The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 21, 1850, Image 1

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white;* co.
Vunr ] fa Rarest,
n mn «dihcb. third utnrr, nzxt door to
Uirir ; ia r-—« . i <7,Wper arrnam
Yeefciy, ia advance! —• tSd» “
Do. o Clebs>at a rednood rata^
3:le ofNoop«jen.ojle»)
an-; * iienic* —.-- Vr>«»
)n« tf, each additional iniamoa-. .7m
fti. one ~.
Pj. (wowp..>«-, .. i'Tr
Du ihrra w..<k»— J 1??
P" •» r;s
{* ».rrc
{* hur mnvihs • • iojj
U*. ».is ninnilu .o’S
j lK '' r. tw * l, « raonu.»-~. .. iJoj
indunr C4rd,i.u o an Ma . gg
nutn). ir|B«ive o| the paper—..«».. im
l! *>: =k»r. or”
..™r ° ‘ s“ 'w ■» '“*■*«■ a °
fl«d « V ul^ B * e / r^ ts •*'-***“J en the copy for a
s^“"L,r™^ n ,"rr/„s‘"" r r '*”‘*' ••"'”'“■*■
avjf,?Z‘??‘. CL ‘ ’l' in.iuutinn., a™
1 * b ‘Miked lihlfpnen,pnymblcstrictly
M.tri,.,,. uniic,, |„ hcl.c.AJOtenl..
«mk5 11 ’'"■““"'••Ti miles, Kaa.
Wh-- - In,ll * ll ‘’ a '' °r oblWßty noil.-c, r.-,J
when in .-fnn.phc.ej b , p ,jj for 7 ““
niii'St' enl ull when .endinj eomm.-
Sm “KiM 5J°' nn# n“° ,i ‘'" » Mil alien-
StSiJL . f *\r° ree * ,Cot,cerw « er 40 r public eater-
SmSm!?*™ chaT * ~» are made for admittance—
°M FriT * le ““wtatinno—every aoiico do.
f3 r ; c r ' 1 *? _ Mention to private enterprise. calculi
le,, , dr ; t *® P”>“«to tndi.idaal interem, con on*
wi ?i tLe “"‘itrsiaJdiai; itiot the t&xae
Uto be paid for. If .mended to be inerted in tie to!
•omcw.ll Ueebo.scU .t the “.to of
than 10 cent, per line. ‘
Hithop irFlct Notice, to be charred triple price,
rovsra Lice ate Peiufoa*. *2 each.
fuUpncM odic4l to be charged mi
Ucmi Estate Agent.’ and Auctioneer. 1 adventae*
Su?i?.s°ji ~> tl o* sc,! undpr yearly rrnie., but to bo
allowed dircouai of inlr.y three and one third poremnt.
from tboatcoum of bill* * *”
w«ss lt oa TH*wmxo.T m daht nm.
t>co cqaare, three ta."imoa*-.51 SO
I* B ' each additional insertion-.. 37
aayfßTnrsjtitm is wxxstt rim.
® a iw ,c * re * * lO Jincjono ‘Mcrtlon ■ SO eta.
am ll °' each additional insertion-—.2ft “
All tranaicm advertisement. in he paid in advan.o.
'' HITF. fc CO, Gazette.
1U«BT M. RIDDLE, Journal.
}?' tt/Dl)Lk, American.
_ HIRAM KAINE- Etoaiar Tubutic
PITTS2FBGH, Dec. t, istt,
JOfia A. PAUttlMaoa,
A >VarJ. Perm meu, between
OUAtAacd VVtlkut. All buiceu promptly at
to- __
ATTORNEY AT LAW—Giiicc, on Fourth street
ajore Wood
DA\'Xj> c. TUTTIik.
ATTORNEY AT LaW, and Comsueaionar Cor
Pennsylvania, St. L«nle, Mb.
AU eotuttuniciilonj promptly answered.
A TTORNEY AT LAW—OXre on* Fo*nh meet,
AbfWten SRmii&f.U a-.d Gra**t, Puubarjtj.
. ll * ItAMKIB,
A TTORNEY and CecaneUMat Law, and Comntis-
Ei *-«*«
lr . M *• * lcQ: >*e, JetD E. Parke,
alstelli A temple, Mct-ord A tuny. aajtlHy
FoawAßDisa usaocTASTs.
Qltug w, Pa. {Sm.iih'l Firry Port 0&9.\
HaT.n* pcrmar.eaLy Ucaied at this place, a new
and sntstsnsial Wharf Boat, ire are prepared to re
talve and tortvinj protnpUr to all polntaoa the river
and Sandy end firaver or Ouio Canal*. ll *Co ’
Gla«yow, June la—jelS
wjt- a*OAX£«_.... coaeaxv*.
W. B. WOtiHUUCk. —KxUR tAtikET
JO ««n».No All Marta. «U Philadelphia. aod
B PltUbufß), Alkali Wprkli ~
E.VNETT, BERRY A CO. .Manofa:taren of Soda
A»h. Blefteh:os rowders, Muriatic ane Solpbaric
Adda. iVarehoiuc No —, water street, below Fenry
norglXr 1
Frederick itrunn. " Rrio%
BRAUN & REITER, Wholesale and Reu,l
g«U, corner of Liberty and £l Clair meets, TiiS.
Pt - S pi'
CA. McANULTX A CO. i'o>w\rdi4r and Con*
• mission Mtrcl.anu, Ca.vtJ Him,, iMu.-.ur*o,
C _ H. ORANT, Wnr.iesah Grocer,
• Forwarding Mcrchai.t, No 41 \V:.;cr m Put*
bargh. a „|
Ira Hersey. Anm-.* Ficnu-Tr’-'-’ IL iTriemin*
IJKUKICY , Fl.K*tlf»G At COn
COMMISSION MMKHAN » *- l ar the sain of Do
mestic.\V,v.u<-u, andCotuvn tlso.des.u-n in
oIJ kind* of T»iu>r.'Tnantiag*, No li? U'joj it Jth
door from Full,. I'nul-urgti.
kefereiicr—Me..*ri. Urn. A Hiii A Co, Bankers
* • »*I»M wsi. A. :avi.t
V_/ No 114 sir.yu Pin»l,mgh ,ng”?
w. a. suijiin. ;*»ea j. sk^nrrt.
ENGLISH & DENNETT, (laic l-jirlisb, Gallaghet
Co.| W bo!?*nle Grocers, Commission and r*or>
wardinr Merchants. and dealer. tn Prod-ore and Puis
burgh ilanofurums, No T 7 Wood -i, t.ejweeii ‘id and
U ttrncu. oct j
' "W'M. 'll. JotIKhTOW, "
Forwarding a cu.m mission merchant
No 1U Second kt, Pittsburgh. oirSl
boaant w. loWDEmti lw>LTta c.u\*i:i«rroj»
/'N EY<TIEL\L COMMltsSh*,N and Forwarding 2Uer«
VJ 4kanu and Floor Dealers No 57»5 Market street.
Philadelphia. jyg s
No. 41 North Water Hueet A No. 14 North Wharves.
A. J. Bt-cxao*. ) PHILADELPHIA
El*Wl> IIBAUt. J p .
D. C. McCsr.ucr*.
1. A , sag
TT L£ll, Uuecesior u> alttiphy &Xoe,) Wbo'l Dtsf.
XI• er and Comuintioß Merchant, for the sale of
American Wootens, Ut»ctry, opyccita £ih at. feblT
,*..a. R*Ki,T. pfieno.
SARDY, JONES A 00., (sscoatsors to Atwood,
.Tones A Co.) Commission atd Forwarding Mer
its, dealers, in PUubargh Manufactured Goods,
P*- - tnohs?
wn>, HAUbfIAJUtT,
(*VCCK33Oa TO SSMCKh C. Htl.L,)
THPORjIiR A Dealer Lo French and American Pa-
JL per HuNVtga and Borders, Window Shados, Fire
Board Print*,- A«i. Also— Writing, Printing and Wrap
ping Paper, N 0 t? Wood street, uetween Fourth street
ana Diamond aJU'7, west side, Pittsburgh, Pa.
JOHN AGNIIW, Dto of the firm of Chambers, Ag
nate A Co , tt'oold respectfully inform tbe old cos
tomers and the p übltc renernMy, tbst be will stillcon
tinae to carry oi ■ t:,e Green Oless haainen, In all tu
varieties, and is prepared to fill all orders for Apolhe
caries' Farnltotl , Minerals, Poitcr*, Viols, Ac- Ac,
pertaining to him busier*. Hi* warehouses* No hi
Markets treot, bidtween Flnt A geennd sis. )yH4:d3m
TOON D MOCJ i AN, WhdlsisJc Draggist, and deal
tl cr in D/e Slit (fa, Faints, Oils. Vatnuhes, Ac, No
P> Wood street, one door Sooth of Diamond Alley
Flttsonigb. « «p 4
"fXSJte DalJI ILL, Wholesale Grocer, Commission
U Merchant, am l «>.aletla Prodn-e and Pittstrargh
Maaafacntrei. R 'oM Water >t,-Pmebnrgh. apd
184.1 AH v:cssr. BOUBT WCCBT, J 4,
TfeAlAll mcrso T h Co* WfcolaaaleGrocer*. Com*
JL miiier. Mertlu int>, and dealer* la Prod sc*, Nor. Jfl
Water, and 10T Ff ant atroata, Pitubnrrfa. r.orj
J l oin B."L)il»rr.h*» • ———Joseph bj trorth
Ja DN.WORI ru k. CO., Wholeaale Croccra, and
• Accrue lot Hi isard rowdor Co., No. t 7 Wood at.,
Pittt bnnrh e **T
JuilN)H. fOPj NSp.NfJ,’ Ttraxrt « aid Apothecar*
No.ts Market i throe doors abotoThird at Pitta
horjrti, will tare eo nittntly on hasd 4 well aelectod oa
torment of the bes land fresbett Medielsoa.whieb ha
wl adl oa the otpat reasonable' terraa. Pkydclast
•oodinx order*, .•>« promptly attended to, and mp
plied wUh enisles the y may rely open os sen cine.
LJ” Physician* Prat eriotiona wifi be accurately and
oaoUr prvar-1 frnn il ie best taiteriala, at any hair of
he aay or ntrht.
▲lm for «i , Je, atarjt atook of fmh and food Perfe
mtry. * lap
JJo&nUinT.l RicbVrt Fic^r
& R. I-LOVD, Wb aleinle Oiocen, Comralsuon
• Merchant*, end . Dealer' lr I’roduc, Roand
Uiuwb lij.l.U***, (m| .Unjr o.i L'bcnr, Wood arte
Blxih «iren«, r-utut orgl |*». t {vl
Jwo. A. CaCgiTkV,' \<eu» for tb*T Cake Eric an u
Ulont>;an l.tcr 10 | teaear and the Lake* —Ofic «•
MdtOeorn*f of U'*t«» *n<i KmithGt-ld «.» )«n4
JIHErx liu«iK SS3T* 1 n
tt Lewis Hutchison 4 Co., Comtalmien Merchant',
nd Agents of the Bt. Loci* Sietra Sacar Re&nerv
No. 4ft water and S 3 icu aisirreii, tinshontb
A CO,'~W)io!e«ue onu.«'t.t»
_ « No JM Wood *treel, Pituhnrah.
IOHN H. Mlil,l.Ga, ffMm uJ Itsull d„.|«
inUsmc and Alasiqal Dutnimonu, School Boot ■
*a*erfßlatea, Steel Pn u. UtriJl*. Primers’ Carta an
■Uttonnry <c>i<*rally,N( •. 81 Wood 4t, ntubarch.
