, *, ESTABLISHED IN 178 b. I l ' ’ I PUBLISHED BV W H I TE r . 4 CO ft, it Went, i , {«. OAiattT, loim »i>» .mao*, t»i«d tnxxti xs* l Docr * 70 , mMT KttiCt. . Weekly, is *4r*oc£)— ■— ***' f!» D*. t> Clot.*, at» rftJMeJ tuu, > Mae cl OP AUVKBTIBKBOI AOREKO uwjn BT VI '« pITTRBtJIIGn P£UCBS« One ;w ie,aOJi»« ofNonpsreiloi lew) ene t (•entail'” »«■—• .......10^ OncSaai je,e»fk sd-iiUeßsUneerutm'•• 0& ••-Co. ; snowedr*——l.7s . Pu. ' two wee fci Du. -lirttmtir— «D 0 Da. Lr- onc atonth--■*■••——• 4,00 • r Do. tw.a aoMlu-p—7,00 Pc.^ : ' threeaontt ip—■ —— ft.oo iM. tour aenUte ■ -■ • 10.00 ,-‘Do. :. eUxaetilbe---— -r— — • Do. twc>ve months- ie,ro StaadlnzCard (9 line* oriels,) perannnm- ID.W - Oa*Uci«WP>eMt*fl»t>lftaiplcoMirt (per an* n*ia)eicl**iTeoriha paper— 2S,uo FW each additional •qttore, inserted over one month, . taafor cub additional square lowned wider the year ly rates, half price. Advertisement* exceeding a r-qaire, and net over tfeea tine*, to be charged a* a s.ioare and a half ■ .PabttshmJto’taceoanublofor Irgal ailvtniietnemi ' oeTood tie atoegurt charged for their pohlication. Anaoebclngcandidste* for office, to be eharged ibt hbk a* ether advertisements. JUtf rtiwmenti not marked on the corf for a *pecl led number of Insertions, will be continued till forbid, . and payment exacts! accord-. . * Tteprrrilesei of yearly advertisers will bo confined rimdly tn their regular business, and all other advar* iSemente not pertaining W their Tegular btunca*, as • nmed fcr, to ue paid azua. .... , , _ ‘ advenititnent* for ebarluble institution*, fire mpanlev ward, tnsnuhip and ciherpubtle meeting*, ad each lie, to U‘charged halfprite,payable atrictiy -- • advanoo. . - . „ / ManUao notice* to be charged SB coni*. • • Death wti<Minacrtedwiibooicharge,nnle»aceom- Mnled by fanerallavUation«OT ©Mtaary notice!, and - when *a accompanied i*.bq paid for. . Bevnlaiadvermer*,and allother*aending commit* nlcatloni.or requiring notice* designed"to coll auen - tioa to Pin, eoltce*, Concert*, or any public enter - taUsoe&tt, where charge* aic made for admittance— mil notice* of ptiTatc , ai*oclatie , i»--cvery l,ou< -c , alined to call altcntiottte private er.ierptmescalcula* * tea or intended to promote iadiTidaal Interest, can on* ly be in*em4wiuv the ondsnrtandlng that the sense • to 10 be paid for. If intended to be whetted to the lo- cal eolnmn, the aama till be charged at the rata of *_ not lew than 10 cents per line. . , Blahop or Fist Notices to be ehaTeed triple prlee,. k Tafcrnlieen*ePetiiion*,-83taeh. . . w) Legal and Madicsl advertisement* to bo charged at - ' **Reul C &i|ic Agents’ cod Auctioneers’ advertUe* ; menu not to be classed ttader yearly me*, but to be allowed discount of thirty three cod one third per earn. v Jfc©mtbi amount of blll«. ■J! • WXXXI.Y 08 TBl-WSZXIX.tn BAtLI TATOfc ■"OdbBtj«ira,threcin*eTtlona»-— —-.—*6l SO . • Do. eachadditional insertion-•. 37 ■ timminns m uxixtt um. One Btuira, (10 lines.) one J nseition*—-gJcts. ■ * Pit ■ each additional .insertion-—25 rt 'All transient advertisements io be paid in advance. . WHITE fc CO. Gazette. I*. HARPEH,Po*t. RDBT M. RIDDLE, Journal. ‘ JAWE9 P. BARR k CO., Chronicle. e FOSTER A BROTHER, ftepaxab. : JOS. SNOWDEN. Mercury. J AUKS W. BIDDLE, American. ... “ ! -TORAM KAINE,- Evening TriFuna. Tninnn, Dee. I,IMS*. CARDS. jona A. P&BSlffaOli A LDEBMAIL Fifth WwJ, Penn street, between A p'H«T4 ao<* Walnat- Ail business promptly afc» Sew to. - cujg__ iT.iaABDEB BL. WATSOIi TTORNEY AT LAW—Office, on Foanh street l ibwe Wood. . D&V11) O. TOTTLSi - ATTORNEY AT: LAW, and Corapiadonst for . FetuujrJreaLa, St. Leai-’i Mo. Ail comai oaiealioaj prootjuij antwete-1- • . QCtP-lT' •. ' . —• r ! J&BKS V. KKIiE, , A TTORNEY AT LAW—Office oa Foanh street, A between BmuhCeU aod Grant, PittsbargU., spttz-lr 'jOUHB.R&aiUfb ATTORNEY and Cotuuellor at Law, and Comrols •ionor.for the .Stale of FennaTWama, fiL Louis; M RcleT«LcL—PiUiba^u: Hon. W. Forward, Hamp ton A Miller; BFCandless A MeClare, John E. Parke, ■yfc Staple, McCord A King. >a<l<-lr _ BIDWELL CO., - roiiwiftuiv o MBKOHfAatrB, Gbugvo, TsL (tfocU-V# Ferry Pct£ ©*&*o . w«Vii| MtttMtatfT lacaied at this place,* new '*fi4 Dc*t.-»rc BTT;-prepared : m ro> ■ cclT* *sdfo«r»t4pn»BpUrto*Jl peiotaon ibexiVßT, : *adBasdxabd Bearerer OhlaCanal*. B&Co. - . ield ' ‘ ! •. ~~ wk a.co»ga*nt. - M-R-iwiwnrii ' i Turnj*tiija. TfcAGXIiSYt WOODWXBOI CO. Wholesale Oro- J> c*n. No fat Market at, PhilhdelpMa. at* pltubwgliAlkall Worksi J BENNETT, DERRY A CO, Mannfttrtarera of Soda A A, pipachigg powder*, Mariatte and Salphuno AcldSTwaratonac NO —, Water street, below ferry. -—aovghir -•' ' : "rraleriek Brian. <jeonre Belter. h BETTER, WboWalo and -RetailDrag* tista, comet o( Liberty ukl St. Clair streetPma mrt.Pi!- , Hi A. MCANULTY A Cfl, Forwtrdtn* endTCom* l Merchant*, Canal Uawa, Fittsooryh, y.. F lrt . GRANT, Wboleaale Grc.-rr, Commi'tion an jnrardiny Merchant, No. <U Water at, P»U' ™ BBBBBV, FlaßfltKO * CO., /COMMISSIONMERCHANTS— Forthe Do . Iv marie.'Woolen, tad Cotton Gooda; al«o, daderr m •II ktada ofToitora' Trimniinga, No UJ Wood- »t, 4th door ftwa Fifth. Pittabargh- _ ' Reference—Metira. wau A. MU A Co, Banken. • inapt : i - -7TuST • lIVUI - * IRVIBt ~ ' /COMMISSION MERCHANTS aud Dill Broken, | j Ho m Second atrceU Pntfhmgn. *«« 7 '•STiTSStan, J*JM» j. **aa«Tt. ENGLISH* BENNETT, (l*tt English, Ga!i*rh<r * Co.) Wholetile Groetrt, Commission tna frot wvfin* ilercttnU, and deolenlß Proioee u»4 P »n»- feuYfcHaßttfrcnTt*, ?io.S? W ood *t, between 2d and Sdßreetfc "* u wH. 11. rfoUSsl'ON, • TCORWABDING A COMMISSION MEBCUaNT J* No Ui Second «i, Fituhnrpli. *? r “L bour w. yonraxxTTi] {wait** e.tmsairo.i - BiW.MISDEXTBaACOn /"lENEKAIj COMMISSION and Forwarj'iut Mer- It efcatta and Floor Dealer*, No 27« Mmrkei.rreet, yfiltdelphia- ; J !rL “ nC&LDi BCOOOIU: CO TOBACCO CUBBISBIOS BEBCHAMT- J«l>.UNohSW*»rStmtiNo. l« NOT, wwmt A.J. Bctxnoa. i PHILADELPHIA Esw'd Uxaxo. iphnad’a. 1 . ;d. c. McCamkou. I rw • J. A- Wiim. ( LJ —? ny — H£EK,l«urees#a7 to Morphy h. \m,S woof Deal # Commlssioa Merchant, -farthe * a >* T A»erie*n Woolen*, Liberty. ot>Pt»»iteSih»t febl7 A A« gafut. WSC ft 3 0?TW" TTARDY, JONE 9 fc (raeemwe« «o H j<n>«»V Co.) Ccmmlsnotj ar.3 FerwajdjnffMer *Kou!deatere,ta Pltubnrfb Maaareetored Goods, ftaaberth, P*. • SSHL- k Ufi «Att*HALU» ’ • 4 taccxwo* to t »AjtxmL c.-imti) EXPORTER a Dealer In French and American ra* oer Han*ta<s and Borden, Window Shade*. Fir* S'wSEke. Aleo—Wriilar,Prim.ne ardWnp. lUfPimNft- 87 Woodstreeubetweeait earth street alley i ««t efcJc, Pittsburgh, 1 a- 1 • fcbiaT -. - - PWMBCBfiH-OIiASB'WOttKS' ] wss'ivsrs . SjWottTLrtct, one doer Scott.of Damon*, A«*y /. SssSf^Sr &usftgtgst ».~' No 34 W«ter »t.-rm»bgr^ —*?* T»rTV?-Vtc<«t ' >oa«r mein,!*. tbSuu wetfEY * co r^^ e c^n r n; JL Bdultm MewtaaU,mi 4tjaer*J»-Proda«».i«|^ 9# Wttor. and 107 Front otregts, ;.—^ —utiwonh—— JB. DIIAYOKTH & CO., Wholesale Omccn, wia • Areata tor Hixard Powder Co., No«£7 Wood ptoabaieh, • - deS *y Yoffif U. TOWN3END, OnJ£r^ rt ”ic£s‘*M?£, 1 7,' Ko. 41 Market it, three door* abo’e Third et. Pi ll ** bWfb, wiU hare eonattctfroa h*ad * well “* lonaeatefthi bctiend fretheat MediffiMi. which o« wOl nil on th« non ttaaocable tern*. Phynctmi icodlaf enters, will be protcnily mended to, ana «#J>- ißed with articles theT eutt tclt opoa as ircnaine. • ItT Pby*iei»a* Prescription! will to accurately an* onup fron tb« bastnusiiaU, at any tsar of *» dl| or nifbv .Ali# fox ail*, alary* nook oi fraih and food Perf* nanr. !_i __ ioi3_ - Joan hlordv _ Richard Floyd. Jt R. FLOYD, Wfceleiala Groccn, Conml*«ion and IfcaUt* la Ptolu-c. F.oni'V ChUCh Baildiagi* {rßS&nj; on Liberty, Wood end pmh «gecr», htmbnrgh. fa. ey4 "I NO. A- CAUGHKY, Ajtwu (« tt>3 Lxto Erls wn a J uieUrtn Line la Bekvcr&nd Hue Late*-—Offic r M iw Mimßt of Water wil t*»aUt>trr}<t *u Iwit OD_^,; rCT „„. -i , J Hatektwn &■ Co.» <V.rmnl»*lftn Mr r<rh*nt*, SU Awiiti of A* £*■ LoaUbVtita Put*t Refinery. «aJD3 front Uni . tl X>NMAKfctt CO, iVbblfute Bracguts . NuMWflOd meet. Pitwldoreh. *M ■* ,HJ ki WKILoK, WflOle»*Je. and R«uU«le»te Ma.*dc*l Ituinnnrntt, School Boon 3* ”K»,I Pens, QoUis, Printer*’ Cards, an SSSur NaTtfl Wood .u, ruulnt l L’ .tgEßstesgag 'pfUlH ytfT.t.. PITTSBUfiBi P A « . .- >5 a».aad jutting. * n. q, iXOCKTOSi ' T ATE Johnston k BwctooSi OTA BUSINESS CARDS. PltOtttrgh City Olui Works. w.cuamwoiTA* jrco., kTANUFACTTRERS of window class, OX No SO Market street, between First and Second? PitwbttrjlL Pa. \- ■ ‘ attention paid' to odd sites- Also, Dealers is FLINT CLASs/VIALS, BOTTLES, Ac. w. cmamteH&K, •. cchcah, iy33:tf p. ccwsracimi, p.«na»««. _ Win. Miller. Fhilad. C. \V. Rleketsoa. Fittsbarsb. \it ILLER * RICKETSON. Wholesale Grocers, and, iVI. Importers of Urxndies. Wine* and Segari, Nos 17S ami 174, corner if liberty and Irwin streeta, Fut»* bnrea, Pa. Iron, Nails, Cotton Varna, Ac. Ae„ eon* staaiiyon Hand. ***_ Jeha iircluJ James D. MHjUL W*mru. n»e\ McCILLS A. BOE, Wholes sic Grocer* tiid Coeami*- sion tlerchULU, No 1M Liberty SL-Fittsbargh BU&GI AN^ISLE > FACTORy^^_ iuxa taiti „ »** r ««••• JOBEI * Q,U100» TLCANUFACTURKHS of •print bU ‘ ter WtL ploath steel, steel ploafh wings, coach “d clip <ic springs, hammered iron exits, and dealcrslpmal •cible csiuags, fire engine Imnpjsnod coachrrictamn |en*rtUy, earner of Boss end Front «u., rituburxh, VTS j, __. Tardo®* Mnnimn junhiaw. XTO. 31 Old Lcreo at, N Otlein*,ieep emutanUr on 1> hand alanrea«aomnentofßraadiea©f lie follow inr brand*, which they offer ferial® aaMeau for J. Dirand A Co, Bordeaux, »m Maxlory, J.Eraad, J Du rand Jt Co, LafoeheUe, i J Durand, Cocnae, A da Mw texuu, A L Blerille, A d# Mondore, Jean LpaU, Ac., Ae; alto, Anchor Gin, Bordeaux Red and Witte Wlnea In cult and aeleeted wlihcaro by John Durand itjc; beaidca Champarne Wine and Sweet Bargundy Port? 1 v feb7»l>* N HOLMES A.SON, No S 3 Market st. seconddoor • from cor&er of Fourth, dealers tn Forejra cod Uomesiic Bills of Exchange, Certificates of Deposit, Bonk Notes cod Specie. {E7*Coteleiioas made oil all the principal cities hroaghoat the United States. ap4 'ljltfaogr»phio~lEcueu»hm>ci OF WM. SCIUJCIIMANN, Third st, opposite the Post-Office, Pittsburgh.—Maps, Landscape*, Bill heads. Showbills, Labels, Architectural and Maehloe Ur*wing 1, litmneu andVmung Cards, &c_ergTOTed or Im o on stone, and printed in colors, Gold, Broois or Black, in the moat approved style, cad ct the most fccwittble pncea i • octlfcly r j OMNj'ON, LITTLE & CO,,* o. 255 Liberty a treat A> l’itulurfh. Wjolei&le Grocers, Produce sad Cotnoitsion Merchsmi, util dealers in Pitxabnrfh Uaiiafac urea. i apl? ' Si'Kf. tObIBOH. TOO 3. UTtLS. EA.KU 8. KOSPtSOW. OOUBRT MOORE, Whble**le Grocer. Rectifying XV Distiller. dealerin Frodace, PilUbaryn Uittfic : tores, an! all kinds of Foret fn and Domestic Wine* and LlqoorsjNo. 1L Liberty aueav. :Oo hand a very iarsettoek of aonerior old Monoogabeli walakey, which will be tola low forccah. ayl L. O. BttKOUW. U V IHtX. REYNOLDS & BUEE. Forwarding and Contain tlon Merchant*, for ihi Allegheny River Trade, tealere In Groceries, Produce Pittsburgh, Mandfad tures,and Chloride of Lime. The highest pries, la cub, pud at all timet for country-Carna»- P&oa uadlrwln au. ap!B ROBERT DALZELL t ea, Wholesale Orocen, Coanuiuitm Merchants, d taler* in ProdwcewnJ Pittsburgh Manufactures, liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ; ■ - aplfl - B. A. OOBBIBGHAai \I7 HOLES ALE G ROCKS, Produce. Forwarding, If and CommUifoa Merchant, and De*l*r in Pius burgh Manufacture*, No 23) liberty atreet, Pioabv^h* SIIACKLKXT A WHITE, Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and I) rat mo' Dry Good*, No. PP Wood oireetPinabarth. ’ eplT - SVW HaRBaUUU, \Vool MerebanuT Uuleta in Floor’ and Produce gcncrailyvaml Fwwurding and Commiesien Merehaata, 1U Rm.attvei and Ufl Second atrett Pittsburgh. - aplT r. mssames. roan stcou, mtaiuxo. SELLERS A NICOLS, Prodade and General Cow mifsioa Merehopu, No. 17 liberty suett, Pitts burgh. Sperm, lioaood and Lard ChU. ap!7 S - F VON BONNUOR&T A 00, Wholesale Gro • ecu. Forwarding and Com mission Merchants, Dealers la Phtolrantir Uhnafaeture* . and Welters Prodace, bare texaoved to their new warehouse, («u irand,YNo. 33 t coraero( Fust street and Chancery Lane. • - ap!7 fIORBU '* &ACTOBTH, TEA AND WINK MERCHANTS, Cart aide Diamond, pitabargh. ap!9 mo. r. fßßvsa.) - aua^sasaxa. fiHBIVSR ft BiBVSI, W H OLEBALE GROCERS, -Pndvea and Camsritstan JUaxkaats, And dealer* in Pittsburgh IXansfiactared Article*, Naa. 130 uad 131 iKend utgwwt, BetweenWoodASmithfield, Pittsburgh. aagl foaawart.l Irowavuno* JOHN wm «CO„ > WHOLESALE Crown, Commission Merchants, and ■•ealeraln Prodace and Pittsburgh Maim* factnre«,mo liberty aL,Pln»barafa, Pa. ahplt FLO C R—7o brie”eEoir* Family; brli Supertce; SB bris Fine, arriving, and for tale by *epl2 BROWN A KJBKPATE3CK_ ■" BAioD* iuviw t WOULD isfeffu.zha «■*!>*thet-fc***-taken lha. ware bos sc formerly oeeapied by Uta lota Ur Selomoa Seboyer, 1H Second eireet Having a large and eommsdioai warehnw,'they would Invite the attention of person* baring goods to eomige or store. They will afao give mention to the yarebaae and aai* of Notea. Drafts, Banda, Ac. sag? L. S- Waterman- *B. N. Waterman- -W. B. Watenaaa- B. WATEBBAR * SOBS, WHOLESALE CROC ERA, Commiaaiaa mad For warding Merchant*; dealer* in aJi kind* of Pro duce A Piit'burgh Manufactured Article*; and Agent* for eale of Richmond and Lynchburg Manafaetared Tobacco- mrt attoiuiey at uw, Butter, P* WILL alao attend to collectiaaaaad alletharbaai neat entrusted to him in Batiar and Armauoog counties, Pa. Refer to j. A EL Floyd, Liberty at-1 W. W. Wallace, do I Juki Marshall do | Finabar^h dly Kay A Co., Wood at. J lanT JOBS BcP&OEB ft COm FORWARDING A COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Canal Basin, Penh stmt, Pittabargh. ard JAMES M. DAVIS A CO** PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS, No. 227 Market, and M Conuaerea cl, Philadelphia. Adeance* made, by either of the abeue, oaconriga mente of Produce to either Home. . mr " "j. d. William*. -Jobn Hafl. J. D. WILLIAMS * CO., ITfHOLESALE A RETAIL FAMILY GROCERS, YY Forwarding and Commission Merchant*, and dealers in Coii«irr Prodaee and Pita burgh Manafae tares, comer of Wood and Filth Street*, Pimborgh. mr3» Wm. H. Williams— "fL B. MeVaj WM* D. WILLIAMS * CO., bankers and exchange brokers, North Cart comer of Wood and ThirdMreeis, ianl r*. ' w«. lutiii, ' io«a •. co«#*JL»E, _ a woMWllDi UUR JUiWI. *ITTM. BS.CAL.EY ft CO.,WtoJejllß OrMCltj 18 W >ad go Wood ■u«et.Fltt*hnnh. *P‘" Tnrr?{TK Tm-'caNdLesS, W WJe*,> Wh«le«aJe Uroert*. Forwudtnj; *nd Oomtni**i«a JJcrebact», dcd*rj.ln Iran* FU»U. ***“•» Cotton Ytra*. and Pimtmrjh Mansfaeiottß feneral ly, eorawof Wood and Water #treeu,P»tt*bßj»a- tVf k. M. MI'fCHFXTKEE, Orocer*, W . RecufViny Diitiilert, and Wine and AlercbiJiii. Al#o—Unfonariof Sdd* Aik*»«d in* Ponder, No.lOO;libc«ty »ucei, (oppotila S rUi •treet,) Piu*barab. . ■£* \\f~ WTTVILWNTW aic bet,J e w e l ry, H i I» e r ' Va f ® W . and Military Coed*, corner of Market and Fonnft »;reeia. Paubaieb. Pa- N. B.—Waiebe* ud Clock! cartfaiir repaired. mrf- i jomr s. M’cvac VTTW. YU UNO ft Ca., Dealer* lnLaik««i HWe», W ftc„ HI Liberty treat. *ans'lT -r,„ MimettsoiT «ort. K 5 cffTCH»O9. tKT VbHucCUTCHCO.N, Wholeatta Otocert, W, Rulers In Prodoce, Irtm, NHU,ffluijijai rimb-jißs MmafMUirn ftnertily, Übeny *»«*«-- ftn»tejgh. .. IHAVE taken WM. CARR into me in my bn«ne**, wfcfeb will fronr tail d*lo M carriedenunder tho bumof“ Job .^£*J k pjl tjfjm tlnreb 1*«, lfcJO. JOHN PARantt. ' T 1 futri - ———Willlin Cm. JOHH gAhKBH * OOm _ ■mebsnU in Pnda&. Fcxtxgn WiMs, JApion, Old MoitongoMa arid RtetUUd WTiisiey- wATxmui mxn. ' josho*. vaxua. wm ' *• B * a eiimst hahs a • co. t fßceeeiaon'to llsikTi Hanna A Co.) Bankers, exchange brokers, *nd d«J«i in Foietim and Domeabe tohanjo. Certificate* n, M ut*. jJ*nk Note*, and Specio—Nortb » c ** cOrecfor 1 Woo^UuirThird ttreeta. Camnt noner received fin depoaite.—&aht Check* Cor collection* made on newly *U the principal poinii ThtTh^hMU'realmu paid for Fort!pi and American made on eocaifncicnti or hip nedSul onliberal term*. WH. A*. J|*CLOnO A CO., OaOCBRS AND T-EA DEALERS, : ' IfottQ' Ulerty#net t ahnt "oorf, Ssffl2!aSaS3SSi@ jn«re»t tcrtoa. ; - - - Si A O Jj E OCABB WORKS. .ir^llF/inTrtraOFKinEENOLAMWiBE, M Vial*. Botiica, and SviM^DonJc* Mineral Water, Patent Median*. andWiaoDotuea of (Terr deacilctiant also, WINDOW QLABB. lie ebeee enick. AL6D STATE, u ‘l" 5 ,” Glue Faetotir* are iu arorpth, aa U c *J® l ?is -rantmer, Tnr, Facroar ta sow in mb OrtJUTtO5, ano will centime to operation both amntMT and'wmwr. -Ozdata retpecUhlljf .clidled, and -will bo filled on the ilnncit iwtiso ; ' W«raho«ie.No its Berond street, between Wood 1 aA&SAut&Ceid ft a, Pinatmreb. irkStdly _ “ ~—cisn?xKifßEsrjsiPr^7” O AML. P. SHRIVEB and CHAB. BARNES bare 1 i day ataoelated thennelvee together, asder lb* 1 ?.V?* i shtmc * BaYnea, for the tranaaetion of the vvkoleaala Grocery. Prodoee. and Connniaaion ba»i* A ill Second meet, between Wood ana tjtsitefteld tt, ; ! Flmbargb, Aanm l. 1830.—-an<l OUTiIUKIi W»t«n Plltiburßh “"’' t;Ucrapb Cauptay. TN cnm&oce of ft resolution °l llo ? r ‘L o ,[.V’ r s5 l ‘ at pitwbuMb. parsing Uiroj/li Cb.«nn Mrs.. iu>«, L: r C nw,;.» f. BdlptUittt by c1 ' 1 ? Troiiee* havr Uidr rrceipi I W “‘ J? — BOAT BUablillS. . fln 000 feet Se*scßftd Deck Plank; , ■■■,-., _... iSo',°ooo£..to. %Sr» lc K."l;r, T iU i,i “ ui *^B , sr : asw3iw» *oo **»,»«««, nm* < wooi«a wools fflHB Utkm muket price to Cuk will be paid for J. tifl diffareni pad** ofWool.br ITIS • ' I'itff HABBAUOn PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER ltv ISSO. MISCELLANEOI WILKIBB HALL, FOURTH STRUCT, PITTSBURGH. PA raiuiq magnificent csiahUshment being now com- I oiiied aui ready <** buataeja,the pwpuetor would reroeetfully solicit • *b*« tbe P obUe ,. P* lrona * e He trusts by giv«« M» f “ u auemon to the business, to inohe tbe bouse a pleasant and comfortable report for the citizens of Pittsburgh and for the country *°Good attendant* will bo In waiting, and every ei ertion made to render the establishment worthy the countenance and nupponof an Intelligent eornranmtT. Tbe TWO SPACIOUB HALLS, fitted for Parties, Concert*, lecture*, Balls, and public meetings, will by the eyenir.g or week, on aa liberal terms as any otber in tbe eltv. . TbaBAR and RESTAURANT, equal In style and beamy to any In tbe world, will be kept famished with Pete Wine*, Choice Lienors, Cordials, Poucm, Aise, undull the cool.light, reireahmentaofthe irasnn. Ponliry, 'Game, Fi*b, Soap, Oysters, and Clams, eenred on InHhe best style. The DINING, and ICE CUE AM SALOON, being on tbe first Boor, and easy of access, will be constantly applied with all'tbe Lnrnries and Delicacies of the season; and also, with inch substantial* as tbe markets afford. Boarding by the day, week, or year. Dinner* or Sapper* for Individual s or parties, tarnished on short nciiec. Gentlemen witb their families, visiting the city can, be supplied witb refreshments of all kinds at any hoar ot iho u»r Good Stab.tng and an extensive Livery Establish ment 1* connected with tbe Hall. Dinner at 1 o’olock. Breakfast and Tea at the bum! hoars. Entrance for Ladle* to tbe lee and Dining Scloon. No 07 Srallhfield street. ' jeaStdtf K. It. VAN RENSSELAER (a. wumviiT, j* a. wxrrnvELT, sa.] A- W.E3TERVELT & SON, \jtT ELL KNOWN VENITWN BUND M»KK«S. Vv keep constantly on hand or make u> order the best anlclo in their line, ci their old stand, N 0.13 Rt. Qalritreet; also, at Nc.« Marketttreet, arcond story, entrance in tbe Diamond. Veirtlian Shntlcra madr to order, and did blind* neatly repaired. apiu_ W. * J. GLtSNBt Book Bladsrs. ITTE are aull engaged in the above bcwjne**, corner ff of Wood and TbiTd street*, Pittsbnrßh, wbete we ore pTtmared to do any work ia our Une with des patch. we attend to our work personally, and «au«- aeticn willbegtlea in regard to iu neatness and du r,Blsrd.’ Books rckd to any pattern and bound sub ctaniiat'.y. Book* in numbers or old books bour.il cure foil jr or repaired. Namespoton books rngdl ietterr. Thoie that have work in our line are invited tocali. prices low. mr&i( Ptna Baeblns Bbop. H WIGHT ALAN—Manafaeiurer of ail kind* of cor k ton aad.wOoUea machinery. Allegheny city. Pa Tbe above works being now tn foil and inecrMtal pp eratkm, I am prepased to exeaau oifars with ditpateh for all kinds of machinery inrybne,*»ch as wiUow«, tdeken, spreader*, cards, grinding maaUnet, runways, drawing frame*, speeder*, tb»«a*ils, loom*, woolen card*, double of single, for merchant or country mule*, jack*, Ac.; »lioe and handlalheaand tool* in gen eral. 'All kind* of mliafiing made to orde». cr plans giv en for gearing factories or mills *i raoyonatiJc charge. nsrxa to—Kccaedy. Child* A Co., Blackatock, Bell % (V., Winy. P*n*»*k A O* . Ja*. A. Gray BENNETT & BROTHER, QUEENSWARE MANUFACTURERS, llrml*|b«m,lß»ar Putibur|b,l F ai OfSe» t iYp. 21 IFtftsr *t,* 6«vw» Gloria and Wasd, PuttirurgK. keep on hand a good ai*ortj JB/moat ot Wan; of oar own manufacture, mod aarwriorquiluy. Wholesale and counin Mer mm ebunu are respectfolly invited to rail at»d ex ■ t y,’m tbemaalvca, as we lit determined to sell chtaper than ka* evar before b«tn offered to the pub ! fnrOrderannt by mall.aeeompanled by tb* ea*h o» ; cod raforesce. will U prompUy atunded to- nn<_ SKV? OOACII TiCTORT, uj-umi. , , If A. WinTK A CO., would reapeetfuily Inform IVI . Lie public that they have elected asbopoa Eetkk,betwecnFe«leral*pdBanda*hjr »ircei»- They are uow mating and arr prepared to receive order'* uvery Ceaeripium of vehicle*, Coarhc*, Lharwt s. u*- 2«se&n, Buggies, Pb*tons, Ae., Ac , whirb from ibrit lonrexpenauee in the manaiaetareof Uu* above wor*, and the focilmesthey havo.lhey leelcmifideniihcr *.r* enabled to do work on the won rrasoombtc inai wua lhaoe wanting article* In tbrir bur Faying particnlar aueotton to the aelceuon of oate ritla, and having none bat <ompetcfli woikiduji, they lmvu no brriuiiO* ra wanannng their work, "e therefore a*k the attention of the public to Uu* mailer. ■ N. B> Repairing doae u tba best manner, and on the aaoat reasonable term*. jagkU uiDUtncs , ICAIFB* ATRISSOB, rnnxr, WVU3 Woon AM Moans*, Y'WNTISUE to tnanafactute all kinds of COPPER, TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE Al». Ula.h Cmith W’oik. 'Dteam UoftU bailt to order. Special atteatk-n given tosteam boti wc*ik Have on hand* a trie assortment of Copper and Ura*s Kettle*,Tin Ware, Ae. Ac. Bteam»K»aiCooking Portable Forge*, varises *izea— a very convemeai *u oeift for neamboata, Calnonn* cmigranu, or rail ru*d respeetfally inrtte *uam boat men *od other* to call and tee oat article* and price* be«ure liarcbasittg elsewhere l Ti? Vreagbt tad Cast Iren Ualilag. JWIHR aatn.-nber* beg leaye to inform the pobbe u,a* 1 tbfT have obtained from the Eart'Utttfce taw aed /EiUnKhi. design* for Iron Railing, txnh for Uo«te» ana cemeteries- Person* wubleg to procure baud •eme patterns will please rail and examine, and judft forihenuelve*. Railing will be farnlahod at the short est aotiee, and In the best manner, at tbe corner o! Craig and Rabeeeaatieett, Allegheny city. a&SWIf A. LAMONT A KNOX WILLIAO DXOBY BEGS leave to Inform hi* friends and rnsir-m«-r« t-.t be is J«t« receiving hi* cew •I'rior •>» i.vod* comprising. as usual, all the newr.t and inosi la*b>”'' «t,U styles of Cloth*. mere*. V UIA and linen *u»lBel »«ud' • ana evet• ,r for gentlemen'* west foi -p...»r suJ »‘ j ' T,,,,PT i> >■«•' ’* impossible la describe the besuiy, ot va*» tj of the slock, the proprietor hope* ail who sre u. want of good, cheap, fashionable, »nd mad* cloth-*, will give bin * tall, a* there is no stock this side of tbe Allegiieiiie* thsi can compare with it. UiereadynatUdeptxnmeui.» very extensive, adap ted to al! taste* p.n xsfc j contractor*, country merchants. au<* a.i who parthase largely, are pamcnlarly invited to rj ■ m.nc the Stock before purchasing. **-pariiculur at tention is paid la tbe wboteiale buiunesi tn thir «*t»l lishmenl. . . Every article in the tailoring line made to order in tbe most fashionable and best manner, at the shortest notice BOTIOR THE partnership heretofore existing under the 6rm of Alt C BRADLEY,is dissolved by the decease Of Mr. c Bradley. Tbe business will be earned on by A Bradley, who will aetlle tbe banners of the late fif REMOVAI/—A Daanixr has removed bis Foundry Warehouse from Ne 114 Second street, to Na »9\\ood Street, between First aad Second street*, to il * ware house lately occupied by O A Berry, where he *■ I keep constantly on band ageneral a*»ort«nriitof t.«*t ings, Oratrs, Stores, Cooking Stove*. Ac. j> l-i IASDIib neKKLVI, Manufacturer of cast *tekl, and No i and No. d American Ulmer Steel. Al»«-Best Cast Steal Files, of all sues; and Blacksmith and Sh oe Rasps, always an band sod forssle. either at hi* m ■la Bteal Works," O'Hara street. Fifth Ward, or ai the oSee in tbe Iron Store of BOLLMANS A GAItRI BON, No 4, foot of Wood street, Pittsburgh. «tn»-41ra CISCIILAU. We, the undersigned, havtng n»ed, with entire sat isfaction, the Ca«t Steel and Files nude by Samuel McKclvy, at bis Eagle Steel Works, in ih.< city, take pleaaare is recommending them a* equal in quality to aay ever used by as, of foreign manufacture. FiUsbareb, Alareb 13, l®hb. U A i 11 SHOENBKROKR A CO, ManafaetUTera of Iron and Nails, Pittsburgh, Fa. KNAPP A TOIT EN. Iron Founders and Machinist*, Pittsburgh. Pa. COUiMAN, HAILMAN A t.U, Manufacturer* of Springs, Axle*, Spring Steel and •. Rivets, Pittsburgh, Pa. F A W’M FABER, Eartae Builder* and Machine Card Mmufnctu * yers, Pittsburgh, Pa. A PI’LTON, Brass Founder, Pittsburgh. Pa GRAFF, LINDSAY A CClj " "“”/ 0 ’,'iVuXn' 1 ‘ Locomotive Engine and - Marble Manufacturer, Machine and Engine Bujld | (uriU *r. Pittsburgh, ra. Dlaioiotton of P*rtn«r*l»lp. TIIK Partnrr'hip heretofore exH'inß between the fßb»crit*r«. onder the fitm of Chamber*, Asncw fc Co- til*** Mann lecturer*. wti diwirt'l t;y tnau.ai conjent, os the fir*t diy of July, inauini. AH person* knowing tUemset*** indebted to *aiJ Urn are renurM ed to ineke payment to cither of the puntM, without WUN M.” F i?W ' l*. It CHANUKUH UOTICCi TirEowr.fr* <*on«icnern of tMut arrmnj by Ike “Cilireo* 1 Portable Line,’ 1 will pl.-u*c t&ke notieolbn! lliey «•» be requ.rcl i o p«y (reijrli! at oar mrehnwc, MeordinK to. the ree^u bc'«. f * lh« »ooi< axe removed. C A MeAMLT\ fcCO _JFI itflßg, aad Cleanatog Di««rnow»—Pol the clothe* bite cold water and 'n ihenunk over mght- In 100 mnrninK wring tu-in “m «nd pm ibr» i»-« * which odd the proportion of one p'nt of fluid in hi gallon* of waier-»lir it * nd b ° ll ,he who,e ,we “‘»; cunuie*. The clolhc* mtj then he wrong cw: «od well timed in clear rold water. He p»n«*l yi mem» that oar ha most wiled, -orh s« «i« and eolitn of *h»ri». may he «HpLiiy robbed l e,.-r. riming, and the clothes will he tnonJ pcriict) cir-ui, "wnnanted ufl to injare the tne.i f»bru’ at. 4 to g.rc pCTfeet aad.faction, or the norey wUI be r« undefl ‘sc'd wholesale and reuU oy » f-w'ooj m m»10 ' INSURANCE. Aaaoolated Flreman'a loansance Com pany of the City of Flttatmrgb* CAPITAL $300^)00. 3. K. MnOUPJIKAD, PreiU-W. W.DALLAS.Sec’y TBHCumpaoy l* .sow prepared to io*nre against PJRP rnd.MAEINK RISK* of all kind*. OJficr, Seroiui St&ry, Wilivti llall . cincioa*': 3 K Moortbrad, Rodv Patterton, Wm. A- Hill, R. II Hanley, R. B. Pimpron, Jeabua Rhode*, Wm. M. Kdear, Reward Grrgg. A. P. m. Cel-, llngwrod, H. y C. Sawyer, Clii*. Keni, Wm German, auglhdiy ; ; ISSUUANCK. THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSU RANCE COMPANY- —Office North Boom of the Exchange, Third street. Philadelphia. . Fus ItiiuaAttca.—Uaildiogs, Merchomlite and ether property, in Town nad Country, Iniurcd against lota or lUmage by fire, at tbe lowest rate of prenuam. Marls* IXACaancs. —They alio insure VcsneU, Car goes nnd Freights, foreign or coastwise, under opener •pedal pollde*, as tbe assured may desire lit Last ii Tra ?r> roKTATToH.—They also ia«ure merch andise transported by Wagon*, Rail Road Cars; Canal Goals and Steam Boats, on river* and lakes, on tbe mi»t liberal terms. _ DIKKCTOIS9—Joseph H. Bctil, Edmund A. Snnder, John C Dnvi«, Robert Bonon, John R Penroae.Samu el Edward*, Geo G Lciper, Edward Darlington, Isaac R Dnvis Wm Fnlwell, John Newlin. Dr R M Huston, Ja* C Hand, Paulding, H Jone* Broo**, Henry Sloan, Hugh Craig, George Scrnll, Pfenen Meilvein,Charles Kelly, JO Johnton, Wm Hay,Dr 9 Thoms*. John Sellers, Wm Eyre, Jr. DIUKCTORS AT PITTSBURGH—D T Morgan, Ilorh Craig, John T _ .. . WILLIAM MARTIN, President. Richard S. Nrwbol6, Bee’y. ™ ID- Office of tbe Company, No- « Water street, Piuabargh. fiaotK-tf P. A. MADEIRA, Agt- Llfe and Betltb luaiaa««> THE hlutoal Life and Health Insurance Company of Philadelphia, litrorporated by the Lfglslauire of Pennsylvania, Marrh, 1848. Chartet perpctnal. Capital, 8100,000, Baria ww« TflißAin Ptssart vania Conranv, and foil t!0 per cent, lower uihn the o*oal rates of Life lutiiraace, u the follOwiUr com puiLoii will show: Tbne, a person of .the age of 30in surhie for tlbO for life, nlasl pay Li lie GiraM®B,2n Pennsylvania, FS36, I'ehn Mutual, VPii* 6 }?’ ••AWrNew England, Now York Llfi\BL3o; Al bion, *-£4B; Liu- and Heaftft, Philadelphia,ll,ol. Drsurros*. —Samuel DJOTfiek, Charle* D- IWI* W. F. Boone. Robert P. Kini, Charle* F. Hayes, :M. W. Baldwin, M.-M. Reeve, 81. Chsa O. B. Campbell, Jxwis Cooper,' I. Rodman Barker, K. 11. Butler, Edwin R. Cope. Fiejitlent—Samuel D. Orrick; Vice Preai deni—KoM. P Kibg, ScciVun'—Fronds Blaokburne. Apptieauon* willbe reetive.l, and every information given by HAML. FAHNESTOCK, AgL Office,"Corhincrcial Rooms, corner of oet?T-dlr Wor.a and Third it*, Pittsburgh ~ FIIIE AND HAttlTtiKiaiSUttANCE. THE INSURANCE CD. Of North America will make perman*m uad limited Insurance on pro perty in this city aitd ricjinny, and cn shipment* by Canal, Rivers, Lake*, anil by Sea- Tho prapertlesol tins Company are well invested, and furnish an avail able fund for the ample iiidemnity of all person* who desire tn he protected hyiinsarance. . mylS WM. P. JONES, Agasi; 44 Water at. Fir* and B*rln* lainraUasi Thu: OFFICE of the ljuaranee Company of Nortb America, has been Removed to No- 141 at east of Wood. , , \ Tbe •übteriher, agent for the above oldand.rcspon aible Company, wul U«se i*olieie*on BaildingranJ their contents, and on shipments of Merchandise by Steam Boats and other vessel*. W. P. JQNK3. fiotlern sDd inliqhi iiirnflnrc, JAfiES W. jwOODWBLL, bO, Tint* Ittrissciea. Ucspcetfuliy informs fS&ZSKE&A rut,!,Titbit he has plctrrr'hls spring stoekofHHßßß FURNITURE, the l*»«e»t and mo»;vanedaa*ontnent ever udered fur sale in jhit cuy. coaprfaiog seTeral mu, m RotEWw*, Mauooasi, and Blaci. wturet, carved, omaLtr.nlal and plain, suitable for Pallors, Drawing and Bed Room*, ail of wluch sr.U be (old al tbe lowest price*. Penoii* desiring Furniture of any desertpuoa, are ipccUutiy invited to call and esaaaine his stock, whiea erubis-es every desenpdon, from lha cheaoett and pf*Uir.,i to ihe ibcst elcgani and costly, of which lha tollowingcomprise* apart Teie mTetr Pofos; Tele a Tele D.vaiw, Cu»*er>aiinn t'biure; EiuaUeibian t'ft*irr, Reeepuoa do Louis XPV dd Ciicorion do llaffei Eufoae; What Non, Toilet Tables; l.oui.t XIV Commadore; Duke jf York's C.iuat; «u wub Plu*b and Halr etoih covets; Wifivaoi, do do *L-; 4'J dm Parlor t.halr*; I<< •• Ki-sei-ei-d d.> do; Is " Li k W'alnvi uo do, «0 u Caue >». , M du; 4 •• M*b.*nny Rockln; Jd; •> •• do tSauo Htoolt; bo M ail'lo *ro;> Ler.ue TaMc«; UU d-J do It wib HlAAili yuMehogary Ucdauad-t IV .1- \Y*,.h ~’ocr; 1; Bl'k W Alnct do, vLker.y d,». A very ,-rgn assortment of Common Chair* and Out «r too ledious to niMitiou |[T Steam Boars (smithed on the »bones! entie*.; All order* pmwptly auooiled to. " ! P. a.—Cehinei Mahers eauli«*eppli«d with all sOftt ol Maboraey, VValnu s and Veneers, at eouaiierubly redarvd nrlees. HERSEY, FLEMING iSr€o. HAVE FOB. BALE, FROM THKWAM FACTURKR-*S AND AT KAST FRN MANITArTIRKKb* PRICES: While llaiineU, »U Wool.jUlue l>ettl*4 K,, t 40 Jo llilur Dciaicx; Yellow Jo Jo [Firry Couoniie*; >TI *ra Urowr, d„ Jo usrrvJ»tF«clorypn«e*. t' jck Home l.r»riir SWlinf Sic?] umcJ Jo 1 Illy Oral, lli»rk l n-J very F.nrj Tweeda W-l PsJ.l:«i«. iu.Ckr*iU, <o£M-t Black tlolh. Tailun C«uva*s,hcav} do; Sup«-r Brown do Brown Uncos, Fibcm'a bojwr i.frni do l Merge, black Jo. •* 1 Kopr-r Twilled dr* a»J woratrd; Softer llUtk DoeSkin* ! Black *!>d V> bite Tape; Sorer Drab Faaumctea IJiark Twist. Drab do, f»uiver Uruwa do Lrnei. Check* and Drill*;' Seller Black do Stuart'a II cord Mb'! Cotioit; Cnlifon-i* Blanket* do Lmrn Thread, a Sf*rici ’ ’ do •urerior *rtielri Hite do si'ii Pirated Veiling*; |) ra t, do lilaek SaUo do (,r»in U«kx>oc- Brown Holland P«y t-ilka. Brown UnlN; Uuitous, Croaat*. Ae,A« At the Manufacturer*’ \V archoute, No 127 Wood * PltUburgb rarJ * Uliiolalloß' rtlllß co-partnership heretofore existing between the X »uli*cnl>er>. io Hie mnn of Ooralable, Untie A Ctl, i* mi* dny dissolved l > mutual consent Menu Ilorko A B.trur* mil wttle the tiusinr** of the eonertti, lor whirh purpose they ere authomed 10 use the name ol the cuneera. SAI lIAMKL • I)NSTAULI«i EDMUND BURKF* THOMAd BARNES. The tjnderaigneJhave tUiaday ■ ■«neUiedlhem»el*e* m the name of BURKE A BARNES. for the purpose of taanuluctimi.g Fire Proof Safe-j Vaal» Door*. A*- Ae . at the eland of .he labe firm ot Constable, Burke 4 Co, Where they will tc pleased 'o receive flw patron ace ol the customer* of that home and their mend*. EDMUND UUttKK, THOMAS BARNhA- In rrm.nr from the firm tif Constable, Uarke ft Co.. I with »im eie nlea-ffe recommend Mea*r« Burke ft liarr.c* t» the confidence of my fnecds and the paMic. Feb. «, ttfhi. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE feI>U-0:f C< A ROUTIIHOT HAS joit returned from the Eaatern Clues, and l receiving a Wren vaneiy of iea»oaabJe Honda, t° Which he respectfully tnvitcatho attenUon of meten Wit* and pedlar*. No SI Wood ah feull Ti 7 ALirPAI’ER—W.' P. Maanuau. is constantly W receiving, from the largest snanitfartonr* in New York and Philadelphia, and alio fnw French agencies, the newest and moil approved style* or Pa* t<r Jlat.rtnrv together with Border*, hue Board Pnnta, ami Teller Top*. For *ale at A 5 Wood at, be tween Fourth at ami Diamond alley, Uuceettor to ». C. Hid.) _ . _ ‘P 3 aTyi KTaTU** PAINT-S brla jottrec'd per steamer, {VI and lor *ale by the barrel or single pound at the , Brae Seed, and perfumery Warehouse. corner ol ! Siim and Wool streets. S N WICKKIWiIAM. »r< H .. ... cnUMICAIi BTOVB POLISH THE Pbmntz Manufacturing Company now offer to the public their PreiO:um Chemical Stove Polish; and without exaggeration, or fear of contradiction, by those who hnve teatrd it, pronounce It fßf superior to any other )n the market. The consumer need have r.o apprehension* of foiling corpeta, Ac., as u» com position prevents u dust from arising When being ap plied, whieh muat 1*« don* when the Stove l« eotd The quantity required is »o l.til* to produce nhr au. tifu) lurtrc A saving ofovor fifty per cent u insured to the ronsotacra. A roiling applied to Stove*, Pipe*, ft.* , when laid away for the aummar, is a sure pre ventative agunit ra*t. After having tned it once, (if it is aeeeaaible) no person will use nny hut the Pnrrnlx Manctnetuimg Company's Premium Chemi cal Stove Poliak. For sale by , t» N WICKF.R^HAM, mytf Corner ofpirth *nd Wood rireet(r_ ~riTThUIIBUU aOURMNU STOHIC* C»*rrer t>t Penn and Si Clair streets. WM, ALEXANDER A SONS, FuiniMmijr L’mlcr* takrts, where every ample for Funeral nun Mourmr.g purpose* ran be got on reasonable terms. SIOSSKLMAH ZISCi ffMIT* Viri’lc Motitmfinr Company «up|-ly ibelr oyi-nt* wttU n<wtiriK Mul Flooring m abr.cif 3x7 ieet. from ]1 to W ounce*. per innate foul. Corrugat'd in •hrett li*. •.'7 ot for loofinr {>ol. lie buildings and d«p'>t» Ki.ip Shrtiilung. H x 411 tnchri, from to Ik. oniiree N-.il*, Wire, Sugar MaMn, rerfomir.l 7.mr, Ziit - Vain*- frf •j-jj, j o-..riant their rutuil pare, and (rue (ror.i »ny admixture or Iron, or any oilier »iib«tanre, unJ're eiiriuirnd »t for ibe taamifn-uiie ol oiust artn le* <u Uie tr.upf fur:n«hiu» I up. u*‘ it dues not roet, r« not atlcrtrd by me union 01 water, and may be poli»he-i, pointed, niul japani.r.! S-jniplcs. model*. plan", 1 ituuraation may be l.ad 1.1 1 L ft STU.iJIO, \ ATKIXMN, BoLLiii* 4. Co ikrrion, Nanus Tanrrn A Co., I'ioikdeiptua; \V *. »l. MeKi»r, Paitiioorc;. HLikt. Uai A Bra««rs*, New Orleana; F. MILLIKOUX, {Undent Agent, 2 Hanover it, New York Liege, September 'i■—^Pp^m HEW BOOUH Aulol'iOßttti'liy oi'l.eli;'a Hunt ; with lerr.m ihernccs oi I'lemli* and e©uU:iat>ortrtrv in '! vuls «.arJ>l.atir; Bay Painj*Ulew—No V|ll, subject, of Patios the Great By Jacob Abbott, with "/utia Howard, a Romance. By Mrs Martin Belt. I‘icional Field lion* cl the Revolution No 6. The above works received this day,anil lor »*lo by K C BTOCKTUN M Cor. Mat>*-t a Third rt "Wi»* U«ud { i tadCopf Uo«bi> rpm-; «bov« book* having been mttodittcd iut 1. public and private acboola inl’ituboreh and All* (ben;, the author hu appointed the aubsortber a*ei (orlbeif sale in tbl* city. Teacher* and other* will bo (applied at publisher pnr». a» mu* in ctrciltr. w J U MKLLOBt r eiwvodft. . BOOKS MUSIC, >o. H«w BMki, HRALTIt, DLeaae, and Remedy. By Dr. Moore. Adelaide liddseT, a novel. By the anther of **Leuice Arnold, n “Nonnan'e Bridge,” Ac, Ac. Life and Correspondence of BobuSontbey— part A .Gibbon’s Rome—Wh and Cth vol.—eoaptettonuf the work. Received and for sale by ’arp-iC : RC STOCKTON S£W BOOKS. ENGLISH GRAMMAR—The EngUsh Language in it* elrments and forms, with a history of its origin ana developemeat; designed tor a*e in colleges and school*.' Wm C Fowler, lain professor of Rhetoric la Arnhem College. 'Astronomy—The ireeeat progress of Astronomy: etMcially in the United States. By Ellas Loomis. Five Years of a Hunter's Life is tbe fur interior of South Africa. wiiH npdees of the nahva tribes, and anecdotes oi the chase of the Hon, tARUi, giratTe, rhinoceros, Ae - with Illustration*. By 'R.G. Camming. Received for sale iep« • 47 Market at R«W &«!>«• JUST received at If. KLEBER’fI Mstio Store, tbe following tones?— i ■ln the Eye there lies the Heart. I Lot* but Thee. TV Watcher. The While and Red Ro*e*. Nanry D It. He doeth ah thing* well. All tv over. Where rd now the hope*! rberi«h-d. _L* 9*raa mde aep - TSOSE FOSTER; or the Myitene* of the Coort of |V London, vol a of this interesting work has been received at Holme*’ Literary Depot, Thud streei. Oppor.le the l’ost Office; also, Ellen Parry, or. Trial* Of tbe Heart, by OUvla; George Castriof. aninamed Bhnnderbeg Kuig of Albina. t>* Clement C Moore, hI.D; and No3Ttio< LitudlT Living Age. (ep-M i,. Jut R«cetv*d ( LARGE and eifoitslve assortment of PATEPfT A METALLIC RUBBER FAHBICS, among ihe almost endless variety embraced in tbe aasartuetit, may be found the following:— „ , . <Vllor>o Covets, Carnage Cloih, Air Beds, Air Pil Mwv Air Cushions, Water H*H«. Tobacco Poochrs, .Fishing Boots, Coat*, c*pr>. Cloaks, Tarpaaliiis, Glove*, Mitten*, Poaobes. • Map*, FJasucs, Purse*, Ho»e, Door Ppncgs, Machine Uatdlug. Fon’ Wesiers, Marliine t'acking, Camp Blankets, Peper Holders, I4fr Preservers, Travelling Bags, I«thmu4 Bara, Bathing Mats, Dolls’) Head*, Does, Lions, Saddle Bags, Air Ball*,. Foot Balli, Ladle*’ Wash Glove*, lidies’ Gum Shoes. Gent*’Gum ah***, Leygiftg*, Ac. F.rery uniel* sold alibis eft«bli*hmenti> warranted lo ijo»«-«9 all tho ebaraeteriwies essential u> water proof good*, vir:—insolubility under any degree ot he*i, tferiblU'y in the severest rold, great onrabluiy, lightness,perfect impervtouszeas, and freedom from odor, for rale at the’Goodyear Rubber'Bnponum, ...... JtuJlnUJre PAIHTIRO. HOUSE A SIGN PAINTING and Glazing, prompt ly sod neatly executed. rv U—We wish it di* tocity undemood, that wi Can do PaliiUng and Glazine ai cheap as any oibs; painters in the city, and are determined W* da* it. septW J A II PHILLIPS ROUSBFXL’S EXTRACTS. SOAPS. *0 -Jenny Lmd Extract; West End do; Jockey Club do; Spring Flower* do; Jenny Lind Hair Gl***i Atomatie Vinegar; Amandine; Pouehin Soap, for whitening I .be •kin; Almond Shaving Cream; «r>»e do do; Am brosial dodo; floaty Soap; Floating do; Araandirw da; Hazel Nut Oil do; Rose do; Marshmallow do; Bcqueido; Brown Windsor do; Bear's Uteajoijke. For sale, wholesale and retail, bjr R B SELLERS, S7 Wood st. Inperlar hatch and IrUh Whliksy, W PUNCHEONS 9iewan's celebrated Mall Whis key, of very delicate flavor. IS puncheons Mrban’* Waierside, extra quality And high proof, under custom house loek. ‘Also, Brandies of different viauges and brand* in halfiouarter. and octave*. Imported and for aalo by_ ■ A II MeCALLA, aep‘-C:deodls> 3p S& TO Walnut «L Philadelphia MIXED AND DRY PAINTS Of all kind*, constant ly on tend of ihe best quality, alio, Varntsbea, Linseed Oit», Boiled oils. Paint -Brushes, l*eih Tools, YViiidow GUts, vanou* *ixe«, he Sold wholesale and Tciail on afi-onimodaiiixg lerrut. X. B.—All perkoa* purebaslng mizei or dry painn who wtsb to do llieir own painting, can receive lh« tucriui)' sirtcliont gsau* J A 1! PHILLIPS iep-j3 7 k 9 Wood *t OIL CLOTHS. ON band *nd rte'g flora the ftullipivtlU F*cV*rr, •or tbe I*ll trade JW yd, 3 4 Floor OU CloOm 2«rt> sd* 4-4 do; 6W ydl i 4 do WO ydi e-4 do; ICO) yd* tM duj sWO yd* iWet do,median odd b*»zr. (real lut'd yard* wide, *ll of ih* ndtre*! *tyle of pattern*, and t'm to any given *lz*. TuO yard* 4-4 Farmtnr* «fll Cloth* 4W yd«i-4do; .WO yd* (-4 do in cozoo uzorted liie* Table, Sued, *od uureaa Covrra, **nn«* pattern*, *od *ptend»d fioUh. 1000 }d« 4-4 Patent Carnage Oil Cloth; «w yd* * 4 do; tiO yJ** 4 4j 3t»0y»»» Oil ciuh Or»«h for St*u*,*«»en*d r»*u«»*«; ilO yd* 4*4 Urcen (til Cloth (ot WtoO»w BUruiy, 300 Taro* 4-4 do. \ . Window Shade*, a ut|c u'oruneni jo»l laeelyed of ucwwi p(> let. t \ Mmkirtt *nd other* wuhtn* 10 purrha*e. *r« to. I »ne4 i.» i-a!l artJ nttuun* ©nr s4*«rtißeal of *ood«. [which ten I t« told *1 the t(.**c»l ?&»Wood«i .#ep 0 _ brl* l.»r. . J 1& lult Uiemtt; lu* , . ? t«*» Fralhcr*. in »m«, lor ul« l»T ISAIAIIDiCKKYACO Wiur A Front tu **j>id I”j»AN&Y RUBBISH GOODS jart rre«irtd Horn Ni • Ycrk— t Jo* lame nu itoll Heads; t LtUlt* do 1 do* ttojr*; 1 Jos Lion*, for »al« at the loan Rubbc •tore, 7 and U Wood rt. J t II PHILLIPS srplO _ rt\A&, PITCH A. brirtar,' I 10 brts Pitch; 10 brls Hewn; To arrive, for ta'e by ISAIAH DICKER ACO trp-jl \V»t‘t & Frtioiiu. i 1 KEEN COPAJ. VARNISII— '■ banel*; 14 kegs. VO gal* eui 10 keg* 15 do, IU ,kr> ' 1° Uu; To «ft.ve, »I d for s*ir bv ISAIAH DICKEY A CO Tk,l AODF.K, Ac--hhds Madder, lyl n ceroons S F Indigo: a/T" tS brls Logwood; for sale by P ll JkBKLOVn Spices. Ac—jo t>«e« Perper; SO bags Pitnealo; •J Panels Cloves; l l>arr«t Nutmegs; for tale by , ep :3 J A RFLOYD CVRJ.NITK WALL PAPER-A oerfert imitaUi I of Oumey Granite, iu be bone m blaeka For tale by \V P MARSHALL M pT . M Wood «t KXTUA FAMILY FLOUtt- FOR ibe convenience of the citizen#, the proprietr Of'(be Pdlsburgh Cay Mill* have placed boles I the reception of orders at the following places:— j A K Floyd, corner of Sixth and Wood street* M Hayward, shoo store, cor. Liberty A Market *t A Hoelen, Mere, Third street. 1, WtJeui.jr., druggist, car Fourth A Ftmthtald. John F Smith, store, corner Higi A Wylie. Telegraph Office, Fourth street. II C Kelly, grocer, Fifth »t, eurner ofMattel alley. M-Oraaa. atoro, Penn street, Ninth Ward. The dour waggons will call twice or thrice daily for orders, and. too dour, Ac. delivered promptly, either in barrels or sacks—sack door is preferable for faintly at*—without charge lor cartage. It Is plain that no uccoumj can ba alluwrd, and that drivers can bave no permission to leave float without payment. \Vc! hope the public will be pleased wllh this ar rangement, as we shall endeavor to dotliemju»lie«. mvV.M WILMARTII A NOQLK haritparllla Soda A htnea oyi«p 30 kegs rtnrsoparilln &oda; 30 bis do do; 2U boxes Lemon f yrnp,made from pure lemon Jntce; Just rdesivsd and for sale by urn Mn.i.i.'n a PirvFTanN WOOLLKN GOODS. rr* HE undersigned has on hand, and is ibt* day re -1 celting from the minnfactnrerr, or. conngninenl, a luige let of Flannels, all colors, plain and barred; Also, Red Blankets, Blanket Coating. Beaver 9'. Casf.tcieres, Satlnetts uod Tweeds; which he will sell by iho cate or piece, at mnnrfaetaror» > prices. The attention of dealers In woollen goods is invited. II LEE, nogio 139 Litrcr.y si C. YEAGER, 108 Market Straat, (near Lftfcartyt) mrorrtxa dkalxks t» AMERICAN, ENGLISH. ANO GERMAN FABOY OOODSI HOSIERY, RIBBONS, LACKS, GLOVES, THREADS, COMBS, BUTTONS, SUS PENDERS*, Ac. Also, Salta and Fancy ff«sting», BLACK AND FANCY SILK CRaV'aTS, PONGEE, BANDANNA, ami LINEN UDKFS. a general a** scrunent of TANS, and every variety of trimming*. Slaughtering A Packing hatahltahmaat FOIC RUST | THE well known Pork ana Beef Slaughtering and I Hacking Concern, owned and lormetly occupied , by the late Jane a P. Campbell, is for lent The establishment is located in ChiUtcoihe, Ro«i i comity. 0., on the plat of ground dividing lue «*lno Canal (ram the Hcioto Hirer, and baa one thousand feet ot ground (ronton each. The enclosure embraces •ix ac<ea of groaad, containing large peni, large ami poromojionn slaughtering, haugtng, cutting, packing, •rooking, and lira rendetti g houses, brick homeipr office aud every conveotence (or handling TWfJ.VK IiUNDKKU (IOGS PER DAY.and rendering the lard from the same* a* there are a double flee iieam boiler and aualne tor scalding heg* ami eatUtg lard, and two finks for rendering ollel OT steam. There is alto, ou the premise*. an lec House, largo enough to contain right thousand butbcla, The ricioto Valley, of which Chillicotbe i* the chief market, is one of the Urges! Pork and Beef Dmribta i.i the West, »„J bogs can always be bought there m lower prices than at Cincinnati and mauy oilier point*, ami cooperage is abundant anil cheap. Their i< ho drayage ncceataiy.at boats may be loaded at the Packing House.and the facilities for • hipping duect trora this via the Lakes u> New York >u Philadelphia, or Baltimore via Pittsburgh, or to me hast or *outh via New Orleans, arc at all »«a«ons of tbc year fully equal to those afforded by Cincinnati Money r#ctrtuc» »re al>o goad, there being ton a twelve bank* within forty five mile*, application! lor renting may be made to ALEX. H. McGUFFEY, Attorney at Low, Cincinnati; Ur u> FRANCIS CAMPBELL, Cmllicothe, O. {ScioiaGax. THE TEA UkBKKT, East tide of the Diamond, aqg??;dtnofl AT (bia itiablifthment llse puoUc may at way • de pend upon being (applied with excellent Tea* b teuonab'e pme*r-Uiejr have ißxeellcat Tea*. at - - .*4l SO per lb) Superior HuHHie* u 76 ” The lle»t T a Imported •••■ 100 " Tm* u decidedly the cheapest and best store i PiUatinrgh to i-ny Teas. MORRIS * HAWORTH »eps proprietor*. R'.E. WILLIAMS will open a elaiplral end F.»m -• llsh School, on the firat Monday of Sept. neat. Room, over J. 0. William*' etore, corner of WmJ and Fjlth street*. Ilev. Wm, D. Howard, i Hon. Waller n.lx>WTte, Rev. Dr. Elliott, IJ. P. McCord,Eaq n Kev Or. McOiU.. ' J. O. William*. Em. Jy CHEESE— 1W bti bc«t Chaew for tale by |«plO STUART 4 BILL MEDIRAIi PBOCLA9IJVTION. KNOW all men wbo and afficird with di*- eaJeofuie bladder and! idneyi,w<tb rheum** l6 pain* tn back or limbi, »tiffjoints, old sore*, running ulcers. Ac, that they can be ured by taling tbo Pc iroleitm! Von way talk abostlti being a nostrum a* much as yoaplease, bntthls doe* not make it so, for we proclaim in the race of an honeil community, that it has virtue* which «re no. contained tn any other remedy. The man who i* racked with pain and iuf lering from disease, can for fifty cent*, get relief from any ofthe ill* ennotnerated above. Reader ! u eoit* very little to moke atrial. This Petroleum is no mis lure—no compond, pnt bp for the purpcie of imposing on the coramunlly; b»i ll I. . rcmrjy eUbnr«*d b, Jje master hand of nature, and bubble* up from the bo wm of our mother earth Intu original punty, and of. feratocafiering humanity a ready remedy, a certain *llli*scared Pile* after other medicines have failed to render any relief. It has cured Rheumatism of long standing, and ofthe wont and most painiul character. It ha* cured Cholera Morbus by one. or two dole*: It ha* cared old ca*e* of Diarrhea, lu which every other remedy has been of no avail. A* u local remedy In burn* and *cald», It Is belter than anv medical com pound or ointment that we know of. It will cure chil blain* or frosted feet, in a few application*; undoobt cd testimony ettn be furnLhed of the troth la the above statement by calling oh Samuel Al. Kter, Canal Basin, 7ih street; op cither ofthe agent*. Keysar k McDowell, comer of t\ood street ant Virgin Alley; R. E. Seller*, 57 Wcod street, D. A.fcJ tiotkD. M. Carry, Allegheny city, ara the agent*. i*n3l BEAUTV—IiI* universally conceded that beauty i» more common In this country than la any other, while at the ratne time ii l« >ani -ha tin no other conn uyisit lost ai *o young an ng* Nowtbl* t* irue to a certain extent, bat the lo*» u often caused by ne • gleet: We ray to all, do not neglect your pemuisl appearance. but read the following, and y*u noeu not lack cOed look*. These article* are scientific pre paration*, and have all attained a ti*h popularity. JcLta lUvaL's Kac Diviwx o* Vki?c» aso Ntmpu | Soar, for removing tan, sunburn. pmiplrs, blotches.: ami other eruption* ot the *kihi the mral perfeet eon- j ■errator of beauty every known. Purchase nothing I purporting to t*« Nymph Soap, unless-tt has my name | attached. , I Jutes Hartl.’a Fklsian or CBtn««x Pown*a,for im-! parting to the most bilious complexion a radiant! whiteness. Jn nothing should a poipau be more care ful than the use of a powder for the skm, as many of those *old arc very injurious My Chinese Powder i» i compounded In a scientific manner, and contains no : ingredient which can possibly mlliet an injury. Jett* llirit-’i Hxtilatobt Powtint, for removing 1 superfluous hair. Wbat t* more pn«ightly than hair upon the face or anoi of a lady. This article will remove it in a short lime, wtlhoat the uce of any thorp instrument _ _ „ Jolu llauxl's Vcoktablx LiQCiit Hatb Dnt will ; insiantaneousiy impart to red, white; or gray hair, o 1 beanUfnllv blaek, brown, or aaburn color. It will color the hair in a shorter time, and more efleettmlly 1 than any oilier Dye, being ai lie same tin e indellible. i Jplxs lUrcn's Siumo Cikam.—lt 1« really a plea sure to thave with this cream. There i» none of the smarting sensation usually experienced in the use of Soaps. On the contrary, it leaves the akio smooth and soft as an infant’*, and noi liable lo become ehaoped, „ ... Jm.ii {laoiu.’s RostToonr Past*. —Next to the hair, we think the. Teeth were intended as the greatest orna ment to the human fare; but when neglected, nothing th *o disfiguring, or so quickly seen. My Rose Tooth Psste will impart to the teeth a pearly whiteness, at the same time keeping the gums firm and healthy. Also on bahdt a complete asroiunem of French, British, and American Perfumery auJ Fancy articles. JULES HAUEU Periumer and Chemist, ISO Chestnut street, Pltila. For sale wholesale and retail, by II A. Fahnestock 4 Co., and R. B. Sellers, Pittsburgh; and John Bar ge'* ron tbi exmoval ass ntuuBEST cm or ALL DUBAI* 4*131*0 ff*©M A»UIfft»B«TATB Off TUB ILOOtf ' \ os habit off tub rmix. txzi Aarofuia or Ciot’i Evil, Kbeamsuiß, Obiilnate Cuu nous* ErnpuoQA, Pimple* or ftutale* on the Fora, . Dletche*, Bile*, Chronlo Sorrf Bye*, Rim Wotja , 0* Teller, Scald Bead, Enlargement and Pain of the Bone# and Joint*, StnhbonTUlim, Syphifue Symptom, Sciatica or LambAgo,—and JUeuct. übing from an inindictow Me of-Merrsry, Act- Ute i or Prepay, Kipowro or Imprudence inLf'e; - Also—Chronic Cocnhuiidual Diaorder*. Ac- , . Thia medicine hiA. hcquited **ery extended and eatabUiheJ reputation whereffeff Iran* Mea-WO* bated entirely on iu own menu, which iu superior e&eacy bu alooe nutaiueil. The unfortunate Tictini of hereditary'diieiec, wsUi#»ollen gland*, contracted ainew.s and bone* half carious, has l*een restored to health and ffigoft' The scrofulous pattern, coffered with aleeri, loathsome to himself anu lti» attendant* has been made whole, Hunting!* « f perjoni, who had groaned bonrlrsily for year*, unJrr cutmenuj and glandular disorder*, chrome tbeunialism, and many other complaint* springing front\o derancemetii of rhcsecrctire Otgiuis a,id ih<- < ir. have been raned a* it •▼ere Irom the rack til di»»v«r. and iw»,. with regenerated eoiuttmtu.n. ciadly testify to tl*« efficacy of thta Ir.eMimaMo prepaiat: on. “THimi 18 BTRANGER TUAN FICTION." The auentuu of the reader i» called io the ioftowinj astonishing oure, effected by tbo use of SainWHirsa* panda. . . “This U in eertift that I have a c Hared woman who bar been alfclctcJ for the last f»ffe years with Ne-ofnla, and all the remedtei I o»ed bad no effect in arresting the progress of the complaint; nn the • ontrary, «te constantly grew wnnr; an t after expending betwr.es 870 and BsO wuh besides using other popular remedies wjuuiut success nil the disease hed eaten awuy the eanilcge or hex nose, made it* an, MKiatice on *arionsp*m of her body, and hid Snail? commenced ita ravage* in the root of her mouth “In this dreadful situation. with the pro-pect o death staring her in the <nee, f slated her ease to llr Dirotway, the agent tor Sands* Sarsaparilla in New* bent, N. C, by whom Ivu advised to use that arurio and to my surprise and that of ray neighbors, tc* whom hrr case was tnowu, after cring four and a half lot Itc* the wa« rrstored to perfect teallh, and that tn the pace of three week*, and win a b!e to work in two wrote from the time the commenced inkin? it • a ln witness or the truth of this statemru:. I has* hereunto sffiged my Dttme.lhis l»th ds? of September, l»I?. JlWEl’ti McCOTTKR. J. P~ “Month ol Ncuae River, Craven ea. N C SORE THROAT The following i* no extract fn-ta « letter rernved from Mr* Bevan.wnoUad been klllirted several year* with Scrofulous Ulcen, Uyapepala, Ac., and recently an afleetioa of the throat andchcit?— ■‘DxU.TTsßßiia, ta, Dee. 13. IRIS. _ '‘Menu, A. B.A D- Barra* -Before I commenced a tine your Sariepariila, my suffering* were almoM pact expression: ray throat wan completely ulcerated, 1 had a dreadful ctrajh, and there were frequently together that 1 could not speak above * whim per, and besidos, the ieftanunniioo from ray throat ex tended to c*y head, ro that my hearing wn* rerv niurh immured. After taking the Sarsaparilla a short tide, my health «u improved, and my throat in now well; l am ae free f-om cough and tightness of the chcel a* ever I war, and can hear quite distinctly. My throat hu been well annul three montbe, the care of which hu been rffocted entirely by ihe use of yonr Sunn parillt. Your friend, LOUISA E. BKYAV Ihe following tcetimonial to the va.uc of the Sam*, parilla,!* Iroui the Rev Lather Wright, aged TO year* Congregational Minister, residing at \\ o'rarn. "Wospbm, Ma»a., March 30,1816. “Meam. Band*: Gentlemen—From wbnt 1 have ll perieneed, and from the information 1 hove recently received icon n nainbur of person* of high respect*- bility who have med your Bamnparilla, 1 have not tao lear-t doubt but that U is a mo»i valuable medicine and that the nnmeroue certificate* you have rcceivtd of iu elbcucy aro fully refrained b 7 experience. uno althr.ngh it* rep nation aud nullty am very extensive, and stand in no need ol my humble effort! mete a** them, I want all who arvaiibetod by disease to be come acquainted with the cifi.iacy and power of you* valuable medicine. ... Prepared and eold, wholesale and retail, by A. U. & n firm. l)rusiri*ta and Chemists, 100 Fulton street corner of William, New York. Sold alio by Drug rlst* generally throughout the United State* aau Can id a. Trice •! pet boule; six'Louie* for For tale by L. WILCOX, Jr, U. A. IAHNESTOCS l CO., ul KDWARII FKNl)l!,U01l, Kuil.ar,o Al »i»,hv I>* « SMITH. tlr»dfwai»s HEDICAL A9D SURGICAL, OFFICE, No. «1, DIAMOND ALLEY, a f*w door* ha ow Wood atrial, t* W DR. nU BHO WH, having b*ta gpWCTH rtxularlyeducated to the medical profesaion, and been for some time in generar- practice, now confine* \hia attention to tba treatment of thote private and delicate com plainu for which his opportumue* jSEllf / Jyjd eipcrier.ee peculiarly quality \ Lim- 14 year* aasldumtsly devoted to ataoi A treatment ortho*e camnlnir.u.lJunoqjiqM S Sn* ho ha* had more practice and has cored more pa tenuthan ean aver DtH to the lot of any private prac titioner) amply qualifies turn w offer T" 0 ™I!** 1 !** *1 apeedy-petmanentJUid aatlsfactory cur* io ail allUetet} with dalmau illtauM, and all di*ea«*i an.iag ,h*T«. Dr.Erovm woaid Inform then* afflicud w.ih disease* which bava beebme chronic by nine or ag gravated by the ate of any of the common nostrum* ol 5* day, that their «orfpUi«* be rftdar hlty am thotl otfcMy cured; he having given hi* cat«£ul attciiiiM in the treatment of aneh case*, and aaccetikd in hondreu* of tnatanecaiaeunng c fi?A^^lwh°of^E neck of the bladder, reaulifiom those cases where other* have consignei them to hopeless despair. 1 He P*? i ! V ll * Tl ] r }' !.‘J 1 ™ aa have been loog and nasoocesaiftdly ‘ reft °iber* to oonsclt biro, when aauafacUpnwill benTta them, and their case* treated in a careful, tboroagh and manner, minted out by a loili; erpertence, atudyfand investigailonjWhiehitUlraporiib'efbr thote engaged in general practice of maaieina ra gi»*ra ?I C3“lSniia or Kumcr*.—Dr Brown a)«o aorra afflicted with llemim to call, a* hahaapaidpaiua, alar auenuou to thta dieeate. CANCEUB also ruird. . . Skin diaeaaee; alio il c,VaHy, *la.,a>»*di\y aara4 Chargea very low. N.U.—Patient* of either sal living at a dnui.ee, by elating their diitssa in writing, giving ailthaayiap* torai, ran obtain medicines with direction* f»r u*a. If addreexing 'i*. BROWN, M) l)., pjvt paid, dneie* iniafaa- Office N». M naaond allaytoppoiira tb* V, xvetij Boaaa. RsisiUTiDf.— Df.Brown* n*wly ducotaisd nai Uy for Rhe-jmaU*ni Ua apetdy and c*n»tsi tcmeay k that nahtful trouble. It-neyer fall*- Oiico atd Private C*nraUinf Rood*, No. €ft Pi BOqd tllty;Fittsbttrfb,ftT Yba Doe ter U Ht nn p* POOPOBAI.B FOB »»DUUi OOOD Dmtnsit o? tbi Iktiw#** i Ofu* <f!s*n Affair*. S& 59.1950. J C BALED PROPOSALS mU b« "”‘"1 wf.b' S o fiheCcmmiß*ioneroflndian Affair*,_»i " l,b lc*um city, will] (cn o’tlock on B»tw6«y. dw^cnnd Liy of November r.eil/far uje following Indian j Biounm. 5,100 pain 3 point wbilo Micklnio bUnkettj to * mount* 60 by 72 incbeo, and wdsk eijht 1 900 primal point wkito Heckman bjankeu, to meaaute 51 and 66 inchca, and weigh ml 1175pa0«2 point white Mackinno blanketi, to mcasnre 12 by 58 lachoa, and wojgh &n and 900 pmn"!7 point white Mackinac htanko'L 'o meunre 38 by 50 Incbea, and weigh font and a quarter ponnd*. l . 900 pain 1 point white Hacking U|«ej ,0 meunre 31 by 46 inches, and weigh three and a qaarter pounds. . 400 pain 3 point aca»let Maekinae blankets, to . meanire 60 by 32 inches, and weigh eight pound** 300 pairs 2\ point scarlet Mackinac blankets, to measure 54 by 66 (neb* a, and weigh tix pounds. 100 pairs 3| point green Mackinac blanket*! to measufe 06 by 84 inches, and weigh lea pounds. 300 pairs 3 point green Mackinac blankets,: to messore 60 by 32 inches, and weigh eight pounds. 250 pairs point green Mackinac blanketi, to measure 54 by C 6 inches, and weigh* sis ponrds. 100 pairs 3} point genlinella blue Mackinac Utn* kuts, to measure 63 by 6! inches, and weigh Itn pounds. 400 pairs 3 point gcntioell* bine Mackinac blan ket*, to meeauie 60 by 33 inches, and weigh eight pounds. ! 300 pair; 2* point gentinella bine Mackinac bUn* kti'.sj to measure 54 by 66 inches and weigh six pounds. Class No 2 —Dm Goods. 1,005 yards scarlet stroods. bOi) do blue strouda. I.SOO do fancy list c|otb, bine. 7GO do fancy list cloth, scarlet. 3r.fl d*> fancy list cloth, green. 1.000 do gray list cloth, bine. 3,000 do saved list cloth, bine. 1,600 do saved iial doth, acarleL hoo do saved list cloth, green. 225 pounds wonted yarn, 3 fidd. 100 doz. cotton flag handkerchiefs. 2so do cotton Madras handkerchiefs. 175 do black ailk handkerchiefs. 90 do S 4 eetion shawls. &Q do 64 cotton shawls. 65 do 4 4 cotton shawls. 40 do 84 woolen shawls. 4 30 pounds linen thread. SO do sewing silk. 700 pieces ribbon, assorted. 150 gross wonted gartering. 31 pieces silk handkerchiefs, bark and bandana. Class No. 3,—Domsstio Good*. 35,000 yards domestic calico 10.00 i) do Merimec calico 3 500 do blue drilling 8000 do Georgia stripe* 4 000 do blue denims & 1,000 do cottonade 4,300 do bed ticking •> 1,000 da Kentucky jeane 500 do aatmeiu 7,000 do plaid linsey 7 000 do domestic shining, bleached 15,000 do domestic shifting, unbleached 15,000 do domestic sheeting, unbleached ' 8,000 do domestic checks, stripes and plaids 400 dozen woolen socks 1,500 yards flannels, assorted 1,600 flannel shirts 700 calico shirts 550 paunds cotton thread 400 dozen spool >'OUou. Ciin A'j. 4 litßDwaan. 9,090 pounds brass kettles ' ' 276 doaen bmchsr knive* - 28,060 gun fliati - 25 gross squsw awls . 3,000 fish hooks' 25-dozen fishlinea ■ 25,000 needles ‘ 100 dears comha, assorted 10 do scissors, sssoricJ 10 grots gun worms 1,090 tin trules ’* • • • 7r» nf«t» j»|i*nood kettles, 8 in a nest Cl**j No. 5 AORiCTLTUt*!. Ikpucuksts. 230 drawing knive*. 12 inches in length (1 l°- 700 angers in eqnil propoftiotis of.Tt, ' 1, *l,6c . I6o.pa>rs hemes - -.rl-.*- ’ 750 pairs uses chwps : 1 ,500 weeding ' ' 40 crou'ent saws, 7 fectia, lepgth - . ' ‘ 40 cross cut saws 6 feel ia&njth,,,,, i , f: . 100 bind sgw! file* ~ 100 cross cut savrifiles - fi ' ' - 40 to weighs3rptamda*ach 1 ’ - GOO'WbiUemotti cards* {ia.lO r-~j -- .. . ; 9o planer, fore and jack Clou No. G.— A xsi. 73 dozen axes, to weigh from 4) to 5» pounds S 3 do half axes, to weigh 3} pounds • 41 do batchctl to weigh 1 k pounds 25 broad axes C/otj A'j. 7.—Noamwetr Guns. C5O north wet! guns, two thirds of which mnat measure 36 inches in ieugth of barrel, tnd one third 12 inches m length of-barret, to be delivered in New York of Philadelphia, as may hi’ required* ‘ *ampte< of all die abovesrtletetare depostiedin the nfifoofths Oomrniisiomir of Indian Affair* t and it may b- piopcr to reman! dfat ihoie of hardware, a*- tiru!:urai impiaflieni*. and north veil gttiu, are en Uraiy ii«w, and of belter-qsattty than the artielea Uctctoiorr tumlsbed under former comraeu. The proposals tarp be divided into seven parts, viz.: la— BlantrU. ?il— Drtf Good*. 3.l—D:*iocsiic ircodt. <tb—Hardware. Stb—AgricfuiQnl implement*. Otb—Axe*. \ *J:h—Northwest qds. The lowest competent responsible bidder will re ceive the whole or any perl of the contract, according u> the above rente, the Deportment reserving to itself the rijtht to determine whether the bidderls competent ■ud re*i't>n»ible or not. The whole amount m moony to be applied to the purchase of (rood* will bo BboBtsSOO.tHM, but the De partment reserve* the right to ipcreate or diminish be qusr.My of any of the article* named, or substitute others ta hen thereof, or t* requires qt similar prices, »iirb goods «• m*y be wanted for. presents or other in tbe administration of the the; De partarnt Good* of American manofaetqre,*!! other thing* being equal, witt-bc preferred ; but. as ail the • staples ot Wankers and cloths are of foreign mane* faetutc, it will he neeeiaary, when a domestic article i< bid tor, that a sample of 111 should aeeetnpiny the Mil, to enable the Depsnmrnt tt> whether llliof equal quality with tie samples to be exhibited. \j‘ The patty proposing to supply',the articles will mass an invnire of nil the items embraced in the above lliV and affix the prices, in dollars and cents, at which he or they wi‘l farntsh them under each class de liverable in New York, (or If the contractor prefers it, about one-half of the quantity mhy be delivered in fit. Louir. Mol,Tree of expense in ttie Governsttat) on or before the 15th day of May nexi.ksetuning ue quantity oi each artirle as epcciCed in th\s advertisement, and extending thq cost, making an aggregate of the whole invoice constituting me bid. The goods will be inspee led in New York (nod to St Lott*, if any portion of them sbnold be delivered there) by en agent of the Untied Siates, who will be appointed by the Depart ment for the purpose; and to ascertain the conformity of the article* purchased with the samples exhibited, when the contract shall be made, and rrtttt the terms of the contract itself, wht ch sbal) contain a clause that. if the articles sre not tarnished within the time pre rcribrd, nr If they are of- insufficient quality tn the* tipmion of the agent *lore»aid and If within five days utter notice nf such innfficitney the party shall cot furnish cite is in Uen thereof of the required quality. me Unilei Bttlrs shall bs authoriz'd to part bale them of ethers, and 10 any increase of price they may ho compiled 10 pay therefor u» the contractor, who shall pay the said difference to the United States. Hands will bo repaired in the amoantof the bid*, w.ih two Rood sureties, the sufficiency of whom to be crrnOd by a United Slate* Judge or Uiitrici Attomer, ff.rtio faithful performance of the contract*. Pay ment wilt )>e made after the contract is completed and the delivery of the good* ■■ aforesaid to an ageutof the Dipartmeat, upon a dnpbiate.lnvoice cmfiedby Cornmnnicationa vs be marked “Propoiil* for In dian fOOill’ l - • , • • The bids will be tuftained yrith the following head topr* end nine wiU'hia received that are not piada In the form nail term* here prescribed-; “1 (or *c) propose to turnlah Tor the service of the luJisn Departmei-t the (oUowiiw gooda, at the prieea affixed to them respectively, vi*>— (Here insert the list of goods). Deliverable in the city at New Yotfc (or Si Loaij) on or betore tn« day of next; and In case of the ac -1 ceptnnce of his proposals, the quantity being preterib* ed by ibe Department, I lor we) will execute a .con iraet according to" this agreement, and give vatime torr security to the Department within ten may* after the-reception of thi* bid, and in case of failure to cuiet into each contract, and give sueh locality, 1 (or we) wi'l pay to the Untied State* tbo difference be tween the suras bidden by me, (of usj and the no which the United State* may be obliged to pay for the «ame aiticlrtsl . . Each and every bid msil also be.accompanied With a auaranty in the follosHng farm, to be *>J or'more responriWe pe>sons,whoie vometeney mtt« be certified by some oap.wbo is korrvrnto mentj eitiiet perrdnally nr by hi* offic.al Position. ♦fltot we) hereby guaranty that —the ahore ! bidder, wid comply with the term* of the advertise- 1 ment for ‘ptoi o«als for Indian goods, l dated Seviem- ■ bbr ii. ifeiO, if the contrast liquid bo awarded tfr «»»: and-enter into bond for the execution of the same< within the umo prescribed.’* [i- ’ tu»-j • The contracts of formeryeata ate open-for the speclion of bidden. 11. LEA, sep3o Comraiuiqner of Indian Affair*. CO-P4BT»Kli»niP. . ’ • I HAVE, thia ii«v, a*aoeiated »Uh me Mr. I.H. Clouw, ia the Whole**)* Grocery and Prodoce Uutincss; iho etyla 01 »Le firm will t>e A. Cnlbctrujiß ft Cloaca. Ijy3l A. CULBERTSON a. cnuranoM U- ww CVIiUSTITROVAOLOCSGi '' WHOLKS.M.K GROCERS *nd Crauni^ion iMer rKvaUt-IWAlcrt ta Produce tod Manufactured tuielca, 165 Liberty M, Pituborjh, »**- An...,.™ ch CLOUS* A “uIiMWO VOL. XVin. NO. 65, PimOURQB CLASS WOBSS, A. & D. H. CHAMBERS. (1-aT* tnunai, acxzv A ca,) Would respectfully inform the casutuin of the Istt firm, a* alt*-the public generally, that they will coatMusLfcett.iQufictßreo? - \VISDOW QLAIB) VI&LBfBOTTLES «e In all their varieties, at ihe qid Stand, So 13 Wood itibettma First & Wotor. jyffftdtai ■ IMPORTANT TO .THB AFFUCTCD. Dr. Bbse'i Celebrated Hcmrdiu. DR. JACOB 3 ROSE, the discoverer •rutvo’le pro* prletor of these non popular an* beneficial medicines, sail, also the ioTentor of .the celebrated inurnment fer'fcOAtmg the Lung*, in effecting a cute of chronic disease*. wa» a student oi that eminent Ehystelan, Doctor Pby*lc, and la a graduate of the 'Diversity of Pennsylvania, and for thirty rears tineo has been engaged In the investigation ofdisease, and the application of leuiedicv thereto. Through Urttiss of hi', inflating tube. In connection with hisProphylactrc Syrup andother of his remedies, he has gained an unparale led eminence in caring, those dreadful and fsiol ronladies, Tubercular Con sumption, Cancers, Serolo’a, ttbeuoaum, Asthma, Fete* and Ague, Fever* of all hinds. Chronic Fry* sipetas, ond all those obstinate diseases peculiar to females. Indeed every form of disease vanishes under the me of his remedies, to which humanity is heir net by lbs use of one compound only, for that is in compatible wih PhTiiolcgicf! Law, tmi Ly the. use of bu remedies, adapted to and presorted (or each peculiar form of disease. - • Dr. Rose’* Tonic Allorauvc Pills, when used arp invariably acknowledged lo be impertorto all other, as a purgativo er liver pill, inasmncii as they leave tie bowels perfectly tree from couivcness; »e also his Golden Pills is admitted by the fseulty to possess peculiar properties adapted to female diitas.es. but being sa'isCcd that a bare trial is suffic cm to establish what has been Mid in tbeniindsofttie most skeptic*!, Tha afflicted art ir.vlled to call upon the agent, and procure (gratis) oho of the Doctor’s pamphlets, giving a detailed aeeolmf of each remedy and its application Ear sale by the fallowing agents,as well as by most druggists throughout the country. J Sehoonmaker A Co, 31 Wo.nl street, Pittsburgh; J M Townsend, druggist, 4J Market sL do; Lee A. tfecxhsm, do nearthoP.O. Allegheny city; Jot Uarkleyj-DsrUntton, Beaver co, Pa. Jno EUiott, Ervndn. Valley, do do; T Adams, Beaver, do do; aoglAdly ~ ? • SOHDF.IF3£-3Oti bags prime Grten Rio Coffee, ISO packages assorted Teas; 73 bis assorted Tobacco; V: Iff bag* Pepper; 3 bags Alnpicc: 1 fit! mail* Cinnamon;. ' 30 bxs No 1 chocolate; ft rase* Liquorice Ball; * a ,10 tierces fresh pmfle Kice; ( 2 caskabcat Madder, S barrels Alum; Sn bands 'J saner*' Oil; 60 dozen patent Buckets; - -. SOO bit Corn Brooms; :tu botes White Pipes; 30 hhds prime N O Fun »n 60 bids do l' Molasses; .100 bis* large No 3 Mackerel; U 0 oil* Urge No 2 do; S do No 1 do. 30 brls N C Tar; 2U brls Pilch; 30 brl* No 3 no-in; • ; nwolbj assorted Yarn*; .. 60 bales No 1 Bailing; V luO kegs pnme YV’totr Lead; '; ttoO kegs assonad Nolls; Alto, a full,assortment of Pittsburgh tnaaufaciuied articles, lor ajtk by ’ JUIIN WATT & CO >epl3 :: Sot, Liberty *t S — tiu Att A SIOLASSIK^—*O hhds N O Sugar, •-W0 brls N O MotaaMfs; liWbgs while Uraili Sugar; .‘:0 brls 3iunrt’«lcrweUed, 30 brls L.'Verieg't pair'd, •Jb brl* St Loub do. lu bxa Loverin j’e Loaf; 'JO bits St Louis <to, In licit and tela by; i»pio Sullkk * rickst-vos SUNUlili y-‘.lX»bl» a*nJlnct*— Uinltoux’*; U> txa genuiae Italian AJaeearon,. 20 l>xa Jo Jo Vei..i.ctHv 1 cast Nutraegs, No 1, x bria Clove*; 30 baskets UoaJcam miJ Alive Oil; in store arid fot vole by eepit MILLER* RIOKErSi.N SKWBOOKS! KHi\V HOOKS 1 A? .BOLttES:. L'irnRAKV DEPOT, Tblid slrrel.oppoiite the P.WI Office - Hy thftctciay,- :il , Kaicksiboeker lor Hrcpteriber .■.ilnal'H Mcrchanti* Magazine (or September. ■ Whig Review Tor September, with an engraving of Gem Scou,;. ’ Boston s*htk->pcare ( No ‘J3. Littel's Living 'Age, So 3.5 L ' ’ •* = Whig Potiiiu Gallery, c&iuajiiDtgfiity mo engrav ing* c-fdiitiagu WteilWhigs. north B«iU*b Review for August. Dcraocr*Uc.Kevie.w ios September.,.,.. _ Eclectic Revisnr of Pdreignldtcfaidre for Ripicin her.- • ’ :■ • -■ •- • -• •; sepia . ::r G7-.UP BTARU.' - ' .. MURPUY AbURCHFIELU. inform their custom ■ era and'buyers g-ehlrrtilyihßi, tit cnhteiinonce engaged in enlarging and improv log lijeir Sion* liocra, they have removed their good* 10 ike B*Co.V&St«*r of Ike building »Uef occupy, uotll the hupreveutenta are. Jlnuhed; where- th?y mil be happy to ltd ibeir catiomenTat. ununli nnJ for the trouble bf walking up stairs;'will wy and rtnniueraii them bY-»<*Ulog them. Cheap Goods. . .. from Fourth *iVe»t. *ng2* tVarraatr<ri c iir»' l ar.nnift, for'Medicinal PirrpoYes, ou | O lUiui tad fur talc by the btitle. quart, or mron at V MUKKISA u.wvoimitt aepS ica * Wine S»*/ie. Uomcatic WoolUn (iaoii* □NE caxe'Ulart OJntl- Shawl:,, 1 low fiatiueli; tteaschßvd J». - 1 case lied twirl*,' >‘iinr.ol»; V eeack White w Jo: Scales Barred Jo, " cates Plain and Fancy CexilmsT'. 1 !. leuyisauneu;- Sctatl Clan Alpins; . 1 caieJeanti; 3 cates Blue Black Blanket Coating, 2 ca?ci Gray Blanket}; 2 cases Drob Blankets; 1 case l Bine do; u eases White Bed Blankets: SOpsirt Steatu l/qat Blanket*. Received be consignment, and tor tale at rranufne* Wrert price's by H LEE ttplk > 133 Liberty »treet. SOAP— h ; jhly perfumed Brown WicdsoT; - ;slo do Iloney Soap; Cii m-mon Bar Soap; Philadelphia Vancfcated'Socrp; Putmanri do do; CaMile Soop; Ofirc Soap; for sale wholesale and retail by sep!2 - . WM a MrCLUKG ft CO {k*w Muelc, RECEIVED this day irom the east: Lwt*eienaoc—Scniut-flu. La Serenade—Arranged ns Daett. Jeano*uearnTJeannot—For Gnitar. Voiced by gone days—Foster. Away down In Cairo—Focter. Bo Watchful anrt Beware—Glover. BeiidestTuinv other popular Songaand Pieces II KLEBER, repL3 Bird of the Golden Harp, Third si' ALTFKTKE—to bags crude, to arrive. tnr'rVHb/ ISAIaH DICKJ'.Y A CO Whlerlfc Tfom m* , ! Low 4. Son’s itosps—W arrantad Gcttnln SHOWN - Windsor Soap, .L3onzoin, Honey, Mnuk Vernacular, Oriental, ralic, and Olive on tocp* ■ Theae-Stupa are highly celebrated- lor iropaMbi* , fmooUineni to the skin. ' Purchased from use importer, and %V sdle by ■v sepia >•’ R E tsBLLKI\e t -WWood st lAGUAYRACOFFEE-lObigs superior for aate !i by , [«p!2l WM iMcCLUBGkCO VojriON CRACKERS—3 Kris flutter Craekcpi'; \ . do seplay:- WH A McCLPIU? ft CO UG A tfe—l aOjtitu genuine FHHcipe.— -Oiuz A fconsj t ■ 80,000 Havana,—Bexcannl; -; -40.000 do Kt^aima,variouabratds ] Xo.oOl liaiia-ioa-l’iiacioei - ; Iob,CGO Philadelphia roade hf. Spanish; i In store and fcr.olc by ■ tcpll ,f- •-\ MILT.KE ft aiCKFTSON BATHER—3OO aulrs N Y aolrLeatbrr, for »ulo by ,iepB . , \. -...J.ft R FLoYI) T'OUApCy—IW bojes Manufactured. Tobicco, of A'BuaMll ft Koblnif>n'», v and other favorm* Irand*, Forswtcbt . fscpt>}\ -J *"!» FH>VD WEEPE-SOW lbi W BCb«W in Blor*. Tor M r by l. jttpg ~ , ■■ ~ \ J4t R FLOYD__ T7LOUR—SO brU Poland MillsrUperipr faintly Flour, JP • . lLsrWis superfine rurrtly Flour, }a»t rce'd for aale by A CULr.FU*RMtoLk CLuUSE eepp .; , ■ .. . )*S Lit-iDI? at. K _ Vk F^UL'tl.—*» uritjtiM tor tale by «ep3 ; A fii.QUSK tltlcW-niliJbeXpmttrfot*ll»rt'T’«rT* > ’«''fi'i' "Wa •by- ; -Ifepia . J > I* WllU-U’S r>AOON SHUULIiEfIfl —rd/'oolbi Trt-d lor ml* by JP Mbjfr W.HnRUAUoa. UOAfi-*-10ODil« Kb’d iorMie by Q. XpfrQ . ..N.8.4W HARDAI'GH IT’JUOUJR—4O btlsTupeY&ne.rre’d fi7f tV'n by r gfc W iIARBAI'GU l/RKSUTEAS- V» h? Vr)dhfUy«rn, ' .1? • ••:••• • ■ «iu Gynyowttcri' ;o. io. 1 iSttciddyfix* • €or'-• l PefUtatamy*ti»tN<M»Yßtk»co!ap;i^> ; ?'»*‘L li U * qs&liUefc/or.t&Jo by.- - . WM OAGAI,K\ ACu ~* tbic 'X Wood n XjlC^^^TlcrCWrbllrin^Rirfc-Yof VM Hj W&LftAQAJLEV fc CO _ H>LACKTEA-~HObfebs Mo&Y«BrCTi3jw Peach’* Jj .•■ j ‘Ai io ‘OblobH J fiffltegrades, p«r llener iQCd, tta4'CtSsid«,for ra)6 by - ~ :■- -■ ■ ":r.;WM-.fl;yaAl«EYfcCO E—?;» hXS |Hiß;'i-Kr*ri' _ lor'*4l® by t.MUI* • » • .... b fc^HABBAUGH lACtlf< l3«,' out ol nmnfc ihngsejfor'tttlebt •“ HfcWUARnMUrII i!| cim mrerior caaymdtjilanu jail re - tQ. ettTed end for «it» by jvgptS-r-i-. r .* SfrVgttABBAUGH ware juitf Jot «*io br ‘ • ’ »a wharbauok C Af»i>l-Ki*—sUtldfifitfre-for sale l>? [VI ;>•-•*; - »fc.Vf.lU BOA uo U STTNUO Vv Ol^ASa-rCOU r bX* UM'ii. (OI tale by y aepl4 -*-ttttYMhUfPMICH .lilUMJ*—xc« brUfiir* Jrioai itc’dTwr ««!e by ' 1* m»m • ; »Vw : HAat*&uuu /‘•UGAKS— I<W,«W cppimpn in store’, and Tor ta’o b> \j £pta~ .. ' : tf & W HABOAUGU llraUA 1 pyBUJBK PACjciNO-aww'lb* a«crte4 i XUddtaesieVi(roo l-SOtolinih thick. The above psc*iic >* VJ^P*»o4• *6TSir : MtVflegrves Fahrenheit • wiR ftct Afiect.t', BtJ trurrpcrroTjie every <-i»r, ■ as KO tßOttineciM»otnneb <U«umt7 which • sfh heniTeiiJ iuhj. be u»td alxnit *ll • ocrtPtwbtre >* ' v»z:— ttaefroie £utrt.Tuwa »*. *««*******! z * hQ ' AC- rorvaie who!««ie *ni r«w«l by jh n pniLLirs [ avtgp--- - :. -rAJWcMtt (thJ^Vsk— *obr» prone creaW\}jMi ree’U >iy , si-DlO • SA.WIMHRArr.TJ rnAKA C. Tin'' ••- ~ 1 •••S7bri*J>*tt»T»iUj?i«hoil;'orsaJe bv ■ •. - BjwWfl &• KJfiKPATRICA MJ*il J -•-■•.> .«.JHl4wtyif V.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers