The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 03, 1850, Image 2

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    (iii ua^kitk
thuhTimv morninq, ocr. 3, tsaT
I n P c^ c “ una a
i. eJ
»»rJta f„“ {J, o«ST‘ 4 ' pM^7f &■.'
foMa!i I ’SS!.?'‘ U ‘
t «J from filin’ oE(c IPCr ’ W ‘ U bB rccelTed * Qd forward 1
mnnu T f 1 * C »iincr.i»ef
ID*_ ••
ofw.rdßd'C ihUoffiM. PEp<,r ’ *“* bB reeetTe4 “ d
Kmoiuiio Wills BTATI lIOUT
. _ w * CiSil, cdORKom.
'Bocks Cooney.
too iccim Mitiitn
J* ur-or. Conniy.
sot * fit seal.
Oi W »--amgtonCoanty. *
Awttmoaontc udWkl|Ho«ia
All*gb« nr Cottaty.
roa tuixtt sxcokd cdmum,
or auJtOKxsr.
TQi ICCOXD ins ion, nan mn comma,
or rrmxcsan.
roa scun,
roa iiiiauT,
T o j‘9nru??, B ? BTBoN>
T- J_ iwOHAM, Lower 8t- Clair.
( • ‘'VAL.KKa, Elisabeth
JOHN to'CLVSKUY, Robinson.
JAML3 FIFFIi Snowden.
Darner ATToartar,
Francis c. flanegin, Pitubargh.
WM. FUNN, Lower Bu;Clair.
Ticrrrs—The regular Aalimoaonic tsd Whig
ticket cau be had at ibis oOee. ‘
If ever a city «u utterly disgraced ia the per*
•on ot it- Chief Officer, it is Pittsburgh. Tbe eiee
lim of B<'kor wa* a disgracs in the first place,
eud wm ronddered by most sober, thinking
c -'' 3 - 2 *- Wi« b.-> considered it, but as tbe deed
wau t r,- ■*, t->r the creditoflbe city abroad,we de
n -ed n trinic- the beitor it. Wo were ia bopea
l(M- a rr»n eo unexpectedly raised to to high and
r:3f»ect-!;!oa pciuoa, whatever had been his
chiMct *r hentofjrr, would endeavor to raise
himic.f tj :hs d ifatty of h:a position, and to tetke
•mendi f.-r ia- past, by good coaduet in fetore.—
'W'iio litis view, wo treated his advent into office
with fisor, and sincerely hoped for sometime tbat
Joe Barker would make a man of himaelt We
B3 ’ n laond, however, that he was Joe Barber
sbli, tar-t ii s foJl'es and eccentricities, to give
bnrsirr Bine, were too deep seated to
to eraiiirved by b:a elevation, and that they had
b.-*:c rtvw-ted by the opportunity given lor
I? !; w- 'o toCw theo a CZ
«p- - * c *•. nm 'lf«a • ( t,■:<.</%, uciil tug cod
• *»" i.r,,’. tk-, .VI ifltoltTib'o tft«t *uy tocfei
•p.itji* h«» n w<‘c. Tbe I'rtn of ibr
* it i** - c o- i<:n,, n-unth*. sod of (be I*ji
wt> anv ff i".f, We venture to iay,
- r ' or i„ ar.y ccrom-joiir of intelligence
*6.’ V br liberal idioiucoa*. If »bo cil>-
*- I *' .‘l'burth are not cured of experimenting
id r>‘;;zrd t j uie most important office of Mayor
Jlicy rlc'«-rve no sympathy far the tyraooy aac
ri' .ufo ;ti whirl: they are subject. We hope tb*
Jeiaca ihsy arc now learning will not be forgit-
Tax Post doe* not deny a single suiemeatof the
writer of ‘Plain Truth,' in regard to Mr. Salisbury’*
astignmenl, bat wbiningly complain# of aocha per*
*oaal tester being notioedat ail. It never would
have beoa in our paper, if the Peat had cot first al
luded to Mr. Salisbury's failure, and mfth* a false
statement concerning iL Hie Pcrf giro great
credit to Mr. Salabury for having paid every dollar
of his ind rb edneaa. Our correspondent shows ibai
this i!> not true, and the Post now that in
former »tnlemeot was incorrect. Again, the Peat
held up Mr. Sali*burv aa the peculiar frieod of the
Workingmen. Om cun-e-pendem »hows that he
plsced and laborer* tniha
Class of hi* preterro.i . icuiiur*. and pa-d them-fo
cents oa the duller'
IV*o Ucis have b;en elicited in aelf de/enoe
by tho ocures the Post has pursued id coodacUoi
iho Qtuptigo. W e do not fiad fault with Ur.
Salisbury lor failing. Many kb honest man baa
failed. Bui vre protest against the Pott titribot.
i&gto him virtues be doe* oot poteen, end urging
motives for hit support which do Dot exist, but
tie contrary. Mr. Salltbury may thank the Poei
forthtsexhibitioo, over which the Editor wbinea>
at ‘U never would have aeea the light, had iha‘
paper p asued an upright and legitimate course.
We ere surprised to hear that there are tome
Whigs deposed to support j. K. Moorhead, »q.,
ooe of nominees on the Locofoco ticket. We
could nr ver see a reatonable motive, let alone poli
cy aod propriety, for a Whig to voce for one of ex
actly ojjpoiiie politics. If any ooe it sodmatisfied
with any Whig nominee that be cannot vote for
bun, that offers no excuse foraupportiog the enemy.
There are, withal, tome peculiar reasons .wb)
Wnigs ought not to support Mr. Moorhead.-Ooe
of these is, the very ooe which some superficial
thinkers offer in hia favor. They say I'm Mr-
Moorhead u a conservative, that he is opposed to
the radicalism of Locofocoicm, that he up
firmly against the Factory ondJPuddler incendiaries,
the ten hour riots, and all the various phases of Lo•
■dofyeo fanntacism, so disgraceful to our city and in
jurious to her ioterests. They" assert that he goes
with the Whigs on the tariff question, on the nver
and harbor questions, aad that he is, in fact, a pretty
good Waig. Admitting this to be true] where is hi*
political consistency and honesty! Holding views
averse to Locufocoism, yet he is found affiliating
with-it, giving it all the “aid and comfort" in his
power, and consenting to hold office under it, and
submitting (o'be bound by its platforms and pledges.
Who is the most to be respected and trusted, he
that dot in wrong ignorantly and sincerely, or he ih»' wiiliogly aftd knowingly.
Mr. .Moorhead’* interests as a oilixea and as a
busmen min, as well as fits natural good*
proved by intelligence, incline him to the Whig
Party, but hi* interest* as a politician, spurred
by bis vaulting ambitiCh, are imforiQP*' .oo
oaj for bis better inclinations as a r ‘‘ «tefy too
maintain, or rather recover a -Uixea, and to
foco porty, he will not scru*’’ .don in the Loop
measures, and to becow ,>• |o advocate all its
worst taco of the r -■» hand and glove with the
ivpgialaa,aw» .• -ny, whose radical principle* be
' wtloal *“ «»ly despises.
Agtia, Mr. Monrhead ha* bn cast wilh par
ty, and denres to regain his farmer uniaapectod
position. \»cmay took from him, therefore, if
elected, (ho O' l * l bitter opposition to the W>jg ad
mipistrstios, and thh Whig pany. He hsssmbl
troii, ho has been spoken ol as a Locofoco cafidl*
date for Governor, pud ia considered as a sort of
leader cf one oi the Locofoco faetiooa. Thom
Whigs who think they can trust him as a sort
of halt' way Whig, will Had io their Borrow, when
too* l*t3, that they have cut a rod to Irhlpthtlr
own b*chs> and richly wilt they detext/o to have
the whip well laid on.
& Lit Mr. Moorhead ooae out openly and frankly
&a a Whig, aod ask enppor'. as each, and he
wUI ; ihca bs worthy of regards, hut as a le»
giueiaio and Loctfoco candidate, oo Whig
caaieuppvt him wahoKt betraying his principles
bo.-', Qinfj-.-.i-ij tho grossest and most culpable
It shvuM never be forgotten, *lao, by any Whig,
that a Laded Slates Senator* tobe elected by
tho next Legislature, and tLatGen. Moorhead haa
pleilgril himsilf logo lor Use Ltoofoco nominee,
who undoubtedly be u free .trader. The eon*
■eqoehtics of Gsa. Moorhead's election might,
therefore, be most disastrous.
We give et Jeagth tho proccs dings of the first
arm! o-ndarilie new Fugitive 4 lave Law. The
teader will see that the open lion is anmmiry
enough, ang. k»VC« no chance 1 w escape. The
Bsiumoro Sun aays that the alavt i baa arrived In
tha «ii 7, acd that bo teaveen d ffo and child In
New Yotic, havicg married after 1 ila escape. Does
tho South thltic that inch harro wing eoeaae as
have are going to qgiei tho North! Thievere at
Ami mistake.
Tho editor of the Post te growing desperate and
rechiesr. He generally contrives to keep same
appearance of troth on his aide, however much be
mty oolrtgfi its dictalea by inusodo. But be has
new thrown eff ail disguise, and publishes lo bis
psper, ofjesicrday, Ra absolute falsehood, in the
following.word*: ; •
.“.,TbsG»wtfte, -iKecjd Federal organ is tti
city. AgAfiaf is sing 4 **orrf iotpy us.werpo/tiibe to
the imgiiin s&t*».£aiceA'ADiFyix-t&& Dicuoopro
a-friebdof'HoTJci'ffr! If«ajr.T>treon
irt rtgufbh ft 1 fio d ,dtit‘i'fie r haaiVv''ol-tbd'6AtetieV ►»
Iddce.'wi'ftftr fcVai totEe adteftrsieg olurpics of
that aDtapat'd. ttcwvptger, inhere will Beieuod
the JPpsyjj&DO .aedalikiods cf,Qov
mqaontjadvertisiqg. Dotcoo -worships the
Almighty bailor!’
■WoDeednstsoy to-the reader* of tbe dixstte
that the above aaserfioh, in regard to the Fugitive
Slave Law, is wholly entree. They know that
we have 'frequently condemned that law in lan*
guage not to be misunderstood. But there are
many readers of the Post who never see our pa
per, and wbp will take the above falsehood for
ahaolme troth. So hr, an irreparable injury is
done by the editor’s crime tgtintl us, and against
his readers, as well as against himself and the first
principles of boner and morality.
It is s singular fact, however, that while the ed<
itor of the Poet has the effrontery to assert that we
have '* not a eingls word to say in opposition lu
the Fugitive Slave Law,” that a Democrat of this
city discontinued onr paper because, as he alleg
ed, we said 100 much against it, as will be teen
by tbo following leuer :
" D. N. WniT*, E»q —I have been a subscriber
to your paper for sor 0 years, end as you are aw re
differing totally with yon in petition. Tbi* will
certainly exempt me from the charge of being s
captious subscriber, nor is it oow without rcere'
that I feel called upon lo asy, that I will not all tw
a paper to come into my hoare, edited by a per.
son holding such sentiment* as you express in
your aitiolefof tbit day's paper) relative to the Fu*
gitire Slave Law. The Snath, in all her fanati
cism, never ottered more exciting or treasonable
aenutacbU than you do in (bat article. After a
usg and exciting contest between the difleroat
sections of the Uoioo, threatening disunion, when
every one supposed we were to have permanent
quiet, you coots out and brand the late passed by
Congress at ml*, iniquitous *ard the Covtwutncn
ert under tAi late asprodigies cf xrfatny, unfit for
freedoms. The Conniiution caila upon every «>ne
to carry om this bill in good faith toward tbu South,
and ho ia no good citisen who arrays himself vio
lently against iL If your article is intended far
political effort—being just previous to the election
—to be laughed at when the election is over. It is
certainly a laugh at the rxproae of your honor.
Pittsburgh, SepL 3S, 1850 "
This sensitive person takes the Post, and hia
had no reason to atop it on a similar account, for
white the editor of that paper tasails ui, he takes
good care nnt to assail tbe law, except in an indi*
red manner; but we ahould think that iftbia per*
son can reconcile it to bis conscience lo atop tho
Gaxetle lor pleading for human rights and hu
manity, on tbe grooed ofoblguions to the Union
and to peace, tho higher obligation to maintain
troth should lead him to banish the Pom al*j from
his domicil, for he, at least, of the reader* of tbe
Post knows that Mr. Harper’s assertion, quoted
ibove, is abs.tlmely ami wholly falic.
We will take this occasion to say a word, in all
kindnesa, to onr Dsmocratic f/ieod who hay bo
nurrieiiiy cut tbe acquaintance of our paper, and
'0 ail others who msy entertain, as w* conceive,
like erroneous view*. Oar Jriend blames us far
speaking lu severe terms of tbe law. and for ex
areasing the opinion that no one would be found
n lb la County to accept the office of Commiation
rr under it, and that his name would become in
famous tf he did. Oj.* IrlenJ seems lo think thv
-there is some violation of csmutatiooel obiigatj.-a
n tuck eppotition. There wo differ with him—
l» gc.d ei' i -oi we a-e toond net to rests; the
• w t>y f .rcr, aod uo! *o ivercre wi’h tbe dn
htrge c> th-tr duty by tan oEecrs nodtr iL There
oar obligation ends. We may crtioucce the !»\v
i» infameuv as uutragiog the principle* of cunt an
ty, and may call upre Cocg-esi to repeal it, with
out impairing in the least oar ecostilunoaal or
noral obligations. So we think, and so we act-d
n the denubeiatioQ of the law which has given
»ar Locator*} friend so much offence. We might
«rgue the question at length, but tl is unnecessary,
as we think we are sufficiently understood.
Is tbe Post of Tuesday, in ■ report of the mee*-
•ng on Monday evening, ih»re is phraseology
something like the following used, (ire copy frox
“After noticing Mr. Howe'a advocacy of the
National Bank,” ic.
Hdw the reporter knew that Mr. Howe, an far
from advociting, did not say one syllable about a
National Bank; yet the phraseology he uses
would convey the tmpressioa to a reader who
was not present that such was the case. What
better ia a man who wilfully conveys a false im
pression to the injury of another, than he who
manafomures a slander out of whale e'otb.
Naw lnscsAXCß Orrica—We call the tilth,
ucn ol cuilens who wish io Injure their ptup-rly
lotto advertisement of the “Merchant’s and Far
ner’s State Maiual Fire Insurance Company, of
Harrisborgb, Pc" We are assared that the Com
pany is on a good foundation, aod Mr. A. Carrier,
he Actuary, comes to our dty recommended in the
highest manner, for probity and business ability.—
We commend him to the favorable attention of
our cilisena.
Waibuoton, Sept. 23ih, Midnight.
We are in ibe midst ofthe Ssturoalis usually at
tending the close of the session. Both Houses are
sitting, and are likely to remain in session until
morning. The great impediment to the comple
tion of holiness Is the obstinacy of Barbie's friend*
in outraging the manifest sense of the House by
persisting to urge that persaa's claims on account
ofthe public printing. It has been resisted witb
the same determination to day as yesterday, and
it certainly teems at this moment that the bi l wit 1
be lost. The opponents of corruption and rcl/xj- j
ry are certainly numeroos enough to prevent the
consummation of this contemptible fraud at thie
season, and they will do iu The responsibility
ol the loss'of (be bill, if that be the consequence,
will be with the Senate and Ritchie’s friends in
the House* I shall, mmy next, give yon a full
er statement of (ho proceedings than 1 can now do
The Senate baa done nothing of great iotereat in
legislative aesrion, not immediately connected
with the Appropriation Bills. All of these, ex*
eeptlhe Civil and D plomatic Bii, have been par*
feeted and disposed of.
It is undemosd that daring the freqo
‘utlve sesiidns of the afternoon and .at exes
eominationt for the territory >■' evening, tho
firmed gs follows: ■» Utah were cue*
Brigham taueg.
Mr. Harris * r ->>rman, Governor.
H&g,-* . Secretary.
Tr*'' .osepb Buffington, of Fenna., First Judge
.mortal Court.
Perry £• Brocchua, of Ait., Socsnd Judge of
the Territorial Court.
Mr. Snow, cf Olid, Third Jadge*
Mr. Buffington Is well knows throughout your
State. He is President Judgo offtWl9:h District,
and has a high repntttion aa a lawyer. He was
a member of the last Congress, cad has left be
hind him here many agreeable impreesioss. ITj*
•apposed that he will not aueep*. tha
Ntihan Sargent, Esq., osco known as “Olivef
OldSchod,* was rejected as Rev.o*der ofthe Qet.i
eral La&dOfiM,and Hon.R. W. Thompson, of
U., was thereupon nominated) aad ootfirmed.—)
Ha, too, will probably decline.* Tha cause of Mr]
ffa. rejection was that ho received two aalariea
while la office, one as Records: and another ei
Sergeant at Arms to tha H pusa, which Utter alt
nation he held till January/ last* i
Mr. Hayden, P. M. of .'fioston, was also reject*
ad,and Mr. Gordon nominated and confirmed.—
Mr. Preret was named ami! confirmed as Cofiectoi
of New Orleans, la plaei: of Mr. Patera, reject
ed- John B. Aabe, of Terras, was nominated and
confirmed Collector of Benicia, California, and;
Mr. McD3ogalasMtrah. il of the Northern Dis
Three o’clock, A. M., Sunday Morning.—Both
House* in teaaion—in one the struggle over the
printing awindle aad plij nderiog scheme, contla-J
Qes without advantsge to either party. TboScn
mte is trill engaged upon aoauaationa. |
. , Jcmrui.
WaaunoTos, Sept 89. '
The two Houser of Congress were la se*»ion yes*
today, from tea o*eloc?k in (he morning until four
o'clock, P. M., when *. recess was taken which
continued until six. At tkat hour the night se*»ien
continued until half pis{ four o'clock in tbemrou
ing. During that time a> i immense amount of bus
mess waa transacted, chi pfiy in completion of that
which had been for many months approaching ma
tvity-by the ordinary pro cess of Isolation. The
eoly 000 of the measures which were finally and
favorably acted npoo, whi ch oecaaloaed anycoo
teat whatever, was the bill of Civil and Diplomatic
Appropriations, to which t bn Seeate had attached
acU • "1 1 Rii<-hie an indefinite
bu«, ur tui a •■•m .arie suui of money, upon
the m -t atidanousiy trumped op claim which ever
came before Congress, or indeed any other assem
bly comp-wed of intelligent and hoooroble men,
arising mil of pretended fosses in tbe partiil execu
tion of a fraudulently obtained contract for tbe pub
!i: pnot'flg. The House were resolved ih*» ibis
scandalo&fraudaadimpoaitiuo upon the people and
•fteTreKfijiry should not prevail, even though the
sttcce-fu(.{e*isiance of it should involve the loss
ofihe biH,and thereby postpone for two months
thif entjps.pronsion fur tbe egpenses of the civil,
retvica qf goveromenL I will not go into any pre*
cise ntfrrdbVe or the remarkable proceedings by
which each House labored forthe attainment of its
ends. But 1 may-state in brief, that during the
whole of Friday’s eight session from sevea to one
o'clock, the enemies of corruption and fraud rests
ted this Ritchie fraodaud that successfully. Early
on Saturdiy morning tbe presiding officers of the
House and Senate united in the appointments of a
joint Committee of Coufereace,consisting of Ritch
ie's warmest advocates. They labored through the
whole of yesterday, and at length cooked up some
thing which, while giving to their favorite ail he
asked, bad tbe appearance of a concession to the
honest guardians of the Treasury, through a vari
ence in the form of allowance. It was promptly
and by a large majority rejected by the House. A
second attempt was made to intrigue this dtsrepu
labic piece of peculation through the House, by a
new dodge, but that also was met with the indig
nant contempt of the House, and was thrown under
the table and baried' there. A i»«t attempt was
made to restore tbe Senate to a due sense of pro
priety and honesty in this matter to lindnce it to
strike from the bill the objectionable amendments.
But as late as at three o'clock in the morning, it
urns ascertained teat the Senate .was obdu
raie, and then with dignity and firmness,
tho House took a solemn resolution that it would
have no part in the perpetration of the enormity,
and rejected the proposal in such a manner as put
it out of it* power to retreat from us position. .
Then Kuchic’* iorces broke np their camp and a
baaduned the siege. At four o'clock in the morn
ing the Senate, with many wry laces, submitted lo
necessity, and left Ritchie to make the mast of the
fat drippings with which h« is already gorged.
Off ng to tbe impossibility of engrossing the Gen
eral and Indian Appropriation Bills, they ware not
signed before the House adjourned this morning.
Toot u about the only business which remains for
iran-ncoon during the hour which tba body will be
in session lo morrow.
It don not seem likely that there will be a quo
rum of member* present, aa a very large number
have left this afternoon and more will go to mor
row morning, but that will not prevent the due per*
-formaore of this necessary ceremony.
Tne Senate sat until about five o'clock this morn-
ing. and during the night went through with a
large amount of executive business. They will
meet ugsiQ to morrow, at nine, and will sit till
twelve. They have still many nominations to act
1 gar- you in my lasi a portion of the confir
mation* and rejections during that protracted sil
ting. Tuc following in addition ha* been commu
nicated tome- Collectors were nominated for all
the six novv Districts of California, and most of
them were confirmed. They are gentlemen now
residing in California. Mr. Collier, Collector at
Sin Francisco we* rejected, and Mr. Daw, a well
known and wealthy merchant of Philadtlptua, na
med in his p!*ea
S A Benjamin, of New Orleans, was nomms
led and confirmed U S. District Judge of the Nor
thern or Saa Francisco District! Mr. H ra ‘ e )'i
Massachusetts, of the Southern District Calhoun,
Beuhom, nod J. M. Jones, were named a* U S.
Aitomic- for the Northern and Southern Districts
respectively. Messrs. Douglass and Given were
nominated for Marshals of those Districts Mr
Oxeucraft, a California resident, and Messrs Key
and Birbuur, cl Virginia, were nominated Indian
Agent- for California, under the new law which
givej ih*t number lo.the now State- A large num
ber of Post Matters, Collectors, Receivers, and
Registers, in the old States were confirmed and
■onie weie rejected, hi* also said that there wns
long aud warm debate over tne Minister to Spain,
but be iva* cm hnsltjj acted upon. Thai able and
admirable tbe First Comptroller of the
Trea*ury, Hou Eiiiba Whittlesey, was reported
upon ve-terdty, atul a technical objection was
mode to ukiug up the case. I cannot oay whether
he i» in da.-gffr of rejection, or i» placed out of
harm'* -fcnv by hi* emiarat qualification* for bast
nos* aod nigh personal character, but a contrary
opinion prevail*. But the finale is near, mr^el when
it comes 1 shall ratsex grand halloo.
Corrfiponaence of in* Pinsbergli Gazette.
Nrw Yoti.Sepr. 28.
Ojt i'r. ted Siiiei Conetaaioner, yeaterday,
had the er-i «;e-*» au ler the BeV Putative Slave
Lat 7. >rh . *i p nvr* i,i be cor of the moat *um»
loary r.e i r»cr «dopicd. The aieve. • very tfoud
loolcuc yellow maa, was the .property of « wid
a* cf B«):.oiore, tod ru away tone two years
ago- end aooo aher he reached New York via
married. it chanced that a aoa of his owner was
a clem :a tax city, kept hia eye opoo the run
away wm ««■ toon Claimed by an agent of the
widow. tad cpoatba affidavit of (he ageot and the
aoo, vat. ai:er a short exammalior, transferred to
Baltimore. where he will be in a few honrs.
There are cnmeroaa faguivca here, and eooae*
qsectljr grcai excitement among the negroes, who
threaten Hie direit vengeoce opoo any officer who
dares arrest them, bqi it wtli oot avail mneb.
Tfie law ii repugnant to the feelings of every one
with a true mtoi feelings. Bat unfortunately it
is oot the irue men who are totopervua da*ae
-031 oj. Our police and oar lawyer yo eager
aad willing to catch the negroe* fot a fee* and du,
gusitov a* >he law is, it will he enforced, and
groes had halter «:ve New York • wide b«ft>
Nut week, a treat mnaical race la to «r
be.«>vja M/«. Bochta Bishop and Jar
now at ih«* Kevrre tovern, Bn'oa T
meu and 1 aliens here era in a wear* ae react ‘
the great sn- crrj of the ivrtt
North, aad fjr onc-o have eo*/ *oe*Uat ol tbe
among Ibcaiselrc# with tb' o< * sputtering
upoa Mr. B»;a« B„i. ' t0u1,,,U ““ »*“"«
into Itcsaodgr.caj.,' > ,D ' l b "
,:«p. ihv lkv ” P ab llo. *• >b* »>*>
beds-J.ii..'’ ‘ boi 'lft>t Jrnnj L'td l> to
ve w' “ r -op. and « »eriea of concern
r - ..ooacotl \Ur t t, covering e period of time in
, jich Birc.oo. *cimtD» room for Jens?, making
u a pretty qaan eL But J.*nny has the £sld,tbcugh
•he bar ooiouj f bn oer matchless voice, her tpoi
iesi honor, rj d her great woman'* heart to pm
aghast lAfa . Bjc'i*a Bishop'* damaged reputation
u ;:e ram? nog <v,fj ol S r George Biahsp, Bocbaa
aod t> » ha' p- Madame Bishop baa bat one su*
pfli;oi in tne concur, bat (bat one ia tbe Swede,
M «.ue will learn alter her jealous French and
liaijen fnocdi oa7o found (ho bottom of tbelf
OjrSiate Wr,>s Convention has adjourned after
a sMtrjn nt more than usual harmony, and has
9:rta the Sr aw? a ticket oover surpassed. Tbe
Hon. Wat>iii t-gion Hunt, 000 of tbe beat of ail old
fr-h'-jr.-.j W b'gt, bat been ccmiaslvd for Gover.
cor tv cation. Tbe aabordinate office* are
tii tow men. >et ol n cbaracacr that girei every
I auuraacc election (hey wiU bo (bond
irre me:<- 'Wh lingular judgment, all nomine
‘lion* ot ultra f liticians have been avoided, and
v; rhaii , ?o :t* in (bo election with a harmony and
vigor 'hat will retain tbe Stale In the firm pos
session of tbo IVaiga, the only part* which can
adopt a mexmro oaiculatod to advance tbe la*
tereats of thu Sta'o.
The ultra Honker branch of lb e Loco General
Committee belli a sadden and 'secret meeting at
Tammany Hall, a few evening » ainee,'when a n*
«jolu'ion lo support tbe Slate nominationa was
laid oo the ta;-!s—l6 aye> to f .o ntyn. Thirtyone
member <-f the Committee wr .re absent and knew
nothing eftbu mectiDg. TW a looks very like bn*
lon, wo think. A great e® jrt baa been made by
tho union men to keep ihw action of Ute Honker*
quiet, bat somehow tbt secret leaked eat, and
baa created no liule datf.atloa among tbe party.
; Another effort ia eooo to be made to pat* lbs re*
■otution, and If umu-icr safol.lhe ni theme, ramor
nys, will forbid tbe. meeting of the Co.timinee In
Tammany Hail'
A terrible accent occurred at tho sailing ol
tbe Pacibo to d jy: as tbe steamer was backing
out ofherbert'j.ihe tide swayed her around, drlv
ing ber op r gainst tbe dock, and canting the
guards to auch upon the esves of the shed ad*
jjituig Tho abed was tom down with at***
mendoui 'cr.tao—aod here a scene of the grea t*
eti roi.steraation ensued.
There were several baadred people under tbe
shed, *ad tbe uioioent tbe crash commenced, a
geoeral panic toot place. Many persons In their
Irigbt jumped overboard Into tbe river. Somr.
were rescued, bui bow many were drowned ha*
not been ascertained. The ship boa been muej i
damaged and will have to repair hero.
In Oouon there In no apTentanl of
-v„ * f«- i,bm,
•□J m.eraniit*:,
price, Tte i. 1,.. 15 nl , 500, -6,
lc, common lo ; , ;.r. s , 621 for Mickis«o;
»od * 90SSS for puro G• aunts. Southern Li poll
•t former t:„ le qoe«, and 250
bbl. .. re .oM ,t 3 If.&j as . la M ,,|
no sat. s; prices ate inchae-id. Gram— ffheai
I, quit-, end uujh.ose I. R, e „ lower, .Pd ran
be bought el about 71£,7|,. I. firm Bt 68c
for mixed, and 67 tor round yellow. Olka on
aerree and very lira, „ <lW , r „|rn.—
rroviriant—Pork 13 ,u.;r ,j,d lower; talea or small
lo'swera made alio WjSltt 6J* lor Mess, and
8 3IiSS-37i for Pi,u.c. .b ef cull tod Dncharc.
el. Lard 1* in joed Ceiui td, with *»les of 200
bils m 7|\and kLO k?gi at Whiftey i»
steady with talus of 0d bola Onto at V7J. Drudge
u held at 27c. '
Pales have bseu made of 150 bales Brecon
Ayres washed Wnol, , net giver; 60 bales
Portuguese waabeJ 20c, t ni-. SO,OOO lbs Fierce,
common, at 33c, and 15.C00 ib* City Pulled No 1
and super al 33*/337ic. The stock of Foreign
Wool is so light that the trade is doing all ike
business, and but little passing Irom first hand*.
From the N. Y. Trn,um> of Thursday.
■lave Catching tn New York-ElritCais
under the .\eir Lav.
The following is.-e, which occurred this morn*
log, is one ol peculiar interest, from the fact of its
being the first movement under the new Fugitive
Slave Law. It wj he noticed that there is very
little of the " taw’s deny” nt-re ; the proceedings
were as summary a* an Arkansas court auditnre
could desire.
U. 8. CoanAtaaiorir.K a i'fxicr—Before Corornfa
rionet Gardiner. /vj-.-s>m,-a.*t4>4 0* t 0 Jamts Uayi
la, charged to !■• n /-,*» ur tbtvs tht property ,f
Mary Jiroton. tf Hal tutors —No person wa#
prerent as counsel lor r-«. u*ed, and only one col
ored man He i* a l.itbt inuihiio. The Marshs)
said Mr. bnd hreo tbere. Tbo Commia.
•loner laid ibev w.inld gj on, and il counsel
came in, he wvuhi rrad prjceedtcgn.
Thomas J. ("Lr/, (» eiored man.ailh dark
eyet) awnrn:—L •«» vrar-« ot sge; clerk lor Mer*
chant’* MamifAr»i:riOf- i’ m Btmniore; known
James H*m:e ; he is »of .M»rv B own, mo
ther in law of rr-- d m Bsli'mnr,- ; have
hoown Hamlet alnui he leti my m-cher
lo law ahont 2 yenr* r«-* ilu* scaroit, l>» hb»enl:ng
himself from the p,-»-.*)>»• the dwHEug where he
resided io Baltimore si- is entitled «r> In* aeri for a;
he is a alave lor ii<«. , iiiut partetl with Llm
volno'anly ; *he cam-: into po«»cuiou of him by a j|
from John G Bro'*. r, h-.-r il-v-ented husband; ibe
paper ahown Mirrn i f-n:n bi* will, .b e b, id
him under that tro--. l . • t‘-r>* »be tnheried him
till he e-c*r e,, » ><*'t ti-d ; i!i!* athe man,
(polotleg lo H , a 1-a-M :r.'- mi > uinn, abre: 24 or
ifi years of age. i-m. < x ;-«-Jn:gv p-n-ivc j
Th* witnen-t'r-j i '.ri'.l.e mlHclatii.
(rtfstamts Jf forest, s-a --. -Am 25 v S’* ot ore ;
reside io New V.r , -il wut] a M Fend«v,23
Front street; t- iJr-i !*- .r. romi r.g here in B Li
more; I know Jan;.* 1 ij. r. v t, lave kor.wn h-tn
«>nce a boy; !>■• i- * » .v.- t . u.v mother; bs (. a
slave lor I fc , tsi • • -hertcl h m under the
will ol*my other. h<; fot: ! c hr run
t.ii.g aw*y, l*• pj r tl.;«n.:ng liun-t 1 (rom Ioe
hou»«‘ m lie c.-y < te. about two tear*
since ; i lore »r-- . —vr ni ti-.ires, wutiio ibe
laat six mnttibs. n • n- , nrat l f -,w him
was »q April 'w* , v r»-.ih-- i* m-.-I eumled tn
poeaetsicn cl nim, -•- i -ver ha* railed with
him ; tho ma-j *r : - •- .- Hamlf tj i* il-.- -.rrsu.
Mr Aaa Ob'd, .
ieto the room one i
been sent to this ••
geniieman witn w ><
city, I Mr. s- N W. •
the nniirr. nc rr.: -
properly ecairi'tn
be wiihi-iit b r .
Mr. w a« ,l
of attorii- y u '
wbi h Hatn'ct w r
Mr. Clart cro*J • i k-;
B«med Mre.
150 Hiffie: bat » .... ...
fttaiiy, lnm in ti*- !.t:. •• p . Bet w*» mhq
bo »-oi I*-*V , i f-- .• U‘..-Ut ‘Ss yrars or r.gc. I
(bo |j> k* m«t.a ' .n<- nai—u* (ea*Uf-i I
t» I '. •*.•<• - wait* pcr>oi u/ibo 1
krrdi .he orm-'-i a . - >-.r Int the tact tow er I
when* I wrrbrii »:.• ir„. ih«ve •' n 1»‘ weT •
and M'«. Brows. . uv .L -:t of hu^_,«, 4 . ■
* l " 1 k»1
I, to.. „ , .... op., .t„ UI4 „„
red 1,10 nw too ~ , , r „
.. I tot L, .ho ;...p ... - Vll
B. '.o to «..< ». ~ .. Pi. I
lout. Mptna-r i3 ,j . h , d «
th..nou.c.p„ ? , -
opt; I h.oo UP cim u,
hop W,v, ... .... ,0 ... ». rj hook .0
UarrUDil , s>lßf „ P ... r ,
Mr pT Wl(f . 0 , 1 , 1 , ;r; ,, -Left toaj« i 7 b
• •c> laat W», •, (, v.-~-t- Mp.ui 1 *-' wml ivtt,
. ‘ho l;me he wcarsgaheU at the efiaitavir
W'uto. >?:**.■
fcir. Child t&ld fe© tend po fa**.ber qiMtJcm to
■•k- Ho supposed ib • ru.cs -f ifce lav bad beet
complied visa.
Mr. UtKiaer, in* Cora:©-»i loner, ifceo an ' 1
will deliver the i'a< iiv.~ OTPr u it,© Marthci, ;o bv
dell vexed over v> x:. r- <yj'. i; n „i
Mi Child •; V--M u-a* ihe ;»w. The
then »'.hi : • wrui.i haul him, an
Ibe lav mu'. i 3 v h- r-ir..* arid if -here m
»PT t, i. »• i - • - ,-pu-..: i -if*. r . , , t . |
ms U s. .y» r%f» i
Ttcl . M I. sl >_
dm. m tmu i-a* .n ..
Mr. Ciarr iui-1 h-i w'iolJ rieotrd such » .i i, m
(he L'.S. f Airmnal »a won >i veure the + , TC| .,' o ,
the men t hit owner m Baltimore. 1
Mr. CT.udi viifßcpird a mail br .ffi.t.vh
Ik., bv .p,„h„d.. a, f .
ae uia to apprrher.l.
.o •• ■« i* »o«'d h.«
‘0 pf nctm hi* i!ni| i: 0; a “ W •"P-*«d'lb.l te valid.
»■' itere weredcn*»!» , , 10 f f
, T * e nccwury - or , r , «. Pf# ot<J# oul b , lhe
juaiiff fvj- awetrtof te teiird t
revof.iDij i .. ~
w .c: w»‘ < i :v*«.»ri ia blm, ififai'c io
tin? V 3, M* a it,
i i»', ecu j.roSuhly wu ccti»eyec.
»<th * t d .-pai.-h lo a cccili
inflow 411 , 0 K tte ; *nd tc wuj jßtracti
iron*, 40 officer arer*rap*nv:nj the psrty.
u the hr»t-«»e under the lit? of Oonfrert
V* 1 /jd a few days nc-c providing for the srti:»:
fJ> J delivery w jn-rsor.s catenas lo own them
o' individuals alleged lo bo fugitive* irum »!»v-
Kcv lleery jfVarU Beecher ha* written a Jong
lelier u» Mr E. Cui.hml, Jr , un the subject ot iliv
regulation' on the Oumrd we«ner«, requiring rein
giout servtce* only according to the lorm* of th«
Church of England. The letter concludes o» ‘ol
erful atew al
hare sail that Mr Cusnrd, the agent of the
ipany, declared mat tae mir was that toe Epts
>pai serviceonly wa» *.lowed on lus siearuer>,
id that the capisu' or un Episcopal cierg)<naa
aioneniusl olficatr; 1 have d>*cl«red ihal on Ific re
cent trip of th- A»m With r. re clergvtnen on board,
ihera wea no preurluai; at all ni.owed the lira! Sab
bath, and mat on ir.r «»C' Ud a clergyman of the
established church sf :cvi and \m* mluwd b. Mr
Cu'ard, in violation <>l ii « rue, to preach; 1 buve
«eid that when on the nubjrct be to-l
tra temper, and Nt-idc-. n.uch more, taid of Amen*
can passengers, n they do roi el»r>u>* my line, “damo
ihero, let ihtui tuy awuv. ' I have said mat itt the
pretence of myselt end pn>( MrCiiniock, ol New
York, he admitted inai. : r»»imt hit temper, he had
» polrea tbm, with tint Additional remark that ‘'they
lolfhl go lo hell;” at (i I row add that while apol
ogising for the lost «>f 'i s ictnprr, btl did nut apol
ogize lor bis remark* u ire American traveling
public; bul made them more emphatic. 1 char
ged Caps. Judkins in n.v irj article with curd
playing on ibe .*ereoi v..i»uc of the Asia; und I
now have added 'be imuter charge ot notorious
gambling to former inps ol itnu'ir I'.earnera wh'cb
be had command td. i mnJ reudy to prove what
ever I have "aid Ijefure me courts of my eouatry.
If Mr. Cunard or C<ipt J'idfci:i», decline suc*» an
impartial investigation, thru ici (he public judge of
which of us bis t|Mken the tr jib and which bris ut
tered falsehood.
appointments by the president,
By onJ*eithth* advice and caturni tf (At Senate.
Charlc* J McCurdy, of Connecticut, to be Charge
d’Affairca of the Hailed S ou s uf America, at the
court of bis majesty the Emperor of Austria.
Semoel Bromberg. of Wisconsin, for ibe port of
Hamburgh, vice Philo S White, recalled.
Robl. B Davidson. ot Teuticssee, tor the port of
Rio Grande, in Brazil
I>ny U Kellcmg, ol -New York, for the port of
Glasgow, in Scotland
James Foy, of Pennsylvania, al Dublm, to Ire
laud '
Charles Andony, ot Mobile, Alabama, at Napo
leon Vendee, the capital ol the department ul Veu
dee. in France
Fred Kah , of Pennsylvania, lor the port of Bor
deaux, in France, in place of John Warren Gnsby,
Joseph Rodney Crosby, of the State of Pennsyl
vania, for the ports of Southampton and Cowes, in
the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ire and,
in place of Charles W Fenton, resigned.
Cha*. Benjamin,of Connecticut, for the port of
Demarsra, in Guiana, in the place of S J Mas
ters, resigned
Alexander M Koss, N. Y., for Puerto Cobello, iu
the Republic of Venezuela, in place of Southey
Grinalds, recalled.
Jean BapUste Charles Antoine, at Sedan, in
Wo.H Ropes, of Massachusetts, at the port of
St Pete sburg, iu Ru*sin.
John U Petit, of Indiana, for the Island of Mn«
ran ham, Brazil.
William N Adams, for the port of Santiago do
o£rar* of the Cuetonu.
Hugh Maxwell, district of Now York, New
Elia* Pood, district of Genneasee, (Rochester,)
Now York.
Oliver M Hyde, district of Detroit, Michigan.
Frederick G Low, district of Gloucester, Mera
cboMttfc i
Cha*. J Abbott, district of Penobscot, (CmUo#,)
J 1.) Thnmrxon, district df Lillie Egg Harbor
fTuckcrioo.) N J 1
Win. T Ruwell, district of New Bedford, Masre
ebu*«Mn. '
Henry Addison, district of Georgetown, Dii&ict
scttvaTda. .
Wm. K Hood, port of Cincinnati,Ohio.
P' t'"' C Ellmaker.dutr.clof Philadelphia, Penn-
Matthias B Edgar, port! of New York, New
L*md Ojjietrt.
Rx-lwrJ M Thrttvon, ai
Henry Acker, m Saitlt Sie. Marie, Micb.
Blanton P &n,ot Champagoole, Ark.
Thomas TRuwell, at St lAugustine, Florid*.
S.umon F HaNiday. at Newnanaville, Florida.
Mordecai Mobley, at DuAique, lowa.
Wm. 11 Wallace, at Fairfield, lowa.
Eatiun Morns, at lowa ciy, lowa.
H Thuuipaon, at iadiaiia.
Ji-hu Bear ', ni Crawfonisville, lad.
Smudwoixl Noel, at Fort Wavne. Ind *
R H Gnfliih. at Palmyra, Mo/
Stephen F Page, at loota. Michigan I
Horace Mower, a* Kalaidazoo, Micb. I
E.!gur Conklin, at Green Bay, Wis.
Andrew Backus, at Sautifele Marie Mich. ' H Bmugbicr, m Mineral Poinl. Wil
con»in. | i
Uimet Sutler, at Winamac, Indiana. I
Tm«. MnKmght, at Dubuque, lowa.
(Sen. Wilsou, at Fairfield, lowa.
Suuor! Bremou, at Fori \Vayne, Ind
Andrew .McCullan. at Shaworetown.'lll.
llen-uIM R W Andrews, at Tallahassee, Fla. I
Alexander Spaulding, at Green Bay. \V»
Louis S L well, at lonia, Mich. '
L inking B M-zner, at Detroit, Mich.
Dav.d B Webster, a: Kalamazoo, Micb
Uin.elius hosevrlt, ai Genewre, Micb.’
Benjttriin A Pmnam, for Florida.
Loreuzii Gilisoq, for Ark-
Ri'lii. \V Boyd, for La.
Merr.wetner L Clark, f or Illinois and Mo.
'I. 1 ” a “P"'»l'n<lenl oflmliin
A flail's at si Louis. Mo.
nr.?" K Ch '‘ , ” ul1 ’ ■” iodian Agent it Ort ge
li.s S Calhoun, nt Santa Fe.
Luke Lea, at Fort Leavenworth
Gabriel \V Long, at the Chickasaw Agency
Fhh'P H Kaiford, at the Creek Agency Y
Vk n, Boiler, at ihe Cherokee Agency Drennen. ai ihe Choctaw Aoracr
Charles P Babcock, m the Mature Agency.
A fr.7V r .T ' be, ‘ re cl l " orat:ic> 'loreTalbot,of Ri ode
\ r * ,2' ®' Biography by
A-teutc of a Fire shlp ott |b# n ud *o n
Hiver la 1»7«
TheJoyeJy hflibjro! ICU uow great metropolis
tM r, ' V e \ M *' f tnr * hn * iot JrcsL
* * i C ',° f ln ** n *»«»■*? of Staten IvMmS,
rV.V u,c witti the army under .luwe Ever? fp-xr and Jfno of cordige in!
iiio l * “r:»ri'j d» .ups, w** dt lined to tl.o
, , 'l”* F P*' tator, egaln&l the ineijssare ;
< i hi , and on quid n-abu, rtflscied to the
' J J-k* 1 t, '' ~DH ‘ u ,ba: Routed ite adjacent 1
rhu-e. Tb-:rd»rk, otsrelvt* hulls, and aoowlCDg
Liu.-,|. wore aporteiuißu, aspect, and seemed
*■>. i. tg a...i shadow. upon the free'
waui. *:u vk.,i ( t. : «y had ruthlessly intruded—
,-.1 't»t. year, of bitter tnu of which they
«»-•• itL’UM-U' J
at.c V, : -T" u l ' York Idfcnd,
\ '" r *• r ,.*~ ,iJe ot»«r heaped bluer-ea
l .‘ ; IV" •' ' v, r *at led ihat lovely b«y
/' l "'' i '■ u *” **or CJS ,1-osc Clear days of
•r. ... .. g.,.T.j K . Mc.-e tr .'iiary than atprereDX,
1 rttuiiri and IcTeai if
• " m Lt J, b rc cam**
i r*l; lie ar:d he had
■■■’■ -•u<n ac'jtjc*, by r
11 bid i ved in • i
<-• l.»« n« i i-rei.or in
• -<i »rt .hr! t'.e U’r i«
PO|pr»cJ it would
o' I .'. cl mi bi"grrsnts wai
_.c « -'vi'M*. Tr e rdlopamiv'l« oileoco ibat
~' U ." VW’, ° # J tt ! ,,rs * it,e fa,t *kunmitg
<,>_ .... .w a .no'ii'At, darkened their crssial
‘ l ; !c 'a «»JfurrowaraisedbySttd-
CG ", 1:1 '/ Bucr ®'* them, stitseiitcd
1 •• .. »B:t. >i ~ 0 ,-'he Ifstety entbu-iast who, Iroa
•cm point, lookcu forth and maied upon
Ir -
.•fltav.ti.r.Mr C ao
—and the '.eaUcjocy
bv Mr. Cmio 1
f about 17 year*
i .*••< with ua iq t.i.
I. w f , ovident that neither party bad, as yet, de*
'cmr.nd up*»t i'» courae The cona’dernlo, oa
b- p irit he nip irMnce of a succeajlul blow
»•'. -hu Jui.cui/vfye: Uie actual ttale y>f lb*
> v > ••.. j tl>-:eiitTi but partially known tc. ibeir
ami a prrmjture manouvre oc
ea-ion irr.p..tnry di»coftjfi:ore, eTetj to l' at wefl
apioi lied sq-mtron Un the other band, it whe of
the It.tihcsi tmnociit ihat the Americans ‘ebou d he
*Mu-ed ot the'earf ut of oor troop*, to ci ape with
the.r (nniiidsble invaders li was needful of
should b», in o mea->ure, broken which had (been
m»;».re»l by ihe |>r--*eoce of tboac deytru cut a en*
gu.r«, wbow! thund-r termed tonthet new j uten*
rv from ihe>r tong q>i-««ceticr; ihrout • and
declrt brstled with pikffs and hayontt*. and v h»*e
bla. k and heavy - dr* vmdly wi h (be
red lims* ot ibr eoidief't unifor n *, grouped it ickly
at ihe hurt boi«i» ao.l oa.the 'jffraiK as rfliijp itient'
u> pour icnh upon the l«o0 to mritmgly qua d be
tow and arojiai. ..To <fn*» # alUM bean, mis ioae
tiua was especially trU bate. Cspmin
•>biA>ned «be command of a ttresh-p, and lay \ irerf*
ly the city, a waiting order*. To Mditre a
in<vc etlieirnt p .Mitioa. and the belter to disguise
his purpose, tsw>t; udvamage oi a light win f. a®*
cnnled the tlu,J«,.n fi'tjrea miles, and anebore l just
above fc,j t«b:iigton.
thn-e ri»v* in this romamic spot, bo q Jietly
s *t' .-.I nn (iptrffiSitie tnfcsrß l far arl'OQ. On Ito
>• ‘■* r ' ■■ r?» », lt* m i w .-‘ ro* lr rr “r •l> oed era l»
i* - rd *vb !»*’ •
-... j . m •t- ter*; f*:- tig
.1 * . »u : r.ttv*. ik** la* :./•! f«f if. ’o
-1..0 lb- fir * mhl upright recks ul tbe tatted
(>• :•>»<!<*». Few dwelheM were then vitib. sj (be
jipu!*-n'ibe wtiet on ibe pebbly ahoro war todi
bU- in sbo lull or tbc wind, tad (be tranquil i ad «e*
q'i»*«N*re<! beauty r.f the ro-ne save so hint of tbe
dea*’ v preparation* then raakirß on hoard (he an
warlike cr«*t (bat awneg ao Ready •! her moor#
Tbe lap#** of i fe* bnara alter Captain Tal«
tot bid rbowa hi* aneboraae, evinced the a»ga«
o.iir of htt msTcrocai*. Three of the enemy*a
»Vr*i ’’ r r cr * • ■ re.vo: ibe 'eft of their army In
oeo3, bo.i sufled tfcetr ground from tbe
t. fhor io a «jni *boct halfway ietacen tbe month
rftrt- ||»(!*i-n and ibe fire ship. Orders were
th«rr!ore »'on ■'rwarded to the latter to make a
o-, h Site V7Ǥ fi!-ed with coitibasttble*,
at d be»tnr*frd wi’h turnenttac. Bercra| train*
of 'i-iwd-r weru laid ; #D'i one of tbe crew waa
c«">i.*v icdu-rd to atrip htmwlf. and tie down up
on ii rlr, w tb a Ittved match, reedy, at a mo
rn, n wsri.iaß, to igniie tbe aeraeb
A- two o'clock to tac ra< rr in| they weighed an
chor and dropped rlowly down with toe t dr.—
Tnet rarertof the there thlpa eu tbe Aura of
ezv fjur c cna, who**- tall apara ano towering hoi]
f, roooer ioaosrd tipon tho eager Raze of Capi.
Ta • >or*® hardy band than they *»*-r*red directly for
p~r hioad'i-le. I>i<«iiS[>'cioua of any danger, It
wm b-> a moment tv>!<vr* her liule adreraary bad
flurg her yrappliri* «h»t the Aa:a fired ; and
ivn a aren*-maned that brfflsadeecripiinn. From
th<- i!-:>t'i, a« it were, of profound alienee, there
.-h‘-r,i ;!,*• -fivifhcratico of cannon, tbe criea of
rpJ the picr.-in* about* of alarm
In pd ir>*:anl the daikceia oft
. iivp p'aee l:i a red fiobfns slare ifcat
rrv>'4'-ci u.-. f.r«. til* wa'rr*, end ihe JieJd.% with
m. oii’inrvnoi *cd brought ieto Tirid
,•«« i ijijo vra-j-l* uf war. tow ati*e wiife
ij),.,r crew*, who hastened to the relief of
»»•* Asia; —«me r«’r»*rg water on the r:i:rr
o h-r» d;s<*n|Z*fiug the Arc thlp from her
• /'r, and oct *(■«• intent nt ih- quca, which hurt
p» rtinwer of kail* at the boat in
wl i -H the dm in* cvl< nfttoro' ihistodden eenfla
ura-.ior, wap propelled h? tna brnee men towards
«t,.. n.-arrM !*horo. A'lhrtigli I afct*cl in tt-eir e>m
bv (riivritn-d ct ti f d f f'dl 'hr shot from Ibethree
but two no bsTq 00 of (he fuglrtves.
C:c!Mi T\P*»t, h'.-ft-ovnf, in hi* anxiety t^rrn*
,t,-i {•’r eTr-r;n.!?nt rrrtnin, had lingered «m*d the
t*«irt--rs : mw# cf-b-fir? ship, and wna tbo last
ior*rip‘, iM'n'nnm who applied the march
hhvn-g. no-erriirg 10 apr'vleu* Dqrleratanding.ini.
med-ntc'Y n"o*bosrd and been picked up
hv b * evitoMoat comrades Wkrtn, therefore.the
b.-at retr-i*-"! I* e Jcraev shore in ealetv, ib« up
t»--rc->re eal'nat l-n-'rF wa» ryjgbiful aod
h aatifT-r DKsi r tcfi ,r - .fli»atm w»»blistered from
to f->o , hi* almost entirely consumed,
ard bts ev-Tieht fucof
Ss'itv. \e? w.ih gentle care, his hamblo c?n>-
pannes in dunfftr b re him through the soliisry
woods, in ercy, cold twiligbtof the tnomfcrr,'
to a tbm bur settlement ihen csJird, tbo.
E-p'Uh nenberbood: but on their arrival, his
dreadful condi’mrt po alarmed the children of the
p’t.'e; that no house «nnld five trim shelter. At
:o«t o pcor and aped widow cp Dcd tyr cabin .
tlnor.BDd allowed the weary and scorched bear*-
r a to lay Kicn on the fljor, aod cover him with a
h aokci, F otmj»'c!v,' In the course of that day,,
two Aroeri. an rts:era, General Soox and Dr.
Kuai*, psered the vtrlftity on business; and bear* -
ire "(the dae. battened to visit their coontryroao.
Th*i remonilr'r. med'Cti aid of the latter gentle*
p.a-i »oon etreutnlly te' oved b(s anguish: and al
iSco7h tor a cnrmdcnihle period deprived of
im, he able to bear a removal to Hack*
onaaclc, to await Ins convalescence. Meanwhile
thn A »ii had bgcn rxirlcatcd. with areal difficulty,,
from her ptirilooe sfinaltoo } and the bold enter*
png* that *a nearly proved her destruction, crea>
ted suuli sriprebc-nsion and loss of confidence In '
ih i enemy, hbat they n'fpped thefr cablet, felt down
•he river anil anchored below the city. The hopes
of <he Ameitaan* revived In the tame proportion’
at those of t|ie British Werfe discouraged. 8o ob
vious, indeed, was tbo auipWotis Influence of this
event tbatbv a resolution ofCoogrrar, paared on.
tbe tenthor'Ontober, this •• spirited attempt"; ay
it was dcrlcnated, ot Captain Talbot, waa made-:
the occasion of a vote of thanks, and a special 1 ,
recommendation eftbat officer to tbe commander
in cbiet. besides promoting him to the rank of Ma»
jor— N, T, Literary WcrlJ.
59 Woo 4 at, bitwatn TUftrd 4-Vowrttv
Are now receiving their very large and superior Fall
gtqck of
Also, DONNCTB and FLOWERS, a» of tbe liitest
styles, end expressly adapted to tbe western trade.
It Us* been .selected with great care, and aa tours*
and que ity )■ not surpassed by any stock to jb*
found eitbersast or west Oar enstosen and mer
chant* generally are invited to call and examine,**
we are determined to tell on thn moat
terms. Alto, Goodyear’s Faiant kakber Shoes of all
*to4»l - , M|B=W
• IL/ L Dtttisn or ni Lira —Dlmsei of tbn Liver
sre becomingalamdngtir frequent la the Drilled Statea
htderd, there are few formidable diseases which are
rote oaeeted in any way or other with a deranged
state -.f that important organ. Many eflbe rompla ms
wkic'i osuslty classed under the bead of eon*
•amp ion, h«re their origin in the liver. “Any remedy
svhic'i would insure tega-ariiy and healthful action
rnthr liver, would be a blessing to mankind ! w has
been 4c ezelamsdea of suffering thousands. That
naval. omctL
remeny has been looud; it is sate and tore. When a
fair ins! has been afforded toil, uhai never been
know i ia fail.
Rea )c*, have yon any disease of the liver, or dis*
ease whleu you believe proceeds from hcpiUC do*
• Lose not a moment, but purchase a box
of Dr V Lane's Live* Pills, and they will restore you
to be tit i They are ihe only remedy ever yet dis, wbo»« n*« tß rutn to effeot u cure.
Il' b->r sate t>> j. iCIDDh Cu, {so so Wood atruat
o£c« ot Ohio and t'enaa. R. R. Co, Third su
PrmsvuoH, August 3, 1330.
Tue Stockholders of the Ohio and Pennsylvania
Rail Bead Company are hereby notified to pay the
eighth instalment of five dollars per share, at the office
of th* Company, on or before the fifth day of Aoiost
The ninth Instalment] on or before the fiOlb day of
September. The tenth instalment on or before the
fifth Lay of October next.
ID*' Tue Jth instalment was called for on iheSOth o
Joly ‘a*t.
acSidif WM LARIMER. Jr. Treasurer.
Blind Restored to Sight by the Fe<
H. t. Ijnton —sin 1 wish to bear testimony to the
med. :a' vlnue of the Oil called Petroleum. I was for
a lot time afihcled with a badly inflamed and very
sore eye, so much so as to lose tight entirely for about
three months, with very Uttle hopes of ever recovering
the rtght, and t.ut a slight prospect of having It re*
lievt J of the soreness; my auending physician was
un*ucces*fal la making a cure, or in giving relief,
and afforde"* me but liule encouragement l board ol
the I'euoleua about the Ist of April, 1650, and gave
it a trials the result Is, the sight is reitored and my
eyes well, except a Uttle tender or weak when I go
out i » tne sun. ANN IRELAND.
&!i;n*field sl, Cincinnati, May 71, ISSO.
8. Liston—Sir. I have been afflicted with Piles
for ren years, and have tried other remedies, without
permanent rel.ef, until I heard of the Petroleum. 1
have used oniy one bottle, and think I am entirely
cure I. 1 recontaenu it to all who are afflicted with
Pile*. I have known it to bo good for sore eyes.
Cincinnati, May-JO, 1650. E. C. GAJtRCTSON
B<, r sale by Keyser A McDowell, 14(1 Wood street;
R E tellers, 57 Wood sl; D M Curry, Allegheny city;
D A ISilioU, Allegheny; Joseph Douglass, Allegheny;
also by the proprietor, 8. M. KIER,
jy* Basin. Seventh st, Pittsburgh
Ittprovsineßts ua Otutltuy,
DK. G. O, STEARNS, lute or Boston, u prepared to
majinfcaiaro and set Blocs Term In whole and pans
ofae s. upon ducuonor Atmoiphexlc Suction Plaiet.*—
ToorusctiK cubes in rive KtNCTXs, where the nerve ts
exposed. I Office «nd residence next door to the May.
or's oflicei Fourth itrccL Pitisburrb
Rtria-jo—J.U M’t-'s.l.lrn c >1 Eaton lat»
Dll. D. HORV,
Dentist. Comer ufPoiirib
md Decwar, between
V&rx-si ltd Ferry «ire«ta
iS |Y!'CORD 4 CO,
Y/bolesaJ a & Retail Mannlacuirer» Jt Dea f er»ln
Cor Wood* Firm at*., Plutbargb,
Where tney oi.'br ir iait and complete Stock of Hat*
Cap? I'uri, Ax., sferrrrqaabtf and »tyle,by " ho‘e
aa!e And Hctaji, and tot’Ue tl>® attention of their cu»
otneta andjcorciiaiera at.Vrallf, asiuring them tba
kj »ll' ad:i oq Use sox x>VJLMT4e*oo» Tint.
INS'jaANCg company,
C. a MI'SHKY, I'm'T. A. W. M ARKS^XC*!.
Ui'.te—So. 41 Waiei lujeet, in lt« «u thooj® of C.
H 011 ANT. .1 ,
r|MU» COMPANY i* nbw prepared lo inrare all
X kind* Of **» boiltes, mnnaiaeionc'Vi food*
■'d iln ire
_ dads of n«*«, on hoilres, got
meruhandlic in (tore, end in trauma T*t»el», Xc.
A:i ample guaranty for tie ability and iniegrity o
the Intuuuon. la afforded to the character of ihtf Di*
rector*, who ai e alt ciiliea* o( Piiuborgb, well ind
favorably known to tbn community for their prudence,
intelligence, end integrity.
D.across—*' G. ilurecy, Wta. BagaJey, W m. Lai
User, Jr., Waller Bryant. Hugh D. King, Edward
Heateiton, Joan Haworth, S. Harbaagh, 9. AL Kler.
iso >.>nsnirj:r,
Are now prepared with & luge and fresh stock of
Krgitsa, Harman, anA American Hardware. r» offer
aaperior inducements lo payers. Tbote wishing to
Esrraue wil) piomore (heir interest by iooamn
lofcgh oar nock, as tl,eygxe determined U> cell os
he miat reasoosbia tcvois anglh
.:«an»t.»roe« am scaru* nmi.
THE andmargned ha> bees apfioieted agent for this
old and responsible company, to succeed Hr.
Fayette Hrowu. and Is ready 10 issue polieieabilhe
j-Vp. «f J M»nup (icparuneoi, on as favorable terms
a < oav other revootisible company la thU city.
74 Fourth au, next to bank of Pittsburgh.
At> uuaJrremtutu, Cayiloi ifSurpiu . Purui,
TUB u'denigued would call the attention ofmer
chants an<T others ba«ing property expowd to
In*, by Ft re or the peril* o! Navigation to the superior
td* i.iUfti offered bv the
Protection Insurance Compiny
<V kARTrotO.CO!tHnVtX:
Fare*'of Premium t* low at these of any other
n—A tpeedy and taiiifacttry adjniunent of lo»w* »y
the Kenertl Aaent of the Cotrpany lor tbe Western
and' 9cmihrrt> buie,
I—A tPttraUon (of all difference* which may amt)
by, etereee mutaaiiy’choun.
yard* promptly paid in Ppecte, Bankable Fane*,
or FI tehange ou New York, Baltimore. Charleston,
New Orl».*n*. Pi lxJai»vt ie, PltUbargh, or
Claeioi tii, «t the option of the ioiartd.
, y/nrh t cta. Retting forth the mode end prin
ciple* of adjan. cg iottc*. rate* of premiums, ela**ifi
eniion of harard,\ AC-, fur&uhed to tbo castomera of
the office &e* ofecerg^-
For fir tker WoiAßaUon, apply to the onderfigacd.
who it fuicy •mhoni'cd to ininre XfwelUoc*, Store*,
iloteb, Wuehoase*, Manafactories, Bains, ao.
, \u*o
Household Fnmltnte, b ad Goods. Ware*, and Mer*
rban>iize, ce nt'ined or sto’ed therein, against lost or
damage b.f >IR&
Dry Goads, Goods,Pro
dace. Household Futntiare, tire t*to*k, and errn
other d»*cnption of UerebamLae or Personal Pro
psrty, sh pped or to be shipped per aood deaipboat,
nr boats U> e*-d from points ou ths Western Writer*,
or beiwe* o Kssictr cities (via L*ke*.or other inland
route} ana', acy towns in the Western country, against
9hlpst«i*Uof Gordi. Wares, and Merchndiae, per
food ver.irl -or vestel*, between New Orleans and
Baatem. ports—betwe-n New Orleans and other Gait
? , n*—between au Ameriosa port, and English or
hirop pan port*, or ta ai#y other maritixee port what
a*>evt r in too Atlantic waters, against tne PERILS OF
TtlE SEA 9. GEO L aRNuLD, rtg'u
7t Fourth St n next to the Bank oi l'Ltsbargh.
On Tuesday evening, October Ist bv Pev Richard
Lee, CaptainCitAU-a.*T. C*xr»KU.,ol Frankiiu co.
(o Mis* FanfiT E. Bxrcs, of this euy.
DR EDRINGTON ha* removed to No 307 Penn
'street, to the late residence of Joseph Pennoek,
Erf j, a few doors ebovo Garmon Alley. ocipdOt
Corner of Wood and
OFFER for tale, of the
(nun Europe,
f lorax, reflned, In eases
’Eatery Corn A Powd, kgs
: Cart>. Am - un, ett* A jars
i Psrts Green, ut cans
K»tun Stone, tu cask*
Fleur Sulphur do
C.stile 3«ap t Ittbxs
Calc. Magnesia do
Carb, do do
or Ptttiborgh/
$ 1,000.000.
. Fim sts., Pittsburgh,
sir ova importation, direc
AcflUo Acid
Orange Flower Wuii
Bole Anneal*
Pill Boxes, psperembos’d
do willow
Vial Corks, assorted
Adhesive Plasterr, Eng
Roborans do to
Lead <io do
Oslbanam do do
Ktatrnum Oo do
Citrate Iron, Eng
Precip, Caro Iron
Aleppo Bails
Tipton's Lint
Wedgewood Mortars and
Lao Dye, powd inbrlt
Cart lien in krgs
Carle Acid, In lb bottles
Pulv. A rttlmoniates do
Aq. Ammon Cone, do
Calomel Ene. do
Utl Amber Reou do
lodide Potash du
Creasote White do
Oil Lav*ndei, £plke
do Garden
Oil Arifansm:
Oil Koicmtrr
(lU B iter Almonds
Oil Cajepai
Oil Croian
Pmfc and Bine Sauce! t
Cardamon Seed
Salph. Zinc
Heifer** Teau, prepared
Gentian Boot,
Rbabarb Root
Indian Bod oc3
do in or vials
lodine Eng. in h( lb uotUes
loutde Iron, in or vials
Uonf. B*naa, in lb isrt '
Jli-Carb. Potash, lb t oUles
Mine Pill in lb jsr*
Ref. Liquorice Kas-m bxs
Wood Fiapthatnih botUst
Tart.E2nette do
Prnssio Add, in oi vials
Tartaric Acid, in bxs
Crocus Marti*, tu kegs
RadVoienan Cog. in balsa
9100 m
THE above reward wtl
that will lead to the ar
{•non or peraona who ( d
naiant, to the large
Cemetery. By order,
11 b« paid for iafonnatior
rresl and conviction o( the
luring the night of the firs
i wooden cross on St Mary i
GEO. BEALE, Sec’y.
Bellinis oat at Coat to Gloaa Bulaeii,
AL/vROE »toek of DR V GOODS, for whlchbonda.
moitgagea, judgements, ground rents, or real
estate, wia be received la payment.
JOS. B. noco,
oe&tf 115 Wood »i. Piuaburyh.
w«itb riuMiii
MURPHY * BDRCtiFIELD, at north east corner
or Fourth and Market streets, are now supplied
with a fall assoru&tnt of the various qualities of
above desirable goods, and having been purchased
from the Importers etc bo warranted genuine. oca
Long Btsawta* , .
IN ureal variety of one* and, pattern, lust received
INBEBD OIL—IO brla pure country oQjust ro’d
for f* 1 * by ROBISON, LITTLE aCO
oga 7 t 4 Liberty at.
BofT .Wladaw Llaaa. _
TOBT reeaveo at' W. MoCLINTOCK’B Canat
J Watehoaae, No 89 Fourth gotti, R&i 7f Wood «»
isronniTiot waited.
A PM ALL cam of mercy and two! Silver Watches
.» We ! e ~ canil . u ?oa the per»on *t a mao who re
cently died at th«* Pitt'burgh Infirmary. When
brooch froi* the r.famcr -Gen Wayne" he was
a read/InrenttMa; hut from aome French reeepu In
b«a ironk, it would icem that he had resided la Loaist
,hat h ‘* Ral »« **» Pret* Lrrtu. his
rßna< are requeued income prepared to claim the
• b^r^ er ‘* v - W A. PAPSAVANT,
OCJ,n * Director of Infirmary.
; iNcw Orleans piper* please eopy }
Window Sltadaa
kHl** daT al th 'Carpet Warehoase,
Nn Fourth nreet *nd 79 Woltd street, a eery
aaud-omea'aortineiiio’Tiaaipueß Window Sbadca
at red-icet prices. toe3j W jMeCUNTOCK
Window Trlmmlß|i<
LOFIVED this day, at the Carptjl Warehouse, No
f* Fourth virtet and « Wood, street, Com and
Tasseia. Roller End*. Rack Pullies, Roller*and Slats,
forwiodowa l«3] w MeCLINTOCK
Slate Galea! Fire losnraQee Company,
hariusburo, pa.
THE eery liberal patronage extended lo this com
pany, having issued policies to the amount of near
One ivil i Half Mjdion of Doilara, during the last
three mouths, i» svibeieni manifestation of thoeiu.
mauon fid confidence of the public inihe system of
management on whieh its baainesa it conducted
To city or country merchants, and owner* of dwell
ings, and Isolated or coun'ry property, it is believed
ih » company affords advantages in point ofeheap
neit, taSciy, and security, inferior to no Inference
Company to this country.
Conducted oo the equitable and greatly Improved
system of Classification of Risks, excluding all special
halirds, iniaring only a limited amount in any one
loealiiy, (but precluding the frequency an) occurrence
of large fires, and also oo both the Stock and Main*!
plan, u not onlv possesses the cheapness and accom
modation of both methods, bat entitles the insured to
a participation in theptofiu
It is under the control of the following Director*:—
John p. Rutherford,-A. J. Gillen. John B. Packer,
Samuel F- Jones, Alorto A. Gamer, Philo C Sedg
wick, Robert Klotx J P BUTIIERFORD, Prta’t
A A CARRIER, Actuary
A J Giu,vtt, See’y. , .
Branch Office for Western Pennsylvania, 54 Smith,
field street, Pittsburgh. Persona desiring insurance
wil be lumished wits books of the company by call
ing at the ciffise. ? c ._
LETTERS of Administration have been granted to
me undersigned, on the estate of W’ra. Hrogßan,-
K-q.,. deceased, late of Coilina township; Allegheny
count)-. All persons indented are requested to make
immediate payment, and those having claims agu"*t
•aid estate WU. present the same, with prooste, for
•tubmeni CIiARLBS 0. SCULLY, Adm’r
A. A. MASON fit CO,
W'OULD eojieit the auen-ion of Merchant* from
all sections of the 'lietr immense
Stock of New Fall Good*, com,-riling the largest and
moil complete' assortment in the '-weitern coaolry,
consisting of '
«|7S cases best styles Prints;
40 do Imported >nd Americas Ginghams;
35 so A'pn?e&», Paramattas, and Merinos;
77 do Cashmeres and D«
4". do Sannets snd
tt do Cloibdand Ca««lmeies;
?u do Bleached Muslins; I
AO bales F ondels, all ootoras
57 do Tickings a r i grades;
3do do Crown Muslins. bc*l
Also, cates and package! of Bilk
Goods, Millinery do, Tailor*’ Tnts
Laces, Hosiery ana Gloves. Ac. J
Merchants are asinrea, from the ■
this establishment, of always procuf
most desirable goods, and u prices]
than anyenstem honie Being man{
for Urge qaontiuet of Domestic Goc
Isrly solicit the orders of merebar
deliverable in tius city at the earn
•old at in eastern chics. Meroham.
merning from the east, areinrlied t
of their stock. toe*] ; A A
great facilities of
tog ibe Im-tt am l
as low and lower
ifaotoren’ agent*
Ids, they parties
its for comes ics
e price they art
i other going or
pan examination
ABFAUTiFUL'OiI Prim, (a new ipvrnlico,pa
tented in London.) representing Jenny Lino in
the field*. In a listening atuiade, taking let?ois* from
the nlphdegaie. has been reeoved tjy the subscriber
The coloring u equal to ihq Brest ninijtnte palatine,
and the iifceaen the most truhfdl and correct of an)
yet brought oct. )
Also, Jenny Liml'n Greeting to America, the Prise
Bout, nad tne celebrated Echo Son*.
ocS Golden Harp. Uli Third ft
ieeae, for-fate by
|RopqH Cbnrch
175 bxs prise W. H.'
SEGAttS— 'JOT.hCQ Common Ohio,
oeg .
VINEUAR —JO brla pure Cider Vidrptr, for sale by
cji _ |t ft R FLOYD
BLANKtTTS—1 caie on coaiigoicent, for tale by
oei * jT & R FLOYD
POWDER— 123 keg* Blasting Pos
HERRING— 10U bxs Sealed iferc
BAUS-75 dot Trilled Tow Bark,
oc'J '
lARD OIL—’U brls for pate I 7 'j
LIN»EED OIL—IS brls pore, for I
oca . J SCHOUNt
VENETIAN RED—K) b-1. Engl.s
CRUCIBLES— 400. Dixon’* best C
cities, assorted sizes. far sale by!
ort J SCITpON.j
DEFINED BORAX-5 ease* ju-t ri
n. oja ; j bohoon;
CIASTOR OIL—S bit* for rate 1 y 1
jcei J aimuNl
■\TKW NOVEL, BY T. 8. ARTHulT— ThTonfasr
IN Child rtn; a'aJeof Cruelty and Oirore»*io3, ip th»
Ulle of a new prize tale by T. S. A tb(ir. It 4 paid l»
boihs anitior'p beat- production, for Mie at Holey-
Literary DerouThird street, opposite the Poll Office
• l*o. ih* Monk Knicbt of St John, by .Major Richard
• on. end Lilsrli'p Livirg Age Nn T'.li ocl
J 1 '*T received‘in m Ph>'hp«v.| * F III) yard'
Wagon C'o'rr Ull L’lo'i. a k <.od nrifip O’
ocl • 7 4 B Wovl n
TARPAULINS— * very heavy large Tarpanllm,oi
the best quality of India Rnnber, on bard and £Ol
■ ale by loci) J AH PHILLIPS
ARD OlL—to btls No 1. landing and for sale by
COO FISH—6 easks ree’g per eenal, for tale hr
DAVID COPPER FIELD— No. 17 of this intecetunr
story, by Dickens: and Blarkwood for ; Bepten)
her, has been received at Holmes’ Literary TVpci
Third STeet, opposite the Post Office: also, Holden’.
Dollar Magazine foi Oetober, »nd International Mis
ccilanv. No :t tep3o
WINDOW ULAbS—lbio~boxes assorted sixes, fot
CREAM CHEESE—232 boxes receiving fronTlhr
eanal boat James J. Bennett, ahd for «ale by
«>p3o ?o Water «t
SI»W UUAi'i—3oo bj« •tftQnrd, for »<*le ti>
SUGAR* MOLASSES—3O hbd« N.O. Puget;
td hhd« 8. H. Molasses, o*
sale low, to closs consignment, by
FLOUR — too brl« superior Farlly Flour ree'd by
CREAM CHKKSE-fubxs Howe’s best quality, jar
rreetred and for side by
SCORCHJNGS— to casks in stor* and for sale by
J. FlßMjr, Jr.,
Agmi for ths Ptmt life Insurant* Co. o) Phi/d.
UFFicE of the 'Vc«tern Insurance Company No ’
DJ Water street, Pittsburgh.
Pamphlets, «*ith all necessary information, and
qlank forms will be famished.
Ilosbsnds can insure their lives far the benefit of
their wives and children; creditors the lives of their
Tiis whole profits of the Company are •divided
among ibe holders of Life Policies.
The dividend of the past pvnycars have been eigt-
Corner of Market and Third streets. ~
TIE couiro of Utst'uetion id this Institution, cm*
brare« Book Seeping. Commercial Computation
Penmanship, Lectures on Commetciel Law, and ic
fact every branch pertaining to a finished mercantile
John Fleming. Esq., author of the National Book
Keeping, prinolpal lecturer and teacher of Rook
Ladies and gentlemen wishing to improve ihei*
Penraan>b‘p, can call at the Co lege at any hour dur
irg the day or evening.' sep-fl
MISS FITZGERALD, letc of Dublin
Ireland. - nsoectful v informs tbs in
n a v®n habitants of Pittsburgh that she is now
*l*l ™*prehtred to give isinniction on ibr
Piano. Having bad long experience in teaching, sbt
is confident of giving entile satisfaction.
N. B—Terms very oodetate.
i a st Earners
Mrs. J Dnoian, Allegheny I Henry Kleber, f Ittsburgb
Rev. J B Lyman, Pius’gh | Dr. D. U. Riddle, do.
SUGAR CUBED HAMS—-0 casks various brand)
lust received, and far sale by
Hlfl'i'KK— losegi
Qellora’ Liver PUli Boparcede all others
tthsrlr«!on. Vst yept. il) I®SO
Mr. R. E.Seller*:—Your Pill* have beer.mono r>npu'
lar in all this Tegiou of coautrr, a* very mark to
sioritede all others as e Liver or Ami Bilyiui Pill
Yoor«, Ae. JAMES A LEWIS .
(F-xtrset of Letter.)
Purrhuers wilLreeollect that R, E.Bellers 1 Live*
Pills ere the origioal and oniv True and Genutnd
Liver Pill, and may be had at No S 7 Wood si., and of
dispute generally in the two cities end vicinity.
r[E sterna boalGLoil, will leire the footofWmriifs
meet every morning, it 8 o’clock prcciktlf,
eanytoff piuenfeh lo end from U>e picket whli*
the break U beiag repiired. FoTinfonottion.ipplTto
wiiJMtf ( D. LEECH, Ca*il Bua.
BICb* —00 tea prime,'to iiore anifo* sale by
pHESSE—IOO bx» prime VVeatern Bturre.on'ecn.
liniment, fc: ule bjUILLER A RICKBTSOK
,WP» ; zn A t 23 .Liberty n
COD fTBH—<5 eikfca ia Biort anjffor tala fcy
COPAL VaRNISH—-C barteUXott rermed ir.d7or
“J° b T 3 KIDD A CO
Cl M
CjPIRITS TUkPSNTLNK—6 brti lor uieb~y ~
p A ST ILB SOA cate* JamWA"tSfiaa¥r~~
THDIOO-3Q9 lbs jut on btfcft-mad fcir eels by
1 «8 '■' * - J KIDD fc CO
RONZts—3o lu uaaned,)uii*e*d tor ttle by —
. g • . I KIPP It CO
tatiftfluuafiutare,forst)eby - ,r
•<_ BUtoIDOK* WQffIUW,
. mf%
Of fae celebrated Paintings of
THE proprietor* respectfully inform toe citisen* o
Pltiborgh, that in fonsequrnee of the unfavor
able weather daring the* past week, the exhibition
will continue until next Saturday night, October Sih,
att®o*cloek-; , ■ . L..
(n» ah dewandaapan the exhibmoa amttb* sent
in this week far Immediate payment. oetdlw
No. SD Fifth •treat.
oep?7:<ltf ; rhTssraoH, r*..
MIXED AND DRY PAINTS of all kinds.eon»t*nt
h on hand of-lb" best quality, also, Varmaheo,
Linseed Oils, Bolted: Oils. Paint’Brushes. Sash Tool*.
Window Glass, various alxea, 4c Fold wholesale
and retail on aecoomodalinir tern*-
'N. B—All parson* parehasing ttiXM or dry paints
who wish m do their own pateUn*.*an reemefae
neee«ary tlraeOons gratia J *H PHILLIPS
aepSH >49 Wood si
HOUSE 4 SION PAINTING and Cilaiing.praiapi-
I* and neatly executed. ■' . .
N. B —We wlth'it die Lastly understood, that wo
can do Painting and Glazing as cheap as any other
palmeti fn the city, and arc dctennir*<i fa do ii.
VENITIAN BLINDS—A complete a»»ortmenl of p
Vetdllan Blinds constantly nn hand, for sale toss
tor cash - [icp2S] J 4 II PHILLIPS
CIIFHICAL TECHNOLOGY; or Chemistry applied
fa the Arts and to manufacture*. Dr. F. Knapp.
For sale by R C STOCKTON
Bookseller, Printer,'and Binder,
•epl7 , 47 Marsel si
[American, Po»% and Chronicle, copy.]
TAMPBLACK— Just received and for aato at the
i drag st re of 8 N WICKER3HAU
wpT7 ' . • ■ ' Cor. Wood 4 Sixth sts
SANDS 3 SARSAPARILLA—Jtui rec’d for call by
»rp37 •. StN wickersham
(or sate by .[*ep27] . B*N WICKF.RSHAM
end toraale by: ■>. S N WICKER^IIAM
OUBPBNDKRS-ACO (fare loorpd,lost reo’d 'or rate
low by , UepCl C YEAGER
PEA CO ATS—9 do* gam elastlo Pea Coats, a light
and beautiful article,far sate by
Rose PINK—6 brls superior far ttle by
Lind Extrtct; West End .do; Jockey Club do;
Spring Flower* do; Jenny Lind Hair Gists; Aromatic
Vinegar; Amandine; Ponebm Soap. for wbliertat
tbo skin; Almond Shaving Creacn Rnse do do; Am*
brutal qo doj Honey Soap; Floating do; Amandine
do; Hoiel Nut .Oil do; Rose dm Marshmallow do;
Boquri do;-Brown Windsor do; Bear’s Grease-Ac.
For nale, wholesale and retail, by R E HELLERS,
*ep!9 37 Wood at.
* r ACKER CL—T* bfbrls NoSUsckexel;
•\X ssbrla dn:
t(A> brlß No 3 HvifaX do:
just ree’d for sole by • ' JAM F B- PALZELL
•eptO : • 70 Water at,
PAINfED TUBS—IO do* srfll Re srld low, to ctei
fa-lot frer7l MeCIM.B A ROE
, Shawls. White
ninga, Ribbon*,
INDIGO 4 aiADDEfi—lOeetoonr ft F Indigo;
7 hhds Madder, far tale by
Sow Book*.
HEALTH, Disease, and Remedy. By Dr. Wooro.
Adelaide Lindaaf, a dotcL By Iba author oI
•‘Letxiee: Arnold," “Norman'* Bridge." Ac.
Life and Correspondence of FobtFoniLty—parts.
Gibbon’s Reme—Sth and Cth uol.—completion of the
work. Redeiyed and for **la by :
oUGAR 4 MOLASSES'—2S hhds prime N O Sugar;
O . 3t brls do Molas*
ses, in oak brls, in store! and for saTe-by
sepia •. : Libenya
CALF SKINS—9 caret of super FrenclTCaif skins,
Ortresa’s Urand, jut nceivad and for sale low
forcssb, by C. YEAGER,
tey-B . : 114 Maikettt
FANCY COMBP-75 gtou Fancy Combs of tha
latest pauerna,intt reo’dfor tale br _
aeptO. : ; fl YEAGER
CHIBTB4DRAWERS— Alarge ■•sonme&t ofSllk,
O Woolen,.and.CoUon Fhiria and Djawers, for sale
low by r . fsepgl] 0 YEAGER
HOSIERY— A fide strcnmcni orisdiea’ and child
rens* -Woolen Hose, comprising everr uariaty,
iust received by )*ep2sl C YEAGER
>{ sale by
WRAPPsNG PAPER—4® rearrs rag and straw
wrapping medium, double medium, crown, and
doable crown, a Tory superior article, on hand and
far tale by RC STOCKTON
sep-.O •; ' 47 Market st
ler, for sale by
78 rot xS9; equal to the
eest in i&o market, Cor sale by
teoga ;• . R 0 BTOCKTON
>ig, for tale by
|for sale by
BACO?THaMB— 9 cask* voasd bat rough, srill b»
sold low io dote the lot by
sepSS Wai»r 4 Fr>nt sts.
food «t ,
/CHEESE—2OO bxa superior on band far solo by
maker aco
tl<j by
Baporlor Bcototx wja<S. Ixl ab WhUksy,
in PUNCHEONS Stewart’* celebrated Malt Whte
|U key, of very delicate flmvar
IS pantheon*.Mehan’a lYAtnislde, extra oaalfty
sod high proof, under custom house lock.
Also, Brandies pf different viet<ge* and brands in
half, cuutsr, and ocuvea. - Impi-ne-i and far sate hf
. 5 i ‘ * A KMeUALLA,
*eptfi:iec<Um2p—B3 ' ho Walnut >t. I hilade/ptua
L for sale by
Jack Lead Crn
M’d by
xxw iT-tx ox
JOnNH.MELLOB, No 81 Wood street, sele asent
forChiekeriog’* Piano Fanes for Western Penn
«ylvania, ba* received,.mrd now ready far tale, the
. allowing aasOnment selected by faimself from the
samUaetory, and wilt be supplied as usual at Mr.
Jhicker ag's prices, viz:—
9 carved Loau XIV, 7 octaves.
3etegitit Rosewood, 7 di>,
2 , do ' do r,} do;
- rdo do a Jo,
1, 1 do atahogany, 6 do;
I do Walnst, 8 do.
I full carved aemigrand.
A CAfID-The •abtcriber h«* the pieuure of
umoaaciog to the eiiixent of Pittaborfh, thet be bet
oedeerreniretnenU with Mr. John il Heitor, for the
•xclittiTe.ul* ofhie Piano Fonts, in Pittsburgh and
Western Penn ylrani*. end those wishing to' per
due mej boeiaorci that ibeix interest* will t>e fnltli
fully etterxJed u»; j CHICKEBINO
Jkkton, Jflhreh 2J, 1f43.
In addition (o the above dock of pianos fr\xn Mr
newaupr>l7 1* often «i frrrn the factort'a
'( Aden••tffodert- Bacon 4 Krrrn, *rd VVorccstoi,
Vew York, end Hailrtt. Cttomen \ Alien, Boston, at
’rice* Yeryiri j from two to three hundred dollar*.
•ep '6 . ■ :
CREAM CFIEESE—SCO bx* prime emtio* ehe«*«e.
Je»t recM for »»!< hy J B C*NPIFLD
SALERATUS —2f» bn and 12 oak* pare, for ,t‘£
by - [aepvSl J U CANFIELD
TEAS-iro hr Cheiu V. 11. Tea*]
23 do G. P. T*a»;
So do Pcuchoiif ree’r per car**, for
50 Water at
To l?«oplo from tlio Old Country.
Exactly the same kind nf Small let? Fine, Brro/!«.
and Roark Flavored Blue* Tras that are u»ed (a
*lO <>id Counter. can be boqyhr at 9c «o47Cq per lb.
v Morris - A Ha worth'* Tea Sto’e, ca»t side or the
no »>>»»» el«» in Psii*> orrb.*' vpl4
>*ira tiiipullat Oolong* Slagpeag Tea
THE.-»E:»re the verv >e*t,Bl»ck Tees tb»i a*e ?m>
ported Iti’o the U- Bed State*. Morris A Haworth,
rea Dealer*, in the Biamtnd, a-t tellingsaidTeu as
he low price of 7*c per lb, for c* b t en 94
Cl arpXHNOT is receiving a •••ortaum of
A.faneyaitd staple, vnriety.aad DryGoods,ccmi*>
'ngw psrt of Woolen. Thibet and Cashmere Stsvrii-
Silfc.; Bi till, Thibet. Kid acd BccktkinG’ovet: Wooi
«ft acd Wanted Qcmforts; Alpscisandßot&haz’&ea;
wooUnafld.Camon flannels; Colored ard Btoaehed
MMlift* Ca*iinets and Catsiiatre*; RiDbona and
Lien; Batumi and Comb*; 1 breads sad Eindinw
pmbTfllavend Dress Bo&e, do
Alt of which; country *tad oil? merchant* aro to
•peetfuUy invitedtoexamine, itWti oodat. >ep26
Dictionary op mechanics, En*i*e\ve.k.
and Engineerlng-No Uof u*b areal work ha*
’xen received at Holme*’Literary Depot,Third tu
opposite the Pott office.
T IN SEED 01L—23 brls pure,jnnt ree’d for sate by
/CLOVER SEED—O brl* is store and for sale b”
«cpt» ; jja oanfifXd
the man who does not appreciate ihe luxury of as
easy •bare? If any there be, we do not address our
selves to him. Bat ts all others we say, If yon wish
to render shaving a pleasure, purchase a box of Jates
Haael'a Aimoca Pittacliio or Ambrosial Shavlna
Creams. It I* utterly impossible to find words to de
scribe the feeling* of a peraen who has been used to
Sfcavtng with ordinary soap,eponmaking trlalef this
for the first time., It Is a combination or wonder, ad
ailratlon, and pleasure. ’
ingly emollient; rendering the stiffen and most wiry
beord »o:1 and pliable,producingejj admirable lather
and by its. extremely mild nature allaying all Irrltil
uon, and preventing that unpleasant and stiff feelaa
efthr skin which is so often experienced alter ahav*
mg. Gentlemen using doles Hsuel’s Sbavlxur Cream
may face the coldest and nott piercing windsre?
taedtately alter Its arc, without the ikin beeomfi.
chopped. -And thoto whoonee use it, we ean tafsiv
say will never tue any other. h
One greet advantage, which will be especially c».
pteetaiedijby those who wear whiikersfi* the fi t
!• * <• 1101 discolor tie beaed, which most soap*
Si! App-.nE” "IK
edge o the whiskers. Jsles Hauel’* Shaving Creow,
nTihs l^^t o LvH^^^,liof ,^^ o,nr,,anJe<, th Hull.
p» the nuet exeJatlon of at) articles calculated *o
rentier the operation.of thavipg nnplesraat. and will
be appreci icd by all who mull trial of " nT
rrrpared only by
. JLT-K3 IIAVEL, Perfatrcr and Cfceaiw,
r- 4 . , 120 Chestnut *•, Pfclia.
* rv. h ,?H r **! e “d mail, by B. A Fahnaitock
* 9°!’ fS? £■,£* Pittsburgh; and John,Sargent
and J. Mitchell, Allegheny City sepg?- up
Jut Bieilvsdi
A LAROfe and extensive assortment of PATENT
utmost eedless variety embraced la the uaxortmuut.
may be iound the followings- H
Horae Covers, Carnsge Cloth, Air Beds, Air Pll.
tows, Air. Cushions, Water Pail*, Tobacco Pouch**.
FJshutg Boots, Costs, Cape*, Cloaks, Tarpaulin?
Gloves, Mittens, Poaches, Maps, Elastics, Parses
Uo«e, Deor Springs, Msehlne Balding. Bou> Wester*.*
Machine Fseklng. Camp Blankci*7Paper Holders!
Ufe Preservers, Travelling Bags, Isuunna Ban!
Bathing Mats, Dolls’ Heads, d4s, Lions/BudJS
B-ns Air Balls, Foot’BuuCladU'Wa*h’o£vn
Ladies’ Gam Shoes. Genu’ Cam Shoes, Ltfrini *.
Every aniclosold aithiae.ubluhmektu wSmJSi
to posses* all the characteristici essential lowum?
li.huit.i. perfect taperTlodeu,
; ' itammiw
Mtlng of tho noehboldm or th.
bad tt *• agaaoy of CiiaunJOUa»WoSi 6
:i ; WflUttSSiS