The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 17, 1850, Image 3

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*UfiPoiL'riSl> « TBLBOtLJipUKD
■ NxWYoXX, Oct. Iti.
b is staled .tbit the government has in content*
{halloa lbs cosMiuciioQ of ■ powerful I’qiadrcn of
Steamers bribe African coa«t,wilbavjewof em«
ploying theta to carry a monthly mtil, and act op
oa ibe slsvfc prevention service. It proposed
list lbs Aset t.htU consist of forty vessel*; and
ooe shall be ceiached from the sia:lou* along
the coast monthly, to corns homo tad retain with
the nuila-thus esitblUfcisg a regolar monthly
communication with the African coast, and effect*
Hally eruahing the slave traffic.
The tenant leaguo la Irelead are extending
their oryßoixction througbeut overy town _aod
puiah. Oat of Ireland, (he general opin oa among
well Informed persons in, that the taaotnomo
machlaary of the league will ultimately prove ita
Still, the movement is regarded by
the government with considerable apprehension.
The subject of tho Irish colleges ccttinncs to
give riee to angry Tho Catholic Bishopa
are [making airenoona cfT.m to esiablLb a minis*
try cf their own, with a fair probability of aot*
Pafnfnl'rnmoT* of the Sir John Franklin expe
dition are in circulation- Dstpatchea have been
received from Sir Jan Rrss, atating that on the
I3Ji cf Augur, three Esquimaux were found in
j h * Jf 8 , 0 / * rd bei0 * * ae «ioned ma
ted that in 1819, two ehipt were broken bvthe
leeia the direction 9r Cspe Didley, and'after-
burned by a'nerce triba of Datives. Tbo
ships la queation were not whalers. That ansa
uttai were worn by aome of the white men. Pan
Of the crew were drowned, and tho remainder
were lor some time u houses or teats, apart imm
the natives. The men had guna, but no
tails, and being in a week and exhausted coodl*
Uon, were anbsequentiy killed by me natives, with
darts and arrewa.
The paper from-which the above is copied, says
Vv£ “to whole story i» a gross mlaconseption.—
what the reasons aro is not stated
Tho American eh-ps Advance and fisierve had
penetrated as far «s aay.tquadson. Atihe depar
ture of the lest advices, tho Advance had got
bat no aerie us icjnry was apprehend-
The British PatllsuieLi, which wta to meet on
the 4th uJ Nosember, u u> be further prorogued.
Tie 11 Coisair u newspaper was seized in Paris
on Satordsy, for publishing an article reflecting
severely on the President
Thirty Individuals aro accused of belonging to a
society having for its object the restoration of the
House of Bodibuns. Tecy have been declared
guilty, and sentenced to tix months imprison
A ship builder alHsvie has contracted to build
a Mean frigate for the Pope.
- The government has givea its sanction to a
proposition for a lottery ofJOO.OOOf to raise foods
to send out 9.000 distressed persons to Califor
The price ofbnad in Paris is declining. '
It is said of the candidates in opposition to Loots
Napoleon at the next Presidential election, that
Prince Da Joinvtlle has fallen into inalgaid.
Trade in Paris, and ihrangboot the country con
tinues brisk. . Funds on Thursday wero heavy,
tn consequence, it is i&id.ofsomemuunderaiand
ing between the President and General Cnanjrar*
Therefonow a romnr from Vienna that Lard
Paltnersiss has called upon the King of Protstato
insist upon toe HoUteiners laying down their
arms, and that he was offered an Engtiih flee’ lor
the blockade.
Three separate battalions of Hungarians, In the
Austrian army, in Lombardy, have revolted, and
the resalt was only suppressed by force, aecom*
paflied by blcoJsbed. A compirscy at Milaa is
also said to havo been discovered.
The Hungarian refugees have received permit
aloa to quit the Turkish country, when the Hq**
of brobation itover.
Kossuth; it is it'd, has applied for permission
to remain at Constantinople.
The Archbishop of Sardinia htt been treated
like hUcoQeagno at Turin, and bath have been
•hipped off to CevfU Yaccfcis. The powers of the
Pope will not, it teem 4, shield these obnoxious
personages, the precise nature ofwboae claims is
not stated- All parties eoncar tn stating that they
have rendered themselves exceedingly obnox
Angry notea «uuiau*.d to be exchanged between
Prussia, Austria and Germany. Affairs appear to
he aa much complicated as at aay previous
Prussia refused to recogc'zs the Diet at Frank
fort aa bavieg authority to interfere in the affairs
of the Electorate. More than ihia, Baron Radow*
etx baa been appointed Mioirter of Foreign Affairs,
•od the Prussian troops are concentrating rapidly
on the confines of Cessel.
Matters fa Mecklenburg and Schwerin, seem to
be progressing toward the same dissension be
tween the Date and his people, ts in Heath Cas
The Cotutltnlroa which waa iwom to by the
Grand Duka on the lOdt or. October, 1629, bat
been violated, by the Ministerial Deacon abolish
ing it altogether, and re*graniing to the obnaxlons
nobility their old privileges and tights. Th« de
portee refate to obey the illegal act, and have
appointed the 4th or September to meet far delib
eration ; previous to which the Prcs dsat of the
Chamber was arrested and tent to priten.
The Cabin Expedition is to sail oq lie I Sib
isd. The,Caledonia and ibe Hibernia, formerly
orthe Canard Line, arc to be immediately placed
npoo the ronte between Cidiz tad Havana. Tbe
Cambria will alto bo placed opoa the rooic aa soon
ai circumstances wli admit of her being detached
iron the Royal Mail Lice.
Wsißir-OTOtt, Oct. 16.
Tho following appointments ot Indio Com*
Qittioaer* have been made by the PTetidom r
Cba*. 6. Todd, for New Mexico; Oliver P. Tem-
Sle. and Robt. B. Cabell, tor California; Geo. W,
itrbour, Bedeck McKee, 0. M. Wozcncrrft, for
Oregon; and Simon Francis.vice Henry, declined.
Philadslthis, Oct lb
Floor —The market i» qniei, with sale* ot about
1,000 bbla standard brands, for ihipmentat (4 18i,
which lathe present uniform at king rale, includ*
ing some extra at $5 44 fcbi.
Grain—'There is but a limited amount or wheal
offering' SaJea of red at 1020105 c, and of white
at 1OS011D& t* bush. Com is in «i:ady demicd
at 64e lor good yellow.
Tbo stock of sugar in erst hands ia absot ex*
hauated—aalea ISO Lhds W. L at foil rates.
Whlskay—Sales in hcgihisds and barrels at 2c'4c
per gall. ,
Nrw Ycax.Oct. 16
Floor—TW steamer's news, as yet, has had ct
effect upon tho market. Toe hsme demand con
tlnuea, but the a hipping inquiry has fallen off.
Grain—For Wheat there u a fair demand, and
prices are In favor of buyer*. Com is in mode?,
ate inquiry, tod quotation* nro weak.
Provisions are unchanged.
Groceries—Not much is doing. Sugarsrootic*
oe isa. A salo of OoSeo was made at 40 | cfa
decline on last quotations. The sale* reach absut
700 bag* at 104 for Lsgoayra, 104(2 11 1 for Mari
caibo.tadTCtfSll} tor Rio. '
Oct. 16.
QFlour—The market is without ebangu. Ui»i-«
ltbe duller. Sales to day were 7000 bbU at si,«
6301,81 for common to straight State and West,
cn, and 54,62 0 4 75 far Ohio and Michigan.,
Grain—Tho market is quiet, and without
Pro?!*!otm—Pork it advancing with sales ai
ill 011,50 per bhl for Mess, and $3,37 for prime.
Lard is selling at 7| 0 7i per lb.
Near Yoix, Ocl. 16.
Be area—The number of Beeves offered yester*
day was 1800 head. Sates of the best retailing
quality at from $5 to $7 50, the trade closing very
Cows and Calve*—Sales at from 132,50 to $45.
Bbeep a.\d Lvmba—Sales of Sheep at from sl,*
SO to 0.50; of Lambi at $1.50 to $3,75 each.
Baltimore market.
• * Octotar 16.
Flour—Sakscf 268 bbla City Mills at $4,63 per
-bbl. 7“
Corn—Sties at 63.0 63 per bosh.
Tobacco Is improving. - -•
FVii tu., Pitubnrgb,
tir own bnporuUor,dacci
Corner of Wood and
OFFER for tale, of tht
from Europe,
Borax; reined, in csaei
Ssery Com k I’owd, kgs
Cart. Amicon, cats k Jar*
Parts Green, ia can*
Botwn Stone,tu cask*
Ploargalphor do
Castile Soap, In bx*
Cale. ttagmsta do
Carb- do do
Acetic A lid
Orange Flower Water
Bole Armenia
Pill Boxes.parurembos’d
do willow
Vial Corkd; snorted
ACbrvive I’ltnet, Bag
Rolrorans do to
Lead do do
Galbanam do do
Elaieriam do no
Curate Iron, Fug
Prcc'p, Cart iron
Aleppo Galls
Tipton's Uni
Wedgewood Mortars and
OU Lavender, Spike
do Garden
Oil Origanum
OU Herniary
Oil Billet Atmonla
Oil Cajaput
OU Croton
Plak and Blue Saaects
Cardamon Seed
Salph.Zine. .
Hdfrn* Teats, prepared-'
Gentian Root
Rhabarb Root
Pehihlnc Pnuy
Indian Red oe3
Lae DTe,pnwd in bits
Cart. Iroa. in kegs
Cttrle Actd, in lb bottles
Pahr.amlwocuUi do
Aq.Amaw Cose, do,
Cate tael Eng. do
OU Amber Been do
lodide Potash do
Creosote White do
- do Inez vista -
lodise Eeg. in hf tb t-ouie»
lodide Iron, in os mala
Oaol Senas, la lb jars
JU*Caib. Potash,ln boulea
. '-Btse Pill Eng- ia lb Jars
*e£. Lfoaerie e Ear. in bx •
wood napthain lb bottle*
Tan. Emetic do
- Jraiaia Acid, in ci vials
janarteAeta, in bxs
s>ocas Hants, in ken
- AltfVakrisaEagAsbale*
riXTINOOW GLABS-400 bis exit);
t f li. ; l«3 bxs texts: for sale br '
•04 ■ - WICK k MeCAKDL&SS:
i.lMfcftKl-lAi. RECORD.
sjis aucßi.ft’i xxcnxsaa.
; a.wuotuait c. k. Qatar raxes x. coorii.
Prmscsoa Gizxrrs.i
Tlnr»d*y morning, Oeu 17,l&SO. j
The weather ycstrrJiy was warm and cloaCy,
showing suong Indleatlona of rala.
There was a general quieuitM in the market, snd
quotations centrally mae'lesied no marksd ekanae
'from (.revioni day’s report
Otl Market.
New BtSroan, Oct. «, 1650.
Sperm—VTe have no sale* of erode to repoit since
oar last, udders continue very Arm at the recent ad
vanee In ma-afacinred »t hear of »alci of MOOgalls
?2i w *? lsr ai l *® * n d *OO gallon* bleached winter, si
the contract for supplying Government with
IS,|CO gallon*, |f winter ana J rpnnr) Sncrm oil, was
in B£s;ou.en the3lih oh., at nt| + gall.
Whale—Tlie market haa been qairt and sre have
only to trport *tle«o' 130 bbU NiVCotsi at sk, and
IfO bbli dark, at Stc, caah. A sale of J}oo gals bleach
ed winter whale was made at Ole * gait.
whale Bone it in good demand, and we notice sales
of «£>o Ba NWCoast and Hootb Sea at3sJe; tStOUBt
Polar on private term*, and ISOW Bi do at 39c—an
*T— il T
:u soas,
Eichs.tge Brokers, No. 0 1
BankofPiusbncgii ——i'ar
Exchange Bank Par
Merch. A Mart. Bank -Pax
nkwiPhilaielphia- Pax
Guard Bans Par
Ran* orGcrmamown • -Par
“ Chester Coonty • par
“ Delaware Co.• '*par
IS Market street, Lest 4ts »
tiiats B'k A Branches" {
d'ateScrip • ....»•
Exchange Bk. of Va: )
Fanners Bk.of Va— •*•
Bk. oithe Valley,— (<
Bk.of Virginia-—•— “
M. M- Ok., Wheeling t
do Mora an town- ■ 2
N. VV. Bank Va *
do Welisbarg—.*• {
do Parkersburg— >•
Bk.of Tennessee 3
Far. A Merch’t* Bk—
Planters’Bk.— 3
Union Qk.—>•
>i MoatxamerjrCo.' -par
“ Northumberland--pat i
CoJnnbUUndge Co.- - par
Doylcstown Hunt -par
Famcn'Bk-OsckiCo.par 1
Farmer* B'k Lancai’r-parl
Lancaiici Co. Ilk.--* -pari
Ltncaaierilk. • •« par'
U.Sl*»e* Bank——3a
Uiowsirille Bk.-->*-*'par
Washington Ba.- • —i
fiettysburf fcßk —-f
Chambcribatg - • •
Sauiuchanna Co. Qk.-
Bewistown- *•
Carluje ••
r State BkofMuaouri— I
1 Norik Carolina.
Bk.oi Cape Fear %
Mereh’»llk.,NewDeni' #
Rank- *
■ Boutfa Carolina.
Lumdeaßk a
,ok. of Charleston a
Commercial Bk-*— i
ißk. of Ccorettowu— a
,Bk.of Hamburg*--- %
Merchants Bk—— a
Planters AMeeaa’sUk- a
r Ok. of South Carolina- ■ a
, Maryland.
Baltimore Bks par
Daitm’eAOHßScnp -16
Cumberland Bk.of Ails.
Erie Dk.’ —— • p |
Fanner*’ and Drover*’
Baak, Wa/L<*burj. • ,
Haxmbnr* ~ •*
Uontidal*—• |
Lebeoou du
Pouivllle “
Wyomiut I
York Bk.
Wcilßranch Bk.•••••• I
Belief Noiee |
M*MBk. "
Scrip—Pitub. Is Cooniyl
" Allegheny, l
Buie Bk.a&d Branch** |
MosiniPlcajant *•
StccbentiUe--—-••• ■ •• “
StClainrille*— M
Mar:cn* *— *>— ••
New Lisbon M
Cincinnati Banka “
Colombo* do “
CireleTilla “
Zineivillo “
Putnam - “ 1
Wooster •—■ —■ - 7fc!
MuJiUon ———|
Bandnik / 70,
Qeaaga I I
Norwalk w(
ClcTeland—■— ——| 11
u*fcany - 1
Far.Bk.of Maryland-- “
Fanners' A Mechanics' 4
Bk. Frederick
Frederick Co. Bk.—- «
Hagerstown Bk ••1-• • • •*
Mineral Bk — —l» —i,
Patapseoßk—. i
Washington Bk—.— <»
Uk.ofWestsurmer •• A »•
= Michigan.
Bk.of St. Clair--H.
Bk.of River Kalsea*-
Michigan Ins. Co- • •• 6
Far. A Mech's Bk i
Wisoonaln T«i rli*n.
Mar.AFireln.Co.M lw’s *
, 41i »olT<rnßuik*-■!-••• I
tUank of £oi(landNoiet
i —S4 70*£air.
Sold 4t Bpiali Tal««
tNapoleou —.I 3 80
iOacau 13*9 90
l£a*le,old. 10 eo
‘E«ile,new •••••«■! 10 00
Ooabloosa,Spanish. 10 00
[Do.Patriot— —». ISM
'SoTereitn* 4 63
ttSaiceas 9 00
fTen Thalers* •• •» 7FO
fTenliaildera--- l 390
Lcefsd’ors* f ISO
! New York •*-!. Iprm
Philadelphia • •■—- Jpnr
IKltioiora —•••• ■ (pin
’*ar. fntanor IPks
Dayton- — u
Western Reserve- —« •*
Franklin B’k Colsmbas “
Chiilicoths 44
Like Erie
Sciota-- ►- —— 44
Lancaster —lO
Hamilton- -13
6ranvlUe SB
FaraFr* B’k Can ion— 6o
Wrbana ——•6o
Bk of Kentucky I
BLof Louisville “
Norfcem Rk. Kentn’ky- u ;i
wße Cut Ranks
Wtiltrn tollcgc ol Homsopatbts Btditine,
Stuum </ 1650-51— Chartered 1819;
frBTJ FIR3T WINTER BKS9ION of this Institution
A will commence on the First Monday of Novem
ber, sad continue tour months- 1
The Chairs of the Fee ally mre arranged as fclllows:
Storm Ho is, M. D, Professor o( Midwifery, and
Diseases of Women and Child rrn-
Linsing Briggs, M. D, Professor of Principles and
Practice of Surgery.
Charles D Williams, M. D, Processor of ißititnies
and Practice of Homeopathy.
Lewis Dodge, M. D., Professor of Materia Mediea
and Medical Jurisprudence.
Hamilton L. Snu’b, a. M.. Professor of Chemistry.
Edwin C. Wither el, M. IX, Professor of Anatomy
and Physiology.
Jehu Brsinard, Professor of Physical Science.
. Charles W. Bell, Demonstrator of Anatomy.
The Charter of the Western College of Uotamopaihic
Medicine wts granted by the Legislature of Ohio,
daring itaseailou of 16J9-SO. It confers ail the nett#
and privilege* usually 90Mes*e-d by ftiedteal College*
in the Baited Mutes, and, unlike puny colleges, u
exists independent of airy other taslilßtion,
in Itself tho power to confer degree*. and possessing
a common seal.
Ilie degsees arc conferred by ib-> rsealty and
Tranters apon the recommendation cl the FaeuttT.
The amount of/ees for the fall coarse will be 831
Matriculation fee. 86 -to be paid but once. Demon
strator** ticket, S 3. Graduation fee, fro. Persons
who have auended two fal courses of lecture- in
other colleges, are admitted to the full course in this
Institution on the payment of €io Graduates of rc
spectabii medical schools are permitted u> attend the
course < n the payment of the mmnculsUon lee only
Good board, inciudinc room 1 ghu and fuel can be
obtained from Si to 82 SO per work. For further .n
-; formation address. CHA3 D WUXIaMS,
oe4:dlm Dean of iha Faculty.
cajual STOCX Ajn> scarLcs rrxi,,
fTIHE undersigned has been appointed agent for this
JL old and responsible company, to succeed Ur.
Payette Brown, and Is ready to iMue policies in the
Fin and Marine department, oo as favorable term*
ah any other responsible company in ibis city.
74 Foarth tu next to Bank of Pittsburgh.
Atmua! Preuauma, Capital Stack, if Burplut I'tnLi 1 ,
$ 1,000,000.
n'dersigned would call tha attention of mer-
X chants and others having property exposed to
lom by Fire or the peril* of Navigation to ihe superior
advantages offered-by tho
Protection Iniurano* Company
or nAtTTOr»,cojUJ^vlr.—
L—Rates of Prcmiom aa low s* those of any other
9 A speedy ana satisfactory Adjustment of forte* ty
the General Atem of the Company for the Western
aud Southern Stales
3.—Arbitration (of aU difference* which may arise)
ly referey* mutually cbo»«n.
4 —Aware* promptly paid tn Specie, Bankable Fonaa.
or Exchange on New York, Baltimore; Cfcariealon.
New Orleans, Si Looii, Looitvi'le. Pittsburgh, or
Cincinnati, at the option of the ininrca.
fZT PamnOleis, setting foith the mode and prin
eiples of adjusting lone*, rates of premium*, classifi
cation of hazards. ACn famished to the customer* of
the office fre* of charge.
For farther information, apply to the undersigned
who Is fol.y authorized to insure Dwellin**,Store*,
Hotels, Warehootes, Mills, Manufactories, Bams, Ac.
Hoa*ebold Fumiiure, and Goods, Wares, and Mer
chandize. contained or atoied therein, against loss or
damage by FIRE
Dry Goods, Groceries, Manufactured Goods, Pro
da4e, Household Fnrnltare, Lire Uto*a, and every
other deacripuou of Merchandize or Personal Pro
petty, sh pped or to be shipped per cood vteamboat,
nr boats to acd from polnu on the Western Water*,
or between Eastern clue* l*la Lakes, or other, inland
route) and any towns In tho Western country, against
j AtvO,
Shipments of Gocds. Wares, and Merchndiza, per
itod veescl or vessels, between New Orleans and
Eaiuero port*—betwe* n New Orleans anil other Gall
p->rti—between alt American pons and English or
European port*, or to any other maritime non what
ooeirerinlne Atlantic watart.agolnittbe PERILS OF
I 74 Fourth at., next to the Bank of Pittsburgh.
•4pl£iiysnl .
{ J. Flaasy, Jr*
Aernt for the Pen n Lift Inturanot Co. oj Pkila.
OFFICE of the Western Insurance Company No.
M Water tueet, Pittsburgh,
pamphleu, with oil necessary Information, and
qlank forma wilt be furnished.
Husband* can insure their live* for ibe benefit of
the lr wives and children; creditors the Uvea of their
The whole profits of the Company are dlvidad
tmOng the holders of Life Pollelet.
The dividends of tho pass two years Lave been cixb
ty percent.each year. jelW
WADDING— if bales White;
IS bales Black:
- 10 bales Glared, for sale by
PULVERIZED 9ALERATU3—47 bxs, in pound
h.U p<m»d
gALEEATUB^«I.b5 eeANbtitS3
CHEESE— 6® bxs now landing tor aalft bf
up'll ISAM.H hiCKbl k CO
hfidTN o Sural;
too brla N O Mclasscs;
4SbrDB H do
TUW A FLaK 'VAlfN^ATmalTFnt for »aK~Sy
J. *ep33 STUARf A PILL
Tjtf KAt'flNG PAPER—A large Jot of urawai
VV rag, assorted size*, cousinniy oii
etpgl 65 Wood »t
FTHEESE—IOO bx* prime Wts'ern Reteryetpn con*
\J afgumeni, for tale by MILLER k RICKETBON
scpiW Bl* g 23 Liberty *t
ttOt> Plßll—o casks in store and~fot*aJe by
CIO PAL VARNiBli—O hazrela just received anf for
/ sale by i KIDD k CO
■Cp29 69 Wood *l
O__aap4o J KIDD k CO_
riABTftBfeOA'F-iO caas, J4 .t ree’d'for sale'bv
\J septa J KIPP ACO
INDIGO—OOO foa jau on baud and for tu* by
.ONZfci—& lb* a**oncd,)«st ree’d for *alo by
wtfK J KIDD 4s CO
Rival —There were 2 feet, 00 inehei in cbaimei, at
dusk, loft evening, ui falling.
Fashion, Feeble*,' Elizabeth.
Michigan, Brie*, Beaver.
Beaver, Gordon, Beaver
Baltic. Bennett, Brownsville
Atlantic, Parkinson, Urownsville
Youghiagheny. Hortupee, Beaver.
Globe, Beaver.
Cashier, Ue.Millan, Wheeling
Faibion, Feeble*, Elizabeth
f>) iehigan, Brie*. Bearer.
Beaver, Gordon, Beaver
Baltic, Bear eit, Brownsville.
Atlantic, Parkinson. Brownsville.
\ oushingheny, Hanu pea. Beaver.
Globe. Bearer.
BEAVER—Youghiogbeny, 4 p m
WHEEEING-Ctahier, 10 *. u
Bu*»P.cuoa PacatT—This is the name of a small
specimen of the steam boat kind, which unified the
peaceable inhabitants odjoreat to the nver, with a
sense of her presence yesterday afternoon, by sundry
load squealing;, nun; resembling that ol a stack pig
than any thing we have beard. To speak to the point,
however, this frisky tittle production of the apirit of
enterprise nod accommodation, is designed to ran as a
regnlor packet from some place at or near the point
at stated hoo » during the day. U wilt be n matter ot
great convenience to oar citizens, and we hope to tes
the idai well patronized.
BEAVKB—Pxn K. B. Nano i toK—2oo kce* powder,
Dilwonh; 570 bz» cheese, J B Canfield; 31 do do, F R
Drove, UC do do, R Dalxell; S 3 do do, W Kramer, 81 do
do, I Dickey A Co; 4ii do do, E iieazelion; IS do do, J
Richardson, Sfi do do, S F Von Bounhortt; WO do do,
Siewan A Rili; Ig? dodo, Wick A McCandlssa; 447T0
do, J A Caoghey; SB do Co, HaihaogH; dl do do, 14 skt
rags, Mhobeliree; €7 dor brooms, Sellers A NieotMSi
do do. Rhey, tea thews A Co; 49 do do, J Jordan; SO bs
cheese., 3 kn borer, Bidwell; 1 do do do, G M Ilailom
31 bags potatoes, Irwin A Beech; 48 bbls door, A Col
banson; 10 kg* baiter, Canfield; 4 ci» potasb, Bidwell,
<>7 bdls files, R McKeever; 4 c*ts pearl ash, Brown A
Kirkpatrick 9 do do. Logan, Wilton A Co; 14 do do,
ttyen A Uunr.r.
Pu Gloek-5 bbls patatoea, G W Miltenberger; Bdo
boner, 4 kgs lard, Canon A McKnlgbt; SCO bt cheese,
1 do mdse, Canfield; 1 etk, S bdla ware, R Townsend A
New Pnhllaatlou.
FeopU 1 htvo met, by N P Willi*.
Alexander on tbe Psalms, vol« t and &
Domestic Uiitory 6f .the American Revolution. Iv
Mr* Ellpu.
Reminiscence* of Congress. Bv Cbas. W. March
Christianity Revised in the Kan. By H (, O
Manual of Ancient Geography and History By
Pmz and Arnold,
Tupp. r’s Proverbial Philosophy. New edition
Letter* and Paper* of the late Lady Poweracoun.
Bures on Ute Parables and Miracle* of Christ.
The Bible and C.vil Government. Lectures bv J.
M Malibews, D D..
The Roign ot Grace, from ua n*e to its couiua*
Urocele aCs rienes of Arithmetics.
A targe aisonment of 8.8. Lnion Books.
On bond end for sale by A H ENGLISH ACO
79 Wood st
EDUjAIfON —si tbe fim regular 'meeting of tKe
Committee of Examination, appointed by the
••teachers’ Atcocla ion" for Allegheny erunty, on
motion, UeatWed, That the Committee shall convene
for the purpose of examining Teaehera who may ap
ply for certificate on (he Saturday succeeding the re
gular meeting ofibe Aasoeiauon, all o’clock P. N
On moiior.. Resolved, That the first meeting of the
Committee for above specified ob;eei, be held on Sat
urday. 19. h Inst., at l o’clock. F. M.,ln the Fourth
Ward Public Sohool House. By order of Comisi’iee
o*U4:wH* J M PRYOR. Sciiba.
THEWctI Virginia Cornel Coal Company ate in
want of twenty additional Miner*, to whom the
highest pricea, aud Cash payments will be paid
Steam navigation Is to be had as far at Charleston,
within aix'een miles ofibe mines Anply to
• J. B. DAVOL,
oclCtw3lT Charleston, Kanawha, Va
IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of
Allegheny eennty, will r>e exposed to public ute
nnthe'picmises, In the botnegh
the first Saturday of November, A. D. 1533, at ten
o'clock. A. M . all that certain loi of ground situate in
the borough of Shsrpsburgh, and desenned ua follows,
to Wit: beginning at aroint on Middle street,lathe
plan of Sharpeborgh, thence by land of Valentine
Trent, and G. Balph, north ‘4 deg. west 120 feet,
thence south 95 deg. west leet. to a poet, thence
by land of Hugh Fleming, south SJ deg. e«*t 193 ten,
to Middle street aforesaid, and thence by ibe same
north S 5 deg east 3*} feet, to place of begiumsg.
Terms made known on day of sale
oclC wHT WILLIAM BENSON, Guardian.
CAME to tbe residence of the subscriber, to Ohio
taw. ship, rn the Ist of Oeiaber lust, a Bed Cow,
wht : e along back and belly, a star in forehead,horns
turned In —not very large, supposed to be five or six
scare old. The owner is requested to coma forward,
prove propetiy, pay ebatges, and take her away, or
she will "be •<upo*ed of according to law/
_octC:w3t*r WILLIAM RILEY.
WHEREAS, Letters of Administration to the estate
of Alexander Stewart, late the county of All*-
gbeny, deceased, have been granted to &e subscrib
er; uil persons Indebted to said estate ate requested
to make immediate payment, and those having clonus
against the same wilt present them to
HUBERT MORROW, Administrator.
October 9th—ocll:xrBi9
PURSUANT to un order ef ihu Orphans' Court of
Allegheny County, bearing dote the 3d,day of Oc •
•ober, A. D- Ivitl.l, Mary Harmon, administratrix of
James Harmon, deceased, will expose ot pabU#" tale
or out cry, on Toesday, the fith duy of November
next, at 1U o'clock, A. M, on the premiss*, io West
Deer Township, Allegheny County, all that certain
tract of land, bounded and described as tallows. Be
ginning at a post, and running by lands of Bo'i’v
heir*, rorth )i, west 142 perches to a post; iheaca hy
lands of Ji'ho Scott, r,onb f , east tug perebea to a
post; thence by lands of James Henry, st u:fa if I wc«i
?1 perehe* t« a white oaki ttienc s north e**i 73
perchr* to ■ foil, •< uth 14 ea-1 TS perehr* lo a pine
otl, tbrnee by land* of Alexander Glasgow, rouih
west Hi portl.ji 10 the pl»ce of beginning, e* n
taming one hundred and * i a;re* and lorly two per
cbe*. of which about aixiyurxt-rnty acre* are clear
ed, and on which i* creeled a large iwo aiory >ug
dwelling house, a large hank barn, with «iablr» under
it. The larm i» now tu anexcellem comlnioo, aod ba»
a valuable apple and peach orchard Title inditi-u
table, and ponemon delivered louuediaieiy after
■ ale, or on lit of ApnJ to «ud ibe purebater
Term*, fisu in hand, me ba ance in three equal
annual payment*
N- B 7he above firm lie* on Ibe »*uie road from
GskerTown to Frcepoil. aboat two mile* ea« of Ba
kerviown, and adjoining Rev MeConnril’* Church
For further particular*, is qatre of David Maclean,
Jr., Fifth Ward, No. OZS, Penn street
Administratrix of Jame* Harmon, derea«ed
Ocl 4th, Ihsa onw.w^T
LETTERS of Administration on tho <»Uie of Jane
Cooper, late of Rot* township, deceased, have
> een granted to the tubsenber. All person* knowing
theratelvet indebted arc requested to make immediate
payment, and any having claim* are requeued to pre
r;nt tlifta, duly authenticated,for settlement.
THE undersigned having obtained from the Register
of Allegheny connty. Letter* Testamentary on the
aitala of Stephen Clark, late of the Borough of Sharp*
burgh, deceaiert, all person* having claim* again*!
•aloeitaie are desired to present them for payment,
and all being indebted thereto are hereby required 10
make immediate payment 10 the subscriber, in said
borough. JAMES SHARP, ExV
Fur ik« Car* *f
In offering 10 the eomamnity this justly celebrated
remedy for disease* of ibe throat and longs, in* not
oar wiah to trifie with the live* or health of ihe alDiet
ed, tut frankly to lay before them the opiuions of din
linguiahed men, and aoree of the evidence* of it* suc
cess, from whlehlhey can judge for themrrlvr* We
sincerely pledge ourrelses tn mute no wild as.ertinn*
or false «iatem*>m« of it* effcacy, nor will we hold
out any hope 10 suffering humanity whirh facts will
not warrant
Many proofs-are here given, and we solicit an in
quiry from the public into all we publish, feeling at.
sored they will find them perfectly reliable, a d the
medicine worthy tbeirbeit confidence and patronage,
PROF. OLEAVRLAND, of nnw.loin College file,
writes —“I have witnessed the edects of >«ur Cherry
Peeicral in my owu lamily and that of my friends, and
it gives me aatUfaeUon 10 itatc tn Its favor that no
raedleiiie 1 have ever known baa proved so eminently
auceenfnl in curing disease* of the threat and lung*. l '
RBV. DR. OSGOOD write*—“That he contider*
CHERRY PECTOHAL the ben medicine for Pul
monary-Aflecnona ever given to the public,'* ana
•tales that “his daughter after being obliged 10 keep
me room four month* with a severe sealed cough,
accompanied by raising of bfood, night sweats, ana
the attendant symptoms cf Coniumption. commenced
the use of the Cherry Peetoral, and had completely
bjjjipdy TUAT CURK&
PokTLaRO, Me Jan 16,1847
Dr. Ayer l have been four afflicted with Anhma.
which grew yearly vorse until last autumn, it brought
on a cough whlcn confined mu in my chamber, and
began to »*»ume ibe alarming symptoms ot cousump
rion. I had tried the best advice and the best medj
cine to no potpf»e,'until I “ 8C(1 > oaT c , b ® rf y, Pectoral,
wbieb bai cared me, and you may well believe l me.
GralefuUv ytura. J- D. PHELPS
If there u any value in tha ludgmenl of the wise,
who a,»eik from experience, here is* medicine worthy
of the public confidence. Prepared by
J C. AYER. Chemist, Lowell, Mao.
Bold in Pittsburgh, wholesale aod retail by J. M.
Toarasend, 63 Market street. Joseph DougUaeiAua
etuay aty. augffLwreiwlyT
THE aubicribei offer* for tale (he Bteao Engine,
with the SuwMi'l gecruigand lath cutting me
nery, in the building on the eaat aide of Craig at.,
in Allegheny clip. He will alao, if deaired, aeU the
building which (a one hundred aod twenty feet loag
by forty feet wide. Ihe engine ia an eieclleni one,
with aafieieht power to drive all the machinery lot
■awing and lath eatting. The whole could be remov
ed and act up elaewhere, within sixty dayi, at a no
lease the ateam engine and baitding, with
rufident ground, for any other purpose than lavring.
foTa term of yeiira. NEVILLE B. CBAIO,
OILS— Pine Winter Bperm OJ, Wha e UU. No
Lard Oil, Lanaeed OU. Tanner*' Oil, aad Neat’
Puot Oil, jß*t received and for sale by the barrel 0
gallon, and warranted to give aatiafaeuon.
oe4 Oor, Wood and fiDtthau
j urosTxs roz tkx rnrsßcsaa d&iut flinrn
I Teel it a dnty that I owe to my friend*, to in
form them ibal circiunrtancea over which lean
have oo control, require my immediate presence a!
Toronto. I hope, however, >h*t I shall be able Ic
return in about'two week*. in the mean time,j»
Committee has been appointed to receive conlnbi
lionsui my absence, and John Dean, E»q., appoin
ted Treasurer. Any person wishing to aid in the
religious improvement of the colored people of
Canada can hand their donations to Mr. Dean.
Tkiipeiascx Mra-nr. —The adjourned tempeK :
ance meeting, held in the Rer. Doctor Rodgers’
Church, Allegh’tiy.ijn Tuesday evening was orga
nised by calling the Pastor to the Chair, and ap
pointing Meant HarrisOn Parry and Jaine* K-.«
Kennedy recretahes. ,
The tneetloß was opened with prayer by thv
Rev. A. W Black, after which the minutes ware
read and adopted.
The Rev. Doctor Campbell said that in at much
as the Rer.Mr. McLaren,chairman of the committee
appointed to enquire m(n the expediency of hold
ing a temperance convention, had been obliged to
leave Puubnrgh to attend synod, be would beg'
leave to oifer the following report for him, and he
would suggest tba’, if adopted, it should be publish*
ed in the daily papers, and a number of hand bills
circulated through the county.
A Temperance Convention will beheld in Pitts
burgh on Wednesday, November.the l3tb, at two
o’clock, P. M.
Tbufriendsof ilia cause in the cities, and through
out the country are respectfully and earnestly »;»v»-
ttd to attend. Drunkenness is greatly on the »«-
create. The- friends of humanity and religion
should raUy for a speedy, united end persevering
effort tb stay the deadly tide that is sweeping away
the peace, happineit and Uft of onr fellow men.
Tin* Convention will meet in the Fifth Preaby.
terian Church.
A sermon will l>e delivered in the evening.
Ur Campbell would venture to make a nomina
tion as regarded the clergymen who should preach
the sermon, He would nominate the Reverend
Mr. Aiken, of Robinson Township.’
The Rev. A, W. Black thought that, if possible,
Mr. Gough should be brought 00. He would ex
cite much interest among our citizeus, and draw
large audiences together, lie was not in favor of
regular/ecrum, but he thought that Mr. Gough was
an exception tolhe general rule. The conus iltee
should be,ho thought,authorized to invite him to vis
it Piutburgh. Besides be thought that the clergy
men should chiefly coufioe their exertions in this
cause to their own churches and people. They
should attend the proposed convention, but suffer
laymen to make the addresses, if Mr Gough wonld
deliver a lecture in the evening it would probably
do a great deal of good, and he would prefer this
to a sermon preached by one of our own clergy
Doctor Campbell bad heard the idea of bringing
on Mr Googh, mooted ai the last meeting. Mr,
G. was no donbt a very elcquent man, and would
excite a great deal of interest among*! Of, but on
reflection, he was opposed to inviting him. He did
not like rjHucu of any bind. Mr. G. might lift
them to the topol a mountain, bat bow wonld they
get down when the tnesns that raised them was
abwot. An exchemeat might bo got up in Pitts*
;-I>argb If hr came, but when bo went it could not
. be kept alivo, and then the reaction would be most
embarraatirg to the caoae. If they went on aa
they bad been daing, they wonld accomplish much
good, and not retrograde. All nets weto now uni*
ting in the temperauce cause, and it most, by the
blening of the Lord, prosper. Gough was no
doubt very eloquent, but he thought the friends of
teoperaocs should not try to roo before they could
walk. The old maxim waa very true—“ye gang
too Past to make haite "
Dr. Dale admitted that ia a crisis such aa the
preaent, it waa very d-fiieuit to know what to do,
but he was in favor of me Rev. Mr. Black’* prop
osition, and thought that Mr. Gough should be in
vite! It waa ot vast importance that tba inioteil
which n*d been already excited in the cause cf
temperance should be sustained, and while he
thooght that the clergy should continue to labor
most strenuously to the>r several churches, j yet
he though* that those who attended were princi
pally members of the virioni congregations, a*-*!
the root of tba evil was not touched. The tcorli
muu be reached. Those who rarely atifud db.
vine worship and were joat commencing their
downward eonrao mutt be warned of their dan
ger, and to do this, Ibftr miionry must be ex
cited, and then they would attend. Hew waa
this to be m ire readily accomplished than throogh
the ’Qatrumenlility of Mr. Gough 7 He was, an
eJoqnent tpeaker—» man of genius and Intellect.
and by aurectiag large aodicacei would do much
Mr. John Alexander would remark that there had
been a good deal of doubt among the members of
various congregations m Philadelphia with regard
to introducing Mr. Gough into their churchea, but
he was Cosily called in, and had accomplished a
great deal of good. He wax a man gifted with ex
traordinary powers of eloquence, and he bad no
doubt that he could flit the (anreat church in Pitts
burgh for titty uisliW in succe»»ioo, but he thought
ib**v would have to look ohcad, rince hi« engage
mem* w--n? very exieu-ivr. nrd they probably ootu«l
not cel hm in n.ue lor tl.t* prupu-ed Cuuveulioa. —
Suit they could go on a* they were Join* at present,
and by December, probably he might be «nga
The Kev Dr. tiwift would foei disposed to bring
this gentleman on, but bn thought they were not yei
prepared lor bim AU rational, stable actions were
based on redectioo and informat on, and not ex
citement. It Mrucfc him (bat for the presentil was
better in ponue the plan 'bey had already chalked
out, ami by January they could be prepared for a
general meeting when Mr. Gough might be invited.
Tbe community was just awakening from i(« apa
thy on lhi* subject, and tbere was e necessity for
meditation and prayer, since all healthy impulses
were tbe results of principle He agreed with Dr
Dale and the other speakers a* to the propriety of
calling Mr. Guugh un, but differed as to the lime
when be should be invited.
Tbo Rov N. Weil was ol op'oioo that ibe Con*
venUnn should ba postponed for a month after tbe
dale mentioned in tbe-report, in order that there
might be more time to operate la and (broogb tbo
ohorchea. It teemed to him out of plain to read
Immediately for Mr. Gough, ainco we should first
have Ihe way prepared for him. All atumblmg
blocks ihoaJJ be taken out of tbe path. Besides
be bad beard thal Mr. G. was in Canada bow,aad
wiuld probably not conclude file labors In time
for oa. There was much to do in the churches in
Pittsburgh. H: bad heard it said in a weal meet
ing, that a certain elder In one of lbs Pittsburgh
congregation* had leased one of bra houses to grrg
sellers. If this were true, it was a sore blot on
tbe church. He understood likewise that persona
who told liquor by wholesale were members of va
rious chuichea. They murt dtat renovate the
church, or the peoplo woold nay, take (be beam
i,m of mine own eve. Let them first
•acc uarles, ansjiban with some degree ol do
cency coaid they send one thousand mdes for *n
"gem to me temperance cause, and act him
in from of tbe battlements to cry aloud to the po- •
pie—"AU U right in the citadel.” They must aiy
to eat h of these stumbling block* aa Nathan said
■0 King David— u ‘ Thou art tbe man.’ Yoo are
ibe mao lb«l Kelts whiskey—ibat leisyoor premls
es to the timniard maker." They sbioid not let
each men take the cup at the communion table,
aid bom thal time (ill the next communioo h and
lte b-. wl of destruction to bis follow man. If UlO
wick ol the spiritual candle had beeome loal, let
ibeai go to the the temple orSolomoa,aod get tbe
golden snuffers to anoff off the blackened pore
Doctor Dale bad not had the pleasure of attend
ing the former meeting*, but if he was nottnisfok
en they were gtrttral meetings. Matters pertain*
ing to church discipline could not with propriety be
discussed in thorn. Were tbe souls of drunkards to
perish, while the ministers of ihe Gospel wereoc
copied in eleuuung their congregations? Let them
attend to that duty, but there was no necessity for
discontinuing tbe gencrulmeelings, and why should
they not hold the convention aau invite Mr. Gough?
The gentleman concluded a vers animated ad*
dress, by urging the necessity of immediate action.
Doctor Compel! denied that the charges prefer
red against a gentleman who had been alluded 10
as letting hi* premises todogg®ry keeper* was true
they were false in every parlieular. It would not
do to bold an inquisitorial court or a star chamber
(here. He agreed witn Doclor ( Dale that that was
not there place to discuss matter* of church gov
. ernment.
The Revrend gentlemen dwelt st some length,
and with great energy on the necessity of imme
diate action, and pointed out the mean* by which,
in his opinion, the young men who rarely attend
houses of worship could be best rdached.
The Rev. W. West wa* rejoiced 10 learn that
the charge* against tbe elder alluded to were false.
He haduever believed that they were true.
Mr. Meraskey moved that a commmiuea should
be appointed to correspond with Mr. Gough.
After remarks by Measrs. Parry, Mecaskey, Da
vis, McMillan Alexander, and other*, tha motion
was carried.
Messrs. Alexander, Dale, and Black, were sp;
pointed a Committee of Correspondence.
Oa motion, the Rev. Mr. Aiken, of Robinson
Township, wa* appointed to preach the sermon 011
the evening of the 13th of November.
On motion, the meeting adjourned to reassemble
on Tuesday evening two week* in the Rev Nathan
iel West’s Church, Pittsburgh, and the minister*
present were requested to announce that fact to
their congregations.
TosCiinna—We sic indebted to Mr. P. G.
Comstock, Assistant Marshal, for tbo following ro*
Hharpalicrgh Borough.
Number of Families. 249
•• Dwellings, 227
Inhabitants, 1229
Io 1849 contained 400 Inhabitants.
Dmquesne Borough.
Nomber of Families, 4 7ii
" Dwellings, M 59
« Inhabitants, BYO
Rtiene Tovnahtp.
Nomber of Families, 194
" Dwelling*, i6l
" lotabfmu, 1060
•Barr Totctuhip.
Namb-r of Families, S5O
“ Dwellicgt, 249
“ Inbubiianta, 1442
Mzcrwa °* tax Pzrnxtntn Stiwia—The
Pittsburgh Synod met yeiterday afternoon :in tbe
Rev. Lie. Swift’, Church.
The Rev. Joha Reynolds, of Meadville Freshy
tery, preached id the assembled Ministers anil El
The Rev. George Marshall, of Bethel Church,
was chosen Moderator, alter which the Synod ad
r TT no parallel in permanently caring and a uli-
XL eating (Von the cynem all
11 oT e '^? , Hy eradicate fttw* thenrsiem and i ure
®* ei ?slP“gl*OTm,Tetter,Scald Bead, Dro ay,
**£££,Sai?, ““S'* E"*."■“> «‘ c
_*nd Otatrucuons, Barreaneu, Whites, Floor Ai ms.
Falling of the Womb, Nervous, tiiek Head A he;
t-anguor, Fainting Sensations, Palpitation of the
i£5 r, V. w . Bpir * l *i General Debility, Dyapegsla
Liver Compiaiius, Ac. 1
It i *.• *“•>* •*« Katlrily Vogotatila.
~ “JI** 1 ** bl -t Rared with tho non signal snecesd by
the Prelowion in New; York and Newllampshire, and
ine Eastern States generally, for many years—and at
a general partner or tho blood and Umcorator o( iba
system—us a Gcmuiuo Family Medicine and aueffi-
CMious Female Medicine U has no equab The polity
kn:l efficacy of the Shaker preparations are well
tuown; and this medreine requres no long list of
certUicjU* a&d cares io tstrodoee ic lu increasing
duniand for the past twelve years Is its beat feenm
a eodauoa.
N 1* P.w up in qasn Louies, and Is the only Sarsa
parilla that acts on the Liver r Kidneys, and Blood at
the aarne mao, which tendon it altogether more vala
.? ever 7 ow. particularly to females.
I* r - Prorenor in the Ohio Medical College,
ta>» the Soaker preparations are iraly valuable, and
recommends them to.the public. The sick and ufuiot
ed are requested to call and obtain a pamphlet, and
purchase a bottle of this valuable Family Medicine.
Price SI per botue—6 bottles for W,
of 0 !; ***• by -I. A. Jones, J. Behooamaker_*. Co.,
W. Black, B. IV Means, J. M. Townsend, J. M»Uer,
D. A. EUftiL Alietheny eitr:
? M £ C Cn“?.>Manoh-fter;J*Tcrock«r,ißrowns
!Sf,w J Wheel** J. 11. Wttemn
and E G. Morgan, Bv cfalrsvlile: M’Bean A Kaox.
Cadis. Also, tor tale by
DB. 8. D. HOWE 4 CO, Proprietors,
1 Collars Hall, Cincinnati, 0.,
To whom all orders must be addressed.
ctpim 1100,000.
J FiaviT.Jr , Seo-y. | R. hlfun, Jr- pras’t
WIU uisare against all kinds of risks.
fire and marine
will be liberally adjusted mad promptly
A home IcJilmtion —managed by Directors who are
well known in tbe eoomulty, ana who are determin
ed by promptness and liberality to maintain the char
acter which they have assumed, at offering the best
protection to those who desire to be Insured.
Diascrcss—R. Miller, Jr., Geo. Black, J. \V. Butler,
N. Holmes, Jr., Wm. B. Holmes, C. Ihmsen, Geo. W.
Jackson, Wm. M. Lyon, Jas. Llppineott, Thoa. K.
Uich, James M’Aoley, Alex. Nlaiefc, Tbos. Bcoll.
Omct, No. « Water street, (warehouse of Spent
A Co., up stairs,) Piusbarxh. lordly
KBOltlsa SZTRfivTI.
EXTRACTS of Aconite, Belladonna, Colaeyntk
f'-oiup., Cieata, Hycsciamos, PUamonleam Bhs
taoy, Tarsxicum, BartsparilJa, Qoastia, Hops; Col
ehiei ueeL, and Indian Uemp,
Imported and for saleiby
oe7 Car. First A Wood it.
O. K. OBAflßßßtill'l
Corner of Market and Third meets.
THE comae of Instruction in this Institution, to
.brace* Book Keeping. Commercial Computation,
Pcooanship, Lectures on Commeteisl Law, and in
fact every branch pertaining to a finished mercantile
John Fleming, Esq., author of'the National Book
Seeping, principal lecturer and feaeher of Cook
Ladies mod gentlrmen wuhtog to improve their
Peemewhtp, can call ai the College at any hour dur
ing thu day or evening. scpSl
Sll MOLASSES—6O hbls St Louis S H Syrup Mo
lasses just received and for sale by
oetT Agcnt’jSi Loaia Steam Sugar Refinery
(1 LU F—9 hand and for sale tv
LARD— 31 bbla No lon hand and for tale by
oct? Water and Front streets
GREASE— 9bblson hand and for »alebv
BACON HAMS— I *o calks on hand, will be sold
law to close ike tot, by
HONEY— 4 bbls in store end for sale by
CHEESE— tO brae* prime qualiiv, for sale by
oft? ISrtlAll DICKEY A Co
ALCOHOL —s bbi» ju»i tertlved and forsale by
nets ; No go Wool street
Cl LaZIEBH DIAMONDS—I do: jail received and
J ter »alc by ociS J KIDD A Cl)
LARD OIL— s bbls N* | jasi received and for tale
by octS i KIPP ft Co
RED LEAD-20CW pounds jtut received and for tale
by _ aeis i JEJDD ft Co
PfG IRON—K» mn« Mahoning ForntcaTig Irjaaf
for vale nom the. Allegheny Wharf, by I
ocu _ Round rr.urcd
EITITER —15 bn* valid bnuer for iblc by
ort J ft B FLOYD
HARPER’S Magasma, No &> for October, of this
exorlleot tuagurine, and No 1& of Dlotionary of
Mcehenici, ha* been received ’ at Holism’ Literary
Depot, i turd urert, oppo*i e the Post Office, alto a
new American Navcl called The Conauiator, a tale
at Ula&neibasieU't Island, on the Ohio River, and
No 9 Pictorial Field Book of the AmerietaKevbfc*
lion v ors
COD FISCi-iO cask* for **Je by
_oct tt Wood h
SALMOS'-d id* Sail
sale uy j
TANN HRS’ OIL— 45 brie low priced, for tale by
NUT GALLS—‘JSO Ibi jut rac'd and for sale by
oo« 57 Wood si
PATENT SOAP POWDER-IO h« rac'd for sale
SAL. soda—4 casks received tor isle by
GUM ARABIC hn tax' inTeliy
WHITE SQUILLS—I cask rac'd lor tale by
COLUMOO ROOT—I bale icesirrd Cor tale by
CHROME UREEN A VELLOW—4 cues for aale
CltllP' PILL BOXES—3OO paper* fur tale hy
,pOBNFR ofTbird and Market *u,
II t crtabtLhcJ by the principal la
llblo. On referring lo any of oar
- leildent city merchants, it will be
n.iuta tiut iu, oar»e nf lnitniction in MllCiimu
ana Bo*. Hoot Kxsruia, Cokmhcul Compc
tatioma, CounitciAL Law, and t'E.'utumjir, ate
carrcd to a decree of perfection never approacbod
by any other teacher in Uiii part of the consuy. Cir
culara of tenut, tc., are mailed to any part of (be
coentry. »ep3S:wlyT_
J.A CODLTra.I [lf. D. BACZI.
Corner 01 WuiJil ud Third »l», under Si. Cbatles
lintel, Pittsburgh, Fa. my4-wlB
HAS j«si opened bis Spring Btoek, consisting of e
ery description of GOODS amiable for city trad*
The Cloths, CnMimeresand Veilings haveboen ulee*
led with great care from the latest importations, and
compnae a pan ol every thing that la new and baud
tome for SPRING and SUMMER WEAK. Theassbri
meni of Vestings ia unusually large and varied, both In
style and quality, and cannot be excelled, if equalled,
by any other establishment In thia city, either In quit,-
Also, a new style of TWEED OABSIWERF, adapt
ed (or Business Co ala and Pants. Summer Goods of
every description, such as Tweeds, Cathm-reus, ha.
isn Cloths, l>rap d’Eut, Ac. The entire stock will fa
voiably compare with any stoek of good* openea
hereiofvre in rlushargh.
Mr. J. C. Warn’ well known skill and. latte as
Cutter, will prove an ample guarantee tojall who may
favor tbii establishment with their orders, that they
will have aa food and fashionable work as can be
produced by toy boose in the East, ahd at much low
aa prices, as have been acknowledged by many wbo
have med both. I would further state, that I will fur
nirbu good and farhlonable Goods as can be found
in the Eastern market, and at mseh lower prices.
A large and general assortment of ready made clods
Lng la on hand, made in the present Spring PaahUms,
comprising Dress, Frock and Basinets Coats of the la
«,Bt.ul>r r’ uVK . of FTcneh > English, and Americas
Cloths, or all fashionable colons. PANTALOONB of
every description ol plain and fancy Casaimeres of the
laicsi style; Cloths, Fauinet and Bunmer Goods, Vests
nf the beat Sums and Sllkstplain and fancy
Cloth*, Cashmere, Ac; and other articltain the Cloth
mg line. All Garments made at 49 are warranted to
I K 53"" ta " Uk *
, IM - one but the axar or Woukhkh employed, and
wamuiwd Ptli * Al ‘ °*t®enis made la order as above,
„ ST, will find the stock at 49
B ®o**a eeteeta cheap and beautiful as
sortment from. ImatH-wtfcl p. DEL*NY.
OUPUAers* OOD&V B alb.
RffiSSSf* of “ of(le * of Orphans* Court of
miha^nrfTioSSJ’T’Y 11 ex P°**dt° public sale,
5il ue v5 lk# city Of Pittsburgh, on Hater
i VMi?f., 4 i T 5 f P c V ,btT * A - °i IBM.« mb o’clock
ihJ?»Sw lh «A*i rtß lsw lot of ffonnd aiiutto In Alle
gheny city, and described us follows, to wit;—Heeln
niag st the corner of Chestnut and North Canal street,
theses running along North Canal street twentv six
hundred and tUny four
JR** V e ,*? doo6^oun^ laches,thence thlrteennetto
SSSf ST ijS 2r e cb!,SS?TO,*IS
McKeesport, fronting on the Youghlo*
ghcoy; thirty aerea am cleared, sad the baiancewell
sssjssrasiF - - *52
•*?9W4ff3lB QntktL****-
Packets arriving at anddeparttngfkom
the Fort of Plttsbnrgk.
Captain Juan Biuunaiuji.
«, Tni* splendid bost was built by tbs
i fh~.. ..iN owners of the steamer Isaac Newton.
ajtursmtiK and others, for the Cineinnali and
■mSßsanMPltubQrgh Packet trade, and will
leave every Wednesday, tor Cincinnati, in place or
tbe New England, No. A
For freight or passage apply on board, oi to
jm b-M The splendid new steamer
J- W. {Counts, masu-r, will leave for
BBBBSBBNthe above and all Interinediata pom
On this * ay, 16th inti, at 10 A. BL
For freight or pa*sage, apply on board. octf,
■ The light Meaner
Will ins, Master, will leave for atove
■BattSSaaßßetul intcr»cdiato ports, on this day,
l4tb in«t,atlOb’oloek,P. M.
For freight or passage Apply onbosrJ. ’ oetll
k The splendid steamer
. tnSwnSSBl Canu Cope, will leave for the above
■KHDEaBMuna all lmeini-tdiste poru on this
dqy r the 12Ji liaL, at 4P. M.
- For freight or passage apply on board. oclU
|J The steamer
M’Mlllin, master, will leave for the
flHßMnßMobove and all imcimediaie landings
this day, MMfcftf A!.
Forfreight og passage, apply on hoard. ocl3
ai-niiM h 1 The steamer
Wm. Trendaucb, master, will leave
tbe aiiovoand tmennsdiats ports,
on this dev, lvtb tut., at 0 P. hi.
For freight or paiiage. apply oo board or to
oalU WB WHEELER, Ageat
ma* a - The splendid new steamer
• LfpnffM' Cspl Gsllsgher, will leave this day
above, at 10 o’clock. A-iL
For freight or passage, apply on board. oelO
ai Tho fine new and stauaoh steamer
ttL**. ...» NAVIGATOR,
Wm.Dean, master, will leave lor the
■BHBBHiabove and intermediate landings,ou
this dsv, tho 10th Inst, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
For freight or passage apply an board. ocIO
regular Duelling a suNFiiHi'pACkE'r.
tggtf "■rsaSMsag
hKDvtKmn Cipl O. Young,will run as a regular
aSOCaHMpseket between Piusburgh, tVheeL
Ing, Bridgeport, and Snnfitli, leaving Pinsbnrgh every
Monday afternoon,forWellavllieTmeubeavTUe. and
Bridgeport, and every Thursday aRe moon for Steuben
villa. Wheeling, Bridgeport, Cipiini, and Sonfish
Bcurnlng, leaves Bridgeport and Buofish every Tues
day afternoon, and Sunfiah every Friday afternoon.
For freight or passage, applv on board, or to
«ep7 D WILKINS. Agem.
The splendid steamer
cape flartapee, will leave for above
■■wMßlutl all intermediate landings, everr
day, at 4 o’clock, P.M. ■* ’ ’
For freight orftsaage apply on board. - arpy
The swift passeuger steamFr
„ , „ ■ REVEILLE,
Robert B. Major, matter, will leave Pittsburgh every
Thursday, and Saturday morninis, for
Whee iag.attao’efoek, A. M. Returninr will leave
'Yhrellnr for Pittsbaigh every Monday, Wednesday.
and Friday, at 6 A. M. augt»
/TONTINDES lo ff rnt, freight to Pltt.bttrgh Ti»
V/ Rail Road and Caust,on very reasonable terms,
and with the usual detnaieh. from oar Urge depot,
No. fIS Market street. Philadelphia, formerly occupied
by Uesirt. Bingham A Dock. .
Control RailraadopsttUßolUdayibari
103 mtUt Canal to JohJixiou>»— 2So mlts Rail
Road from JohnMorm to PkHttdtlp/iia. T
Exelurlvely for PatMUgers, •
Tune through, hoojs— Fare—(to
ON an after Monday, September 18th, two daily
Packet Boats .will leave, for Johnstown, ham
thence take *ptrndid new e*re tM> miles direct to
Philadelphia, paeslag over ; the new Pennsylvania
Rsll Road, being one OJ the very best hi the country.
The increased tpsrd bv this mate makesitthe Mom
desirable, as well as the taoal cemfonablt one td the
eastern cities . -
A Packet Boat will leave every mornln* at 7 o’-
clock, and every evening at 9 oVloek.airtlselv.
Portage Rail Road Is pahuuf irrdsyiirku'
For pusage or tafonaafioc applyjo- : ;
W 8 U lieu, hunongikula House*
sepia QTtoDLEEaiiACO.Cajulß*,slft.
, . HoioWnpfi hou«l j 7 :
Oily II BXllfta Bttflag.
Via DrownsvMla and Cumberland to Balusmra add
Fru to flftbinroßK- no go
t>o. PuiLftcurut* 12 oo
TUE moraine boat leave* the wharf, abuva tha
bridge, daily, at 8 o’clock precisely. Time to
Baltimore,C'd hours; time in Pbiludolflti., 40 hours
TTieeTemag boalleavet daily, (except Sunday cv*
aid o’clock. l*u»ftenger» by leasing on the
evening boat, wiU cross the mountains ia stages next
danandthaa avoid night travel.
sec are ytrur tickets at the Office, Mononrnhela
Uou»e,or St. Chutes HoteL 8
octlMy J. MESKISIEIN, Agepi •
185 °-
„ tDcaver. Poinii).
PACKETS} lo. Lag and shipping between Pittsburgh
and Rochester by steam boats Michigan.' Lake Erie,
and Bearer. **
,ID” Goods receipted and promptly delivered to all
Slices on the Canals and Laics, at i&q lowest rams,
luppcrs will please direct roods to M Bidwcll’aLme.’
Wsinr su Pittshureh.
THIS beautiful style of Hat 1* ruiw received, and
wilt bo Introduced on Saturday, 31st intL, by -
McCord ft co •
angrif Cor Filth A Wood its.
PRINTING’ PAPER—100 rms S 4 g 88; ;
7d nnt Sr xfht; equal iff the
best in the market, for sale by
BAcots iiaais—uu casks lound-bei rough, wHllm
sold low to close the loi by
» f piM Water A Front sin.
80. 69 F If lit atraal. ;
_aep_27:dtf nrrturaaß, rs. '
raw stuck ok .
JOHN H. MF.LLOR, No 81 Wood iueet,.'tole agent
for Chickering’s Piano Fortes lor Western Penn
sylvania, baa received, ard now ready for sale, the
following asionwem selected by UimsClf from the
oanufactoiy, and will be supplied aa usual at Mr.
a carved Louis MV, ? octaves.
5 cleg ml Rosewood, 7 do;
U do do Cl do;
t do do C do;
1 do Mahogany, C do;
1 do Walnut, C do,
1 full curved lemigrand. . •
A CARD—The subscriber has' the pleasure of
announcing to tbp citizens of Fiitsbiirgh, thai be h&t
made arrangements with Mr, John HJdellor, for the
exelusive sale of his Plano Fortes, in Pittsburgh and
Western Pennsylvania, and those wishing, to pur
ebire may be assured that thejr Interest* Will be faith
folly attended to. - / CHICKENING
Boston, March 53,1648. • f Vj*' 1
In addition to the above stock of Pianos DdquUr.
Chickenng. a new supply is oflerbd front the
2f Adau. Htodmrt. Uaeou A Reyen, and.WorcesteT
New Ybrk, and Hallett, Cumstep A Alien, Bones, at
prices virying from two to three 1
Aid forOcwber,ju*trecetTedaadfCrrtlriUt'‘ I
' T* Apollo BalldjegyetH stf|
Topsopu rrom thsUia Vuantryi f
T?xacn.y the idme kindofStuali Leaf, Fide.btruni.
XJ and Rough Flavored Black. Ten that are ii>ed in
the Old Country, ean be bought atSda and The per IQ.
at Worm A Haworth’s Tea Store, east side of the
Diamond, “and no where die In PUtaburth.”- i>ep#4J;
|)RINTINO PAPER— I The best in market dan bb
A had at the agency of Clinton Mills. 65 Wood '
repdl W P MARSHALL :
4a*. Auiprstt * Ins'Fatsat Sodti A*n«
QQ A CASKS of the above celebrated brood, part
004; in sterei.and the temalAder toarrive'thiaand
oext tnomb, per “Anna Rich,” ”Enrops. u «BefKn,o and
ether rivqrk; via PhUadslphiahndDailiiTUire, wartaM
ud superior iokoth atrength aad.quatiiy ioany-3n : ths
murCet, for aule at Ihg lowejt price .fart cash And 'ap
proved bills,by . /W A-M MITOHELTBEE '
aggaat-., - ,-j V • .-litumy atteeZ •: -
/Muaeaid'Jitujiealla9tnMM*r.'. ---
flign of the Golden Hatp, No ICI TUtritsareei.-
If. KLEUEft retpeejfoily Informs
Ms tiicnda andilhq public,that he;hai
rcturoed from the- east, vritti a
I | V | |lmost elrgant and .axtamuye -josora
mentbf Pianos of ranoas style*and prices, selected
:by himself, wiihareat care, at it* celebrated factories
jif Norma > Clark, N. Doahsnj. (firm ct
'Btodart'fc'Dncham,N. V.) llesingeelvctedtboaboTk
from -an Immense-atoex l>u! uanaed by the above
makers, they are warranted of superiorequality and
tone, and will is all caits be sold atNew York foe*
toryprices. PurchaseriwUtrecclve.awrlueo guzr*
anty with each Piartcs pntiUiug tketn io.-an exchange
or retdrn.ofaaale,iCdoaoddetective ■ ■*. :
Also, a lot of »pletSdfirGoltarsffrom the factory or
Schmidt A Msttl.N. Y - lhey are a superb aruele,
and srarramed if.hM tapdrior, M.dny made 1b
thnworld. :
Also, e.fine Viotina,
String*, Bract Inktnmeqtg, and Od nqwnt and most
•popolar tottiic, incladiqg Jenny LindV udabrnud
SOBgL -y ; • vepr*
■ - WsUb jßannsli.
M of Fourth and Market streets, arc »*«gW
Whli aaaertnsnt of Ui# various
SSva'desirablo goods, and baving been parched
iram the importers ean bo •warranwdgeaacio. »»
Penn street, comer of Evans Alley. Inquire Not
A FOUR S»fY Dwelling, slate ’roof, office, bath
room, gas fixtures, and bake oven,)49Third n
Inquire at eo Water vreectj «ey3
ItUF. Cbsrtier'a Coal Oomgany will sell smug very
desirable pieces of landsmtoaied on and near the
Steubenville lorapike. and&ear the southern terminal
of their nul reed.
TTe land will be divided into quantities to suit pur
chasers, and the terms of payment will be very-'easy.
Enquire of jf w REMINGTON.
Co*! Harbor, Sept. X—ecpfrdlu Manner.
A ND possession given Immediately, the ThrceSiory
A Brick Dwelling Haute, No 66 Liberty street, and
opwtiitc Third it ALSO,
The Second and ThfU Stories of Warehouse No 3
Market street Enquirpbf
. R C. STOCKTON, Booksellers,
aUHId 47 Market st
Y FOR SALE.—A Lot of Ground siutate on Penn
street, between Hey and Marbuiy streets, adjoining
the house and lot now occupied hy Rlchara Ivdwartu,
having a from ofS5 feet, and in depth IN) feet, will bs
•old on favonbletemu, Titlcunexceplionable. Eu
qulreof ’ C.O.LOOMlS,4ihsi,near Wood
oct2l-dtf ’ ‘
PRAKIS A BROOKWAY, Commirrion Merchants,
SaeramenfolCfiy, California. Liberal advances
made on conslgtpnenu, and .all agency butincss
promptly attenfted do. .
xa. ecaats,' 1
st tonx.l
siiions, Acktiowledgiociiisof Deeds, Ac ‘
Odtce—Founn stfret, above SntithfielJ.
mrt-dtwT ; ' a
IIAVWO C’ itTkttyO life ENLaBOntENT am> OTHER
SofUi-ElßUor. or Fonrtts A filar keg st«,
Oft Monday morning, 23J September,
null a liit!E Stock of Ren Ooodi.
tepJl '
No 47 Market street, corner of Third st.,.
HAS constantly on hand, for sale, Writing, Letter,
Priming, Tea) and Wrapping Paper; Bonnet,
Pullers', Cmdeu’, and Trunk Boards; Book and News
Paper Printing Inks: which he will sell tube lowest
cash prices, or in exchange for rags or tsaiier! 1 scraps
senlfl I
DK. FPKER hst removed to Liberty street, below
Pitt street, No 103. Office and dwelling hi the
same building. augShddm
So, 101 Wood stmt,
INVITE the attention of buyers to their large .Mock
of Fresh Goods now opening, and tphicb they are
prepared to sell on very accommodating terms.;
We shall be constantly receiving fresh goods dur
ing the season, and request an eianuaauon of cur
stoek by western merchant*,'nud others visiting our
city. , abg3l
So. 138 Llbsrtyjitriet,
BEGS resptctfully to inform! his nitmeroas friends
and that be Is Just receiving hi* new
fall stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERRs, and VEST
INGS, of the newest styles, adapted for the approach
ing fall and winter seasons. All those in vast of
cheap, fashionable, atxd good clothing, will find the
largest, non fashionable, and best stock in the
Western country, at this establishment. ttgip
THE andereigned.have, ihi* dav, as«oclsted them
selves under the firm of Phillips, Heat A Ca, for
(be purpose of manufacturne evrry variety of Fliut
'Manufacturers of every vartrty of
Cat, Pressed, Bed Plain Flint Ulan Wore
ORDERS filled without delay, at tbe lowest mar
ket ptiee, at their tkcu-rri oo Tty street, pear
Second, or at W Water street,
Bsp)4:drm _
Opening if ihs Pshniylvsurs Hall Iloafi
to Pittsburgh^
THE Pennsylvania Rail Road Company having
completed the whole lute otroil road to Hollidays
burgh, thus connecting the Portage Rail Rned to
Johnstown, and Irom Utencc by busts u Pttuborqk,
are now prepared to receive and forward merchan
dise, profluec, ic.. to and from Pitubaryli and I’hlis-
The hosts will leave the depot of the company
daily for Jobuktowo, there connecting'with tlm duly,
train of cars for Philadelphia, thus iiisaijo* tire de
livery of all fieicht in Pbtlaitelpbia within five days.
Agents for Po. lL R. Co, Canal Uasiu, Pittsborgk.
reptffidif - . - Philadelphia. .
BY virtahof « ptceept* under iba 'hands of Wm; It;
M’Cttfrt, President of tbe Court of Coatnon Pica*,
in and for tbe FI£S Joilidal Dislilct of Pentuylvahia.
ana Justice of tK},Coanor'Oyer and Termuiei, ».nd
Decerai .JsJl Deßvery’ la and for said Olrrrier, and
. XVI lit am: Kerr and Psntuel 'Jottea, Ei-q« n Auuelate
Judged of the same county, is:and for the Cemuj of
Alleghtny/daicd the ldih dayof August,in tbayeni
o| par.Lotd ono thjafand eight-hundred and
to me directed, for bolding a Conn of Oyer ana Ter
miner and General Jail Dt livery, at the Court Mottne
in the city of i’mabutgb, on the Fourth Monday
October next, ai jn o’clock A M.
Public DOUee u bureby given to all Jur-ticm. of.-the
Peace, Cotooer, and Con*iabie»of Allegheny, that,
they be then and there, in their proper persons, witn
their rolls, records. n;^ui*lllo.ip, ciamaiauoii>d and
other*, io oo there thing*, wbieh *o
their rp*pccti«e otooe* imheir lelitlf appenaln’toi-e
done —nod tl*n thu,e Hist will p Tost cue the priso.-.cre
lisa: new are or oiuy be in the jail of raid county oi
Allegheny, to be iheo and there tofproMcuie agauirt
ihem a« shall keja*!.
Given ander my hand at Pittsburgh, this 16th. day
ol Aug oil, in 11-e year of our Lcftd one thousund right
hundred and fifty, and t>< the Common wealth the 75th.
_ suglOrdkwulT CARTER CURTIS, febenlL
NOTICE ishcreby given,Cm; LetierzYestamcn'ery
have been itFuea to dmiubscrtherm at excou:ora
ofthe last will and ertin ent of Jamra McHenry, late
of the city of All bersons.
iherefctc, having drum* or dcmn-'.ils ay tins' the
esute of said decedent, are requeued to make known
thezstne to them without delay.
antfhdeFOw Piusburgh,
ADMlNlß'l'H.Al'OU.'g NOTICE.
NOTICE is hereby given, that I.etlcn of Adniinin
(ration have this day been grimed to the under?
firned, on the estate of John W iliair, late of tho city
of ri tiburgb, dec’J. All persons indebted id the
•aid estate are requested io make nuncdiiie payment,
und Uiose having claims against ft will preseat them,
duly auUteiiOL'ated, for settlement.
Il'i Mii'V-' ~ .Pittsburgh.
LETTERS of Administration baviny been Fronted
lo the undereigncd oailhe «tute ct tbe late George
'!>. Hci«, deceoeed, fell person* indebted are rrqo>*ied
t« make immediate parmtjnt, asd.thote baring claim*
to preeent U>e same- properly authenticated, to eiihtf
of the tubjcrib(.rj. tor liquidation.:
THOUAS daft; ■.
To ttQttttkar&aml Waiurn Aeruuutu<
•at<ciibtr rtijveciTully metre.. public attention to
bli stiltfcfc of Perltuuery, Fbapk, Shining
seven Silver and two Cqleen
Medal* have, within the ta*t tix yean, been awarded'
by the Immniei of New York, Uo*loii, end Pbila-
Jelphia, the latter leiofl the truly Gulden Medal* ever
awarded far perfumery cither tu Europe or »h rtua
country. -
RotlltXL’i USSir*LUKD 9lUTlfl4 CkKAH, lAtiTiouJ,
Rm>e,ond AmbTminl,) tmirenaliy acknowledged to
be airportor loony Shaving Cream io il(j4 eoantry ur
Europe. ... ... r •
Ouiorruxaroi Snavma—Beautifully tramp*rent,
and po«tr*ing highly Htjxmaceftn* and »*ndlliciit
properttet; B*ponaeooa» Compound j.Ambrocial Sik *•
ingXaliet; MtUtkry Sharing soap. . .
DounuetfPimchiOj MaaV, FaiehoalyiOsmißu*, flpav
inr, Trarupareot, Olive pi), ■Windsor, and Ctreamrian.
KxtKact* voh' in* iLmmaaciuar'—Hose, ’Jafcmin,
.Bonqcet'de Caroline, Geranium,; Jenny kind, Macrae*
Uni, Jpckey Club, Magnolia, Clcmatne, Citronelia
RtSiai, jtud’m&Q]' other T«rieti«a, rball eixty dUTcrfeat
Tojiay -‘Wimt*—Florida Water, Eau do-Toilette,
Orange firmer i Water, and a gfeat variety ol Co?
iOKnei'dAdLavindey Waters. . - ■: •
FR»>BAH(»xa;-ko*ui*;iUi*—Genuine BcartOiL
AittiQM oiVß*tnd6Gtre,- Kan Lntirale, Oleine, Co nr
poonjVOx Matiow,llilr Dyes, Uquid and in-poyrded
am! rhtrtthynß/BLcbrine; a.\ii JBtmyLicd Frmiafie#. [
Tooth Taste,-Charcoal-.Diatribee,. Odostiae;-TOoti
Fa.Mr-.ruiAToniUPpw'kf.'- * ••:;.• i
Costaeue Cream,' Alnaariint
fot ehapneJ Jjana-vCbW Cream of Boren, Clears
Pet«i'Ltii-Balye,'R'ajfpberty Crclun,ic. j
ijcpiWurry Pondees, for removing unperfinoss haii)
Pieptt de Hotifte, AromeittfVmejir)
ViCloAX'i!ait.Cdd>poatUon t -l.'ic(U.n SalU,
aareatvariety.or-oUey ancle*,too narcerepeto-bi
oam<diil:thi«»u!ferua«n*htr . ...... ..- I
The avbaarybei ' - to roatirtido ttM.tepßtatlo4
.it rubier) ber irqrcic . .-'piiK , ,
<vUck Uni etfiabUiiimcol ru acquired, by.dujKXini
of nothing batfinf; me «rocle4 t and will be happy'f
forniiti liieee 'Wbti city wi«h lo jitlronl»e.biw. either
wiiolcrala-or liUttlyc-n ti reasonable term* U JUtT tij
..114 Cheaont 'street, i
Mr. Basin'* J'eitgmery U fdratle by tfl lha prlncb
pal Dtamais mtho conngr . t ;
i, >■ TOfWKSltitt MERC
:. AvMASON * CO.a". \
SO. eS JIABKRT BttaJOSrtT, ; j
Utiween Ttui4 4 FooJth atttdtt, HUtturjih, ;
INVITE-Uh* attention cl mercfcibO ritUtn* the city,
tc tteir cxieuatvOitoekor Fill and Winter Goods,
•elected with gtcsietieonn atiettlott from-reecm
importation#, large! auction sales, aod ittnnhe lead- I
nip aunU»ctaren,iby tbeir resident partner in Tier*
Voti.. . < lheit »iock,ihJ» tall will be found to be much
largefaiid note veiled than any they have everbf icrp
brosghltotUsioatlcet.bitincr replenished by receipt*
oi goode almost dolly through tbe season as they «j>
pear io the eastern:markets rendering thrir stork al
all time* 101 l and dried, thereby enihlmr then sac*
eessfally to eampstij with sroiern LoUae*. 'wpO j
C[LEAMCIiEtSF.-2IU bxn JttsfroeY
tep? ■ •• r ;
•BiUui 1 LlTtr:PUli paptictde •hothiri
j . Obetleeioru Va., Sept. SO, leiO. .’
Ur. S' & fcelteiV.—Y.nur MU have become *o popo*
Itrln all this taeioti-'of coßtilry,*® very moeh td
(ExUAGrof teller.}.'
t>£r*i,.«er« Willi leeoHsci tbatß. RBeUera* Liver
P.n“S« *5 Trli Ml and only True Genuine Fill »r.d maV l-e had at No 57 Wood »u, ami of
Ktuu «en«a" r> Ure l"« eitte. and vicinity.
•cdJfl [_ ~ i —__
(yggf. -»g?>r»V | » -y»,ffpjp
W%‘ *“f7 M t ??^«i , ScCAW>UB S
bAy state kills
f. .
THF>E cejebrajcd and jtiitly aekr.owledred su
penor g(tod«,in the l.teit wloiingt aadmost
proved styles,>tll be forniiheg b y iheiubscVibc?.
in any quantity, attire very l»w««pnee* PuriSa!
ere will Pleas? notice that the H S, nVp sum
fabrics hear, tickets correspandinit with theabavn
cut,aad tlreyNvill *i»o be dlitinraUhed from all other
Woolea Shawl, by their aucer.ur«h,T o ei4i
texture, and iniltartey of color-. Orders solVciJd
fronj all tecupns of tbn enutury, and the same wiilLi
promptly attended, te. Paicbaeers will alio find U
ourtShawl depanurut a large assonment of all iha
othc* nioit.aeprdveii makes, aud newest deiimslj
American, Frepeh; and Scotch Woolen'Sfawis et£
bracing a great variety of plain tuid medium stvlL
for friends, j ALSO, «Munsiyi*s
t.? a ?!?*? r F * r K. Rri ' cha ‘J'ur-nd square Shawls A
iaic s l»tt]e , .tiu{b<tju nmuufamutc—High lustre DfaeK
imd Colored Shawla—Lopios Black mil Mods
Colored ThiWijtthcw.-, with silk end woolen Fringes
n [ ed ox«jnicre an l Terkerri ShiwlV
rleln and Lbihroldered Crape r>h»wi<—New *tvi«
Pria«ed Pal a Sa.wl—Neat ISoured .PamßrX
Clerk end Modn Colored Thibet
Phawls*-P.aju bound Seal KkLu Shawls—Finn
ModaL-Colore J French Terkerri Shawl*. triaged 'tni
bound—Eight; ijuaner French Mode Colored Thibet
Cloth, metiinrin(* lull two yanh wide for shawls I
binding 10 match—White anu Colored Barcelona and 1
Genesee Shawls, Ac. Wholesale and RcuiL
iasaau ' s ”°°'‘ “• ■
Or. Quyiotts Extrsei or Toitovr :Dock*
;an4 Saraeparllla.
PUT ap in the largest sired bottle*, contain* mare
'<± ot the pur* Honduras Sarsaparilla, than oar other
preparation extent which ia chemically combined
with the Krtrtct of-Yellow Dock, the Extract of Wild
Cherry, and the BtUsani of Fir, thus making the reme
dy more thoroughly efif lent than any other Sarsaut
rdla before the public, i At the same time it isperic-i
-ly free from all tciceral poison*, which cannot be said
, ol any other oTtho Sarsaparilla compunnils. The in
valid should fcirware of pot sons t Mercury, Iron,Qui
nine, Potash,! lodine, Sulphur, A piecic, and many
other TTilneral'and metallic -poisons enter into and
fona the active basts of mcitof the Ssnapnrl-la and
P a “*<- f ’-«»of the day. Gayiati's CompnunJ Extract
or yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla docs net contain a
particle of these substance*, as noyoun can endly
hPi'iynig the necessary tests,
ihe poisons way occasionally remove disease, but
laey so vitiate the blood. und so completely imprcg
note the whole system with their baneful effects that
tha first cold, pr the first attack of disease, prostrates
the patient's strength, and subjects bun or her to the
most excrutialine lortute, and render, another cure
almoet Impossible and hopeless. Let all poisonous
HartaparlUa preparations alone, and use Gnysott’s
Improved Extract pf Vellow Bock and Sarsaparilla,
which U thoroughly efficacious, perfectly harmless
and purely vegetable. All kinds of disease yields th
lugemal lad lienee.
Scrofula, Cancerous Tumors, Cetaceous Eruptions,
Erysipelas* Biles, russules, or Pimples on the Faei
Chronic Sore Eyes, Tetter, Scald Head, UheumaT
ti'ra, Enlargement or Pains ni u-e Bone* or Jcintsl
old and stubborn Utccn, Fever Sores, Hip Diaeas-
Swelling ofihe Glands, Blotches, Syphilitic Symp
toms. Lumbago, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Janndire, Co*'
uveiies*, Sait Rheum, Affection* of the Kidneys an.
disease* arising from an injudicious o»c of Mercu
ry, Slinklcrja Sifn Toroal, Weakness of.the Chest,
arid all other diseases trod*
ing lowanlHiContooiption, Liver Complain, Feaali,
Irregularities and Complaints, Sick and Nervous
Headache, General Debility, Low Fpinta, Lou of
Appetite, Night Sweats, Fains in the Side and
Shoulders, Exposure or Imprudence in Life, Chmn
ic Coruslitainmsl Disorders,end osaSpringand Fall
PunGerjof the DlboJ, und General Tonic for tna
SjilemJit ii annyalled.
A eastafUlc&al*J Limit of xtxtren yi&rniandir.z
The lollio jig Uan cxtracPol n letter datod hlaun
t!7, from Tv B. Perkins, M Is, a highly respecta
ble pUytldianbf Marislta.Oliio. ;
Joan 1 hi/c under tAy csre a
young tvoinait.wboj tor <-irt:cu vetre. ha*) bcetutu
feringfroih I’li'etakd L-iiub*, anti wi)u«ii[ rsw ha.
been pronounced hopeless by three ot ourbe«tpl.y
str.mna. ilfobk let- into my launty, an.) kuve usd
f.’uysottV VeHow Oo<‘k an*l FHrsnparllla licely, und
kin c>!i{litejnt ihet the Vcllu.v Duck and SKtsupamta
witl eifeetipcnnaiiet core Fhe t« belter ih g.nci.i
hcallli thucl ibe hfjs ever been .scd walks a
mile cr twn'wttrmil fr.'igite or v v**ir ago ih«
- m ,'ut-: unri
Veryrfc£|»*«;..r-iMv, iv. fi.’WJiKl'Nd
\\ scao«JL.v* \: -:i.
It h*< renin'icrl, b> .rui-, lh«i in chi
varied e#tft!ojn>e t.f dira&kes to wtuc!«. n»ai i»
there is ecareply oitr ofvuclr ini>fluui£*; ajrii pi ►ncs
interest a* Sorpluih v whether wr look to thelohjcaiur
ofitvofijnn, it* insidious proper!,- the nOtnbot uvi
vortety ncuekt, or lii rcraark'&Mo tt>
curability andeatertnve totality. •
Scrofula hrfi baffled the skill of the most eminent
phyeiuieti? in ibis ehuntry tad m Murupe. Rpuhjro is
tin tiiitidot e fi>r thik <i:sea»p in Dr.<»kis'tiit , « ol
ycll-.w Dockfcnd HaTiM.snili,'- v.-1-iclns proving it
*<-Il a pcrlictiupcctfcp in the ittm wvrrn 1 cassi ol
surofal*. V
AnrxuurmSnrirr eavr of Rr.rr.fiita‘.c&reJ by th;
noli* use of Doewf ttiiycti’t, Cotn36tt»*i ,'tjvrup. I
will be •efn.bT'Usiioenifieaie'ilsmihi* mania* betr
under the treatment ofseveral cetobiatcd
for the past year*. withoat Je.riviagVny benefit
and haabßonjaffeeiasl'ycwnl hv iii Hutu -of % tew
boitlu dfDr. Efuyaoti’i Compound Syrup. '
*Naw Ycusi, June ?,I£l3
Db^GutiqW'—.Dear Hr,—Oping to ycu a dahtwivio.
money cattnt.n>a\\ I tin Induced Kiintfcr aymMic mo
kEowinivmectfof ib#. benefit') huwedoriveftftra
. invaluable sytap. ► n filleted \ntfc a tsm
bid Bflrf.fcfbt£ Jlsi-rtjf, herediit-rv m oar fiiauly.
which cccutUsnci j; i.U tiy nt i-h, and, eontißurvj l%
spreid.vcfifc /cached juy curt, r intr» ny bta *•
e:iJ extending'*!! o.eru.y lace, noet, m:»l !»;•: cr ’
irsr.iUie?. I a j,tok i-p.n.
At unu-emy ili»ucrs •.«** lorrm! ihui l t».ia urr.bli t..
tlcep uf Ije Uiiwn; tfid ih* eurmU..,} ir,n> in,
ears Mrinuslyrfcfioctrd my t-eafuiif My :■/.•« qo.,
core, lr*jra which a dwt-hr-rwr ff tntiiei
, and water krjji ci.NUnaully ou/uicout. Prs’-fe avoid
ed me, suppose ! had the ntMl pr.r, n some oitw
infectious di*ease, nnJ I w\s oMlgoi 10
relinquish myThoßiucirs. Notmtitnuiiiiiti;' 1 hr.d Uto
1-ect medical ii'vUc, and tried diiTircni plurts of treat
mri-t, the disease continued to prow vore,iuAJll gava
up in despair,i: Fcr;auitety 1 fell iu with a passenger
on ibe steamboat, while travelling lor my health, who
informed mo that l-i« ton wu* at one time in as bad a
condition as I[War,and that bv udbg yoiTT Syrup ho
was speedily fini«rt. 1 uuniediatelV procured toe a.
■tele, cocsmenseil mUngit, and nowj after having mi a
lea* tlum »ix AytUe*, l ant Wei; and. able to attend to
my busiue»2.ll r<ei*ii you Him rtetiramt uan act t<;
justice, only that it ir.CT induce! the oQiced u>
make ore of tire right medicine, am) thereby ivro t&im
much lutferinfr m.d'oxprnre.
3 reeminr you r o'xdieni savant,
: JOHN <l. SPAL&iNu
Curt of 4* Mr 3/ Etytivelaj. *
The cure* betiurnu-d by ‘-Dr. tiuynnil-s Extract of
Yellow Doctiuid &.'.rscp.uilta artj lasting. The pa
lieni'sgeneraElieniih cutiuaues to ‘improve after rtis
ease is removdd. Cute* arc not chrnnlclsd until tijEJ
has /ally tested ih&< there can be'no teiapie or reiarti
of the dijease;
*■ Norway, (llerkimtr Co ) Feb. IHSO.
8. P. BBMKtT.t Co., Gtnu, it is with great plcamiu
that i write ydu üboul the very etfecu ofyear
Yellow Dock pad Knrasparilin upon ray eon, who has
long been suffering under that Ui-eadfal, loathsome Qls
ease, Bryaipeliu,, win* wlm-S he wniuinacLed in IMS
and was far several raoiuh* attended hr some of our
best t»ao tried then nktll rvvefinely mt
fire months, without any hem Sets! effect* whatever
lie become reduced to a ju-niot skeleton lie had ul
cers from hit hip to hi* knee, which were continually
diecharging disgustingly nffeoiive matter- JUcdtciu
and surgical will was baffled. Physicians ewd
hit case was bopcUss—there could bo qothinjc done
to arrest tbOJe-jerriblr gantrrenfcirtg nJcera. My neigh
bor*«jtd myaUlfUitfugiit hi* «ti*«olution-ueßr-trt Hurd
One oftnjr neighbor*, who had coned a child efsdrbf
ulawith roatiinYtiiaablc medicine, .wished me to,
make mol of 4, and more from the rrsileia: dears -to
do something while life lavxo.than from a >y hoaout
getting relief,} procured three Louies of your“VeliOw
i>ock nud saj»upanll».'' and eom itsn td asiQgjt
and to ray aonnuljment, he commenced improving
lie had nrcJ the third kettle, and oeiore he hsia used n
half <lo7tn botue* tie rorldiwillr nut. -Itsneed tit all
twelve bottles* aud bj l>.’V>L?r last ha wbA perfectly
rrs-ore-l, <*ver£ sditige 61 the dirsnsa except the wars
if leraoveJ, and .herrmsirs u Jieffwt betilih.up td tho
present time.; Ht*iteeprery, under tbt* blermn«:of
tiod, u entirely owing to ike use of your Yellow XhTk
and Sarsaparilla,.aßiil ai»ureio<t thil I (pel n{wl<
under *f»atoblig-iii;ftn<iu you. end it is vtfUigi'ca'ljiiy
that i uifCTtn-Joa oi' what your Kursa&arUla huTffjtis
for iby sou. .Re«ncctfr.ll>v
\ . i JAS. RPBSEU,
nr/’-None gtrninu oaleavput up in large tomt'.
eoivialntng niean. and tlir rnmoofthe Syraptlirwr.
u; u.e jcla<f,‘sytih ttjc written signeturo of S. F.ilti.
nett,on.tiieo*tado wrapper: Ptrod 31 per
d bdllcs for 3^i
. It iaaofd .bj J«D..PARK. North East crrnjci'-'of
Fourth >ttecte, cuiriiree .on'Walnar«t.,
Ciseirnati, Ohio, lei whotholl Orders muithe addtes
sdd."'. ‘ .
. Chjter t Cfri j tiicj: WL P.‘Johhsbn &
iardnlilin. A!>ei:Tiiirr.U,
MotiliottllliUw WiX, To vrapda;: Hobpft HoytiVeß**-
boro: l*. Ro-JCricV/CttUdnsborE; U W.ikbX,
botgh, ootnerafZuarltei'itieei aiu! 4>s Wsfnopd..
iriV-dAwlyaS ; ft. . y,'\ "■ .■ ■V?
• fIS S;Ki-1 ’S BttT iS&S ,i.
Creates a hf4 l i‘y homn throtqthcint rhc boily, reflPrs
the circul*tkni, rH? tone. acd
energy td tlfe , 'riyj{<)o, Rnl"cfstib' a' powerofXesHt
ante to 'iJteaAo Ip all Itl to be
TbcywiUpeffonn* apeedy. and
Dyrperxipj.Jndiseattber.Fletulcney, Genera) Pelrilfiy.
arid All tbo traia pf hotn .
moalj:cfclfiidib«V{iaß.ffectforas..; •
WidlSie 1 UuJ.hw'nfthis
oablc corhp.ound,'wntch ia purely- *tgcphle, »9d, ia
adapted taaliagea amicordiiions. • I
.‘Virkfflj'tiiEri.' 1 -
WUVfihAiH’Qlts delicate a A palatabla preptfoitistt a
combination p( Todlc, AlLttaiivc ; aad n'upii
tiei,pecui^Slty•d»'pled.'fot.,^ei, WW®v •/
Tbc specific ftciioO ti|httL>s srnere h>yot> tae Ltfex
and Wgestiyn Grßattr* rendenita eoteplete Ahrldp-.o
tor Fever *d| Afipe. Bilio** «cd Tj phns.' F«?><re
- ; •"•*l 1, r. !'v.
' .»• :-> Uii>sK7iii*,JLl. JtUy Uih l'^a,
J: ’-:.
and haewderiTed-greAt benefit iroa" them. T.fejvo
.been iabjeet lbryeajrpiiito tide Frier-iad Afdfc'bnt
girted thewdWdijetlan of-y oor l hato enutely
d9ca{Ce4>Ui?;kia«a{hU4eks l «nd.«AH tviai copSAeico
f fcocuaenf them one of the bastTooica-tn nt£ >,
;•}}•.:•;• —J . c. n; uwimp'.
■ .« -X:' *‘ 1 ; SmiwraiSr Jyne WthfidStt
MlDcaJt.KO..: ■ ••••! - .'
ItgiVehme orneb pteastnaio state, thO-tba
Pyjpcptfa yttib "which h>y liio has been aolongttopb*
ktd,ati*)iig fttm'uiftcupu.of-jUfc Liyeiyha* teen w-
cored bp the toe of j *it fiWfiu
abloprepamianof Kuefif-acd' for yourhutdoemfin
rcisoinhieaiifliUrMgjTdcaae ‘ -r,
. ' ' -r-.
-- • - • O, L^LEgcH,
-. Ricks & Co , l« wdJSt-bMai
Stlco*. H«w?Yosk;;; IFor sale by •
- -I'. R-E
-<' "oalc FLOOiuho DdASDSf •
jc Afii i FFiKT Worked Oak Flonricg Boards
I*/«UUIg paifectiy dryvand of.a superior lycittV
for s!le by l- 9. CLAUSE,
aaslftdif. Sbarpj.burflh.
LtrfTEßfli of AdDinifiratlon.on the estate of Mrs.
Caibapßu filcKPiflht, deceaHif. having bktrr,
granted to tbc oadertlitied, all fencer mdr-bted arc
hereby:Lonied to aale imaedlaie- payzaent, and
those hating claims against said estate, to present
the same prtrtupUy, for istilstseni- •
Mpirktrim JtODFRT McKNIGHT. A&at>ir
1 iMi di gunTO^eoatafee;
JostrtcM for solo by 1 j *