The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 16, 1850, Image 2

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    the mim iin tiAxmE
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ID*V. B. PiUtl la Agent for thla paper ai hia
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- PiULanxurwa Horh amx*ic±s.—Advertise
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0“ CmcunuTt Daily Caxarta.—AdvertUetnents
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If vo can judge by tbe lone cf the Whig press,
which baa arrayed Uacll on different (idea in the
unhappy controversy which now agitates lie pony
in that State, there appear»}'.o be bat .little hope of
any amicable adjustment. The most earnest aod
active warfare la weged, not again*! tbe common
foe, bat of brother against brother, of Whig
agaipat Whig: The ciote of the quarrel, if we
rightly understand it, ia partly personal, and partly
founded on the amount of opposition to be urged
again* lie encroachments of slavery- The chief l
we think, lie* deeper than appear* e|PD the i
aiii&ce. It la, wo imagine, the outbreak of fae» ;
dona which have long eclated in P* rt T in lbtl
State, and which have trequwUy threatened ita
poaco and caefnlneaa. Mr. Seward is
fenowiedsed bead of one wing of tbe party, jh®
loading organ of which is Thorlow Weed's paper,
the Albany Evening Journal, t?h‘cb U conducted
with no little tact and ability. Theta ia OP person
aery prominent aa « leader on the other aide. £?r.
Doer, a member of the present Congress, and a
geaftemnn cf ability and iadoence, appears to take
ihw moat prominent position at present. The
leading organ ia the Daily Stats' Register, a re*
•peccable sheet, aod conducted with considerable
ability, published at Alb toy. This la a new paper,
•niagonistlcal to the Journal, and was started, we
presume, to famish the wing of the party opposed
to Seward, an exponent of its viewa at the ««t oi
the State Government. The Buffalo Advertiser,
the leading paper of that city, also favore the
nme caose, as well as the Express, of i«>P cll f °
New York. The New York Courier and Zwti'
er, and tbe Commercial Advertiser, both Whig
papers of marked ability, taka no particular aide
In this controversy, but endeavor to pour oil on
the troublod waters of political strife. The New
York Tribune la a devoted paruxan of the wing
oftho party beaded by Mr-Saward. Like ali in*
tertino quarrels, this ono ia waged with a good
deal of seal and acrimony, and we fear the tedda
are eowing waich will produce the fruit or confu
sion and disunion after many day*.
To an outsider, who is free from the piejudiees
which are the real OTiglo of this contest, there is
nothing in the ostensible reasons set forth,to justi
fy the difference* which exist. The oppoiinon
which Mr. Seward has waged against the exten
sion and dominant power of slavery, can certain*
ly be no insormoantable barrier to the rerpeet and
good will of the Whigs of New York, who are al
most intuitively anti slavery men. Neiibsr can
his resolution to oppose its encroachments in fu
ture boa sufficient cause of rejection. For while
an institution *o entirely antagonistic! I to liberty
exists, there will ba In toe hearts of men a perpet
ual opposition to it. It is a vain hope to Indulge,
that the legislation of the last session of Congress
Will fjr aver q iiel this slavery ajitation. While
slavery exists, there will be more or less excite
ment and controversy arising therefrom ; and
Wfiite Southern Senators are ready to do battle on
the instant for every fancied encroachment on the
“domesticina'.itauoo, "why should wo not also htve
men in the same body ever ready to plead for the
right* ofhumaalty. Wo cannot expect in a great
and intelligent Stale, such at New York, that all
the acta of a poblio man will meet with universal
assent, and the mere pttsago of a complimentary |
resolution could never, and ought never to bo con
strued into a party endorsement of the oploion* of
the man. It appears to os; therefore, that the I
course orthostccier* fromthe Syracuse Conven
tion was not dictated by tho wisest, dictate* ot
party policy, and bad not for It* foundation a cauae
of sufficient msgnitnde. We think the great na
tional Whig cause, which we believe the eece
dera have truly at heart, would have been better
promoted by submitting to iho action of the mi
jarity, until i- could bo legitimately reversed. For
it mart he cl*tr xn the most casusl observer, tbst
a permaoeot split in. the Whig party of that grett
State, must be fatal to the prosperity and success
of the national Whig party. With the certainty cl
the loss of that State, all its energies would be
paralyzed In a national contest.
On the other baud, we cionot view the man'*
feat disposition to dnd fsnltwith PreaMent Fill
more, and to connect him in tome way with the
quarrel, by the friends of Mr. Seward, bnt with
• extreme regret. Mr. Fillmore ia the President ot
the nation, and since his accession to his high
seat, he has displayed an impartiality, a firmness,
an entire abnegation of personal feelings and pref
erences, a eoonecration of the good oJ
tbo whole country, which should command tbe
admiration and gratitude ol thJ entire people. I*
he has erred, it his originate*! from the intense
desire to act justly as the President of the nation,
and not as tbe leader of a party. In the discharge
oi his duties, be should l*e protected against the
attacks of the opposition, by all tbe Whig hott»,
whether they esn agree among Ibomselvea or not.
He should be permitted to remain entirely unmix
cd with the intestine quarreli which siiiiet the
Whig party, receiving tho respect and support ol
Tba Whig* of New York may be mured that
their brethren in Pennsylvania look npon their
disputes with deep regrou We, of this State, beg
them to come together, to bury the hatchet ofdi*
cord and smoke the pipe o! peace. If they cannot
•gree ia «oae even important matters, they can
eullact together in tho eelection end eupport ot
good Whigs to office, until time shall remove the
canto end obliterate the retaembraacn of these
dJE collies.
Hoes Fasm Ncus«.-We take pleasure in
recommending to.all {persons wishing to purehsso
fctut trees, evergreens, dec., to the Nursery of the
Mean. Murdock advertised in soother column.
They will find an abundant supply, in capital order,
end most gentlemanly snd oblljing men to deal
with. Their stock of fine evergreens, those beao
iful ornament for lawns, is not exceeded in this
country. .
• PccoTtvanu LteisLaTcat.— The Hoaesdale
Democrat says that in that couniy, Mr. Grier, the
regular Locofoco candidate for the Horae of Rep
resentatives, is defeated by Col. Freeman, the in
dependent candidate.'' John S. Strothers, Whig, is
thought to' be elected in Schuylkill, instead of one
of the Loeofocos whom wto have announced.
Pawmtw Ftiuxowbasformally recognised J.
B. Fab, da Canton de St. Gall, os Consul of the
Swiss Confederation for Louisiana, Mississippi,
Alabama;Tennessee, and Arkansas, to reside nl
NewOr!eaos,aad Phillippe JacquesFraax.dn Can
to* de Berne,as Consul of'tne Swiss Confederation
for Michigan, Wisconsin, lowa, and Mineeota, to
reside at Detroit.
J. Boniurt, Elq., bss been appointed by
Judges Grier and Kaoo.uf the U. S. Circuit Court
for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, United
Commissioner for the county ot Cumber
land. .
• Passed Midshipman Thomas B. Wainwright,
'late acting master of the U.B. Ship John Adams,
diriton bo---d Hal rasolon Hi. luhcf Aiigmt,
vbito offtbo ceait of Africa. Hi, disrac ». in
fltmmolion of ihe tiocacb.
Tho Columbia Brandi of lie Ham-burj aud
• laocaster Rail Road was openedefewdasuauiae.
Itta cosaeucled in an elcrAleat mnnnar and laid
with the boat T rail. It commencee at Mjdlje
tdwn. which is about 9 miles below H»m»barg,
MQ the wolo root i* iromediaiely e
hfrtni. «nd Pennsylvania Cana- • B ““““gf"*}
!• -cEtoobia with tho old Colombia ttxi- It will
■lwJd the oeeeesity of the deity In transshipping
i" ' JoSo contli tad enables the cart to
l! if through to the Central roaA—iV. American.
• On Tuesday morniug !#**» Mr. J*®«* Spicer, ia
| i a Mr. Baker, discovered two tlarw
m Hickman. county Accosting.
: £ diES, they demandniwberelhey^were
• - tho negroes stepped behind etch h»
i taking deliberate at
i.. KftSJief Mr.Sptcer. The ahot, or ball, peae*
breaw beam, wbtrejt Jaa arraaiei.
! Jrtir’Jhom cniebborhood nt apeedily eiotwad,
|!, itaMSrortltedrflßded their eicape etrow
i l . i.
ConwpoadeaeeoTthe Pitubnrgb Gaaett*.
Th« A(tUtton ti tbe looth-Tbe Con-
Tintloii-S«eiilUm HoTimnnU Af
<alr* Intba Infected StaU*-Duty of
•II FrUada of tbe taton la tboaa
lt>(e*>Dtiuießcaaoalr ba cnubed
br lb« loalb>
Wasotkoton, Oct- 12, IS-®.
We bate tolpborotta Intelligence from tbe
South, and Ike barton in that diiaction ii " 01 5
towering. Tho reaiaUnla at all hititda, •»* w
tha laat etrrcmily, appear to be final
in Somh Carolina, Georgia, Miasiaaippr,
aa, and are dednlng their po-ition with nraoh et
actaeas. Thetr lasi extremity thirty
and the Inal hazard ta diaunion or death, the
avmbol of the diro alternative fa a codk; the 0"g
of the le.goer, for teceaaion ia red, icdic.ungth.
no quarter 11 to be given or ukeo; and the do.
vice la the pinning ahull and the eroa. boner.-
Tin Georgia divinion ofihe chivalry ** "leading
off "and the Palmetto cohorts are egging them on
with hif winds, in all lime, the chief ammunition
of drat sort of people. AH of them are doing «
largo buaineaa in tiro coffin tipo. Some trme in
November, the election far member, of the Poo
rention is 10 be held In Oeorgie, whether that ...
aemblage will tahe place befere the mneting otthe
Ixgialainre in December, aeema to be doubtful.
Whal the Convention ia to do, if it gels tcgeiber,
or what it* promoters complain of or propose to
remedy, arc matters equslly incomprehensible ,n
mean parts. Tbe Sonth Carolina profesaorr,
play actors, and brigiM* 01 ‘ lhiv,,rT -P 3l "' M ' “ J
(oitian, are likely to save themselves £rtrr-r spoc
taoeous combuslioo and explosion by su early anJ
tnecial meeting of the Ltgislatnre. 1 have had
private Information for sir week, past, open
which I place mot e tnlikscj thin that which cornea
! ihroogb the paper., and from which | have |,een
led to expect that thi. called session would be
bead, and that the wita of the plotters would he
Intensely esci:;sed devising the way. and means
10 iudneo Georgia or sosm State to do the
indispensable “leading oil" far the Souui irKainf
opetatoro are peifeelly eooacioo. that they are
■omewhat dale tc llm prarkelaol sedihon, and
,hat not even “ihe Sonth" of Urcr topes epd inr
tgiaation can be peraneded to follow any .uch
lesi M their*.
Theae««iiSl8 fjpm Mi**“»‘PP' coniWung. 1
or rather we h*vo n*«* of coyf mcoti which are ,
conflicting. The men of«en«e sad naiicoki •«*-
j cg are (flat, ibd ire ..doing whattbey can id
I mt&ff jheir voices betid for Ihe Union and th
law. Bat thaw »ipnch active malignity, much
pcrtoml conceit and pot b£Cio yjbancy >n this
&ate, and tbo*e aaatimenta alio find tbs
e»H«|j9 n * T^eM *** nf> docbl lh#t D, ' i,,
with fall inorilsgtp Hock of vanity, incivility, and
offensive pretenaloo, t« a IJP® Bail
KttUtiTe ef tbeie!alter feeling*. I wiw.ld b? «f
-ry to beliptf Uni Foote repreaented the loyalty
and fidelity of tkn Ct»t* to tbe Union and national
anthority, bat H l» evident tfelt totpe itreak. of
pairiotiam pervade the aiogalarly oanatituted mind
ol tbia mas, and there i* tome iea»aa to hope
that Providtnea may have selected him for an
inatramepf of good*
Thete haro bec& iff Text*, according to the la-i
teat aoconau, tome enexpeaUaly BDd
cited proceeding agamat conciliation and <jtiiet |
■nbmioion to the action of the federal govern*
OtOi. Bat I have no donbt in the wjild that
NovemUr trill tell a different and more •enaibie
tale. If the people is Cfft almost ananimocaly ac«
cept the proffer ol the United Ku*«j I "ball be
multken, and far one, I eonleaa that l am oilerly
indiffernfft whether they do or not. U the people
of Texai,Cf fkpir demagogoe leader*, want to
fight, 1 think the fed million* would be infinitely
betteripeal in icachingtbwn p'* ce and do
ty m the Union, wtd In vindicating tho nnd
■itie cf the other Stale* to tbo territory p'Opcied
be tarreodered to Texaa, than making a prei-
enl of 11 to her.
And now what wQibo ike moll ol alithis
mioo in the Sooth, after the settlement—wUh
respect to the great question* at isaoe- was *o[ •
poaed to have been effected? Wb*t doea thi«
political Igmeal, called “the South,*’ want?
What are tta grievance*! How doe* It propose to
tedreas them? The general allegation, bo far aa
any thing apecifis fen be gathered from the iaco
herent raving* with which the malcontenta rend
the air, la, that they are degraded by the legisla
tion of Can grew, that tbeir right to an equality
of advantage* and franchise* ha* been taken
away Iron them by that power. Wherein! By
the admttatoa of Califerinia with her anti aliTery
conatuntioa. Bat Congress did aot make that
that confutation, corlyid any department of the
general government the least cacjroj over it.—
Congress had no discretion, bet wai bound ly
she constitution to admit the Sta'e with or without
Slavery. Bit the act if done, and cannot be rc»
; vened- Poihe agitator* in any Southern Suit
• expect to get California out of the Union? Or to
I they suppose that the? have the right or lie
j power to chfbge the conatltatiaa ot California*—
1 To anggeat inch oVjrats, if to demonstrate ibeir
: abtardity. Bat on every other point, ‘-the South"
1 his obtained all that was openly demaodtd for it.
[ They demanded the organisation of territorial
. povernmenta without (he promise; they.have «e*
j cored it, thef demanded a Fugitive Slave Law;
they have got one which annihilates some of the
| dearest and highast conatiintiooe! rights of the
i North. What then are they gening op aocci-
I aion leagues, non lotercnsrae aoeleUea. and State
and General conventions fin* A mole can see
I and nnderstand the grand design that informs the
! whole. They want ditnnJon. They want a
! aootbern effete confederacy- That !i* what they
ml, and that Is all they are laboring for. The
thin veil that concealed their purposes for a
i»now thrown aside. The cant of “justice of
disunion” is now seldom indulged to, the son of
jurtiee they once asked for, because they hoped
ibey would not obtain it, has been granted them,
[and now they go for disunion without comm*
| gency.
I Bat as to the issue. It seems to me that the
onion party at the South should be left t# tight
oat this battle on their own resource*, it is a
contest between the pro slavery “higher law’
party and tho supporters of the conatitotion and
joverament. The ••txahadof' of the Slavery
party, have raised the question of submission or
resistance to the authority of the republic. They
declare aubmission disgraceful to southern men.
and “anbataakmutf" traitors to the Bouth, and
anoonnee themselves rvsistanta. One of thom
solemnly recorded his ostb in Oongresa. “I aen
for reslatnaee, so help me God." If there are in
there are in the Slave State* s majority of those
who will not "submit" to the lav, and who arc
(ir “resistance at all fatesrda and to the last cx
trinity*it ooght to be ascertained, and if that
majority Uso wrong and decided that it cannot
be controlled by the ‘••ubminloalsta" to the con
•motion and Laws, then that majority ought to he
permitted to secede and set up another gove-o
meat. To that point I think all correct reaaon
iog brings os. I have alwaya held, that whenever
this mighty confederacy and gloriona Republic
could not be preserved except by the armed con
don of a part of its members, the day of its <sea«
liny would have arrived. We can never pre»
serve the Union by dval war between the
In the Union l woald have no war, bit should
any one or more of the States leave it, the casr
would be altered. In a future communication,!
may with your permiaion trace some of the con
eeqnencetof disunion to the parties now agitating
for it. 1 will also take occasion to offer some remarks
npon thePugitire Slavo Law, which I regard,o|*o
mere mature consideration than I had time to be*
tiow upon it daring Us pendency in Coagreiß, a*
a itnpendoai scheme for undermining and de
fraying the liberties of while men, in order
that the alavery of the back* bo better astured
and perpetuated, end as being clearly ancacsti
totional and noli.
la tho mean time, we are Toroid to coacode,
tbise of ns who, like myself, have beeo most anx
ious for > final adjotimeat of the lamtnttbie and
distreasing controversy which baa been going on
among ua for thirty years, wo fere forced to con
cede that the agitation is not qincled, that the
generosity aid sacrifices of the free State* bnvc
produced no substantial frail, and that the true
principle* of concord between Northern and
Son'.hern brethren have not.yet been discovered,
or if ao,have cot been practiced npoo.
“ Tbs WM ni y Gatstts rays that the Pupo
and Coonoil oflha Propagandist Rome have coo
£naed Ihe Decree of the Provincial Council, by
wludl Western Virginia >t made an Episcopal San,
and tie flight Rev.; Da. Whelan appelated Bishop
of Wheeling. It 11 though: this event wili con
tribute tb tbo prosperity of «*’ eUy, by utreeting
thither, el aeuien, those per out cmtgraliag West
who are of the Catholic Jpenberion. An eflbrt is
•boot to be Bade to efibst lie rtjwt,
by authority.
pasted during Uu First Sanontftlw Thirty Pint
lPublic—No. 48.1
AN ACT to edible the State of Arkansas and
otnet States to reclaim the "swamp lands” with
in their limits.
Be tt enacted by ikt Senate and Hotiuof Rejtrt*
tentative* cf tha United State* cf Amtrieain Con*
gret* auirjihltd, Thai to enable the Slate of Ar
fcaatee to construct the neoeairry lovees and drains
to reclaim tie swamp nod overflowed lands therein
tins wholo ol those awamp and overflowed lands,
' made unfit thereby Tor cultivation, which shall re
| main unsold at the passage of this act, shall be,
and the same are hereby, granted to said State-
See. 2. And U u /urtitr enetud, That it shall
be the duty of the Secretary ot the Interior, a*
soon as may be practlosblo after tbo passage of
this act, to make out aa aeouraw list and plus of
the lands described as aforesaid, and traosmitthe
same to the Governor of tbe State of Arkansas;
and at the request of said Oovemor cauae a
patent to be issued to the State therefor;
and on that patent the fee simple to raid
lands shall vert in the said Slate of Arkansas;
subject to tbe ditpoial ol the Legislstnre thereof:
ProriiW, htnptvtr, Thit the proceeds of lands
’ whether trom floor fay diW appropriation in
' kind, shall be applied, exclusively, as far aa ne
) the purpose of reclaiming said lands by
means of tbe levees and drains aforesaid.
Sea. 3 And be W furthrr enacted, That in mak
irg oct a list, and plats, of the land aforesaid, all
legal subdivision*, the greater part cf whioh i|
we j onut fci ah&ll bo included
in said list and plats ; but when/the greater partol
a subdivision is not of that chancier, tbe whole oi
it shall ba excluded thertfroo.i
See. 4. And be tt farthtr entteied, That the pro
vinuoeut ih’s a*i be egter fled (tq. aPtUbnr bene
tiu be conferred upon, each of the othf States ol
I the Union in wh:eh such swsmp sod faverfl-iwed
| lands, known and designated as aforyaaul, may
| be situated.
ZvtiliT tflht House tf Representative'.
president if iht Senate yrv temp?u.
Approved September 28, 1850.
iPvxuc —No. 49.]
AN ACT to authorise tie appointojeni of lodiao
Agent i in Cttifefatjh
lie 1 1 enacted by the Senate and House cf Reyrs
smutives cf thf United Statu r f 4 mensa, tu
Congress Assembled, Tbit the Presided be author
tzed to appoint, with the advice aod coast at of the
deu&te, oct more tbia three agents tor tbe Indian
tribe* within the State ofCalilornl*. Such agent*
eha'l ocrform 'he dntiet now prescribed by law to
India**, aud ai.aU sccelyew; annual cgmpentiiioa
cf itirf thousand dotU|i each.
Approved Sept. 89, IbbQ.
[Public— No. 50.]
A N ACT for the payment of a ccmpiay ol Indi
" Volunteer*.
Be >( enaaed by ike Senate and Haute of Rep: tf the United States ,f America i
Congress assembled, That tbe Secretary, of Wu
be, aad be ks hereby, authoriz'd and required to
oouac to be pakd to the apy company ol lodiao
mounted vcluateera (Shawoecs and Delaware* I
called and tcuaWcd into tbo service ol tbe Uoited
3:ate* by Colonel W. S. Harney. Uoited States
armv.on tbe first day of June, eighteen hundred
and forty sis, and dn-'barjed the turn firat dayol
August, eighteen huedred and forty aix, one day’*
pay nr.d allowance* for every day held in ae>v,ce
coder laid muster, and the oraaltravellicg allow
•ness accoruing to rates established lor volunteer*
under existing law* ; and the sum ol three ttoas*
and dollar* i* hereby appropriated for this object
oct cf any moneys in the treasury not oiberwiao
Approved Sept. 88, 1650.
(Piauc—No. 51. |
AN ACT to niorido for encoding the law* tod
the judicial tyftem of the United States to tbe
Btato of California.
Bt tf enaeted by tkt flatus Revt •
ssntotivestf lit Untied Stotts (J America in Cart*
grets assembled, Toil all the law* of the Untied
Stales which are not locally isapplicstlo, ihail
have the ease force and effect within the said
S'a:e of Cali'ornla, a» elsewhere WUhin the United
Sxc.3. And be U farther tnacud, Tbatlheiaid
State shall compote d-atnet*. to bs called tbe
northern and toq’.bero district* ofGaliforitia, Prid
ed br tue thirty seventh parallel of north latitude.
And for the purpose of trying alt tine* of fact
(ruble by a jury in said districts, a district court
sfcoil he field la aaid district*, to count at one
jndgr. who aball reside within the district lo which
tie ia appointed, and be calbd « diatrlcj jadge.and
aficU P C ll <hicg* hire and exer«*e the aame
jurisdiction and po«©r* which were £v law rvea
io thejadgo cl tbo aomhtra diatsfot of New York ;
tbe aa*d jodge thill appoint a clerk at tbo place a:
vbich a court n holdee within tbe district, who
aS&U retfd- and hasp the records of tbe const cl
ibe place of bolding the aame i and abaH receive
for tfis first tour years after the passage of this act.
double the amount allowed is the clerk ol thr
southern diylrict of New York; aad thcreaftet
ihtll receive only the lee* allowed to tbe clerk cl
tbe aeid aou'bern district of Nav York, and may
appoint a deputy.
Stc. 3 And bett further maned, That tbe judge*
of tbe district* of Caliiorma abatl bold extra res-
;.m at any time when the public interest may
i&»ir opinion require the tame.
<f 4 : i. .}"d if turihr' tnjstej, That the lodge
.4 it.r noriucru flutr.ct of Cjl.foruia shall bui* ivyc
rrg ,i M r .T.-.,ur.» annually at San Fraaci*>'u. *□<!
~tie resru'nr *e**ion annually at »an Io»e, Sacra-
>enio utul Stockton, at ibe time* following, to
,jt al San Francisco, on the first Monday* ot De*
eml>er and June, at Sea Jose, oo the Am Monday
m April, at Sacramento, on the tint Monday id
September, and at Stocktoo, on the second Mon
day m October.
See i And b-j u fur’hf tttJct'J, That the judge
of the southern district of California iW«il hold an<
•ejuiar ro.tioa annually at the following piacea, to
wit at Monterey, on the hr*! Monday in Jane, and
at Lo* Angelo*, on the firat Monday in December
Stt.. 6. And be i/ t»rtk'r enafttJ, And should the
judges of either of ibe said disrict court*
attend at lie fiair and place of holding any
the regular terror* of the court for either of soid
iIL-tncts before the close of the fourth day of anr
lucb term, the busincM pending in «uch court shall
vand adjourned to the next regular term thereof
fmvtdrd. That whenever ibe judge of either of
<ud court*.from any cause, shall fail to bold a reg
ular term of said court, it (ball be his duty, if, in
hi* opinion, the business in said court shall re
quire, l<> hold an intermediate term of said court Lt
»uch time a* he shall, by his order, under his band
and real, direct, addressed to the clerk and marshal
of wnl court «l lesft thirty day* previous to the
commencement of said term, and to be published
id the several newspapers published in the boands
<.f said district the same length of lime, and at any
OQ d all such intermediate terms, the business ot
any such courts, of every nalure and description
whatever, *hall have refrreooe to, ar.d be proceed
ed with, in the rnme niaqcrr as if the same were
a regular term of aaui court.
Sfc “. And !*• u further tnaeitd, That there
shall be allowed to the judge of the nonhero dis- i
Irict aloresaid an annual compensation of three
thousand five hundred dollars, and to the judge of
the southern district aforesaid no annual compen
sation of twenty eight hundred dollar*, to com
mencc from the date of their appointment* respre
Stt 3- A»d he ir further entered, That there
shall be appointed in each of said districts a per
son learned in the law, to art as attorney for the
United States, who shall, in addition to hi* fees of
office, which, for the firm four yean after the pas
sage of this act, shall be double those of the south
ern district of New York; and therealter be ihall
be cnu’.led tn receive the same fees as the attorney
of the said eomhrrn district of New York, and n
salary of five hundred dollars annuiliy as a full
compenolioa fur all extra services
Skt. S'. And &» ir further enautd, That n mar
shal shill be appointed in each of aaid districts,
who shall perform the said duties, be subjeot to the
same regulation* nod penalties; and be entitled to
receive for tr.c rir»( lour years after the passage of
this act, double the amount of fees which are pre
scribed to marshals n the rnuthera district of New
York, and thereafter he shall be entitled to recsive
the fees uf the marshal of the said soul hern district
nf New York, snd shall, moreover, be entitled to
the sum ot five hundred dallara annually a* a com
pensation fur all extra services, and the said mar
iCal shall have the right to appoint as many depu
ties a* the duties of hi* office shall' require.
rtxc. K>. Ar.d As ir farther enacted, That in addi
tion to the ordinary jurisdiction and power*of a
district court of the Coiled Stole* wiln which the
sou'hera district court of New York has been tn
vesled, the «atd courts 1/e, and hereby ore, invest
ed respectively, within the limit* of its district,
with the exorcise of concurrent jurisdiction and
powers in all civil cases now eiereiaed by Ibe cir
coil conns uf the United States, and that in a I
cases where said court* shall exercise such juris
diction, appeals may be taken from the judgments,
order« fc or decrees of said courts, to the Supreme
Court of ibe* United Stales, in the same manner,
i sod upon the same conditions as appeals maybe
taken from th* circuit court*.
Stu. 11. And he it farther maatd, That all c.Vil
cause* now pending in any of the court* of Califur
« ms, the jurisdiction of which may properly belong
to the court* of the United State* herein establish
ed, shall be removed to the said United Slates
' court*, either by writ of certiorari, or by a Iran*-
i fer of the original papers with an exemplification
from the record or docket entry, under the seal of
’ the court from which they shall be removed, fox
which exemplification the clhtkof said court shall
receive the came fees as may be allowed by law
' for similar services to be paid by the party apply
* jag fur*neb irantfer, and in case of a.finai aeier
-1 mination oi the caoe in favor of tho party paying
j for such record, he shall be entitled to tax the ex
pense thereof us other coats ore taxable, against
the portr failing in said run; and alt case*, dec..
9 removed shall take rank on thgtdockels and lists of
• rases ot aaid United States court* according to
priority of dale, and be proceeded in as cases on
-6 gmally brought in said courts.
J Approved, September 28,1850.
iPcauc—No 11]
A K relative to the Public Pr
Resolved if the SeriaU and Ilsnut of Urpramt
latwttof the Vnhtd Klatft erf America j», Con
grrM jsjemMed, That lh? Secretary of the Senate'
and the Clerk of the House, and ibe clerk of iho
Joint Committee on Printing jointly be, nnd they
hereby are, authorized and empowered to examine,
audit, and pari upon nil account* for printing, ex
cepllhey.snall cot nud < or allow the account for
printing the obituary notice* ou the death of Preai -
dent Tnylor, to make a pro rata reduction in the
compensation allowed, or to refuse the work alto
gether abonld be inferior to (be standard; end in ail
Esjl to poteen tbQiamc power OTertbepuUie
printing a* i« conferred upon tbe Joint Committee '
on Print trig- by the joint resolution approved An*
gurt 3d, eighter-q hundred and forty aix; Provided,
that the author ity hereby conferred shall only be
exercised the next reoe«» of Congress, and
shall cense at the commencement of the next sea
aion of Cdo^resa.
Approved, September 89, 1650.
[Pi-ruc—No. 12 ]
JOINT RESOLUTION explanatory of certain
acta therein mentioned.
Resolved by tie Senate aud IJonse cf Represen
tatives! tf the United Stales of Assssnca tn Con
gress assembled, That the provisions of the second
section of (be act entitled “Ait act amending the act
entitled, ‘An act granting half pay to widows or
orphans where tbeir husband* and lathers have
died of wounds received in the military eervice of
the United States,’ 1 approved July twenty one,
eighteen hundred and forty ei.hl, extended by the
act of February twenty two, eighteen hundred and
forty nine, shall be construed to embrace the wid
ow* sod orphans of all person* designed therein,
who died while in actual service in the late war
with Mexico, or io going to and returning from tbe
same; and also to the widows and orphans of all
ouch persons tw have been honorably discharged,
or having resigned, shall have died after tbe pas
sage of said last raentioncdact, or who may here
after die, of wounds received or from disease con
tracted while io said service: Provided, that tbe
array .roll* *ho wing the death of any of raid per
sons in the army shall be iiuficient evidence to es
tablish that fact.
Approved, September 28, 1850.
CoagrraMotud pleetlon*.
Districts, Members Elected.
1. Hamilton David T. Disney, Loco.
2. Butler Arc Lewis D. Campbell, Whig.
3. Montgomery Arc Hiram BelLWhig.
4. ixigan Arc Benjamin Stanton, Whig.
f>. Lucas Arc A. P. EJgerloo, Loco.
ti. Seoera Arc Frederick F. Green, Loco.
7; Brown Aso Nelson Barren:, Whig, gain
8. Ross Arc John L. Taylor, Whig.
». Fairfield Arc Edson B. Olds, Loco.
10. Franklin &o Charles Sweetzer. Loco.
11. Richland Arc George H. Busby, Loco.
12. Athens A-c John Welch, Whig.
13. Morgan Aro James M’Gaylord, Loco.
4. Muskingum Arc Alexander Harper, Wing.
■i. Belmont Arc William F. Hunter, Whig.
111. Coshocton A*c John Johnston, Independent.
17. Jefferson Arc James Cabell, Loco.
18. Wayne Acc David IC. Carter, Loco.
IV. Summit Arc Eben Newton, Free Soi
20 Ashtabula Arc J R. Giddings, Free Boil.
21. Lorain Atu ?*ortan Si Townshend, Abol
So itauds the new delegation fro:
Johnson, Independent, is elected to Congrecs in
ibe Intb district over lloagland
Tbs resulufor Congress u, y Wfeiji.V Democrsta,
Gilding*, Free Soil, Townshend, Ab Locotoco,
and Johnson, ludependent
So much for Ohio in iSTii)
Mtetma w OrrosmoN to tr« Fuoixivi 3l*vi
Law, in New Bidtobij.—We legrn from the New
Radford Mercury that (hero wu a large meeting
of that plic* in oppotilion to the fugitive alave
law. Thomas A. Green presided, aod a ootnmiu
tea vy appointed to draft retulutlons, of which
James !R. Cocgdon wu chairman. Tbe meeting
was adilrossfld by T. D. Eliot, Rev. Mr. Weiu,
Hsary J-U'-iQi, a logiiive ilate. The reao
luuona reported apeak of the fugitive alive bill u
repognint to the prine’p'e* of the Cenalitution,
and as uncoasUiutional aod opprenive, in ans
pendieg tbe habaai corpus act, and denying tbe
right of trial by jury.
Sl*vt CxTCHtno ExciTxacrr.—Tbe eglteceot
to tghtch ve referred yesterday, ta regard to the
negro, Rose, continued through moat of'be day
yrMvrday, In which mrm of our ciliuna pirtlci*
psted Mr. Rnos, the U. 3. Uarahal, performed
his doty, nnder the smegret law of Coogreaa,
with a alngle eye to bis osih of erEae, and lha re«
qu rmtois of the bill. In tbo perfonaanco of this
duty, be was aoataiscd by the Mayor aod city au
thorities, and tj »w rt s«mpar.,ss of U. S. tfoepa,
antler command of Captain Gore, by the Oreyson
Light Guards, the Detroit City Guards, and the
Sc-tt Gjards.
Toe miluxy eacort waa cocudered cecemry,
nnder ibe ctrcum»i*ocet, and ths reqaisltion for :ts
•Mutaoce was tendered aeceasary under the clr
cumsiancev „
The examinttiun, which took plrce before a
G. Watavn, Bsq , was adjourned nnlil Tues
day next, to give the prisonar time and oppor
tunity lo meet the accosaLon of the eomplatni
Rm h. Ro<e. Bctore Samuel CL Watson,
E#q.,aU. 3. Commissioner at DatnjL Octobei
9:h, 1850.
Tho ciaimsct caused the respondent to he ars
retted own a warrant of the <'o.t.miwlcjttr, »• a
fctiliv* tia*e uros> Ti , k.»fc*'e«.. After btikg lodg
ed in Detroit jad <*** ng bt» »ad gutrdfiA fftere bj
a oompanr of troopa, be wu broupl boor* la*
The coaoael for the oejro preicated ft* afid»«
▼it duly ivora by toe former, atatiag Ibll b# *U
tnaonmiUed by de*»l of Ibn claimant fcf ••▼ett
hundred tloUar* which the latter bad received
far tfco Mire, and 11at li,« deed »a IS the
I hsoda of the negro'e frieodi m OiOcioaatL
I On this tffidavß the eotinar! ft-r the prieoaer
I moves that the ea*-? be ccalianod aatil nt deed
etunripnion c«n be procured tod Q*ed »*
,rideocr. Tbe r>mre.inioB«r deride* \h»l Uo
deed w©olJ t- if produced Jbtt be
h»* bo pow«*r to ir-, '»•’«> 'nto uf defcnoe (ba
nrjro b*ve, tai OftJf U
deJßnOipr WLrthvr lii2 ..**B l*«r
p*rt oribe «SU.»*U .» *udl.-i«i «» «ntfla b.rn
lo * certid'iie kr |,l ‘ J 1,2,3 v *' ***'* np *
■ Tbe however, 11 l»id o*« to? *d
purnmeai lb? *e»er*l diya *ad (bo sefra retain
ded to j«IL
The cosuroctioa of (ba I*ie >ct_will, we
pretome, utr.fee tOi&y person* «Mh li
tSßolmelr •anal* * deeJ of emißCtpluOß, end
enable* ftvud *s4 perjury to aaitch ao» P*r»«>
while or black, 1/om hit home in * free Stale. and
n trantpon bitu «-> the •oothero tltva market—
'Ve hope thit will be reviewed by the
Cimsuaaioocr. — D*tnni AaV, Oct. 9.
or MAXfFACTtntE*-—Theiiaco, U<
BClorte* are di-.charging hands to the utmost 1m
llowrd to llivai, and the bad slate of the bosiuc
I,m cut down Ibc WBge» of Ihotfl who fKDBia U*fl
per cent.
MarAacscsxTn' NoMtsaxtav—Dr JohnO. Pal
fry ha* been nqoin ooraloatnl hy the Free Souer*
qi ihe fourth CongretMoaal district a* iheir candi
date for Congrew. 8. Frothioftam it the l.oooto>
ra caodiine to dll the vacancy in lha pretent I’on
f(re*>, and N. P. Hank* tru nominated for the nett
t.’ongre**, but declined. In the Second district,
Robert Kantool ra the Locofoco candidate for the
present and next Coog ret*.
MB- Kiae—Blr, IJcbeerfnlly comply with your to*
quett that I woatd give yevjan account of the aiaott
miracalqtuoura ol my UiUj daughter * aya by the aw
of yo«r “Feuoitam.”
She wit attacked with a vory ion rye >n February
or March laat, when I lamedia'.ely applied w the belt
medical aid in the c.ty, by whom It era* pronounced
•* a eery bad eye" and all pate me no hope of doio|
her any pood. A/m which l took tier into the conn*
i try to an old lady, who had been eery succeufal la
coring eyea. Sho told maihat hereato wa* hepcleta,
at tha would certainly low sot only t'ual one, bat
ai»o that the other would follow—it being a ecrofalona
ailectioa of the blood. And 1 d* certify that .at the
ume ny father (i D. Vtahonj came to the conclusion
that wo bid t.mrT U 7 7our “ Ptuolcum," a*« waa
axtiariT of ooe eye It is now about two
tnvniht tince ate began Its use, and she can tow «ce
with ixith eye* ae good ni ever »ha did ; and, a* far
at I can tell, I behove »he hat, with the bleaainf of
he Almighty, been cured by '* Petroleum :i
Youra, reaprc/ally,
M. Fxibjc* Vfciaon Couu-
Piuiharghb, Sept. 30,
For tale by Key ter A McDowell, 140 Wcod etreet;
n. E. SHien, 57 Wood itreet; D. M. Curry, D. A. B*
lion, Joseph Dcuglati, and 11. p. Schwartz, Allegheny,
alto by tut proprietor, 8. hi. KIEH,
ocT Cans] Batin. Seventh at, PioabuffP-
osee ot Ohio and Feana. R. R. Ce, Third It.
Pimivaou, August 5,1530.
Tbi Stockholders of lie Ohio and PennaylTania
Rtil Road Company are hereby notified lo pay lbs
eighth instalment of five dollars per share, oi tie office
of lie Company, on or before the Stub day of AnSajt
The ninth instalment] on or before the 90th day of
September. The tenth Instalment on or bolore the
Utah da; of October next.
1D“ The ?lb instalment vat called fot on the 90tl
July lasi
WM LARIMER, Jr., Treasurer.
,»» wood street,
Are now prepared with a large and lietdi stock of
English, Gorman, and American Haidwere»u» offer
superior inducement* to havers. Those wishing to
purchase will promoto their interest by looking
trough our stock, as they are determined to tell on
be most reasonable icrtn«. asgll
Wholesaled Bctail Msnufacitircto AJJcalOTSin
Cor. Wood A Fifth ate, Pittsburgh.
Where they offer o full and complete Stock of H«lj,
Caps, Fura, Ac., of every quality and style, toy Whole
sale and Retail, and invito the attention of their cos
tntreisand purchasers genarally, assuring them ustt
they will sell on the norr A(,vu3T*exooa rua.
y'j Wood si , corntr of Diamond alley, Served story,
OFFERS his customers and the public, entirely
new and fresh stock of Uat«, Cap*, tad Muffs, in
great variety, Manufactured and Selected .with ranch reference to price, style, and quality, in New
York city, and will be offered u the lowest rates flf
orient low prices. Wholesale and Retell.
Pittsburgh, Oct. 11, 1850. oclluUwAwttS
lmprevsasati in Dsatiitry. _
08. G O. STEARNS, lata ot Boston, is frapuad D
manufacture and set Olocc TkBTB in whole and pent
of teu, upon Suction or Atmospheric Section Plate*.—
Toothache cross inmswtnVTxs, wheretha nerrau
srposed. Office and residence next dcor to the May
era office, Fourth street, Pittsburgh.
! Bim w—X. IT HTFaddan.F. u. Eaton. I alt
arrival OP TB£ steak ship
Halifax, Oct. 15—2* P. M.
The iteamahip America bos jost arrived, with
Liverpool dales to the sth lest.
Floor has decl oed 6J y bbl. Cotton is firm,
and without chango.
There is a great stir in the Ocean Navigation
and Electric Telegraphs. The proposed railroad
from Halifax through Muine, has completely arous*
ed the friends of Galway. The Directors of the
great Sosthero and Western railroad are abont
laying a line of telegraph between Galway and,
Dublin. The government also appears lo be very
anxious in the matter, and bad a survey of the
capability of Galway, all or which prove moat fa.
vorable. The keel bra suitable steamer to ran
from that station ia already laid.
The papers, botri English and Irish, are foil of
the subject. The CltjJal Glasgow ateimer has been
bought for the Llv ;rpool end Philadelphia Line,
and with another, ihe City of Philadelphia, will
form the nucleus c! the enterprise, h i* aisled
that the Canard a w line ofsleamora will run be*
tween Glasgow ai id New York.
The war in the Duchies hns been renewed with
considerable vigor, the Holsteiner* having thus far
the advantage, hot without bringing about anY very
important result.
Cotton—'The Hibernia’s news caused a momen
tary advance in the market on Tuesday, but the
general lone of the market since has been extreme
ly dull. The tales of the week amount to 2270
bales. The total stocks in port on the noth u!t, is
slated at 32,32-1 bales, of which about 32,000 are
Aahes—Pols are tiraily supported, with a-good de
Coffee—Prices have advanced.
The America has 90 through passengers, and five
for Halifax.
The Hibernia arrived at Liverpool on Sunday
night at II o’clock. The Washington arrived at
Southampton oo the 4lh uIL The Asia was spok«
off Holyhead on 'ho 3th iast., at 7 P. M ; and ou the
Bth the America passed the Pacific at 10 o’clock
A- M., in Lai. 51, Lon. 18 The Washington ex
changed signals with the Niagara on the 2uhof
Sept, in Lak 43 dag. 47 min., Lon. 56 degree? 53
Livkbpoql, Oct 4.
Cotton—-Tho Hibernia’s news caused a’slight
Impulse lo the market, which subsequently co
osme lifeless. Liter and more favorable new*
from India having retched Liverpool on Fridav,
caused the tatiket to assume a very animate* ap
pearance, the sales of the day being abont 10,000
bale*, the market dating firm at the prices car*
rent at the sailing of (be Enrons. The sales of
the week sre4dtioo,of which 30 000 were Amer*
Iran. Speculators took 10,709, and
650 bales.
Brown, Shipley de Co 'a circular states that there
continues a goo I demand for yarns from Germany
at fall prices, with bat little doing lor home con.
Mast descriptions of goods are unsaleable ex
cept at ruinous prices, and the stoppage of looms
Is eoaaequently daily expected.
BTeadstuffs—The arrivals of Floor hive »een
very heavy, which fits caused a decline cf 6d y
bbl, and fed ? bn. for Wheat; at which dfc'itu! I
transaction on Friday were very large For Coro -
there is a good demand for export ro It eland, and
the market is up to 2Ss for American yellow, of i
which a few parcels yet remain on off r. Prme
white has become very scarce , it is me it loqa red
for, sod will bring an advance. Corn M.- 1 is
quoted at 14s 3d y bbl. With a tpcßeraie Cw
Ffoviiioas— Is Beef, the transseUoc4nre limit*
ed, and prices srs in favor of the buyer. Of Da
coo, the market is nearly bare, and transaction*
are very limited. Shoulders continue is d< macd
at wry full prices. In Hint, >here ia no, m*
provemenl or demand. Ltrd sold fo the amount
of 150 tons, si fbll prices. Cheese is in gaud de* j
mind, and fall prise* ate readily obtained—interior
qusloiea are unsaleable.
Tallow—There is agooddemand at Od advance
Grocerje*—Sugar* ate very active *i fall rate*,
and in some ports at Od advance. Of Motaasn
large sale* were made (at fall price*
For Coffee the demand i* Ira active, but holder:
are firm at previous rate*.
For Tea the improved demand continue* good k
and good cargoes have further advanced 1-2 penny
per lb. Green Tea* are more iqutred for, and
price* ire tending upward-
Rice has slightly improved, and Carolina sold ai
18s 6d a 19a.
Tobacco—ls in gobd request at improved prices.
Iron—The market i* unchanged
FreigtilVare rather lower, and passenger*sur a
bundant at previous rates. ™
Loisoox, Oct *•-
There w a targe demand lor money for cotndier
rial purpose*, but the supply ia abundantly ade
joate to all demands. The rates of discount are
ichanged. Consols, for money, closed on Mon-
day at W 1-4.
Ameru-an tMo-k*—lf StaienCiar* • riling a!'. J 3 4
‘*4. U States 6«, PiTtf, K»3g 104. do lBLh, H>J »
109 l 2.
Vr< \ j
A meeting in tippo«iiu»n u< ihr Filiilivr sui-r
.aw vu bold |a«i aight. sod a!<oj>i 4>mjo were
rfwtil Cbgxloi* Fram-is Adum*. on taking ttir
Ihair, esprerwd the hope that neither violence nor
to should bo resorted to
Frederick Dougtas being introduced, he au tbs'
the colored population ol Boston had resolved tc
sutler death miner than return to bondage
Resolution* were adopted, urging upon the Rep'
mcnlati.ves of the free States to obtain a repeal u:
the law
FiiiioiiiZDmu, Oct. U».
Five men were arrcaicd atnl committed on ebargt
of robbing the mail on Saturday mgbt last. Om
ol the party turned Sutes evidence'against tbi
other* \ouc of the property stolen has been re
episcopal Convention.
Ciocwsati, Oct. If*.
In the Pfuteitsni Episcopal Convention, yea
terday a motion waa passed, recommending thi
•Uikjog oat of tbo 3d clause of article sth ol the
Tbo debate on the Maryland memorial waa r>
turned, and cootinned during ibe forenoon, j
toe afternoon ibe debalo waa resumed, and cor
tinued (ill six o'clock.
The Convention reaolved to adjourn fine die on
Wednesday, the 16:&.
tusjday, 15—Hoastso tsutrv
Tba Honae decided to vote on the Maryland
aemarinl tl 4 o’clock, and lo limit tbo apceeneato
fifteen minutes.
It waa determined 10 employ the New Yurk
Bible and P. H. Society to publish a standard edi
tion of the Bible.
A Canon on Missionary Biabopt, aflVctlrg Bia
opa Soathnie and Booar, waa recejTed [from tbt
House of Hiahopa.
At 11 o'clock the convention weni Into debate
epoa the Maryland case.
Louavuxa,Oct IS.
There are 3 feet 3 inches water In channel, and
on a a:and.
Wo have had no arrival from New Orlesna
since Sitordsy. I
Flour ia acarce, and builnesa generally dull—
The weather ia pleasant.
The Governor of Mitsourl baa given uncondi
tional pardon to Gontalre Montesquieu, tbo elder
brother, who ia a lunatic. It la believed that e
nolle proaeqniwiQ be entered la the case of the
younger brother, who,it la supposed, had no hand
Is the murder.
St. Lot'.’?, Oct. 15.
The ateamer Mustang, on her upward trip,struck
a aoag 4 miles below Brunswick, and sunt intis
feet water. She afterwards broke in two, and Is a
total loss. She had a heavy cargo of groceries and
Cmcuf.vATi, Oet. 1C
The river ia slowly reeeeiiog, with 3 1 2 f«
The markets are very quiet, with no change
Philadelphia. Oct. IS.
Grain— I There is a moderate demand for Wheal,
and prices are steady, sale* of about 5000 bus red at
105 a lOSc.aadof while at 109 a 110 c. Rye is
scarce, and has advanced, with sales al 67 a 70c
per bu. Corn is in sleady demand at G4c for yel
low, and die for white. Oats are in fair request,
with sales of 1000 bu southern at 37 a 3Sc.
Whiskey—Seles in both hhds and bbls at 20 l-2c
noon atroEt.
October 16.
Flour—There is a good demand in the market,
and medium and low grades are C cents belter.
Grain—Wheat is active at a decline of 1 to 2c
per bushel. Corn is in good demand, without any
material change in prices.
Provisions—Pork is firm, bat ouiet, at 510.57 lor
mesa, and $8,37 for primo. Lora is in fair inqui
ry, and holders are firm at 7 l-2a7 5-8 per lb.
Linseed Oil—There is a better demand, with
sales at 74c per gal.
Tobacco is in active demand, al SalO cents for
Whiskey—Ohio is selling at 27 cents per gal.
St. Louts, Oct. 15.
The receipts of produce arc liberal, but the
msjfcet ia dull.
Flour ia active, with sales of superfine at $3 75
03 83; of choice USI 2334 30. -
Grain—Sale* 5,000 btuhela Wheal at 63077 c.
In Corn but little ia doing, stock light, with moder*
ale sales at 350371 c.
Provisions—Sales 30 caaki clear bacon tidea at
s{osie, and 15 tieresa sugar cored hams at 6|
07c #B>.
Heap-Sale* at 981093 per ton.
Lead—Upper mines » held at Si 3904 3S»
«wt. -,T
Freights to New Orleans, are—Flour 50c; Oats
100; Lead 25c; Core 14015 c per ewf
Hemp $7 per top; Tobacco $5 per ton.. ’
Exchange on New York end the Eastern cites,
nre quoted at to prom.
Ttere are 6| feet water in the channel to
The weatber is fine for the season.
a. P. TANNER & 00.,
63 W ood it, bttwvsn Third k Penrth,
Are now recsiving their very large and superior Fall
Stock of
Alio, BONNETS and FLOWERS, a!I of tha latest
stylcvand expressly adapted to the western trade.
It ha* been selected with great care, and as to sizes
and qua Ity is not surpassed by any stock to be
found either east or west. Our customers and mar*
chants generally are iuvited to call and examine, as
we ste determined to sell on the most reasonable
temu. Also, Goodyear's Patent Rabbet Shoes of all
kinds aiqpSbdtf
|naV~ Da. P. HCBTf
s-l.'fflf end Decatur, between,
Market acd Ferry, streets. oetl*4lyin
or Pittsburgh
C. G. HUSSEY, •—A. W. MARKS, Sec*T.
Office—No. 41 Water street, in the warehouse of C.
11. GRANT.
THIS COMPANY u now prepared to ins are all
kinds of risks, ou houses, manufactories, goods
merchandise in store, and in transitu vessels, Ac.
An ample guaranty for the ability and fntexnty of
tbc institution, i« afforded tn the character of the Dt*
rectors, who are all citizens'of Piusbargh, well and
favorably known to the community for their prudence,
intelligence, and integrity.
DmitkToF*—<■. G. Hussey, Wsa. Bagaley, Wn. Lar
inter, Jr, Walter Brynnl, Hugh D. King, Edward
Hoiueiton, John Haworth, 8. liarbaugh, 8. M, Kier.
THE Winter Session will eoxmence on Monday,
the 4ih of November. Superior teachers have
beeneegiged forlhedifierentdepanmema . Boarding
and tuiuon tn any or aU of the English brancha*. BCS
pet teuton cf five months. For tanher psrUeuUrs,
see clrenlin, at Messrs John Irwin A Bom, Water
street, or T. 11. Nevin ArCo, ICC Liberty st, FiUsburgh.
oc?o:dlw 2 D. K. NEVIN
MIL F. HaRBORDT, (pupil of the first European
masters,) late of New Vork, respectfully Informs
the citizens ot Pttuburgh and Allegheny, that hr has
arrived, and intends making this city nla permanent
residence, for the purpose of impartin* instruction on
itie Piano. Applications leftat Mrs. White's Boarding
hr use. ~6U Liberty #t, or at H. Kleber’s Muiie Store,
will meat wiih prompt attention. octfl
Bole Jgsncy for Dunhsm’i Fiaaoa.
HKLKoER tskta Dleatorc In artnsuncicg to the
• public that be lav succeeded in wearing tho
sole agency lor Dunham’s celebrated Piano Fortes,
tor Western Pennsylvania.
The Pianos made by Mr Dunham, of the firm of
Simian A Dunham, are oo well and favorably known
in this neighborhood to require any comment at this
mo*, suffice it to ray, that >or a long time ao other
pianos were known in tho Western country
those of tstodart & Danhom and Nunns A Clark.
Mr fuaSam, trie practical p*rm*r of tho above
firm, ha* spent oswatds of twenty years in the fac
tory <,r sale firm, w* practical manager end director of
the basinets. Wilh.n a year or two Mr Dnnhaa has out theeuijrefneiory and appurtenance* of the
firm', and ecmiinnen to manufaiinrct as before, ia his
uwn Dime. Dsoham’s Pianos nave attained such
popu'aruv, that m Mae of the western clues, Oneln*
uou, Ac . ,tney have said two to oaeof any other
manufacture. They are distinguished by their power
and briiimney of tone, and extraordinary darabiUiy.
N. O —A large Invoice of the above elegant Pianos
now receiving. ]su*N OF THKUOLDitti HARP.
oeju • {_
JOHN FiiKSVTTH wocU respectfully inform his
-eustonsrs anil the putl.c .generally, that It* has
jjM received a I»»ro arid well selected as oruneatof
Ciotnt, caruums, and VesU-gs, which he will
make io order on the shortest ncuce, and in the most
approved style.
ai«>h a general astonment of goods in the Famish*
.c* luc. *ueh a* ?birtj, Glovea, Cravats, Hosiery of
all kind*. fcinpender*. Ac. The pablio are invitsd to
rail mrd eiauwre the stock, whica wil; be found equal
to any in ibis cay. and at prices o suit the lime*,
oc tg,c3t No at Market street, cearflecood.
THE undrmcitcJ having been appointed by the
CoßtS'MiorTT* of Allegheny county to superin
tend .nd sppUcsuoos for persons claiming
Lands ond*r the • Itonnir Laod Dill.*’ pasted the 2Slh
of Sepieratrr. t?sti, win give the mautr his special
aueutior t. .rh the surviving, or the widow or
minor rhil'icn of deceased officers, muiieians, or
privates, oi.o pn-trimed cbiiary services in the war
of tM‘J or am i the Indian war* since 17S0—or in
ih* utr w*< are entltlod to lands uoder art Alt neee»*arr information wiU be given by.
i,‘P >‘»r at my cilcc ■ 4V. O-LESLIE,
w F.ftn st., near HmithfislA.
Boys* Sstmitii
MURPHV t HUKCHFiKIiD hate received slot
oi band'oee Fancy Mixed Stiias'.e. ter Boyt’,
wear, alio, plaid eul Plain Caiaiwerc* is creal
vatiny, Mens* Cartnntm, Kentucky Jeant.Ulack
T»i>br at aorta east corner of Fptmh
otlfl 1
id Mnrt>t *trrci».
Q*idlu* n*ael>«it«r Qloghuil*
MURPHY *1 BUBCIIFIF.Ln hare reeled a ap
ply of neat stylet of real Uanebestcr Giughams;
ai*«. Domestic Ginghams m great vanety of patterns,
mUF. endeuugfied *»• eMOelaed Jotepb Babb
X \ruh bioi, 10 cttry ou tbr Wholesale end Beaul
Grocrrr en>l i'ro'iurr U«mne%*, nader tbe firm of
Uiect end Col.b, wen aide of ue Diamond, cornet of
DiaaonJ A!*c) . IMltburgU
<iim itic Kt ficngr Haiti. P&wfjnan
rfivcn Pcr.uirt o.‘
f f| BKT« i:i:N three and lour mile* e««l of 6&R
**7* Pm»t-uf<t>. iie«r the Farmers’ and Mo-
Turnpike Raid, (extension of
ih; Fourth urcet.i and about one milo from Fast
Liberty. , .
The tuUcnbm re»pectfuliy give noucc to ike:r
customers ar.J the prbtio generally, llr*t their exier
uve Piunemj, V»;eenhuu»»s,.Ae, Ac , now 1 compute
between uabN« tod *OO,OOO plants, all of wlitcb an m
a hcahhy condition.
FRUIT TRliErt, conmling of Apple, Pear, Plum,
Peach, Cberty, Apricot, Ncetatlne, Almonds, Grape
Vine*, *r.
aHAPF TRFT.3, Vit: aiianthas, Catalpa, Moao»
tain Ash, Sugar Maple, K.ngllih Linden, American
.ijoden Lombardy Poplar, Bslm of Gilead, Pooler,
Weepine Willow, V> bit# Bathed Biree. TulpTree,
Horse Cheiaui, Piulownla Impetialls, Weeping Ash,
Kigli.h >»h, Krglith Sycamore, Magnolia Tripeiela,
Ae Ao
pi*», odur, American Aibotvitsa, Chireae ArOomtea,
lloa Tree, Upright Yow, Common Yew. Ameilcan
H«l|y, European Uelly, While Pine, Norway Spruce.
Balaam Pit, Silver Fir, Hemlock Spruce, Scotch
Brocna, Aa
gREKN HOUSE PLANTS, vix:~A superb eollec
tion t i Fuehaias numbering M varieties. This Bower
l. worthy of attention of Uio«e who with to croamsnt
their wi' dor**.
men —* i uj •- fc
RO- E*—Many of them the Brat rale, numbering
over “t> varieue* in clu»*si,vij:—Bengal or Chinese
everblooming, Roaa OJorata, or Tea scented Chinese
Roeei, Bourbon Rasta, Noisette Roses, Hybrid per
petual, or Remontant Roses. A great number of
ihrae are perfectly hardy and hloom freely through
out the sutaiter teatoa. Also,Geraniums, OUinden,
Uranse, Caems An.
N. U-—All ordcra mmt be accompanied with the
esah or aatisfaetory references.
Plants carc’ully packed and sent according to di
rcetions 10 any pun of the United States.
Per*on«w.»htng looraamenithoirpleasure grounds
would do welUo give us a cali, as we think our stock
of EvergrecaMcannot bo surpassed west of tte monn
taics, now core, ing some acres of ground, and sum
bering fro® 50 to 1W thousand, a great number of
w;.ie!> are of a One tits for transplanting- >
ore hud and Shrubbery Planting executed by con
tract on reasonable terms.
We with all loiters to our address directed lo Wil
kins P- 0.. near Pittsburgh, whore they will find Im
mediate attention
Order* irfi at cur stand on market days la the Dia
mond Market, will find immediate attention.
The public in genersl are Invited to coll and «•
amice our stock; attention to visitors given on any
day except Sabbath. WM A JAS MURDOCH
THE West Virginia Canncl Coal Company at* la
want of twenty additional Miners, to whom tho
highest prices, and Cash payments will be paid.
Bteam novtgatioa it to be hid as fur as Charleston,
within sixteen mile* of tbo mine*. Arplyto
octC w3tT Charleston, Kanawha, Va
ri'OUACCO-riS kegs Gedje's No l A twist, just m-d
1 per steamer Geneva, aftd for tale by
oclS 7t> Water at-
CASTOR OIL—SO brls Blow's for sale by
(void 67 Wood at.
TEA DRALKRS, east aide of the Diamond,
Try our Tea at CDu por lb—Tii really good
WINE A BRANDY of ihc'pure«t kind, aaitable for
MedUiuai purposes, at 75? and 81 per quart, for
.ale by MORRIS A HaWuHTM
odd . In the Diamond.
Excellent port wine at sa per gallon for
KEG BUTTER—4O krgs fresh packed, receiving
and lor tale i>y R DALZELL A CO,
oclO Libetty >t
SALERATLS— ICU tis and ‘2o casks very superior
irioand and unground, tu storo, for sale by
Buckwheat flour—Just teceited etNofca
Liliorty street, Ron the Now Brighton Mills, a h»i
oi superior Bock adieat Floor, put up in SO lb sacks,
for f-milv use- jocld] WM A McCLDBU ACO
FAMjLY HAM3—Evans’ A Swift’s and other
choice bland* ot 8 near Cored Homs constantly
an batd and lor tale at liberty tttett, by
DRIED BEEF—Davis' Cincinnati Sugar Cured,
Baeiredi and Canvassed, for sale by
00 1 a * WM A McCLURO ACO
BANDBOXES— Round and tail ton id. at whole
sale and retail, by W, P. MARSHALL
aeio i : CS Wood at _
IN pur*aarice-of in order of ihe Orphsns* Court of
Allegheny countjr, will be 10
on the premises, in the 'borough of A e l , 7@Sb l 2 t h ten
ike first Saturday of November, A. D. IW<hWJ
o'clock, A, M.. all that certain 1« ol
Ujo borough of Bharpsbntgb, and
» wMllftanln, .. .r..;; ■>» »I‘“ d ' SViiMS
h »rA? ll *
<- BTBAtCOWi f- r ‘ :•
CAME to the rendcnao'of lie-«abiettbcr*
low. •blp.on ibe its of October taat > a Rrd Cow,
witt e along ba e k and bcUT»**ttria forehead. hortvi
tvmd » ery large, rupposed tp be fire orUx
tear* old. The own«Tureqoe*ted to eoma forward,
n.'S^HT-o*l charge*, and lake her away, or
“•TtlS®! 1 ofaeeordlsr to law
WoFk o» ih» Chirtt in R*U Botd.
A 1 ?*-'•ork xeiauniti* tmfinlihed on the Cttr*
Boad bero-lel.
« Wired at the office of the Char*
were Coal Company. anttPSaturday. the !9th leal-
Z W, REMINGTON, Manlier.
Oct 14— ocis-oat
Coil nwiwt,
fi®9* ®iAINABI> wonlrt respectfully it.'onn
“‘W'JStti of Pitaburgh and Allegheny city
Porto and Organ** 1 "* 10 * eceive P°P u, «n tie Pi*no
Mt^Vawoe 112 p ' nn,ueel » re*idenee of
_ l n A »r V^\^?om ' y ' -E“li Richard Edward*.
SfQ,t w -P* Marshall, No. 85Wood«ire«t.or J-din H.
Mellor, No. at Wood nrect. oci!3:dlw
Jl" u®, Graham’* Magazine for November are out.
Thtfy all contain tb« fair fublon plate*, aud *toel en-
Gating*. They hare all been received at Holmes'
temy Depot. Third sirer t, opposite the Past Office;
alto, the Lifo and Recollection* of the late Yankee
Hill, together with incident* of bj« travel*; ocia-
SH. MOLASSES—4O bblmSlLcui* Sprat Bcu*
• ByrapMoUittn,jfl»trec 1 d *ni for «a'e by
octt4 JAfl A HUTCHISON tc Co
TAR, PITCH AND ROSIN- 210 bbl*N CTar, 45
bbls Pitch, 40 do No 1 Roiin, (or tale hr
Refined suGARB-aia;bbi« crushed, us do
Powdered, 40 do Clarified, in »ior*«nd far aaU by
peillj Agents St LoniaSteam Sngar Bcfincry_
RjCP— 40 tet prime Rise for tale by
FEATHERS— 0 bag* Ky Feather* tee’d per S B
BaCON CASKS—3O empty ca»k«.ln food order, for
WHIT fi MUSTARD BKKD-SOO Iba German, tax
jrcc’d and for by
octl!i” , R E skLLERS _
r“AOTABro ACID-S»»>;
*(idToroalcby t oclll REBBLLEK3
LA ;VBE?iCE , 3 HAIR GLOVES,tipgie, for Ladiet.
<jo ;do do do fwrGeau.
do ,do do do doable,
jo do do do Bath.
1 do ;do Etraps far Ladies,
do do do for Qenta.
do do do Bulb,
do Dcmidiff Bntibet
Imported and for sale by ..... Tnr r „
oeua d a Fahnestock & Co
FIRE PROOF FAINT—On baud «21- Ike colon of
Akron Fire Proof Paint, wholesale and eiailat
No»Tend 9 Wood itrect. oeU3 J IITHILLiPa
/~1 RREN OIL CLOTH—IOO yard* 4*4 .Green Oil
lx Cloth.jiui received and for aale ot No*-7 and 9
and for aalo at Nci 7 and 9 Wood street
YELVET PILE CARPETS—Received this day at
W MeCliniock’s Carpet Warehouse. No. eo
Fonnh street, and 79 Wood meet. new and «open«r
aiyle ValvetCarpeia, to which we invito the attention
of those wlihtrg something rich and rare, and at
cheap aa can he purchased in tiny of thaeasteraeitles.
aIHBEE PLY CARPETS—Now receinnc at Me*
Clltnock’a, No S 3 voaith street. and 70 Wood at,
no'h and new *tyle iroperio Thres-Fly Carpeta, direct
from the importer* and; manufacturers, which will be
told at reduced price*. octl3
COFFEE— 330 bags prime Rio for sale by
SUGAR— Ofihhda Prime rt o for aale-by
TAB— CO bbia N C far sale by
octia J 8 DILWORTH A Co
TEAS— I(K> half ebeits Y. H, G. P., Imp. and Black,
SO card? boxes do do do do
lor tala by ocU2 J 3 DILWORTH ACo
TOBACCO— ISO boxes 6's, UPs.t lb, in (tore and for
.ala by oct J S DILWORTH A Co
POWDER— t,®o keg* blasting to arrive,
4,500 do Deer Rills, la magenne,
510 do Ky ao do,
Si bbl* Safety Fute do/
For sale by octia Jti UILWORTH ACo
LARD—Z 0 kega No! Lard,ja»t received and for
aale by ocUX SAW HAttBAUGH
BACON-sCt»lbi BaconShouMera,
S,UX) lb* da Side*,
in ctore and for tala by
KAGS— ISUO lbs Ragslust landing ani for sale by
oetlg S A W UaRBAUOH
SUGAR— IS hhds N O Sega' In store and for idle by
Window glass-ibo boxes sxio. ioo do iuu
00 do 10x14, in store and for sale by
fpAR, ROSIN AND PITCH—ISO kbit T«r, 10 d<
X Roxln, 10 do Pitch, on consignment and for salt
TTYDE’S SOAP—sobxs assorted,Jauree’d and for
IT sale by. ocitU J KIDD A Co
Spanish whiting—jo bbLtor sale by
octia J KIPP A Co
ILL BuXtS—soo fit
RED PRECIPITATE—dOQ>« for tale be
SPONGE— l case extra quality, Ido fine, 3 bales
eoarae, just rac’d and lor aale by
BOTTLE -CORKS—S bates good qumlitv for aale by
CAM WOOD-IS bbto Sanford 1 ! best, for tale bv
LAC DYE GROUND-6 bbla for sale by’
SUP. CARS. SODA—Ib kegs Powdered, for sale by
PARIS GREEN—IIS cans Of the c--iebr*icil ';S r
brard.ior sale by J sCHOONMAKKH ACo
octlS No Vt Wva 1 street
Marine green-* ke«« for »»i< by
■fXrANTED SOON—Places in wholesale or retail
W stores, warehouses, Ac., in our two cities,
town*, or country around, or on steam boats, Ac., for a
atmber of salesmen, book keepers, erocers. Ac.,end
for all work; school masters, ware honse raeu, Ac_
and aoumberofyoang men and boys, of all ages. ;An
experieueed, middle tgeo,strong, hctlihy man, want*
a place in a gentleman’s family as coaen man. and all
work. A lady is wanted a» a partner or assistant, and
who Is well qualified for,teacbing the finishing branch
es ora female Seminary. A ycuogmanof Idyiar*
1 of age wants a place to team steam boat biauc
stnlmlng. Places wanted for several good seam
stresses, and wet and dry nurses. Money borrowed
aud lent Farms, houses, Ac., tented and sold, and
all kinds of agencies attended to formoderate charges,
■t oousdSi* Isaac Harris* Office, s»h n.
HIVE'S TOBACCO—fO bxs Just rac'd for sole by
LARD— 39 kega No 1, ree’d for salo by
STEAM ENGINE FOR SALE, 10| inch Cylinder,
41 foot stroke. For terms, apply lo
lal/TPETRE—IOO ban erode, arriviar for nle by
CLAY*— 10 euki German, arriving for sale by
oea W & F-WILSON
'*2ULE LEATHER—9OOO Jba Spanish, arming pei
0 canal,lor tale by JAMES DALZELL
oell • ',O Wticr tt
RICE— 10 re* prime, for tale by
fIiAriNKRS’ 01L—75 brU recM for sale by
LARU OIL—IO brli landing. for mle by “T
A. SCHOOL FOR ROY: 1 , U milee from Pltwborgh;
Rav. Jotsra 8- A. M, Principal.
Ths Winter Senfan wtU coomenoe on Morcdty,
Not. 4, lbso, Tenm—l7s per 8e«»ion of 5 monibv
Poi cirtttibm enquire of the Principal, fowiefcley
BottomP.o.,Pa^or o' Aleurt Jobn Ittrin ASone,
U Water atteet, or Meun. T. H. NetinAOo, No 125
liberty etreet, Phubarrh. cclOtdlw
Originum, l cut Ania, l can Cinna
mon, I can C»ra»»y, l can Cedar, 1 can Layoo
ier, I can Sacctci and 1 can Bowxaary OiLiramnt*
cd sore, recelTed for rale by BE SELLERS
ocio <7 Wood at;-:
LA.RD— ICO kegs No 1 Leaf, arriving &oo steamer
Ohio, and fjt sale by . ■
T\ Bfeo FRUIT—3n sacks new petite*;
±J 15tacks new Apples, arriving
lu>a steamer Caledonia, sad for sale by :
SODA aSII—SS eaiks gteeP* fecit, arriving. for nl«
T&DNK bandlet anorted, for tale by
RlCti— 30 tos fresh btat, arrvUir. for aa’e by
BOARDING— A few gentlemen nay obtain goad
boanljngon reasonable terms at Mrs. Mcilll
lit**, in Colunnsde Row, near the Old Bridge, Feca
ntl street, Allegheny city. • octfcdlw
milß dwelling hcuie No. 18 Second street, between
X Wood and Market »iretl>,co ■* occcplcfby the
subscriber. Rent fcfCO per annuo. t'oisersfoa given
oaihe Ist ofNovctnberlnext-. JOHN H MELI.OR '
octJ:tf . No. 81 Wood meet
F~ ALL HOSIERY, Alicea, Kerioo, Cavbaiere,
Thibet and Llama Wool Hosiery. An usson-
MURpnY t nuiiynflELll'3
; a«nv«oa*.
%riiBPUT k ftORCHFIELD haTc receiTcdaiay-
M ni. oi ; 0o d» Adspted for tnoanus* wc*r, *uci u
lilac*. Boabaiine*.
« CaOton Ciouir
•< Cobarf* and Parmanc*, ;
a FrcncbMeritto* andCattncret,
>* juowe do Lainei and Moaning
Alpaccu, Moarsla* Collin, Blaok Ctavau, V*Ue,
H r '-wV>TPhie/».Ae- ! oc*9
yißrs'H'YAßliß mirfEH-U*tcgmiH tibb,
f received and for «ala fcy
OIL—UO bI»U Liiiore ana for saj« vy.
X?‘ __
/ iCOVEft Si
l_j ocrt>
'IKEAM CHfcEHE—Wi> ; fcoie» Uresm Cneess jail
.y octfl JP OANFIET,|i
BACON-[6 casks Oiaoo &dc», 8 do Prims fimr
Cured litas, for sslebt
STEEL—A generai Mwnmeni of u«»u ti&nr. fiu
o SpringPieeLfot ulo by
ocS i 1* 8 WATERMAN A SO.Nfl.
OUGAtt—3O faUs prims Nt O Banr. Jut teceiTs
<ca . j .. . no watiMotat.
brii 8. F. Floan jail reed *° r f*i, c A2
OC9 ■ - BUBattlungAlMGHEAat
O ooß'
M* 0IL “ 15 w * r>jaW Sw 7
04 * 64 RAIIEKT ST.,
rrmavMS, ra.,
WOULD solicit the attention cf Merchants from
all aeotiona of the their Immense
Stock of New Pall Goods, c«mpri<lr.g the largest and
most complete assortment la ite western conniry,
consisting of
S7d cases beststyles Prints;
40; do Imported sml AD’criean Ginghams;
AS do Alpaeeas, Paraniauas, and Aletiaos;
37: do Cashmeres aad De
I 41 Oo Satinets and Jeem;
j 09. do Cloths and Casaimeres;
| 7cr". do‘Bleached Muslim;
1 co bale* Flannels,nil color*;
! 57 do ricking*, alt grids*;
3*o 'OO Brown Muslins, ben mskes.
Also, chaos and packages of bi'ks. Shawls, Whits
Goods, -Millinery do. Tailor*' Trimmings, Ribbon*,
Laces! Hosiery and Glove* Ac.
Merehanu are assured, from th* great facilities of
this establishment, of always proeuno* the latest and
most desirable goods, and at and lower
than any easternhouse-
for larcd fieamlilea of Domestic Gecia, they partita
• i.rir aoiiell the order* of merchants tor Coraesues,
i deliverable In thl* city at the same pnee they ars
I sold at ip eastern cities Mereharw either going or
i retarnlnj from the east, aro InvttcJioM examination
-1 of their stock. • A A MASON ACo
MORRIS a HAWORTH, in Uc Diamond,aw sell
ing excellent Tea, at
51) eUpsrlb.-TRV ITM sspil
. Through In FOUR Days
WElaku pleasure in announcing toihcMerchaats
of Pittsburgh and the Western buttitcw com
munity- that on and after Morday,the I6th ofSep
uniber, wc trill receive and forward geedaviathu
Certuai Rail Road, ani guarantee if-em ta be through
In Four Day?. Our extensive *tcrk of Can and Boats
to offer the above expediuons route to the
pnbllc, whilst We etlll eentinae our uscal Hites via
Ilanirhurg and'ColumbJa.
Alerchaot* withlng goods brought from tboEast
with certainty and dispatch at low iatrt,-or product
shipped there, are invite! to call on '
O CONNOR. ATKINS A CO„ Pittsburgh.
• / ATiUNS, O’CONNOR A »X>., Philadelphia,
Proprietotsofthe PittsburghTikniponation Lin-; ;
Or the following agenu,
O’Coanoxs A Co n 70 North street., EtUimsie;
K Rwcx. 0 Battery Place, New York}
KiUoTi A G&aio, 1< Deane suert, Boston.
tcplfiuhl ; *
•I thc-mdn who dees not appreciate iho luxury of ar.
easysbave* If any there be, wc do not address oar
selres to hint. Bat to all other* we say, il you wish
10 render shaving a plea*aie,ptuchusc a box of Jolea
IlaaePfl. Alaona Pivinchio or Ambrosial Shaving
Creams. It 1* utterly Impossible to find word* to dc
scribe'tho feeling* of a person who has been used to ■
Shaving with ordinary *ct|P,upon making trial of this
for the first time- Ills a combination of wonder, ad
miration. and pleasure.
inely emollient; rentering ihc itiffeit and mort wiry
bean aoft and pliable,prouneing on admirable lather,
and by it* extremely mild nature allaying uil inlia-
Uoe, and preventing that unpleasani and.stiff f«bcg
of the akin which i»so often npenenced alter shav
ing. Gentlemen tiling Jules Hauel’s bbaying Cream
mav fade the eomest and most piercing wind* im
mediately alter it* use, without the skin beconung
ebopprt. And tbote wno once use U, wo eun aaftiy
aay will never u*e any ether. .
One great advantage, which will, be especially ap
preciated by thoas who wear wluaters, U the fa t
that it wilt not discolor tie beard, which most soaps
will do, giving a s?mdy or ru«y appearance to tne
edge dftho whUkcrs. Jules Haud’» Shaving Cwmm
arc deJighlfali preparations, compounded with anil,
to the utter exelaiioa of all articles ealealated to
render,the epcraiioa cf shaving unpleasant, and wUi
be appfeeitted ov all who make trial of them.
Prepared only oy - “ . .
H JULES HAUEL, Perfamer and Chemist;
• XUD Ohestnui st, Phila
For sale, wholesale and retail, l»7 B. A Fahoeatoek
A and R. E Sellers, Pittsburgh; uni John Sargent
: and j; Mitchell, Allegheny City. tepg7-3p
iatt Bulml Fire. Insnioott Ctmpany,
TnEvtnrlibetai patronage exiended to this com
pany, havlrv Utued policies to the imountof near
OpeiUi.d a. Half MtlUou of Dollar*, daring the last
three 1 months, i» aiflteiem mnaifestailon o: the cm
nation and confidence of the public in the system 01
management on which iu buslnc*. U eordacted
To city or couatfy merehanu,andosmers of swe.i-
Inga/wid isoUted or court? property, it is believed
this Company affords advonuget in point of ebsap
neis.'safety, aad seeority, inferior to no Iniaronea
Company in this country. , . .
Conducted on the equitable and neatly Improved
syesdmefClai*lficatiflaonU*k?,excladlngaU *peci»t
hazards, insuring only a limited amount In any ona
locality, thus precludlngthe frequency and occurrence
of large fire*, and alio on both tho Stock and Mutual
planjhnotonlT po»se*iea thoehcapne*. snd accom
modation of both method*. Wot entities the insured to
* ?Tu ' of the following Directors;—
John ?. Rutherford. A. J- Gillen, John IL Packer,
Bam lift T. Jone*. Alonzo A. Carricn Philo C >ei!g.
A'A Casa mu, Actuary -
Branch Office for Western Pennsylvania, W Smith
Geld street, Pittsburgh. Persons desiring lueutancu
will be furnished with Woks of tho company by cal)
ing at the office. r ei
FLOUR— 105 bbl* Exit* Super Fine Flour, In store
.led (oi «JH »r L g WA . rgri>UN BQN9
VT7 ANTED—Two S*le«nen Inlbo Dr r Coodi Ta-
VV iJncu. Apply at S» Marfcct «Occl ocw
aCKKPF-'i—so bbliNoS Mscfcere ,0- - ' '
tale br oclfl La WATCHMAN
Tubs AND BUCKETT2—CS dot. Backus, 10 do
' Tabs, far Mis by
<*t9 j - Lfl WATERMAN k. SONS
ppflflMP—COdot tancy and good common
Cora Brooms, for *s.ld by
tILOVfcS bols strictly piano Uovu
r teed. in store tad for ante I>y
TIHR LATEST'STYIJi—HeceIved uns'.day, U»e !*-
J U',t style Catreti, direct front tee t»ona!aciuter*.
lo'.-wbH’ij we invite tbe attentioucf ’bote wi»lu.'t
li!*DJ<ome. oetd W’McCLI NTQi'K
CJArrilS—OTTTvod'aV-ree tad Well" selected
If gl «.o.uiUi>a Oil Cloth*, wbieh will be sold
jfiy low. W McCLINTOCK
«*!l9 . No. 75 Fourth «uc»t
REGe 4.N1) MAT2— Juvt bpctieo, some very n»nu
rotne style Rog* tad Door Malts, to-whrch ws
invite the ailcnooa ofnurcta»cr?-__ __ _
~ obl9 * W McCLINTOCK
f.ow I'BiCt CiKrtifr- w McCUa.oekhs* ju&i
ljopened a large and very cheap lot of Carpets, all
ofSrh ch are direct from the manufacturer*; ami will
be'aold a* low as the same truality can be purelo’cd
re at cf the Mountains, at 73 Fourth street. rott*
Apparaim for Gleaning Stare Tips
wlibotit taking down*
INVENTED by Frederick: Elciies, and xaalo by
First st. between Wood ft Market its
GDFFEE— 1W bars prime green llifc In store ned
to ariite,fcr sale by
peB • 31 Water h Ci Frcnt it
1 BAS—Do r i chests and oaodica of Y. Hyson, Imp.,
, G.P.tnd Blaele lea«,for sale by
,c 3 i L 8 >i ATKRMAN ft SONS
SPICES— 10 bags Pepper;
S bags Alspicc. for awe try
SOLE LEATHER—fiGO side* heavy and middle.
: weights Spanish Sole Leather, for sale by
fi LASS—3Ob bx* Window Glass, assorted of city
VDT and best country brands, foe tale bv
IRON— OStonaassorted,tortile by
Railing out at Csit to Close Ontlnoss,
A LARGE stoele cf DRY GOODS, for which bonds
taottsages, Jaogemcnts, grovud rents, or real
estate, trill be.recetved la payment.
JOo. 0. nr>GO,
oc3:tf ; ' 113 Wood tu Pitithcrgh.
chjß«i"wc'rt _ lor tale by
I) ECETVED this day, at the Carpet Warehouse, No
1\ 63 Fourth street and <9 Wood street, Coni ana
Tassels, Roller Ends. Rnek Pollies, Rollers and Siaia
for windows. t«:3J . W McCLINTOCK
f -tUEESE—I7S bxs prime W. R, Cheese, for salo by
\J J ft It FLOYD
v oeg - Honed Choreh
CJEGARS--OTO,QCO common Okto, for sale by
g* oea ' dft R FLOYD
POWDER— 12S kegs Blasting Fovdgr, tot tale by
; oca • - ' dft B FLOYD
HERRING— 100 bn Betted lie nicy, far itl« by
- ec< J dtRPLOYD
BAGS— ?sdeiTw
out 'I ■
I 'ARDOIL—IObrIa for »aloky
oc> St Wood n -
iNAKLO brU p«te, (or >k!o by -—-
j oca J School maker a’oo
jUtTY A PIiTT7 KNIVES for wloby"” ‘
■VrENKTIAN Rbb—tfO brbEnptluU,7or sale bv”““
.~ ' . JfiCUOQNMAKKR &
/ UtucißLEa—coo Blaek
1 1J ciblea, unmet} eirea.for uJe by • *
;-li Eb'IWED EORAX-~4euea jQUT«e^*Cy~
i;fi-”*?-■■' ■ J BCUqSnMAKRQA CP
i IAiiTOK OIL—3 br!* fu tale by ~~ ■ " 1
| oe3 j ACO
: N^W ftYEL ’ ?' , T ; 3. ARTHUR.—Tie Orvbta
A 1 CUilmeni a uUe of Craelty.aad Opnte»lon, b lie
mlo cf & new prue tft!c by T. 8. Aithar. Itbwid to
V* '** best production, far saT« at Holme*
•LUercTy IttTQt»Tbbi«tr«Lonpoflte ibe Pe*t
*Uo, the Mouk Knight of St Johii, by Major Richard
son* aud Lmdl’t Living Ana No 331* oel^
JLrtl recebed from Pblilipayilia Facwry, 1» yard*
« agon Co»or a good article, tor *«te by
«>»1 1 l A# Woea
i|«AKJt*AI;LLNS— Oycry te**7 lar^e - Tcrpa r ,ii.ri rr
:t*“{ u “^» ||,i, »', | “sg , ga
COO Flotwfl'
oct !
i \AvVi» coryfcttt-'iKLU-.10.t? ot tHTTnitre .un*
I) rtc-rr, by Inckecs *ni BUefcwood fot B*ptca-
C er, has Ucn rewired Literary Uepc;,
Third »treet,«pF» 3ll « the Post Office; al»,'HoJden»«
Doilu for Octeber, and International Mi*.
erllaiiT.^ o3 - ! _ - ~z: \ * tp^°
bbU in etorts and lor saie by
IP,DOW oLa=s>-J<*» cozea **»oae4 f 0;
aaieby S F VON BONNHORBTftco
•VWkAM CHKKbI-:—«*TU»xe» rreeWlnr bonj IF
C cm*l M- J - •"“jfilla,'
: *ep3o ; ? °Wihmi
WTNIkaV glass—ih» t.j»V»*orttd,f3fT«le t, r
t*pn. James dalzell
Li LJUaK a. fdOLASibS —30 bbdt N.(TfeK*t: ~
S ' tthhdsS. H. i.fof-
MJe'low, to close conilfument, Inr ’
iie»ao JAMES PALzrn.T.
tfc£~U3-ten Maone4< <«r »tifl
• It 8. WATERMAN It *Ol
T7LOCR—IOO bru npferior FamilrTtev res>d b v
P , ttpSO • 9fc WJIaBBaUGU
l> joftrtoelTcd, msd for mIo by
kp3o jS fc WHAHBAUGH
IQ Aep in nor# tsdlor'jile'&t''
_ j»ndlDr,»r«a*e®F
Watar A Front «u.
Wind air Trimmings.
INEGAH—SO brU para Cider Yiuegar, for sale v
dftg . . . , ~ J* It FLOYD
kLANKETS—I case on ecsxignserit. for sale by
> oe» • Jft R FLOYD
Few Sags, for s*la"b
ee’C per casaL, for tain by
i«'Tßxm» brudt,