The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 18, 1850, Image 1
ESTABLISHED IN 178 i PUBLISUKD BY white:* CO 6. ft Wtirr*] Hl,aRT * tjbZCfTB nn .dims*, TtfikP rtuttr, next doo* to rni kwt oTTict. ' D»i] T p, TrtAVccry-- „ . Weekly,ln»J**nce»— 7- ’r-sy® oC!obi,*l»»cdoeed rata^ RAI CS OF ADVERTISING} AGREED UPON BV Tl B PITTSBURGH PRESS. Oss 3qu' («, (10 line* of Nonpareil or leu) one 1 i#enbn*—•*———t—* ■— -10,50 OrieF-icr te, ciob addiiicnalinjertlon-** o|2S 1 CM one ««k—. 1,74 i Do. twa weeks > •."■■■■" 3,0il Ijo. three weeks-—• 4,00 ;Do. one month -- •. •■» • 6,00 ! Do. twn nstuh*——— —— 7,00 : Oc. threa menthi--—s,w> |l>o. funr tuotnhs 10,04 !Da »ix month* ■ ■ lg,oo i Do. laeWe month*---*• ls,oo Standing Card (C linc-t or let?,) per annua- lu,oo One Bauore,ebfcnjea.lde atplearorc (per aa nuWj exciaslrc of the paper*-*-** £S,(H> For (-nek Additional *qnue, inserted over one month, ud fat eaeh additional s.-}ua;a inserted utider the year* ly rate*, half price. Advfcniremente exceeding a fqmtre, and not over tftecnlmev, 10 be charfed aa q ana are and a half Publishers not aecaaiilable for irpal advertisements •eyon4 the amount charged for theirpublication. Announcing candidates fbf office, to be chargcdlhe ■amc di other advertisement?. Advertisements not matted on the copy for a speci fied number of tnseniuns, will be contimied till forbid, andpaytccMexac'edaeeord-. . » The privileges of yearly advertisers will be confined rigidly, to their regular business, and nil other adver* lirsmenu not pertaining la their regalai busineis, ca agreed/or, to be paid extra. All ladvertitcments fer charitable rorti»ntiont, fire opaaier, ward, township and otherpobliu- meetings, ad each lite,io be charged halfpnee, payable stncuy blafnaji notice? to be charged SO cents. Death notice!?inserted without charge, unless aeeom pajiicd if funeral invitation* or obituary notice*, and vrbcu iso aecr>rapaiucd to be paid for. Reeblaradveruserf, and - all others sending comma* ■ n mcatiotts.oi requiring-notices desipied to call atter- * non to Fsurr. Sotrees, Conrerts, nr any pablic enter* taimr.fnu, svkero charge* ore made for admittance all n.-|iff« 01 private nwcciarinn*—every notiee de signed to call attention lo private enterprises calcula ted or intended to promote individual interest, can on* ly be inserted min the undemanding that the tame is to be paid fftt. If Intended to bo inserted in tbc lo* cad column, the same will be charged at the rate of not lets than 10 err,is per Hue. Bishop or Fist Nniires to be eharged triple price, Tavern Idrense Petitions, S 3 each. Legal and Medical adTcriisuncnu to be fcharged at fall prices Ileal touts Agents' and Auctioneers’ advertise ments not in be classed under yearly me*,.but to be allowed Jit count of thirty three aud one third per cent, from tl,c amount of bills. fWIEILI OR T&I-WESU.V IN t*U.T SapUS. Ope Square,three Insertion*-——sl SB i Ho. each additional insertion-*. 77 arvEHiieniETO IN wxxxtt rorsa Giie Pguare, (10 liner.) one »nreraon— —-Met*. ■ Do. each additional insertion Si “ All transient advertisernenw in Cc'putd in advance. WHITE. fcCO.Gazetic. h. HARPER, Po»l i nmrr w. riddle, Jourr,*i. JA’.IKS P. BAKU & CO., i>roniol«. FOSTER 4 BROTHER, iio-patco. JCS.SNOWDF.N, Mercury. JAMES M'. RIDDLfc, American. HIRAM KAINK, Evening Tribwis. Prrr«DDBo, l>ec. 1.1549- CARDS. JOHN A. PARKINSON, ALDERMAN, Fifth Ward, Penn street, between U'Hnra uid WuliißL Ail bigness promptly at* landed to. _ __ j la *>^ ll _ ALEX&HOKR U. WATBOB, AIirOONEY AT LAW—Office, on Fourth street [' DA.VID C. ’atITTLK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, rutd Coamisiionar far Pennsylvania, Si. Loui., Mo. All couunnnicailans promptly answered. . oetslHy • JAUE9 V. KERB, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Office on Foatih street, between SrsiUi&eld nod Grant. Pituhorgh. sptHMy : JOHN H. RANKIN, A TTORNEY and Coenselior at Law, and Cotnmis- A. tioner for the State of Pennsylvania, St. Loot; Mo., (late of Piu*boreh.l References—Pilttbnrch: Hon. SV . Forward, 11 amp ion 4 Miller, M*Csn.i!f«s A McClure, John F. Pare.-, 3ii«clU 4 Semple, McCord & King. atigll-ly BIDWELL CO., t /OBWAUDUG HKHOnAMTS, Glaigov, Pa. {SSmith't Ferry Port Of-a.) Haying permanently leaned at this place, a new and sttbstaniial Wharf Boat, we are prepared to re eelvo and forward promptly to all point* on tbeiiTer, and Sandy and Bearer or Ohio Canal*. (I A. Co. ~ Glasgow. Jane |i —lelri wyy a.o'tLKV. —JOB* a. COaiBiVS vr, k, axirii tanlLtT. IAGALEY, WOODWARD & CO. Wholesale Gro -1 cers,No—l Market st, Philadelphia. ■ apt Pittsburgh Alkali IVOrtu. BENNETT, BERRY £t CO, Manufacturers of Soda Ash, Bleaching Ponder*, Mujiadc ane Sulnijuiic Acid*. Warehouse No —, WateT street, below Fetry. covgO-ly ' Frederick Draun. Oeonfo Reiter. BRAUN fc REITER, Wholesale and Retail Dnu •ins, corner of Liberty and St Clair streets, Tan nryh, Pa. »P* CA. McANULTV A CO. Forwardm? wad Cony , Tnixlnn, Canal Own, P va. : mr - C' 'i ILffRAVr, Wholesale (< Crtumi.jiori hiJ Jm [Forwarding Merchant, N.*. 11 "a* r -r »i-, pl **'’* banth. u V*- [r*Hersey~—* Andrew Flemmc R- A Fleming “ OBRSBI. FIxCMINO A CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS—For thesnlf* of Do mestic. Woolen- and Cotton Good*;- *l*l*. dealers in all kinds of Tailor* 1 Trimmings. N« i P Wood s: p 4:b door from Fifth. Pittsburgh. _ u Reference—Messrs. VN os. A- Hm A Co, llinkers, jknfti ' -■ a. ) BAIBO A mVIS, IOUMISSION MERCHANTS uai Bi i Kn lUto.ld >V:gCt. lY.tfhmgb. u ji i«>h t fxter r. hwxvti. ENGLISH fc BENNETT, (l»» English, Oillscner a. Co ) Wholesale Groceti, Commission and For warsUnr Merchants, and dealers ia Product: and Pm*- hurra Manufactures, No. JT V\ ood between 2d and S 4 streets. J . ?? 1 1. \Val. 11. JUUNSTUfi, I. Forwarding a commission merchant No lit; Seeond st. Piltsbarph. - _ ;ar2l . xoson w, romDßXTcfi") (w»t.rea c urtn>.ST&:t B. XV, FOIVDESTKR A CO-* /’'l ENKKAL COMMISSION and Focwai.'ing Met |T ehants and Flour iicslcrt, No f-C Muraet s.rerl, Philadelphia. lICM.D, BCCKNOU ft CO TOBACCO CUBBISSIOS &ERCUJKTS. No. <1 N.rtn W.tcr Sl.cet * N». A. J. Bcranou. ? I*flI UADLi.r lilA Kaw’r Hsus. > PhilaJ’a. D. C. McCasjsom. t J. A. WaKHKH _ t _ ; • ■S’t LKK.iiiiceMor to Morphy A Lee,) Wool Deal- H . er umi Coinnji*-io» Meienant, for ah* sola o American Woolens, Liberty, oppoKte sth st. feh!7 *. A HUriiT. wjt-if.jonw. XTARDV, JUNES a Co., (tufles*»or3 In Atwood n Jones A and ForwirdSts* Mer Slilu, dealer* m i’itubargh Manufactured <»cudi Ptrjbargb. Pa. ’ ; „ ra < ! j'-Z_ T WTP, ffIAIWHAU., •* (tccccssou to aasccuj,! c. iuia») IMPORTER A Dealer tn French und American Pa per HaJigtiK* and Border*. Window Shados. Fire tiohrd f’rlcui, &c rnnitneTumt Wrap ping Paper, No. *7 Wood street, between Fourth ttxeel ar.4 Diamond alley, west aide, Pittsburgh, Pa,- fcbia ■ t PITTBISI'HQH OIiABS WOBlj#* JOHN AIINKW, Inle of tho firm ofChUj;l>rfvA* new ft Co, would inionn lhr uj*l <•«' dß^r»cxs««iSfis laLket »iroet, l-ptureen Fun &• Ser.o»l JfoTriTPrßiOUiiAN, Wholcsftlr-proßCin, “* J . d V*‘* | ct in Dye rMdlfc, r«mU, Oil*. ’f 1 -’ VJ Wood tuccl, one door SoufU 01 Di&taoml Alley l’Utlourgh- . , -*t - ■fjfiEa DALZELL, VVEolwaio Grocer, Coaia.»i...n »l Merchant, and dealer iu Produ-e and I ituburgh y, No‘J> Water »», P.ivjlurgh J ;^ ....tuT-cTsTI *o»«ut "wcuTt, i », rriAlAll DICKEY A Co., Whole**!* Groeet*. Com l^^Xr.hVnu,MidWrolo *£* Front mtta, ?m»bawh. . no** -:l' n nitwiirm -IZTia.epti DU wont otm S. g|} (WORTJ , & co , Wholcwie tiro«ff,flnd J . Ajce&u foi liuwd Powder Co., No. W A No. 45 Mwkcl «u, ihrre door*»e Tkiw «*• rtxx* torch, will have coiuimUy ou hand * well ‘cltcitd aa ijnmcnl oUte bell Hud jiK J.JJ «fll *cll «n ih» »0'» rtMootblc urn*. PHyuci*n* Icndmff border*, will 1* pmiapUy uteoded 10, Mi nip* .l.Tdwiih tmeie* they m r rely won n cenouie. , ' irj“ PhTiiciso* Preemption* vrjli be iccorfctcly tea ***or pfaptwd rtva * l * n * bmlt 0, “iuSS'.'B*• w*. *■“« •« r -*“ •»> t““ j ;:“j* vioTd * " Ktctiaid Viuyd. wImS Suldioi*, ,*»»*« t,a LlU, ‘ > ' w ° c^‘ Kint» ttitci*. pitt»l»crgs, 1«. _ . . ,'*iu;»iKVt Altai tot ifca 5 n u J nW« f v»:» * «l Bt V Qai\|» Printer*’ Cards, «n F.pcr, BU**, S* e =l Wcoa »■-, n.i.bu,,». J. tien J»«uei,y«* dealer to' 'V e ** r fH . _ n generally., Water ; s^S^wSBIm ■& w A TTIKK* jOft“Xc'jF?a MiSSJsf mwna '-s'**v“<,-hu w™” n“S.«f.«.-•' - k e «^-^ u "*' c,,p= ' “ifessr a. O. STOCItTOJIi > itmaßtp ' : '■ \ . 1 ■ ‘ : ' ■ ■ * ■ 5 : \ I i ■[.•= ■ I- ]. ■;5 rl f ,i| 1 », "~~ ~~~~~~~~ . ~ ■ BUSINESS GAB PS. Pittsburgh City Qlui Workh W. CVJBSISOBAH * CO., \**ANUFACrntERS OF WINDOW GLASS, IVX No Sd Mattel meet, between Firtt and Bewail, Fiuabarjb, P«. ' mteniien paid ta odd met. Also, Daaleri In FLINT GLASS, VIALS, BOTTLES, Ac. W. CCNMJtattlJt, O. DOKCIH, u. ccmnaama, .plmxn*. Win. Wilier, PhilaJ. C, W. Rickeuoa, Puitbargb. \4ILLF.Rft. UICKJ-rrSON, Wholesale Grocers, and iVx Importers of Brandies. Wines mid Srgars, N'o«. ITS sad l? 4, corner of Liberty and Irwin atrecit, Pius* barm, Pa. Iron, Nails, Couoa Yarns, 4c. 4c., con •oniiy on Jisni. \ »t»4 '‘.ITT: John MtiSIT. Jmnr* D. ftf'Gill. Walter C. Kne - McGILLS A. ROE, Wholeule Grocers unlCom'mU tion Merchants, Nn 1141 Liberty SI, PiUtbmgh *{4 a> j PiTteSUIIGH SPRiNU AND AXLE FACTORY, JOJfKS * Q.OIGO, Manufacturers of apting and iu«ci neet, plcragh »tiel,*ieel plough wings, coach and clip lie springs, hammered inn axles, and dealer* in mal teable castings, fire engine lamp?,and coach trimming* rcneraJly, corner of Rom and Front M».,’Pitt?biir*h, Pa. ' i j fch-JS J« Jc J* firdoii Cominlaatoa ntrchutf. NO. 31 Old Lcaeest, N Orlenna, keep eon«tar.lly on hand a large assortment of Brandies of Ihe follow in' brand*, which they offer fojir sale as agents /or i. Durand A Co, Bordeaux, viz: Mftdory, J. Eraud, J Du rand A Co, Lorocl'oll?) J J Durand, Cognac, A dcM in lezun, A 1. Btcvill*, 1 A dfi Monfiore, Jean Louis, Ac., Ac; also, Anchor Gin, Bordeaux Red and While Wines in coals and cases, Selected wlihcare by John Du tand A'Ca; besides Champagne Wine and Sweel Burgundy Port. fob7-ly» N " HOLMES & SON, No S 5 Market it, second door * from corner nf Fourth, dealer* in Foreign and Doinrsuc Dili* of Exchange, Certificates 01 Deposit, Hank Note* and Sped*. Es*CoirktioßS made oa all the prinaipal ciuei hroughoat the United States- ap< Lithbcripli'lo KiUbitiliuint OF Wll. SCHUL'IIJiANN. Third it, opposite the Pon-OEcc, Fitlsl'urjlv.