EXCHANGE BROKERS- _ BANKING HOU S E. J.CaKOTHEHS&CO., Bo 15 Wood •tract* FUtatr****** CURRENT MONEY RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT cu«ao«. «d. ; A . qrUKUI * co *» EXCHANGE BROKERS, S. E. Conor 4 7W ami Marla so. »u. »t aan mnu urn ]eS6 _ Qto. B. AttHOLD d CO., BANKERS, DEiLEKS IE EICHSSOE, COIR, EASE ROTES, 8e.,-die,, 80. T 4 FOURTH STREET, (Next door lo the Bank of PiUsturrgh.) augB9:d2m-3p B. HOLMS a SOBB, ■ tiksri, tiebsig* Brokers, AND SXAIUS m ~ „„„ NOTERJ>BAFT3,ACCK£TANCES,GOLD,PILVEB AND BANK NOTE?*. COLLECTIONS.—Drafts, Notes sod Acceptances payableUn sny part of the Union, collided on ins most EXCHANGEon New York, Philadelphia and Bal timore: also, Cincinnati, LoalsriUe, Saint Loais and New OrltanSjConstanUy for sale. BANK NOTES.—Notes on all solvent hanks In ins United Stales disconrued at the lowest rales. A l **'"?' o f Foreign and American Gold and Silver Coin hoekhi .ndsolX „ aBfW UEBOYAL. N HOLMES A SONS have .removed their Bank . log and Exchange o®ee to No «7 tear doors bel«w old stand. “* - rOREIOr BZCDAIOK> BTT.T.W on England. Ireland, and Scotland bought amount at the Current Rates of Also, Drafts parable in any P«i of the Old from -£1 lo XI OOO, at the rale ol *5 to Jb®f SwAnjj without dednetion or discount, by JOSHBA ROBIN SON, European and General Agent, ofics *»•• ® M door weal of wood. uin iiutnl ■pANKERS AND EXTOiAgE 880 fi in Foreign and Domettie Bill* ’ . oSeates of iSepo.ile, Bank Notes’wdl Cola. £ M and Wood streets, directly oppoeits St. WCITERI FDHDS - : Indiana, Keataeky, Missouri, Bank Notss; t SON9i 3S Market street. Bn.LS OF BAOUAIIdB-ei*)it Cheeks'oo New York. Philadelphia, and Baltimore, Constantly for sale by M. HOLMES A SONS. M pl3 39 Market it pas. j. Birccrr DE9SKTT, •IJti* *nd Comtnjtiion Mer sireel, opposite 8( Charles and offer for sale, allow BBOLisn *: WHOLESALE GROCE chants. No 41 Wood i lintel, are now receiving rates, as follow,: SO M hf Spanish Cigar*. 90 M Havana and Vara, 190 pkgs Y. li., Imp,O. P and Black Teas. SU) pkgs 5* He lb and hflb lump A St rollTob’co. 300 bags Rio, LagnaAa, and Java Cofee. in 1000 package*. 2* M Havana, qr bg*. 6 M Regalia*. 13 M Pnneipe*. 90 bz* M Ru’sius; 90 Übdt N O Sugar. 00 bris N O Molasses. 40 bria powdered, crush’d and loaf Sugars. 90 brls Alum. CO bales Filbert*, English Walnut*, Brazil Nuu, and Ground Nuts. gO bzs Lemon Syrup. SO l>j» Pepper Sauce, 29 eaM* Pickle*, 10 case* apieV Chocolate GroundSpicesofalt bind* 90 hi* Sardine*. 30 bris Tanners’ OiL 300 gals Lamp Oil. SO bris Nod Macierel. 2*9 bxs SxlOA IVxlXGlass ISO bxs Rorin Soup. SO bx* Starch. 100 doi Hot Buckets. 29 bxs Cloeolatc. 16 by* Rock Candy. 10 bx* feheljed Almond*; 9 cate* Liquating- Rmeban's Cut and Dried 35 bxs White Pipes HQ rmi Wrap. Paper. 20 bx» Pepper A Alspice. 500 lb SeotchAßapeeSnud' IV to* Rice Tobacco. 10 grot* Blacking, assortment of goods u*u well a* Pittsburgh menu- Together with a general ally kept In tceir Uns, as faciure*. CARPETS, OIL CLOTXIS'ke. W.McCLINTOCK l» now opening at Ms Carpet . Warcbnos:, No 7S Fourth excel apii 7(1 Wood street, n vnv bandtocne assortment of C»»pebjg,ecni pnsing m part ol tLe fotlowir.gvanrtic,:— Ricb and style Velvet Pile Carpet; Btcb and clegunt »iyle Tcpestry llru**-U do; £«.;>< rior English and American Urusselr d»»; Ei’ta »up. .'I ply Cnrpeis; Rugs.cxtrn Cbenle; Boxertuc do do; .-up. Tufted Rugs; do Ingrain do; i'hcn'lte Mats; 1 xtrxfine A fine dodo; Toiled Mats; i :©m. all wool, dn do: Stair Radj>; do coti'n chain do d<s Coco Mats; do cotton dndo; Jute do; Also. • very large astorunent of Tnmmiuga for Bieam Beau, Caxnar-». Hnesas, Ac. Oil Cloth s. A very large assortment oi well seasoned OillCloths. ranking in width from 27 inches to 34 (cat, of very handsome styles, cut to hi any sized room, bail, or vestibule. Tsc stock of good* will t>o sold as cheap as they eaa be purchased In anv of the eastern clues. We invite every body to call who wish a bargain. aept> r W McCLINTOCK Pnlvirlxid Cora vareb, I»EF!NID and rrepared eipressly for Food, Pad- Xt dings, Cakes, Canards. fee. Recipe for boiled Co*urd —Ooe quart of new milk, fear ecu*, half ateaspoonfalof salt, two tobUspoonfals of refined starch—«ur the starch in a small quantity of the milk, till it is perfectly dissolved and smooth—add the eggs, well beaten, in the starch—pour tne egts and starch into the balance of the milk,-while boiling stir constantly Ull it boils up onee- Excellent- For sale by R F, SELLR&B SUNDRIES —U» bx* Cream ana W k Cneese, 10 bag* old Jsta Coffee; 10 bar* L»guiTra do; 30 hag* fancy Rio do; ; JO Lf chest* Chain Tea; JO eaildy bx« exien Oolorg; . Hi do prime Greea, fi-hfckrvt* do; io i.i« buueb Relmii; ri bale* *->ft shell Almond*; Adoz pare chryital !.amon Sagan 3bx*Homeopa'hic A fancTChoeo'ate in bx* Bromi, Cocoa and No l do; f bz« Almond and Palm Soap; 90 bia Roiln and Vanegated Soap; 9 dnz Olive and Bordeaux Oil; y do* Pepp-r Sauce; >j -lor Gerain A Walnut Pickle*; 1 do* Ro*e Water; i case Italian Maecarcm; Sea*#* do Vermicelli; S caaea pare India Cunir Powder; 3 cate* taperfine Rice Floor; lAWI* crushed A pulverized Sugar*; 1U hrl* traall Loaf; 10 hrl* pure Cider Vinegar; 90 doi Corn Broom*; For tale by ID WILLIAMS A CO eep7 Cor. Wood A Fifth «t* Braaillcii WlbM|ol«|Ao. CA hf pipr« ('ogaiae Brandy vanon* vintages; aJU SO q» cask* do do; 4 pipe* Holland Gin; 8 puncheon* Jamaica Spirit*; 8 panebron* Old I i«h Whiskey; SOqr cask* Maderia Wine, an do Oporto do; SO hHris Boreea x Clare); 10 bf p’pe* Spanish Rad Wine; CO bis Hordaax Claret^ 10 t;x* Muscat Wise; 6 hfls French Whit* Wine Vinexar; Rac'd for sals by MILLKR ft. RJCKETSON Mp|o 821 & 983 Liberty »t _ JOILS H VLB’S SPOOL SILK, | Erprr-uly far Sawing. TO avoid the many inconvenience* attending the mae o' the c**tcroary Skein,the above attiele ha* been maeb. and (or a lon* lime wanted. It has always been a matter of astonishment, that whilst the common article of Cotton, jras conveniently spooled for gene ral aso—Silk. »o raueh more valoabie, should have - been supplied in Skeiu«, from which so much trooble. vexation, and lot* ha* arisen. The dif&ealty has allasi been overcome, (he poblic te offered a food nnicle, handsomely put op in a con venient form for domestic use. The only objection urged against this article is the apparent small qaantity on caeh spool. This is easilv explained Kaed Spool is warranted to contain ifO yards of Silk; while the ordinary Skein, *t the same prlrcv has hot an uncertain qaantiiy, varying from 15 to 16 yards. . . , The Spool Silk is ter dy for ase ai the time of par ehase, and it only need* a trial, to convince ibe most skeptical of it* superiority in quality. Independent of the neat and emvcMent form m which it is furnished, ll has great advantages over the Skein, us it does away with the tedium of winding, the vexation of laarlmx. and the loss of time in preparing it for use. Sold by WM. H. 110RSTMANN * SONS, 51 North Third at. Philadelphia! HORSTMANN, BRO’B A CO d Maiden Lane, New ork, SoleArents lySOrdettia IMO] REED HOUSE, U»»o KXITSI * B&BBEBr Proprietor** Public Sqtutrc, ErU, Pa, GENERAL STAGE OFFICE--Extern, Wciuni, aod ‘.Southern blares, leave thla hoaae oaur. Car* i iin to and from Steam and Packet Boats, Grau*- M. W. lixrttt, late oftae American Howl, Erie, Pa. G. W. Barbku, late of the K‘ n,mgn Hotel, Ohio. aptS-d6m VHKBIISPaiHOaYCtrBEB GOODS. AVERY large and choice nock of Freah Spring and Summer Good* baa' |u*t been opened at Alexander & Day’*, No BS Market alreet, north weal •enter of the Diamond. la calling the attention of oar eoatomer* and the pahtie to thu evrek, >t afford* o*jjreat pleaaure to be able to amy it embrace. GREAT BARGAINS in al- Boat every deaeripuon of good*, ai a large portion of II was pnrehaaed at the recentextenaivo aasuon ealea in the eaajem ciuea. Our aaaorunent, toih of fancy and tuple good*, ia very superior, and afforda to all eaah barer*, either by wboleaalo or retail, a fine op- BortanitT of aoltine both u«e and pur*e SADIES’ DRESS GOODS New atTle Foulard ailk*, very cheap; rich plain and Scared changeable ailka. of altnoat every atyle and •aalitr; auper plain and figured black ailka; do. ba. rare* and uaaaea; barege de la' and hand. »«ne atyle i newaiylfi french, Engllah, and Scotch iIWIU ji great variety, arid at very low price.; plate. irtredTand aalin wiped detain. of all kind, and •Sail ties; Unen lustre* of ail ahtdea and eotora; gmg. i*— pruU SHAWLS. chameleon ailk abawu; plain and figured klfff'do- olein and embroidered Thibet do; fineaaah- SSrSS pl«n *nd embroidered white and j har-re and net d**. kc.i colored enpo *>^j TE GOODS. A fine u.inora of mall., n.m001., Jttoncu, ““‘..'"‘‘iToN.'ETa:'' Bouli * R..ilT, po»f‘ '"*“>■ *>““'• bt«id>lld „po.TijliU, .1..- A 1m Block or iupenor plain «4 frlntod ailk Bad BellaTurc of CLOTHS & CASSIMERES. a lam M*oruneoi of »op«r French, twliih and Baidas cloth* *ad eaMuncro* of all l)B«3iiieß and prteeßi to which wo would iimle ibe atunuon of lb* gtaUenen. DOMESTICS. Onr stock of brewu and beached maelins, ticking, jjJJJa/ehambray*, dniUn**, Ac,» very larje, and si tt Alio7«!u»*« Jo""* l * blp - dia P cr * * nd . uble c!olh *; . »ir*chc<t, Jlu**ia and Scotch diaper*, crash aWI Tfiih lino.*, red, white, and yellow flan h°7 B TSliVtie dUKhpni*. "‘lk and linen hdkl* and fiefs, do ? M U y, n rt» hd*ieiy nJid bonnet ribbon*, arU portMOf '"“ic to all we woald reipcctfollr |«»1 Sowers, Ac, to a whole „i o and retail cash ISTite tbs * lteß - aLEXANUER * DAY, liS» « Market .uNWeor. of the iWod. , MISCELLANEOUS- i J« 11. SIELLOO, NO. 81. Wood frUoek ha* lost reecived a new u* *ortment of PIANO MUSIC, among which aia the following-. Molly,do yon Love me, by 8- C. Focter. O*. may the Red Race Live Altray, do. Welly wu a Lady, do. Uncle Ned, do. Gwine to Run all Night, Dolly Day. Boldier'* Wedding, by Glover. Oh, Toceb the Cord yet ooee again. Sweet Memoir* of Thee. Silver Moon. Lament of the lo*h Emigrant. A New Medley Song. Thou bast Wounded the Spirit that Loved The*. The Conscript'* Departure, by Glover. Do Kind to the Loved One* at Home. Tia Home where e'er the Heart l*. The Yankee Maid. Low BatkM Car, by Lovhr. Do you ever think of me. Slumber Gentle Lady. . I Jeennie Grey. _ Ellin, Cellaring Wedding, Wreath, and Deity Waltzes. . , Batchelor, Maiden. Bella Welle, Concert, Ladies Souvenir, C*Jly. Elvira, Lily,Alice,Evergreen, ffara- and Uxxy Polka*. may«J ~ ’ TEAS I TEABU TEAS Itt WE enter not Into the list of puffer*, we say nothing about Hundreds of Chest*. Importer*, Large Capital, Bought for Casb, Ac. In faet, we will not humbug in any manner or form, we Amply invite the public to compare our Tea* * ith wnat they purchase elsewhere; fit I* the best method we know to ascer tain who sell* the best anil cheapest Tea* in PilUa burgh. We are now telling Good and sirongTea at <oand SOeent* per lb. A prime article.