The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 18, 1850, Image 2
ESTABLISHED IN 178 b. i'UIILISUKD UV white:* co. ». W. jWu*T> ]_ 1.-BllflßT. <imXs cm o?tnsc, iiaks mw* NrtT to °* 70 i mi ro/r omc*. jWiti.. *?£} ptr^im. ; 5’S „ Weekly, in advance) —T*‘V‘ 7°? ' ; r 00. o Clubs, at a icdncea tala-I €8 OV ADVEttTISiaO) agreed ukin PT Tl E PITTfIIICRGH PRESS. (his le, (10lint* orNonpareU or less) mt * iienion- —»» —■»«»*— ——- *10,50 re, each additional insertion- »• 0,25 • D,v • oce yttt—--—1,75 pr». twowtck*- •—— •—~ 3,00 In*. three weeks—— 4,00 Do. one month------—. 5,00 Do. twb nomhs ■■ ■—■ -■■■•—•• 7,00 : Dc. three menus*- «4» 9,00 • i>o. fi-ar month* ■ —■■ —— J. 10,05 .Do. tin nonihi— —i» 12,00 .Do. „ tae've months-*———V-16,M> Standing Card (S line* eric**,) per annum- 10,00 OaeSqucif.ebangraldeaipleasDte (pcrrin nntn) exclusive of the paper-**-* •'• 25^0 For ewb addition*] sqnuic.lnsenrdovcr pac month, ana fox each additional aqnais inserted under the year- price. - Advertisement* exceeding a iipiiirc, coil not over fifteen Hoe*, to be charged oa a tenure and a half Publishers not accountable far irgul advertisement* •eTOTid the umonnt chanced for ihcirpublicmi&n. Announcing candidates for office, to be charged the same aiotbcradvcnsrcuieno. Adveßucacnti not marked on the copy for a speci fied number of insertions, will be continued till forbid, ao4paytcentcrac<eiaccord. . . The privilege $ of yearly advertisers willbe confined nfidly to their regular business, and all other adver tisement# not tj licit regain business, a* agreed (or, to he paid ertra. Ail advertisements for charitable uittitutlona, fire mpanies, ward, township and otherpobllw meetings, nd sack like, to be charged halfprice, payable smelly advance. ( {■larriagt notices to be charged SUcents.’. Death: nstkes inserted without charge, unless accom panied hf funeral invitation* or obltuaiy cilice*, and wben *0 aecoTspanicd to be paid for; 1 Regular advertiser?, and all ethers sending comma* ideations, or rerjoinog notices designed to call atten tion 10 Fair-, Soiree*, Omeens, nr any puUUc enter tmrMneitts, wheru charges ate made for admittance all notice# of piivotc associations—every notice do* signed to call attention to private enterprise* calcula ted or intended 10 promote inJiviitsal interest,can on ly be Inserted with the undemanding that the some Is to hr juid (hr. If intended to bo inserted in the lo cal column, the same wilt bo charged at the rate of not less than 10 cents per lice. Bishop or Fist Notice* 10 be charged triple pace, Tavern License Petitions, 82 each. Legal and Medical advertisements to he charged at fallpnees Ileal Estate Agents’ ar.d Auctioneers’ adTcrttse stents not to be elaest-d under yearly rates, but to he Allowed 'discount of thirty ilree and one thir Jper tent, from tt.e ac.oant of hills. wxsu.s ob Tti*wscu.t ui tau.T ratsas, Or.e Square, three lai»rtions-,*“—:”-81 50 80. each additional insertion*». -37 AEviSTßEstnro fit wixtvT ran*. ©n«r*uare,.(lo Utter,) one ‘naertion—- so cu. Dj. each additional insertion*—-25 M Ail transient advertisements io be paid in advance. WHITE fc CO, Gazetto. l„ HARPER. Fo»t ROB'T M. RIDDLE, doom*!. P. BARR A CO., Ohroaiot*. FOSTER A BROTHER, Dispatch. JOS. SNOWDEN, Mercury. JAMES W. BIDDLE, American. HIRAM KAINE, Evening Tnbynt. Deo. 1, IM9. CARPS. JOHN A PAilUCl.laOa, ALDEBHATJ, Fifth WsrJ, l’cr.a *ueti, between O’lUre &it«l Wrthill. All biuinest prdiQplJy *l- - l•nJe4ty. : AIiKIASDKitai.WATSUH, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office, on V'oimk street above Wood. J DAVIDC.TDtTLK, ; ATTORNEY AT law, and Oominiaionar for Pennsylvania, Si. L«*ul», Mo. ' • All communications promptly answered ■ oct»-lT ' • jaqrs v, KKua, : Attorney at law—office oa roatit street, between Ssmh&sld and Grant, Tlusbnrjh. IpILMY . ; ! JOHN H. ItASKIN, ATTORNEY and Counsellor at Law, and Commis sioner for the State of l’cansytvaiila, Sl Lota*; Wo-, (late of Piiiaboreb.r References—Piucbsrch: Hon. \V. Forward, Hamp ton A Miller, M'Rana!e*B A McClcic, John |\- Parke, 3 is* ells A Semple, McCord A King. auglt-ly <: BIDWELL CO., ; rORWARDISQ KEBOQAN TS, Giatgme, Po. (tfsw A’j Perry Port Of.ce.) Having permanently located at this place, a new and sabtUßtia) Wharf Boat, we are prepared to re ceive and forward promptly to all points on the river, and Send? and lleaver or Ohio Canals. 0 A Co. Ulajgow, Jane 1J leltl wn< r»,nt»v.......... —ronjt t-cosonxvß. w.IX. woonwatm.- •* —■ ■aauit eacaict. BAGALEY, WOODWARD A CO, Wholesale Oro cert. No tgl Market at, Philadelphia. ’ nr>4 ; Pltubnrcb Alkali Worlu< Bennett, berb y &co, Manufasturtrs of sod* Ask Bleaching Powder*, blutiaiie and Sulphuric Acids, iwarehoure No —, Wacr street,below Ferry. novSP-lr Frederick Brian. t;eorcc Reiter. BEAtIN 4 REITER, Wholesale and Recul Dm?- ri*W, corner of Libcrr? aad St Clair rmc&Pa. ; i'll A. McAMJLTV 4 CO, Forwardmi; and Con' V/, mi»»loa Merchant*, Canal Uasin, r<u*>-ursa, Fa. ' ' mr -' H. GRANT, Wbolt*ult lirocrr,*won *n4 » Forwarding McTCiiani, Iso. 4i Water 11., ritn» tanth. - • IrmHemrr- Andrew rieinmc R- K Fiermug nttttSßY, PLCMIfIfO * CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS—For the ealc of Do neitic.'Voolcn. and Codon Good*r »Nt», ocatcrcin ail kinds of Tailors'Triratnins*. Noli? Weed it, V.h door from Fifth, Pitubarch. • _ : Reference —Mcsara. ox. A. lUU A Co, Bankers. ' jantti - ’ sxi _ ». BilKsT] L' WM *- IXrIX BAUID ft IRViS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS tud Bill Brokfif, No 1M Second nrcfrV Pitlgbrsfgh. i aag? Tyy. n. IJlHft I ■ »S.TXCTf. English a bennett, cuts En?iuh, Gaiuepcr P Co.) Wholesale Grocery Coramu'non and For* warding Merchant*, and defers La Produce awJPitu kurgn Manafaetnret, No. 3? Wood «u. bttwedn iti and glitrten. ; . oe ». ■ Wairil. JnUNhfoN, n ■OORWARDfNO A COMMISSION MERCHANT J* No.liu Second it, Fluihargh. . mrgt . *OHXI TV. roTTQCXTCE) • • tWAITfI C. UTUW»r»:i R. W. POINDBXTICU * CO-» GENEKAE COMMISSION and Mcr ekants and Flout PuaJcre, No T.C Market *:rcel, Ftdliddptia. J >'-V fIBALDy BWSKWOR A CO TOBACCU CUfiMISSIfIH &ERCIURTS. No. 41 North Water Sued* No. A/J. Bcntsot > 1 mUAOU>WIU S l-UilaJ’e. J). C. McCa«*om. 1 J. i. WiKNU { i ,a * H' LKtiliflcccsjor 10 M«rpnr ft l.rc,) Wool I>e*i . '«r and Comim*'io» Metcnant, for tk* lala c Anietiema Wo;!fn», lAbmr, oppo-'.te 5U> «t ' febl7 • A.'iotwr. :<•:«««»•, TTAUDV, JONES k Co., {uicecMon to Atwood, H /onea k Co.} Cciauiiuwa •»«! Forwardlrif’Her- JhZnii, dealer*.ta Pitubarjh Min«factuie.t flood!, pnabargN P« • L JPS h r— W. P. OAliSliALk, (aVCCSXSOk TO »*XTCLt C. !Uli»> J TMPORTKR «t Denleriti French and American P*- X pef-.Uatigwjr* and BorJerr, Window 9hadc», Fire bontA Frini*. Ac. Al*o— Writing,-Pnntinsmui Wrap* etar Paper, No. t)7 Woodatrett.betweenJ-ourth ureei end Diamond alley, wc»L aide, Pitiabilrgb, P*/ fet>l3 ‘ pgxTsßi'aari glass worms* -'•-OIIN AGNKW.lulisof the firm of Chamber*, Ag jj new A Co, would icepecifullf inform the old <■“' .Hr p.u» B«"r,.llT, art ta wM .«}-«; linnets carry o« the Omen t»lni* buu&c**, In all in vaneiie*,*nd »• prepared iv CU all otitn for Apoil.e- JKfrt al,»r.rt., V.JIf Market aircet, l-«lween Full k frccon 1 ««■__i JOAN P.MOU»A'X, WbolcjalTpf *»?*««, •»?««*■* etin Bye Staff*, Paints, Bill. Va»ru«l»tf». Av. No- Wood aueel, one door South ot Diamond Alley pituDurgh. ; i—-V— - tJ Merchant, arid dealer in Proffu'tf and J Jilanafacturoa. Nofll Water »t, I uuturgb. .. r.r.tM t,«cr»i io««i« latUJi, irf, r«AIAH h Co., Wholenie Groeet* Cora* «d dealer, ia !■«*«», Wsfl Water. and 107 Front etrocta. Fituburgh. . nortf • ■ ■ • '" 1 1 " 1 I tlltiorkrth* / a IlitwArtb - - * < »■ 'iJlCph IIuWOTUI* x & PII.WOHTII * CO-, J. !A*euu(oi lltxfttd Powder Co., Fittiborsh- __ _ . « yTißn^jn‘OWNaENJsTl)ni*l litMd ftMfcMMy J“ifeuitekcl“£SeWil«T. TUrf «.£«» i crK |i. W ill base eonilamly cubaod e well •cltcied M lorSeMorUie bcjietid lir.*irM Medie|oH, vtlch h* wTU *cll on ih» wo‘‘t teisocible tenui. Konciiu jlSli onirrf.wUl Ire proudly wended u>, »nd «up* ■Ledwiih *nicle» Uiey m*y relF open u feuwne. * Prs«npUon» will be accurately tnd >t yiy prepared fron it»e WitioatonaU, it any hearof •u" •■•=« »< f'«“ «* ft? m * f 2‘ K| d ' - r lUcbaid FluyJ. JJotn»Djaj w? . | fl Gtai . ef Conunnsiai. *nl Deilua in Fr.».iorc, Kvtm> LtoiS <■»»“« Bo °li,T Kirth meet** »*«ml»6rg '* * ** —— .. r**ni;uHV. Areni fiif itii l.iio 1-Jic »n o LLM tVurfiver ini ite Lrte.Miicd and StniihflrM «» I*" 1 »trfclUt'Z)N 4- C*).—Saccc»M)r« 1 AXETfaJi™ A g Co. C*«nm.»‘ieA M«relui.rt» toirßgffitesst .‘sr^sarfisif. ■-P g g- T 'H. tSd^Yoletkle Jj I, Jtl and dealer to We***™ B i*iAilacc f chcmJlj.;’ Water w-a. _ inip if^ o9 end a. c. BTOcait IJ ATEJobGil«i*' Sl “*V ,o, '. C £? THE TITTSBIU BUSINESS CARDS. Pittsburgh City GlMs Works. W.CtJSKISanAMkCO., \jTANUFACTTRERS of window glass. N'o 2S Market street, between First and Second, Pittsburgh. Pa. nyParticnUr attention paid ts odd sites. Also, Daslerj In FUNT GLASS, VIALS, BOTTLES, Ac. w. cnairmoKiK, a. trowcm, n. ctnmsotUM, plnnest*, Win. Miller, I'liilaJ. ' C. W. KlcWeUoo, Ptuiborgh. \ FILLERfc ItICKETSON, Wholesale Grocers, and iVi Importers of Brendie*. Wines and Srg&r*, No*. 174 end 174, comer of Liberty end Irwin street*, FUU* burin, Fa. Iron, Nails, Cotton Yam*, ite. kc., eon* stmtty on hand. . *r>4 John M ‘OiU. J amp* U. Mhiill. Walter C. Roe- McGILLS K ROEt'WholesaleGrocer*and Commis sion Merchants, No IU4 Liberty St, Pittsburgh ap4 * Pft'XiSUJUjI! St£feTT“WOHKa ANDSPRINa AND AXLE FACTORY. axis Joitu, JORfiB * 4UIGO, Manufacturers of «imn*- md.Mmcr mei, plough »iiel, *wel plough wing*, coach toil clip iicsr>nngs r feanuacrcd lion axles, and dEalert in mil (cable cogino lamp?, and coach trimming* pnerolly, comer ofßos* and Front *t#^'Piu.«»iurgh t J. ft J. TMdoi, CommUllon Hcrehuiti. "VTO. 310!d Leree *l, N Orlenna, keep constantly on XI hand alargt assortment of Brandies of the follow* in? brands, which they offer far tale as agents for J. Darand 4. Co, Bordeaux, vn; Maxtor?, J. Eraud, J Du* rand ft Co,Lnrocl>eslc,J J Durand, Cognac, A deM w lezun, A L Bletiilr, A de Mondore, Jean Louie. Ac., Ac; also, Anchor Bordeaux Red tind White Wines io casks and cases, selected with care by John Dotand &*Co; besides Chanpagne Wine ana Sweet Burgundy Port. feb7-ly* N HOLMES ft SON, No U Market at lfcouddoor * from corner of Fourth, dealers m Foreign and Domestic BtUa of Exchange, Certificates of Deposit, Bank Notes and Speda. QT'OoleleUons made on all the principal cities broughoat the United Srncs. . api LlthdgrapKio ICitabUiluntut OF W3I. SCKUCHMaNN, Third it, opposite tho Pom-Off,re, Pittslrorgh.—Maps, Landscapes, Mil* beads, Showbillr, Labels, Archiioctiiral and alachino -Drawing*, Burincts and Vuuing Cards, ftc.enrTnvcd or drat* n on stone,and printed in colon, (told, Uroiue or Black, in the most approved style, and at the moat rtawmsblc price*. ocit&ly R QlHft'ON. LiTTLi; *. CO.. N o MSLiberty *ireet j Puuturjh- WholeoJe Groceut Produce un4 Cawmisriou Mcrcksau*, and dealer* in Puuburjrli frl&unfeu uccs. apl7 »o&t, tno*. irrrLtt. *i3tL. b. eobCTnj*. , EUBERT MOORE, WUolciale Grocer, Rectifying Di<uller. dealerlli Prodene, PiOsbatrh Manufac ture#, *n l all kind* of Foreign amt Dameitis Wine* and Li<|uor*,No. 11 Liberty vircei.' On hand a very largo stock of runerlbr old MoQonguhtlt w&Ukcy, which .'<*•111 be told low fori'»h- myt i. o. xcmouis. l. u ante. EE VNOLDS & SIIEK. Forwarding and Commit' aion Merchants, for the Allegneny River Trade, uealcr# in Groeeriet, Produce Pittsburgh, Maaufae in ret, and Chloride of Lime. The highest price, in cath, paid at all time* for country rag*. Come* Pena nnd 1 rwin »t«. tpH RGUEKTI>ALZELI. A Grocers. Cotnnuuuon Merchant*, dealert in produce and Pittsburgh Manufacture*, Liberty street, Piitabßr/h, Pa. aplfl R. A* CUSNIBOIIAJII, WUOLESALE GROCER, Produce. Forwarding, amt Commission Merchant, and Dealer in Pm* burgh Manufactures, No Ihit* Liberty street, Puiiharrk, p* ; iTI ■. c. ktiiciLxrt. tuu*. b. wHivr SIJACKLETT A WfllTß, Wfcoleimlc Defers la l-'oreign uid Dotaettk* Dry No. tt# Wood •treeu Pl;ialuuirh. aptT Si \V HAKUAUiiH, Wool MenSaM*. Dc*!en iu Flour ua>t DroUui'ognu rally, «nj Forfcfertliur tnil CoamiMioa Wertbanu, Hi Fim meet *na UP Sfg&:td_gltP'»t. rintbar/h. ap!7 r. isllxu. nmscßuk. joji.i n:roL*, maiilh'xT. SELLHKB A NJOOI.B, Froflucceo J General Com million Merchants, No. i« Liberty stresi.l’nw- Sperm, LTfi<et>iJ wJ Lord Oils. *r-J-SF SF VON UOXNUOHUT X CO, Wholesale tiro* • cert, Forwarding tad Conmitsion .Mercliiau. Dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactures and Wetiera Produce, bare removed to ihetr sawwareboiue, (old stood.) No. M, corner ol Front street and Ctuneery Lane. apt; SIOfIHXS Jt HAWORTH, TEA AND WINE MERCHANTS, Diamond, Piililurgh. apis XL F. IH-JViJt l au StlttlVEU t BAIUfKfi, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Produce laid Comini-t.nvn A/iTcAtcruU, An 4 duller* in PitubsTgb MBnctietared Article*, Kot. 130 and 13ft Second atr««t, fcetwcca Wood & gmiihfield. Pittsburgh llOin VTOAiS JORS WATT A CO., WHOLESALE Grocers, Commission Merchants, and oealersin Produce and Pittsburgh Mann* facta re*, - .'f6 Libertyjst ,Pin«baTKb, Pa. sepia FLOUB— Tt» brl» choice Family; thv brfa SoperSne; r»3 bri« Pine, arriving, and for sale by ccplS ; D(U>W.\ a KIRXPATRICK DAISD ftISVI!) ' * WOULD inform the public, they hare taken the warehouse formerly occupied by the late Mr Salomon Schoycr, lid becond t-treeL Having a large ar.d commodious warehouse, they would iavitc the: uttrntinn nf nersoas having good* to consign or store. They will also give attention to the purchase and sate; of Note*. Draft*. Ponds, he. *«g* L.B. Waterman- -R. N. Waterman- • W.B- Waterman* L. 8. WAT Kim AIS A SOUS, WHOLESALE GROCERY, Commluion and For* warJiin: "Icrelianls; dealer* in all ti*ii*o< Pin* ducc & M&nuiuctured Article.* n»4 Aceau (or tils at Richmond an<l ki»oui*cmrc<i Tctasso. n-.rt \VAL TIMULIN, ATTORItfKY A'* 1 LAW, iiiifir, Fa rrr-jLI i also attend to cr.ileciioni and all ctber but* YY c«i entraned to bmia UstTer and Ansurcnj eouctlca, Pa. Refer to j.fcH Floyd. Litenr «t* \ W. \V. Wallace, do I James Marshall Jo jPiusbasgb. dly Ktv A Co, Wood »L I jan7__ JOOH ObFADKII * CO., FORWARDING A COMMISSION MERCHANTS, • Costal Basin. Penn street, Pittsburgh. mrC JAUBS a. DAVIS * CO., « PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS, N 0.227 Market, uid 51 Commerce sL, Philadelphia- Advance* mode, by either of the above. oa eoiwipn n»n» of Prodace to ciiln '* “ I>. Wiliams Join J. &>. WILLIAMS A CO., [TTTJOLKSALE A RETAIL FAMILY'GROCERS. \y Forwarding and OornEii*loo Merchant*, and dealers in Conntfw Prndnee and Pmaborpb Monnfae wre«, corner of Wood and Fifth street*, Piiubnrj L. mr.TJ .. Wra. 11. Williams— <• **• MeVay- U'W. U. WILLUMH *■ CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, North East comer of Wood and Third streeia, j an l Pimacactt. F*. wa. aioaiaf,' Jo"" •- CWOC4V*. wn< yr H Wi»OOWxBJJ. a»tPlt BaflabST. W.M. UaGAGHY A CO.. Wholesale Grocers; 13 andgQ Wood altcci, Fm»hutth. 7 _ JUBft ». WlC*, L'XVID ■ CSJIDIM. WICK A M'CANDLESS, (successor* to L & J. I*. Wlek,) Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding «Dd Comraixsioa Merchant*; dealer* in Iron. Nail*, Glass, Cotton Yarns, and Piu»buigh Manufactured genera,, ly, comer of Wood and Water streets, Pittsburgh^ WA M.'MITOHELTKEE, W1.01«..1e Uroceß. • Rectifying Distiller*, and Wine and I.tq«»or Merchants. Ai«o—lmponere of Soda Ash and uieaet* injr Powder, No. lUO Liberty street, (opposlto Sixth street,) Pittsburgh. _*l>P . \l7~VvrwiLßbN,, Jewelry.SHver Wars W . and Military Goods, corner of Market anil FoorJi streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. B.—Watches nrul Clocks carefully repaired. apt/_ wju tours. ~ OJ , n *• »’«?“■ rrrM. YOUNG A Desjers in Leather, Hides, W Ap.‘, 141) J.iberiT street 'w«. s.'ctTcncow. bust, si'ccrcuson. W r AR. McCUTCHriON, Wholesale Groccri. • dealers In Produce, Iron, Nalls, Glass, and Piusbsrsrn Manufaetars generally, liberty streei. - pit M-nigh. I*lll -- pAtCtn t£us hip. IHAVF. taken WM. CARR into partnership with tno in my bu-iners, which will from this date bs canied on under the name of “John Parker * Co. ’ March Ist, IeMI, JOUN PARhtR John Parker i ....William Carr. JOUN PAbKVRACO., Grocers, Beaters in Prodat** rertign 1 Finer, Liquors, Old Monongahela and Reetifitd 1 Hurley. No. 5. Commercial Row, Liberty street, n rBU - Pluthurgh. P rAi.nsß. lositcA Haim" wa. c- u*a PALSURi IIAHNA A CO., (Successors to Hussey, Hanna A Co.) BANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealers in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Cdrtificutes of BcpotUe, Bunk Notes, and Specie—Noxib west corner of Wood and Third streets. Ourrent money received oa deposite.—Sight Cheeks tor i*le. and collections made on nearly all the principal points for Foreign and Amsrlesn made oncooslgrunetils of Proddcs, atiip ped East, on liberal terms. ttt>J j luvo.a.Bou* XVn. A. M'Ctl'BO * co.. OR.OCEKS AND TEA DEALERS, jy^2s6 Liberty sttiri, at-orc Wou,i t ilhVB klwuvi Oft band alarso afaottnicni of Chon-* Qrier«?Md Fine Tea«i eljo, Foreign *n4 Noli, Wbolctiie md Reu.i. Dealer* «npphW on U»e lowi*m term* j ~ - • iTaOIiS QLAOS WOBKB* JOSEPH D. ABELL, A/TANUFACTURFR OF GREEN SEsss-S? i is operation bolb «ummer ace winter. I Order* retpecifiilly loliriied. and Wlli bo on 11= r*:°ni HlMtj bemriWool and BoHhfcoid *I«. Pmanargb. JypB.niy_ ——: P- SB RIVER awl CHAS. BARN£3 kartv dii* day **wc**'ed ibemtclte* whether, widertbu jq of Bbrtrer iA Barnet, for Hie trenSbeudn ftfito Wholetalo Grocery. Produce, and CoaaUuipn fca*L nerval No J»:A IM Second »u«t, betnrae* Wood and fiaitkfield. v i .■' r Pitabantfr; Amrtttf LIBSO. —aarft •••»-. > wool-* WOOL!*! ; | rete,;asggi,Vt?..h. BC^ aßsE =®? I S|SK DESnLLER, FT A tNDtR, c»r/^rof fb, ft. |J3W^ MISCELLANEOI’ WILKIBB BALL* FOURTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, RA. f|IHIS msgm¢ establishment being now cos* J. iilcted and ready for business,the proprietor would respectfully solicit a shsrc-of the public patronage He uusta by giving his full attention to the baimeis, to make the house n pleasant and comfortable resort for the citizens of Pittsburgh and for the country generally. Good attendants Will be in waiting, and every ex ertion made to render the establishment worthy the countenance and sunportof an Intelligent community. The TWO SPACIOUS HALLS, fitted for Parties. Concerts, Lectures, Hall*, and public meetings, will be let by the evening or week, on as liberal lemuas •ny other In the city 11m BAR and RESTAURANT, equal in atyle and to any in the world, will be kept tarnished with Pare Wines, Choice Linuors, Cordiah, Potters, Alas and all the cool,light, refreahmentsof the seaacxf . Poultry, Game, Fish, Soup, Oysters, and Clams, served up In .he best style. The DINING and ICECREAM SALOON,being on the first floor, and easy of access, will be constantly supplied with all the Luxuries aijd Delicacies of l “ c reason; and also, with such substantial* as the market* a third. loan t. ««tau. Boarding by the day, wesk, or year. Pinners or Buppet* for Individuals or parties, furnished on short notice Gentlemen with their families, visiting the city can, be supplied with refreshment* of all kinds at any boar of the day. .... v Good and an extensive LiTery L*tabli»n raeiil is connected with the Hail Dinner ut 1 o’clock. Breakfast and Tea at the usual hours. ... Entrance for Ladie* to tne Ice Cream and Dining Saloon, No 67 Sruiihlield «trect. K- 11. VAN RftNPSELAhU_ a. wsrrxavaiT, SB.] Waimvii-T, i» A- WESTERVEUT & SON* TXTIXL KNOWN VENITIAN BLIND MAKERS. Vs keen constantly un hand or make to order the kTj* nrlicle in their fine, at their old stand, No. I I St. Ctair street; also, ut No.sW Market meet, mcorn! story, entrance in urn Diamond. Vemtian Shutter* made to order, and old blind* oeuily repaired. uplO WiAJ.OLEKNi Book Binders. WE are Util engaged in ihe above buMori-*, comet of Wood and Third streets, PiUsburßh, where we arc prepared to do any work in our line with des patch. We attend to our work personally, and satis faction will be giveu inregardtoits neatness and do tabiluy. 1 , . . . . Slant. Books ruled toanypaiieni and bound «Üb stantiallT. Books i:t numbers or old books bound care fully or repaired. Names put on book* in gill Tliotc that have w»rk In our lino are invited u» call. price* low mr»tf Paisa flachlaeßtaapi HWJGHTMaN— Mantfecturar of all kinds of eat • ton and woollen machinery. Allegheny city, r« The above works being now in lull and saceewfal sy eration, I am prepared to exeeste orders with “dispatch for all kinds of utachiuery may line, each ns willow*, picker*, spreaders, cards, grinding mishine.*, ran way’, drawing frame*, speeder*, ihtastiW, loom, woolen curds,double orsingle.for raercftantoi country work, mules, jacks. and hamllathr»artd tool* In gen eral. All kinds of snaOiug made I<* orde* rt plans giv* • n for rearing laelOnes or mills at re*«onrbic rhureie. Rarxu to— Kennedy, Child* * Co , Rluckstoek, Iren A (V , Kins. lUnoft-t A i!» ,J»« A «»rav_ ' BENNETT h. BROTHER, QUKKSSWAHEMA.NUFACTUUERS, Birmingham,la*ar Pltt»burcb,l Pa. Op.ce, No, .37 ll'i tiff ji,* toma Marin and ll'ocaf, PtUlSurgk, keep ou band a roo<la>*oft* g&/n*r>i ol War*; of out owo mmauiaeiOTC.anJ Kgfll luperiorqualiiy. Wbolc**le amicoaairj Mei «■»' chani* arc respectfully amisd'io callandcx imin< for ihcmeelTea. *a w« ara dcicrminrd 10 cheaper :ban hat atar before tecs offered Jo it# pat- lie. fjj-OrJere ••!« bp mail.accompanied tf Jb« e«ab.o» ood rafereiire, will be promptly mended to. mi* NKW COACH FACTOHYi aLnauuiM MA. WlHTiifc C«*.. wsulii retperUbUy infora • Ike public that ihry l*u*c erected atUopou Lacoi-k, between ftUerai ar-J SanJuthy nice;*. I h'-'f are now rftakiug anil •»«• prepared u> receive otdi-r* int every descripiiou of velurle*, t’osohe*, Cuanot t. u«- roucte-*, BuKKiea, PUnnim*. &■<•., Ao . wb.. b frou* tUif lour rkT’rnriire in tl«r wuraie.aureof live nbose wni«. t an.rtlin theT »«vlcPufi.!rmUiey «» enabled to Jo woft d:i U.c *io»j rrarooibtu iciwa n»Lb inosewnnime article* n> tli*<r line. l*«Tia* partirolar atieni.uij Jo the ecleeium of m*ie* imli, utd bavin* none l.m compeirnt woiki&en, ti er bavp no Keaitiviion in w*n«juns their work '»« therefore isk the auenliun of the public to this tnatier N. B. Rrpaau-jj dor.* in ibe be-n nanner, and on the inc.M tpaenmtfc jennv liiSktf W*. ». fT*l7*. iAJTO *«aiM. . SOAIPK * ATUIHSOS* Bsnr«s!i Wo»a iw Masxst, f (■WfiTlNlifc io n>*nofac:ar*oil kind* of COrrr-K, J TIN AM) SUEUr WON WAJIE. Alio, Bl»rk titl | umb Work. tfiesci UostJ built U* <»t4cj CKKLI IM VJIUJS Special aiteuuoa kiv4*u (*> ate am Wat wort. llsvc oa hand. a fine iwronae at of Copper and iirasi Kellie*, Tin Ware, A«v Ac. Steamboat Cocking Stove*. Portable Forge*, vanoa* »Uet—a very coovenieni w ucle for neambo»u, California emigrant*, or rail rraa companies. . \ve weald respectfully invite «uun boat men and other* to; ettti and «ee oar articles and price* beLr* purchasing el fewhere. \Vrottßbt uti Cut troa Hailing. TIIE roh'cribrr* be* leave to Inform th* pabUe th« l they have ohtaiuru front the fhil ail th« l* ,£ *-*J fufcionsble design* for Iron Ratling, both for bom-!* aca cemetcr-ct Perron* wishing uipr.vure har-J -soroa pain ms will pica-** call and exanir.r. anJ fotlhrra-eNe* llaiiun: will be furairbr.t at tar ihr-n -e'M nonet, a;-.J ui the ten manner. at the corner V Orate and Rebecca iUvco, Allegheny e.ty I iifiMtl A. L.tliONv & hNOI WILUAM DIODY BEDS leare to inform hi* friend* and rarioincr* tha hr i* luit irfff ivUifi hi-* tcw«pnr.« . *to«:J of li«od» rr>n)[>ri«ic? as untnl, «H ine ne*<?*‘ and tni»*i fashion aloe kivtr'oi Cto:h r - CmMiecre*. f*nry*. c-i -ion unit J»r.«rn «uairr*r itiiT* iretf cv;rv acuslc milau* t«r w< Jt tnr J'l'l *:iJO«ii. ; I, b-i*>y impo**lbte 10 dr re iite the t-c am,, ijii/iluy or >;■!•!'< iy 01 the stock. the proprietor hopes *ll who arc m warn of (rood, cheap, faxhtonatiie, end we't made clone*, wilt five him • call, a* there n no *tock thi* *idc of the Alleghenies that ran compare with 11 The ready made department l* rerycxteaaive, adap ted to all tatter • Ball ro«J contractor*, country merchant*, and Ml who purchase largely. are portiealarly rented toei amine the mock before jmrrnachfj. 11 pasuralir m tenttoa is paid to the wfcok-rale bdnue** in Our e»iao* il«hmcat. .. . • Ereiy article to the tailoring l«e made to ors«-r in the taoiltaihionable and bc»t maaner, at tLa •botim .• npIlE partncrfhip heretofore cintmr under the firm I of A 4 C UfiAULF.Y,Ix di?*olv.*d by the decease oiMr. C Bradley. The boamhaa will be c*rned*on by A Bradley, who will ietlle the btutnea* ot the late ABiaulki hairemrreed hi* Foundry Warehouse from No US Second erect,ttrNo til Wood street., between Fl»»t aud Second *ireet*, to th* ware- Uouie lately occupied by (« A Derry, where he will keep etmi’.antSy cm hand a general axxoruneiUof CaM mu*. Urate*, Stores Cookirg Stores, Ac. jy!3 BA-OIPKIj lUcBKLVY, MANUFACTURER OK OAST S’J*KKL,anJ lio 1 and No. < American fibster Steel. 'Al.o -UcM Ca*t Fieel File*, of all hw; aud l»lack«suib »nJM<-e Baipa, alwajaon hand anil for ••!*», niber at his "h*- ele Steel Work*,” O’Hara -ireet. Fifth Ward, or at lb* office in Ure iron Store of UiILI<JMN!I 4 (> Altltl- SON, No 4. fool of Wood atreat, Eituborgh. mrJy-dlra OIRCtLAtL We, the uader*ifned, having o*ed, with entire *ni . w/atuou, llio I'm Steel un i F.ic* made by Samuel McKelvy. at hi* Eagle Sleet Works ui thi» ntr, lake m recommending thrrn a» < tfual In iiDthty to any everuwd by u»,of fureicii a»anuia<Mure. KUUburgh, March IS, l*r» _ _ blill SIIOKNBRItOKR * CO, Maonfucuirrt* of Irun ami Nails Futrbo'gti. Ha. KNAI'FA wrrKN, Iron Founder* and Machinists Hunhureb. Ha. COLEMAN MAILMAN A Cu, Manufacturer* of Spring*, Axles, Spring Strrl and llivet*, HiuHiurch, Ha. F A W*M FABKK, Engine Builder* and Maehinc Cord Manufnctn -6 rer«, Pittsburgh. Ha. a pultun. Brans Founder. l’.u»hurgh, Ha IiKAFF, LINDSAY A CO, Marble Manufarturer, Machine and Famine BuuJ n(vj «r. Hitubarsh. Ha Piaaolmtlotk of Partnership. THE I’arineWhip heretomre existing between the kub*ciil>era, under the brut of Chamber*, Aifncw 4 Co., tilai-ft Manufaciurrra. w»» di*»olved by mutual coutent, on the ftr»l day of July, instant. All |»er*on» knowing tticotwlvcfl indebted to old firm ara ret|ae*t cd to make payment lo tither of the nerUc*. without delay, and all perron* Luring unicttlon aecount* Wilh taid arm. aro inrltcd t<» prerent them for *eUlem&M i»mcdiatsiy. ACEXaNDEB CHAMUEHS, JOHN AONMW, jyiadCrn 1». II CHAMBERS. THE owner* and con>igi*ec* of good. arming by tha “rn.ieiu 1 I’oUkblc Uoat Line,*’ wtli plecu * Uio notice lliat they will l* retimed to pay fre-gl at oar warehouse, oenindiiig to tha receipt, bemi l]>e Mods arc renioatid. C A BIeANULTt A Ci) 'Willing, ui«. DiMmon*—Put the clothe* into cold water and Irt diem *omk oaer night. In lae morning wiinjibcm ÜBl an 4 r , u t item wo a ketl.e of water, to wkich tild the proportion of one pint of duid jo eight R*Uon» of water - »ut n «P and boil the whole twenty HiU.uicr The clothe* ra*y then be wrung cat and well tinted In clear cold wnler. The part* of g&i mentsthat msT be uio*i »ntlcd, *neh a* wtt*tbs«iis and collar* of abitu. uiuy bo »lißhllv tubbed befote ringing, and ilie rlolbe* will be tcond pcrlrcuy clean, white and clem Warranted not to injure the until fabric and to fi«o perfect ••UafacUon, or the money will be icfundcrt. Boid wholciale and rcuil by B E RFJ.lil RS aenlO W Wood rt ‘---iib Cleveland, Warron Mil Plttabari TcUcrapli Company. TN panoance of a icwlb(u>r of tho Hoard of Dlrec I iota of the CleTeltnJ, Warren and Pittsburgh Telegraph Company, reeuctUnff the Secretary tanaae out and caaae U> be pnbuihedln the newfpopei* along tbe line, an e tidbit of the financial and other adiuri «.l Ihl* company. 1 aabmit the following Report:— The line of Telegrapb coinmcncei at Clordaod an J terminate* at Pittsburgh, pawing thiowth Chapin Falla. Franklin, Newton Fall*. Warren, Youngstown, and bo well, in ibe State of Ohio, and New Cattle and Hoehetter,* in the fltnuj of Pennsylvania, at »Ucb poifita thete are o#ee« located fat tl»* reeeipt Bod ttansuiaalnn of bu*Jne«. • ~ . Tho whole ienrita of the line ta 140 ntiici—Caplthl <tiack.WW) per nule, making a total capital »u»cb of *saiA«fwbieh amount «ltV*3 » betd bvctUecs •toMlieline,utflke “ k,la uj toraell» TO BOAT BCUDBAIi 100.000 feet gCMontd . ; . 4affToii.iyM*fF«nh«u. PITTSBURGH, FRID Auoelsted Fireman's la*ni»*> M f jny oftbeClty«ifPltUbnr|b. CAPITAL *300.000. t i J. K MOOREHEaD, Preah-W. W. DALLAS, SecT rpHK Company i. now prepared toJWe egaioil 1 FIRK .nd MARINE RISK* of all klpd*. Offiet, Stnnti Story, H Utini Hall. . nraiCToa*; i. ' J. K Moonhead, Body Patt*r*oo, Wn. A.IUU, R H Hartley, R. B. Simpson, Jorhoa thodct.wm. M. HJear, Edward Gtegp. A. P. Ao»LaU, Wot. Col litixwcrd, D C. Sawyer, Chaa. Kent, Wit Gorman, •uirlftdly - * THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSU* RANCH COMPANY.—Office North Room of the Exchange, Third street. Philadelphia. • Knic Ixstraasca.— Buildings, Merchandise and other property, in Town and Country, insurudigainst lot* oi lUtnsgc by fire, at the lowest rate of prenuunv Alaama larnaa^c*.—They altoinaare Vessel*, l-air guea and Freights, foreign or coastwise, upder open or special policies, at the asanred may deura. . Inbattu TmxmiarsTtim.-—They also tadure merch anrti*c transported by Wagon*, Rati Road Can, Canal Bouti and Stettin Boats, on rivers and lahas, on the nm»t liberal term*. j . _ , DlßEtiTOßß—Joseph H. Beal, Edmond A. Fonder, John 0 Davis, Roberfltunnn, Joan RPenrose,Santo el Edwards, Geo (i Lciper, Edward Dailupun, i«»e R Davi*, Win Folwctl, John Newlin, DrßMHtmoc, Jas C Hand, Tbcaplnlua Paulding, 11 Jonh* Brook*, Henry Sloan, Ilueli Craig, George SerrJl, Rpenccr i Mcllvaln, Charles Kelly, JG Johnson, \ttaH«y, Di 8 Thnmaa, John Seller*, Wo Eyt®, Jr. ' ■ DIRECTORS AT PITranURGH-D T Morran, Hugh Craig. JohnTlaman., i ~ WILLIAM MARTIN, pyestdont. Ririuf.p S,Ncw*oLC,B<c , y. _ j rn-Office of iho Company r ‘No. M Wnier street, Pittslurgti. , r. A. MADEfIIA, Agl. Lit* kbil Hftallb lunru«> mUG Mmaal Life asuftlreithltimranoftCotspani I of Philadelphia, Incorporated bv the Legislature of Pennsylvania, March, 1843. Charter perpetual. Capital. floo,ooa U&Txa lows* tEAJt *HT Pwtsm v*hu Coitr»NT, and fall 20 per cent. lower than ihr usoai rate* of ldfo Insurance, ns ihefbllnvruweoo* iiarison will show- Thus, a person of ibe ageof *»sn* •urine for PlOO for life, must pay in the llifatd SWRS— 82J0, Penn Mutual, SSWC; Equitable, fiUt; New England, fr.’.tfi; New York IJfe, •3,35, Al» bion, Lift and iiealU, Philadelphia, •I,?L DtntcTos*.—Samuel l). Ornrt, liborU* D.:II"L!*J'* F. Bomte, Robert P- Kina, Charles P. Hare#, hi- -W -ilaid win, MM. Reeve, Si. P. Cluu. O.D Ctuupbe L Lewis Cooper, I. Rodman Uurker, M H.Dutlfr, eJwiu It. Cope, President—Samuel D. Otrick; VtM Pteai* dout-Holi. I*. Kii»n SecreUtry—Franelalilaekburno. Application* Wlli every information given by SAML. FAHNESTOCK, Agt, Office, Commercial Rooms, coper of 7-dlr Wood tud TlurJ »i», Pittsburgh Fills AlfD*K~IKStJUAr»CE. fIMITI INSURANCE CO- bf TCtfrtb America wltl make permanent and limited ln»ur*£ts pu pro perty m this city and vteiuity.* and on shipment* by ObuaJ. Rivera, Lake*, and by Sm. The properties of this Company are well infested, and faruiah an avail* able fiind for the ample iodcoftiby of all persona who daiire to be protected by ituirtinfie. mylB WM. P. JONES, a rent. 41 Water at. fpH.K OFPICK oi the Inturance Compan? S( North X Ato«rii-m, baa b«n yecnuTeA to Nik 141 Front at (Ixl d' Wdml. The aaberribrr, aarnt Cur tbe above old ana yerpOß' tibia Company, «riu lisuo Politic* on Building* and then contents, and on ahipmcma of Merchandise bp Steam Boat* and mher*«**ats. ■ W. V. 3QSVS. tdrro and Aoilquc PcroUarf. bU opting atnc* oftSßHp ■FURNITURIt, tbe ioTge*t and inouTaiiedeewrimeni ever offered for sale in Uuac-Ay. edmpihiu*«ter*J *ru«oi' ltusKWcx‘D> Muioa«sr, and lti-*« WaLNtrr, carved, ornamental and plain, »uiiatrle lor Parlore, Draw-tug and Bed Uaodu»att d whidn *i.| bo sold at the lowest prices. Fervour desiring rarmturc oC any Hocnption, are apriufullp Invited to e*llandexamioeliis*u»er, which erobroer* every description, {root the cheapest and i»uuic»t to ibe DU.-1 cire.-uii and costly, of which the following cotnpn*ci a part: TelesTrie iwas; Trte a Tete Il.vfcflv; €\**'jan Chain; l-'lnabetftian Cusus; Sceoption Oa l.ouisxrv do llltrjrion du BaBM UlUnse; Whet Not*; Tw» ; ej Tania:: Loti* XlVComrot»dor«s Bake of Yoik j r.os;b; fio 3oiM with Hath aiid Hair cloth c-jtcis;. WBivarr. do do di.; 4v dot Mihcgany Tartar Chairs; 10 •* RdoswonJ do «j| 14 “ lil’S Walnut Jo da, 4o “ Caue Scat Od, 4 *» hluaw-f*:if R&fting do; V - da V»fcf.o t#t*vl«; • • ta Marble Top Centre’faiie*; SO da do Wash SmtiJt; , 2* Mabnysnf Fb-dPtcad'i IV d-> \VarJrobca; Ifßi’hWahtat do; 6 aher f da. A very .«a<to assortment of Common Chain and oth ar Pamirere* too tedious to mention. (jy Sicao Boat* furnished on tba shortest cotiea. Ai) irdm promptly attended w. ! I*. S —Cabinet Maters can besapplied with allaPna o< Mahogany, \Valnut,aad Venter*,.*! cauajdcraliy reduced rriers. ftll* ERiSEY, FLEMING & 00. lIA VS FOR 8&LE) FROM THK MA.NirACTURF.HS, AND AT EA3T i;IIN .M ANT FACTUIIKUb’. FRICKS: NVUiic liaaacU, fcil Wooi.jliiur Uf.iU, (led i’u do lb'.ue Ucuuui; Vritow do do Fancy CoiU/Rodcr, *1) tro browu do do | ctfarcJ *t Fi<tt.rrpncc« H:ark S.Uatit. Honsn LMauc Shmh* Sice* uuafc.t aa ' liiue da ji'-iV'k* and rerj d. .to u<*.r j..oJ» EU-k Tillin'fi *sdv . ,nir u.. KcJ i'fcdtiiutf, ssperdo; Vk.-\cy frrrrdi \ t«i J'od.iitw, Uarkraro, •<u;.et liUrk Broad Cloth- TailOrt'f'oj.v a**. Sfary do; »o[xtUra«ii do Bio»Qida«n*. Cilicia's Super lirccn do Utah Serge, black do, i i» Super Twilled do and worsted. Super BUrk Ikoe Skin* Black acd Whit* Tape; Super Drab CaiLaerr*. Black Tw>*i, iJrat- Jo: Super Utowa do loiirn Ckeolm ai.O !>ntl*;‘ tUper Mark do Siuari’a G cord Sn'l CoiUic^ Calitointa Blanket* do lutien Thread, a Seailct do superior article; Blue da PUb do Grain Btxging. Drown prill*; Ai the Manufacturers' U Ptttsburirb Jf OTICK. IMIKeo-pannersmp heretofore existing betwren the l subscribers, in the nais« of Coftsl»hir, Burke A O, >• thi* day UuiulveJ l<y mutual i-iiusent Mr«r» Uaj'ke & Itarfle" will settle the t>vtinni of iberoiicetn, tor which pucpuvc ’.he7 are aulhotixeil !•> u-te Ihn nkinc ot ihi t-onecra fil \TIIANIIiI. iHiNsTAULK KUMUrtn IIUKKB. ' TiIUMAS UAltNKi*. The undersigned btve this day a»«octate«l themselves In ihe name of IIURRK A UAKNE.S. for vbc purpoyo of manniorturiof' Fire Proof Safe*, Vault Doors, Ar. 4c , at ihe stand of .bo lab* finn of Consislil*, Burke 4t*o, where they will be pleased to re.eelte tb* patron ace ><f Uic ol ikut bonce and ihHr friends. EDMUND m’KKF. • -THOMAS BARNESI In rrtmnir from the Inn nf fom-table, HiKke A Co., I mtn iinrete plcuMtre rreommcnJ Durkr A flame. to the eonlidcnre of 111 V filer.da n»d tiie public. IMP. NATHANIEL. CUNSTArILB feIiCI.Jtf- ; HAS juft returned from the Kscteni Citie», and l n receiving a large sandy of seasonable Cood«,l® which he respectfully Invites the attention of merch anu and pcdtar*. No W Wood it, ______ AI".L>AFKR—W.>. ifai*HAL!: tv constantly receiving, from the latest manufactories in New York ami Philadelphia, and alto from French attendee,the newest ami moat approved styles of Pa per MatcUifv, together with Border*, Fire Board Print*, and Tester Toni. For Stic at tii Wood at, be tween Fourth at aud Diamond alley, (successor u> s O. Hill.) _ •??. y kTaIUC PAINT—S brla jun rcc’d per sicamer, IVI and fur vale by tiie barrel or single pound at the Prne, Seed, and Perfumery Warehoore, corner of Sixth and Wood.sued*. S N WICKF.IISHAM. aylf . c memo Ait stovk roLisn THE Pbarnix Manufacturing Company now offer 10 the public their Premium Chemical Sloro Polish; and withoai exaggeration, or font of contradiction, by those who have tested it, pronounce it far superior to any o'her in the market. The container need have no apprAjMsions of soiling carpet}, Ac., ua It-* com potlliotVpTevenu a dost from uri«ing when t<emff ap plied, which must be dona when the Stove in cold The quantity required ts so little to piodnce a beau tifnl lu*tri*. A saving of over fifty per cent u itnurru to the consumer*. A coating applied to Stoves, Pipe*, Ac., when laid away for the iumm«r, it a sure pre vctiiative against rust. After hiving tried It ouee, lif K is accculblc) no person will um any hot the Pb<cn>i Munciactunng Oompany’s Premium Chemi cal Hibvc Polish. For calc by H N WICKF.RSHAM, tnyO Corner of Sixth and Wood street*. prrTsucroii mourning stoue, KOTICRi Comer ot Penn and St. Clair streci*. WM. AI.KA ANDER A SUNS, Furnishing Under taker*, where every article tor Faneral and Mourning purposes con he got on reasonable: terms. Jjllid3n» ’ imebingt •»*! Fluid. TUB Vtri'le Montague Company supply their agents wuh Hoofing anti Flooring in sheets 3x7 feet, from 11 to Ctf ounces per square foot. Crmoguud in sheets 'll", I*7. ox, for rooline pui-iic buildinra and depot* Snip Sheathing, Id x inches, from tbt to 30 ounces Nails, Spikeo, Wire, Sugar Molds, Performed Zinc, Zinc Paint, Ac. , They warrant their octal pore, and frsc Horn any admixture of Iron, or any other sttbsmiicc, and rc , commend It for the mamifacrare of most nnlcles in the honve fumiehing line, as it does rot rust, 1* roi affected by the action of water, and mity to polidtcd, pair.tud, and japanned Bsnipicu, models, plane, rpecihcaiions, and other tntnrmuiion may be lud of their agfau;— M'Csll A Sntonn, New York; Arii.vron," A Co ; Boston; NsTtus TROTtsa A Co., Pr.iladetpUls; W. A 11. McKih, U&UirLore;; Ruu, I)*t A BraUTVXU, New Orleans; F MILLIItOUX, Resident Agent, 2 Hanover si., New Y'otk. Llefe, September 2>-«cpo:d3ta ■ THE AoiobiosrapUy of Leigh Hunt; with rents isrence* oi mendv and eomrmpnrarie!, in 2 vols «.*sti>le’4 Latter Day Pamphlets—Mo Vili, subjeci* Jesuiuem. Hlttory of Daria* the Great By Jacob Abbott, wtib enslaving*. Julia Howard, a Romance. Dy Mr* Martin Hell. Pictorial Pit-11l Boos e!'the Revolution.—No 5. TU above work* received this day.ond for sale by B C BTOCKTON \ Car. Market ft Third et. id's Peap*‘ .nthl}> ud Copf uooKh mUE above book* bavin* been introduced into ’ X public Etal private schools in Pittsburgh and Alio* gbcny, the author busappointed the subscriber agent (or their sale in this city. . Teachers and others will b* supplied at publisher's prices, as sutsd la circular. j U NBI.LOR, '•HW SWowlf 1 - i' >.j '■ m; lUILV Cil*KTFi. lY 1 MORNING. OCTOBER 18, 1850, iNSURANCjE^ INSURANCE. Plra anil Sanaa loagraiaeo. JABE9 W. WOODWSLL, F3,TtUiu» Sr., Rm«euaaM. silk F.rurcJ V««un«>; HuL'SSntin <lu Hfiiwn Holland tfc'j Silkt; tiotiflui, Cta»i*t«, 4e,*e. arckouc, No IT? Wood « turJd VIIIOIMUOB. Ci AILBUTUSOT UOSNianAN ZINC. BKW BOOUB. BOOKS MUSIC. &c. Saw Book*. HEALTH, Disease, and Remedy. . By Dr. Moore.. : Adelaide Lindsayf a novel. By tha author ol Arnold,” “Norman 1 * Bridge,” 4e n 4o. Life and Correspondeneeof Robe Southey—part S. Gibbon’s Bome—Slh and <hh voL—completion of the work. Received and for sale by < wpCS RC STOCKTON SEW BOOKS. ' ENGLISH GRAMMAR—The English Language in its element* and forms, with a history of Its Origin and develooemant; designed lor nee 'ln colleges and •cfafloU. - wm. C Fowler, late profeisor of Rhetoric m Amhenl College. 1 Autonomy—The recent progress of Aitronomy; e'pecinlly la the United States. By Elms Loomis. Five Years of a Homer’s Lite in the far interior of Soil'll Africa, witli nmiees of the native tribes, and anecdotes of the chare of tha lion, elephant, hippuruv tsittis, giraffe, rhinoceros,Ac«wiih Ulostration«. By , B. o. CW» 5 . HoeeiveA .or «1» scp23 47 Market si ■•w Koala. JUST received m H. KLKRKJF9 Mu»i« Store, the following Soots:— f in the Eye there lie* the Heart. I.Lore but Thee. The Watcher. The White and Red Roses. Nancy (Ml. He Uoeth all things well. AlUsover. Where ic no w the hnnrsl cheri«h*d. LatWenade acp 7 T>DSE FOSTER; or the Mysteries of the Court ol IV London, vol 3 of this interesting-work has been received at Holme** Literary Depot. Third street, opposite the Fpst Office; alto, Ellen fury, or Trials of the lieatt,by Olivia; George Casuint, eurnsm.J Scanderbeg King of Albina, bv Clement C Moore, L L D; and No tttl of Littell’s living Age, sfplfl Jut Hecelvad7 A LARGE and extensive assortment of PATENT METALLIC RUBBER FABRICS, among the almost endless variety embraced in the asiortaieut, ravy be found the following:— Horse Covers, Carnage Cloth, Air Bed a Air Pil* lows,*Air Cushions, Water Pail*. Tobacco Pouches, P.thing Boot*, Coats, Capes, Cloaks, Tarpaulins, Gloves, Mitten*, I'ouchei. Maps, Elastics, Purses, Hose, Machine Banding. Sou* Westers, Machine Packing, Cmnn Blankets, Paper Holders, Life Pretriver*. Travelling Bags,: Isthmus Bags, Bathing Mats, Dolls* Heads, Dcgs.i l.lohs, Paddle Bags, Air Balts, Foot Bails, Ladies) Wash Gloves, Ladies* Gum Shoes. Genu’Gum Phocs, Leggings, 4c. Every article sold attUsasisbUihinentis warranted to possess all the characteristic* essential to water proof goods, vir—insolubility under gfly degree o> bent, flexibility in tfce sereteU cold, great durability, lightness, perfect Impervioutsess, sn4 freedom fiout odor, for vale at the Goodyear Ilubber Emporium, Nos Tat) Wood street, ■ep'.M J 4 H PUTLMPS House. 4 SION PAINTING and Glazing, prompt* ly and neatly executed. N. B.—We dis tncity understood, that we nude Painting and Glazing as cheap as any other palmers in the air, and art determined to do it. jr J 4 II PHILLIPS ROUASKLL'A EXTRACTS. SOAPS. Ae.—Jenny Lind Extract; West End do;. Jockey Club po; Spring Flowers do; Jenny Lind Hair Glass; Aromatic Vinegar; Amandine; Poucbiu Soap.' for while*lug <he skin: Almond Shaving Cream; Rose do do; Am* broiisldodo; Honey Soap; Floating do; Amandine do; llasel Net OU do; Rose do; Marshmallow do; Bocuetdo; Brown Windsor do; Beaijs Grease: 4c. fur ski*, wholesale and retail, by R E SELLERS, tepl» ___J MfWoudat. Bnperter Scotch tad lvlohWtxlakoy. 1 n PUNCHEONS Stewart’s celebrated Mall Whio 1U key, <>f very delicate Savor. 13 puncheons Mahan's Waterside, extra quality and high proof, under custom boose lock. ALp, Brandieaof different vintages and brands In half, quarter, and ocfsvcs. Imported and for sale by AJiMeCALLA, aeptCulcodtn. gp— 40 3t> Walnut st. Philadelphia MIXFDAND DRY PAINTS of all kinds, constant ly on band of the best quality, also, Varnishes; Linvecd Qi's, Boiled Utla. Paint Brushes, Sash Tool*. W.ndow Glass, varu>ua atzes, 4c. Sold wholesale gnd letail on accommodating terms. N O.—AU psrveos purchasing mixed or dry paints who with to do tjieir own painting, can receive the «irectiopj ntain. Jkil PHILLIPS aejCd ? 4 « Wood jt OIL CLOTHS. ON hand and cee'g from the PhillipsviUe Facte ry, ■or the Salt trade;— Mai yd* :i « Floor OU Cloth; i<«) jds 4-4 do; 640 yds 5 I do, 500 yd* d-i do; lf*o yds 8-4 do; WOO yds sheet do, median and heavy, from 4 to 8 yard* wide, all of ike cewevt style of patterns .and cui to anyglvcu sit*. 700 yards 4-4 Furniture Gil Cloths; 4UO yds 5-1 do; 500 yd* <-4 do L*dpzen assorted sizes Table, Stand, and Bureau Cuftfa, various pjuercs, and splendid finish. ]flu> yds 4*4 Patent carriage Oil Cloth, i*oo yds 5 4 do; seoyd* u 4 do. 3009 yds Oil Clrnh CTS’b for Sutra, assorted patterns; MO yd* 4-4 Green OU Cloth for Window flliada, 30u yards 5-4 do. Window Shades, a large assortment just received . of newtsi styles. Merchants and others wishing 10 purchase, are in* sited 10 call and examine our aivoiimeci of goods, which wul be sold at the lowest eastern price*. J A H PHILLIPS aep'o T fc 9 Wood at SUNDRIES— 11 brl* Lard, 15 brl* Grease; I bag Beeswax: , . ; bars Fetthiri, lo arrive, for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY 4 CO Water 4 From vts FANCY IIUBBEiI GOODSJunreeeived from New Yc-is— ? dci largo sire uell Heads; l doz<*r;ra do 1 doi Dog*; l dci Lion*, for tale at UlO India Rucbci 7 auJ 9 Wood si. Jtll PHILLIPS rrpio rfUK, MTCH 4 tVoS!N-T=ylirl* Tu; I tObrisPhch, lObrisßoiiu; i To arrive, fot sale by ISAIAH DICKEY ACO Wii.'i & Front sis. r t RtEN COi'AL VARNISH--" I.airrli; \T it ke**,-••OgaHeteb: 10 kve» »5 do,' td.U<»lo Us. To, at 'I Tor sale by _ 2£p al MADPhR.Ac— 3 hhd* Madder, 3 eeroosa tt F Indigo; U tirla Logwood; (or sale by _ J * B FLOYD SiMOfc?*, te-20 bsg* Pepper; lo ban* puaeato; barrel# Cloves; I barrel Nutmeg*; for "ale by lepn J k R FLOYD GVKANITE WALL PAPER—A perfset imluuei r of Uumcy Granne, to bo hung in blocks. For 'ale by W P MARSHALL wp7 8* Wood »t KXTRA FAUILY FLOUIL the ruuvujenee of the citizens, the proprietor . of the Pittsburgh City Mill* base placed boxes fo the reception •( oruers at the following places:— J A R Floyd, comer of Sixth and W ood surcls. M llay ward, shoe store, cor. Liberty & Market ata A Beaten, more. Third street L Wilcox, jr., druggist.-cor- Fourth k. Pmiltifiold. John F Smith, store, comer Hifb A Wylie. Telegraph Office, Fourth street. II C Kelly, grocer, Fifth it, corner of Maract alley M lira**, store, I’ean street, Ninth Ward. Toe Hour waggons will call twice or thrice daily >r orders, and the door. Ac. del leered promptly, either i barrel* or sacks—tack dour is preferable for family *e—without charge (or cunaee. It r» plaiu that no I'ctiunu ran be allowed, antf that driver* cart have o pertitKsimt to leave Hoar without payment. We hope tho public will be pleased with this ar* anaeineut, as we shall endeavor to do them justice. imytM WILMARTH.& NORM* SaraaiMrllla Soda A Ltiuon Sjrrup til kegs SursajißnilaSoda; •JO bn do do; uti boxes Pyrtip.raaJe from'pure lemon juic Ju«t rer«i**.l amt tor sale by >.ie Mtl.f.Ftl A Rli’h'KTunN WOOLLKS GOOD*. fIIHK undersigned has on hand, and is this day re- X ceiviog from the manufacturers, on consignment, a large lot of Flannels, all colors, plain and barren; Also, Red Ulanketa, Ulantei Coating, (leaver Coths. Ousmtueres, Saunetts and Tweeds; which be will »>ll by <he case or piece, at taancfaetniert’ prices. Tho attention of dealers tn woollen roods is invited. H LEE, augto • 139 tnbcT.y st C. YEAGER, I Off Rarkit Slriatr (ntar bllirt/i) mrui i ins Ann a., AMERICAN, ENGLISH, AND GERMAN FANCY (iOODSi HOSIERY, HIBUONS, LACKS, GLOVES, THREADS. COMBS, BUTTONS. BUS. PENUKKH,Ac. Alio, Ratio and Fancy Vsitlagii BLACK SILK CRAVATS, PONGEE, BANDANNA, snd LINEN HDKFS, a general an* comment of FANs, and every variety ol trimmings. up’»>t liaughttrlng a packing fcalabYlVbmont FOR RUST. THE well known Pork and Beef Slaughtering and packing Concern, owned and foruietly occupied by the late James P. Campbell, is for rent. Tl.o eiubii'hracnt is located in ChUltcotbe, Rot* county. 0.,0n the plat of ground dividing the Ohio Canal from the Scioto baa one thousand feet uf gmond front on each. The enclosure embraces air ac'cs of ground, containing large pens, largo and rmamoJious slaughtering, hanging, catung, packing, smoking, and lard rendetu g hansel, brie* honse Idt office and every convenience for handling TWELVE HUNDRED HOGS PER DAY,and tendering the lard from the some; as there are adooble Bite steam boiler and engine lor scalding hors and cuuitg lard, and two tanks for rendering oflal or steam. There is also, on the premises, an lee House, large enough to contain eighittousanrt bushel*, The Seioto Valley, of which ChilUcotbo i* tuo chuf nmlct.ii one of tbelargcit Polk and Beef Districts in the West, ami hogs can always be bought there at lower prices than at Cincinnati and many other points, and cooperage is abundant and ebeap. There « no drayage necessary, as boat* may t« loaded ai ibe Packing lloUsc. and the laciliucs for shipping ducat item this via tho Lakes to New tork or Philadelphia, or Baltimore via Pittsburgh, orm the MU or fouih via New Orleans, are at all seruons of the year fully equal to those afforded by Cincinnati facilities aro abo good, there being ten o twelve bonk* within forty fivo miles. lor renting may be made to ALEX. H. McGUFFEV, . Attorney at Law, Cincinnati; Or to FRANCIS CAMPBELL, aa*29dtnovl—§l6 Caillicothe, O. * . IBciotaGaz. TUB VEA RARKBifi East aide of the Diamond, At this establishment the puolio may always do* pond upon beiag tupphed with excellent Teas at reotonable prires—they have , kt ExeelleutTeas at— •<> MperlbJ Superior Qualities-- q 7S Tho BcitT « Impoited ——— I W " Tbis is decidedly tne cheapest and best store in Pitisborrh to buy Teas. MOußi9 A HAWORTH scpS Proprietors. R' E- will opea a clAiucal sud Eng* . ibh School, on the first Monday of Sept. BCXL Room over J. D. Williams' store, comer of Wood and Filth streets. . laiusa. : Rev. Wo. D. Howard, | Hoa. W*ltar H. Lowric, Rev, Dr. Eilwit, [ J.R McCord, Km., Bev. Dr. Metiill. * J. D. Williams, fcsq. Jya-tf • y-iHEE3E-IQO txs best Cbcagp tor sale by O teplO RTCIABT * $U4* MEDICAL. PBOCLAM A.TIUM, KNOW all meriwbi»>re*i <; k and afflicted wiihdis '•asnafthebladder;andt tdneys. \*,tU rheuiuaac polnsmbftck or limbi, ttiff joints, oHvorra, rurring ulrermAcithatthey enn be uredbv tukinv the' Pe troleum!. You may talk abovt Ur be<ng u nojlruin as much u you plesse, lot this doe.* not make it so', for we proclaim in the (ace of an uotiest community, that .ithat virtues contained in any miter remedy. The man who is racked with pain nnJ.Mjf (eitng from disease, can for fifty cent*, get relief from any of the ilhenmuserkted above. Readerit <on« very iiiiie to ruukc atrial. This Petroleum t* no ii<ix tore—no eompond, put.ap for tha purpose of miporing on the community; but it is a remedy elaborated bjr litc master band of nature, and bubbhuupfrom the bn sem of our mother earth in its original purity, and ol fers totafiering bumtnl'.y a ready remedy, u ccruir. and cheap cure. , : It haiAured Piles after other mmlicines have failed to render any relief. It has cured Rheumaiivnj of long standing, and of the worst and most pamtal character, (t has cured Clutlers Morbu* by one or two dove*: 11 ha* edred old cases of Diarrhea, in which every olhei remedy bas hsen of no avail. A* a ioeal remedy in burnvjund scald*, it is belter than an? medical com- Eoundor oiutuient that we know uC It will cure chit- Ixlits or frosted feet, in u few applications; undoubt ed lestimday can be fornished of site truth rontauica in the above stuement by calling on Bamutl M- Ktcr, Citnal Umlu, 7th strrci; or either of the ngcr.ts, Keyser 4 McDowell, corner at Wood vtrccl and Virgin Alley: K. E. tjeiieri, 57 Wood street, D. A . El liot A D. M. Curry. Allegheny city, are the ageats. fanai T>EAUTY— It is universally conceded that beauty U | > more common in this country than In any other, whiis at the same time it is van. -ha tin no other eour. tiytsil lost it so young art ugF 'Nowthis is true to a certain extent, but the loss u often caused by ne glect. r We say to all, do no; negbet your pewnal appearance, but read tlto folbwing, and ycu need not lack good looks. These anicW are acientifia;pre parations. qnd have all attained u high popularitr. Jctso lUpai’a Eau Dtvw* j* Vims anu Nyssrn Soap, Itu remeviug tan. cunhurn, pimples, Motcbr*, and other eruptions ol the skm; the most pcrlect .-on servator of beauty every known- Purchase nothing purporting to be Nymph Soap, unless tt has uiy ilnuic attached. itm IUtXL’9 PxxjUAtsoa CuingsE Pown»k,for im porting to the .most bilious complailon a ladiatt! wiiltencf*. In nothing should a person be wore care ful than the use of a powder for ike *«m, a* raoily of those sold are very Injurious My Chineie I’owdet is eompoqpdpd la a kcirntifio manner, and contains no inried:ent which ean possibly indict an injury. Jcus Hacxl’s DtrtusToat F.iwdek, <or removing auperQuous baJr.. Wbnt unsightly than hnlr upon the fsce or anu* of a lady- This article wilt remove it in a abort time, without the use ol uny sharp instretaont. Jdlxs Hadkl*s Veoxtaili Liqcm Haiu Dtu will instantaneously impart to red, while, or gray lair, a beautifully blaek, brawn, or auburn color, if will color the hair in a shorter time, and more efirciuuliy than any other Dye, being at the same tune indcllibln Jcus Haul's Sbavutq Cbuax.—lt is really a plea sure to shave with this cream. There »* nour or the smarting sensation RsuuUy rxperienred in die n*c of most 80*ps. On the eomrary, it leaves the akin smooth and voft as au lufism’s, and not Hnblu to become chapped, Jdlss HacxL*s RoskTootu Fasti.—Next to the hair, we think theTesth were intended as the greatest orna ment to the human face; but when neglected, nothing is so disfiguring, or so'quickly seen. Ply Rose Toot!. Fa<ie will impart to the teeth a pearly whiteness, at the same time keeping the gums firm and heniiby. Also on bund, A complete astoncnect of French, British, and American Fcrfumery and Fancy article*. JULES HAUEL. Feriumer and Chemist, 120 Chestnut street. Flula. For sale wholesale and retail, by li. A. Fahnestock 4 Ca, and R: B.Seilers, Pittsburgh; aed geoLatid J. hlitehelt. Allegheny City, I’a- jiv l ? rox virx gee oval 4XB ruVMkrr coxx or allmns* ar Agibuso vgos ax iftrrrx svatk or rut cuoti 9«rtfbla cr King's Evilj RhctuuktUa,Obitinuts Cnta ttcous Erupuxms, Punplca or Pu*tale*t»n the Pure, Blotches, Biles, Chrenie Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or Tcaer, dcttld Head, Fjiiargeuicnt voi Pain of the Banes and Joint*, Stubborn Uiorrt,' Sypbl’.'.rr Bymptcna, Bclaticq pf Lumhaggr-and at Inn g from an Inlujipious fist of Mercury,; Aci nus or Rnipsy, Exposure or improdeare :0' Also—Cbronie Constiuiticuaj Disorders, 4c, This mediate kts acquired a very cjiiuJed an.! estilli-hcd rcptusulon -whcrJvcr it hi’ been, s>cJ, l3«cd cimrelv on its ova meritf, which it* vuperiot efficacy ha>t alone sustained. The tin'onu&nb* victim of hercditury'Jucase, with swollen glands, eontraen d sinew.-, and hones half carious, ha* Kecu rotiucJ tr health and vigor. The rt-mfulou* patient, rovcmJ with ulcers. to Itiinrclf and Ins attendant* hu been wade whole. Hundred* tf persont, who hud groaned' hoprlcMlv rt'r years under < uuneruv and tjlsndular duorlcr*, rhronic rhesiuatUra. and many other emapluntA spnnsing from % dcrfci.gcrr.cpl uf Uie sscrcitvo and thr <-;rruiancn. have t-eer>i raircJ as it were iruio the rs.-k of disease, and how,! with rcgcncrnusJ constitution, gladly te*ufy H efficaev ioftbw tncstiniaMe ntcporkuoo. “TRUTH ISsVhANUER THAN FrC nON.” The Biisniiou of the leader taoiie! lot be fidltiwing armeisUiag cure, cdccted l>y the use of Par.'H'Sarsa-. punila. 'ThL is to eeritfflhai 1 have a colored wemaa wbo ha* been afflicted for the la*t five years wit;-. and all Uio remedies 1 used had tw edectin ar?e«Ut!p the progress of the complaint; <m iUq<ontmiy,vi>s corutanily grew worse; and afu-r etpemUng l.etwceo §7O and §SJ with physician*, hea.Jes u»m» oOict popular remedies wilbuul'kuccc.'t. till the di«rs'« bail eaten away' the eanilaee or her pearance on various parts of hcrtftrdy,o'i<i tisd'dittlir cotutoenced it* ravasoa in the root oi iter ir.nuil, “In tbis dreadful aituation. with Uie (>roi|>r.ot c death stsrics her in the face. 1 staled her ra»r to irr Disosway, the arret far Sands' Sargspanlln m New. bem, N. by wnom I was advLvcd to use that article and to toy surprise anil that of uiy neighbots. to wiiuiu Let cave waa known, utter using tour and * hslr t ot Uri ihr wt.i restored U> perfect health, ami that in (be puce vf three weeks, and w*a able to work in tw« wi-ck* fn-in the Llr.te die commenced ukinr it "to mtnrit of the truth of this statement, I huts l-eicunio udixed toy n"'ue. thi* Hull day of September, 1047. Jiis-KCH MvCOTTER, J. r., “MoaiU qf Nervi ILver, Craven eo. N. C • SORE THROAT. The (Allowing U an extract from a letter roceivea frotnMrs. Devon, wuo hud beenofllictedseveral yean with Scrofulous U’crrs, Dyspepsia, Ac., and recently an atlectiou ot the Uirout and ehert:— •' ‘•lt*u.sTrt?uu, Vu., Dec. 13,.ib43. “Messra. A. H. fc D. Sants—Before I Corauicuced OMtig your Sanaparilla, my sndi-rtnq* vrctc alinust past expree*ion: my thxoal was coiapletrly n!.;,-rated, 1 had a dreadful cough, and there wete frequently week* lorether that l could not *pcak uhove a w!«s* per, and bcridc*,lhe lufiocunation from my ex tended to my head, so that my hearing vra& very much impaired. After taking the Sauapaniln a short’ my health wax improved, and my throat is now rrdl; 1 am as free Dora.cough and tightness vf the- chc.u ax ever l was, and can hear quite distinctly. My tb"*Di has been well ahost three month*, ths cure nt which has been effected entirely uy the use of yonrßarxa paiilla. Yourfriend, LOUISA R. BKVAN" The followingtfitiraonial to the value ortho Knrse parilla,t» from tho Rev Luther Wright, aged Id years Congrecatioual Minuter, residing at Woburn. “WoDoai*. Mass., March :<a, lb'iC. “Messra. Funds: Gcntlcruen— Prom wliut I hate ex perienced, and from the information l have yecently recerveil from e number of peruona of high respecta bility who fasve used your Barsaparilla,! buvo no' the least doubt but thsl It is a most valuable medicine ■ml Dial the numerous certificates rem have rccciv.d of it* ethevtey aruTully sustained by experience, snd altlioueh its rep nation and utility ate very extensive, and stand in no need of my htmife edom to rnciea.*.* them, I waut all who are uUlictad by ili«c*.'C to be come acquainted with the efficacy and power 01 yuui valuable medteino. “I am, gentlemen, gratefully ami very rcrpeetfully yoou , LUTlll'R WRIGHT.” Prepsrcd And told, wholesale and retail. Uy A. D. A 0. BANDS, Druggist* and Chemists, IWI Fulton strm. corner of William, New Yotk. Sold al.*o by Drug gut* generally throughout the United States t-d Can ada. Price §t per bottle; six bottles forSA, For enle by L. WILCOX, Jr., B. A. FAiINESToCA A COt and EDWARD FENDEHICII, Timburgn. Al m.htOi H.HMTTH.llridrw«tsl» ian‘>l-tw.tA»’l IiKDICAIa AID BVItQICAbOFFICIS, : No. 41, DIAMOND ALLtn , . . faw door* bt ow Wood street, to having beer | • yagularly educated to the medtesi fCffßUmSggSn profession,and beenfor some Umt eh%Braju9pXut general practice, cow eoit&uct jg?WcpWßy -\hle attention to the ucntpicnt ot . 'those private and delicate eoa"- plaints for which his i>pponumttet I ’ aud experience-peccliatlylqaahty \ him. 14 year* lu&iduoaslv dcvfitee to study Atreauneatofthoseeorarlsiuw,{duil«(isiq*a> time he has had more practice and has cared more pa tents than can ever fall to the lot of any piivatt piAr titlontr) amply uualtfica hip to ofier cMurui-re* cf speedy,pennsneut, and satistautnry e.ure to all itmicwc with aaiioau disaam, and all disvasss attnnj ttsre Dr. Brown would Inform those aißlcted wuhipnatu diseases which hava betr-xne cnro;uc bv ‘ cr eg* gravated by tho usa of any of the connicn nu.Unnni o. il.e day, that Ih&ireof&plaisucan be m,l>?a<|y am! thor; on?Uy cuxed;he having given hv* earc.ul I'.irmi.nit tr the irvotmeu of such cases, aad suscActf cu lu htui. reds of inhtaneca in earing persons of iiulsouuaJiow of the neck of the tjaddcr.andkiftdrtddiscascs which oftet nsaltfrcm those cases where others have ednsigne* them to hopelevs dexpair. He parueulatly suck as have been long and ttniueoets|fttHy tieateff by othrri ; to consult him, when every lotiafnctloa wttl be giver them, and their eases treated in a cartful,Uu rough ans intelligent manner, pointed oat by a Inaz eipenene*. study,and inveitigaucn,whlchit is inmopiii'etor.itujxs engaged in general practice of nedtema to gtva u- Cdo clars of disease. ' _ , ' • nyHemla or aJsolhTlu* per. aoaa afflicted with llemiaxo call, a* h* has paid parts*; clay aucntioß to this disears*. . 1 CANCERS also cured. Btin disease*;also ii *,Pal*y,«is. t fjeviUy nm f cither «*x living at a dlstaceerij stating th«t disease in,writing, giving aUthaaymp twns,can obtilo medicines w\thdirections for x*«, uddraunig T. M. D., pout pud, aad utgaftai Gffic* No. «*.-Ciatt3n4aliay,oppuMt*ih» BMnuvau:—Dr.Btown’a,Ti*wtfdi^ C ov*T»j fame Orfiyrßheamatiwn isaspeedy andeertsin isciedy (i Rialt.alirfulirottblt.''Tt*tjavcrfall4'.' * Oxca.&sd PrirataOiuuning Ssoxs, No- ii DL i&n&dalley*PDuburih,?a. Ths' Ooaurik always- .' Ihfiß*. . > \ MMTOWW’ P»t,« ~';l> • i^ l ys i .i »«•* n PBOPOSALB Fj3H INBIAS GOODS. . . Dt?.aUTMRfIT OP TBS iKf UtUft* > • Ofies t/ ludi'av AJu:r»x . SLAU-DVROrOSALa wilt..! received »itKc dacr uf (be CoracDjs , to»i , ?T of Indian Affair*, ut '» arli loeton elry7a«-«‘> “» o’clwfc cn Saturday, (he »ec«Hid •dapofNfr«:inher i.ex(,for (urnuhinj; the Indian good*, vi*.:.- ■ * • • ■ . Clist No,\ —Blajupm. .. ° 100 pairs 3 pnjal white Mackinac Mansell, to ' mecsttrcGi) t,y72iochc9, and weigh eight round*. , < 1 9CO iiairs t?J point wliiCe; Maehinac blaijteti, ip ' measure 61 and 66 ioohes, and Weigh iui I,l73piira2 point-white Mafitiiian. blantela, to measure 42 by 03 inches, and weigh ; nrc and ,• a naaitrr pounds.. • ... i ' . -.OfiO pa>ra li i>oial while blankets* to measure 33 by 50 mehe's, had weigh lour and a quarter pounds. ' • ? 900 pairs 1 point while Mackinac blankets, to measure 32 by 40 inches, and weigh three and a quarter pounds. 400 pairs 6 point arailet Mactidaa blankets, to measure CO by 72 inches* and weigh eight pound*. ■•.:*•■ 303 pairs 21 point scarlet Mackinac blankets, to measure 61 by GG inchrs* end weigh six pounds. . 100. pairs 3} point.jnern Mxtkinac to measarc C 6 by 91. inches, and weigh ten pouudf. 300 pairs 3 point green MaoUiuae blankets, to moasnre CO by 72 inches, and weigh eight pounds. ; " 260 pairs 2} point green Mackinac blankets,'to measure 51 by CG. inches, and weigh isix ponruls. > • 100 pairs 3{ point gcntinciia blue Mackinac Man* ketr, to measure C 6 by SI inches, anil weigh ten pounds. ’ ! • 400 psirs 3 point gehtinelia bhia Mackinac Man* . kets, to mcaiitre 61) by 72jiachoa, and weigh eight poimJ*. 300 pairs*.?} point gentfnella blue Mackinac ltiau» kiiir, to measure 61 by CG inches and weigh BIX pOUDt'S. • . . Clan Tkb 2 —Dur Goods. 1.005 yards scarlet airond?. hOd do bine tlrouds. . • • . I,boo do fancy Hit cloth, blue. 760 do fancy list doth, scarlet. 3611 do fancy list cloth, greeu, 1,001) do. gray list c*!olh, blue. 3.1)00 dn paved list cloth* bine. J,UnY do saved lial cloth, scarlet. t<u) Jo laved Hat cloth, greet!, 225 pounds worsieAyarn,'3J )ld. ! HiOdaz. cuitou flag handkerchiefs. 250 ’ do cotton Madras haudkeicbiets. 175 do black silk bandkerobirfs. 90 do 8-1 riottoa shawls. SO do' 64 couon shawls. 1, C 5 do 4 4 couon shawls. 40 do 84 woolen shawls. 1 "*430 pounds linen thread. SO do sawicgklik. 700 pieces ribbon, assorted. 160 gross wonted gartering. 31 pieces silk haodkcrchieis, barb and bandana. C/ojj 7Vf».3.—Donktic Goods. ; 36,000 yards domestic calico 10 000 do Merimac calico 3.600 do bloc Grilling 8 OCO do Georgia slripea ' • i 4 000 do blue denims 1,600 do cottonado ; 4,700 do IcJ ticking 1,000 do Kentucky >-.*85 500 do Tk&titoin 7,000 do plaid iio>cy 7,000 do domestic shirting, bieaclied: 15.000 do domestic shining, unbleached 15,000 do domestic sheeting, uabiearhnd 5,000 do domestic checks, stripe* auJ plaidi 400 dosen woolen tods 1,600 yards fiaaoeK assorted 1,600 lUnnel shirts . ’TOO calico shirts 650 poned* cotton thread 400 doxen spool cotton (,'ilSi jYa. 4 ; —HaRI.WA3E. 2,090 psomis hrais fceltltt* w ... 276 dozen butcher knives 29,000 cun flints ; 23 gross‘iqiisw awls . 7,000 fi-a hunks ' . 26 cojf.o iish lines. . . 26,000 needles I 100 dozen tombs, assorted 10 do fccfitors; assorted I 10 groes gna wcitni .. • | I 1,090 fa kctdta ! j 76'ne.u’sirpsnncd kettle*, 9in a cost- CUff. Ks. 3.—AbucoLrrKAi. Exra, 200 drawing kniveft, 12 Joeh'e* in fength [* in; |7CO aogetp, in equal proportions of I}, l, 4, dr 150 pxtrs.bamea ■ ■ i 750'ptira (rccochtin* . . 1,500 weeding hoes 175 b«nd jsw-.i -• 40 cross cut •awa, 7 ;c.u m. length ! ' 40 cfos« cut raws, 6 fee) in length JOO hacd taw files - - . 10ft cut eaw file*'- 40 log cbaißv to weigh 25 pounds each CfH> Wnisicroore cards, No. 10 600 quarters rocket chisels 90 jiUcr*, snd j^ct Clau N>>. G.~ Axe>. 71 lOiea axes, to weigh from 4| to 6} pounds 03 do half axe?, u> weign 3j poandj 41 do fantt-heis to weigh 11 uooudv 25 brutid axes • i C/ju JVj. 7.—.NoHtmi crx Go*. 650 coah west (UM, two (birds of wetek must 1 measarc 56 Sachet in lodgitr or beirei, sod one third 42 inches in length;©! bsrrfel. to !w delivered in New York or Philadelphia, as mat be required.. 't&tfpleVof ibe übo ve srticW «V r’oiiird in the {Si-ieaflhi Coitun'nviondr of ludisii Afls't*; ind ti uiiiv be I'i.tper to rem s'V that ibu-r t/f Imnlwaie, a:r riculiarat iiupleretou. «uU tionh wear Run*} «• m r.:i utT'ly new* ;qtd. vf UsUcr qualuy iftao ;ne &rUrlc» tinctetore t'arnlshod under furnter rnniracti^ TfeoproposaH m«y bo divided into wvea pans J».f—lilantWa. 2:i —Dry Goods- Hd—lloifleßtir-jbods. ] •lib—Hardware. y j .O'.h— implecicath. tUh—-As**. ’ ■ *7 h—Northwest pun*. Tb*« Inwrrt icmpeieni Wilder will re ceive lh-. whole or » iy pud ol the ron trad, ucrunli ni si she abnvo'scale, ibe IJ.-pniinient rc-ervnt,! to itf'Wl tbc iUiA in •lelrrmine whether the bidder is (’t nipu'.env ■ nil r-rspimsihli; or nor. ytie whole amount 'll money lo be applied to the purchase of goo-lt will be ntK»ut s9onon. Jail the I ►<*- pimmem ir*eivcs tin- right to increase or Oilnimsh lie qosr.nty nf any of the uriirlcsuaiued', nr. suh.ctmte ether* in «i«u thereof, or t-i requite, ni MuiflaT jine*}>, »ueh gitodi n* m«y be wanted for pr«*.initi or other pu;ps»c!>,ui the udminittraluin of the fi(T*trsol the l'c patnxent. Goods cl' American inanuucUir, nil other thmc* Lob'?, i-qual, will lie preimod; ait'the •amples dr hlaaki-;* and clodi* are rf foreign tnsi'ii fnctute, it will be i:c.*f is'nrv, when * doit'CMi? article ii hid for, that a wamplo of it nt-ou'd nerci ipeny ilie. •ml, to rnuMc the Department U» lirci'le whether it Hof’ equal quality willi the samples l« ho e.TbiMtrd. The party proposing lb supply llm'nrtivlri will mxVe an inv-ii.-c of nil the item* eoiluniW 111 D.qsbove, mini alHx the dollars and cents, at which be or they wot furnish them under eaicb cla*» sepfDaiely, de liverable in New Vork, (or it ihn cor>irneio( prefers H, about one-half of ibe qilau’iiy may be dcliyi-red in fit. Mo. free of rtpetue to the fioveTnfflrnl! on or before Dir iMU rtayofAlhy next, assenting Uiequanniy nt each article as specified in this idv-cnisftntnl, and etieaduig the ron, making ao aggregate of the.whole. iiiro.CC couiiiiuiiii-i iho bid. The good* trill ba in»pec* trd in New York (and in fit Louie, if ah'/: poniop of t'lrui rbonU lie theie) by an ak.cQt ot tin-. Untied Bii»ie», who wdl be appointed by the Depart ment tor the purpose: and to ascertain tbe.coninrnmy. ol the nuicie* purchased wuh the. •ample*, exhibited, when the contract shAll he made, and with the. terms of ih>: corururt it*elf, whi cli hiiall conintn • clause Unit if the aMirles are not turnUhrd within the time pro fcuhod, or if ihey ure nt Innnticicoi quality in the opinion of the agent nlorn<aid. and it wuh.ia five day* alter notice of euph invuilictener the party ihall not furnish otlic-o >u jien thereof nt tho requited qhulity, inn United bules-shjtll bi oulboiis-d to putehatethem of cthera, and in cnatge any tfierrr.':i} of‘t'nce they tnsy bn eompp.'led to pay therefor to ibnl contractor, who shall pay the enid difference to tue United Stairs. Bonds wilt be required in the atnOiitit cf the bidi, with two cowl rcrctirt, the eufßri-ticy fifwbom to be ccrutWd by a United Slate* Judge or liutrlcl Attorney, f.-rtltr faithful perforaiancc <>i the cunttacls. Pay* uirtn will bo jaade after tho contract in completed and Die delivery of tho goods ot aforesaid to an agemot ihc Dtpciruncni, opoiiadapliiatc mvincc.ceri oed by him Cdinmeuicatlon* to bo marked 'Ttopncals for In ihsn goodi.*' The bids will bo submitied wi(*t the following lead ing, and nr-nowsill t>e received that are'iuu made in tho form and terms here prescribed: ft' “itor ««)piopose.tolurnieh f.r the sarviee af.uo li<.liin D.-i'anruei t tho loHoninq goods, at the pnccc albxed to them retpectivciy, vi»: (Here int-Tt the list of goods ) . dfelivcrtb'c in the elty of New Yotk (or 8t Leuis) on or huiniu tri-'— Jay of next| one in C">tf of the ae» rcjDunrc of bis r-Topo»nlr,tha qnnnilty being presenb- L-i by the Depnrtment, 1 |«tre) wtll exemie a enn uact according to tbh sgreunent. acd give patirfxu tory security U> Dio Dcparuuent within Uu> days alter the reception of this uid, and in erttd.of feilateto ttdter into »och pontmet, and gbro such #ccnnly. I (or wo) wi'l pay tv iha Unitrd'HKtes iha difference bc tvrrcu the stm* bidder, by rnc, (nr tis.ftuid Die Shtn which tho Umted fiutes is«y be oliligcd lo pay"for the kuoc ntticicy J • '- b'ach tndAvery bid tusl also be kceontpanied with n the following form, to be sinned by ore or more Ttsnonvtble. petrns, wtiO'C aufQcieccy B>ts*t be eernCrd nysetno one vrbo 1» known to the jiepart i.vcnt, fitherpcrinnoliy or by hrsofbetal pojitioa. • •! (or wet Bcirby gutnutty ihnl—- --, vhe above bidder, wi.l comply with the idrtn* of (ht advcru>e incntfor‘pro;(walsfor indian-goods,’ dated*Septem ber 21. 1£ irO, if the eontiaci should ccowoidcd to him, mi J enter tnw) bond tor tbx cxdcctioh of the ease within the umc prescribed. o • . u-#-]: It-u. C.. i** The coatraeu of foitner yean arts open for the lit fpectam of bidder*. , H-LEA,,.. • st|vU Coiaginutongt of Jindait Anairi. !" ~ cb- p\ii h 1 '"" r .jl*- HAVE, this day; wilt ms “Mr. I. H, l i Cloa»t, in ibr Wbold-AJc GroreTyl and. Produce ltUSim-««i-the*iylcof Die tiiCtWill bbiAi CoH>etl«cn Jk Clouse. , , ii7sl , :A. CULBERTSON . s.ccuwios) j. evtna. k. CCtiOlClLTfitm tb ccocSe, finflOLKHami Cotaml«tioQ Mer tv. obaat*, Dc«T«r* in .Produce, ard IMtnUurgt Manufacturefi art:v!ds,lOi Liberty nt, pitwbitrgh, Pc >y3 • ■ . ; ’ i : . ... . JKxirft Family Flour* : AFRt'Sn «uv-plr of the Poland MiU* entaPaaily Flour,»v«y.cborcs oitlelfl. hut recMftr sale by , A CUWJfcßTfcOlff &, CLOUSE VStdbettyrt VOL. xvm. NO. 67. MISCELLANEOUS. rjiTSctiium uuss wbss. a. a‘ d. m. chambers, ;- (L*'ts cuAU&nx;, aqxxw Are.,) WonlJtdfpeeifuUy tr.torat U.e car.&iaet»o; iha lita fins, a*-:atso i«be rul-ltc eeuerallj, ibat they wdl cuitUHue il’.ft manufacture <»f WJNObWGLASSjVIALS.BOTTLKe Ao - Is all their varieties at (hrt Old band, No 13 ’V> ‘ , od at,’betw**n r Ptr*t A %Vat«r. Ir37id.i« •' • ; ; _j IMPOItTAaT tiro TilK AF FLIOTEP, ; Df, Bose’s Cfltbriiteil Ufmedies. (Iricfor cif ihrse raoei popular 2- J Icuefieial ctudieineti’and also ti.f .utvemur t.f the ceUbmtrrt in»tfuoirittfrtr:ttinuuairttvrt.l.o:i?.-, in cuio of «ilitoni(?. ctiiearcA, * •-tiulc-ni oi tl. ,t ennrtent pbyr.iuiaiu Duduir FliT'*if i ai-A It » rmattß'..* or ian Uiiiversitf of I\M*nsyt Vaui*»unJ tor tinny T. a.ts (.n:a hiii bren tuESßi’d ui llm »RVeili£aii:iti ot im-mc, ar4 the lu'ieilifdica tiierruj. Throuvti tiifa us-t pfliU iuO-ifir.i; in co-.-tirclion with bis ricj’iiriatiiie of hiR rcr-jeiltcr, he has gilinail hji uiiptuuli.led eiuiinfi.-.e m ccTiSg thOHO dreßillU* sfed fatal wuJsdiesi. Tat pfcii’nr t.'on iiutn['li»n,9t,*i'.«ef'-* ithevivauim, Astl-mn, Ae.ue, Fever- ».f all ,kiiKl», Oi.fcuic Ihy «ipeia<, afirt all ihoio ohMlpatr Citeavr* recu'tario female*.. Irdeuoevery ?rtr.tU J d)di>t4*.i' uwlsr the il*o cf hi« which huniani it« heir— not Hy toh u« of one compound only, tot *>an«in coß'patihta; wj b Fhyeiolor.ira) 'Law, t'ut by th«s u»* of hutirciiie.’itM, a'llnr ted la and ptetciiued lor elurb I'erutlarffnm dt Oieen*.":. • ■ ' ■ I)r. Rome's. Tonic Alterative Fills, when ttssJ are to be superior to el! other, m b dr liver pill, inamturh ili th--y L»vo I'oweW perfectly free from costlvenest; »s t*ao hi* (•i<(dait!l‘ , UlH li iidmiuad by Um isrultv to poetess Ecculiar pTopernet a.*Bpied to femab diirtei-ea, but emg t«u*ned that a bare'trial lv «uu';c rut tn establish what ha* been nid in JltrjnijidfOt'tlut won rkvpti.'itl, Tho atfireted arc invited u> rati B]mjo ti,e *,’cni. ivid procure fffratt*) one of the iiocurt'* pnnii'iilru, .niving a detailed ttccouul of each remedy and its apylieat.uu. - I'or naJaby.lUnt fnMovrKig at’fliu,;ti | 've!l m by ruo*i Otofclits |hrod<iboilt tbi* V'Oiuiiry. •, ;tJ ricbi>onnnlier ft 0,5 M W*o6d nrrct, l'uut>u;(h> •J 01 Totruiond, <s MarteVal, do; iLoe A/trcus»m, do u-iir theP.O. AU<*t;h«nyeuy; iJo* Uotklsy, lJ*riinctnn, Uenv« co,, Va Un'i.niißa, Er.Twn Valley,. do . do; T AdaiHi, \ _ do di», aupl&dly gUNDRiIS-^i" pjtrfl Sap* prime lirten Itio CWte; /' ISO parkanen iv*.sc»rtrcl Tea*; ' 75 i>t« osMmrd 'fufcateo; ! lOJ.aj* JVppor;- 5 t'Ufc* .M»fice; - •, - f>‘< mans tilanainoo; : . Lx*.No 1 CliocplMr; . Liquorice JialJ, i j 10 tieu-wt fresh prime Kicr; 5 Ucaiku heM MaiMrt, [s ImrtcU Alum; :< fa*» b'ericfr ’JamierV Oil; •:i 50 doaen potent Buckets; S. , IKK* bis tiara Ifronrov 'j' 30 boxed'White Pipes; 'f "30 hhdi primo'N OSuifr; Subrl* .do Molskrc*: • Hit) htU l*rpo No "i Marker*!; bJ till* Urjn No'*. 1 do; 5 do No i . do, SObrU NCT-tr; ‘ SO brls Pitch; r hOOrln No•i-Homn; . j £WOI!.j a«wn«'.J Vaipi; j! finlmleoNol Buitmp* i 100 keg* prime While ■ Sfr) krtj" nr-'Oited N>nl«, Afro, « full avoctnirnt of Put.tLorclf msnufaeinred »tucl<?, lOf <ale hy : JOiffr WATT Si. CO »<Pt3 v 'i-do Lllwtny *i BL'UAIt^.iUC>LA^«-;^— *U hints -N M if 1 J • • 500f.1l- N fl Mo,s^t«. Ij Uc» \,r,a white Ur«ru >uj'sr; "» brk SiLart>.crnihuC. jo mlii Li'Vimix’j puivJ; ££ OH? S; dc; H< l-.xc l,oimii|!'t 7-oa'; s' !!tU»rH Si Louis i-j. In Or tale by JtfUO i- • J . _ ...n.i.VH \ iIJiMvI.T.-o.N 2*4 S'<l itnr*-- - V • Hi !'-I) sfi:u;':iC liif:.a!l';.iv.T'jr,if.. . j ■. :•*'»!*« . <Jf» mi ' Wn;u. . v . ) aiikt 4\<| l. ; *i orli Clovct, -! I.tJ 6»«ki*;« U«»J»rfU.T nn-( Mm ■i‘i’.’:» i.-lire riurc qoJ itr vi!'. 1 i.v :cp>t. «; • ill! »m> k;:vs.*n KBVI' BiIOKSI Kf.'.v/ ; riOOXSI AT 'HOLMES’ LtTE'tiAKY ItETOT, Tiiiri) iirtcl, uppcriic Office Hl3T(rtt,Y x 4 PcwtcnrJ*, N» 2. Ey Tmc'.-erv, i-Kcickcrbiiekar .MugaxUia inr saltern! sr Horn** SJenlhanit’ Magszu.'C-for ? Wh>g iCbviuw ia r Srpie«l*r, : wiiii itu of Gca-feeatr* notion N*a f 3. ' Unci'* Llvjnc Jt?e, No :t2H. Whig tfittf&ii Giiiery,coataioiagJitty »«vc -;ji S .c7- iriT* fjl JijUncain&cU Whlu*. ilotili jMiwh Review for AnguiV* • Deoocri’is, Review nr f. ! «|.iciot>sr. . • Gclecins R*viow or for r- nitm btr. ’'£ r . • ;• ;,«'pili j; ! icr lit* fITAIUS. Vj URPJn' k uURCUI , IIU.U infarct incir cus»m -lVx ere .'Ond. boyew igenrruily thot, in cot'sciireier of workmen' bring <'ngn«cfl In rnri ii.iprtv ing tbcir-Ctntc liocm, tucy bhvn icntoveu ;'.-.,rir qnods la vbr. Ssi oxi? of He bniUlw* ibey r-renpy. omn IJic impr*veuienu ni«T.<tnh>d; «.-fcfJe ibjyvriil be hsppy «oj«a Heir-caJlaincif at;a«u*l r and for tba ifouCle oif V.-jiltin; s'p'ruiin.’V.ilMVy to--! rcmecori’a ibeio by «41m? ilnm CtKiiP from <*onnn • . ne/M tr'nrrcnuil i*nr« Wlurs rT«ii Qrnn7i7ia' l OUITAUI.Ti; for'Mcdianull Tarpcves, aivrtn.. «n O hftsi-l lai;U ; it>r sale by ibe bjw.runri, .-i -Mvn «; e hA'VOH J llr, i>um»*tlu \Vooll«n Cooilt jj'kNE owe iLccv tJi.Mtj s<taw)fi, IL» 1 cas.- 'VVlusv Kiiiinclt, . r Vcar.efc : «3rt do: ! i ftr>l lWi.liJ Flannel'!; j cit'd W hiis no O.ij 3tA>.et| Maned do] t: ck«.c?; Pitin end Fancy deß«ieis?M; 1 hshiett, l .1 C5.-.-.S CL'-u Aijiinr; ’ ) 1 j . -S ca»'*ij il/Rft Black -Coaling, y ra*c!|.l«raT B'.dukct:*; .' 2 ilrab Wantcu; j do; .j. V itCMtlVliiie Bed «J Horn Clanfiiil:.. liftmen on i miMf .W *Oi* at n artttsr laicr-:. nyicei i-y - i . >i LEI! >«plU_V _ ISvLiKrty liter.:. ti'tfhlv petfaMfiTbi*; mi Wm J*ot; " d! CiiluKCtan liiu ... tMuttalriphu Yati'.-suiitl Soap; l*iiial‘»i th'i .la I . <li>:' Oit»i:;r Soup; i Odve.'£*a*pi /or a»..! rcuil t»p , NV -V * <‘t» i S«tr Hut|o, UrCF-iVEI) t!it_< day i«iin itir ea<!- J*a >jcT*'ii.wi>-S.'btjr*oti. l.a Scrcßadc-t-Atriuiscd us Daru. aril Jri-rn-ai—W'tinurir ' Voitfi* oi Irp ftoDR duy*— Away OffWii m Cairo—Fo«*i. lia an.l ilcwart;—tilavcr. Di'.'lJdi wiu.y oihar i‘ji'..Ts Pi-r.-a : : it m.n’.crt, rrpW I’mCal.W/) >la:p. Tlur.l : -i O AL'tl'VnYH—lU £ri ,lcr rui- s.f U- l'5A!.lll JUCKI'\ A CO piv•• IVsVfi. ljuw Itrriinua binuiu ij|vOVVN Wjtu’Mit 15ci:ii»iUf Ui*r>i v Mn*lt A>'ViTnsciit<r,Y'r;eiital. i'aljti. keJ CUvc nii mo ctltbraKd .liir ituj'MUu* 3JK<rtlii}h#-« u> il;«f *kin. ' • I'ttTrSjfcscd fioiii Uie importer.-mal tor x'slr by •Cpw.j . 1( :: S‘KL.LKiM,37 'Vcwdrt ]AUUAyKAt!C»rrIiE— Jbbagsmbcalnr for tain J by '2 ' ■'■VM 4 Cm '»tonAti'iir»l Hi* HuttVr Orackirs* ~ Xj { ’J brl* bran .:.Jo , . W.M A McOt.r Rf: A. CO .iliJAlUj—JvsijVtiTjpftiMiie i'uncipe.—Oi'ui jj iH'jOOO IlHvtr.a,—lh-rcAnri; ‘ 41/.Uf< »U Ktjjal.«.>;,'rauoo3 Iriit Ji {■JaW l Itnus'ion iTikciuv; ; IUO.OCO Fliiiudelf>liV4 &p4n»il,. In mere.can fot a-;o t«v -y. ‘_ W|> lV* '*WI> USR k^tCKEISON — SflOMdea N Y relo LViitfin, fjr *a)e by i »<N . ■ JJt. B FLOVH T IOttAIJC-LtvlOO. boic-* v-r**!ufttcture«l~rc.bscco, of . . : Ru’ncll : £]{i'blni - -ou> ? Biji<»iter (overiv br*r.c* F-n«ai«t>V ' ln?ps) ' ' J.V-RFLQV 1»‘ C'i HKiTi s K( —viutM lb» W UQistu m aorc, far ta r. by j h n PLQV& J ils I’ylujul Miibsitptficr fpniily . . '' H '■ 1W Srri* ts)ir.iSi;c futility I'ictjr, jn*it u e ; d A CLOligl* tOO Ltfa»fty ru 1 * V & t'*AJL li-Sit iiut for shlb or it tie pH A*; U t.llt;KTS< n t OUS?K | j Ortfc’l L'AU 'lti» —|y; jftjcs, a- vrry fmr. U. aflulJ, ux*.J«-cip!ii.*»ly fuf'j}.*ttmrro?e,for .«lc by S' , t~cplO ’ J% If emi.UFn >ACON fcUJuULUIiKS—IO.tG&JU »«vd tnr tts'.e by > ■- ; iiUdfl ft O bug»r.tfC'<3 ferr-Cr J.V- ' wpio: •••• gfcWntt?>HM?fin bc»s opci&ue, trc’gSw nj - »*<>m • .___' f» K W tI.IRUAUGH I / clcriT .Hjrjon; !•“: ; • .*3 :■ <]t> '•! Ctfpjifttriisri"— ■ • • • •. io d? Jauctial, .•' JCJtiildy bti • Or, - '- •• rctiatcstftrrivaUuiNs'ir Yott,r«ni>rBlnc-T^ilan« (iUtiitlp, icr asl* by .. -.WW CACJaLMY &CO ..»«;pw ' • • i 6& » RlCty~i&';c» Cai oUsi'JUPt. fcrea.aht >fptU- ; , -WAX BAOALEY Jfc B iL&CKTtiA—I4Q h( eha MngYejut Cbnftnl'iuclx'i tt-1 ■*;•';•••!. • , iO-«Jo. Ooion< rYSnejcmdCi.;*! Heber, Inei, sad Cossida, tor tala by «T»vi- - • WH »?AOALKYfcCO tIUtLJJH . iv—7v uu pfH&i'-»cr.'d-!or »*!»• (.«■ . . .. . ' , BA Jpux t»noll|.DKlUi—WMiWjSvom of .-urns' Wo«a, lor ftalabi ‘ ,S & W n.VRBMJ^H i"*! 3 :L's fc'rnAr.BATOii CVUA A«H—c»*k* »a *u>t* ann foit aniTC? Q' "P l 3 'VHakbaUcii Mould CAftDLKS—SI lit io fitaYp foVsa*V. r >'v~ • K*:W UARBAUCft -»A'i acp!3. • tijUvaa-coo ti bii»«tir4 Kit ~: •> • - ' .ooucanuaoa la smnu.«n<i fa, *-r!c bV b*W‘»ARRAI,V,Ii i V?S.JO Wofh tlfcsilflir/ wVch rtr'rVs tt^^waßastinp* ■ '. -.. ; -'.jvnatnLLipA ‘ •7 »,-u \y g^ t r .* ciMHijitM J<i*'ij ity ** \v nAVpAVr:g . _ aairtt; CP T' C.Tai?7. . : i - S 7 fcrUjjar»jJ«iLu<.v OU; for mJc by • BROWN fc KIRKPATRICK 7 M4tibtTJ7« s»»\i iot »sle by ' ' BteW-HAjpAUfiH loot *a)e by