The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 14, 1850, Image 1

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    ESTABLISHED IN - 178 b.
white:*, co
ft. a. un:n»] ■ : l*. niierrr.
4iam biti .dlto*, rmst* min, icct p»*j* to
. Daily ■— g 7,00 per annum.
WWosTiyv"- ■"■ *2" “
' Wntiy ,!inkdvanee)—“ «
DU. p < at a reduced tut,
Otu ftou» ie,|ldline* of Nonpareil or !en)
•; • one t tscriton— *o^o
- One Bqo#re, each additional insertion*** o|a2S
IV. one week *—*■ 1,75
Do. two yeelc*-—— • 3,00-
0,1. three week* • 4,00
, flu, one month 5,00
Do. two months 7,00 :
Dr.- . thrcemonihs «,uo
. Do. foot months *—*♦■» 10.00
Do. rijc month***—'*—« ■——- is,oo
.Do. twe'virtnonths—.— *. 13,00
Standing Card (B lice* orle»*0 per annum* 10,00
One-'Square.cungesblßttpleassre (}<er ro
n*m)ejcfu*iveof the paper—• « 2A£O
For each additional <Bte*re, inserted over one month,
and far each additions square Inserted unilet the rear*
lyrutesjhalf price.
AdvtnlMpents exceeding a Mjasre, and not over
fifteen be charged as a square and a half.
FablisheroAOt accountable for4esaladverti»eraeins.
ftcrond the amount charged fortheltpabtleaiica.
i Announcing candidate* for office, -to Aecharjed tha
•ante as other adverureraeDl*.
■ Advarttßeroeuta not marked on the copy for.aepeel*
tad camber of weriiuns, will be continued till forbid,
and payment exacted afeeprd-. < w
The privileges of yearly advertisers wBl be confined
rigidly to their regular business, and all other adver*
tiiemeautotpenaicir.g wlheir regular business, as
. tgreedfor>uvbe paid extra.
Alt advertisements tor charitable institution?. fire
.. mpanics, wnnh urrmthip and oiherpttbUciaeeunps,
hi sack like, to t* charged halfpriee, payable strictly
advance.: »
SJcniagc notictito bs charged SO cent*.
Death actice* Lmcneil without charge, ur.leu accom
panied by funeral iovitatlon* or obituary notices, and
when so accompanied to be paid tor.
. Rejrnlaf advertisers, and alt others sending comm*-
■lcaiionst or requiring notice* designed to call atten
tion to Fair*, Sotruea,.Conecm, or any public enter*
Uiameats.vrlicro ebargea ate made for admittance—
all netieet of private associations—every notice des
tined tocsll attention to private enterprises calcula
ted or intended toproraote individual interest, can on
ly be U*ertcd wiili the 'undemanding that the same
ti to be paid for. If intended to be lwwrted in the lo
cal column, the aalaevrilt be charged at the rate of
not lots then 10 cents per Use. • '
Bishop or Put Notices to be ebargod triple priee,
Tavern License Petitions, tSuacb; -
. - Lfgal and Medlealudventsemenu to be charged at
fall pnees. : \ *
Beni Estate A refill’ end Auctioneers’ advertise
ments cot to be classed under yearly rates, bat to be
- allowed discount of thirty three and one third per eeat.
from the amount of bills. - i
- w*xxit-cn iei*'wxutiT ru.psjrr rams.
One Squire, Ihrechuenions-*--,—-**-*Bl SO
f Do, each additional insertion**. ,37
anrarua»cns a wranum. •
.One Square, 11® tinea.) one ‘nserticn*.—so-cta.
•V Do. * each additional insertion*•—2s’ u
- - ADtrasaicniedvcniremeiitsiohepaidinadvanee.'
, WHITE A CO. Gazette.
, L. HARPER, Po^t.
* r : FOIPTM. BIDDLE, JouramL
j, JAMES F. BARR A CO-Chronicle.
. JOS. SNOWDEN, Mercury.
JAME3W.BIDDLL, American.
DIRAM KAINE, Eveulng Tribune.
' Ptrmtraoß, Dee. 1, KW.
ALDERMAN, Fifth Ward, Penn. streevbetween
O’Baxe ana Walnut. AU business promptly at*
tendedtq. ’ ' mayb
.TTORNRV AT LAW*»*Ofiiec, on. Fotkth street
l above Wood. , ■ tarli
ATTORNEY AT LAW, and CoutmiulOMr for
/a Pennsylvania, SL-Lonls, Mo.
All communications promptly answered.
JAfflftlS F. KERH,
ATTORNEY: at 'on Fctrlh street,
between Snutidield and Gran:, Pittsburgh.
spaa-iy • ■ . - -
JUUN 11. tLA.NIiLia,
A TtORNRY and Counsellor at Law, arid Commis-
JTa. tlonor for the State of Pennsylvania, Su Lonir,
hlo, llato of Pnuburgh.)
Reference*—PilUbnrgh: lion. \V\ Forward, Zlamp
ton A Miller, M’Ca&dlesa A MeClnre, John £. Puke,
RUseUs A Semple, McCord A Kmy.. -augU-ly -
GtAtgot»i Pa, (b’nilft'j FtrryPoit Ofia) < •
Having permanectly located at thla place, a new
and Substantial Wharf Boat, we are prepared to re
ceive andtorwardprooptiy wall pointsoa therirer,-
afid"Sandy and lleavrr or Ohio Canals. - OACp,
OlasgovV, Jane IS.— je!3 • • ‘
WX. BAOaLKT.. •. —josm s. coouava.
w. h. wooswAih^--—•*—aura *A6ALfcv. -
errs, No «1 Market st, Philadelphia! i ap* •
: V 'TriShaTffh Allatt .Wuria., ».
BENNETT, BERRY A CO, Manafazturerd of Sod*
Ask Bleaehlng Powders, Muriatic atts Snlphaiie
WarehouK No —, Water street, below Ferry.
. .BQVaO-ly 'r: - - i
' Frederick BruUK. - - Ueorre lUitcr.
BRAUN * REITER, Wholesale and ReUil Drug
grits, comer of Liberty and St- Clair Pius*
urga,Pm; . •*• - • *p4
eA. McANULTV* k CO, I’urwarding ami Com*
a'alssion Wetcbants, Canal B*un, Pittsburgh,
y*. .' . - • 1
C- IL GRANT, Wfccletale nicer, Ctiit:rai*Sion mid
a Forwarding Merchant, No. 41 Water *t., i’itu
bsrgfa. ■ ; , *>l ,
Ira Herser*—Andrew Fict'siti* R. K Ffoiaing
/IOMMISSIONMERCUANT.'?— For the sale of Do
\>lßertic,WooieDl and Cotton Goods; also, dealers in
afl kinds of Tailor*' Trimtoiogc, No 1 (7 Wood st, 4th
door from FiAh, Pituburgh. _ „
Reference—Messrs. Wm. A. llili-A Co,Bankers.
janXJ • . • :
WJI. X. ttVIH.
tNo lUtk<-ond utreeu Pm»b«nb. - >uf7u
- • awl. »co«n.
ENGLISH & BENNETT, (lato Enxlisb, GallaghCT
a Ca.l Wholesale Grocer*, Commission and For*
warding Uereh&ntt, and dealer* in Produce and Fitt*-
hWjhhUnaiicture*,N©.37 Wood il, between 2d and
Jdatreeu.-. •> —, - • octl
"wn. a. joiAstos,
Nollg Second »t, i Pltt«bßrgb. mrtl
sbaaiT [w*xx*ac.tiniB»To.i
/NENEKAL COMMISSION and Forwareiny Mer*
'U ekant* and Flour pooler*, No Market/reetf
F&adelpMl. ' ‘ Jr-»
A*., <, i
««'-&• K&-
, ‘..i •
* .T:
s S- •*,
• fl 1 ‘JvV,
f ’ 'I V
•>* 'j-
I .. \
is *;> »>
& !sii ; if*' •?
" k
• •• A <■*••'•,.'
No. U North Water SueeiANo.l# North Wbarreo.
'. E»wft» Iteajffl. J phiUd’*.
McCatsKOX. { Ftaiia *•
• ;:a.Wi»iu,. \ «r
‘TT' LEliit* l *ec«*»or to Morphy A Lee,j Wool Deal*
W- er nod Connotßclba Merchant, for uta *ale of
AwaricanWoolega,Lib<tty < onp«vrttesihat. febl?
A.a.Hieu;. ' oar.tottsi.
tTABDY,- JONES It Co., (*sec***sra to Atwood,
Q. Jofte* fc Co.) Ccmmfi*t« and ForwardinprMer
"•hant*,'deai«r»,la' Pitubcrjh hlanufaetared r.ooJi,
Ftaqbarrt, Pa. '• mn^rr-
r- (*cccsa*oa io caxnnu c. tuLb,T s
IPORTER ft 'Pealer in French and American Pa*
per Haniino and Window Shade*. Fire
BowATrinu, &c. Al*o—'Wriuou, Prinnite and Wrap*
tin* Paper, No.'S? Woodatreeubetwren I oarth street
and Diamond tiler, areal siJe, Pitubarch, Pa.
. febia-
* *f OHN AGNEW.laleof the firm of Chamber*, Ar*
* || new AC©, would rctpefttfalir inform th* o'd *o*-
andllie phMie jrcneraHy.ihat he will tuilron
v’dasa ttf carry orttbe ureen Gla** bß*lner*,innU it*
. ’■ rarietie*, audit prepared to Cli all order* fur Apoibr
r •
'.WWood’Strtetveiie door.-South.of Diamond Alley
1 puiiawih. * - . •••.-•■ •■• ■ ,p 4
* ll *Hcfohani< and rfeoJerln Frodn- e and ritto.mrch
; . toao/netarea.. Nasi Watcr.*u■.Pittsburgh.. __°p_L
- ■fiSs , -»eMt7r - —* • .. . i9B*»t ja,
v • TBAIAII A Wbolewle Grneer*.Cora
• •« J -mioulen Merchant*, and dealer*itn Sfi
' Watt*, end 167 Front atrect*. Pittiiborgh. - i nor ".
- 1 ''foSaff'D'iwrrta Wp*» Mwonh.
T-'fl.-MLWOWII A *£*&*••***
' • V 8 » fd WJer *>'• No ‘ ” ’
. . Ttira U7"fOWSdEftfsTDrue* i«t wary
ftl Novds Mar kelrt..three door? above Third ft-PitW
. * Witt have eon«;&uU? oh hand a w*U (elected a*
. „ eahateelof tha'-bc*tand fitOiest JJcJiciae*. which rtn
....; erftt«U th«;j*ou reaaohable.lerou. Fby*>eiin*
i,. , rending 1 * order*, will be prmh'ptly attended to, nnd'tnp
jllcd with nr,teles ttjey jnrr rcly open a* genninr.
py.Phrelclna* Preieilptiom will be accurately and
* '■'sntiT pmpared from tba b*4t materia!*, at any hear of
*• fcir'cap or nli»fet -
• ‘ Alt* far a larfe ttoekof fmb and good Perfa
• ■ lhetT. ’ • '*• - ■ - • lois
.. Joba lSord. . V - .v BicUatd Flrtyd.
■-T AB. FLOTD, wbolejolo Groeer*. Cotnmiiiioa
•I p. Mirehontt, tui<l Dialer* in Trodu'e, Round
Church Boildinffi, trenting ou Liberty, Wood'&nd
Bllth »treel*. rltuborgh. Pa. a pj
JNO. A.CA.UGHKV, Aacut fai th* Labs EiSf an'o
fftnMgaa Lice Jo Uc*fet and tfce Lafcet.—Offi 5 <»
<tH> tforPßf ftf Wamt and PmUhßeld »u l«n4 '
a. n
Lewis HttMWwn fc Coy Commiitlen Merchant*,
Amts «f ft* St LoanUwAm Siigrirßt&nery,
j| ff ftffiur *nJot front tueea, Pitut*r?k.
uni ••• '• - :
„ RCBOOjsMAKKK « CO, Whoiei*ie Dttgfim
15»g« Wood i >p<
■ *rnOkl4 11. ii6LUJKrwb« tetal6 MW B«ta)ltfei!e
J inMiuia&Ad Ma*«at liutrumenu, Schnot Tlooi«.
QsUU, printer*’ Card*, » n
ruuk *'«S- „
• TMt,b«twecß Sttithfield tad Wood, Pmiborgli.
Fo«r»nUn* *n& CwsmJttlofl filer
«*t*4Mtlale«i V* *>*
mi Bttßf PA»
iehuftea k. BtoektoO. BOOMttIBB, BTA
PllUbarfh CUy Glsii Work*,
pSSb«^hJpal rket ,U * 61 ’ b * lween Rm “* Second,;
w attention paid to odd atzes.. Alw,
• w. crrjrauMßAX, a. ouuca»» - .
jytcttu a; ccnaiuctitass, pJtgtacr, -
W?; W'H.r.ridi.J. C. W.-Hielcutm. Piiularsh.
IIILLbB a RICKETSON, Wholesale Grocers, and
Imjwrteri of Brandies, .Wines and Begars, No*.
179 and 174, corner of Liberty and Irwin streets, Pitts*
burgs,* Fa. Iron, Nails, Cotton Yams, Ac. con*
stantly on hand. ap4
John M’GIU. James D. M’Uill. Waltar C Bo«-
M MILLS A ROE, Wholes si e Grocers and Commis
sion Merchants, No 1M liberty 81, Pittsburgh
Prfraßt;RGH~flTegi. Wnpi l* ANb HPIQRG
uui roKB, josa v. tmu.
MANUFACTURERS of spring and Wrter ■ttasl,
iXL plough steel, steel plough wings, eoaeh and eup
leapnnp. hammered iron axles, and dealers in mu '
’eable castings, fire engine lamps>und coach trimminrt
generally, comer of Rots and Front, Pittsbu^h,'
J. A j'TTardos, Commlaatoa AterottwntsT*
AT0.31 Old Levee st,N Orleans,keep eoustanlly on*
1.1 hand alarre aisoruncntof Brasdiesofthc follow
ing brands, which they offer tor sale ah agents for J.
Durand A Co, Bordeaux, vii: Maxlorf, J. Eruod* J Du
rand A Co, Lorochellb, j JDutaad, Cognaei A deJdtw
tezun, A L Bleville, A de Moudore, Jean Louis.
Ac; also, Anchor Gin, Bordeaux Red and White Wittes
m casks and cases, selected'with eare by John Durand.
A?Co; besides Champagne Wine and Sweet Burgundy
got* • fcb7-ty*
N HOLMES A BON, No 55 Market s!, second door
• from corner of Fourth, dealers in Foreign sad
lomettie Bills of Exchange, 1 Certificates of Imsoot,
Bank Notes and Specie. .
U7*Coleletlona made on all the prinulpal'citxe*
broegbout the United States. apt
ItUhogfiplife Kitabilahmsut
OFWM. SCHUCHMANN, Third st, oppotUe ths
Post-Office, Pittsburgh.—Map*,Landscapes, Bill
heads, Showbills,Labels, Architectural andMaehino-
Drawuigs, Busuicu and Veiling Cards,Ac_ engraved
or drawn on stone, and printed in colors, Gold, Dronxa
or Blaek, in the redst approved stylo, and At the most
reasonable pnees. . octlSdy
ROjMN LITTLE at CO., *o. 205 Liberty itrwt
Pituburah. Wholesale Groeert, Predoea i&d
commission Mercbtnu, uid ilealera ia'l'iuiborth
JtUaofßc utes. gptf
t»>cisoa. rao*. twit m<L. , ».‘xosnpqw._.
ROBBUT moors; Wholesale Grocer; Rectifying
DutiUer. deelerm Prodnce,'Plusbnrrh Mannfso
»n J %U kinds of Foreign «wd Dciaeaiie Wines
and Liqeors>No:U Litany street. . On hud ivory,
largenockof superior old Monongahela wsiskey,
which will bo foM low f,~ - - • — • *
0. KSTSOLBa. . tt SBSS.
TJKVNOLD3 k'SHEE. ronrttdisc ind Commit*
JEV ,son Merckanu, for tf.o AUegtteay : Rim Trade,
icticra in Groceriea, Produce Pm*burgk,M»attf*e*
Chloride of Lima, . . ,
‘ The hlfkeit prise, ia cuk. pud «i ill ilmei tar
aomry run.'. Co rue”. Peon lad Irwin tu. ipia
ROHERT OAXiZELL & Wholesale OtoCer*,'
Conrnuulott Merchaatt, dealer* la Prodoee.uui
ruabarfh MaanTacaires, liberty street, PiiUbni*b,
WHOLESALE GROCER, Prodace, Forwarding,
end Cozaalsiioo Merchant, and Deator in Pitta
Cttrya Haaafactares, No 3?J Liberty street, PillsbnirJi,
G: ' ; ITI
•-.V- lutuwa, not • WHTTJL -
SttACKLETT k. WIUTEv Wholesale Dealers Is
Foreign end Domestic Dry Goode, No; 09 Wood
street. Plnibtmh. -
A W UAHBAUiiII, Wool Matfchanije~l>ealers
to Floor end Produce gene rally, usd Forwarding
end Commission Merchant!, 143 First street and
ltd Second street- Pittsburgh. upi7
r.-azLLsns, t-rmersos. laus moots, uasTtetro, 1
SELLERS A NICOLS, Proiloco end Geoerel Com
mission Merchants; No. t 7 Liberty street,Pitts*
borih. Sperm, Linseed and Lard Oils. epl7 "
SP- VON BONNiioasr A 00.
• cere, Forwarding end Commission Merchants,
Beelers in Pittsburgh Maon-'ectewe end Western
Produce, bare removed to thiir new wsrebouse, (old
stand,VNo. 3&, corner o( Prom meet arid Chancery
Lane. • ■ \ ■ apt 7
East-aide Diamond, Ptlisborgh. apis
sun. tl sruivn.]
Product and Ctmmiirtem Maritmli,
An! delicti la .PtatbvgU Uuafutßred Articles,
Nat. 130 and 13»; Second
IkUrceiTWood A9ajilillcld, Pittefcargh, os|L
Irona wiuox
WHOLESALE Croeert, Commusibn Jlercbanu,
mud o«eJettia Frodsce ami Pittsbarab Meon
ftcucre*, 06 Liberty Pa. »cpia
T^LOL'll—TOiitl* choice Family: *
JC;, . . SbO brii Sapeiflne;
,: .*SbrUFine,anifln*,aadferrate by.
_«epl* J. UEpWf* * KIRKPATRICK
V * " r “ — amo * m via —r: — : —
W/OULD inform feepabirc. they bare taken fee
TT warrhoate formerly occapied by fee late Air.
Solomon Sehoyer, 114 Peeoad street. HtTißf a Urae
aw) eeaaodrpo* w«n*bnae»< feey weald iarUe fee.
•ilehiiorroftomes* karts* 'ceoda te eoaitga «rr mere.'
Tbeywill alio lire attention u> fee psrc&rae sod ralr
of Nom. LraAs, Bond*, Ac. . ; aaf7 •
S. Waterman--R.N. Waterman--W. B. Waterman.
1)0’ cnOCEJLJ, Coamisdoa and For*
:f T, wording Merchant*;dealers inallkiadaofPra*
dare & PUuhargh Uanufactared Article*: and Agent*
for talc of Richmond "and Lynehbnrg Naaefaeutred
Tubacco ' mri
liutLr, Fa
WILL alao aEefld to coliceuo«u and alt ether bui
nessemroatcdioUniu Ituiler and Anuuoaf
aoantka.i'e. Refer to
J. ± 11. Fiord, Liberty at-1
W. XV. Wibaee,. do I
James hlarihall da (PitUbanfe.
Kit St Wood J jtn7
Canal Basin, Penn street, Fimbarxh. mrfe
• No. 227 Market, and M;Conimeree'»L,' Philadelphia.
Advance* made, by either of the above, oa conaign*
menu ©f Prod ace to either Home- <■ bot
”j7B". Wifiiama•—•—JoknHaA.
VV Korwardiny and Comvinion Merchant*, ana
dealer* in'Coantry Prodnee and Pitubarrh Manofte
tarca,career of Wood a&d fifth atreela, rindburf h. •
Wra. 11. Williams - -l. BJ UeVmy
WK. 11. WILLtAKI * CCK..
North Emu ethier of Wood »nd Third wfeett,
j»nl _j Pmrmcmam. Pa.
w. n. wooawAta, < salts saoaltt.
WM. BAUAU2V’ A CO., Wholesale GrocenulS
and 33 Wood itlrcei, rjttsbttruh. ! ap!7
jonn p. vie i, _r- pat® ■•eAMixm.
WICK A M’CANDLESS, (neeeiion to L A J. D.
Wick,) Wholesale Grocer*, Forwarding and
Commission Merchantdealer*to Iron,Null,Gist*,
Cotton Yarns, end Pu(*buigh Manafaetnre* general*
It, eoioer of Wood end Water streets, Fitubariih.
A>L. MITCHFLTiIEE, Wholesale Grocer*,
• Rectifying Distiller*! and Wine and Lienor
tlerctsnu. Alfa —Importers of Soda Ash aad Bleach*
ng Powder, No. 100 liberty street, (opposite Sixth
street,? Pitubargh. r »Pl ? .
WW. WILSON, Welches, Jewelry» si l TCT
• and Military Good*, comer of Market and
Poona streets, Pitubnrtrbj Pa. N. R.—Welches and
Clock* carefully repaired. apt/
wee tors*. rostt a. h'ccrs.
WM. YutJNO ft CO4 Dealer* in Leather, Hides,
Ac,, J 43 Liberty atreet. ; -ians:lr
WA R. McCUTCHCON, Wholesale Grocer*.
• dealer* in Prod tree, Iron, Nail*, Glass, and
Pitlsbarjro Manafaemie generally, Liberty *treeu—
piv-sbuigh. i Jant7
I -HAVE taken WM. CARR into partnership with
me In my basinets, which will from this date be
canted on under the name of “John Parker A Co."
John Parker- - ......... .. ....William Carr.
Gnxrrs, Dtalcrs in Product, Foreign
TP»n«, Isujuart, Old Monengarulo
and Rectified Whitley.
No. 5, Commercial Row, Liberty street,
- mrSQ Pittsburgh, P
watxsxak rALtcn. roe boa baxra. w*. a. saa
' (Successors to Hasrey, Hanna A Co.)
in J'orrign and Domestic Exchange, Certificate*
of Deposits, Bank Notes, and Specie—North west
corner of Wood and Third tuecu- Carrent money
received on depoaite.—Slfbt Cheek* for sale, and
eollcetion* made on nearly alt. the principal polnu
the United States. ,
The highest premium paid for Foreign and American
Advance* made on consignment* of Prodace, ship
p*j Ka«u on lil>er*l terms. *pw
was. a. m’clceo.J [oao. a. uoei
\VM. A» n’CZiVUG * CO.,
iVi» 256 Liberty street, above Wood,
Have always on hand a lar/e fljwrtmeiii of Cboica
Groceries and Fine Tea*; also. Foreign Fnitu and
Nat*, Wholesale and ReUil. De«lei» sappHed on Ute
town,, terms. , . •
.88 WOBKI<
Vial*, Cottle*, and Pluto, nJKSI
Mineral Water. Patent Wed iciee. and Wine Bctue»
of erery description; also, WINDOW GLASS.
Keeps constantly ©a hud a reneral aai«tn*ntof
the shore articles. ALSO STATE, a* the other Green
Glass Factories an alt. norms as ts the caiiom tn
summer, Tins Facto in u now tn rutL orHATtow,ano
will continue in ©oeratioß -both aommer and winter.
Ordsrs respectfully loticiiad. and will be filled on the
; shcrneitnntice. ' ' . ;
Warehouse, No lit Second street, between Wood
and Bnlth&eld at*. Pitt*»i«r»b IriflktllT
_. ktoic Hatmv* *”T
CAUL. P. enmVKR and CMAB. BABNES have
2™* dar associated themselves toe ether, under the
firm offihrtrtr a Bareety for the transection of tits'
*IT° and Commission ba**»
KSn* ih ** coai «"«» Wood
Plmtatf y Amrest 1.1 Kau..«i
_mf -' 8 A W- IIARBAPQ H
ib» for tale bf ' !
THIS magnificent establishment being now com
cleted and ready for basinets, the proprietor would
respectfully solicit a share of the pablic patronage
He trusts by giving his foil attention to the btuiiten,
to make the house a pleasant and comfortable resort
for the citizen* of Pittsburgh and for the country
be in waiting, arid every ex
ertion made to render tbe establishment worthy the
cosnießanee and sopportofan intelligent community.
The TWO SPACIOUS'HALLS, fitted for Parlies,
Ooscens, Lectures, Balls, and public meetings will
W let by the evening or week, on as liberal terms as
any other id the city. . • , . .
The BAR anO RESTAURANT:equaI in style and
beauty to any in tbe world, will be kept-furnished
with Pare "Wait, Cbolee Liquors, Cordials, Porte ra.
Ales, and all thecooj, light, retreabmenm of the season.
Poultry; Game, Fish, Soap, Oysters, and Clams,
served up in the beat style. ,■
the first fioor, and easy of aeeesa, win be eonstantly
supplied with all the Luxuries and Ddieselcs of the
season; and a1«o, with such substantial* as tho markets
Boarding by the day, weak, or year. Dinners or
Bapp«r* for Individuals or parties, furnished oil short
noiiee. j
Gentlemen with their families, visiting ths eily can,
be suopiied with refreshments of all kinds at any hour
of the dtv.
Good and an extensive Livery Establish
ment is connected with the Halt. • '
Dinner at l o’clock. Breskfost'and Tea si the ssusl
: Entrance for Ladireta lfte lee Cream and Dining
Saloon. Nog7 Southfield street.
leasjtf K. 11. VAN BBNSS EULER
a. wxrmvxLr, ■*.] / >-• . ,[a. w**rxavit.T, j*
l» keep constantly on hand 'or<maketo order the
best article In their line, at their old stand, No. 13 Bb
Clairttreet; alsq.atNe.Bd Uarketstreeuweosd story,
entrance In the Diamond. Venitian Shutters made to
order, and old blinds neatly repaired. aplQ
W.&J.GLBNB, Boalx Binders.
WEareattllaagagedinths above business, comer
Of Wood undlUrd nrttlty Pics burgh, where
we ire prepared to ae coy work In our line with dee*
ouch, vYe attend to our work personally, and win*
action will bo given Ln regard to Its'&catneis and da*
ability. * - •
Blau: Books ruled to aqy puflera and ho and sub
stantia! ijr. Books in numbers or old books bound cart*
Ally orttpaircd. Names paten "books In gilt letter*.
.Those that have work- is ear Uso are invited to call,
prices low. 1 • ' nqn«Hf
ptnx Rseblßt lhopi
TT WlGffTMAN—Manafoctam ofalftladi of cot
XL* top and wooUoir maekinerjr, Allegheny city, Pi
The above work* beta* now lafrdl aad meeriilxi op
eration,! am prepared toexessu oriSTs with ditauch
for all kinds of machinery in «.y lute, reek as willow*,
pickers, spreader* cards, grinding muUne*, railways,
drawing uames, speeder*, thiasails,-looms, woolen
cuds, doable or aiagle,for : merchant or eoantry work,
males,jacks,Anjslida and handlathessindtooUln gen
eral. All kinds of shafting made to OTder, st plans gtv*
an for gearing factories or mills at reasonable ebarg*.
, Km* to—KennedyrChild* ACe. Blapksteek, Bell
A ffo- Iflnr. Ps»w»»k AOa.-.Jii. A- fint 1 ;
lirolnghamjmsar '
Ofict, iIEv k 3? T Valsr <f,| bttwwi Market and
Wood, PitulntTgk.
VWILL eonitsmly keep on hand a gooffassort
maniot War*; of oar owd manufacture,and
•operiorqualay. Wholesale and eoantry Mer
chant* are respectfully invited to call and ex
amine for themselves, as we are determined to sell
shsiprrthaahsAaverbsfor* been offeredtoihu pub*
E7*Crdersssni by mail, accompanied by thaiash’ot
ood rsferettce, will be promptly attended to. mrd
M A. WHITE a CO., weald nspsetfally Inform
• the public that they have erected a shop on
Lacock, between Federal and Samlosk y street*. They
are now making abd are prepared to receive order* for
every description of vehicles, Coaches, Chariot's, Us
tuuches, lhrggic*, Phauros, Ac., 4c., which from ihtu
loop experience in the manufacture of the above work,
auifthe facilities they have,they feel confident ibr y ars
enabled to do work on the most-reasonable terms with
these wanting article* In their line.
Paying particular anention u> the selection of mate
rials, and having none but competent workmen, they
have no hesitation in warranting their work. We
therefore ask the attention of the public to ibis matter.
N. B. Repairing done in lbs best manner, and on the
wnil j*2o:lf
.MI.. A. ainwM.
frastvr M . nrwaxx Wood sks Muni, hmmss,
’>£NTfNUEto manufacture all kind* of | COPPER,
smith Work.
- Steam Boats bailt to order.
Special attention given to taut boat work.
Have on bands a fine assortment of Copper and Brass
Kettles, Tin Ware, Ac. Ac. Steamboat CooStngSiove*,
Portable Forges, virions site*—a very convenient er
ode for steamboats, California emigrants, or rail road
companies. i
We would respectfully invtt* stexm beat mu and
olhefsto call and tee oar articles And price* before
pareharing elsewhere. • ' ' tvflV
Wrsught and Cut lx on Boiling.
mUSnbseriben beg leave to inform the publiotha*
JL they have obtained foot* the East all the late and
fashionable designs far Ires Bailing, both for houses
and cemeteries. Persons wishing to procure >and*
gene patterns will please can and exatstaeiwad judge
Ibrtheauetve*.' Radisg; will be famished at the short
est notice.and in the best manner, at th* eora#»-aj.
Craig and Rebecca streets, Allegheny eftr.
ugS»-dtf A. LAMONT A KNOX.
BEGS leave to Inform his friends and customers tba
he is lost receiving hi* new spring stock of Uoeda
comprising, as vault all the newest end moat fashion
able (trie*of Cloths, Cassineret, fancy Vesting*. cot
ton ana luten summer trulls, and every article soils U*
fo; geut-'emen’s wear fur spring and summer. It be iug
impossible la describe the beauty, quality. or qomnuiy
of the nock, the proprietor hope* all wbe arc in want
of good, cheap, fashionable, and well made clOiLes.
wiu give him a colt, as there is no slock ihia aide of
the Alleghenies that can compare with it.
The ready tnada department is veryextensva, aJap
tod to all taste*.
R*U road contractors, country merchants, and all
who purchase largely, are*psrticulatly Invited u> ex
the suck before purchasing, as parilcalar si
tenUna is paid 14 the wholesale business ut this estab
Every article In the tailoring line made to order la
the most fashionable and best manner, at the aboneal
notice. mrtsf
FpllEpartnanhlpliCTettfbre'existing voder tbe Cm
1 of AA O URADLEY,i» diasolved by thedeceaie
oTUI. C Bradley. will be earrltd oh by
A Bradley, who will settle the basinets late
fim. • - - _
REMOVAL—A.BiasIxt baa removed hi* Foundry
Warehouse from No US Second sueeMrffo IS Wood
street, between Ftm ud Seeood street*, to the ware*
heaae laletToeenpied byCAßerry, where be will
keep eonstaplly os hud agenend onoruseDtof Cut
jog*, Crate*, Stove*, Cooking Stove*, Ae. Jyl3
and No.t American BUater Steel. Also— Best
Cait Steal File*, ofallslxea; and Blaekamhh and Shoe
Rupa,'always on hud ud for isJe, cube; «t bit U K«-
gle Steel Works," O’Hara street, Tlftb Wahl, orat the
o&ceintka Iron Store of TOLLMANS A GARRI
SON,' No t, foot of wood street, Pifubatg h.
mRU-dlm ‘ *
10m a. cow-kata,
•We, ibeanderrgncd, having nted, with entire »»!•
liftetion, tbs Cost Steel and File* Made by Samael
MeKelvy. si hie Eagle Steel Works, id thi»cjty,;uke
pleasure in recommending then u equal In qaaiity to
ssy wet osed by os, of foreign minuftetcre. 1
Pittsburgh, March 13, ISS#. . . '
Manufacturer* of Irtra ud Nail*, Pittsburgh, Pa..
Iron Foanderrand Machinist*, Pittsburgh, I‘s.
MualutarersofSprings, Aklet, Spring Steel and
Rivets, Putt burgh, Pa.
Engine Builder* ud Machine Card Mannfacla*
1 rers, Puuboreh. Pa.
Brass Founder, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Manafsetareis of Iron ud Nails Pittsburgh, P*.
Locomotive Engine and Ship tiullder. Pittsburgh, Pa.
w w Wallace.
Marble Manufacturer, Machine and Engine Build
mrtN er. Piiubunh. Pa
Mlaiolwtloa of Partnership.
THE Partnership heretofore existing between the
subscribers, under tho fins of Chambers, Agnew
A Co., Glare Manufacturer*, wai dissolved bv mutual
consent, on the first day of July, instant. All person*
knowing ihea*eltci< indebted to iiid linn are request
ed lomakc payment to either of the punier, wtlhoui
delay, and all persons having unsettled aecootiu wltb
•aid firm, aro invited to present them for reulrment
Jyl3:Ufim D.ib CHAMBERS.
THE owner* aud consignees of goods arriving by
tho “Citi sens’ PonabTe Boat Line," will please
take notice that they will be required to pay freight
at our warehouse, according to the receipt, before
the goods art removed. C a MaANULTY ACO
_ jyl :
Wuhlagi lluaeblng, aad Clsaaslag
DrskCTfoiss—Pat the clothe* into cold water and let
theta soak over (tight. In ine morslng wring them
oat and pat them In’o a ketue of boiling water, to
which add tbe proportion of ono pint of iluid to eijtht
gallon* of water—*tir it np and boil the whole twenty
minutes. The clothe* may then be wraug oat and
well rinsed in clear cold water. Tbe part* of gti
nienis that may be mnjt soiled, *urh as wtlmband*
aud eullars of ahiru. may be slightly rubbed before
iinsing, and the clothe* will be found perfectly clean,
white and clear.
Warranted not to injure the bne.t fabric and to five
perfect satisfaction, or the money will be refunded
So’d wholesale and retail by RE SELLER*
tcplO ft? Wood si
CUvaUnd, Warren ksd PUtihnrgli.,
T*ligraph Compuif> -
IN purslanes of * resolution ofthe Board ©fUirec- 1
tor* of-the Cleveland, Warren and Pittsburgh
Telegraph Company, requesting the Secretary to nuao
oat and cause lo be published in the newspapers along
the line, an exhibit of the financial and other affair* of
this company. 1 inborn the following Report.—
The lino or Telegraph commences at Cleveland and
terminates at Pittsburgh, passing throegb Chagrin
Fail*, Franklin, Newum rails, Warren, \punjtstown.
and Lowell, in the State of Ohio, and Newcastle and
Rochester, in the State of Pennsylvania, at which
point* them are office* located (or the receipt aDd
UkntaiisslOA ofbßllnejL
The whole length of the Line is 149 mile*—Capital
Stock, per rule, making a total capital swot of
•113S0, Ofwhlcn atßoanl •10,1103 is held by eitlxens
aionetneUneiandthe balance 1* held uy Cornell k
Rmm. the contractors: The tbove.amoant of *ub-
MiiMione by cluxena, have been paid to Cattmll k
; tar whieb the Trasteea have their receipt
i B| sipdtf T • JEFFERSON BALM, Secretary.
. to soaV'BOHiDkbs.
100.000 feet B«Moaei Deck Hank;
100,009 ten om^^SSSt!
jdfcor ttamy u low, Fowit «.
Aseoeiated Finmin’i lnstushe* Cfim*
pany «f trie City of Pittsburgh. :
CAPITAL 9900,000.
THE Company Is now prepared to insure agrinsl
FIRE end MARINE RISKS or all kinds.
Ojfia, Sfamd Slaty, JYMint Mall.
J. K Aloortheed, Pgtt«r»*o, Wm* A. HBI,
R. 11. Hanley, R. B. Simpson, foshas Rhodes, Wa
Si. Edward Gregg, A. P. Anshtnz, Wu. Col
lingwcod, R. C. SawYer, Cha». Kent, Wm Gorman.
>Pgl3;dly . .
RANCE COMPANY.—Office North Room of .ths
Exchsnge,Third street, PhlladeipMa.
Fibs fioomalrct—BuihUngA Merchkndim and other
property, in Town and Country, Insured againstlpM
or damage by fire, at the lowest rate of premium.
hUmms Immune*.—They also insure YesseU, Car
goes and Freights, foreign or coastwise, under open or
special policies, us the assured may desire.
Irlskd TkaiorottATioJl—They also iasure morph*
endue tranaported by Wagons, Rail Road Cart, Canal
Bouts and Burn Bqats, on rivers and takss, os the
most liberal terms.
DIRECTORS—Joseph H. BeaL Edmund A. Sooder,
John C Davis, Robert Burton, Jcnn^RPenrose, Ssmd
el Edwards, Geo 0 Leiper, Edward DarUnvfon, Isaac
R Davis, Wm Foiwtll, John Newlin, Dr R fil Hutton,
JatCHand, Theophilut Paulding, U Jones Brooks,
Henry Sloan, ilugh Craig, George SeTrill, Rpencet
Mcllvaiu, Charles KellyTJ 0 Johnson, SVmlay, Dr
8 Tbomtc, John Beliert, wm' Eyre: Jr.
Hugh Craig, John Tl<onn.
. WILLIAM MARTIN, President.
Rtcnsao S. NrwaeLS, Scof.
(0* Office of the Company, No. it Wear street,
Pinsburgh. fjan2S-tf 1 P. A. MADEIRA, Agt
Lift and-Rsalth Inssaranee.
m’HE Mutual Life and Health Insurance Company
• I of Philadelphia, Incorpolraled by the Legislature
of Pennsyirsnls, Cnartur perpetual.
CapiOl, fitoo,ooo. Rat** LOWtS TBANaitT Pxswrir
Vaxu CoKTssr, aM foil 80 per eect lower than the
'usual rates of Llfo Iqisranee, as the following com
parison will show: Thus, a person pf the age or3o in
suring for 8100 for Ufe. must pay in the Girard CgJMry
Pennsylvania, B3JIB, Penn Mutual, 82.30; Equiuhla,
t W, New England; New York Llfc.fiijU; Al*
bioa, «3,4di Ufo and Health, Fhiladelphia,Si^r. ';
DigkcroaA—Samuel Ik Orriek, Charles D. Hall, W.
F. Boons, .Robert p. King. Charles P. Uayew.-M. W.
Baldwin, U. M- Reeve, &L D-, Chai- O. B. Campbell,
Lewis Cooper, li Bodmgrt Bafkcr, E: ILDatler, Edwin
ILCope. President—Samuil D- Pfriok; Vice Presi*
dent—Robt. P. Ring: Secretary—Fransu Blgokhfirnp*
Application* willbo received, and every Informtuag ■
given by SAUL. FAHNESTOCK, Jkgt, •
Office, Commercial Rooms, comer of
. oetg-dly - Wood and Third sts, Pittsburgh
THE INSURANCE CO. M iiwh America , will
make permanent and Uaited Ihsursnfp on pro
perty in tUi elnr and vlcJnlty, and on ihiphieois by
Canal, RivenfLaket.nnd by sea. The propertieSol
this Company are well invested, and famish an avail*
able fono for the ample'indemnity of ail persons who
desire to be prelected by insurance.
mylB WM, p, JONES. Agent, 44 Water sL
firs.ud asrlns'lnaomes,
THE OFFICE Of Ute Insurance .Oompadr ef.Nottlt
Amerlsa, ha* been removed U> No* HI Front st
eastof WMd.,
The sabseriber, agent for the abdvoddandrsspaa
sfole Company, wiil lsme Policies on Buildings and
their eonteats, and on shipments of HerekandTse bj
Sliamßost* arid otherveuel*.
a>3 W. E. JONES. ;•
odcru ana' A-nWqne Fniflllute,
85, Tons CrrmtruaH.
r B^s2S^Sfe , -** e,pec^,i^ir tafo™
. EffiBBBQM pablic that be has com-^^^
; pitted hts spring stock ofBHH^B
FURNITURFi. the urgenand mo»l veiled assortment
ever offered lor sale in ihi» city, eoaprlslsr several
Setts pf RoxxwooD,, one ULaCK Wslitur,
carved, orammentsi sud plsin. aaitable for parloy*,
Drawing and Bed Reoxbs, all of wblffc will L* sold at
the lowed price*. -
Persons desiring Furniinre.of any description, ar«
speetfolly Invited toegll apd examine his stock, which
embrace* every description, from the ehesMHand
plainest to themesi clcgaai and eoatly, of which the
following comprise* apart!
Tele a fete Sofas; Tele * Tele Divans; ’
(fonteriauon iThxirt; EUisbethisa Obsus;
Beccpugo do Louis XIV uo *
Kzienston do Baffei Entoee;
, What Npis; Toilet Tables; .
l.uuu XIV CararnsJorei-Doke of Yerk'sCoaah; r
CD Sofas with Flash aruLllair-cloth eovex.*;
M Divans,, Jo- do -do;
4<? dor Mahogany Parlor ChaJrs;
Id '• Rosewood do do;
II “ Brk 'VaJnni-do ,do;
40 “ t:«ue Seal • do;
4 “ Malt<-gauy Kicking do; ~ '
'j u do I‘iaoo Slools;
Su Marble Tup Ceatm Tables;
‘JI do >lr> \V*ah Siaada;
‘SB ,Ma*-*ruj7 Bedsteads;
W d n Wardrobes; . >
Is Ll*k Walnut do; j
s t her t - do. . - ;
A vpr> .«rge ataertment of Common Chain aadeth*
si Fornuor* ioo tcdioes loiaecuon. ;
U7* Steam Boats tarnished, on tha shortest notie*.
Aiiordenproippilr attendpdto. ;
P. »■—Cabinet Maker* can bexuppUcdwith all torts
of Mahogany, Wainat,anAVaQecn, at cossiderabty
reduced prices . ~, • fchl* :
from the manufacturers, and aT Rasy.
Whne Flannels, alt WodT. Bfw
Red do do Blue pcmlni; "
Yellow do do Fancy Cottonaffes; all axe
Brows do do offered at Fadtaiy prices.
Rise do Cheeks and Stripes, very
Drab do heavy goods.
Black Catiicner*. Tailors’ GcoJs.
Faucy do Red Padding, super do;
Kune) Tweed* Vest Padding, Buekrun,
Stayer Black Broad Cloth. Tsllors'CaLvass-bearydo;
Soper Urowa do Brown Linens, Bilisia's
Soper Green -do Drab Serge, black do, ■ 11
Soper Twilled do and worsted;
Saber Black Do* Skins Black and Whitt Tap*>
aaper Drab Cashmeres. Ulaek Twist, Drah dor
. Soper Drew* do Linen Cheeks and Drills;*
Baper Black do Smut’s 6 cord Bp’l Cotton;
California Blankets. do ' Linen Thread, »
Ikarlat do superior article: :
Blue do Silk Figured Vosungn
Drab do Black Satin do
Grain Bagging. Brows Holland B*YSilks;
Brown lirllis; Duttons,Cravats, Ac^Ae.
At the Manufacturer*' Warehouse, Noi27 Wood a
Pittsburgh rarefl
UlllOlWtiOK. *
THE co-partnership heretofore existing bctweftn the
subscriber*. Is tbe nuu of Coaitabie, Darke ft
CO, is this day unsolved by mutual consent. Meirn.
Darke ft Barnes will settle the basiaetaof the eeuccrn,
for wbieJi par pot* they are sathnnred nsose (be dome
of tbs concern, NATHANIfX CONSTABLE.
Tbe uudentgnedbave thlsday associated themselves
In (be seme of BURKS ft BARNES- for (be purpose ■
of manulactßring Fire Proof Ssfc*, Vault Door*! ka
at tbe stand of- vbe late firm of Cokstable, Butko.
ftCo, where they will be pleased M receive the patron?
aieof ibßCttitomeraof that hoaso and their friends. t
In retiring from tbe firm of Constable* Darke k Co.,
I wlu» aincere pleasure recommend Messrs. Darke ft
Burnet to the confidence of my fiiewU and tbe. pablie.
feb&dtf • - ■
HAS ]ast returned from the Eastern Clues, and i B
Teeming a lorn variety of seasonable Good*, to
which he respectfully inritetthe attention of mereh
apis and pedlars. So M Wood st. . fcMI
Massesu. is constantly
receiving, from the'largest manufactories in
New York'and Philadelphia, and also from Preach
agencies, the nearest and most approved styles of.Pa*
per Hangings, together with Borders, Fire Hoard
Prints, arul .Tester Top*. For sale at 83 Wood at, be
tween Fourth st and Diamond alley, (successor to 8.
C. Hill.} _ _ apq
as E EaLLIU P AINT—d brl fjo it reo'd persteamer,
lVj. and for vale by the birret or single pound at the
Drag, tfeed, and Perfumery Warehouse, comer of
Rlxtb end Wood streets, 8 N -WICKKRBHAM.
spirt . _!
THE Pbrenix Manufacturing Company now offer to
the pablie tbeir Premium Chemical Stove Polish;
and without fearofcontradiction,by
iUpmi who have tested it, pronounce It fur to
any other in the market. The eonrumerneed have no
apprehensions of soiling carpets, 'ftc.. ns Its eora
pojlllon prevents a dust Trom arising when Seine ap
plied, which mast be done when tbe Stove Is eOlu
The quantity reouired Is so ilule to produce e bean
tlfnl lustre. A saving ofover fifty pet cent H injured
to the consumers. A coating applied to Stove?, Pipes,
Ac., when laid away foMhe summer, is a sore pre
vrnmive against tost. After having tried-nonce,
(if a is accessible) no person will ate m.J but tbe
Pbcphig Mancfaetmrinfi Company's Premium Cbeml-
Polish.’. Forsaleby. v
ayfl Corner of Sixth and Wood streets^
Corner ot Penn and 8l Clair street*.
WM. ALEXANDER A SUNS, Furnishing Under
takers, where every article lor Funeral and
Mourning purport* can be get on reasodabto iermi
THE ViriHe Montagno Company sopptT their agents
with Hoofing and flooring in sbeetsuz?feet,from
Ut o ounces per square foot. Comtgatsd In sheets
3<7, 'SJ oi, for roofing coolie boUdings and depots.
Shin Sheathing, HxtO inches, from w t 033 ounce*.
Nails Spikes, Wire, Sugar Molds, Perforated Zinc,
Zinc Paint, fte. ...
They warrant their metal pare, and frse from any
admixture of iron, or any other nbsunce, and re
commend it for the manufacture of monaruelcsia
the house furnishing line, as it does not rust, is not
affected by the action of water, and may be polished,
painted, and japanned
Samples, models, plans, specifications, and cthrr
InTiimuiinn may Tie lad of thair agente
M'UsU. ft Sruorw, New V ork;
Azxtasos, BoMJIt* ft Do } Boston,
Nsnutt Taotttl ft Co., Philadelphia;
W. ft 11, MeKxM, Baltimore;; •
aiaux, Di.Tft&Tad»rn, NiwOrleasv;
> , • j : F. .MILLIROuX, Resident’Agent, •
8 llannver st, New York.
Liege, September g.—*cps-'d3m ______ .
THE Autobiography cfLeigh Hunt; with remin
iscences ol mend* and contemporaries, in it vols.
t'sriyte'u Latter Day VUI, subject,
History of Daiiiu (bedrest. By Jacob Abbott, with
jails Uoward, a Romance. By Mr* Martin Bell.
Pictorial Field Book of the Revolution.—No A
The above works received this day, and for ssle by
airgg Cor. Market ft Third st.
Uaad's BoeksT
npHB abovo book* having been introduced into
X pablie and private aehoeu in Pittsburgh and Alto*
eh coy .the author bus appointed the subscriber agent
far Itrir yf I*, jn iM«
Teachers and cllten will bo acpplicd at nahUsber’a
, Btieaa.aa«aio4l&tirvtlV* . J H MELLOJL
um n wpodiL
* •!' ~ • Sew Boefu.
HEALTH. Disease,aid Remedy. By Dr. Moore-
Adelaide Lind ray, a -hovel. By [he author ol
“lattice Arnold,” “Norman's Bridge,” *c~&c. »
Life atti Correspondence of Bobu Scuihey—part fi.
Gilbotf* Rome—-5 ih and OUtrels—completion ofthe
work. Bccelved and for sale by
■niNOLJSH GRAMMAR—The English Language in
•M » tl ' meEU ““ forms, with a history ofil* origin
and derelopement: designed lor use in colleges and
schools..'Wm O. Fowler, late professor of Rhetoric
la Amhent College.
A*lfonoiny—The recent progress of Astronomy;
eipeeislty In the- United States. By Elias Loomis.
Five Yean Of a Hnntsr’s Lite in the fsr interior of
’Booth Africa, with notices of the native vibes, and
anecdote* Of ths chase of the lion, elephant, hipporo
giraffe, rhinoceros, Ac., wnh illustrations. Br
R. G. Ciimcxingi Received for sale by
• t R C BroCKTOV
MPttl . 4T Market st
Haw Sinaia.
JUSTkeceived at -H. KLEBER'S Musio Store, the
following So net.-
__ln the Kf9 there lies the Heart. ! Love but Thee.
The Witcher. The White and Red Roses. Naney
Orib Hedocihsl l thing* well. All U over. Where
re nq wjhfl hopes I cherished. L« Beren ade. *cp^7
ROSE .FOSTER; or the Mysteries of the Court of
London, vol 3of this interesting work has been
received at Holmes’ Literary Depot, Third' street,
opposite the Pott Offioe; also, Ellen Parry; or Trials
of the Bemt, by Olivia; George Castriot, sunuuned
Beandetbeg King of Albina, bv Clemcm C Moore,
LLP; and No XU ol LitteU’s Living Age. seprl
Jilt Rsteivsdi
A LARGE and dxtensive assortment of PATENT
attnost-.enoless vsriety embraced in the assortment,
fflarbe found the following:—
-Horse Covers, Carriage; Cloth, Air Beds, Air Pil
lows,-Air Cushions, Water Polls, Tobacco Pouches,
Fishing Boots, Coals, Cspr*, Cloaks, Tarpaulins,
Gloves, Milteui, Pouches, Maps, Elastics, Purses,
Uoie,|Mor2'prirgs, Msriune Banding. Sou’Westers,
Mac nine fucking, Camp Blankeis, Taper Holders,
Lire Preservers, Travelling Hags, Isthmus Bags,
.Bathing Mats, Dolls’ iUdds, Dogs. Lions, Saddle
Hags, - Air Halls, Font R*(!i, Ludie?’W 6 *h Gloves,
Ltidlei 1 Gum Shoes. Ucnts’-Gum Shoe*, Leggings, Ac.
: - Every article sold at this establishment Is wartanted
M possets ail the obaractertiucs essential to water
proof goods, viz:—insolubility under any degree oi
heaVnexibiiUy in tbe severest cold, groat durability,
lithium, per/eet itaperviousaess, and freedom ftom
odor, for sale at the Goodyear Rubber Emporium,
Not? A 0 Wood street. ’
“PH 1 J fr H PHILUP3
HOUSE A SIGN PAINTING and Glaring, prompt
ly and neatly executed.
N.B—We wish it dis incily understood, that we
can da Painting and Glazing as cheap as any other
painters In the eily, and are determined to do it.
Ldnd Brtruct; West Ena do; Jockey Clabdo;
Baring Flowers do; Jenny Lind Ilair Gless; Atomaiio
Vinegar; Amandine; Poaehin Soap, for whitening
the skin: Almond Shaving Cream; Rose do do; Am
brosial do do; lloaey Soap; Flotunr do; Amandine
do; Basel Nat Oil do; Rosa dm Marshmallow do;
Beqdctdo; Brown Windsor do; Bear's Grease: Ae.
per isle, wholesale and retaU, by B E SELLERS,
.sjpia 1 ty Wood t t.
Superior Scotch ud I>lib Wbli*kcy»
inYUNCHEONS Stewart's celebrated Malt Whls-
IV/ gey, of very delicate flavor.
U pudclitons Mehan’s Waterside, extra quality
and high proof, under eastom house lock.
Afro, Brandies of different vintages and brands la
hsif,quartet, and octaves. ImponedandforaaJeby
scptt.deodlm gp~BB flu Walnut sy Philadelphia
MIXED AND DRY PaInTS of all kinds,coustant>
ly cu hand of tbe best qusliry, also, Varnishes,
Lioseed Oils. Boiled this, Point Bruihcs. Saih Tool*,
Window Glair, vanooi sizes, Ac. Sold wholesale
and retail on accommodating terms.
N. IL—All persons parehssing mixed or dry paints
who wish to do their own painling, can receive the
lieecnsTT ‘ ir*?Uons gray*. J A H PIULLJi’d
•eplfii 7 A v Wood at
ou. cborns,
ON band and ree'g from the PtulltesvUle Factory,
for tbe fail i rads:—
toa yd* 3-1 Flooi Oil Cloth; £OOO > d/f .4 do; SCO yds
A 2 do. SOOjds Sl-do, UOO yds 6-4 do; rtSCO yds sheet
da, stediofn tad heavy, fp><q 4 to fi yen)* ti'tdc, ail of
U>* aewest style ol patterns, and cat 10 any gives sits.
Dfl) yards 4-4 Fainlture Oil Cloths; 2Co;ydl 5-4 do;
sar,yd»«-4do -?
Ifodoiea assorted sizes Table, Stand, and Bureau
Covet*, various patterns, and splendid finish.
* IWO yd* 4-1 Patent Carriage Oil Cloth; !O0 yds* d 4
dovsS9 yds e-4 <Ja.
: SflOOyds Oil Cfolli Crash for Atalrv, ■ssortod patients;
CIU yds 4 t Greni Oil Cloth for WuiUow Blinds, TOO
ygnltS-l do
-Window Stisdes, a large assortment just received
efaeweu styles.
and ethers wishing to purchase, are in.
.tiled to call and examine our assortment of goods,
Which will be sold at the lowest eastern prices.
“49 Wood si
SUNDRIES— U brts Lara; ”
Id Vrls Urease;
■ - . 1 bag Beeswax;
» : 7 bags Feathers, to arrive, for safe by
, ~*fpl> Water A Front sit
IjIANCY RUUBEB GOOH3 jsst received from New
J? York— - fldot large size uoll Heads;
i I dos extra do do;
>•' l dos Dogs;
i dez Lions, for sals al the India Rahber
Hare.ratulßUood.L JAI| PHILLIPS
tSAOITCITA HU3lSl~iWbri» Tar;
i - ■-*-■-t . r -jq brts Plteh;
10 bris Rorhr.
.To arrive, for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY kCO 1
sepCT' Water A Front sis.
H kr|s, SU gal* each;
10 keg* 15 do;
U kcr. 11l do;
To strive, si .1 fur sale by
Madder. Ac-3 kbu* wsaden
3 reroocs a F lodise;
S 3 brls Logwood; for Bale by
sepl3 __ JAB FLOYD
O PICES, Ae -45 bags Pepper,
O 10 bag* Pimento;
V barrel* Clews;
I barrel Nalmegt; for sale by
GRANITE wall PAPES—A perfect imitation
of Qaiacy Granite, to be hung in blocks.
Fqrsaie by . W P MARSHALL
*«p? 83 Wood tt
FOR ofThecitizens,tbe proprietors
of the Pitt* burgh City Mills have placed boxes for
the reception of orders at the following places:—
J ft R Floyd, comer of Sixth and Wood streets-
M Hayward, shoe store, cor. Liberty ft Market tu.
A- Heeled, store. Third street
L druggist, eor Fourth ft Bmithfisld.
' John F 9mith; dure, center Higs ft Wytis.
Telegraph Office, Fourth street ■
1I C Kelly, groMr.Fiflb st,eon3*rofMuselalley
- hLGrass, store,Penn street,Niath Ward.
The Sour waggons will call twice or thnee daily
fnr orders, tad the flour,Ac. delivered promptly, either
in barrels oreueks—wekjdourjt prefoablefor family
use—without chares for eantge It i* ptsin that no
accounts cad Ire allowed, ana that drivers can have
no permission to leave flour without payment
Wei hope, the pablie will be pleased with this ar
rangement, as we shall endeavor to do them iustics.
Rarsapsrilta Soda ft Lemon Bytup.
SO kegs Sarsaparilla Soda;
Vtibxs co do;
SO boxes Lemon Eyrap.madu from pure lemon juice;
Jen reesjvsd artd for sole by
- Wtt.I.EO M WmtrKTMON
THE undersigned baa on band, and -is this day re
ceiving tram the manufacturer*, or. coniignment,
a large lot of Flannels, all colon, .plain and barred;
'Also, Bed Dldnkels, Blanket Coating, Beaver C oths.
Catvimerrs, Haiisetlt and Tweeids; which bo will tell
by tbe case or pteee. ht Disurfseturer*' priers. The
aiteobou of dealers tn woollen goods ij.invited.
uugtfl • • (130 Liter.y st
108 Oarkst Btrsst, (usar Llbetty?)
.Arvsiftu anu UMkix, if,
PENDERS, Ac. Alto,
' Satlq wad raney Vaatiawa.
BANDANNA, and LINEN UUKFS. a general us
sonmrni ot FANS, and every vsrioty of trunrainga.
Blaugbterlug a Packing kitshliahnieat
I'HE well known Pork and Beef Sluughterit-'g and
Parking Coneern. owued and fprn.etiy occupied
by the lata James P. Campbe 11, is for rent
The establishment is located in Chillicothe, Host
county. 0., on the plat of ground dividing the Olno
Canal from the Scioto River, and has one thousand
feet of ground fronton each.. The enclosure embrace*
six acres of ground, containing large pens, large and
commodious slaughtering^banging, cutting, packing,
smoking, and lard readout g bouses, brieS noose tor
otfice and every convenience for handling TWELVE
HUNDRED HOGS PER DAY,and lendeting the lard
from the same; os there are a double flue strain boiler
and nngine lor scalding begs and cutting lard, and
two tanks for tenderlug oflal Dy steam.
There is also, on the premises, an li-e House, large
enoogh to remain eight tuousond bushels,
The Scioto Vallqy, ot which ChilUcotlir b the rhitf
market,is one of Ute largest pork and Beef Districts
lit the West, and bogs cun olways be bought there
at lower prices thi(a at Cincinnati and mai,y other
points, and coopersgw is abundant and cheap.
There i» no drayoge accessary,e» boat* may he
loaded at the Packing Houfe, and the tsciitttc* fur
shipping direct Horn thu via the LakrMqNew 1 ml
or Philadelphia, or Baltimore via PuL-hurgli, or to
the Bust or South via New Orleans, are at ell tcaiors
of thu year |dlly equal to tha«e adhrded by Cincinnati
Money laeihues good, there being ten o
twelve banks withtu fony hvc milrs.
Applications for renting may be made to
Attorney at Law, Clncinnadp
aogaj diuovt—Blo Cbillicotha, O.
Eatt ildq of die Diamond,
ATih « sktabliihmefe lhe public may always de
pend upon being supplied with excellent Teat at
reasonable pn:cs—may have
Excellent Tea* at $0 50 per lb]
Superior Qualities-—o 75 •’
The Best T a Imported - joo ”
TUI* l Qe cheapen and beat store in
Pltubargh to buy Teas. MORRIS & HAWORTH
_ Proprietors.
R2rv^LLAEsVur^3-r cli nsii
'■“W S”. ?■ tnl Mocdty of StpL mi*.
•7®Lf; l P- Williams’ no re, comer of Wood
i and Vuin street*. i
J£“lvP* How M d » I Bon. Waller H. Lowrie,
Rot. Dr. C3liotU ] IJ. D. McCord. Eaa " *
R«.DrMcGia. ! I J.d!wlmjigj
, fs H S?F~ lt<l bx ‘ bM >tn
TTNOWaII men who are si «k and eflJicted with dls-
AV ease of the bladder and t Idneya, w <th rhetima lie
uh7. , . m i ° K ) t or limbs, ciffjeint*. old sores, ninniag
iHF™’ * e o h « ,he F can be ured hr takior the Pe
troleum! boumay talkabovtiube’da a nbsvumas
S! c AS 7 ,°*? le ?"j bul lti, ' <3oe * no# make it so, for
we proclaim In ike face of an voaest community, that
Haas virtues which are no. eontained in any other
,? D,tn who is racked with pain and saf
seaso, can for fifty cents, get relief from
uy oftneillsennumsrated above. Reader! It costs
▼ery hole to make atrial. This Petroleum Is no mix
■ re ~ no tompena, put up for the purpose of impo«ing
on too community; but it is a remedy elaborated by
pie master hand 01nature, and bubblesupfrom the bo
som of our mother earth In its original purity, and of
lento rusering hamaul’.y a ready remedy, a certain
and cheap cure. .
"geared Piles after other medicines have failea
*® tender pay relief. ft hts eared Rheumatism of long
stacdiOg, and of the worn and most painful diameter.
It has cored Cholera Morbus by one or two doses; It
55* *?**,? eases of Diarrbaa; in which every other
remedy.baa been of no avail. A«a loeai remedy in
burns and scalds, U U better than any medical com
pound or ointment that wa know of. 'll will cure chil
b i“?*«t fr °«*a feet, in a few applications; undoubt
ed testimony can be fund shed of tho irutlf contained
in the above ftaiesteot by calling on Samuel M. Kiev,
c^« \ "•oin > ?th stree 11 or either of the agents.
McDowell,, corner of Wood street and
Virgin Alley; IL E. Sellers, 57 Wood sued, D. A.EI
- Cnr, Ti Allegheny eliy, are the agents.
"DEAUTY—IIIs universally conceded that beauty Is
■hA more eommon In this country than In any other,
Til i5 t i“ 0 * #m ®^ Oe * lu 'hattn no other conn
uytstt.lojt at so young an ag« Now this is true
to a eertain egtent, but ike Icsifsonea caused by ne
glect. .Wo say to all, do not; neglect jout personal
appearance, but read the following, ana vsa need not
lack good looks.- These articles are scientific pm.
parauoas, and have all attained a high popularity.
Jvnu lUctL's Fan Dnnsi mVancsana Ntara
Soap, for removing tan, tunhum, pimples, blotches,
and other eruptions of the skin; the utesi perfect con
•ervator ofbeauiy every known/ Pnrchaie nelhing
purporting to be Nymph Soip, nnless u has my name
jtTLks aaOßmasPotvDKA,furi
mparting tg the most LUloas couplexiouta raduint
wniteneu. Jn sothieg should a person be more cure-'
fol than the use of a powder for the skin, a* many of
those told are very injurious. My Cblcere.Powder Is
compounded In a seientihu manner, and contains no
ingredient which can possibly inflict an inj*ry.
Havel's Dktilatoby Powuxu, for removim;
superfluous hair. What t» more unsightly than hair
fpon the face or arms of a lady. This article will
remove ttin a short time, witnout tho use of any sham
Jvlxs Haoxl's Yiobtailx Liquid Hare Dr* will
impart to red, white, or gray hair, a
beautilhUy blaek, brown, or auburn color. It will
Color the hair tn A shorter time, and more effectually
|han any outer Dye, being at the same time indellmle.
t JtLks iIACKJs Sjiavito CaiAM.—lt Is really a plea
sure loth ave with, this cream. There is none of the
fmarung sensation usaally experienced in the u*e of
P°ft Soaps. On the contrary, it leaves the skin smooth
lad sail as an tnfhm'a, and not liable to become
Jout*JUvn.'a Roax Tooth to the hair,
we think the Teeth were the greatest omi-
P* M i? J 1 * human faoe; bat when neglected, nothing
Is <0 disfiguring, or so quietly seen. My Rose Tooth
Paste will Impart to the teeth a pearly whiteness, at
the same tune keeping the gums firm and healthy.
_ Af®? 9* bWd, A uompleta asioiuuent of Freneh,
British, ami American Perfumery and Fancy articles.
JULES HAVEL, Perfumer and Chemist,
_ . 1» Chestnut street, Phils.
For sale wholesale and retail, by fl. A. Fahnestock
A and R. B. Sullen, Pittsburgh; and John sor
feni. and J. MiteteU, Allegheny Oiiy, Pa. jy*j7—*jp
, o&tuicrfrraafmnctVß:
Serofala er tuns’! KrU, Rheamstlsm, Obstinate Csti
neoos Eruption*, Pimpleaor Postal*#rathe Faee,
Blotches, Biles, Chroßle Bore Eyes, Ring Worm
or Tetter) Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain ot
the Brae* and Joints, Stubborn Uleere, Bvphiliie
Symplons, Sciatica or-Lumbago.—ahl aiieater
arising from an injudicious use or Meratrr v :Ach>
Kites or Hropry, Exposure dr Itaprndeno* ut Ute;
Alto—Chronic Coswtatioual Ih*ojd*Ts,Ac.
Thit medicine hu aeqaired n very extended and
established reputation wherever it ha* been'twrA,'
bated entirely on it*.own merits, ystuehjunipeTi&k
eflieaey bat alone to it lined. Thd unfbncaate victim
orbereditsry’direaaef'vUh swollen glands, cootruttetf
sinews, and doom half carious. has been reconnl to
Health and tiger. The scrofhtoas patient, covered
wlth'Tdoew, Weilunpr io biatelf and hit attendants
cat been made whole. Hundreds i:f peraont l 'crtA
bad groaned hopelessly for yean under ♦ uUneoai
oxul.xJandnlat dltordcra, ehronlc iheamatiira, nod
many other complaints springing from a derangement
of the secretive orgeat aad the dreulstirm, hare been
relied at it were from the rack of ditease, «ud now,
with regenerated eoaititgUoAi gladly teaui> to the
efficacy of lh«a InetilmaMe preparation.
The attention of the reader la ealled to the following'
astonishing OBre.eflected by the ase of Sands' Sim
"This Is to eertl/y that I hare a colored woman who
has been afflicted forth* last five years with Screfuli,
and ail the remedies I used had no effect in arresting
tho progress of the complaint; on the < entranr T .ahe
constantly grew woree; and after expending between
•?® and tSO with physicians, bciules using other
popular remedies without success, IUI the disease bad
eaten aWty tho cartilage or .her nose, mado its an,
pearaoee oavertocs pans of her body, and had &naify
commenced iu ravages in the rooter her moath
“In this dreadful aituition, with the prefect o
death staring her m the face. I stated her case to Dr
Disoswcy, tne agent for Banda* Banaparilia tn New.
bem, N. C, by whom I was advised to use that article
and to my carptlse and that of my neighbors, to whom
her case was known, after using four and a half bot
Ites she was restored to perfect health, and that m the
pace of. three weeks, and was able to work in two
week* from the time she commenced taking Jt , 1
"Inwitneu of the truth of this statement, 1 havs
hereunto affixed rey name, this 19lh day of September,
“Month of Neste River, Craven eo. N. C.
The following i* an extract ft<ui a letter received
from Mrs Ucvun.wnohad £e«n affliried eeveral years
with Scrofulous Ulcers, Dyspepsifi Ac., and, recently
an a Suction of the throat and chest:—. i
mu uMbuvu ut uiv uiiuu tau vwiu**
“Buiixrajmas.Vs-, Dec. 13,1&J5,
“Messra. A. B. A D. Savu*—Before t commenced
using youi Sarsaparilla, my mflcTlnvs were almost
fast expression: uty throat wai completely ulcerated,
had a dreadful cotgh, and there were frequently
weeks together that! could not ipeit above a.whi*-.
fr, end besides,the Irflammation from ay throat ex
leaded to my head, so that my hearing was very much
impaired. After taking the najispanlia a short timej
my health was unproved, and my throat U now well;
I am as free f-om cough and tightness of the chest as
, aver I was, and eaa hear quite distinctly. My throat
tas been, well about .three months, the cure ox which
has been effected entirely by the use of yonr Sarsa
parilla. Your friend, LOUISA R.BEVAN U
The following testimonial to the value of the Sarsa
parilla, is from Ike Rav Lather Wright,aged7fiyeaxs,
Congregational Minister, residing. at Woburn.
“Woiou, Mass., March* X, ISIS.
“Nessra. Bands: Gentlemen—Fromwhat I have ex*.
perienced. and from the information 1 have recently
received from a number of persona of high respeeta.
bility who have used your-Sarsaparilla, 1 have not
the least doubt but that u is* most valuable medieiue
and that the □ macrons certificates you have received
of Its cfliaucy am fully sustained by experience, and
although it* rep nation and tpUity are very extensive,
and suml In uo need o| my humble efforts to more ass
them, I want all who are afflicted by disease to be
come acquainted with the effiemey and power of you*
valuable medicine. “
' ‘‘l am, gentlemen, gratefully tod very respectfully
Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by A. I). *
D. BANDS, Druggists and Chemists, 100 Fallon street,
corner of WiULm r New York. Bold also by Drug
gists generally throughout tbo.Unlled Stale* and Can
ada. Price SI per bottle; six bottles for *5.-
For sale by L. WILCOX, Jr., B. A. FAHNESTOCK
A CO Pittsburgh. Al
to. Kir r>r * ftMlTll.RrUcwat*’ l»pUl.<t*fvt* wl
. UCDfOAb AID iunaiOAb oppiokT
-a*. No. 41, DIAMOND ALLEY, a
X*ey bt ow Wood strict,'to--
«Bma DR. 880 WB, having been
JnSwgß rugulaslycdaeaied to tho medical
CT.fIHMHfSBfIi orofestion,and beenfor aotne time
general practice, now confines
iartfWßHrj^hl» attention to tha treatment o(
those private and delicate com
plaint* for which his opportunities
- f and experience peculiarly quality
' \ him. H years assidoously devoted
to study A treatment ofthoee eomplainuddutlnqoiqssk
lima he has had more practice and has cured more pa
lent* than can ever fall to the lot of any private prac
titioner) amply qualifies him to offer assurances cl
•peedv. permanent, and satisfactory cure to all afflicted
with dsUoau distil**, and all dLsaitei ansing there,
Dr.UrownwoaldtnfoimibdMafflieted with pn*s<«
diseases which have become chronic by time or ag
gravated by the use of any of the eotntnon nostrums i t
Ibc day, that their complaiuts can be radically and thorf
ongnly cured; he having given hi* careful attention to
U;e treatment of such Cases, and succeeded in hundreds
of instances in coring psivone of inliau.niaaoiv-of tbs
neck of the bladder, and kindred diseases which often
mult from those cases where others have
them to hopeless despair. He particularly in'Vttcs snei
as have been long and
to consult him, when every satisfaction
them, and their'’case, treated in
intelligent manner, pointed cot b ! f -“ l“” p !t?n.V
study,and investigauon,wbichrt»» iapo.s*blcifor ihou
, engaged in general preexist of asdicls. to give tc
one class of disease.
GT-llemU or Ruptur*.—Dr. R ««?•■'
uom afflicted with llsmia to call,** ha haspanl parus,
ular attention to Uua disease.
P N , SVpISintIM dibit -111-15,.'» '>
SffldMriSg 0 T USWWn! M- a, post paid, ead aneV.
« Diamond «Uay, oppoalta tha Waved)
U WffWM RooM.No.ttDl
»Ssffll2yrriusbanh,P*. fki Dwrtoru always
“gr !(••*»»
DirannoDvr op tbk 1 iTsaict, >
OStt rf Mian Again, Stp 23, JSfiO. J
SEALED PROPOSALS will be red iredatthe e£et
of the Coominioner of Indian A fairs, at Wash
ington city, ontlJ ten o'clock on Saiufdty, too tccocd
coy of November next, for ftaniihinj -the following
Julian gooir, Tit-: ,
Clast No. I BlAhxx a ;
2,100 pair* 3 point white Maekinic [blankets, to
measure GO by 72 inches, «n 1 weigh eight
~ pounds.
1"9C0 pairs 2} point woife Mecknrnr blankets, to
aetsure 31 end 66 inches, abd weigh six
rounds- 1 ; .
1.173 pairs 2 point white Mackinso blankets, to
measure 42 by 58 inches, and weigh live and
a quarter pounds. ' !
9c 0 pairs U point white Mackmae blankets, to
measure 30 by SO inches, and weigh four and
a quarter pounds. ' .
900 pairs 1 point white Mackinac blankets, to
measure 32 tty 40 (ache*, and weigh three
and a quarter pounds.
400 p«ira 3 point scarlet Mackinao blankets, to
measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh eight
: 300 pain 2) point scarlet; Mackinac blankets, to
measure 34 by 66 inches, and weigh six
100 pairs 3) point green Mackinac blankets, to
measure 66 by 84 inches,' and weigh ten
300 pairs 3 point preen Mackinac blankets, to
measure 00 by 72 inches, and weigh eight
250 pairs 2| point green Mackinao blankets, to
measure 04 by 06 inches, and weigh six
100 pairs 3} point gentinella blue Mackinac b!an»
Sets, to measure 60 by 8S inches, and weigh
ten pounds.
400 pairs 3 point gentinella blue Mackinao bins*
cels, to measure’6o by 72 inches, and weigh
’ eight pounds.
300 pairs 24 point gentinella bins Mackioac bl«p»,
kets, 10 measure 54 by 66 inches and weigh
t:x puunds.
Class No 2—Dry Goods. ,
1,005 yards aearlet stroods.
60Q do .binestrands..
1,800 do fancy lilt chub, bine,
76C do fancy list doth, scarlet.
350 do fancy list doth, green.
1,000 d r grgy list cloth, bine.
3,000 do saved list cloth, bine.
1,600 do' sareJ list cloth, scarlet
SOO 1 do saved till cloth, green.
225 pounds worsted yam, 3 fold.
100 doz. cotton flag handkerchiefs.
250 do cotton Madras
175 do black silk handkerohiefs.
•90 do 84 cotton ehiwla.
SO do . 64,cotton shawls.
65 do 4 4 cotton shawls.
40 do 84 woolen shawls.
430 poaeds linen thread.
SO do ‘ aeCTing silk.
TOO pieces ribbon, assorted.
150 gross' worsted gartering.
31 pieces silk handkerchiefs,bark and bandana.
Chut No. 3,—Damme Goods.
35,000 yards domestic calico * ,
10000 do Merimso calico
3 500 do blue drilling -
8.000 do Georgia atripea
4 000 do blue denlma
1,600 do cottODade
do bed ticking
1,000 do Eeetouky jean*
500 do taUnetts
7,000 do plaid limey
7.000 do domestic shirting, bleached
15,000' do domestic shirting; unbleached
15,000 do domestio sheeting, unbleached
fc.OOO do domestic checks, strifes plaids
400 dozen woolen socks
1,500 vards flannels, assorted-'
I,oooflannelahirt*- -. . .. .
• 700. calico shirts.. .......
• 550 pounds cotton thread
400 dozen spooJ eoitan.
Class No : V—HaßlAviK*.
2,050 poQods brass kettle*...
270 dozen bmeber-knivea
25,Q00 gnntUnU
' 25 gross awls''“
' ■TjOOO C«tfbbokii- -' ' •
35 dozen fish lines "f
25>000needles! :
.100 dozen combe, pasoripd
16 ' do’ '' Y
" TB grot*gnn : ■Wanna'':''
1,090 un kauies; ...
. .7. TO.hetts japanned Xgtuea, fimappst- j'
Cia w Ad.,o. —'AcaicbrnisaL -
200 dtawinjr knives, 121hches id Idngtb : {i io.
700 auger*,* in equal proportions ofli, ,1, ■s,.&
150 palrvTiamea. j -vr.> ivi';
7So'p*irf‘irtiee , ebaihi''''"”-'' : * os '* j
•l^Jo(Kre'edliig-boe* v i ••••;
/175haud saws -;V is- I*-."'
40.crm|cut.aawi,7fc4ia.length... !
40crpMcntsaw^.t5fl^jg[fcagtliV j <•'
100 : hacd eiw.fllcs 1 f
: JtOhwpea.qnt Saw flies I
. . 40 r% : " :
r <«dsSw.'ld- a • , - :
800 quartet's socket dfiiflfr:- < •>
; - B<j piiac* feteaml jack ? U ref: 1 -; p
CldUs6ksiir*Aikt',} >-
73 down axes, to weigh from 41 to 51 pound* --
83 do half axes, to weigh 3j pounds {
TPd<> - hatebeiato veighlk nojtnda -
25 hrend axes • T"- ; r~
Class No. 7.—Nosthwcst Quits.
610 nonh west guos, two thirds of which crest
measure 36 Ineb«£ia teegth of barrel, cpd
-one third 42inebe*ULleotUiof'barreI, to be
. Philadelphia, as
nisy be required. 4 ‘
Samples of all the abotoaTtiefe* ire deposited tn the
office of >f- Jndlaa-Agalra; sod it
may bepropetto rcmttk lh*t,tho»r of hardware, ag.
rlcuhnral implqtnenUf-and feonh west gun*,<are ’en
tirely «EW,:«od' ; of bsucriqaaUty thaaitheTarticle*
hereiotore jbrnUhed under fonner contract*.
Tbepropdaala may be dlyfdediato aesen parts, :
vll.r-. vr-..
Ist—Blankets. ..
2d— Pry Goods.
3d— Domestic gooda. ‘
' 4tb—Hardware. - • •? . .•* ••
Sihr-Agriculturil implements.
Gib—Amis.. •
"ib—NortbWeat goui.;'"
The lowest eomperent rerponstble bidder wfll-rc
cetTotbu wholeeranypsxtof thnesstrach according
tq the aboytrtcafcj.thq Department .rdiertteg to iUefr
tbb ri*tjt to octet mliie whether tb&bldflerU competent
and responsible or not. * • ' *'
The whoJv Aaeoßtna money tob« applied to the
purchase of goods will bo about *M,OOO. Vui the De
partment: reserves the tfght to lneteas* ot diminish
be quantity of any of the article* named, or tubsthuio
others in lieu thereof,orto require, at similar paces,
nreh goods u msy be wonted '/or presents or other
pat poses, in ikd effniolstretion'cf the affairs Of Ute Do- -
punme&t Goodtof Amerieun muitefsciurtj ail other
things being equal. be Preferred-; but as all the
cemplva ol blankets and.gtothsaro of foreign mdrm*
fucturr, ii.will bo necesiarT, when is douiCsqo' article'
U bid for. that a sample of-it should oeeoDtpany the
bid, to pnabla the Department us decide whether itlsof
equal quality wlthlho'sampleato bo-exldbuep .
Tho party propostug.itf supply the articles wiU tnake
an iavnlra «i %lLthe item? embraced in tho above list,
and ofix the prices, in dollar's add eenu, at which beer
.they wl'l furnish, them und*t'ekehelasi separately, de
'llverahle in New York, (orlflhe contractor prefers it,
about one-hulf of thequan'lty may be delivered in BtJ
- expenso tathoGovenudent) on or
> berdrelheitahjdayDf:Mar.Be»,a**omlpithoquantlty
ot each article aa sperified in this advertisement, and
extending)he cost, making an aggtegmto of the whole
Invoice eorininuing tha hid. goods will tminspeo
: tad in New York (andin 8t- la»i*, if anylponion bf
■ ihem should be.delivered there) by anittent of the
united States, who will. bC.appolDted by the Depart
ment Tor the purpose; aad to ascartaln tho eonfismity
of tvo anlelespurchased 'with the'atopies dxbibited,
when the eontraet ahull bo made, and with the terms
of ihocontract itself, which snail containaclause that
jf the anielee are ootmtnlsbed within the timo pre
scribed, of if they are of insufflefent aaality in itha
. opinion of the agent aforesaid; and if within five day*,
after notice of voeh InsuSelehey the party shall not
&imi<hoitie««ln liee thereof of the required quality,
me. Unitad authorised la purchase them
of other*, and to charge any Increase of .price they
may be compelled 101 oaythcrclor to the eontnetor,
wuo shall pay the said difference to the United States.
Bonds wjli be required in tha umoont of the bids-.
with two good sureties, the Sufficiency of whom to be
certified by a United State! Judge or District Attorney,
frr the ftithiul performance of the contracts. Pay
’ meat will- be made after the contract is completed uad
the delivery of the goods as. aforesaid to an agent of
tho Department, upon a duplicate invoice cert fied by
hito ' .
Communications to bo marked “Proposals for In
dlsngoods." . . . r
: The bids wiU bo submitted With the following bead
ing, and none will bo received that are not mado In
tho forts and terms here prescribed: , 1
M l (or *0) propose to-turnish for the service of the
Indian Department tho following goods, al the prices
aibied to them respectively, viz:—
- (Here insert the list of goods)
Deliverable in tha city of Ne w York (or St Loo**) on
or betore tne day 01 next; and In ease of the ac
ceptance of his proposals, the quantity batngpf** 6 "®*
ed by the Department, 1 (or Wei wiU axeeulo a eon-,
tract nctioniing to this agreement, and give vaustac•
iotv iccuriiy to the Department within ten day* after
the reception of thla bid; and in esse of. Tailors IQ
■cuter into aueh contract, and give seek seeumy.llOT
we| will pay tv th« United Slates tho difference he
twreu the sums bidden by ma. (orus,)and iniin
which the United States may be obliged to pay tor the
' *Kar b'andxvcry bid must also be aecoopanjed with;
a guars my In the following form, to be signed by one
or'more responsible persons, whose infficignoy mum
be certified by tome ooe who is known to tho Depart
ment* either personally or by hi* official position.
• | (or we) hereby gusraaty, that - ■■■ •, the above
bidder, will comply with -the term* of the advertise
ment for'piOi osala for Indian goods,* dated Septem-'
ber SS. 1850, If the contract should be awarded to him,
and enter into bond tor th&exeetuien of the stae
within the time pretdribod.”
[L.a.l -
• The contract* of former years are open for the in*
•peeuon of bidders. li. ,
srp3j) , Oomaitrioner of Indian Affairs.
" ~ c gupa arifEMmp.~' •
XIIAVE, this dav, avabetated with meMr..I.H.
Clouse, in the Wholesale Grocery and Produee
Dnsineis; the style of the firm will be A. Culbertson
fcClouse. : LjjJ) A. CULBERTSON
a. ccLisarsoßl
\X7HOLESaLE GROCERS and Cotnminio&'Mer
vV chsnu, Dealers in Produee, and TiUaburth
Manufactured articles, IPS Liberty It, Ptnaburgh, ra>
Extra Family Plorxr*
AFRESH supply or the Poland MilU«w FaaUy
Flow, a very efiotee article, hist reeM toxuuaby
. iwiocirn ..
XVIII. NO. 63.
(latx csaicßßu, aaasw 4tc«4 *
Would respectfully Inform the eustooen of the lala
f}tm, a» also the public generally, Otat yj/ wiH
conanne the manufacture 01 1 1 “*
f In ali their varieties, it lie Clld Sand,
fie *9 Wood at, bitursiaFintSWMsr
ijygaKha i.
Or. Bose’i Celebrated Remedies.
DB. JACOB the diseerent and sole dm.
■ prietor or .these i most-popular tad beneficial
medicines, aad Also the inventorof ihs celebrated
instrument for inflating the Lungs, la effettin a aua
of chronic disekses. «u a student ol thateminent
physician, Doctor Physio, sad !• a gndsate of tba
university of Pennsylvania, and fortMrty jean since
fash been engagedln the investigation ofmaeaae, aad
the application of remedies thereto.
Tbrourh the use of bis inflating tab©, in eonneetien
with his Prepbylae tic Syrup and other of his remedies,
bo has gained an uapanJe’led eminence in eating
those dreadful and fatal mnlidles, Tubercular Ce®.
sumption, rCanceri, Scro.'ula, Khetusatisiu, Asthma,
Fever and Fever* iof all kind*, Chronic&r
lipejas, and all.those obstinate diseases peculiarto
females. Indeed every form of discs**
pie me of hi* remedies, to whieh humanity » heir—
not by (bo use of one compound only, for that is to*
Compatible wlb-Physiological TAw, but by the asa
pt his remedies, adapted to and prescribed for each
peculiar iora of disease.
-Sr. Rose's Tonic Alterative Pills, when, used are
invariably acknowledged to bo superior to all other,
as a purgative or iirer pill, Inasmuch as they lean
the. bowels perfectly freo from - cosUveaesa; ss also
his Golden Fills u admitted by tbs faculty to possess
peculiar properties adopted to female diseases, bet
being sa'isSed that a bsre trill is sufficient to
what has been said in thsmlndsoftha moil skeptical.
The afflicted are invited to call upon the agent, aad
procure (grain) one of the Doctor's pamphlets, giving
adetailetf accoontof each remedy and itsapplioatlon.
Ear sale by the following agents,as well as by most
druggists throughout the country.
J ticboonmaker A Co, 84 Wood street, Pittsburgh;
J H.Townsead£driiggist, 40 Market it. do;
Lee A. tieekbam, do near the P.O. Alleghtaydij;
Jos Barkley/Derlingtod, Beaver Pa.
Jno EUioujßanen Valley, do dot
T Adams, Beaver, do do;
augUtdly 1 • •
—jbigaprtme-Oreetr KUrCoOso; .
.190 packages assorted Teas;
70 bn a aioribd Tobacco;
lObags.Fepper; •" ••
a bags Alsplew ~ , .
09 mam Cinnamon;
) > OObxaNoLtooeolate;-
3 earn Lujaoriee Balt:
10 Uercea fra* trfnaa Hlee;
a esika.bmt Madder;.
<0 barrets Alum;
» barrels'/aimera'Oil; ‘
; 00 dozen patent Backets;
. 300 bzs Corn Broom*:
Htfboxes Whitepjpes;
• > 30 bbdi prime Ji.OSnsai;
CO brli do MoUases:
100 Ms large No 3 Maikerel;
SO brli large tla » do:
S do — No 1 do..
OObrlsNOTan ' ’ ‘
‘ . HO brJ^PiWb}-.
' 60 LrU No 4 Korin; ,
• SOCO U>a assorted Yarns: '
.i- ' ,OQ balaa No I Kattiag: 1 •
100 kegs pnme White Lead:
»00 kegs assorted Nails; ~
AUf, a foil knestmeot o/‘WUibarrh manafherared
articles, tat salo by ' JOHN WAIT ACO
' aoa Liberty at
* MUiiAiS3l4!*—*U biiM Nf» Bajar;
Q 200 brl»N O MflltJUCj;
lUObja white Brazil Snmr,
np btls Bot wt«*ciu»L3i
34 brla Lovering'* pulT’d:
• srfbrUStLouii dw
lO.bx* Loveriag’a Loaf:
. . .. . 3UbiUStLaaia do;
. In aidre and tor aala by V
—P*o- • - - ■ MILLER &-RICKETS ON
U I'NUKiUHr-2CO. bjt* 8 »rt law—U tutlottx't;
O ' Ibbxs genuine Italian Maccaronfc
SfOibzs .do .'do. Vermicelli;
J ciuk Nuunegt, No 1;
brl» Clwvev;
20 tarkeu Uoadeaax and Alarieilleo
Olive Oil; in More and tor ('ale by
•el’ll' _UILLffo& RIOKtrrsUN
■ -Third •u«el,eppesiif the Post Office.
; .^WORt<rf%uleoniii,W<ke t Hßy-.Th»ckar*F.
-L'JL Kmcteiuockor Magauce for September.
•• -M*mVMortfcnittt’H***2fiid for September.
o^J«.w.i& r engraving ou
. xttMfta^takjpefcre^NiKaXjrL':
•• Uaei’»|4»in* A*e»Ko3W„.ui-.a -.
, „Vybi# i’pftrm Gallery, cAnuuainr S
uS&ihfiHetihgnlaheil Whig*.
• North BiiUitt Review for Annitr
0e meet* tie Review far* September.
Review of Foreign Liter*}
" *'■>'* eyaibs.
VffirariiY;* uCßcuptEur lab*
tijJsrewjuji buyer* gtAKaUjahai?
icf theft iiore Rcors, they nave nstc
jo o>e..Bxe©t«pSTO**of the WtiWlarth
tae*imyn>T*tfenTk W,
t»*PP7 to»*e thclr,ev*tsnadn''w : tssi
aoaWof *i!Bu»op-«Bjn,-*rGUry i
■ihratyjisUiEis UiaaiClxeaj* Good*.. 7
-; lo?»Kmifio rr6aF<mm.ftn«u :
hand and for rale by. Ute beul*. at
—V" r
zd*P*'+ ;j_V: I'lm+M
■ Uomettlc Woolltn G
, f\NEcasa Black CSoutdbawfo:
i \J ; 1 C4>o Yellow Flanaelt; i
1 c**aßedtwiuifl^*£Mar^
i. , a ; 4p}. .'
3rases baited ■• Vddi - '*
Seaiwl'ljtijjanAFiaet Cek*lo
1 c«e Saoneo; . j
3ca«*Cl*oAtpmj .
1 cmjQ Je*a«; r *
• 3ea*esßli* Black ptaoket Ce*w
r , ScaveaGrtyßlaakau; : - v .l >
; 9 caaea Drab Blankets - I
-i l eaw Bla*-* -d« - • \ ■'
i ' ;v * ? duct White Dad Blankets
• COpainStaiaßoitßlanXeta?'
■ /Beceietd.oa gftwijpmwt yf —nnr»».
ini art price* by ..., . . . a l-ra
. **pla_ ,_ 133Liberty itieet.
C°AP—per famed BtairnWimUor, #
P-. '•! i „ v do ‘ -. itooerSoap;' *
Cinnamon Bur Span;' .
Philadelphia Variegated Swps V
Piurtanrr -u« uof
CftiUla-goap; f • k. v?.,
Olive £oap; for *a!ewho!«tale and retail by
. O ECEtVED this d«jr Irom the e*m—. -..
Serenade—Sehioben. " '•
I»* Sereoede—Atrhejed m Doett - - ’
Jeeaune tad Jeuißot—Per Cvur. ..
Voice of by jone day*—Fou«.
Awm'ydown.inCaito—Focter: . • .
Be W*tchfut.»nd'Bewere--^GioYer.
. Bcaidot teuy iother popular Son*» knS pieces.
. 1V •• .* - HKUSBE*,
-»epia . . 'Biynofihe<»alden •
? " ■ " Water k. great «u
>w fan l !
iBOWN Windsor Soap, Benzoin, Honey, Uuk
> Vernacular, Oriental, Sala.and.Ollw Oil.Soap*
-ttwac Soaps art highly eelenrefed Mr imparting
amootbaeario the akin- r •. >*
Purehsacdfroratneimpgrter, anil:teraaiioby
“P l 3 :: R EjJErfXKE£L67Wo*a tt
T AGUAYRA_COF?EE—JObn««iper5tfor aale
Xi Hy •• tieptai ■ WM ATUcCLffBG ACO
•jusro.YCRAC KEkS—o hrlsfteucr Cnftius; —,
XX a abtUßraa.'’ do
■, »ipt2 -. ; • ! ■ Wig AMoCLPgfIACO
Glti Ajtg—ldbjwo genuine Brine toOfMjlW A Bo&s:
: . ■ 3(^000
j r do-- Bejralja»,TarioMbra*dj
•* WiUOOlnitatura Ptineloe: A*
i 100,000 Philadelphia mado h£ Bpanlsh;
iln store enifor sate by • . . ■
>f K ATHKK—oWsides’NTsololieaiJierribrsateby
Xi Sflpo , - JAB FLOYD
JIMJUACCO—IUU boXeailansi'aefored Tobicco, of
X BtuseHA: Robinson**, and tuber favorite brand*,
; For talc by - fsepfl] • v J A RFLOYD
CiIEESE-OOOOlb* W R Oeeaa In store, for sale by
T?LODK—SO bits Boland MiUa Mperior famtlyFlotr
r 100 brls superfine family Floar. jut rac'd
for safe b'y ’• AXCLtoERTSON ACLOU3L
' aep9 U ■ :-< IflfiLtbeWyat
EYKn.uua^amrltiattrac'aw asteW •
sepO -■ <•' - A QULBSgreoH A CLOPSS
lI odPliAb Very fins
H article, made eiptesily for laai-pattoie, for sale
t> y , . (replO AA-HPHJLUPS
13 ACOX SBuULUKRS— red’d lor sale by
ft scpjO V ifrfoWftKRBAUOH
SUUAM— lt» and* NUSogartec'd for tale by
- wpio * SAwnARUAuen
I/louß—so trtis superfine.yre*d for sate by
r sepia - - - ■ -aA-w^iAftakrGH
j.*RUnll ‘ftlAS-^vaoat cheat*.Young Hyson;
"" • r . “0 'do ' 'Ctnipowcgr,
• :5o do ’lmperial],.
~. •• -150 caddy bza,. fio; .
Per latettamralsai N*-fcr Vork.eoasHstDr various
qualities, [of sale by’ •' I WM-BAGAL£Y ACO
Mpia . ; - ; -r ta a » Wood m
RICE-4a ftiee/for iraie-by ~
DL&CSTBA— UOhfehl Mug Yoar Ch ohm. Poach**
O • . • sio; do ■. Ookmq.' r»J fineyr&des, per
lebec, last, and Casslda, for sale by . „
GURAM CUKH K—7s bx» prime ree'tt for *<•!« by
Bacon suoViSEUiJ—W.tKHiibii om of amok
house, for sate by ■•... . 1 & A WIIhRBAPOU
HAMS— 8 cuts taptnor c&&TU*ed
.cMfed.*ad,fonile:by .
«pl 3 : ; 3&y HAKBAT7GH
QODA ASlf-WcMksii *tow aad to «Ue by ~*~
P.ncpia? -.i • BfcqrHAHBAUOH
IkA OULD CAADLfeS—fiO bn In «:oro for suo by*
ill <epU ' 8 AWHAHDAUOh
VitS YO ”
58— eoo trzr urit for «u* b* —
„ —Uk—loo brt» exw* Tiottr-rtcHrfirrMii br —
P »epl3 • B tWHABDAIInn
INDIA BUB9EB PA€k{Htt*-3UX> lb*
psAiag’}t' preMnd *o -tkit~3&o4errtct F»w«kli*.
'ssrssssssEKKaarataS^safi'sS l
* £ • T Y%'BVHtUarB
*■' - * IMWoodil .
[l ». ciocn..
rTUJt*otL-Mt>ti a &.c;.. n
-■ W biltjwnTmotirOlljfor wie
iy tfo engTaT-
ira-fot Septem-
J sept*
,their c a* tom l
a consequence
tg sod improv
red their goods
Tcctapy, until
'e-tbsy will be
at* did for the
ad re numerate
8«i Ctwayt on.
i uuorcaiioaat
rtgeSttro. '