; bia riaia lo ihc »n.»/»eitor. i>r ibc mbiioal ibu» , cnnsutuled, ihe umi irbuaa; *i re iua» a rrr i Itficale, aiatrng iberv.ti th- ru'.-u.-uri ;*c.t< tftbe case, and nmiions.oß him, ir-,;d reavonable | tores aa may be ncce«B»ry, u. taka ar,d carry and I tujn.se base u> the State or Tctifcory wheocc he ' Or ate may hare caeopej, acd tteu .l coarloaioc proceed a. Inllowt **Tnr rm-ryM-i in it.* and I (be firal aertioo ttenti-vtrc »ht,. Ln c ( 1 the n«ai of lbs person o r perseor, a whove lavor Itranied, lo remove »«eh ftijriiivd to tbe 3:ctc or rerritory from whtch he e^n-iand rha l pr«*. ■ VOBlall aoleatatiOQ of«o#!. j» f rr»u .v per*ot.* by , any ptoeeaa tamed by any co ir:, judge, mafia* I irate, or other person whorasoc vt*r.' > There la eodjitf m all ihii 'hai doea not were lo me to be couawteai v;ih ibe C.iohuduod. aad oeceanry, indeed, to redeem ihr pledge which it Domains—ry fr.-m which be es* , oiped. And the cenfllttittonaity of that ac*, to all thoae partieolara; ta» !^ en MLnoi-.l by tbe adjn« dication# of Stale tribuaels, nod by tho ooarU of tho Ufiltod Stale#, Without * slr.«le diaaem, ao &r •» I kfiow. (Faldunn't C. C. It., M 1,579.) I conc'ade, ihere&rc, tnai to Hr aa the net of Ibe 12lb February, 1793, hni been held to be coo [ Ultutfootl, Ibis bill mual alio be ao rcasrded, tod [ that the CQitody, reatralni, ami r**mm ai, to which I the fugitive alavo may bo aubjcctc.l, under the : provraioaa of this 1.. H, a , a p ji i aw yui, aod. (bar tbo certltioato to b« groined to the owner ia to be , regarded at Ue act and jtidgmi-nr ni a judicial In* ' bubal having competent juriadiction. Wilh theao remark a aa to ihc mnH'iutionality of Ihc genoral provis-oo# of the Uni. aad ibe coose* ejiicnt legality ef Ihn cur-tody ai*d c.inliaeoenl lo which the fngfiJve slave ntsy bn snbjL-cted under ii, l prewed in u Lrir.f conaidctatiou of Ihe moro particular tjucatinii you I.qvo ;jopjuoried in refer enco to Ihn wnl oj bnbaaa - oipu*, and of ibe tail .•laute of Ihe aixtb aocilon, above (jnoted, which gltc-3 rise u> tbai qu'-stiue. My opinion, as before i-iprcwnd, is, thoi there is nothing in that clause nr aeciiotisvbich conflicts with, or swapeoda, or waa intruded to suspend the privilege of l be writ of hhbeu corpus. I ihmit so, because Ibo bill eaya not or.e rrorc stem t-voi writ; because, by the Conetiiution, C-vcgroM u yxprea** lyfortiidden to aospenft the pjivilcgs of ibis writ, n anl«as wheo in ctjwtorU'l-*lI-o/for invasion tko pabliaaofeiy. mig .require it," and therefore Ihe suspension by this boit-g ccltacr rebel lion 00? lewalooj would b- r plain osd palpable vjalattoo of the ctusrlitutioD, and do mtention to commit inch a violation of the CaatiiiuLuq, cf their -doty, end ikwr oaths, oughi to lw impilied lo them upon mere custruciiopa and loplicaliona, aod thirdly, because (hero Is to incompatibility between these provisions of tho bill eod tho pricl* lege ofthe writ ofhabeas corptis.io Hi ut.noal con- Btitqtttmsl htfltrde. • • Congress, jn tbd caw of Iflgili'.'* slave, a| in fill other cases wilhio ihe renpe ol its con**niu!.otlal nu iboritr. ba* the unquestioaxhltt right tc erdaih and prc*eribv, for what cau-.es. to what extent, and in wh&l meaner, person* test* be taken mio custody, detained or imprisoned.' Without llu« power they cotild no. fuilil ihcir 'ccrtftjuticguil trurt, nor per torm the erdumry and duties of govern mefit. it was aever fmrrd the exercise lhat ItgHiaiive power was any encroachment uppn or suspension ot’ -the privilege ot the haUtu n*ryfu It n only by some confu?iou of ideas that such a ••onSjci cai, be «uppo*ed to cxi«. It not witli.n faibor (J. it. Vaihon) eaiae to tbe oonelasioo ihai wr haJ brtwr try yoar - Petroleum.- tni was STTUitr sii.no' of one eye. U .. now about two ma..!:*. siiire she began us a.e, * n J -he can n„w «c« wih IhiUi t yet m K aod s. ever .be did . and. *» far “* t .-*»., I*ll. 1 tehee.- *br U.,, wu* U. P Mc»*,ng >■< Ai*. .yl.i) w.i cured b, Fmroleuin " \ -ui« ie*|>r< lfulfl, M Faavi ct Vasho.s Cou.ca, ii i .'bli, Seju -jo, |„sd. I'or »-.ie l, Kfi'ir a McDowell, |4O Wood street i R E Sellers, 47 Wocd street, DM. Carry, 0 y.-,. i.ott. Joseph Dongl*,., ,hJ 11. P. Schwartz, Allegheny, also by the proprietor, 8. H. KIEfl, o<7 Canal Uaiia.Sevauth at, Pitlabargh M’CORO & CO, Wholesale* itriail Manataetarer* k Dealers tn HATS, CAPS & FURS. C®» Wood A Fifth air, Fltubargh. w heir they otter a fait and complete stock of Hats, ' 4 . p *-* 4r , • u< r**n quality and style, by Whole *sle and Retail, and invite Use attention of their cas- I* 1 **™ 11 !, assuring them that they *w 1 se'i on the most a©va.vta«bod> uuu R. P. TANNER A CO.. SHOE WAREHOUSE, 6S Wood at»b«tw*«B Third a Fourth, ’ Are tew motiving their very large and superior Fall stock or BOOTS, SOUKS, ISO BROOtSSj W>NNRT9 and PLOIVERS,,» o fthe latesi stv!es, and expressly rdopted to tho western trade It has been selected *uh great c.re, and as to sues t , °*k ,T ‘ no, * nr T’ t,,ed by any nock to be found euhar east or west. Oar cuttomer* and mer chan.* generally are Invited to call and examine, as *[«nnjneJ to wll on the most reasonable terms. Also, Goodyear'* Patent Rubber Shoes 0' ail ‘ tlmU _ . .. augttedtf UIIGOt'UAUK lIOHK INSTITUTIONS CITIZENS’ INSURANCE COMPANY. Of Plttahurgh, ■* C 0. HUS-SKY, Paxe*r. . A.W MARtra ll°onVvi' 0 * 41 WfctCr * lreel ' lhß wauhousoV C. , | n klßj?nKi NV , \ now P re P tred to insure all Jr w d H of mi# * 00 manufactories, good* merchandise in store, end In transitu voaeela, Ae Au ample guaranty for the ability and imczritv of the Institution, 1s afforded In the character of sje W rector*, who ere all euisens of Pittsburgh, well end Piascioßi-- American Hardware, to ©for purchase will promote their inurrst by iooSni broogh oar .leak as they are determined to sell oS bo moat reasonable tarma. augls HATS, CAPS, ANO MUFFS. Jahki wilson, tf.t Mood rf, (iinur U J Diamond uZ/ey, Strand jfory, OFFERS Jus customers and the pubtlc, an wiUreiv new and fresh stock or Hat*. Caps, and Mulls tn Rieat variety, Manufactured and Selested with umeb eate m rrferanee to prlee, style, and quality, in New York city, awl will be offered at the lowest rates of present low prices, Wholesale and Retail ritHt.uryh, Oct. 11, IrtSO oellaUmAwlmS Offiee 01 Ohio and Fenna. H. R. Co, Third at. Pmaavaeu, Aagun 6, l*£u. r«E Stockholders of tho Ohio and Pennsylvania Rkil Rond Company are hereby notified to pay the fligblh io*ialnctii of five dollars per share, at tho otfico of the Company,©!! or betora the BWh day of Aofiust. The ninth Instalment! on or before the Sum day of September. The tenth instalment on or before the Sinh day of October non H7* Tho nb uuialaant was called for on the £oth o July last. auiStdtf WM LARIMER, J r „ Treasurer. Syfcls?®"* Market and Ferry streets. asu-dlriri TIIS BATOIULTY, .da. Wii.n—Keaac announce the name of Wmnw Rmxtuat, of the fourth Ward, aa a candidate for Mayor, at the ensulog elocuon, subjoot to the DO nic. ation of the W biz Convention, and ohii#*. „l,™ Of THE;SECUND ward .x. U .»* Hones, on Mooaay, tho 18th dir of November next. 8 t‘.»iLiugh, Oct 15th,1S5o'^oiffi ,NV ’ C “ llier ' Exchange Dana orptttabargti. AN election for thirteon Dtrecmu of this Bank, to wrro daring theeantlng Tear, will be bald at tho oa,bcn», l6 ».ZSS« 8 “■“oWE.cw^.- BABK OP PITTSnCRCsI. A £.? eetio ? foT thjneen Director* of this Bant fo js-ani.. ssjmw °“ k '" O K CnAUBERLIB'B ojamiTi ii^ijjg Comer of Market and Third meets. TUF. course of iasiruetion in this Irstiiatioa, em braces Book Keeping, Commercial Computauon, • FcnmuoAhia, Lectures on Commeteial Law, and in fact everr branch pertaining to a fimthed mercantile education. John Pieming, E*q n aothor ©f the National Book Keeping, principal lecturer and teaeUr of Book Keeping. Ladles and gentlemen wishing to improve their Penmsaihip, can call at the College at any hour dur ing the day or evening. cril nuspratu’ Pagant Soda Aah. I'HRrubreriber* arc now reeelvmg, by canal, lajga •applies of James hlospratt A Son’* £*«•>» and best quality (slats Makers’ Soda Ash, which they will ce'j at the lowest market price, for cash or approved b U*- Will VITCHELTKEE °c3l Liberty sl Bleaching PO\VDER-asc*sksMß.pnuts’ ben qotlity, for sale at the lowest market price by ocBl Will MITCHELTBKE CHEESE— 100 hxa Cream, just rtc'4 for sale by a A W HaRBaL'GH SODA ASH—3O c**ks Kurtz brand, to arrive, for «rie by [oc*11) SAW HABBAUQfI BUTTER— 7 brls Roll Buuer; 7 brls packed do, just landing for sale by pc* l SAW HAUKAUGU Hamilton Canton Flanatli MURPHY A BURCHFIELD have reoeived a tan ply of above superior ani*-‘e. oc2l Bard Pella** S’lannala OF very banJsomo paueros and bright colors fac’d oe || a,orc 01 MUttPH V A BURCHFIELD TO BAIL llOAl) COKTHACTORS* PROF OPALS will be received at • ntCeet of iha Baluinorc and Ot-jo Rail Hoad Company at i)al. timore, Camberland Faitmouni, and Wheeling. anul Saturday, the llth of No«eraber next, inclusive for the Graduation and Mavonry of abotu 33 lectios* or raflei ofiha line, extending we.twanllj by the water* of Ftih Creek and GraveCieok, an.! over the dividing rid*** l>c;ween theta, from the lftb-h eeot-on of the patl of tin line already let; to the liWth section ofth *!tme lue-bemg the oily porurni of the , oale rc . bum mg to he pat under contract. The work u> be l:t will bo generally hcaw-in « lanncl of V4SO, another of 1460, and a third of 400 teel in length, a number of deep euttinx* and embankment*, ana a eontlderabla quantity of bridge tna*onry. Specification! will be ready at the above ettce., on and nfter the let day of November. and fci.gtneers will be upoa the hae to give inforraaiion rto btJ amu|i ported ty good testirnomali will be conaldcreo, and binder* are dcmrcd to mate if tber have ourer work on hand, and when it will be fcniebed. IQc mod enerfruc prucecution o' the work will be expected. By order oi the Pretideui and Director* BfciNJ. H. LATRUHE, Chief Engineer. oc2l dinovli EZECUTORS'SALIC of UR AL. EBTA TK BY rtqne»t or the hclr» of CoaiUen Kiug, deceased IAO undersigned will expose at public ia!e, on tho premises, on Thursday, November tfaib, at on# oYJocfc. I*. M., all that valuable tract of land situated tn t>nowden Township, Allegheny County, eomainlne one hundred and si» ty aorca, adjoining landi ofTboi Ktddoe, George Cochran, and others This tract of land u of good quality, within eleven miles of fm*. tJUTsn, abounding in coal and limestone, a> d woll watered; a ruoo apple orchard of grafted fnitu a comfortable hewed log bouse and bam, with plenty of stabling and other out buildings, and has inercon abundance or choice timber; and in short, is well werthy of ihe attention of those wiibrnr u> invert capaaj in productive real rsieto. The above BroperiT will be sold together or in lots, to sou fmrehaaen If not sold, ibs property wUI bo for rtm-i*nai made known on day or'sate. JOUN KINO ocrirMtT ISAAC KING. f. n. KAToar, WHOLESALE and Retail Dealer tn Glove, Hosiery, and Yarns, Dress add Uunoet Trimmings, i-ssj Goods and Kmlrrpir.mes, Umiiemen'i Famishing Ani«l*»s Z.-pleys, Worsteds. Pattern*. and Canvai, I’erf d Hoard, Tissue Taper/and No ' it Fourth strseL SATIN ETTA -A large nMottrasnt ol Hiacfc, Brown Disc, and Mlzod, jau received. and for tale by SHACKLSTT A WHITE CO-PABTfIffcKIIHIP. I HAVE this day associated with me, James Colvin in the Coal, Diy Goods, and Uiooery Easiness. m Temperaneevidc. The tunurrs hereafter will be conducted under the style ol sui.tiey a Co]via, who raspecUtuly solicit ths poliotiage of lletr friends in general. JOHN SMITLEY, « n »•, . • JAAIES COLVIN. N Q— A.I j*sr<-’us knowing themselves indebted to the la* fcuu ..f Sralitey A day or John hauler, wi,l plea*.? uiakr ,m:oedtaie payment to. sMiTGht a UH.VIN ;j:..vs*jilev.] (.smu consul ■ffllTLikT AGQLVIS, COAJ. .Merchants, and Dealers in Dry Gods, (lr—A gtx-U assortment of Long and Square MiawU, C/aiiiv. Kmtroidcird, acj fiats. . ? f, l“ v SHaCKLETT *_W|«TE GENTLEMENS H-avy silk Ve«ta ar.d Drawer*" Jo Flee menrto ,i O . I. A, - , F'-Xln anj Kir .1 s.lk Cravat. I ,rc HiiirtA, anil Report?; ;Jitk. Cotton, nrJ V,'r.r--ed aiti 1 r oikf y lied itfs.ine \t jsfi.a; Kriu cd r.nnrel Rr,bp., Qa»»l» Bel:*., L'.r.ljrelln*; Silk and Linen l\ekct HJkfs; Wool «nd UL fc ckskK> liloven, Suprt Kid and Kuk (Jlovr*. Scant. Comions, and MnfilsTT; Ju*t received and lor sals by p II EATON* Bd Ontd baiin Delouia, Itlae buo«*ea Turtey Red Chum Figured do do. l’Um do do. Half Window Linen; Drab Jo dt, ie , j The above goods being pui.-iiaocd direct uom the importer* and Mauufnciaref#, will l«« said aicheap ** ,6e > c “ L ® »•» •n» of il'e eastern eiuea We in tnte aU wishing line Carum flood. 10 call at the Car pel Warehouse, w Fourlk nmi ociu _ WM McCLINTOCK LARD OIL—IO lull No l, lor nie by J SCiIOONJJAKER A CO _° g,t> . «Wood ft EPSOM »At.T* for .tile by ' J aCMOONMAKTJt A CO RfcFINKD SALTI'KrRB-i't ken for sale by _£ll? j sciiih in.makkr a co OILS— ft caxkt blreebed wmieT Whale Oil a ca«ks left Tanner*' Oil. lor «nl« by 01819 J_SC»IOONMA,KfcU a—-la ca*k« for »a!e by —®® tß - - J SCHOoNM * KER i. CO TNOIUO—3 eases Manilla; . A 3 cerootu Caraacaa, for tale by -g*-- J aCHOONMAKKB A CO MADDER-1* cask* be*i Dutch. for aalo by 2£i“ j SCHOfK'MAKKn A CO H^nH^5 i H k RRINC i« A * ew received and for *ale by WM A McCLURO & co -Jgj 9 8M Liberty »t. \V IN Pl A BRANDY for medicinal purpti«-». for «19 r H K »KLLKK» -- 0C1 “ S7Wood*i TOOTH BRUSHES— Kino quality English Impoit. .*4. far ante by ..re SRLLBRH T IIjUORICK— 4 e.ae, reeM fo r ;,,| r 5-“" ~ ■H. .® 018 _ . R E SELLERS WEDQEWOOD MORTAUS— 1 no«k ai«rrietl sires for rale by |*»utgi Hll SELLERS ANNIR SMFID—VH* ll.i rcc'd for eaJ« |.y _ orlß ... ...HERRLLKUS English extracts—nciujoiin*, i tMmiuu Conli, Taraxioau, and Quh»on 9 U Allegheny city. PnlTirlitd Corn Starch. REFINED and prepared caprcssly for Pndduure, Cttstards, Cakes, &c Thw pore and beautifsl article i« acetrfinvlv htalUir. delieions, and economical. nod wttsa desired may be used w a subsntais far,aaain the nae man ner as Arrow Root. iasl received and for sale at 250 Libert? tl's?'" .«!* wMAMcctrfao * CO j ARD OlL—lb Urla for sale by Ju i SGNOOHUAKER * CO «3 *4 Woods; SHELL—I bag just received forme bv t V WM A McCLUBG A CO JAMAICA GINGF.R—I care white Race • 1 e*»a gn»ttncTCes,TOCK a CO _ V..ZJ P A FAIjWBaTOcr 4. CO olivSw0 I ivSwo I dJI7^ 0 «).K* nd plnt , , » "tukutofous V-,i lwo dO,eR e,pb ' *ad tor Mir b* - y°? B _B_ A_MHNKSTOCK A, CO ! PACKED BUTTER—A prime article, for **ir br _°«l* 81IR1VER k BARNES FLOUR— tio brli fane Fioar, la Ftore and for itle by -i* 1 * SHSIYER A BARN ► H ROTE atJEn MAGAZINES, - AT HOLMES’ LITERARY DEPOT, Third »u*et, oppsiitc the Poji Office, * GODET’9 LADY’S BOOK for November;' Graham'* M&j?tuine do; Serum* do do LitteU’e living Ago, No TO; Harper* Monthly Magartne October CnmvatDr tor October; 1 ilotttoultarm for Or inberj The Jroo Marb—DomMi t> a t work, complete; fUo Orphan Children; a tale; b» T. 9 Arthur: Adelaide Ludeay; a new novel, by Mr*. Manh. Old Country -Houm; a new novel, by Cfey ALCOfIuL— S bureli 78 tod P2tresb,juit rec’d for ■fJ® . B K SELLERS -L® 1 .! , /7 Wood 1) ofl E PINK—4JO tbs Engliih, Joit reeM for •«!« by 4 V °e* 7 R E SELLERS tIARB. AMMONIA—I cuk jail recM for sole By ccl7 B E SELLERS •ET OIL—I pipe Jurt teceived for «ale bv -h n E SEL LEI PINK ROOT— I bale juit received for s loby _® c i7J _ B_E SELLERS PEACHES-40 i*ck» this dayrec'dby ocl? - V»10K A McCANDLESS I'^ 6 "’ 6 '»- 59v > » nd 18’jTobacco, L superior l>rar.ils, received for tale by WICK h ** ' AL.MO.VD3— 34 lacks 8. 8. Almonds!>r ea le l.y _ .gcL WICK A McCANPLE<3 pHEE?E-fjbxs Cream Cheeie; ■ l*j bxs W. R. Clteeee, for sale by . f,rl - WICK AMcCAND) "lITADDIWC—White, Black, *nd «xtra Glued, OB ”T Snuid'nad for sale by °r >7 J WICK A McCAVPLESS POT^yH—U casks pure, a superior article for re iMllng, on haad and for asl&by _2£; 1 WICK AMcCANDLE9B_ Mt- ULD CANDLES—9U bxs superior, for sal* by .__2£_7. WICK A MeCAN JDL E3S CIGARS- -134 M common, for sale bT WIOKJk_WcCANDLKS9_ BUTTFB —m kegs for side by <** 7 8 V VON BONNIF’BBT A CO BHOOM8 —100 do 2 for sslfl by S F VON BONN HQRST A CO /~IHEES&—IO bis for xaJe by V * F VOM BONNHORST A CO CVibr** NuTt*— .l bugs received forsile by ’’ > 0017 WTCK A McCAPfDLESS SOHOE, ■JONATHAN KINSEV A J. B. Knox, pinners, bas al log made v.n assignment to me for the benefit of thiur creditors, notieo is hereby given to all perrons indebted to said firm, to make immediate payment to the onde-ncoed, to whom alto, those bavin* claim* against theta will present them for adjustment DAVID D BHUCE. Assignee of Kinsey and {fnox 53 Fifth Btreet FOH SALK. fpilE Warehouse on the corner ofWood and Front 1 street!, recently occupied by Wm. McKee, ms \v bolesale Grocery Store For term, apply to'H. H Ryan, 31 Fifth street—Ryan's Building*, where all kind* of turned materials sre for sale, and steam power and rooms to rent, the machinery bejnr Dow io operation {oel7:d3w) il il. RYAN Appmitui for Oltanlng i|(o T « pin without talcing dOVtt* INVENTED by Frederick Btcires. and made by SGAIFK A ATKINSON, oc Q ■ First it. between Wood h. Market tta. KDGEWOATn LADIES* SKniSAHY SEWICKLEY. THE Water Peaaion wiU commence on Maud**. the 4A.-«f November. Superior teaeheta have neen engaged fir the diflerent departments Boarding and miunnin any or all of the English tranche*. CO3 perses»ion;cf five month!. For lurher rarticulßra. *ee elreularr, at Messrs John Irwin A Sons, Water street, or T, If NevluACu ,KC Liberty it. Pittsburgh _f.rtn ; eiwj ftR- NEVIV ISBTRfCTIOS OV THE PIASO. MR- F lIARBORDT, (pupU of the first European master*,) l«te of New York,respeetlu>yiaftnaj me cUiseuaot Pittsburgh and Allegheny, that l*s has arrived, anil unuCi making thi* city his i-ennsrent residence, for. the purjxjje of Ironanin. insinieDon «c the Piano. .Applications left at Mr*. White’s Bosrcir* fiJSSf* **. «' « H. Hu.lc Biot wm meet wtth Mroapt attention. oolfl DuarnAATs fiaros. 8ol« Atsaey for Dunham's Plano*. HKU.bF.B takes pleasure in. announcing to the . public that he ha* e 6rm of Black and Robb, wen aide of the Diamond, comer 0/ Diamond Alley, Pittsburgh. oeifcdtf CYRUS DLACK TOBACCU-.15 kegs Gedge's No L d twist, jacl ree’d per steamer Geneva, and for sale by „ Ml . James oalzell, <*«*• ?a Water «t. . CASTOR OIL--S 8 brli Blow’s for sale by R K SKLLI&S, - vClc 57 Wood at MORRIS A HA WORT fa, TEA DEALERS, east side of the Diamond, py oor Tea at £oc per lb-Tii really good URANDV ofthc purest kind, suitable for Medicinal pniposev, at Csc and Si Per quan, for ■ w « , L ? MORBIP *HA WoKTII __ In tbo Diotnond. . Excellent port wine at S2^7" B “!s b i i?«i£] morris a iia worth Keg BUTTER—W keg* fresh paekvd, rreemo* and for sale by R I»AL2KLL A Jo * -O'* 6 Llbcity m U> SAU.RATUS— ISO l-s* and Si casks very superior Croud and ufigToaml, in atore, tor rale by —< * l6 R PALZKLf, A CO BVCKWIIKAT FLOUR—Jo«t received mi foVZ froa lire New Bngbwn Mills, a | ot 01 eoperier Boekwhex Floor, pul op i a »lbi&k? for f>nOiy ow. MeCLUPCI 4 c«[ ' Family hams 4 Bww,‘ choitebiwd, cfSewr Cored Hone eoniunt] J oa n«id omi for nle x sa 3 Liberty ttreei, be y ?®A? WMAMcCLUEO 4 CO unKF—Davis’ Cincinatii Sugar Cured. U Nagged, and CauvesseJ, for tale br * .-$£L C -_ WH A McCLUBC k CO BANDBOXES— Boon* and half rouad, afwtoiT «1« and retail, by W. P. MARSHALL K5_ Wood at: W a£Sfi. , *}“ l! ,V ,ATE, ; v - An “wrtcM.d ’*■«* ■- LV^.. Work am Ota CDartUra Ball Boad. "° lk tmaxnhn nnfiaiahed on tbe Char. »i«* Ccal Bad Bond wit' be re-let rroco**]* will be received** the ofice of the Char iton Coal Company, until Saiurdiy. the lflih i ok | - . „ . 2 W. REMINGTON, Maaacar. Coal Harbor, Oct ll—oetd-cat LAUD Ollr—to brlt No 1, landing and for aale bV f"*. 1 JAMES PALZ Klj, COD FiSH-4 caUi rec‘£ per canal, for isle by 2£* JAMES DALZEU. ISSTRI'CTIOs"oa tba PIANO FOKTk. rim \V KRAINARD would ;e*pei natty inform VT tbs cjttrena 01 iltaburth and Al.egbeny u ttv that he ta now irepared to receive pnpiuon the Pitr» lone nod Orznn. ” M*” VsionV 4 * I ‘“° m "' *' ““ ™ 1 "«* «! Refer-in A W. C-onsii, E*.-i, Riefcard Eiimri. Etq., W. P. MutMJ,fta Wta«mf ofSStfe- Mctlor, No, frl Wood wrerl, oeUS-iter M AGA2 INKS— G ode? il. 2Zd.-e**haa.’K Mpgaacc forNoTembcr anT^l. Tke)r\U conuiiuk«tf«lift,»h»a plaeLani C7WBi».'£bertaro all. beta «et:i»cs irftenur JJecci, TfiuAsirw:, opcxm a i hVT jvJ •!». u» Life nrrt HatniiecUoaVrf liin, tageaer wtOnnriflanta of hl> - SH. AloLABs£tf—4o bbla £Jt Lent* till-'- ’» 1»" T.e-di.StbfiVS-®??" -- Ui J*S A HUTCHBmffk. .4- OC,H - :—iiSHiffirolistb. £ ,ec ’ d pcr 3 B —■— * Co T°£ii* It E SELLER* 4Cli)—s7 o“'• very While, jum rectf 1 MOfrMaltUy ceil* BE i WHOLESALE _FALL GOODS. A. A. MASON & CO, OS A 00 MARKET ST., t rtnucuß, «**., varouLD «o!ieit the attenuon of Merchant! frem a ; ’ .-“f* of the e«aotr>‘>fa 'beD immento New Fait Goods,compriitrf tbo Itrgrst and SwalsUnf^of 1 * l “° ,uncnl in iho western concur, *7S cavea beat stylet Prim*} nr SS-‘ and Ataerican Ginghams; ~ 5® Alpacca*, Paramattoa. and Mcnoust 00 Cashmeres acd Ds I.alna; I if ?? Bsuocts and Jean.; ! i* UrtHtßACniirntTct, 1 ;^v d ,° ® le «bedMu*Un, ; cd bale. Flannel.,Ml colors; 4° £i*ktr-f a a<) grades; Merchant! are assured, from the *«». f , f U,u ctaChshment, of always proea.K, l ” r °. mast uestrable goods, and at price, .«*ow' ir ,d J,™, than aayxamrn bouse ftclng , nl for Urge qaamulea of Donseslic Ucoda* u>ey eat Urhr »o.«ut the order*, of merenant! tot rfomV. »«. deliverable ra this city at the tame pric* »\ e v .•old at is eastern citk-a. Mercbania either »V;. r or retnralnpAotn the east, are Invited u» eo «»smi-, k ,ion of thelr siock. A A MASON A CO Qgtdlra-yp-Awto9 BAI& GLOTKB.Ac LAWRENCE’S HAIR GLOVKS, single, forU i,-«, do. do do do for i.enn do do do do doabi: d 1) do do do Ruh. d® do Huap» mr I.ndirt. do do do for Gents, do do do Buh do DctaidafT Oruitei. imported tsd for cale by fcua FIRE CAOCF PAINT— On hand til the col«n» ol Akron Fire Proof Paint, wholesale on ! nml t,i Wos7and 9 Wood *iro<|. ocil3 J H THILI iPr* GREEty OIL CLOTH—IOj yaids 4-4 Green Oil Cloth,jut received tod for tale at Nor- t and » Wood ttreet. J it H pim-Llt’:* TXT AGON COVEROIL CLOTH—ISO tc jim rec VV and. for tala at Kit • and 0 Wood *irrc< oetia . J a h pmi.UPs TTELVEX PILE CARPETS—Received Out day at V W McClimock’t Carpet Warehcu.r, No. M Foor.h and TP Wood ttreet, ne» t»o t ..rn . nyle Velvet Carpets, to which wo Invite ihn aa, ntmn of tbote withirg •oraethfng rich and rare, *rrf ** cheap as can be pnrehated in any of lime attain < itiei oetia ; mH'REKiPLY CARPETS—Now reec'ivin; e: Me i Cliniock't, No 95 tounh nrrei, »nd ?t* Word >t, rich and new «tyle icperia. Thro* P’y Cr.rpcu, dirert from Uu» importers and mer.ufao-urcrn, which wlb !•« told at re diced pnres. ocui McCAVDLESS COFFF.E— 2301«5» prime Rio for stir by QCU3 J SDILWoRTH fc Co SUGAtt— ashUilt Prime N Uior tile by wtH. 1 . DILWOBTH A Cc TAR— CO bids N C for tale by dctis J 3 Dll-Worth i Co rrEAS-100 half cbeiu Y. If, (i. P n Imp. ami Hisck I 6u caddy boxes do do Co for tale by>, cctl4 J 8 MI.WonTH aCo TOBACCO— IBP boxes S's, 12't. 1 lh, in more and tor sale by ___ J_S DILWORTH 4 Co POWDER— 1,600 kegs blutinr to arrive. 4,600 do Deer Rifle, in n»,..anna. SCO do Ky do Oc, 25 bblt Paf-ty Fu« i!,l For sale by octta J S DiMTorth *c o rARD— 20 kegs Not Lard,Jam received and lur i tale by Oatl« SAW IiARBAtIGII BACON—■ 5,C00 lbs Bacon Hhoafdors, • lbs do Sidss, la store and for sale by r 81 WjIARBAUDU E AGS—1000 lbs Ragsjnst landing and for sale hr octiaj HARBAIJOH SUGAR— 14 bhds N O Pugur in store and for s*t<* bv 001 Ik B_A_W HARBAUCH WINBO\\ GKASS'-dtft) tioien Pxto, uni Jo iti i ? CO Jo 10x14, in atom and for «aie liv 1 S * lIARDAUCII T'AR, BOSIN AND IHTCH—IbO LtU lu .i» X &o«Id,;10 do I'ucd, an coniijjninent and (i-r <>.' ■ ' ocua ; ; iSAtAirniCKEV a r<, aYDR'S BOAP—SO fas tsaorted, »m rec'J an* /j, «»‘e by octia J KfDP A Cj Spanish whitino-ot bbiafor ni e i.y ocUJ • _ J KIDD & Co pHA (u>\em~soo great fot saleFv * ocm j xipp a c<. RED PRECIPITATE—Stubs for sale b* J KIDD k C. SPONGE— I ease extra quality, t doSne, 2 U>< eoineijiiM recM and tor sale hy ■-» eU < ' J gCHOQNWAKER fc c.. BOTTLE CORCy—S bait* good quality fcr «ai<* t*y oel* S SCHOQ.NMaKEK A Co riAMWOOD-U bbls Sanford’. I eat, for sale . \j i SCHPU.NWAKER A Co LAC DYE GROUND—tf bbl* for sale by oc»I» J BCUQOaiMAKER * Ca SUP. CARD SODA—IO Iter* Powdered, far *ml«* by <*n« .» J SCUOONMaKER i Co PARIS GREFN—IS cahs of th» o lebrated ‘S’ brard.loraalegiy J SCfIOUffMAKFR 4Co • No 24 Wood v. ;eat Marine green— o irgrientirtr _««»? 2 _jschconmaker,a c*. B'IVE’9 TOBACCO-fO b'x.}t.« ree'd for »«u b> ouU ~ UAEDY. lONES A iu kr gt So 1, ret'd tor sale l>>' * HARDY, j: ,\F.< A (vi I ULKB HAIGU/3 A VINO CRPAM— VVnerr ia ,!oei - nol «PP««i«e ike luxury of an etty «l;ave..’ If uny there be, we do not nddres* nor, ia^a 0 L V B '* - Uo ‘ o,lierfl w ® *»y, if you \riLi H&nei • Aho omi PirtocMo or Ambrosial sobti-u Ctcamt. Jits otterly Uupcsuble to -fiua words to icnbo the f«mi« of a person who hsa been u«-r.f w tor ,O *P« “Ton miking trial of tb<« a Combination of wonder, sd miration, a-.il pleasure. • ,„ifi LE M !iI "' L ' S SI« VINr ’ CREAM is esr-r i. Sill bi *y a " ilr "< «‘" J "“»i -O' beard soft and yiiable.prodncrngaa-admirable in-- r - iDdby.t* extremely mild-nature ni’ayinr all irrim ■.. on, aed prcrennne that unpleasent.aml stiff ir-nr,* * f fa* B’bitb Lto on oil experiefsetd oitur ».( 4 *. .M; Gentlemen using Jules iiauai'a Sbavine Orta* i.*/ rice the coucdi and rrn.M plereirg wind* im “boMed 7 a i‘% r ,L u u,e > «b« akin becerc.n. V A i ,ho ' ft wt, ° on P« km it, we caii <*T will never cte any other. ' ' One great advantage. wh.ch will b« especially , n . preemted f>> those wlo wear whisked, ir ih/ la 1 111 ,rl 9C °l« r a beard, which ire*t eo*ri ti d k !T ' n s a i. ,and7 or niTny appearance to to* Jules lleuel’i Shaving Crow «re detigbifnl prcperauoue. eotnponpded wiih wii. to ihs Dtter exclusion of al* oruclrs eolrulnied ir» ,hl ? of ehavina wnpleaeam, and ttla ‘ lh “- JULES-lIAUKL, Perfntner *od Ctcintut, t* , , , 120 ChttMimi nt - pht'sL For ** J =» »b«>lesaJe and retail, by B. A Fttht-.-Marir f t ,^^!' ler *' P,u,bu, 5 1, l and John and J Mnebell. A»kelienv City. iwpo?—-a, 'pEAS-lOpbrcbesu Y. It. Teas; " ' X 2S do o. I*. ’lrnr, 3U iu Fc&fhoojt- rw'jrMrcan.V * c JAMES LaLZEI.I. 70 Wmci x.i4; piri ei-TK 4n»l!(y, ia ttore and Tor aalo bv 1 ' - c ? 9 JOHN WATT A r<> bru reo’d foraaloby V c o tt E.SKLUfRS ° CS - t 7 Wood AKKUW *OOt-S l<2« raeUVJd for ante in ortl - - •R K BKLLEP:- Vyf CaI/D—B bxi received fur yaic f.v" . resellers pARAWiY lbs very clean, for sale i.t Ve*- opg * K E SELLERS niIAMOMILErM»WEKS-ab»7, rec’d'lor -al7 •' V- ■ ' HE SEL LK P. 3 OEDCHALK—-Insilcka; 1 care torveie Uv A_®2L_, BP. SELLKK.H SAtrm SnparOnaColon Nlngj-ong T«» THESE are the verr beat Bitch Teat that -re ported laio the Urited States. Worrit A H.tvout ***jEealert| in the Diamond, are ftcitine iai J Tt-«« the low priaoof 75c per lb, for Oai L 5 arcil' D'CfioiVAbV OF MB lk and Engineering—Na 17 of U:j» KT t*i wort >, t*eo received at Holmes’ Lilerary Depot. 1 bird «-' oppoaitethe Pnetofficc. ’ p ' r!*nii T iNSEED USlirls pure, jairrec'd for -Je > . JJCAXFItU ' Long ShkVli, IN rreat earicnr ofprica and pattern. m*i n-r-.*.- MURPiIf A * LINBKEDOIL— 19 brlapure ccintry mf ma, ,«V i toraaieby ROIUSON.UTTLk a Co -1 'W Liberty at. _ Bair window z.ta«u.' TT’ST received at W. McOLINTUCE*s r i aa b V Vt» 0B 5 e ' N .°i Bs Foun4 «*jCfi^ nii 2 l4lnte P a,n '“o2. T«J broßebi oat. •ttinl and cornel of ar.y •• .t, Pm. | .. H. KLIJBER, .golden Harp, loi Taird *;. i SFSf 55513 * —— —lCK A ~ Mcoa.nhi.f?- 0» aiaßie*Mfi«l Ia * ? »«*oitaje«o f ln*;in pari of ATooi t i*n£ 1 1 , P/.* ta 4 5*7 con**- Suk, | arlta; Tsrv*. Caihtaero fihaw:* w »ad Sd e ‘a?^ I lr ck * kljlC!ne ’i Wool: >: Woolf a an $ Canib« Mailing Ca*»ia«t» **>d Bioathci * ah.; V 1 * 5' ft *s5 K, **i tnd ““ “="““■■■• cUjr BCTfthfbt? »ra :< ctwrnuny la»Bc4ta txaoiae, u ?*Wpcd gl . <* ; Wittdoir Siuilii I I&Noesl& ‘k‘‘ * Ut ‘ 11 UiC r »«Pe» War ,k Mv . Ar^«^ e i/ W,ril, “ f «l »nd 7* VVoofi rtreet. i . ' v '* WTn-io-> ls\V et i at reduced pnato: (W 23 w 'iftw/wS \ igas SMSJ? Mi* -wn < arTO«iu‘i.mit, B!t r tro cncl^ffei O^iyT lo ” ,k * Gcrmv., bV~^~ v < ”‘ l • n> - -2511 It, Water«; j t *lcr.—«o ie« prims, n>r*we uy . ! y^ooit i» t fcncK ,a« rtoM tor« a | e Tr : JA-Mfca DALZItI.t i 'iwvNERS’ OU.-7S tjrj, see-. ‘ f Adi Ol&To lark £E2toi*. fai Wt hv . —' ' 3AVK3 HAI.2P.M. * SEWICKLfcY AC'AOEMY. '' A BOARDING ■ n*; I~. Cl *^ loE^pa j, jtfmteiTron Pmsbarcfc; "fit- J sss** 8; T avntu t A. H, PrlocipaJ 5 ?l. n ft ter i ec '' ,,on wll * «*»«ow-nee on Monday. T *n a*~*!spefS<’*i«K>lsmonia*. u£?J u V . ar S- e^ite of tb* Priocipnl. «ewie» I'- Itm om P. »., Pa.,or o' Metin John Irwin k Sort, * vl “ ur *»eet, or Ue. m T. il Nctu, aCo.No l« * Mbcrty >l7cct] rKubnrgh, celifcdlw • D A FAHNESTOCK & Co &1 1 * loftalo l>? ~ ? JWICK & JSJcCA N’DLESy »Jorjolr by *AjfSS,D ALZ RLL l