The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 02, 1850, Image 2

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Wednesday Momma, oor. a, ism.
dibooiutio wmo iutx noai
. .«»»>«"■> ww;uys».
Ol Buki Ceutf.
_ Vos sunrroi ttiYtiiT.
HEN 8 v W. 9NTDBR,
Ol Other Ceioty.
•O* «rawii
« ' (X Washington Connty.
&»Un«lontr. ABdWhi|Bomla«UoMfor
.Miefkittf Coonty*
ttn Tm*TT **CO» COKMMS,
sxceira araos, tbutt rail coinsh
ot ranxnsß. \
foi tmura, /
' or vrumi.
T-J. UIUHAM, Lower 8t Clair.
R. C. WALKKR, 1 Elisabeth.
JOHN M’CI.USKKY, Robinson.
WM. FLINN, Lower Bt^Ciall.
D. N. COURFNVrV, Ohio.
Mr. Clay pauedthrough Uoiootown, Mocday
morning last, io good health and spirits, on hi* way
to Ashland. _
This it I ho last opportunity of retching the read
era of our Weekly G*xeusbefbre the election day
tbtll have pitted. Wo lake tho opportunity Of
reminding ydjt of your duty to yourselves, your
country, and ‘your party- We ahall not, at this
late day, ester into any argument to convince you
ol the importance ol the iatuea pending. We
flitter oarrtlves (bit .we have dose (hit already,
and that yon are fully convinced that Pencsylvs
' nitn ittereau, a* well u the good of the Whig
' party, require you to attend the poll*, and to spend
one'day is promoting the success of your political
The oyea of .the whole eooniry are upon this
contest in Peowylvanl*. For almoat the first time
is the history of our Slate, "have Pennsylvania
... Representative* been arrayed openly against lie
principle of protection to American industry, and
jisvo thus struck a deadly blow to Pennsylvania
• interests. U Locofocoiim triumphs cow, it wi'l
he said that Pennsylvania does not want protect
lion—trial she lias succumbed to the influences ol
Richmond and Charleston, and that she is willing
■ to sacrifice her iron and coal, and all her beat in*
tercNs to tho demands of the Southern Loooloco
Thee, Whigs, prepare for the contest on ne:
Totmiar. Gather up your more lukewarm neigh,
bon aod toko them with you, and then iet the re*
salt be what tt may, yon will have the proud coo*
eciourcess of-having discharged a duty demand
ed alike by good faith and patriotism.
Biwsrt of Fraadi.
Tae cccmy is on the alert, is untiring, and via
dirtier. Bo on your guard. Believe no story
irtßEpod up st this late a»ur. Reject all over
turn :o* splitting tickets. Do your wbo ; e doty by
voting lie whole tickel. Those who strike off the
tr .e of say Whig, and especially those who vot>-
>• t sdv one of the opposition, will repent it when
. it i‘u> Isle.
Look to year Tickets
Wr j,*ve just learned that great numbers of
tpuiiao* urketshave been circulated, la the Leg
illative ticket the name of Mr. Walker has beeo
stricken off some, and Mr Fiffe off others, aid J
K M'orchead aohctituied. Eschew aU such lick,
ot*. • Treat witn scorn all such frauds. Such
unworthy ol honorable men. Lit the
votr cxittre* of Vigilance aee that these spurious
tickets ere kept off the Whig tables, and that no
Wag voter is deceived by them.
JiK-ricc Bbrumdks.—We understand that Jos-
Im;,. itiirm-ide*, whose Indisposiuon has prevented
him tr Jut taking hit test on the Bench of the Sa»
prcinr tourt, during the present session ,h*s so far
rocorertd that he will be able to be in Pittsburgh
before : ite closo of the session.
Congress bis at length adjourned, and notbieg
has been dene for the nafftrior and protlrale in
terests of Pennsylvania—•nolh.og fir the improve
taint of harbors— nothing, in a word, fur toy
great Northern or Western interest'. At what
door lies the lault? At ths Am tf tl»
p*rty nf Ftnntjfloaius! This is a iruth which no
Pennvylvjai* Locofoco Dimoeralean deny. ~We
ch&lieagc them to tho denial. ‘The votes of Loco
foci representatives, acting in accordance with
the instructions of Looofoeo conventions, and
echoing ttm .LaetJfbco press, ka*« prevented all
redrew of our grievance*. On that party reel the
The following, from tha lbs way
iu wh:cb baa cheated the people of
their rights:
“The co-opcration of the Northern and Western
Locofuan with the Abstractionists sad Disunion
ists, hat, in the first instance, deprived the eons*
try of the amendments ao imperatively reqoired
io the er.ctiog For thia the of
Connecticut and Pennsylvania are responsible,—
If tbe*c gentlemen had responded to the wishes
and interests ol their constituents, tha tariff wonld
have been amended* If Booth. Cleveland, and
Waldo, of Connecticut; Mann, and
Kou, of Pennsylvania, had not thought it ioex
pedient to change the present tariff, the snfferjag
interests of the Northern and middle States might
have been efficiently relieved—and by legislation
that wonld have inured to the benefit of the whole
.Uni the cooperation of the Locofoco* with the
Pltanionista and Abstractionists has produced
other resnlu. It has defeated the rail road bills
.demanded by the Western State*. It has defeat*
ed the Harbor and River bill. For aeveral years
the people of the lake* and Jsftbe Mississippi
have been callicg -for iho improvement of their
lake and river navigation. So decided has been
the popular demand on thia bead, that Congress
has repeatedly yielded to it, in apUe of Baltimore
conventions, the dogmis'oi the let alone and do
Doming schools, and the cherished doctrines o(
the dtu of the distinguished Democrat* of Rich
mood. Mr. Tyler vetoed, and Mr. Polk vetoed;
and cow, when, for the first time for many years,
wefcavc.a Whig Executive prepared to comply
Vilb th.« wishc* or the people, the Locofoco cem
m;t:ec in (be House, dnriog the session of nine
(ooniha* cootinuicc?, omits to press the subject
upon the House; and there ta a general coopers,
lion of ;lh? Locofoco* of the Weal with the hair
spliting political metaphysicians of the South, to
deprive the Great West of this, almost the only
demand that she makes upon the legislators of the
The “noise nnd confusion* of the dose of the
session have been as fatal to-tbo Locofoco* cf
Michigan, liU nms. Ohio, Wisconsin, Indiana, and
Pennsylvania—as far ai the Harbor and River bill
is concerned— as they were to General Cass, at
Cleveland, when they prevented him from ex*
pressing bis seauroeott qu this very interesting
question. Their yeas aod nays on the various
propositions for mothering and defeating this bill,
incbcete ‘the deposition' which breathes in the
fsw wordr—hardiyfaere man a yea or nay—in
whico thn-Genrml declined the invitation to be
present at the Chicago convention. Tha West*
ern people have been sold by their Locolbeo rep
resentatives on this great subject. Property aod.
- life <nu»: continue to be exposed on oar Western
Waters, in order that the MeCternandj, Youngr,
Berbers, Browns, asd otfaer stars In the peat
WcMero constellation of Loeofocoittn may can*
tinue to rsiocle their beams with the effulgence
of the Seddooa, MfQueent, Joneses, Meader,
• Bun*, aid McMullens, of the South.
There is no real affinity between the opinions
n„.; li e want* of the Western people, and those
... i|,e Abstractionists and Disnnioolits. The
V,V»*orn' people are eminently progressive—but
tb-y semi representatives to Congress who, di
. rrcliy or by indirection, play into (he bands
of nien who are entirely behind the age, and
who weald be glsd to carry the country back
to the good old limes when the Mi*«i»ippl was
navigated by rafts and ilitboatf. Here is this
River and Harbor bill—with the slightest honest
and well directed effort it might have been pass*
ed, bat Western Lxtofocoism deferentially gives
it the go by. out cl complaisance to tbeaernples
or chivalry! The only way In which (be lake
aud river pcnplo mn get a River and Harber bill,
ia by elrc'iup Wcig representatives, who will not
•ell their interests to doetriniriet and dogmatists.
Important from Africa.—'The New Tork Com
mercial publirhea the following extract from a let
ter received in that city,by a commercial house:
Surra Ltont, Afrua, Aug. 2,1850.
The British brieantine ofwarßoneus arrived
vcst'M’day from the leeward coast, and will leave
ior England direct this afternoon, with ioformalion
that the King *rf Dahotny has ordered the mission
„nj fo-enptured slavps at “Uoderstown” to
leave the country belWti.e if* October. If they
Jo MO., £> - V *l' ■«. c™ -
mennfwr with the Commander Forbes
S' iho ■ lo'J »»i-w-’-r ,he Kijs, .od
' tbe result wtw die immediate departure of the vs*-
*el for England-
Freni iLelM* 1.0u.* F.ej b'.l crn. "*
Important News from Deseret—now
Utah Territory—Indian FI gbt—The Cal.
lCriila Emigration'
By the steamer KobL Fnltoa, from the Missouri
river, yesterday, we received the Frontier Gv-ar.
dtan Rxfre,o(the 11th. It snncuom ihe am*
Val of the United Staten Mad from Sill Lake city,
with dates 10 ihe 3J of August This mail arrv.
ed cn the 12ih lost., in of Mr John Greene,
Mr. G. had several muica stolen irom him by tfco
Indians, just before he reached Fort Laramie,
leaving him with oniv cue Purs-; and n heavy
mail. No team could ire precured al F ,f? L»-ra*
mie, as the troop*, stationed then; were me*- *"F
preparations to leave rburtly lor ibe 3t»re». Hi?
horse was worn dawn when he rot to fort K««r-
oey, and liscrc he hired r. •« *>finr
him 10 ihe Mifnonri fiver. Hu was nci-oojpanied
by Mr. HolUdan, of VVcMon, ww <* r «P*c*' l in
mercantile tiuainem at Sail Lake eilv
the leUCrt and paper* tn lit- rrorn
grmnu. ,We may cxpetrl tha.r. ;l a d.yur two,
[a St. Louia.)
The OuarJ'an pu’diahe* rt idler Trim Urtßhnm
YoQQg, and other leader* o: las Chord', 2rdr.**s»*
ed to Mr. Orson Hyoe. U i< dated oa ihc Wih
jßly/snd reputed* that Sa't LsVv Osy liaa t.-en
crowded with cm'tr-’-t'.'i ti.n'-j use So..i May. The
leUer #ay»—
The em:<ration pj ired ! s r.-r-.‘ m mu'ci pom
beta, that t!:rv :j- «»<J r-'-'s :■> e v.r-r •■•<l
price. Floor t--l fr > ,:•* d
which ws» vnfflf w so ianic- »or:
■* r >;■
latora to m l i
Harvest «-numen<'-
continued <jr-til t:i- n,-r
pieces cf whrm
carred when it m>
floor ta' b--r. *«• ••• •
hundred. T:»' m
tpring Wo* Itnuicnv. Trc- til -j :t."i of the
fail grain ha« nroi'-.m-d *•'. t c".,.-... rot*. and the
•price crop* In. k • r-.-nrfc-:. y w.-i: In voner.
quenec of the pr- pt =oj t:>- o’ miov? on the roeun-
UiO*. many 01-our' v-isv-tljwci! '.lu-.r banks
oau«'og considers 1 d.scvv, •;o crops tV*. Ta«
Jordan ws* rev r-l f'-et h than t been
knowo before, and rir-tinvcd a treat portion «.f
I the crops below tno brnis;/. Ti.o t ,r oi*r in
er, Utah, and Tonic enu-pe* an- rer-orti-d to be
excellent. Brother vnu U.s latriy vipiied
Qa from San I’ete, tn lUl'ei ns account* oi
r It: nuTiw:, ai.:i w -.n: .
:t w:h iH.’ » •; oi ]»!•. wr> ;
S i- • r,* ■ 'f < M
e-v « lr- \» .n "n
; ’h- Mow. S n*" •
Vr !-T!''l- :'' r* |r
the prospects lor a a shun us to harvest. Onr cel*
ebrattooofthe 21tti v/astvrJl amended r.nd very
interesting, the «;*' vai >i you \v II fioJ ;
la the De*erct Nm It i« n potters! lime of
health with the samt", acd nil/ t*l-n:v el
bard work, uevery on** Uasli-cn solxjt tin:
they can hardly pvt trat to ■•<»: ■>? sleep. You
Speak aboni hnrrv mvi a: ii.«> • c--v Imi
if yon were here, to set*, ar.d rt-*. f ± - lh»; hor
dcn<, labor*, anii rr*poe?!b : l:t<<*«i, v.v.. -li r,:rlr,
berariy, and tnot’.ieT’t’in'v, rr.iticp, Hint'-
ling, and thnnderu.s «>r '•* «>*. vvt w .old at lo.*;
conctode that 11-tre wav no darker v cur
(be goat from idleness. or ioo /mvi, j- ►.?!<v.
Oar public wori - i>y->«sr w .:r-y for u-snt r!
means and wortra-P, <•;* . ••i-..'*- '4 i. n
i yet enclosed W<; t-nv.- • >*-:• •! a B-jjc t-iiop or.
1 t eTemple Srjaaf • -r J»: r !>lr> 4«.. l i.;uni: fur
|te pablic v jrfc*; ?/h -p'o-ed
j oar reach n place vrnnti
! o«Je>a-iry forthr- but l -:':
! have bad to mu!; 1 * ••■•ion ..'.l in
• I-;,- !-r,\V,e
meoti upon ib«* [l-v.-rv. r;;.; l»—• ?i un' c ««•
yet to gel our slort* b-<u<t'‘douc 10. o- | iik' l 1
pain, pro7':!f'-«. iv.
Tht Dtttreil A’tr.—
t©3 —soy* ihnl oo ih# l »i Jaly :a**y -k a
leitar frota W off;- < i ] j» viii.
comotuy ot'cmwjiftnu, m>: i-ti-ulsr» of
•a lodiaa lisbt M V-* 1 .>- »>--t «*orb-*
we»l of Bear rr»r nn -,h • Joa •. 'i'iti U-nn
lodtan# burittil a X l o.!'f* -•( ;•»«<• rin-.Vf; Ij.lunn,
&t Ibe plains naateJ —s-.ea in-fi and Mi
ctftJrsd live ln»! <mu> av. i».-iy Imr
ee«. W'li'-i* =l> ~i: ino o. i>t
«pS.U, tho> k.-<*' n. in * ii-'T.c
weru f.*r 1* f,“d-t -7-n i!t •• >u• a»-'-
0: s |ifr 1 1 >d« ii •-
Ol the P'r'.-i.
Cjipi. si.’.G'i'i'Sf vi r*) E ij
neera I'.i tj < bsed i t* i'jrwvv i.-i W-* ■ of It
Gr*?st Sti Lite. Tp- /V.
Cspt. Si3n-h;i r v. men e
wbicb Ij*vc rcn*’hcii ite
his expedition :'id born :
inhabitants of i!v v.*'.r?,
be farther Iro.n tne i/ o u
the President to I v-rY _•
greatest eo«ne»7 f ar,iY- '\ . ror.t-T.s-r
ftttitade the many of :cr-s.-;
from tbo ciTTrsc* S:*0;o ;-U<-v. ‘
baa bean 6:atl.ou-;v o;!.ir.!. d iit m•• !■> ••■••• <»
ol our duties; iu n;unvn:< - i s :r- k * -
bioai , and .be s’.i v u, -.! i. .• ;
sißlsocc ob'.ttined, Ir 'ni :tc.* r-m:P' ■'<
|of • gentleman, vrc.l kaowa an a!• •• a.'«
cate of yom doctr;:io->, a'.d n pm -ti .. 1* rl i
ential memberofyour cjiunn;;. it*. 1 hi*? n
ed it not improper to say tfciu much. nnMr.’.i.-.-
aot an erroneous‘rrp*>* 0-1 rrvruta
ready bur.uenvd \v. ■ : > nu:n utic c."••-•d r
lb C rd;.-r( i'
■ t»v ih.
The r'. 'f* I
works ktc jirarr-s in: v.
“The wall* cl i:-
Bio-ifc fif.*
Hoove L'v, rV* ...
it,.., y c- M-a-.s
Liviagctoa '»• K.nk-^.
sad the brick are r. iw
store house,and •'.nrc, Hw-.-rv fl.<
floors arc beiuy p-«• r>» *i u the .t;-,-,- Ho«'■; bv.
the heM <>' sUte is not* q i'*rv;i:£ at Lias, : tLr
roof. The aqueduct to las Bi:a House is n*arly
Tiey havo bad ho: v'V.hrr at sa:t Lake e;:y
►O. The Hums o-'toe fun Ju y, tnyr.
“The Vsllev WMih. r ha- t-rtro very warm Ike
past week. Mercers- at r.oon, > n ahnic.on Wed
nesday, ICO drg. A 1 r .m , a pt-astct.tbiK!-. e
storm passed over ihe pnrtt-iQ ct !*■«
valley, s lew drop- sVl.r.B on the u;:v. Murcnr?
fell to S 3 deg., but liumec'iiteiy roac
The emigrants c-sminecced urnv.nsr m the Val*
ley on the 20:b Mav, and tr.uu wn * cea
ticoal rush. Tbe tniiiwa.* rarri.-ii fr.-m Ksscs-
TiHe to Salt Dike City, ia -J day-, mutes sad
horse* in goad coodu.'o.T.
Potatoes wete dug in Salt Lake t.My. July Ith, j
measuring six ineber ra cir’-uaforeti'-c. Carrots j
bad been pulled mvcrurina s.s'rt.i ui rr.'-i ic
length. On the 17ih ol June a hcr-.vy iru-t w.v
experienced in the Vnllt-v, whtr'j tunny
tender vegetables. Oathe r.igoi o! ti««;ll'U of
Jana, considc-abh? rsm :«•*» in tfc Vul-ty.
CcunUijiits. — Msnyofilie em-gran’* at'erapt
ed to pass counterfeit cot. h: tbs Valley, winch
tbe people there neither wish »o buy «r soil, etc!
sdvtse them to keen tneir bo.-un out o r sic Lt. Also,
bogus gold dost has been otTcrod, cuusirl.eir only
of copper.
Tbtf main CahOrma cjnixrctsm im" *.l through
the Valley about tbe’. o
TEtTJYrtrw, of July 1, mt 1
-c*n T dry
••■i ih--n s7l.
“Two garden* were «>• •...
flight by em'grsnt- rntt!-, w.-i
Oar Marshal 'hr.i v
the emigrant* to cams* fresn Cie c.ry ‘b-Tr
by saving ttciriuoney and .caving the vrgets.ble*
•o grow."
Under the hetd of a - i ~i n<!rj»-«.!.T.i «-o;onany,‘
the News describe* *-a man leodmr a n»
with a small pack, pasre-1 our tHi -r rdey,
The Gvariian s»y»:
Dr. Oliver Dreiser ro*oe an p't.TDpt «t *ii -dr
last evening, by taking laudanum, but -.ipoui
Toe STOPJ4 of Knday wn« ih« misi terrific
that bas occurred in thi* -ii f. r year. W.•
were on the National K<*nil m thr lime, :iwl hnv-
seldom encountered simii a lien;*- bn'.iu: m tticrl
ementa. The thick l>!uck cumd*. which gailirmi
almost in a mnmenl. di«ehurc*’«f -ik’lj nmn* , n»<
quantities of raiu tfiat so s.iy n «iirc*?s-i.>ii of torrents
poured down frt.m the he.tvensj'or iml: nn h<>ur.
wonld afford an inn<leqn<i»o nlvu of tbe >oonr. Tn *
“was auccecdetl by hail slon* wlurh came in “assort
ed tires,” until they gradually reached Uie -ize of
a moderate waluut. Down they milled, amid the
emsbing of thunderbolt nmltlm roar of Urn
breaking wlodow*. fnvhtning bi*a«i», und pehintt
1 poor mortals. \Vhew’ I*n<: Stu.ulrl have l* ru in our
predicament to have n| the <*f 'he
'scene'— running altvr a ninawny h->r»o with u bug
gy at his heel*. Uhe Migaei.m* mi mini had “m-v •'
Dough when the big lull! sionr* tl-nl on the
novstomoke lowmd* thr iib»-o wli-rc In- had re
ceived beuer treatment.l iho lug hail >.'00.-- rniduiv
one of those hut* and the rain drcio b i. .’ u« in (hi*
skin. We cnioe off. however, will"'” 1 <lam
ag«. Capl. iloorc s suick imii rund Uu.* Icgge-l
kind of storms.
This is ill**only Ihmz lifco nn i , *;tii!ir*c'inl -ii-rm
which has occurred here ilii»*ca*oit l! H ha* l*wi]
extensive, we fear ihnt mtn-lj d.uuago ha* Lo'-u
done.— Wltteting <luaiiir.
Rah. anp Pi.akr lloaiis r.;o-.i i'irr=ut to
Nkw Youk and ItAi.riunur.—The l'iU-l>«iu; , *«rs
are waking up. The cuv ha- rrsnlved r>i.*ce her
self on the tin*.** of travel uinl f>y every
ticable meant.
She proposes a Kaitwav down *h.; Volley «>( ihc
Allegheny river, from ih** New V«><-U U a<; 1-Jr;r |> n< i -
way. Thre i- n charter in „ m ! u*r
nal say* all that ir u-.inicd h. a _ ~ i, ( , MK .,,
Book*and elect oHircn*. 7h - nnd, n -n\-. w-mld
give New York a dtrrct and onrittmnm* ro..d n* S'
Louts, and open to it the tntermr trade of -ti- ; rntit
States of Qflio, Indiana. lllinoi*;tni(l Mi—cun
Thismovcineul, ihe It-iihmure Sun *a\-*bovv«
the great irnportance of pn-hlng lorward to 0.. m
pleion the Bjltunoronud Oiuo }{iilr.ani t.» in- t Hoc
river, and the propisted Ihank lioud fniin ' rrr'i-Ar
laod westward down the Valley «.f the V* ne's:***
pheny to West Newton, at thr !tc:id«f .Sn-k Wi.n r
Navignlioo, on tlitu aver, &:><l wuhm mil-- c-l
Pittsburgh.; Push them all on, We ray —iUiictmui
ti Gaxzttt,
: cirjN N EWS
The accounts from Ireland of the harvest continue
io l.e at the mast favorable character.
A new comet was discovered by Ur. Charles
Ki‘h'-[>on, at a private observatory at Markree
L'a>t!e. Ireland, in the conlellation of Camdopar
diM. about midnight, on the 9t)t instant The ob
■•crvai.on* give, at 13h. 4m. 325., Greenwich mean
Comet’s right ascension Oh. Om. 51. 3s
" north declination 53d. 29m. 225.
The hourly motion in R. A. is 40 seconds of time
increuMiig, and in declination about three minutes
toward* the South.
r Sir George Hamilton, the British Minister at
Kiorcm-e. died in that city oo the 3d inst.
KorfioTaaus, minister of Public Worship andtn
»:ni< inm at Athens, has been shot The telegraph,
ic di'paich announcing the fact does nol.howevtr,
give uny particulars.
General Haynau arrived .at Ostend on the morn*
ing of the Sth instant, and took lodgingsattheHotel
dc* Bamc*. The General, accompanied by his
ft d* de ramp, departed the same evening for Aix
In Cbupel.c. He was in ciliien’s dress and ap
peared to l>e sufferinggreatly.
A »iib«cnption has been opened at Chamberg to
e-t-ci n monument to be surmounted with a bust of
‘‘General De*aix, on one of the squares of that
The i tjzeuc des Breslau announces the death of
tne nclieM linker of Hungary, M. Wodjaner, a
convened Jew, who leaves a fortune valued at
i weuiy mi llions of florins—fifty millions of francs.
Oa (h- *di instant, at five o’clock, on immense
nuK ourtt- uveranied at the Hippodrome, lo see
the reiHiou of M. Potevin oo an ass. The va»|
,uou of iti * Hippodrome was filled, and the np.
prciu'L'--* to the barrier de I’Etoilc nod the Arc de
Trmmpne, were covered with a crowd so dcure
that for one hour not a vehicle could pass through
die harriers.
l:e wore the costume of Sancho Ponzn, was
nioontvd on n superb black a». Above him,stand*
in£ hi a «uial! cur was a companion representing
Don i s *u sotu*. They were driven by a northeast
wmd and alighted near the village of Orray, on tbo
same plain where he descended on the preceding
Sunday. Mr. Poitvein speedily packed op Lis hoi-,
loon on a curt, rode h s n*« lo a neighboring bouse,
and tl,in.-l with the same host who bed etiierlttiued
hint on hi' former ascent.
Tiie t'nrltst chief, Bulliardo, has at last been taken
ai-d wa* immediately put to ddlth- He made •
,V'|>oru!e rcsistanue, killing two of bis adver-
Tt>e health of the Queen of the Belgians gives
the crenU-st uneasiness. Her disease i* an affection
ill the i tit’M, of »uch unportauce as la require the
'1 tic French ship Aigle, from Sumroatra to Mar*
*eii‘e», wt* lost on the Zietxeraekn ccast, about
t'.vi-r:v oiiti-* we«t of Si. Franci’s Bay, early in
Jon- 'I lie Captain, seven of the crew, and the
,iijii p.i?vm'er, the Spanish Governor ol Manilla,
wr«* ii.-owned. The survivor*, ten ui number'ltnd
i.n.vij ut tue Cape of Good Hope
Tt.o of the West, Captain Wetwter, from
; 15.ri.twiv tor Loudon, was wrecked m the same
*' >r.n. and uu lactams coast—'all on board perish
Thu Ind an was !ou on the passage for England
u ftombay r>n lus 4:h of the C argadoa
■ e<f. 1w o ofihfl boiti were itsved, the captain
ar,.l anew seized the remaining one
sr.d lelfln ; vi-.saeL The morning au-r, the ship
went to j icots. A passenger tarnishes the follow*
iup nsriattve of aueceediag even's:
S»*ik* iitnamerably surrounded q« on all sides,
whu-h very much Increased the terror* of oor *>t
Uft'<->n. Owing to my being horled on ibe rocks
iv the *-.irf twooriaree times, I Ins*.-my senses,
an I w*« p«r:e< '-If uaronssioii* as to nhst occur*
re 1 til. 1 found myself resting on a spar with a
MXiior. I .uun.t the ahip bad gone to p eers, and (ji’e of.-ur comrades had perished, water *ur
round;,'* ■>< *n every direction, w.ih noicrg in
vo-w out .-,n- or two email sand banka, ana loose
a to;.* d n-mu.-c off. * ]
K< ii'.ht w * bsd constructed s red* kind nf
ryU.i n winch we slept, but a* lb? tide ebSed we
g'-'juitr.t, and with »D<- exception o' our heads, we
v’< -r* steeping io the water,' cold sail
.<.t-.-i.-m 1 t ut *ull, comparatively epatkinc,
W: r-ra*ii.<‘l on tbo raft iu this state twe days
ii.i-i n shir, the sun scorching a* by day, and the
•v ;tnwi;i* ui our being wet, making us dread*
ft; <* ,•< 1,1 m ;-;ghu
i • • me third dtv, haviog found a small
... jo ,<y .. oatmeal, wc determined to start for the
t*i»d otinfc. A aigty gallon c«sk of beer.
;«->«£ caws ot wine, a pie c of bad pule,
•r,d ibi- ait nu-<d t were the oolyithipgs raved from’
v.i fk. W f taroed the raft, and after *»«Vcip
ri.v'- \> -r!:, we retched th' bree about unset and j
.-.ore put car leet upon dry laid. We had
-civ v-nt-.r. iiai-c, and then but sparingly. Thai
We - vet fourteen days and flights, subttstirg on
di and the wine anb beer we saved.
S' • i drop of water was to Ibe had. Oj the 21) h
; c‘‘ A v saw a vessel lo tlie leeward of us, acd
• , t-i oi tract Her attention by mesas of s
~- .. -nd i (&irt atl«rhe-J ; but she did not r r
, .. i. . Tfe cell J»y, sbiut one hour
t - - •*. 't:.- : nether ve**el hove in * gut abo ■<
• -. **• ere tbcship of the previous evr«
:i . > -n. We sgato hoisted our rgoal and
>-i'. -e afmut the bank, to show there waro living
c :.f::rr; cu i'. We thought she did not ace us,
ftt:J i. r tJ;it:y our allowance of oat meal and
••- tij’. tL-*S, v*e laid down fop the nigbl'a reat.—
in a time, however, we were alarmed by the
iiaxiMi* of oir dog, and discovered, to our delight,
a c ,o.<c :a upon toe sands. She belonged to
the v-vci we had seen in the (evening. The mate
ami oi- ol the passengers weat on bnard that
nigv, .i -d tbe rest of the anfvivora were taken off
be next morning, when we were conveyed safely
:o the Muuriti ta.
A Inter from Paris, of the Slh, m the Indrpeii'
d> ■” e of Brussels, toys .
“Slii'-v l.iim- Philippe's dcaih, the journal* have
been speaking o( the loriune which be has left, and
it bu* U-u’i even said that ihe legacy duties wonld
ani.vju; to some millions. ( Hifd the exaggeration
which 1 *u.-|"*c!ed in these accounts i« greater than
[b id sunfMsed. The landed property tielonging to
tbe lot- Km? contain* about SG,UOO hectare* uhe
li-cf.nrc i* nearly 2 I*2 English acres) thus divided:
(.->.(,1.0 cotuprited m tbe dunuiioa made bv the King
M [u- rl.’-ldrrn on August 7, IS3O, and of which ho
ro-t -t mi h.m*elf the life interest; 17,000 belong
mg to tue IC’iur himscil; and 28,000 bequeathed to
).mi. f.>r In* itfe only, by filadaine Adelaide, his
s.-ii' . The grtw* revenue of this property, calm
.’.-.1 on nn average of 10 year*, is 2,95t>.000f,
r>,n. ININ tt has been smaller, and for 1801 will
n », it is -upjxfcd, amount to more than
I'. ii I’tiin all this it is necessary’ to deduct the ex
peitM’s ■ f tase-, insurance, maoagemeot, agency,
izv . amoimting to I,CU,OOOf. ’There, therefore,
romaim-la revenue of which at 3 percent,
Hrpresi-ul* a capital of nearly 711,000,0 CA. la this
vi :nai ion I do not comprise non productive prop
i-rty. .itrli u* chAtcoux, parks, andgardeos, which
.t in‘.-t t><-ndmuied, ore not without importance.
Tor ir.-iui’i'c. ih:* Park of Mooceanx, in tbe Fau
)>iiviru d.i Uoulc, close to Pans u altogether unpro
liu mid uomuins 18 hectares, worth, tayr, two
in ,iioni. of (rune*; also the Park of Neuilly, coo
iHimnc ne.irlv one htmdred and eighty six hectares,
give- no revenue, yet, if sold in lout, ll would give
nr :rn>i lonv milium- of franc*. I ought to men
tion i‘i it i Iwvr m.'iuded in thi* statement the pro
rvrtv o: ine Duke d'Amoale’s dooiAio of which the
g-ren Man* Amelia tus the life use, and which
g,ve« al. nil 1T7.00»f.
la rm-. i>> i>e exact, I ought not to tmsi over in
*iicr.c- ih- movable property of the King, consist
ir,•• u rri.MU-r held in commun by him and Madame
A ,l -li-id-. ur>mg from canal sharn*.and louiiiic<,
w i,,.'ii'.vitu. ul Any exaggeration, ran*! be worth
jo tX-tif u; alMi Government securities belooa
.Liin- Ph iippe himselfamounting to 100,000 f;
„ \mr. incltnling 30,000 f. o year m the live p-r
r*-i’ fur Hie ohnp-1* of Dreux and Neuilly. But
iSi- .mi m brilliant in appearance, i* consid
ern'-l'. Uiiiiioi'hrd by the enormous debts conlraci
• .1 -■ ii< -i rx.-m-ively lor the work* undertaken in
V.T'it: 1 ••• uni in the Iloysl palaces. The names nf
Hi. i-*-r-ui r- <1 Louis Philippe are uow known;
tin- in- M M <lr Monialivet, Dupin, sen , lie Mont
u,„.- Lipiuaiiv, Barns, aud Scribe formerly ad-
ii.t- Court ol Cassation.”
Tbo B-rdrant joornsls, which have arrived
«li,« irorti.ue, siinounca the death ol Lien*. Gale,
11.. it-.* »:>ith' Oj Sunday he made so ascent
w .rN M- “ 11 -'*b< Cremorfle” ou (he back of a po*
n . f.Tin the U.ppOdmme of t'lucenncs, at Bor-
I' vs* tou fi'sttime that Mr Gale hadev*
cr mr.:i-i Mi-h an asceii«ioa, sod his pony had oa
jv P > r ir ,1 4 v* t-iore been broken in. At first (he ;
1.. d(l ;iii4i d.»p!«yeU great rrpngoance at being
•iiie.l Iroin dm* fco', but he gradually got accos
totred tu "ud on Sunday allowed hitmetf to be
, rrnuil ofl by the ba'looo with the greatest com
{.o-urc. A* tm-rc was some delay in filling the
Llioon with gas, the pony, gaily saddled tod bri«
(iu-d.wr.* pnnxted ir"Qiiu the Hippodrome, and
WAS regarded with extrxordinary cariosity by the
spectators. An immenso multitude assembled to
«ee the affcent. Tbe local jonrsafs say (hat the
town Wes cnmplctclv desrrted, and that ihe arfja
cent vlii.*ge-‘i sent their contingents. When Mr.
Gale vos iccn to ascend rapidly into (he air, sast
ml oq hi* p'.’iiv, with the brnle in ono hand and
sAi-j'ing the public with tbe other, there was a sort
or-fih'ir'der of fetr in the vast multitude.
Tn>-(o:iywat perfectly calm, with hi* leg*
h-tc/mg - i J hi* neck bent; bat he made do movi
n-r-H. Tr.e descent of Mr. Gale, which look place
« s-'on -••!«!.<* from Bordeanx, proved fetal to
h>- n . t v hen the horse bad beeo released from its
*br.K<, tiv: p-a-ins* who held the ropes of (he bal*
U>a misuodertttnding the direction* given by the
cepmaut. l-t go, o-d the balleoo stilt having euffi.
went es* in .1 to give an ascensional fared, after
(7-mq me weight oftbe hone, rose suddenly, and
the a < ti -r. wn"-h neld by a tree, being loosened
" v tJI .. mouoo.the shook npaet the car
>,ir. t-riu, bowever, dang to the ropes, s&d was
loMiir.u.i ty r.ble m pull the string of the valve, (o
cm*-' n ferthurcsoapo ofihe gas. The ascent of
ho l-*iir«ui was then checked, and it was tbougbl
in consequence, at Bordeaux, that be had sue*
cccdcii in climbing up iato iho car. This, how-
was li„t .r.«* .-*s- £. Oir DrXI day the
icon was d<acnvt."(t ivir» on the ground, somfl
mtlei Irom ibe spot wnere the poay waaJiberaledi
aitd on further search hoir.g made, the dead body
of Lieut. Gslc wp* taond in t wood, wi<h the
lira!-1 all breken He baa left ft Wife and eight
Tub Scs.MAßfn: TmEOEApn—Tbe Boulogne
GaacUe, after quovliu* U-. e account of the ruptorcof
this 'e egrapb, oommcnis on ihe manner in which
it t« tald lo nave been broken, and add*— K We
confess ve ir- at a :<■«* to rightly comprehend the
real merits of ihi« cufortonste affait in presence
of the firt; wLich wc hsvr ascertained, that one
of our fisberm-.-n i* ;rj of a certain leng'h
of the te'evrajiiitr w.rc and ccattng, and demand*
60 f.-anc* for the d» targe done to hi* nets in bb
tairing it. It seems prc-.iy clear thst the wire
tno'l be brokt-a m «t ira*t iwj place*. The cir
cum?lance dr-mind* cvrrv po»*ible irquiry”
The Himhuryh papen, of the 9 b idiftc
that the Holstem Diet has been opr usd in the Cas*
tie of Kiel. The mem : er> present, 63 in uumber,
were addressed try Count Reventlow, one of tbe
Sttttbaltervcbafl, in the following speech by breatb
ing confidence and defiance.
The Hamburgh Borsehalie ol the 10th contains
Ihe following:—
“Kiel SepL 8-
“To day three nr onn have taken place Bear
Snderstapel. Bi»-cfcf nderf »:><l near the harbor of
Eck-rnforde. Ncor Sudcri aprl oor 'roaps,conalsl‘
ing of a de‘a>.hio<-nt of the 1 lib ha'tilion and the
first Jagercjrps.wr!.-- a'.ta-kcd by ■ Danish battal
ion, bnt wbica they he*', buck.
The Daoea bevr b-cn compelled to leave all
tbeir killed and wuncvd behind, together with
25 prlrosers. <\i cir aide are nuoibered three
killed and about seventeen wounded, among the
latter Captain tfti-ride', one of the Ist Jagers.
Of the reruli of ihe i.flbir at llrcok-ndorf nothing
baa been known frr c irtafoty. Near AltenhotT,
cIom? jo Eckcraftirde, a party of our troopa have
been firing agamwt some Danish gunbeals. Noth
ing of important'** c-iu tl have been expected, from
th'a affair, aa our tro v* q nd the gunboata fire pas
sed our position .*.r. 1 <:id r.o harm.
The Hamburgh Fr;ce Presae has tbe following
from Alton#:—
Alton#, Sept. 9.
*‘Yrft‘efday an s-i-cn rr,oreorlc*B severe occur
red on the who)- i f Mir l.n« a- In the centre our
troops, advanced bv wav of Breckcodorf, aatar,
as Jcgel, wttboui any apecial result. Our right
wing, in the Eas 1 , C".>u tbo enemy under their
guo« at Ecke*n‘cr l. fi t- left wing composed ofibe
Ist Jaser errp*. the bih and 11th battalions, was
driven back near SufcrMspel by tbe Dmca, having
about six halt- cii • who them. On this point
beieg reinforerd i<v the Ist battalion, the Daces
we'** in torn c^n'M-l>d io retire before our troopa
followed a* far h* Schwabsl-dl, about a mile
(German) irom ti.o position. N ncteen Danish
priM.ners have be-n )>ro'ii;ht into Rrodaburgb,-
Sceth bss been o*'' iip<-d nttrlroopv
Pasted during U>r First S'.uwnqf the Thirty First
iPi r.rjf -No, 31 |
AN ACT to uutn• *- ■'«' Secretary of the Trcn
»ury to perm.t • ««c * irmn the Rnit*h North
American l’r«<v ,>. , • i.. i.uie and unhide at such
place* in u»v • :<u<i’ district of the United
States a* he nnv dr.-innate.
It.. It KUICfII i'V ' ’ ■ j V <7ll /V //«'< C/ of f?rr«<*
ten:,itit et of the l • ■ of .1 men'mi «* Con
grtss mweVi./ • th- Secretary of the TreatU*
rv. wuh ih«‘ oppr..s,, <<i the President of tbo
Untied Sisie*. pr> v ihe laiier ►hall be satisfied
that similar pr vi i.r- > xk iidrd lo ve*rei*of ibe
Caned State* m if- >•< <»iiie% heremofter mention
ed, i.-» liercbv no 1 hix’irMi tinder such regulations as
lie may prescrib- '<* protect the revenue frwn
Jraihl. it* periin' vr,--u tatten wuh the producis of
Curutla. New *3/u. *<y eh.. Nova bcotia, Newfound
land, «id Pri.ife Edward’* l*!nnO, or e ther of
lb-in, in lade ...r • i>..iU.; ,>! *my port or place wi.'bin
any c;illec:»ni <ii>irir: .1 the Cnned Slates which :
be may dr«<>:nni.-: ;.i«l it nuy anch vessel cn'enng
a purl or pLt-e* «-.< tle*icualrd, to Isde or uu'.nde,
*lu.ll neglect o' ret<i - m .-tnnply with the regtilft
tum* *-> prerer I cj l<\ tbr Sr ere wry "■ 'he Ticasu
rj, nmh vr*-eip a-Cii.e mvuer or owners andujdv
ler thereof. *in*:. be ȟb]--i n*the nuns penalutu
as it an nuuiii'iiv nnd-r tin* net had been granted
ti> la'te of! 11l *<it-ii (nirl or place.
Approved September *. IS'<o
AN ACT it> m«--»*ii*e tv t'-immifonal of the Cni
.t/4 . v 'j,<<r «8 d Houu rf Rep
is- >iin if America sit
T■» fir's be nd.det to ibe
I• -ir ctnriiiissarir* Of *ub
,r 1 -im < I C'.ip’aii), 10 tie taken from
He it rnaetr.l
► U h.,*.r,.cr dep
*i-iet t-e wi<h 'i.
th- :<.ie of ii„- ~
• I'iirttif, That On
iH*niof aul de -ami. -I Mi- Major lieneral com
iuan<ting the nreiv -'..>y l*r • u.en from ibe capUm
ornii!)or*ot l*.e vt.d *im>l be allowed Uu
pav and h u <<r ol
Approved iS ,rien.'--j Lsi, 1 Ss.V).
>*' :tx\
AN ACT prov t .r ...r oiftminalmn andaettb
meat ol cla.iu* uiud ai ihe Sic. Marie, :
l.e tt »«.s-v<r *-.< i<»- Se-ijio ouif House r-f Frvrt
wrl,' - -*-'- of :b- I « 'r.. 11/ Cor
gr>- >’ .rsirtnfJr>i. 3i at i'.»- ir«i*ter and receiver of
1 tie iJiitl iit lit- >m : Su- Mane be, aofl they
are licit by. atn:»*<: iz - J m exaiume and report upon
claims to lo:* ui M.e .'rrii Ste. Marie, m towtiar.ip
forty seven ik-.-:*,. < 1 **iie ea*t and oflO We*»i
iu Michieun, af<-. . 1; ,r.-r ’n the pravisioa* herein
after etminired ard ’,m •iui;t to such instrurlinus
a* tn?,v ba 5 .veil t'\ um l.'oiini)i«*ioaer oftaeGen
em; L»«d (*!ice
-- r :«i' f<i. That the -Tiid
•t> :~a'»ier itntf receiver
"1 ft :srgi. *nie.<>l th<
ilie rile .Mftrit
air'l it «ti >il tw ihe >: ■/ .'I ti.e Sreretary of Wur lo
dirert the proper m etGrer, on the application
ot the rttu>eter m. t n ver. '<.• designate, or cause
to he ut- >i ihe trap aforesaid, the p.n>i
t’oit anti the extern • i i->t« neces-ary for military
purjMwe*, a« ni-o t:,* j~t on nod the extent of any
other .«.t or lot«, wtt <h trnv he rtqtnred for other
piihiic r>urpo»e» ar,t ih» pcstuon ond extent
ot* the Indian Agsuey tr.u t, and ot ute Indian re
Hsu 3. And e* >1 /.ink »r rnattdi x That in the
case of any per*nn or p-rsm*. or the legs! repre*
sen otlvcs ot onv p«-t*.i>R or prrsons, who are tbe
primal boua fcdv .'"ja*it: p under tbe or goal
c'aims which a.--- tm-reti m l«ofc number saven
of the rerort «l the B mrd of Gommutsiore/a. un
der the act O' Co.-gr-** no,•'roved twenty first P*b
rusry. p'gntc> :i sunr'i-ru a'.d twenty three, entitled
“An act to revise atd oontinne to lorco certain
acta far the adjuMu>.*ct of Dnd rlsitca m the Ter*
ritory of Micb'xxu," it tu<l say be >awtul lor
toch persQQ, w ihin on • year frpa the pissage of
this set, to proent s j"-! .'* nonce in wri'ing to
the register and rtrciver, retting forth tbe nature
of hi* claim, with ihe uont aod depth necesrary
to embrace his. retUi.-raeci and improvementa, and
its position and limit* l , a* accurately as practicable,
od the public survey?; al*u the length ol Ume it bat
bpBD settled by the claimant, and the rati*
uiaicd val-c at ttic um-bi* right ortipntled, and
the eatunaied value ct ‘Nr pn-»-nt time, exclusive
of improvement*; nnd it sbcl. be U.o duty cf the
register and recvctf>-r i> rcuctvc and consider tea*
. bmosy which may pr-n-iird ia ee. b case, att
to call for such luritc, :.->t mony as they may
deem r.eev*s*ry. in <--«!rr i< enable them to de
leri&ine Ibe precise naiu'- of cseh nlslrn or title,
ami asc-rtnio order wumn the same nrigioa'ed,
■rd to fix It* porinon nmi i x'.cnt on the public
su-veys, and its prefvr.i value, cxs'osive of its
provemetit*; nod alsf* n-c- *isin tbe valne of the
rmorovements, ted hinhrr ti. ascertain wbttber
it Interferes wi'h any « claim, and Ibe ex
tent of, and nature o', Mich interference; and. for
the purposes aforesaid, if* n-vister Afid receiver
are hereby an'bnrzed cf-h to administer oaths,
or affirmations, end it shall also be the doty of
those officers to rccoid ail noitce* and testimony
in anpport of eo'd* c •m.; a-id (or ndmiltiatoring
their oaths, Ihcv »h*.l ti- slfowed a fee of twelve
and a ball cent*, and a likn sum for every bon
dred words of textlraony which they may record,
to be paid by Ibe clnimalttH, and equally divided
belwfen too offi.-'-r* i-fo.-i-.-iid.
rise 4. And Lr ■( /.oiArf That, in the
cisnofanyN i;<* ti-x- wr.o has nu ngbt
ondsr on ong ,•»*■ c'ann. entered in lh^aforesaid
bNok number r-*-rn, l*-u who, ou tic first day of
J-nuary, in the u-*r r-f our Lard eighteen hun
dred attd forty nice hed reduced a lot into pos
s-st'on, aud a an S'-'iial nnd bnn« fido settler
thtreon, or o- cu(>nnt ihi r.-nt, it shall and may be
lawful ;or him to li e a »ravrn notice,stating bow
long ho hss been i-i the actnol possession of the
lot, the netura of nia unprnvrmcnls, the extent of
front and dep’ft rtr;i;i«iie lo embrace his actual
s' tt.'emeni anil impravi-oveta, the estimated vnl*
u« of the lot nt thr: time «>' tue ft’Uleraent, and Us
present value, cxc'u-i improvements, as also
tbo value of such, improvements, and also denigt
Dating, a« ro’ursic-ly s* practicable, its position
npon the public survrv*; * n( ] !( ,fj a || tP( j mo y be
lawful for tJie aforc-atd • fTiccrs, ebto, to take all
necessary tettftuony IntbU l-U*s or cases in like
manner, and pertonu MmiUr Jui es as required id
the for. going scciiun, snd io receive aqv noire
and evidence of any on->?ion*ry claim from an*
. party an* or z-.i io set, I'otb as to tbe neturo and
ex •u> ihe mu.<■ ■, nuii me iround* on which u
m*v t e rn ir . qoiti-ble conatd-raiinn.
Sf.c. 3 Amt U lII.' ■' rn,tried, Thnt it shall
al«o Ik* the duly »( iliti l.iml oificer* lo examine nnd
arrange me ounce- »<.d i—ninony in all oases filed
under tins tret; ii ml tic- imm* contemplated by the
third section, wiodi Uicy may confirm, aball be
placed in ulistr.ici A, lu*( das*, nnd tbnae under
that section which mny bn rejected hy them, shall
be placed m i»!.-»trn«ri A, second cluss; dnd in all
coses coiiicmplnleil by the fourth sectioo of this
act, the cimfiniinlu.n ol die commissioned shall be
placed in altMnw-i II lir-i clu.-s, and their rejections
inabstmet B. *co<.n<l ct.iM.
Sec. 0. Atull* it fini'in rii/jrird. That in the afore •
said abstracts, the rcpwicr and receiver sbnll desig*
nale the quiuiKir oi each claim, naiQß of present
and original claimant, area, present value of the
lot, exclusive of improvements, and the amount
which, m their opinion, ii would be junto require
as payment for the same lo the Government; and
the said officers shall designate on the aforesai4
map of the public surveys the location ol each
claim os near ns it can bo ascertained from the tes
timony, with the e>timn;ed acuta! value, and the
assessment therein of the »mn which, in (heir judg
ment should bo paid fur the saom to tho Govern
ment. i
Ssc. 7. i And I* iifi'nher rnottrd, Thai tie sur
veyor general at Detroit, on being notified of the
completion by tho la&d officers of (be tforessid
abstracts ilod msp, shall de<p<itch askillot deputy
to the Saujt St*. Marie. Who shill file in tho land
office at ttyst pldf-e bis siridsvit fs.thfnlly and im
partially to discharge bis duty; and thereupon
(here ah ill; be delivered to him the said abstracts
and asp, find be shall then proceed forthwith to
lay «o<i survey tbe tillege.of Saolt Sttt-.Mtrfe
m'r> iq»c lota, streets, svecoes, public bqoares,
pal having regard u the lot* tad streets
tin ndy actually surveyed, existing or established,
ini', having regard, also, to ibe existing limit* and
«x tnl ol lb© luis, and (o the existing limit* and
ex »-nt of tbe lot* covered by the claims which
•hi n bare been adjudicated by the register tod
re> l iver ; and after such surveys shall have been
c : npfoled. the aforesaid deputy shall prepare t
- p.,t • xbib ting, in connection with tbe lines of the
p>ibitc surveys, the exterior lioes of tbe wbo'e
v.'lrge, also !he sqaares, individual lots, and tbe
pub;..-; lots, and also the out loir, designating the
Lo-s reserved for military or otoer purposes, at*
cercog to the extent and limits of tbe same, as
fired by th" proper military officers, pursuant to
the requirement of the aec-ord teclion ofthiaact,snd -
ajvc lining the name o( each claimant of the Indl- '
vuluai lot, and whether confirmed or rejected, the
mm assessed by the register and reenter as a
paymect which should be made in each case by
tbc party, and alsb designating the vacant in lota
and on: lots, the farmer ol which shall be anb di
vided idio lots not to exceed each a quarter of m
acre, and the latter not to exceed two acres estib ;
and it shall be the duty of ibe said deputy, from
the best information he cao obtain, and after con*
fereitcc w.'h the land officers, to specif/ on tbe
eurvev of each vacant lot, the actual present
estimated value, and it shall be Ibe duty of tbe
aforesaid deputy to return to the register and rt«
ceiver their abstracts.ond map, sod to submit to
(brm his plat of tfie actual surveys, and if they
shall be satisfied that it is jo accordance with their
at judications, they shall append a certificate to
that effect, and the aa : d deputy shall (ben transmit
tho said plat with the field r.otes to tbe sorveyor
grncral at D-troit for examination of tho wort,
*n i if that officer ehstl find it faithfully and props
orly executed, be shall allow the said deputy a
per diem of five dollars for every day acto&lly and
necessarily engaged in the preliminary rxsmioa
tion and surveys, and in the construction of the
pla>, ard shall al«o pay oM recessarv expenses.
Sr r. 8. JLudbtu further tnaeltd, That it shall
be the duty cf the surveyor general, upon the ap,
provul of the plat, or actual surrey by his deputy,
to return the said plat to the register mid receiver,
who shall thereupon transmit tbe same, with their
maps, nod record of testimony, to the
Commissioner of the Genera! Land Office', whose
decision in every rase shall be final, and binding
upon tho panies and the Government, and wbu
shall have power either to affirm, modify, or re
verse the decifious of the register and
to authorize them to grant a certificate upou the
cash payment to the receiver, of what may be de
termned to be n lair assessment on the lot confirm- ,
ed; mid upon such payment being (pade, and the
return of the certificate to the General Land Office,
a patent shall issue. AiqJ tho said register and re
ceiver shall each receive, from tbe proceeds of
such sales, the sunt of five dollar* for every claim
examined and adjudicated by them under this act.
Skc it And uit farther enacted. That it shall
and may be lawful for the cotnmustoaer to order
into market after public notice of at least two
months, all vacunt lots, or lots to which a claim
may be rejected, and lo sell the same for cash to
the highest bidder; subject to a minimum cf two
thirds of their estimated value; and upon such sale*
heiug made, and proper returns reported to the
(Central Land Office, the commissioner, il the. pro*
Mx?dmss are found regular, shall be autborixed to
esue patents.
Sfc Iff
And b* it farther unacted, That ■'ler
all llio claims shall have been adjudicated, anrvev- .
ed. and the vacant lots -old, it shall bethedoty of PHW AtiFl M*RirPT
the proper accounting officers of the treasury to a*- ralUAUt«LrnlA ®AhttL f.
certain the not amount of -ales, afier deducting all I _ rHlLaOttfSla, Oct. 1.
expense* incident to the execution of this net, and Flour—The market continue* dull. A nie of
•ueb amount rhill be paid over by the Secretary of b L export at sBif per biL but aofito bolder*
■he Treasury in the trustees, or other constituted wu > not tccep' this puoe. Site* la lots to the
authentic-, of Ssuit Ste. Marie, to be expended by tra ie ut 84 871 (350 per bot. for comtnoa and *■ od
them in the improvements of the street* aod erec* hr* ids,ss tor ae'ett and extrasOd 56&'7
tion of public buildings. j f t fauey Oaio and New York.
Approved, September 26, 1850 | Kye fc'looi—Sales 2UO bbl* at a trifle less thi
(PtTBLIC —No. 40 J
AN ACT tD re.Uiei the miu'mon price of the
mineral Isnds in me Lsbe Superior district in
Michigan, and m the Chippewa district In Wia
it* it en ;c*J fa ths Stn-iUi anA Houst'f Eepre* j
itmi'Utrti <f Ur.ut.i item •/ America tn ’
grrn dftrmJl'-i, That the mineral landa m ibe'-|
Labi? Sufonor dhimt in Michigan, and in tbs
Ob i pC'-u ths’ricl in Wisconsin ahull be offered ior
»» : c in tne same manner, and be aobjed to tbs
same tmoimuiQ price, ami the aatne nghit of prt
enjjt'Ob, aa the utter pubto lands or ibo Ceiled
S'eica; end mi :h portico* i f the act of lai March,
einfctr-n hundred and forty icven, “tJ esUbliati
a land oilier iq the northern part ol Michigan, and
to nro «ndi* »or the sale of the mineral land* in thfe
State of Michigan, ■* and of (be ad of the third
March, cgsteru hnedred and tony aeVen, “to er&
ate an ad.utiroai land dinrtci tn the territory ol
Wiaiiooatn, ard for other purposes,” aa are InoonL
• latent will; the prav'iotm of thi* an*. *haH bA
ami tl’r same are hereby, repeated : Vtoviltdi
loiictyr, that the rghl pivea by thcrvr acta of toe
ti’»t r:i(j third March, cißbieea hundred and forty
sr*vep, to lease***, o oupar.t!*, and permilleea to en
ter to 'he extent i.f ih**>r lease* and permits, and no
lea*, aSall not-be considered a» impaired by tbia
act ; hut »a:d le»Scea, oceupauts, and jxjrtn'l'eeo.
»h»:l i»e autJ*"»f.aed to cuter me land coveted by
Ihorir Icaaea, occupancy, tod permits, respectively;
aa ibemn provided, at the mtuiiaom pnee hied
by *. ns act.
ifLc '2. And be u furtbsi eruieitd, That the hold'
er ci \ le.iae or permit covering cooro thta one
fait taction of tne mineral land a, aa aforrsaid, tball
be ''(Uitlcd. on (he surrender or anablrocot of said
•ea*a or permit nt the proper land ofliie, to par*
chase, if he shall r lect to do »o, o :e fuli section,
and (do more of tfcc lane covered by *»id leaae nr
at a minimum pnee of ivo dollar* and Sf*
ty cants per arte.
Approved, September 56 IS.'O.
[PtrsilC'—No. 41 )
AN ACT to provide lor cartyirg into execution,
ia further part,'.he tiveifh arMcle rf the treaty
w th >1 x cr. «• ir. at 'Jja* l ,|ut>i H d-’ro
F<t • . _
"*• Cv;J
t'i >mj VitUJ. the >lll4, 1,1 li.ite mU.ionW
DuuJrcii and nvj inouaand dollar* be. nod
(be same is hereby, appropriated out of a tty tnonty
m (be treasury, not otherwise appropriated, for the
payment of the instalment and interest which wi'l
fall d'le on the thirt:eth ol May, eighteen hundred
tad fifty one, und-r the twelfth article or tbo trea
ty between the Un ted States and Mexico, made
and conclndej at trtxadalupe Hidalgo, on the 10-
cood of February, eighteen bandred and forty
Approved S*pt. 23. ISM.
f _ ll». MJt—No. I*l
A UESOLU7 lON to amend a revolution approved
cu/tne irutb ul Amrti*i, eighteen hundred and fif
tv one, relative !»■ the payment of dividends or
mleroi »*i wur bounty scrip.
/.V'u/rW If tkt Srnt:s and Houam <tf Rrpmtn :
foriv*. if tht IJutfd Slatrt if Avrm'so tn Ccngrtst
atum'Jtd. TTiat ihe Secretary of the Treasury fw,i
aod he m hereby directed, where the principal has I
been hercioloie rcdceiuedof any war bounty serip,'
to pay ibe dividend or dividends, or interest, due
al Lbc lime ol such redemption, to ibe person or*
persons who trou'd be entitled lo ihe ante under
Ihe resolution to which this is* an amendment, ui
case -r-np wu* hereafter presented for pay
ment )*r rcdcinpiiou.or that he pay the same to the
assignee, mtoruny, or repreaent&uva, as the
carr diay l«.
Approved September ’A>, 1850.
I i | Public No. 10.}
A RESOLUTION retailor to toe publication o(
the Law* of the United State*.
EttolveJ, by ths St nata and House cf Repre
sentatives rf the United States of Amenta, tn
Congrrss smiW, That the Secretary of Buie
be avinorixed and directed to contract with Lillie
and Brown l • furnish Ibetr annual Statutes at
Largo, prided in conformity with the plan adopt
ed by Congress io eighteen hoodred and forty
flvu, instead of the addition oaoally iatned by
<>ia order, ooder the act of Congress of April
■weatielh, eighteen hundred and eighteen, rod
which conforms to an edition of lho,Liws new
oat of aee.
Approved September 26, 1850.
Worse and Worse.
Loc<>rocot*v and Flies Tcaor Tb i»-mpbant Again.
ALrn Traitors to Pennsylvania lnt^etts.
On Tuerdav last, in the of dtepreaenta*
liver, Mr. Atbmun, cf Massachusetts, called up
ike Tenir Qucrtoo, and alter noma ditcoiaion,
Mr. Gncooil. ol'Ncw York, oobmiued an amend*
meot in the Civil ord Diplomatic Bill from the
Senate providing fur a u increase cf duties on Can),
Iroi, 5c0., similar, in many respects, to the propo*
silion voted down last week.
Mr. McCirrnoud rose to a point of order, con*
trading that the proposition was not relative and
The Speaker aottained the points and ruled the
.proposition cut of order.
Mr. Ashoiun appealed from the decision of the
Mr. Thompson,of Mira., moved to lay the ap
peal on the table, and 'he motion was earned—
yens 101; tay* 85,
Thin vote, of course, cut nfT the amendment in
creasing the prereni roiea of duties.
The lolJsw-np in an analyma of the vote:
Wing nod Fr».o Sonera .62
IjOi'-nfocos or |y S’!
Ilcbh.n*. "f Pi. nml »1 Wl«c<>oiin.
.97 ’ 1', (Snitdern ) on-v 4
UJ'Oitlt/ one Loe-fora from Ptnusyleama voted
tn favor of Protmton: Mr. Bobbins, ol Philadel
ph'» county.
E7* Win. S. Strong, of Berks!'!
M M Dimmick, of Wayne,
Job Maun, of Bedford,
James McLanahao, ol Franklin,
James Hots, of Bucks,
Voted increasing duties. Messrs. Thomp
son rod Gilmore, who voted bcloro with the
friends of Protection, dodged the question; acd
Strong, of Berks, voted this time with the Traitors
Every Wb'g from Pennsylvania was at his post
and veted tn favor of Protection to Amertcaj la
■ Mr. Doty of Wisconsin, who voted with the
Wnigs in favor of (ho Protective Policy, has been
thrown overboard by bis party at home, and they
have given the nomination to another. Mr. Doty
fan since been announced as an independentcan*
didate, and (be Whigs wilt support him forre*eleo
t on. This is right—-meo who stand up for the In*
jerests of the country against party, ought to be
sustained by the people.— Mmer'e Journal.
improreneate in Dsattitryi
; DR. 0.0. STEARNS, late oi Boston, is prepared to
manufacture and set Block Txns in who!* and parts
of sets, upon Suction or Atmospheric Suction Flaxes.—
ToontAcus cnatm in nvs iukutzs, where the sarva ty
sjpoicd. Office and residence next door to the iltF .
of* office, Fourth street, Pittsbareh. 7
JUrxx TO—J. D. hPFaddsn.F. fl.Bnwa, jU' t
The House of Bishops are in secret aeaeion. It
is understood that the <•»«* 0 f Bishop Ooderdoak is
uo-ler discussion.
The Convection assembles to morrow. A large
number of delegtnesare present.
Wasbingtos, October 1.
1 11* contradicted that Governor Vance has been
tei deted the appointment of United States Treasu
rcr The office bsa been offered to Hon. Mr. Sloan,
ot Ohio, formerly Secretary of Stale under Gov.
It l» eatd that Mr. Thompson will not accept the
Secretaryship in the Land Office; and that Nathan
w. migrant will receive a belter appointment than the
om- U*t. rr i
WasatßGTOtt, Oct. 1.
Mr. Webster having sent a special Agent to Nl
caiagua, further action on the Mosquito question! is
postponed till be reports. j
A special agent will be sent to open diplomatic
relations with the Dominicans of Hayti. ’ I
Important results are expected from both the above
tm-Mons. i
Among,the acta passed by the late Congress, is tie
Ca'ildrma bill, makiug six ports of entry. Tpe
Collectors are appointed and confirmed—James
Coijcr was rejected as Collector of San Fmnciscv,
sin! Mr. Davis, of Philadelphia, substituted ia l is
piece. H. B Robinson was appointed for Sacii
inento; Dr. Wellhai, lor Stockton, and Mr. Gall i*
gb'-r for Bentcio sod Valesco.
The land title bill, and the gold mine bill are pi st
poned. This will leave the California tax of & 0
per month on foreigners, in fall force till nextaet
sn>:i of Congress.
<islifornia light bouses are provided for. Alio
SCH'O.DOO are p.ovided lor a Custom House at Si n
KroneLco; and Sloo,oQofor a dry dock.
The soldiers' bounty land bill, by a mistake of tl e
engrossing rlerk, passed in such a form as to ibroto
thK lands open to speculators. The explanatory act
failed in the House.
Vicxsboboh, Oct. 1.
Governor Qui'man has issued hia proclamation
convening the Legislature on the 23d of Novem
ber. He gives os bjs reason for doing so, the sd
miMioD ol California, and prohibition of the slave
trade ia the District of Columbia.
WstHihorox Och 1.
The Bounty Lind swindle Dss been (band out.
The engrossing clerk, who left oat the lection pro
vinrg for Issuing patents to aoldieraanil their rep*
ret mtailvea alone, baa been diacovere d and dis
chi rged.
'i be President bsa aaapended the execution ol
th‘. Bounty Lind law until the next »^s |n n ol
Cc Jgress.
BsLTOIOU, Oct. 1.
The mail coach coming east was robbed last
&U at lire miles bom Uaioatown, Peons. Severs!
ituok*, sad money lo the amount of 910,000 are
supposed to have teen stolen.
Corn Mesl is scarce and Is held firmly at 93 per
Gnia—There is a fair amount cf wheat offering
but the deina«<l t« limited. Bales ot ordinary and
prime red at 1OC01O&C. and ot inferior at 87090 r.
per bu»bel. Oats are m tatr request, bat tew sre
arr vtrg. Sales ol Southern at 37039 c. per bo.
.Whisky ia dull si 27c per gallon.
Nsw You, Oot. l.
F>onr —Tie market is somewhat easier, parti cn
lany far Western description*.. Tee demand i*
mainly lor inferior, for export, common and
straignl B'aie are eelliog a' St 50354 56 oer t bl.
Corn—The market opens heavy at 65 l-2adGc,—
for mixed. *
Provisions—Pork is ■firm, with a small demand
at timer prices. Lard continues in good request,
witnan upward tendency in prices.
Luifeed Oil—The market is firmer with rales at
72a 72 l-2c. per gatlon, which is an advance.
Lead—American is selling ai S4ti 1-2, at private
[tvxxinu bsfort.]
Nrw You, OcL 1.
Flour —The market is steady, but inactive.—
Sales 13J.00 bbls. at former prices.
Groin—Sales of 13,000 bu. .Cora at 65 cents for
Mess Hork—bales at $00,5Qa510,62 1-2 per bbl.
Groceries—There is a fair business doinj; in cof
fee ai l-2 for Kao. Sugar and molasses are
Baltiuoks, Oct. 1.
Flour—Sale* of City mills at $4,64 3 4.
Gram—bales prims Red Wheat l?<0al05, and of
While at lOdallOc per bu. Sales cf White Corn
al ASis3e, and ol Yellow at 60a62c perba.
A. A. MASON 8b CO,
C-* 4b 04 nAUKkT SV.,
r.mscua, Ft.,
WOULD solicit the alten'ioa of Uerchaa li from
all sections of the country, lo 'heir iaunease
Ptoc k ai New Pall Good*, comprising the targe si and
aion complete assortment is tho western country,
COQ*i*Ußg of
S7i rases best styles Prints;
40 do Imported *6d American Giag')am»:
ns do Alpaeeas, Parmmatus, aad AI etiuo.
37 do Cashmeres and De Lain*;
<S do Satinets and Jeans;
8V do Cloths and Casslmeres;
70 do Blcaekejl Muslins;
41 bales Fionacls, all colors;
17 do Tickings a'l grades;
3*o do Brown Muslins, be»t makes.
Also, rates and packages of Bilks, BfaawU, Whits
Goods, Milhoery do. Tailors’ Trimmings, Ribbons,
Laces, Hosiery and Gloves. Ac.
Ah rehant* are assured, front tha great facilities of
this cstaoiithment,ol always procuring the latest add
most desirable goods, and at prices as low and lower
than any eastern house Being manufacturers’ agents
for large qaantitie* of Domestte Goods, they parties
larly solicit the orders ol merchants for domestics,
deliverable in this eity at tho same price they an
•oid ai m eastern cities. Merchants either going or
rrtarning from the east, are Invited to an examination
of their stock. jocVj A A MASON A CO
ABFAUTIFUL Oil Print, (a new Irrvenhon, pa
tented in London,) representing J-mny innain
tbe fields. in a listening attitude, taking ietsoos trom
the nightingale, has been received by fje subscriber,
fhe coloring is equal to the finest miriamre painting,
and the likeness toe most truthful aad correct ol any
yet brought oat.
Alto, Jenny Lind's Greeting to America, the Prize
Song, aad the celebrated Eeho So'jg * •
oea Golden Harp, 101 Third it
THE tubieriber offer* at private sale, a tract of
Land in Versailles towmbip, Allegheny county,
stuaied on the waten of Ban, aboal three miles
from McKeesport, eomatninx about 300 Acres ol
which 1110 acre* are cleared. The land is rngood
conumoa, and has thereon erected one frame and one
bowed log dwelling, each two stores high, bam and
out booses, together with eood apple orchards.
Terms low—utle Indisputable, tor furtherptnlcn-
Ears, enquire of ■‘AIUUKL KuSThal and
Ou the premises.
rpHK Milkmen have agreed to *eU, from Hi October,
J. Milk u *i cU pet gallon, and Cream at iicti per
tjnut oetfcdli
t^HE£3E— 175 bxi prime W. B. Cheese, lor sale by
oca Roand Church
SUGARS— *JOO,OGO common Ohio, for aatf by
VINKGAR— 65brls pore Cider Vinegar, for aale by
oeJ _ . J <t, a FLOVD
|>LANIiLT’5 —1 case on consignment for tale by
POWDER— 135 ke«JiljiUa* Pondr >r, for by
ocl ~~~ **iHR FLOYD
bxs Scaled Ilerrir c, for sale by
BAtJS— 75 tlox Twitted Tow Bag*, for tale by*
lAIID OIL—IO brl* for tale by . '/
i „ i BOHOO'NMAKBtt * CO j
.«» sri woa£m j
11NPKKU OIL-13 brla pore, (or sale by /
J oc'i _ J get/ OuNMAKER & CO/
PUTTY fc PUTTY KNIVF u f or , B ia by ** '
VENETIAN RBI)—20 bf ,« Korliib, for aale by '
CtIIUCIBLES— 600 Divjn’» beit Blaok Lead Cl a
t rtble*, aborted au'jr, for tale by
REFINED BGRAX--3 caacajaat reo’d by . >
CIASTOB. \HL—6 brl* for *aln by '
VEW r .4OVEL, MY T. 6. ARTHUR.—Hue Orphan
•La Ch/ulren; a tale of Crealty and Opprcf tion, la the
UUa of a new prize tale by T. 8. Arthur, jit u aaid to
be thy author* beat production, for *ate- at Holatea
Literary Derot.Thlfd etreet, oppotite the Poat Office;
•l*o, the Monk Knight of 8b John, by Ala/ or Richard*
ton, and LAtctt’a Luring Age No TO. - ocl
JUST received from PhUhpavtUo Factory, 140 yarda
Wagon Cover Oil Cloth, a'good article, for tale oy
ocl ’ 7AO Wood at
rpAH j*AUMNS—I terj heavy !arta v Tarpasll&»,ol
JL th t Ue»t quality of Indj a Hoober, on-, band and for
»alob y (oo 1) , i k H
L* .HD OIL—1« MU fio I, tsnding and r forsale by
COD FISH—3 casks-reo’g per canal, f. « sale by
T/V AVI f i'(SOPPEW?iELD—No. 17 ofUu V foassasong
liJ\ tor*,, byDtekens; end Blackwood forSeptcm*
‘>cr, h«* been received at Holmes’ literary Or pot,
Tnird M reet,oppe*iti» ibe PostOffioe; alto* Holdea’a
Dollar | lagtztae forOetober, and International Mis
cellany . No :j. *ep3o
Airj/ 4UOW o LAMS—IOOO boxes as tonal size*, for
YV /saloby '» F VON UONNHOa3rjACO
C" * < MDiM"Ctt^^E =r »a - boi««rreceHrtni'ffa'B the
c , mu I™ i. (
CrGAR AHOLABSKS-3n hhdl N.fl. Fagar;
V , • xAbhdaß. H.Mei*a?e»,6r
sale low,toelose eonslcnmenubv
F 1 Fatnlhr Flour rer’d br
__!!?* _S A W HARBAUGH
CREAM CHEESE—CTbx* Rowe’s best qtjality, just
*««ved aad tor sale by ,
-2?*® 8 A W HARBAVGH
OtTORCHINGS lb casks in store and for oale bv
‘2.?'?“ SAW HAROAW.H
4- Flmmajr, Jr.,
til'hum** Co. of Philo.
,i;7! n OrtKal!,iS3.~ T “ d
“T \|Vf? re **«f the benefit of
debtor* 1 *" cluldieo > creditors the lives of their
The whole profits of tbo Company an divided
amoag the holders of Life Policies. * 1 *
The dividends of the past two years have been elsh
ty per reny each year * . Je«
Comer of Market and Third streets.
T3F. course oflnstmcUoa In this Institution, em
braces Book Keeping, Commercial Coaptnaiion.
Penmanship, Lectures on Commercial I-aw.andln
faet every braneb pertaining to a finished mercantile
John Fleming, Esq, anthar of the Nations! Book
Keeping, principal lecturer and teacher of Book
Keeping. ;
Ladies and gentlemen wishing to improve their
Pe> man-hip, ean call ai the College at any hour dnr
jpg tbi day or evening. tfV ji
MISS FITZGERALD, lateof Dublin,
Ireland, rcspeclfaliy Informs the tin
habitants of Pittsborghihatshe It now
VV » l ""prepared to give Instruction on the
Piano. Having had long experience in teaching, she
is confident of giving enttte satisfaction,
N B— I Terms very moderate.
Mrs. J Doolan, Allegheny | Henry Kleber. Pliubntgh
Rev. J B Lyman,Pitu’gh | Dr. D. H. Riddle, do.*.
SUGAR CORED HAMS-30 eaik* virioo* braid*,
Ju»t received, «nd for t&ie by I
BUTTER— 10 kef* in flora end fat file ►*-
icp-TO 8 fcWHi
'TCfdl I
8 p
be ro.
re i
• Bi
Linseed oil—sj bris pare, j»»t recM for sale by
j b oanfirld
CLOVEE SEED—B biU in tifira Slid fcx sale by
1 U..KB 11 ADEL’S SHAVING CRf AM—Wbcr« i«
♦1 the man who doe* not appreciate thfe luxury of an
e*«y share? If any there be, we do net address oar*
selves to him. Bat u> mil other* we say, if yon with
to render shaving a pleasure,purehnse a box of Joist
Haael’i Alroona Pistachio or, Ambrosial Slaving
Creams. It la utterly impossible te find words to de
scribe the feelings of a person who hat been uted to
Shaviwg with ordinhnr soap,apon making trial of this
for the fin: time. It f> a combination of wonder, ad*
miration, and pleasure.
Ingly emollient; rendering the stillest and most wiry
bear! toft and pliable, ptpdneingan admirable lather,
and by *.ts extremely mild nature allaying all trrlta*
lion, and preventing that itnpleatam and stiff feeling
of the skin which is to often experienced alter *hav*
ing. Gentlemen using Jnlcs HanePa Sharing Cream
may face thwcoirfesi and most piercing winds la*
mediately alter its use, without ttye skin becoming
chopped. And tboie wao onco use it, we can safely
! tay wil) never me any other. 1
! One great advantage, which wilt be especially ip*
! predated by these who wear whiskers, is the fa t
that i t will not .discolor t! e beard, h most soaps
will do, rising a sandy or rnsty npp*-aranee to the
edge ortho whiskers. Joles llau*!’* sharing Creams
are delightful preparations; compouqded with skill,
to the otter cyetnsion of al' arvclrs calculated m
render the operation of shaving anpiearant, and will
be appreeiitedby oil who make trial of them.
Prepared only by '
JULES ITAUEL; Perfumer and Chrmisf,
120 Chestnut si. P/ila.
For sale, wholesale andreisil, hy B. A Fahnestock
A Co, and R. E Selltrs, Piurborßiij aad Join, Bintent
/'IABTILE SOAP—IO eases Just rec’d lor sale br " aru^J_MltcheU> Allcg hcnyOty_
\J icpS ; J KIDD ACO
Biliari’ Llvar PlUa Bnpmidifail otbin
Charleston. Ve n Sept. 23,1WD
Mr. B. E. Sellers:—Your Pill* have become to popu
lar In all this region of country* as very much to
supercede all others as a Liver or Ami-jßiliou* Pi!'
Tovrs, *o. JAMES A LEWIS
(Extract of Letter.) |
Purchasers will reeollocl that B. E.JSellers’ Liver
Pills are the original and onlr TruW and Genaicr
Liver Pill, and may be had at No 57 Wfood *t.. and of
druffluts generally in the two cldei and vicinity.
_*edfl 0 T •
THS steam boat Gloat, will leave the'foot ofWayne
aireel every morning, at B o’clock precisely,
earning p**aergerii to and from tbe packet while
the break la beiax repaired. For information, apply to.
aep2B:dtf D. LEECH, Ca-ai Bairn.
RICE— 60 tes prime, m store and fo* sale by
rWERSE—too bn prime Vves'ern Rr**rve.oncon'
alnmentf for tale by MILLER A MCKETSON
aepg gat A 223 Liberty at
COD FISH—6 eatka In store and for tale by
i juit re*fct*ed and for
J KIDn A ro
fli Wood »t
■ale by
SPIRITS TURPENTINE—B brla lor tale by
septiß J KIDD A CO
TNDIGO— 300 lba jnat on hand and for ta> by
■epyt J KIDD A CO
BRONZE— 50 lba ts»orted, jest recM fm sale t>v
WINDOW CLASS—-1000 bxa assorted fixer, Eber
hean’a manufae'urc. for aale by
_ ,rp2 ?_ ' 116 Water atreet
MIX ED AND DRY PAINTS of all kinds, constant
ly on band of tho beat quality; alio, Vnrnitbea,
Linieod Otis, Boiled Oils, Paint Brushes. Ba»h Too!*,
Window Clear, varloua *iz-«, Ac. Sdld wholesale
and retail on aecomtnodaiin* terms.
N. B.—All persona purchasing mixed or dry palm*
who vrith to do their own painting, can receive (he
neevsrory directions grsua. J A If] PHILLIPS
«cp2B 7 At) Wood It
HOUSE A SIGN PAINTING and Gb-zing, prompt*
ly and neatly executed. J
N. B.—We wish it dis inctly understood, that we
can do Painting and Glazing at cheap at any other
paime.'t in the city, and are determined to do it.
teptf j J A II PHILLIPS _
.T7EMTIAN BLINDS—A complete assortment of
V Venitian Blind* constantly on hand, for tale low
lot cash- jretta} J A H PHILLIPS.
So. BO Fifth itraati
o«T»37:dtf rrmrcaoit, r*.
eIEMICAL TECHNOLOGY; or Chemistry applied
to the Aits and to raanufaetnre*. Dr. P. Knapp.
For sate by R C STOCKTON
Bookseller, Printer, and Binder,
acp27 47 Market at
(American, Post, ard Chronicle, eowv.)
rAMPBLACK— Just received and for sale aftbe
idrug Hue of 8 N WICKEKSfIAM
*r£T7 Cor. Wood A Sixth ate
SANDS’ SARSAPARILLA—Iast rec’d for »ale by
for aale by [aepU7] 8 N WICKEHSHaM
and for aale by B N WICKER>HAM
CJUBPENDERS— SCO doz at to red, just rec’d 'or tale
H low by Isepas) r. veacf.r
PKA COAT - —8 doz gum Pea Coats, a 1-gbt
n»d beautiful attielf, ;or sale lir
ROBBTINK— 4 brla superior tor »*lo by
Lind Extract; West End do; Jockey Club do;
Spring Flower* do; Jenny Lind Hair Glass; Aromatie
Vinegar Amandine; Poeehin Soap, for whtiering
t he skin; Almond Shaving Cream; Rose do do; Am
brosial do do; lloaey Soap; Plotting do; Amandine
do; Hazel Nut Oil do; Rose do; Marshmallow do;
Beqaet do; Brown Windsor do; Bear’s Gret*e - Ae.
For sale,wholesale and retail, by RESELLERS,
kpIO 37 Wood *t.
A * ACKKRKL—*3 bf brU No 3 Mackerel;
3X SSbrls do;
lDobrls.No 3 Haifax do: .
Jp® ree’d for sale by JAMES DALZELL
cepiO __ 70 Water'sL
PAtnTED doz will be told low, to elo*
the lot faenri MeQILLS A ROH
INDIGO A MADDER—IO eercon* 8 F Indigo;
7 hbdt Madder, for sale by
S«w Book*.
HEALTH, Disease, and Remedy. By Dr. Moore.
Adelaide Lindsay, a novel. By the author of
“Leuiee Arnold,”‘'Norman’s Bridge,” Ac., Ac.
Life and Correspondence of Bobt. Southey—part A
Gibbon’s Rome—3th and 6th vol —completion of the
t Tork. Received and for tale by
M n /* fimnffTvtu
SUGAR A MOLASSES—23 Uhd» prune N O Sagan
t 31 bill 4i» Albiu
lU, in qi\ brU, In ilore and for tale by
Liberty «u
Ca'r.p ajavxtg—9 casas of saner French Calf shins.
Orereaa*a bTand, jast received and for Rate low
for cash, by C \YFA°? B ’
• scpM lli Market »t
FANCY COMBS—•* gross Fancy Combs of ike
latest patterns, jast tee'd for sale by
•ergo r OYEAQKB
SHIRTS A DRAWERS—a large aviortment of BUk,
Woolen, and Cotton Shirts wd Ptawew. for tale
low by fsep26J O \ KAOFR
H~ OSIEBY— A fine »«f©rtffieni©f?Adiea’and child
rens’ Woolen Hose, comprising svenr variety,
jast re-relyed by (tfpVdl C rEAGER
TTTTtAPPiNG PAPER—4OB reams rag and straw
yy wrapping medium,doable medium, crown, end
double crown, a very taperior article, on band and
for talc by R C STOCKTON
scpXO 47 Market st.
PRUPX INO PAPER—IftC rms 24 x 39;
70 rms 2s x 22; equal to the
beat in the market, for sale by
BAC< in HAMS—fiO casks soand bat roogh, will be
solfi low to close the lot by
s;p9t Wafr A Frontsu
/NMJ.ESE— 2OB bxs taperior on hand lor tale by
Bapertor Scotch aad Irish Whliksy,
in PUNCHEONS Stewari’acelebrated Mall Whis-
J.U key, of very delicate flavor.
19 puncheons Mahan’s Waterside, extra quality
■ and high proof, under eastern boose lock.
Also, Brandies of different vintages and brands In
■ half,quarter, and octaves. Imported and forsalo by
* \ till McCALLA,
sepaC'-deodlrggp—<B 30 Walnut st. Philadelphia
xzw ,TOCK °*
VT * | l|« oniC&KBIHG'S PIANOS.
JOHN H. MKLI.OR, No hi Wood street, sole agent
for Chickertng’s Piano Fortes for Western Penn,
•ylranis, has. received, and now ready for isle, the
following assortment selected by himrelf from the
rnsnafftciory, and will be supplied as Binal at Mr.
Chlekering’snpees, vis:—
2 carred Loui* XIV, 7 octaves.
S elegant Rosewood, 7 do;
2 do do 01 do;
9 'do do ,0 do;
I do Mahogany,' B do;
1 do Walnut, 0 do;
' I foil carved semigrind.
A CARD—The subscriber has tbs pleasure of
announcing to the citirens of Pittsburgh, that be bat
made arrangements with Mr. John H Mellor, for the
exclusive sale of his Piano Fortes, In Pittsburgh and
Western Pean»y!vsnia, end those,wifhtnr to .pur
chase may be assured that their interests will he faith*
folly attended to. J CUICKERING
Boston, March 53,1845.
In addition to the above stoek cf. Pianos from M*. :
Chiekerlng, a new supply la oflered from the faniorie*
of Adam tllodart. Bacon A Raven, and Worcester*
New York, and Hallett, Cunmen A Allen, Bostoo*at
prices varying from two to three hundred dollars.,
sep« i
CREAM CHEESE—SCO bxs prime calling cheese,
Jnst recM for sak by i B CANFIELD :
Sal.krattr —000 bxs aad 13 casks pare, for sale
by (sepMj ; J B CANFIF.I.n :
TEAS— 100 hf cheats Y.H. Teas; >
S 3 do Q.P.Tcaa; '
30* do Ponehonr ree’g pereaiitL for
yq Water «t
To People from the Ola Couivy.
Exactly thesaae klndof Small Leaf. Fina-Strom
and Koegk Pitvond Black Tat that tresied ft
Uia Old Conntrr, eta be bonght at 60c and ?&c per lb
at Worrit Jt f Haworth** Tea Suae, eait tide of the
Dltpond. **aad pa where <l»e In Plmbaixb.” wpg*
IUJESE are the Ver y fleet Black Ten that are >m
potted law ifc© Ur iced State*. Uerrla *H«wortfc
TeaXcalera, lathe Diaacad.are Miliar uud Tea* u
ihs l©wpda*cf7Sc j*rlb,fc»ce»h. * *epa
Of the eelei rated Paintings of
TJIR propneten respectfully iafors ire ei'ixtn»-of
Pittsburgh that In evnMqumee of the ui-iavor*
able weather during the p*»t week, 110 exhibition
will continue until next Saturday tught, October 3lh,
at 10 o’clock
rn» jut demands upon >he exhibition moat be tent
in this weetfor Immediate paya>a:a._ : wldlw _
(Sold SUl*t| (JTOMlng tho IllhmaijlC,
PAINTKD from digit:.! aketch', lii<nonlhc tpot
b, Pool Eminent, tEiq. no(er iheipeuon.l nb
.erv.Son of J. L. Merrill, one oflbo otoo.leiM, 010
h.. .pool« year In Cnllhfnin, .ml Will <»|nln Iho
mlrnnl! ,inn. Thi, ye]nbrnl,il nrerfc of;«ivm.
beremt iplnnflid.iew, nfCiiiytr* (.orson*.l*»*r ..
-c.j.lon, !•> Ftndua. Surnorn^Citr^noor,
Fort, ibd ninlnj dleriicls, COTCW B 1W Imrtpa
vast, and giving a comet minor if lb®
try pawed through, and now occupy .^s’. u I3C,
and fellow eeuntry|ueo, waa visited In NeWiork,-
Aiba&y,'and Troy , by over TP,WO perton* l ~eiidln
Buffalo by comprising l*-e fli’e-Of thn»o<tuea.
Door* open atC| o’clock, to commerce at »j».
Adinia ion, 23cents. Children tmderten y<«fl ball
price. :V-.
Exhibltion on Saturday afternoon, ml 3 o’cioek* .
•epVB:4lw. ; i ■; ■ -l/v.- •
CAKBTHNOT is reeeiviug a large assortmento*
• fancy and staple, variety,»nd Dry Good*, consist
ing In part of Woolen, Thibet, and Caiii mere Shawls-
Silk, Berlin, Thibet, KLdand Buekakid Glayctl .Wool;
an and Wqratei Comforts; Alpacfa and ilombaxines;
Woolen and Canton Maanela; Colored a id Bleached
Muslins; Catsineis amt Cassitnere*; Ktbbona-and
Laces; Bottonaand Cctoba; Thread* nud BlniUnga;
Umbrellas and Dress Bpne, Ac
All of which, eouutry and city wetehanl* ate re
apoctfaily Invited to examine; at (*3 Wood at. aep£3
Dictionary of mechanics. Kn*ir,e wo^7,
and Engineering—No i7of itib <fi«at wnrk has
been received at Holmes’Literary Depot. Third at.,
opposite the Pott office. • t tepSb
Jut Rscslvkdi
AIJkRGE and extensive assortment of PATENT
almost endless variety embraced: in the assortment,
may be (©and the follnwicg:— ; i [
Horse Cover*, Carnage Clnih.’Air Be9i,Air PU
lowa, Air Cushions, Water Pall*, Tobacco Pauehey,
Pithing Boots, Costs, Cspc*, Cleats, Tarpaalßil,
Giovct, Mittena, Pouches. Maps, EJaatica, Parses,
Hoar. D»or Springs, Machine Ba lding. Boa’Westers,
Machine packing, Camp Blankets, Paper Holders,
Life Preserver*, Travelling fßaga, Tsthmea Bsga,
Bath-ng Mats, Dolls’ Head*, • D>'g*. Lion*, Saddle
Baca, Air Buis, Foot Ball*. Ladies* Wash Gloves,
Ladies' Gum Shoes. Gen's’Cntubhnf*. Leggings; Ac.
Every article sold at this eattblu bmentis warranted
to possess all the. charaeterisliea eaienilai to water
proof good*, vis:—lnrolubjlitv under any degree of
seat, flexibitiiy In! tbe (everest-cold, great dorabiUty,
lightiieaj.peTieet Imperviousseis, nn> freedom'from
odor, for sale nt the Goodyear Rubber Emporium,
No* ? A ® Wood street. •
*e t g 9 • PHILI IPS
THE Annual Meeting of th* •}'*ciholder* of tbe
Penusylvania Sail Slaro'actLjing Ccnptcy mil
be held octlie?ih da* iXo'c ock hi,
antic < f&ee of Mr.£eorge T. Lewi*, Front at., below
Walnut. Philadelphia.
sep(3.d2w* : ;
ENGLISH GRAMMAR—Tho^> r liib Language in
its elriugntt and forms, with a history of its origin
and developement; designed ror uW-in eolleces and
irh-jo!*. \ym C Fowler, late prdfouor of Rhetorio
In Areherat College. ■'
Artruncmy—The recent protreM of Astronomy,
especially iq the UnitedSutea.' By EliaaLoomit.
Five Years of a Hunter’s Life in the far Interior of
South Africa, with notices of the native tribes, and
anecdotes of the chase of the [Ton, elephant, hippopo*
itmui, giiafTe, rhinocerov, Ae. w 'hi ilmatratjoiis. By
B. G. Camming. Reedived for *sl- by
_ seplO ■ <' Market at
ROSE (FOSTER; or the My*>cnes of tre".Court of
London, vol 3 of ihta lnicre«tlng work; has been
received. at Holme*’ Litrrary: Depot, Third, fitter,
opposite the Post Office; also, Ellen Parry, or Trials
of the I!ea)t,by Castriot, ssrosmed
Seanderbeg King of Atpina. bv.Clemeut C Moore.
L.LD; and No 33d of liitttUVLiving Age; • sepal
WRAPPING PAPF.R—A large lot of stt»w to
rog, assorted sixeviconstauiy on hsnd by
1 wp Marshall,
e*p2T @3 Wood St
ilfir*:e and MiisieaJ Instruments,
Sign of the Golden Harp, No Ibl Third street.
11. KLEBElLTespvetAilly Informs
ASfIH hit friends and ihe public, that be hsa
relumed from the east, with a
• ■ “ 1 I * most elegant and ; rxtensiTc assort*
mem of Pianos off various »iyl*s end prices, selcetul
by himself,win gieatcare. aiiheeelebratH facterie*
of Nunns * CJ*rk. N. Y*., and DAultaro, N Y.. (£■ m of
Stodnrt A Dunham, N. Y.) Xa'ing *«l»ctcd the sbo?H
from au immense stock just tn ibed by tbe aliovo
makers, they are wtnunted of repfrior qpalitv ami
tone, and will in al) eases be to j at NewYotk fao*
torypticea. Purchasers will fceeivs a written* uuar*
amy with each Piano; entitling th-m to an «xchaigo
or return of tame if fom d rtettetiro.
AJ*o. a lot of tpleitdld Gnitnts,. from ibe factory ot
Schmidt & Waul- N. V ’Jhey ati a tnpcrb.enicl*,
■nd warranted wjual.if not superior, to any m*de in
the world. >
Alio, r> fine lelcttlott-of Flutes. Clnrioncte Violin*,
Pirinr*, Braf» Iniiriraebli, »nd ifce newcit tad no>t
popular mailo, incladitf Jeshyjl*uul‘« Celebrated
■o»K*- _ rep*l
VrEUr pATTERSa of Wall ■pTyeT'fSTn Ju; ia
Xl Arabeiaue and Persian ityle< T
**p-3 _ u ;;\r P MARSHALL
ZANfE CUBRAKT3—3e#»k» rtiT fnlc !• w i-y
■ WSI A McOLURtf fe. CO
w?pt» j ’ ttffiUhenv«.
LIC A NTH MATS—Fancy Hemp far t»ie by -
• »'!>«» : . WM A MpOLUBO kCO
C'liJLtat.— ill m» t»c*i 11 1
J 153 bxt comrooti do: krisl* by
•eptt i; : iSTUaBTRSTLL
BROOMS— OJdc* in «u>re UiHbr tale by i
■ep<l ' STPAUT& SILL
ai-ERaTLS—mi fex« Leit cnarthTte* tile I
*»pai STUART A.
BaCUN— A moan lot dew udeefor Mlebyi
)£• best oraads for ssio by )
ioRDS-Dtatrent tiiel farsalfl by ! ~
ICO fctli N O Molvtec:
tthrleiUl io;..
rpOW A FLAX YASN—A iffittii loi/o> Mile l»v'
J. »ep33 ■ yTUaRrfcMLL
LINSEED uLL— tt bri* lor *aie hr.
tep23 Cor. fIT«A Wc&dsu.
OIL PEPPERMINT*—«fbrh r»**fer fJn by - r
TANNIN— 50 ounce* ft) r eila by ; • ; [ "
T«m|)«rtae«TU)« A NaUitlQirn
Boad Conpu>]ri i
NOTICE is hereby tires; confonnity with
lie provision! of bo Act 01 AurmMy, authorizing
•he incorpo’siicn of the above company, parsed the
Jib day of April, If'O. beaks wi3i tnj opened for cu>».
arripuon to the capital stock of said company, at (he
other d Drown ami Kirkpatrick.liberty meet, in the
city of Pituharpb, bn Wednesday. thc lCth day of
Ottober next, at the fcopr of IQ o'clock, A. M.. end
continue for the rpsee of ire d«vp,or until the whole
nataher of;»harea required by the said act thill have
been sat'tcribed. . • ’
Jonaihad P. Rau 11
Jamea Wood I
Jaraei Ttenirk f
Ceorgo Ltd-to
Same* I Dell
Istrc Walker
F. C. Whit*
Jeccb Uocliitle
Robert Sterreit
JReorjie Anehaujf
M.JJ? Grown
Leal.Urec* ,
Johst.Obry '
More* f beg*
ISajaoel Graham
P.J. Smith •
William Foiter
junta Bichardioa
SALITETBIi— 7I» kegt refined.for ule by
SUGAR GURKIJ IJASI&—Ai choice lot iof »»T«TUt
_* p P-’ 3 .__ ■ ' . - STUART A SILL
EOCW OOD—I h ate. on band** *m»!i 'lri of L*- a
wood In ailck, the which will be to»<f cheap »t
a , • ; ■ » N .WICKEBKHAM S
.JH* 1 ; Cor. Wood & Hxth m«
C CANARY SEED—(OC lb« jcit leeMfor tale by
, .1 , ; J KIDD ACO
, i ■ . «a Wooitl
PASisf 1
*i t ? 7 «^_. F, °? r P‘ tni » >,h J 2000 3d« 4-4 do; 50Pydi
# 4 do; 800 yd* M do; ICttfyd* S-tdo; vtHOydi kLeet
do, mediant sod heavy; Uctu 4 id fl yard* wide, all of
'“!L£ ewe *, 1 *'7 ,e of pal fern*, tod rune unr fireo sirs.
TOO tarda 4-4 Faraimre Oil Cloths; ,400 yds M do:
*OO yds M do ’
18a dozen -assorted «i«i Table, Sund, and Dorcas
Covers. vari»as patterntyabd splendid finish.
low yds 4*4 Patent Carriage Oil Cloth; *OO yda £-4
de; «80yda a. 4 da. - i
3030 y«*s Oil Cloth Crash for Ptain, aatorted natters t-
WOyd*4*4 Urepn OU Cldlh for Window Blinds, 30u
yini S 4 do.
Window Shades*.a large asahrtment last received
of newest styles.
Merchants and others wiiblng to porehase, are in*
sited to call and examine onr aa-onmentof tools
which will he told at the lowest eastern prices* - ’
”P*° ; 7 APWood si
PARI9 VVHITE—2OOO loa superior duality, rve'd
for «alo by {sepdj] . J KIDD Jt CO
(rtOb i*iVSr oiir—i* doa tTo»hton. ciaikarfu
'■* pare Cod hiver Oil, jaat itecervedl«r sale bv
:*eP*l : _ : J KIDD ACO
T?LEMIN(rB lifWK KEKHfJu“T«d fcieam Bolt
, £ Beekeeper*’ Assistant, a neV edition. forsaJoW
' - ::B C PTOCRTON 1
PRINTIMJ PAPER—The bo»t in tnsrtet can b«
bad at ibe agency of Oustoh .Mills rfiWeod,,
«P*i WPilABiUiaL
Mir Kt