—Mops, Landscapes, fill* heeds, Showbills, Labels, Architectural nndXiacktuo Drawings, llosincss and Visiting Cards, Ae .enrravcd or drat* n on stonr, md printed in colon, UoU. Uronre tr Ulock, in the most approved style, and at the toon tasonoHc price*. , octls:ly R r Oil Hi' r ON, LITT LP. A CO.. o. Liberty meet j Pinsbcrpb- Wholeiale Grocer*, Prodccc tuid Caiu»i?tior. MercLinu, end dealer* in Piusburjtb Mannjdi: arcs. r.p!7 RUCEJIT MOORE, Wholesale Grocer, Rectifying ■Distiller. deaJctia Pnxloce, Pittsburgh Manoiac lures, >n I si! kinds of Foreign and Domestic Wine* and Liquors, No. it. Liberty street. On hand a very stock of ruptnor old Mono nit ah tit waiskcy, which will be solu low for cask. ,my 1 L o. iieitvoiDs. ' L u SURE. REYNOLDS & SUEE. Forwarding and Comv.u tlon Merchants, for the Allegheny River TroJe, tealers in Groceries, Produce Mnnufac lttres,and Chlorido of Lime. The highest price, in cash, paid at all uraes (or country rag*. Come' Penn and 1 win tt«. apl "* ROBERT DALZIiLI. A Co.,'Wholesale Commission Merchant*, dealer* in Procure aaa Pittsburgh ManalVcureu, Liberty street, Piu»t»or:'h, Pa. aplß R. A. CUSNUfGIIAM, WHOLESALE GROCER, Produce, Forwarding, and Commission Merchant, and Dealer in Pius burgh Ainaularturcs, No ±:u Liberty street, Pmshurrk, ii» ; m SHACKI.ETT A WHITE, Wholesale Dealers Ln Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, No. y# Wood Street. Pltishuigh. __ apt* SA WHaRUaUg'H, \Vool Merchant*, Dealers iu Flour and Prudueogenerally, auj Forwarding and Commission Merchants, its First street and HCSecn.’d street Pittsburgh. _ ap!7 rr'scuAßß, riTTuchotL. mutt meow, niStt-Tun. SELLERS A NlCOl.9,Produce and Grucral Com mission Merchants, No. i? Liberty street. Pin*, burgh. Sperm, Linseed and Lard Oils. api; SK VON UONNHOKHT A CO, WholesaleGro • ceil, Forwarding and Commission Merehant«, Dealers In Pittsburgh Munn.’neiiiies and Western Produce, have removed to their new warehouse, (old stand.) No M, corner cl Front street aad Chaneery Lane. apt 7 UORRI9 A U A WORTH, TEA AND WINE MERCHANTS, Fail »t.le Diamoad, Pittsburgh. spit CL P. <K*IV*A ) CBA. MIRIVER A DAIUIKe, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Produce <i7td ComwitMon XercJiurM, An 4 dealers is Piasboigh MaPßlkctnreil Articles, Sob. 130 and 139 Second street, Between Wood h ScnthScld, Pittsburgh, ts*! 1J303 WILMS'■ john wm & co., WHOLESALE Grocer*, Commission Merchant*, and **ealetslrt Produce and Pittsburgh JJana faciarr»,!ifC Liberty*} , PlU«bargbj Pa scplt? It LOUR—7I» hilscboieiT Family;’ 2-t»brfi Superfine; f,i t>ri« Kmc, driving, and for tale tty ■opts BROWN & KIRKPATRICK BAIRD A inVIN ' ~ WOULD inform Use public, liter hurt taken the warrioaie formerly occupied by the bur Mr Solomon Pchojcr, 111 Second street. Having a Imte and commodious warehouse, they would invite tic attention of persons having good* to consign or (tore. They Will also tire attention 10 the purchase and «a:e of Notes. Draft*. Ponds, Ac- sai? . S. Waterman • • R. N. 'Vcicnnon • • \V. B. W hitman- L. B. WATKUJIAS * SO3S, WHOLESALE GROCERY, Commission and For warJiiu; Mcrettanta; dealers in all kinds of Pro duce A PtuM.iirgU Manuisctuied Article*. and Acctiu for sale ot Richmond and Lynchburg Manuiacuired Tobacco. c.rl WAL TIMHLIN, AVTOUaVIV Ai' UTV, li-uiUr, i\* WILL also attend to collections and all ether buei cetri entraued to li.n m Better and Armstrcng counties, P*. Refer to LAB. Flovd, Lifceny «*\ W. W. Wallace, do \ James Marshall do f Fittibargb. dir Kav It Co-, Wood at. I j*n7_ JOBS UeFAOBIt A CO., FORWARDING A COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Canal Buiu, iVmn street, Pitisbnrrh. rarf JAHS9 BJ. DAVIS * CO., * PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS, No. 227 Market, and SI Commerce el, Philadelphia. Advances made, byeitherof the above.oaconsign meats of Produce to either Ronae. mr>;_ ■jtTWilliams—*— —John flait. J. D. WILLIAMS A CO., TTTIIOLKSALE A RETAIL FAMILY GROCERS, \\ Forwarding and OoratEis'lon Merchant*, arid d-olfr* »n Country Prodnee and Pittsburgh Mansfac tnrea, comer of Wood and Fifth street*, Pittsburgh. Wm. H. williams *- »• McVay WM. 11. WILLIAMS A CO., BANKERS AND-EXCHANGE BROKERS, Notdi East corner cf Wood snd Third streets, lanl PtTtaaoßQß. Pa. W II WOODWAtB. *»LTH BASILST. W.M. BaGALKY A CO, Wholesale Grocers; l and 20 Wood street, Futshutth. n PO_ JOBS D. WtCL. BXTIB WICK A M’CANDLKSS, (successors to L A J. I*. Wick,) Wholesale Gmeeiy, Forwarding *nd Commutian .Merchants; dealer* in Iron, Nadi, Glass, Cotton Yarns, and Pittsburgh Manufacture* genera,- iy, corntr of Wood and Water street*, IMtabutjh^ WA M Grocery, , Rectifying Distillers, and Wine and Liqwor Mcrcbrtiut. AI"H-lmponcrs of Soda Ashond 11 least* in* Powder, No. 100 Liberty atreel, (opposite Sixth street.) Pittsbarith. \\r W.'WH/VON, Watches, Jewelry.*■»*« Ware W • and Military Good*, corner of Mdrkel and Fourth street*. Pittsburgh. Pa. N. U.—Welches ond Clock* carefully repaired. 1 * w» roetta. J ~ t,} i n *• "’‘■fi?*- [I7M. YOUtfG A Co., Dealers in LeaJher, Hides, IT Ae.. M 3 Liberty street - lan-riy^ Vs. M'coTCiVim. ‘ sPcurcukox lir A R. MnCUTCIIKON, Wholesale Grocer*. W . dealers Jin Produce, Iron, Nulls, Glu*s. nnJ p.tisbsnrn Manlifactura generally, liberty •* Tpei - IMidmigh. i J*” l7 GO- P A fl T »K as ii IP • IMAVE Uk«6t WM. CaRR into partnership with me id my bu.inerr, which will from this date bs 1 carried on undiir the name of “John Parker A Co,' March Ist, Irfcu. JOHN PARKER. John ■" ' • , .♦--’William Carr. JOtlN PAUKUR * CO., I Vkjii&U (*rtxt+>. Dealer* tn Product, Portxga iVints, Liquor*, Old Atonongahtla and Rectified Whitley, No. S, Commercial Row, Liberty street, mr3» Plitstnrgh. P WATSUtaN PALIIK*. pal Mer, isanna * CO., (Bacces:are to Hussey, Hanna A Co.) BANKERS, EXCII ANGE BROKERS, and dealers ill Foreifriand DojtickUc Exchange, Certificates of Depoailc. Blink Note*, and Specie—N<mb wert corner of Wood and Third street*. Current money received on diposite.—Sight Checks lor sale, ahd collections madfe on nearly all the principal point* ptciniuurpaid for Foreign and Amerlrart ! < A.d*anrei made on consignments of Prodaca, ship lied Ea»:. oft litieral terms. n ?~j* w-5. wsi A. N’CLVHO A CO., OHOOEKii AND TEA DKAI.KIFH. iVi L\l*rtV strut, aloiv H ea.i, »Iwuv» bn Uid a larce araoxiaent ut Chou** Grocrrtc* and [Fine Tre»; *J>»i Foreign F*“‘ u fc J ,J and lUuil. IU lotrfAi i«*nn»- ... .. . . ~ KAaVi. QLABB WOBHB. Joseph h. abbll, . _ i CANUFICTURFB of green glassw are, NiM»i w.ict, nuzi "Jt'sAjT SiiSiifess .oSSJcr TuuFactosi U sow is vsu. okostios, sod sre&£? in WLi"?- SST/tuiT.".' Order* rcipectfalt? rrrtu b * 6ll * l<,a ,IU jUoncJinodce L _ wiaSwNo 118 s=--on4 ..reel, b.Wfi. Wood and Bmilhfiuid «’• ., .ly,-<-j. I JL- c;b~PA urfiKU.HiP* . SAML P. SHRIVES ood CiIAS. UARN£S kalo ihi. d«v uiociaicd ibonclra lojcllor. mdorlho nofShtlTer A Banteto for the rranrtcudJtof thft WtolenSo Grocery, frodneo, nad Commiaiifra tmi* ne*f »»No 130 k. 133 Second iucei, betwne# Wood ■B d Smimnddit. * . Anjraat I.lBSo.—aurl - WOOL I WOOL I 'j mnE Prt»i»cui.*iu bcipiaar T““ «' W ~{j b Jw „ARB»IIQ| MISCELLANEOI’ WILKISB HALL, FOURTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, RA. 11HI8 magnificent es'ublishment being now com pleted and ready tor business, theproprieior would respectfully solicit a shire of (be public patronage He trust! by giving his full attention to the business, to make the bouse a pleasant and comfortable resort for the ciurens of Pittsburgh and for the country generally. Good attendants will be in waiting, and every ex ertion made tp render the establishment worthy the countenance and support of an intelligent community Thu TWO SPACIOUS HALLS, fitted for Paines. Concerts, Lecture*, Dalis, anti public meetings, will be Ur by the evening or week, on as liberal tern* os any other in the city. The BAR and RESTAURANT, equal in style and beauty to any in the world, will be kept furnishes with Pure Wises, Choice Lienors, Cordials Totten, Ales, and til the cool, light, refreahmentsof the sesu-otf. Poultry, Game, Firh, Soup, Oyster*, atid Oatns, served op in the beht style. The DINING and ICE CREAM SALOON,being on the first floor, and coryof access, will be constantly supplied with all the Luxuries and Delicnciru of the rear on; and urio'.wlth such sobslanuoli a* the markets afford. jotui v. qriaa. Boarding by the day, weak, or year. Dinner* or 9upp*i* for individuals or pontes, lurni'hed on sbort Geatleraea with their families, visiting the city «»n> be supplied with refreshment* of all kinds atany hour of the dav. .Good and an ertenrive Livery Estabiisn-, mem is connected with the Hall. Danner at I o’clock. Breakfast and Tea at the usual houre. Entrance for Lndie* to tne Ice Cream and Dining Saloon, No ft 7 Smithlield «treri. jctsJtf K- H VAN RENSSELAER gk. WKSTXSVEIT, SR-J (*. WKSiaVILT, J* A* WESTERVELT & SON. TT7IILL KNOWN VENITIAN BLIND MAKERS VV keep constantly ou hand or make to order the k\4 oniele in their fine, at their old ft'-and, No. 11 Si. Cfairttren; alro, atNo.Stl Marketnrebl. second nory, entranco in tho Diamond. Vecitian Shutters made to order, and old blind* ccatly repaired n M t> W, 4k J, QLSHN, Book Binders. WE are Mill engaged in the above burinen*, cornet of Wood and Thrtvi streets, Pittsburgh, where we are prepared to do any work is our line with Jcs- S latch. We attend to our work petsooally, and «atis aetion will l>q given inregardtotu neatness and du- Dlanl Books ruled to any pattern and bound- sub stantially. Dcoksin numbers orold hooka bound care fully of repaired. Names put on book* in _ gill letters. Those that have w«rk in our lino are Invited to call, price, low «r»» _ p,ua Sachlnatbop, HWIGHTMAN— Mancfaeturer of all kinds of eof . ton and woollen machinery, Allegheny city. Ps The above works being now In full acd svccenf*) e ration, I am prepared to cxeeate oifsrs with ci*r>*tf h for all kind* of machinery may lm«, saelt,a* willows, pickers,*preader.s card*.grinding matljne*. railway*, drawing frames, speedrti, ttiiassil*, loom*, woolen cards,double orsingle.fnr merchant or mule*,jacks, Ac.;»!id«* and hamlltthr.aitd moral it gen eral. All kinds of shafting made to orde» ctpltns giv en for gearing lactone* ormilts at reasonable ‘‘iiurr.e. Uaraa to- Kennedy, Ohrid- & Co., Blackstoek, Beil a «’o . King. P.p.0.