ESTABLISHED IN 178 b. PUBLISHED BY W H I T r. A CO t j» wiirr> } [• HAiaHT. tkJFTii cm JJUiCU, TBIIO> MIEIT, MXXTiDOOft TO tux roar uunct. Uailr pa f —17,00 par annua Tn- Wee* ,y • —5,» * WtcUy,ln adTincc|'*i— *.OO “ Oi. ,0 Ciula, at a reduced rau^ Ujfl CB OP ADVEBTIgIiai AGREED 01-0.1 B\ TI IS PITTSBURGH Pftflgg, One *QB/ic,(lOUfceJofNonpanmorlct«) one I itetuon* —. ■ .—..50,50 One Sqaeie, each addition*! tcMtiion. • • 0,U3 Do. one week ——...—_ 1-5 Dti taco weeki——... .. ... H>. three week*— 400 l)t>. one month.—.-...■ ■—.soa Do. two month* 700 IV. three month*-... —..... ong l>o. four month* iqS To. *lx month*-—— is,oq Do. twc're months*'*' —— .. Blanding Card (6 hots per annam- 10100 OneSouare, changeable atpleasure (peran bbu) exclusive of tho paper*--- SS.OO tor each additional square, Inserted over one month »na for *“« additional squfcie Inserted under the year ly rates, half priee. Advertisements exceeding a Kjcsre, and net over a^ o e wl« lI ? ca, 10 be ch * r * e4 ** • *!>**«and a half Publisher! not accountable for legal advertisement! ■eyood the amount charged for their poblicatlfcn. Announcing candidaie* for office, to be chirred the •arse as other advcnuenteim. —— j 1 ®* Advertisements not mailed on the copy (oraspecl &ed number of insertions, will bn continued ml forbid, and payment exacted accord- » . Ti*,* PTi Vil Cgt» of vearly advertisers wUI be confined ngidly to their regular tosmesa, and all othar adver- OM *° tegular business, at agTced for, to be paid extra. . AH advertisements for charitable institution*, fire mpttuea. ward, township and otherpablle meeting*, ad nek lure, to be charged halfprice, parable stricuv advance. Marriage notice* to be charged 90 cent*. Death notice* inserted without charge, attics* accom panied by funeral inflation' or obituary notices, and when to accompanied te be paid for. Regular advertise re, and ail other* sending comma* nicauon*,or requiring notice* designed to call atten tion to Fain, Soiree*, Concerts or any public enter* tmiomenu, where charges are made for admittance— ail notices of private association*—every notice de signed to call attention to private enterprises calcula ted or intended to promote individual interest, can on ly be Inserted with the understanding that the same is to be paid fot. If intended to be inserted in the lo- , cal eolamn, the tame will be charged at the rate of : sot leu than 10 cents per line. Bishop or Fist Notices to be chimed triple pride, Tavern license Petitions, fa each. Legal and Medieal advertisement* to bo charged at fall price* Real Estate .Agent*’ and Auctioneers’ adveruse aeau not to b« classed under yearly rates, bst to be allowed discount of thirty three and one third per cent, from tbe amount of bill*. WXSXLT on TXS-WXZU.T Cl SXXLT TkTTSX. One Equate, three insertions ♦ --$1 90 Do. etch additional insertion--. 37 anransmsurn ta rim. One Bgssre, 110 lines.)otto insertion——so cts. Do. each additional insertion.— -25 “ All transient advertisements io be paid in advance. WHITE A CO, Gazette, L. HARPER, Poa ROBT M . BiDDLE, Journal. JAMES P. BARR A CO., Chronicle. FOSTER & BROTHER, Dispatch. JOS. SNOWDEN, Mercury. JAMES W. DIDDLE, American. HIRAM KAINE; Evening Tribune. Pnnimi, Dec. 1,1819. 1 CARDS. * JOHN A. PARKIHSOfIi A LDERMAN, Fifth Ward, Perm street, between Ji, O’Hara and Walnut. All buincu promptly at tended to. mayo ALEXAIDKR B, WATSON, TTORNEY AT LAW—Office, on Fourth street . above Wood. mrl9 DAVID C. TCTTLK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, and Commitueutr for Pennsylvania, Sl Lauls, Mo. Ail eotamanicatlons promptly answered. ocm-Iy JABKfI S'. KERB, Attorney at law—o£ce on Fourth street, between finuthfielJ and Gram, Pittsburgh. tpJU-jy JOUS 11. RABIEIB, ATTORNEY* and Counsellor at Law, and Commis sioner tor the state of Pennsylvania, Sl Lean; Mo., (late of Pittsburgh.) Reference*—Pittsburgh: Hon. W. Forward, Hamp ton A Miller, M’Candlcsi A MeClare, John B. Paris, BisseUs A Semple, McCord A King. tugl4-ly BIDWELL CO.. FOBWABOIHQ ttERCHUTS, Glasgow, Pa. (Smuh’s Ferry Past Offiu.) Having permanently located, at-tni* place, a new and substantial Wharf Boat, we are prepared to re ceive and forward promptly to all poinuon the river, and Bandy and Beaver or Ohio Canal*. B A Co. Glasgow, June ISi—jelfl « wia. haoaLXT.. —• jobs a coauavg. . w. m. trooawaan.. • ualth uahalxi. T>AUALBY. WOODWARD A CO. Wholesale Gro- Jj can, No Cl Market sx, Philadelphia. . ap4 Pituharib Alkau Work*. BENNETT, BERRY A CO, Manufacturers of Soda AaAßleachlng Powders.Moriatie ana Bulpberic Adda -WareboascNo —, water street, below Ferry. novSO-ly • ' Frederick Bruit. Georro Reiter. BRAUN 4k REITER, Wholesale and Retail Drag |Ut», corner of Liberty end St. Cleir streets, Pitts argtu pa. ~ ap4 CA. UcANULTY A CO, Forwarding end Coni’ • mission Merchants, Canal Dana, pitubnrgh, ft. mrj CH- ORA ST, Wholesale Ui over, Co mo union and • Forwarding Merchant, No. 41 Wtuet si., Pitts- ■ ant its Hersey—'Andrew Fleming K. K Fleming HJBRBEY, PLKIfIISO * CO., riOMMISSION MBRCHANTS-For the sale of Do mettie-Woolen, and Coiion Grinds; a!»o, dealer*in ail kinds of Tailors’ Trimmings, No 147 Wood si, 4th doer from-FifUi, Pittsburgh. Reference—Messrs. Wa A. Hill A Co, Banker*. Jang ti a&ias.) w M. A. ia via. BAIRD * IRVIN, CHIMISSION MERCHANTS and BUI Brokers, No HI Second street, Pnubatg h. aa«7 WM. A ESOUCB, ’ UHO J. ItttJTTT. ENGLISH A BENNETT, (late English, GaUaxher { Co) Wholesale Grocers, Commission and For warding Merchanu, and dealers in Produce and Pitts fcargfe Manafactares, N 0.37 Wood sl, between dd and yd streets. ; octl WRi.' H. JotiSHTOM, lORWABDING A COM«ISSION MERCHANT No lid Second at, Pimbnrgb. mrSt_ tfiint w. Ktsinmj [wAi.T**c.uriii«sTO!» a. W.POISDRXTRn* co„ GENERAL COMMISSION and Forwarding Mer chants and Flour Dealers, No STS Market sneet, Philadelphia. .... j>M BBALD, BUCKSOII A CO TOBACCO CUBMBSIQX HERCHiXTS. Nol 41 North Water Street & No. IS Nonh Wtiarre*. A.J. Bccanoa. > PHILADELPHIA HsuU>. f pvuad’a D. C. McCxmom. > r “““ 1 i. A. Wssrn.. i I an* (lueccuor to Marpbr k. Lee,) Wooi »#v— • ct a*d C tot sals, a large stock et frssh andgood Perfa taOTT. lu!3_ JoanFJoyd.. Richard Floyd JA B- FLOYD, Wbalesale Grocers, Commission *, and Dealers in Piodn*e, Round Church lift tidings,..irpuine ca Liberty, Wood and Sixth streets, flttsbut 49, Ps. JNaA.CAUGHKV.Agtni (or Ui« l*ko Erie in o Michigan Line to Bcavetand the Lake*. -OAo e ut the corner nf Waur and SrouhAaU nuaU»iii a Mcrchanti, ■wd Agents of the St. LsutsSieua Sagar Re&ncrr ggwater and 89 front streets, Pittsburgh. %. *"wi, Wholesale'unutgim J a No 84 Wfrod «TPCt, Piiu>-aitti. «f>i a6kFTH7 UEiAjOiHT *’*»>« «l« m HtuiidMi, iiHw»o»niMttwc*i loitnwmut, SclwoJlw* p (Ctr glue a, Sieel Ptni. an K« a fB*Ki£ Of »«**" in ir*A« «P>* TRCaKKJ»’.LD, (law 0* warnrit, Ohu*,) Cosum*- Tnd i’oiorardlnj? Merchant, and •rfcolet&le R.lJww Wr»ttfn Rctcrvt* Cht-CM, Ductor, ptt and Wcf“r»PnJ«. W**' I?hl,'bS««.saiai6eld*o and dealer* m nai leabJe coatings, fire engine lamp*tand conch trimiaingi pnarally, corner cf Rom and Front «ts., Pitubargn, Ji iJi TardMi Oonmlnlon H«reb»nu. \TO. 31 Old Levee at, N Orleans, keep constantly oo 4>i hand a lance assortment of Brandies of the follow* i»S braada, which they offer for sale asagenti for J. Darted A Co, Bordeaux, nn Msglory, J. Fraud, J Du* rand A Co, Laroo belie, J 3 Durand, Cognac, A deM in terim, A L Bietillo, A de Mondore, Jean Louis, Ac., Ac; also, Anchor Gin, Bordeaux Red and White Wines in casks and eases, selected with care by John Durand A*Co; betides Champagne Wine and Sweet Burgundy Port. fcb7«ly» N' HOLMES A SON, NofiS Market si. second door • from comer of Foanh, dealers in Foreign and Domestic Dills of Exchange, Certificates of Deposit, flank Notes and Sped*. E7”Colelctions made on ail the prinsipal cities hrocgboct the. United Ststes. apd Llttiojrraphtc Betabllatimont * OF 'VhL sdiIUCUMANN. Third st, oppoalte the Poit-Ofsee, Pittsburgh.—Maps, Landscape a, Bill* headsj Showbills, Labels, Arc hi tee tnraJ and Machine Drawings, Basinets and Visiting Cards, Ac-, engraved or it** n on Mooe i *»•! Printed in colors. Gold, Bronze or Black, in the noa approved style, and at the most reasonable prices octlSdy R°o>?V of il MTi' L , E * CD-' *©. 865 Liberty street Pittsburgh. Wholesale Grocers, Produce and wjnimetinn Merchants, and dealer* in Piusbargb Mnxatic urea apt 7 kocr. »otaow. TEoa ltttlx. mtu a. soacoow. ROBERT MOORE, Wholesale Grocer, Rectifying Distiller. dealeria Prodoce, PUUbnrgh.Manufae- f a 1 ail kinds of Foreign find Domestic Wines EH" 4“W>N°. li Liberty street On hand a very iSJV n v pf ■"P'rior old MonongaheU waiakey, which will be sold low for cash. ny| L. O. armOiDS, , , ntn REYNOLD a BHEE. Forwarding and Comtnis aioilMerchants, for the Allegaeny River Trade, verniers in Groeenea, Produco Plmbareh, Mannfac tares, and Chloride of Lime. The highest price, in cash, paid at all times for conntryrsga. Come» Penn ana Irwin m. aplB ROBERT DALZELL a Co., Wholesale Giocert, Commission Merchants, dealers in Produce and naaborgh Manufacture*, Liberty street, Pittsburgh, *> . _apie_ B- A. CUOTSIBOHAU, HOLES ALE GROCER, Produce, Forwarding, and CommiKtan Merchant, and Dealer in Pins burgh Manufactures, No 338 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, __ m ** v. i.iu. mm a u,mf, OUACKLETT A WHITE, Wbolataje Dealers In O Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, No. 89 Wood street. Pittsburgh. t p l7 g*W HARBAUGH, Wool Merckanuj~Deuleri in Floor and Produce generally, end Forwarding and Commission Merchants, 145 First street and lie Second atrect Pittsburgh. **l7 g., mr«*vaan. .iota tnsau», si»tii», 3ELLLftS A NICOLS, Produce and General Com- J mission Merchants, No. |7 Libertr street, Plus burgh, Sperm, Linseod and Lard Oils. *pi7 SF VON BONNUORST A CO, Wholesale Gro •, ceil, Forwarding and Commission Merchants, Dealers in Pittsburgh Mana'uctures and Western Produce, hare removed to their now warehouse, (old stapd,) No. 30, comer of Front itrsct and Chaneery ilKne - apt 7 SIOBBIB * HAWOBTU, tea and wine-merchants, 6astudfl_Diamond, Pittsburgh. apld UlO- t. SHXIVXX-] SHRIVER A BABJIBB, WHOLESALE GROCERS, JPraJaoi and Ceosnm-now MnaKans, And dealers In Pittsburgh Manufactured Articles, Bos. 130 and 13S Second iDtst, Between Wood A Smithfield, Pituburgh, mujl isii watt ] (joks wojob. JOHB WAW * CO* WHOLESALE Grocer*, Ceßniuun Merchant*. end ifealertin Produce and Piiuburih Manu facture*, 2M Liberty *L, Pimbargh, Pa. -*bcpm FLOUR —TO brls eYoiee Familj; SHO brla Saperfioe; OS bill Pint, arriving, and for «ale hr •epia BROWN 4 KIRKPATRICK W A ,„ BAUp * IaVIN OULDmfora the public, they have taken me warehouie fornictfy occupied by (be late Mr Solomon Schoyer, 114 Second meet Having a large and commodraaa warehooae, they woald invite the auentioa of penosi having good* to eoniign or etore. They will alao give attention u> tUa parchaae and aalo o/Nctea.lhafw.Bon(U,Ac. aB g7 L. S. WiitmiD' • K. N. Watemao. • W. u. Waterman -I*. S. WATEBBAN * ROMS, WHOLESALE GROCERY, GonoitutoQ anti For* wanting Merchants; dealers In all kind! of Pro* daee k Pittsburgh Manufactured Article*: an* Agents for tale of Richmond and Lynchburg Manufactured Tobacco- uni WM. TIMKLIN, A7TORBEY AT LAW, Bailer, Pa WILL also attend to collections and alt other basi nets entrusted to him in Butler and Armstrong eoantks, Pa. Refer to J. A R. Floyd, Liberty el) W. W. Wallace, do \ James Marshall do f Pittsburgh. dly Ear k Co., Wood it ) jan7 JOHN BeFABEK 4k CO.* FORWARDING k COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Canal Basin, Penn street, Pittsborih. mrt JABIK9 H. DAVIS * CO., PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS,' No. 227 Uaikct, and 54 Commsrc* tu, Philadelphia. Advances made, by either of tbe above, oa consign- Produce to cither Ijoase. mrt J."D.\VilHwai-” John Haft. J. D. WII.LUH9 * CO., TTT HOLES ALE fc RETAIL PAMILV GROCERS. TT Forwarding and Comninioir=Hercbnm*, and dealers in Coai-lry Prodoce and Pittsburgh Manofsc lures, corner of Wood and Fifth atreeu, Pittsburgh, nrtu Wm. U. Williams V 1. o. MeVa: WM. H. WILLIiUXI * CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, North Cut comer of Wood and Third tueet*. janl PimacaoH. Pa. WK- HOAHT, 10«1» •. COSOEATS, W. a. WOODWAID, lilf H lAOALXI. WU. B&GaLEY 4c CO , Wholesale Grocers, 16 agd 00 Wood street, Fitisbttub. spl? «iT- | _jona ». wtca, d*ti» M'CATici.ey» _ WICK * M'CANDLESS, (locceiuri to L & J- D Wiet.t Wholesale Grocer*, ForwanUn* and Coomlmoa Merchants; denier* to Iron, Nails, Olats, Cotton Yarns, and Pm*bvrgh Manufactures grnerai- Ijr, corns! of Wood and Water streets, Pituborgb. np!7 WVM. MITCHELTr k. M. MITCHtw-'REE, Whole»»io Orocera, ■ - « Recurring Dittillrri, and Wine and Liquor Merchant*. Ai»o—lmporter* of Soda A«h and Blrach- Ing Ponder, No. ICO Liberty ttreet, (oppome Sixth ureet.) Pitubargh. __ _ apl7 WYv.tVILSON, Wetrhes, Jewelry, Silver Ware • and Military Good*, corner or Market and Fourth streets, Fuubatga, Fa. N. B Watches and Clock* carefully repaired- ao!7 vn yotma. joun a- m'cctik. WM. YOUNG A Co., Dealer* in Leather, Hide*, Ac., 143 Liberty street jarS-ly WA R. MeCUTCBr.ON, Wholesale Grocers, • dealer* la Produce, Iron, Nails, Glass, and Pituhorgn Manufacture generally, Liberty street— I’tUsbnijh. jsnl" CO-PA UTSKBSHIf. I HAVE taken WM. CARR tnta partnership with me in my business, which will from till date b* carried on andcr the name of “John Parker * Co.” March Ist, lfcW. JOHN PARKER. John Parker- JOHN PARKER A CO., WholtMl* Grocers, Dealers in Product, Foreign Winu, Liquors, Old Monongakda and Rectified Wl.Ulxj. No- 5, Corameicial Row, Liberty street, nu3o Pittsburgh, P WATXhxaXTaucn. rosac* tunjta. ws. i. Bti PALRER, lIANNA 4k- GO., (Successor! to Hnssey, Hanna* A Co.) BANKERS, EXCHANGE BROKERS, and dealers in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificate* of Depoillf. Bank Notes, and Specie—North west corner of Wood aod Third streets. Current money received on Ueposite-—Sight Checks for sale, and collections made on nearly all the principal point* the United States. , „ The highest premlatn paid for Foreign and Amsrieas Gold. Advances made on consignments of Produe«,*bip ped East, on liberal terms. *P*I wu- a- k'clcbo ] I®*° S oaa WBX. A. O'OIiDRO * CO., OBOOEK9 AND TEA DEALERS, Ho 256 Liberty street, above Wood , Have always on hand a large assortment or Cboica Groceries and Fine Teas; aiso, Foreign Fruits and Nuts, Wholesalo and R*uU. Dealers upplud on the lows.i terms. mayi urw.«i toiw*. _ mTaolb olass wobki. JOSEPH D. ABELL. _ _ Vf ANUFACTURFR OF GREEN GLASSWARE, IVI Vials, BotUet, and Flasks, Poner,BcDtch Ale, Mineral Water, Patent Medicine, and wine BotUe* •1 every description; also, WINDOW GLASS. Keeps cont'aatly on hand a general assortment of theabovo articles. AESOSTATK,aslheoth*rGreco Glese Paeiories are au. vroms, as is the custom In summer, Tun Factoiv is now in rou. nruunon, ana will conunae in operation both summer and winter. Orders respectfully solicited, and will be Ailed on tbs shorten notice. Warehouse, No 119 Second street, between WooJ ** Smltbieid su, Piusnareh. lytShdly _ „ Cll.pittfslcttlinp. RAML. p. BHBIVER and CllAfl. DARNES have a* *oc is ted themselves together, under tho Wtaburen*' * D * rße *i for the transaction of the M«inS,^sS c £7d. Pw « Be »» and Commission busi- . WOOL 1 WOOL I Tf. S&JSSS will be pud £or X> HP» B A PAUKStfrOGX ACO ITTSBUICiII || MISCELI/AfIEOI roiIBTH STREET, PITISBURGH, PA. THIS magnificent cs'ahlisbmeni beihg now con plried and ready for business,the proprietor would irspertfully solicit a share of the public patronage He tread by giving hit full attention to the btxsinen, to make the bouse a pleasant aod comfortable resort for the diluent of PUttburgh and for the country I grueraUV- Good £tendants will be in waiting, and every er etuon made to render the eauhliahment worthy the countenance and support of an intelligent community The TWO SPACIOUS IULL&. fitted for Parties, Concerts, Lectures, Balia, and public meetings, will t>e let by the evening or week, on as liberal terms as any other in the city. The BAR and RESTAURANT, equal in style and beauty to any in the world, will be kept furnished with Pure Wfoea, Choice Liquors,. Cordials, Porters, Ales, and all the cool, light, refreshments sfthe season. Poultry, Game, Fish, Soup, Oysters, and Clams, served up In the best style. The DINING and ICECREAM SALOON,being on tbe first floor, and easy of access, will be constantly auppUed with all tbe Luxariep and Delicacies of the scasou; and also, with such substantial* as the markets afford. Boarding bf the dag, weak, or year- Dinner* or Snrpm for Individual* or parties, fanuahed on abort ootiee. I Gentlemen with their familiei, visiting! the city can, be supplied with refreshments of all hind* at any bout o • the der. Good Stab.tng and an extensive Lirery Establish ment i* connected with the Hall. Dinner at I o’clock. Breakfast and Tea at the ttaual hour*. Entrance for Ladle* to the Ice Cream and Dining Saloon. No C 7 Smithfield street. jeggidir K. H VAN RENSSELAER *• WBT*ayrLT, aa.] [a. wumvm, ra A- WEBTERVELT & 80N, WELL KNOWN VENETIAN BUND MAKERS. keep constantly on hand or make to order the beat article in their line, at their old stand, No. 13 81. Clair street; also, at No. W> Market street, second story, entrance tn the Diamond. Vanitian Bhtmer*Tn*de Co order, add old blind* neatly repaired. apIO W.4J, GLENN. Book Bladsrs, 11/ B arc cull engaged in the above basinets, cornet YT of Wood and Third streets, Pittsburgh, when we are prepared to do any work in oar tine with Jet- S latch. We attend to oar work personally, and saus aetion will be given in regard to iu neatness and du lability. Dlanl Books ruled to any pattern and bound sub stantia' ly. Books in numbers or old book* bound cure fully or repaired. Name* put on book* tn gilt letters. Those that have wark in our line are invited to cal., prices low Psm Hsehlns Bhop, HWIGHTMAN— Manifaetuxer of all kind* of cot • ton and woollen machinery . Allegheny city, Pa The above works being row Intuit and successful op eration, I am prepared to execute otters with dispaieh for all kinds oi machinery in u.y aa willows, pickers, spreaders, cards, gnndiag ra a* tines, railways, drawing frames, speeders, thiosails, looms, woolen cards, double or single, for merchant or country work, mules, jacks, Ac.;slide and hand lathea and tool* in gen* cral. All kinds of shotting made to order, or plan* giv en for gearing factories or mills at reasonable charge. Hxrxa to —Kennedy. Childs A Co., Biackstock, Bell A fb». Wins. P.nnn.fc A P-a.. jsa A Grav BENNETT * BROTHER. QUEENSWARE MANUFACTURERS, >lrmlßgham,(B*ar PUtshurflh,]Pa. Ofic s, iVo. _37 Water r?,* bettasen Market and Wood, Pittsburgh, VWlLLconstamly keep on hand a good assort" ment ot Wart; of our own manui*eture,and •aperiorqualuy. Wholesale and country wet chaau are respectfully invited to call and ex amis* for thetsxclves. as we art determined to ouil ehaapar than has svsr before basn offsrsd to tha pub- by mai!,eceompaniad by thesaah oi ood reference, will be promptly attended to. mrt IRW COACH PAOTORTt 41LMJUHT. LT A- WUITE A CO., would respectfully inform XL* the public that they have erected a shop on La cock, between Federal *jhl Sandusky streets They are now making and are prepared to receive orders for every description of vehicles, Coaches, Chariot's, Ba> roaches, Buggies, Phalanx, Ac., Ac , which from their long experience u the manufacture of the above work, and the taciiitie* they have, they feel confident they are ehabled to do work on the most reasonable terns with these wanting articles in their Une. Paying particular attention to the selection of mate rials, anil having none but competent workmen, they have no hesitation in warranting their work. Wc therefore aak the attention of the publie to this mallei. N. B. Repairing ddhe in tha best manner, and on tha most reasonable tetaa. jtflktf wu. a. scam. uxn arxucsoa. SOAIFB * ATKINSON. Piarm., inwiat Wood Ma&xsr, nrnnui, CONTINUE to manufacture all kind, of COPPER, \J TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. Also, Black smith Work. Steam Boats built to order. Special attention given to (team boat work. Have on hand* • tine assortment of Copper and Brass Kettles, Tin Ware, Ac. ke. Steamboat Cooking Stoves, Portable Forges, various sues—a very convenient ar ticle for steamboats, California emigrant*, or rad road companies. We would respectfully invite steam boat men and others to call and see our sruclss and price* before purchasing el sewbere. ,v:t? Wrought and Cut Irea Railing, mire subscribers beg leave to Inform the public tha ( JL they have obtained from the East all the late and fashionable designs for Iron Railing, both far houses and cemeteries Persons wishing to procure hand some patterns will please call and examine, and judge forthemxelves. Railing will be furnished si the short sit notice, and la the best manner, at the corner ot Craig and JUbeec a streets, Allegheny city. augSD-dtf A- LAHDNT A KNOX. WILLIAB DXOBV BEGSJeave to inform his friends and enstomer* tba he is Jasi receiving his new spring stock of Goods comprising, us usuul, alt the ncvcil and moot fashion ■ bit etyies of Cloths, Cetsimetct, fancy Veiling*, cot ion and linen summer stuffs, und every article tunable (or gentlemen's tvevr for spring and summer, ii bring impossible to describe the beauty, quality or quantity of the stock, the proprietor hopes all who arc in want of good, cheap, fashionable, and well made clothe*, will give. him a call, as there la no stock this side of the Alleghenies that can compare with iu The ready made department is very extensive, adap ted to all tastes. Rail road contractors, country merchants, and all who purchase lonely, are particularly invited toex amine the stock before purchasing, as particular at tention is paid to the wholesale buuneaa iu this emtab- Us tun eat Every article la the tailoring Una made to order In the most fashionable and best maunet, at the shortest notice ■ nrS THE partnership heretofore existing under the firm of Ak C BRADLEY,ij dissolved by the decease ol Mr. C Bradley. The bosiness will be carried on by A Bradley, wbo will settle the business of the late firm. • REMOVAL— A Buadlxt has removed fats Foundry Warehouse from No 113 Second street. toNo 19 Wood street, between First and Second streets, to the ware house lately occupied by G A Berry, where he will keep eonstaatly on hand a general assortment of Cast ings, Grates, Stoves, Cooking Stoves, Ac. jyll BAROKL UcKELVT, Manufacturer of cast steel, and No. i and No. 1 American Blitter Steel Also-Best Cast Steal Files, of all sizes, and Blacksmith and Shoe Rasps, aJwaj a on hand and for sale, either at bia “Ea gle steel Works," O’Hara street, Fifth Ward, or at the office iu the iron Store of BOLLMANS a GARRI SON, No 4, foot of Wood street, Pittsburgh, mrrt-dlm We, the undersigned, having used, with entire sat- Ltaetion, tho Cast Steel and Files madeby Saaael McKelvy, at bia Eagle Steel Works, in ibis cliy,lake pleasure in teennunending them as eqnal iu quality to any ever used by ui, of foreign manufacture. Pittsburgh, March 13,1958. GAJ li 9110ENBEBGEE A CO, Manufacturers of Iron and Nail*, Pittsburgh, Pa. KNAPP a TOTTEN, Iron Founders and Machinists, Pittsburgh. Pa. COLEMAN, MAILMAN A CO, Manufacturers ofSpringa, Axles, Spring Steel and Rivets, Pitrsbarcb, Pa. F A W M FABER, Engine Boilder* and Machuia Card Manufactu rero, Pitubargh. Pa. A FULTON, Brats Founder, Pittsburgh, Pa. soar. M’ccTcuxon. GRAFP, LINDSAY A CO, Manufacturers of Iron and Nails. Pittsburgh, Pa JOSEPU TOMLINBON Locomotive Kugme and Ship Builder, Pittsburgh, I*b W W WALLACE Marble Manufacturer, Machine and Engino Build* urli «r. Pittsburgh. Pa Dleaolwtlon of Purtnarublp. THE Partnership berewfore existing between tbe subscribers, under the firm of Chambers, Agaew A Co., Clan Manufacturers, was dissolved by mutual consent, on the fir.t day of July, Instant. All knowing themselves indebted to said firm are request ed to make payment to either of ihn parlies, wuhnal delays and all person* having unsealed accounts with said firm, are Invited to preeent them far setilemout immediately ALEXANDER CHAMBERS^ •William Carr THE owners and consignees of goods arriving by tho “Citizens’ Portable Bout Line,’’ will please lose notice that they w.U be required to pay freight at our warehouse, aecordiug to the receipt, betore the good* are removed. C A MeANULTY ACO JTI "Washing, Blaacblng, and Gloaoelas Fluid. Dtttrrioni—Put the clothes Into cold water aod let them soak over night. In toe morning wring them out and put them in'o a ketne of boiling water, to winch add the proportion of ono pint of floid to eighl gallons of water—stir it up and boll ihs whole twenty minutes. Tba.rloihes may then !>c wrung oat and well rinsed in clear cold water. Tbe peris of gai menu that maybe most soiled, such as wristbands and collar* of sbiru. may bu slightly nibbed before rinsing, and the clothes will be loand perfectly clean, white and clear. • Warranted not to injure ibe linot fabric ar4 to give perfect satisfaction, or Ihe money will be refunded. Bo'd wholesale and retail by RE SELLER# seplti 5" Wood n 'cisViliad, ~Warrsa aim'd Plttaborgh" Talagrapli Company. IN pursuance of a resolution ofthe Board of Direc tors of the Cleveland, Warrea end Pittsburgh Telegraph Company, requesting the Secretary to maze oat and cause to be published in tho newspapers along the line, an exhibit of the financial and other affairs ui this company. 1 submit the following Report— Tbe line of Telegraph commences at Cleveland and terminates at Pittsburgh, passing through Chagrin Falls, Franklin, Newton Falls. Warren, Youngstown, and Lowell, in the Bute of Ohio, and New Castle and Rochester, in the Bute of Pennsylvania, at which points there are office* located for the receipt and transmission of business. The whole length of the line is 149 miles—Capital pur mile, making a total capital stock uf •X2JOU. of whten amount •10,V03 is held byeulzens along tie line, and tho balance is held uy Cornell A Speed, the contractor!. Tbe above amount of sub scriptions by citittitv. have been paid to Cornell A Snead, for which the Trustees have their receipt. ie!4:dtf JEFFERSON BALM, Beoretary TO BOAT DCILDCai. 100*000 feet Reasoned Deck Plank; 100.000 feet Coal Boat Siding. For sals by I ® W,WWW . ROBEBTMc knight, ttafcdtf ArorwyuUw, Fourth st PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 17. 1850; WILKINS HALL, wr» wid ni»iib iai«ruu«t THE Woiual Life and Ileauh Insurance Company of Philadelphia, Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, March, IS4S. Charter perpetual. Capital, *lOO,OOO. lUtxs Lcnraa nua ur pjciisn varia Couratrr, and foil SO per cent. lower than the tuna! rate* of Life Insurance, as the following com parison will show: Thus, a person of the age or 30 la •uring for *IOU for life, most pay in the Girard *2,30 Pennsylvania, *334, Penn Alumni, S3J4; Equitable, «S,01; New England, New York Life, •&»; Al bion, fcMtn idle and Health, Philadelphia, *1,217 OiiKTuts.—Samuel J». Orriek, Charlea D. Hall, W. P. Boons, Robert P. King, Charlea P. Hayes, M. W. Baldwin, M. M. Reeve, M. D., Chaa O. 11. Campbell, wwu Cooper, I. Rodman Barker, ILH. Butler, Edwin R. Cope. President—Samuel D. Orriek; .Vice Presi dent—Robt. P. King; Secretary—Fraud* Ulackbttrne. applications will bo received, and every information I»*«by 9AML. FAHNESTOCK, Aft, • Office, Commercial Rooma, corner of _octS7-dly Wood and Third at*, Pitubargh FIRE AJVD HA&1I0B IKSCRASCE. IHIE INSURANCE CO. ol North America will make permanent and Limited Insurance on pro priy ielbta city and vicinity, aaden thipmeeia by Canal, Rivers, Lakes, and by Sea. The properties ol this Company are well invested, and famish as avail able fond for the ample indemnity of all persona who daiire to be protected by insaranee. tnris WM. P. JONES, Ai fir* and Barla* Ininraaeii THE OFFICE of the Insurance Company of North Anerica, baa been removed to No. IU Front it east of Wood. The aabseriber, agent for the above oJd and reipoa* üblo Company, wiil Issue Policies on BaUdings and thetr contents, and on shipments of Merchandise bf Steam Boats and other vessels M 3 VY P JONES. flodern and Antique Karnltnie, Jiiuis W. WOOD WELL, B3, Tans Bi., Rrmsinuß. j. w. w. Respectfully informs public that be has pleted bu spring tioek olflHBI FURNITURE, the largest ud mosi varied assortmesf ever offered for vale in ihtschy, comprising several setts of RanwooD, Mabuoshj, and BLsciWujroT, carved, ornamental and plain, aaiuble for Parlors, Drawing and Red Rooms, all or which will ba e«td 4j i ibe lowest prices. *■ Persons desiring Fumtnrs of any description, are spcctfally invited 10 call and examine hli stock, which embraces overy descriptisn, from the cheapest and filsinest to the most elegant and costly, of which the oilowing comprises a part: Tele a Tele Sofas; Tela a Tele Divans; Conversation Chain; Fiirabeibian Ctatrt; Becepuoa do l.ouis XIV 4o Extension do Buffet tnlaue; What Nots; Toilet Tables; Losis XIV Comm adore; Duke of Voik*; Coach; to Bofas witb Plash and liur-oiolh Alters; CO Divans. do do da; 40 dux Mahogany Pallor Chairs, 10 “ Rosewood do do. 14 “ Bl'k Walnut do da. 40 u Cane Scat do. 4 “ Mahogany Rocking do, V “ do Piano Stools, bo Marble Top Centre Table i; VO do du Willi f iutdi; 4H Mahogany Urdslf sd*; IS do Wardrobes; Id Bl’k Walnut do; Siber.y do. A very targe assortment of Common Chain «nd oth er Furniture too tedious to menuon iLf~ Steam Boats famished on tho shortest notice. AfTordera promptly attended to. P S.—Cabinet Makers can be supplied wuh ol Mahogany, Walnut, and Veneers, at ootui reduced prices. HERSEYFLEWNG& UiVK I FROM THE MANUFA* ERN MANUFACT White Flannels, all Wool. Rod do do 1 Yellow do do Brown do do Black Satlnetis. Bieel mixed do Black Ouuacr* Fancy du Fancy Tweed* Super Black BruaJ Cloth. Super Brown do Buper Green do Baper Twilled ao Super Black Doe Skins Saper Drab Cashmere*. Super Urowa du Super Black do California Blankets. Bcmrtct do Blue do Drab do Grain Bagging. Brown brills; At the Manufacturers* V Pittsburgh NOTICE THE eo-pannemip heretofore existing betweer subscriber*, in the name of Constable, Bari CO, t* this day dissolved by mutual consent- Me Burke A Baruei will settle the busmets.of the cone for which purpose they are authorized to me the n of the concern. NATHANIEL CONBTABL EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS BARNES. The undersigned have this day associated tho m»e ves tn the name of BURKE A BARNES, for the pur; ore of manuisctimng Fire Proof Safes, Vault Doors, Ac Ac., at the stand of the late firm or Constable, Burke ACn, where they will be pleased toraedve tho patron age of the easterner* of that bouse and their friends. * EDMUND BURKE, THOMAU BARNES. CIRCULAR. HAS Just returned from the Eastern Cities, and i B receiving a Urge variety of acusouablo Goods, (<> which he respectfully invite* the attontion of irerek aut* and pedlar*. No 64 Wood si. febll WALL PAPER—W. p. Mxubiu is eonstanliy receiving, from the largest manufactories In New York ana Philadelphia, and also Irom French agencies, the newest and most approved styles of Pa- K Hangings, together with Borders, Fire Board nts, and TesterTon*. For sslo at 63 Wood st, be tween Fourth tt and Diamond alley, (successor to 5. C. Hill.) ap3 ETAIXICT'AJ NT i bris Just rechi per steamer, and for sole by thu barrel or single pound at the Drue, Seed, and Perfumery Warehouse, comer of Sixth and Wood streets. 3 N WICKERS HAM *pl9 THE Phcrma Manufacturing Company now offer to the pablic then Preuuam Chemical Stove Polish; and without sxaggeretion, or fear of contradiction, by those wbo have tested it, pronounce it far superior to any other lu the market. The con same meed hive no apprehensions of soiling carpets, Ac . as its com position prevents a dust from arising when being ap plied, which mast be done when the Stove is roid The quantity required is so littls to produce a beau tiful lustre. A saving of over fifty per cent Is insured to the consomert. A coating applied to Btovet, Pipes, Ac., when laid away for the summer, la a sure pre ventative against rush Alter having tried it once, rif It is accessible) no person will use any hut the rhm/ilx Maucfacturing Company’s Premium Chemi cal Stove Polish. For sole ny S N WICKERSHAM, _my« Corner ofHixoi and Wood strecu. JOHN AONFW, D. U CHAMBERS. NOTICE* PITTBDCPOH notiamao sTons, Corset o( Fean and 8t- Glair •trcetc. WM ALEXANDER & SUNH, Furaiihing Under* •akcra, where every article (or Faneral and Mourning purport* can bo got on reuoaablc teima J|U:d3a UOSBBLII AzTzincV" rilllE VieiHe Montagna ttompany tupply their iitaii I. wah Hoofing and Flooring In «heet* 3x7 feet, from il to ft ounce* per equate foot. Corrugated in tbccit 77 ox, for roofins public building* and JtpoU. ’hip Sheathing, 14 s 4H Inchra, from tM ti. 3d ounce* ail*, Ppifeee, Wire, Sugar Mold*, Fctfuraled Zinc, no Paid, to. Vbc 'i'fcry warrant (Loir metal pure, and free from any idmuture of iron, or any otbrr mtiMunce, and re- commend ii for the manufacture of most article* ir. (be house furnishing, as U due* oat ran, i* i,.>i effected by the action of water, and may bo polished, painted, and japanned. {(ample*, model*, plan*, specibcition*, and other Information may bo bad of their agent* - M’Oxll A ttiaußO, New York; Aiatxson, Bolus* & Co.. Bouon; NithaM Tsamn A Co., Philadelphia; XV. A !1. Me Kim, Baltimore,; BLxti, Day A Sunnu, New Orleans; F. MILLIROUX, Ueiident Agent, 9 Hanover *L, New York. Uegt, September 9.—*eps:J3m THE Autobiography of Leigh Hunt’; with retain licence* of mend* and comemporertes, in 9 vole. Carlyle'* Latter Day Pampnlets—No VUI, subject, JeroidM*. Hsuadfo Ptamanihlp MflCepy Bowks. fpilß above book* having been introduced into X pnbUo and private sehooft In Pittsburgh end Alle gheny, the author hoe appointed the subscriber agent (or their sale In this city. Teacher* end others will be Replied at publisher'* price*, as ratted in oimlsr. j H Mvfl'yng, jßwSHnr INSURANCE. Assoelutad Plrsmsu’s lusuiaact Gam. P»Dy of the CUy of Pittsburgh. CAPITAL 9900*000. J K MOOREHEAD, Preft-W. W. DALLAS, SecT r l*f the confidence of my friends and the public Feb. 9,1919. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE. fcbl3-dif C< AHBOTIISOT OHKHIOAL BTOVii POLIRiI BCW BOOKS. History of Daiini tbeGreat By Jacob Abbott, with /alia Howard, a Bomanco. By Mr* Martin Beil. Pictorial Field Book of the Revolution —No fi. The above work* received this day,and for aalabr K O STOCKTON uegM Cor. Market*.Tbijdn. AIM GAZETTE, BOOKS MDBIC.&C. . S''- I«w Bmki. ■ H K^ T . R 1 todSooc if. By Dr. Moore Addft&wtuaaay , novel. -By tbs author -- -‘jMics AnjoH“«ftotmVi'i Bridja," Ac, Ac. . RobuSoutbey-rpan B,’ Gibbon's Fnfic BUi and (ef Ring of Albina, nv Clement C Moore, L. L. D; and Wo 3W of LlUall’s Living Age, aepxl Jut Bietlvsd, A LARORjutd extensive assortment of PATENT METALLIC BOBBER FABRICS, among the umost endless.variety embraced In the assortment, may be lounfltho following:— Ilorte Covtrs, Carnage Cloth, Air Beds, Air Pll lows, Air Cushions, Water PaJU, Tobacco Poacbts, Fishing Ooctt, .Coats, Copes, Cloaks, Tarpaulins, Mittens, Poaches. Steps, Elastics, Purses, Hose, Door Springs, Machine Banding, Sou’ Westers, M*ehine Fucking, Camp Blankets, Fsper lloldera, S ir l 1 P,e .f f ? ef V TfwlHnf Bags, fsthmns Bags, Bathing Meit, Doll»«-Heads, Dogs, Lions, Bad?le P*»«. ALr Ball*, Pool Balts, ladies*. Wash Gloves, LmJifts' Gam Shoe*. Oents'Gum Shoes, Legginss, *e. Every article sold at this establishment is warranted to possess all the charaeterlsues essential to water proofgoods, yii:—lnsolubility nnder any degree ol beat, flexibility in the severest cold, great durability, lisbtnm, perfect impervlomsaess,jm.t freedom from “° r ' {•* *V» « Goodyear Rubber Emporium, Nos 7 k 9 Wood street. J A H PHILLIPS PAIVTIHQ. HOUSE fc SIGN PAINTING and Glazing,prompt ly and neatly executed. N. B—We wish it disincily understood, that we etp do Painting and Glazing as cheap as any other painters in the city, and arc determined to do it. »P*B Jtll PHILLIPS ■pOUBSBLL’a EXTRACTS. SOAPS, Ac.—Jenny At Lind Extract; West End do; Jockey Club do; Spring Flowers do; Jenny Lind HalrGlvsa; Aromatic Vinegar; Amandine; Pouchln Soap, for whitening the skin; Alatood Shaving Cream: Rose do do; Am brosial do de; Honey Soap; Floating do; Amandine do; Haxel Nut OU oo; Rote do: Marshmallow doj Boquet do; Brown Windsor do; Bear's Grease: Ac. For gale, wholesale and retail, by R E SELLERS, . 87 Wood st. Inpirlerßeetsh ud IrtihWhliksy. 10 T W9COEONB Stewan’s celebraied Mali Whis- IV key, of very delicate flavor. 12 puncheons Mahan's Waterside, extra quality and high proofs under custom house look. Also, Brandies of different vintages and brands in half, quartet, and octaves. Imported and for sale by _ . ' - AH McCALLA, sep26:deodlOflp— AND DRV PAINT. of.llkuulA constant- Ijoa.fcttd of the best qoslity, alio.Varnishes, JAnaead OJs, Soiled Oils, Paint BrnihesTkaih Tools, Window Glass, various sizes, Ac. Sold wholesale and retail on accommodating tanas. N. B.—Ail persons pirehasing mixed or dry painu who wish to do their own painting, can receive the necessary tlreoUon* graus. J A II PHILLIPS 7 A 0 Wood st OIL GZ.OTHB, ON hand and rec*g fiom the Philliprville Factory, for Ike fhll trade:— 800 yds 3-4 Floor Oil Cloth; SOW) yds4-4 do; SCO yds 5 4 do. 600 yds M do; 1000 yds 0-4 do; «X 0 yds sheet ao, medium and heavy, from 4 to 0 yatda wide, ail of the newest style of patterns, and cui to any given sizt. 700 yards 44 FurnitursUll Cloths; 400 yds M do: 800 yds 4-4 do. lee dozen escorted sixes Table, Stand, and Bureau Covets, various patterns, and splendid flnish. lu» yds 44 Patent Carriage Oil Cloth; MO yds 8 4 do; SSO yds 4 4 do UNO yj» OU Cl«*Ui Ctath for Suits,assorted patters*; 810 vd* 44 Often Oil Cloth for Window Blinds, 3M> yards 84 do. 'Wimiowffihedes, a large assortment Just received of newest style* Merebants and others wiihlng to purchase, are in sited call and examine oar ai'ortmeotof good«, will bs sold at the lowest eastern pnees. ' JAB PHILLIPS 7A 0 Wood st _ QUNDRIkSk-u brl» Lent; O 18 bits Grease; 1 beg Beeswax; 7 bags Feathers, to arrive, for sa’e by ISAIAH DICKEY A CO « 6 133 Liberty it C, YEAGER, I.OS Market Street, inter Liberty,) turonns arts naxuis nr AMERICAN, ENGUHH.AND GERMAN FAJIOV OOODSi HOSIERY, RIBBONS, LACES, coujU, buttons, su£ PANDERS, Ac. Alto, -. Jlitln aid Panev Veattnn, B , BILK CRAY ATS, PONGEE, UANDA.NNA. and LINEN HDKFB, a general as •(iriment of FANS, and every variety of trimming*., IHugntinng A Packing BotAklubniVA FOn DEBT. IUIE well known Pork and Beef Slaughtering and rooking Concern, owned and formerly occupied oy ihe late Tame* p. dompbeU, i* for rent Tb* eetabbrhment is located in Chiilicothe, Ron county. the plat of ground dividing the Ohio Canal from the Selotn River, and has one thousand fsot of ground fronton each. The enclosure embraces ail ac-es of ground, eentalnisg large pens, large and commodious slaughtering, hanging, eatring, nockinr. smoking, and lard modeling hauses, brick house for «® e « *nd e*ery eonventence for handlinr TWELVE HUNDKED HOGS PER DAY. and rendering the ford from the same; ad there are a double floe steam boiler and engine lor $c aiding beg* and coitus lanl, and tvro tanks for readerfog ofial oy (team. There t* ai«o, on the premises, an lee House, lane enough to contain eight thousand bushels, “* « V V I S , *.° I wht£h ChiUlcothe is tbe chief p ,°' k “ d Boef Di.ltieu in the West, and hogs can always be bought there !^in,T B In I i ncf * '**“ ,l Cincinnati and meoy other pointa, and cooperage is abundant and ebeap. i \r e , ,e '* f° j} r ky*g® necessary, a* boats toar lie loaded *l the Pocking House,and the facilities lor 3,0 SSrIS*SS!IS Sr lu ?"™ «■ •■, or io OfthTi L . I *, Nfl »1« ■ f)», are at ail tea*on* Applications for renting may be made to ■ ALEX. R. McGUFREY, I Attonwy atLnw.CinciunaU: \ maiii, •Tlk . ... ISy* o * of “>• ExetlleatTeatf at . u soser lhl eßpenarOMiitie, .oM P n 1 . Tua lkMf » bnponed 7IZ. V. i m n tas&ttssjga p Proprietor!. R OPea aglaaiiaal and li’-nir. Boon orer Jn* Wii? , '®V l * Woflda l r Bopt next. WUItBOU «»». corner of Wood St!lP's- J’Tiuin.Low'iT, ItSZfiSXSi U *•*'“ - nVABIkiIU. MEDICAL. PHOOE.ASI ATIOOT. KNOW all men-Who are it e k and afflicted with dit e-aseeflhe bladder Stull tdaeyi.w.tb rheumatic pains u back or limbs,niff joints, old sores, running oleers, to, that they can be urea bv tskinr the Pe troleum! You may ulk abovrus be-.ig a nostrum at much as you please, but ibis does not make it to, for w« proclaim u» the face of an *oae»t community, that it baa virtue* whieh »re no, contained in any other remedy. The man who it racked with pain and suf fering from disetM. can for fifty cents, get reUeffrom any of the ills ennnmaraled above. Reader* it eosu very little to make*trial. Tbit Petreleara it no mix ture—no compond, put up for the purpose of imposing on tbe community; but n is a remedy elaborated by the matter band ofnature, and bubbles op from tbe Ixv son of our mother earth in its original parity, tnd nf fere to suffering humanity a ready remedy, a certsii. and care*. UhaSlrcd Piles alter other medicine* have fstleo to render ady relief! It bus cured Rheumatism of long Handing, add of the worst and most painful character. It ba* cured Cholera Mcrbas by one or two doses; tt has'cured old cases of Diarrhea, in wbicb every other remedy baa been of no avail. Asa local remedy In burst and aealdi. It it.boiler than anv medical com pound or ointment that we know of. It will cure chi! Main* or frosted feet, In a few application*;; undoubt ed testimony esn be furnished of the truth contained in. Ibt above statement by calling on Samuel M. Kiev Canal Basin, ?tb street: or either of the Agent*. Keyter db McDowell, eotner of Wood street and Virgin Alley: R.E. Seller*, 57 Wood street, D. A. El liot* D. M. Curry, Allegheny city, are the agent*. ■ Itpffl REA UTT—lilt universally conceded that beauty i* more common in ibis eonmry than laacyolher, while at tbe same time it Unam* 'Katin no other conn Lay Is It lout at to young an agi Now this i» true to a certajn extent, bat the loss 1* often canted by ne • glen. We tay to all, do not negleet your personal appearance, but read the following, and yea need noi luck good looks. These articlos are scientific pre parations, and have all attained a tilth popularity. Jtftra Hscil's -Kau Drnns pcVstctaAfi Nymph Soar, for removing taa,; sunburn, pimples, blotcbce. and other eruptions of thg «ktn; tbe mo*t perlecicoa tervater of beauty every, known. Purehtse nothing purporting to bo Nympb Soap, unless tt has iny name attached. JtiLgs llatjbl's Pe&sun oi Cblvksc Fowoitt.for iro- P*niflff to tbo moat bilious complexion * radiant whiteness. In nothing should a person be more care ful than the use of a powder for tbe skin, a* many of those sold are very injurious My Chuieio Powder is compounded in a scientific manner, and eeuiains no tarredient which can possibly inflict an injuty. J o *-** Hacxl’s Dihlatobt Powpas, for .removing superfluous hair. What i» mure uuiigbUy than hair apoa the face or arms of a Isdy. This article will remove it in a abort time, without the u*e of any sham uistrament JtrLU HatrzL*i VaoiratLZ Liqon) Hare Dn will insianmneoaaiy impart to red, white, or gray hair, a beautifully blaek, browa, or unborn color. It wilt color tbe fastr in a shorter time, and more effectually than any other Dye, being at the same tune indeluble. Jrtta n»c«L’* Suavuto Ciuu.-It is reslly a plea sure to shave with this cream. There is non* of the smarting sensation ataaliy experienced iu the u»c ol Soaps. Onthecomrarv.itleaves the skin sxooib and soft at an Infant’s, and not liable to become chapped. Jolt* Hanai’s Ro««Tooth Pasrr—Next to tbe hair, w* think tbe Teeth were intended at 'be greatest orna ment to the human face; bat when neglected, nothing i* »o dUfijninng, or to quickly teen. My Bote Tooth ratte wuiimpaiiio ihc teeth a pearly whitenest, at Us * * 4DB^u oe keeping the gums firm and healthy. Also on hand, a cumplete asiortment of French, onbfh, and Amerieun Ferfumery and Fancy unities. JULES HAUEB, Perlamer and Chemist, 120 Chestnut street, Phila. . rot sale wholtiaic and retail, by U. A. Folthestock « Co., and IL B. Seller*, Pittsburgh; tod John Sar gent, and J. Mitehell. Allegheny Ciiy, Pa. jyiT—Tp * n tsi cdutii Aim rkait*as?ir con or au. nnaasar auuxo raax aa a>mmn or rut blood oi habit orirtresmxji.vjfc serorala or King's Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cau oeoa« Eruptions, Pimples or Pustuieton the Faro, . Blotches, Bile*, Chronic torn Eye*, Ring Worn or Tetter, BcaM Uctd, Enlargementandratn of the Bone* end JoInU, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphiltlc Symplon*, Sciatica or Lumbago,—and disease* arising from an inindicious tue oi Mercury, Aci titre or Dropey, Expoiuto or Imprudence in Life; Also—Chrome Constitutional Disorders, Ac. Thu medicine has acquired a very extended and MlabUthcd reputation wherever it baa been uted, bated on it* owu merit*, which its superior efficacy has alone sustained. The unfortunate victim ofhcrcdnary:duea»e,whb swollen glands,contracted sinewi, and bone* half rarioa*, has been restored to keaJth and vigor. Tbe scrofulous paueiu, covered with aleer*, loathsome to himself aou hi* attendants baa beau made whole- Hundreds cLpsTsons, who «*d fftoaned hopek*t»!v for yenra under « mantcus and glandular disorder*, chrome rheumatism, and msny other complaint* «pnncln| from ■ dersngcmeui of the secretive organs ssdihc circulation, bsvc been raised a* il were trout the rack of di«e»*e, and now, with regenerated cnmuiiution, gladly testify to Us etceaev efibta inestimable iirrparjtioo. “TRUTH IStUKANGEU TiIAN FICTION.-* Toe attention of the redder}* called to the following nstonuking cure, effected by the use of Saudi* S*r*a partita. “Tbi* I* to certify that I have a colored woman win* has been afflicted for the last five years witti Sunluta, and all the remedies I used bad no etfret in arresting tbe progreu of the rowptaim; on the • nntrary, »L* conitamly grew worse; and after npending between ; 070 and Ail with pnysictans, besides using other popalsr reujedict without inccc'i.tiU the disease bad eaten away Hie cartilage nr btr nose, made iisep pearaoce ou various part* of her bady.anj had finally commenced it* ravage* iu the ruoi oi her month "In ibt* dreadful aitusuon, with tbe prospect 0 death staring her in the fare, i slated her case to Dr Diiosway, the agent far Sand*’ Sapuparilla tu New bern, N l’, by whom I was advised to u*e teat article and to my surprise and dial of my neigbbois, to whom her ease wu inown, alter using four and ■ ball but lies the was restored to perfect health, tn.l tiiui in th« pace of three weeks, and w*n a Me lotrork in two weeks from the time the commenced taking II "In witness of the truth of this statement. I have tercunui affixed my name,this tilth day ofKeptember. ts 47. JOSEPH McCUTTEH, J. P, “Mouth of Neuse Rivet, Craven co N O SORE THROAT' The following n an direct Itotnm letter received roin AJr». Bcven, wnohad been afflicted several reera nth Scrofelon* (Jleeri, Dy*j>ap*i«, ic , »nd Koai.tij to afloction of the tbroet and eli«*4i:— "UiUimjK.Va., Dcr. l& I?|J. u Mwpti. A* 0. A D. •wng your -Bampanila, toy «uirerlnn wore aimon (aai expression: my throat was compretaljr ulcerated, bad a dreadful ooagh, and (here were frequently weeks (needier that I could not speak ttoeo whts pen and besides, the iußammuion from my threat ex tended to inr head, so that my hearing was very much impaired. Alter taking the Sampanlia a short tone* my health wu improved, and my throat is now well; 1 am as free tom cough and tightness of the chest as ever I was, and can bear quite disiinctly. My throat has been well snoot tliee raonihs, the cure of which has been effected eatirely by the its of your Sarsa parilla. Your mend, LOUISA B. DF.VAN” The fallowing icvtimoaisl to the value of the Sarsa parilla, is iron) the Kcv Lather Wright. aged ?dyears Congregational Minister, residing at Wolorn. “Woiuxn, Mass., Marr.l, 30,1048. “Messrs. Sands: Gentlemen—From what I have ex perienced, and from the Infurtuaiwu I have recently received fiom a number of'ircnoiis of high respecta bility who have vied your Sarsaparilla, I have noi the least doubt bat t£at It is a most valuable medicine and that the numerous eeni£natei you have rcceivtd of itveffieney ars fnlly sustained by experience, and although iu rep-ustiou and utility are wry extensive, aud stand in no need of ray humble effort* to incrcast them, (want all who arc atflimed by diaeaso to be come acquainted wiUi the efficacy and power of yout valuable medicine. **l ud, gentlemen, gralafully and verr rviperiAill) »oor» LUTHEU WKlulllVs . Prepared nod told, wholesale and retail, by A. D, A D SAKDS, Druggists and Chemists, 100 Fullnn street corner of. William, New York. Bold also by Druir fisu generally thruuxbool the UnUad Binies and Can ado. Price 91 per bottle; six bottles for 93. Fur sale by L. WILCOX, Jr., B. A. FAIIN'ESTOCfc * CO., and EDWARD FENDERICII, Pmabargn. Al t'* h* l>» H AMITII, Itrlrfewau’ (nn9i- aneela** of disease. _ „ ... Itrilende or Ruprare.-Dr. Brown also tnvUaapa*, *oue ufflleied with Hernia Office rf Indian Affair*, Stpt 15,1550. | SRAI.HD PROPOSALS wiU be received at the office of the Cotumis.ioner of Indian Affaire, at Wash ington city, until ten o'clock on Sarurday, the »econd cay of November next, for famishing the foltowiog Indian goods, viz.: Class No. | —Rr-nnwa 2,100 pairs 3 point white Mackinac blankets, lo measure 60 by 72 inches, end weigh eight pounds. 1.900 pairs 2} point white Mackinac blankets, to me&sore 54 and 66 inches, and weigh six rounds -1,175 pair* 2 point white Mackinao blankets, to - measure 42 by 56 inches, sndwelgb five and a quarter pounds. 900 pairs 11 point while Mackinac blankets, to measnre 36 by 50 inches, and weigh lour and a quarter pound*. 900 pair* 1 point white Mackinac blanket*, to measure 32 by 46 inches, and. weigh three and a quarter pounds. - j 400 pair* 3 point scarlet. Mackinac blanket*, to measure CO by 72 inehea, and weigh eight poonda. 300 pairs 2} point scarlet Mackinac blankets, to measure 54 by 66 Inches, and weigh six pounds. 100 pairs 3} point green Mackiftac blanket*, to measure 66 by &4 Inches, and weigh ten pounds. 300 pair* 3 point green Mackinac blankets,, to measure 6o by 72 inches, and weigh eight pounds. 2./0 pairs 2i point greeu Uacklntc blankets, to measure 54 by 66 inches, and weigh six pound*. 100 pairs 31 point gentinelU blue Mackinac blan« kets, to measure 66 by 81 inches, and weigh ten pounds. 400 pairs J point gentinetls blue Mackinao blan kets, to measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh eight pounds. 300 pairs 2* point gentineila blue Mackinac btan- Weir, to measure £4 by 66 inches and weigh ] six pounds. . _ • 1 Class No 2 —Dst Goods. 1,005 yards scarlet abroad*. bOO do blue strands. 1,600 do fancy li»t cloth, blue. 760 do fancy Hat cloth, rcarlet. 350 do tsney list doth, green. 1,060 do gray list cloth, blue. 3000 dn saved list cloth, blue. I,SCO do saved list cloth, acarleU SCO do saved list dotb,greeu. 225 pounds wonted yarn, 3 fold.; 100 doz. cotton fisg handkerchief. 250 do cflttoQ Madras handkerchiefs. 175 do black ailk bandkerohiefy. 90 do S-4 cotton shawls. &0 do 64 cotton shawls. 65 do 4 4 cotton ahawis. 40 do 84 woolen shawls. 430 pound* linen thread. SO do sewing ailk. 700 pieces ribbon, assorted. 150 gross worsted gartering. 34 piece# eilkhandkerchiefs,btrknnd bandana Clots lio. 3. —Doitsmc Gross. 35,000 yards domestic calico 10.000 do Merimsc calico 3000 do bine drilling 8000 do Georgia stripes 4 000 do blue denlma 1,600 do cottonade 4,300 do bed ticking 1,000 do Kentucky jeans 500' do stUneUa 7,000 do plaid linrcy 7,000 do domcrtic shirting, bleached 15,000 do domestic shirting, onblcachod 15,000 do domestic sheeting, unbleached b.OOO do domestic checks, stripes ud plaids 400 dozen woolen socks 1,500 yards Hansels, assorted 1,600 danucl shirt* 700 calico ebim 550 pounds cotton thread 400 dozen sptx^cotton. CLui Ao. 4’—Ha&x>ws*s. 2.050 pound* brsrs kcules 270 dozen botcher knives • 28,000 gun Hintt 25 gross aquiw awl* 7,000 fitli hooka 25 dozen £*h line* . 25,000 needles’ 100 dozen comb*, 'aatorfad 10 do ■ scissors, assorted 10 gross gun worms 1,090 tin kettles 78 ccm« japanned kettles, 9 in a nest Cists No. 5.—A a aictn,Tua*L Ikflehuts. 230 drawing knives, 12 inches in length (1 in, 700 angers, in equal proportions of H, 1, |,dc . 150 pairs bamea 750 pairs trace chains 1 ,500 weeding hoe* 175 hand taw* *• ' . .40 cross cut saws, 7 feet in length ' 40 oroa* cut taws, 6 feet ih length 100 fatDd saw files 100 cross ent saw files 40 log chains, to weigh 25 pound* sach 6(K) Whittemore cards, No. 10 COO quarters socket chisels 9q planes, fore and jsck Class No. 6.— Axes. 73 toren axes, to weigh from 4| to 5} pounds b 3 do half axes, to weigh 3j pounds 41. do hatohets to weigh U pound* 25 broad axes Clm TVo. 7.—Nustbwkst Guns. COO ootih weai nans, two (birds of witch mast measure 36 Inches in length of barrel, and one third 42 inches tn length of barrel, to be delivered in New Yort or Philadelphia, as may he required. Sample* of all the above article* are dennviled in the tfli-eofthi Co aim umo tier of Indian AfTfr*; and it mar be proper to remark that thoieof hardware, a«- ncuttoral implement*, and norm we»t gua*, are en ntPlv new, and of better quality than the snide* littetotore turniabed under former contract* The proposals ajsy bo divided into advea parts vir.: * ■ > i*»t— Blankets, BJ—Dry Good*. 3d—Domestic guoJs 4th—Hardware. •"''b—Agricultural implement*. 6th—Alee. ■Jib—Northwest goes. The lowest competent responsible bidder wdJ re ceive the wbole or any part of the contract, sccordjiif; to the above scale, the Department reserving to itself the rtgbi ip determine whether the bidder is competent end responsible or dqi Ttu- whole amount in money to bo applied to the purchase of goods wMl* about WO.Ottt, bat the De partment reserves the tight to iucrea>e nr diminish : be quantity of any of the articles nomad, oy substitute i others in hen thereof, or to require, at similar pncee, ' Such goods as msy be warned for presents or other j purposes, m the administration ofthe afTsira of the De- I partmeni. Goods of American manufacture, all other I equal, will be tnafenad all tfr-i ! samples or blankets and clotbsaro of foreign menu faetare, it will he decenary, when a domestic article ‘Y b,d fior. that a sample of it should accompany the bid, to enable the Department to decide whether itiiof equal quality with the camples to be exhibited. The party proposing to supply the articlea will make an invoice 01 all the items embraced In the at«ve list, and anx the prices, in dollars and cents, at which he or they wi'l furnish them under eachclasssepgiately,de liverable in New v ork, (i-r if the contractor ptefea it about one>half of the quantity may be detiveredui St. Loat<, Mo., free of expose to on or before the lMb_dny.ofilay-nexi, assuming the quantity ol each article as specified fit this advertisement, and txtcnd'ng the emt "'’iking an »» — ... exiend-n* the cost, matin* an ajjrerate ol the whole inToice conMituun* the bid. The goods wiil be m«peo ted is New York (andin Si Lome, if-any-pshioinir them tboalil be delivered there) by an axent of the United Statu, who will be appointed by the Depart’ aeni for the pnrpoie; and to srcsrtsln the doafanaitr of the article* pgrehtred withihe samples Exhibited, when the contain shall be made, and with xbe tans.* °j l “ c eomraet itself, which shall contain a olause that if the aHictaa are cot larnlshed within the time pro scribed, or if ihey are of insnGirient quality in the upmion of the agent aforesaid. and if withirf five days after notice of inch inruficimey the partyl iball not uimtb other* in Uen thereof of ths required quality, ute United Stale* shall be nnihorurd_li>_pn rebate them of .otticrK and-to-eharge suy increase of puce they may !>e eoippe'led to pay therefor to the ODotrscior, who the ssid difference to the United Stales. Bonds will be required tn the amount os the bids, with two Rood sureties, the sufficiency of whom to be 'embed by a United States Judge o* «••• - * Stale* Jsiifre or ttitiriet j&uomey, irfoimuice of the eomrajji*. Pay* certified (if t f'lr die foithu ueni, will be iqade after thecontraclit completed tad Oie delivery of the good* u aforesaid to u teenier the Dsptnmeot, open a duplicate invoice eejl fled by him | CommooictUoai to be marked ‘‘Propoull* for In dian Rood*.” 1 ‘ ’ ‘ •Swine ' The bids will be »al-miued with the fallowing head ing, and none will be received that in net mtde in the tot-m and terms here prescribed: “t (or we| propose to furbish fi r the service of the Indian Department the: following goods, el me prices -aihxed to them re«peetively, viz: .. (Here lnseit the list of goods) Deliverable in tbe city of Near York (or t}l Loaii) on or beiore tin day of next; nod to otse of the aa r-eptance of his proposals, the qtuniUy being prtierib* cj by tbe Department, 1 (nr we) wiU.exocufe. a con. met aecofdtng to this agreement. and givosaxlsfac torv security to the Department within, ten days alter, the reception of this bid; and in care of failure to 1 enter imosuchconuract, and giro sn£h security. 1 (or : we) will pay it the United Slates the difference b«--: tween the suras-bidden by me, (or as,) and theism wbieh the United Slates say be obtiged topay Cor same atilcies'' Faeh and every bid must alio be accompanied with a guaranty in the following form, to bo signed by one ur sore responsible persons, whosa-caffieiehoy must: bo ceitiGed by some one who Is known to the Depart* tnenl, either personally or by bis eflleial position. «.'• ‘i (or wei hereby guaranty that , tic abdve* bidder, will comply with the terms, of the atiTertise*' ment for *proi orals for-lndian goodl/dated [ Sente Of- 11 bef S 3. IWQ. if tbe contract should be awarded la hint,; and enter into bond tor the exeotfUon of (he tune witiun ihe time prescribed.* | _ 1 iltij. • The emmets of Conner yews era otto Cor the ut> speetiou of bidder*. { ■ep3o i - Comaluieaei.gfilndii 1 ; CO-PAHT»EnimiP. i I HAVE, Una day, a»aoMii*i) wuij me |lr. 1/H. Clouse, in ihe Wholesale Oiteery.-and produce' Uatincai} ihcityle of the fitm will bi'A'.CilbeTiMA *ciobm. iij3j\ a «uLßEiyrspN ;* *.mmwß| ('liiH. ftorsif. •• . «. OULBICIUrSOV * OCOUfIC, 117HOLEaM,E GRuCKfctTabd Cowntiion We* *V chants,Dealer* in'-Producer-end- Pittsburgh Matia/icitfrcd aiticks, IW Liberty st, Piß»b*r*h, Pa. • i>3' ; ;;• , [ litis r«»tiy »!•«. j . pni-jin supply of the Ftoland Mill* extrh Family A Floor, a rerf choice article,i_U_»t rac’d for sale by *r * .* * a culdbrtson a grouse a MgU JM liberty n . VOL. XVIII. NO. 66. MISCELLANEOUS. fITTSBOBCa Glim WOBSS. A. & 0. H. CHAMBERS CUIKUII, 4BCTW & COO * \Voald mpeeVUlr Inform ibc cunomen of the Itu finn, •> «Uo the pubtic «nemir • th« »h#sr!Si conuiue the aieonfactore of” T • “** wUI WINDnWOLASS, VIALS, BOTTLES** In ftU itieirverieUe*, « u»e uid Stand, BTo 13 Wo»d between Fir«t at Wvt-rr jyfe7:d3re : ■? imPOftTASY TO Tirß AP PUCTKID, Dr. Boss’s Celebrated Bemedits. DR. JACOB a ROSE, Uic Ji.EE.TrK-r ,::1 » o [ c Dro _ imeloc of litese moot fopoltt niif bcoeficlol stcaictnct, ut tin the in.oomr of .b. “lrtiSrf loiuumeot for foSofintllio I.uu g ,, lo MfccEli'irVt£2 of chronic dittoou:*, ... . .i/deV. ol Urn fhjmclcn, DMtoC; Phjiic. ond I, « g „d,a£ „nb» Uiurctiity of PcnnijlvtuUa, and for ihulr Icata aincj bai been enrayrd in the micturition ofdiacaio and the applic*ticn*>rremedies thereto. ’* oa TJroufh the uso ofhis inflating tube, in connection wufc hia Prnphyldojic Sjirep and other of bis remedied" ho has gained‘an.anpar*le,led eminenco ineurior tho»e dreadful and fatal maladies, TubereularCcn. sumption,’Cancers. Scnnula. Rheuwaiiam, Asthma Few and Ague, Fever* of all kipils, Chronic Ery aipelaa, and alNthooe obstinate diseases peculiar to female*. Indeed every form of disease vanishes under the use of hi* remedies, to which humanity u heir— not by Use ate of one compound only, tor that i* in compatible wi fc. Physiological haw, but by tha use of his to and prescilbed for each peculiar lorn ofdDcase. Dr. Rose’s Tonic Atlciative Pills, when used ara invariably acknowledged to be superior to all other, ai a purgative or liver pill, inasmuch a* they leave »«e fr*m ecstivenesa; •• also hit Golden Pills is admitted by the faculty u> possess peculiar properties adapted to female dueases, bet being sans tied lh»( a bare trial is suSe ent tocstablish what has been said In the minds of the most skeptical. The atflicted are.lnvited to call upon the agenuaad procuro (gratis) ono of the Doctor 1 * pamphlets, giving a detailed accounusfeach remedy and it* application. Eor sale by the fhllowmg agent*, as well a* by most druggists ihroaghout-lhe country. J Scbncamoker A Co,« Wood street, Pittsburgh; J M Townsend, druggist, 45 Market st, do; Lee A. tfecahao, ; . do neariheP.O.A(Jcghenycttr, Jo* Barkley, Darlington, Beaver co , Pa Jno Elliott, F-nnon Valley, do do: -»* T Adams, BesvflK ; do do: auglfrdly prime Green Rio Coflcal — 150 package* assorted Teas, 73 tigs asiurted Tobacco; 10 bags Pepper 5 bag* Alipiee; j-Snnatu Cinnamon; M«.bxe No 1 Chocolate; ■i cates Liquorice Ball; • 10 Ufraes fresh pnmo BtV: ; 4 casks tsst Rudder; 6 barrels AJum; si* barrels'lanners’ Ctrl; Sti dozen patent Buckeu:* corn Brooms. Wholes While Pipes -3u hhds prime N OVusat, S'brlst MoUsaui l4Ks,br>« Urge Wo 3 Mack^tf; U) lirls large No s j 0; i• - do Not jo 50 brls N C Tar; ■AHiHs Piicb; 5d fcrls No a Roan, COCOibe aborted Yarns; , No 1 Bailing; 100;kegs prime Whim Lcvj SOU kegs assorted Nails; Also, a full assortment of Pititburgh manufactured ameles, lor sale by ; JOHN WjCFt *CO ,e P*»SCd Liberty it SL'UAJI *AIULA,npfcS-MiWMi« N O OSH -2W tills N Q Mois.vvsi; 100 byi whlu; HnmJ Sar»n ? 30fcrIiSni&n‘i.cruili'3i Lovering'* pn'vM; 25 brls BtpjuU J O . Jo bx« Lowering'* Leaf; x . 30 brl« Qt Louis Co In ••ora tntt for tila by. _*sei! . MILLER A llli'kßTMM O UH Duifc;i-jMy bx s O lU;!ug genuine Paiiah Maccaront: '■Ph&Xt do Jo Vermicelli least NuuneMi, No I ti-bll* Clove*; ui.v. n,i- . and M*iwHlai UUve uh m *tore »tidjut-air l.y Upu . •/ MILLER A ltJrKF; ( ‘*<*\ aicw BOOKS t NUw OOOkSI AT H QLMEJi' LITERARY DEPOT, Thud aueii t j, e Post OJice HI3TORY oC-peitieSima, Nr, 6. By Thackeray, kntefceibocior for fcooicmber nwjt aWerehantr*. Mngixtne for September. Om Blor^ VICW * i,r ? e P leblbcr » ui engraving ol Boston ShaktpeanJj No £l. Living No m Whiff PoMrtii Callery, commaing &n? two emrav •ng* ofdi»ungai»hea:Whig*. 87 * North U iiiju Kuri’sw for Aorait pemocratic Bo«enr for September. frxiecuc Review of Foreign Literature for ftcpicin- y vepta kta'HH 1 * ~ ILffUBPHY 4 bUECHFIELH inform iheir cn.tom , * en “? u y «hamn eonseqnence ». btl £* “Sated la enlarging and in,pro*. I 0 ?*, 1 ? o l, ‘ a,ore o Moort>^tbes ‘. t ‘ ,v ® ren >ovea iheir goads , to the SicoriD Srpatof the bni'dlng they occupy Tonal iheiinptoveiaent* finished; where they will be nspM «o see iheir csslometa as seual, sad for ilie Kp/uus, wUi try and rrnnmetaw ' taeu by idling (Lein Cheap iioodi. lD*Anrance frantPoimh »ireri, 6«vtM Wamnuo Rate /Wines und drsnai**, SUITABLE for Medicinal l*nrpi»- tft , alr.dyi un hand end fur idle ly the b« tt!e. quvn, or rsllon at ... Morris 4 HAWORTn-a - »*P S - _.ra A. Wine Soro. Owr Uo ?; a “£ Wofllaa Goods NE case Hide* fJfoia aisawjjK 1 cave Yc'lr.w Flannels; 2 cues Rad . .■: do; 1 case Ret} iwrilod Piaanelj; tfcaien White do do; 3 rates Uarred dm a caw Plain and Fancy Cessimera; 1 ease SaUftett;! 3 caaoa Clan A)pin«; 1 ease Jeans; l 3 eases Blue Black Blanket Coating: 3 cates Cray Blankets; •J case* lirab Blankets; 1 cascj Bine .'. do; * raie* WJiitc Bed Blankets; SO pairs Steam Uoat Blankets Received on cotuigmaem, and tor sale at it an n i se . ~ epw _ i »3SLiberty street. DOAP—Low’s h‘gbjy pwfumed Brown’WinJeof?" _ l *. o ' ‘fo Honey Soap; Cinnamon Bur Soap; Philadelphia Variegated Soap; Pauhurgn Jo ,t n . t-atulr txiup; 01,,8 Soa ßfo' sale wbo>e.»le and retail by -•• e PL*_ WMJL MrCLI'R« A CO R_ i»*w Marie.' Et.Fa\ KP ih:» day trorc. Uip e»M— L* Serenade—Schrui'cn - Serenade Arttis*ed *1 Duett JeanCvlte and Jeannot— For Uutur \oice 0/by gone ; *ln>r.-F«-»st.*r Away down in Cairo— poster. Be \\ auhful and Beware—<;| o ver Beeide* many oifcsr popaUr Scot* and Piece* ' i'i. ' H KEEPER, tc P* 3 s-gn Of the Golden Harr,. Third »t &ALTPETRE—IU big* crdae, umrriVe, for sab by kJ „._ | ISAIaH DICKEY * CO ' (Water » Frrvn. .i* T?ZnTCN° GmmUm DROWN Windsor Soapifßenzain, Honey, VjnucaUij OnCTt*!. rtta,i*d oilw Oil ««{.* Ptichued ftem Uie importer, and for'talc by E>EtLERS,«7 Wood »t_ T AGUAYRA COPFEE-IO biLga'taMrfor - for* saJo (*ei>til : WM A VaCLIHJG fc CO |36bTOiy ; CßAr£E6s'-3jW(.muert:r4il,e'r.r~ *■* • • l • 2iul* Bran do ■ - i VVM A MeCLUKG A CO | llCAjiy-rliWjW.O fteiiulnoVrlncipe.—Crn:Ti Soa*. .v j . » ¥O,OOO Havana!—HcrcannU • 40.000 '• d«i iKepalisa, V6H9QB breads 40,00') fiiuU'joiiJ’*iijiße; WO.OPO I’ BIT Spanish, In itoie sad /or tale by ~MpU :_jj MILLER it fiJCKFTSON T EATIIEB JL/ tep9 l—3fi#aides N VI rote Leather, tor «alo by ~~ -. . Jfc B FLOYD TOBACCO— 100. bo*es Mknauelured- Tobicco, of A Ratlo»nn , i a . ami other /avoriu tirindt. Foe »al&’by jwpO] ffcß FLll'/D /"IHKESK—SHOO I&j V? RClieswio-ttot&fiii Ki~~ JAR FLOYD M»!!«»ortprlori'ami lj Flour X* loobiLs’i»jj»«faat‘f*Biiiy',yion>, ja*i rec'J tut ule by i . A'CULi&ftTSOtf'SXLOI’SK >ep» i . lltfl^hcnyrt- Kuulhi— hr i Kpfl. a.CLOUSK |~| jjSt’il’Ati 3ft y«rd». ft ri-rv fina CL*rUcl*i»i«le th*l.pan>Die,ror wie bf"' I»epJO : J fc-if PHILLIPS BACON lor sale t.y •ppU • • ■ B» W:HkEBai:oH 19bopt o Bb£W rec’d far »«Se l»y Olwpio 8 4.WHARDAOGH ! JR—Aumu •apeiiae.t/c’a by -plO . ■ • a & W.JIaBOaL'GH I.’HhSU A'J^3-X3Ob(cfc C *tvYocns Hyir'o, ■ • : . - 7 «* i*do [_ GBnpowacr, - Ttt. : doi Imperial;; ■. • • lweadtiy tt* -dor Per Ute« arrival* w.NtwYOrfc,c©reptii|o* rarlou* qu*Uue«,&ry*l« by ;■; - WMTDaCaLKY tCO *cp!3. ’ •; ; . la »• ai.Wood *1 EWli— id ice CatvUsa toe *af& by icpl > . Xtfj-Jt &CAIEY ACO pLAqiTti A— iWbfrJiiAVngSoSlKkiin Peach’* c , I ra do - Osioiut. fieb■ ««p»a y- wmduqaleyaco tlHwvAl OWt!: K—-7S bxVptinifr tettHT'fbr t*le br / tcpia- » ga.WHAttBAUUII l>h»BM,-fOf'n]Cbr u.wo id*, on: of mo* B;>WHARBAUHH : lUnwiMt r-J -»cetredand {or *iio by . k p&w harbauqh GODAASiI-iarttJMia iioro mi intnieliy Q w» : ba^tharualoh VTpVLD »lor« foTiafo by ■■ "*S dc W BARBA UfiH .AMflNDOvv IjilASß—ibObx# fci»'a ( l or4cLo by fV '..-wp»3 - -i V -816 W UAROAL’GH btlt cun ftoor for’s*leb» r j#epW \ :. ' JkWHABPAUUH C' UGA,Rim«),aw otrtnmoufnTiore, ind /or saUTEr <* V: :y B t wTIAHBAUGU £ thiekcette*, £r«>mir32:rfrU«h thlcfc' /The mt»»a yrepatf* ikil-.'iCOiletrcM Fahrenheit willßomEtci U 'nuperiPr t© errcjy thing el*e, u co raiHttoeeßU bo teacii elasticity which «undf so high • dO(r««-'of hfflt ud oiay be u