The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, October 01, 1850, Image 3

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,! ?L NU Pmahureh Po*i Oiß ce , from the
J3ih of bepi. ia ihej tih of B«nt_ IHSO p (ra<ini
<°< “■«» ■■> t«7 MrS.iSd"
Ladlea* List.
Arnew Kliztb AndermaSA ir,i. Fll , n r,.i
Birry H N Pi»*ie.n o 8 Brown Sar-tb J
fclu* r M Xn K AUrgt BurofiJc Jane
Beauy Maiy Bojce B.own faiTlr.a
Ue-ainger Ann »sgi#Jni,aN Bu.lonl Miry
Url Ann Jane C Bradley Hir'd M Born. Maria
fj lx * , Bride Lien lluilrr Catfcne
Ik Hannah Brook* EJ/ h Bonnie* Raeh’l A
n .V* 1 . Browu Mi.dn-d Byley l.ucy KO
Bi.l Lr«u'a_o Urowa L:Ua •'• llyiiie BUdy
Bit ley fcuiannah
Call Elizth U Ct.llina Mery A Craig Maria J
Cany Alice Cox Vary K Crciiey tl zi l .
Ca.kev Sarah M Cnnaglnon KUzili Cunningham M A
Church Marihi ' oaocliy Bridget Cuini’U»nam R M
Uioion K>si.c:» Ooui.or JuJuh Cof-'y ilridfrt
Clark Mary A Cocper liornrt Currie Chano'.t:
DtmSi.ili A Babin* W ish Duncan Mary
IfcUJnf Alann j r, - ne;iy aj ry liunfy Ca.hue
Dickie Jcueiic Da can UacUd Durban Mgt
Emory Mary !>• r Mcr*t Eeani Eliea
Kean Kbza Hin tbtrmine Evan* fcJenor
Fgaii Wi-ney tiull K'irth
f" M J.T.,.,0 Finnlclm J loe g
fultr F.,0:„,7 lra» 3u.»,.,„0 Puller *u»
Piizgertlil Alary A
£:;!:&! s#.sjßB!r c ss - L
c. ! ™s.?."h■“ n ‘ G, “ 1, Em,,y G ”+"»1'
JSSttP SSssss^SssrSi^
!Sui:," 1, ' , “ ! "-' n Ki, ut l|„„fc„r. ollF1 „ rt
Inin Sarxh Irrm .Vary Ann Irvin « ar y
Jeckrrm P»rnj Juhnann Miin'a AJnnc* P'l*, p
'““"■''“S' Jo,
to K.V tiTvtS"*"
Krnti'Jrj K.ilf Hr e...t l- x 3
Kenne ), Ir.bella ku* llaunuh Ko?„ kSTuVva
rj s t IJndjry Indiana I or<! Marr
Lans.n Alue !/>Pr;tt*ir v„. t i.,J T j
L.uzh ln Car.l. Lonrr<a*i V.ra Lron, E'iaib
JKvV* > * rah MiieUJl S*r*h A
-r.' ,r * Duk-y Mco?c Wary
I'lfcto.i A,ary MunJdi f*i oslie 1
r M'Guirr Mr#
RI On. e w.rn M'Joih*
M Eua»JaM-Ri NWr.Hin
d C '' l- r J 1-ennrM K!uh .M’K.lry Mrt
» •■L fcblJl'fUJ,, K.l. M’ 3! ,r 7
L-.nky ,Vr« VFaCdcn Nu:«rv \|',i,, sh
?':{"* A >!• -, ley May
£ , R «“■» .'lWurjrlJaa W Qucru JSM u-l
W’Cmj OiaiM/ M’Grandiau 4.1, •;
EtH’' 0 .N^s^r^^kisssrsr,? J *•*
O’Brien Mr* Car'c
Pottmon P.;,r:b I'ctm Sarah Proctor Sv*h
1 a. ersoa Ciii.ur J diet Air. freer Ja«o
Ict-c.Njtj I»ru/ AI,J« J
R.mbdhFltcu Riddle RcccraAlery -Mm t. F'lpy host- Hr... Carol,lie
lively Lcu,.:i p.lay Ann* M Kugriei Jt»l
Rtri.ard»or« J'iir Slim li.ton Maty Rit,>p abd M
RldJ.e Matilda Roger* BriCgtt
RtimonMnin e i«n»po Mary T Ftlmon Mary A
Oa-.U o:U- h.ea S.-enr M! C :. S.ofce* A J
ren t ..J«* Ll* j. ,ra- jovtnah feran« [| p
Keabill An.. Alinon A*ir»ur Mtr*t
j£al- Alena * t iei,c?r A n-i K Siir> krr Mm Lie A
£a.\llmaniiM y Arp'ijccr Anna SitHioan Alary
'•t«‘ry Slsphen.ou .Mr» S
prrmb Unci. Mnadilfi «»rah J Kile J
Biuiili-.'itarv u M-c-fi Miry A Siewau Marr A
BLo.-griw K J siepheu* Maiy T A
Tuur.rr M*rr Timivhilii Rart.d Trader Ann
Isuinnspn 1 r r* n f irttnll u arji Tranr-ir Nancy
lbocpton M«r> t r.itw:’icrrdiMi.y
Veatoa Ann 5 Vargotj. Elita J
Warn Ron* Williams FJz-h V.'ilmn Nancv
Warwck M*«n AWi'* Jane \V. od Sarah ?
Wl.eftt-rnfi Wi l:em«m Marie Wore.. C’lea
WiUi&ma Char' M Wjtaon Klizn
UittUtmta'i Ltat*
A lairi. Ja» AllUWm Arbogan Alet
ai.i llcn*T' “ Amo* Aqoilla Ay'e* » N
Alien san.l Andexeon R R Athlon Owea
A Urn 1.11 Andcr*on Alien IfAirn Gtrrn
A’eiindrr ffn IlAnJcrton Jon Autnn Arehv
AiciariUcr Ja» Arm«trorg Urrj Atchleou Darid
Raker John 8 Better Waller D Breen Denn>«
Rater Jb* BeiiotraJno M Or.gaaTW
Raldwia N RiakencyJno Brophy Michl
Ra-ry AJlebael Rlalret Ja« Brrbat l| 1 lay
Barker Ro*>i Billmga Warren Brush Wm
Jlargester Racl Blark Robt Bryan S S
BarnaJohn' Black Bamt Kocharian Gro
Rtnlay <leo Royer R Bokt.ff.srr lf
Bryn Jr.*-ph Barmrl e Lorerz>H- r.-o M.reeHa
Ba'l'na Wm' Jlsilrn it-..} - Kurban* (.
RanieeCltai Bnale Miri.r.i li-. > j
f>l! J»* A Jno M Bti’ri«Ri<lid
PHI Tho- Blown J O HurrUcoL
Bril Cytus Btown Wra || Butler lltury
JVattyJc* Branr i Joseph Burk Jno Stort
BenneilJnoL llntwn J P Burt* Patk
HrnnritC P
Beckwith Jacob
IJfoirn David T Bark Ellen and
Brown J K'l
DeaHey John Hramxrd LeTeriußyrne Jos F
JJfi-li wroC Ilrrtinnn Pierca Burgher G 'V
Ben*el Wn llrewrter Henry Ruder James IV
Beul'aml Hr-ninall Jno Barns John
Berea li-os Bradley Burnt Jar 0
Refiner Hit as Bienna.i fia’jr Bark Paik
BetLty Jno Barghcrßaymond
Cft’UjrSnn Jaa Chtni.-k Cnas Conni’l John
Call) Maihias Cher.ewenb J WConnertm Conner
Ca’hr un Joseph 4. Co >. Conweli Jaa M
CadiuJoliM Cl-tpn p«wm Contsn I'ntk
Carrol! l-arry C aike Ju««pb Co- lee Benin
CmnerJs* rierlr L V Connelly !U VV
CtrrollTiio* CI-h tr Terrrnco Cow|»i Wa
Omhy'llic* Clark C J Cowl John
C«t!snThof Cie-ryPntk C-x Coat
<'itmi:t»er Thos J’ Cinncy Wield Craig Jno
Crt-y Lawrence Contra Gto Cnl y Cm
Ctrgo IJarid CoibJaaS Cni, b-ad Rev R.
Carroll VV ' C.ffre Patrick Craw;«yJno
CantWH Omi« iVu j Petfe
S'pmernn £ninl Cel'in* hjichl Cron**- ||sf;r •
Coiy Jchn O.irluar Jno — Cent* T-nmart
Campbell Kph'm Coap*rJos ph T Cuitu Nichcb-s
Chambers Rr.for C-ooprr R«rhd M Coriy John
ChnniheTS M"tk Coprinud J Cabhnse A O
Chureb F.nugtr CorweJl Geo c nnninglnra Jos
Chase Wo Cullinan Henry
D.rrahJo* Davie Jat J)on«b<>e Tlios
Jrr.wsoa John Darn Janmhtn Poik Hcgh
Davidson H'n" 'Diviunev John IVir.arhn Jas
Bntvtnn Peter il Diprel Henry itoud* John
Bunebby Mr. D tun Cnlvnion Ductwork Al'red
PaixcHGeo I'l.iniond Henry Dacley Jo*
Bay V.’in 11 iWca Jo« T Donkey John
Davis Alfred 5! D-iJc* Hev Jno RDunwoidcy John
Davis'*h-ti G D-rir Jo’Jua Dyer Jains*
JlnviftThe* J Doubt John Donkey Beo}
D.stm Satal \7 Pin;.el:y Andw Duncan Jobs *
Davit Wia Donnelly I’suick Denting Ju
Bouncily Jobs
E<!jir Wn M Eckel*AJ E»irp TV
l jtcr ninor.ucl F.:iriy Tha* Emery Danl
Kaicn Hcnrv KrSarJ Joi.n E'anaJohn
rdmo.'d* John KJwards Em I Evans JohnJ
KH:« Wo Ewmi Ctpt VY FJ
KmllTbc* E.Jr.d G N Ewing A \V
Edwards KwJ
Fairley fSnvth Fishwlck & Wil Forker Patrick
Fa'rrll Tho* iiam« FowlerJo^ephutS
Fawrrtt Wm 1 117 cibbon John Forsyth Roht
Farrinstoii Win Fi»oarJa«T Fownes Henry
Fairchild*M L Kileiivstrirk MielFtajiea AO
Felterly Jacob Fluids Jchr. Frew Aaron
Ferguson A 11 Flaming Bolt Fry Jac C
Ferrutcn Tfot riifer.i* A FredeTiek John M
Fergiitonßaril II Fly -n fhos Friel Jamas
FerreeWraP Fox J>* Frazer Rev Jaa U
Fiintnons John Fan mine And w Fnker John
Ft-.z’moca Ewd Fotvier Jaa M FvFoq John
Fitximont Robt Fulton Robt
GnniGeoW . Class Thbs Gilletpio Mattnew
riavin Jplm Oicnn Th"« C Uri*vroJ4 Alex
Case David Cmcuji Kwd Orffin Maurice
Cauhnt Andw GndonJa« Orlthn Wiu
r.anron Martin Onrmhly Mirkl <»ray O W
CelMon pßtiiek Gortwin Bsrat Gray Alei
r*utl jrrnew FetlxnoWihorn t* II Gray \Vm M
Gi s *snJaa Gracort Wo GisJtun Robt
Gi.letpie Tbos G. Green Jotpi M OmharaGrafuJn H
Gillau Peter GaMCamyton&coGnthrT Bnrel
Gibson Geo Grant Henry Gslch Patrick
Hamilton Wm F HortHne Jphn HillWmA
JlaCiilton Geo Ilaiiusti Jiio Hill Geo
ItsmPiofl J>> Harr:*'Va»’« lirfitii Wn A
flail I'OYtd A Hartwell Jno llctnn* Duvid
llalisron ’Jbc* lisa n i»Atr.l llolmes Robt
lUggeity TTeri.'d Haueh Kolt llcwc Psik
Hadcu Smith MwiuiuJohn Hood Relit
lltyut Richd HarStmi. licorh Jnn
Dammar Giles liays Ab : Jah llojabio Thos II
Honour Pevid IlclferAr.dw Hooperßsral
Hanna Thos Herrinu Henry MHnoaer Jonaj W
ltar.lm Thot U Hsnderton Wo Hornet John
Jl*ncjtan J E Herrington Wo Honeywell Aifi
llemmetßaml Mrnline Ben; Hooter Jesh R'
lUnncy Hugh Henry Jno VV HoMPP -
Hardy Jno HenehiilTJaa IlnsbasdJcaE
HarMwnJno lliltlebrat.<l J II Hutchinson 0
Harford iUml Hill Lawrence Hughs Wm
Harrison Jno HitIJUM: Hughs Hugh
Harbaufrhcn Hickey James HuichintonJa*
Uarrea Alichl Hughs Owen
Irwin Wm Irwin Wm P Jiving Geo
IrwtnJehnß lury Wm
Jacobson Wm JeFray Jackson Johnston Paml
•Mkaon Wm Jeffrey Jno J Johnson Matw
JaekaaoTaeaF Jeflrey Joteoh L Jones Wm
JasrcvJiioP JtdeeJnhn Jones J
JettllC-ail! Join* Martin J. rci Matthow
Jordan Wb Jnbnstou JcoerhEJones II J
Joti-n Ouvrr Johnttoti Gto It Jones Bolotr.oa
Jotdaa Ktchl JohiuuaGwM Jones David
Xsy Joseph Renmanjaa Kilioy Bemd
KtiroH KeelmGroW Knox J oh „
Kavke Jo'in II JJew J F KneuleWmG
Kaiser Chas Keller SII Krow>» m lc m
Kkcq A Hall KeliyF.twd Kirk Jai
KearneaKdwd Xdiy John x-KiilcOA
senJ?f,Wm5 en J ? f,Wm P J Ktl'y Fr»s Kirk Alex
KendiU Clarke K«rr Win KineJ
WntloHAtsdw J KiCdGeo ' Kireer Robt
Keogh Thoa Kj\;er D* il EiulPJboa
Henry Lerbirt ~ v,!oaion Lirhieep B*ml
Nrmcy Lr-Tc.oPr.-d l.tmi l Ansutttu
D&A'SonJohu Lcimer M Losav Jaseph
Lniiarr Thos Lonnird \VT LongDfJco
e .'i^ lB Leilch Cfaas B LoogmoreJaa
knmsas iaßseua-ksMoisln
LswJ* k Cotier Uinnrx Lencr I.ynch ino
Lej-ilp 4 M*eVlin Lynch Geo T
L-* Jo-n B Li'-He Jsiin M Lurat>eek H
tfaml Lillie Tito* jr Luci*l»»
L:e-n.M_ Utile Jot,n Low 4 ’
Lisligotr joj W Luitef*j C o **
Lewcilyn Tboi
t&Z'£r o SSXSr* «•>«.. «r.,
Wtna Will,#
.W.hon.y Job, Mjrr o ,°i E f L ‘
Mbhiildi* VV Til \t. _ ra Mcffft Jobr,
«;.Cs.' N.™“,: r j ?“• s»-'v ■—i.
M-rt'fi '.Vo, tlc. riri- j MowpThojJ
M*.lln Jean SfiV?. "’"'S”’*" »'»fT
Mnrl'.i Morri, gffS 3 , » Too.
Martin Patrick J Mi’liietonVin Morn* , <ii John
Mw.h Da„J J| if. *?;,J°"‘ #“■"">»
*l.iU..w.u»i M|i!" » o„awJ„
aiiii/pj ,7 b Monow Thoe
M.u Mi^ r h'tv : “ OD M«»en John K
M«»rn John L Hot™ »i”t ,e ” AcM ‘ n
M..ier,onCeo Mortal J?»r. -l-'rooney P.t
pn ;ray-ra-/ eStfs:
sa:xr«/^^ t »rv-
WayClia* w * 1 'VQL Mufrjr Mciiael
„ Me
sl.’S“,i"» D w»«r.
M-Ocilcu t h CtM-V'ftanA u ll Wm
M’Cu 'l’th-'U S R 'M>n° nA ,H, M-GratbKdwd
M'RvlieuxhCSiu N*iu!J!!m n A M,Chl 'r ,, ’ ran » i *'*" Jno
n.n.n.i r H i““ Ji“sb j
«&•"* KSA.
M-S.JiTS 80 »TS"“r"f, b
Nph\C W a Noble* Wra Noble Geo
n2p"™L «"“* * K »'-
O'.rrtm C 4 Ort Acffrw p,, r
i»Vu..i,or Ms-tin fr.\nlTbo« (» ;il .Wn,„
f’' “'Uii-')- Harney it Komk- Tool
Offer.* Jno Oweu«, LjjbeilA. Offcn* Owen
j*»«ton U Gro Perrv Richard Tin fen fl R
P«i*er»o«i Koht I’earon j C o r*v„., k
j- p 1", c r“»T*
iiSEWI K" J r “f
rrr.eyoi, J o * Purer W..U«, A.,* p
I’trkrr IVniL PntH,,!, I ~.„o ™" j '" r P
Pe#r*nii Plumer Mon \ Prm*i'»i. -
P-m VO * Jo, Pram- Warier Pmn' j no
Perry-la.. p. R„u, I’ulpro,, Eonj
Quinn Ja» Quinn K-lward
KArater Ja* Pidaut W*o/ a R; c . r«
KandHil Jcrcea C i*n;k u n „, ( .,.
It-.WrnC KiohnrJ.on Ju Kn-.L. J,.hi
k»„ v
v K&5:s„ 10 Jf;E*JST3JK7“
Itriii Jo* ItO', Jame* Ro’mon II iron
s;;|}>p Ktben.Wm ho«n John
R'e-I \.«r. b Rober;* Joho !• •,•.mid Kn
Heed Henry Ko.-he MieM Kyunl'tir*
ReelFrui Kotrnrr. I’h'lip Huil> ard r\v
Heed l»»*c II Ro.rJlendetron KUU>arJtU
Sa-jf-ud CO Sharnbr.rcer Dr Js*prau W m
>&.ino» DO H SneridtJi Jnu P iV« A«-«
bilinnn e.lex S!atierCb:K Fprr.ul
S,nrfpr»Ja* Ky.vHSaisl Sra-roWm
P .rapt, i! W Jno A E r J a
Snoi-. Jro R' RiohJ Rnei rt r K i:
5'“!! » !r . s , «*• *le<ot* Dieid S r.-J, fc Ditfk»on
- j- -«• Smfjo'.'c 5!,"; f;; t ';cc“
Alltrr: G ftniia Koiu Sieve’., Jb*
Semple John Rmitn Wm S’evm,jno
S-nmrr Smr.h Gep Si»nJlrv \l. - m
SeiOelfrdk Smul, Wm r. Mpven.ori ’vTn II
SniMnever Dbt smiia o.eur Svt>v C i.M>a W n V.
Seamm W,n smulijnhu Mever.en A M
Sliannor, J„ smith Wm S.ewaVjVa
Shel.l:,. J„ r-n.ifi Air.x S.e wnr: Ja.
Shiw Jolm A Pmi-H n,oe SieWart Cbai II
J.barp\\m Stui h *e«»e Jno S:ew Q rt Dan!
£-h«kejjiy Srt’.i,Geo TII Stiop-.Cb-sE
7«. Bcnshwiek i For-ftr;- t r.- Caleb
Pnellsiid Wm t.c. Swa n R>t A f
Sberrena H|( Sa; Thoa Sa-.f rU*
flierJien Win Sower* M h»U» Suit"-* Ih->s
Ob;th*uTbi., Snyder Joewit Much
fllecti D»-»id Snvder Let.nuid Sar'ivoo Michi
Snestbsn vvm A StrinTli,!
TipSti r.r0.1 Tliomp on RII NTom Fio.ooco
rnr.»»er Ma-tn lliomnrrn lien Troerenn h
Tfto-p Immri Ten,; 1 ;!m Tron G-o
Tiompemi Ri-b’dTem r le Re • T »ery Fnni-n
Tjompßon Ja, Tomer |)bt d To uWm
Tno-o, .o , J PM,,Tow, II J„ Tr.oblfi Jo,nr,
Taoirf «on W m
Up<titl, Rowi well 1 Ca.
Veatrli Jciiob W Vuiijq Dj» <i Varner Thu*
WadeMr We err »n.‘w T SWilhami I M’F'.
Walter l>nrid W. |,a Mar* •, hm-r
Waliea Audw Whee Urn Tb.n \V.1,. 0 n John
Wallace Geo " bitaker J** lle» Wm
W.aUio. A WUiicAr.dwj W.cldwe Solemn
Warner TmeutanU lino j br. 0 V. i-.Kjn Wm
t'Ven 8 A Wbite'Joßu Wflrui A V
Watk-ne K:cbd K White !«« W W<l|. Joneban
•Varucr II itCo. WlueSiepbrn Wo>kJ« Rom
VVhI ams <h»fn M'ovJ Ja» I* * Cr»
\corj A B Yoang Sscil Youn» Capt U
Cbnirmen nfSehool C-xucuuee.
Hoard of lb recinr* of :li Word
Xicho N" 3r5
1- I. n . ; itn.T-J
} I ‘ II All i J7-M ;i » „f r.
i r r»nu-K.:i:. i u
cxtTtAL rroci jljid ecnrLrs rests,
91,000, 000.
CIl Ait TEUED 18 or,.
riMlF.ondcrmned l.a» been arroi'Ued a*ent for thu
and fCipoa»it,le ceci. any, 10 screed Mr
Hwn, ar.!l n rearty to nnii-.-, e » tn 1;,.
l\f and Mtnnc ilepmnii,et.t, or- s* f»TorM..e terra*
a*«jiy other re»r o '*»»bie 10r.1p-.rt7 ”• tbi. -ut
GH» li ARN«,U>.
FootJli >t.. urn 10 Dank 01 Pittiharith
IK SC KA.KCE c uspTn i
.. CAPITA! $500,000.
i. r-.»WT.rr. | R.lliun,l,,p ran
Will tasare wer.n.t all rtcd* of n»k«,
**** m!l ,lberill T floated and promptly
A tuuietaitnstson—managed by Director* who arc
•rrli tuowo m yia coatnurjir. and who are (Jeiermir.
« p proiaptnrn or.d liberality to maintain t>;« char
tft a« oUer:n r the Lett
pr.*|ec,:m to ibo*c who uecire to be Itisarr-tl
JraECTc.a*-lL Miller, Jr., Geo. Black, J \Y. Ostler,
N. Ilcioef, Wai 11. Holme*. C. Ilun-cr., flco. VV
r llT 0 ?’ L7on ’ UpplMcotu The*. K.
Lfjb, Jamc- MiAcley, Alei. Nimict.Tl.o-.Bcou.
tkertet, No. Jt U atcr rtrest, (rraretuuic of Span*
&<V».-4P»llt«l.oreb. in+.ilw
1 PiaaijrlTaiila Rail Ron<l.
pIROI-OSALS wsl bs rwntrrt M *c,'*
_J Clsre. i:t Uminrillr, Indiana rnurty, u.itil th,
trnOi i>ror'Aher. for th- Cradomio-: end Mm v .tj if
the »eajoimri|r r»eiK.n» 011 the We*!*™ of
ib- I'cnn.ylTaum Ha 1 Kt/cd inc.U«<fi>ii; irf-poin fif.
l-r;, to t:.trtr. exrept tismbeM ctehtseu and tweru
rt’Ten, aireadv under rnrirart ’ '
1 bi« sverk lirr wholly m tbr vallic* of Turtle Creek
arr! Uruab 1 reek, and include* n ln-ge arcoant of
rumour y, and some hej»y entth and rock vtork.
Al'hn same lime rrrpoiaie will b« received for
i:.e f.iaduaiion J.a«onry of the Branch Rail Koad
u. isvo nnd three cjurnemmile* lene, ucoa
wj, ; rh is a Bridge over the C-;.icmaush ILvcr.
Jbe pluns c;.ii ptnSles will lie rcady-for ejamin
ai.on October Til, e.i the Etiyireer’s r.ffiee a: Hljir*.
*ilte, at winch tune the hue v ill fe prepamd for eon.
Uactcra. J/ilormetion moy l-e had o t the Aasietam
Eniticeor.on ibe yte, or of EDWD. MILLER.
Associate Engineer, BlairsviDe.
■ndtho “OLD CODBTUT,« for lately
Cur. Third 4- Marin its.
Opening a t the Pennsylvania aallßoad
to Plitshurght
rrHIE Pennsylvan a Rail Road Company having
t completed tbc whole line of rail toad io Hollidays
l>nrj;b, tliuff rofr.eeune the Portage Had Koad to
Johot owu. and irom ihcnce by boats io PitKborgh.
are now pr.-ptre.rt io reccivo tad forward mcrehan
‘ ire. proouee, Ac., to slid from Pitubnrgh and Pbda
The will Jcbt»! ihe depot of iho company
July for Jolmrown, there connecting wafa the daily
iram of ear* (or Piil* Jriplila, ihoa insuring the de
livery of ell ln Philadelphia within fire day*.
Agents for Pa. R. R. Co, Canal liasin, Piruharcb.
CRAIG ft lIELLA&, Agents,
No 47 Market street, corner of Third il,
HAS' constantly on bud, for sale, Writing, Letter,
Printing, Tea, and Wrapping Paper; Bonnet,
Fullers’, Binder*', and Trank Board*; Book and News
Paper Priatinr Inks: which he will sell at the lowest
cash prices, or knciehange far rags or tuners’ scraps
Lk! nf A<lrhmi»tmioa having been granted.
to the un<lf.r*i,-:ncd on the eitsu of the late Oeo’ge
L. Be<», decenfted, ail pt-rsons indebted are requested,
to nito Immediate pa'tim.t, an>> those having claims
to present h- same, properly enlbenticsied, 19 either
of the sabsehbers, for liquidation.
. ■cpgl:dta_. GEORGE C RKIB.
OOf) Worked Oa* Flooring Board*.
lu }yvU perfectly dry, end of « tuperior quality
,r h T # . 8. ijLARkE.
LETTKRM of ArtttinUtraUokon ih« cutiitr ofMra.
Catharine M«Krl(ht, dt??arr<!, bavin* been
Brained •»» wom indexed ore
hereby notified i*» male ImcKuliix'jt iiavmcni, n’ni
tbnte UaTUiff claim* a*«lnu aaid e *u,e,, l 0 pnraent
tbc «Bi*e prompiir, for trulrdienL pnraem
. »ep|;Ut»M «Oin«T*rKNtfm T Arfm'r.
Pei.n atroet, corner of Evan* 4U«v Innui™ «r°
Blue vixuqmooo ib. r ot .aieTj
&K 9 vitnun , i Bzciunei.
*UO*. *. HOWS t . *. CLASSK wi
Owes, Irmaraon Gazvttk. >
Tseoday morning, October 1, leJll. j
Tbe weather yenerJay was cool and cion 'y, with
•omc indication* of rain. A fair amount of bu»:ne«i
waa doing tn a general way,-with no verjr e»**nuol
change m quotations.
The river Is a*ain *!owly receding, with an ample
,l4 * e o( w «‘cr for oar latfe cla» of ttzamers, and
bonnes* on the wharf waa qoile lively during yealer
FLOUR—Tbe receipt* by river were heavy, butthe
greuier portion being deiigncd for the eaat, aaiei were
hot large. The aalea aum ap 425 bbla from liver and
wagon, principally on the wharf, at $3,753;) SO * bbl.
Sale* from atore ol 100 bbla, in loti, at ejj>l<94 bbl.
Shipment* eatt are Urge.
Rti Flocs—We have no raieaof eonseqoener, mp.
pile* being light. Tho article is held at
W barrel.
GRAIN—We have no new feature to notice in the
ram m rkil Receipt* are comparatively light a*
rvt- The regular rabng rate for Wheat at the mil;.
ii .5c hg i» * c ;i,ng l 0 aicoileraic extent, at
.Ntfai-; Barley at GCffd3c; Oaia from firsthand*, at£i
and from riore at 3QOJ7J; bB 1
uo;ice'a conueo-d firmness in
** bioeery merkrt, with no important charge In
,/' Cr *' Cc^:c ** “n«uieu, and general')’ held trove
nt» r >o ? 4 bU,er *- holding price* arc
*" C :m ’ »>“ in .mnll ]«, ;o the cl.
NO MT ,rr *" a *«»« f".
ItaS p,I„ OILW .- u .
k#r a. 9|310|; and of Rieimr'SS.'J- by the ticj
«... tar. 1. iult „f «» HNr. 0, ~ ~
•>* crudes, «uid4* 3 for shoalders. Sate* of ajgir cur
■' "> B “« * I.ta ..C S.U. d
beef at uc.r D>
OIIKI«f-Krr..r i. ... tail, u.J r.i.
pi... I. ,h. 0.,ta,. ,« l 0„ j, bMti
‘ " ,od ."J “l» I.rprim. emu.
«J’.r. .... .... ~.11 ,„ | ioUi „; c v B
FISU-1’,,,;.. nr, -illoM ci,,,,,,. B,lt, h.vr bre„
.. . »ota,.,r fct N „. ,
*"' ■ , M N„. 3 „ S;»B:.>3 - I,M. s — „
to No. .. »„d .lath, tor No I r Limerd
be quoted u St'Jsic c nil. . 1
nUTTER— Receipts continue light, and we can re
Port no ioI.-i to , ny | at „ PXieß j flrkin and iex
o wmu!.* rl,J al ISC tt ’ *‘ ,|n “ ,t>n fce * »» o|Olf>~.
lIIBKEV—No change to m prtee* tfnle.o
r»tl'fl.«l at SJgraSc ¥ *»i
Hivca.-There were 5 fert (0 .nchr* nrer m cha. ■
net. UM cveninfat do»b t by picrma-fc, and UHr.u
Fd*hion, Pejbits, Eiuvl>-ih
Mtcti.g*.., Rr,e, t H-aver.
Beaver, fiordoo. Beaver.
lUUic. Jaeot.a. Brnn'itviHe. ■
Ailastic, f**rkm«on.
«U«h,er. M.tfii.aN. \V..eri,„.'
Pilot No 3, Davol, Hork.ueport.
Irene, Uc-.0, O.ncinna , U
Faabion, Preble*. Kiuabcth.
M.ebtasn. line*, Beove
AtUnne, Parkivio, Urown«vill«.
R*lue, Jarnba, Brown«viH c
Reaver,,, TK-aver
Key*tore Sut c . S t on e, C.nrmnat.
Siln« Wn.’l’t, < r Neil. M Loois.
iba.lrm.'Co'e., St Louia.
Cumberland No 2. M.ller. Nv.hv.lie
ran-dr..,-. Ilrndrickann. A’Win,.
''fil.-vfle. \ou.,e.
PbiPfer. Bair*. Whoe’.ne
Jam** Net.or.. Moore,;i-, e .
WHEEETNt; - C.*l.ier, til *. *.
GINCINVATI—iII hernia No. 2. to H
ZAXi:sVIU.r.-Jrti,.y Lutd. 10*. U.
Fob C»ti —The rjileniid packet »tmr Ciaein
a>i, Capt Birmingham. w,H leave on ter 6* outward
tp for the teaton, on to morrow morning, at ter.
ctoci. Tti* fiti- ueamrr ha« o-.dercore tliorough
’pair* and repa-n'inj, and it cow neat aud nice in
rery per kuiar
The 6ne »t. n r Jr-my Ijnd, Capt. Hard, wi! i lea.
Zaacivide Utati**.
CINCINNATI-P*u lliriai-.c—l"« ham* Bn IT
i • O, 10 pe.g* r. a ffa:o r o l.e«, Wm Derrick inn. JTl.oxr*
•hoe* Clark A Thaw; j «ks woo!, 5 do rar* U ko tat r
tor. K 2 t>u, t io„i c j,e»t. Mr R ed; 4 ra*
i erj-jt. J Stevenc 3 bbla eg<». | bM. :i teg.
bot er, yfiev. flaxice*!, « coop- erteken*, J II Ufa
barn: HUJbsli floor, k TTI do do, Anahatz:
bz» ind.a, Mr* Trrple.
srKBfIjENVILI.E—Pkk Dk War Cl-vto*— bbl*
wiiihkey Sno Parke k l>; tt bV’» flwii. W Bn.gham
C. .to dn, I tti raff A Co; bbl eggi, Ja* Black 1| kec*
Urd. •'tewdri k SiP. 3 bbt* eeg*. 4m th k Stn’eia-r, 103
bbl* door, AriritTor.g k Croxer; T-J io do, J McFaden
A Co.
HOCKINGPORT— P«» Ptua No. «—7l'hhd* tob
Clark A 7b*w; 2i do do. Gr»lJ A Co. id do do UrerL
A to; l bi drug*. J D Morgan; tj do* hruom* VV Wil
ton; 2 bhda oil meal, JAM Pmllip*; 44 dnz broom*, T
d'lTk po:al0e *» 1 61,1 l u,,nr . Ibx rc?s
7. vNrHVH. I.f —i'n }<\n ! xo
■ In. 4 • •!« t.-.l fiAv l !►.•«.j/IIH M,,. !l nr 1’,,.- u'n
I fci.: ,f« hrr, A !■' Nje, I Ixil lud.c, AJ*r,« :Uk! u
flier. Le-oh ft Co.
"*|{K!-XIV<! —Taa bt.i« fl-or Broi
ft-K.ripVriek. !<M ra.i.ry.. J McCadr. 11 roll' Ira
er, Gratf ft O, 2d I.bU Cmr, Vankuc ft Tnnt-e.d •
do flo, Bill ft ljjsjc’t; 2i? do do. O’CooboT. AikJ
ft Co
f*»R C*Jidf.i prur. 5 do Imuf f.
BUNFI9/I I’ra Wru. vi.l*-SC r>hd« i..h, Clark ft
Tfcaw; V*i do do, I A ' 10. «:i iin <4 MrClurlan
ft Co: lys do CO. rt >k. • «**, I bbi ri uaeed, Uilworlh.
21 kp« boner, i bblt e aeed, W Dyer; 32 applea. S
M O o-lau ft Co.
BF.AVF.R -P«b Mtciruin-21 bbn 9 .nr Harbaoah;
baoci. iJU bx.rti.oar. 6 ;!d. :« do do. R [>* ft
Co. 4? to do, C\non ft Al;Ki.i*bi. 118 oo do, 3 tarki
wool. B:dwr!., in »k? r»*». CcwCouet ft Co. 4 i.rf.,
per. Ueapetcb rlßir. fttUO ■ eo-.p*. } C B:d*ril
pAKtS WHITfa—sis0 jO4 iLpenoi QutliiT. rec
1 unaleby JKIHD ti C:<)
LIVJ-R OIL— 1/Jo*ij-dU-xco.
> l-urc C*.d Liver Oil, >j»l received inr m> 1-y
* r l -i _ J Ki on a r.-
. Hwkeepera’ At*:«iani, a nc
a-o .-.u-sui Ilj
v e(,,t.oii for ».»;.• I,
R C hrOf’KTt'N
Pn! NTINO PAPKH—T»e best m nur.n o a.. It
li«J oi ilie p*ea:r of Clinton Mill* -3 Wood *:
CIiIKESK— W bis prune rec'd’sr.d for imc uy
/ JaAIRS dalzell
»sr?l 7>*Wsirr<t
I>OT ASM—4O cerki in store and (nr »»Ti*'JY
•'•rtf _ JaMK.s n*t./KLL
BATTING— 73 bales No, 1, for sale by
•*P-l JAME 3 ft A * 7.V\ L
T'AR, PITCH VftoSlN—lwFhrTrTar,
10 bri- Hiwh;
10 hr>* llatn,
To arrirc, for »»le byi ISAIAH ft 00
_»«!>*« Wn-rA
H v*n
10 krft >i do;
12 kef,* 10 do,
To *rriT<, ird for »aie by
LARD— -4'* brie No 1, for «ule by " ~
/'l RHaSK— ‘25 biit for (ale by
BACON HAMS—Sp caika for low, to tioti
by Iwpllj _ ISAIAH l>l<*KkV ft r.o
CIHKKSK— ?•!> bn aow latnline irr me ny
PKi IKOS— ISO toa* Somere»l furnace, far <mle t<j
TIMNDoVV CiLAS$—5OO bole* lat undid quality
T T a»«ort<rf, for tale by JOHN WaTTA CO
SOLE LEATHER—ObOO lb* rte'n for ule by
.. »ep*« _ JOHN WATT_fc_CO
SUGAR CURED lIAMS— to tierce* n prim* article.
al*o, a few Scotch cored, rec’d for g»l« by
25* IJber’T tireet.
BLOOMS— DO lorn N»ppT«?r forges, forVaiiTuy
17 JSAUiij>icKKy * cn
GHKAMK —il t>rla tio*r Isndlng from Heiuncr Ko
pbratea, hy l»e;il7j _|HAIAJI DIOJCKY &CO
TAHP— 14 brl* No I, now landing, for mlc by
WHITE FISH— Vi brls No I, for title by
aeptrl JOHN watta no
OIL— S'* ell* bleached winter Whale Oil, prim
quality, for sale by R K SELLERS,
acpvO 57 Wood «i.
O PIRITS TURFFNTINK—2U brl* in Rood ordrr, for
n t->- |,y _ JU_K SELLERS
I' Ax i > KRS’ OIL—3O bra, a pure ann*le for sain b>
sepilO _ __ n K Fi;i,rnß.i
I iLUE VITRIOL—2 caihs jost rec’d for calo liy
■»<!«> K E SELLERS
COItKy— 10 bale* porter and miurral, (or «ale by
_ rey2o ft E SELLERS
YIAL CORKS—IOOO groaa'Jait rac’d for vale by
WANTED', a coAlVoslTofL Apply aTtETi
office. *epl7
aupply of tbl* excellent and popular work re*
ceived and for rale by BO STOCKTON
sepal _ 47 Mart et »t
LIFE PRESERVERS— It dx gom’d on Uieouisice;
11 dx do inside;
Jost ree’d for tale by J & II PHILLIPS,
»eplo 7 A 0 Wood »l
CIREAM CHEESE—2IO bxa just rac'd for nil by
/ aep? J H ONFIELD
ON band and ree’g .from tbo.PhillipavilJe Factory,
'or the fall trade:—
500 yda 3-1 FloOrOU Cloth; 3000 yda 4-4 do; SCO yda
5 4-dOi 500 yda 6-4 do; 1000 yda 8-1 do; iDCO yda aboci
do, medium and heavy, from 4 to 0 yarda wide, all of
the newest style of patterns, and cm to any (Iren s<i«.
7CO yarda 4*4 Furniture Oil Cloths;'.4oo yda 5-1 do;
600 yda 6-1 do.
iso dozen aazorted tires Table, Stand, and Bureso
Covers, varioos pattern*, and tplendid tnirh.
1000 yda 4-4 Patent Carriage Oil Cloth; 500 yda 5-4 ■
do; SiO yda rt-4 do.
3005 yds Oil Cloth Craab for Stairs, assorted pattern*;
-to yda 4-1 Ureen Oil Cloth for Window [Hinds, 3t)o
yanlt-5-4 do.
Window Shades, a large assortment just received
of newest atyiea.
Merchants anil others wishing to purchase*, are in
vited to call and examine oar assortment of goods,
which will be sold at the lowest eastern pnees.
aepCO 7 ft B WooC at
SrAmSU WlUTiNO—iT'i oris ;un rec’d lor sale at
* n Wickersiiam’s
W» €or. Vfwd 4 Suib «(4
W ktT 01 WantATro (Tr.* nted.—Chief
Justice G.lniin granted the •• W'rit of tj jo Warrotu”
ycterday, u. the cav; of the Allegheny Bridge
Company, ex r.-lationc Jane* Todd. The learned
Judge remarked that the lauts *et lorth ret]uirttd in*
vustigstion. but that he would ray nothing ciUier
one way or the other to prejudice the case. J
An issue wi.l probably be formed in the Saprera*
Court, which wdi be remove J for trial to theCour
of Common Fleas of Allegheny, or some neighbor
la comparing our notes of the tpercbee in the
Diamond, on Saturday evening, with our publish
ed report, we find that we made an error in one
particular. W« nufee Mr. Uowu ssy that he
..reed in ovely potnl, \rSMUie preceding .peter.
Wc should have said that no agreed with *acb of
the seniimeaia of the las: speaker as be bad heard,
which Were only hi* ronc ; u.liar remarks.
MnSTiNo ok CiTizihvs Opposed to tite Foot-
U.I.L—Oue of the largest meetings we
have ever Keen in Allegheny County, assembled in
the Allegheny market house, yesterday evening,and
was organize bv rulting ibe Hon. H. S. Fleming,
Mayor of the City of Allenhcuy, lo the Chnir, and
appointing Messrs, A. Barclay, and R. H. Davis,
Vice President*.*. John Fleming, and I). A. Elliott, acted ts
Hi« Honor, the Chairman, slated tke objecl of the
meeting, and made a very energetic speech in
which be expressed bn detestation ol the Fugitive
Slave Bill. He hoped that his arms might become
palsied before ibny aided in the recapture of any
fugitive »iave, and, alter speaking for acme lime
at down amidst loud applnn-e.
Loud cues of Salabury, Sabbnry, now arose, but
he did no: appear. As ibi* gentleman hod been
seen in the meeting, before its nrgumzatioo, it was
thought th 11 he was afraul to express his sentiments,
and all present became very much excited. Shouts
ol “shame, shame,'' “He's going to dodge. ” “Be
a man,*bury. nnd, hi*«e» now arose ot> all sides
which were soon drowned by cries for T. M. Howe
V 1 1 who upended the stand amidst load cheers.
regret that the detiall/ of the crowd pre
dated u« from giving a iu.l report of.thls grade*
mtti’i teasib'e and rsaLly remarks.
Hu wn* evidcotiy extremely unwell, and coin*
meoccd hia remarks hv Mating that his indiipn.
911,00 would prevent h’in trom addreeviog hie
fellow eltrzsoa et any gr. al length. He coronenl
ed With tuu.’it stvur.'V t:p>:; ajuvJ of tbc opp*e*«
aive p,-ovn;.ias of tin* *• Fitnve Sl*~e JJu:,” and
tbea APudrd to the Mtgna ( b rrla. H- would be
in favjr ofy.iviog 10 i ae Stu.n-rn Staici all the
privu-cea c.Ni.f-rred uj»oq tliem bv the Cohstitu*
tmn. I,iii not «>oe jj! ortittlv more. \V e were
c .Hu, f*', h-i: but U< „s not mov ,
OU4 unfit \(f J .irtl-er. TIcHiJJ, In discuss which
Uey had assorable-J, ocinmiy Weot farther than
t!;e Consl'iotmo ol •h-. I’:,,ird Ststrs allowed.—
Tuc gecilcmsu then a’luo* <1 u, me > x'ractdicary
powers given by tarn f, I to corajo:»s;oneis, con
ferrtng r. h theta the pr. v, «gea of bo?h Judge and
Jury, aud mik'nsrme.r dec.on flcsl. 1 aboard
•'« at once roj.raJed, j r ~t rvueaVd, so modified
• nat sh * n^! » «t-' colored ct-MD.
should t>e *• cured io ibvro. Hu rrgnitcdto any
Hat these rif it. were new md«r in.n*muco
t.anr - ourdrcl. who was so to futbr
f«!*e eiiidaviu, and a trumped up
freemen into riavery. The gcatleman ' (tea a*t
down amidst great a-p'.ert!^-.
Sa.,«bury was ow oudly mminoned, and
mede h-a appearance. H.» st.vo-e vu nrocust.
«d fir by Lis friend, tn a ralh-r lud cron* toaun- r.
*>u( at toe intac otae c!i preent u t . ( ejsnpe.kd
to admit the ceceasity of th.* tM.-«**> which bad
called hiat awiy.
Hv ia-Q ibat he had r.<> come the re lo mvk- a
v.-ech, he bad come at the mj tea: of some of
am ..-lends, m ardor tint no ut.f u .r advimage
might ho 1 4-1 u . t.rn. He a.i-u.-d l. Mr
Howu. and said that a trek bad been played
rif coon him at .he mee'lng in i* l sHurga, on
Jta.urday [L uc crir* ••no, lu, why
Wee you njt*ibtre.’‘j He wou.u ici: :i.-J wty
he was tot there. A had U:ru called,
but ho bad bia work lo aiicod 1 •, bcs.dn* noth
ing had been iaid about UrC< ) ogrera
being preaect. The meeting had bceu c .ilcdfor
a epee fie purpose, aad u*i pen m cona.der the
knows a* it. Fug i,/e Slave Ltw, wh.cb
was recently paisei. He ca ne tbon- to m T
•bat be «•«• optorid to .1, 1, tenure .1 made he
■Vu.-men of v. 3., (Uad
Wav C.. 1 UJ.-ueraf L. ta*c the
.tump, agt.nxj him >nd M y that be«u»e be
*M tl’ttbl. he tt-cu;j V.-Io let H,*r. It bt
i. * t: cr-. wbv d . ho net <ft* .<•
f- woj.j g , a .
•<. *; L*r-mcr t«n
•■mi. (u:,ccr- j Ur wo-: ■} k --,, cm only (or lb.
fr--iloio ol t.-.c t> -, u i f or the f, eP d„ a
o it>e n ic« N->r,herr. Wur* shops
Git. Lantner aided the olaefc afaecr, y-; tnrnec
• »ayfromtbe while ones. He < L . ij |,>ok cc
children working to our cattoa factor -, ;<
10 16 Lrcrs every { Jr.ea t f U IU
qaeslio i.
Ti.e MayorrcpicMcs! the meeting iv keep o>di
_ffH * of w<* Irt hut. a, :k IO the quest,oV« r
WM ' cb:ir !«-cn ,« WW u i:o . >ni ,,
parjw,.,.,,' >*On*r. fh~y -h 4 u:J be r.*,u, at t !,*>
peeper ri.Jic *n>l 1., t,* wua.d
«T.tbnitß- dt- af .,,r..v*t „| She I,Si. nnti .Ufcrled
WiHl'cJ Vi>i «• a*-Cl!J.| it
( '“ l < " n w ‘‘*' ‘"‘"-’d ">r ,\ man ndrTivd
■ «n.n .11, n ,4„|,1 l,,rivjrJ i I,.j[ : 1,,- lllfpMi.;
I n..l >,•», h„„
ran. J qii.m . ,j..i,,, 1 n-n
Tl " rial I p„i e |. lnr | rorwiird
and „.aJc a h-ry ,p, e . h . A ,„ M
i™.!',.,!!,!. „ pi „, c
■"»' A' M-l ho wu
il'uwodtopio,,. |„„ „,i,„,hr„, b
>fa Na'i,„ia' 11,m.. w„. W „ lld Jinl] .
uli*’f « earV mi: ...» ibe patien<-e,,|ihe nudimci
'«• ejnpc.iod ti. -i; Jown.
Ur Ca' an. on >li-pari of the Cd-tnnulrv: on Re
.1im.... f -o„« t -. lnc „ f A A A:«*ai»nd«v, t; K
■dJ!.-. h-| . uii'i Tuwiui Klhoi, mudt tb,
Uo*o:re'i. That Cicgrr*. 8 has no conrlit-jinua
power to suspend the operation cfthe hsbtm cor
p Q« writ, except in caic* of rebellion or invu-io,,
•on last tho miecjpt io deprive tne people of ib
dom. by the pa*»*<e of ih>« ino«( slrooiooi b ll i
« rmrage-on ct»mi.,tutioiiJil H-erry not l 0 bo to ,' cri
Will, . £rn raitaoci- upon /W/„„
Ite cafes sod caldiera of aur revol.m.iaaiv ciruir ■
l e Jiledfetl la ecch inher 'Mhrir lives, .heir for
nines, ,od .heir scored Honors " Tliocnlesl
los i /v.iy, ,nd ,r. vir.n ■ of that Issoc, .ho Ineoli
mshle Merritif or/r,.rf™ i, „„„
The Arner.cso of /.lierrp sre Toonded
opon froth., Wb,on "ore seif ev.oeot; tbs. all
o.ea .re crested <0,0.1, ih.. .be, „„ endowed br
thetr Creator with -erlain ooal.entl.ln r.cb.s • that
aotoaf Ibeaa are life, l.berty. „„d u,e „f
mlflT" - Ti"' 'j ri « l “’ oososo.
inentrare .oal.toled atnnof men, donvine Ihc-r
!?*. e°h W "" ?' ° f lh ” governed ;
Ib.l wbenoeer any form „l become,
rfaflmct.n oflhe,,. sods, .. ~ rghl ol Ihe People lo or slmosb ,„,| , 0 ,„. l „ u , r . „„„
ment. iayicjr .te foun«lr.iion on such principle* anil
organizing ii M , OW er, on such fortDf „ » 0 tbe
bippm”."" 1,10,1 HkJ7 ‘° C,r ' :<M 'heiraafety an if
Aia n, tbe charier of our ripb a proriaima to the
wou;<l thu! “w,-,! he peopl* nl :be U, Siaiea, i a or-'
derto form a .i-ore pnrfrf.! Union .MtaM.jij joatic*.;
menro dotaraltn tranqu.lity. provuJo for tho com
tnon defrncr, prom >ie rha geaernl welfare, and
recure the ,f t,forty to oiireelvrß and
oor ix'alrrnv, dn ordain and eatabliah this conaU.
fution for the Uni’ed JSiaiea of Amencn "
If Irnown In tho fciatory cf this Unioo that at
toe lime the conaumtion w uB adopted, a poruow
''f taecocfede<ncy was infeecled with tho moral
aid political dl*e*»oof alaveiy. Tbe ev-l »aa e r
U-tiiab origin. But we d acover that the great nod
good mao, by whom the icderal compact was
prepared, hid conlrmpla ed iho early extinction
ol Aidcao alatrery within the Union.
The spirit and letter of the coralitution breathe
emancpaiton to the bondman In no part of that
eacred ii.atiotneDt do we find itu word “slave’
or “slavery." And tbc arch vra ol the govern
ment contoin records of ihe past, that s'eves
whose aervicr* were commanded m the war of
the revolution Were emancipated by tho mpreme
power. In a word, bondage vi< odious in ihe
day* of ’76j it i* equally »o in our own timea
Let os Improve tbe occasion by re'orecce to tbe
views of the father'* of tie Republic.
Jama Madtton, one of the early Peaidents,
state* bis aeot-ments. In ontqaivocal term*, on
tbe clause ol ihe constitution hav.'ns reference
' to ilatxry dialing. The section ia9of the Ist ar
ticle, to wi ch referenoe is made, and Was in
tended to pnt an end to the infamoas traffic fn
the bodies >nd nula of c>:n ijates for imortaJity
The nroviilon was to interdict
or importation" of slave*
th* yen Ibos.
On that |«i!Dt Mr. Madieoa raid, « it waa donbl
]eas to be wished, that (be power of prohibiting
the Impurmtinn of stiw b*i not b;eo postponed
cntil ifeos, o.- ralii-r that u had been suffered lo
havo opcraUrin. It ought to be consid
ered aa a great point gained in laror of JtnmauUv,
mat a period of twenty years may terminate for*
am, within these Btatea, a traffic which 'ha# so
long, and so badly, upbraided the barbarism of
modern policy." Thai eminent staieamad drank
deeply it tho tauua of freedom, taduUio hpa
■m.rifj.tlon,, ®iach'mr”ta l relS" I ' n
" r “d"ta
Jicsolved, Thai Congrea* haa no power de'e
gated by the ConsiitQdon, nor any aotbori*
«y uuder ,t, over the mind. „ d
Anicrinn people, to ctmpel them t 0 unite .. .
band of kid uapper. and tool driver, fo, tbibene
fit oieccmtevto ibe “blcrausg. of liberty."
Resolved, That Congie., aa, DO to
ihor.xe money to be dmwn from the public Tret
snry. m maintain at.d defray the expenses of an
army of k.d Dappers and meo stealer.; acd tbat we
earnestly aed xcaloosly recommend to ever?
Irtesd of freedom throngbotil this Union, the adcp
tion cf prudential tm azures withoal delay tor the
repeal 01 this lotsmcos law.
Resolved, That Congress has no power under
the Constitution to deprive the people of the free
Statea, whether citixens. aojooroers er persons
suipeetcd of having escaped from Slavery, of the
Inert irnable blesHcg of trial by jury, tbe great bo!*
wart rf defence egsinst tyranny and oppreaaion.
In ma'tsre pertaining to civil liberty.
Resolved, Tbat we know no party, but the
tnends of freedom, in our determinatjooa to labor
brail lege! measures for the repeal of this mon
strous bill of abomination.
Resolved, That the members of the Pennsylva
nia delegation who voted for the law, are entitled
to tbe lasting tnfaoiy and burning scorn with which
enemies to freedom and the rights of human ty are 1
branded througnout.the globe, wherever liberty is
cherished. ’ 1
Mr. Stewart, of Bayardstown, addressed the *
meeting, and waa aoccecdt d by Jt ha FerralJ, who
reed some resolutions which bad been adopted by
the Workingmen’s Convention. As be refased to
give * copy of them (why we know not) to the
Secretaries, we can net insert them. Doctor Dela
ney and another gentleman, whose name we did
not learn, spoke for some time.
General Larimer, having been loudly called oa,
rose, and replied to the charges of Mr. Salisbnry.
The call for the meeting of laat Saturday was*
broad enough lo inclnde all perro-is, and evory one
knew that candidates were always expected to be
pretent at larg* assemblies. Salitbury’s teal in the
g;od ecus; hod not been so strong as Mr. Ho we V,
and, therefore, be had premized his aupport to the
latter. Tho friend* of the repeal had now gained
the victory, aioce all the candidate* were pledged
to it, h wever be could not vote br theta all, ainco
ho had bu*. otc Vote.
Our limited apace will not allow m to do jas*
tico to the General's speech.
The meeting then adjourned.
Ine Hail Smait.—The destructive hail storm of
Friday last, pasred through South Fayette, Upper
and Lower Saiat Cinir Township*, crowing (be
Ohio a zhort distance below Saw Mill Run. Tho
'ownships below this line, escaped altogether, the
bail Iwing of the tisnal sue i n North Fayette,
Findley Muon, Robinson, Ohio, Fraoklic, Pine,
U.t**. West Deer, and parts of Jndiana and Bhaler,
the storm was by no means so violent as in the vi*
cinity or Pittsburgh. It* course by between Somh
huyette and Jefferson Townships.
At McKeesport, sixteen miles up the Mooocga
hvla, Ihe had stones were very targe. There vu
but little at Elizabeth, twenty three miles up that
It extended out the Eastern Turnpike as far as
Youngstown, some forty miles from Pittsburgh,
«ud was very severe about t*u miles up tbe Atle*
fheny river, though there waa none al Freeport,
twenty eight uu'es np. ’
Tbe Greenhoiwea of Mr. Wardrop, at Mancbev
‘er. escaped without injury, as did that la the
Greenwood Garden*, while Mr. George Lowen's,
on Coai Hdi, was utterly demolished. The Green*
of Mr. John Murdoch. Jr., and Mr. John
Murdoch, Sr. in IVeldea Townahip, suffered se.
verciy. and the private hot homes near
vn‘c, of the late Colonel Croghan, John Shoenber
g’T. L»q . and many others, were demolished,
indeed nearly uil the Greeohousca ia Iho County
were destroyed.
The Iruit crop lui* suffered greatly, as is the
with the corn crop.
Tho g!az;ers aud slaters hod their hand* full on
Saturday, and will have constant employment for
Nora —The shove ort.eic wa* written for Mon*
day'* paper, but was crow Jed out.
Ctw * Kktcexs —We hare been kindly fur
n.ahed by the Aamtant Marshals with the following
lowed «.uvr
Number of inhabitants,
. 1.085
Thu h an mrreise, as rorowurd with the cenau
of ISJo,^ of 2.000. The boroughs of South Pills
harsh arid rlasi Hirroicgtwm hart*, brides, beci
•rparavcd from the township s cca that time.
Numb r i f n
dwei.inff liou«es,
<tf i:ihui>ranit>,
d vcelling houses,
Numlier <f u.lrxbitantt,
“ furnu, hou-es.
PaaoiaMo.—The Panorama now on exhibition
at Wilhlos’ Hall, i* said, by those who have seen
It lo l e a magnificent wort of Art. The aceaery
of California and ibe Aaibmua is faithfully por
trayed, and w« have no doubi itat all who have
Mends in that country will go and aee 1L
CotONxa's lAqotrr.— Coroner Arthurs held si
Tq.m:, yeslerd.y morning, on the body of a mar
wno had died very suddenly in Pipetowo. Tb« cam. lo h,s da„h, onOcmand froc
3e excessive use c.f spirituous liqaur*.
Coal Roars —A Urge fleet of coal boat* hat
:lt i’lttshursh tor ihe pori* below.
Croon UrsiMLvt —Eighi hundred mes.-aget we:
rni ove- ih-i Cfßeriy me, ihrough Pittsburgh, t
Tjmrraasci M«Tt«a.— Our readers will re
collect that the fcmpcunco Meeting held lately
in the Rev. Ur. Preatly’a Church, Allegheny City,
nrjutimed lo meet in ibe Jicv. Mr. McClareo’s
Cturcb, th« cvemeg. All friends of the temper.
r.cce cacre are respectfully invited to attend.
; on. b. aoir,
Dentist. Corner ofPoorth
end Decatur, between
■ rkm srd Kerry streets.
improvements la Ueattitry,
DR. O. O. SI KARNS, late ot Bottcm, is preptrad to
ra»noiaclure and ae. U:xici Tana in whole and pana
of aeia, upon rtuclion or Atmoapherie Hoction
1" riva mufrai, where the nerve ia
•xptwjd. yflice ajid-eanlencc noil door to ihe May
or « oifiee, Fourth streei, Pitialiunrh *
Rarsato— i. n-M'Fa.ld* n .F |(. Kama. JUS
DO- B. 11. HOWIS*B
II A o"r l , ;":!'fao“., , ’.'™""‘ lr " n " ““ "* ai
. „ CUTANKuUS eruptions*
1 "aI- Rh«m , Hmv«‘ C,U r ,X ° n i he , ? ,lem ,nd enr *
Teuer,Seahl llea.l, lht>p<v
And Ohatrneuona, Oarrenne*a, Whim, FWAlbaa,
I-alling of the Womb, Nervoua, Sick Uaad Ach?
Bene.tict..*' Palpluhon of
L 'comTl.^nu
u „ •* --A,
n-'r't’li^ U *.V i# * e onl 7 Sana
!ir. An • l L? n II,K 4 t «. Kidney., and Blood at
■ hi* in •Jir. ’ ,|Cn r * nd , er> «l alioaethermoro vain*
aMe to every one. parUeularly to lemal.r,
■a»'iai U Mo e V Pro ' e,tor *n tte Ohio Medical College,
say. in* Soaker preparations are truly valoable, and
172Z' ?r I "^.i b V? 10 l l*. e pubUc - The slek and abid
ed arc requeued to eall and obtain a pamphlet, and
PU R>*w«lxdi.L o /, l V* !* ,Bable »*nliT Wedidna.
‘<AHSAPAniM ? ? < i /0 , r 4- S * D -lIOWBBBHAKEtt
3ARSAI ARII.LA. and lake no other.
Price Si per Soule-C hotUei for U
DH " A CO.. Proprietors,
t« »•>>«« ti _, lCo,l *” , l»il*ClnclnnaU,a,
‘I? I ** ■ nd I™* l * Of
1 j raan ’ * nd American Hardware, to offer
4£fn e ** nu 10 B 7 er »- Tbo« wishing to
oarchaso will promote their Interest by leouna'
stock, as they are datenomed w rell S -
fco most reasonable terms. Shs
3L M’CORO & CO, o^,
'Wholesale A Retail Manufacturers & Dealers la
Caps, Furs, Ac, of every quality and stvlS hv wlm *
sole and Retail, and invito the attention of
lo . m v^,^r^ er » M«riug 2E
[ R. P. TANNER *. CO..
1 5 .g05 WAREHOUSE,
* Wo#d »*» *•*»•« Thlrt * Fourth,
Te J7 Inn bl tnperio, N;
B ® OTS ' SMBS, i*D-BBOfiA«S!
-r-k- i.t«
found either e«it or wen! n **7 * n 7 stock to be
chuu gcner»llj3«re invited to £hV!S n *" d °* r *
wo ore Ceirnaineii to wt| on i?i 1 d <*»raine, •»
ttrmv AI«o, aaidyeor'. P.?-n.» , r ? o,t *»*on«ble
’ * ,r ■ *'•*»» Babber Shoe. 0 * all
Of] Plttibnrffhi *
omSJSi ,lAR!i s.a*-i
H.OIUNT. T* wr,lroel ’ 1,,u, «»wchog*eof C
kmd* of riaka
aercuatiiJt«o in ato
i An ample guars
>oe Inautuitoa, U of
rectan, who are at
favorably known i<
taiellißPwe, ojuJ j n ;
PtnzcToa*~r, 0.,
Imer, J, wjior 1
Ueaxeiton, John Hi <
'r« V 0 Prepwrd to insore *<f
oo Lon*:*, maoofttctonc* toad,
re, aud in tranaitu kc
?*, f< ? r i lh ® Bbl!il y ““-J integrity o(
orJed in the character o( &>e j)i
eiUjcu* of Pittsburgh, well and
i e<°ity nUa ° nUY (0t lbeir P rui i e uce,
Bjwl.w, 'V». L.,
lr i ai }*t Hogl* D. King, Edward
worth, S. Ilarbaogh, s. M, Kier.
BUad Eciton
*® Sight by tb« Pe
9. 8. l-'.mj—Sl r: I wish 10 boot testimony to tho
medico! rlrtoe or tb,, Oil called Peiroleurrr. I we, tor
o 100, time olOioted with > badly lodamad and «„
■oro eye, 00 moot .0 oo to loio elgbr omirolj for oboot
tteo combo, with yir, lllU. bopo, of otc, reecerin,
“* L| ’ *“ d 1,1,1 * ollgbl prospeel of having it jo*
noted or ate aoreaeaai ray atleodloj phyaieran wo.
atlsaeeea.fal lb making o core, or’iu giring relief
and afforded too but little encouragement. I heard of
bo Petroleum aboat the l,i of April, ieso, and rate
it a trlel: The reenlt is, the aiebl I, re.lored aod rut
oyea well, except a Uttla leader or weak when 1 KO
eat in the arm. ANN IRELAND.
MnmGeld *c, Cincinnati, May il, Jgsu. *
S. 8. LtifToa-Sir I have been afflicted with Pile*
lor ren year*, sad bavo ined other remedies wuhout
permanent rcltef, until I heard cf the Petroleum I
have u»ed only one bottle, and think I am emtrelv
eured. I reeomaem. U to ail who are afflicted
Pile*. I have known it to be good foreore eye*.
Cincinnati, May vO, tbso. E. C. UARfIETSON
Oorsate by fcyaer A McDowell; Mu Wood «treet
R E Setter., 57 Wood .L; D M Carry, Allegheny city!
a A Edllott, Allegheny; Jcieph Dougla**, Allegheny;
ftJ *° proprietor, s. m. KIER,
/>< \ Can«> Sovemh tt, Piutbursh
Office off
- (1 iOMo ana Pcnno. R. R. Co, Third «t
Pirmußeu, Aegon 5, it-40.
Tn* Stockholder* of the Ohio and Petm*yl* B nin
K ~ l Rowl Company are hereby notified to pay a,e
eighth instalment of five dollar* per share, at the office
of the Company, on or before the OTth day of Aofiurt
The ninth inualmcm* on or before the SOUi day of
September. The tenth instalment onflr before tie
SOdt day cf October neiL. *
C - 7ih wai called /or on ihe SCU> o
Jaly |a*i.
WM LA WHIRR. Jr.Troa.urer
is'lliAM BOATS
,v tor BT. IJIUIS.
iL 'lbetleuser
A gni'h. ....Sint
For frtiyhi of pb«—y» -—•
;ppjr.en botrd. wp 3j
E ZJb .Ser eW,relT aew •P l ™**
For freight pj pmm, «pp) r on bond-
P*ck.u urtklnr »t »na aVp.riino r,an
the Port of Pittsburgh.
Captain Joaa Dumanmy.
i fW" ' bl t 2HI t &Sf U bo " W<L * boHt by the
*l'■pr'r on board, or lo
—“- r ‘ J - .. «li.'m.TENiirait'Si, Ap
RECUtAB wnKBLiKB* susnSrpiratuf
. <TC-** aplcodid ite»m«r
l&jfrigy rjM , „ YOUGIHOGHEItrV,
°* nt - Wiil ror .bore
*SfSP!SSFi. tf- mterae JU « SJ
apply on hoard. #pp7
JiSL IS5° /£fif
n„i « n v. "i:vKii Li-:
££«££ !'*r ««.>•
SsSs‘Se~7 ;
-A 8 ! 7 ™*® POWDFXTER * CO
i,,, “ *° ,I “ lll <>»r.bnr ß
H).l <-«W r. Mn.mrr,,--&1 m ,/ rj
Hoad /rum Johnttotm to Philadelphia.
iCielurlreJy far Ptarecrera,
litneibroagh, hour*.—.....F crt , j IO
;;"J„ r [ 1 ** *“« cmofonwHcoM u> He
1^7 * ail hot<l *' ra»ed to day light.
ior parrage or Information npnly io ’ 8
aerl3 or ,„ n AHFiP'A o ™*"*''
ACO. Canal llaiin.
o*i r ti niu, Btagtkff.
Via BrownirUle tod Camhetiand to Baltimore tad
, Philadelphia.
Faiti to _.gjo no
T„_ *»• PmuiLiLrnu . i«» op
bmi le «*« ,he wharf, abort the
s",?i;aS\^d';T f hu,.““ , ' ui " in «*"•“»
Hr,"*, oa "'
185 °-
t"J S"!:"!" ”» »lichl,an, Lake Fafe,
ID* tlooil* receipted ted promptly delivered te all
place* on the Canal* and Laces, at the lowest r«te«
Shipper* will please direct yoWT* lltffi
Waierst, Pitubpinh.
okicat cicbtuaXj route t
Through la FOUR Day*
WKiake pleasure in unncuncing toihe Merchant*
muiuir, that on aqd after Mo*doy,ihe id h a(Xct>.
tomboT, we will receive » m forward good* via ufa
Central Rail Road r ai»l guarantee them to be through
in Koar Day*. Our «t eo *,,e atcch of Caraand lloaia
enables®* .tooffer tbe above expeditious route to ibe
arr“" ■■■*> ““•«*
Mnrcbam* wiihbg igooii brought from the Earl
wlib eeruiflty and dispatch at taw rati*, or pro d “o
*blp[>ed there, are invite! to call on co
°E9 I 2 NOR ’ ATKINS A CO.. Pitubunrl.
„ -ATKINS, O’CONNOR A CO., I'ffi 1
rw *h P, fn''i orß i 0 Ulfi Pittsburgh Transportation £in«;
Or the following agents, '•
A Co., 7D North .trreu, BalUotre:
R-Blocs, C Battery Place, New Vork.
A Guu«, U Doaoe iirett, Boston
■ VIA Pißuyiraala Rail Bead,
.fpHB proprietors' of Adams A Co.’* Einrrte are
± making arrangements, and wilt, iaa tew rtsrY
complete the sume.for carrying .parcel* and peoks/e*
between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, it the Northern
Houle aal Peuunrlvania Rail Road.—Time
- IQ Pront_.L , AfeUU>
J a*. Mnaprait & Soma* Patent Sod* Aah
VtA CASKS of the above celebrated brand, part
O D*i in store, and (be lemalncerto arrive tbiiacd
o« 3month,per**Aimaß»eh. n “Europe.»»«Beriinn«2
.0, er .blp, .1. Phll.delpUtV, nd nffimoS .i" “, a .
nd ntperior in both streogth and quality to
mat ket, fotMleatdje lowest pricefar esahM
* . r. - - ~ ' '^^yatwet
pi Norfolk Chocolate"
*»irv ■
atirsEs. LOK?
AFOI R Ftnry rKre!iii*f.fla»e rr.of. office
room. g a » f.xtnres. and bate orrn, M9frhirdi»«
iDq .ue at rn AVai. r MrwT. . Veri
T™ r: * r ,,'UC^ Compuir wi j; w „ rpaJeV^fv
ot» raiiie jurci-* oi ion*!. »|:umcJ on and nritr it«-
el am ™,i r “•* 11,0
T»-c land Bill be >nt« quantiile* to >si- par
c)ia«rr«, and ttc terais of payment wilt t- e vr tt . a*y
fr.tjutreoP \V RKMIMiTON.
Coni HaT’ or fepL a._«rp'i : d|» J Min-err
ACOMFf'RTAHI.i: uo«l eojuimxiior* DweJlirr
Avct)'« Ko% Fifth «lrcet ■ Appijto
141Froct *t
AND po»*p,iion yi*en immediately, ihr Three 9rory
D - flc !LP we,,in S Hoti«e? No.C9 Litany itreet, end
ThiM »t AISO,:
Tl.i* Screed and Third Stone* o' Warehouse No 3
Ataike. »uceL Enquire op
K C STOCKTON, Bookie Herr,
Tin* • To toC,
th,ee ,!or y lirlrk Wareboofe, oh Water,
iirect on J. erry V/®**’ ranni; ’* fi’ora Water i o First
6aie|». ‘ Er'^r^of 0 ,enn9 * Feascsnon given itnffle
vvr, rr/n.-r-h- - ; : F. LORENZ.
V Fo it S {r KS'fate ON fkN N STREET
street. between ir.»„h°\? r Grouittl »:tn«eon Prez
liia bouia u,j i O . '••J Marhory streets. adjdinirg
UovtPg* front of « i’ r Kirhctd Edwsrdt,
«oM on favorable icna*’ *r,, : 5 150 fee, « vr,J! ***
qoire of C r? i JI T^, e , UCclee ? l,( ‘ r * b,c -' Ka
C °* ixb »t,aew Wood.
Property In AUq'cag Pr
TINE subscribers' oBer for *»<» • ‘ ’ 6 *®‘
1 Lots, tiloAlc in th« Becond*W»ni a cLoi#
CoanongToond.crveMT.fms fin
W. O’H. EOBIN&GN, AUT it law 2 ,
«,i °i! 'Jrn KODlNsor< -L <i..‘„;£h ~ lr"
pKARISiUKOnKWAY. CoanuiWp-i .
T Oacrsme-ito City. Ciliforuaj 4fl . r „
mu.Je on cotutgrnnoau, util. ill' **•*»..» >
promptly aiienacd u>. V 7* 7 ,c “ ne * 1
«: «««».»
J. HAtmiuoa sis\vifix,x« f
Omo state commissioner ro'tit'nr no
•iiion*, Aeknowicdgtcer.ti a c 1
uff-ce—t-ourth street, above SmiUiGeid.
«t. r. tuatvui.l “ nut. a****.
t and* Mejtsanvty
And deatrr* in rm.ij.ii.fh .Mariafaeuired Article?,
DToa. 130 ana 134 Second street,
- - ***£+» "><• * PifiWh *«.]
Jolla tVAiT-1 "" 1 J <
‘ Uot!.\ V.TLBOH.
"WT^'FY G r ccr5 ' Oomtni«.-inr. Merchant),
i,rJ» choice Faia.h; ' "
3*U brl* Supcrfirfl;
- M;p! - IJHO'.V.s &: K| RKJ'ATRICK
IVj; !? P V KR h !* to Liberty Mt-rt, below
LJ Ilf. free,, .No luj. Ws:e aj.j o «eiii-,y nII /I
Mimr bmlr int. • in Use
BUACKLET? ft WlilTK, ~
waoLcaj lk osir.tae m
DoiESTic 4HU foreign dry gcode,
BTo. 101 Wood street,
}p# i e h» b «i *-on* t<*ceinu T fresb cwt’i dur.
‘ b ,® SPD,orl ’ ailJ reeacM ai. ejanisatso.i of 0 «r
•locii by weesent ißercJ.Ma, aud -«o, 0 r» viinii»< Lt
rimntaVlniui nr.eo Com
pany cr tlie city of Pittsburgh.
CAPifJLL 9200,000.
nfi;“.'>' r ' EI!EiD - *VOAtLAS s„v
I'!•». ConrpniiV i, !«jf nrrnrr.N , n : llu . 1 ' *
X FiJCKon.l UvifUNK. asal ‘“ 6 ‘
OJjiee, Sennd Si o ,y, trUiutt Half.
It 1 I>’ 1C IS3UR aTh CIS,
J. Finney, Jr.,
U 27 Water-m et. i-u;.r. c -h No.
,uW£fWw r:!US ;, « T :
ir'wn''’” Uvratf'Ja/
To 3outfc«rii aml \v c VI <r i >r.».,V T~
IV lewder rc.fcr.iftiij;„ VllcMlut ,, *. 'l'm..
hi« ex’.eusjre «t*cir cf twiVC..-,
T\* C '’ 10 ch . Silver m.d l.To\, o *ai-a
JIMaJ? h:»Ve, Wilbirj lie lot. - nir .
g. ..K„o, u .a, SlMins Creto/to «i|S} “
■ •STssznttzssapjm".
t*cntßrjxBTo!LnSc. k r»_/i,-...,. j : R . „ ~ ~ ,
l';,, . ri .o, Jlu.k. I..,d.JifC;SS'?5 a "'
Tr.u *pfcrr’ii o-l. V d e[ j 1 . C
Kxtkv.s n. 4 risk 'Uv.if
line. Jj.ricy Cut., .Mi. { ' rv-a '••1‘I"*” ' c ' !
to,‘ vi-cui,
J' Tdßeia,
■^ e " S: “‘
►‘SSKttSra'SKJflfe. &JS»y
uip S.ivc, 0„“ c l ' 1 ' fc, «™ *
UtjMJtory r<, r r' PIl)r , V i,,v,-»)../i n „ w , .
sS Sv3^vss£r*)Sss;
tzsxs'x ,’A“ r t ,:i 5.
wuo ! t.*s*e «,' ,r*u. «.V*. \2‘* ‘® J , , w ‘ w ‘ a * ? »«««• I
toWMUwm in iir L* n itrd ** nur «* |
Sncce*»or to fanner
° r Ll C.Kf.v. kOUr>Vu"
Mr. rnrin 1 * I'er'orrrtTT ,t rot si*: e M VH* n i-i' 5 ’..
P» IV'ti.| ,vn j.,i!, r f „„..,,,- *
'l'h.s , lv . N
L will he ibiroJuucJ on Su'.ri'T t, !’ J
I ii:h it Wood *!■*.
. Proclamation.
BavSSTpMtXi ,?*■"&■ “
■" ■*• i-V'i, u.. mw,
anil Joh'-li-.c o| ,| ie Couil of m< , ..j Tcnn'LrV* ?F
teLm s.tev' •* ££*si
■la-lform,l,„ ,m"(„r? a i.^Ssi?S
or"& 3 ur"r : ij" a,C y 1 ' 0 ‘", h ? r in.t^/oS
01 c.ur l.uitiom' thousand dyUt.httjjjjeaacitSliVafl?
:o me directed,for i-odijig k r o ,m r.f
irnnar ana UHieml LMivrjv at IU^SgS&uU.
S&XgSSSEk'S jfr
incr Ire thee and there, in u.sir proper
Oiei, iol«, uconiv
.hP.r^► '■•'tfrojraixci, w> u, those tbiUR., wf,,fch to
*'' rT^r U,e o£c '-V n “ e ', T hrhft -" OpPnlCl.l.ltrU
doi.c—and ai»n inn»« ihot w,lt i-rontcntc ;i c t*r■xir>'«‘is
mat now am or may be in u.c jo I ■>( « fti .- llf
Alicgfci-ur, tu lie and lucre 10 piosercte agiaut
them a* wall I c ja*i.
Given under mv band at Pm.bcigh, ,thi» ICiii da T
ol August, in i <•' year of our I,cid ot c iboarcr .1 «-;chi
humlreu ami Guy, ar.d ot UicCmr ■mrr.wtv'ih ~k,Z
..tuhaw fair CA rtkr nnn is,
So. 13G Llbertj-^Street,
BECS re*nrcif».l!y to Inform hi* numerous friend*
and euuomcr*. (bat he l«t Jo*; receivinr hi* new
fall Mock of CLOTH*, CABSIMI3HKN and VEST
INU3, ot the newest style*, adopted |u.- the
tog fall and winter seasons. .Mi moife in wnm of
cheap, fashionable, and good dotting, will find the
la.-grKt, most fa*aiDtial)le, and boil slock in m..
W. t-m country, at this f attbUshmant'
pifEE Hjimiss isu hosheks. ~“
JBST Kcrind from Urn nxmnilve mkaunrwrixx „r
l'U,lad,l P h.a Mr. York, ud Bo,:on,ul ihcrrld
established stand, ’' u *° , CIU
•*7 & OS Sarkctitresi^
An ncncdiinlj large and general Miorlrneai of Wall
Paprr end Beider*,to Which, with lire.lock tweed,.‘
Ir on (rend, principally or hr. own niahufaciure ;t L„
attention of merchant* and housekeepers is
fullf invited and which will be sold alpricea eerrSl
pondirs vkuh Uio ufflci, and satisfactory to cusiomers
sei.>ii;d-.’w thoaia* :palmkb
iTo. 00 SlAnftKT BTRKET ' ’
Between Third & Fourth street*, Pittsburgh
INVITE the siter.titU of merchant* Tilling the cits
1 to their el tensive itock of Fail and Wiiii-r *•«««’
relrored writ. great le.rc and el.eariori'K Si
rnporuitioni, large rTuclion rale., and from li.-w!'
vf P""f fe Ibrir terideni •rner u \it
York. 1 heir .rock rSi. nil win be loand lo 1,0 „.n,.t
larttsr aad mote varied than any they , h
bruegbt to this market, bsinc reDicni.hrd ll „ Uc( . f ' rf *
ot guodt-almust daily through . 0 ,. . J
pear in'lbe eastern oarkcis, rcR V!, ap ‘
all time, fait and perfect, tl.ercby 'S
ce*»fuilyitn cr»np«ta.whii c-.,ani lbcm ?uc ‘
CO.PAHTKEttjJiiip' "
SAMUEL M'fclliAS, Jr.
I Manufacturer* of every variety of
Cut,{Pressed, uud Plain Mini (Jlais Wore.
ORDERS filled .without delay, at the i lowest rai«r
price, at their tacw>rr, on Ttylatrcci, r.ear
Sccoud, or at 8U Water tUcct, Pnuburcli. “
T»oitera KzchnugVror salt,
AT deduced rale*, at the Excoen*? Cfflrn of
_ Cor. Third i M«rlrrl »»*
id 4fiicle. for m 1« by JAM Fllll.MrS
»*pl» 7*9 >Y«4 h
proved -iii'k.,f.“i.Kr k , ;s.*;:.I"“‘.v'"- 1 "“‘.v'"-
in *»y quantity, at Ho y cry | TOcit
MrS l.c.V“'on"o!s, = y, k di;f §?
ora sa^jitosfsywr.
our B*vwl depaninnot a large j:»»or:nent of .aisib
®* ef idou ®9provcd ; « m) “ ties*-, J
American, !• reach, and Scotch Wcoien B<-swlC*n r
SSSU"“ «<■-*» ™
££? c “ 1,n l e M *nj Teikerri Shawu-
Hlain and Knti>rct<icr<x} Craon >hair|v^-Nc W
I’rijicd Palm Shawls—Neat Giu.—d part* Rr,»L,
Jllsek and Colored THtot
-Lour Kaintoaod Sealskin Shawl—£*£
Mode Krencu'Terlrerri Shawl*. frmjcdemj
hound—Fjcht quarter trench Mrde Colored Thibet
t.loih, measuring full two yards wide for Shnwi*
binding to match—Who© amt iMored Itarcelono and
<>eoe»ce Shawls, Ac.: - Wbo!n»,iio urd ifetuil
ROKKBT -f'ULI.OCK a Co , ‘
TAMKS WlLSONinfortn* hi* fri.-nJn and the pi
'» Uiaiba ha* remove J.W Hu anoOp JOiiab!
m ro / n ,r. sn ",' JlCeM * t '"‘t. to fm. old unnd on
*4-4- ,V r ’ J, , I,Tef "OJ J»i«uu«*nd Allay,
l ’! .. V-tric** fc iMehd'j Kxil.nuce (tao*.
nav 1- fn.
“ <«rpc (mil farhsonehl* BUGrtr.n-ft «• I'/u* aj j f.
cuJ*' rr,,^nce *' aril futiiil
jt xll - acf cf viliow Uc(
P x .. p „„, “ K&ramjriirilla.
ofthc *»i t d i: ‘V- r '“ b-lih**. rent*ln* dh
or.iiic pure iiof..^ r » )1 _ s , r>ap •..
l-reriuaucm emu wbirb L l
IJ V i-'"
iiy ir.oi* thoroughly effldem h-v « 'u C rc::1
f.. 10 beton: the paM t, “‘^c l ; Hnrairp
»a:,d »I'ccll* bownr^o/pol.-ipf'o'
mro. I’ma.h. lodine, cipher,' ;'^ 1
Sl™ .r* 84 " 1 ° nt} * e,ni;,c i
fono rhe active bncif of mr.»t i-f 'V ’', on
rsy.t-.a cf *, 0.-. T. C„j,nil,4 „TI
o. »«.. o*r I/OCK B»ri .“ernopeHll- t'w, tvni'ro.~,f!
pnrttc.u of Ibeae vjhi-rnt,any obn cbm "n .•
hy die r .,ce«,«?- c .w ,^“1,
l ho po-rani way ocw'onaiiy Ar-ovr • ■
Ihhey in vmate the bl&od. orU ‘4
psas'ite. site*; nnpoKeibtc andfhr>ncl.j, s i c « .n
b--u«ar«rllia prepamy-m* .IoU, ud’u«
liaprovcd Litract cf Yellow Dock aad Sar»e4rin.
Which j» thoroughly cfflcacicua, pe^4tly”amii!
PS'ltet'" 32&SR
oiftSoESf,tf.?? 1 " •• or Jrtau
cm rtj.a Llcer?, lerer Sore*. Hin □««•»«»
ry, Mwmc:>* SofcTuroatf «’«*:*», of U.c c> =,i
J alawocry AFeecosa. end c:i oilier c£eacca ti-nd
•«»»«« UjosoaiDtloa, Uvcr Cotoplaiu: F e . 9 .t.
IrrenCanae. nr.rt N.r”'
Hradacre. becerai LJ-hiJny. £j W l£, ™
»«» *«“, to. ta
-., IjtwO, ;roc: ;•■« L’criLn, M. U.,»; fcisWv’jetVweK*
M 1» ph>sir:anof;>ia:i c ua,o;!ip 5
J«.!5 i( i I |. iv „ Br . drr
/CPHK Trp;i«n for «fi!«*c;t >,-»ii* h-« t « " *
UuU, *Kd w'b«- h “’:
l>«rn {'fc.t»ans- J dio l^U»,i>7 Uirf* v ( ourfci-L'ins ( Ilook hdr nsio nr faiaity, |„, c [“I,
|>il" <ri.imi., l , falijoe cr r.l-, A
l -* 1 «;■ 'efea. t«!!l -ofon i» cL;. ij S’
Un rcrocull;,. E 1!. PEnklHa ,:
cutat>iluv:andexi£naire fpuiiiy • “"“"““i® »n.
* for ,w * «»'*ea*e vi jSj/Gkv^-*!
.4°iS'rflwf' '*"# cured I.y li
-0,0 « 1 l l>»r[or Gu7Cij-s *. vru ;, ~
' :T U.* tfitStw tltm iunann i-mLl'
uo.orfbr ifrtnaentof^rrculcpVtra-• .>.•
or :b? n«:»t s Ji> yf^?i A witU r i",.'
?\‘t ,i, ’ / -;? ? -' *•*■«»*!»▼ c.-.fc l'\
'-•o .<?cl I>. ,V
.1. <it,. J "“», ii''-.
si' ' jf
8.1-.1 'A-ntft kept tv.i:ii.Tiiil'y Pftiaf ui; . - .;*"
<■» me. j iP.c Aii.aU ppj ~? ro t ,‘C
XRjwrdaui r..fw. e «j i *,*, cnJojYt.t „y
««>t i^.irrM'' C v.J irSni'-rl"' i U ‘ i
racm. :*,c rju.UiT.tU toari'w r ‘,
“■'’ m '..-‘pair, Fcmuraiel? J .*;•'!... ....... •.,'•,*>« V M
tfnih!lil,; '? tot «, hikilh. s
r ;; i 'n« * a t*»r* *
> l ! l‘' after hfcvipj; u^r.i
rirr Ki.M.-'i VV ‘‘' Una tt!,! 10
. ..', . ,. yj V‘ JP ai oiiutidr
ract/u.;-'.;,' ij, *}* u»
ia . r ,j 4 IU-iei.y»4es?L t i c(! i
■' vinjiV-r.V'T
&afca&9*‘ .
UR *' , ° o ‘’ r4tuß>
$ !•' jjfci*»i^SrT ,^ }^rfc - m * r - Co * l ell * taio.
ean.*‘. r yjip^t n# , x yub wr.jrfc Ik s.tS'-tM ir ‘wn
• n:.,..,,,i P '.* ,;,r "- wc«s conunaaljy
aiw lUrKicii. (till n» tmrUcjl. I’byticiiuia «J,i.{S£i
jl4lf ..HMD Ini!*.! J.f. cwu j a 0 , jj * -A*
neiV iin 6 wniten *i*naiur«o* S. P.Ottj. •
. i&ESrjp 4 * e‘ptrio!.i=u;;
PliA iTkTT»S B 1 ?,TEliB
, m ..„ . headache
J“ ■ Jl 1 M«IS by .bo r.Mb of Ulii tao.l-
Si K 1 1 ’ ’“W': *» W"'r »»te>»blc, vii ~
adapted to all ages and conciii^oiu.
vc nr A FKiMAIAICd •
m ‘* und tn thU de’icHia and piiatihle preparation, a
eombuuhon o( Tonic, Att-ranie add Accrieaiqatuj
u”» sdapted to theii ersietat.
Tiie specific action that tuU ei'iicld h»« on dtp Luer
and pißctuvc Uritaru, render* it & ecnirleie Antidote
(or I-ettr ard Apoe. and Tyr** ®s F«*er*.
CrusiVaxa, L.l. Joly 17lh XioO.
I firm u«d ibe at'JeJe of Planch’*
ai.«l b»*c 6fr:*p.l >.reat ce»r*»l true: Uiem.l fcaru
k‘*it sui.jr»-i ttr t rar* part to lb- Fever ccd Apnc, but
•in**c ii<*- tmi.’duLUon of > our- Uiucrs, 1 Uavn entirely
c«p»pid tcy usual autefcr, and can t*ntj coiiGilenco
xccotrmier.d li.ini a* rno of Jb*-. b»«t Tonic* in use.
fc-urt t
Frainerirt.oj June £P£,
Mi Dub £is.
firfucftn* mrrh pleji«nrk t<r state, tknt tha
Dy«pop.*in wnb wi.tcurayltfe hak been » Jpiik tteob.
led, iruii't from inaction of the j.)*cr - l:«i been eo oveifome, and cnrrd by tiifc an- of vobr iavaia*
ct),e preparation of Uitiets, and for yout kir.J»ir« «
rccomincudins tbcin, tdraiei-nt'fcrM at* thuuU. ;
Ifrir oUJich ta-rent.' .
AtenK,.William T, IJiekjA Co', tJSasd ISi Promt
lri.oot.Ncw lori. For sale by
aegCvamin V , R
*?OTID££. : • • 7c-
AN at*e««rcent ofojic Peiißrjrerrtureon tbc rtse'e-i
o( the Ottio Traft* Rock pay
able on or before the !(nn of.Oeioi><f next,. i»ui*
Treainrer.ia Of ord*rof ts* Hoard
ItyU WM t HAST, Sic’/.