BTRm; or n ikon in trodn tcn(<
l*" B. CANKlEliD^tiato of tVermi, Ohio,) Conmis
%>»* iion and Forwarding Merchant, and wholesale
wnier In WenUsnrHaMff Chvcec, Butler, Pot and
•**.*' Alh, and Weiu rn Produce rencrtHy. Water
• taet, between RcaithAeld and Wood, Fmthnrrh.
. |/~!EK A JON EH. Ki&rwnritia'p and Cpooni«»tivi hl<*r
iUL«li»ru. Droits* m Produce aid PiiMburth manu
. - **acttued articles, Canal Il«>in, ueor ?,h it.' ap4
PENS HIIL, riTTSßDO ti7p\l
TTENNKLOY, CHILDS A CO.. Manufacturers <f
A *ery rupenorMßnesting, Carpet Chum, Cotton
*wina«Dd Batnas. ja^jy
T ATE Jshastoa A Stoeklos, UOOKBKLLEH HTA
XiTIOMiR, PRINTER, and BINDER, cotrcrof
JUrk*i and Tbitf itrtcu, Piitseirgh, Pa/
business cards.
Fltufearib cii, oiu, Waikb
Ptiubanth, p tt * rket * weBt ' betwetn Ftnt and Second)
irSi-tf w ' •. orcein.
Jl^±- U a cgaantatuM, P.'iuMsr*,
fflLLKnt-'—ikckeuoa, Puubmgh.
\'l lmi,rts. R J, C h ET^ ON - Wholeiule Grocer*, and
in aiTfri Br « d , ,c *- Wine, and Began, Not.
i?^ er v f r^ 11 5, n y * nd lrwi “ «*«*•» Pm*.
Smtaij’ NUJ ‘» 00,1011 Y * ra *»
oi^ n^*, D M>Gll L WalterC. Roe
XvX .i“A? * Whole**]* Grocer* and Commi*-
x apd MlBrehMl «» No W Liberty Bt, Pittsburgh
pTwsstiiffiH-graa; wbkSs an*d bpiunb
“** ,os *»i roan r. «naa.
|y| A-WFACTUkERS of spring and blitter atcel,
#leeJ P ,oa ffl* wing*, CO ecu and elrp
“ffnnga, hammered iron axle*, and dealer* in mal
'".7 <*«“«»»bro cnginolamp*,and coach trimming*
aeneralty,comer ofttot*-and Front *ta., Piunbunrh
*7- • - febtß ‘
xro ™ tfl.rchantr'
IV v.' j , Le,oe "»i N Orlean*, keep constantly on
ina hr.? Brmdtaaof ih« follow,
mg brands which they offer for sale at agent* for J
T‘*' M »« to nr, J.BniiJ, J Du.
tand A Co, Larochelir, J J Durana, Cognac, A de M >n.
•enui. A L Blmlie, A de Mondore, Aan Louis Ac
**■?“>■ Anchor Gin, Bordeaux Red and While Wine*
?*£• h!J!5 d C 2l ea ‘ «■»* *>r John Durand
Pon ' ° W Wiaa and Sweet Burgundy
N" 'No ift Market *u »econd door
I *“ ““ ’*»*“ $»
■iid. LurfJ.pi.BU*
!r5»“5 ef SSnST 1 C,rd ''»c.<-n«rav.J
or Sun? f°,V ’ * nd pnn'oj in color*. Gold, Bronte
r«"j£c^ o,i>w " wj
urrL *-~ ■"£_»,
E. < SSJ, I 'SS?S, H*“; , "* U “n>«er, Bccl.rrmc
iraTTaTill if S , “ l-imbnrrh Muior^S
SJSiVfiir M ™ ? *<
———-.. *p!B
n- a. cuamsouAn.
v. BUACXLKtT ~r . __
g'.ACKI.'n-r i WHITE. WtotaS D.oS'-ta
UrgL Sperm, Linnet nJ UfJhoSi 7 ‘ii,"'*
C K VON D^NHOftsTrSoTivtSi^TToGro
Sj.»VfflS;! &SS?» h?s?
■■ *?l7
——Jje DUinnnJ, Pimbar«h. >p ..j
Product and Alerrh&iUt,
Aai dealer, in Pii!*bgrßh Manufaetorrd jUuck*.
No». 130 and 13* B<coud,
Wood fc faaiiUAtld. Kiubnnrk. aael
joh.i watt ] i:oim WHLMM
Jonn watt a. co.,
WHOLESALE Groecra, Comousioa Merchant*,
aal u- «icr* m produce pitubarrh Mnm
Fiacrerrs. SM liberty it, jrm,l,ur*t! Pa *
LOUR—TO brie etwee Fusil v ■ -
20 brfi Sapcrfio«,
63 brl« «ne, arnrmr, ««•( io r «»j« », v
-J**}* BROWN A kirkpatrjck
W OULD io/arm ib« pobl.e ih-y have taken the
Vy «T.rebon« formerly orc.pted by the law Mr
Scboyer, 114 Second street. Having alarle
ard cofflmadioaa warehouse. »; ?>• would mvne ,£!
anenuon 4,f oeraona bavin,: goc-Ji to eooaifa or atorL
gy.sfeK:r£-° w it< ’ ■%»■»
uS ' • R N Watenmn .w. n. Wmmm.
L * 8- WATEIUttAS 4t BOSS,
WHOLESALE GROCER*. Commimion and lor
w»r<itng Merchant!, dealer* in all kud. of Pro.
aLee A Pmi.bu7jti Man'.’Uctorcd Article*, mu a vent*
R ‘ cKluoi ‘ J “ nd i'Vnetkura UunfaetuCl
w.w ■•ri.M'uuri, ~ C
TTTILL al*o attend 10 oot.ecilon* and ail ether bail
f¥ net* eninmed to him In Butler and Arastton*
eoauuei. Pa Brlet u,
J. A R. Fiord, Liberty at )
W W Watlwe, do .1.
June* Mar«iiall do fPlnibanti.
dir Kay A L-o , Wood «t ; *, fl y
Canal Basin, Pcun street, Pmsbarfh. tare
jauks u. davis "Sco.,
No. 757 Market, and M Commerce at., Philadelphia.
Advance! made, by either of the above on coasien
meuie of Produce to either Ho«i«-
J. D. William! .Z.^7.«^lj o an Vuft"
IT Forwarding and CommMiion Merchant*, and
dealer* in Country Produce and Pittsburgh Maoafae*
(urea, corner of wood and Fifth atresia* Pittsburgh
Wm. 11. Williams ......... 0. McVav-
North East oorner of Wood and TVrd »ireei»,
J**H hrmsMß, P*__
w#t. s*o*iil, joka a. cosaaxva,
w. h. woouwAin, a*B*
WM. BaGaLEY A CO., Wholesale Grooera. ID
andj*o Wood itreei, Pittsburgh. apl?
ruKfl U. W|«, S*VIU M‘C*HDL£X». *
T3STICK A MN7ANDLESS, (successors to I. A J D.
Tf Wick,) Wholesale Grocer*, Forwarding and I
Commission Merchants; dealer* in Iron, Naila, uia**7|
Coiron Yarni. and Pittsburgh Manufaunir'i general- |
ly, corner of Wood and Water streets, Pittsburgh. |
. „ _ ap»7
WA M. MITCI/KLTfREK, Wholesale Grocer*,
• Rectifying Distiller*, and Wine and Liquor
Merchants. Al«o—lmporter* of Soda Atb and Bleach
ing Powder, No. 100 Liberty street, (opposite Sixth
street,) Piutbargh. _ apl?
WILSON, Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware
• and Military Good*, corner or Market and
Potmn ■irerlv, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. B.—Watches and
Clocka carefully repaired. ap!7
W ww ». T 0 tsart ■. x'ccn.
M. YOUNG A Co., Dealers in Leather, Hides,
Ac-. U 3 Liberty exeat janfrly
*5’ c I TC ?f 0:t - BOE7. N'CCTCUtOtI.
A R. MeCUTCHLON, Wholesale Grocers,
• dealers In Prodoee, Iron, Nails, Glass, and
Fittshargn Manofaetura generaily, Liberty street.—
Pltobaigh. janl?
■W '
T HAVE taken WM. CARR into partnership with
A me in my business, which will from «m» date ba
carj'ed on under the name of “John Parker A Co.”
March Ist, 1650. JOHN PARKER.
John Parker William Carr.
John PAHKica * 00.,
tYr.oxs'il*' Grocrn, IhaUrt in Predact t Foreign
iVincc, Ijujwnt, Old hlonongaKtla
end Rttlijud WkixJ&y.
No. 6, Commercial Row, Liberty strait,
OTgO Phtsbptgh. P
vnsuxi nLxn. joanc* sxniia. vx, t. s*s
(Baeeetsora to Hasscy, Hanna A Co.)
In, Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificates
of Dcgositc, Dank Notes, and Specie—North west
eorncriof Wood and Third streets. Corrcnt money
iceeJved on Checks fur sale, and
collections made on neatly all the principal points
the Untied States.
Tho highest premium pail for Fcrelgn and American
Advanoes made on eon»lgnmanu of Produce, ship
psd Fail on liberal term*. ap<j
wm. a. M'cLrao.]
\rn, a. M’cLckq a co.,
Ift YSQ Liberty streti, oJom Tl’omip
Have always on* hand sluice ««ortrr.cnt of Choirs
Groceries and Fine Teas also, Forcijro Fru.ti end
Nuts, Wholesale and Retail. DcaieiS *upplie<l on the
Inwost terms marl
LVI Vials, Beales, and Flasks, Forter, Scotch Ate,
MluenU Water. Patent Mfedlelne, and Wine Bottles
a every dcieription; also, WINDOW GLASS.
Keep* rerm autly on' bud a reneral osaorttnenlof
the ilwvf articles. ALStr STATE, as the ether Green
Olas* Factorie* are au. crtrrra,** is the euatomlti
turner, Tuts Fxoroar t:- new is rtru, orxm-mn, enu
will enminuc tn eper*tum r l't'th r-oramer and winter.
Order* re>prctfall> tuii< iteil. and will t>o CUed on the
sheiiesi nouns. j .
iUtfUCli UU11... ,
w»rehcD*e. No 117 Fecond street, fcejween woeio
and Fihltlifieid rt*. I'm-uortb. Jyrj:dly
tbl* day c**ociMpd ihedielve* together, unaerrho
firm offibrlvtr A Ba'cc*. for the transaction of the
Wholesale Grocery. Prpdu(.e. nnd Commission basi*. at No 130 ABC Frcofitl st.-eci, between Wood
and s?mitt&rld »t. \
pitul'ttfgh, .<ccnfl l, i
wool iHvool:
The hirheit market f.riceii. Cuh will be paid for
ihe different grade* cf '
'til i_s> W HARBAUr.iI
BLUE ViTUlOL—gim Ibt for g»Jc by
»<paj b a TAH2«arrocK t oo
THJS m*r»ificent e**aWi*iuß , .n« beln«r now com
pleted tail ready for bouneamhc proprietor wroTd
reepeeifwUr solicit a .bare of the public
lie irnsu by Kinnx hu full au.Qtb.n u> «,£ S2K
\a make the house a Pleasant and com/imablc re»on’
for the ciuxena 01 hiuburgl, and fo r iho eJSuy
rs?™ SK'Kis r sse
™ «f. T ,« or “ “-*> i ‘™>"
The BAH «nd REMTAURAMT, equ.t in stria end*
heaoiv to any m thr world, will be ket>t fumitbcd
7,'iJ , h nw ’ c l b ‘/ ,< ‘® L T oni ’ COTdi “*'i
«J«lhtte n t. ofth* uuoo!
km ß.* I ’ , *\ l *°op. Or»tera, Mid Claua,
•erred np In the brat Myit.
t JS? “1 N,NU <«K CKKAM SAUOM.Un, on
tbefir.l floor and eaay of aeee.a, will ho eolj*:npily
.applied *eiih ail .he Luxaric* and Dolioaoirf of il,e
al.d .ab.^iiai.irs;",,,";:
<7* ’"* k * «' fear. Dinner*
£5“ f Individual. nr parne,, larur.hod no .In
with tk “"'.'“■"‘a. »i*ium lh« cUy r«,
o'lirn Si? “ '' fr e"dmci.. ■" all SinS. aion> bar,;
n,ii?I J /‘'■•‘•‘"A “d *• oner**lvo Livery Euablioh
mrtil la c.moeeted with the Hail.
boirT" M 1 o’c,vck 0 ’ c,vck Bre»fcfiia* Mid fee a. the u<u*J
No « V£,.'“' c "*» ” J U “““*
*. aurnmr, ml [..nrurru,,.
k “ l ', c< r , e* m 7 ““ b “d or ">•*• loonier .he
oca. amole .1. Uio.r line, a. their old Hand, No. Id Sl
Cltnr .need aim, a. No.tul Alar he. .irroi, aeeorul atorv,
eo.,.„ce r. thoJli r oHd.,.,,, Bbo..eri“ile7o
order, and old blind* really trpatretl. nplO
Book Binder*.
f** in the above btmnr#*, cornel
of W oM-aml Third tireett, Pititbnrxh, when
we are prep*re4to do any work ia our lice with des
patch. Wo attend to oor work personally, and «atu
r*biHtyWrt bc ri ven in regard told nettueu and do-
Qlnni: Books ruled to any pattern and l>onnd nib*
Manually. Book* in number* orolJbook# bound cure*
lolly or repaired. Name* put on books iu gilt letters.
TUo»e thm hare wort in oar line ara invited to call
P Hr ~ low _ ,ny-Jll:lf_
Pub BaoklasShop.
TT WIGJITMAN—ManifarturTT of all kinds of cot
| lA* ton ami woollen machinery, Allegheny city,
The above work, being now in felt aud »at*ce»«tii m.
tor V" PpP"®* 10 «»•«• ori«r» with diipauh
for ail kind* of machinery in cy dm, rceh *> wilfoWr.
piciem, spreader*, curd#, grinding taaal me«, railway.,
draw.njj tramea, *peeder«, Uiia.silt, loom*, woolen,
cart*,donb.e orsinxle,for merohantor eooutry work,
nnie#,jaeka,Ar.;iiide end hand lathe# and tool# in ern*
eral. All kind# of #haJung made to order, 0,
*0 for gearing factories or mill# at reasonable c har»e.
RnraaTO-Kennedy Child* * On, Bhwknoek, Drnll
_ r -° ■ P»nrw>Ht * It# ,J.. a Itrav
BlmU|ham,[B*u PUtlbnr|b,] Pa.
Ofict, Tio. 37 WtUtrr »t t | AerrSar/j Atr»lrt and
Wood, PMttbnrgh,
W ILLcontiatUly kei-pon hand arood aa»otr
SBSa lo<u> ot Wara; of oar own manarvTiate.aftd
'HF ■uponorquatity Wholeaale and oounur Mar
**■* ehaut* are re*pcetfu!lT iimtrd hi »*»ll»uc ei
amino for itecj»«l*e*. at we ara determined to »*H
®“**P* r tbau ba* over bafura bcao offered to it* pub*
Cs*OrdiTaaani by rnait.aeecmpanmd tj ibaeaab at
IK * J tarereoo*. wiUjw promptly an.nJrd u> mrc
M A , WHITE A *'**, would retpeelfulif mfonn
• the publio that ih«y have rrer-wd ■ khio ou
Ltruckv between Ke.ier*! end .H«*br -incu They
are ntrw mainland *tr ,, reeve „id-r, f..'
•very JCMii|.Loa ..f vehicle-». * '«*> Ur* ■ ‘i.ti.oc. b*
RWchee, Bugsies, Fha-tot,*. >e . A.-.. liwt,
l«ug ei/xrr.-ti.-e iu the u->j.vf». .ui/ of the ahr.vr *\.ri
aaU the faC/bUr* they We.ttr j- (r< U-ur.fc.trnt they arc
enabled to Ao work ot, the k.v., rcavt.,table term* ».ih
laeic waotuic arucir'in their Une
( ptt*\wala/ sur.nuva in the wiernoaof mate*
r-al», atidhitr.-nj none but eninprteui «r.>rti3rn, they
bare no he*.utioa is warrar.”:.; iftair work. Wa atk U*, atloaUoa of itr pnblic to thu ffiniur
“ B Repairing done tn lbs bt*t u-.umiej, and en u,«
most reaaogahie serevt. Ja . M l(
• m ». acaiva. luoitiiißcx
VL* 'Vcoa Ftrreorreoa,
J rl.Nt i. io tuanafartore «i| kind. of t'lrPPkU
•tnjiu Work.
Sttirn Boat* Until to .i/dn
Spec.*] r, *r..\ ui *te tm tm l w.^r»
Have ijn b.tid* a line assorun;w n.' i upper lira**
heuie* Ha Vt MV.&.-.Ar rtr *tnl ja ; Cooli, r 5 ir.,
Tortile Fnr*e», rar.oaa ire.-:. very rovraAtent ar-
Btk l for vteaoiboatv, f aUrorrua eQtrr&m*, wt r*.J
W* would respectfully .onto a team boat e*>i and
o«i=r» t.» call «.',J <e« our* anj pnoe* r-»fnr*
Wrauichi and Caat Iron amilair.
THF. Uej Icato to Jr.fofw me panda ihn 1
U..-> nave ni-taincd min, the U-m all ihe lair *asi
faAtlonabW der.gtta Ir.r Iron fUdw toih la: Uouo.-a
ana cronsne* Fervor* wtvnoyr in procure band
aotae pattern* wi’l pirate rail ,t.d riarame. anj r-iJre
foribeai*r|Tt? Raii.iif w,!i furmihed ai ibr *ui.«
«l noure, and in Uie beat miuiiw, at the cornri »r
C-raiy and Rebecca .u. *t*, Alleghei.f rit».
a Camont&knox
BtUiS leave ti. i -noten be ir4uJi iriJtu<
torjpnunj,*, u*uai,*.,' me ~.w .
lo dc-cnbe ijn- ttnaly.ijua.iii, ... ,
or ibr slur*. We pioprif.nt wh„'«,c
«i good, cheap, immovable. .-nd «•„ oaue elo'hc*
.i" I .?’*. “ ,c,r *• "<■ «
the AJlrthat rnriptre w.m il
The ready made department it eery e iieiuiva, ad*»-
leJ to all lixtri
Rail road romractnr*, coutnry mere *i»ni» 4 all
who parrhaae largely, are particularly .netted to 7j
amine lire .loch before purrna*m»:, a* paitlralai
lemion n paid to the wholesale buMiie*. m Uiu e»:al»-
Keery ar.irie in the tailoring Una made to order in
the mi.»t lavhionabla and beat manner, at the *borte»i
non re «nrW
THK parinertbip heretofore ex.nine tmler the firm
oi A A C URAULKY.i* ditto! veil by ibr deceaec
o< Mr 0 Bradley The bautut*. will be . arnrd on by
A Bradley, who will leille the btuinett ol me late
Am. - ..
RCAI° V AL—A BtiDLry ha* removed he foundry
v> arebouse from No l la Second meet. «u No 19 Wood
•treet, between Flral and Second atreeta. to the ware,
home lately occupied i.y O A Berry, where he will
keep constantly on hand a genera! i**onmentof Caxi
inf*. Urate*, Store*, Cooking Stove*. 4c jyf.j
Manufacturer of oast steel, and no.i
and No t Amenrsn Cii-ler sterL Alao—-BeM
Caxi Steel File*, of all .u«; and DlackaraUb and Shoe
Kaaps, alwaj* on hand and for calc, either at bit ‘Ea*
jlo Steal Work*," O'Hara ttreet, Fifth Ward, oral the
oaee'ii ibe Iron Store of BOLLMA.NS 4 GARRI
SON, No 4. foot of Wo,>d *lreef, Pitui-urgh
We. tbe«nder*rgned. having n»>d. wtih enure «ai-
Itfaruon, tl.o Cam Steel and File, made by Samuel
Mcltriv/, at b.t Eagle Steel Work*, in thit city, take
p.'-aauie in ibein at eijoa! id Quality to
any ever u*cd by o*. of foreign manuiarinre
Pmibargh, March in, l-isa,
Manofaetaren of Iron and Nail., Fitubcrjrh i'a.
Iron Founder* and Machinist*, Fitubureh, Pa
Manaiaeturer* of Spring*, Axle*, Spring Sterl and
K'veu, Pm»t/nnrh. Fa.
Knglac Uuil.tei* »t.J Card Mnnufaetu
let*, Ptiuburgh. Fa
Sn>*« Founder, Pxiahorgh, Pa
Manufanoier* of Iron and Pitsbortn Pa
Locomotive Engine nod ship Builder, Fltubonrh, Fa.
Marble Manufacturer, Machine end Engine Build
er. Fiiubarrh, Pa.
DlasoltaCloo of Partaarihlp.
T'HB I’artoerahtp ejmung Utween the
rabaeribcrK, under mo firm of Chamber*. Aenew
i Co H Olsii Manufacturer*. wa« dUiolvcd be mutual
eo&reui, on the hrat it*v of Jolf, liiattnt. AU peraooa
knowing lltenjiclves indr hied to sard firm are requent
ed to make psyßirnt to either cf the pamea, without
delay, and all person* bamg u mettled account* wlu.
laid firm, are invited to present them for feulecaent
THE owner* and cojmcr.eit of rood* arriving by
the ‘TUlicc*’ Portable float Eire,■’-will plea*«
take notice that they w,l| be required to pay freiabt
ai oar warehouc, according to Ui o receipt, be'nre
the good* are removed C A MrANULTY&CO
WuhtßCi BlaacblUß, aad Cl
Pixsctios*—Pat tor clothe* into cold wntor and let
theta soak over night. In t-ie mnrmcc wnm them
cut amt pm thrm in o a ictiie of boiling water, to
which ad<t the proportion p |n i n f
gallon* >•< water—etir tt up and Soil the whole .w-r.j
minute*. The clothe* m*y then he wrung oat %ml
welt ringed in clear cold water The pan* of «u
-m«r-*-hit may be m.-«' r. >i!td, «urh a» wrleit-ami*
m.d roliara rf sbiri*. may hr slightly iuM ,-d L.: ur;
nnttintr, and the clothe* w»h no inand pervct;y clr-vr,
white ujid cleer. ’
Warranted net to injure tL.- Cre>: fahrir and to iive
perfect satisfaction, or the money will be refunded
So d wholesale and rc-Util t>7 R K SKl.l.r'Rfi
*ep» f> 17 Wood «t
Cleveland, Wtrrea hid PUUfattrgii
Teltqrtph Company.
TN panaucc at a receloiton ot the Hoard of Diree-
JL tor* of the Cleveland, Warren and Pittsburgh
telegraph Company, requesting the Secretary tomiso
oat and can*« to be pot>li*hed in tho newspaper* along
the line, an exhibit of Urn financial and outer affair* of
Ibis company. 1 submit the following Report—
The line ofTeiegruph cctanencei at Cleveland and
terminate* at Pitisbargb passing through Chagrin
Folia,Franklin,Newton fall*,Warren, Youngstown,
and Lowell, in tbe gtnte of Ohio, and New Cast!- ami
Rothcfter, in the State of Pennsylvania, at wfcieh
points there are office* located for the receipt and
transmission ofba»incns.
Tbs whole length of the line is Ha mucs—Capital
Sloe*, f» tt > per mu-:, making a total capital »tnr* at
ttL3£o, Ot which amount 510,2J1 held by cltirens
alone the line, anc tbe balance is held i.y CoruoU 4
Speed, tho contractor*. The above amount nf sub
tcilpuom by citizen*. have been paid to &
Speed, for Which the Trustee* have their receipt
jeH:dtf jeffernon balm. noot'.t»rv
100,000 feet Se&sooed l>e«l( tNaiu;
100,000 fvM Cool Dost didinp. For safe wr
Robert Mcknight/
Attoroc7 u law, Fopnh it
Aaaootated Ftramask’s Inimaae* Uom>
P»**y orttva City ofPltttbarihi
CAPIIAL 8200,000.
XK MOORKUfiAD, Prea’t—W. TV. liALLAB,6*a>y
I T.tn7? R> P tu> y ** oow prroareJ u> itvoie afki&«
A FUI 5& mI W RIN7 RISER of all ktnda.
Steiritd H(o>y, WilJkins Hull.
i> 1, ,Wponhetd, Roily Panrnon, Wm. A. Hill,
k! H - S.ty®j.wn, Jeaboa Rhode*. Wm.
1 r* £“J r * ,d A- P. Ansbuti, Wm. Cot.
f? C.Sawyex,Chaa. Kant, Wm Oonnan
_ iSrJdjdly
COMPANY.—CKfiea North Room of the
Third nroei, Pbiiadelpsia.
Mercbandlae andother
Town and Country, iiuurerd againit lou
\rT^? e . T hi the lowent r«t« of premium.
• . a ™*** , ™A*c*.—They atrobiure Vcsrclr.Car.
* , 1 0 •*r e .'lnto, foreign or caartwisc, under open or
“tf*, I “lf'fc I *** “ 0i« aiiured may datirc.
*n 1 ! ? They also Intaro mareb*
Rn'i?. nn5 n a spon# i b y W«e«M, EaU Road Care, CanaJ
tmvr»*f?u ? et “ Boat*, ou river* tad lakai, on the
toort libtral term*.
JnKi f r^'ir rf -^,'“^ oae P !l u - Seal, Edmtmd A. Soudar,
f2 v, V RobCTt ««rton, John RPenrote,Samu-
H I.elper, Edward Darlinrvon, Xaaao
J u r?’ w 1 V| f* a . E °»w«iL John Nowlin. Ih KM Huaton,
rb «>PMlu. Paalding, II Jono* Brook*.
s!*?, r > “““k ll'ttk Crair, Cleargo Sarrtll, Spcnccr
S n 0 JokSaoa, Wm Hay, Dr
S Win Kyra, Jr
AY PrrrSßUß(in-D T UOTp.Tr,
Hari, Crarg, John T Logan .
ox, V/ U*LfA«hlAßTlN,Pre*ldoau
ifiSnS* B -Sedy.
P*-Lh u ?is Ce °r Pompaiijr, No. 42 Water *ireet,
luuburgh. _Jjaj,±i- ;l >. a. MADEIRA,Afft.
***** HttUh
T l **? pm? l6 ** 1 . t) fa ILCd Hckitb buuranee Company
A P^.f„i~ el i phl ?*. lircor P< , br (ho LesUJtura
oßrth> V** l c “* aer perpetual,
ujiii .lniO'Oa). Ratis WWU *aas art Pi.imtl
ful* ito per cent, lower than the
usual rate* ol ijfe lu»ur«ncc, il» Hie lollowitur eom
»u n aih£ h “ pcr * w “ of ,6e ■** «»30 in
i'!>**!?* ®°°l? r i! fe ' mn * l F*y u ‘ the Girard *a;w—
-•*m-£ V*'.E? nu M ««*b *Ufl; Equitanlr,
SfffctE NeW York Al
bion, *Jr»B; Li/e and Hr tits, Philadelphia, 81,31
P n^'“»7 5!,,! !, u '. 1 . 0 °' T ' n k.Cltarlea D. Hall. W.
Chorln l». Hare., M. W.
D ee , Vf ' D. ChOM ° “• Campbell,
n h Bodinan Rnrter, E. I!. Roller, Kdwm
n„J "“'dem-Samurl D. Ornck; Vice Pml
de*L is, 6 . * *."?» S-vretary—Francia Blaekbaroe.
»i» tau,n * received, and every information
liven by SAhIL. FAHNESTOCK, A|t, 1
., Office, Commercial Rooms, corner o(
occCT-dIT Wood and Thiol *u, Pitubur|h
rpUB INSURANCE CO. m North Amerma will
.dr,.* 1 ! ' UJII I'Otlted hiaitnuice on pro-
Knli » ,d -ad on .l.ipmenuby
ri lU ett ' Uuk ,*** b T *«»• The uropertiea ol
Sie t faSif? ny ,k re we ‘“’/Med, andfanu'h an avail.
Sail r?V)f k * mp h ind « ,nll iir Of all peraoni who
oeaire to be protected bjr minreoce.
\VM. V /ONL.S. A,
£1 trljt* latarane*.
fpilK OFHcr: of ih# inmrnnoo Company of North
oiiunwi' aM * >e *" rpmoT « ,J 10 No >4l Front •>
j l " u * on Dmldln*»aa4
Uinr romAna. and on vhiotncms of Uerchuutfa l b»
boAlo «uU oiltc.-vr«»o!e.
*5? _ >V.>. JONES.
Sodtrn ano A miq nt Ynrnime.
K 3, Tumi; Sr . PmsaciMn.
i»w Ji; it* ibai ho boa caa-j^J^.
f"f »a TO ?f- ■•“ «»/SSS.
<SH-.ff.-irt*: £ml rl«i->. »uJubu for P*rt«»f* »n.i B«<i Hoorn., .it i*™Kl
thek»trcM pace*.
FST-TK *as s*
*°* ln *J* « p*a
I‘r>: » Toto Sc’ tv* • Tom li.vaA*'
OonT<r?tt„o„i- h ,ir.; C|,,im
Hcrrpiioji Jo Louu >UV Jj
tei*?T«u :
1.0 u.« XIV Omnrsadore: Uc* ,1/ icr k'i Con-1.-
Homo t*:o»s. tnd Haji cjt :i#* ‘
Jot J’ar.v- .L. -. J ''’
•*J - K.-.WWO-.1 Jj
H •* iVh UVJairt a. ~,
<•• - t'.vit >. UB
* lU.i.r* jo'
* •■ •’« * iKl v
&V U.lbLc lop Ocuiru IftOlP*.
Jo »j
»■• «•»-.<.»f V‘:-J...-*Jv
1 1 J rt’*r.!*a>rv
I lflil' iin;
I lilOt > J„
AT-T) -.fjff »»v.rinie/i! .if r„tnmot. indoie*
« Fti-mior-r cf>.i tej.ou* !„ nrciun.
am^'-w 231 " *t»« ilu>n««i uuu
A»t «r*tsr» |u..iapi.y attended to.
of M.|.o r »sj, Wa.nat, end V, near*. «; caatidcraMf
icU*-j « J IlflO.- 4 BUS
! KS MAM hAt-Tl-BFUef P£lCf*.
u b.le Flannels, ail VVool.iUiae DmU,
Ulu« Dem, Os;
Mr r '“ w (r«f ey CouanMe.; a(( art
UUa p,,c^
outij 01. | H'»ni c 1 * «jfue fvtuiuaj
t ’j“* Md M-np,, Tef ,
ilv» , VV’.'wl'iiuo^*
iSSiK-i"-!: 1 -1—
SKRSSe £ •■"■•"
•sr“ir 1 '. «•"■ “ >- «« »•«»t. p =,
fif'.Srt” |l-—AT~t».«UB,,W
Si's. .£ ;^, F sr JV 'r*“
Rt«w«'nV'* ,r|r, '‘* | t Hroufa Mw'and Se’g Silks;
B«wb liailaßt lildituiu, Cravat*. A*.,
At the Waroi.ouso, No i-; Wood .
... _ __££«
T.... Dlaaotsstioa.
UL <-o-p»fuie r .‘iir brrrioiore «iuuns between the
•nibscnhers in tte ncmc ot Ctm-uinr, Uurlc A
Ji'V* , '* 0 l iv<3j k > eoiuem. Mew*
Ucike A [Urnes *ul *.-r.le u»? bn«inr«. „fih e concern
, w.iu-h purpose they- are autUorm-d m m<- mr name
at the concer;, NaTUaNIF.I, CONS TABl.t;
The ur.dersirne J have ibu,'ay a.enctoj tha msetves
m th* tiuiuc of IJLRKF A DA RISKS. ior the pmpoM
A, “2t B 1 U h,“ C, ,‘i ,l, J K / l ‘ , i 0 f*"**, «•!<■*, Vaait Hours, Ac.
A .at the stand of >b* late firm of Constable, Burke
ALo, wbcr<i in,*) Will he pleased to rocrlee the patron
ago of me customers of that house sod their mends.
TlitihLAH BAttNKH.
In retina* from the firm of Constable, Burke A Co.,
I Witt, »im’rie pleasure recommend Messrs. Burke A
Uarncs to thr conidence of ray fiietds and the pnSUc.
Ft . M:. I ?*,' Nathaniel conktaui.e
lebl3*d if
HAS just returned from the C*Mem Cities, and l n
lecciTiDj; a large vanetr of seasonable tfoods.t®
wnt'-h he remeci/uUy taviw* the attention of mereb
mu Md pedlars No M_Wood .t,
W Mamhau. ,s constantly
JjL £ft‘ r ' .C” 1 ? I ,** *"* c « tampfactorics in
»»?aI, 1 “ Philadelphia, and aDo ftwa French
agencies, ths newest and moat approved styles of Pa
aC*to to C lher wllJl Orders, Hre Hoard
Prints, and reitor Tops. For sate at M Wood st, be
r Hi'll l°“ rlll ,l ,ad 6i * mjot! (sacceaoor to g. ‘
VI tWCUL justieo’d per steamer,
rtr„. « (a J * a c , H or single pound nt the
erfurucry Warehouse, comer of
at ltf Wood - ,Mwi - d N W ICSKRSIIAM.
rest.s.^ CUEffllcTl' KTOVB POZ.ISII
I .l 1 n ®, fu * Manufactonng Company now offer to
X the public itetr Pretmain CLemical Store polish;
. a K«J^ o K e,aMer ¥ lo:i * otfewof « n ‘rad!ciioii.bT
those who bare tested It, pmnoancc it for supenoi-io
?on-?s hrr i ° " I “ rke > The consumer need hare no
app.ehcosions of soihne carpets *c_ as its com
■ '•»« item arising when being op
plied, which most be Horn Wien the Store U eold
“ wltflh io pmduce a beau
\ , - v, "S «W fifty pet cent is Insured
iV ro * rf - A applied to Mtoreit, Plpca,
*e., when laid nwav for the sumnor, is a sure pr?
vcnlatiyo ru.L A/lcr hsying tued ri
l, h ,l '* r.n pr-rson will use any but the
i.r^, s vviSr“ r ‘fs,s p i; ,, ‘^
J?’? Cnme, nfH.tH, and Wood streets.
Corner ot i’em and Ht Cimr
* 6 “‘ NS ' Onto-
J! tasnts. where every aruclo for Punrrtl anJ
Moa.nina purposes eon bn got on returnable terms.
T” F , tU,lu ?**V -apply their agents
,f, h R oBaK H Hiring in sheets 3«7 feeu from
itto .J oauces r«=r square foot. Cnrr csal ,J , rt ,|.eoi.
tU ’ iaT Fcif.-.rat.J Zme.
.1 l U h " nlU ‘ I'”™'*»•! ''=« l>»o. -r.y
..tiiiiHnrc of Inn. nr
7; 77. 7.V p, tnmi .rtlclcn m
1 P r l.tic, n» It dor, rot TaJl r> , ?
ctf- <;ir,t |,y ihe.ncltna cf wrur/ 4n j polj-fci,
pa.. Hurt, end japnttned ’ w P ol '- 6 - 0 '
tnmplei, s»cJel>, plans. speeiCtmlons, and Other
inforraatlcn mar bo of il.r:r arenta—
MHlsm A SrEcna. New York:
ATxnrron, RoLLins A Co., Cooion;
rumon Tcorati <k tV»,. PnUsutei D hi—
XV. AII McKik. tlWtia.omr P
St ktt, Dat fc MtAvrrcn, New Orleane-
F. M II.LI Eou X. RaJS-AffAt,
1! Hnnovcr at New York
Liege, September a—ceps dam n
Tim Ai.iobidffT«phy of l.etsh Hunt • win, v-mm
iseenetAei i<jc:id« and cnatcatporuii-, in ./ ro j,
Jp'raiS'l" l ' : ‘" <*■» viii; nbJcU
Juli* Howard, r* Romance. By Mn Martin Dell
ftsttml Ficlrt Hook ei the RcToletion —No i
rt» >vo,t. rtocucU u.b r „ „, 3 bf
t -^ r Mnrtri teToifri st
iUnd’i PcsmiDitilr and
T"E boom having been ufXd?eed Into
1 pabltc and pnvaie tchoaU io „ ri ] Alle .
*hjn7, ihe author imi appointed tt,r »üb£iibcj went
tor itcir iai e m ip u c ;ty. w w ** vt “
Teacher* and ether* wiU be atonhlubar’i
,mc4ln *"»*"• nuEt
•*•** ‘ « Wood ft
H E a!£!?h D £?*! c ’ tod Br Dt.Altmre.
if tlU'lttiW Ot
T , AraoW,I*‘•Nonaart'i 1 *‘•Nonaart'i BrfdK" *c fee
HoblFomhey port 5
E'h* i£?-?. R4^? lik *“ T,w Eo«B*h Lan S ra X e In
lu eletnesumd (orate, with almtnry of iuorrria
m oLI u “ ,MnK ’ “ R ““*
U l* h »» e of UM lien, elephant, l.ipp„r«-
B <1 PbiU^’. 1 110 £ e c®»»*C-.wit6U | tt*iwiQn*, By
h. tJ. CBstninf. Reerlyed fbr iile by J
-^ pZT 47 Market at
»*W Btula.
J P^BKR. 3 Su,r,.B»
Th 11 w.°. H'” “fi ““ lle *«- 1 !*»■ <■»' ’rt~-
H ‘'Ww-nll. AlU.»Tt[.
re «'»» 100 hope* I_«hen«hed. *aj>7
, FP * ® r 0,6 Uyitene# of the Court of
fM»i*o5 J 2» ’ iTai 3 °! r*.“ inter «*‘ iD » »o»k h!» been
tet.ited it Jloltae*’ Utenrr Depot, Third »treci
Srf?“S tha Fon Office; alio, KllonPirry,-or Trial*
UpJ' t ', Clieiai Georce Ceatriot, tarnused
Beendevbet Kfiidof Attlna, “be Clement C Moore,
Ll - P i *QJ Wo 3M rf Undue Ufioß Aye. 1
Jut Bieetvid,
A iffiSSS £2fE:
*» “«
]«»?”* otrn *fe Cloth, Air Bede, Air Pil
’nTl3S^n tU .“??*• W *" r P,II S Tobiceo Koctet,
£K™« , Cpb., Clo.fai, Tup.ul.n.,
vL 0 ? °« ,,u B«o Shoe*, Ufrlies, Ae
tvery anicle wld atthi« embluhoeiti. winiwSi
L O ~T? lhe eharactert*ue» eeaenUal S water
nnder any decree “i
fteet, flexibility m the eeveieit cold, rre.t duiUilitT
lifl.tneaj, perfect imperjiooeecea, and freedoU from
Sta. 7 L » Subic '
1? ud neatly executed. *' *T
„ I T7 We wi * il * l diadaeily understood, tla; wr
c»n do Peinun* toi GJaxiac u cheap u any othai
painter* in the city, and are determinedto do It
Extnei; We»t Kn</ do; JoeVey Club d o\
inf Flower* do; Jenny Lind Heir GU»; AifauiJe
Amandine; Ponchin Sotp. for wbueoine
I A 100 ,?* 1 Shevlny Cream; Bo*e do do; Am-
Fl “*“ tl s d °; Amandine
. j N u " 011 Jsf» R®*® Maribmnliow di
Hoque* do; Brown Windier do; Beer 1 * orea»e:4c
*-t»r «nie,wb°ie**le and reui!, by R K BRI.LF.KS
“i* l * S7W«rf
it, 44 Wmni.
iporlo* Scotch ud irlah WUiktv,
PUNCHEONS teewin'i celrt,ran:d Milt W’hu
,o key ’ ? f defeat* flavor.
•ndk^k^/ 1 Wciao’a Watcrtide, extra quality
ana lilfb proof, under carton boue lock.
dlffer * m and hraud« m
Ualf. quarter, ud oeuvei. Imported and for itle by
r ? Ul * on terms.
_k„ -fk AII P* r *° n » t»«Tchi»in* mixed or dry pair.;*
U*l» owo pauitin*, pan receive Hie
r ‘ ,rerllor *' *»»■• Jill PHILLIPS
“f** l [ : A * Wood »(
O'! h \ nd , 4 f! J &«® ’«•« HhiHip«TUlo J-a^ry,
or the fall trade?— 1
a ' t?«f < Flour Oil Cloth; •.;«» ju. 4-1 do; sUtydi
1 * lo: lww >d* yd* -beet
Jo. media* mJ b«»T T , ftoiu 4to 0 yard* wide, *tl irf
,nJ.' .W *’ calenu ' cm to any gtreu .m.
*»°Tdi e!i p * rn,nir * 0,1 Clotb*; 400 yd* 3-4 Jo;
.. V Jo “ n «*ee Tibia, Sund, *ad Bureon
*Ja•plendtd finuh.
d.i ; S>, j,V< jo fn ' L ’ 4rn#Lt ° OU c ’ ,oU ‘ : 500 yde i 4
rlf,, V' tiill ' or "»**«■ *»«nednnicn.x;
yaru)i 4'jJ ircra 0,1 1 lolh ,or w,n J«w Blu.J*. 3t*
4.l'' w«^ 1 W •y l /^ IC4, “ ***<« ■••wruaoni tux t*eotvrd
_ , a ii^n h ! B !‘ wiibinj to pur,-h»*\ ate >u
• w.iio 4*li «k 4 examine out aetorinrcu 0/
watrt, n tfto itMteit eastern isr«ee*
_ . . J a- » rill! !.IP«;
.- ...
'«£>Hi£S— 44 brli Iji4;
& ‘AAri* Urrn»e;
‘ Bceawii;
10 **»We, lor .He {,5
_ 'f* l ** * From »:»
Fa NO RUDHLR CO..IDS received (root Sew
' ** r * '1 do* :ir«« me Ucll lleedi:
I *tot enr* iS> jo;
i dot Do«i,
, - . •** •» the InJi. ttutUi
***£ iw * U 1X M I*HiLUI» l
, I'aH. Vtroii i K6SIS"-|is hrlPliVi
J 10 bill Pilch,
10 brli Rotin.
It. Sinn, lor tftle hr JtUIAH AOi i
Weter A From *t« |
/ ' KKI-.N I', V AltNlMU—7 Mrrel*.
' * »« l. ■£*, «B (lUrurb
C». 5 . It* Ou;
r.. imve. k: J fur »*ie Uy
MX UIIKK, hhd* W .aier,
3 reroon* 9 F Ituligo; ,
»Orli Lojwoovl: for**le by t
* r[ ’ l3 J A B FLOVI)
Sl'll'KS, bag* Pepper;
10 bag* PimenUi;
- banel» Cloves;
I band Natmegt; for tale by
3 J * a FLO VO
tr pl 3
rT R^ ,TE PAPKR—A oerftri tminUDii
VA of Wauicy Granite, to baton* in block*.
b«.T»*idi.j > w f marshall
. * p ' i 81 Wood
iUergnFwjenoe o( tbafeiuxeoi, the proprietor*
JL of iLd i-uuUafxl, CUT Mill* have placed njse« | or
i r . e^»|^ on y order* a» Lbs following placet-
J A R Floyd, corner of Sixth and Wood «treeu.
> n.Z ,d ' * ho L*tore, cur. Liberty A Marxel >u
i .'!? * len ' ««™. Third etraet.
J.,h»P cor Fourth A Southfield.
i"V y «ore, corner il.ja A Wjiic.
/! Office, Fourth itreet.*
M h„ ly ' »«*", Fifth »t, corner of Maraet alley.
*! h »“»«, Penn atreei, Ninth Ward.
I.V Dear warniu will call twice or daily
0 #ad “* B r,Ac.delieered
S*,.*? tck floar *• pwftrablc for family
tilont k »r*o for cartare. It it plain that no
c f D b * , lowp<1 ' that driver* can have
lew floor withoatpayment.
wul he pleased with thia ar-
U to dn them juitire.
-SitfSL wilmabth a noblk
** i«mo» gyr.p
*° key* Sarsaparilla bod*: r
20 bxa do do;
IK® P«™ lemrn JdMi
_ U 2“ _ _ M 11.1.88 * BinVCTOTtM
T f is, U i"i e l* l * a# ? hu °« «d u Ihi. day re
.i. **7 °* J r o® lbe oc coaiirameut,
* *““*«. »U colon, plain
AJ»a, Bed Blanket*, Blanket Conti*, Beaver Cloth*
bT*the B c 6 a«'<^‘^ lUIU ‘ “ d Tw 7 ! ‘ Ui ,oh *“ will tell
by the cate or piece, at mancfaeturers’ dti c «» The
attention of dealer* m woollen good* It invlred!
10K Aarkst* (a«tr Liberty.)
IVFUIItU inn Dtiliii n ' ’’
SS« od ““- «t*
,0 «^4 111 ° r Md oVtf *T T "”eiy of ufnunm^i
•IsaghtarlDg a P.«kTng£iublia£n*it
FOB. RlfißI 1 .
T I p-^? ( lL k n OWII Port #nd **«* S>»ffbtenn f and
• ii^^^ nc L ri U oWnecl * nd formerly ocoapieti
taOhlSlcolio, Rob*
srss suss
J ll "f«.o»;5“ nufilif
rwo tirk* for rcndensg ofl*) by »te»ra,
ntrrn >» %r ( », on the prcnuies, an Icc House limi
cnoufh lo oonuui eight Utouond bo.bei. ‘ *
The 8e»0.,> \ ai|ey.oi whica CbUhcoihe .4 the chi<f
?' u “i 1118 ~ir * e4l pork *** Dref District)!
l.i itie W e»i, end togs can always [>e l*j»bl them
at lovrei price* Unit at Cincinnati ami many o.bcr
point*, ami cooperage u abundant and cheep.
dr *>'"*o twceoann-,«» t-oau .nay fc c
Jaaded 01 11,0 Pae«wg House, and ifie facilities
kUippnA ciiract tram inis via-ihc Lakes lo No— 1 cri
or i Uitadclphia. or Baltimore Ti. Pittsburgh. cr«i
its Kom or *onth via New Orleans, ere at nil mjuom
M«“ : w y rf, r .n, y " ;oIU “» thMe afforded by Cincinnati
Wonry facilities are aUo r.ood, there being icn 0
twelve banka withm forty five mile* 6 ‘
Applications lor renting may be made to
Attorney at Law, Ciactnnaa;
o.S®d*o3Tl-— 316 CuiUicetho,o
East side of the Diamond,
AT it, a establishment the puciic may always de
pend upon being supplied wim excellent Teas si
reasonable pmei—m.y hare
Excellent Tew at fq 50 lb ,
bupentJT (Qualities p
The Beat V a Imported j 00
Thja it decidedly me cheapest and best store in
Pittsburgh lo buy *icaa. MOURIS 4 iiA WOKTH
“E? Proprietors*
SSraKLiii'' ' VUI “ Ul, ‘' «™r o( Wwl
b **' CtCCWtoMto t r
Saw Bmkl
j aim jt Lib:k orlitnb*, »uffjiiiau. .-ui vii.i.inr
ult*r», Jfcehhat tboy ran l-c ured t.v tikin-- 1> «
TTOfrurt Vou may** ~)o. t»V * 1 £
ma<?i 11 ypapleHae, but ib» dew* notVake ,w?. for
»•<; proclaim In the fjre of *u nones. cocunmutr i'iai
i11,.4 nnlr» wl'K-1, ,m 1.0. ron ; „M I“S*,
remedy. 'ke ihkii wlirt .a racked with |,o.n nail w{.
C “ n ,0 T *£>' cct,u •"» wHirffrouj
*®y f‘. fM-Uh etmotnaratwl nbovr. UiaJcr’ i- cc ,,.
Tory o tto f.» iDMkfl a tr»al. Thu TftroVum .« no aa'j
tore— i o coiiipona, jib: up for tic potpo.e oi-nupoeiuc
on life enuituuinty; but it i» n rcrctniy elatmntied tv
the mu teritauJ of itsl'tre. and bubblei up fromihr bt»
»oqi or ntrJaoi, cr canh in it* onruml purity, auJ of.
rerstd itHCrijitj humanity a ready remedy, « aeruut,
»ad ctidap c ure.
It baa rurid Tiles after other med.citiea have fautt
r ahy retjef. It bn cered RhensnatMta of loni
standing aiil of the worn audio.*; painful rhsTaeier.
It na» eu eujCholeia Morlnu b> •nc or two rlece*. ji
bar cure. oy case* of Oianbai, in which every otiiei
remedy L l.« Iren of no avail. Ai< a local rrraidy m
bum* an acaitl*, it it better thou any medical rt.iti
pound or liniment that «r know of. It will ruie
titain* or rosried feci, in a few application*; u'jJoubi
ed testin any can be furnished of ik~ truth contained
in lie abi ve Matcraent by eatlicr on Samuel M. Kmr.
Canal Ha in, 7th street: or either of ilm acenti. '
Xevser & McDowell, comer at Wood r'.rret sN
|T‘;?V A !«,*• K Srtler.,« Wood u,-n, 0. a. l:i
1101 *iSl’ Allegheny city, nro the agent*.
loom i
wbjlo u |)
uy is it id
Klee;. W
lark pood
JCU9 |
Soap, for
and other
aerrawr c
Jiun J 1
parting to
fill than Vb
JtLM il
upon the I
remove it L
trXL ’* Liquid Halt Drs will
inataataneofeaiy impart to rrd, wait*, or erav hair n
Jolo tt r U K.i^ k ’ TO 8 ’ >-ban; color* h mll
h ,^ r *s* •hoket tu3e< wonj e a.*cutajly
4"* al ,bn «»* indexible.
J 1 *®* 1 * SnavUo Cl (a x.—lt!« really a pica-
l 4 ’ r* w »«h tbia cream. There it none of the
nS?fa!l*»* Ca rf U< ? n u * u f- l! T e-xj.<rienre«l in tli-ereof
SJd M^ p, ‘ Ull ihe cotitnirv.-uleaves tbe who smooth
“ipS M “ “ lfaal p “ d m,t * become
l?ob,To.otq ? ob,To . otq Next lo tbe hair,
me.. 7.2 ,„ h k T<!Ml ’ 7 er P ‘ a,fruJ f d aa tbe greatest orna
« J® r°* buman facif; bot when neglected, nothin*
IW l irtif!£ n8 ’ or M l .T" ci ‘ , y **««• M 7 **<><•« Tooth
LhV«Z. u wliitrne**, at
ai.\ '“? c k«Pl»ff*te pim. f.rn atul healthy.
AJ»o on band, a robpM* nsiorituent of French,
flnjidj.aiid American farftmery end Fancy
Jll.hrl HAuKL, Hurtu>uer and Clictr.ill.
„ . . ISU Clriti.tti Thila.
'!i C i'n 1 ‘p e, sil,* j ' J r '- a * ; . bV l« -V. Kahnettoek
and u. B. steberi, aod John *» r .
gent.and J. Mitchell. Allegheny Oi-v, t‘a. tyv? jn
U<« jtnnifl. Aa&bo*-# ~|Th-«l”syrti. UP
Scl -'* lca *•' »-«*ub ts o,-, u a &«»*••
iiwr &.« iitiuJicivan c*e ai Merrur*. A.*s-<
•fl' 1 or J. >,,: >’ 4r ' or lxi>j|«tepu» m .uU,
hro £ ‘ lt too ' m « a,,ual K«rJer». It-. C
eJui^d 1 ? 0 ." , »'«rv «xisrJ«4 %ad
*«swiw,Ai It-;.uu-iaa whct>!%ef u ns, Wen m-.i
eWcy'Mof, ‘u-,vTei“‘ ,^ Sl " h “* —■£*«’
««| u-r. u*.i rmribua, u* orW'w
br*lib and ».gor Tbs .crou.oo. 11( ,<„. :iU , ~LLM
wrd> dlc«u. lo:ita*.ninc ii> Mattel; mj (,i« mu-.dsii.i* - i
w , »■-*«• whole |f u ,ulr.-3. J.£
b»J groaned tjopeif .«;v f OI >r -, r .
wkl glnndaJaf tL>.ni.iff .‘,w.air r'-r j,
»th« r C0.U....UM. * t ., cutut o
ILr w, *.u -1.1 ib> i. , - •
' l ' J 11 o'-«* 4* ; »s l»«l Vfi a,U
iOL-jt.iiiuon. iiH.uiy tcjiiir m it,
mcMfmaMe nrrp«raun:t.
The *Uen;ion o/ ihe reader ■« c*Ue j tVtru ,V,:o W |.,.
COfe ' *<>' ibc u« of Santlt' Hursa.
hft* been afflicted for the la«t five vcu'swu>, ---V,?’.
una til (be remedies J owM had no etf'vi m arrcb'liut
reM of eoinpiojot; on thr - outrttjr. *}ij
•»v and fcO with physician.*, l>r*..le« a^:nif
wiU ;. oa * l ‘ l >U.e bad
Mten away (he raullaue or her riosc, made ii» «n‘
pearaace on various parts of her body, and lud finsJlv
iu this dreadful wtuatioa. with in> t>ro»ne« ©
death starlit* her in ihe face. 1 stated DereswuUt
P)'? w",V k 'f 01 f° r BM<f« , N*r<srr'»i*!ois»N*ws.
i-ern, N. L , b) whom 1 was advised lo u-c that article
anJ to tAy surprise nod that of mv i, tri whom
lier case Was known, after using lour and « !,••!» }>©:
i 1 1" ttrwts-restored «>• perfect health, an-rthni it, it*
puctf'oi three weeks, tad w*a nhir i t . w „r» w *
.weeks froui the time »he commended a
-la witness of the truth of this Malemeiu,'j have
hereunto affixed my narnn.this Hth day or^cpicu.l^r
is«. joanru Mccuttkß. j. ’
“Month of Neuse Raver, Craven e© M C
Tie followin* is an extract from a :««. r
from Mrs. Be van, wuo had been afflietr j *r*erj.j rears
«“ s-nflx- il~~, D,w. 4r„ uKJ
an adecuon ot the throat and chest:— j
u*. , „ “B-ULSTJiiUis, 19,13-13.
. D. A Xh B*N3t—tfeforo l'eomiUi»uccd
Mutf four yan.pariHn, my nfctlup we* ,| wt
fVi? l'T*i"J , mr wa " «wpw««y nlcereled,
1 had a dieadiul eoub, and there ».*« rreoucntW
J* 88 ** not kpcalt above a rrln£
pen ana betide*, the inflammation from my throat e*.
Wtied to my head, so that my Usam* «r"\«T,IS,
After taking the Sai:>.|.iriiU * iliort umr*
my heaJUt was improved, and my throat U now well’
i- m Mi r * a fri }“ co “K t * » OIJ ti«kuwi.i oflbo thesva*
ever I ww, and can hear quire fliHii u <Uy. Mv throat I
ha* been well about three motstha, tl.o care of which i
has teen elTocted entirely by the utc o; yoor
P^*L.,Ynurfr,ei,lJ> LUOISA R. BiIVAN' 1
TTie following tesamonial to the vn,uc oftbc Peri*
panlla,!* from the flav.Lutber Wright. mod Ml year*
Coucicgalioual Minister, rending m w'rmurn.
.... “VVoßcail, Mum., March 30, jn«,
Messrs. Sande: Gentlemen—Pro;/, what l have ex*
perieaeedj and from the infonunuoii l t*va fec»»uly
tceetved trow a number of P<tm>u«„i l,gu respect*,
billty who have used your BarraparilUVl have net
Cie least doubt bat that it i» a bom rat ,t, -me
4nd that the nnmerou* oen.firatri y ou ;„,*•* received
• f tia efficacy are fully 60*»uitt'.*:l t*y e if .-rience ned
although tu repetition and utility mu exie-i'iivn
knd stand in no need ol ray bu>>)bl<* cji-.t-i to meres'*
Ut*m,l want nil who arc ari'iutod by to he.
tome acquainted with the cli.-ac) and i ovrer of vo*..
Taluahle medicine. ’
“1 am, gentlemen, gratefully anJ very
yo ""' . , I.UTHEK WRlllur."^
tTeparcd and sold, wholesale and retail, (*t A U a
D.SA.NU3, Ihuggni* and Chemists, 10t» Felton siren
corner of William, New York. Sold u*o bv iim ~
gt»ts generally throughout the United State* aid fv!,
adn. Frio? HI per bottle. *u tmairp for fl,
For sale by I* WII.CUX, Jr, I'. A. F.UINTSYrtPt
A CO, mid KDWAKD FKNUIvRIOH, I'.ttsbor-’n
*•1. hv l»r M SMI I'M, fVi.Uw,i a . lau'.'UrtamlAtwO
No. •*»., UIAMOND ALUKk «
/tt, fj»w door* r* ow Wood li'ceu !n
niitct bter.
tonatly at treatment o(ih<-.»* cemyiatm. r^s*^
lima he ha* had more practice anti htu ruie>: i.<-rr'
tenu than can over tail tv ihr >r.i <•; nny prwnic nr*,.--
tiiioner; amply qjah'it* ti> * ;vr *»., j.‘
BpsedVjpeimatieiii, ir.d sr.utM.'t.-.rt .-.ire m j-; ;r ■■ -
with deticai* di»*v*««. and »ti a..e>r.« .■ . :
Dr. Brown wjald th<-.«c nlitMie.i iv;n .*i
which hay** oscowe cr.rmi.r l y .im* ai .
|;iv.T.tid by th# a*c of any of the msrccu nourmt:* n
tt:e day, that their complain wear, b: rr.dictliy wi.i
oaphly ccre.l; he harine pivrii Us cartful a;:r:i:i« a u
the treatment of sscb
orirtstcncei! in car.r.jj per*o::« nf inUaiaraatim ->f >i .
neck of the Madder, and kindred dvresre* vhict. efa-t
result frota thu«e c*v:s where otbera have cor.etzn-*
them to hopele** lie pnrtleala*iyji;TKe» r.cci
as have been loty» and unruCceaifaUy trealert >.s-oiq***
to ccnrnlt him, when every faurtncuor wi:! b.* errer
toem. and tbetr uu?ci trrAtcd In n cartful,tlm-rtFi*;, :
ituelliccr.t Manner.pointed nut by * lom; eipetico.**
siß'Jy,acG tarenigtioon,which iti; tor t^'.ie
ara^?rffiss tnM - crmi * M K <,r,K
B7**J, ernS ? cr tophi'? —Dr. Ctowo *i»o invittt » e ,.
•on* atUlctcd with llernia to eail.«. e**.k*rpairl
aiaratmnn'iototnud>*r.ac4. v 1 T ‘“
Bkia disease*, *Uo »! *. i's.jy *t«. spudii* <lr .«
Qtarye* very lew. 1 #<r,<
N* B-—PaUsnu of either * *t * .i*-,, r „ Ka
ctalinj iheif di ß *i*c , n wrtitr.*. VU,** 2
torn*, can obtain mtJiciiicr v»i;b d-.- i»»,
addiesHiif T. BBOWW, hi *w-V' t
tuafu. • • 1 *“*••*-»
Ho»2«* N *' U n-.Tcn,
Uviriii-mc-Dr Drowti', titwi, a.j ;orc ~ a ..
dyforHhearaaurm (aa iseody ami et»ian ~►? • **'*
tß.t i.alnfui noablt. li imiSl W K!it *
CBm Md Pmtu Booms, No a m
gMUlW.fumlmi.i.Jm ri fcEKS'
■ 2j point scarlet Mackinac blankets, to
pounJa* l flC **«* *ad weigh aix
| 100 p4>r* 0i polut green Mackinac blankets, to
S»Mj r ° ™ IV 94 &«*«* * flJ w « , B h ,ca
l 200 pajra 3 j>oini a«- en Mnckinae blankets. to
00 72 inches, and weigh eight
220 pairs Bj point green Mackinac blankets, to
tussore M by 6U inchea, and weigh aix
poued*. “
100 naiia f»i point gentinella blue Mackinac btan*
keU, to measure 0C by 84 inchea, and welsh
ten-piund*. B
400 Dairy 3 point gentinella- blue Mecfctnao blan
kfti. to meaiure 00 by 72 inchea, and welah
eigqt pounds. 8
200 pair* 2J point gentinella blue Mackinac blan«
ketcj to measure M by SC inches and welsh
a.x pound*. *
: t'/au JVj, 2—Dby Goods.
l,f«)C yafrda scarlet etrooda.
bOb ,b. blueatranda.
l.’sOO uo fancy list cloth, blue.
<f>. fiuwy liat cloth, scarlet. '
rif.O a? fancy list cloth, groen.
1,000 db gray list oioth, bine.
3.WJO do saved list cloth, bine.
1.000 (to saved liat doth, scarlet.
6tiO do saved list cloth, green.
2*?r» poenda wonted yam, 3 fold.
100 doz. cotton flag hsndtcrchiei*.
2M) do cotton Madrsa handkerchief.
172 do h'arlr silk bandkerohiofa.
90 do 84 cotton shawls.
SO do ;C4 cotton shawls.
£2 Jo 4 4 cotton ahawla.
40 iio W woolen shawls.
430 pounds l.neo thread.
SO do : sewing silk.
TOO pieces ribbon, assorted.
1 SO gross worsted gartering.
31 pieces ailk handkerchief, bark and bandana,
or, CVdir iVo.3.—Douxvno Goona.
3mioo yards domestic calico
JOoOO do Merimsc calico
.7.500 Jo, blue drilling
SOW) Jo. Georgia stripes
4 000 Jo bine denims
1 ,JOO do coltocado
4,700 Jo bed ticking
1,000 Jo . Kentucky jeans
iiliO do satinetts
7,000 dd plaid linsey '
7.00-7 Jo i domestic sliirlffig, bleached
Jo - domestic ehlrtibg, unbleached
I .',ooo Jo Jcmc*tlc sbeeting, unbleached
fmo mi,,, {.uiiix
40ft ijo-ea Woolen socks
ItMD vara* flannel*; aaortod
IjCftft flannel ahiru'
TOO calico'ebTm
-r«sopsnf,dsVotton Thread
4 00 Joiep spool "'
, pounds brats Ire'Vli -i. ..
-T9 deVoi boioher-tdives’.
?S,ood gun ji'nlV , 1
25-dpzeu fiih liaro '
• 100.doseai.«jmbV*ato5leJ '
10 Jo Nuiiota. assort'd ..'
. if 1 worms
.1-.090 tm kettles ' . '
S to ■ uo*i
r i~f J v 4.HTUl.’lueixutNrV.‘''
t ,I2 l indm'lo fen* to {* p.w
MO anger*, m i .
. )&» pan* tame*..... ~ ; .* *
?3j£*Ua tracechafa*
l,f<U),weeding how '•':/■ ['‘
ITS hand saw* ' .” ‘' v 1 * : -
>• . -v..."
4» aroas cut cow*. tftoSuJa Jhadth
m hand sjkMU* ■ ' xr - ‘ J
ICO crovi.cdi.Saw - - fe.i' ‘'
.?** !*swVwclgh SSpouada' S4ih
. tiOti » hittoiuofa cards, "No. 10
000 quartore rocket chisel* .
9ft planes, fya and i«c£' V' ''
■ . CtocrAV. ti.—A*k,
«(.rea axrt, co weigh from 4* to 5‘ touuJs
e - Jo LaJ axes, to weigh 3J pouoda
41 do batchcu to weigh ljrnounda
■ij broad txea * .- .*.
w . . /u4 - r 7—Nuerlwat Guks.
"•4) «o«l, west guns, two thirds d( which must
feelw * m-length W.harwl, and
one ihtrd42 ifidhes to Ihngthbf barrel, to be
delivered in New Yorker Philadelphia, «*
may to rcqnlysd. :•.- • [ * • *
. the above arrietesara denotuaj in the
f.&.a J/ the CflOTOuwonar -•f,4odi*o{ Atfair*; andii
SIV^ re ® l ' tl^ hinlwsre.U*.
<4orltj^e *V l?ur - 1 ’ en
! D ~. t better yotflfty umn lim articles
.‘ ,e^^ ote furnished under &rmer (rtraiiacu.
propo4als.«r*t'be-divUed into seven parts
V—lt I* universally conceded that t>i*»niv it
tommon in thr- ct»u.try m uny other.
* Mine time it is Ban. >ha tin uv other coun
it at so yeun* an ayt Now this i.< true
n extent, but the lon u uiien caused by ne
*ay to all, do r.ot neglect yosrr personal
c, out read Uie following, and .yes need not
looks. Teeve articles are iurtcntilic pre
uid have all attained a oi«h. popalculr.
acil’s Kao Uivt.-tx dv Vxirr* awn NrKrn
removing tan, mubnrn, blotches,
raptioos of tins akin; the must perfect eon
beauty every known. Purchase nothin*
to be Nyir.pu 3osp, onion it has my name
oatS Pißu-ns os Chi?tv»k i > owsx*,for im
the luo*. biiifaua complexion a radiant
In nouuti)' shoc-d a person be more care*
usnofa powder fj» th* »km. n< many of
•re very injur-om My Chme*e Vrrftet is
d in a scientific wannei, nml contains no
vbieh can pusalhiy tniliet *tt jpjnry.
““t' 1 ®*rj LA *°*r pownta, n.r removing
hair, what is more unnglirly then hsu
te* at arms of a iatiy. Tilts article w.!|
a abort time, without the use of any t-h*rp
■ r rt~*llltak6i«w
• Sd-i-Dr7Crood|.
Agrrnj!iiu!r*l iojofemesu.
Ctb— Axe*. , - •••
: ' 74—NoK&Wrik tuh«.
eJ2i e .K^fl.!:' oo,^en * bidder will re-
P r *u y 5." I** 1 ** auconllh*
[? “f *bovoopple„tlje Deparutiaat re?e»vio* to iu tlf
-.TTr'^ 0 * 5 in njotterto bo' applied to the
£ B !Ti!? sBofr,o,l,^~b 8 fcb ’ o * t W.IDU, trut the De-
Wimaut Hjht- to Increase o/duoinlch
cuws??^r I,T ? f «r aabiutaio
-IS” ° f ealtarreof » orl * ,B, »* l, *< M similar pnees.
r umn® V ■ a 7 y *'” foj presents or othir
S^diatnuuauoa^ .ofljiatiffairs of theDe
c*od» Awertcaft ntfutbiftctnre, all other
ca*np«i» oiTdanhw# and eJoihs fere'of forelm mam,
*k : *hMl<saccoptpaoy the
hid, to ec*b»e the Department la decide whether itisef
equal qnMuy wi* ihe«wip|« efblWid *
.Ine party propod ng to supply He article* will maka
m.? oflUay next, asaurqinr tha auhinlty
oxtondsßjfthF coil, maijair aft amegate ol tho whole
V» 4- ?>« rSS inTpee
m Wew ork (and ta Rt io«i s ir ta y' ponioa of
nn.?7- oaU h® «!eitvcr<d thare) by hn afentofthe
United States, .whoiwili bo appointed bythe Dvnart.
meat tor ilo purpmw and to wartaUv
®fi_ l j\f s” 110101 * P ur obw«d with Uw samples exhihUed.
h, u the coutrsci shall bo made*xnd,wtia riin ,■ ■■..i*
?/tS^ii a s th!6^wl,icb '* hml,,eon,,iaBc, M*®‘K
. ,? h V'[ p,# Vv® “ ol tarniittecl wUhih tho Umo pro*
•.nbed. vr tf they-are of . insnffleietd oualttr la the
att'/r'nUi!* lhc .*** a J end if within fiyo day!
attrrnMtceor •nch nttulhcurtey thojpany thallnot
lie ° tho required quality,
tt.e United Sulea shad lie aaihofitrii to pureltiSo them
inavh"’^lJi na .i t S cb4rffe ,0 T increase of price they
tnty be eompo.Jedtp p*v therefor to;the eonuaator,
FCinrt^ 1 ■ d *®i»«nae w iho United Stare*!
ro! 3 in the amount df the hid*,
with two good aamies, the sufficiency of whom to bs
cc.nhed by aUniccdStaieeJudaeoi Wstrict Attomer.
m n lf P»rfatmtneo>r tho eontracu. Pay.
!t!L Q !* :e ihe eontruet u completed » n ,i
& of the; good* as aforesaW to an .«tS
npqn a dupUaata lantcc certified by
10 U ankxl '-PtotKi.iU. fin la.
Tie biJ' will b« .al.mlncj whb lbo fallawin, be. 4.
? f '. Bad r '™ wlu received that are noi mail* In
in. form andUrrn*Ucrc jiretorlbed:
io (urohth fer the urvice of the
■“ th ° Pri “ #
_ , ~ ( l,c v reu »»«nih«iUtoftoodai
/V ’T7“ '' : ln cJ *y «« N *« York tor st Loot.) oo'
or I'wioru m oay oi— Mat; and InctMo/ the ac
cr.niaiic* o( u»proposal*, its fjaaiituy being preaenb
cd by ihe Department, | (orwe) vrUl encats a eon.'
nr. i HCaonJinp to ihi« agreement. and five *ari#fee
urv w.sunty io Ute Department within ten Java after
0TI L 4f l^l * b,li > •«*! »n caw of faUata to
" f . h c ontraci. *°? If l *® wearily. I (or
„ 1 pcT 10 , *‘® Umiid State* tbo difference be
' . • . . v »?Wi* biildrn by ne, (or at.) and the enm
'arji'"< *^[ ®^ Jci tiay be obliged la ti- - "-'
Ksa. anti ever? bid most elio be accompanied with
-jaxisjMf \n the roljewln* form, to be *ijrecttb7on«
or rnoro rcrponMble .persaos, whole
bo cettiEed b7»oror.«newhoi«JaiewawihrSl? B^ 1 .
m f»'«•«»« <*tr kefflTiLwihiSS^*
within ike time preierit>«4» tctmc>acf »*• «««
t?ccm>ri oTfcHdM* 0^ SOmZl 7t4T * a .*? ?E n fOT ,lka * lfl *
_ Afcta.
t invp .^^TBKMnip, 1
t Clota' isn stna tax Ciilbcruoa
A-ceustnen) ; |t Ik cucn.
B ««|P«»Uf fioar/
A * a PPlyy the Poland UIU* em Fasuiy
-ti. Flea?, a wrycteica mrtieJe, Jan rec’d for »!c by
DvvAjtmsjrr op IsTraic** >
J ! S' lrf 'f AjfaiTs;.StT>t 55,’1ii0. j
Q FlALfclt> I*ItOPO3ALS WilU'C received uttbe oiiicc
C? of the CotmcuMoner of Indian Affaire, at W««lii
Ui|rtoii e<ty. until ten o’clock ou Ssturdsy, the icronj
dor of Novcmber next, for foralshisg me, lallowio*
IniUan goods, vii.: • '
j .. Clast No, I.—BuinsrTb.
2,1r0t) palf« 3 point while Maekin»c hlaaketa. tn
1 inecbQto t'<o by *i2 inches* and weigh eight
l eodod?^
l.&Ao paira2j poini whifeMnctmnc blank eta, to
Jxaeuurc M ut<l 6f5 iaches, and iaeigb six:
P*in2 point while Mtckitsac hjaobeu, to
hfttore 42 by f»3 fachca, and weigh fivenad
quarter pound*.
ui H i-oi'at while Markinac blankets, .to
> JMuru V> by 50 inchefl, and weigh four tad
jutuer poDode.
< ire l }K>;n! while Mnokintc blabkeu, io
uaure 32 by 46 inches, usd frelgh three
J * quarter pound*.
r *. 3 point scarlet Mackinar blaalceta, to
ware 60 by 72 inches, and weigh eight J
iqda. .
A. * D. H. CHA M B E
(L*ne fUAßttjau., A«*.nsw A co I
revecu'atly *niorui tbe oumodbA
iifia, a., alto »he publ:e KunUr ....
cocuhuo the nuinufct-lutt t-( - ** at **'
w ft J'li I '**! " v *n p o.e Ok] Sur.a,
S Vjln ?ood ,l ' bfl ' VMB Flfftx AW(
Dr. Dose’s Celebrated Htmcdin
D^™!, a « So!, »' lUo -.i.a ho!,
pnetar of threa oo*i popular jai bcae
IUeiUCiQCS, anJ «Uu the i Inventor of Ibrt -eieh
mnntmem for Indauni; itir. Limy*. , n elf-r-mA
Ofchnmie aMudeii o.
: phy.lciwt, ilocior; pfc>W arid j. n ctadVam.
UmTMsitjrori»cntuylvaia,and for tbirw y 0 *r»
*•' b«n CMned in a* Ittv’c.iisMio,,
Ouufliuuoil ofitmeJii. IterJto.
??t° u lr ®*®-ofbi*iutJ<rtnff tab-, m («»■
*5? ph . yl4ml# Byn lP *n-l otlierufLa rez
ft** 1 " *<,*l **\ “»*P«iio ; Jed ewnejic-j m.
iho*e dreadful nod fatul maladies, Tubercu!.
rtjnpuon, sCanepr* Scroto*, Hhaaiimt H . w
fsSlf*. #n i s ?j ß| * ,<?cn ‘ nf *U Himlh, Olironis
** J Ujo.c olxtinate rtueosea rcru.
£• K e ,ff b» humanity » |
not by tbo u*e of on* compound only, lor that
compatible m),
wa.fSSfffdteSf 1 u ’i : " lj
*.* * purraure or liter pillj inasmu.-ti m they I
boweltiparfocuy lire frU „
McaJtar prepcnie* adapted u» female diietJea
Tha aldicled oro invited to Call upon me went
ODe lto Jloctor’* pamphlns, ri"
adetailecTaccooni of each remedy and Ua annilen
Lor tale by the fallowing ayremvuw“l a» b*,
drwUta tbiomrhoat the corjftn-. Yl
J fc”^, r * '*«* «t««, Pitubure
li? I S^ d * *5 Market ,i. do; *
S fe . r ' ;£ £
TS Jr*; n.JCoi«cr
IM package W oru>J Tea*,
•X?'** Too^cco;
10 kifcgi Pcpp«r,
* AUptcc;
“! Uinnnuton;
, «*« r»n 1 Chocolate.
loftE!!! I # 4u S ricn B*lU
•>*»!£ / lei S >' nmc HJce;
jCMki be« foadder:
« bwreli Alois;
*«UrrtU ‘I when'Oil;
"nXkt**£ pM £ vDtff! «“.
. ??* tOTn Pfoonr
30 b&xes White *»{.£.,.
30 lihd» prims s o ? u ;. n
■** orb Jorge No a j 0
5 No 1 do
SO brls N C Tan ‘
‘A) brU Piwh:
SO brlt No S Rr £ ,n;
SOiOlba ajaoned Ynrat*
SO bales No i Cou-.p
1® keys prune Whit? Lead
.. - ~• teg* «As*ned Na;K
S UUAU * moUssk*- <u uruVR-fiyisp 1
° i'OO brls f« o
IWtf** wlm; {1n,.,,
;*J |' r, » t uan*--.rtu *j, e ','|.
-«I r.«Lov t r,r,,;’j paU.,
l‘n'K rK t <lL ° a -* j 0:
In «»vr* Afi.J idf l4 ] # |,y
• •- -MM-LF.R & HJ,
O UNOfejK'—v«so 0,.
k ItJ '-as . .<■ i, ,
■ ~' 1J J _ l ' ''■.-•■i.cVil
AJ. -isict* A-V-U^u; •»..(
Jr xor-iuss- l .‘ri'u'A n r u «ro
H 'M.irJ ilrtei, ae is* IV : i oit ; -
ISTORY oi IVcdtiunY. No c. Uv i
a yi lLt^<kcr
I k Morchariii’ fttagj.Nßc ioi • ~Ti ,
Whij *er*W-fo> “T- • n#
Scon, h '■.•-••nj.
liuktbn hliskslv.*,- f,.,,.. .
A S : ,’ fc» ii.
“•! t*Y t® Jicir tiiutjJiPT* tn
MiiwaiS™ ,“ ! t:' ~ A «* »«■
•■'.•yyfc"»*acii . „ ~,.
_“rL... MU ?^i;Vl"v: n| - !
O imuui. Wobis.B Oooa= '
iSK iuc ijiack Uoia bJuwK
1 co/e \cllow Fjaune;»,
3c««iß*4 do: •
. i Ctttu \VlriU do rfj
sUwct'Juniwd Fintry Ctsaun-r«
I «*sc t>»'4UoU; " T ---
U c*«» COm Alpiiit:
.!€«*<• JoO»;
a«xuc4»fat»BlonS?iß •
*ea»e 0i«<» Jo;
•epl'J H
;>a ap , --,-rr-. 13t> Liberty allot*
lS h Z p f irauicd Winder.**
»':inewap liarSoai.; hc “-'' pai '-
Vari,Vaud Soap
ntt»bu«n jJ dv p *
««l* ° l ‘’ 0 *"» *» ~4 KM »,
•' _ _\VM A M.OUJhG A CO
RSSf VE ° 1 !■_
La f*erciiaae rArma<lHj „ Dnrll
£* n »««w and JeuinM- For Gm «•
Voleoor bvcou-, d !l y , b-p 0 , u .T. *'*
Awtr down m Cairo— boater
o B# Watchful ond Ueware-^iover
B««4c»xaany other popular j?«jtur> mu |»,. Ce 4
',. H KLKBIiR,
of theOt>lden Ham. Th.rH n « ••
_«W? Sip,
» r nTvsr»'£ ! rc>
I‘iJUAH UICh J Kv ico
' * Front rl«
Do»fo« oSACRESS=o Crartt.^—
}\M A M^QI.UR (; co
In «ai« : . a ft^X‘‘ 1 '' I, '‘ 1 ‘' 1I ' ,J ' : **"**■
L/jS? 8 ” 300 .* id " NV ~ rols £«»««. for «,>« by
-- cp " i: J * R FLOYD
: bo*c» T..r~~ —
1 Kuy,:. ? ~,^0
QHEHpoooo lb. wiaS.i,„ o „
‘°^ by - tCTl “ggyas 1
l*li f-UCMjil—3
a. it:
c^lit J .rAv
' ~ »* w HaPHaii v - H *
fc> u SSiir‘“ “•“*
P^Sr* bria ..*•** — 1
9fc WHAMBAt:ftTI
F““" T *“ s -*S
jfc-$ uSKS" 1
,* io easily bx* do
*£&£?«&" »"'%s'£&: i*;»f
MM3 ' ! I "ift? 11 **too
- ; wmctm- a ,qo
C U^S CSk, ‘ *-»»«■ pniTISTS,-
JIACUN- a’uu ulb
ur: fa " ttl &v -' h »«n* a??,'
/-IUiAKT-i'uss«ju coiusjo a ™ re
HUBDKK *'ACkiNti-.St«j Tr —■—-~—
1 fctckue»»ej, from t*o3
ptaking it prepared ao thti £hj«v C *“ above
will noiwfcct ,Si§??«*!«»
u ao auoattncc taa utnniSriiL}??**** flae,
»o L*h jdßjxeo'orfiSff/iSft^^teh
puis where p*ekfci« *** ahfie als
piatoa ?&*., j£a£ E'**f7. *k:- aaaheic
to i«d* fa.
«3g?o ! . J tfc U PIIU.I ifS
QMggp-w »«»*«« .»siSsvs£ " ~
*7 blla DHTc Tjn'e. »• OiJ: <or «!o bv
KSW “' ra i«iuS* A ,? Wo!t