ME yiTTSBUBfIH GAZETTE. PUBLISHED BY WHITE & CO. VIVVBBOBOB PEIDAY MOENIHG, 00T. 11, ISSO. ' BTAaTuraui m nnnioy teqeeeteetokend in tUUfevora before and u early in the dav a* Preetieeble. AdTertbemeaumnuisencdCor t ipeei ftod time will IsruUbly be eberfed aatil ordered ont rj*7. B. Pauob It Afem for this neper tt hi* everel tfcnelee in Row Berk, Philadelphia, end Beaton, end It emhortied to receive nbtcriptloni edrcrttoemente for »». PnunmuL Nesrs auxecajl—AdrerUio aenta end tebecriptlon* to (be North American end Belted Bute* Gazette, Philadelphia, received end Cor* irtrdsd Cron tine office. HyPimtmv'' rvMng»<^«ri-*«T.—flahegrintinne ftrthii valuable paper, wIU be received and forward ed Oroat thie office. ..wtth "Malm npiioeeinrtirtTWHl*** ilDcatt tor tMi piper received end Corwerded tree e •harte from tide odtoi. fl7*Cncuauii Dult Oaxxti*— AdoertlMXftent* tainboertatia&t, ter thioptpor, will borecoirod im ( erw»rted dob tM* offlee. »aqe foe local matters GRAPHIC NEWS, 4a- .fiTBSSNBTT rlTtaU ElMtisn. We hare notranch for congratulation in the re sail of (bo ialol election in Pennayhranla. Tbf Whig party haataot dona U* dnty, and bu anffer* •d a partial defeat. If It ahall ■Umttiale to ie sewed exertions in Ibe mete important eletfiotti ol next year, and tho year following, it will be csoA &r tbo pretent dicaster. " laregard4otho State ticket, we bare no defl site returns, as yet, but wo may take U for granted that (be L'T"*™ candidate* are all elected by a Bujarity. We consider ibis result die •atreoatotbereal Interest*of the people kaTo willed, and patient aubmleaion bteometadoty CONQRESB* imuuura. wHia*. tocoroco*. I Tbok H. FloreoM, f am* 9. JoaepkE* Chandler. 3, H. P. Hoar*. * John Bobbin*- Jobs McNili, gain- Tbo*. Row. 7, j. O'. Dickey, probiWy. 8, TOliilU StOTCDB. 9, J. Gluey Joaea. Miln M. DLmmtck. u‘ HTB. Wright, giia. A- G. OroTe. 14. Tboe. M. Bibigbatu. 15. Vfm. Ham, join. Jtaee X. Mcl»in»b*a ]7. Andww Parker, **io !g Jau L.Dtwtra,stia> 19. J. H. Knhn*,**in. SO. Join Allison. 31. Tfaoa. M. Howe. 22. John W. Howe, probably. | 29. John H. Walter, prob. gain. I | 24. A. Cibnore. \ Tbe thirteenth district will probably be whig, if *o,a»d thereaalt* *b*llbe a* we bare indice, j Udin ths above toblo, the delegation will “ equally dlfided between the two parties. we have gained two district* and lost six. the legislature Win be Democratic, the precise majority we osnnot y«t ten. The Locofceoa will, however, k»ve a working majority bou«». | Wo rote to one telegraphic head Tor detail*. TU Leint ot yeaterday morning, cnnaini * I tnlr to lodge Shalei’e opinion, by Inmei Ban. lop, Eel. two gentlemen, who ere bout able ud experienced lawyer*, ere ofoxectly oppo. opinion. In regard to the releilve power, ol tboHeyorend Pollen Comihinee, end born «0». min .rod, eiiwe with eonidereble mil end mi* iy. 'When tateh diWicgoUhed legal gemlemen USa m widely, it i. not enrprieing that botoS th.a go tan* of biT. tad ns** rased gTwbsi from four eeree, 300 bushels of oat* from « ar-yfto. 400 bushels potatoes from 1 sett, end lOWbibd* of com tromUaeree-bedde. eonm SSI matter.,.. 10 btuhela ewoet ion., pnmphina, garden aegetablea, half to acreof i'-..i jhjaMi a-i». &Ce lem suxo oo one io ibis county can show w I«S® * pro* lllo ® fcr lho ** tDC of lend.” Hot Ii an emmpln hr our ttzmeru It oh"”™ I v hul con bo demo wild good forming, «» * “=“l piMO of lud | Mdil nuohrerttlla cm be produced I U Brooke COOOIJ, V., they CM bo .load My wboio In Woitore Foomjlimu. Ii thowi, olio, I bow much dot profilnble tt io lo turn t omoU field ol pound lurm in o olovMly mMiiorT' U our former* woold (MOnllf OOlliTOlO IOT lMd, Md dolh.ll WOT« UOTOfibly.WO Mould KOTOI, OT« bOUT • OOIDi Hoikt of bod crop*, ftom MJ cotmo whutever. GoaUOX’s Wbico, Mo*tui.t Maoazim:, for November, L, lo hood, ond d«um oUiocompyl torllu the richness of do embelliUuuenl,, ndth. beamy of it* printing. IntiOTi Ceimai. Rail Rood -Among Ibo ohm-1 UI MU ofCougreo. win the pomogo of o biU giv. I a tho Stole of lUiODio o Boot of loud ohoul o, I braol 00 tho Stole of Couurcticut, hr the purpooo I of * tail road through lUinoia, Cron* I BOTOtooouth’; MdUndo In lie proportion to tho I SUM of Minlomppl Md Alobomo, for o continue-1 tonkftho rood through ihoioSuto. to thoOulf of I term* of the grout thohoodl mml bo built [ JS/jumo It probubly uriil bo. Ifjo, wenbull I moa direct end rapid mcon. of rornmnoj. SSihetween the Grout Loire, Md ibo Gulf of I will rapidly becomoou. of Iho S?’sfS«d»W hr. «~l £ the Northern and Sou thorn cities, sod g I tho tribuury inter sal Improvement* of other Staica. . . . Tba following six great line*, completed, cr io DTOOtus of look for formioi oo the j SSEwTMUtata* bo but pono or ooctione of; this graat thoroughfare: „ . ...i L The extreme ecu them line, from ud Chsrlestos, already completed throagh ©cor* giaito the Tenneaaeo river, aad *ooa to be finlen* •d io Nashvilla on the Cumberland* Q.Tba Virginlaline,recetitlyproTldedforbyUje legislature of that State, and to reo from Norfolk a 3 Richmond, over the Aikgfaanies, along the ooune of the Kanawha to the great western va> jay, 11 ill* The Baltimore and Ohio tine, already near* 1 1 w dMahed to Wheeling, on the Ohio, and to be I ( ooatinaed to Cincinnati, by way of Zanesville. 11 17. The Philadelphia and PlUabnrghroad. for 1 1 srhleh a eyetem of provisions has been, made as I ’ foraa Bt* Looii | V The New York, or rather the " Hudson and I «Li nad, to be extended along the eouthem I SSoofLoto Erie, tbrough OoTolMd, to join tho I JJBEont MicbigM lino, Md run to tho Mroulp. 1 -JUkeied with tho tort monuouod rood ol Bun- 1 SrK bo. oUo boenobulncd to Mteud Uthmuh Upper Conodo, to Dctruth Md thouco MichlgM route « the Lota of c rom liscpposue shorn, aiao, aconrin- iuprogroa feat MR.ouiio to Uuoio-1 llho oSoctof thUbmon tbo roluo ol IBiuoio plpfi, «U ImmedlololJ porcoptiblo In thlo city— ■Xhn bovo o!reo«7 ofironcod tm pw ce*., -Mb dj upvoxd leudencT.—ir. T. Ewe- Peg- lo*o*flu.-Tbo election far jnember* of the MX! OrofTtae doee Bqttrto piece la «[ ngtober. 1651, ibe time bevmg been changed by last LegaUtwo eo ta to mnfco it etmaluaecoa election. Tho election for Twlmiaa to the Bute Convention, celled by Go* B||irwr <***• “»■ ° ot - T ‘T’ % fn»; FOREIGN NEWS IT TBS OAMBKXA- - Correrpomleaea ol the Commercial **»«>*«. Lottnoa, Sept. 20, 1820. GERMANY —FLIGHT OF THE ELECTOR OF HESSE CASSEL. The aisna of approaching trouble in Germany haveal-tewth dnhnctly developed themaelvea.— Jfcmdv homier, on the prerent ocowion there ia rverv Indication that the people have taken “ the pant, and thon far the new «uug- S’rtShtoJSSStS ha. been earned on to a [ moSddo <«di' even “ dt fl E-Slfh S«SJ3.STS ,^saSg “ffifbwsel.e on. of the Governments, and its pnnee <* . im elector It utolgnjtaM » , h e oortaol from tfapos.tioa in the very j other Stales. Alter hav«K SraSaffeoflhefer corropi role, the of lB3 oio meet cuned b T thi.ihey were o,S!a!a n tPlC T^,v'2 .hc U»: of Germany was coo-. ““2ft .bSued, » far a. Utelr own r from forcibly aeek ■£X* direct change. The reigning elector, how me? diatroexed and detpW, and were conreyed to hint of roufece “own. known to be plotting, aa the tool rfiSSaand »r*r». in favor of reaction; ;md chafing onder the reotnvtion. which the cairting eStnitnlion ol the State placed upon hi» own arbi ter deaires.he looked for the interference of there iJiere to enable him to aweep them away, and to Ci«blUh one© more alt the perfect enjoyments of a German despotism. Toeflect this it seemed sim- B ly necessary lhat the people should be provoked I to such acts of violence as would allow him to fol lowlbe fashion of declaring a state of siege, and then, when all ©siting laws were suspended to deal with their future rights in such a manner as mightbe essential in the cause of despotism under the name of “order.” He «aw all the rest of Europe, and even as far aa the expression of opinion could go, • large portion of the English population, sanction ing the wildest tyranny under the magic of that ; tern:, and he thought the limo was come to take 1 advantage of U. Al the same time, also, there can be little doubt he had made complete arrangement* with Austria, Wirtemburg, and Bavaria, thatthey should hold troops al bis d«P« al l . m ,? lse “* T *‘ sistance he was about to provoke should unexpea edly exceed his own powers of repression. The wbold plan wss so straight (orwsd and so perfectly m accordance with whet ii goiog on in Europe, tb.t it eppeere bard * “* h * ve beenHucceufnl. Theproject baa failed, however, end the poor elector U tho victim of circnnuuc cew Initead of being, nt tbta moment, e eon ol ■melt Emperor of Emmie, bo i» a runaway et Frankfort, end without, et preeent, the leeet pros pect or being able, nt an early dey, to ebere he Sta of hie brolberpotentetoa, Pine the Ninth, Ihe OrendllDnkee ofTneceny end B.den,en Jlle Emperor ol Anetri.i who, althoughforced to Ob eoond in 1848, were Boon enabled to retom to wreak increased mischief on their snbjeota, in re* venae for their temporary mortification. The whole of the short drama was soon con» eluded. At tho commencement of his plans, the Elector appointed a Hassennflug. who had been a Professor of a Prussian university, and had just had the misfortune to be proooonced guilty °« «”* aery by the court of appeals to hi » own city, to bo the President of the Cabinet. This wu a plain beginning, and the people cf Hesa knew, Iram the character of.the man, what was coming. Instead of convoking the Hessian Diet at the uaaal pen* od Hasaenpflug oontrived that it should not be ca'led together until the list moment, and then merely for the purpose of demanding a joto or supplies. The Diet refused to make a blind grant, and insisted that proper estimates should be pro duced, and discussed in the usual manner. The Elector forthwith decreed their dissolution, and accompanied Ula decree by a nonce that he should cause the taxes to be collected, regardless of t-o absence of the constitutional sanction. The chief members of the dissolved Diet, who hadbeen constituted a committee by the general bod? instantly declared the illegality of this pro ceding, *od applied for an i»iuucuou .XTJv' torn the High Court of Appeal. Enraged at Ite cool bnt toaolute altimde of tho people, and aeo ing that no time we. to be loat, HaescnpAog conn netted the Elector to pot a etop et once to tble peaceful and legal rcaiatance by declaring tbo coootry in a mate of ciege. Accordingly tbts waa doce,7ltbongb sot a Anger had been ™feedjgmn. t ... of luo atnhoritiea. HeenaupAug boltoved, however. tiatanootbioakwonld certainly be pro voked by thin bold atpp.gnd he therefore regarded It uMthe Aolahmg atroke of hla policy. Bavarian troopa having el hla innlance boeo ooielty taaem hied oa the frontier, ready to march In on Urn tot TbS that Waa trod. To hi. oner diamay not a luid atirrod in the country. Tho couita of law pronounced tho proclamation of tho auto rf «p to bo illegal, and when soldiers were sent to exe MbfthoUbiWry order, that were tuned av.m. Sing Individual., they found met by the officer. ofjnmice, who dmpnted their au i Jhoriw and ihresteaed them with the consequca £Tof “air proceeding. orcsecutor preferred «n impeactanoutugainsiHra- Esng himself, and issued s warrant ‘°t his et. •achmeot have added to the other cair*a of idelay. . Adyxxtisino on tux Gallows.—Fool, who wm executed at New Haven last Wednesday, on the acafibld aid that he had intended to mato a few remarks, bnt the substance of could bo touod in the new edditioa ofhisbook, to which he refer red his hearers. While in prison, by an arrangement with the jailer, be charged 12 1-2 cents to each vis* jjiQOU CALIFOWA. gan W 7 BTUIti I The Su» Franeiaco Herald of Aug. Si the following ■omnury of event* tince lie Bailing of the pievicu* steamer : , The arrival of a gentleman by the tart steamer I eharaed bT Mr. Letcher, oar Miniiter at Mexico, I with t minion in regard lo land title* in California, ku ur eed to give roach confidence to property owoera. It l* the belief Of thi* agent, that tno*t of the grant* made by the Governor* before the acquisition of California by the United State* will be confirmed by oqt government on the evidence Mr. Letcher it prepared to famish from the o(£> ctal record* in the city of Mexico, a* to the inva. riable practice of the Mexican Government in this particular. iPt’BU* No At. 1 AN ACT mating appropriation* for the naval aer vie« for tbe Year ending the thirtieth of June, on« thousand eight hundred and fifty one. fit it enacted bv the Senate and House of Rtjrrt %mtatit‘*s of the United States of Amsrico •*» Com grf.t* iistrm'ilfd. That tbe following soma be, and they nre hereby, appropriated to be paid out of any money in tbe treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the year ending the thirtieth June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty one. ror pay of commission, -warrant, and petty offi cers and seamen, melodtnc the; engineer corps of tbe navy, twomiUions seven hundred and fifty eight thousand two hundred and syrty two dollar*; and that there be rhe properaccounlingotficers;to William J- McAlpme and Wih.'P. S. Sanger, tbe sameaalary that was pud to thtir predecessor* a* en gineers in chief during the time they severally per formed much service at the navy yard, Brooklyn, New York, and that the same amount oi salary is provided for Uie said William J. McAtpine and William i\ 3. ilanger, be paid to James Herron, the engineer in chief ut the navy yard at Pensa cola during the time he has been employed at raid of superintendents, naval constructors, and all the civil establishment? u i the several nary yards nnd stations, seventy three thousand nine hundred and sixty dollars. . 1 To equalize the salary of the rterk of the naval , constructor at Kitterv with those at other navy yard* two hundred and litiv dollar?, _ 1 For provisoes for commissiym, warrant, and pet- | tv officers and seamen, moulding engineers and marines uttnehed to vessels lor sea sen-ice, six hundred and eighty *«x thousand two hundred dol-1 lan Provided. That v> ranch of the “Act making | appropriations lor the naval service lor the half cal endar year beginning the firA day of January , and I i ending the thirtieth ot June, eighteen hundred and I forty three, and for the fiscal year beginning tbe first day of July, eighteen hundred and forty three, and ending the thirtieth day o! June, ewbteea hun dred and forty four,” approved the third March, eighteen hundred and forty three, as requires the I Secretary of the navy to advertise juice a week faf at last four weeks tor proposals Tor the transporta hon of supplies for the use ol ihe navy, be, and the aame is hereby repealed, and that hereafter such ad vertisetnent shall be made lor a period of not less than 6ve days. , , .. For surgeon's necesmiries and appliances for Uie sick and hurt ofrthe naw. including marine oorps; thirty six thousand eight hundred dollars For repair Ot vessels m ordinary, and for wear aod tear of vessel? in coinroiswioii. including l uel i for steamers, and the purchase of American wUer I roiled hemp, to be IkuiklH by the Secretary of the I Navy In open market, provided mat tbe price of he American henw.-hall no, ex,-oral the nvnraf, o, bn loreign artiHellor the !n‘t live c e < .even hiindre/ni.d Oflv Ibo,, rand .toller,. And Ibat ihe Secretary of llm be euthmised 10 «■, ,ni> Ihe n>onl, of 111, v.noiu ronden,- er, lor .apply,ne ,he boiler. of manoe engine, vvilh Ireeh welVV.nnd ,ha, be report ,n Ihi. how el ~, next «.«,on the, of -a,.! examination, logelk, er with hi. opinion a. ~. me value ot ,be beMtfi raid conden*ei+ ,„ Ihe < .overmnen, « 'f- , 5,.,.,, and,bat ll.e ■„« „> Ihonrand dollar, be end tbe ramejs hereby appropr.eled lo carry into ' ff For'ra«e™ifc°ral el, ervaiion,. ,o be ejmdncled under the dtredmm ol me l-e.relary ol die nan. two thousand i-oUar« .. For ordnanc. and ordan.-« stores .and staai^? r “*J including ineuentat evpenvrs. on * hundred and ninety six thon and n,nr hundred dohara. For the pure'ia?e and repair of nautical instru mom* lor the :iydrograph>cal office ten thousand five hundred diliars For the pure «?«• ol books map?, and obarte.for the hydrographical officr.lour thousand one hundred and twenty nre doi'ar* . For Uvk ioj and binding tne same and lor prim and pn11, by Jro, raplucal .nyey. and aMronormcallbeervaboa., tour bnn dred dollar- I _ For monel., drarv.nxn eopr,"?- erv fre .chi, and Irnnepomion, for poy of lithograph er and for vrork.nx prera including chemical,. lor piammir tree., .odd'ng and hrepine around, end m order lor p>y of porter Srtine,. rartoa, and .r-lronienl mate-lot fuel and l.glua ol Ihe h, droxraphieal office and M- tional Obaery alory. e, s nl monaand lour hundred and FHOH IBS FLAWS. ten dollar. « 11 Forcopvm Correipondsnee of tie 8l- Louis BapubUcaa t j, # wlo j an d Fort Lxisvix, August 26, i6‘*o. eng [“ £ J in 4 J ) ftn , Uxaz Stac The Udc of emigration is on itsiast ebb. For toms lime p*«. pilgnm aces have , Jfed dotla „. , been -fewondfo between,” and now only the For impfC „. m ,„t aH d rejrwr *.t tev atragglon whom chancecrcAa*/« prevecied | k . roun d, of B fv*l school «' A.uutpoi.s. twenty «igm from staran* earlier, bring np the rev, sod, Kntfa ; f bott^nd Iwc hundred douar like, fellow (he «* pen on thtir trail to the pro am- , For conuaUnt expense. uu» t «aa t aenwiw . edisud. Tbo greatest pul of the Mormon ecu- lo it o w, n g putpo-e*. v.v ireu-bt j“ d mlion, which this fett it esUmtied *1 ive thoo* j . pfl6 iiu« sad stationery r * JuSuTud Era. - i j.'S’^AiSeT,^ .mni.'nrttoGo«^ wagaas; dsalh* en route, 31C. lam certain that tool IJf v for nstjrvdsaaF not more UranToor-firihs of the ptraaos who paa* | wjt • r ,^ nlro r an dc!eoni»g o pytM»;w«g* here en route to Cakforni* and Oregmi re»iswred f 4argeabl e m any other tbeir names. A, 'that ram. Ik. kombo «f per»n. |»« “1 ”.b„.,mndm, on .lel.vejx of .lore, wonll equal aboal tlij 6»« Ihonaand,wajoea Sc ; „,«. „„ f.«n;n. .mi,on., whnriafie. dn..t. la doe prounrtion; and mo. may we onlj tmn any nndrrit. Iraveb n, expenaee ol .ebeera, Inner air or detntie ides of the actual amount of this : store and offi«-c rent; stationery sod - =’“tS:;i “i «= m day a party of mn m .A «« tiers Tbeir account of Ihe country is c , vemeta, and am«iau«*e rrudered to »“« andwonldraUafyan, ome, tra, bnirimd »f -o mouwrnd one thsa a human being, but our nst.ia is 100 food of fi, in iired and fern bv, \‘ ||i(etcd sute. mail be- | ukmg a peep at en'noaitie*, olthottgh the pnee of ( for New York adm-iion |5 hifhrMd ?«• lh, “ k> Hnvioa aud Omvrrs, and be- 1 can do no beuet there than hit neighbor. The ; and N . tfw . Territory of opinion oflheae men ialbatlhe average hundred ai.H weatv low men can work la the muiee in one >«».»■« dollar* Thai no payment more than one hundred days, and the average l(l , ofMl cb Borvcea. except ,n propor-, amount per day of each man ia not more ih*n one lhf IUA a wrcofe.rr performed, or ounce, and taking the debu and erediia, and ari- bercaficr performed. And that the Lg a lalanoo at the end ol one year, if a person lhe NdVV „ hereby directed to make , doea not come out at the llUle end of Uie horn, ha rit prnportioo untv iVrirferf.Thal is close enongfi to aee through IL They farther Q _ {JQ g in t u<- navy and oa t*oa/d ‘s*“' ! tuts that no cooatry is every branch trf bnsincas | on j the same i* aboiishod from , •nd speculation more compbslely overdone than , d the passage of this act. Ani that no mid S cffifemfsTon every tKdandevery paih to “f in mvy .hail b. ' any mine or placer where there is any chance of district tov-iag at tte time oUproim an ounce of gold, a Doodle Is stslumed, , nu „ ,han iwo officers ol that grade to ttena wtlh w»sen nnuaeji, nomm. uit dock., u. ,« vy 1.~ J»m me peiSS a. pU-1. liter, A.JA. .hnappc-mlnra. “ ehnin. - .pp,2,n.S°ni! fonswer# beaming aiok,. ir^t>'r ; o«the a^Con. Jry at the tJe an , conntry. In the cities, particularly, BiDy.P«mm ht\> joy V™ ina j e from said State, shall be are out cl employment, and manyyootig men who onP O j,polntment before any other .re not physically tilted for any laborious employ. anv di-tnc. «f the Stele havmg ment, and who have gon« there expecting to jump ooeormo re officers oi uuu grade m the navy, into lucrative aimationa, are ttdly For preoanng to* publication tho Amerkran | and are now chewing the bUtef cod which young P| A i ßaiia c,twelve thousand eight hundred men generally chew io cases ol and disappoint- »auu prided. That hereafter the also say that tbe oiost aacceisfut af observatory at Wa.hingan ahali l branches of domestic trade are monte “J r * f °> t* adopted and used as the American meridian and an alcatdeship. for justice there was uaU\ re. al | a *trooonucal pnrpose*. and that the men. ccohv, dispensed oo tbe aams terms as In the »• 0 f Oreenwich shall be adopted for all nauo uJ Stales, i. e. costs to plaintiff or defendant, prof. nrpoaea . And the Secretary of the Navy u its to alcaide. . . herebv making couirantsand purchases Things in this vicinity are lulling uUo quiescent . JLu. f w naval pnrsoses, to give the prefer atale again, and old Fall baa; rent several coo fcji other things (inc'.uding pricu and qual iy) meeaentera in advanw to inform ua that ho is no « » , , 0 ufgCe growth, produebon, Ur behind. The Indiana iCbeyennee and Sioux) “!of the United States. And that are beginning to coUcot in the vidnlry, P™P«** trlldo 0 f f ue l for the navy and naval sit • tory u. the fall hunt, and the war yard9> t bo Sscreury of the Navy ahull parties. The trader* are now receiving tbelront mwetto diperiminato and purchase, in ennh fits to trade for peltry tbo ensuing winter. The *lra be m*T deem propel, that kind®f fool •mail pox ha. been among one °r tw o bond* the “J bnt adapted to the purpose far which it Sioux, and aumbera have died of U, bQt cholera Qfti _ And tho pay of and other dfecases inetdeu. to their intercourse Naval School at Annapolia shall be attho with the immigrants, hss not prevailed this season flowed to an officer of his rank whan in sore to any thing like the extent they did last year.-- Capt. Stansbnry, Topographical Engineer, who conitmcuon, extension, tod completion ot went oat under orders noarly eighteen months following objects, and for contingent reptireat a. m*me' "tSSiwjSSiM “one. A.xlrted Fo , brick Fable, lime *>««. cel krae, craSla " Im. end .. may look fo, meet , nJ lbt „ pti „ ol all kind,. lUmr-oM mouxffld osefnl knowledge and entertaining matter to be ,ix hundrod «nJ seventy three udlnra. embodied in the report which la due lime will be | AT BOSTON, laid before the conntry. f t house on cumber thirtyreiT, stone I Few pemoa, id Urn B»> «o ,kid. la“mbe, abed aaaibrf HMjahrM, eldne i growing importance of that P to “ l| ? a !{“® e 2JJft Ifidt in umber abed nember thirtyreighl, paving I and tho report of this m treat and rear of carpenters’ aodjolaer** shops, ; tight on tbo snbject, nod mil developmany ofth co^°Jctiog ui , , ofl and cordage store,mut makers resources of the connuy, of which there are M P p c dr.ok’i patent fiicrs, drains between few. Nothing of intercstto you has lately, except that yrmr “Ch^Sd lad eight thouxJd five hnndrW dollora. long since, bad played* rubber” with gr y at NEW YORK, b-ar and waa just six when the bear waa ball a AT NEW iuka. dozen tonunately “Choycnco” played high, and For ODO officer’s honao, ons wetk and machine and thus made oamx o' the bear. t bop, quay wails, dredging channais, sower ftom In haato, yours reapocifelly, Uju**- cit f drain, bouse on gun block, removing coffer dam and dredging in front of dock,and for repairs I o f a n kinds, one hundred sud nineteen thousand five hundred dollars. AT PHILADELPHIA. For extending wharves numbers one, two, and four, extending ways in ship house G. moving ■hip hoose F. and enendtog Ways, two culverta, ■od moving shears, raialng roor of amUbery, P*«- tog roof of Umber shed fiv«, Citing up old timber dock iron railing ironl of officer’s houses, and lor reptiraof all kinds, eighty thousand Maety three dollars, and the pay of tbo engineer, Ward B Burnett, at the navy yard, Philadelphia, to oo two thousand three hundred and fifty dollars, com mencing atihe time of hia appointment, on tho fint dsy of February, eighteen hundred and farty Bine. The excitement against the foreigners in the southern mioet has subsided, tod the m«*a*iina» lions here almost entirely ceased* A large cam* ber of Chilian* and Mexicans hare left the country In consequence d the law compelling them to take out licenses to mine, and business in the oan Joaquin district has suffered in consequence ; but, nevertheless, the mining operations are stui pros ecuted erith industry and «ucc». In the Man pjsa mines steam machinery has been brought into requisition in crushing the qnatlx rock, and i the result promises amply to reward those engaged in the enterprise. The Stockton and Atpmwall mines have been snfflclently tested to five assur ance a! unbounded success. Several companies have receUy been started lor the purpose olcroah ing thequarts rock, and several crashing machines have been ordered. BMimsM. hitherto bid! wera. hu r»oh »mo Judication of Improvement. In Sscramento there la a decided briskness, and m this city there u tfvrr? reason to beUeve there will be greater ac tivity in the coarse of two weeks The appear ance of the city is much improved by the fine rows of buildings lately erected, and the streets are in progress of repair. The great ccs! of freights, as well as the expenses of building on the silo of the recent conflagration, have rendered money for some time scarce, out the gold dost begins to come in Horn the mines and u will, doubtless, from this time lor the remainder of the reason, continue to flow in abundantly. The OTtrleed Immigrant!. A letter from Mr. Johnson, who toot charge of the company which started irom Sacramento,with supplies for the overland immigrants, ia published ia the Placer Times. Uis dated Carson’s river, Aug. 9. Ho arrived there on the Mh, tu advance of his train, and found much destitution among the immigrants. 11a bought up all the flour that he could procure, and dividing it into ra» lions ot live pounds, divided it as occasion requir* ed. The Sta Francisco Herald says There are ocrw on the overland routs not less than sixty thousand persona- The first of those who arrived endured privations and funenog* innumerable, aod it is bat natural to expect that thoso who come later in the season will saner more severely still. The forty miles of desert which stretch from the base of the Sierra Nevada, are sirewn with the bodieaof dead cattle, while several persona have been found drowned, some by accident in crossing the rivcta, end more la« mentabfo still, some by tbeit own act, hav ing been driven to utter despair by their muter turn is proposed U> »end out another expedition, with the viewofestabiiaing a depot of pruvuiooa at tho edge ol the desert, and a united efibrt it to be madeatl over tho Slate to aid in thi* charitable undertaking. We «iah that, by any feeble word* of could Impress upon this commuottv [the tumble necenity which exiatafor prdtapt and speedy action. |lt ia to bo apprehended that hun dreds, Qod preserve Ua, have already died with hanger, tad hundred* will aa aiirely die if they be not speedily relieved. The most piaiaoworthF exertions appear to be staking at 3sn Frmnciaco to raise funds for the relief of ibis suffering. The paper before os ac knowledge! the receipt of over four thousand dol lari m money, and a large amount of provisions. Tho election relume, now ncnrly complete,trom MnrjUnd, gIM Clnrlt, tho Whig cnndidnle lot Ouveruor, 56,046 eoton to ay.SST for l-owo, the Demonmlio onndldnto. Tht. give. Lowe n m«. in the whole Sulo. Tbo Tote ho, boon iceernl tbosnond lighter Ibot ot ordinary con torted election, There worn icyeu Sluto Sunn torarn he etneted, ol which tho Whig, chert en hvo nod the Dnmocmu two. Tho Son.lo will now grand i? Whip Md 9 Dnmoernu. 1 hi iuoffi Bst. Joun ticcHia *ri , AxcHSi£nop. _We leurn Uml bf a brief of His Holinta. Pope Pto ix., doted tho 19th of Mr, the S« of How Yorthubeen erected, ,t the-roquem of >h. hue Council , C..A with the Sees of Boston, Hartford, BV*- m. P.ight Rov- Bi-'hop Hugte, «f »«■, et ' T "‘ ,cd to the dignity ol Archbohop. Tbo CmcrnoM ood £%%%£ have ;ilf t Mlswasmade an Arcbiepiscopal rhX«s r i^°r n ' ,hoA '" ° f W alto- Wnltn. —A". T. Fut. Pv„ SnnttK » * Sopn-K*™' *' ■ lono, (... . *MBl.nua. ia UvtalW". AU...OW. fneml iu Washington: •• Wh held a meeting hero tome agt) (about 500) and beat tbs DUonioaiats hoUofr. U wa can g«i them to make a question tguntt the Union we can beat them tan thousand ia this State, and nearly the tame in |4itta®Ppt.ano more than that in Georgia. Let them try it- The Whigs are nearly all sound, and many of ICO CM Jackson Deaocnts ore with ns» BY ATTTHOBITY. PUBLIC ACTb Pas.uJ during tkt Firtl Srrnonof Ute Tktrty First ConspcSM. 7 warn o.d |oaroal»tor correal diam, «uhJ for canuouina the ft pabhctuion ot 'he «ame, including brT none», .■■brmicaK paper «. *° Dbservatury **vfH uiooeand tore hun* AT WASHINGTON. For a buildiof and machinery »« a c-ptur rol* ling eatablijamenl, and tor repair* ot all kind*, fifty ono thooiaod three hundred dollar*. AT NORFOLK. Por itorebouse number nineteen and gateway, across timber dock, completing engine how to KaitheiT. *ad machinery; Iron pipe* to cjateraa, tnagaxioe it Fort Norfolk, m*s*xine keeper* boot*, filling iQ «P*m “closed by qa*y waiU, ni linf low grounds, making aireot* in ywd, ant timber dock, and tor repair* of all kind*,atxty two thousand fife hundred dollar*. AT PENSACOLA, For extending permanent wharf, dredging,tow* wards timber abed, coal house, extension or wnart and rail tracks t*»r number twenty alx, limetoufc muster bouse, and office for dork of the yard, and for repairs ol all kinds, one hundred and ninety seven thousand seven hundred dollars. ATMEMM4IS. For completing the following works, vix ■ ««• vaHon and embankment, rope walk and t*der toSS “w "iB. «M wta* Of hop*, Sfc’olhop.iolmf.ihop, Mini hop*, °s“*j SZILSK boo*, mwhiwty (OJ poutraalcs , lump h 00», hops* for Ora es MTamestt, drains and ditches, and kind*, m» hundred .nd thirty four dollar** ATSACKETTS HARBOR. For fence* and repuire of nil kind., revnn hun dred dollar*. , FOR HOSPITALS, viz AT Bouo».-F« repairing, whiiewiuhing fm- CM, wallfc painting,, repair, of road., Ac.,, grading, comple ung reware, »“ d f '“ ce rom ‘ d ‘’".'T'"f « rou °' ! ' iSSJLam repair., .ialean Ihoreand dolTare. ATPHt»*ctul-For genera repair., one Ihouw reren hundred and nfty dollar.. FOR. MAGAZINES, vir: Ai BoMon, one hundred and filly dollar.. a i Np« York, five hundred dollars. At Washington. one hundred and fifty dollar*. For WnplSng the stone dry dock at New \ ork r l. nnd eirhiv thousand dollar*. ° D For completing the pooling dry dock at Kmery, hundred thousand dollars. RI For ’JSpleting the Boating dry dock at Ph.ladel phut, three hundred and reventy one thowanJ two sss*t ** «*■» cole Suit bundled and fourteen thousand three hundred and twenty dollars. h For commencing the cotiMruclion of a doming drv dock on tho eoa.l of California, one hundred Ximd dollars And the Secretary ol the .Navy i, anthoriaed to enter into a contract for the con .tructton, with ail rmuonable dt,patch, of a rer ttonal or balance donung dry dock, and rail _.v , t auch harbor on ihe omul of tho Pacitt neean as he may relent, of a capacity and dimen sion. in no respect inferior to thore of the dry dock in nrogrere of construction at Penaacola: Provid'd, That bv granting the raid contractor* permission, j if required, to prepare the materials chiefly at some ; haVbor on the Atlantic seaboard, and advancing money* thereon as the works progress, the paid , works can be completed at a sum not exceeding by ' more than twelve per ceat. the total amount con tracted to be paid for the floating dock, basin, and j railway at the Pensacola Navy Yard, with the ad- j dUion thereto of what would be the com of irons-! Donation to said coast of the said materials thus i hrenared and with the reservation till the works kre done of ten per cent and the usual surety for ' the faithful perlortnaoee of the contract; and the : Secretary of the Nary shall also bo authorized to enter into an agreement with Ihe contractors, if I they will keep the raid works in repair and take Draper care of the same for any given period ot voir* free of cliarge to the Government, to permit , them to use the raul work* during such period on their own account for repairing merchant vessels, i when not occupied by vessels of the navy, to winch | precedence shall ut all times be given, on such terms as he shall deetn reasonable The sum of five hundred dollars for suitable plans of the buildings and requisite improvements at the naval depot near New Orleans, and that said plans be procured and furnished under the direction of the'aeot'orofficer resident or stationed atJNew Or- MARINE CORPS. For pay at officer*, non commissioned offi.'ors, musicians, privates, and servinis, serves oa there, subsistence for rffieers, toil pay for uu drawn clothing, two hundred and fifty three than* ; und four hundred tnd tix dollar* and taven cents. , 1 For provisions for marines serving on snore, I twenty thousand dollar*. I For clothing, forty six thousand four hundred I and aixtaeo dollar*. For fuel, ten thousand dollars. For military atore*, repair ol arms, pay 01 armo ries, accoutrements, ordnance atorea, il*gi, drum*, fifes, and musical instruments, tix thousand nino I hundred dollars. ] For tranaponatien of officer* and troops, and ox -1 pen*e* of recruiting, nine thouitnd dollars- I For repairs of barracks, and rcutof temporary I barrack* and offices for commanding officers, ax I thousand dollars. j For oantingencie*, vts freight, ferriage, cart* I Ct wharfage, compensation to judge* advocate, I par diem for attending count martial, courts of in- I I qulry, and forcoottant labor, house rent in lieu of , I quarters, burial of deceased marines, printing, ota- I ttonery, forage, pottage, pursuit of deserter*, enu ' 1 diet, oil, ttrew, furniture, bed ■•cka, spades, axes, 1 1 shovel*, p ckt, carpenter’* tool*, keep of a horse , I for the messenger, pay of matron, washerwoman, 1 1 and poner at the hospital be»d quarter*, twenty thousand dollar*. Sec. 2. And it u/krtfrr intend, That the Sec retary af the Navy i* authorized, should he deem it practicable, to employ «uch part of the naval force a* may be necessary to remove tho Wreck of the steam frigate Missouri, lying in the barbor cf.Uffiralter. See. 3. And it UJu rt»*T That the Se cretary of the Navy be, and is hereby authorized, if he deem it advisable, to submit the demand ot the claimants for salvage on tbe United State* ven •el Water Witch to the arbitration of the Judge of the Dituid Court of tbe United States m the south ern district of Florida. Approved, September 23, 1350, The Washington Republic close* » long editor- ( i»| on the tecettioQ fro® the Whig State Convene ! tioa at Sjracoae, by saying that it “ er living on tne pre«i.ea. bargb will gaio a finiahed pianist and capital fcttow. orl *»-t‘ • He la a lavome in thia Forest City and we hranOy -p AUC U i, \ ixrat, -mving trow *u.-awqr I cSFhJSS' “* ° f ““ ““ »■» KIKI.PAT.UCK aKKAUKABLi: CASK I I EVIDENCE IN Ol'lt MID-ST 1 ' ’ Ma- Kma-Sir, comply with your to- j q -e »l that I would give yon!*u ueeouut ol the al«o« , miraculous care of my littie daughter* eye by ihe air of your “Petroleum." | She wu attacked with a very *or« cyo iri February or Mareh lan, when 1 immediately applied to the best | medical aid in the city, by whom n wa» pronounced j “ a very bad eye r and all gave me no bepe of doing her any good Alter whieh I took net into the coun try to an old lady, who bad been very aucceaaful in coring eye*. Cbe told me that her caae wet hoffclen, a» ahe woald certainly loae aoi only that one, bat alao that the other woald lollow-u being a scrofulous aflccuou of the blood. And 1 do certify .that .at the unto my father tJ. B. Vaahoa) cams to the coneiuiioa that we had better try yoat " Petroleum, - ’ sus aaTieci.l aunu; of one rye. U >» now about two m*ntli*, »ince ahe began U* u*e, and *he can now ace with both eye* aa good a* ever (ha did ; and, a# far aa I can tell. 1 believe «he has, with the bleating of be Aiougbiy, teen cured by “ Petroleum Voura, respectfully, M. Fatten V utao.v Cou,s& Puuhurghh, Sept. 30, I*so. For eale by Ksysor 4 McDowell, 140 (tieci; r. E Seilers, 57 Wood tweet; D. M. Curry, D A. El bou, JoMph Douglasa, and H- F Schwam, AUegben, by the proprietor, S. M. KIER, Canal Batin, Seventh at, Pittsburgh gyiU Laia’a VXkMircaxThe Inventor o! • ?p «.r unzsT for a Formidable Disease hma no ngnt is keep iu u« from bia lellpw creature* So 'bought Dr. McLane when he wua induced to offer hi* great remedy forwdrmi to the pabhe. A profound phyai cian, enjoying a very large prectiee, he did not fear to be confotaded wtth ibe nerd of *ancka who impose upon the public their wonhicn ituff a* patent medi cines. He was therefore induced by Kidd 4 Co., drug gilts, to dispose of hi* rigct aa discoverer, and the Vercofuge la now for »ale in nearly every village and town oi the country It ta tee sovereign remedy for worths. KIDD 4 CO, No 00 Wood street cetfi-dAwS rvWeA of Ohio and Penna. R. R- Co, Third ai Pimsssoa, Aaguat 5,1860 Tbs Stockholders of the Ohio usd Pennsylvania p ri ,i Company sro hereby notified to pay me inaolmani of five dollars per lharo.iu the office of the Oompany, on or baton the SOth day of Auffusl. The ninth Instalment! on or before the ?oth day of September. Tb« tttnh in*toltaam cno;| tefero the frA day of October ntSL ytii instalment was called for eft tho 2Cth o July lest augfi-dtf WM LARIMER, Jr- Treasurer. WBSTEES lIUHRAIICB COBUlif OF PITTSBURGH CAPITAL $lOO,OOO. j Fijrait, Jr-, B*o>y. | R. Muxsa, Jr , Prea>l WiUuivure against all kinds of risks, FIRE AND MARINE. . ALL loaeas willbe liberally adjusted and promptly paid. A home Institution—managed by Director* who are well known in the community, and who are determin ed by promptness and liberality to maintain the char acter which they have aiinmed, as offering the beat piouction to those who desire to be Insured. 9 Dtaxciou—R- Miller, Jr, Geo- Black, J. WBuiler, N- Holmes Ji., Wm. B. Holme*, C. Utasen, Goo. W Jackeon, Wm. M. Lyon. Jas. Lippinoort, Thus. K. Uwh, James M’Auley, Alex. Nlmick, Tho*. Scott Omen, No. M Water street, (warehouse of Spang A Co, up stair*,! Pittsburgh- juLdly Fill IfiPOBmiON OF HABDWABE, LOQAN, WILSON a CO. 1»« WOOD STREET, Are now prepared with a large end fresh dock of K-ngndi, German, and American Hardware, to offer fuperior inducement* to buyora. Those w.» purchase will promote their mtereit by looking hrougfa our nock, aa they are determined to sell on he moat reasonable terms. &ug!s R. R. TANNER A- CO., SHOE WAREHOUSE, fit) Wood as I bitwise Third A Fourth, An now receiving their very large and inperior Fall Stock of BOUTS, SHOES, ISO BROUANS Also, BONNETS and FLOWERS, all of the latest ■tylea. and expressly adapted to the western trade. It has been selected with great cere, and as to sue* •ad qoa.ity Is not furpaesed by any nock to bo found either east or west. Oar uustomers and mer chant* generally are invited u> call and examine, aa .Tg determined to sell on tho most reasonable terms- Also, Goodyear** Patent Rubber Shoes ol all kinds ; angSfcdtf M oa> BVIV| Dentin- Comer ofToanh i *n4 feuni, Uvna I TBON- HukiitiiFßnfntm p«a*4iyin |1 «» imareramiau im Daattitry* ' DR. G. CL STEARNS,I«* 01 Boraa, u mpMM-w manufacture and eet Bidcx Taxra in who.* and pana of sets, upon Section or Atmoapberie Snctidn riaxaa— Tootuacbs cdebd is rmt maitrTEs, where the ne w >• txpesed. Office and reudesce next door to Uta »■ T* or’* office. Fourth street. Piltabnrth. , RkrauT<>—i. B.M’Fadden.F H F-aton. xo * _ On Tturaday, October 10 h, at 10* o'clock, John WiLktrus Esq.. in the &td year ot bis ag* The friend* ot the family are requested to attend hi*»l from hi* late residence, on Butler street, near the Greentburgh Turnpike, Lawrenceville, thia *;»>•. ai 10* o’clock, A. M. HATS, CAPS, AND MUFFS JAISBB WILSOB, ] •i.'i Wood .tf, oj Diomorui ,iUt\, Second story., OFFERS his customer* and the public, an eaurely aew and fre*h stock oi Hats, Caps, and Muffs, in «reat variety, .Manufactured and Selected with much earelin reference u» price, style, and quaUty, in New York city, and will he offered at Uie lowesi rales of present low price*, Wholesale and Retail- ‘ V Pittsburgh, Oct. 11. 1850. ocitullwAwllS FIVE’S TOBACCO—ICO bi» ju*t rec’d for sale by 1 o ci i HARPY, JONEfi A_CO_ LARD— lO kegs No t, ree'd for «mle by oeU HARDY, JONES A CO STEAM ENGINE FOR SALE. 10* Inch Cylinder, 4* foot stroke. For terms, apply w oe*l 8 F VON BONNUORST A CO SALTPETRE— 10J bsg* crude, arriving for tale by' OC H W A F WILSON CLAY -It) casks Gentian, arriving for sale by *,l ’ tfAK WILSON SOLE LEATHER-swoibi Spanub, arriving per canal, lor isle by JAMES bALkhLL uc jj To Water « KICF- 10 If pruue. for calc ocll JAMES DAI-ZELI. ju»i rfr'il for »ulo by JAMES DALZEI.L CURRANTS— 6 caik* Kreui ocll su’d for »*lc l»y j A MRS DALZELL ITANNERS’ OH. - :i brts re. LARD OlL—lu brls landing, tor sale by ocll JAMES DAL2KLL ADUINIBVUATOR'B BOTIOR. WHEREAS, Letter* of Administration to the estate of Alexander Stewart, Intr of the coanty of Alle gheny, drc<-o>rd, have been granted 10 iho suoscrib er, ail person* Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against tbe samo will present tbem to ROBERT MORROW, Administrator October 9ih —ocll wfltS SEWICKLEV ACADEMY. A CLASSICAL and COMMERCIAL BOARDING SCHOOL FX>R BOYS, li miles from Pittsburgh; Rev iosxnt 8 Tbsvzll!, A M Principal. Tbe Winter Session will commence on Monday, Nov 4, IsiO Term, - 875 per Session of 5 mantas. For circulars, enquire of tbe Principal, eewicaley Bottom P u Pa., or „f Messrs John Irwin A Sons, U Water meet, or Messrs f H Ne*m ACo, No i*6 Liberty street, nllshurgb. oolCbdlw PCOLIC ROTXCB 12 hereby given to the rtockhoidersof the Allegheny aim Fenvsrula Turnpike Koad Company, that an election will oe be,a on Monday.the 4th day of No vember it the tioaie of Jacob Cotebaugh, between the non/s of l and J o’clock, F. M , to elect one Prem deni and five Manager*, and one freaaaref to vranr.- act and manage tbe uusiness ol said company for Uto ensuing year By order of tbe Board of Managers. A. HILaNDo, Bec ; y of Board q. Tot StbcJtholders will bear in mind,that the law roquue* ait anearuget in their stock to be paid ui entitle them to vote at said election. oclQ»3i*d THE undursigred having professional business In sundry place* in u>e latcrior of Uhio and along tne onto River, will sun on or auont Monday, tho 14. h day of uetober, for said points. Merchants and fibers having accounts to colic t or oihsr basinet* to ictiie or arrange, will have prompt attention givun them by entrusting ibe same to h m. Trit)K.v'ttj."« a BHlNr*. Ait’y at Law, Office in t.owne-s Butldirgs, up stair*, Fourta s Reler by permission to t> atermnu Palmer. Esn , o phimer, nannaA Co oelt>:a3t JOS. B- UUBSIEU, ai . <)7 SoutU Whsrvsii PbiUdslphUi IMPORTER and Dealer in FOREIGN wnd DO; M y«TIC FRUlte, NLTS. SALAD OiL Ac offers tor *t»:e w. iou to i-it pnronaser* 1 Vermcmi, I CUrcl Win a, Pain Soap. Almond da, 1 Toilet du, Costua do, piciiti I Biamijr Peiihe*, farcy | henuls, M.ccaron.. < Lemon Syrup, Asauitco cord-. - 1 Cologne Water, Kxuaet Auuur. i Hoar Water, bxttbct C.U1..0.-- I Oran** t'U.wei Water, Salad j Peacn Water, Canary J I Lavender Water, Htmp “c, j | fcJtuaet Letnoa. AlmarJ. I trtract Vao.lL, l-ilb.-ri> . 1 Rock Candy. \\ na-. (ireeit Oinerj, I aanteai Winr. oround r»uu . Preserved Uiujer, Shelled do | Tij Pane, Shelled AIW-uJ-, . TamarillJU, Cjcoa Nut*, Jtijobe Paate. Chocolate j Coco* Paste, Ac. Alto. »ola aßcnt for Well., Miller A Provost's .Nev York Piokles,Sauce*, Herxneuf.Hy Sealed Ooodt.&i Philadelphia, Ocu ifeSO—oeltr d'lt .itMg] UILS 3 cans Origanum, I ran Anu, l can Cinna ■non, l can Caraway, 1 can Cedar, 1 cun Lavcn ocr, l can Soccuu, and l can Bo«eiaary Oil, warrant rd pule, received tor talc by R K SKLLfcißfl oelli 57 Wood st DRIED FKL'n i.»«uck. iirw Peaches Id sack* uen Apple*, artivit’g iroiu Srumer Caledonia, and for iiUe by 00 10 BROWN A KIKKPATHICK_ SODA aPH—«’usk» Steel’* best, arnvutg, l«r sale by [oolti) BROWN t KIRKPATRICK TRUNK BoARDsL-nu baitdle* assorted,lor sale by OP |., BROWN A KIRKPATRICK RlCb>-‘?J t<-» fr»*h beat, arr vlng, for *a!o by 001 0 Hit OWN fc KIRKPATRICK STUAY COW. BROKE into me enclosures of the »üb-cnber. re iiduitf in East Deer Townibip, Allegheny com ty, .H, ;hr Kuiici Hoad, about me I*l of Septeiubei Inal, ft Rod Cow With Willie .pot*, uoout 6 year* old. *1 be owner i* to eosce forward, prove property, i>av cnaiae* and lake her away. “SjVs JAMES BLACK NOTICB. AniVIDVMI of three per rent, on all adjusted lo**e» *>y hte oflo hof April, 1645, Insured in the office oi me Allegheny County Matas! Insurance Company, will he peii on and after the inst., »t me office of Thomft* Williams, cls BOARDING— A few gentlemen nay obtain good boarding on reasonable term* at Mr». Mcftltl tin’s in Coionnsdc Row, near the Old Bridge. Fede ral >tr£t, Allegheny city. oct!»:dlw__ TO LET. THE dwelling home No. tS Second street, betweer Wood and Market street*, no * oecaplcd by xht .uuscrmei Rent SWO per annum. Pot*e«*ion piT« n ihc Ist oi Novembcrincxi JOHN H MELLOR No. SI Wood street JKourntng Oood«< MUR?HY A. UtRCHKItXD bare r«cciv?d a •ay ply oi jrooi« adapted fr>r moarnlag wear, «a ACON -to ca»k« Bacon Hides, S do Primo Buga Cured llama, for sale bv L 9 WATERMAN A SC INS FLOUR IN bun Exirn Super Fine Flour, m atore sUe by L a WATERMAN A SONS CI.BRSS , „ ’ANTED—Two Salesmen In the Dry Goocaßu* atne««. Apply at EO Market meet. *) btili No 3 Mackerel, (large.)’for rpUBS AND BUCKETS —tL> do*. Bucket*, 10 do \cm° b ‘’ 101 l ’ r K.» WATEEMAN A SONB C” 10RN BROOMS -dOdor laucy and good common . u WATERMAN A BOi»B »! /ILOVER SCBB—Sd bin •trictly'prfa* Clow, UjF" l A 80MB I THE LATENT STYLE - Received thi»;«iay, la* 1 ~s , atyle Careen. direct Iromihe ffianufaciui er», , ... >hn.h we .nvite ibe attention of ihoa* wu.aiDg ««,. w:McCLI STOCK 0~"11"c£.OTT19 On band'a large and well aelec-ted '■ °“ Cl “w ”SJT' _ _No. 75 Fourth meet -raufis AND MATE - —Ta‘« opened, eotae vcrylaiul- K, tome ftylo Rugs and Door Matts, lo which \rc "S*' I'"” 0 °' P “ r ° b “'"w MeCLINTOCK T oW FRICK CaKFEit» — W McClimock hiajoai Jj opened a large and very cheap lot of Carpet*.* m sst.Tch are direct from the manidaclun:i«, and will be sold a* nrw as the same quality cun be V^** eA east of the Mountain*, aiJ5 Fourth »tre«t. octy AoDarati* for Clemming Stove Ptpo Without taking down. TSVESTtjU M 1 First »t. between Wood fc Market sts- -156 ban prime green Rio, uj «u>tc for tale waTEBMXJJ , * SON 3 31 Water *63 From «i ___. fIOFFEE ro inn< r¥lEA9—Ssibfchesta and Hy*® ll - L«V 10. f.. BUfkgy. A SONS. Sfices —10t«*« p«pp? r: ■ h 1 a b»n a J‘ A _ SONH O weight* Bpnu*h te 80N8 - ° C "" ,«*\VindoW~G 1 a**, UXTTtSd, Of city (yfISSS&r Wrt&iMfcß. >««» ‘“■ ““T 1 * wSnakw * was STEEL —A I>ut.l orC*K,Shell, G«r mao, E. 8., and Spun* Steel. for sate by oca L ? WATBBMAN& SONS N"j« * ~ic“ na!TOaafeiway SUGAR —3u hhd* prime N. O Sow. Inst teeeived tor tale by BURBRIDGE A INGHRAM ocB ‘ 118 Water street FLOUR— 40 bri* 8. F. Float, josl reed tor sale by ocB BURBRIOUK A INGHRAM Q ALTPETRV.— to sack* now landing, tor tale t>T O ocS ISAIAH DICKEY A CO ocS Water A From au. LIN SUED OIL-lS brt* pore, just ree’d tor sale by •e 9 JOHN WATT A CO MACKEREL— U» Irli Boston No 3. tor Mile by oca JOHN WATT A CO CIHKK3E— SM bxs W. R. just rec'd tor sale by j ocS_ JOHN WATT A_CO "\riNKOAß—do brl* pore, (or safe by V oca __JOHN WATT ACO Window glass— jw bx« g x iu. Hub*. 1U l Vi, OObxsipxM: part extra anahty, in (tore and tor aale bv ocs . JOHN WATT A CO CLOVES— if brl» rte'd for sale by R F. SELLERS OC O S 7 Wood .t A T" R °° T_i ""‘"“f E 2el£eßS ax. jniIAMOMILE FLOWEES-jiilJ •£**£? I e... '°”*^ L ; Ut 3 WHOLESALE JAIL OOODS. A. A. MASON &. CO, 63 4b 64 ISaJiKKT 8T„ rmsersiin, r*-, WOULD eolieit the auonnon of Merehuntii iroa all sections of the country, to 'bo r >budbbm «tock of New Fall Goods, comprising tbc largest and aioet complete assortment in the western country, consisting of *75 cases best styles Prims, 40 do Imported rnd American Ginghams; 3a jo AJpaccas, Paramattas, and Menoos; 27 do Cashmeres and Dc Loins; 4S do Satineis and Jeans; 89 do Cloths and Cas«imtrcr. 70 do Bleached Muslin*; CU bales Flancel*, all colors; ■Si do Tickings, all grade*; do Brown Muslins, best makes Also cases andpacbaecs of Silks. Shawls. White Goods, Millinery 80, Tailors’ Trimmings, Ribbons, Laces. Hosiery and Glares, Ac Merchant* are assarea, from the great faculties of th.a e«ablishment,ol always procuung ibe latest and most “ RESPONSIBLE Office. 2 —A speedy ana satisfactory adjustment ot lories by ' the General Agent ortho Company lor the V. estem and Southern Slates. _ Arbitration tof all differences wurrh aay an*BJ by referees mutually cbo.’cu. ».,.-p^nai a—Award* promptly pstdln Specie. Bsr.kab.e f anas, or Exchange on New York. Balumoie. Cnariestou, New Orleans, St Louis, Louisville, l .tuburgh, or Cincinnaii, at the option of the insured. Pamphlets, setung lorth the mode and prtn ciolrs of adjusting losses, rales of premium*, ctasslh cation of haiards, Ac.. furnished to the customer* of the office free of charge. For fnriber ir'tormauon, apply to the undersigned, who is folly authorixed to insure Dwellings, Stored, Hotels, Warehouse*, Mills. Manufactories, Baras, Ac, Itostebold Farniiaie, and Gouda. Wart#, and Mci rbandiie, contained or tiored therein, ajaiim lo'- < dasaam by FIRE. aUO, ' Dry Good*. Groceries, Manufactured Goods, rro dace, Household Furniture, U»e and «wr other description ol Merchandise or Personal Pro 0407, shipped or lobe shipped per good nieamboai, or boats to and from points on the W extern ot between Eastern clue* ivi* Laics,or other inland male) and any towns in ihe Western country, ayainsi S* baiSds of INLAND TRANSPORTATION. ShiEDtenU of Gords, Wares, and Mercbndire, per cood eessel or vessels, between New '-> rlc * u * E»»rn pon.—ll Ne« Orku,. gin oorta—between all American ports aud English or E«op.»p pon.. pr k .By mlwr soever In the AltanOr waters, against the PEKILN Ol TIIE 'JF.Ast E ARNOLD, Ap t. 71 Fourth next to the Bank of Pmsburgh srpiD-.dnant __ - LlfK IHgUltAdCki. J. Vlßat)’) Jr., Aar/it rlrr th. 4 Finn L»/» Ihsurjnn (.Vo/ i'W* 4 vPFLCE of the Weawrn Insurance Company No. I ) W Watarttreet, Pituborgh. r’ampblets, with ail neceaaary mlormaiioo, and alank forma will be formated. „ Ui , Unfbaiidi can insaru their lire* for the Leiietti of their wive* and children,'creditors the live* oi their amon* the hoWer* of Life Policies. The dividends of the peat wo year* have been eigh ty pur cent-each year. tc2S _ WEW fcOT OP SPLIftSDIO PIANOS, Mum and MujicM Instmmrsut, girn of the Uoldaq Harp, No 101 Third street. __ h. RLERER respectfully inform* hit friends and the public, that he hat returned from tbo coat, with e || V| | "most elegant Bnd •xtettarve. assort ment of Plano* of virion* «Tle* » B «f ? nc 's ,‘ el ' c j£: by hinuelf,with rreatoare. a« the celebrated factories of Nnon* A Clark, N-Y-, and Danham, N l, Iwbo 1 Slodin i Dmnkun,«. V.) H„| og M ! l,c.rf IM jbo£ from an immense atock jasi finished by the above maker*, they are warranted of rupenor quality and tono, id! will in all cate* be told at New York fee iorv nice*. Purchasers will receive a wntien yuar aniy with each Piano, entitling them to an exchange or return of taint, if foaod defective. Alto, a lot or splendid Gautrs, from the factory Scbmijt fc Maul. N Y They are a taperb ant* and warranted equal* If cot tuperior, to any mxd< the world AUo'VfiM selection of Flutes. Cltneme's Vlolum. Atrtnfni, Crass Ituirunenu, «r.d the nsweat “ d ®°* l popuiar muaie, including Jenny Uni » °« )e^ cd tones. . ——t- ° - 1 ULEB HAUEL’S SHAVING •v tho man who doc* not Appreciate the cast above* If any there be, we do not addrev ■elVea to him. Bat to Ail other* we say, If yon to render ahaving a pleasure,purchase a box ofJa'es Baoel’t Almond Pi»taohio or BhATtnK Creant*. I* l« utterly iffiposnble to &nd word* to dr scribe the feelings of a person who has b« c «e Shaving with ordinary aoap, upon making trial of thl* fbV tho fint time. It is « combination of wonder, ad “SSja*SKSS%HAVI»O CREAM la exceed tnaty emollient; rendering the anffest and wir/ beard soft and pliable, producing an admirable taiber, and by its extremely mild nature allaytnK all inlu.- Uon, and preventing that unpleasant and stiff feeing ofthe *tcin which iaao often experienced jnerihaT tng. Geotlemeaaain* Jules Cream mar face the coideat and moat piercing wind* im mediately after it* we, withoot tho chopped, And itore wno once use it, we can wfely never use tury other- Ono great advantage, whtefa will be erpedaay tp nreetaud by those who Wear whiskers, i» the fail that it will not diaeolor tie beard, which n»tt waps will do, giving a sandy or retry appearance to ins edge o/tfio wttiikcr*. Jnlc Huid,iahim»sore»m» are delightful preparauoda, compounded with anil, to iho utter exclusion of nil article* calculated to render the operation of sharing unpleasant, and wui be appreciated by all who make trial of tnem Perfumer and ChrotK, 130 Chestnut at, Phiia. For sale, wholesale and retail, by E A FcbresVjca A Co., and R. E Seller*, Piltiburgh; and John bargem and J. Mitchdl, Allegheny City. tcp27—Bp Slate Mutoal Fin lusnranet Company, J B CANFIELD HARRISBURG, PA. mHE very liberal patronage extended to thLiccm- I pony, having issued policies to the amount Pt near One and a U alt Million of Dollar*, daring lio last three month* i» saffieiect manifestation of the em matlon and confidence of the public in the system of management on which It* buiiner* u cotdoctod Tocity or country merchant*, and owners of dwell* )uk>, and isolated or country property, It w believed I this company aiTord* advantages in point of cheap 1 ne«* safety, and security, infetier «“ w> Insurance ' “ffliVS: »-■ P ;-'r sTitem of Classification of Risk*, excluding all special 1 hazard * inin nn g only a limited amount in any one ' uV.ii.-- ii,in nreetudinir ibe frequency and occurrence Sian it notonlv possesses ihe cheapness and ascom- SSfeSoWbothmethodijbatenturM lbs tr.aared to “ ?t*!» i nnier’uie'MntioTof'the lotlomn* Dtrcccorr— asSAn «> i■; A A CaXSIKS, Actuary Blanch Office fo; Weitein Pennsylvania, St Smith feld itrect, Pittsburgh Persons desiring larorance will be furnished with book* of the company by ealV ln ff at th« offiee. oc^ MURPHY A BURCHFIELD, at north east coiner of Fourth and Market streets, arc now Supptied with a fUU assortment of the various qualities of eboTt desirable foods, and haring been purchased from the importers can be warranted genuine- oc3 IN great vanety of price and pattern, last tece,ved nt the store of MURPHY A BTRCHFIELD LINSEED OIL—IV bill pure country oil, iust reo‘J for sale by ROBISON, LITTLE A CO o«3 2SS Liberty at. .. Daff Window Liam. TUST received at W. McCLINTOCK’S Carpet tl Warehouse, No 85 Fourth street, end ?& Wood st, 4-4 Buff Window Linen. or ° ItUipttMt Window |hsd*S *OECBrVEDthIs day, at the Carpet Warehouse, JjfcKo 86 Fourth utreat and 7S Wood sovet, a very hindiWM tssartouatolTrmupansi Wnto££hadM wntnwlnUq, l«3) wiucwswc* ESObISR gITRiCTI* EXTRACTS of Aconite, Belladonna, CoUeyn* Comp, Cicntm, HyeteUma», Stfamooieum. «“• tnnT, Tarsxicn®, Sarsaparilla, Quassia, Jlopnvoi cbielaccL, and Indtan Ileap, ST.* FAHNK3SOCK A CO M 7 Car. First A Wood si. Larga BQpplf •* Vail *■ 'Wtntar Goods- MURPHY * BURCHFIELD invita Ike anectioa of buyer* to their Urge stock of goods adapted for the season, consisting in pan of- Blk mud Col ! d French Merinoes, .. ■* Coburg* sad Cashmeres, Changeable Popbns, Ore*. Silks and Tat© Satins, Dlk and Fancy Alpaeas- __ Super 1 -on* Shawl*, Low Price do.. Sacking Han n.ii.'tt’eUi, Mglirtt, aadAmenaan Flanurl*, whiu' Snd colored Their slock of HOUSEKEEPING such as Sheetings, Pillow Ca»« Muslin*, Tsble Diaper*. Towelling, **- » and at ir-w price* for quality. Buyer* will find u to their adsnn taar to examine their slock before pu»chacng-at d» north east comer of dth aod Market ns. oct “ ' T" rORHEKT. fW\Vo well finished oflkee »a Fo*t Oifiea Building. 1; Third ctreet. ... . A loan, well UfhtedfOOin,nd tlonr; euuance Mai Itet tueel, between 5d tad 4th rireeU. Alio, * small brick .house, Ul Fiji T«wa*lup, near PenutTlruua Avenue. Inquire of oci7 K D GAZZAM. No 164, Second * (Pott and Trltmae pletic copy) STARCH— 9 boxes jest received from ibo mnr.unu,- torcr, end for s«le by S N WICKSBSHAM oci? _ Coiner Wood end dth »i» LU DIN’S FXTRACTS—AsiorIed in boxs. mono iloitn eeco, imported end for seta by _oct7 B A FAHNESTOCK A Co PI IX MACHINE?— Superior Erfghsh assort td *■ tet. imported and ferial* by oct? ’DA FAHNESTOCK A Cj SH MOLASSES—CI) bbls 81 Loais » H Syrap Mo la«ie*. lust received end for laid by • JAK A HUTCHISON t Co eei7 Aaent.Sl Lotti* Steam Edgar Refinery GLUF— 6 bbk’oa band aid for taloby on: 9 N WICKEESHAM LARD— SI bbls No fon hand end lor vein by ISAIAiI DICKEY A Co oct? Weler end Frost streets GRFJLSE— 9 bbli an bend end for *a>e bv octT ISAIAH PICKET fcCo BACON ILAMS—to cull OS band, Vi!) be *o:d low io close tbe lot, by oct? ISAIAH DICKEY A Co HONEY— 4 bbls lu store and for sale by oct? ; ISAIAH PICKET A Co {IHEF^SE— ib beats prime qaaliir, for sale by J o CI7 : IPnlAil DICKEY ACo Cl UM COPAL YARNlPH—Fortaiaby X ret? ; ISAIAH DICKEY ACc CC-PARTSERBUIP. Hl] BY AN hii tea -ay a»»ociaicd .Wn JTKrs, * Wood»ireei,y7iinhjmintbebtt«ine*»ofll7a2 , » Hl TheTjasteu* bcrtftfter will bo conducted andci As if Ryaa A ftttKce. trio rtspecifttlly aolleii Ac rvan WH. McKEE- DISSOLCTIOS. OP CO'•PARTNERSHIP lOJE firm of McKee, NegleT *lMohan, w U dissolv ed on the noth Bit Wat MTtee having sold lui intercut in too concern, to Messrs Negley A Mohan, the business of the lira will be fettled ond earned on br Negley A Mohan, who are duly anthomed 10 aso the name ofthe Cm far that ALCOHOL —9 bbls jost received and for sale by ) KIDD A CO >ls No CO Wood street LAZIEB’S DIAMONDS—I dju j».l IMJlvcd ' Jcr side by QCtS J KIPP %to I AED OIL-S bbl. No 1 jail recced *nd for iclo 1 J by ■ QCtS j KIDD * °° , ED pounds juiLieceived and fot^alc PIG IRON—OSO tons Mahoning Fotpnco Pig Iron for sale from the Allegheny FIX)7D , Roaad Church. btU solid batter for sale jY FLOVD HARPER’S 6, for Ocwter, of »ui» excellent magaiine, and No 10 of Wetlonsry or Mechanics, has been recd Ted at ItecoL third street, cpposl e the Post Office, also » newAmeriean N«i«l Sailed The Conmirator, a taio of Dlannethaasett’a Island, on the Ohio Hirer, and No Pictorial Field Book of the AiMtioaa Revolt- INSTRUCTION on ths PIANO PORT is the Plano FoTOilo adranced pupils. Hr will be ready to receive applications from those who may requite his lenicti by l4L* instant. -Vppmjnuona previous date, to fca left at ihe.'kioie of J; tt. Mellor, No 61 Wood SI. oc4 \f (stern Collets ol HomaopathU lieditiin, CLEVELAND, OHIO. • i&CO-Cil—C&onrTrJ 1819. rpHB FIRST jviNTER SESSION of this Insuiauon I \fiil commence on tho Full Monday of.Kovta btt ,‘and eoatinßo loot moniht* , . ' The Chairs of the Faculty are arranpd as iollowk. btora Rosa* M. Professor of Midwifery, and Dtseasea ofWotnen and Children. nrigga, M. D-, Professor ar.d P Ch^le^D^wfl», M. D, Professor ol lcsrUaie, and Prsciico of Homeopathy. Lewis Dodge, M. D., Professor of Matena Medio* and Medical: Jurisprudence. Hamilton L.Sraith, A. M , Professor ot Chemistry. Edwin C. WitheteJ, M. D., Professor of Anatom» and Physiology. . , , Jeha Bralnatd, Professor of Physical beienoe. Charles W. Bell, Demonstrator of Anstomv. The CharieTtifthe Western College of Horamopsthi : Medicine was granted by the Legialataie of Ohio, ounngits sestlouof 16*9-90. It erates all thesis and nrieilcgeausoglly possessed by Medical College* tn the United' States, and, unlike many coile».n». i; cant*, icifepeji.tent of any other insulation, hovu.» ■it itself the pbwer io confer degree*, and post*«ui.# a common seal. . . , _ 1li» degrees ar> conferred by uie Faoally suJ Tiastei s upon, the recommendation ol' the Faealtr Tho amount of fees fOT the fall course will be SW. Matriculation fee, ®3—to be paid bat once. Demon sirator’s ticket, AL Graduation fee, *fu. Person* who hare attended two fall courses of lecture* >u other colleges, are admitted to the fall course in lb;* I inetiuitlon Vii the paymeßt of f ‘.*o. Graduates of t. upectabie medical schools are pertained to snend uij f course on the payment of'the mstncaiatioo lee oul> ■ Good board, including room, light, and lacl, can *;o obtained fiom S* to gv » per week. For (anbenu t iornnti-un adilrras. t HAS D. WILLIAM-, ociidlin Dean of lbs Fatuity C „D HSK-lb ..... u» .1= V t r mLsoli «» M Wood I! _ , bri. Sb.mCb.fer.Eehy^^ rj\A.-.XEKS' OIL-23 brl. Id. YVlLSufc V UT«'d A oe4 37 Wood «t Patent soap powder— lo ‘•is ncy for *oi« f-‘ E E SELLERS i AL. SODA—4 casks reeaired for sale by I OC 4 r e Sellers , USI ARABIC LOZENGES—IO bxs for sale by r oct RJ-1 SELLEhS w mTc;auiu.s-. ..i ■&&,,■■ boot-1 b» /-UEO'riL OREEN A, rotate g>4 R h SELLERS* CHIP PILL BOXES—3CO papers for *#lo by R K SELLER S 011,5— Hno winter Spetm Ui«, .VYliitie till. ftr' \ Lard Oil, Unseed Ou, Tanners' Oil, aad No* _,!■< Oil, lost received and for sale by the ban* .j o; callon, univurrented to give satisfaction. ’ S N WICKERSHAM, Cor. Wood and aor jy r.j Butter— a bi oci • EGGS— C brls this day reeciTcd for sale V/ oc-l . SItB\VER A t, ARNES riXALLOW—4 brio received for sale by X oci aHRtYER* BARNES /■'tEEAIII CHEESE—-© bxs received.'for tale by U flgl WICK AIftItCANDLESS MAPLE MQLA/jSE&—iTbrls for sale by oci WtCE A McCANDLESS- BROOMS— IS) doz Corn Brooms for talc by ocA- WICK A McCANUiXcL- WK.ITE FL*!!!—ls brls for sale by ac 4 WICK A McCANTDLF«a TkriNDOW GLASS—2OO bxs SxlO; 14T bxs 10x12, for orass do Cart.. , Co • do | Lead do ' r ' Lac Dre,po<*d in biU l Oa'.baocat do Cart. upa. ltt beg* I Fiatemts Citrto Acid, alb botiiea I dticte Iroo, FolT.AßUatcsiaiir do j*rcdpT^W“-^ oa * Aq. Atmaoa Cone, do * Al*pp° H. . SSSic. $ SSSSiSfifc*- ou p &«,Bp^ L IcdineEcg. .Bw*l’”Oji in CJ t.sJ« 55 »°t£?A?=io:idj Conf. Soaai. la «» ■ J«rs £ ?^ut Bt-Carb. Foiaab, lobcotca g}} £*•?** Blue Fill &*. i a lb jar* Shut Ste-Jti a wKS*®^ s ' SSf'SIL 8064 85btrt Horn Wsleh FUnnili, Lonf Shsrrll, JA9 9 NEGLEY, P. MOHAN and i itr res'll' Cot rale ij* / SHOIVIiP. a; lid AJtBS -140 oxa W. (TTCHeese, for’ sale by' WICK A McCANDLESS STOCK & CO., b DnuGoisaii First Pittsburgh, sit own ImponKUot, Jul: landing torsala br 13A1AH DICKET & Co —37 htiu tf~G Sugij; “ - ICO bill N O Mnlatm... 45 b(la 8 H da BSOWN tL aEKPATkICK Trtiv-rr’nr a mall ffi for aaile by “«»rf!3 STUAETfcIiILI. „,m MWoodc .asaa..^ C~“ ir.fcwfc—c» b»» c ° w 1 *gpgi O' oOaß±MCu.^'