be imm'M mMte PUBLISHED BX WHITE & CO PiVTO B (I RQ (1 TUESDAY HORNING, lB5O tr«e*ifc£Uiy requeneatounaa in ntirf&Tcr* before d r.yu, and u early In theatre* notmened fay tgeet* fieJ tteejflUarßrtrtlT be charted uuU erterSSl , f -t^W ; A*UUtxX—AtJTrrdK- . «jab«onpdo«*«j4»dTeßl»e d,,t “ st ’ , ™ w r "” ° jST’SEBKEXT PAGE POR LOCAL'ttATTEBS ■: TI2Ja>RAPHtCNBW8 t .xc - TialltmTcp oca Gstwrc ELccnasi-—Not* ' .Wsfbjusdisj the email majwiy trim which some ©Jtttr cttadidatie* were elected et : this lam eoatect, la xaach ia the remit that fives na pleaaare If jcrodeijiittdtofißd • waOxadoa to ba eacrifleed, tad Whin were • trend t® aid him in this object Robert C. Walk cr, &q., who was b member of the last Legiala ; - tttre, and bad been blamed with conniving at the '.j—.,.';.. lt »o' Heapfinld Railroad bIQ, though 1 :' ‘I :*• i '.JteQr toao«at«fihe-«hai*e,:aßd'whoae wife u Bpaifroilc, w« cioreoaa the Whig candidate to I bedefctted. , ‘ He was assailed In every form and! ahape, charged with betraying the interests oT ' jKctibtUfhtirtho* benefit el Elisabeth, and with. having established a Oetholio place or worship In hti owo hoacs,and of belonging is tec ret to that •‘ehtindi. ' Thcad reports were circalated with great I .industry lit every .part of lie county, and bad no i * iittlo influence to the prejudice o( Mr. Walker.— Oa tb'o other hand, Gen. Moorhead was hold up to lie Wily* rs sound ou the iariff, as a friend of -• .-> PiiUburgb, jior txulUrx*, aa conservative la hia v«wr, ni deservingoi this laror ai the : banda'ol oar people—and many of oar moat reapectable'ciU 7 itsna, who bad 'rhirberto voted with the Whig patty, entered the Hits in hia favor, and some even '.want safer as to land. themselves to oil the eehemee for Mr. Walker’e defeat; j One of these *r aobsomwas,to^av* name &• (radsoedinto thd Whigpriuted tiekeL This was wccnsafuL Mr. Walker’s name was stricken off, and Gen. name inserted In the regular Anti.maooaic and Whig ticket, and printod from tSb same form and type, ao that they were .well calculated todece/ve. Thcsa fraudoleat iickcit were iaduwriocsly distributed ever the county, and clandestinely p-aeti upon the Whig üblea by Gee* Mcctketd’s Whrgjfrieads, and t&e uaostuc» tinny rtfrila were put forth to get Whigs to vote for the®. In acme iarliaoes,the regular Whig . tlckrta disappeared altogether from tfce tables, and Ihusc eparlous tickets were fo&ad la ihe»r place. Persona who claim to bo Whig* forgot their dot/ • lo the patty and principles, and'electioneered with Bjal fertile Looofoco eandidaxea,^ Fottttaamljr Geo. Moorhsad dd not ponass the tonfidence of hia own. party.-. Ure; very reasons which recommended him to aome Whig*, detract* - adfrmg hia merits in ipe eyei of the *i*im pur* toeofoeos ; tad although fceJ*ad tuecoededia re :. Oonaibng M^ftoie% T aojrr,'*-of . .......■?!» badrepauedly denounced him in set terms, yet bs Was pot suecemfol in teeuring the whole Locdfooo vote. • He was, therefore, taauc* eeasfol in obtaining the object of hia ambition. Ha ’ vraa not alaetcd. .. . , We rejoice, therefore, that the mtg of ihe Whig . party stood firm, and that against each a eoacentra wd and fierce opposition, Mr. Walker baa soaig r '7 _ oally triumphed. Considering the small vote out, \ , bi» flection Is a rebnkatoUK»e.incoosiderala Whigs i for tha sake- -of personal friendship, or any| 1 other causa, wemwiiliog to betray one otibeir own. I | «. caodidatei, and lha principles ih-y had promised to 1 aupoort: • 1 i 'W. tnH! the poor aoccoa which to. clouded., ( JhU cS>t Wfll prevoa oil inch 'in foluro, nnd Ihu I i «orr Whi, bpreafter Biuiini it to bo r di»pnco ; lotaTeanjrihihsiodoin.ochobiainen: | HtdOtn. Moorhead succeeded, we have conhoi ! iltat thoec Whig* who supported him \ • 3MoW eoan have had reason to have repented of Vot ** - They would most probably lave found him la thoroughgoing a Locofoco ns any in the •ta e, and as ssaiooa in hia opposUioa lo the Whl* - party and Whig prineiplei A* aspjotl | 9 ihii bit of political fataory. toe •], »«»dU»xf3a • oIUW T. “K. ‘ ,Mr ; reaa # riitio tt : of hi* for* mtf potoicid' views, sod lytd coos oat ■ fab blooded toeoloeo, **dyed is. ihe"wool*" It seams . that this vti not correct, end.toit tte . paper, or ~ bead, If neVaoab was alfoed, was only toce* meat tbs cveriasitaf fricadahip of Goa. tloor ' ho*dwitoto*tlmporuatper*oa*ge J ,< Fbot Harper.** | TUs appear* Com Uio foUowlbf «*prt»u iomy. ' "rj- Reepectfaliy vonr*. Mx, ■ - ' - I. K. MOORHEAD. «“•«. ‘WiilM'rotS TertjJ !£%? “ 5J r . l P‘ ooumroaehooMhere«fierßuA,£^fi”, t ‘ > , Cf » poUHt»)ttMaer"iriaST«?^sSs^ w ' - - tewtroOTer eijtrd by of, oordid «WUtodiorMtflr»ih«iafroayoa. T&amiWfldermadiat wbfch had for ,u.- awed lwwm.w t witltt«eSr^ l S” l . lto ; ■ lw „ r»NM««*tloie’ Crefeiwd >to by too) "medoioMmo .r ihe e!iy uepere, «d exiinW Jy CtTMuted by yoor «Demle« on Un cUy'-of ti« art, to Ctm they nlua to any »UWa my koowlßdfftt,*lrtyeikeraa&aodtd.- * repeal, _ifr,;itat ibo mlnutdenuadiDf Won exiited taroea bbmuy ta yra are veU / cffiMtea, iltsgelkßr p»«yi6f «ad •atitbetory m , ]•▼«*, I>fgrained ftii» leroiband ntaLaouc* . . nor .did It eabnoe «sy yoyttßM tfcifto-Qt Tectnißiton whatgytr. 1 rtfrat, sir, tbti erea tb««zdtttße&torpo]ltia ' ortta bbllcv of penoail asedtfw should bare fireari* toreprereniartoM bo .utterly fain tod jjfjoadtd, u areiiaw referred to to year laa»*«pooirhiiy r *e, ~ ' ■, , .... -sharper. ring from iba HatpoiltanGomomett the payment or the long tmtaared claim of Borii Ifc Company, 0 f ftultdrlpfcfa,«ffi9aatiflf » eight thooaaod daaamJ ThJtciaiat powocaotwlwlysealed by tbeesar-1 ffvofMr. M.,totnt»Cr»rox--We coni* ll» clerk of (be Steamer Jm. B. G«r* oooy whowas oabcurd at the time. He saw m flw. following particulars of (be disaster: • Tbe cxpkmlxr took place-between 12andl o’clock, on Sunday afternoon, -while the Gordon was deeending the Logtown Ripple. The Gordon -jntaabe*4of the Ringgold, and bad been for some time preTipoa, .and at lho time of the explosion, running ata slow, speed, with an ordinary bead of steam... ( '' Jjum3> Lop, fireman, and Mt'. Birton, deck band, were Jriftedbythe explosion. Tbe engineer and cook were slightly* scalded. Before (be inquest jury beld over the remains of Mr.- Lop, (be Engineer, the mate,and one of ibe fier men lesiided that ihe engineer bad tried the water page,. immediately before tbeexplWoo took place; and.tfcait there was abundance of water in the boil ers at the time. * The explosion was earned by the collapsing of the floe of one of the boJlem. Tbe boat, otij'ewise sustaind hot alight injury. ’ The Colored People ofCaaadi, Th. Bor. Wo. Kid,, of tic p rei! ,tcrtoD Uhoroh ofCuudi, Unowln ih!, cii,, 0 n o alt ■T°» rooDodcd with the riUginn* Intprovetnoolof tb, adored people of thu Pro.lm*. H,rio, been formerl, . iUva otrner him«lf, ho nndentand, whMthe, cut do, ud «rhu tkooid be done tor them. . Through bit effort*,. the “Elgin Axstciatum* has bees formed forthaaoeUl and moral Improve mentor the colored ptoplb in Canada, and inecr poratad by act of Parliament. The object of the Society (a to them with a permanent home, as the first atep toward'fheir social im provement. With that view, a tract of land baa been pan abstedih the Township of Raleigh, Canada Wert, WaUtcjng gtout 9,000 acres of land, and ta now bitX.WltJcd with fo,'o/_ed fifrpilies of good moral character ani Industrious habits. Through this &fcfeiy,\prejadics i* fan di»*p. peering, and a string foeling awakened in their favor. A school and a minion has been eatab* llehed on these lands, for colored aettlsra both of which are near. in. active operation. Mr. King is at Brown’s hotel, and aow solicit* aid in behalf of the achool and mission, and ere hope the appeal will not be made in vain. T A committee hu been appointed by the churches of Putsba/gh to with Mr. Ring, and Tho*. Hanna,~Est, appointed Treasurer. Any parsdn.wlahtcf to aii this good ccgf*; can hind their Sanations to Mr. Hanna. Alabiaa, Wo find la tire Moaigimery (Ala.) Advertiser letter* from Mr. euSapator Bsgby end from Mr. W. L.’ Yancey, in reply to lwit#Uon*4o address * tnotting of the cluxeni of Lowndes and the 97th ultimo. Mr. Bsgby aaya that W his mind, rhere is only one question left for the people of Alabama,and list is, whether they wil r *' submit totbe.legUlatioaof. Cougreaa in regard la the Territories. A dttcroriettion to* anboit he edgaelim asingtoriona" Mr. Big by, therefore, Jj for reslsiiaco—for-ible resit tan co or nothing. ■Mr. Ytneey' aaya that oTery pnbfie meeting*f»f (be Stale, looking to State resistance of the pawn- actmn of Congress, w.!l have his warm aympetbyandepproTaL Hetnuta that this “noble young State may not be disgraced byabasemfi. to the unconstitutional action o! a tree lOilCeogreaa.” PfiaKBTLYAIIAI£LETiov Whij» in Romto—Democrat* in Italic, svwcoxoxcn. • old co.tusd. 2 Uw “ G Le,io - > 3 hCtaunUor,- f- r*L d ,^ 00 '? 1 Henry D. Moore, i- **■ Btilm.Jr , SoinT&hnu,Jr., • John Frcediey, IWSoi' B iSUSj 3 * J «*» c. U.ckey, o IS 4 ™ 4 3“"”*. Ttacktou. SoTinr,' in Train, a™,. !o ftF"**-'" TJnosier Boiler, T“£.'aKV ■-iKPjiiK IS : Henry ‘ 18. X. X. Afe£cmiL»i, J-. X. titfe£p«&,- }« %x rr Y*£ r ** r » Samuel Calvin. * IS. ./wi Zr- Dtnrsvn, -• A. J. o*l* • 1?. Joseph fLKuhaa, XrfilSlj 2D. John All woo, JLILReed 34 AI/rtdQtlwur,, ’ •FreeSoU Democrat * Native. T » WKn«rt» UocofMoA .liUCoapai wUleanJ lea Whir, tolooneen Loeofocoe; tint 1. proridei, Mr. •r.ii elected ioth»23d Dinri=t,„ „„ placal Aim in lbs above table. I PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE. ICUTOIJ CLECTCO. Wkit« ta tullo-Ljeofo-a. |„ 11l Ketdct, BnjtTM MsrtAiou. SJM., Fortyth. ‘*'s " H-aei-Gwwii. - ,*?? ‘ V- Baiiey.- >5 5 Z.A. metunH,. fSu caul” a- Buekslew. ' ll'. . " 9*°- Budeiaoo. l® ! h John flan, so il “ A. Batman. -for. Cmto. 25Ul “ Jmdgt Upru We hive pat Jadge Myen as elected, ulus Wi «- There is aome llnle doahl remaining e> to the Malt of the election jo lhtt district, bat cone, tre Ihtaku to Jadgo Mjren’poiitici, ss tho Post MlleUoa a "political renegade." If ho U olocled, ho Whip wifi barn a majority In iho Senate. ,Lsth.— Tho Senate ia eafe! Jadgo Myen Is I elee:ed b, a maiorif, oI69« 1 W “ Q >-—iJaillt 1,-AUojhenjf 5, Booka 1, Bca. ' ” r ' “O” “"I Ll'vreoca 3, Blair and Honlin.. doa 5, aadford *, Chester 3,Daaphia S. Delaware I, Eria S, Fraahfia 2, ladiaoa I, Juafata and Uaf oo f. Lsacsster 5, Lebanon 1. Nanhamptoo 1 PhlUdolphsa City 4, Sonsenot 1, Sehovltiff i Teltoa,Bedlhrd,and Ouahrfa 1. Total, 40. r 4l Bnci * *. Carbon and Lehigh 2, Cumberland % Cant/e I,Clearfield,Elk ud UeKeaa 1, Oliaton, L7oomiaft and Potirr s' JJreena 1, Lnierno S, Monroe and Pihe l, Mercer Penaago and Warren 3, Mifflin I, Moaitomerr 3 ■Northampton I, Northumberland i, Perry I Phil- I mlelphia Coanlr li, Sohoylkin 1, Soreoehaoe. SnlUvaa ud Wyoming a, Tioga 1, Wayne 1. Waahiayton S, Waatmoreland ud Fayette a York 3,Fallon, Bedford ud CicbritS, Clarion l' I Armslroag ud JeJreoa 3, Colombia ud Moo-I tonr, Grawlbrd 1. I 2. Total 00. TerPtaarrcn „Co as—A. prenam tho transit qrriro exhaoMed. There „„ but WOOonlho a4lb,«tdbot poor prespecta of in creaafog. of maiolsuoiog tho new troop, is estimated for the drat year at $2,000 - 000-eachaobieniieni year will coat 51,3X1000 To . U«fe extraordinary exp, ore., ,„d ,UU mxmttostho Spenfshcoort, rhe following duties will belenetL—On each box of ingar, two addi. tionai rials, in ail 75 ets; on each bag if coffee, one addiUoul, rial, in aU 37 1-2 cb, on Imported good*, 7 per eent; on a Ihouiond cigar*, «lx rial* I 75 CU. : : ’I Catxnao Nxwx Fatal Tttxac.-Ty French •ido of tbolfew Orfeana Bee coniaic* iho follow* lag: ' l ''ir W w^J^£ 1 “ ,nr ” to meet Ccloool ry^*.'°°l Uw . etire T gttr * of<^llla r.T. oflt « Geo crai uorarameatio tae Governor of Teraa for tha wrpoao of informing himofth»paasago'ofth«bill “» Coiooci thatjhis . measure waa very popular thereio^that it would bvapprovodbyalane ma* with. overy. poestfalo regard, nod declared to him that he would Interpose no obstacle in this iuitand amiable compromise. The prodamaUoo of the Governor,, convoking theLegulatore in extraordi- j “W K«ion, must have been iMoed by this Ume ” < A.&nun CUisauo Couanr a Avuitu*— Eagtoh papera etna rtyi ; it 0 Bight Hot. lir. j ania, Sanaa Oatholio Bishop of -ia m p«»at m Doblin, ud that ho wm bo acoomju “d back to hia dloceee. immediately byie. clergy. W. and apwird, or aix hnndred mbilullal from one dlatrlcr, la Iba cotmiy; of Wex. I ZJ**' " DBb " °f ladfea or Iho "Sbtcra of <*olr- Intention 10 ac- Bithcp gaacnhM rv-1 Vill ® ore °s “J the ““ “ •‘wooding with frail nmethtaiMud' ST ImiJ Wmei to . companion and eathndartlrmily exclaimed-OI Kboai wasHivoToir. Corretpeadenee of the Gaxeue. WMHCBinMt, Ost. Jl, 1550, P.nn.rlT.nt. ul Ohl. EtHtloU *“ York, DUniUimi p»UM-D.urUon & W.illi.tttm-»k»iu. rt ■•mUil,' 8.m0T.1. u AppoU.lm.nU-C." , nta oftlesrs. ... *tror- Tie amoko has not yet quite cleared „ , ... of your election cornea in Pcnnayhr-.;. ” bat enough, is known to Inditta ' ““ that free, patent Democ'sri? decidedly mitigated political hwnbngsc^ ve .XLtiS!•' SSS W ***#JZ£SL kS t?- ,’?''® °i UlB Cdusutaaion.! Diancts. Thau, I hope, . miatakn of on,two angoine editorial friends, by: at lent two,, bot it ia tppsrmihsi ike people of Penniylrana have not • beea lrne tothtmselrea nor to their intnrenia in bit. riectton. We are compelled to cooclode Hat tbo people ortho State at largo do aoldeaiioanp change m the preaenl ayatem.and are ealiiGed with the mesiurc.of protection which their mdmnry now receives. ItUrepotted that on, friends In Ohio have sncceeded in running out twoorthreoof the scaliest of their Uemocretio brethren, among the candidates Tor Congress,_and, wan: is of mncn grenter Importance, have encored, a Whig Legisla. tore. Bet I have freqoently remarked that thngrst Whig reports are the best, and will therefore wai, for more particular information. * Tho news from New York |j better, and there is some prospect that the sehom there will not eaore more to the adrealage of the Democreta lhan the yet liquid and seething lava of the Barnburner and Hunker reoptimi of will to that of thoaew allies on that side. Friends from' New York ray that these lane, amiable gentlemen are working together in the Syrecure harness aj amicably as two ctu tied together by the Tha town narar was so amply as bow. Tha Frradeal and two members of tha Cabinet remain at their posts, bnt the other Ire her. evscosled Iho pkce Tho poliiicsl world has mado for ia self a vacanon tn lu acqoattmhd haonn, and pach edupita moreablea for parts‘nriiowo. /C few clalmiaa sod coalractois, here end there a weary and forlorn looking Senalor or member, linger Sinoag the classic shades of the cspitol grounds, ss the spirits herons are said to, I,t dcatingly orer the desolst.o beid} of Ihplr fame, bur'this end noth iog more,” is uje *OlO of oar tnMtsiejjt r»sfaj*ow» nowremalalag among m. Worm eniirened o> casionalybyaturn out and; a turn id, ora batch of the mrae, more or leas extensive. Th Ufi a ago, ten or a dozen had mdafioito leave of absence, hit being headed by'a fourteea hundred dollar -per annua subjec* of the harden kind from Petma V andthe place* of the Woli iqiafa* h»veji Wfi doly supplied with-Whip of the'most-approved stamp, i I sara that a large number o! other remo vals u the various departments are contemplated, i fatheads of bureaaa down tomesieugera. That _is quite right l laye to we things done with a will when they are done. It does n*tf ms*? fhp dtSeN enceofapin head where yon begin,‘if you" gq through in the direct on which !ypo start If you .^ ia 'vidt the chief, go down to the messengers, pr wili Its jMttr, go 10 the had of (he Buran. | -Tfco sentot reiuroi its ; pjafg; in baulifullv, Md maty 6vn oc Uiirty raw ol eft, hat ha, , a oaiho highly-iinjMittnl »nd rapoi«ibl« work oti colhluif, oraliyi'nig, ad regmcmglhae r,. I believe thew is aodooftt $lla« that Hon. T. ColfarKioy faa» beeatppo£aled : Oolitcicr if San Fraaciaco, California.. It is uidthat Beverly Toch- this placejierbapi; * great feel harder cuo of a Jempcrat.ihaiLjadge Bibbi kppoiaied in Mr. other day, has been named natal officer of the tame pert, Sgttbts iadoubtfci. Mr. King will rail about lie £r*i of n*n month, and will make a capita] officer. Hca. John A. Collier, of tffaw York, brother of the fcte Colleger, wu. offered this berth, bat de clined i: on (beacoraof delicacy,: not liking to step mio the shin of iiareiaijoo. .. But Mr. Collier bo been offered his choice of isrolor three bnreap. whiah are to be Tteaurf, and » said to bare select ed ihat_cf Mr.. Hobbie, Ist Aastemi Pest Muter GenetaL ‘Time .will dendope lb* preeiae acts io the cue, as. weil ae-algood many other thing#.., •- ' i imtirs • ” PROS. SKW. TORS. Corrtipbadenw of the Pitubarxfc Gireiia. Krw Yaw, OetlO, iffiO. Oar harbor was enlivened yesterday by the arrival ofjwo ocean ateatnen, from abroad—the' AUaaUo and the Hermann,—end the tailing of another—the Niifirm,£ir Liverpool. Tho Her mann brings an immensely rich, cargo of Prate b •nd continental goods, tad among iter pataergen Col, Webb, of the Conrfer, also. Sig. Porti, the tenor of the Italian Havana Opera Company. The Ailastie baa made.raihor a tong paesago, this time, oa reenantof the heavy fogs she encountered off (ho coaa'. Captain Vett uy» is mm# lo do better next time. The Wh* primary election* for delegates to the Utiea (Union) Convention, which took place lav. evening, passed off In -harmony. Na liule enthusiasm was demonstrated in same of the dia> triou, in support of the accession, and at most of them risolodona were passed approving of all the minority did, at Byr»ottse t I uost things be so managed as to bring- Us tvo divisions of the party together afier all—bnt I sorry to say, at this writings (he prospect is not ▼cry encouraging. The Boston Ltncera are, just now, ibe lions of the town. They are a noble looking aet of fellows, mustering in all ose hundred strong. While stay, isgbere, they aro i>e guests of our National Guards, and right merrily do they entertain them. A pnblic dinner was given them on the day of their arrival, the following morning they galloped an ovor tho blind, teeing all that is worth seeing in Gpthem, and in the evening they paid a viait to the various theatres. They return to Boston on Pridsy, Baronin writes from Boston thi! bo hard'Y fcnowt bow to get away from tho Bostonians ted [ the Pro mtUmud,, so preseiaf „ ihclt penns. lions to fceep Jenny Lind with them;* little, r and s Uttlo longer. The coaoert trhlalt she in, to glvo here, on tho Hlh, Is now postponed, in eonse qoenoa of these impottnnlllei, til! the 23 J m lt ._ I hear there Is e possibility thsl poo may hew her ia Piiu'jprgb, exo buy. ~ Hon. Thornes Corwin, Secretary of the Tress ?ln town. Hie bnslne.. here, jnst now, I. to collect stem tie, from Collector Unwell, end ether material appertaining to thh Ctmorns to show mhia Annual Report to Congress, the ptec, heel operetton of the present tariff, the sbaurdi. ties and Ineqoalltie. of which. In man, respects, onlf want to he Caitly imposed to demonstrate the neccatilf of a tnodMcation at the neat set. •100. *: Tie Tnrkiah Embaaudor, Amin Bee, haa .nit .a bleb from W.ahmglon, He ape... ln "le bfjbeit term* of tbe kind reception he mat from Ike Proiidem; and other dialiagolihed oOciaia there. Lut bypueg the Tork paid I to the eur of tho American Inititato, end tea. highly del-ghled will what tn U w Here. Afterward* he partook'of «; dinner got np, eipresaly in hi, honor.' by a party of friendn. u Jodeon’e HolaL- Tno Beyioaree-thia eeentog ler Bnaion. Oar City Council., to day, laid the oorocr atone of a new wotk bourn, on Bleokweß’a laleni, de. eigned for the employment■ of eoch labia todied panpor. ea ere ;£t to work for their liking; m, la tut enUrelynew acheme, jet oiu> that cenhard. Ijflil to lighted the tun of our oltixtne. Tho Stale foegieUturo, at It* leal ebaaloo, appropriated CuO.COO to help bona the eatabliahmeni. i '' ' Tho olccli-ab Cew.ftom Fconaylruie doea cot much coeonrasn the Whig, bore, and it would ho' muter of leaa,regret did tho new. from Ohio come optoonrupedtallona. Inline patent .dlllimo of the party, hereabout, aomo good new. from tlatno.nor.ttiotild ha.e hadn obecriig iidgenee, I bnt a. it i>, PC tonal make tlo beat or. bldbar grin. Wo hire ajeen eroh dtrkwdija than thoae timt’a one cangolktlon i There 1. eomol talk abotn Col Forney; otPhu. ndelphia, PennatleanU, coming to edit e Lneofo. ! CO daily now.peper, about to be alerted In' Ud. city. If the Col; know, whoa he; la won pirfbe'i had belter May of home. New York bim&eyi don't read—donVpaMOlee bew.pnper.,— don't pay money for poo and ink,—and that it jaat tie retaon why Eoeefocoiau nereryei hid, ud nay er eta biro a revpecuble ctgto in thi* j cocJd drag out note thin t yetrVexitteace. TbetQcnmt of goodt offering, ta itia for shipment to California U rery luge, I ,hw; tad so little apecnittfon is ilbot.Tfco |«idri« eet from Sin Frtncfsoo biro pot* toidnduek' opon ihotiipßenfof wbttlttVlonf pl«”fe*tbtt rotrfcei—trtdotnd ©tie?bqfldji miteritlt. Ona or two cwjoet qf lmnber, pen: C*oa this port, ero raid to fcird bten toM fe/ pricet that barely p*M fte/gM 1 . Stocki of til description! continue i& food do* i mand uhm prioea. Penieytum, Bond, art ,h«lda»B3d. Blnola ewnritlea an in demand at ■" Jail toT rplnoi*>7* 1 ° w M'm«r contimes .♦ «ociunje ia rales. 1 - - -to marts! for Flour baa kssnvsry sctiss Iks ■srr *• ch| '«r «>r .sip. “”h ~-No. I, SI ISi, M , led £ «ko^M,cbi BM , St iast tni. ‘ Ne „ sitis SI y, Orio, SI SJJ; Soalicmis held u Si® 12i H*o Roar s3l6j, ’ '' 7™“* I* dsminii, ster for export.— 3« r» 10.0E0 bnahtli fair Canadian at JO5: prim,, m. 8 ,. 65ta70 ,. w«h?SS csroMSMt. Omoii la in moderate rtqnaat- toli! ° s b!lci fir tkfr news of ihs Esroji., sow hourly exp-ct-d. CSS»_B,! M 3 iooo baja Rfo, ,o day, ,l yojj, clips on pjoriooa p t i c i,. B7l. n'j th oL ‘ dOIL 8ll * ;1 «l« *t 27®7ic— Disdfs 261037*. * PO,k . ” l ’ ald «*S 37|; ui msaast *lO St}. Ll[i 7,3,,.. , *• ““ FOREIGN news EPS BTBAflan ATLANTIC, Tto proccedinga of [ho pcoplo or lteaae Cauel •TO Mill Ihe ohlcrrohjeet or tniioty hero, in con nection Willi comincniot potlico. The duermin •Uon ol Urn Eleclor to provoko hia anbjecm to on ombretk ii atUI ahown in every step ho tikes, tad "" udood been openly nvownd bp himfoci wblca, dimpled with who! wo know of the to pnlnivnnnan ortho German character, causer til penone hero to leal uaecticoar regarding Urn re ptdt.- ,bp teat ofgoverntnent ip Wtlhelmabad,(tho place of hi, retreat.) which he did bj proclamation, dated thonth or Sepietaher, wJer i ; l ,l'“ r „ t ”," 1 ’ I4ttt bo hid aolected a point whehiiho population were Ina adaanccd In Sts teal tratn og than at Caaecl, «d were thcrSore omo likely to bo bctriicd into eioloncc, whim at howbcldbotathotmmS.Sgh. firing of a otogle ibot on the pan of tho people, u> mtroh in red eatab'hi Lore, aa dauwhere. tbo •ugamary jeJga of tierpeium. Upiotbe pfCMDicioßeaf, bowerer, even tbit 1 ‘"i 14 " E '' , ' lor «”J hia toiniitora, inolndlng Haaaenpflnjand the nephewdrHaanatt, B f ,I! Ml ire agony or having to rule over a l peop.e vho«|il not ii» hwa, it jtnateiL on apparently good authority, thttibo Elector, « &Vf ‘ l ?V ,B ?V rie ' 4 ifco « tbwcaee from bit teioro, the officer oa doty, “How he tibed.ito Hate- ©/ war’” too that upon the reply cl the officer that “AD Wit and noting had bippccH," be becaoV! greatly excited, aad exJtixed In trrepre«alb:e pasajna, ’■ Very we.'l,- tfcca wo’H pot aoother •crew oo f* "• “ *«vMwr | Toe iawm'tns of Prenio, BivirU, ud Aornii aft to the poilfcy to bs pureued by etch i* »tiU a matter of entire eonjeeiure. That PrOiaiawfll Sire noeqoivcc.l aid to 16a He«fiaos,i/ihey foliy present legal pos’uott. weoa uedoobted, al. tboogb her owa di«rey«d of cocatitattohal right* hardly fits her to play the part of defender ofibow is olf/Br Stater That Aoitria tad Bavaria oa (be tt’fcrr would u' c£ce MBpott the Eiector, U also plain; bat the fbftcrr is afraid of tbo loiter tfasdc ia dread of; her own A more wmarhaWo peihioo fc-r a little State like laat ofHeste Ousel ccoW scarcely bo caeeeived. Surrounded try all i)ie great powers of Germany, abo owed her protection to and-in no ■mail degree ioflaeficea tbeiruleMir.cs by the remarkable an* tagontio of their seliith interests with regard lo her. Like a sheep to thn nj=dat ofaD aorta of fo» rfona animat*, her aafciy l.o* is the knowledge that the first who may attack her will ba act upon by ibarest It fa jn troth nsi of the nettle danger that she wifi plnck ih«- fbtrer safely. At VlittM! The goretcaieot crpaos Vicuna, ia their io* tco*e aioaiiics’.ioq at the trcauncol experienced by IJiyoio.arp enicaaoneg to braro tto matter *««, ted to cover the eiaa’# ttftrpyhy »t*iicg that the recent attach upon h:tn wd! came the tughest Avar? to baainwn iu him uy the Eaperor, and that bewrli tag been thoobjectot hta anb«t:et> ( a tnaiabtt’a baton riov any iraraacrou be-wccn Htyaao and bU taaater 02a whiten llio repulsion or exalt ibedte o£ty cf either tatotcTpfatcrd. -:'lhe Oaaaral, it arrears from the account* of the cogltia writer* at Vienna f*t*or*b!o in him, pro- to be “ crore astoaisbed than indur la EecUod, wifletoilro fco«»t* cf hr-inj iniirted hi*’ aiJt eerere dimsge np:o bin-awailatrt. That, totwiitoJanfieg hia he teas a»toniiihed at We ootrege open him, iaprobible, became W *J“ iw bard anUnaJitm ps-inliar to ton Amtrian mOrta/y character, bn »ee£tea qtifio- incapabU o nruJctaucdtcf that bo bar contained any enormi t;M > while at the umc sin* tto ccJptblo piea*> aetrie* with which to was receited *t ths Peace Cocgre*?, wftb tie- general forbearaaca' cf the Eag/iah population, were calculated to re too ve all t«.ea ol danger. With regard to the way So which | be net the abwV, all that can ba-'eald t* |tm : own vereian cf it-»carcc'y e;rro with that ol at? ottto other witneawa Tt nay be hoped, however, Cpkt n Ii correct, ►:nc« if i; c?n beeatr b itbea that hemciihefif*t mciL* of accrn and aosoyaocc that were d rectH carirnuhim by « n i iaiiacrimin ate naaofhia«t:ch, it wuuld tip’aia umch of the noro forfeits frcUg with waieh ho was B nb*r. quontly porsued. Coupled these ucccijaii attempts are miso made to elear him of Oio odium connected with the Awing or Madame tin Made'repoch'. hot ojthwhtheacuni l guilt cfthanupp is thrownupoo B subordinate officer, no pretence ts Bade In thotr that this party was ever punt-hoi or »epro?ed elth- V b y Hajm«o, or ibe Emperor. Begirding the dreadful circumstance* connected with the murder for « was nothing le*r, of Count Bantfraar! the apologists of tho General maintained e profound silence. r APPROACHING LIBERATION OFKOSatnU , wcoHwtcd lhat 0» period durimr which the lortiab Government agreed t 6 detiia Koasoth ““5 »» of der to pacify the Austrian and Human GoTemmenta, wa* one. year.’ The S? na ?|* daring the pment mootb, and (he now cnd «vorio« (0 procure its extension, £y setting os the quibble that the Umc TO to be competed from Urn date of his iron* jordinOnioAaiau Tb. Turkish OofernmeK ***** the demand, and bate appealed to the repro maure. of Fnu.ce and E„sS for 11,,“' S£, S’’ il 111. mid? •nn» torealready tore i siren w pro,®, a »», to England of America, as limy may lie- MISOEGeiNEOira. pans °L Europea* continapt thera i> nothin* new. The dirputo between Bar. K,>Sl!rN- p£ i pe ?' * n uo »>i* S«, ii» int JS.SfoL r °“"‘ ’| ta * <• PccolWy liltl mJ c . m ’« ?> “ i» « meet more perfect Sp in'eu'rwSift ' tS? wiU S° to ** * perfect P * ® ®‘* tb« 'engines are of eieht p 0 W pcecern *n He lent ? 1,10 kal Britiebotk, aird ffinfe? *“Ijomde; between the fratnei Ur. V? Pl ' ,om '. b ' ketS to ibeeccwnle, wilt reck &SJ^rV" r V i S Tt ? cl from lire dry tot. VThe ■ ll crn!: ' e ter to carry one SUI tU°.r PStlr Onwenjera. Ste will bo mao one Slid J-ic?s'' orc SUrwrtloebondredwna,- end “*• capacity for thef transit cf six boadred •tens u£g'°“ ■toreaif ! itySijElkj items. ewJ »n!n2^? e k* a ibainer <*aata and btokere ofXirepooJ, sugmiicr .nSSSfJnf* WJocpraTroyacrosl»l£e.(?rtßU _>. of Africa,. Withla tefmmus near Morocco, *SrfStoSrv2i tajr^(,ooor i5oo»H« <*«**!« WeEJ«feSSfiiuL !te ' *° l orballowS; «,?ls^Jj°i Ca^T^aeeQ P««oa» each. ' An 1m- SiS? ,ratJ « wi,h the jLieriOT, thil aaior, cofM- be. carried.« bt thfa jjgj* Ho offer* to exhibit hia model flea of €Z- I hascppoiatjdaccffi. *5L\?-ISF* 1 ? woedai power t?*.dnw, j 2?J£i ilJfS* • I hB ' w, «*-of Oedran, baa Men ££*! ] SttSwai* 8 core antfdfditteio I £* to fcSM 00 D *° a lb °aWTouaayat&jt-. • hit I .of;coamera«!aj- the f of Utorauloanaka aad«U 1 rimim i^T^.P*Wra COP 1 i DPeJ acCOttfU* of lie toX.’wr?.” te ' e sp9 lil *y*era ftfcAurtrii., With 'gsSjssgjssjsjssfflsis: ,£]S "fa : ™ fflfS'rSS c^T 1 H nAom l s£» 3 P Frvnctln 1841 antotattd to£72, l IPpilStll 6031 mites a total receiotTin iql? D ® , £. ,h 2«!f bo^6 <* omMOTbljr 2( «,f ll «».<«, ““ of lbs Ctmt RaS ixnire f whole “• The number of benefice* in P vZ\ , - ■nd or these there ere 2,800 19 - , 10j053 - acd 1,170 arithont fit re»We D 2i *«'•«£ vS SS&ftkS B*- 8 *- iog »lto^Xrl^UOs*„ “ 00,1 lb®* couo- Eoritsh Ambassador „ p.° U#b w F*l»ee of the L^-- 0081 •*■«* luc three years. Km „2” ® n « during the year £12,000, and it eJst £l2 W° ple F" I,ast 1,ast this year—£24,ooo in tw»\»,!r 00 £‘? or * **»t» that drid cost tail year £3,000. y€ 4 006 tl Ma» “« ««« * ix sustaining the tnaehiaerv {5.?? °® ,0f War « and ia forty «i X mj lio ™ Cttul ® r y wan, i s above meeting, »Sw« . Law —A large tened m Empire SfiiuJ? P olla . ,cal pailea, con* UleFugtiTwLWT J o h? i f v ? lft 8 « ibe The meeting nu ferothi!! E*J** preaided, (ion-.of the law by the in coaderaa «* Perry, Rev. Rev. Dr. and others. Sleta3n > Emj., the law and urging SepSi 00 ? n J ia S of mutee appointed bv th* W’ re P oned *>/ the com* adopted. I Reiolutioni l m« Ir f wero ua ®nimously by /-TiflanyTEae j U j were introduced moualf. A conaiv n^-n^ o^’ Jj ut not “»»“«* wu resolved on. Bee iog 00 tfae 26‘h of October declared r ?,' i ji , ? ) Dli “ iotler ' * nd 1)8 set under a *? hi*> office rsiher than -TCrsive of human riS? D Hili ,off,s^i eo Bodßub * i Q diipprobwiS JHt ? raark * Were em* the feelings ofibe “*s> a °d ex P re »«d l?—-Cleveland Hereto majority l ho cotnmuai* wiU temomber ibu r * BtraOH ‘r7 M ° l 1 reader* targhwi eStS L .k® . pT Sr e ° l of Pit.* ■ charge of r.rp.\;,. c -~o! w la pnoD.'jG rf ud m “ lh i ,nl; 'J“' of Popt alroid Ih.t Mr i'.d >!”' Id '“ h * J h'l rd-eict;* vw. , £Bd “ ,n pmrmited for ° ! ” wh, ' 1 > oo term of thi. “o^u^oJ^^L' 0 “•‘Jen. la boroe fnlo^^^Vft?s7 ,,, ' , “ l ‘» he vu SasSSTfS^s lOTOlvctila '- . t,l^°fll f B b b ° the bOr «ddSSrfSuSf". ln .""*• ■hotre MO of ?,!“ po, ' , ° , ooo ' , tor of other men * viofent denuncta* ttssFr s '"* trait- where m?, d s «^ r ,i Qd . ff!Bc£lt Mcffise of '?tfeSs?» 5 7 ! Ss^S sw^SiffiSiKS s^-iCTr^sas?^. wS^S.f' o*’" 0 *’" Uiototo —tt-ckv Chapel for^i., Clreul '’ VtOfinu, his beec ia I,S.'||S oUßoaihLS'fl!. “5 Methedm E. oo US&FK.V2LV 1 * E. Choroh, er.j S°!irerS tf* Z?-?™ ,l, “ 1 •*» Uq!L Jod»o Kb“ sg^Sa“~# c i| ?£asf ••»"»&■*£ aSs^fp.a-ri^.^. Em. fa Pritale letiers onil.V Sowl^Ni*'Y M ? e ? rl fl or **»*»■&:£ (JTII.. 2. ** rtBW IQ hi* Qjjr f fcj D ,k_ W-. eat cart,** r'tK*' &I ff y baTB kcowri him in dtff-r. rtba worid imderhu foraieruila idlord __??? °r P*firs » about to erect. *Jctur the waiQM*i^ OU °M f :b ®.^ am P*Ely#ee, three hundred her tear in Scotland land S,“£ D i ‘ °£ g“ “ &*"), • difficult Htgtl- Mt4siS£ iKMs' 01 ’ Souibgale, l„. , nll . EiSS,™??’ of clCTi “ l »» 1 ™> **nen ia her iISJSy’A', College to a* UlriM « .pin* 577 to. T b u n ho con,e » 10 *hi» country it >«ara on ta*lu.h character and iiteratorr * ltackeniy to a new Chmuna. book in>epen. ' BV the PRESIDENT ABBiOSAeLK CASE 11 EVIDENCE IN OUR MIDST U Ma. Kux-Sir, IJokeerfmUjr comply with yoar r«. qwit lint I mild tin j 00(00 noconn: „r,J „ %s%ZsZ****-**.*.**.*. J?“ n.n»M.lit,Yorjoor, r,. ta F«branv r 3S r -^*-~ u, to u old tad,, .10. Ui io„ ntj ta «!»»•»«.. aio [old miitutart,,, u .b. would ccmltl, low o„l, TT t?; *s° oai ” ,ro " 11 iHdij . .crenlrooo .ffocdonortln blood. And Ido conlfr u,„ Tu * V “ i ™' '■> >'« «»«£ “ BrnnnT MEn, ofirno oro. It l. no. .boot tw, ’’lff «h. onn ro. .c< eyes u u erer tho did; and u r»i >• AJolghiy, boon cured by « Petroleum " Touri,«tpecifaJly, pt „., ',, ■ M. Flaxen V*jaon Cotax*.- PitUburjhh, Sepl, 30,1P50. 'V E t |Sr b? £*Z!* r * McDowell, ho Wood meet; B.E. Sellers, 57 Wood sneetjßM. Carry, D. a El. Don, Jeicph Boatful, **d IL P. Schwaiu, Aileeheaf a*»o by ihe proprietcr, 8. M. KIEK, * 067 _ C«atl flasln. Breath et, Pitubawfc. Ofllc# ©f Ohio and |»emuL R.8.C0, Third »l I _ ' Prmatr**», Asgut 4,133©. m TgM ' Btoehboldero of the Ohio and Peno»TlT*ni« ®*J) **•* Company are hereby notified \o^ T oightfa ioitalacnt of lire dolUre per ibare, ot the office | oT the Company, on or before the COffi day of AuJait Th 9 ninth iaitnimentj on or before the SOth dor of September. The tenth imminent on or before the i J»th dey of October next. ET The 7th lmtulment wu culled for oa the "Oth Jtlylaat ■"**<" WM LARIMER, Jr, Trwan.r. -HU IBWBWIOS OP UiIIDITABB LOGANi WILBON * 00. V , ' ■ WOODSTBEET, m t!wqr«a teSLdto-SSi 25| U OCA rewootbl* wnxu. 7 ““ ®“ | *. ' ' ‘ ■liuuiiAUJC HuaSTAaM' 1 'i*ti*ioa» CITIZENS* INSURANCE cdMPANY .or Pittibtt»k. 1 niIHJ9 COEPANY k;n prenina a ..U -uffi^maSreSfeSSS^SSuS?if** HATS, CAM, ANO MUFFS. ■ J AMKI viuoi, AQe "V anniraf pi&nonialli$ t Sua*d tiarj r\FPERg bj a cßitoaer*and the pablie, as entiret* ad f t? ,h ,tM * of Hat*. Caps, and MaflV*ia »r tT ’ Mtaaftctured ftsd Selected win* mica vV,V a -^ ererr j Ce ’O'P'ieo. Kyle, and quality, Id New ct&rcdat too lowest rtasof - I pt?MK 0^ r ». I ’rti5 s - Wholesale “ d Hatall. IL isa. oeiudiwftwna M'CORD A CO, wholesale ft Eetafl ManufsetuenfcDka’orsia HATS, caps & furs, i V k °°A A Plflu it. , Flciafanrib.' CmSHfy."*V * ft ‘ u w*e» of Hits, lift;? ° r JT"T «"*“r «m»■»■«. *7 “nolo. ' t° d ' nTUo <*• MMtlon of Ohm h * 3ll * LV *x™»xi:C3Taxi. R. P. TANNER A CO., SHOP WABEHOUSE, t 3a Wood»t,»Third*Fourth * Arc oo» „c«irin* lhiiTTCT,lm. ullWtor Foil 800 TS,. SHOES, Ago BB0GAH8: ■i and FLO WEBS, all orthe latest &^i. rxpT P >lT adapts uTSrWe.iSif* 1 and h fln* b ht n » Berect ' <1 w^‘*tctl care,and as louse! *nn qua try ts not surpassed bv anvstftfVtniE. sSsssiSSH wgffafefrn, ®iuo. HUM», Demist. Comer ofFDarth Uukai Daeatar,' betwtea * td F «»y m recta. n«U- wrniratns, where too ttervew «>dremdeneq next doertotho May or s otLce, Fourth straevPitubunrli. / Rsnivo—J. p. ffEatoa. JalP MABBIBD, Oa Wedoesday, toe 10th of October, by to* BevW* J too latTAlbte DUD, ! _OaMo ß Jayevealtjg l at«o>dock,DrTaoiua Ma.- »n lb ! ?,‘ eodj ° f *• ruaii F «• mpeo tfally lavued to .".nan. r„ e „, on s JabSy,“ cucly, from Lu late residence, No. >iOp«na street. Work oa the Cftavtlera Ran R fffll j t AA^oS^'k^.tt^l' 1 “““ Ci “- - ** o.. Z .^ a isUtoW.5 Ut0W . znsTauQTio* oattn piasofobtbl Q- feyeeitaUjr inform m? p s %“ s S„V« Peap itien, u iio ruldencfl of Ba” iv'p^l^VEm. ttiok«rf Bhnrti, asss=h£^^Sk t ' Mdl tt ?s BsSSiKSSSS *"as S. “»M*.. ! £?7^, a r^' 9i i^ i u,i ß ~, Bom . BSSSLfSiiSSpSSSjif.g "“—**»*i£A2Sg2&&S; R%l°‘“^s&vtiii 3So!l 7cr “--- James a HPTcamn-j» C o - HE BET.Lpaq -W A JJXt«,. I H M ®P ,ATEI ; Y -An IloTlery ba^ou,’J*2'’ I JSL? t J^,l , l ,la P*7, O®*** end paid 1 «a*usi.«*, to wbea « UlwnlMlinr wUI be o-5» ; -}.f * P H BATON, ■ ■ ■ ‘ ' - ■ No *3 F«mi *l. Teubc Men** So*• *"i'“ - A -* D C Mea»* |B(X«kaUl*l,U))ran -RfiCtLAB QUARTFUMT HEETuiQ woi *J tetH u t*ie Hall, in Zts2, Al i2r 2 ra f.®* eTenme.Ocu»6«i4,atVl|J|S, ,tx m Kaodl T SSI 1 ™ 1 * DAVID W. BELL. Bco>y. BUB GLOVES, « c . to 5„ 5® ®° fortienu. j? f° « 53 &£.'•• 55 35 S 1 ”*" f'WoT 55 55 Imporad .»4 a, SSW?: P"*"- . - B A rAnNEBTOCE *. nr. FA^V F i^?3V siT, »'‘ •“ Ul.Mto.rt OgU - .. * * U PHILLIPS V E W V K^l LB CAnPETS-Heeelwd tUi day it Piarh«V‘ ,pe * W«oboo»fjSPls £8“ 0,11 b ' f'=!»« — OBllB J SDILWOBTH*rV hia ' w WfortaJetr ° ° ftn 1 B PlLWO&rii fc c. nrun—W bbU N c tor ill© by -- oct| ? J 8 DILWOfITH * rv TOB ICCC— !Oj bcxfft C*. ilk i . pOWDKB-W - Bw —U* J rf k pn DACO.\-aTO'lii JJaeonShnaMnn, In tiore nnj for,L B by 0 Kde, » i>ffnm.nnn R A S“ “• —• 8 *■ w HAHBAPOIT — w UAEBAIfOH _S & w IUBDAPQg P&K'SUS, T ;j-» i sgu. ara.-iyivy prcnracEa—,i *£u^ Jym flJbCft j J PPP'ig 'rJ. “-■ LtCHOOfaBAtm. > r. LAO DYB GfiOffNile bbUftr nhbir ■■■ JBCHQn M ir»W nn — 5 a< * 1 wSEf’&asrsJsSHSSMS 3 ® or ■«*« waau r pieeo to jgZna»*sS ll £ii 8 .* w . r * PUee* wasted foriawS? iS* 1 b ** ck * *tre*«s, andwetaod dry annca? *•*»- and lest.. Pina*,htm»es. a2?r*n»22 ne *i korT owed all Jcluds of a*eos)es attendedto/brnuSjS? *°!?* * b4 „ laAA ° ay JciOTnt-n^ -■ » p VON BuMMuftTHyf A CQ S EbSSto. —— •_ - ■ .. . ?OW*ttTM Rjoit— to w * P rta *» /w fry -7 "i ri°M M&TKB DAL2TELL ck jum rec’j’ior ulc J AMEa PALZELL 1 fllAftNb&3’.OUi'»7atorisiVB*4for«alaD7 ~ Amu :•. JAafEa dalzell T AJtuoLL-io bru JLi oau fora*J*fiy JAME«IiALgi».r. SEWICKi-EY academy: -A.' CIASStCAI* tad COJ4MEROXAL BOAUttHQ "A. SCHOOL FOB' BOY it, U mllea ftw We.tJSg'. Bar. Joturs 8. Titruu, A. M| fziadpal. - Tb* Winter Sctroa will eooaeaoo ea Hmmi N0t.4,1590 Trnar-f7S Per eirooiots tfqslro cf t&4 PttWßiLlniaMtr Bottom P. 0., Pit, or of Mom jSSowSmiSS. 0 I eta AnJMcuiCtas*. *», lew® Cedar, l can Urea. *dPW,neeh£sf ta ®f e 1 * , ® 0 «MW?0»l nmil* _«lft ' ree noi»nTTtfQ-r,« 7-j _ ,"' ’ Pei * ; * >ogl * < b^J1 »«” I !fV luJ " so°i T .««., *,.«, uAacdfccr. Beat feoo Mr omm s ec *Ptad bfiba “cSS-ir*’ ' - Wo - 81 Wood (troet maat roMtrod «t * 4® ussn -i2L_ rnmpnj ißuscariELca jgOAJLDINf ** OuuaxiCbuJi, “ ' £° tn >g» *a fca WATKBMAN * SOWfl P'SEriS,"#* El n !».««• __ _ _ t- 8 WA-fERMAM & 80N8 yjLtimn. Apply uaam,,ktol °^s L H WATERMAN A WlKa c, “ 4 •““»» .©BBESIfm. jgs."£|;s^a i a^s S&SSJSS* “• ““'te.of'to" iSS3 eeif W MecUNTOilg* — .. s V? WeCLTNTOGIC ■ I , U " UAKHJIB-W Medium* bjV gißfsasss to."7aSs^t Appantu tor Cliular tfaTs pim Mittal taiuaA^" JNVEKTEO EWjea, aim maj, bp * - rir., .. 3^ IKK 4 ATKINSON, 7 _nm «L batwaea Wood* ta watebm»n*bonb « WlUl A m tr.r“ L 8 atkrmah t nn?»q C I'ICE3—IO b.jri PcT?.r, Jot »iI«bT L a watehman * eosg 2= -- L 9 Waterman 4 80N8 - •*> P25-* wa * Mottedjibf ttta bT ~ l»fl WATErfMAM ft BQn9 <>, ** C °** »• OlWButaHr _ r ’Wlajoty Ttliuiian, ■K«g!S£S4 , &?sr^sy,S?» ll s fiui££3B—-]7froxipiuu w. a Cheese, for nl« by oe9 J k R FLOYD Roand Church •fiOAU-MMM ecffloan Ohio, for till br J^MtOYn yirttUAE-® brtj pnio by I — 22 — —. JAHFLOPn 7 pOWDKR-li — ■ J* R FLOYD T ASD.OIL—IO brts to nlo br * BCHOOXMAIBB 4 CO 3 BOUOONMAKKa'4T?r“ «-.SrSr— - 222 3 SOHocinmaVrp » rparo* b,k toa i,r JSrHdAsMAmaitm ft 011. Of Simr pita tote u tta -bo tho U .»H 1„ sgeiaiapsis "' ... ?t> Wflij it PE??!l!Esl§Si§£ ™i '"mjS'sk. gßPSWaaiSfe «ct» J *«fS,OAtZEU, ‘‘“yggv'fginy ' — L jlAMtt DAtiPfi; •^ gii^ig SSssSr* r : SS^ssft «dse«des. v **”^ n “n“I t® » finftatd m*rc*mU« WioM In&fy 11iu?FTIuLiilJ_i_ ...' 9hX7timAtmu icfilafi9r9«U-&£*al*j,v 1 ' BAWHABDAUf!ff ttatrln, • lim .uormSHT/ fi®'. ivshjbh, * so. ar s«mn -whi TtfPOBTUf tftd Dull Jmbbtjo Pam ns j ' earn tot nit ia Jqta com matu, Ctmaxb fi*V* Ollt* (Snoot, Pnatt ' Or»B|«a> Lemo&a, PdKTM,. Rail** . Panejr aoaja, AUeearaeL AtwrtadCoidUlt,. Enxtai ntauvT 7 Salad* JV • Canary Seetf. UeapSacd; . Alrodv HUprtv Walirto, Cm* no, -v, ■m£r+ , StlSlSCiJoSlhSp* pjaud*i pIUS( ffrtis**, r • \ * 1 V#ra»etUlJ - : SEPSt . Cutta d 2 gplU C •.sas-*^ ■“tVite * gg*«;«rW«r, UireafaTWMw. Lexaoo, *2aut y«rrtnr J&tCvurT* gss?aa r £*»»SSfcL -■ Sjgssa?s WHOLESALE _FA l L GOODS. A. A. MASON & CO, ■* *o» mahhet st„ ' • mUMISa. f. W®2ctt U „r I<,n " M'rtk.m. fim Ptoek«fNewF*?l OcMS.Mi5 n^T r’ to V s sir ,n «tn»a consutint of . u “• »»K*tn«oamrj, *2B *■**•*•*«««• Print*; * Jo c£ta,m ,Vd .« do Bauc.u.s4 •2 do Cloibiand Cjuiimera: • 70 d® Bleached Mo»lJn, ; WAitU* Flianelt, Kl) Colors; „ Si L.OC* Hoitor? iod GlOTt.Oe. Q - r l * SlbOoM, ;Mer«hknuir*tMared, from it* »*-*, » ikl« e*uWi*haaat»of always pro«tm}*U iS?* !«l non desirable gnSdc, and it Sti*; ff - quilitr, ia turo *nd for t^b* 10 x I4j pS!t em iiL j 1 JOfTN WArraro rjLOVES-3 brfo rte’d for ufo by 'V.. i) SEBKLLERS ' - i &7 Woodjt W)OT—9b*»fbcci»edforiaUbr ' ' HK»KLf,g.Q3 CAL'I>-ahi* xeceJred fcr n? e l/y • jl It-SSKLLBtfS ! a ?4 WA T SEED-180 Im gte by J^BDCHAtI:-Io , titb i n,„for M l,|, J r ■ ■ _K-E aFLLF.m rslli^?' k «SS s^a 1 , 0 , D'SSSSSL o ''' WCBAMcaTKom w., fc , __ **°M*H'KXTBAGV9. ff^ffiffiifrtrr chiefaeet_«ad Indian !J?o I L VVi *“ U ’ " wwnnud JtVfrS tr Ujc ■!»=»* lone, ud will ia‘all&f^h«f. f^2 p Vi^ ? ‘ <5 ' Ja!!,T *"<4 tcrypiirtt. tostku£,iu>V~*J? N «» Yoik fa c . oa'J witheaei &Wril « a *«ir or”^ff«*«e i ifro on te I S^ w •**»*«• S&. ao- Oo rf I SSSLf Je 4uK , ' c :r t te ; i it ior uio br ~ J * R FLOYD •elres to him. Bat u all Ath.’** wl? Ji ot B .^ Jre,a out- [ t wsa^jih®sSffl , «s < u*f» Jalea H»«2v«k */'®r tht l ?- ,\ Wt3d'"gTO»t nU~r? 1 et Q < . OMUttijt alter KLW 7 tnOMltd to b^»%^r^‘?- b y;;S % j*™.4s •<,"?USSF,ISSg'S. & Lvi' - V•. .. &oat SktwliJ • SSeSSSSPs' ©ssS&tig; ggj^dp^ [ ■ JJk ... • t BgggSsi ! *Wjti Wik e«Ui>nirt Prlj. B«gwp-» tocigggWig^i. ■ :xnn. - w , » Si=ns Ss«w wa |