-r-vv,. LlfiT il *' R lim'!? »SV"n!".'b!?'^i’"f“slj" '7"» tb. I.*aiia«r Hal. Arnew Fluih Anderaon a . . ... Adam* Sarah H AndcuoaSJ Acderaon Julia Aader«on M_r» I ! aa J -Anderaon Mr* Ba^ker H Ami K {ffr ton P, * Brown Sarah J Beau? Maf- !, cl * en A BurnMde Jar.e Ueiaineee Ann Al'icul Urown I «»ina lif .l Julia s Dalford Mary Be v Hr.d-pjvr, Outer C-tnne Be Hannah Mrw.ka Kinth Bonnice Rarir’l A £ y . Brown MPdred ByleyLocyEO Bel Lr.nla (; R rowtt tutt u > £ Bij^y Brgley Sutanran . O Call Elrzth N ! Cy|ijn« .M*ry A Craiy Marin J Carry Alice ' tkrx Mary fc Crot.ey f.l.xih Uatkey Sarah M Cwi«*hion C izth Cannioehatn M A cnoren Martoa; 'Vmreliy Urnigct Cunmn«o«mßM Climoq traneiq Coumrr Juduh Curny Dndret Ciarx Mary A Cooper Harriet Currie Cbarioite Davi* Sarah A Dohin* Kl't'.h Duncan Mary Uvlaine Maria Jionneily M-ry Danfy Caihne Vickie Jenci.e Du lean Rachel Durban M^t Bmory Mary Frar Marct Etana Ell B<an t'ira >.l loir (Caroline Evana Sh. Egan Winner Eliztb Fee Caroli ie M Furiyih Jennie Franklin l««. a n. liv r. m .,cr He. 5u,. 00 .b J S Fu/.gerald Mary A cotter Ann sssis a&sasfEr R «. tj °"’ o'«»- "‘ i:“ ,b " u " a «' .'ai-s” Il»in Sanh Im.M.rjAM Irvin Mary Sr SK£ gh, P K K“ri»4' r ' s feW'* k '"-jei-»p. !?is.4“ gsa? aw i-.™..*, i«b«„. k.»,' H : n ;s i 5”..,. gif- BSs? SSffi. Le-xu Martha a " J ‘“ c L >“ vi> Km n SiSrst I .?** wj'n I ,ri r ” h *•«•»**"** He 'V.n’T ,Nancy , f “ .M*Coil.i Arnsmia M’KeeMarv M- • i,ii.>,l . c" 2 h M’K.-Itt M<i M’Cloiky A' r » vt'lh? 1 v' 1 " M’Kormo-Mury M’Coy 11 r-r* * «... I **" MWM « >|iu wc'V'suf:* '• ( ( :;\ h ; h l ?: u 11 u M’C«iy C.-,„ r ii M Qusea l* abel Nrwto,, o*l,- (i J'icHni, Jo.f ( r a « Normandie RJ di Sc.tort Ki’ui Nicho.ten Sus'* AMorn* Mary o O’Hrier. MnCjr'e P ciCtiiie !',w L ! f ‘ . S .' r * h I’focior Sarah TcftioAif. * I'u-vr J*f»i»erJ«no • 5 * Fro*»er Nancy J II Knn.lmth Hl-q R-Jti-J lln . D ihw, K r I-; ,< J l n , S***r? M ; rr Bfdr.iy I .rt-.a p,[,» Al .. » T U r ‘* ' ••rchue Weh-ira.,,,. ■ «»«*; m*'* ? m « lm J<uie KldJ.e sibjsj.u Ktgcr. * , ’ ,> Ann M SfrS; tey’ 4 fcStl'ui" SS»-.7'i;,'', r I; A ;; n “" «*k Huilutri S S i'" 'V y - Sra.th Dorc, ~r , H'-Tb-vnin Air. S «** M».r i! m.S-V 4 ‘S 1 ■uripuicj Sicpbcn. aVr, S ' ’ U, >' A Tomicr A 3, ry Tt.-n.h!ll Racnel » Jb-HTOunlrt.UT.Jba. 11a,T,Jf,., A iMttpMa Alary fl.„ .V - \ Xtulto Acu S Vangord* EliriJ \Y ksv’t* Wbratfrcf: CarLe W| l arr-PL Willinia. Cii,r‘ AHVH.ob K|,„ Otatltaua'i Lliu % b ,ri'£'“ A.fZ«ider Wen l.Aadcnon Jno Anna Arrk» Alexander Jm Armweng llerj AteklSot Ssii Ari&kiron< Dam D jf lo s . t JT, kr ">' ,erD ' nre?B l>sn’>'« Baldwin** |f? £ Wi J “f° SI Br '* n ««* T W Kn.i?b.H n,;!r, n y.. Ja ° sx’W g;L“W™ irn's's" 1 gir. k rf“ sfe^is: u p,Vnws B »J? L ra^i Sl,cob■« \ Er> : “ as-.*; 0 J LrtUrJoo BartierEAncnd / C.JU|rh.b Jar rtlni-ie.il ronn.ll j„k„ c!b<H*in£.'nh '•f,.'’ 1 ”' ' n'ttOKm.a™, Catliu Jo..R C.3|t D-wm Cenlan Raik 6 Coulee Hend'n 0 r? . .: ,r ! e t ' Connelly M W A U r [ l llvfcr Terrence Cowjr* \v n . SAW J. Il:kC D J . CoTUnha® hl Carlin 7hc« Cie rTpuk On Om« p: < arnmicr Tfcna F. Cin: cy M, ch i Cni , f ; Caaey l.awrcner * «•.:»* Geo Cri: v Geo Cargo Dajid CV- j., s Crr.i.hpad Rot R m c P ,?,' f,ck Crowley/no K- CintUH Con e« Win Crowley P«ik u, Cameron Semi Ccl.m, m c kl Ceoa-ekor* ; Cuiy Ji.Mt Coe.Lian Jno Cro»jT/oman W ' Camp ,e.l B f .h rr. P h T Corf. N Ic b o! ". <•>' C.ianilier* Po'u Corp-r tlielid M Curly John |O - M..,k J C*hb« feAC CbneoWw'** 0 c,,:uve!l ««» C«RO,i:gh,R V j M u ‘ cna-e tu Culliaen Henry Q lUmibJo* piv.i Jai Don*hoe Tho* U D*w>t r. John Joniiihio I*>ak Horli J)aTiv*on v\ ;n 11-w.owt John DonachoJoa Jiaw.on \ rt-r H *»>pt-«s» Henry Dond* John fc ?.; '• s>*t*iiSon Dockworh Alfred ?«*;«. IVimor-d Henry DjtJ-y j 0 t DayUinfl Darkey J^hn ; v 1 " , ] U ]>*'” ,f'>v J llo RDanWodey Job, JJa.nn!j«r<D D-n: JoMir* DyerJamei J*avi»r.mi J Du aU:John Dunkeyßeni Davie r-a.ntW Dtnnri') JUdw Dtmeii John D»vib Win »**i:ick Darning Jaj Donnelly John E E-liror Wm ?J A J K*tep Dr >iker Kn>"i'«c! Finy 7boa Emery D*q] J-.Hicn Heiiry J-.**:i.rd ..©hn Evan* John Edmond- Jena F.-wer-:* Ernl KvsmJoltnJ Edr.arJTTin K'li.Wp Kvr.ne Capt w E/riilTho'; Eisrul G N EtriurA W EJtvarda Kwd Fairley Sm ; th F<«h-*ifk & Wil-Forker Patrick ou Fn*r<!l Thr>< !'vu» Fowler Jcxentu'S m Fawreit W;n r rr -ibhon John Forajih Jtobt F#rjjr'.*Jon VVm F.-nerJaaT Kowne* Henry lfcl FairfliiiltJa M F'tel'pstriek MieiFrnncc A 0 Fi'Ucrly Jacob hVlil* Johr: Frew Aaron Ferpn*on A M Finirm? Robi Fry Jae c Ferru:on Tto* l-*isi"*r P A Frederick John M Feryiunn Swl M The* Friel Jam** Frrrce Urn P For '•» Frazer Rer Jai F>tt>in<ir,* rrhn Kotmme Andw Frekerjohn Fltrlmani Fwd Fowler Jaa'M Fuhon John Filzu&ont Rota Fulton Roht Cvit G-o W r.lThn* Gillerpie MatttH Gavin John Ger.oThnaC Griswold Alex GawPaTid Gflre.'ii Kwd Grtlm Mnurice Gambol A-.-dw Honlr.nj** Grtitin Wm , GfinoaMartin MJeh! GrayGW I Galrton l*a»i'k Godwin Sural Gray Alex - GjuWcrnewFeiiUK.ifl'born Sit Gray Wm M Glswn Jaa Groeon Win Gfitham Robt Gii -*j.re Tana «. GirenJohn H O'ahamGrafian 11 GUUu.Faier Gant Cun;.tin&coGathrr Snral Gifcaon Geo Grata Henry Gnlcii Patrick II Hamilton Wmr l»nnlin<: John niliWmA liacu-ton Geo Jlimiari Jim Hill Geo l an.iltoo J 6B Harm Wa.’n Hnffmit Wm A il!i ?!!n A «iwrllJno Iloroat Pavid Hallaron 1004 H r <.n b-atnl Holmes Robi Ilfgße.tr IWoM Huurh Be-., !io “e p.,k HaJ-.il. ra-to Hood Robt Hacu; R«ei-d Hoorh Jno iITiH? rSid !}“” I * h n «»Wn Tbo. II 11.r.00r rtrnvjd I,'frr Ajuw Ihgpcrgial " ‘ I 1 .'” ~ | ll«; 7 Mliwnrr Jo.-.. W Hanlin 7Uo* II H.-i demon Wi n HorretJnhn lltneran iF. H-mcon W m Alfa Henneißaml Menline Benj Homer MR do-.. Uanrey Koglt Henry Jno W Hart p p p. lf ., Hardy irio HmieM.ff Jr. HoibaodJoaE “ fc Hartitron Jan Hildebrand JII Hutchinson T> wliteh H»r'-»rd S»ml '••:i Ln*r*ence Hoibi Wm of Pi BarriwnJno Hill J DM HnrialJiiili RorbaarhCG Hickey James Hotetdn«mjM lUrrea Mich] Haglu Owes IminWra Irwin.WmF JivinrCoo Irwin John R lory Wo JaerbtonWm JefTray Jaekson Johnnaa B«mi Jackson Win JetftrtJr.oJ Johnson Uatw ■•eison Tlio« F Jertrry Joseph L Janet Wo JaaervJtioF Joiro Jntrn Jane* J ft *"** £ **fc Jonas .MartJn Jtirc* Matthew i il** " Cl Joluiston JoipphEJones U J Jnhtuiou <jpo H Jones Peloiaoa -Jordan Michl Joiianon <Jeo M Jones David K S*7 KesmonJns k"iliov Bernd £*!&* ’ „ Kre|. ; GpoW Kno/john *fJui e £f' n H • rw J P Kneille %Vo O Kan!as%V. kciler.sil Kimw>ea Michl pln'aTZ. !Sf“ JraJlllA'ul. 1 ki,w (too Hit tel Rob! S*°*bTfcoj JUUer.Dtal KraJlJohn l2S!i?; {"»'>•" “Wombs Uohio.o s.ml vKSSj 1 !;*' ■'T-Fr.O Umill a»,u.i«, liT^liS. kn Lr, »” »* Lo*an Jo*-ph itiffljrUji I,o«n*td W T Dr Jno jjsjs* l * MwhCbasß LnnraotoJat f9**l|BTu LotybawdD Lswi* *Bu Jer J/nnn (ynor , , , lUI H B fefi'jt W" {*«£ T IttSS tJEJST" gEK." Lem.lri.Thm Lhfcgow j o< w H M Mtck-ilJcbn Mena/i \r Msfeon ioMu D Velrin \V« * d ‘£® r S* n Wnj J - Mena Wiltn Merer* AHWh * r °™u*h Pat Alahonsr John Mtrccr tVnfl ?!°2 on R°bt AlaaninglVM Mckawi? 1, «off« John Malloy J*i c Jj ob, T Lewis Mahoney Ja* H M«,f 011e y £, Mooaey Kor \V ra Mirim Wm Me«MrlrTht«,. ?!°*“P Tho* J SSJSiSi. Karas?" £:!£““ a? • Mm* Joi Miihril Wm° a K°. llen ■»•**» K Ma*yn John L MoffeWin-h* £j u J ,en Austin Ssswsv, Sssirs S-KW ftM«: cFte s«*r fiSsv" MvT^W 1 '" “•W.l Murry Miebiel M’cSla?!", 11 .M’CfHWn M’Calloagh ChM*M*S2» 1q U M,(3ller «y Wm M*Oarl»a« * Rsvn?~ A * M’Grath Edwd M’Cnliou*b Chat Sl>n»l2 oni *»^ lc^, '* ,( * r,nti,,n Jno Bt’Clellaad KII M’P ?°7 no M'Gioru** llagb J M’Clo.k “r Q,a. Mtu*Ji T,E M’Eimpiey S M’Celfer/Louia a* l F* d,,en c i rio M«ueo CbM M*ch!i t 2 wo M^ ne v; fne^M>Le,n s D M-Ctare JaV tlu r . o, A o . bt WLem lv o M’CiMkeyCont •'* f M’Lean Joo M’CoTtal/k J P m,s cUt . A,ex M : L»at"tm Philip M’CorniX M'Nath Micbl P MConnell a ° b .‘ M ! Phtr«on \y m sas£"i“ Wars;- c Mqf“;.“ < ’ r b M'Mnlin Lbesez'r Nohlc.Wm Nobis (ieo NeeperJao NobleiK > 1 ' Nor h Chr Obf,i m c l on Andrw Dr , r J>Vonnor Utitia O’NrilT’io* Ominlxr* . Owen. J.. '.'Riley Uamey sS*T?'' »er.» Jno Owen*. Kbben & Owens Owen Hnhi P e " r H,<Bh ** d P>en.on S R S p C / r , Wn Jno , Pl*« Chr.siophe E«km Pnner.en Wm Piper \V m J n*\ P Pucierwo J«, p,* rC)! w ™,.„ *,"«*» P»»t fnri"r ,p Wbto, Quids Edward Rc'*"Am!. RiS. y "«c„h K b „' ol y R'mW r GL"w RHey Ro E S"J« n ">" ! ‘waV aw, s£i]v» ksmt* teJSs?' sss.»S? Sr.-tt. 0 Ree<U..«cll CoL H-laJ.'fon R * iwc " a?c2 sl'«?, b w , ,J' K Dr W» » aaw. EH; aawa s. 1 !,';™':;" Siinnlr I? w ~y >T H*anii Sparrn Wnj ST“i» £JSTh, j .B* E SSSS; 14 SSISSi gas-*** S;«s\&L. i*o:t Jr.o W w„ n . j R , r i» IL, -» Heniau £■>", Alh.no vmp’i John Smiin Wb i, erec * John sSS suXv Ah 50.d.0 Jee.iC Smiiv.c “SA , saw zsn&" h.ir nmjoa flßUli A a 5.,.,,, i,,. ii .Si::;"-J' r *™aZ\“E M H *»„,• Xhno Swoju Kee A J ss «;PP^- * n>o«r Leonard J*alliTan Michl Sucaihrn Waj A tjwaall^j «.«»«" n-M. Thnrn'ron-r! 4- ,° “ l?* 0 TruemanS ?£«?■*“ fho”J”S J - tC.S'A*,. Upstill. Eow»«e.l A Co Vouch Joch W Vcujn Dc.d v.cne, The. sfw T s "'"'”"»’ > H’Hl ":l?." t'i* £™£ h " '£&;z» n sstj?*' sSH’ Voorf A U Voon* Sual Yoauj C.pi B Z Initial*. ChiToan of Seb°°l Commmr*. BoarC of Director* «>r:Ji VVatd Z icho Lov No. a-S H«”n R» | rioad I’ faiurjh Divix-.n'tf ofT. Teuton a '■ .. H.-crec. 0-tf''??M L ,i^ SESCEr ’' P !L Q -n-.m.iA- rttXOliU, mtnouauti BU4iu) or thadi *tro MXtCtUM'I KXCBASfiX. COMMITTEE FOR OCTOBER. * 44**4 * CH.PI*. Review or tbe PiTTSDcnon market, Po« Tut wit* axsixe ocr , | GENERAL REMARKS —Daring- a. week jc.l >-ed tbe weather, far tbe oo.t pen. be. been tcry -ell ed, the equinoctial norm harm* rimed u* with it. »o..ied .eremy Darin* the pan few day*, trrrer. :be wemteer bn become clear, cool, mud •n« for outdoor tran*oeilon» ‘ *‘ ba,d *'‘ t »»>n« which hate fallen. bare *|Ten fißn f ° n ri "’ in n*er«, and in place of the •al apathy m trade. which we noted in oor l*»t •w. tt*o (nil fade hat opened upon n«. w»u» a iu» •d activity «ml lu» le. Oor tplmdh] «rcm. i, LotiortCe, and St. taint I‘ackrtt, after their U, arc again ta fail op'-rauen. adding to hade '**l l»Tcliae*a, which it to ct-eertng to th e j r.ie dams*?* on the Penntjltrama Canal, ««olun? -m ;l.e recent Lo.vy rein*. .re no: yetfuliy repaired, id *UI nai l>e. piobaWy before the c!oie of the pretent '*k rhlt hat eao«eJ tome derangement in tr raeoief good* from the eatt to the wet tern markets J lencerej botmeta on the nnr l e »t action ;haa .t j»!4 otherwise have been. Shipments, however, »«i ihit point Wett, of the varioat artte'er of Pius mmnfacto e. have aod will eonunac to be be*ry,dnnr. s the temalrder o' the fall tetton. Our dry yoodi’ merckon,., ore row boo>- in Gliiur I- 1 .,- ordrrj or tbeir cu.tomerr ; Rod from ihc Imfre ttn d T'ctdid .look. waieh they r,r », oleins',o ihr :r.dR, ,bey or, ,M, „ holJ oa , |0 couotjy .=ch indecoacua or Goto boeo rorely mo, will, in thir Ita nook, or Fitaboryh roonofneiorrd onlolr., h a* Iron, Nails, Cutin**, * c , Ac., are ' e tod e,c ** 1M ' *nd we are warranted ia ajinrir * conoirr cerumen, iha> they can bow fled .n tbu ft«i nch ar.d »mp:e mpplien ofaJJ article* *ou*d in r re*pcctive trade*, on term* which cannot fail 10 •t their views. Tie Grocery market, (although stock* si yei are P»e*enu aupplie* soflicier.l to the the fall trade; and the various article* under can tie bought here at cheap, if not cheaper, iy of the neighboring market*. With aU tbeae favorable indocementa belt out to >tt!itry merchant*, together wittt the ample and cheap shipping facilities eon.eq.ent upon the fine of —ier m our rivers, ail the country dealer* within the ige of this market, cannot fail, w ? Ulink, to tarn tr astenUon In this direction, Como on then and r*rd by a liberal patronage,our enterprising whole s merchat u,who have been m. king ample proven for you, and >oo will find inducement* to pnrehaae her:, rarely found in any market. The receipt* of Flour, Grain, Prcviaions, and other articles of wt'rm production, bare increated airce the me In the rirer; and a* roon ai the large number of rteamer*, which hore left ainee the rue, begin to make their return tnpi.we may anticipate large addi tion* to the present comparatively light supplier. ASHES—There libi been a fair federal bnainesi doing during (tie pa«t week, and price* generally, are ttbcut any imprnant change from oar !a*t week'i ■port The auppliea of Soda A*h are, a* yet,eoau>ir. ly light, and there Menu to be a more pressing r.d for this article thaa for other deaeriuiiona limited lou bare trasvplred at3|o3f) ft, re dow abonUbe ruling price*. Wenote i*lc» : A»h at 606|g{of Salerolai atdiod|e; andof >• APPLES— Saeeipu or green Apple* ht.ve come for rard rather tlowly, and islet on the whiof here been snfined to limited lot*, at 74081,13) f bbl, for com- ALE—We notice no change in price*. Onr brewer* re doing a (air buiiaeta at fall priee*—ray,(or com* id for the better quality 99, cask included. BacoN—Owing to the moderate aapplies, we hare beard of no heavy tranaactions donng the week; bul ibarehaabern a fair general brume** doing, at fail price*— tay, for plain Hama, 7); 8 dea, and Should era at 4|e fft Extra aogar cored bare* are aoid by the tree, at U|o]3e, and common do at 100 ft Balea of common begged ham* at eSPJc gp ft, coentry cured meat, in balk, ia aoid at lower figures. BUTTER—Doner it beginning to arrive more freelv, but a. yet we tear of no tar ( « .alea. Freah Western Reaerve, in ktgt aod firtlnt, i« held at 150 * ft- Common keg batter it telling at 9|oiOo D, in a axail way. BROOMS—W e notice the receipt of conaiderable lola, end the market l« now p retry well Hocked Prieea range tnm9l.V» to *«,«) for common merchantkble to. a prime article. 1 DLfcKfiTs ft TUBS—Wo notice so change ia pno (>,W«irw4«(reatl^Sß»al3sf <oil b "“ «nd doi (or Tuba BEESWAX-We amice modem. ccppi,,., lioucdudcuasc, which »e CRACKERS—The following i« manuf*c arer* u«t of price*: Water Cracker*, per bbt Rimer do '« __ *?"' lyipcpuc do “ ~ Pilot JJre&d. u “ Sugar Crackers, per ib - . _. Sods do « “ fT CHEESE Receipt. from the We«te,„ bml l.tje. «H no.»,u,,u„d„ s , h . „„ vy , u 7* lhl ‘ *™ *«ple. Tl., „]„ WR fc „'„7 7 ,0 ” C " b ° 1 "' “•*«d com- CORDAGE—We note co farther change in The folloTrihg ate the Man o fa C t urer ,.^ ce , . “ M.mlu lope , ~, „ C White Rope, by coil, !! » do ..... ••-•lie “ 5 Tarred Rope, by coil,. !~ ‘ }^ C „ Packing Yarn, » “ io common, uc “ « HT ii. 'MDCOII*. ' “S“V , S^!f5 Ti, r^ "rV'fX^n- H. 0111., 87 t i™t Kt.’"*"' Conl»r« i, „ U ” P ’ •.S,*!' I ,?' COTTON YARNS— The fo” J'L , ' fc U.lol llie eenou. „ti c le. ,' id tl,r '' c " d W>PSO No. a, eta lb u r’ « c. “o’ “ •• * “10. •* “11, •• ><. “w, » «. * w * cu Per lb- • Sfj *^o r. 5j ;; ;: 4 “ Carpel Chain,j u " i ¥S2n.Yrs g COTTON SHEETI*J^ixlx' 11 " R ' i’'* 01 ‘ * «••»• >■' c no, a firmaeu iri -Ts oT“:r:;S” n - j - •»»- *' 7), 9 y.ri ° r No ”*“«‘. “ r "'‘ -»«» ». .mpor,n.„ carpi lh; „ .J” follOWin, „ „ carted of „ ' f principal article* : 0f lhc ro ° i 7 »» I Amf*:r.i a »»3«>lt.*e !>,- Arow floot I"8r I Mnrn/Ti. r**Y 40 Borax refine*! r "k’ MO <’ s IS" pi! v.,'rL“ l?': BnS^rr.-.•;.1 r. g>~ »*.. i?;; '•Btnphor, r<*f I u CMoridr Lima c*k..... 51 - T tc Cochineal •• •'. . - .. p™!'’':/ ‘1 Vl'*!;! ! “ ♦•rrarti 1 annr .... ~ * Cl , l • • • • -.SOrf* I IK. Copper*. ~£*f P'°m. rurkry- 0,i4J03,n0 m hbj, 114/2.: K n „‘: r r ,; «•«*'■* K te^vrjS? •I'aiOulLoswood. cliipoa4 • ....4 Ipftrac Lilbraffr Jalap, powdcrscj .{( DRIED BKKP-Sn^.r. r , hr ,r' ■ lh ' ,iv ". *”<> th.pn.. pect of ret eip:Wrotn h.'ow fc a , P . i, „„ . ; ««* <’ '">« >»:=• »»„ to, u „, r L"' „“ ! h*ve drelned o-M s-.sr-n „ ' rrC; * »>...j SJ M a.u3 a.™ ;;'l,i” "«c»n l»r ci,.» ;w d. Wtthiu t. lp ;.ir ",o r."'' h*ve het/i liNctal *■ j- rivf.r, l-j’.'iroia SI)C l& [ por:i-- • drt,l -or . I ■ 11-'-'UJ.f >1: |. iu» 'flsrfcrt TI.C «av* rrriufnui.T d.-c. fun op *«.««• uu-j u .' t ' r ~o„ h.„ b „ a „„ O|J m '™- “ U - i.«t' , r«. L :r" s “ rpl ‘"“">■ *»»■' ,* rcc.ijns. D f whl{>n ? k.s». .k« a„„ ta ~ ,„ id „ „ njn> , w • L ”“« uoltaj uoia,. , **'•'< i rro'iur H«ri e ;-. l,„. >«<"- n * <h.p.; «'»'«. bu* <' ini', ft. .. . liar, 1-. . - , * >■■■• ■ ~ •»«"•*■<•<».«rn» V" .: !*<■„ ,„ 9i'i' M„ i ii , b'l* .>i A.l ■ i i,‘, bbU to QC ,j;, r *„< dr , crj( , tK . M r ft..., FKATIIF.n?_v.- e rD -,„ la , -~lr.n.l3.f».TcrO ' .. F^i» T h'2^7*~- e>.»r<.™,nj tucsau, r of H ' .C-.'."W nont; of Filben*, at 7B^c ; D f Cream nuis „ J ! CKff-. «» - S££T“- <U ‘* WSiaO; Cocoa Nut*. 6.U3 * ft Crn-cri?- .. FREIGHTS The folio wirj >rt toe Cana! r»ic» from ' ‘ J»P®«tea. t wkJch w rather «n. eu ,c d: . »W b Bacoi A Uutt'r i v Be-r .41,,:, bv ....|Tv .* »W- T*t-«-co, „„ Ifc'.W.J ... .. : •7« I VVb;. ( M - iivr..... ;„• • • • t ;. Urut-4 f ' Tl ly<r« il way, iroa «<ora ar,«l irotn ijr rui ... «, via*} Pr-ed Fruii ... ' . Four... i r k * u*nr*ii. :.v !-, Fur« A Prltrie. I<l ° i*, Kv*" • N V l(*r'T.ii™ ... h ' - J» A-l- Aj' I-Oc V,T •- . "V”’ - '! "j’-jtcmp, Zr Kir*. F.ajcim Uve wairn.i.v d«c n.-d »„ r . I ,-j a ,..j lu -««. and r«*. . N„ • be «,tether noaiotJ, . Bur., [r,-. tiROCKIUR'*—We noiir* „ eonnoel firrane*. m M ' i.ercwt wue . father on _ ; At '1 *io-r« t , Rio Uff:c ti«« meiena jy >cr^lJC< „j lnJ (< f fa _, ( , quae firmly. *| r B ennt , nu , n „. (f j ' A *"!’.'Yui7 . ~ .dranee, buyer. and „ e !ler. are tiiirt u, theiV r j Fj V* ws *'"* ™ <««« •*»«• » repor: N „ Su ,„ ‘,,’'.‘7 ”’ <v iUtt. a-I eh: i,.p.. t , tPmerl , , uc *' J. r • ‘ meßt r.i.d rn<«« jn Imi of j 0 . .. fotote,, |f* * ■ ■■ •• Ci Mott other .rude. 1 1 r,m-eMe< ', lt! B<l v Mo R... „d .a„= „ „„„ . mLZ\ rot..', . fall price? Tor f?:ioirißf t* GRAIN-Tkc ar.,,,1. ariia br„., ‘ !l = *•»> n.r ,„ ,hr b „ „ rt , ‘ ■ r,i..»d,»oda,., lt .n d « = ,L.«iu, a „ fcMll ,„. t!rkii y, „, b „ th _c.p„.:. „ »«-•*• I,e f,( B„!o r ttcoatOc, and cl Oa'.atm ' ‘ dr '" l |, l ’’ ! ' y " ,lJ M e*- u- ' «»• »*.l"u "'] HI.ASS-W, „„„« „ ch)r .