The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 03, 1850, Image 1

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, l‘t’D[4BUEl> IST
' : WHITE,t CO.
City <JI.„ \ V „r>u.
f.ii< Tumr».*ricxrr, m W.cuanisoiun^co.
AT^V„ |7 ( 1 l <r r rIM ' ;Rs ol? window ni,A.Bii
• i‘uuJ.L'f C h’r i a a^tel * u * ei » u.d Second,
r—' '■■ pet ■ I'notn. * l, fnU«n P»’M 10_odJ me*.. Aloe,
*!>., t\\ e f v : 5.«> •• i>c*icr»m tUNT OLABS, VIALS, COTTLKS.Ae-
I sy*. rn ‘.’.to *• : vv. CT?»*«t*lolU2t, t.JtNCiX,
.!»■». ft pal-*, *i a reduced- J> * ,u crs*i»*uiM. n.Mtuuy.
Ttrl tost nrnrt
• - - • P.GRKKD Ul-OX
ft. fib fine* t>f Veßf.Bieil or Jt*jj
C>n« •*.!*' re. each additional litaeruoit- •**oys
• »'■ J- 5
K- IW'O wccie— ;l \ H ,
J*’ aj.t
fH>. l?rfa Bioftllit. .... - w ,
V\ four months HI! ,«£)
f'o »if lunn'.i:* •••
l >o tai-ntr
Card to Uf.e* o*- !e»*,! prr auiiam* lU.ttu
Outcr,|.f« utpleamre (per an
iininj txelr*ivt t»; the p>tpe: 2S,nn
For e**rh artii’n-tihl aqnaTe, tptrrlcd oTrrnix> month
• s3c'r. additional *fimire Inaertnd under the \«»r
-1 f rate*, hull price.
• .Vdrrr?iA*fpml» exrwHn* a »<juare. and not over
Cf!r -n i'fieg, to he charred a* a immirc and a half
r* bat scrf'jn’.nWe for t.-gul trivcrtiumcnti
Ocsam! l.’ir; charged ioj U-ir publication.
Ann'jrn-injt candidate* for oioce, to be charged lie
• ani- t* <-Uier edverttrerArrna.
Advert:- •men:* not marked on the ropy for a »ptci>
ltd nnnibrr of iovrrtntna, will be-eontinoed tall forbid.
a:»d rivt'fcmpiiffd accord-.
1 . .The <*rtvi‘e*nuiyearly adtertUeni willl* confined
rißtuiy i<» repuarbuiiccu, nnd *ll ott«r fitlter
ii*rrvei;t» col permfnii,* toibcir regular bcklnfm, ■»
agreed for, to lie paid ertriu
AU-advcriiftmeM* for charitable matiiati&ru, fire
tiia'pr' ward, totrp.ahlp amloilicrpublic nirrunr*.
anj «urli JiVc, tb't«e charged halfpriee, payable itricuy
lr fits-cv.
Mari;atr potirea i»lc charged 20 cent*.
tv»i;. o-»iuc»*t.u«r.eil wntioutcbarge,uulr*»Mcom
pan:td.l*> fr«*r?>l invitation* or obituary notice*, a*d
no mvnntnamed 1* be p<ud for.
11 •** i;lir 44v-.tiho.'a, and etf utl-rrt wjtidiiif enrxai >■-
pU'r.'.i 'i:;*, or »**;dlriri< notice* designed to call ntten- .
iron ‘<vi erra. fSuirce*» CeucertA, or any public enter-1
tniitfxcut* wlrrt charge* hi.* nude for admittance—
all fn-tirce oC-priratc AA- o < li' , dni:g—tTery notice dr
aianed l>* cui! Kttt Mion to private emerpmesealedl*.
l<. J«*t ime,..1e.l t;i r, mmole individual interrfll, can on
ly U. .1 ••pr'.rd nid» il,e uru’muulJipj that the rime
Util'S piiij <6r. |f intended to be in«eried in the Uv
cai ibc'eamr wt'J hr charged at ifce rate of
Hihlc** .ii.m tPecniji perllne.
Jsl«lmp ».r I'iM N‘dire« to be charged triple prices
' -Ta»» ..1 i.ieeo.e l*cuuo:tc.S2 carli. 7
1.- :*i‘viui MedietU adverdeeiuetits to bo at
fuV .-ii'-e •. . , j
!}• a} .mml Atrur.necr*’ tilverijse
!•* nn-lerjrAtljr twi io l»r
• i>j ittjr'.y L'itre at it one third per rftni
trem iVr addin' «f Ml*. .. f
W'MrfJ.T u> n;l-WV*tLT l!< D»!LT >i>wi
.S;aarf i iKire <ii»etOuu». 50
.»'<•, ntr f, fr»Wiiii D«J iiurttmu-•. 37
ii<tr*riK»r>-?«> in wcf&ty fAma.
O.ij- tUttdrr, llOIivr? ><vie •ii?cniun w ct».
lv ' r.tch aiTlitliii.iil inwnipn 25 •*
A- 1 ' kitvrtiitt metttl.' I* paid m advance
•- J ; <vnrr:;«ictie.
‘ ' '■ ■ I. lIAKI’EK, I'ui
JtIDDMi, Jocrnai.
JAMES P. HAHK & Chronic!*.
. iOS-.aNOVVrJF-N,.MetCBfT.
JA'lK*' W. KIDDLE, Aairnoan.
UiHAM KAINF, K*enici|{ Ttibun*
JUlliS A, pAUItIbaOH,
AI-Dr.RAIA.v l i.'lli IVnn fucci, between
o'jif.i* n.iO V« llaji. All bu>i:ic>i pioiunlr ki>
i Dnj-t;
ATiK»AS!>|,n n, WATSObV "i"
A ViVIIM V. AT LAW—l*2ce, vu Fomin »ti*ol
* ; „uty '
(; ’fiwi,*:, T
v “ .A TTUU.\i:\ Af I.AVT,,{U\4 OciLniusioner if.*'
.*}i_ Uun., Mo.
•Ailoiihit tuHuimiwuis {• totiiplly nnsWffeJ.
•• ■■OFli'ilr
-* . XJunSiH S/\ ICbUtU. r ~
A. 1 A'f LA W—-fuTico oa
. riujiVJjhjlJ Ail-1 C.fFftt, r»Uitl'Uigh.
i: __TP'VMy ....'■ '
; : : '.JinilS 11. KAMIIIT i
A Trousov m Law, and Comrr.i*-
• ’lf»n W Forwaid, lUhti
<pm i. M .v McCloic, j„un E. I***,;
’ -tfiAiFl}a& (v.till'lr, Mr-I'-oni A
' “ ■ ' : BIOWf-Ll" CO."
FOitW AKtUflO nKIU II Alf T'S ,
■ i'erry l'vst Otfju-J '
ifavtjt* i-r'-iiamiiilv in.-uicJ at this plare,» new
aaj vulmU.i.-iij*! wr hip {ircpaird tnrrv-
-f feurfl ptrrtflp<!v io*tJ (.nftiucd the ntrr
*ini«»«*<‘T «.id Up«vpr«rOtna Canal*. fi *. ’
iune . . . f
■ •-' 7 «PM^r J t<j»Ltir ..'.V.7;~.-« 0 i, £7^ h 7- -
if. n-j'virwAdO'J* —•—»».—.a,\Wii «*a»Ler.|
RA<iJ\UM\ \VOM)\V.MtIVAOO, WbitlpMile J f „.
Np W 4 ,\Hrl.ri ct. J‘tnla<!*!pfiia» a;ll
•PitrpU Alkail ~T~
Benni: :*r. v.v.nnv a O/ sio.
A»li, ji r.ii Pordcr*. Miiriatir* am'Sulphin
iN iTrn,.::ar No - , Witter llTcel, belowi'clry.
•■ r l r f«dpfi.-fc’l«f»iptr : • : Urorre RHtrf.'
BtlAliN a REITER, WhoWalc ami Retail Drue*
*i>.ts.ei.rurr ot Liberty and Sl.CUiMirccu.Piti*-
ureji.Fa. apt
■S\.';MVVM !.'r \ k tvi.KonranUnt-iuri Rom
V'« en*>lmi Mete! «'m;n! titrin, PilUl*ufsb,
C 1 11. 1»H VT. •• ilrn.-er, rommi»»ui.. M*m
'• Koftva: i- .j N*> U Waver
__ abj
Ira Her»rv .Vu lrt-v i-'lrtiiuie R. K. RenTloir
nuKs&cv- PMwitnsG a co.,
M i;Ui;»IaNTS —For (be tale ofl>o
/ cii.i.l’ouoti Hood*; aloo, dralc^«in
all kißti«<u , i'.«'Tcir.(tiuif« l N»|i|7 Wood ai.Mih
door from Fii.ii. l*r''uurv:ij. i
Jtemrcr* n-.Me*<. <t. Win. A. lUU A Co, lianiert.
jan'4-j , ]
i BAtfcO l ■waLA.tavet.
MKRC HANTS and Bill Brafe*«*.
No ir —r..*ij i»*it»>*nieh.
wn. a. m-iT.*. ,j, lAsaa i. aonatr.
IINIiLISII * Ur.NNVrTT, dale Cadiah, Oallaiher
jj Sc Co )'V i..i!r»n:e Crocer*, Comdiiuion and F«*r
yr*rdtT:i* Jiereli.ui**., mid in I’rn lnee and itr.e
kutetr No. 37 Wood iu, between ddfand
S*l vir« ■•if. .pi|
Wm. IS. J.)IIN6T<AS', I
No !:•: Se-mi.l I'ui.J.wrtfh, _ mttM
Bonn «' f»n?n>vs rwj r. LninsitoM
u. u. I'oi.vuErrjiß a co., !
/■N ENi;HAi.C*>V MISSION and lCrr-
VT t'kfeftu *.'i4 b'irwr I)r*iem, No sSll Market *
rtllUdelpl.m jytjj
.NoMi V,'.,u , SlfcctA So. ItNarUi Wlis Tr*.
A. J. r.r. r %-« ) WItLADCUTU
t aujr
ML'***.. t'*. • •«—,.r 10 Murj*** *, L<“it Wnoi tU»U
0 t.r "*•'! i* m. <!<<'<«»» W«ro«aDt, f»r lie *« «• ot
>'• ••• .•?<.<•, J.ii-*' -\y. 60> «U
a' *. w»«;*T -**. r. I..^T
HAKUV, JilNr-l A U».. <«ufc«»»otl U» At4‘*r>-J.
f-, «'<>) rc:>i>'':«i!on *n<i Forarmnltsc M*r-
JrV-r. ;n rutiburgb Mauafitcu.'^J Nouje,
\V. I*. NiitAUAii., -
. v., ivu..)
IMPORT;. 1 : A iWcr i.i Freud. n'ftd American Pa
pe* U.<rri:'’.cii w 1 Uof«Mra, Window ribadei*. Fire
‘Joanl I'm i«, Ac. Ai^"• IVriling, Frjp't.n* m.d Wrap
*ibi* Paper, w o*rJ *'!<;•:(,t-eiwro FourUi direct
■ Kil D.amu.,.l ulii-j, >v>;m title, PitUijurgU, J‘»,
JOHN AO'NKW. imp «ii tbr firm of Onaiut»fr«,Ar
r.ew Sl On . w hum rcv,'eci(olly imorni U;e AM n*»
totnttra Kfui i)ie. I'uMn'jte.reraLy, Utalbe.wiil »iil|i*on
■ * unne 10 i'*rr> <- i !■ r i.;-n-a <• l»>» lm»ine*», iu all >i*
varifrtic*. «n<* u. [•,. ••tint to (ill oil order* lor Apbiuc
carlf*' KaTH|f»«**. MnvrOy, I'oitr**, Vu»'«*, Ac4fte.,
Jerliiiunc w l:u l-iione-*. Hu wnrrh*«i>c i» No “l
UtUeisuw;, 'ivi»(Pit Pirn A Sca-jcd m. jri <-d3*a
XOiltf D. MoROA'i, W'j.i.r-ak Urui<!*[, «ni tloii
ts> m J»>r M.ift-, I'ciuW, Ojl.i. V-muffer*. Aq No
va Wood wurt.l, on-: ti.K.T ttociJl os' Diamond Alley
O’uiAl-urs'r- _ p p4 _
1 AWK^DALdLV.OVliounaleUrfteei.Cijiiiii.wjbrV
•I Merrhwiil. *•>•! wider in I'fvJiur and Pm.tufrb
Rletiafnr.mrr* NoiM Water «i, PHtrMirf h. *[>(
THAI AH IKOUP.V .V Co.. Wboie.nlft Orncc7»-foai
-4 Plixiioo Ken'-ikii:*. anrt dadr.M in Pfivlae*,Ni>«-M
4V yvet. mid l 1 '? 1-'avii itw.u, s'ilrtbnryU r*ivs
Joi,YiC»'‘iw.r,.\ -1 Uili-urli
JHI.WORT Jl ft f\», Wlinteialn liroerrr, am)
, ,Wenuf:*j |{r*7»rd P*iwt!rr Co., No. 77 WooJ *i.,
_ ... _ *»?*-» r
JOHN y i|. TcV.Vr.MKND, Drwtslsi aarf Xpmycearr
No.4sAlartrt »i., tUrf«? d.wjn above Third »u IMu
kßTch,witl h\i<- rtu?rinj a well -e’erled ■*!
mnUSi-nto.'U" I ' * 1 mil frcidieit Medionei. wtodi 1.0
will oeTl on r.o'i ttm». rhyrtelmi*
tenJine .ortVir\. » '-t prnin«ll j atirnded to, and rut**
plied w:ih iu*i.\>-«-u:cy i.iovjnly npr*il at j*«*nuirfe:
tn~ I'knyi.m Prt»,*r;nion>» will l-f imuhli-Iv atej
««uy prepared :’i Ma lie lr*t material*, at arijr h*vr .if
n • day or iwr.hi.
bAlan (or aale, a K'ff* o! fr*»b tn<l food Hrr(a
r*. __ _ _ InH
JoCii Ktoy>' . llu-hanl Floyd.
T. fe [t. I'LOVD, v.*i*o!s*isl3 iiioecri. Cp'nmi*'ion
• Merebur.i-, and m i‘r.»'iu r. Rowel
("Ptur-i iloil.n'.y*. I't.nui'e on 'Libtjty, Wood and
BtxU> otit-it*. ■ i-i apt
».« nno
Aiioliltrt.t 1a 1 ..* >rt in** Oifu'e
.**o tTia rorn-r.»>*'’' *nnr «i» innl
’-f'SuViT'A - S iji/,-t«u'rVe*i*or4 Tl
■■—"v" i.«wi* -Hui(* l t*»»'tr • It- n 0.,. CPtuilayiiaf SlToliantn
• and H.j.r lUtrferf.
V .* AiW.'i-i *V Mil prill.
f A jtiJ»AH3le«aic VrVyrUii
No 21 W v,.i ,!«:«» *Ol .;*:
•Il'J If/.MF.IiU'H,. iVarJcoaVo an*4,«cs7l d«*)-
» .'J‘.-sual''lA*<uuißfoit t i^> o » ti
* ,J tr4A, |V*ia,.-tidli!i** , .r«inr»*tfafj| l , K , J
»is. B k..ow>-* tnlri'ianr iraAa, ....
•:.-•* C0n,,,,,.
’ \iu*t Mnror.nm. Ai.d «>>oir*alr
'.., .jfc'Jri/ In■>W«Vri! Roiior, I oi and
' VlsJu'hw j \nvr' , :T: »*ft’‘^'''« , -P* ,>ef * llT * ' v *ier
l WiffaV. 'ViMd : I'tuii/urfh. ,
I*?r ~ ij_ '.—r:
i. ,t>? tKU & Ji»>.Kr<;.;<’«rwMUiile V*oif4ni*» | oN Mnr
• ■ tfaamt, Jyovurr. uk*t PJrtabutgh W*t>^
»ei.i ruj'actvicvlsi i<<: *«j v. nr nr 1 Till *t. ajM
• *•• ,rzr :pJ. s-s-y*. t*; c.; his u«a n f pa.
*UIW<NI>#* 1) V. Tin.,' .■naniraolnrero o*‘
- mxioii 4-t > ,LBli i rt.Cliitin l (lollon
, . ’fwine and U»uiiu-'< ja-W-lf
uVtogS' * * ;
■'< lv *fi -ATIS johniißii df,lft«nvk}oJh-U<»OKS»:i.l < r.e, £tk
k .PfllaVjrj»K.J«*i conwr o
and Itud »ireaU J ifil'*i >of nShdif;
business cards,
" c > v -
V 4 11-LI.Ii L RICKKT&ON, \VcnV**!r (Jrocer*. »nd
Ur * ndie »- 'Vine, anrf S'Ktn, No*.
, »mJ 17-1, corner of Ltbenj and Irwin ttTCCIK. Fun
P*. iron, Nail*, Coilon Yam*, 4e. *c , con
on Hand. ln J
J.' v ..
■l°*' £Vi*'r. ' D. .M'GiJl. WalurC.Hwr
ft At-UiLLS .. lUIL, Whnlr«mJe(«rocer»ao<l ttaainu*
a*4 >n ’ a * efC,tanU ’ I^l>en y fil » l'itobargh
prTTtf &U kii if~”htek£T' works" ~anj> — 'sFRtN*
Ui ‘' Jo»b, ;omt w.
lM AJfUFACTUKKRS ofaprfns and bli«er Iteel,
ifAA plough «itcl, iteel plough winga. eoarh ami clip
r c *® nn ßa\t , ammc r rd iron axlea, ami dealers in roal
• rable casting*, fire engiue lamp*, anil coach trimmings
Ccnerallf, comer ofKou and Front su., Piu«barrh,
___ frb-zj
A »*• Tardei, Cooimliliba nerehantr.
NTI». "Jl Old Letee «t, N Orlean*, Veep con«lar,Uy on
A’ band a largea»«ortmrnf ofttraßdirsof the follow
Ini; hrarula, which they offer tor mic a< agent* forJ.
Durand A Co, Dnrdenux, vi t. Mngtory, J. Fraud, j Du
rand A <3o, Laroehelle, J J Puranfl, Cognae, A dc &I >n
terun. a 1, lllcrill*, A dr Mom'.ore, Jean l-oui«, &c..
<tc; nice, Anchor Uin, Dordenux Red and White Wine*
V. ,J c ** 4 **- "Clcetcd with care l>y John Durand
* Co; besides champagne Wine and Sweet Uurnundv
lon - .. - _ _ feW-V'i
AZSjir.-T"'; S‘ *»">■• ■« Porelni uid
,h ’ ;‘r
0- BiUhllihtnint
U P UC V MA , NN ’ T:ori! **> ori >a the
roai-Office, Pittsburgh.—Maiw Landaranc* ntH
‘ '“?* Wid v 'MtiiißjhtniNfcv..njfravril
" k*t? «« ««HV»nd printed hfeolow, Oo!«l,'Srouk“
l«»Sd»V'e blv«*f ?tt * PP,o?edltV ' le » aUd “ llh<? mO,l ‘
iv.Tli 1 f .. yhoieMle Grocers Produce ami
Mur. Tiios urTL*. t *w n cr ,, ; ,"f, N .
lWgg «“U“E.
tJi,”‘."t;! £>»l«ro; Piu.h.„l,M.ritf.f:
> an . all kwu* of Foreign «jul Domestic Wn r<
laSflVtooS”’/ 10 * 11 - Llbcrt V Wre ' ,t - On hand • very
t a. MTsyijM. • •- ■
Sm ’ F - F«r™,d„«
A”.„,' > ■'V r ' h “ l '- !»' >«'> Alle.lnriiy lUv. I f.Jr,
„■* r
DOUKRT MUtKbi; A Co!. Wtai^. lr
Pitt.hM^s'w 1011 , Merch,,ll V ‘JealeM m IWu**
Utt»burgb Manufactures, lalbcrty street. PiifbarU,
WI!SVP ALE <iROCnK ’ Hwlum, Fonvurdmr
Tv ond lAonirauooii Merrfuun. nud Iv-airr in Pit-f
no 3aj K,a,r! t k.
s w"rrp
•Tn£K;f,bS!,. I ”“““ ,! J> " No. 0, H-..0J
S .‘o V “ r ll'
Floor anil 1 rodueegeueniiy, and F„, r . aft ;. y ..
and ComouMiun Men. hunt*, yu | lfs4 ....... •*.
m u lo| w"i“iii'*isTUM.,
S i‘L K * Si N 60W vT TO ‘ lu “ fW<i General Onui
O Unction AitrcUttau, No. \7 lahcrty stirei I’jti.-
buigh. bperm, Lmacedand Ijhi q,| p / -f> , :
S S2.°FoSSSm UOR> 7 «io.
K7* ctfra, Forwarding and Gomnuiiitm .M»T<*bsnt«
Uo«li.« in Pit.l.or,!, Momi.-ocioreo-.oJ W
tea anh wine merchants
.. . Kj.nJui!«r Hi imouJ. Pmshuryh. apl^T
«*SIU r. «uxnntLl . niAi. unti,
BUtllV£ll A UAJkSKS,
I TMiuetianJ C*mtnis.tum Merchant*,
And dr. a lei« iL Fittsl-urgi, .Meouiacutrrd Att/flea,
Una. 136 and 1.7* Second sUeal,
llelwoea NVooUA SimihLeU. Hitts',urvh. augl
JOUR w *r» ! H Ijjuh \ruaoß.
Grocer*, OcciiUoM.on Merchants,
tC«J •*»al{n»«n Pmd'ti*e iu>d Fitubcr/b Mann.
ixctnre»,a«l Liberty at . Pittsburgh, Pa. *
i^LUtiH— *l)l[rlif.liiiiiif - - - .
•isi urllSKprffiirr;
*i brl* Flue, arriving, and Cot mV by
I imoivM a kihkfathiok
ou.ll mJo -m the puMir. Uirr Lave talen
iot«,er<>- ocrapiej l*« jh e lalr Mr
>ct\uye , 111 Ptrftt.! HaTin# a e«m-r.i.:,ou varebuus,'. Uiey »ou:j iytiie ibe
oiirnu''!' of per* .u» Uav|u K fools to eonsigo or More,
l-bey vrui R tc Rite mien lo t*ae purr base anJ ral a
oj Notes. Uruit*. Honda. &r. aßt - 7
US. WRtertaan- 11. N Wsicrmai;.. \v. 0.
L.. 8. TfATUnnAfl 4k SUNS,
WHOLhSAI. : 4SROCKIIS, Cuintnu.ion and For*
w*r-Jinf rrci.atn.; o<« i>i cil tjnd»of I’fo.
da-e* I’r,- M .'n-ttu tur.-.l *
.••f salcoi Ktii- >t(r. n:.d l.yr.el.Siirg .\iannut red
U.I-I.VO .
>vm Ti.Mlif.r*.: -
Jittilrr, Pa
end lo col’ecuoti* and all cy„r l.aai*
c*l to him ut Butler and Amutruna
er to
yy*lLL *Lo sti
eomiuea, Pa. Hr Floyd, Liberty «L 1
\V. \\ . Wjlare, do I
Jaacf M*r»hall do (PiUsbirgh
dIT Kay k Co- Wood m. ) jai;7
JUlia McFAiJKN * CO.,
FOKWAItDIM/ & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Uaiii , Penn weet, PUubcrrh. ran:
J.YSlifs n.DAVIs"* CO.)
No. 227 Market, and W Commerce l»lulaJet| hie.
Advance* made, by cither of the «bove,oucontigß*
mrm* of Produce to ciiUcr Hou»e. . ani
J. I>. William*
•.. ■ -John HarL
For*artf(uj and Comtciolon Merchants, and
dealer* m CouMri' Produce and Pittsburgh Manufac
tures, corner of Wood and Filth meet*, PituUurgli.
Wm. 11. Williams - ■ ■ h. MaVay
North East corner of Wood and Third street*,
janl _ I’irrwct'Jn. pa.
wx BxoAttrrlT renm/counAva, ~
w. u. wooKvvtfco, titrn g*.iu.*T.
WM. BAGaLKy A CO., Wholesale Grocer*. Is
_and tin Wood arreet, Pittsburgh. ap!7
rnuu n. \rnt. ,— tiavn. w r c*ni»Uk>s.
WICK k M’tIANHLKSS, l*uccc«*or» to L A J. I>.
WirK,i Wholesale Grocer*, Forwarding and
■ oriimi»*ioii Mediant*; dealer* in Iron, Nails. Gtn«»,
Gution Van-., and Pnubergb Manufactures general-
I), comer of Wood and Wato; street*, Pittsburgh.
W r AM. XUTCHKLTHKK, Wi-.otomle Hioeorh,
• R-nt/tring ULuiGr*. and Winn nod Liquor
Mermant*. Almi—lmporters of SoJa A* him 4 Birucb-
* ik PoWer, No. lt/U Liberty street, (opposite B'Xth
sirret,) Pittsbargll. aj'l7
nr W. WILSON, Watches. Jetrclry,. M ii*er Ware
• and Military Good*, corner of Market anJ
Ponrti, atrehti, Pittsburgh. Pa. N. 8.-Watch** and
Clock* carefully repaired. a)i|?
wm Totem. coin* «. M'rttrt.
WM- YoUNG. A Co., Dealer* in Leather, H.Jc*,
ke+ 111 Liberty Street. )ans-.Jy
tut. KVnctJBON. *owTsCt-lrciteoft.
WA R. M<|COTCIIfXIN, Wkoleaalc Grocer*,
• dealer* In Produce, Iran, Nai>a, ftla**, And
Timhartft Manoficrart generally,- Labany iiiett.—
Piitabgj-b. I janlT
C'o*PAtttHXßSUli>. *
I IMVR takcnl.U'M. CARR into parinerahip with
me in my Ko«iine»*, which will from tin* date l>«
earned on under Utu name of “Joba Parker A Co."
March Ist, 1-r So. JOHN PAKKEU.
John Parker. -.-.... William Carr.
tVhoL’soU Grouri, DtaUrs tJt Prodaa, Foreign
Wines, U.pioTi, Oh! Morumgahtla
anil liefii/Ud Whitley. -
No. ft, Commercial Row, Liberty street,
mrJO Pm«Sor*h, P
watiitfAt rautia. Joann*, uatitu. wa i. n* a
(Surer a? .>r* to Ilutaey, Hanna'' A Co )
Bankers, exchange brokers, and .i.«w*
111 F.ifcif n and IJouieuic Eidmir/c, Certii.cmr*
of Drpoeite. Hank Note.*, and Sfeci*---Ncrtb w-.i
comer of Wo«*J and Third itrreu. Current money
received on riepoaue.—siyhi Check* for «Mr. and
collection* unde on nearly alt the principal point*
the United Stal-a-
T):r highest premium paid for Foreign and American
A<Wabre* made on consignment* of ProCorc «hip
Oed P-ut, or* term* *rv.«
wm. a. M'CLra- 1 lubi. a iiumv
wm. a. n r CLi'no a no.,
/Vo 2oti Li ltrtv street, alcove I Vor^i,
Hava always on hand a targe asvjrttnom oi Cbciej
Groceries and Kmc Ten*; al*o. Foreign Fruit* and
Nut*. Wholesale and Retail. . Dealer* supplied on the
tflhja. _ } tiafL.
-IVA-Viafa, Scotch Ale,
MmerarWaiei'. Fateh* Moditdee, and Wire Bottle*
.•liakojy4e*ciiaiiplU GLASS. - ;
Keep* con* > itij «m Laud a general aawftment of
UleaiHJve irliclc*'.. ALs‘> <erATli *ui tbeotbet«rcd
ilhv.a Faciorire are'A’J,l.\fwt‘finJ,b*'|B the Yultotfi fn
yqmtucr.Tuu irffCLt ofamttp.n.nnd
■**-a)Fa?r*ot»j:<*«' **’ o|tprvT!nn‘ hath' remner and winter.
• rerpettJaUr (elicited, and Will he tiled on Use,
abiirit-M noticli.
..mir-.i lliiuc*. - ....
Wircbctne. No US -Bacood alraat, between W«*-d
and tmUbfield rt*,lSti*Norrli • • Itsf-sW*
CO-PA ILT ttltß Bit IP, : "
AML. P. SUBIVKH osuj CilAB. BARNES fcnre
traociated thcnm lrr* togelaer, undw-iLa
* for the traimactiol oi th«
. *i roc try, produce, aiKl Cuismu don .ia*s»
w*«, betwora VYood
'• at. -
. Puulmrth, An;u*l l.lSiP~a«rtf
'' g : WOOL! WOOL! *. I
'iV'E biebeat raarktl price in Ca*h will to paid for
X .<>4 differunt gradea of Wool, by • : -■
•XfUJKYiIBJUL-tfJOS IVi'lSi aalo b T '
THIS main»&m7it exrabUibment bong now cam*
pleiad and ready for businrea,ihe proprietor would'
reapectfailf solicit a share of the pablic patropase
tie tiuaU by gi*ing his fall to the btuihesa,
to make the boose a pleasant and .comfortable resort
for the citizens of Pittsburgh and for the country
(iood atiendanta will be in waiting,«ml erert ei
eruon made to render the establishment worthy the
countenance and sopportofan inteßigimt eoreretlmiT.
The TWO SPACIOUS II ALLS, fitted for Panics,
Concerts, l«ecturc» f liaJls,.and puhiie meetings, wifi
be Ictliythe evening or week, ofv'iu liberal terms os
any otl'erirrilnrertT.
The BAR and RESTAURANT,ctjuaI in style and
beauty to any in Ute world, will be kept fumisked
with Pure Wine*, Choice Liquor*, Cordials, Polinra,
Ales, and all the cool, light, retreshmettw of the season.
Poultry, Game, Fish, Soup, Oyster*, and cfamt,
•erved up in the best uric.
The DINING and ICI. CREAM SALOON, being on
the first floor, and eaiyof access, wiU t«e conscmtly
■applied with all the lasiurie* and DcJicsctea Of the
season; and also,with such substantial*** tuc markets
/Boarding by the day, weak, otirear. Dinner* or
Supper* for indiridnaia or parlies, Tu'rnuhed
GenUemen wdih their families, vu<ung the etty fan,
be supplied with refreshments of aU kinds at any hoar
o/ the dry.
Good Hiiblinf and an ert/riire LiTery M*tabli*U
mem I* connected with the MaiL
Dinner ai 1 o'clock. Ureakfut and Tea at the usual
Kntrunee for Ladi»* to the Ice Creiitl and Dining
Saloon, No ®J Sniith&ald streeM
jeip'.-dif K. 11. VAN RENSSELAER
*• »*asTianLT,am.j fa. wmtxxv*i.t, jk
keep constantly on hand or make to order the
t»c*t nrtialc in their line, at their oid\ stand, No. I I St.
Ciairstxcet; also, at No. !*ii Alnrket atnrel, seem A iiory,
entrance in the Diamond. Veoiuan buuttcr* a/adr u»
order, aedold blinds neatly repaired.; opio
\7» «• J.OLKSS, Book bludin.
11/ h nfe still .tngared in the abovn bastness, corner
?V of Wood andTbttd auoeta, Pitlaburgb, where
wc are prepared lo do any work iu ohr line with Jea
naich. We attend to our work personally, and anti*-
fortion will be given in regard to ill neataeu and du
Uianl Boot* ruled toanypauern and bound tab
et»ntiii;r. Uookain nnmtiera oroldbioka boeud carr<
fully or r* i p«irrd. Name* pot on book* la gilUruen.
Ttioao that have work in oor line at* tnnied to* a 11,
piieealow. mySO^f
Pena naehlns Bbop.
HVyifiJCTMAN— Manafaetntcr of all kind* of rot
* ton and vroollcri tgacltiiierf,‘Allegheny riijr. Fa
The nlmrework# bring now Infill oaJ »aree»if»i cp
eratic n, I am prepawd to execute others wuW d!«naieft
for aU kinds of murhinery* in cy Unc, as
pickera, [fp reader*, cords, grinding luacl.iiura. raitw aya,
drawiitc frame*, rpredrra, thiassils, llovwt*, wo<i>n
ranis..loublr orsinsle.t'or merchant dr rounity work,
mules, jorks. and baud lathes ind tool* m
•ruJ, All kinds ot «hafbng made to or«ie», or plans ftr-'
cu for gearing faclnrieaor mill* at rrako.nabir rhar«e.
Rapes to—Kennedy. Childs A Co„ Hlarksiork. U«li
* l ‘- y> • Vine. IVnnni-k 4c Oa.. Ja* A
Blrdtti(hata,(Mar PliDburKh||Pai
Water K,* iffemi 'i\irr»r.' ani
W00(1, Pttliiurgk.
Ofiu, No. J.
«9Qf\ W IC,V eoastauly k cep ot> h*nd a goci *s*on
ul Ward; ofonrnwn mmnufaotaie,*nJ
traßf *operior<}B»tHy. Wholraalr and rountry Met*
**“ ehauts afr trtpcclfaJly mvited lo eall and rk
smica fur theiaaalve?< a* sat arc detrrair.ed to a«U
ehaaper tUah ha»*»«r baftrra bam ofaradtotba p»h-
UT'Ordera apui by mail.aeeompan<ed by |fia eaai ut
■ Qod taf«rendt,will U. ptocptly attcaded te. mrft
MA li irrrE A l’f>. Wirolj respoetfjUy inform
» i*e public ib*i they k«»r rir.ttrd osicoon
Uaroek.l'cmrrcn F. d-rrtl and ria>i.i»'k>- »urri*. They
are now uiakiiie end &rr i trj.jrril <, *-U e or t-r* O.f
rukioirt LaxrwTj I'bwioa.-'. A «.i., v*iu-Ij trvoi t'ic:r
lv»ne rjpor. ‘tirt m iLc :c ujir 'i.tu-’- oftUo aboy wot*,
SCU tb* fa*iUl*ef they k«Tr. Uie j feel ronSdent ll«.-y tilt
■nablr-d m d-»T?or« r>-> lt« no**: rca'jmablr term* wnb
tb.wr Mrun‘i-4; D'Ur.l<-5 in ihrir Lu*
I* i )'inx pjaji'nlat aurniji-ii io no* aclmton of ms:»-
ftnlf, ami b.’>Tiug iiuqc !-ut i oiuptrU m isurkmeti. « **-y
base no NwlMiah in wartantiag their work We
(her&forc nwi ihi' attcnUoti of ttx>- pubhr l? tlij; tuAU' <
N. (1. R’-paitjog done iu the best manner, and on u.e
uo*iTcasniirs*>.*;t4*tr;i. ia'Ju«(
»a. a. sesisa. nan intsi.'*
Fracf.iT, unvufi Wooo iku llmrr, I’rrtxu mi.
./VJWF!Nt*Ktotnat«:ia*tß»« ait kind* c/ COI’fKH,
V,’ TIN A.Ni> bitKKT 1 lU»N IV'Atti: AU', ti»*rk
■umh Work. 1
F.teatu lk'/its built to order.
Soeetal atniiliou rtsi'i to *trau» b«et work,
ffa-'e o:i a t’i<* a ,»or?ni“tit uf «l><t>fter aeu Rra*<
Kettles. Titi An. t'ookinp Ji.of-s
Fort-ihU f'orgsr: vsnotn ntn-s *«-ry oouscniri<i ar.
heir fi.r Fieaatboaia, CalthsrDia ctmxrania, or rail road
We woeld respertfully Utette (team boat man acJ
others to call and we oar iiuelae and puree before
I'sn-lnunrrlwwbsre. /Cl”
Wroughl aad Cut Irom Ratllag,
Ifllßeut«errilk'ra bey lra»e to inform the pul. j« that
tLry have oltUicrdfroa the Ikn si! lie Iris aad
r«*h>onai>le dosijn* for Iron Roihny. bojj mr bouse*
anu ertnriertc* lVrtont Wiaiisi; Ho p/orure head
a*rae patterns will please rail and exanune, aud jod’ta
for InrraselYe*. Railing will be forni*bed at the short
est nonce, «nJ in ibe best laanurr, at the carter o*
Oratgand Rebecca atreetr, Alieebcsy city.
•arW-dif A. LAJdONT A KNOX
in Inform hi* frr-nrt* n r.d ri*:nm*r« i|. e
t h> «• ; j;-t hh« i *t .- * <>«•* , i ...
«* a .1 I,
ion "*H4 linen »uiurt.rr *nJ vi»r<
<mp«>«ait<te. to drsenbr the brauiy. cr ,ju• iy
nl the «U«.•«. ilir prnpri-tcir i.opc. all wi.o m waul
ol good,clicaji, (~hionaJiJc, . iul well made rloihcr,
'rid Five him a rail. «athere i« no atoek Uiaaida ot
*•*** Ailepbenir* tfutl can ror*pare Willi it.
Th# rrady made department b ve*y ex tenure, t Jap
ird to all
Rail rood contra/'iora. roaotry tnr-reban-.*, and at;
who purchase largely, are p»U..-a;aiiy Inviiod t>» ej.-
inrae in« acock brlure*-uig, a* |-«*ucu,ar at
trillion i« pa.d to the wiiolc*ale buslaea* in tbit c«ub.
Kvrrr artiele in the toilorirg line made to order In
the most fashiunable and heat.manner, at ike ahorteat
fPHK pertnenhip licrrlotoie exi*ticc the firm
A of A A C iitLADL>'Y,I« diuoivrd byidii* dc«euc
o( Mr. C (!rn.Pry. llie buuncta will be earned «.t tiy
A Bradley, who will settle the buioe«s of the laic
BEJJOV AL—A BoaDLVT baa removed bl* F.-O'-.lry
Warebonae from Nolly «lr* No lb tk ood
airect, between First and Second 'ailed*, U» th<- a arr>
ho«*e lately occupied by G A Berry, w here bn will
ke-cp Bonataoily ouband ageoeral nwr.ratiunf Fait
ii. E«. G rales, gloves. Cooking .Stove*. Ae.
Manufacturer of cast uTF.Fx.tnd No. i
and Vo. y American lllLier Steel.
lla*l Steel Filca, of allvur*; jnd and phbc
Kiuma, clway* on hand and fnr **i«.either at hi, ‘-Ka<
yle Sire! Work».' , 'o'lls(rß tweei, FVlb Wurd, or >i ilia
(Wire in Hi* Iron Store nf UOI.f.MjNH A liAiUd-
SON. No Lfooi of Wood street, PiiuLorsb.
Wr, the undersigned, havlne used, with rntlro >a t.
isfaetinu, tl.e Ga*t Steel and File* made by Humocl
McKelvy. at hu ITagle Steel Work*, in ihi»niy,iake
pleasure in recommending.Lhetn us equal in qualcy to
nnv ever 1,•./‘d by us.of fureigu manafeetore.
PiUsburgU, M*rch U, lci«.
Maiiofacturcia of Iron and Nsm. f'itttbureh, l a.
lion Founder* and .Machinist*, Piticbareh, pa.
Monufaetuicre of Spring*. Axles, Spring Steel and
Rivet*, Pnwbareb, pa.
Engine liuilder* end Machine <’*rd Maimfecti*-
TCr» t Pitl*bureh. Pa.
Brass Founder, Piuabargb, Pa.
Manufacturer* of Iron end Nails, Pitubutsti, |‘»
Locomouve Engine andPUip Hallder. Piusburvli. pa
Marble Manufacturer, Mac.buia and Engine Uuiid
oinrJ ar, Plu*bor*h. pa.
Dliiolvlloii of P*rta«r«ti!p.
TUP! Ptrtnetibip heretofore r liaiiag—Letwren the
•übaenUery, umlrr the Gim of Chamber*, Afne*
A Co., Gian Manufacturers. w*» dir wired by mutual
consent,'oa the firii day of JaJy, instant. All person*
boomne tQenueJvea indebted ip *a|d hrm aya recurs*
ed in make payment to either of ifce parties,
delay, anJ ail person* having anscttled account* wlib
Mictfom, are invited to present (hem for tetlteraitut
■ mtocdiaiciy. . AL.KXANDKR CHA.MBKRa.
JOH.V AtiKKW, CllAsJ.lif.lf3.
Wilt-, owners end consigners ot knorf* arriving by
X the ‘•Ciuzeo.* l Portable Hon Une." will |.leu,r
take nouie Hist tlity wjll be required 10 pay fren>|.i
at out warehouse, an-briling m the receipt, i*.j„, e
no goods are removed. C A MeANI'LTY A CJi
iyi '
Wubinfi UUac£lnir«ad~cruniiaff
Fluid. °
Pratvrosi—Pat the clothe* into cold waier and let
tlftu ><>ak over itiplu. lu li*c morning wring them
nut auU pm them uro a kewe of LoiUiif water, to
which kii.l the proportion of one pin: of fluid to nrtit
gallon* of writer— stir it up and boil ihe whole iwri.ty
din moa. Tbo cloilir* may then l>o wrung mil arid
Welt (Kited in plcui roht wairr. Tito paiu til gui
uunis that stay bo Rinat soiled, melt as wristband*
and collar* ol aLiru. may be slightly tubbed before
• riming, and the nlothes will be fuand perfectly clesu,
white and clear.
Warranted not to injure ibe finerl fabric and to give
I pertfcoi aatitxacuan, at ibc Money will be tcfonded,
fold wEolcaabt and reuul by B -K SRLLfcRH
»fp»o • « __
_ -- '' Telegraph Conjianyi
|o pttruaase fifjii Ol t£c KbaiiToTnirefie*'
, X- Urra of the CtevelaniT,* Warren and Pittsburgh
to be pabifshed hnhattowipafter* a)oug
Uie Jute, dd calilbti Of tbelinanefal and outer adaiis of
tbl. company.! *ntr»it the following Report- • J
TTid fine df Telegraph commence* at Cleveland and
(broach Chagrin
-i-nUC fctnnh|ia] Newtofi (alts, \Yafren. Youngstown,
and LoweU. in the ft tale of Übto, and Newcastle and'
KoehCsler, lb &• Htate of P«niirrivanU,at wlilch
fK>t:iU fliffd txe ofheea located for the teechtt and
iran*Bn>kAidnltf on*ta«*aa.
Tbo wbtflo lertgth of the line ta Ms milet-CapUal
sUoea,W**jp«f mur; butting a total capital .iocs of
Khldl «p>9pf>K j SlO,-ACn« held by citizens
-along thei.bje,*nd t*e'baianea i* t*id uy Carucli a
Bpreil, iheeenlraqlpj*. -The kbovtf srooam of sab*
«ii|UiOn»d'j-.aUifiVS hnre beert pald to Cornell A
t#need,<<7*Truifcdi B«vtf (Urtr receipt
..peMoj*f_ .. ■ifc.lfKlWOW HAIM, Secratary.
TU DOA.T pCltDitltS. ’
100,000 feet jioa*on«d Deck J*2ank:
100,000 feet Coal Boat Biding. For sale by
kSfc&f Attorney et Law, Fourth •(-
‘JUideUttil PlrkiiUtt'i tnihl anc< Com*
ptny ofthcGlty ofPittibarßh.
CAPITAL 9200,000.
/. K. yrifmRHF.XD, Pre,'t-W. XV. DALLAS, See’y
Til K Coteptujy W now prepared to insure Against
FIKK an/f MARrNF RISK* o'all Wind*.
OJjict,£ieuTiiA Utety, WiUxtu Hall.
. . Dtasnoasr
•L h. PlnorthVad,' Rody Tallerfon, Wnt, A.Hi'T.
R- *r Hartley. R. R. ?itnpgon, Jertiua Rhodes, Ww.
M E|l#Af{ Edwarrl Gregg. A; P. Anshctt. W«u Col
6hg»eod. B. C.Bawyer,Chu. Kent, Win German.:
lanxlXdty , ;
Tub deLawAre mutual rafctv insii-
RANCK COMPANY*.—Office Nortli Room of the
zHkohaiige, Third «twet, FiiUadolphia.
r iaa DttUjLiflc&i-~ Buildings, Merebcnditear./I other
propeny, in,Town and Country, inturod asrainst lo*i
or damage by'firu, at the lo*ye*t rate of prcraipnL
AlAßtKainitciuhex.—They alsoituore Ves»cl«,Car
and Weight!, foreign or eoariwite, under open or
smptai the usttred may tletnrc.
Ivlakp TaarOMirritioa.—They also injure merch
andise transported py Wggoaa, Road Car*. Canal
I>bai3 and Strom Boats, on river* ar.d !»*•*, wn the
mostltberalvrni*. • •
•“"T* “W'* l wrioa.
»J o*ft/ib IL Seal, Edmund A. Boudrr.
John C Dims, Robert Burton. John R Penr«*e,Bamt»-
?.* CfoG Edward Darlington. Isaac
® Volwdl, John Newlin. Dr R M Huston,
Jas c f»ei»if, TheophUua Paulding, II Jnnen Urooxs,
Henry, SJora,' Itwjh Gcorgo Serrilf, Spencer
jMcllvtio, Chartf* itdiy, *G /chns-n, Wm Hay, Dr
S j>oraa*. John Sellers, W« Byre, J/
Uqgb Cr«>f, JohaTJLogan.
„ , WILLIAM MARTLN, Pretident.
Riouno s. NxwmrvLb, Sce'y.
„ .O' Offico of the Company, No. 42 Water itreet,
PiUiUargfe. finn23-ff P. A. MADEIRA. Agt.
Llfs uul Ikiuranei.
Mataxl Life and Company
ot Philadelphia, Iccorporateu by the Lejni;a^, ( o
of Pennsylvania, March, 1645. Cbancr pcrpetpal.
Capital, sioo.uuo, Rates lowiu tha«sut Fxnuro
t CuMfaar, and full SD per cent. Inwer thau the
MLgj rales of Life laturnnce, u the following cotn
pariMM miiU ihowt Thli*, i person of 'he agr ot 30 ini
Ittfinj far *4i»>/&tU/o t must payin ll>« Girard
Pennsylvania. p.. B n Alutual, stkW; Djuiiauir,
»i,tH; New EnglaiJ, s>w Vark Life, B’J,'ki: Al
-btrm. T?;4e:-Lift and flc*fib,Plulwr*pi.t..,es,{/j
DiaucToa*.—Samuel D. Orriek, Cuails* D. JWii, V.
V. I leone, Robert P Kins. Obirte* P. Huyes, k{. W.
Baldwin. M. M. Reeve, XI. D., Cha*. O. li iNinpliell,
LflWisCaoper, 1. Kodmaa Darker, K. 11. Holler, Kdwnt
K. Cope. Praidem—Saosael D. Orfick; Vice lVeti
dent—BobuP. King: Secretary—Fracet* iliacklmnir.
4d>?/WfJioit* Will be received.and every uiforuiauon
given by FAHNESTOCK. Am,
Ottee, Cimjajj.yls! Üboifti.corhrr of
Wood and Taijd |r»;i-ji*jigh
71 : **iub ATO nVa/KB iiniititiu.'
OUIK INSURANCE CO. 01 n.iti Aarn :f mil
X make permanent and liml'.cdiniarai.ruunuiu
jwrty in thl* city and vicinity, andr.n sblpm-ru by
Canal.Rrrers, Lake*, and by Sc*. The pro;<nnes c*l
tins Company are well mvr*ted. ami furr.uh a., avail
*b!e | U ,„I for the ample ImJemtut) of aU pvuo-;« wh»
UStl/vto brpmteor-d try iruniatii'C
> XVK fiJONKa, Agent. 44 Wair'i st
and Rotyuy
1 Amenea, lias b<tn rainoaed u» No lil From «l
east 01 XVCXhO.
.Mr 1A0,.,» y . „„| e ~j
tjerr eoatCDti, anil on shipment* oi Merchatidi-e !-r
Mrom Boats and other vessel*. *
W. F JONFet.
Bodtrn ana Aaif q a« raraiiurr.
W, Tkuj St., FnT*Bmflß.
public that he has nntn-^HL^
ever otiered far ««ic m LUi» my.'c sru-ra 1
atuof BunH'i|.s, MArtou*.*T. am] |t-'«. « \v„ UT ‘
catvcJ, ornemsmai anJ plain, ao.table for
Dratviug and !*»•*! Booms «“ «*l wbieti wnl n* at
the Invrro pricer
I’cTiou. ee«,nngrcrm.i,:ee.f «.. T dr.,rtutmn. are
<pe«*tfsl,y to i j jrr.itir 1- . >i or » r >,
enjl.f*r«-« every de»eii;.iion ti- i !.r«p’»«t aa'.i
plaiQr.t to ibe. uio.t »-m mu Tf, b t (Vpirh Ihs i oirprui'* a part a Trie -ora,. T-tt . Trte H-var,,.
i carrtiMiitn Chairs; Flu* l --;; j a ., ~,,
llccr pl»«n ,to -1.-a.i;. r;v' '
d* ’Kofti-i haejue;
Übal Now, 'I Taw..
1.01.1. Comma,|.,ie. 11-tro: \ o,» . C,.j, I
ttWM...a, with Flash auu Hair Cl«fai...ei* " i
*.Dr»aa», do do a-j
fci da* Jt*Jn>gmnT I‘arioi Cboat; 1
Ul " U o dn, i|
IS " in k tVali-ut dn,
« •• Cnlle Met:
* '• Mahogany Rorklng ,lv j
hu&tarbla Top ('nitre Table*;
'A I do do lVa«!i SianU*.
VU Mabogam
U* Jo ' Ward oiea,
le 0« * tValnut da
btfbcnj* ..o
A veryl*f S t; sf Chgir* aitdoth- i
»r rumituTc too tca/.v** u> hie.n.«» f
.C? T Steam Bout* lormshed ou to« aho/toat eol'ce
AJ| oniejA j.ruaiptly aucudru »o.
-I'aUnet Makej-s ran |, v soppl.ed with ail sorts
of MOhoguti). \(;d Vctircts. si toosidenhi*
reduced vrti-e*. fet-js
Wfcil* pArtjeta, at! Wooi il u- (Vr»lf«;
tto 3 Jo J«i lUiuc
Ve..oW Jo Jo iVu.inacV., a!’ arc
Drown Jo *'ffi ted at Factory jirircv
B ack 1
l.'.j. s Oa«»ur»«ra. j f,i
Fai.-V «Jo Its.l : py. fc ,
Fs»sy Twssti* Vs.i J-sJd.n*. It.rkraa,
Aopor ltia« i broad fioth. T..ioi. Cau>»««
?uper ilrovTii Jj Crown l,.rcr.« .*
Super linen do |Dr*b .*« rpe. Mui-k do, ■ i
AuperTwilleil do ' and worsW.
He P«r Black DooSktns |U,ac k and W inw Tnj^;
Super ITtb'j Caatunrres. ifliaek Twist, Urab dr;
Scper Stow* do [Lineli l”hrck* i:,d I>i di».
Super iJ.tu k do .Smart's fi cord hr-'! •''o-.tixi;
C*:.fiir:u* Ulankeu. do Thread, a
PcaHet do } apprnor aruelr;
Idea do tSuk i'lgared Ye»uo*a;
Prab do llbacASaua no
flmn Bagging. Urown Hollaed Fa'g Silks.
Brown Lnils, ltfu:um». Cravats. Ac , Ac.
At the sfarißfaetQren > Vverehouse. No IV7 Wood «
fJ'HKro-partneraijtp beictnlore esiaung between tuc
X aub*ctilers, in toe noma of Constable, Ituike A
CO, is lti« day dissolved by mutual conarnt. Mr«<r«
Burke A. will settle the business of the enrn ern,
for which purpose they authorized to use ih» natuc
of the concern. NATIIANUiI. C4JNSTABLF,
The utnlerslgnej have this Jay aasoeiated the mwlvas
.it dir name of UUflKh' A DAANKS. for the purpose
of manufarturtrig Fire Proof Safes, Vault l>»or*. 4e
Ae , at the stami of .be late Ann of Constable, Burko
AOo, Where they will be pleased to receive the patron■
age of ihc customers of that house ,ihl their frim>U
Kf»ll'Nß UL'KKF..
In retiring from the firm of Constable, Borke A Co..
I with tinecie pleasure reconimoml Messrs, liurfce A
Usrnes In the. coufidenee of uty fnrjJ, *„d i».e punbe
fehl.t-d tf
HA3 js»l returned fmm the Kasiorn Cine«. amt i n
receiving a Farce ninety of •nitons!-;* pi
which he respectfully Invites the alter non ol mdroh
• ill* and pedlar*. No M W'ood si. feMl
TITAi.L »*AI*K«-W. r. Msauisii is constantly
Tf reeeivinc. from the largest manufactories ia
New York ami Philadelphia, und also flout Frrnnli
ageueien, the newest and most apprnved •tylea nl Pa
per Hahguiea, logethey with Borders. Fire Board
I'rlDlt, and Tetter Tops. For *nle at oS Wood *i. be
tween Fourth at and Diamond alley, (successor to A
infill!,l apff
MhiTAl-LfC PAINT-*A brla joal reo'd per steamer.
and for sale by the barrel or single pound at the
Drug, Seed, and Perfumery Warehouse, eemrr of
rtixlli and Wood streets.: tJ N W7CKFHAHAM.
THE plirrnu MaaufaCtarine Company now offer to
Ihe public their Preuilum Chroneol Smve I’oltsii.
and without cztggeraiiorl, or fear of by
thoae who have tested it, jpronoiuiee it far »u;.ertor to
any other In the market. iThe coruurarr need have no
appreUcPkion* of soiling, r.nrpet*. Ae , aa its com
position prevents a du*i itom arising when being up
plied, which must be done when the Htovr is eold
The quantity required i* so lulls to produce a bean
lifui lustre. A saving of ovnr fifty per cent I* iiisurrit
to the romomers. A cnaUng opplied u> Atuve*. Pipe*,
when laid away foftttie •unxue', is a sure pre
ventative against rush Auer nsving turd u once,
(if rt i* accessible) no person will use any but tbr
Pna"Tii Muneioeturing Coaipsuy'* Preodutu I'Uemi
cal Iflove Polish. For tale by
myfi Corner of Sijth an,! Wood streets
piTtViit'POH uiuiiaimo btoiuc.
C-orrn r ot Penn and Ht Clair »irr<-is.
WM. ACKXANUKR A|««rNA. Furnishms t'nder
lukrrs, where everjy aruele lur Funeral and
RJouruing purposes can beigm on reasonable icimo
fpiU: V’id'le *Joma*mt Company aupply tticir apenU
I <*m!iK«ofri!|> and Kloohi'a in dirr-Li dj? feet, i'tojii
II to av ounce* per *<iuarr [out 4,'oiruftiU'tl <n ahtc..<
ajT, U 7 ml. for luolmr public buil.lmy. mi-1 drpnt*
ttbtp Slicnllnr.s, U 1 4t' inchr*. from VI to :t> nuiicr*
Nail*, Pl'ike*, Wire, Supul Molds, PerftnaleJ /.tin,
2mo Paint, !c
Tinsf warrant their metaj pare, and froe from any
■(tinixinre'-of iron, or any other substance, nnd re
commend U lor ib* sounuluciorr ol most article* m
(lie ltoukC Airmailing hue, a* it does out run, i« not
aEctJteii by the action of irklor, and may lie poll abet),
painted. atldjapannH
-BalnpU'*, model*, plana, apecdicaiuma, and other
information may be faw) ol tlieir of.euta:—
jii'Caid.4 Hraoso, New York;
Aialaroy, Rot.un* 4 Cft.. Boston;
• 4 Col, Pntladolplna*
I w*. 4 11. HleKiv, Uanin^ro;.
SLai “
iiuu i>*l A Nrvr Orleimc
F. WII.I.IUOUX, Reii«Jcni Aprri,
, « M*j.o*or it., NeWVi/ik
:r, <■— .
TJIF. Antol>ion»«phy oftelßb Hunl; wub rrmin*
isenicc* oi iMend* and yomrraporarira, in *«d«.
i:»rt>lp'» D«T Patojmleu— No VjII, mbjcct,
Jeiulutia. |
. -Jiiuoty o/Daiitt»u»oUre|u Uy Jacob Abbott, with.
e,l JulVi't* word, • Komsncfc. By Mr» Martin licit,
pictorial F.eld BoOk of llle Revolution fro &.
Tke atwve work* rercitckl Ud» <l*?, and for mIo br
r - ~ : yfr Market oTftlrri tt. _
lUDd’i p»»i»ay»at*lp »#d Copy Uoaka.
fp»IK tbffvo boot* 'bavin* been Jhireihicod into
jL public end private acboila to Pnuburxb uml Allo
rbeny, ibr miiimr ha# appointed the mbfciiber agent
for thflr <ate ID tin* cUy.
TctaebarFand mben wiR be mpptlrd R 1 puMhher’#
pntca. a* atatfd in elroulif. J || MKhUOB.
«*»!» 81 Wood lb
csuirtvs to ax AausfajiKT or tnc cosmTCTroy 1
n EVOLVED by tletW* t-Td .How. of B*pm*ati '
XX tiT.icftUe Cotauioowciii, it Mtia).
AeiMihly met, Tlal the Coaititot t>e of lhl» Carrara.
“ that it .h*!l lead u follow,: Tie Ju&e..orih< sCtraa.,
Ccor', of the «Tf r»I Court, of Ctnruuoo . Uii, U J<cf lileb Um» of Record w art or thill b>.“
aha.l U e-ccted by iht ouiliOd tUdort drthe CSanssa
wrilili, ra lie suocr following, lo wit; !TH«Judru af.iS t
Court, tj tic juilm.4 eiwUiri of lisUoamot
uxd!h ti Itrci; tit Pres.Jtai 3cJ C f. of tic ktct&Votttrj
oßo«bm iWend ofttwU other c»«mof lU«4u».t •
ff 1 fc » »>/ taw, uut *ll othr r Judce* temirti"
!•) v m ike Imp, t.« the q-onCsduietldr. artoi .
rMxrbTt dU’rieU nrer \sheil ihcy'trc to fraud? Artel
** A‘-vCiuw C f a,. CoWofCoteßM
rteu by tiir qualified citeron of tie ccaaliej tesMcfirdly'
Jiit Jtifia ot ihs.Suro-aeCounih&ji boto totix&fi? ~
Ijir .l»f Una vS dtueii y*an, if t.*y itiall mto e btfiiiri
liscrjxirciwell, (itjhjtri to the iltaur t fter# : iw»-
riUeJ .übic/jueal to tie first •Jeeiioa.) tU f/eiidnn
Juslcej oftbc irrcral Court, of Coia-iou Km. ud e‘nib
other Court* of fleerrd «,ire er.haJJ WertjbllchVd-bj taW/
BDd a!l Oti.rr JuJst, re.juired to I* Utrued i.l 1« li*rt toil ,
1 . l , h *‘ r Urn of ten ya-i.if they mil »
vydr, the Attoriii Ju'Jgn ti ' ti-.
Lorrt» of Comooa pim rlir/f t.»i< to*'» offlefi t.,r J.r
ttTa.of Art ftir., 1/ (bey. Juci_fetL»r«_ttttaKU«.. '
well; ».IoJ jrbiiia »* MUBbjhued by its* Uo.ynfbn,''
I'Ui for »'iy rca«o» ilu «uji, wHfch *>all pot be .uiScmui,
grocnie Ca* isepetchaeit .itte (igitranr thill ritno-e ant
of lira tti, mU* ei of two thin'* of eaci breach dr the
Lfr ~1 j»e. The tint election .lull take place at ,the
Atrtttsi ..f tl,j« met if\tr the pikp j
*/'* «UJ U.e gf-aO : thr
eri.n i.-ai hr ilitn m 1 lore .lull ttpir. du tie till
iJMidsj at I'eft.itirr followuij;. wsra the.|<rm»oftht n*»'
Jtfdtiu ~‘ul| C o««h.ftM. Tl,e j»ru-B» «h« rsutl iwsHU
e.rrirj cflp.r »upn cc Cjqrt iliall fculd tticlr Offce.-
•J l I'O r » Our <•{ n.r.n f-.r three j cuf T uu» for .si tear*.
£*« for lure >C»M, f..r l.r.'re jf ir», .ai, Ou»/..r fiPteV
s«iti, the -f . ,rli 10 w it.eMed hr l«l by Ihi uid
*OOl »f.»> the e'«n .... a. cnverncul, ard the je
nut eertihnl by lim. io Hit ti-.-y rx.or. that thr eotoxiumif '
■■ y-t)?■!«.« !i..r--o. X»« JaJ;e who u
CJinttlsii-a »»lt l,l»rt «fp.,c eyr'-ll K Clijet’ .JMUCc. uur|. r
h;i trrr < i { a.’id tiivrrjiQcr cadi Jadce \tlifiec liftiutiou |.a(j
flrM upirc thill *„ I J. u bv i|,r t/hjef ju.tief.'iit'd iflwttor
ii.|Vf com>«it.ioG* ihnll »»pirt ou tb* *sme 4iyj the-jbd-»»
Wdw.g Item •hail drcMe oy lot wh'eh ila'l hr the I'lflef lu>|jjwiiuj( by dcilli, rt.irutlieoyi r, ,
uihrrni-f, .« an y «f 11„ ,„d eoKf , N l}>a ,} U u
puctirfus kjth- Oi'.rriipr, ty eotiUuu till the Grit RMf. '
"J hrrf^,btriU "’■•l"^‘b*o«i‘ctoer. | eleeiMi. Thi '
fte tbi *“ ofLu * ta l a fW *' ";W liWfr, relelvJ '
! IT ■ Tm 1 *“ crratwr.*atiW). lole tlted be !
4W, w."rl, .ball o-’t be diiu.ut.lieil d--Ttu» Ihelf rt»tia«»«i- 1
|.„.,u. ) A.'l TO .I
'i* uiid.rtiitComasQawtalUi, 1
d'er ,a eiutl rf.tde w.ihla iho bioriet -reouhu '
wliah ti.ey were rr.|»eiir>Jr ■ . , 1
■ i'i hittfiLMOMr, . *
Ppetk- r us ., 11
>*es«Te CiiavcKß, 1
, . ... lUm-bor-. Jaouary -AMrei. (
I, .'.» r i k- , ,„.f t ,. rk J (
rou.j mu, eerli.j llull'.e loifjoicg fe.gliii-.iri;
.1... 1 ,-n •!.# -eft, f<r ~| the pr» wut rei«..a 1 ctsl.Urd
*»»e,..|, i .",ri „ p n^._..rul „r |h r reeuiitn.i.,,. ••
--•i beti. c the USX nululi’o «!.i» h war irreej t<ht i wi'
'*** flee***, u iw* Home «f the last
-yu »tu,r- all.:• 1....UC; Uro <j.|j eni«.dcrej auJ dn
rn‘» . w.,th...u, ... h, awtj.r.t. of i!.e mroyery
♦ W e.l in »nj ferrm; n. i‘,« S.rv,i» of I'ebney liaoi\ k ti in
prefeu' omiik, s> .1 »i l eppeir irv il,*,r veUe crren va »bh
l.u»l r ..r. fc -*of, ur „^,, UUI .„ i „, il , (o .^ > i t ._ • .. ,
II jT.’"« ,f ‘ K i !U l^“aa«of«bereir.t«!itm»r»*.
H. J...M Mrv..le. J l-o.ire i.l »Mlry, iV.llua a. t.rabb,
t ~ ; - a Frn.,-., Th ou. n.
, . * r,f- l ’ ,ull '• nob ''' '■ Hrn.y Klilfatt,
•i i.iwrnw. Inn li.'leli, |..v llrffM. Timothy.
»«. t J.,.-.. j. w ,. h K..u.encel.»f.» V;
b’’, i"*> Vi• e- i. j«n.i, p, ~|unrn ASat.,u»,lln.j,cai»
M!»• r. ,t , .^iwtit'-in 1.,..,,
W.Hn... II r>,., I citfi
joloH'tvT’’ -«!»>•. »’ern» rt.^teeeter.---
J.baH V.ieci,,. t-ol.ii r e»kre._Y^j.., f
Tlom ,**„», ...» n ... n ~f ,t,t et»>lmum were.'
S«V.-1. W PEAII.«OS. -k.
H .n/H.-rr.f UvretiraraTsmi, .*
1! rr..; , v . y. t ,(, J.J. ,-j,. '{
!, W,!:„m Jjri. l.:•«<., Ur. >■( i‘ l€ at U*vt*~
i >, , >.<•«(,. r.r-ri) t.'i# (>*.
-•••'..N. <:<<:, 'JkJ’i r.U, atrii N.rJij Vrj
••i'il,f |>n..ri »■ wi-«j !f rr.ii«W4
• in,-,inipini i'. t i.o-jr♦*»u»»,*b;it
• 1.01.-I. ... l„ I-- UJW-pJtj'
■y H.w ,1 h.l.,lUj.|Li
<" of r»»u**u .
[ ;' Vu < , ; K - *•«■ :-u K tn I D.:li!»n!
;■ 1 r -- * ,r - Jfha S.
J..W.A y Kc.aH •. 1v.t.1.1 U. U U.-0..r, J«.- u.
: t-rfc/t-; -•* -* Wiu *• '■”»«*».
M-. i
Urt ' v ‘Haa J. U»»j-b•!■,
.’• >n Hr*!-*. II tflrt. iUiford.
C M l .rt. W »l« 1.1... 1 J,„ hj'l t«k,
i*j TU B j M r*,,.-, I
-njy.t,., , t, \riirmi. (
?* •*<..»» «>. - i»..., r . , ,»inVr. ’A i*li«o J*sU'!. j
>\ Uu-i A..«on, 1. - *:-!*’ *.i WtU.4i.iU S.,„j, r I
7.k.«,4.«0 .> ~J U. i S'.icU»r!l. f„|
• tr-,, t .... I ,: <;1 W„.v«r.TWu. :
u “-- * • * • • l‘ 1 \ v; , L , i
« c n v , - ' i
Home lx- a*nr «*r.irj'i*
!•. '-jl
A W. T.Prs.S^'jofCamtooow^Kh
ia . ftfr. if .»,M tlwrr »,.) * tr .. f „ j 4
r. rr. •««,,.! , t , ux ,4 Ai. / ».
miblj » ' 1• J !••« .•. .1 i„ k B wnfoa>u«M ,if
|i». | . «;J. »i .! to hr .rf.ird thr S/rf--
—~ 'Bfj'. fci i|>r<i>hni r , lp ,. f,rsr.m».
Jvat. A *'>■'£*«>“” <V > '>-‘-«3atrtlrth>»d»BJ aflv.
Ai. HI K.LL rvsrfcurj of u.« C-rm..uW*B iii
' ' f‘foprlr>or
uir r-T.Ti.nuV.r'oi’v' "» ' ' ”k" • llnic» l.»r
U ‘.J «.« \ 7,\!!
if szzx£~rzr«zj M -«'“
\. UW,.*. ,W
J..;.n r Mr..-v .?«r»-r |f<
Tftl'ffap'MJilirr. Joint. Ki-,.1
il i: Jvr.i>, cro'-'t )• :u. .i •
*1 .| .fr |V,,11 *• •
Tkf t-Uf V,, r r
rr; I-liffrv'o, 1 '
. i.rur-f 1.1 tfuin »HeV
V.i.tit Want •. '
wil rail I wifi* or Uit're.tlaiiy
' ll •• •IcittrreJ pir-otjuly, ritlirf
"t" 4 ' • j<-*r Ui'itrt.
‘ ,u,al • ncr !• t» ihn
. fail ~c »fii I!,;,I Jnvi-14 Oan have
m. pimuoivii ;.i ln.jr without |>i>trout.
"*• th- piS'.r will I. e p!cu>-vl with thil * r .
raotnittc,,;, a. we »»..,! ciuJmvor to t!o \hrui
n '” " ll.MAftril .V NOflt.l*
Sarp«jt«rlti» (Sod* i. Lemon Srruii.
s*' Vi'ri °n'i»; f *
201.3. tilt
J" I '' ‘lli'irß* lIH’SHVOM
VVf»m.L,BC\ OOUl)«.
fT’Hi: Bt»cJrr.|Fi.<-.t :.n-r.M 1.-.i.d, muj J*lbi«i>yr--
X « « IVJ.-IC 1: nti: 1l»P mn mu Ul ’utr if, on
A 10l C'l t'lAlllielll. 3.1 t'tlhU-, jlluill Ifllil ll.Tf/O- 1
Al.n, UeJ ULl.kri C««S. B J.Ii.-nv<l I>HH.
UmMiuire. >. .«,cui- n .<J T.vcc.U, whirl, h- «*isl toll
1-y llir rv. or |», ... mtnfhrtDrr-.- l.flr-l Tl.r
aiU'imon of Jrnii'M in wcol.en rood* i» n.vhrtl.
• lON ni»rkft (n«*r JLl\j#fty»)
amkknian, KM.i.iMi* VaNcv
ooonji, ikimi so, niMtn&r * j a "«*
{•i>Mirs,;iiy*rroNs: sus-
S*(ln *i»«( I.'unny Veetluaa. <■’
UI.AC’K .'M* I*A.V:V Mi.K l IM V ATr* I’UNfjTiK,
IIANUANAVru.d U,\K.N Hl'M*. « «rIS .*£
U!l l* cvcf )’ Vunpi) v/ uiuuui..|v-’
01ftOBtol«rl»K *v I'ncUinVrTel» bTuTTII. *»t
T'Vi^’T pI * ,ln '’ w,l l‘ 6r * “ nJ llcrf Hlauehlrnftn m-d
1 ucklnf Conevru. ewm) ni U l;loryjriu nccM.'.f'!
by U.r. l«u- l*. Oampbrli, t< £, r , Cl|l
Tim c»Ul»li*linu'in i« lur.urd .-i CTJ.ili Ro.,
. remit, y, 0,,.„ v*> c |,[ P .i 0 f KIOUIII { dividing (lip Oh nr
ianu.'lrum Il;r rH' Kivcr. m.rl |>m oi.<* ihftu«ru.<i
of j.'inl'l.r .rmitni] m<-b T.'ir nnflo-Pre rm'-rar--.
»il n<-.r* ol prunmi. i-ui.:.iiirr): largo poiw.lnr/rnf.^-
. r M l n"!-^ , ond r: r n ’'V ,t, " , |’ ! '' torjfl,
..llu'c l aiol irvrt y . kL . „ c , |,,| |.hui!!ic.v- TW'M.Vf:
HONJWP uoi.s n it UAV.nn j .eml.Sii.k il - J,„..
UA, » * 'W-«r* flu, MCMU !.«!•.«•
«n«l pr.rrnf -nr Iffit mui culm * liUd.laii.l
iwn lank. for rcndrr.t oil.-.' by air n*u.
Tunic a'..., on n„- rrnni.i an :,«« Hmi>e. Iprjrr
cumigli tin ii rnli.u,na».tn.l t.-uhelv ■
The S \ i>( v.-iii-lr Clnt.iomli.. i« i!, e r t,., |
niaikn.f t‘. »k *i«l l!-. (
... tl'r ! ,■ »i.. T -
Thclf i * !■>» «lra) jjt«* nr.'* jr. ii{s Umir m;;y t-r
luadc-il m i.i- I'acL.tii; llvncr. ai:d ll.c firr
thirr'l’ii Oircci Irom i!ui via she l,«kr» in Nt-tJ Vcrk
or Cl.ila.'cli.nia. or HnHnnnrc via Hit>bnrnk, »>f to.
tin* K*MOf *«uili vm New lrrlcnni, lire aifltl
nfllie Wrar fully cijual in if.n*r 3tfo'r,lr.)-l<y-*Tiiu;;'|ii»li--
Mnory fnrilHwa are m o llmre bung-ltiu «
IvrclVß.bai'i* within «onv five ruilt*.
AppiieAUtiiia lor reimi'i! tnuy tie uiu.lo If.
AaoroPT at Lnw, <Tiicnsf'ai|; '
Or to. TKANriGCASII'UirtUj
RnjfSiJinovS —SIO Clilltivtuht.O.- '-- ;
side of llie piainoi d. • -
ATlht oatalilialiraant thr ptinlic ccoy al «l«l
pend upon I'cfng tupplieit wiui excellem T«a» aj-J
rea*om»t' , «rpri?p«—Uiev have
• ■jKrrd'eniTeea at —— SOSOperlul -
S> uperior ijunllllr* .y J 5 •
rt.B Ue»l T a ImpoucU \ wj•■'tv
ii* »• drcuWlv Uiß cbmpett an.ft'cn
.Lurch to \.uf Ten*. MUKiUS ft HAWORTH'*’
eefri !
Ri fc. NVYELI AMS' win o|/(-n rWi-arnr'iuiii Kii*-
.* U»h tfclmol, on tire &r»t Monauy or grp'tj ne*
Nnnm' o*i*t J-. IK Willinmi’ ciorc, corner of Uooii
aJnljtMib »aeoU.
nmitstrii. ,
KeVu Wm. l>. Howard, i Jlou. VVal'erll. Lorries
,)tett.J>r. Klhoii, I J. I>. Nid'ortf, J>-.,
Iter. Dr. Melt.ll. « 7. u. wmiam?, L*.
CTIJKKSV.— JOO bxi licit Cbecie f»*r «al«i Ijr (
t *eplO BTUAHTA BllX '
- lussoLCrriov
£***AH? I _ fß ** 0T AU - cnuiu
, • •• Stic? tint Bmm, tiu
seroltt.ii orKsng »i-ftf. Rbeoiuaikip, o!.*;jf-a:e Calm
ret»a*l>tf>unn*. Pfiaplfctor I'amdc* on Uie F«ee
JJlotehrt, tides. Chrome Sore Eyes, RinAvurtn
fAtw/i —2'J l , *' ca i E»U«cemem and Fain of
111 * Wf,. > nnu-Josnii, Siabt-oni E’cm. Syphilne
bj-mputj. ck.jnca cr Lnmliaso,—«nJ djjcaje*
tn.-nis Ooki Rn cse <jf Act.
me, or Knio-:o/rort4rutt?fn
T * ■ rs ’* l « <-or.w.imir*»} ie.
tkvluti'il*:?! ,“i s tvcr t citcndrd and
I‘krtMMiH roj*«u!jrti> -wfeenjvfr Jt been a.*d,
! -''*..?!:?*** “■ l " °^ v -“ e
I , ' ■*** '«.*>«inrtl. Ibe ujifortuaaje victim
" ' '■•‘V l. ,? ub ’ sY ° ;ien fi»nd.,contacted
I . r-d half earns*. j,„ beanV.wreJ to
i j> ’•-* Msd Tlte feraluiotu n*tiei:s, covered
h ' •* 10 h«ra»r;i md h.» aUrudanU
"V “'?*£*; MundredJ it pereor,*. who
a U el-itdol-ij rfi.nt * .Z' V "‘ ’''■' t ” ou »
• ' 1 fI *•''• •"•» .i»:q. si,.l
“ ,ufy “ a *
vvi.: ii.n j.m k, c«rx.
HtCKfAM’* Crnc*.
• colorrU WCDM) who
laA ,u'.h« »n^l fr I he l Vi CTe iw«wilb
I ,‘!■ B l u * ei l h*-! KO c:!ret iu imiM;
1,, t' - <‘ ; s»•! Uir complsuiii on ice • onuarjr *he
I r; mn» ly’ «mj oner expptidihs t eiw^n
V *’^y. w< U» r*ty»iCiaiM, Icueg #ftT)(t olhtr
. ! * u,af r, ‘ n »e».ic* without career*, till Uie ti:* c a»c aid
I e«to:. .w»7 th« centime or tier no „, *£l
‘ t 1 , ,,* CCC ti '. : .’“ vr f^»l'*r , «'*fUer tioiiy,«r>d:ha<l fio^Jlr
» ir.ll *' u ,7? M ,‘ n o,c foot °* brr moo,f '
, .itnatmn. with tbo prooret o
! ni«.4t»*-v 'if tV l ". l ?° j* re l * f tUc * *>cr c**e to I/r
h *.• )♦' V * rrMl [ or ® anc * S«i*ipanil3 m New
r-rn.. P».i>, brwiiitta W*» adttfod tr> me that arirle
K-r rn£ «".“/?! 0< ‘nyw'Shbofi, «o whom
rrn * f w»i known, alter ai id a half liot
wiw/esiered ip prricei health. uuf thm la the
, i" tv« truth ui tlua itatament. I hive
• «Traf!to nUjed tty name, tU<« 19th ii«jr
,M7 ' JOSKI*H McOVTTKR. J. f.. ’
“Mouth ct hen?* Rttrer, Craven ro. N C
9r'-«rr*n , » Unm
. ••>.r'b k gtruUitUM
H < fc W).; C .
. f*<*KK IKUOA.T
Inter revived
ir V“' l ,“ wet an, wrp h*U been alKlcied i&ver*l
• i.fiVi Tti.alou* t'.vrr-s Dykpi-tMta, & c . . n( i r . 1 ,,ni1»
mi alketioa of tbr tl.roii •ndchyif— ' *
a D .
jAIn R your my suffering* werr
i j. , «'>;U mat trt« completely ulcerated.
-v £rs£
•Vm J , !*„ , £7 i w' 1 . ,le ut!nul «‘«lii'u uoia my throat cx*
u ‘- T „.« ‘ {.TL' 1 . ' *" lh * l m >' h'-nntigwa* very much
_‘. T ** k,, "c the tfarsupariiU a abort time
«i* improved, end my throat is now well
i* “ r*il! v ‘‘l™ ‘ a,,J I'jrtntiA.i. of ir,- eb.**i B *
f.naWrn *.i.Lis ' l, ‘ e tur,f which
a « •ru ’■-i.iicy i>y the u.*e of "cur
r^" 1 ' ». Ui:VA.N«
mriL‘ *i EV P*' s r°? ;R, 1 tn 1 '* »< Ibe fef.l
oemneed, and from thr niiunnniiiin I have recent?*
iirfiM'i , U 1 ® ,luu ‘ U}r of of high i.-^erta.
h.lit, wlm havo used your 1 have not
Jjr i can (.pulnhui Uim It is a most valuable □■nlieiiin.
I 1 h ‘‘'sU* you iia»c received
of lt« crtn-hcy ere fuliy ssstained by experience ami
L aitm.t ;R h utxrp •talimi nu-J unlny ate very extensive,
4t:3 Humt in t:.» t>wed ol nt> bumble effort* to incrcasa
; <™»* I smut all who arc afflicted by dueete to be
-s*’™° W,U * UIC cilie-fcc jr amt power or year
l.'*9 l.u»)r;y n
• “lam. frntlcia-n. jratefuHv «r.»l very respectfully
•‘““‘v , , ~ , J.unuiu wnunirr
l ot-vf and sold, #Ho!r..| f and retail, bv A. B. A
f'A.Nir-. UnijirniH and, 1U) Kullon «trrcl,
-•n..-- «; w,!.i-.h, New \ urk. gold utso by l>ru,r
<.»t-. .-r-1-.rri.ity tnniuM.uiit Ui<* I'nu.-.l Sinir* and Can
uda l‘rn‘r XI j*»*r hnii.n; mi Imitlcs for 9i
J j--.i.i-i*) I.'X, J f It. KAIINESTOCK
in., amIKPUARIt IKNmbiKJU, fiitAhurtti *"•
s.MMtni mw.w... Uoat-i....,*-!
tNo. 4k, lUAMOND ALLEY, a
faw doer* be cw Wotd atrsal, if
Uiu"’ KJIOWH, having been
I««u'arlrr.luci.ird to the medical
PTolWjiK.n.Bmi brertfor *smt lima
hi**a!*Vrt'c f i ra i rUr i- f ' r ' n,r Co,lCnc *
llMite private and dJiVau'cora
y«av mip j ptmiur for wind, hi* opporiumlira
( ?!"' “v fr!e Pffnlitrly nu-iltly
“VvTfiE-- e - him. H year# ait*lduou*ly dtrotrd
l - Copy o. ticattcrni r ftho»e emujil»tnt»,(dßrimjst« f- » %
t ;•*.( li.* prartlee and ha.i cured mere pa.
ar.c:*ttar can aver fail la the lot of nny prirule pr*c
-ii Mri-iy cjcuiidc* him to ofler assurance* cl
*‘v pen. «an<l .Htisfartory cute to allaitlieted
TUiAdtiifsiaibaaii**, and all di«aa*a* amto| thtraj
Pr: Brown voaldlnform tbota adhetad wttb prtTatt
dtvensea wh’.rii hart become chnmic by time or ip
cravateu by the u*e of any of the .common nostrum* ol
the day, lliut Uielr enmp!atni«cun 1>« ra.liraily and thorf
flo6lUj csredj be hart** K ,vm bla careful attention lo
Vie treatment of eurti caae*, ajid snccerded In hatltUcda
«f imianerilncuri'isr patsou* of Inßsmmatum of the
nrefe of the bladder, nod kindred disease* which often
feiollffom tiiose rates where otbera have consigned
-Uteui AO hopeless derpair. lie partteclarly invtlcs asch
asharo been lons &t>d unsuccesafully treated by other*
th'HiTjtrit lid; when (eery tattsfactioa will be rives
IhamiimdllieircaH* treated in a careful.thorourb and
intetUcent mancer, pointed oat Iry a long experience
•*tßdysaoditm.«yK»«on.whseh nl»in.f*<ni.ib(f torthoia
MUKfi<l lin gejiwal pracuca of medicine to ri«t to
one cls»* ofuiadjin.
‘ QT'Rerdadrßiimn.—lir Btownmtaotnvnm oar
sepaatinped W,ith Hemia to call, a* ha baa paid parut!
alair ilTcmion lb tin dlaeaea. *
CANCERS a so cared.
Skill discan
, N«lU»l‘Uie
tlatmg their <3
tmns.'ecß cbtili
adtlrcsting Tv 1
. lar tft*.
- fitter N*.M
.Hottf*. . ....
oiy-for Rhe ima
that painful in
Oilice ar.d I
aoDd allay, Hi
i bsma-
Tr-wow ~iJ!^ OE ‘ An 5 7
;Iv M»e $ lUe W*dd« r^r^?i''1 j Bnt * oß’letrt with di*'
Pjuni in.back or Ijib? .K W . ae J».»Uh rheam* ir
tb&i til'TtAn Ci‘ l ‘ are »' runninj
.»*'t**K « UWn# ‘the fl
•IlucTi ■( ybu PieMc, bnuhi* d, U br “"’* * nostrum •«
-»«-p?0*!ttJii,:{r, lie <*e« 4f #T , n . Ol m **e ii *J, for
Ulia» Times Which pra *" none *< eommtml(y*Au.
«;»\ra^ r^3:s,?r^s
Cho&Mo7^b^^ P^,, “ 1
bortwWwtaTjs-if io “‘ , bf*“s'ir to
• --la*il ! ' ?Xtt4%k?jr..«fow Ui« ««*.
■ “Jcto’tlKilS'p" 1 n'*‘"' ?1 * 'Jr 1 * l«i'*i«...r.
Sssgg»» ‘*>'yUso»>, h,,ir,,„ hu^'Z 1 ;
■ftt.fc/'ififcfl.'i I’l'i'lif At CctSl*c Pi'UHIR fat im
lo '' l |“* mo * t billon* eoriptexion a radiant
w tbiff.fc-»f» »*»;
to r^'4°J
Llycip ll*t* m* W|U
IH.k »fl s 1 r «wi »*rt to rr*rt, white, or gray fc*i r , ,
blaek, i/ro*u, et nalinnt c*l«. lu'fil)
'XhntrltilStVU-'r* '!£l' r ' *‘«»e,»ti.| ante ctk-etuaUj
~ U^ n i ,4r * L • Smavism Csiail-It is really a.j.l«-a
SE,»*&!&** ’T> Ull *»MV «?«"».. There |. none of the
’tirnrtmfr'fcnMtlon notify- experienced in tiro n«e of
!?.??* wP“I ** ‘Ue*o:RiMT.iil«aw* the akin oaouih
"hi) -j-rj “*° ‘“<“iit’*, and not liable to become
Nexiwbn hair.
' J *«Krc»te,torn«*
;, ’’ Jf , rM h inw*n fwt*. hot when neglected, no;bin*
ImT® ,U i t 'j“ nnf, ® r# ®s aie * ST ***"• 41 T B»m Toot!
[ rs--i«KX- li i«i a:l>^v-L 10 ,J * lcrli ' t i'eariy wh.r«i:ri-r, *|
a?. *db* Mr* ai.d healthy.
[ , Ail* •»! naulnia-ooiaptcto a**urtaein of French
it ru.„,. lVrtamcry and Fancy anialea
I si Md* llAlttt.. IVf'umrr arj Chemist,
V ", • • . lHOCae*!OßLaircei,l , jj;Ja
a''o',‘?!7|l , . < ’k"V"' 1 rrtu'l t.jr (I A l--.hncs.oek
*rnu-ari'l i Mitcaail. Allegheny Cify.’pe*. f
*u»s rtou ix tiftfs* WATc'or tub blood
Idao ii aeroa
uof either aax living at a distaaoo, by
seaw, in wriung. giving allthoaymp.
tnedicinea with directions far n M . bt
U., pmtpaid,andoncioe
Dtaarond allay, opposite tio Wavsrl)
-Hi. drawn', uwlysWmn* in,
os te a rpeedy and cariato remedy lor
hie. It never fails, ; xw
iv*te OmsslUoi Koome. No.«DJ .
4burfk, Pa. : Tba Uotioria always
DxtAfiTVCSr OV’TSr &Ttil&'R. ; )
j- . Ofiea-tfJudtam Afyttx. &U.-25. ISCO: s*:
QEALbD I’BOPOSAi&wdlbo reeeifwfattVe’sffiec
O of the ComatiuiosKr of Indian Affair** aV'Wtih
ington dny, Until tea o'clock cn Saturday, the i»et*trd
(lajr.o/NoTcmbsf next, far ftrnUluDi. ttA folld«rinp :
ludiangoods, vir.: ' ' " • • , 6
Clait No. I.—UuunctTV. -
2,100 pair* 3 point whim Machine Wankctr, to
measure 60 by 73 inches, and weigh e{jb
pound*. ;
1,000 pairs?} point while Macbnaa blabkeis. To'
. measure.. 54 and 66 inches, and weigh six'
‘ poiiatfa.' i(]
1,175 pair* 2 point while Maclcinae blas)fe)v(a
meunrb<2 by 55 inches, and weigbiviand
a quarter pounds. • , , ; . JL? [..
9GO pairs 1} point white.Maclnnac.blankeis,.;to
measarw 361>y 50 iQbhcd, and weigh tank and
m quarierpoonda.' * •• ' r ~.‘ j
000 pairs 1 point., white '-Maektaaotrianfcfetv' to
measure 32 by.4d,inches,. and .weigh, Ihrce
Jnfk * t l < * “ quarter ponnds. , . \ i j
400 pairs 3 poret scarlet' to
measure 60 by 72 inches, *ud'W*rgli 'eight
pounds j . . ...... v i J
300 pairs 2j point scarlet Mackinac, blankets, to
measure 31 by 68' inchts, aud'w’eigU six
pound*. * • -• ““ :
100 pain 3j point tnc« n Mackinad blank* la, to
poo'nda. 0 60 ly
300 pairs 3 point green Maekinpc’bUdketL to
iaches, and weigh' eight
250 fairs 2} point green Macklnse Uanfcti, to
measure 61 by 66 inches, and we-gj* six
pound*. . r
100 pairs a* point gentineHa Wue-Mackinac h!an»
•* u » tameaaurc 66 by S* inches, and weigh
tea poonfa. ~ , ; 8 “
406 paus 3 point genliotiUa biuo Mackinao Wan
kela, to measure 60 by 72 tochija, and weigh
cght poundw ,
pairs 2| point gentintlia hiua MaeldnatHilao*
■ *«*, to incuare 54 by 66 inches and *eiah
•ix pounds, “ 1
•, • ■ Class JVS» 2-i-Dar Goons. . •/ ?'
1.00-* yards taarfet alroods. ; ~ ~ .
fclK) *k>- bfwo*ttouds.' .j .
4,*do ido fancy iial
«!p 4oey-iiat cloth, ac*rlea -- «i.
.]■> fancy list cloth,green. «... .
I.Qiki do gray list cJotb, tine. I
do saved list cbih, bhto.
do saved list cloth,: «*rlefc.i ••
Mill do saved hat cloth, srten, ! .• j
22b pounds werrtod yarn,, 3 Ibid. . ;
ItF) dox. cotton ilag htodkcrohlef*. ! .
2-;0 do cotton Madwa bandkemhiels;’
|7-i do black silk banhlccrohieta* .. p
IH> do $-4 notion shawl*,
60 do 64 eottou shawl*, '
6A do 4 4 rettnn abaw^
40 do wooJenshawb.
4 pounds linen
h 0 do” sowing silk/ ' r (
700 pienes ribbrtn, assorted.
lf>o gross worsted gartering. .!.;■■
3t pieces silk hauUkerchiets,bark and bandana.
CUi, Ti o . 3,—DoiitMic Goods.
So.OCO yards domead-* calico j
10 000 do Meritnsc calico
3500 do bine, drilling
So[jo do Qeotgin stripes
4 do b!ue deoils . j
1.600 do oouosade - (
do bod ticking |
1,000 do Keotucky jeans
500 do oAtincits
7,000 do phid liuser '
7,000 do darneft : c shiriing, bleached''
l-jjJOO do docieatir* sbiHing,'nnblearbed
‘c’rSS' *** dotseaiiq-eheejiag.itiiblcacbed
<,COO do do.-ncBtTc checks, atr. ; Ks and plaids
400 doxsh woolen ao<-ks ' '
yardsiltsnneis, assertej
I,6’XJ tlannct sbrta
70!) calico ehirts
550 pounds coiiou thread
400 dozen spool cotton. -
Cats No. 4-—i/ACT>'w*ec. ‘
2,0c0 pouods brn** Lvubs
x~.u Jczen bulflier kuives
2s,oot^,i n Hint,
25 gross Mjtisw awls :
7,000 f»»h beoks ' ‘ 1 i
23 dozen liah lines
2'>,t’Co Dtedirs . ■
100 dazen (ombs, assorted j
10 do sciswrs, assorted j
t 0 grots gun worms • ‘ • •• . !
1,0-'O «n Veltfpj u . , |
V> uertsj»j.inaed keltles, Sin a neil , )
a... !«i. &—AuucoLiiuu. bruanm. I
2.0 tlmwmj knives, 12 inches iri je'ustii' n m.
7CO segers, ineriual proportions of 1»;-K «• &
1 •»') purs bsntrs r
"50 pairs trace chains ' . . ■...
l/'to tvecdina jxoea I
175 Laud *iwj !
40 cross em »*wa, 7 feel In \sscih
40 cress cut laws. C feet in V nglh
100 band taw alcl ■ i
100 cross cut saw files
10 In* lo WPlgl] 55 poimili CoS ,
6t)o Wnuieitoie cards, No. 10
600 quarters socket chisels K
2|} planer, tore and jsck
Clcjw iYp, 6,—Axxs. i ■)
a , nren 1 1 a, lo west flora lo 5; pooail.
w do hairaxes to We'gh'3l pounds
41 do hatchrls m wc. : g'.,!} tcumda
ho broad axes
i»«. 7—iVvrrnu'EaT Gcks-
Imj north we*i kuu* l iwo thtrda of winch mun
measure 3G Mtcht* id IcDßih of barreL ami
one third 42 inohea ?n length of barrdl. to tie
dc.ivered to New York’ er Philadelphia, a»
ma» be rrq-nred. . .. j
, /wL P rf** il,c ,bove anic^4 dfrw>»Ura in tBo
u>mmn-»ioiurr of Ihdtm AflVr. ■ and ai
may be proper to rwna/i that 'h.»eej bn4w,r e , ml
rimltiuai implement*. ami n.»rti. w*»i >una . r * .£
urely new. an;J i»C l««t;rr <*ua7ity tfcaii tbe artfelea
Ueretotore cn»ter fortaer coutracia. . r,
j.ropoaai» *tay be divided mtoioven pan a/
2d—Dry Goods.
3«i—Domestic good*.
4ib— H*rdyr«rc.; { : . ~. i
3'fc; —Agricultural im»!ccnenla,
• flib—Ai«».
r.u--^h£-fc‘» C ' irapt '* e, ’ , bidder nrill r«-
. . lh T ho!e f' r R,, ! p r ttrl «*' '»»« contract, arrentfiw
.? »• M*?' f V cab *’‘be Ifopartagni rorfnnr to itself
“! o i, “ u " “
: 'J'Jf wbo ' e ■««■« m moneyio be applied to the
putehaic of good, wi l bo about SSu OCO,- hut the Oe
rauttcat inriin ib« right to-, increase **r drrmnUh
cthe?» KuM*?' r r ( ‘ Lc 3fUri «r wUmx
ctneri in lied Iher-of. orr» requite, at auai'ar r>r.«*7
'“^e codi « may fcatarnwed for prwtmta Prcfom
purposes, in the a<lo,ioi«imiinn oithe.isiuof the Ifo.
Pnnrteu Co-4, of American
.thing, being cqael.ty.y u. preferred; bat a* a): fob
.amp „ of t, ru.J dofoi. t,r7of-fo“ “n mklif
i. hu Li Th',** nt ‘ crr ,« t r. a'damcMlc krtielp
»", d bl \i l® r ;, VIV, f £ mple uf ,L ■* w w«p»ay;thn
tp rnab.e iUe Dep»utneni to decide whether it i*di
wjunl quality with the sample, to be ‘ {
an i.,*?w y ? r ®P*'f M rc to fwpp’y »bfi at deles wiU stake
i l.rt. fi • ,b ? l, ; in »«Wbi«eed jin the aU-Jse list
■ fee mil RRd efM4; alw? »ieh ho or
ioVrO - ! ur K ,u thera u.u-'er each ol«g« *epvaialy,«j3
lu New York, ( r if the co-Ht-actor prefer, it
fofowii-i-o t a *<S ft "« wtliecoyenweuy.on or
l>. fore the !. t>. dayni fo,r next, n-iuiuii.g thecnaaiit*
ot each anirtt as specified in foil adrerSsemeeJ *r!3
m»ftW U A l , b rf n r 1 ’ ,ts * kl I ni < a »“2K«B*‘C ol foe .WbelJ
LI n . lbe b ’ J - T he f°°^ 4 willbeiwpoc"
tad in New \ y»k [tuid mSt Loafs, if siiy nonfotrof
ii^j^ oo be deittered there) hy'an aienLofthi
l mtrd States. who Will ho appointed' by the Depart]
tar J h t a «* l »° a«an*lrt the conformity^
«i. U .f *' n ' clc * Purchased wait foe samples exhibited
wh-u rue *iml! he ntdile; andwifj the Uma
®/.i b n ,UrJ ‘» »h'ch sbab contain aclaese that
L? o ,K ’ l :urmebe.t wlihin it )s Urno are
. prnrc, or if nre „( iTtriiflleietrt nnahr/ 'ln the
O Kji.onof ibt ari4t(.w2htoiV» darf
aft r notice of such ui*ifiriinei* is> hnnv >Knii nni
lun.ifo othe-s in liru retired qualUyl
nf' S« * b ?“ to pwchSMthen
rf r-tbers. te charge any »ncre«v of price jhetri
m.y l,i cwat-a leJ to pay therefor to ifo» eontrtttoS
\ T b<> *aall;nay the said ilnfoienceY’rthe.Ueit.d S«are,'
Bond, drill be ie<]hircJ in ti'* *mount of llj» hiilj"*
W th two Rood suretira, the suflicUucy of whom lOba
certibcd by n Bailed,S:oie* Judge or lh*CTlct Attorney,
f-riß«* futhrul performance of foo coiitracta ’ J’af.
ktent will lie made .fipr the contract is completed nad
■he ilclieery of the goods as aforesaid to an agent hf
•he Department apon a dttpUcafe luroice cert fled Ijy
Communication* io be marked “Vroppaai* for Ik-
J«an <Md«"
Thi t-idj tubinittcd wiOi.iha following tcafl
inß. oiiU rune will be re.«o«r c a that are noltaado In:
the fonn miJ term* here ptra’rilied: |
“Mo.- -cjpiopoeo for tho aortice. of. t*o
imliun Department the Sol ow ng good*, at the nrieta
adzed to them respective y, • • 7
Deliverable in the cay ofN ■-« York (or St LouU) tin'
r>r bemre in* <l«y of— next: and in e«w of the *fc.
ccPtauce orb*a pre{x»als;iho quaJttityi>t,ing Preacnb
ed by the Department, I (or we] will execute h coh
tract according: to iM* agreement.anJ give aaxiiftb
lory ►e.unty Iti the Department within leu day* ajttr
tin: jecejHtott or' thW Wd; *nuil ih cdse of TaituroTo
enter Iftio such coair* at,*ad (ptfo iUch accent j. t/ir'
wc) ml}, pay ta the United State* ih# dtflereneo bfc.
iw. en the aunt* bidden by me, (or o».) aniDibn Vnta
; "hieh the United Slate* may be niibredUonar itr ik« ;
raine Kiticle* ‘ ,l \«u..«aciao
Ka» h and every led nni*t also ta areoanmnlcd trith
« the foiling form, io-be aignedtry oA&-
or mow rcit-out,ui<> pe-tona, whom aafljjeiencv nali.
be emirGed by »ome one who {■ knows to the Depart
m«s»it, either PcnwmaUr or by hi* oj&ciat ooaiiion.- I •-
'I (or we) hereby ganramy that: tV- .y, o i_
bolder, wdl comply with the term* of theradrefUie
mem (or ‘pro, o«a!s for Indian gobd»» dated ■
• ftd 23 ' i lB-0 ’ |lh# «*l'l'be awarded lolito
■ nil enter into bond tor the ei*eution-fvf.tlie-aarair
mthm tho um* prescribed.” < ‘ nw • **® e
- * gp, ' a ! -_L__ -Cam«uf»tcntr ofiadian Al&itv
t naw .^MWneninip,
I O mi.r )Wtto me W, I. >l.
I Olouse, lit the Wfco!.’*ale (Jrtt*-erv add rrojjee
nyfoeMu Ctm wit) be-A- Catbemorr
A.WOuie. [|JJj a. CUIaDKKTSO.M .
a. cvjjmar.onJ \ t t. tt eutoaa. •
i»-r,^rf 3 F 1 * X,li:BTK011 4PCLOUMK,
la l "J’W'-iAI.K HROOKKS and Commission M«sr*
it * rhanta, Dealer* in Vrodnee, and 'Plttibaretr
s, *“*«iared .mJ'rtmVßight*'*-
Ijr ,v ,
UmllMui* eltra FaniiJr
le.JtSt recvrurffcie by
JLlfcMty *i., ,
. Kxu&Faiiil;
A. FRESH nuppl? of die i*oU
floor, a very eliulee article
*. -i 1
■•- -TV
• 'VOL^I^X;
NO. 54.
pmsmr ECJSg wimts.
A * I-.'. H * C , H A ” BE RS,
V *? toKannt-maauit pro.
JBCdi«ijjc*^ cod*•£« Sii^f» e ? cl *f
t DJTcraijy o/.pefthiyhr*Hto t and tor thSt* t2!* d 252
£M»ttuM» 'OflCtWi
i ’*?* wtff^SuSgjss"
toe ttJB of Li* remedies, io whieh hanr*iiiit^?wr r
by, ill. .««, eT onetoftaroiirt e 0 |* for T i£t u«7
Lawfbii JSi
*’Jb*!bp t *-rmito Aherktive Piflt, wita uni .»
u»T»n(»h | jf« ? kj s p n j«j le4tcbeiM i^ t ]J{« JfJw*
i Wbooanwkw* Co. !»| Wood *tm«, Pituburah
//* U*rJr?| it, - do; 1
A. Mecklmo, do- peer the p. it. ali»i» >..»,. ci ,_.
;■ .?“... *■:
Col4i{tifFSt.|uvMi« r „ RM( i r eea lUeCodeJ;
•,» s "J , “«*tonr«a*Mfi*dTea»: 1
1 -'■ ?* bx«»s*<med. Tobacco:
~ • Itiufft I‘<PP«r;
ft LyseAlrpiec; ~ ■
Si room i.'mnatnon;
.... . RTBttTCi TTBaeoliiej
“'" • Bail; •'•-■
•'■ IBUerer»fre»h prime Hire;
8 Cjitk* Lot ALadder:
ft barrel* Atom;.
a ..-rc.i .MfcarTeUlitni^Hi-ofl; 77 ' 1 *
«•*! w 5.?
oJUDX« (,ofn Hfooiuii;
p«» 6 N O Huir
.“‘t' 1 * , .«!». Mol.roro; .
IWJhmUrRe No It ftlsr beret: '
; ’ Wojl* Urge No ? do
. *• Jo No J do!
! • COMiNCttn ’
• •it,.,-: IV brl* Pitch;
SO fiiU No a Ro?i"i;
‘ tOflOlbjt Bccorted Yarns;
j < ■. !«il*»toeNo| Ileuinr;
, > ilrof'f* P n,u ? While Trfad;
• r • ,„1 SOB beg* fc’oorted Mails:
® r KttoborjJi roanofccftired
t J °22 watt »co
" - * liberty »t
SUUAtt & him*
1. • KwbrUNolMo!*u!et;
•100 bgi white Brian e«*»n
• .1. so bHj WtcanVrnnhfJ. ■*
.... 30 btU Ijcrerioc'* t.uWM:
95 brl* St Lacii t}q;
< ; i: 10 b*s levering*! Lot';
I» ««* M a, riii„ . “ brl " Sl ’ **
L'U,»UIUti--sart<x* S»rJlne*r-4»juilDa£‘«;
•'• i . *s&*• do do Vctmicflli;
, • Iftuk Naaacsa.Kol:
JS brU Catci;
aW— nt f “0 bMkeU Uoadetux and UarseiTlci
On»e 0.1; Jn .lore end fat >«!e by ««««»«■
■ - < 5 pM ': Mir.Lhtt fc RinTgryoN
nicw uoujiij Nkw uuuKai
j % Tliiiil ttreeiiofpt'siu: jl.r l‘ou office. .
JF**™ No «. Ey ThackeraT
ui, *<=>7, ,nT Scplrraler**
vvl- 1 for September
Gc"sJnV"*"' trial u wgmifif -I
L. Co«u>tti>b£k*pmrf,Nov3
i Uttef.a Lirmy: Ape,>'o:tJo.i
, Mr ,wrt
ter - cri% ? o(- ; Fotci*B Jdterelare for Septera
—:: •' • • ' _ aeplt
&**».!*» romr^necrc
tlitjr -<iTiioßiBH fli cse'al. *&,!• fakUM
ftom goiMU >tr«L • •
i *X» tV taca 'and - BraadUvT
1 Sbiwit kS‘Ff-^5’S^T^ lo u , '^- ::p,n 3‘ Always ion
_ 5 "? *®#, H«*«» or calion a*
"«™««Wc .WoqiUn'Gdoa*. -
t .V/ L:.l-rj«e.yerlowF.tia-B!« :.',
CJUeB lud, -do,
' 1 ti*t 'Hrt tw-Ujta Flannel*:’
1 -tfcanea do- d®* '
3 <•»«« barrtd’•' d©:
~ PX'C, ,but Fancy OeEiimerCj
l caw fctiuiaftii; .* ....*.■ :.
3 cues OJau Alptos;
aca»B* HltteWUsk Iflenkct Osaunir:
... * ca,e< Cray#Wk«,, . ; 55
****** l>r*t» " •
.! iU t WMOJOth :.;■•• Joj . . ,
.. * e*tc» Whhc Bfd QUnkau: •
•* Op*mSleinrP»»UJ!«uk<!«;
4PUAi— ti«\v‘m l glllj,.j n . ri# m co u 4tlw „ wjuaioi;
Jw'-'rit-sfcfcij,- -
. 1 • . ibtUdeipUKTarie^aiedSoap;
. £»»»£>"«* ' H ■..■ uo . - do;
Cutilff Soap;
<,lire -*®ep; fcrrale wboV»*le «ik» retail by
—Ti~; - JL r un 4 co
Tatw nntlc.
pEIJKfVBD lb.. d*V from «fec enit:- ‘
f* 4 **fen»dc—Arniogfd ai Duett.
'• ■*<*u'i*tiaar.d Jca'tii!oi—ForGoitar.
1 y? l -^i 0 /Vl»'uwd»y*UFa*ici.
m Calrt,-F<j«er.
"^ ll s*. t “*y r «lUerJiicpalarßanCTan4 Ticeos. *
... _ , • v UKI.FBKB.
W^irytWUqfJen Hatp, Thin! at*
.fi wSSihI l «5 r ' £ysi |Kn*«B.-«•«*, awn
Thj.ff^?^ r ‘ ° rfe^lf} l fElm ’ ■ od OJj»« Oil Soap*
> k**** l f«w U»e : *»parter,.anJ fnr'raJe Uy' I '"^
‘_K'gßtAß»s;-ar Woed>t
.J^aCTI'JJTKU-—eniltvW.irmr, foruJiift
’*>-- A IS«AU,I»ICKBV#».Cft
-J *:- .} • XVifter JcFroniiur
1 ftiirTatfr
t«pl9> > VVM \. VrtJLUSO-fc Cn
’J^V {fr . CUaCKKittf—uhfl »ll u tier prae&t*. j
•'• :•■ .■-•• ji l-i WM A fIIrfTT.IJUnACV*
SgK jt 2^SJ fiii«VsK
... r. a. ..., -<B ; ow-' 'tdof f Regalias, vmrfoiubnsds
v. „ / ■s. (~. .jj4«iW> ; lmh(»itan Kiiociua; . ■
• * c P lt tv. ■ ■ !-: :i i- £•MILLKC t RICKETSOfi
:4 biATiJkUi—jov »wJcf N Y*ola Le»il»*r.fpr*alcW
KJ tetig . , '• , JtK FLOYD’
r J*OtIAOCO— IR) J tiorVi'Manufaetured TobVcco! of
> XjJßaunU!&.HAbto«Bft , «w sad vni<r fovtmiebrnot
Forimioby .(tepgj ■ J&RFLOVU,
CilEK^B— 'jooo iba W t K Cheese in siore, for *&<« by \
»cp» • >t J *RFM>Vd V w
iTMiUUiua) brU Polttid Hills superior fftmilytn*ur
103 Liberty it. > ’■• q
- aileTlif7T
A)N *
’arS*, a' vcry fin*
rec’J (or tale tj
. *ee’i for uUe hy.-.—; ;
topertMie, ric4 tax me i»r
P Kha Mem Viißg - :“-
i ,2 :j J : Gunpowder; '•
.j! • • . \
• ■■*■* »r , v-~~ I Tji -_, - i ■ W & SJU \l ood u
K IC^ tc * «ie It
wpuii ?.- BAOx/iET ft CO
jDLACs.IiiA-»li9 hfch* Mng Voac Cbiilis>«Mirff
» -i '•• -• I WM IUOALKVfc»X»
C HcukpmnerecVi for *sl» try
- ■•'' a A-WHARHAL’an
11ACON IC?T oiTiTmit'
-AJ-hOBM, for »»lc by, ;\ ... 8A W lUßUAt’iill
JL| AMS—S cast* aap«¥?r ilccuijui re
*i£ ydyetfati,i Mriale by -
S6i>A,A$U~23 caiki iifatorc and lit tile by;
»wpia ’> ••:•».•■ ■■
MOUIJJ CAftDLKS—*• bn in aiote for rale uy
»ppn. . ■ . U S* W HABBAtWI
GLASS—SW bx» **»’« for «a!e by
IV xpO _■;• tj A W HABBA'UQir
iu>brl*exuaFJoarrcr’d for *ale by--'
r »cpl 3 ; WA W HARj3AU«;»
TjfuMTKUBBNk , I '*® Bl ? 6 - ; «MTEri5MrttS
J[ iblckn*«»e», Uo&l-Sl | O l inch thick. Theatavo
parkin*-i»prep*t*4 tatihn SCOtJtftrcca Kalutrtheli
tvvenor toerery ihiM-VLe
m u> rntirtaucb h*> *o wuefc dosiiclir whipb ...ItjJ
» SSih . *».« B h«l,»nd K'sSl ,!»“??»
pariit'Whero ptcWaj )» -jiei-e*»« f y, ttij—nianhoJa
fPAE & (lib—JO (iris Pi. C. ..
, , . *7 billpaieTsnMit* Oil: <© r wierk*
\i-" i’ ■!: ‘