XiIST OF LCTTEBSI REMAINING in the Piiutmib PoetOSes, from the lei of Uet. w the Iftth cf Oct., isso. parsons coiling foi them willpleose say they ate odvertieed. bwltn' Lin. A' Adonu'EamaF Anderson Mirths Atkir.ion Mary A Ana*'Ana C Anderson Lydia PAuicm" Grace Alien Maria Arthurs Aana Mr Ashhy EH a Bailey Penh J Beebe RhodaM Bio»n Elizth Badger Alary Ar.cßenn.tt *anb Urowu .Mrs Mery Barr Mary Bell Mgt Brown Mary B Barker Deborah Re'.l Klira J Boiler Emeline Barkef Alisa M Bell Prianrv Boiler Cornelia Barry Bleu Bolioo Altiilda txrler Mery Ann Balden nancy Dranrtrip Mn 1* Buchan Ret* o Beastoq Lydia Brinhy Mary J Barley Manila Betty Mr* Mary Drown Mary A C Burke Mr* 11 L Beatty Matilda C Caldwell FJira J County Mary A Criswell A ll Cold will Mn (beioens Hannah Crelybion Nancy Campion EUen J Coackson Sarah Crowell Somam’o Canon Peggy Ceville Nanay Calp Mitt Caro then Barab Crawford Pant ACnmming* Mary Cosh Angelina V Cnwtotd Cher*te Colmer Mgt Coy Mn Ann ChambenMts AECribbt Serah Davis Looita Delany Anr.o - Dougherty Graee DBon Tabitba C tliimand N idow Doian ftlanka I. Deneib Sarah Donaldson Cbar'eDoody Mary * Dwight Mrs B Dogu Bridget Edgar Maria 0 EganJtmo Ewing Mary A Early Rote Ann English Mr* MaiyKv&ui Elenor D Egon Wincey En»c;l Matildn Evans Elizth Aim FiniginMtry FiiznumoniEsi’CFrecse Emelina Ftaher So»enl« Fleminc Harnett Frtcae Mary Fitzpatrick Bulgt Foi»e Hanitu Frtytcl Mra C Fiuiomoat Uii .FrompWn Amtn'a G Geboo Nancy GalaeaMary Goodn-mLaunC GaUater Ceema G ld-rateeve Sa- Green Mn rah L Gracy Margaret ,H Hold Mri . liealy Min* Mzrytlolcorab Phebe C Hall Phebe R He.-.demn Eji.* u.Hope Ettpbmia Hare Un Nancynenry Margaret Hashes Miss Jo- Harriaon Bits H«' ry Mary M haaita Frances fferron MUsMcryHamptircvs FnC Harelip Rebecca HII Mis»K*te Haaicr Msre’i Has*U Margot C Hill Mrs Caa’ne Hays Mn Ann E Hill Eliza Ar.n I Irving Airs Irvin Louisa Ann J James Mary JonctEiiztH Jinet Sarah John Jamb Jana Jones Elizabeth Johnston Mrs Wo K Koineßoio Kennedy Loni«a Kerr Roiy Keller Mary AniTKernoy Msts KateKmg Harriett Kellv Alary A Kearney Honors Kirkinml Mary J LeettfaryW Luzinger Calh : aaLoigate Mary Laondei E’ai'Ut Lavs ran casben MacheralSarth Matlock Sanh Mortised Mn C M oho&ey Sarah DMortin Mn Jot Moiion Sarah A M alo&ey Mary Martin Mn A* n Morris Mary A Monition Urit'get Meharf-Sarahri MurphyProncesA Marsh Nargreila MUUpn Cath'e ' Muliea Ann C Mart Florence Milicn&crgeiMiJsMcstct* Mrs AX A Manhens Jane M M Myen Kate Mason HarrUon Miller Mrs E A Monelly Mary Mis McCagosHebecaMeGranthanElii'McPurler Bridget MeCtgoo Eiiza J McGinnis CatUe MeNealia Nancy McColgin AnnaUAleKen* a Mn B‘ McMillenMnSa* McSpaddan AlirgMcLeteMnHaehl ronDT McLean Bella McNtly Mary Newcomb F C O Gwen Sidney Parsons Mary Patton Maty Pomeroy Mary A Pool Mary Peanon Miranda Porter Mrs Mary Pantry Uargt Petty Alice ft BeaHlaoEM BUb Sarah Ann Rockefellow E Reed Mant A Rtdgely Ellen Rodgers Theresa Bhensy Mary Robinson Mary AHotts Amanda Roynfllds Jobs A Robmooa Mary J Roup Elizabeth 8 Sawyer Bln Shields Rosanna Sieenrod Elizth Scott Nancy Sh-ibert HrnriattaSteer* Nancy Beetanh Ralhol Simp«on Sarah Strain Mn Bdhert Caroline Smith M*rct Strange ReVa H 'SbatnanSatah Snowden Joliet. SwaoJans BhawMiryjL Snyder Caths SutherisniMortha Shaw Hannah J Spargo Mary T *t.e wort Elia BhawSaith Sprstt Susan stevensaa .urs T Talbott DnisiUa EThorn M&ry F Tarbet Dabort Thompson Mary JTaosmaa Chorl’teTaeker Franc a E V Vame Elizth B Varner Mn N M Varner Roxy-A VV Ward Hannah Wcnaaore E V Wilson Mis H Ward Susan M Woessel Ca h'o Williams Ad'c K Worden Groce Wbi-r. Eiizih Wood Mn David West Sarah Wilson Lydia Wynne Ellen IT Yoang Lacy Ann o«aUcn«B’i Uiti Adams Chute* Alexander Wm H Arthur Emannel AdaniJoba Alexntdfr Wm Araitnmj Etl Adams Robt Ayers ThoiAl Adam* Rom P Alderton Geo Ay ret 8 B AltmsaJtmesDAJwsrd Fat er AyersLsTiS A&eltrangerF Amos Aqallla Attick Wm Allen Lewis Anderson Jbi J Atkinson Alexr AUenßavid Andersen Jfchn AienOtrrei All hi Joseph Annan John C A«htonOwen Alllt W.a Applegate Jai P AttiktnaWaihuif Ankara Addison ton B , Baker Isaac BilUngi Warren Brewn-r Kieh’d Baku Aloaxn Blariet John B BredlnJohn Baker Tbos BippesJohaG Bradford, Stevens Bailer Bolt Biles K J „ Go , Bails David Bleh Wm Breut llornwiad Badde* AC3 Hanes Sami M BrewnrrJohn BtrenaThos Black ©arid P UmJsnew Sari Barr Geo Black John U*aid Robt _ Baskin Wm Black pM*r HrsetCa-pw Bateman CL RoydCaptJF Br T atv John Barr BF Boyd Joha C Hiooa* John w Barm:JohnJ- Bol.ie U-pjh HaianchJoutß Barn John P Boles* Colton Baflutgion l C Baoidffe f Boyle Bernard Hnrke Luke Baxter Wmhl 80-dcr Mum Bat or J Barker Geo W BondWssMngtonCatns Joseph Barry Paulck Bowen John Borns Darnel Bell Jotepn Borden Francis Barer Andrew BerneuMonFeeloßot Michael Bures Edward Berlin Jease BondbrightWo Bu>m NtchoUoa BcbemWm Beers Jackson. Further John C Beel Robert Boeder Huulo TBurk Michael Boanett John F Hoyle Jams Burk Join Beckwith Jacob Botes VO Barcstde James O Calhoun Thoa Cleveland Wo Corwin n W Cahill Riehd Clancy MisM Cottitj Jas OahlU Dennis Clerk Aev Mr Coward Matthew Caroibers J N auk F C CoieJa* Carroll Chst Claaey Deal coulter Or Cartwright Elijah Clendetming Tho*fv»x Jno OolseyJas Clelsnd Jas Coyle Jas Cameron Alex Coekaine VineefltCrawford Jta Carroll Mlchl Collins Tboa Crawford Wm Career Jno Collins David Creeps Moses Canon Wm C Cowan Wm c ree Ja» W CerigreJno Cooper TJ Croc-Henry Carson Jaa Conner Jno Croon cept N OeaeiooSaml CondlanJno CrombleHanaO Castooraa Jno Cooke Isaac N Connors Jno Career Jno Cook* Jno ConnlnghamTeFi Cannon Arsm*f Cenlan Patk Cmtis Pstk Cares bell Jno 8 Conway Wm C«U« Mr Ckeas W P Connelly. Peter Cain Wm OblmtockCha Connelly MV/ CathbartaonSim'i Charlton W H Conner Dennis Cnlrers Geo D Dxrlsea Basil DilwonhS Doana'ly Thoa Bavltt Jaa W Bill Mstihew Boaaf hy Jno Bair jas Billon Jeremiah Dcoaer Jas Durr Jas K D>ttarnan Wen Donells Jno Demon Basil DobbsLreJsel Pinnell Lems Dst E W Dorse? 8W C Downoy Dawson Dales Jaa B Doras Wm DrrdenJeoC Da Ms Silas Boylo Jaa fi“? b ??]L Flt 9 Baris'l'm W Doyle Jno W Body Deans Baris JB Doyle Stephen Dubois Jo* D isayia D Bottfhetty Law Diraekworth Afd - Darla Jas Bontberty Geo DursenMiehl Dean Jno Dottsberty Chss Darning Jst Deahl Simon Pongherty Jotia* Darker Chat FT Devins Jno Downing Geo Dsnhca Ja» W DscniJasL Downer Jas W DrerFmanusl Dcalx Peter Dorep Jno Bonn Thos Sithson Jno E EJjuJno EjMemuiA»nm Ecterd Jno Eesry rfaiht Elliott Roll EceUaJu Km* Albert KraneJoa Eaton Jno Frsktno Thos Leans Joo i Early The* EUio.iLoct F Faatkasr F Finley Jno Fjian Patk PaUrtWm Finley Wm gjnnJno FeildoJno F.ffe J«s „ gu«Geo Felrer Jno Flanigan FC FteidaJao Flanigan Danl Fox, Rieba - Flttpatrlek OweoFlennnx Jas Ford Midi I FuherCantkladyFlemiw Roht Ford Jno I TtuimmoasEdwdrUnn Coht Frew Jas I Flian Law \ G Galaatjas- Glbwn Adams GrtnerTboi i tiaiianttns Abra&Gilrey Farrel Grojan Johe 1 Galwar Ssal Cinder H GroguThoa Gallagher Patk Cleon Jno Graham Lafayette Gardner TLbt Ora) son Jno Graham Peter GusEdwd Green SPey Or ah am Capt Jas GareyCß GrastßK OrabamOnifton H GayoorJohn Grant Broek Gray John GlbsoaJas GreenheldGtoM Gray Jas Gibson Jno GrmDaTid GrayWmil j. Grim Hanry hi j|I all B F Bayoen Baal L lllKhnta Thos n{ait Jest ah H ailen Jno Hiurutt Brysn iiialiAtoa* JiaiehEbeoeser IloganJchaSC Mail Job* W liaugbaa Jaa, Heg«& Martin Hall Wffl lladen Wm ; Hogan MT Haloran Thos Hays John > Ho>ierJas HUses Riehd Ijays Hemes Dr. Haddle Wm HealdOsoS llcHihaaJoo Hagan Bicld Healy Jus Hbllthapfth Joo 3 MiUlran Pal* Heir MO Horner Wm HerM John W Holltn Henrr HcpkinaAdamß . SggiSual Hemlnwar M IlckinagnlU SSaßiebd Heneirry Mlchl Howart Mlchl uSeaaCantJsb Hendenon Andw llouo Rev J hSSgS HrringtonFP HopkTSilhos Heron John Haylimd Thos !&L£sjes»b Hear* R W H t P kine Jk. Co SSriTnoJ llemott Jas , lur^JasL iiVbtt Hetlibef , nmo*JiTHn<hes Exra Ifenrv’ Wm -J Hambbreys RaU 0 HII *P IIBKMnOT Alex HlSS.,’*.® H?ck°”oka l l , |“s t «rt«si‘N Bssnis- HaydanThos liege 1^ liwinJoja jSSTw* “ A jS35|Ku ssaia sskss. S iaektes Wb C Joia W«B . J® ha JtßiaeaXUTld Joyce Pa* Joae»w Uft—Roset _ XUaMlhttJr toBWo. Si' s !!'™ I ,* Kiln 1«« " KtlUt J»co»- '■ glff.""' Knf« Mlcur- Ktnnrty sun! S gin* «”'* , UhTkT Kennedy Thot JtayOW iMfi nut- Kelly J KlntHP' 1 Ualmi i Kelly Tim *“W ft 01 *? InalM KeUyOemiel BrtAle* Corsgar* Paik Kelly MlcH Baiters Francis He ansi Mi*bl Kerr Wm C Koonlx Oapt W J Keeney John Kerr Joel KohsneDanl Belief Wm Lsmaxvne Mr Lewis B M Leekerd Ju Lar*tn Atrsm Leonard Jos Ltnch Martin I.aifcinE<Jwd LitileGen UnchEijah Laohan Notlay Uule Ja« Lynn Geo Lane Sami R LilUe Jno Lsets B F Lapp* Gro M Liosey Chaa Lyons Nathl Lesenck Dav>d LonsrgauJno Lyons Jerry Leslie Alien P Loneigao Jas LytloJ Uptensell Jno A l.org Alex Laker B H Ledlec A Lyons Long Tbos Lynch GeoT Leiper Edwd Malits Wm Mstthews Wm MoslesJas Madden Rmwell MostenCornelias Monon Ju Aiseklra Arundel Marks Oorydea Miherel GeoW Mthoney Jut Mellon Jas MorrUon Peier M a lien J H Meenan Bernd Mo,riien J Mans&eld David Merchant GW Moore Zebedeo Malone Jas Melaney David T Moore Jno II Mallory Brrj R Mercer Wm jr Moore Wm MackieWmW MUls Jas Mnlltn Path Martin Jno Mile* 9 9 Molry Jno or Ptk Msm .H J MlnahsnDanl MnnkhtrlehWm Martin Br«Jy Miller Philip Mullia Andy Martin Jas Miller Jno Muir W MsninMr Mooney Wm MylerJ Marshall Mr Morgan Wm W Mulligan Jas Manhstl Sami A Moffit H C MusturJas May Lilian Moffit Rohl MendenJas May 1111 AC Fuxuoffit Jno Murphy Jos Mitchett Chan Mow Nelson Moriy Jeo K Matterton R G MoncyGrant Murry Jas Mats Jos F MonfhanChas Murry That MarplesJgi MouerDtnl Me Mcßride TUos H MoCullen PatnckMeKclvy John McAlister Jsiei McDermott J*» BMeKenns Wm MeUlain John McDermott RodyMcKee David Mcßrat'ney John MeDonajdMaWmMcLaugb inllnry McCarthy John McFaden H ACo.Mebatijhlia Frv • McCarty Henry MsFenan James McLean John McCarty Patrick MflntywLeoaardMcLalnJas McCdf'tock DrJß.'ncltwain Daniel MeMillin Wm McCabe Owen MeGevran John MeNeal Ho»h McCarty Jemis McHreaau*h an MePha-J Wm MeP‘ura John Tho* MeMoaanuno Jas AlcCiosker J»s Mcliraw Alex’r MeSwisgin Michl NecSte WJr MeHogb Michael McMomy Patk McCcok Edward McGuire John MeFany Ephraim McCoy Chas McGowan John MeShane Jas McCoiUster ACo McKown John McVteksr John • SlcConrellWL McKeivy P McVayJebn McConnell Wm McKay John Meßobem James McCraij it JamesMcKeevcr Robt McWilliams J H Neer George H Nicholson GeoricNoble Herman D Needles Fdwd MNoms Thomas Nutt David C Newetl Jchn C Noble Wm Norris Solomon Nelson Aietr Noraan'Pcrry Nicholson Riohd Neil Copt Wm S Norton A C LorC OTWenßemn Over Henry OllphanJames W O’Ronrke C.virst CPCotmell Kich’d O'DonnellChrisi’r O’NelU lame* D O’Conner M Oxley Georte Owens Owen Orr Robert p’Connor Wm Orr Sampson Ovly C F O’Donnell Dial Parkin John PatktrD Powers Henrr H Parrtsb Robi A Pearson Robt T Porxel Fredk Pailiy John Pearson Geo II Post Wm ACo ptuan J R Pease E H Fo*i Adam Pecans Soml Pough Mr. Paunn Philip Pealcs EU Putnam Pall John Pence David PiirrianceSH Patterson R-bt Peiett Alfred Pries Wm Pattenon Jas W Phillips Jss ProciorMS PmueisoaDickionPierco Geo Praetor Wm G Fa terson Robt HPlatii Wm rnrcil Laurence Parker Jno J Phillips Jacob Pries Wo W Pilson Wm Luther Hanna Quest Joseph Qulfg Edwd nea Robt Richards Jno Rogers Sami A Rafferty Barnd Rots Tho* Rogers Sami i Rankin Wm Hohland John Robison Jas Rea Dr John RnsswellWm Robison J E Konkin Wm Roney Patk Robuon Joseph Randolph Jas L Roney John RoberuoaßcvAQ Rentoui W S Rook Alex Rapp Jacob Rees Philip Rod ff Charles J KyanJnoAEdwd Reed Wm Russell John RnraellJus Reed Geo Rogers Joseph Raiseil Jno O Riley Peik Rogers John Sample Col II W Shouse Wm II Sbos'e Jao Sargent Jasper Shepler Philip Sheen Mlebl nailer Tho* MU Jno F Sftelleoberger Dal Boffin Wm Slaughter, Han* shendan Danl Scott Alex M ore A Co Shoemaker Kdwd Scon Tito* SkellyWmß Starting Capt Mrk ScouWm Slekman Sami Stepbren Conway Scott Alexr Smith Jas Slovens Wm SeboleyD Smith Jno Stevens Jno Seehrist Henry Smith Peter Sterling Jas S SeldonJno Smith Timothy SmelUe Wm Severance Levi Smita Henrr M Siepben* W H Selliek Utniford Slnnou Michael Stephens Wm SbsnnonJat Saris Gabriel Stanley Abraham Shaw The* Smithrra 8 H Stevenson Jos P Shaffer Jno Seowdon A Bone Stevenson Tbos Shaft.-r Sami SondersGeo Stokes W A Sharp Jas Solsnd Jlo Straat Danl Shaw David Somers Joseph Sweeney Jas ShslerLewis South Jon Sullivan Mlebl Shepperd Jno SpUlerOC SwarttwelderM phon Jacob Sprweher Rev S Sadeis Wm fibooieWtn Shrimp Peter Suiter Wm Swam D N Super Chas H Tarp Jnn Thompson Wm Tyson Wm Tanner Jo* Thomas Danl Trimble Wm Thornburg Jru Toner Jaa Trainor Pali Thompson Jaa Tobin Patk' Trimble Jas E Thomas J l* Town O W Trigger Geo Tcomas Henry Toner Emus Tucker Benj W TaompsonGeo Toal Danl Tunny Pali Tnissen Conrad Tow Joo Too big Rev Jno Thomprsn Robt S Torrens Finley Tucker Msran Vanoe Jeremiah Vale k Cuihong Vio Tho* Valin Isaac YanceßobtA WatehunJK Wenter Fras A Wilson Geo D Wade John Welch Jas Windham H L Walkar Rev Jos White Josiab Wilkins Jas Walket RAH Whitten Nicvten wise Joseph Wallace John Whitehead Ralph Wider E Wallace Hugh While Wo Witoun Geo Wallace Geo While Hugh Wire on* Wts M Wart G*o A White Taos J WiQiamaon Geo Waters 8 A White Jacob Williamson li fl Warner Wra Whistler Wm Wood i! G Watson Jo«eph Wheeler Riehd Woodword Jtt Watervtraras GeoWheeltr VVu» C Woodward Jot Welch 1. WiPiams Jno Wnlfcsden Jao Welch Puk William* Er*kineWoodiord A M We Pa IF. Williams Siml Wright Jno Webster John Williams John Young Wm Young John Young Andw B Yarletl David W Yoang Capi B Initial*. Captain Steamer Washinfion- Pooii-herof the Repabilcan. Capt Strainer Cape Ma*, Browosri le Wharf Boat llill Grove Lodge. Zcern Lodge. I’iiKburgli Temple of Honor. RS. Pittsburgh Dir. Sen»i>J Teopemca Do. Fort Duiueaoe D.v. Do. Lycurgu* Div. Do. Ocean Wave Div Do. Teutonia Dir Do. nayarflitewn Div Do. Slar o( Hope Div. Do. American Div. Do: Laerreneaville Div. SAMUEL ROSESX7RG, P M. Pimatrson, October Ith, 1650. MUfTARD— Coleman’a Superfine EogliahMustard* in kega, imported, and for tale by oetia B A FA HNESTOCR kCo TWO well finiihed offices iu Poat Office Bailfliagt, Third sweet. A long, well lighted room, 3d Corn entrance mar ket street, betwren 3d and 4th streets. Alio, a small brick home, in Flit Township, near Penr.sylranla Arenac. Inquire of ED OAZZAM, ccl7 Nol4ttBceonJ«L (Post and Tribune please coprT l STARCn-B boxes jhtt received iron the manufac turer, and for sale by 8 N WICKERBHAM oc;7 Corner Wood and 6ih *’» LUBTK’S FXTRACTB—Aaxorted In boxes of one down each. Imported and for tale by ©ct7 B A FA UNERTOCK A Co PILL MACHlNES—?npetior EcgUth amerted ti set, imported and for sale by oct7 B A FAHNERTOCK A Co SH MOLASSES—6O bbli St LoaU S H Syrup Mo laxfc*, just received and for tale by JAS A HDTCHISON A Co oci7 Agentpl Louis Steam Hurar Refinery GLUF— S bbl*!on hand and for tale by o«t7 8 N WICffERfIHAM LARD— 21 bbla No k on band and for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY A Co oet7 Water and Front tweeta on hand and for *a<e bv OCt7 ISAIAH DICKEY A Co BACON lIAMP—VO cask* on -hand, will be cold low to close the lot, by oct? ISAIAH DICKEY A Co HUNKY— 4 bbU in store and for tale by oe 7 IPAIAII DICKEY k Co CfHEESE— 40 boxes prime qaalitv, for tale by > oc‘7 iHalAll PICKET A Co fNUM COPAL VARNIRH— For isle hy T oct7 ISAIAH DICKEY ACo LCOiIOL —S received and foraale by J KIDD A CO o«t> • No 60 Wood street GLAZIER’S DIAMONDS—I doz jost received and fcr»alc br oets J KIDD k CO LARD OIL—9 bbla No 1 Just received and for sale by ocls J KIDD A Co RED LEAD—yOOOponndajnit received and foriale by octs ■ J KIDD A Oo PIO IRON—3OO ions Mahoauig Furnace pig Iron, .01 »b horn lie AUejbenr m** rVlOYI) oc * Hound Church I^UTTER— IS brU aolid butter for tale j^ FLOyI> HARPER’S Magaxlna, No 5, for October, oiitu* excellent magazine, and No £j Mechanics, b»e been recoired at Holm ■ Literary Depot, ) bird suoet, o tio Post Offiee, alsoa new American N«*el coiled The Consptiator, * taie of lsland, ® B • fc * ’•J?? No 6 Ptctorlai Field Book of tboAmcricaalUeolo- C nD nsn-10ca S k.lor.ai e b^ FWILSoN re 4 Wood »t SALMON— s hris ijaimec, fer tala by oct * W A F WILSON T*SS EBS ’ O,L -° b "*^ c iV”iwLso?« "\JUT GALLS—TOO lbs iaxl rco’d and for sale by I>, RE SELLERS oc4 . 57 Wood tt . T>ATKNT SOAP POWDER— IO hx» recM for tale i l£l RF, SELLERS S i^ UUA_ ' ieeileedrereetebr fi u “A a * [«“CS2 E bx» for inc br y*-- R K BEIXEBS r»»k ift’d far tale If Jl —-i- R E FELLERS , |?Ha pHROMEOBEEN 4.IKLOW-. eese. fo, ..]. V “V— B Rm,I.RHa Footmlt i*» receiTcd sad tor **>• W tbabtmf oJ rtllcra, tnd w&mstod to era uttomntoii. * ' B N WICKEB&HAIff. c«4 Ow.-wwdtcdßixiiim oOftiMfeßOAl bifOBD FiyMBURUU BOARD OF TRADB AR9 XXXCHAIR’a SXCEAISBB. COMMITTEE FOR OCTOBER. r. x. icoo kb car c. a. exavr uvn ■. cooru. XtaTlew or t&« PITTSB URGH M A(H KET, GENERAL REMARKS.—Since our lets weekly re port, the vtnsaetions of the market have generally been on a limited scale, the supplies of the market, at well a* the comparatively limited demand being inch as not to admit of any large iramaetiont; thus causing a degree of quietness and intensity unmual fur the season. The river has been gradually receding during the week, until it ii again at a low stage, and bu>ine»« ui that quarter fails ftr short of that activi y in iradr. which is generally looked for and expected dating the fall season, and this barrenness in the river Uade list, as a natural consequence, served as a serious draw* baek to business generally. The arrivals of Flour, Grain, Provisions, and other leading staplea of the West Bed South, have been very light during the week, owing to tie low stage of water and the consequence hat been a dimunition of sup plies, and a general stitfoes* in prices, without, how ever, any marked change from our lam weekly report. ASHE?—-The receipt! of 'be different article* under this bead bare been quite liihitnl, but, with one or two exceptiooi, the present supplies aeem equal to the up mind. The sale* of the week hare been confined to moderate transactions, at the following figures Pearl A»h at €(<!{ Saleralus »t Sostc; Seda Ash at 3), and Potaab at 4(c 9 B) APPLES— Receipu of Applet dnnng the week have been moderate, and aalei confined to limited loti at a range of ?3c081,2S 9 bbL ALE A PORTER—Quite a'hvely buimeit baa been doing by oar Brewer*, at the following price* -Ale, 87; Poncr, S 7, e*k included. BACON—During the part few day* we bare noticed an improved feeling in the Baeon market, and pnee* are very firm The receipt* of the week have Lean oodore’e, ar-d supplies at prevent are barely snffieien. to the demand. The tale* rust op eome 40 000 to SO.OOO Bis, in various lota at 101 l prices—ny, for plain hama, 7071; sides, SJOSJ; and shoulders at 4(c 9 B>. There is a regular demand for sugar cared eanvasied ham*, at KiOllc, by the ueree Rough cat country cared meats may be quoted at 404| fox ahocldera, 4(83 lor aidas, atO)OC|9C) fur hams. BUTTKA—Receipts continue light, supplies are lira itod, and we can report uo large sales The general ruling for prime fresh from store, are 14813 c; and oi common in kga, at 10c ft &, by the smart lot BEE9WAX— In the absence of sale* to any client our quotation* are merely nominal, tt?l&?2e fir E> BROOMS—We have beard of no sale* from bra 1 hands. We notiee fair supplies in stora, with sale* in a regular way, at a range of Si 25 to 82,1? t dor.ee' cording to quality. BUCKETS A TUBS—With full supplies from store, we continue our quotation* at 81,1803,23 for baekets; 83 6008) 9 dot for Tubs, as in quality. CRACKERS—The following t* the manufacturers’ list of price* - Water Crackers, per bbl ■ - «■■■ —84.00 Bauer do “ “ —— 4,73 Djynpejitie do “ “ 4.00 _«*peptic Pilot Bread. Sugar Cracker*, per >b . ■ ■■■— .. 