ESTABLISHED IN 178 b. PL’nUSIIED BT : white; ago. ® *. WYITP.} - [«. 4AISUT. «ASim ttod aTtsrr, kbct ooo* to tsrnfTotna Ttßßi: Mh. S7,»|wi«nawal Tri-W*t#>ry ** Weekly, edrenee)—— • tpa “ Do. « Chilli, «t a rtdnotd HlVl CS or AOTI&V1IIICU AGREED UPON •ttl C PITTtBVBQB Pny M pfNoDpardlcrlets) Dm S«M«e, e«S tiilUloiiil m«Vrtlmi.. l*o.» • Ho* . ... rii ®°- tWo weeks —; 3V •>o- ■ three wteks- jfno {**• one month'-" , «m .l)a. two morula*——7xo Dc. . three months- . 9xo Wo. . ftnr monthsjefo fr «lx month*. ... ■ .... 12,00 . . of the paper— 2500 Inserted overone ranrrtK *»«*■• lU«.Wotta fSS “««]"» • .iff in net wC55^5.?'L5iSi toc ? ,nt * bl « (0 * *«t»l advertisements fo? ,beij PobUcaticn. candidates for office, to bo chaired the *m»m other advtnt? erne Mr. ' • » • " “* a Adranlwementr bm marked on the eop> for o reed rMAi > advertisers wiil be confined S**- I **® W*«ar business, and oil other edver- , sss , 2r^s?sax^. ,k ' ,r atau ** e s!?Sl? en ** &r okaritable wstinrtltir.s, fire tiro, to be Charged kalfpriee, payable strictly ManlapetioileitetobecharjredfiOcenu. 1 : . ' R .?^Jvl. lii^ eci, ?* cn *d whheet charge, *ni*s* accom panied by funeral Invitation* or obttuarr notices, and wbenaoaceofiipamedwbepaidftjx. . _,* e f a *aradvertisers,and aliotbetssendlngeofflos-' maA PUul-aryh. H.itASILla, 1 A ■miElTEy and Coua«eU?rat Law, aid Commie- St : L °“'' Re/erenee«-Pm«biirrh: Iloa. W, Forward, then. E® *,?Wler, k McClare', Jobe e! Park«! Patella A Semple, McCord A Kuig. aml4-ly , BIDWELL CO.; 7 ' ohipm. Pa. Ferry Pm Office.) —Bttlat -ptmintnUy loefttod'Ci thU Discs, s ««ri ud MtaUßlial IVhirt&u, *«lj f ®*o4fo r wardpxojftp'iTwalipoißt*cii thorivoi tod tSaadf *nd Bmtct or Ohio f*-T»*T, >Bi Co : Clssrow, Jons li-jcia ■ - u * c °* WX.XAI ““ w » • -Ciia «. CWSBA.TX 3JAOAWT, WOODWARD ft OOmB G». iD «e«i.Wft3m Mfcitei at, Phjlrtgfgttg. j - • Plttob»ffh Vijf ' Swi* J owdc ,7> MorUlic u« Salphnric o *** W * ter llrw < Wow Ferry. f7*d*rick Brass. : Oeern Reiirtr T>RAUN fc REITER, WhoWalci snd St 3 Dreg. Wiwr o f liberty sad Si CUlr nteeu, Pitt- ' • - yys« p*. ; tpj CA* MeANULTY.fc CO, Forwarding 'w»d Com* • Pinion BXerclumti, Canal Dnnn, fitubbrxh. •***• U i’. • mrJ —H.'ORAYr, Wbole.aJ o Grocer, CoanE a iJcu and • Forwarding Merchant, No. 41 Water it., J'iuj. fw- i uvi In Andrew K Heroine HBEIBT, FLEHIRG * CO., IOMMIBSION MERCHANTS—For the Mle'efDo 'BUtrJc.Wooien, and Cotton Goods; alspicealerain Wadi ox Tailors’Trinnainsa, No IX7 Wood at. 4th doer ftom Fifth, PitUbnrah. . * . Beferctieo-Messie. ffa. A. BUI A Co, Bankers janSS - ; a. laiu.} ww. a. tavta. • *■ Cairo m mvis, rjo»maon meboHants uJ’biu Broken \>rio 114 Becoad atreet, I*insbtngh. i tBB 7 TO&MHTSfeNNEIT, W&K'SSKSV Ju ♦ CoJ Wholesale Grocers, Comnuuiaß; and For wardlna Merchants, and dealers . AIOUUAN, Wfcolewle Drarjoit,anj deal* wriftDyo Staffs Faints, Oit», Varnishes, kt% No. 5 Wood street, os* door Booth of Diamond Alley •' EttntvlL ■ ■- -• • •: •-• •• \.ap4*~-- J AHSBDAL2 ELL, Wholesale Grocer, Coeun-wion w Merchant, and dealer in Proio*e and Pimbanrh Marwflietaw. Nom Water irt, Pittubarxlu *&A. ISSUM wetot, . >L - TBAIAH.DICkEY A Wholesale Grocers. Corn'* X arnica Mereheast, and dealer* in Prbdace, Water, and 107 Front streets, Pittsbareb- cor3 _eo«n B. bliwontt.-, ■ ■■■ .—Joseph Dit worth- T A DILWORTH A CO., Wholesale Grocer?, and • Aeeaufot Hstard Powder Co., No. 87 Wood ft, fiatbartb. ; . v. dcs.*.’ Drasflit aid Apothecary «tt three door* abore Third at. pitta l •JJPtWUI hate eoaitamly tm hand a well selected a*;. frt,hMt Medicisn, which ha JS£r WMSfiaNa lermiTPhTslelanr IKSnftST^Jfo* attended to, and rap- opon a* pennia*. - , JihC Prtwnpuoa* wjlTbe accnratelr and M ** ***•*•* *1 wy hoar of sai, eUtgeatoeho* fresh and rood Ttrfm John wtitim - ... . ass&ES&ss*.- w«s°ini JSfKSSSJsI m tire comer frf-Wat«r and Hmhss.m * JlSwuihKM*W ioiil'cJnS.Tim'SSk;.;’’ u4AnU> of Ik. Bu W«SM«m Barir Mo. dotntar and 9* front atreata, PtnabafK'* * a **' laal. .. . -- • , .i - f BfiHboSfiAKER * CO, !)««*«« J - ldaBd Wood atreet, Pitabanth.- ■ : r^Sj l * MELtuiCWhOlCiale and (UuUdeaTe ' hi taJCaaieoOdMasioal-Ins»?eats, School Boose . four,Sates, Stool Pcns.Qsm*.Pciiite»'Carda, u ■ScaiarT gene rally,No. al Wood PUaharjh. lypiftboirtierutMi Intmiia ■ . t«in< -T— &-OAN WEf.U, (Uta of worren, Ohio,) conou. Va aloo and porwardlßir Mercbsn,asd wholusio • daaitt In Weetera Reserre Ch*C»e, Balter, pot and r Peart Aah. asd Wesurn Prodaee r o Matt between Bmlthfield end Wood, Pittsburgh. Ik'h 4 jont'A t'onrardlny and Commission Mcr .•harts; Dealers ja Predate a*d Pinabarfh ctana* aired articles, Canal B*tln, acafr?th»t.. i ap* pxaijiait pimBOOB,pAi-. ; XTJSNNBEDV, cniLDS A OOu Uanufactorers o> IV. m mertor <4 Saaettnx. Carpet Chain, Cotton - . l*3o»ly* .... -Bu'c. HTOOaTON*. . T ATE Johns toa & Sloe hum, 800 KB ELLER, STA XiTtONBB, PRINTER, and BINDER, eoxocrof jWtaaadltoAstrteaJPimfiirib, Pa. (y3MtF U i, BUSINESS C!ABT>S MnS 21 te^ mDOW,,OL As a PtaibilrtS Sl* ™“ 1 ' bMW <*» Km is! Beeoal, jrtltf w. ccumanm. «. buhcah, - - a. ccmtnwHiKi o. trooghoatthe_Palied States. " y *£{“ I - » orT - , rma. mu me, M imS” ' feS®f^aaS2S& ; s*®.aatffisssf i s?sass* 1 o« Btyaoun- . . ' [ ■ • ! lil^^ssss * > Zz® p ~s“ Pricfli is cub, ouj u ,n h-,^- eottng y W COUK—7O 6ii, choiee FuEjlt; *» ' —* J. SsO brli aoperfßej . • • I ■ &3 brU Fine, arnvinx, rod foritte br -BUg— TTroOLpiafoTO lfaejitbUe, ihey biTt Ulren'ibe t3 J,\ w*rebo«« ktmetlj occupied bj the tne Hr Solomon Sehßjer,ll4Second creel. UtvinE alaxre «tem?? or S ct,ms £>"• WlLLl&na* OOm^ 0 UlfL TITIJpLESALE tc RETAIL FAMILY GROCERS, T V Ferwaidiag ud Committioa Mereboats, and dealers la Coo»urPM—lmporter* of Sod* Ath ud Bleach* Powder, Na.IOQ Liberty ttrtct, (oppoeiw Sixth *tt*ui.Pltt*b*t«h. • • - r l ■ w ■ « P n , WW. WiLsaJ<,.Wjjciie*,Jewelr77BifTer Ware • end- Military Good*,' corner ofhltrkel ud Foanfa itieiu, Pitufimeß. p*. N. B.—Wctobe* ud Clock* care folly repaired. . : *pl7 wic tcvh*. . roan a.'*’ccint XtTW- YO UNO & Co., Deilew ia Let) her, Hide*. f y* 143 Liberty meet. ' jufclr ' -WM^xVanneoii.—- -aotr. icwicmoa. \xr , 4fcß. MeCtrrCBCON, Wbo!e**lff Grocm, lj*>.dorter*_ln_Fiodßce*Juoa,lN*iiarGl*i*, ua Pituharxa Maaafutar# feaeraliyi Liberty *tr*tt.— Pitubawfa. _• 1 jaal? _ _ CO-PARTTTKIt.UIP. T: HAvE taken.'WAL baitnetanp wttk X ao in mf buiaecH wbiek will from thU ma bo i««me4eana4ertienuneof ft JebnParktr4Co.” . i - Alarcb laij ISM. • : —JOHN-PARKEH.. Join Parker .♦~.WlHlaii CMT. - , . JOHN FAHKIEII * CO., j fVAcltptlt Oncer/. IkaUri tfiFroJact,- Fcmgn ' ‘ Z^mar'i, " Old 2fcf«i • • : fitf>Br«b.P w, muua mam, - jocsva oticu.- " PALDEBi OABSA * CO| I ' tGoeeetion'to nsiurjv Binni'* Co!) - ! T>ANKEBB, EXCHANGE BKOKERO, an* dealm ■D in FnreirTi ujd pomeitio. Eithatre,' Cenlflciref of Dcporite, B£nk Notei, end Specie—North .wen -Conor of'Wood aed Third ttreeu. Current Attncy tat fit*. . collection* mode on nearly «u the principal oaiata the United State*. ~ - : . r • The hJf heat premiatn paid tor Portifn and a«w e MISCELLANEOI WH.KHS H&LL, ' FOURTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. THWmagnifleent eatabUahaent being now cem- T £* d * tot badness, the proprietor wonld » ,hlfe ofthepiiblje patrenwe. J»msw , iK2 r t^ rtflr faU attention to the badness, m make the hoaae a pleasant and comfortable retort ettuena of Pittsburgh and for the conn try Good attendant* will bo In waiting, and ererrei emensudß to reader the ettthUihmeat wonhy foe e SS? SS? »npponof u intelligent eommviure. —The TWO BPACIQUB BALLS, flued for Parties, “2 pallid meeting*, will iw " «■*. ™ - libeal Jm. « *2 a ,RESTAURANT, tqn.l In «,!« .nd 5h??p»? SS? * kepi feralttaed with Pure Wfnea* Choice liqnore. Cordials, Porter*. 0 eo vt ! i* h a-"^ rt * bmeal,of I JIo * e aMn! PpeHry, Game. Fiih, Soap, Oyster*, and Claim, torrod np In the beat «ryle. ’ ’ tW?.?i£P iand or make, ic order the besi article in lieu lino, at their old aland, No. 13 St. No * M Market meet, second story, entrance Inlhe Diamond. Veaitian Shuten "f u> order, and old blind* netxiy repaired. aplO __ W.4J.QUBSH, Bookßinder*. ITE areatill eng ag«l la the above basinet*, corner rf ot .Wood end Third tweets, Pitubnrgh. where ** w* prepared to do any work in our line with des. rmcfa. We attend lo oar work personally, and «atu lection wfll be (ino in regard to iti »nelrA:fia..Jßv ATfarav. BENNETT a BROTHER, QUECNSWARE MANUFACTURERS, “ B»nhlithtw,{i*ar PitUbargh,] Pa. No, # 37 "Water xf,* htveou Maria and Wood, PtXZtbvrgh, IBAWlLLeoastantly keep on hand a good aaaort* memos Ware; of oar own mattnitcnire.end lapenorqnaJny. Wholesale and eoantry Met ehtots are respectfully invited to call and ex maun* for themselves, at w* are determined u> sell cheaper than his ever belbr* been-eferedtothe pab by mailjaeeompanied by iheeatb 01 ood will bp promptly attended to. mil tfSTW COACH FACTORY, M. AXLXCXXITT. A. WBRB A 00- wonld mpectfoliy inform . patlie that they haTe creeled ashopen i*acoek,bett»ocn Federal «rd Ssndaeky nrect*. la e y are asw making and are prepared to receive order* for eV«Tde*eripiieti of vehicles, Coaches, ChaHot’s, Da rouebo*, Doggies. Phonons, Ac., Ac., whieh from then lope experience in the manoActiire ofthe above work, and the faciUues they have,they feeiconfidenUberara 1 enabled to do work on the man reasonable (arms with : these wanting articles in their lino. 1 attention to the selection of mate rials, andhaving none bat competent workmen, ihey nciiunoa Ut warranting their work. We therefore ask the attention of the paLUc to this matter ■ N. B. Repairing done in the beet manner, and on the BtoaueaionaUe , JaSO.t/ mt. I.ICU7E - .■ IUtUUDUI. ICAXFE * ATKIHSOS. £?55J3J r rE? 7X * a w&0!> * CT nmnui, f>ONTQUEu) m*naJ'acrani *ll kind* of COPPER, V/ TIN AfiOSHEET IRON WARE. AJjo, Bl*ck? smith Work. ’ Slesjxi Boats btlit to order. Special attention given to tttant boat work. „““ Te «5 hand* a fine assortment of Copper and liras Kctllca,Ti-n fftn,fcg.fce. SteafctboalCooiiELng Stoves, Portable Forges, various itzea—a very convenient ar» Ode for steamboats, California coimau, or rail road companies. ’ Jve would Teipeetftally incite steam boat men and oQten too all and ko otr article* and prleaa befon parch aaing al scwhere. JT jy Wrought and Out Iroa BaUla(. rpiffi sabaerfber* beg leave to Inform the pnbUo that J.. *h®y. obtained from the But all the late and fashionable designs for Iron Balling, both for houses ana cemeteries. Person* wishing toproeare band tome pane nil will plcate eall and examine, and Jsdro for tbemseivea. Railing will be famished at the shore* est notfoe, and in the best manner, at the corner oi Craig and Rebecca streets, Allegheny city. *°g»-d'>f A. LAWONT t KNOX. WIXiLIASX DIOBT BEGS leave io Inform hi* friends and customers tha be is just receiving hit new spring stock of Goods comprising, os usual, all the newest and most fashion able styles of Cloths, Catilaieres. fancy Vestings, cot ton end tinea summer staffs, and every ariicle saitubls for gentlemen's wear for spring and summer. It l»«inr impossible to deseribe the beauty, quality. or quairity of the stock, the proprietor hopes ail who ate in want of nod, cheap, fashionable, snd well made clothes, win rive him a call, as there is no stock this side or the Alleghenies that ean compare with It. The ready made department is very extensive, adap ted to all tastes. Rail road contractors, country merchants, and ail who purchase largely, are particularly invited to ex amine the stock before purenasing, as particular at tention is paid to the wholesale badness In this estab lishment Every article la the tailoring line made to order In the most fashionable and best manner, at the shortest notion. ujrfn HOTICK fT*HE partnership heretofore existing under the Arm A ®f AA C BRADLEY,is dissolved by the decease o*-Mr. C Bradley. The business will be carried on by A Bradley, ,whe will settle the business of the late arm. REMOVAL—A Braslxt has removed his Foundry Warehouse frem’No Ilk Second street, to No IP Wood street, between First and Second streets, to the ware* house lately G A Berry, where he will keep eonsianliy onhundmgeneral assonmealof Cast tags, Orates, Stoves, Cooking Stoves, Ac. jyta IABOEIi ReSBLVT, V|TANUFACTURER OF CAST STEEL, and No.l IxJL and No. X American Blister Steel. Also—Brat Cast Steal Files, of all sizes; and Blacksmith and Shoe Rasp*, always on hand and forssle, either at his ‘*Ea gle Steel Work*," O'Hara street, Ftfth Ward, or at the office in the Iron Store of BOLLMANS A GARRI SON, No foot of Wood struct, Pittsburgh. OIRCDLAR. We, ths undersigned, having used, wuh entire sat- Istscoon, the Cast Steel and Files made by Samuel MeKelvy, at bis Eagle Steel Works, in this city, take pleasure w tceommanding them as eaual in oualttT to asy overused by us, of foreign manafaetura. FitUbuigh, March 13.18 W, w o A J 11 BHOENBERGBR A CO, Masafaeturen of Iron and Nalls, Pittsburgh, Pa. . KNAPP A TOTTEN, Iron Founders and Machinists, Pltuburgh, Pa. “ , COLEMAN, HAILMAN A <5O, Manufacturers of Springs, Axles, Spring Steel and Rivets, Pittsburgh, Pa ... fawmpaber. Engine Builders and Machine Card Manufactu- rers, Pittsburgh. Pa. A FULTON, Brass Foatuler, Pittsburgh, Pa. URAPP.LINFSAY AGO, Macnfihturers of Iron and Nails, Pittsburgh, Pa JOSEPH TOMLINSON, Locomotive Engine and Ship Builder, Pittsburgh, Pa. Marble Manufacturer, Machine and Engine uSd ~OUW ' «r, Hiitaburch. Pa. Diaiolmtlom or PartoersHlp, THE Partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the firm of Chambers; Agflew A Cm, Glass Manufacturers, was dissolved by mutusl consent, cn the first day of July, instant. All persons knowing themselves Indebted to said firm are request td 10-make paymentto either of the partles,wtthoDt delay, and allpetsoas having unsettled accounts with said firm, are invited to present them for settlement Immediately. ALEXANDER CHAMBERS, JOHN AONEW, Jytedfim D. IL CHAMBERS. ■ OTICE, fTI I lE, owners and consignees of goods arriving by J.. ths ‘'Citizens’ Portable Boat Line," will : please taao notice that they will be required to pay freight at our warehouse, according to the receipt, before the aie removed.- C A MoANULTY A CO and uissuuag FJald. Draterions—Pat the clothes into cold water and let them soak over night In tec morning wring them out and 'pat them into a ketiie of boiling water, to which add the proportion of one pint of Add to eight gallons of water—stir It op and boll the whole twenty minutes. The clothes may then be wrung out and well rinsed in clear cold water. The parts of gai mvnts that may be most soiled, such si wristband* andeolitrs of shirts, may be slightly rubbed before rinsing, and the clothes will be found perfectly clesu, white and clear. Warranted art to injure the finerl fabric and to give perfect satisfaction, or the money will be refunded. Bo. INSURANCE. Auoeuud Rtrmui'i laiuanei Com. puty of Um City of Pittilrargli, CAPITAL 0300,000. J. K. MOOREHEAD, Pmn-W. W.DALLAS.geo’T THE Company I, now prepArsA to Injure against FIRE and MARJNR RIBPWaIi kinds. OJfrct, Second iStor yyiSSfcjßa Hall. J. K. Moonhead,' Wo. A. Hill, R. 11. Hartley, R.B. Simplon, Joihua Rhodes, Wo. M. Ed car, Edward Great. A. P. Ansbstx, Wm. Coi linrwood, B. C. Sawyer, Chas. Sant, Win Goman.' ISBOBASOK. f|WE DELAWARE' MUTUAL SAFETY INBD* JL RANCE COMPANY.-Offleo North Boom of the Exchange, Third street, Philadelphia. Fna litsenAitcx.—Buildings, Merchandise andothdr property, in Town nod Country, insured against ion or damage by fire, at the lowest rate of premium. . Moats* Lucusci^- I They also insure Vessels,Car. goes and Freight*, foreign or coajiwise,iinderopen or special policies, as tho assnred m*y desire. IntAiß) Tauttyoirsno?*.—They also laser* marsh* andiso transported by Wagons, Bail Road Cars, Canal uoats and Steam Boats, on rivers and lakes, on the most liberal terms. piRECTORS-jowph 11. Se«l, E,m»n4 A. Bonier, John 0 Davis. Robert Barton, Joan R Penrose,Sami ol Edwards, Geo G Leiper. Edward Darlington,' Isaac F w “ FolweU, John ffewlia, Dr R M Hasten. Jaa C Hand, Theophilus Paalding,' U Jones Drools, Henry" Sloan, Han Craig, George Berrilt, flpe Ira a 52*2“* Charles^KellyT? G Johnson, Wm Hay,Dr 8 mSS2d ohn BftHwWm Eyre, Jr? DJRECTCRS AT pITTSBUBSh-D T Morgan, Hngh Craig, John T Logan. _ Q WILLIAM MARTIN, President nieasan 8. Niwbold, Sec’yi o-WT °C lilo Company.lTo: U Water street, Pittsburgh. HanSSotf PV A. MADEIRA, Agt T »»4 HiMtb Uivrtatt! Ufo ud Hesitfa loaonse* CoßnnaT 2 Rato town tsa* act P»am> rAWA Coxtact, *nd fall » per toau low tx o»«q the asoAl mcai of Ufo laaoraace, as the following -coib pariaon wUI show: Thaa, a persoa of the are of 30 in •onnj fortlOO for hfcl maat pay la the Girard <3,36 Peanrrlrani*, «2^C,> enn Nataal, <3,00; Eattitasll P&i New York Life, <±3B: Al? bwn, Llftmnd Heall, Philadelphia, «#. Dincron—Samact 0. Omck, Charier D. IUII, W. fcRW ,? e &«I p - Charles P. Hajea, M. W. M v *®7eTH. D-, Chaa.o. B. Campbell, Lewia Cooper, 1. Rodman Barker, E. H. BnllerTEdwin D - Orta*, Vice Pre*. d P Secretary—Fraacla Biaekbsrse. Apphcauoaa Will be rccalgeii.andaTgt-f lafataweilan « h, “ b T SAUL. FAHNEOTdCK, _ Once, Commercial Rooms, corner of Wood and "Hurd |ts, Pittsburgh vtiub Ain> barisb isnißAiicß,' TUB INSURANCE CO. of Nerth America - will and limited Inanrance oa pco- TlelnUy, and cn sfclpaenu by guakJUvera > Lakcm udbprsuh an trail* Si?^Tvf r tie ““Pj® U»l«®alty of all penes* whe ®** ..J 0 ”® protected by intaranee. _nrylß WM. P. JONES, *>4 Bferlai Ibiiuuci< T ,U A,?J PIC . E °1 1118 la*amnce Company of North •ut ofWcSd “ M h* 60 tea6T#4 to No. HI From at -,M^ nb,ertbef ’ “S 6 ?* for the above eld and reapoa «ola Company, wul tssae Policies on Doildinn and «<> on shipments of Merchandise by steam Boats and othervessels - I|d w. p. JOMTS. Soiem and Antique Knnltnre. JASKI W. WOODWEI ~ ~ I V"* o **”*? Makersc an be aappllcd with all sorts ! of Mahogany, Walnat, and Veneers, at considerably redneed onees. ' HERSEY, FLEMING & CO. UAVB VI FROM THE MANUFACT ERN MANUFAOI White-Flannels, all Wool. Red do do Yellow do do Brown do do Black Satinetu. Steel mixed do Blue Jo Drab d„ Black Ctiumeii Fun,')' oo Fancy Tweeds Super Black Broad Cloth. Super Brown do Super Green do Super Twilled do Super Biaek Doe Skins Super Drub Css tune ret. Super Brow* do Super Black do California Blankets. Scarlet do Blue do Drab do Grain Bagging. Brown LnOs; At the Matu/heturefs* Pitta burgh DlaaolmUosu '■’lib copartnership heretofore existing between the X subscriber*. in the name of Constable, Burke A £°» “ l J u i‘* ajr dissolTCd by mutual consent. Messrs. Burke A Barnes will settle the basinets of the concern, for which purpose they arc authorized io use the name of the concern. NATHANIEL CONSTABLE, EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS BARNES. The undersigned have this day associated themselves In the ntme of BURKE A BA ft NEsTtor the hdow of manufacturing Fire Proof Safes, Vahlt Doors, Ac. “C-t *ii be of.rfio Ist© firm of Oo ns table, Burke ACo, where they will be pleased to receive the patron-' age of the customers of that house and theirfnenda. EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS BARNES. In retiring from the firm of Constable, Bake A Co., I with sincere pleasure recommenAJUessrs. Burke A Barnes to the confidence of my fiieids and the public. fcbliiT NATtiANIELCON STABLE 8 Os AURRTIIVOV HAS Just returned from the Eastern dues, and l n receiving a lam variety of seasonable Goods, to *mehhe respectfully invites the atteniionof mereh an» and pedlars. No B 4 Wood sL f e bn WALL PAPEH-Wrr. MaXSEOLL la eon«t*ntty receiving, from the largest munufuctorle* in New lork and PhlUdelphta, and alto from French agencies, the newest sod moat approved style* of Pa per Hangings, together with Border*, Fire Board Prints, and Tester Tops '- For aaie at 63 Wood at, be n Diamond alley, (successor to i C. Mill.) #p4 * brisjastreo*d per steamer, and for sals by the barrel or Single pound at the Dreg, Beed, and Perfumery Warehouse, comet of Wood.streeu. B N WICKERS HaM. T BTOVB POLIEO UE Fbtenlx Msnofactoring Company now offer to tha pubtio their Premium Chemical Stove Polish; and without exaggeration,or fearofcontradiction,by those who hay* tested it, pronounce it far superior to any other in the market The consumer oend haveoo apprehensions of soiling carpets, Ao- aa its corn position preveou a dust from arising when beltig *». plied, which must be done when the Stove is eolu ' ■r ■ ? quantity required u so Hula to produce a beau urni lustre. A savtog of over fifty per ceni is Insured to the coosemere. A coating applied to Stoves, pipes, Ac., when laid away for the summer, ia a lure pre-- yentative against rust After having tried it once, (if It is accessible) no person will use any hat the Phanix Manefaetaring Coopany'a Premium Chemi cal Stove Polish. For sale by 8 N WICKERS HAM, myfi Comer of Blxtb aod Wood urease; piTTBBUpon nousuixaG stork, Corner oll’enn and StCitir street*. ITTM. ALEXANDER A SDNS, Furnishing Undef- Vf takers, where every article (or Funeral and Mourning parposat ean be got on reasonable terms. )yU;d3m ROfiIBLBAR ZINC. THE Vieille Montarne Company supply their agents with Roofing ana Flooring in abeets 3x?fcet,ne, a* it does not rest, la not affeeted by the action of water, and may be polished, painted, and japanned Samples, models, plana specifications, and other Information maybe had of tbelr agents:— N’CaXL A Brsono, New York; Atxudsx. Roixtxs A Co.. Boston; Natbaii TioTrxA A Co., Philadelphia; W. A 11. MeKoi, Baitiaoret; SLaxx, Dat A STAurrxa, New Orleans: F. SILLIROUX, Resident'Agent, 8 Hanover su, New York. Uege, September fc— sep3:dfim BRV BOOKS. THE Autobiography of Leigh Ham; with remio- Uceneem ot mends and eon temporaries, ia R vols. Carlyle's Latter Dif VUJ,iKbjnt, Jesuitism. History of DariustbeGreaL ByJocobAbbott,with togiavings. Julia Howard,» Romance. By Mrs Martin Bell, Pictorial Field Book of the Revolution.—No fi. The above works received this day, and Are tale by R C STOCKTON augfid Cor. Market A Third st.' ttsaa'i Psamsashipeidicepy Becks, fftllE above books having been Introduced into a public and private schools In Pltuburgh aiad'AUo* ibeny. the author has appointed ths sabscritsr axtet tor their sale in this city. Tcscbm snd others will be gepplied utpnhlisheri* stated in elrsulsi. J H MRLLO*. ■ i i p m DAIIiY GAZETTE. f H Haw Books.' • - • and Remedy. rßy Dr. Moore .,* d ffcijdWi''mwl- ' BtUio antfagr d • l fiVi.„^ eld ’ Nonßia '»Brtd«/*Cite. ” V? m *P®oi«ae*orßobtBo6th*y-»pan&- MW BOOKIr ORaMMaR—The Bttlbh latnon In Ik aUitSS*" 11 *&""»Wto afistory de,i «»«4 iu in college* anff reeent pregreu of Aitronomy! sa ByEUaeLoomit - > Pcnth 0 Hnntar’a in the far interior of notleet >f the native tribes, anbiTh«e. Ttie Wcusher. Tho White tod EMBous. Nuct S" 1 * AliUote*. Where ra_no«rihßjia_Mtlebaruhad- La Serenade. t*p 7 *R?L»,« «f 146 Ky«eri«* of the Coart of t?°. * of y»** laterestidg work baa been received at Holmes’ Literary Depot, llurd street •K 7 EUetFp*TTf, or Trials OUriai GecrfO Ctauiol, aarnamed Seanderbef Kmjr of ATMae. or Clement C. Moore, L- L. D; and No 33« o< LitteU’a Ltring A| iilt Bioiividr 1 C *l2 , * B Cloih, Ait Bed*, Air Pil pffift£ I Tt Cß * U^?*' W *“ r Tobacco Ptrachet, niblßg Boom, Cost*, CapfZciofcks, Tarpaslinl Qorr*, Mitten*, Pouches, Waw, ElasticaTrnraca. B P'! n ni MeeWae Banding. Sou*We«er£ r??. £UBlanket*; Piper Holders —Preserver*, Bus, tiisau But. BwhiU Matt,T>oU*> Head*, DeX Lioni/S oddie P*sf» D*h*. Foot B*U*7 Ladle*' Waah Glovev Gon Sbo es. Gena’ Gam Bhoe*,Lefrin«, A* "tf ?* Util jPP®***** all the caaraeteriaue* mw.i«, *l*:—iMolebtliry under, any degree of BexiblUry in ike senna coldTireit daSbSitr! lfehtwo, perfect Impervious* e**, a St freedom from N-tS". Wri 01 ”""' - JAH PHHJ4PB HOUSE ASIGN PAISTIITUand Staling, prompt. If and neatly ereented. asm'JSrnXS, ™ i* ondymood, that we M?«£L P SJ B 2?*. tnd ? ,txlfl F M cheap a* any other &*“**■£* u urn eltjr, and are de tannine a to do it. -“P" J A H PHILLIPS pOUBSELL'd EXTRACTS, BOAPfi. Ac.-Jeaer ALW Extract; Wen End do; Jockey «hzb do: flower* do; Jenny Lind Hair Glen; Aromatic tX-.CVi AS* Poachin ®°*Ci for whitening the tXin, Almond Shaving Crettni ROie da do; Am. S*WJ“ i°i «?»? Bo»Pi Floating do; Amandine *t?V** u A°i Hoao d« hfarakaallow dot 1 B . ro^ n Wlndior do: Bear*. Oreaie; Ac. 4 |, ® T .l tl# ' wfaeleai Je “4 retail, by B E, J9 1 * 87 WoodTu 41 Wita »t. laptrler Icotch mad Xrlah WUikay, H* 1 ' Wtt » *V* C > Brandies of didareqt vintage* audit rand* ta half, quarter, and octave*. Imported and for aale by ttpMrfeodlm 8p—»8 jo Wrii&ffy^rtetohia MBS? A*? D ?X e AtNTB of all Mnd*j«m*mat ly M hand -of the ben quality; alaoTvamiahea. wajeed« reedtam and heavy, from 4 to 6 yard* wide, al! of "ScJF.TtS I VJV* P," I *™? and cat to any given sis*. StojltlAd* F * cloli ». «0 yd* M do; 100 dozen asaorted abe* Table, Stand, and Roman 6iiciouu “ jd * m anSS/al/n a °^P l^ Stain,•••onedpattenu; «H oreen 011 for Window Blind*. 300 yard* H do. Window Shade*, a lure of oewen styles. Merchants tad other* .wishing to purchase, ere is* I “ d , oar assortment of goods, watch «ui be sold et the lowest eastern prices. J4H PHILLIPS 7 ft 9 Wood A C E 9, CdUB8 ' BOA)N9, BUS- ssKAsagr lle*|htuU| A PeeKlDf BltahlUhaiiai FOR &KBV. T Pm ‘ *» 4 B«< ««B|hUtim 111 &siof2S^SL Be . i ® teai l ir »J u,4 - hu one tbonsand ■asrSsS 3 ®# I *^ i**®?’ M there are adeableflee aieuc boiler l) Bwm C SS *}»***• b * bocffbi ahem “ Cincinnati end many other li . n d If* 1 neceuery.M boats may be •h!mfn# diS?. P ii in ! l Ho,u< * and *• keiilhet tor to New Vork tha kii«nr S«Jh. f ® y 1« r*l{Utmr*h, or ro efihe vi*.Jr!in» T ‘*.^« w OTlc*n», ere et etl eea»oae S{“2* ftf-f?, 1 1, / e< l«el ip those afforded by Clnctnnaa Applications torrential to ALKX.H.WCOUFPBY, Attorney el Lew. Cincinnati: -KU-Mi o'* 0 '* r^.‘^g'' BELI ' — • fSclctaOar. j**A BARKS*, A ™.. «sasSs,? f rsr^,A l «T. d.. ™SSbi!W£2!ISSSf **“ ■> Excellent Teas et-■ ■■ , L .. m sabertbi . fopenor Qnuitiea. .j ~.98*5^ The Beat f . * tapohed ,Li m » K. lUiSiLo? ’"U.opa A cU«fi»l «ad Ear Emb OTer//D 1 ““"I**«B«pt. n«L ?rtßftbetrte<£;’ WCUtia, .*b3r«> career of Wood §U: Ea'yf" I *' IJ:S:gS2^g,- .^SSPr^^Sßßfcwa BOOKS MOBIG, &c. Waw flam. PIISTUQ. OLL CLOTHS. at just received 1 doz extra do COPAL VARNIfIU—7 barrel*; U keg*, *0 gmlieach; 10 keg* IS do; >0 Jo, MEDICAL W*™ PBOC3fcAaA*iOB. IK£?sS»l£lMu® *™?.* k Mi ftfftcud with dim SSSI*^ ,ll f Jo oUvores, running lurere, ftc. thsi they cao bo aredhr tskln* the p». baithisdoe*not makeitso, for h * of "* tto “n community*that ****•, D6 * JMlaiaed to any* other • ;The ms# whoia racked with pain and sof £2?fr2i? a «i bea ff’ caa fo r aft y cent*, jet reliaf ton any-ofthe ills efittmorated above. Reader! it costs ,vpry iiulo to make atrial. This .5“ tare—no eompond, put op for the panose ofunooainc «a the community: bat it Ist remedy elaborated tv , the master hand oinaiure, and bubblesnpfromthcbn .eWUofdurmotherearthinlui original parity, and of. Jcretowacringhumanl-.y a ready remedy, a certain and cheap car*. , ! ' It has cured Piles after ether medicines have failed readdr any relief L has cared Kheaaaiiimoflone . standing, and of the wont and most painful character, lulu eared Cholera Morbns by one or two doses: it tas cored old cases of Diarrhea, In which every other remedy bas been of no avail. Asa local remedy in borsi afid scolds, il it better than any medical com-: poondcf dintnjenlthatweknowof. ft will car* chil blains orfrosted ie?t,ln a few applications; undoubt ed testimony can be furnished of the troth contained in the above statement by callingoa Samuel M. Kier, Canalßasio, 7th street; or either of the agents. Kerscr ft McDowell, eorner of Wood street and Viryfa AHeyrß. e. Selim, 57 Wood street, D. A. El* llot ft D-M. Carry, Allegheny city, are the agents. ianjl TJKAUTY—It Is universally conceded that beauty U IJ more common lu tbitcountry than in any other, while at the same timeitis »tlu 'ha tin no other eoan uyuu lost at so young ;uu ag« Now this is true to a certain extent,but tah loss u often caused by ne glect Wo soy to ail, do'noi neglect your personal apoearance, but read the'followlng, and y*n need ooi lack good looks. These irtlcles are scientific pre paration?, and have all attained * Dish popularity. aJ nK I ”* p M ! s Eau Dm:t« d* VatnrsaKS Nl*TB Hoar, for removing tan, sunburn, pimples, blotches, ana other creptiont ot the skis; "the most perfect con servetor ofbeautr every known. Purchase nothing purponittg to be Nymph Soap, unless it has my name Psp*** oaCnunui Povniu,for im- P*™og to the most bilious complexion a radiant . la nothing shouldja person be more care •P. than the use pf a powder for thn skin, as many of ttoae told are very injurious." | My Chinew Powder Is ooapouadcfl in a scientific manner, and contains no ■nrredient whieh can possibly inflict an injury. Jttxi llaokL’s Dotlatobt’Powbs*, for removing wperflaoas hair. What is more unsightly .than haft upon the face or arms of a lady. This article will instrument * lllOll wlltollt lhe use of any thorp Liquid Hat* Dt* will “ wd, white, or gray hair,a V^ Wll ’ ®* auburn eolor. it will J SJ? •honer time, and more effectually than any other Dye, being at the same time indeliible «*»**•*» Saavow CnmuL—lt is really a plea •are to shave whh this cream. There is none of the smarting actuation usaally experienced in the me of most Soaps. On the contrary, it leaves the skin smooth M *° m* l Do ‘ liable to become mi ®“* T «rb PXsxt-Next to the hair, *■!.*«. Teelh were uuended as the greatest orna’ SWM 0 ®” bat when neglected, nothing or “ «I ttiek| r wen. My Rosa Tooth the teeth a pearly whiteness, at the tamo tunc keeping the gums firm and healthy. n£!lk f?, , complete assortment of Freneh, British,andAmeriean PerftimeTy aod Fancy articles. JULES IIAUEL, Perfumer and Chemist, p . . . ISO Cbestnat street, PhiJa. For sale wholesale and retail, by li. a. Fahnestock 45 * B. fcSeUera, Pittsiurghj and John Bar genuand j. MltrbnU. AJlegheny City, Pa. jyg7_^p ... —o vis 01 Mercury.Ae. tttei or Prowy, Expoaure or Iraprudenie m C&* Afro—Chronic Qonititutioual IXsorderaTfre. Tin medicine fata acquired a very extended and established repaiaiion wherever it has b&n used, b ** ed entirely oa iu own menu, which Sroertor Srs?-^L?]? ne The nn/onajiiie victim. 77 Uh i wMn * ,and *> 4»*nteu!d 1 £“,!»?»“? *P BM h L' f eariouL hn been r£iwred to I £s!w r Tbe icrofuloui patient! covered with ulcer*, loathsome to hlmielf and hlsaiwdtnu : w . holc * , Ilnnd « d * cf pc non a, who i R?S?, d h “r« J «»'T for rear* ond-, c Ul , neoai ana glandular disorders, chronic rheumatism. and many other complainu ipriutin* ftoia h derenrcmern of theaccretive oinai and the eirculni.on. have been r«ui-J>» a were from the rook of di«-« 3 , and now 5K 1 .™ , -r , .tP¥ d sl*Jlr te.tio .0 Uf emeter of Una inettimaMo prrpimion TnUTII 18 STRANGER THAN FICTION ” Tie attention of the reader ia called tothc following aMnlilunj eare, effected by the ate of BanJi’ Sana! > i>«>» » florid w.oum »bo tfl^ClC l ifQ r , U, i statrd her ease to Di » t r ßnl tor Banda' Sarsaparilla in New bern, N. C i by whom I waa advised to bis that article and to my sorerUe and that of my neighbor!, to whom her case ear known, after using four and a half bot Itei ahe was restored to perfect health, and that to the ptee of three weeks. and via a ble to work la two weeia from the time she commenced taking it. Inwitaeaa of the truth of thia statement, I hava iST" ““ 7oSsa’S^^ , #“” 1 «* “Mouth of Neuce River, Craven co. N C _ ,„ _ SORE THROAT The following j* an extract from a letter received iromM**. Bevanjwnohad been atllietedaaveralrein irtthSerofttiouaineere, Dyspepsia, fro., and recently an affseiion of tba throat ana chert:— . _ “BuiLrrsantj.Va-Dec. 13,184 A Messrs. A. D. B*3sa—Before'l commenced aaiu you Sarsaparilla, my vu&tlnge wore almoat (ttl expression: my throat was completely ulcerated. had a dreadful cough, and there were frecaentlV weeka together that I could not apeak above a whiv pery and betides,the inflammation from my throat ex* tended to my head, eo that mr hearing waiver? much ™paired. After taking the sarsaparilla a short ume! my health via improved, and tut throat ia now weUs l am as free from cough and tightness of too ehesl as ever I waa, and can lieu quite distinctly. My threat hae been well about three month*, the core of which 5*1.. v® 6 to* use of you Saras* p^,a *^. Y ® nt friend * LOUISA R.BBVAN” The following teatimoalal to tho value of the Sarsa parilla, ia from the Rev Luther Wright, and 70 raara Coogregational Minister, reiiding at Woburn. uiT a j “ Woboiii, Mau., March 30, lSIfl. Alcaare. Sanda: Gentlemen—From what 1 have ax* penanced, and from the infonuahon I have recently received from a number of persona of high respect*, bilitv who have used you Sarsaparilla. I have not the least doubt but that It Is a moat valuable medicine and that the numanma certificate* you have received or iu efficncy are fully sustained by experience, and although iu repsiaUon and utility are very extensive, and aland in no need of my humble efforts to tneroasi them, 1 want all who are afflicted by disease to be*' come acquainted with the efficacy and power of you valuable medicine. ymtV 1 ' * BOtle,ce,, ‘ * rat * fu t 1 3 (rr n HEtt I T * pecl " ,|l ' l, Prepared and sold, wholesale tad retail, by A. B. A D. SANDS, Drogyuij and Chemists, 100 Faltoa street, corner of william, New York. Sold also by Dru«. gist* generally throughout the United States and Can ad*. Fnco 91 per bottle; six bottles forts. For sale OTI.. WILCOX, Jr., D. A. FAIEKBSTOCB A CO., and EDWARD FENDIiIUCH, Pittsburgh. A* •n. bv r>» «. SMITH. Hridawmt*. fai»s4.rte&iw7 ABDICAh AID IVROIOALOVPICEt § No. DIAMOND J&LEY/V be ow Wood street, la ®B* ■HO Wl, haying been regulariyedueaied to the medical profession, and been for some tint in genera! practice, cow confines his attention to the treatment o( those pnTaia and delicate com plaints for whleh his oppovtaiuties and experience peculiarly quality him. 14 years assidnausly devoted to sway ft treatment of those compl«lmi,(dunaq3iu» 1 time ka has had mora practice and has eared mors pa- Unts than can tvsr fan to the lot of any private prac titioner) amply qualifies h»« to offer assurances of speedr, permanent, and satisfactory care to all afflicted with daUeata diseases, and all diseases arising there, from. x Dr. Brown would inform thoaealllietsd with privets diseases whlchhave become chronic by time or eg, EaVated by the tie of any of the eoramon nostrums of e day, that their eomplainuean be radically ud thcrj onghlyeuredjhe having given hi* careful aueotion to ,tha treaaaeal of inch eases, and succeeded In hundreds of instances in coring parsons of inflammation of the neck of the bladder, end kindred diieases whleh often rasalt from those eases where others have consigned them tp hopeless despair. Ife particularly invites tnck as have been long and unsuccessfully treated by others to coni alt him, when every saUifaetibnwill be girt* a and their eases treated In n carefal,thorough and gent manner, pointed oat by alone experience, •ltady,and investigation,which it is impossible far those engaged In general practice of medicine to give to Sneelif* of disease. x ffyHemla or Rapier*.—Dr. Drown also Invites par* teas afilcted with Hernia to call, ash# has psid perns' ilartnootloniothudlscas*. ' CANCERS also enred. BHa diseases; also U a, Faley, eta., speedily etr*< sax living it a dlitanea, by Stating Hair disease in writing, giving all the srm> toms, can obtain madlcinei with directions for nea. bt addressing T. BROWN, M. D., post paid, and eneW N*. U Diamond efffT,cpposits the Wavarlv Homs*, i • . ' 1 RxxxKirtsa.—Dr. Brown’s nswlydlscoTerad t*»* ■ y for Rheumatism le a speedy and certain remedy fo rat painful trouble. It never foils. ' *° One* and Private CnnauMn*: Rodm*.'Na «* m ■caatuw.ritßiKAH. 4m k srK*n»*» ■ ■ r : Bm.l :: test PHOPOBAZ.S PORUDUI GOODS. _ • Difttiaterr or nx Inrntoa. > p/fa jrf Tndt- ' ~ ~ I __ ;«/•** *f *..Jiaa Affaixt, Sift 35,i850.1 C EALJiD PROPOSALS will b* received at the office P of the Commissioner of Indian Affair*, u Wash, muon city, an til.tea o’clock os Saturday, the second next, far. fomUhia* urn following «.«« , ClejiTto, I—Bickut*. 8,100 pairs 3 point while- Mackinao blankets, to measure 60 by 72 inches, sad weigh eight pound*. • 1.900 pairs 2J point whlieMackiaao blankets, to measure 1 54 and 88 Inches, and weigh six oounda. . ' l>i 70 pain 3 point white Mackinac blankets, to measure 13 by 56 inches, and weigh five and a quarter pounds. 9co pair! 1 { point while Mackinac blankets, to measure 38 by 50 inches, and weigh (bar and ■a quarter pounds. 900 pairs 1 point: white Mackinac blankets, to measure 33 by 46 inches, and weigh three *0.6 * quarter pounds. 400 pairs 3 poiat scarlet blankets, to to e*«ure €0 by 72 inches, and welsh eiaht pounds. r 300 pairs 2| point scarlet blankets, to measure 54 by 68 iochea, and weigh aix : pound*. ! - ” jplat gr®tu Mtckinio blankets, to poukdaT M 84 ; incbes, and weigh ten 300 pairs 3 point green Mackinac blankets, to %££** 12 “ d «3h 250 pairs 2* point green Mtckintc blankets, to 100 pairs 3* point gentinella blue Mackinac Man. Vets, to measure 68 by. 8i inches, end weigh ten pounds. 8 400 pairs 3 point gentlsells blue Mtckinio bltn kets, to measure 60 by. 73 itcha*. and weigh eight pounds. 300 pain 2) point gentinella blue MacUsao bl*n> kett, to measure 54 by 66 inches and weigh ait ponods. Clan No. 2.—Dar Good*. 1,005 yard* scarlet tlronda. bOO do biaeitroada. 1,600 do fancy list doth. Woe. 760 do fancy list cloth, scarlet. 350 do fancy list cloth, green. 1,000 do gray list cloth, bine. 3.000 dn saved list cloth, bloc. 1,600 do aared list'doth,'scarlet. ' bOO do saved list doth, green. 225 posadfl worsted yam, 3 fold. 100 do*.' cditon flag handkerchiefs. 3bo do cottoo Madraajtandkerchlefs. 175 do blaek aiik handkerohiefa. • 90 do 84 coiton shawls. 60 do 64 cotton shawls. 65 do 44 cotton ahawla. 40 do 84 woolen shawls. 430 pounds linen thread. • 80 do sewing silk. 700 pieces ribbon, assorted. 150 grots wonted gartering. 34 pieces silk handkerchiefs,bark and _ C**" W». 3,—Doaotrno Goon*. 35,000 yards domestic calico 10,000 do Uerimaccalioo do bins drilling 3,000. do Georgia ■ tripes 4,000 do bhte denims * 1,600 do cottonade * 4|300._d0 bed ticking I|ooo .do Keotaeky jeans 500 do ttlinetit 7,000 do plaid limey . 7,000 do domeatie thhiing, bleached ISXWO do domealic ihlrting, tutbisaohed 15,000 do domeatie aheeting, onbleacbed e,ooo do domestic checks, striae* and nlaida 400 dozen woolen socks r 1,500 yards flannels, assorted 1,600 flannel shirts TOO calico shirts 556 pounds chiton thread 400 dozen spool cotton. . • CUu iya. 1-—Ha«owabe. 2,050 poQDda brafs kettles 270 dozen botchcT knives Qints \ 25 gross iqnaWawta {• •7,000 fi«b hooks < 1 • *•••{ r 25 dozen fish lines. *t* 23,000 needles -! •••••1 * 100 dozen combd, assorted 10 do scitaon, assorted 10 gross gnu worms •" 1,090 tin keutea [ 76 oeMsjiptnne'dkettlei, 3 in a nest _£ *i* Na - 5- AducTTunnac Itotnaktrts. ™ ’’l*® l ”*, WTJ*. « Imlw. to lenflli [, b. ?£® W'y,, d£ . tun pairs names I. .•Sl** 1 " «Mm> 4 i~- • • i ■ I.oW>«MdiDgfaoet ;;:!j ■ ■,, 175 bujd uxi ■; ' ‘ ! WmatWnwJ 7*ef|o t.jfk a f• Goods of American menifoeT™a!ftfos I *^ l ' will he preferred: bat ai all the sample* 0 i biankett and cloths are of foreign maun* fa e hM 2h» T^i. 1 * 0 nect, * ar T« wbeh.* domestic arSet* Im il Aeeeapany the bid, to enable the. Department to decide wbctheririsof etresl quality with the samples to bo exhibited Wsupply the anlelea will make J2iTssif. e fc oJ i items embraced lathe above hit. In dollars sod cents, nt whleh haw n»7rZhu t v m J"” aer *“ w “« aeptrnlaly, de ■h^^L a 7vi?» eW r X® rk » l° r lt lhe contractor prefers It, xrt h V f b« delivered in 8l ®»penso to tbo Government) on or of the quantity fl. ea s- in i c ® M *P«l6ed in this advertisement. era ?7£?.£ n * ti 6 e ” 1 ’ aggregate of the whole Sd In Ksw vSSK* *?**?• |* e P»ds wiUbe intpeo* [r‘‘ n Vm* (and m St Ismfi, if any portion of d there)by nn agent of the J a ** le *» w ho will be appointed by tte D>part mem for Ibo purpose; and to ucanaln the conformity withtha sa»3e* exUtKd. when the eoairaet shall bo made, and with the terms J itl . C °l^ Cl lu * lr > whi ch snail Domain a dense that *!*/*£*• DW within the lima pro ,liey »« «f insufficient quality In the opinion of the agent aforesaid, and if within five days ulier notice of sneh miuOdeneylthd party shall not SeufimdSs*i ll •?iM? T#of v of *W-‘«S«iSd quality, >h v. bB .«»koH*rd to purchase them of others, and to-charge any inornate of price thev SC yt if aß P e, Wre;My therefor to the e»mr*cto7 Wh n o js El iP,Vv th ® "- f /‘».ffcence to the United B the United »tiw» the diffareaea bST' tween the httsti bidden by me, (eras,) and the can riSi&Sfi" 4 BUtt * “ , ‘ ib ' o6ii »“ it “p«T(oiS Each and O' • * - 3^Bssjstfsrss,-®Sfi^ btr», ten, itu» cratriSSiSSlSSSLftjffi: and «nur tnio bond lor the -•iikin ilia Una pittcrataS ’ !*tt« .««« -^ P3 ° ’ Cain»{^ M^r ?^ |T 1 Vg,;^;; r nnvp .. . w *M> l?,? Llhß ww will bo *. Cfc!bert*o« ' ow '■ s ;9' , lbebtsci» -! »• cnratw,) : ■;'■ '■ ’■ - ; wnioL^Vv^^** 0 ®^* oiiboß,- ■ - W^^ 4^gpS¥g[J|rtCD™h«i9«lta. *» ‘“"aKf^. !:-- siiVs crs jit- —^ a ' VOL. XVIII. NO. 64 MISCELLANEOUS. FJTTSBDB6II GLIBB TOSS. A. & O. H. CHAMBERS, (tit*isuw & C 0.,) firm in^nn the cpitomer* of tire laU of window glass, vialb, bottles 4kc m . U, * lf Tarietle5 ’«the Old Stand, i-IJLriL® 00 * •*» belw »«* Pint * Water. Jy<7:d3n : inPOBTIST TO TUB AP pZiSiU, Bf. Bose’j Celebrated Htntdio. •pjR. JACOB S, RC>SE, ike discoverer and tola nm S@SiSJ.SSs FSSSeSSES&Sb ninpuon, jCMMh, SerdimeT jHoS? g"J* ol'jdl kiiidJSoSKSt stn,ca[e5 tn,ca[e di'M*C« PccbUbiL not o«e of one compoond oulr formal hii, 2«&d?mS('dte 4 ““ d •^s^sSLi^^.ssa-ff s^igsaSfrtK3 *any,«aUafied that abate trial u ttjtho;ent to r-«ia?>ii«k W T?. h JSn b t!2 * B H in minds of the mott skeptic*?, Th* afflicted in invited to call«pan ute areni .S drfSiltJhk 7 **? kilowwg ajeniijiuweli u «**ftl*u ihranjthont the connur. J m k V ? Wood ftreot, PlUibanb: iifI 0 7 Il ?? d * 4IB PP i: » M Market «u ioT near the P. O. Allegheny city; j£Sft fc,eJ kP wUD S ton » Beaver co.. Pa. ' 71 V«licV, 4*. do gUND] , a pnsae Qrten Ufo Coffee- l s?P ackt # e, ***oned Tea* 7»bss luotted Tflbaoco; jtesss® SSSMfSSffi,., ln-S***' Ball; S barrcli Alum; Oh »»b« corn Broom*; 30 boit* \Vhii® ui|Tl«. OT bhd* prim* N O^ucar, 'SiHlSgh^ *• ,io No I do! CObrU N CT*n SObrl* Pilch; MW, No U Korin; •OCOlbii auoned Yaioi; Mbate* No uuttjng XOOkejipnßa Whlilu^; *W-keg* usoned Nail*: 01 ■ * SCO Liberty «t -<0 CLtida N o Sugar" 300 brla N O Malaises: '22 £*? T hite nr **‘l Sn 4 tr M lula Btnart'i rrushea: ■Xrr fc®! eri ?«’» paWd; hrl* St Louis Jo -10 bis Lovermg's Leaf; aObitsSlUau co. la More ud lor tile by -552J2 MILLER *RICKKT*rtb» hi, arrtrnc.-rttuUoux’v *°|’* , K era^lt*JuuMaccaToai, > Jo Vermicelli i CMlr Nuimejc, No l; a tri« gioTf*; , hl . , 30 Liwkeu Hnadesax and M-»rvj:llat OUfeOil; j n »torc«wlfor.aJe by r ■■-“£'•■ _ ■■!■ : JUU.EH i. KICKKrsox j .N£ W .BOOKS ! " ~ dT H OLIVES’ LITER 4RY DEPOT, H Third ttrecii; opposite the IVisi OSes. * No B. : ' Hr Thaekerey mo, ?“ i l “*?s n ' , <" h’hpttnl'ar. O “ &>:ftP*e*aberi wiih „ gr „i„, „ r Boiton ah«Jfif*eaxe; Nfl sa'-' : ' '•■• r - r r •• t North B-iuia R*fl«wfoe*oriiak . Democrauo RoTiaw; fox S^Viniije^ ®.f-? Lltbrolaro lor H-jneia j . -—' ’.. ~' *'' «*pi3 _ iStjSmi^^ SJ “ d reQU, ‘ crau • from Fonnhjtrm. ~ , P 7 2, &k ““— ' •A. c .*.^J'^i s,e _*epS 0 OonSirnr Wborli'n" NE case Black CJoth Shuwty, lease Yclott jfraane!*; 9 caeca Rod l care Satinett; vTT " 3 Caaca Clan Alpins; •''' ' leaacicant;- - T . 2.e«tt Bins Black Blanket Csaiiar. * care* Gray Blankets; “ C “**“** 9 cases Drat> Blankets; ■ lease Qiue ; d e . * * # ? B O vw * fllanketc “ d «*•« frOAP“I ~-jr-cr — • 138 Liberty street. gOAP-Uor'a hljhlr Mifomeil Uro»n Windii~ SsS»«Bir'£» B .-“ OMT ' BO,ri eZt'!!!^ v,u> ti' uaa s™ Castile Soap; ° de< MPM oiive Soapi . f °f«'ewlio'c*aie and retail by ■^ P WM A. McCLUHG ft CO ▼aleß of br gone dayv-Foner. £»•* da^°‘ n Ctlfo-Foitcr. _ and BeFara—Glq*mi Baudot sia&roibarpepoJetSoajrtaad Piccea u . ;■ H JOBBER, otgn of lha Golden Harp. Third si' ISATaS DICKEY * CO 1 ■ • •WaUr.A.Froot «;g R Vmil.lT iS' Sl i , f) Btuofo, Honey. Mu* •»!SK.iB u;7kl» W toyenlS, Butter Cr&ske'rr "“ -~,a ;i. *brlB Bran do .;•• WH A MeOt.Ußft tCO C IISAKJS--l!fl),oC0 rename i'rineipe.— C f ' Htmttml; In tan kndS! t ?^ dpM *"«*■*■ tepti • ■; miller & tucket son T £aTHKb->3WcirfejfNViol* Leiiiief, /or ssl« br 3 k' n FLOYD MROttfieUfftf Tobicco. of LSatadl A HobltWa**; ltd oibor f«rori:» bnndt, IttpCl ♦ JgRFLOYD pIUK^E—-1000 lbs VC" R'Cbeeii Jn note, for are by ~ vJft'B FLOYD * l^LODß^Wb^PolnSiTXlilnwptriotfm,jy Fj^" r A- , -I® brts soMiftoß ftaniiy near, m»t ttc'd ACUL*»KRTBONA d *«»» > -lfl&LibCTtf ,l --■ - tt • ■:— -y »*WHM«RHAUi;H I UUAKpiO&bdi N O; »“«** re«|ifmr*»le by 1 ~>»».XV »AHBAL f GTI • - r it.WniiLzlvr.u do tSubpowden Mg-Mpu - ■-, 3. ..mBMn.CTAr.ft - ■ B'A'WffXnßAuch •Vore'imOnrf&ie By g^^r^.nfgßiisrflSo^ W inlXiW GIiASS-*®e birtiiro'for t«i» br Tf - . i BfcWHABBiHfiH &%s^^js>Tasissx£& iboanfl' ■pan* Ktexa pukuf It MC«»rjs'?Tl*:—manKila SiVa. f i*T “!•.*>««« t?i»«. «si. 3.eni* ,)S-' ic. £or ulo wbolmle aad jawnr? -•■ : • ■■ ' - ItllViiiLuPs *gfw . ... iTfpSWeoA ■< GSt^^3?sSpJSS^Ss7«srr«T3r77“ *WBIO m tt *V HAHPAWW* ’ 'V^