THE ) imSBUndB txA&KITK. PUBLISHED BY WHITE & CO PITTsOCBOn FRIDAY MORNING, OCT. 18,1850 attetrnwuy reqaesteatohuui in it«ir favor* before 3r. u., and u early inlhedsr a* practicable. Advertisement* nounaened for ■ ij*ei- Bad una wifi invariably be charged until otdereo oat. Jjy.Y. B- Pauue 1« Agent for this paper ml bis erermi .agencies la New Hoik, Philadelphia, and Bcstohyitod is authorized to receive sabsciiptioDi nod adrertixtaenUTbr ns. North AJtxaicsß.—Advenise taems and rabreiiptioos to the North American and Untied States Gazette, Philadelphia, received and for warded from this office. CyPluaawtrßUCodjmwuLLif*.—Subscnptioas for this valuable paper, will be received and forward *4 from thia office. ______ - Bii.Tr*o**Ali»iiCAß.—sabsertpuonaandadverU* menu for this paper received aud forwarded free thaige from this offiee. ItT” Cnrottnuti Dativ GaKTTX.—Advertitements and subscription*, for ibis paper, will be received and orwaxded from thisofiee. iP-SEE NEXT PAGE FUR LOCAL MATTERS TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. .tc. Odd Ftllowiam in Elections eounif, it Seems, does not present the only insttuice of roe influence of Odd FeUowiwn, itrtha late ejection*. Indiana connty, in ihi3 Slate, offers a Tory unking instance of the power of a *e crrlsocietf to advance the political damn of a brother. The Whig majority in that county avera ges some 600, and yet a gentleman named Peelor, by the combined influence of Locofocoism and Odd Fellowism, was elecled Register and R.*corder, by some 400 majority over the regular Whig nominee. The way itwas done, is told by the Indiana Regis ter, in a article, on the combinations aud in fluences hi work to defeat the Whig ticket in that connty, from which we lake the following ex tract:— “Tbe mmC prominent and powerfo! among there causes was the course pursued by the “Odd Fel lows. 1 !’ \Ve mako this assertion,knowing what we savi and not rearing successful contradiction.— With tvs or three honorable tstiijOtoru eiery Odd FeU» cp sn the eottiXu net only voted agcinrtriut epenlf opposed the IFfor* party Tnere is now no u«a in,denying the facttlut Odd Fellows will, al least some times break over all pirty ties loEupport • brother. There may be exceptions sufficient to prove.tbe general rule, for no one will pretend to aav tbjat there is no honorable high minded men connected with the order. Three years ago, who would have believed tnal there would be a lodge established in our midst—in a community where tbe subject of secret societies had been discimed in the pulpit, in the press, and on the stamp, for TtVeaty years, and when almost tbe entire popula tion regarded such combinations as anti-Republi can, end dangerous in their character and tenden cies! ’ Yet tt is even so.” Wo leave tha facts hero stated, for the consid eration of evsry right thinking man. If the nid of secret societies is again, as in former days, to be brought to defeat tbe uninitiated, and help tbe cause of a if it is to override political principles and personal worth; if icea are under the necessity of wiginga contest with a secret foe, in order to secure just right*; if they are to find them selves deserted and injured, where they bad a right to expect support from a party friond, who permits ttis-sccret to take the precedence of bis political pledges, then it utime to consider the great ddager to which our rights and liberties are expose)]. If Odd Fellowism is to be used hereafter for political purposes, and to promote the political ends of in members, it is time tn« com munity was made acquainted with the facts Tut Arctcas Slave Coast. —Tbe Republic publishes a letter from Portsmouth, England, which furnishes come iatciesttng intelligence respecting tbe operations ot the British on the western coast of ! Africa. The brigantine Bounetta, bsd taken seven pnxcSjSlavura, daring the atay of two years and a hall bo the station, and the steam sloop Heels, had taken nine during her stay. The steamer Teazer also took four prizes’ in a abort lime. The British Admiralty intend to withdraw all the sailing vessels from the slat'on, and to replacotbem by thirty two sie&ni ships, which are Jo be constantly employed •for the suppression of the slave trade. In future no . sailing vessel will be employed for that purpose.— One of tbe steamers is ordered to proceed to tho coast about the first of every month, with the mails, and relieve soother from daty there. Several of . these pteamers were at the date of- the letter fitting out at Portsmouth, aod the hrat one was ready for commission on the first of October. Lieutenant Commander Forbes, who commanded the brigan tine Bravelta, by wbese arrival ai Portsmouth the above news has been received, was engaged the past year in a vain effort to negotiate a treaty with 1 the King of Dahomey, abolishing the slave trade in his dominions. The King, as a special favor, pre sented him a young prince** seven years of age, whotp be'carried to England to be educated. Per ceiving them offering up thirty human beings at one of their religious sacrifices, he bought two men from: among them, aged respectively, 40 and 50 yvart, and t-eanbem to Fernando Po, to be Isbera ted. ; The steamer Teaser, which bad jo-4 arrived at Portsmouth from the slave coaM, brought home from'tbe Gambia a piece of Dutch bra»s ordnance, which, although two hundred years old, is loaded to the breach, and tbe charge aud sho;kcpt in their proper position, inside the gan, by a quoin nearly similarto the plan of a gun submitted to a select committee at Woolwich, by Major Cavaili, of the Sardanian service, end cow tt Shoeburynes*, haring experiments made with it. It was tried oc board the Teaz-r and found to work badly. lUiutoat) Lxrnso.—We learn (rcai the Elnirartilo paper, that (he remainder ot the Western Division of the Pennsylvania Railroad was Jet in th-*t placr, on last Friday, to ihe follow ing -persons^ Section \€. M’Cabe & Tons*r. 16. Martin it Patton. 17. Wa. Freelaod A: Co. 19. Jones fit Fenton. 20. Col. James Freeland. 21. Keele icHowley. 22. Wynkoop, Lamgan 6: Con. 23. Farrea dt M’Consaghy. 24. Geo. Shaman it Brother. 25. Paxton it Galbraith. 26 Malone & Mastenoo. 23, Boyle it Price. _ 29. M. D. Mndtgan. 39. R. J. Jc K. M'Grana. t Branch. Wa. P. Sterret The contracts stipolaie tor the completion of the work by the spring of 1852. The whole of this great work is now under con tract, with the exception of tbs Mountain Division, and; as the Portage Railroad will, for a lime, be aaapart of the Line, the completion of the. portions now in the hat,d< of contractor* will es tablish an unbroken railway connection between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh./ Fame Hayart*.—Wc are indebted to the Charleston Conner for slips containing istetlU geneo from Havana to the 6th of Oct., brought to that city by the steamer Isabel A letter to tho Courier, atya; Quite an excitement prevails in th» city of Ha* van*, caused by the rumored Intelligence of an tub er Invasion of the Island. Reports arc in wren* lation, that there are aomo aix th'onsand men con gregated at some point In the United States, and were ready to embark for Cobaoa lbe27.b nil— So that they are In daily expectation of a landing. BosiaoH is prostrated by the expected invasion, and the excited and disturbed position of tho in habitants, renders trade and commercial opera lions dull and.languid. The Nashville Banner stales that veins of an* p«rbr coal have recently been discovered on the line of the Nashville and CbtUnooga Railroad, esar the bank of the Tennessee river, which for excellence of quality and abundance of supply cannot probably be excelled in the Doited States* Tho-quiiity is said to approach nearer the An* thraette than any heretofore discovered in the West- It isfound so near the line of railroad that cars can be load sd directly from the mines with* oSt any extra-labor. ; Rmuifft or Gxs. Tatlo2>—-The Baltimore Son Jotifli from R. M. Magraw, Esq.,tb«effioicnt and Susqnebannt Rail. rdtd,lbi! the remains of General Ztchary Taylor, 1,10 President of the United Sates, wjll leave £ VftsfcingtOQ City, in a car furnished by the So* qaehtona Railroad Company, on lb* morning of tne 29th of October, at six o'clock, and will reach Biitlmore at 8 o’clock, where Col.Tyalor and Col. W.S. Biivs will take possessions f the corpse— They will then proceed over the Soaqnehann* Road, by the erpresa train, slopping at York n tew minniea, and will go thence to WrightsviUe, where they wdl cross the Colombia bridge, and proceed by the new river railroadl onjlbo eastern bank of the Soaqaebanni, to Middletown, and thence to !Itr» robnrgb, and so over the Central Railroad to Plttsbnrgb, whero they will take the steamer to Loolsvifle. TboPortunoutb and Central Railroad Companies have behaved with liberality and promptitnde, passing tbe remains and the escort free ol alt expense. J tl» M lut malt,. TQB HOORBSiO ASD BARPR& BE* 1 ' CONCILIATION. letter FROM major lynch. As we have published the eerrespodence be tween Gen. J. K. Moorhead and Ltcky Harper, in relation to certain rnoora to the intent that Mr. Moorhead had made some acknowledgment* io propitiate Harper, It is but proper to give the reply of Major Lynch, as a continuation of this very curious chapter of political history: From the Morning Chronlele, Oot. If • Pitt Townsittv, Oct. 16th, Editoxs Datw Chxoiqcix: „ . „ GcmtoM-On lb, Ulb w«. I c*U,J on the editor or the Morale, Poet, end .eted him if he woold permit me, through hi. pepor, to reply to a tor oYOemMOTheed’e, th.t .ppeemd m hta piper of thet iey. «od io 11 1“' under the eireß ccttH not. Thereto, I Mkyoo. «./«*,emiiro editor., to glee the fol ; lowing e Pl.« to T“^*£'; lally> D. L. Geutlmen— ln the “Morning Post,® of the 14lh inst. I rosd a letter signed by I. K. Moorhead, dited thelSih Inst, in which he alludes to reports that were put la circulation against him. Inas* much ai I am one of the persons who circulated the report that said Moorhead bsd signed a letter of acknowledgment to Mr Harper, regretting the political controversy between them on tbe Ten H ur Law, &?, and having to feiiro to bo placed in a wrong posaioo by him, or any other qoiblcr, I now state publicly that I have oo cause to change my opinion relative to said matter. Oa the contra ry, 1 re*apKert that mid Moorhead, after four or fin ■unrttccts f*t personal attemptstortconctlsmi Hat per, relative to d.f3cu!lies growing out of the ps* litlcal eontroverss on the Tea Hour Liw, dec., e» t last resort, wrote end signed a letter making ac ksowiedgreenis to raid Harper, andthst said lett lor was teeUd and placed With A. Butfce, Esq., Inrcae keeping, and thatitisEUil in hiscosaes* ato-t irnet taken by tho parties since the election, (t here think proper te state ihst I have not bnd one word with Mr. Baikc on the subject o! this kite?. Mr. Moorhead’s fl:nri»habootthetariff, per.oa al euemier, &c.. is all gammon, fffr the purpose of irving toosK ouention from tho ruin issue, viz: His letter tf acknowledgment to Harper tor po Jiticat offence, growing otjt of tbs pobiical < oa tnrersy between him nad Harper, on the ten hour law, has about as much to do the (pain point at iasae, as the fact that J. K. Moorhead re« quested JohnM-Irwin, Enjoin tho onvet tion, to sls were fiond ta the bull, and four bodies were discovered dotting. Both the .cleiks of tic boat were killed. Tbe boat was not core than fifty yards from the shore, and by ibe ore of tbe yawl, the patvengera were saved. Several were blown overbord, who swam to the shore. It'» said that as the trunks and boxes were taken on shore, a band of outlaws seized and brake them opes, aud then divided thd property. U was with great diffculty that tome of tbe pars:cger* were prevented from hanging these ontlswt; (key were tortonate enough to etcipo With a toon* j ggmg oa the bate back. Too ac-lJent hspesed just ct the biathi i passed Walker's bar. It D believed b 7 msnjr.’.hs there vii not a drop of water in either toiler when the boat crossed the bar. Somo assert tie' the pomp supplying the boilers must have beer, filled with taad, while on the bar, and the m • meat the boat went into deep wa'er, and b?r pomp had free communication with the boiler*, the sudden cuneat of cold water—in boilers nearly to a white boat—caused the explosion at d the misery which followed. That there was to water in the boilers is evident from the fact, that of the largo cumber who were blown o7eifco«rd or afterwards rescued from the wreck, not oae was found to be badly scalded; in fict, ihe only person who bad at all the appearance of beior •caidad, waaoneof tbs colored cooks, and it iv thought that the blisters discovered on ha fee! atd legs wero produced by the upsetting of the stove in tho cock house. All, thereforei killed or In* jored, sostsined it from the beat and natural forte of the steam; for It i* clearly established that boiling water bad but little ahare in the tregecy The larboard boiler aloue la believed to have exploded, and the severest lojary-dano to the bolt previous to barning, was (bond to be on that p 6e of the boal Thb entire social hall, including bar room, clerk's office, slate rooms, aod every tbirg immediately over the boilers, was blovo to nton», and io an instant alter the first flash of steam was aeen, the whole forward part of the boat, inc!ud> ing several state rooms in the cabtn, were either thrown down upon ihe boilers, or driven to frag* meats In the air. Tho boat immediately took fire, and In lea* thin three boon waa burnt to ibe .water’sedge, together with the entire cargo, books and papers, and a large amount ofbaggage, Arc., belonging to passengers. The commander, C*pi. Dnnham, wa« oa the hurricane roof at the time, and received severe injury. Both the clerks u-*ro killed, and afterwards burned with the wreck The first end second engineers and both the pilots were saved. Bat perhaps itwlil never be known who were kilted. Bath the clerks missipg, aod the registers gone, It wsa Impossible to ascertain the names, o* even the number killed or injured. The Kate Fleming wae tn entire new steamer, on her second trip, and bound for the Tennerace _river, above the Muscle Shoals, for which trade she was recently boilt byaeompany, in connex-on with three others, of about tho tame clast, includ ing the Chattanooga. The four loti* were de signed as a packet line, to ran between Florence and points above, with lbs maiL From the Cumberland AUrghiniaa, Oct. 12 Tits Ohtiapsaks tad Ohio Canal. - Thi# great work, commenced nenrty a quarter of a century ago, is at length so far completed, ns to be in a naviiable condition from Cumberland to tide water. The opening was celebrated in our city on Thursday last. ■ Oa Wednesday evening, Ihe Presidentund Direc tors of the Canal Company, tho State’* Agent*, and of goests from severe! counties of Mary land, Virginia, and the District cities, accompanied by the Independent Bines’ Band of Baltimore, ar rived in oor city, via the rail road to participate in the opeotng ceremonies. On Thursday morning at S o’clock. Colonel Dv vjdton’s company of Light ArtiUeritU from the Eckhart mines, arrived, and about one hour after, s Procession —made up of the militery, the Canal Board and guests, the corporate authorites and citi zen*—was formed in Baltimore street, under the direction of Colonel Picket 1, of Baltimore, and marched to the bead of the canal. On arriving at this point, and after the firing of a aalute by the ar tillerists, William Prices E*q-, on behalf of the corporate authorities and citusns, in a speech, welcomed the Canal Board nod their guests, and congratulated them upoj\ the. occurrence of the event bo-'lodk looked for—the opening of the Canal to Cumberland. General James' M‘ Coal, President of the Canal Company, responded m ap propriate terms, and embraced the occasion to briefly review the history of the progress of the work. • About II o’clock, the neveral boats fitted up f< -ihe occasion, pretty well crowded, proceeded don the Canal to the following order Ways’ excursion boat, Jenny Lind, having < board the Canal Board aud their guests from broad. The C. D. Fisk, with the Baltimore Band and a large number of citizens. M*- Clarke’s bout, with the Eckhart Arliller ist* Mechanics’ Band of Cumberland. These were followed by Southampton, Dela ware, and Ohio—of Messrs. McKaig Ac Agnew’s Merchant a Line—Nall Bthbsrjr, ' - The Noith American t or Moadayj'gives' the fol lowing circo mstantiai aeoounl of the gml Mail Robbery, which took pUce ln Philadeiphis, latri Saturday faight: 1- A most daring mail robbery Was perpetrated is tbe iuburbs of Philtdelphla, on Saturday About half put ten o’ciocx, as the Baltimore train was ou Us way from the depot, ccreet oTEievenih and Market streets, to Gray’s Ferry, the mail car was entered aad robbed of three pooebesvcontain ing vaioaWe Southern and Weiteru matter. The bags were from the New York Post Office, aud were destined, one to Richmond, another to Rtleigb, N. C., and the tbird-to Wheeling, Ya. The miul car was coupled to the exorees err, which was sbesd, aud tho taro were drawn by one team. These were followed by teams with tbe passenger and bsggtge cars. To abow the boldoeuofthe robbery,at the time U must bIT9 taken place, the foromost pgtsanger ear was scarcely more than 150 feet iu tbe rear of the mail car. The moon wu ihlcing, yd the aky was darken ed by clouds of dost, created by tbe high wind that prevailed, and this may have blinded the eyes of the driver of the foremost passenger car, so as to have prevented him from seeing what was ; going qq ut the hied part of the mail car directly ahead of him. At Gray’s Ferry, tbe drivgr of ibe mail car dia covered that the btek door was open, and the brakeinso of the train entered the car with « light to aeo whether acy one wu la there. Discovering nothing to excite hia suspicion, he came out under tho impression that all wu right, aod the door was locked. D seems these two persoos theQ had not aaipecled anything wrung, they douUlerf attrib uting the ciroomvianco of the door being open to accident or forgetfulness. The robbery is believed to have beta committed st or oexr tho carve, corner of Broad and Prime streets, in the District of Moystannimg. it is sup. posed that the mail carwas entered from behind by the door with a false key. Tbe first Information of the robbery was receivs ed about breakfast timo yesterday morning,by Mr. Robert Httddel, Agent of tbe Philadelphia, Wil minglou and Baltimore Railroad Company. A persob etme to his house and informed him that the stolen pouches, rifled of their contents had been accidentally found, at an early ; hour in the moroing, in the buebosoa Rementer's farm, abernt a eqnare west of Brotd street, and two squares acuth of Prime street. The groat Southch Mali is now put into can vest bags, which are sealed aod put into {rather pouohas, which are locked- The robbers cut tbe pouches, drew out tho bags, and opened these by cutting tbe strings that lied them.. The contents of thebtga were (bon emptied out, and the letters, packages, ice., broken opco. All the money in tbe letters was taken, but promiaor'y notes, checks pryahto to order, sight drafts, fee., were thrflwp atfny. There yerp strewed over the ground about two botheis and • half of letters, dee The letters, oumbericg about ooc thousand, were gathered up, and Mr. White, Post Msiter of this dty. yesterday, hid them, w tb the checks, drafts, dec., returned to the Post Office st New York, where they arc by ibis time, and Wh a F° they can bo examined by tho Post Matter of thsi'djty, at his leisure, cs aglgafirar taio the names of the losers, ana the amount of the loss. No idea could be formed by the Poitmtst-r of Philade'uhia of tho extent of tbe loss, Tbe suj potiibuts that the moat valuable matter wts in ike |l‘.ch(soad pouch. Mr. White examined one li'icr directed lu Richmond, that had contained 175 U. An empty box, which bed been fiflpd with jjwelry, was picked from among tho scattered leuer?. There wu nothing, though, to indicate how mttch was In it, or to wnnm it Mlcoged. The train was delayed at Gray’* Ferry from 11 o'clock on Saturday night until 3 o’clock yesterday pjormne, in consequence of the burning of a «aaU Uui&i bridge pyera gully, crossing tbe road,about three fflilesbdiowtiaVplape. Thj* WV bavph*d something .to do with Utopian of the robbery, bat the officers of the road think that the bridge was srt on fire by sparks from the losomotive af a train that came up about half past uvea o’clock m the even- log-, fy. Aademoa was the mil agent ou the trow, iron the rijbfcery .occurred... ‘ No infonnolico uf relation toffeo rothery, b*d ten repeirrd froratbe Soath-up fos laiehourU-M ereaing. ItUtaort'prc>beble uwtlh* agent,ooa doctor*, and other üßcen abd employee* oa th« tram,, had no iolUßklloQ of the robbery until they got to Ball ira ore, aod perhaps .oot then. Mr. White, Post Master, promptly comraonica c, the Congretrlcnat majority rjraiott o» ia 21?. Fjr the Sraa’c, «»«4mve a majorit* r-l 9ft, Correvor II; lor Aftoreev 359'! OjMiflß aim one of Ite Trustees We tnr ihi> Coroner hv It vote*; one cemmierpotr by«?, the other by 7?: whilst the avengeagtiait n» for As aatnhlf i»O3 Thit la doing well under all the the canvass, in a county that rat hstnriaitnedaad eel daws azatnat oi; tad the fij-crci clearly show that if the Whigs had polled ni vigorously together at they polled asunder, we : then Id have carried >he entire coofity ticket by a bsedsome Qijtriiy, and show a preponderance of u.t lets than 400 in the district. As it is, we btvc reason to be aattsfied. as the figures prove the foe: that Braver is aod will be a Whig county.— £isv Ms way to Mj noun. H~ 11 ■ >■!* | V ~ I |'| ' yi» - wcctt liberal appropriai ions toWoriaof In leHtal la»jjfpveni«nLi made by the Qty Council of ®tfctttßil|.hayebeeD fully sustained by the people at tbe recent efecUon. The earn* voted totheaer* etal railroad* named, are as follow* - Ohio and M : BBlMippL ... $600,000 JWpre and Cincinnati, 100.000 , Hamilton and Eaton, ISO,OOO ■ Dexington and Oovirgion, 100,000! 'Total, $1,000,000 Tnn Qoaxtz Rocs Gold.—One of the mis lortunea.aUending the discovery of gold in Cali* fornii, ta* that the accounts which we have been is the habit oi getting tram there, in many cues, ha?e been intentionally deceptive, it seems to hare-been the easiest matter in the world id Cod ite few who have been socceashtl in picking upixbrtunea4n tbe mines, or acquiring largo pro* by the * peculators in town lota But little is said of thoußinds who hare made notinng— who are there, without tbe meant to get away—nor the thousands who have gone down to en unlituely crave. Private leUers, it U tree,tell something of this discouraging ante of things.— Bat these seldom Cad their way into tbe newspa per*, and of course cannot exert much icduenco upon the judgment of our excitable people. We aro led to there remarks by the perusal of a letter from SaeJtmentoCily, dated ia July, sod written by a gentleman whom we know to possess a dls« orm'aating mind, iu relation to the Quartz Rock Gold. We think ho went thrra with a view to operations In-this rock fgr gold. He bad travel led, at the dale of hi* wiier, some eight hundred iqilct, through the mining and mountain regions of Stockton, Sonora, and Mariposa, and up to that rime he had been unsuccessful. Be visited Col. Fremont's mines, and spent two days in setrehieg for other mines. !1« aiy» that 'Fremont’s mine is largely ; that thu vain is about four bon* drrd i'.ot lpcv, all told; that many rich specimens hive been obtained from this mine, io tbe shape of boulder*, and that they have been hawked about, to make all the excitement possible. But these specimens are now entirely exhausted. The vein is open the entire length, to the depth of from six to tea feet—thp lodge la above five feet, dipping to (he south. A vein which U one to ose and a half inches thick, abo at the middlo of the ledge, con* taintjthe gold, which may be'secn with the naked eye. ■ With the present price of labor, It la said, that ;ne yield win not pay for working the vela— It ia worked by differed parties, who bavo taken possession nf it, in oypcsitmn to Fremont’s etalm lie h»d granted leases on thre vein to Commodore Stockton, and others—the reprerentalives of whoa arrived while the writer was there, but they found iho whole in the possession of other parties. Wright, Kin?, and others,- who have giv. en inch chwirg'&rccuats of the rfehne*t,vof tho quarts rock, are severely centred hy the diaap* pointed miners, tyho weta led to bellovo that there was quartz rock enough'in California, yielding SI f deck hand of tho boat- Captain Poe refined to eelile the claim and told Bowers to clear out or he would ti;n>w bmt m the rivre. Tbe boat pasted up to iuc upper P.Uting Mill, where the yawl was sent oat tobnog the clerk on board, Capt. Poe. tbo Mate aud Bower* befcg in it. A* soon a* the vntri tf>ucb**d shore. Bowers expressed aA’lcriniuaiioo u QiUu-li it; the Captain resisted and pushed back U* the boat. Wfteo the returned to the wbu*f Capam Poe wu arrwted, ukenbe (ore Il»e Mayor uoJ Hin'eneol lojoya fiae of M dollars and impmoned 3i> dtys without beil or tcain preiz, for rcsietimr an officer in the perforin anc* of his doty An appeal was refused, tud by a writ of kai*j-t cerpui w oimfl before bis tloa. Judge Fry. ht» coun-Htt whether bis sentence wax not i U-trii; firrt. because irregular, and secondly l«eeto*o it was in candict with the common IrV iu idpriioa wilt a trial by jury. ltis 'Uoaor decided that the proceedings vrrroTVßuiai; sml ikft the oelyp->iab he sfaou'il lake (-.ija rj')' *-v4 wasiha cottatflutioo aliiy iin pur-caiirr »f tbr- warrant cf the Mayor. Uiv-n Lh«* M-piewtauiton. however, of bn foun-01. hr hid let l i<* (air care •-(' * brge aud v*luibfo cargo -gid. tv.::, the u.Ujitioa ri tr- turning and »urrcnlcfu,r !• r ,r.d ;i»r r- . 1 y o»* tag anaiout-fo its! if c.-v-sitniiutcility of ine or* dioanee involved ia th** r*«*. th- Court - *gre«d to continue the mutton (o re*pur In- bail caidUiefld of November nnt.— tt- HotriaßnLsnra tn^atia.—A l*ts Pqrfs letter from a correspondent o> ino N. V. Oocmercial Advertiser has the following curicus particulars in relerenee to the operation cf fiou-e tuildlsg to that capital This branch of industry it under ibe supervision cf a special bureau at the preketure. Before a proprla-or can build, he mn»t h*ad ia a detailed dan of the forts not only (he re* •tire pcs;tioa of ibe'*, toi ihclhickoe-a oftbe wall*, the nainre of mstarisl* to bo used, rte number of ttarle*, thq slept of the roof, and, la abort, all iho pari'calora nbsut it When the pita is approved, bo U ptrmiiicd to eommcnec.— As tho work progreare* it U Arqocatiy visited by officers atlsehrd to the beresn, who see ihst tho plan is strictly adhered to, (h*t (he proprietor dors noteaeroicb on the (rtrtct or hi* neighbor,and that tho msterials are good. Tbe iwot;r result of these jui diciou* precaution* is that the Paris houses-are reasitibie £>r solidity. 000 hears of so work men croaDed by ih« (ailing in of a nine loch wail; oae seoa no bontes with side* bulgl g oat like thoso of sn over ftefied b*nd brs, or cracked from top to bottom c&J tho halves ready to foil in eppo* sit* direct! tt. Great pslns trs *!so taken to guard against fire. The joint near the lire plat es mu«l by well sheeted with iron, and the omites ronied with some fire proof mstorUl,»flth s* rnfl»l, Cartlicnararo tile* oraeemposition of arphsluirn. Skinglo roofo, which one hot summer's day light up at a spark as easy as so many sulphur matches, are cot in us among the Paris architect*, who prefer* bum* dram ptste ol ssfety to tbe romantic uncertainty of the shingle system. Their precautions are sd well taken that fires are very, rare in Paris; and as locoilltgriliona, tbe oldest Inhabitant doe* not remember such a thing. .The a>reeu are new Bled with crowds shouting tl fire ” at the top cf their lung*; zealous Grotuca rushing tike madmen to the sc-no nf action,to tbe great danger of quiet eldertv gentlomon; with .furniture tumbled out of tho windows ofburnlag bonnes; or with families weeping over the low or their property. The French seem to be quite satisfied with tho work* ing of their system, ia rpiie of orrmiontl annoy* nncesciosed-by the punctiliousness of the police. They did not thick of modifying it even in the , d*v* oftbe revolution, when retormers were In search of BaVject*. The most ultra multiplier oi the natural rights of min never thought of patting into his enumeration the right ol building, In the midst ota populoas city, a houso with a roof os ibflsmmsbla as tinder, and with wal s eo thin that to demolish them ono wonld r-nk no heavier hat*' terlng ram than a stool pair of jack boon. . Tb* Copper nines of I,sk* •upertor. The Lake Superior Journal, of the 2d iotunt, says: Perbspi at no time since the onmmcncoment of mining operations wtthtu the region borderiog on Like Soperiorjhave the prospects of this section hsen more promis-og or lu business more actively prosecuted than at. tho prstnot period. Mining and explotaiioo* arc now prosecuted upon a basis far-different from that wnieh generally character ised the ephemeral operation* of ISIS end 1840: tod, although the errors, Jirappoiatmtuta, ana lassos to the multitude consequent upon the total want or knowledge and experience in those con* earned might have been safely predicted, these tended, nevertbclcra, to create in Ihe piinda of many donbtn as to the real wealth of the ediuriry. which nothing bat tho atrosgest evidence canid have removed. . Late developments, as well in tho copper a* in tho iron, region, have served to dispel these doubta 'ln all concerned, and uniyeraal confidence now seems to exist that tho apathy aad murtrtjst which have prevailed aro past to return no morn. Soon the waters of oor roble lake will be connected by a ship canal with her kindred wa! rs. Then will tbo.exbanstle'u treasures of tho upper ponlniuli, unrivalled In extern and quality, bo poured out, until they ahall form use mighty and increasing stream of wealth,conchlcg alike onr citizens, oor State, and our common couatry. - -The following hasty estimato will not vary- for from the amount of copper Jo tho roogk which will be ae&t down from Lake Superior during the prcMM jctr,Ti*; : t*:*V Bastatud Pittsburgh Company', tboot..L£6fl I COO Honhweat.V. . U.*>[ooooo North Americans 000 Minne50ta................ 200000 sirtwit....... m Allo^cr*,not ovef.. 100.000 Being a'total 0f...... .3,650,000 Thero.wiUfa employed.this winter, in opera tions connected with mining, abonl one thousand operatives. BMOtta Divmnoa.—We Inn lh>l ihe divi dend of ihe Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Compa ny for Ihe yearjonl cloied will be seven per cent payable lo Block; and that Ihe haU yearly dividend on Ihe Washington branch road will bd lonr per ctnf. £a ctih.— Balt. Ar - ' The NewO/leao* Cretect contain* a letter from lbs Presided of the Centenary CoUcie, convey toff ibe information of the total destruction by fire ot tbe building* connected with that inaiiintioo.— They cost 523,000, and w«t> finely adapted lor College purposes. KfiBABKABLB CASK I 1 EVIDENCE IN OUR MIDST'I Mb. Krai—Sir, comply with*your re quest that I would give yoo|an nocount of the almost miraculous core of ray little daughter's eye by the use of your "Petroleum.” Bhe was attacked with a very sore eye in February or March last, when 1 immediately applied to the best medical aid in tbe city, by whora it was pronounced "a very bad eye” and all gave mo no hope of doing her any good. -Alter which 1 took her into the coan* try to an old lady, who.had been verj successful in curing eyes. She told ms that her ease was hopeless, as sha would certainly loso not only that one, but also that the other would follow—it being a scrofulous affection of the blood. Andl do certify that at the time ray falhtr (J. B. Vathsu) cam# to the eonelaslon that we had better try your “ Petroleum,” anc wxa kJrriasiT of one eye. it is now about two rnanihs since she began its use, and she can now see with both eye® as good as everkhedid; and, as far as I can tell, I believe she has, with the blessing of he Almighty, been cured by “ Petroleum.” ; *ur. respectfully, I M. Fe&sces VasHon Collsb. Pittsburgh!!, Sept. 30, IPSO. For sale by Keyset A McDowell, 140 Wood street; R. K. Sellers, S? Wood street; D. M. Cany, D. A. El liott, Joseph DoagUss, and IL P. Schwartz, Allegheny, also by the proprietor, 8. U. KIF.R. oc7 Canal Basin. Seventh rt, Piltslurgb. M'CORD a co, Wholesale 4 Retail Manufacturer* A Dealers in HATS, CAPS & FURS, Cor. WooAA Finn eta., Pltubnrgb, ''here they oflsr o fail and eomplete stock of Hats, Caps, Fars, Ac., of every quality and style, by Whole aals and Retail, and invito the attention of their cus tnmets and putchasers generally, aituriog them that they will sell on the stotr aavajrtaaxons zsliu. * aogiurtf R. P. TANNER & CO., SHOE WAREHOUSE, SR Wood itibitwsiaThtrdfcFourth, Are now reaming their verylarge and cuperlor Fait Stack of BOOTS, BDOHB, ABU BROGANS; Also, BONNETS and FLOWERS, all of the Istesi styles, and expressly adapted to the western uade. It Iras been selected wild great care, and as to aizci and qua'uy is not surpassed by any stock to be found either ea«lor veil Oar customers and mer V--. Wl »-*M Vttt VUIUUCI, ill*. IttCi* ebanu generally are iaviied to call and examine, as WO ar» determined to- sell on tbe most reasonable terms. Abo, Goodyear* Patent Rubber Shoes ol all kind* _____ aogtfidtf iterT. P». o. nop*, Demist. CornerofPounh and Dscsuzt, between Market sad Ferry streets. Mtl-dlrin CHCOUIiAUK UORK IBBTITUTIOfIB *. CITtZENB* t INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Pittsburgh C.O. HUSSEY, PaxaT A. W.MAIIKS.Hsc’v. Office—No. 11 Water street, in the warehouse of C. H. GRANT. THIS COMPANY u w« prepared to inxare all Mods of risks, oa houses, fbaimfectonet, goods raerchaudise in store, and in uaitsttu vessels, 4c. An aiupie guaranty lor the ability and integrity of the Institution, U afforded in the character of me Di rector*, who are all citizens of PiilvbergH, welt and favorably kaowo lo'thc cotnnuniry for Uielr prudence, Intelligence, and integrity. Dnucratt—U. liutwy, Wo. Btgxley, Wra. Lar finer, Jr., Walter Bryant, Hush D. Kins;, Edward Ueazrltoc, John Haworth, 8. Hiubaagu, S. M. K«r. apSft’U ■Pm ISPOBTATion” 5p hardware. LOGAN, WILSON & CO. 18 J* WOOD STREET, Are now ptepstfli with a largo and frerh slock rf KagHib, (.Vina, and American Hardware, tn offer ■ epruur indgremcnu'io baytrx. Those withingto Mirrhasr will promote their interest by loosing Btoagh oar *u>ek, as they are dttenmeod to tell on ha ino«i reasonable utws. augis HATS, CAPS, AND MMFFS. JAHCM WtLSOP, % U*oobsryh l Ocu 11, l“S0. oclt:d2&A*rlra3 improvetaemo in uemtiaxrr. OR. 11.0.HTSAKNS,fateot Weston, n prepared m tcnvuMsture M.J w.t Hurts Tctiu ia whole srd pv..< n'set*, vpci Sbciipo c< Atmosphere si)rt.*>i’ I‘lntci. Tolcy era ouice, Fourth street, Piu*>;argb. Birrs to— J. B. M’FaWten.F. H. Eaton. ItlP - VteMfTrai •—Thi Inventor ef a satst sntxsi for • Formidable Ukmc baa no right » keep iu an from tat fellow ere alum 9o 'bought Or. MeLans when ha vm Induced to offer his great remedy for worms to the public. A profound physi cian, enjoying a very largo practice, be did not (ear to be confeusded with tbs hard of qsaeks who impose upon lUepaLltc ihtir worthless stuff at patent medi cines. lie wastkerefoTe induced by Kidd ACo .drug gists, to dispose of his right a* diacoTerer, and the Vermifuge la now for aale in nearly erery village and lows of the country. It 11 the aovereigb remedy for worms. tala by J. SUDD A CO, No 40 Wood street. oetkdkwH OSca 01 Ohio and Cenua. R. B. Co, Third at Prmxvson, August B,ltW. Tax Stockholder* of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail Boad Company are hereby notified to pay the eighth ioaialaenloffivo dollar* per share, at the office of the Compeny.on ctbefore the 20th day of AoSual The ninth instalment] on or before the 50th «fty of Reptember. The tenth Instalment on or betore the 9Ulh day of October nexL nr The sth instalment was called for on the 80th o | July last. aagfedif VCM LARIMER, Jr., Treasurer. Yesterday morning, at Pa>aavant's Infirmary, Joan Dtion, late watchman end meaaesge? of the Exchange ilanfc of this city, and fbt many year* a member of the First Presbyterian Chnrch. His faneral sdill take place to day, 16th 13*1, at half past ten o'clock, A. M, and proceed from the Infirm ary lo the Allegheny Cemetery. Carriages will leave Dr. Herron's Chaich at half past nine o'clock On Tuesday morning, the 18th tost., by the Rev. Mr Johnston, Dr- Joan IIM, PiDtn to Mils Fasncxe Pusses, alt of New Castle, Lawrence county, pa. NOTICE. a Msmso o> Steam Boat Owners and Engin eers, Lard and Linseed Oil, Alcohol and Liquor Mer chants, all those engaged In Selling or forwarding > Turpentine, Gunpowder, and other combustible mer 'chandtxe, trill be held at Uio Board of Trade Boom*, oh this eveulng, the lath, instant, at seven o’clock, to take some action for their interests, that are so in juriously affected by the late being a bill entitled “An Act to .providQ’for the better se curity of the lives of puaengera on board of vessels propelled in whole or ia pan by steam." All perverts interested are invited to attend. NEW MUSIC! HEW MUSIC t TENNY LANE; • beautiful Ethiopian Bong; as tang tl by the New Orleans Beranadersj Be watchfai and beware; Oht Dinah, take this hand; Tbo Maiden’s Tear, The Kieh Men’s Bride; Woald I were with thee; By ths Sad Sea Wave,' as sung by Jenny Lind in New York; Tbo Bird and the Malden, sung by Jenuy Lind; Take lute, sung by Jenny Lind; Turn not away; a beautifsl daet, by 9. C. Foster; Sleighing Poles; by Starkotb, Jenny Lind Invitation _ Good Luck: lenay at the Gals; latino, and Dod* worth's very best Polka; alto, new Willie* and ex teruito seleetionof Uuittr Preceptors of besttnuterr. H KLEBEB.IOI Third street. rcIS ’ Golden Harp. CO-PAUTHEUBHIP* I HAVE this day ansoriated wits me, James Colvin, lit the Coal, Dry Goods, ana Grocery Business, iu TcmpetaucoVtlle. Tbo basinets hereafter will be conducted under the style ofsmitley A Colvin, who respectfully solicit the potiaudge of their friends in geueral. * JOHN SMITLEY, JAMES COLVIN. N. B —All persons knowing themselves indebted to the lata Aim of Stanley A llay or John smliley, will please make immediate payment to. t»Mt-:d3tAwi*R SMITLEY A COLVIN tbun smirtarl (nxxs count. ■CUTLET * COLVIN, COAL Ucrohanu, and Dealers in Dry Goods. Gro ceries, Iron, and Nail*, corner of Walnut street aud Washington Tnrnpike Road, TemperanccTillo. oelS:dAwly* . Onuid linmbiruid Box Boards. A LARGE tiMnmeot for ulo la loti to nit the pucbue?*, by JOHN A fILOOMKR, Allegheny Planing Hull, Aadcnon rt, AllctflenT city. Pnhcrind Cora Starch* REFINED and prepared eipreuly for Pnddia**, Ctutarda, Cake*, ae. Thu puo tad bctntirol article ii cieecdinjrlr heaithjr, defleioaa. tod economical, tnd when dented map be B»el u a lubiUmtc for, cad la the acme aaa* oer aa And* Boot. jut received and (or tale at 33d Liberty at. br oell WM AMcCLUBQ i CO COCOA jut received for aale br • 0018 WM A McCLURO A CO JAMAICA GINGER-l»» white Race 1 cave froaad do, for Bale br JTOAtftCUWftOO Sacking Cauluisrssaßd Flanuils. A N asvortmantofthe vsTioas colors received by AoelJ MURPHY A BURCHFIELD Fast Colored Prtnis. RyfURPHY A BURCHFIELD invite attention to the iVLehoice lot of American and British Prints, dark and of durable colon, juu received.;. , field SAL. SODA—IS casks English for sale by B A FAHNESTOCK A CO . eolS cor First A Wood am. ANCY SOAPS—Fine English, imported, for sale, by cc!B B A FAnNEbTOCK 4 CO TOOTH BRUSHES—Fine English, assorted sizes and styles, imported and for sale by ,*lO, B A FAHNESTOCK 4CO , OLIVE OlL—Quart* and pint*, In baskets of one and two dozen each, imported, end for sale by , oets b a Fahnestock 4 co PACKED BUTTER—A prime article, for sale by oclS 8 HRIVER* BARNES Flour-50 bris tne Flour, in store and for sale by oclS 9HBIYER4 BARNfS STttAY COW. CAME to the premises of the subscriber, residing >n Collins township, on Monday, the 7lh day of Oc tober, 1950, a small Cow, flecked, brindled and white, about eight vean old, middling short horns The owner Is desired to coins forward, prove property, pay charger, and like her away, otherwise sho will be disposed of according to law. oClg:waf3 ABEL FINDLBY. lOVEUUER BIAGAZIIVSB, AT HOLMES’ LITERARY DEPOT , Third street, opposite tho Post Office. GOOEY'S LADY'S BOOK for NoTember; Graham's Magazino do; Sana-n’s do ■ do;' I.mcli’s Living Age, No 335; Harper’s Monthly Magazine for October, Caluvator lor October; Ilortieultarut lor O'tnbcr, Tbe Iron Matk —Dorns*’ ben work, complete; The tlrpbsn Children; h Isle, b» T. S. Arthur; Adelaide Lindsay; a new novel, by Mrs. Marsh- Old Country Hc.u*e, a new novel, by Mrs Grey; 1 OCI7 ALCOBoL —9 barrels 70 and C3fresh, just rec’d for sale by R U PELLBIIS oe!7 67 Wood «t . ROSE pink-450 lbs English, Just rac'd for sale by ocl7 U B SELLERS CARB. AMMONIA—I cask |u»t ree’ri for sale by * cel? R E SELLERS SWEKT OIL—I pipe just leeetved for s»lo bv ocl7 PINK ROOT—I bale just received for • le by ocl7 ,R E SELLERS DRY PEACHES-lii sacks ibis day rec’d by ocl7 WICK 4 McCANDLESg TOBACCO— 745.pkgsS*s,&’f, lVs, and Ift’sTobacco, ruperior brands, received for rale by QCI7 WICK 4 MeCANDLESS, LMONDg—33 sacks 9 9. Almonds fer sale by . nel? WICK 4 MeCANDLESS CHEE3E— 73 bn Cream Cheese; IV3 brs W. R. Cheese, for sale by QM7 WICK A MeCANDLESS WADDIdiG— White, Black, and extra Glazed, on hand and for sale by • ocl7 WICK 4 MeCANDLESS POT AMI—I 4 casks purr, a superior article for to talling, on hand and for ulr by oc>7 WICK 4 McCANDLF.3S MOULD CANDLES—SObm luperior.forsaJ' by oc-7 WICK 4 MeCANDLESS CIGARS— 133 M commbn, for sale by ori? !W)CK4 McCANDLI3S BUTrFR— 10 kegs for Ulc by o«l7 8 V VON IiDNNIf’BSrACO BKOOMS— 100 do* for sale by _oel7 a F YON OONNHORST 4 CO CIHEE9F lObxs for sole by _ > oe!7 3 V VON BONNHORST 4CO TAB— 190 brls on hand and for ssie by ISAIAH MCKEV4CO ocl7 Water 4 Front *i». • (MIBSTNLTS-3 bags received tor sale by J oct7 . WICK * MaCANDf.FSS JONATHAN KINSEV A J. B. Knox, partners, bav log mads an assignment to me for the benefit of their creditors notice it hereby given to tU persons indebted to said Cm, to rnske uumediste psyment to ’hr uuris «igirtd, to wboqt nlw. tboie hsvtßg olvims •»*utjt them wilt present lUdm for adjiuunem. DAVID OiiKUCE, Anfgnee of Kinsey and KouX, <»r.l7:d-'U &S Fifth street __ Foa BA-LE. THE VV'arebouM on. the corner of Wood and Front streets, recently occupied by Wm, McKee, asm Wholesale tiioeery Ftorv - For terms, apply isU U Ryan, 31 KiAit street—Ryan’s Buildings, where all kinds of. turned materiAls are for tale, and steam power ana ro>>iu< to rent, the machinery being now ia operation tnclT-.dSw) __ H. RYAN. NOTICK IS hereby, vbst the undersigned is tbe legally conititutr.J Aacuoistratr.x of the estate of David tVoolslayer,'-.ste of Peebles township, deceased, tad all person* 'claims against said estate are hereby rvqa**«t'*-t t./ oresent-ihrm forpsymenr.'hnd tndebu d il.riotoerereqaired to make immediate payment to CHARLOTTE WOOLSLAYER, Adm’x Pecptea eovcihip, UK lC.ltiO —«cl7:w3;"8 RDGKWOBTU LADIES’ BEIILSAaY, SEWICKLEY. 7jpHE V'.’tawr Session will eosmenca on Monday, X. the' B. F. HARBORDT, (p*pll of the &m £ IXL tauten.) tale t orff.reßpeMfalh the citlseue i» rp reudcnrc, for the purpatc of iopartiri> insufc the Plum. Ai-p!ie&:lpu«!fftBt fccate, 60Lib-rrtv »t, or at H Kletjx’t Mat will meettvub prorpt atrcnimn. DcnnAars pianos. V Sol* Agency for Dnnham'i Pit HKLLfcF.R tike* in annruncirj , pol.ii-i list he b«» in *e«e vi! Accricy !-j: Paboara** ei’t'beatH Ftsitc fe- tVcsirrn "The Piitan* made *iy Mr Dunham, cf thrl 1 Ft-v Kit *•. Da*hain, < re t/»c well and t>.ror*bld ),1 !ai»n<‘ictl>u:hocd to requite any eotamet,l ■Lsir. suffice It to »a>\ that lor a inrj lime ti: ptaaoa were tnown in ihe Western cranir tho*e of Stedan L Danhaa and Naan* X Clark Mr- tanhwco, 'be practical parlntr of thd fine, her- »pect spwardi cf twenty year* in kl lory of sale firs, as practical manager and duje ike btmncir. Within a year or two Mr Banhi bou ;ia Dot the entire factory and appaneaanetn firm, and continue* to maiiDfaMarc, as before own name. Dunham'* Piano* bare attain* popularity, thalin tome of the western cittea, nati, 4c.,thc7 have »o!d two to onoof ad manufacture. They are djttingmfhed by then and brilliancy of tone, and extraordinary dura N. D—a Urge invoice of the above elegant cow receiving, SIGN OF THE GOLDEN oclti • HEW GOODS I SKW GOODsI JOHN FOHSYTU -wonl* mpecUa’ly rafci Ctutomeri and lie puMie generally, ihstl jo»i received a iaigo and well tolectedai ortj Clo'ift, Casusrrei, ind whirk h make u> order on ihe *h«r;est notice, and in u approved »:yle. J Alio, a general a*roitm*ni ofgoodiin the F 1114 lien, suck at Shirt*, Glnvet, Cravats, Hot all kirdt, &u*p*nder»', &e. The pnblto are iny ead and examine the tioek, wfciae writ be fount to any in iLb city, and at pricet a tail the limi * 0r14j?3! Nodi Market ttreet.nearde? Garanina B«»cli«ilar Gingham! MURPHY A BURCRFIELT> have received ply of neat atyles of real Mtnchettcr Gin; alto, Deatitic Giiighsmsin great variety of pa oeld BOUNTY LANDS. THE ondertignM having been appointed by the Cotnmissionm of Allegheny county to superin* tend and prepare applications for persons claiming Lands under the “Bounty Land Bill,' 1 pawed the 29u» of September, teoo,wi!t give the matter his special attention- ‘Each of the anrviving, or the widow or minor children of deccasen officers, musicians, or privates, who performed military ttnteea in the war af-ISI2, or any of the Indian wars alnee IWo—or in the late war with Mexleo.”«re entitled to lands under this art. All uecemry information will he given by applying at my office. W. O. LESLIE, pclg-d3i _ H 7 Fiftn at., near smithfiald. Boys* Smtlnata. MURPHY A BURCHFIELD have received a lot of bandnuw® Fancv Mixed flatinou!, fot Boys* wem; also. Plaid and Plain Cataunrrea in’ great variety, Merino Coiumern, Kentucky jean»,B!ark Tabby Velvets, Ac.,al uorth east corner of Fourth and Martel streets _ oaid dO'PARTNEttHiiIP. 3HHK undersigned bu‘ associated Jt*ej>U Robb L 'Vii'n him, to carry ou ibe Wholesale and IWuil reccry and Produce liminest, uoder ibe firm ol Black and Robb, we«t side of the Diamond, comer of Diamond Alley. Pittsburgh, ocl&dif * CYRUS BLACK TO LST, A STORK ROOM and DWELLING on St. Clair street, opposite the Exchange Hotel. Possession given immediately. Enquire of R TOWNSEND A CO, 19 Market si. TOBACCO— 16 keg* Gedge's No 1 0 twist, jut rce'd per fieun«r Geneva, and for sale by JAMES DALZKLL, oel6 TU Water at. CASTOU OIL—2O brU Blow's for tale by R K SELLERS, OCie SI Wood EL Monuis A HAWO&VD, TEA DEALERS, cast side of the Diamond, Try our-Tca al COe per lb—Tit really good! oeiS _ ■ WINE A BRANDY of the pure*; kind, satiable for Mcdteini! purposes. at « CD«rU«n S*u Road. ALL the work renaming unfinished on the Cher, tier* Coal Rati Roadwfll be ie*let . _ will be received «t the office ef the Char* tiers Coal Company. until Saturday, the 19th Inst ” Loot wrap w REMINGTON, Manager. Coal Harbor, Ocx-14 —odS-iffit ' _ __ iHSTnccTiow cm tb* Piisb pob» n.EO. W. r.RATNABDwwda tweeimUy Intbna »J the eiuiea* ef Pittsburgh ami Allegheny .city th*t he iti now prepared to receive pnplUon the Kino Forto and Organ. ‘ l g fi Penn street, at the residence of Erh» Richard Edwards F?S'V. P. Marshall, No. S 3 Wood street, or Jfthn H. hTrllor, No. H Wood strret. octtf:dlw XT-OVEMBER MAGAZINES—Godey I * Lidr’ißook it*_ it G raham’* .Mertsine for November art out. 3“7 contain the fall f.thion plate*, and steel en aravings. llhey fcwre all been received at Holmes’ if^^k 7 T^? 01 ’°PP«‘lic the Post Office; also, the Life and Recollections of the latelYabkee HUI, together with mctdcnti of hia travels. qc!s C*. R. hi GLASSES—IO bbW St Louis Sorsr House kJe pmp Molasses, jast ree’d andfor sa'e bv JAP A HUTCHISON A Co HUB, PITCH AND ROSIN-tfO bbt*N C' J. bbls Pitch, 40 do No 1 Rosin, lor sale by , oclM JAMES A irtnrCHISONj EFINED SUGARS—isi} bbU Crewed, \HZ do > Powdered, 40 do Clarified, ia flora and forfifcla by JAS A UUTCtIISONi A Co et!4 A JCE*» Si Lonlt Siena Sugar RtUaery RICE —* prims Rie« for «lo by OCU< : " JAMES A. HUTCHISON' ft Co FEATHERS— i bag! Ky Feather* rcc’d per 9 B Financier. *cd for ralo by - t- OCIU JAMES A HUTCHTSON & Co IACON CABKS-?rCO empty catk« in rood oMer. for t ,tle py . ocil* . JAMES A HUTCHmOfI ft Co WHITK MUSTARD SLED—£OO lbs Genaaa, Jnsl [ r.c’d .ndfor .aleby Tart ame acid—«dh>» ▼eir'wixue.ji undfotMJoby ceil l RE 9R HAIIt GLOVSB, *c, U LAWRENCES HAIR CLOVES, singJc.M Ladies, do do do -do : formal*, do do do ■'.do dduW*- do do do do pkW. do do • Strap* tn Ladle*, do do do for Gent*. : do do do Bath. j do ’ Demidaff Broshes i ■: ‘SB"? 1 «»* for FxmF^oc i t C,_ FIRE PROOF PAINT—On hand all the color* of Akron Fire Proof Paint, wholesale end tetail « No*7and 0 Wood street. octlS Jf) PHItUPS GREEN OIL CLOTH—IOO yards 4-4 Green Oil Cloth, jail received and for gale nt No* -nrd 9 Wood street. _ ocil3 _ H PHILLIPS iTT ACON'COVEROIL CLOTII—ICO yd* Jart rec’ w„.„ a ft, .d. « Kf.7 -■» » • VELVET PILE CARPETS—Received this day at W McCliniock’« Carpet Worebeose, «0.,m Fonr.h street. end 7b Wcofl street. new and super jr style Velvet Carpets, to which we invite the attention of those within* somethinc- rich ard rare, ana as cheep a* can be pore baud in any of theeastarnctfie*. ootl2 : ntHItKE PLY CARPETS—Now reeelviur at Me* J_ Clintock’*, No. S 5 Fonnh wrrtt, and 79 Wood st, rich and new style Ireperia tThre* Ply Carpets, direct from the importer* and willbo •rid at reduced prices. oclW /~IOFFEE—2SO bars prime Rio for s*le by L/ OCU3 J 8 DILWORTH A Co SUGAR— 35 lifcds Prime N O (or sa'e by J S PILWOOTH * Co TAR —CO bbl* N C for sale by ocua J SDILWORTH ACo fIIEAS—IOU hall chest* Y..,11.>G.P.,1mp. and Black, I ,£0 caldy boxes do do do do for sale by octlS J S DILWORTH &Co ' TOBACCO —ton boxes i's. HP*. 1 lb,tn store and for saleby rtCt_ J ft DILWORTH A Co POWDER- 4//0 kegs Martina to arrive^ 4,500 do Deer Ride, in magarlne, 5(0 do Ky do du, i A'» bbls Saf*ty Fnse i)». For sale by petit! J 3 DILWTQRTH ACo LARD-110 keg* Not Lard,Jart received knd for sale by oetW BltW HARRAUGH BACON- 5000 'b* Bacon Slmal'leriT S.OOUlbi r sale by r pen [TARDY, JONE?ACO LAUD— SO ken Ho I. icc'O fnr cnle hy • ' * ogll HARDY, fc CO STRAW ENGINF. FOB SALE, 10| Inch Cylinder 4ffootsurohs. For lerin*, npply V* ocll S F DPNNHaB.VIL>ON CI*AY— Hi casks German, flTrlrirr for AI,V.Ki.L ee it '.uWuwt - RICr' —10 tes priar.tor ssle cell ’ JAMR9 DALZELL ClOuil ANTS—O eases French ittMtre’.t tor sale by oett JAMES DALZKLL ftbore fbe ft'v jeetOrof (it lm ef tin* Inhl* inch Inrin* other »o«?r uiir iann« ARP. 'ItACNNIUUy oil, 75brisrccM for ««!<• by' * 1 OCU JAMES DM.ZELL T ARU OIL—IO Itis landinr. fn- uy ' ■Li CsU ; , J\WF3 BAT,ZELL SEWICKLEY ACADEMY; A CLASSICAL and COMMERCIAL BOARDING f\ SCHOOL FOR ROY- ts mile* torn FUtabargli Rev./o*»nr S. TkinixT, .v. M, The Winter Session will on hTonday- Nov. 4, Sett. Term# —*7s per Senior. oC&month*. Por efreala».'eoqairt! of the Prineipal.‘tflwiekjey Botiota P. ta, Ft,or or Me«ar« John Irwin A Sen*; U Water rtroet, or T. H.JJevia Noiatl Liberty mrwi, l-(tuboiyk> i ■ oelPrdlw -QODa"AS casta gieel’s best, ■rririoc.tnr »»«e Qby L foelQ] . BtiOWN A EIKKPaTKIOK 1 OILS— Deans Oriffuiom, 1 eon Anil, 1 can Cinna mas,! 'can C«rew*v, l can Odar, l eon J.aTrn der, I can Soceini. and 1 can Koremarr Oil. warrant ed pare, received for *mie by R K BELLKR3 OCIQ 57 WoOd »l T' ARD—lOOkepi No l Leal', arriving from.iteaaei JLI Ohio, and far tale by , ociO BROWN A KIRKPATRICK. T\RIED FRUIT—33 tack* new Peaches; j \J iSaaelct now Apple r,‘arrivlrg from steamer Caledonia, and for aalebv oclO BROWN A KIRKPATRICK TRUNK BOARDS—CO bcodlrm snorted, for sale h celt) DROWN A KIRKPATRICK RlCtv— 20 tea fresh beat arr.virif. for aa'e by oelO BROWN A KIRKVATBTCK BOARDING —A few gcutlctuon may obiiim zooi boarding on rea«onabie urnu at Mrsi Mc.Mii tin's, in Colennade Row, near the Old Bridge, Fede ral street, Allegheny city. ocm.dlw .TO LET. * THE dwelling ncme No. f 8 Second airect.betweer Wood and Market meets no * occapictl by tin subscriber. Rent S2CO per annum. Posto»*ibn ylver on the lit of .November next- JOHN II MEIiLOIt octS:tf No. si \Voo4 meet FALL HOSIERY, Alpacca,-' Merino, C»‘b.a*rc, Thibet and- Llama Wool Hosiery. An assort ment received er' I •e»B MURPHY A BUKCIIFiELiyS Bournlng Good*. MOttPIHf 4. BURCHFIELD have received a*u/ ply of goods adapted (nrirournlss vretr, suehea Black tfombaiints, “ Canton Clots*-, . ] ) “ Cotiurtfn uiirt Farmatte*. “ French Merinos sudCeahmete*,' •* Moure do L nines and Mourning Alpaecaa, Mourning Collars, Black Cravali, VaiU. UanukcrchiffcAc- ‘ ocii> Ij'itfc'SM TABLK UU'l v i>.H--lV Legs ami 4 fells, ju ; received end for tale by •: OCW J B CANFIELD ElKsF.Hii bbla lu store and tor Vile by J J CANFIELD t CLOVER BE£l>—B Sbls in store and ior tale by J oct» J » CANFIELD REAM CHLESE—?©O boxes Cream Cnees* jan rccM and for sale by octO J D CANftEU* Bacon —casks ilacoa Sides, a Jo J“mnc Sugar Cured Uims.for ralety OM9 LS WATERMAN *-SONS OTIuEL—A genera] assortment 01 Cast, S&Tar, tier O man. E. 8., and Sprinu Steel, for sale by: oca ■ L. a WATERMAN A PONS NAILS At; PI libs —KS krrs awned. tor sate by OCB L S WATEMMAN&^ON S OUQAB—.’iUhhds prime N. O bugar, ju»t te:c.vo O lortale by BCRURIJHJE A IMilIttAM ecu lid Water street, FLOUIt-So lri» S. P.-Fiovr, ,u»t rend for »*ie 6y o<:8 BUItUKUIOK & tNRHRAM ,» now laoTiu«. lur siUc »y ISAIAH IMCKEV'* CO Water k. Front lit. . SALTPETRE —*0 «&cl oc.* LINSEED OlL—is brlt paw, Ju« rec’U forV&Ti* Irr _or9 JOHN WATT Arp WINDOW^GLASS— 10W"l»x» ai'oried aixeV, itber heart'* manufacture, for »ale by BUHURIDGK& INGHRAM, «gpg , IKWwn vireei. A DMA WHRs—A larjrc a«tcrtmei}fo/i?llk. Woolen, and Conor, Blur.* acj J>rawtr?. 'or ivlr lotrbr (iep«] C _^£aGTH SGsiKRY-A iia«asMrtmem ofiadiea’anilKlld Ka ? conpritln* every yarlety m»t record by licpgfl C YFjknrn WBAI-1-.NO PAPER—SCO u wrapping nation., donblo o-.etioi'lSSn 25 £?;;f.'ir 0 ' * ,crr ,CF ' ti " •nwe.rf® «S 7 • ! v .Cgx ISAIAH DICKEY ICO U lapyi KTiumr t siu. ( b*sTriSsT»uffrek««. \J >»» for tak by JPCanFIELP Sft E^7g?, ‘''“oaNFirlp^ J|ACKaEU-10> btb Bo,ton No by^ f'tflKijßK—«2PQ bit W t - B- JoK ree’J for mTc by \J - OC3.•■■••' ;•. 'JQHWVVATr&CO yn^g^Ks^rcra^ AOTtOO L ai>ott -l' IO J® SMAKEB* eo «| • uWesii: • WHOLESALE _FALL GUODS. A. A. MASON & CO, 04;* 04 KABSKT ST h WOULDeotlelt the anemlan of Merchants Aron all section* dr the country, to ’heir Immense Stock of New'-Fall Ooodt, comprising the largest ana most complete assAstment in the wo stern country j consisting of .3 , 373 eurt*be*t»tylei Prifits; 40 to- Imported and American Gifighsmt; U do Alpdecas, Paramatta*, and MerlßWi 37 do Cashmeres and De Lain*; 45 do Satinet* sad Jeans, V 3 dcti Clotbsand Catalmeres; 70 dd Blotched Muslinr; CO bale* Flannels, all colors; 57 to:' Kelting*, all trades; &0 .do BroWn Muslins. be»t makes. Al»o, eases and packages of Silks,Shawl*. Wane Goods, Millinery to, TatlotV Trimmings, Ribbons, Laces, Hosiery and Glove*. » c- Merchants are assared, from tbs great ftcUicea of this esuhtlslßnent,pr always procuring the latest and most deslrtble good*, and at price* a* low and lower than any eastern house- Being manufacturer*’ agents for large quantities of Domestic Goods, they particu larly iolloit the orders of merchant* for domestics, deliverable in this city at the same price they ars sold at in eastern Cities. Merchants either going or returning from the east, are invited to an exumlnadon of their stock. A A MASON k. 00 oc3:dtm«yfr&wSmS JULES HAUEL’9 SHAVING CREAM—WhereU the man who doc* not appreciate the Ibzui7 of an easy shave t, ITany there be, see do not addiess our selves to him. But ta all others we say, if yon wish to render shaving a pleasure,ptucbnse a box of Juts Basel's Almond Pistachio or Ambrosial Shaving Creams. It Is utterly Impossible to find words to de scribe the refuting* of a person who fin* been used to Stoner with ordinary soap, upon making trial of this for the tint rime. •It is a combination or wonder, *d miration, and pleasure. JULESHaULL’S SHAVING CREAM la exceed ingly emollient; rendering the stiffen and most wiry beard soft apd pliable,ptoduelngaivadoirablo lather, and by its'extremely mild nature allaying all Irrita tion,and preventing thauunpleaseet and stiff feeling of the skin which is so often experienced tiler shav ing. Gentlemen using dales Basel's Shaving Cream may face.the coldest and.most piercing winds lm mediately alter it* use. without the skin becoming chopped.; Andlhote who once use it, we can safely say, will nßyer u>« any-other. One great advantage, which will be especially ap preciated by\tho#e who wear whiskers, is the fa t that it will not discolor tie beard, which most soaps willdo. giving a’sandy or rusty appearance to ms edge or the whiskers. Jules Baud’* Shaving Creams aro delightful preparations, compounded with skill, to the utter exclusion of all ancles escalated io render tlib Operation of shaving unpleasant, and will be epprecisledjby all who make trial of them. Prepared only by ' JULIES HAUEL, Perfumer and Chemist, * | : 130 Chestnut u, PbUa. For sale. Wholesale and retail, oj 0. A. Fahnestock A and B-B Sellers, Pittsburgh; and Johi-Sirpeat and J. Mitchell, Allegheny City. ‘ scp37-3p mEAS—ICOhJ cbem Y. If. Tcm; 1 . S 3 j do ©. P.Tew, I . SO: do Pouchon*. reft 5 * pcreuut.for •i . i JAMES DALZELL i i . ' j TO.WfctCIB! WNBOWtSLASS-500bl»8HO; 110 bx< 10x1?, r-'-i' . -SObxs 10 1 14] pan «xua naT’ ‘“ ,l! **'* “jOUM WAIT > CO nu>VES r «r(.n«w«.6r B £ •; -,i ! , ; S 7 Wood n RRo W KOor—B bx» necived for m 1» b? oeg ;? 1:• • tt E BSLLER9 MAONE^ CAL-P-. bx. 'BEEBHLSO lbs Tory g g 9 g ,^ r L *^|* ;J tl? ,w E a S - s b,u«»^^r ■ticks: 1 care tor sale by RE SECLEBB .« Oolong ft Singyong T*a .6 very beat Black Te*» that are im ibeUrludStau:*. Morri* ft Haworth, , In the Diatncnd.are eelilcj taidTeas; ai die low port of 75c per lb, for cttlu. ..... «cpga r\IC-iiisSA&y Wn k, 1 / and, EngiJicertnc—No »7 ol lhi» areal work baa been received at Holmes’ Literary Depot, Third oppoeite the Poil office. _ _ eeir2o L" INSEBD bill pure, jast rec'd for sale by aepty - , : ; _ J B CANfr‘ifcJ*D Look Shtwlii ,• IN great "saneiy of prle* tnd pauarn.jmt rccuvod at the More of UURPtIY & BXECHFIELD 003 -f "• ' ; LinbTßd OIL—I 9 hrl« pare country oil. iasi rec» for eole by ROBISON, UTTLK t CO pel : ■ • - • -ys Liberty at. BufT Wladtrw Liman. JUBT received at W. MeCUNTOCJTS Corpet Waiptf'oai>e,;No6S Foanb «Ueet,and-?5 Wood at, 4-4Baff WUiJgvrLlaea. . . , oca JBBHY; IaUD. OBOOMs— Cora Breorat for tale by D Ml .WJCK&.AIeCANULESS aARBUTHNOT ii receiving a large auortnert of i fascymnd eitple, variety, and Dry Good*, conaln • 'or la part of Woolen, Thibet, and'C&thioere Shawls dlQr, fccrUfi, Thibet, Kid and Bosl-«kia Glares; Wool; ea and WCrrted Ccinforu; Alpaca*and3J6mb«incr ■Voolen and Canton flannels; Colored'slid Blenched Mpstinsi Gatiineu and Castlmerea) Ribbon* and Laeet; Stiltons and Ccmbt; Threads and Binding*; Utabrcßu-and Drew Bone, fce- AU of drhich, cooMry and’ city merchants ore ra wcifaUy invited to examine, at 118 Wood ft. »cp9S jLarga Supply of Fall * WlaurOoodi. MURPIfY A BURCHFIELD i»Ua ihb sUemion of baycn io their largo itockaf goods odaf'icd oflbcsejion,eon»lsUo«tnp*rtfif— lllk afiid Col'd French Merlnotr, u ' u Coburg* andCososicicj,} Ctirnfeable pfcplin*, •••-■- •'TMajHlksirtiii Tnrtf Satins, •"• UU ai>d Pane? Alpaca*. ; j Sops* J-i.iir 9hawla,Low Price do- SaaJnsg Pier.- i ctn, Wcisa,English. tcd AmcMin Flannel*, while Und cclolcd. iVbcir nock of. SOUSKKEEL’JAG juODi. /such: as -PfceeUngvFfllew’' C**« Mashas, .•’able Pisper*. Towelling, he.. is large, and at low •riec* fonjuality. Ucycis will Gad ilia their tdrea* «rc lorxan ioe their «cdc before ptucboncg—aube wish eiut-comcr of dih ted Mcrtet tlx. oct ’v Iruiputu Wlsdow Ghtdti RECEIVED; this day, atiho Carpet VVojehoase, No3?Fo9rih.»treetood 7D Wood street, a very 4andfoae»'*omaentof Tnaapare&l Window Shade* u reduced print*. foe3] . .W.MeCLINTOCK Vf Sope'iaaeEogllehMajtttrS* iYI lii L*us l Uapoited l and{orsaleby . . oetia & ... : o a Fahnestock aCo STORIUEST. TWO well finished officea in Pon Ofica BoiMinjr*. •TKiT^'dtrecU'' 1 • . j' A lanjf, United room, 3d aiorr; entxince Mar ket nrtet»lcjw«ca ltd ana 4tS itrr e u Also, n;initxJl brick home, In fjit Townibip, near Pennajlainia Atccus. Inquireof OCi7 ” P. DOASZAM, i! :: NO)BI,S«rOAdtL I Pont tnd Tnbnae p)—v9 bbl* avietiy. prune idover V_y Sectl,-in Hire aad for tale by - octa \ 18 WATERMAN A SONS IUIE LjTEFT STYLE—Received tdif tfay, the la- A test ctyie Cirrets, direct fromtne manofactamt. to »bict>-we Invite tbe attention of cu,.»U of wh ch are direct iron the meaiftetßTera, mod wi'l Oo void as low as the aatne quality «*a be purchased eaitor the Mountains, at 75 Fon'rtn street D --y ApparfUM for Clianing fitov* Ftp* f • wtihoat Uklng doirn. TNYENTED by Frederlek Bleircs, «nd made by i . , • BCAIPK* ATKINSON, «8 j Fim bfttwwo Wood A M*rfc«x n»- -lia b«*» priao greea Bio, in twtc tad Jlo anlve, lor u!e by : . . ' * ' L 3 WaTEBUAN fc SONS ' s ■ ■ - ■ 31 Water 4 0* Frctf »t. f I 3 KAa—jW, I'trheci* «a 4 caddieiof Y.Hyaos, to? -ft O- P-, Jin4 Blick Tea*, for sale by ««* 5 •■:• . L 3 >.ATKBatAN*6o:»a ba«» Pepperj O ' s.6ig*Ai*pice,tor *»lebT ----.a . ocd . 1/3 A SONS SSOLK fcEAtIIEB-200 aide* heavy and xmddia j weinJniapiaiahSoleLewbtfr.Xorwooy ocr? ".- j r * WaTKBMaW a SONS pi LaM*—3Wr br* Window Omi assorted, °t city '^"“^W^BHAN^SOr.S Sdllßs oat »* Cast to CI««* BMbmi, 1 LABbEitockoJ’DßY GOODS, tor wfeicft boadt A; moitttgMr jscycreents, jrftwud rtnu, or real “»'■ “"='‘" ap 'o“'anoGC, ■ : oe3: ,f : : 1 -Its Wood «t, PlUabtffgh. t VTtmAow hECEIVEDiU* day, ttiie Carpet Washout, No K M Potmfc tortet and »JVeod atmt, Cord and MdKis»fc-W bu pnm w. fl. Vbeew,toftiie by V J * K.PLOYD WOBtia ChPfi»h EOAttS—3W.WO coamea Ohio, Cor tab by t> art ;. 1 ' ' • JfcftPLOVP ] yiNKGAR-»bil«p«»CiaM Vujft^towlaby 1 cato oa consifiUEent, for tala POWPER-m kejt BlMtlcg Powder, for tala by **-i : : JfcttgLOYtf ai EBRIfiG—IOO bit Sealed Herring, for talc br L oed f _ _ JAttPLnva »AOfr-7B da Twulfft Tew Don, (or ufo by O «1 l i <4RliO»