FB-OC^AMATIOa *A :-c V -* pf v- 1 •- >i... ■’- 1 ticf to elert cm o; '.wu-bcjMi, enjc.u-.p< 0» me t-> r»';-e n' *u-fi t.reuor* 10 ;>e field, and ccsmem? ui rccn toi.ce won ofisere ate to l-e Ol'Cltd: 1.1 pnrrtiar.ee ihetrof. Ir CrBTII, f keriff of lie Ot-unty of A»leshefiytdo i erefore make known end pive ihts public notice to the elecion of •aid Cdomy of AlUcneny, that, a General Rieciioa will be field in ike tain coonty, on ike SECO> D lUEsDav OF OCTOBER NEXT, at the eerer-J cleciion difrteu therein The of the F-m Wart of the city of Pin* argh, to at the bouse of Mr*. Jane UUe, at the crnrr of Fern and Fourth wreeu, in said wart. Tba electors o'the Second Wart of the eity of Pitta burgh, to- mß't at the Buth District Hotel, comer of ter i d an- gtatthfield-atreeta. in said wart The e eetor* of the Third Ward of ifce eiry of Pitts burgh, to meet at the house of Aridw MeMa*ter, Ew 7i.ae!«rior*«t the Fourth W.*rtflftb«eity of pjrtJ burgh, to mcet‘«t the Public School Hoate, to acid ward. The of thg Fifth Wart of the eity of Pitt*. ‘® f B^, r o meet : t the Pennsylvania Route, occupied by bcAJleb Jftro'i. Ute Alex tie wan In said ward Toe ele-tors ortho sixth Ward of the city of Pltt> wtmt 1 ' 13 135 el M u ’- c Public School Hoate, In uid The el'Ctora of the Seventh Ward of the **;ty o' Pit'*bur*h. to otcl at ihe Pallid School Kouio, in laid war- . The eleuora of the Eithib Ward of the city of Plur burgh, to meet at tfe PaLillc School Hlumj id aard War,l. The electors of ihe Ninth Wart of it* city c*f Pm*- Lu'gs, to m ee t ti the Puttie School floute, in sai w»r«. -• The eiee’ort of the Pirtl Ward of ihe e.iry of Alle gheny, to meet at the boutc of j'. Woodboate, Robio »on street Ti-e «.cc ora of ir.e Second Wa»d of the eny of AUe g*.t»iy t- ineei «• the i.nuee o! Widow Thompson. i.O' li west i*-, p-T of, >n n mrf. and me Public Square "t he eicr iffJ o' Hi- • ; \\ «nl of the city of AHe* gh-ny.t* i-jr-J. , , i u; school Htuie, In (aid Tno eie, lor » ot j f j.- 0 „ r j, Wart of the ei»y or AU*- gheii-., i.. n.tci a! tte hoase of Alta Wylie,Hast Com tnnrs T. - etc— oti tf Pin township to neeuat the hover f-f M r «. Nnncy h'utry on the lleeha'-ie*' and Farm e •' Iti np-kr- io»d. in aa:d towfl«iilp except tbe qaali- Trtr ri reenj.o j fr *ettlorn No* 4. 7, and 14 of the city di -r,- who »iit! vole nt al general election* in the m : j *•»>(! of ite city of PmsbU'gh ’t'Le c:cc or* of Peebles township to meet at the heuie of Jf-riii Oif'et m the villas* of East Liberty. Tr e r ector* of Wiltin* lowmbip to treel al the home -f Francis VViirot* on Ute Franksiown road, in ■al' itiHiir ip The elecirr* «f Plom township to mea?_ai the bouse Of John -urnmervl e, tn «aid township. 'ibr ele. io-t of P»hpq township to meet at thr bcu'o of Jo-t Vunroe, in a&id tbwnship. T.'r • I' -iph < f Ver»-ill»* township to meet al thr Brick *»-h. O' H u-e, near ih« While Home lortaerly Occupied uy f-no* ,*ent. and now by Wm. A blew. Tile f. -c prt of l-J X im.-i-s Counor, i*i stlii tow.i&lnp The cltcior* o 1 ower Si Clair lownrbip to meet at the hunt of Jotfpa Rodgeia, (lower ferry j in tald tow imp Tb» e ceitirs o' Rohmwn township to meet a* the loose of Sirrth McFarland, formerly And.ey McFar land |.. -n il town-fttp Ihi elc- i«r» of I tiMlay tnwn«cip to meet al the hr. j-- "f'tc 1 ’• ! nn-j o. Aimor. formerly occupied l>jr Jot.n Ci axica, Ut too village of cUeton, tn »aid town •biff. The elect' r* of Moon tnwnub’p to meet at the koaie Of s'eier '/-jiioii in -.ani lowr.thip 7 be c eetoT? o cho towitahip to meet at lha bouse of Jnkr. H .y m »-iwn«hip ' Ttie elreui* of Franklin township u> meet at the uou.e «, • u*iru by Joseph H Icman. in said township The ■ lei .os «>i the Uorocgb of Manchester to meet at toe Fu nic Pchn.n] Ucuie. T c of tiesrrwe township to meet at the htfni? of uoirir j Fishe ui eaid township in? cir mu of .itaidwlu fpwc»hip ti> meet at the boutc of John Goctmi iu *aui t»WQ*hip 'J'ne ir» of suowdeo township to meet at the hoc»e of I'rter Unyer, in «*ld townihip. t i.o electors of South Faycue townthtp to meet nt the bouse n> (I linys, on the arm of 0. V. Cooltar, in ■ aid loCTir-b.p The ei? to>»-of North Fayette township to meet at thehoafr t-na otcupled by Francis Jamison, al Ro gers’ Mitt in >ud township. The rlccicr* of Hoes towoth p to meet at the house o r Jac3ii CntbacgU on the Frantlia roam, in eaid loan* ship. Tlj~ of J'lfts i->t*n»hip (o aett *l lie Loiik of Duuici ii. muil unrii*iip. 'lks r.in.’H! .1-' ‘ Ven liter township to meei 41 the hou*? r> Nu'.lifj) i&id lown«h,p. ?■' D»*Mcjwr*hip to TO«*t «l tlt« f i> :.j I* .1/ I*l, Pui oM. ni/ij »■" :l , ' : • to 1 ‘ I-ri; .i in>u.. c . c' -v: ihr t t vo, l!.t .'arm o' -I • «Bu««c* i;..n-er-j ►, u-*e pr xr ■■■■■. . 1 •i'i. ,1 * 1j r.l.i- e;|.. Jo.la to Ul« *'• ’* »*iU Cabled nift—isoee rum.lig a WtiM' > ■ «•■.* »0 tli« Shalrt urtriuO p line, in mrh ( minis' la fsoiw nli ’unc* or loi* thuate In Caan iei.i -u aii*} fctior.-n :u* rive/ uact«. ’Bitim «*ll t>|>sn«*n- a. ball bereCier tou- at ail Ren emi ia ihe {Jnmjan of rha ptburch, ai u»e e'e ,- un:t jir.l t>or , su»tt. i The of tha Onruagh of Rlraxnehtn in m«j ! ai '.ho r u Hon »i, m iiid lioma,#. I Ton o'r •• u-'k oMhe B>iou*. in ia|4 borough. - Th. ei»-!rvM <•; ilo Borough of Lawreneoville lo raec. e ri'-u*-- 'or n ely occupied by B M’Anninrn, at the ei-d . i ice t! onsrgahelaßridge, la aatd borough. The eircu.l9 of the Borough of tveat Kluabeth Ui meet ai i c f cclic Sei ~al llou*-, in »«in* bcroiwh A- wh en time e,d p. ice* ;hu gtaliheJ elei ~,i, „ afore*ai H . wit elec bv .*. :ni f>n* |,er.hr. ,i..r S. • > rr. n Q:.e perrm, for /• .-..1 One p--'Oj for . . ■ Cue person to: I r-n.i-. r Ul lU r .y. svi/i I'c.-» tot Allegheny COhiity. On; per-r.i, , ; if Commissioner pti-ot n-r v'..a r n*am*t the following amemiiurnt • . n m :n* SlJte of Penn*) Ivtnu, agieefl 1-i i..y ci ice inenilirr* elected loeivh bou»e 1 t. »uir*. ti t'vo -ueCjetaive olTbe REsoLl TioN KI.LA TIVE TO AN AMKNDMEINT uF Tilfl OONSTfiTTION. R«io’ ttily be Ser Ate and Hou«e of Reprr*cnta. tivet o't •’ <' tnmoi Wr-aitn of Pennsylvania in time tai n ei. Tnui uic linnftuution of tint Com tironwr-a u -*e amon'.fd tn the second ircuon of the Bf h »mrl• .hut 11 r> ad a> idllows: Tbe Judges of - the <’i,nr. 01 the seveiki Coat Ple**,aiiJt. lui-ioiatr nirii of Recorti as are or •hall •>- c-iti-.i-iicd by law, shell be eleciod by tbe quslii d eieiita.icftr.c I'omnenweslJt. in tbe manner 10l owing. i< t .sJI- The Judge* of the Sapreme Coon, by the qcatr'f.ccl derlor* of the CommenweaJth al l«rge. -.ti- I'lKsdcut Jucgn or the several Conrta of Coutniru'i* ris, und titrii other Courts of Rerotd U brr or ■ lurl ’jr - prr.nc i. uurt s .ail hold their offices for the Wm of bite-t> yc-r*. if they shall so long behave lberj»etvr* v-.-U (»übiect 10 the allotment bcreinaAer provided or, -ahsequent to the first elecaon,Ube Pie ■fdci.t of the -evrrsd Courts ofCovaon Plena, and 01 turn nthsr Conn* o< Record as are or aball be •siabluhrd by law, and all other Jndges required ta be lear.t-d iu tiie Uw, -hall hold (heir offices for tbe term of ten yetrs, if thev shall so ioug behave them aelve> tael-; the A*touiate Judges 01 the Courts ot Common P.ent s'haii told their office* for the term •< five years, li they shall ao long behave themselves well, ail 01 r.-no-n sml. be compiltiUmcd by (he Oov erncr oet for uny reaeahsble cause, which shall not be luffl lent rrounds for impeachment, the Governor shall remove nuy of them in the address of two thirds of eaeh » each of the Legislature. The fimMectlon ‘than lake p urea; the general election of this Common wealdi uezt - ter the ofthtsameedmeut, and the co r.iniroai of alt the Judges who may be then in office shall expire on tbe fire Monday of iieccmber following, when the terms of the new jadges shsll commence, luo persons who shall then be elected Judges of the supreme Conn ahall bold their offices at f'Uotv#: tme ot them for three year*, ona lor six years, one for nine yearn, cue for twelve years, and one tor fifteen yean, the term of each to be decided by lot • y the 111 J Judges as soon after the election as Ciovcntei t, end the remit certified by them to tbe Governor, that the commissions may be issued in sc cordsncc ih-r-io. The Judge whose ccmmission will first expire he Chief Jnilice daring his term, and ilteresi'.rr csrh Judge whose commission shall Hist expire r.-.ul in tom be the Chief Justice, and 1> two or mote comraisffon* shall expire on ihe stusa day, the Judges ti'.idhir thrni shall decide by lot which shsll ee tee Ch.c/jv.icc. Any v«c<,ncie>,iuppening by death, r«e ttr-ntim, or otherwise, in any of the siio ennns, stn.'i 11 fill'd hy appointment by the Govar nor, to ccr.tic-.e all the first Monday of Geoember ■accesdiug the r.nt "cnersl el-ctton. Tbe Jodges al the supreme Court a./J tee Presidents of the several Courts ol Ci:rr Ulll Cooimonwcalth, or andcr the g rretrunem of ins .United Mates, or any other State of ihl« inii-tt 'Hie Judge* of tne Supreme Court, during the r o-MUmtaee tn office, mall res de within this comnoiiweiti.h, and the other Jadges, daring their coittni’un e in office, shall reside within the district 01 ccauly for *htch they were respectively •iactsd. J. Sr MeCALMONT, Spanker of the Homo of Rcpretentativas V, BEdT, Ppcakar of the B«aaie. AN ACT 1 fntoibme iAj ttmt and manner of rubmuting n eA« v*spk for * fc* Ally ) ml clerk* of etch it 1 i '» l *o* v r<*.-l>« *m tk • •*.* I sole *OT ifciwrr. oV.-x r hiv‘.V ; d <3epc«jt 'i,® ln & u -, ».< :or that pun o«c P t ik T j l ' Proper oSiers. which tickets ebal b* labelled on ibe oat'idc l, Aa , i ictect, r urd tho»o vrLo are favorubl* to th- amendment c.»y e>pr»t« heir ('.e Bre by voii’f each a written or p lined, or partly written mo p*rny prated ballot, contain 1 !!* or. t e Inside thereof too words "For ibe aaendracij.''anc tbo»e who err rppcted to soen amendment, flaay ex pro* their opposition by sotitg eorb ■ similar t * 1 ict coauir.m* on tfco tns oe thereof the wofca ' Agaimi the amendment” Section y. i hti the elertloa on the said prt po-ei‘ estri decent iball in ell reepeeta be co> doe ted 'a* the general elections of this t'oanonwrUtb are new run* ducted; end u shell he the duty of the return I'nJr** <>' tt*e respective counties and d.aftrt» thereof 0»M r*r. my earefoly ascertained the t umber of w-es pc tti for o a*am«t the aaJd amer-dmeni m the mann-rU :■> f ' sold, to make out dnpljeate return* tfc<*r of rxrf" * ** id words, at and not in fi«u»e« O' -t n e o 1 wbi h rr-u-n* ro tnade ibal be lodj-d in r r (* r «> thonotary'. offipr of ip. proper C r univ. unil U- *• 0..:e seal'd end directed 10 ibe Secretary of the < o*i. c.< u ; wealth, and hy one of the said judy* fuitkwttu de posited tu the most (O iTcnieal purl r,flier Fecuon T but It »m < n.pbar be the duty of the Secretary of the Ton < n rm i? m* tr e »e , tori.* for ibe e'ecti'n'or and eiemst ii*r *«ic nm*r.d* mmt. to dnjeer the »~io-- m i-e rp' k-r »; t> e r*-.-., e or or be ore in* fir*t Monday " r - r ltr ore«i , -.t» , iot of the next hee'-ls-ure if-er tail f surv* >!‘ -c mj received. ft o »asil open ■■• J pub i»t. nr*• in - ij lc Re presentsllre* on if.e nelt In** ■» tl r'ei.i •r. wix u itir uuar.i-r of fon«* eiven ro; a- . 1 ji ; . of votes f •sen egeiiifl ut i»'d *i«--t.dn.* >,•. ,i, .t I .n v been mumril up an' a- c Trutuei, >ju, r <•, eatrs iLeieoi shml be Mgicd ) the > f( - a ,. i; , r Senate and Sprtiter ol the Hots- of Kr, i e«- i , r. r«, one rf wr,,rb *l:hii i>e '.le-t i:. ihr olioi- m'u-i, rn .' tary of t'ic citr.i-un »r» m. „;,J ,j e ot. ~ .> r ... K the Governor, eb-.it ~r>,. >„. . hy prucltmaliou wf- 1 1 * ■.l miic’.wir.cr,. ■ :,x, j, ■ or bt« not hee'i a, pt. .iind ru'ifie.: bvi.< of Un« Common r r... u See non i. "I , r , periotui ail t!i- • ••< . ... , - t ,., t-e uo elo m.. .n •• • t.. . . wr*\ oftki*»-l J - a*e-.*.- o ;r.u il.iuut or !t ( .i. V. i:t I . , k'P'-t r .. r A pprn i ,*.l . >v „,. e.gnt I onKc.r ; Wa*. f JOIIN.Ht i L • 5 —~ » no. fir I iu- 1.,. I'-r-ji A 'tin- c-rtffy i ... .i i>.t_pec/i! - nr ; . pt» ij «p.«i drct. i *n - o- tui'm.i.ir.K ri uj »• i jcltdfc, ii. r fro • r i 'r'"s- cii lur ii. tin nn cr m warn f i Have iierra..if> let my b»c<: one i>, L«- »jh*e tnc »ctl or io« •»— vt lar, a O.fcc -ut aui*i ■{*, un nrnUi oa>- «' b-pirtubr .HU on: w.. iie-.-u cl*! s Lnndrcd anu Li y - a L K» B9rH. u , >VrtCUO of ;h: CoCTiiu •-<« m.u And l>y tiHoc • (Uie u< t Vn -i i..- nci ..* ;i,- n- i jli . nvi-iui >r : miI'i.r; 1 'i.r; r n-j ■ i .-t p Jmurc* ul 'nr rrnfc «»ao i no o n 'ft r c ’.p panameiHo! pro..i or n.r. ui.il- u.r i.nvtn.mci. • iafO*pofmroiiiro c,. KU't.ls by law inesri. le of boni.i.2 or eii-rcu.u m i:.e *1 tte luir. ij*c oilicc or nrpoia.Kier.i . ( .’on* ln*peeto*, o L'lcri of > .i.-r! .a o ;r..s C.iroti»7i, w-ai;n, an u.ai oi.v i:.,useirr ,’j I*3 uUii r ifL e. ..fauy lach'lf-cuoL.u.ali D .,i lc c .,g.bte o^u* to be Uieo vo eti Al»o iu inj by th- 4th it. no ti e IC'A of April, 15 0, ii i> 11,*. ■ *ou of l eMI puMnl Jil, a I tei r ~ .i.iril u* uci ie Inins to the election; of ih:« c-1 ijhj: not be con«yjeJ u to prevent i' ' iu<-Hia i-.f.cer t>. horoujfti officer, i'io ii >ei rin{t » Juukp r n -ink ct *ny Oaucfrd or >p» mi t .ecircr .a .n.» «'oa>- ruoowialii. Aud i e reiu’a Joi';a« of tb*- rx.p cues <1 ?inc.» ■if-rcvud, are icmiouJ 10 11c. n Co -i mou». ■n lie City of lU i aodav of flciourr i.*ll men aiid .b Uw i.Cvpu ui Ccr u.y band u;u *-ul u: l ).•»; ;hi- l?il day ot ABfusl. A 0. ilii), mid of ibc independence O' ifce L iiiipu S.atea ibc «cvcms biu tdpi&rll li wioT c > STEM CCttTtd. SuPfiiT BANKING HOUSE. j. OrtßorhEiti it co.. So IS 'Wood street, Pittabnrcb. •Ü B RET>"f MONEV RECEIVED ON DKl’OSri ."Vlreiintta male ci all 'b- j>w.c;pal cme» o i ; ,e A • U ILK . n h * CO.. ' XC H d N G E I'ftOKERG ■>• b t 9tt.tr ij 1.-. i-J j"d .■ U ’*et iu. yt o jb AU N UL I) A CO., BANKERS, IiEALKKS IS IICB'Skf.UtIJ.LAiiSScTE), Ac.. Ac., Ho. 74 POLHTII OTBEET, (Nexi d:or lo tr lU:ik cf Piitobuirk , ■ I.UOLIEB A SOJI3, Diikin, Ktob>n|(i Urektri rviTE* DKAKTS..AO AMU UaISK'Noi 1 «*OLLEC7| >NSC—Urall*. NuUr, and Acceptance p » fable iu any ptriof Hie I'a.cii. rii:c -tsJ oiillie inr., (a .'oraOle ieria». i-XCH ANU K on New \ ort, Pliiiadtirhie c-nd E« i.morci aleo. CiacUmmi, L.avi‘Vti,c, 3ai... Loan t;i. kf.r Urleapj, cousinm.) tor ante BANK NOTES.— N-m-f on a;’, .r.ierni u, L' Stale* Jiscoorted ai ice !owe:.i rate*. Alik. :J ! j' lTel^' D American Ooiu nail Silrer Coin t-r.OKu II SC PI O Y A L. ‘OV ; . • IHH.M s .*• a u. •rTT.-l ai-.i ... • i u-t,: Ho.'- Ri -\,nti i A'fj. IhtUi- (.avai-ir in in.) fin,. ... Hu) iVjii'f.e*, frt>in-±l ui /taow «1 :i.r TIM,-or ii irMiie 1 w-.aoat dniucunu or »v.v, sv JrMIUA ROHIV S«' £uro;..'»n *i>u olhee 4Ui »■§ xre«; of f-cl- u KOt’.i i M<; Ll. l»uuiis] ;c:.v»*ki KUAJBICit «. HAiIDS, 1 >\NEKKH AND KXOir>Ni;K njmsKHB. dealer* J * is Forei *«J Cutb, corner of *1 b:;U Hood itreeu, L'lrcrMy oppotue Si. Ho ei 'tH.-SlllT KIHGLISIIA UIJJIAt'/T, \\T *l.E® A 1 y liH'.'l. Ef»> 'iij ‘JotmnHSKVi Mr r- T» ch«nt», N‘.» 41 \V< «j.l r-rt. op-'o».!r A[ H ere no*v reeeiwim unJ :.3rr for late, ui mw fm ‘ . »1 - t>kx« \ . H.. Jnp 6 | .Vi M hi Apni.ish r » »ft ■»r,d RWf t Te ... Vi M u;.J V ut* I'ljtUSlt a'id fc' i> | in . iH»> pai-is^r. tamp fc 3« ro!' Tub co. . J 4 M Hiv»nn, ~f t . x . Wai taij* Rm, l.&smayri, |. G M Rrgitiiri*. I JS.M Pr.iir.pr.«. kii>i« N O fiugar. S> In M Rvjm*: t"Qrn.\OMoliKei jCu biles Fi Lms. rngluO. «o urnpii w> rrvi, cru»ti‘d Urm ,\ u ,, io«f Sugars ! i::;J ijr&ntnl Nu •. brl’AiU'u j in l. A k 1.e.:,0n t-r Suuce. £*•-Mi Loittp hi' 2;t (t>d |Vk'ei. /"•••"I* 'iKa Mut' ffrl. | I>) Cl.«c • ipic'il «lfir>cuiair ’ n * *zllA. )>•! -'i U.a;« i firotiuJ >pn'e« cl nil iiml* Ko»in Sntp. I U) oi. S»r, l<* .for Pol BurUu. J -.-Q is Mi/irch. sr- Hi Ci oco'Me I IS bx« Hoc* Candy. 3-. '.x» Pif.fi* 10 fa- Shelled /, luiotiJo; Ilf' mu Wri|i i’apet ] 5 Ci'ei Li^oo'K o SO '.<« Peeper 4 Al«pice | Binehnn’s Cat aj.d Dried COo ih BcotcliJcKapccSnud J Tobacco 'vte. Rice | JO gros* Blackm*. Tofether with * general stummem c.f ? «od* uru *ll> kept in teeit tltj% at well ai l'itwLurifb toauu aep7 CARPETS) Oil. W AIcCLINTOCuI !• now opening at not Carpet " » . Warehouse, No *6 Fourth • reel nrd TO Wood •tr.ei. a very handsome ntt'inmtnt of Cxrpriizr conj . in pan of the following Vari-ticf— R: 'ti and elegant s yl c Velvet Pile Carr*:. «..h and elfgiat »tyle Tapettry Uruteeli do eoptnor Enalitb and Anro-»D limiteli dn: Ex-j* tap. ;t ply Carpels; Rajs. extra iiftfr.tie; soperhae Co do; Sup.Tui-dßui.-s do Ingrftin do; Chert lie Matt; RxmCnefcfinedodo; T9fled .Malt; Con nil wool, do Pi:) do; 10 hf chcita Cbulan Tea -10 caddy bx* extra Oolong; 40 do prime Green; 3-ihfcheati do; 10 bx* bunch Raising ' 3 hale* e >fi »hr|! Almond*; « dci pure ehmtal f.rmon Susan Sblslloncopß Li.-&fanryCboco:ate 10 bx* Broua, Oi coa nnd No 1 do; S In* Almor.d and Palm Foap; 60 bx« Ro.in and Va/iegit**) coap, 5 dox (live and Bordeaux Oil; 2 dox Pepp-r s*aa:c; * ie Powder; 3 ca«e* Htoerfme Rice Flour; ID brU eru.hro A palecrurd Sugai*, in brl* *m»'l Loaf; If) brl* pure Cider Vinegar; 00 dox Corn Broom*; Far tale by* J D WILMAM« It OO *cp7 Cor. Wood A Fifth .t» JOUH UYlt.’ft bPUOO iilLll, Rxprwly Jar TO avoid the many inconvenicncr* ml-ndm* the u»o of the customary Ske.n. the a‘ ore a-ticlr hn* been ranch, and Tor along fne wonted. I- ba«ajway. beena matter of avioni.bicrnt Hint wi.i'.t tne rurem. n article of I'otton, *u conveniently .ptmle.i for cen-- ral u*e—Silt *o much more yalnnble, rbould litve been applied in Skein., from which »o inurh trout.> vexation, and lorn ha* ari.-n, >* ’ The difficulty ho- a')•., ‘.-r-i oe/fcorn- llte pitblir is offered a food att-H-.,«.,, . r pu , up ln , vement form for dm-.mt.e .... The only objecilcn mrrd n i t t, r -»- ~ p,,. apparent imall quantity u.i '■■..•i. ;•*,, „ ra4 .. explained Earn Sp«-o. .. v*j ~, ,, tllllßll yard*ofSßk; while the nrtli:i»r V , ~ . price, ha* but an uncertain qoutun.. v k t>ia-r irotn ]j to 18 yard*. The Spool Silk t» rei dy for n*e m ; i.„ ~u r efca»e, and it only ne»i>ver Moon. Lament of the Irish EaUrant A New Medley gong. Then bam Wounded theSplrit that Lovad The C-mserlnt s Departure, by Clover. He Kii.d to the Loved Ones at Homo, rip Home where e’er the Heart Is. The > snlee Maid. Low »a k’d Car. hy Lover. l>o you ever think of me. Han.l>er Gentle Laly. Jc- Mue Grey. WM-'e, Wedding, Wreath, and Daisy Ur.r-h-inr, Maiden. Bella Welta, Coneen, Ladiea> Hou f:ir, r «ll>, Elvira, Lily, Alice, Evergreen, Sara f-g?. _A. ipo. and Liny Polkai. maySS TEABI TB&I 11 TKA9IM WK enter not tots the Hit of puffers, weuy nothin* ni-nut Hundreds of Chests, Importers, | >t»t ('»p tnl, Jtouslu tor Curb. e ,t tneihod we^ no n to iseer- ! :11,1 ’ rHo •f."" ,hr Wn Bnd cheapen Te*» In Pltiu honrt. \\ «• nre now «elUny (»«rkl nr.'t *troaf Tei it 41)and £4i cents per lb. Tbr t»c»i Tea imported into the U. Bintej,°tl L< * j>. .red, damaged, or inferior Tea* we do not trf l' MORRIS fc HAWORTH Proprietor* of the Tea Market, )_'• Ke«t aide of Diamond, utrat American nachaaiaal Work* I) a •I'lfiiml i ork, bate incoarae of p«b> :;i pan*. price twenty five cent* eneh, A Dl OTIO29A&V Cf .J.irk,Mr-Juinu*. Ertftns VFori,andßn pi.i.'er:'tg, lUngntd for Practical Working .V- , JU.Y tha.tr intended for the Engl- msrrig i’e^'essyory. swtss ir ouvxx nasi. '{’HIS WORK u ofiarfe Svo. nje, ana will contain 1 rw-n r. ocurto raocs, and upwards of *a tbov ti.iv.rs*T’oh*. |i will p-eapnt working-draw **«* *n«i uen r,pu<.n» of the most important machines in ti.r sia«» Independent of the results of A'jwioit, ingenuity. it will contain complete praetl »u ireiu ci on Mechanic*, Machinery, Flrigine-work a id 1 iKitr;. i!np. with ail that is useful in more than ore ilu>i.«omt uoilatt worth of folio volumes, mage iin" a ii-! oilier book*. jj> Ot l- f O' gl ~ •- 1 to mate the work a* complete as possible; and 1 1» hopevt -very one desirous to obtain the work will n a.i malted m namber*, and thoa encourage The work will he tamed In tetni-monlhly numbers, rotann cciTii; in Joi:i:ity, ItwO.and will progress with {tent regularity The *i.o.e *,otk vyUi be published tp 40 number*. »t C 5 cent* |.fi number,and tnupieted within Che cur nnt yc*. ls>W. A liberal discount wiil be made to igttii*. * *l!»- lu; 1-.4.1 -:C- Any oi't remitting the pubilsber* HOtn advance, ilitu itrrm u.e work through the post offiee tree oi Clp«.:»0, OpialouofthePrus. ‘ i o vur iioraciooi Manufacturers, Mechanics, En gineer*, and Anur.s, It will be a mine of wealth."— i’:■'». 1 - ii-p iR l) Journal. ; Vo«.n*i men, arm yoorselvee withiu knowledge.- ’.ve can 'riiii ennkueitee racoasend our readers to Uieiajrire* of iu numbers as feu as they ap .-car Amencui Artisan. • Wt uu'icMtaiitigly couuaend the work to those en raged in or interested in meetiantcaJ or scientifie par •ai s, ui i miuei.tly worthy of their examination and uucr Trov.t.v V.) Budget. it i.trmy a (treat work, and the publishers de »e:vc i.:c mink* ».f inventors, machinists, and maim (*»*iurcr* and united oi the public generally.”—N. Y. Imtcbcnus.... “liu» itiruor.ary will be highly aselVl to practical me,'ham.-v and «*»uaxHe to *JI who with to acquaint •-hcmicl.i . rt.th the progress of invention In the me • tunic at is. —New Bedford Pally Mercury. ••Young mechanics ought to keep posted up in the nrtu'at ns welt «s pract cal knowledge, end this k »iii (how them just how they *tan£’ t —Raxbury |\tA'lvtrukCt. ••V\ e lake it to be |U*i the work that secret and hnn* ired» of oar IntcUigrnt mechanics hare desired to poe* t'S S i ample are Its descriptions, and so full and a.i.iute in Kpeejhcaucns, that it seeuu to g| that any. 'Mt-i-i.enic luieiit contract anramchiue itdtwnbes, on ■~t * re. if,n ofit«e:igrsTtna*andln*ttueUo«a. n -*N. Y. Advertiser. -a ; nu.rr--.cj in mechanic* should avail them telvc* oi us adv-muiagev"—Rchuylkill, (Penn-,) Jo«r nat. ‘‘A work of rjtrnaive practical utility and great Im portence uiiJ vsioe to the repidly increasing interests of ibe c .entry. %Y* regard the work as eminently rs niidtej iu promote the cause of science and the tt-ctuucii iu>. and todisseminata valuable informs UC..I o:i th-v lUf-jecii Farmer and Mecfasmo. 'Tractir y. men in all the varied walks of mceham rnl and n. n.iifacturiiig utdnriryj engineering. kc n will ami ,n u,i* wort a treasure which it will be u> tbeir pro I to pc «-*5 "-T oy Daily Whig. “We hove carefully perused tbr numbers, and bavr no lie* ts t. in .u\ mg ina: it i» the bevt work for me cbini'-*. trtiJe»ri"i. and scienufo meo, ever publish • J ',>r cunuun* nunute iiiCarmsoon ou every branch «. tue is*ci!ai:iciki aru and setenres, expressed in a si\ ir aud miiguagr u.tellijiole to any reader of erdt nary capacityi»Soneesttr, News. • tt> me .urc we art doing the mcchatiicaof Nor wich nid otiier vatu of Conncctieat a servTce by ti.iiuriog .Uc work io their aUenuoa."-'Norwirh, (Tunn ) Courier. -It i»ja»: »u*.h * wary as every mechaaie should po**e»> Freriusn'* Jooruki. Wo cent‘uW ii one of ilie most usefoJ and important publicaiions of the age. No mechanic can afford to be wi'bouv i' ” —Newer*. iN. J.,J Commercial Coonrr. • ( >' si’‘.lie v>r»ni* i>uMi'-ni ; o .ism gferiheirob- I" .1. V 1 »J «:j«-r.,.-.l 11.- ts .. '$ UuLD.-Mi.Vi II un*.-« it »«i-ppia:.ie lu - -V e r. «ar.; it «. nur oi the mutt >'ompreheu«Jve *nd «nlirn)».-. «< r tie. pet work . c*er pubti»l»« 7 ,ii .fh'.i *:i numbers, and at a price io mode* mst, !fi[>k u; pi wum i4 contained ine.cb number, that mi ntir wii-> l:u ilie lna»t interest in such matters, nraj t r i!e:rrte acd every one who does ro, wnl bod that be h»% io • condensed form an amount of instruction which would be ohiained, if at ell, on;y by i(,e purchase ol very many volumes.N. Y'C'iiiricr ami Frujuirer. "Tlio csmi'rcben*i«enem with which the subjects •re trea'cd, the admirable manner in wbieh they are illasirMed, conspire to make this one o( the most desl* rat«i» wort» •’ —Democratic Review. '‘llns won «bo*dd beta Ute hinds of every mechanic, an Jar*, sen manufacturer, especially those who have the ici.l n-pirauonk u> exeel tn their respective bast* nesses IV r hive careful Jy examined it, with a view of recommending it to inventors. To them we woo Id «ny in me sirouj lansuape oi ths Bible: “It is good.”— I'ph'iDofp Inventors' Journal. A'ufior to th* Proprietors qf Noraspapors throughout ths U'ixtrd States and Canada, U the foregoing advertisement is inserted five time. Jiiruti', year, ond tbe paper eontaing it aent to u, a copy oi ;ae wort will l>e seut-gratis in payment H'ALLISTKB.’d OIBTHRBTr Containing no Mercury, nor other Mineral. THK following fe- ken Brent, Tooth Ache, Ague in the Face, Ac. Tram tbe Reading Eagle. There was neve., pernaps, a Medicine brought be fore the public, that has in so short a lime won seeh a reputation as McAUUter’t All-Healing or World Salve Almost every person that has made trial of tt speaks warmly in its prai»e. One has been cured by it of tbe most painful iheumvtlsm, snotberof the piles a third «( a troublesome pain in tbe side, a fourth of a’ swelling in li.r I'mlit, Jrc. If ,t does BO i flTe rtiate re'icf.tn every ease, tt can do no infurv beinv applied . mwurJly, *’ A* ano-t.or evidence of the wonderfai healing pow er possessed by thu .»tve. we subjoin the foltowtn* certificate. frvm a respectable cilitcn of Maidencreei township, In tint county: Matde ncrerk, Berks ee., March 30, IM7. Messrs. Rider A Co:—1 desire to inform you that I was entirely cured of a severe pain in the back, by tbe use of McAHisier’s All-liealing Halve, which I pur chased fmm yon. I suffered with it for about go years, and at night was unable to sleep. During that Uma I tned variiHji remedies, which were prescribed lor ms by physicians nmi other persons, without receiving any relief, and at last made trial of Uij» Salve, with* re salt favorable beyond expectation. lam now entire ly free from the pain, and enjoy at night a pesrefu! and sweet sleep I have also used the Solve since for tooth ache and other complaint*, with similar bappy results. Your friend. Jons HoLornist.it. jamf.9 mcallister, Sole Proprietor of the above medicine. Principal t»r« e. No JS North-Third street, HMls.ill. pLia. PRM F, a» CENTS PER BOX. A.it'rr* in J ittsal'Bmh.—o A. FatweatorK A Ca_ co-n.-f «f Wood an.) Fim. »t«; Wm. Jackson, Ni b»i» l.iiKTivri’'! I. U iieoi. Jr., comer of Market • * •• l> «»imiic! »i«o comer of Pounk and - II i:a»»el t corner of Walnnt tfh j I V:i. Whui; «nd »uM «i tha Bookstore In too- iVoiq Second. m. Ppm. --r. -r. i, In Al.o i-v H p. Scbwmrtl and J. Dqh»l«m Uy J. O Mi»r:i Birmingham; D. Negley. K«?i Ltbrr.y. M Xnwincd. iMrK»c«pon:i. Alexander *2f»a,Ma..a.*.hrm(:«.jri N. * Co!aad J. T. Kogrr*. Urownsrijle; John narkleY.6esTer.Pai John Walter, Jr„ Eliiabeii; Bonbrigiit k Endm , Horh-wr feblleotUy and far aalahg' J-t“ Sh, L 'S-2. Ntulc ”Tlin NYMPH SOAP ■lirhr SUi -T_ person* is ois&xured witl this U merely whe nine eases out of e** r - ? j ** it l* in ninef morrt. Joto Hm',l i"Slh L“ T t rT " fcaKi iTir iu nurr r ’’iV* h "" ™ Oi*b*Mior ».l»jorti llK.», muTOKSf. ,n ■ JMiru nir* allavlnv .7 k ’ fae,! ornandsfrom soar 5m JSKSm t, ‘ f r UUou ’ and amoving .1) cutane I, cnurfly dcToid Sf «rf«ac, Sf ““ mo " *“* I.C J,h)® P „c, S“m ’i 1 " a time, and the o iy our -vim-h i< «, C , I I CCU m *° poweriul J ' ‘ " JULLti IjALkL. end Chemt.L r .. ... , Kf Ch '-11,111 street, Phila. ACo dt r ;””' b - H A-F.hne.toel ven,Vnd j .M ?"■>**'**'; and John Bar gent ana i mite.'el.. Allegheny eiiy, Po. j c g SKCOSrO IIABD PIABOB. A GOOD Mahogany Piano Pcne. , Inm, ■>< ui toon order ... tM* K plain »} octave T'ltn i n, A good 0 o Mue pi J A fbed octv.-« »' »'io, \x:di h utl( i M , mc f u - m . tare For tale ty Dlatalto Bight l.lcht. , ».}„ , k l ir O COObu«UMs, I r.C J .c,.« nc .,„, rtc „i| ’full amtrm. u.- k . C(U|;l| o , l|eclP j J .. ■&" H, VToc^mo, lamp ail will I.« \. , . ~r a ,., fonhai Utgn of t'ma, actor Cir : toa.td.ii- « 6 1 ouuutp ofo.L Kccclvd and !<„ : ;.,h.N D MORGAN “‘T? 7 ___ OnutKiM 5 cate* FrcsS n- niiv 9do Pickled d.,. ’•, ,»•' - ' 9 do do Cf in i.,. i' t , Th , F "'" P t-poUrd, r.rd pot o r O .Pl.hlTdooro ! ..... ■ ■ k-miuc.!- l.r "" ■ 1 «*-* •«»!« m Uw» pat n lo the o>du rr, »■ ■* For Mia, Orut .'l- hanical Work. D APPLETON A t« N- v '\.n ’-are Ui eoorte •of pab icado , n >« t . , . - fi T( . cent* each, a DICT'ONAin M,-> t.. Mcenamcs En- Work. K: •• <-e i ( .v j v ■» vn.-d for PrarUcal forking Mon. apt! >. r i..ir .. im, me Et.glnecrini Proftuion KJitri ’> •»«! li.n.e e Thu »ork tn o' larc- -v/> ‘•u«- v.i will contain two thousand pare*, id<- n; w.ni, .1 six ib»u»am! itlusira Uofia. It will prraem *r r and rtesenp. Uoni of the mosi imp. 11 -.;i« n-n. hinn tn iho fuited B.aie«. Independent <•' t!" rr«tli. of American tn (eoaity. It will remit (•■mpi* t.- treatises on Mechuoiea. M»ohm*n 1 -5 Work, and Euftneer inf: with a!l that i< ur> "-1 >•* «• >i-> t‘i*n onj ibouranc dollar) worth of foil. V'n...;i--.v macuines and otuer i>U Qubit «.• . a 1 0 f or tale by the h 'it>PKINS, fcfln ___ 7 a? !'•' Lt 'Ju rt Pounh it. HEW STOCK. 027 PIABOS. CHICKERING’S PIANOS. John 11. Bello?, si Wooil .Street, Pittsborgb, Sol* Agent m We»irrn Pritnu e. i'i„n 5.-7- .o ♦’-tv am SIOCV, prepared by Mr Uiuaeuiia tur the j.tescut yeat.,|K9U) Pi»rr!.a*rr* ate v>*a**d ibet the yrires of Sir. CtStfc enn*« Pianos ca*< b'-ei, am. w;i! cot,"nue to t.o, the same mi: (hr rr.«i.. !r i i m y it, Httr c. without charge for tra. jponatiim, m.u wti' »(-i. <• red and «c: up i> perfeei older, m nuy par: oi tme uty, w.ibocl charge mrV PETROLIC t'.VI. (HI HOCK Olt.. “There are more ►• s ' . <• -<<•:, i.,.j earth Tnan are dream,m ■>{ ci v,t ». :u fiy " 1MII: MHTCF>.ct a.i rem* 'y, am: , the constant apnl e«* mi n, m Tf*prieior has induced huu !•> Lav.-it -j' u"' :h Un.iln with la bels and direvlloi*.' f«U the !>«•;• r-fi' et li: r- The PETROLEUM is prn .1 •«•»( i> a pore una ' daitemtrd nrtie'e. wiitr ,u , . > , -e in i«.. ctini.er Lai Just as Uow« from Nature's <;;»ai l.v>irsi».ry!l Tkstn coutsun* properur. »e,,-||. 1 ... o li.-H.lier OI disease* if no looser a matter nl .uerrismt There sre many thing, in the •..., rluti « be of v i\t u lerulnr-i- m r siu< ting, aud tt • Storing tl»r hicoin . I br i . v . ir t<> tu.ny n ferer. lon* before !!.-:'t- , .a*>:.»tn <■( puitin* it op IU iTOtties.U rtu-.: rrm 'a, ; ; lC cufe Q , e««s The ,'oiTstii.l « ••: d i -m. ~r c -.r. in r t: - 11 universal appn.-.:; nnfly say, than n i r., .-. , r .:im ,t\ • nnvklied. Amo v r.., ,r :n ; - r:.,;;^ c r alP ,| -», diseases cf (be ciuco-i*. *•>,;*, *3 CUKuNii BBONCiims. roxsi icnov .in tt . Asthma, and ail di»j-a r : i.y tn ■ •«*«necs I IVkI COMPLAINT, D'.srhPSU. Om.-i-i-r. u.i. a -e* c the Bladder and K.dor-M, • u.r Hark ur 3:»ir Nervous Disease*, Ncsruifu. p. u; ~„j 4| .r |>« Jn; Coal. fcJrywMlat. T.v<-.. Uni*,' H, :u .di Braise*. O'd Svrvs. Ac.. -V-. in .of Jeb.iiiy rc culuny (Void exposure, •.*» «n> pr* desire* it None Rfoaine witlooi -'.e •iigmunie t,r i UP L-torneui Hold by the propricuji. 9. hi. KILIL Canal u.ijin. near , u Aao<» i: c --.., 4 Lh.uou.u uU-Ki- itl k i. I.LL. eorr.er woV »? r-.-i . • ■ ;1 . ..- w-li) Brc jj 1# __ __ -ri,- vii'io.i.ted Axrni lILIPaATT-8 PATSST SODA ASH Price Rcdueid THE SUBSCRIBER!- - ttm-,..,., . u d';Si“\kSB Soda Ash, warranted •u-.e-i.. i<, », v mltri-mJ . □|b r ih.m,.nui r ofit. .o,u "...-f, , k c,„„.4„' •PP.O..J Notii, .1 ic. „ | , , n „ 0 / “ U>> W » M MITUIIELTHPF 1 .... CARPET VJAAFHOHSE SO U.P.nr.l, strl.l > W tfCl.lNTtrKlir.owc.n:,,,.:, rcre.elna hi* Wt-J*™! l u *° r CARPIri CLOMI9, Trinunmys, Ao n m peri ‘. fniiowinr, »ir g Extra Soper Hoyal V CI , rl | M . l t ’’ TopeMry *• p 3 Edfllih and Amenran Urup,.;, .> „ C ElUa Saperfiue Imper.aJ y ni T .. g £ Superfine *• 3 Sopertne Carpet* Extra fine ■' Pine " Common, all wool, n ” cotton ” <-4,1 and I Tap Ven Car. 4-4, t and | Twill'd Carp. 4-4, |, | and t-4 plain Car. List and Bar Carpet*, 8-4 Printed uottou Carpet*. . At/tQ. H &-4, 4-4 and | Oil Clotbsj M.M. M, and | Mauir.jn IS ineb potent Oil Cloth* for atairt. ~ *l^o, ; tatra printed piano cover* i „ " table " Bmootacd Ptaao n * Table " Printed woolen » Kmtmtwd stand n~ Lineiiaadwoitaid » D»ms»k Suit l.inen; I arkejr«fd CbintxeK l.hn tze Borderinr; K CoveA; OU Ci<>lb Ttble flrown Linen crumb cloth* 'Voolerj n Dreo Stair Bad*: Bimr D/ggrett; Lerpet Biodingn: Jcto end Coco Mat*: Aiieantand Skeleton Mat*; . *‘ t . Ur6Cn Oil Cloth for Hand#; Ifocaehaek Diaper, uto, Sry ,b r sf,s:-^ I t-s:-f i*‘.Sr. '™ “ “«r'“ !'7*~SZS Coacs Txrxxnaa Bloe and Drab Cloth*: Cnm*an Plash: Coach Oil Cloth*; Onmaske for L Inin ft; Watered Moreln*. AIM, Doff Hoilend for WShade*; Trah*parent ” Preoch traatp. " Veneuto Blinds; Bantinr for Flort; 7*4 ana * 4 Table Linen; Rattia Crash; Scotch Diapers: Brown Linen Napkin*; German Oil Cloth Table Core a; PLVud INUKAIN CARPCTSwifrtihJ™.™ lo quality uid ofteapncu c-f price mv ■" far *" r J’®»'*** before brought to U4* city. iKCf ? ve ! Men nod Coach MioaPirwrvn u, k ? . ‘ aelMiedu«eru&entorTßlMMlNßH > >Jr r ?k niu aecejfary tn their bawne,.: IMCB, * ,ul ® tl,er afUcle * BS:r^rPb!f.Vsh^ n ”7,.'‘ o 7"'>' s ;r — IC WM .JMHJ !. INTOCK. Dreu Goods. A. ThW^ndFotith?^ o ,,^*^' 1 • l»r,c u torment of uiiJTH i >J. tt 4i* WM, ‘ l '" “ d “»*< lu!t I. All ?o”m ’ ll>Ti Btniß. _ ~~ QPBING BELBCtION.-wffl'f*** , W - , (late 6. C. Hill.) “ rIJ bAWpwlitteei * nd yorwmrdJnjf boil ?SSnS^niS2yii!?*Ba"'v--JB - VT«cin»#n. The arinw U JWw« wiil bo conducted under the style of & SkdMlSm W «“ •*« «vet.d. No. 3IW ,» «-B W.'TKnHiN. T IXBEED OIL—U b|tiGxiitdd’* branJ rec*d by Jj *fi jaoAßmi* .3 OU JOHN H MKLUirt fl Wood it r-:l. I'V >■ M t MrCLVRO 4. Co, /f>3 LiOrrty tl CHICRt'RI i Extra super paientCfceniU Hues; Rtperhne do do Ro*«- Ttrr T « p -cd Hup*; Common » Extra VViiiao » Common « Clicmllo Door Uato; Tufted o Sheep 3k in »» \delajd n TB IMPORTATION LINES 1850 1850 ERIE & ME A DVILLE LINE. BOATS of thi* Lrae will leave regularly, and do* uver freights without transhipment. J C BIDWFLL, Pittsburgh, N JAMES COLIJNP. do. VA»e»t» BIDWFLL A BROTHER, Roehetter.J ir«r 1 BIDWELL'B SANDY AND BEAVER LINE; Ffom Pitithurph to Colttmhtts attd Vineland, ■through the rxch and oupuloua rou/Uiej ofVolum turnu, Carroll, Start, Tiueatairaj, CosJiocton, Miuhugum, Lirltug, and FranJdin. ' l'tie completion of the Sandy and Beaver Cana! open? up to our city through this great narnral central mile a direct communication to the above a* well a» he adjoining counue* of Wayne, Holme*, Knox, and Delaware. From ibis rection of Ohio, the trade with Pittsburgh na« been, to a great extent cut off. in consequence of be high rate* of iraniportauou, which are now re lured IQ. 'hi and 50 per cent. Boat* of On* line will leave daily, and run through withoiii transhipment. The Canal company have •ie»iowcd upon thu line an interest in the unprece* tented advantage* of their charter, and thu* aecnred •o the middle portion* of Ohio in ordering their good* „ r UIDWF.I Iv 9 4NDY AND •quel interest in Ihta advantage. Arentv iiimvi9 HlD\\ ELL A CO., Glasgow. R >: Holme*, -pear’* .Mdl*. Ohio; H & A Guv Wtdiaßupon.n. George Kemble, Elkton. O; Corltfr k HurtiuJii. do, Hanna, Graham V p- *k-r A Filter do.; J-scph Pool & Co *Y, m U “ * p*”; Mill*, 11.; || v Bever, do. C B Hunihal A 1.0 MaUern, u , R K Gray. Wayne. •*ur/. O.: K Reynold*, di.. i*a«c Teller Murnoiu « KJ Uarkdull.4 Co. Magnona.o.; WmHartnr** do- J Al’F*r;*mi 4 1.-o . Snudyville O; pp L g, t j,, •argil * Pfmt faurb. o:,v.r O. W.Caul A *hrjver ,:o Jl J HodmanMa.-Ha O.; Curnm,,,. 4 C?" lolio Kotiiiieou, Cai.nl l-ultoii, O; Feme A Ton' Canal Dover, O ; A Mrdhcry. Knek o! tho Line imw, -0 and comrc* id by the Proprietor! HARK!? * LEECH, Nr : 1 s-ruit, Thi'l it. Atid *1 the Tobacco Ware. o;i»e, Doc* «u I'lii adr jibio. Ps., JOSEPH TAVI.mR a son. No 144 North Howard it liatmnrc Md • OFFICE No 7 W»„t at. New \ork I> LKKCJI & CO, Cana Hu.in Pen.'o P jl3 . . . Pittfliurgb. BBB) 185 0. JSh. UNION LINE, OH THE PENNW AND OHIO CANALS. CI.ARK, PARKS 4 (.0, Rricbcttei, Pa., Propr's. J"HN A CAUGHEY. A.ent, Office cor Snwthheld and Water *u. Pitt»burgh CUA.MBERLLN, CUAWFiJRD A CO, Agu T ltl , . Cleveland. Ohio. His well «aoarn Line are prepa ed to transport 11..5M a.ul Fn.ergrr. from PITTSBURGH and OGFA El ANP. 10 any point on the Canal und Lake*. The lanliue* 01 the Line nre uniorpa**ed in number, quality and cnpncity of Boats, experience olcanun.*, utd em<-iency of Agents. On- Dorn lonve* Piasi-urgb and Cleveland daily, run* ling m connection with a Line of Steam Roan be iwcr.n PI ITSi’.l RtiH and Dh-AVER. and a Lme of Firrt < la*» Steam lit.ol a, Propeller* and Vessels, on tba Lake* CONSKINEFS: Clerk. Park* A Co. Rocb- »ter, Pa; V. N Paiit * A I 'r>. Voungltown. Ohio. M 11 Tat .or. Warrm O, A A N C!*rii. Newton Fall*. t>; I Bratton A Co. Ravenna t>; Kent, t1 urfey 4 I'utiou. Kacme, W«*; f.rorgp A IC-'P*. Cine ago. 111, TBocna* lla'r, Chicago. 11l JOiL* n CAUOHF.Y. Agent, corner Water and Smithbeld it* >“«• JSi. LAKE KRIK AM) IHICIIIGAj« LINE, "N iiir i RIF. EXTENSION CANAL 1 I. AKK I . I* aliK> A 0' I, lloccr *irr. Propneiora. |HE ncii-r. of m. rlc a|< Pu.hsKi, / W O M«ian. Sharon, / J 4 S Hull. Sbar!**huri; j Win Urn "y. ? IF.mm o '4', rCn *' I '/ U m Power i.'onncai: ,-. le. / J.'l'i lle\rr. 4 L-r■, l.r lr , j J J M >i u’c' A ' 11, ituil.iiii, V Y. miDtl Pitubnrgb Portable Boat Llwe, WsaisrMh ?Si?sh. r o'-ZL, ' a -I »K A II Colson, I < ' *•’ *’ “’*••>< th- proprietor* ol tin X. »r*tlllil|»llr,l 1.,-r K,i , 1(l m tHrtr t>l(l .land., r.-MV.-K «i>4 'ft.r.r,*:„, Mcrrhuiriia* and I roJur' ot ir.n i s. i, me pn-mpuie.** ccr •at tt\ , *ird «H •ly r ! v > tfcr:,r r««leia «lilt A C. • -0 South si. New Whs; J*. u -, U her wnsht. Cu.cm -I*l* . inrtffi "‘uihuaji’s TK.i.Vsi-tjßr .famTN>7~ *. , °" n “J be,l ‘« :,f,,v *T r, ‘. we *'= ready to receive ind wen* r "* IMml,ll> ' |,ri IOCC wid merchandize east sible'tiiiM * lW * r * “* lowest r "*e». Merged by respon- Produie ami mcvhai:.hre will be received end for warded <-„ M v.- r , u wiih-ut any charge for for w.rd.i.,. or ndva,freight. eomm,-.,0„ "or «mrnge. mil. 01 lading N»»r: Cl |, umi a.I directions faitb rally attended in Addrr*» or upply in. WM IIINLHAM. CanaJ 1!.• pi, cor liberty ..-.I Uavnr «t«. Pittsburgh. M ~ v, . mnoham a dock, No l&J, Market?:. b »vrcn 4th A sth, Phil’s. JAJ* WILSON, A*t, No ls 2, North Howard Ualumnre „ JAS MINI,HAM, No 10, Wrsi arret, rfew York Notice lo oar Pstroae, dbliascb portable boat libs* T,H« V*"*.** of ‘he active partner, m Philadelphia, A (the Ime James M Dnrl*,) produces no interruption :o tbe4-u HANRDEN A Ctl. continue to bring persona Mclgßfrom any p-rt of Ena land, Ireland Scotland or ■"•■RWelea, upon the u>o*t liberal terms, with their usual punctuality and attention to the watiu ami com fort of rmnngranu V\ e -lo not nhow our passengers 10 be robbed by the swiedhng scamp* that infosi the sea ports, as we take charge of them the moment they re port Uicrn«elve». oml see to their well being, and do so ate b tliem without anr deientiun by the first shins.— We say this fearlessly, as we defy one of our paasen- Crs to show that they were detained 4S b-iu*s by ns tti verpooi, whilst Uiousands of oUiers • see detained months, until they could be sent in some s —Omni, Dupuy, Ac i pipe? ll tiialld Csmi S t*k» N Hum; ttm M>l« W’lnikey, for sale by •>»»* 'X' a v vtititllFl.Turv Oi A. Fahnsstbck A Co., WHOLESALE DllllOGlsTs, corner of First and Wood stfe-u, offer for sale, on tuvoralde terms: IWlbbls Wbiung; SOU lbs Coib. Aiuir.oaia; do do Alum: 5W do Asssfmtida; 3W do Dye Wood*; WO do Crude Tartar; •J 5 do Lsmpblaek; SOO do Liquorice Root SiO do Ven. Red; 3uo do Insh Alois; S do Camphor; ISO do Red Precipitato: 10 do - Span. Drown; ISO do Calomel Amer.; SfO do \ellow Ochre; tfS do do Rngd 10 do brimstone; SOO do Bucher Leaves: S do Cloves: 2io do Rhubarb Root; 3 do Cham, flower*; 400 du Sarsap. do; 14 cases Ref. Doraz& 200 do Geotian do; 23 do Cuttle Soap; 200 do Sal Rocheele: IS do Prussian Blue; 2TO do Beidllu Mixture; IJJ do Calc. Magnesia; 500 do Pow’d Rhubarb; 13 do Chrome Green; 330 do do Slip. Elm; sdo do Vellow; 100 do do O. Arable 6do Am. Vern.iliun, 100 do do Liq. Root CO reams Sand Paper; 100 do do JaJan; S 3 hogs Sicily Suntnc; 2SO da do Af.Cayenne -23 bales Bottle Corks; 200 do Sulph. Zina 750* Sulph. Morphia; 300 do Bor Tin; 1200 lbs Cape Aloes; 000 do Tunarinda; 1200 do Bi-Cbrom Potash; 150 do QatekSilrer. 2300 do Pink Root: tttO do OiangePeelt 1900 do Turkey Umber? 75 do Cochineal; 1200 do Cream Tartar? So dd Hyd Potash: 800 do Tartaric Aoid; 60 do Mace; I ”MMS.£3i 43 30 PRINTS— A large and splendid asionacnt Men mack, Cocheeo, and £aU River Prints, now open iwp-j aaiuS Sir James BSai-rdy’s Flmld Msfatsti. nn d«f *!*• immedia e eare of the In i reutof, end established for upward* of thirty year* ia*» cieeunt peperation m recommended m ell . ■ -* ot oiit, seiditir*. indigestion, gout, and gravel. • -»r most »ate. easy, *nd effectual form in whieb •*■■**** ni| tT- »'id indeed the only one in which ii gat 10 oe cxmiiiied. possessing all the properties of t nuw '° general ose, 1 without being liable * u *° ’® t,u ; *neerooc concretion* tn the oowels. i " a "' ,u * l *S : f “ ,p » heartburn without injuring the .o'. ■» oi me Motnerb, as rode, pole**, esd their car* i r i ra are known to doi it presents the food of in ai.:c mnung court mull e»«e« tt acta as a pleasing tp-.ifU. jmd is peeu.iufly adapted to female*. e - Humphrey Davy 'esttfied thai this solution forms ♦o.ut-i" rcrobii.u’.on* with uric acid salt* in ease* of *om and gravel, ihrrhy counteracting their n;unou* tcn.iiiKy, whm ouinine red more cafely Id the Tons of a con* :eji nurd toiuiion than ia rebalance; for thia, and Tia -v oilier am of opinion lh»i the Flaid Mr««»»ia ii a very valuable addition to our Materia PHILIP CRAMPTON.’ 1 *>r ';imei Clarke, Sir A. Cooper. Dr Bright, and Outline and Herbert Mayo of London, itrtinr .y rcrom/nend Murray’! Fluid Marneaia, a« briar in* inii'-.r more sate am* convrnlem'iban the 10M, and Ircr from the danger attending- ih« conatantTie of »odn or potast * < b »r >aie by uir importer’* and proprietor’* agent*. B A FA HNKSTuCK A CO Cortot VVood A Front ats. 6b lijr UII'OKTAJiT UUEJIICAI DISCOVEBT CHEMICAL COMBINATION Fr; rrj tJi* \ epnahU [Kingdom, to reprl Disuuss I>t. Quygoii’s Extract ofTillov Dock r ‘ »*‘d Baritparlllt. .c> *t ejpt>*urrpij..n, scrofula, eryripelns, rheumatism, k ’ U er complaints, si'ihai affections. ulcer*, t/- f •‘M" r '!»•>■ asthma/ pile*, scurvry. affection* o' .! • i- cdnnr and kidney*, mercurial disease*, cor . f':,' - lipmor*, ru«l, oi hiood in tbe head, fever and i rue. Ictrgir cr tplaints, general debility, dys; cp *•' »f appetite, headache, eolda, eo*iivonr-.«, t r»el ntglii iwta a, cholic, organir affeel’ous, f jio’a'.tjti of the heart, biles, pains in tbe si' l *, e -i»ti I'ttclt. Ac. I> . in/allitie in all diseases arising from an m>- “ 8 " o th» ’ lond. or irregular action of tbe syt* i' v r-<-t.tr>le Kingdom, an Alt wise Being ha - !•'•* -.lipuiM* Herbs rongeniui i<,ourconstita . ’i'd snap, oto ho cur* of diiensei and to tb« Y .. ..ie Sinacfs 19 tt »eicntifie eomponnd of the most val ca ,i. 1.1.■ sin r.a'ure entirely free from deleicri'iui . f ' ervntn - anneral substances, and as it expel 'iZly U "“ foipart* vigor and strengto , *coi .*d-«pviidii,g decree. 6 1 CERTIFICATES. " , “1; »>e O' Dr. Coy.ou'. Cni, P -wap. > el.ow Dock, and 9ar*ao«rilla li. . Nov. 17, Ib4«- iha .. a 1 l * J nU ' ! ' •'•'cere thunk, foi 41 fit l , hawc der,v «l ttom the use of rnui . e syrup. I have been troubled very had *it " i 40re * "kich its appearance on m noiu r . P ". y mu - eh to ««t first. sap 1 ‘ 5 ‘ 1» J", "* notUmr hut an eruption mat appear ,‘r.T 0 .1 *i, ,l 6, ' al, T be f an to increase, until nhv. 4,1 “ rk p f n 01 thc *«•“»• * applied to a ° m - all w ' lo Purpose. I had un o , ‘ h “ l COB J a be lrlf,J 1 *»» your Hyr inn. • .r» Y 1 Sarsaparilla, and concluded 0 ”• ’( °f * that Yetiow Dock was one of the * u ' tt,u «'e 9 »n «be world lor the Mood. 1 your T “P> and from the n«e of one bottle, 1 .. ' p 5," r hange in uty aysiem. I continued »U' I until i •>. a well man. I now feel like a CW T. or, :.)y Mood ■■ perfectly cleaned and free iron. , • .iiipcjiiies. There is not a but lha >*>ut i *\) Lucoeersa compound is lar snpertor t •n, -SMB. uri.ln */iup ever wild. l L-» C" mlicste u at your dt.poaal to publish if you "* ,Si *' n t L c ." , 7, r * ,cr ,onie 1 ■hall be bap. PI !• f.ro theu. all tne information I cau about my tasc, J remain your obedient servant, GaoaoK n. /cintson, 113 Market streeL The Jest fem.lsi medicine known. tL Extract of * »nu >a:.apar.'.ltt u«a po«iure, speedy, mi ,'cmat,r;u cure f„r all oompluma incident to ti FKMAI.EP. i n , ‘ t » ; b'tn:ive oniperiies render It peculiarly spp.irh -I'.in the elemierand delicate ccaiiituiioa ol ur i.'ir.a.i, ii .a tuirivnlled in us cflects upon uueit ei uh it.- cut consumption, bamuticar, leu . • cr irregular mcusiraati m. inronti r U;, "A. “nil netjcral proMrstmn ofthe rvaiea. itu ueiiiniriy joonttrai-M that Utstrcsiug uervoua lie S .i.;d .asjnade .... cojuiucn to the iciials trame, .a . U Tr e ! srte .T. and ’wncf 99 SUlpil’lltlg si ta. y ate grutfcl. l\ e have evidence on hlc which u.,.nrss ur; j. -ugly i„ rcconitnetid thu medicine u ’■|'’’^'{" J * Wl!0 ntJ * bstll h^- 14 ** 11 will* ofl II- rat, or Failing of the Womb, of fiy, V," ' V‘ c! L - r Guys*it‘s Extra*;: ol ►V. ',-7 V ' ntier every other km.«-u rtmt ./ hul been trl-tl without rtliet WoatusuTo.y. Ohio, >V'j . IfeW Tin, aertihta tUt my wife, aged irfyears, lias '•erti -utjc{r>ij undt-r me noove tompl4 u l for tvs icur*—''nr., s.I ot that time confined to Lcr Ded I ha vr .'ot r iears ••■>•!.lamiy i d ployed thf be.Umed . "' ,u "> lt*i» trV-ilon of the purcaascTe v'’ j - T,bn,e ’' PT I Have al«o ■W - o. *«;••!* ujo-si.', all ui whii-a Kovcd worthless, U :.r vp . 4,. • , i: . . ~„7V ~,r sid. _ t• / Tcfvrj from fwnenU Jcbiliif ' ui ooi.numjiuftn. I whs brn. lieitrrui Aceaifur ll« Sjuth ami U e«i. tg whom •:! cruer, cicn l»e address e, Aac , lurmi, Mu.Totra ,< tt| TJHU.Kvy, \V,-||*. !>nr», i.. j !-:t-;*ur», L W.lcx. Jr . I'uu ' ur <’ ; - l »r ir ’ ol _ '**r».'t and Uic U.nuu.nd. S mr.J.cStc. vJr'jiv' 11 DICI^KS ~ ** rt,ey are lhl „ .. u '-'u.’.Btu "ttß-ton, Ohio, May S 3, M 9. R h Sellrri—| tmii* tirn;iU,foi Hie Sencfiiofothrrs, ral'y , !|nlT C u, P ,' ,Cl ‘ Ul rc " ,utm 10 T'*urtxeeljent F»- I rtuvr used jortr Verm lone largely in my own lanttly qne vial exiieilin; large qnantlUes (»ny ltm to :rtx) tviiioi-) from two children. I have . ° used voar Liver Pills and Cocgh byrap In my tumily, and Uiey utc, tn every inatu.ee, produced tl;« effect, de«ifcd A* I amengugrd In merchandising, I am able to state, that I have \ el ;o liwur of the hrs; failure where j our medicine* have been u»ed in imy section of the country, in co-.riuiiun. 1 may state uat they are Ute medicines of the cay, and a e destmedm havo a very extensive popularity. Yours, respectfully W H PiNNELL. Prepared and sold br R. F. BF.LLHR*. No 7.3 Wood meet, and sold by Druggists generally iu the two cinei and vicinity. i„7 SELLER?* FAMILY .>II-.DiClNES—'l'heTTTe'ui .Medicines ul the dny.” Gasaoi’n j+tstio.v, Ohio, May Bb, 1849. R E. Sellers: 1 think u right for the benefit of others to state some fac's in relation to year excellent Fami ly Medic .net. 1 have n* >d yi »r Vermifuge Iwrgriy tc nr own i*m- Uy, one via. • frequently an.-weriug for expelling! .ge quaiuiiir* (r>ty In> *00) worms from two chillrss 1 hare aNo a red vonr I.iver Pill* and though Syrup in my faiinir, and they have m every insianre produced tin.* rderi desired. Aslrnu ingeged in merehnsdising, t «m able to slate Uui I'tare yet in heard tne first failure where your tuedie.nei have hren u.ed ir. my m-ciou of the country, lu oonclnai m, |i. ir state ihot they are (A« medicines ot the day. ir.d air destine.- >. have a very extensive pspuiamy Yours.rui rruni r. Prepared and sold ‘.y R. ) n-t, No j" Wood street, android by Druggu - eenernfly in tho two ci t’e* and vieinuy. m y3l / VRdAT CURE OF LIVER CdSPLALVr, by he VJT original, only true, and geuume Liver Pill. Baoar Ouski, Ohio ceunty, Va.) March aiih, 1849. 1 Mr. R F- Seller*:,Dear Sir—l Utink it a duly I owe to you and to the poblio evnera ly, to stale that I have been o/ticted with the Liver Complaint for a long time, and so badly that an abce»* formed and broke, which left me in a very low stale. Having beard o/ your celebrated Liver Pills being for sale by A R Sharp, in West liberty, snd recommended to me by tny physician, Dr FL South, 1 concluded to givo them a fair trial. I purchased one box, and found them to •e iost what they are recommended, THE BEST IJ. VER PILL EVER USED; and alter taking foar boxes I find the diseasa has entirely led me, and 1 am now perfectly wall. Respectfully yours, D U COLEMAN. ■West Liberty, March «t, LW. 1 certify dial 1 am personally ac<|ituaied with Mr olein , .ami can bear testimony (o the trnib ot the «i;rve rrutcam. : A R SHARP Tne Tnuine Liver PlHs are prepared and soul by REi LLERS, No 57 Wood street, and by druggists TO rilK PUBLIC.—The original.ortly true and gen uine Liver Pills are prepared by R EScUer*, and have lui name stamped in hlaek wax upon die ltd of each '•ox, ana his ngnatnre on tbe cutsidc wrapper—all olb era arc counterfeits, or bnse imitations. apu R E SELLERS, Proprietor Y,\7 ATOsIES 11— CltfcAPhK i - M.-»;s i Vt-.tt: v V Just rec’d, an invoice of dill jnwrlled paten tie* ver Watches. IS carrt» tin? cos«», which 1 cun s-n a* low as thirty and thirty five dollars, and warranted to keep good time. Also—A splendid'assortment of JEWELRY, com* pri'irir the various and latert style*, and best patterns W. w WfLSON, Watchmaker and Jeweler, TAIX.OUB’ UUOOS, AT tO»T. HERSEY, FLEMING A Co, having arranged to give their enure attention to the sale ofdomestlc Woolen and Cottou Goods, now offer their large stock of Tailor*' Trimmings, Vestings, Freneh and German Cloths, Doeskin*. eustimeres,Ac.at first cost 11EKSEY, FLEMING A CO jc4 - l£S Wood st JUSTrec'd. an elegant plain Rosewood 0 oct. Piano from ihe celebrated manufactory of Nnnns A Clark, N Y .ul aupermr tune, and very moderate prlee For tale by ft. KLEBER, jiclfl at J. W. Wood wells. WILLIAMS' IVuRY PEARL TOOTH POWDER for removing Tartar, Scurvy, Canker, and all substance* destructive to tbe Teeth. It is delicious to the taste, cleauslng the mouth, healing and strengthen ing the gums, and purifying the breath. For safe wLoleiale and retail, by deen R F BELI.F.RB 57 Wood at Br«»dl«s, Wines, Ola, Ac. FiCi * ovnitp Brandy, vanou* vinuges; iJ\J Soqr casks do do;- 4 pipes Hdlard Gin; 'J puncbeoEs Jamaica Spirit*; 9 puncheon* Old rtsh WbLkcn SO qr cask* Maderia Wine, SO do Oporto do} SO hbd* Bortea x Claiei: 10 hf pipes PpanUh UaJ Wine; 60 bxs BordeaX daret^ 10 bxs Muscat Wine; 6 bris French White Wine Vinegar: Rac'd for Mb br WALLER A RICKCTMW’ ■ P. W. CATES’ PATENT DIES FOR CUTTING SCREWS. hnTmg bora adopted and highly t and 1 himdelplna, on.* trow offered to manufacturers, bd-ncc, aa the mw perfect article in use or cutting I heir snpenoniy over anv other Die* hereiol 3CRkw, whether \ or mji'ass ihread, by onts pa!*siug 0F IT'?*™* preparation, as tbe dies eui the thread o: in their greater dumbilitv Hipidity, and perfection > lo get i>m of order. Csrllflcaus. PuiiaJiimu, Attg. P, t«te. Thts.u to certify 'bat w« have purchased from P. vv Lazes the rigat of srt.| his patent Dies far rut ting nolu. In vur opinion, bis D:ss ara much supe rior to ary otbrn we are acquainted witu !ot tn# purpose of cutting bolt*. J P MORRIS A CO. _ ; PiftLantLfnu. Anr. 21, IWB. Having hsd I’ W Gstr*’ Patent Diet In ust'in our establishment for the last nice months, for cutting holt*, yr* can in every resueet recommend them in the highest terms, at we bate laid all others away, they bene to far superior—considering them 75 per cent, cheaper than any other* now in use. HANKY, NEAFJE k CO, Peno Works, Pa. This is to certify thst w* hare purehMed the right to u'c, and adopted In «ur bustne* 1P W Gates’ Da tent Screw Cutter, which we highly approve of. We can dr. much more work, and we believe it will sur- - pass in durability “nd preeiiian, as much as economy of labor, any dies known to M MORRIS, TABKER k MORRIS. I’bilaDilphxa, Oth month,23tb day, IMS. ‘ Nbw You, Aug. 19, 1849. Having adopted P W Gatrs’-Patent Dies” for ent tlnr bid's, w* take plco'or* in ssyirr, that it more tnnn h.imer* nsr expectatiora and have cohesita* lion in t ving it as our O'-inion, that U far excels any other plan in present use for eo u'g ho’’#. T F BECOR k CO. We bav« p. w Giles" Pat-nt Dies" for cutting *ere*ro, and the eeonom' 0 cslr.c themb so very eonslderahle, that we l-ot upon them as 11 dispensa ble to every establishment having any quantity of ■crews to eu>. McCOßMirk. OGDEN A CO Cmcaoo, May 10, (649. Ounnaßcx Orrxca. WasHiftoroi, 6th Pepu.M* I have purchased of W )i Scoville for tlm L'ritet* Plates, tee right to u-- nil the aT»»n*i- an- 1 ••mi,. M if l'£LL ANBuCh Sir James At array's Vlntd Magnesia. PKI-i'AUKu oncer the ixtti diaie eaia 0 *bc r. ventor, and e«i'bh.h'-d for m wards of thirty yean hr the prafe«i 1 n for reaovinc Bile. Acidiiic and InJigestion. v-»ioiinu Apoeme, preserving medersts slain ofthe bowrJs, and ditsolviag uiic scu in f.rarel and Gout; al-o. as an easy remroy ler sr» ■iekness.'antl for ’.he fehril* affection Incident to ebt d bool it is invaluable On tbe value of Magnesia as • remedial a?ent it it unnecessary u> enlarge; but tbe Fluid Preparation of Sir James Murray U now (he most valued by the proies«ion, ss it entirely avoidt the possibility of those dangerousconcteticm uauaiiy resulting from the use of the article in powder. For sale by the importer's and proprietor l * agent, B A FAHNESTOCK * CO •epll Cor. Wood A Front sis. TOBACCO— SI Hxs Rusaell k llohmson’s S’* tump, SO bxs Jon*s k Hudson’s s's do; bxs Cabinets* S’s lump; 3b bxs 8. Myers’ | lb lump; 70 qr bxs do 4*b lump; for sale 'y __ tepii MILLhRh RlCKyrrsON RC STOCKTON has received for sale, v-l 4tb • of Gibbon’s History of the Dtciinc anJ Fal* 0 H*e Roman Empire. L fe and Letter* of Thomas Campbell, in 3 v Is Edited by Wro Beattie,M D, KleiuenUry B|etobriol Moral Pbilwophv. By iht late Rev. Sidney Stn th, M. A. Lectures on the American Foleottc System of Sur* gery. By Benjamin Hill, M. D. ‘laltotuD Vernon; a Novel. The Mhoulfer Knot, a tale of tie seventeenth cen tury Ibe Soorlet Letter, a romance. By Nathaoiel Haw.borne. aug9 NKWHtfOlts - : Life 4 letters of thob Campbell. Edited by William Beattie, M. L>., one of hu execuiora a roN timo cloth. 1 Railway Economy: s treatise on the now art'of tran*port, iu reenagemeni, prospects, and relations, comraetelal, finxnetal, and social, with an exposition of the practical results of the railway* in operation in the Vnilttl Kingdom, on the Conti cent, nnd in America By UiD-.iyrios Lardner, D.C L,*c. 1 vcl.!:>mocloth The Past, Present, and Potato of the Republic, trans >ited from the French of A. De Lamartine, author ol “The tieroudisu,” “Memoirs; of my Youth,” “Ra phael," Ac. 1 vol 13mo doth. I. Hint* inward Reforms in Lerturet, Addrc-ses and oiuer Writing*, by Iloraco Greeley. 1 vol Unio elo. The History of the ConfestionaJ. Hy John Henry Hoptius, D. D.. Bishop of the Dloceae of Vermont I vol ISrao cloth. The Conquest of Canada. By the author of ’ Hoefae •aga.n (Elliatt Warburton, Esq ,) 2 vol. 12teo. Conmosj * sketch of a physical descrio'ion of tbe Iftilverse. By Alex Von HuaboWt, translated from tbe German bv Ec. <»-.u i vo:» l«no eloih Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, with nbies by H. H. Milman. llarper'scheapedition. tamo, eloih complete in « vols wt -lOe per vol; i vol* fsc-ivec rcr sale by R HOPKINH au«P _ 7M Apoilb MMtdings, Fourth it s«w Bftzsiy I MOURN thro in sadoeis. \When other friend around thee. Conscript’s depar.nte and return -innte Latins. Are we almost there. Low basked car. He doelh ali thinri well. ‘ Nehy ni« a ladv biiver moon. Grave of Wa'hirgtn'i.' Thou ban wounded, the spirt Boul’d Sojer lipy. kmai-* loved one* at home. Cteer uo my cwu Jssor.eti t’h, Lemusl. Hpnng Plower Waltz*. FJfin Wa|, 7 l'.*kiteP«ro W* ii. Saitmtion Polka Br’ty Pol a Htvei Pulka. J nry Li.id Polka Uuda Quickstep March rum Ncrmv. Tbe above are Just received, and fur aals by J H ;.!• LLOR, 51 Wood at n*w nvHio usvnsk* J U. AiKLLOH, 81 Wood trrtn, has rtesivid the foUotnng A’ew Musit: OH, tay can yon tee 1 7 the truth’s holy light; dodl* c»ird to Rct C Cook. Ob» think net less I love thee lllanchc Alpen,!'ove the*. 'When 1 other Meads around n.er. Tba cot bcn**#ih tbe hills. Wert tbon • ... 11 me An 'c L-.u’ic--Scotch o-iltud. Tue Sobtn words by 1 •‘oo*. tntitc h- S.»pl-» tiiov, Tmu hi- —.-u-ni.d fir *pir.t tin. lo>i ~c . ’i h* I i: •*»•* 3' tY .i*.|^ j>n. Tne ij’-ti dti’.he-> l.r.mr i' I t.' ' > *■lt u. • -.. 11. .111.., nl: .Ju.us well— 1 oo . -io v. Widow Vnsbrec—ltus'eil. Tuc cottage o, i:.y mother—Hatebn.tons. 1/dw backed car—Lover K'.bn Waltrre—complr e. The Magle Bell. Tne Bridal or Wedding Polka Jenny Lind's A arricin ioiia Liny Pi Iks. Soiree American Potka. Ttp lop American Polka. La Belle aalumorran Polka Jenny Lind Polka. Tho Ofigina SeoUisb Poika Julicn. dslatatiou Polka. Hin Polka. Josephine Po-k a. Sunimit Polk*. Kossmgol Po-ka. The Pro. pbet ipiudrlUes—Meyerbeer J-nhy Lind Quadrilles. The Wreath and Daisy Wblises—Mrs Ernest The S.vtss Drover Boy—v.riatio t i.y Czerny Monument. d*uiii's from Horse Wrecker’s Daagaier qaicttirp. L«uisville March »nd Quickstep. Wood Up, Quid* ivi Strawberry Plants for Bala at tirsta* wo"d Gardena B CIST'S Prize, Seedlings, and Vieloriat rue.* oro ltl , iarg,*t and ic*t flavored Irui. ani»ng*t all the different varieties now crown. Order* nddrctied to tbe prop leior, Wes, Manehta »r, will receive p.'ompt atteniion. J McKAIN. an«H 4C HKUKEUiFtUINA LT AS become tu established and almost lndispana 1A able requitun in everir well provided mm .v, irom it* remarkably wholesome and utntious cuaii. Jf *'■ a fbod lot the beulthy as well at a diet Inr in ml d«, and also lor the suvtenanee of growing emidren . tnd infants. Vanou* tnudrs ol coo king and urepartnr it nrc given ou the wrapper. 1 Though well known in the east, it has never been introduced to any extent in Pittsburgh. The subsenb sr* have, therefore, made arrangements io be con- Itontly supplie r with it, and now offer it to retail testers or families oa more favorable terms than u las svei been sold at in Pittsburgh.^ WM A HfcCLURG 4 CO 955 Liberty si • aPpE£TtrkeB, IAM now prepared to furnish Apple Trees, from tbe well known Nursery of Jacob N. Brown. The rre* wiM be delivered at the wharf at Pittsburgh for »1S per hundred. Persons wishing good thrifty trees • hoold leave their orders -oon at the Drug, Seed, and Perfumery Warehouse, corner of Wood and Sixth su. _ . 9 N WIDKRRBHAifJ2 Msw deodar Mow Goods 1 HKI.EBKR baa Just received a fine lot of Brass • Instruments of the best manufacture, selected by himself with great care, for Inis market suen as Valve Tiombiinet, Ssx Horns, Bugles,Cornet*, Tuba-, Ac ; nl*o, a fine selection of Music Boxes, playing two and ihiee tunes; Fiulinas,Accordeons,Ac Ac/ Also, s perior German and Italiao buings, and genu ine Nrapoiitan K String, four lengths, a splendid aruc e. gH.N Or THB GULDEN HARP, mi TTiird street. UriHTK’b celebrated fiTICKING SALVE AND STRENGTHENING PLASTER price Tk|,U- A sOverngutcmedy forch onie rheumatic affections, weakne** and lameness of most part* of the body scalds, bonis, sores, ol most kinds.cnt*. swellings! tpraws, bruises, qorns. and felons when firvt oemlmr Also, the most convenient and safe sucking salve St strengthening platters and drafts on the feci For sale by 8 N WICKERSIIAM _ Cor. Sixth A Wood st* Foetor’a Bow Btbloplaa BXolodlos. f tWlNKtoßnnail Night; Dolly Day; VT Dairy Jones; Go down to do Cotton Field; Nelly was a Lady, Ac. U ALSO: Be Kind to Ifce Loved Ones at Home- Row thy boat lightly; True Love, by T. Hood: Our way across the sea, duett; A new medley tong, by B. Covert: I Jenny Gray, muiu by Nailer; Joys that were crowning, Wedding March; - God bless the hardy marine; Schuylkill Walts Conscript’s Departure, by \V. C. Glover Soonda from Home; WaUxea, Bieyermaikuehe Co; Last R«e Of Summer, easy variation* by Her*: LnilcdStatea Polka; Ladle*’ Souvenir Polka; Corn Cracker Quadrille; Louisville Quadrille; Beauties of Italy; Duett* Trios, Ac. A. large assortment of New Mu.uc on hand, to which additions are made weekly. For sale by febaß J. ft. MEL LOR. 81 Wood st- H... Kltndtrd History. LITE’S His r«*KY OF ENGLAND <» now pat.- lUnlny by Harper £ Oro't, in OtoK elcili and paper, at 40 cenu per voi. Three vol« received, and tor tale by R HOPKINS, »pl? ?H Apollo Buildinr*. Fourth •« 1 bagi prntte Kio ai*u Java; \jC*jnLX9~ 4o bxa tnooid, dipped, and aperm; Chuu— 130 bxa Cream and Enaliali Dairy) Ccaus—go dot Hemp and MimUa* Cassia—39 Matu; % CiovdH barrel; Cioaas—3o M Common and half Spaslih: Ftsu—23 brie and half brl* Maekerel.and Salmon; GLasa—3d bxa ataorted sizes; Ham—l2oo Prime Venison) n loco Sngai Cared* Indioo— 100 Ibf 8 F and j.vx—l6doa «iarri*oiti Black and Copying; Molasbu—23 brie N Orleans; ” tflbaif brl«Bucar Hoow; Morxao— 20 doz as toned oanistars; Maccaiom—fiOlbs Italian* VeaxaciLLi—oo lbs do Naiu—SSUU kegs assorted; Puslks—<3 doajart assorted; Psarucs 30 bushels halves; Paras -60 reams ataorted; Pacns* 1W Iba Bordeaux: Soar— 60 bxa Rosin and Cart Stael: Bc«a*—lo fthda N Orleana and ciaHg t a. . Taa—oo packages Green and Toaacco-«0 bxa 12. 3, A l lb Innpj W*iU Boaaoa—6o dps patent Zink’ Sna y „J D WILLIAMS *CO - - —Comer ofFifth sad WoM | * >I,OJ Hfc&D. HOUSE, itsoo * S* &^ l Btt ” g *ad JM fcet BomU. Gritil. •. , n w i£^L Ut ®Axwttcan Hotel, Erie,** - gjgffiwmw «* to# Bnßaifl Howl, Ohio. PATEITKD BAT », (HI tn all U«- jirtncipai -hups in New York ttiurlimills, muj> iuuuha,ie., w ith the utmost nui >fore uwml, wm*i*u i n ih eir (nilllllg K rEma i over Hie iren lo i* cut, which require no stm/Ww* uui of the sohit iruu; without rai»mu it in thv le»M; i of wort; pud m Uie>r sttnpliniy and liule iuthdity ries u’-der the aupervision o' this Jirpanmsni. P* W Gates’ -Patent l »e*”for eutung screws rut mstai, they having been tried in two or the large arsenals, and found t<’ be very efficient and rxerUcm A. TALCOIT, Col. Ordinance. Brxjuc o? Yaaas a n Docis, i ; »V*surtor«s. Sept, yi twa. I Connd-rme Gate* 1 Patented Improvement (or cat ling screw* oil raeta, to be s valuable one, I have, bv auiii.my of the Honorable Secretary of the Navv putci. \sed of the* Attorneys of the Pstetiiev. Win- H.’ Sent:- r. and ban.ue.l Mower, lsq , tbe nsfciiomaki and u-« said uupjovstaeot 'or the u.». Nsvy. JOSEPH SMITH, Chief ot Bureos. Iu oi* also by Bpifnio Work*, BuSato: R«»e A Ashler: Rochester; Roulett A Co, Gloucester, N. Y; Hay wool A Snyder, SehuylkUl County; York; Hom k Delamatet. ‘•Pcenix,” N. Y; IL K. Dunham A Co, New'\’erk; Denmead A Co, Monument Worts, Bale Van Ouren, Hocbasier; Mott A Ayres New York; Allour Works, do; Pease k Mnrpay, do; \Ve«t Point I-oaQdry; Norri* A Bro, Pidladclphiu; A Jcnki,.Breeile(burcb, Pa; . W*alwoiUi *. Nason, Boston and New York; Lowell MachtncKaOp. Lowe Ameoskeag Co, Manchcsier, N II; Lyman A S’iq her, South Boston, knd numerous others. No UMaehiM, 10 ku die* * cap* ft * to t In prt. R9t I?S a 5° I'oUpnce *SO inoj qo o do |to l price iiifl A'i oraert addre«wd to Gate* *. M-Knt*LchJea*o, O B U.,™ s r Vo.t E ItoLIICT.' deirhi«, scd HH. Pcorflie * aona, for Die* ■rd n|’*i wi aor »iihoot maehiae* 'or asin* theta. »ill Ulcei with pron pi RtletlUOO r»c*«o Mar 1 IWO MISCELLAMOCS, tie OOVAL, PALMER. H*NNA A CO. have removed their Exchange Office, to north west corner of Wood utd Third streets. NOTICE, Tilt Partnership heretofore existing between tho subscribers, under me firm of Burbridge, Wilson * Co., was this daj. dissolved by mutual consent. I'ho business of the Ann will be settled by J. W. B«r> bridge, or Wm, WiUon, Jr , either of whom la author ised to use the name of the Arm in liutiidnnoß. 3 W. UURDRIDGR, WM.WlusuNJr. LYON,BHORU A CO. Pittsburgh, July 1, IMP.—Jy4 CO-PABTK KB I hlPi JAR. W; Oorbmlge A BenJ. Ft Ingbram have this day a-taciated themselves under the Cm of Bar bridge £ lueliram, to transact a Wholesale Grocery tnd General Commission Business, in the bonu lately oecnnte*' by Burbndge, Wilson A Co, US Water n. ; Piiubargb, Jaly !, 1&S0. —Jy4 CO*PAATJiKUIUIPi fiUIE subscribers have this day formed a co-partner- X ship under the firm of W A F Wilson, for the pur- Rise of iransaeting tlte Wholesale Grccery and Com poission Baiiocss, at No SB Wood street. Pittsburgh, I,l3SO—>j4 ffiOßßig As BAWOBfII, RVCTIFYINfi DISTILLERS, and tea and Wina Merchants, East side cl the Diamond, Pitiibareti, Me now offering attltc very lowed prior* for cash, Rectified Wlii»Sef, Om ana Domestic Urttidy, alto, l-rccrh Brandy, Holland Gin, Jemala Ppirita, Lon don (;tn, lr»h Whiskey, Rnm, Ac. Port,Cherry,Ma deira, Cbanijtsgce, Claret. Muscatel), Malaga, Teaa teiSe and Lisbon Wines. Wholesale A Retail, pyt) PRINTING PAPEIJ—AJwa7» on hand or made to order, Uts tarbor *hc« of Priniin* Paper, Bu Wrapping Paper;Crown, Mediam; and Doable Crown •ixqa Straw Wrapping Paper; Crown, Mediam. and Doable Crown Pwt Office t'apen Pasteboard, fce. &o. W P MARSHALL, 65 Wood st, _Agent for Clinton RLll*. TJtTOhIAH IN AMERICA— Her wort and her r»- TT ward. ByMari*.JMelninsh,aatanrof M Chama A C o omereharms,* 1 PTo seem and to be.” 1 vol l*mo Latirr Day Pamphlet*, No l:—The pro tens time. By Thomas Carlisle. Caautras.—Memoirs of Ltfo and Writings ©fThos. Chalmers, D D., E.UIX Prelections on Batler’a Analogy, Palsy’s tvidrneesof Chri«Cinlty, and Hill** Leetuie on Divinity, with two Intro luctory Leetarcs and (oar Addrect* delivered In rtle New College, Edinburgh, by Thomas Chalmers, T). D., L. L. D. I vol lucio. ' Cslvei—Uife of John Calvin,eompi rd fcoch nihen tic soorces, andiiarticulorly frem his t HBBs pAtdencss. Uv-Thomas il Dyer, with portrait. I Vol lino, ror sale hy K HOP CIN9. 7? Apoilu Batldi gi, Fonrth cl. Comhii combat ' •) A GROSS vnper Polka; 10 do do v inr fina: C\) in aks d RedH** l * , U' “ sni«r Knelßn Morn Reading; *> “ •* Pocket Combs. [ Mki “ “ W(K d 4 icon Ho* a*»’d Fine Ivory; mi " shell Side Cnmt-st \ 10 “ seprr larjte KuJulo; VOo gTtHiH asr’d Pule Comtr*; roc'i leU> ] C YEAGER, ifUjLU FOUSDB ■|'HC uiroi the cilizci ; Hnd public Rrnr.niiJy, tlim mar have rc 1 l*Lb FOUNLMtY and tue now in foil ) have part of ilicirpattrrns ready for" /waoagji which are Cohtuijf Store*, G •tore*, with * splendid air-tight CoaJ SL tow tape readmit in other cities the di Siare Al'o, a cheap soal Coining StO' Ic't fi-r small families, with a full a-so.-li mu. o.»ri >•:cm:-t Urr.iea We woclJ • vitr I tic MiTtitiijn i>l' |’i*n:ftn! )>uildinf; 1 Ku.'Ciion.«c iicior? purchasing, acd wTy; kr.i»:ic t»i rnair.melieu tirttcs, finuhsti eo'irely-icw in tljif mwkcu , \varchoD»o, No. 181, Liberty st. oj-?4*iie Wood il £ NICHOLSONJA. I‘AYNE- PITTSBURGH P \ EAGER. importer and Wbolctale Dealer in y. panoy and variety goods: 3i*n of the Gilt Comb, lfcj MerkelPm*bargb, Pa. Western Merchants, Pedlar*, end others visiting Pittsburgh to purchase Good*, nre rcspceiinlly bin ted tp coll end examine the estenttvc asioTtcient of Ear* Ush. American. French and Cenunn Fancy Good*. ■ All Foreign Good* at this ctiabltslmuns ere import ed dirert oy myself, *«d purchaser* nay rely on get ting good* frpm first binds. I have the largest asson tamt oi article*, In the variety Jinc, tn the eity of Piuslmrgn—oil of which wit! be sold low for evh or eity acceptance*. The Sicek consist*, in p«rL Lace Goods, Hosiery, Glove*, Ribbon*. Silk Cravats, Sho« and Patent Threads, Sewing i>tlk, spool Cottou, Tapes, Suspender*, Bullous, pins, Nee diet and Cutlery. Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Jewelry, all kinds ot Brushes, Comb* and Razor*. Percussion Cap*, KevWvcrs, I*uto!s, Clocks, Pilk A Cotton Purses, bpfcctaeles, Steel Pens, Music Boxes Carpel Bngi and Basket*. Bimltai;* Findings and Trimming*. Toy* and Fancy Good*; tortthrr with a lane vana ty of Fancy and Staple: DRY UOODB. C. YEAGER U also agent for the cslebrated Lao* r< navi7 '-ssat kuatgitsb Usutdy, FOR Coughs, Cold-, Asthma and CoiuiuuDtionl Th» GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for Uw cure oflha above diseases, U tho HUNGARIAN BALSAM OF LIFE, discovered by the celebrated l)r. Buchan, of London, England, and introducedinio the United Stale* ander the immediate superintendence of the inventor The extraordinary success of ibis medicine, in th* cate of Pulmonary diseases, warrant* tho American Agent in soliciting for treatment the wont possible ca fe* that can be fonmlin the community—oases that seek relief in vain; from kny of the common remedies of the day, and have been given. op by the nnui distinguished phyiieiann asronfirmedandiucnraMe. The llunguri an Ualnam ha* cared, and will cure, the most desperate of cases. It i* no quack nostrum, bat-a standard Eng lish nydietno. of kitowtuand establiahed etfieaey * Every family in the United States should bo suppliod jwit'i Buchan l * Hungarian Balsam of Info, not only to counteract Uie consumptive tendencies of the «Htw«itti L bn. 10 bo used os a preventive medicine ib all easasof eclMa, toughs spitting.Of blood, pain in the side and chest, irritation and aorenea* of the lungs, brochitia, difficulty of breating, hectic fever, night sweats, emsoU atioti and general debility, asthoa r iutiuenza, whoopin* sourfh and eroap. Sold in large bottles, at St per bottle, with fail diraL tior.i tor the restoration.of health. Pamphlets, containing a mass of English and Amsri can Certificates, and other evidence, showing the an* equalled merits of this great English Remedy, may be OhtaiQgd of the Agents,'gratnlionsly. For sale by B A FAHNESTOCK A Co., oottmt • •t and Wood.and Woodkndfith *t*. jcyd&wS S' ELLERS*'IMPERIAL COUGlfsiVKUP—Thkb>l Nomura Liza It! ; : Pimacituu, March S 7, l&ir Mr. H. E. Sellers—lri Justice to yon and your iwwi&. parable Cough Synrp, I.beg leave to mate, for tie ben. efit of the community, that my wife ha* bees several timo- aliucicd wita a mo« distressing cough. I DK , icha«ed, io January last; a boute ofyour hyrao. whlah cured a coegn of two months' sthnding. About on/ month «lnce, the cough returned, and was tn ...Jr that she could hurdiy move. from wesknes* bt £2 br-osl; 1 sent for one bottle of yoar Cough Byra£ JSS • P*" »' •»« o»red tht con,h I l.r/uSJi™ lo «joarneym.il who «», .eeetel, ,m,cie(J, U) ase hi* own words, “eaten enough eooffli e* .fui*? 1 cure all the people in' Pittsburgh « if to been e* good U reOreidiiled. * ’ ,f “»• «»udr had vSSrtSS?® a a ttSM-aa, ..rjm, .nil .old b, D,w»Uu Knor.U^i^ de|9 ALbKGHKN? VBSITIaBr/»«« ANDCAHWCT R • UID^ ■ m^tin/v 1 *• * Complete asion- SS/tt Vt “ be V fi, B wruttd lts°- T" y intht States. Pal- inn* Hiving pare hared t h e stock, tPdjs, and woud of the cabinet •»- tabUshtaeni of Ramsay A MVieW Tkrtd, 1 am prepared io faraish tboir old customers, as well as we panne it large, with every thingin ihelr line. Agency, No 0 Wood street, Puubargh, - pehae - ; ; : a. brown. Iconomy Is* Teas. "pkECIDEDLY the cheapest and Levi p’eca in Plns- JL/ bnrgh to bay Tea it at ike Tea Market, east side of the Diamoud. They ted Excellent Tea at —— So 60 per lb ilsperiorQualities -o 7i w The very best —*■ ■«■■■' • ——••• 100 ” Low priced, dsmsged* or inferior Tess are ftot kept et this establishment, therefore, whether you go yoar •elf or tend aefcild, you are sore to obtain a good article, and If the flavor of the Tea is rot.approved they readily exchange it or return the money ’ jyiu. JUORRiS A IIAWORTW, Prop iou»ra CiiILLiGOTHE SOAP—SO* 1 bis tor by «epH MILLER A BIChEfSt Pulvsrlftd Cora Stereti, II EFINBO and expressly for Food Pad &> dings. Cakes Castardf, Ac. Recipe.for Boiled Cus tare-—One qnert of new milk ‘enr egga, half a leaspoonfat of iait,iwo Üblespbonfou >f refined starch—*Ur the starch in a small aa-ntii- iy he milk, till tl Iw perfectly diisolved and IaSL?! be eggs, wall beaten, la the starch—pour the *-». «ad starch Into the balsnw of the milk, whilo belli-, air constantly till U tali IP CBflA—Ezcti>ot. * rauutr S KaEU.EJi3 W» , r R JTMh WSI. WILSoN, Jr. FEANK. WILSON end for u)« by ;to Matin »t Sura A NichuU lofPmsburgh built the EA ipetation, and the in eriei:— Jool and Wood ‘love, which 13 common round ive, well tdap. itment of com* •r:rular!y lo» o rail at our unc afplendid in fine itylo—