The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 04, 1850, Image 2

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V* *** n ** u 7 reqvcstea to Bind ft
iraeuSb!? “* “ w«y intbeitr as
led ttnewill lawned for a .pee.-
invariably be charged anti! orderecoat.
S&'JLfjW JfAfent ter tbit paper mt Me
£2“ \ **«» Rork, PhilA ud
aJST £ B ? Ap g** t * Wo»th Anracm.—Adrertlec-'
£?£!*, 5? . *o (be North Asterleaassd
Vwed Btste« GaxettTphiUdolphla, received «»d for
•■rood from this office.
e,J^u7* >m l kßP *™*C olptK * n **»H«* —Sabtcripiiorn
*°T «£• paper, will be received and forward
M IrOB UUB qßm
- ®* u **om Annco-dsbscrtptloei cod adverti*e
receiTed “ d forwarded free of
jj‘ Cr
S* CinctHH**! Daily Uuon- Advertliemenj*
r^”r*5 r ;f moR V or P*per, wiu be received and
Mweraed from thi> office.
I roa caxal emoomom.
'*< Basks Coontjr.
w» «vorro> annus l.
Oii;r onUimy.
*os itunii uxiul
Of WasaingioaCoaiitjr.
ABtlßimlc tad WU| Somuuaoiu n
Allifhtnr Oouitr«
ra tsxxtt srooin cowoaiss,
m anon anno*, rantr rtm coaaaias,
o» wmaua.
to* a ssa ■ a lt,
T. J. BJOHAM, Lower 8l Clair
B. C. WALKER, EJixabeifi.
JOHN M*CLU«KEY, Robinson.
potbct Axroutrr,
aufiitn»n i
ammo a,
W 34. FLINN, Lower Bt[Clur.
D. N. COURTN3Y, Ohio.
TluAai*.—The regular Antimasonic and Whig
beleet cto be had at thia office.
York Whig ItaU Conveutlcux.
We regret exceedingly that there la reason to
fear that the Whig party of New York may be
greatly weakened, If oot divided by the dineo>
«ona prevailing between rival factitna. Jait a(
Ibe very line vbea the opposition healed ii»
difficulties, and united oa oae ticket, the Whig*
manifest a diapoaitloa to divide.
The New York Whig Convention met at 6y
raeoaa, on the 88ih ultimo, and was permanently
organised by tbe election of the following officers,
to wit.—■ For President, Francia Granger, of Oou*
no; I ,for Vice Presidents, James Van Norden, E.
Crosby, William Hasten, Samoa i Freeman, ri.
Doolittle, E.C. KoaeU, Freeman Clarke, and Ab
oer Lewis; for Secretaries, William Vanderbilt,
T. P. Chatfleld, E. N. Fairchild, and Edwin
The President, on taking the Chair, made i
speech, thanking the convention for the honor
and urgisg harmonious action on the part of tt»
Whiga in convention aa the tore preaage Ic
Hr. Doer moved the appointment ol ■ commit*
tee of one from each jodieiaJ district to report
resolutions, and, if deemed advisable, an ad
dress, (or the eonaideration of the convention.'—
Agreed to.
The Chairman laid betore the convention a
penonai communication from Governor Fiih, in
which he declined being a candidate for Gorei nor
Mr. Doer, from the committee on organization,
reported a act of raeiaUons, in which toe Whigs
renew the declaration of their attachment to the
well known and established measures of the Whig
party of the United States, based upon a sound
construction of the Constitution, and tending to
the beat interest of the Nation; declare that the
Constitution of the United Slates la the Supreme
few of the lsud,«Bd the Supreme Court the bxpo
aaAt o! that law, and that they will hithfaily ob.
serve Its provision*, and-realst any attempt to
overthrow it; aver that the interests of the Union
demand a revision of the tariff; assert their belief
that it is the duty oftbt General Government 10
make appropriations tor overt and harbors; la*
meet the death of General Taylor, declare tbai
they repose the atmosi coutiiicncc m the admin
istration of the Government by Miu-anu Fj_l
xoaa,aodhia maintenance of the well known
principles of the Whig party; say that though
they are opposed to the extension of slavery to
territory now free, toleration should be exercised
in regard to conflicting opinions of Whigs, and
that they rejoice ia the admission ol California,
while they aeqaiesce in the settlement of the
boundary line between Texas and New Mexico,
and the creation of territorial governments for
New Mexico sad Utah,confident that there acts of
conciliation will tend to restore those cordial sen*
timenta'and paternal ties which outght ever to be
cherished between the different sections of our
common country,’ avow that the Whigs of New
York have confidence in the honest purpote and
patriotic motives that actuated the Whig Senator
and Represeaiauves from that State in Congress
upon th i embarrassing subjects presented for their
consideration, and admire the boaesty,candor,and
tokrance’with which thiy have differed upon
these exciting questions; eulogize the Whig ad«
ministration of the Stale of New York; and de>
dare that they appreciate the importance of the
Impending political contest in that State, and that
they wilt do whatever united, harmonious, and
energetic action can aeeomplish'to secure such s
tmH as shall promote the welfare of the country
by making permanent th« ascendancy of Whig
principles in the conned* of tbe Suae ud of the
On the following day, the 27U», the following
Stale ticket waa nominated with great unanimity:
Luvtmant Governor. .-GEORGE J. CORNELL,
Ccaei Cmu»uriea«r...EBN. BLEAK LEV,
ButU Pruon lnepraor. .ABNER BaKER,
CUtk Court <f AjtuL.WESSEMj S. SMITH.
The Domination of Mr. Hutu was hailed with
acclamations, and ha* been received with suit
faction aU over lbs State. The balloting bong
t hrongb,Mr.Comwell sob mined several resolutions
as substitutes for those reported by Mr. Doer.—
Upon motion of Mr. Doer, these resolutions, to*
gether with thoseorigainally reported, were re
ferred bank to the Committee, which was further
increased by the appointment of eight additions!
member*, by the President. After a conference,
Mr, Doer reported that, the Committee being
equally divided upon the adoption ot the sbnsti*
to lea, no result had been reached, and both aeries
o( resolutions were submitted to the Convention
for Us acuon. Mr. Doer also moved the previous
qaestion, which was sustained. The vote was
then taken, and me substitutes were adopted by a
vote of 15 to 42. Upon Mr. Oner’s demand, the
qaestion was taken on the resolutions separately.
All of them except the 7ih, were adopted without
a division, and by acclamation. When the 7ih
was reached, approving of the action of Benator
Beward, the ayes and noei were called, and tha
resolution was adopted by a vote of 70 to 40, —a
majority of 3 A Upon the adoption of that resolo
lioa, Mr. Dner ud those who had voted with him
withdrew, and organised uew. We learn from
the Albany State Register, that they appointed a
Committee to prepare an address and resolutions,
and that they have called another State Canven*
lion, to do held on the 17th efOctober, for which
mob Assembly District is requssted to send a del*
The following are the substituted resolutions of.
fared by Mr. Cornwell, ud which were adopted
by the majority of ibe Convention:
). Beaolved, That the Whigs ot New York re*
new their declaration of their attachment to the
well known aod established printiplea of the Whig
party of the United States, as based upon a sound
construction of the Constitution, ud tending to
the but Interests of the notion.
3. Resolved, That we regard the Ooostitntioa
Of the United Slates as the supreme law .of the
Lud, ud as such to be implicitly obeyed by the
cidfeua of every section, and by the authorities
of every State; jtbat we faithfully obaerv*' all its
provisions urn compromiser; that we will resot
promptly, firmly, aod by all oocessary means,
any attempt from uy quarter, to overthrow ti.—
That in all cases of doobt as xo us meaning, we
wiU appeal to ud abide by the decisions of the
So are me Goort of the United States*
' 1 Beaolved, That the Interests of the whole
Caloa demand such a revision of tha Tariff at
jjtf u will afford more equal and afhetive pros
lecuon to A merieau lado. ry and develop* the
resources, ud rseoiirSfettiK labor, apt) promote
tfae-ve'dareor the whole country; tad that we
regard with apeoai aallaJatitioa the establishment
of Tnannfactnrea in those sectionafand Staiea
which have hitherto resisted, with tn'oft tenacity,
Whig principle# and policy, as tendingto remove
prejudices, enlighten public aod build
op .an identity of ioiereat aod of opinion in all
section! of onr common country.
4. Resolved. That we believe it to be tie duty
of tie General Government to make aoch appro
ptUtioni lor improving the rivers aod;haurbora
of different sections, as their conditio?) may re»
8. Resolvod, That this Convention,.respecting
those who have sustained Whig prindplea with
eqoal ardor in prosperity and adversity; r< joice in
the Opportunity now offered lor making expres
sions of renewed confidence in the present Nation
al Administration and in the wisdom am) efficiency
with winch it has been administered under cir
cumstances of anneal embarrassment and difficul-
6. Resolved, That while we lament most deeply
the irreparable loss of our Chief Magistrate, Gen
eral Zachary Taylor, at a crisis in our country's
history which his clear judgment aod Roman firm
ness seemed so peculiarly designed to meet, we
deem it most fortunate lor the Nation that his place
u fiUed by a » uc «*r>or so distinguished and caps
5 i „ 1, ]‘ ard l Fidmore, to whose experience; fi
d?TiH*“vd ? a i ght ? Salesmanship, ihe people
of New York has learned to repose entire coofi-
f/ ? K K « o 'vcd,That our thanks are especially doe
H ®“-W'H'am.H. toward, for thTsignal a
, l> l y, with which he has sustained. in
Lniied Stales Senate, those beloved principles
ot public policy so long cherished by the Whigs of
the Lmpire Slate, as expressed in Slate and County
Loaveutious, as well as in the votes and instruc
tions of our Stale Legislature. Those principles
are eminently National aod Republican, because
they are just and equiahle
8. Resolved, That the Whig* of New York have
confidence in the honest purposes and patriotic mo
tives which animated ihe Whig Represeniatives :
from this State in ihe federal Legislature, while
embarrassing measures have been agitated m the
present Congress.
9 Rtsoiytd, That the admission of California in
to the Union os a State, with a free constitution,
meets with our hearty approbation; and as a terri
torial govehitnentis established for New Mexico
and Uiah, Without any prohibatory clause, or the
assnmptionlthat slavery is excluded by other causes,
it is the «oldm duty of Congress to extend ihe Jeffer
sonian Ordinance over those territories on the first
indication that Slavery or involuotary servitude is
likely to bejintrodneed into them *
10 Renlt/td, Thai the Whig administration of
the affairs ot this State has been eminently vigor
ous aod successful, and marked by a permanent de
votion to the best interests of the great mass of our
people; and wn confidently appeal to us results and
to the important laws which havebecn enacted under
it as a proof that it mrnts the confidence and sup
port of the Whigs of New York.
. 11. ResoUto, That ice Wap of tbo Slsle of
New York appreciate the importance to the Stair
and the Uoton of tho impending political contest,
tad that they will do wba<ever united harmonious,
and euergetic action can accomplish to secure
suih a KSiilt os shall promote the welfare of the
e rontry, by nicking permanent the ascendancy of
Wolg principle# in the councils of the Staleand of
tho Natioo-
12. Resolved, That we unsuimeus recommend
the several candidates presented for the suffrages
of the people b? thi* convention to the united and
energetic topport of the W bigs of New York, si
men of distinguished ability sad worth, of un
blemished reputation and integrity, cf tried fideli
ty tO-lhe prisciDlcs of the Whig parly, and aa being
severally qualified, in ever? respect, for the high
and honorable trusts for which they have this day
been selected.
At first the Aliavy Stale Rtguttr, the Anti-
Seward paper at Albany, came oot strong for the
ticket, and made the following remaik:
"Our differences upon points of aa abstract
character, do Dot aff*el the essential principles of
the party, on watch all agree, and ought not to »{•
feet the vigor, union, and efficiency which has
hitherto chsrarter’zeri tho Whiga in prosperity sod
adversity. To all then, tea soy, lot iu heartily
tvjrport the tielp, the vshale neitt, and nothing but
tho tteitt ”
The last accounts, however, are not to favora
ble for union on the ticket, as will be seen by the
following telegraphic despatch to the JVVw Fori
Courier and Enquirer, of Monday:
* to the lilacs* of Hon. Wo. Duer, the
sddre.<s will not be pohhshed until Tuesday more*
mg. It eofpiaknces wun a bis:ory of the proceed*
ingt ol the Syracuse. Convention, to show that ev.
cry th'Og had been done that waa possible to te.
cure htrmony without a sacrifice of principle, or •
base abind indicm oT the President and (tie me a
who bad palrtoticallv devoted themselves to the
settlement of the sectional controversy relative to
atavery and the preservation of the Union. I.
ahowa that the resolution* adopted by the Convec
tion reopen that controversy, and attempts to in
corporate the peculiar op.son of Mr. Seward into
the creed of the Whig pony, and that their ten
dency and design is to ba i t op so Abolition par
tyonthd remains of the Whig party. It
that thodgb the candidates may be uoexnepuona
bte, it is Lot possible to support them upon the
principles upon which they were nominated. It
calls a State ConvecLoo to meet si Utica, oa
Tharaday, the 17>b of October, to take such mea>-
area aa they may think proper, his generally an*
deretoodY ,on Uie.bcst authority, that Mr.
Hunt wd} cUlmste'y resign or come out with an
addreia in favor of the National Whig party. Mr.
C:rne!l a d Wesaet S. Smith will aiao do the
same. The Slot* Beguter, in a strong leader bn
Monday, recommend* the Whig pap-rs in the
State not 1 to endorse the Syracuse ttrket, aa It wi:l
lesd to a idi*aolutioa of ihe Wnig party in the Ua.-
ted States, tec.
CL*'-tiu*r H.i--
(\<t d»>. t —An td.
vert ae-meai oft *i. n«w Msdtcii Ics'ttuie wn: b-.-
fbnod in arolber column.
The editor of the Cleveland True Democrat, a
geotkmaa of the highest respectability, iu noticing
'he institution, aays that yooog men deaircuiof
fitting themselves for this mode of medical prao
tiee, can find no better place.
The faculty are well qualified, the building • t
ceilrat, and Clevelanit a dc»irab T e residenc:.
A Urge class is expected.
Wilxct Ltrr thx V rtLo —The Hoo. David
Wilmot h«# quit the field for Congress tn the 12th
district onhia Slate. Au arraagement baa b;en
made by which Mr. Wiimoi, and Ibe 0:d Honker
candidal?, James Ltwrcy, both withdraw tram
the cooiest, in livnr of G. A Grow, Etq., former.
If «Uw partner of Mr. Wdmoi’a. It teem* ihat
the opposing fiction# of Lo.*ofocoi»m both found
somothing they could unite on in Mr. Grow, and
the anion is complete of the Locnfoeo Democracy
agmlnal the Whig candidate. Tula wid save tbe
district, we snppasc, w Lreolosoitm.
Whouso.—We think the citizen* of that city
have some rcasuo to complain of a repsrt, a&id to
have b:eu started m thu city, u. the iejuty cf the
North Western Bank ol Virginia. We have sL
ways looked open (be Wheeling Banka at among
the most solvent in the country, and ue have no
doubt tbit they are perfectly Bound, and will be
even if their bridge shoe Id be ordered to go high*
er, or to go down altogether. Ia opposing the
bridge, as ao obitructicu to the navigation of the
Ohio river, aa we conceive it to be, itisootjuat,
that we should assail Wheeling and her Banks, or
disparage in any way her people or her prospects.
Tnero is room enough in the w»sld for both cities,
and business enough, too, and Pittsburgh has rer*
lately no reason to be jesba* of Wheeling. Our
rivalry should be of taat manly and great hearted
character, tbit rejoiceth in each other's prosper*
Pittsburgh presents the ex inordinary spectacle
ol having elected a Mayor, which it cannot trust
aa iU Chief Police Officer, and its Councils have
found it Decenary to take ibo guardianship of the
city onl of hta hands. The like, we vamare ta
uy, was never seen before. It is a severe 'com
ment on the folly of those who chose him to pro.
aide over us.- The action «f Councils is correct,
and we hope that tha City Fathers will steadily
and firmly discharge their duty, regardless of (he
disgraceful conduct of the person we are so unfor
tunate as to have as oor First Magistrate ! It ia a
hard case, indeed, if we are to suffer, wiJiouire
dress, under the tyrannical conduct of a man eo
reckless of official character, position, ud the
credit of the city, as is Joe Barker.
Hourn's Dolluk Maoaztiix, for October, is al
ready to hand, ud its table of contents offer a
rich treat. A very cheap and pleasant periodical
s this.
. Rosest Stsmeskw, the great Engineer, and
the projector of the Brltanaic Tubular Bridge, it
appears by the late English papers, has been of
fered knighthood ud hea refuted it Mr. Karra*
doy, oneafthe greatest of living chemists, baa
also declined a similar lender. Sir Robert Peel,
it la already known, not only persisted ia refus
log a patent of nobihty, but also In his will ie*
tlrucied his sons to imitate in this respect his ex
ample. Tho time appears to be coming when
English tltioa will go a be-gglog-among those most
worthy to wear them.
(Jovrvanrr To. Uniled Suiei
Treasurer's statement shows the amount at fits
credit, by returns received to Monday, 33d of
September, to be $15,300,836 30. Of this there
wasat Washington, 1t00,953 OS; Boston, $2,878,-
Yc *’ S5 ' 0,0 > ari » ; Philadelphia,
*1,019,389 80; 8tM«it>r.,,53.90537; aichnond,
M,30J«1; Norfolk, Sa,S7l 07; Wdmlnjton, N.
C., $3,633 38; Mint, Philadelphia, S4JHI,iSO.
Bnaoh Mint, New Orlhaoi, $BOO,OOO. Traulera
stfirad lo TreMory tj. a W..hl WJO , ,200..
aetciug (■ Kiisnfesth,
Mg Editoe— Ala meeting pftbe Whip fo Me-
Keeaport, oa Tuesday, October I*l, 18*0, Mr. Geo.
A. Baj’mrd Was called to tho: chair, aod Mcnra.
Coursen, Whiggam, McClure, Rowland, 'and
Wood,acted aa.Yiee Presidents.
: Mr. ThomasM. Howe waa thea called upon
addressed the meeting in a clear, concise, and for
cible manner, he proclaimed himself a Whig and
nothing but a Whig; he then referred to the tariff of
ar *d went on to show that la 1811, whea oar
tariff was about to be repealed, that all parties were
then in favor of a good protective tariff, but since
that the scene had changed, and the Whig puny
were now emphatically the tariff party. He refer
red to the votes in the present session of Congress,
wfa|icli show that the entire Whig vote, save two
members from the South, were m favor of a good
tariff, while the votes of the Locofocos show that
only five were in favor of a tariff, four of whom
weije from Pennsylvania, and one from Wisconsin.
Mr. Howe then paid a beautiful tribute to McKees
port.referring to her ioexhaoaahle mountains of coal,
andllbe great facilities for manufacturing, bo con-
•idered that wo truly should be a tariffpeople. He
then referred lo the public lands, aud considered
lao« monopoly one of the most potent evils Of the
day He wished the actual seulsrs only, to buy
and bold the public lands.
H e was then asked bis opinion on the fugitive
slav s law, and replied, that he considered it one of
the most iniquitous bills ever passed by Ooogren.
M r. Darsie was next called to the stand, and en
tered into full argument upon the tariff, and depict- 1
od, m glowing style, the ruinous effects of the tariff
of IS4G upon our iron interest. He showed that
our import* at this time annually exceed -ou r
exports by fifty million* of dollar*, he dearly tbbw I
ed, 100, that the Southern interests were entirely
opposed to an increase of revenue, and therefore
opjx-aed lo the improvement of our river* and har'
bors He cautioned all persons against the prelen-
of democrats candidates,** to being land men,
and showed that the entire Democratic vote in our
Legislature lasi winter was agaiast instructing oar
Congressmen on that subject.
He then referred lothe trade with foreign nation*,
and showed that Massachusetts, with her manufac
tures, bought more of our agricultural productions
than all of Europe,. and then referred to the impor
tance of tfco present election, and requested every
Whig to stick closely to his ticket.
Mr. Higham next proceeded to discos* the same
subject in an able and forcible manner; he referred
lo tbe drooping and desponding interests of Penn
ed said he felt a deep and abiding inter
ion, the following resolutions were adopt
ed, That the Whigs of this Borough bav*
coniideuce in the ability and lutegniy of
M- tiowiv. oar candidate for Coo grass,
l< bouorable means la secure his election.
as well a
the tariff
specific c
tho balance of tbs ticket.
•d, That we are in favor of tbe repeal of
>f IS4«J, and tbe enactment of a land wtth
liuc> sufficient for tbe encouragement and
i ot Amer.can industry,
id, That we regard tbe “Fugitive Slave
fly passed by Congress, aa uniust in its
* to tbe colored ciaxeos af tbe North, and
disire its repeal.
:d, That in consideration of tbe (act, tbit
at Legislature will devolve tbe duty of
United Stale* Senator, and also, district*
ie for members of Congress, we bold it'
on every Whig to discard all personal
on (tie m
in* the S
dislikes, | reference*, end lateral*, sad vote the t
tire Le*i» alive ticket, ea (be rautl uf lest electua.
«how* lot pl&ialf the consequence* ol acralchtng
Ke*olr« d, Thai the proceedings of this meeting
be publut ed.
J. H., Secretary
Comapondsnct of the Pittsburgh Gascon-
WssarwTos, Sept. 30.
Clna* of Ihs lmlOß«Mlac>dtats~«Ap*
pelßlnintisad Csaftmstlosi-KssH
ares of ths Isulos—Tbttr lafflsinet
apoa like Csoatrjr,
Lau* a glana Dmm/fiu jm tria. if 1 may uy my
band at manafteturing a quotation with ▼ana
tions. Praise and glory to God and oar country,
ibr Congress has adjonrned, nni 4u Twelve o'-
clock to day Witnessed and dsvoatiy do
tired coaiDsmalton. Tbs termination of tbe
session in tbe II .use was charaetariaUc. Thai as
sembiy net at eleven o’clock, and wilt the ex
ception of a nonet* or two employed by the
Speaker in signing the Civil and Diplomatic Ap
propriation BJ's, tbe whole hoirwaa consumed
in manaeovralng far the consumption"of »Ir*
in eaiUcg the yeas and nays. One of th# bills
which U was attempted to press throogb the Honae
waa for ibe relief ol the well known poeteta, Mias
Lyach, wbo has • claim on account of her grand
father, arc! me! n the revolutionary warbat u
was oppos.-d with aueb seal by Jooes tod
Tem, tlsi it was drieated, tbuago on s
vre.ic-.i jar* la-Jiun , it was a*ce»iaioeiJ inn tti«
▼ o’* is j>s»»*/i), cjuU it bare reechA tbai
stage, would have two a Wu 85 This divisioe
■bo sed that there was precisely a quorum pres
ent, w.’-b tbe Speaker, wbo voted wan the rest.
Ooe hundred tod seventeen is a majority of ibr
whole Hocsc.two members having been added by
the admission o| Calilaroi*.
j The inexorable hammer fell while tha Clerk wi a
1 cailag IBe yeas aod nays opoa a hill aoppleoen*
| ta: to me ru-w act in respect to war bounties.—
1 Too Breaker announced the expiration of the
, session, mad, Lika re looted school boys, the mem
1 her# gaißerrd up their papers, tad one soother
good bye, and homed away.
Mr. K>ag dismtrsed the Senate with somewhat
mors of form and cirtnmatancd, m»*ing a speech,
«ed vtshlcg hi* brother Senators all sorts of good
fortune nu tbetr rerarn to ihetr homes. 1 need eo
describe the parting scene, and have the less tails
for it from having observed that the “ venerable
ed .tor of (be Union” was winding hit sinuous way
amen f tho dispersing Senators, as if Impressing ap
on their minds that he relied upon them fur the
•access of bis scheme* upon the treasnry, agstaai
the contumacy sad integrity of the Hook, its nat
ural, and, generally, its ranhfnl guardius.
Tbo session of the morning, from nmo uiitwelvs
o'clock, wa> spent in diapoaing of appointments.
Every body was confirmed, without uy excep*
lions at ail, as I hear from several Senators who
paid as close attention to the proceedings as could
be ripened, trom men who cared nothing at ai
about them- There were a few opposing rotes to
Mr. Wairtleoey, os First Comptroller, on account
ofhu booest sod firm opposition to-tbe coostroc*
tive mileage , but they only serve to indicate boo
completely impotent had been the efforts ol all fau
adveiaar ea to break him down, la u insuperab e
barrier to all the corruptions of tho day, which
come within the sphere of his observation, aa an
accounting officer. The list ot appointments con
firmed was very large. Most, if not all of them
will appear to morrow ut the National Intelligen*
ces, and they will be received with more satisfao
ttoQ wheo seen in u authentic and official shape.
lam oot disposed-to eight to enter upon a re
view of the pail ecaaioo. It is a large subject
and one well worthy of careful consideration.—
Though no party had a majority, the democrats
proper should be held responsible for all the evil
and but little of the Utile good that has taken place.
There never was a Speaker who showed so little
of fair and unprejudiced temper towards oppo
nents, *s Mr. Cobb. He knew no other men and
no other party in the House than the fiotion of
Southern Democrats, and it waa almost useless
for any other to attempt to get the fisor, at to make
a motion. But lot tbit pass.
For bemrly nine months, the House and Senate
hare been wrangling on the slavery question. At
length, compromise was agreed to, calisd, and by
many considered a general ud conelnstve settle*
meet of all differences. If this be a correct view,
if'wo have settled that unfortunate agitation, then
the preseot session, even had it accomplished
nothing else, would deserve to be styled the gnat
ifjttou. Hut I will not here assume to speak o’
the value ud preoiae estimation which should be
placed upon the measures ta question.- Snffice It
to uy that the general salyec* ol dispate is drop
ped for the preseat. A little more thu a fortnight
at the close was given to tha appropriations, which
probably amount very nearly to flfly five millions
of dollars, and to California, for which new State
have been created thirty or forty new ud lmpor*
tact offices, ud have been set apart some half a
million d{ dollars, by way of an earnest of the ben*
efits of partnership in this glorious Union. In an
other letter, I shall attempt a more satisfactory
■noimarjr of the results of tna legislation of the last
ten months. Justus.
Oefi. Leslie Combs has returned to his residence
in MaysvtUe, Ky,, from ao extensive toor la the
eastern section of the United States, It la said
that he intends to devote himself hereafter at
whale rer expense of time and labor, to tha pro*
motion of works of Internal Improvement, by
whioh alone Kentucky can maintain her jut rank
in the Union.
>f'jhßuk< lonr. Webfiir.
Mr. Webster, a n. -Qia «laca, received a Utter,
. jßpprabatiog hts le.« public froO the
uampuians of hi* early youth, from Boscawco
and its Vicinity, in the Sate of New
; to which he-baa wnueo tbe : JbUowing reply: ’
WasnisaTos, Sept. 21, 1850.
GoTLChtcx: I have received your letter of Ist',
motto, expressing your epprobeuoo of my public
p3titi iml conduct, and especia ly of my effort* la
Coogress, to aeltle questions, which havelottg agi*
Uted the Comtry anJ disturbed I’J peace. Hsp
Plly< gentlemen, those questions ere now, X trait?
disposed of, anti better proipects open upon the
The thirty one American States, Stretch over e
Vast extent of cruo'ry, running through several
degrsea of latrud? a< <1 longitude, and embracing
msny varict e# of roil, e’iaiate. institutions, habits,
■ fcc d pnrin t ; yet over nil the Union and the f'on
■Ututoa atill ataud, every where giving proteouoo
sod security, and every where cherished at the
present moment, who general and warm patriotic
regard. The Intereß!* of the ditßereot pari# of the
Country,though variant, are not opposite; Aw
ing indeed iu divers channels, but all contributing
to swell the great into of national proap-rity.—
Uoder the operation of ti.« Constitution, we have
Dow been for sii’.y yea>-» free nod happy; civil
•od religions liberty have stood firm andqnshak*
«Di popniar education ha* received anew impulse
and a wider spread; and moral and rtligioot in
•traction hat born rhumctensiic of our ape; agriv
culture, comiro'cc, «n! nnncfacttire#, hshre been
ateadily and sustained; and under ibe
blessing of .'-, ernera! competency and
■Uiatactory toesc* of living, have every where
rewarded the effort; oi hjior sml industry; mod
ID the moantiuic, gentlemen, the Country basal*
Ulned lo #u :b a Degree of nemor and renown.tbat
every patriotic man, in mldiitou to hia own indi
vidoal means ol eijovruerit, derives a positive
E leisure from partirip.tirng in the reputation of
i* Country. O’" what oilier country npra earth
Can this be said of rn much irott* Who then
would undermine ihn U in,r Who wjuld raise
hit hand against this Onvi'iiiioi.* Who would
scoffat those pnlii-rn! n;*i| »o;'al blessing", whitjh
ProvideD:c has never u-fore seen fit to voueh«*fe,
in such abundance. tn nnv communi'y of coon l
Beif love, our hop'-* f. mj idturu, national pnde ,
and gratitude to G -.1, nil conspire to prompt as to 1
embrace theseltwitur'c.r.* < four native Imd, with
all ihe affeciiojsm ocrhcnits, and to defend them j
with all the slretigi'i oi oi>r hands. In a critics! ,
hour, an) not wiinont »oini- personal bexard, 1 !
have discharged my dvv and treed my conscience .
to its very dep'hv m ic effort# to maintain :
them, limiicd only bv Urn measure of my .ability; j
and now that the** *ti •>rt* urn retrsrded a" ha* i -ig
contributed same thinu io tii- adjustment of dan <
gerou# controversy*, .md I„ the esiablmbtrent of j
peace and harmony auu.nir Irllnw citix<-n# and
brothers,! dasuc r,u rus-mi but the chconny ’
voice of all goo I men, ami the approbation of my ,
own conscience. t
And now, rov lr rn Is and neighbor#, I could
poor out my bean jDi-.-n«ierneM of feeling, for the
aSeetionaie letter wouth cone# from you. Ap
pro*o| voices have U-eu b-ard from O’ber quar
ters; other comtnrndntioi,* hive reached me, b sh
enough and warm to dnmand. s# they
have received, my i '»t grateful acknowledg*
men's and regard. I'..r vouch comes from home;
it comes from iho*<* w.nun l have known, and
who have km «n m- (r.»in my birth, li i* like
the love of a faini-v > ns influence# fall upon
my heart as lh- dew of Mormon. Those of you
who are the mm-t advanr-sd in age, have known
my father and mV family, and especially that mrrn*
fiwcf >t whose prcmmtirr d- n*>i inflicted a wotnd
in my breast wli't.-n n yet fresh and bleeding.—
Some of you wnc my cumpanionain the country
schools; with others I have partaken in ibo sports
of youth, the cheerful tabor ol the field of agricul
ture, and in Ihe assoc n'inn# and t xereme# of early
maubood. 1 see un the li#t learned and cow aged
and veoerihle dergytnrD; professional gentlemen
and Qfgtatratca, of my own age, whom I have
long honored and esteemed, and others of all
classes and portrait# tn life. There are on the
list, also, not a few who bear my name and par
taka my blood. Wnst 1 wsa ia early life, you all
know; towards what 1 may have done at aubse*
quest period#, for tV good of the country, you
have ever manifext?il ►urfi.-ionlty favorable and
partial regard; and now, ol'er 1 have been called
upon to act a par tn a more Important crisis, per*
baps, than any other nf mv life, your faiod regard v
your neighborly rect cm mo ol lormer times and
former friendships, on-1 the affectionate term# In
whieh you express yourselves, make you» leUer
a treasure, precon* tn mv e-tesem; which I shall
keep near me alwsvs whde 1 live, and leave for
the grattfica'ioi of there who >oay come after.
Your obliged blend and nnigbbnr
To Re*. Ebon Prie-». K*tv. Abraham njrnham, D.
D-, Rev. Wm. PsirtrW R*v. Caleb B. Traccv,
Rtt. N.lhaniel Tlticmn. 1) D, Rev. A«a P.
Tenney, R-v. Elmur.d Worth, Rev. Enoch
Citsor, Hon. PatLrr N->ves, Hod. Thomas H.
Paueegul, Han. thwg-j W. Nesmilh, sad oth«
Kre-u -b- FT'rm.'mii, Vs . Il.h-r.
Tbs Black Water Improvement.
M<>*| of »ur reader# are aware tbal Ido Legisla
ture paired nu aet, .> tear or two ago, granting the
privilege ol the lueorp-iinUon of a company for the
purp«ae of rond-rm* il»«- Mofton*Ttbc!a river navi
gable. lor «ienn boat*, irotn the Peutuylvama >ire
upward and auihortiraff the BvunJ of Public
Works to auboenba ibire fiOhawf -thaatock hc«k»
uryforrheowoiplkbou uf improve
meet. The law provirV* »b# tn* aoon a# individua;
Stock lo me amount of iiid.t>jd : I# aubaertbed, the
company ma) prex-t-ed t,-» and the Hoard
shall appropriate J'fiJ.t OO rnoiv, which is ibroe fifth*
of <fSJ,OOU
Ins mailer of v.til i-r.pv’f*.anrc that rheae per
sou« who desire tu bav v i|,:« r.ver irr proved proceed
to ant wtlho’i' a 100-jt-nt'* dr.!i .. l-et cved bv
many, and re.-\ . b<‘iv*vrd, i.YM, hUoh tl
i-ainyi- w-i l.e ;ii o-rttrd ,t.i -
[ fealu/r wnieh 0< -0.-d-e-the J d ~| ih- .Sate
If lht«*houM be -o. an J lb* coaii r. \ la., lo organ
ise under Ihe present :aw, u jpay. and most !ik-'y
witl be. filly ui .i bundled yerya l>cfore the river is
W e earueetly demaud ruriv'Snd proper aitenlton
to rtita matter The prrpv of Pmsburgh, Brown*
vibe, Morgantown, »nd Fnirmount. aud ibow of
mrermetlta'e |x-.t.i» ibr; tme, we Conceive,
are sli rqun..y ictmes’ed Wni ihe editor* and
cooJcjciot* ul tin* PiU.-buTih (apers.a# wed a* the
Brownsville snJ .M'xynnMwii pn ;vr* lend an mi
mediate sad heipi.c mM* Snbm i ibe matter
gfO'letnen, lo your r.-a.'. 's Lei them know du’
Unt’iJy that it only r.-qun*-* tb*l twenty ibousaod
dollar* be luhecnbcj i.t eecnre ibe beoefit* of the
prevent Irw. sad the Stair, m pledged tu advance
three 6Ahs of the whole n-nonn! necessary Ifthe
ms tier t* properly handier! bv the editors, we verity
beuete they have ptiwer-.udl.-ietn io set’*lho ball
in roo’ljo"-»-«tcce*«fui;y.
On ilie nari of We »utge*l the lollow
mg named persoaa— with *.k'li others as (bey think
pruper—lo act a# a oorre*i»oridu>g and Supervisory
Comnmies to carry on! the prt»r "ton# of the law,
—A F. fiaymor,d, E»q , Co! Air»nn .Merrill, Doci"
W D. E>**rer, 'L KMwe!t,J',j U Wataou Dw
M Cambell, B. Flejiwus, A Hayden, T. G. Wai
a*"n. J- A. English, F II Pierpoiul, Esq . and D J
We hope tbs tibove nrtnied retillemen will fe<
proud of the h-gh distiiK-'ioti n*Mcned them and oi
guoige without Jclay. uml lx* to enter upoi
lheir duties
Now, inroncltHion, we li.jie ibr ediior* at M.m
-ganUjwo.l3roMru.vtUi-.4iid Pittsburgh, will not wait
tor town Meriting*. bui—a* we bare done—arbi
trarity appo 01 conuiiitivv* in their respective place*
tn agitaie this questiou. it tb« work ia compleied
under there suggestion, wiilrnt gaeat prat«e be due
to those editor* wbt> luy bold of tbr *ut>ject ’ They
will be the honored mean* of bringing a »oal a great
local improvement —Finally, if any thing into be
done, we repeat. .1 iuii.s be duon without delay
"now's the day, and now'* the- hour Nexi year
may be Kx> litr for other matter*; but next year will
be too late to *emre itm improvement.—Lay hold
vigeroudy of the matter. brother Editori, trul tbe
work will go ahead.
We chronicled on Saturday the Ural arrest of a fu
gitive ilave under ibu iiew act of September 18
Which look place m New York 00 Friday. Tie
proceedings w#rre of a summary and rather anoms
lou. character. The mna wu_i claimed, before a
United StaieiVCouiiuiuioufr, o» being the slave
of 0 lady of Baltimore, by twu persons, oue repre
senting himseif a* her *on, the other a* her son in
law and attorney, in which character be produced
a power of attorney to recover pussewon of the
wave, os well wliat purportea to be an exiract
from a will berjuetilung tho slave to the lady
upon the evidence of there two person.* and tbe
above mentioned extract, the Commissioner formal
ly certified that the man wo* iti slave, the lady's
property, surrendering hitn accordingly to the son
id law; and the latter making ulfliiavu that he ap
prehended molestation aod required a force for hi*
protectiou, tho Couiuhm loner commanded the Mar
shall to furuiah it, winch was done, nnd the slave
■«, nn, ui/uv, iuc biqvc
escorted to the Roltiniore Hteamboat, and apparent
ly to the State ol Mnrylaod, by the 'ast named offi
cer or deputies. The whole proceedings m ibo
cose, from the arrest to the placing of tho slave 011
board the sleambuit, are stated to have occupied
les* than three hours, aod to baVh coat the United
States—for the United States ofo pay masters
The great peculiarity of will strike
most reader*, m the fluidity with which ihe man
was adjudged to be and Mirrendered as a slave, tbe
proper!) of a particular pciaoii, dlt the evidence of
two witoes*ea who did uot stem to hive been re
quired to e*iabll»li their nwo ideutity, or tlini of the
owner of the alave. or tbe Menuirieoes* ol the with
extract produced. Pcrtuip* alt \yas perfectly true
and correct, as sworn !«•; hut it is clear that if
such is to he tlia lutein of proi'eedtng under the
new law, the gr<r>?c*t wronKH and outrages may be
practised by unprincipled men at-the expense of
any free negro who happens to bo frieudtess and
incapable or proving his freedom, A combination
of rogues, with a little perjury, and perhaps forgery
is all that is neres#ary; uud wlul*j Undo Sam is so
easily satisfied and pays ull the expense*, we may
expect kidnapping to become un active and profita
ble branch of spcculntiou.— North American,
Hoeeiolk Muborb'at West Ca*sT*a.— We
wore informed lost evening of thofollowiog partic
ulararelative loan awful murder that occurred in
the vicinity of West Chester on Saturday morning.
s«w of the children belonging to: the School at
Rocky Hill, three mile* above Whsi Chester, on
reaching the School House, fouh4 tbetr teacher,
rbebo Sharpless, lying at the door, weltering in her
blood, and quite dead.' She had'been abot in the
back of the neck. Lying near her. was the wad
ding oed in loading the gun, which upon exami
oaifon, waa found to be & piece; of the Saturday
Evening Poet.- la the cotuve of tjte day, George
Pharoan having been seen in ihc; yicinity with a
gun, wuarreeted on atupioion, and, strange to
taie, 00 his person wa« found a poritpn of tbe Sator-
Evening Poet, and ibe wadding found fitted to
it. He was committed to prison la await a further
examination. The deceased wmk an estimable
jroong lady, aged about 28, the daughter of Aaron
•i‘ A l‘ l o * r ’ ;i Cl '‘_ r ‘>'' — T: e ojtller :> c-tdr.;-. <--
beu.-tei -ti>« »t.*tiqu«e «nd Ohfo.U*il««i Coo
pst>y tad Ihe city of Wheeling, a« 10 ikoroato'c,f
Ibfi Wertern section of (be ro»d tcminiiiDg t(
Wb eJicy. hti been decided in fever cl Wbfelio r .
According io 5 p*ragr«pb in the Bihiaaoru Pttno\
ihv U«ird of E.ginecrsaj.poimed by the Eiecu
tirt of Virginia, to determine the matters tn dm*
putr, between the city of Wh-dipp end n, t . i) a! .
limcro and On:o Railroad Company, have decided
that the Grave CrecV route in the true and proper
MeteandaMhciawoi IM7. .od tb- asrecmem
w,;n that city. By lb-» dcciMon, ihe at
wbn-n me road w : *i first irfr.kc be O jid river, vri
be flMhe mouth of the Big Grave Creek, pwtlte 1
miles below me cny of Wheeling. Tbo road j»
no*' tinder comnct from Wheeling to that point ;
and. we presume, the rvtuaioiug forty utiles tiere-
Mirpeudctl, wi tic put noJ-rr eoiract imme
dia'rly, when the whole 'me wni by in the bands
of ciOtra tors.
L t leCekl, who figured ro conspicuously during
the tr 6 of Profeasor Wrtwbr, i t ecg jgud i.i New
\ork in explaining wax figures of mo Professor
and i)r Parkman, as well aa a model of the Col
lo.e in wliicb the murder was committed. Pob'ic
opinion ia rather advera. l to thn exh :>::joD, nr.J
wo hope it will turn out to be a poor epm-Ta
lioa. i
24t0r.« The erjiiiooclionul period last week
wits characterized by storms of much more than
; W'Oal violence; the lighting, the bail, mid itn: goods
; m many place* doing much dainuge. in the north
part of the coumy hail Jell >ll large quantities,much
ot it measuring over three inches ui circumference,
which, with the wind, thonnublv prostrated the rt
! pcuuig Buckwheat, rendering itimpos-ihle m gath
er a large portion o! n. The small stream* were
remarkably high, carrying away fem es, dec., .me
slrenin, Connequcnes-uiE, being huh -r than ever
known, destroying stacks ot hay, on the low lund*,
currying ofl large quantities of ecru lu shock lencr*
* 4? The dum at Gill and Mellon‘a miU, [formerly
Haisn s,; was torn away on Thu>da>; ‘and ihe
wme evening the burn of Mr. Charles Price, in
r»onh .Sswiojtly township, wn* struck by I'ghuung,
which wits burnt down, w.tb a ktrcc Quantitv of
gram. e -1 .
Toe Koilrpud Culvert across Block Huutf Bun,
near luaud below New Brighton, urariy coinp'u’ed*
Wus torn nwuy,—the preventing ihe pas
*ae of tbe drift and the mass of wuirr,-—miji going
ofr with u m»h, curried away tin* County fl£idee
below, the canal vmduct at the tow path, and h
small dwelling borne. The dameve it.erel is se
rn os— ibe bulk of 11 falling upon ;.|r K-liev, ill,-
raiir. a.I Contractor, ihough II mnv, and we itnnk it
•houid, fall upon the Kailruud Coinuauv' li-av. ■
Ar £ u s
' T ,;x -' s Vcro— We nnd u, the G.ilvi-lou
Civilian, ot September I .Mi, die Mrs-u-c oftlov
ernor Bell, vet,.mg the but ot ihe legislature ream
ring him 10 submit “am proposmon unit inu\ be
mud.-by tin* Guvemroeni 01 die i’u.ied Suite* to
ihe Slate ul Texas, tor tbe purchase ot ■ pornou cl
her northwestern Territory, to ihe peopie." Imm
which it appears that bis excel lency's reason was,
cb 1 edy, disapprobation ol whnt he deemed ihe
mundatory character of tne bi.l “The bill,'' suys
he, “by itspbrneeo..*gy t evidently intends to r.n.-
vutH-i the Executive 10 do un act, whii-li lo some
extent, 11 seems to me, ought r.j the ever
c,.e ol l-.«ro„i,vr ,1,-or.c,„n uml no do' .. ,iul
think il ••competent lor one lirnnuh of the Govern
ment to ofJrr another, uml cr-or.Uate hranHi, lo
do au not which necessarily implies ibu exercise
ot a uioM daficttledi-cnelioii. 1, i;c .As In addition
to Hu*, Governor Bell ot.|p.-t» ihm, hv thr> bill, ihe
Legi-lnlurc usurjrs ibc power ..1 rcjinnim bun i„
rail nn extra «smiin, the right io ronvok't which,
be intends, t«by the eouM'l.ii.yn ra.ldv uml exeln
atvely Vestedin the, rind eon*equcullv
t,t him. This IS boih curious nud antistaetoi y, un j
proves that hit Excellency 1* the niot-t cmvulro u»
a* well a* Ihemost hair splllluip ihe delVnde.l
Ot msuiied perogative. Ji H enr thai th.verm.r
BclJ 1* resolved r»xa» >hall mu have ihe ten ml-
Ilona without ll«> grace of h» sp. conKcnl un
act; and whether he will lie grucu u*. now lhm bis
ha* subdued ihe Legislature jor
and "ordering" him, remains to be seen—At*/*
Tte bill lecentlf ptased bv Oongrest, mak.rg
teni|>orary provision m rtfcreacu lo the il-acovery
and wuikuig ot ibeguld uuaea, and preserving or
der n ihe gold unne distort *»r Cautm-nta. pro
vide* for Ihe appoiQ'ment of mme ageoi* for
diflcrmi loralmes,and alto a*geue,*: *uprr:ut.;n
dci ls of gu'd miner; oytlmnxi* tlicst aaei *s to
graut psiu.iis in Anin cii- i ii-2-u*, are 1 1 Eir< •
peans dc.-itnog iheir lutra'iiio* tn btromte ror'i,
lo work pari ruler *poi* m c..-r'neeis or mines,
nsefi fwfioii tor • r ; a - or h-ing .11 icct *.]Utrv, nid
for a uiinu ilO loet ►.pia-e—n . : nu. vidu.».;m com
l>«.if to cavs more man »a•• prrm:t M a7iui
Lou bn permits are gram.-j m ih- d-*ejvC'Cra ul
• "W C Leer* or CUT.:*, Uit a pn rg tits fi»;
SO dayt. lijlt Abut.
Otl ood it,b«twnaThlrdlt Fourtli, 1
Are now iecn»in ß dictr ten i«r«e ami isperur toll
At*a. »"t! n.OWr.Ki*, »l| or the t**teti
»tT It *. a-id r rprewjy adapieu Si u,e »,-*ie r «
It tax been wiretedwuh Rrr ,• . are. B n 1 „ nre.
a:cl . ( ua llj .4 |.M .uipa..-,t hr ary a.ork „»
Loud e thcr e**i o' «■-»; »ij> i'u*l.iu:er* 01,.) n--r
-ril»-it< geitr rally *l« uiTit-U -o < 'll! »nrt ex*icme S.
Ai*o t«ooilre*r'» i'sie:.i li u ..’ic: :t ,
HliE l- U ji .1 KI >li |"f ; i
PH" i Kl 11, .
ISs! KANCK t •.» \1 i’A N V <>Y HAK I t =
I inuLiM a i*n
T‘i V - °”j7V*.''V-i',V.e *^ n * { ’ , "‘-." l '‘' l a * cr “ <»•'*
F*je:i- Krowtt, I lilt ready to M.iictr* ,- \n.
Fire lliiirf Jiinniui'iii ot .. ri.m i
e» *n» "•h* r rv»j<«M.«inip - oißf-.i.v „. i,.,. r ,.^
Nu- ; kY. furui.
$ 1.0 0 0.00 0,
riHKu-d-HurJww i P,|( 1,.- rl - m . r
•1 eb*,it« an i ..u-.-r. pr«»i,-r:i ,
>'*«■» t>v Fur .■» the'• o. N-v.eun-.n .n t
»I'»l.Urp» uilpfcl M M, -
Protection luiunoet Comptuy
* ~ Fe*e» of I'rnoiooi a- ia«*< i«U;n»- ul any other
Rl .bPoNAiHI.K tjih-p
“A «p«Pilr ei'O »iii«:*etory BiljoMiupnt uf hr
the (irnarai Aerm ~i tie l'i»it-h»„> , ur \\
end !*«:atber!i Si*:e.
'•> relrrer, mu;a*.-r ■ bo-r.. ' * *'•*">
4 - Award. piouiinn pair] m -Jp ; k .,p liant v.V
ui Lie*ire- or: Nr» lull. Hr, I m 0,,..
j r iuii-i.p-, tint!, :‘,r. mode nod prin
Pip C« C „( p rr ,.., Ultls- 1.;^*.,,,.
r«t,r...u h»?n r !», Ai- , (gin J| j m-i0u,,,, „(
the othee ].«•» o' i-bnrre.
For limner '•'furraatum. epi>lv u i .p uu
•ton fury rulliortr-vl to ir.ure Llw pJiura.’
HoirU. IV Mill*. Mniiuiaoix.e- |;aii 4 ,
Furniture, entj'ooi.l*, V\ Ul|J M ..,
ch\ndi/p, i-nnt. inrii oi stotcU tnrrein, nrimit | O ., or
dam Mr by FIIUL K ° r
Dry Uror-riPH, M,naf#rturp.l UooJi, |> ro
darr, Houipl.o.iJ Urt.iturr, Uvo y.u-k, nnd c *erv
Ptlrrr dp«enpnoii of .Merchandize or IVr-onn! Pro
party, >h D(>e*l or tu be shipped per rood >teamh .a>,
or boat, to e-id front poiwf on ihe MCteru Wuirr
ot tt-ltr-en llMtcro I’lttca tv.ft I.aUea, nr otfler ~4 . u n4
andi Iflj- In u, r We.ier i. coutttr,, u,a,r,v
the hazard*ol INLAND TRANSi*oRTATION
at- o,
Shipment* of Co-ri*. Ware*, and McvriimJire p-r
«t.od aeuel or vessel*, hetwrrn New Orleans and
fc...,,,, P o,j,-l,c|«,-n N,w ,„ a Clll ,
poru—betteFr.ii all Ainenoan pans uaj Uncam t>r
Luropu, miu, „ w ,„y o.l„ m ,rlam, >.,,,
Tnlr'Sifil* 11 “ ,,c I'HIIIUs UK
nibSLAS. OF-O i: ARNOLD, Ae’t
•* toorili *t., next to the Dnnk of rttuLn:*!,.
*cpl«:dyanl J
kicodoaok iiomb lfliSTiTrxiosg
Of lMUiburf'h,
0. (;. lIFSSFY, I'ln't. —A. W. ,M u-_v_
1 kinds of risk*, tin houses, uajiafuptortes. eood«
UKTchuudjao Id it-irc, and m tienntj v-A.p«s Iv
Alt tunplo RUHNii.tV lor the (U.tlity and iiueirrity
the Instiiauon, is ni/orded in the rh»r,sr , '-r rf h,„ •
' e Tr f Vll T t° “ ,C 1111 C,ll2P ‘" Well end
Inirll,rencu »nd‘l-'tr''r l . oEiniuß '' } ,ur 'heirprudcn, ,*,
Dißti’cToss—l-. ii. Ihii.’ey, Win..n»enl*v Wi„ i ...
-it. Jr, Walter HrvaM, ||« t u 1». T/irie 13‘.s'
ileaselmn, Jlibn llawarn, H Itarttnaeli, h'm Kl " U
• plOl tt •’ ’ 4 *
lay wuoDKTitEirr, i
Are now prepared with a farse and uJ.h .. <
Kn*|,.h. (lennan, and A Dirtied IlaldS’ °°n/'
.openor tnducemem* to unyen. Tt» o
purchase will promote their mtereer 1.,
u, cy .,. juSLaL'S I :;
he mo»t reasonable term*. BC “.. J
lmproT«m*nca i k u'c»»tiai r ®
D!l O. O. STEARNS, Ute oi Dosto,,. » r>re- s «r.d
manufacture and set Utoci Term in
ofßew, npott Suction or Atmn»rhpria
TooniicuiCTßH) ts JivsjiinoTß, wi ltt **
axpoaed. Office and residence nci’t dour
oFa office, Fourth street, Pnuburirh ' ,ay '
Raruro—J.B. M'Faddcn.F. H. Eaton. mo
*>u. D. DU NT,
Dentist. Corner of I r onub
WholoUi» Reuil Usßolicairan i DeHor. In
RM.fl\°L <la^ tUy lnd “ Whole.
*■.,‘ueation of uietr cu.-
Msuriuff them that
fcSiSw ** “** ****•*«*•«« TttiU.
... ly'* or t::? .'.•v a * _ j, v
hr.' fr. r |B eni unle L
Iti •id. lliere ore few formidalde disex-r* wuieh a.e
ro nftected m any way or r.ib* f wilh 3 der#n , ei|
ate 1 .1 •• antonrsn Mirny of the pompla
w- ,- ..-a nru.ny classed n.,j er lsie bcad 0[ - rojv
*“* " • n ‘ ,T '‘ i ’ , ' ir or, ’ in ,n u,r ‘*vvr. -Any remedy
**• cl ‘ ‘• L,u ' c B«d beaitbfaf acuon
Cl • v.-r, w.uiM t-r a 10 mankind I” ha*
I--. ~ •—e ex. ,oin»tn>n of eu’ieiing ibournnd* Tbs
re- -e.'v 1:.,4 feer, .our. 1 ; it is rare aT -.l «nw. When
t m ns* been atfordml to 11, it hnt never iee
k V. 10 Lii
Ics'e*, hire son any dires-e of 014 ht Pr or
r:i • -vice ,-„u i-e!.eve |.rr.ereds from hepane de
rs- -e.i.rn.f U.«- t:n » n,.)nn-ni. hut |i»rch**e a t<,
o: ; *r \i Lai.- - .‘jvv: i‘.i;j,and they will rertnre yu
*.* t T 'lft ‘f h• v nr-- :!je rerurdy ever yet du
co e. d. wno*e u»- i» < cri-.iin to effect a roro,
t lor »aie ... J. K.IUIJ A CO, .Ne'.O Wnodaireat
Udico oj i *!»io nud I'enna. R. R. Co, Third «t
Firo*ce»u, Ao£ui: r, t"5O.
•' Jr Siockhr-Meri of the Ohio and I'ernsylvanii
Pi : UoaU Company are hetrby r.uttfied to pay ;h«
ei.- i'. insiairar.ii 1.11 vc dollurs per share, at ihca£c<
• ' I’ornpi*.. v. .-,u or belore the ‘fOxbdayof AnJu»t
T. . .nil. on or before tbe s«th day o
:• ruber. Tt.e tenib instalment on or bettwe Un
«' " "••r of L.-id.e- next
tar Tib lu-.inlmer.t was railed for on ibe 30th
) u . :.
WM Jr. Trfaiurer.
S' l '" l Ueslorid t« SlgLt by tb« P«
• . LtXTors—l*»r: I wish to hear testimony to the
m ..-..1 viriie t*f the Oil caded Petroleum. 1 was for
* 1•: unis rifluie:! with u biully inDarsed and very
•• .c. in rr>-.c i, ..s as io lure right entirely tor
lb' e itinnth*, wnh very little hopes of ever recoveneg
■»: fi r-Ji?ht pro»pcc( of btmn* tt n
in Mu' U.a »-iren>-t*; Diy aitcncini phyrtcian was
ui - e—rs-tm In n>3b: * eure, or ia giving relief,
n niurdc-’ in- i'ull,isle t-ucouragrmcm. I heard ol
t:.. r'-trolemn s-out toe Ist of April, ISSO, and gave
i; i-:-,.;- tne ihe sight n restored and my
e-, , .ve,i. cir,-r.> n imir leader cr wculr when I go
11 - 1 •**•■-»" ANN IRELAJV2)
• ■ !q. ■>•!<i 1 (U Cmcmnsn, ."day i(, tMtl.
: - l.inif.n->.r I have been aliiietr-d with Pile
ft-. - !, j esr«, nr -I have tried oiser remeclie*. wjt|. uu
{>■ .I.jure’, ref I', u i'.l I hentn cf tile Petroleum.
u*ed on >• .1:15 buiilo, and ihmic ( e.m entirely
I. •) l rr- niumei'u it t.j all who am alfitcled with
c » 1 have » nnwn it in he good for sore eyes.
1 iirinj.ati M-/vti, tear. L. C. GAIIRET2ON
' 01 'als ! \ 1.-y*-r l .-y*-r -A McDowell, 140 Wood street:
U -.tT*,ui i_; t* M Curry, Allegheny euy;
i> \ 1,, mu. AiM.-lieny; Jorrp.. Dcc.-Jas-. Aiit-gr.ei.y;
a ~ie |'. i|.i,o;nr, S. M. KIKK,
l I'-uiai |U»m. Soermli *u Plusbnrrrh
If- S iKI'U riU.’t eu tUe HIAKO KOtCCG.
/ -l.ii \\ !l!l •. I N’.MID would rerrcc ifully anut urue
\_i .-I lao tivi Piu-burgli aril Adrvl.eiiy eu ,
II- I. iri-iiOi! V. taking up hi* rptidenre in me rity ol
V r -'V. f '' r u - , ‘ r ,-: P- -* of giving intirueticn* on
L|. I 1.H1.1 I • r uJVanerd puylti
i:- >v,:i i,* r't-jy i.-, r -o-i-e aep icatir-ns from ilm*e
u" ii't* 1 * 5 rf ' ]U r i.y the Kid
ni 1 r oVj II Urilir, >" -r\v*r,! t ( ' ’ wi"
H.iUrii tullfgs ol JJonnropaUc Mfditiur,
( l-KV'KLAM), Ohio.
»S\ <<un of lS'O-ol — C.'iaUtrtJ iJjJQ.
I'l‘ U lumhbiioh
Jl >\| ■ <• 'it;mri ri- .in the Fira Monday 01 Ni.vtiu
l.i r i>. .1 i o..i:n*r •ont iiioiij,.
I ‘h.n,-» m »u>-. nr* arranged p« loi.o.ri
1 *' *<• *. M XJ., l , ii);u»«or ot I'nneiplri »nd
( iu’l' v u" \V i..,iiir*. >T II . I-,0.r.»i.r of
OP- l ra(•!!••<! <>i I l-ur o-Dfiatb)'
I |*V). Do l r r, MD. I'rotefcSOf ol Mxlcnt M»d.j a
ai l ' AleJu'sl Jori.;iru>)'*nce
IlijmlTo ' L Smuis .a .M , i*ro(e«»nr of <’6ciai»try
I -I--. «l. VVitantei, Ai. D., l-tofe»sc< ot Anatomy
aii>' X lilriolo/y
' l.u l*ri>'>;tor r,' Physical Seieime.
t » \V . H *1!, li'tT.O 'tirsior <n An-Com*
J hr < uaitrr u( the U e»tern Collegr of Moiru-jjiathii
w.t r.iunl'd !•* ilic la:^|.lulu, c U l Ulijo
, ’ !ir I'; r.« c-'iion o' t -i-.i |[ conlei» all the nr;M»
WI.I {..ryi-; ) by .Mndtral Collar.,
in ;lir Dnttrd Miln Mid, unlike warty College*, it
eii-l* .mt'f.PnJpii: ..I any other m.*lilaron. huviur
in n*p,i the power u comer ana pjMesMisg
’s*-e* tr* ■•o-ifrrrort l.j- ibr Ficalty and
Uf»c.ii m« r'-i-»minei!tJ*'’oii <.f tlir F»CU>nr
R«ii>un «m in-« tor u.p full course Tvtil lrs>3
ai.oii ie.v Sj—tp bt p*t l r.„toi.«?i. ifcnjui)
nniut': uikri, Si. Ur»Joni.m ire, S-t) Terajm
W J“ J >‘' v * "ftsmjed iwo lull tojr.c. of lecture m
..!l.rr co.lfse.. hjc Hiinmieil t„ Dor : 0 ;| four** , u l}l „
ii.uiui.oii -o il.- p . T ,i.cb( of gw. Graduate* of rc
• prrWtMr ia».d:Cul .-boon lire pcrmittc.l to utlerd th<-
,C < f |’Vi" l f’j p “ 4,1 ~ir "••“ntu'utiMi lee onlv.
tv'jf pi’' I-O, further ,!*
1). WU.UA.MS,
Dceaol F.xc Uil)‘.
|; l v T'u * JVn: i
LAAL» o.*ii Tllf; YOI'OIHoOUJi'HV^
O;>M *\ :KI ! \ ,B 1 thrre m.!e.
-w* >*J ivJ- »e itoi.unc on the \ ODCM'I
'"4 tr'r t,U ''i r ‘ r ' **’ ‘‘‘ C * ,aJ:,licc w ‘ J '
»«JEV7 Uu;e» o< Coai. i'tJUj* j
Jo-.-ja Kut.4. K»q . Aitrrner et Ltw,
»'•' ■-•s- ‘ ,r CALIFS Ff>\l«»NUSO.\
». _ _ "aiie Utiii,
C u n
ffo-t cnr.y ;
:i < «*k» Iqt I‘Ble ly
. W A F W||.SuN
° u l W t F WILSON
N" r, - M
Itrlv low f>ri«*«?d. fo'fMlr Ijv
-JM; •!>* )u»i r*c J and fo* m!* t,y
<• it r: si- 1.1,1 rs
:ro i m
i.r.ZKM.Ks- ju < P fl) .'
\1 ' it] I} ♦ Lb - l carl tc c’J for ►*!«• I.y
77 . ‘ 1 . UK SKI.I FR3
f uLTMIhr R-ror l hale reertv . d Inr by ~
__ UK SKU-tKb
/ 'll FOMr: tihKK.N A \ I-Xhovv- 4 cats tor sal -
' ' « s i( K fsKi.LKIJH
/ 'till’ i’tLi. i:■ ; t.s- •ii/tj paper- ,a:>* I \
' ; 1 ‘ It t * r-t.l IT •
/ t“..‘ ■-! rs,.Mti i'. n,t,.
, .'o' ‘iJ'm T^‘ ,nfT '' °« • ltd Nr-W*
" I . h KR*. It A M,
1 . . ' v COc! mid Mdth »u
!»U I . hit - x I,t,t m .1 l kr» r.-c'.i Inr sale by
*' . . MIRtVLH A [IARNE.4
hr:,, -eta aar,i - nr ~ 7
1 -*MRI VKIt ft Q AR\K<
'| *ALI <iW 4 t,i 1> ,'cewed / «r by '
A t> '"‘ bIIUIVF.R A BAKNR*'
(VIKt-l -HU t,i, \V h Cfrcr-. for saieW
"f. WltK .V Mc^jtNDLKSjj
pRF.MI .•HKF.bF—ydhx. n-cei.rii icr saie’hy
' v _ • H •MvFANDLFJIS
MAPt.L MtiLAb iJ-l-ae- ■: hrU f.> r r a |7't,C
_-iLi Wick a Mo.-ANDJ.K-5b
I IKOI'.MS- i.V ,|, .’iV,;,"'n. , ar »,7lr t.y"
Wh'.s; i 'U-CA N li’l.l'sttt
\y 111 IT. Hsil-F, :7,r* tor m'/l'v _
’ v 1 Wick ft Me.TNDI.FSS
I\;iADo»V l: a.:c
”, t-i: Mvitiif. . 0 r sale l-v
*' ' V l -| l :,TvMri:A\'Dl.ksS
TY ti t.«!-- Pluck;
bAI.KHATI'S-1? LX., in pound
SAU-ILKTI r. „!m, t
OUrilAh''’ tUtttT S A I.IC . '
INpur-us.-.r r,r.l-r id •!« (i,|,- IW . r-)Bp ff
'• "I -. "1 Li- rjjli.ri! in ouldir »ale, C.uutl 11... .r.. !1 r.,r ~lv„ t Prop, rgh.on S„,tr’
A M ‘ulM. 1. !' ’ r ’, AU " 1 ft-elnrek
thenu-r. runninij nlonc Nnrili“cVi?»l S ®^eUw ) i“ T,! «i
r’ ' ''»Tj <,n " n<J lu f ,n "hrs Hi.-nce rnnntnx ba,*k
frm> N . »th i n-.n'Mrretonc hondred nnd tbiny four
re. five iti.u one icur.h niche*, tbenre thirteen feei to
LUettnui stn-et, end e.m.rr nlonir Che.tout «-roet one
h'ii'drru nml thirty veven fret, to the place of hrem-
Teiins made known on rtny of »nle
Maria m whitakrr,a.iid‘i
oed 14w3i3 Of Dr Jo*. Whitaker, dee’d.
SrjS| stray cow. “5
Eqjfl or •‘ olcn ®u iha jAtofOc
u 1 **l* ban*, Allorbeny Cttv, a light
T \ ll UniU\.;T.»N li*. rrimivri, ,j No rj.r ,> enn
11 «.r. ct, I.* tl>t Ula toMjonc, n, Krimork
KU . «»»*»., U.rri.on A 11,,. „ rt . ; - 3l
li. A. FAUNKSlbcsf* Col
Oofner of Wood and First nv, Put.burgh,
01- KICK fo' snic, ef iheir own iraporta-.tai-, direct
irom Kuropn, ' •*•**» u.rtct
H.itjx, refined, in cases
Kraery Com ft. P»wd, kgs
Oarb. Aiq t on,csk» ,t j« t *
l*«ns tirren, in cans
Ito Urn casks
Flour Sulphur do
<'**tile Puitp,.is bxa
Calc. Magnesia do
Curb. do Jo
Lac Dye, powd mbrla
Curb. iron in k*gs
Curie An d, in In hoUlea
I ulv.An|iir,oolnlee do
Aq. Ammon Cone. d.r
Cmobicl !•>*. do
‘>u Am: «t il.'cc do
lodid.- I’O ash do
Creanoie White do
do in or vials
lodlpn tv'g. in hi lb i mile*
lodide trui, in oz vial*
Couf. Senna, in 2b jar*
111-Orb. Potash, lb i.oule*
Hluo Pill hug, m lb jars
Ref. Lj<|Uoncn Car. in bxa
Wood Naptbaio lb bottle*
Tart, KUneuc. do
Prussia AciJ, in ox vial*
Tartaric Amd, in bx«
Crumia Marti*. »» ke<»
RadVolouau Eug- tn haJea
Acetle Aold
Uruivc FSgwrr Water
Uole Annenla
Fill Uozet, paper eiaboa'il
do willow
Vial Cork*, oaeorted
Adbeiivo Plaiterr, Eng
Hobnrau* Jo ■o
Lead iln do
Galbatmm Jo do
t lairnsm do to
Citrate Jron, Hug
Prectp,C«rt> Iron
Alrppo Gallt
WVJsrwood Mortars and
Pesilea ;
Oil Layander.'Fpikr
do. Garden
Oil Ar-ganum
Oil lto>eaiiry 1
Oil 0 tier Almonds
Oil Cajtput
Otl Croiuit
Pink and B'ur Saaceia
Cardamon r-eed
Sulph Zino
Ifctfara 1 Teats prepared
Rhubarb Root
Indian Red oe3
9100 US*
TUB above reward will
tbai will lead to (be am
(isrna or petaona who, da
meant, to tit larjlfc •*
Cemetery. JJy order,
> be paid for Information
rist and conviction of the
iruig the night of the flm
wooden cron* on BT&lary’«
Sailing oot m C t e*« lo Cltit Haaliicaa,
Ala nr, k *we k or t>s y tibopp, for t.oi.j*
mfiMfsc**. jncireWnts, gro«»<i rnitr, or rr»l
trill t>e rercitnl In PHTfoeiii
i jos. K «o<;n,
_ ils Wood tt-, Pitiabutjifa
M,„. Welch FlanaOii 1
L RPHY A BVRCitFItXD. at! north ea*i corner
. . “fbVanh ami Martel etiecia, are new iopplxJ
f-.i a foli »*.nrm-m of iho /attoox qnilitiej of
fror-i'' Rood*- ami haring beryn parchmeed
L'.’ 11 ?* mu'ort»r« e«n b- warranted emuine': oc3
1., Long Shtwli,
" erf at variety of prle- and r>an-rn, lost received
L 1 o? l ' rI * P B, « '■‘•uf’trv nil, 10*11 ree\l
xj» orß fc | e by ROBISON. LITTLE ACO
*'■s Liberty
TI IT ' V V?, dow *<*■«»•
J Uarel.m,.. S*l ' v - McCUNTOCJTS Carpet
« 4 HI(T WinrtoU U^.,f° Unil * lr4Ct ' tnl 75 'Vood^l,
I * FonMAT i o ar WAwTBiT
A weVr of raoney ‘ n< * >«■“ Silver Wateh-M
!he h • When
j!-«r i".e„.ii"«, b„, r,V», ZZ ZZrJ'TK
.. , Director of in&nnart.
JNerv <»rlean* pip f n plea.* copy 1
T\ Pin.-Tv?M > ? r# * 1 Window Shadu
EW * ,a d *T- *» the Carpet War c hou«e,
An.l om e . ,o, r . :hMrc ' l " nd 75 Wood atreev* ve*
at rrrtuceint,r enl °, Tr *n*ptoeni Window Shade*
*- rt>,cel incai W McCMStoCK
R Fdult? w' No
for A. l; du»i l'-e3j_ _^_McCLI.NtOCK
Slate ffiufnnl Fir? liisuronct CoDipanv,
harkisbu&g, pa. •
THF. very liberal patronage extended lo this com
’•nr‘V havica ijrutd politic* to the amount of near
une a. J a Half Million of Dollar*, during the la*L
ibrtr months, j- a> ffieiem manifestation of iho etlt
inaiMn «' d confidence of the public io the xy*tem of
man.v.emem onrwhicii it* business t« conducted
!'•• cit) or countfy merchants. and owner* qT dwell
mi.", nmi i.otatcJ pr coun’ry property, it 1* believed
'h-» company aliord* advantage* in point of cheap
ne»v. •uiety, and »ecurity, inferior to no Iniuranee
Coitipnny in tbi» country. r.
i'ontlu<Tiei] on the equitable and greatly Improved
*yn«Mii of Classification of Risk-.excluding aif*pertal
rds, insuring only a limited amount in buy one
iijcotiiy.ihu* precluding tbe frequency and occurrence
of Urge firca, and a)»o on boiii the stock and. Mutual
pla., it not onlr possesses tbs cheapness and kccora
mod u.on of both method*, but entitle* the tnaurrd to
t pumcijißuoL iu Uis profit* ;-i
)ti» under the control of the following Dlrectori-—'
J ll hi■ p. Batherford, A. J. Giilrtt, John U.Faeier,
Sin u-l F Jone*. Alouzo A. Carrier, Philo C s?edr
wic«, Robert hlo.z. J P RUTHERFORD, Pr«*‘i
, , A A CARRIER, Actuary
- A J Oilltit, Ser*y >
• Il’-aneb office for Western Pennsylvania, 54 Smith
field *ll6Ol, Pittsburgh Pe'son* drjirirg ininrubce
»vil l*e furnished with hook* ofthe cmdpany by call
ln< mi ihw office , oc3
Ih rTEHs of Administration have been rtdnicd tu
j the undersigned, <>,i the cstme of Wm. CtPghan,
£••‘1 laie of Co.lira lowixbip. Allegheny
County. A>i per-onß nidehied are rrqueMrd t 9 make
Imracauie payrnent, and tho»e hgvmg clumi again.:
raid estate w,i prr»<:n: the »<tme, with prouate. for
6f oril'uV' l CHARLES JU. SCULLY, Adia'r
A. A. WASON Sl ed,
fl i Ol OAUUET ST.,
rm»nckiiit, tx., '
\*7OULD *olicu the atten-ion of MerchanU from
TT »R *6olloll* ot the country, to 'heir iuuncn»o
Mock oi New Kail Ucod,,com-m*«i g tbe largest jtnd
nto»t er.mpleie osaoitment io the western country,
CofiM.lini; of
-7. i (•-t'e* Let style* Prints; :
in do Imported >nd Atncnesn Ginghams;
35 do Alpurras, Paramatta*. and Metiudt:
f 7 do Cashm-re* and Ds Laku*;
4' do Satinet* and Jeans;
•“.i do Cloths and t'n»»iniere*;
Ti» uo Rleached Muslins;
O’ bale* F aneeiK, all colors;
57 do Tidin g* a l l grade*;
3AI do Brown .Mitslius, best makes.
Also, rates and package* of Silks. Shawl*. 'White
Goods, AUJlmery do, Tailor*’ Trimming*, Uibhonv
Laces, Hosiery and Gloves Ac.
M- rehaats are a**urea, from lb* great facilities of
tim estab:l«hmer.t, nl always proem mg >he lat»it and
most de*iral>!c good*, and at price* u* low and lower
than anyenstrrn house Being ipaiiufaciarera’AgenG
rcr large quantities of Domestic Goods, they panieti*
Jfcrly solicit ihe orders of merchants for dome* ics,
deliverable in this city at the same price they at*
1*011! at ,n eastern ritie*. Merchant* either going or
returning from the east, are turned tn an en>'riin*>'ion
o 'ie Mh^ k 'Arr» ’ A A Ma; -°‘ n &
ABf-ALTIFL'L Oil Print, ia new invention, pa
tentru in London.) representing Jenny Lind m
ii.e held*, m a h.teiuiig atjitudr.' Icons fntn
-t.e i.'ghtiutale bn- l« en reecvcd by the subscriber.
I te roirni'g i* rqaal to ibr finest uuntaiure pXinontr,
ami iiic likeuei* site most tr'iibful and eorrectof any
, Also, Jenny Lind’s Greeting to America. theiPrixe
trout, auu tnc celebrated Echo Song ;
01 ~- _ Gohlen Harp, lot Thrfd ■!
CIiEEaE— 175 bxi prime XV. for fila by
, Jar KLQvn
. 04 * Roond Chfirelt
O EGA KB—"Jflo.cto common Ohio, for «le by
S-L a Si ... _ JAR KLQVD
t/’INIJiAII-50 hrl.i pure I'idrr VinrKir.fovsaJe hy
BLANKETS—| ease on consig.imc.nt, for sale by
POWDER— I£s keg* Blasting Powder, for tain by
044 ik. R FLOYD
HERRING— tOO t'X* Scaled Herring, for *a!« b*
Bag-*—' •* ;lox Tw,l!*i! Tow D-JP*, tor •»*« hy
. ?'.'i . _ Ja.kflo.VD
J a -ii'-'iXMAKKn &Cfi
_ _ _ iUVivij n
r JNM.ED Oil. -IS lr~.« p u „, ror «Vhy
L* f,c * J SCHCJoNMaKKR &.CO
PL’Tf\ & I*l• ITV KNIVES) for xqlc by ~-
.sS'i J yi:HonNVlAlc£R ft CO
\ri*niAN RKII-30 I,H. E„,l„h. f ; r
I- .PI: _.. __ JSUHOONMAKER&iCrt
/IRt;.TBU:<-'WO frxonV '•e.rm.ok uond Cfu
v/ rible,, n.-on<*J k jze», fjrnir by
;? l FINED U'RAX'-st*.c»jii.fWJ h T —:
•> orJ .... _ J i|;i<«'ONMAKF:R ,t CO
/'•lA'* Vi iR tiJu—j brl« for »ili* ■ y * • ~“
J K linaNMAgr.R kCO
»ffK>V S,O»EU U, T S. ,lm|L'lt-fhr
V ljTe,,> a '■»" ® f end J>PDre*aion, ir the
-He rf« new Min tale by T. S. a thur. It i« ««Id To
i ... * “"r'' 0f ", '£*) ? roduc, ' on » <'*>? »*ic at F!c!«ies
Lun‘,,l s . airee.i r.pporitc the Post OtEee;
■? 2 i i' 1 nfSl Jnhn - «4r Slajor Richard
*o«i. and Lntrl! t Living Age No 2i£ oel
JrsT recri red from PhilllpsvjiSTKSiory, lit) yard.
" agon Co rer Oil CloUi.a good article, for *ate by
-i! - .. 1 7 It p Wood »t
vr|> ittrgVTarpanilca,. f
I it.? hot guiuty o; Ind.u Rubber, on Wd am! for
'2 v *?'■!» J°H PHILLIPS
r AHD UIL-lu btl* No 1, tinJinir nnd for rain by
/■'too I- ISH—C Casks rcc’g per canal, far *»le by
“ , 'l James dalzell
TV™ ';?;™F I,:LD 7 Nn 17 « «l» iuter^aung
.L/story, by Uick-n«; and Ulaekwoad for Srnistn*
»'or, liu been ioc<-i*ed at Holme*' Uierarv IVn.>t
eeliauv M ~e ° cwfccf ' * ud totentatiooiLMi*.
-J .2: „ eobao
° A "V ‘t^ l a-»oVi*d sizes far
*i-va b> S F V ° N lIONN GOItSI ACO
Oouiln l,ox< ‘ s from tin
KJ « UI.H Ucai J-iuo» J. llcaartt. n:i ! fur <an bi
\V *^*\ v iiULxa~w» bi* for“Si?b7
- rf> ™ . Ja.MFS UaLZIU.L
O.UCiAH 4. MOL.\99ES_«i hhm N O. !
•rnJfl low i ni .i n . ••iJih.US* IJi slela*«e*, Cm
»«jo row, 10 clone ct-nxtjnnif ni, b* .
”*'■*? _ Jam fsiDalzf*
L U bri ' K.i'. jiy K,fauV , »ec l^h“
S r^!n«V tNG3 '' tu ‘ : * sk * mnr|rr «J for tale by'
mis’ll IWSU BA Vo 1C . ?
J. Flauf, Jr.,
/?'*** enn Insurance Co. of Philo. .
I rtv/w t cl ,he !ii*oraaca Company No.
VJ*iWaterureet, . ;
nt»«JT h,CU ’ TP*! 31 R W**fT ißlonnaiion, and
qtanic rofio* will b* (un.iahrd. .
ca r i n? «« Uieir live* for (be benefit of
children; creditor* ibelivetof their
Vli® whole profit* of the Company ire divided
HW»ng the holders of Life Policies,
The dividend* of the past two yean have been eixb*
1/per ceut. each year _ • &■&_
o. il. cuajuderLiii's
Corner of Marsel nn<J Third sum*.
T'lK coune of inatiuc Ucn in tliit Inrtilution, rrc
brare* Uooli Ke«-.r><*!f Coßuirrciol Compulation,
K'imnin.tiip, I. '•tun? on CV>(Ojnrteial Law, and tu
ficn every bran. <i peitain rj; lio a Gcirhrd mercantile
ct U-ntm.-.
John - "cih.‘.f cf the National flyolt
K’-tpitm, Jfilicitui tc<-iUfcr T-tid Ir&tMcr cf nook
K--n' te , • ' 1
and isentifTnen wi»hiiti? in impure ’lirlr
Pr< m,>: li p. cm - a'i tt !h- i'6 We ui any hoar dm
trg'thi i‘up cr evenir.r. iep-J
• MI?H FITZOKR.vLD, late of Dntilm
ISCSSfikBB Itclacd, respeelfoby informs the in
ttWti !»•*»«■«»• ol Piutbnrxh that ,J.« jinA*
II V | I * prepared to give inmucinin on the
piano, flavins hod Jußg experience in leachiox 'aha
is confident o' siTitu: enttte »tn»f«cuoo. 1
N, 11 I'ertas very moderate.
«r., J D. 01.11. AllrjUtnr I Htnrr Kith,,, Flllrtutilt
S~TUMH CI’UKU VuTdaY Iriiili
ju.l received, er.d for rale by v * r, °«
H-“g° ■ . I^'^ARnAUGH
yi TKR—xu kegt Ju store inn
• UWluimr
“viKJ *?* ° U “" " rt"lc„T m*
Y (ffi,JS.fl«uo.j J4Ui * A tEW '?
?SL re ™“«' »« n. E. M!t»' u*>
ii “r„*® •»* oulr True and : Gemiln®
l.lre* piil, and bit bo bad mi No S 7 Wood O- and*r
generally In tbe two eiUes and aicSltj!^
KfStimr »Sa“Sy...,- .
Of the celebrated Paintings of
TIIR proprietor! reapactfnlly miortß me
Pltubargi. that in ewawqucnee of the
■Mr weather daring the part week, lie exh*
wtli centime until next Satnrdaf went. Octet ''
atlbo'elock F
It'/’ All demands open 'be exhibition must V
lnlhi»wec> lor immediate payment. oei^-
J. K. ORADT. j:
So. 89 Fifth [
rrmroioa, pa.
Rick-00 tea prime, in store and for sale by i
«pas James a hutchison a{
CHEESE— 100 bxa prime Wes.ent fteoorre,«'
•ienmeat, for tala bjr MILLER ft HICKET;
_Mp» . _ ...... Ol ft «3 Libert));
COITFjaH-6 euk* in aiore and fot sale
COPAL VARNISH—O burell ju.t rrrei.od ,
sole by SKIDOA
•eptN 6» Wo* 1
SPi itfSTy
_ *ppW __ J KIDD 3
(laSTILE SOAP—IO cases jut fec’d for sale
_J apgfl J VJCD*
INUiGO— 30u Ihajast on band and for *aie by
KONZtv—so lb» u*.oned, j.«t re-:si fat
*ppa3 J KIDD t
\A!»N D* itV gLa?3— ICuo baa airor.ed tiros
VY heart's manafactur*. for »Me t<y
.. _ 116 Water sucet
'y Ofj.tand of the I,eat qullty, al*o,Var
Lin.eed (Wi, Boiled f«!», Paid Bmhe*. k*>l
Window „ta*a, ya,nogi *£«•,'4c. Paid wt
ana retail og accommodating term*.
_i N . ptrrhjiin* mixed or dry
ti? ~ helr' o ,rn Jpahlinr. ran race.
45° clrttdoa * *i«Oa - JAM IMllLl
"I™ T A l» Wood
£ and nettlyaxecuted.
™'i iTi Jt understood, t!
* • Bani Cluinx aa cheap a« an
painter* in tbo eiiy, and are determined to do it
YhNITIAN BLJNDS—A complete H«toruj
\ enitian Blind* constantly on hand, for a«
lotcash Iw»89I J & H PUlLlj
H t MIC AL TECHNOLOGY; or Ch-miatry i
the Arts and to maaufac’urta. I>». P. fci
For sale by RC STOCK TON 1
Bookieller, Printer, and Bx{
**ri- 17 Market m >
l American, Pocr, ard Chronicle. copy l*
lAMPDLACK— Just received aid for tale)
jdrug tore of 8N WICKEMSt
Cot. Wood A Blx{
SANDS’ SARSAPAHILLaAjmI roc'd for •:
for sale by [»epS7l_ R N WICKERS^
aod tor sale by 8 N WICKRBeJ;
QUSPENDERS-sCOdoxa»Borcd,juVtrep’d [
H low by laepai] c YEA'
PKA COATS—¥ dox sum elastic Pea Coat*,'
and beautiful article, for sale by .
■fr'9 J AJI J’lliLi
■pL’SETINK-6 brU auperior lor Ml'llty
Llnd Extract; West End do; Jockey C
Sprint? Flowers do; Jenny Lind flair Class; At
Vinegar; Amandine; Pouchin Snap, for wh
Ihe skin; Almond Sharing Cream; Rn« do i
broual do do; Honey Soap; Floating do: An
dr; HaxelNut Oil do; Rote do: WaiahmaU
Doquetdo; Drown Windsor do; Dear’* Great
For aale,wholesale aud retail, by & E SKLI
sepia 57 Wo|
MACKEREL— 31 hfbrla No 3 Mackerel; 1
Sdbrls do- ]
1U) brls No 3 fUilar do: <
Jim ree’d for sale by JAMES DAL?
•cptO __ 70 Water* 1
PA IN FED TUBS—IO dor will hr sold low, 1
< helot »fsep7| MeGlt,l-S ft|
INDIGO ft MADDER—IO ceioon* S P lnd£
7 bhiU M*dJ*r. fori
-~-’ 0 WM HAGALRV j
R«w Doom. |
Diware, and Pemrdjr. Uy Dr. •
4.1 Adcla/de Lindaay, a novel. By Uio ti'
“Letliee Arnold," ‘•piorman’* Bridee." Ac-, 1*
Lite and Ccrrctpondeoce of |7ot>L Southey—?
Gibbon's Rome—sih and flih vel.— completion
work. Received and for snle by i
_ «rpvn RC_BTOCI*
SUliAll A. SIOLAPSKB-M hh <> prime N G
3ib-u J
ces, in oak l>rl», iu ttoro nnd for .ale hy j
«erM Liberty »’ a
i- a cate* of »np»r French Ct^
s-t (Veresii 1 * brood, jhii recemd on cl fot
for eaih, by c VEIOi
- M<M«l
<ANOv CO\Jlii?— |irni>' Fur*ojr Combi*
. latest panerni.jurt ree’d for *bU by ?.
(QHIRWiiMAWCTM t«r*f a«tonm«jts
O Woolen, and CoUon Shine and Diewera, >'
low by ItepSS] C YE/]
HOSIERS— A fine cwortment of Itullea'*l?
rena’ Woolen llcee, eomprialnx ererr i
jnai feeelred by l«op«| C YF.t'j
WBAFfiNO PAPKR—dOO ru an !
wrapping medium, dpobie n»*rfiom. erotf
ooooie ctown, a very auperior article, on h»|
tor, *Sf b f RCSTOOK!
. . ?6 Rna ifci x 32: ecu*'
m m.tho market, fereilc by . 1
,e * :ya no STOCK
EACON HAMS-OT catka round but tovgh
fold low to clou the lot by
_V rva W«>»r it Firm
CHkESti— We baa kopcnor on Lkcd lor aalc
***** . _»*AIAH DiCKEV_
Superior Scotob and Irtah Wbia.
1A LUNCHEONS «iew3n’« celebrated Mai
tu key, orrery delicate flavor,
12 puneheona AMtan’a Watered*, extra
and h'*h j>toof. under rumen tioov lock.
AJ*o, Dmt*dle» of diffirrrtt rail •*€» and br
half, quarter, asdoettvof. imp. , r-. and for
„„ . A II IHeCM,L,
aepW:deodlmfp-fO aiffa! Wl , L n u:r( j,
fi&rx&fEgS «'riTi:i cr
If » I #1 OHICEU2RING>d riA
fil W'ouil street, sol
frr Ihickering’* Piano Fortes lor WV»irir
W. Y j bß * r< Ceived, erd now rerd, for *
(o.lowin* as.-ortajeiit selected bv himr.-'f f,
ir.anqfaetory, and will he supplj- ■» as
Chieker n*’* pi'een, rlz.—
- tt eorvrd Lotas XIV, 7 oeuvo»
0 elr jsut Uußewood, 7 do;
- do do fit do,
- du do C dot
i do Mahogany, t» do:
1 do WaJnot, 0 do
1 lull carved suntgrand.' ' ;
X CARD—The eobftvitber .in the n!e«i
ftnnotioem* l« «be ciiltcn* of Piti*i.nreh, tW
uiiJc arracfcmcnu with Mr. John II ftMlor
?, alp 0( ?««> Pone-. In PituMtf
Wcrurn i’aamylTatiia. anti tbtMc wishinir <
r-hM; may be ururcd that their Imereti wifi >\
fully attended to j i-mi'irn'
11. non, March 2J,ie*<. UIICKEI j
In adculmto the abore itoek ©rPienoefn
Out rente. a new *u>ly i, cfl« r . u fr; ui ihs f«
of Adani Siodftri Urteon 4. lUteri, » r .d Won
N-w > ork, oud HaJleiL CnmMeu \ Allen, bod
puce* vatyzns from two to three Itaodrcu dollj
**** _... j
pKßssrcHEKsii-si fiv
itcM for gait by j y <?*NPj{
SALKitATUS— SOUbztuU |« ci.«k' pore,
J-.y (*f|iv3j j u Jam
I'HAS— JWtf cbfiu V. It, Tf*v,
23 do 0. |*.
30 do I’eucbon* rpp’c hi-i c .,^
* B,r b ,T jamks Wiri
. 70 Water*;;
To People from tha Ola Coußtrl
EXACTLY the itae kind nfStnall l-eaf. R ne
and Rou*b Tiarnred Clack T-a« that oro , ’
it “ e !! ,d 9°‘‘2 U 7; c,a b ," b £s«*“ •* sue and ?4c -j
at .Morris* Haworth's Tea Sldtp, e*»t
Inatnond.“and no where cU»in Pittsburgh." 2
Bxcr* Superfine Oolong a 2
THESE are the Terr ten BUck Tea* that r : l
porled io:o the U< I ltd Stale*. Morris AHi 5
Tea Scalers, in the Ditwir nd, aie *«l ii D g * a td r -
iLe lowpn»c of 75c per lb, for ca-h * ,j»
* O ARBTHNOT is reeeiYirt* a la7*e mTomc K
• l_/<,£ancy and stsple, variety. and 3
in* to ji*rt of Woolen. Thibet and Caihmcr*\a 3
I S*. Btrtin, Thibet. Kid and BeXkin 3
cu and Wonted Csmforu: Aloacafe»n>i p-ZV !;
Woelna and Canton 1 laraielt; Colored and Rl. 5
Ca„ln*U and CuuiSKS? Kibbos'l
U,L “ iS brij pare,ja*t tee d for K
! brla in wore nud for itl< j
■ H-ZZ: I J H CaNFI |
I J liA Y v:i ;‘ s bhavino 6
--J”f. ,c * n . wb ® doc * not •Bpwcinlc itis lokort f
\ r»*y aha*t>» If tuy tb „ e £ we do |(<>| \
I l r % u h V n * . Uul to *ll Otben we say, uyw i
" a u*,. |
p‘tm Al.-.ainl i'ifscLio or Atni-»r,. u i J f
; r/riV rL tmpoinble t« find word* f
Sh„.?„i S ft* Up f? of ° P Rnon »k® h«* been i \
ordinary soap.upmi making trial }
Si.iiio» c ,T«d?'.«i'^ eo " 1 '“““ , “‘ /w “* i
* n ?*r eniolUent; rra-ic ring the itiffest and too* %
beard aoft and pliable, prodoeing an admirable! -
ana by its extremely mid natare ntlaylnjr all- '?<
bon, ar.d pterentin* that anpieasant and stiff t i»-
of the skin which itio ©lien ekperwtced eftot •'
m». Gentlemen osiu| Jalpsifaueii* nbavit.,! g
may face the voiden and tßQit pUrcin* w&* il
mediately aJter Us use, without the »kil b«i 4
chopped. And thoie weo ate u, we cm $■
say will never Uia any other. ecfta ri
One *««t adYmntajto. which will be etnecii! {S
rrce;ated by those who wear wfct'kcu i» it -i
nat it will not dlseelor tio beard
wdUdo-aiTtn* a sandy or Wy epp‘a»pS^
* ro f . dd^ blfaJ prepsmiont, eempoona* i w!-a n
b V.S»a r ’ h °
PomlAwhokwlnmd tfUU,’bi □’' l^' F h ■»
T'HB Annual «ioeLhn.M«*. . k ;
,A L l , CDnsylrarUa Salt wanufactarinc cs>n,n r
12&!5225}8?" t - %
■ ®*o*oB SBOMMON. ttttntt
A tid u ncncj of Ciiatoc JLIH n Sv
«f« w p marsu, k