The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 08, 1850, Image 3

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    Tflfci ’.Tfi'SKi’ uii ti AZOTE.
DUocttAi ic Whig state ticket
F n a ca.sal cojottwosis
iM:* li U A Dl'NQAfi,
tu lictlcs Ooonty.
ros-ctmt-? orstßAL.
«i L N * X
’• o’ or c«<i->
res <rc»>i, . iwihl
j r »• It n> <ohrson.
<ji Wi»ti,ripi ir.Coi.-.iy.
Wlilff Kominttloai for
Allegheny County.
rca mm «scofra cmcitss,
T .1 O t£ A fl BS . B O W B ,
res atcnus m-to:*. vnuri trsn e-.rtBTSAa,
ci ausi a n. Dsanv < —
at rmrscßOß.
rca sc^atc,
| or wiuiisa.
rrl ittlliu,
MO.tOA's, it- tOEHTSON, Puubarxx
T J IlllrliU. Clw.
R. r - WaIKIIR. Rtizabeth
JOHN ,%. -JLCSKKV. Robinson.
JAhiElj Fit'FE, Snowden.
cutx'cr irrofscr,
FRANCIS C. FLAht-'f-Sfii, Pitxsbtrgt
WM FUNN, Lower?: C«Jt
c. crti
Thai* the day ol i&a annual election. L:t
eTerr true Wh-g fro to tbe poll* early, tod rote a
fnlltfok*'. We «ey, ex*«n//. Nr mao ! a sure
oFftia vote, nclev he take* the firm opportouiiy.
D - cot r«.u R 3( »s<d yel.l jon have discharged
thii duty, ■ c ft wl l mead all fbe belter to yoar
bailee** rfi.rwsrd*. W«* trti*'. ve aboil bare
tbe f.learur.-, Is morrow, of recording abr-lbail
Wh g V(Cto*y.
Ditrnr* of Fraudulent Tlekata.
Tickets have been printed and circulated by tbe
enemy, wvh Mr. Walker'* name primed wrong in
d.flervol form*, sitchaa J. C. Walker, U C Walk
er, S. 0. Walker, Sec. The genuine tickets are
printed R C. Walker, Mr. W.'a noma being
Ticke's are n!»o in circulation with Mr. Moor
head'? name beine auV<i;uted (or Mr Welker's in
some, nod Mr Fide'*, ia others Ail these frauds
have been resorted to for the purpose of benefilting
J K. Moorhcnd, ’he only name un the L -eofoco
ticket wlurli tlie enemy h 'pes to elect. We trust
they will be mo*’ biiterly di-appointed.
Wo underfund tbai it is reported in certain
quarters, that spunou- Whig tickets, with Mr Monr
bteda’s name in place of Mr. Fitfe’s and Mr
Walter’s, were printed in the Gazette Job Office,
tinder the control of Mr George Parkins. This re
port is not tru". None but genuine Whig tickets
were printed in this offije.
We publish the Bounty Land Bill in an official
form. This Law is probably of mure universal in
terest than eny other passed this session of Con
gress. The report that the Prc-idrat had suspend
ed the action of the law is incorrect.
We pcfc’/ch a: Ircgth, to dny, the Clrll ned Dip
lomatic Appjrp-iaitor Ci’U which toateine, be*
•iCea tbe appropriation o! an immense amount ol
jnemy, toad legislation ol general interest. La
grtri icons ueeseiarily encroached upon our
gpnee lb d«v. •
Gonrr's Laoie's Ucoe, for November is early to
hand, well (iiivd t* usual, and embellished with
some novel engravings. su- h aslhe“EveniflgStar l ’
the "Lsrd’s Prayer." elc
Fatcer Ritchie d«.vo i* a large p >rtion of the
Unicn *o bi» personal affairs He nays tbe paper
has not been rod, bin it to continue ic bn hand*
Mr. R. atya he taJ be*v> debts ti pty when be
tvset to \7/i*hiag:oa, nod he has pa.u theta all bet
one, upoj »hi hbe -erstt reve- be hardly pressed
tie has elrc ti'-n/tti a lease and ibo office, and
Ibis is tLe ttm titsi efthe ecrsmtilations of "five
years'anpiralk-led labor.” Costidcriug the amn
cf vrotfc Father Ritchie has dcse, w; think hta re*
waid baa been iittlo enccgh
Wato Scimuctrr li MAsaAcac.m* —The re*-
Hfutions adrptotf by the late Woig State Coavea
tlja of Matrastasetts, retain ucaltsred tho prinei
p|-i »t forth by the party in many fmmer Con
Tent’ons In that State. Coming an they do from
tbe home of the Sen clary of Stile, who so loeg
represented ihe«e principles in r>ati(v;>s. they or-
<lf peeolitr inlets in lr.- p***- c*v: < V*e gv
belaw cucb of iteci *s off sn*=r*: pn.ilic inter
Eerolvcd. Tbtl we repose entire coo/idecee in
thnabl'ty, wisdom, a=d patriotism of the new
Prccidei.', M-Pcrd f II o >re cod hu diiilagniibao
Cabinet, *Ol. w<* wsinneie item tit the seat of pow
«r e* remeulf q ra' fi -*J logaid* our glonou* Do
fon wun tn nor, pre'-c. nan ruccrn, 0-3 i n desila
ed rt.C"« aa v.c n« tending canons of «hs earth
lier i<b<t, roat Ma««cfcy*eUi avows Ber on
« 1 eied d«t .••arnaito.i to cntin-am ail the principles
■ad pnrpve* -te bn avowed in tloei p«a:. in re
lation to iße extension o; slnvery and the raeasn*r
ol success wc:ro aa» attended ber exertions, u *
»ew incentive ’»> cmiinuc and pcftevcrc la til
Cona uouoasi cF.v.i. «»l' toe grcst and good wotk
itiAil be nrd perfected.
fL-volverf, To*’it ismrriuiy of nil friends o*
freed’*?, to and 0.-. t ol I'nsr.f, to w«nn the pro
■reea rf 12c preset free lerrit>jn»t of U’to and
K'T7 to fiv -r tbo rce.asar** >o secure
tbetr ear’y •;‘n»t»too a* R * r ea into the Union, with
Coi.ti! nt.ocs like that of itetr older acdCrnfc staler
Tbo other resolution* declare that the peopV
cannot rip -of to nfc.!A-n a protective tariff, exerp
by ’he election of Wb«s io Congraot, and that n
iatteduiyof ibeGenerd fJoTtrataenl o make
■pproprfUoaa fir lire improvement of river* nod
hi.bon; ootnt wuh prir-e to the prosperity c. 1
Maaaacbasrtts s* aa rvidcoeeof the fruits of
Whig government, eod Iben add the following:
Re-o ve.’, the Wfrg party >■ a nation*
feaHT, sod not a Incrl pa ty i there are Wnigs a:
theSjfßW.o Save t>l~cd l>v its fortunes With a?
DociJ fl-Qiacss litrd oeTotiaQ as Whigs at the
North, aofl’tough on question* which are loea
in inetr eo*i*’Uer and bra?iag, difference* mat
ioobllen *»«« • y ffl 03 Z ra * : wb: ’c b an
national la tceir eMesnier nod importance, thr
Wntgoiriyof ten IT-uon i* one every where,
NorUi or So Jib, IS •* and Wont i *»» trn* memben
■npport tfce Ocoitirntron in na purity, and the Ua'
Nrw Yosc F.ittTic*.—Tto Aibiay Rrmi»/
Journal coatajn* Jhn foilowiai paragraph:—'
“We art; au’hor xe-f loalate, in reply to the rn.
aoi* which®ppe*f in several papers, that Mr.
Hm will accept th»- nom-aat-or conferred opoo
ftimbytbo SVh'ghf »ta Coafeofioo."
The New Yo.’k Tribune «ino«ccsa that aliihe
nominee* havo dee'did ttr accept.
The* Conreciiw't* ® o4t pwbably rati
tf the boamauesa, end the Whig party be united
oaonstletet. Tne Wear Y'f* Courier, aayw
“WelootfcrrarduiQ* U. : ca o«reiiUon m
deatiaea to »troan:L-B tae ticket aao *eea»ettA
triotoph. VV« truy it:: the wnolo ptttxoo oftbe
party which a>mpnbisea wilb Lbe i.'ttaortiy, will
be represented there, and teat the deu'gatea as
iec'ed will be ujan ot jadjDeat, d.fcrotjnn, aod
paramount ccr -rou to iae principles aod the In
aarettsorits V/aigpanv. W-ib such a repro*
•nniaiior, we hate no fears of the itsue."
In a letter addressed by Mr. O E Squicr, late
Cfeirge io Central America, io ibe Hon.
H. S- Fo>>i, wnicn late y appeared In a New York
journal, there is a paregrapb in which the follow
ing B«*erttun i* roa&e, va: Thai “the British Min
ister, »hordv after hi« arrival in this country, made
a proposition tu the Ur* pari meat cl S<at« n* the el
feet, in aubrtanee. if ooi initrms,ihai ibe United
Slates, i J ci'tijuMMiun wi*h EnjiQnd ihoald set aside
lbe Verritur.a 1 tigb’s ot and but lly ap*
prop.taie lo tbriu-eivtrs ’be .Nicor*(tuA t-ib:ni!» ’
W« are nu'Uor teri m stale, wuh ivlereuce io the
paragraph ta qiesUmn, tun no *uch proposition
wasever iuaJei»m« U--pir meat of Buie.direci*
|v or todiree «v, hv S r ti.ary duiwer, or any one
«i»e.--dV at. lattlUz ne,r -
Since the above wa* penned we have
met. ta the New Yu.k Tnbuae. w.IU an rtbsr ieuer
lroii Mr. d<|oier, which, among other things, coo
to,«iJweiar l my'wuJli ia doe to tha aolicitauoo aod I
MnMeu>aiiua/of Mr Bulwer, l shall lo
En. ■" p° !incal c ': d ”
" y ... IBM B « rSm 'ullu. eofl luv.ban
iUrte in rccart* IO tu* p«i*>Uo or private adairs, but
ire i* » «'.»n »!>">• b ST
rere u. t.., re. lire B"““S “« »«W
lorel'end Bliurelf. requires B. lu .|MO Ihst Mf.
...lire!, .m.mjre.l lo Mlr.bM.Bg U .Be
H* it h Mmi-ier any ‘•eitTla to ellect bia recall
wlitcomideiaiioA* ludueed tba Owernmeat to
eeioov Mr ?q tier tru n olilse, it tanotf-wn* tq
hr. *••»'« t»“red tj no, re
5.U00.0. *r Hrr.ry Bulwer; ud din »=“»
'wire! .uv o-»'o« ’« »“ geolleaiMi or re,
~ OB * ©•
•“»**' BBIWWS
Corretpcndecse of :he Fitub.rgh Geaetze.
WAtnxitGTOS, UcL 3, ISSO.
Offlela! Inatractlona Concerning the
Bounty Lind Bill—Appointment of
Ron T. Dntlor King, Collector at Sou
Fraael»co—Store of sir Kl* I*. Bulwer*a
l learn by authority that to morrow morning the
Hon. A H. H, Smart, Secretary of the Istenor,
win iraue acircular lor tbe information of all con
cernod, promulgating the cooslraction wbicb the
Drparmen' ptacss upon tbe recent a-l f.’r router*
r.og bounty tanda upon all officers and soldier*,
and offijers who have ever been m the military
•ervice of the IToited Stales, and hive not yet
received anch bounties. It is decided, to far aa
the opinion of ih« exec'itlvc eta decide such a
quo don, lb at tie warrants ts be is»u-d under
tbt« act will not be trtnsfarable, but mutt bo
lacs e 1 by the original claimant who received them,
wl.o will thereupon be entu-ed to a patent
A pateo*, It ia writ known, ia a deed from tbe
Government for a specified tract of taco actually
granted and conveyed, Tho effect of this deci»
a 03. thsierore, if t rightly apprehended it, will be
not only to prevent speculaiioQ Ic the warrants,
but to deprive them ol all exchangeable value
Awirrant, which is merely the certificate of a
right to select a certain q oantity ol public land,
aid Is secure a title theraio by a urrenderteg anch
cert'fi'ate. wiii now be of no use to any person
ia the world bat to him u» whom it is issued. Tbe
young aoldier of iSI? may beau “ oid sill n of
1650, and rasy have no more occaaion for land
than a a** horse for crutches, yet he must take tt
or qothing. The wirranu issued to the aoldiera
of the Mexican war bad a value of from one
hundred end tbiny five to forty dollars in the
ma-kets because they were legally araign&ble. It
iscalcalated that not one in five of the aoldiera of
t ist war located their warrants. They procured
the money for them at tho market price.
Tbe commissioners of pensions end of the gen-
eral land (ffi :*,are also preparing and will soon ia*
sue circalar letters of instructions to applicants
for bounties coder tbe art. They will be issued in
ih • courae of a very few days Some estimate may
bs formed of the immense amount of business
which will be thrown upon those boreaua by the
new law, from tbe statement, which I receive
from an authentic source, that the roll* to the of*
Sees of the Adjutant General, and Second and
Toird Auditor's show tome thing like six hundred
thousand namra. However they ate not all aur*
riving, nor have alt the deceased left widows or
children now npon ttrrajSrma.
I predict that iho act wdl be a Iruitfal source o(
vexation, trouble, fraud, and Immorality.
Isaac R. Daria, Esq., of Philadelphia, ha* pos
itively declined the honorable and lucrative aj*
poiotmeDt of Collector of San Francisco, Califor
nia, and Hon. T. Butler King, of Ga, has been
appointed In his place, and has accepted tbe of.
fice. No better appointment than this has been
or could bivo been made by this or tbe former
idminislratioa. Mr. King is a Whig of the prac-
tical work qc sort—a national Whig; not filled with
cranks and coiceiis; and, with all, a gsntlemaa of
rare and trlsd cao aotiy,*asd of the most wmoiog
courtesy anl ruariiy of msaners Bit for pecu*
Lir adverse iotrrota, which it is not now neers-
stry to particularise, Mr. King would have been
placed at tbe head of ths nary department, and
would have mads one of thu most popular and
efficient beads of tbit department which it has
ever poueiAfd. Some difficulties have arisen
fro m the inexpenecce of Col. Collier, tbe incum
bent of the peal jail rejected by the Seoate, and
from coUliions with tbe Suite authorities, ia which
il was his mis'jrtuae to become lovolved. Mr*
K’Xg’s put *erv cu an 1 hu prior residence in
Ci&oroia, will obna e any objections in tbeae re
-spects, which the app lintment of soother person
mgbthtve occajione 1. Mr. Kicg should have
been one o' the California Senators. Tbe p- •
samplion that he w.K yet attain tbat position i» do:
unwarranted by probibility.
Several Circumstances have lately incurred to
draw attention to lie course of the lisa. U L
Balwer, in ibis country. Uia interference with
the independent movements of our goveromeui,
lu the rrgulauon* of oar urff policy, baa net yet
ftdsd fro-a the public mxsd. More lately, be
hu been discovered in soorrespoodaccr, in which
be speaks o f our geverement in tbe most ca raher
and con’eap'Ußos terms. For the first offence
beroseired'a well merited and most effective cas*
tigaiion at the hands of Mr. Seoi’or Copper, and
for the second, under the t&em soasilire, patriotic,
and high aprnted administration, be was mads to
ste the necessity of at immediate apotory, which
he duly rendered. Bat muca mire lately, some
other of his d ptomatic trantactlocs hare been
un* a If to view
■0 a to E:iiceiy ifruiUt
re*pcct'ul l « i --T-. lev?* -d* bur, on the part »f oi r
people or goveremest- Bf th" ’-.te afi vices (rru.
the river Sac tiocs aod Cestrrf Amerire.ii baa
beei rendered pretty tolerably apparent that ibe
R.h:. Hon. Bntuh Ambassador near ihia govern
aient, has bees exercising bis fnnctioa of general
(dardian of Brtiish Icteretls on this continent so
<• to persuade Cnatheld the meddiesotse ar>d
•verbesring charge of hi> govertunect In Central
America, to di iregard tba Sale treaty provis
os acamit Biitian encmachmentsoe those S ates,
on ihe rcors of the old Mosquito c'siat But o*
that, mors hereafter.
Bui ! an enabled to give more dedaaie sac exact
information of another of ihia mioitter’s pyoaeed.
iog«. While the free trade Caanadiah reciprocity
nil! was andsr consideration io tba Senate, Mr.
Bilwer made himself apecialiy indoitrihua In
obby ng for ita passage w.ih Southern men, on
the ground Oat (bo establishment of free trade be
tween that provisos and our republi: was the
jorcit means oT preveollag annex»tioa no the one
Used, and of weakening ihe mini of pro*.e:Uve
arffiim oaths other—what inflaeoce each rep
reaeattoods hid in aecnring lha pss*t|e of the
b 11, t do not mdertske to a»y, but ihe f«et tba*
they were mads jq ihr manner referred to, is cer
tainly worthy of r.flesuoa aad remembrance.
ruua nxw took.
Correiponoenre of the Ptnsburgb Oazeiu.
Niw Yoax.Oct. 3.
The Dlvlatons unoag the Whlga—The
** geeeealQß" assatalssed—Excitement In
Btegrodora—l.lttlaflald, the Janitor,
and his Exhibition—Bow between the
Common Connell and the Fire Depart
ment-Jenny hind—The American In
stitute—Tha-Weather—Money Batters
Wall Street Ohlt Chat—Stale of the
Markets, et«., etc.
The unforiunate ruyore oftbe ‘rienda ofSawaid
lno,aad the Irienda of the National Admioiaua
lion, and the Union—for that ia, iodoed, the di*»
tinctive character of the two parties —has pro*
dosed, as yon may will imagloe, a profound
sensation among the politicians of tbia city. Oar
general committee, which represents the ninetoon
wards ol the city, aud biaitsof * eoattiineoey of
not Isaa (kan a hundred ihoasand, hare unani
moo «ly approved the eour*e of the toceder* from
tieSyrtcuie Oinveation, and appointed Wedcea.
dsy evening next as (he lime fur bolding primary
elecuoss for delegates to a new Convention—in
the bope that they at lean w ; li be able lo build up
a platform,bro»d enough, and strong enough, ior
the Whigs of the whole Union to stand upon.
Y u will tee, la our city newspaper*, what aa
exetiing urns of it we are baring among the ne
g-oe* acre, owing t) the srreat of H»m et, ita
fug tve from MarylaaJ. N»s olbe r day. Thu mau
Hamlet, however, ir romteg back to New York, to
hit w*fe and family, me snm of*soi) having been
subscribed to purchase his l.bsration. But, a. 1
have *i'd, aU Africi Is in a terr b : e rommotion.-
They held aa “ ” tasetiog last ersning
at Z on’s church, io Leonard a'ftet, to denounce
tie Slave Bill, and all tho*e who aid ia executing
it. Resolutions ware psaaed pledging the meeting
to armed roatatance to evcijr fatoro attempt to
eirryback lbe “ fogilives "
Ois would hsve ituafht (bat the mia L’ttle-
Ideld, the jsnttor oi the medical college which ws*
t\a scene of the Park nan murder, In Butoa, aat-
Med with the aoney and aotcrieij be obtaiaed La
that shocking affair, weald have, boen the last
psrsea ia the world to recall Iti horrid remini
ttences. Bat so! he uodjflOJk to eX tibtt, ta (he
tenure room of Clinton H it*, * few evening* aince,
, two figures, a* large as lifj, representing the mar*
dererend hi* victim, just as they looted (said bia
idvwtiaeoent) when alive; bat so revolting was
tha epestaale, and *n sordid tha motives of ibe
fe-Jjw, (hit nobody has enaatasansed it In the
Hast. The press, generally, have spoken o f lbe
man tad bit ** exhibition’ as they deserve. New
Yutfc ia too hot to hold either.
Ypq hava been apprasi of the serbas diapnie
setweea our fire depwuient and the Common
Crandl, originating la a loathing report of tbs
CoiefEogiaaer, laenlpating several aidennsa, ia
ttf ottiv jcuttTUMfrf gimu assensu
<*camp*,who have ever been tbe peat of the fire
department- Tne quarrel bat now rew.bed ita
climax apparently, lor tbe committee which was
appointed to exam'ce into the C&iet ’a allegation*,
broke up last t.i«bl id a great fever, one bail' of it
a*snl n i by the firemen, and the other bait by tbe f'aifcera- To day the “ b'aoya" are talkiog of
rounitig Mr. Caraoo, tee Cb’ei Eugineer, lor May
oat of »pite i
We shall have Jenny Lind wTih os again on
week. Sbe cancot come a moaieot too soon.—
* We Americans must always bare some thing or
same body io worship ' and a clergymen to me.
the other day ; ** it la either a aucctssful. military
chieftain, or a favorite politician, cr a ‘ !i in ' from
abroad. Tbe object ifl our idolatry now, ibougn,
ia <.ce that cornea as near to tbe angel c as pcan
btc Ijf a homan being to come tn tbls world. I:
it comparatively a neaitby excitement her pre
sence creates in thu multitude. It does cot slim,
ulau the pauions of one people against toolbar,
as tbe glorification of a conqueror may be suppos
ed to do. Its irfioencea are gsed, for it is impos*
sibio to be in the presence ot eo benevolout and
high minded a woman, without imbibing some of
tbat excellence of heart, which has made tbe name
of Jenny Lind famou* throughout the whole
Christian world.” There is a fair prospect of your
hearing her at Pittsburgh, ere long. Her next
concert here will ba given on the of the
14th in*u
Tbe annual fair of the American Institute, sow
holding at il not «o well attended.
I think, as it caslomarliy is j but this ia doubilera
owing to tbe bad weather we have here just qov.
Tho articles on exhibition, are so many evidence*
of American skill and ingenuity, in the arts me.
chanics, and manufactures, give the visitor s bet
ter idea of Yankee progress, than he can get else
October comes in upon ns quite squally. For
the two daya past, a high wind, andau abundaoce
of rain, and a keen atmosphere, have given u» a
very appreciative forctaate of the "melancholy
d«yt that are a coming.” Fires are become iod a*
pensibie necetsariei already. But rial is big"),
very high—owing to aa apprehended abort sup
ply from tbe coal mines of Pennsylvania. Bad
news that, lor the poor.
Wall street has been considerably agitated, the
day or two past, by the reported taiture of Messrs.
Howard fc Son, the great California shipping
bouse, but at this writing, I can safely say that all
such reports are without lha least foundation
What gave nae to tbe romor- was the neglect of
Mr. W. H. Brown, tbe extensive builder,
(not Mi inability,) to lake up hla “ paper.”
There is nothing new to notice in the money
mtrket since my last. Siccka are firm, and a
large baaineas ia doing io all at a geo
eral improvement in prices. Quite s large amount
of Slate securities were sent out by the last
steamer, for continental investment.
Tas Maixets. —CcUon—Sales for the past
three daya, 7000 baba. Low to good oFd 121 0
13io; mid. lair to fair. 111 (a lilo. At these
price* the market ia very firm. Flour is in good
demand for shipment Sour ia selling at 63,63 0
$3,1)71 ; No. 2 superfine, $3,75 <3st,o6*c , straight
Stale, $1,50 0*4,561; Ohio, *4,50. Grain—
Wheat ta in excellent request, alao for export
Canadian, 1.05 c, in bend; white Michigan, 110 0
liajc. Sales 15000 bus Rye at &>tc. Canada
Osta 40 0 43c; Jersey do, 33 0 40Ashes —
Pots firm a>*6 12| ; Montreal do, $6,35, in bood>
Pearls, *5,S7| 05333 t. Provision* —Sales22oo
bile Pork, at $1056f 0 *lo,for Mr* and
$9 311 0 s3>37| for no'LirJ io actiVi
demand at higher prices. Sales 1500 bit at 7* 0
7} i tor prime, amt ~jc lor extra. Irou it iccady
Sales of Scotch Pig at 52Q,26, and English
wrought scrap ats26,so—six months. Bar. Cat
t e come in freely from the West. Sate* last
week, 1300 head, at pncaa ranging frum $5 to
S7.TO. C.
Not ItTXßVEtnot.—" We ihe undersigned citi
tent of St. Helena PArisn, pledge our*eive> must
euicinnly never io employ any coaster owned a
cilizen of the North, or manned by a Northern
crew, tn lake anv part ot our products to the city of
Cbar>celon, or eUcwbere "
Tbe above eppear* >n tbe Cbarlenlon fS. C J pi
per*, vr;tb *oidc tiny or *ix?y na>oe» attacacJ—
among which, by the way, we *ce two Jcnkinros,
one John SmitO. and two Leper t ' Non hern
Coaster* might aa weil go sell out their crat t lor
oFflciau | or Jcmot iia/uM.— lfn foltesriaf Jk a
THE BFUNTY LAND BILL* ! ct, B^ fc tt»*tiod of thu admirable opiafbn Of Jafigs
DtraxntEcr or trk l*i xerox ) i s safer, on the right claimed by tba Mayor of tbe
October 3,1350. j | Cuy of PiUaborgh, to appoint the mght watch for
The Congress of the Untied States, at ta tale i C|t _
ses»ton. having, in a apirii oljnatice and liberality, I '
passed an act ■ granting bounty land to "ert*m ot* I *ect.oa of t.e Ad of the IS b of
ficera and soldiers who have been engaged in tho March. 1 -16, Icvorporaunf me enjr of Puubsrgb,
military service of tne United Suie*,* the Prest- I “ u teat tbe Governor ihaU appoint one
dent baa esteemed it no feta a privilege than a do- recorder atd twelve Aldermen tor the said city,
it, to ado, tall the mean* inß-«piw*f to «ive wtio tr, « ,r offices doring good behtvipr,
i.r.-np. and tff.cient opera ion tutju '-eoeCjen! ,31 ' a ’ ' n*p*ri.»T.'y have a., the
m-i-o-p. . -jri-<f >o. an.i ai-:t»r:;te«o’ Ju» io-a of
. die oit p-oper, therefor.*, to ansoaicc to ihsee l3e arc . a uce« of Oyer and Terminaraid
rei’ltprt to me beorfi aof Xhe law, tbit, with bit .retivery
*sodioo, L have caused ail the aece»**ry fura* '•*••••
tti induction* to gn<de rlaimacia is applying tor 6r tbs aecuon oi .be Act cf lucerporaUon It
and obtaining loeir ngbtato be prepared, and ibe* . is prov.Crd : Thai me oeoioer* of Conecii aba’l.
are now in the bands of the printer. At the ear- 'on a specified da,, elevt Viva voce, onr of tbe aatd
best practicable csomeot, copies oi these ptper* Aldermen •» M*f of ol ihe saia c ty, to
will be forwarded to ca b member o' Congress, site&d ta ibe due execution and fulfillment ot* the
and to lbe clerfc of the «*ourt of every ctuniy It. ordioaerea of me corporation.—(Lsyog’s Ordinal)-
the United 3 ares. c-es. pp. .'ll, t 3.
Ii wtl be hi* purpose to admmisler the taw to ' Ii will fx- iooqJ. by reference to iba sections ei
inch • cnanoer as to make it wh»t C >otrees de- ■ ted. ihat any cnmaa! jurisdiction ponaetted by tbe
kigced it to be, a bounty lo tbe acLDISI, aod not , Mayor under tbe Act of Incorporation. ia. that
to agebt* aod speculator*. The lorn* aod lb* : wires he po*«*a*e* by virtue of btstfiiceaa Al
(node of proof have therefore b;eo made at aunp'e derman, and that the powers of a Jnauce of tbe
a« possible, aod every facility will be afforded 10 • Pear* are a<*cordrd 'o nicn is v.rtue of mat tffiee.
applicants 10 eateblisb tbeir jatt deaißOi't, Clerk* ;
are oow ergtged m prepamg, Irotn tb» rolli oo
file, certificate* of *ervice. 10 ordertbat those who |
have Dot received discharges, or have acndro'&l*
ly lost tbe o, may not be disappointed is obiainicg i
theirjnst reward !
Tbs policy of this law In all its provision* u to i
discourage apccnls'ioo to t'e olaim* of aoldiert. ■
Tbe ant provide* "that all sales, mortage*,letter* j
of attorney, and other instruments of wilting gum* j
to affect (be title or claim lo say warrant herein |
before tnvided lor, pnade or execu'ed prior to the ,
isiue, shall be null and void to a'l intents and per. •
poses whatsoever, nor aball tach certificate or
warrant, or tbe land obtained thereby, be in any I
wise affected by,or charged with, or subject to, .
the payment of any debt or claim incurred by ;
such officer or soldier prior to the inauiog of iba !
patent.” !
In hit judgment the virus contemplated in the j
body of the above recited clause of tbe law ia the
uru* (As pa'tnX. Consequently,all tales, traos*
fers, aatigommis, and incumbrance* of aoldiers*
land claims, made before tbe emanation of tbe
patents, are void, and will be diaregarded by the
Government. Spennlaior* are therefore admoa.
i»hrd that they can acquire no rigbia by purchase ;
which will be recognised by (bis Department
-1 fee I it to be my daty, also, to warn the frank
and confiding soldier against the arts and devices j
of agents, who will seek to exaggerate the diffi- i
cullies of obtaining the land in order to enhanne
tbeir own charges.
Tbe evidence of ter vice extsta scoring the archives
of the country. In nine esses out of ten the only
proof required will be of the identity of the appli
cant, or of tbe marriage and widowhood, or heir
ship. These are facia readily proven, and there
fore the dlfficoliies, will in most eases be merely
nominal. And to remove even these alight obsta*
eles, aod to give more full and complete effect to
tbe munificence of the Government, I beg leave
respectfully to recommend to tho proper authori
ties of each county and township to employ a
suitable agent, at the expense of tbe county, lo su
pervise tbe preparation of Ihe applications and
proofa-of claimants. Tbe ignorant and unwary
would thus be protected from imposition, the poor
soldier from burdens they are not able lo bear, and
Ihe Government from many embarrassment*
which may result from the awkwardness of incom
petent ageoti
In conclusion, I desire tossy that great care will
be used to guard against undue presences of one
cliascf applicants 07« r others. With Lhia view,
at the proper time, a cufifient nomber of elerks
will bn employed to issue tbe certificates with tho
least possible delay, so that ali mas have an equal
chance of making edvantsscoua loca'loaa.
Secretary of tbe Interior
WE 8T gM"TSS lfifiScß~ COIPiIT
CAPITAL 1100,000.
J. Finnt.Jr- Pse*y. \ R- Uilw. Jr., Prost
WUI tnsore inlui all kinds of risks,
ALL louw will ba Übarally Adluud and promptly
A homo Instttotloo—mupl by Directors who are ,
well knows u> tin eomicanity, and who an determm*
•d by promptness and Übarauty to t&ainiaiD lb* char
acter which they bare assnmcd, as offerl&f the bast ,
eroteetlon to those who desire to be Insured.
DiitcroM—R- Miller. Jr., Goo. Bleok, J. W. Ostler, 1
N. Holme* Jr., Win. H. Holmes, C. Ebmsen, Geo. w.
Jackson, win. M. Lyon, Jos. Llpplncou, The* KL
rjiefe, Joses M’Auiay, Alex. Nlmiek, Thos. Scott.
Omct, No. W Water street, (warehoase of Spang
fc Co-sp Stairs! Pjttsharyh. to<:dly
.Hit IBriPfATlon or UlttDWiRB.
Are now prepared wUh a large and fresh stoek of
Kn.lisb, Gannas, and American Hardware inoffer
inenor Inducements to boyars. Thosp wishing w
’ aiooote tbolr interest by looting
SEjKo'Self,“ ih«r « ..II oS
» - teasoaablo t»rms.
X{ m'cord a co,
WholtnU * B«*U Sltnutmetirtr.* Ikilui In
o„. wolj t nMSfiG.'HWf?.
wuore ifesr'rftrl’fftii
Cum. FttJk, ic., of «*err qa»l«r tod i .
nStmai ReulL ud iarlts tfat tueotlw of MeUCi*-
loaan tod (•acnilfi Mttflof PM tint
ya tto now 40T4lg>»»W» HUH.
uvotTxs vox m rrrmtjxoa dailt waxiti*
Sox* cf Temperance Cortvx^Tto^.—The lollow
inp 14 a :>vnupsi* of the resa! atiuns procnied at a
Convention >'f the Sons of Temperance on Suiur
d.«y U‘«i. We regret tbat tbs crowded slate of our ,
vio'iamis prevent* our thern e lire.
Resoived, Tb«i the *everui divisions of the Ecns
of rcnu«erai,p.« c ieci quarterly two delegate* to
meet in convention, and confer with each oilier lu
rrgird to the best incnn? of furthering the cause of
Keoolved, That in the event ol the constitution
being amended, and ttie Judges thereby beiiie circ
led hv the people, persons should be nominated as
candidate- lor ibe office* of Judge* of Ihe Supreme
court, and of the *everai court* rf Quarter Sessions,
who are rei•able temperance men.
R»'fOiVtd, That much evil could be prevented
were the present license laws honestly administer
Resolved, Tbat it is but just and fair that own
er* uf property where liquor is *o!d, should pay the
etpcti*es of our criminal court* and Poor Houses.
Resolved, That petitions be circulated, playing
lor tho enactment of a law in accordance with tbe
principle* of the above resolution*
Resolved. That said petitions also pray that a
law be enacted, providing that all petitions for 1.-
cen*e shell be advents* d ihrce times in ail papers
and (bat the name, residence, and occupctioo at the
owner of the property shall be thereto appended
Resolved, That the law should be eo«!terecl,flml
ho license *bc!l be valid unless signed by the Judges
in otm Cou r
Kesolvrd, That each Division of S. of Temper
ance be recommended to take measures to rgturn
to ibe proper officers every persou violating the
license lew
- Resolved, That wc disclaim any intention to take
| ibe cause of temperance out of the bands effthe
| Ministers of the Gospel.
Tax Fexxt Boat Cass —Judge Irwin yesterday
delivered hiaopiniia ia tbe ■•*—* of Ihe United
States vs. the owner* of the ferry boau plying
near Pittsburgh. The United States claimed fees
for the Unpeciion'cf the boiler* and hulls of the
Carry boats, together with “ hospital money.” Tbe
opioioa was ia favor of the defendants.
Watchuxs Arxe*teo.—Two of the Commit
tee’s watchmen were arrested last eight aad ta*
ken to the watch house. The remainder, ws be*
lieve, resulted.
Tue PnLtcc Coxarrrs* amo thx Mato*.— I The
Police Committee met yesterday moraiog. When
the lesromLand able opiaioa of (he Hoo. Charles
Shaier,relative lo the oourae of the Committee,
fully Milaiuing it in every particular, was headed
The members, after adjournment, went round
to the Mayor's office, sod gave the Mayor • lift of
their watchmen, threatening him with legal pro.
eeedingi if they were again arrested. His Honor
stated tbat he recognised po watchmen but his
own, sod was determined lo go ahead, eo tbat
there will probably bo a riot lo sight We subse
quently beard Barker declare that he intended lo
pufon a force of itgkt Oiouean'i w«n to sight, to
bang ail the member* of the Council*, the editors,
dec., Ac.
The Councils will meet this evening, tad pro
bably take some measures to guard tftiett tbe
outrageou- conduct of the Mayor, who hoi been
allowiog persona recently discharged from the
Penitentiary, aad men of a similar stamp, lo set
a* watebm. a.
Meftiso or tr* Cousctt* —Tbe Select and
Common CoaocUa of the city of Pittsburgh, met
last night.
The Police Committee presented a list of tie
members of the night watch, and a resolution, ap*
proving and confirming their appointment, w»a
An ordinance was presented and pttved in tbe
Cimmon Oouncti, (not having been reached in the
Select Council,) giving the Police CommUtee ad*
d.tional powers, aa regards the of tho
night watch.
Djnog the session of tbe CotiociN, remarks
were made wu«cb exposed in a very atnkiug man
ter, tbe outrageous conduct ol the Mayor.
I: s»«a stated that, oc Friday u>ghi, he had ox
*cn sworn in at watchmen who i>aj Lee, fee.out
ol the p->o feotiarv withu iL« p»« :ew n,citt,a. to
gether won other atriKmg fact* of a similar de
PtsrTtT.—Aa informatiaa charging A sxander
M:Q«LStoa, Barker's late Cspiaio ot the night
ws'cu, w.tu perj try, was oJged yesterday befuro
Aldakmaa Bnckmaater. Tbe detondant was ad*
milted to bail.
Tbe b;b section of the Act of larorpotation en
acts, mat tbe powers of lb? Corporal oa cf
the city abili bo retted to Ibe Select aod Common
CoucciljWho shall in Common Council assem
bled, hare lull power to make, ordain, conatiiote
and establish aucb and ao many laws, ordinances,
regulations and cooat lut’on>, provided tbe aaoe
be P )i repugnant to tbe law* and constitution of
ibe United Stater, and of tb<a Commonwealth, aa
•ball be neectaary and convenient for tbe govern
ment and welfare of tbe aaid city, and tbe tame
be enforced put 10 cite and exec&uon*tiy constables
aod other ofieera (wjom they aball bare
power to appoint) and at ttieir pleasure to revoke,
alter, and make anew aa occasion may rrqutre.
By seetloa 24, Councils rasy from time to time,
by so ordinance dn'y eoacled, veat In the Mayor
of tbe said city, for tbe time being, the appoint
meat of o(Beers witbm tbe city, as they may deem
expedient for the well being, order, and govern
ing tbe same.
* • e e *
An ordinance authorising the Mayor to employ
nlgbilv Patrols, wot patsed by tbe Councils on
the 2d day of Jaouary, 1631.
• • * e •
Thi* ordinance having been rescinded,the qttes*
Uon then arii-a; had ibe Coonoils tbe autborty
vested in them to rescind the ordinance of 1833
By tbe 3<i aeciioa of an Act entitled •* a aunpe
roeattotbeAct incorporating the city of Pitts
burgh," pawed 26th December, 1833, (Layng’s
ordmance, 30} it la provided that tbe citizens ot
tbe ceveral wards, Ac., aball elect by ballot ode ol
tbe Aldermen of ibe said City, or any cltisen of
tbe tame qualified. Ac ,to be Mayor of the aaid
City ; whose doty it shall be to promnigale tbo bje
Uwa, rules, and ordinance*, of <he corporation,
aod eapeoial'y to attend to the execution and fob
fitment of tbe same. And by the further aupplo*
: moot to the act r>i locorporst ou, paa*ed tbe Aral
day of April 183 d, it it enacted that any Mayor,
who may be eluded according to the provisions ot
the above supplement of ih«V6.h December 1833,
shall be and is hereby authorised to t reroute ail
the powers Wfiicb were exercised by no Mayor
elect of raid city, prior to the passage ot aaid *tip.
piemen!, rXcef>l aucO powers as are exorcised In
civil cates.
• » • « •
When the act wis pi*•*•<] for the election of
Mayor by liie pupniar suffrage, and tbe citizens
wer» not confined to a selection from the Body of
4ldrrq)cn, the cooarqueoce naturally followed,
after tbe br*t eL-jlina Aldermen were excluded
from tbe c Ace of Mayor by tbe popular vote, and
the Mayor bot deriving any criminal jurisdiction
from no act that noiftnnted biaelertion, it herame
necessary to iejjedy the defect ni the o!d law by
featuring t« nun toe power which be bad poetess
id auicctiendy to ibe aut olrment of lBVi.
By the Supplement of lb3J, the duty ol the
Mayr r was defined to be to promulgate tbe bye
laws, rales, end ordinances of the Corporation,
and specially to attend to the execution of the
• • • • *
My opinion ppou tbe tul-jec* ia decided That
tbe Mayor has no power to appoint officers or
night watch, that tbo ordinance of 1531 i« repeal
ed by the other ordinances retried to, that the
power Intended to be given by that ordinance baa
not been revived by the act of lit of AptU lS3fi,
aod that any appointment made by the Mayor
under a pretended power der<red from the ordi
nance of 3d January, 1831, la • manifest usurps*
Uon, and that aoy act of appointment by him of a
night watch officers Is iiiegt!, sad that acts offeree
and attempts at arrests by tbe persons ao appoint
ed, lead to breaches of tbe peace, and aobjpct him
and ihem to proaecntton. CHAS. SHALES.
PITTIBOBQB, Oct- 7, 1850.
99 Wood it,batwaaaThird k Paunh, '
Are now rvctWing ibelr very large and sapeTlor Pall
Mock of
Also, BONNETS end FLOWEttS, aU of the latest
stylet, and expi* adaptefl u>- tbe western trade
-It baa been selected with great care,and am to suss
and qua Ity it not suscaued by any stock to t*
found either east or west Oar customers and mer
chants generally xretnvited to call and examine, as
we an deisn&Loed to sell on the meat reasonable
tana*. Also, Ooedyaxs’s f asset Babbu Sbsea oi all
HARNETH mtUKA. w H. ir.RCiA, «KtOR!)
Panrcau, Out 7. I{ P. M.
Tbr »iaac. trial Kale Flensing. Capl. D'Jtiketa.
from Loui*v.!ie Tor Cairo, tiitMt belt tier bo.'efe,
ou Ssuirdoy. ibo f-u# laelani, about 12 o’c'cct, M.,
at Sb -Iker s t’at. Lbe LaU been agrouoc, but got
i»tf, a; J bait !>••«• j floating a abort distance, when
the raof ’ go ahead slow,’’ and after making a
few ietfotu.ijb«. cipicdeO. tad aiterward" burned
to lh<- water# edge. The rente of the explosion
it ibr ught to nave bet a tne want of water in il a
boi’e a
Annexed .» a H»l of the killed, wocoded, and
aaved. furnished u» by Mr. John A. Lawry, clerk
of the General Lafayette, wto win oc board at
the i.tne, and oarrooiy escaped, tie arrived
hem tnit morning with several others, in a akilf,
front the scene of (he d tauter. Tbeiiai fa as com
plete %a con id be made oat at the ume:
Killed and Mining— E. T Bocock, Cbristfan
Cjunty, Ky., Aral clerk; O'Dell, bar keeper; Ao
nelte, cbamveiraald of the Ja» Hewotl; Jeff. and
JohryMeward and ccbia boy rftbe Gen. Lafayette,
Hatch son. servant of Mr. Moore, of Miss.; Are*
roiL and deck hand oftbe Gen. Ls/aysue; Wm.
Jennings, of New Albany.
Wounded—Captj Dunham, J. Tboraby,ofMi**.;
Stewart of the Kaio Fleming, the Second Cook,
and also the Mile, and several deck paueugea.
ft is said all the woaaded wilt recover. Capl Don*
.kam is badly brut®d,bat not dangeromly.
Saved—though many of them more or leaa
bruised—Mrs. Anderson and four children; John
Hcpper, and wife,Sr. Louis; C. K Bnddake, New
Orleans; Mias C. M. Baker, Westfield, Man;
Jonah Bradley, N» Hammer, New Orleans; Rev.
M. Crooke, Goirooda, M.: John A. Lowry, New
Atbantj O. S Deekeiaon, J. Baird Thomas, John
Hh< Her, Thoms* Crooke, Geo T. Parker, Capt
M. Quarter, S. T. Moore, Mia ; Ferguson, Pilot,
Erastns Gates, P. Hacker. Edward Brown, M.
Osleander, Henry Bentley, M. Webb,cf La.
Mr. Whittaker; Bsrby & Sbefbiville ;
G. Cochran, of La.; Capu J. G. Benify, 8. Mel*
bora, J. 0. tipencer James Cooner, Jeaaa MiUer
■nd O. F. Boron, cabin boys ; J SkiofbJ, H. Or
rieite, New Orleans; Caleb Warren, J. J. Qs«
boia,N Orleans; T. J. Moore. Mtysvillo, Ken.;
Jujge Htskvli, ofOslvefton.-TeXas; CapL Doo
ham, Capt. [Qaarier, Mr. Lowry, with several
others, were funding on the hurricane deck, and
w< re blown several Sect into the air. Captains
Denham and Qtianer fell on the bow of the wreck.
Mr. Lowry and others fell into the river, bat were
saved by swimming
Dr. Jjnes, of this place, left this moraing, for
the scene of the diaaater, lo relieve (hr suffer
The safe, containing a largo amount of money,
belonging to the boat, and deposited by passes*
gerr, waa blown into (be river, and it is supposed
will be recovered. But little of the baggage and
olotolog belonging to the passenger* was saved
Some bad the presence of m’bd lo throw their
trunks overboard.
Capt. Beotley, of the General Lafayette, re*
malaed at the wreck when oar lafcwmani k/i, to
recover the safe.
Nrw Yoix, Oct. 7.
The Atlamie paaaed off Halifax yea erday morn*
teg, tod the Eoropa pasaad off Halifax this
morning. 1
The Atlantio will reach Niw York aboct day
morning Irghtto morrow.
BaLTistoU, Oct 7.
Returns from the entire Sute, juattn, gives
Lowe, (Dim i f-r O tveroor 1526 msj
Locisvtixi, Oct 7.
The river baa fallen 4 inches in the last 24
hours—6 feci 2 locheatn me canal.
Capt. Dunham. Commander of the iil fated Kale
Fleming, la lying seriously ill at Paducah, bat it Is
thought will recover. He estimates she number
of puuw idiisd by Ike explosion ai 12, and
wounded iS.
PtitkA&CLvniA. Oc*. 7
Floar—The market continues quiet. Standard
thippieg b-anda are held at $4 SI p bbl.bnt aa'cs
me limited. Sales for c;iv u,v:on at
fur common and good brand*; 2' '25 J tor
Hr® Floor—Sa’#-* 2.'.7 bbl* at $.7
Cora Mral—Sale# VOOht-ls at tJ.
Grata—There .» but little inquiry for Wheal,
but Ibr amount o.ieni.f « j-mited. Wo quob* at
100 c 3 iClu, aud while at lOticflllOc. The
market is n« arly bar* nf Rye (loro comes in
slow)*. Sales of ~OOC Inis SAQlhero yellow, at
GAr, afpst. Oats are in good demand. A cargo
or Southern sc'J at ufr.
Bark is in steady demand at 40c a* mo for
No. 1.
Groceries and Provision*—No rcceris! change
to notice.
Wtiakey—Sale# at 27c far hbds and fcbU.
Nrw You, Oct. T.
ws have no eomneretoJ change* tooottcssifice
Saturday The steamer Atlantic, if aha aaded«a
advertised, on the 25t0 SepL, has been oat twelve
d*y», afld ta anxioualy ex reeled.
rvsirc«o aspect.
New YcK. Oh. 7 .
Fler —-The trerlrrt cortinw a £r®. T?iprv 1*
* geo C -Batere £--oaad. »u»i tome at} ppieg irq -i*
;j. wltfcoot change to pncea
Grates are ouchanged since Saturday'# report.
Provmioov—Pork baa been heavy, baiLi
tia rel Log. Lwd *e|t* ai 7|e.
Groceries—Coffee —The marts! A firm, Wirt
an mprovicg leodeccy. Em soils at 12e, sod
/•vs at 12|Sugar I- io active demand at €| Q
7lc, Cobs <s|e, Pjrto Rico 7+ 0 Be. Moisuce
ja inquired tot dfotijting, at 820 (or Cobs.
Lead n Heady, Market qmat
Heap—Sappiy of American targe—being im
perfectly dressed, meet* vrub Urtla site; bolder*
are Arm.
Wtuakey—Saiea at 2702715.
0 tto**ef 7.
Floor—Tte market ia heavy, with ami't aa'et
Whiskey ia steady, with a fair demaod a* 29j0
Groceries—The market ia aoehanged, aid auta
in* 1* doing in Provisions. Bicoa shoulder* sad
aide* Ato n 4io{| r 0 r city cured and packed.
Weather cotd and clear, wub frea; at n:gbt—
River falling.
DE* 0. D. lIOWK’S
HAS no parallel in permanently canny and eradi
cating (Ton the ryitem ail
It will effeetaally eradicate from the system and care
Salt Rheum, Ringworm, Teiter,Bcala Kaad, DrofnT,
Scurvy, White Swellings, King's Evil, Nounugt*
Afleetioai, and all
And Obstruction*, Barrencatt, Whites, Fluor Albua,
Falling af the womb, Nervous, Kick Head Ache;
Lsngaer, Fainting Sensations, Palpitation of the
Heart Low Spirits, General Debility, Dyspepsia
L'ver Complaints, Ae.
It la rarely ud EaUraly TefetAfel*.
It has been need with the ocxi signal aureus by
the Proieuloo in New York and New Hampshire, and
Qe Eaiiere fiituea generally, for maay year*—and as
a general purifier of the blood and inyigoraior of the
system—as a Genuine Family Medicine and an effi
cacious Fsoais Medicine it has no eqaal. The parity
and efficacy of tbs Shaker preparations are well
known | and this medicine requires do long list of
eenihceiea and cures to introduce it: ita increasing
demand for the past twelve year* is it* best recoa
u endstioa.
It Js r*t «P Ih qiart bottles, and Is the only Bursa
partita that seu on the Liver, Kidneys, and Blond at
the same time, which renders It altogether more "vain
able to every one, particularly to female*
Dr Mustey, Professor ( B tho Ohio Medieal College,
says the soaker preparations are traly valaable. and
recommends them to the pabllc. The sick and aifiiet
cd are requested to cat) and obtain a. ptmphlf t, and
purchase a bottle ofthls valaable Family Medicine.
BARSAPAIULLA. and take np other.
Pr.eo It per holt!*—g bouiea for ta.
**i e Janel i Schponmnker A Co.,
W. Black, R.W. Means, 3. M. Townsend, J. Mahler,
ll Wf«h P, lltß *Vf * I I>. A. Elliott, Allegheny Bttyj
W it McClelland, Msnehtatar; P. Crocker, Urowns-
Til L ei .- J V? , 2 PmU * Co • Wheeling; J. 11. Wuorna
and L. G. Morgan, St ClatrsviUet U'Beun A Knei,
Cadis. Also, for aale by
DB. s. D. HOWE A CO- Proprietors, .
_ . ~ I College Hall. Cincinnati.
To whoa all orders matt be addressed
■ wr> ■*il>v»l»T
M * t* BdIIKCT IT.,
rrrrasoaoß, re.,
WOUI.D solicit the atten'ion of Merchant* from !
at* aevnnns of the country, 10 •bcl; i
Ste<k nf New hall G<n>dr,comprising ihe InrreM *.£d ■
itro»t cofuplrtc assunmeni ia tho »««era 1
coneiuing of
•J 76 cu«s km rtylea Prints;
4u do Imported >nd American Gtnctams;
:u do Alpareas, Parnmattua. and Aturlcos:
S 7 do Carhrer res and De Lalus;
44 do Sattneia and seam;
£9 do Cioihsand Cuarioerej:
?t> do Bleached Muallni;
da bale* F annels, all oolors;.
tt do Thikt. gs a'l grades;
• SjO do Brown MusUo*. best makes.
_ Also, cases and packages o t Silks, Shawls, While
poods, ftHLHnary do. Tailor.* Trimmings, Kilbons,
Laces, Hosiery and Glovaa, Ac.
M.rebanta are assurea, (roa tbs groat fscilttierof
Utl. <tj[abliabmcat,of always procuring -be latest and
most desirable goods, and at prices aalow and lower
Utan anyaastern house Being manufacturers l agenu
for Urge quantities of Doaeailc Goods, they particu
larly solielt the orders of merehunu for domra lea,
deliverable in this clfya* the same price they are
•old at in eastern cities. Merchant elUror going or
returning from rtaeusLare Invited loan feksmlaatloo
of thdratock. A A MASON A CO
•aUlac otit at Coat to Close BaslAesa,
ALABGE etoek ofDRY GOODS, for which bonds
maitragas, Juogemeats, ground rents, or real
estate, will be recenrod In payment.
„ , JOS. a HOOG,
o*2:tf ltd Wood sLyPlUshurgh.
jsm i«iao.
xa tented In London,} representing jenny Lind ia
the fields, in • Unening auirede. tubing lessons from
the* been received by tne .übteriber.
The coloring is equal to ih* Inest miniature puintioa,
and the likeness the most trmhfal and correct of any
yet 00l
Also, Jsnny Lind’s Greeting to Amariea, the PrikP
Qoui. and rta celahnied E«£e Son*.
9d fivy, ux Third a
Avn xtßciiArrrVi axertasas
• irr:cß, t»rr7r3vi«c Gtcerrc. {
7t.-v.-i7 iKArnirur. t>c-et>«: f, J«?C. J
7 !:r veatie; yrrierfljv waa eira: *nd »od
in a «it teraJ way. « fair Eroumef ba-in-»* %»*..
Ciau a inr.Crr o' .ncfcir.m artirre mw..«r, H:l:ir
iliv t . Mopilaj-, ft’-.d *-JM.:er* ti.<- wker,' ,-.rc
srnlfC qu.t* « i"-*T iptearan*-* Tb- wript* of
Flour. .!f*ln a-t'l Ftt:*lsp• were fui.. a rcod portio i
of wb.jh. however, w*« dewgrud for eaaiert ship
FL* UP—We have no marked to nm-e* m
the Fir.ur utsrKei Stale* on (he wtiHrf a>.d ftmn «*m
on rer...bed soico ZOO ltt>!*. a; S3,5C'O C 2 4# hbi
9r irom itcre in dm? load lot*, amonnung :o akcot
5 0 -t. *. at F bt<!.
hrs Ffc*»<Fa—We notice very ItllJe on solo is the
market at 0 (he arucle is geners'ly he'd »hor*
’market- We may nnole ccioloall)','*! f3Jj?O3 75 4»
Coas Mesl—Suoplie* arelimiied erd saiesareeon
flnrd n. reiajl 'oi» fmn suirr, at GO&o£c F bu.
GB a IN—firce.pi* of ail klr.ds of Grain conlinoe
very ligtw, jjCd can report uo *»l«s io any large
eueru ln*tao<iera(e quanuue* we mty quote
?Sofr3c; Rye, AOe; Bariev Cso7f>, Gau at 35020c,fr0m
Cnt hand*. No tales of Corn.
GBOOEBIES—We noUs* a general tosinesr, bnt
no marked change in pncea S&iea of *ag«r bar*been
confined lofoi* cf A to 10 hl.dt, at 7ao7|oT4c 4>
Soles At bags Bio Ciffee, at 134 c, time. Sales of 75
bbia N O ai 38J0C-OC, cash and 4 mm; S H is
selling i* limited lota. a(4Ro£Or
PROVISIONS —K fair regular bcimeis i» Joing :n
Prnvi«ioua,ai foil price*. Bacon n quite loiire; we
have lolea'cf li cask* Imm* ai T.-; |L’ casks *hnulJer<
at 4ie; 7 cask# sides at Jfr. and ? cask* ham* at 7071
on time Sales 100 kg* La>d. at 7|o-l> 4P 0. Pales of
extra eager cured ham* at lie, aod of dried beef, in
ires, at (he same figure.
OILS—Wo notice a slight decline in L.cteed, wtb
small islet at 00c F gallon; sale* of fell and winter
strained at tfc ? gall.
FE4.THEB?—We note a sale of 20,000 6s feathers,
it tarnu not mada known. Moderate o t are »cld at
-*Bon3c rltt
BODA ASH —dale* 10 cl# at I f. 4 mo*.
WHISKEY—SaIes 50 bbl# si ;Uio2sr, cash ard
time. j
W slab Flanntls.
MURPHY a BURCHFIELD, at north east corner
of Fourth and Market streets are now supplied
with a fbll assortment of the #anoc< qualities of
above desirable good#, srid havii.r been purcu»*ed
from the finporiers can be warranted eenuine oc3
Long thawii,
IN great varietv of prlo* and pattern, just received
at the store of MURPnYA BIKCHFIELD
LINSF.ED OIL—IK bris pure country ell, lust ree d
for sale by ROBISON, LIITLE A CO
M 5 Liberty st.
Ruff Window Llbib.
JUST ttcciveb at W. McCLINTOCK'S Carpet
Warehouse, No 35 Fourth Street, and 75 Wood at,
4-4 BalT Window Linen. oc3
TrVsiparsat Window Shadss
RF.CEIVKD thl« day ut the Carpet Warehouse,
No 35 I ourth street and 79 Wood street, a very
band< ?me a sortment o' Transparent Window Shades
at reduced prices. fo<3) W MoCLINTOCR
Window Trimmlifi.
RECEIVED this day, at the Carpet Warehouse, No
t-5 FooitH street and *9 tN'ood str et, Pord and
Tassels. Rol er FjW*. Rack Pu:lira, Bollrrs and Slat*,
forwltdow* M) W McCUNTOCK
SlaU Iqlqul Fire laiuraoee Cunpoof,
THE vrry liberal patronage extended in thi* Cora
punyl hstirg issued policies to the amount of near
One a d a Hal? Mi'lion of Collar*, during the last
three months, i* s ffieieni mnriifestat'on of the esti
mation a-d eonAdrnee of the public in the system of
management on wbleii it* t,u*tn»*» i* e.orduiii-d
To C'ty or ecumry merehanu, and owner# of dwell
ings, and iso‘a:ed or entrn r>' property, n i* believed
this cmjituiy afford* adTantajjes in point of nheap
r.ess, sajetj, aad >rc>tritr. iflierior to no i-suraaee
Compsny in this country.
Conducted on the equ'lnblo and greatly Improved
*y s'em of Clasnficuiira of Risk*, excluding a’! ipeci*!
haisrde, m*unrg only a limited amount 'n any one
locan y.'hu l pi--cluding the frequency unloe.-ur>enre
nf large an-*, and al*o o:i tmili the Su»ck q;id .>iiit;ial
pis-’, it not onlv i>c.*e»»r» ibe cn**prics» «n l u.-com
nnulatain of lioui tcetbod*. but ei.title* J.c insured to
a pa/tieipniioii in tbo probe
It t* undeti.e co-tr-.l o. li.e f.>Hc*v»li:j;
John f*. Rutherford. A. J Gilie-.i. Jc-1.1 s. her,
BaKarl T. Jooea Alur.zo A. i’l .In C
wick, Robert K!ot7. 1 P BUTHKHFORD. I’ros't
A A Caxx kh. Actuary
RrvncblOdice fer Westani Ftr.ri3Vl vtniu,M Sctith
field PinsLurgh f'e-soi • dr*i»i' V msuiai.eo
wii. l-e luTni.'hfcd with books vf .uc < empsoy by call
ing at the kCce oot
CtHEESE— ITS bxt p.ioe W. R. Cr*cese, for aaie by
I J ft h FLOYD
ncX • Bound Chutob
SEGAKfi— fifO.WO rmpnnn OfitO, for PT.I4 1)V
oc« . AA&pLoVP
TflNEfijAS—Mhrta pare Safer Vtovgar, for gale br
V oct Jar flgvd
BLANKETS— l case on cODurnrecat- forwll by
cci ; a. a floy 6
tJOWDEB—4XS kogafilasting Powder, forulh by
£JEASING— IOB b*j Sealed llemrg, for sale bV
das Tow Bags, for -wlc bp i
IA AD QTL—-0 ro.- sale . ? 1
i T J-ScawONWAifFtS A CO
cc» . dl Wood a;
PI INbEEDOlL—ifi bri* pure, tor salt by
trmr'A PUTTY KNIVES for sale by
RED—JO 4>ria F.nghs'i, for sate hr
Cmi-OIHLK*— iw DikflaS~beat Black iLesd'Cfn
I dbles, arsortad me*, for Mr by
fj EFI\ED ca'frs ju-l rrc d by *
CIAOTUK OlL—* brU for (tin ry ’■
' wi'. J S'HOuNMaKKR k. CO
NfciW NOVKL, UY T. S. aKTHUIL-ylic Ottfian
Children; a -«J« of Cruelty and Operation, [a'the
title of a new nme tale by T. tf. A tbur, It U aald to
be tfii antborS beat production, for *ile at Hotaie'
Literary Defot.Tblrd atrrti, eppoaite tbe Potf Office;
alio the Monk KoJahiofPt Joan, by Major Bleberd
eon. and_tuuli’«Uttng Age No m | oet
JUBT received frria I’bllUfuville FeeitTrTlWyerdt
Wagon Carer Oil Cloth, a good amdl*. <vr »»Jfc oy
J k Hf'HILUf’S
ocl 7 kV Wo»d m 1
'l'AUPA^Ll.Nd—every heavy large <t
I ibr bcil quality of India Etnober, on, baud and for
»aloby (oel) J 4 UPHILI.IPB
LARD OlL—lhbrli No l, landing and for rale by
-. oc, _i_ JAMES DALBKU.
COD FISH—O eaiki ree’g par canal, for rale by
DAVIIfCr>rPEBF!FI,D— No. 17 oi Oiiainieraung
•w»ry» by lnclm*; and Blarfcwaod for Septem
ber, has been received at Holmes’ Literary IVpou
Third »<reel, oppta ite the Pott Office; also, Holder »*
Dollar Magazine for October, tnd inlecnattona] Mia*
ccUtnv- No 3 ■ j »ep3u
Window (iLAt*s-ioflTboxet a»ecrtM dzo, far
■ale by 3 F VON BONNUO&BT A Oo
/"XR&Atfl CHEESE—233 bozea'lvceiviojffrom'tbe
\j canal boat Jantei J. BeoneU, and for sale by
»»I>3Q ;w Water it
Window ulass—joo bxea*»onti,for rate by
SUGA R & MOLASSES—3" bhd* NrTTsugei;
- UuU 8. H-iMoltzacft, far
eale low, loeloae cotaigDioeat, bv ,
m.-so j James Idalzfi*l_
FLOUR—lUOtrUsuprtiior Family Flour we'd bv~
**p3d 84 W HABPAUOH
Corner ofMarket and Third meets.
T3K (oiiM of Instruction in this Institution, em*
btarca Book Keeping. Commercial Computation,
Penmanship, Lrciurei on Commotrial Law, and in
fact ever? brtnbD pertiralng to • finished mercantile
Join Firming; Esq- author of the National Book
Keeping, principal lemiec and teacher of Book
Ladies .and gentlemen milling to improve tfeeir
Penman* hip. can call at the College at any hoarder
log tin daf or evening. sepal
SUGAR CURED HAMS—SO easts various -brands,
Just received- and for aale by
legs In store and for aale bv
*cp:;« _ _ 84 W HARBAUGH
Metric and Mujioal Inttnaaarttt
Sign of the Golden Karp, No 101 Third street.
11. KLRDKR respectfully informs
flESagntua f. fetid* and .he.public, tliat be has
returned from the east, with a
■ I*l' | V most elrgar.l and extensive assort
merit of Piano* of var.ooa a<) lea aid prices, eclected
by Uiinsilf, vr«ib great ease ailbeceienraie-l facts, rle*
of Ml .ns * Ci »rk N V., and Dunham, N. V.. cfiirn or
Ptoda’i A Pui tjrn.N- Y*.J 1la»lof sell ned tne
from an mtt'M-r rtrek jest Cashed l.y tie above
Sibn, l*y are watta«leiJ of superior quality n-J
.one, 111.1 Will in elf eases Lean d at New Veil: fee
tory price* Porehasctt will receivr a written guar
ansy with etch Piano, entitling them to- an combat ge
or return of same if/band deUctive,
Also, n lot of splendid Gullets, frocLtte factory oi
Schmidt A. Maul. N. Y They *»e‘ a attporb oruele.
and warranted equal if hot superior, to any made in
Alao, a fipa rtlectleo of Flute*. Clarionet* Ylollai.
String*, Braea inacroacuw, and ton newest and meat
popour stujiiqj including Jacny Lind's celebrated
• . septrt
MOBRJS It HAWORTH, in the Diamond,art sell
lag cxecllast Tea, at
SO eta par 14 —THY IT 1 1 *erw»
througb ia POOH Days
\](TE taka pleasure in announcing to the Merchants
YY of Fittaburgn and <he Western basinets
muclty, tbit on and after Moiday.the torn of Sep
tember, w* will receive and forward goods via the
Central Rail Road, and guarantee them to bo thiouab
in Four Days. our extensive *t< ck of Can and Boats
enables oa to offer the above expeditious route to the
public, whilst we suit eratinne oar usual hues via
Harriiburif and Columbia
Merchants wlihtrg goods brought from tba East
with certainty and rtispateh at low raiti, or produce
shinned there, are luvitel to call on
•«PP* Q.CONNOR. ATKINS A CO.. Pituburxh.
ATKINtS O’CONNOR a CO., Philadelphia,
Proprietors of the Pittsburgh Trmnsportauoa Line;
Or the foliawmg agenu,
4 Co n 70 North street-, Boltlmsra; •
E Blocs. A Battery Place, New YotX|
iauot£b Oaai»i II Loan* swat, Boston.
MjStft' j
—Ttier* were 2 feci. O tuebes water ut than
nr! **«t cver-jpg. »t quit, and failing
Ftshiea, P.seblcs. Kueaheth
M.etiigra. Bnee. Heave;
Dcsrer. L-n-dr.'.. H-ufer
tl.'l.c, ilrrnr:. Urcwn-vii.c
A••»nr r, P»r,, on . 11( B r ,. W i.»vt;f«.
Ohio, Stocpe.
Aiason. Ixuisvuie.
Ar4a. £)(<,.<, v'.. .-ui* mi
J-i.i.- I..i;j Lu'iagher. Zar.-svUi*
.‘tatfiowr;. 1 I 0P....1ie.
Nav.gattn, Lonissuie.
Fasi.iOO, f.’itabeii
*» :cl ij«n, line* llearei.
Be«v<rr. LorOnn. tteascr
Balnc. Br<i e ; llro=*n»%-,!le
A; antic, Paikmata Hrrwntr. la
Cashier. McMillsn,
Wej.»vii ! f. Vnung, .^;
P.iot i. Dovo.. Ho-k-iigpon,
Pkirper tiale*. Wncclmg
Lnyu'iiKiina. Henning. Lou.sville
Revnihc. M»jor, Cuic.iiutsu.
CINCINNATI— Glaucns. 10 a. at. »
ST LOUIS—Arts, 10 * *.
S T LOL'iS— Root. Rodger*. 10 a. m.
ST LOUlS— Sammit, 10 a. w.
Fob Cmcih.v.Ti Aha «t 7 Lon-.—The &ne uesae'
Asia,Capt. Boyd, w.u to*ve a, atove. this, at
4 o’clock.
The cne light draugnt steamer Glaueus, Captain Eb
heru, will leave for St Louu and art mtcrmed aie ports
his mannax. The G. i* a fi-ie and well wonhy
die atieniion of traveilcrs aad .Suppers
Tui Boaaxr RoaotaL-Tbi, f ma Ketmer , s iJftul
at cur wharf, ar.d is up for Ciaeicuad and St Loai*
C.pum Bu,rn„ imm well of our
shipping pjbue
Fan Ci.Vci.v.tati a*i» Sr. Locts.—The tir, e light
draught xeamer summit, Capt. Mama, wi | leave a*
above, tills tnoromg, at 10 o’clock.
BEtVER—P«B MicstoA.v—lB9 boxes cbeesa, J B
Caugher: I i.1.l faytter, J Donaldson; 0 bdl* paper, E
Siron.nn, & ds do, L Loomis; 10 dn do. J Xidd ft Co, |
vruuk, McFaden 4 Co.
Paa Bbavxb—3 bbli linseed oil, 0 A Fahnestock; 5
cks brokro glas*, lbmsen.
WHEELING—Feb Caintai—7 bhd< tob, *s uereei
bams, D Leech ft Co; 51 sks feather*. 10 bbls alcohol,
Clark ft Tbaw. -3 sks wool. Wm Bingbam; |hdo do,
M>9 bbls 11 ur, i.ialt 4 Co. 2S do do, J McCully; 10 do
do, 1. H Wuteruimn. ,74 dn di, vo sacks bran ft »bOH ,
J Uowr; 00 bb * molasses, 44 bbls refineil *ugar, Jaa 4
iiuicbisnn; m buls linseed oil. J Parker 4 Co; 15 #c-ka
won], W Barker; 17 bg* feathers, ft Co; 450 bdl«
wrspp n« paper. R-ynolds ft Bbee. Ins do do, J 4 R
Floyd; m kg* t>«i!;er, I do lard; B Dalroll ft Co: I trnk.
Smith ft Susslair
SL’NFJSH—Pxa hbds tob. Clark ft
Thaw; l do do. tl» kga loiter. L«oeh A <>. a do do. -1
•ks isg* I do (tatbeia, J S I'll worth; tg. k« rag*, I bbl
cigars, t do flaiseed, 3 pc* iron, Wick ft MoCacdJesh;
40 Übi- flour. Diiwoitb ft l'o. iai do do, Bell ft Liggett;
-*5 rto do Waterman; 40 do dn. ;Capt Young; II -ark*
bran, J Donaldson; 213 do do. S ft / Car others; 125 bdls
paper, Brown ft Kl mds. H Rtchard
ST. LOUIS—Peb Otro—7o bbls whiskey, 15 bs can*
dies, 2 bbls pcacb Utardy. T J Dur can; II (I kegs laid
Iltown ft Kirkpatrick; 1163 bosh barley, M U Blown,'
591* do do, At" oids. 555 do do do,M ft W Harbaugh;
4 roll* leather, 1 sk yam, II Gnff ft Co; 10 c-k* wine,
D Leeeb ft Co; 4 bxt look VVhifrore ft Wold; 2 bale*
rag*. J H Melior, C bbls braj.dy, v 4 cks wuie, in b.keta
•weel oil, owuer.
CINCINNATI—Pkb Gbitcra—4l bill sugar. Je* A
liutchison ft t'o; 3d dp wbitSay, II A Weaver; 7 t.bls
alcobnl Fatinesloek 4 Co: I o d» oil. 27 hbds, 3 t,j« ha
eon. Seller* ft Nicni«: 8t o rol>e», A Bee en; *0
bbi* wmsker, Heifers ft Nicol*; bd top* pig iron. AH*n
ft Co; 50 do do, McCurdy ft Loomis; 3 bxs, I uu;,k.Bs.
ker 4 Forsyth.
Pi a Mafri/iwxH—■ 27 bin medicine, Jft R Floyd; 50
ess iiacou, J Urrrr: 4S bbls. lv pj scrap non. Coleman,
Hail-nan ft Co; 11 doz coal shovel*, 3uo gram do, Llp
pencci ft Co; 15 but# lard cr, J W'ti ft Or; 4« l-bl», 35
bhd* ham*,.<*lsrk ft T aa;. Us bh!» Bbtvkcy, Mitehe'-
tr-r; 3d <ks woe I, W Barker.
Pxa Rnrr Ropat**—96 hf l bl* l erf, I) i»eeeh 1 Co,
TOhfcdj baeQ'<, Ciors ft Thaw. 4 bbl* o i Kidd A Co; 72
bi. hemp. J Grier. .Ml b!. s wsinkey, J a Knoj; uc<»
hams, S 5 do • cef. Gr*ff ft Co; 3 sj% mu»o, B a Fatnr**
leck ft Co
Pbu Uxrrax—3o bbls iao:ns»cs, J Benny jr; 3H shi*
sugar. Burbr 4 Ingram; to bids •e->iui;«.y. tpiu
otl.J Parser ft Co.-3t I ho* becr.n. ::i> s.icks
Clark ft Thaw, i.i U.l* flour, I. s* Wotenn,.:., tri*
paper, W P .'■lnrvha.i
Pwt Colshsts '—: to- hnnw. G.r»ffft Co; .to ion* oig
iron. M A'len ft Co: l‘J li l u>* tob Clark ft Tr aw, I tins
bacon. I b: I lard, R DOzr-’ ft t'o.
Pi* Fyuuii— ~ bale* □du . J »tnd.a»«, 2 rol er-. J
IJ ‘••rd. lArack* hik.;. Barker, 5 b: * whok. y, p C 5 Okr ~cr rope. Ilutlcr ft Hr«-: el< bl» fa. me, J
Gr-er. '.'2 t-cs t.-vciin. Gruff ft Co; 35<l p* rr.e i, 5 bgs do,
Hsgnb > 2 »Is vcm V.:rpty ft \Vil*..n. vi) 'uue p nm'
H Cntid# ft Ct; J sod apples. I J-j r-,-». l;tri tuner,’
J d-» evg*. owner
J Flanty, Jr ,
Agra fe- J'wt. Li;* ;*-- :r-tr- CV. o' Ph-Ja
UFFI«fK#f the u »n-.- No
b: Water M-eet, Pit'.- I-Jign *
Pamphlets. wh[j all nrre.iary h.formation, bibl
qLr.k tone* ve-ll bn furnished.
Husbands tin tatur>> their V.n%siax tfca beneitof
their wives and chLJi»a;'c(editors ihe itvtsof ibetx
ueUsni '
Tfia whole profits of the Ccmpuy tie dividad.'
tmoog the holders ot Life Pollelea.
Tfcc tftvidcxdi of ike pan. two yean have lesn eieb*
ty per *e<» e*ei, jean
yaN»KCURUANTS—icsslc* tor cate Irnrbv
£4 W.M A McCLURG ft CO
‘ . 853 Liberty st.
X3W vtoex or
JOHN H. MPLi uR, No PI Weed street, sola agent
for Ctiiekering’* Piano Fortes for Wectem Penn
»/l*snl%, be* rrcetveO, nro now ready for »»ir. ibe
follow!;.* si-onuicnt jcfeC’ct Sv from - ac
mafivU';ory. aaJ vjii i-e itp; j t»sn. Mr
Chicker na ! » prec#. rz:
Scarred L«*uu XiV. 7 octaves
6 elegant Xokwooo, 7 de,
S do do Ci do;
8 4a . do 0 dc,
i Co Yahogiay, C dr;
I do Walnut, 6 do.
1 fc'l carteu tcmigrand.
A CARO—The •uhscriber has* the pleasure of
announcing to il,a riiizrn< of I'rvat vrgli. that he has
made armnsetnentt with Mr. John H Wellor, fo« the
exclusive sale of his Piano Forcr.. in Pittsburgh and
Western Prnn ylvama, aod ilm«e wishing to pur
chase may be sisure i mat their interests will l»e faith
fully attet ded to J CHICKERJNG
Boston, March 21, Iflf 1 -
fn additinu to the above stock of Pianos (rota Mr.
Cbtcteiing, a new suprly is odertd frr.m the factories
of Adam tfiodart Bncnn 4 Rnvct.i, ai d Worcester,
New tork, andiHalieit. Cumaten 4 Allen. Boatoo,at
prices varying from two to three bandied doliara
rep ,*a
CiKKaM CtrkKsK—;BXl bit pnme cutting cheesa,
i just rec’d fonsaU by JUCaNPIELD
SALERATU2S— tW* bxs and 12 casts pure, for aale
_by IseprAj J B CANFIELD
I'KAS-im hf chests Y. H. Teas:
25- .do G. P. Teas;
20 do Pcueliong rec’g per, for
- TO Water st _
To People frem lha Ola Country,
Exact lt the same kind of Small Leaf; F'ine, Strong,
and dough Flavored Black Teas thai are nted in
me did Country, can be bought at Sbc and Tic per lb.
at Moirls 4 Hawoub’sTru Stoic, cast side of the
Dtaroonrt, *»snil tin where eUe in Piu*hurxh. ; ’ *ep24
Eltra Sopot fine Oolong & Blog pong Too
I'llKhKare very lest Black Teas that are ini
ported,imo the Ui tied Ptktes. Mortis* llaworih,
Tea healers, in the Diamcnd, ate selling said Teas at
the low pnee cf Tic per lb, lor caib sep£4
Cl AEBTIINOT is teeeiviu* a Huge assortment of
/sjaaey and staple, vaiiety.snd Dry Goods, consist
lag In pars of Wooten, Thibet and Cashmere Shawls*
Bilk, Berlin, Thibet Kid 4hd BuckikinGloves; Wool;
cn ar-d Worsted Comforts! Alpacas and Bombasines;
Woolen and Canton I lannels; Colored And Bleached
Alo»bnv Caisineu and Casslmeres ; Ribbons and
Laces; Duttons and Cent be; "I breads aud Bindings;
CmhrtUas and Drtss Bone, Ac.
All of ahieb, coui.Hy and city nterchants are re
spectfully invited to examine, at 88 " ood su sep22
Dictionary of""mecuanics, EnginTwetk',
ami Engineering-No 17 oi this great work has
brea received at Holmes 1 Literary iiepot Ihirdet.,
oppo«iic the Post fiffipp. *erv &
LIJSSF.bD 01L—23 brls pare, just tec’ll for sate by
scp23 <_ JBCANFIKtO)
CLOVER SEED—9 brls in smre and far sale by
»epM . J l> CANf IELD
the man who does not tppreeluc the loiuiy of an
easy shave t if any there be, we do lint adjies? our
selves to him. Bat to all others we ray, ii you wi<k
ta tender shaving a pleasure, purchsse a box oj .’ales
Hacel’s Almonfl Pi-uchio or ArabtbsUl bhaving
Creams. ]l Is utterly impossible to find word* to de
scribe the feelings of a person who has been uieti io
BUavinx with ordinary .*osJ>, upon making in*l of th>s
for the Grti tlroo. It is adOßbuiation ot wonder, aii
miraiiiin, andplcaiure.
ingly the tliffest and men wiry
beard soft and p!table, producing an admirable lather,
and by -ts eilteinely nul l nature allaying ull iritu-
Uoh, and preventing the; unpleasant and »uff feeling
ot the skin.wbicii i‘ so nliun rxf enecced after ►hav
ing. UonUeruciijUfciug Julta iiuueJ's cMiavinr Crrcoi
may fare jhe eoiucu nnd tnojt plrrcii-z winds un- .
uudis cly alJer us u»e, without me »km becoming
chopped. ' And t.ior e' nno once unc it, wc can safely
say will never u<e any otLec.
One great whjch wiiJ be e«pcci«Uy ap*-
prec.'sicft Sf tluuq wiio wrur whiskcts, >* the fa t
list it ljot.d.srtl&r unheard, whirb cost sotpi
will do. giviug a snndy or tusiy npp'oraace to tn
edfc-e vl me nhlskcr*. JuSes )iauvd'« Cltavmg Creams
arc dthgluftti prepatslioiu, eoirpoontleU wilh still,
m tits otic? exebumn of nb aruclra calculated to
render ’ii.r opt-tuiiuti «<f thavir.z unpleasant, ui»d will
be apprect ted by all who make Ural ci them.
Pitparci orly hy
IIAUEU Perfumer aod Chemist,
. ixu « bcsuini *i, Pr.ila.
For sale, whole/ulo and retail, by O. A Fahnestock
4 Co- and H E rfelisrs, IMubaigh; ud Johi,6argent
and J Miwbell, A'iiegbeuy City. sep27-Xp
THE Annual Meeting of the stockholders of the
tVnnaiirs la Sa t Manntocturing COu pxr.y will
he held ontuaTth da of October next.*: Hu'c i-ck M
attho dice of Mr. George T. Lewis, Frani si.,below
Walnut, Philadelphia-
sep23;dlhT« _
PRINTING PAPER—The best in'sartn cut be
bad alike agency of Clinton Mtlii r a’Wood «t.
yep<i W I- M/. RSHALL
jit eutprait St Sens' Pataui Bod* Alb.
£>•} 4 CAsrfcof the above rciet.ia'm brand, pari
in store, and the ren-ato* «r t" arn»* this and
oext month, per -Anna Rich,'' “Knrope,* 1 “Berlin." and
ships, via l’ittl>delphis s;nt lla timo/r, warrai.t
nd superior in both suenaib *nd quality u> any in th#
martet, for «ale at die lowest t>r»ce f<*' es-h and ap
proved bill*, by W A M MITCMKLTPEF
ftOgld ).th*/iv «lr**~t
lUlHsteamboatGwiaa, will leave the footof'Vayne
~ueet every iscxmng. at C o'eloek pircuely,
carryln* ps»»enger» to aud from the packet while
tha birak is being repaired. For inijrtaatioo, apply to
W M. tMJTCII. or
aepPSmtf P LF-ACH, Ca«al Basis.
H’arper’s new monthly magazine, No
A fet Oatober, jost lereiied and fcrstlcat
71 April*
HOUSES, LOT' "A it MS. k'-
Penn sirtot, efirner of Even* : n«i'r-e of
A FOUR Fmr7 Ihveli>: tr, slate ‘rnof. oTcc. bath
roca, gas llxturc*, air. bake oven, lOTb;rd *t
’1»; tre a. T Wnier sired. sepj
'Phil .•tsi.r.ier’* Coal Conp*.:.y w; i sell rome very
l ‘Jes.-U'T j.-eccs of 'smj. sfuated on nr.d near tbo
Turnpike, and i:ear the southern teriainaa
CI It.eir rsjl r„*<t
H e land wtR bd divided iru> ijuar.:itio« lo sttU pur
ciißsrrs. ano tto terms of payment w:'i he very easy.
Kmjuir* of l W REMINGTON.
Co*.) Harbor, Sept. 2.—-epTjdia s Manager,
AN D poascMinn given immediately, the Three S?ory
Brick Dwe.licx House No ftp Liberty street, and
ep'-psite Thr-I *t a» gf>,
The Seeopd ard Tbi'd Gloria* of Warehouah No 3
Markn »iroet. of
R C STOCKTON. Book*eiier*,
«»g|g __47 Market st_
FOR SALE—A Lot of Grnucd situate on Pena
street, between Hay and Marbvry str cels. adjoinir,|
the bouse and lot now oocuplM by Richard Edwards,
having'# front of 25 feet, and io depth HQ feet, frill ha
•old on favorabletarms. Title unexeeplionaiilh. Kn
quire of C. O. LOOMIS, 4ih aunaar Wood
tLivina c.KVLXTia ins akd otssb
niPAavurcrra o? tsbib #t as ao m,
AortlcEast cor. of FoarcU a Ktrkrt ttt,
On Alenday aurntng, 23rf Pepftnitr,
With i Lar;e Stack ot Siw Ocodk
No 17 Market street, comer of Third aL,
HAS constantly on hand, for sale, Writing, Letter,
Printing, Tea, and Wrapping Paper Bonnet,
Fullers’, Cinders’; and Trunk Boards; Book and New#
Paper Printing Inks: whieh b« wilt sell at the lowest
cash prices, or in exchange for rag* or lannexi’scrant
»eptO .
DR. FP#.LR has removed to Liberty street, below
Pitt meet, No IUL Office and dwelling in tha
same building. sngfli.-dPia
No# |Ol Wood itrost#
IN VJTR the attention of havers to rhelr large str-ek
of I resh Goods new opening, and whieb they ara
prepared o ,eil on very ac. omdodathig teme.
Ur shall be constantly r*c-ium ? fresh goods dur
ing tbo season, and request an eiarclnnUon or our
Stock by wes era merchants, and others visitlag our
So. 130 Libsrty.Busst,
BK43H respeetftily to tofo.m M„ uumeroua friend*
and customers, that I« is Just receivita hi* new
‘lock of CLOTHS, CASBIMERE-*, and VIOT
INGB,o< the newest styles, adapted for the approach
ing fail and winter seasons. All those in want of
cheap, fashionable, and good clothing, w*ll find the
largest, most fashionable, and best stork In tha
Western country, at this establishment.
f|7HIS beautiful Style of Hat Is CO w received, and
X »»U ba tatroduced on Saturday. .?l*i insu by
• McCOB t) ft CO
; Cor. Hflh ft Wood *ts.
r rH£ undersigned have, thin day, associated them-
JL selves under the firm nl PLDbpq, HciiftCo.rnr
iße purpose of manufacturng every variety of Flint
PHILLIPB, best * 00,
every variety of
Cut, Pressed, end l'luin Fliut Gian Ware
ORDERS filled without delay, at the lowest mar
ket price, at their factory, on Try sttcet, near
Becond,*or at t»2 Water meet, Ihttaburgh.
>opl4-(i?m .
PEARIS ft DBOCKWA Y, Gomiiu-oioL Msrchar.ts,
Sacramtiiin City, Caftforria. liberal a;ivM.ft»
made on- eonsigantcnu, and all egeuey bu.ur.esj
promptly sc.rude-l to. .
I | a. u*'BEtxxwAT,
rr Lovij.t } '. rirraaoneti
marlAdft wflrcT
A 77 U IL\ K Y A X LA \V,
OHIO STATU lvirtaki&f OW
aitiens. i-mecta of Dec As AC-
Ufftcr—Fourth ar*et, aboVe 6mlth£cid.
mr4-.lftwT - I
PsaqiylTanlalßai! Road.
”1) RGPCiSALS- wi 1 !•* refjcsvpd *t the Elnt;utaeT’a
X; Qffie*. lu *i:*i*-#▼»:>.-. lidisoa enunty, aaiil the
tenth of October, for Up Crahuation suid Alas- .iry of
up *emainriig scctir.aa on the Western D.virion of
the I’sansylvanm Roil lucludutir seetwna Cf-f
teen to thirty, except numb*** eighteen and twenty
•cvea,;aire«(iy ondes-contract
This work lie.* Wholly in Use tallies of Turtle Ca*ek
-aod-Brush Creak, and iflelufies h large amonat of
mammy, and some heavy earth and ro-k work, i
At tha sama time oropoAol* -viii be leccSved for
the Gradnatioa and Masonry of the Branch Rail Bosd
to BlainvUle two • art Hurt’ quarter* miv-s long, upon
whtnh-is a Bridge over the Coseaiugb lUtct.
The plana and ptofiles will be ready tor eram-e
-anon October Ist, at the Engineer's office, a:
Vida, at whoch tuna the line »Ul he prepared for odn
tructsrs. ioforasuon tuny be bad of tbs Assistant
Engwtar on the line, or or HDV/p. MILLER
aepleidtucffl A&aooisvla Engineer, BlairtvlHs.
Opsuag QftbsPcnDsylvaaiaAsUfiosd
(6 Pittsburgh.
fI’HR F r nrsylT*n'» Roil Rnerf Company hsvir.c
I .--.c- /it-- ~.i :i _ * fat ‘e |n,e o; rai. *oau to l/oilidays
bc:fl, mu* cc tec. az ua Kail Bnsd to
Johns own- and Itotn ihfire by br-ata to Piusborgh,
arc iiW prepared to receive and torwnrd merebtta
d.Te, prodsoo, to and fmm FlUiburgh and I'htia
Tho bo«'s wril leave the depot of thn company
dally for Johnstown, ilsern conncruag with the catiy
trein of earn tn Fki'adefi>hta, t.tes instil, a toe de
livery-of all freight In Pt.iiaoc-ipias within five tloys.
Agent* for P*. E. 3.0, Csnni «i« : n. I’ltta’-arrh.
•epHltdlf Philadelphia.
lim Ellis of Admtnntreiion having been grafted
J to the undersigned on the c. utc of the late Geo ge
L. Beis, deceased, all persons indebted are rrqu st d
to make Immediate payment, end ih h»v og claims
to present ih» same, properly authenticated, to either
ofltbe sabsenbors, for iiqtudal on.
To Bonkliora usd ‘Western derobante.
subscriber respectfully invites public ttientioo. u>
his extensive stock of Perfumery, Soaps Shaving
Cream*. Ac., to which seven Silver and two Golden
Medals have, within the last six years, been awarded
by the insulate* of New York, Boston, and Phila
delphia, the latter being the only Golden M<*dols ever
awarded for perfumery either in Europe or in tbia
Koumxl’b UnxtVALLxs Stuviae Caaait, (Alotoad,
Rose, and Ambrosial,| univeraaiiy acknowledged to
be superior to any Bhaving Cream in tin* country or
OuxornsiTa you Snxnno— Beautifully transparent,
and pos»c»*ing highly Saponaceous and emollient
properties; Saponaceous Compound; Ambrosial Shav
ing Tablet; Military Shaving Soap.
srrunaaTotLZX Sour*—Almond, Rose, MilleSeara,
Bouquet, Pistachio, Uttak, Patchouly, Lmmibuf, Float
ing, Transparent, Olive Oi/, Windsor, and Citcasiimn.
Exnu.n» koa me Iloasxxactitxr—Rose, Jaxmin,
Bouquet dc Caroline, Geranium, Jenny Lind, Mousse
line. Jockey Club, Magnolia, Cietnatlte, Ctlrouella
Boa at, and many other varieuas, ia all sixty diSotcut
Toon Watias—Florida Water, Eon dc Toilette,
Orange Flower Water, and a great variety of Co
lognes and Lavender Waters
PxxraaaTtoNi foe nu lisa—Genuine Rear’s Oil,
Antique OU, Bandoline, Eta Lastrelc, Oleine, Com
pound Ox Meirow, Hair Dyes, liquid and in powder,
anj Philoccme, Ricinme, and Jenny Lind Fvmedea,
OngsTAXore Pxrpsasitoss— RalMnio Elixir, Rosa
Tooth Paste, Charcoal Dentn/ice, Odontlue, Tooth
Paste; and Tooth Powder.
Cosstimcs—Vegetable Cosmetic Cream, Amandlae
for chapped bonus. Cold Cream of Boses, Cream do
Perse, Up Salve, Raspberry Cream, Ac.
Depilatory Powders, for removing superfluous hatr.
Pearl Powoer, Vlnaigte dc Koucc, Aromatic Vinegar,
Victoria Iltir Composition, Prerttn Salto, besides
a erect variety of othfcr articles, 100 mimeretu to le
named in this advertisement.
The mbsenner hords to maiotiin the reputation
which Ibis establishment has sequtred, by deposing
of nothing but first rate articles, and will tebuppj to
furnish these who may wish to purnnlzo him, diher
whole-nle or retail, on as reaaonabia terms as any xs.
tabliahment in the United Hmte* „ ~.
Successor to aud former Director of the Lftbataxonr
lit Chexnut e:,-eet,
Air. Baiia’s Peifamery is tor solo by all thr priaei
paJ Druggists m the eountrr upiridlyl
Retween Third A Fotiith streets, Pitlsiurgh,
INVITE the attention df merchs. t» visiung tic city,
u> their extensive stock of Puii and Wirier Gom*,
selected;with great care and attention from rcccn
importations, large auston rales, ai?d frtm tha load
lug raonufacturen, by their reeidtnt partner tn New
York. Their stock thialsii will be found to he muck
larger and mozo Taxied than any they have ever before
broeglit to ill's market- being replenished by receipts
ot good* almost dally throegu the season to they ap
pear in the castein matkeis, lendertng their t'j>ck ut
all times full and,perfect, thereby enabling them sne
eesefdllr to compSto-witn hna**v *cf>o
Tituparaiwavilli* A Hobliitsirn klaak
Read Vonpaay.
NOTICE U Ije/ehy given, that to eonfomliy wfih
the piovA/co’frfi/a't Actor Aasemoly, abthorixirur
ibe iAcoiparaitoß'er the above company, p«t»ed ih«
Tin day or April, ir<», books will bo opened fer gub*
aerlpdoa to the capital stock of said company, at <be
otflea of Brown and Kirkpatrick, I iberry nrett-tu ti*
citv Of Pittsburgh, cn Wednrviay, the MUt da>-*f
Oitober next- at tne tour of l« o'eioci, a. ftj, and
coounao for the space of ave uht», or until toe whxda
i.eaher of required by the laid act thgU-havo.
been sutwertbed
Jonathan P. *ots treoxge Anehattjr-
Juti Weed M.B sfrnwo
James Truutrk Lev| Gregg
Geflrge Leti:is B. A. MeVty
John Blggert • J< hit Obey
Bsmufllfeß Muaes heaa*
Isaac W’atker Samael Graham
E. C. White p. j. Smlta
Jsoob Ltailiulo William Fofter
Jtat ‘
V K> t : 1»C NKifUju
*■»•»•* Fill KBpaicaa-lli oih.r.
Mr. 8.E.h 11 ;^ > ” I S;SI?*£SiS. ,^ >
lor itt ail li'ls region of eouatry.aa wry mEefePS
a* 110U “ rt ** * UT6r 0f Anti-HtiTouThfl 10
Yours, Ae. JAMES A Lku iu
(ExtraeiofUttet) LEWIS
will reaelltct Utu R. P_ s-t!*—,,,
Fills, are the ctlgiDal aud oalr Tnu ■„>« •
Liver put, and mar be fcad at f!o 87 Woodti
to «siis£ui 7 StiSsff ef