BY AUTHOTtITY. PUBLIC ACTS Patted during the Firtl Semenqf the Thirty Fiftt lPc«u*— No 6*s} AN ACT nuking appropriation* fur the clnl and dip lonailo erper**® of l»o*ernineat, fcTthe ye*r end ing ibe n»n*v>\ of Ja*'c, rtgbtecn bandied and iAy on®, and fur other J »rpc*e». Be it erect'd by lie !>fMK ®nd Hoo»e of Repre*en U’i»e» of i*ie Uuudd ?iiie» of Araiticn. in Conite«» «j»emblei, *hMi*e Joilowjne tuas I*o end hereby ua.epprorriv.eil.oot »f *ny tnen<*y in fi* trtaeory not oiberwi®* «p-ToprUied, for Hie n* J c • \tr «x -prt*«ed, foe t 'C C*ei- y*»r ending i* e thirtieth of June, •ighlteu baudred nu 4 fifty one, uaaelj: For comre.nrailno “■"* tmieasre o f PenruoM, wem* beraofta- How*--' of acpre»*»e*atfi>. Var 1 a'.drrd end sixteen ihoa»a"d three undrra » nc thirty tltM CnUf.. Audit It hrreh* 'et «,.i according io the true interprets »• oof the third * r ® 10 or Vie ect etul'ed u An act allowing co-epet»»«t>o'i >® the mrmtf» -v there- te «tm eu ol tna Reotf»-[• ot the United Stale* ti.-l u> be l*e!'- £x£. nl V- '• mtoriM. e»u repr. mg fcli «b« *««/ Zu tun •.lien,'' •PPM*'"* twenty #*«"«■» «lth‘ee.., hutodtcd ■o be gm.ted by the presiding o?!h, '"v-' end ttcase ot Kfp.e»si.ttl»*« irwpee n« * and cffeer. of Use U< voreiaeoi or 'i>> I fiuvt. _ , . n'r-m end clerks of both foni 'tbo—d JIM k-** *F«Sr»i'S‘ '«nd «tb,r .«««£•• ;S™s ±>szs&*£*&sg!3 bandied and nineiy oevou vhoB*»ad »3f 9 a nanare forty nine dollars > . Hoc*# oi For addition to the fand of th RepiesauWiTea, tinny thousand dol.ars. For cr.raprntavMi of ‘ ‘ d five huodreJ litnv ait a mcatc-nfcr, four utoeson 'fc ran < of ■*“ hc ° - oftwo. for«tfUoW. fi" *¥« w,=huoor low »<»»■ f“ '- 1 Ulr * r f ■ ‘*- « ,o. ae P">-- u g,iui:di!<.ll»" • •» 0, pi-.dircd m iji. Rrecouvc rt.n.ton- two ihoa.-nd/oll.r.; and Jh» os tr»r Lbrary of Congresi ere berc {rMt?fir:i sdto..pph aei,U.bmie« w,m artydupU rltwof public docauu'iu wU.cb cw be spared from i! Millie eobceti-'ii* m we library or Uongreca or iuewhir*. And (fee S-creury of tho Senate and U.e Clerk ol the l!oa»r of ReprrrxtU-uee* b- mhinifd vtd required to tnhtcrtbP cc behalf of Crrgre»«, f;r t>o SoosmiK) ecp-«« of the DeHtec and of C . rrest from th- eormnenceroert of tie u.-s. *r« oioo. ('fwiuth one thousand copic-i ot t .e U:« .oer Co«Bre« - et #lrr«dy »uhacn*'C'i I f J»« co.i»idered a« Mrt | vovhe ref on.t «•.. on of the P-fbteemb Coh*«m. when i attemier of Jteia—. already . I[tr*i the price per Toiutne noi wecceed l^*j Span for the pno'ed and delivered Wider the title of l -A(*wH ofConcreis, eop rt fof'er dtambtttwc one copy to cech ineraber or the Thirty Fim Oot;-r<.«« not p'ovided for »>r •>'. P'evi otsofJ= r f' , fe n ?>'J :,n 2lbenic®'’«« 0 ' J 6 * r *”^! e “> CnnirTessl shall be depnalwd wtW the Lilra W- c. ' Confreti for the future dtspoMtloa of Conyrc**- mcrnvs , v ~ . £or eanpen»auon of tb* fTetidtni of the United •tale*, twenty Gve thousand Far compensation of the Vine Premdent of the Uaited Stttfe*, ere iioni*na doi.*r». v DWAEtnBST or ‘T*T» For ecmpenaauon of (be Secretary of State, an J the elerte, me.*««et, and w.i»U»i B«« r ‘rr | n k» ofioe. twenty right Ibwand three l.aidrpJ doHart. for the in<»d D*p»Mmr t. v,/ F«e P ..blbbiii< *«*»»» ****£; form, an.' in ihn i.-er-papcr- of tae Su.« and J cm lartea, .»>d in the c tv of NV »*htn4toii p etfhieen ihoa« and two haudr r «l dollar•. • Vor r»»of parkinß a-id '*** aad dorajsea.* includme t>«xe», l*t>or, ant iran.- pon%U“» ten th"B»and dollar*. For tin'io'.ery Mnnk took*, bind nf, la *or. and at. Urn tore, bnir« T , *‘ aU:i « *' x4 claxinr. fjnr thf*’i«v«i livo ncnJred dollar* * For pfiiifoß. (i-siwr prom *nl cupper picti) book* and nip t v<> tlioa-*' d dolwr*. > For . h iiture 1 ao.tar*. Fw- tstre clerk hire and eop-m*. two tJwnwnd dollar. ' lt «»r. t ,'aVir. *•-• «•«'«" : ,J »* ««»«.•. j i • v'V, ' r .Vj.'. -* 1 : ,ii I,bn', i='-i «== -uS.' dollar* y, r * r-h o* t.i? Tre*»6 r > I and in- -ii.eurt «-ere:*rr-f th-Tre*iarv. miJ *-“tnr musTr.n W «««• tklriy ‘ 1 '<« *• *».•* £'« BJ ' CI * ’’ Cfi>' ‘lo.-arv For-t> ai'crmiun of tne Comptroi cr. and the Csera.\.;. at-» »<-r m in • "S e treaty t*» Um ■ «r 1 one ! ml e 1 a id I f;y d >.i »n -toe »».*ry o «.ie of the c • :r • nttn-fi e, p-r mtof Us- tera.iUMk of Aor.l et» v :»o.i i ..iw*r d mu -KMe a neiat • c-ei-i ta-retscdty fr-tnc-s: jhinn driiam per an.iua. from the c'crr ■. v d meMfnv-r t'i h'» office, twenty thre* tho jeand • lai‘3'reJ and o'tf da l ire ... , For r.ire vuiction ofo ie 'em i -riry sle*E :n tu of I. 0111, C,,i«r.'ei t> * iboatird (!•*! ar* f.erannom.o-.a h .osind* For of »* ?.«» veirnr. •-d tb* Cl«r*« m.-f,?-' an 1 a.»t*»*r 4 t n-*«ue •». In hi* of fie*.twenty tw »th-e*an.F.ub hundreddnilari TrreoTi.e.-aKiiof tht Aat. of. and the elork-.e-.m--a r. aai **miane aa»stn«r la hi* of ft -A, thirty eli-. tr.cA*and ei* j dcrk*. ncfocc’. -■;* Tfvlf. "• k,< *| Bee, iwr.r.tT teorss'.u'cur ha idred •i.ii..'* . . . pir co*.»i»':. ? > l» Audix:. ar..l 'n» '~TU | Hid mt'Kiu'.i I. ins office, C'trss thousand *u tea- , >*n «f ihe Trea«u*er of fh* Unjrd I gie.. ...Jicr ci-«. .•« i-e-; >-»>; » a -'. tairteen iiAa'iiiTii »i»fi imirod n-.u “r"ccmr...... it Refiner cl lire l»W. And ’ln*. c! ? :k.. w'’trr, and aa*t«ani messenger*, ‘o b » c£i _ S in to* »*»d i«<> bunored do.lar*. **Kor compensation ■■ toe Solicitor of it*s Md iberterlHA-.i *-*.*-**r K lid *&<■*. ihoatinde-X !. wired .«Lhj dollars , _ . _ For poimr-.aa'.io'. o' 'hi »;o‘fi.flis-i'onpr ot Cai.ofn* and the c'-irks mid Me«-*en*er In hi* 9ok».iieiionery, scaling ■y9i’rea.*ur'«.wjmeunn« toreigfl langaansPnaun*. adventung, prinun:' thepoL ie aneonit*, carrying it Department rani:.*, 'lira clerk hire for preparing ana oolleeU'-.R informiiioi to re laid bc.oro Coagreu, 6f« teen thou-iand lw« hundred dollirs. For tm«cr''.anco.n expense*, two thoaaaad etgat hundred dsilsra In tki office rhi Fir,t Comptroller. For ire, o ic na it* red donors For bleak bs-.u*.|, natronenr, prmuok and labor.cue uto-isaml se*en hundred del'*'*- For eSstinUai expense* of -he office of the First Comptroller of the TrraaafT. required in •Tihe transfer of one half of the contingent fond to Sa office of the • ;o:amts»isnsr of fjs.'jms raid nan*, haeiofl been author**d by ibe foun -.c bled- bound, and oreaflr»ed for the ole of the cffice, and nuseel'aaeoa* Items, one . ihouaaad five Lan'treri dollars In t/ii ofiet of the Third Auditor. Trt blaus U-ai«. endmg. stationery, pnnting, offico furaltore ist ex ,m clerks, and labor, one thoa*aud •atren l>4Qjrc4 J 4' l t r» For roWoiUr.tcns itemt, three hundred dollars For picpar.'n .leeamtat rnjin. arrangirn and pre aarring tie» ps>ers, two thousand dollars. I \ tis effat nf tbi Fonrth Auditor. For b’.un* t-oo*,, tuodin*. priming, stationery, mod labor, sen .1 hunJ'cd and fifty dV.iart For cuscillsutoct items, l*o numlred dollars. Jit the ofi&itj the F/Ji Auditor. For li't"* '.-o'ln bindinr, ««»ii> - 4eri, ud tabor, four a id twenty &7e dollar*. For n.*c:li*r.cna< ttsat, three haairtd and fifty dollar*- I t tk* fj i*n T'tvtnn.-. For bl'.r.C Ip«' nuioaetf, OTlolloc.ou« ioilits * For r .** haidrrd douin. In tU vfi'.t cf ihi litfistiT. For bW-.fe bvoVi. M.'4mi,;i3iio«rr, •B'l l»bci,ir. rr t.m.7 rv i.T.r.t esiif.cuei of rebury. *n * lirfiLti-J J -;-■*» of Ttnsal*, Md oib-r binit* T-t of il. c( c-islimi, U»<« touM * rS tw ro «•*«•* foe rf th« Stheilor. .-,2 !*•><, o'lsVir.R clr. ; | Forbl-** ■ , -f lt , e p. n* of di«!tn;t u- • •&Un, a-i b ‘ #lll, I Wm»T»,c.-r/s <> *®“, , f 4 •a« ife3»»* B > Jlll k-J'i'lrsi dollar* • ; ! F« i"f,Vr 4 . ,0 ‘ "ESiJjV.*Sn F«.« «* »• died »Sd i: - ." wk?»W«c ■■«■■, nsssssssii- >» ltbon f*ci u.'iiU Jiurieca ibostiaJ six bnnd/ed •*_*«» .»-«> Srt “•*> Btn:rxv«o/t«imnin» ' ;ci of '.ii S- -reuxrT of tho Intsnifi cleric, f.gcl Ulori**nd dm lira **£ bl* . C | oicrif" »«l m'**<»n>, 4 E“* t “"' *To“4?:»cr.~ - 1 v^r/*’ tUd i**ftM*tKe 6r»i dar'of Jn , * n eiBh*'«» ' **F °t meldeiual and eontinx*.nt expesaea, taeWn* , ~s » r^ I ,£SW^aa»J«JUfc ■ ind*-ueu’bondre4 and C'it dollar*. ! eft DiAimiy*, Gaorxio. , For corop»n»a inn of Cotnmnuoner of Indian a i p i%t *iiarte« of superintendent, coiner, uafer and i f»irt, *nd 'he c era*. m *■(''!«. *«& 1 ?' , 1 e>r*. -x houseud • ollart ; l •>dj;«t m b»» office, eijtflteen thousand *p»en no - I Fnrwaj;««uf workmen, three thousand tlx hundred ] I ion o*’.he Ciramissioner o JL p ' n *‘? a * ' F>r ir- ten si end contingent expenses, Including i ! and the ile.-V* "od r« ..t b-tcln'-e. ■ - uc % m ,. n»i. vjdonory, repair* and wattage, two i lonr dollar*: the i-'lstv of i.e P n “ ri .’ , L[?' f ,. ? r .t ' thoi;«a:;J baJluts. A , JV„ 04—l ;»« J d rJi;l *>, . Fe* aaUrlea of •■•eriatsad«it l treasurer, assaTer, i doilaw, t* *• « <•’« t•«*r t > • . corner, welter and refiner, and Clerks —enteentboa coTOtea-fT iX'Sti tv? orrna swan.**** c* d !B ree hundred ..ollars—’to salary of «ho Treaan- I ~ **'’'* *,!,, Tnitriirr vtz • l rer Mre'ty met eased from let Jnl)f. eighteen In tAa OHei cf tfm frx'fa-y >f th « Inttrtar, vi and Sftv, ta four thousand dollar*, the salary _ . .•-Itir-A-T, (.irn.tjre, and other comm- ; ,-f r t, ir r -m,; , 0 cicht-cn bondred dollar*; of the other r-i-rVav.idr nr* • I elerktoaft o-.hanlreddoUantandiheefpioymeniof **For li'btwy, mapa* Ac-five u.easand arc hundred | an », . at fifiaen bondred dollars arotow in tla CHSrt of ihf CrmniifwneT of ikt G«7irraf ! wpgs* of workmen twenty fi** ihotiaand dol- L* n/ iJfi*- p.,r«i-net.' n-cor-* I '"ft mcde-ial and contingent expense*, Inaididon ! For iranb-wv*. r»-« -- alia< |, O -, ta t 0 sr*H«sl* fundi n* ntnd, twenty three thouaaadaoT cf .■orre*ponte3'n " l *v cn ncndmd *M •••rent* aeren doltara. I aud ela'.kf nfm * J ' f u, ' Rl ', '/ [j 1, 0 ~ be ■■■ pjr uesr avbin-Ty. thirteenthosaand dolllf*. ltnd Mine. nri.r>;• fcfWorrr,‘.m- TKltroaT ef mrw UIJDCo. | tare, an.. (■ - tni'ccllnncou* iT'-t;:-. ’.wet,tv For »*l«rir« oi tjureroor and a«pennt*ndenl 0« In fsr T ttoo«»»d hi nt-ndf.l an.) twenty £*.• d..iar«. ‘ •ia , O.recJuflgea and Secretary, nine thwand j fntit Ofittrf WCowntwtow *f Ulutn Afxi's. ?ontliJent°«Sea«e»efitaidTeniWTT,^oaathou-i For blank book*. bir.i \ nd Utan rhaU be poreba-ed by egeflia »bo I : ijir-aitr*, n.J . u for fun ...are and t>T -a" Presidrtit of the United Stale*, itindma- bvjr Ui-*a>nn.l S>e nor.dred .toent* | ,, UII u ,,», , or the Territory of New Met* For* .in:.*, three bundle'* dn:at' |. \ XCc -, u.ouiand uotlnra: Proaid d, hoiwuer, For crmpen«".’ioa ot sepertuir nfent *: <• four irt'.cu- j [l&l ao „ kr; , , ~.c Appropriation* for the Tern-, men of .*>: t..i'v occupied l.v ’lie ?-e'’•'•• *’> o tre | ( , r n _ «,* e ..' T \t r »ico ihnii be expend'd aotii tbe State inter ; or. *•...0 1.-:;or ,-i .'o .f ; ■ o f,|\ It . a»*e a*reed to the terms o f tG act of fn'lnb t, fu* - ..n’ii, and mridcr 3>t < »,'cjnri. two . ; ,ird . »at propoalnf to the State ol •.nuu.tut two t'UMii '.loilnn i xeiV-" as c»t*i'li«hment ol her northern and weatsm "•*a r.r.-er.- I bou- dtr.e*. u«* runnquiahmeftt by the *aid State of all For comp?-- vion t-( . if- >rciru. t < \ir mc. . t * i tf ( 0f „ c>aittie j Ue r , exicnor to said boaodarles, nlrrk*. meitn:'; r, and :l - •'■•" . t-'•'• l, ‘ , 1 "* 1 a \\ ’i -f clu ms epon the United Stales, and to , ftec, seTeiitre:i eubi ■»•:• dr.-and any Uoi- ] « lrrn n>rr.l RO*ernment tor New Mexico • Ur ! /•, rw ‘ in -hr onakhSKirm ts tu* tiuaiTOlito f» «*w. C fT-*''i ; .Knmaitd»-a Gr'«*r*t. oae ihcu.aitd C«e : msnMwti. I hati-irru Jo.'u, , j Territory of Ores**- kor c£*ra t jeo«u.a;i «.t c.r’h.* c.n'l tti--*-e^\‘ pot r< '- fiorernnr, ;bree lodges and saareta* | 1 t,ir office of the AJj-‘a*it Ocr.srat, :ru ujlu.i\. u ita : f p tl .„ ,„.,a 6,c # Uund rd doltara ; hundred and fif.v'* . . iv r r\ ot riape’nnlendent of [adtan kt* r*,three I 1 For *orap't»vn'i of the and m'««enit-unr ■ »»d tor office rent, wood amU'gbU,*U-. i office o* th* Q-iats-r Ma*wr Ort.crai.t-’ettMboassnd r c ; crl! L , rCl usn iboa.and dollar*. | ' tnree hondteit CiVlar*. ( > f ( ' .•.]•, . Fe -,t rmruae* of *aid Torntcty, one thou i b t c.imncn«*uon o''li* c!ri a* an. rac*-'-''-cr in , i;l ,j . ru t tred del «r* . . , the office oi clnh u« s’t.i .-q Jtpu e. I, totr l d ff* ’v itn' nr . t . odi*cr« aed clerk, ind oontin* ■ For *atnp'ii-»!im «>•'’*« cic:tJ*n«l men'.ic-r • P-‘Ta»«sr ’J=«- nine hundred Uo'iarv , ~ Fm ;*v ia- i«.« **mu. of uie terniory of Oraean. For eompen«»tmii tlm- c c'k» an • ®5V ra f J un rtr- *.r oi fourteenth Aofttit, eixhieen btodrea me office o* ibFVn n'in«.ary f.«-ier»l of „übii*. . d , e , r (,t one tho«*and fi*e handred doilarm tiT thmtan'l e*«n ied*cd dollar* • .»• . I For «f th • c o*.n-*t »■’ try n m- lt-v.» crp %rt , ir . v m«. die* and *ecreiary,nina thousand cr ana mOie -ud office !• ■ »* 'f hu-Jrrd del-ars. from one thoa«»Drt utw 'ivr !:v idre.l ■•'Unny •t-’t'arm .. , -aoteipenwtofaatJTarritory.oncthon- Per conpeinnu-m of the cibrk* aiidtr.,,crn“riTi : tae office cf the Purxeon General, ihrc* theu.anJ ua I f anrt of me*to*a of the buftiifrd an 1 nfiy ilo'.tr. . i rt „,- lfl odioera, cletka. and eoounxent For comper**uo.n of the clerk* and mc»»«:irer m ( . AM9HX sty twenty foar thousand doi tie office of th- C !ovi of Ordinance, eight i* ’ »u h inirM *nl fi tr do!' tr« | **eoanttn« offiaer* be empowered to aa ’*t. For comsfraattiin om-cerk* e-.J m*.#e«eer ie ,«• « n t the pubite printers of Uinacwtater itu-cau ofTepoprapkjeai e-staeer.. -oaf 'i.’unrj | , , orY p^nling the Con«lraUoo of the U States, ntn-t ndreddoil.r. ib»t &r »im of twr aan.i*e.j , ur• c.eit rr. .ru, ', P:XII , , t - UI . , B , a *p<.aisu to bo iu*'j«ctPd to tto he p«H under th- Jireou." «.i n- i.Jj*ho» Motet i _ * r4 %;i , } ~r lu .i p ie* a* ara prtae ihed b» the act (ieac-a-' r» tha jv-.»cvi» wu.» pert -rru the dauea tor , Acfu '., .wu, mntb, atfbteen ItitdraJ and forty which -h: arrrep-u.i.'a w»h n.-uir. ' , -o lu.I u . „ t „. :4 fniorial aaeocn v LtfnflUtfcne.’OJ of Ua Ptpfmrrm JC? c , fcl x Fur toe ill id-.ul •°.’i .-..lit:-itMit eipcn-e. of **.i i u . me Ua' Ju.Uc* of tto Suprum* Department, and ba various offic'* and bureau* con- <, t tn a**oeiau i««tteet, forty on* tbon. InihtofU'* *f Ou secr*:*>yvr U j F For blank .~C ‘K W»w t . »>* “*« ■, •'jv 1 '*'* f-hnuus;. xni «'•! r-r od. *a!» »o-‘bag . J_“ '\*l * ««nd ani faur hutlrp-l a"»t t'iv tSai'Xl* * -j«n •.». For book*. ttHPv mi l plan. on- i I '-'i'-* 1 ' For extra r crka in I*- War oat IUP-w- * • land fi»- bund rJ do l •■* ... For m .eeiia-.e—« .via- «»r LanJr-d »*i Q -T 4« ■n tfca taitry of 4he Jadfa ©‘ «► of Colacitat. ! which t» I ns <1 \o tf:«ro iianrfrwd dollar* piranoaaol In ihf of the G **'ol > tt, p At wr and ibe dark For i**"** '■ 1 * ÜBMlf in »' *:• ' *;>j a-.-««-r us •» tn ;ui ■ JEes ifeaaeaod lh»ra boo /n the ofllrr of th• Ai}»’.a'M ! ; i. t ~u>- iitin ol ib« Bnereffei ifl luaciffia* _ . h «ik book* ' ' * < "^r'r , *r»e«?4 io *er*n bondivdd© l-aporan- Fif pi.r.ti : rrnii \. i - tiociifd -wm ''llt fcty, atiftitee" h«ndf*4 and fifiy; and • a .,J ;r.o*’»ad two fiatuird „>•,* Oan.ral t»ta| tenor la -1:o »a Lfeo*oaad dolian ptr an»»« from ibe (/... ~'i, -i, ~a ... .. __ i tt«a d-,,- 1 /.« frt/ ..jffcs 'A -v -» u the ofirr *1 PhifmiKpxt* . (i • ,♦«/• < *4'-' li*l- 3. Htll O r .... •«!>.,» U»r • ttldrr... 3 • V»* ..... r &l* f“" /it Ci*' oj'T'i of CEiginetr. — i Far bimt .-.a ti * a» 4.., ■«» p-- 2 ]"'’*' .;. ,:V. licrrtpap. r», 't :<“• -1 •: •• • \ In (/.* effr* cf Sttrg'an &txMr&! For bln'i * 00.*.., ~1., ..u.oatry. 5Tt..1.35:»6'i •« ft*i. t»fi «u • ;-•t he **«rerrur* o. 'o* . ind ibc ciete*, mi-»*-'T. r - r i' -i in-<—..'>sa; . • hi* o.i ;Ji-'o*and oice hotidr=il au«2 hay do:!-**' _.. | Kot coidpriki'.iii' o' f' of Btir' , »u | \ mrdj Btld l>uCK *. «<•-! o! itii- drmtffV rum. e'er'** *nd n-««*--)>ref it. hi* oSce, eie**n ihoj- i tour iiUt'drir ( Or- . -t‘.i»nce nail knl of u*n*M‘»i oi the Chief of the Burdin r.i J O.M*ini- kid. Fqj'l'Cie/:t arid Jtcpaira, mil of We »*• | (I‘ient eons-.rvefor. dr lUjV.t'isen. r!rrk* nnd m«»- | • cnucr in hi* •ificc, Uunrcn thousand *ll hnndred d*ll*r». „ For roiap«n«.vicii of the Fsirf Natal Con«lnieu>r, nllar» me ni"j»' compensation of u.« *«.i*t*al bcok kcvper l>eu,* . tcrewJ i»o bjudied dollarj. For the annasl «' II?" Chi*f of i'n Rureaa of Mcdiciao and Surgery. th-ee thousand do.lsm. For Mrrtr< of salary <‘f Us Chief of im Bureau of Medicine and Barger*. provided by me *et r.i mtrd March, eighteen hundred and fjrty bandrrd dollar!. „ . . For compensation of the AJ*i*tarii ratgeon. eiert*. om oeawirera, in the office of the Ci.tef of the Ba teau of Medicine and Surgery, lour thousand hundred dollars. eosnnotsctsi or tei S4er Dfrisraiwi. For co&tingencitr* ot the N«ry Deparm-r■. and all ihe Borcao* conamed therewith. nuin*lT • for blank back*, binding. eiatio ery, pn itiur, labor offieo rent, and fuel, pevan thonatud two luindrefl dollar* For onnpsn**lto'i nf <*up*fintenil ■ »nJ dollar*. inrnnii ..aitum*-. **o Tttxia ntasaa. F, r eomp‘t.»t ion of ihr Kjrveypr General north weat ot me Ohio mid r-e clerks in bi*offiee,eighl thou sand three hunUrsd dollar*. For compenuuoii of the Su-vctor Genersi of Ml non and M.saoun, and the cl»el ♦ in hi* tfi-e. »e : thousand eight hundred and t *emy dollar*. | For cotnpen*ainjti of the jjqrreynr r.euer*. of loj it.nna, and the clerks In hi* ofl:e, four uußtaud tt*e tmdred dnllars For cotnpsneation of th* Purveyor General of Mrt ' da, arrl the clerk* in hi* ofiee, G*e thoaaand five huo- , drrd dollar*. . , ..... i For eomnentrion of the Surveyor General of '» • i me* n and lowa, and th* clerk* in hi* office, eight j : th->a*Bnl three hund'—l dollar*. , ; I For tlrrka in the olW» of 'be Porvcyor* General.'o . I »*« apportioned to them nee 'Ming to the exigencies of ; ! m-pcblic service ami. if >.ece**ary. to be -mployed la transcribing field note* of ‘orveys. for tb? purpose ef j prrerrvinf mem ot ms real of Uoeeroment, :wet.iy ; thousand dotiars .... __ , For cotnpemsunn of °urvo rr G-nsral of Arkanm , per act of eighth of August, cjhtscii liondred anjrerir , iIT. two lhou*and drl'sr* , For eompen»ation of clerks . > hn office, per «ct of eig uii of Augeu, eiga-c-n hci.-d.-cd and f«.r.y til, »l* U-omasd thces Uflnd r t n•* ! i.'s j For re sarveri gtr'cnrre- i- ; errorcra* 7 I» Mtchhjar, at a rats '-o-. > cc-.—t-g * t t-ciiat* pet mile, twenty thscaa -.u r"ti-. «. I 2»15T Of T':r. T"3 (T»:a iU f’i. Ip -t'l For sterlet ef \li * '"»‘"jrcr, c<,in " • atn»er, aifa-r *-v« re’.. rate ji-iukt e-. ar.a tl,-.rclr.n., e t ~iu» »n 1 Jo':*r*. •-d »ce eajlnyuisiit of 4 .-! elnlt --t ’"m. »o *>u..- ‘i.iutjiet.: cs; «&«.-•. .uClad'n* f.i'4, tniieriai.. ..tioi-:; ...■•• f Bf, 1 «i»»:r», ni.a wi.tige. tn'ad-Ji'iOj. to e*!...*-»i? ijod-**- r.t»i»* ( . t *6".y : five thousand con*:,. t'ror»J•>) to ei'B* e th t’re.taen- of u-s l-ruir.l SutrVT.* obtain :..r iuc li.-wd S »n«, if &e lt,uii Sravi.i: rti-ri: to do «3. *.• f.fiU. to -»e the trapfo».-.l m-tin -:,.,i r , t l3iU( ( a;ce.:iiifer«.C« feet.l nittior. reccstly rt.*c , / rr. t a,.0 t>».i?.« ;j iic.'l'd to B. >■ McCul ocn ti.J ;««,»•■ .* or it.e ngut >0 u*« t-t? 0U«» nssrvql ’■ •’~.0.Ti l iuvtic,; ti.j-«r.nie o!i;e-t taay be Hr -a ;•• er»c t,vl pi:-au J, ;H <• e be appropriated tic »a.:. 0; t» Sea thooraai uw For specimens 01 ore 1-01 rr.;?.., tbe Mint, three j ; Tito Secretarjr of van I'm-i,:, 1 and 1:1 c„.,,u reasonable terra.*. w.:e tit-; rr.,»i established *»«arme w«r*-;. no* ~ lion in CaUforui u oyon • u'i*i»r:.if iin u i be jedfed by tie !*ean:ttrv of r -run under the ■upe.rvi.inr’cl Lu:W n As.ityrr to appointed by i:ie I'resident, bi... iv-..u U* v:\ivr aad content of the Sc&ale p-'fortn ioc* buur> !<■ u«- *ay»nß rnd tho value 01 *>'ld iu eraJn ana lutr j,.. aod in forming tiie autu into bars, ottbail be preicrsb* rd by tie Poeretary of U.e Trratsry, nnd mat lit s-t»d Un.ted fitntea A*«ayer rball cia*r the iticip of m* Unit»d Bute*, tadlcau '6 ibe of tterne*. and ▼ aiae, lo to fcflced 10 each bar or uigm of told uat nay be usaed bom tee eiUblimment. Presided, Tb*i tba United Suit* shell Rut be held tevponiible for i* e lot* of toy (Old deposited wab said proprietors for attey. JLnd provided further, That ibo ratary of laid Aiisyer abatf bo tied by u- tro Uttnnar.d iinn buadred sol- recorwr ot the oft*»e 9* , h (; en rtoilsn, If one rtiUca - , tl , ,sdi t» pcbUM*-*, iu h-retolore, r ,, r „ •,> SjmtCoi.'i (ball 4i«t hißtopab. ,„ 0 ~, q< *. , -h-n ib« kb of ttirteea b&sttra4 >i i r 't..-;. Tjlaa* *>J P»S>l«»fco4. , .1- c .-• •*» ->i '•! tb t dltut- \ ettafceye belflftWß _’o if 4 «» pre»cnS«d bj l** t eiffbt ,*/ ~ u i'j ied I • v u - a-.t. .ja of ike «»f»ftala, *3T« Ifcoettod Per it e ... ... - r - a • ixpcnw* nf-h« Sasrtmv Circuit, *r •- • g< cne Colt d BiUri lue'uimf lh* j r 'i« and a'antac; «rors uad #iuw*» , .i. c' i e (uaa- am:wr from tse». panaili®' and for i .. yemrendiag JoaethUbeU ... •- - E - -i C£«t one, and prqriu** T**r*. ,vp.*»• r .'tr* Ytrrg the expenses •! «uin_i» , ln . ( -i-i-ci s;*ic» art concerned, ttPd of pro*** \-r offse :* eoooi tied against tie 0- &*«*- .. } ~. t-rf of pnsoaerv.five beoered a»o ...... ».i i« »ad liiny «»M ;nnt *«T«U*a«J»f 2j; eaO*atrun* three tbon*- cud ten lasp*. wiih eU tsbe gla*** \ , , waning. am censß cloth, trane . jp. r v-» ihrrcen. and fer repair* i tff -frpeir lie lighting a»oa 1 .u jrd njid ro«tm ie ocat», and other Bean* of lie and property, ihlpwreclted , i m* t'aitnd Sut?«, lea U}»a**"d dollar* ..-*r;-n-i'J u.e control and direction ot the ,• -f. tar. i>f .he Treaearr c., mj .nrirtenral rxpan*e*. re&ttiag. and irr.r>r >»e ;rr* •. i-git boawt.aod butdiuga connected , irrc-» u, *ictu> four thoasand fix baadred and thir iv rto <*'i «nd rtitr eeiJU . K- r meric* of three handred and two keenere of ini urj'M 4U* i areoiy nedatanu, (twenty fto* of i ;Vm ear™ rd wit i douoie, and two with irtpli UfhUj tt,i.i I. eia ,r.»* tooo«*nd two bendred dollar* for mrrv’yf n.l ii«p«cior-of light* oa the aaper lake*, on- i-u'idre*! and twenty' *«T*n fear haa* drrd and f ine etciit dollar • and tbmythre* *eota l-«j* *,-:'•! oi [or.y heeperaof ftoatlngligbw twan* , v tSI an :d .et-.t! tnndred and finy dollar* 7 Kr>* *Tm»e«, repair* and tu Bile* of forte d>it:n* light*, i»eeu'r oi a tbiurand handred *,i.l n.netv <;o If* and *eeenty afTen ceou. tor efre-te* nfweigtuof, m or ng, eieanting. re* , t ( B eo baoy*. chain* and (inter*, i. u .*r.d fear haudred and tony nine dol lar* *jul mne.i* twoeenU. , .... For r< of ropcTintendentt in eUitinf Ught : t,o U .-» * . 'aruif, and reporting their eonduioa, two I lauuremJ do i*rs. . . .. i For »upsiintsnHetit , «eomini*al©n*iit two and a nail per I fill , on tie fear handred and ninety fcur tbou*- I *nd and forty three dvuan and eighty ooe eent*, hp ' propnated above for itgbl bm-e ptm*** **•**• I iswutne three hundred and arty three delia-* and Ml-1 ee'.ti. Pbovidi *. That collector* whore conpewa (ion exceed* t««mv bet handred do'lara enali re-, eel re no rompemntuon a* ••joertniandaol of light*, or light hoaae on Wangoibaoee. L*le Mn l.;e«n, twenty tboutand flee handred aad ! poaV* *'ne tb* light hoaae on Minot'* rock, Bo*n>n fl«rt>or. lire i&ooiand dollar* for rjtnpien::* the ho«*e on Brandywine i Shod. Delaware B»>, rtree thoa«and dellan i r»r repair of J*in*t •* eao*«id by U>- IHe noro to ! ite «n -Urandrwme Hboal.- two U,e»aaddol- For completing the light bmiw «■ Blaec»uitt4 I»- jaed, Puiomac Hirer, one Uoa*andfi?e hnadred dpi* .dred auu lercnt)- 1 ,a j* 0 r c '» the l,*bt bo«»« an Cnrjifirrt reef, co.u; ul i 1 >rul«, i»imv rit ihmiaand dollara satmata p, lr r! mnleuan of the marine Cmcigo, |Uiet!oa of the marine hotpitai at CleTiling Ono e ani i icliara , . Fjf"4 /n: ci„i{ vaiU marine boinii*!.Moon tboaiaod ' iC |'or 'mi piu-**, fce , that poriioa «f »ha **ld ; rntfri* u- p*' » ...a »n*. two tbomand threa baadrad bod j l’o '.rc ise contraction of a citrine boipltsl at rnriiTii.e. h.iiifci.t-teo ihojtaod dollar*. ' .r. k. ■ :.e con* raeuon of a marine hospital at V,el£*l>jrs Urn thnc-M-nd dollar* *:.d improreiaect* of rntrlna hospital Kf- VVe»i FiJ-Hli, *ix hundred doi'ar*. • ' Vrr . ora?.t:.oi; of marine bo*pnai at Padocah ' „ ut hundred and twenty fire doUsri. l-Lr cnjui* ic.n ofrjana* hospital at Natabe»,t*® icnn.acd I*o hundred and fifty <»oU»». . ‘ pv.r co-nnieii-.H of mati e hospital at fSapOiton, Ar/aosa*. tea thoc.and two hundred tad filly dollar*.* asnl lamrowemi.iuof marine hospital n urtran*, t*e thousand fiVcbtndrei dollar*. Vor no coi» rucuoaof a martne hwpUal.lo be lo CIO. oy tiecreiary of ib* Trp«ary, at or oear Slu fWciMO, to Uxo state of Calllomla, fifty »*••• , *?«<-fJ«rclii«« of Gi«n*ood’. Urn!, nur • of 1 .. a? .....idoi ]n«i» made by tbe Eargeou /".-“"oidS'ilM »”« ofO;i>o^T-]«|.I(orUa 1 (orUa SS&'«. F „, .unrV.-K til [rtJOUo ilddl, to ltdiUoa U Oil .^^^•SIiSSSSSSSS^ .V.\7o' woolionad to Ho ICTiril aißric, Td I . i itV ri.stoot". Of tio Mtl» »™yl* Or iUc 1 loruton «nd wniT of fit Vioridi to b.diitribitddil u*minu4 ; * r . „ aail . t .-.l %ad fifteen ibcit*aad dollar*. i ' p i ,-Llci .V -he .aroeyt of UWosaodTU . 1 M »v.a.f • nod ... lie aauoftlfihwam ban- 1 1 U “J : ’ iLi - and makteea hundred aad t*«iy 1 ? .• .• ~i,w ©* «• woil. two thousand dollar*. ....or prints culm tn Florid;, uod.t "Voni v of Jooo. oifildM kindred .. tncMiM too -O' l «•* in»r: fifid-. u ihos»ai;* U 1 LoOl»l*'l*i For ne Mtatanduts I; ab i U li« o fib o «rTayiaf dep UV aJ.® r t J, Lo-».ia:.a%*el««iw jl of tb.Orwtj&trf dla Set. thirty tiioasand fit* btttulrwl and fifty Wto Kona* ooutaaimjt Uabtlit.e* oftha •arreylotda par.foen< in u.«Mba« amrlo«, Ijoalataaa, tkrea tkousand two bandred and tiralT* dollar* ; Far props aad aamya la LoiititP*, axsltalra «f| v. be .*c«f*cd o' he it ucreby, U» r-r«>en»bnft d, » rid. and ;«i c ,wdin< t®cn wotk, ■ •e»e».i»en thmitand coi'err F»i proposed lupfyi, including oflice the 1 Greertsburg imnci, )„-'ai» snt, seventeen thousand six httedred and eistuy ]o: l sr*. For the mineral K-d to carry oat lb* re quirements of the act- r.f (i ,* &,« and third of Marco, eighteen hundred and f r.r *>v r r. to wit— For compensation nr ? :.. assistant urologist*, laborers, packmen at and i-citimtsi exreaie* at leading ihd seologira. n.mins’ on and server of 160 mioeral land* ia Mica gat,. Wisconsin, and lowa, twenty thousand do'lsr- Fo< ranntna and rc»:«,cig tj,» northern boundary of tbs Stale of lowa. confo'mk'j'y to the act of the third of March,eighteen r,*.--r».i .:»•. a-, d m he carried t • the or-duofthetcrsrr«' '••-r -c >:r>g fund thirteen thouiand ■even handled and Great Untain. Fra„<;, nu**.< l’--i’Ma, bpain Brazil, Mexico and Chiu, ■'’■-•er tr wo Uiou»v*d do fare. For taltnea of .lie ►rc usn-*' c! iagiujoa 10 the \ •toe piaeep. sixteen thoa*a:.o dn.l**.. ' For salary of mianiet re».Jcm ;i Yvricey, six tbout- i and dol>trs. I For sailer of il»« drcroruui; tj mo legation to Tur- ! ke?, two thousand Q »s Lun*\ id del n» For salary of aas'stent dragoman. and secretary, to the legation to Taricer. titter n limited d -liar* For outfit o< ebsig's des i<> Portugal, New Grenada,Cluatioaia, ki.d K* u «du:, UiocienJ dol'art. I For salary aad oaifit to -.iurre de« i/Ti res 10 liica- thoatand dclit «. Foriaitiiies of eb it*e-i Je« tila.r*»l» Affaires ai* i. in a: twenties of Ma>\ eighteen hundred and tony «pYen, ui tb-nrenty G »1 of rune, eighteen and f •ri" ■•lebi, unr tiious and eight hundred Mid •'■■.<■■■{ G»* doi.ti? For entuturet t i*xpr.i»<*,. of u; u.e rmsMots abroad, forty tbonsand drl!*M. Por contingent eii en«-«-s of f uro£:;ir.:f retune, tint ty thou-and dolla.-t •> For expense*of m'.ercoJMe with the DiiUary Pow qr« lUea'tpoaaand dollar* For salary of thr er isul r.i Lotidoft, two thru and dollar* To def ay :5* erprnr.ri of n sprcial ngmt ta the three r*pnb>!ca o.’ Ventre*.s, New Grenada. viJ Ecuador, to calm of f on sorertinienu, resp*rt»Tely. the amount* due from e*-u <:■ :s*r.i or. claimi of cm tent of the United "St uc •*s un-t in* roim-r eovero njeot of Columbia, tin it.ou«-..n.t do.u.» ■For mlaif of t*ta p.iokci land*, three thouaard .to..a Llf. t 'or -awry and coniis !*d> expcawt as Cuinm*i»if*(it;r lo ids Sandwich stands, (Of the ye»f cnihn* thirty ft at. eighteen hundred ana «vtv niut, u.ree thousand nine hundred and twenty two doll*™ tod eighty acton cents. To E lines for iduUmaal compensation at late C>tDffilaainnr / U, We c-*4‘iw; '.it l .land*, in JtJfXJiWQ® of tho wooamendaiJOQ of the Depail. nod ofSiale, throe tbouianJ dollira. For tnltrpreieta. guards, and other expenses of the eoaiolatesat Smyrna, and Al exandria, one thousand B re huudrud dollars. For the expense* ol the agent of the Suu.uoc Porte, tea thooiand dollars to l*e disbursed under the directioa ol the Secretary ofS'ate. Fo? office reel of tie ivicut. a! Uaiie, la Swit- zerland, qoo hundred dwilar*. i*!ary of a eomtk'as oner to resdc in China' iao-ooiaf thie addtu-iuai coutp:u«at' and lo •cab!-' to procure a pas-rge i. v ■ ' 1 hundred d >l - lobe erpeod-id «„ucriae d.rocuon of the State Depanmen;. Forthe aottoai re.-*.*- • at*to! asa auer.J anca oe furnacea Ih a v ait-udacc* oa waier cJomcu, cleaning r *e yrj> c garde air.tod laborers, and cartage w .(■ -n\ »;p*s uatcoa eey water to the ci< ir- >uc-«u efflaee, and repairtof damages h» I. i>i'«uias, brushes. wdodea spade*, a i 1 *- '*■ *g »r?w, repairing shot meat* at 1 tb'-r t. ;r r ‘ 11 tho waltj :n t the capuol g/oaoH* >•.. inpror.tiig ifie i pa)d c groobd* at is: \s.-r’- > cist, and west of the eapiiol.tbe o-ec u rjiiceioa Feno* ayleaua ) (,t T ’ ta ' i: '» •*'9 r - ,no l s*< I paretsguie in the b> 1... S and w««tvro ; •pproachea, *c.. at i --rr . uedai repairs «»H Imprweaeots, im’-'u.v '.‘ioassa-i d.dlsrs £jr anneal repe >m . h«u*r fir. deo, and laborers, prsrj •. •fi -.s :n Pr-»t* dam's square, oicrir. .sol .it.:.’., inm* dti. sal of feev i n. F-’ta «t= • {'law, Prer i' t'i •".•»' ' 1 ' •'■ ’< f. >r ue ~ c triage, i , ... ••• -'■* de !«'*. ;'nf n-rrt a ta* Ota net Jnd rr c—nnr and ffi*kln Iran*- . ' ■ • ’i*-.*. ’s« o ladx-. In , iu tuns i • ih • eecrrtaiy of ; , -t ic-- fC' ;sS4 ssrr>ee U> Ce t. • >r« -v-re.ii' 51 d a rrea*o y, l»oO)Dg !<•« •4.b<*. • 10 be expended tt-lJrr **-C «itf c' •*o t lue Pfes.cleQ; of the Oflitco b.»i>« For i®mpeoe«uoc cf t.’ur Mauls, draw keep era el the Potomac .inoy*, .3.-.iu<»;og o 1 lamp* CitCtllQCfT. ire&Coi, »ttrt li ~«lf« I*o 10OU« tr eoUen; Pmulfl. 1 r«'- ctovaoce to the taro assistants i- «o-.-p.r e m.: *oo:ber:i draw otsud brtogc ?na.t t»s uu cel *rs per day. Farlighting Peos»)irr-Jui avencr Irom Capitol Square lo the Treaaury Lijpiruucrl, and compel)- •aiua of two limp iif aier- !> ihr «mr, acd far the Capitol aud •! /-mail and Pre r.deo'a boose, ciavea thcu*"Ud do'lar*. For compensation aud i-octiofcti ci tenses ol auxiliary gaard, hi thousand sovea hundred eotl •evemy fire donors. Fur repair* of ih- bridge* on the Eastern Branch of the Po'-omac, pay ol !«••/ draw Icecpara, etl far lamps tad mtcsiocry. and for rnmhursiing to the Corporation and levy court of Waihimtton city the ituorfui hundred aod fitly do.iar* advanced by (betn tnr repairs already dose, five thousand dollar*. For completing the improvements on Indiana reoo*, three inoosaae dauarn. Fur gradieg, graveliua, repairing sidewalks, building culverts, and oineraiae improving New Jersey aveoue, north of the Capitol, three lbou« aaojl dollar*, te be expended under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Raildioga For file Improvements on the New Jersey avenue, from the Capitol Senate to tbo public re servation, cumber eavenkeci*. according to inch grade a* the Corporation ot Washington may here after «w«*hH*h, two tbomaod doilara, lo be expend* od under the directum of the Commmtoner of Pubuo buildings. For paying a balance doe Peter Gutman, f«r furnishing atooe for paving Pcanaylvanis avenue, two haodred and aixty dollars and tixiy five ceota. Fur completing the graveling on Fonr-aod-a half street, from Maryland avenue to the Ariosi groan da, and digging the cfcst aide, one thousand iwn haodred dollars. Por the Nippon, care, and medical treatment of twelve transient pauper medical >ir •uxgical pa tieola m the Washington Infirmary, two thousand dollars, to bfi expended under tne direction of (be Commissioner of Public Building*: Prfndtd, Hie physicians and surgeons of the alorcaaid infirmary give bonds for tbo mnlotaineoce of twelve pauper transient patients during one year, if application be ior their reception, and hind themselves to keep rooms for the accommodation of twelTe pauper patients weekly on an average during the year. For completing the grading, planting with trees and enclosing with u substantial wooden fence ibr their protection, the mail from Sixth Street west ward, to the Potomac itivcr, five thousand dol lars. For extending ute eewers from tbe Executive Department aod the President's House to the Ca* uai, and for further improving the grounds south of the President's House, fifteen thousand djl lara. For paying a balance due ibe contractors fords yr log gas pipes between me Qapilol and Fifieqqih street, wiuuu (he Capiiol snd Capitol grounds, and for chandeliers and Lumen m the President'! house, and completing the bruuch pipes, iampsl dec., within the Capitol Grounds, three thousand dollars. For continuing tbe sewer under Pennsylvania Avenue on the east hue of Fuiir.eenih street lo the canal, three iboutaud doi to be expended on dcr tbe direeuon of the Cumiiwuiuncr.vf Pubtio Buildings. For the extension of tlieCapitcl according lo such plan as may be approved by the President of the United Boies, one hundred thousand dollars; lo bo expended undtr his direction by such architect as h 9 may appoint to execute the smic 7oat lbs duties nowduetoihe United Slates upon a certain importation uf prmied books, cunts med ut three cases, marked oue hundred and ninety three, one hundred aod ninety five, and three, and shipped by William Cricnuer, trutii Loudon, Eng land, in the ship J. W. Andrew?, utito to Messrs. Hill and Sears, Boston, he value »l J*aid books be ing seventy eight pounds, four •hillings, aod six pence, sterling, be, and the some are hereby remit* tea: Pnvi4*d % L shall ba made lo appear to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the Treasury, that each books have not been imporied fur sale, but tot charitable and gratuitous circulation by certain religious societies to tbo United States. For refunding to John Joseph Cooncc, Bishop of Nach«s, the duties paid on a cathedral bell, presea ted lo aaid Bishop by Prince Alexander Torluuis.uf Borne, two hundred and fi:(y dollars. For the expenses of pauper lunatics in the Mary land Hospital at Balliinure,eight thousand six buu dred doilara. For payment of annuities and grants by special acts of Congress, seven hundred and fifty dollars For compensation of Secretary to sign patents for Public hwnds, ooe thousand five hundred dol lars. For compensation of two additional watchmen on the Capitol grounds, seven hundred and thirty dot tan. For cotspexuatioo of tbe Commissioner of Pub lic Buildings, two thousaud dollars. Fur ths discharge of such miscellaneous claims, not otherwise provided for, as shall be admitted in warn (he Treasury, ftrotiW u er ‘a Hi Is .ii- c tu, sad polls, t: * ar .g , oilar*- P-tcrftei That no part nf the appro- j priafoo shall be drawn < ’ rom ihe Treasury except :q pursuance of some iiwof resolution of CoDgresa [ aufro-amg ibe expenditure V’.n *3‘arie» md i:ommi'»iona of registers of land office* and receiver* ot public moneys, one bun dred und twenty eiahl ibou-and end seventy dol lars. For expeoses of deposition public moneys bv re ceiver* of public moneys, seventeen ibousand sev en hundred and tifieen dollars. Fo. .(icidental expenses of the several land offi ce*. i verity'five thoo«and and fifty dollars Fo- sclnries o'" avtstatu treasurers of the United • Stine*, m New York, Boston, Charleston, and St. ; Lout* eleven thousand five hundred dollar*. 1 For additional »aiary of the treasurer ot the mint at Philadelphia, five hundred dollar*. For salaries ot’ t«n clefk* authorized by the act of sixili August, eighteen hundred and forty 31*. and of thr twelfth ot August, eighteen hundred and for tyei£hl, nine thousand dollars. For «alary of cbie olerk of assistant treasurer at ! New York oue thousand five hundred dollar*. 1 For contingent expemes under the act for the I safekeeping. collecting, t aua'er, and disbursement | of the public revenue, of sixth August, e glueen ! hundred and forty ns. sixteen ibuu-aitd five hun dred dollars. Provided, That no pirt of said sum of sixteen tnou-and five hon.ired dollars shall be | expended lor clerical services For compensation to special agents to examine | books, account*, and money on h ind in the several : depositories, itndrr the act of sixth August, eighteen hundred end lurty six, five thousand dul nr*. For expense* of loaus and treasury note?, twenty thousand dollars. For supply o' deficenciea in ihe fund for the re lief ofatek seamen, including the Jurni*fi'n« of five | new marine hospitals now holding, v a: Paducah, Kentucky, Catcano, lllinoi?; Naicbex, Mi-siss ppi; j Napoleon, Arkansas; St. Louis, Missouri; two huu j dre l thousand dollars. I For con'-uuißg tne construction of the Custom I House at New Orleans, two hundred thousand dol i For the topographical and hydrographical survey cj f the Delia of ttie Mi*»i««tppi, wr.lh such investi gation* as may lead to determine ihr mosi p-acli- fifiv dollars F *r salaries for examiners of drags for the fis cal y--ar, ending the thirteenth ot Jane, eighteen hundred sod fitly one, at Boston New York, Pa'i«iieiphi», Btltlmorc, Charleston, and New Or* le n p*ract weiry aiX'b of Jure, eighteen hm* dr. d «ud forty eight, and third of March, eighteen hundred and foriv nine, seven thousand dollars Fo, salary of rlerk to examiner at New York, one rnnusaod dollars. For tne to WJ. Duane,of Philadel phia, execier of D«n el Parker, deceased, late Pivn»s»ter General, and agent for paying salaries n i it (lice, a ba'ance f„uod due the taut Parker, hv ire ico-Mo-toe i tfii: r of the Treasury, eight 1 hu n dred and r gbty six dollar*. For tne payment to M«j' r W. !(. Chase, of the co'p-. of engineers, in puißutnce of the decision of the Second Comptroller of the Treasury, of (be record aod flfeentb of November, eighteen hun dred and forty-nine, une thousand ono hundred ar-’ ■ many rooms iu the City Hall in said ! my, about to he. eu tlicr at Not folk. Virginia, dislr u-t mid circuit courts, Oolden in said city, sn 1 ,u ndiiiii«»r. to the pr->pred» .-i ihr sail* ot th* pre-- iheir eifici r*. twelve thousand dollars: Provided, j eni ro«to.-n hs.i.e ano *ue. lo be exp*-mlc i under That no part of the appropriation shall be paid! the direr-, on oi the -rc'einry of tbe Tr«a«ur\. hi i y mjui n ~Qi.i be cert .lira by the justices of th* said thousmd* Provided, That Ihe plan ot the ciouit courts that ihe snid rooms are provided, and building sha.i be such ihsi the whoie co-i both of ,t, e M id leu-xr made. and »-i * i ,n no event cxcc*d the ap- ; F o r making alterations in the office of tbo assist* propria lion hereby made. ; „ nt trrs*urer of the Umied Sadat New York, and hor the en cn-iu of a new custom bouse at baa f„ p turutinr* ior the raid otGm.-, four hundred and Franct»cc>, 10 c-otitani rooms lor the port otfii-e in fifty five do'lars. that city, and ih - Bcrotninodsiion ot i> ofiieers. and For male ng alirrations in the approiebet of the also ri'oui* fir the L mted s..ti . '..rnm, uni-i ttic whole budding Untied Sirate* and ineir offi-ers, under order of the .s needed 'or cu».inti hou-** |iu*po«e*. one bundled Common Council of Detroit, and for repairing aod moesand doitar- I’rov ied. St-d budding sftiii be renovni ng said building, five hundred and thirty exempt from »>. ;ha>r Cil) or -rfber taxat.ui And five dollars. further p-ovde-i l hsi the whoie net of the To pay inc amount of subscription under the iqu .i-d i ict*-d '--nr hundred thousand do;- j,uni irsoluiioo oi thv toird of March, eighteen hun dred and fyry nine, tor one thousand copies of the annals of C.mare— to the end of [he fourth Con gress, arid lo include ihe fir* Congress, as well as tne second, tbir daud thirty thou >m>(l dollars cubit; plan for securing it Irani inundation, and (he best of so deepeningibe passagesolihe inuuth of the river a* to al ow amps of twen'y feet uraugbt to enter the same, tifty thousand dollars For repair*, aiieranone.end futunure ’or the new custom house at Portland, Mime, eight thousand dollars. For repairs and furniture for the custom house ol Casting, in the district of Pjnobscot, three thousand sit hundred dollars. “ For the purebujo of a site, and the ercc'inn of a custom hou*e, in the city of tttngor. Maine, fifty thousand dollar*, to be expended under the direc tion of the Secretary of the Treasury; un.l the cost of said building -libll not nceed »u-d amt’. For the purrha*e of n *ite and tne *-rei:tion o r a new custom house at MuS-le, to conUitt ro->ni» for the l\.*t Oifice m that citv, and the nccominodjiioa of it« otflocr*, and uUj r.»om* for u- United State* district court, n-’ti ilie accommodation of it* officer-*, oue hundred thousand dollars, :n addition to such sum a» tnav !>*■ received tor ihc «ale ot old cus tom hou»e buildm*. (‘rnvded, That the plan ot the budding shall be »urh, that tlie wiiolc .-u*t both of building und sue shull .n noevent exceed the appro priation hereby ntudt The Sfrretnrv Ji Hi- Treasury is hereby author ixod uinl r< 'ipiired lo purchase, a* isinn an it can be effected on rea-mnnblo terms, a »ite lor a cu«tntti bou«*t and po.‘i olfi-e m the ntv of liath, in the .Stale 1 ot Maine, and lo ratisr to be erected thereon su-th a building as may be *u>Ubie lor a custom nou*o and ptwt othce I’r iVided. The said Secretary should not deem it more exp-dieni to hive the present cus tom hou«e repaired Provided, also. That the enure, i cost ol *uch sot; and or ot such repair*, shall not exceed; twenty live thousand dot ar* For repairing and lining the ;tr< lies anil vaults of the <*u*t.>lo house b'lib-ng at I'tuladetpUm, to ren der tne.f. proper I >r storing good-, seven thousand \ live hundred doitrv/s For i-ontmu'ng the I'onstrtict.on of the custom h»u*o nt UtiunrsWih, one hundred lftou*aod dot- for cnrt.nn Mr the cm.struct or of the ru*;cm house at Savannah, hllevu l jourand dul- \ iar* \ For purchasing the » te a.-.d commenctrc the ! erection ol a‘»u.:«b e lire proof bu ’drr 1:u the c-tv of St t*«-. M.«.un. 1-jr’he cu-iom bou-e. and todependeo: Tres-usy and other oifice* of the Unt ied dialer, me snrii oi afiy ttniustird do .’ar>, the whole Co-t of the bon.l or not lo exc**d ine-uni ot sever,ty (iVe thousand ilo.lar* Provided mat -an,' btniding sU*b be exempted from C>lv raxe*. snd a;, o’her taxes wusiever, bv act of the Legislature uf , M.s-our. For the purch»«o of r »:ir, end cor.«t uctlon of a proper huudic* el 'Juicumati lor 1 cunum h--u*e, .Qdrpendeni Tre*ury, end o her olbce* ot the Uni teo States, filly tliou*ni.J do’iars: Provided, That the total i-i*n*'roclion *ball not •Treed seventy five thousand doilacs And Prjv.drd. also, tlut raid bunding sltati be exempted lr„tti env tax-*, add a, I other taxes whatever, t>y act of the Legislature of O-i.o For «>d a'icring room* m ibe^cu»loni MNatiia uue auoslfca e&J six liuu*mJ dvi- Pur contioiutiion -urv*y nf rrtfi, «hiaia, key«, and o; 3./u a Florida, by ta-s Su prrmiraic ia cicrk uf the tioUtO ot tt rpre»eo» (alive* to pay (if nuuured aa-J two ccp em ol ibe e-xbi& volume <'i me American archive*, to be rct»iord io *.«• fuse-tMa un.if disposed of by Co2*fC'«, atMiiecQ a share ned c gily tnreecents per ? jluoic, mob thoriDind teveu huQiired and » X* teeo doinr* and ttlv « x cents To enable tbe clerk of t’ie House of Represen tatives ns pay for one hundred nod nevroieeo cop tea of ibe ratlin volume ol tbe American archives to be rrta neipc«ed of bj C -Dgrcn, at a ilcea d.e disponed of an Congress may bciealter direct, twenty two thousand five hundred i’o lert. For oompletms the eastern wing cf the Patent OlS?e building accordug 10 the original plan, un der the direct! jQ of the Secretary of the Inti rior ; and fur dofrayiDK such expense* at may hare been incurred hy maienala procured or labor appued towards the westwiog, prior to the filternm day of May la*', and lor anr.b material* or labor a« may have beta since procured applied for the itcariiy oftbe old building, one hundred and ten thousand dollar*, to br paid net of tho pitrnt fund if is much of at! 1 fund remain* unapprnp (a ed, | and If cot, the cx-««<» out of any money in the j treaaury not otneiw *o apprr priaied. For the collection of agricultural statistics, four thousand five hundrcJ Uoiiar-, to be paid cut of the patent fund. -, .. .., For the purchase of»itct i:>ol fl: w rks as are j [Pouuc—No. 32 J ne-'euary tor ire use of (be Pai.-m Office, one AN ACT gmnung bouhty land to certala'offleera, thousand arc hundred dollars, to be paid out of and soldier* who have been engaged In the the patent fund. military atrvice of the United Siaica. For cimpenßation of librarian, five huedred dol- tneeted if tin Strict end flnure qf lira. io be paid oot of (to potent fund. Beprezenicxivet >J tie .United Stetet «/ Anars. F if payment of tfc«* aecnad aid th-rd vo atcca cf, lft Covgr-st atnmlUd, That each of the aur ibe Cf h aerie* o f the D icomectary History, nade* V(nn g or w tdow or'mSnor children of deresa (Qstrict wud the Sucrelaiy of State, toirty five , comßuajicoed or Mm-commiuaioned officers, itciaand dollar*. , mua.clal.e cr privates, whether of regulars, volun* expenses in raceing ana nirkintr ire b'oo* , cef?j ranger*, or militia, whotperformed military darv line belweco the o a;ied S:*tea and Mr Xico, , 84fVlce tn j B y retiuieoti company, or detachment ' Dtfkicg tho ex*,3in«tiics coiiemplaied by the , t DtheMrTl , x ofme United State*, in the war math article of the treaty' of Qu*dalupe Hidalgo, j wltJl Britain, declared by the United Slatea and paying the faiaries of the oE or the »«• j lbe ei gm eC Qiu day of June, e ghteen buodred mission, 000 hundred and thirty flee thousand dob j M( j lWt j fC| 0 r iu toy of the Indian ware since lara- ... . ' aeveuleea hundred aad ninety, and each or the For the warden, cleik. pnyeicten, chaplaio two ; cotna ,j*aioned officer* who was engaged in tho I assistant keeper*, four guards, and per er of the service of the United Slates Iq the late penitentiary of the Darnel of Cot itnb.a, aevetr~ wgf W|tb Hexi-*o, shall be'enMled to lands ss (bt , thousand five huadroJ dollars. ! low*': Those wboengtged torerve ia?elvc mouthf, Fir three inapsetora of said penitentiary, three {j uric g the war, r.ud actually tarred oino hundred dollar*. ; omnlhe, shall receive one hundred and ants For discharging tbs exjeatt ol taking the sbt* #cre| . gnd IQOBO whieogaged loaerre six mourns, : oath enumeration of the inhabitants of the United tnd aciusiiy served four months, shall receive I gtdea, one million one hundred and aixleen thoo- j ir ,y . Provided, That wherever any officer Mod dollars. , , . j . .u ior soldier «■» houorably dtaebarged In conae« For the payment of aba toco certified by the q IICQSe diaabituy in the aerrtce before the . j Fiwt Comitroller of the Treasury to be duo Ifli| eX p irt (irm of hi* period of service, he shall reeeire James D D-ty, aa governor and superintendent of: ([Jfl eOJO uBt to which be wfiillil t» been entitled I Indian affairs for the Territory of Wuumnsio, one j 6o 6gd Mr ved the foil period for wtttch be had I iho iiaad ooc hundred and forty e b rp’-i !tv five for bid neceeary traveling and outer person- duriog wnich eay ofleet or soldier may hare x l A, amhtiiuedby the Secretary of r«ntla*d ln capUvtty with lb* enemy ahaU be qUte one thouaaud one hundred aud fifty two dot- eaumaud and a«de« v> the period of hia actual P*"* aervkw, tad the penoo ao dsttined ta captivity For the pay of draftsmen and aaalstanmj to the shall receive laud under the pronelOßC of thig eel .femtdot he 0 Oo pan) 10 the other heirs of the said Jose Ys ’-:or. or to bis repreaentalivna. F•' paymtot uf comeenaatton to Dr. Thomas 1 O. E J waids. for his services as examiner imo the . orarural opera'ion of the law fo > tie prevention of ft:*; impoiuiton of -pmoiii and a mttera’ed > cr>u* and media’-'a under snyoiotm-Tt from the - Secretary of ire Trex*ury, October tenth, eigb • t-cn hundred and forty eight, two hundred and Fur ctciiiouinz the publication of the works cf the Etplons; Expedition, including the printing of the mart*, '.tie pay of the scienlibc corps, salary of the hort:culiufj*t and circ of the collections, twenty live thousand doi'urs To defray t*,e rxpen«es incurred under the au :homy of u>e Committee of Arrangement, for the . funeral ol Gener*: Zic'tary Taylor, deCeft»ed, late [ I’re—toil u! the United itate?, eight thousand one 1 hundred and li*rty six dollars and seventy three i era's, io be disbursed uy the Marshal of tits Ui3 ' trict t*T Columbia * ! To delrav the expenses ol transporting the re ' mem" of General Taylor from the cemetery in 1 Wa»huutor. io Kentucky, to be expended under the ; direction <>i the President oi tbe Uolted Stales, four th*i v*aad dollars, j To enable the War Department tomakeaocb ex amination* and aurTey* a* may be necessary to de :*r i re uji’m ih” b-«i a..d mi*: avmUble m«H»* of Mijip. ■ iiiz ' i<- r y V.'..s*nnw'oii «’dh pnru ve:-r*, .1,- 1 1 prep .or pi cl*!e •.. : wii'r. he d !■; Cm-grer** et :ir 12. r Aw l !e >t ftarieJ. That from ar'i after Hie ol inis ael,'he cumpeasalinn of the oo the public ground*, Under the pub lic gardener, in Washington Co force for the G*cs! \etr ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred ard fifty one. Sec. f'. And U ufur.her enatud, That the Sect rotary of the Tn-a*ury be author z?d and directed to adjust and settU the cia'tn submitted by the le gal rcprcientativei of Lieutenant Robert. L. B-nwri- g, la e of ib- United Stales Navy, deceaa rd, tir a «lmo of the proceeds of the tale of tbe schooner Oregon and cargo, seised and cocHsea* led in the atooih of April, eighteeo hundred and tony eight, under the President's regulations ot the lint Mirch, eighteen hundred and forty for ty snvoD, at the port of Tampico, daring the war | wi l b Mexico, and to pay the amount of said claim ' out of any moneys in ihe treasury arising from I military coQ ii -direction of the President cflbe Unuc-I S stea SCO 6 And Uil furlfitr niar&i, That it shall be lawful for the Secretary of tho Treasury to cause the revenue steamer Utliaa, now lying al'the port of New Yort, together with the machinery placed therein, under uud by virtue of a contract by and between R- J Walker, late Secretary of the Trea sury, and Ethan Campbell, dated August twenty fifth, eighteen hundred and forty eight, to be ap praised by one or more good and sufficent apprais er*, and to sell (if the said Secretary shall think the 1 public interest* will be thereby promoted) the said steamer and uincmery to said Campbell at saidap disised value, and to annul by aud with his assent, 1 1 said contract; Provided, That the said Secretary i I shill, on celling said steamer and macmery to raid > Oatnobell, take train him a release or d scharge of - the Umtel States from all claims and demands un * 1 der and by virtue of said contract, f Approved, September 30, 1850. ci»« he had emered the t-rvice for the whole torn made ap by the sddtt cn ofthe lime of biacspti' l ’ - ty. •"d had *ervpd don*-? aoeh iitr*. Sic. 3. And >«\t further enatitd, Thai each ooCS - and n}&-ccmmi**toned officer, marlC aa, or private, for whotb provision is to ado by tbe first auction hereof, «bsll r«-ceive a certificate, or war* rant, from (hr Department o' the intrror for the quantity of land lo wb ch he may be entitled, and which may located by the warrantee, or bit hens at lav, at idt load ifite of the Uoited Su es, in one body, and in conformity to the legal acb 'msior.s of tbe pnhlie lands, any ci tbe pabli* lands of such district then subject to privite entry; and upon tbe return of aach certfica’e or warrant, with evidence of the iocatioa thereof bcvim, been legally made, to the General Land Office, a patent shall be Issued therefor. In the event of tbe death of any commissioned or non comm saianed officer, musician or private, prior or subsequent to the passage of this act, wbo shall btvc »eiv»d at aforesaid, and who shall rot have toretved bounty lane. for said eerviees, a like cer tificate or warrant shall be tuned in favor and enure to tbe benefit of hit widow, wbo abali re* ceive one hundred and truly acres of land, in cate her hushand waa killed in battle* bet not lo her heirs Prowled, -She is unmarried at the date U her application. Provided farther. That no land warrant iasoed apder the provisions of tbit act shall be laid upon any land of the Owed States to which there aball be a pre-emption right, or upon which there aball be an actual settlement and cul» tivatior, except with the consent of inch aettler, to be satisfactorily proven to the proper land offla °*a*c. 4. And be U further enaeted, That all eal«, mortage*, teuera 01 auuioey, *iors of This act, made or executed pnor to the irane, aball be null and void, to all intents and pnrpo-es what soever j nor *h*i' auch certificate or warrant, or the land obtained thereby, be In any wise affected oy, or charged with, or sa‘ject to. tbe payment of any debt ortKin loenrred by sacn officer or soldier prior to the is-ulng of the patent. Provided, That the heftfita of lb« act aball not accrue o any person w’O is a member of the pre sent C togreva : Provided, further. That »t ebal , be the dnty of the Commia»loner of the General Land Office, under snch r-golations as may be prevented by tbe Secretary ol the Interior, to ciaae to be located, free of expeaie, any warrart which tbe bo'der may transmit lo tbe Genets! Land Office for that purpose, lo snch State aqd land d -tuct as tho said holder or warrantee m medical aid in me city, t>y whom it «u proaouoced ' « a vftry bad eya" and all gave me no hope of doing her any good. Alter whkh 1 look Her into the conn* try to an old lady, who bad been very successful in I corio g eye*. She told me that her cue *»» hopelesSj a* eha would certainly loie sot only that one, but alio ibat the other would follow—it being a scrofulous affection of the blood. And I di certify that at the time my fatoer (J. D. Va*hon) cam* to the conclatioQ ' that we Q»d belter try your u Peirolcom,’ bh« w*i nnnvtLT au.vr’of one eye. It is now about two mantht since aha began it* me, aol *ho can now tee with both eye* n* good a* ever she did ; and, a* far al l can tell, 1 behave the baa, with the blowing of ha Almighty, been cured by '• Petroleum ” Years, :e*pectfally, M. Fa*Mi*s YaiHos Colbks. Pittsburgh!), Sept 30, 1-SQ. For tale by Keyacr A McDowell, HO Wbod street; !L E. Seiler*,s7 Wood atreet; D. M. Carry, D. A, El* iiotl Joseph Dodgla**, and 1L P. Schwarts, Allegheny, alto by the proprietor, 9. M. KIEK, oc7 Canal o**ih. Seventh rt, Pittsburgh. Vssxmoa I—The liventor of a{ uut aaxany for * I'oncidable LH.eas? ha* no tight to kerp it* use from hi* fellow creature*, bo 'bought Dr Me Lane . oetd dAwtf \ OSce of Ohio end Peruia. R. E-Co, Tldid *U * htruciss, Angus: i, ieso. Tm Stockholder* of the (lino and Pennsylvania Rail Read Company are hereby noulrd to pay the eighth instalment of five dollars per share, ai the office of the Company, on or before the SDth day of AuXuet Tbo ninth instalment) on or before the 30th day of September Tht tenth Instalment on or before tha rCthda; of G-ttcver next. l£>- Ti - V-i»; was called for on the CWt o .'c>r lay liauoChAtix isuitib uNymtinviJ# CITIZENS’ INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Pittsburgh* C. G. HUSSEY, Pass':. A. W. MARKS, Sxc*r. Olfice—No. 41 Wster street, in tbe wortkouv* of C. n.aKA.vr. rictus COMPANY is now prepared to insure a-'J bza r«el*ed , br . L\l ocB E 9 'seller's /Faraway seed~»» 1m very c> J;1 . for eaia-by V oea ft F, sellers fIHAHOMI W M 8 I—l b il* recU (or • ale By __ r X H SELLERS RED CHALK—in atiekaj J c „ 0 for BtUb , __ RESEOraS FOR *jT LOUIS. Aps» jv The • i>lend4l aaw steamer •> F. Boyd, oaatet, w\ll leave for the and all intermediate pens, on urn d«y, oil .tut, at 4 O'clock PM. , For ftalfUt or paiaage. apply op board. peg FOR ST. LOUIS. "* The splendid steamer for*. ,*■ "o o*ilo?tT , M* * f °' u “ fjr l«i,ta or P*«;»f».«ppl* on bo.rtl.lor to - - O,JJ 8 j-M Aft. FOR St Louis. Ifw V The apUfldid s^*oat jE&t,***. «,. I.T. {SIRSS2 IT““ “ Far &njhie»p««» ge , tl>p ,y, a bgtirl oe> - FOR BT. LOUIS. Va .pUMUjljjunw matter, will la ave fbt U>« and imet mediate Undlma aa tha day, Cre Blh torn, at 4 e'ctac t. P. M- . •** BHOkllB KITBICTfc EXTRACTS of Aoonits, Bellsfonns. Onlaevnih a!e by j IdfilAll IKCCRY A Co oci" ; Wat»r an»Preot streets Ct REA«E—B bbls on hand and fo-saV ire T oci7~ ISAIAH OIQKgY &Co Bacon dusks oa Avsd, wrj bo sold \ low to clore ihs lot. by oe:7 19 AUH DICKEY A Co l HONFY— 4 bbls In store and for safe b? re 7 13*14U DICKEY A Co bexss prims qtalitv, for «*le by I , ner? t IHaIaM DlCggy ACo /"IUM O*PAL VARNISH—For rale by I t o->7 IBAIAII DICKEY A Co. CO-PAaTHBRSIUP. HI! KY Aft but this dftv ti'ee tied Wa MU**, . Wood otrcct* with hJfflLoihabttili’wofßyefl'o Build tart. • . , ... Tbr hrreoflrr will bo connneted sndrr (ho none of Ryon A M Kee. who mpedfaily ooUcti tha potxoaare of ibelr frioadolngOßertl- RY^N W SL MHCKR. OF 00-PABTWBIHIP TIHE firm of McKee, Ktffley A MoTian,w *dmolv. ed on iho *3ih all Wo M’Kee h»f>nr»«W his iwercst la ibs concern, to Ucun< Neeley * Motan, tie business of the firm wi’l ba fettled ard carried on bv Negiey A Mohan, who are daly anthoitaid to uo the name of the first tot that parjywse. jas's nroley, Y. MOHaN. ALCOHOL-fl bbls jut received and far tale by J KID l» * no ocl a , No co Wood etract GLAZIFR'9 DIAMONDS—I dca inn received ard icr .sic bv octfi J KIPP • Ct> LARD OIL—B bble No I last received and for aale “• octf JJUDD jkCo iED LEAD—SOW pound* jatt received and for *a! j bj- pcd J KIDD A Co P' 10 IKON—3SO ton* Mahoning Tornsce Pig Iron, for aale from the Allegheny wharf, by ‘ JAR FLOYD ocS ; Round-Church. i UTTER—I 4 hr la solid baiter floi I ocS HARPER'S Macaxlna, No S, far October, oftiue excellent magazine, and No 16 of Dteuoniry of Mechanics, has beett received at Holm*s’ Literary Depot. > bird atrert, eppesl e the Po«t Office, alio e new American N«vel ca led The Conspirator, a tara of Ulninriha*«eu’a Island, on ibr Ohio River, tod No 9 Pictorial field Rook of the American Eavoln- UCB. OCfl IBSTRVOTIOI on tlso PIAHO POUTB. GEO. W. BRAINARD would respectfully announce to the erttatos cf Pittsburgh and Atle>hcay c.t*, bis intention of taking Bp his revWerura in the city of Piurbutgb, for the purpose of giving l ott me lions on the Piano-forte, to advanced pupßc. He v?i!j be ready td rocM*e tpp icatlocs from those : who may require his servlets by Monday, the Mth instant. , Apptxtat.onS previoo* to that date, to l»e l« ft i Ri the «U)ie cf J. U. MeUor, No hi Wood at. oct IVtsiem lolltgt ot Iloirenpanis Eedltinr, i CLEVELAND, OHIO. ; Swum t .i.c will Le Rift. hlninca’'£t»cn tee. 63—:© b« paid t tonec. tuator’s ticket, S 5. Qrodaatiuu fho, 3-0 Personi *t.o liavq attended two (ult coutses of lecture in other colleges, are admitted to the hit coerae In this Inatiuiioa on tire payment of SfO Omdnates of re spcd’ M s medical schools are peiinlt<«a to attend the coarse 1 n the payment of the matru-uletun ree only. tto-xi board, metudina roua 1 ght, and foal can be - o'tai eil fioo 8J to ?S£o pci we-fc For fanher m furmntbn address. - CIIAS D. WIL) IAhoS, Q‘* dim ■ P>»nnf b Fa o-ty. L|» D rtSll—lo oaaka for sale hy i i WAP WILScN oe< l '.O Wood at brla fialipoQ, for sale by oei w ,■< p Wii^gorr 1 BANNERS’ OIL—S 3 brta low priced, for tkk by . PC* W ■». F WILSON \TTJT GALLS—-350 Ibsjaat ree’d and for aale hr il RE SKLLFRS oc4 67 Wood st PATENT SOAP;POWDER—IO *n ree'd for rale »Cl RE SELLERS SAL SODA—4 eaaka reeci'ed for aate hr oc4 R K SELLERS GUM ARABIC LOZENGES—IO b<* for a* «by apt R K SELLKWS WHITE SQUILLS—I eaak tee'd lor tale by oot ' R E SELLER IOLUMBO ROOT—I bale reeair* d for *e'e by J acl R E SELLfcRS CHROME GREEN A YELLOW—4 cue, feraale QC< ; R L'eEuLBBS /'IMP PILL BOXES—3OO paper* o jr rale »y V nH Oii WICK ft MeCANiil^ESa W f HITS FISH—IS brU for*al« by ' oc4 WICK ftMeCANDI .Ega Window class-sm bn 8zio; IMbx* ter tali by WtCy^WeCAWPUaS Yr t,sc i£fe 10 b«l®», giaxed, for sale 1 , /\ WICK ft McCa] P UI, 7FJff ZED / fttKKATDS-47 bu, Isx poaad aad hall poeaF f or tils by WICK ft MCOANPLES3 c Ai.&sray tanGiy. WjCK ft McCANDLEgg y. A.F&HNI *B o I* Bi s ft L STOCK & 00., B DBCOOIBTS, Pint Pi tfbargb, dr owa inportaior, direct Comer of Wood and OFFS R for fkl«,of ihe (rota Europe, Ho rax, raQxfd. in ease* F-nei j Cora ft i’bwd, kp Ccrb. Am ■ oa,eike ajar* Pan* fireen. in.chno Rrtiirr ?:om, m c»«ks Fioar 9c!ptm do C.*t|Uyoa*,m l»x* CbJc. Magnesia do ;c«Tt» do -do AeeUe Aeid Ortnpa Flower t7»tcr Hole Pill Ooxet,p«per' , sfcc» - o do vd'ow riel Cork*, ostoned Acccfjro YinMier, fin* Roi/Oraa* do ; •*» Lead do; do Oaibasxn do, do Klmifrioo of: oo erniuo Iron*»*., Prtdp.Caro Iwe, AlePP e Gall* { TipionViLlot * Wedgwood Usrtan u« pciL'ea on i>rr Wider, splk« do Garden Oil urfcnos f Od Hovaratry oil B tier Alnaada on Cwr.pot 0:1 CiO‘o3 Ptak and Blae Surer* Cerdwro ■ Seed so!pb Ziaa H*il*r»’ Tettt, prepared Geoiian (L o; Mimbarb Root Polltbiuf i*a3» Indian Red - Lee i)Te, powtj in bril Carb. iron in Icfgs Ciutc Acid, in ib botUes PalT-imtaaolalis do Aq. ftsuaoa CO tie. do Calomel End. do Oil Amber fleet, do lodide Po’asb' do Craneic WMie da , , do lno*Tial» Icdlne Kny.inHribMjuf** lodWeton,inO*»«J» Conf. B*«*a,inJbJ*** Bi*Carb. l-ca*b,lJ' NW-*« H'.ao P«i! EoK-if Terwrio Ae«,ln OX* CioeasMsru^ln P^VslenaaEngmOalPQ ■riding (nr IgAfaH mCKlfr ACO HEi2*t/-W OXSai «tt*i S ca,fW^ • *7fIDM no'bußftii ** ICO 1 rU NO Meuiaea: 4»brtaS« 4*’ -ntr «/■ JIBOWN » KIRKPATRIOt mo*v * YAUN—£antU tot fo-TiirbV~—' X »epg gTUARfJc iLI TiirBAPVINOFAf ER—A larga loia/ atr.wu4 w. ttf. i»Mtted ■»«! ettuuaiy ©a hand by Jl i. w, *hgrf“. j?asfr“"'waB*«u" tale by - JAR FLOYD