-- —....75 do do The beit Tea imported into the. U. State*, 51 Low priced, damage.', or inferior Tea* we do not keep. MORRIS A HAWORTH ihe Tea Market, je.7 _ Kart »*de of Diamond. ~Or«*t American Uaohanleel Work. D. Appleion AOo , New ork, have in course of pub lication, in paita. price twenty live cent* eaco, A DICTIONARY Qf Maektues, Methanits. Eng t»i* IPorf. ami Sjfc ginrertng; dengtud for Praetitcl IVvrimg Men, and (Aom inimdfd for tht nearmg /’rr/ruwn xrrrxD bt ouvxa utiuiz. THIS WORK is of large Hvo. size., one will contain two TitoeaAHS rise, and upward* of *ix mop ssno lt will pieicnt working-draw ings and description* of the men important machine* in the l'nurd Males fndrpcndest of the results ol Amencun ingenuity, it will contain complete practi cal treati es on Mechanic*, Mnehinory, Engine-work, and Knp.ncennc; with all that is useful in more than one thousand collars worth of folio volumes, maga zines. and other books. The great object of this publication is, to place be fore practical men and student* such an amount of iheoteiienl and scientific Knowledge, In a condensed form, a* .ball enable them to work to the best advan tage, and to avoid Uio*e mistake* wtnch they might Otherwise commit. The nmounto* useful information thus brought together 11 almost beyond precedent in such work*. Indeed, there is hardly auy subject within it* range which i* treated with seeb clear ness and precision, that even a man of the most on'i nary capacity cannot fail of understanding it, and thu* learning from it inach which it Is important for him to know. The publishers are-, in short, determined, regardless Of cost, to make the work at complete as possible; and It ts hoped every one desirous to obtain the work will procure it as issued in numbers, and ihui encourage the enterprise. The work will »>e issued in semi-monthly numbers, commencing in January, Uso,and will progress with great regularity. The whole wort: will be published in 40 number*, at •» cents per number.end completed within Ute cur rent year, 1650. A liberal discount will be made to afema. Any one remitting the publisher* 910 in advance, shall ractlvc the work through the poll office free of expense. Oplßtoau efthe Prei*, “To oar numerous Manufacturers, Mechanic*, En gineer*, and Artisans, ii will be a mine of wealth.”— Providence, (K. 1) Journal. “Young men, arm yourselves with iu knowledge.— We can with confidence rccommnud our reader* to possets themselves of n* number* a* fast a* they ap pear.”—American Artiaan. “IF* unhesitating' commend the work to tho»e en gaged In ei .ni'restc. n mechanical or scientific pur »uns, a* eminently of their examination and study.”—Troy. (N. Y.. 1 Budget. “Il_i» truly a great worn, and the publisher* de serve the thank* of Inventor*, machinist*. and mauo lecturer*, and indeed of the public generally.”—N. Y. Independent. “Tins Dictionary will be highly useful to practiotl mechanics,and Alcalde ;o tdi who wish to acquaint 1 themselves witb (he progress nf invention ut the me chanic art*.”—New Bedford Daily Mercury. “Young mechanics ought to keep posted up in the oretical as well *e practual knowledge, and this rorU will mo* them just how they stantL”— Roxbary Mur*.’ A‘'Trr , "«M ** Wp i e jo»i ihj work that eeores and hun- Ireds of ,n.r Kit. I!i|fci'i Miectauly* have dctirc.l to pos* tr»s rs* ample are its description*, »o full and uiiiute its *|>e:'i£('..'i:ioii' l that n sreou to u* that any mechanic lusviii »o!it r act anv ujaelnue u describes, on he » rri'g'.it of it* engravings and lUitniCUOi:*." —N. Y. Commercial Advertiser. ‘ A-l iuiereMcd in mechanics should avail them selves of it* advantages."—Schuylkill, (Penn.,) Jour nal. “A work of extensive practical utility and great im portance and value to the rapidly increasing interest* of the coeniry U'« regard the work a* eminently calculated to promote the cause of science and the mechanical arts, and to dts»»Clifialo valuable inlorua tion on thc«e subjects.”—Fanner and Hecb*me “Practical inch in *1! the varied wall* of mechani cal a*U rttnufseturinf ludustryi engineering. Ac- will find in tlu* wurk a treasure which it will be to their pro*it to possess,Tiij' paily Whig. “We have carefully pnrvssd ibe number*, and have no hesitation in saying that it 1* the t,c-t work for me chanie*. iradr»tri«n, and scientifc meo, ever publish ed,for if contain* minute information on every branch of the meeht-cical arts and sciences, expressed In a style and language •si'dllgible to any reader of ordi nary capacity.”—uloucssCer, News. -\Ve are sure wc are doing the mcetiar.iys of Nor wich and other parts of Connecticut a service by bunging C;e work to taeir auenuon.”—Norwich, fCoun 1 Courier. ■‘lt lija«i »uch a work at fvery mechanic aboold possess.” —Freeman's Journal. Wo consider it one of the most useful and important publication* of the age. No mechanic ean afford to be without It.*' —Hie war*, (N. J..) Commercial Courier. >-i)f ail the various publications having for their ob ject the elucidation advancement of the mechani cal arts and sciences, none that we have seen, is so f Ul l of pffiaii' a•tt ■• U-fTilo Coin. Ad* -Ii it i;, e be-t »::d rh- ap-:t t work oer oiler cl to inr iccufifie and |t.i. .iqal'•iiiriuerr and mesuuois Ibc plat s ar - beuo if.*'’iy executed."—Washington(iloi'e ■‘Thu great l>ieiir*n*r>- is o.ic of tbe roost useful u.*’>rks evci published f<>r ye*r». nod the lowpnc**! wtucli u U sold Kites it acceptable u> all "—Soatt Carolioitc. “Ws rejarU u as one of the mou coraprebeasive and valoable, as well as eneaptsi wo. k» cser —Baltimore Ad»cr:i-er. -Ought to be lairon by every one desiring u> keep pace with ibe progre** of an ajid science in every one ui the labor* of civilized life Rondout Courier. “Ilia design-d after tbe pr aeip'e of Ure’s Die iina (y only Utai ui« more devoted to tbe raecban>cnl and rngineertnc profession*. and absr-all ■ valuable us'oecompfislung fu America whu' Urr bus done for Kngiaad, m. «c*cril'inc Athenean machinery and worts of an ‘'—Scientific American. •lilt published m numbers, uad at a price to mode rate, looking at what isconuinsd in e.'ch number, that no one who has the least interest ;a «neh matters, ueed be deterred (rom procuring it; sod every on* who dact to, will find that he ha* in a condensed form an amount of instruction winch would be obtained, if at mi, only by the purchase of eery many volume*."—N. V Conner anJ Enquirer. “Tho coraprchen»ivei;eri with which the subject* are treated, lie admirable scanner in wmch they are illustrated. eemspirr 10 make this one of the moat desi rabt* wor**Democratic Review •' rhlt wori should be nr the hand* ofevery mechanic, ar* s can, and manufacturer, esp.-riaHy thote who have ihr least aspirations to excel in their respective ticues. We hive carefully examined it, with a view of ireotnmendinc it to in.-cntors To them we would nr in the strong language o( th« Bihie: “It ia flood-” Baltimore 1 nv>itors' J-mmsl. I•• II'IIUM C lll*’ Miwio V •Ml.l’-I. iVuics to tin pTtqrrvloTt >/ Nrxß.fjvrptrt throughout t/ui Untied fitdl't arui Canada. Jfthe foregoing advertisement i« ini-ried five timn during the year, and ;ua paper entitling it sent to ut, « . opy ofihe wore will he sent gram m payment. anll-dAwjiT M’ALLISTKR’S OISTMKST, Containing no Mcrmry, nor othtr Mineral. TUB fallowing lestimania! was given by the cele brated Dr Wooster Beach, the author of the great medical work entitled “'Hie American Procure o. M- dtciae and Family Physician.” • Having been made acquainted with the ingredients winch compose McAllister's AlMlealinfl Otntxnenl and having prescribed »-d tested it in several rare* ii my private practice, 1 have .o hesitation in saying or certifying that it <* a Vegetable Rcnfbdy, containing no mineral substance whatever: that ki ingredients combined as they are, and used us directed by tho Proprietor, are not only harmless, but of great value, being h truly scienlihr Remedy of great power: and f cheerfully recommend n as a compound which has • done much flood, and wbieh i* adapted to the cure of a great variety of cases. Thouflu I have never eitner recommended or engaged in the tnle of secret fnedi tinea, regard for the trulv honest, eonseirntious, hu mane character of the. Proprietor of ihi* Ointment, and the value of his dttcovery, oblige me to say thus much regarding iL W. BEACH, D. I).* New York, April 22d, IMB. BURNS.—II ii one'of the beat thing* in the world for Duma. PlLES.—Thousand* are yearly cured by thu Ovnt* meat It never fails in giving relief. For Tumera, Ulcers, and oil kind* of Sorem, It haa no equal. If Mothorafand Nureea knew iti value In caaea of Swollen or Sore Bream, they woald always apply il In sacb cases, if used according to directions, it give* rchef in a very few hour*. Around the box are directionsforuaingMcAHmera Oinuncut lor Scrofula, Liver Complaint, Erysipelas, Teuer, Chilblain, Bcaid Head, Sore Eyes, Quincy, Sore Threat, Bronclutes, Nervous Affections, Paina, Disease of the Spine, Head Acb«, Asthma, Dcafnex*, Ear Ache, Burn*, Coma, all Diseases of the Skin. Sore I.ipa, Pimples. Ac., Swelling of the Limbi. sores, Rheumatism. Pile* Cold Feet, Croup, Swelled or Bro ken Breaat, Tooth Ache, Afluo in the Face, &c. From the Heading Earle. There was never, perhaps, a Medicine brought be fore the public, that haa in to short a time won oech a reputation a* McAltisirr'a Alt-Healing or World ‘talve Almost every person that bus made trial of it speaks warmly in its praise. One has been cured by it of the most painfal rheumatism, another of the piles, a third of a troublesome [.ail. In the side, a fourth of a sw-lling m the limbs, Ac. If it doe* not give imme diate relief, in every case, it can do do injury, being applied outwardly. As another evidence cf the wonderful healing pow* er possessed by thw stive, we ruhifiin the following certificate, fram a rcipectable citizen of Maidenereek lowiuhip, in this county: Maidenereek, Berk* co., March 30,1M7. Messrs. Riiicf it Co;—I desire to inform you that I was entirely cured of a severe pain id the back, by the me of McAllister's All-Heuliog Salve, which I pur chased from you. | suffered with it for about SO yean, and at night was unable to sleep. During that time I tried vanoas remedies, which were prescribed lor toe by physicians and oiher persona, without receiving any relief, and at last made trial of this Saive, with a re sult favorable beyond expectation. lam now entire ly free from the pam. and enjoy at night a peaceful ana sweet sleep, l bn*» aim used the Balveslne* for tooth ache and other complaints, with similar happy results. Vour fnetul, Jouv HoLDiinucH. JAMKS MCALLISTER, 011 n .s\S r 0< *bore madieino. Principal Office, No 29 Norn, Third street, Philadel phia. PRICE as CENTS PER BOX Amn .is PjTfsscmwn.—U a. Fahnestock fc Co„ comer of Wood and. First sis; Wrn j IC kun No W Liberty street: L. Wilcox. Jr., earner of Market itreet and the Diamond, alio corner of Fourth ami Pmithfield meets. J. II Cause!, corner of Walnut and Peon streets, Fifth Ward: and sold at tha Bookstore in Southfield street. Ud door from Second. In Allegheny City hy 11. P.Behwarti and J. Douglas* By J. O. Smith, Druggist. Birmingham; D. Ncrlev Rut Liberty; H. Rowland, McKeesport; J. Alexander A Bon. Mononrahela City; N. B. Bowman ACo and J, T. Borer*, Brownsville; John Barkley, Beaver Pa: John walker, Jr„ Klixabeth; Boabrlght A Erwin Rochester. feblleodly ■ brl» on hind and for tale by' XJ atf* . . >VJO* fcHoCAJfPLESe MJSCLLLANEOUS. V*iu4ble*ndexuu*lve WaterPoncrto let on faverabie terms* milK WABASH NAVIGATION COMPANY are JL* now prepared to lea*e the Water Power at the Grand Rapids, to an amount sufficient to propel four hundred pair* of mill atone. Thu location i* bued upon a rock foundation, and the power can conve niently be applied on both tide* of the river. The Erain of the White River, a* well a* the Wabash, can ; readily furnished at thi* point. While umber, iron ore, and eoal, in the greatest abundance, and of superior quality, ean be eiuily procured through the same country Tebms—One hundred dollars per annum for a pow er sufficient to propel a ungle run of medium sized mill stones, for a period of fifteen year*, with the right of renewal on the expiration of the lesae, at a fair valuation of the power employed. The site of the • mill or manufactory included, without further charge from the Company. By order of the Director*. ' ABNER T. ELLIS, _ ' ' • President ofthcfW. N Co. . Y 1 *«***», In., May 9, 1630 my3l;d3m TVL&S HA UHL'S MEDICATED NYMPH SOAP. U *—The skin of many person* i* disfigured with ■light eruptions, as pimples, morpbew, Ac.,'snd when this is merely t disease of the skin, as it is in ninety nine cases out of every hvndred, it is very easily re moved. Jule* (laud's Nymph Soap is expressly adapted to diseases of the skin, as it acts directly upor. the minute pores which cover Us surface, cleansing them from imparities, and by its balsamic properties healing and eradicating ali eruptions, and rendering the darkest and roughait skin ton, fair, and blot mtng. Person* who have been in the habit of uilng ordi nary soap, will bs astonished at Ibe beautiful eflect Eroduerd by the Nymph Soap, in imparting a delicate loom, preventing the neck, face, or baud* from chap ping, allaying all irritation, and removing all cutane ous eruption*. It possesses an exquisite perfume, and is entirely devoid of all alkaline properties, rendering it the only srtiele which can be used with safety ana pomfort m me nursery. A 1! tho<e whose facet or neeka are disfigured with pimple*, blotches, tan. morphew, Ae, should moke triti of Jule* Hauers Nymnh Bo»p, a* the proprietor positively assures them, that iu use vrill render the most discoloreu skin w hile, the roughest skin smooth, and the most diseased skin healthy, pure, and bloom in* Juie* Mauri's Nymph Soap Is the only article which will cffettually produce the above effects in so short s time, and the o If one which Is at the ume time all powetlai and entirely harmless. Prepared only by JULES HAURL, Perfumer and Chemist, IUO Chestnut street, Phila. For sale wholesale and retail by U A. Fahnestock A Co , ami II H Sellers, Pittsburgh; and John Sar gent and J Mitchell, Allegheny city. Pa. ie6 ? bRCOITD KIABD PIANOS. AfiOOI) Mahogany Plane Forte, C octave*, •ecoud hand• *lllO 00 A handiorne upright Piano, with Rovrwood Fu iiiiurc. fi »cia*e*, and in good order 100 00 A ..clave Piano 43 no A good 6...-’»ve Piano “3 00 A fWMi 3( octave Piano, with bandaome farm- JOHN H MEULOR 00 6l Wood st For e»le by mny •> Sight Ligbu SUPERCEDING the Flouts, end being In* conu>uruble, thereby economises the oil. aud pn* vrnis nmiim, heretofore io moch ©bjectrd to in all r>Ui?T floats One table spoonful ot the i omraun lamp oil will last Nine Hour*.or any further length <* umr, sccctCinc to Hie additional qoantlty of 0.1. Re.-eived and for *aJe by JOHN D MORGAN tnay«7 Druggist OYSTERS. JUST RKCF.IVKD, at the Pittsburgh Family Gro eery and Tea Warehouse: S case* Fresh Oysters, in un can*; 6 do Pickled do, io qt ja:«; 5 do 00, in pint do. The sboTe Fresh Oysters are parboiled, and pot up in a hip bly concentrated roup, enclosed in hermetical ly sealed cam. nnd will kerp much longer than those put uo In the ordinary wqy For sale, wholesale and retail, by WM A MeCLURG A Co, ... . tW Liberty st Great American Htcbaaleal Work. DAPPI.hTON A t'O., New York, have in course • of puMicntion, t» itns, price twenty fire cent* eech. a DICTK).NaR\ if Maeblnea, Mechanic*. Hu rtle Won. and Kcstneen&g; designed for Practical it orkuig Men, and those intended for the Engineering Profession Edited by Oliver Byrne. This r»oik is of large 8v« aiae- and w>U contain two thousand pares, and upward* of six thousand illustra tion*. it will present working drawing* and descrip tion* of the mosi important machine* in the United States. li. depot, dent of the results of American In genuity. it will contain complete treatises on ktautiiucfy. Work, and Engineer ing; uriiu a!l that u useful in tnora then one thousand dollars worth of folio volumes, magazines and other hooks. Six uumhers received, and for sale by the agent, R HOPKINS. spiS 7B Apollo Building*, Fourth *L SEW STOCK OF FIA.HOB. CHICKERING’S PIANOS. John U. Jicllor, SI Wood Street, Pittsburg SoteAgrnl in Western Pennsylvania, far the sale CHICKKRIMS'S CELEBRATED Grand aud Square pisqo Foftpe, Bi-Aih to inform hinfiead* acd the mnsical public. that be has now invoices, and wilt receive end expose mr sale, during the preseat month, the largest -me! mini iWirable sipfk of Piano Fortes ever offered for su e in the west—among the namber will be foond a ful; supply of carved Rosewood Grand Plano Fortes, all tue- recent improvements in mechanism and style of exterior Splendidly ».«rved Rosewood seven octave Square Piano Fortes, finished in the Elizabethan and Lou* 2LIV. style* With a large stock of all the various styles of Pis no Forte*, vurytng tn price* from fns toS9)oand glWti. prepared by Mi. Chielertng for the present ye»t.»lH3t)| Pure *• t r* ate assured that the vtitm of Mt. Chick erirss Piano; have been, qr.d will continue to be, the 'urn- as at ;h<- manufactory ip Boston, without charge f ir •.fu..*,*ori»i,oa; and wt,; be d?l'*»re«i sej »pt up m ,<ci e<; t • ter, n at.) p»rt of ihs city, w thoji charge. THE cudemgoed bees leave to inform the pablie that b hn« declined business in favor of his B>>n, P M Davis, who will eominoa the Anetion tad Com mission bu«.nr<* at the o:d stand, comer of Wood and Fifth nrrei. nr.d lor whom he would solicit a coeun nance ■•ftiie liberal patronage heretofore bestowed ap« " i'tcu.r, * JOHN D. DAVIS, April Vth, WW. P. n. bATH, (SUCCESSOR TO JOHN D. DAVIS.) AUCTIGJiEiSR ,\SD CUISISSIOB BKBCHAIT, co<vsn or wood *no nmi mirit, gI7ILL n<tc on liberal term*, of Foreig* ar.d VV Dom-«tir M-rrnandite, Real Estate, flocks, A*., and hope*, by experience and clo«e attention to buMnru. to ti.-rii a continuance of the mpport and purnmr' »o überaily extended to the foraorhouse. Apro o.h, 1-5" notice to oar PatroM< RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LISE. Ttjle deceive of the active partner, in Philadelphia. ithe Inc Jnme» M Baris,) produces no interruption in ihr ta»mr«v—arrangements have been made which involve* thr »;nc intmesta precisely, which have heretofore ei**ied The buvness is conunacd under the mpe noir.e ami firm, vi*:— ... Jsuxs M Osins A Co., Philadelphia; Jons MTsDU A Co.. piltiburga. The cnr’inusocr of the patronage of oar maay irirnt* .« re.perifoily solicited. If any persons have driojuds IUHinM it.e concern, they are requested to n rsrni ihrra forthwith. for payment. Pip.’-rsh, Apr.' It). •». JOHN M’FADEN, apjT .1 Surviving partner. O. A, Fahusiteek A Co., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, eorrikr of Fim and Wood «irr«-t«, offer for sale,on favorable terms: lUihbls Whiting, MO lbs Curb. Ammonia, CO do Alum. MO do Aasafmuda; 3(10 do Dye Wood*; GUO do Crude Tartar, •ji do l.sinpbtnes; 500 do liquorice Root; VO do Veit. Red, .300 do ]n«b Mots; tt do Campiior. 150 do Red Precipitate; ID do Spin Brown; 150 do Calomel Arari; 2ii >!<• V clinw Ochre; V 4 do do Eng.; 111 do l:r;in«:one, 800 do Buehcr Leaves; f. d 0 Ootcs; AO do Rhubarb Root; 3 do f'bnm Flowers; 4no do Barsap. do; |4 cu*e» Ref. Ilorsx; 2IC do Gentian da; •J 5 do Cauil* Soup; 20t> do Rgl Rocheele; 15 do Prut-inn Blue; Ail do Betdlltx Mixture Mi do Uslr Magnesia; sbp do PowhJ Rhubarb; 13 Co Chromr Green; 640 do dp Slip. Kim 6 il<> do Yellow. 100 do do G. Arsbi 5 do Am Vermilion, 100 do do Lm Hoc 60 reams band Paper, lUO do do Jalap; 23 bug* Sinly Sumac; *5O do do Af.Cayenn 36 t>siri Houle Corks; 200 do Sulph. Zinc; 750 x Sulph. Morphia; 300 do Bur Tin; 180) lb* Cu;ie. Aloes, A*i do Tamarinds; U-00 do 8.-Phrom Potash; 150 do Quick Silver, 23U0 do Pink Root, 250 do Orange Peel; IiUO iio Turley Umber; 75 do Cochineal; 1800 do Cream Tartar, 90 do Hyd Potash;. 500 do Tirtane Acid; 60 do Maec; Mi, do Ova Urst; 25 do Grenville Lotlo feh3S-ilAwBmT _ PETROLKI/n, OR BOCK OIL. "There are more thing* in besven and earth Thai; nru dreumpt of tn philosophy." TUP. VIRTUES of this remarkable remedy, and the constant application for it, to the proprietor, has induced bun to liave it put up ta bottles with la bel* un<! directions for the Imnent of the publie. The PETROLEUM is procured from a well In this county, at a depth of four hundred feel, is a pore una dulterated srur'e, without any chemical change, but just a* flow* from Nature's Great Labretor?!! Tnatit contains prop«-rue* reaching a number of diseases,.ls no longer a matter of uncertainty. There are many things m the arcana of nature, wbieh, if known, might be of v**t otefulners in alleviating suffering, and re storing the bloom of health and vigor to many a suf ferer. Long before the proprietor thought of patting ; It up in bottle*, it bud a reputation for the eure of dis ease. The constant and daily Increasing calls for It, and severe! remarkable cures it has performed, Is a sure iti'iirntion of its future popularity and wide spread application in the core of disease. We do not wish to male a long parade of certifi cate* as we are mn*eioui that the medieine can soon work’iu way into the favor of those who toiler and wisb to be heaied. Whilst we do not claim for it a universal application tn every disease, we unhesita tingly ray, that In a number of Chronic Diseases It is unrivalled. Among these may be enumerated—all diseases of the mucous tissues, tuoh us CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION (In its eurljr stage,) Asthma, and all diseases of the air passages, LIVER COMPLAINT. DYSPEPSIA. Dtait«*. Diseuses of ,the Bladder and Kidneys, Po(tis in the Back or Side, Nervous Dirows, Neuralgia, Palsjr, Rheumatic Pains, Gm». Erysipelas, Tetter, Ringworms, Bureu, Scalds, Bruises, O'd Soros, Ac., Ac- In cases of debility re sulting Itom exposure, or long andprotrueted easei or disease. .j,), medieine will bring relief. It will act us JTONIC .nl aLTKKATIVB in .Hi. imparting tone and energy to the whole frame, romov. inr obstructions, opem/igtbe sluggish functions, which cause liiseiise and a broken eonsthuiioo. and giving iucreaseU and renewed energy io ail tits ..organs of Life’ The proprietor knows of several core* of PILES, that resisted everr otto* treAUnentrgei well- 1 under the u «e of the PETROLEUMahon lime. The Drool can be given iq any peysoa who denies it Ni ne gen'dae without the slghltMO of Ihe proprietor, bold by the proprietor, _ . _ S M KIEK. Canal Basin, near Seventh fl A*u * Y R E- SELLERS, fi7 Wood it;‘ and—KLYSER A M’DOWELfc, eonierWojilsL and Virgin klLy; who are hia : novj-.ti v regularly appointed Agents BUiPIIATT’D rATK9T*'ioPA Atfßl Price Badttood. . THE SUBSCRIBERS will sell . Muspratps best quality and high test Glass and. Soap Makeru» Soda Ash, warranted superior to any Other bland 11 3) by ih« quantity of 5 tone dr apiyanjyjfr currency or approved Notes, at four moalhaJ or 3} fot a let* quan tity. W A MMITCHELTREK, ia ■ t ,{■ > -V : TBVSBPI' STATION LINES ERIE & MEADVILLE LINE. B?ive?fre.» l i > !* * iU !eaTe regularly, and do irinu'nV"?, 1 Iren shipment. J C IiIDU ELL, Pittsburgh. Y JAMES COLLINS*, do muwFXL * brother, R och „. iet J A * eBU JSMn 1850 bidwellv SANDY AND BE-ATVER LINE *T ,0 w cw-w*. r 'n‘ T d V^ ,toua au ’ ,tlf3 o/Cvluvt' , arrv 1-Coshocton, M'vlingvm. FranJsim% «rJnf n?!? 10 " of lbo s « d y md Beaver Canal a.jjjotain, „r U„ tat .” k. F .’kZ^',y c '‘y^ u^<: , '* d » ”lU> PMiih.nth kith 1...' C ’r in con.cqoepcc of ?»,X’-“•» «»»->«- Bom, ofliu, Im. will i.,. e , n j ronthroo.h teTO-cKj:. r"';. u * n *' c ™"“y b *' c <* equal interest In this a.:vauia*r. Agents: i,i Tv, l ! UVK I-L. Pittsburgh; HI im KLL A Co., Glasgow. R C Motor. Bp.,.rs M„|.. Ohio: • II ft A Guy, VVUl:.miport.O hr„,i, ta , Kltioo.O: Culil, t HolTninn.dof G.rtM A Co. Now O; After A Nichoira, II ,i r.vrr, II j Hihhets A lioory, Mi nerva O ; Sp; »k- r A i ..... r .to.; Joseph pool A Co. i™ , . I"* - ' x?' 9 Vl "*- ° - « y Bever, do ; C B Hurgiuni A- o. M : , .rr„. u, R K Gray, Wayne* i- U J*i W L h .. B w" ‘ u> v-' ,1 “ ' Magnolia 0 ; E J BarkdullA t..’. N.:ie>n ,'..u*, do; J M Far)and A nt.v- e,u : pj»; Fash baagh A Men;. :v;»r. t» . Willard A Sluiver, do ; J J HoJin.ii . i . . o . Cummins A Ca, do ; John Robin-on, I n ... n , O; FertigA Torrey. Canal Dover, (I ; A Mr,:i, t rx. Itoscu-, <I; L K W’sr ncr. Newark.O. Kid-A M i-..luiiibn, o, L<> Mat ' thews,Clpvclrn-'. D A i.rccn. do. uis>o THE PENNSYLVANIA CANAI. I" lIPI.-V PmSßl'BCll TK:iSM'I)RT4TII,A LISE. Vl* Peoaayivmi la Cantli*B«Ußo»dl. Ii'CONNOR. AT>.;\« a'c*, Omj! Basin, Übeny Street. I'ittahu r.;!i, ' A I? I i N ?V\‘ ?(,;sNon •' v:i»k aa» Market meet, Philadelphia 0-Co*so*. * O . •" V'ih street, Halumore; f. Blocs. Np* \ . rk: Klu.ptt k Oks..; ii !Wi,e .;reet. Bouton; IUvtLJON t;«A» V i.- Kentucky; H*J.L A Co . Cmum inn .-.reel, Cincinnati; F. " tBS. Lom-V r. Daisr, Hknsi a | ToSkimvn <tf M>rri.n,J>s r to and from /W(kW;«m. n A\ llojlotu Oor route t»i . ; , t...< mder. we arr pr-parrd t° lOrwinl jo.:-.. 4- :ii • l<ne*>< priett. We IW< ’«"*r • ' '** n ‘" vr ’ '1 "c« havi ok polir ie* for •*er HCbi.tfitj. and «•; 111 th- -«>.rowing rurnmr «tock of Bom* {-oi 'iilp-i t i>-.• iv i,« entire saus'sctiou 10 all bm>mea« rntunni :•> .or « .up Our ho.iL are ail new, ami eoncia.iu-n !.v n,p.««f experience. and oor rntirr hue 1. t*>i- tuviiM o;. >rri*l aa«4«jA ktrrtnc and tnnff»an't p-n <•. he, Bout*. C.vcm. I Bobu.* Capo In t Iron City. Mac l * 1 '. t IVjtrrylvania K luiyion, Maryland, .',i.--j»il (L»e>u»», Comlen C;i;.dt.;jui. Sand» mV>I Howard Ridley Rut it Anna. L in. :*■ nitt t Mmy Detwirab Sima Win Atkina, IV- n..,.: I ae 1 Kayton Import, M«<u..)a Janata Riown Bo»u>n. Auer I- :.. Scott, (Jore ttarlimla Hi'- V I uraphNo IMurlda Celia lii:»t ini ! I’o.r; Mill Ro' M quada OlivelßancbOos'e i j U.-.:t:u eCiipjmrßiiey America Perry ;<»uoß«Ue Kearney Mermaid M t’o rnn l Hunter Ruido The Fox MXftioe I Juua Ann 4 Layton Aurora >! U©w,-il T-- .-ra;.); NoiPavia Look Shap-p Lrtrv I, »<uren Wihle Shippers wi.i h”d i: ;a t-. ir adT»nis*c to five aa a 0?.il. t't uhN'iilt, ATKINS A (XJ., mrl« t'lir.-i r'l*'- Lit.rr.y at., Pitivburgn. Waataraa TraveaportatloD Company. D. J.UiCCI! et CO'S LIBiB. BETWkkn rrrT'ii; m,ii. philadklphu, liAliT[.M<i!' V. A NKW VORK, By a..d Rail R*U. TWK \u •!»:- 1.. i vo 1-enn put in cotare - .? -t-tr •- aJuiun.i nf »rt«n u» lu cnrrjr • Iwg* qoanuty cf pro. The enure >;c-h ownej miJ coQtro- :d by the I'lopt. HARRIS * 1.1 > • :■ \ i. Al.d n: liic T.. i .a V. •CU. Tillnl «|. c- .<•o*'. U >.'l -t. »Nh ii.Jn-hni. I'm.; <■' : 1-H l.i’K * SON, •r. ... lint Mil , ' uv.| N>» York, Hawn I'cnn >l. <i! Vi' V D Li.l.i !• ft eiMi i*>». jsd. UNION LINE, OK THE IMJ.iiA’A ,MU OHIO CASALS. CLARK. PARKS * ■'i*. 1! .fiintpi, Pa. prop* I *. A i.'AU>HK'i. A*eitU Olfa-e rof *■*' . , ; W ,;rf *i. J’lu-turrh. caAMUKi::.i> • : '.WroßiiAi'ii.Ar.«, Cleveland. Otuo. THIS well i • ' »*•*■ <*d to treiupcrr frrirt: a- 1 1. • -n »*l Tl - ** lll'R<« H and CLKVKI.AMJ. a •, . . u i.c and Lake* Tlif fai;f g-.»atp;i»»el in number, qualiiy a.-id ra, «'of capiatit*, and euctcucy nl Ait' : ;« One Iloai iru »> * I'.. •. .-t rarur in e-nnprrmiii :»een Pirrsiin.: Canton rrape SltowU. ml coor», 'tt-* from tho «!o»- Inin Hou'C, urk .•‘auil s>bawi4 rpiendid jtixxla, ic a.l'i Cr*(‘« Miavrl.. •cfx’tLi sm»d>, «tr«a rnn.roidci rti t'anvn Crvpe Su<iwi». »|.lrnU.J >»i-od‘. Lupio'a l*ari» ( p»:n , r.l t'.a .:uiirrr r'hawrU. Vl_ i'ltre* »nU <;uaii . . , ■ net), Krrnnh worked Cane*, Collar*. andCtiflV a large ,M*! W d<lßit.nit- laMoruaent. k a l'*i \ • KK, mill * Line of C>rk I -r. . • . • r. i‘., K N . • . . . Ml» U‘ H A* N «'..*» t • . 1 lira'- .-.I Krn.. <»• .1 .» i'/i t l .n. ij; HAtl. • f < • .i ■ - • U. Wlire-r [■' ■ \ -• ->. ChauilirT ••••(. .« . • i' evelaad, O-, \ • v « n. IVctasm t • •• .ii Wil -mu • i i t -' . t , »v ii, Mur —y .. I ....... Jf . \\\,. Tbomas IU • , : . ••• • At f.'fin . Ager.i, mrfli --r..i ~TT.rsiir,.i .u BfeiSllsl Js&L LAKE EIUIC ami ■tlCfflOAK LINK, UN rifK ).K 1 1. I V n N-lUN CANAL CLARKt- PARK- i i " K <•*,- rr. fropr.-torv. ri HR pr. prietr.M r.< : . a«:i known Line J. would ui'iirir. il- ■ . ,* ire it, i»»>- receiving Freigh’ a I‘,. wi.i-h tbev are fully prepared ... . i„- Canal snd LAKES Mt!t am, mh hH.a.N A t tbe love-i raw * < >- u.’ Huai* M the I^ne Bridge, to rveVsVe rre-g’-i ’ "" W >n * 3 e * J"I!N c A It, HRY. Agent, Offlee.coT Watar ■">' •*-. -i- .r ,i». Prnvburgh. - r't •V- i. , ■ i - R W Cunning!-iin N- * Ms. Miteiie irr- AC. I' j. - .. , \V C Mola-. S , JAR«t ur,.. Wirt. Arh* - .V - o I. - • » U m lieu?) II TIM.,--, , U rn Power, U.,1! : -k John Hearn ’• -V- John J Hnl- -irr A * .• M,.|T. n. N v rnf-W Plttlburgll PortabU Itoal Ll»«, • i'll lA, BALTIMOUR, PITTRIirnGH, PHII.Mm Nh IV IntiK li' >" IU I *’, Ac T»*m A O’Cn^aoa. Tiin*ii Bnissnua, i Philadelphia. < { Piti*t>urg!i. J[ L*>!:*!i'•! Line »-r n« utu«] ai ll.rlrold •land*. rereirirc slid loiwi'ilm* Merchnfidi«r ami Produce ftt Inw rai-« nn.l will: '.ne i>rrjapUi«-«». cer tainly und «*'ri y peei.imr >o tiinr *v»n m and of lf« where iiivnnrdntc Iranafall'lDriil u avoided. ufilti Ihr drlay I and probability of dß ...... Merchandise and f’rndtire «h:pp«*<i ear.tor w»at. and till! »f Lading forwarded frr< n< charge for nnatnia • ion. advancing. nr »:«»»-V- IKulip in intrrril dl* reetlv or inilWcfUj w »i-tunh« >t«, W:i! o( ibe owner* All e«fntnuiiieau»n» tn slic fni,owing agents prompt* ly attended to: THOMAS BORDRIDOF- No Sf7 J Mhis.-i -irr.i, Philuddphia. TA M'l'i: A OOONNOR. i .» » 1 » «. 4 w uta.iiatrn. Corner Penn amt Win n« atrerls, Pittsburgh John McCudogb A Co, i>* Nutth ti. tl n H. J* }| Hurt A Co tt Donne at.,. W A J T Tap.rott A<?r. M Houlh at, New >ork, Jauic. Wheelwright, Oinrio* nali mrtiS BIKIiMK TBISSPBBmiOII UH, isso-JBBiBfIL Between Pittsburgh amt Icaaiern Ctttof. The Canal Whir ,tow ••jien, wc are ready to rrrerve and forward promptly, produce mid itierelmndizc caal and *e«t. Freights always at lowest ntea, charged by respon sible line*. Produce and me'cli'i- ''ire w. ; [•*’ recrivn! mid for warded ea«t and we«t. 1 iy oliarye tor fori warding nr odvaiH i'c rr<*:»;i».. <■• iiiium.him of storage. Dills of lading lorwururd, mil ml dirrcuons faith fully attamlril to Address or apply tn. V. M. HIN'LHAM. Canal Basin, cor. Liberty uml Wnvne *m, I'itt-hurgb. HfNLUA.U A DOCK. No 183, Mitrtcf *t. l.ruvr-n tth ft 3th, Phll’a. JftS WIt.SON, A|l, No l*. North Itowurd fit. Baltimore. JAS hingua.m, mrlß • " ' c No to. \\v«t •r-'et. New York. A CO’s PUi**|M »»*a Remittance Offlee* mm HANKDEN 4 CO. i-ominae to bring •persons any p-<rt el lr*!and. Scotland or the u .in liberal icnn*,with tbell asua) pflncVdallty and attr.-itiQu to thu wapt# arid com* (brt o/etfcmlgfaAt* ’ WHn mrt allow our pudbugers 10 be robbed bjr the swieuimg scamp. Uml mfcsf'TntfVed* ports, aS’Nre take charge of them the iridfOTTtl they re* port lhemsOlVe* i i And ws to their well beyig,.and do spaieb them wtihcnJt an? dfiilntlurf bytKfc first ships.— we »ay this fe*rles»iy, an wedrfy one of ourpissen jrars to ghOT* that they,'■•••ere d-mi» t xl'tg/-ia*S by osin Liverpool, whilst ihou«nmU of othep * am detained months, eU&IhOT epult) bp renj in samp *A ataAtSia ChSp rate, which too frr.yucmiy proved iheif cofflns. We intend (o perform our contract* what U may. end not on m wns dir case last season, with ether oßoers,—who jyjher pcrfonned.aot all,or ■when it ntited their couvrniaicr.. , * • ••Shafts dutsbvrgu for any pom from £1 to •/•raw- nayabie at any nfim- ni.iv.Aoial Cants B* Ua- Scniiaari and Wales.. . . I* o ®’*’ 1 * JOSHUA ROBINSON, European sul Genital Agent, taW- "* FlM'street, lira dw»r CklnW V/mU ' ♦ mifoia—l7~hf pipc«-Jimn'ly*-Otard, Dopny”, Ac , a muwao- aplpcg HoUsndGm; "*“* Sells R’K Kuih; > :^‘ Aw WASBils»w. *—Hi M ISCF LLANbOUS atw nusic. J. 11. MELLOH, SI Wood *trrrt, has received th* fotlomng New Music: OH, *ay can you rte oy the truth’* holy licbt; dedi ■-atru toUcrC Cook. Oh, think not le*» | love thee Blanche Alpcn, I love thee. When other friend* around thee. The cot beneath the lml«. Wen thon but trine. Annie Luune—Seeteh ballad. The Kobin —wr.rd* by Klua Cook, oiuric by Stephen Glover. Thoii h»»t ~ountlr«l the *ptrit that loved thee The Grav» of W**hin(j’.on. The Jmh Mother'* Old Sexton —Ku**cl. He doeth all thine* well— Woo itiury. Widow Machrcc —Rutseli. The cottace oftnv mother— Hotchir.son*. Low backed cap—Lover Elfin Walttei —comp'e'e. The Magic UeJi. The Bri l I or Wedrttne Polka. Jenny Lind l * American Po v,t. Lizzy Prlka. Soiree American Potka Tip Ton American TaUa. La Belle Baltimorean Polka. Jenny Lind Polka. The Origina ScntHh Potka— Juliet. Salutation Polka. Vim Polka. J{i*cphme Po'kn. Svntmii Polka. KoMingol Potka. The Pro phet Quadrille*— Meyerbeer. Jenny Lind QJadulles The Wreath and Daity Wtilues—Air* Ernest. The Drover Boy—'vanatim » by Czerny. .Monument. Soun i* from Home. Wrecker’* Daughter. c|ptck«tep. Louisville March and Quickstep. \V ood Ups Quick- Hep. iv* AREHOHSE, irih street. CARPET W. No 7di Fom WjrCUNTO'Nv i* no # Spring Si» .’k of ' Trimming*, 4c.,»in» Extra Super Hnyal ’ c English and America C Extra Superfine Imp >• Superfine ” AL»< _<pil3’.na)y receiving his 4*KPET OIL CLOTHS, ip in part the following, viz: Velvrt I'ilc Carpels, © Tapestry ” :an Bru»«el« ” lerial a ply Extra super patcntCfcemJle Superfine.lngrain Carpets, Eitra fine ’’ Ruperfine do do Ron; CmiiirtOQ, all wool, " Tufted Rur»; Fire '* Common ” Kiira WiPon ” Common do r Chenille Door Mnu; iTuiird ” Isiieep Skin ” jAilelani ” M. I mi«l { Tap Ven Cur. 4-1. { and 4 Twill’d Carp 4-1. |, | and iM plain Cur. List and Rap Carpets, •M I'iir.ted roiton Carpets. tM. 7-1, 6-1. 5-4, 4-4 and |i Oil C!( tl■»; 6-1. i-4. 4-4. and J Malting, lb inch pnient Oil Cloth* tor flair*. Extra primed piano cover* ” table Kmnoimed Flhuo , " Table Primed wool.-n ” fcj»lios*cil stand •' Diins.k Si:ir I .men; Turkey lti d I'hume*; Clnr tie Knrdrrmi ; K»cli»h OH Cloili Table tlrnwit Linen crututi r'.mbi UC.ien ” Urn** Stvr find*; Stair Dnut-fit; Carjwt Hindine*: Jute at.d t'nco Multi Abeam ami Skeleton Man; 5-4 ami 4-1 I.reel. Oil Cloth lor lllimln; Huckeiack Diaper; i the mo*l n{jpro*ed Enf aeiurct* iron IV to V 4 feel cut to tu room*, hall*, anti bape. . imported direct from Knp 'aprtiry C.A K PKTri, Three i>- In c*l uml uio»t «lr«am nf the nn>-i iforirruui* color*. >w n» they can lie purchased Coach Tkixxuics. Blue sml Drub Chubs; Crimson Flush; Cnnrli Oil Cloths; Dsnia.k* l.mingt; Watered Morems. [luff Holler'd lorWShade*. Transparent Frenen irui'*p ” Vrtiriini Hill'd*; Uuniir.< for Flags; 7U ami fi 1 Table Linen; Ratim Crntli; Scotch Diaper*: Brown Linen Napkin*: UcrniMi Oil Cloth Table Cover*; Sheet Oil Cu'Tßs from lith and American inunula in wifih, whirh wnl. be e vcsul’nle« of any tiie or sbi Tire undersigned having land. Ins Velvet Rile and Ts Carpets, winch nrc of th* stylet and palieri:*. and u will be Feld 0.l price* ** lot for in an) of the i:a«;ern ctl Having the largett assortment of the richest and noti laeiuomible IinUHSKLS. IMPERIAL THHKi: I’LY B.i.t JNfiRAIN O.UtI'KTS which inr «urpa.i*e* iti quality and ciieapne** of price, any n**.«i.*uiient ever brfore hinught 10 tin* city. He h!mi invite* SlramhoM .Men and Couch MnnnMcturer* to In* large and wctl •elected uwonmei.i of TKi MMLVbS. and other nrilcie* Tur um.crsigii.-t u ul»o agent for tAr only Stair Rod UanutkC.ory m Piiiiade'phin, ni.o it prepared to »ell lower ilian can be purchased ci.ewtierc in ihi« c ly ... WM. MCI.INTOCK Stw Goods II Now Good*! I CLEAR TDK TRACK* /Vet? Spring and Sumner j'fry Good • fur IS-'O u II 1 II *1 ■ ii tt....r.v w UILLIACI L, UUBSKLL WuOLia*LE and Retail Dvnier in British, Bsr. I Eve. hot jutl commenced rcn-iYii.g and fjtei'*iTr tines • of Spur.* am! Summer Dry lined* ever oileri>l lot *nlr in lire \Vc*iern cou.itr). All of there !u.' , *ofleu l.cinl- arc. lre»h upc.ucd, and received per the uni rireirer* from France and linglnm!, ei also Irish Linen*, imported direct from H-.lls.ti. a!l era** l irsclie,; end wanaixed ihe pure article; iic*e luaen* are all iir.pur.ed b; the owsenber. r.m! are all ouie dux varc. warranted. Alto. Irish Linen Damask Tain* doth*. the very best itiaticfnnsre; and liiih Linen Gnt.ds el all kinds, imported direct froia Belia>t by ibr tubturiber, aud will be found the real Krui-o bragh. DRF.J'S good* v.iet Turk- Sapn«, ah prices, rich jjfodi, nlurk <-.icn m.*». all ••oloii, late mipe.nsiinh; Frenm Kid l.iovr*, ai: foloi*. ij- |.c «; mip-.ried, plaid l..ack ArnmrtTprr m*l French strainer, new ?iylr pa.nccl Itarigr*. *p.eno’.i **»•. if. A.*-., a roi—rb snd umc dre.srvvrn no.i r-f'. |. is« l\ llii r*ge« *i ;i color*, exiientriv icw. W.U-ai i>«»od*, Mark sy.k Fringe, all widilis ti d [M..TS, VN,• clrrpp, I'rmej Lawns, new titles, per in*i Krcn.ou nv.anicr. plain Mick hrn l)r Rliiu*. n,ga iu»ue, -oi.rU* good*. Mark Dc Stiiine Hr-< »de. r;<g-i-i*. Ftmc I, ami I-.hkljsss* Mull* evening i!tc« **. Swi«» Edging and li trr.u'f. tie betl imported; ?i;i Tiuuriin nil color* and >|uajitip.s. new tiyir. p,ain uml •uur. tir.p'd b-acl llurege*. ¥ '| price*, oiiitted Lawns. 'roir. ■> to cr ii it per )aid, Uairfx d* Lsir.s, a new article for' Orestes. Al.o, u lifer and «u|>ern sioc.k of new ftyie rpnrg Bonnet Ribbons, Uie v*ry best im pened all uti«. SHAWLS. SIIAWI^. A l-are* Stock of DOMESTIC tMi si api.K «ax>f*s Mbai'. «• *.rt..,« i ' c )--i |l ..lur'.-«. r»r-i,. 5j',11,0..J >• ,',u, 1 v Jrsin, Mirix i Oart i’al:rr>. f&tt liiioi«i.. i'ic,, ; i'.-j rrlll , per )aid, i raaes llo\' A S''n»' r.;ij nil I’rnu*. br-l 1 rnported. 5 l-a>» Uu»i> and S. «irn lli.j-rr., r*,rriiie- | rbeap. W ',• <•* Kl*»:b Cj :m>. t.-ui t-i in l.*i reut» p*-r ; yaro. be*u>« a :»r*<* ,ir>.-t „l Ci.-.-t a:,.l Stripe A-»<-. Como-, Fminirls, all color, and quau- T*fT rt.rsp, and u'liikm !,r>! f»n -hr*. ( U :t ir* rot •) k ’ i u:..-ic.-ri • I«’,r l> .i*’r r». *•< . lllrd > rvf «: |>rirr» ■nd n r j M*>r .>* •-vm I p«r \ ■((! Ai-n. lilts*- «i* f k »j< r«»‘U’u IVi.ip I<iuprr« I'AKAM*!.?' KAIUN’O Tbe fsrs«*»l a mmi nple'..!id «idrS nf ParasH, r*rr opri.ed b) tu> n»r l..>u*r in I’ll: • bitfyh, •» Una A* wc luiV' - » :ur;? !o. o)' I'nrarclt, kb?) wih l>? .rfmr i.c.ilny The J.mlie* ar-* rr». •*«*i<u.ry mailed tu nmmqc tkese Abo - 1 t;c *ln'T« cwhU will I/O noid oi at [>m— • (ar a. y bi,u-r ..:i me c;iy. and ,n «>r«ier lo ;iri.»e pood-. 4»d norupar*- tiinn wiu. any c.tiirr in the tniner* am] the public in srncral, that ;t>'-r<* are two nitirrl.<-r in market •irect. pr. irnuing to enpe Mill, tbc (bit Ure Hire, wl.icti is tt»»- only I'lUatiU, * Tbc aultac nber would an) Id all ii.o-l •i- r-itJid ».o, k o' -i’f’i.g and aurtnuei Dry Uoinl. e»c/ olfered lor «n c in i‘i Oi-ur<ti lit i.N N LTS: BONN i.TH I Niw STTt k* roi lijll—The i*r>>--i and ruo.t fa-lnoii able -tork c/ Honu'-li ever I.pencil n :»i* rttv. 1* ju«'. rn <*ivcd at the sign of ‘.he Hii( tire Hive, on Market •treet, b.-vwreii Tmrd and Fourth .to-ei., wl,rrr. Dry Good* of every dcnpi.iiH »cllm* 1 hrapcr tTi.m Msrkct -tfrcl, wun pr**tcift to romp<-te wilfa the liiy iDc Hive, l/rtwr.-i, Third imU hr.,mb a\rret*. where (tic pui'.ic will Lnd, n: mi ui<ie«. tbc latgral aud newest *1) of Dry iruodi. frr-b opentd \U“ J'l- I.r Insr m-tirr. mat the itorr i. batwren Third nml Fourth •trects. »iur. of the Hit. BKK HIVK. where D,y |,«««|. ~f e»er, descriptioit are selling than st wny oUier nnu.e m uc city spill WILLIAM L. RUSJiKLL A A MASON A CO . fto Mattel utrret, between • Tfcml eml I'nurih, ere now rrmettit » iaier n»- fortmul of l*s Lain*. fVrcitn Clothe. uti en ure new ifiirlr, i'eliet- u, Crape l>r Id»u:», 4c: with ■ larpe e*Aoruncm 01 I-*wn* nn*l other i>re»» iiooti*, of ibp :mt?• t eiyer ami most futuomb.e colure. *pJ __ f'IOFFK' «Tie fi>r JiiV- . . i.iv—OO l>a*» prime Bio ami Jars, 'Camjup—W Iji» mould. dipped. anil »nero; Cukksi— Crram and Kntlish Dairy; Cc«i'»-W dm Hemp and Manilla; Cassia— U) Malls; Clove*— i barrel, Ci*»»B«—M M Common and half Furn - In I* and half bri« Mackerel,and Salmon <<la*« —win* n»*oneU »uc#j llams— I'jeti I’ninc Venison; • IP*** Sugar Cured; Jnoiiio— 1 0<J IS* M F and Manilla; )m- tfl itoz Uarri.oiis Ulaek and Copying; MotiSiH-l.’S t>rl« N Orlran*, " IS half br!» Sufiar fiouia; Mu*TABtr—2l/ do/ twitted ctnlittn; MtctAhont—so R.« Italian; V —f>u | :>s do N»n.« -voti krg, A«gonc<l; J'i. 5 dm jtrt n«jorir.d; i'*r»a - 0!> renin* imynrtri), I'ki itk«- JUI Ibi |l«, r ,!ruJi, Hmr-Ml bn Hc*u. and fu-i Steel; Suma* —|U lilul* N Orlraiu uml Cnnfiedi To*—*' Qrren «nd Ulurk; TM«ov-a) bra l-i, J,*. 1 Hi 1-irapj . Waaii Hoabd*—SOdotpaieot Zmr: For tsJe by J-D WILLIAMS A QO tur!6 Corner of Ki/ili and Wood tit. FURS! 'FURS: KUR3:—Tlic*ubscrH»er«wdlpuy for Coon, Mink. Mu*k Rnl, fifty and tied Foj, and all kind* of ahippine Fart, the metie«i pattern price*. . MoCoKU'A CD, fcb&l t eorqer fifth and. Wood »ta. . PftiMr lUttftuffi. SPRING ,H£LKITtKIN.—Will Ur. yeccived, by firit can&J rhip'racnU, a now ami choice ÜBoruucnt.of Wall Paper, of the latest French iuid Kiittern stylet, in gold, chamoli, oak/tittiifl anti bi;li raiora. ' W. 1\ MARSHALL, Ittjeß.B: HiU.) rs 3 Wood aueet DIBSOL.UTIOS. TUB 00-partner»hip bercitfore eiiadng beraeeiuS. D. Bmdi&cUl and John MpOiJI. under the firm oJ 8. 0. Uiutifield k Co., i« thia day duaolVed by mutual couaei. The liamnerh of the old firn)'*i!l t*e acliied by. IS. B Baehfield, nl the old atand, No iritil.fVcrty atreef, l'UUburgh. -■ . 8. U UUBIIKIKLD, , > March U 18W. JOHN AIeUILL. | 8. U. UUSHFTF.LD >nTcß<>B(»V. RlCHABffwffl (continue the Wtioleanje a d Retail Dry UoqflMH Grocery bmineit, at the old atand. No tfvo uuder tuc firm of y. U. UUsHFIKLD fc, 00. * Marcn. t,~ IK»U —»[mr>a (r itAVB tbia day maoeuuedjwith roe, in the Whole- J. tale Grocery, ConuttuMdn, aud I’orwarding l>uq> neta,iiiy.lwo Soju, R. N. acid W. B. Watormnn. 'Hie balnea* in future will be conducted under the atyle oi H. Waterman ft B*n», at old atand, Nn at \v». ler and fit Front atreet. ' U & WATERMAN. i i- r * ■ *- 5 8 EDICAL. 8!r Jkmti Bvrrm/*! plaid 9U( n * l, * > PREPARED under the tmmedia e care of the In ventor, and established for upwards of thirty year*. 1 ih« circuit preparation it recommended in >ll ease* of bile, acidities, Indigestion, gout, and gravel, ts'lie most safe, easy, and effectual form in which M* Miesia may, and indeed ihe only one in which 11 oufht 10 he exhibited, possessing all the properties of the Magnesia nowin general use, without being liable I k • it, to form dangerous concretions in the bowels, U eJcctuaUy cures hcarthom without Ininring the boat* of the stomach, ax soda, potass, and their car bonate* are known io do; it prevent* the food of in fan;* turning sour; in ail cases it acis as a pleaatng api and is peculiarly adapted to females. i ' :f Humphrey Ur.vy testified that this solution form* combination* with uric ncid salts tn cases ot rov •. ftnd gravel, therby counteracting their injurious tendency, when oiucr alkalies, ond even Magnesia its-- iid.i lailr-d. > rom Sir Philip ('tampion, Bart, Surgeon General to Army in Ireland:— “Hear Sir—There ran be ao doubrthat Magnesia ma>- Ui- admimiiered more safely in tlie form of a con cen rated solution than in substance; for this, and mu. y other reason*, 1 am of opinion that the Fluid Mai'sena is a very valuable addition to our Materia MediLo. philip cHampton.” b r James Clarke. Sir A. Cooper, Dr Bright, and Me"* Guthrie nnil Herbert Mavo. of London, strong ly T- commend Murray's Fluid Magnesia, as being in- Ani.i :y more sale ami convenient than the solid, and tree from the danger attending the constant use ol tod i nr pot*»i F,>r sale by the importer 1 * and proprietor's agents, B A FAHNESTOCK A CO _rr. ay ?J Cor. of Wood & Front sis. GliUI 11BPOKTAST CUEHICAL DISCOVER! CHEMICAL COMBINATION Ftvm the VegriaiU * Kingdom , to repel ZHsejjee D i. Gnysott’a ‘‘Hxtract of Yollow Dock and^laraaparllla, Cc. a* consumption. scrofula, eryripclas, rheutnatiam, y • •ti. liver complaintx, aoiaal affections, ulefers, s/- I -i't«, dropsy. ntffimn, pile*, scu'rvey. affections o! u.r iitsdder amt kidney*, mercurial cor. rpi humor*, rush of blood .o the bend, fever and :-cuc. icinalc complaints, general debility, dyspep »'t. 'os* of appetite, headache, colds, costivctiets, gravel. mglit xweais, cholic, organic affections, p-' l|>iuiuoti of ihe bean, biles, puns tn the side, c .ext. back, Ac. J: ;* infallible in all'diseases arising from an im pure xtnte ofUie blood, or irregular action of the sya _ In il-r Vegetable Kirgdom, an Ali-wise Being ha depii»i:rd plant* and herbs congenial to our constitu tion*, and adap rd to he cure of d, t e**r; and to tha vec rtatiie kingdom does the reasonn( roan, aa well a the MiMinn of am *J*, turn for antido'e* to pain. 1 ■ e Syrup u ( * xeieritifec i-ompound of ihe rao« va] nal-ic plant* in romp- entirely free from deleienocs ft’d enervating imneral substance*. and as it expel. i*i«eu«c irom ihe «y*:em, tiupum rigor and strengui 1, degree. CERTIFICATES. An extraordinary cnxe of Scrofula, Erysipelas and 0 c*i*, cured; by Hie sole u«e of Dr. Guysotl's Com pound Syrup, Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla Brooklyn, Nov. t?, I*4B Da GrrsoTT—Sir: I tender my sincere thanks for the great "-nrfii I haye derived from the use of your valuable * i rup. 1 have been troubled very bad arit a srroiuiou* sore, wlucn made it* appearance on in chi" 1 did not pn/ much aitentton to it at first, sup porii’g it to be nothing but an eruption that appear on rac i libnally began to increase, until spread to thr .aek port of the head. 1 applied to a piij •icinn. who attended me all to no purpose. I bad tried every thing that coaid he tried. I nw yoar Bvr up of Vcllow Dock and Husapanlla, and concluded io u*e it, ‘or 1 knew lhat Yellow Dock wa* one of the tnu»t valuable niUcles in the world for the blood. 1 hour'll your Hyrujy and from the u*e of one bottle, 1 roui i >-ee n great change in my system. 1 continued to n«e h until l wa* a well man. 1 now feel like a rew i'rr«<in; my blood i* perfectly cleansed and free Imiu -HI nnpuriiicr. There is net a question but tha your newly Jircovereo compound is tar superior l any turespnrtHi syrup ever sold. Tin* certificate i« ai your disposal to publish if yoa like, nnil r.ny one you may retertorne I shall be hap py i«> *iv* them ail me information I cau about my case, 1c 1 remain your obedient servant, , Gsoaoa G. Journo*, 113 Market sircal The best frirmle medicine known. The Extract ot \ c low Dock and ria'»apan!la is a positive, speedy, a:..i permanent cure for all complaints incident to FEMALES. D' rmtJ, aitPtß’iv" nropertie* render It peculiarly app;..‘«li‘r to the slender and delicate constitution of il.e b ::i»ir. li u unrivalled in ns efleets upon such dnra’c.l •* incipient consumption, oarrenneax, leu c<>rri..'"a r>r liitc.i, irregular menstruation, inconu tir.f’e. <■: urine, end general prostration of the system. It im i: ribnttly counteracts that distressing nervous ncr* im.l laintoilc ►<> common to the fecial* frame, and ni.pi’rtx «:i merry and buoyancy aa surprising as they art- gruieiul. We liave evidence on ale which it du’-r* u? -tr'ngly to recommend this medicine to n. people who hsva not bscn blessed with off spring. i*ui>la»xc* Ursai, or Foiling of Lie Womb, of fivs T-i'-.' sifKi-.'i::- cured by Dr. Gaysou's Extract ol » - .'w ib.i i aid .-arsapanlla, after every othai km, »vn ifuicdy bud been uird vTithnut relict. WxsnmoTort, Ohio, Feb., 1649 Tin* ccr’ioe* that my wife, a<cd T years, has hi tn •udering order the above complain: for five year?—nearly all of that lime confined io her bed. J im vc fur four year* constantly employed ihe best mei lot w.mi i.iat could l.e procured in this section of Us country, without any benefit wbniever. I have al*o pufchsf.rd evrry instrument recommc.Odtd for ths cun: nl such ilivaxe.*. all of which proved worthless. In tre •print lr4*-, 1 wa* induced by my friend* to try Dr. Guy-M.u'* S eilnw Dock and Sarsaparilla, win.'ii wn* o'td inr four moniti*. After she bad used n for e'-niii four week*, n was evident to all that ah* wa* I'umo'ring. and tioin tin* ume she improved lap ol >, I '..1 gamed drill and Btrengib, mail the ducait wh« ec-.ure!y removed, and she is now enjoying most excellent tieanli. W.M. MGNFOKT. We t.e.r.g neighbors of Wm. and Juba Moafort Know i!isv tne atH>ve itateroent, a* to the sietneas o Mrs. Munfort, and a* to ihe.cure being effected by Guysort * Yeilow Dock and Sarsaparilla, to be strict!) tta*. JANE EDDY, Sarah puwebs; Qroat Car* of Coasamptloa* llxmiltpn. January 2. l?tf. Mr Drniieii—Dear Sir: The great benefit which . have derived from lour Extract of Yeilow Loci’am Ssr.» pan da. induce* me, as tut act of justice, to maki the following statement: After waging for rwo yean from general debility wiiM-h finally terminated in consumption. I wa*given up Py my friends and physicians as beyond the aid ol”**. A» a la*: rexort, 1 was induced to iry EfiraeL sod having Jcsed but iwo Lotties, ac- me in <-*. ct lion*. 4 nm r!. - U»!y- well .t<.. Ufsiciii'.iy yucr Iriend, None fMjumr unles* pul up in large xjuare bo'liei eo.u •>,. £ tmJ Hie name ut ihe syrup Blow I- g ■!•«, with u>e written Mg.iaiure of S. F Be? net: i.:. e ou.nde wrapper. Price tl pc.j bottle, o U !• M-.J tv 1 B Park,corner of routih and Wal r.ut »: r "<-:* Ti.iimnaii. «ihio. U*!ieral Agent for ILI Sou ui r.ii,: t n, to wi.oni all Diurm mutt Be address Cnnrr A Urn, Erie, 'V 1’ Jodion A Co., Watet tom, oim ft > i»moTii. Cm-nmt• i lc. Al**.l Turret M tLrsin Mu. l!o -ri km, W, 11. 1- »»>*icc,.-k. c. icti»hufvi L Wiicor. Ji. Pitu urgi.. i-nr :r» u: M't'Lei it r. i and tlie Ibaiarnd. apt ;..)4 wiy . f SKLt.KK*' K ftMI t.V MEI)ICtNKS--Tliey are lh< B-M'fw* of *li«* day." i.raharo Station, Ohio, May t!S, R K S.-'ler»— I ti t.' * a nelit. Tor the benefit of olheri tovaie »»me fan* in relauot: to your excellent Fi uni) Mrd,c::e». t hnve used your Venn ioge largely in my ow Tial !fe (j uentlv expelling Urge quantiUe i.ii) tut to son wum<| from two children. I Bav at-.. u.*.l your Lj*i r and Cough Syrup In my lartiilt. ihio they . eve, m produced tli* ellrc-l ile»'fed A* I am r.ngaged in merchandising, I am able t< «t»te. fiat I have yet in hear of The litnt failure worn your inriiiemev have been u»ed lu any section ofth* country In eo.ielo»i..n. I -may state that the? are tin mediei .es of ihe day, and n-e destined lo linvc a very eiten. ve popularity. Your*, re«peetfu!ly. W II PtNNELU Prepared and sold bv It F- SELLERS, N 075 Wood street and »old by generally tn tbe two tllie* arid TlCllllly. je.7 SI-.Li rats FAMILY MKDICISK&->rbe7~ata “t .Medicine* ni the day *’ (laaitAM * Sramt*. Ohio, May Pt*. 1849. It I'. Seller* I Hunk it right for the benefit of others to "tn'.r «Dtte fue*.«-tn relation to ycur excellent Kami* ly Mr.l..'ii,r*. 1 i.ave uml y- »r Vermifuge Itwgoy in ray own iwn ily, one via. answering for expellingl ge Quantn.e* (asy Ito awiy worm* front two clnldiaa J have ni-o vMil your l.ivef I*tl!» and tough Syrup in my uuiity, arid they have in every instance produced Hi.- . fleet dtSired. A i I am ingagcd In nierehacdiamg, I am able to state lliai I i.sve yet to bear et Uie first failure where your n.edn: ne» luive been u*-d in my scciton of the country In com-lmnm, 1 tuny stale that they are iA* medicine* of the day, and are iio*un*d have a very eilciisifc popularity* t.nulv, * • . H I‘triiSKLL. Prepared and sold by R. r 1 |- KS.No 57 Wood itrcet. nud sold by Druggis • f enerally m the two cl ues and vicinity. my3l Gltrfvr CUKh oK LIVKR COMPLAINT, by to original, only true, and (rename Liver Pill. Suoar Cant. Ohio county, Vo.) March tfttih, 1649. ) Mr. R. K. Sellers: Dear Sir—l Hunk u a duty I owe to >no and to the public riiiera ly, to state that I have been aillicted with ihe Liver Complaint for a long time, and so badly that an access formed and broke, wbutb left me in a very low state. Having beard of your celebrated Liver Pilta being for sale by A 11 Sharp, in West Liberty, and recommended to mo by my pn> *ician, Dr. K. Smith. I concluded to give them s in.r irial, I purchased owe box. and found them to ->* ju*t what they are recommended, THE BEST Ll* VKK PILL EVER USED; and after taking four boxes 1 find the disease has entirely left me, ami 1 am now perioeiiy well. Respectfully yours, Dll COLEMAN. West Liberty, March 96,1849. 1 certify that I am personally acquainted with Mi iolem and can bear testimony to the troth of the id* ve erUDuato. A R SHARP To- ' entiuic Liver Ptlla are prepared and sold by RK -t i.LERS, No 67 Wood street, and by druggist* in the w-o cioe*. TO TIIE IMmUC.—The ©n*innl, only true and *en« uine hiver fire prepared 1«y R K Seller*, end ha*e hi* luoi-. stamped In Mack wax upon the lut o( .tach l'OJiiau-l hi* ujenaure on the outside wrappef— Olliers sre cuuulerfeiU, or Mur imitation*, apiu * R H SKLUJRS, Proprietor \UATOiiBS J !—CMKAPKR THAN KVP2R! VV Jum rrt an nivoiee ot lull jewelled pairn »1 y-r VVnUfiu*, l* rafci* line en»e», winch 1 cult Mill low u« ui>n> nnd Unrty hvc dollar*, aud warranted keep good lime. Alio—A splendid assortment of JEWEI4IY, *coi prising ilia vnriou* and laitsiuyles, and beslpattert W. W. Wll.tiON, Watuluaaker fnd Jeweler, TAILOUB’ GOODS, AT 'tOßtl HER3EY, FLKMINIi A CU, bann* arranged to give their entire attention to the guo'ordoufceytte l Woolen and Cotton Good*.bow. offer their Urge •lock of Tailors’ Trimmings, Vctilpga, German Cloths, Doe*km», Kossiraerrs, Ac. tl firsLcotu hkrsey, Fleming*co ]H K 8 Wood at JOT reo'd, on elegant pliun hosevroodOoct. Piano from the celebrated manufactory "of Nunht & t.'mrk,lV. Y-, of superior tune, and very moderate price. For sale by "fll KLKHEk, _dcl*- • - at J. W. Woodwejla. W iU.IAM»’IVORY PEARL TOOTH POWDER ,for redioviug- Canker, and all fluhiutncea destructive to the Teeth, it if dellciou* to the tafte, cleansing the month, heating and strengthen ing theguina, and purifying the bream. For (tie, wholesale-end retail, by dean 1 . R K p ELLERS, 87 Wood st^ IfOTICB LOST. " " ATOT ICR la hereby given, that ou or about me win 4HB pf April, the subscriber* hod mailed to them, at April lUls, at 4 months lor 8473 0* * n°‘<; ,7*?"? iolm ** Morgan, same dm? .and 'ime.ior 8111 J'* and » note drawn by Join. Watt * C.». »« { **°! o, , J ? h . n 8 ; MarkeU. and rp-endoreed by a*, dam* l April 9th, at laisrS =f" oTS i'it'.. (M7J, . "*• -~ w ' ‘' p. W. GATES’ PATENT DIES FOR CUTTING SCREWS. - THESE having bees adopted and highly approved in all the principal -shops in New.Yock and Philadelphia, ore now offered to manufacturers, machinists, ship smiths, Aro., with the utmost con| ■ fidence, as the most perfect article in use dr cutting screws. Their superiority’ over any other Dies hereiofc Screw, whether V orsQtTA*B thread, by one* pawing* or ;>r'-t>iWr preparation, as the dies cut the thread c in iheir greater durability, rapidity, and perfection lo get out of order. Certificate*. PasLAsnrnu, Aug-17,1049. This *■ certify that w* have parehaied from P. .1 toe right of n &i hi* patent Diet for ent* Ung I'oJte. in ©nr cpliuoo, hie Ihet ar* much tupe rior to any others we are acquainted with tor the purpose of cutting bolt*. V „ x . , . PiuuunrHU, Aur. SI, IMS. Ilerißg hsd P W Gates’ Patent Die* in use in our establishment for the last nine month a. for catling holu, 'we can in every respect reccmmerd them in the highest terms, as we bare laid all others away, they being so far superior—considering them 73 per cent, cheaper than any others cow in use. RANEY, NEAFIK A CO, Penn Works, re. Tht* is to certify tbst we have purchased the right, to u-e, and adopted in car basinet i P W Gates' Pa tent Screw Cotter, which we highly approve of. We cen do ranch more work, and we believe it wiJt sur pass in durability nnd precision, as much as economy of labor, any dies known to us morris, Tasker a morris. PntutOXLruu, fllh month,2Blb day, IMS. Niw Youa, Aug. 10,1949. Having adopted P. W Gates' “Patent Ifies” for da ting bolts, we take pleasur* in saying, that it more than answers our expectations, and have notesiir lion in gtTing it as oar opinion, that it far excels any oil*, pf« in preontu. for „ c 0 We have P. W Gates’ “Patent Dies” for cutting, screws, and the economy ©f using them ia so very considerable, that we took upon them as indispensa ble to every establishment having any quanuty of screw* to cut. . .... . McCormick, ogden a co, Chicago, May 10, 1849. Ohdjiasci Omcx, Wasmscrorr, Cih Bept., *40.. I have purchased of W. H. Scoville for Uie United States, the right to use in all the arsenal* and armq* Mir CELLANEIIUS. Sir Jamu Murray’s Fluid nagueilSb PREPARED under the immtdiate care of. 'he in ventor, and established tor upwards of thirty years hv the profession, for removing Bite, Acidities, and Indigestion, restoring Appeute, preserving* moderate stale of the bowels, and disrolvlug uric acid in Gravel snd Gout; also. ns an easy rerascy for sea sickness,'and for the febrile affection incident to child hood it is invaluable. On the value of Magnesia as a remedisi agent it ii unnecessary to enlarge; but tbp Fluid Preparation of Sir James Murray is now the moil valued by ibe profession, si it entirely avoids the possibility of those dangerous concietions usually resulting from the use of the article in powder. For sale by the importer's and nropnetor’s agent, ' H A FAHNESTOCK ft CO sepll Cor. Wood A Front sts. I'OBACCo— 40 bga Russell A Robinson’s y* Inrap; 3*) bxs Jonr a A Hudson’s S'* do; 15) bis Cahir.ess' s’» lump; .‘to bxs H. Myers’ 1 lb lump; 70 qr bxs do ilb lamp; for sale by tepll MILLER A RICKETSON. RC STOCKTON has received for life, vn|~4lh • ofGibhqn’s History of theDsoUno and Fall of Hie Homan Empire. L fe and Letters cf Thomas Campbell, in 3 vt 1». Edited by Wn Beattie, M D, KlemenMry H<etehe* of Moral Philosophy. By the late Rev. Sidney, AL A. Lectures on the Araeriean Kcleetic System of Sot gsry. By Beniamin Hill, M. D. Talbot an Vernon; a Novel. Tub Shonlier Knot, a tale of tie seventeenth cen tury The Scarlet Letter, a romance. By Nathanip! Hawthorpe. augP; " SEW BOORS! LIFE A LETTERS OFTIiOSCA.MPBELL Edited by William tieatue, M. D., one of hii executor*. 3 vols 13rao cloth. Railway Economy: a treatise on the new art of transport, its management, prospeets. and relations, commercial, financial, and soeial, with an exposition cf the practical resalts of the railways m Operation in the United Kingdom, on the Continent, and in America. By Dionysius Gardner, D C L ,4c. 1 vcl. limo cloth The Past, Present, and Putarc of the Republic, irons* 'ated from the French of A DeXamartme, author of “The Gerondists,” “Memoirs of my Yduth,” “Rg- 1 vol 12mo eloth. Hints toward Reforms in Lectnres, Addresses and other Writings, bv Horace Greeley. 1 vol IVrao eln. 1 The Histoiy of ihc Confessional. ByJihi Henry Hopkins, D. 0~ Bishop of the Diocese of Vermont. I vol 1 2mo cloth. 1 y The Conquest of Canada. By the author of ‘ iloohe lag*,'’ (Elliott Waiburton, Esq ,) 2 vols T/reo. Cosmos; * sketch of a physical description of the Universe. By Alex Von Humboldt, translated from the German by>E t . fi'.ti a vois Itlmo cloth . Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,- with notes by 11. H. Milman. Harper's cheap edition. Urao, cloth compute in ti vols at 40c per vol; 4 vols recrived for sale by R HOPKINS augH 78 Apollo Fourth *t Nsw Music. I MOURN th«e t» sadness. When other friends around thee. Conscript’s depar ure'and return. Annie Laurie. Are we almost there. Low backed car. He doeth all thing* well. Neliy was a ,*«jv Silver moon. Grave of Washington. - Thou hast wounded, the spirit Boul’d Sojer Boy.. Be kind to loved ones at home. Cheer up my vwn Jsannclt Ob, Lcioujl. Bprtng Ftowrr Wains. Elfin Waltz. Itrstbeboro Waltz. Salutation Polka. Bcty Pol' a. Have) Polka. J nny Lind Polka. Linda Quickstep. March from Norm*. The above are just received, and for sal« by J H M LLOR, aujP el Wood si Strawberry Plant* for Sal* at Orsea- wood Garden* BUIST’S Prize. Hovey’s Seedling*, and Victoriai These are tnn largest and beat flavored frui amongst all the different varieties now grown. Orders addressed to the prop ietor, W est Manebes tor, wiH receive prompt attention- J'McKAIN. *u*l4 IIECKIcnS FMUS\ HAb become on ratabiitbeU unU almost ind spent able rri|u.»i(e in rverv well provided ram IT from iti reinai kably wholesome aod j.aifmou* quail' yea as a fond lor the healthy as well at a diet fnr in *al d», ar.d also tor the *a*tcimn'*e of growingcntldren mu infants Various modes of cooling and preparing Hare given on ihe wrapper. M WAITE The uil. well known ut the east, it ha* never been .niroduced to any extent in Pittsburgh. The subtenb ju have, therelore, mace arrangementa to be eon ttaiitly sjppLe' with it, and now offer it to retail iealeis or tumilics on more favorable terms than it las ever been fold at ut Pittsburgh \VM A McCLURG * CO augtt 238 Liberty at APPLfi tUKEBr* I AM now prepared to furnish Apple Trees, from the well known Nursery of Jacob N. Drown. The reea wit) be delivered at the wbarf at Pittsburgh for 118 per handred Persona wishing good-thrifty trees ‘hoard leave their orders -oon at ibe Drug. Seed, and Perfumery Warehouse, corner of Wood and 3am sis. apll 8 N WICKERtfHAMJS Ssw Goods I Sow Goods! HKLKUKR bat just received a fine lot of Br*;s • Instruments of the beat manufacture, selected by mru«elf with great care, for tuts trarket. turn at Valve Trombones, Sax Horn*, Bugles, Coyneis, Tubas, fee : also, a fine selection of Music Boxes, playing two and thiee innes; Flutinaa, Aeeordeon*. Ac. Ac Also, a. penor Gartaan and Italian Mrings, and genu* inc Neapolitan K String, four lengths, a splendid arue e. SIGN OF TllK Of LDKN HARP, augvti 101 Third street. WHITE'S celebrated STICKING SALVE AND STRENGTHENING Pi ASTER, pnee 12|ci»— A sovereign remedy for ch'omc rheumatic affections, weakness and iamenets of moit partsol the body, sealds, burnt, tores, of most kind*. culs.|fcvelling», sprains, bruises, corns, and felons when -first coming. Also, ibe most convenient and aafe tucking salve for plasters and drafts on the feel. For sale by S N WICKERS!!*!!! _aug« __ Cor. Sixth * Wood sts GOOD BOOKS FOR FARUERS. Johnson—‘American Farmer’s Encyclopedia, Bvo Emerson—Trees and Shrubs, tvo Utovvn—Treet of America, svo Thomas—Arocr am Fruit Cuiturist, 19mo Hoy—A Guide tv ike Orchard, J2mo Buisi—Family Kitchen Gardener, l2rao Miner—'l he American Dee Keeper, lthno Brown—The American Poultry Yard, litro Marshall —The Farmer and Emigrant's Hand Book Allen—The Ametiean Fa r m Book, HJmo Dowing—Fruit ami Fruit Trees of America, i*t»i Youmt—The Horse. Bvo Bonnet—'Tho Poultry Yard, litaio For sale by JAMES D LOCKWOOD jc-7 1W Fourth st Amsrlean Journal of Selene* and Arts* CONDUCTED br Prof. B. Silliraan, Prof. B. 8illi: J man, Jr, aod James U. Dana, New Haven, Con necticut. This Journal is issued every two mouths, in numbers of 13d pages each, making two octave volumes a year, each with many illustrations. It is devoted to original articles on Science and the Ant, Condensed Reviews or Abstracts of Memoirs and Discoveries from Fonegn Periodicals, Notiee of New Publications, and a General Bulletin of recent Scien tist vYorkt. The firat series contains 60 volumes,the last of which is m general Index to the 49 volumes preceding. Subscription, t 3 a year, in advance. J D LOCKWOOD, Aa't for Proprietors, jelP 104 Fonrut *i. - Good Book* for Summer Risdtag, Brown—Turkish Evening Entertainments. 12mo. Taylor—Eldorado, 3 volt, Mbjo Colmsm—European life and Manner*, 3 voU, 13mo. Dickeus— Dornby and Son,9 voU,l3mo. Mackay—Popular Delusions, 9 vols, Btmo. Marvel—Freah Gleaning*, l£au>, C. O. 11 —Norman Leslie, Hlmo. Phaw—English Literature.ltmo. .Prior—Goldsmith's Miscellaneous Works, 4 vela Mayo—Ku oeab, 19mo. Taylor—Viewa Afoot, I'Jmo. Iluralmldt—Cosmos, 3 vola, 12mo. For sale by JA3 D LOCKWOOD HH Fourth at Book*— General LI ter at a re. Mom—Perlumery iit fio end .Manufacture. Umo, Siullo—Philosophy of Nature. Umo. Chilow—Aphon*ms end Reflection*. Umo. Shaw—Enjlish Literature. Umo, Davie—Legendre. Umo. llryanl—Whaj 1 eew tn California. Bt. Pierre—Paul and Virginia. 2 vole. 13m*. Aleotl—Letter* t* Young men.'- IBieo. ofjlotnan Nature. Hag. ■ VerTeoar—Modem French Literature. Sraellie—Philosophy. Newnbaw—Human Magnetica. Humboldt— Aapeeu o« Nature. ■BToderlp—Zoological Recreation*. For aaie by JAMES D LOCKWOOD jeB IM Fourth *t " foiUt'i Bow KtbiopiM nitiodiuv - G 1 WI.N'K lo pan all Night; Dolly Day: r Dolcy Jones; Go down to da Cotton Field; Nolly wa*a Lad), Ac. ALSO: Be Kind tothe Loved-Onai at Home: Row thy boat lightly; Tree Lore, by T.Hood: Oar way acroutheeea, duett; A new medley aong, by if.eoTert; k • - -~ Jenny Gray, taulo oy Atelier; Joy* that'were crowning, Wedding March: f ‘ God blew the hardy marine: Seheylhlll VhllXE: ■ Coweripfa Depanere. hy W. C, GWr. So=nd.ln>mJlomci SttMtauklMlio Co- Last Row of Summer. c**y »ariafiona bvHi*n. uo * United State* Polka; LadiM>S“enir £&t?* Corn Cracker Quadrille; LouisnUe QuUriuS Beaoue* of Italy; Daett*, Trio*. Ac H nucJ A l.rp ...arlurot of Njw Mlulo oaitni u, .Aid, rr:;.*U 5 $ ip tale by B HOPSINS, •P* 7 - Ji PATEITKD BAT 8, 1847. are u«4fd, consiMi in their culling a ricsnccT >ver ihe iron lo cui, which require no medgimg ,jt of the solid iron,-without raising ji in ibe tca*l; of work; ud in ibeir simplicity onj hule itobiity ne« under the superriaion of t!u* iD-panment, P. W. Gau«* “Patent I res” for coture seiews on m*ta>,they haring been tried In two of the'large arsenals, and found to be rery efficient and excellent A. TALCOTT, Col Ordinance. Braxau or Taise aim Doc**, > W'aftiKtOTOS, Sept, Vs, I&4S. j Considering Gates’ Patented Imptoremeat for tol ling screw* cn petal to be a rateable one, I hare, by authorin’ of the Honorable Secretary of the Nary, purchased of the Attorney* ofthe. Patentee, Wn. H. Scorille, and Samuel Moerer, >M, the riehltd make and sre said improreraent for the IT. B. Nary. JOSEPH SMITH) Chiefot Bureau. J P MORRIS A CO. In use alio by Buffalo Works, Buflaio; ’> Rr««o A Ashley, Rochester: ■ R> uiett A Co, Gloucester, N. V| Haywood A Snyder, Schuylkill County; Birl>erk. New York; Hogg A Delamster. “Phajni*. r N. V; 11 K. Dunham A Co, New York; Drnraead A Co, Monument Work*, Bait; Van Curen, Roehesier, MoitA Ayres New York;. Alloor Work*, do; Peme A Morphy, do: Wen Point Foundry; * No»rj« A Bro, Philadelphia; A Je’ika, Brerde«burgh, pa; Woiwuth A Nason, lUnton and New York; Lowrli Machine Shop, Lore Amepckeau Co, Manchester, N II; Lyman A Sou.her, South poiton. and numerous oiiiers. rsicu." No lO «eu die* ft up* fr J 10 2 in. pri. *350 No 2 do a do I'oljpnee *250 No 3 do « do I«o I, price 81S0 i AU order* addrsised to Gate* ft M'Kni<;M, Chicaro, I G B Hanton, Now York, t-D-JUanball ft Co. Phila ! delphia. and H. 11. Bcoville ft Son*. i:aica*o, for Die* i and Tap*, w|>h or without machine* lor minf them, will pteci with prompt attention* M >t rt i^jo. ■ OliCjC, JOHN WATT A GO. have rumored their stock Groceries to the oppoutaaide of Liberty it. nsnovAL, WAYNE IRON WORKS -WAREHOUSE. BAIuKV BROWN it CO. have removed to No 180 Water it, tid doer below \ae Mowtngshela House ' lunovAt. IjALMER, HANNA A CO. .have removed their 17 Exchange Office to notlh west corner of Wood and Third ttre*t*. apVTi THE Partnership hetatoforeexisilng between the subscribers. under the firm of Burbridge, Wilton A Co., was tbit dav dissolved by mutual contem. The business of the firm willbe'ieitled by J. W. Bur bridge, or Wra, Wilton,’ Jr.,either of whom is author ised to use the name of the firm, in liquidation. J, \V. BURBRIDGE, r i WM. WIL&ON.Jr., LYON, SHORBACO. Pit'shunrb. Jcly 1,1930.—Jy4 , JAS. W. Burbridge A Ben). F. Inghram have this day arsociated themselves under the firm ofßur bndgc A incbram, to transact a Wholesale Grocery and Genera! Commission Business, in the house lately oecumetf by Burbridge, Wilton, A Co, 110 Water st Pittsburgh, July 1, IBSO,—jy4i riTHE aabseribem have thia day formed a co-partner- X ship under the firm of W 6c, F Wilann, for the nnr mse of tram acting the Whole raid (irocery and Com poiasion Uuaiuesa, at No 5!0 Wood itreet. ; WM. WILSON, Jr. TRANK. WILSON Pittsburgh, 1,1650—jyl MORRIS * DAWORTB, RFCTIFYING DISTILLERS, and Tea and Win* Merchants, East side of the Diamond, Pittsburgh, are now odering at the re ry lowest prices for cash, Rectified Whisker, Uin and Domestic Brandy; alto, French Brandv, Holland Uin, -Jamaica Spirits, Lon don Uin. Irish VVbiskry. Bnm. fcc. I'ort,Sherry,Ma deira, Chaupsgoc, Claret, Matratell, Malaga, Tene reiffe and Lisbon Wines. Wholesaled Retail. my 3 T)RINTING PAPER—Always on'hond or made to i order, tha Tarioa* tires of Printing Paper, Rag Wrapping Paper; Crown, Medium, anil Doable Crown «izes Straw Wrapping Paper; -Crown, Medium, and Double Crown Post Oißce rapcr, Paaieboard, Ac. Ac. W P MARaHALI., $3 Wood at, Agent for C!lliron Mills. WOMAN IN AMERICA—Her work and her To ward. By Maria J Mclntosh,author 4 Coumefehami,’’ “To teem and u» t>e.” t vol ISmo Lniier Day Pamphlets, No .I:—The preaenl lime. By Thomas Carlysle. CaaLMaas.—Memoira of Ltfeland Writing* ofThoa. Cbalmera, D D., L. I- D. Prelectum* on Batter's Analogy, Paley'a Evidence* of Christianity, end Hill’s Lectare on Divinity, with twplDirodnctory Lectures and four Addreasea delivered In the New College) Edinburgh, by Thomas Chalmers, D. D, L. L. D. 1 vol ISma. \ Calvin—Life of John Calvin; compiled Ctocq aothea tie aoorces, and particularly from hi-* eoKSspOMesoai. By Thomas H Dyer, with portrait 1 Vol 12mo. For sale by It HOPKINS. »M 7 79 Apoljo Bunding*, Foarth at Combat cumb.i Oft CROSS super Polka; lOdodo very Bits, &\J 50 “ sss'd Redding; Id “ taper English Horn Redding; « “ “ Pocket Cdmba; 500 “ w Wood “ 1000 dor asa'd Pine Ivory;. 3u “ Shell Side Conhf: 10 “ taper large Buffalo; SOU gross aas'd Side Combs; ree'd aW tot aafe by febh C Y EAGER, la? Market at BAOLB FODSDItT. jodh irccHouon •. w. u. paths. 'I'HK nndemgned, successor* to A rihnrs A Niehoi -1 son. beg leave to inform the cilir'-n* of Pittsburgh ■ ltd public generally, that thiiy have rebuilt the ;EA GLE FOUNDRY and arc now in fall operation, and have pan of tkeir patterns ready for the roarret:— Amongst which are Cooking- rftove», Coal and Wood Stoves, with a splendid air-tight Coal Stove, which is. now superceding in other cities the common round Stove. Also, u cheap coal Codking Stove, well adap ted for small families, with it full assortment of com mon and mantel Grates We Would particularly in vite the attention of persons building to call at our warehouse before purchasing, and examine a splendid article of enammelled Grates, finished tn fine stylo— entirely new in this market ' Warehouse, No. IS! Liberty «u opposite Wood Mj augv9:dti __ NICHOLSON A PAYNE PITTSBURG H IM PUIITATIOHIS. Cl YEAGKK. Importer and Wholesale Dealer in y, FANCY AND VAIM-TTY GOODS! Sirn of (he Gilt Comb, lOT Market it., Pittsburgh, Pa. Western Merchants I’ediars, and others visiting Pittsburgh to purchase Goods are respectfully invited to call and examine the extensive assortment of, Eng* lisli, American, French and German Fancy Goods. All Foreign Goods at this establishment are impott ed direct by myself, and purchasers may rely on get ting goods from first hands. ■ l have the largestassort ment of articles, in the variety line, in the city of Pittsburgh—ail of which sold low for cash ot city acceptances. The Btoek consists, In pan, of Lace Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Hthbona. Silk Cravats, Shoo and Patent Threads, Sewing Silk, Spool Cntton, Tapes, Syispeaders, Duttons, Puts, Nea dies and Cutlery. ' . Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Jewelry, ail kinds ot.’ Brushes, Combs and Kazon. - Percussion Caps, Revolvers,' Pistols, Clocks, Silk A Cotton Putsea, Spectacles, Steel Pens, Music Dosui Carpet Dags and Baskets. Bindings, Findings end Trimmings. Toys and Fancy Goods; together with a largo varie ty of Kane/ and Staple DRY GOODS. C. YEAGER is alio agentforthe celebrated Lan caster Combs. novi? Groat Bmgiiati Rsmsay, FOR Coughs, Colds, Asthma! and Consumption' GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for ih/coToo/tS above diseases, is the HUNGARIAN BALSAM OP LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Dr. Buthan of Londoa, England, and introduced into the United States ander tlic immediate superintendence of the inventor The extraordinary success of this medicine, in th« cure of Pulmonary diseases, .warrants the American Ageot in soliciting Tor treaimenithe worst possible ca ses'that can be found in the community—canes that seek relief in vain from any of the common remedies of tha daj, and have been given up by the most distinguished physicians as confirmed andyocurable. The Hungari an Balsam has cured, and will cure, the men desperate of cases, his no quack noamun, but a standard Eng. bib medicine, of known and established efficacy. * ~ Every family in the United States should be ■if nlisj with Buchan's Hungarian Balsam of Life, not ordvto counteract the eonsomptive tendencies of the , bn.tobe used as a preventive medicine in Soldi, coughs, spitting of blood, pain f uJe °J chest, imuuoa and toreness of the , aD .. difficulty of treating, hectic feVer, n\gb t .4ew?S££ auon ami general debtlay, asthma (nflaunxa, wkoooinx sough and eroap. r Sold in large bottles, at *l.pi T botUe, with fall diraa hfons for the restoration of health. PtunpUju, tmunlt.,,mu. of EojlUhind Amiri. e«u eemficalei, uid. effl* eyidonco, ihowin* th, an ,qualltd merit,»l;Eii,li,h obtatned of the Afina, graUMouslv. ’ * For sale by g A FAHNESTOCK A Co., eornar a ■I and \Vood bud Wood andCth sts. juPdAwS CEU.KRS’ IMi-KRIiL COUarrsyßUp^K,^ O Noruute Lixi It! “* Nr. R. P- S... e^-I»i "I}™' paraMe Cough Syrup, I beg leave to stated a? efit of the community, that my wife has urac. atilictcd wjtu a most distressing cough L chased, in January last, a bottle of your Svruo iffiST cured a cougn of two months' Handing. month since, the couch retained, and »■« ° * that .bo coaid b.rdly mo.e "t* “ "» e » breo.l; I »enL for one boule'ol your r! m . port of ouo bonic cored tic ocoih 1t” 1 10 . journeyman r»lro >rr .c»crcly\m |l" “'J to use tu» own words, “eaten enou.h i„!. £ core all the people Lt IM&urehStf*s been as good ns represented; * * * candy had r,l'p o :,“d'm!d £rre.g:*gim., b, . AUIiKGIIKBY VEBIITIa w nr ntn , " - 41 5989H1 fa ii v w oold • BE inform the public, th*h* B ssssss3cHßjs e P»«ft bund at Ls stand anthm 2 kw Of the Dumond^AU*- 9 BXSCSSCaB-^' CQ T ,cuy, a complete assort- . B SSSBBBfrn “^oiVeuniinßtinds;also Ve- M aiuan Shutters are made toor m 3QBSB oer taujp best, style, warranted! nt hit!— LJ.SM equal to any in the Imltwrf . H ‘‘ l# Blinds can be removed wcf> tht aid.,of a screw driver. tools, and wood of the catiis?&>' ' tablishmeat of Ramsay A 'Clef- prepared to their old customers, as wall aa Jha pablio atlargu, with every thingiatharlias. Agency, No h wood street* Piuabturn. "fte* 5/A. BROWN. , DECIDEDLY the cheapest and .best place In Pitts bursh to buy Tea is at the Tea Market, east side oi too D amond. They sell ; Excellent Tea at ... ■ &o per lb Soperlnrqualittea—o 75 ” The very best-———-4-..-.-.... j,« n Low priced, damaged, or Uitnor Teas are not kept at this establishment, therefore, wnrther you go your self or send a child, you ’are sure to obtain a good article, and if the flavor of,the Tea is they readily exchange it or return the mocey. jyia MOBRI3 A HAWOHTH, Proprietors. /'IIIILLIOOTUE 80AP—iiW bra for tale by 7 \J icpli MILLER A RICKEfSON MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICK, CO-PAH.TN KIIBHIP. CO-PAUTNKasniP. Economy la Yeas.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers