THE iTfTSBUHSH 6A‘AETfE. PUBLISHED BY WHITE is 00 PITTBDOBOU THURSDAY MORNING, OCT. I*l,lBoo. ti./'Aovmtssst arc earnestly te<;ufnca tonaud it> itetr favor* before it. and u early lultedfvas practicable. Advertisement*nottoaencd fora spec ked time will invunitiybe charged untilordered oat. C7*V. B. Pauses \t Agent for this paper at hi* everul agencies in New Rork, Philadelphia, and Bdclon, and b authorized to receive tabrciipnon* and udvcrtlscmenf far u« IET Punanxnruu Notmt ak*jucaw.—Advertise mem* and subscription* to the North American and United Huttes Gazette, Philadelphia, received and lot warded from tU'n office. ' (CT'PinLarizt»>eg*l tight* of free co’ored men, or upon the moral and; religious doliraend acoaihiliiie* ol i a vsJt msjerity of the peop'ecf thi* country; and "above all, to inquire whether the taw did not di rectly conflict Wh the enactment! of the Divinr Law giver himself* and therefore morally void, although legally biodieg. There never wet a more patient, submissive, law chiding people upon earth, to what they con aider coaitiinted aoihoiiiy, then the people ol the free States of itij Union. They reverence tbi Conatitatioa end Ltwa, because they arc of tr.eir own creation, and because they know that thei freedom and bappineaa, and the perpetuity of Re publican institution?, depend in a groat measure upon th*cr anfamissios toanthority. They alio love the Union, crtoicJ and ratoeuted by their fathi trd which has'connected with It to many eotu of national pride and patriotism. For there rea «ooa they submit patiently to laws which they di» approve, and which act oppresa vely upon '.hem, affecting their pecuniary and tooial pro»periiy.— to these leaser evils (or the take ofih greater good which their icetltaliona confer, an> becacee they know that all governments are more or leas imperfect. The attachment of any people to the landsmen tal code of their government was sever more, cleaily'exernplified thna in the acquiescence of the inhabitants of tbo free States in the compro raise* ofitho Constitution in regard to slavery compromises which arc manifestly unjust in glviof u the Southern Sl&teaa three fifth’s reprsaentatiot ofwhattafcir law makes chattels, and which an as muchrb in their estimation, and as far ms anti polJtctl;rigbiB of the slave ere concerned, aa th> borsca and cattle of the people of the free Stales Notwithstanding this, cad other great'cbjec::on> touching slavery, the pcop'e of the free Stales ah content to abide by their contract, only rekieg tr have no greater bnrden laid epoa them thin th> Constitution contemplates, and to be kept ea (res a partible treat a!! participation in the groat crime o human blnvcry. la view, of this patience and forbearance, Southern people wotlld Lave acted'y in licviog the free Slates as mne-it aa pou bio all connection with slavery. They-would hi endeavored to have kept it out of view, that enornooa mjnrtice might not be sees and felt, anc especially would they have been careful not ft have asked of the people of the free Slates anj participation in its guilt. Instead of this prude and proper couree, they have urged upon ibt country a law which, we vesture to ssy, contain 33ore of the element* of flagrant injustice loan any enactment ever passed by a free aad enlightened Christian nation. This law decs not ask the people of the fret States merely to part with tome financial and commercial privileges, or even tome just politics rights, to benefit the South, lor then it might b* borne for the soke of eninn and peace, but it out rnrcvthcirmoral snd religious feelings in a way calculated to aroaso utters and determined resist ance. L»t those who affirm that we are bound to obey ihia law, omit it Is repealed, inquire whether we can obey it without vAila ing the highest principle* of civii liberty, acd tho plainest dictates of human tty aod rciig-ou. Cud wo permit sui-.b aa outrsar on hnmea rights inottr midst, la be enacted u of ten aa a fugitive alive ti onrtikea, or a cobr ed person is charged with being one, without de moralizing the whole ccmmnoity, aad deatrojiof all respect fur the aimed sod inalienable personal riglt9~oT a human being* If a citizen commit* the smaileit offence tgaiaat the laws, and is it jeopardy ot a very apght punishment, the laa throws Us fcUurJinaahip aboat him to protect bio against any possible wrong. Bat when the tsos tiered and invaluable thing a man possesses, iht rightlohimself,toeojoy ‘life, liberty and tbe pnrani 01 happiness,’ is endangered, this law takes iron him all tbe ordinary cecarities for tbe promotion <> justice, and earamarily consigns him, at tbe will <: , the Commissioner, to hopeless bondage lor life.— On this featnre of the law, the 2V. T.Evming Post commenis in the following-forcible manner *la all other cases the law is lender of bums liberty 1 . Aectse a man of manstsughter, (be pan* ijhmentof which, is imprisonment for'life—per petntldeprivation ol liberty—and the law imme diately surrounds him with protections which an pretty certain 10 ensure bis safe deliveramo if hr Is innocent If be baa no counsel, the cou't aa •lgna him counsel from men eminent'at the bar, who cannot, with honor—such is tbe force oi opinion—decline tbe humane offirc* If be de mands time for tbe production or witnesses, it i> granted him to any reasonable extent. Tbe law will no: trait the judges with his cue, bat re qairee that he bo tried by a jury of his fellows. If be has any~rea*inaUe objection to make to any o' the jury, they are set aside and others taken in their places; he may even to a certain extent, i< he does not like their looks, require them to br set aside without assigning a reason. The aria! ptoceeds wi:!rthe greatest deliberation; thewii Beaaea agalnat the accused are subjected to a sharp cross examination, and their testimony care* •folly sifted; tho counsel for the prisoner addresses tbe jury in hi* behalf, and tho jodge, in hia charge, holds up to them, one after another, all tbe clr cumstances which have been reUed on, to show the Innocence of tbs aconaod, and directs them to giro him tho benefit of every reasonable sup position In his favor, and if they have an; doubt of his gnilt, to acquit him. "Accuse this same man of having escaped from slavery In one of the southern slates—an offenc? which implies only an obedience to a natural in*' atinct, which every man m bit own case would be prepared tojn»tify~and, under this new law, the whole order ofproceedinga is'reversed. The man’s liberty for life depends on the decision, ss much as If he was accused of theeriae of man* slaughter, batthe law instead of being anxious to find him innocent,is in haste to find him goiiiy- Kona cf the usual bomane formalities and delays ore allowed him before ibe-aentence of slavery »• passed 00 him; 00 jury is emptnselled, n > coun sel assigned bun; a deposition from a foreign state, that he is held to labor and service there, accom panied by an affidavits the Ideality of bia per* so*, is sufficient, and on that testimony, the Unit ed Slates Commissioner is required to ’make oai the certificate, which deprives him of his freedom. Tbe testimony of the captive is excluded by the law, but that of the captor is not, and on aucb proofs aa these, the scented is despatched out of the state, with all baste, under the custody of tbe Marshal, and at the expense ol thq federal gov ernment, to the slave markets of the- south. •a*#—♦ • - • * Suppose the laws ot thia slate, relating to mnr» der and aunsitagbier, bad been changed to as w conform them to the proceedings prescribed by the fogltiveuUve law. Would any journal ia tbe slate venture to congratulate tbe community, (hat a man bad been arrested in the morning on a charge of taking life, and hanged or sent to per. petual confinement in tbe Stale Prison before noon, after a hasty trial in which he, an ignorant, un« leitored man, incapable of comprehending the forma oflaw, wit neither assisted oy counsel nor allowed the anvaniage of ajnry.lrorgiven time to prepare for bia defence, or to Invalidate the proofr which hia accuser brought to the const room In hia pocket! Wouldjaoy man be hardened enough to bout that this was done with such suddenness and cel* erity that the man was fairly stranded, or immur ed in his cell, before the commuofty had time to express tbeir horror at tbe proceeding, or to pro test In public meetings at this enormity perpetraU ed in the name ofjaaticel Would a law of that natnre- be allowed to remain on our statute book beyond the first day of the next cession of our legislature, after a nicgle example of Its atrocious working? Would cot tho whole community rise and demand that the taw should remain nnexecu cd till it coaid be again referred >0 the legitimate, and that the accused, instead of being hurried to a sentence with such flagitious haste, should remain untried, till the former mode of trial waarestored?* But there is another aspect in which we uk the people of the South to survey this law, and to iaquire calmly whether under such tfrcumittncct jt likely to to tbe Abolition flame toe •tvthtibld degree. It la a well known Tact, that the vast mej irity of the people of the Free States, consider chattel slavery « * wrong, as a violation of inalienable, personal, and natural right!, and that the alive in escaping from hi» < oppressor, comtniu no wrong, violate* no law of G >d, and deea no injustice to man. la throwing off and eleaping from an unjust yoke, and alien ing ha natural right*, ho perform* a praise.wortby act, and is deterring of the sympathy and aid of ail Freemen and Chriatlan*. Such being the o«e,letus look at the operation* of the law. *• it affect*, natlbe slave, bolthe moral and rel gi • ous dpuesoflUefreo citiaen* of the Northern State*. The law aajr • Sic. 7. And be it farther enacted. That any person who.shall tnowingly and willingly ob (trod hinder, or prevent auch citimn , IJaagcnt : Of atunney.or any perron or penoai lawfully at- I sitting h.a her, or them, from arreaiitig such a AigiuW from service or labor, outer wuhor with, out procea* a. »tbie*aid; or shall rescue, or al. t e mni u, rescue *uch fugitive from service or labor frimtho cnitodyof *ucb claimant, hts or her agent or aUorney. orother person or pereon* law foliv auisting a» aforeaaid, when eo arrested, par euanito theanthority herein given and doeltrcd, 1 or shall aid, : abet, or aiaiit such perron eo owing : service or labor as afijrpaaß (jireptlyorindirectly, io eactf.e from such claimant, tala agent or alior a*y, cr other person or persona legntly aulboria. ed « aforesaid; or shall harbor or conceal such luglttve, to as to prevent the discovery and arrert of such person, afer notice or knowtedgo of the fsetthat aushperson was gfogitlve from service labor, a* afureaaidvaball for either ofiaid effen* oea, bo aabjeot r» a fine cot exceeding one thoo usd dollar?, sod imprlaopmeot cot exceeding aix months, by indictment aod conviction before (he district court of the United States for the diatrict to which said offdoce may have been committed, ->t before Ibe proper court of criminal jurisdriioo, tfcommiued withio soyqnaol thptjTgaoifedter ritorlea of tba United Stale*; aod aboil moreover | forfeit aod pay, by way of civil damages, to the I party injured by aufth illegal conduct, tbc aum ol me thousand dollars for each fugitive so loal aay ifoieaaid, to bp recovered bv action of debt, in i aoyof the d-striois or terrltqrfal courts aforesaid,| [ withio whoso juriadiciloa the said offence may I rave beea committed." Here, any psrsos who shall harbor or conceal a fugitive from bondage, knowing him to be* liable to flag, imprisonment, and civil damage*- 1 Thii envctment, in the hundred! of tboo lands of good citizens of the &ea States, contra*! venea the positive command* of God, which di rect that the escaping servant shall not bo deliver ed to his mas'.sr—that the oppressed shall be re leved—that (be outcast ohtll be bidden—that we \ •haU not betray him who wanderoth—that wc deal oor bread to tbs hungry—that wo shall over the naked—that we shall not bide ourselves ram oar own flesh, bat deliver him that is spoiled ->at of ths binds ol tkc oppressor. Tnsso and rramerocs other injunctions, In the spicica at : noasands of citizens, tre more obligatory upon | bem than any human law. If they obey theao ! Otvieo commands, the fugitive a'sve law con femes tbemtotho loss of property and igaomim* eus punishment. God commands, and this d;c* •ues of humanity prompt; and the love of lib ;y woi ua, to succor the poor trembling fugitive, #ho is guilty cf no crime, but who is in pursuit ol what just ty belong ic every human being, per vmal ircedom—the right to his av; soul and body —bet if we obey the Divine command, we must jo to the Penitentiary; if wo harbor, fesd, clothe,' n ceor, hide, conceal, or poiot out the path for the ! wanderer, wc ratal go to priwo *• 4_conviet ’ We must disobey God, violate tbt most tapers, ive dictates of humaniiy, or render ourselves 'table to lois of property and imprisonment f Such is the degrading position to which this law' lubjecta the people of tho iree Slates. Itc.'m jels them to violate tUtr fonsr-ience?, to disobey JiecommandsotGod, t« outrage »tei; own sense jfr.gbt, or suffer severe penalties OBfhtno 1 mchalawiobe repeslpi 1 Can it be ondured ,y a free peoplr* Shall tyj not obey God rather ihau mat. 1 If the people of the South desire peace and quiet ua this fruillull cause of excitement, let them hasten u> repeal this law. Never will there be one mo ment's peace while it disgraces our suite books. It das done more lo rouse aa abolition excitement at ibe North tfaza all the efforts of anti Slavery men for the last twenty year*, nod its effects are spread ing daily, ond affecting alt parties and all classes of society. It is dangerous to the South, dangerou* to the Union, dangerous to the peace ot communi ty, and endangers ike telenet of Slavery itseslf Hiese ore stern truths which it will not do to »b over, and pas* by as they are fear We close theas re which follow, from the quirer, a paper.hvhich hi mg whatever to abalitios stance, utters truths wh he prassare of public ’ee Slates- Speaking c ! eays ft no account Time wi oi realities. tark* with the quotatiuo* ew York Courier and En a never at own any lean t , and which, in this m i ch are forced upon it by feellaq and opinion ta the c f the Fugitive Slave Liw, it ULer measuren, r.« s is tatended to sitnlf the 1 to the aKitatioDß on the which the whole country sd. Tho extent lo which trexy had entered into all id indeed into all the pop. lay, was felt to be a aen prompted oecUooai feeling, soiea disturbed the public in from great qaestions of mod to be weakening the .iaioactsof the Uoioa itself meat passed by Congress li wi« adupied. W. -Deans of peace. 1. w South, aod to put an en subject of Slavery, by bu been so long distort isstie* connected with a onr political contests, a ■tiar movements of the . on* and growing evil. It (imentrd sectional jee k oeace, diverted atte&tl public interest, and k< , toed* and perilag the e: I fhe measures of adjua f Ibis evil, and to a certain au ccessfah "The admit* the organization of New rltor te», unfettered by any a atop to agitation upon •meat of the Texas boun t fierce dttoote, and thr ade io the Oxtrict of Co- rero intendedto reined -xicflt they have been •ion o r California, and Vlexieo tod Utah aa ter •ntislavery proviso, pn that subject. The eetti iary question closed tbi abolition ol the slave t lombia, removed what had long been felt to ba *. mnse of just and of get sral complaint. AH these measures werecalenfated to work well, and to lain theend at which they aimed. Bat tbe bill for the recapture cf fugitive slaves poors oil upon tbe dune waicb they bad extinguished. li;srca«-a Hostilities which had been allayed, and: furnishes material tor tbe renewal of an agitation which we, Jyiflgont. Tbe evrota of tbo day indicate that i tad the people have the etme right to demand the repeal of Ihie law, and to employ political parties ind their machinery to bring it about, a* they have to modify the ur.lT. That rirht, moreover, they will rxsrctas; and mere denoncUtisn will only increase Ito terror and tho intensity of the excite ment to which it give riai. Nor ia it enough to any the Conitiintlon rrjuiret futilire tlavoa to be delivered op. That )• nn»> questionably true, and Is olieoat universally c.m» ceded. Bat it wj 1 not, tod otooot be held to jau nty every law by which that ead may bn attained. The feature* of the cxiating law which create mart honi'ity are not those which jcquire the «or render of fugitive slavea, bot those wntcb are be lievcd to deprive /rtesunef their ina'ienable rt*bi* To e exiniog law abolishes the right of hahau cor. piu,—deprive* the Jaliiged fugitive of thi rgnt to introdace evidence, gad atrip* off all the aafe* guard* which oar laws, ever jetlon* of personal rights, have earefally thrown aroand every cUixeo Now these are the the law that make it odious to those communities in the midst of wh et it ii to,be eoforced. It iahoaiile, in th«*t) respects, in the spirit of oar people. Tbev may obey it, but they wiU never respect It. While It standi, it may be forced upon them, but they will never vduatanty and cbeerlolly aarry it Into effaet, as tney do laws framed ia conformity with their spirit and their peculiar view*. Thu *j a fatal drftet m a he whiek teat uiUnird to operate matnlp upon tie epir'U and unttaunte r/ tit peo ple. One great osjcct of the law was to restore peace and harmony; yet it (a framed «o as to to car* precisely the opposite result. Every instance of its enforcement willnroase to new life the has tiltty against it. Every slave seix-d and removed coder tU provisos*, w'll augment the Anti-Slav, ery spirit, and the Anti-Slavery excitement, so ihtt the law itself will perpetuate sad increase (he very evil It was intended to remedy. None an* derttsnd belter than the Southern people the effect of enforcing a law bottito to the spirit and sentl mant ofihe people. At the Strath such laws pro* vote inttsni res'a'ance. The people (tore appeal st once to tse'-b gner isw '* of self defence and public sentiment. in*(aor*a have repeatedly oo* corred in which the plainest provision* of the law have been utterly disregarded and nullified, aim* ply because they were at wsr with tho aenliment of the community opan which they were to be imposed. At the North, we tru*t no anch resist ance will be manifested—certainly it will not be encouraged or allowed to prevail. One thing, however, must be clear—the law imui be modified, in deference to the senlimeul of the poblio mind,or it never can fully attain the result at which it aimed, It roust be shaped so as to meet their news, and to conform to their scrupulous re gard for the personal rights and liberties of their own citizens, or it will be perpetual atimnlanl to re newed excitement and to still farther aggressions upon the rights andinstitutiom of the South. . This is the view which we have always taken of the subject, and which we repeatedly urged while the bill was auder.discussion;' wnl snbscqoent events have imly confirmed our sense of ft* justice and of. its necessity. We wish the provision of the Con stitution in regard to fugitive slaves to be earned into full effect, and that too, with the assent and ac quiescence ot onr eiiizenr, and to aecttre that re volt, nothing eevma to o» plainer than that.the 4* by which :t >• , w be done, muol be franw lial conforroi xy to the sentiments cfthc toong whom, it is to operate. Tux n Court of I office by a t yard, the AJlitoa’g msj.^. Qrxatal Mardrr In Baltimore, Mr. Edmund Mitchell, President of the Vigilant Fin* Company of Baltimore, and one of the firm of Flack 4r Co~, Orunmieeion Merchants of that p-ty, was sh.oi dtwa in cn!d blood by tome un known ana-pin cm Thtirvdav morning last, and .died of hia wound cn tlin samo evening. Mr., MitchcffVkf- a iieplirtv of Mr. M. Pope Milche’l and firat of Mr. Theodore Mllchell of lie United Slate,* ot th ; s city. Ho was a young g-iQilr man of and disposition, and was very hfshlv e.«trem*ff by a large circle ol ac quaintances o‘ Philadelphia*. The particular* of bie dastardly murder arc given, aa follow*, in the Baltimore Patriot, cf Friday evening : o lt is seldom that wo hav.* to m oid an event t, but the it, and also The p*> ice to Mr. only, pcs * parity in wl-lnh ha* projuivd » mo'p profound sennaliou of grief and IncisOktion aroeny oucc.llzcns, than that ciQsed by the d- *(h of Mr. Edmund -Mitchell, ■•resident of the Vigilant Fire Cfimptny, and one >f the firm of Flack .V C*o. t Commission mcr* Mr. Mitchell, in romptuy with abjuf one o’clock orThnreJay iuoroiag',*Mntto a tavern lo Temple street, ktpt by a uißafftncd S ever. A:1 of them ban p«*red in beforo Li®, and be was in the art of emeries when some one fired a pi«to! at him from an alley a few yarda distant, the laid oi which, coneiating of large back shot, took effect in bis knen shattering tbo bona to pie ces. He fell end was taken npbv his friends at great personal risk, several shots being find at them as they were raising tho fallen man. Ho was taken to his residence in Front street, mar Baltimore, and D*s. Uwen and UifTcnderfTor. and Professor Smith were soon in attendance. Upon examina- tion tt was deciJcd that the only hope of sarlog hi* Ifc was to amputate the limb. Tula was done by PtO e*«tr 3mio«om. His company couitsd by all woo kcew him ; and wo will venture to »ay th»: no me a in iho cuy of Ballimore had a more extensive c-rrole of friends and ac qaaintaLces to whooi lie wu endeared, than Ed mund Mitibell. Sntpicion is directed to t-ertain individuals as the party by whom the tt.order was committed, and It will be *eeo by reference to another part of car piper, that 4 men have hcen arrerted aa|impl - csted in this ted affair. Tl-oir puill or isnoceoce, we hope, will soon ho made apparent; and ffgU'l ty that the severest punishment the law knew* may be their fate, is tbu wish of every good citizen An inquest was held last night hy Coroner Reil ly, wbrn, aOera careful investigation, the jury re turned a verdirt “ lhat K-Jmuad Mitchell came lo bis death Iruui a pi«lcl mot n the hsod of tome otic unknown." There *omeev!dencc tddn ced at the inquest, wbi..h rosy’ materially assist in ftslcotL-g toe murder upon the suspected parties, hot we deem it moil conducive to the ends of jaslico not to give publicity to it at this stage of the p roc cedi-g». Arcwsnl ol flOfl wiff be paid (or the arrest and roovi-tioa of the murderer or marderere. The fuueral of Mr. Miictnill will uk«s place to morrow morning, at 10 o’niock, from the residence of hit father, in Front street, o **ar Baltimore. The different Cre companies sr.d the cit.iic* generally, ore invited to attend We were misled m onr wat'-au-nt y.-sterdsr, thetthetnd affair wxt tsc icsaU of accident; it Iqrn* out to be s cold 0.uv.1-d uiurjer." Tue FialUu.vr.' . ->f I'r.v&y ev*aing, adt r, •- The Mayor hss promptly > ifered a reward of tOOO for the tppret.ei.fioo o< Um perpetrator! of the h.irr.d deed, and *c ft:r li:r learn that a clue ha* alretd? bean diwovered which will probably >ead to an unravel].ng nf tbs cx:‘»icg oyetery, hy which Ibe csic *i*c-£ stol- ■ *iurr.iiaded. The fol- Irwirtc srresti have Iv-ram» of otrlie* suppoi rti to hr —F*t, aiiai- John U maclijr, Alexander Th.*tnp*or. p.nn -« Stcr and Thomas Moody. Offictrj M- K.oivv, ?*o- set, tod Collins, look th- p-rt es iuto custody, and they were com muted for further (ximmscoa to Jay. Th« {Veil t'. B. Senator. The pol.ii.-sl ros-plcXifii-t-ftheiK-jti Lrgirialure. reoder* it nearly list tbe Opposition—if united —wpl elect a S-*remr to tdl tt-» vscsncyioc- CBsioa-'d by tho *-xr’ir:'ri-'>n r.f Mr. Smrs*ot.’b t?irm. Havi'g twice tiled '.hr viw-tr.uicnt of K.rg Log. la the periac of the t.res-h: i; umbeal, they wd : hardly venture to «p?«t the experiment. In the ■•ht’.ce cftis 30c . r**r>r. w-* have no proper part ; but, as Penoailvaa'tr.v I’.wea.ed in l»e honor and chanteler o( -,.ur Mt itc, re*p'ctiveof aU parry bi*e, we may tba tb»t some b^h, inffnealiai and rccognzcd tn-ia, in the rank & of oar oppoaeots. w.ll bs N-I»rre.i, wbosrftaleol# aod standing will r.*»pectsb'l;ty opon the tuiion, nn i cn»urc tb-i ebufidenee of the coan t*y. There at.ur.Ci3t r >«f-y io beUeao that lha coTtest (or this vr.crii'y. **:! be aaimated l f not unnsnaily rx--. e'*y t. -i frud* er*-! aspirations «;< nv.-t fart.oo*. for . •-* I 1.M.-U ih*t ibe caaJi dales for ih* L-. v-V4.*:r? ,r, ».-vc al cuor.tirs weta leVrtr-d and t‘i«* r-u-i mi rondueicd with • p-cial ret-trn<-r -.1 -rr -. m 'hr c .?l ato Ol Ibe Ucfcf S v-J* TreV’-. s- m tave no let in these .loc eu.o < . «>-*''•••• *i <» (r.e.r dot? to vote lor a nominee ot ineir ow j i Lo t ./orcfiicn , whie.i t,»s Ikicio fore h«H tnrd, 0l trai’ing the Wt..« u tinrrwe with a diohca’mur uction c.ftho >jppc.:i u«-n, h>a not only reiuhod to oor manifest di«#iJvßßo anir:ipaJ »lra«t. ocli-UAwS Office ot Ohio aaj Peium. R. R. Co, Third at. I'inspcjinir, August 5,1b50. Tu« Stockholders of fiia Ofiio and Pennsylvania Bail Rond Company are > err-hy notified to par eighth tiwialrnent of five dolur? per shore, at the office of the Company, on or beioro vbu anh day of Aukust Tbe nuith instalment] on or before the SUth day of September. The tenth instalim-m on or belore the UOth day of October next. E 7“ The ?th umaltnentWM called for on the Wth o Jaly losl aogjidtf WM LARIMF.K, Jr , Tteuaror. HATS, CAPS, AND MUFFS, •VAIIRB WILSON, 9.") Wood tt, rem.T of Diamond aUty, iittond story, OFFEfiS hi* eu«tome« and the public, an entirely new »nd rreah Mock ofiUi, c«p«, *«d Muff*,in great variety, Manufactured and Srlreted with much v«TC!/ eren , c ® «Tle, *nd quality, in New J®** **J)r ® BI | WUI he offered at the lowest rate* of preient low pneea, Whaieatle and RctwL rm»bßrgh,Oci.n,ias(i. oeiudiwfcwits nr» i®.proT«m«B,U Ik Plktlltiri . STEARNS, late 01 Uoitoa, i»|TTdp»red to ouiißiactiire and set Block Tkctb in whole end pan* upon Soetion or Atmospheric Suction Platea— cuxe, in rrvx mutctu, where the noire ta **P°**d. Office and residence next ioot to tba Maj ci a oflee, Foerth street, Pitubnrgh. D, ttF*ddsa,F. H. Eatoo, I*l® ÜBH&RS&DLE CASH 1 ! EVIDENCE IN OUR MIDST!! Mm Kixa—Sir,Jjcheerfally comply with'yoar re quest that I would give you|an account of the almost miraculous care of tny little daughter's eys by the use of your “Petroleum.” She was mucked with a very sore eye in February or March last, when 1 immediately applied to the best medical aid in the city, by whom it was pronounced •‘a very had eye” and all gave me no hope of doing her any good. Afterwhich 1 look tier into the coun try to an old lady, who had been very successful in ' curing eyes. She (old ms that her case «u hopeless At slid would ceruioly lots cot only that one, hot also tint the other would follow—n being a scrofulous affecuon of the blood. Audi da certify that st the ume uiy father (J. U Va»hon) .cams to the conclusion that we bad better try yoor ** Petroleum,’' sue wm KKHtLT bund* of one eye. it is now about two months since she began iu use, and site can row see with both eyea as good as ever she did j and, os far as I can tell, I briicve she has, wuh the blessing of he Almighty, been cured tyy *- Petroleum “ Yours, respectfully, M. Faspcn Vasiion Collxs Pmsburghb, Sept. 30, l s so. 5606 5491 S«4SI For sale by Keyser A McDowell, 140 Wood street; R: C. Sellers, 57 Wood street; D. M. Curry, D A El liort JoatppDouglass, and IL P. Scbw&r;?, Allegheny, alto'by tSkproprietor, S. M. KIEII, bc7'’ , Canal Oasin. SovsDib tt, PiuebaiKb A CO, Wholesale A Retail Manulneturers A Dealers in HATS, CAPS & FURS, Cor. Wood A Fifth iti., Pittsburgh, \Ybere they cffsr a (nil and complete Stock of Hair, Caps, Parti 4c., of every quality and style, oy Whole •kle and Retail, aud invite the attention of their cus* totneia and purchasers generally, assuring them that they'trill toil on tbo uoar Aovanrataous rasas. psgl*:«f n. p. tanner a co., SHOE WAREHOUSE, S 3 Wood it, between Third fc Fourth, Are now receiving their very large and aopcrior Fall BOOSTS, BBQKB, AND BfrOGANS; Also, BONNETS and FLOWERS, a>l of the latest styles, and crptmiy adapted to the wc»iern trade. It boa been selected with great care, and as to sizes and qua tty is not surpassed by any stock to be found either enst or west. Oar customers and mer chants generally are invited to eatl and examine, as we arc determined to sell on the most reasonable terms. Also, Goodyear's Patent Rubber Shoes oi all kinds aojpthdlf DR ' °*■ nr " T, i Market at il Ferry uirects r>«il-<*lvin ENCOX!BAOK ROI9E INBTITUTIOBB '< CITIZENS 1 INSURANCE COM PAN V« Of Ptttaborgh C; G HUSSEY, r**s»i. A. \V. MARKS. Stc*!. ’Office—No. U Water strict, in the warehouse of C. H. GRANT. THIS COMPANY l* now prepared to insure ail kinds-of risks, on houses, manufactories, goods merchandise in store, or.d in transitu vessels, Ac An ample guaranty for the ability and integrity ol the Institution, if afforded in the character of the Di rector*, who are all citizens ot Pittsburgh, well and. favorably known to the community for ih'eirpratieuce, intelligence, and integrity. Drrxcioas—*l G. Hussey, \Ym. Bagalcy, Wm. Lar (her, Jr, Walter Uryant, Hugh D. King, Edward Heazehon, John Haworth, S. Harbuugb, o M. Kicr : apao.-u FALL ISPO&miUN OF HIBDWABB. j LOGAN, WILSON * CO. 1 IX9 WOOD STREET, Are now prepared with a large and fresh stock of English. German, and American Hardware, to offer snprnut uniuremants 10 buyers. Those wi«hmp to purchase will promote their tnterest by loosing iiiongh our stock, ss they are determined to sell on as most tm.onanle t»rm» aegfo * Ui Tuesda>, site li.h inst, Mm AlaiuaUt E. Lir -1 nones Her funeral will late place p«* /u.t 1. for «»!c bv Of 17 _ K K f-FUI I fi ri PINK iiuuT-i coin just received ur * l<* by 0.t17 H K ELLER3_ DRV PKACHfcF- to sack* this day m e d by c?l7 , *MCK A McCA.NpEESa fI’OBACCO - *.Hi' pkg* j'v i *, IS’*, and IG’i Tobacco. J. superior brand*, received for fate by oe!7 WICK 4 McoaNPI Fst) ALMONDS 3.'»u,-k«S S AlmrmJr R r *fcle by _nrl7 WICK* McCANDLE*3 tIHEFSK .3 h*> Cream Otieeie; > IVJ bi« W R Cucess, (or sale by WADDI *G— While, Black, and extra Glazed,on hand ioi tile by ocl? WICK A McCANDLESS POTASH -li casta pure, a toperior article for re tailing, on hanj and for tale by oct; WJCK A McCANDLE33 MOULD CANDLES—BO bx» mpenor, for sal* by or 7 WICK A MoCANpl.Es!s_ CIGARS— I3J id common, for vale by oc 17 WICK A McCaNDLF^S 1 > UTTER—I« keg* lor tale by ) o I? a > VON UONNiI RS Tk CO BrtOOMS —100 Joz for sale by oct: _ a F YON DONNIIORST it CO C HIKES fc*-~ 10 bi* for «ale by d and to, sale at 253 Liberty street, by celfl WM A McCLUBG A CO, DRIED BEEF—Davis’ Cincinnati Sugar Cured, Bvgred, aud Canvassed, for sate by oelfl WM A MeCLURG fc CO BAND BCXEB—Round and hall routd, at whole sals and retail, by W. P. MARSHALL cclC e$ Wood st , WAITED IMMEDIATELY-An experienced Salciinzn, writ the Dry Goods end Heuery basinet*, to whom a liberal salary will be Work ob tbs Charflsri Hal) Road. ALL the work remaining unfinished on the Char lie n Ccai Rail Road will bo re-let. Ftopcrsals will be received at tho office of the Char ters Coal Company, until Sarordsy, the Iotb lust. 7.. W. REMINGTON, Manugur. Coal Harbor, Oct 14 —ocls-dst INSTRUCTION on tbo PIANO FORTE nEO. W. BRAINARD would lespecitolly inform " the citizens &t Pittsburgh and Allegheny city llist Us is now prepared to receive pupils on the Piano Porte and Organ. Apply at No 113 Penn street, at ihe residence of Mr 8. W. Stone. Refer to A. W. Loomis, Esq, Richard Edwards, E»q, W. P. Marshall, No. &S Wood street, or John H. Melfor, No. si Wood street. November magazines—Godey's Lady'ißook and Graham's Mugsrinc for November are oat. They all contain the tali I'asbum plates, and s'eel en gravings. They have all b:en received ai Holmes' Literary Depot Third sue* t, opposite the Post Office; also the Life and Recol eetions of the late Yankee lliil, together with incidents uf hi* navels oct's O H. MOLABSE9 40 bbls St. Louis Sujnr House O* Syrup Molasees, list rac’d and for «a e bv miH JAS A HUTCHISON A Co fITA R, PITCH AND ROSIN--.’in bpla N C Tar, 45 j. li‘i bbi> crashed, 115 do Powdered, 40doClsri&cd, (n s!ore»nd for »«U by JAS A HUTCHISON A Co . oeiM Agen's St Lonls gleam Sugar Rcfiacry RICE— Kite* prune Ricr lor «alo by ocil-i _ JAMKI A_ HUTCHISON ACo FEATHERS- :• bogs Ky Feathers reefo per S B Financier, a 4 for sale by - ocil4 JAMES A HUTCHISON A Co BACON CASPy—id empty eark* in sold order, for sale ny troll JAMES A HUTCHISON ACo WHITE MUFTAIU) SEED—SoO lbs German, jssi ic-e’J and 'xr vale by _cciij RESELLERS TARVaRIC ACID—S7O lbs very White, just rec’d and for*sl-by u-iIX RESELLERS LAWRENCE'S UAiR GLOVES, tingle, for Ladies, do do do do for Genu do do do do double. .*-• ' v'o do ilo BaUi. Jo Jo Straps for Ladies, do do do for Gents 0u do do Bsilt. Jo Demidatf Brushes impened 4 for sale by rctlS B A FAHNESTOCK A Co FIRE PROOF PA!NT-On band all the colors of Akror Firr Proof Paint, wholesale and etnil at Net7and U Wood «ucft octlT J H PBILLIP9 GREF.N OIL CLOTH—lirf) yards 4-4 Gr*>en Oil Cknh.]M--t rccetvrd aoO for »ale at Nb* 7 and 9 Wood meat. ocilV _ J A U PHILLIPS Wagon chVF.ROiLOLOTH—isoyiis ju-tree d' and for **le at NY* 7 and » Wood *ircei 0.-ilv J A H Plfll.llPß N' ELVET PttE CARPEre—Received thi* day at W ttrChmcM-S’* « arpet Warchra.e, No S 3 Faur.h *trvrt. mm! 7 j Wond *tr*et new mud eopen r *t> 1:- Veivc. bypeit, to winch w« invite the a.t< ution of those wi-hiitg koms’btn* rtca ard rare, and a* cheap a* can be purchased in any of the eastern cities. octia T'HRF.E PLY CARPETS—Now receiving at ilc- Citmoek'a, No ii fourth street, and 78 Wood it. rich and new «tylc 'tuperta 1 hm* Fly Cirpcu, dirret from liie importer* and monuimeturers, which will be i(.ld at pnees. ociid COFFEF - J3O bag* prime Rio for stle by betlS J 8 DILWQKTH A Co WICK A McCANDLF?B SI L AK—its hbd: Prime N O for 'ale by «<• in J S IHLWOBTH A Co TAB— fit) bbli N C for Ulo by oetitf J 3 DILWQfiTH A Co fPEaS—l(y hail rbeiti Y. H. G. lmp. and Dlack- X cm tdy boxes do do Co do tor sale by ©cll2 J S I'ILWORTH A Co TOO 4 CCO 19:» be xes it, 12’a 1 Ih, tn More and fox (ole by oet 1 S OILWORTH A Co POWDER— t.sco kegs hleiiinr to arrive, 4,300 do Deer IDde, in magazine, 7>>u do Ky aa do, •}j bbl» 3af'ty Fun* do, _ Fot »&1? by oetta J a DILWORTH A' Co r ARD—2O kegi No 1 Lard,)uii teceived and for QftU SAW HARBAIHiH KaCON-Y.DOO l.i Dacon Shoulders, 5,000 lr* do Sides, In More anil lor sole by 3 A W HARBAUGH RAGS-lf.oo.ibs Hdg«jnal landing and for vale by SAW HARBaUGH SUGAR —12 hhdi N O Sega* in store aod for sale by ociFJ _ S_A W HARBAUGH Window glass—-woi»oxe* eno. iwdo 12x19, SO do 10x11, in storn and for »ale by oald 5 A W HARBAUGH Tar, rosin and pitch-mo bbis T»r. in do Rosin, ID do Pitch, on conugnment and for sole by octtn ISA!AH DICKEY * Co HY'DL'S SOAP—So bxa-aimrtcd, just rec’d and for anJe by octUl_ J KIDDA Co FOB SALE. SPANISH YVHITINU-::d liblsfor sole by ociT» _ J KIDD ACo FHTL TUj X.IIS - SCO grcM tor sole by oe;l2 J XIDDX.C? RED PRECIPITATE-SOlbj f&rVale b» octU J KIDD A Co SPONGE— 1 case extra quality. | do fine, 1 bales coarse, |a*< ree d ai.J tor vale by _octW J SCIIOONMAKER A Co HO TIDE BOTTLE CORKS—3 bales good quality for rale by 0c.12 J SUBOONMAKER A Co CAMWOOD— 16 bbla Sanford's best, for sale hy oetttS J SCHOO.NMAKER A Co LACDY*E GROUND—C hblm for sale by _ectU J SCIIOONMAKER A^o SUP. CARD. SODA—IO kegs Powdered, for male by oetta j BQHOONMAKER A Co PARIS GRF.EN—33 cans of tbe celebrated "S' hrard, tor tale by J~3CHOONMAKKK ACo octig ' 2{otN Wood street MARINE GREEN—6 kegsforiale by octig J SCIIOONMAKER A Co WANTED SOON—Places In wholesale or retail stares, warehouses, Ac., Ac., In our two cities, town*, or country around, or on steam bottii.Ac., for a number of salesmen, book keepers, grocers. Ac., and for all work; school masters, ware fiiuse men, Ac., and a numberof yoang men and boya.'of all ages. An cxocrienrrd. middle ogcu. «trong, healthy man, wauts, a place in a gentleman's family a* coach man. and all work. A lady is wanted a* a partner or assistant, and wliois wellqusltfied foriteachtng the finishing branch esofa Female Remtnary. A ycunx manof IS year* of sge wants a place to learn steam boat blatk ■ Place* wonted for several good sratc*, and wet and dry nu>»et. Money borrowed and ienu Farms, hooves, Ac- rented and sold, and all ktod* of ageuc>es oLenued to for moderate charges, et octtgnl3 * It»AAC HARRIS* QiSce. Sih'sL FIVE'S TOBACCO—kO bx» Just rec’d for sale by ocll HARDY, JONES A CO Lard-39 kegs No 1, ree’d for sale by ocll HARDY, JONES A CO STEAM ENGINE FOR SALE, 1U» Inch Cylinder, 4( foot stroke. F*or lens*, apply to ocll 3 F VON B<'NNHORST A CO SALTPETRE— 103 bags crude, arriving for sale by ocii wafVilson CLAY’— 10 cask* German,arriving for sale by ocii WAF-YVILSON SOLE LEATHER—9OOO ibi Spanish, arriving per canal, lor sale by JAMES DALZLLL ocll 70 Water n RICK— 10 tes primeTfor sale by ocll JAMES DALZKLL CURRANT S—6 casks F ocll . rkIANNERS’ OIL-75 bri* rec'd sale by ’ 1 ocll j JAMES DAL2ELL EARU OIL—Id brls landing, for sale by poll JAMES DALZELL SEWICKLEY ACADEMY. A CLASSICAL and COMMERCIAL BOARDING A. SCHOOL FOR BOYS, 12 miles from Pittsburgh; Rev. Jotxra 8 TaavUii, A. M , PrineipaL The Winter Seaion will commence on Monday, Nov. 4, Ib6o. Terms—l7s per Session of d months. Per circulars, enquire of the Principal, Bewickley Bottom P. 0., Pa-, or of Means John Inria A Sons, U Water street, or Messrs. T. H. Nevin ACo, No 125 liberty street, Pittsburgh. oelfcdlw SXIDA ASli—3s casks Steel's best, arriving, for sale i by (oeiq BROWN A nUPATBIOB < BOUNTY LANDS. CO-PARTNEBBUIP, TO LET, f ii Eaton, No £3 Fourth it. UAltt GLOVES, *c. ■'renca ium ree’d lor sale by JAME 9 DALZELL PITTBHBBGII HEDGE FIBS XBBIKRT. |B BETWEENtfcreeand (our miles esstof Putsbargh. near the Farmers’ and M* chatties' Turnpike Road, (extension Fonith street.) and about one mile from Fast Liberty. The subscribers respeetfolly give notice to their customers and foe public generally, ih'l Ibeirexten «ive Nur*ene», CrecnhauKes, *p., Ac , now comprise , we , c J* l2o 000 and 300,000 planu. ail of which are in a liesl-by condition FRUIT TREES, consisting of Apple, Pear, Plum. v!ne» Apr^co, » Necutine, Almond*, Grape TREES. Vii; Alianthas, Catalpa,-Moon l i l »z A * ®°f* r English Linden. American We;n?«. L w > N lfdy « P CP lM ’ Ualm 01 O.leed. Ponlar, Weeping W'lfow.WhHo Barked Buc, Tul.pTree, l P , , - B L o S raim lo»P«riall», Wecpii.g Ash, Kngluh Arh, fcrgbsh Sycamore, Magnolia TrtpcteJa, rVTnEE " AND SHRUBS, tiz -Juru- Siot TeT« A “ cr >c«n Axbomtea, Chirese Arbotviiea, un*? 0 ’ ‘ ommon Vcw, Amciican Holly, Liimpean Holly, White l‘foe, Norway Sp t uce Br«orm Ao' f ’ B,,wr Hemlock’ Sfn c\\ ti«n^?H?c! ,OUSK PLAf^TS - superb collet* lion cf hachsias numbering3s varieUes. iiiis flower I? w °rthy of attenuon of those who wish to ornament their tn Qo*ri. Many ol them the hrst me. numbering over 7t>vaneiie« in clarset, viz Per-g »l or Ctincs everhlooming, Roea Odorata, or Tea wonted Chinese Rosea, Bourbon Roars, Nniieite Roses. Hybrid per petual, or hementant Boses. A great i-umber of ihcte are perfectly herfy and hloom tbrouih oat the Also. Geraniums, Oleanders, Orange, Cscius Ao, N. R.—All orders nrust he accompanied with the ca»h or sauefaetory references. Plsuts carefully sent according to di rections lo anvjiart of the United States. Persons wishing to ore ament their pleasure grounds would do well to give us a call, as we think our stock of Evergreens cannot be surpassed west ol tie raaon taii s, tow coveting some acres of sronnd, and num bering from 50 to 100 ihcnisnd. a great number of wtieh are of a fine size for iransplaiiting. r'rcbud and Phrubnery Planting executed b 7 con tract on reasonable terms. We wish all letters to our address ditecied to Wil kins P. 0., near Pittsburgh, where they wilt Cnuim ucdiaie attention. Orders left at our stand on market days in the Dia mond Market, will find immediate attention The public In general are invited to call and ex amine ear stock: attention to visitors given on any day except Sabbath. WM A JAS MURDOCH OCl6:dltAwCtT OILS— 3 cans Originum,. 1 can Anls, X can Cinna mon, 1 can Cinviri 1 can Cedar, l can Laven der, t can Puccini, and l con Rosemary Oil. warrant ed pure, received for sale by RE SELLERS oclO i 57 Wood n L ARC—ICO kegs No I Leaf, arriving from steamer Ohio, Bed for sate by oclO BROWN A KIRKPATRICK DRIED FRUIT—W sacks new Peaches; 15 sacks new Apples, arriving trom steamer Caledonia, and for sale by oclO BROWN A KIRKPATRICK TRUNK BOARDS—CO bundles assorted, for sate by ocm BROWN A KIRKPATRICK RICt-— 20 tes fresh beat, srT.ving, for sale by ozlO BROWN A KIRKfATHICK BOARDING —A few gemiemen may obtain r;oo(i boarding on reasonable terms at Mrs Mc.Mil tin's, in Colonnade Row, near the Old Bridge, Fedc ral street, Allegheny city. oci9:dlw TO LET. 17 HE dwelling heute No. 1 9 Second sircet, between Wood and Market streets, no m oecapied by thp suoscribex. Rent 821*0 per annum.* Polscrsion given on the Ist ol November next JOHN II MEL LOR oet» if No. 6l Wcodaueet FALL HOSIERY, Alpaeca, Merino, Cashmere, Thibei-and Llama wool Hosiery. An aseort mant teielved at MURPHY A BURCHFIELD’S M ouralng Goods. MURPHY a BURCHFIELD have received **ay ply oi goods adapted fo/ mourning wear, such as Black Bombazines, " Canton Cloths, “ Coburgs and Parmanes, “ French Merino* ai.d Casnmeres, “ Mouse do Laines and Mourning Atpaccas, Mounting Collars, Black Cravats, Vails, Handkerchiefs, Ac.. oct9 FKESHTABLE BUrt'ER-lJ Eegs tad 4 hblj,)oSt received and for sale by * Y oct9 % J_B CANFIEL^D_ L*"'lfyßEEir OIL-IJU bbls in store and for sale i y octfl J B CANFIELD CILOVER PEED—9 bMsTn siorc and for tale by / oc;»J J B CANFIELD O REAM CHLEsF—3W boxes Cream Coeeveiust rechl and for s*le by oct9 J B CANFIELD BACON—! 5 casks Bacon Sides, 9do Prime Sugar Cured Htmi, for sale by ocib L 8 WATERMAN A SONS STiikL— A geuerti sisonmeut o: Cast, Shlar, t*er mao, E. 8., and Spring Steel, for sale by ocS _ J. S WATERMAN A SONS NAIOTA *¥l7£S=4*s kegs sorted lor val“ by _oce L 8 WATERMAN A .MJNa. SUGAR— 50 hhds prime N. O Sugar, just leceive for sale by BURBRIpUK A INGHHAM ccB 116 Water street. FLOUR— £0 bris S. F. Floor, )nst reed for »«le by ocfi DURBRtUOE A INGHRAM SALTPETRE —40 sacks now landing. it.i sate oy ocS ISAIAH DICKEY A CL oc9 Water k Front sty. LINSEED OIL —IS brl* pore, Just rccM for sale by orb - JOHN WATT Arp W‘ 'HNDOW GLASS— IWO bxs avseued sizes, Eber bean’s manufacture, for vale by BURDRIDGEA INGHRAM, sep29 ! Hfi Water street OHIR'PS A DRAWERS-* A large-a»fortmeat of Silk, O Woolen, and Cotton Shins and* Drawer*: for sale low by fscp26] C YEAGER HOSIERY— a nne a**orrncm of laiiies' and child rens’ Woolen Hove, compriilng everv; varisty, just received by taep26] C YEAGER WRAPr.NG PAPER—4no reams rag and smw wrapping medium, double medium, erown, and double crown, a very superior article, on hand and R C STOCKTON 47 Mmtket ft. CHEESE— 20'J bx» mpenor on nsnd tor t'ale by tcp2f. I9AIAH DICKEY ACO HKD Cl.lKDB—Different sizes, fot sale by vpgl 3TU ART A BILL_ CIRKAhi CHEESE—3OQ toxa prime calling chcc*e, f jan rec’d for vale by J B C 4NFIFLD SALERaTUS —gon bxs end 12 casks pure, far sale l.y (»cp23) J B CANFIELD TEAS— 100 hf chests V. II Tea;; •JS do G. I’ T-as «J 4c Peuchong. rec’g per car.aL for sale by JAMES DALZELL *ep2t 70_V»'ater st Mackerel— too tri* Costco No 3, u r sate i ited State* Morris A Haworth, Tea Dealers, in the Diamrnd, are selling sold Teas at ih a low price of 73c per lb, for cu»h *cr>?4 DiiffioNAßVoF Mechanics*, Engine Woik, and F^igineerlng—No *? of Una great wntk h&* b:en received at Holmes’Literary Depot,Third u. opposite the Post offiee. *cp23 LINSEED 01L—35 brls pure, just rec'd for tune by *ep3S _____ J B CANFIELD Long Slaawlt, IN great vuncty of prle« tind pattern, juvl received at the sure of MURPHY A BTRCHFIELD oj3 LINSFIKD OlL—jq brls pure country oil, mu ree'4 for sale by • ROBISON, LITTLE ACO oj:3_ 233 Liberty si BalT Window Llain. JUST received at W McCM.NTOOK’3 Carpet Warehouse, No S 3 Fourth •txcct, and 75 Wood si. 4-4 Buff Window Linen. oc3 JUBffY LIND. ABFAUTIFUL Oil Print, (a new invention, pa tented. in London,) representing Jenny Lind in the fields, in a listening attitude, taking lessons from the nightingale, has been received by the subscriber. Tbe coloring is equal to the finest miniature painting and the likeness the most truhful and correct of any yet brought out. Alto, Jcany Unil'a Greeting to America, the Frit Song, and the celebrated Echo Soar. H. jCLKBER, oc* Golden Hans tot Third »t APLK hlOl^AWslif—^bi for «oJB by WICK NcCANDLESS B BOOMS—1£) doz Com Brooms for sale by oc< WICKAMeCANULESS tl AJtHTHNOT is receiving a large isfortntnl c: /•.fancy and tuple, variety, apd Dry Good*, consist ine in pan of Woolen, Thibet, and Cashmere Shawls* Silk, Berlin, Thibet, Kid and Buckskin Closes; Wool, en and Wonted Comforts; Alpacas and Bombazines: Woolen and Canton flannels; Colored and Bleached Masßns: Casslneta and Cassimeres; Kibbaos and Laces; Bullous and Ccmbs; Threads aud Dindings; Umbrellas »nd Dress Bone, Ac All of which, country ami city merchants are re spectfully invited to rxemine, at Pfl Wood si. *cp‘Js Larga lapply af Fall A Winter Gootls. MUKPHV A BURCHFIFJ,!) i/.vite itie attention of buyers to their large stock af goof-s aJapted for Ibe season, consisting in part of— Blk and Col'd French Mcrinoes, •* •* Coburgfl and Cashmeres, Chsn|eable Popl ns, tlfeis bilks ana Turc Saties, Blk and Fancy Alpaca*. Super Loos Shawls, Low Price do.. Sacking Flan nels, Welsh,English, and Amrr can Flannel*, white and coloied. Their stock of HUUbEKEKPING GOODS, such as PhefUitgt, Pillow Case Muslins, 'Table Diapers. Towelling, Ar., is large, nnd at low prices for quality. Bayers will find it to their advan tage toeraJt.tne their stuck beforo putehoung at die north cast corner of 4th and Market ns. net 7 Traatparsat Window Bhadti. RECEIVED this day, at the Carpet Warehouse No 85 Fourth street and TD Wood street, a Ver* handsome assortment of Transparent Window Shades at reduced prices. [oc3] W MeOLINTOCK MUSTa KD-Uoleinaa’s»opci£^^ g UaUMustaja‘ lnkegs,ifflported,andf*raalaby > BA FAHNEBTOgg ACo PUB BEST. T Third rail'r 1 " 1 °®'“ P “‘ °®“ k.f £Ki,S&J " ma " Inqairo of c«7 E D CAZZAM, ra„„ . No ICi, Second it fPoit and Tribune pttaie copy ) receivea from the ratcufic tarei, ladXor **ldby. is N WICKEBSHAM — oct * Coiner Wood anil Qth »t» EXTRACTS—Attoned is bexe*ofone o««a etci, impelled and for *»’e by BA FAHNESTOCK* Co rIILL MACHIHEg— Superior Eofiiib swotted «!■ q2»j Imported tad fertile by ■ „ . • W 7 BA FAHNESTOCK A Co WHOLESALE:JF ALL GOODS. A. A. MASON & CO, G 3 * «♦ MARKET ST., hminsx, ra., WOULD solicit,the attention of Merehsots from alt sections of the coomr>'. U> 'heir immense Stock of New Fall Goods,'compnilrg tho largest and most complete assortment ia the western .ecudry, consisting of 375 esses best styles Prints; 4b do Imported snd American Ginghams, *'s ,do Alpaects, Paramattas, and Marines; fl? do Cashmeres aad De l^lns, 49 : do SaUnets and Jeans; 29 i do Ciothstnd Catumcres; 70; do Bleached Muslim; bo bales Flannels, all colon: • -57 ;do liekmgs. a'l grade*; co Blown Mailins, be«i makes Also, cites and packages of Silks, Shawls. Wttu Goods, N^llline^T ; vO'•Th ll ®^* , Trimmings, Ribbons, l4ites, Htwierr Md Gjovcs, Ac. M-rebants are assured, from iba great lscilttres of this c«toldishnient,of ilwaysprucuimgiho latest an-l most desirable goods, and at pnce« as low and lower than any eastern JtonM. Being inanofacturers' sgenu for large quantities ofiDomestic Goods, they particu larly solicit the orden of merchants for domrstics, i deliverable in tbl* ciiy at the saas price they ara ! Mid ot tn etsiem eities. Merchants cither going or i retamioc from tht east, are invited to an exatrir.aUoa S of their slock. A A MASON A CO j oc3:dtin-yp-AwBn>S CHEAP TEA AND HO MISTAKE. MORRIS A HAWORTH, ia the Diamond, arc sell ing excellent Tea, at _ 80 etapur lb.—TliY ITtt srpaj GnBAT bEBTUAL ROUTE 1 m PIONEERS OF THE NRW KBIL ROAD. Througblß POUR Days TO PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. ■kTTE tnke pleaiare ia annonneiugtothe MerchsaU YY of Pittsbulgb and the Western bu«inets eta tnunity, that on and'after Mosday,the.lfith ofSep tember, wo wilL receive r-ad forward goods via Ujo Central Rail Ro*d, and guaran ice them to be ihroupb in Four Day s. Oar extensive sleek of Cars and Boats enables ns to ctftr the above expeditious rasto to the public, whilst wo still eentinno cur asuaf lines via Hanithurg end Columbia. Merchants wlihlog goods brought from the Fast with certainty arid dispatch at low ratit, or produce shipped tb*re. aro Inyiiei to call on O'CONNOR. ATKIN? A Piasbarzh ATKINB, p*CONNOR A CO-, Phlladeipoia. Proprietors of thq PiUsbargh Troniporuxioa Lin: Or the folluwing agents, O’CflNtwea A Co?, 70 North street, Balumarc, E Block. G Battenr Place, New York: ElUurr A Gaxio, 14 Deane street, Boston. seplSx't J ULES UAUEL’S SIIAVING CREAM—Where is the can who dock not appreciate the luxury of oa easy shore? If uny there be, we do notaddrers oar telves to him. But tp all others we say, if yzu wi?h to render shavieg; a pleanro,porchase a box of Jules Hauel’a Almond-Pistashio or Ambrosial Shaving Creams, ilia utterly Impossible to find words to de ■erlbe tho feelings of a person who bat been uicd to Shaving with ordinary soap, open making trial of this for the first lime. Itt* ft combination of wonder, ad miration, andplctzute. JULEB HAUkL’S SHAVING CREAM is exceed ingly emollient; rendering pie nlffest and most wiry beard sou and pliable, producing an adreizsble lather, and by it s extrozqely mild nature allaying all Urtla tion, and preventing that unpleasant and stiff feeling of the skmwbicb isso often experienced alter shav ing. Gentlemen using Jules Hauers Shaving Cream may face the efildesi and most piercing winds Im mediately after (Mi use, without the skfit becoming chopped. And tboia wno once use It, we can safely say will never use juty other. One great advantage, which will be etpeejally «p -prcciated by those .who weat whiskers, is the fa v that it will not diseolor lie beard, whieb icon soips will do, giving a'sandy or rusty appearance to ths edge oftbe wbukert: Jules Haud’s Shaving Cream* are delightful preparations, compounded with skill, to the utter exclusion of ait articles calculated to render the operation of shaving unpleasant, and wilt be appreciated by aU who make trial of them. Prepared only by : JULES HAUEL, Perfumer and Chemist, 120 Chettnat st, Phiia. For sale, wholesale and retail, by B. A. Fahnestock A Co., and R. E. FclleivPiUsbargb; and John Sargeot and J Mitchell, AHepheny City. «ep*7-2pf State SaltiQl fire Insuionte ConpaDy. HABIUSBURQ, PA. THE very liberal patronage extended to this com pany, having issued policies to the amount of ne«i fine fd i liaTf iliilion of Rollers, during the Ist: three months, i* nttelem raasUettalion of the esu matron and confiiience of thepabllc lathe systeen oi management on yibloh its basiooss is conducted To city or coantry mere hints, and owners of dwell ing*, ana iiolaied o» coari'ry property,U is belioveo this company afford* advantages ia point of ebeap ness, safety, and security, inferior to no Insurance Company in this tountry. Conducted on the equitable and greatly improved vysiemcrClsifLfieation of Risks, excluding aUipeci»t hazards, insuring ofaly a United amount in any one. locality, ibtu precluding thefrequeney and occurrence of large fires, and also oa both the Stock and Mutual plan, It nut onlv tbe cheopnen and aecoo ; Rjodatton of both methods, bat eatitlei tbe msnred to ' a panieipsuon in the profits. U Is under tbe control of tbe follow fog.Dtxeeiurr Joint P Huihcfford, A. J. Gil tot, John B. Packer., datruel T Jones, Alonao A. Canier, Philo C KeJg wuk.ttotertKfolz. J P RUTH EH FORD, Presft ! A J GILLETT, See’y. A A Caasias; Actuary Branch Office'for Western Pennsylvania, 64 Smith field street, ptmbureh.. Perrons deslrfog iasnrance will ho lurcuhed with books of the company byeall ingiftt ths oc3 FLOUB— ICS bbls Extra Super Fine Flour, fo e:«n and for sale by octfl ' L B WATERMAN A SONS CLERKS -WASTED.' Tl 7 ANTED—Two Salesmen is foe Dry Goods Bo- VV alr.ese. Apply at £fl Market street oetfi ACKEREL —'*> bbls N«3 MsekereL llaree.) fox , sale by octfl L 8 WATERMAN A SON 3 Tues AND BUCEETS-C5 do*. .Bucket*, 10 do Tabs, tor tale by __ oci9 I" 'll6 WaTEHUAN A SONS CORN DROOJIF-S-60 doz fancy u 4 good common Cnmliroorai, for isle. by oc'9 : ■ I. S WATERMAN A SQNQ CILOV aR skill*— ptUBo i;iuv< i Seed, in itort and for taio by oct9 . > : L S WATEBUAN ASONS T t*sl style Cferret*, direct from me mamifneiufr,*-, i* »bic't w* invite the artemionof *bo*i wukjr.* «cnn!ihlc;rhandonic. ; «ct 9 W^McCLINTCmK OIL CLOTHSr~On hand alArgc and well Mlccied ►toefe ol iCmmonini Cloth*, which »U 1 be said very tow. W MeCUNToCE orlO No 73 Fourth«rm»t RUG? and MATs—Ju*l opened, some very tome ttylc Rv*3 and Door Malta, to which wc Mivue tha intention ofparetueri o?>'i> ; W McCLINTOCiv lu>Y t*iuL*ti CAttt*tiro— w McCim ock hi* jm; i opened a large and very cheap latof Cupel*, ai! of wh ch arc direct from the mnnnfacmrcre, and will no fold nr tow #a the tame cuality can bs psreha«cd east of tbc Mountains, at 7S Foarth ttrcct. oc:v Apparaitid' for Cleaalag SUts Pipe wUhost taking down* INVENTED by Frederick Blel»e*,nnd made by SCAIFK A ATKINSON, oeft -Tim »t. between Wood fc Market cm R E SELLERS 5/ Wood «! tIOFFEE— isfl.btg* prime green Bio, In i;«e and j to arrive, ret iale by • i L S WATERMAN A SONS oc9 ; 31 Water A 63 From si r p CAM—fed r frhc*t* and candies of Y. Uytoo, Imp. J. G. P-, mid Block Tea*, for sole by ocS i ’ ■ LB iv ATERMAN A SONS Spices— io b*ip pepper. Sbßfi Ailpice. for sale by PCS ■ ; L 9 WATEKMAN A SOLE LEATiIER—SOO aides heavy and, akjdio weights Spanish Sole Leather, for tale Vyy ocs • l 9 waterman, a sons * GLASS— tWv'bx* Window Glait, assorted, of city and belt coontry brand*, for *%\t by cb3 a : LS WATERMAN A SONS IRON —00 ten* assorted, for sals by ocß 'i L 8 WATERMAN A SONS Soiling out at Coat to Clog* Bmatn«a»,~ A LARGE stock of DRY GOODS, for which bonds motmaneii 4uegcraentsf groaad rent*, or real estate, will be leoctved in payment. :-i 1. JOS. B. HOGG, o*3:tf :;' r ; US Wood su. Pinalcrgh WJndo\r Vrlmaißßi. RECEIVED this day, at the Carpet Warehouse, Nu ?S rourth iireet and lit Wood atreat, Cord and Tanels, Roller* Ends, Rack Pulliei.Roilei* and H'a** icr window*.' i‘! I''.c3] : W MeCLINTOCK ( UIEE3E—I7S jixa prime W. R. Cheese, for saj» hv U ! JkiiFLovn oc‘J 3 v ßoandtfharcn SEGAUS— %C3,WO common Ohio, for vale by oca • -T j! JAB. FLOYD 'INEGAR-rSt) Lila pare Cider Vinegar, for tala by oed f ; ; J a. It FLOVX> cane oa coniigugent, for oal* bv J> oed ' - J ! JARFLOVIr POWDER—IXS kegs Dloitiog Powder, far'sole by ; ' 1A £,FLOYD iG-nwbuSci Bags— :s dot OCfe : AIU) 10 brla for aa!e ti : nt LlJisEEii CJlIr-»5 btU pwn, tor title by ° cS J,; . ) SCUOO.NSIAKKU &CO FuttySTUttv kmvej for „t„ bJ oa 1 JSUHOONMAtriI «■ cfi u ? _ JBCHOQNAfAKEK&■ CO i / KrlNfeD bUtlAX—ictutijiiu reftMTiy T - IV _; J SCBOONMaKKP ft CO > ( btJs lor RSIB Lit V- >,cJ : J SCHOQNMAKEg fcCU N rnn V - 1 *’ !*' 8 i ARTHUR.—Thc'Orpban •Tile itS «.»• J*J rU ' , l °. f r ro L u y »f>d Opoimion, U u* .h- .«.? ,a, ° b * T - *»• A.ihar. It it »ald «•- Hil«T? a |! 10T -'!’i',V t V ,oJ “ c, ‘ oa » fo f u!e at Holm*/; oppenite thereat 05»rc-. .J?' , Mn, and Lmell'n Living Age No du - wel kerned Iren l*biiilpaviU» F*etoiy,i»raf.i' r >*«gon CtjVcr Oil Cloih, • good aHlele.fer »ale ty. JAUfUILUPS ■ -' ; ' 7A 9 Wood it I'AiteAUUNtt—e very heavy large Ta/paaHaj, trf I the best quality of India RaCbor, oft hand and for • ale by- ••: f oe n JAM PHILLIPS AllUoib— lo trie No 1, landirr ard for Vale by i ocl. ■■ f JAMKS PALZELL Daviu ct /r Pt u>i fcl> u—No. i> iftKnfisirwtuie riorr, by Dickens and lilaeJtwnod for Setnem t»er, baa beer. ■ydeelted atnolrae* Llieunr Pcpoi, rhird,*'reet,op?oiito the r«t Oaca, nlao,Holden’a Dollar MayaVioe f« October, and ialenUlloaai Mi*. rellnnv. ;; ■ ' _ oep3o aarifiuovv' uLam 1 —jow boxe* Miorted aixen, for W -alVby 3 F VON DONNHOBST ACo »gp3o ■■ . , / b«*e* tecciTioffTroiaUe O canal beat i«ae» J. Bcanea. andfar «3e by »fp5Q : i Waters o uuAit* BM| 5 O . *l“°* **• H. Molasses, tor tale low. to elose oenrfgnmast, by^ »*s3o : )!.. JAMES.PAtZELL Jix ■ 7 ; »*WHAgBACBH — frtl lift—W left la irar. ud tor nle 6r — KfS': S*WBAMjM7CH ?d Berritiff, for tale bv JAHFLOVP Taw Bacv,far"iiT>fty J A ft FLO va 91 Wood at