IHE PlTMBDaffltt GAZETTE. fir whits & co. VVIBPBOH | w ® # - Lpcorora. 'Z 7 ' —j— ' are earnestly renamed to band ta 5 £ & »j , - _» .ttßrfaver* before and u eariyiatbodavea 9 b ? ‘S 0i« ? - * practicable. Advaniaeaesta oouaaened for a steel* ■§ 5 P » w £ 5 Bad time will tovanablj' be charged util ordered oat. DISTRICTS. h mq^S|2|-S^ 07»y. B. Palm Ii Agent for ibis peocr el his ' 1 8 S S ! °! i s » j ciuriet in New Rcrk, ThiUdeiphia, and s^-giaaoMSg •niton, tad la tatbortaed 10 receive nbaertptloaa Jt .udadvenieeaentafor as. ramnss. ——— fsiitim *—Adratlae. First Wirt *o* l it COS I*2 16? 11? 131 188 lib 74 ■op* and tabscriptions to the North American end S««pd do to ** <** 2! 2? £? i?i 157 ‘ 3< 111 DnUed SM»i Oueito, PMMelplu,rewired end fci- Tkiid Jo ••■■ec « .g o « Bents £vr-mir paper received and forwarded &ta 0 ,»««« 00 - office. Pint Ward I*o 80‘ |G2 804 900 04 72 97 M « Daily GinxmL—Advenisemeaa §£?£?* * [2* |Jj 113 |g» im inf li? •« ,?? 7a •uinhecrstioat, for thispaper,wQlbe received end iS ijf IS i£ is! }JJ }*S *1 10, w orwtrded tfomthisoffice. Fwnb 00 •••• w » » » «l Ul iu w w n 1* : aoaocoaa. 1 Birmingham ••• 117 •» 123 181 120 157 101 133 155! 14:1 ILreuNEir PAG£ FUR MOiL MATTERS jj Birmingham 4# 44 fit 43 41 9o 31 10 jglf.* TELEGRAPHICNEWS,fee. B. Pmsbargh- 84 A 3 69 M S 3 lib i«? musuf 8? fcPKeeaport.*— IK. 106 78 107 107 73 77 7311*7 ?a ElUabeth—— 103 100 (07 Os 88 O) C 2 S 3 «3 ks ***••*••* C * m f t ** ‘ W.ELrtbelh., S 3 17 13 18 IB ifr 80 n[ ”1 jf We five, to 6»y, the official table* of ihe remut LawreoeetUle- (1 W II tt ei m 99 1001 y-l m of the «ltcUM to Hit ootmqr, wttk Ua exception ffigßjggn; " j? S 5 » If » “ “ S S or tbe NeUve and Fntoual AaocmWy vote, tie Doquesao.—. a 3) 39 s 31 15 n 13 nl u Autoor tad Cannlj Sarteror. ud ita «» as 84 ’• “ 73 ” » *> « »>| « tbe Aaendocfit of the• Comtltniioß* ■which we Pin..---.—, es 02 s? ei eo 3? a> wffl ,lTO_ia ob( *t, Ste OK.I v«. « Ua Jg [g jg '► •* “ !; •< « « •oeodmeat of the coulitsUas Is t* diliovi; - Pleni . tj 7i 7i n to tv «a 701 7j J a 104 Penoa.. 73 71 71 73 77l at 3' at] 311 m • Fo7th»Am«adQeal VomUlea.— 71 co te e? wi 30 85 «i eni ai J Af-OV* Ameodininl...... 2,353 Klixtbeth...... ta 20 187 807 2M in i*j3 iSS im1.94 ; JelTtraon- —7B & 8? 70 71 70 74 «• 5?! C 3 Mifflin—«... 88 C* 80 Gb Si ivt ill ui nalios 2,071 Snowden—lo3 tO4 88 tttt loi 47 4* 46 4113? The whole Whig tictet is elected with TByiuf upper*si. Cl*u nTtiOHQMUclltlcl mjloritla. n. d^.ffprt.W.hpLOCOES >«>g » »«J ™ »® »» tided u ther were by the cnalou enpueaen &v es 10? es] vo 3 3 o 2 ?.« ® i?< if. 2 >wei xsty refer to hereafler, whet the uaoko of (he Pise——*.. 7B » 77j 80 80 isi us t slmltie eofitest its cleared twiy. S' R«* - ee 81 »p ?i «> m fi w| 4t •oowejooocwMßueway. . Boeeive • • SB 28 *3 « 21 1-3 82 so) 8.1 to Shader*BB 83 68 80 « 4> 49 4li 4?l 40 lodioaa——73 93 71 73 73 71 To 71, Til Tt Weat Deer--*.. 82 *t 81 82 82 *3 2S 28 56 25 EaatDeer—llB|lWll*7lllO 118 43 «3 4fel 4-1 1 41 Wo ccagrtitikio the poop’s of Allegheny coan* tj oa v tke eicctlcn of Tsoi. M. Ho vs, Esq, too .aesi li Congress. la him they hare i reprtKS* mire in whom they eu Implicitly confide. He trill always bo fotrad falthfol to the interests of hit ■ o&stftcents, and firm as a rock to hfayyinpJpUn gy iWfcig. The preaes; will find ia film a cm did, able tsppcner, sad hiafeHow members a gentleman of coartecns end itejtk tuoaers* obliging disposition, snd'sterling boaor." v him a career of great ass fulness and popularly.--. U D/.-Ctroihen, wo htn ■ Seoalor who Will be •eboad ts few, it any; lathe Btate, In point of ebil- Jtyj jmd ascend to nose in the firm and confi-ifp tlboa discharge of doiy. Aa he acquires experi ence he will, become a very influential member of that important body. par members of Assembly are all good man.— Altegheay.eouoty'hts seldom been more ably rep* matted. Taro of t&em hare beta la the Legit* latere before, aid all of them are mea of eoaad will make working .11 well aa talking v Isaater Drum* - This gentleman la now oa a visit to oar city, Sop pi eg at tbs Monongahelt House. -We are re* joicod to leant that be fcaa been reflected to the Stats Senate, over that political renegade; Jedgo FoorMma! Thedayhisgose . by w&en his Tariff 1 humbasgery will be igaJped down by the honest Democracy of Clarion ccanty. He it a used op mao, politically. Toe Federalist* are perfectly welcome to aU tneh converts—their Einciple* tro “Dimes Md Dollar*— Dollars and meal” Aa soon u the Democracy are rid oi a few more of these Cameron Tariff] tes, we shall have a powerfai, bannoD locs, and triampb anl patty la PaaaajlvaSla.— Pittsburgh Pad. . TiosbovebeiatilWspecitiea.ofgenninePean* Looofiwmm is- from lira Post of jester* day. The editor,' !■ oot of the woods. It eo Dram” Is hot electodiisd that politically deader he has, there It good reason for believing, jost been elecled ln the CI»« tiea District in place of Dram 1 We havq before us the nnofidal retnrns from Armstrong and la* d»ans, wuh reporta from daring'which can be to* lied on. These make the rank fcot op as &(• lows, Myers. Dram. 125 ..... 477 210 ...... 33d Clarion.... Armstrong. Indiana.-.. Myers’majority The American, of yesterday afternoon, «Ule* that a gentleman jasl Goo Armstrong, brings full returns, electing Myers by ISA majority ! The- Fut nya wo are welsoae to each c invert* a* Judge Myera. We welcome fudge Myers into «o? ranks, with pleasure, and thank him moat heartily for the glorious rvrolßtioa he has effected' io Clarion county. He Es worth thousand of Of those fishy politicians, who can change their tariff sentiments to suit the poltßmrireathereock ,^,er Washington cr Richmond. \ WBSTAOaEhAffD COtiSTT, OT7ICUX. By ielejpapb, wo hsve the following official re* ini} of the election in Westmoreland county: Morrison, Loco, .A. 3806 Daagen, Whig :....'5357 * , Bahkr, L0c0,.. Snyder, Whig,. IU7 y ..3325 j .2229 Bra*fey, L0c0,... 1 Whig,. ' Kahn’s msj&rfiy for Congress U 407 in the county..: v t i ••• Tn*. Ears Dtrraicr.—W* think there is every reason to hopo .that John H. Walker b elected in the 23d District Cunia’' majority in Clarion ia to email that the remainder of the Dlstricf, Locoibco. a* fob, will hardly bo able to overcome the bril* lb»t majority el that bright Whig spot, the gloi*- onaccunty of Erie. T«* TwixitSkseq W. Howe, Wbig, ia oodonbiedlj e'ectad ia thin Dlairict. la Mercer eoanty bl* majority will be Gom 600 to 700. la Venango, flfcattuck'i majortiyia not core than 200. From Crawford oar infoUigenee ia tot very details, bat ilia admitted tbatSkftttark’alaajotl; Xf iaiese than 200, Tbo following letter from a gentleman | is FrenkliD, to .Ma friend* ia thia city, briogyaubeatie intelligence foes Venango eoonty: I Fiiwtji; Oct 9,1650. Otiti-Our returns ere almost all la—fistaf ■ majority tgaiait Joha W. Howe, of Soo~a (ala tor iho W&lf* of ctor SOD Toter. Tea '■msjorlty. asaloti Hove, la th*aaw»y, wiU m* hwt&rttkaa 200, tad probably SO'fcat. Tbo majoritf acaiati kimla 1618 wee 491. He U alerted berood a act*/ Uterm tbe editor* oft h*G«xtne. Walker, Wbttf,* " probably elected Com Otariem 4f«rfef,aa also Jodfa Myeaa for Seaato. . A 1 j»flby of Congress, coasting new. PoM Bon tea, Win be {And os oar first page to d*f* Its great length prevents a* fromgfvicgotiT ' Moel variety to day. The reader will tod It aoifl. terestbg; document, u cxMMifag tbs wonderful msguitadeofoar country, end itsrspld snide* to _ wealth aai greatness. They will find Pott routes esubliabedjin Mlacaota, New U{xis, Utah, Ora* god, andCalUornl*,thnagtaeiingtothaaa regions, so lately almost unknown, aU the advantage# of this frost Chlitof cirOiziUoD. * Tax Istouutiohal MarrstY Bffgaunt* or Lrr aauU, Senses, au Ani —ThlA* « very able and Toiomiaoas moo lily magazine, ta imdtease siaouat of nlatblo matter* Prise three dollars a year, or 29 ceau • damber. String* r tad Townsend, publishers, New Yorß hie, 3, of the first vdaate, the camber for Octa&V has just arrived. * Vm.L Kobb, Eeq., hasbeen appointed Post Muter at Florence, Washington county, in place of Mr. Walker, removed This haa excellent appointment. tjtmuel Barnett, Esq., hasbeen appointed Pott Flndleyriile, ioplaeo oflWvi Findlev, T eaigned. Mr. Barnett is a good man, and Will make a good officer: bet he has one fault—ho is not a TVXig' Dksasful Mostautt.—ln the lownahip of Hart' land, Huron county, the dysentery H raging with great malignity, la ooe School District, occoping a tsnd ridge, hitherto esteemed the healthiest part of the to mini p, there have been twenty fix deaths . within a few wee la—ooe out of six of the popola* non. Hardly a family haaeecaped, aodia.cotny there haTt been three or four deaths. The dura* .. tioe of the sickness is usually fire or six days, bnt ;<£ted)CaUitlUeeema entirely unavailing. A pbwl* ■'j. -f-ttMtc* me nttttiberbood informs ta ttaltbe Ais i> JgWto “OUjicio. it prevu], jo „Bd*oB» yeWioo gearing Vermuuoa river, quite generally, With*^yytot-**Wity.. Waia county was ; --"«i*fiariy affected last year, bm &»u. thepresent =iatb* localities Uthcrto eeoatig^^SS 1 AHEGBEm cornr blectioh. OVriCIAL ASSEMBLY. Toul, glli § § S g CONGRESS AND SEN. Mi* v - J a a. it s t i i S - .Ills Is s i S 4 S & _mnwws. First Ward • * -SOS lt3 S 3 17 Beeond do ••• •tso U 9 7 U Third do S6X SQ fit « Foanh do .~«J6l 69 19 « Fifth-. do ~-13t 388 £7 47 Sixth do ....aid 138 t e Serealhdo.... 53 69 11 3 Eighth d 0.... 78 3 1 a Nuuh do ••■•73 O ID I I B Jo f 4 Itb 89 91 SS4« 129 7 Ml U 7 77 947 107 19 IV S7W Cl 2*> 133 « M 19 Ti 1 *T 53 81 First. Ward •«•«# 03 79 3 Second do -—l*4 7* 57 18 TTiiti do —lB3 101 39 IS Focnb do ••« •313'' 141 93 9S aoiovoßs. Binniaffcaa-.. »3 SO4 9 E Binringtirn <0 57 l S. Pimbargb- 0t ltl 19 3 MeKeespon>>-100 10 9 Klaibeii—93 C 5 3 W.Eltxabctb-• 14 S 3 - 4 Lewimcert'te es ltl 1 ■ 1 Shajpaburf G 9 43 31 „<~ Tareatun~.-> 38 S 3 Paaonao as 19 a Manehester ... 7# 71 <0 3 Pill ——6 l 38 3 Peebles—its: Mas Wilkin*.— IC9 •',79 1 Pin® 70 is’ Pauon——.?3 31 'Vomille* 76 49 Etitaboth 9tt |3« 1 Jeffsraon 04 to -a PWlflUa.-—.-. so 113 «-i &ao«dea —ico - 43 _ 73 SC 7 ■lt Bt Clair--.. 74 C 3 t L. St. Clair* • • -131 1C >t*»eV It. Fayette.-.. CD 1 8. Fay «»••..* go .>45 .0 Ftoblnaon...'...loS 191 : 5 4 Findlay • 04 193 blooa 49 si Ohio—..— 77 09 Franklin- . 03 m Keaatra 33 16 Ross—...— es-, *8 Pine B 2 121 ! Staler —— ■OO so Indiana ....... 70 79 Weat Deer —99 9a : East Dear-v --110 49 46 »9 l 55 119 15 no 74 7. a - M IM) 1 91 41 33 35 S 3 40 IS 9 .71 70 00 73 60 1 - 889 114 8 70 7l 87 us - ICO 4# l 3 25 0 31 61 8 1 n»iiaT n •214 179 sa m »i ■» Bet h do —7O 7S 60 ■Ninth. do •••• 74 ft? 77 ; AuirasT'' - Fin: w*rd---183 er m iSteonddo • 77 its Tkird do -.-iO 107 IBS fount do • •••04 JM fit ' Bosonon* lO •! E. Bbsdafhui 47 0 , & Pimbtrxh-. H 117 •* Melmywt—lo6 to EUabeth—-l« 0 W. Bixahoth . 18 SO LtwznesoUo* 0 10 Shsrptbtrt ■ • • 83 41’.. Dsqvttce-*—• 37 )7 } 33 ; Maacbeetsr • >93 63 71 • • TOWWWJ7*. 88 39 47 its irxw Wilkini—•. 716 r ptam— —-*• w--'' ea 7i Putoa 71 ' 31 75 -VemUlW'—' 71 83 70 .EllitbMh—-~*t7 JH’ 133 Jeftnea*—7l 79 71 Mifflin is . 113 m Baowien log 43 uo Bttfvia 79 B n v.as.ciafr;—7S or 74 L. u? uo 08 ,181 in M. Cl. P* 60 S-FejitK— 85» 65 m ;m ci Mflav-—•••• 51 89 47 7« 70 77 FnakSa»—-- 87 in u fta*em>.—~ SP S 3 19 Ban-.- fa SO. 53 PiO»'.—9o 119 78 Sbalt9.~-~.. 61 45 6) 1ddiU5....... 74 70 74 Wot Deer--- 90 38 M E*£D**r-----103 43 IK i T«Uli '6394.' 4303 61W 4110 «S 8 4£a ■t* , "••A HMMCT ATTOUIEV iHO COMMISSIONER. V strrircr moxxxT. OoauMjexn. lit IHa 111/ » & a a ■au •*s*s S'# Fint Word—-174 .117 04 IT 198*188 Second 00-.--»71 :I3t ft lfl/TOl ik TkM do fm SI ST«9 SOY Fontfa do ....313 133 -Jf 0 834 840 \ Fiftb do »..|3» S3O /63 80 137 BV3 Hlztk do • **>B3o -43tSv 7 7 808 139. floTC9thdo>«<* S 3 6*l H 3 SI 67- Eifhtk do « ttv | M 31 |i« N&Uh do 74 «. *8 7 77 55 tumtlinr. FimWord*... IC7 100 Second do ••••104 ‘ *0 Tfeixd d0....t41 133 Fmnk'do .» 5“ t. 'i J»trp»borfb v 69 4t 3i M> 48-18' Tweutim .... 37 J 4 37. ..34-:—' gi4oe*aa.....a« 1* l » J 6 l - ■UnebMter ••■65 «5 43 3 © 73 61 3 •rwinau*. ritt« —... n 48 * in P4«ble»—— .154 fi 8 |7J WJkm*. « { l IS Flttm « 75 73 PmOOn —— .• 7f Ja _ _• — r TernUl#* n :a f 71 KUobetb tie 1» its 64 77 TO BCfflia « la - - 6l w . _ RsOWfal—llQ 37 1 —. IMr at? 1 _ 09 17 f fit 49. ; 'fit ' a as U.Bl.Ofclx-... 71 44 1 I'-.JS S 0 -? IWl® tfi g jo* m .7 o BoblMOft 81 13* S * S 177 ~ 1 If. FftTett*—6l 93 ?0 M ’ i-. - 81' 44 6 :•« —-' : 6 65 180 J ;6V iat 'V. Boca-—**-••• 48 .so 11 «;> j- Ohio - 79 71. 8 78 »r 8 --i T«BtUa?rr~ » >® ? 3 Mm. -, . 3 filKlMiM— 1* SO I l of •* - 4 ... 1, 522—.--g. iS ~ J. s. ■■ft.»'K* ..... 77. 194 -, 78'IH 1 Bhtlw - 6*' '4 ( * -tt'f B :67 25 Mlllt.upp ■74 69 Tfi -70 4 W««tDm-- o » .l ;i S 3 SO. 1 • fl EftfttPMf 104 43 ;-,Ww yi w* m»- m- m m . - ‘ V v;.;: : ~ ; v; ' : : Tkctbs Eicqvxmxt Exnim^—Tli Wkigi ef MujsaeJitiMOt. —Hoa. Edward Everett, tb**gh unable to attend the Musacboaetta Whiff Convention at Worcester, on Tuesday last, wrote a letter to the Convention foil of food advice,■ which it would be well (Or some oTonr friends in this meridisu to lay to heart. We five an ex* tract: The almost certain effect of orfanlainf a third party—mainly restiog on one ides—is to endanger many great interests, for the doubtful prospects of promoting one, certain to lead to arrangements which, whatever iheiv momentary advantage, can scarcely be jaaiified on general principles— Where,the third party is in Us nature geographic* al and teclional, it strikes of course at the priooi* plea of the Union. Whatever reaaon may have aeemed to exial two years ago for a separate or* ganixation, most be admitted at the present tima to have lost mnch of ita force. Of the territory supposed to be in danger, California, by for the toffesigAd most important part is already brought into the family ofBtates, under a eonwitution fram ed by herself, and excluding slavery. New Max* i?o baa framed a similar eoutltution. She has not yet been admitted, but she Is rare to came in when she it found to have the requisite popular tion. The foet just mentioned, with others bearing on this point, make it aacertain at any fature event can be, that the will come in as a free The nmeremark maybe made of the intervening re* gion between New Mexico and California. It la principally settled from the New England and Middle States, and from Great Uritain, and as a practical question, no one will, I think, suppose that there is the slightest danger that the inhabit ants of Utah will be a alaveholding population.” The Address of the State Convention, we may say here, is an admirable document, b does not isolate the Whig party in Mamachnscut from the Whigs of the rest of the Union, bis national in Its spin!, national in its appeals, and counsels noth ing that is not nations! in its action. Speaking nf the prosperity ol the good old Commonwealth, even with the little eoooartgemeßt has been extended to American enterprise and airfn by the National Government, the Address tells us (hat si the present moment she possesses • larger capital than many moch larger States: 5150,000,000 wflj not more than cover the capital which she be* now invested in the industrial art*; and while eome oi the old thirteen States bavo been retrograding In population, Maaiachatettt, under Whig auspices, his been constantly increasing, and sow numbers a population of 1,000,000 inhabitants.— N. Yvt Express. Coopnrc—The reprehensible practice of “coup ing' 1 voters is caid to have been largely practised previous to the late election in Maryland. The Baltimore Clipper contains the following remark*, which are entitled to attention, and especially so, if the allegations to which that paper refers are not exaggerated: ‘‘Some curious occurrences look place just pre ceding the late election of Governor of this State. Both parties had their coops, or houses, in which they confined voters. Heretofore we understand, ft has been the practice of parties to coop their own voters, tq prevent their failing inro.'Tbe'iiands of their adversaries on the day of election. But at the late elections dffierent practice prevailed; «nd political opponents were seised end confined until the polls had beat closed. Nor was this cooping confined to intemperate men. Gentlemen of re spectability, it is said, were ealio caged and kept from voting. We have heard that several gentle meu made narrow escapes, and among them our worthy Mayor, who is said to be indebted to the fieetnesa ot his bone for retaining his liberty dar ing lhe day of election. This caging mno doubt fine sport for those engaged uj it; but it is, never theless, an outrage which should cot be perpetrated, and which deserves to be panubed. “IFe have heard several nersoos complain of be ing thus deprived of their liberty, and of their right of suffrage, and some have talked of seeking redress by law—but the misfortune is, that they are gene rally unable to identify their captors. If there be not law to punish sodr offences, ■rfdiUmal acta should be passed, inflicting the severest penalties. u To prevent the imposition* which are practised at and before elections] the new Constitution about to l» framed, should require a registry of ail the of the State to be made annually, as is dope in Pennsylvania—and nil person* convicted of in famous crime*, lunatic*, and persoos t aims booses, should be deprived ot the right of tooting. Every care should be taken io guard the rtgnt of suffrage, and to give a fall sod fair expres sion of public sentiment. Ifith these precauUoc*, we may hope to have elections conducted in a right spirit, nndlhai the abominable svstrm- of counter voters wti! be abolished.” NrwJui'iT Collkbs atm Carnes—A large' ejiabliahment of the Jesuits has been erected in the e ty of New York, os Ifch street, near the fith avenue. The New York Journal of Commerce say*: ** li is built of brick, is foot tifltien high, and calculated to accommodate about two hpadred amdenta and their lootraetorw It Baa a front of Sfi ieet on the avenue, nun back 98 baa on extension across the rear of 124 fecL The present eort will be about $30,000 bat It fo con teznploted ultimately to add another wtng, nearly doubling the dimensions of the building. It will then cover five lots, with e court yard in the cea» tie, opening toward the street. It willbeeneloted by s will. The {rent it faced with Palenon (N. J) brawn stotie —a variety just being introduced for building purposes. It will be ornamented with columns ana frtgie mouldings oa the second story. Immediately In the rear, oa 16th street, * chores edifice of libera! dimensions has last been com* menced for the Jesuits. It will be 74 by 94 few, sad freed wiih brown stone. It win be completed hr xt summery s cost of about S3O,OBVIb the Corioibisa-stylS It willnm have a steeple. The College will btPbccapied, la past, by tbb middle of Npvesbcr, and be completed by the (asl of Jan uary." 1 I • J g a P- 5 190 as 940 123 949 %V>9 943 10) 131 *>l SSS )St SO G 3 73 71 •74 S 3 There is at present oa Mech»n> ics* Ptit at Cincinnatia- Type naan&e tared at the Cincinnati -Type Pous&ty, (at Bisly tc Co., of London. This j| irpnainli il as a vtat improvement on thasoj Ift ardi&sry tse, as .may readily be inferred from the fact of a euablisfamait sending to the Queen City of th» .West for an', article of this bind It box about fire square feet of space, is worked by band, and every second drop* oat a perfect type with the letter on the oco end. ns m 45 29 45 a? 107 74 104 ' CO 19 VO 05 100. 91 40 44 21 SB 16 74 S* The gigantic Maine of the King cf Bavaria is now placed on die hill of Saint Theresa, near Munich. The bronze of the statue has cost 92/00 florins, or XII.SJO. The statue hat taken eight years to and is to be Inaugurated an the mhnt of King Lout* toMoochi. 55 57 109 S 3 161 73 73 69 38 -fO 71 13 - FcomvxStAvts—FaattoiL—Hotf. J. R. Oid dinga affirmed, in so address at Cleveland a week since, thst any/ugiiira slave, having been once on British soil, might return.to the United with impunity, as he coaid net again be redoeed to Slavery, and that the courts bothgNorth and Sooth had so decided.—lf- this ls good law, wo trow our various, Jtailroed* pointing toward will arrange special trains for iakiof all the fugitives to , the lines and having them washed free in the wat era of the St L» wren co—North aide. 71 73 47 114 107 41 TO 25 77 eo 547 138 90 131 03 95 87 47 61 120 49 00 76 6? M 105 27 VS 81 SO eo isi W 43 There are in.the prisons at Naples at present no leu than 40,000 political prisoners; and the opin ion is that, from the crowded state ot the gaols, the greater number of these persona wilt go mad,be come idiots, or die. .. Goveuos Quiraun's PaocLsauTuw, summon* tog the Legislature of Misaisippl, comes to by the Soothern Mail to day. It a quite belli cose jo its tone,—declares that the sitvshoJding' Saxes have-been unrighteously, deprived of their star of-the common territory oftbqUnica,tave been tooth** lasoUing'Sid unjust diienml* patiotts,'’—and expreuiug ibe opinion ihat the re cent acts of the Federal'.Government “leave 1 no reasonable hope that the rights of the slevheldtcg States; will cease, until, by. direct, or indirect, 'means, their domestic InsUtaiassare overthrown!" To. lake into codsideradon the “alarming stale of public aflaira/'spd to "avert the evils'which.im pend,** the "representatives of .the people are con vened tfr-meet at the capital of the Sate, on the l&b'day' of November nest." 1 - v i, j - S-‘ I f ' «;• * £ aT I 3 2 *3 «-»; >. .*7. 85 14 1 4 M 34 io : . a i, 18 «U 4 -J;atsl AccjDKrr on tux JUxuu>ao.—OnTbura day, ttto 3d instant;‘David Berry, a taboriog hand ofcioe section ofthe Pennsylvsna-'.&aQroad pass ing through ibis borough, was almost tgjnimily kill ed by Ih* incctdcntal explosion of ijw powder in the rock_whifch he was Masting. ' AUsr applying the match to the imfc,. the charge exploded as trtuol; and the deceased grappling that ail dßDger-wns over, adv*aoed«ifivM : sta&dwff over the hole,' when a second crate ton occurred, crushing andsfonndieg him draanUyin the haul, breait, and anna. He expired Mltodt twenty min ute* aifW the accident. . Hf 'lt ; ' 'Mr. Berry ‘ was a single county of Loneford, Ireland—Mrwas sober abd In-. dastrions,and‘kmeb respected'tty those who'woe acquainted witVtoim."• ; • On'tbe same day, * man. by the came ofMcAvoy was seriously injured in blasting rocks on the ■Rail roadin the neighborhood of-Yoaogrtflwn.' -Grams berg InteUt&ntit'iOti: ?. - | 69“ 31 ' -43* I ,--i m' - i Fsturu qv.nfi Fawreeaxg Bsaa»—Ths visit oftheßtokOpmaintonec* Wthts “institution” disci oseda sjsteopf fraud ojnhpjwl of iboeasfe* ler,‘A. A. TUflagta*, which haa bees going on tor ataju saves ytajjk-injsactlia has toes dfngipßen The laoaai of fcls-defatettoalte** banrasceKajßcd-, hot ills supposed that btepfeperty, which ias bean made bter.io ihhlhak to th»«soast of *29,000, s«|] by jio aeca&'feovef II- Ra’fcad (to *fcoW msugw* ment offtfbtnkjtad Mluuatpnttykiiejrto ‘h!h friends wfchcuf good **ftarity. -BStenlttlarat.’ (a lhatflJigo hsvo tapyMled ia-fqhSeguracatf tbs which' its serious misihrtua tana bnaisesaof;thji'plsbo.-iMK. TiSißxkasl wag Us oldest ctaSer la the ccauaraiiteiulasd hhd boat Kj&jjrtrfeM optothaUt ufJWjtoWßj, A o«atr*dletion« We find in the northern papers the following tester from the Hon. Wm. Duer, addressed to the Editor of the Albany Evening Journal: _ Oiweqo, Ocl 4,183 G. ***"“! observed In your paper the following sssertfona: 'The Hon. William Daer avows that “ Washington with the President’s authority to withdraw from the Whig Stale Con* ▼ration, and repudiate its action if that convention should approve of the course of our Whig Uni ted states Senator.’ 'Mr. Doer said during, and g“ “Id since the convention, that he had the President’s authority for the course he pursued.’ I hare not lime, nor do I regard them auffi* cienliy, to contradict the numerous calumnies that neuty- affect myaelfi There is a manifest proprle *7’ “.owever, that I .should declare, as i now do the falsity of the above allegations. • ’ j kjve never said publicly or privately, that I ““ the President’s authority, advice, or consent, to withdraw from the convention, if the coarse of Mr. Seward should be appovec; nor that 1 had his authority for, or opprobaiion of the course pursued by mo jn that body. I am your obsdicnt “T*? 1 * „ Wilu*« Dies. 3S tor Editor rf the Evening Journal. i?? ICAEACt A TtEATY.—Our cor respondent V, y ra “ ,lD « l ° n *®od* uj the following —Nothing at sit dm been done in the negotiation with Nicara gua, since Gen. Taylor’* denih Mr. Squieria trea *Y was sent to the Senate before that time; but Mr. Clayton was of opinion that it could not be ratified ■without important amendments aad in order to ob tain such amendment* in the shortest time, he is understood to have made a communication io the Supreme Director of Nicaragua, requesting him to send an agent to Washington, with authority to agree opoo such modification a* may he satisfac tory to both parties. This communication was forwarded bv express, but no answer to it bad been received at the adjournement of Congress. Mean time, the Department has recommended, and Con gress has authorised, an outfit and salary for a Cntrged Affaires directly to the government of Ni caragua. as unconnected with the Guatemala mis : tion. A nomination, to fill this office, will doubt- Ires be made early in the next session of Congress. Tpi* |« the exact condition of this negotiation.— A. r Herald. l*»omxAMr Natwsal W 0 «i—We are gratified foßOtlcs, Io l ho Civil and Diplomatic Bill, thaltbe *f cwtar 7 of the Senate and the Clerk of the House of Eepreaeatatives haun been author fled ud required to snhaenbr, on behalf of Confrere, for two thruaand copies of the Djbatre ud Pro ceedings of Congress from the commencement of the first session, (of which one thousand copies of iho first fourCongressea already ruhscribed to be considered at part) to tbo second session of the Eighteenth Congress, when lhe Register of De bate*, already published, begins ; the price per volume not to exceed that ogreeu upon for the volumes already printed end delivered uoder the title ol "Annals of Congress." These copies (•Her distributing one ct-py to each member of the Thirty Piret Congress, not provided for by the previoot order for supplying the members of the Thirtieth CoagresO are to be deposited with the Librarian of Congress for in future diipoaii lion. This is in every point of view a most interesting and important enterprise, and will lurotab a valua ble addition to oar nisiorictl and political litera ture. U covers a period irom March 4, 1759, lo March 3,1835, and embraces lhe debates in both House* of thirty nine aentona of Congress. We rejoice that the liberal advantages of ih's enter. pri*e will eecrae to our veteran neighbors of the National Intelligencer, whose patriotic services for nearly half* oratory have won the esteem and confidence of all panic* .n the Btstea, The work, we have nodonbt, will he executed in a manner that willfully justify Congress for having embark •d in utundertaking of such magnitude and mo. . nm—fiiysUu. The returns received ol ve*ierdo ■l'pntjnt of the almost mireealontcare of my tmlc Jon*flier'* eye by the B-ve of your "Petroleum.” She was snacked with a ,rry -ore eye (a February ot March last, when I uuoieoiaiefy -l-piied to tbebeii aedieal aid to the euy, ty whoiu u was pronounced “ * very had eya” and all gave me no hope of doing her any good. After wbuL 1 t&uk arr Into the eoan try to an old lady, wbo had bren very caeeessfai In earing ayes, fibs told me ihci bereaaa was hopeless,, as sb« woald cenairly lot? eoi only ih.t bat also that the other wo old follow „ - sprofaJorts "hßaction of4ha4bad And l dt certify that at the time my father (J. B. Vaihoai came to »b« that we bad better try your u Feaoleas, u ns was sxraa,s ai-imi* of one eya. it t* now abost two Btaoths. since she began iu use, and «>■- can cow sea With bath eyes as good aa evt« *be did ; sad, aa far as i can tall, I believe the baa, wub the blearing of h» Almighty, been cured by " Petroleum " Yours, teipecuuiiy, M. Fvasiai VasßoKCouKa. Pituburgbb, Sept. 3u, t?ao For «*le by Ku uutuer4 to o£er ol» great tsasny tor worms to tkf public. A profound phy«i eiua, eejoytag a vary larg* prscuoe, ke CtS noi tear io bs eoatCßuOrd with ib« ksrdol gisck* »ko uupoM upon ike pubtio ihstr woi;kie*» stuff si patest ratdl eines. He was therefore tnflueed by JCidd ft drag gists, to dispose of hn ri|ki u diet.oaw«r, unt the Vsrnufuge Is bow for tale in oeariy every vlilsgo ■"<* town of the eouuy. Ii is Uu sovereign remedy for worms. CTFor tale by J. KIDD ft CO, No 80 Wood street. oetS-dftwS Office or Ohio end fenna. ft R. Co, Third si. Pimsfaee, ftaguft 5,1850. Tas giookhojdan of the Oki- end r«nasyHrs&is 9*ii Bead Company are hereby noo&bd to pay the alghlk instalment of five dollars per share, at the office of the Company, on or before the flOth day of AoJoit The ninth Issulmeatj oa or before the SOth day of September. The tenth instalment on or before the 80th day of Os io her next CT 1 Tfc* 7U» Inradaeat wu called tor on th« 10th o J«iy Ua. LARIMER, Jr„ Treenm. WBOTISRI I HAORA BCE COBPIII OF PITTSBURGH. CAPITA!, SoS AUo,ooodTeM, * l,,Unl >“*>l'w Shwo( b i UapnTomiati u diatutrv. OL 0.0. trrcARNB, late or boston, uprepared a nunalactiue and set Btoot Tut* in w&le end pam orAmtoopharic section PlaieE wh «* the nerve i* axpOMd.. Office and rnardence nut door to the Mat ort office, FoenhetreevPlUibanrh. 7 B»aaav»-J.B»M»FaddanwF.H. Eaton, Jal» BIOOU&AQft -fiOjIK UITITOTIOII OITtZENS’ insurance company, Of FUtibn^gii, T^SndaarSkt^m^h PWP* re d to inwre all 4SM^»?Mteyas, , s^or d * fiB«£SSKSg^S^M loS^jf^Jll&JnSxr.wfc- wm. ui bb&eim il /M'eoito a| co, mdnd.Ateilibn, nioMlmta , /S&££*2J%r2j!!!}i «td,«*nplete tsuekerga^ .s^BSasgsaaggaa 1 - .Stt^sa^SiESSr WANTFD IMMEDIATELY All uatriuttd Salesman, familiar with the Dry Goo& aad Hosiery beiraen, ts whan t liberal nUrr will be P»“- . , PH BATON, oetlUtf No Q Foonh at Tone nea*iK«riuittli Lihrtry A REGULAR QUARTERLY MEETING will be h'U U!ke Bill, in Foittt .met, on Mondar evening, October 14, tl o’clock. octlfcdgt DAVID W. BELL, Bee*!- HAIR GLOTBS, *o. LAWRENCE’S HA! B GLOVES, single, for Ladies, io do do do for Gents, do do do do doable, do do do do Bath, do do Straps for Ladies, do do do for* lentil, do do do Bath, do Demidatr Brashes Imported and for sale by oetls _ b a Fahnestock aco FIRE PBOCf PAINT—On hand all the colors of Akr ?^EL ro ? ro ° r wholesale and etail at Nos7and 9 wood street oetia JH PHILLIPS GREEN OIL CLOTH- l (10 yards 4-4 Green Oil Cloth, jail received and far sale at Nos Tend u Wood ktrocL oetlB J A H PHILLIPS TITA.GON COVEROILCLOTH—ISO yds just ree d VV end for talo at Nos 7 and 9 Wood street octld J t II PHILLIPS YELVET PILE CARPETS—Received this day at W McGlintock’s Carpet Warehouse, No. «5 Foarhlstreelft&d 79 Wood street, new and eopemr style VislvetClUpeu, to which we invite the attention of thosip wiihlng something rich and rare, and as cheap as can bo purchased in anr of the eastern cities. ocUiT THREE PLY CARPETS—Now receivinr at Me* Clintock’s, No AS t-onnh street, and 79 Wood st., nchand new style impena, Three Ply Carpet*, direct from the importers and manufacturers, which will be sold at Tcdqeed pnees. ociltf COPPEE —WO bags prime Rio for »»Ie by J 8 DILWOBTH A Co IUOAK—3S bhd* Prime N O for *ale hy t Q*tl3 J 8 LILWQBTH ACo TAR^— 00 bbls N C for sale by J S DILWORTH A Co TEAS— 100 half chests Y. H., fi. P., Imp. and Black, 60 caddy boxes do do Co do forsalcjby octlg J 3 1)1 LWORTH A Oo TOB IcCO—IBJ boxes 2 - s. IS’* 1 lb, in store and for by oct JBDIL WORTH A Co POWDKB —4,500 ktgi blattinr to arrive, 4,500 do Deer fUile, in maraxizie, WO do Kr do do, 25 bbie Sai'ty Pure do, ocua J 6 DILWORTH, k Co I A BO—9o keg* No 1 Ltni,)e*i reeeieedimnd fai jMfrby oetlg SAW HARnU’CII BACiIN—SOM Lm ttaeoD bboal-14 I 6,Ui» lt>« do Bide*, la and for a&Je by QCll*~ RAG&—I6OU ib* Rag* JU *i landing an J for *»lb' Uy Bt\V UARUAtJGH H A WHARUAUOII SUGAR— l'J hbdj N O So**' id riore and for ulr by <*»« . S A_\V KARNAUGH Window glass—3oc t>oxe» euo, 100 do 12x12, M do 10il4, in tiore and for tale by _?«iH . S _A xaroaugh Tar, ROSIN AND PITCH-150 bbl* Tar," 10 do Rotin, 10 do Pitch, on and for tale b y ISAIAH PICKET A Co HYDL'S SOAP—SO bn attorlod, juit rec'd and for »» le QCti2 J KIDD A Co Spanish wiirnNG-00 bbiifor »aie by J KIDD A Co niLL BuXKS— SCO great for tale by i_ _ oc >?? J XIPDA Co DKD PRECIPITATE—SOIb* for talo bv **. ocUil JKIDD A Co SPONGE— l cage extra quality, I do fine, !) bale# eotrte, jmt rec’d and lor tale by _2£l* a i SCIIOONMAKER A Co BOTTLE CORKS—S bale* xood quality for tale by _ J SCHOONMAKEH A Co CAMWOOD— 14 bb!a Sanford’# be#i, for tale by _ J BCIIOONMAKER A Co LAC DYE GROUND—G bblt for #al« by oetW.. J BCHOONMAKER A Co SUP. CARO SODA—IO keci Powdered, for »»!e by J9CHOONSIAKEB • ' PA Rid UREEN—3J can* of th* c leb»aiad •a* brand,tor tale by J kCHOONMAKKR ACo octI» No !M Wcoi «uect MARINE UREEN—-d key* for sale by oct» j wcacoN,maker a co WANTED BOON—Flare* Is wholesale or rc’.aii atorta, warehouse*, Ac., Ac., in our two cities, town*, or country around, or on steam bohii, Ac, for a number of salesmen, book keeper*, croccra, Ac„ and for all work; aekool masters, ware louse men, Ac . and a number of vocug men and boy*, of all'seea An experienced, middle *{(ed, strong, healthy man? want* a place In a gentleman's family ai coach man. and all work. A lady I* wasted a» a partner or a*si*iani, and who is well qualified foiyteaching the finishing branch ci of a Female Seminary. A ycun* man of }S year* of ego wanu a place to learn etcam born black amiUiUi*. Place* wanted for several good scan. •trc**ci, and weiand dry nurses Money borrowed and lent. Farm*, houses, Ac., rented and aold, and all kind* of a*encte* attended to for moderate charges, at ocftthd3« IHAAC HARRIS’ Office. 5.h *t Tararn Stand for Rent. 188 undersigned wiihtog to retire from buiiness, odcra torrent tua welj known Tavern. Stand, *ita r ?S*.'*S. BtaalnuTtlle Tornplue, 13 tall** Weal a?Fniao uryk A*j perron wt ah » Tueero Biud, will plmae call on tie subscriber, Urtng on the premises. ALEX Mp FA ELAND toifcnja. oct. iLiKa octiifcvrtfd HATB, CAPS, AfilD MUfFS, dAKXI WILSOH, m Wood B,corntr of Diamond alley, Stcond story, OFFERS hie outontn and the peblie, *□ entirely new and fteth iioek of Hau, Capa, and Moffa. is r»«ai variety, hlannfici.md and Selected whb maeh carajln 'aference to price, nyle, and qfcalli?, In Now rots ctff, and will be offered at the lowest rate*of present low pncea, Wheleaaio and ILeiSti. ytmbariih.Oft. n.ma oeuJtw&wns CMYK'S TOQACCO—4O bxajaal rac'd for u!e by E _s*ll lIARDV.JONES* CO LARD- 3D key* No 1, rec'd for «t>e by 0,5,4 HARDY, /I A CO STEAM ENGINE FOR SALE, lu» inch Cyiiodei, H fool stroke tor irrma, apply i, 00:1 At F VO* IR'NN'IIORST A CO SALTPETRE— Uw bay* crude, arrmn* for tala t»r 00,1 W fc F* VVjLaoN Cl»A^”" 1® ««A* Genua, am tiny for *ale by °°*l ffkf WILSON SOLE LEATHER— 90U0 lb* Spaaixh, axnTin* per eaaal, for aaio by JAMES Ijal.»7m _2£» 70 Water *i RICE— ID ic* priac, for aale by oeP JAMES DALRPJ-i CURRANTS— 3 cuki French ja*t wcU for (tie by 0811 JAMES DALZELL * 'ANNEBB' OIL 74 brl» rec’d for ado by - PP* l JAMES PAL2KLL ARD OIL—IO brli Imadiof. for ade by 1 0811 : JAMES LALEKLL AORUriITRAVOR'S BOTICK. TTf URRBAB, Letter* of Adminlttration to the e.iate fT o{ Alaxandor Bwwart, Imre of the comnty of Ail<-- fl™ w poreonij IndcbieU io amid ettare mrc reque»ied LtrS?.°,L nim,, ra., or o' Meaira John Irwin A * W ‘“ f ■»**».« Me.«r. T. 11. Nevla RCo, * 011 l Liberty .treet, * nuharjh. *wiof«w PDDUO BOTICIB ~ IS hereby *hrento the Itoekholdor.of the A"e*henv and Perryt»illa rarnpike Road Company fiL f 2Z election will be he.d on Monday, theTlhdk yember at tba boate of Jacob tioleb.Mb between' Ute boon of I and 3 o'oloek, P M , to elec? ia« KS! ‘ and one Trauarer u, IrZi,. enremi year***By‘'orOe*r n o“be tocnUuT/bVn,*u, Tftcapn’^offt^jff Profauional baaine.. In Sam 8 b" Th? tm/re h°£ P ‘ * U * moa ■**“ : oclo:d3t JOI» B. ■Daai»!M i 80. ai I.Blh Whanu, Pb11.d.1r.1,1., «T," IS^jw 1 S^jw i k Ss£*k* oVl" S'* eflmra lor tala In lota to ibji parefimtera * 1 Smla nt, Sardlnea, Curraau, Ltconce, */*•• VennacilL, CJiret Wine, Si™"*- Palm Soap. Almond di, P*l n « eB » Telle; do, &. SsftJt SE-w- ssa r ~ k ~- sss.v.s,, at"" 1 ' ssrar"*"- {£■"»*•-■ Leaender Water, xSf«j! d * Rxiract Umen, tXSZu ■' C o.lTr‘ m: SS2.SS2;, Maaeat mne, aa-ST k*""' Aiaonda, Tamarind's, Cb2S. N . BU ’ i»J»be Patio Chocolate, j cocoa Paate, Ac viM t *f a « tor Walla, Miller a Proton. New o‘siMKn ijsawsffis a&SftSflrtlTS Ho “ «I StTKr 57 Wood <1 I*AMD MOB BALK. " 16 lapro»ed, tltatied m sssssfesw l*et fimli tree* an tba «»«n» »m ?i.!°.* other haprormentiL Ii a veh *d»nt*rts,^ oQ *f V tod imt«*ry twin***. For further MxasnU.£* rtl4lllD * 1 OM.CAU. «•».. BftOWW * PftKPATßing FKU2T—OB neb new Peaches; _ . BBOWU fcMakPATfitmc SODA, by rraowi i. oell DUB- A MU .u«med,for ulo trr ""WH * miWjT^iy 7 i*"^fiwj?awsBai« STRAY COW. B&ORE into tne enclosures of the aubtcriber, re* tiding in Bait Deer Townahip, Allegheny eon ty. on the Bntler Hoad, abont the Ist of September lan, a Red Cow with white ■pou. about S yean old. The owner i* requeued to come forward, prove property, pay charge*, and take her away. cclO:wa.»S JAMES BLACK NOTICE. A DIVIDEND of three per cent, on all adjasted lone* by fire oMOih of April, 1645, inanred In the Office of the Allegheny County Mutual Insurance Company, will be paid on and after the 15th iaau, at the office of Thomas William*, Esq., the Attorney of Hie Company. By wder of the Board L. WILMARTH, Prei’u Ptmaeaun, Oct 8,1U50. oeitltdioclS BOARDING— A few gentlemen may obtain good boarding on reasonable term* at Mrs McMli* lut s, m Colonnade Row, near the Old Bridge, Fede ral street, Allegheny city. oetOtdlw TO LBT. r PIIE dwelling house No. is Second street, between X Wood and Market streets, no * occupied by the luuschber. Rent SiOO per annum. Possession given on the Ist of Novetnber’next. JOHN II MELLOR octl tf No. SI Wood street IS ournlng Goods. MURPHY, a UL'KCHFI ELD hs ve received a suy ply ol gi>od* adapted for mourning wear, such as lilact Bombs/ires, uaiuon umins. itolurg«and Paraatie*, French Merinos and Cashmeres, “ Mouse de Lames and Mourning Alpaccas. Mourning Collars, Black Cravats, Vails, Hinukercliiefs. Ac oct! , FALL HOSIERY, Alpacca, Merino, Cashmere, Thibet and Llama Wool Hosiery. An assort* mem received at MURPHY_A BURCHFIELD’S FRESH TABLE BUTTER—IS kef* md 4 bbJ»,jo*t tiid for mie by Mttf J 11 CANFIELD LINSEED OIL-—3u bbls in store and for tale by ocfl J D CANFIF.LD Cl LOVER SEED—Bbbljin store And tit *ale by * J U CaNFIKLP CREAM CHEESE—iCO bozet Cream Cheese just rec’d and for »«lc by ociP J it CANFIELD BACON— casks Daeon Bides, e do Prime Surar f ured Hams, for sale by _«'» L 8 WATERMAN A son? FLOUF— JttO lbs Ezra Soper Fine Flour, m r.ore and for sale by L s waterman a sons CLERKI WAITCD.I WANTED—Two Salesmen in the Dry Goods Bu »» stness. Apply at H> Market street. octu ACKKREL— AO bbls N" 3 Mackerel, ilarg*,) for t>y ortu u s waterman a sons Tubs and buckets-w do*, subkeu. to «io Tubs, f.ir sale by °cil> . 1. S WATERMAN A SONS CORN BROOMS—tlddn Isnuy and good common C*rn Brooms, fur sale i>y 00,9 . _ I* M WATERMAN A SONH CXLO\ ER SI-lEl>—£9 i-U« strictly prime clover t B*ed, m store and /or vale by oe '° L 8 WATERMAN A SONS T'HE LaTEJsT STYLE— Received this, day, the la l*sl style Carrel*, direct from me manufacturer*, ia »btcfi we inviv :i,e RttenijOß nfwubmu er'S \V;,\k-CLI,NTOCK OIL CLOTHS— yn hanj a l»rrr»nd wril selected •lock o{ t usißon OU Cloilis, which will be sold very tow. W McCLINTOCK "d 9 _ No 75 Fourth street Rugs ’and matf—j o ii opened, pome very hand rome style Rugs and Door Matts, -\o which we invite the attention of purchaser* W McCLINTOCK JOtV PRICE CaRPEi'S—W McClnt-oek ‘h ts jJTt J opened a large and very cheap lot of Carpets, all of wh ch e.re direct frtmthe manufacturers, and will bo so'd as low as the lame nudity can be purchased east of the Mountains, st 7} Fourth ureet, oct9 dpptratui for OUattlng Stow* Plp« without uklng down. INVENTED by Frederick Dleires, mid made by SCAIFE A ATKINSON, _ oc® First »t. between Wood A Msrkct st*. COFFEE— ISO bags prime green Rio, in store and to arrive, for sale by L 8 WATERMAN A SONS oce 31 Water A 62 Front »t ’’"PEAS— 06 i,r firsts and ea-ldtes o' V Hyson, Imp. J. G. P , and Black Teas, for sale i>y uee L ATEK.UA N A SONS Spices— io b»*« peppm 5 nag* Alsplce, (or sale by __ocd L S \VaTKKMaN. A PONH SOLE LEATHER—«OO side* heavy and middle weights Ppamsh Sole Leather, for sale by .. l s waterman a sons GLASS— 3t*r hi* Window Glass, assorted, nf city nod bemt country brands, for sole by ob» L 8 WATERMAN* BQNa__ JRON —Ku tons sorted, for ssi- by o*’* I. 8 WATERMAN A SONS Selling out at Coat to Close Business, AI.ARG 1- -toe * of DRV GOODS, tor which bonds mnit*a«f. -esculents, ground rents, or real estate, will be rcr, ,ved In payment. 108. B. HOGG, 115 Wood st, Pittsburg Window Trimmings, KECEIVED ihu du) . it the Carpet Warehouse, No ?5 Fourth «irect and 1* Wood street, Cord and Taasilfc. Roller Ends, Rack Puilirt, Roileru and piats, tor windows. i-xtl] W MeCLLNTOCK ' He£3e—l7s txi prune W. R. Ct ccsol tor sale by J A It FLOVD oc* Round Chuoh S‘EGARB —‘200,000 common Ohio, lor sals by oey J A It FLOYD ."1/TNI CitR —50 brls pure Cider Vinegar, for sale by _1 _ J , for *ale by ‘ oci _y SCHOONMAKtH ACO (TROUBLE*— MtoTJixoi’ 1 * beat Black Lead Ctu J ciblca, uaoned L'r tale by J A CO K^3T?ikITDoKaX— 6 eaaesjua rcc’d by _.°J* J SCiIOONMAKfcR A CO UIL—O brla (or salp' by L»rt J aCHPONMAKKRfcCO WUVISL. OV T. B. Alt riiUß.—-The Orphan Xl C hildrttti * »»le of Crnelly aqd Operation, ia the JHle oi'mew pnie tale hy T. S. AiUiur. It u**id to o® tn« author'* beat production, Cor sale at Holme* utcn.ry Depot,Third atreet, opposite thr Post Office; *i*o, iho Moot Knight of Si. Joan, by Major iUctiard ioo, gad Lmril’t Lmng Ag« No TO.* oel T V **T rr * ei,,eAYo.l7'i'fthi« interesting *iory, by Dickens; and t'Jackwood for Septem ber, ha* been indeed at Hopes’ Literary Depot mrd ttreei, opposite ice Post Office; a!«o, Holden’* Magazine tor October, anl International Mi*. cMlaqy. No :i. . *o p au Wl N DtAV (JL Ash— 1 000 i>oxe> » assorted si2cs. for •ale by s F VON DON NHORST A CO *ep3o CREAM CHK)'-ME—XJ'J boxes H’ceiving from tffe canal boat Ji rue* J. Dennett, and lot »ale by „„ JAM! V DALZELL “P 30 TO \Yoter_il YRTlNt>o\\ I»L».AjJH—d(tO bi» a«»ort« d, for sale by .J , l_“P r »_ . JAMES DALZELL SCUAH a MOLajYsES—oihhd* N. «i’ Hu«ar; . , ‘.O bbds S. H. b'classes, for taie low, to close c unsignnrent, by -*gP 3O JAMES DALZELL T ULKH UAUFL’S SHAVING CREAM—Wicre U the_ man who doe* not appreciate the luxnry of *n easy shave . If *ny then be, we do not address our selves to him. Bat to at! other* we say, if you wish t* render *havlop a pleasure,purcha*e a box of Jb’es Hanel’i Almond Pinaclllo or Antbro*ial Shavine Cream*. Hit utterly impossible to find word* to de •cnbe the feelings of a person who baa been used to Shattne with ordinary soap, upon making trial ofthii for the but time. It is a combination of wonder,ad miration, and pleasure. ’ JULES HAUUL’S SUAVINfI CREAM is exceed- Ingly emollient; Tendering the itlfleat and monwirr beard eoft and pliable, producing an admirable lather, and by It* extremely mild natnre allaying all irrtta- Uon, and preyentmf that unpleaaam and stiff feelm* of the skin which is so often experienced alter tiav inf. Gentlemen using Jnlee llauel’s Shaving Cream may face the coldest and most plercicr winds Im , ra u e t^7 *“*• the ekfn becoming chopped. And tbote who once arc it, we ean aaftly I say will never use any other. 7 One great advantage, whtoh will be especially *p- S.". e !:2?i. b Z- lh a 0-e , wh ° "' nf Wishers, i. the fa‘t £Bi£"i!LS? itKola * *b« beard, which moil soap. —Pi »»ardy or rnety appearance to ths edge of the whiskers. Jules HauelYShaving Creams are delighifa) preparations, compounded with still S.,_ . - 18 *!*• BUe * exclnston of all article* calculated tn UO AK CURED HAUS—IO OASki various brands, '■ render the operation of 'shaving unpleasant, and will i ua ‘ -received, and for sale by !be appreciated by all who trial of them . IC P«& 8k WHAHDAUOII Prepared only by "DUITI ‘.R— 10 kegs In store ana tor *sir b? JULES HAUEL, Perftuner and Chemist, iJ'iepiO SAW HARBAUGH ; , I®Chestnet si, Pfcila. . *■* OB>'S»T«a u&o'ffiuSS! ORRI S A HAWORTH, tft the .Diamond, are sell* Mitehell,-Allegheny City sep37—tto 111 tog excellent T ta, at —— 1- OR.BST a&TSSf boots 1 “ p “ slatt Sulßlll pir[ lawnuM Company, TUB PIOKEBRS 0 F THE NEW BAIL ROAD. I T he v„, „ , hl , cdm . Throwgrtlm POUH Days J- P»ny, having issued polieiesiotheamoumofnpar TO EHI.UADELP.gIA AND BALTIMORE. , B&‘SLu,“* l " WE tak r pleasure In annoiuicing to the Merciauu nation and confidence of-the public in the system of of Pittsburgh a Bd the Western basinet* com- management on which Us bnsiness is eor-daeted * munity, tb st on and a/Lsr ldo*day,the idih ofßep- 1 To city or eoantry merchants, and owners of dwell tember. w» will rece V, nnd forward goods via the ; ing*, and isolated or conn’ty property, it it believed Central R»j| Road, am i g oar an tee them u> be through - *k*s company affords advontsges in point of cheap in Four Dt ,ys. Our ex let .site sireh of Cam and Boats nea *> safety, and security, inferior to uo Insurance enahlet u*. to offer the al* 11 Book Reap In (f. Commercial Computation, penman- flup, Lecture* on Commeicial Law, and In fact Orel j branch pertaining to a finished mercantile cducalio n. John Fleming. E*q.‘, author of the National Book Keepiniprincipal leeturer and teacher of Book Keepin J. Ladi ia and gentlemen witiung to improve their Penma nihip, can call at the College at any hour dur leg the day or evening. \ aepVl BiuaflßparflßiOt i?tuigklllß|roaKT«a fTtHEBE are the very I wsu Black Teas that are im i ported into the Urice J Slate*. Morrla A Haworth, Tea Dealers, in the Olai i«n«', are selling aaid Teaa at the low pnee of 7dc per Ih, fe r caih. aepS4 CARBTHNOT ia re Mvtnt a large assortment of • fancy and etaple, v artery .and Dry Goods, cotuin* Woolen, • Chlbat, and Caahmero Shawls 811*. B*fUn, Thibet, Kf 4«od!&uekaiinGlovci; Wool; an and Wonted Comfi ku: Alii.teas and Bombaiinea; Woolen and Canton 1 1 aaoela; colored and Bleached Mueiinm Ctiilneu at id Cuxrimo. r * , i Ribbons and Laeei; Bottom and C rabai aad Bindings; UmbrtUa, and Brea* ) *meT*e. All of which, count m and eiti' mvTchanta are re* spectfaliy invited to bj Ai-nine, at fi fl Wood at. aepSd Dictionary op at echani cs, Engine work, and Engineering— Ni * i? of th. 'a rreot work has bean received at ifolina i> Literary Third «L, oppodta the Poet ottca. eep J9 LINSEED OIL—B 3 brie pare,Just .ree’d for sale by ■epaa J B CANFIELD SA9I. f ROSS. ATTOBKB r A ? LAW, x red, nxarO MM. ««* CTEEL— Agtnarslassortment 07Cut,8hrl »P««*Ja*t we’d for sale by ±d-°2 JOHN WATT A CO M A CKEREL-tOO bits Boston No 1 fur sale by — oe ! _ _ JOHN Watt ACO / iHEWtE-sno bx. W R. just recM tor tale by V- . . . .. J?»» Watt tJc.o_ "\TINKGaR—io brls pure, for tale by -I—t!?. John Watt t cri IXTINDOW GLASS—SOO bit p * in- TT KObzsiDzld; quality, .u... ,„4 .S. b “ 10 * 1,1 P ‘ n iST. john watt a oq CLOVES— 2 brls rec'd for sale by - .c, R B SELLERS ucS . :: Wood st ARROW ROOT—s- bzs receivetUor talk by _ R E SELLERS MAGNE-IA CaL'D—o bzs received for talc by . R_E SELLERS CARAWAY SEED—I6O lbs very clean, for tale-by _ ;; R E SELLERS CHAMOMILE FLOWERS—sbtUrec’d for.alebv «9 R E SELLERS RED CHALK—In sticks; 1 cate for aale by ... "<& R E BELLER3 WHOLESALE _FALL GOODS. A. A. MASON & CO, OS A 64 BIAKKET BT„ rrmuoioa, WOULD soiteit the niienuon of Merehanls from all sections of the country, to od TPbtel or vessel*, between New Orlesns and Cattern poru—bet we-n New Orleans-mid other Gull pnrtn—between ell American pons lin'd English or European pons, or to any ether raarit jae non wltst •orver in the Atlantic waters txeinstt ic PERILS OF rilbSKArt. C'.fcO F. ARNOLD, Ap v. hounh at., next to the Bank of Fiuslunrb. • cpl¥:dtjaot ° hli’E IB BUR Ag Ok J. Plnasy, Jr* Agent for ike Penn Lift Insurance Vo.oJ Philo. OFFICE of the Western Insurance Compear No. 92 Water street, Pittsburgh. Pamphlets, with all necessary information, and qlank forms will be famished. Husbands can insure thetr lives for tho benefit c their wives and children; creditors the live*of thei debtors. The whote Profits of the Company are dividad among the holdcra of Life Policies. The dividend* of the past two years have been e. i m Wtodow fliiadea. K lESa* Carpet Wa»ko H **, “Mjooe awjnateatcr Traniparaat Wfidoi ShadS Mrtteotdptlm, (oeSj W tUWm&CK BSOUBH EXTBAtTI, EXTRACTS cf Aconite, Belladonna, Coiacymh Comp., Cicuta, Hyoseiamus, Pu* monicom, Rba laoy, Tarsxieum, Sarsapanlia, Quassia, Hop*; Lo<- ehiei aeet-and Indian Hemp, ; Importtd (oi FA „ NK , SOCK „ LX , ®c7 Cor. First A Wood si Largs Supply af Fail 4 W Intsr Gowda* MURPHY* BURCHFIELD Invite the attention of buyers to thetr large stock *s goods adapted for the season, consisting in pan of— ' Dlk and Co I’d Preneh Merinoe*. “ ■* Coburgs and Cashmeres, Changeable Popbns, Dress Bilks and Turc Sana*, Blk and Fancy Alpacas. Super Long Shawls, Low Price to . Seeking Flan nels, Welsh, EogUih, and American Flannels, white and colored, four stock or !!oI’BEKEF.PING GOODS, sack us Sheetings, Pillow Care Mn*ltn*. Table Diapers Towelling, Ac- is Urge, and at low Oriees forqualitf. Buyers will find u to their advan tage to examine their slock before pun basing—at the north east corner of 4th and Market *ts. oct 7 FOR REST. TWO well foithedoffice* m Post Cities Building*, Third «ueet. A locg, well lighted room, 3d dorr; entrance Mar ket itreei, between 3d sad 4th itree'* Also, a until brick houe, la Pit' Township, ueur Pennsylvania Avecu). Inquire of cct> E D UAZZAM, No Ioii Second ti [Poland Tribune pleuecrpjrj CTABCH— 8 boxes Jail received from lie manufac- O lurer, and for sale by S N WICKERSHAM cet ' Comer Wtod and 6ih tit LUBIN’S EXTRACTS— orted in boxes of one dozen eaei, imported and forta e by ofl7 B AfAHNKBTOCK ft Co PILL MACHINES—tape ripr Ehr.ii zet, (opened end fortaJelbv °« 7 B A BAR A Co SH TJOLABRES—M t>bl74 lute*, jail receivedud fA n Looio 3 11 s*jiap Mo it nlr U> IUTCNISON A Co leam.Hugir Kefiuety 3 AS A II ect7 A ** nt - 8 i Si E—S bbls'oahud vtdfj T ARD~ai bbl* No 1 on band and f.»r ttlt by . ISAIAH BjCKF.Y A Co —° gl ' Wtier an J Front street* G UKASE—8 bblt on hud afed fo; -all* :>* °* l7 ISAIAH DICKEY 4 Co BACON HAMS—*O exalu on h-mi!, »,;i b, »o'ii low to cloMiha lot, by j 0617 IsilAH DICKEY 4 Co JJONEY— 4 bbli 40 bo x< COPAL Vj CO-P; HU. KVAft In • Woodnurtet, buildings. THe bi tosiaeti (vieafttr will be roaducted under tb o name ofßTanftM’Kee, wholrrrpe.uftillv wlirit the patronage of'.Lbcir friend* in guierar, , , • U- H. RYAN _ ocfnllw ; : J WM. McKEE. Ul3Bot,tTlO!f OPCO-PAATNURSIUp fPHE firm of JlcJTee, NegleT - * Mohan, wti Xed on tfc.j VOIU uiL Wm.Al’Kee having H .»td hi« inipfpst m ill* concern, 10 Meitn. A Mufian Uie biumr-M of the lam will he reuied ard earned on by Negtey * Mohan, who are duly anthemed to u<* the come of the firm for that porpure WAI. McKKK, , JAB. B NGGLEY. ■*« . I*. MOHaN ALCOHOL— B bbl* jail received and for sole by 3 KIDD ft CO ocrS No CO Wood street /'J.LAZIFB’S J)IAMOPiD£—I dez jart received ard vT frr sale by, octa J KIDD 4Co LARD OIL—B bbl* No 1 just received ud for sale bf OCIS J KIDD ft Co "D ED LEAD—COOO pound* just received end for sale la. by octa _ _____ J stop xCo PIC IKON—32O too* Mahoning Furnace Fig Iron, for sale from the Allegheny Wharf, by . J ft R FLOY D oca pound Church. BUTT DU—IS brla aolid btuttr for rale by . ocs_ Jft R FLOVD HARPER’B .Mognzioo, No 5, fur Ociober, onhts excellent magazine, and No 15 of Dictionary of Mechanics, hut been received at Holmes’ Literary Depot, I bird street, oppost e the Post Office, also a new American Novel ended The Conaniintor, a tale of Ilianneituuien’s laland, on the Ohio Hirer, and No 9 Pictorial Field Book of the Amencaa Kevolu tioa. 0 ,-.i raaTßtrcTion on tb« piabo kohi e Geo. W. BHAINARDwouId respectfully announce to the ciuriua cf Fiusburgh aud - Allegheny cm, bta intention oflaking op bis residence in the r tty of Pittsburgh, for Uic purpose of giving instructions on lh«r Piano Forte, to advanced pupil*. He will be ready to recei-e application* from those who may require his service* oy Monday, the 14th instant. Applications previous to that date, to l-c Uit ei the stoie of J. 11. MeUor, NoBl Weed »t cc 4 W Micro tcllcgo cf floffittopatfeie Hetlicine, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Session (f ISUi-ih—ChatffreJ ]SI9. frHE FIRST WNTEE SESSION of ihisJnstitutior. X will commence on the Fuat Monday of Novem ber, and can lin Be tour months. T of the Faculty are arranged as follow* btorm flora,. Of.D-, Pio/e?sor of Midwifery, and Diseases of Women and Children. Lansing Briggs, M. D, Professor of Principles and Practice of Surgery. r Charle* D. William* Id. D, Professor of Instiui.ci and Practice of ilniraopithy. M. D., Professor of Materia Medic* and Medical Jurisprudence. Hamilton L.iSmith, a. M., Professor of Chemistry C -,™ tWel > “• D » i*«*«»er of Anatomy and Physiology. Jehu Bralnort), Professor of Physical Science. Charles W.. Bell, Demonstrator of Anatom* Crs««r of (be Western College ofHoreaunathic Medicine w** granted by tho Lesislutuie of (ihio durtng its sessidu of 1849-fia It coalert all ihe h*«t» sad privilege* usosily posaesred by Medieal Coli“ees m the United'Melee,. and, unlike many college* n cxiets independent of *ay other insulation, having ta n»eU the power to comer degree*, and p.-mesunir a common seal. * The degrees arc conferred by the Faculty and Titulars upon the recnamendauon of the Faculty fbe amount of fees for the full cottrao wul be SSi MairiculnUon fee. 85—to he paid' but ones. Deinui,. •uotor’a tlekcf, 85. Graduation fee, B Hi. Person* who have attended two fall courses of lector,'• m other colleges, arc admitted to the foil course i fl ihi, Institution on Uie paymeut of B*o. Graduates of r speetabic medical schools are-permuted to attend tho course on the pa; of the matriculation ice unlv f.ood bo-ire, n-r u .‘iog room light, and fuel, ran ba obtoinr.. (torn \i t, *2 50 per Week. For further tn form-.i ... -udrssa.. (WAS. D. WILLIAM:-, Dean of ih- Faculty COD FIBH—IO culu for sale by . WAF WILSON oe * So Wood st SALMON— 5 brli Salmon, for sole by _ OC J W4F WILSON. TANNERS’ OIL—S 3 brla low pneed, for lole t ot * • W A F WlL* VTUT GALLS—3iO lit jo«i ree’d and for sat ,k» ” % w.'.'Vy B OATENT SOAP POWDER-10 bx« n, c ~d707 -—— ; JL k _»bller.- CAU. SODA-* caaka received for a *]«. w C - RjJ StLLERa OLM ARABJC LOZENGES—Ift b *. forby 'J—S'L R K SELLER* vir HITe SQUILLS—I caik rtc'd lor tale by ~ BJS_SELLEK» QOLi;*BO HOOT—I bale by B. E tj&LLfcfis /'UIROMBUREGN * YELLOW-l c «„ for..', V-. ™V . Jt K SKI.LEU:* BOXES '“ 3C0 P*P«r«<»T »*] e ty —-°Ei-. n K s*KLURR“ QILS-1 ' V,nl v Sp#m 0.1, Wh« c ...I *„ , k* (Jlt ’ Tanner*’ Od, aud ti«l Uii, just received and for eate t>y lie barrel nr gallon, and warranted to mo •aii*fo«fiio n b —; ■ i Cor. Woof, and Sixib , u yirtia-Sbrl* and l kc*reo\Tßa-'»;k by ~ Siibivec. a barnes. brU IM* day received for* sale bv ~ -QC« .. • • SHRIVKfI fenjffyn-r, qULLOW —i fail* rtceivdd for *ala : l>y 1 oe« ' BHRTVEE 4 -^c-Ktej7, DLL;; jjßooaa-UB ' “—-ANULESS WHITE FISH-15brl.f O , WlSfcV cLAS3-aao t, Xi *‘B4 ■ **\vitv -’• ( Ot «*le by ~ r ~nplNG--4» 14 btlet Blicj? . 10 t>a)'tGi»s , xv »ed, foi tale by J ICK k. frtcCANDI.F-fcfl JP and ball patio m paknd «r* 't cm. for tale 'oy ~U*lod— * 1 VieCA NDI.FBM / .eaikaforaatcty - WJCK * McCANDIKSS W HOE. ’ ’ PAHNE "w Mill ar ot * Voo. Am*oa, ciki ft jar* rani Green,,in tana Rptien Stone, m ouki Flo„ Bjlpffi, IT L*le. Magnesia do Carl LidoLido do }£ e Dy«»po*rd in brii Carb.iroa inkers Citric Acid, in lb Louie* . rßhr.AntimaniaUf Hj Aq. Ammon Cone, do Calomel Eon. do Oil Amber Rccl do lodide Potaa£ do Cmaaote White do . , .do ln.cztl *l* lodine Eng. in far lb boales lodide iron, la os rial* Coni’. Senna, in lb jan ni-Carb. Potash, Ibboafn nine Pill Eng. in lb ]an > R«f- Liquorice Knf.in b |i Woodhtapilmia lb boul ti Tart-Emetio do Pruile Acid, is ;ox vial* . Tartaric Acid, in bza STOCK'4 CO., B DRUGGISTS, Pint ata n Piiutnrßh, Jr own |mportauor, dJic-i Acetic Aetd Orange. Flower VVatei Uole /ijmenia Pill Utvtea, paper eiubaj'd do tviliow VibJ Cot kt, BAwrted Adhesive Plaster, Tnj Kotarntia do t o Lead do do Gtlbanua do do Hatehpai do do Citrate 'lron, Eog Precip,.Carb. Iron' Aleppo.Galis Tjnon'i list Wedge-wood Mornn «nd FetUns Oil Lavender, Spike do Garden Oil Origanvm Oil Roiemiry Oil Bitter Alnondi Oil Cajapat Oil Croton Pink and Bine Sancora Cardamon Seed Balpb. Zinc Hc&ra' Tents, prepared Gentian Boot • Rhobarb Root i’oliCune Potty ladlnnKed ocJ i- ‘ CUKEOK— OX* iJowT; *epBl • gUGAttdiMOESiffiKS: --g tor tale by ISA. I AH DICKEY A CO ~-i7 til'ii N O Sagan 100 krsNO Uolanc*; 4ibr»HH do; OWN « JnHKPATHICK -A«iJri6. fej tile'br BTUaBT A ULL ; Bill WRAPPING PAPER— -A iarro lot ©f ttraw » siiorud iu«t, cotuuidj on bsnd br W P MARSHALL, _”pg» 63 WotKl « BKP tor »&ic br w» stout * hu, or »aU by JCKEY A Co n by ICKF.Y A Co Wm M’Kr-* Ryku • ;CANDLESd