MISCL'LL ANfcOUS *e|r‘j3 Cor. HU i Wood __ U J *CO II'ANNIN-M ounce* «o»«»!a &y . , 1 U A KAHNKSTUCk&CO lJ AI.II kepi ictrcd for «»l' by, n , rv -r\ U K FAIIM-JTUCK ACO t,' L*» All CbUi-lD MAMS—A 4 !• '« ,y O *r P ia /; MiiAßi asiix I«’<»V\bOO-l have on har.d * «n*U let of L«k , evJl Co; Wood A S.jth ti / tAN'AHY AUH W HITh -i6w)"li>o »upt rior 0“•••')j J L tor ial ■ • |., [otp.il 1 JkllUlA‘o / IOU tJVI K ulL— l'tl 0c« Hu.tiiou. Ciotk 4 Co i V M. o n- ro.S l.iv. r «M, ,o*l reco rd ...r.;u>r b) i’l-t.MIMi .H Ui.nK Ki:KrlN‘» a"«l Siram lto»t ~;p.l ' <•!.<»Vl--‘-VUoi J<*U■.* Gr»lT«i»e / I|:\fi.JvMrS** 1 i.l.OVlvir-VO-reu pair*, a Rood I T. uriicif, received arid fur H n! I'lilCSl A KINA—A lrc»h :•)! ol Out eivrlUnl Hu- ie ci dici, jii’t B ' ,n a cn^ (iIDKK V i NI-'ii alf —Ji l'M» •op-riof jijm rc«- o t.» /• n>p» A A CLOI'HK I'tl.l 'l I’— A >lo*’! IjU&llV.ty Rlie*»« T A N.ll’lr- « ' XI,R X 1 fcpU l _ _ __ j^rr.Airr.* J'iN'sr.KL fifu-n. i.ri« „„Y. ", .i.n'fii.y »uu»is..\, u m.i: a i:,» -*pH) Voo L.Lirty m I U'KATHI~RS a IIKLSVVAX now iu.:dn g l,y X krplT ISAIAH JJIt'KLV A m Tj ICK—ic* i.-v*L t-eac, nrnviop Rnd fo; rnio ! y XV i*rl' _ tmOW.N * KJHKRArRI< R_ i 'lisu—run inis Mnro. Nn ’I Mickrrrl, X IH Ui l’f!« dn ilo do. i (Jrjm* netv Codifh, rmum,; j;.r »/iie l.y »p ; -r _ _nnnu-rj A^ijiKt^ATiui’s Si .KDs” lift I ri* i>nair <'lov«?r, sr.'fcr* |*r;rat limui'iy; tor *al<* l>y •rpir lIUOWN A. KIKKKATRICK_ V 1.11:/».■'> i"r. M AT.' Foil*:) ll*mn for «hlp t”, A. .'T-i *VM A Mr Oi.l Mi A l O t.C.-i li*.. I !'j I'tt common .In. r" ‘ ~ ' SI I'ARI A PJU. TIKi.OM-*- \U Ik-Mil r U>IC »*J i.lf »ok- (.*“ ' •“ J't SI’UAR'r A Ml L VJ .MJ’UaTI.-' hj l>x j 1.c,» lor.uir Uy O u 1"V j S'l LAH ; A Mi l. EAOIN-A -mai! U.I cl-:ar ».»!"« tor • - I’ - i v ‘•pu-j sn.\t:r*siu. Q r \ K- II».*« b, m ’.rruuls i'ot *\i- 1., O s*rt APT A HIM, V- "! >; i I'ATIII R-.sKUi iiii rei t im • t ;m John \\ /. i i 4 C, i OC* .Ul CC J, ED p-tme mi., l O ui ii, n l-w Sroicb ftird. rcr',l r..t *:,*e l-v \\ M S Vrt I IRO ACO srT'.’l '.’-4 Lifccm - ‘if.-: "I >l,<”‘'ls—frii ',»iu Napp.--r fnice*. I'm sale by I > •• pi 7 i••Al A H DICKEY A C«» GUI ASK—IS brls now londn-< ln.cn *l«-Rinri fu i r-mm., by i*rrJ7j ISAI.MI D'CUKN A co_ S-t li l> -H t No ! lino/ I;ii',i!ipi» h>: *#l, by . IS* !.\li DM'KKV A CO l i illl'i IVH- JO (,-!* No I. for tale l.v V? JOHN WATTit'O Of. Mrnched w.ruer Whule Oil. funic • :W. y, i.„ v,L- by it V. Sl-.LI.KKS i r'.tl 57 Wood «i Li I'lRITr TURPENTINE—SPb*!. in (rood c.r.L-r lot 'U ...v i.y —-__r.KsKlU.ari ' I ’ a NM'-tiS* GU. -:■»> t.r.v'h'paie ort’i«-!c..'.e t-r _ U J' SELLERS T’ i.vL t I’liKs— lUKI grc»»jUM r*.*i.* d w ‘-y T *rpJO 11 HSELLER* A TutfPoS.lT'a: Jkpply «t tbir .let, -M'l" I'vl-Ey.H ' I'.aNl Tii'AT UCa>:C U'TPINr.- A JL* •'C'P.V «■>: mu c*. client and porii.a l, w.*«x r-.S and !•:. .a... by II •’ « l"rKTis re;..l t' Mirt-i ri I', LTk AM '<( *■■*. t-> 1. kf;-1 JEIDU4 < t' V» Jtn,)Ms • La* viiijr n Com Broom* in n'e I >• li tpi: Ji n EI.nVP RAIK I% i A CUR K.\N 11: Pis biu.c-i, Ka<>.at . 11. dels I difill”, Ifce.,c.l i.:.J i.H »am by WH UAoAiEY A CO I'yaco:,- i- ecu - I'.iojjdfTt, J»> for.^-by JIKOV/N A. KIUKPA TRICK rpKA* ..r..tfpA H Tn. X 4.i mi I'm* A <:Lr.y , owJcr: l. .1* U:.:i-L VrJ, Ail .-siM( bfd \ H y (i E . /.-.f I r {•til- UkOW.N .1 KIRKTATRI.IK VKNiTI l.t Ul.l’*itH —A comslcii-*A>?rt,nei'i »'• Vjn.uan E n.a* c'lmanUy on bortl. tor foI.- tow Icr full lten'll J A 11 EUII.L.IKS (1M EU 1C A l TECHNOLOGY: or Checmiry appue.l .• me Aru »n,l 10 manotac-ure* l>i I .Ki‘dp|. 1 ..r l.y R O STOCKTON Kooktellcf. Pnntrt. mnil Kinder, -rp-J? 47 Market »t lA.MTKLAOK Jun (cceifcil and for sale at the i.Si *i. a.rrs ( S N WICKKRJMIAM «e|.K ('or. Wood A Sixth si* S ANUS’ KAUSAI’ARU.LA Ju»i ree’d (or talc by S N WICKERSHAM ri'nVVA-KNUV s a I'AUI t.l. I— l f.-tv do.-.-i. J • >r-it-. ” • l--.pt;' : BNV* 11 ‘KC" •*il AM l l • |.‘V*. U> !• AI.S VAI (MM* KKV •» ■ •»> K V .. ,. j.j J A 11 tMULLIT* T_) osK PINL -V ' iTw.|-*'. r n.i f'.r t .b- by £V *ePU K A I AIIISES IUCi: ACO La'KJ)— Ad irfU Ntr 1. tor sv ,cp-Jl IsMAll PICKKV A Co tor-n'cliv Kfiil, ISAIAH DICKEi A CO r>AP*iiS HA SIS— v; ior »al«* u> dow | «ep .11 ] V A|AH DiFKKV ACO SI? ftl AP luu.i (nr ii»rd »nJ lor »ele by »CM) _ A OLUHF.nr?. liW Writ No j iUt/ax do J:i*J tir’d for cuc l.y .. JAMi i' OALZFI.L p.'i.jli TO Waier i>l TiAisrF.n tuus -w» Jr.r w».i‘ t.V «ou u>«\ iot« JL !t.r lot |*r|--} M.riIUUH A R»»K IN PICO A MAPDFi; —lO c rioon* S. F li.dijo, 7 hbdt Mu]>tar. (or »*!<■ bi -epio W'l H*n*l * •'* C 1 ViiJiß X MO!. ASJ prime N ** 311. •!« d*» Mous ie‘ .n‘tore *B.I fn* t*‘e hv W X M MnriIKLTK».K, J.itH-m *• ? Ml.F'-Kf’S-’-? ru"" ..f 'Up»f Freeh Cull run* \_s Otfcrrio'i l.r •■■.!, ,u-.i ut.*l for *ijr i"» far ca;K. t.y * \EM»I.K. -ep-.-f. lit Mulct't JiANCV Yo\Sl»i*—‘i Ka.-fV l‘ou»i*» 01 Hi* ’“"riEABU TAR A Oil -W St’.* N F Taf. 10 i.rl« Tanner*' < >«!. :i url* No 1 1.m.1 Oil: id note and to h«p'j __ A H«»E J>ACON— 4uii p.-i ) -O-I pc* 4«a» lurri Horn*; rcf , : f McCILI^.VROF I AMP Hl.AClT—»'oOll’lb* lilar m r»«*« •r.d l f;» * ~P>« _ _»_* gH.NW, ....... CIHOCOt.ATF- 20 bx* Norfolk directs-. . i U«6*r» No I. ppMinn. French. fpiccd, an lmmrrP,.«.r Chnool.lc, »> Jf* k «rp!2 V>.f. U?i »t. SI'AMSfi VvlimNG-VbTU JU*l rt .;\J for »•> a s N irkt'KSli AM :• icrlo HaMj* —A pnmf oruelt, i. I ) «;orr a'fiJ for «i*ls t y TU'H A JONf> *« e v, _ _ _ •_ Ccwni M r|iV i.'—i-ji til c fcr*V« VM, <• r. A Imp. '!>» 1 .0 ui ctic*u ony unri (Colons' F>ln<*k. ’ f.u entldy t>3» \ 11 > ion A l.nnpnwder, ro *ft!« tT i-.«rr»>l> ’•■l I.FH * rwu'l-T^nv CHEESE— M Ur* ynrae rec’d and Jor »*ie l>r JAJIRS DALZELi. nr?*.! 70 Wftiei *1 'fiOT ASll iO cu««i in «ior* and for »«lr hv JT_ -.r. i,vi _ james palzkll BA l ilSo—So I, tax «m!e Of JANIES DAI.ZFI.L_ J > LA-S - ISCB bo it i- mrtuilrd o?Finilh A H<;r \JT ion » brand, r» i tiTr-1 »r : ii for tnlc by • cp'4 HIIKY, MATTIIfciWS A fu PKi IRON'--10> tor.* Lanrtl HU 1 Fanner. for «:.!• M MriniXSA roi: N’ C. uli. oil .»n,;,cr.,r' . Fcpll MrOtl.L* A BOE PLaTH.iII'I SCALES A plmfornx iralc xi iw KUO :o I lb* fci *n!r Or «t ■«pn Mcuii.i.m> iioe C" (iTTON »UH«f» l>nlri »»ir by ~pl 6 F VON BONNHOItST A CO ■jar Ail. Ri»l)S—lio UU.< Jumaiia »lu rod-* lor »al<* by £N a f von noNNUoasr a co Vi biiCmeif nati for •»!«• b) Jfl. Wj ,To S F VON DONNIIOKSTACO rn'N’o WAKH'uoAIUJA-aJilo* llolrat"' "ayerior / (or «le by Jl> * IULIAMP Jt CO Mpir> Cor Wood A Fifth »i< (" NHKAP WAI.'I.'PAPER,‘Vi bTT *rul Ktei.o j per roll, for ">l< by W P MARSHAIJ. ■cpiC . _ ** Wot ’ . u f '.‘7 frORKIGH EICHAIIOL. BILIJS oh England, Ireland, and Scoiimid U.usM ■ny amount 01 the Current Rate- of Endian};*l AUo, liraAs povnble In any part of the Did Count;.er, from v£l to XIWO, at the tute 01 tl to the A St.-tlmt, wubout deduction nr discount, by JOSHUA ROBIN SON, European and General Agent, otlica Sih oui door rve,t of wood. orilM.' SUM IBiMXU I 1 sDVAUD 11 HS KILAMKH it- tlAklftl, Bankers and exchange broukur, dealer* in Foreiyn und iwui.-rtie Bills of ExebLdge. tier ithc&ic* of Ur|*usite, Uoux Noie* hi,rt Coin, corner ol id and Wood liret u, d.inny oppom* Si Cbsi'.- s He el ir.ir-i-dIT w. n. cM9i.nn ] ENGLISH * BENNETT, \XriIOLKSALF CiROOEBt? -nd I'flinmr u.h M TV ciiiuU, No 41 W«>oJ arcei. oppoer.f M i'lh M'ltcl. err now receiving anil uflrr for «i. rnl-s. »s follow?: ISO p kgt Y. II- Imp li I*. •nd Black Te»« COO pi g j Hi and bf lb lump A ;.h mil Tuli cn. W haf* Bm, I.aeuiyra. and Java ('(.flee. M Ihd* N «> Supnr l>rl* N O MaU«‘ri 40 Ll.« power red, cr mix'd in.l loi( i.gai i •Hi hn« .\iuxn sfti Ini, Tanners' Oil. T'lli ,«>< Lump Oil Ui i. rl. s« 3 M rir» riel. , • j i-i. - i IvA Illli.'UUPS i.l" l-x« k.iffh h ' ll Pf| |>er A. Ai'plCe r.im Hi x*ntca4 UipecS'nutf lo tc» Rir' rngcilict with n rTicrAi CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, Ac Vl’’ Mci’i.lNTUC* i* itowoprintij at lit* Pit. I \ , \% ujebnuir. N.» C 5 Fwjrtb i'rrrt r: d 1U i ; ;rcri, a Texy I.»t J.oiitr nurr.ioeni nl i.»rr-» ,•;< I diitir, in iintt (.( tl.c l<»iluWior varxeWe* Kioto and r'ccai.t j y'c Velvet Pile Ourp»r. Uu-lx and elegant *ij le Tape my I}ru*vi» „i; Hiprnoi Lila mix at.d American liru»: «tn .in F.itia «op. ‘J ply Tarrci'i i Rag:, eitrn Otrr,..t., Sopc*fine do do; | r*up. Tu'lcu Rue,, do lnrrmln drr; Cher,‘Ur Frtta Cne A line do Jo, Toad Mm*. Puoi al) wool, Jn do; Slair Rod*, d.» eoll’ii ciitixc (Jo d >; Coco Mai,, do ,-ullr.H do Jo, Jute do; Alio, a vrrr larpe a*enrim*nt ol TiiLa.i,,,:*, Stciiu Boat), t'diiia.''*. Hnn»e*, Ox.' CiuL\ < A *ory large afiortmci.to: -veil iea»or.r.i <*c. i';o: ran.-iug in wxdih from a. itrbet to -.‘4 • *ißi,d»ome Myin*, c.i to hi any f.j-d rnun., b„r>. Ti c nock o( rood* w,ll be io!J m . . n >,i o i.-xa be porrLa-fu ,n r-ixy of Ike eaxier ‘ • ' :ar,;c evert buJj in (.all «lx3 wr«h a l.ur/ao, •rpv \V Met.l FST’I ‘1 L l‘». bl • Cxr»m ml-l U K I'nti tc • J* 10 IrAfi * old J«l9 Coll.* lx. I.3C* Ltpualta Uo. r.o*. u-ii v «... u... To Li rlici'.i CbuJa x l'< k IU ,'aJ.iy Oi i eitr* 40 Jx> prune xjlccxi, T I bf Cbrm do, lo ! ;• l.uncf, Ri.fi.x; 1 l alel i-.(I «hrll AixuonJ*. x’. .I.*? pure cl,rv*lal b raHoiac.-pailu AUncji l, lu t>i ? Bronx •!« n ,J No I _ . I.i • A.rao.-al mill I’A.m Sfni (m ti, Ko.in und Vai.'KAi ■' >o 5 j.Tz O- ve ami UofCea. » U.. •’ jui l*epp*r Sau*e, ’or Xirtiin A Wulauv t'n k t •j Jv r IL»*r Water,. I r*,e I'ftliati M»n'*ii)ii:, L r»«r, UO Vrfiuiroili, •J ra*ea f-urr India (’ufm- I’ow.'t 3 ra_*r» ,«prr(,nf, 10 l.rU pure Cider Vmr,:«r; Ui dot Corn Broom*, J l> U (J.LI AM-: A CO Cor. Wxm«u A l x.Hi «i< fdi M I,i' tfpjni' h I‘ i in Su M IWvam n;id \ ur ir. K4H) pnrk*::r, tin At Havana. qr la t M Regalia-. 15 M i’tinrlpe*. n;..l Ihou.tl N- 1 • •.Hi tii- Lemon ;■»> j »-uu. «, Ti cun i'irk r ♦. I". hi* K"ck i »i.Jr ‘tlM IN Sh»-*le ! AluiUlul' *•'* «-*•«- L qi o ..-I Itinrhan* Cut U-iiJ pried T*>l> arm. 10 uro*. llt'j. t i./ »-*c*runrM ( l t" ••.!* u* Well St PitUPurrii ir.’*' For sale by si-|.7 JOHN It YLK’B SPOOL. 81i.lL, £j?/*re.«ifv /ur dv-mir/y;. I>(> aTr.id tbr- in'-itT liiri>n'rii;rn.'r« is' i<- • t-.- u*r 1 1 lf<- . U-l.'iti If> rOei'l. the »! (.v» v ' -.-li iuj>|d'r.l ill fun 1.1 in,n. and lo>* In' dim Thr ditheufty h«« si last l*een overrome the [< -iI • orf- red a rood articl-. handuiuejy pat up in 4 »• ■cai-i.t fonu lor ui.iaeane u*e. The only objection urged against Uu« «ri r!e 11 ihr •..ipaieftt small i)usnt»ty on each ai-ooi Tir» 1- nni' iplunrd Ear.h Spool is warranted 10 cunls'ti /' ards of SHlk, while the ordinary Skein, »t the .arr,. ri.'e. ht* but an unrertvin quxauty, vaiyi'.-g limn 1. » !■; yards The Spool Silk i* rrvdr for u*e at (ha line 01 ha**. aaiJ ti only r;ee of tune in preparing u ior u« Sold hjr WM. H HORsT.UANN A «u.N -61 North Third *t, Philadelphia, NORUTMANN, DUO’S A »’a H Maiden Lane. New \ c sole Agent* jT JeolCm lirilllT. UKAN«-s btU rec’d mr-ale by VY arpT _ JBOASnn.I {.NUIGU— 4 renxim Spanish fur ««lc l >y wp!4 H A r’AMNEST< ■*'K id , lutp- h»> ic* ju«i r» e M and for »»><■ by U r-cj.ll JA.MKH A 11l Tt.'IUHON A l'< f INHK.KH (Ml.- ~j brl« pule in food porta*-*, 1 J M j.ij SELLERS* Mt’Ol Sl'ii Alt iT KfclU HAMS- -tlhil. *a|«i-rior (or ■epll __ SELLERS A Mfi M S MAMKKRKIy— ?i hrl* No ii, for r.mip lo» m rnn:iiinmcm auaMks litl.Zi • I. U|«TU»NAI<> of* MECHANICS, Eaßine Wort and Eiitu.oerinj No 16, ba« brcn icc.«itc _ HARPER'S Monthly Matazmc mr Sepieial--t i’lcionat Field Loot of the Revolution, Not j—Mec'O for talc by It »: sruCKT"N ('or Mattel a Tiiit.l •*« I)A('O.N-c hbd* r'ldo. u»m», Suou.... i•, • IJ i-'ivcJ slid lot tile Uy SrUAKfi SILL T'KASKS MAGNETIC OINTMENT-vui do lor rule by i KlDui i c» Wood it I ACQL’tTli'3 ceii-uraicd I'alrcl Tru.«Ci A ) lot ,url rcccHrd and for rale by | vK M' Vm»rr» * etiow ls>ck S»f«u£>»nl a *:> :n » * rcr J for *nie Uj |»rpT | JKIDD ft «'«) IV>IVI)KR JALA**--* f*«e» just Inr sal- t.y „. p T J KIDD fc C-- IjtrWOKROUM'AIIABjC— (I'urc.j 1 c«*r, ju u i ri?fil, huJ far «tle t.y It t ACK 1 I I.KS- A Sell aaortuie nt j j«i opened b) > A A MASON A CO , rf ,T (W Market*' I"'|NK.‘> HmeVa.—il*i <102611 Jrtrucil 101. Dior 111 n jat S? emit by I« now imdln* (or «ale by ( , ISAIAH DICKKY A CO t , r y Watrrft Front «*. KiO COFFEE- 'XX> bayi I*. liop ft lilac I *l latrol ttuptnlalion. (or »al« by J A It Kt.‘*Y nifill too litl». larifo No 3 Maekrrel, P 30 Ul brl« t\«i» tAn J l do, Id bli fi-alrd Jltrni y, for isle by l({9 Jft.KFI.OYi> I*AU ft Uli.-3U bri* brown Tonnrri’ On, ill bill Carolina Tar. tor «ale l v x|ii J ft K t I,*i W> R<. -ft w » f re » tilfltli bn-* for t-'• * - up* t FLOYD I.'l.tit.rt so btU M»nnt» Mill*, foi ■■iv t>, 1 *n,? MHiII.I.H ft HO|: liNSfc.KH oil. •10 brl- received for "air r,v i i ftCHOONM AK'F.K ft i'll *r|i“ V 4 Wood »t pLKAClihl** nKUS'.N full at»»n 1 > nifiui, all vri.lib* and l.miida, dircet from tin ncr<», by "T 7 A A MASON A CO I^l. u>- - il.fi* Uf.h Krr* 'UM r.-r'.t for .air by i P~ l.l H |,K A CO I \KY J‘KLMKUVKUM\»'.rR l rk .f TR ,.*a by 1/ *- 2UJ bag. fr-tor ju.l r<-f* lor «ilc by • - ruiKHKriKjR & in<;hhaM ■rr" 116 Wti>r m MAdDKK j e*»V« r-r\ for »*k t»y ~ .«P- . _ KUKUIUDGKA. INGIIBA.M Ah- SODA - lb Ixln rrc't tor *«|e by O x-p-J UURBIJIIHiKt INGIIRAM fcfl ACUKur.L~7i i-tu'no IU. Wbfbrti Ji<;.rccM for ««lr by A CUI.UEUTS4-N &. OLOUSr 195 |jl>p||y .1 PIU IKUrs - iJo ton* somereu /urnkcc, ftr »*ie hv *■!**» JOhS WATIA. CO iXTIfiiXW CSxcTlft' and W uatlilT T t Mooned, for »mle t>y JOHN WaTT t CO T7INEGAR—AO bill pura cider for nie by y J t H FLOYD ■jOTAbH—so cask* pare lor »ale by ■ "'‘M* U R FLOYD 11 i>CACTa<-*au aotca parcel, for rata by Jj «r>l9 J* k FLOYD MISCELLANEOUS' j. xi. nxvxLou,' •WTO. 8 1 Wood «urei. hm ju*i recnv.. ( j t pH Miftmrnt rl PIANO MJJsIC, among which are Use f.nlowluc- Meiiy, Jo you Love me, by 8. C. Foster. OK may the Red Rose Live Alway, do i\cli) wa* a Lady, <} o [ Tn-Jic Neil, , lf , Gwtne u> Hon oil Night, j„ Lolly Day. Ju _ Soldier'* Wedding, by Clover. Th- Robin, Jo. oh, Touch the Cord vet onee train. Sweet Memoirs ofThee, silver Moon. Lament of the Irish Emigrant. A New Medley Bong. Thou but WoufMed the Spirit that Loved The*. The. Conscript’s Departure, by Clover. I!c Kind to the Loved Ones at Home. *Ti« Home where e’er the Mean is Tbo VanKee Maid. Low Hark’d Out. by Lover. Do you ever think of me. Slumber Ceutlc Lady. Jcstinie Grey. I'dhn, Cell anus, AVeddittg, Wreath, and Daisy Waltzes Uutebclor, Maiden. Delta Welia. (hirer rt, Ladies' Souvenir,' Cally, Klvira, Lily, Alice, Evergreen, of«, Adtro. and Lizzy Polka*. inuV-N TEAS t TEAS!! TEAS 111 WK enter not Into the list of puffer*, we say nothing alront Hundred* of Otc*l% Import. i>, Liinr Cii'.lnl, Bought for fash, Ac. in Ui-i we will i.. hninbng in any mauucr or form, we Mini*:. it vur i v pnl.l.c lo compare oar Tea* witli wnnt ;fov purMiii'r rWwbcre; t'*u is the best method we knou. t-> tain wuo *clU the best and cheapest Tern* m I'iiit burgh. We are now selling Good and *>trotigTea at 41)and Silrentn pet lb. A prime axUoltv---.——• 7.« 0.. jo The nest Tea imported into the U. Slate*. $1 Low priced, damaged, or inferior Tea* we do not keep MORRIS A HAWORTH Proprietors ofth'Tea Market, •.'! Fji .1 «.dr of Diainii;ii] i4r«at Aneriesfl Mechanical 'Werlr. i Appleton A t'-o . New V ork, have in rou'v of pub lif.t,.hi, ,n pour, ~r..’c twenty i>vc *.«nt* caca, A Dll fIOKARV Uf Mcrhive', Mrcfutnu‘, En-qin* H’ori. and En rinirnny, Jot pructical MrJi, liti.i t/u'ir inJrflJrrf for if\f f-> •>! ntrrunj apiTcu at uuvsa btb.i*. THIS WOnK t* of large-vo *ize. and wtli contain itvo tuooiusp hum, and uptyards ot ‘u-vunti iLLisTaatiuv*. it will picacnt nmlm; dnir tuts and dr*eripuon* oi the oust important rr.-irh ~ri> lathe L’n.led Slate* Independent ol the r<*«u;.* nl American uigenaii), it will tuiiliun .'on-p!--. pi nit eui trenti e« on Meeh&u.ct, Mac hutcry, Ki ettir-werk. and Kngir.cciltii’i will, all that u uec/ul in mote i’tan one thnttvand Collars worth ol ioltt* vulamt i, tn.-es zinc*, and other books. The cttM object of tin* paMii'ahpn n. io ;l;ce br fnre piactteal tuen and muiLiii* »uen *.ia-ti/Urtt of tbeotcucii and ttcicnnac irnowledge. tn a cc >den»«-.l lomi. a, pusll enable them to work to the t>ei( juvan : to*', hiiJ to avo,*i tliote micakr* much ■.ti• > iu.l,; i'.:ii r\rt*f rommit. The atooum o' useful tiimti,; ju,m h-j• broughi together is altaoM beyond prei-e- 1 . nit, u'lt work'. Indeed, there is hatJly tliy • ul-f.'l .vitinn i! t«r„-i* winch n not treuted with ro.-l. ami piet flint, that even H man iu ute orut . . ,t|.oi iiv c-'iumi tail of undeiiibiii Hit: it, and l. - • b . ti.iotj l.ittii it itioi'h which It t. Uiipi.tinMt.il FllU'l U. I *11! I! I be rail, bet* ate, Ml »!.*■> I, drleunuicd, refit dies* : cost :•> Make the work aa i i'inplele as potiibi. ; nn.l is hvpi-d • vet > ntie ti, *t i*.j* to obtain tup tv.uL will 1..- trri; ,t D-.as.-Ued Ul ItUlTibi'f* nnd c ...•••at AJr I'.i.' i. :•! k wnl tie t •odril ui *r l,li uratihly UTtr> in January, ttui ana n."tr’ jirogtr.-, imia {teat ie,;oUrnv. I't.e wuote work wui hr puMi.'h.’U '.t Sti i.umbcrk, ■ t "K • er.U p' i ..iiuit.' *. end ■ t.-.ipi.-i.-d wt.h.n tbr , a, - ;cnl .-car, A litur*: >li*<'oeni w f made in Any one tern, ittny tin* pnb;im thin:, thClreeoiv.i tuc work through tin- |*o-; otfio, r,. i «i pc ..tc Opinloaa of (hi Piaaa. “To our nnmerou* AlHnolariurvi * rb*r. •* l.n tt-e :t. a.t:l An.»-, u w.l; be a mice ~i wrr. '(.i ~de-4 r e. ik. i i Journal •• V.iiini; wen. siv. your*.'ive* wun ,i' k;.t.« . -.!,-e -- We ran rititiidcnce ti.comrtie'nl njr ti-.L-i# .j pi. .r. 4 tucmpclvca oi nit rtowb-n •* lost a* in' - ” ar ‘•We nntiCMiarinjrly commend the work tu thme ca • i.-l i t nr iciercutid ic fcochtu.ieai ot tcteniihe pur ui':.* as eminently wonhv ol ihcii ri.mti.ano:i ai;d uc; • Truy.l.H. V. 4 Budget. "It t* truly n great Work, and the publisher* it»* «erve the thunks uf luvetUurs, uiarhiulM*. und tnana !*. i.itr itiid Htdfsd ul the pkbiu' yeuetaliy •' '* '•l'm* Ul'itooary w!l( be iii*hly a*-cfvi u» pra. itf* l£i...'*;w». anil vaillubte In alt *»t l WV«h tu ket,ua-i.t atci.l. !yl'i n,ui Utc pruuiaiaot Invecixin .r. thu U.c •h*. i, ktu.' 1 • New i)rJb..J Daily Alauir) -\ miiitf nicchamc* nakh: tu ke. p p.**tc >■. ,'p ,ir it-t a* well aa Jiluciial kimar leiip. e. r,.g U,t* Will auow the la /ual bu« they M4nd ' --Itoil-u. f 'J!i« l .‘.dre.-UJet a tune it to l-o ju»t iba work ».-• i »» nii.l loh i!| t.! • Wi rill in r U.liinrf.: uuT(i»a>.- » bs I P .lr».|«iU U. j. «t*». Si> IlHlJ.'f 4fo Sn J< Ull'.-itP ■;< -ii>r'-ibi-rtUoli*. Uiil It »-«-m n., . ..*u,c in..’ I.; fimWi > nuv itm.-ii.i.' it AUVi'Jtiwr. •fvlrJ in tuc-'tisuu-i oiiiii ti - \ u . . » ,i! r i irn&tve I'tsrucal c uuu iml toy • non . ,i.) wlur io (hr r»|iuli> 111. irl'.av i .• i .hr -•! .u\ V\ t n(wi the won n» . :< 1.. -: lu I'.'.'lUOlr Ifrc riliir ii: Ifi'l.ri a.. 3 irn and todj**e«nmatr valuer |n:.iii • u.ijr^ts,' 1 and Mt.-h.uii' i.iU in -in- •vi.it * Wr*Mire trhut it will bo u> il.r'i Kin iu< (...-«•»• -Tioy Daily Wuig. • “Wr bi,. o .•AfftnUy i.orutf J tl»r nanibrrv ini !■. »r lin lll** l.i.i.'h in »»TUf O' • iii n*e*. ;rail>'«ni<*», and ac irti.ifto mrn. «-»*•! ixitmrii ill :u: 11 r .. :tiAmu mmole mfoi tualM>ii on rvrr) brai.rli •' t'ie tin ‘.’.meal nrt«ai»l •n-.;il»lr to miy |i-nji-| oi Of ill- IHI 1 rti.«.-.iy liloartrteT. |M»‘> .1 Ne W» •t\-r »rr «»'ic we *'< dom* it.e urn-baM.-* of Nor »u*'i »nd otbc? of tVnrrout * ujr >t tu t ;tiit l!iO won to Mini attention '• .V»iw.. !•, i i jatier •■li -d.Ui work »* every mcsbartir rlmu.d jo* e-, •' I'. eelBS., » Jotli,.*! \Vn iin:»nl*t lion-' o'jhc u-etu’ srid irupr.r'sn. 1; ... 11! be age No .uechai-ie ad..i 1 i>, i-e ." 11 .1'- NrvsH. IN. J ■ 1 oincie*. i.r !'.>«> • • ' l. .< ,1.0 151.M.1 f •! . 1, ,i ,'iS l.» •' ..... • n- • f ITlllcd w li' . .» ' |ri-»; |t »: r t i' *»«>uf of ibe rr.n«s rotfipfr!ie«»i*e \ . a? «rrli at .-ter p&M.atarJ iliot* n«ff. •-UC./S; •.•» •. :.«n < ■' fTtri on* 4?*jrun M k?ep •, *, c v* ilti 'lii* pntfn «« n< »|1 ant »<- if n.-c in e*f 1 > or. 1 <1 i.*>c 01 f itiikcU (*.«* -Hon>io«i «*-»arieti<>aa tr». inner) ■! *< ■ll <■: ai 1" - Ammr*a •'ll ,v pii'.iu.'if 1! l» uutnt.rf*, »ti'l »t ■ rail* loot. rs< a: w:,ai i» rout«ii.f J lit on p*.e win tiM lhr )e«*«t .t.trr- • 1 . Lc rteW'fd 'ton* pf ><*ur;ti» n. at. til oulT f'V lb*’ ptltehi* - *! ••• v« : * 111 ir 1 1 nu; .1 1 u 'i.l Miiij»!»*■ f ire ibe aiiininlilt h «fix‘i ihcr-n -1: u ' irtitr J. .•••i.ttn:'- to 10ate IM- *>i.r <•! ttir ui--*l i.- •. I «;■'» «VOf» « - Ufisni-IHIII' ll(*\ l.* '.» .V 1 1. r*’«iai‘» e x*niii'»"J >i v, ul< .i i . iu. :bi 1111-i-; "ll >■ foo-1 Yi/fo- |.> P ■ -jj" i*ta’ . j P\'\e’yny<- 1 tJitvugitvut loin.f ttir .*■»!. a.'.J Uie r-niitaiui* It *fnt ui >», 1 •'•1)11 m icc wot a Rl.l |. wiiT CmHuui ■ itf; ft./ Ahrrufj, iun athrr Mineral. I.rat.-.1 Pt Wuuii'i llf irh. 1110 limti.if t>* 1 •.<• i»f. v n.ri'.i n! wo'k r;iiitlrnlr J wicn in* mi r r.li( it. Ai|i i' i* i lui 1^1»• Mr. A *»i al* f‘a AU'll>-u itir ii o.n) 1 Iti. I l.n\ iur pn<- rtbed m •! lr «acd |I m mil. » i uy jn ir »i<* pf #Pll"r I tißl'c .11 l.»«iluU:m i a ju i . .4-' ■ .r‘ 't rtil . in< lUil 11 I ' K Vr/rlal-lr U. ttsrd , . «•<.,. a. .n,y id mineral «ul»»liiic« wt.*uc*rr u.nt »■* h.t. tlr». i» nt H»ry nr*'. «n'l u»ed ’•« ii.irrir.l t.y ho Pr«»pr;el*:, nr* ni»i r*tiiy h.wtnlr«». L>ua m preut ’>e.itp a truly »cirnti6r Jlrun'dy oa cm«' powpi ularcaiuJiy irrniiurr'id ti /»» » rnnipmin.l winrti Jyr.'i mudi /oou, mid tvlnrii in ijiliplod to tlic > u'r i , « m »iru - iy o? i i..> • I imupri I have nr v», r ,V. r.?«;rd in Ibc **!«• of •ref l un i - f. ■■ II 1.l “•>! till tiul v r Ito’ir* t. f r>n*--|i-nli«iii” li mai.c r.inniru ( at tlir Propraetor ol t*n« , «nd tbr v»iu <: ol )■>» due.iyery, nblire rue to any tliu)< diiL'b irrantint ii. W. ftflAt'H, !> P ” New York, Apial 22d, j j Kim' a r J KIDD 4. C« lt ~w ,1 .1 »nn 01 lor t>e«l thmjr* m ih« wor.il for ISu rii-i. ' I'ILF-M —Thou«*nJ» ero fetrlT mrcl l y inn OmtV mi*ni. Jt nevrr foil* in jflvine reflri For T«ir»m*, Ulrrr*, »nJ all kind* of !»uia«, u hr* no eotal. If XloUiorßjoiul Nur«« know it* In r»ici of Swoliofl or Hoc- F>icb*l. iliry wool.l ulwuv* *iif>ly it (n inch roir«, if u»rd BCCOf.lmr U> ilircrlion*. il <1 *»* in a irn frw dour*. Around [hr- box are liircrnnnaior mute Mr Al'iMrr'c Ointment 'or “rrnfuln, Ltvrr CompUmi. l-'.ry«>i-e!ni Tetter, I’hilt-lam, Scold HpiwJ, Sire Kyc.*. l(niu< >•. Sore Throat. ltninPhite*. ,Nervous Affection*, of the Spine Head A'he. A*thrn.i, lu-afn- ■> liar Ache, Hunn, Oortis, all lh»»u»e« nl the Stria. “.in lap*, I‘iiupi'-*, Ac., hwrllti,< oi the r-0..i, pht-iunalimi I'lb-g. I’ol.t I'rcl, Croup, Kvrr ik-o or Ihi> ken Brea«i, Tooth A< he. A*ue in ihr rare 4c. Croui the llcmtini' Ksale. There wa« never, prrhap*, u Aleuininr brnuchi bn fore the public, lhai hm in *t> »botl a lime won »e.-h u lepUtatiOM a-- Mi'Alluirr'r AllH'ilmr or Morlo flnlrr. A!m-»*t rv-ry p<-r»nii it «: ha* made (rial ».i it •peak* warmly m >l* One l,aa i>erii rnfrj ny it of the nm»i iminuil rh«nmtrtti«m. another of the pile*, a third of n lioili>lr ionic pain in lire aide, a tnu rih of h m lh- Imil/*. .Vr If it Jor« not j(ivr iirunn diatii relief, in every case, it can do no injury, bcuiß applied outwardly. A> another rvidrurp of the wonderful bralhia pow er polar'red by Ihta silvr, wp Mihium the following certificate. from a respectable ciiucii oi M JKlciu rrcli town-'hip, in thi* county: Maldenrrcek, Wrrk* pd , hlnreh in, IST. Mcanpi. Hitler ft Co:—I draire lo inlorrn you that I wai entirely cured of a arTerr pain m the baek.liy the 010 of McAlliricr’a AlMlraim* ?»al»e, whirb I pur chared from you. I suffered wulm fur about jn y.-ma, Biul al liifiUl vm unalili- to alrrp. During that time f ined vaxiou* remedies, which were pre«- rilird ior inr by physician* and other perron*, without ic.-i-ivin* .my r/lirf, and nt UM made trial of tin- Salv. vriih u re mit fiivornlile beyond ripcctalion lam now r-mm . ly free from Ibc pain, and enjoy »l "ifUi n pcnref-il and sweet tdrep J have aho n-ed tlir halve atner for tooth echo and otiirr mniplMirua, with similar happy remits Vour frieud, Jinin Houuxiuni. JAMILS McAi.LISTI'.K, Sol? al>o*r incdirin*. Principal Oflirc, N» as Norm Third ((reel, Ptiilade! pbia. I'RICF, 95 CENTS PEB lIOX. Aoa.ro in Prrr>arnau.~B. A. Fabnemoek A Co„ dmcr of Wood and Fir«i *:•; Wn. Jicl*on, No. •jiu liberty nueet L. Wilcox, Jr, comer of Market •urei •»l the a. lv one winch l« si Ute same ume all poweilc! ai d entirely hsrnilcM. I‘rcpaird only by J Ll.bci HA L K|., IVrfinnnr and Chemist, , , , l-* l ' i.’ir.'sinut street, FUila. lor «nl» whole.ab- .niJrrintl by It A. Fahnestock t. 1.0, and K. K Sp'iers, i'lilsburtjh; and Jntui star yei.l mid J Mtlrhell, Allegheny rity. Pa. ied < SECOND tIAXD PIASOB. AliO'tn Mhlm'^isy piano Forte, li (KlariSs, -eeor.d hand - 00 A handsome upnaht IW.n, with llufrvrood I u uiuue, o nciuvi-*, » ml m good order • • • • 100 ta> A plain't ociiiir Pisno __ 4^llo A ICu.t - | I’.iino, w.ih iifal'oUuuie Ulini- MMalte Bl*;hl Light, SUPI.Rt !■ tM ’t* \t oiden l-'louti, mid being in coinbiKinle, the.ieby economise* the oil, and pie vmu aiiiii’in, hcrcioioie *0 much objected to in a!) i.tbcf Qo'it.- ttr.e pp>*<;iiiui of Ute common tamp t,il nill lu«i Nine flouts, ui *ny further length 01 time, wet orcloi to 1! c addlumalquantity of oil. Received and tor sale by JOHN D MORGAN Druggtot UYUTERB. b Ki'FIVFD, tit the Piu«hotgh Family Gto rery find Trs VVa reinsure: s cases Freeh Oy-tcrs.i.t tin cans; •> do Pickled do, inqiptrs; 'bi do do, ill p»Ui do. The ;;!*ove Prerh Oysters arc pr rbolled, and pnt up 10 s i.i.'l. v rimviemrali-'l «oup, enclo*ed in heraeiicaJ- ", (.cviio i an-, ana will keep moeb longer than thost l>u'. u.- in tb.' ‘iidmary wuy. !'»' -ilc, *v|,;b. ,nio Mini nlaii. by \..M A McCLUBfi A Co, " £56 Ld-erty st t-i«*i Ani.iUsii DUchsntctl Work. DA li’l.liTON A <"«■», New Yore .have in course » i>t pub o'.uan, it »nrt< pii.-e twenty hve rfcnis i-" b. > Dli' PH in rt i >1 .'■in'-hines. Mechanics, E*n- W uiu! Ki

i- \'.c t » id ilni*< mieii.U-U lor Ihc F.i.gineeting l-.i n•! !>>• IH;v 1* 1 llvrne Tin* viciTk »t ‘-trre *Vn 'i:'-, ami will coniam two tlicii-sn-J t-arrt. au.l upward* of six Vhciu*tuid Ulu«tra tn>n- It Mill {ireirnl wort nr drawing* and dexrrip ii.nn »>i .be iow". ll.l 11,nchine* in Ihe UniteJ >* fc • I'ideyi’ml'. ul 01 im ii-iiitsol AuitMiran It. I '-'ii :r it wi'l ,'nnnnt eoii.plM' wariicjl 1.-rstinci on •”tt 1 b-.*> 1e «, Mseii.n-ry Ft .an- Wotk, and l jwincer -1 n m,h an tnvi 1* iis."iui m more then one thousand .j. .1,11 ». tiii 11 1. % ...u.-oe*. i.inyaxines and tthrr . t - : n it.'Mt.-d, and for aale by the ■re" u Hopkins. ■m-t* tr-0110 rtuildings, Foutth 11 NS W STOrii UP PIAKOH. CHICKEFIINCTS PIANOS. Joh« H. bi V.actl Mfrfl, PilUburgti, :'..ie ».gr>' i>- '.V • «:rr” H;vn- rlvan., torthcinleo! r"lFi;i !!tv,'' FI ; l.i-ItATKI) flrsail kiiil K.juftid PUr.o k'ortea, I>bt,r> u» iviorm . -n" .%»n! the cnt*ies.l pabltc. y iri.t •• 1 : c . - . .. ml. receive and r t-.fi.' f'.r ’ . 1; •• 0i«..-,'.h. the largest 1.,1 ■, • 1 ',!c 4• f P. 3 -in bon» ever ottered im . « , 1 , :u , , • j,. i.cru.'cr will be foand • •: ». -i, ,• o: Mi Chirk I' ..• 1 1• • ,i. f y -it! < «,otiti v- to be, the 1i.,., . ~< {.. vtn ~ miboulcAurge • - »■..• v. • - J« . *■ ir.f and set up m , ,j. . . •..» .1». «C vl.out rhmr^e ftiUtiMU"!, «:urtt OIL.. - 1',., t.* ... ' i. a-J t "Hi 'jMl! ►tl. r* t " W |< The l'|. 1 !>’ '1 r 1 \l , • ff.tt bie.l ■ null a V:!l 10 this .lu. -.a -.1 «r.> ' i-v . 1 r'l.-v.—change, but iu-l »- !'.!>'» • ili-iii Ni. .ir > l.feai l.a»ra(orVf! T»»lll .1 - 1 •. 1. i.( * i.i.iii;M-r ot diseases,jt* .i-n.-rt a uniter hi "ttSi'r.y Ihan- are uuny .1.. ic • . , di. * I'iiui,. ini'it'-.s L«'U. 11 known, nughi l»• :. . -.mi < »mScr,qj;, «jtJ te .b.i -i» :v <-rcw «n • ■ .1 Mvor to tnanv • «ai ■i-i- l .!• • v 1.--. - i. ri.(. . irtourl., of [rult.ii* • ■ * j ■"• xi •« »l .l W;Ji ‘ i- '■• •Jr* I.IVKb l'l 111 i'i. t i *. ' . !• < U J > ■ i-i K"i‘ • i’* .n ;n» L>«>'k nt Sul Nrr?oo< Ir.tAo -i «. Kr.i 'luu'.ip I'iUH \ ,--y *>•!<« r liu.cra-orT.-_ |l«miv MriUl l'rv.«' " j *'«if * K' .Ac l• r ul UrtnlilT t *otun 1 * i-Jtx''-nrc.cf it-* p»r>ir<* • r*-.1 !*■:, ll..» lU-JM i.c «!-• -cfciiri r-Ja-L It WiH *e| ,rl». Ttoj^ - Ai-,n 1* \ f I '• J\ »uctl hf«l. i ..•nr <<»••<• srJ <*• rfrrr tr> i»p »r>.«c'p i-*trai i', f.,.!..;titr •tuf.Ti-*'! i».'.ci»on«,wbKrh - .I,'triil « •.•r. k—t >-r •.> I'ti-.i.-n. ttiij fiTUir net f•»-. t.« id the organ* oi t'S'- V •l'-w • nr rpvrril Core* U.hi j.-.i-ietj r»m «i::n rrt wt •• '.nr l’i:i h< i.,£> \i ii>r n Ilian Un " frrr- to ir” «**■»!•• *»(iu li-'mrc* toe iirniui*- m iho propneu M KlKlt. r»ml llj.m ?!a«i - !• r\ * n: a m ii.uvi.i.l., • '*'• '- 1 • ’ • V >'4iii »!!-r. who p.tc hl» l». Sfipiuiill't' Atf*M All j|HH..»TY'n PATKar KODA ASn P*»r • lied U( >d 'V Ut ' -l M-rmnMr- *.li Mnipriali'i U«, 1 n, '‘* l *'* l ~‘ *** ■"<* MklrrV 1 • ' '•* rr.r tns <»ihei , mnA ■ t l{ *.« .tj/ii >■ • i -r of «rt\ur.an currrnry oi i; [»’. *' *1 I •-* * ' “ • J '** v * i r'f!nf*.r*«qBfcn •*' i " * M Min HH.TKbK l.f. 1 >f.-r, v , uii i' l avaJa. CARPFT WARCHOHSE. Nn 7 s, Kuarih Ktrr«( 1 \\: Ml J.|N I < »’" > K I* no-T rnn«tar,iy rernvlnr hi >V . rVf"-; r-u \ of f\UU n nil. CMH Hr r« A. . f.upn«!.H t■> p-m >hi» f.->lloTTi n t, VI; . t.i .(> v lM ,vr Vrttc r.-c L'arren, - ’ f I ■'« .*u nniaid n .star l.inrn; JuripyKed CliiiaieK < *»,» >ar Ifcnfcmj Si I UU WoO, Table • ovei-j sv;:^ cne,aiui c,oih * *m>*nba>4« 'i-IVf Orugreil; ji'arpol Hindu,Jm, |Ju«.- aildCfH-n bi.u, Al'CtMiitndMtpli'.K.nftUU; fur Ullu.l, |MurV^b„. k ' n lttp%r; |*«UT MU. dflTB, frruu lie Wos , v,,.. ... “;"i" z,T";'"T/’i, ,nu ' '■ ,u • ■ ,>> , , 1,1 I ‘* f* l lui anf vizc r>r klmiu* tor U.,» ol mi r.nrrn c ,”“‘ 'l*., Uu/I ll itlrr,.) tut VV lrnn*p ’• Viturli u: lli>riii.ijr i«r din; 1-i 4...1 I Table Linen; fin--... ■ ••••oii'i! liisp^r?; H'">vu Nepklnt: <%lh HLVand INGRAIN t.'AR m quality and rbenpncM nrw . ' sur P“ Mf * Iwlore brought loiltla ritv ni" *‘ v,r w.leniedu«*nrimenlofTßlMUl\’<-« * ,l ° , W , el l|rrr»*my .br.r *'»o «'lbcr uttlclei "7,;;,!"“ sr '" mi. M'Cl.l\"n«'K. Prut Good a. A r«* ?? ' 6O * Mi,krt *<'«<- between .. r,r n A b ..iw 1 ,* 1 ? no '* nsceirtmalaiKH «»• - -wiAavatsss _ naßßiaci'. " “ Cl'ltlNli SKt.VX|ION.-wJ,,“ K ,,, t y , w.liT tlioicn «..onn«m 1 ' r ,lr l*"V Fre " 1 ' *"'> E*™.n .01 ui noli, rhunoi, o»k, pl,|„ „, d h ~ mlll W * (W S. 11 Hi 1,) —P M: L . hi Woo,l aree T lIAVK Utiaday X awe Grocery. Commiu,on, and Forwanlinr bu«i neii, tt*mo Sons, It N, tr.d W. u. Watermat. The oameMln tuiaro.wUl be conducted underthceyle of Sr- 8. VRitnin & ssoni, aiue old maud, No. J W». ter and to From atreeL L. H WATERMAN Ptifbaryh. ttaral J«i. 1 DM !o»bri*fit 4 Enrifl] __ feblleodly - LINSEED OlL—u brU Gritwotd’e brand redd byt •ep7 . J B CANRIUT 1850 g&aBl 1850 ERIE & MEAOVILLE LINE. BOATS or this Line will leave regularly, ami de liver freiehU without usathipaeaL J C B 1 DWELL, Pittsburgh, T JAMES COLLINS, do. S-Agont* BID WELL A BROTHER, Rochester,.) may7l 1850 SANDY AND BEAVER LINE. From Fitttburgk to Ctlumbu* mid Clrvrlaml, through thr rich mid populous aiiniitrs of Colum biana, Carrol! , Sfari, I'u.xearatt'a.i, (Joshorton, Muxlntgut a, lAtJdag, and Frauihn. The completion of the Sandy and (leaver Canal openi op to our city through thia great natural central ninu a direct connntuuoaiton to (he above a* well as the adjoining comities of Wayne, Holmes, Knox, and Delaware.. From this section of Ohio, the trade with Pittsburgh has been, to a great extent cut off, in consequence of the high rates of transportation, which are now re daeeif 10,20. and SO per rent. Boats of this line will leave daily, and run thmuL'h without iraushipn|enL l%e Canal company have bestowed upon this line- an interest in the unprece dented advantageiiof their charter, and thus secured to tbe middle portibns ofOhio in ordering their coeds by DIDVVELL'S BANDY AND BEAVER LINE, an equal Interest In ttila advantage. Agent* J. C. UIDWELL, Pittsburgh; I BIDWELL A CO., Glar, osr. J coaaeirxza. R C Holmes, Bpenr’a Mills, Ohio; * I! A A Guy, Williamsport, O.; George Kemble., Eiburn, O, OaTlile A Huffman, do; Hadna, Graham k Co, New Luton, O; Arter A Nicholas, Hanover, Hihbets A Boory, Mi nerva. O; Speaker k Foster do.; Joseph Pool A Co, do: Hull A Burr, (rtieidß Mills,(i.; li V Never, do; C II Hnrxthal A Co, Malvern, O ; R K Gray, IVujncu burg, O.; E Reyuoldli, do; Isanc Teller, Magnolia ().; EJ Haradull'A Co, Mngnolla,o.; Wm'llnrkneas, do; J M'Fartand A Co, Sanuyvitle, O; P P Laffer, do; Fr,y uni. .Liirs %upnr pasentCbeml I uar. [iln-p-. Jo ,H Rujr; ; i'uiied >lar«j V. r -' ■■ jF.nri i’tifiie.i |.> ano rove 1,. t aLJo ” iLit t i.ir.-.cii Plano ” TR IMPORTATION LINES BIDWBLL'S D. LEEOn * CO*B LINK, BETWEEN PITTSBURGH, PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE A NEW YORK, By PemisylvaM i Canal and Rail Rsad. THE Boats and Cirsof this Line havo been |>ui in compete order, t ml wtUrthe mldiuon .if ictm new oner to the Line, enahlnr m to cany a mtge quantity of produce dud goods. Tbe entire oi the Line is utrr.cd and contre *4 by the Piopuvior* -r-ArriT to - UAKIII3 A LF.i'CH, No P) South Thirl si, And ui iho T >bacco Warehouse, Doc k »(. Plu alcnhiu, Pa.; JOSEPH TAYLnR A No 141 North Howard st. Botimore, MJ ; OFFICE, No 7 Went it. New \ ..ft, I> LEECH ft CO, Celts H„.,n - Ptfin ,i. . «nrl3 V _ j jIbSEiS^L UNIk)N LINE. OH THE PKNB?»A AND OUICPCAWALS. CLEARS, PARES dj CO. Roebentrt, Pa, Propr’s. JOHN A CAUGHKY. Aaer.t, Office cor Smiiliheltf and Water at*. Pitt*t'UrKh. CHAMBERLIN. ORAWroRH A CO, Agt.'. rpHIS well known Line are prepa ed to transport 1. freight and Passengers from PITTSBURGH nod CLEVELAND, to any point on the Canal and Lakes. The facilities ol iLe Line are unsurpassed in number, quality and rapacity of Boats, experience of captain*, and cmeiancy i.t Arviili One Uoai leaves Pittsburg li and Cleveland Jsilr.run ning in connection with a Line of Steam Bouts be tvrceu PITTSBURGH and BEAVER, ami u Line of First Class Steam Dean, Propellers and Vessels, cu tbe Lakes. CONSIGNEES: Clark, Parke A Co, Rochester, Pa: E N Park* A Co, Youngstown. Ohio, M B Tavi..r Wnrrrn. O; U\i isrt. Newton Palls, O; I Brayiun A Co, Havvuna. O, Kent, (.'rir.lic.i A C\., Fi.nili.,, ■>, H A Mil.er, Cuyahoea Falls, O Wheeler. Lee A Co, Akron, u I‘hamber'ln, Crnwf.nd A Co ( Ic*c!»ml, il, Hubbard A Co, tianduskT, O. Peekhaiu A Scott, Toledo, O, G Wllhiiuj A Co, Detroit, .Mict. William* A Co, Uilwaukie, TV u; - Murley a Ihriion, Rarjr.e, \\ ■>, Georg* A Gibbs, Chiewn, II!, Thutaas Hale. f lueago, HI JOHiv A CALCiIPV, Aseiii, ir3t> corner Water and SjutihCelu •:» |s: ’ n - jhssL LAKE ERIE Art'll fIICIIIOAB LINK, UN Till: CRIF KXTKNSKIN CUN At.. rI.AIiKK- PARKS A iMi, Uochrstrr. Proprietor*. IKK Fn-pricion oi ihi» (.14 and well knw*D Uoie would mii-rts U><* put.iir ih*i tt>-> me cow m »p -rrauon loi ibe |)ir»r>i: »ranonJ arid liar- PoiamrareJ 'ectintif Prncl.l ar.4 [’aaAfngtiv which ibe» »r* I.AKJ> iVll AN l> Minilli A * ibr Ui«*e«i r*v* o.ir uf ttic •Hi l>«t ron.laiKlr «i iJ<« lariiiir.?. »rl'jw N Uii4|c, lu rocnrc I matt. John a oalohf OflLee, cor \V*:»r »nU SmuhhctJ »i«, i‘ij CtINsIGNKPiS It W I'ur.n.r.rbaib. New Cavils, Pa Mlh-lielurc 1 ('<» pulaak:, \V C Mutaii, Sharon, J A S Dali, Stijrpil.urg; Wirk.AcbreA (*o. liieenvWle; Win Henry, llamtown; Wra Power, l'-4>itii*»uiviilc, John Hearn A <'n. line; Ji»>>n J iUtiiMef A Buffalo. N V Pliubur|li Portkblt llont £&g£isl 1850. £££& 'irrsm.KMi rim. wif.i.ruiA. pai.iim.-h NKW YO|(K. PnOMa* ItOBABIML { ) T**rtC M (l l'o\;.|i Philadelphia. l { l*Hi«Sarc'< TJJK Co.,a: hem* now open, ihr prcprviurt n( ti.,» Innjr raiahUrfied Ln-e ate a* u»ual *i tbr-ir C".! *->nd*. receiving and forwarding Merch:uidi*e an! Produce at Inw uui, ami with the prctnp'_*:r**, cer tainty, and eafciy, peculiar to thrlr «y*tem #:i j male o( lrin«pon*non, where ia‘rrrordiate irarublpctcnt i« avoided, with tic cojvK'jueni delays and prohafiilny . of damage Mrrrhandue and Produce shipped «i«i or wen, and Kill uf Lndmi'-forwarded free of charge for rnmmi*- *ion. admacing, or ctoragt. Harm* i.n mierr»t di reciir or indtrrctiy in aieamboau. that or the owner* i« »olny eo-.tuiicd whi a «luppmg their foods Ail e-imnjunn-auon» to Ute following agents prompt ly attended to THOMAS nOKBRIDGI’- No 37n Matfcet at reel. Philadelphia. TAAKFE a OCO.VNOII, Corner I’onn and Wayne itrvcu, Pittsburgh John MeCullofh A Co, d l * North «t, Bail; P B. Bun k Co. 3J Dome at, Boston, W. A J T A (\ Hi South it. New Vorkj Jamci Wheelwright, Ciocin ,'.>n * BI.Hin.WS THiSSrOKTSTIbS list, Datween Plttibar(h and Kiilrrn Clttn. The C-anal being tmw open, we aro ready to rrccivc and forward promptly, produce auJ merchandise ran and weal. ITrtfthti alway* at lowest rate*. charged by re«pon ililr line*. ProOoer an) mrrchardizc will tie receive.l and for warded ca.t an.l weal, without any charge lor for warding or udvancxig freight, entnamnou or sicrago Hull of lading forwarded, and all d.fretion* faith lullr alUlldcd la Addicts or apply to. tt’M, UINCIIAM. C-anai Uaam. rur Liberty and Wayne »t», Pitnhurgh BINGHAM A DOfK, No lni. Market au between 4th A uth, PtuPa. JA9. WILSON, Art, No lbd, North {toward it.. Ualnrnorc. J AS. lUNGIIAM, carlo No 111. Wen arret. New York Kotloa to oar Patron*, RELIANCE FOETABLE BOAT LINE. I'He decease of the active partner, in Philadelphia, tlhe late Jamea S! Davis.) produce* no interruption to the ba*tt:ess—arrangement*have heenrande which involve* the nmc intereau precisely, which have heretofore riistrd. The businet* is continued uoder tlio aante name and firm, viz - J**i» M l)»vn A Co., Philadelphia; M’F*px.i * Co, Piitabcrsa. The comuiuanrc of the paiiontfc of our nie.,y friend* l» rcrpccifullr (elicited. If •ojr pcnons have demand* a*ain»t lie concern, they are requeued to ij.etent them forthwith, fot payment. Pitieburuh, Apnl 10,’SO JOHN M’FAULN, ■pi? tt Bormlng partner. HABNftEN"k coV pMi*ai*r uiu H«mitt*aao H AreRDKN A CO. continue to-bOng persons JkSjAfrora any pan of England, or BSamWalc*, upon the most liberal their u»ual punctuality and attention to the wr.nu oml com fort of emnugrama We do Dot allow our to bo robbed by the awicdling acaupv tlvkt infest the *ea parts, a* wo take charge of them the moment they re* port and see to their well being, ami of bilo, acidities indigestion, gout, and gravel, | a* the most Hafe, easy, ana effectual form in which Magnesia uiay, and Indeed lie only one in which it ought to be exhibited, possessing all the properties of the Magnesia now in general u*e, without being liable Pkc it, to form d&ugeroas concretions m the bowel*, it effectually core* heartburn without injuring the coaUol iho stomach, u soda, potass, and their car bonates are known to do; it prevents the food of in funis turning soar; in alt cases it acts as a pleasing aperient, and i* peculiarly adapted to females. Mr Humphrey Davy testified that this solution forms soluble combinations With uric acid aalti ia eases of gout ami yravel, tfaerby counteracting their injurious tendency, when outer alkalies, and even Magnesia itself, had failed. From Sir Philip Ctampton, Dart, Surgeon General to the Anuy in Ireland:— “Deer Sir—There can be.ao douh*. that Magnesia may be administered more safely in the form of a con centrated solution than in substance; for this, anJ many other reasons, 1 am of opinion that the Fluid Macutna is a very valuable addition to nur Materia M'dita. PHILIP CHAMPTON.” Sir James Clarke, Sit A. Cooper, Dr Uright, and Messrs. Outline ami Herbert Mayo,of London, sirong ' i rccutnmcnd Murray’s Fluid Magnesia, as brine in. oitely more ante and conveulent that, the solid, anil ■re front the danger attending the constant use of r>tln or potiet For sain by the importer’ll and pronrittor’r a.;enu, 0 A FAIINISTOCK A Ctt Cot. of VVnodA Front ns. GBfcAT iai*ORTA»T I'IiBMICAL DISCOVERY GHFMIGAL COMBINATION From ihs Vegxtaf>b " Kingdom, to repel IKieeues Dr. ftayiott'a Eilrnct of Yellow Dock •nil fiaraaparllla. Cells cnnsiimpucn, scrofula, eryeipclai, rbrsmatitm, tout, liver cnmp’niiu*, mi/,al nilcriiona, ulcert, sj phlli*. dmprjr, asthma, pile*, acurvey, offcr-unn* ul llie Lladdnt and kidney*, mercDnoJ Ji*cisc», cor rupt busier', ra-,h of l.ioc-d m Uie bead, fever and nmm, letnale complaints, c ncml dr.Ulity. dyspep sia, lom of appetite, headache, colds, entuveonM, (Travel. night fwraii, cholic, organic affection*, palpitation of the bean, Liles, j.au.i In the fide, Cbe«t, bark. Ac. It h infallible in all! diietres arUinft from ui im pure state of lbs Mood, ot irregular action of the *7*- „ In i-.r Vc/rriAMc Kmsrir.m, an Ali wise Deir.jrha deposited ’ r.r.d herbs ronccnifti 10 r.ur conapto ntms, and adapted to ho cure of disease; and 10 sb« v-jr» ial.le ku gOra-Jocs the reason D ; man, aa well • the instinct of an! ai.% tarn for antidote* to pain. The Symp is a scirntinc compound of the ia«=i val utbSe planm m nature, entirely Irce from deleierionl and enervat.ne nhiertl suhrtanoeJ, snd as it expel, disearc iroci ti>.- »y«em, itnpartingor and suengtr. 1 arorrevpondinr.dcKree. certificates. Aii extraordinary rant; of Pcrtffuta, Erysipelas and U etrs, cured* tv the sole u«e of Ur. liuysou’-j Csia poor.d Xyrup, Vcliow Dork and Fnrsaparilla Bnooxi-tri, Nov. 17, 1=49 J>a ticrroiT— Sir: 1 tender my-uncere tbanV* lot th-r itrint ncn.-bi I hnve derived I'mnr the use of your . 4iaaij|e syrun I have hern troubled very Had sil a ntioTutau- *ore. which mide iu appearance on in c t-*1 Idm r.n\ p.i) much attention to il at 6rvn *up .l ui 1..-, laui.mp Lot an eruption Uiat appear on per -j ■ inc , It tlnal.y itfKtun increase, uniil •prei.i it> ih- .ask pan „i she bend. I applied to a physician, who atirnicd uu ait 10 no purpose. i hod mr 1 every thin# thut c.iold he tried. i «»w your up e(sYcif.-vr Deck and :>ar»aian(ia» and concluded to sne il. i.-.r l Imw Vcilotv Hock vra* one o( ibe iuo*i valuaoio arm its in uio world lor the blond 1 brecht your Syrttp, and from the a«e of one bottle, 1 » uuid sera rnanre in my system. 1 continued ioi.NC.I ut.nl l mil well man. I notv feel like a new person; t,.y hU,.lperfc.-;iy clcan-m) and (roe m.m nl l impu tiiii-i. Tnrie is not a question but tha voar newly di'-vorereu cootpoaud is tor rupermr 1 any sarsKpirill', .yrupever told. 'ihis piTt.ftr.,if ia ai your disposal to publish *f yov hie, ar.d any imo y i eflrcis upon at-eh ■•’•rrli.ifn, c: wuire, iiier,oiHf'aieii«tiuauwit, etconti iieii'-t ofv.-TDc, unJ general pi(-.,ivticn ul U-o*rtie«l I’ iinm r..,;«;‘ly , ounlei Is llut diSlrrSantg nm.iat |,f" and U.»i:tde so ii-iuia.’ii tu il.e Icioala frame, -nJ iin|i*n« an r “crnv and i.uc.yaauy as euriu.suv u :-.cy ait y. ..aiu:. We bk>« eudcitco on tile wbteli induces uj *tr ■ry '7 i’j 11 :':uiuutnd ihia uisdirine u» uiarnr*] people who l.ssa no*, burn LUtied with oB hi^. L'x»s.. or r»nmj of Uia Won.!', of hr* rr-v *•' uiir.tM.f . t.y X>i Ouyiwii'* . of Wi.iw lv»;-k v.-i a'u-i tier)- kn»w;. ici .cJi i.*il li'ca IlieJ 'liU.oj; rrV.o! TV««u ( a.;-it,h, OUo, I rb., |jd» ‘liat li.-u inv Wife, a>;eJ ■:■' ye*r*, tiki l-eeu *63ti..r< under CUe stove complaint I'of live } •■•r*—r.*tr that time. conliyrd ti< lie; hed. ) c.Ave {nr h/ur j. 9 *■ u&kinmiy employed ih< toiuned i. .u L1J01.1: •> ex • uo prtvu-od lu thi* seciion of tt.* r<.u.i:nr w. :.«> : < U*ocl»i «rui-_jvci ll.uve.Jfo putchkwro c..-;; .Miromeiii rcctutmoruio.d u?r me f utc tii -ill of w>u.-K proieu warUilott. In • ■ ’Vn'-f «•! I »aj induced hy my fr,«nJi r.» w> i-r • r x ) :iu'w U.-'.i ami Sjr diiJ tu'irptii. ar,ul liie dißen** c :.:.M ii ... •» :••**'' '•»> 'i*‘ jU.ivc as ui tno mrtiic** o- Mi« _-'d % * in ii-r cure le.ii|> rOecie-i i-jr t-uTJOir» Vfciirw Ik-ct and yurtaptrlUa, to l>e itri-ily JA,NE KDDT, SARAH powers; Orsit t ara or Cousuoptlou. tUimroA, Jd-tuary v, I~C. !t-fh«t The Ktvn usiich 1 wt.tr. t ot.r Kairat t r-f Y-s.t. w dock kh* two »*.:w r«isr«.i ihir 4i4 .u i.Di. juiuiiiion, 1 win jiven b|i ia-, firsiiO' »r.rt {.*% .irmu 4i l.eycnj the airi or a.< J.,'.iu-. A * a 'i?: : tori, 1 was induced In iry ‘out Knr«i. »t»J b»v:p.* |uwiJ hji ;y»r> h.r.ttf*, *f* :>i v. .\s if. SMie.rr- - j.i-l \T? > lie ’ .•>•> *>r. -e. * rjuurL u.\u U.r r.-ici<. (•• :b- *yrnp Hoar*- . \» \:i uc Win.til ngiiaiiiie W '3 i' iJcn .iru r.n the uu.twle wf.t'-r,.*S. I'-Clen'-hurr; !». \V.h-nx, Jr.. Fim U.MO. r.>r,if-r nf Umci ntirct our! the Uiruncnd. -lowly; T Cril.KilS’ RAWLY" MEDICINES—“They are the O O.CI.CUtC* Ol toe OBJ'." Grauam Station, Ohio, May 21, ISia. R T S.;!k*r*—l think iiriuh', ior the bciirfiiof-oihers, -/ * true »>>mo f*-cs» m relation to jetir execbcht Fa tm'y Ve Loises l hnee u .»:i voa{ Vrt«n.;af-e largely in icy own 'jtmlv one vml •r«--|Ue.M.y cxnr»l:ng large qaaiiit'.les .-•u; liv to •.vn TTn'rna) from i*-o children I L-«ve *1;-' uvd yoor Liver Pilu •i.'.,! Cisigb By.-up .n n.v Mtnilr. And they - eve, in every iHstan:.-, rtodaecl xu« edret. .tmircJ- A* I ntu rngitrr-i .n racrchandi.iig, 1 ant able to fuir, that i hsvr rot to buar ot tho tirst fniluTc xvtirro veur medl.-mr* havi: been used in ar.y section of the »•!>!■.-jirv Ir. I may stntc Ural they me itic i.i-' tic i..e* i-i tti .'«>, and att demined w have a very cun,lire popularity Yours, rr»p^etfaily. W II I‘iNSF.I. U Prepared and s-jM by E. E. SELLERS. No 75 V\ ood »tjr-fi. util mid by I.’rcggut. generally in the two cities and tic.tiny. j r~ SlaTl'.tiil>'‘l'ASfnrv AUrillOiNES—“They art li, Medtrinea ot the day ° riiuuM's Maiion, Ohio, May !*!>, l?lb. it V. S-llrr<- i tb'iiV ti rightlorthc tencfuirioUier* to state mirac n.e** in relation to yc ot excellent Fami* iy ,Medicine.. 1 nan- usid y* *r Vermifuge laryety is my own r»*n i!y. one rim* frequently »n-wentig for expeilir.gl .ge qumiuiiir* i*.«y l i.. vtt'j rrorci* from two ehitdira I have also uKi) your l.iTer IMI* and Couch Syrup m my fanulr, and they haTe in every instance produced the clleet demred. A* 1 am jnjnirr.l in merchan• . U. i’TOW-L. i’rrpareit and «oIJ by K. • 1 t.ltS.NoiT Wood itrert, and «ni«i t»y l*ruy«!i- * generally m the two el ite* »mt riciilttv. my'l /'tKrlAfiXUiilV UVI:K'Cu.MI*LaINT. lyli'o vJT oiiguiat, only true, and cenurne Lirei Pill. Saosi Caxu, Ohio c«umy, Va 1 March VOth, Is IV. > Mt- K. E. Belter*: Dear Sir—l think u a duty I owe to you ixml li> the Public esrieia ly, to .tale that I have been nlEirted v. nh the Liver Complaint fur n tong lime, and °o badly that un abf*c.» formed and broke, which left me >n a very low nule. Haring beard ol your celebrated Liver Pill* being for sale by A R Sharp, in We it Liberty, and reettansended to me by my puyiician. Or. E. smith; I concluded to nre them a fntr trial. 1 purchased one box, and found them to •c juti wbnt they ure recommended, THE BEST LI VER TILL EVER USED; and after takingfour boxes ] Snd the diaca.e has entirely led me, and l am now perfectly well. Respectfully your*. Dll COLEMAN. West Liberty, March 2C,I£W. leorttfy that I ant personally acquainted with M: O.ilcm and can bear losliiuuny to the truth of ibt aU'-vr .'cnificatp A K SHARI' Tim 1-eiiutnr hirer I'm* are prepared and .old by RK s i.LEHS, No S 7 Wood street, and by drugi|Hia ill tun woi'Lifi TO THE pnm.li: —The original, only true and gen uine Lirer l‘ill’ are pieparcd by It ESeller*, and hare hit naiuc siani|'ctl in black wax upon tl.o lid of each box, and his signature on the cuuide wropper—aif others are counterfeits, or base iraitalionr. oplu K E SELLERS. Proprietor WA’fCHKS I I— liltKAl'ku lllArt KVKK Just rcv’d. an invoice of full jcwilled paten iv vet Wntche«, Is caret* line ca*cs, which I can »eil as loxv a., thirty hiiU tinny hvc doiian, arid watramed to keep good tunc. Alto—A splendid a.sortnie.nt of JEWEI.HY, com prising the various lutd lAtest styles, and best patterns. \V. vv. wif.BON, Watchmaker and Jeweler, TAILOHS'aiJOD^AtCoiT. HERSEY, FLEMING ft CO, having arranged lo nre their entire attention to the sale of domestic Woolrn and Cotton Goods, now offer their large stock of Tailors' Trimming., Vesting*. Frrnch and German Cloth*, Doeskin*. Cftssiracres, *c. at lirst cott. HEREBY, FLEMING &CO st JUST tec'J, an elegant plain Rosewood 0 ort. Piano from the celebrated manufactory of Nunns A Clark. N. Y-, ol superior tunc.ani vert moderam price For tale by delft at J. W. Woodwclts. WILLIAMS’ IVORY PHARL‘TOOTH POWDEn, for remorinp Tunnr, Scurvy, Canker, and alt substances destructive to the Teeth. It i* delicious to the taste, eleaasing the mouth, heating and strengthen ing the gums, andpunffing the breath- For »i!c,viLole*ale and retail, by dcliO R K SELLERS. 57 Woodgt Bruudlei* Wlnc*,Gl»,*o. Kfi hf pipe* Cogniac Hrondy, various vinufeij aJUvOqrcuk* do do; 4 pipe* Holland Gin; 3 puneheon* Jamaica Spirits; 5 puncheons Old Irish WbitkeTj ■ SO qr eaak* fitutfeTla Wine, • 20 do Oporto do; sohhda Bortleajx Claret; ID hf pines Spooiah Bed Wine; CO bxs tiordeox CloreC 20 bxa Moieit Wine; 6 brta Freneh White Wins Ytnefar: Hve’d fot nil by ftOLLCT wyto . W«»sliwryft P. W. GATES' PATENT DIES FOE CUTTING SCREWS. PATttITfiD BAY H, I»« THESE DIES Laving been adopted affd highly i anu niiladeipbid, ore uuw JRcrcd to manufacturers, lideucc, as the most perfect article in u«r of cutting Their superiority over nnv other Die* htrrclol Scuiiw, whether Vor ARF lhrenJ. bv okk pa*suiz or yriviov. » yrri\irurio:i, a- llie die* rut the thread o in (heir greater dmaluliiv, rapidity, and perfection t«) get out of urdrr. Certificate*. Dim-eiiELruit, Auf. 17,18-15 This is to certify tLnt we hnre puit’uvseU (tom I*. W. ih« nu'.il ot as.tijt his patent Die* for rat ting halts. In rut < pinion, his In** are much supe nor to any others w* era acquainted wan lor the purpose of cutting loin J P MOBRIB A CO PtllLaDaLfina, Allg. Sit Having had P W Gates’ patent Die* in me in oot eatatiliil.weoi for the last nine month*, for cutting l olls, ;we cjii ui every respect recommend them In the lushest It- I tot, ** vr Live laid nil others away, they being to far superior—considering them 75 per cent, cheaper than any other* new in Hie. RANEY, NKAFiK ft CO. Penn Work*, ra. ThisUto certify that w* have purchase*! the neht to U'C, and adopted in cur bn«inev i P W Gale*- Pa tent Screw Cutter, which we maid? approve o[. We can do much more work, anil we believe It will sur pass in durability and precision, us much as economy ol labor, any dies koown to us .. MORRIS. TABKKS A MORRIS. I’EtlAEKtriiU, 9tb month,2s:b day, IMS. New Yobx, Aug.'lßvlMO Having adopted P W. Gntr« ! •‘i'uie.m Dies” tor eut tinc bolt*, w<*. tnfcr pleasut* m saying, that it mote than answers our expectations. ondTiave nor.csna uon in Riving n as our opinion, that it far excels any other plan in prci-cut cse for coning bobs. TP SECOR a ca We base P. W Gates’‘ Patent Dies” for Cutting bvictf*, and the economy of using them i> so wry considerable, that we look upon then* a* uultspenaa ble to even' establishment Saving cay quantity of I •crews to cot. MrCORMICK. OGDEN ft 00, Chicago. May in, iilii. Oupxancz ©mex, 'VASKJ.VBTfm, hth Srpb. M 3 ! t.ave pnrc.-iiisert or W. H. Sroville tor the United f teles, U.e nclu to cse in .ill ihr «rsrnn!» atrno- MISCELLANEOUS. Sir Jtmis Mutray’s fluid Maßuesi*. PREPARED under the imm«dta:n care or ul?lt»hcd lot upward* of thirty years by thr profe*s-on. for removing Hite, Acidities and Indigestion, restoring Apvenf. preferring » moderate stale of the bowels, and dissolving uric acid in Grave! soil float; ;iLo, c* an easy rera-cv'lcr sea sickiir>-.»,land tor the tebnie aifeef.ou incident to cbilJ hool II is invaluable. On Dio value of VagnrNt 8* a remedisi agent u i« unrecie-ary to cr.iatjjc; hot the Fluid Preparation oi Sir Jarr.es Murray is cow the most valued ty the jnoit«>ion. Bi it entirely uvotd*- the possibility of iho*T iKr.;{iTous ccncn-tlLas uruull) resulting from ice u.-e of the article in powder. For sale by Ui* imporcr's and nropneint’* agent, II A FAHNESTOCK A CO «/*pl| Cor. Wood ft Front Mi. rpouAUCtr —iiii hi» It n* cell A Robinson’* s’s lurupi X 2n bxa Jon-s A Huriaotra &'a do; •Jti bis Cabiness' S’c lump; vu bn S. Myers’ l Jl» lump) Tticrlu do Ilb Lunin for rate I y repU MILLER ft RICBEJ£ON_ Y> C eJTin'KTfiN ha- received fnr sile.vrl 4th XU. or Gibbon’* llu-mv •»; the Dcclioe am] fall of the Roman Fniptre. L ;«: and Levers of Thcmas Campbell, in 'Jv.la. Fdrieii by Win Heater, M U, Elementary* S*«teb.*». > Moial Philosophy. By the late Itrv. Sidney tf-m m, >M. A Lecuoes *.rt the Am* i-'cJccuo System- of Sur fary. Hy Beniamin Hid, M. D TRltc.l an Veriio-,; u Novel The shout Jet Knot, a uU. m t»e seventeenth cen tury The Scarlet Letter, a romance. By Nathaniel Hawthorne. guy'd NK\V~ljOi>Kprj Life a letters of rut re «:a m PBr.Lri Kilned by William Ue .tUc, M Jl , oak of hit exciiuots. V vois l’Juio elotfi. Railway Economy: • treatise on sbe-jnew #rt ol tramport. its mannscni.-rit, p:o«i>e-:t», uiid commcrrinl, hnnncinl, and ecusiM, with hit esposition oftlio praetical rcenlu m the railways inli'peHtiuu iS the United Kuurdom.ou theCoiiur.cnt, and in Aracr.ca. Hy Dionysius Lardtter, DCI,,&c. l vol l-mocloth The Past,Present, lUid I'utarc ufthe Itrpahlie, tronx latr.d from the French nf A. De Ldraartiiie, ftilbc r of ••The Gerondicts. 1 ’ ‘•Mrtaotrs m my Youtli," •‘Ha (duel,“At. 1 vul l Unto -.doth. b Hint* toward Rciorins in Lectures, Addresses r.nd other Wruincs. by Hot mu* Orcticy 1 vol l son* c!o. The lU«tcry .n .he t:i.r.tc*-ional. Bv'Jrhu H>-nty Hoptuia, H. D . Hisliop ui the (> the Ktnhor ot * lloche laiya," (Elliott Wnrhm.-.r. E*-, ,i vnl* tPmn; Cosmoa; a sketch of n f.Uyrn-al Or'-cripuim o_l thr limviTj.-r fly Ales V.>r. Inirn'-i.idt. tnui-iVied 'iron the Gertann by E. f <»•.». v..i- i /mo clo-.n Dcelinr ttn.i r»i! . : uw- DomaA f.inp.n ri;f. iiou-s by 11. H. Mtliosn IK i|.rr i i»|.« ap editin' iian. rlmii complete l-i U vt*l* ti 4l‘c per vr.i; 4 vol er;ctn«i fur sal-by K IJtiFkliiß nug” T* Apo- hi liuii.uogs, I'ourth M Brsw Mqilc T r MOURN thtc ill -a.lr.* Wftrc <•*.!-rir t-icni l u.-uuii.i t la.lv. wounded the snir.t Fujer Boy; Be kind:; !r.vot oaei si borne Cheer n:- in” «-syn JsMij.ril nti, Spring Flowrr " r;n, Elfin tv#i i. H,-aii-ePern WaHi Ba!utvi..-.n polka. Dotty P.tl* Itirel Pmta. Jn,.y Lind lh.lta. l_iauU QuiCUmp. March from Norrnii. The udovc arc ju« received, and for «i)» by J M My LLOR, ‘■l U'cod *i H».\V MUMC ■1 !£. MELI.OH. Si rtn't. hAS-rccfived :k* fct:oirtirr ;\.-v Alvw i \H. ».->r can you «ec >.y the truth « holy !;{bt; dedi eat.-.i to Rev. V. i>nk. ur>, think not lc** I love ibrc Bisa tc Alpen, I *ove thes. \Vh»i, pthet urbtinii thee The e&t henernh the hrl*. Won thou but cwne. Anni- l.i-tt-ic —•Vwrh J. The Kohio *'•« L-m.'-i: 11.- , ft*! tTtinr« w<—- rove ot \V lOti. P :•»-oroe un established and almost indi'pcr.s* able re.jH.Mtr in evert *.»e». provjjed tam'.V, irt*tu it* rsciatkahlv whclrsome sud riuntioos cjiiaii tirs ».• a .r>t>l lor thr ot-aitUv as wpII as n ettt f.*r m val (Js, and also lor the msienanen nfenrWmjeMldteh and infants. Various etudes oi cooking and rrepn.ing it are Riven on ihc wrnpper •1-1. ..u ..II 1.,. 1, .. 1 . Thoaah well known m the ra«t, :t hattr.dvarl.jea ntroduced to nay extent la l*it;»busca. i't.e sutivnb r» have, lucre-lore, made arrangement* ttj hr con tautlv «tipplie<» with it. nnd now oflef it to retail Inslets or iumtl.es on more Iwonl-lr terni* if'tc it .as ever t>ecu sold at in PiUibarttl. \VM A M<-CLURG A CO iC TttlCJiCN* lAM now prepared ut turnisb Appio Tirr*, from ti.e wci| known Nur«~n «t Jacob N. Brown." The recu will be delivered at tho wharf at Piiwbargh for Cld per hundred- Fervor s wirhiire jycoy mmseir wlta great care, fur uu* market ««<*& ks Valve Trombones, risk Hcwa*.,(Juste?, Cornet*. Tuba*, Ac . also, it line Mriectiou ot Ain.-oe l)i*ies>, piuyinr two and three luite*; Fiutiru*. Aeenn’roin.Ac. dec. Al»o. •» perinrGsrtian and Itsnnn MTtnro, nml tfemi*' tut* Neapolitan K M>uift, lour a M'lendid ait.ee SIGN OK Til K «U)fcN lIAIIP, ouffM ini Third street. IXMUTK'S' colebmte.il STIOKINR SAI.VK AND \> S l RUMiTHKMNIi PLA.STIiIi. prior A sovcn-ttn itmedy for idumile rheuuiai.c directions, wcrkurss'tinil lameness ot n.o»l parts ol th.* body, scalds, t-orna, sorefl, nl most kinds, cute, swellings, sprains, hruivcs, and triors when Ut?t c-ming. Also, the most convenient and ento suckniß salve for strengthening pln*u:u and dratti on the feet. For ente by ij N tvICKUBSUAM augSd _ Cor. Sixth A.‘WeoJ sis Ifostsr’i lisw fithlflrtflan tlslodlssi GWINE to Run all Night; Dtdly Day; Dott y Jones; Uo down to de Cotton Field; NeUy was a Lady, »tc. ALSO: Do Itind to the Loved Ones at Home; Row thy boat tightly; Tree Love, by T- Hood; Oar way across the sea, duett; A new medley Borg, by Ih Covert; Jenny Cray, music by Muller; Joys that were crowniug, Wedding Marcih; Hod bless the hardy marine; Schuylkill Waits; Cotueupi's Departure, by W. C, fJlorcr, • Sounds liom home; Wallace, Stcyermatkiscbs Co I*o*t Race of Summer, easy variaitona by lieri; United Slates Polka; Ladies' Souvenir Polka; Com Cracker Quadrille; Louisville Quadrille; Ueautiea of Italy; Duetts, Trios, Ac. A Urge ar.uir Latent of New Mu«ic «u band, to wluei idditiun* are o>uie weekly. Fur -.aio by febttfl J. 11. MbXLufi.i-l \Vt.a.l si tiiissp standard History, Humes uisroßV or km.land o-now put luhing by Harper A Oro’*, tu 0 vol». cloth lh.l paper, at 4b cents per vol Three vol« 'reeftjved, mid lor sale by II HORK'INi. apl? 7H Apollo ftmlclingß. Fniirih •» i.4g, prime A>o »u.i J»n, , iCanpuss—in bxi mould, dipped. tr.J Chuuk—lSO bis iltcara and Em;ii*h Dairy; Coni'*—'JO dor Hemp and MatulU, Co-u—bO Mhu*, Cu.ves—| barrel; Cihaks—so hi Common and half Spanish; Pun — ‘25 brlsand half brl* Mackerel and gal filar*—so bis assorted sizes; lUiu—l2oo Prime VeoJr-on; " loot) Sugar Cared; Intnoo—!W lbs H F and Manilla; Ina~lff doz Marriwn* Black and Copying; MoLas’ia—?3brh N Orlearx; [ ” T 5 half brla Sugar House; . Mc»T«at>— ai dor assorted' cartirerr. MiCc*Jtom—SO lbs Italian; Vnaintn-*€o lbs do Naua—2oo kegs assorted; PiciLK*—S dor jan assorted; I 1 Faacuts-3o bushels halves; ' \ Pam—SO reams assorted; \ Pkcww— 100 |hs Bordeaux: \ Soar—6o bxs Rosin and Cast Steel* \ OAB ~ IO hMs N Otleona and Clarified; Txa—AO padrages Green and Black; Tobacto-vo baa 14 6, A lib Inmp} • Boaana—SO doxeatest Zinkl Sin" 1 ” bT „ > ° WILLIAMS * - . Corner of Fiftir anri >Vi lesoj REED HOUSE, -"I KKITa* BABBSB, Proprl »tor*tl ™?*« -Sftttfre, ErU, Pa. . GKNEHAL STAGE OFFiCE~Kuu:m, Weston, Stage*, leave this house dtiO* Car. -lUcajUa2tdft°aBteamand Packet BoauwC no** Mu W, Kent, late of the American Hotel, Eie,F*. g. W.Banp, late of iho Eaaman P ^O, : 4 approved in ail the principal shops in New York , raachmiMs, ship anuths, ic., witn the unnosl eon} arrows. - loro u.vd, consists in their cutting n miiECT over tin.*.iron to be cut, which require ao-fuxxigtrig mi of the solid iron, without rowing it in the lea*t| of work; and in their aunplirity and liule Iwbiity Ties under the supervision of this Depaumtnt, P W Galea’” Patent Dies'*forcuttiz-u screw#on »i*ta:, they bating hern tried ut two of the large arfen.U. and found m be very cdicient and cjrcdeoL A. TALCOTT, Col. Ord.ntnca Urosiu or Y'aac-s a no Docxa, > . WoauuisTbN, Pepi. S 3, \ Co.t'ijrrins Galea’Patented Dnprovrmeat f»t cut ting screws on arts! to b« a valuable onr, I h*vr, by the Honorable Sccietaryof the Navy, purchased of the Attorneys of tt e Patentee, Wm. H. flcovdlej and Samuel Mower, k sii, the rifiht to make and use said improvement for tr>c L. 8. Nttvy. JOSETII SMITH, Chiefot Bnrota. In u*< *ho by ' Pnfftdo Works, Budtjo; Ilea >e A Ashley, Rochcstci; Kiiulrtl A Co, Gluuce-ter, N Y, Hay wood A Snyder, BchcyUili Count?; Birlcck, New York; Hog< A uelamitcr,“Pboenix r N. Y; 11. K. Dunham A Co, Hew Yt iV; Dcrunend L Co, Monument Works. Balt; Van-Curen, Rnebrsicr, Moti A Ayres New York, AUnur Work*. d.q Pcalo ft Mnmhy, do; \Vc>l Point Foundry; Noriia ft Dro, Pigladctphia; A Jf.nks, Brerderbnryli, Pa; Walworth ft Naaon, Boston ,-ind New York, Lowell Mochlno Shop. Lowe Arncssketr Co, Maachcocr N H; Lymon ft 9ou.ber, South Bt -.i .a. and nurqerousothua. No 1 jMarhine, 10 leli dies ft taps fr | to 9 in. pri. 5350 No 'J ,l ind ThiM «ireeu_ 1 NOTICE, THE i iftßi-ralup heretofore et.iunj: between tbe subscribers, under tue firm m’ ttuibiulgc, Wi!wi & Cn., t»a< lhi» day dissolved l»v mutual c»tt««’n: Hie huiine«s of Use nrm will be settled byJ.W liur bridge. b. Win, \ViUcn r Jr.'»eilber of whom Is autr.or itvli to jj-c the r.imo ofthft-nrm in inunSoiinn j. w. iiunumix;r, WM. Wll.MtN, Jr. ]. LYON, SHORE A 00 Pir.sl-OTfb. Jnly 1, 1350 —jyt CO-PAUTM lean HIP. TAS. VY. parbridge A Benj F. Inghram base this day it *oriatrd thrmrelves under th>: firm o> IJu'- Alughram, tu tron«aet a Wholesale Oroe -iy tichcral I'otnmutton Business,inih<*bouse Ui.dy uccuoie.r* by Burtindge, Wilson A i'a, lib Water lNtisliurgb, Jaly 1, leStt.—Oyl co-pAivrr«EKsiiip. f|MIE labtrTiber- have lhi» tin j founeil a eo-pannrr- X thip'-uiuler ihe fitin r>l WA; K " fur pu r ni-e the Wholesale t.rorery and Cum poimoi] llus'ine?*. at Nt» Sffi Wood street WM. WILSoN. Jr I’HaNK. WILSOjN iit*burgii. it lsso-^jyj mounts « haworth» T) SiCTIFYING 'DISTILLERS, ui.il Tea and Wine IIV Mdrehanu, East Mile of ilie Diiunoail, Piu»bm>t.. art l no* ©Bering auhe very lowest price# for :» Jon rliri, IrUh Whiskey. Rom, iws. Port, fckerry, Ma iieira, Cnnn.pagoe, Claret. Moueaietl, Malara* Ter.e relifi* nhd Lisboa Winea wholesaled RcutL t m» i PRINTING PAPKR—Aiwaya on band or made’n urdcr, IUO varirm* aise* of Printing Paper, I! si,; Wr«>|>|)ißß Paper; Crowo, Medium, and Double Crown iiltrr straw Wrapping Paper; Crown, Medium. i Double Crown Post Omeo Paper, Pasteboard, At. ft \V I* MARSHALL, 65 Wood ■». Agent for Clinton Mills. WOMAN IN AMERICA—Her work and here* ua:.l. By Marin J Mclntosh, i-uthor of ‘•Ctmrim 4. Cutiiiieietidxms,'’ “To ecem and io he. 1 ' I vol Wn».» Latter I>ay Pamphlets, No t‘.—Tho pre.cm nme Uy Thinus Csrlysle. O^ALittas.—Memoirs of Life and Writing* of Tho* Clmltncn, D D-, L. L. 1). Prelections on Butiei’* Analogy, Palejr’sEvulencasofChrutianuy.and Hill’* i.cr'.off cm Divinity, with two Introductory Lectures And tour Addrcsros delivered ut the New Collet;*, l*Urci*» by Thomas Chalmers, D D . L i. 1) 1 vol it’ir.-'. CilVia- of Johu Calvin, compiled actlisr* tm -.. grre i, mi'J particularly from ii» caJEf i p4ndccic;< Hv i ai-iuAi li Dyer, with portrait I td! 12m:> tf U HOPKINS. im>l7 ta Apollo Botldingn. Foenn st. : touibil combat Oil t'UUbM super Polka; 10 do do very Ana; ‘Jo *• u»>M Redribtfi; IS •*• infer LnglEra Flferr. Redding ; .fi “ “ Pnelrct Ccnths; Si* •> •> Wood icu<> doi a«’d Fine Ivory; ” Shell Side C.-mhj, !0 ocni r larpe BiuTiuo; 2!*J cross luu'J Side Corahs: rre’d and for rale by te*i' O YKAOER, HW_M orke|_* gAOLE FOUNDRY. 'Y'lWTun'iernfned, successor* to Arthurs A N.eli:i!- X son, beg lean; 10 inform the eitiacES of PiluPorrh ami nnblic generally, that they bwc rebuilt the 11 \- cuR-ithd examine the extensive assortment of Kr..; • lish, American, French and Gena an Fancy Good*. Ail Fotcijpi Gcods at this establishment are import eil dirtftt by in/tsUi and purchaser* may rely on z~\- tiup poods Cron fart hand*. 1 hove the largest runoti ra-ivt oi articles, in the vnnrty line, in the city o! FtUabarprh—*nil of which will be sold low for earfi or ciiy acceptances. Tae Stock con-dsia, ia part, uf Loco Goods, Uosiery, Gloves, Ribbon;. Silk Cravats, Shea and Patent Threads, Sewing Silt, Spool pouan. Tape*, Suspenders, Butin ns, Pin*, Nte dir-, a«d Culler,-. Gold and Silver Watches, Gr id Jewelry, all kinds o' Br-.tal.rs. Gaiah* rad Retort. l'crdussur. Revolver*, ihstols, Clocks, Si'k A Cc-tton.Put'o?, spectacles, Steel Pen*, Music Carpet Lav* and basket.*. Lu.il;n»«. Fmdinss and Trimmings. Tayft anti Fan,-7 'Good*; together with • large varie ty of l?unov and Staple DRY GOODS. Y'KAtiKR is also agent for the celebrated Lan rOmb* cov|? ursst jungtien Uimody. FOR Coughs. Golds, Asthma and Consump'Jtm! Tbs GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY fur the euro of u.o a!-*, tc-. diseases, is the HUNGARIAN BALSAM (>! LirhY-disC'iveied by the celebrated Dr. Buchan, t .f l.t iioioi. England, ami Introduced into the Urutrd gute* aatfer ibe ißunedjaie superintendence of the inventor* •llic Vztruordlmry soceess of this medicine, ia tft. su:c Of I'nltuan&ry diseoscs, warrant* the Amem-aii Aicol in soliciunrj forireauatutthe worn possible r* tr< that can be found in the eonuunmty— case* that =erk rc’.mi tn viun from any of the common remedies of t!.« dry, rtbd Live been piwca up by liic most distinguish,-u .physicians as rmiUnned andiururabic. The Hungun. ad D:>l*am ha* cured, and will core, the mo»t dcsptrui* uf camis. It is no ((uuck rostrum, bat a standard Kng U;b rofroirliie, of known ond e«ial)h*ht*«l efficacy. Ewfy family imho United States thouhl tn' vrilh Uuchiut'k liuu>;srian Balsam ol Life, not oiiiy t* coOnldrari the conruinptive tcndcncivj oi tho climate, bn. io l.e u,cd us a preventive mrdi. tue ia all ca«o <.,* colds,’,-oufhs, of blood, pain in ihe *ul« „n.. olcsvirriiaiion and sorehets of the longs, brooion^ I dtlLx-ulty of breatiug,hectic fover, night sweat*, cn« aijoa fml feneral debility, asthma, icllDenua, wnr4>D,nj Cough and croup. Sold-in Urge little*, at VI per bottla, with fall dir««- tlons fer the testoraaon of.heallii. Pamphlet*, ctmiaininga mass of English and Arum aan •.'iitificoies, and other evidence,‘ showing- the an - «i|uair.*d raor.i, of this great bh)gli«li Remedy, may b« obuuted of tfio Agenut. frrmtuitously. Fori aula by II A FAHNESTOCK a Co,, corner o ■t and Wood and Wood and flth stf, iudtlA w^ SELLERS 1 IMPERIAL COUGH SYttUi* N.OIHL'iO I.IKB l;i Fittsbcsoh, March 27,1&|7 ! Mr.'R. U. Sellers—ln justice to you and your incom parable Cough Sjtup, 2 l>cy leave to state,for theben rtit of the cammunlty, that ay urife ba» beeu •ever*! itmri.aiiiicicd wltn u roost tlisiressing coagh I nnr ch-»»tfJ, in January last, a home uf your Syrup, wLcn cured ft cough of two luoothP utamiinir. About oco r.:onih since, the caavh returned, and wu* M esvera that Ihe coaid hardly move, from weakn M » t n ,y -trim*!; l sent for onc-bnitlc of your Cough Syruo and a part of one bottle cured tho cough. IjTavetiie othcr to a ;ounieyiuan who vyas sererefy aflUcmJ, who hod to urr h.« own words, ‘-eaten enough cough candy to coCAMNKT\VAUEIIOOJJ. |i..n« A V URt, ' VN w °nM mpeet -1“»y inform the public. U.ii m ki-rp» on hand ui bij *ucd on ms w«t 4>i the D,»jao,jd, AJlo nUvuy city, a eoroplrw nitiftn Htuuicrs are Bide ioor equal io any In L*ie l/nited State i His ftliutit cm l/c removed wf.r out ice aid of a «rcw driver. Having norehatrd the stock, tools, and wood oflite cabinet es- Übiishncniof Konusy A Ji'Cki land, J run prepared.* to furnist. their oU cafitioers. aa wall-**, lbs public ulini,cilb .TCry IbiMintbciiUM. 4 i'Sss No “™'“ d A inow„. Kcoaomr » ft DETinvril.Y the cheapen and be*t place l in Pitla- SiiS 2?■» Tea « l the Tea Marietta* ante . pi tbs Diamond. .They tell ■Kxeelleni Tea at *® «*» lb flapertorQuaUtiM— •j> ;£ „ liw pS, U damafed, or interior Teaaare not kept at tbi. e*ts!»liab»eat, therefore, whether tm: g» yoar »rtf,or lend a child, yea are *oro to obtain a good article, and if the Oaror of .the Tea It not.approacd, nadilT exchange it or retnra the money. ' iS" T MOBHTa * HAWORTH, n'. 11 .^ auAi yjagw pniruriznt Corn Starch, " ' t\ EFINED and prepared expreaaJy for Food, Peg. t'diara. Cake*, Caittrda. Ae. Recipe for Boiled CortarjL—One qwt of new nri!k, fear eggs, half* teaspoon™ of aah, two ttbleapeonflru of re fined itarth—etirtte Marchm aamafl quantity of Ihs-toilk.ua it 1» perfectly Umolred and anooth-idd thg'egfs,'wetTheUfeTii to the atarch-ponr iheetita imdaureh Into the balance of the while boSSg ■tir-eenatantly till it bcU* sp wwc-ExeeUem. Mortal# &7 RBOELLEBB