-iaiUJ.. A Sitav BENNETT *. BROTHER, QUI2KX3 W ARE MANUFACTURERS, Oimiaghhß,iasar Pliutmffßh,l P*. o.f.ct, TVb. 37 1 1'atrfipsl,' bttwtn Mar Lit and I'lUtSwgli. WILL constantly k eep ou hand a good assort* |K/mom or Ware; or our own manutacture.iuid KflV superior quality. Wholesale and country Mei- MW ehauts arc respectfully invited to call and el amtna fur themselves. as w* are delcraunedzo sell cheaper thau bat avar before b««a offered to tue p*l>- (QrOrdegasant by mail,accompanied by Uieeaab or ood reference, will ta promptly mended to. mta_ MKW COACII FAOTOUY, aLLaiiuens. MA. WHITE A i’ii. would respectfully inform • tte public that lh« j have erected ailuipon Lecock, between Federal ard Sandusky t-uuew. incy are now making and are prepaid io receive order. u»r every description velm le*, Coaches, Cuanot.-, Us roucce*. Budgie*. Phn-um*. *o, Av , wb.rh from their long U>e ui.trura,-■lufeofthe obnvr wi..k, uxitbe (aeiliticc they hevc-.ite j irol eoufoient they uie enabled to do wort on the *io«i re*, .inohio lenue w,th thavevmntiin; unicle. in ti:* i line Payia" partieuiar aiie.r..o;i to the vrleptmn of mate aad hav.og nc:ic i.ui tompr-irui vroikmen, they have no tic-Jilniiun in w.rtinuu; their work We Ihercfarewk the aitrntiot! of the public lo this maoer. N. n Repairing done tn the beu manner, and on the most rrawinaldc term* jaAktf wm a.n ai7S law *«mos. BOAKFU* ATUHISOM, PtankY, BETWIKV \VoO3 A2OKTa£XR, CWNTINUE to inariufacmro oil kinds of, / TIN AND SHEET IRON WAJUS. Al*o, Black smuh Work. Steam Boats built tu orier Spei'tui atieuin-:i ti.en to i-teuai Wat work. Have cn hand, a nne assurvncAt of Uoppor and n*a»l Kettle*. Tin W ore, Ae Ac. Steamboat Cooking Stoves, Portable Forges, various site*—a very convenient ar ticle for steamboat*, California emigrants, or rail read companies- . \Vc would respectfully invite steam boat men and others to coll and *ee oar articles and prices beura parchasioa el sewbere _ _ .’y!_ Wrought and Cast Iron ilalllag, TIIE sut-«enb«r. b.?e leave to Infold the polilic Ota* they have obtained from the E'i't all t»ie ».»J fashionable designs for Iron Railing, both for hnu*.-. ana wiihiug u> pr.>ture lir-f-d -„ik patunis will please eail and exanir.e, and jndpe for thrm-rUe. Rariinc w.ll be funurhrj si tbr -non e*t notier, aud in the best manner, at the corner ot Craig and lUUccastreets, Allegheny i.tT j sngtW-dn A L.A.\tGNT A KNOX ~ Wli«i*lAlS DionY BFG3 leave 10 inform his friend* mid eustorovrß tha hr i» )ust hi* new <pn.-.i sloe* lined* rnrapn»irsg. a*»l' ih« ne«e*t end Rinat fartiiun khte »nlt: •ol L'loiti C» fon-y Vesting*, c.-t -ion unit • umn.'r mil* »rC ct: rv article-uum l« u, M rfci;.-w«i’«wurfuf|-r.'.!»M'it*» t * irupo'Siblc to desc tire it,.- iism,. !|Um.iy. or haunt.'/ ol the slock, the proprietor hopes all who arc m »r n 01' rood, cheap, faalMOoabtc, >nd vrr'l made cloini e, will give tin a call, a* then: is no mock llua side of the AlUghcntcs that can compare with u. The ready made deparuoMU is very extensive. adap ted lo ell taste* • Roil road contractors, country merchants, and all who purchase largely, are particularly intiteJ in et amine the ttodfc More purc-naslnjr, os pasnculnr M tentimi is paid 10 the whulcialo business in thi» estab lishment. . . , Eveiy article In the tailoring line taane to orj«-r in the most fashionable and best manner, at it>e •hoiust TJIE partnenhip heretofore existing under the Dtm of A 4c C BRADLEY,!* di**oSv-t by tin* decease of Mr- C Bradley. The business will be csrned-ou t.y A Bradley, who will settle the bultnca* 01 the Isle REMOVAL— A BsahhST has removed hi* Foundry Warehouse from NoIIV rMtcond sired,tcrNo lu Wood mrett, between Flr«l and Second streets, tu ih- ware nouse lately occupied by ti A Berry, where hr will keep constantly on hand n general assortment of Cast mgs, Urates, Stoves. Cooking Stove*. Ac. jy>3 BADIUKL ItIcILKUVY, MANUFACTURER of CAST HTEKL.anJ fco 1 and No. « Aiucncan Bti-icr Steel. ‘Al.o -Br«t Cast Steel Files, ol alt firm; and Blacksmith and Mi-c Rasps, always on band and fnrssle, either ut his “Ks rle Steel Works,’' O’Hara street. Fifth Ward, nr at the office in the Iron Store of HOf.I.MANS A U.MUtI SOS, No 4. fool of Wood street, Pittsburgh, mm-dlra oiuri'f.Aa. We, the undersigned, having used, with entire am- H/srttou. tlio r**l Sli-ei an 1 File* made by Smßiuel McKelvy. m bi> Eagle Siect Works, in this .My,lake pka.urc in tcrimiinei.disig them a* • ijual tn .|Uality to ant ever u*rd by u»,«»f forn-n manufacture. Pittsburgh, Mure h FI, l--* 1 .... a J ii SUuKNBKKUKH A CO, Manufacturer* ol Iron and Null*, Piu*liuti;h, Pa. KNAPP A TOTTEN, Iron Founders and Macb mists, FiiHburgh, Pa. COLEMAN 4IAILMAN A CO, Manufacturer! mSpnn<», A ties, spring Steel and .ll.vett, P.'il'hurgh, Pa. F A W M FABER, Engine Builder* and Machine Card Manufactu rers, Pittsburgh. Pa. A FULTON. Bras* Founder. IMt»burgh. Pa. t.KAFF, LIMIHAY A CO, Manufacturers of Iron and Nails, i'lttshurrh, Pa Jt.Sf PH TOMLINSON, Locomotive Engine audPlup HutiJer, I l*.ti«burgh, Pa. \\ IN W ALLACE, Marble Manufacturer, Machine and Famine Build nr.*u cr. Pittsburgh. Pa. Dtnolatioß of Ptriairtlilp, riUIK i’arinenbip bercv-iiifn existing between the 1 subsrnher*. under Ike ittin ot Chambers, Agnew A Cm., UUm Manufacturers, waa,dissolved l«y luutoni couseni, on the him day ol July, instunt. All persons knowing wumsrWes iml'Med in said brm are cil to make pavineiilto sillier of ihc parUe*. without delay, and ati person* having unsettled accounts with said trio, are mvued in present tlicni for settlement immediately. ALEXANDER CHAMBER!?, JOHN Af.NKW, jyindCm H. II CHAMUERt) TIIF. owners and of good* arriving by tho ••I’liiiens* Porti-blo Boat Line,” will iilea»e take notice that thry w.ll be required to pay fre-ght • ■ our warehouse, aecntdiiif. m the recrioi, Itetore llic goods aro removed. C A MeANULrV ACO iyi 'Waiblni, Dloactoiug, Flulsl. UtitbTioiu—t'ui ■ tie clothe* imo cold water and In them soak over night. in the raornln£_wrinjrtbciii OQ i mn a them trt'O a hett-e of hotUnr water, to which add the pioporuoii or one pint of fluid to eight uallon* of water - -nr it up and boil the wholo twcuiy minute* The clolhi-e may then be wrong out and well tinted in clear cold water. Tne paru of gai menta that maybe wo»t wotlcd, »uch di wristlmi,)* mid coltat* of »h,tt». muy bo slightly rubbed befoie tinting, and the rlothe. will ba found perfectly clean, while and cleat Warranted not to imure the hnen fume an* to nro oetfcct aatitfacuou, or the inuuey mil be icfundrd. So>d wholesale aud retail by R E SF.I.LVR3 aeplO M WooOm CUveUadt Warren tad Fliliharijh Teleßraiih Company* TN nnrtaance of a resolution oi the Uoatd uflUrec- I iota Of the Cleveland, Warren and Pittsburgh Telegraph Company, reverting the Secretary tom awe out tnt> caaevto be published in tho newspaper* tlon; the line, an exhibit of the financial and other aiTain <.i thl* company, i anbntit the following Report: -- I The line of Telegraph commences at Cleveland an.l lermiuaiea at Pittsburgh, pawing thVongh Chaipin Falla, Franklin, Newton Fail*. Warrciii Youngstown, and Lowell, in the State of Ohio, ahrt New Ca«tle and BoehettßJVio tho State of Pennsylvania, at which point* thete are cffieaa located for iha receipt and iranamiastor, of basinesv , Tho whole length of the line is UO <%i(wh #4«Q pef mile, making a total capital »toc* uf fSMIWh Ofwtoleh amount •ity-lM i» held bvcitiretj alone the line, and tha balance u held by Cornell 4 SoeS. the contractors. Tho above amount m *a- RctlpUon* by eltuen*, havo beetvpuid to Cornell * SErEd/or whteh the Trwteea have their receipt. JEFFERSON BALM, Secretary. JJO BOAT BDILDKU. 100.000 feet Be**oa«d D*# . . iSo’,oo<i J«*4tr AUJTWT U U*, Fo«nh n. Aiioelsisd Flrsmsu’* TnasuAnee Com- of Um City of Pltuh,ur|k' ‘ .CAPITAL *300,000. ’ . J K MOOKEHEAD. Pres’t-W. W. DALLAS-BeCT rpHF. Company is now prepared w Ibute ■gainst X PlRFand MARINPRIBK«o<>Ii kthdi -1 Ofttv, Stroud Slaty, WiHinsjiall. ■ ornSCTois: > . J. K Moonhead, Body PttteT*on,.Vn. A. Hi», R. 11 Hanley, R. B. Biapson, Joshua Ibode*. «a M I’Jear, Edward Gregg. A. P. Anrhots, >Vm. Col lingwrod, B. O. Sawyer, Cbas. Koui, Wy Gorman, ' > • , ■ , INSURANCE. THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN9U- It&NCF. COMPANY. —Office North Room of tho Exchange, Third street, Philadelphia. ’ Finclxstraasct—Buildings, MerchandiJe and other property, in Town and Country, loss nr ilaniege by fire, at the lowest rate of prsnuuiu,__ Maoris Is.caa^cx.— also insure Vessels, Car goes and Freights, foreign or coastwise, utueropenor special policies, as the assured may desirL I.iLaND TuassroKTaYtot*.—Thoy also inture neMn anrti‘c Iranspcrted by Wagons, Rail RoaaCara, Ganui Boats nnd Steam Boats, on rivers anil Inkas, on the most liberal term*. i .._ , DlUF.<rrOßß~Joaepb »!. Seal, EdmatiJ A. S©uder, John C Davis, Robert Burton, John R Pentose, Samu el Edward*. Geo U Lei per, Edward Darlington. Isaac R Davi*, Wm Folwell, John Newlin, Dr RMHawon, Jas C Hand, Theophilus Paulding, II Jones Rreals, Henry Sloan, Hugh Craig, Georgo Sernll, Ppencct Mcllvain, Cliarle* seily, Ifl Johnson, Hay, Dr 8 Thom#*, John Boiler*. Win Byre, Jr. DIRECTORS AT' PITTSBURGH—D T Morfon, Hugh Craig, JohnTl-ycaii. -• J .... WILLIAM MARTIN, President. Rtrfttas 9,Ncwßoid,Bee'y. . i UJ“«i6co of the Company.-No. 40 Waterktreet, Pitiiburgb. TiantS-tf .r. A. MADEIRA, Agt. Lira a»d iHaith Iftiuraasi ritHE Mutual Life ak#Heaith Insurance. Company I of Pliiladelphin, licorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, Mulch, 1949. Charter perpetual. Capital, fIWMXM. KiTta UAVX» TEAS AM Pts»Vb* v*hi* Co3ir*ST, and foil SB per eert. lower than the usual rales of Ufe Instance, as tho following cop uariton will «howt Thus, a person of the ageofflOja aurine for Pl«i for life,"bust pay in the Glrafd t;L3C— Pcnnsylvanu, tiM, Finn Mutual, Equitable, tddH; New England, *V{W; New York Ufe.RiW; Al bion, f 5,49; Life and lledtia, Philadelphia,•WL DicacToa*.—Samncl D\ Orrick, Charles D,:HaU. w- F. Bonne, Robert P King, CbarleaP. Have* M. W. Italdwin. M M. Reeve, M.D. C»,aa.O u O.sunßben, Lewis Cooi*er, 1. RcdmanlD.irker, E. H- Butler, Edwin R. Cope. I’resident—Samuel U. Grrielij Vi<e Presl dent--Robt. P. King; Secretary—Fraueli IllACkbarne. Applivatiouh will boreedtreu. ami every information given by SAMI /FAHNESTOCK,. Agt, OCce.Xon mercial Room*, eofticr of octtC-dly Woe d aud Third sis, Pittsburgh Flttß AJlb’at AalflfK INSURANCBS. rilltH INSURANCE CO or*fct : Rh America wIR X make.permanent find limited IniuriWP on pro perly in Ua>> city and vicioityJ nnii*’n shJpmsnu by Canal, Htvcrs, K**l. The properties ol this Oouipany are well invested, and famish an avail- SbtAfuiMi hit ibe ample indenttriiy cl all persons who ctitMo be protested by instnanho. myl’t W'hL P. jDNfchi, Agent, 41 Water at. Fir* and narias KoiDrancti r|*MK OFFICE of the Insuranre Compao? of North X AtuerU a, has been ree;o?c4 to No. 141 Front tl ea*t«fWoc.ii. The sabtcribcr, arent for the above old and respon aihle Cotcpauy, mil t**ur I‘oQcies on Builxiing* and their coutents, au>t on shipments ot Merchandise by Siesm Boat* and o»Kcr>*iicl*. _ .p.l W. P. JONES. nodem and Antique Kurnilare. ** ,acted IrU opting Stock ofUMUtp FURNJTURF n the torge-.t*jid mottrAiirdassorifaeat ever nffrred for sale Tri Cusiity. eotrprfsi'uv Aiveral *4-11, of KoaxwotiD, MAiioUaitf, and Ul-scu Wautor, carve, l, ornunei.ul and plain. *UiUt»:e lor Parlor*, Drawing au<l Bed Rooms, Ml Of whiju wi>l l.osold ai the lot*r»f price*. Persons desiring Furntture of any description, are •prcifully invited to call oiid examine his »ioct, which errl.rn.-es crciy from the cheapest and plaini-'i to ibe tnc-.i elcp.ani aud costly, of which the * ~” V- - d.»*« Convenatjeti Chairs; jl-Uirabethian Caatrs; Ci-eeption flu f|,Poi« XfV <lo ErtrftMon du (BoBM tllil^uci What Now; TwilciTvaijj; Louis XIV Comwadore; Duke of York's Couob; f.i> Sofas with Piorii tnd HaC clalh c-ren; IdlDivirt. do do du; 4u doz Mnhcganr Paris: Chain; IU ,l du 1 dj; It '• BI K Walnut de d.i; • 0 •• Cau: St *i da, \ A Muho2» »r Roekins dc; •4 •- da P^JIO eti Marble Top Centre *l*ib:es; 20 do da Wjwt Sir-a.i*, SB Mahovscr D".wet4e; 12 d-> Wiudinbosi If-BPk Walnut do; b i.her r *>• ' A very aiKirimani of Common Cburi and oih «r Fore:ture too i«<hoa» ta mention. Picira Oattt farniibcd on lbs thorun none* AH wfdin promptly aUeitdfd to. F. 5? --Cabinet Maker* ennta(applied with«U«Am 0 I Matrons, tValuu;, Vtoe-n,. at couwd stably rnhseed pneri*. ttSl? . HERSEY, FL IIAVK F< FROM TflK MAM FACT LUN SI.OI fAl.' VVliilo Hanr.cli, ill Wool. Rc4 i'o £ 0* Yellow do Uo Browa 4a do Ulark S*un?:ta. SICCI U.11R.1 40 liiur oo Ui»L >l4 BUik F>.or» u.. Knary Twrd. Lurk Uroad t>ib r Brown do jtOncn do • t Twilled Jo r Clift |>o* Sk\n« ,>er Drnt> ITaxLuierc*- afirr Blown do Super iiltrk di> t'ulnnrnia Blanket* Hcartei do Blue do *»rab do Gram Cajtginf. JfKI upti npei UfWr Supt Drown l/rili*; At the Manufacturers’ M Pittsbmffh BUTICJ&. IMIK co-pnrtnsnaip lirtetolorr existing between tbe aab*cnb*r<C tn the name oi Constable, Burke 4. ‘O, .» tb* Jay diviulveJ by mutual consent. Me*ar« liiikr A 15urne« will settle the business©! ibeemtcern. or which purpose they urn authorize,! ;© u*e the name .( me concern. N ATM A NIKI. ‘'ONHTAULK, EDMUND UUKkK. ' THU.MAS UAKSEB. The uudenugneJ have ibis day associated the msetvea m the name oi BURKE A HARNEY. for the purpose of Fire Proof Bale*. Vault Door*, Ac. Ac . al the Hand of .be lot* firm ot tloiisinbls, Burke whet* they will he ptra*p«l toteeeiveUie patron iff ,>f me custcnicrt o! that bouse ami their friend*. EDMUND UUKKE. TIHWAH iiAHNk>. In retiring front the firm *f Corstp.bte, Burke A 0o. t l will, aiuorre pleasure reeotuuicnJ Messrs Burke A flstne* to the conlidtltee of tuv filef-du a.-d the public. Fct». n, l«l!i. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE. fel.t3.Jlf HAS just mumed from the Eastern Cities, anJ i n receiving a large vonety of seasonable Hoods, t® wtncli he rrniieelfully invite* the attention of tnerch anu and pedlars. No W_Wood at. febU WAi.L>APEH-\V. P. Mxmiuu. is coiuiaoUy rer.rivmg, from the largest manufactories tu New York and Philadelphia, and alto from French agencies, the newest and mini approved sfylea of Pa per Hangings, together with Bonier*, biro Board Print*, and Teaser Top*. For attic at ed Wood at, be tween Fourth at and Omnimiii alley, (successor to S 0. Hill.) . __ *P? a a KTALUO Pain T—s brlVjusi'rccM per steamer, IVI and for vale by me barrel or single pound al the Drug, Seed, and Perfumery Waielioare. corner of Sixth and iVood.eiretsia. S N WIOKKRMIAM. apis _ _ CIUEIUICAI< BTOVU POLISH THE Pliccntx Mumilactunng Company uow offer to the public their Premium Chemical Stovo Polish; and without exaggeration, err fear of contradiction, by there who bav* tested it, prooounec it far superior to any c'her in the market. The consumer need have no appr#E||9Muns of soiling carpet.*, Ac., aa Its coru poxiUou prevent* a dust from arising when being ap plied, which mu it be done when the Slave u roiu The quantity required is r«> little to produce a beau tiful lustre A rating of otor fifty per cent il insured u> the consumer*. A coating applied to Staves, Pipes, Ac, when laid uwnyforthe summer, is a sure pre ventative againrl rust. Alter hiving turd it once, (if it is accessible) no perron will use any but the l'ba n'i Aiuhcfactanng Company’s Premium Chemi cal Stove Polish. For rale by rt N WICKF.nSHA.M, myfi Corner of Biath and Wood streeta "pittbuci'oii asounsaKb stoiiic, BiOTICIA. Cnn:rr ot Penn and St. Clair strecti. WM. Al-EVANOKR 4 t*uNS, Furnishing Under inkers, where every articlo tor Funernl and Mourning purposes cut be got on reasonable terms. jylLdSra _ _ _ _ __ kd CUinilag ritUE Vtei'le Montaxne Company supply their agents With Roofing and’Flooring tn sheets 3x7fcctfroin 11 to M ounces per square foot. Cornigntsd in tbecl* tx7, V 7 oi, for roofinc put.he building'.* and drpnts Sup Sheathing, Id x 'lb utehes. Item -1 tn 33 ounces Nails, Spiked, Wire, Sugar Muidi, Perforated Zinc, Zinc Point, Ac. 'l'bry warrant their metal pare, and free itout any admixture of iron, or any other, .ind re eorurueud it tor the manufacture of most urtlclM m the bouse furnirhing, as it does not rust, 1» not affected hy the nrtion u( water, and may to poUeliml, painted, and japanned SaiupleH, modcln, pinna, rpccificaiions, and Othct iQlommilcni may be lud of their aveau.— M'Cxu. A Snnttu, New York; Aiii.isoNj Rotini* A Co .Boeton; NsTUxn Thottsi A Cd., Pr.lladelphls; W. A li. McKin, Daltih.arc:; Bi.txx, Dsi A HrxuTVxa, New Orleans: F. MILLIROUX, Resident Agent, 2 IlmnOTcr New Y’ork. Liege, September * -»«rpS:d3o TRF. Aatobioxraphy of Hunt j with remlß i«rcnrc* oi mends and cotumporarie*, in 2 toH- FsiUlc's Latter Day Pamphlets—No Vlll, subject Jciuuum. Uaad'a PuimtaiMp ud Copjr uoofce* ItllK abovo book* Kavinif bees introduced Into , public otul private •chow* in Fliutmrgfa and Alle gheny, ihaoainrr baa appointed the mbrcrlber agent lor metr sale In thl* city. Teacher* end other* wiU b* npplied at nobliiher’* price*, u nmd in circular. j H MELiLOB, •*«*# ftWoodft. INSURANCE. JIiUGS \V. WOODWKIjL, p 3, Tuivd PmeMuasH. PONG & GO. OR 81LE| rbIiF.RS, AND AT EAST- Turku* 5 i’RJCFjfc IBlnr Dial*, IBluo Ufituu*; lFiarv Coitonodr*; all are > otfortl at Facioit price* Homo Learue Shining. k:r.ccl* and Stripe*, very Tudor- Ken i'a.ltl.i.u. ■opci 3»; \t-.( Fad-mis Uacknio, Va;lor*'i’u!.% tti. heavy do; 1 Brorru Idnena. t-ilicn’s Drab Serge, Hark do, « »I and warned, mark mjd White Tope; Ulaek Droti do; luster. Check* u:iJ Drill*;- Stu'irt’* C- rord Sn’l founn; do Imuch Thread, a superior arurlr. lMik F.guied Veiling*; IttiHCk Vatin do Brown Holland Sc’g Silk*; Uuttoiio, Cravat*, Ac., Ac. areluiuto, No I*7 Wood * lurdfi Ci AUBVTUKOT BiOSMKLBIAN ZINC. SEW BOOKS. Hinory of Daiiiu the Great By Jacob Abbott, wnb jaginrinye. Julia Howard, a Romance. By Mr* Martin Hell. Pictorial Field BooK oftbe Revolution —No 5. Tfce above work* received Ibis day.and foraeleby R C STOCKTON Cot. Market fc Third at. [ BOOKS _ M USIC, &o. ■' '[ Bow Booita. HEALTH, Disease, and Remedy. By Dr. W«*r®-• Adelaide Lindsay,' a novel. By the aalLor ol “LemcejAtnold,"“Norman's Bridge," Ac., ke. Life atd Correspondence of Robu Socihey— pan 5. . Gilbert’* Bomo—SthandffthtoL—oomplctioaofthe work. Received and for tale bj r • acp« E C STOCKTON asw BOOKS* ENGIXSH GRAMMAR—The EogUtb Language la iu elements and farm*, with a history of Us origin and developetneat; designed lor use In colleges and school*. - Wm. C Fowler, late profersor of Rhetoric in Arnhem Collage. Asuouomy— The recent progress of Astronomy; especially In the United Butei. By Elias Loomis. ('ise Years of a lighter’* Lila in the far interior of FotuU Africa, with notice* of the native tribes, and anecdotes of th« eht*e of tho lion, elephant, hippos lainui, giraffe, rhinoceros, Ac., with illustration*. By ,R. U . K» e «i«4 for »1 £ sep2J 47 Market at l«w TU3T received et H. KLEBHR’9 M(l»le Sure, the (I following So nee:— . In the Eye there tie* the Heart. I Love but Thee; The Watcher. I Tho While end Red Rose*. Nancy It'll. He doeth alt thing* well. AHUover. Whom ie_no* chemh»d LafWnnade *f[> 7 ROSE POSTER; or the Myatene* of tlie Court of 1 London, vol 3 of tht* intererting work baa been rer» • * *'• ***hird Mrceij or Trial* litf Tbi ■ceived lit Holme* 1 '-'•Ili Ute r«** ' oi>po«li& Ihe Tptt Oflic*; «J«o» Rlen p»iry, or TritU of ibe Heait, by OlnU; Georpe C«»U»o«, mro«tu:J ScwnileHie* Km? of Albin*. b* CiesieM C Moore* L I* P; ind No 3M ot LineJl 1 « Unng Aic. , jaif n«cciv«d7 A LARGE and extensive assortment of PATENT METALLIC RUBBER PABBIC3, among thfl almost endless variety embraced In the assortment, rauy be found the followidy:-- Horvo Cover.', Osmsye Cloth, Air Bed*, Air Pll. low*,’Air Cushions, WateT Pal}*, Tobacco Poucbe*, F.rhiog U<;wt«, Coats, C*pes= Cloaki, Tarpauliaf, Gloves, Mitten*, Poucbe*. Map*, Elastic*, Pane*, Hoie, Doorhprit>c*, Marblne Banding. Son* Westers, Machine Packinr, Camp Blanket*, Paper Holder*, Llfo Preserver*, Travrlling Bag*, Isthmus Baa*, Bathing M*U, Holla’ Head*. IWs, Lions, Paddle Bag*, Air Balls, Foot Ball*, Lames’ Wash Glove*, Ladirs’Gom Shoe*. UenU’Gamßboes, Leggings, Ac. Every article aold at ltd* establishment I* warranted to posses* ail the eharaeieriiuat essentia! to water proof good*, vixr—iusolobility gudar gqy dfffT*P ol beat, flexibility In tjje sevcieH cold, (treat durability, iighint*!, perfect impenrioutse**, tn-Y frredon float odor, far vale at tbe Goodyear Robber Emporium, No* ? A tf Wood aired aepfp] JAM pfflLl{P3 Hi PAWTIIO R A SION PAINTING and Glazing, prompt ed neatly executed. j We wish it dit taetiy understood, that we can do fainting and Glazing a* eheap as any othsr painter* in the city, *ud are determined to do It. trail IAII PHILLIPS . RUUftSELL’d EXTRACTS. SOAPS, ke.—Jenny Lind Extract; West Ena do; Jockey dab do; bluing Flower* do; Jenny Lind Hair Glass; Aiomaiici Vinegar, Amandine; Ponebin Soap, for whlicslng; the skin; Almond Shaving Cream; Rose do do; Am btosia) do do; Hoscy Soap; Floating do; Amandine do; llasel Not Oil do; Rose do; Marshmallow do; Boxuct do; Brown Windsor do; Bear’s Grease: Ae. For sal*, wholesale and retail, by R E SELLERS, . ..pi, . tWril. Superior Scotch Md ltlah Whiskey, PUNCHEONS Stewart’s celebrated Malt Whis key, <>f very delicate flavor. Pi pnneheona M'-ban’s Waterside, extra quality and high proof, under custom house lock. A Up, Brandienof different vintages and brands in half, quarter, and octaves. Imported and for sale by r ' Afi MrCALLA, tep^CuleodlniSp—Sd _fto_Walaat si. Philadelphia MIXED AND DRY PAINTS of all kinds, constant ly on band of the best quality, also, Varnirhcs, Linseed Oils, Boiled Oils, Paint Brushes, Sash Tool*, W.ttdow (Jln-is, various sixes, 4c. Sold wholesale und retail on accoauuodaaog terns. N B.—All pertons psrebaiing mixed or dry paints who vtsh to do tjielr own pstntitig, can receive tho necessary «jtefqona rtsur.- J A 1! PHILLIPS **pUd ? A II Wood ?l OIL CLOTHS* ON hand and tce’g from the PlulUpsville Factory, tor tbe tali >r*de: — MM yd* 3-4 Floor Gil Cloth; «M» jdi 4-4 do; SCO yds 54 do. 500 yds 5-4 do; ICOU yd* H-4 do; WOO yds ibeel do, medium and heavy, from 4 to 6 yards wide, ail of the nevreet style of patterns, and cut to any Riven six*. iSOOyards 4-4 Furniture U»! Cloths; 400 yds 54 do; S©o yds e-4 do . I£uupxcn assorted sixes Table, Bland, and Bureau Cuviis, various patterns, and spiendid toUh. lots) yds 4-4 Patent Carriage UU Cloth, Coil yd* 5 4 do; SW yds « 4 J->. 'TOGO yds Oil cmihCn’b for Biairs, a**oned pattern*; MOyd»4>4 Gtteu Oil Cloth for Window Blinds, 30u yard* 5-4 do. . Window Shades, a large assortment jail toceived of newest styles. ' Merchant* and others wishing to purchase, are in tjtcj lo call and exnains oor assortment of good*, which will bo sold at the lowest eastern prices. V J S II PHILLIPS tepio 7 4 9 Wood at S~ UNDrTeB-U bill Lara, IS brls Grease; I beg Beeswax; 7 bars Feather*, to amve,for sale by IBAIAII DICKr.Y 4 CO ; Kjjfu Water A From vts FANCY HOBBEH GOODS jun received ftoca New Yc.ik— •dm lares tue Mil Heads; du; 1 dm Do»r*; l ilex Lion?, far isle ai iho Inai*. Ralbci aure.7 aaJ« Wood »u J k H PHILLIPS rrpll> rpAK, FITCH * EOSIN—IeO hrl* Tar I 10 btt» Pitch, ; 10 brl* Rn»io. Tn arrive, for «al< by ISAIAH DICKEY k CO (ep'il Wat.-r A; Front «ts. GKbEN COi'AL VAKNI3U-" 1-nrrU: 14 ke<(«, ••*0 galsrtch: ,10 krr« I- do, lJ,kC(«10 <io. To arrive, u <1 for tale by _ . T pui ’ . ISAIAH lUCKEY 4 CO 4e~'J kbds Madden " 3 cerooos 8 P Indigo; ' ii brio Logwood; (or sale by wj.l3 _ JAR PUiVP SPICE->, 4c—2o bags Pepper, lo bag* Pimento; i.nnrlf Cloves; I bariel Nutmeg*; for sale by J A B FLOYD Cl UANITK WALL PAPER-—A perftcl imttauo r vt Quincy Granite, to ba hone in blocks. For f.ale by W P MARSHALL sep? SS Wood at BX’fUA FAMILY PLOUK. 1.1 OR ihc rouv«j.ieiiee oi tUe citizens, the proprictoi ; oi the Pittsburgh Oily Mills bare placed boxes ft the reception of orocia at lha following places:— J A It Floyd, comer of Sixth and Wood streets. M Hayward, shoe sure, cor.Liberty 4 Market sts A lleeieu, store, Third street. Wiicoi. jr,, druggist, cor. Fourth 4 Frailhfiold. ■tiii F Smith. store, corner flig u A Wylie. Telegraph Uflicc, Fourth street. II C Kelly, ifToeer. Fifth it, corner of Miract alley M tlrass, sirre. Penn street. Ninth Ward. Tur flour waggon* wilt call twice or tbnee daily >r ordets, and the dour. Ac. delivered promptly .either i barrel* or sacks—«ack dour is preferable for family »<-—without rfliurec for cartage It is plain that m> ci ount> can tie allowed, and that drivers can have <i permission to leave flour without payment We hope ih* public will b« pleased with this ar- Aiixeiurnt, as we shall endeavor to do them justice. may-.'xi WII.MARTII 4 NnUl.K_ Sarisiiarllia Soda 4 LsatOß Syrup. •Jti kegs Sursananlla Soda; ”3 bxs do do; 2U boxes l.enon Pyrup.mad* from'pute lemon juie Just received and for sale by ..I* MtI.I.RI? A RintfFTOllN WOOLLUS GOOD!. fIUIK unt!er»igned has on hand, and is this day re; JL ecivtog from the. manufacturers, on consignment, a Isigc lot of Flannel*, ail color*, plain and barred; Also, Bed Blanket*, Ulantet Coaling, Beaver C oths, Casotucres, tUuueil* and Tweeds; which he will sell by ibe case or piece, at maucCaciurer*’ pnees. The vocation of dealer* in woollen goods is invited. II LKK, 130 t.ibcrry it C. YEAGER, 108 Market Btr«at,fn«ar Liberty,) AMERICAN, ENGLISH, ANI>GERMAN FAWCV GOODS) HOSIERY, RIBBONS, I.AOKS, GLOVES, THREADS, COMBS, BUTTONS, SUS PENDERS, Ac. Alto, -. Satin and Fancy Voting*, BLACK .'NULFANCY SILK CRAVATS, PONGEE, BANDA SNA, and LINEN HUKFS, a general as coruncut ot FANS, and every variety of trimmings. »P-’» SiAngbicrlng ft Picking JKntftbllnhmnai FOR UKBT THE well known Pork and Beef Slaughtering and Packing Concern, owned end formerty occupied by ibe late James P. C&mpbcll, i» for rent. The embltahmem in locste.l in Cbillicothe, Ro«« nnuniy, O , on the plmt of ground dividing U»e tihio Canal from the Bciolo River, and ha* one thousand feel ufgtoand (ronton each. Tbeenclosure embrace* •iz of ground, containing largo pens, Urge and rommo.iionr slaughtering, hanging, catting, packing, smoking, and lard romleiii g hauscs, brick boose Ivt office and every convenience for handling TWELVE MUNLKKD HOliS PER LAY.and rendering (be lard frem the taron as there are a double flue steam boiler and engine lor scalding bogs and cututg lard, and two lank* for rendering oflal bT steam. 'There is also, on the premise*, an Ice House, large cnoogb to contain eight thousand bushel*, Tbe Scioto Valley, ol which CUilllcotbo i« tbo chlrf market,is one of tbe large a Pork and Beef District* in the Weil, ami hogs can always be bought there at lower price* than at Cincinnati and many other points, and cooperage it abundant and ebeap. There i* no drayrtge necessary, a* boav* may l«e loaded *1 tbe Packing House, and the iacillbc# lor shipping direct tram this via the Lakes to New tork <<r l liiisdclpriia. or Baltimore via Pittsburgh, or 10 llie East or 'South via New Orleans, arc at all »ert«on« of the )C»» folly equal tn those afforded by Cincinnati Money facilities arc nLo good, there being tan o twelve banks, within forty five miles. noulic&tioils tor renung may be made to ALEX. 11. McUUFFEV, Attorney at Law, Cincinnati; Or to FRANCIS CAMPBELL, Cniliicothc, O. laciotnGai. _ »Og33dmovl—*lB TUB VBA MARKET, I ' Ban Ride of the, A T lb:* ctUblUbmem the pnnlic m ay al*aya do* A. pend upon being supplied with excellent Tc*a at reaxnf>nblepri:ea-tMy bate . Excellent Tea* at —> go Mper ibj Papenor Qoallliex o ! Thfl Ue*t T a Imported I€o » Thi* it decidedly tne cheapen aad best store id Pittsburgh to nujr Teas. MUUfiJS AIIAWOHXM >c ps proprietor. fT K. WILLIAMS will open a elamcal and Kur* K. ii«b School, on the first Monday of Sept Beit , uoum over J. D. WUUtns’ store, comer of Wood | and Filth street*. imijaa. Her. Wo. D- Uowtrd, Hon. Walter H. Lowris, He*, pr. Elliott. | J. D. McCord, K*q, Her. Dr. MctiilL 1 J. D. William#, fcaq. jyM -*f •" «i_. /“I BEE3E—ICOt» bestChewtortaloby • O atplO 9TUABT ft 91U« MEDICAL. PROCIfAN A.TIOM. Ir'NOW mil men who areal 6 k mad ufliieted wilt* di»- k: sasaofthe bladder sodl tdiieya, w.Ui rheumatic pau»<nb*ckerli&bs,tiiffjowis, oJdvorra, running ulcers.Ae, that they cnn be -ured l«v taking ihe : Pc trulcam! Ton rosy talk abovtltrbrng « nostrum »• much ox you please, but this doe* not make u «o, for ■we proclaim lathe face of an none*! cow tammy .that .it baa- virtues which »re noieoutained m any teller remedy. The man who i« tacked with yum nmi suf fering from disease. earj for fifty cent**. *rt nrlicflroia any of the ill* ennuoarated above. Re&dctt il. co-tt very Utile to make a trial. This Petroleum it no mix ture—no compwid,patap tor the purpose «>f uiipn-in*; on the community; but ilia a remedy elaborated by the master hand of nature, and bubble* up from the b:> mom of our mother earth in its original purity, and of fer* to lufferinghnmani'y aready remedy, a certain and cheap cure. It haaaured File* after other medicines have toiled to render any relief It haaenred Rheumatism ot long Handing, and oflhe wont and roost paiulul character. It ha* cured Cholera Morbus by one or two dares; 11 ha* cured old cate* of Diarrhoa, in which eyery other remedy has bssu of no avail. A* a local remedy in burns and scald*, it it bcuer than anv medical coin- Cound or oinlracntihiti wc know of. It will curecljtl liiu* or frosted feet, in a few application*; undoubt ed testimony can be tornislicd of lie truth pontantrd in the abaca statement by calling on Samuel M. Krcr, Canal Ba*iu,?ilisireei; or cither of the agents. Keyscr k McDowell, earner of Wood street mna Virgin Alley; R. E. Seller*, fi7 Wood street, l>. A El liot & U. M. Cotry, Allegheny city, *re the agent*. ianai ; BEAUTY— lII* ttnivemllyco.treded that beauty l« more common in Uu* country than in afiy other, while at the some time lII* sal«. ‘Ha tin no other court uy tsit lost at so young an age'’ Now this Is.une to a ceittiu extent, bat the ion !& ofton caused by ne - gleet.. We aay to all, do not aejttoci your personal Bpoeirancc. but read the following, and you need not lack good looks. These article* sue scientific pre parations, qnd have oil attained a hieb popularity. JtLgX llivtv's Eatr Ihvtsa t>« Vant* »nu Nturn Soap, for nmoviui -tan. sunburn, pimples, Mow hr*, and other crnpUflnroJ the sktn; the most perfect con •enrator of beauty every known. i'arcbaxe nothing purporting to be Nymph Soap, unlras it ha* my name attached. " Jruoi llapxl’s PxutAft osCstNtsE PowDsi, for im parting lo tbe too*; .bilious complexion n isdtanl whiicjtes*. In noiiitr.g should a person he more care ful than the use ef a powder far lie »cm, a* many of thoae told are very My Chitteie Powder is cotnpoqpdpj ta a arteimfie manner, and contain* no inrredie'nt wbicb can yonwbly inflict an injury. Jclcs Hadjo.’* Dmuaxosv Fowcta. tor removing superfluous hair. What i* more unsightly than hntr upon the face or arms <jf a lady. Tin* article will remove u in a abort timo, without the use of any sharp inatrutaant. Jcuu Hausl's VaosTAiu Liqcio Itoia Dvs will tostanUneouaiy impart to-icd, white, or gray bair. a beautifully black, lirowu, or auburn rotor. I{ will color the hair in a shorter lime, end more cfiectunlly than any other Dye, brtnfc at the same time imtelhbte JcLta llaceiH Sqavtxu CtXAJt.—lt is really a plea sure to shave with ibis cream. There i* uocr of the smarting sensation fatally experienced in the u«c ot mon9o*ps. On the contrary, It leave* tlte skin smooth and soft ax au iufant’a, and not liable to become chapped, Joixe lUezL'a RosxTooru Pasts.—Next to the bair, we think tboTe«th wars intended as the greatestprna meat to the human face; bnl when neglected, nothing is *0 disfiguring,or ao quickly seen. My Rose,'Tooth Pu«te will impart to the teeth a pearly whiteness, at the same lime keeping the gums firm and henltby. Also, pa hand, a complete u»rotunenl of French, British; and American Perfumery and Fancy article* JULES lIAUEL, Fertumcr and Chemist, ISO Cbestuut street, I’hilu For sale wholesale and retail, by U. A. Fahnestock k Co., and R. K. seller*, Fitteburgb; aad JoLnSar gertu and J. Mitchell, Allegheny City, Fa. jy.C— Sp oi hjjjt or tux stwu, vr Barefela or King's Evil, RheajnatUm, ObtttnotcOiiia neons Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules on the Pure, Blotches, Biles, Chnmie Sore Eye*, Ring; Worm or Tcaer, Scal4 lletul, Enlargement e.ruTPaiu ol the Bones and Joint*, Stubborn Uioer*, Si;phil:te Symplon*, Sciatic? or Luailagor-nr.d diiCiuej tilting from rO injudicious use of Mercury, Aefo tiie* or Dropsy, Exposure or improdeore to Lt'c,. Alao—Cbroaio Constitutional Disorders, i j. Tlii*medicine baa acquired aver) extended ao.l established rcyotailon srhercTer il n*« been u'-td bused entirely on It* own merits, which it* superior flhcacy ha* alone sustained. The unfortunate victim of hcrcduurvjjitctie, with swollen Blands, rctitrtich il line*:, and none* half curious, bus been letlurcd t<- health and vigor. The scrofulous patient, covered with dicers, loudi.’.ocne to himself and Ins attendants hu been tcade whole. Hundred* cf persons, who had groaned li>t»He*«lv for years under < aUnecu* and glandular disorder*. chronic rheuiuatiam, sml Eian; other complaint* splinting furni a den»iic?mcrt i,l tiie secretive or/ai>t and tii«- ,-»rcui;ii»& hern raised us tt wereiroio the ra.-l of dtsekfe. and now, with regenerated cor.suiu'.ion. gladly (eiitfy to the esSeacv of this inestimable nrco^raiiiio. ‘•THirni 18 STBANOIin THAN FICTION.” The atuiiuou ol the reader u called to the ftdluwine artoeiahing cure, etfeeted by the u»« ot San-lV Sarsa parilla. “This l« to certify that 1 h«.v<s a colored woman who has mflJictedforihe ln-s five years wS’J. t'jrotcla. and all tbe remedies I used had ri>» ciirct in a/reauiip the progress of the complaint; on the « si* constantly crew worse; and after erpetiduiK l.mwccn fTO and #sl with physicians, Wvdes popular remedies witliuul l l the il,<rt‘e had eaten away tbe cartilage nr her made Its cp' poaranre on various parts of her lftd?,h>id hatl2ui:ls commenced its ravaeo* in the root ol her rr.niiUi "In this dreadful situation, with the jirn.pcet e death siariec he? in the face, 1 stated her ix*r tu In Disosway, the orent for Baou«* Sarsaparilla in New bern, N. C.. by whom I was advised to use that nnirie aud to uiy surprise and that of toy neighbors, u> whom her case was known, alter u*in* four aud a hilt t.ei lie* she was restored to perfect health. anil thul in the pace of three weeks, and w*a a ble to work in iw„ week* from the lime. «lie commenced taking it "In willies* of tfco traih of this statement. I have hereunto adtied ioy name, this IVihday of September, tbi?. josKi'H p.. “Month of Ncuw River, Craven co. N. C ■ SH>RU THROAT. ThB fnllowinfU *n cxiraei frem a letter received ftciii Mr*. Uewan.vruohnd been aflllcleJ ncrera! yean with Scrofulous Ulecn, Dyspepsia. Ac., and recently au adection ol the throat and ehfcru— ' •'lUu.rrce?tii. Ya., IV e. 13, IMS. M Me*«r*. A. H. ft H. tUst*— Before 1 commenced ur.njt your Sarsaparilla, oiy Budonur* woic almost pasl'exprcMion: my throat was completely ulcerated, 1 bad a dreadful cough, and tbeic were nequcntl) week* together that! mold not speak uho«a a whu per, and herlden.the ictiamiuaiinti from lay uiont e*r tended to my bead, so that my Waring wa* very :nucl» impaired. After-taking the Mauapanila a elicit my health was improved, and my throat h now well; I am at free f-om cough and lightness of the chest ax ever 1 was, aod can bear quite distinctly. Mr tbn>ot baa been well about three month 1 *, the cure of v.-hieh baa been effected entirely by ice we of your SiMi perilia. Yourfrieiui, LUUJtiA R. BKVAN" Tlie rollowinjttestimoaisl tn the value oftlm Siiraa paiilta.l* from the Hev Luther Wright, ayed Tf. years Congregational Minlater, residing at \Vobura. : “Woauas, Me**., March rro, tS<B. “Mecir*. Sands: Gentlemen—From what 1 have ex peiieneed, and from the information I have recently received fiorn a nnmbcr of persons of high leaped*- hilhy who bare used your Sarsaparilla, 1 have no' the lra»l doubt bat that it is a most valuable tnedL-ine ainl that the numerous certificate* you have received of it* efiewey ate Tally santtttned by experience, and although Its icp 'taiiuii and u’tliiy uio very extensive, and Bland in no need i»l my’humble ednris lo inciettri them, 1 want ull who’ar* afflicted by disease to l>« come acquainted’with the efficacy and,! owtr cl yuai valuable medicine. 1 “1 uio. ecmlcnu’D, gratefully and very retpentwily youri. • i LirniLK WHIOIII*. 1 ’ I‘reparpd hud gold, wholesale and retail- by A. U. A D HANftft, brought* and CbcmitU, IWJ Fulton sttrrl corner of Willum, New York. Sold aho by Jlru« guu generally throughout the United Stoics and Han •da. Price St per bottle; six bottle* for *5. For wife by L.-WILCOX, Jr- U. A. FAJiNESTuCh t CO„ and EDWARD FENDtKIOII, Pittsburgh. Ai ms hY IVy h iiMi rit. liridru w> 11KDIGAL AID SCUGICAI. OPFICU, No. 41, DIAMOND ALLKt , » . fow doota ba ow Wood strati, t* > wards uaraet UUi BHO WII, having beer J9jnStSfaS rugularly educated to tlu medical profc*uion, and been for tome titna tn general practice, now confines ♦gSSrffiMy \bis attention to tho treatment of tflcif'Tiiß|n|S thoei private and delicate com plaints fur which hi* opportuiuiiet I and experience peculiarly quality \ him- 14 year* assiduously devotee to study A treiunefli of those coQp!aini.v,(dounits|q**k‘ lira* be bai had more practice and has rure-.l.innte pa tents than can ever fall to the lot ol any j.-.itntf prar ittianer) amply qoalifica him to oner e.Mmjwre* c» rneedy, permanent, and »atiii«i»ry cure to ai.s.liietec with dauaaUdiaauet,and all dtseaais arailig tbire ,fiom. Dt. Drown would Inform those afflicted with pnvau diseases which have become ebron>c bv ume er at* • ravuted by the use of any of the corenlon u.Minniii o, the at their complaint* can be radjja lynn.i -.horj ooghty cured; he having green hi* f.ara.ol tr the treatmeut of stsoh cases, and»:cceU t.r ©rluaunces in curing p«r*ona of mllsuuaaiioii of ids ueek of the Madder, and kindred diseaxts which oftet mult frem those cases where others have them to hopeless despair. He particulMlyinvucs.uok a> base been long andiWKucoeiiftUly tieaied b) otricri to consult him, wheu every saiisfactlo* will l,c River them, and their cuse* treated la a earefal, th* rough ani iaielligeni manner,pointed out by a leoq siiF.fienc*. study,aod investigaucn,which It i* icutotiiole tor tons snguted in ieberal ptacties ofaisaicina to givsvo «no Clara of ulieais. fTT’Hemia or Rupturu^-Dnßrows Alio lavlti* per um afflicted with llermito &• hat paid pam«i alaz attention to this diaeas*. OANCEBSaIso cured. Btin disease*:alrJ i) aun« Oh wye* very low. N. ll.—i'aiittit* of either tax living at c y vutifig their diseara tn.wmlnp, giving ailtimymv tome,eatibhuto raedtemea with directioag for c*e, t» addresalng T. BRtAVN, hi. l>., poutpaid. sad snap*- tagafss. Offics No. It -01 amendalisy,opP'*ul»vha W*rtrlt Houa. BaxotUTUK.—Dr.Btown’anawly diecov»T»d rsma dyforßheamatismiauspeedy unietriain iencay fh ihal palnfuUiouble.' lt'never fails. ' j Oxeemi Prttrsta OuiulUuf Rsoss, No diDi atetdallay,Ru*h«ifh,Ya. Thu Dpjwrix alwaysi -' hdsta. ... .KinCTMPJ.. Hill '■ FBOPOSALB PORINOIAS OdOW. Dumrwkit of rtnt IsTta't.’.n, J • Qjßct if Indian Affair**. Sef< 35, . SEA I.EDX'UOPOSALSwiin« received atthaolace of the CotnntisManer of Indian Affairs,'-at 'V«*h ineton city, nutll ten o’clock cn Ssutrdey.ue fcJhi.o -day of November next, tor furnishing ike, tollowitit' 2100 naira 3 point .white Mnukioxc blgukelx, to * meaaurq 72 inches,, and weigh eight 1 9CO urinf'Jj point whif** Mactinue.Ugnkelx, io ' measate 51 uCtl W ihnhet, «nd weigh #n 1,17fi puira2 point'Wkito Mackinac blitakels, to inc&sure 42 by 53 iccbca, and weigh live tad u quarter'pound*., .900 paua U point white Mackinac bUhketv, (o • measure 3fi hy.f.O tuchca. and weigh tour nnd n quoiler pounds. # i 900 pairs I point while Mackinac blankola, to measure 32 by 46 icekee* and weigh Ik*** and e quarter nuuntia. 400 paira 3 p jint-uearlel Mackinac btfittketr, to measure CO.Ly 72 inches, and wdtgh eight pounds. 303 pairs 2l point scarlet Mackinac i>!qnkels, ,lo measure Gl by GG inches, end Weigh ,eix pouuda. - 100 pair* 3J point jnecn Mackinac DUnkelf. to measure CO by 94 iuchr?, and weigh ten pouud*. j ; 300 paira 3 point preen MJtckiuad blankets, lo moasuro CO by 72 inches, and wulgh eight pounds. ' 230 pairs2l point green Macklnno blankets, to measure 64 by tC inches, and weigh six poonde- i 100 pairs 3j point .gcntineUa blue Mackjn&o L-lan* ketr, lo j&euure CQ by S 4 inches, and weigh ten poum's. ’ 400 petr* 3 poiot gehtipelln bluo Mackihac (da'i keta, lo measure 60 by 72.iucb«, and vteigli eight poUuJa. • •TOO jiair9*2} point geiitinella blue Mackinac Mac* kete, to measure M bjr 6G inches and weigh fix |K.moito. Cloj>* No 2—Dttr Good*. !; 1,005 yards dcnrlel stroudr. fcDO do bine atrouda. 1,600 do fancy lilt cloth. bluc. > 7CO do . lancy list cloth, bcarlct. 350 da fancy list cloth, greeli. da gray list c-loth, blue. 3U017 dn raved list rlolb, bitre. j I,U>o' do aaved lint cioib, tcariet. ; Sell Jo saved list doth, green. ;; 225 pounds woraiedyarn, 3 Ddd. . ]OO dor. cotton Bat; handkerchiefs. 2so do cotton Madras handkerchiefs. 175 do. Mack silk haodkerohiefx. j 20 do M e-itlon ahuwJs. hU Jo <l4 couon shawls.' j G 5 do 4 4 cotton thawls. 40. do S-t wtootou shawls. "• 430 pound* liaeu thread. ~ ! &0 do sowing silk. ■ 700 pieces ribbon, assorted. lf>o prof.* worsted porteriDg. '■ 31 pieces atik ItaodL’C-rehieta, bark anil bandena. Cto.'j JVb. 3.—Dowxanc Goowb 35,00 ft yards dctucMic calico j 10 000 du Merimac c alien ; 3.500 do blue drilling . ; 8 ncO do Georgia alripea . 1: 4 000 do blue denims 1.600 do couonado < 4,700 do Wd Itiiking lj)P0 do Kentucky j*-ina j 530 do anlitciu ’! 7,000 do plaid lin»ey \ 7,000 <h> dumt-Mic aflirling, bleached 15,000 du doineatt.* rhirtiog, unblcajihed 15,000 do domoatlc aheoting,.unbleapbed 6,000 do durricatic checks, stripe* ahd platdi 400 dosen wooden socks ’ yards AaaaHs, aeaortsd - j 1,600 iisnnei sbirla ! 700 calico shirt* j 550 panpdv cotwn thread |> 400 do2e*o spool cuttini. j Clays it*-, 4'—HaanwAae. j: 2,050 pounds l>ra»s kettle -276 Joter hmcher kfljyea J cun flint* ’ ' . 25 gross rqtiaw awls 7,000 fi:ft hooka 25 Cose a ti#h lioea 25,000 needica TOO dozen tombs, tfskorted 10 do fclsvani, assarted 10 grcr.B gun wcraia . • > 1j093 t>a kettles i _ 'H coM* j*pa&oml Jrcttle*;'s in a mlsi Cists. JYb. 3.~-. AQUcnLTr^*2,7ArpLC;cc;ir<i. 200 drawmn kulvca,ll2 i&rh’es In ter nth [J In,- TOOaugera, in equaCproportipa*of la, 1, }, & 150 pairs bames j 750 pairs trace chttC* weeding boea '. 1 ‘ ' 175 band e&wi. • 1 ■ \ 40 c»o» cut vaws, 7 tot.t io: length ■ 40 cross cul raws, 6 tcet ia length }OO hast) tuw' files lfifvcrpss cut aiw filet- M 40 toe ebaina, to Weigh 25:potads t adb 600 Wbitlcrjora cards, No. 10 tiO»> quarters soctui chisels plaaes, fore »Dd jeet C!aU ;Yo. C.-r- Air*. 73 t'orea hxuf>, to weigh frotn d| u» ' J pour.da S 3 do huif axes, n> weigh 3| poaudj •11 tin br.ifbi.ts to weigh H uoatids 'iO broad men • 1 Ciiu K-j. 7—NoHTnt'CeT Gtas. CfH) notiii wtmt nuot, two thuds'of Weich mini tneasore .3f> tucket in lenglb cf .barrel, sod 000 third Vi inches in length of. bafroi. to lw deliveretl in New York or Phiiouciplna, as mat In* required., jl of ulfihb ahorMnielftsitre \\tlb* u*»l inibe tfli-o of thn of Aiik-r• ; .n)d tt may'be luuper to reciait ihui irioii- of liiinlwiite, rtr riculturaiimptemeuU. and north «rc*r fVn*. tire en tirely new, nnd. fo quality thuu iti.e articles brtcintore furnbilii'd under former cftiiiraijt-1, ai*y be divided into siWen pant via.: ’ } 11—Blankets. ?i fliq* Good.*. Hd—Damecuc* gbovl*. 4ih—rHardwan*. ■Th—itzcifullmal ituplcotenu, Oth—Ax««. 7 h—Nojihwost puns. The iovrett cr*opeieitt re'poniiibfo l**« T ler will re ceive ttis iv-lioli or »-i> puit ol ihc fouiri'l. scc.irdmt 'o tb.* stovfi :, Hie rei-erdn< toilteli the rikht m rfeirrmii'e whether the l-id.ler n cnnimienv •ml rvr?onsd>lo or mu. Jlie who!*-amount *n money to lie'apnlie.l to the parclnuo of edoJi u-ul bo about Jim the t'c pattmeni »r.«eives the ught to iucren-d or UilmtuOi be quantity of any of the wtiidckuatiiedjnr sulMtnuic oilier* lr* lieu thereof, crv> require, at *1 übar price*, ► uirU Roods a« m«y be tvaotrd tor or other putprniea, id the adipimstriiUon pi tile atfi r* ot Itie l'e paiuteni. Uo»d» of >uieriewi munuJur.Oiir, nil other thtlut bci* r, equal, w<ti be profcrted; l tl us all ibe ♦ample* oMiUukrn aint cl«wh* are cf menu faetuto, it will br. hei*r*»nTV, when ». domcnii article is bill for, lhat a uaroplc uf i! nhou'ii nrleet ‘puny the ijid, to cnaMe the Department to decide t> Siether it Is of equal quality with the tatuplc* t<> hneib 1-iic.i The party proi>o*'r.g to •ucply die atli-Mrs w;l! make an mvnire of alt the iloms emhtne.-d i'l tSc<* above htt. an>! nflix itio prices, ip dollars amt cent*, 4twb»chheor , they wi't fuimi'.t them under each cfa»» »epa»atolj, de liverable m New »otk, fet if tbe.contr.-u.tor prefettrtl, about o'cc lialf of thoqaaiiUty may be delivered m St. Leul». Mo., free nf expense. to the Goveijamrct) on or heterc the IMh day of May next. nssomiiifi the quantity •>t each arivolo at specified in thin advertisement. and extending lh« ro»i, making no BRfireßa’.ei ot tho.wbolc ; couuitunm; ilto bid. The good* will be inepee-' . ml In New York (nod m St. ly.m-q if any portion of tlipui *hon!d be delivered there) by utj'Kf.eni of tint Untied State*, who will be appointed lljr the Popart ~ rr.eni lor ibe p;»rpe«c; nnd to ascertain tie conformity ot fie articles purchased with the exhibited, when tbe contract *h*U be made, and vynh the terms of ihrt contract it-clf, which shall voniaitl a c!au»e thul if the u-tirle* nre not turnUtied within Ithe timo pro ietiliftl, or tf ihey - nre of Inmffieieol tonality tn the opinion of the agent aiore<oi4. and it w|tbin live dej* alicr.notice of rurli insulTicitney tbo party thall not furniMt ufjc« m |ieu theteuf of the required quality, toe lAuied Males shall l>? uulhorit-d to purchase them .of ctaer*, and u» ciimge aop inorwuvof puce they ' map tin eompe'led to pay therefpr ir, too contractor, who Mtall pay the situ difference l-> tieiUniied States. Dcnili will be required in the aaoajfii of tbs bidr, with tyro cood nttetier, tho snfilrl*i;'cy jjfwboih to bo ccrtiluld by a United States Judge or District AUornoy, (i % the fuithiol performance nl the cohtraru. Pay meat will bn made after the contract In Completed and the delivery of tho goods as aforesaid to an aeent ot the Department, upon a dcjilicaie invoice cert fled by him ' Cumnlunicftliona to la marked ‘TfOposah for In dian good'.’’ Tbe bids Will bo submitted with the following l end ing, end nr ne will be received that am not wade in the fo'iil and terms here prescribed: . “I (or iurnish f r thn tervlco at the. fndiiii iJl.Tattmei t tho following poods, *t the prices altixcd to them respectively, tl*;— ■ ( (.Here insitt the lis; of tood4 1 Ueiiverftdc ih iheeitf ofNe*- York (or St Lenis) «n or buiotU in- day of— next; und In case nl tbe ac* ccjttunrr. nf hia propo«alr,tU«qnnniliy hhmg prescrib ed by llae Uip'Jitu.citl, 1 (nr vfe) will otfcute n enu iraci uCilnrdir.R to this agreement, and'give ratirfac;- torv security to the Department withlu £n daya after the rectpUon of this bid, and in ease ef faiiarolo edter mlo soch contract, and give such Iccnnty. 1 {oy we) will pay v» ih-* Unticil States thedifferenco bo* tvrrcn the mm* bidden by m*. (or u*Jarul Uiosdm whicu ihe United State* icey be obliged to pay for thft tamo aiiictrj ’ j: 'i focb hud exery bid tta»l uiw> be accaoipayued with a iuaraiity m the following forot, to be/Mcried by oi-e or more rcrnomiblo. peunns, *rho>e tdfficieacy in tut t.e cextiCol V,y moo one who IVknotvnto the Depart ment, either p:»t»«rnUjr why hi* officio) potiiloo. ••• •! (orwe) uetrby guaranty tbM——-—, the above bidder, ,T?i;i comply writh iho terra*of the advertise* ment lot‘pro; oral* for Indian cood*, 1 Itned ttepieai br.r ‘ij. it Mi, ifthe contact should t,n awarded to him. un.l etittr mio bond lor tbs execctifloof the ease within the utne prescribed.' ’•‘•Tbo contnfcis of former yean mo open for the m* rpoctxm of bidders. H I.EA, ■cjVM Comoiiwioatr of Liflinii ASUrs. “T cb’.pbtVreYeip.~^ J tr ' IlfAyß, ihi» iia?,.»‘sotuited witi me Mr. ML Cloths, id tlir. \Vuok/»lr Grcrert wid. Produce Ilu»inrj4; iheei;lcaf U.ctjrntTrill fc; A.CcU>r.n*on *_Clooio. t>y3) CULBERTSON ; -| , A.ccl*tirf*onl ;,v .li-if. cfyirna. , . je. CULUICUTHOn i Cr.OCSE* WHOLEiM.L* (iIIOOERH "utid OoronUnMon Mer* »ll.t*ot(i v l>«'aie»« Produce, 4rd PHutumU Majinfuctared artt?]es,lW Liberty jyO 1 . . ? ’~ ; . 1; ' • i . KxtraFasaUy Flour. - ■ ‘ AFRI'SJI supply of she Poland Mills cnra.Funily Floor,-a ver£cboieo enicla. last rac'd {.ir sale by ; ACDWfcRTad&fcCLOUBS ■ «**s - J ■ ■■■, . MISCELLANEOUS. I’l’lTSßßlitill. BUSS UrOilES, A. & D. H. CHAMBERS. li; (u:fß cuttemi, acsw A ro d Would reapsufulJy ir.toxoj ike cu*!mnei*of the l.tta 6m, u«; wro the ruMic teueraliy, that they v»0I rotmsuq Ihe icatiutoeturr of IVJNOOW GLASS.VIALS, BOTTLER Ac ib all Pteir at the Old No ia,“w«ii»tl it; be twc*n First A Water; "!' . ' • tnPOttTAMT TO THK AP FLICKED. Dr. Bose’s Celrtratfit Kemtdic*- DR. J;ACO» 8- UOSVhlht* «U<CC-vV:fff BCJ sole pm* prictor (f tLrw ttuVot a-<J fuicnctsl medicines, anil alr> thr mvciiu>r ci itc etltbrat.-c iiKUutt.'iit for tunaur.;? life n, cci -ct*: y a cuts of oinohic ilifeasc*, v/-y. a oi tk-.t •.nuinjr.t thyaielan, Doctor Fhj**r, srd 1/ a praUunt.- .k tie !nivrr*ti7ofl*em»9yl*4;ii«i,u«t:l tor thirty yc*n nr»ie has beeif,eiu:MeUift theicy**iifi*iUM ot uni the appliratiuii of rnnledtc* UiPrrUj. Through ti.u *.** r.f 5»l» infinites lube, in connectian with fciAa’tt-pljVluc tjrety rup nu>l«nhMoi Lis rcn:c-.!tcs,' ii£ ha* > an aapuiiilr.'lcd euttnettr.s incaruig' tiiose dceadffa!| an-d total irf.liJies, Tu'-crcuinr Con suroquorf, tbuivcrt, rterututo, KLctucHtitut, Ast>rtts, Fever, ami Ague, Frvetr ..f _wli .kind*, Oltnmic b'ry aipelas, and uil fho«c ototirmc t!t?-r*»ea yccnlm to fcmatos.vli'dced every tot mofdiH!asi*ve.a;sl:pj the u«e cf .b:«''»einwlie.«,.to which bustamiy t* heir— tint by the 'use of «me ecrapntind only, lor ti nt t* in* compililjlciwi b Fby*io»Oßirnl Law, but by toe ur* uf hi* rr-mc- uiiontcl to and |tte*ciiueti tor each peculiar3ornt i>mi<ea*’t- Dr. Kwe’a-Tonio Alterative Fills-w Len uteJ are invariably nekii-Owlcdgcil to L-e rttpr.rtor to a 2 other, M u putystivp liver pill, itm-ttneito u- they to*ea il-e t'owpto pnri'ccily iico fr.tu conlvcnet*; *s elm JiiitSiddiiu Filkta mlmiUcd by.tlm laculiy to potaces EccullarTin*p«trtic< uctpieif t'> female ducasrv, but emjr »a:Hfletl hhnl a (tore tttol is *od:c'r.!tttut*»ublish what hailteeslOatd In of!!«»u<r>*{ The sdirted arc invlKd to rati upon tim agent. au;l 'procure teruu*i) one of tbe Jjoeior’upujnphleU, Riving AiteulleiTaccouaiot each remLly uml its Bvi>'.i':.vnun. For sale by'f,be fidinwtnj agents, ns well a> by iuo«t ihrotjcbout tin- Vininiry. • i tirhoonnta'iier A Co, 91 Wood street, RiUA<uiitt; J ftt T4wjisebd,<lfu,'gi*!, 45ATurirct tt,"! do; Itee Ai«eck!t*tii, do ricariheP.O.Alliy;bvnycit7; Jo* Uirtley, DarUnirtmi. Heaver ca., Far Jno.EUio.u Itotton Volley, do do; T Adaits, fkATcr,. do do; aapFtolly ODNDjUlii—7ttft baj*e prim? tirean Uu» iVtfte, O ;i " Iftsi packaße* assorted Ten*; “ 75 i»Tf» »>6nri] TotnV.’f.; .•> lulajt IVv'i>rr; •• t> has* AUf tce; :( mutstCicnjimin; • •i ftd liio No 1 Cliorolrtir; - .'I ca»c« t/tjuoricc IUU; "i • to fir.ici s utali pnms Kic:; • :! ; Hi cut" hc» Maildrr, ;j . ..; 5 liariiU Alntu; • 3 !h* barrel* 'JumteiV Orl; ;; " 60 dozen patent Bucket); ;1 . : 300 bl« CYitji litorxor*,' 'l SO bnieo Wfcite Pipes; * ■ 30 tilid* prime NO.^iwen *• • . do Hut hrt# Urpo No 3 Maekcrr.'; Sit bxl4 UrgeNodo; 6 do . .No 1 dn, 50 brb fi O Tat; VP.brb Pitch; 50 l>ri» No y llosio; attained Vann; fti tale» No t BaUmpr UW kega pjicie YVliilr I niJ; VOO krs* H*^ortcil Mortncnt of Piiijl'Arptr luaitufHrtnred s by JOHN WATT A; CO ulf. Lil>rii» u Ahn,» full a< »rticles,3i>r <tal< >epta:: SI'U.VU ii JUi»LArji't'„s --mi f •' ' POO 0 hf!> N fl Moiai . y Lr,n while JSnrzii :!«i hiti Siuhn’s.crashed. Uii '.»)» LAvt-ntic’t pulv’d; •iSt.rl. S; I.oum «!r; H< l*x>; I.p»eriuj; , B !.o*‘; :U» l»rh St Coiib i*;i, la sioife &dd Gir »ale l»y trpjoi. .| I tMU.yn -VtU list O 1- 111 Ml Jjtc'uino - •; •■' -w li*h <J& ••.•!» :; i riius i»a:ivj}ri, i'iw i, " ■ *i till Clovrs 5 f I SO li'Ukri* l*<4n«]« 4i)X nr.3 Aim .rr L'iiv« 0(!j ;n 'i.iire auJ Tor .rs!*; |.v i -epils iiiu.Kit .Mil* f Ki£Wl?.OOK5l BOOKSI AT BOI'MES’ LITE HA RY DEFOT, ■ AThW «tftel,«jp|ic.«iu'i‘*'siOirif.-' HIST?OIiY of G. Ky TWServ, SoifKe.'bock'or Me£szmo iar l : n:ncin!i-r Mant'ii Mo fijhaart l Wlrp'Jleviejrfor %*iili mi a.' Gen. teliu, . ■ lioatcli Skikjf.sare, Vo JZI. ' ‘ LUtri** Livl,«:«T Ajo*No : »?l* VJ WWr;Po»tr#ji Gallery* eor.iaiatas filiy jwo ci 1(5,t.t -irm 01 Whin?. 1 oicii£|JJl’tte«!e*.v for'Aitfru'V‘ • DcaoenFri Review nr t-?i»ieial'sr.. • KcleCfuMljrvlcvr ®l foi t«- jiicui i*r. • -\ - j'j. ’ - ■ >i-pia " T 7 'TiID-HP BTAIUS. • MUHPHV;atbVKCHFHa.O inform the.rtusumi eiS and buyer* .generally shot, in eomcqr.'nc.? of worrarri,being engaged In nv.i i>,iprt v ing their Plow lloom, they ln«v«» rtWaveii t-vir qoods Co tbe'Skt.uSli pTnavof the bri Yiinc they c.-cttpy.nriir! mo aro Fati*hed; wheje they will be happy to etc-, their-cos lomcrs. ua n«u*i, r.mi for the Ifounlejof waiftinif tip naira,-sfili try und rcmcnr.mts them hr eclUng iheiA Cljcun n-fotl*. Ijlf*Eiitrnimr from fourth street. _ hurl** _ W sriautiiii Pnr« tv'iurs'iinu CrmuTii", for Medicinal Pvipatsa] nlwen, O hanh ai.U i'ui tair by i!;t b< ti‘c, «;umu, <*r .'<>r et i t l»AlV‘>iil M >' (>diU '• { vNEjcnre'Tltiick tfloih ".ou^ic. KJ I:f»tii.*-yc'lcw Kiiir.ncii, 'dlciteßlßaii do; i'case Rett twntid flauntls i -leases, U hue uo do, Mail'd do, tfeenser'. Pi&ia sud Fancy Ccajitriar;*; plan Alpinr; .; ; jicJutrirmnsj Acascri Jiiue itlsck DU:ik:t . • icn*l;i Cr-tf n.’aukr,d; lira!) HJankciV; tl.q ; Ucaseii tVhiie DcJ pOiii Str,uu tfoji Itluntfi:, Rrciivrn yn tuniicninr i.t, und for «•»?!• si n aniisc luitr'o'pncen by ’ tl Lt,j -<iv*a _ _ *>rc.u. ftA?!*— LO-\v‘j h'Kbly pcrfanie.l 1/nnvii Wi,;.t«iM, ti «fo do Ik-ncv 5<* i|'. ■j I'tiiialoiphia Vanvgßti’il |{ t*nnl>cr.T»i Jo dor. ;j Oa-ino Snap; !■ Oiivfi So»pi (oe *ale wbo'e» •»»*,} mail by ;; _ \V»V a Au-iti.riu; .1 ru i niaav Wmmc, Rr.Ofci VfcD tUi* •);»> ion, tiu- c* \ I*4i Liij ScrcvitOr-r Arranged U'* D.u*U. Jc)jnn*rti» iuM isaiirot—PV Olmk.' VCm-S oit-y gnnn dayi—f'o-ttor Aiyav dawa in Cain*—Fo«:«r Li a WaL.Mifui .1 iH C-syart*—Vloict lie* Uc» UJiUiy Oltll'.* o?l'<'Js.f i! r; 11 iri.r.m:* ?*Ti _ ' <.!':?••!CfMwi Ihip. 7p;r.l •: J Ai^n'ti'KK^-L'o O ii L-M'.-.U JJ:okk\ re. - _____ : AVtier >. nr.M „•■•. Xii)s'«bi)»|i* —VVarrintm (icnuln B|<u\Vf» Wirijhrr bnnp, I]oi>rv 5 1* * <s •Vji-niacflLif,'Oriental. 11 mi Phv«- iiu -Tiieio Soaps- s-.e bijrltly erkbrateil Kir tn-purung t!:C hJ itJ. | i*Bitb«eii freor Hie trnptmor. m;d for solo by , iepiil - U r. MKLLKttA a 7 Woolm ]AjiUAYKA COFFEE-MO b#g» nittmn for siis~ _Jby__ IsrpU] WM AMeULOKt; £• On ■ iLtSiopTcnACKiTirS'-'i'Viia (inner ’ ' AJ !| - 1t1« Bn»n i <»<* _ 4 . _\y.M a iUcC:M’R(-. Aco tUll-Alls-- rename i’iincite. —t-tur'?i'Sonn’; j 1 I’l’.tXKJ Htivtaa,—Hrrcavpi, • I 41Mj0m , .Key sLsk, viittous beards ! 43.i>00 LcHta*io:i :'iUcu>*-; ! fJfI.tCP PliiladelpbtefttOdn hf. S|;unufc; In store eru for i-:e by ■ > ‘ y MILLER i/RICKET^ON' ij-ik'nipCt -iiMiudes NV rol4 Letuliti, f.-.r sale by 1 :ker:i •. . j aji floy_b f I boiea ;<L»«ttfueiare«l T«*b ir’eo, of X Rn'-sell £ n;.U oilier faTfirtir f.ranns, Fot*«3iei>v ' • Laopif) rtgrur, \> lh, w il CW«c 1., wore, m T sa r. | T _) Xenp L JAR FLOY U IdL IUR-rSO 'if l'i r'y-lunaSiia •• tnpermo fcmtly tic-or ‘ ' ,lUi» Irii rCiic fnii-.iiy Firttr, jQ..t r.-c d (ornqicly ) A C-i s ljuKO'l , s*Or'f’A; CLOUSK ■o nt) --1 >O6 tftiioffy at, Kkf»iTui»L'li —‘.’Jl t.i |UH t!or «Mlo IjV lfep- A«U!iUeaTSI!K^*.Ot.OBSK h.< oaPIIAL :pi Vortts, a very ii»>, IX. brt«!;i, Lw*Jft «p:o?»ly jrarno-e, for »elc hv : ; • I'eplO J«Y ii HinLL!F» BAOON;HJH>Ui.OtraS— tO,<ibO}l.vr6*-d lor rr-’e t.v ; • llr.KltAl tiH SOIrAU— ilr iiida N O bugar.ief'd i'or r«> tio <rplOt-V' ■ . ft At \V HAItHAUGLI O(U «u>crsiie, ioc’4 fi«r ra<o by " frpKT: . - -j A. WIIaR I? A UGH t/'lifciil ci ebesU Ytmti^lLyiSni A?' 1 • *5 : do • (Stfni’KVrtlcK ; • . vO ‘lO . JciilijliL •J “ icae*Mybr»{'* PefJalcstsrTiTalaatNew Y'ort,roinr.TtLlncvfli;oaa (itttOLijtt*, fur Site- by . ,WM PACdLi:Y 4 C() sfjitr • ~ m.a. •/« Wood « RlCiI--rt>ltss Citoilaa Rioe. fcr sais4>» - " • ' -Wtl BAG A LEY k C(> BLACa TliA—;4o hfoha Cician Iv-urlt'a * ■- ’ • . 510 fl o Oolon<- of lino Rrt jti, tHjt lluoer. lm:»i and Co»sida,ior tain by - ..aoptd •; •• \VM nsfiALTTY h Cn tl itivAAii UtlKh IS—' ii uas p<iffin-1 ec'Q-lor s'!c !jy f leepltl . - . B&'Vl r HAIIHAr<,1 1 BACJJN; SHOUUOI2US—WiIbOIS-Totti of teoota, toreaieby- & fc Vr IIARD.\UK|L HAMH--S cat** *uncfJor.caavii2<c<l HAtoa iuji T >. ar.d'loi uiTc hyl L 1 Sfc-W SUUA AtiH—tbcask* ta r.ore ami ror-m*, to" \ rt k W.TI AHiIAUCU \jt :MUU> CAr«DL.E3~Wi l-l* ID RtoVn for iV,V,\r- Pijq??-:.-.,:. 1 :: •: SfcW HAUUAUGII <jLas*~cOu t>x* ar»‘*s for nils by TJ,V trplS | g tc \7 HAJIUAUCII firl» elUi Hoar terM-foMiluby — K I ■ _ J - H.fc.W HARHAUU f[ • r'uUA.fc?-: ilA. vjl; ‘commonln. ««e. (nr s *? e j»y '■••Sfc WHAR»AUO» Jt.ihche»*»,rt«n:t-a> tovlncb thttk. t£ r. A *J •tySfta fit U«ll Vfl>lTenii*ir wtljMl.k&ct » . trui li sojitrior'; to €T€»y it-scr ehr **■§’? ?* *° »ach' ul»tujc*ty 'Kb'.cti Ptaetfs ift-ntt m&.p ba usc£ a!Kjut ail ’’ ?lc M‘*‘W I *t?wa.ihe<tv cyh£ I or «juo wholtsahr iriJ r«v*il tv* •" ' .-• sbuvwiuv?. tlitEiis K—-Su prime cieim ia*r rcv'.i »</• jL5*£L a _ • : -l ' • **, \y nAW*l?frtr bTI» N. C. Tarj t -;j- - *tTUpuiTsT«mo»>OihVor«.ilcby I jLj ‘ BROWN fcIURRVATiUCIw I ■:■■■■ IHLitai?.! § I