7 Beat do “ u —1- 7 CHEESE—Oi' Western Resarve Cheese receipt* htTC been full, end notoiibtitcding the hemey «hip menu cut, the tapplies in this market ire ample, tod raids op generally of good quality. Aboot 10W) bxe» have changed hands, at 60ii}OC|e for common u> prime qualities, tod s|Oft|e for ordinary We hare ao tales of Gosben to report, ibe market being bare. CORDAGE—We note no farther change la pnoes He follooriag are the Maaufkeiarer*’ price* 1 Manilla rope, by coil,' ■■ ■ —14 c do eat,—-lie " White Rope, by coii,—--•-He do cm,. .. . —... Tarred Rope, by coil, -—--— do cat,-—* Packing Yarn, duo,— —— do common,- Manilla. S7| -Hemp, ?5c p dot. KTanixcd Cordage it said regularly at 124 c P ft: COTTON YARNS—The following t* a corrected Into! the various article* udder this lead : •* », “ “ » No. 500, ct* per lb “ 600, “ 700, “ “ 6 Carpet chain, S 3 Coverlet Yam, —23 Tnierwood J B COTTON aHEETINOS- Pittsburgh manafartsred, with talas o( No 1 at Sc at 7|o 9 yard. COPPEB—Tbe regular manufacturer'* price lot eake and Infou i» tI9Of2QP cwt. Bkxr Com*. ke.-~Sal£* of thoet copper are ta|s larljr effected at 29e, and old copper at 16; 6 DBfJGS, MEDICINES ft DYE BTUFFS —We b&4 ao important cnange tn price* dorian Use week The following it a correct Utt of pricct ol tome o: the principal aruciet - Assahetida Arrow Rout Aquafortis Borax, refined Balsam Pirn Do Copavix • -1333 s Brimstone • • HO S Camphor, ref- - • 4505* Chloride Lime, cs* ••• 5| Coehiacai 1,2001,73 Cream Tartar -3503 fl Copperas 1(0 9 Oise, in bble---- 11(019* Gall* 45030 God Arable 5007 f Sal Roda AO 5 “ Copal"*- 35350 «*enna I^Ovo “ Tragxcincth • 6COW Tartaric Acid-• 44 020 “ Bheliae 1331 P Vllnol Blue -11013 Ipecac 4,75 Camwood, bbli- • • CO 7 Lithrßfß >"3(00 Fannie, bbla 3(02J Jalap, powdered iOO Logwood, chipped 2( CRANBERRIES—We notice the receipt of several ■mail lota of new crop Cranberries, but we have board of no aalea upon which to ground correct quotations They are held at hint* ralea COESNUTS—Are beginning to make their appear ance in the market, and high price* are obtained for food quality; we hare no reportable tale* aa yet. DKIED BEEF— Sopplies arc quite limited, and there ia a good demand for prime western cored lane rots at lO|oUc 6. For smaller quantities higher J riee* an obtained. FOB BEST. DRIED FRUIT—Very light receipt* of the new crop have made their appearance in the market a* ret, onJ price* role very high. We know fff a few *inaU lon being held in store, at $1,75 for Peaches, and 01 for Apptea, at which rmtea iat few have been taken We hart no taier to report from first hands, bat suppose mat good prices could be obtained at present By next week we shall probably be able to give oar country friends something more tangible in reference to the prices of dried traits in this market. FLOUR—The receipts of Floar by n«r, owing to tbe tow stage of water, bare been quite limited dating the past week, and no heavy transactions have trans pired from first bands. Daring the late rise in the river considerable additions were msde to tbe su>cka in market, and we notice only a alight advance since oar last weekly repon Sales, for several days back, have been confined to small lots at the river and from wagon, at 83,0033,0333,69 9 bt-i, according u> quality 4nd brand, si which rates tome SOObbls have changed hands. Sales from store hare been made up of s>aal< lota for >be supply of the regular city demand, at 83,5* 03,6703,00 for good • f. brands, and some small lots of extra family brands at 84 00 (p barrel. Tbeie I* a re tail business doing at the City Mills, at 89.3333,30 9 cwt, for common to extra qualities. FrxFtova—We noucc very light receipts of Ryo Flour. Supplies are moderate, and prices high irun store—say, 83,7504,61 9 bl.l „ BucxwnaaT Fi'tra— Hmal> teeetpt* arc beginning to appear ut market, and limited sale* bare laken plaee from store, at 81,33 9 sek of 3b th* Coin Mul— l Owing io the scarcity »t Cora, and the advance >n that aruele, we not* ulcs at the mills, al 000 0 baa. FISII—We have no marked rbsnge to noure under this bead during the past wee* A fair regular Pum ocas has been doiug al tbe following puces : -Mark*- rel No. 1,814,20015; No. 8,811, and No. 3 al 8707,93 9 bbl. We quote Salmon at 818 9 bbi, end Herring ai853000 9 bbl, according to quality and description FEATHERS—With fair supplies in tbo market, 'be ■ales or the week have been coafined to moderate transactions, at 33034 c 9 6. for good Western. FRUIT—Tho demand ts fair, with sales of Raisins at 83,53 r box. Sales of Almonds, at 16083 c 9 ft; of Ground nuu, at 814301,37 9 bus; of Pcacans, none; of Filberts, at 709 c; of Cream nuts, atC|o:c, o' ante Currant*, at 0091, and of English Walnuts at «Se; Oranres. none, Figs, 11015 c 9 ft; Lemons, 81,ou Cocoa Nats, 0,35 9 ft- Bacon A'Bnner —— 50c Beef, aaitsd, 9 bbl—tide Beeswax C2e Brittlea A Hair cse Ctteesa Cotton ——— Prux» & Medicine* Dried Frail EK* Palate* {«* Feather* Gla**ww«- Finite Hardware **°l Rira FMJtsi*- - Owing tUely low *u*e of water, t polni west, here advanced, Cincinnati.—fltOe; Loni*i It p too 6a. , OROCERIES-Wo nolice * general firmneu m ike market foi all article* ,‘snder thi* head, and ear l.tt week's quotation* are well «i*uined We notice no large iraniaeilon* under thl* bead doting the, week.— S4l«a hare been confined to moderate traniaeiioai to the regain trade, as fellow* r—N 0 Bogar at a range of 1h ?io7|c In hid*, and 7}ASo la bbla. Flaautinn | Kelaa*e*i 99(039t0, 490990 * g«Um< roi m tma zrnao ocr. 13 a as roast. Manilla, P dot. do P coil, Uc “ ft. Hemp, •1,5002,2503.M> p doi do P ceil,- -*-lt)c “ ft. rusc«H u.n». No. 13 eu per lb —23 •• 14 •• •• j 3 “ 15 - 24 a, cuj>er lb - 16 “17 „ .. •• is ** '• No. Soo,cia perdoz • .. pou t 1. - . -4 -low, *• -4 Candtewiek,) Ik Bag Filling,- 18 Batting, No* 1 k 8--11,13 —We notice a fironra* ic Penn and Anchor Mil)*, md common or Nonatook. Uquoncc tool t.a.l Lac Dye •J'o4« Magnesia Carb 234 Madder I’laliro KSIS Myrrh, Turkey 20021 Oil Vitnol- -x-.-- 40 3 Castor, in bhlt -83,10 Cassia 3.3004.00 Cloves- - • -834003 00 - 23003,10 Pep'm’t • •-93003 « tram, Turkey 2.0002,00 unine- • —— 4,4001.20 tabarb, root • 720100 >1 Atnonae —l6OBO FREIGHTS—The following ore tbcCanil reus Gam U point east, which are rather unsettled Hides Leather Laad Lard A Lard Oil fork, bbl* iiae Bag*icwl-——•—* soc Seed* Ofc (•kin*. Deer 4 Buffalo “5c Tobacco, Ohio*—— o°e Do Kjr • • 50c Tallow 4Uc Wool 75c - Whlrtejr.bbla IfiUe t Sheep Pell*- *• • • • tfOo i Hemp, Hope 4 Bnff'ng 60c : to the pretent compere the rate* of freight from thii I, and ve may now qnoie to lUlt, SOe; and la St Loon Rio Coffee continue* without eliaugo. Supplies'hre limited, and talea confined to loti of 5 to 10 *ek», all3| ’ol3|e pft ai New Orleara at the Inteit date*, Rio Coffre «u quoted at 12013 c for common to prime; at Philadelphia, 12j0l2tc; and at New York at ll|ol2c Pft The regular ruling rates in this market for Loaf Sugar, are Vl®lQoKi, and for Rice, in tret, at 6034 c Pft For Tear, and the various other articles in the Grocery liae, full price* a.-« obtained, with an advanc ing tendency for tome kind*. GR.%lK—Nothing of intereal transpired In the Grain marktt.dufing the week. Suppliea art light, owing to the very limited receipt*, and sale* have 1-een confined to small lot*, at the following rate*Wbaai. at the mill*, 7SosOc; Rye, 60065 c; Barley, (ram store, 65003 r; Corn, (very scarce) 60053 c; Ouu at374c from first hand t, and <(Jo4le from store. GLASS —Of Window Glass we notice heavy *ap phe* in the market. Prices are generally the tame as quoted U*t week—say, for city brand*, 8 by 1(1, 83A0 10 by IV, 84; 10 by U. and other *tie* in pro portion. Country brand* are told at lower price, and mt 7 be quoted a* follow* : a oy 10 82,75 flO by 13 3,75 It by IS 3,00 10 by 16 3.73 10 by 14 3prs | lo by 17 3.73 Toe above are the time prices HAY—The market U firm, with regular sales ,of tim othy, from wagon, at f 12010 p ton. HOPS—Sales of wotem N. Yo-k, 1n49, at 16e; do 1230, 20c, and of Honor, at lee p ft IRON A NAH.S—For the past few day* the *htp meul* of Iron and Nail* from thi* market have been hervy We mbjoin a list of prices of tome of the principal nrtiole* Itotr— Flat bar .94 0546 “ Round and square bar —-—9105 n “ Hand C1034c Hoop - 3|ofljc - Sheet S 034 c Natu—lo to 90 penny keg. “ 6 to 8 penny “ “ cto 7 penny 4,(W “ “ 5 penny 4.25 *• “ 4 penny 4,50 “ •* 3 penny 5,50 “ Snaat—Cut, .1 to 44 inch 4,00 ** • Cut, sto C meb 4.30 " “ ' Cut, Cto 7 inch 5,00 LEATHER—Wo none* a regular demand at fall price* (or ail article* under thi* head. Bales of Balti more sole at 21022 c; and of New York do, at 16018 c IP pound LEAD—There i* a regular demand in the market at 5| (or pip, and 1)954 for bar Lxau Pit*— I Toe present range of pneesof Lead Pipe it 7914 a P fool, according to size - Snirt Leas—Sales atOJe by the sheet, and 6fc p ft when cot WuiTt i.KtD Pore lead is telling at 82, and No 1 St 91,60 p keg LAQD—Wit i moderate supplies in the market, we nonce an improvement mpn cts Sale* of St) keg*, at 74071 c, a* in quality LUMBER—The following are the ruling prices from the yards I inrh Common Board, per lUOO feet, 811 00 1 d,i du do do do 14 do\ do Plank, (P Mi do do 21 00 do 24 00 do Clear Board, do do Plank, (PM) do 3400 2 do do do do do 42 00 Pine Joi*t, (B M) do 11 '*4 H do do do 11)00 H Scantling do 10 00 Pine do do 11 «J Shingle* per M (scarce) 2 75 OlLS—Linseed i* steady at 97095 c P gallon We quota No I Lard oil at 66c, and of N 0.2 at 60c p gall Tanners’Oil isseliing at 815017 p bid Other oils are without material change MALT—Tne regular market price is 85090 c P bu. PIG METAL—No sales of Allegheny Metal are re ported during the pan week. 300 ton* 11. R c b- were sold at 827,53, 6 moy, ami 77 tons 11. R. b. b at 8270 29 P ton. 0 mo* POWDER—Hazard and Dupont Rifle Powder may be quoted in large quantities, 84,73; aud by single keg, at 85.2503 50 p keg. Koek Powder at 83,1*1 to BWO or large and small qaanttue*. ROSlN—Sale* at 93,50 p hbl for North Carolina. SEEDS—The quotations are. for Clover. 81 V 5, Timothy. 82 75, and Flax at 81 25 per doz. SHOT—Bale* at 81,50 p bag. SALT—Sale* m a regular way at 81,25 4Pbbl, which t* the regularly established pr.ee afloat WAP AND CANDLES—SaIe* of ra*ln soap at 4 04|e; oi Star Candle* at 220-.‘lc, mould tallow, loe; and common dipped at 8e P ft. SPIRITS TURPKNTINE—-Sale* in l.bl* at 40048 P gall, rash—bids extra charar SPICES—C***i», -910.-, Clove*. 250M0, and Nut meg*, at. (or No 1 81.4001 :o p ft RAGS Sale* of good mixer at 3Jc p STARCH—SaIe* at 6)07.*, for common to l e«t TOBACCO—The mirkti continue* very hrrn, with •one fuither advance in the belter qualities o( claw ing tabaecA Hu«»eU A Robinvon’* brand it now held *1 270 M- (.(ant's ,l u ai VV . twi*|. l ie; and other food romikoi I.rau I *, a: (Uoi.v : p ft. Of lesftobar.ro supplier are rue Jc.raie, and oiade up moatly of eo*» mon qualities. Price* aay be ed *1 jfHO.-, according U> quality Very little-of.the best quality t* sold in thi* marker \ TAR—Sale* ai 94,25 P b£V TALLOW— I Supplies are sokil. and w« may quote nominally, a. 7)O?Je VINEGAR—The regular rates for good eider Vine gar from store, are “(09e 9 gall. WHI.iKFV-Saln of Rectified at‘it 035 c Fgfill. Cattle Biarkit< Atl.goMX.Tr, October 14. Bnvxt-The offerings at the Scales on Monday, amounted to about 300 head, which were taken by butchers, al 51,2001,20 9 cwt, net Sneer —AI-oo: ‘.'oo head were soM n * range, «e -cording to quality. tM«u Si.-jOi#*? raei. La'SH—(*OlU» VJ l.rad w -t» t il I ai c , r a llo»-« , «ii)i-',„ < .mfiufl i,», re port T.i : njmbvt ‘-irred w 4» l.tn.tsd, wcuti sale* at BiLTtKoac, Oct 11, 1550 fpCaule-Tb*?; w« an increase in Ui« soppl* of Uceve* at the aeal«s on Mjnday, error ibat of iaji MonJ »v, hat (ha stock generally arm ol no batter q««|. Uy—ptic-s eor.s* qar-mtr inled imsrn lower. Tee offer* m<s reached lieu ht-8.1 of which Tj were solJ 10 farm era for »to-li cattle: 7b to packers; *cu to edy btjtebrrt; l£4 were left o»er unaoldj and d«U were driven to Phil •d-lpbia Prices ranged from ti to 8i.75 on the boof, equal to £403,3* net. and averaging #1,44 grow* Hoga—lie market remains without any change.— IVe quotn at «t S3tPU— Amcr Mi l OF PITiSBUKOH. Bivxx.—There were 8 feet, 03 mchoi water in chan cel laX evening, at desk, and tailing. ARRIVED Fashion, Peebles, EiusticUi Michigan, Briea, Beaver Beaver, Gordon 1 , Beaver. Baltic, Ikanett, Brownsville AUanuo, Parkinson, Brownsville. Yoaghiogbany, Hartapee, Beaver Globe, Iknver DEPARTED. Fashion, Peebles, Elizabeth- Mlcbigsn, Ones. Beayor. Beavet, Gordon, Beaver. Baltic, Bennett, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parklovon. BrownavtUo t ooghingheny, Uanupea, Beaver Glube Beaver Pilot No 3, Dovol. Hoekuirport, Cashier, McMillan, Wheeling. TV.o* Scott, Vandergnit. IVelWvilie Caledonia, Cahoon, Louisville. BOATS LEAVING Till* DAY BF.AVER—Yoaghibgheny, 4 t. u. CINCINNATI—LaeiIa, to a. u. The hoe nror Laelta, having bc«n unavoidably de tained, wilt leave for Bt Louis this day. b ' ÜB. B. D HOWE'I SHAKER 8 A*R SAPARI LL.AI IN QUART BOTTLES, HA? no parallel tn permanently coring and eradi cating from the system all OUTANF.OUS ERUPTIONS: It will cflcctssliy eradicate from iheayaiem and core Halt Rheum, Ringworm, Tetter, Rcalo Head. Drop.y, Searvy, White swelling*, King’* Evil, Neuralgic Affections, and all FEMALF. WEAK.NF.SSR3 A»1 Obstructions, Uarrennrt*. White*, Floor Albu*, Falling of the Womb, Nervous, Sick Head Ache; Languor, Fainting Sensation*. Palpitation o' the Heart, Low spirit*, General Debility, Dyspepsia L'ver Complaints, Ac. • a •- n - ■ **.. .. . . _ . . » . . It la Pauly and Entirely TagaUblt, It baa .been ored with the me i eiguul »u:cei« by the ProlrMiec in New York and New Hampshire, and the Eastern State* generally, for runny yearu— and a» a general purifier of the blood and iitvigonlot ot tha •yttem—a* a Genuine Family Medicine and anelß carlou* Female Medicine it ht« no eqQnt. The purity and efficacy of the Shaker preparations are well known; and this medicine require* no long Hat«f certificate* and cure* to introduce it: it* inereicing demand for the past twelve years ia iu be*t recoin aendauoa. It i* pul up in quart battle*, and I* the only Sarta partita that art* on the Liver, Kidney*, and Ulood at ibe same lime, which render* it aliogeiher more valu able to every one, particularly to temals. Dr. Mn*«cv, Professor in the Oluo Medical College, says the Shaker preparation* are truly valuable, and recommend* them to the public. The aiek and alftict rd are requested to coll and obtain a pamphlet, and purchase a boille offli.ii valuable family Medicine. Bi iur* anJ tnfuin ,-jr Dr. H. D. HOWE'S HU A KIIH BARSAFARILLA, and take no other. Frier Si pet bottle—<l buttle* tor Bi. Fur isle ■•)* J. k. Ji'tie*, J. KchonnraaXer & Co, W. Burk, R. W. Mcum, J M. Towiutn.l, J M »uier, \V. Jackson, Piust.uisb i D. A Ell lon, Ailcct-rny ;ny. W. R McCl<tHui<l, Kt-tnch'Sier; I\ Crocker, llrotrn* nlle; James i'anll & Co , VVbcelicx; J. il. Patterstn and K. 0 .Moriran, Sl Clairsstllo; M'Bean fc Knox, Cadi: AUj, lur (ale by DR. 8. D. HOWE & CO., Proprietors, I Colloce Hail, Cincinnati, 0., To Tvcrnn all orders most be addressed. • 100 c •Us'-dA.wtrT -70 c ■*_» —7 WESTERS INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL 1200,000. I. Pumxv.Jr., | R. Mnxra, Jr., Presl Will insure against all kinds of risks, FIRE AND MARINE ALL losses will he Lberaily aiuasted and promptly paid. A home intumuen—managed by Directors who are well known in the community, and who are determin ed by promptness and liberality to maintain the char acter which they have assumed, as offering the best protection to thou who desire lo be Insured. Duxcroas— R. Miller. Jr., Geo. Black, J. W.Butler, N. Holmes, Jr., Wm. D. Holmes, C. Ihm»en, Geo. W. Jackson, Wm. M. Lyon, Jas. Llppineott, Tbos. K. Ldtch, James M'Anlcy, Alex. NLmlcfc, Thus. Scott. Or?urs, No. « Wetcr street, (warehouse of Spang fc Co., np vtairt.l Pituhureh. )t>4:dly ESObISR BZTRAOTI. EXTRACTS of Aconite, Belladonna, Colaeynih Comp., Ctcnta, Ilyosciamns, Stramonlcum, JUxa lany, Taruxieam, Sarsaparilla, Qaaaus, Hop*; Col ehiei meet, and Indian Hemp, Imported and for eaielby B A PAHNESBOCK A CO Gcr. nm * Wood tu LOCAL MATTERS. I THX ftTTUCUB DAILT T 1»« Oraeraborg tad Pittsburgh Torn plk« Hoad Company T i, Brctdexathal udOthen. i Turnpike roads ore among our most valuable public improvements, they originate m a raeritori our pub he spirit, and the public faith is pledged to a liberal support of their rights. They are entitled to be protected by injunction against a continued invasion of their franchise, as where a by rood is made to enable travellers on their road to evade tha tell gate, and there is no more caution demanded of me Court in granting Mipha decree than in any other judgment.. The privilege granted to turnpike roadfeompa- D ies are nut ot the character of monopolies or ex clusive privileges. .It is part of the essential character of such roads, that they increase population and intercourse, and thus create a demand and necessity for other im provements of a similar character, that may come in competition with them. People are not restricted to travel on such roads, nor are such roads protected against competition, out only against the unlawful evasion of tolls earn • ed. W lien there is no use mode of the road ( there can be no evasion ot toll, for no toll is due, A turnpike road company may resign tp a city such parts of its road as lies within the city, and having done so, its right to toll for that pan of the road is given up, for its right to toll is an incident of its ownership of the road. A street laid out and confirmed by direction of law, subject to the right of the owner of the land to have compensation before it is opened, becomes a public highwaywhen opened, ns such, bytheown ; er of the land, and may lawfully be used as such, though a turnkike road and 101 l gate are thereby a voided, and any one may repair it, so as to make it hi for the purpose. When a public street leads to ; an odbd lot ol an individual, the Court will not en join him to cUfee it up because he and others use it as a means of leaving the turnpike road, to travel upon a free public street. STATEMENT OF THE CASE. Billlot an injunction to prevent tbe defendants trom using or allowing others to u*e n by road so as to evade the 101 l gate of tbe plaintiffs, and also for an account of the tolls evaded. The Bill alleges substantially that the defendants ran their omnibuses out Penn Street until they reach tbe city line and then turn down along Tay lor street and un Mulberry alley, and acroisJßoun dary street to the defendant* lot in Lawrenpeville, and then through said loi, beyond the 101 l gate into and along tbe turnpike road,'and allow others to tue ibis route, and that this route was impractica ble until planked by the defeadenu. ‘The plain tiffs contend that Penn street within tbe 9lh Word of the city ta still part of their road, and that they have b right to toll for travel thereon and that Tay lor street, and Mulberry alley, and Boundary street though laid as part of the city district plan are not yet public roads, but only intended for streets when the population nnd city jurisdiction shall be extend ed «o far, and that the defendants have no right to use them so as to evade tbo plaintiff*’ toll gate. The defs. edmit that they run their omnibuses as alledged in the bill. But they aver that that pen of Penn street whicjflk* in the Ninth Ward is not now a part of the Plaff irfa’ road, and prove that in Jan uary 18-19, tho plaintiff* did "resign and give up" that (tart of thejroad to the city of Pittsburgh and that the same Mas now since been under tbe control of tbe city, qfid kepltin|orderat Us expense. They further answer that Taylor aud Boundary at-eels, and Mulberry' alley are public streets and prove that they were laid out ana confirmed as part of the city district plan, pursuant to a law passed itrh Jane, 1836, P. L. 749, and that have been opened to the publio by the owners of the land. They fur ther aver and prove that, for that part of the road rf Plaintiff*’ upon which they travel beyond the gate, they have on several occasions tendered to the plaintiffs the fuli. amount of 1011, and that it has always been refused. Tbe case was argued by Mr. Craft for the Plain tiffs, and by Mr. Shannon and Mr. T. Williams for the defendants October 14th, 1800. OPINION OF THE COURT—BY JUSTICE LOWRIE. In a country like oars, where the popular will dictates all onr improvements, gooo roads are not only a memos of intelligence and prosperi ty, but a proof ol their general extslenoe. Good country and township raids are always (band as<* socialed with well cultivated farms, nett and comfortable dwelling}, and a thriving, social, and intelligent population. If Ibis fact was properly appreciated we should have fewer turnpike roads, the existence of which, ia many cases, is tbe re* suit of the neglect of tbe many, attempted 10 be supplied by tho energy and intelligence cf a few. Many of our turnpike roads exist only because (be township roads do nnt receive that care which ibe public good requires, tod an en lightened public spirit, suggests.' It is certainly s leguimate funcLoj of government to grsr.fy the public spmt, and by ifi« physical blessing ot gnnd roads, to sid the advance of civdixatioo. Tbit has of-en been done by giving to those who are willing to vculore on the experiment o’ making such roarli, « right ta reimburse them* telves r>v taking to'l from persons travelling on Ue road, and certainly I never knew of any person dcrivi g any enviable prefit from tbe toils thus collected, while we can all teebfy to tke im provement of the appearance of (arms, and in the value of land which has always followed suchim ! prered roads. So far as tbe gales arc concerned, they have had little other eject, in favor of tbe public spirit they were intended to reward, tbaf> giving to those who constructed (he road, tbe poer compensa tion of being allured to attend to its manage mem. Yet inch it the hostility to toll gala*. that eveo basest men are often blind to the dishonesty of availing themselves of the benefit ol such road*, which they grodgo or attempt to evade the pay ment of an occasional half dime to compensate Jt* owner* or aid in it* repair. Thu hngiilliy may however precc a Vessiov, i( it should hare the ciT-ct of ailenax the practice of making *ocb corporation* K>r r a:** bridge# of perjieluri, in uteri of limited du-stion. A* to tbi* road, ttiotigb it Is tbo most important public avenue leading to tie dty, and though it i* over thirty year* old, ! venture to bslieve that it woald be a public ca lamity if eyen that part of it, which/Ilea between the city line and Lawrencevilic, w/re now made free of 1011, and cast apon the public parae of Pittsburgh for it* repairs. Bat however thia may be, turnpike roads have always bad their origin (n a tnentonoua public spirit, and the public faith ia pledged In favor of tbrir rights, aptiwhe Court can not pamoipate in the feeling 6f noaiiliiy to wnich we have alloded. * f it ia objected that the act of Assembly hat pro vided a remedy for the injury complained of here, by the imposition of penalties opnn’aJf peraona evading the payment of toll, and that this it ibe only remedy to which the Plaintiffs nm/entilled. Bat 1 csniot ss#eol to this propoajtir*/ it ia a well bellied principle that all CotirtsJEsviog geo erallojjancUoo power* will exercise them bo bb to prevent any continued invasion of franchises seenrred by law, and it is no objection to the ex ercise 61 this power, that tbs injured party has another remedy, if it were, ibis power coaid Dover He excroiaed, for there are always other remsdiAs. But the remedy by injunction ia the best ol at) remedies, when there t* manifea ed a touted barpoas of invading the right in queation. It prevents a moitlplloity of sails; and this case foraisbrj# a rino illustration of the meritof this firm ofl proceeding, for the matter now under eons< deration has already given rise to over one hundred suits. lua the only odryucre remedy, for it is impos sible foil the PlaintiOs to detect all the evasions of toll thai may ariao from by roads tmlawfally opened] It ba< moreover, the merit of reaching by direct prevention thon evasions ol toll,by the imposition of peoaluoj, abowibeir design to prevent; and preventive is always belter than retributive jus tice. I acknowledge the importance of this branch of onr jiihadict ion, and am always willing to be remindpl of the solemnity of our position, when Bithng-ra judgment upon tVe rights of our fellow eluxena in such cases; hot iam not able to see thai 'here i« any mysterious solemnity about ■ de cree for an injunction, or that it demands ef the Court any more cautions and oontciostioas con* sideratioo than any other judgment of the ConrL— There may lie some ground for aoch spoctal caution in other States, where diapu'ed facts in such cases are tried by the court without the aid ofa jury, and where pie'imioary injunction* are granted without notice and without bail. But here the case is on tirely different, and the admonition for speoial cau tion would seem to be totally Irrelevant. In uJI our judgments we moat sedulously and conscientiously strive to do justice, and no more is demanded of ua in cases of injunctions, and these should be decreed with as muob fearless dobs as we ahonld be expected to have iu entering a judgment of ejectment. The chartered privileges granted to the plain* tiff* are not of the character of a monopoly or ex clusive privilege. This character does not prop * fflg belong to a corporation created for the con airucttun and management of roads, bridges and Icmes. It it a part of their essential chsraoter that they teud to snd ate designed tor the increase of com merce, population and inter comae, and thus to create a demand for new means of facilitating In tercoorae. Their very success creates a demand, a nereawty for other improvements of a similar character, which may, in same degree, affect or irjure those hrat granted. To make any of these things a monopoly woald be to restrain the very creeper!ty which, properly viewed, they are do •t;i aj to promote. A turnpike comp.n, c «o pot, there fire, com. plain Itai Iho population, and with ittho public ' throoghfarca, have ao far increaaetl that a part of hrtr mad ~ e.,Uj evaded .0 a. grcatl, to dlmin iah their expected toll,. Tin. i.n natoml conae ,neoee of tneir own Improvement, which tbov are boned in expect, and againat which they can claim no protection from tho pobtlo. In accordance with Ibe principle, lha pnm'.lon, or tee lav to protect the plaintilla againat eva, alona o toll .to not to be conatrned, e. tteslened to compel people to i,«v,t „„ lbo , o ropilro d; bol “ ,to botopany tho toll, allowed by law lor tbe distance travelled on Uiotr road. Tho com pany cannot therefore complain that their road ia not travelled ; tat only that when travelled the payment of toll is evaded. The toll Ia a compensation for tho nae of the road, and in proportion to the dlttauco n.ed. When there la no use of tho road, there cea be no eve. .ion of toll for no toll I, dne. Thongh they may have a right to In.tat that a pereon travelling oe a p.rtortbeir toad, ahall not leave it on one aide of the gate (except by e public road) and come back tpontbeirroad on the other aide ol tho gate, jet they cannot dictate tho point at which any one aball enter upon their road, nor demand toll of any who do not pass through the gale. Assuming tho correctness 0 f there principles we are prepared more especially to consider, whether tbe defendant# are yinluing any rixht of the platotUft* la the comae which they axe par- The rt-uio of the defendants’ omnibuses from Piuabnryb is through the Ninth Ward, along Per n street, (formerly a part of tbe plaintiffs’ road,) toencxi by Taylor street and Mulberry alley, (nev er a part of the plaintiffs' road,) to gnd over their owu lot, and pass their own stable to the turnpike rosd beyond the gate, and thence along tbe tarn pike road. Here the question irises, is the part of the road which lies within tbe Ninth Ward, itill a part of the plaintiffs’ road, so as to allow them to demand toll for tbo ass of it! Though the plaintiffs' «• holders cf a publio trust, may not have power to assign and relio* quisb a.part of their road to individual; yet this object ou cannot prevail, where tbe relinquish ment is in favor ol s municipal corporation within whose limits the road lies, and which by law has tbo general management of all the streets Vithin its limits, and which would have the management ofthoiosd spoken of, were it not for the prior right of the turnpike corporation. The plaintiff.' by their deed, r-bavc “resigned and given op*' to ib'i city that putt of their road within the Ninth Ward, together with all the care and repair there of, and in pursuance of tbo same aigreement have removed (heir gate beyond the city limit*. The toils are an incident oflheir ownershipofthe roan, and when that was given up by the company, they gave up with it tbe right to demand tall for the use of the part given up, and it Lt-came one ol tbe free public streets of the city. Tbe defendants do not, therefore, travel any part of the plaintiffs' road, while travelling In the city, end atthe city : line they turn down Taylor street aud along Mot. berry alloy. These were laid out and confirmed as part of the city district pltn, Intended to be opened when the growing population required it, and declared to bo public highways, subject to tbe right of the owners of the land, to hove compen sation before they should bo opened. Hera the owner bes bimselfopeced these ways. He has thus abaodoned his claim to compensation, and by (fcejvery terms of the law tbeso roads arc pnblic highways, and tbe defendants have a right to travel on them. This carries them, by a lawful rouic, to a point beyond the plaintiffs’ gaie, sod to the line of theirowo lot, tod through that they may lawfully reach the turnpike road. They ate not bound to leave this rente in order to go through the toll gate. After that they (ravel but a few yards apoti tbo plaintiffs’ road, and even if they travel much Inrther, we could not prevent them, when there Is no improper evasion of a gate in order to evade the payment of toll. Here tbe gele is passed without using the rosd, tnd therefore no toll being due, there can be so unlawful evasion. It make* no difference that one-of the streetsalong which the defendants (rare! was nefitfor use until they repaired it. Tbe plaintiffs havo not en over tight of a rival or collstelal road, nor any right to object to any one putting it in good order. They are nonprotected tgaiaai competition,but only sgainsAhe unlawful evasion of lolls earned. They can Invoke the legal rente Jies only in secure the lolls due for the use ot the road, and not to put down an ontorbidden competition. They cannot complain that a free pnblic road, running parallel with theirs, ia in such good order ihst tboirroad ta forsaken. Coming towarde tho city, the defendants pursue tbe same rou.e already indicated. Before reach* imr their own ground, they pats along the plain tiffs' road near one hundred yards, then leave the road beyond rho gate, and pass down through their own lot to the street and alley before mentioned, and come into (he city without sgam touching the plaintiffs’ road. I cannot see that such au evasion of the plains tiff*' road is unlawful. It (s not the evaaoa of tbe road, bat evasion of payment for its actual use that is forbidden. Besides the defendants have always been willing to pay the plaintiff} (or a por tion of the rosd used by them, and the tender of . payment has Ifeen rejected—the plaintiffs have, therefore,no right to complain in this respect The only remaining qnestioo is, will the Cour. enjoin the defendants against suffering other* to pass through their lot in order to evade tie pay ment of lolls f We can readily tee bow conve nient it ia fur the defendants, having a half doe.-o omnibuses constantly running, to keep their lot open about-their stable, and (he plaintiffs cannot for their profit dictate to tbe defeatisms bow they shall improve or are their own (and, or leqntre them to fence it up, or to pnt gales upon it to keip others from pasting over it. It a bye road arouod the gate bad been opened over ibis lot for the mere purpose of enabling people to evade the payment of toll, the exse might have been different. This was an open lot be ion tbe plaintiff*’gate was placed where it is, and fhe dependents' rights are ooi atten-d bv.lhe altered location of the plaintiffs’ gale. Where tbe defendant* have not themselves done any actual wrong to the p'aißlsffV, (hey can be subject to no action. That others passover the ground, lyirg open for lawjul purposes, ia no ground ol complaint ngsioat thn defendants. It would seem to be disbonee'. for per* tea com iog to the city, bv (be Pletctiff’s road, to Uke ad. vantage ol tbe D-fendam'a open lot, os a means of evading the Plami iff’* gate: but I bare the pleasure of beheviug (rod from my office 1 can see all tha part of the rosd and el rev la we have been talkiag o') that not ooe uaveLr in fifty is guilty of mis d-ihoneny; and 1 am pot sue tha eveo tbete* have some excuse tor the evasion, arising from tbe Plaintiff’s demanding toll for more raid thau belongs to them. (Bill dismissed with costa. Wair of Quo Wabjabto.—At the opening of the Court at 3 o’clock, p. a, Ur. Dunlop moved for a rule to show cause why a writ of Quo War ranto should not bo issusd against tbe eiiy of Pitu burg(j fort violation of their charter by in usur pation of the right* and franchises ol the Mayor, by the, PoliceCommitteo and Councils. Mr. Don lop stated that they wished to test tbe right of the Councils to delegate tbe ptwer of appointing Wdtcbaeo to the Police Committee. Judge Rogers arired if ibo Council!) had not rat fieri what tho Committee had dim.*, m rep'y to which 'Mr. Kahn, who wa* prevent staled that the apjjiniraeni of tho n<ght police and its olfiet-r* had been reported to Councilj and ratified by thorn. Judge Caolteraaid hi did not think the Court ought Uo grant even a role to show eanso. Judge Gibson remarked that it wo* usual to grant (he rule as a matter of course, and that al ter thelargnmeot they would decide the propriety ofgreo ing tbe writ. The tula to show cause was finally granted, re' taraabiß next Monday. Mxrrtsoor tbs 3k.sct Council.—Tbe Select Council met last night, when the conaideretion of a great deal of unfinished tmsinasa which has sc* cumulated lately, was taken up. Several ordinances relative to grading and pav ing streets, laying water pipes, dec., &c, were passed] The Sanitary Committee presented are port, advising the formation of a Board of Health, accompanied by a draught of an aotol the Legis- that effect, which will piobsbly be pre sented to that body at its next session,. Hru> to Baa.—Joseph Barker wu arrested yesterday, snd held to bailbhfore Alderman Steel, in the turn of two thousand dollars, to answer tbe charges of aaatuli and battery, false Imprison* men(,Aco , preferred againit him by Messrs. Lut. ton and Shore. John Taggart, shoemaker, Smith fisld meet, was taken as bail, after having justifi ed. Trapx**.\cr Mxrrraa,—A full report of tbe Temperance Meeting held in Dr. Rogers' Church, yesterday evening, will appear to morrow. Local News.—The length of Judge Lowrie*! opinion, is tbe cuoof tho Pittsburgh and Greens burgh Turnpike Co. t-r. Breidenthal and others, compels us to-otaitmuch local news. Tbe points decided are of great importance to our readers. C7*M’La!ib , « VaaMirvaa 'The Inventor ol a auxAT amor for a Formidable Disease hes uo right to keep Us use from his fellow creature*. So thought Dr- MeLane when be was induced to offer his great remeoy for worms to the public. A profound physi cian, rr joying a very large practice, be did not tear to bn contouaded witb the herd of quack* who impose upon ibe public ibeir worthier* staff as patent medi cine*. He wa* therefore induced by Kidd & Co*,dreg* gin*, to dispose of hi* right as discoverer, -and ibe Vermifuge is now for tale in nearly every village And town of tbe country. It is the sovereign remedy Tor worms. G7*For sate by J. KID DA CO, No SO Wood .trvvL oetS-dAwi* ■ O. R. CnAMBKHLIS'S Corner of Market and Third atieeu. THE course of instruction in this Institution,em brace* Dock Keeping. Commercial Computation, Fenmanahtp, Lecture* on Commercial Law, and in (act every branch pertaining to a finished mercantile education. John Fleming. E»q~ ambor of the National Hook Keeping, principal lecturer and icacberi ef Wook Keeping. Ladies and gentlemen wiibing to improve their Pcutqaohip, can call at the College at any hour dur-. ing tb*i day or evening- , • Cl ARBTHNOT is receiving t large assortment of A'.fUcy and ample, variety,and Pry Goods, consist ing in ran of Wooten, Thibftl.and Cashmere Shawl*- Silk, licrlin, Thibet, Kid and Duek»kln Cloves; Wool; •ea and Wgmtd Comfort*; Aipaearand Bomhaames; Wooten ar.d Canton t Innaels; Colored and nteaenea Marius; C&ttiscu and Cainmorcsj Ktbbon* and Lace*; Buttoa* and Combs; Thread* aud Jundingi, Umureilas sud Drts* Done, Ac. All of which, country and city merchants are re- Ipectfally invited to examine, at bd Hood aepgo. tatgc anypiyafFali * Wlatar Goods. MURPHY A DURCHFtELD iaytw the aitemion of buyer* to ibeir large stock «f good* .Adapted for tbe sea»on, consisting in pan oT— 01k and Col'll French Merinofs, •> - . Coborgs and Cashmeres, Citingeablo Topics, . Ureas riilkf and Toms Satins, Blk and Fancy Alpaca*. guper Long Shawl*, Low Price do- Sacking flan nd*. Welsh, Engliibv and Ambnsan Flannels, while and colored. ■lbeir stock of HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, *nch os ffceetinga, Pillow Cue Mutlmi, Table Diaper*. Towelling, Ae- is large, ahd at low; prices for quality. Doyen will find it to te&lr advan tage to elattice their stock before pairhawng— «*i the north east cornet of 4th and Markvt jtfc oet f ■ Tsaaipat*** Wladow; Ikadts. TURCETVED this day, at the Carpet Warefioatt, la, Tfo 09 Fvanh tuaet and 79 Wood ttreer, a very kandioiaeasaoTUßeßtof Traassateat Wtn-tawShades at iriicri price a. [sri] W MoffUivlvdl STEAM BOATS. Packets anlvlnff at anddepartingfroai tbe Port of PlUabnrgh. REGULAR WEDNESDAY PACKET CINCINNATI} Captain Joan Bixxlvqsaxi. This splendid boat was bain by th* , ft/V IN owners of the steamer isasc Newton, fegHJWSS and others, for the dneinnati and Packet trade, ami will leave every Wednesday, for' Cincinnati, in place ot tho New Ragland, No. 8. For freight or passage apply ortftoard, or to mr3u UP MILTKNBERGER, Agt FOR CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS. „ The splendid new steamer i LUKLLA, bgftjgSftSl J. XV. Kountz, master, will Irsve for gB3U&E2s!BQOic above and all iatamedtate ports on this day, 16th insL at 10 A. M. For freight or outage, apply on board. octo FOR CINCINNATI. h The light draught steamer t ITvT & GENEVA, lg?v*cJvs« Wilkins, master, will leave far above intermediate pom, on this day, I4tb iti}t, at 10 o'clock, P. M. For freight or passage apply on board. cell* FOR CINCINNATI. «» The aplendid steamer fJVlh.hrft HINGGOLD, Cam. Cope, will leave for the abov* 1 iißyima all intermediate ports on this day, the JSih man, at 4 P. M. ror freight ur passage apply on board- ocll regular wheeling packet. rfhfif £. The steamer LPummA CASHIER, <B3sfSoyt M’hnilin. master, will leave for the ''i*T «MP jf° ,eonfl alt intermediate landings _ F ? f . !. f e!«ht_or_pamge, apply on board. ocl3 FOR CAIRO St ST. LOUIS. am- k The steamer jJEZrjlfcjN „ COMPANION, y re, Treqdcmck, master, will leave BQEBESBiflior the above and intermediate ooro. on thia dav, lkth Inst., at 4 P. M. For freight or passage, apply on hoard, or to oeltf W B WHEELER, Agent. FOII ZANESVILLE *. The splendid new aieam-r . U/vTJn JULIA DEAN, JflgOTKCTgCspi. Gallagher, will leave ibis day BSfSßE&fißlfor above, at 10 o'clock, A M. For freight orpat*age, apply on board. 0010 FOB I-OUISVILLE. mn»- a The fine new and staunch steamdr i ITr!T-ft NAVIGATOR, tepfrcqfitfll Wm. Dean, master, will leave tor the BBBaKßaßßSabove and intermediate landing*, on till* dav. the 10th Inst, at 10o'clock. A. M. For freight or pa»«age apply on board. ocIO REGULAR WHEELING A SUNFI*H~PaCKKT. narl ~ The fast running steamer . ffTTLS WELLSVILLE, -JjßtkMarCapi B.Young, will run as a regular lEirrriinf packet between Pittsburgh, Wheel ing, Bridgeport, and Sort fish, leaving Pittsburgh every Monday afternoon, tor WcllsvUie, Steubenville,'and Bridgeport, and every Thursday afternoon for Steuben ville, Wheeling, Bridgeport, Coruna, and Bunfish. Return inf, leaves Bridgeport and Bonfiah every Tues day afternoon, and Sunil ah every Friday afternoon, for freight or postage, applv on board, or to «eo7 P WILKINS, Agent. REGULAR DAILY PACKET FOR BEAVER jfMirm- u_ The splendid steamer t P- f. r . Jy YOUGHIOGHENY, Cspt Hartnpee, will leave for above all intermediate landings, everv day, at 4 o’elocx, P. M. REGULAR WHEEUNU PACKET. jJail isoo JSzit The swift passenger steamer „ u „ . REVEILLE. Robert B. Major, master, will leave Pittsburgh every Tuesday, Thursday, and Baiarday monungs, for Wheeling, at lfl o’clock, A. M. Returning will leave Wheeling for Pitubntgh every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 8 A. M. aogS) PHILADELPHIA fi* PITTSBURGH/ THE CITIZEHB’ PORTABLE BOAT LINE, C CONTINUES to forward freight to Piualnrgh via > Uail Road and Canal, nn very reasonable terms, and with the usual despatch, front our large depot, No. *27fl Market street. Philadelphia, formerly occupied by Me**rs. Bingham A Dock. aog27:d-Jm R W POINDEXTER A CO FALL ARRAHGESIEIT. CHANGE OF HOUR Canlral Railroad open to llollldaFalmrs 103 mi/er Canal to Jchnstowm— 2SU mihs Kail Road from Johnstown to Philadelphia TWO DAILY EXPRESS PACKET BOATS, Exclusively for Passengers, FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. Time through, 41 hoars—•••—Pare—4lo ON an after Monday, September lGih. two daily Packet Beats will leave, for Johnstown, from thence take splendid new can USO miles direct u> Philadelphia, passing uvtr the new Pennsylvania Rail Rond, being one oi the very best in the eniiniry. The inerrased speed by this route makes it tbe most desirable, as well as the moat comfortable one to the eastern dues A Packet Boat will leave every morning at 7 o'- clock, and every c»enmgatflobUi*ak.a*»****tT JErru Portage Rail Koail is passed is day light. For passage or information apply to ’ XV SUTCU, MononguheJa Uaase; sep!3 or to D LKECII k CO, Cnhal Basin. OOIOIIQAHKLA ROUTS. snsi»aM Ottljr Jl Ullsi Btagtag, Via DrownxviUe and Combctiand to DaltimorO and Philadelphia. FaBX TO BALTIMOag-- ■ f)0 oo to. PmLAtzLrauiu 00 TUB morning boat leaves the wharf, above the bridge, daily, at 9 o’clock precisely. Time to Baltimore, CM aoorei time to Pniiodclpliia, 40 boor* 'Hie eveuist; bont leaves daily, (except Sunday ev enings,) at B o'clock. Passcugern by issuing on lha evening host, will cross the mountains in stages oaxt day, and lhu» avoid uight travel. Secure your tickets at tho Office,. Monongahala Kouie, or 3;. Charles Hotel. octtMy i. MESmiKN, Axeut l ■: 1850 ‘ BIDWRLL * BROTHER, FORWARDING MERCILANTS, ROCHESTER,Pa^ ißevver Point,) CTAsent* for BID WELL’S PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND LLNK; ERIE AND MFJkDVILLE LINE TO WaRHKN AND NEW CASTLE PACKErSj towing snd (hipping between Pittsburgh And Rochester by steam boats Michigan, Lake Erie, and Beaver. IU~ Good, reeeicted and promptly delivered to all E laces on the CacVts and Luca, at tbe lowest rate*, bippen willjilcaae direct good* to “nuiweU'sLihe.’ Vi J. C BIDVtT.LT* - •. Watf* «t. Pitt«horvh & FALL FASHION. Ji, fJtHIS beautiful, style of Hat. u enw received, and X will ba ibtrodnccd ou Saiarday, Hist insu by McCORD & CO aug39. _ Cor. Fifth A Wood su. PRINTING PXPER—tuOrai Jt x3B; rflrmiSaxK; equal to the best in tho market, for sale by setrJfl RCBTOCKTON * Bacon laoIH—v!0 casks sound butrqagh, wBPSe rotd low to close the lot by ISAIAH DICKE.Y A CO Watsr A From sta. J. E. BRADY, A TTOR iV E T AT LAW, jxo. SO Fifth straat, jKSBM kxw STOCK Of if * ll* CniCKJCRING’S PIANOS. JOHN H. JIF.LLOR, No 8t Wood street, solo stoat for Cbtekering’s Piano Fones for Western Penn syWanlv.ba* received, ard now ready for sale, the following s*K»rtment selected by himtelf from' the msnafactory, and will be supplied as usual nr air. Chlckepng’* preen, vir— M carved Lout* XIV, 7 ocuves. 3 elegant Rosewood, 7 do; 3 do do f>J do; T do do 6 do; 1 do Mahogany, ft do; J do Walnut, 0 do, 1 fall carved »emigraod. A. CARD—Tho. tahfcriber h»» the ples*nre : of announcing to the cititent that h* lit made arranxement* with’.Mr/John li. Melior, far foe exclusive vale of hi* Piano Fortes, in Pittsburgh and W'eetern Penn-ylvania, and tbore wtriung to pfar rhasc may beawuxed that their intercut* will he faith fully attended to. • J CUICKGRING • Boston, Marrh MO, IM3. | •. —i— t In addition to tbe above stock of Piano* from Ur. Chiekerisg, a new sapn)y {* pflertd frtm foe foctorie* Of Adam Utodart. Jlaeon A Raven, and Woreetfor, New .York, and Halleu, Comsten A Allen, Bostont at price* varying from two to three hundred dollars j i*ep?£> ’ ' ; • ! HARPER’S NEW MoNIHi.Y MAGAKINa.Ro 5 for Oeiober,j*il received and fersale at. j R HOPKINI {_ not?. 73 Apollo BoUding*. 4tb »D To Pvople from tbs 010 tienatry. • EXactj.T me same kindnf hmali Leaf, Fioo, htrong. and Bough Flavored Black Teas thai are used in the old Country, can he bought at 500 and 75c pec lb. ni Mom* A Haworth's Tea Store, east wde «fhbo Diamond, “and no where else In Pitubarvh.' *eit>4 PRINTING PAPEH—The best in market can" bo bad at foe agency of Clinton Mills, S 3 Wood sL *enit W P MA RBHALL Jas. nnspratt * Sows’ Patvnl Rod* 4»k*. 00 4 CASKS of the above celebrated, brand, pari; *tere, andnhe retuanwer to arrive thi* and. uext montn.pcr "Anna Rif h. n “Eutcpe.” **Benm, a kftd. ether ship*; via PhiUdelphta and.D*!Omore>wairgnt 'nd iunerior-io Both atrtneihmnd qiiaHiyto aaylngka tnarkcL for skle at lowest price forpavh and prevwlVais, by W AMMITCHELTREr .aeta ‘ • Uheytv atreek ’ 1 . i NEW LOT OF SPZsSIKDID ; PIABO&, JVfnxtc and Mttricai Initnuxinii, f ; Sign of foe'Golden Harp, No lOCThird'street.; r ig. 11. KLEBER taspecifally infofmi hit friends and tbe public, that he ha* ¥T^n**n^ a,t returned from foe east, witb a i|.» I | • most elrgast and extenUve assort ment of Plano* of vsrtoos styles and price*, selected by himself, with great c»re. at the celebrated factories nf Nonns A Clirk. N. and Dunham, N, Y.. ifim ef Stodan A DnnhHJDjN. Y ) Having letrettd tbe above from an iminense aleck js*t finished by thc above makers, they are warranted of superior qaallty and tone, andwil! in alieases be sold at New York fae-. tcrypricc*. Parebasen will receive a written guar' anty with each Plano, entitling them to an exchange or return of same if fonttd detective. Also, a lot of splendid Guitars, from the factory or PthmidtA M*o).N-Y They me a .opvrb irniete, and'warranted equal, if nrn Mperior, to any mod# tn U *A”S! l . a 'in- .cl«c(l=n o( Plo«.. Cl.rioKt. 'JoUM; Stria**, Bro-s tbstroments, vnd »he newest and pop alar cmiir, jnclofong Jenny Lind ■ «o»Tgr. ~ - Welch. Flwwnola- Murphy a burcufield.at northeast corner of Fourth and Market streets, are now supplied with a foil assortment of foo **no«t\qoaiu» ot •bore desirable goods, and having, bega purektsed fraa the importers oaa ho najiiated fososo, ooe ' J - -I SOUSES, LOT? fccT von SALE. A TWO BTORV BRICK HOUS) career ef Etui* All . *-ep|T;dtt BOBER' TO LET. A Fore Siory Dwelling alate’rtef, «£««.'buk rooa, gas fiitare*. and bake oven, JO Third il loquixejwMWawrrreet. tctU t * LAKD FOR SALE. THE Charter's Coal tyntponr will sell sobm ten desirtJjlepiece* of land. *uu»t f ,i on and near the or.°?'r7JSr p The ton'd will be divided iwn qnunitiea to »nit nor chosen, and the term* ot payment wilt be verr easy. hnqdtoof i \y REMINGTON * Cool Harbor, Bept. sep-hdlu Manager. TO LIST, A N£ p . Q, £*lL t !n n ***/» immediately,theThrwSmtt /l Home, No GO Liberty street, and o^rvo«it-.Third H ALSO, r»ucv»,w»» The Second omlTbhd Slones of Warebtmw No 3 Murket street. Enquire of R C STOCKTON*, Booksellers, 47 Market bl YTALUAJJLK REAL ESTATE ON PENN STREET f FOR SALE.—A Loi of Ground situate o a Penn meet, between Hay and Marbury imeeti. a-.lioinin« the home and lot now occupied by Richard Kdw&rdi having* front of its feet, and in depth ISO feet, will bo told on faTorablc terra?. Tide unexceptionable. E&. qaiieof ' C. 6. LOOMIS, 4th-si, near Wood ocfll-dtf CALIFORNIA AJDVEBTISERIKHT. PEARIS A DHOCKWaY. Commission Merchants, Sacramento City, California. Liberal advance* mode on.: consignments, and. ail ajenc-y buimcss promptly attended to. B. a.psasn, ) J*. W*BXOCXWiT, n. loots, t } rmastmen mayl3:d.twonT ;J. QARRIBOH BBWGU, ATTORNEY AT. LAW, OHIO.STATE COMMISSIONER fnrtattrff Da» titlon>, AcknowledjnnenH of Deed*. Ac. Office— Fourth street, tbovn Snulh&dd. rorl-dAwT MURPHYS BURCHFIELD tuvt>d CCMPLXTXD IUE A?!D OT'fICT OF TEXTS fT.'BB sosw, Sorth*Eait cor. ofFonrth A Harh«tltl> ; WILL RE-OPEN, On Mmidxj naming, 23d September, Willi- a Large Motk of New Goods. S-p7l R. C. STOCKTON, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, N 0.47 Martetttrvei, corner of Third at., HAS cptmar.tly on hand, for tale, Writing, Loner, Printing, Tea, and Wrapping Paper; Bonnet. Fuller#’, Ulodet*', and Trunk Boards; Book and Newi Paper Printing Inks: which be will tell atlho lowest cash prices, or in exchange for masortannejs’ scrap* septß r DR. S?EER has removed u» Liberty street, below Pitt atreet, No UW. .Office and dweilir.R in the same building «un3l:d£s. IBACHLUTT & WniTß, wacuusia cealrs m DOMESTIC IND FOREIGN DRY GOODS, No. 101 Wood atraat, INVITE the attention of buyers to tbelr large ftosk of Krrili Goods now opening, and which they ata prepared to sell on very arcommrda'lng terms. We ibail be constantly receiving fresh goods dur ing the season, and request an examination of cor stock by western merchants, and others visiting our £iit_ acc3t WBX. DIGBT, No. 136 Llbsrty.Strset, IiEGS respectfully to inform his numerous friends £> »nd.Cu»U>rncr», tbut he is just receiving his new fall stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMKRE*, ond VEST INGS, o( the newest styles, adapted tor the approach ing fall upd wimer seasons. All tjro-e in went of cheap, fashionable, and good clothing, will End tho largest,-roost fashionable, and ben stock in the W«<ter&'country, at this es’ahlistiiii-m »ep!9 co-PAUTaiKasniP. THE Undersigned have, this day. RicuoiateJ them selves under the' firm ol Phillips, lieu A Co., far-- the purpose of taaaufaciur’ng every varieiv of Flint Giaes Ware, WILLIAM PIIILLIPS, JOHN BEST, SAMUEL M CLEAN, .Ir. PUHI IPH, BERT A OO ' Mamtfaeinrers of every variriy oi Col, frtkin!, rod Plata Piiut Glusj Wore ORDF.BS hlii-il without Jr lay, at the lowest mar ket. juice. at their factory, on -Try «trert, near Fecoi.d; of at li«* Witter Mtcel, I'lUnt-urg,-) rupH'tiVm Tcmpsranesvllie A Kobieil»whl*Uhk v itoul Coupasy. hereby given, tbst in odefonmry with i.l tbo provisions of an Art of Assembly, amhormiig >ha incorpo'atiiiQ of the above company, pasted tho 7th day of April, 1f(0, Looks will be npeccft for sub scription to the capital stock of said company, at the office of Brown and Kirkpatrick. Liberty Mroet;'th the ciiv of -Fiusbargh. on Wednesday, the IGih day of October r&ext, at the hour of Vi o’eloelr, A. M , and ennuundor the space of five days, or until the whole nurat .'.r pf Irhares required by the said act shall h*v« been sal-scribed. Jonathan P. Rots Jamea.Wood Jamea.Truniek Georgo Ledje StSSISr - " Isaac Walker K--C. Wlytfi Jacob pooliule Robert Sit rreu seulH^AwtdT I. George Aochutzjr &L B. drown I Levi Gregg 1" 'John Obey*” ~ ' Mores Chens * I Samuel <irnh«tn P. J. SmlUt Wlllism Fetter James lUchordioa Proclamation. BY’ virtue of a precept under the hands of Wot. B JM'Clnre, President of the Court ef Conuaca Plea*, In sod for foe Fifth Judicial District ef Pennsylvania, •no Justice ef the Court of uye.r nnff Terminer, end 0 General Jail Delivery in ned tor aaij Dtrtrirt,n'jd William Kerr and Samuel Jor.fi, E«|*, A»-ociat<t Joyces of tbe rime eoamy, in end for <be Couaiy at Allegheny, dated the 16th day of August, in the yevr ot oar Lord ere itjotand eight bnn<ireu -ird to me directed, for toldinp a Court < f o>tr and Ter . miner and General Jail Delivery, at the Court House in the city of Pituborgh, on tbe Fojrfo Monday October next, aim o'etock A M. Public notice ts hereby given to all Justices of the Peace, Coroner, nnd Cons.ablesof Allegheny, foal, they be then fcnd there, in their proper fcr*on»,with their roils records inqaisltions, exnminsUoaa and other renembrvncce, la co those tiiogs, which to their respective offices in their besslf appertain to bn done—and attn those that will prosecate foe prisoher* that now are or may be in the jail of *rid roaniy cf Aliegbejiv, to he fora and there to presecate agatnst them as ahall ho just. Given under my hand at Pittsburgh, this ICth day of Aaglitt, in the year of onr Lord one tbonsand eight hundred nod fifty, and of U.eCnmmor.wnsith foe >sth muKlOidAwuiT CARTER CURTIS, Sheriff. Opening or tbe Pcamylvania RaUßnad to PUtibnrgh. THEPcnntylvaoin Bali Rond Company having completed ibc whale line ot rail road 10 Uelhdayn* burgh, : ihn» currecune u.e Portage Rad Rood to JohnroWn, and Irani thence by boats to Piiubargh t are now prepared to receive and forward merehan dlze, ptoonte, Ac., to ar.d irnm Pittsburgh and rtlla* delphta.' The b«*t» wt:l leave «hr- Jrpot of the-ceotrcey ally tor JohrwU-irn, there connecting with the daily -ani of cats fur PiiladelfUiu, thus uttaring tta da very of all freight in PliiUacS|.hia within hva day*. uullaligoltt AganU for Pa. tt. It. To, raual Uarin, Pittsburgh. CRAIG ft BELLAS, Ageflia,. Philadelphia. APMianSTKATOm>’ aOTICB. lETTERS of AdminmntioD bavinr frtcfl granted i to.tbe nndsmgued oa iho etteta of its UteGtnrg* L. Bel*; deceased, all petiun indebted are to make iamedu.e payment, ard ttio*« barjsg dvrae to jprekut its same, properly • aitc&icuad, to eitiei cf the aobtcriber*, for liqtudat:on. THO'TA«DaFT, OEORGB C Rm*l- To Bovliurn and W«»i«rn D«ntauHVi ROUSSEI/S PBEMIUM PERFUMERY. —TU Subscriber respectfully inriiet public attention to his extensive ttocE of Per/tunery, Scxpa, Shan/tf Creams* A.c„ to whtcb seven Hilver rnd two Cnljeii Medal* have, within thn last six years, been nwariiel by the. Institute* of New York, flonon, end Phila delphia, the latter being oo'v Golden MedaU ever awarded for perfumery either in Europe ox i»ski« country. . fIOCSJUT’S UjIEJTXtXXJI SIUVTUO CXKAJf. |AICSC3v» Ross, *nd AwhfO'tal,) universally acknowledged to be sdperior to my Shaving Cream la tin* caoutry or Korops. OuiorßAJ** vox Sains*— Beautifully transparent, and ‘possessing highly fcapooececus and properties; Saponaceous Compound; Ambrosial So*** mg Tablet; Military . Bt.T*»n-’*« ’foxsT Sours—Almond, Row, KslleCenT*, DooqßCt,Pi«wchto.M«ui,.l,*»eboßly,L-suii|7tivFloai inr. Transparent, Olive (iil, \V iai»ot, ir j Circtsiiun. Ktraana so* . the Uv.-zxxxr-'.o— Rom, Jaaaun, , Boanuei de Caroline, Gctmiiun, Jenny Emd, Monsss -1 line. Jockey Clnb, Masnolre. Cleaastte, Citiotello RhsAt, and many other vsruti**, in ill sixty liitprenr ; f ’ t TctL*T Wuttxs—FlonJs Water.'Eßtt dt Toflctve, t Orange Flower Water, and a great, wusy «f C-v knrnea pad Lavender Waieru . v* 'c, PasruXAttwia vo* is* Huan-Genultie B«t*s 00, Antintie Oil, Bandoline, Kan 'EfaitralC. CiebieilCcra* pound Ox Marrow, Hair Dyes, liquid and in powder, : ind Philoeomej Rlolnine, and Jenny Lind Pantaer*. OposTAiarc Pbxva*u‘Ro!i»— Balsamie E!Ulr,_Rn;n Tooth PailO) Charcoal Donuifiee, .Odcotlne.'Txw.th Paste, tttd.W>A Powder. • ■ • ■ Covturnca— Vegetable Cosmetic Cream, AtWHtdiso for Chapped hands. Cold Cream of Boses, Crcita de perMiLtp BhlfS, Cream, &e. DepdatoryPowtlere, for removing •apersuoasjbdr, Pearl Powder, Vinaigre da Rouge, AioinatiS Vinegar, VictaihS'ilKjx* Competition,- Freitcn gaits, bc/idea « grdaf variety of other arudles, too namdretudaba umedid thlandveilisemeo?. _ v. The subscriber bores to maintain,.ihojltpotaiton which this establishment rua «e<;nlr*3^J by disposing ofndUfjegbnt Crst rate articles, andwift he fcg-py to farmsh ljiofe who may wish tp pni/ptdpe wholesaler it tail, cm as leasounbleteiou US.khy cs> taWlsfimeal In the United Stale*. *. • - *•• >% . ' ' XAVIEItBA^IH, Successor to.tod former Director of' the La'boiiuory of v ; . , EUGENE HOCSbEt, • IM.Cbetnnvtfirect. . fflr. BxxiiPa Pcrfhmery is for enlelby nil thejtdnei. iptl Draxgitu • •opi?jdiyt ’’ ~7OAVKSTER . MERCHANTS. 'FALL STOCK OF DRY GOODS. . ' A. A, MASON & CO. • DEiIKES IS FAKCI & STAPLE DEt MODS, Wo.OttMAttKKT STJU&JfiT*'* •Iktweea.Third fcj'eurili *ueels,' riUstarßb, INVfTJi ihe attention ef lanrchacu vUiHfijf \b? city, va jhfir ttotik ef Fait aid Wiatef.uoode, Miettedrwiih cote- aod nUention-Truia*feeEi iopt>rtaSo?»,'l»Tgc,«uci.on tales,and frtinrtfc*lead* lut manolacttinr*, by their resident pauper irfc New York.-'lheiestockthis(all .will betoand tQhcjnoch larger juul mb«.Tarfedthatj any thejr liasre'eVeHJeiore tihi jaarket, being tepleuished by Peeripw '4l goods almost dally Havasu Ihe'semsoa as (bey peat'jrt ibo eiUter* markets T*»tl*rU*g their atoek at *ll Ume*fall «Wd otrfeei, thereby enautieg ibkaJ suc cess Ihlty io feotopei*bnaece • •; '-* rpf ‘ ClipKSß—4l« Uxi joil ire’d torimjeuy ( y -ftp?-. s u c*K_m:Lu_ gmU«ta’ JUiver Pllla Bapercede all olb*n •' ’ - Charlrtioo, Y»->aep*-2(»r l ¥:^' Mr. R. E. PelJetc—Venr Fill* hare become ro l*r f lo all this region of connin', as eery ft*? 11 to mm r>e feeds nil other* as aXtycror aihUM* o-4 Fill- Yo«r*,Ae. . .. JAMES A LLVYI3 ;(pxtraeieTLeUci.) \ FafcfcateTS Wilt recollect ibax R. E. Setter# Uver PUla are tbe original and only Jiae and trennme Llrer PUI, and mar be bad at No'S? Wood >!.j'and of dro**lst» generally la lie two clues and Tlelafry. QLPVBRaSBP-g bits la Boro a^forenjgjy^ $5 *n4 LOT, oa ijT M’KNIGItT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers