ESTABLISTIFT) 'IN 1786. • PLUILISITED WHITE,..I CO. D. N wan, '1 1.. rINIONT. 0111713 ER ZIP" MID STRUT, Mir DOOl. TO liiiiiffis ,00 pet MM.. •••••••-- 15 Wriikiy, in milvaneri- ti Do. Clabs, az a reduced rata.: 'Mal CI OF ADVIiCRTISTINOI AOREET 111-ON MY TI 6 PITTEIBOROM palm, OS 713 , e,(10lioe. TlOiailarell or leas) rn• urruen -- • Ow s iya re, etch aa•lition hi ineerileo IMMEINN 1 -- Pro.. three Wee ....—.— lon P., one meet —.—..— 5.00 Do. two mont 5----• 7,00 TO. 'three 11l !M. •.- --.•-•• • .... 0.00 In. lc. mon s• —• —•—• 10.00 IM. eix eta., • .......—.... 92,00 TM. Puttee sn n ibs..... • • 15,00 standing Gerd (il lines it. less.) P , .44.14• 1 0 •00 One Square, changeable tplessure per on • nem) excluder of the .per— 23,00 Per cash additional Muni. !named over one month, 01l for verb additional Moore lesenrd under the year• ty 'etre, hull once. AdVertimmenth eaceeding a vinare, and net over 1111. en Since, to be charged ex a Muller and a halt Pattfithen eat •cenenteble for legal aderrtiserocats eagend the amount charged for heir publication. Annoareing cemdtdatet for °dote, to be charged th e •lIII2E it tither adverureenonts. • gdrertirenteuts not matted ou the copy for a epee'. lied number of intieniont, will be continued till forbid, and payruentorattri accord, . The privileges of yearly advertisers will be confined rigidly w regatta business, and all - other adver decreer!, not petulnit•g to their regular boatmen, me agreed for. to he paid torn. Allat:Ten/lenient. fnr charitable Inatitutioni, Sra ardeu, ward, township and sid her kohl in meetings, and such Ike, to be charged balfprice, payable Wrinkly Ir advent,. Itltunage lionises to be charged ISO cents. — Derith notions Inserted vithouteharge, artless =tom panted by fennel invitations or obituary notices, and when so seenmormied to be paid the Reimitundvertmers, and nil other. sending comer nicatione, or requiring notices designed to nail atten tion to Palm :soirees, Concerts, or any public enter tainments. where charges are made for admittance -all notices of private associations—every notice dm signed to cell attention to fin sate enterprises calcula ted or intended to intone Individual interest, can on ly lit Inserted whit the understanding that the nine Isle be bald for. If Intended to be Inserted In the io eal cqiumn,the'sante Will be charged it the rate of not lose then 10 rents per line. Bishop er list Notices to be charged triple price, Inrern license Petitions, te el. h. Legal and Medical advertisements to ha charged at full pure, Beal lute Agent.' and Auetloneers , adeertiee meete net to be claaxed under yearly rote., but to be allowed diseonet of dirty ears and one AIM per malt from de amount of bill,. • • . , Ors e are, threOltme nions • • __ . in so Do. eaTh tulditianal Mr.e.rtion• •. 37 anmscrurnomm m RIMY . One Skulae, (10 1111.0 one ‘nce(llen• -50 els. Dn. etch additio ,, al Inwertion••-43 " VI trizneient cdvertiternente le be paid in advance. WHITE It CO. Gazette. . - L. HARPER, Po, RP M niDDLE, Journal. JAMES P. BARR A CO, Clironlelii. FOSTER h BROTHER, Dispatch. SOS. SNOWDEN, Mercury. JAMES W. WOMAN, Auierie.. 11111A1I1EAINE, Evening Tann.. Prrscurucn, Dee. I, 1419. CARDS. JOHN A. PAILILIZIoOS, ALDEIIIiIAN, Fifth Waid, Penn street, between O'llere and lifsltent. All busmen, promptly at landed to.' Ar.b.MASDIER M. WATISOM, A TTOIRNKT AT LAW—Orrice, on Fourth axe% A kbove Wood ntrip DAVID C. TUTTLE, - A 77011,7tY AT" LAW, d Cowanisaloasr fir Arenn.ylvafila, EIL Mo. All eorninunietwom promptly wavered. , oeVilLly .TAIIIEB V. ECKIITt, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Olen on Form* Meet, betwean Ennatittla and Gnat, PiUsburgh. LETtly g=LIE=CMI AWORN Itti and ColmarCar at Law, and Colombo Wane, for the Slat, of l'enna*lvaida, SL Loala; Mo., (late of SOteharch.) Rofereaccr—PlltahurcS: lion. Forward, Ramp ran k Wirer, ISCandlow P. McClare, Joan E. Parte, ..ttaacila & &le, McCord & Kota. • BIDWELL CO., PORI7I'/LUDING 211dEt.011•21Ttla Glasgor, Fury fart CkAes.) lining pertnanamly located at this place, • nine and sebstannal Wear( Com, we are prepared to re• eclywand forward promptly to all points on the river, pad ho dandy annnsd 'Bearer o r Ohio Canals , Ilk Co. flgow, i IS —M WM ..... —loos a. cosolassa V.V.B. svocnsaars.• ---Pasta saaaarr. AGALEV, WOODWARD It CO, Wholesale Gm. ears, No 211 lilspteL ss, Philadelphia. ao4 - 7 ----- Pltraborgh Alkali Worts. BENNF.TT, Bl'.ll HY le CO, Manufacturers of Soda ?LA, !Beaching Powder*, Maria,. son Pulphatie Acids. %% archaace No.—, Water meet, beloorFers7, nocO, Prearnek Braun. (icor. Reiter. . . . BILA UN a. REITER, Wholocale and Retail Drag. girt., comer of Liberty . and Si. Cian . streets, Pitt are. P. .pi CA. Me ANULTY ACO, Formanlmgand C. a minion Alerchnnta, Canal Bann, Pittsb•rah, Pa. tor: Cill Gil r, ..rueer, emu tal.wo.. and . Forervilhig rderchal”, No. 41 Wilts, or., Nuir. burgh. Ira Hersey Andress Pienites K. K Plummy FLICKING as CO., rIONIMISPION MERCHANTS—For the sale of Dm Mestie.WoMen, end Colton Goods; al ro, dealers In all kinds of Tailors• frimmlogs, No 117 Wood in, 4th door from Filth. Pittsburgh. Reference—Alessrs. Wm. A. lIHI & Co, Hank en. •. aux.•.l SIM S. 115,11. &AM& & nevxm COMMIS.RION .1413PICHANTS obi Bill Brokers, Ho 111 tteeond street. Pittsburgh. ING . MLIS/1 dr—IMMO:TT, (late English, Gal!artier n Eo.I Weolesale Grocers, Cortnlssi. and For warding Pderebanu, and dealers In Produce and Pitts. burgh Stanalletares,No.37. Wood se, between 'id and OE= FORWARDING & C01111115.110N AIERCEI&NT No In Second rittobargh. mr2l mos ma — C - 11. romocrecal . [wavers c.uvroorron R. W. POINDEXTER & CO, C ENERAT.ONIISSION and FoflVlreirli Men olpanta and Final _Dealer, ' No CIS Market erect, 9iledeltdda 1725 "(SALO, DUCIENOR t. co TOBACCO CoIOMISBIO2I BEBCIIMITS. No. 41 North Water Street A. No. In North Wham. A. J. Ilerreoe. 1 PHILADELPHIA Inwe , Fl tele. j Philo4 e. D.C. McCall/row. J. A. W&ILNII.. < •.. tr ---Lk , i ); jnieeTatiiiTT, u rpchat .0 Wool Deal to;l4fe-no IVino,'O'n'e7:lZieert‘;',joeorilie,sftVlsi.here47of L.A. e. ;Os= HARDY, 1070. 4 .3 tt Co., (neeecoo. to Atwood, Jones & Co.) Cormalsrlon and Fonrardlnr Mer e:nuts, dealer.. in Pluabirgh Atanstraetared Goods, Pinsborth, Po. . lnoten • W . L.. ria.usuALL, PITOCTIOAT TO TAYTIII. EaIPOUTER & Dealer in French and American Pa per liangiaga and Borders, Window Shades. Fire rd Prints, A:c. Atm—Writing . , Printing and Wrap png Peper, lin. 0 Wood strem.hrtween Fourth sweet and Elinmond alley, west side, Pittsburgh, Pa. lebl3 ALAS! WORKS* (WIN AG Nt4Vit. late of the limn of Chambervoig. U new & Co ; amok' re spectrally inform the old cos ies.. and the public generally, that he will still e on. nude to carry co Ice Green Masa buntnese, in all Its Varieties. and la prepared to fill all orders for Apothe caries' Farnitare, Mmerals, Porters, Viola, An- he, pertaining to hit buxine , a. It,. americium la No 21 gf sant meet, httereer, Fleet k StCOl2l WA. Jry 4,d3rit ee.t tl er in Dye Stula, Pointe ; Oat: Varnishes. ke, No 113 Wood street, one door Month of Diamond Alley Pittsburgh. apt jr/C41W131A1707...C . , NV — schwa, DICE; C0121111:111t011 Merchant. and dolor in Prod. - e and Pittsburgh Manufactuent. Pio 21 Water at Pittsburgh.. ape 011il11- 1113.1. at ea Co., Wholesale Grocers. Com- JII. thaelon,e!...rennv.a. and dantaTa la Produce, N0c.56 Waxy, and 110 Pnorterresca, Pitteeucch. novq 7o►o s. . ----Joseph Ail , gurt. nk~efe 6ro ,and J. a DT.`;,',111.".,', - ,T4,d`r, Pittsburgh deSy JVICi Dl . TCAVM . SMNIst and ' , Miner..? . No. IS Market at , three doors above Thin! IS Pitts bergh.will have ennwantly on hand a well selected all sionotent of the heat and freshest Medteines•whieh be will sellon the "Iwo reasonable terms. Physici ans tending 0rder...41 be ow:motif' Wended ie. and mP plied witb arvides they mar roll PkTaiel. Prescriptions will be aecarately and big on pi dart from 1. best material., at any hear of dityer mints hAlso tar sale, a large stock of nosh sad good Nen Jana raoc - Richard Floyd. T it R. FLOYD, {notated Grocers, Coaunisalon 14 • hicrehcitr, and Drafers In Nada Round Charch , T l . Corinna on Liberty, Wood and ,t,ti•ig, 4 aPi A., CA Mill Agent rer-Dra Late FM. aitl Mkbiran • LOW , to- Eteavemad thdLatea.—Ofhec •11.1 SrpitbßOld mo S.' • A NM , Lewd. ilracMcon & Co„ Com:attain, Iderchait, `and &grab of OFT Loata Blanca Paw D.,h,,,n4 " :,tia,4.5 water and DY tronaarrarita,Pittatmak, ltolesa/n [RI n 3- • - i -;im,r-iciciA. - 62 - 7 -- * ,,, i5w (RlN,Resnd ..Instjwso.nts. 81stes. Fte , l Pert., Qaills,Printem , c u d., , 11.1ttimr.ry geperztly,No. 81 Waad A4Vituburgh. VTR r* hone, - a..NV.10 to " +CAN 1.1.-" . 11.-1::AN Fl MX, Vote or Warren,. Oh to) Uontons ktereht, and wholesale &ger 18 Western Reserve Cheese,. Bauer, rot a m ' r.. 4 Ash, and Wesu, Produce , generally. Water bomeen Smithfield and Wood, Pllabargh. lit Eh ft JONES FurursrAingsad /11 , i en A Wine Ettate. - . ri.TIONAIY IktECIIANICS, Eat Work, L./ and kiMaineeritig ais . No la, h been re eaVed at Holmes' Literary Depo.,• Third street. opposite the Post Orrice Every mechanic should have this work. semi HA RTER'S blontbly Msg.!. rot Sepyktber. Ploorial Field Book of the Revolomnt do 6. Jam rke'll for sale by It C STOCKTON _kbp4 Cor Market&Tisrd ne BACON -8 bbd ! Sides, llama, Shoulders. Int re- J..) cowed and for .ale by STUART SILL. repro Wood 0 mnars MAGNETIC OINTMENT-2 dosed T for sale by J SIDq A CO rep] 60 Woad sr I ACQUITWS celebrated Catgut Tiosseit-+A new lot Just received sod for sale by err . l KlDnyt CO yAIL GUYS° Fr — i - Trotlow Doek - laparilla—.ldof lost teed fa, vale by laeri") 1 KIDD ter. CO POWDERJALAY-2 cases Just roo'd for solo by +tor J KIDD* CO DOWDER (HIM ARAlllO—(PareJ I sue, last re serued, and for *He by s-pa J KIDD B LACK CILKS—A MR assortment MO nos ad by A A MASOa rkol N CO sop . / 63 M LMEN II DKRI.-1•3 dozen rteeivetttbiam rains. at 8 cents by [sep7l A A NASO,N Co OEDHN by brie superloi for sa o Gsep6 J DILWORTH ACO 7.II)F.R.'irCri:VID4 iStrasm-150TOOTIbi Isolaqh mvsalsoone on hand and for sale by sera A CULBEHrsorg a cLovsE: EE.Sk:—.B.5 bit now Itndlnt. ll rot talc by 1:3414 D ICKL Y 4 CO, ==MI 1 IU COFFEE-3GO beg. green Orr eels bh; J R yD: =WI g t ag i e o g n e , s r 0 1: I , ? b r y , Imp. .fr. t1 1317 1 % at r t tl a :? s e N . oLl'i d t;ek d er . di fA io t.. c oaled Llama g, too •ele 61 . _7F.9 rzcartorrA TAR h. 0116-30 bale Intent Tanner.' 011 so brill Carolina Tar, fat sea by Ker? J a It FI,CIYD RIOE—S3 Sc, bets ImM/4/lee, for mete & byR T ' sepil d S VD ILOUR-40 Witt Martens Mills, (or ssle by 4 .1: 'rpm ,. .__ MeOILI.I4 it pg . . LINSELD OIL-11) brill gaBl i g:tze i l A l Zs K aal , Nt , s , Sep] tb Wnstl Sc MR ittnlTS —A .Istite ici - d — Sß:igiti A . ..crostini - tit& ti 1 matt, roeheeo and Fell Amer Prints, now open ivy by . btep7) ' A n St A noN • ind4ACIIED 4 !MTh . * riKW,Tr.I --A ~ 1 1i.,:,:i, I inent, all widths and band., &tent front the mans /esteem, at the lowest panes, by t_4f.S 7 ' - & A MASON &CO E U6 4'7 ' . bd. "c----'4 I-4 igirrlttfi§:4ll,l°Clrttll-b&YCO . _ • Gt i f i t l l l u l i T n E tyl V ti ALL o , TLER,A i 4Tirce w t.. - iw,ido. . For Iwo by WP bassitAti. ~,, . - 0 wood .I_,__ L1N . 57D011...-43brla Grlswq•BlAlNd;;;FiEtyl b P _ Wir,paiiiriff.43lls not tbrulitzt*Risai VOL. X - VIIL NO. 50: MISCELLANEOUS. PITTSBURGH GLOM WOW. • A. & D. H. CHAMBERS camoirsit, Aarzer en, s ) Would .. reete2l . l7 Werth th e en:to:menet the Int !or=nl;ene nmenfigtr e "' that 4'" WINDOW GLASS, VIALII. BONTiNI In all tlielr vviet!ei, at the Old Stand, No 13 Wooth et, twines Verna. Water. jri7.l.3m MAGMA fiii.4lllll JOSEPH D. ABELL, ANANUPACI'URF73. OP.GREEN GLASSWARE. Vi !s, Bottle.,.and INA., Ponce,. &Cult Ate, blinerof Water, Patent bledielne, and Wino Bents. of every de.cripilorn aim; WINDOW GLASS. Keep. earts.antly on buil a enteral assortment of tho above &nide. ALSO STATE, as the other Green Glue Paeunieb are ate rrornm, u -4 the elm= In summer, .Tuct PACroli u troy 1.11,13074.86 111 conunao to operation both manner and *afar. Orders respectfully to:incited. and will be HUM GAIL, shone., nodes. Warehouse, No lig Second sum payee= Wilait end Smithfield an, Pitubomh. . IT E. WILLIAMS swill opea - s clinical it 4 li.h School, on the lint Monday , Roomer J. D. Withenne + atom, ear, of D'oen and FIRIt antes. Rev. Wmv D. Howard. • I ltott. - '2lt , er.- R. Lev re.,,, Rev. Dr. Most, d. r..;`-fcerl, Rev. Dr. Melia • D•2l-11 elli , Pmt.o - 01.1 - ..1 rcit Q. AM...P. 8112 IV er;AS: have this day 1./1 Cr.r.trOve: cadet the firm of Bhrl [14. r tet - ,asaetioa of the Whole,ie • ••• 1 Commiadea bud. PittektrF• )0.1, , • . - • unoomted wdh me I. IL Wealesolo' Omer, La Produce e of the firm will be A. Culbertson 10 3 / A. CIII,I3ERTBON commersorl ft. E. ctactz. A. CULBERTSON endLOUSE, WHOLESALE GROCERS C0190i61i011,4131 , VP ehams, Dealers in Prixf nee, god Pittablugh Blanutumzed artlelec OS Liberty Pitoburigh, COPPZIL aoLLuso • rivilE undersigned having completed their Rolling Mill are 'weaved to fill 'promptly all ornery fbr Brasier Ka other 'Manufactured Copper of an, .- gulre o d Os., Made from the Copper of tbe Cliff Mine, Oka Guano, Th. Metal hes beta thoreighly tamed by amp*. tent sclendfic tan to the service of the Government, and prinsoacea superior la, strength, and teacup, hi any in use, and to sniatA preferreo for the mantacture of Ordnance and mher purposes. It hi therefore can Weed) , recommended as a =Dot hoe each, for all uses, to aisy In-market And we rrepanally eolith hie attention of purehaxer• and other, to this oar branch of home manafactawa At present the Warehouse MN* a Commenhal Row. Liberty Vireo. Kea '• C. G. 'HUSSEY &CO BIOSSELEIAt ZINC TE Vieille Montagne Com Pan, nuSply their manta silt, Roofing and Flooring in sheets 387 feet,from 11 to 81 ounces per tqoare foot. Com/gaud In sheets 387, 17 oz, for roofing poodle baltellnp and depots. Ship Sheathing, 14048 inches, from 24 la .Z ounces. Nails Spikes, Wire, Sagas Molds > , Perforated Eine, ZinoPaint, tee. They warntat their metal pore, and free from lay admigtere of iron or any other subluthee and re aommend it for me manotheture of most ankles in the boner forniahing Loo t as It does not nun, is not greeted by the action of watek, and may be polished, painted, and japanned. gamete., models, plans, speellicationa ; and other Information may be had of their egentaz— VCabb & brawls, New York; ATSI,OOII, Romer. d: Co gleamy Nem.. Taerrata & Co, Philadelphia; W. & 11. bleXne, Bellimoret; ecru, Dar I Syacryar, New °dean& F. M.I.I,,LIROUX, Retrideoeligpmt, Hanover st,'New York. Liege, September 2.—.0.1:d3re PROPOSALB FOR TIMMER Office of the 13.510.4- Penn. FL R. Co., ) Pinibmgh, Aug. (150. ROPOSALS In writing will be received by the ,fi„ utatcsigued until Tnesdiy,thelmday, of °mime, (or the cenvery of dm moss tie; impaired (or laying the tract of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail Road from hence to filiuMilon eitlistwee of:107 miles. The number of Iles reword will Ito about one thousmd nine hundred per mile. T5O ties are #0 be of wand white oat or rock not, it: Neel to Ito inspection of the enginner 01 the comr..3 - • . .They mast be cut with a saw, mu, teas-Ms • of &gilt feet. of sawed timber, they are to be seven by eight ineheS square; if of hewed timber, they are to he Patted On the top and bottom to a width of eight immesh ?they must be Ica, of bark, delivered and piled up on the fine as directed by the engineer, between the pest of January and first of :tiny hell' Bidden ere requested to state whit number of gles they midpoint to deiiver, and et what section. of the Mil rood thoy Whose e t deliver them. They may propose for ties ore heitnut or locust, if of locust, they may be so reirlinchermuare. Propotali are also invited for famishing mad' wills of white pine or white oak, to be four by nine inches insure nod from eighten teLwent abov e Jut long, to be eelivened on th bo o armed ai. W. ROBINSON, Jr., President 121=111 Slaughtering & Packing Ea lialabahastaaat VOYL HET. T HE well Irroarst Pork sod Dee d ( Slaughtering and by the lat:satne r s o r fo k r leat '4"i4d The estatiltihment is located tibiliteothe, Ross county, U, to the plat of emend dividing th e Ohio Canal from the Scioto Riser, pad hag one thocaand fo of alio ad rrnutCnt Eit T . LIP enclosure embraces ins se, e ot routaintrg large pens, large and evllllllO.OU, riaushierthig, hanging, cutting, packing, smoking, and lardre ring, rendmu ghouse., brief house tor S and every convenience tor handling TWELVE HUNDRED HOGS PER DAY' and rendering the lard from the same; 'is s there are is detthie BM= boiler and supine Or scalding l ogi and clatieg hard, and two tanks for readortug offal by sthami There to atssa on the premises, an lee Borne, large enough to contain eight thousand bushel., The Sciotoholh or whichEbillthothe is the chief market, Is one of the largest Pork nun Beet Districts Ott the Went, and hags can always be bought them at lower prices Vann at Cincinnati and - many o th er points, and cooperage taut uhesint and cheap. There as no drayage nechszary, or boats may be loaded at the Packing Haase; and the !scathes for zhirpt n g direct from this elk the Lakes to New York or Philadelphia, or Daltimere eta Pittsburgh, or to the East or South era New Orleans, axe ataegk, all !lessons of the year May este.' to oh by einetnnah Money faeilittes too 1160 good, there bring o twelve banks within forty eye mile.. ' Opplicatioro for tenon g way or mole to ALEX. 11. AIcOUFFIrTV, Ationtry at Law, Cincinnati; Or to FRANCIS CAMPBELL, aveZt.ll.novl-816 ' Coilticathe. O. Cleveland. Var arrant Phil Plitaburgli . Telegraph company. IN pursuant, of • amolnuon of the Aloud of Ririe '. tors of the Clevelsttll, Warren and, Pittsburgh I'elegr. j,6 CoeaTany, rettnesung Stirreshry venues out and cause no be pubzisted Itt the norapapere along We line, an exhibit of the Re Inclal and other affairs of dd. company. I mtantt Ne follcmhag Ite'pom— The hoe of Telegraph cornmenees at Cleveland and terminates t Pittsburgh, pairing thtnagh Chagrin Falls, Franklin. New lac Wartewloungstown, end Lowell, In the Stem of Ohns. and Newcastle and Rochester, in the Steno of Pennsylvania, at which porn. there are orrices located far the receipt and trm•mmston of business. The. whole Lova% of the line I. 140.miles—00pital Stock,llawlper rule, making a total capital .toot of Cithl,:sta., of whim, amino! 5t0,1.G3 w held by citizens along the line, nod the bathos., is held tiy. Cornell Ir. !?peed, the contractors. The above amount of sob sattpuona by mituem, have been patal to Cornell S. Speed, (or which We l'rustree Pave Weir rescipt. ielSithr JEFFERSON BALM, Secretary. TO pONTIIACTOREI S . . . . _ AFETY FUSE, by Um bortyl or Nlett ' POWDER-100U keg's ISIuooR, ells attength, Laffm's inannfactbrO, far tale by c /IN 7 Water stmt. MiLW GOODB. A A. MASON & CO., No. e7Marketatreet, have en ephed the deficiency their stock, caused by fire, andit is now rendered complete .by the receipt of ONE HUNDRED AND SIFTY PACKAGE of desirable goods plirchased from manufamorera, and l i m e 'eche o sa les, at a Breit redaction Dan prices' of last Spring, width will thaotTered to their admin en patrons accordingly. It Mould be eedees to at tempt to ennmernle their will assorted stock, and, therefore, invite the early attpollon of theft friends and the pnblle, 'nth the mental.. of a Lo tf yam.. be e,* ailzed to nob *reedit. ' Irip WOOL.T.ZN GOODY. T"E. undersigned has on band, and la Chß ea, re entil tag Barn the martufstotarers, ColllllBllMerty, large lot or namics/s. CRUM, plain abd barred; diso t ited Blankets, Blaatet Coatingvlleaver C atm Csassperes. Sallnetts and Tweeds; which be will sell by the ease or piece, at manefacttneeral prlens. Tho attention of delikrs In oroollert goods Is invited. l! II LEE, augld TB) Lloeity n. FIE Aob6iogr ß ap s OWof BOOKS. alai; ,arith remin- Carlyle'. Latter Day-Pomptdemts9-7161,1.1ratt774% Jesuitism. Ilicory of Dories the Great i By Jecob Abbot; Intl engterifga. Jolla ore.rd , Romance.. By Mrs Martin Bell. Pictorial Pala Book Ora, Revolutlon.,—ho 5. The above Work. received Mrs &mired for rtale by drocKung ear. &leiter Tbird et. Staudt. P••Entan•lalp and . Copy nook. rink*: shore beaks having been listrodneed inns I public and private sehootp in Plasborgh and Atte iWnYt the author has appointed the sating*, . Seat for their pale in this city. • Teachers nod others atiii be sapplied ringlittier i a piens. n. stated In alreular. .J II •SIEJA•OI4 nualti nt Wood at riv,A Itl/1111Elt wawlet.l thicknesses, from I. to I inch think. The above packing Is prepared an that :Cadres. Fahrenheit. will nos and is eareklor .eo esexy thing dee, es no sahstatlee b. so reneleLeisalletly whielystatida so high degree of heat, and may be wed about all pRITS w here packing la owseatarr,••ta;—rgnaubw a p 1.., piston lads, wee= Jolata, stain etteatai der headk he. For sale wholesale and fetid by ; .14,11 PIIII.LiPS eyrie l b. 9 Wood et TII}; TEA lIIARILI/Ti Fitt side of the4iiaatioad,. Tth s estsh , ishibent the public may i" d e . LS , eeep . e uclog sapplled excellent Teas at reasonable prose—SO. 7 hallo, Eceyllent Taait a , —• al per Ibl Cupovor u 73 o Tee Belt T Imported cu . If Tht. I. decidedly U. cheapest and btat store in Pittsburgh to boy Teas. DIORMS ibI I Is,WOIIT/1 sells Proprlclos... Mx Ma. Family Vionr. A FRESH eopply or the Poland /dills elicit-Family y-imh_aygn , - ,ebolm ortteie.instrivtifm tale --A-CELIVYRFSON* CLOUSE. - • IDS LlEthylt - trEE9E-11:9 bis best Ching for salqy -1934, trlV4Ara