„ „ tv.nda, G 1... an.l M.nn,i^iZ ..** 01«.. r brandy »b JIO , „ (j.M.iobrUalttO'i IM “ T “"' 1 ' Coiner l.n.id. oro .old as lowar prior, and mar b. mv't ~V f.'" ------ — quoted A 3 fo'.loiri : Aurjiu jj llnJ a e Company -...... tr ..y 82.75 1 10 by 15 ilttud's^rT.'* .0 z | !„“ i?.S “ HAV-rhe otual prise /tom wago ju»M * ten, for p"' n t I ,V ’ m '’' f ‘ v lUiiro.d. 83ipatd 60 good litnolby r l r.uMjl-. inn Railroad IRON * NAltdS—For the p»»t few da,» the «hip- ’ Ailcgiieily^fowVroan”!"???';!!! oft ™ “ 0J »*.ke» Ur. been : '**? -•;* IS M ooj \\ e « o b W in a 1.,i ofpr.ee* ol aooe of the . N«ni AmenctTn" M, “‘ ?'•’*" oir ® H> U pnaeip.lnrt.cle.: F.tuUrgn* |.rr « »» * -JO Isos—Plat h./ O.tio Tr»p H..-I * I * ald J i : K"" - aSJIa 1 « , ” , ."«ca. übdr, t „r.. *' 3 li -OOP 3|*oJe i n .Jf 4j 5 M She « i * ff.'.le ! * --moinn-tt A. Tel- N*rw-tO *o Jfli penny *3,«f i e| i . V , ' Q r'‘ 1 C Sr, <: i pltal,,,7a ’ ooo 'i nividend, Hto 9 penny .. . , Ajrnl, 1-o0 1 ? ,-- Ill; »hare», «IO 7 pranr 4J» '• * «“«“ioidS «»—G«Ph»I, „ ♦ P»««r. «J» J l l- 0c ‘' ~' “ rer "'Jan- J p-nny 4jo ** u * r> ■ Apn '. nn, l (V'to!i»r. *nare«, 860 •» penny *.-ii Sr cei—Cot, 3 • - to inch Col, 3 toll inch Cm. B in ? inch' LEATJIKR-Wc tioticiMkcu.ual firmneat in Leath- T 1 er, with tale* of HalUmore cole st UlOKc; aril of Sew , ere wrre 4 feet lo mebe* water mfehau Yurk*oleatl?oJ9 c * ft. For oiberde*cripuon*, the ! ™*l.-mc»cmng iHn.lt, by pier matfc, and filing, market if firm, at full price*. I LEAD—There it a regular demand in the market ti | 6} for pig. and 5J for bar. | Load Pit*—The preient range of prtcet of Lead p Jp « I i* 70140 foot, arcnrdtnr lo Rixn. Shot Laa»-Bale* ai «|c by me obcct. and B< c p ft when cot. Wim* L*ab—Pure lead is celling at S-* and No l«. 81,80* keg. 1 LAltD—We notice on improvement tn Lord, with * moderate basinets, at 7*o7* in bi.lt and V*.. LUMUMa—The following are lie rating pnees ftom the yards: I Ineh Common Donrd, per loon feet fn *. 2° co do dn do 1a,,, * 1* do do Plank, (PM) do t -«w J do do do do do vi no ] ( do Clear Board, do do m m Vdo 2° I PM I 1, 0 .1.1 (R| a do do do do do 4- uo Pine Joumo M) d 0 n J o do loco ta“ % H Shinxlc. per M I.e.ree. J “ orLS-TPenuke.i.^^ I "'" d ’ “ 4,i “ N» 1, ud SPOHc' s **" ° r 0.1 .. •15017 0 barrel. r '° !•» of Allejhenr ; *' *■ W. beer «,, „„ H.n,ie, Heel No of e.„«,. down the Allegheny during th o laie n»e. POWDER—Hazard and Dupont R,n a powder may be quoted in Urge quantities *4,75; and by „ n *le kec at 3O 0 keg. Roek Powder at *3,ivj i* fjjp 'or large and aaail quantities. | ROSlN—Salea at 0 bbl for North Carolina. HHOT-Salea at 91,30 0 bag. HALT—Sales in a regular way at 91,23 p tbl, which la the regularly estab United price afloat. SOAP AND CANDLES—SaIe* of roiin aoap at 4 044 c; of Star Candice at SSfrtte; mould tallow, goc; and coreaon dipped at 8e 0 b. ' SPIRITS TURPENTINE—SaIe* in bble at 40046 0 gall, caih—bbU extra charge. * SPICES—Castle, 38040 c; Clare*, 83023 c, and Net. nega, at, for No. 1 t 1,4001.80 0 ft, v .TAfWCaIM «i 14,33 f ft]. Tft r.tow—Sapplie* are small, and we may qnotr nominally. ft . rii»?}e 9 tt. TOBACCO—We notice a better feeling is Tobafeo, wia. an advance on tome of tie better qailitiea. Rot* te 1 ft Bofcirsnn’j biand st 8?e; Grasp* do, at JMc; and other bran?, of common at Stic 6; 6 twi»t may be Quo.rd ni ts|" g> gj. We have no tales of Leaf opo'i win h to n ojnd correct quotation*. ' INKUAH—TJjo legnlar rates for good Cider Vine gsr |ro„, «iore, tre U j aBe p. pl ,| WHtSRKV’— Sales of Rectified atlMfcSc 9 gfill. ' We have no sales to report in the market. 1 Alliooxst, September 30 B*rvK«—Tb* offerinrs st the Scales dn Monday, a t-onn.ed to iome 300 bead, which weri nearly all taken by city bntebers, st KUCO44O 9 cm tfiiup-The sales were 300 beac, at each —all sold. ■ m sllta j| extaat yrtft dieted at SI SS 04,M*^ r wt. i 1 BaLTiMozs, September 87. ,he *cale\ on iWobday eon* p. r / t * ftJ were driven to'Philadelphia SI soaoi.s ßed , tara 10 on the equal to Hogs—H a quote from M ,7 L Ataer . PuiLADttrai*, September £O. aboard ? C y,7 5 Bt ,h * 7* rd dorinjrlihcpaat Mel e» to New y n a '‘“"'l < | r which &) were drir •‘h-ep aril I “m- Low " * C * !Te, > WCQ Ho S*. * IMO I «s||OoS7 S!°- “ re l‘ Brilly *oppoaled; itlei at were uns iH ° ’ * Mort, nf <° ia»ltiy. 150 bead Siwineerv' *r f- r<s ,'fC Cow * r,n B c f,am ® ,fc «o 8:8, ,>rv Crt w. from «8 to IS. eno* l , e * ot *s3* -W w UK) Os 33^1"[■ Zln* I*™' 1 *™' * nd L***" «»W®® 14 Ct * er ,t * “ 13 i 7 * y? i* - « £ 11* •* a y The fo lowing is on cahit.it of 1 bosiness done oi t « Riintyirania Canal and Railroad, during th< tnontn of SepiPMin r. I?mi ; also the amount from open' mg of the Cnual i 0 o( Auf , oi ,. Aync'l product, *;•»»!-> Sc«■«!«. liu* ’ whra.?). I ;r' , .':. c, ‘;.7.7.7. un»«i Il rr (luU. n \ SJof,. r . fc-nj 6,fi<o l,rt.9'M V r.,?‘ * •• **-'•« . an«| ■ ■■'■ t.?s I In*.- la 6--.IKI S?V>? \V n( ‘ ‘ f ti'lKl CSPOO M.ra.«;;.ru a - aS «® KoifU. p'-t. l ft... v,. t Hoop p«ir<>. V, Mahei-a, j- w . o .t jb. . W.. J l„. f u< ,, ( . 0r ,.,._ P.-«l» anj ri» i • Ale Hr-t A r-'-lrr, t.t,]. I'lnni ware, tt>« Pnj*« and Dry lifHwlr. b» l>*r».nL’» __ Ci&oware ->■ll v.p*.,. 'Vs »ltev. c l*«<»»b, lb. .cral, tons . 3ioib auuuo Coal, ttttm Copper, Gj... Asliea, rii-t ji Ir.'ii. pr*,. . Imi blooms 1 ot,l u r A N<M ! *.VS,..k «‘>d ancn-'t'ie* ert U-rf ft I'o k La J ft La:J T-‘uk- a< •’-i. i f;tor<-< :ht ft unwro'et fV fj*'u'r. En irp ciT!crt:«,bi . l.f'l^U) .ll y ’ • • •- • n 7 ni ! ! u 1 • to ' ' • SOt ot;u l.f-JX It-D ;tu •• T f'fl !’■«; ,in> ■»»«* .Money Market FirrxairßttH. Ott. i, a correct Hat of price* o/ aura* t,nve iruoapwed donng the pm I JOKTOFPITTSBDRtifI. „ ARRIVED Fn’iion. IVW.Ie., F'.tfiUclh MirtiiMP. 11ri..,. V*, rr . Heaver. Kordoo, leaver iUUie. J.ierji,.. nrown«vi|J e . AUautic, Parkinson, UrownarUls. „ DEPARTED Farh.on, pi-rb’c*. KlUal.eih, Miclikmi, iJrira, {leave Alln.-I |< i’arkwnn, flrownsville. Ilkliir. Jacot/y l(rf>wiiav.ji e <'urof>er ( i«M.J IS.> a 'dillfr N a »h»,.i. tr:c:i i-i-«:•, I.nan •>*">«' N- i. Mo Wheel;,,. Jenny OaM.rher, Z.ne.v.l'e F.«a ;-ier. I'.ie, <' Hi.ier, M-V, W , Whrrl,,,- Filnl N»> I)avt*l, I lor kmgpori. ili».erm*. No W. On««lnn»ti. BOATS LEADING THIS DAV ClNClNNATl—Cincinna'i, lo*. * WHEKEJNG-We iiville , 10 *. *, Fo. Ctt.osssn.-Tbe.ple,,d,d p.c.e, Claeln . n*U, c.pi Blralttjltom, will Ice*. on t „ t „, mp, Ihl. morning, c. lo o'clock. Tbo o need, „„ „ commendstloa .. on, h. 01., a. .he sl„.dy r .„™ bly known 10 the pub ic. 1 or * OSco 01 Ohio and Fenna. K. H. Go, Third tt Fittiboboh, Aa<u«i 5, IFSO ° l '° *‘" l ecnnkylssnls . Coopsoy hereliy noUfied to p„ ,k. oldhtß Instalment of flee dollars pee share, at the office of me Company, on or before Ike sou, da, „f AaJu „ Tlie ninth m.talmentl on or before the mith do* of .eptember The tenth tn.lalment on of holme the JUih il»y of October next. 07- Too !lh inotalmem woo colled fet on the Mth a July Iml WM !.A RIMF.R. J r . TntnxtT. HLL IDMRTATIM lIP lUSDWAEE. LOGAN, WILSON & CO a™ ««« . i«o wcioßsniKKT, "°' k * •opvnor iiitid eAVni, ,o l n r« , t?' d * r,re - offer homoiHMiwubjo wrij, 411 on C attle Market* Canal Commerce. SeUcmhrr. To Au( .11 453,4« u 1,701,C9l We went op to jail a ,ho,t time ,f„,a,.,d. comfortable aa tha circamat.ncea ol Urn earn «o old adtsil of, Tbe Jailor’a office crowded with lawyer,, .ad writ, at babe., eorpu, ““ aaed oot. Wbetber, at Ibo lata boor of ft. mgbl .1 waieb we write, (tea o'clocl) aa; of tbe Judgea cia bo fooad, adffiiu of aoma doubt. If they cannot, ihaae gentlemen will: be compelled to paa, Ibe eight in jail. p . S. Since tbe above wa. written, Judge Me. went op to prtaon. J j. Kaba, Eao.. City ‘ ollcttor, appeared on Ibe part of Jbe police com. miliee and tuelorlt, John Mellon, Eq„ fo, tbn Cotntannwca.tb. All the gentlemen who had been 1 comm,tied, were diaeb.r.ed, on plain, bail la Ho anm of one thonaand d 011.,, tor ,ba|, appear at lea o clock tbta oornln,. Salta will at once be catered *g»| n it tbe Mayor. We leave on, rode,, to draw Ibeir own com (Lflou oo :be above facu. 11.'U* «.«o St.ntl «!*m> it; i s/ 14PUI |7«rW I lOD 4S.TO 7N.r)in ITttUU |pr4 7.7 it-HJO 3J6..T/7 7a 450 t« 457 Vt.lf.J 3**tn 10,30 1 ODJ 7*J 4 I <OO a .mi '.::to :»n4<nt 14a Oi!l 30?4 iso I.7IVCMI * l.'rt soitsc^ia Tbe Committee on Police to.pcctlnlly report : Ib.t in conacqneaco oftno reriou. dtOcoltleoftat bavo occorred In the ni f bt; w.tcb, and. tbeir Icrtonr ..ojl.-wney, nod alao from tbo fact that roar committee have, on reaeral occamne, dla. ffiiwd tacompeleat offloore wbo have been reln nated witboat aoy action on tbe partofyonreom •rutee, they have deemed it advent.,eon, to pro. I pare tbe accompanying ordinance for tbecon.lder I anon of tbe Counoila, and recommend Ibopaaaaae Qflbeaame. e ajir.o aUKjfUJ 07 All of which <■ respectfully submlred. i»!i ! F? TOALL ' GHE R. ' WILLIAM SHORE, s WILLIAM LAV, DB. I. |p 'iiowErß benjamin lutton sham bd o a £l ROBERT McKEAN, ’ SH A K ERBAR SAPAR | L L A ! C. YEAGER, TT*» IB QUART BOTTLES, Committee on Police, H csiuty^m'utVly^ew"^^ C “ rlns “ nd cr,u,i * A« oecuuncs uooisTitto ru, e, QnT Kuc . ~ ... -V GB TANIA)iig HlipprioMe: «"•« ‘a T,”V^ m * n,i ‘ Mr fi '« J *T of S’" “'P"- T? c ”" Rtei -.totbrslol., FEMALE WEAKNKSrtni, I «S».RK 5? f = — r*£" -S D ghl police. lo he too iffn and delimited .. 1 . u ' e Eaitern Stiie» r«*n>»T»lW in*™ * ‘ “ mi,Bb!re * and «.“ d «*l«•««.»...Shs"him\i:i- .■'S'*' p “ n^ r ; ■rc e» L'euieoeut in his own d,Ariel, „«?' “ SJST.'pe* iVST' F ‘“"I M 'd,ei, S l™".” ,«* pce'ofTh " ”! T ho Oecesssry to, me nt,hf po- Jed efficser of P»mr h h '*” C, “ W ‘ ri ‘ 10 ,ct torilher, When if k "°» Il i «nd "Is Bed cin" .Tt * r< \ “h" iherrbe Wo o Use one Li.uteotM pret-nL it,. end cores m int,'cle f,, f “"*>»• of :ziz c .‘ ' bebw ”‘“"»'‘»“io^rh.', b : “» f tct / 0:i HI - TbM Ihc wilcbtnen sed Ltenlen. P*nj'*R»tTew Sn'Sj'uy'? tfr b ““ only Se.-ec. b- lev of mt-if , .*7’ T V, VC * l9 M ’* ,,,r Sn ' < * < *r rrv«r»:i o , rNK-'T-.''-''' *?' r °' :ere - W.ih . , *" • * K *> bond*. '■fiPnmmcniJp tt-eni m L -, e Ul2 :>,?, “ on Poll. *’ K S|, P'o«cd 0, ice Oomontlee .«• "tee Med ip ,„,| Ml'u.M*.™''’?. Itoi did I Lemcnsni m.lhe eum ol hfeen P >' f "UonMo I non * I rtlo',:"" h-ren menitoeed, ...,f »££££&•%; I fclS iTiUS 1 ?' " « TiessUrer, .nd shell he held 0 r hon, lo s„,«. ''Lcl, R.V I\l ■ henoonneker * ft, B.afn**«.« »o ruipr from tDiidenjcADor ij cfß ‘ J**** A J ' l 1,,er < “■S'5&sS5t«S Of Asm. ,L' fcL r < l*' I T,! 4l '° Mater. } DR. d. I). uoWBi CO I*r„o.„. n . odc r.fihe Alderoea in their re«D>ctiv« I ». . 1 Ooilt « Hall Oinri* n.f dittneiA.wborh.ilrrtrroo tbejourral T *S B ?’i 1 ' f“'*;’ <! ‘•l»" d o'•.■o-i1 , .h.11.1.„he ,r^dm^ t.te N.m* . 7 ’ ! e, , ci ‘ mretirg or e i*m*\ and in much or.rn?r at (bev m ,/ r u qsire. Il .hell Ms. b- me dni/of The M.ec,' ~ Ald ''“'«. heirre whom snch onset ntr’bl ■nZZm U ' l prx *'* e 9 Bt ire mertiDgi cfthJ SfTnT> | b 'f r T ,p ' ° f "" CilT rreesorer fo, l'«.ho monm T-h'Sdnr. S^SisSSSSS ihe C.iy Tre.surer monthly, lor eny moneys due .DTh'"'*'" pos “-“ Jfcutensuts of their respective dl.tnci. endersed Co “» i, “® oa Police? SecUoo VI. That the oight police iball be no. [he ~ , . “mV'S'mT4'dS« • -ci • • - si,-bn J.nivir n.wi : «’0 y,o h>i OJJO 4*V, cx, S nti cram, | »«.!-*• I fl:s -.u" U **4 VljlO uni ~J 101) fo r»n *3O *3l &S 2 «' 4e{ 40 ‘“■"r Con »” rtoklcOLTn.L Associs 'J , ofM-teue,. of * 11c ,t0., Couoly Af . ncttltural Society met, pursoenl lo .djsnrnmeol, on the SSth ol September. Present Messrs. Mtl « ' ?”r:; McCl,l, ‘ 1 ’n W 'f. McCsslin, Marlin, Mortloch, Hulls, sod Snively. The Presideo’, Mr. MeClostey, died the men. io« to order, when it wse, on moUon Resolved, That th. Boerd proceed ,o the elec no. of Committee on Premiom. to be ...,ded on etoek, Scj to bo exhibited the cattle show rod felr, which will he held In Alle,b,n T Ci„ on end 1 hnr.de,. ,h, , 3J ,„ d 2(lh d .„ of On ober neat. Whoreopon the following ,en- Demon worn duly p'orned : " ‘ Commil.ee on Horaem-Wtn. Morals.., Ohio: ' John t iUwl.cd, Upper Sl. C 1.!,, J, m e, M .l, I thews, Pmsborgh. I Committee oa Cs„l.._j,hn Thompson, Wil tin-, Utss. Anderson, Indmns; Wm. Armstrong, rum. ■* Commitlme on Sheep._Wm. Wilson, Sr., Snowden, Wm. Ibyd, Wtntinebo,, Alex, Htlsndi Committee on Swinn end Tor- JOt ° rawn » Rokr; John Committee on Prodacn, including Dsiry, Bees, nod h,old Crops. Menshold Bmwn, U f pe, Sl c.tr, Charles Odt.on, Pme, Wtlh.m o. Dunn, C0mm,,,., on P. t m A Impemenm.-W,.»„ Shtw. Sesler, Up:. J. Young, Robinson, j So. nor, Wilkin*. i Commute, on Dsmeitle Menofeetoree.- Jacob Boyer, Snowdeo, Peter Bstee, Remttve, Jd., Af than, Piiisburgh, - Committee oo Ptuit. J,. We,drop, Msnohes. ter, Jstnee Murdoch, PeeblerpA, W. Me,hr, Put, bargb. Resolved Th.t tb. conm ,, tte< im power to fill Tacßncieß. Oamsifon of Metsrs. Hnlu end Mnrtin, Rewtlved Tbst thooommittee .ppom led „ , b , lul meeting (Meson. McCsb,, W.,, , od c m proenro . eoltMtle pl tc » (o , holding tn, p.i,, bj ms.rue.ed m encloeetto g,„„ud „„ h . temporary besrd lencm fhe. .. .di„i„i,,„ r „ of be charged to .Rv.siUo, .h. Ir , e lC ep, ooie era end memMra of .ho eoco.y, ~d, d « rawed b. nppropristed to u,„ psymen.of pro. aiiaaia, y Oo Moiioo, Received, The. .ho eommitte, on p, pro . cnr.two.hoo.snd edmiramn b.vin, ,h. "a ’• frT F * ,r -Adml. th, llesrer." b.™TvJ h "TST* ,m"btc°cn,im m '‘“‘ ! P ' , “’ « r k.ldih B .*h‘.°?.V LOUiIL MATTERS, MMTC nx mnam fettartoliUM. l lb. ° r ; h ' PO'fc.. «. t dated ~ £, 'be Council,. The £,L,7"' ..H«t from J " ' 11 ’*• ■ ,o ' ««teJ in tin S-.leet CooQk Tn ■■ would have parsed them. 6? «"”"■? night busineas (L r rt “v, ordinance,will be *" r °"”f .bin end intefeitlng docnmanta. by garaMo?h TaAOt ~^ ay ° r - accompanied ?rbTrrorr*r* 'hebtllowing genUemen, M ea.m 7,°Lt7iu‘r “* y • B«bi. mltmeTiZh “*y w > (the membern of the com mittee.) tjtgether win M,. John Major, the clerk Office whe" h TbCy Wer “ dra 55 eJ 'be Mnyor'J ■» endure much cwiltunelitxig language, and two of 1 orroed ns ,hal .be Mayo, .hook, and .truck Ibent. lk «r bay. been co.,piri„g T“. b ™ '•"“‘“W "> lie propoaed ordinance .boU.btngrbentghi police, publubed below.) And 'b™ ; e ;; .,obaye.„ ttomcmbcri ' ' h ' m rar “ ° r ■" ™">l for Zb ST " '° b ° c “ n ” i "'<i •» priroa, fcr lunk.r h.nnng, nnlil lea o'clock ,hia morning. ,TAT™'otlered, b U I h o ,h(, offence which he .ay. Ibey commuted, of- .o beutou, a nature, a. aol to bo bail,. . B “ ,k " " d "' d Captain Roberta, 1," 0 f .1,. »■* Ji«h w< l by bim, and ,0. £ wfedV P °'r coo,mi ““. w U> alao arrow, olro h ' h,rf ' a “ d °‘ ber d, ' ,i " and anhred hmi lo be lorthwiih taken to j.i|, „bich . comntttmoot, Captain waa diacbar* Bomicisi— Kxld To Bait_—Eiw.td Molko, i “"»« ofV coal team, tea. arnreted tome time ajo , taken before Mayor Barker, charged with be. to»coooereed In yo Jamea Haya, a reapentable citizeo o, Tenperenoerillo, nd thereby caoot'os hi. death. “ wa. anting In , ho „, d , mQ r °,V ir '" ? <w >i« .add* leatea it. * aCm 'l Wl ' b three two hor.e hn ’ , “>■““«•>>>? i» advance l ° nl ’ Jf bridge rtor. .oe before them. The home, were go,eg “ a **"»?. a«d ... of the meo .booting „ d “■'7; A ' * P °‘ »“"« ■‘t uott . ne.e Me. Hay. tea. killed, the read tea, k„.., 0000,h for three wagooa to roo abeeaat ,od the 1 I fob. bore, team -..0n thewroogatdo of,he read. | Mr. H. tea. bear the edge o, a Keep hill 0, .reel. Pice, dote, which he eoold 00, dereend, when he ' waa knocked down and too over, dying after Eeidence ,0 thi. effect wt. ,i, eß befote J" Ccrooer’a jttry and the Mayo,, hot hta boon, dlrci.rgcd Mollin, aid Lafferty anccecded m mak iojr his escape. M"j!Jm w*» rearmted, bow ever, and examined bef.'/e Alderman Steele, yesterday. The name evidence was given,, and the Alderman fe t h to be hta duty to commit him to prison, refusing to accept bail, as he bad no power to do »o. Tue priaoner waa brought before Judge McClure, the aamo afterormn, and waa admitted to bail m the ram of fifteen bondred dollars. Mullia’j exouae ii, wo believe, thatthongb he wa* the regular driver of the team, Lafferty waa driving at Iha time. We are g‘ad, however, that tbu matter will undergo a judicial mecsttgaiior, eicce a gross outrage waa committed Racing between coal w»pons should bo stopped. PaJoKaiu os- CAL>ro*MA.—The fine pioonima of tbs “golden land," nowon exhibition at \V,i. klo'« Hall, auracu Urge audiences. Those who have leeo it proeouoceit a raiihlnJ representation of the scene* in California. A ,B*a At«o Eva.—Tbe jpleodid patmtng %u( oar I fif»« p.recu 10 wbicb we have to Jnqueoilj ad. ! erted ' will remain ojpca at Ptnlj Hail till Saior- Btynigbt. Wp recommend ail wbo htvo not •eea then to embrace tbs oppononiry ofdoiay to, I for more exquisite gems of an bare cover been 9«cu in punoitrjb, Sjcoto Pu,mm» Council -The ,ep.i, 10 tko exterior of thin benmifol building ,re co« completed, Ml 11 present! .. Joe .n .ppe«„nc, Metceroloffleal Tablel Reported for the Piu.burgh G.,.,* fc, , b , SfflUb.omin Oily. UKIHHT OP TUB TKKOiIOMETEB, From Sep:. m tAf 'd2nd to Orpt . 3ctA Son hen « e ». 3 a. 9 a. D.il, menu. SeptW CO , 7 | &< 74 71 23 G 2 70 S 7 71 77 l\ -S--" 78 " n »U 3 S 3 * ra ■?? 70 85 88 33 48 60 "0 6 * « on !! e .i 70 ei S 3 “ " ® 63 S 3 S 3. Bein.-Tbe qu.ntitjof ~i„ wbteb r „„ , bo month will be found in the U|,». log table. ioche* teoths of «a iacb 1 3 1 Sept 1, , Sjpt 4. 'Sep l . 19, Sept 24, Sept 35. Sept. 97, Srp'. 8i # Totals | fW-OolbeS7thofiho un month, Alle. Shenp Count, ... ,l.„ed b, the most do. sue ” b«n etortn, erer known in the Btnto of Penn. •yiTicu. dr. d. iic fit, - I hi “ D,c * tßT ' belweca • r j _ ,tr r 1 wm-Jlyjn I M'CORD & CO, I Vliolesale A Beiajl Manufacinrer* A Dealer* in HATS. CAPS & FURS, _ *■ p - Tanner & CO., SHOE WAREHOUSE, »» Wood at, b.lweanThlrd A Fourth A.= now iMrwioj Ihabro, )„ s , BOOTS, SHOES, AHD BEOBANS: Al», nONNKTS nod FLOWKfI* ~, , h „ foana either ea<tor »r«i ri,. T , ny , Of V l,e ..... KSCOCUAOK UohlM. IHSTITtTIoaa CITIZENS' insurance COMPANY, Of Plttibnrirbi c. (I. HUSSEY, Piu't A XV , OUiee—No. 41Water it y-pi 11. HRANT * * r ln tbc Wa «J»ous« of c. T'KWrft? *'*,,”* '• »«» .11 reciors, wiro are all ci(in-n* oi 1 V, , "«•'& **■ >-v 5& lU,r,mlJ - S - S-’m! kToV. BUad U«*(or«a to sight by tb« P.. ' S. 8. Lrrrron—Sir: 1 roi.h , 0 beer ,, h> medical e.rmc of He Oil called Pelroieam. I for a leaj Hard .lowed muh a badly indomed „,d veer ■ere eye, .0 much .0 a. ,a lore ,l,h, em.rel, nbou. ibrcc »,lh ver, hula hope, at e re, reee.erie, Lie .ishl, and bol a ,11,u pro.peci *f hoc:::, |, * I,coed el th. m, .Uea.iin, phyiic , a ' eiisoeeclol la m.Lin, a core, or la eiria, I | and .lorded me bo. l.m< eneourasemem. I heard e'i I r " ,o,< ™ • h °“ l ““ IK' »f Jl ptil, Ir'3o, and „„ 11 o U).|: ihb re.nl. the ,1,8, ~ „ I !ej e, well, excepi o liiUo lender rr»t,.,l,en I I i °"V" ANN IIIHI.AND. i ftjan*seli3 it., Cincinnati, May M, 16C»i. 8. ti. iJstQ.s-SJn I hive been milled wm, p,|„ | tor ren years, ud have tried other rrmr.fim, wu' 1 permanent re I e r, until | heard of the Petroleum. I «« , cdon)y one bottle, and think 1 am entirety cored. I lecotmnenw it to all wbo am afflicted with Ptlf*. I have known it to bo good lot to re e) ex. Cincinnati, May SO, lew. E. C. OARRtTrsuN Bor sale by KeyserA McDowell, uv Wood street’ H E Sellers, 67 Wood sl; D M Curry, Alleghany city; ■ D A Elliott, Allegheny; Joseph Douglass, Allegheny;! Also by the proprietor, a. !U. KIKIt, 1 Canal Raaln. B«een'>. tt. t*>ii>t. n r«ii jMURPiH Y &■ BURCHFIELD iuviko c hputu) iui and oruca IarKUVSJIUTt OP Til Kill IT tE lOCM, Bortli*l£aap cor. of Fourth & Market ats WILL EE-OPEN, On Monday morning, 23 d Sejtembcr, Willi u Large Slack at New Hoods. lepil OftPIl&lf ABILUM ; WANTED, b middle aged lady to uik# charge of ibe DuMbuTKb and Allfgbeny A«!nn Orpbana, os Matron; .Iso, ona M Mtlnttai r Apply » SS^BnRWOTON, _«p23 Of, MRS'. RoUlN^on’ cnttAP vaxAnoso auTAwSt— Morris* , lß| czcellaat Tea, »t siftamoad,*!# le u. •*«»P«J!>eTO»wu Hjat FOR ST, I.OUIS. ~~ r The Kenner »pS&5g_ A Smilh, Blister, onderaor "ui- o'«"T | S2 n y f *CteiXr U f, Hf^_or J pisMye, apply on board tfp33 FOR LOt : rSVJLI.K. f*'"* Jfc 5 , T * w entirely aew and *plenil. JbhnLsM» , l fICUSCf „„ WASHINGTON, the phireand' F“* :cr - wi! >leave To thrSi'h »n*L, >it«f 1,1, *“5»0n this d« : rorfr-.phtp, p w , gg< jjppjj. on bo#rtl - ,- * ek ”‘'■"'* , * , « « uddcp.nu.ic rrTi th« Port of Pittsburgh. KfcGULAK CINCIHSATI, Captain Jobs BuanxanA*. ■ ff*?** b °“ *«■ wu b T u>< Z!£' s '“ w P»»it wnlr onbcMd ono K?r„; ' B KR.A,i .. wiiEKuNa I v'l-e, «her.'io?. r * daya ' ernoaaf ‘°rSientPD Reißtntnc,| ea^.4 J Jreron, Capiina. w.il SonCft d V tt^ rnonn . u»clVunfiJT" " r - c e»«ry Tv^ «pV”""“ „,,« . p ;,V„ y „ F S«S ■'J™®- - ’ D WILKINS. AnnL I HKGULAR DAILY PAPk-i-T- 7: — --' _____ „« ‘“VKH.r FOR DRAVPP . ! JsbS&S.,.. ! “? CL4# 'VHaasM^ c i cEr - ,, ffl. MfidL? Jfifc Hob-rt h v„ RBVkJIXK. fueiifay, ThwrtT? 1 mITiS '“J* PitUhur «* every W'beei,,,:. m ioK'|! S*ilu*lay raoriuntf 'Vberi» J(r f or Vilt.lS eVi W D nd njin xv'*i''^ ate ■nd Friday, bi 5 A ».® u eTer 7 Monday, Wednesday ' angac Philadelphia « the nnzEss' POMiBtE bojt hsb CSKfj,”, Sfe/H** ■» *. by Mr.,,,. * «’ rOINDFXTKII * co ARKANCEM K JiT. ™ y “* ,, '°*' 1 «■■•■» « n.,nj.„ Wlr TWO 1U,,.V E .XPK,S'p^f- ATS fcic.iuleeiy / Qr Pauectert. FOR PHILADEI-PHU AND BALTIMORE. Tice Uraufft, 45 fcocr«.~ p. rn tln ■« ■>*••> Hall lloaLi, be% onJfolVe -?it hi'Ti nn * r,7Q " 111 enitcro cities W comfortable one to ilit :l«kr^d C cv^j , U7i!mr <1 “t T n o ". c ' 7 k D,orninr « 7 o' BIOJfOnGACKX.A UOCtH; I Omty Ts Mil«, fll Vl* Brownsville and Cumberland r„* B ‘ I PkILZ TO BAtntotl-JL. . rf.,,.. 1 U!L*i>KLntM~~— .t?n? r TUIT'- Purninc buai leave* ihe wh.Tf V, 00 Jl l»r:J*e, daily, nt 9 o’clock 4l i? T « .Ba’- ft boure; lime £ J** M! (*cuii s tai. M| „„„ HeaJJJJ in” a 'i rS °“ uud ibu* avoid nirtu ravel in n«x» llou"!" “« M>~, M««w,b«. octu-iy , .... Agpn, a s«°&r r »» ; “*» ftES'iS*®. p:£?i crntl* writer o **' J e!t»ered 10 «jj <• c iiimv^f.i.i WttU»nr»,PHubiirwh cmiCAT oaai'flALnonniM j THE «wb» msroiiiL \m. Through In FOWil n*v. 1 ANtl ri MORE. femlu-r. » r W( -, rpc c t IC,h ?*“"»! H»ii Rood, ni, 1,uar3 1 .^7i ar “ fr °‘ >d ’' V!fl »n >oa, Daw. «i«V. r *" V >* off „ r '-w« nnrt Ucay, Public. TPh»i»t we null rrnfinif PC l!,0tI * r " a!( * *° l»<f ilarn fc |,u.- u w .j 0 ~f c * aa! 'n-5 v, a wifj,icr"rrtf*« l l H,o P Ur me follow,,* »*e.» “ * Tra !f ,por lß tioa Lia,; g^w/KsEwr-"* I'IKE AM SJKIJiE lJSßßAjjfifi SOHEE. PHOTICCTIOX INSURANCE lOMPaNV OF HARTFORD. lamtalftoci ard *rßrLcs »lj,d, ; 31,000,000 CUAKTKIIUD is as, £ X o^ Q D »d f ;^^% b 7em ,,pom!< ' d ***** W tUi* *■»'** *nJ >la«t,e dppirtnlr,,, „ n 7. , rolic '« »*»Uie *’ *»> oiU, te.pooJu, SlS' f •at u GEO *■“ ARNOLD. *' «< Foutih nt . lt >p btnk of yj t|llji PROTECTION FJRE & MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. A »™" l r™»*u,c. r uais*u,ta* rr iu.F„*i $ 1.0-00,000. •^"•»byn^«, l hep h e r h•i?N!lsi P -? p «P<*«a to oJerrd bribe N, *' gaUon t«it»e superior ° teCl, “? ‘“'“me, Oo« P «, low ° { « T ether X— Arbitration (of »1| di/rerrtirc. _ by merer, tnn.ualty chowa Whleh n * J uisc New i «i i nni. ?•*l>barieston Cl,™ Of niawj ioVd'-SiS;? ihr office f re . „f P , . trj^ ,o n,,,ie " 10 the customers 01 Wto !/"i';7.mte:! 0 , n t ; ISS* Mill.. MMiniStfeirSvSfES sii "■«:> *"? » «tatt.a*c by HRK. “ “ erelD ' *S(un«t low ss;.tLT».ri r.»ui*') r.nd any towns nihclv^ 6 *’° r C ’ lher tn,ar^ ,tt * M »ra, J IXI. ASD TBANSPORT!vTI UN^ Ull11 • % **^^ri‘, V T^r c *’ Merehndit-, per New Orleans sed p'rn-'irrami nil . e *' 1 Orleans and other Gull „A Amenc*!, parts and Encthh or ucfrr in \lc Aiiwaie »".* o,her port what- THE s AU4U,C I>KBII 4 OF ~T l. '|l , nl irtil ,1 ” T XI lo *• WK3TiUS ISSUiiA WCfi ~Cofflf Ajjf OF PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL WOO,OOO. *' « Kfs&ifr AS"'* *“ “ “““UT'Ml&mj pivsipijy ss™*-«. k ~ s£"Lwu JS'*} ft If' »*«, Crt“w: Litclt, Nii'ii 0 " 1 K Ornre, No. »* \V-«& <W N »*«.Than. Scott *Ca.. «n «:«.r».t Piu««ci,n l ’ (w " efc <?« f «' «f Spai* N'nintaS to<sx,*2s; ,r *•;■■ »■ -‘i v«: swsj a, ‘ J 'liose hsvtrg « ct ,i .f i‘7l!!!!, d ‘ at,! l’. a r«*'«K. duly authenticated, „ t »«,? P „, eil , 1 U pre * cnl ,J * cm > «p.,d,„,„w. ■ ffflffiKSfi** ciwah.pa, via phil«de|phia and UaJumore, warrsU od taper for la both «»cnnh and qotlay tuTinrla tba ?* r * ,a ** J lowest price far c**haod on- P ”: e Jo ilil *> br W * N MITCHELTfIKK^ ««« Übwiw} A FOLH Story bwtltirt, *!*.. m . _ . WTO-ffitt s’Afclc. ~&~ F wo •~—7---—. .1— —-.J'ii;. •* _ Mungwr. \ NUp«.*a, • O. :U.-t, k r>* i Jntrj v l»ikelnrecL l-i Ai so 7 S fs strkbi tr«r. Icxcen (I* v *d<l Mar*\i^“ , i-* u * :a{e 00 Pena ie boijjjf anil Jo » tr t e,, l * J i°inin* *ov*KTisicMEa T r' P«JS2££ , p5 ki S 4 X> *■**«» m««m» aiiio oa c«3ifffeient» !l^>^ a n ertl *rempUy a:t^«n£ n *’ M(, }- ail *Z™cy baji-i*4« ‘‘'’’“SaJ 'iW-w;.**,*,,, ‘ «rTSMffSt.a •'• llAUJilsoH (i E ivsu, I ATIoaMEV AT LAW lert-rtfcw'T \ H 'j.Utfcl. DR.;fbh-:h j»w •**»*•• \ c nm.- I»m|i*lng r Jt T r f 7 sl "«N below lui. OCi*e;aLd dßciikfi in ifc ß *ug.Hniftj \ ijUACKJ.ETT & TTITITS, ■OOJIEirJC 4SH [QRZtM UHY m or I itrnihvMin 'W ' "«il? - J li ' iCf ‘ l nMWfcan.*. an.l oiteia v,fi!in^gp t HOTfitf*£'l““'®“'' “»«>*• * J ."m : |>»3££. “*o*o*3 •% t'£ o,f ( , .Vi 1 '•‘' ll .’fos’iiry <»i" l b‘ ? renn^iKaHj nl i £’■ f ;* v, :s'»™ ' I Ms Work lie* whnii ” US ,nd Ufu*V;Creek t**V;‘ n J r *«vaJ*:e*ofTantaCtvelc m ” on />'»an‘l»f>wcutvvVn!^ s n , l? '' cc an-.omu of At iho »aa e $, '»•* work. «,V** iU! : ,ioa *"<s i£4.„, ’ receive* fee •o Ulr.irsrtlle.two ar.d ihr«V 0 ,‘ r Bfa P. cls Kail IJcii.i artto.l u & Ciijjfe orrr ih» «• Ufle,l ‘ ra «ie* Icup, upoa Tbrt Pinna nr!,} SiurJ n'^' lu * c . * P au°.t:Oc!obrr lit, a i .tie E*ri erWfr* !e ' T, ‘ c, »i wlnet tnr.e jfce ifre ‘ lsre< al BU»i»- ( Vamwo «»««». ■Su£S»" u^%'.'L r -™»- >£n’“’' toPUUbirgh. I IRWSBBSftJ&SJK,■***•» h„ ias pnrgb, ti>&« corceruas tie r O h,Jl B V“ , Uo illll J‘- SMsa ,U».P t ,0«c C;t , 40 ., w «„ fliily f»' , Mn"o»i?”rrc"'co a n.'’ t Ui!- r M "» l *r «^as®£3sSF '•H/.-O l BaLAS, AgeauL ; u. CTUrtTCKTtffV. °v Wv LE ‘ l A ‘ WU ”*TIOIfEH TT of Tiiir-J "'=■ ;*»». itoa*f3- fap*t Pruilnrlo**. «hirh K wfr.S^rt U ’t lSp,r " to rnnVc in.mul.*i- na P m mmi ,* r<> r^u ’►'• «* _»tpVl:dlsi ■r"(j»us' DArr . ‘il-iOHUK 0 UrtJH.- - ,-x^ Al£ ooaiVd's «uglt. j'trpi.i- , ~,f . C,; cre, f De ' ’ Cil F«■« cd. mde! ;«.,! V 11.0. C uVin e ‘JiJto?“4-ti“"f^ l ;?,, p ,* w “‘’ "''* ' t JrM I M,Sl <in!ril, ’ , " r ''"'' , ' ’ , ’ , ”'‘' l _»rrl.Uia HOBI-Br ■ fgNlf:||r, ; ; , _ ' - v SAI.K, F&sSrsxsi^&r~at, «S£* tOT lire>e’t l r ar r,," i ili. Rni^ 5 VxixTK\. LSB SIUVIM C-t,M , Al.ro / no.e, c..;d Ami-r».-inJ.) im:»i*rr*Hv „0.. * M '.‘ .‘ no,ll, > i'.ojr“' "’ ••>'«»"■>« cow. •rsE’SS#;; «■••» ««*»U nrt.ptr.tr-*; fv‘,, ‘' ’ V U/ nr;;j '"*»»<■*! i-.-t ni« 'fal'.’ei; Military Rov.-w Tf- Am ' ,r:>:ia, ~tr«»- fo'rrrt*i*uM—'.!rn-.;s'' **o-. m ~ „ iirjjrjuct. P.*t*(-ii;,. . IMI 2enri* in f . V-' U '’ r l ''" 1 - ii-usv" t •;; '■<>:'■, • inctcy CJiil.. ‘ e,!:'^.!.';™'-.^''T *.ov ß v Mij irni v ot’r- v.,- v * perrutii'-s. .. -<••* c " ’ *•> ‘i.-cTfn; Toiutr Waim*— ricndn V,';v r r.,_ .. , O^Rse-rfi.wcT -\v ' ‘ I* •;‘ ,c ToUe:ts, Wiei and Uten.W vv«;„ S ‘ r “ n<:l >' 01 c '>* I Anjiqi'c Oil H.uKt-iHnr, j o £,jJ f< !?“/ pouml Ox Marred. flnir L‘ t?. |,r u j c » 'i‘ r '’ L 'i ri ’ I A-’id i’liiioci'nie, Ri'ii‘-p ,„*,,»** SfPMKiSSstf*- ~*Js&rs: <hj» 1,,0 • n:, • i,, li'P reputation vfitutking bat Gar w’.-V *,*?*»•'* Air»*,h liiuse wj ;0 : mmy u»’n' a ,lT.:* ,'Ti ,apf, '{ 10 wbo,c*aJ e «<x reiuJl,f.a h * rraian/i ra *' :,lftrr ttbUiimeat ia lha yuJud Butt?* 1 ,a * “ "»>' «»- FALL FASHION aosia , aicCriROACo ——■ | Car. Fifth A Wood its. , Pfoolnaatioa, B M^K l ,'°L‘-j P Sior.T^ r of Wm.n. 4 *“>•’ “*?* wr-"”* sjssiv;; s ?. &tei v " if '“*M“ P.i^ 1 cSffir'iSPr' '“f “ • ,1 J “" ic «" “f s£* r ?«Pcciiv c otfcMfntitrir hehalfVswrtaS wta dour-nad a)*o ih<*« that will rr.«eeatr ifWoo.J bo WB. DIGBY, 1 * ij sad roMotner*, tfiai lie u i u .t r.-*!? nc ? ou * friends fail Mock of CLOTH?, INUS.of the- newest slyle*,^ nutrt^% hß ' l V,*sl m 5 f*» and wir,te,.s» a<Pr . Cii' ,L ' eocop fstWounbl*, jii.i ol h? Qp ,f | t 7««*f ytp ■7 on Jietid. rrii-cioViv «r r* ,l l! •' «iention<,fnejlL ®‘/‘‘ uw '' «ajn.fa c ;t.*e v tto\ S y *^ v rf id , v,li ‘k,V nr;;* , u ro ,p i c!> „ . r , W WESTEKt. MPRcili , J:; . | FALL SlOCiv <)V Djif GOODS': r A. A. MASON &co 1 BEHEiIS IS MjCjts-SMMB liKt iisoili So. 0.1 JIAUIiKT SVf;a., T ’ 'HOtWii 'I n<rd t Et.ii i\ , ~ •*» mn?K*v. ...-a. * . I»».. n <_ ■■'■y- «»» or 1-. H «r.i ft ” ®p«■». *el«etad.. W ‘r> r fc -1 chio n-.d n,,,,,' '-r troc-ai*, ’api/r.pt’(M.i: -,r--. ou'-t,oa KJ-,.,' „', , f >u "-‘ feeM tuff insi;ti/:f!u 1,, if, rl , ‘'" n tn« ’cnC- V»Tt. Ni-r-fciiii, < ui ;■; : '' *7' r \;m ;\c-v 'tmt ir phi! :t.D-c vnritulho .ta -> , lo ••« much l>roU-hi 1,. p-.:hct. 1/tirir pr0.,.,',777 iffto.-l. si i n.t dilly tt.Tujii t;, c *'> fFfip.,l pear In be p i^f-p't 1 v.xrtn. .^,, r i rr ,_ ?'\ ad l| iey . ell litn *» *rtl nr.U PCrf'-** tlicrn’.r ,7 v> 1 ’" ,r at MW.P, » OM.W »ilh .. A»» .«t- „ rpilK rtmlwliW. „,., a> . ~' , , X seises under iad brn at i». • * •‘■'‘‘fabled l?hL ai'CLSAN, Jr. P«» d every vatiriyof il™ 1 ! 1 ' QEU i'Jttiu.Piict Clats Wsn pSf5% t**“«-'s /TO IST, 2*o Liic l ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers