i pf FffT.'v mum uii PUBLISHED BY WHITE Jt CO. WEDNESDAY MORHIKp? jrTOgKgrr r.tggEt»» ,i**t*x.-mimwac-1 teleqrxpbic Tin Rimlt aflh> i I The electlra, iweriqr, thUr eqicTcAuoti,. j ptsstd off very quietly. ~Wa hate scarcely ever jj ksowa leasJnwreat »*ai£»ted,.,attd eoaseqtitßdy very email. i ; W# git* below the TOW lot Cooft*ftglJgii4,,L tad Assembly, u bi use touii ooiSSi lei etlhe bourofgol&gla press. 'The c3UMf*«tt&oi 1 •ipreeaed, aa has bees the cue foraeeiralvarii, .put, ud wa are not able to preiehi a* .fall ta*! tamuonaU > I We loftr, (ram the reiuras received, thal Mr. i Howe l* elected to Congress by about lOOGma;or- 1 lty» end that the whole Ticket U elected.—. The only txoeertidnty it to relates to a member of Assembly. U Is btrelyVoaalbla that General Moorhead may b*ve beat one of cur candidates. assembly | 9 k DMTWCTB. * ?c 5 A t 6 -j 2 e < a H 0 = 3*52 /uH o * ) e 1 ii, M • i'3 |.S 1 I Jl£ os i«* isi I*?*J ie;tM « if; * hi Ur m in <3 .aoliß i» » w Ktriavaes- ‘~l:i Flrit w.ra ■ £ Sacoad do «« *l Tfclrd 2 Tearth do * jVUj dp - lV> iS* « BCToinhdo . _ 41 U j K? 7. A ' IP! CD I? £ S» 6* M 74 73 W *• AUVOtEST- t4t3T4M Iftnfi fit 1 FlntWud '« »• 'g'S S m '■ SM.pd co • ij-[o ,fs|;Jr .««m h SS:::: 1“ k! , ««l«= ** >a 1 ' sesocon. Bimlnybam**' E Birminaha* 8 Pmi'-BJth** STKeMpo"*"* - - JSJiaabeth--- l® 4V EiiTabeth*’ ** ” l,awr*ns*»Ule- fikirp»b«rja-*- Tarentwß* ■ *~ 0* 9‘ OS SO “ i £p 'imi Dcqsetor Minrtefctfr*—■ towkikim Flu ' F*«bU»—■ — *•! WiUon» flam ..~.— Pttu>Q• ••■ - VemlU*«-~ , . Elizabeth - Jefftr*oa —| —j Mifflin —p—• •-1 *■*] Bacwrdea iMJMI Bilinlli W Wi Uupfr St.' CUii Lawci Si. Clan Ittllfc SsnUiFiyeU*- 87( S' N*rtbF»retw* —I Bobtnton A l« I 0« Findlay*--—— H Mjm——j •• Oh»—•— V*" “ Franklin •-4- Kot •--- M 81 CUkonre I Indian*—l We»tDe«rh**—l ~ EMtDe*r*»**—l |®l|SW«7» « WjlOC 101 47 «9| « « M irjus i«ii3' bo » a « U 173 « 113 to| :* oi ** ESS AND SENATOR. rosfl*D* ****** i ,!> .? i, £ l * - 3 ». ■ , t ►» 2: - © a u S» * n 5 fc i i *1 « S s g *• - ~ 4 ■ * £ a; gsA ib' y».< H : g S? Jg 55? S • F * '1 g =: 'l %££& b5?»uS 1 ::::“5 4.J**• «* i ■ft--3 2.i1 “ & u 7 ■—lM W * }J H- « w 43 it «&£c£ S B.S £ S 8 * Do*or»«i- __ „ - H*aeA«ur-* 74 7* .♦* Birdiaitewa • • 91 #Bl jff a. piu»taiT4-■ a i*i "O* cevianiri __ - a* «* cs ’• & B!s&=iS SS-s|sS! S£S:—*3 Si 3 3*B S 5. ■ :’S ’ll S 8 » « 8 ? STATE TIOKEr. _ a, © ob * •*' S pSg S ? 5 a **• £ « • S i*s 1 1 I "5 , fc 5 «L 5 “ £ * = W H« o! id do —O* “ ;5 S ffi sm « | « g jg Bft jV.'V.S S S % ~ -g Srtjnlito —« 5J g " -M—W- ■inattin, Fint W»nl • • 1M Seoond do --lit Third do —IP Fourth do • • • •233 w , k«o‘ 000 Jokteon •:-»? >« >“ ‘H 89 “ Wo did not;thlnlt It worth While ».W“* “• bleo ofth* cote* for *il the office*, » lho«JW* ben gives enffleientiy Indiente lie Ten*. The oily doubt I* In the A***mbiy ticket. The eot* (ox Beetle end Congre** ihow the leneieleepec* of the belbtting 6a tU the minor office*, the Whig* b«taf eleeted m erwrycm. or m Cosmm» -Wbl few wont* here been reoeieed. indictc thll the tmondment to the Cdn*tltntion hi* tarried in tM* County. In Btldvio lownihlp, there were 9« ..■e— (hr the tmeadment, tad only 11 Ifllgrt. , OHIO. ; The reinrni from Ohio eome in finely. A l*V Totewnottt in tkit Bttie, *hd the retain*lndl» _c*te t Whig Victory. The New Htmprtlre Vlotot BOM JhU 00*1 if : not *J the clergy mc« who eigne d theleuer.gd dreteedby the eitieetmof Belahniynnd BoCcewnh to Mr. Webuer. were, *ery office of Councillor* ia Uw Third Disne* of Jie« Htapeiure. • ■_ ’ Im, Foaillf, Sl,v, tew.—Tie Boobwter Dinocni, io ooiiolo* mo tppoaua:o««f Oriioto; Huiiigi by Jod*o Orldtoy.u • CkobMooct .wider lb. New Fajiliee SU»o Uw, TtmUr-. *.if c,L:hrT3 ihouU come eo lie Uoni borne ,> ibl. cliy.KOklcl for Ibelr eiotlßJ, we tnow of 00 ono who will Krtmejo Ibej tleuse more do«ly, at wllh » more bu»»P «***» to shield the ooloted mu, ibu the newJyhppolßtod CommißMOSer* ' . ' ... bit. Huttaf des£m»*U ih*i i* here **W of him. A&dUis.bacusa.hei»-"baiu&6”thtr«e doaU hie of the honor proffered him- . The lev, deice, blood? end Infemouta i» Chirac* ter, je»ve* bo loop hole for ibe exercise of merer* The ob'igttioos imposed upon Us minister* are u imperative u they are reroUiai• We would m goon voloaleer to play the part of women whlpper jo fieyaou, ttio aanmeihe dalle* of Comat** elooer ander the FojiUv*Slave Law.—^iier.y JffTtmal. : Exnczaox th* l*w» -i-B*tou««ai, , wklcb zsrzssgssissssissii I tVoMrMlkz u > fcUfkt Bfon *ll brtacbm oT out SS, cf UlTferf, Tkieb wo PttbEak. , >• Wo ttsdotßUßd that U» Armory lira: Work* cliffw ISjUoM*o*Mb lro» Wotto, rtoot i j- wotteeß. waltfog ■amedbaflge poikToftbeG»venune«M»hteh u OKM oporuoM'rtiool i SSSB^^^S Kft, ■oooat ol mmmlal anil Libor . irtoM catamSySwMo loyA W* Mfferatao* itm ik* Armory Wlta, Bui. tfortod op 4000 too* of pi* iroa,**d wol®®* 090 “SSofoSL Eutou. Sl rambtrrf bioia Moolrod I* Ike prodoetlos of ikl* iron «oAoo« K mmbor otcomry a truiyon it to rnumr ■C -maker treaded to auofaotor* tko irotia .**o; X. I»k» rtnuirod to ftod tko Ttrtoj* Mm may b. tamed of Ik* v !ULZm«* roeoldtf to tkr oommoolty from Iroa aetycandld no, arkotkdr' .)! ik«.tto.brim«Hm, r?K - hXrttkat tko Iroo iot«o*l of tk* coo*. !** „» «Tm*M from Oo«*rc» to ratal U effort* of Brttiik otfdjaiiau to u not tkat dretj ttowiaoMd GoT«=*o; -klokom. • SSmly autioit to *«kcaloottoo* molti ,l ? (■fw.- l '■<■ - Jll-'ii. k.l. ... Load.,. , ! AL 1 1101111 Y. .n“2; »«»&. Poact i : , i-üßucicrb fcjtlM oJittr<4 Comkalltee and the MafO?, la " h ' eh "*»’ S* Poei faring thi Firit Stmznqf tkr Thirty Fir*' g ° cUiM **«*;., , r ° irr -—M«ror be, A«a abMeo-pro- CngiSiT "" " t -*•»—- “* •“ ri - i—c- N0 . «., vsssssssssSS^^ i^'^ m . gl^lSK£i|«SjsC»«&%■“ “ESP Wemce^ 0 rrfliClloa. wMtjvcr. upou the \omwa*r*< rtiffiia jjßgawjtfelegaliJ***. 7™Tie*« \ grets owmi/rff'Tftdlfwßftilowtng turns be, afldJ jfc' lY&SkMtf&VVlpEr “ Jonbti&Slr Daotop i*tu% of any mo t pa WffßrWw. r , J?Q.ir itelfcin to.ofea*ufy^*fai*wisettppropnatedJor he t ,Ta-lo4,» , a&appJjVwlthe 3«? iffnie V-ar endmpTte, wsw* iS# " d ~ i |it»«A?-B t ra,-l^lM«i^li.'li« KSfS^^F r t mi ~ ~ -3&5H" W^Msneiit^ m ; llf . f (MptfH-T*^■’ "TiftifaTiS’wef* : I Anoivcnary of the American BtSle Uqtoa, com- , of evScc^’*t^»:seuc* l -fi ve !>uo • • 1. »»*miwrt'tehl>*»l *©'*« « rt f‘ ,c,oa *‘ i new' veratonUls, wt» ; seceded from Idtrdflud fifty thousand mx hundred tnd. eeveoty i ttw«fldbe*» aforesaid, a per diem, X njjr. Salisbury next took the stand. He eetned . From Hava, a , - - ' Oe- J®3ii:on to their regular pay and allowances, ol h much agitated. Ho referred to the proceed, an d leuers to the 20th, br the steamer V iwddollars each, and m each ealuladman os afore > ino m the Pittsburgh Dinraond. on Satnrday nigM, nf , ral KIIJU( ihe new second in command ot the wW i„ KrTl ng ns aforesaid, a per diem. In ad s I play oh to his disadvantage. He said hc ■‘*. u commenred operation* by mu.aa a r sira pay of ine enli*ted men to be re _r. TO WOEELACT SaXCSDAT moar, ‘fttmt en m* of{irer or soldier should appear m wiiboiil honoMh ly Tmanddmonsl 71 aceount prevented fnm outriding tht tntt i. 3 uniform. It was not known what course Ron- l 0 continued until tte tir*i of March, .digh .ll I ois own gr»i Jiclion ” _ Pa li would pureui-, m Oonolu, bn «uo«mor, h»d iron bundml and flftT >"™. of '“““ «h=r"fl*» pf°' ei Oalof bA own mbolb la iba ojb.i, »l ™ nol , r(ivril ,„d A »ld lo b«, .Mb. lul dale., ctramußtiwl ,„ nw!l i„ odloo,.'bo~r. 03 'condemned. H.eown tepoil cnaiiadun. lueown Spal „ , te rnu \,of Ibe elecuont. fearing 0M huodjedand Arcc ll.ou-end wren bundml end £ etetemenl. ll deoAre, Ibal Mr- SoAmur “ ch>op . „ Kmt „,„bi diipAoe hi. pert,- ,i x dollar.. gh,Wl« Ol mu Sir,rim r,,gh,\ end wee el. ahu „ rtr The cheten lingered ,n enrionepan. por wvmenl. .alien rfdMh.MrecomMr>^er. 1 D itotLon, Aeveoled Irom elioidin* Ihe meelinj I rf r<]ba nnJ appeared in Ton,dad The lew, -jM <*' ,bou,.nd.»venhundred»nd ween 5? While endeavorin* to roecae hi* &‘»ad Saliaoory j y g flr expend of recruiting, »f‘T *l* thmtraud six m .k.e.h.M«nr Ivins he has plunged headlong hundred and sixteen dollar*. , W tom the charge of lying, m lelive , he mon th«' extra nay to non commissioned InloTße aatna dileoca, gnd officers, mu*lrlan», nnd privnto*. on re-«nU*tmtni worthy pair to get out of the aorapo tha « 1 , et% ibousaod dollar*. , - t .„LI The only chance fw them • bomblc For cJotblng and camp and gareison “ tieyean. “ * . . mßlioa 1 and home equipments, ooe hnndred wd t«n> thou* “ coouition, cohfeaaton, and ret and eiiht hundred and seventy one dollars. “ I For the regular supplies of quarierfi«*tw- **' paninent, consisting cf fuel, l«j«c m k»d for «h< kuthonxed ntnrh«T ofoftcgr. hw. “° v d o»eu. «* the quartermaster at enil miliirav post* and stations, and with the «• mies m the field, and for the hone* for the firit nnd «c“d regiment, of*™*.. of lisht artillery, nnd the re*imeot nfmouatednae men, of straw for soldier, h^Kftor ery, including company and mhet a r>lr lb ' ..... certificsies lor dischargedaoloten^blank forms I Jr’the pay and quartermauer’s deplftraem and for the printing of division and departownl or dec eoJ ermy mtnjenop,, elshl hundred nbd Gfly ihortsaod and silty Ode ootlara. For the incidental expewe* ofithe terV department, consisting of portage ahUeM and irtcket* received and.wm by officer* OQ public service expenses of court* maitial aod couru of inquiry, includutg the additional iudgv ndvocates, recorder*, members, and *dow- L- W k,|tj on ti-at ‘*rvw, under ihe act of March Sixteenth. e.*hus.n hundred nrnltwo. o|ro pay ... aoldtprs Bmploved ,0 ihe erection of bamiets, end bcpneA.lbeeoaWroe. non r»f reed*, nnd caber .'0.....01 dlreelioo of Ihe ~a.dern..-iei * ket of perirels of not le*s than ten dav*. under \tut » tbi* second of March, e.yhrccn hundred *nd ninr teen.etnense* of evprey-.'s l.» and UiMi ! i.at K-d‘and snn.es ,n i l; r neu u ot e-.or»* lo W i unJcr* .anerdisbureicii otbeen aud lre.c«. wlwre Tl. no- r-svts isxuau. bo inrmMwd.expeO-.ot w mJnne,,. - «... -nnusaiuned vAoet* and wold,or. hire ottaharer-.« ihr tusnrrmssier •de ,‘i' ,miH-„sai..Bi 1.. wn/oa and fors/e mas partnietii ‘ f ,. v , ue the fiiil. ot l..lv*‘?h» sTi s-y ~ _ 1 n .-jin,, i.iur* hlscksriuth * and shoeiit. The Por.Tab.eeo (Md ) Trme. coarem. ee e. ■ . ,h.» ,r„a. hire of rate™- caocl ol the where halt Itorm which vmled v».l f... e.J ricmiiy .a Tborsday ef Uet week. The armer. • J ; , r „.de.. .aw-prer^ .od ef Che,lee .ml S, U.„'. Co.eiiee here holered ; .«|I hnr >** d.on«od e.ee ho.J.ed icccrr... T,---re ead leoeeh were proelra|ed. end onm ,e a. ear... reaoifed lor the £r» eerire deld, or £t>w,.i'lt*.-Ob, vblt* ®« »»• , n J r<4tw!.r. at oraeJ.U lE » “'*l'"“el „ reedy m be ..cored, were touilf ~ | 'boedSd eed thoa roe led fell trith tech farce Iher net oc , went , >Q j doh.rw tb« wmdow lights broken, but the ai*a and vena , ,p >rt c , a » udL -d eolwr*o* **»• UtD bhnds .hared «to * iM « c « rrtts \ wtniPsr. nzd theae*. iHPhiSh \\?&? o •*»«?«« iio» 20 feat diitaat, wtih saeh Itapetn* that» bds ■ tcJ tea .•.md.,u.rhuef . Hi-bell «. oed. i. both... (4J te clocteod wiadorr. The Time. one. h.»eeti mrOovUaK fir rji.ee. of mrlrrye and orker fowl, which we.e 3 01 ,, 0 Here are no poane baildibfa AMhen h.a..d« ■»•»»> - The Lake Superior Jrmraal »»• >b« *« “P"' haatoS •"* »« j mat treat, wa.eaactadedoame 5m ou^between J, Tbel ei|li:ers thmtrrbd. elrbi «b -aurrs ft .vsretfi-ut, **•' '- 3 L »-*-“» e T.lj » .l.t-s-aeai ' ••••.** kd, ihe to n . ,cb.oinc S tic cur.ae.e MVe, *'l..lt«> "•dporror „ 4 *; , «d.»« of tor I «m 4 f'i th-» treaty >fi<- i id-si.» i-'.ve c*d ~ >3 j H i.• >. ' >j «'. the Isti* 6 "at ltc »• i »i«;» w-.i • <• • r • • •' ' Like Hu.ca to pana r. ret oel.dtr Seje<«. a '.b,c sAb> ,af' - - —« lande .till I. the po««'oa ol the ledlene, aad A, ■ ° f ' oa. baa which nnbargaia had pwviooaly bsen made, ex- j tweoiy thaiuasd.iollare. . . cep Una some toall reaxr yattona, the preciM toca T , , Ipt a T d«fi .-...001 m ihs P'rtJg l .. fclc w t# . col yd bsea made ths ~jp«rt*a» of the vimiora to me hvUtary A *0 t>oa and Ike «lfpii«|t*P»J I 1 mtvlon3 (Sty require it to be feat;,of otioance, i “d'etre Itorce, end email l*^"^' ■ed the ermortee te ihe .t|c b» A tori'fleet loci. Irootiet poete, end army depot,; (Write, tone, end I Km,»l ttepurch.es and aim of bow wepme., molea, epee. ■«*. d-aye. ehtp. .aJWheraea.yo la, ...»ie aad borne for therrep.pojtetloo ofeop pile., end fet «*nAoa poipoarm.dreyu.aad c«t ■ee .! the eererel potto; hire ofleamderw traor n*„eUon ol load, for the pay end other diebunloi | depertmeetl, the upenee el *1 oom oo Ihe yoriooe tre'ere, the Oukol Mexico, | SSd ie the Atlantic aod Peeld.', eadof irocano, water el each poelae,lromlheiraito*ioaa,irr porcbaio of ordnance, ordoanee eiorce, anu , aaopUer, oneSuadrtd thaomnd dollirs. Fn* ciiti ut exwmMJ of *bss urdohace eerv-ca, j one hundred thaaiaad *Hhtr» Prndtd. That the , Dfinclpii Miiatani la tbo Ordnance Bureau of tbs wxr Department shall recmvtdn bOmpeMS ■ lA , tl teas thin to*i of ;he Fcrsodoajtloyed at ! (he fdun4eH*h unqsr the fifta teefin Cf the act annroved twfntv-lhlrd of Augqil, 4igbt«m hoc , tired tod toriy-iwJ, tram aad aftr.rth» d»te there- m iniifsrtMfc of ll»s agtlcoal armo* r««. tbwe Uua.lind and yttf thoustod dollars, i •1 or t< pa>r* and iaij»rone»tonu, hod new tns* i chiuery «' «h« Haipar’e ermofr, fifty thou* I nod firvhunJrcd andaixiy dollirx. j ! For n-pairs and i,norov«inaoi«, god new raa ciianryat aprlnglisld ancory, tbnu ! Mnd six buodred dollar*. i . . For areenaU. one buodrud and aegenioso thou «*nd five tmodred and eighty aix dollari ;«ad that six tees thousand dollars oftbeaom tereby eppM' orlatcd shell lo gpp'led to Us ccqßWlcn of tba arsenal al Fayetteville, North Oirollna, ecoord* io tbs inteot cl the law aaibotidmf it* con • •trncti&n. I . , ~ I f Jr purebaae of • tot «f gruund aJSpfmgfield, • il**». adioiatng the atmory greoadk od lb® bib, ; and near the new arsenal, eight thousand fire | unndred doilsn. I p of survey* In reterenro tn the military deleneo* { # tbe frontier, lalaod aod Atlantic, thone aod dollar*. . : - ' . : For miliiary and geographical anrmt, ° r the Mia*ls»ippl. tweaiy-thootnud doUar* • For oottlouinx tbe survey* of \|e nof n end Asitb 'weetero lakn,'.vweciy fixe ibousaod doN iU For enwages P?iox to the iir*i of'Jofy, foe {boueand eight hundred aad Steer., under too act bfiboflrttof Miy. ono thoQtatfd ekb| hundred! tad twenty, lo addf-ttoh'o an onvxpsadsd balance I rrmalalDg in the treasury of oio thousand tlx j hundred and twfcoty wtub dollars aad eighteen geow* payable though the Third Auiilor't cffi.-c, two thousand doftais.. For componi a loa to a draugblsiuah,. employed in tha bureau of Topographical Eotlueat*, oa a toap of the western ttnltoty ofthb TTnlud States and of the northtra part of; Mexico,-. Whilst w*e made under, order ©Mho Senafo oT tho Uflitou States, ono thotranad sixty dotlara. ' . a*o 3. And it ft further cnadxt, ‘ftatthetoa Of tlx hundred and eight ibuutaad' two and elghjicn'dolUn nsd ninety e!ifcu*AU,;bti£S theoaexpended balanee,notr4u tnbyreosury, ©J the appropriation made by 'tbo liar* tafpip of August, eighieeQ hundrea and lorty night, on account of tbs “army *ub«i*tilice* fct tha Ivcal yeu wading ifcwthlrttab-of-Jaho, ulfMeen huadred and (otto nine, bs, and thi axtou’Uhore by, mppropriated Ibr the army aubsiiWnde frrtho ttenl year ending tbe thirtieth of Judo, eighteen I ftnedred and fifty one. , . gyp 3- Amf btufmttktr fv* which may be received by the proper odker* efibe nnny for the sales of wtataefce,military .'9,16#.;,.* if H. 8»rg«nl, Eaq “ The rejeO lit or thi. genUemu. - E«ro>d« ol - the Gucrel L«d 0««, .PPM'S 10 **” P^" 1 ' “ tJ tom the imputttion orb.vlog written cuuti 5 letter. whtch .ppttred ln ft. New York Tribune - .oma gileen month. .go, commenting w.ft «omt - wreriiv upon Section for ukicg e.ir. m.k.ge - ,nd tow. li.lftfSf 9P?S'»* lor he l>«dJ»‘“'d H ia ft* condemnation of hheuCc trPtvtf’ft ,nil - Johuuon, for ftnir decliiop ip ft. O.lpkio cue, £ neither ol which were tree. It wu .luted in oar Wuhinglun .ccrretpond. i‘S encu.thufto foetthnl Mr.Sutgenl h»d taken pay - Ibr rws officer, had opernled to hi. dete.l. Thi.. !“i w. .re inform.., ig 2S! =SJ«S*- b “' w “ “ UK ->h e two officer, weander.tMdthor.creu.thw. - lo j„|j iS49, while bolding the office ol Seiftut .1 Atm., of the Hoc of Bcpr.Kol.iivw, Mr. Swgent wu .ppunled Ufoordcrollh. Lutd Office. A, he could not re.'gn hooffiee In t»(i™* |p 1,1,1 h it body met, the HOWtiOn wu pot to the Aliorpey qenetnl whether h. conld hold the two,.nd the n - uy wu timl h* conld. He h.d performed .U the jdtie., ltd incurred sii the rerpor.billlie, which in, Ol hi. pledect MOX. h.d performed and .ncurr • ed ierfto ..lug, ud would h.v. done ooth.ug | n. 0.0 untilho meeting “f Congto., it neh.d not .opted ol ft. UeccTjJef'r Office. He thoeghl *1 h.l dti.r ,e which the momtsre el Ihe House react .It. eno. erred. In petto m. the Jol| or b-' r re.ot .t bttr t. «l the eommoneemcnl ol the «e.. ,ionuntil btif.it =c..orK...ppotni«d. Heuhcd iieouectly ft uo .-eietred, t>« conld not he .p nppulnloti 1? foe Hone. He wed therefore, jowly entitled to com pcnwlion, utd ell Ihe oceonnling officeie «> d.- eiited. , . Wc ia«iw I6f?e *ct of jasi;cc to Mr: S.nrrr.i, who hnd teen nude ft. mifer wroogfoilg. Hc.dewtVU well or tun Whig pu re for hi. lo»g tried ud .hlo urriccs. utd he regret thUthe Scute ert tefidchced by oh.proper 1 iltagutbufl «nd motive., to rtjeot .0 worthy Md •bte in officer. , . ~ To Mow the uppredulou In rhleh he wu held bv Ihe Clerk. In Un office, u u hiftlhl nud gen tfooulj officer, wo pnhliftfromft. -Effiredf.., fte foQovlog oorre#pandeflc* • Getxxal l£&> Omcs, Oat 2, 1850. To Nitsas Sixacrr, E*q., Laxt Kr^rdrr D»*f'S;r—JU'iadn’id'atl*, Md lta»e t b' vs be*a oSaiktl? T«- lawceia^ “ rS U reendATf ft- Otner.l hw IH-. sss! nick minded doortMuuutof.geitiicttM, ACMPtTften.for, o! Uu.ttcinowlengm.nl «nd wShwever utend yon—retoOdeotlhu "here*" «ea «• btft kaows, jw worth artU b« maaJ ctgt I* xppredxiei. Geo W Ooihrie,* Wm W Yaby, MxrioM Willet, Cbertei WalbridfS, J«G3aoley. SrtnlYNiie*, vicboUs Yacda/i G«o W Bali* Jm. H StcMf bxo, ' jM tfICU, iso Wstioax,’ : iA»UVt«n« ECkJSaoUh. Ota. Jai BEnd, 3 H B Noland, TWtSSW®, I* P Whiiaey. iSswunisT Micbxelßotrttan, ‘W A. itKiia, Qeo W Fridley, Geo W TbZapero, Da®* Miner- 4t| 4 4* M| SS M 41 49 44 “HI *■ i .3- W & * » •09 ‘ *tt» '■ ♦#. '<•'* ® i a a r * * «a 'lB9 M 74 » <« IflJ i« 14» £» 145 WasxUhtos, Oct, I8fl0» , •Gentlemen—l hnee joi* reeeleed the fetter yoo , hiva done me tto koaor Id tresimU to me, ex. JSSfof tow deepte*r« on aecotmt ol the SSSoiteacimjeooneetioa wUi» foot* Seconder oftbl Gtnertd landOffloe. Be neared, ««««. attn* tbex J reciprocate (he feeUcf, o oar later* «#«beea to me • eocree of unalloyed SKctiod. U f» not l« m f recollection th u« he-® : ht*ewoccwred»«la«le4Mjdectiodi»turb the fliwdfy UrmonTOfowrrimioM, jeurtnWnd feeHflfjdtmsf the time w * fctT ® b f ®“ officially teaoeUtei.' I herd., ever £>nad yoo SfcSSiffiSrMd capable,” ud promptly i*»dvto«eflndnn?tnd everyefibrt to expedite I jtMUtUlne** committed to onrdbatjeeod jjirm It ta t manner credluMr .to the office aid fo i”lbirSsertkai ofjnf oomifliiionee recorder indeed wewerted to me tad mr u 1 too hmritMttreolfom Ucj©to time, danog ihe liie SSS.‘“ on MitSm. UiM no oppMinau »" bKhwotW. Ora fiemmoi, 1- wifimed. Wlliow reCrmo, more P“*?;“jr issiSHil ?Sl F«®Tpi^““ a ■“j P'S SSS iSSSimS«m.« to W «*<*«> “ Ple«. ta Tq EA'Ctbell, E Qoodiicb Soilt, RBfekettß, lobfi B Dsde. Geo y? Ootbri#, . M.Hbqj WlBet.Uid olb*r». A Bmoni »o* Oa»r Hama-APotr iio=M,._Oodortki*ko*d tko True Union, of ihla city, pobUakaa tko foHpwim &“=■ “ ,CI “ C “ - tlo oottroo- If fr abcold ororo eqoal to Uapratea alaa, wo Uao wretal jfflrety headed Web da -ho voold like to avail the&setvea of each * cobto. oieut mode of being “ doao brows," of most any ptber cokrc.—Ziift. Sen. “ A disting uiihcd General (Twiggs) recently ro tuned from Mexico, covered with •* glory.'* He had< however,two mart* cf herd service, which Uurelt could not hide—at they did Cse tar’s held* uese. One «u a heed u whits u wool, end the other a eutaseoaa eruption on hie forehead.- For tbcjlattor be vu advised to try a mixture of enW ■bur, aad sugar of lend, end row %tster. lo *p ptylng U, Bose of the mixture moistened the hxir oa hi* fcrebetd, tad after e while this pun of his hair resumed its original color. Ha applied (be mixture lo hi* hair, tad it ail became, tadUuow, of its primitive sandy hue. *Hn coioaonictted the fart to mtaa of hia treads in Washington—csp«- eltUflo aoma ht-oemWru, Who are widowers knd teeidflg vttStnaxnta, and If hta been looad -lEcxrioua la every tastanoe. It does not dye the buir.bat see ml lo opentte oa the roots, and it stores i u fallow*: l drachm Imo Sul _bn.. , drachm Sugar of Xmad; 4 ouaoea Rcae Watti—nlxSem; abate the phial oa oalng the [ aisiara, tad bathe the hair twice a day for a J weak, or laager if aacemry.. nf slaves was grvot The prisoner* taken at Cardenas and M uger«* ban* been sent to I>paiO, ood it is «atd that thp day after ttie nitmg of tie Oeorjiaaa foe Oadis, a royal order wn» received to give ap the two vf«l* ,£ > the Government of the Uaited Stale*. There have been ruraow of trouble between the Spaniard, and Creolea in the 'Vni, and mine troop, have been tent to Plant del Kio.hut 11 amotime lo nothing more than a local excitement. An Alabim* Conrtry —The cen.ua of Orecne county, Atn., abowa npopu'eliun of 30,8tH per* no a*, of whom SI .US are alavea, and C 9 free per. •one of color. The town of Oieenaboro baa 1?65 'lahahiuma. Tbc voir. ,n ibe conull number 23iU- Fnan.vi tun —A Balumore entreepondenl of the Naw York Herald Kate* ihat a patty from Al.ryiaad la now al .be North, eudenvortng lo at real Frederick Daustiaa, Ihn tagitiva .lave, and that - them am. atao. known lo bo novertt thou.- and Aljtiikj tl;T‘s Hanoaaler. liar riabnrjb, and Ptuabuiya, me awaera ol rnvernl hundred of whom hnvo already laban riel 1 wr Ureir recovery, end there will aeon be a «ieai norm in th*t direotioo. Otmirjbi .1 r-oupo:, - Blaiiallc. 10«1 e,dleeled and pohli.hcd In l.mJnn, title ibai no lest than YOOT natnibttaee am daily tunning in l.nndaa, the aggregate number of trntaoa being D.OOi) The annuli elpeud.lnrn tor harnesa and omn.bnaoa it jftsooud. government duty UtatJ on tteac ve hiclea at the rato ifl t - «»°T w" 1 " lt ' ? ,rm, ‘ ol daily, and aa lio nverago daily travel of omni buyonUCOmiloi.lhereyei.no nmotinla to/W3- 158/ Jcisv Usb'i Hoxtbsm tkpTS Detroil. F.O. Pint, VnooooM. th.t Ihroojt lb. o«™ j,oop:»i .»aV”" 4 '* ,ia ‘ 1b«I MrKonkl. Ol the Uto Sojoriot U» e ' imotomotili !•» *lfO*dr m*io hi her *«- iecliOß B Fort HotoM, Midnnlc, Fort B.'idT. Sub Siiot livir, fort Wdkmi, L>t. Sopors Oauntgoo, Ihg lodiin Miuiin U lA Foml-tii thtttc. »i. Foi, do Uo, tnd Of flier wrij.lks u the Ofpiulof tho MW ttnUory of MUimoij, „„„ b f tho Hodoonh Bit CompinT tome to Of. e(Cft jndC*!itoai*. *1 Pot t» Piu»t«rgb Ga—au*. Periyrriui rod BoUor Plow* Bead Mi. Editor—[l will do doubl Rratifyioe to TOD, .nd BOTC Wpocially y°"' m *°’' whom »« deeply mteweled .0 the Rbore impfo™- ■stonL 10 bo informed to' the •""'l' “ » BW “ m pletrd on form Mr- Hebert IX-W. ne« the county iiDO, tho dlttUUljo to Which point boom, by *o HOW route. nboot 12 mile. (roc PorryviUtu nr loctmootattawjW lt> boM**pnbl* of Itttlo 'or no i*npro»«p*ni- “ ■' ct " e&i oa a , hlgh onddxy rider, lotorrnpiod with but few break. ol any conrequenro, to* tltol only throe ..noil bnd,r. will borcnnlrod in lhi»o>onty. rho H occur, iinmedintety after lenrimt Prrry.v.lle, in crom.ne one of too broncho. of Him. tb» nor. on P.oolirert.andlho third over Brook llorll.ai tho ..onmv boo In me •*“'» ■"““=* ™ ,htoo rim.ngr worth notioutn., and tho whole trill p,oboblv not rroood that onntioelo nolo in a mim ic, 1.1 pixel on .ho Atloehony odd Herryirdlr Plank Hoad, abd the tilling. «■ tnoomuderoble Tho di.unrk When compared with the other m d. .-oonectL. the ««o point*.. not ln.tert.Uy alifalugb mntar MtfttncwltoirlODgKu d.njl eiop* •» lUrtupi fnan lo uso d*gre«. aod u.c- tu'o Itturda probably of the nap locauoo ; j #C oa«d«T»Mi| below il*r« decrees iron •horiron- Ml IlDf* . . , , U this road fr**" •»***» woa)lt ** one of bm in tor ro..ntY, m is much MlheratlK „ , n pt.*. a.v ■O'i ” r >‘“e=° iu,le ! .. ,1 Joes fr<4 » level, when propedV comlructnn, ( will reiplimbjl UOte repi.t, bning toss bsble In be ; iniurvi’by vrslhinf nnd wearing Thnl 11 will be | helmed, 4 epvediiy, mo, item is every rennnn , \ -re I Jr la addition to the ordinary taxes “vjlsblo for jtal purpose, there is elreedy •libet.l r.„iriton li> eld in Ihn cormmcuoo of a. fto '*,SL ctrtnty bes suffered more for went of '**. rrS. thin the region through which This one seems e determtnelion on the Pvt it effordton * nd, The survey from ihei? nn 4 be completed aiionly ihencfl tolßouer win r observer. otrrrfttteaathat^ft bed tact* tbatthe per* is maWyOJJJS Spearing webrroct 80os to to discharge IrcediagW ilberaT ln,j • matle> Road. We have alu beeo imWmed tW uSa ruau of ooch influence io Wbeebogßoard lurly.wfro of Director* for the Central Ratlrad, *oa , project of the HempSld Railroad whonve him the «trougc*x e»«“ c *“ n SSf B K Sorjahd the beartr cf Pbfl»wP“* m Itscoosowatoa.—{Mon Hep. ■■ —e itixt*, «»,.! .»thcr*t>j-plt9»t'bc,aD«J they eitam»ted tnin Uic »9*aiion o* • rl u f the (turd of Miircb, eichtecnhnndred ana «orty ntie, entitle i “An act requiring all money*, lecetvddi/rDai the eoatimu and all other aource*, to be paid into the treasury without abatement or reduction." n Ct . *4 And be it further maned. Thai the mil-. inn .lorelmper •iUtlte Roct Aikumi, from the fir*t day or October, eighteen hundred And /«*ty iS$» to ,h f i weDl y fifth day of Officeretiroieeii hundred and forty nine, ibe same con.pr&Stion by Ik, an of thr tweivfy IKrd oTAuj| ask eighteen hundred and forty («DSto the Washing n&f XWferdlcit arsenals. and tbai David Butler, twenty drtkrvto^SW: o*** 0 ***' 1 darin ? ,hp mists uaifuigtcw thatfeifogf oomrotrtary and dUubaftenc* andjqoarft*; ft •An&skit faftidria&zn.* Thai u shaft] bettie duty M War Ibyorder IM*' ofoSff'iioldiefM thTarmy of LoUe*] Who, A’l'?fi»timߧ£hV»#llistment,yrw under die Afw oft«reW one y£ara,,«>on evidence being produced ibaVaueh enlistment was without the con sent t>f hw-par«n» or goirdi** ' , See 0 AnJkttfnrtbimaae.l, That the sec retary of War be, and whereby, authorised to pay the unexpended balance of the appropriation (hade by an net of March third, eighteen hundred and forty nine, for publishing a new edition of the *‘ord nance Manual,” to the officer of the United States army employed in compiling, arranging, and super vising the publication of the same, as provided by the terms of atiid act. tne term HOWELL COBB, ; Sneaker of the jlotne of Representatives. K WILLIAM R KING) Vicsidaut of (he Senate pro tempore AuDroved. Sapientber 28. IBM. Approve I MIL LARD FILLpIORE. ■ F**i the North American and V. 8. Gazette, W«*l« rn Ball Botdi A* Philadelphia is to be connected bjr first class mil road to the Western State*, over movement made m reference to Western mil roe« is more or lew Important to ibis city. After Pbili dolphin "ball have competed her oontmuous ra rood to Pittsburgh, her citizens will be fti e nosltU to aid in enterprises calculated to bring trade to tbi maiti line. Without waiting for the corapeiitioi of the Central Hood, Pittsburgh has undertaken tin coasirurti «i of the Ohio end Pennsylvania Rai Uoad, the route of which was selected tutor an ear , negJ controversy and thorough investigation. On I Hundred and thirty miles erenow under contrac ' two thousand men are at work upon the line; ami eleven thousand ions of rati road iron bnve bern purchased. More than one hundred miles oi the w,d will be in ase next year. U basiust beeu announced that the Board ol bn ginetra appointed by the Governor of Virginia to rU the route of the Western division ot the Baltt taoce and Ohio Kail Koad, have decided that the Company must, give up the Fish Creek route, and must make their road by the Grave Creek route, m strike the Ohio river within twelve milt* ot Wheeling. This t* what Wheeling has be* n insis ting upon, for the purpose of insuring the location oftheaasiera terminus bf the “Central Ohio Rail ’‘from Columbus, Newark, andZanesville, at a point near Bridgeport, oo the Ohio river, oppo site Wheeling; instead of a point twenty two miles below, opposite the mouth ot Fish Creek This is understood to he the result of n long, pro trnoied and acrimonious controversy, in which the Baltimore and Ohio Rad Road Company has been beaten It is now safe to assume that the Central __ Ohin Hail Koad will terminal, at Bndsepon, upp..- j M ,, _n,, i 0 „mo, ,r > ’“'AXj'™--™ P,.ubu. g l,«i»l! (0,. F.™.J.b..Ul».«bj..»ri,hi Wheeling will be highly important U» the interrsl* n. ke< ]• us n*e from Ins fellow rieitures. of the dies ol Pbdtulelphiaaad Pittsburgh, as weil Dr htel.ane when he was .induced to offer tut grea os to those ef the V?nnsv|vania Kail Road Gotnpa- remf JT ( at worms 10 the pubhr. A profound physi ny Pennsylvania ha* granted a charter for a di- rinn a very urge practice, he didnoi tear ti rect rail road from Piiisl'ttrah. but V irgtiua refu’ws crowded wan th* h.rd of qjark. aha impose all legislation calculated \o dit-rit yade trom her h-Vabhe uwir worthless stuff aa patent‘medi »? - .«.•** ville cuts off acecest 1-j the Ohio river Irian the 10 dispose oi hn ngbl s» discoverer, and lb Tae country, however, »* very hilly, and the , Vrmulii/e is now lor ssle in nearly every village and Mineohiect can easily be attained by a letfel rail . IuWJ , ~ lllC ~t tU2lUy. u l( me sovereign remedy for n»ddowo the Western book ot the Ohio river. , without entering Virginia at ail From Pittsburgh m R-aver a first rate rati roii.l ' will t*e tioisbed ctrxt year, and trom Braver to Bridgeport, opposite Wheeling. wiil be ab.>ui imv miles by a nitural sad tevei rouie, lu the valley w the Uhioriver. By this route with the rotwtNnoderole grades snd curvatures, the distanoefrom Bridgeport and Wheeling to Philadelphia Will he about ufiy miles shorter, by tbe waved Pittsburgh, than U will lie by the route J die mltunore and Ohio i.ail tycM t w»iu »ts Alpine grades of one hundred and suxitnm feet tier mile. This ts worth reroauteww i*OlL'st>SLFni*S >4 fc, KU F nu Nils.;- A recent uuinberol Bell * WewUy Messenger iU>odoa) contain* a commit from Dr James itouiia whai he deem* the 4»comy of Uu* true noHfv-v o: the Nile- the Bahr fl Abtad, n; White Nile, live p.*,Dci<*l Lrvtilof this mo« intrresiin. ftrtj tr.uai venerable of rivets "li is with bo .*rdi a arv degree of yalisfaetiua,’ lie says, 1 ikai I l '* a Mate list ifte great uaestmo is solved beyond ih.- poft'er o-c«rvl or dispute' The discoverer, *s We Mm frorotke communtcatioo, » U»* B«*- Dr. Arapf, ft missionary from ike Church Mveijocary Sweety, loo; stationed in Eastern Africa. noaiome (M vftftriciißorc aineea resident inDoaibernAby •;ftU. Hi* latest *WU»- w»«u Rabbay impey, out &U»,Sacg«sbvcoowry,whw, «f foarwytr; "W the fgfeme toWlrda the N- W. “FT* TV*ebed, ur* Dr M, • Iliad. on going over wilb him (M map l had conslmcted, with Urn «ourew if its Nila fcld iowa, 1 deg., 3. tat, v»d ahoui ob. Hii fc- , M .i^sa£«spsss«f- fl izzzrxirsssvrw; the northern here tod tide of which spriiy W> 0 ,,, c , j- uar w tireei, lMu^-iab. riw DanftOf Deeea,running to the Bay oftwmo- a»r«a 4»— * u - ht'Fadnsn.F-H- Eaton. W* sA-uSKStfiJ; q j P ; ™ nUeSVoo., Stfgrffint& sH 0 E WAREHOUSE. Hi* i* *a t>e *i. vj L i" r ' ,l n) \V » • *.-*« P« fuf«|B?*lW.R*.WManrt— ar. ~ - *-.«■* »,«r -a *• m*iwi SA?**"’-!? *’*" BO"”' SHUts ' *»» BBOUSS; ii i* tob* Wf&tted th«» Dr Micijaefa’i deleft* Alto BONNKTb and fUOWRUJt, «'l of thft late*i e» did ftol ftitoir bun to Inform o* of one Mirthcr Ml | t , mnd expt#t*li odapua to ib* we*iern tr»ae. r. a *m«l« vbelhflr Dr. Krftpff Xieodod hl» ex- u h»< been selected «lvh jxcal care,ftod ft* to utt> Kaa.Ahe.herhn m.d. gwjj » «; ikftl •‘•it din* arof T"*° ae J^ - at El, and that the honor ot »olvin«thc xrvr M-cret of the mput N«‘, earurtl tbe . d r ofitv ofaemrophers forW many' thousand year*, remain* to be achieved »*v *oaie more perecrermg and m«* fdrtuaale oaveller. ti will be remembered that ibe V' hue Nile was srflsrsd Vy lbs KjypU.n sxpsd.n™ nl “H» a point eituated in .1 deg. -* min. N lat. 31 dfg iQmin K. long , wb*{® ‘1 W»* fo 'i D d *** raore l*n irfferi wide and Irotn ilo it feet derp com ns Irotn the south cast- The dmance from that point «o Knui. embraces more than four degree* of btitude and as many degrees of longitude --jNcrth American. Tax Cxksw or Dsnur —'The c«wui oftk«s city ofDelioit, ea returned by Mea«r». Wickware and Romney, Aaaiaunl Marshall, abo»a a population oftwenty 050 ittcjaasnd one hundred and fifty covet). ti ewarussa.—ln tba Stale of Pennsylvania there arc 31S daily and weekly newspaper*. Du ll paper* ate pabnahod la Philadelphia and Pitts burgh only, whilaifie weekly paper* ara publish* ed in every county la the Stale, except in two or three where tftetu is not -su£iieot population to « paper, it most of the countiea there are two papers of opposite political tendencies. Don't Fret* There la a prcciona good bit of philosophy con* triced to the loUowisg lines: Hu a neighbor Injured Toa 1 , Pon t frtt— You will yet eome.ofT the bait • He’* the ooai to answer for, Never sued u. Ist ti real. Don't fret Hu a horrid' Us.been told 1 Don’t fret — it will rea Uaeyio deaifi. : \l you toy if quite alone, dt wilt dloitfr'vtrantofbrcaih, - ■ Dna’t fret* A;a your hcecnlee *t work: * Don't fret— - They ctn’t Injure you a whit; II they find you heed theta sot. They will toon be find to qnir, Don’t fret. laadverainr your tot 1 Don’t fret— pcTtaoe’nwheels keep turning round; Every spoke will teach the top, Which, tike you, U going down; Dns’lteb roxrwtt a Dm —O'- J. v • tie editor of the Uuonn Medical te«u , g i <‘ , ‘*******£ wb* '• Bow oa ■ vt«it to Europe, give* etticg jttcriplioo, ia his editorial corfe»pbß Holland,t>f the manner in which the In*®. Hitrtrn t» Wfng drained by steam engines, * nfl its w-ler» seovio the *r». . . u Six mile* frtito AraWer Jam ii the inland is** Hi«r'i>o, 21 mile* long by 11 io width, which, three hundred years ago, w*« found » be P* rC *PI tiblt moreuing by shooting its waters farther an f«rtnr-r, and C9venog*oo the land, threatening tt , tint ctimiTCTrfai port of the realm with, destruction j bv il Muigß-irtopaQ itf’bjek'. Various schemes a , thht nsdh& i. artatttrlWgetf wbili'V, proponed hi r. fs«!&*■wil«y? first;*Ulc£l\ by wind uw* I si r l, oni h * v 'M | utgfe.iei.ftAvpiah-Afri'tnd is Iw* for averting | an impending calamity.. , t 1 v 'Be Wf «2» *ihb<\a*Jaf Wos ho longer safe, : a Viva l wasdtig sfobod the wh (ft circumference bribe Uka/averngu* 500 I'tet io width by tea | deap Three monster engiue* are housed on the aides of the lake, aome sin or eight mile* I eacn moving eight monatrou* pomps* All the patrn«*re raisso at once, at every revolution or tho rr.aoalnery raising 15000 gallon* of water, whwrh is emptied into the canal, whence it ia hast* ene-1 on by a fourth eng'’ l ® faate* than U would otherwise m vo to the "oyderZee, nndthnsit reaches the sea. fileen miles distant In April, 181- ihc pompa worked hy three of the a>gblte*t a earn engines perhaps ever constructed, were art in rant too, end up to tbit dste, July 25th, 1859, have lowered the contents of tbs like seven feet . By r *xt April it is anticipated that the bottom will be ft uiy exposed .and all the c-aler conveyed aWay from h l * accent btain. Ail thi*-i# executed at the < vpenae ol Government. ELKki A.RK&OLK CASK I I j EVIDENCE IN OL'ft MIDST!' ! Mb Kim-SU, I, cheerfully comply with yout ro- j quet: thttl would give you|*n account of the aimoo ouTßcuiout care t.t my liuir Jiughlar'e «!• by tbe tt,p otyoui ‘•Petroleum." ghv wat attacked with a very eore eye in February or March la»t, when t immediately applied to the beat medical aid in me cay, by whom it wa» pronounced “ a very bad eye" and all gave me no hope of doing her uay good. An *r which I took her into the coan* luy u an old lady, who had been very aueceaaful In eurin g e.yra. Stc told me that her oate w*» hopeleea aa tin woold certainly lote cot only that one, but tl»o tint the other would follow—it being a acrofttloue aiTecuuit of the blood. And 1 da certify that at.the ume my faiher (J. B. Vathon) came to the conelotlon, that we had better try your '* Petroleum,” »h« waa uria ;t.T eush’of o.te eye. It ia now about two maoi it iince the begun it* »»e, and the can how tee iviih both eye* at good at ever the did ; and, a» far M i, an tell, I believe the htt, with the bietaiag of he Almighty, been cured by *• Petroleum ” Youre, letpectfally, M. Funcu Vatuos Couj«b. Fiutburghh, fie pi. 30, I“4®. For tele by Keyter A McDowell, HO Wood eireet; R. E. seller*, ST Wood nreel; D. M. Curry, D. A. El? Uoil JotephUougla**, aad li. P. Sehworta, Allegheny, alto by the'proprietor, 8- M. KIER, Ml Cantl Harts, Suvanth at, Pttubargb. For *eie b» J. YIDDACO. No6o Wood atreaL ..ciuAwS Office oi ttfcio and renna. B. K Co, Third at. I'lTTtaraaH, Aogurt i, ISSO - Stockholder* of the Ulna and Fcnntylvanla Rtii Itoad t'ornpany are hetet.f notified to pay the eighth .iitialmem or l.vo dollar* per »hare, ut the office of iha Company, on or bclore the SOth day of AoJati The i.mth irtttaltcent] on or before the &nh day ot September. The’tenth inetalraent on or before the aothday of fNfbbcr nest. The Ju» mauisani wat culled for on the sClh tr July last augirUf __ \VM I.ARIMF.B. Jr^Trvaaurer. KRCOrRAOIt HUB*. ISITITimOW CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Plliiburgl C U. HUasEY.fssa*! A. W. MARSS.Stc*! Office— No. 41 Waiei euecl, in lbs waichoure Ol t. T 1 *" HUMJUMPANY l» now prepared to mture al! kind* of nete, on bootee, mauciactorwt. good* urerchandiae tn «o*e, and in transitu »W«, «•»:" . An. ample gnarmuy to* Uttt atnlny andUaegßty Ol the inetiMueu, U aborted In the ckamur «MM » rif« »r. 1., lotei, Jf, Walief Bryant,, Hugh D. bing, Kdaran, Ueadalion, John Haworth, iS. Harbaagh, S. M. htar. «par.--ii ■ Merkat aid Ferry atreett. WBBT B &A IHSU&AHCB COiPA OF PITTSBURGH ctPim 1108,000. J. FtßAll. Jf., Beo’T-. I „ Wui insure against all of risk*, FIRE AND MARINE * LI. loss** will be ÜbaraUy adjaated and promptly A iSf.ioiiii.Hoti-n.ifiJswl "I nwctot. ' rtCMiw mil kcnwn in tha oajaiau&ii7i uau who ere da terrain scte'which they hare assumed, aa offerinr lb* ben eroieoUor. to those who desire to be Insured. * DtBKTOM—IL Miller, Jr-, Geo. Bluet, J. W.Butlw, N Holme*, Jr., Win. U Holme*. C. OußseoJJeo. W. Jackson.NVm. M. Lyon, J K Litch, Jsme* M’Auley, Ale*. Nualok, Tbos. Sfoa. Orric*. No. W Water street, (warehouse ot Span* k Co., up *ulr*.l pUuliureb. iu4:4ly IHFORTATIOI OF HARDWIRE. LOGAN, WILSON.A CO. l»v WOOCPTIIEET, Are now prepared wlib • Itfg9 5\ loek fr 0< EPgU.h, o«rc»« and Aiaanesn (iojdwujo. ta off.t •operipr todueeaems ,a b *V««. Those wUbing in parehuw vw» pmaot* Uie,t b * to *! na * bioutb oar stock, us they ure datermiood to Mil on br iao»i ttusoaublo tei'U* eo*ls H M'CORD i CO, Wholesclo* Retail MunuiucwrersA Dea'erstn HATS, CAPS k FURS. n;» fram Ibe vuncu* Baptist Churches i« ib* city end vleiQMy, convened in eouooil ai the Urunl Sireei Baptist Uiurtb, al t o clock this after* noon, will lake the ueccMary ra-asaies preparatory 10 I), i Ordination of Re*. A. U. Bo*uaoa*M Ti.e very interesting public exorc.se* of lie Ordina ri, mil prour inthe evening. oC s,.At\ ~ W. F JORDAN, Pi.- Ct'li- NO^IO^. * DIVIDEND c/ three pe; ennt. an all adjusted VlosU* by are of 10 h of April, U)45, insured in ibo See ol the AUe|b*n? County Mutual Insurance ouipanv, will bo paid on and after tbe I Jib ln*t., ut e off.ee of Thom** Williams, E*q , tut Aiioraey of lb Company. ITb.X Pimscstan, Or f. !»«>_ 1 «ct>» BOAROINO-A few gemlomea may obtain rtod boarding on reasonable term* mt Mr* McAIU- Ln>«, in Colonnade Row, near ids Old ttlWko.Yada ; iiurcat, Allegheny citjr. 2SL WJ«W UL-iitUt* WARTBD. ITT ANTED—Two Salesmen In the Dry Goods Fn W «!•.*■*■ - Aanlv at E» Market itrcct Qg|« TO LET. THE dwelling ho:;»e No. tfc Second limt-bt cwa 1 Wood and Ma.Ketatreeu.no * occupied rLßriber Rent per anania. fcasmtoa gtvaa 'BXoarxainc Oood». Murphy fc BURCHFIELD haso Tteelred a suy siy oi coodt adapted for mourwaff.wear, auth w* BlkcK Be atntlnefc “ -C as ten Clots*, “ cob\itgs and rann&ttca, " FretuhMetlnpaandCashactea, “ Mouse de Laine* and Mourning Aipaccaa, Mourning Collar*, Black Cretan, % all*. f o* 1 ? FALIT HOaiRRY, Alpacca, Merino, Ca»bffl«re, TUbbt- eiid Aiiaa wool Boalery. ’An aaaori* MEBFHYt DPaCHFIEtP’3, rjBBSH TABLE BUTTER—is up .“l * bbl, ' i *" foe"" 1 ’” 1 * 114 ” JO CANFIELD. I IN3EED OILXM tHi la « tir *i*g'‘ c l^j|*f|F.L^ pfoVER SEED-BbU.l" pRKMI CHEESE-;"" »»"* Lv repM and fby aale bF oe ° , 4 D A&iV." cue. *■ >n “ D M o« roT , a SONS r«A)U*-L«» bbutU.r.EwiF"'* s WAn »iuH * 90H*B IJTACKKRBI » tiMi Nw3 M*tk«rcl. £ot IH »ai- tv orttJ l, p WATERMAN' A SONS - CHS AND BUCKETS—6S dox. Bucket* ! 0 d ® Tub*, i-r »ale hr ' ' , »ci« l. ft WATERMAN * PON»_ CORN BROOM?—CD do* laacy and gold ciamon C'trn Broom*, for »a!e by oqx 1. S WATER MAW tU.l>\‘bß SEkD—<'9 iibli oiricily prime Cloeer /. Seed, iaiUTt tndtor aateby . ... octu U & WATERMAN A SONS Till?.' LATENT fiTYLFT—ifeeelnd thi* Jday, the I*- l, i clDC», A. M .oatho premia,ia We«i Towarhi p,* A 1 >egb « n T County, aU that certain ss. u c, ammo* at a P n pemiri to a pom; thaar.o by heir., » onh ' , norihfsf, east 1« perebea to a poat;tbenee by tbeoce nonh eSJ, ean-,34 ’ l w'aToatl 'iOUth ii, ea»t 76 f-erehe. toa pu>e S!? fhe«e bV ft'i* of Alexander Glaagow, aoatb ?-i J-« ua nertb-» to the place of beginning, con s?'!?BllklsS §§l|H§p3gt Te.ms 8W la band, tne baanee tn three ttjoal %&&?JZSS23SaE. >Z nU -W. SSSv HARMON AdmiolmooU of Jooio. Il.nnoo, oootMoa Oct. Alb. 1»»1. If - ■s-^.s.'SaESviK:* 1 p p * yNVENTED 0, RM. ■*" oc § Fif.t >: between Wood A Market >ta /tOFFEE—id® bag* prime green Eto,in More and U » »""«• fer 88le l t s waterman a sons 31 Water h 03 Front »i mEAB-M «»“•“ “"'V “ , „ Y - u »““'“w- Tg " ■■ -« ■»'"> ? b’ '“'atkRMAN ft SONS Spices— io *>•*« P*i*p’ r - . ~ „ " “‘»- A l:tVrn‘KMi^«ON3, CiOLITLEArIIEB-SW .i 4» bt»«I *» 4 “ i * u ' S ABON9_ Glass —wbx. 'vmo. ui... ...o,.td, of d.y J d«c...»yJ;rt^ SArara _ : EON-»» u,o. A SONB STEEL— A fenenl «**oTUnem ofCxjl, Shexr, Go * ““ j •'?* ssjtaatiftwM S^s7;r d> pr ‘S‘™BE o .m“K- iTaw Km* 1 Owrtueoy pEOUK-B, b,L «. Uaa,-ar?^IMOHBA l a CALTPCTBE-.0 ..oV.W » otß Wtter A Front »U- r l. qiikSe7-7o bx7w. ,.0,e. A TO lIHNDOW tiLASS— SoO bis Sx i« VV uol'** ,wj >-« 50 bl* 10 X 14 . r-i»l ••*>** .» ...» ...4 fo. ''J ullN „ AtT 1( .(, HLOVES-* bm r« J -I- by R p 9KI IEK3 ni-S « W0n4,.._ A HKaW BOOT— 1 3 bl* t«cei*cd lot A ccs - H F SR4 VIAONE.-I. QAEiWjiv aEED-V»D(«-nnti™.<«^“jj 1 t '> FlOWMWWrijySfcJjjUbT I “" h t "a'jfuiis r mmOAir goods. A. A. MASON & CO, dl * 64 BAUKET ST„ OETOULD Sulim i!.f attention of Me/ehaCt* from W alt ««eti*n» «i u>e coanuy.io 'heir immense tuck of N6* Fall ti»oJ«,coßipri*inij the largest end ooct eeapUte aeaenweat in the western country, test styles Prim* . ; 40 dd Imported snd American Gtsgbant; n 5 4a Alpeeeea, Paramattas, and Serioos; D 7 do Cashmeres and t)« lAlr.s; C do -Saitnettand-eaiu, dj t:knh»«nd C»**.oer.’»; 70 do Bleached Aln»>m»; M bi'tt P anuetv ai‘ color* » ICtn-j* a • ur*je*. 2-c On itro-sn Mu*iiu«. l»e»i make*. AU-i, diet ani package* of Silk*, Sharia. While Good*, Millinery do. Tailor*' Tnmaioe*, Ribbon* Laces, Hosiery end Gldeta,*-e. Merchants are-assures, front tha c re * l facilities of hi* establishment, of always procuring »he lat*»t and nosl desirable goods, and at prices a* low and lower Jun any eastern heaaa Being manafacmeis’ agents ■or i»cgo,qaaniJUee of Domecue Goods, they particu larly aoUdi the orders of merchants for domes'ies deliverable in this city ai the aam* price theyari *old at inlastero clUrs- Merchcnia.euber going or re tanking from the east, are invited loan““ n i°!£L oa oftheUatoek. A A MASON fc OO orttdUoofp-AwSmS FIBR IRD Ml BISK ISBDBARCE NOTICI PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY OP HARTFORD, cant sh noex an strururs icaa, • 1,000,000. CHAPTERED 182 ft, rrtHß uderaigned has been appointed agent fer this 1 old and responsible company, to *ueceed Mr. Fayeoa Hrosnt, and ta ready » line policies in the Fire and Marine department, oc aa favorable term* - oih.r W.»tto o taC,j.£lrt»—oa American port* and Enguahor Eat'apeaa parta. or to any other mariUma port what* soever into* Atlantic waUTa.afftinat toe PERILS OF TUB SEAS. GEO E ABNOLDj Agli, 74 Fourth H-, nett to the Bank of rUuburvh scpmdUaul LIB'S IMBVSAiMJS. P«i»«F* J*» teZit bs tit Ptr.u } L!/4 r:.iur*™ CjoJ PKiU. i rlriE of tho Wcftarn inauraoso Oomjtany No. ■ u™ thsiiwKreiandspiita. «KM»a tha Uveaof *oi| *' f«£» cf Company are dWd*4 among the holasre of Lila poutika . • the pay t«o itara have bsop MgV l**^. Bfiw W op gPhSROU) PIANOS, itfstrw end Mtuiesl Irufrnmeta?, Sigh of tha Golden Harp, No IM Third rreei. - _ H. ELEBER reipectfnlly Inftna* Liendsund tha public, that he hu remrssd Lorn ibo'edst, arith ’a* I f V I |*£ao*t elrfunt and txtecalva aaaoTt* meut of Piano* of vunoua stylra and prices, selected by hansel*, with great care, at the celebrated factories l of Nuns* Oiufc.lt sad Denham, N. (him of fltodart A Dunham, N- Y.) Hailag aalectsd tha abom from an Immense stock -jurt fLntthtd by thq above oakimrUi#T'aW*'*amnt*d of auparior quafitr and tona, and will in' all case* be' sola at New York fho* ioT7pTie«a.''Pßreha>en wUI Meet ve a written gu«. anry with each FDuei entitling them to air' cxeurte or retort of tame, (f wand dgfccttve. Also, a lot of apttadld Gttuaie, from Ota factory of SehmidvAf UttiLN.-T' Thay.aie.a auperh: ametej. and warranted equal, If am eaperior, to any made la the world. Ab»,» ftneeelcetioaof Flotee. Qaiioneu Violins, StrUga,Braeisotraaiata,madia* newest and meat popuiax auaie, taoUdigf itsny Llnd'a ealebnued soap. Rfg) KBiO*.lßll EXTRdtiW' Extracts <>• A.umie. uhi*- r ® , * c 2P'* 4V.au>. r,r« -q.or.cotn Kb tJUtv. TwaxiPßßJ. S»t»mr»nU». Moyi.w ehiei »nJ tnih»n Hrwjs tep “h, aVj „ n WW)rlf t - c 0 Cor. rir-t A. yv Uia *UCA**cr. J|f qSw«*» * htll »•«« •«** vf goada for tb« «*«», tfMtJWfci »a>»u o' i. Cdburgi tn FOB RtS^' rpn-0 ..UtoUkiloaMJia *"< 0«.-»BuldiMR AJJTu,ibi«d MjW'i ket tireft, b«tw»«n M and n» rowo*bkp, w« Peiui*»lviait Awr«, Inqu to of i oct? pn oazzav. tStt.Ut, Se:o£j >1 1 Poti tod Triband > STARCH-a b«e» }o*i ttß ra»ct-*' torn, tad for »le by 9 N WOKEfiSJ» AM oetf : Comer y rod and 6ih »' a LUBtTTS FtTKACTS—AuorttU In tmiei of act dozen euet>, irapoited and forat'u by _OCI7 ' [ B A PAHN RSTOCK ACo PIU. MACMINfa»-r?apeno» »*aou:d *■ .• imported usd (or i*'e by ~ oci7 B A FAIIM>TOCK ACo S|| M01.A99E8-® Pi Louil 9 H Syrup ft!-' lat»at, jost rdreived and fortaia by JA9IA IICfCIUSON A Co oct? Afeni.St Load* ritcaa Sugar RefineiT_ GLUF—? bbti’on hand bad {fertile by (KtT • r BH WICITERSHAM bbla No I oa band and far title by I9AI&H DIOEEY A Co oct" : Water and Front itreet* GREAPF.i-8 bblt oa band and fo>.aals br oc\: . ISAIAH DICKEY A Co BACON HAMS—*O ckaS* on; bind, will be raid loir to clots she lot, by oetl : ! ISAIAH PICKET A Co HONFY— 4 bblt la tiers and for «ala by 0q.7 : ISAIAH DICKEY A Co riHF.K c E—<0 bnx«i print quality, for tale by ; o, t ; . ISaIAH PJCKEY A_Co nBM On?AL VARNISH—For »«ls by ' ' I ISAIAH DirKF.V ACo CO-PAttTffclUUIP. HH BYAN hu lhJ» d»T sMoc.cif J Wn M'Kct, , Wo6d«rre«i,wUfl him lathe l>u*ire»»of By»n'* 8 T%et»a«liie«« u coad “ c , l , et3 * nder ,b 0 n*meof By on A M'Kec. who rtWMfeHy wiieit th. pairoDitre of their frienw In fohhUl. \Cm/McKRF- DISSOLUTION OFXO.PAIITM*a*UiP TIIF. firm of MeEee,W«lßyfc *f»oW ed on the !>Blb till W»-M’Kee b»»'Of ijld'ln* iwere.t in the concern, to W<«m->/gloy * Mobon, Si Luaeu of & firm mW be : eeuied esntod on by NrtJBTfcMdbon,«ho»re duly mitboiUed to me J&S.9 NEOLEY, orMtt t 1». VuGOHbL-* bW. i«» l wcelwd «jidfig*»tobj **“ clS MWooJ «r«i GLAZIER'S DIAMOND?-*! dc» ■•««««*«* • r « ter »*?e by OCIS : J KIPP kCO ADD OIL -o bbU No 1 |o*l <£’ l»v ocli J KIPP * lo RP.O pounds ja«t i>-cf.ved and for »»Ib I ,T »cts J UPP *Co , PJC IRON—3SO tom Mahoning Furnace Pig lion, lor *aie from the Allegheny 0,5 ... Bound Church BUTTER— 15 brio solid.UUet lor sale by , OC S 'l J &■ R FLO VP HARPER'S Magtuns, No 5, for October, ofibi» rxcellenl magazine, •ni.No la of. Dictionary of Mccluulcs, has been receized at Holmes Literary DeoOV. I bird street, oppost e the Po«t Office, also* new American N*»»el ea-led The .Con«piiator,*taJe of lllanacitianett’* Wand, «? tke Ohio BJter, and No 8 Pictorial Ptald Boot of the Amdncaaßeroli*- nan. ‘ "* ooi ISSTBDCTIOH Ota ltt« PUSO POBTIt Gro \Y.BBAINABII»oiid respectfully announce to l&e ciurec* cj Pilffiburgb and Allegheny cilv, lu« inienUonef taking cj> Lls reiiJence mine city of Pittsburgh; for the purpose of giving iasirnoucoa-oi. it>cp««eo«ne,ii>*4T»B«ed:iiur»i.* : . . Ue will be ready to tseel'-e app icatiocs from these who otay rtflalra hik servrdts by Monday, the Hth lastart Appucattoo* prtiricß* to that d**e,« be left bt Sa state of J-11. Rlellof, No 81 Wood «t «c 4 ttfSJtm loltcge o! BomeopalMn ffiedictsr, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Snitfoi of 1'550-fl-rpAer:, ui ISI9. rriue frßSt’witffKß SESSION of thi* InsmaLon , | w ,jj commence on the Farsi Monday of Novem ber, and colUint® fo« month* • . >. •fte Qulrroftha Faeuttyare anaused as follows, ilotm Soak, M. J>* M az * Diseases of Woman and Omarra Briggs, M. D-, Professor of Principle* and Practice efSurrefT- .. , , . .. Churlei D WillULßs, M- D, Piofesror of Inib.ai»* and PraMtca of£loa»op*lhy. , u ~ ’ „ Lesria Dodge, if. D.Professor of Hilefta iMcdlca and MedicaliJurtsprudenc* Hamilton L Smi*b, a. &I.< Professor of Chemistry. Kdetn C. Wither*!, M. D., Profeisot of Anatom* and Physiology. ‘ , , Jet. a Bmnard, Profesmr of Physical Sneof e Charka W. Bell, Demonstrator of Anatom*.. TloCbartai of the Western College ofUAtsuopmluc Medicine w|»a granted by. the Legislature ol Ohio, dunce Its session of 1840 51. h confer* ail the rights and pil'Hltges usually possessed by Mcdieal Colleges in the- tinned Ptatet, and, unlike many colleges, it exist* independent ol any-other Iftstllntiou, haring in itself the poirer ta confer degrees, and pwaeaiint a common teal. , , , : . - ' _ , Ihs degares are conferred by !the Faculty and Tißs:e>« upon the leeommeudaliojt of the Faculty. The amosi-t offer* for Ute fall cOurtr will he SJu. hlatrku'auon fee. Rs—to be paid l> tonus. Demon ►uafcn'a ticket, SA GradsstUm fta, fr o. persons other colleges,««,admitted to tho lull course utU iiuiiialioo on ilia payment of sfo. Omduatea of >e cneetabis medical aeboolsAre permuted toattoad the course en the payment of the maincnlation lee only. Good board, tnemdlne room light, and font, can be 1 obtained fiom seiotBso>erwetk For-farther l:«- - form at. on address; CH Aft 1), IV'lLtl\M&, oe<:dlM -- Dean ofth* Faculty. Ci.D FISH—IO ntkt lorvale by • W*F WILSON oe 4 £C Wood« _ SALMON— 4brisßatmoh, for sale by Soi W A F WILSON TANNERS* OlL—as brl* low pneeU, for «te by oc4 ; way Wilson N ‘"OA*-*^ o “»i“" "<" J r , K " , a r K , Jt E a T 5 A oel 47 Wood *t. PATENT SOAP POWDER—Itt bxa rce*d sale «*c4 RE SF^LEBa SAL. SODA—4 casks received for u'g hy oc4 ■ ' R SELLERS &UW ARABIC LOZENGES—IO bxs for ants by 004 1 ■ : U K SELLERS WHITE SQUILLS—I cask rac’d lor sale by pel j a E HELLERS COLDMOO BOOT— I bale reeaived for sale by oc> R E SELLXRS CHROME GBEEN A YELLOW—4 cases A-rsale oe4 ; R_fc_S ELLERS CHIP PILL BOXES—3OO papers for sale by oc_«. ; : RF. PELLERX ■ winter Ppena WJ, Wua e OU. Not Lard Oi), Linseed OU. Tannery sjU, aadr.Naat’a' Foot Oil, just rereived end for- »* r J bp tha barrel or gallon, and watt anted to give satisfaction. r 8 N WICXERSiIAM, og| ’ Cor. Wood and Sixth at* UTTER—a bris and I keq tecM (dr tale by oct ' : BHRIVER A BARNES £*GGS— 6 bris thu day received for tale by ' j " OCA : BHBIVER ABAUNg? rpALLOW—4 brl* received for sale by 1 Cc 4 ■ snRIVER A BARNES CVHLESE— 148 ox* W. h CheeseTEr ish"by J oe4 WICK A McOANDLESS IREIiM CHEKE—3# bxi received foe sale by • aci • IVICK A/McCANPLESS MAPLE MOLASSES-9 brl* fc.t sale tv ■ ioc4 ! : WICK A MqCANDLESS I)ROOMS liJdotCbm Brooms fos sale by D : ocA ‘ WICKAhiuCANULESa WHITE FISH-13 trlf fer sale by oc4 WIOK A McCANDLESS WINDOW OLAS3-«t>o Ml BllO; MiblUCxlJ, bv WICK & UeQXftDLfcdS WADPtNU-19 bales WMte; U n»le» Dltetr. to balit Glal(4t 76r *tla by cci _ WICK A McUaN DLF93 PULVERIZED SALKBATIIS—* 7 in and belt pound peper*. for Hie by oc* : WICK A McCANDULSS O ALtfiXf CSr-Ui pt«k i for nlu by ~~ C*_oc4 i ; WICK A AIcOANDL’Kg.% B. A, FAHNI WHOLKBAL Comer of Wood end OFFCK far .sei*, of frprn Europe, lk>r*r,refiMii,4&CM4» Acetic Aald ttucr* Cuafc Powd,kg» Orac.* Flower W»ui Aa»»©o,c«kekJaT» Bole Armenia £«“ Oreeoi »u aaw Pill Bcxea, papereiakcj'J RolieO fliaaetia cuk«- do amluw^^ Fioui Sai|.U:; -do Vial Celt*. e»om. ’ A4fc*si»s ifiaiicr, En« CaU Mecod).adii Bot/orana d.» tu Jo *Jv Etad do oo j"*r=.«wi.talSi Gailaara jo » Cart.f.-sa.ini;J;v :■ Duenna Jo Jo Cuno Aed, uu> txr.Uc* Cmaic lroj, Euj rtlv.AotecoljljjJo,, FiMiftCni liio \z. Aamoo Cone, do- Alfcpso Golli SMW^ajptr--do— *nMaV»Um • * ttlAmberlfect do; Wedjmtrood Me-^ WideFeu«Jil;-.. do- Pea-Jet . ■ Citteotc.Wbit* do - Oil Salk* , t £ ' ±in «c *iali do gSt*.., lodine la: hflboouiea Oil uri*anva “ a ‘ a lodide Iron, la tot viala OUKo*cn - ( arr asssii I—*■ 1 —*■ - BJae F»UEo«:-inJb jar* GUCfo»a Tart-Ettxilc-,U do;. Snip* Ziay ” > ■SSS?aaSfS«Stt- tefe, v 1 -■■■■■:;■ I Indian HiA ' - c ._, Warsaw? ° ' -*•»” : ■: STOCK Sc CO.. B OAQOailTf, ?*Hi tu,, PLiuburgh, lis awn Import allot, irecv